The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 12, 1870, Image 1

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Corner Sixth Are. and Smithfield St.
TZll2lllO . lr TEN DAILY
a) wall, p))
0011'4[1,1 by Catrier. P.) aMk
LOlioVELlalw'm at Sat ratt. '
DR. • scuorpm will doul.tleite be
aIi..WELL 4000 feet deep ii bellitr sunk at
Tim English hay crop will be slight
this year..
Plums ARTHUR in now crossing the
briny deep. - -
IfAss Bitr.rocar:'s European tour will
noon appear:
BRYANT'S Homer in already a
• financial success!.
DECATUR, Ala., wants a' woman an can
didate for Congress.
•EIIWETT In playing' Fritz at Wallack's
theatre in New York.-
• Eriaiterati REVlfiba:had a very small
•audience In Cleveland.
TEAM million dollar hotel to ruin
Delmonico In Flake's latest idea.
NEW ORLEANS IS about to have letter
carriers and corner letter boxes.
Tui State of Georgia proposes to buy
the Opera Holm at Atlanta for a capitol.
A PnohOsonn spree killed a Kentucky
printer named Lewis Foster last Saturday.
ALI. the boys - should put on mourning
for Captain Mayne Reid is said to be
3fOnteu le to liaveit weekly paper call
ed the Timmprinted in the English lan.
BARON o . llao al:, of Tallahogne, is the
latest addition to the peerage of (treat
OEO. WM. CURTIS . , is. said to be the
author of Afaimeri o r{ the Rood, In Her:
per's Bazar. -
ILLINOIS has six thousand miles of rail
rad which with their appurtennnreo root
TEE Bostou Public Libriay is to be
adorned with-anew portrait of Hon. Ed•
Ward EVerett.
LAST year the Y. M. C. A. of Chicago
claims to have found employment for five
thousand persons.
S. B. WAUGII, the artist; is with his
daughter, : Mies Ida, at Greensburg,
Westmoreland county.
EIOIITT.ONE dozen ofeggs given to a
minister in Illinois at a - donation visit"
is called "lay activity:"
AN unknown man was killed in Cleve
land on Friday by. attempting to jump
from a Gain of moving care.
CoNsEns, the man who drowned the
little boy frilim a wharf at Boston. has
been convicted of manslaughter.
TEE van to carry prisoners from the
station houses to the jail is called Black
Maristin•Plalidelphia and Black Bette in
Ale obstreperous news man in Indiana .
sold a copy of the Lhuieville Coo rier.
Journal, ere., on Sunday, and was. fined
therefor. •
Tux • Union Bank - of Newfoundland
last Month declared &dividend of six per
cent, on the past six months and a bonus
of $8 per share.
JAILIM Motutow ought to be called
James YesterdaV, for he was killed last
week in North Carolina where he was a
noted desperado.
Luxe has finished a great composition
called "Beethoven," to be played in Wei.
mar on the one hundredth anniversary of
Beethoven's birth. • •
OUT in Wisconsin during, a recent
storm more than three hundred trees fell
over the telegraph wire between Green
Bay and Escanaba. . •
OUSELS:B TIVItEI2AEDT, Gernum lit 'na
tion and potter by trade, drowned himself
in Louisville on Thursday betimes. the
water looked so nice.
Two Missouri luu-vesteis quarrelled
lately in the hay-field, and one drove his
scythe blade through the other's) bridy,
matting his heart in twain.
TILE Brigid Side of Chicago, isannounc
ad to appear monthly, but only for chil
dren, and it is thought there is no bright
slue of Chicago for grown people.
AT a funeral in the country. recently,
the hearse.,was drawn by five White
horse., with their manes and mile braided
and tied with long crape streamers.
AT Marblehead, on Thursday, a boy,
called John D. Barber, fell from the Mast
head 'Of the school ship. His mangled
remains were accorded decent burial.
f Tux convicts in the Michigan peniten
slaty had an extra dinner and a half holi
day given them on the Fourth of July but
wererniit allowed to go out of bounds.
Wwww one man , kills another -man, as
the only available method of preserving
Ids own sanity, he is now a days dis
charged-an the ground • of self defence.
Mirllppmently exhaustless peat bed has
- teen discovered near Lake. Angeline,
kfichigan, and twenty-five tons of the
manufactured article are now-being turn
ed out every day,
A COLORED MAN named- Thaddens Ste
• yens Fisher, admitted on Thursday last as
• strident of law at the office of J. Wag
ner Jennon, F,sq.,Philadelphia, is the first
colored student registered input city,
"Aocrnifs're" are thuk noted in Indiana:
"We regret to learn that Mr. lost his
wife yesterday through his own Indiscre
tion. He takes the children. and to-night,
at 7 P.; IL, she will become Ma. 8., at St.
ROTHEASIEL, Who is painting the great
picture of the Battle of. Gettysburg for
ths State capitol, Lad a sun stroke while
at work-at Lis gigantic canvas on a. lad
der under a skylight, and is • new taking
• 'reapite. •
' . 061188TT. the American . who suc
ceeded in spite of much. oUpOsition in
gradsatic,it at and receiving a diploma
frotri.the University of Medicine In Parte,
is said to be quite over-run with patients
in that city.
GEN. B. F. CitEA.TuAm. of
has invented a method of stacking hay.
The apetti.rat at oasts only three or four dol
lars: With it. a girpti number of hands
can stack five times as much bay as by
the old process. •
A 10:011.0 named Leaden! cut the throat
of a white girl named Annie Conlin in
Chicago on Friday,. because she wouldn't
mar hist Ile then stabbed himself
'wl.* It is thought the girl will die and
her intutteretrecover. •
•TaC 'Chicago Republican xery truly
.says there is not a Republican paper in I
Pennsylvania that does not support Gen.
Grant and his administration. One call.
lug itlalf a "true Republican paper" com
bats it tritely; however. .
Tan Wheeling Intelligenter says: A
Gerson, whose name our informant could
not remember,' while mowing in a field
near the mouth of Captina Creek, a few
days ago, cut one of his legs so severely
with.* scythe that he bled to death.
It is so.easy, and so comparatively free
. front danger to kill a child, and by so do=
lag you can achieve to delicions a revenge
upon the parents that we do not wonder
- 'that the Mulder of. children. is becoming
popular. *lmola : every day 'we hear of au
Two convicts in the Penitentiary at
• Hingston,Eanada, wire left on Thursday
in charge of a guard. owned Henry Trail.
~ - to attend it lime kfin. b er h igt h e .b.,,,,,,,„
of the other convleta at eh mer T ri al' ~,,,,
murdered by the two omakte. who made
their dscape..
WILICIMIMI has an Incen diary who en
livened that,town with five firenta twenty.
t ..
f our. h oure „ Not, very ranch &saw was
done, how er, is All the fires hat one
Wesir.pul': at' before much headway was
Made, andthat one destroyed two orihree
Wags Hawthorne was in England he
• ' `was told 14 Konektonldibtes, from whose
lands a
of the Pilgrim fathers
t emigratecl,' that the next voy ag e of the
- . lisyllower, after she had the Pil
grims, was With a cargo of slaves from
.0-1:to the West Indies.
' - ASIOS.A, Mi 13.0., suppressed the only
public roar shop in her limits
on last Sat
, lirday, by holding a meeting, resolving to
the proprietor to shut bp, raising
- .-
=Of 4125 to back th e effort, end
11. 1,„ ,4$ L _
ft , , o,i zttt
finally buying out, the naloon.keeper for
$ll5, and Ipuring the liquor into the et rent.
IN the great Ilendernon Land Lotter•
in Louisville, the second prize, consisting
of nearly $.30,000, was drawn by two resi
dolts of Louisville, and while they Were
receiving the cOngnizulations of' their
friends the sheriff attached it for debt
while yet in the hands of the Lottery
A elticomert doctor protests against
pouring cold water on the head in CMOs
of sunstroke. lie prescribes warm water
application bud an emetic, after which
rinriters •ulphnriri lb teaspoonful
doses even• fifteen minutes .and friction
along the spine by mouse of mustard and
strong liniment.
. Mu. ROBERT CRAIG. one of the best
lose comedians and burlesque actors on
the American ilag s , has for some years
remained a fixture at the Arch street
Theatre, Philadelphia, but we are glad to
learn that he is now MT on a_starring
tour, and we hope he will not stop. until
he comes to Pittsburgh.
As broad as it is long. A German sta
tistical writer remarks that the invention
of the sewing machine has enabled one
woman to sew as much as a hundred
could. sew a century ago; but he continues.
one woutan now demands as much cloth
ing as a hundred did a century ago—so
that matters are not much changed, after
LI:MASON, Ind., inn progressive city.
She can ixiast of novelty in the way of
water works, which fur ecnnocuyysn't•be
brat. The machinery is simply a wheel,
so constructed as to set in motion d large
Newfoundland dog. Force enough can
be produced by this method to throw a
three.quarter inch stream to the height
of forty or fifty feet.
A C9IIItEnPONDENT of the Philadelphia
Port itatett that in Pennsylianla there is
a criminal and pauper population of about
•rt.000. - ninety percent. of which Inc. been-
rought to degradation and aant by in
uperahee. The IVVVIIIie of the
lwealth derived annually front liquor
.es hi about sVOSalth while the aunu
to Cur of the State for sup.
r criminals and paupers, made such
mpemucc, is about $2120,000.
y inter
A Mn. C. TOLER, residing on. Rayburn
avenue, Memphis, was shot by a pistol In
the hands of his son, who is about twenty-
One years of age How. when. nr where,
the shooting occurred; is a mystery. The
father refuses to prosecute, .and the son
and mother are both very reticent. It is
whispered that-the affair originated in a
family quarrel, and the son defended his
mother. The ball entered the bark of the
neck and came out of the mouth of the
wounded man.
Tim Louisville Courier-Joanna-etc.,
says The wheat harvest of Logan Is about
through, and the reports from it are fa
vorable, the yield being good and the
grain tine. The oat crop was al. good.
'lie corn is flourishing and tobacco looks
tine— A. 13. Speers, a farmer of Cumber
land county, Ky., abandoned his wife amt
children ou.Saturday, and eloped with a
young woman who had been the governess
In his family. They have gone to Cali•
ornia...The 'lnventor of Kentucky offers
• reward of $3OO each for the apprehen
-inn of James Fagan. and John Ryan, in.
Hetet' Ly tie Ciraves county t:iurt fnr the
.. -
. .
murder of Sarah Jane Owens. They are
fugitives from justice... Auguat tiobricht,
a ylung German and a student of Dr.
Wittaker : was drowned in Licking river
nn iie Fourth, while in lathing. It seems
i l
din he had swum to the Newport side of
the river, and in swimming back sudden.
ly • eat down and was seen no-more. •
HE followin g particulate of n wysteri
'affair, which happened a short dic
below the month of Pipe ervek
V last week, ware given us on Sator
Two brothers named Barnes. resid •
i - nn a turn. at the point designated;
bet teen whom the uneo fraternal feel
in,- have not existed for some time.
Ott, of them is, or rather was, married;
the other ie single, we believe. They
tee .t out together last Tuesday to hue
en , taking with them a jug of whisky.
What transpired • will .probably remain
shMuded in amatory, but it is kiiown that
the, married lirother failed to make his
appearance in the evening, A search for
him was. instituted, but without success
until the following day, when the brother
found his inch in the field where they had
been at work, with a largo hole in the
head, apparently made with some blunt
instrutnent. A coroner's inquest was held,
but our informant was compelled to leave
before the jury _tendered its verdict.
(H DORE IS said to be the lion of
London this season, which he is spending
in„Oita drawing ILO horrors.
E •
DEVBCROU ILLS suecessf ally introduced
India rubber, wheeled steam omnibuses
and the days of street cars are thought
to be numbered.
TUE Khedive has ordered, in France;
two large iron lighthouses for the gyp
auk coast, one 180 feet in height, to be
erectid. at Sonakin, and the other, of 150
feet, at Ras.Garib.
THE Emperor of Russia has resolved
not to carry out his intention of giving
sixteen thousand francs annually for dl
vision among the FrenCh authors whose
marks are played at the Theatre Michel.
TEE Hamagid reports froml Sephat,
Palestine: A Christian servant girl was
persuaded, by a Christian priest, to steal
several things Jana the house of her eni
ployer—a Polish Jew—and to hide her
self. The mother of the girl was in
structed to accuse the Jew, at the police,
'of having killed her daughter. We need
not to describe the terror of the Jew
when the police clinic-to search for the
corti,se of the girl, but, happily,. the girl
wa.S'Aiscovered to be hidden in a well.
THE Tcnips of Paris offers the follow
ing, not very lucid, description, of the
synagogue now in the way of erection at,
Turin: The most remarkable of all.
structures at Turin is the srrutgOgue of
the Israelites. It Is likely the flaw and
richest synagogue in the world, and,-at
the same time, the most remarkable mon-
ument of TuriM rpoo • a small _ Square
hill,witli adapted stairs. stands a Greek
.temple in .Bite and pink. Above, a
little bmikwarda, is a kind of aeeond
teinple. The whole is traversed by gal
l& Ls,' adorned with small pillars and
thousands of splendid embellishment..
a lhite and reddish colors predominate.
it is Greek and Moorish — it is Romanic
1 Gothic; there is a blending of all
' sty les,
1 without overstraining and without
, taste. But what makes Grin lame
r. re sOmeilling bizarre and unexpected,
I a massive tower, with pierced walls
a 'sing above this ornamented, beautiful
ruitruction, reminding of AeL and
gypt, of Thebes and Nineveh. • Surely
the architect of this building IMO gifted
' by imagination. He was an Ala inter
preter of the Hebrew dream of. the tem-
p e to be erected at the brink of estrange
r r. Never,since the great destruction,
h Israel possessed a more magnificent
ifice in which the hymns of David re.
unded. This building. in entirely fit for
t e talented Italian Jews, • who are a
{ IO,
wer at the exchange, at the press and
pi the parliament.
A.Thrittr Husband..
A Pe l risian widower,l who greatly re.
grettedhis wife, had her buried is the
cemetery of Moot Parnasse. He put up
no =Moment of warble or stone—only a
smell rden and a very small inscription
marked the spot where his lost partner
lay. First, some nasturtiums were plan
ted over the grave—the deceased was fond
of nasturtiums These were gathered on
Sundays and eaten as a salad. This at
tempt having becn successful, bolder
measures were adopted, . and some little
pink radishes grew there, as if by chance.
The official in charge of :the cemetery
said nothing until last autumn, when he
became aware of the presence - of two
enormous melons in the little endow*:
This time pollee regulations were pUt in
force, and - this new form of market gar
dening was brought to a close by the-be
reaved husband being requested to with.
draw from the cemetery, which he did,
complaining bitterly of the cruelty, and
saying that he had so particubitly valued
the vegetablsa grown upon the grave.and
eating them With peculiar sa.tlefaction,
because he tell they were offered him bf
his Zoe._
IA Spaniard Upon America
In Senior Cuteliar's grand- speech in
Span sit (..orter. in favor of the abolition
of si very in the colonies he made the fol
lowi4g remarks:.To estimate properly
gradual reforins, no race; has. a greater
aptitude than the Samar. In England,
eeldttn does a man initiate and achieve a
refoim. Some begin the work, others
propigate tie idea, and others put it in
prae ice, Electoral Reform, Catholic
Ematcipation, the Corn Laws—all this
was effected gradually In' England; but
not NO the abolition of slavery. The effort
was made., but it required4hirty years of
Titantic labor to abolish the slave trade.
In ittB2 the project for immediate abolition
was presented to, and adopted by the two
Houses England had spent $400.00000
to redeem her uegroes. Never will the
cOnscit nee sutficiently thank her,
nor ill history applaud her RS much as it
• fhb there is another. example which
010 how impo-Zaflile is gradual aboli
tion. This example serves as a veritable
hum nltarian and religious epopeo.
Atneitra had been born in order that it
should la, the Paradise of man free, of
man - iregenerate; vet it was_there that
Slavery budded. The evil was%) great
that it touched the United •States of
North Americo, and en intense was it,
that it erofaned even the bosom of the
Republic.' Not all of it, Itos ver. fell
Into the accursed den. Jetierson traced
the line where the black line of Slavery
sGould bt broken. But the Slave party
hid so grown that they were on till e
of passing that line. Then tv navigator
of the :Mississippi and Ohio, a Senator
front the Oreat West went up to the Capt.
tol at Washington, and wino the slave
owners gave utterance to their loudest
defiance, he broke the chains of :1000.001)
of men; and that nothing might be want ,
ing to his glory, not even martyrdom it
self, he died, as did Socrates, as Christ e ns
all Redeemers. nt the foOt of his work,
over Mllldl (striver liuninnity [entailed
its tears nisi ILxi his blessings Ap
Remarkable Marine Accident
From the Om ego Palladium. July tith.l
. Last evening the schooner Mast Ors.
Captain Wright, with lumber, bound for
this port, was oil the head of (lollop Is
land when she met with an wident4.lie
wind was blowing.hand from the North.
CAM. Captain . Wright was helping to
jibe the foresail When it went over and
out to the fore rigging. The crew were
horror.stricken to see Captain Wright
carried overboani and disappear in the
raging sea. They lowered the yawl by
the run, but the ham filled and the oars
Were carried away. They then tried to
bring the schooner's head to the wind,
but foiled on account of the jib paying
her otil The jib was pulled down when.
the vessel came round into' the wind.
Lumber win thrown overboard in order
to give the drowning man
cling to in cane he had h.d sunk. They
called out, but could get no answer. At
though It•was not dark, nothing could be
seen of him. ,
When the twhodner fame head to wind
the sheet slackened al that the crew
could get hold of it. They commenced
hauling in, - and to their ;urprise found
that the body of the.captain was attached
to it by the rope. They drew 'him • upon
the dzzl and applied —l,norstiv., lie
tuml to to' dead, but unn of tbu nailoro
- .
an ”old salt, - went to rolling him on the
deck, and afterward rubbing him and
plying wean blankets, ke.;_&c. After a
little the captain began to show signs of
returning animation, and iu a movie of
holing wan able to walk about.
• . .
It niqieara that while the lout jibed thO
captain's foot was in a coil of rope, Which
fastened tightly around Lis ankle and in
Wino. war formed a knot over his feet.
lie Wan dragged Ilion find forniusod nod
onset of the - time under watt, until Ins was
hauled ott decd.. Sailors+ nes II In 4.• 4 - f
the wont men - Onus tseeeiree from death .
they have heard of.
The Japanese Idea of Hell
'he following graphic picture of hell
as gotten up by the Japanese. in order. we
suppose. to frighten the people into good
masa, la given in a recent correspondence
from Jeddo:
frleated in the venire, with the appear
once of repose and no suffering, yet look
ing down sternly upon the prisoners. was
KIN; Beu. Before his majesty Were torn
knocking and praying for pardon. At
one end of the long room a man Was be
ing tranafortned into a doliker. The
sprite who performed the job had got the
man horizontalized, and standing upon
whit had formerly been hands and feet.
but were now hoofs, and wastlien at work
on the mane. :
At the other end of the braiding a man
was climbing on an almost perpendicular
ice mountain, and another wail descending
head downward. In the Centre of the
building and a little to the 'left. stood a
sprite sawing a man through the middle
from head to foot, and looking, around at
him with a horrid grin. A little to the
right a man was climbing a red hot poet
— Near. this last figure was a
bridge, with some persons upon it whose
sins had been remitted, and they were go.
leg—my informant' didn't exactly know
where. Some were thrust . under the
bridge and were lying there. One man I
now whose body woo nearly guns. being
crushed within the folds of a serpent. was ande,ntal everything.was
dr .n&ul, though not no dreadful ns the
living, moving panoramic . hell I saw the
night before at the . inn. _
Treasure Trove... Heirs to Georgia
Clain ilneeession to Eigkty.two
Millions of Property in New York.
Two of the descendants of Robert Ed:
wards, living in. Osiladen, have received
infunnation that a large amount of value
ble property, situated In the city -of New
York, on Canal street, estimated to be
worth $B2 000,000, will come into the pos
session of the helm of said Edwards upon
their proving their identity. Their prop
arty consists of estate granted by King
George of England to Robert Edwards,
about:the same time the.grant wan made
to Trinity Church, which today, by rea
son of that grant, is the wealthiest.-eccle
siastical corporation In the world. Robert
Edwards leased thin property, an did the
trustees of the Trinity grant, for ninety
nine years. This Inane has expired, and
the persons-now in poesesslon of the prop
erty recognize the fact, and will be coin:
-pelted to give possession when the heirs
prove their Identity: Oen. Edwarde, of
LaGrange, Georgia, known over the
tioutisern Staten an a great railroad man,
has employed Ben Hill, of Georgia, and
Judge Hingham, far the heirs, and they
will, we underMand,immediately institute
salt for, pm/anion. We learn further,
that the occupant. of the propertY are so
well 'satisfied that the title of the helm of
Edwards Is valid that they will not context
it, except so far an compelling the& to
prove themselves true descendants of the
mid Robert Edwards.—From the Orerholen
(Ga..) lima, July
Mom the ,Albany Auras. July 7)
Oar readera are already aware that the
movement ban been inaugurated. to build
two blast furnaces on the island, below'
the city, and although our Troy nejghbore
ridiculed the I.ll*. tlihy must now realize
that what to them . ) ,,, ar , a i a myth la a
reality. The corporation Is known as the
Corning Iron Company. Five per cent. oa
the amount .of stock lets air e .di, been
paid in, and acall has just been issued
for ten per cent. more payable ea or lu .
fore the 15th of April next. Two fur.
nixes are to be erected, and the contracts
for their construction, have all been
awarded; the buildings o he up and in
readiness for use by May 1,1871. A dock
is to be orderedidong the river front,
over four hundred feet long. The amount
of contracts thus far awarded-anion/MI to
$237,000. From. tide, Icaders• can
form some sort of idea, what this
Meuse work Is Ohii pity
havinkbeetf extended; the' sight - of: the
,blast furnaces is, Dow. arlibin tire? tray,
proper. Their ''lntioductlon In'. , that
locality will 'give; Mtemed'life: to that
section, which moot naturally grow in
consequence. People need not be aur.
prised to see, tea years hence, that whole
section filled in and built . up, with piers
attending out into the rieer to accomodate
the great interest these iron works
eventually create.
New Cuban Commissioner—Adjourn
ment of Cougres.+—Nominations and
•Conllrmnlions—Conference Agree
ment on the Funding 11111—Muniei
pal 314(1111e.
jEly T egraik to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
WasurriGToN, July 11, KO.
J. M. Mertre. the newly appointed Cuban
Commissioner, and successor to fhe late Senor
1,031130. has arrived In this City. J. A. Eche
verrin, who has been Commissioner oil into - hie,
accompanies Mr. Mertre. To-day Mr. Mertre presented to Secretary Fish by Eche
verria. and will preseetkis credentials from
the 'remittent al the Ctiban Goveratnent. It
Is 03 peeled Mr. Fish will adopt some Course
in ogard to Merin•. as In the case -of Lento
- thtt is. he will not be received officially st
alit tintsimply - as a private individual.
anlogitsmeter or CiONCIREss.
_The subject of the extension of the time for
the ndjournment of Congress seems settled,
and it Is generally conceded that both Nouse.
will have their business so far advanced as to
be able to adjourn without Injury to the pub
lic service on Friday next, the due Axed upon
several weeks ago. It is believed that nO Im
portant measures will fail Cdr the want of
time. The Indian appropriation bill, upon
which there has been disagreement thus far,
and which Is recorded by the President and
the Commissioner of Indio Affnirs as most.
Important. in still the subject of some doubt,
and the Paesident considers it of such grave
imp o rt, in view of the present attitudeUf the
Indians, that unless some agreement I:trenched
between the two ' Houses be will call an ex
tra session of both Houses. The members of
the two Houses are very anxious to get stony.
and will make every effort to push forwent
hotness. The mint of difference bet ween t he
two Moo Is the treaty leaking power. The
Soots claims that the Oonstltution vests the
power with the President and Senate. and
wile!, n treats Involving an appropriation Is
made by the President and ratified by the
Senate. t he Hnane Is bound to make the appro.
priatiou. The Moue. on the other hand,
Insists that in such case' it has
a right to discut• and molder - the jus
tice and e , 7ni, y of the treat - . before votingrut
appropriation. last year, the two houses
avoided the issue lathe totter of Indian trea
t lei by authhrizing the President to appdlor
Commission to snake treaties, and by placing
the appropriation of money in the heads of
the President. to ONO as his judgment dic
tated. The Senate this time determined to
force a settlement or an too. and is urinal
. moue in denying the claim of the House. and
will not yield. Mr. Sargent, chairman of the
Conference Committee on the part • of the
! liouse..says that he will not yield. and than
matters stand.
The President has nominated as Consuls. C.
At. Webster. of Conneetient, at Sheffield, Eng
land; F. Davila Garcia, at Santa %wait:Chas.
A. Brayton. of tlbnde Island. at Cork; Dor
i-owe Atwater. at Tahiti; Henry W. Dentte.
of MOO Wand. at Lisbon; Clans.. L. Miler.
Marshal of Consular Court at Nagasaki; Ver
non IL O. "num, /If Alabama. Secretary of .
The Senate to-night condoned the following
nomination, Marsh Giddings. 1:0110111 General
nt. Calcutta, vies N. P. Jacobs, recalled.
Postmasters—B. F. Weight. Choler latV.
Iowa: John Fogle, Cadiz., Ohio; Rester A.
Itirdsing. Ohlo;._ John W.. Bays.
Montville. Ohio; S. BeadY. Ironton. Ohio;
Moses Messer. Hudson. . Oio; David Cook.
Mendota. Minot.: John II 'Brinkerhoff, Wam
pum. W ieconaln. John Taylor, Alchmund. Ken
tuck); F. [Ullman. Toledo. Iowa: Deo.
Hoonewilie. Mn.: Wm C. Wiley, Wnshinglon•
Pa.; Frederick K. Beano. NehrokaCity: Jo..
K Blom. Omaha Cite; O. It, Handl.
tot,Mo.; John .1.. t. Briggs,llntn.w ivk. Mo.:
John Gibson. Carrollton. Mo.; F.. K. Scott, Mc-
Kcesiorri. Pa.: John Roberts. !lasting, Mich.
Dealer C. Bloomer, Itecelvor of faille Moneys.
Co s n s n esso ell r Inte r nal
Revenu e lowa. G e, Dakota. ryorge W. Kingsbu;
The Senate mounted dye hours on the die.
euasion of the nomination of Thomas Murpbv
Tor Collector of Neir York. which out tautly
eollenieti tonight by it vote of Oto3,_namely:
Nieto, Fenton. Harris wool Tipton. Bete
ate also conlirmed the nomination of Moses
It: Grinnell an morn! officer: Tboorms
As/001w. 11100 New F.
I ow 11 , tint - 03, ons-tai so P 11/000/. r',,
1. nidsla; C. ifebaler , of ronne addm
cticut. Coss.
The tonterenco Committee on I lie Funding
till have arreed to provide for the istue of one
tutuaand millions of thirty rear fonds at Lour
ter vent., three hundred millions of fifteen
'ear bonds at four and Ono-halfper vent. and
urn hundred million ten years bonds at fee
per cent. The seetion allowing gold deposits
in the Treasure limits the interest to tiro and
ann -belt per cent. . Ali national hanky here
fter organitedirequlred to take new bonds.
The other main ,v rime agreed upon ter as fol
lows: The clause authorizing fools agencies
Is stricken out. \ All Interest is to he paid In
the Unned Stools kine-halt per cent. to be
puht for .m0(1,11111( the new is Inds.
111 . .,41(.1PAL 311 . 1114.1.:.
The Aldertnett refused to-night to ectiflrm
nearly all the appointees of the new Maroc.
The opposition I came trout • roeintsers - who
hold over trout „ tast year. who belong to the
Bowen party oil compose Just half the
Board. Iteoubl ans and Conk/it - entire. were
Mike relectedi
The Senate c onfirmed Samuel A. Dunes.
Assistant Commissioner of Patents and Joh.
M. Thacher EsUmlner-In-Chlef of • Patent Of
Gee. vice Feteedden. resigned.
It RI 14] TEL ;R A MS.
he otertruct Car of Brussel., from l.irer
1.101. brought &Oho ironed.. sterling In specie.
-The Omaha:ale brewery. at Omaha, was
horned ml Sunday morning. Loss !MUM In
sured for 15411X1.
-- The at Louis County Court has Issued an
order to PAY all matured botodg in silver where
payment In coin Is expressed on their face.
-A little son of Roman Ilixser, lit log In Chl
cam, got a small bone lodged In his windfolPe•
which resulted In his death before It ',uild be
' , granted. ,
icn o'clock Paturtlak night Theodore L.
etch was stopped by two men, one and a
it tulles south trout Otosha, , and-robbed
I his tooter. two vitae itnA rest. -
—The Erie Railway forwarded five hundred
and oasts car loads of live stock last week at
one dollar per car load, The New York Ve
ntral carried very few. as 'their charge Is aIUI
forty dollars.
--James O'Neill was bung trunday night on
firown'a bridge, nine miles from Denver. Col
orado, by unknown parties. A placard wax
attached to his body with the inscription of
"rattle thief' upon t. .
—A dispatch from New York of s: Rear,.
Coultar,of Pittsburgh. bee challenged James
Renforth, champion ■caller of England, to a
arc mllekceill nice on American waters for
#l,OOO mild.. If Itenforeit declines the chal
lenge le OPerl to the werld.
—ln North Megaton, 'II. I.:Sunday night,
Mita A. Smith, wife of Jeremiah Smith, farm
er, took from bed two children. aged re- -
serenely three y eon nod eleven weeks; and
rowned them ; in a rain Water cistern and
then drowned herself. Temoorny Insanity.
—Jr to stated that owns to the re f lection by
the Senate of the nominationpf 01 xeAtt m i i t:
District of Columbia Boonton Court. ro
gaiety of appointing John 14. Langston. a C
orep lawyer of note, who is at present late
professor at notratal olversitY, le bent Ala
—The Philedelphiantoweenpors are 114 In
their demand tor'. paid Ire departm to
consequence of the regent anon nod non bf.
the volunteer. department. The Good V W
and Philadelphia engine ocurdmolee hove bee n
put mit of serirlee. The vrstrertr destroyed
by the frond street
are Is valued at SIABBLIC
insurance, POMO.
--Justice Janne T. Walker, at Evansville.
Indiana, hae declared the State law punishing
the intermarriage of negroes and white, to
be contrary to the civil rights art of Congrege,
Peter .Vandermode, a liolboder. and Lucy
Ann Bolen. It mulatto, who were • mobbed on
seturday, were released from custody and
their marr iag e declared lawful.
—A State Convention met at Nashville, Ten , .
nesseeyeeterday tonal:death candidnte for the
supreme (Burt.; Thenotninen 'noel. Elliman
and John L. Sneed for West Tenneesee, Peter
Tierney and P. Nieholson for Middle
Tennessee, Then. A. IL Nelson and Jun. Died
rick for Ban Menne:nee. The notnineen for
Middle TennrOoe were Democrats before the
war. the others Whim,
—The obsequies of Jas. W. Linseed, the
actor, who committed suicide at New York
but week, were solemnized on Sunday. Over
four thousdad.people were present, Including
Mrs. Lingard and her family and a large num
ber of professional friends of the deceased.
The scene at the church was attended with
considerable feeling. Me.. Lingard rode In a
cartage to the grave, protected by pOicetnen.
—At Glnclheati, Last evening. Senator Mee
.l., delivered his. lecture on
"The Tendency of our Age , to &good audience
nt Pike'. music hall. He wan Introduced by
Peter 0. Clark, Superintendent of the colored
high velum!. !After the dose a levee was
h e i d 4 Lth a Bask, where speeches were made
onpsy names present.; TheNenator said
heeisttedno place where be had been
more pleasedi i irlth his roceptlon.
—On Kate, ay Federal soldiers seized a lot
of whisky In LincoltrCo.. Tennessee, took it
to Tullahoma. and slapped It on the Nashville
and Chattaneoga IL It. for Shelbyville. At
two' o`eloak SazurdaY dlrht I Meld of men
went to Vbilothrti, on the Manchester and /Mc
-41. EL took possession of the loomn o -'.
tire and 'forced the engineer to run It to War
Trace, where the 'cur containing the whisky
srustwertaken. They capturedit,tookit back
• to the neighborhood of Tullahoma, unloaded'
it In Op re and dismlssed the_ engineer.
Yew exleaas;
gbbo o New . CIM.Wh .o.t. gyk rz ll.—Flour lo n. rve
gee,: IK • alp =Tit . %
rn mixed 111 . , 1. white at
Hey MAO. ork orO l otigigla.Wo clear rib
rib and dear sides: hems at ca. Lard Quid:
• refined at 16)(ellleM 1On. klitt_Mt at Im
usemro,. sugar
scarce: at Mol ferment
ing at . t
UM°. poe w_tasky atsurrk. Coffee
4 a
• ~. , • - - = • .
LIST CQNfiltliF.4S
,SE.CUND 6EBillOh.l
SENATE: Civil A ppropriations—TaK
Bill Referred to Cinferenee Coin-
1111 t tef—ExtritdedrzecullTl.Session.
HOUSE: Bills Introduced—Binding .
Effect of Foutleentli and Fiftriith
A tue nduients—Naturalizat ion Bill
PassedLCnntested Election
Cases Disposed of—Saral Appropri
at iffilMt
Ily Telegraph tattle Pittsburgh Oa/ ette.)
WiisitlNG . roN, D.C.. July It. 1910.
• tiENATE.
The credentials -of Senators Anthonyand
Cragin, re-elected fdr ato real, from the 4th
of : March next. Were preactited.
Mr. RICE, from the Judiciary Committee,
reported the bill to itstabifith the Eastern Ju
dicial District of Kentucky.
Gills Were passed as (0110 , .1,:
Directing the SefrOMT a 'War to 'fluter at
he disposal of the President certain ordnance
o be used In the erection of an equestrian
tatue of General Rawlins.
On motions( Mr. EDMVXDS, for the . re
moral of causes in certain eases froni State
Courti to United States Courts.
On motion of Me.,THCIIIIULL, to confirm
the title of purchasers of lands sold for taxes
In late Insurrectionary States.
The latter bill was objected to by Messrs.
Casserly and Bayard. because It promeiml to
enforce the payment of all costs and penalties
Incurred In Invalid sales of land for taxes as
a condition prededeur for the lawful owner to
Several amendments by Mr. BAYARI) wire
relected and the billpassed. '
The Land Grant bill In aid of a nthread front
Sioux City, lowa. to Columbus. Dakota, was
discussed, amended and passed.
The bill for a pension to Mn. Lincoln woe
laid aside—yens zp. nays take op the
Sundry Civil Appropriation bill.
The Senate, In Colutuittee of the Whole.
adopted the antendatentS reported front the
Committee on Appropriations, apuropt iating
to the National Association of Destitute Col
ored W - omen of Washington, D. C.. slo.not for
. .
repair of old custom honor at Charleston. to
fit same for postoffice. ft 141,030: Increasing the
aggregate of appropriations fur workon ap
praisers' stores in Philadelphia from gtti,ono to
dtal,000: increasing apploprlationt , forom
pleting. the court house banding. at Porti c and,
Me., and Madison. Wit., tack MVO; mak
ing a new appropriation of 'MAW for
ratline building at Omaha. and gloojso for n
barge office at New York.
The Committee reported to add tot he a ppro
iwintious for Ne w York postuffice and Court
louse building the following: "Provided no
,provislono heretofore enacted shall be con
strued to prevent the payment of tunounts
due or to bocosuedue under ex Wilma contracts:
and provided further, that the total cost of
the building shall not el.qeed the amount of
the estimates of plans approval by the Post
master General and Secretary of the Treasu
ry." Agreed to.
At this stage Comm x bill was received from
the House and ittee of Conference op.
pointed on the part of tke Senate, consisting
of Messrs. Sherman, Morrill. of Vermont, and
Ilmilton. of Md.
The Comenittee al. reported appropria
tioo of IPIAOO O for are proof extension of
Winder'. buildtrur. 1a Waatanstoh. for the it.e
of the oaken; of the War DePart ntent•
Mr. OULE LAO the Department was suloec.
ted to an annual rental of over *SLOWW for
some thirty or forty buildings used as offices.
These. buildings contained records of groat
value. but were liable to destruction by her
and to loss be burglars. ft wan now y mpos
e.t to consolidate these office. In one building.
Mr. TiIt:LIMAN.* bought these ,Kees co i nd
be dispensed with. If llongsi would red ce
the animand send In the field many of the
ataff officers now bunging around Washing
The .antechnent wno adopted—yeas [V,
Wit bout tinkhlng t NIL • Senate at t
'clock went Into execullte •telitton, which
toted until Meet,.
At evening sesai,nl the Senate continued la
rent lee resainn from 700 tin will.
The eonslderatton of Leglshalve tatsinr.he
'an then mkutned.
Messrs. Sion ill. Wain . Drake and StoeLion
wrre appointed a Com tee rd C..ftrorter. _:
Toe 4andry lull'. reprint ion hill ' , rm.,
proceeded with and t remaining. amend
mcnt• reported frt. Ctrinrolt ter cm Appropri•
nt In,u• sdoi.tvtl .
4rZ ' ' '' . ''. rjlZ P 'it; ! 4Aft=;=:::.
n,,ogn Ittlr..a.l l'..p.Y 1.4 emir sr.
.p.v.rd. Adjourned.
Dr Mr. MUSdEM: 'Providing for n Joint
committee to Inquire into the danger thnstt
ruing toe Country from Chinese Minima lon,
nnrl. , to report proper means for guarding
against or averting it, whether by legislot ion.
by change of constitution, or IltnWaitua of
time of sojourn. of the pumice of Chinese or
ris lug In the United States. by permitting
each Mate to prohibit the residence of Chinese
within its limits, or to place such restrietiouS
hereupon an It may think proper, or by the
total exclusion of Chinese from the States or
Terrltories except aatnretrnwdmerehnnts.
lip Mr. STEV ENSON Tit preserve the pub
lic faith and protect rights coder the lairs
and treaties of the Ended States. '
UT Mr. BD:OMANI Incorporate the
Loomis Ariel Telegraph Company; alto. re°,
ganizing the Court Id Claims.
lir Mr. MA 1.i.1 For the toilet of 'itur
cha.erti of land sold for taxi.. in.-I.urrection
ary Watts.
UT Mr. McCORMICK : To reload interest
In money paid by Missouri for war purposes.
Ur Mr:FITCH 'Granting lands for a rail
road from the Control Pao 6.0 Itailroad In Ne
vada. to Hamilton. Nevada. •
Ily Mr. CLARKE. Kansas To enable sol
diers sad others to perfect titles to land :ender
the homestead act.
Various balm were Introduced and referred
for the removal of volitical disabilities and
donut Ing condemned 4 - annott for soldiers' Mon
Hr. KNAPP offered • preamble and env:di:l
- reciting . the alleged frauds In the distri
bution or stock fort he Washington city mar
ket house. awl directing the Committee on
Appropriation. to inquire into the same.
Mr. FERRIS offered a {teaolbt lon deflating
that the Fourteenth and }lntent h articles of
amendment to the ' , Qi...Motion, hating been
duly ratified by - the Legislatures of t he several
Stmts. - tire valid to all intent, and purposes as
a non of the Constitution. and es inch are
binding and oldigatory on the lizecut Ire, Con
gress. Judiciary of the c itizen s
States and Ter
ritoriet and ail citizens of the tailed States.
Adopted—yeas MS, nays 8 a cart r vote.
Mr. OL/X offered a resolution that the re
solution adopted was foreign to the duty of
legialators and mtschlevious in tendency
and effect.
The previous question wan not seconded
and the resolution teem over under the rule.
Mr. Coo remarking the resolution embodied
the sentiment of the Democratic nide of the
House. •
Mr. DAVIS. New York. moved to suspend
the miles and concur In the Senate amend
ment, to the naturalisation bill. Agreed •to—
rem, 111. nova Ai. The bill goer to t he Prrid
Mr. ALLISON, from the Committee of Ways
and Means, reported back the bill providing
that pork packer.. bud renderent. and those
engaged in making home, caring meat, and
others known no provision dealer., shall not
be liable to the Internal tegglevied on mann
[antiwar. and remitting any such tales as
cenoed but not collected. Parsed.
Mr. BUTLER, Tennessee. called. un_th:
Kentucky contested election cnse
Li tt. " “'"'• by the minority
reeol titm
- onout division. so Nice retal retain, wee e•-•
br ibe Speaker appointed Messrs. Schema".
Kelly. and Brooke, New York. a Conference
Committee on the tax and tariff bill.
Mr. WASH BURNS (Mo.) from the Commit
tee on Appropriations. reported back the
Senate amendments to the Naval Appropria
tion bill. recommending. concurrence In some
and nor-concurrence In others.. The recom
mend/Mona were agreed to and • conference
committee ordered. The Speaker appointed
as such committee Metre. Wmilburne
Scofield and filbleok.
Mr. WOVE% from Committee on Anent's'.
mintions, reported back the Senate joint
resolution - aropriating PM= to pay ex
pense. of Indi pp an delegation. to Washington.
A resolution to pay killer hie expenses for
eordeet log the seat of Rice. of Kentucky, was
celled up. The Hous e -refused to give him
more than $3,000 . .
Mr. PAINE called no the election case of
Some. n ew c laims:4A cent Si a member at
lano from Virginia. The coneinsion of the
tasJority - Mod Seger woe not entitled tote Sell.
KM agreed to without dials on.
Mr. CAKE reported a resolution for print--
Inn S26.ooocopies of the Agricultural Report
for loop.
'" IIENJAMIN, the rifilrqmr
motion of Mr. ... ...
wasincressed to 2711000 And the resolllll
adopted. -
Mr. DICKEY, from Committee or Appro
priations reported back the substitute for
Renate bill appropriating . U....s,ooll to aid the
Junction and Dreakwtter Rallnaad Company
of Delaware to constamt piers IA Delaware
Bay at or near Lewes, Delaware. - , •
The point of order was contained that the
suirstltute, males an appropriation. must be
first considered In Committee of the Whole.
Mr. DICKEY moved to suspend the NIPS.
Rejected, • •
The subject was referred to Committee of
the Whole.
Mr. DICKEY move( to go into Committee
of the Whole and lay aside all special orders
„to imps up the bill. . -
Pending the moth - Mt - he Mouse adjourned.
Mean Fkrlsg frogs
fly Teterraphlo tits Pittsburgh Oniutte.)
LAUJOLIS CITY. KUM,. July 11.—We learn
from Col. Downey that the miners from Last
Chance Mines are 'en the, tray to Lenente
City. They have deserted the mine on account
of the Indian depredations at North Fork.
They feel unwllling to risk their live, without
some protection from Government troops. It
is high time that the policy of the Govern
ment which places the lives of 'frontiersmen
it th e mosey of ...ague should end. Let the
war odieo talk lest and do mote fighting. We
learn from good authority that. a party of
from twelve to fifteen Indians are hunting
near Last Chance. It-is Intpected that the
miners will have to fight their way home t
that their property will he destroyed soon
after they torte IL
ECM Ellllllll.
FOUR -6"CLOC,i)Ii:
The_Crisis iii Eur6pe
The Spanish King
eial Panic In London, Paris and
Elsewhere—Varkty - of Speculation
as to the Stlnatlon—Prance iSeems
Intent . on War—Nothing Definite
from Prussia—Conlldent Hopes that
Peace May lie, Preserved—The Subs
'eel Considered In the British Par-
I lamen t -ti tatement from the French
Minister of War to the Chambers -L
France' Will Not Consent to a Con•
gres: of the Powers Until Prnssin
Viel s—The Latest Reports.
By Tel .graph to the Pittvt.orth thtzette•l
NElr YORK, July 11, 1670.
Lund on special to the //mad says:l A
k Imminent on the Continent. Sillhary
varallons were going on all night'in
the candidature or Prince Leopold is not
withdrawn withio the nest twenty-four
hours. the French , yinisters trill be recalled
from Berlin and Midrid , and war will be .de
elated. The cond ct of France In forcing
the issue , and refu lorto leave the question
.of, the throne to th Spanish people. is strong
lycondentned by .ll Europe, and PrpodaA
. . .. ._ . .. . .
calm and dignified posit lon Is approved.
I..;trEn.--Negotiatinns between Piris and
Pms nm reported to he on.atlsfactory. Prns-
Hin, declaring her innocence of Intrigue. rer
fuses to Interfere with the candidacy of Ho
henzollern, on the ground that she hat neither
the right, power nor Inclination to dictate to
Spain or to Prince Leopold.
A large party In France counsel the swipe.
of action until the meeting of-the Span.
sh ( . 4, 111 .4 1.
Tbe'weni " • " '
..e'Wen ~,,, Mingle( is that the Etupenir it to
ned to War, :11Id will more instantly and
Montt giving Prussia tinge for preoatation.
A is told that :jabot.. won. prefer t 0 meet
the Irene now rather than after Prince :Leo
pold lin elect.en by the Spanish people. espe
cially's. he bases the claim of hist,. it dynasty
on the popular vote. • • , r ,
LOsting. July 11.-3:30 P. m.--The 1711101 has
Just received a telegram dated et Jiterlin to
day, announcing that the reports
. previously
forwarded front there. touchingthe naval pre
pons at the Ltaltic ports, are unfounded.
There in no undue activity on the part of the
Prussian nary. and no popular excitement in
Berlin. A pneinc solution of the quest inn at
I...between France and PllllO3 Neelmx to be
yonfidently - expected everywhere. !
The' Timm him an article on the Spanish
quo st on, wherein It ray. It: ix still possi
ble to look calmly at the future. Ministers
mu. seek to impress France with the es
trus. ant. of Its pretension. and susceptibil
ities. In the absence of real danger eventual
war IS only too probable. Tet such Jealous
lesb!re panned vwit bout collisions. as Inlaid
and PK& Thebalance of power is undeserv
ing a thought. The real issue is the left bank
of the Rhine, and the content would last until
one or the of tier were exhausted. ris - llimt ion
has everything to tone iti such n struggle.
France is clearly in the wrong. Pruisla de.
nice the responsibility France ascribes• to her.
France re ril•ef , to accept the disclaimer. 110 w
can France object to the arrangement l Spain
ciowidern within her own competence. Stot
t ral powers must act instantly, unitedly and
firmly combined, to ores eat a collision. The
conic paper deplores the damage inflicted on
French credit by the long continued excite
A complete panic exists both beryl and at
Liverpool, .14 shown In the following catn
parison of the prices of securities kJ. made
la one o'clock. thbrafternoon, with Ito{ closing
figures of Salford. evening. American bonds.
Five-twenties. Wt. Saturday evening, leis.
Monday noon. Silsi; SIC. old, Saturday i venint;,
Gl'., Mond. noon. WS: 'a, -murder rening,
gaol,' Monday noon, WS: Ten-forties, S it arday
iirenlna. id.... atimilav noon. MN.: Consols.
~,,M l . , .." ..,, WK • wiSsidlrs`.. Stanch noon.
.1./...• .1111a.1a.. t: pa/2.1. Antonia,. ur, ILL
Monday noon, 111.
:131 P. sr.77lie complete panic in . Uncial
and commercial circles continue,. . .large
Part of the prenent • uncertainty 'and unsoisi
riots 1.1 11, c ribi4l to the approaching . settlement
id the I/wilier,: contract log their accononi lila
lions. At all the European capitals tbe ex-
tomcat is Increft4lng, particularly, to money
mica. and all aorta of getafrittes have eons,
uent ly heavily docliard. •
gyp. M.—The Lorid. stock Exchange open,.
with a eampletc panic in foreign stocks. Tb
Turkish four per cents pure fallen three pe
rent. l'onsnl4 91 L .•
Ilreathauffs an• firmer. and there Is an 14
ranee In the price of American wheat. • .
. .
Dispatches- groin various E11..p.10/ C.:Wit/119
the tin.tolne announce that the excitement is
generally inerdasing. particularly in moneyed
circles, anti all.sort ufsecuritlmt have declined
The London T.! ocaph says thear panic
might die out , calfmen known tu b e In the
Unmet - nes confidence are selling heavily.
A Paris dispatch says the Emperor's friends
are large tellers on the bourse to-day.
The Paris ..11ondene J. Store announces that
it will on longer give publicity to the move
ment of troops, and exhorts all the other
Journals a similar rule.
ep to a lat h o ur u last night the Prussian de
linitive unSwer 1111.1 nut been received. The
city to greatly excited. Bourse opened :mitre;
The Conetitutiorinti says it is rumored that
the K of Prussili hos approved the candi
dature of Prince ildhenzollern.
The-repro pretends that the King is willing
enough to ald the affairs of Spaln,but less so
regarding the guarantees requested of him.
The Journal soya That in ease of war the
Emperor will command In person, with the
Prince Imperial attached to hls staff..
Pursforsis.Jaly 11.—Soveral Prwodan Iron-
clads in this. harbor received 'orders yester
day to proceed to the Bottle to-day. These
orders were revolted and the vessels will visit
Cherhenrg. France, ImmediatelY.
Batman, 'July 11.—One of the send-official
journals this morning has an article stating
that France persists In the Insult to Prussia
la holding Prussia answerable in the Hohen
rollern matter. •
. •
The policy of Spain acne rutiptell without
any foreign pronuil Inga. The North German
Parliament has been xummoned to give France
her unawer.
Igsals,.fiil3 II
much quieter lath here and In Patin, and the
imuressio - 1 Ia feat gaining ground that the
quest ton bet ween Peuntn and France will be
ettled without extreme mesaurea.
Securities of all kinds have advanced set
. .. .
. . .
rat per cent. niece morning.. and the tendency
. mill upward. American securities. which
ere S.P.i at one o'clock. closed nt $9.14. and
. . ,
other funds a4vnnee&proportionately.
Much better (reline prevails on the Paris
Boone. At two creloek rent.. were quoted
at trir. 40c., n very decided tulvance.
• ' net tarter n.r.POrrrs.
Psuts. July IL—The datdots saystbekr o i:
..,91 the Emperor hare been eentlselajilomt to
Il le a"ened shat Frßlifre Witui. be, Twided
m,.° B """PLIIITICeopoId'R candidacy.
.I.."ii - eiported the telegraphic dispatch
scut yesterday from Ems to the Emperor by
(hunt Benedetti teas so altered by the Pr s-
. .
sim telegraphers that little of it could be de
ciphered. The only pan that could be under
11E0041 we, that Prince Leopold had received
- the consent of the King of Prussia to the ac
ceptance of Prim', oder.
Leopold le at Ems and site In councils held
by the King and Ministers.
PaurDarien left for Ems last : night with
the last instructiontrfor Minister Benedetti.
AN orriciaL ragmen RTATZMENT.
do the Corps Leglsiatiff to-day Ommmont
declared the Government understood the im
mittence of the chambers and the nation. but
could not yet make known the melt of nego-
Mations. it smelted . answer upon which
Its movements would depend. AU the foreign
government. to rehire It had eddressed itself
appreciated the ligitimata complaint of
Franco. tie booed noon all would be Imo
to the chambers. but he must today appea
t o the wriothini nod sense of policy of each
ArsPs replied that he desired as much as
*Dr one to bear pacific declarations. He
most ask the minister of foreign affairs
wNether among the questions awaiting solu
tion there were not some which had nothing
to do with the case of the Prince of Hohen
zollern, and if so he must conclude the gov
ernment only sought a pretext for war.
LONDON, July IL—in the Lunt.; Granville.
In reply to n queetlon of Dialmeibury, said
France baring nunounced her determination
to resist the election of Leopold, 'Her Main
ty's government, In conjunction with other
powers, was using every means to preserve.
pence and restore an amicable understanding.
Similar Statements were made In the Com
mons. Mr. Otway said England had not in.
peened herself favorably on the selection Of
Hohenzollern for the Spanish throne. Sr.
Oltul.tone added his nomination had tal on
the Government by surprise.
Erentoti—lt Is not known that any Daiwa?
has yet been received from Prussia. The de
lay depresses the Boone and renter have de
clined to Of 40e. Members of the cabinet Wei)
at ftt. Cloud all day in close consultation with
the Armorer.
Pane, July 11.—The strike at. Mllhouse con
tinues. Nearly 111.000 workmen are idle. The
manufactory of Messrs. Joon.,ln there woe
burned. It is not known whether the ore was
accidental or the work of as incendiary.
home 2-000 troops axe pasted In and amend the
totem hot there has been no serious outbreak.
The project of a law Is to be submitted to
the Corps Leglslattyprescribirig the limits of
the press In publishing details of miner',
preparation and movements.
LONDOtr, JAW 11.—No conArmatlon of the
reports df the messsereat Chrtettana to Mae
has vet reached here, and no official reoorts
whatever have been received by the French
or English governments.
The cotTorntlon of London has tendered
Les Ops the freedom of the city.
Earl Granville. in the House of Lords tr.
night.maile some explanat ions In regard to the
Greek guest lon, which elicited comments from
alSorttde Itedellffe, and-hitter remarks from
E rl Carnavon.
In the llonse of Commons Mr: Gladstone
said the Government seas not yet prepared to
express Its sense on.the conduct of the Cana
dian troops during the recent Fenian distur
bances on thk border. . '
Nianitm. July I.l.—The Adm;ral and °dicers
of the American squadron hare arrived here.
and were warmly received. The Adellnd
awaits the arrival of a party of American
mititary officers to inspect the fortification.
of European tit ie., .
- It Is elated that at an interview. Saturday.
Serra. told Mercier. French Minister. that
as a rule he never interfered with nomina
tions for the throne, and desired It not to be
said of him that he wished to retain the Re
gency. He added that In the affair of Leo
pold he acted an In previous cases.
HAVANA, .luiy lI.—A dispateh-froin Cienfue
gm announces the arrival yesterday of the
west India Cable Company's steamers Dicta
and Suffolk and British man-of-war Vestal.
The work of laying the cable WM be Immedi
ately begun.
There Is crest excitement throughout the
island over European compile:aloe,
LoNuoN. July 11.--Tne . oiornle de.. Porno
denies t hat any coercive pressure was brought
to bear bet be Pope on member of the Coon.
and ilectores the Pope tiro shown only
patience and forbearance. •
LoNnos. July,
.11.—The U. S. sloop-of-war
avannah, practice ship or the Naval
y, arrived off Healy Me afternoon..
SorrnAvvroN, July 11.—The fdeamer Ohl°,
rout Baltimore, Into arrived.
LoanOa. July 11, r. 11. -Consols for money
11.1.01; do ncrount 97;:d. American sectuitlen
limper and higher 112. Mb; 115 , 4 Roc
ea; n 5 v. Illinok III; A. 3 O.
W.. W. *peas firmer and higher.
Ider.nfmot.., July 11.—Cotton dull; middling
uplambl 9,41it9N d; Orleans mail {d; sales 10,-
00 bales. California white Wheat at lib 3,1;
red western. NO. 2, A. 4; relate Dead. West
ern Flour .B.le Pd. Corn: No. mixed, 330.,
Oats 2,6 r.d. Harley 50. Penn 7: Bd. Provis
ions: Pork fut.'s fki. fleet 118. firmer at
.10 ad. 'Cheefie 9U.. Bacon: .610, r_ Cumber
land; 00 pd. short rib. ~Produc unchanged.
Tnilow . 4.llo 3d. '•
Lostam. July 11.—Tallow 5.5 s 3d. Turpen
tine dull.
ANTWERP. July 11. --Petroleu quint.
Hamm July 11.—Cotton declining; 1151 on
'pot; 114 f admit. •
-In affect American
The bonds of '0 rat
US Telegraph t.'
Chilean°. July 11. - -Thht morning at ten
o'clock John Devlin, employed to the double
capacity of porter nod coachman by It. J.
Morse, Jeweler. doing business nt tWs Lake
street, undertook to murder that gentleman
behind his own counter by chanting him with
a revolver. he being within four feet of the
Intended victitit at the time. Fort unotelythe
revolver, which belonged to Morse, had been
loaded fora long time and the cartridge bad
lost Its strength. The boll struck -Morse di
rectly over the Wean, but did not penetrate
through the vest.. Devlin was arrested and
lodged in the armory. Morse bad discharged
him lust before the attempted murder for In
competency. which mongered Devlin that he
took this way to be revenged.
The Tenneeaer Lees stare.
lily Teleernph to the Pittsburgh Ostrette_.l
NASITVII.L.C.Tenn.JkIvII.—The LegJointure
nd.ionrned till tre second Monday in •Getelt ,
her. in the Senate n message Iran received
'rout Gov. Sector. vetoing the bill' which orig
.00to,t-lo.ttwi-voity:lirt,:otvi colt, to fie
brought nentrist certnin railroad
-agents on account o bonds comanies
and their agents
to hate 'been illegally issued The tnesnage
won ordered to to, !Tread up in the Journal.
and consideration postponed u tit December.
-.Neatly aye bundled Chmelie laborers ar
rived sad left St. tools yestry for Mem
phis, whence they -VII go to the Interior of
Tennessee to work n plantar ons.
• -
A Leggin of Sor4toga.
A11r....1.14.e.T.a.1 rata En ' - • ;
The Indiall ono npment Js in the grove
on the ca-t, and here com.regates every
Sum Mer n degraded - spelmen of that
rare which gave this its enpho.
pious ous name, : , ar.raghloget . When look,
ing an their fallen state it is difficult to
realize their former nohili y. Yet ROMP
thing of their original skit 4.
and . taste in
decoration mill remains, f I never sate
more beautiful and . delicaf fancy work.
One almost wonders how their clumsy
fingers ever fashioned. it. I remember
rending an anecdote illustratiie of the
native simplicitc- of character and high
Acuson' honor that cliai-acterizeitthe
of this. ftegellerltiO Met!, Hendrick, the
great Sachem of the Mohawks, alien at
Sir William' Johnson's house. saw an ele
gent embroidered ioat, which. In defiance
of the tenth commandment, lie coveted. He
said to Sir William, "Brother, toe dream.
lost night." "Indeed," answered Sir Wil
linm,,"what did my red brother dream f"
"Me dream that coat • hi' mine." "It le
yours." said the shrewd haikinet. After
ward's, while on n visit to the Sachem, Sir
William too had a dream. "Bmther," he .
'said, I dreamed last night." "What did
my 'jade -faced brother dreamt' naked
Hendrik& -• "I dreamed that this tract of
land was' -mine." describing a square
bounitett on the Ninth hp the Mohawk, on
the east by Canada creek, and north and
west! hr objects equally familiar. Of
eounie ilendrick WAS astonished at the
boldness and enormity of the TNtiest; but
should he allow himself to be outdone in
generosity to &guest? Ile pondered for
a moment and then said, "Brother the
land is yours, but
~ y ou moat not dream
again." In these days this transaction
would be,
..What the Moralist. call over-renehlag.,
Beethoven", Family
The presence of the centennial Beetho
ven year adds interest to almost every
thing connected with the great Master. A
tierman paper brings the following ac
count of the still living relatives of Beet
hoven. Beethoven himself died in 1827,
unmarried and withotit descendants. His
second brother, Johann Von Beethove
WAS an apothecary , T,Lra
died unmarrig a i r
treat brother. Karl Von
b ' 'o . \ -- .7n, "' gte the Austrian civil ser
vice, but died In 1813. after having done
good service by once rescuing a military
treasury chest. For this his widow, Jo
hanna, was pensioned, and lived to be
eighty-two rears of age, dying in linden
In 1868. Their son Karl, born in Vienna
in 1803, anti early left an orphan, was
supported by the great musician, enterad
as a cadet in the Eighth Austrian - Infan
try regiment, became officer, Inherited his
uncle's property, quitted military service
and married Carolina Simko, the daughter
of a-Vienna magistrate, In 1529; then re
moving to Mlalowitz, Moravia, where he
became a gentleman agriculturiat. He
tiled In'18:ILI. • His widow then removed
to Vienna in order- to educate . .her chil
dren, anti lives their, now in moderate cir
cutnatances (in the Josephstadt, Piaristen
;pulse, .15, second story.) His widow has
live children, who are grand nephews and
nieces of the musician. Two of the eldest
daughters have married bookkeepers, one
a cashier; the youngest, IferruJne, is still
;tingle, and up to the rear 1869 was etndy
ing music in the Vienna Connervatorium.
'Fite grand nephew of the musician is now
said to be living in Bremen as journalist,
and Ida wife, who is in Munich, as living
in distress. •
Outrageous Adulteration
Having occasion a day or two ago to
use some cream of ' tartar, we sent toa
friend in the trade, front whom we are
constantly buying, for a small q uantity.
its action was so different from- what It
ought to have been, that our attention
was called to it. L'prin an analysis .we
find the sample to contain 83 per cent. of
sulphate of lime—plaster of Paris--and
the other 17 per cent. composed of starch
and sulphuric add, without 11. trace, so far
as our examination has extended; of 'il
literate of potash—cream of tartar. -
We know that one friend harl'no idea
what thin wretched stuff consisted that
he was selling every day to familia for
bread making. Upon inquiry, we'ascer•
tallied that he purcried his cream of
tartar.from one of the leading ,Artiqx
haloes of able city, :and that be xlus as•
oared he was getting the pure ground
crystals. .
We do not know what he paid frir it,
but he was selling it at seventy cents per
poupd. blve cents per pound would pay
an elegant profit of s hundred per cent.
tlie• tuannfacture to! the - stuff.—
. ,
VOL. 14XXX NI.-7 -NO. 130
ay' A-Sl' EC I A M EEl' I NI: OF
FRANKLIN 1.0151E'Nn..211.. ill beheld
late Secretary. Ilro. WM. S. HELL.. Meruto•ra
abler lOW invittsi to 'R o od.
• .1 rt.‘ 11 tn. Iblo.
11 - ?•,\ SPtCI.II;.MEETING OF Tilt
BATVALIoN trill t, held In tLe Armory
ore TIIIIISDAV EVENINIi. the 1 411. Intl., et S
Wane*. ,
By order of the Major 01.1/101111ditlg. Juliet
iliutpipsno Depot, Pittsburgh? fold Oa. 11th dot
"f July.lel7o. It was resolved -
Wnktreas, Wu 'have learned with . sorrowful
surprise of the decease of ear fellow.umployejand
oortruanhoi, s RNLI., who but a week ago was
among us attending falthfullY to his dutie s, and
apparently euloring robust health. we are prompt
unite at in.. In v‘pres.lng our d.OP•onvw
and grief at his sudden death In the prime of life.
and when surrounded with all the elements Of
happiness and prosperity, we bear cheerful testi
mony to hit genial and gentlemanly dispnsitinn
toward all with whom he ear.. in ....norm. Ilia
high moral chanostar, strict attenUon to business
and admirable social qualities, had 14,..11 our ad
miration and Inn, and his death is. therefore. a
personal bereavement to each. We desire to en-
Press our heartfelt sympathy fa , his Youthful wtfe
la this her uuspeakablo bereavement.mi trust
that though she will find human comfort of small
grail. she may be able tokurt net trust In riles who
has promised to lie • husband to the widow and a
father to the fatherless.
it In Oar desire and. Intention to pay our last
tribute of regent by following bls remains to the
ems, on font. nearing the usual nudge of mourn
Renthad. That a eoPY of thee. ...halo.. he
furnished to the wire of the detested, and be
printed In the daily paper,
WM. MeIiTIRE, Chairman.
Wirliduiff flmaty. Secretary.
dermme4 anllelt Pro l uap a fortbelrouppli of
Coal. for the ensuing your, some to be delivered
at their Work* by rail ar river. Amount required,
3.000 to 2.400 bushel', dully. Proposols re
coleml until Ajififaiit J et.
: Prnmormott, J uly
Try Them ! Try Them !
d closed
75 Wodd Street.
The two story double housertifb reeldenre ~ f
Robert f3.4ennedy. Esq.. adjoining. the reoldente
of Nioears. Wm. and Ile/ Walker and Wtwenopar..
In licClure township, on the New" Bright.. Road
14 rooms; also. lee house and cooling room. sum
tuerktlehen and laundry and out-house, convenient
to the wain building: the house is supplied with
water and =is. The 'ground.. cotapriaing about
141 , . acres, are lute fully laid out aud.ara cloaked
With an abundance of Crud. and ornamental trees.
small frutwatrb. On the premlsesare a lane stable.
cold draper). out houses and gardener's bouse'llf
3 blower 'Verner Station. on the f•., Vt. W. Is C.
It. It. to within a few minute•' watt of the house.
Country Residence,
There will be sold on the primula.. on THURS.
liA Y. Jul 141.4 d. i%o2l , , , e , b t las A lgig , omstilp 4
with nice grame ' llonse, ifonse,W attor Om.
Water. !A Cisterns, capable of holding 100 bbls .
Good Mater, Pant Barn, Chicken bard. 1.400
Fruit Trees In bearing oider, comprising Anale.
PeAch, roar. Plum, Quinea hurry. 3.000
litopberrles. Ornamented with Trees And Anoin in abundance. Walks and Roads laid out.
Daily Trains to and front the city.
PanAes wishing sidence l d well
to attend this sale. &Count
'trary Re
in at Ft Shi. P wil erson o s
Milne to visit the premise, before sale: will he
guded by calling at Dentine , . Store. SewlckleY•
Special Bargains
Spring & Summer Goods
Nos. 78 and 88 - Market Street.
......egfrais b WOMISI AN, I.lOOltF. 1 CO., =nu
faccurers and Dealers in
Carriages, Buggies,
4A, 44-46 and 48 Beaver Bs., -Allegheny.
Repairing neatly said promptly executed. Or
ders for New Wort 0011011 up in goal Myth nod
warranted to Ore sallsracuon In °eery particular.
.H.WititNi o r o o t r k arr rihheettom
and Rapp's Patent QUICII 801Iter and Anti-Rattier
for Shalte.
H. RICHARD DAVIS hartns purchased the In
terest re Alex. and Wm. D. Moore, in the late itrui
of WORKStAN, MOHR co.. th. business will
heteetter be 000t/need at the olil nandunder the
name and style of WORKMAN A DAVIS./ Ordw
ilTic?4 , 7lPDßErik
'Late with Mame National Bank. thttaborga.
Dr. iItANKS, the celebrated Letterer ,
no the
Ere. and btarotfeettiner of Patsitt and Inspired
Eisieetardes, has returned to Pittslansh. and is nett
at the ST. CLAW. IHYTZL. abet Si Ae adlosts his
far-famed Spectacle. to' defecates pion fro ••
mommtnallon of thneye alone. fc Stiff. *nit eon
well be des as be artincial light althout I •
trim 13 to 23 year. Pr. F. loafte mot •• y
conselted on all dime.. of th Eye. • d
Ma a lane stook of his Spectacles and Eye 0
for .01* About 4,1H141 pairs oethese • es
mere Feld on Dr. Wanks last r sit louse . • of
W., mouth., Ming the meet eriit tail. .• on
to all. se the medical sentlerami d citizen of
ftttebergh here by oertltleate Wattled," •
_ . .
partkolai and enquire at Qui 11.41 W en •
on Peon street for-Dr. Franks Ding, BOOM '
St. Clair Rotel. 1 ep
- - - --- , - - -
.. Mr. AIIEXANDER El HAY, .. .
For many yews muted le . the 4tue a „re .13
B. HURLEY. 27 and B 9 Fourth ' emote. tn. ' •
witted to so Intereet...eonseietteiot leheet'l
1870, and the . style of the lima hentefter trill
mho will eolitiott.i, the eki io. , terell.ltootrik :.13
ikett;l4.ltrerer. . Atiihlthhi C. Ai,
. .
Jat,ii , b - Bi Haley& • I . o — ' -1 '
Denim In AteerteesseaVelmehCionfeetke
eg, rat.. Pan lee C . teenot,!eter lees, , jire.
V, and 19, FOURTH. iTENtIi3,II,O 4 ..
....„....,,,,....„...,,,,..,., -
.. , .
l= ~ 7
TIE wtaacur GAZE
is Trim asrr AND cazArion
Commercial and Family Newspapri
No farmer, mechanic. or mereLaut should be
about it . .
•. üb.cftbin
,~ o f re
Clubs of ben
copy is furnished gntultolutly La
t • Club of ten. Postmatter• u. r•••••••• to
ct as Aguas. Addrom
11)(-It I.lZc ali,u-ttlbr tourrtni In tkat coltsnutsOnte
for r " .4I "T' , IVE CENTS; each adaut..2l IW
t lad ng tu= l :rreVy 'e e• - terbr'
Wheat, yth&
percent. The above amount mint , . tonatand
nnatneu, which can be done Indlatatheiy. ThLa la
• opportunity for a man wishing ha ..mmm,
bnstness. Address S. A. It.. Tlttstnwp
odic, Manna real LIU. and When ants=
can be had. fur three days• I dadtwit
l ar ANTED. L- BOARDERS.— few
at N o. bean ie.. tri n 4iiigt.
nt ter ()rater , noesn, Wrenn' Or rindrOrlada
and Okath avenue.
t !1 Ei,1..,41.t41 7 at No;! -w, ton.,.2 Z.i 4 T47s7i
oNM• Upon • iel wrtn MANIIte4
j‘TANTED.—At 13 Tunnel Street,
v v
Makers.OPerators, Finishers end Ilattcez 11.4
v stout. able hailed men
_, Of i getel pa
re ..rated o 1111 p the FOU COMP/al T
OUQUE:WiIt 0148TH. This company la oue of Ow
best In the nattallon. Apply at M. 001 , __
Foot ,o?'11 04
WANTED —Several Neu for Fart
Dricatard n art;r2. na . = " glAa l Mth= =
ttooalna, Chalon ora. Dlrdni-roons W Sill
W. ' ', :;11.411.V. Tilit i ll ' atriuret norn' i tai
SuspaEgion D e , 1
4 ._
30.000 tIO Lam In large itr small amounts.
at a fair rata
r of Wrest..
Bill. (Bond and Neal Ellata ardor.
N 9. 170 Elsolthllald BMW -
I -
Thirty Thousand Dolton to LORI •
in 9 /nre or small amounts on oroßinty in BThkalian7
county at a fair vita of Menai. .
CllArlearlZYT. ,
Ammar , "
IWat atria*.
12Co A CO.
r'013!(1).—On SatanJai evening, a
POCKET-BOOK, COntalning MOM/. Atc.
The owner MO have It hy calling at 13439ianduvliy
stinet. Allegheny. and Ideralf It.
7-11 - J. KABAJm.
stu mot of P.
Do paid to at
at. 1 OirciuB
rI , O4NTI
ply at 2781
O6LET A complete[ DWELLINO
nousl with Stare Ream attached. Ma
ted nn Irligt e liPt- ''' £ O. • ""it
TO•LET.—No. 86 Esp l anade street,
I Allegheny. HOUSE nt 7 rooms.. 07.171 M
RIM; gas throughout' hat end cold water. la
kitchen. Masaulon given September lit. Apply
nn premiers. nr to JOILNI BTERRIIT,Dennoe4,
Allegheny. 0 I !WWI
A Ent-due STORE saw end cefei. No.
1154 Liberty *treat. completely Stied 1p erit.
shelethir And minter.. WLS be tinted cheep , ;
called to!l!4Nan. Inpulrs'M
Several Second-hapd 7A41713
. • . .
One In 110 SE CARRIA
One or Two 1101LSCS.
Apply to
Never of South Canal &tree
VOR , SALE.-11011SE. -4 Furnished First street, wall lost•Modl for •
boaldingl2l2sts.j'enasmodantts.: 1 14
VOll, - SALE CHEAP : -112,600 will
1: buy house with hi. mom. and hall. with
four lots !SA feat front by 106 feet In TWA
wtoTg g.btrotnoliiinits=7. treat, 4=
wan!, stray East _bort A ly al 17,11 Gnat
grout, um &moth wrettua. unArni
tOR SALE.—That wal•knows
property at Parker's Landing: Perina...Tni
1.: NM HOUSE,. with all Ito turniturs,. ate.
T., proper person nestling to Leap a hotel, thla to
• la. opportunity. For term, can or andresa
J. BAT= MelltiLLLN.
No. Rank of Comu=Stillanik .
IlrOoro • .0 Immediate on sal.
TOR SALE—Enginpi aid Boller*
New and Second Hand, of alftlidi.emostsaily
on band.
Orders from all part of the pinata rromptlf
tended to.
'omen Marlon Avenue and P., PLOP. h C. A. W.,
Alhsgbenr. Ps.
VOW SALL-STOCK ,P111.11,-Vma-
A: TAINS 040 ACHES. me Iglndreilsg p =
eats wader cilittrallop, telan v aNeli . i
menV-te dwellings , eery, and Mehl*,
and sheep house.. openers Intend by •
mall creek pessin4 through_ Sigpieeli.- - SfteSedtis
ire th arrti l lest=firt7 " ..egab=
near to villefF churches. ,eso can le
Purcheeed s per acre. Aselyno
B. Inc IN t CO., N 0.10 4 Stout% Ave.
ItMiIDENCE, roots/am 90 acres MA I beam
thereon: one. a dna, comfortable and tonnaleedi
mo; mood. water. and woof the has pow
er. bt Madero Yennaftraala for • • 1
from tile MIT, on Um mama of
VOf a ogle fmen atearan's Inatlon. Censtrale
med. AI.. several good Parma In mad lorailmta
and booms for sale. Madalg i r ta
mNo.IIO Greet Da. o • le Oalbadma.
E 533
T? OR fkodirOPl 8 YEARS' CREDIT.
bars, sc .ere each to ore :hullo! large Var.
ttlVtdattog n inntt viatr at . tbs nitta.t. - EVA?
S t e ttM I NIM . . 101 l ot brinnetnat.
Priem 119173.
1 LARUE NEW CO TAO=, 9 recams"ll:.
front and aide nortkoo. °Mutt Si
good well of water at Dont anar, oareug• — sal
riergigres=r B T•r ,...
bad •MIL Wlthin FIISTos to . antes Irma of I.
One. MOW.. Of
W. LINIIART, on Ms yirinklans.
• •
A handsome iitthimid Brith ... a , two .
= 4 = ,jr ri
won impelled with Mae ththiA - 11. 7 ahth7 ... 14..
while on the nth la a line stat 4 Altman
the house. Tate property is certainly te rra ' gt 7.
Wahl* in the 17th ward. Prise and
tom Wile even. T. It. SOS.
Cor.Penn and althals:
tlareg u ltMeztjahhyttset.
This Is a heatitltal pfiler=l br
YOmadame meth. T-8. 4 I O N . !
N dath BTEMET.-A heaatBlll
wi ll i0S000.• tbac usA n K
4.3.1 will perdu. the let. UMW me mean.
It. K. 8104thati nth balaneeth hair month
pa yment.. Yrorktnentan a/toald not H ensel
oppreunilty sop be. They will ether swath
Ito thrantagthus. T. Yt. RIX ANON
Jai • Cora.. Nan col au
OPEN DAllar from II to 4
_o'ciodrooML on SAT
12,RDAY ICVENINO. from laity lat roe
is 1, frora 7 to 1 o'ydoo. and Iran N"Ea
to May lot, I to 2.1 o'doet. !masa, jadd el
rate of Mx pm mot. tan of tax. mid IS taill•111.
I ' l7 . f=o . Wlr l l4 .""* tm. Jj... '"', ao oo-"74 .4
Board of MamMari—Cleo. A. Medi Pnmalor k
11. Itartman.Jaa..Part.Jr. Nam Plattdoalm . .
Ml(frilay, noonday and . . . :.
A. Bradley. J.. 1.. U Polfi, , Wsk, Z.
Mundt. John E. Lahrorth. Y. *i'.lZ".b...
Jotdma Monk, ..lso. Boot'. _ .... Oft;
Chrtatopher Lac 1 . . ,
U. H. a A. N. nail. Solfritero. 1 Tr
Fine - Wdches
aii-Trrn AVILIIIIS: -; • • • '
All the latest styles of CaLl34llsad 'Nall .71W
ILY on bawl audio" jail Atlps
New Scoot ot SILVER WANif=tllollo.•
ants Just received..
. .
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A 'ictutihrt. I.
• i V . ziero=tilima;htzh %I whit. -
dioblit .n 4...
"n" *WeeLthhbliketr" — iticw mete te Mi l "
b2Vime win stye - hoottlow be iiiimee ,
Weetettik ht. the hos hie ecenig%ra,
hebtithat otrl/lotto anent
• la the WINI at
....A . E.
i w al a. i.a r raiVirupir '.
oct,lM ,
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n Monday etenlng last. a
SAMMIE BOOK cOntalsdag • =RI
. Kul Currency. A liberal »Pant PIS
person retartahug 11 to
4th and Bcosilmsu Sts.l9lo ward.
NO—To-let,with Board's:,
nneO EMORY 090/18. fasulaa.
h ave:-
t board Soqulre . st 164 TOttirr
I—A large. trldnl Storg
ROOM. suitable "tor .I.odgers. Ay. /
O M. Street.
of nomMod Roans on swoon
led avenue. 11.33
No. 4 TITIOIN .11.1.17
and . /:
.. .• unwn.
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& Chains
sli ill*-Aissaa;