II II FINANCIAL GOLD; SILVER; COUPONS Bought at Highest Price, PH. R MERTZ, 13ANK ER, Ca. Wood Et. and sth Ave. Jas. T. Brady & Co., (Bummer. to e. JOY,K 9 s CV^I Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood Street, BANKERS, huy ►AD SELL ALL KINDS OF Government Securities, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, of MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Interest Allowed on Deposits Ur - Stoney losnod on Uovernmool. Bonds al low wot mortal. Mew An gi t r :=7,: sfgaTll674 ZAT Rit°"' - JAMES T. BRADY & CO.. THE DAILY GAZETTE, MONEY AND COMMERCE/ [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette,] Nave TOOK, July 9. ISO. -ne Cotton movement for the week shows the receipts at all ports were 9.59) bales, and the exports were 5,6 M baled.. The Bank statement Is unfavorable owing to the heavy decrease.ln legal tenders, but the banks are really stranger. LoansICTL.TKI,- LI?, Increase gLV.11.1814 specie tz.54,431, In emetic 54,123,104: circulation, g.'13.100.357, in crease VIM; deposits Pl9,""sX Increase '504°,040; legal tenders ISIAISSGO, crease $3. - 146.184. Honey eany at Nes per ' Sterling strong, bankers are looking fur an Increased-shipment of specie; quotations are p)(QA7f; eight lON. Gold active aad higher; opened' a t 114. touched /a% and closed at 112.X.112‘.• a . Carrying rntes are 4 per cent to Out. Clearance. &59,000.000. Export for the week SP/4880. The duhareaeury received .3.8 - 31023 for euttoms, and paid $4,11.13. - RA for Interest. Government. quiet and firm. Coupoos of 8/084.53-it 04., 11Ne11..5.":64a, IBA - 411N; 665, 11.40t1H; new, ON; CS, 10).:4,410s; nee, 1 3. 1 104 10 N: 111.40., BS2ati; currencies. 1C44.4145i• State bond, quiet; Missouri/, Cl',; old Yen nessees. 688(: new, e5Nt; new Virgiulas, Alabama B's, 99; Georgia Ns. 13. i; aid North Car olinas. 6S,N; new. . ' • Canton. KB; Western. Crilon Telegra ph. 34; lON tV2jeerr . Irstright.d pref erred . ; Adam. Expms, 88k; Wells. 15%; American, Unitetl,&tates. 4eN; Pacific ll LW; New Tork Ceh &id IXiti; do scrip, 84%: Erie, do. preferred. 4& Harlem. 11td36; Head. , lug, 104: Michigan Central, 118 N; • Lake MOM 1007{:I11.. Ce 14.1404": Pittsbergh,lo9ii; .Northwestern, 60 do.. preferred. elf !Welt inland, 110%; New Jersey Central, 101%; St. Paul, 113; do. preferred. tilt Wabash. 57: do. preferred. 7b; Ft. Wayne, 95X: Terre Haute. - 88 esked;_do.-preferred. KIN' naked: Chicago & . Alton, 11. X: do preferred. 11 836; Ohio &Mm aa -86%; Burlington, 101; L. C. & Boston Price.: Calumet, We Pnanklin. 3; Hecla. 80: Quincy. 19. Imports for the week: Dry goods, 81=3,1V: General merchtindl.e, 8.13,110,748.• Sub-Treasury balance: gold. 973.1k1.P" ranc74l l . ft88,7N1.. z ; cur. TEE Orr= OT PITTSBURGH GA V.: P., SATURDAY. July 9, 18 . • • Gloilpg quotations u received b Ph. B. Meru: - ... Gold tlz Merchant/ U. . Sliver 108 Y.Central..... 1861 Bonds 113 tteadioZ -.:.. 103 S, - 640 Bondi . Ft.. 6-20 Bondi 1864... M '. Ohlo & Mies MN 6.19 lkrode 1866.-111 Mich. Southern... 101 X ()emote 1666 130 Lleveland & P... 620 Bond. 1887-110 C. R. I. 7k P...... 100 - 5-$1 Bonds 1808...110 Chl -go &N. W. Eta 10-10 108 C. &N. W. Prr.. 118)( Adams. Express.. 680 Erie Email. London Exchange per potind 6.60 465 Paris Exchange per Franc t...)4 ExchamrThaler EC Ni Frankfort. Eno per Flotin 471( 19 Central Pacific 8.8. Bonds Union P. R. R. Bonds 88 Qming quotations as received by James T• Brady A : Gold .. . 72% &al Jan. fe..l .y. Piet 108 17. B. Os. 11381 15 Annan. & Jr. NM ios -11. s. 111( 140.1 an. &Jr. DIM los R.- s , 501 MB 111( C. P. R. R......... 871( th B. 540 118 C. P. IL It. Mbi U.S. 10.40 8% Cr. Facile, 14% =MEI= • OmOs or Prrisnusan Chtzrrrr, SATURDAY. JUIYI9. MD. Hueken gduerally bas been I'm dull der hut the week which bee just closed, end It I _. out likely that there will be any immedl ' • Viprovement. The demand for all the leading commodities is light and local, buyers generally are taking hold very eP MOT, not Delfts disposed to carry any more st k than they can possibly help. The feel g which 4 • prevailed some weeks ego in re to flour ' and grain has oretiy well subsided: e d some who were then impressed with the lief that - inview of a good foreign demand itad pros pects of light crops , both In Enron -mid this country, have bud reason to cha ge their minds, particularly those who boo ht seller option July at the big prices; on he other hand, those who sold abort. have d ne well, realizing a very handsome margain, . to Mc per bushel. The general imprcasio now Is that notwithstanding the crop of 'heat In certain localities will be light, having been in- Jared by drouth, upon the whole. there will be an average yield, and this being the Mole It is fair to conclude that those parties w o have been operating with a slew to big pri es will. U not already. be badly dlaappolnt .' The grocery trade is dull, but this is to be expect ed. to it Is always dull In July and August. , Provisions trade Is fair. though noiling to brag of; there is a pretty good demand for hams, but there Is not much ittildtT t shoulders or sides. Eggs' have yam 403C1a per dozen within the pa. NT - owing to an improved demand and receipts. A311131--Cnchanged: common I reened,littPearisll3lo(; Pots TX. APPLW—Continue scarce and fl changed, "WSW per bid for prime t, IMUOY3--Store pricer, Fancy. $6.6 $4. 3 3: N 0.., $B N 04.43.501 Common BEAN—Dmi; tlea , 1,75 per bush. BROOM CORIS—IN dull. and ho anxione to realize—they are desirous ' lag od their oldstock before the r, Its appearance. We continue to quo 13 cents. DOTTER-1s In steady demand quotable higher. Sales of good ship( ter at 16417. and choice at 11,1316— , . CARBON 011.-1 s firmer, though - not much demand for lob lots. t ee lrf s l n :Ti a At'iftCaEeV. ci! ird P M?l r td e ig_ _,.: ate per pair. we'd" CHEESE—tiontinues very dull on li to the hot weather. though pric 7 changed. We ooMinue to quote a torlitkgme_ b. he AID FilUTT—iteirts ll l ttle . o In thin market, and besides there is i - • inquiry for It as. the season is a • Apples at les eta Peaches. 606 f 1 and_ede for halves. TAOS—There la a continued at v demand and we can report regular tales at YEATIIEUS- 4 4ulet and , i at Wit 63 cts. to the trade. . _, ' FLOOR—The market co ntinues very quiet though there Is no change ,A prices. We con tinue to quote good western brands at ileif . hod choice baker' flours at sf%. aolee 1,1.1 wheat floor ill worth about :3 cte per _ I,l,lmore than winter wheat. but there le no ioquiry for it except from baker., who bey It to mix.; it la said to have more strength than the winter. Fancy tit. Louis brands, Siiildtt. Rye Sour unchanged et 1 4 6. (IROCOIUES Sugars are considerably stronger under tho Influence of the advises from Newleork, and refined. are quoted uP ito o ill:;ltitt Zits'?' VVettVlZ e tt. " aie u e (Mid. NOW; Orleans, tpolaites seam 'and ern,. but the demand ' ls light. Syrupy dull and unchanged. 01111.1N—Tbe offerings of wheat are falling off notuerrhat. but there is no Improvement In the demand, and the mills seem to be pretty well stocked; we continue' to quote red at $1.1501.31. and white at $1.30361,23—,ema1t sale reported at the outside qhotatioat.' ,There is a better feeling In the Oats mateet Owing' to the fact that there are orders here again from Philadelphia , and iptices a boardher: we ollit report three cars. free on et Si: 1,3 1 0 bush, a short buyer option, at 61. Dealer. are buying at 48060, and furnishing bap. Corn continues dull, and while. the offerings are ' ,et - large, there Is not much wanted: we can report a entail sale of prime shelled at liti. and we be of another email lot having been stild atll7—tit ht doubtful whether a' round lot oould be sold above there are at present ' but few buyers at any price. Rye is verydnil: distillers are not buying and dealers are very bearish, as they are timid abort holding for Dotter 1 :l e r 67;1 now ey MCI to trt re i , e L h AT, Drat there seem to be no demand Snot now , an It ts tocrearly I n n the census to commence malt- thfia. —• Y—gales from country wagons at *Mau for neur and $10:47 for.old. lir.34P—Sales of undressed Kentucky Hemp 11__f. 1.7. . 1 d nlfo (bra husks. afelk O, • i.. •• _ • Lugß—. Ana of Ckneisad at Por • lAA and eastern AIA 136: -• , • •••• . • •• -..... • LARD 01L—Kagra No.l Is anotedistlLlS GUM and Ifo. P. at PO. PROVISIONS—In steady jobbing demand with regular sales a:viva-allow. Shoulders 1334§1 1 too plain, aad 26 ada for Sagas gaud; =44 M for Canvas Sugar Cured army. /LW laktor Ribbed alder 47 for Short Bibbed and 17k for Clear Breakfast tacos. IP. Lard. • rx .~; kelp wed bucketa. Nees P i grk V3l. brlel Beef. PEANGTS—DuII. Tenneseee. POTATOES—New crop ia is,o4 "i g a' t e:m . c a ". ed and scarce writh_ready Jule as p SEEDS—Notoorer wet in clover or Timothy Eceda.• flee e red still gout.] 's2.tl, though there l ie d . n . n6_t per iu tn ir , ) , • he fo l. r it. Buckwheo q. • PETII0IAM)1 MARKE:r.• OFFICE or Prrrsuriuln (barmy; SATI:NDAY, July v. Ku. I= larket opened up somewhat excited od ceositterably stronger this week. and malnued so until yeNterday and to-day. •hen there were some slight Indications o f weakness apparent, and both crude and re fined for early deliveries are a shade lower. There is no particular cause assigned fur the advance. other than a general feeling that the time was now near at hand when there was likely to be a good covert demand as well as the fact that stocks in all of the sea-board markets are comparatively light. Nor is there any special cause assigned for the weakness developed yesterday and to-day further perhaps than an Impression that the upwardmovement was too rapid to be healthy. which wris probably assisted by Ness York .. shorts" and exporters, who are inter isstek in preventing an advance, and .who would like, If they could. to break the market and cause a decline. The feeling here as u general thing. is that there is not much pros pect of a decline at this partictilar season of the year. and consequently there are but few sellers at anlitat ions. • The crude market wax a little weaker if nything to-day, with more sellers than buy s. though It Is but proper to remark that the gorillas are by uo means large, while the de nand-Is only moderate. Seller Jul• was qUot d at 11,i; sole 2,000 bt,l9 seller August at 12; , . Al same delivery and option at same Seller September is also quoted at 12 Market weak and earlyMonthi tt shade low r. Jail last bait quoted at August tired alf, LIN,: hest half, SM, September nod etober. Lei.' late New York dispatch re acted the market us closing tires with a sale f 2,000 bids On spot at 28 Receipts Cruile this week. 21%316111,1s: last • week. January 1t to date. :MAO; seine time hist year Exports of refined this week. last n eek. 13,71 E; from Januar)* lot to date, :=I.K7S; same iiine lust year, $0.151. Sales this week. X4,I;UU bids crude; 1e3,1111 1,1,10 relined; last week, Id.cW bbls crude; 14,500 re fined. OIL 6111P1ILN1S pen A. V. It. It. Niontsheliner & Koehler, 350 bbls ref. oil to K. A Co.. l'hila. • Ilrann & Wagner:LT.' bbls maned oil to War ing, King .1 Co.. Philadelphia. J. C. Kirkpatrick 212 bid,. relined to Tack tiros.. Philadelphia. • Lockhart, Frew .t Co.. ACCT bids reined 01l to Warren. Frew & Co.. Philadelphia. NicKelvey & Bro.. :an bbls reared to Logan Bros., & Co.. Philadelphia. Fawcett, Logan. FLockdille & Co., 200 bbls * ref. Oil to Logan Bro. & Total . 2.015 bbls. • . 111.21:11PTS CRUDE OIL. Brilliant i)il Works 1.106. on account Lock.- hart, N S Co; Vista Ott Works :IA on account U C a, 0 It It: It I. Goodwin al)6, oc account J II Barbour: Fisher tiro 1.146, on cecount L W Young: F A Bates atiti, on account I) lierhst; 'ruck Bro 2%. nil nenonnt 11 i*.i.i01dri..L1.1.;1,0,„ M %BRET. 111 TELEGRAPH. sew Turk. NEW Y. 1111,. July P. -Cotton dull and loner: Iles 679 bale,: .1k• - for Middling tiplandS. rvvelpis blds; Irregular and mod prate Intsiness: salen 5,700 bbls; s4.;i, 5,10 fur shin, western and Stote. $5.2;415,511 for corn untn to good extra western and State, /5.W1. , 6,10 for good to choke tIo./.s.6Witn,ttifor refute wheat scents rn extra. PAO fur extra Ohio. SWAM fur extra St. Loult - Itye flour firmer: rates - 450 flute /410.10. C [lt meal btottdr. eaten MO bbls western at $54.1. Wheat: re- . . . . ~ .. . celbts 76, SIX bush: le better itud Inmodernte demand: etc 112.000 bush; ti.ose.Loa for No 3 enrlng, $1,1:21,1:4 for :2 Lidengo, slo.e. 1.% for No 2 Milwaukee, *WI for small lots No I 5pring,41.2641.27 for Green Bay spring, $1,40 , 11,1.t:tti for winter rc•ti and amber west ern..l.l,4 .1,115 for white western. lire quiet. Corn: receipts:PAP; bush; quiet. closing '..V1,3c Tower; snits alooki bush;" feeM.o6 for new • , western mixed, sl.oe for old do. timmi.to for western yellow. $1.1W,7 1.2.3 for small lots white. Oats: receipt's ttl...l7dbush: prime firm. mixed heave; eaten 51.000 bush al.ltiljac for western. 78.1,472 c for Ohio and State. Hay quiet and steady; irlkil.74 for ahipping, $1041.15 at retail. -Hops; better business and very lint,. 'Coffee steady: sales 848 bags filo. Sager steady: sales 418 bbls Porto Rico at SI. 4 - 410Nc. Morass. dull; sales 95 hhds Muscova do at 3Plsc. Rice steady and quiet at SlSCr..li.c. for Carolina. Petroleum quiet at 14iiitd.143se for enade:273,a2Se for relined. Prov sions- Pork dull; sales 3.10 bbl, at t-'9O-1L1.29.75 for mess; teal for prime mess: Mit.Z.2.5 for unlit spected olty mess; also. =ll bbls mess for Au gust at VP,SO. Beef quiet nail steady; sales 40 Lib's at $11.315 for plain western; slt4 18 for extra mess. Tierce beef nominal at $26..12 . 6 for prime Mese: gatital for India mess. Beef hams quiet at S'2li.d3',. Middles Pm; sales:a) has long clear at 147sglac: HO has short ribs at 15Iiiia15Sc. Lard quiet and steady: west ern steam at kettle 161al6Iic; tierce 1.511 test also 400 tcs seller July. Butter steady and quiet; western 1811016 e. Cheese quiet and In buyers' favor or :cams.. Sheath ing Copper steady for new rates: ingot dull at . 200; Baltimore role. Lake pig iron heavy at V/L18i1..13: Scotch t-'7e.33. American berquiet et old rates. Sheet steady at lIISCALtic gold for. Russia. Nails quiet at Ric for cut fororse gline. andrc for clinch. Lai rAt closed tamely: shipping steady and et het, accented. Wheat Inn nnd quiet a1.:034 2 1c. for No. ll:dllwaukce, *I trfol In for Chicago and $1 WO ill" for winter *redquiet end am western. Rye nelected. Oats wh b ite er firm at 71)?..72c. fur Oh g ioand State:mixed heavy at RridlisO. fur western. Corn heave at 1 Si for new mixed western. Pork dull at S..V 50; mess nt 620..2.9 Z. Beef un changed. Cut meats firmer and in geed de mand. Bacon steady and a moderate inquiry. Lard steady at 16a,e,16trii for memo. Eggs quiet end unchanged. • IC= CHH:Acio. July o.—Exchange steady and un changed. Flour a shade better for low grades. Wheat In fair demand and opened at $1.04, selling up to PLOW, closing at $1.154; seller 1.1 half fLINPII4I.O6ti closing at outside price in the afternoon market tirm at $1.05X for cash. FIX/eV:R.1.07 for seller last half. Corn fairly active but weak closing at SOVallLsic'for fresh; to options fair degree of activity. Oats quiet closing at 41Erde4$Sc for seller last half. Eye dull closing at 7 , :lsc for No. 2. Barley unchanged. Illghwines m fair demand at ilbc for Ironbound. Mess pork steady at 42 .25.50 for regular winter packed mess ordina re: .F.F1.5 1 .b2X5..0 0 for sweet pickled. Hams 19 14,21 c fur winter and 13 fur summer cured. f/ry salt meats In fair request. Shoulders am tine closing at 12c for Cumberiands: lablaSe for loose rough side, sides 141440143ic: short ribs In good demand at 1:1X - Li'ise. Lard steady at 15!XIXIde for winter. 154153 i for summer. Mess beef steady at 113E14 tor regolar. Re ceipts for the past 21 hours—Flour, 2.406 bbl,: wheat, 41.00:1 bush; corn. Mx oats. 10.101 do; rye. 1.912 do: barley, 3,112 du; hogs. 0.33: head. Shipments; Flour. 3.091 bble: wheat, SLUM bush: corn. 160.1105' do; oats, 10.001 do: rye. 1,125 do: barley. do; hogs, 5.349 head. CHICAGO, July 9.—Cattle active at $3,61!ti5. 5.50 for common to good Texan steers: r. 50 6 . 1.5.50 for good to choice eblppinic beeves. Hop steady and =! ClnCtsstri.July 9.—Flour unchanged and in fair demand; family $5.5Dab.7.5. hbeat In better supply and dull; new on spot would bring $1,' , 0 and old $l,Ol. Cora In light supply and the market firm. but the demand Is light at See&ce for car and ado In elevator. Oats arm at'ffulrAlc and in good demand. live dull at Pac. Cotton nominally unchanged. Whisky doll at 95 , 05H11e, the latter Iron bound cooper. age. Pork: mess dull and nominal at SM. Lard still held at Ito. but there was node mend. Milk Meats to good demand at 13P, L.Ne for shoulders. the latter rate packed:loc for sides packed, and one lot sold at 15.se, and at the close they were held nt 13%c for plinked and Lk for loose. Bacon mend at 101 f, leVal7jsc for shoulders, cleat rib and clear sides, and at the close clear rib was /old at ItiNc. Nagar cured hamlet 21.n0ca 2:.%. • Butter steady at LlYianic. Ego Ito and L i n seedtrot. ed 011 dull st $l. Lard Oil $1.1=1.15. Groceries unchanged. (told 11:13i buying. Exchange. dull at WO dis count buying. .eek kithguish OTEIa 1 , 1 but uu o good. g^s°e3. but not dug but nt. Leal, ST. Locts,July %h.—Tobacco Um and un changed. Cotton nominat at InS;itlik. Hemp dull at 5L1K1.81.1 .5 ; tmlchlue tope annxchang ed at Ned.aNe; bagging steady at We. Flour dull arid very little doing; fall surerllne at/V:4Q Siso. X. at tt,l3olgaioll. AX 34.5uang5, 44 ). W heat; . beat grades firmer; for No. new fall. 81.1 ' for No. I new tall. gLatil4l4 ,s ; chain., to fancy. ut Coro good demand: higher ndacd e74.14./e, yellow Skllntelc' white inFtngl.oa. Oats dull at :144/5Ac. RYe dull at ihinbUc. Withkey stronger. at $1.07. Groceries dull sod nueltunged. Pork Ann at .me; dry salt shoulders at 12). - ,c; clear sides at io%r. Bacon, shoulders Isc; clear rib Mac: do. seller August 11360: elmar sides IlS , d,lac. Lard dull at loWilitle for choice V...Stttle good demand at .....!..rcps c for Inferior to common. mod 4 , _{.lc medium v. choice. .01 br th. g to dz. not mu • •ut OT quart • NIMM!M Neve Tonic, July 0.--The dry goods market is dull and a deressed for some classes: Augusta 39ayardlittl sheeting. Jobbing at 15if.1236c: do aa Inch 11%c; Broadway Dwight plc; Great. Falls E Lawrence 1 Me: Pucasset Jr' She; Everett blue detains :7c: l n cassllle ACA do Pk:: York light cheeks :ark 21c: Orientil prints InWitalet ticks do E A do 27c: do E do 2/10; du A do lid Inch 3 5Mc; du do al inch 2.5 c: du checks Mc. Ointon flannels dull, lower and unsettled. Cleveland. . iltuntr.t.amo, July o.—Flour quiet —a -in- I changed. Wheat nothing done. No. 1 and held et ladatl,29; uttered No. 2 do held at fia: corn quiet but grin. Leg for No. I. mixed; Pk for N 0.2. Onto firmer. he better. good de m.d, sales si3e for No. 1 .:tote. nod quiet. No'. I hold at tga. No. 2do We: Burley nominal. Petroleum very quiet less firm. a;io:.l, , ac; lor large lota refined :Wit. tltici. =gill lets ct - udxt unchanged. held at..llagi per bbl. Loaberllte, Lounviux, Jul,* v. — Buicing unchlwXrd• Cotton a shade lower and dull at Id dc., flour 11$ W. Grain unchanged; prices =Guest. yes terdX quotations. Provisions arm. Pork too Bacon I3h;eldXel7,Wc. Bulk meats unchanged. flams—A. C. canvassed and -active. Lard.l7c. •WE y lower at Wk. Tobacce—sales :I.G hhds. lugs g 5 .50; low lea to medium bright wren pars 07 2537 75. • Baltimore. 1 1 / I ;rimortm - July 9.—Flour dull and on. changed. Wheat steady; western $1,31301,311. Corn.ln fair demand; mixed western $l.M@ 14S;zrIme scarce and l Isianted. 4 52 11 quiet at Is actle; ll ,l7oUrl;rs k Tl.l:c; a : . lo al.desl7;ic; Baco n er rib 17%. name •At.2lc. Lard 16)(4/1170. Whiskey quiet at 99 31. • • - ,•• • • PhllNelphla. •'. Pnti.anct.rerrAl Julyll.*Flear'dllll7' Wheat In more demand and steady: redweaternta:all VAlT.Otrl d l/grrili l dterre d es ul ii we Hoc. Provisions unchanged. Whalter dullt , reatern Iron 97(de99e: " k '114411i:1 Jul? &La i4l/.0,4 receipt, of fa, or.tvrta W 4 bales. Flour numl- Zi a :ill:an 40 1 4Qtt te r t ikart/A BEE WOO. Pork jai. DII.COEI-.l4houldeis 10. o; mides lSoelPyc. = TOyODO July 9.—Floor dull. Wheat eery dull: No. 1 white Xl.chlgan held at if La , . Am , bor Nlichigan held at L'7){: No. 1 red $l.lO. N 0.2 du. SI.S. Corn ateady: 'No. I Mc, N 0.2 Ric. Oats active; No. 1 57X0, No. 256 c. ' Nen Orleans. Now lt/fIt.LANIt. Job - A—Cotton nominal: mid dlings sales POO bales: recelpta4lls export h t,z2; stock by actual count %AM. mak ing an addition of 11.042 hales of which 0..= bales consist of damaged swoples. 1:10=11Z! MlLwarKlx, Flonr dull: sales of choice Wisconsin at W 0.12. Wheat unsettled with sales at f 1.15 for No. 1: $l,lO for No 2. Corn, rye :old barley nominal. = CLI4vELAND AND Priffeouttou ILumittan Ortitesxv, July 9.-4 cars lake sup ore. Mc- Knight, P CO; 16.0%1 ft lumber, W Higdon; 10,010 ft lumber. iticQuewan A I); 16.00(1ft lutn ber, Slack & ti; 16,10 ft do. Heath A 1 car ice, Scott & Cu; 1 car lumber, Wm Lloyd A Cu: bgs barley molt, W.l Meek: M s machines, Grover A 11: 6 pkgs,l7 drums tobacco, WK Mc- Mullin; 12,765 ft pup ecantlin, .1 M Seibert & Co: 1 ba bacon.: buckets lard. Bruggerman& O'lk Ikg do. I bz bacon. Volga. 51 A Co; 6 bze of cheese. A Kirkpatrick & eo; Hobo shorte. H Illacketock S Son; 1 bbl peas, I Ido potatoee. Volgt, M A Co: 316615 crude oil, Sweeney . A It; it: las rags, McCullough. S A Co; 27 bbleull, I+ Reighend; 3 do egg., H ljeaJrt 10 tans slot, J & W Fulrley; boo Ineulators, -Rommel C; bbls potatoes, P Duff A Son; 2J de do: 1 do air 11 Rea Jr; 3 do eggs. Volgt4 51 A Co; I tub do 16a do, \N -H Graff; 12 c e cnairs, Lem.. A w:3O do do, A Milliken & Co: al du do. T B Young A CO; 9 ohs WOO!. W Barker Jr `t . Prrrannalon. Four Wars u AND Ctn Cooo !GILBOA°. July 9.-53 bells- hide.s. Boyd. 51 A Co; I bbl alcohol, 1 do spirits. W J Sii°at."; 38 rolls paper, Heath & Speer; 15 hos . erne cry. Kramer, Bohn Co; 12 lulls bides. iN A Clerk: 2 1 bbls spirits, "do alcohol. J Bennett A Son: bolus rage. spirits, A Son; 15 carer cement. J D Thompson; 10 boo yeast. Rinehart A Ste vens; 2 sks wool. S Bradley A Son; 23 du rugs. It Christy; 9 bbls grease, 4 sks t scraps, If Pflatan; bbls vinegar. E lieszleton; 10 boo cheese, Reymer tiro; 25 do do Watt. Lang A Co- 23 du do, Carter. 31c6rew A Co; 23 do do, J S Dilworth A. Co; SI green hides, O N Hoff ' dolt; 17 bar cheese, A Kirkpatrick A Co; sks I rags, J I)unlnp: K: sks rage, Frazier, 51 A Co: Si bus cheese. N J Braden; 9 bide sizing. F W Geniis; Z. 2 boo cheese. Woodworth A 14; 10 boo soap, 31 W Rankin; 20 do matches, J G. Stewart A Co; 58 bga rags. McCullough, s & co; p rolls ':‘4,n . 7'7;b61'11 . 110"u .h rr.1 . Lr17 1 17- & Co; 73 yks oats, Graff. lieges a Co; 141 bbis oil, 14. Palmer A Cu; '3lO bble Boor, owner. 1./TrautmanCINCINNATI AND °T. LOUIS ttatutoan. July 8.-25 bbls hl clues. Shipton A W. 23 do do, it Woods; 24 bales wool. $ Her bough A Co: 100 bble llour,Culp A S:8 bee Yolgt. M Co; 3u bbls flour. W H Kirkpatrick & Co; 3 bbls eggs. Broggerman A 0 11; 1 car wheat, Kennedy Bro; 45pkgs tobacco. John Fullerton; 51 boo starch. S Henderson; 1 car wheat. J W Botogardsr; 7 bble oil. J Maginot. IU bbls eggs, W Graff Co; I do do, J.A Gmff; 6 bas seed, A Kirkpatrick A C0:47 bills lilowe L Mooney; 44 do paper, Pgh- Paper Mont Co; 11 bgs scrape, 4 roll++ leather, W Fla mm &Soto 5 cuddles tobacco, W.H;Park: Ili toe hams, sdo shoulders. H Parker: 2do hams, J Bollinger; 23 bgs pea cute. W J Steel A Ilro; 10 b. candles, S Schwartz: 80 do do, E Hear leton. 6 dodo, 1) Haworth; 190 bble flour. S S Marvin; 100 do do. Seghmyer A Y;1 tat staves Strutt Bro; 2 do lumber..l, PITTSBURGH AND CONNELLAVILLZ —RAIL ROAD. July 9.-150 bbls cement. C B beech; 41 logs feat g her+. F Smith; sdo do. J Rudman: 3 tog , ras. 3 do Plts, ke teaser scrac.. Fl/11 . 1.11S .9 Son,H2 boo ale glass. FIT A: Co: 11l elys lalll teed. Kell .9 RlR:hart; 0) do do. Mullane & -Inicr; 2.1 bbls x hlsky. w Welsh A Co; 1411 eke mill feed. C H -trortrong; 25 bbls whieky. McCullough. Smith A Co; Pr , tells pa -1 le+, Smith A Francis:2l bble thaw. Watt, Lang ALLMIIIENY VAIIST RACER I ear shingles. Randolph A' 5: 11 A Doyen & Co: 4 ears railroad I car methl. W Smith: 1 bbl gout' germalf-3, O'Brien: 1 coup Blanchard; 47 nkgs tanner sere A Son; 2 cur, stone, Harris metal. Gruff, Bennett /e At-LURIE:, STATION .1111 v ti J Holten; I cnr wheat. :H Roil cinder. :shooing F Co; d Halley A Miceli: 1 du do. Lln run: 1 car lumber. L Walters A. Sehleleim sx sks teed. 0 McCt la do dour. S C 31eNtasters; 21 Brown; 3 tsf bbls fish. lut jugs. RIVER PACKETS I== rf'lflE FLEET STEAMER BELLE, curs. ependent Pittsburgh. Brownsville an - Geneva hart. WE= Craves %Malt Wrot .hovel every TUESDAY, 1111.71t81). et 3 P. Will carr7 !height nnd Pas, th..ll..nongshol• nver. For (relicts t or paaahaa boat. at foot Of Grant stmt. my) WM. Merl. ===l FOR WHEELING, X ETTA. PA RR ERSR !LORTON AND PORTSSIO Leave. PUteburgh EVERY lAmree Portsmouth EVER The DOW and 'Mendel Caen GRANITE W.EL HEIM . lear . .. anneonrra. For freight or enenitece epN ti bard or to O. U.burtiEtrr a CO, m 717 KT. LOCO , . VTR CURD AND, 5T. 4 41 LOCIK—The floe pansenger eteataer KATE PCTEANI. 'E. EVANS C Command, Will leane for the chore arutintermedtate port 110 DAY. July llth. Will receipt freight through to Enshrine sod Ness Orleans. freighitile:lnlitAT'lTAP::'" . or to Jod FLACK A COLLINGWyOD. Agents. STEAMSHIPS TO LIVERPOOL AND QUEENS TOWN.—TIIE INMAN MAIL ST KAM SLUM nu mberent el xteen dam vessel.. amen, these the tile • CITY OF•PA BIS CITY OV ANTWERP, CITY OF DOSTO . N, CITY OY BALTIMORE. CITY OF LONDON. rlalLing EVERY iiATU RDA V. from Me., 4 3 Norlb River. New Turk. For rramyre yr tnrther Informa tion apply to • • WILLIAM BINGHAM, Jr., AUCTION AUCTION SALE L 0 T S ! Saturday, July 16, Saw bone.rgol at Publk Sale, nh PPP Inn Allegheny. Three Good Building Lots Fronting on the Ilerryiville Flank Itund. Thie la a very desirable leeation:rornrueniling.a. It dor! a fine vie. of both Mir, A. LEG-c 4 ATE, 112iCI LEAD. DRUGS, &c. PITTSBUItGII White Lead mut Color Works, J. Sehoonmaker & Son, • PROPRIETORS, PE4',V LEAIf d agT,A,•I4II , 'RD*, • OFFICE AND FACTORY. • in, .lil, 154,16 and 438 . Itetiicro Wet the guarantee pentad 07. attenPdh am , e h,. we sar a gletcpy We Pere lane we . m , en I•cpe ro tltg i Mat at rtelt%re Acetate and Ir_ta .o6 . WV. Ser.+ wetter and speedo.. m • qn rittrartftele t a to be a Ind....l.7„llijrfoLWrreit and whiter t an any In the market. • Fn . 2=1 , 11 , Use if contain 400 lean HENDERSOS; J. & BROTHERS 266 4.14: Dempri th Ma and Patent Medicine.. , REMOVALS. REAIOVM, S. P. SHRINER & CO n" VrelgltlVllVVgalVViAlfra t " Nos; 493 ) 4:Vgi =l.l.l v .l"Bl:l;VlNTAgra t Ari tOOll.. • T..' Slil&tft** - ti ;41c7fd` Ek?,!ED, APPLES'-'IQ, 1 11 0 eldri .1 • d 47A l anibD, 141 lane = PITiSB H DAILY GAZE RIVER NEWS. f ho river was again falling at tills point ' • T with 4 Trot Bindle. in the-chatt y the'Aonongshela marks. ilie Kn t Putnam, Capt. Ed. Evans, is •. raced to depart today for St. Louis, • .he will reeeird freight and passen. era through to NastMlle, Memphis and - ew Orleans. The fireat Republic arrived at Cairo from New Orleans on Friday with a big trip, including a large number of passen gers. The Wild Duck. Pittsburgh to St Louis, left Cincinnati on Friday, drawing 4 feet 4 inches. —Capt. Leathers, of the Natchez, was interviewed the other day by a reporter of the St. Louis Democrat In regard to the contest with the Lee. . Following is the result of the interview.: Reporter—" Captain; are ,you7-Preparell to admit that the Leo is faster than the Natchez?" - Lathers- - No: the Lee is not the faster by a long night. No, Air. Reporter-- Any objection to tell me something about your trip. Leathers—No. We went to New Or leans, and there was over DO people's names on the register for the :,..atchet, and WV worn to tuke passengers at ricks. burg, Greenville and Memphis. We had 4(1 deck and cabin pusenge . rs for ((Biro, whntu we put on boats nr tugs, and we luntight . through to St. Louis abobt 71, .csbin passengers. Reporter—How about the Lee? otthers—Sho did not land al9gaid any whatf boat along the river. We lost thirty-six minutes at 'Bockhorn, • knuilentt and put out 20 passengers at emphis. . . liepotier—Wers you as thorughly atrip ped as the Lee ?• • • Leathern—We did no 'gripping except the evtra cattle dinnage.and my boat in perfect order in ~sere particular. Reporter—What ix the fastest trip you n make from New firleana to St. Louie ? Leathers—l can come in *gee days and twelve hours: but I am sure not to try it inshoutT water. I think the Natchez Lan the capacity to do it. But for two of my .topprigyal would have beaten the. Lee St. Leal.. Lee's great e porter—W herein was the tt,.. . advantage in thin contest? Leathern—She received one hundred mit, pine wood off the Pargond; that was er great aid and advantage, and uteri let six hours in the 4og, and thirty-six linutes 1 have mentioned before. But ,r these we would have beaten the Lee's . . . awe to SI. Lo du 00111( twenty minutes. My losing landings were at Buckho and Devil's Inland. Reporter—Then.. to your preps. dams for n rote, Captain: leathers—l made none. I look fuel st 'the usualplaces. and had assistance from `nobody. No fuel but Pittsburgh coal Wpm ter—Your passenger receipts must Le ron”itieruble I.cuthenk—We Lad #JOO or $4,000 pas •oger receipt& I wasn't prepared or up toy boat, but to carry passengers. Reporter—How did you expect to got 'July - r•ltirs Lutier. G on. A V IIII; I berries. Brug- L .1 V. flaco. n than 2 earn ong above Cairo': Leathers—l expected to clean her out this river. At Cape tlirardeau Iwa tlr ,me hour behind her. I touched hot tut twice, having tutored the channe lie. We merely humped. and heitantl uekrd /fi r . 4 —2 pkg. butte ,I,dy t o ; .etal. L e vel .y x McOde! 3: Son: 1 do Ice. dollen; 24 do d eks rare, W .3 Koh.. bore the interview ended, the reporter informing Captain Leathern that Le sup tiosed the \atelea would beat the Leer time within six months. but he would not ash any information on that point. Ashland correspondent of the Ironton Journal says. "The new hull for the Dexter was successfully lattuchtal,'6 Wedneeday fast, from _the yards of th Fisher Brother, The hull is a beauty nod sits on the water as gracefully as The machineraa and cabin are not being transferred, and the new boat ma expected out In about thirty days: — '- —The New Albany Ledger say. "Captain Leathern deserves credit for one void action. Ile touched off the biggest 'Cannon ever fired on the Mississippi. The report neon deafening. and it is said the' reverberations' lasted three days, eighteen hours and t !tiny tuinutt a, knock. ing a 'Cincinnati urea out of lino., and leaving her captain' in Ids —Tito Nashville Irnion and A nitrieun. of Wednesday, says. The United States Marshal, yetaerday., took charge of the steamer Item, lying. In port, to imtisfy.t. Uovernntent fine of $lOO for having a pilot, settle those go. without the necessary j license. 3 -":n7,Nr;llr,`l 4 V E=l =1 MIME= IMMO 'nun/kir-4 P. MONDAY-10 niter weartler TATE. T. hitt: 1.1 Ow St. Marys, in about to contract at Wheeling , for a boat for one of the Antall Southern trade.. I== —Our Cincinnati and St. Louis ex changes have not recovered from the effects of the grrat steamboat race yet. Cirogow, 11 C. (fray, Nick Lung worth are laid up at Louisville, and th Wauanita at Cincinnati: = —Partiesnow in. Cincinnati contemplate contracting for an iron steamer for Teas, So Rays the Commercial. . —Thu Clara Scott wag sold at Evans ville on Friday to Capt. Sant. Christy. (or $12,000. —The Glendale was lambi:4;st St. I.smis for Pittsburgh on Wednesday.. —The first rain for several weeks fe! at Dubuque on Thursday. —The tilendalv is 'en route from S LUtliti to Pittsburgh. Tack, Bro. & Co. - HRH BUILDING, D.,"....,. -way, intteoburgh = Crude & Refined Petroleum. TACK Philadelphia. 1.3 r WARINO - & KING, Comm!Won Yerchaata sad Woken to Petroleum and ita Products DALZELLS BLOCK, DINITBN6 WA T. ==== WARING, KING & CO ECLIPSE PETROLEUM. REFINERY Herbert W. C. Tweddle, MANUFACTURER OF • Lubricating and Iligh Ted Burning 011%. ECLIPSE fLAIIAIGAD AXLE 01Li Stands great heat without change; remains Urn p/ at lowest ho t ures. Spacial oil tor tropi cal climates or weather. LOCOMOTIVE. ENGINE. MACIIINE SHOP. W ill cut samosa SAW MILL AggPLANINCI MILL 011. S. SPAM TH_L Ono VW , tifirillElN OIL. HARE FARM/ telt. AIIMOR VARNISH. to_ prawns Might Iron Wort end Plaththery from rust. TbYPO products are mana:selarad under Du dipssdepeia poem, by Superheated Flows lip Vimetii” ipue Le/au:spina Oils are almost ododellei Porlamtth -a Ettll ` trlfgfirraTurT d a! ' ne ' ll ' aVA ki t '7e.rat stand daring *stream cola.. The tam are um, totalled, and an In eanstaat ore upon many ot the principal Maimed, Samples tsip essailemod arid orders left at 174 WOOD STREET. Worts et Rharpsbum Bridge. I i E=l on. r GAS - LK Jonv nrannsor yrs. n. Jos, M. Gazzain & Co ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLESS AT LAW fp.llennrs In ?Anil) d Ilantraptcy. OITITZ,Au 90 FIFTII AVENUE an . FIRM,Urgb. JeD:flal ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Iles restored to N 0.57 GRANT main ;SRI!. burgh.. Hltl preetloe Is the U.S. Clusttitend mutat COWL, in Nu State Supreme sod Wthq Courte.uf juh N omo °panty. and teaks collections tn. easel et the ettleoent counties. • 3a=k7S ARCIIII3ALD BLAKELY, Attorney-at,-Law„ et* NS le, , 14„tiCirit. a t-. '1,41.w.,/ NO, d 8 ORANT STREET. „,,,b„„,i,,,,i.„6 0 .104,4 I. itieer =Nal umw. „mpg ' s; NEEptig, cnaeex ”gYati r tg rn OVIITIFj °1 : —offioe;ll2 Fifthuvenii.3. jisdal attention 211411 td ddlitmagnritod s. Mids. Ikatda.dad Idttlessea antra ay Pa I leci,4..ria Wiftd , t l PlddtPtOtddd do canter. , 7! TTE : MONDAY M igrIXICTOR. WHITTIER CONTIN. ! VES TV TELSAT ALL NUT ATE LIS- EASES. That et:onerous oases of ea.s resulting ! [rum selLatome. produclos unineelludes. nervous debility, trrittlelllty. eruptions. smarm] emissions, and Jingly nob/goer Pennermegr mucl• ?Imam. "th Vic o with ' Po 7ra Va r th coal ki 1 rAV " mo for eonsaltagun. which 6D•a• lamming. Expr. genera, the beet Of teechere, Itas enabled him to perfect remedies at once ealcientomfc Permanent. and which in meet cases can be used without hind. mace to Imstneas. elodlgnes prepared In the e•- tabllslituent, Mambo. of...reception md waging rooms: also bosrdlng and gewgaws apart rUZut. for pagentefesunthe dally pargnal atter,: NiThrgger= " l42=7 7 rira llll % E 1 have ailed, state your c.c. Rend what he sore ID hie pamphlet of Oft, palms. sent to any Address for two clamps lose/geeonvelopc..Chuusands of macs Swelled ermuelly; at glace and all over the countr7. C 0 .,..1.,1.3 persomllLorby mall. Office No. 9 Wylie greet, (near Court Flousel CltrahurEh. Pa. HOUrs b il XI lb SI P. IL Stmdays s. to !A P. al. Pamp •t nut to .7 addreas for TWO STAMP, lir DYSPEPSIA-NEW MODE OF TREAT/ I E I ' I T. PILOFES3OIIWALK ER, the distinguished En X- It h Botaeist,discorend in Australia as, excellent it,,tarac remedy, an effectual cure for Indigestion. nilllons and Liver Complaint.. sad CnmmuleLLcd Li'l4tcreit,a'ry he will. onnadr app i ilcation. t fu n r i w c ard fgrZl . ell, is important reipe. The Medical Reform beciety who makes this an nouncement will make eharee for thie recipe, the object Detest to demonstrate the sun, riortty of Botanic oer every other prectioe, of MAlCille. but to return regent those who nu ',wetted to forward to the Society a statement of their can, and thus Aid with facts the present movement in medical reform. Enclose a diretted 11'nftiZ,PIATIVRT"Pcgt7sAfIgth°17TLV fgt. lolly] Bg-MA11111001): 110 W LOST! ROW RES , TORED c zgatlML.W.r i sheil r2.4IiNALiTIMATNIENT. and Radical Cure Spermatorrhma or Seminal Weakness. and lmpeal e to Bisasiagn generally; Nervousness. Con ..aruptiou. Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental and Physical D..km, br ROBT. J. CULT EItWELL. D. D.. author of the 'Omen Boot," . A BOON TO TIIot:SANDS OF SUFFERERS.. Sent under seal. In plans envelope. to any address. postpaid, 'e 7. °J. el, nenL, f ' S 'r " Pl.. ° . rino 41•T. P. 14 41 Tort. Postofitee war rior B. Alm Dr. Colversrell'e omarrisau Wade.. prior d.S gents. tnegAs33 DIE.— i Thiceplendld flair Dye le the beet In the world. Ilan:ales, reliable. inetantaneone. does not containlead. nor anr poi.otl to produce pandyida or death. Avoid the taunted and dale '‘;7priaT;!lgl'ilrrAnYSTii'ftlaOPiteldt7. Wy 4 ell:e had 30 ye ..e unnienitned reputation u hold Its Intearity at the only infect Hate Dye— lack or Brown. Sold by all Diaigatats. Applied at 16 Bond ntreet. N. Y. • en 7 • - jr"ATOID qUAI.:IO).—.A. 1 tea Of early indlael alio, causing nervous debility. IVA= ,=l,1 c., having Wed In rain everybas of eelf.ture , whle be will sand free to his fellow sufferers. dale. SERV KS. 78 Nassau Street. New York CltY. WHOLESALE GROCERS. &c W. M. GORMLY, Wholesale Grocer M. STEELE Commission Merchants, And Dealers In FLOUR. lillA IN. FEED. de., An .. 9501110 9TILERT. near Kant ComplOn. dnenypit.y. • M 8c eanor Harper W. C. Armstrong, OILS IMMEMEI = PROFESSIONAL if=D3 i'. I r.74, IS P i rT I VAT. W .‘I 3I4 :" _ SPECIAL NOTICES :TABLISIIBB BY A. k T. COMM 1512 TI LIBERTY STREET, YIrrRACRoII. LA. CEIMEO = - Nlcycliant I= iscressor to. Fetzer & irmstrsong.l PRODUCE COMMISSION EU T,' !.:o. 23 MARKET STREET. J. J. BLANCHARD Wholemle and Retail Grocer, No. 396 PENN STEEET .ITT LE BA 1111)&1' ATTON W hole 1.4 MALI: 41; ILOCERS, control:nu. n Dlernhants emd Carln PrIiIIM IF lour, Choose. Fish. Carlon. sod 1,11. Iron. Nails. Mass. Cotton Vsrily. And ratsburgh.M.nraetares genirndly. I V` and 11.11 IiTKVET Pittsbafgh sons l , min,. & WALLACE, Wh m les ac e ',IOROCET PRODUCE LEALEILN. No. ath aven 11u8 e. A nlNttnbarr.b.., :FINANCIAL THE DIAMOND SAVINGS BANK No. tI tiIAMOND. P111.11171Ki1a.... A DITAL STOCILDoUIetta lut.truirot.l.l . I.lAnLe. Deposita in sums or 11 an.l upwards reeelved. nt.ereat allowed on Um* de:melts. DeepenMr at option alien to collections. prxeeds of which 111 he remitted promPDT. Stueveues . : - Juse• M. Culver. Armslmaa G.TillOl Jame r..i. Andrew L. ItaMlna Wm. USA..I 1... Widerbeld. los. N. P. Sawyer. Wm Prealdent—N. eirW C ll3lt .' Caahler—JOllN S. SCULLY. ALLEGHENY NATIONAL BANK, 01' Pittsburgh Nu. U 0 FIFTH ; A.v-Errum Capital 5t0ck.......5.500.000. I. W. COOS. Pnudevy R. W. MILOKET, Cashier. e2s:vi W. MeCANDLESS. Oashies ronv TORE, May 2d.1870. rim .FIRM OF T. L. TAYLOR & A_ COOPER is illuelved by mutuabconsent. and gra have this day tanned a !halted parinershin ondor 121111 C of TAYLOR Si, COOPER No. 5 Broad St., ;g,t1Z1,7=.°2‘.71.f1ftg`t!,1 3 :4.`17.! ° "a d ' MR. JOHN IiAILEY . As special prattler. hating coutributed $30.000 to the a mai a stock. tm e n s. th thi Oldfi s rm e t f n r n t it h s e ior f p t s h t a pe k t l n net s h th i a and of sonatas a continuance of God? favors. We also offer nut seniors to ail, end respectfolly solicit tit l e.allnees lo the purchase and sale of all annudealt In at the New Tufa:4l,k or Gold Sachems*. it=l:fri l oPe t il a grrdTV ‘ g 'd • .d. . ' r . r era by hall or Telegraph preasptli execuled Fi L . THOS. 1.. TAYLOR. Wal. COOPER, • JOHN HAMM% Refer by permlalon ! oto gnat National lank. itebursh. a...:_..10w . __ _ ... ENTRAL BANK No. 35 Bank Block, I= A PITAL. Bunk or Discount anti Deposit, .TOCKIIOLDCIIS INDIVIDUALLY' ' LIABLE. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Coifedlune made to all the eflotteel Cities of lb. United States and Carmelo.. • microns: TIIHMAS FAWCETT. . MADISON liAtt.Ey, D. W. C. CAIIKOI,I. eir.OliGlS A J.I. PENNINTHE, JAMES U. HOPKIA, MINIM N JULIUS A.171.P:H. JARED M. JAMES 111tOWN. PAHL H. MACKE. J.ll. WALT.EH, JAMBE LYONS. THint. FAWCETT, President. M. rat i t 4 .1 34: ITte. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK No. 65 Fourth Avenue. CIIMITEIIIiII. IN 18.13 ASSETS, 82,595,3 7100 . 'l42Ms"•Pa '4 1 1'114.1.z, Nove aed mber from 7to 111 o'clock. ann O trote No vember 14 to Ray lot (rem to el o'clock. • DeAsolta received of ...I ot nut less l e an 07M DOLLAR; and s'dtvldend Of the Mehl de clared Defoe 3 , ear. la ]rote aad Deormber. inter est bas been declared seml.annuall7 in June and December, since the ant was oranaba.i.at the rate of Ills Per Cent. per year. Interest, It not draw Is placed to the credit thedeposttor as Idi ocies ! , .d beam • tan MM. interest from the drat days of June and Dproadst. oompoundink twlce a yeor.. witbuat troublLbn e depositor tu ur even to:resent Ms pas• Moak. At thls raNt clitmei thrs , 4lol in bra than twelve • Irats• anclaintne the 'Charter, ak u. .V , l=4. 3 }qP,PuT tha ti l it rau.,.. a o pl l F a u ot p t a • n , plainases-JA3 l r . UPPEDIAkk .• • • ' " • ' • '' • 'Mete PAWIITIMera . " • thgteriebt ')L• LI " Y stover; io! abaft Bileimberger. tuw Ali•Peamaclk • • Allcllstlart Zee." • • NaMiratil!"l3l Juhr/,,ROPY tWob, •• '• rebtlrlr * ror n •• • ' • 1,, 11 ' TA t i t rj: t tScluo. McCandlesa. Jobs s • • • Ddry K: oltver Jr )nhtt - (Min,* Phillips:: • ' Tr."iIIINP: - • J'A7411.9 , , , ,igx„,t, d.• , W a. Hetionerl4 • • •itt:A.W. ..iVtirtrintjt24l',.. , • • TILSAPI.3IXU-VtlAriliEN A. couroai. . • ,• , ciclpitli-rAstY,TAkin R. 111SNIJO, . • , • RNING, JULY ,14 - - FINA.NOIA.L. AMERICAN BANK, No. 80 Fourth Avenue I'ITTSBrIIGII CASH CAPIT-AL ' .100.000 Stockholders Individually • Liable! ' BANK OF DISPOENT AND DEPOSIT. JDUN FI,orD, • . W 31.. FLOYI), Pre-Went. DINECWO9: Cashier. Thin. NI. Marshall A o r b h n ibal M W ar a tle a n ce d .W me T W h Arco , , . .1 Jas. D. Kelly, Chao. E. Leech, Wm. Floyd. John I. ioyd, Collections mesa on NI P.WW t he t ested States and Canaan, Prompt attention paid reopowients. tellYkla tradesmen'siiational Bank, MDR STREET, CORNER SECOND INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. Gold, Coupon Bonds nod Sloth DOCOLIT AND SOLD. A.IIItADLEY. Prcsident. W. V ANKIIIL„,Vito President, CYRUS CIA I.l±. JA. Cashier. CEMI ITY BANK 112 FIFTH. AVENUE I=l MEM STOCKIIoI.IIEItS INDIVIDUALI,X LIABLE INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE bought andsold, an• when destred remitted to Enrols , collection made on all United States and and i In Canadas. all the principal µAnt. of th , I)OMINICK ILIMSEN, PreeWent. JAMES McCARE. Vice President. W. N. MORGAN. Casbler. I,lnccCoca, Jane, McCabe,. Hush Keating. Tamale° Campbell, James Phela, Thomas eelcogle, Barnes. JOS. M. 0A7.7.A M. Solictto . D. Dampen. Thomas It.rke . . Patrick Kano ( II Barr )14tInn IL J. Grum. N. tupy. /e 1 :kb FREEHOLD BANK AND •BUILDlisa: ASSOCIATIO No. 100 Fourth Air.. Pitt ‘burgh CAPITA! PILIVILVIE DEPOSITORS sKeuitr.l) BY REAL EST AND INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME. POSITS. Prentdent.,—EDWAlLD DOUSE. Vice Prcaldents—J. S. CRAFT, ADAM JAI • •-• ' . . Mum EDWARD HOUSE, WILLIAM PIMA., 13 JAMES(IItAI , I I . Rolm . . W. MACKIC THOMAS STEEL, JARED M. BRUM. THOMAS W. DAVIS. Feeretarr AnHaeurer—THOMAS 5T13131 An3letant Ca d shle. T r—JAMES P. SPEIIIL ce hours (Anvil o'Hoet A.M. too Wile< daily, end every tiaturdey evening frvnit 7to 0. - ApTtAr34 COMMERCIAL . BANKING . No. O Fourth Avr., Pittsburgh .1e.t00,900 StockltulllerN . Individually Liable. ME@ W. MACRUM. nuhlet..; W.u.l VI.IWAN Preeldent. A lAN DER RATa..l r tiaTt LI NI/ nI SA I , o.lk ENOLISII D. S."301.1:51, - W. 11. EV ERSOk JoliN 0. MOLL PS IV. o.llelillAWr, IL F. WILSON, JACOB KLEE. imlections Wage titl nocessible of Filmed elates and Caned.. INTEREST allowed or. TIME lin ow pt attention given to alt business o Pondent.. THE SAFE DEPOSIT . Pittsbllrgli, iNtli TELE Safe Keeping of \Takla Under rearante, and th• renting of Ka, Fire and Burglar-Proof Vaults No. 83• Fourth A Preeldent.—WlLLLA.ll YIIILLLPS. Floe President , --11F.NRY FLOYD. notncrons: I Byron a. PA , Jon. R. blorrinn. I Deorns Dlnck. Curtin D. Lhfuney. nelll7 Lloyd, William Rea. William N. Lyon , J.. I. Bonney, 4.ll !Sec'yac TreAs . ,..-111. F. VON BONNVORIF Open y from V o'clock A. N. to 4'o'clock ------- & C Bankers and Brokers, MILNER FOURTH AND ATOD STRE. 1' i Usb tu•gli. iecci•Essons 11ILT Q C • 1 , 6•LINII IN I . • Exchange, Celia, Coup! And tautlclat nttentlun nag t the wen C4overninent Bond ALSO gl:ht Drangl4s on Londo tutl *K2 , Eel N. 'Holmes & So BANKERs, 57 market !MAL etit, PITTSBURGH, Ev,:d7Lati,el,it‘:rd°c"Zr_ STOCKS, BONDS AND ()TIER SKCIIi BOUGIIT AND SOLD ON COMNISBIO Fin=l;2=;Miil United States Securities MORGAN, KEENE 8z MARVII AV all Street, (Third d,or (roc(Fl dway) NNW TON I T4N i ttr g lr`7iTA4l4g rViiiv;,br A General Banking Basin( THEO M. MORGAN, SAMUEL P. KBl BELDEN E. MAIt%IN. . _ . . ' i '" ' r* rm " tr; a! t . I I : 7,1 t P e d is A 4 ' 2gr '''' to , Being in the immedliate vicinity of the aka, Ls. change and the tioldFoerd land members of id. rs orde are executed l ib thegreatest Pessibl des -ptch. • • merchant. and Investors, living at a diNtance. la can rel . olden. un wi th equalon our attention ti PromPtn care and to their smallest or al bln years past. e shall continue to transact usiness of NM/ mai 1 1 / 1 111.1 and CotTorallons on the must favored terms..l ' • Individuals and Trust Companies. contemplating I-change in their et/Curitin , or emietiMr to make nquiry concerning any financial businests they ma] have m Ms cl ly are invited to malfunction's!. w us personally or by letter. ferenee—Memrs:Jay Cooke & Co.. New t York. toyMmid - - ' •100.000 7 Per Cent, Gold FIRST MORTGAGE B4IDS Coupon or.Registpre (FREE OF D. S. T/11,1 Or TIM Burlington,Cedar Ra ids Si, Minnesota R, R, to, We ere still oiled= a limited riveritity At 90 and Inter -st Interest perl.44et ALT and November. J. lIIIGARTIIO3IM3N.I CIIABLICS L. FROM. • • • • !These ',coda tact Staart to ran; all, 'conaelft- Ibis at. option of holder Into tho stoat of 07 trg ris r 1,7,ng Ptt Pg'n vattlbffity privtlage. attache' tat time' la nes can not 10.01.13 Abaco at.no Anataatt alas ao.co mama market prim coustdaraDlT aboca ... er. 13 ' M ag e WtY rßea in Md W V ' 3 ras. aci l ClNtrga=ll the 17y: reelelY Pcparetsalna. . Inas Ott e hnUt a ra "a t =TAW " 73= ,Qcocaaanhla them hon4a ao investor", ca•c7 crnwl. an nadtinbted semity. la..4l•444oraelloa,avpreaent peon: only return Oreane, onnt.,.hataneat. achtle these 00$ Wahl. and eaccahar e uct =it G01et,..1.6 Maud the nou The Company' reserro the, 14 ' aht, to adamaco the prim • HENRY .CLEWS, ,& 'Co, • 32 Wall alnet,lexTark; p. niFutivi & CO.; Pittllnqitt . , Pa. DOWER & FOX, Phltiielphta. KURTZ 4:k HOW. RD, BARIUM, BROS. iii CIL, Philadelphia: Delll.lyßni dic BBD., Philidelphla., 1870. ENGINES, BOILERS, &c. • FORT Pm. Boiler, Still and Tank WORKS: CARROLL & SNYDER, =I TUJIOI.A.R.DOURLE-FLUED TUBULAR FIRE. Box AND CII.LVDER STEAM BOILERS. 111.ZENtT l f, IggiCaatIVO_ASII PANS. sETTLLNG PANS, SALT FANS AND MN- E ' D STEAM STEAM P/P.M. GASOMETERS AND IRON DILIDGEs, L PRISON DOORS AND COAL EMOTES-, OFFICE .A.SD N.CII.EIIOIJSE: C0r.2,1, 3d, Short and-Liberty Streets! fl' Orders sent to . the .bore address be prnmptly attended to. mbh.tEo. HUGH' M. BOLE Si, CO. Con Point Alley and Duquesne St., I=l Engine Builders, Founders Alt LI MACHINISTS. $lOO,OO Ilan nfeletn re STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONER? ENOINIM of all elsee. AlmuuSit":';l4.l. voistfry our gran u n L A ..„,,,,, 5 i horsepow er. t do to der at Foonilry.ol;l4.l7lirgTiht,...4La.„ Our 11105 for 011 Wells, tIIIArrING, PELLETS, BANGERS, ROUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS, d IRON TOBACCO PRESS. on hand and turtle to order, at the NDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting the Alleg , any BMW, near Ihe Point. liithiburgh, Fn.; UrAll ordors prompt y Oiled. TRI UN. RieSl6l 4 & ' Bro.-, !UROLAR•PROOF D VAULTS. }ME AND SAFES A $lO9. 6100 ?6'DAMP D MACHINERY N ENGINES Ai EPAI .cVsl4:NuTriat . nEers. pttuomn.ch. Pi F BREWERY WORK, CP MACHINERY. I nor 17th •nd PIKE ' nolB:gn.' 'ILER WORKS AN & CO., O'HARA 13 l F. REP Manufacturer. of ST Alt BOILERS, OIL TANKS, STILLS, AGITATORS SALT PANS„GASONIE TENS SETTLING PANS, PRISON DOLOU3, CHIMNEYS, MUDDED FIRE BEDS, Re,. Cur, of Second venue and Liberty Street. PITTBIIURaIt. PA. Iteritheng done promptly. Order, , sent to the ' T. ' IIAWITA.V ' ClTi u' elittrA t Vittlil l ol.L .184081 8, MACHINISTS. L FOUNDRY FOUND NATION ANTOrkS. and Smallman Sreets Pip ner ram rzrzem WM. UFACTURIER Or n Boiirl Pipe MA Cast Ir mom WATER WORK a•n•nl Castings for Gas and Water Works I .ordd also Call She attention Of 13terInlendents of Oim Worts to my mate of itrruras. 13= :10NONGAIIELA FOUNDR W. J. ANDERSON & CO. Unnuta• DOW LlNTEcturera nt WOLS N R. 40 OUSE SILLS...an FRON d TS, WIN • . Castings of all Descriptions C F A VV G ne n on =! , l w t . ? VISRITNa t r i Rouse. Orms TOC,W36T-NO. 1.50 WATER BT.: Plustbu h. vs. ROBINSON, REA & CO, Summon to RoetoBoo. SIOcOS h MILLNPS WASHINGTON WORKS = f Stanufarturers of War and Eitatlcarary'Steam Pap ine*, Ilium of Mid Machinery ring, nharUng. Casting, of all dadeription,Ou Tanksuni $llllO. Under and Sheet Iron 11 ork. Moe No. owner First and Smithfield Waded. Anent. for UIFFARIES PATENT INJECTOR for reeding Boilers. 1.11:053 THOS. CARLIN & CO., 'ourth Ward Foundry & Muchine..Worka, =I Manufacturers of Stationary WI Portable Steam Engines. Oh Presses. Pulley., Shantou. Grist and Saw WU Wort, Soliturcalitlaqd Machine Caating. Grate Bars. Weights. Wagon. Moses, 4r. BMW t o . order arol base on band =glues of all sites. Phmnix Roll Foundry. Cur. LIBICRTY AND 24Th STN. BOLLMAN & BAGALEY Manufacsarors of 13niorlor Chill Rolls, Sand Rolls and Pinions. BRASS CASTINGS ---------------------- Henry Bier &. Co. Ithneenkors to JOHN M. COOPER 8. BELL AND BRASS. 'FOUNDERS Brass Castings MADE PROMPTLY TO. ORDER MALEARLE AND GREY IRON FITTINGS, OAS PIPE AIND TIMILNO Tniturri.r, ..tvrry min CIIECE 'ALVES, ALI. GLOBE PATTERN IRON C L OCK MASH WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION for Steam, Water and 011. BrIVILVI7Ett MATIFIPE C O MP"V AGENTS of lIREYFVS' PATENT OILERS, the bent In the menet. . • .OrPICD AND WOWED; Corner Thirteenth and 'Pike Streets. sots ATWOOD & McCAFFRDY =I; rittiourith, Pm, 11ItA85 YOUNDISIIB IRON PIPE FITTISHEI.md AidkiPAlorAafte.A.lllllo)ll a core STEAM PV irg AND blowing. DITIRLISTEKSt.F.WRI.I I OI I 4 4 . .„ . IL q, .XENNEDY 'BRO., .ALLSOILENT CITY. PA.,, ilbuttasearen .4 the follow* 'ode:mei:et biukds 0 Mar (Wean Brand. Ins nme,yateet Pune . , Irltka. • 411terthee reaeltr Plane th r E itniS t =e. eood irther:thee - rlor' temg t h rtlne g4 , l,gri larethe 11.;)ft.,61.513BLIA:tvvki L. a. yolaux. • FULTON" ; & .: II.!GANN; l'racticaL':Plunabers, - • • C45.6 ' 421'1) SEAM tirrEns: allth Eltnet.. anttsburgh Tat=i4Valh Statt e ,a . nri larll Bl'lL 1 . .: atid - diatom MN sits ronstd. M. aulldlea fitted up vrtaii q . Pm.PUY suendon tm.r.974 IRON AND BrJ b. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS. LLEB, BARR fi. PARKIN, OFFICE: No. 389 lAlterty Street, =IA:xO. • PITTSBURGH. PA. DUQU.ESNE WORKS.• I=l Coleman, Rahm & Co., IRON, NAILS, STEEL, - _A_xels and Springs. Ul L'ESNE, L X AND JUSIATA FLAT BAR, ROUND AND SQUARE IRON, BANE., HWY. SWEET AND TANK IRON, BOILER PLATES AND HEADS, GUARD IFOLNQRAG AND DROPPER BARS. TbANG F.S. CUTTER BA RS.CVLINDER IRON, T AND FLAT ItAlL,:f9r CRoWIIARS.WEDGtodand HARROW TEETH. SPRING. PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, STEEL WINOS AND BOUM/B.cm. B isly.cm, COACH,HI E.STREL SHAFTING. A B STEEL. RUGUE .L 1 WAGON SPRINGS smd A n is RAILS AND SPIKES. clods First Class and Warranted OFFICES AND *ORKS-Ilith stmet and AU . zhenT ItDer. md:77 W.lter strvet,lll..b.Ch. . Pittsburgh Steel Works - reTACILISIIED I? 1813. NDERSON & WOODS, Best Refined Cast Stee OF EVERY DEscairrios. A Refined German Plow &.•Spring Stee =EI CORNER. ROES AND FIRST AVENUE. Pit*. o~ntn, re. 1E7.41 fliTSßtr R.EI-1:1 j,TV'oveltj jWorks FOUNDED X. IX 1533. MOORHEAD, ADAMS & CO Mosinfseturors PLATFORME STANDARD Ira boor. Potent/ AND COUNTER Janus Fared I'aNnt Door Lock. and Latches Paint and Coffee MORI, de. Corner or FIRST AV rINUR and GRANT STII Pittsburgh. I. Sheffield Steel Works SINGER. NIMICK & CO., = Cast and German Stee RAILWAY SPRINGS. ELLE'TIE ?Ni PLATPORM SPRINGS. AXLES. STEEL TIRE..tc., IVA REIIOCSE—N3 Wnter sad 100 Firnstree BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. =I PARK, BROTHER & lianufacturera of all Moorlptlons o SMITH, • OFIrICK end ViA Elle USE-30th. 31. t and Ituilrnoul strrets. Pittsburgh. STOVES, CASTINGS, Ao COOK STOVES. Get the Best BISSELL & TRIUMPH, For Bituminous Coal, =I Warranted to ,COOK. BAKE or BOAST . u wet I other Store in the Union. BISSELL & CO., No. 235 Liberty Street. ALSO, ON IIAND AND FOR BALE PARLOR. STOVIZI. KEATING STOVES, GRATE FRONTS. FENDERS. COOKING RANGES. &c.. GRAFF, HUGUS & CO. Boston . Cooking: - Range "TIIE FIERY FURNACE" TUE NEW ANTLDUBT COOKING RTOVR. REGULATOR," COLUMBIA COOK STOVE. VANE (chicinsati Patkorid PORTABLE RANGE. CART IRON MANTLPS. WELLMAN'S BEFLEC , TOR, ORATES rrre from dirt add dolt; ORATE FRONTS. BERBERS. Ac. 208 and 208 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGIL PA. A.BRADLEY& CO. No. 30 Wood Street blimnfactarers of thwOreateet Vvlety of COOK. PARLOR and lIEATINO STOVIPI to be found. In our astortment trill be found MI the latest PAT TERNS and. IMPROVEMENTS. and the reputa tion of our Storm le math thaVany one In went of %Fortune° should purchase none hot Mose ren nrb.ll ea eir: -.ther,.72 Vic; 4 tlll:XcUrtr attention to and .oerr VOS°IIANo ?YE. for ,eburchos, hell. end stores. Othr NOO sold in three months. Intended for an). or Ithh.olt enslme. All rrtal hare man them Immennen term superior to any other and far cheaper. bend for Catalottne and Prlce 1.15 t., 16,0 WINES, LIQUORS, &c. AGNE(VS higol COLORiN The Very Best is the United States, WA.GNER, 9SI North Seventh Street, Reeetteneee--All the leading hens. In Phila. delphle. .Islinte-rrnel Schmidt & Friday 11%1PORT:VS oli - WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, 81. t FLOWL PURE ItYRWHISKIES. .N05;•384 and 386 Penn a)i.Of formerli Cons JOSS . VlA * Cif Oa lOC itiustii9catas • •, • • niter seusErr: remennb. •••• • • ~ C a E L• m e n .....inn-itn:• " W_lX°4l,,a.P'ol. r : acci ST totiON Maca# lB Stone Work .muxt c r eme Men/ tal tiLllVprrpitnr m gre ; t=l , .. e =..MATettrir On rf as mammal:ft 61.6 N Y 11=1 1..A- : 1 .:::::::.:t L ' A:S Jun. AA :1:!:1I'... ,: 2 I .. n f r .' LI i Dm (~,,:, r,,,,, v er11V A t ,. Ir:-"" °I:7 ' :It . MitirrirAllO 1. 1111 toe An .:.11OnslatalCluctonatt r.m.l : ma CI 0.1211 —1.4 . 4 pm 1111•010 Exr, rtA l F gr P .. .. a. n. 0 o P fliry 1 . ,4%%; ,.. .410.. Dm " 11 Ws N 0.1.. 111 am WNW* NO. It.; 11.• 0 am . , W 111. N0.1..11. atalltrin'tl.Ao No.l am ; WWs No. S.. I. mo• Wall's No, tl/. . • am . 3 Jolumiown A. :0 mal.olmatotra b•-• . am :.• . I Wall'o Nu. 3... . par watt . , Ilka 4, • • Pm , Wall'. N 0.14.. 3:iffi am WallltlNa•♦l,.• : pm k wukt.ov A. t 4: ~.,,w4dr.s.., 4... pm , Walla .tio. 0-11. pot Brlall Actto.2 ma ! h. 1.1, r i.... .11`iikiilt v itiL, kV:, /MO, All otheftralno dally.ateept ntaalt:'," 'l'!a• l'nutch Taloa lose. Wall. 'Mad. near) ~1 .13, - at ti:3o a. at— Pato-Moe rutial , .... 1u so .. m. ttournms, leaven Putemnt . om 1 1 . ,./ . l.pu p- FL ana vrives at wan, am,mst t• '• •..1 "" ka'rr l i e:li " . P ß l kVWlTlt ,AIMAr , .1149:aylvanle itallromi Comp., will pot se- ne ur Paggage: except 1 . • M... a d ' ltr;?an7:l thr: --„,,r...... k .-" - MA ‘ . .. :a l° , •lhr i ern . be et tee rht of the r . 7. leas taken by spep a i 0 „,,,, ak , ,io A. J. CARSA , .I . jen Gennsl enemintendent. Alosee: re- I - t 3I TTSUERGH TORT WAYNE CHICAGO S. Vf. and lIAIWIP. " Tr' . . _ eFrom June 11. 1570,_ tnans Put leave •firit • .• nd. arrive et tee Pulun Depot : north std., PUP" buch dm alum. as fullow•: , 1. • bear. . l ' ARAM. l'nelLl,nl 1i• aas FMK Line • lipta 0 (1.. k. W I: 3 f It 1. : ate beennes.l ...•:. ge " t. ' l"err iiie ;er alloy. Mai-. till :.. I ilhhao Ex.... 1 A a tralciere and.% • p m ; Pl. A Mkt Fa. , : pet MU &gg•st 3: , L, Pe . cille Ex • 11.1 e p nit,. AWh a Ez.t: pm tAtTgr e et!:l34 " 4 l.l, n*Aldgif St.litr.. l :VAilillLv.:44:4!‘ . :: - vi ... • •ew Cuslle •••• :; s;nerCee - tle; L li ;II ..• it Mum " •3 prs4eetedele "1 - Pt -"" : Leetsdale'" 3:13 e [I3,IIVAT Fells." : pm Ilim..r Fells" t 1,3 p m Leelnlele " • PM lavi•Clele "10:43 pm' , •i " i " ' pm •. : Pols Oaks Sun- Pay Oaks ea.-•; dor Church-1:13 pm diLy Church...CMS set • gig - Chimer: Exprees learnt daily. terintelec Express anirm daily. [fr:Fest Line INIMPB dm,r., , Mondays excepted. Flll IlAne mines dellykklundare exzepted. 0 - All other Wales Mil 1 ' re and arrlvs,dally. ' lnt i Vga d. McCULl.Oiigi 1, 7 Genl. Pte.& Ticket Agent. • I Gent . . —.__ -- .... ' .• . . .. WESTERS PENNSTLYAIi • R 1 R. -on end after MAY/ ' " '211:1570. the Plum mer Irvine. on the' Wean Pennsylrants Railmed will entre at,m4...Sport (mut the Federal Sny treet Depot, AilegDp•utT. • m follow. • t =1 =I SCALES C= STEEL. = STOVES,, =1 E=l I=l .11110LESALE DEALERS. IN 81 1 011 E. MIMI ILEMILISB7 - 1 ENNSYLVANUi ANNTIZA. ':..1 . . . , (ALLEM-LENT MIMI" ' . ' Allure. ! osPAIW. . 1 : Springd:e No. 10:40 ami Mall :., 61.4116 12. .• ' Freeport:to. 1.5 g. .19 a uulfreeport Y6l • m Ex Pre:—', I Ur. 1.9 a mgareasont Ae:l . • as, v: 4 4%-„,,. , 44tr,:i.grxx;51&.. f . I n; htail Opm . ,/portNts. . 0 pen l. thaimplreflo..24. 0 p su:SPrlMPFello. l 9 P m Aber gurslm T i nllg,eseept Mandel. 't '• ' The Church leaves AJleabetly Amain/a every Sunday at 9:09 A. 9.. repelling flyegheny E44::tlloAi.:...l".gTeti'7ll;htllrfin non et a. 09 P. n , Through tickets to Holier annalmumbehalm i thg he purenued at Walkers ntasfe =se. No. Bs. Clair street, near the Sueperenotr Blithfe; ft. .. an al the Depot. AlWahengl' ' b....17'1'"er P" .r.A.III:III '""9 II499 ' TS:AVT.I.. -- ; Itedeml fltreet usnot. T,_ lung/ ,Tlekete to all ImpOrtant Otani: en the 10.10 B. nn of the Pennsylvania Central llge4. 'T . A. _4: V , l._ _TT: Oenemi kapertrtlenliont. Altoona. rt. ROBERT. riBILSON, 1 ,0 Bupeirendent.PoUharels. .. A LLEGILENYNA LEY lIAILEOAD. i & NEW JANE TO BUFFALO TIIROIRIII TII OIL • itetnqNi!. . —: . June and after ONA. .1 Jui:Ca. I i 1110.3 throw` will leave l Pll=4 B 4 ' Depot.- corner V . ' Eleventh , • and Pike streete, fur Franklin. Ott 0ty,.111211.10, and all notate In the Oil nektons. . - .;; ; ,- • I.7.ArX , ../JOUTZ.AI.. nt•nott. r a 1.,. E press • PI •. O A. M. ' • P. 0. • I.:Tibt ' Mr - press ilo P. Y. TA. C. ' Way Pusseramr .B In , Brady's Bend A0C . 0.. at r. M. I A. X. ' Soda Works Ist Balton : 0 A. A.M. - S.C. ad num. : o P.M. ' : A.N. 3.111u1t0n..... ........ I :OP. M. , . P.M. rie,rlllngstla ' i : * A... ,r.. , Church I: UP. al. 1 _. _.• A. M• ' ' Express trains ahrip orlir, at principal Maw . AM commodation trains stop et 01 statins- ..... • 1 T ri t i l lnZ jar ire y ' s 4 l:gieciiiil r •l n t a TI Ni g h •LO Z = . J. J. LAWRENCE. oen'llimpt.l 1013 , JAMBS 11. BRAY. Tlckalciannt . ---I . ... ......• p ITTSBURGII AND CON:iTEktim• a n d Or Tlmie ' , l AXIELAPS4O3, and later WEDNESDAY. July 0. /811). Tralrataillarrtvo at land uttropti. Depot. corner of Grant' and Water stre as fol. lumplelty tim: . , k Va. 110lIrE • • 1 M ili Train... 630 A.M. 10 McKee. 1 ; • A V4"l"."' 4 .gt`r it4sAtztir:ll ^ :. A n po e ltat let 7 McKees.• ' '•1 West Newto I.' "..' 1 * put Ac 11:03 , A.8.. AC N. . ;11:14AAL plapr'a Train 2:I mkt, &Terms Tr n.ll S.X. . West'Newton '24 .11rMaes- .. Al: .1:30 t -M. Fart At lir.x. Braddock's 'I% ay Puma . .. • P .M. Ay. 3:30 T.M. Mali Train... . MM. -r-,. Md ArcKees- Bradd oaks .. 1 3d McKee. l3d Mcifees- • ' s poet Ac...... 10.40 tm.. N. pgitl e c 9.50t.M. (.11:1I:S I :1 1 12:45 t.m. i i rach 'All 0:20 i ;I.m. Snadnys onlv. All other Idles 'dal a , .1I!`Y. D. D. A:M=4d _ Master of Transpirtatkm. Ti i i aliii- - . pITTSIIURGII. CINCINNN I. ST. LOUIS ItAlLWAY:a jzi g PAN RANDLE ROUTE. CIIANGE OF TIME.—Ou and after SUNDAY. June 11. 1870. tralns will leave and arrive .5 the Union Depot. Pittsburgh. as follows, Pittsburgh Time. . ; OMPAIII, Anntrg. nspresa. that Line ,42:33,. m..12:4 coon Southern Hawn. Itattir tstt Mixed A ccomnaodation.. . : S. af. . p. ra. McDonald Acoommodh. ly .... . cm. stoneogvin. Aocommod. : p.m. i ll: wln. McDonald Acoommodh. : p.m. : p.m. Sunday Church Tratn..• .1' : The 10:43 A. R. Past Line willlewre fh;/ 1. Th. • 12:13 noon Ihrpu arrives daily. AD other Using run daily except Sunday W. L. 0113133. aener,u Ttek.t Agent A Columhu. 0 . W.W. CARO. Supl., DeO2IIIIOSI. obto. ; MIS HARDWARE &, CUTLERY • Pittsburgh Utility Works, I\cEAVEIt & JONES, Corner of Juniata and Fulton Street', • Sixth Ward, Allegheny. Manuraeturere of STAPLE TIANDWADE and all kinds UNLIT GREY IRON CASTING& We tender our Goode and services to the Tiede at the Lowest . Prices and warrant all our work skillfully Li:Ogled. Orders aolletted. The attention of AND gemerally Isifflalled to our make et BED AND PLATE CASTE WEAVER k /011135. , Address: Pittsburgh Postoteco. ESTABLISHED 1831. Logan, Gregg & Co., HARDWARE, No. 52 WoOd Street, prerentrtimi. PA- Spring Goods, Hoes, Rakes, Forks, Scythes, Soothe, kc. Merchants are Invited to -CIAIIIIIIO our stock when In the city. Orders by mall will have prompt at. tentlon. BEAVER FALLS- CUTLERY - 0. 1 No. 70 Wood Street, or 'ER' Table Knives Sr. .F6l4C.s. Pocket Knives, .Butcher Bre ad ituiverg, nive, - Carving Knives; "';;,, Scissors, Piitt7 Knives, HD ALL °THE& ARTICLIIS OF OUTRUN? LOW - MICE g. BeaverFals Ciitlery 30., No. 70 WOOD STREM . • ==! PAINTING,"( &c JOHN T. Gr:RAN", tothus-AID 8101 ritirts,'• • ca.Wamit or...kiiiiilll, I st romr.cr. yam, .t.a,rtisommi:Pi.. MIRSIIILVS VASIL . 'inaIINALLICICUXU, IMP, CPU. DRAbACKIL tanall.lVlVELLiza Init. =VS Dper.rsa..... Mee of UZI WC. 61171nritaL s botc; De 1301 utet stmt. r eo*.V.; oflgo.. • ' 4. a Vor ode noiamol• antritetail.irr GllCOttin '
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