THE DAILY GAZET I' OFFICIAL PAPER Of Pittsburgh; AlWhiny eitYl Allegheny County. GAZTTIf. Corner of Math • Vonore awl Omar Wield ------ •p TUES-D.A-177. J11 ' 1.1 : . 12, 181, Bosna at Frankfort 95)1, PETRI:a:ECM at Antiwkp quiet GOLD choked in Now York Int yesterday at 114114. WE was glad to 2.11110110 , the Foreign Money Panic is at au end for the present. AnMirka]] securities are agllin on the ad• vanes.. GOLD, the thermometer of war. excite meat arid Panic, touched lir, yesterday on' the ieceptlon of news from Europe. An advance In breadstuff* and fnmign goods will follow—temporary if the war cloud puree over. but if war he inaugurated permanent while it continues. I , A KT. LOWS has Very . wtmety to , 00w“, In the wake of the other i rogremaire cities. end Oared the " soCiai evil" within the aurveillanre of the police and the Board of Balkh, who ate autlulrized to , establish and enforce such zefoilittioni and rules as may be deemed necessary. Our own thy, which te thtie aCcursed with the " nodal evil." and whose authorities are powerless to either atriy the. increaae of ". the depraved or establish any sanitary regulations for their government. should move In some direction to circumvent or lessen the •' evil" and its direful - moue. quences to society. . 111 AVE a number of hales from the *pre en the Third Party moventent, in and oni - of type, whirls we hold over for thti If wan our intention to pub. -,lla6thetn thiviu . orning, but after mature deliberation we hare concluded to hold j them ores . day or two, being fully oinrrinced from present Indications thit . the matter upon which our correspondents Insist an strongly will be adjusted,in that time to their entire rutiefaction. Should ' It - not, their couunnnicationa will then ap year. We . hope- this be a safficient . . erten*, for the nonnppeatunee in our %ad . nmna of the communications referred to. Tut itustolVo of the bolters'- ticket, it is still claimed4y it will result in the triumph of the Democratic party In the October election. lint in Order to prevent the occurrence of such • mad calamity, It proposes to the Repub. Roans. of thin county to sell out to the "new party." We have always had a piofound sense, of, the modeity of that journal, but never before has it made any proposal that filled or with Such admits- Win of Its meekness, honesty and tam,- tty, as the one which has appeared in its three last issues, 'tamely, that !the great Republican party should deliver itself up Into the hands of a few men who have done all in their power to destroy its prestige and annihilate its influence. To whom does the Comm.:vial appeal? It cannot be to the people, for it claims that the Convention that nominated the ticket was inveeted' with power to do No liy 'the "whole people" Yea, more; it claims that the "whole people" endorse the ticket that. has been placed - in the field. T 4 whom then does it ap peal eo continuously end persistently? The Elecutive Committee of the Hepubli. can party does not claim to be the people, and it emote the propoxition that has been made to it to sell them oat. The mem: beri of it are the mere servants of the party whose will they desire to carry out. Tide they will defend nothing more. They cannot mad will not be wheedled into any newspaper's or attorney's Mike to "set up" a ticket and arrange things generally. They leave everything in the hands of the: party whose servants they are. -Why did the organ of the bolters not declare at first that its design In organi sing a . new party was to destroy the . muse of Republicanism? _ Republicans! we wish you to remember that tiu; Pittsburgh Comm'erriat declares for the third time, that the. object it has • in view in running 'the bolters' ticket is "to rend the party and endanger its was. cue." It admits that-the ticket cannot be elected, and yet continues to flaunt it in its columns. It in evident that - the "oen- 14:1.4 is emirinced that it has , made -WI -egregious. blunder. Let it correct its awn errors. Though it may poll a few irotee.the Republican ticket will be safe. This has always been our toniiVion,end tt bas been greatly; stiength'ened within ihe,last few days. • • •THEWAR CLOUD, -The war cloud in Europe 3/1 ekpanding. rip., for war and impatient for sc .: invites a rapid eolutloo of the Span, fah complication. and bristies - aroser with . - fight. Prussia, conscious. of her tiloe strengtle, and careful of bar dignity, 'calmly awaits, development. She ban giveSi meddence of alarm Fearless of Mut atmlod.- for the pacific; adjust ' Meat of the qUeidloit Issue, She has , Hutiservea het oquillbiiiiMlnd 'made no movement looking to the consolidation'of her troops for the campaign which Prance threatener to precipitate. Napoleon; In firet holding-Prussia .responsible fog an tottigue, which,. as -,yet, can not be faitined truthfully - upon her, aad_,then' demanding .an apology for a '.,biutich of national honor not ad '. Mined: has o p enly bruited a proud "! - 'id powerful nationould In plain way in.' • sited array-. The French; lAmpelor knows YYat lti• own dynaStrls.dependeni on the the-people: ; Recent disturb. lit Psits'disclost4• an unrest in the . 4opiatii of -FisOce,and the wily Empe .. _ 'roc will lame-contentmeni and unioskind ~to retain his own popularity among Tehple by war with a neighboring C - polfrat of which he. bra full cause to be Jsakilt... France means wa Prussia offers: elther,tlte olive branch or. _A. The two great nations could hardly fight the battle out on the line of the -ilhine,arithout drawing Into complication all the_powers of Europe. England can. net lOok os dispassionately. Her domee -tic xelodions with Prussia will involve her '-more or less In 'the, contest. and yet cite cannot forget that Napoleon is popular witlrber p elO e; Ind that . Fran . ce has for ~ ansny. y ears past proved her most *faithful 'ally. Having been entrapped in forming :aUlatices matrimonial with Prnssia, she will have es much cause for jeidousy with that nation, if Plain passes under the 'rule of the Prussian home of princes as as: panesherself. At the present, there LEI M!== Remits will be drawn fate 'the ..,, , :I*a.Aari lt A aunruiliary contesi should - there is as ielliag, - 414 be ihs be the heti: leak ocOlasnishotdd war be . ti Laboat of iiareranieat -Pool- be crusisd or edstaiiai: • 2 f , • war skald may seal away au did that of 1840 sad 1859, but there alma , ,---: . , -,,, , ''• '' ' . --' - -, ' ?; - • -- ').--•••'4". '3.1..----- ' '4tw.,:t-- ' ' , ~. r ":„. ,-• . = . • : '_ , 3.:,;„-,,-,•,- ': - . _E'''.,, ::•••:,,igtt.:A. little l imitability of, 'lts dissipation. France in well lice rmita on land and 'Rea for hoetile tlemonatn4ina, and:a day may tee Ler amy d navy on the aggretuili6. Thiel countietan afford, to look on with ...alai indifference, for much a. a Moody content lotwe.n any or all of the Europe Pan Tiowers would be lamented and re• gietted, our national proaperity would? in lin wine impaired .but to the contrary niproved • MEAN THEY REFORM t There in something in the cry of reform that strikes the better feelings of or all. lomething that appeals to our menlicirsl igalust , vice and corruption. The lII.SIre the people always become arouKed. ide . their hiltless inactivity, and ii tinder the bantter of reform. __,e all good things, however, it is fre quently perverted to bad uses, and none barn sooner than the people, whether there is virtue intim cry or whether it has been raised for sinister objects, look ing specially towards personal ambitions. .The Convention , held in this city nn July 6th, gathered what fetv properly elected delegates were prevent. solely by means of that cry. When. however, the delegates met. us a Convention. they en ilorssl the plat fonu of 14 Chicago Con. ventian of 1866 and the Philadelphia Con vention of 1869. They endorsed the able and successful iulminlstmtion of Presi dent Omni, and the able and patriotic ad. ministration of His Excellency John W lieary. As these endorsements eirvensl all of the principles of-the Republican party, we could not but inquire why . thee. men had been called together. The ex planation mine in the third resolution "That reform in the administratioA of out patty affairs Is indispensable to the main. lemma, of Republican ascendency - in Pennsylvania." This, then, Is the reform proposed. Nfirdi:st .• - truly modest. A lit. tle handful of men, numbering some twenty-five or thirty, gather together is the District, Court Room„and 'inform twentythousand voters, ntany of whom hart. carried their lives In this hollow of their bands for Hal and the 'iltonor of our old Keystone State, "ere into B fo make a ticket for you, that you tang ecept, or we will give this St ate into the lt Iths of the De mocracy. •True, one-hall of our delegates are ,not your representativ , s-,true one half of them are self constituted stet bare on tionstltuency—true we dd not pretend to represent the popular will of the peo ple of this county. But the reform we propose is to set ourselves up as Your leaders, and the price you are to pay is either vote our ticket or lose the county." is it any wonder that delegate after &te tte withdrew. from that Convention in 'r disgust? !ME Theleaders of that Convention never came together for reform. Their conduct nonclusively dernonstiiii4t this fact. What is the secret motive prompting them Is not yet sufficiently developed for us to expresa our opinion. ,But that it was not to purify the party in sufficiently manifest from the fact that they took no mrans to purify the party. If they elect their nominee. they gain nothing. All their nominees can do in to support Re publican prineiples. and to ray that the handful of men in the 'hamlet Court room am more honeet than thittsenty thousand who staid away, is. feather, we anticipate, than these gentlemen will darn. to go. We think they bare gone far enough when they call ea from our labors under a good cry, only to bring us hero to de noun some . ;•ring - as corrupt. Wh, called that Convention the people did not Is very evident from its attendanee. What has the "rine of Allegheny county to do with the Republicans of the State of renusYlVatuaLArelheaerireAllemen.abou to assert that it is better the Republicans of the State should be defeated, better the Republican party should be destroyed and its strength pass over into the hands of Democracy, than that Allegheny county should have "a ring ?" What it he Ring of the old Republican organization? Is it the leaders? Then what is the Ring of the Reform Convention ? Is it the leaders? How corrupt is the old? They have et least always been found fighting for the success of the'party. How corrupt is the new? They are not fighting for unity, are not fighting for our preservation, are not fighting for any avowed principle of reform, but are fighting for men against men, disintegrating the party, • divid ing its unity, destroying its strength and . doing their utmost to past the State over into : the hands of the Democracy. The ring! nonsense. If it worked , corruptly. Its power wax broken into fragments at the last nomina tion, and the Reform Convention is just one year too late. The road was open to them. Their way 'WWI clear, and with the same effort they have made to gather a handful of- men Into a convention, they could have sent any delegates they pleased to the Angus ostion , and nominates these 'men. Why at feist did they not wait and see who were nominated? Were they fearful their favorites had not the proper eupport and would be defeated? If The popular vote Would. ) ncit hire sent delegates fOr these men, then pray tell no if this eonreption . Juts net been packed, if if has not trident; If if han not a ring and a slate, and if it is not only:. corrupt, qZr -tacking a convention, but mall dons. trlittan, destr o y - the; party In order to gain the lesderVa: ves-Whltt worse did 'the old organization ever , iii - Piess, in nominating men who did - not repre sent the popular choice I Nom. hutte corrupt men. Who f But t et us look at the Reform ticket. Is -that coin 'honest who in one breath min love sad relived - Republican principles and my earnest desire is to keep them intact" and In tbenext breath, ays,!l r will remain on this ticket, and though you may nominate at your regular convention a man u honest and Incorrup tible , :im fluty be found, yet I will run against him, and try to defeat yOu even if I ' , utterly deitiny thn Republican party and all , Its principles." What worse man did the • old organization i,rer ncaninidel Why not Wive waitedf It. may be said It wail toot lite. '-'l . OO . tuti tat what? For prfnciples l of reform pritent to the peOplelt - was not too late, For time to beget prin ciples-whoa° travail - pains might; be the death throes'of geputilleanism, tetras too late. .For disrupting the great Repahli- I , " party, the reform should- be 90 maul fea•v•at the formattotkof a third party would grmng voluntarily out of-the core lest. It wilcs'i.whenthe,itipublican par We regret the corruptin g of the Legis lature and are advocates ormform. Our Political breathed. almost .Irs first breath amid the travail pain of 'ck e little Republican bantling in Kamm 'l t b ite grown with our growth and strengtll:, ee d with, our strength, and we regard it lobe Manhood aluioat an a And - of our own. 1 We would rare It from tlds leeches living on Re life blood, but we do not propose to ktiock it in the head In order that tboes 1,4 4 6 6 may dle. We have abetter plan. Not so nith tho Reform conteMion: They are 'friritening.4 oll it with all the avidity of. n e w aspirants for political ,hottorsr tearing of the old leeches thatinew cows may fasten on the old notes,gr If 'nom to the old I own, that between the two the eked they . !Mere 111.11110 • r the prinkarY-delegate ilect/OrtS vele the ta, let it tte,Cetriktea by the ardwltid of reformat ills primary IsewtOgL It le done . the PITTSBURGHDAILY GAZETTE : TUESDAY MORNING, J ULY 12, 1870 reason is that the masses of the people are so little interested in the reform move ment that they will not attend primary Meetings, What idle folly then for . these men to attempt to throw dust into the eyes of the people by prating about their great Inv„ of Itephblican principle, it in Amply the old .cry of "laid, Lord" in the street. and ..stalibing in the dark." \Vali an im pudence almost refreshing in its brazen man., we are told not to nominate an other ticket, for if we do, the iteptiblican : party will be rifeated and we will have , dentroyed it. It is the sane argument of the highway rofiln.r, who, while trending over Lis victim land rifting his pockets, presents a pistol at his head saying, "If you move I will blow out your brains and your blood will be on your own Lands." True men, iviiuld have sorrowed over the division, !nese men are jubilant.. 7'rue men would have held this power as a means to check evil. These m e n have invoked their power for evil. True men would have struck at the root of a eyn tem that could produce corruption. These inen have simply foruusi another ring, boned precisely on the wune system against which they ihyeighed • We call upon the people to Inok to this. To wait quietly and patiently for the reg ular nominations. And then. if a ROliliti , ticket, representing the popular will be nominated, to turn in their might and strength against these men, who have at tempted to deatrny no, awl .tearit them the lesson, that that power whone'electric watchword of ni hsl slid l'niverwtl ty," l u re Mug all over the world, shall not be endangered Lc.n putty combination din guised iu false elation, and whoar wets move them totally unworthy to wear. IMMIGRATION .. . Ever 'duce men began to multiply . the earth it hart been! their wont to n ... grate from ono place , r country to snot er. Different mulles h re impelled peop of different localities and nationalities 1===11:11: illowed a ills Loral life in the early ages the world, when men's wealth (molds. id principally, oftheimlocks and herds, lire driven by the imnionse increase of to animals which they had to &pasture to change': their location from time to time, a cireumstance which contributed',dep,1 0 ., to the distribution of a population among the afferent countrien and nationw of the earth. Others, in later tinter, basi l been forced -- to leave the land of theli nativity on account of ecclesias tical intolerance and persecution, or polit ical nthwession.and the abridgement of e c thosivil right's to the exercise of which they were entitled as free men. But the principal cause h these days is surplus population, which renders the supply of labor greater thari theldemand, and redo. MI the price of labor to such a IoW fig ure that laboreM and mechanics .;4.....J,A.5.-,Y.:Waz., ,' . . . . , . . ~,,v;,--:-.•,.....Y..;-2-,r"..„*'-:1',:17:',.*:=2*-4'';tr,g A' 7 '4"' ~"-,...4- ...!,... ......„--,:, „...t! 1...- - ax..4... , 7,.4 ,, e , - , --- - t.. _ . . i ' l ' r:,- t' - . , :.. , ;..---,c , •-i.;;14.,;)--,;,:tw-- , , , for their country's gu.4 This Istate A First Class Seasatian....Worse Than gat in the Hair... Two Ladies ix a Room of things exists no longer. Some of the .- . m with a Mad Rog+ - .. mostliortliy fatailiwAnd individuals, he. J (From the Detroit Frei Pr s, Juts 3.1 longing to the middle and everlJltirghterJeA.--"lm ej t eight o'clock last evening two classes of society in European 'countra, i ladies residingup stair; in the-block of find their way every year to the ratted It oodward avenue, just beyond State IStates. Emigration from their \native street, observed that • large New .Found irl homee ix no longer viewed an ade . a-' land dog, which hail long been in posses lion.. Th e y are willing to break away j sit , .n of the family. was est t it h d t t e n o g strange f rom t he most endearing social ti - h and I " t .L d n a i-. irc 2 j , l ' h jj o h : r d 1 0 K j . 4 j ' mom, whining sons LI -relationships in order t o ma k e nliberal seeming to be very restless; but when the ' provision for themselves and families, a attention of the !tidies ;avas directed to the thing which they are utterly unalil. In do a I nimal ikehi.-risesn:pLindglaci: j.jazlit,es,tirtc,hk. in the densely populated eountriee Erm a •l'l ll2 n; alit, atert . . e ntit easily alarmed, and Which they come. The r ultra States are no punkah, atteutn 11l wan paid to the no longer looked upon by the inhabitants dog hir•tobie time, - lie lving down in a of 'the Old World as a penal settlement. or corner at the command of j o ne , of the fe. respectable Botany Bay , but a land of the e"j- li ru S t u e thk s " p lY ' and towtotl °tltienvantadt agricultural, commercial and manstfactur. of the room, with eves ablaze and hie Ing industry, where the frugal and Indus- hair like bristles. and he uttered' a howl h -in almndance' lit rage and pain that sent the blood from Pious may amass wealt and bertnne independent. ~ the ladies' faces in an lustant. Leadingoff ' ' . from the room walla closet or cloth.. press, It is estimated that each i m migrant, on and for thin both of the Women instantly an average, is worth nixtyeight dollars sprang. The dog did not . follow, nor at whenjss nea r he lands. Thin estiniake , it is said. tempt ,to molest them is quite ton l o w, but taking 'it as correct,. were closing the door, w until hen_he u came nea gaining admittancr.snapping and'snarling it is nor difficult to Kee that immigration savagely. The male portion of the flintily is a .source of great cap al , wealth tone, Were away to market and the ladies found hemselvea gleaners, with a eermine mad nation. But it is note gin Comparison 1 ,.. . I ~.1 I , mg for a keeper. tto an tuass. howle d of tins material prosper y and permanent and barked and ran about chic room, .sources of Wealth as ieli' accrue to it lilting at every article of furniture. and through the labors at he immigrants. bin heavy breathing and cells of intense , p ain would have 'ninth. stronger hearts The great Indic) . of : lie itatioa RllOlllll quail than those shut "up in the little be to encourage ingingritlon ply every closet. ' The ladies screamed, the dog . l l menue in its poster. I / would bele bless. howled and for nearly an hoar there m iss at: . citing time en scratching and within a small space, ing to the otrecrowdt nations a ro Eupe. jtlag now nail t if they were relieved o _a large amount of tearing away at the closet door. At last, their sipplue populatioil, and it wittild add (armed by the • screams, several men and with eliths after a sharp struggle, immoutumbly to ourolwealth If ' it we r e . e street made their way tip-stairs, poured still more abundantly i on our shores. I, killed the frothing brute, The dead body of the animal was Thrown into,the alley We have been led to 114.11 t h e 1100 VP IV- and wat,carried off by the scavengers. II market by a telegram .. received through was look n ed ,„ ux i n a l , t i t numbers lar n ge dnne ho bef sa or w e the cable a few daysi since that the eta- the fye rn s anfithe (.Zl . l-flecked jaws doubt. Petite published in idverpool show that e d that the animal had been seized with eighty-one. thototaud' einigmutaFlind left an attack of hydrophobia. that port during the month of Jane. nine- Ice in India. ,_ tenths of whom were hound for New : York; and by the ftirther annoalleenlent A eircumetance lam 4curred in India which requires ti-e explanation of the that upwards of eight thousand bad ar. learned. 'flit. Central India Tinu, etate, rived at the latter citrjin the course of the dust a strange phenomenon has lately past Week.. Let them continue to route. Presented itaelf in the Canada platrlet al P f Warora Qn the 231 M It will beta longtime before ithey will It e lj L n . l 7 "- ' ' y last, when nn endeavor Iles over-crowd the. wide and fertill-, but un- being made to einqty a reservoir con. cultivated and inviting field .. of the nected with a tank) at that place by omit. United States. ing the drainage-pqw, it was found that the water would not tiow. To attcertaln the cause of 110 obstruction, the reservoir was . pinntwd dry; and it was discovered that a solid mass :of ice. some three fri t tl, In length, had been formed, completely choking the mouth of the pipe. When reunited it appeated • opaque. somesthat similar to machine-made .Ice, The In. apector of Police. Mr. thus. was present, lilllisPllM the block of ice cut nit. and the Deputy Commikaioner, Major Lode Smith, arrived some two or three hours alter wants, but In time to two some of the un melted fragments still remaining. The soil under which this phenomenon occur. red is the common black loam of the Deccan (cotton soil). the piping of ordinary potter's clay: cemented to . the joints with a composition of HMO: linseed oil, and cotton, pounded up together, and the protecting masonry of the indlgenoux sand atone and mortar. The water In the reservoir and pipe had remained perfectly atilt for about Ma months previously, the _pipe hating heed closed during that period. It is scarcely necessary - to say that the 'temperature at Warrant never at any time • even approached the freezing point. REFORM. • following . will give flfl readers hien of th.• .gratifying )mgresn' • by the -Refuaminta - bbl and' at A atongt loi:EtVfiltArEtl VM5:1 , 14701n% The indiariappolis Tina itlo4 With a grins humor. Its farewell number con; tains this dying speech and confession "In ilia frunnuantory of 'Mole the Sassy,' A. Ward tells us of • sublime utterance by a num whose head had been cot oft' by a pirate; 'Oh! that I should live to ace myself beheaded!' We hive inthosi shared the fate of that unfortunate „indi vidual. A few weeks ago we experienced . ; a ground swell of &reformatory character. We, felt that reformation was necessary. We conversed with several of ,our friends, and they felt, just as we did. ;The Aquila slam was strong and deep, and we felt that we 'waled a daily newspaper to give expresaion to our feelings. Our reform. tory friends told us to go in sad we went. We were not esecially devoted to refor m . but we wanted business. Things went on, swimmingly, and would have c'ontinued but our friend& stood by us. In fact they stood by us tai much, and did nothing else. Having experienced too mach of the 'stand by,' we decided to resign. • It in a very pretty custom, adopted _liereabouts, to nay that a man has •retired' when be is discharged from it pitiCti or falls In bust. ness W',' have 'retired' front the 'reform business' We retire gracefully, though. "The bri!liancy of our career lux,. only been equalled by its brevity. But us re. tire with one piece of knowledge w• totes possessed before. We are satisfied that -we are fully competent to close the affair, of any paper no the shortest notice. ••Thin toe.oegentent . nr , the pa per would hare been eminently success Jul • but there wasn't any Widnes: , ti manage. • abs eve Lave only an - For our reform friem. affectionate and tender farewell, with:one Word of advice: (live up reform linsinees; It don't pay. We speak from experience . in this matter. The:. 'dear people don't want reformation. If they do, let them get It by action:and not by silly. childish complaints. ”The following exhibit of our finances will save the revenue officials the trouble of calling anon so: I.IABILITIEH. , Bill. payable.. I ASSET, • l'aah and property available I 00 00 8111(11—Next." • 4 - CARD EDITORR Ii.kZETTE: Having been pre. stinted before the Convention on the 6th no' a candidate for Coroner. I wish It known that my name was used without my knowledge or : consent. and Men that it was withdrawn at my request.) I state these facts. at this seemingly late - date, for the reason that' the contrary has been au 'serted, viz: that 1 solicited nomination by that (onv cation, I feel grateful to the gentlemen who gave mu their votes. and also to other friends for their interest inlay behalf, on that occasion. • I arandunced myself as a candidate for Coroner. months sines, subjeet-to the de rision of the Republican County Conven tion, and my name will be presented to that bed, - when it assembles, August 30th _ W. H. HOPE. • MEAstts. Enrrois ilAza:rrE: ( !laving been one of the original reform ers, but choosing rather io work inside than outside the party, I claim the right to ask my worthy friend, D.-N. NThite, how he stands in this independent move ment. The Vorriention that assembled In this city a few days since had the wisdom on their ticket. Now it took the liberty to use out arty previous Ith him , " ' . " - wo. •• ht er be eonsi.e • • aim, who ao ably repre y in the Legislature last I all three of the parties ; Mr. White and reoleet to put Mr. ~,S t ' i b o l n t I Mr. White n e •, understanding. ' to object, hut .rat a crunplinient to rented title coun winter; indeed i were to take o him, it would .ly shoe that they conga. er him the righ man In the right place. But if be .is I . sympathy and working with the views of disrupting the party with which he . as' been so long Mend. lied, and which as k party stood arm and true by our govienment in the night of her fearful struggle, I for one think. It is but tight that the people should know it. It has been all= along Manifest that the constituency- would demand-the rents•. nation of Mr. White at the: August Con. rention for another term, and this VIT. pose could probably be defeated only by his acceptance of the nomination of him made by the third party. It is, therefore, important that Mr. White shouli define his position for the guidance of his friends.- - A Turn Rcrmacfrai. MitPARD &wrong: There has appesied a report of the tlmnd Jury, on the Work whith betraye its spirit 'on the face of it, and „Interprets itself to every judicious mind. The Board of the Work Holm are not aware of any Gould Jury reporting ,themselves as such - on the mo ods; but a large company of-persona of sixty nr seventy, did visit the Work lionse IS true, and some of them behaved in a dieoiderly.manner, by breaking over the rules and discipline of OA Institution, Inlikeater , true. A plain, natural, but Dot a trymphantic, or even warm-hearted courtesy, was extended to them. But the report betrays the motive to be a political frolic it the expense of the connty, to asperse therein:nation of a stranger, 'gen tleman, philanthropist and one at the head of his pmfesiion.. . • • • • Briton says the*WM is to be dropped y. We-bope not; it gives • piquancy d finish to a costume which bad not cutaly been attained. lt is all very ;ridicule fashion, but there is no proud .of denyine that the-present female . - is the - most picturesque and in the way of brevity and - lack ofsm perab t width, the most sensible that bas n invented for yearn LOOK AT THIS TUR FLI IN: VT O HAIR • Ring's Ambrosia, Sterling. Ambrosio , Ayer's Hair Vigor, Barnett . * Bale Renewer. 'Upbeat Curling Floid. Barry's VrYeoPhnlnw. Thlbbetes. Allen's, 'Woods. Circaslan, Spat& Ines and Ball's Vegetable Fnellmn Renewer, nein. Color - Mr, Upham's. Mathew.*. Bachelor's, Christodoro's, Unfurl% and Kramer. flair Dyes. Person. wielong any of the above ran rely on getting the genuine article. nt the lowest JAMES E. BURNS & CO!S = Cerser Prom nail Math (oli u. Clair) Ohmic IMALD Ur TUE .111 ITEM Ivtrevorth het eraporateeat this seaSoo. This I. eepeelelly the clue with all who live by the sweet of their brow. troll, every pore of the aleve-Ills eltla a moisture etude. which er:native the ebb. meats of vitality. Thereby the blood ls Impover hibed. the names relayed. the muscles weakened. the digestion Impaired. the bowels dlst ' utbed. sad the ordinal spirits depressed. The mustard dodo that produces thee* effects cannot be arrested. be- , • wawa ale doe to the beater the atmosphere: bat the lose of the Ilfe-sestateing elements an be supplied by rates invigoration. Now. therefore, Is the Ume to resort to liostetters Stomach fla mers, the most powerful and healthful of all veget able toren. Long experience his proved that bothlng M. will efficiently abstain and regulate the 'yam when wilting down under the double Pro.uie of eseeselye heat, and constant PhYalml =I /am/natal labor. All person - . who have teen tempt ed W try tho local' tonics" o.c.s/leal which 4lave bean started by sordid speeeletors In almost every town and village, sr ith anise of •Ynrnlng a floor' by the ereduillty of the unwary. know tblsto then ample It Ise /sloe ninnies that uys "hold fast to, amt. whim,. b. good,. 01 the forty millions of people In the United Butte., probably,noa.ef lb have toned the resteretlve properties of Ilastet ter's Blown and know It to be • •yeeidc for dye peww nervous weakness. general de blllty. eurmtlpation, fever and azie. end want of eppetite, that any of these should be perrontded to experiment with the wortblees nostrpnu, rec. otomended by ■nscrupulone and lanorantempertes. seems almost inered/ble. i s FABER & VAN DOREN, 367 Liberty Street, PITITBURGLI, STEAM ENGINES, IRON AND WOOD WORRINCI MACHINERY; Steam Pumps, eueere_and Machinists' Tools, STEAM FIRE BELT IN G, Woolen Machined; Machine Cards turiannfactarß° and, Mlll Bap. plies. A constant supply on hand and turnlithed on abort notice• 01113£118 A Good Set lof BLANK BOOKS For $6.50, Made of good 'bite p.peq gaged and Indexed ',gong In aininggtioep Matierould enniloitimg of One Ten Quire_ Ledger, One Ten Quire Day Book, One Six Quire Cash Book, lowa= W o.rwiisTv-atx • QUIRCEI• ear oda $11.411: Tta be said eePerete mewl- Nedete thoee ertgo haie parttal .16 la am:" 4E4R&5C1.1 4 1-.' spokseters:...and Stationiii; • No : •11; :FOURTII AVENUE, ar prrrantraaa.' ki .......2inucastraAND atrium.. Thauragar atoarraiaanatara.4raraar ourscs as and It ILLNDURET WS= r. Illailisnas,ll rill Freston IN. Anmalmr. - ADPUL AT M. SEMPLE'S, ISO aud 182 Federal Strati, ALLEGHENY. GDOD BAUGAINS IN NEW AN Desirable Dry Goo s, LACK SILKS , BLACK SIL ‘.S • Very T.,ow Prices DR ASS GOODS Plain an D{ FM. • Came . . la Iced and Pleld.lapaaefe Poplins, lawns. ReIIVILDieS. 0 rensdlne. illlll.l end Drab lire" Linens, very cheep. White Goods. Striped and IPlorred Pia.... Plain mad Plaid Nal:stooks •nd JACOLIIIIS. Plain and Spotted Suds*, !Ash.' Perrelea and Mint..., et popnlnr price SPECIAL 111AROA1118 IN CASSIMERES, Cottonades and Linen Drills - Shetland Shawls, LACE SHAWLS Light Summer Shawls', At Attractive Prices AT W3I. SEIIPLE'S, - , and 182 Federal Str4t. Allegheny AT HORNE & CO'S. Received this Day: Traveling Satchels, CoPd and Black Satins, Black Oro Oraln Sash Ribbons Colored Sash Ribbons, (inure Merino Under Shirts • • Large Palm Fans, Silk and Liam' Fans. HATS, FLOWERS Millinery Goods I= NEW GOODS Received Every Day. 77 AND 79 MARKET STREET. CLOSING OUT Summer DRY GOODS BELL & MOORHOUSE 21 Fifth Avenue, OFFER THE BALANCE OF THEIR Thin Dross Goods, 'Lawns, Chintzes, Ilernanl4, VERY - CHEAP. JU9 01IN STEVENSON'S SONS & CO., JEWELERS, 98 Market artreetiPittakurgh cm= won mom ni.ra,) ner• on hand all the latest noreltlw to 1r Um Jew- Wry: also Meer Pisces and father ?Wed Wan of, new deldsna, suitable for wedding OW , • • • • • Witham of sti e Amnion =there In mold and silve rcadet eei the l th liolis Key Mel Paulgat Wththre coa lition/7 o tha n 41. ea ath Watch. booludthm as , • full satiety •of Jhare dna M math. Jabot. PerrelPth. and , oMin'n We' call wheeler ahem/on to our facilitles for repelvtas mad resathebth Watches. To that branch of ons•tthetho elthothl caw , Orders by pnthtetil Wed. Ithelens of .17 roods sect In drawbogs by snall at redneet. maytheffle "HILL & ADAM'S SEWER PIPE CO," 05 and 67 Sandusky St,,Allehrheny. allanutsetan Tffi rtaD nriVijelatMAlTlV 4 .ge7i;,{}; HOLMES, BELL iSL CO. ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, Maastustsseri of =Alit WWl= siml LIGHT, ANcnoß AND MAGNOLIA Sheeting and Batting. GRAND REAMING NEW GOODS. Shoes, Boots and Gaiters HENRY PAULUS 1.1714 Cr. ( 10 .AVIDITIX'ALLIIGHENY CITY. . . . to oi , e.r H&V ° . :7 ... .: o% . :0 1 :LIPI A k t ILIA "' 'n.""* ll.lL ""r' '' ortU gin onalnilon. *2.r4 won ' . noi no ponlel m II a R y A.PAU; MS: STONE WATER PIPES Chimney Tops, froi MR & CRIMMI PLUESA 4 , r ,„„ or,fte^ itIMOND Ake Bakery i'''Ctinfeetie 1 ery ' - . .fdt:' ORtAm. .. • Er " 11.4' A e ,t' - . . "Ile `... rim — le a ll ffi'M' "n....".:.•• ~ ' .-i----4.-Tizrze ..' . W. 4 1= ,.. .." I:,,awneas at * * * mg. A. ZitUDIL MAWS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS AT ATM. SEMPLE'S, 80 and 182 Federal Street, EMMY= A 4.0011 . T(WK OF Sash and Bow Ribbons, Hats, Bonnets, SISRPOWNS, AtPricciasLow as Cat beFound Anywhere At ligke.. Litilles' and Mlsses' Slats. At 75c..1u1l sized Lama Shawls. At 91.00.711 k Pantsiiik wnrth $1.75. At Fast Colored Calicos. At MO., Light and Dark Calicoes. At 10d.. all the Best Makes of Calicos. • At 91.00 for St yawl. Chintz Calico*. At 17150.4-4 Bleached Muslin.* supgriiir article At ligke. Fast Colored tawns. ' • At MSc.. erinted,Chailis and Alpacas. At 23c., Doable Width pane Idobalrga t.arat Gloves awl Hosieiy. • • Green and Blue Kid Gloves. Blank and Colored Rid and IJsle Thread oh. Ladies . .llllsses' and Chlldren's none. • Men and Boys' liali APES' .AND _GENTS' Sumner Under wpft Collars. Cuffs apdiliecklinii, Lace Collars and liandkerchle f Hoop Skitas and likeleton.Coreets. Ladies' and Children's Aprone and Pull.. lisle Switches and Chignons. Jet Jewelry. Pocket 80 , 41, Falchelr. to. YIq..SEMPLUS I 180 mid 182 Federal Street, Allegheny On a Par with Gold WE NOW OFFER Our New Stock DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS EASTERN :PRICES BUYIES ARE INVITED TO Examine our Goods & Prices ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO., N 0.115 Wood Street BUY THE • GENUINE CLARK'S "Od N. T." SPOOL COTTON. GEO. A. CLARK SOLE. AGENT Sold Everywhere. sbli 4 BAILEYZO 111! BCHESTNUT ST, P RILADELPiII • pekneGtorittmeßif The reputation and experi ence of 40 years, warrant us in ..saying thatpers our stoek- , of Fine Timekee of 'the best Euro . peen and American Makers is now the largest in the coun tm and we guarantee that each Watch - we - Tell, is finished with great mechanical precision, has sal thelate provements, and trim - retiiß arly, 'well, and give satisfac on. Imprirlee promptly replied b. Wades lorwardat ly Mess lir mink IMPROVED CHEM SEEDER. It hos been lo use for the lastaLlyean, inn never • felled In n sloale instance to Rise entire eistlsfee 'Ann to the When mu to its DM exposits. It .111 seed abusbel. "4cr'ldthllliVeap. Simple. Iturab4 *ad Tn• Hooper is idJastable. th ereby enspiSoir 11 - 10 ell sired terrlas. It Is the best Cheri 7 Seeder lo the Merket. 110 exception. All orders addressed to JAMES BOWN No.l36WoodStreet , PITTSBURCIA. PA Will be -Filled at 4 . 4I.,NUFACTURERS' PgICES. TEAS! TEAS! TEAS! Just recelved,• Wife use thee sesortment of Net SOUND I t t • r"3I4) T . JAPAN, • • , 13000110 Nd. /Buyers are Inette4 to ti ll and examfue thu as quality sod price will to for the Intereet ot the retebeser. tjerwilge=gewPTo,l4.V"." zpvirau , lisAzurrom. ~..:a-~o D,.mo [_+~ INI Um's Teal tend best Douttlfi vb.7=is „......ttse.4'rroz", . ..I=tbr e &..l ' ~seta sera=bilam of 0". 0,4 ji= it ArMard • • • • IBS b. , .00A "" %ets and V .. .. 12. UMW= IMI JOKEPH. 11; HUNTER ,' . 2tteriguuUfte BrOker, aso .aa:imitwy at iota Itail,lat.) % j^tHEAP .1 STO • ' CCIAL " INUONS,. awl& NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS f the - Peait ad Ohio Railroad C°. The Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Pleted and runnt. 111 , ..R1C11 MOND. VA.. %%111 . 11::•U1.1 . 1111It SPRINGS. I We. , V!ttrlela 227 bales. It Is being raPRIIY rtendid to the Ohio liver', 200 collet further MEE= In Its progress Westward. it I...tastes and opera tip to market the WONDERFUL COAL DEPOSITS OF TILE RANAWIIA REGION IN WEST VIA- . . TrNIA. And thus Wince the superior and abundant liels of that nection into communication wit/akin IRON ORES Or VIRGINIA AND 01110. and the VESTERN, SOUTH WESTERN AND EASTERN MARKETS. • Filen ewtuplaied t; sweet the SI:PFTLIOIt lIARBOR FACILITIES OF TIIE CIIESAI'EAKE IiAT with tellittilowat , tallow Gs the Ohio di/we . .. Ad this+ with the ENTIRE SYSTEM OF RAILROAD AND WATINI. TRANSPORTATION OF TIIK OREAT WEST AND to • snowy. }IASI, And VA YORAULE ROUTE from the WEST to the SEA end lOU commond a LARGE RITARE OF TUX ENORMOUS FILRIOIITS WPilillll tranroortallfm to us become ohne( the them Ut PORTANT oFITABLE EAST AND wrst TRUNK LINKS OF RAILROAD In the enentrF. and a d a trade of IrnmenaC value. The completed pet - lin of the Bead Is doing . 11111 , 1TABI.E ANIt INCREASINI) BUSINESS d Is fully equal lu Tial4ol. o the whole amount u a mortgage Upon the entire I.lne-1813,000 The loan of I 1 rhempeake and Ohio , Railroad Company, helm , a FIRST MORTG ' I IfiR UPON THE ENTIRE LINE, P ROPERTY AND EQUIPMF—Nni. WORTH WHEN fOSIPI.NTEDI' . I` LEAST $3 30.- 000,000, I. tnererore one nr the oat substantial. ounsaroolve and reliable Railroad Loans eeee et rend In the market. end IA peo l allarly adapted; the wants or ..tlyestors ad italists. Who Moire to meta thr Investments wtth Use _mat eattstnetOry Lento:are oI POSITIVE AND UNDOIIIITED SECCILITV, The Bonds ere In denoturettons of $l , OOO , $5OO 'and $lOO, - I ,(-- see rney be had COUPON or REGISTERED. 'lnterest' Ste per cent. Per annum. payable MAY let and NOVEMBER 11 PRINCIPAL. AND IN ERESP PAYABLE IN GOLD IN THE CITY Op NEW ORE. • • Price 90 AND ACCRUED IS BREST In Cnr rency,atwhichpTlcctheypetne 7 SEVEN PER CENT. IN GOLD on ISeir rum All Government Nandi and other Seemiti.deall In at the Stock gechange received in exchange, at their full market gal... and Pleads sent to all yam of the CountiT. free of 14tgese charges. They can be ohtained ny ordering direct from= or through any responsible Bank or Banker In coy part of the country. . Fisk & Hatch, No, .5 Na'ssan Street, New. York. Maps,' Pamphlets and full information furnished upon application in person or by mail. S. M'C), LEAIN:: & -'I3A 1•1 - KIERS, 65 Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh, 21!!!! WARNER'S PILE REMEDY. WARNER'S PILE REMEDY lux never failed t even in one caw) to core the vet 7 Wont • of Blind. Isehhur or Bleeding Piles. Those eld ars sfeleted should Immedletel} call on their droeet,t and get WARNER'd PILE REMEDY. It It ex nresely for the Piles. and Is not ream...tidal to toy other disease. libel cured emir cues of over . • thirty years stAndlpg. PllOOlll. Form& idsta even"... • C BARNES, Sealer of Weights and Measures, emck RTH AVE., Pittsburgh. L 0 STEAM BOILER MAKERS.— ProposelA will be received coun ty. he Board of Inspectors of Allegheny for TWO STEAM BOILERS,Iict in place ready' fora... eluding the Steam Pipe Attachments thereto, for warming now Jails and the Court Um. Eaten ittriinßr be seen of sealed. directed in Prison InSiwictors•mid left with the Controller at 44 o'clock P. M.. FRIDAY the eth Inst. NOAri , -- o An L y i. Information of JO ortred from the County bons 33 1 2 rAagIT l'!AlllV".bajerrttr:ast.p.r of "fri living near Pitteburgh, Pa, wilt eonter a r ' avo "hen y addressing LOUIS KING, this office. julka- some T. Horgs....sow. Noyes. TWIN I. HOUSE & BROS., Successors tr /OWN I. HOUSE d CO.. Wholesale Grooms and Commission Iderchentat corner of Elealthflald and Water .trees. Cltteburah. COAL AND COKE MORGAN Sr, CO. MANUFACTURERS OF Co NNELLSVILLE COKE, At 'their Mines, Broad Ford, V. &C. K. Office, 142 WATER STREET, ' SNIP TO ALL POINTS BY -RAILROAD, • And Deliver in the City. OkarF.Lamm&Co. 7dAN9FACTORIERS or. COMELLSVILLE COKE, DEALIces IN ' ; Youghiogheny and Anthracite Coal 1.117111198aN. PA., OFFICE : ROOM No. 5, gazette liolldiag. IN - Oiden rimpectfully nadted. sou COAL! COAL! youGIIIOGIIENY. GAS COAL CO. Tht.coropany are now oraperod to furnish lb* mot (Alfa any alaa or quantity, AT FAIRBATI:I3. gee. amd Yard adjoining the' Connellsrilla 8.11. road papa. toot of Try fltmet, Pittabirtia • Onion &bossed to ether Moos. Want Marlon. pa,. to . Vard, will be promptly attended 10,• apU,r7s Charles H. Armstrong I,EALER IN Youghiogheny and Connellsville Con . COAL. BLAC K AND DESIILPIMILIZED COM —s d- fool, P I Orders olith Depot. wo orLim,, ,, . deemed to low Anal II tubmitt P . : lag to vrtgra mite pirm", Hamm qr .11.14 r . 1rma...8281M. Union ion Wile. 8. 8.70•48 - ,:i. WmC ArArithr= 4Al:et litey r&-••Ree. 11.186787b88. 14.0:4Atailgoe CO.. Ito * l . .1118 R. L. resuminals fl. rAllairMAZ R. COAL! COAL ! ! COAL LI DIMON, STEWART & — "Etsytoimmoved_tblite Mot to No. 567 Laberty street Qntal e s.db r. Y A olTYlf 8110)ND PLOOIL. • eHtlf'if.”,w, o ra m aZJl).ll:ll6 4,M4. "' rprnaa. soldnes•O ' 10 WWI %IMAM Ye imilora bi, - iZtt to wrwilr 14$ Ows IU CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, tic CARPETS. CHEAP Superior Ingrains, ~1 I= CARPETS,- / GE ON .30 TO :13 CYNTII PER YARD. MVALLUM 51 Fifth , AVenue, (Above Wood Stmt.) CARPETS. RING STOCK. Fine, Medium and Common.; CdRPETS • Our Stock Is the largest we haw ever offered to the trade. loyard, Rose & Co., 21 fl}7ll AVEN U teMA BARGAINS CARPETS I= M'Farland &Collins 71 AND 73 FIFTH AYE. They ere taking stoeh, and window, out many of the best Brussels and Ingrains, than grst cost.: i Cal WOO Anil get the tholes CARPETS. New Rooms! New Goods!' NEW PRICES ! We burg Ismusugur4o6 Um opening of our Now ntissT DISPLAY OP CARPETS Ever Offered in this Market. LOWEST PRICES SINCE 1861. L OLIVER McCLINTOCK & CO • 23 Fifth Avenue. UPHOLSTERERS. Yu etastarers of SPRING. FLAIR and Hl.lpli A lIATISE:IBES. Teethes Bolsters and Mows. Church Cashion.. Comic,. Motlldknes end all kinds . of .13pholstere rwort...d.tso: dealers In Wuttlo r Sheds*, Bele, Gress lad - White , licalands. Conts..l Tassels. AG Psetkofte alaestlon Is even to ta- 1 mg sp,cissisisig and brnahLog. a/ttrlna and nisi- '.. ins meets. ~ Oar mode of eleerdsor carves is the ordS ea, Id i • - which you out feel mewed rhatibe otoors me-',c served sad the roods thoroughly freed from en I duet sad vermin. The price for elesalne hes been =early reduced. Our exams odl for sad de-. LIM all goods Me of charge, ROBERTS, NICHOLSON & THOMPSON, Elphoint4;lln Prneston of am Carpet Beating Ettablieltment,i NO. 127 WOOD STREET, mbtußS liteizilfth Avenue. Pittab • . CARPET CHAIN; - Of all Colors, ON HAND AND FOR !ALF AT ANCHOR COTTON MILLS,I Allegheny City: m7Strorli GLASS, OIIMENSWARE 100 'WOOD STREET. QUF,ENSWARE, China and Glass. SILT= PLATID GOODS,DINNAR AND TDA. BDTS, VIA TRATh ANDCUTLIERT. WA IirsarIMON W NO T TO a srloir . palm, R. E BREED . & CO., Liii3 REYNOLDS STEEN & CO, 124 Wood Street Isoportari and Dialarstn FRENCH, CHINA, FINE CUT tam out • Queensware. 11. - Tb• lamest uncetowit N. Tint m 0,,. F ESTABLISHED 1828. WILT inair....itaisre Z1011Y..101111. r. MIT )1 RIGBY, OUST & CO., No. 189 Liberty St., idhoOfloln and Bolan Donlon neld dotibln 1 pIIMMIWALIII. GLIM and lIIL. - ne t rantion of ad ropaldnd good. In tlos i g 10 mesas d Mon tho d =uoirean and no ma q nooolving a flesh and . lot' of she above I Wed. dolma • _ DR. WIWIIER OONTLEOII24 TO TREAT PRIVATE= 1.11E 4 =1 . 111%•111ta forma . . al= nathWW't , =hwk Ilenttlal ptAdat P ey.flnatttow antf-atroso or othwr casual. I mg which prodnoo mos of the following •11100 Y blotchall, hoOll7•roloo to waft/. unman Ina.. dread of toms sweats, low at =mom todoloww. tams! onitolotn, sod WWII W tho ."`" nal sown= as to 11114sr toartiag• and Marston Imprwlent, ars nellOsnontl Amoco nalleted with thaw or YU 040. , Intricate or lone otaattlag owatitastio.l cow should give Um Doctor • lalak ha m. Ma. • A portlenlusttantlon_givon 'total Parel.= plainta4 Lentorrhoi or Whltta k Won Or Ulestation of the Wows. t" Anotoorettona., Eltosarrttagis=atoo. 4o .• EWER) or or Barton." • with W. !Rat . , . . .. „ It Is milf-'Meat Mat a pl:Zest who maims 1 Memel( extlhattraty to Oa o lteertsta dam of Mamas sete treats Moasends or ease. 010 7 .: r h atramt actraire_..grester.Mlll in that apoptuty 7b:E=.7a . u=sl i ntedical reanetlat or WW that elms a tan annennon or mammal me salsa. aware that ma be MS ime at cattoa or Irr mall for two Memo, In ametta envelopes. thou to e-aelleted. =blg4 ManW" h" te getsmothe law Mialle mate.n - TheSMateMiimen . ' ols4ln amplamMalla "In Dotter% opinio n t ' Alit__St S4 riTAL statemant. tm elmt:and mamma. am ' M ormreed try mil or Marra Worm me. Meant, s panamal meminattoe Is AMOS ameamronme la otbses=l ar memento. and Or tbe =lra= U nZ= " F...enen amneaud arb UM ! ro=. essr w 2=nec.snre7= l".".. ft liw Dollars oire . sena ma Meateal Mena et Mae rrm or 1. .. 4 0 1 4 1 % , .... IWO Mmafia==ettaave Wee. - Mrs irk toTat 24,Ca V Nei& I r • . 0,11..4 TIMM% Pit LOVII Wil. Pun:mu& POE COAL .- Sold l 'proposals WI le recelvod et ISI WILDI !ram. awn mar litb. 18711.10 r from - MINIM to us (1111.61111) thootagg bated, at ' good LUX! 00A.1.t0 be delivered setiefigard , isitoolitome. I I.' il .11. ~ At