THE DAILY GAZETTE: PUBLISIIED BY I'ENNLIIVI, REED & Cotner Sixth Ate. and Smitilleld St; I= T. P. HOUSTON, N. P. HEED, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. Tn 11111 07 2111. . By bleb. per year • bebeereb by carrier. per eeet THE DAILY GAZETTE. GESEBALITI . E B Tou Tflt D ill In Austria. Mut LINC'OW. Is at Marienbad o racs i th liTEß talks of resigning. A Bnooetors ceirietery is to be sold at auction. CO-OpIULATIVE cottages eXiet lit Long Branch. • Tits Empress of the French fancies pigeons; A :NEW London street In to bo called Lothalr. - CREIKOHNE and Niabile are called Hop gardens. 6.618 irpmigrants reached New York hart week.. • PAILS raisers aro bngi p ning l. gromb down the peach crop. • VEnin brings out a new opera at Milan and Naples next month. Rot save the prevalent journalistic complaint le rumor—tlem. BEN HALLIDAY now controls tile entire railroad system of Oregon. , ' A FoVBTU of Jule couple were Wade one In a balloon in Chicago. FOURTEEN * Japanese pobletuen are studying at Ruttger's lollege. THELMENY, one of II latest novels, will probably be followed y Killafesi. MINISTER OLLIVIER lives economically and says by money out of his salary. A comer WOMAN. predicts, the death of the King of Italy within six months. Aa exchange calla carbon oil lamps par lor magazines; Weenie of their exploaim. UCBS. 8817 stills a rc registered in the United dtates for the distillation of brandy front fruit.. ON Thursday Martin Worm killed Ma thias Fisher with a sledge hammer in lieW Orleans. . . • TEE first Erie Railway freight car has just made, the through trip from the Hud son to the Pacific. - POOR Marfori Is forbidden to nettle in Lisbon, and so has to leave his satire peninsula altogether. TILE decomposed body 'of an unknown man was found at the Battery in New Tork,.ou Wednesday. , Pnortsson AnAestz is very ill, so ill that he cannot leave home for the sea shore. as he intended to do. TEE steam communication between Eu rope and the United States now costs more than : a million dollars a week. , _ ON Sunday . week Edwin Booth became the father of a son, but it died next day, and Mrs. Booth is dangerously ill. ME Boston Post says the Emperor of Morocco is to send 'some of his bronzed kids to Paris for educational polish. . "Ws all owo something to our country" sail the man who went abroad without havlfg paid his income tax.—Punch. Tft.. New York Custom House, it is said, always•gives a President More trouble to govern than all the rent of the country. TUE Pennsylvania Railroad Conipmy is .fast getting ready to start a line of steamers between Philadelphia and Liver pool. A Sco - rtm woman, Elisabeth' McMillan, drowned herself at. Cincinnati •on Thurs day. She had been but six weeks in that town. atm erroneous idea, that Englishmen never can get rid of, is that Americans always speak of 'their country as "the Elates." A speaker in Boston said th question before U 6 Is, not what we will d with Johm i ghltlittmtn, but what will he th wlth W. REVICOLD6 & CO's color factory h Brooklyn has been declared a nulianc and its 'removal authorized by the V. S inthoritles. RECENTLY, while on a berrying execur. elm, three ladies of Danbury, Conn.. kill ed the largest rattlesnake ever seen in that vicinity. Is Wilmot, Ohio, on the 2.oth ult., a boy with the agonizing name of .1 ranzo. Cieeri. Deal, was dragged to death by run away horses. , ON the ith in the British Hons., of Lords the 6111 providing for the revision of the lessone in the Bc;ok of-Common Prayer passed. • 1100En." . .A. Roosn's son-Theodore gradu ated atprinceton-thhs year and took high. er honors than any other man since Aaron Barr graduated. THE 'limit tailors in Cork struck and their employers brought orer a kit of Ger mans, who have joined the international union and struck too. Tin. Hall and . Norcross Silver .Mining Company Imo declared a dividend of five dollars per share, for the month of June, payable last Saturday. , TEE N. Y. World says: A young lady, of Illinois, though not repulsive in appear• mice or manners, puts all the mails to route from llannibal to Naples. • - • THE Adrancc has followed the lead of its more progressive brethren in the east and has "gone Dickens, and says he drank too much good liquor. • A MoNraEivr to Professor kforne, iron. lasting of a white marble statue standing on a plain . block of white marble, is to be placed in Central park, New York. - ENGLISH papers have been grumbling terribly about the heat this year, and yet they only had the mercury to about 88 de grees in the shade: and that only on one CHIEF JUIVIILT. Cn.tnE is announced to be at Pat In Bay, Gettysburg and a sum. mer resort in klimiesota, He seems to be capable of occupying several positions at AN army of belligerent floes made a sudden attack on the lawyers and wit titter-wt. in a rase in the Court at Easton, Md., a few days ago and put them all to Right... . TIIE Lyman gun, made at Reading, l'a., for the French Government; and whteli is to throw a ball ten miles, has, been satis factorily tested, and will now'be taken to England and tried there. Li. Lebanon county, I's., there is et chestnut tree 26 feet„t) inches In einem. forence,One foot from the ground. The chestnut tree on thazzounds of the Beth lehein Iron Compant is two fret lees in circumference - Tat New York Erprerr says: ••While talking herebouta concerning a monu ment to Dickens, let nd itaptire how many comer atones of monuments to great men lie buried in the United Staten without anything above them r Two lowa bops of tender yams lately Aimed of on a campaign against the Sioux, armed - with a little Wass pistol and a bow and arrow. They were captured four, miles from home and returned to the maternal mitigation. AT the Citarleitowit, Mau., State , Pris ,the - convicts were 'regaled on the Fourth with a banquet and oration on -Liberty." All aged convicts remarked that thn,plam pudding was rather nice but thArontion was out of place. Ai erring Indiana hog was recently found in the back part of a hardware sore, whore the misguided fowl bad struggled for three weeke,trying tohatch ent half a donut white vorodaln door knobs.. She was very much reduced. is Rochester there dwells a man, or fond In human form. This creature In a mad lit-of jealousy at his wife, seised her, and with unparalleled barbatity embed her best bonnet, and dung her chatelaine braid &rout of the _yawning casement. A Captain Peter 'Slater, who was one of,the party who threwover. board the tea in Boston harbor on the night of Deeeniber 16,1773, has beencom. pleted, and was set in its place In Hope Cemetery, in Worcester, ldassachusets, Monday. 'Dix It. E. Lee has after all no right to the deer Hitler she has received for , irsay. in made !miter time than the steamer Princes, dld sixteen years ago, for the distan. Is now' very much shortened by cut off, being forty dive mile* less between ;New Orleans and Natchez. • • • Mn. A. 3iINARD, of Morristown: :N: J.. who has built a fine Orphans , Home at ,~,: =ill - - • , . I , I • . , (4 1 t L*l . 4 . • - • . L ESTABLISHED . IN 1786. iiili that place, has deeded the entire build ing., folly furnished, together with the ea. tensive grotuidx adjoining, to the. Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal (lurch of the United States, to be used by theta for an Orphans' Horn.•. NEXT winter young luitlieut are not to Went chliMi steeples On their:leads as obey now do, butt, instead, befit skin hats each an grenadiers tarry are to be all the rage. It will 'be a singular freak of fashion'that will send the women of the highest tone out into inclement December,. in their beer skins. A FitENen shotykeenetzecently gavelt in evidence before a committee on the Anglo. French treaty, that there is no . , .. market in France for , English stockings. Tho resent, assigned was that Alto French ladies am so much more finely shaped titan the English, that stockings mode for the one will not tit the other. ' ()LIVE 1,00.\N evidently considers her. self a foreigner having liyed ao long in Faris, City of Luxury where her unspeak able advantages over mere common Amer- great that Ate never ceases 'Vriting of theta; and now she •ttinir naturalized and naps entlK were .1 olkini, tool hinko of ge MEd MS=!! Tot: Chinese embassey, at last accounts, was in Florence, Italy. There it attract ed very little attention . , save from the cw rhino rubble. The importance with which it wax accredited evervwheta_ while Mr. Burlingame was at its Mead 5 , ,1118 to have foiled out of sight. It will e” home shortly by the nearest rout., ON the 20th of June the town of ('oven try had its yearly parade, but the princi pal actreas iu it. personating Lady tiodivu wore a petticoat. as otherwise—she would not have been tolerated in that town. We think the sooner the unpetticoated blondes and brunettes of our modern stage are sent to Coventry the better.. ON Wednesday last, Levi . 11arris. just arrived from Oalifninia, intrusted his trunk. containing tiventy.fiye lummls of dd dust • valued at if.. 1.000.10 James nod, who pretended to be a carman. to • delivered:it his residenve in New York to. _The trunk was not delivered. and Ila - rul Was arrested and held to answer. AN English countess, who made the or quedtitance of some American Orison the Continent; is said by the Rerolution to have eXpraNsed great istonishinent at the fineness and costliness of their under clothes. She did not believe that the cambrics, linen anti laces of the Princess Royal exceeded i tie those worts by our American girls. ON Tuesday night in Milford. Conn.: Mrs: Nathan Fenn awuks her husband by telling hint. there was a man in the mow. lie sprang up. saw a burglar, pursued him to the next room and grappled with him there, when he was shot, expiring in fifteen minutes. The burglar and an at. complier escaped, it is thought, in a var. riage to New Haven. . LYMAN AN. a steady young pun twentyneven years old, six feet high with 'blue eyes, light complexion and brown hair, and dressed in .a water-proof coat, dark vest and . brown trousers has disappeareil from his home, and any in. formation of hini will be thankfully re ceived by his wife . Ireo,•Jitiae Vaughan and four children, who reside at Wellsville, Ohio.' • TILE United - Presbyterian Presbytery of Philadelphia, at its recent session, passed resolutions stating that lice. Dr. Saunders lord informed them that at Courtland Saunders Copege, he pr0p09,4 to educate the sons of ministers free of charge; ac cepting with thanks his generous pulite.. shion, and expressing their beet wishes for the . prosperity and • euecobss of the college. • • "A ci,EaticAl. impostor. calling himself "Rev. - F. Whitcombe, Itan been deceiving the people iif Springfield, Mass. lie ults allowed to preach in one of the Methodist chord., and aided hh adminiNtering the communion. Ile WON lINOKIIiZed KS an impostor by Mr. Shone, of Claverack. N. Y,; and arrested. in his traveling hag was found about $2,500. two $l,OOO green. hacks, a few smalls 'and a draft of OM on a Neer - Fork bank. ON . Thursday a ComPany of tiertunn target.shootero in Newark were practicing for a bottle of wine-after the tegnlar firing was over, when a little eon of Frank Marvine, of Bloomfield; entered an out house in the rear of theltarget. No soon. er, had it entered thin a ball passed through the side!of the building, striking the boy in the temple and coming out at, the back of his bead. He died almost in. stoutly. It was the . boy's birthday, ripfl be was celebrating in consequence..' , l i f Tug Flksbliff says it takes no intensst or part in the fi ght now going on between the pmp 'etoni of the Freiletita Freund and are ntly dischargedemploye of that journal; . et it bas published neveml col umns of f vective and abuse already, and is determi ed its protege shall have the 'the last w nl. ',All of which is amusing enough, if they did not draw outsiders in to the rum .ine— They have, however, now attacked he new editor of the Freund, and have made a vulgar parody uPon a paragraph with which we recently wel• corned that gentleman to the proles/don. This we think is going too far, but there is no acconhting for Izalco. • Th Ametteme Cemetery. .. . . . .... The Antricit Cemetery in the City of Mexico h n recently been placed in perfect onfer, by directions of Secretary Belknap, who, it in stated, obtained-the . 1 , necessary .unf.,of money for thin purpose out of the contingent fund of the' United States W r Department.. - The Two Re publica," journal published in the City of Mexico says that duripg the French occupation the troops tilled up . the ditch which surrounded .the we.,:t.,“ and . .. ..- • . • southern orders of the lb Auserit ai, I 'erne tory, dug a ditch further out, and cut em brasures in the walls for (=non, The present'Jdesicatt Government, upon the representation of the above facts, re opened the ditch aed restored the former boundaries: Under the supervision of the United States Consul, the walls have been repaired and mimed to a greater height, new, gates, doors' and windows have replaced the old ones, . the grounds have been filled in. shrubbery has been planted and walks Jaye been laid but. Thirpodestal erected in 11147 over the remains of the C. S. soldiers, now defaced and nearly demolished, in to be replaced by another 'monument, the tablets of which have arrived nt Mexioo. 'rho old pedestal bore the following defective in. iscription. "The remains of 7:io are here Interred, under the net of the American Congress, Igri3," but the "new monument will have inscribed upon one tablet, "To the memory of the American mildierswho perished in this valley in ,1747, whose tomes, collected tee their uniintry's order, aro here buried," rind upon tire' opposite tablet, -.Contreras, Claurabusco.ljno Del Rey, Menlo'." IThe cemetery, It . Is stated, now presents a moat remarkable contrast to its former and and neglected condition, when in addition to its dia. graceful appearance, it was the constant, resort of animals and' night marauders. The representatives of the Pnited States in Mexico derorri - e credit for their care and attention In restoring and adorning the cemetery. The Khedive end -Gen. Beetarepird. The Paris corresponnent of the the Er. prat , sends to that journal. the following paragraph of contemporary hlitory rieneral Beauregard, of Confederate memory, was on the eve of being rip. pointed to the high position of Common der.iri.Chlef of the Egyptian forces, with the privilege of bringing with him a staff of fifteen officers from America. The arrival in Cairo of the new American Consul Osumi, George 11. Butler, put a summary end to tide. Mr.' Butler, as I am told, intimated that as General Besuregard was is yet - an "unpardoned rebel," and as be had betrayed the coun try which educated him, there , wnd no reason why, the oiqmrtnnitv offiTing, he might not betray the lifiedive. These representationshad their effem, and Urn. ersll3. will not have the influential posh tion In question, To many the course pursued be Consul Butler will, perhaps seem hatell, - but is considered that Beaufegard issued the famous Booty and Reality opoinuneitunento . against General Butler, uncle of 'the young Con sul, the 'affair assume a different turn. Yon will remember that Beauregard • Glared-Butler an outlaw. FOREIGN ALEX IS the Prince of Waleri pet nitine for his Princesii. : BIIADIN..!, is wt.'', again nll.l ni work Oil n new Nentilttion book. . . . . Port:, an American, and formerly a resident of St. Louis, committed suicide in Paris on Wednesday nigbt. Mo. FoLEY, IL A., has been 00101010. sinned with the execution of a memorial statue to the late. Earl of Derby. THE Convocation of Canterbury pro.. poses to create apermanent Con:Mint, to watch the proceeding:4 of the Vatican. MR. - WOOLNI:it and Mr. Millais are mak ing arrangements for reproducing a worthy likeness of Mr. Charles Dickens, 'CUE arrival of the ship Ceraates. Capt. Brunton, oh. of the racing, clippers from San Francisco March 14 '1 is reported at Liverpool. THE appeal Of the Duke of. Newcastle to the House of Lords against a judgment rendered in favor of one Morris, a money lender, has bees 114.6,441 adversely to the appellant. - Mn. THOMAS LAI/STONE, a m'phew of the English premier, was thrown from his horse and kicked to death last March, bear Melbourne, Australia. Ile was only 20 years old. THE most refractory of the galley slaves, at the flagon de Toulon, is an ex lieutenant of the Imperial uhutrd, con victed of murder, lie behaves so badly that the bastinado has repeatedly been administerod to hint. L'Ernms of administration have been granted for the estate of LOngworthe on . the ground that Teresa Yelvertom one of the claimants, absent in America, Ohere her address is unknown, and she umnotlie communicated with. WHEN the Russian Minister. DeCata. may, paid a vitiß to Cotta works in Hart ford last week he visited the widow-of John eallalier. whm,. was killed some months sincetvt,il 's ing in testing till' Russian arms: bd lier tlmt his government hied settled on her A pen, siren for life. FnueuE, the historittn, was lately pre, vented becoming a candidate for I"arliw mem' be the fact that he had once taken clerical onler, although he immediately retired from the clerical 'office. Rut the law, which an attempt is making t, peal, makes all clergymen inelligihli• - cjvil offices,- THE FENIANti are greatl• ineensed at the refits:Ll of the government to give up the body of the convict Thontpson. 'who died at 7Porthuni, They proposed to give . the remains a great funetal, and - to take them from Portland to Ireland for the 1 , 1111 , 05 e ., The government 'considered ...It a demonstration inutafe, and will hoes the body quietly buried in England. THE means of fixing designs and dratv ino executed in charcoal-and other fugi tive material of Similar character . has long been sought after ih the_ art world, but are now tompletelv supplied by the discovery, by M. Iloug - et, of n which is .blown from a vussel in the form of spray, and renders every ironing irn&iugi , to which it is applied. whatever the material,- pormaneht. PIRETOsi P.% RA DOL, tin. newly appoint ml Minister to Washington from .the Freach Court, who is exceedingly poptilar among the American residents of I will bring - with him to Washington hia daughter and his Young soli. Tbe coring lady is excemiingly engagin g . Tim 'lad is to go to school in the -United States. M. Paradol speaki and writes English Id.' 1,4 a- widower. TllgY'any in Paris, that at' a meeting of. the Imperial Cabinet, at which the Eu ; peror presides, Inc hardly ever num,' any thing else except the words -Eh lien, .11,,..4rirar Ile Iv,: the >tini,;er, ull al long Int tlwy wIto:. but hardly 1,11 . gie . es his I,WII opinion. • Ile does that only at the private interviews which he bide with the various Ministers after the Cabinet meeting ir over. JANIT has informed the prmirie. tors of the Journal die Delman that, sakes they immediately consent to doable his salarw, he will no longer write for the .I. , ailhlon of that piper. :lie received heretofore five hundred francs a week-. Bot as his contributions form the - most attractive feature of the Jullrhal des Dc fate, the proprietors Of the paper will pro bable accede to his demand. • AnoLeng predicted the other day in theiobby of the Corps Legislatif that a great European war would 14) err-. lain to break out In less than sixmonth's. HO his vaticinutions do not find any more believers. Ilr still insists .that the beat i terests of :lb French people require it t t is to war with Prussia in Order to de. rice her of the advantages which the me derived front the Sadoent campaign. THE old puke of Saldaha, . the present 'rime Minister and virtual ruler of Portu gal, is a very wealthy man. Neat to the dethroned old Duke of Brunswick, he owns the finest private collection of pre 'doss stones, which he keeps in a strong Sron safe standing in his bed room. fir Idiamonds are said to be much finer than those of the house of Breganzu.. Ffe owns two rubies, valued at seventy - thousand dollars, and an emerald, for which the Empress of the French some time ago of. reset, him mike thousand francs. Tun Memorial Iliplomatigne states that when Count Bismarck, who ACCOIIV- I , amied his Sovereign -to Ems, took the and of the Czar, and wan lifting it Bolds ips,lhe Euiperor Alexander anticipated the action by saluting the Prussian stuten man on the clieek. Front this gracious solution it is inferred that Count His. inarck is in great favor with the Czar. The Memorial ' addit that - in diplomatic eirctes it is still helived, notwithstanding the denial of the semi-otliCial journals that i n th e interview bttWeell the two Soren elgtes plans have been agreed await' fur. erance of .the. work of disinte'gration which hat for some past been carried on toward Austria; en the part of one power, by secretly inciting the Czechs to refuse all compmmines with the Court of Vienna, and of the other by propagating find -encouraging Pan-Slavist ideas Itronghout the countries under the Aim rian scepter which are inhabited by a lave population: . The Presse of Vienna, lOSVOCCT, announces that the object of tb. loyal usetinkrati'Ems was to arcingo ninnlaire between the -second non of tin Czar, Prince Wladimir, and a youthfu Princess of the Prussian Royal family. CABAltill:l4 narrated once that after . . the revolution of It l 3o bin mother came t Paris from er-country bons. out of curl _unity and as alio wan walking down Boulevards on her son's 01111 Mopped fm• play bill on which. wan a new piece, ra li nberpierre;" the same Robenpiette she -'et well remembered. - Ohl' said she; aunt go, lel id like , to nee thin play,land positively there In ' as actress who iii going to play the part of vour own mother, Mme. 'Ninon." Cabirrus entiled!and took ticket!, for the performance, but for some cause er other both reachisl.thil theatre after the piece had begun, and as by a strange coinci dence they entered their hos just as the actor throwing Mick a curtin in • Robes pierre's study on the stage, announced in a loud voice, "Mine. Tellico The real Mine. Tallies cant a glance on the at:truss who was to impersonate her, and fainted away. -Much dintrenned; Dr. enbariun carried his mother out of the Leland hart her driven to .their hotel. -Re • believed for days and Weeks after for recovery that some siftwistitions notion had weak ened her nerves, on hearingan uneonacionn actor titter her name just as Clint appeared jn a public place of entertainment after so long a retirement front scenes of gay. etv. One day, however, a third rainy , being ,resent,[ Mute. herself re lated the incident. j . When she had done site exclainted,'"Alul what a horrid fright actressthe 'was who acted me! 'lb e w badly her clothes were pot on! The idea of ever . cutting). - such - a - 4mi - before Robespierre quite took-my sennes away, and so I fainted.l —At Chicago, on Saturday. during the ',re arms of a game of 'base ball. the raised seats on the west side of the park gaveway. pros trating some five hundred people to the ground In terrible confusion. Three men and two ladies were considerably Injured. Mr. Brewster. hatter under the Sherman House, was badly hurt In ;he spine. I. C. Kate, com mission merobatit, was badly hurt internally. Dr. Cleveland we. hurt Internally. Miss Mary Cline had a leg broken. The game was inter rupted by the accident bate few minutes. . . PITTSBURGH, NIONDAY, JULY It .187(Yr FIRST EDITIOI MIDNIGHT x.ysT CONGRESS. ItiECOND SESSION.) • SENAT : CiOde Comm:ideation with Rest Indies—Legislative, Judicial and Executive Appropriations Pass. ill—Chinese Coolie Trade—Pension farltMrs. Li rob—Civil and Misccl. cons Appropriations—Army Hill Ocean Mail Steamship Service in the Pacific. HOUSE: Consular and th Piploatle Appropriations ‘assvd— Sell* Amend ents to ax and Tariff Hill All Considered and His. posed Of—lncome Tax Mt allied al No and Half ('en 511ip Line to India and Chi la. ty Telegraph to the l'ltlnbirgh Els WASLLISOTOS • lib A U3O. EilerM MY. SUN:IER prenentel a petit) 'I, from Mr. Cyrus W. Field, sett lug forth hls desire to fur nish Cheat , and Increased facOltles of tele• graphle.communl6ation through the Vatted States and West Indies. and to this end asking authority td lay' a cable from Florida to Cuba. and the repeal of the Intent loyal Telegraph Ceimpany's exclusive crlellege to have a cable between those shores. It woo referred to the Committee on Foreign Bela- Bonn. Mr. )1011RILLtNiniael from the totthnit tee of Conference on the Legislative. ',ay.:valve oul .I, , ii,unpitroprintlon bill. ntatle a report, whichlt av sloptiA. In reply to specific lo onier. he ek.p . alni4,l that the Senate amend ment relating to the effect of pardon or inn tiesty in the Court of Claims was retained: that the Senate attiendinent fur the estenslon of the Capitol cutouts and fora new State Department buillling were stricken out, nod the appropriation of one hundrvul thousand dollars for u North Pole expeditioti wv duped to to fi fty thousand dollars. Upon a the geneeal proposition for on increase of official : ere hail then• was no incremte in th Judges. The Senate nn clerks In ilepartmeoPi nod trio departments had been stricken t lie latter a proposition having g r o ins all the appointment Of f m of clerkship. STEiyART t ieredo a rixoltil log the President raus the a are IP. leas to prohibit the coolie strictly enforced. mid for that In Anna the proper civil °Mews u :[at , n+ to prosecute all violations awl directing Investigation whet roollesnre being trensported to elates in violation of law. constant tab • sal rie 1 te relating to alt. cle ke in int. In en of Men In erttel • Huller to any ton ref: tr. I of brit trade. to I • to In the Unite I said act. r Chinese the United . . Nleshm. TRUMBULL and d to the resolution as anitnputatl TThethat he did not petform he resolatlon•WAK adopted as r,vide for a shapla.lnqulrs Into oese importetiona. • motion of Mr. Sl — M.NEltetb pension to Mrs. LI oculn milm taken A distooislon followed.•during AI , iItRILL. Vt., moved to redo', clper!lav• •• Ar. MOM ELI. regarded the ill fraud nn the pension laws, and. , charged that Mn. Lincoln and I family had been In sympathy with waswhich was denied by Mr. HO% A :notion to lay on the table, was regnrded ae a test, was to. ;;;L:mel the bill awn laid over iil The civil and iniscelimenoua ap bill was reported from the Conon .11 n /trose dr. her YA TES . hole tho reboil i"Alti) blob vote yen. 24. oformrtlll. .rupriatlort tee on hp- • proprlations. The army appropriation WI wa and the amendment of-the Comma! proprtations. diminishing . the ap , for the pay of the army 6N7, 0. Mr:WM:ION muted to an *men principal features of the army la tabled, reducing the number Of mil In the army to 10.11 Al. but rontlnul i.l General. Lieutenant General. lii Trate r Ueuernis and making n pr”virlon In relation to rupernut err,: leaving Itallseret binary with dent to furlough or discharge nit dment the I recently I led men ifwthot.r Kn .11 II o the One 3 ear's (ereof the .her pros,. ri and the Meier% re- • - • • such as are left after the provl ate enrried Into effort.. The o dna refer to the tilling of rotator Ilscharge after elimination' of cuted unfit fur duty. The amendment 'was InOtlifirti hoeTtffirers unfit for duty shall be he board appointed for their eon odic for duty by the fleneral done. instead of by military mat ides of staff. A new tteCtion was insetted et of January LI. In). and allowl on his own application, to military duty, except service. The pay of chaplains was Inert. The seat ton relating to superman was amended to provide that an after the provisions of the act had rind into effect Shall ho furioug pay until assigned tti till vacancle or on their own application they charged with one year's pay and The amendment was fu4er roglaetteotttlelmh'rama honorably Se:A land Instead of on eighty area a col by law. The amendment of Mr. Wilson. to miotre reported to loatinn a it the lrtne antler, and Minx tan n retired noslgned !ett to $.l j rT offit era ,• remaining been c tr ,d -without occurring. hnll he dls allow nee.. modllled to oldl n. and n of public now allow- M=l . . . . 'as then adopted, and the bill p. lull• were passed net follows: On illation of Mr. ItAMiSEY, granting to the Ev.sville and Southern Illinois Itrdirond Company the right to build abridge across the Ella river. t• On motion of Mr. TRUMBULL.. the hill amendatbry of the bankruPt aw est:ending the operation of a part of the to brokers. inanufacturen and mlners.l Mr. CAMEROS explained that he did not dodge a vote on the income tax, but was . . . . mired off with Mr. Sprague. The Senate then went Into executhe The evening session of the Senate wee de voted to the consideration of the bill authori zing the establishment of ocean mall steam hip service between Sea Franciseo and Aus tralia. Mr. COLE spoke for one hour in advocacy of n subsidized line, as proposed, and upon the commercial importance of the enterprise, af ter which the amendments reported were ngreed to. At SAO the Henateadjourned.' HOUSE OF 11E.PRESF.NTATIVF.... Mr. KELSEY, from tho Conference tom mittee on the Consular Diplomatic ApprOpri at ion bill made a report which was agreed to. Mr. CAKE offered the following resolutions which were referred to the Committee on Education and Labor. . . . Whrrrds. eine° the emancipation of Ameri lin dint:Hand the elevation , of our humblest . . . laborer to the full rights , of citizenship. un hcrupulous speculators In human flesh have demonstrated the prartleability,of fastening ..laver} upon the nation to another form: and whereas, to take a step back Ward is Oontrary ton sound and healthful public policy. tend ing to a betrayal of the people and subversion of the Government; and whereas. the United I±tates having conceal to be' the home of the slave or the held in which' the slave driver may pursue his trade with Impunity; and whereas, danger may be anticipated le the or ganized Immigration of bond Chinamen; therefore. • • Repoirrd. That while thepeople of the whole world arc Invited to come as voluntary free men to share with us In the protection of our laws, in oar frte instltutioror and in the wt,o derfut advantages of our wonderf al teed. tt is against the genius of the age to bring them here in Londe fora SMITS of years.OS even months: that thin traffic In Londe,. n le degrad ing to the lond, will out be tolerated he a na tion of freemen Had nowt be checked In its inception by prompt action on the part of the representatives of the people. And further resolved. That the Committee. &Mention and Labor are hereby Instructed to investigate the subJect. includlngthercontruct r e tu di o s ystem orneticml In varlons parts of the country, llOd to report a bill no POOP as Outelicable prohibiting the Introduction Of headmen' from China or elsewhere. providing for the. protection of those who voluntarily seek our shores In quest of. tree tunas mad will all speedily as meet lenble adopt the halt Its. manuen and customs of our country. nail . making It a criminal offense, punisha ble by tine and Interisoutnent. lobe a party, direct or Indirect., to nay prat etTtending to perpetuate the barbarism of slavery. Mr. SCHENCK. front the Committee of Ways and Means. reported back the :Feuate amendments to the ins and tariff bill,and moved they nil be nun-concurred In nod refer red to it Committee of Conference. and said the Committee of Ways and Means did red pre tend to say they would recommend non-con currence in the amendments in detail. There were some of them the Committee thought , ought to be concurred in..but the Contufittee were satisfied that If they reported back the amendments, recommending concurrence In some and nou-cculeurrencet In others. running over the whole eomellented questions In an variety, so much Tune would be consumed as to render it likele no bill' reducing tag.. would be plumed this session: • s . • Mr. BROOKS. New York, opposed the mo tion, and argued the House should have an on portunity of voting on each remandment. He oducitted the majority of the Committee of Ways and Means had authorized the motion lobe made, but It was a ban majority wily. On the Committee there were but two revenue reform moo, en that they must have had the cooperstioh of ammo member. of the majority The amendments• made In the Semite were mainly John. SCHMICK thought himself Justified in, saying thd minority did net want. any bill passe that would reduce taxation, toid that there were gentlemen on the other side attic, House who, If theyshought there was an In. crease of taxation on likesemer .steel to the Vet% u goltlneggi l ;11::tf:1"agla. to offotte. or 5100.000401 Mr. CIAKFTELD Inquired whether the qumt. Moot income tat.would go to the conference committee? • Mr. SCHENCK. replied It would, as that was still an open question between the two houses.' Mo p esAIELD Inquired whether !twee so far o Mr that the conference committee • could abolish the tax altogether? . Mr. SCHENCK replied that he did not Go- Here In the right of a conference non to do that. Mr. SCHENCK moved to suspend tb rconcur in tise Scutum amendments r committee of conference. Tile motion Mw rejected. Mr. CULDOM moved to concur in the tiro. ainendmentrof the Senate. which strikes out the drat thirty-four /*Huns of the li use' bill . elating to soecial thacs. regulation as to lc.. and to lubstitute (or t em five slew mentions. The motion was re jected and tit amend.: me non-concurre d DAVIS of Aye Yor k, moved t suspend the rules and strikfrom the bill ni relating ru income MS. Nee:Laved—yeas 67. nays rots—Messrs. Ambler. imam. A her, tell. Banks, Barnum, Bennett. Beggs. Bird, ••Brooks. T.) Buffington. Bur Mass.. Calkins, Covtale, o w lee C n. Davis, Dickenson. Dirma. Flick, Garfield. Getz, Oil lan, Griswold . Haight. Hill, !footman - . Jencks, Judd. Kelly. Kellog Ketchum. Lynch. Mae 3Fearthy, 11'henrie, Mines. Moore. IN: J., Morrell. Pa.) Morrissy, Myers, Negley, Niblack. O'Neil, Paine. Putter, Randall, Itoeves, Rogent. Sargent, Schumaker,Seolleld, Slocum. Smith. (Oregon, Starkweather, Ste venson. Stile!, Stone, .Shrsing, Swann, Tw Rebell, Vpson. Vanwyck .Winchenter, and Wood. Nous-Messrs. Adams. Allison. Aruell. As per, Atwood. Ayer.ilaillY. Scatty, Benjamin, Denton, Booker: Boyle. Brooks, 01:1..0 •Ilueker, Buckley. Hurchard, Bailer. ITenn../ Cake, Churchill. Clarke, Cul- Darrell. Dawes, Degener, IlickeY. honk. Duvall, Dyer, Eh, Farnsworth, Perris. Ferry, Fiukehiburg, Fisher, Hale. Hamilton, (Bawls, Hawkins, Hawley, Hay. Hoar, Ingersoll, Junes. (Ky.., Kelsey. • Knott, Lash. LaWrence, Lewis. Logan, Imighridge. Marshall. Maynard. McCormick, 31cireary. -McGrew. McKee. McNeely. Mer cur. Moore, IGhiuJ Morph's, Orlin Packard, Packer, Palmer. Peek, Pierce, Phillips. Po land, Porter. Prosser. Rice, Roots. Sanford. Sawyer. Schenck. Shanks. Sheldon. atia, , Sheldon. ,New York,. Sherrod.rsanith; Smith, t Vermont./ Smythe, Stevenson. Stokes, Stoughton. Strickland. Sweeny. Toffee, Tanner! Tilman, Townsend. Tyner, Venal] ken, Canhurne. Ward. Wash iWls..l Washburne, Shari Welker, Wells. Wheeler, Whittuore. Wilkinsint. Wil lard. tClllinuis. Wilson, (Minn., Wilson. and Woodw &rd.' 31r. SARGENT indeed the Senate 4inend lucid reducing the Meow' tax to two and one half per. cent be condurr ad In. Agreed to-te . , 31r. SARGENT moped to concur in tine Sen ate amendment providing that the income tax be collected and levied during Is7l and and nu longer. I 3lr. SCHENCK opialsefi It its requiring to lie further amended. Mr. SLIDFIEI.I) moved 111 reconsider the vote rejecting Hui first. initendulent of the Semite. • I Mr. SCHENCK moved tunny t belmifiontu reconsider on the table. I Negatived-it to lUP. Mr. SCHENCK opposed the sotimelinent us sulking out firs special ti.x on bggfrer t .s, enti , rarises: .co.. abolishing the .IDtilletion which the House desired to make bet worn wholesale andiret all liquor dealers. I bellOUSe making 'the ist Mellon to onisist In the character of bust ess and the Senate In the amount ol sales; also striking on , rrg ulirtfonastostamps. I • The vote aria teconiidered and the tint ninenillnen riv tof the Tan k , •' concurred In-yeas kV. nays • The Senate amendment striking a clause out I the House hill Whichr limit,. the allowance rent In live handredl dollars cone,. el ill. ENE The Senate nnientinient striking .•tit the aratirrni.ll taxing chlekory, succors . . tin- Zollon runt and all substitutes for colt, live eats tier pound W/15 non -oaten rred In. The Senate amend taunt In rehab.° to sugars on-concurred The n Senate amendment striking out the tax' n spices, wines and brandies. and unbutitta• tig it Inc on corsets. eyelets and ultra-marine. is nonscone.urred In. . . hputt t hert- e • to Ant, e tu edlcGeJChl meast==mommal • on jute buts from ten to Nli . dullors I t ton u nma-cuuturred In. p . The Senste umendrnent reilueluir the duty si deet railway bars Iron, one-hall t./ One t borth cent per pound seta concurred. In -yes, 119. paFs 71. hi!FI r P hick Mr. tun mut t .The Senate amendment reducing the duty' on railroad bars made in part of steel (mu one and,tt qarter to one eent.ber pound was c‘meurre4 l u n. The amendment plating' the dote on crino line wire. grindstones. betiding end menu t coral marble, hats, hair pits. anodyne. dies. buttons a ornaments fur dresses. a Illelate of soda-and gun wads. wax • non-coacurred .10—naes enA none The COMM ittee'uf and Moans had rec ommended non-couctirrence. but Mr. Oil 'insisted en having the record by yeas nod tin a, and tnerefore moved to concur. • The Senate amendments striking out the paragraph. le relation to nickel. albatc "tier tame sneer soul like mixed metals were non- The amendment entering e reel lu—peas a.. ,paregraph ax ing watch jewela ten per cent. ml rabor In was nu-eoutatrrelP in. • Tie amendment at ik , nit V.. 1,1,01 •,e chrcri. , -Inttr, te.ent)-ni., per ,•em N , 101 non....muurrvd In tak u up tee on op -1 regVirtilt%" 'l 'he . . ~ . .. 'ho ornentiniont reducing the Arty' on live ninth, from chlrty to twenty per rent. %el. onoumol tn. - . - . . touentintent allowing the Itotetrtittion, roe of duty. of animals for competition or •shiliition was cencurrtel in. The nutenitutent *Liking oat the inieng . rnph in to oranges, gam apple..grapes tens on-concitreril in: .- The ntnendinent striking out prune. , and items tars non-concurred in. The amendment striking .nit the paragraPhs toting to hooks: fun. opium and morphia. Ind reducing the duty on smoking opium from went v to six dollars per pound was non.con urred In. • . • 4140. striking out the paragraph putting on Im free list oxalic nod sulphuric acids and i3ugh diamonds. and inserting kyrolite. The amendment putting on the free list the ousehold effects of persons and families re netting or emigrating from foreign countries, 114 intended for sale and not exceeding in 1.5a1. was concurred in. The_ amendment allowing machinery for team towage In canals and steam plow ma tiincry to be Imported for two yeas free of 1 Er was non-concurred in. The amendment construing saltpetre to nean the clement of nitre, to be used fur the manufactnre of gunpowder. wan non-eon urred in. .• The amendment in relation to tonnage tax WAX non-concurred In. • The amendment relating to Kt.& to bonded a Firehouse, Wll4 non-concurred In. ••• • • . • • The amendment repealing the taxation of bequest., or devises fur literary. educational, or charitable purptnies tons n -concurred In. . The amendment no e putting up of tobacco in metallic packages,- mitt conenr 'eed In. The amendments allowing the transporta tion 'of Imported articles from ports of de livery to other ports of enter In bond were consorted In. 51,111/LES ...Iced consent to have Little Rock, Alkonsas, added as. ono of the places to have %be benefit of the new regulation, but objection Was wade.. • • • .. The last amendment, providing that three latter provialaoa shall take effect on the and . . . . . . of October. Pral. was non -concurred in. I Mr. CORM Wircuusie, from Committee on Military Affairs. reported the Senate bill ex tending the time fur presenting claims fur ad ditional bounty fur six months. whjch passed. Mr. DA WES. from Conference Committee on Legialatite APerePriation bill made a re. nun and. pmcce.led ' -to explain It., On the question of snlailen the Senate MI rejected 1t entirely. with one- or two unimportnnt exeentions. In regard i to female clerks the phraseology in Ihe Mo, ninemitnent lind been changed without altering Its infest one iota. 111 regard to the proposed building for the State Department the Ornate conferees had yielded.. They had slop yielded as to the enbirgement of the (lap ; i i e n a t o E r r ( 4 d d e ' ita ' r n tli:e " tif. " . "VV:`',,,,ortfqirtfrunlYnnri the expedition to the North Pole seemed tO be the tot ditch of the Senate conferee,. end on that, the }loose conferees ))ielded. lint reduc ing the-amount (tote flatala to $.10.0011. The House conferees bad also been Induced.! for the sake of other parts of the MIL to yield mir tially to the Senate the nmenilment • In refer ence to the Court of Claims. Mr. CONGER Inquired as to the salor ' y of Comptroller. Mr. DAWES replied that the tenate ree'illed from Its position In resent to all salaries ex cept twenay elOtlitte additional to the, asSist not nicanengern go as.,to conform their , sal elle, to that of InbOreri. and eteeet as to that of two or three Senate °Meals. As to! the sainryof judges the House 'conferees offered to rabic the salaries .of the Supreme Court Judges one thousand dollars ch,bitt' the of- I fee wag declined on the part, of. the erases conferees unless hit Judges ealarlea Were ra- I creased: therefine the salaries of noun were Incremwd. As to female clerk,' the phniseology or the amendment was altered so ns to read. "that bends of departments are hereby be thorlsed to nppolnt female clerk* who may be ' famed competent and worthy to Mt any of the grades of clerkships In their respective d o _ partments. with compensation belonging to Clint class to which they niny benppointed. Intl the number or first. second, third and fourth class clerkships shall tint to, increased ' by this section." He could not cam:elven : shadent difference in the Meaning Wien that nod the =ointment adopted be th e House. '1 ...... Mr. porrtit inquired what boll en done 'about the Semite clerkships: , . '----- 1 Mr...DAWES replied that the Were we et the Journal clerk, who had been there t. Irty-four rears, to four thousand dollars had !Med to hen matter on which the whole ente hnd set Its heart, and finally the Conte a agreed to the addition of one thousand do lars com pensation while the present incumbent tem pled the plate. hot no longer. 1. Mr.RIBLACK. ono Oahe cOnferect.Oheosed the report on the ground of-. Its excluding from the right to sue in the Courtont Claims Men living In Southern States have claims against the Government. ev e n though they pleaded pardon and atones . He de nounced the immure as a breach of faith on the part of the Government.. , 3tr..IIECK entstained the same view of the , question. 1 Mr. DA rot stip6orted the prorbilon. The Conference report was agree to—yens /19. nays 40. n , % Mr. NEGLEY Introduced shill 10 nconragb the establishment of n line of sten ships me auxiliary means of notional detest and for the conveyance of U. S. Man to ph ports no. Europe. India and China, and for t e promo elution of Immigration from' Eft e. India and China and for rte promotion of mmigni- Mon from Europe to the Southern St teg Referred to the Committee on Commerce. Adjourned. • ' .1 . The Big Born Espedltion. , cogyrziNg, Wg..July 9.—The Urn tnd_publkhee the following in rega • Big Horn expedition.: Judge Jones 1 us thnt but little was known of the p. they left cutup Bronco and struckl ou wilderne‘s,forther than that they we reach or heeling of friends. among he dines. end the Judge expressed the not one of them would ever get • • • •• .• Judge Joan. woul d not airman sue .1 lon If there were not the beet ground, Prehension or the seorst SECOIO EMTIOX. MEI , rake ling or FOUR O'b-LOCK NEWS BY ('„ABLE rite Impending. War Between France • and Spain—lireat Excitement and • Military Preparations in France— . So .tner Yet from King- William to (he French Note--A Speck of War in Egypt. Tvirgynplt L. , the Pittsburgh Gil/Otte.] MEM P.utts. July B.—The Spanish Minister Olu toga hat left fur Madrid. The French fleet is concentrating at Brest. Paris in considerahly excited to-day by ru mors that Prussia is actively tinning at - all the Battle ports. The Corps irarnic, note trperh. Hog against the rebels -in Algeria. lota been recalled. . The Paris basal, do France says the Duke de Gramiont's declaration In the Curia Leg labstif recently is equivalent to the French ultimatum. the urtsent situation fn. the re sult of Ilismareles Intrigues. - 'The Paris Journal are &hat: says: The Spuller of the French Goverment the panish question t hretttorts to make all Span iards unite with Hohenzollern. The French Minister Of War has issued an order to-all Generals comfit:aiding. requiring theta to report to the war office Immediately he coedit inn of troops, arsenals, ammunirloti, In their respective departments. 011ivler Informed the Senate that he did not believe the offer of the crown to Leopold was an act of the Spanish Government. He ex pressed a desire for peace: The press of this city Is very warlike. de nouncing the affair us a conspiracy between Bismarck and Print. . - Circulars have been issued recalling to their outman& all officers HOW soldier, absent on furloughs. Large quantities of powder- and war stores of all kinds are being conveyed to the strong holds on the modern frontier. The Government authorities hove plans of all fortresses. roads, canals and other nubile works In Prussia. • • . The overt eunent has taken ntensures to opt the u tcaate ~ott 6,,,5tc Mahar on war. toot Agents of the French Government now in Hangar,. arc purchasing horses and hay for the tmcalry sercic, Th, 11min, Is pint excited but closes. at r. m.. n 41m,1, (rants and 1:31. , P. a.—The VeLl ,. n, et cu the streets is 111.-V:1511W :it this hour. Tlic Beerse isierY meek exeltrd. Itentee. are deellintig. The, LW 5,,1, were at Hr francs isl centimes, or ,i'• centime- beton- the opening and fi: entimes, tower to ant- figure made during the crisis: 'There Is great activity at Toulon and . dlier Treed It ports .fli the 11editertstnean. A large inituber of transports are beinF, fitttsl up, enough to bring /mole the entire F reach inner now in Algeria. 6 P. Nl.—The, seems no doubt that die G 1 overnment is in receipt of . nu answer fru ii the l'lllhtilall lint ernment no the sialect , If the Spanish throne (141ficulty. It Is intitinit d that Prussia inakes- - the following is,ln at' Pint. Disci:diningall participation• in Ole camildaev of the Prince of II olienrolletn. riecteel. that the Prince ,uf II ohenrollern' Is not even. n relative of the roval family I of. Pritssin. Third, That Den. Print negotiated with the Prince of ilohenrollern. not Prussia. leis iiiinin4 certain this answer is nut satis factory to Trance, and that the Duke de Dr:mi niont bat forwarded allot her dispatch le Ber lin. ° r, so divisions of the army - of Paris have been ordered to Chalons. , , , . I._ 11l r..m.—The Duke de Or.mationt, Hin6ter 1 of Foreign Affairs, announced to-day that he had ;,t 1.15 t heard from Prussia. CAint nedetti. French 31inister at Berlin, infortned the Bono . Government that he had an nter \le with K ing William at four ocloe k this eitcraoon. The result of the Interview. the Duke says. shall he made known .to the Chanther. . The dfoodrer this afternoon .Ys the aban donment of , the Hobenzollere project on the part of 1•rd... - Y1 is not enough /Low; rntnee °dist ptevent the' Ottnnu.. , z.: - ...:=Va of A ft.,l - ;, and en the port of Prussia demand the entire fulfillment of the treaty of Prague. I Namely: Liberty of South Germany; the raze nation of the Fortress' of klnycnce: the te mancl3tion of edlitare 'lnfluence beyond he 3trittl.:ol/i the settlement of the , Schley fg -1 Doisteth questlen with Denmark. , . . 1. 0,1,1.0 I . .thotar. .:.domander-Id-fltle of the Fourth Army .forps, arrived to-M* to witnes• the marrlaßeeeremony of his son. lie ve.m inatently ordered to return to his Punt at Id uns, and not to leave It. , 11 r. v.—The offleen. of the French Mediter ranean ionadron have reeelred orders to he in the flay of Palermo on Sunday. July 10. to reeeloe Instruction, , _ Tile Pair* !MTh the Declaration of the Duke Grano:mint In the Corps Lerrislat ['produced a.inott profound sensation in Denmark. Troops in can p at }NMI and the garrison at lehura had 1, grand ilitonlontion'in honor of the Duke. • II :al e. n. -The J•strnnt this eveningb• taps Mondaye .ilence of Prussia is prolonaerl until then, he a move of French troops to the Rhein on Tuesday. . PAHIS. July la--1 n. u.—:t this hour there :ire no new developments. Pants. July la a r. st..-The excitement on the Bourse is unaafted. Genteel continua to decline. ,and me quoted at M. 25c. Accord ing to the latest news negotiations continue. but it is Faitacssible to say with what result. A ruttior,to-.llty states that Hohenzollern hal, nettled the whole question by withdrawing his acceptaatle of Prim 's offer.lbut the Constf totOntne/. ha nu .. extra. - contradicts the m inor. adds the following comments: "'Toe Prussinn Journals say their Govern ea hat been a stranger to the - can dldkey of the Prince. If this were so. the Prussian Government should now prove Its sincerity by forcing the Prince to renounce ahe offer. The Prince is under the authority of the King of Prussia. nod the latter thus has the peace •of Europe in his hands. The answer of Prussia In expected to-night or to- Ittorril, If this Is UtiSalitifactory. the twee, tare measurei to enforce with arms the rights Franco will Immediately be taken. Already the Garrralnenl i. Preanring fur the diner- A telearnm from HMS tinys C4unt Benedetti. French A Intntssador, before his Interview with King William. sae• the Boron Werther, Prue- . . . Plan Ambassador at Paris, who had come to Ems to cousult with thu liioß. The Baron told the French Miukter the Government of Prussia was profoundly surprised at the at titude of Frame; It could not co:mat:head this haste to *sumo hostility except as s verification of the belle that Frauce had fore . . corm time desired war on the 'thine. A Vienna dispatch otates the Auatrinn Min later of Foreign AINIrs recei:ved ivith • • • • • . neat K coutrunnication trout Spain relative to to the candidature or Leopold, and In his re ply the Spanish Minister dwelt upon the 111 effect such ft surprise COUld not but produce. The Belgium Journals pronounce as a •cal- Inlay the statement that the King of Ite/glau. had any part In procuring the .offer of Print if In Inducing Its acceptance. The (faalohi report that Prince Napo leon haw gone to Copenhagen to wake a prop osition for a treaty of alliance with Denmark - • nod Sweden. While negotiations are going on with great activity. the French Government makes no attempt to einceal Its warlike prepnratlons. The Etnpero remnins at cloud and It is tinnonneed s 111 not go to the mineral spring, Couriers arrived all tine and far into the night at the Palate. The Emperor opens the dis patches Ithrotell and directs Or Mantes an swers. • The . deporten• of the Prime Imperial for 'haloes is deferred. The journais' soy Marshal 3lacmabon has . . . . .. . been ordered to be ready to more nt the first signet. and orders sent the commandant at Cherbourg to prepare a fleet of tranasports for MAO troops. A large number of army and. noval officers. who were In Paris on leave, hove disappeared anddoubtless were quietly ordered to their posts. The report that Marquis Lavalette. Ambas sador to Great Britain. hod resigned .1s con tradicted. lop. W.— The excitement on the !Inures Is Inter", Itonten have fallen to 67f. Pte. It Is reported the Government will wait a reply from Prussia until Monday evening. ToniAnr.'.lttly n.--Sll war ships now In the harbor are receiving tannsments and being put .10 condition for 'nom:diet° action. Sail ors who are absent from their posts on fur loughs have received orders to hdlil theta selves in readiness for duty. pints. July IL—A general strike among the operators at Sti!house, a city near , Stritsburg , occurred to-dnv, This city Is one ofehe most immirtont. ninunfacturing molter, In France. According to some accounts the strikers num her sixty t houslind. The government has sent ;I body of troops there to prevent illsorder. The trial of !the members of the Interna tional 6ocietv I of Workingmen Ness brought to an end to-day. tieven were convicted of belonging to a secret society, anti were con demned to one year's imprisonment had n fine Of one hundred francs. Twenty-seven were convicted of belonging to Illicit and were sentenced to two months' Imprison- Meat and - n fine of fifty trance. The other four were acquitted. • ' PBUSISIA. Ittatun, my o.—The report widely circu lated for t past day or two that the Prus sian Amba ardor at Paris tale been recalled Is not true. official circles here the situation Is thoughttree from danger. Bismarck had nelthaf as sted or allylecd Spain to the Ho henzollern matter, and Napoleon's attempt to hold him tqq any responsibility le therefr re garded as mere pretext. Balmer, my 10.—M here pilitary men pear exalted ab ut the Spauleh Imbroglio. it Is not thought possible war will remit om It. The Prussian CrrusGazettc, a ministerial organ. disanproven of Grammonts declara tion, to the French chamber, and ante he mean know, as every ore doee.that the King of Freesia and beanie of the confederation are all indiffer ent to the elevation of - Leopold•to the Span ish throne: lie had no right, in. the absence of evidence, to charge another power...with deepotiern to disturb wantonly the Eisropean equilibrium. Since Hohenzollern is a free agent and may or may not accept the crown. hie decieldn will rant affect Propagate leutral it y. . • mem to the nfonned rty since Into the beyond attic In . Het that I t nitre. nu opin-• for np- •NPAIN. Jlmmue, Juno lu.—ltefrent S rrnno 14. de• !erred his Intended depierture from Mid;ld. It le reported the tlnlonlato In thej Cortes : VOL: LXXXV.---NO. 1:59. will .vote against Hohenzollern. unless the question becomes an International one. The Imlxriel publishes an account of the in terview between Minister Sagosta and 831-011 Mercier. French ambassador. Sagosta' com plained that France opposed all nominations for the throne, save that of Prince. Asturias. He denied that Spain was under the Influence of Prussia. and regretted the susceptibility of the French Government. The report in the Paris Goadett that Espar tern • had pronounced against Ilbhenzollern. and called on his partizans to support Prince. .Astnrias, is utterly. f misc. The contradiction in el yen on the best authority.' =3 boNnuN. July . The Impression on the Stock Exchange is warlike. Conlois friISEE The general excitement does not seem to have nhated. while the better opinion seems to be that war will be nt sost avoided. The dispatchc received from some/ quarters ale 'Er excite the gravest appre hensions. The e government It preparing to form a permanent camp neap the Prussian frontier. She Min had this In contemPla t ion for a long Inn. --....--- Il.tyAaA. Jul , P.—The principal slave owners of the western section of Cuba will meet at the Ooternor seneral's palace Monday: and .lisenss the rts .st feasible plan for the early tad gradnal bulition of slavery throughout tho.lsland. gt ring even snore than the lase rt.cent ly pass .0 by the Cortes demands. 11AVANA..1 sly 10.—On Friday and Saturday evenings cl liens living near the Captain General's palace were alarmed by laud let -1.10,10n5. The wildest rumors prevailed. but !Many It wan dlscot erect that foul air in a Se.", 1,101,01 tr the palace hod Ignited and exploded. • I=l3 July 10.—Soveral member; tmenleal Council desirtug to leave the promulgation of the dogma and Infallibility, the rove has there be no invenclou of sit- Rom. ; of the 1:11C11111 Home beford ,r pelmet-3' ;rdered the Ling . The 4'; •1111 that'tnen.te Prdateq nfl aitlun to the C(lialcu, olhetel journal. denies ''hare been made ageingt the unicury for their persistent emu"- ew dogma.' MEI - -A body of Egyptian troops mbarked •nt the bay of Ashab, sidered Italian territory, at lenient. and utter ashore fight ion and tore down the Italian TUan vessel sailed from Suez to wah on a secret mission. hi-cut CONIMERCIAL. sly p:--Ecr inn.--Cousols ftir uttl toPrican n c ecu ^o}': I G-4,), b 0 SW.; :WW, N'a; 11111los. @7',: G. nv., • %int, Ju recently. di.. hick itc I tacked a ',et; took posses do, or Mem CEEEM la, tots .1 llelit ii el • .• il ie t • hip I t • ‘r.111.00 x. Is 144 it I C s le.) bale aliturela l IN t r I II I Oat • Mellc EV tt I lb kl tert r LON lie s. Ji the • t 5 15. Ayr, rut.. Jul Fray b.l CIO]. F 11104,01 as is t 11 , . . .. . - , July P.—l'ottun doll rind Irtegns ''' %Vt ', :t d'° i r e i t: "n en g llrori ' a d' „l . llt . e ' NI: red western No 20s rid: win :ern 22s ltd. Corn; No 2 mixed i. honey :A. Pens Xs :itt. Pork I. liver 111 s; Lard 71e. Cheese for Comberlond and Ns lid for :Id. Turpen dy P. Petroleum quiet. —Cotton quiet at 1151.11. July IL—United Staten bonds t July 10.- 15. S. bonds deellulunl y 0 o‘loted at 91.0194%. CAPFI'AI, \ outlining s Sent In and Considered ondeuce • Concerning Out • , tageA C mu American Citizens in Cubit— publican National Com mittee anizu tion—Red Cloud and Ills Till es In Council.. MT 'reform{ h to Pitthburgh Gazttte.l WAsttINOTON. July 'Ch' Presh ent kris nominated Charles W. Webb ns I.yltwl Statel Attorney for the 'We ern District of Wisconsin; James C. lloriiiros. Judge of the District CoUrt, West ern District of Wisconsin. Pmdumicrs—Cyrus 5f.. Baird. ut Lincoln: Nevada; John Robert* Hosting... All ..clikeam. :.. 11. t , teln. Ironton. 0.; Moses )lessor. Rod'. null. 0.. JOhn Gibaon , Carrolton. Mo.; Emma Delman.; Toledo. la.; Wm. S. Wiles. Waal, . . . 'ninon. Fa.: Fred. Heaney. Nebraska City: John H. Iteßoni. Omaha: John Hopley. Bucy rus. U.: E. H. Scott. Mcg.tesPorr, Pa.; B. V. Wright, Charles City. lAA J. J. Abergy. Brunswick, Her: 0„fl. Richardson, Hamilton, In the Senate eXCCUtiVe session this after• noon Mr. Conkling moved to take up the nom- . Illation of Mr. Murphy to be Collector of New York. but at the instance of Mr. Fenton ac tion noon it was post;umett until Monday. • The Senate confirmed the following nomina tions: Jas. C. Hopkins. Judge of .United States District Court for Western District of Wisconsin; Roger S. Green. Associate Jristice Superior Court. Washington Territory; F. troorly; Marshal for the Western District of Wisconsin; Chas. M. Webb. Attorney for Western District of Wisconsin; John D. Pope. Attorney for District of Georgia, in place of A. T. Akertnitn; John-T. blobisson. of Tenney' see. Consul at Leith, \lee J. H. Fish. recalled. Postmasters—Asa S. Allen. Berea, Ohio; W. Lewis, London, Ohio: A. G. Burr. Ashland, Ohio: C. H. Winters, Yellow Springs. Ohlo. . .orTnaills4 PrON AMERICA:4a tit Ct.'SA. The President sent' to the Senate to-day a mass of documents concerning the seizure of American vessels add imprisonment and execution of citizens of the United Stated during the hostilltlei in Cuba. The State Department furnishes a letterof Secretary Pith. June fah, to the Spanish Min ister. carting his attention to the regular and; :arbitrary manner the pertains and properties of our citizens are taken end .held by the Spanish authorities In Cuba. Mr. Fish recalls 'to Mr. Roberts' recollection the protests of the President last year against Velma soda's. mode of warfare and against the Captain , General's decree so far as regards American citizens and other leaves which followed extending Its provis ions. He Continues: 'The United States Ciovernment with regret feels forced to say It is Informed thatthe provisions 011ie treaty of 1795, on this head, have not been kept In mind by the Cuban authorities during the present struggle. and that the decrees men tioned have been put in operation against the property of American citizens in violation of the treaty agreement... Robertsr. PM R encloaed to Mr. a list. of complaints made of Inch violations. and pre sents a claim for Injuries our citizens have suffered with the confident hope that the gov-. erament of Spain, recognizing Its justice and milking some proper. and suitable provision for ascertaining the amount which . should. rightfully come to cacti claimant, will also order the iminedlatewstOtatlon to citizens of the United States of their properties which have been embargoed. and the release of those citizens of the United Steles held in custody. or their Immediate trial underthe guarantees and with rights acceded by the treaty. As to the future It is confidently expected steps will be taken, to Insure against further elolll- Om lion of Om tre.tY, air. Roberts. Jisne 24th. In'effect replien that he bad no power In the matter, and Mr. Fish, Roberts day, sent a cope of his letter to Mr. Roberts tel Minister birkles at Madrid. The latter is Instructed to ask for the restoration to citizens of the United States of their Ore bertles and estates so far as the same have een isrhitrurilv enibargoed in violation of the provisions of the treaty. He Is also ordered to endeavor to secure some mode tor the early HMI equitable Indemnification - gad satin !senors of the severest parties whose rights have. been violated of the amounts which should rightfully come to cash claimant for illegal detention of properly or person. He will say the suggestion is made to the interest of peace, of justice nod of good will. In order so secure a measure of damages in each case which shalt bejust as between the two sor eminent s. he also Is to say it will be extreme ly desirable the investigations ho conducted lu this country, and request Mr. Roberts, or some other person, be given the necessary Ml tbority on the. part of Spain. • =M! The Republican Coligressional Committee has completed Its organization by making an Executive Committee consisting of Senators Wilson,' Cameron.Cbandler.Savryer. and Representatives Sargent. Logan and Ketchum. Senator Wilson Is made chairman, Congress mll3lll Platt. of Virginia. Secretary, and C 01..). 11. t'lendcnoing• Treasurer.. Communications for the Comusittee are , expetted to be ad• dressed to lion. J. 11. Platt, M. C.. Washing ton. D. C. EZE= The Committee of Wetytl and Mese, today nßgrrccM by th ?n f l i a ' sel l adlug t e * t ' ll o th r' e c AlT:2:l Tariff ° to g a committee of conference: Scae-3lceers. Schack, Chair, Kelley. Mc- Carthy and Maynard. Naus—Meesrs. Ilrooks IN. Ti; o w ever. , Hooper andteeera. Allison. The House; however. preferred first acting on the Senate amendments. =I The Commissioner of Indian affairs has re ceived a telegram from Col. Chambers, com manding tort Fetterman. reporting that Red Cloud and the °patella Sloan had gone up the Powder Riser country to hold airener council with other Sioux. Powder kilter Is within the hunthur country reserved for the Sioux and It Is understood Red Cloud will ex ert his Influence for peace. I=l The Senate Committee on Commeree have agreed to recommend the conllrmation of 3furphv'ea Collector and arinnel as Naval Ofricer of Now York. =9 'The celia balance In ltreaanry Ie SIIB.73SAM: egrmtly balsam* ta6.1197,88.% coin certificates .CX1,111.5,03: oLTZtrux rtsoltrlTS. . • The lutenist reienue receipts today were 086,iii1; for the month, 17,5 .31 7r: • —At Indianapolis, Sunday forenoon, Mr. lulu. Merchant. Jr., tired a shotgun et a dot 'Which was abesing n flock of geese along the banks of White river, when the batty of his father rose from the water. The old gentle man, who bail been suffering Irma cancer in the throat, had committed suicide by drown ing only slew hours precious. • BRfIEE —Sixty-Ore hundred (+migrants arrit cd due Ing last week at New York. --Hear Admiral mumson has called for E,' rope to take cumin:old of our squadron. --The deaths in New York last week weer• Nit, belng'Uti less than the previous week. —The open surer of the Five Points, New York, is this week to be laid out as a nark. —lion. Hiram It. Herein will deliver his law titre on "Tendency of Our Age." this evening, in Cincinnati. —AceMints from all parts or New lima wick and Nora Scotia speak of injurto the growing crop, from long continued dffritlit. —Garret Smith, living on the corner of Ilith street and Second avenue, 'New York, beat his drunken wife to death on Sunday mogning. . —The nailer mill spend Si. Crouse. at. Fay etteville, No York, was destroyed by ere on Friday night last.. Loss gii:soUo; insgrauce t 14,000. altering figures on gold cheeks nt the Philadelphia sub-Treason}. on Satunlay. an . English ewindler obtained ti 5.000 but leas arrested. —Chinamen are being e tem ively introduced as laborers by the Union Pacific Railroad. cre ating considerable ill-feeling among other laborers. , • .—The salt block h Syr:tou.e, New Voik. owned by Charles Franchntte k lb.: was burned on Saturday , morning. Loss t. 15,04 nu insurance. --Grandsire Farnsworth. of the Odd . Nailed on Saturday fur Germany. A large number of the order accompanied him down the harbor. .—.l.lderumn Florence Scannell. of Newinrk. ma died yesterday Ir wounds received rom Thomas Donahue at the time of the municipal election in December. —Three murderers. whose terms had nearly expired. wore released last week by the Jer sey court of pardons. in consequence of the crowded state of the prisons. —One hundred and twenty teas of -liver ore were last week shiped to Newark, New Jen. cry. and eighty tot aeramento: . from the Cot ton Wood aline-,near Salt Lake City. -One of the - buildings of 'the California Dpowder works. at San Francisco, was blown to on Saturday. One white man was kill ed and two Chinamen serionsik wounded. —Joseph Dion made theunprecedented run of seventy-six at the French fame of billiards Saturday. evening. at New York, on the oc casion of an exhibition in company with his brother. --The Chesapeake 11131 i Ohio Railroad hare purchased from the ,grate of Virginia the Blue Ridge tunnel on that road. paying there• for six hundred thousand dollars in bonds of the State. —Thu,.Tennennee I.eglslature adjourns to day till next. December. Neither House hnd quorum ou Saturday. many tnembem having Indio aunt.. 3faeh nut , .ntant iegb.latt..ll goes over lintll next tart:;.• ' --The New York Yacht Club IC making at-- arts, toe the reception of the Daunt less and Cambria. Fools sold Saturday night at one hundred &Mari , 00 the Dauntless to sixty dollars on the Cambria: • . —The wooden suspen,lon bridge over the Morris Canal. at Jersey City, gave way whllt • crowded with people. on Sunday afternoon., Forty were precipitatiol into the canal. but all were rescued without serious Injury. • • Adriccs from Lawrenceburg. lad. sag that Blinn. echo killed a boy andattempied to outrage a woman idniosite that place In Ken. lucky. on the sth. was. arrested on the oth, near the scene of his crime, and lodged in jail. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS S American Organs Are made of careful') tl2wll mote• this. by well•trutned mechanics, with the std of ingenions machinery; are constructed in Mccortiance with acous,' tic principles ' , with the dictates or long experience, and with the sugges, Mum of refined musical taste. • The toatoufncturerit Intend to gecuro • APriend in Every Purchaser; sine they put the atone thorough work Into every Instrument—each beteg perfect of its kind, and rol4 at a price correepottd lug with ha actual value ; Beeldes a tame variety of tweet toned InatiiL menu; ter the Parlor, the . manidacturers offer a retie, of powerful thhuna,alth • • Pedal Bitss and Double Manuals, CUURCUES. MUSICAL SOCIETIES. and other public uses. xi well lut for CIIG/LIW STU DENTS. .1 THOROUGH COMPARISON INVITED an Illustrated Circular. containing full dererip- ; tiollS and pricer. trill be sent port-paid. on applies . S.D. & H. W. SMITH, Boston, Mass Olt SALE Bt . JOHN Z\VEIDINGER, Nu. 136 Smithfield Strict. ' Fine Watches & Chains • . • . AT W L% TILES T'iLES & SHAFER'S , 101 EMI AVENUE. Al b[ e lOWA steles of CHAINS and VINE .IEN. ELKS' on Rind and fureale et low peke*. .. Nor Roelof SILVER SVAREIor wedding pre. sole Piet reeeleud. WAtTLES & SKR/X=4 I • . 101 101 nun Avenue. ptROPOSALS. . . Fifth Avenue Market House. SEALED PROPOSALS toll be received osntil .FILIDAY Et - ENVOI. 22a. 18 ,8 ; ler the enrctlon of the Path Avenue Mar tot flues, sheet,the corner of 111 th ..: ,, epuo end Miltenberger Pitteburgh • Pl.• can eeen'end printed eneelerntione can be had •t the office of SAMUEL W. RICHARDS. Architect. N 0.33 Bunk Block. third door. bight The Nlarket rommitiee reser..e the right to re Jeet all bids. Security feu tilted for fulfillment The 1T.5t..,514 will ho left al the Oleo ..f .13/.311.1E1. KILtiORK. Soperinlenilvnt Itarkets.l2lty IN THE COURT•OPILTARTER SES SIONS of Allegbehieohhtlf. =MI =1 en In the aho•e use. was I:emoted to Coon and Itkd:Juir 7. 1870, amt. conflrmed 1144, to beeo.o absolute nodes exceptions nee tiled thereto withi. ME= • • • ' • E. SLAGLE, . . • Illy Atioirtinr_ LF MONTIONAL OF'. IMAMS. VI A ONGAIIELA N AVM; ATION.Ae.' TUEDDA EVYLNIAIi. July. 18th, at 8 o'clock. will Do nn ueeond door of Stellwalne's Auction R VAl3?tr=;Vl:=l .1 1 Owes Deck ok Attsbursti. g' Mures Beeman lintlonai Bank. • A shuns rint. National of Blairsville. ~.... • • • .. The 1 per alio hank of Illainiviller h u de. dared 19 Pont. per ammo atom Its °musics lion. and Its atteplua fond it japer cent. loll' A. Mel I.WAt NE. AtifitOrWer. ‘,ITANDIFAIINd . QUIIED.—Prof.'•M. i , tiik r gthr.," . PxX O- L 3 1 3 i1;•gt.4,":41C7,_ ? ,i• b,..g and. iother impedimenta of speech, bail oon so rem. able, will spend &few week. lii this city. and wilt irwapemai atlaustlien to th e cure of an detects in the use of the vocal crane The subllabisl certcates amply *Gest his .! thus and auccoss tn th relief and .112 of person. thus aL dititaiL P ro f EATON rosy be consulted. for the primp:A.lU t a ram of SLOAN, KING & CO., No. HO Sorkin Ak&s eo c: „ . P E l:ts m b s : t ratt.... s fle op e n d c f r o . r dr culan.: l t ALI.LOGIINI% July 11. 1870. "MOTICE.—The Assessment for the 11 rnction of the 110AIIDWA.LIC on the little Pla nt !toad, Is sow ready fur examination and MA be seen at thin Cake until TIIUKSDAT, Jul,' 21, 1870, miles it will be returned to the City Controller to servo notice for payment of the lama -Gilliriel CRAB. DAV.IN. City Enedneer. 'EAST lIIBERT-30 feet front o n . ria L rEtritaSl3:l2llL, maul, weeh room, well 25 , 61cA ur i t x. . VOTTON 11VD•iroOL. b lief L . • ...a by rat. for liam by , • LE2I LAB DICKEY & Co. BAIC.L for WE . t 7, i ' s b A siga i NmecwrEFraallmlit. BARLEY. -284 • bogs .Now fall to ar rive, fovea). by • . Malan" DICICST a CO. BARLEY. --190 hap New Pall now b "'"". l " ,al° " MIMI DICE k CO. l i UgM, : 1 M Wi g M T: M 1 - . - 4 18 TUN BEST AND DILEAPIIhrr Commeteial and Family Newspaper rVIILIJIIED WriTERN No Iwnher. sirocbwoic. or warwerunt ihoulhAti without Samda sobobrlbers Clubs of dye Clubs of tea 3. A cuff N famished diatalsoasfy laths tatior-ap [a Clab alter, PligISIA•WrIll are Mdabafed to etas Aimalla r Ad Mai*: VIEV7IIWL4.III, REED 6.100, I 0= 1 . It • - •, ,, , 1ci5--11,-. I.- . Zbe Sale.. . Leaf.. 1 . 1 / , , l , " .- .•. • . 11.un.1,.. rains." de., not rearealln9 p../C/: PINEY. -01 be I rent &saes. oh/winsome " I. '"XTr-FIVE c A - Ps; rock ..ta.tio,..z illte ,FI l'il C." 1: Vri ------ . " L. W+9.l4iS. 13 .1111)Elth.' few lomtn ~ " no D< ~cenmmoWtW NAT A NT E 11.-S !i' a'si;tt ° 'OMAN TO COOS. corner ot Sailttitta WANTED—lnmedlately, at No. 6 Stoetton avenue. • h Mirth 111784 ono who pw”Ww`rate upon a Slogot hewing machine. 74. e ANTED. • °mai Of • -the whereabouts of los • ANZISS BENNET Istlt satly reeeherl • y_hat brother's Thumps d Joseph Reuses. West Elisabeth. Pa. ow NTED—NTABLE.—Capacity for r three horses anti two bugies. ilitualla4. within rive minutes walk of corner of Wein street and Third seenue. Address ”STAISLI4 74 11 1' 1'111 1 (TR I ::D — C1 1 1 3 1 1 M i lntA T ILt l ikti — VO41 1 riferenees:at NO. 707 1'1%NX STUN... .3... • yr A NT EILL—To purcham IL HOUSe of 4or 3 Hoorn, liniburban vt•opmr mgt.- e ...Andreas. with prlee.trints sod ' ocation, cull. !I/rmEn once. 640 IV A, ..p T el l) ors. Ar t tisl i te 3 rs a Tu nnel tit r tri: 31arnee. AA T ANTED- an ORPHAN BOY and v 1:1111. of 9 or 10 years of ago, to Ilee Wlth a t isle. Coen iw.ner non. hoard. Cluthhafr . . rehool. mgrs. • Melt or reference Orem Adam. rot two duns. J. 0.. GAreITZ Unice. 64 NAT AII i t: 3 : r 1 1 . b t u a o l 8AR h0..., man i understands melt yin and oninporinil Inn Munn. Hester recesionendetione given. Ad. drvis It. It. 1.. Pittsburgh P.O. IIA:iTED. RECRUITS.—SevenI stout. stole 110,11 cd, met!. of got 4 totodtahl t tea U , till up .,Ar is halltTly.OUPAN • beet hi ; the Battellon. Apply at the om en of IME3 T V ANTED:—SOreral Nen for Farm V Work, 0.4.1..4 Driving. Also, for Brick.. Work. liorer girl/ trirls kV... for Cooking, ChowberworW. Thrinf-rooto work and .I:FATzt,7l.ll,geonrilgtia..A-'PlYtagaion". wivrlii)... rwii A Good Republican poper, n. a wen win, 4 . 111 girsatiaftactlon to his party and reader. Adam's 11X 841.1ileadvi7a, ra.. anima lama. Ittretiton and tarlalation. Jail:ls6 WANTED—MORTGAGES. 30.000 to Lu.O Id largo or mall amuunte et a fair rate of Interest. , TIIOMAN K. PETTY. MK Bond nod Beni Betale Broker. Key 179 KnOtlideldStreet. AVANTED—MOILTGAGES. , , Thirty Thousand Dollars to Loan In :ergo or entail atuountaon pr perty Alleibo.7. county at a fear rate of It/Merest. - • CLIARLYI4 JEREMY. 110.1 FAtate Agent. tIS Grata •treat. • EIIa.PLOYMEENT • BUREAU. • _ ,f ti WANTED-50 LABORING WEN - fo`ZATIV 7 I7:III7 t7:11774 41i11, 2 ;PISZi Mande; 1 tibickamlth: 1 Colored Boy as porter: I boreo learn dying business: I man to dri forgeo team: 1 machinist: 10 serrant girl.- real hounework, dining rl.Olll work and chamber ork. wage, Irian 82 to 8 , 1 per track: bit nerresii VA II•I Elry girt, enoas for country. wages from n, Sit per week. Apple H. H. T. MELLEIC. No. II Ninth street. corner of Perm,: jut-CS LOST AND',t:OIIND lOUNI).—On Saturdn, eyening, a .• rucKer.noulc: ;utAintna da• 'be tomer can lime It b at 243 Sanduay treel. Allegheny. md I. Edifying It. I.d I J. MAIIAII2I'. L OST lEt= MIMEO • . bbe etruyea - from our .rouproe.Centre”enne. 3d. A Fultable rewnyd,e , lll be pale [mbar jeghl . V. 11. EATON . . 17 rlltb avenue. L . OST.--PROBISSORY NOTE: - The public are hereby untilled not to negotiate or accept • note for $27.4.40. payable to the order of J. W. 310CA:11.1g. dated ]lay 2tlth. 1870. and drawn by J. W. McCord.. payment hire teen areppeO sat.. Jro9 L OST -On Monday eroning last . , a AII3IOItAN9IJM ISOOK containing • email anioant of Port 4 Currency. A liberal reward 0111 be paid to tOo pers. returning It to OPLYCEIC, MCKA Y & CO.. • 1143 Con Lh and email man Sta. 12th Ward.. BOARDING OARDI NU—To•le ~t ) w it h Boarding, .1.) TWO 13MC•JNI., STOKY BOOM, furnished. at 163 Fourth Ocnue. 643 TO-LET 'FO-LET.—FURBISHED ROOM with _a. or without board. /Soothe at 134 FOORTR AVEZitIE. Tia large. Third Story wy. .. 2 , n izt n n . ,ll.. t ul . table for Lodger!. MO-LET—ROOMS,wIth BOAILTIVIL 1. —A Salta- of Furnished — Team on woad 11.por. IGO Third avenue. rrO-LET.---A complete DWELL - 1110 A. HOUSE. with Store Room attwehml. a i tAt t rwAtiler v eat im i , or terms, ke., call at N o . TO.LET.--No. 86 Esplanade sireet, Amason... 110 USN of 7 room and althlas4 attic: gal thrtnighlint: hot end cold water l kitchen. Posmeslon given September Yet. Apply on premlms, or to JOH:: B7ZltltB77.Distoorld. Allegheny. • lnLif TO-LEL—STORE ROOM. A Mat-class STORE 110011 and cellar. NO IPIE Liberty street. completely fitted UP vita shelving and counters. Will be rented cheep called fur soon. Enquire at 7.7 No. 4 VIEWS ALLEY. FOR BALE t I"krainTh .I.= rat °"" r urnish, .E 1 I ljtilt SALE CHEAP.-8:,u00 will btu a house...lib flee rooms and hall. with tour lute J 4 feet front by 108 feet in depth, with lebling, fronting on a forty feet street, one-half square back of Pennsylvania avenue. Twentieth ward. near Emit Liberty. Apply at 174 firent steel, near Seventh avenue. • Juhl.ettret 'OR SALE. That well•knows i -1 6 r iirilfAtrifra To a& proper per ra son desiring o keep a hulk this Is a rare opportunity. Y j o . e n birla i kerarstldre N e . e N0..1 Bank of C o mm erest%ullding, • Platsburgh. ra. nr9o. eis u immediate on sale. h 4711 j' A 'OR SALE.—Engine . And Boilers, New end Second Band, of an kinds,ametenfie Orders from nti pins of the country pro:nett) at tendee to. JAMES 111Lts'&,00., • ' ' Cornet Merlon Avenue WI r., Y. W. & C. IL W. _ A__._ll%&Erty,PlL T'OR. SALE—STOCK FAUN.—Con. A! TAINS 240 •CILT.S. one hundred and MUT acres under c th Urethan. balance woods. Wpm , . nient , 2 dwellings. veer largo baler and stab*. and sheep houses. orethrd and sele . "natered by • small creak pasidoglithugh the ninth, thiegyggie Jennings county. India:l2,3u n ll s. fr om Vertroe and Louisville maimed: In thriving ithiabborboud near to Tiliatresad churches. The farm inin b• Pu'h lict•lnl.NL e ..NM4 L ihourth Are.. IPOR SALE CHEAP, bit EXCHASCIE FOR CITY YROPERTY.-A One CXYCNTRY ILESIDEIbO3. containing 20 mwew with 3 bongos thereon: we, a an, comfortable! and consent/an hornet good water. and we of the test wir Pods' en In Western Pennaylvanta for • 1 Were from the ctt. o. the Inners of Tattle Craw Med. 1(' of • mite from Steward Station Central WO. road. Aliabarearal good Fauns In good kallitlona and hawk" for male. Enquire of my II No. 110 Grant St. iLWAII WARD. FOR SALE.-ON YEARS' CREDIT, 18 JA/TS. h sere each In orchard or him beW- A pote. Pesch and Pear Trees • • WWI ...tog • fine slew at the ernes Prim TooAND exch. hl It LOT. lona Choice heeling Walt. .I.TTM/IW COTTAGE. 8 foams. wide hall Word and side portions or cellars, th hum, ftger r d prod .11 of water sr becr door. ammo hew. sad rishje,rrs ors beerlroonr MUM beertne, dm. ries of the clue ZOO Men, ooare rnsoch Wsfrido4 sltn Wee. 'Price =c . a . ItrWlttdo en i ngtes rat of elms Enquire of • 1M:71...1 W. UMLAUT. on the prewLesS. • • FOIL SALE. . A handsome _pleased Brick Dili ; two stories. contalnlog 7 foormi. Lot 41114 , abr. ate on 44th street. near Steller street: well supplied with pure ohnildrery, while on the seer Is • fine stable. Or sill through the house. This property ts certainly Mt maw al6 Arable in the 47th ward. Priesmoderate and long time given. T. IL SILL . BON: Coy. Penn • ea 33d stmts.' ON MAIN STRERT.—An elegant Frame °Mu, Mare. sittinto Klan litient.nenr Ito tinosme. berg Pike containing 3 rooms: Lot 30 td , SO This Th it • beautiful obtos. and one within of JOYmalerate means. T. IL SILL a BOX— • 44th STIIRLT.—A beautiful lot are Butts. street. ISO bylloB. l =to Um Cabal s' P. Any 055 aishlng • t snot no wllleb 101.0114 . maim better. ted. N. SILL mm. Ilsm:Lownearthe mum B. S. 1041ensb wad teammate f aware.' annuli payments. •WorninginonaiOniti not mats me 4 opportunity slip by. They will nes i Nzienother On adritatikupons; I A Jet Conker Pena sad Rats. • MOEN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers