THE DAILY G. II I PUBLISHED By PENXII/IN; REED f t niter Sixth Ave. and Sm B PENBUILASI, .10111/ T. P. kIoDBTON, N. P. riftTufol AND PlloPall TCRADI 01, SIDI DAIL by wall, Kwyeku. .. ". ""br' ,4 by ''''''''''' TILE K. K. K K. KAIIKUS.; e l' Ji mmy 1461 r f. OpialCM Ofd t. llistbn Erirrcitosi, Is' TO' "le nay • room to .pit re, I'd be n'bleeged tilloyo fur pittln In this little piece' ov mien caftan, in' the secret doing or thu Three 4afarra , - • era, as they'cill illinilielves, but don'i inn , thin e, Mr. Editor, Potent Fumigitura ~ won I suit them'better Sure an) its an up h II Jobthey re• take on , therese vet anyhow, the'inoiele i :p daily conaiihe ug the same, whip t might know tat {he fumigating basil:mite will sit hard on thin, taws not }lag- or the danger or ' Lunde thimsolv ,tp oan branch d their patent fum gator -. 4 . Howlver, Ma's neither here nor L re . • —What I WU•gO4l to pay was conear in another :Mather intirelialti je see. If ye must know, I'm in t to employ of law . er .11-- - -'; whose °Mee s larninst Bob Kai a ', han'e. The other ' lit -Micky Mutton 7 —him mid the bi 0 ' eye--tould me eimiiiiinee, that I ' ; anted cue take lie plate that night, , lie wee bound to gcoM i • Pat Mobley'a tor . el Lavin Married I a cousin Coto Patlf." - t 11 I had to do wai fed l pit Mr. KartudiatiNtoftlee in order fotr a matlti. I nirer pit , a good turn past me, the' 1. say ti'; that should'ut say it, so I gore, 'my word to. it an' when avenia' letitue . I :pit ' the office in ordher, :elietted the. tutublitra an put the wtubeii g where It itroald,lke convenient whin • i (al. Whin 'all was done, Terrence 31 ire—him that is iir • the ouldiron trad, --• eclat me togo u beyond wi' hint. lit has two butifu rooms over lawyer Molina's oilier, fix • uP mid the 8 1 , 44 1 . ••• t furniture ; An' the. ; portiata otarploW • • .. o i Me : sot, down to it, quiet game or yj e 1 1 suppose now If was neer tin o'cl . ; or may is' a *Mille! later, whin Mr. Ka : !tan's dour, opened below, and toonoelsOlOspoke op. ' o "Sit down; loliseenj Brigham: Nit down -, Mister Kirk—take' a twat Mister Weaver, make yerseltat cuinollable until I get oat this opinion or , ditatice StitrOng." I "TB," nays a via. I folk to be Ex-Mitvor Weaverls—il woo • Met. hint In a total • nest way If ye in t'; know the ' trut.lo— may as well tikO • work at woMmo." Thin was nclick til bf glaaime find a spittin' an' cleantzi* ef for throats. Ter, . rerun gave me a wink as much as to ear, "dye mind that."!: i mp 1, "i'm or the opinion Justice Athro g is rely popular. ,' Just thin a rap came at the oilier doom, an' liamaluM. mill:l',flirru's Matteson comire—it 'II never Ii tat be caught this way, gintleinen." " i t mays at strange • vice, I tuk to be Bri .114-7;;lloakinsoe's fi no Wither nor the • Or us." Au' sore enough it ribs Mr. 11 ' liveon. They say j, :lo Le is a great teetothri ', ' . "Notelet us get to D 14011.18 - ears Mr. Karnahon. Terrenci*lnketl, laiddolt-it _lds hate, and epoke "44:. - Pm - thinkin' fl'ee's a Itawksetteloki there, an' as I'm a three 131nmerat; an' a ,ennafant burner or the Pus:. I'll hear Wbut's gain' on." So • we lit oar dudlimn'n and listened to the 1 proaulings of Katrina. . i -., , ', sump to rue thee is , Jery little to do, gintletneti.` furdloor than to ileaide. upon the slate," rays the strange vice. "Tia, Mr; Brigharn."says Karnahon. - bolt that fool Kes4eetoinogne it.,. Itsien mtht-r !nee about the slate." "Damn Keeler." soya Brigham. "we are better off without hint. _I 'rant my man put through for CongeMe. He'll milk awe," '•-What's__ ii -,,- • '•-What's that' says ,I .hi Tartrte. Terrence winked and put his hand in his - i pocket,. "0!" says 1. "'lista it is it," • "We want material In thin thing.", says liarnalian. "An' Brigham's man is List the one fur us,'. sore have Kirk - Than Kirk went no - in a apache, the Lord knowslibbut Wililt, whin ilomkingtort stook,. , up. Ocb ! an' iv ye load heard Hoskin • son. Ther Wee nobody in the world , could. compare wi Felix Bruno: an' Major ' Fru! Esznahan he set they would both "milk Slay," an' Weaverwauid it would tickle their vanity. Thin thee was nom' talk, or " organizin' their . fence" an' "levying conthributions." Wea ver wanted them to remimber the . go i ters, an' Hoskinson made a long.wincled timpni n ce apache that must -have loveu thrying to the best or Mho, lont for all that Manahan and Brigham swore they mustn't bare too much ov the timperenc e or roger, or they would lase the Dutch and trial' Intirely. Kirk he was or the . opinion that the Presbyteriane could do the business alone with a "judreiins ex penditnre" or the funds they woad soon have at their disposal. They all agreed Joe Walton would "milk freely" -and they saidtthey knew he would be coald; Hoskineon wanted something strong in the way.' of tiniperenie in the resolutions which Karnahen rend wlth the help of Brigham, but wither ,ef, , thin would stand it. They were or of the opinion the4tetnies wentratielelenr,as they stood on the slate. Thin they pot 'down the ontounto levied on the kaukua ticket, beginnin' with:Major Pm at $2,6130, and tapering down to the County Commis. . alone,. ' Now Miather Editor, Put not uufrindly tu thrue reform, nor to the min at the ' head or the three reform ticket, But ' as Terrence mockingly tould me, ther'a Myer a workingman nor sojer on the tick et at all at all.- Au' to say niver a word farbeinot the plan or making a ticket from rich min who will "milk slay" I'm intire ly an conscieutounly opposed to ewallowin -.the medicine Mr. Wigton': an' Karmihan an' Kirk ham mired to purge the Party. ' It may do for the eromache or liernahan, Kirk, Brigham and the ..rjoiornouershul" klik.But It won't out on an unsound stom ach like mine. I'm thinkin - I'll vole the '.full mgaiiiticket, Jam to spite Terrence ItlcOttire and the K. K: K's. . • ...Jimmy. NEE.v, . . Vales Names 'Wtthout. Leave: Some people have very loose notions about taking liberties with other people's names. It happens very. • often, now-a days,-that men who have no desitet6 fig ure before the public, and who, in fact, very decidedly object to it, have to pub. lish cards disc/aiming positions in which they heave been falsely placed by efficient persona who use their names without leaVc. No man should use the name of another for any purpose itlthout author ity The authority mar be express or general, growing out of Vastness or other clone relations which men have with each other, but there should always be some authorization: - To act without it, is an unjustifiable assumption; and somelitnes grossly impertinent and offensive. Take,: for example, this Tehuantepec. Railway andithip Canal Company, which figured conspicuously with a strong. array of cor porator,'Acmes In the Washington Con. gresitional dispatches yesterday end the day before. We knowthat.a number. of the' names published were used without leave and against the wishes .of the per sona named; and from an examination of the whole list; we infer that similar lib erties were taken .with the names of a maj'ority of the persons embraced in the list of corporators. 'We enter Up this earnest protest with the Imps that It may serve - to check this offensive practice, which is becoming a great umlaanee.— Phii Ledger. M . ants. rtitTorts GapFprz: Permit me thee di tour columns to return my thanks to ihe Market Piro Immo Co., No, $7 Wall street, New York, and to their very efficient agent, Mr. at. J. Hughes, of this city, for. their prompt payment of my lessee—eleven hundred and sixty..five dollars, the amount of suranke ray sta.ble and 'Verses; eons sum by fire on the 27th of Jane. Jouir Ft.txn, Sixth ward,,Plttsburgh. , user College they have one tore Which might be copied with good o f. feet irreolleges whets the fair sex have no part, viz A roident physician Is in constant. attendance, whose business is the prevention of disease. The office is filled by a lady, and her duties implode v 1 ilant watch over the pupils. If she sees *lglu °Lover work she orders that one study, or two, perhaps, shall be drop ped off. She daily Inspects the table, or ders this dub off and that one on, one to be served daily and another not at all, and conforms the diet to some standard of health. ~~ =EI . . .. . . . . ... . lizxlTE •. \ ' . . . ~ . . _ I ll _ . ia • . _ . (.6 ~ . . . , &ci . , . • ulthfil Id Kt. cry., A . 1 111/ Ilir . ~.„,,,,.. _ I - am - • 1 - WEI GENERALITIES VINNIE REAM is coming home, (7nicatio dogs an; to. be ruutzlt,l. TA411.151.1 has 99 ;3301ohabitauts. Nun' Ont.nanti daultaty coudition id A VACIIT RAM in now eallefi a flivting how. .6.duis aro thought to bo good buoys. A'NCOltO violinist is winning !numbs in Unmans-. . SILVER tins: has been found near Lea ington, Va. • has been very ill but in now hinging strain. TlAussts: St'sunesr, M. D., is a Ft. Peters burgh Dalari-ean. $311,75i1,000 worth of life was insured last year In Ohio. COFFEE in believed to be real estate when it in ground. THE Circulatkri of the blood In now tailed labor in rein. 3ltt,BnwAnb likes California wines and imports his own brands. ' BVEMALCS King in to send A controls. sinner to European courts. Miss H.E.11.006 will probably sing in English Opens ; next winter, Bono:: is to have a Beethoven centen nial celebration In December. • CRANES. peliclllll3, herons and such are numerous in Florida this year. SENATOR. REfELs lectures in Cleveland on the ••Tendency of the Age." • ON FIUDAY at Calais, Mrs. SaralrShan non and Anson Hannon were drowned. Why: asks an exchange, is a woodchuck like a sausage! Because It's a ground hog. hundred anti forty-two permits fOr erecting houses werit issued last month in Philadelphia. list re-setion of intlin•rtilober is the. kk teo doviewil method for running street ears in New Orleans. A 350-roan alligator, broken to liar- Ate., furnishes the seam for a South Car olina. planter's ploughing. .Nloatatti.r.t.tes quarter master genera iaaelling soda water in Texas. N't e hope it is a good article that he vends. Fn 'E eons of the Parsee High Priest of the Deccan were lately married together at Poona - , with imposing ceremonies. A scrtom. for teaching darning is to be "vetted by our gifted townswoman, Mrs. —, says a Montgomery, Ala. paper. TOPEKA. Kaunas; is valued at COO ; OW., If one city in Kansas is worth 800,100. what are Leavenworth Tpt: New York Sunis so disreputable and*. sharp a paper that it has been sug gestied it would he better not to file it. • A..ta - rs. OA., is to have .a baby•show in November with a premium of *6O for tbe_preitievt• infant under two years of age. ,v, romPitsstio; fit heated ball-room in tmlog dress VS her hotel:it:Saratoga:has cansed a New Verk lady's untimely death froth ronsutnptiou. ' IVnt:s does Shakespeare give an in. ~.,>tance of the cure of consumption!! When the Duke of (limier stops King Henry's collin.—tom. If affdi n. How fortunate is the pedagogue! While other poor mortals are unable to withstood the heat he keeps school with nut any regard to the weather. THE Boston Pout observes that Mrs. Nellie Fable, of ; Indiana, has traveled with a neighbor, and her husbatid.thinks he knows falinbt deem" • ..(I.SnIItIALDI . B book was a linanciaLtail ure. If he hid written it ten years ago Le would Lave made a"lertune not of It, lint n o w he ix no Linger the sensation. I r would Le app i roprisoc for Prof. !old. ' win Smith that hi has received ewe from Cornell to subscriTs, himself Professor Goldwin LL. P. (social parasite.) Tut: rnaertex of Kentucky distillery bands of bathing after - working hours in -the vats of vridakey., not only refreshes unit cleanses the men, but adds to the - body" of the liquor. : ItCnttro the firstallt months of the cur. rent year 6,972,480 pairs of shoes were made at and shipped' from Lynn, which seems after all. to be the best piein to make the shoe fly. AN idol carved nut of limestone, with lineaments wellelefated, was dug out of ' the earth at Madison, Ind., a few days which Is supposed to have belong ed to I.llle extinct rare. Tut: last graduating chus of firown wam the largest ever known in that colt - eget, and the \ present number of applieanta to the Freahnian class is large beyond all precedent. • • HANQ the lieroes 7 -is what the St. Louis Republican falls the supper given to the captains of the -two boats t-ngaged In the late attempt to take life and Destroy' property on the Mlrsissippl. (Jzi thu Illinois railroads there Is a we. man whit makes her by getting sick on the cars, stopping over at various points, and enlisting the sympathies of the residents. She tells a very - pitiful story. XVI: real{ those Otsorgia negroes are not juk to their - white bretheren end do not give them equal' rights for we see a statement that the :penitentiary of that State contains 367 blacks and only _whites. litniuLan effect of corn beef—An Irish ...mania Alton. RL, lifted barrel of corned beef from the sidewalk to a cart, the of herder, and ...ion after gave birth to triplet.... All were doing well at last ae count... - A muse-TIIIEF named John Bacon was overtaken near Lithonia, (ia., a few days ago by a pursuing 'party, and refusing, to halt, was shot dead by a man named 3lclVilliams, front wieose father the horse had been stolen. DeJUNO the prePerten of a windstorm at • tirantieville, Ga., on Tuesday, a log house was blown down, killing a child instantly; and severely, tf not fatally, wounding the wife of Mr. David Stuith. for nerdy of Augusta., Al Tiffin the RWlRiatl authorities ewe cutedon the 61st • of May, four highway Ledo The meteblid Tao wore first terribly flogged, then tate executioner cut large holes in both sides of their nuses, and tiereupott they - more strung up. Ari torade of the military in Norris towni on the 4th of July, Gen. Ilartmnft; nos Auditor tieneral,. was ht the ranks carrying IL-musket with the " Norris Rifles," the company- of which . ; ut the breaking out of the rebellion, he was Captain ! . , Tint Altoona hun - HaYk At Sitmeznihon ing,Clearfield ebutity, day before yestorday. while a numher of men were engaged I n . firing salutes from a east-iron anvil, the anvil exploded, instantly killing a man named Black, and seriously injuring two of his compendium. Al Curwsme.ille, in the same county. a man was pusimg along th e street, carrying a three or four pound bundle of powder under his arm, the package by some means became ignited, and exphsled,,ser- I lonely burning the man And injuring some 1 by-standers. CAlefAts Clirrottl). agent, of the Indians in Dakota, believes that the Indi ans of that part of the country are favor able to•peace. Boy, Burbank has Issued • his proclamation • wanting the whites against encroaching upon the reservations of the Indians. Tor. Lexington (Va.) Gosette of let says: "Mr. Thomas McCorkle, residing three miles from town, says there was a •aligbt fall of meteoric 'bodies on Marmot about 6 417.11., one day 'this , week. They were seen near the gn iund and looked like melted lead poured amt." Own exceeding w day in June a neighbor met an old, man; and remarked that it was very ',qt. eyles.. said Joe; I • "It it wasn't for one thing, l should say Is we were going to War e a aw," "What that?" inquired • the fritMd. ..There's nothing frau," sal d Joe. II An Italian gear i6an whore is making the tow Jived at Sem Fir ncisco, and baying rather "'awl' the world, cently ar a NaP°l "" ea ; .de of countenance and a letter of crettp , of S3OOIIOO be was mire . . , , .t,...w7wr.:,..1.,,,,,,,,'=,......",....,......:t4,:,.....1,.-...1.,,,,,ig..,:e.y.4.....A.,.....4.:,....a.,,,,......:,:-..—•-- .7........,..-........, \............,i,..,...,.....2.:c:;‘,..,...,r.- , . . . taken for Prince Napoleon, and much wohied by interviewers and too hunt s . re. is Louisville a unin'numed Tehan stab. bed his hmther.itelaw, Ed. McCarty, with his pocket knife, whereupon limber beat Telmu NO badly that he was laid up with his bruises, next morning when the police having found -McCarty in a dying heidition (11110! to arrest him. :S; . EWTON Cuatienitc, convicted of the =tiller of Maggie Carney in August, 1866, in Philadelphia, and . eMithinined to be bung. has been kept ever since in the I minty jail until lest Sunday, ,whet, he died of conauta uiun, confessing btu gull!, which he had always previously denied. ANOTIIIEIt batch of Chinese have arriv. ed at New . Orleans tin the 'Pacific PAIL road, to work on plantations. The. New (Minns papers think Ilia Chinese element lu the South will become very large aro long, and that the eelestinls will, in a great measure; take the pliice" of the no groes. . A. ME party of ladies and gentlemen were driving along the backs of the Bouhegan river in Wilton, X. 11., on Mon. daWylean the 'mines became uumanage. _Rhin anal the whole lead were prs.cipitated dawn an embankment mane thirty feet. Mont of the puny were wounded, some of them dangerously. I, , e.irtt distinguished actors and actress. es will play in the chief rides of America tow setbon—for example: hellimen. Booth, Clarke, Warren. Pechter, Lester Wallack,' JalneS W. Wallack , Charles Mathews, Toole, Mimi Janattechek, Miss Marie Beebach, Owens, Christine Nilsson, E. L. Davenport, and others. A COLORED man named Thonum Wil liams was shot and Instantly killed in L,oulsvillo on the 4th by a white man named Win, Bailey, Williams hod iu. suited Bailey's, wife, and even meeting Bailey the next day Kok sandy to attack him when lie osa shbt Mai - ,it 'shot gun - which Bailey had with him. CiEdltoE Al.allErn Telma/cart • *site,: - There is no friend to a jouruelist like an enemy. The meaner the attack, the mem inscrutably It comes to benefit." Taking as a premise that It A. 'F. could peesibly speak the truth once, and this wise thaU one truth, the hascrutability offhis belie tits in altogether incaleulable. , 1 THE Union „Elevator. in Oswego, ownisl f ly Telegraph tat the Pit tehurgiesoazetta, by F. T. Carrington. Failing 5,4 Rundell, ' w nstilsOrraqi, D. C!, yS, 19;1, I Jul and D. U. Pon. wan taunted on Nloudav SENATE. night. 'Lite elevator contained l abotat 40,- &et e'ollos.t Mn. 24.C t t Entir , the hill " WO beetle/it of grain, mostly of choice moving the y political dlinthllltlatt of mom, white Canada whist. Lost; if 127,090; the seventy-live Kentuckian. was taken op. 1 building WAS insured for I.42Jegi. and the Various objections weee made by Brett,. I cured. 1 grain; valued at e... 17,000. was h fully in iloil'Altil and DRAKE. • - . - - 1 ilr. I , l'ClthlittY explained that fifty-OH& Turn Philadelphisi 1,141g.r of ThureJav of the mune, had been reported upon faror• says: Yesterdav, in the Come of l'aiantuoit ably by the l'outtnittee on Dlsafillitles. Pleas, Judge Allison granted a Kenton, the. CONE:LING. referring to, the loons of ary injunction reetraining ,media Stetter tt i." t " e c" . • Sm ith. t.rehettrttht"' Commis from noting as (band Chanceller of tile .inure of New York, which xpoeared 'in the Knittlitti of I .l , sallati, as intopo so nd to • pLin e .., b ,.. i11. eltircsni tttrprise that a tuan. min.:ate,' I 1 ."6.., who dame the office. The " , .;OrT r e.C. ‘ .l7arsi t a he ' c ' o f ean k trf arrillaCta drew- h is met its ..0 the enntroverey will be argued into, shonld come here so‘hastlty to g. seek.iebe hereafter. , donement for his oftener.. eltEEll VrTieti t Smith done . A linTlat. Cncarcng—one of those'sar- !catkir. t klo o torn act t he ep rebell hat ion than had Getreral I eaatically virtuous fellows--writing •in Tamale rect. , Mr. n til!lrlt , ?ti che woviz i ed so t ffer , nce be. the Indianepolis Jaunted • YintliWitee the I dignity of the prise by sayieg "A yin. realth went To the solith ha! ' is t al o nsa t s i t n eft ‘ t ,' Ph . l " s dictive us, at present hitched to the ...ogee for the rebel cause in, al.:lndention., a Chica w „.• po4 t o i o „, on , he, spike j l psi .., IsCalltta , e Ontall. A. e to Longstreet, n he never a well.,kww° illara'tne , by trill,' hie Valt I liVrriapti m iei l taintTorZ l i t e l r e ° rig h lo ' rt:l ", name. Jewnious lienreigh i witt4hile. - men of the antic and nary, and AellstOrni ass Which of the twin do you thitik the roes T , L T,'" : ', 4 .1."';'," h ": 1 ,..i ~." ' f r t i li t , "ty ' :r r th ia ,9 l 'l7 . ' at "MAICit,„" said a,iyee child, one Sun. %, ',Ftle earnest of (lanterns W. , ismith and Basil day erenisg4-afissa Welke sat Still in that IsicTit ' s ' srain r c e ntlnt7 upon the' the biji. ' propriety' of l om , ' a ll dayt, lit', a 2,4 Ati,e, ,, ei ns .,. I itrikAngout twenty mones which had not. re -honored you tety •r" "I don't 'know " ceived the sanctioner the Coannittess mn re i tliml the mothe . "why do you eek '1" The bill relieving, political linsbuities of I . canoe," says the little ear, -shaking vorne fa.aloo persona maenad erten taseorrieth ' her head sadly, "tin. Bible ears,:horw r t r ig, tee. was tweed as an ameedment;bat lane!, tallier and mother thin' thY days tenet- 1.,... gu ) e i e ,-,lls . TAi t el h A t o t. 4 ... t j , d , ~,,. b .m long; and fide ha. been, ell, the , ',digest Feerrer or state o f fic e in :notation Sae tie. day I ever law.", • • " Fourteenth Amendment. Releeted -yeas 111, . As. Mt. Calton Ott., tioarin,hiral. ttincat !Neal ~' The MU ninon inassaattylaalga t jomo stt , C tit°. were the fuel ueid on 1 he - li. E Las Any I re 1111 ti. cte"''e- lan, int; the recent ra e lite Tulin who Mon „,;‘,',',..., ‘,'„?.,',lo,l;ldTi",l,t,'lN"L":,,:;°strar,- nat non-In a sionnt so 1.. i.e toast on JOS 1..1 set,ll. ito.. a port of delivery. Passed'. 1 - - "tight lto be d eon amid guar - tend, and Nir- wibllON one, notice lie Would en hat pamteugers wi any respect for 'their ij r „'Mjr:' d ennt'ottgerh,,"enthe Afin%d'etrPmirtt / lives, ought nett to enter a twat Where states of th nny bill tabled Pod {night. petroleum ja cried around in hankies oteltt Mg the objectionable pan '. ~,,,i The Conference Committee on the bill tor the from which it ' dipped with a bell • poured into the flames. The eneral D , l t s l arAllUes bin, relieving the' TUE NOW if en Palfireithon repo a a , t re nN e tesh " sf recTort.aintrriechl'lwas' or co f u the enrred armr b . t. ' . "b " . most dienwiref I scene on Saturday vast. i ' t !' al 'i takes d i i t:p. l' Arlit o lo f n n t r w ut "E" I P :. a n' 7s: ;,, fo participated in hr Yale Students.. 'ins Doted 'for Insertion. among them e A l .l o ' 2 r P. crackers were throws at µmasers by o the a N ade b :t is erihlt I n t t ' . ' ar 'l eal o t al en!' was street, stmt. and en ;altering Or. Strong's bed States Senate to take part In the reoelllort. room, set the el thee on lire, The et na.l. Melons Howard, Sumner and Tates opposed wart blocked up and neither pedeetr an the admbodon to amnesty of every man who _nor Lone tam old jam fora time. L'i- f,;?3l.l.l,3;oht.loninlener,rArlronthe tlheeretheet salty the pollee interfered and ntre tad The nano, sync finally wittuirewn: one of the ringleaders. ack •on mot ionofJer. itOiIEitTPON, a number f s were stricken out. . Citieguo claim now to be name a play aof o A motion to strikeout the name of ex summer resort: resort: 'lThe proposition is •vi torJohntoe was negettivelLafter a matement ' dentiv a mistake; if it Isn't it is the noel liaTn i . 'l'rtitlt!lible2DirtT I°.7"e'dir'be'tte aliociing irony heretofore ' dreamed of , for re-election and has, since neOin C PTSol d the "Be a granary;' pithetically exclaims te eltuetioe to geed felt , . ^ Albany Journal—"be a boon, a rail nil The bill then passel. centre, a wonder,"\ and all that ieln of ne:;sitOPitnet°...` L ' it ,l l. ` l: : lY.l,Ll ' i.ln l n u t ' at thing, but don't ask to be a summer le , informetion his possession relating to, the sort, dear Chicago, for, in the lean r r',"'' 'lio''',"'" of slavery in Cuba non - not language'or John taklintet, gitmlale ;it tions betivaglre " Valft t aref t i=oris i l ' af age: l ; - het on the cardn." -i . Britain. on motion of Mr. HOWARD. the Georgia liatlVAnD thinut lave _eaten their t on WAS amain t , 21 to M. commencement dinner in Harvard hall, With er cutting off debate the Senate which is lieureforth to he appropriated to anopted a motion. by Mr. POMEROY, to non other uses. It is t e intention of the Con. :Zneentrt,r, bill the i and tt;..41,, 0 1tr ~ . :tl,ll . , „ tho i ; pumtion to remode Massachusetts hall, a Conforeine-41 SO 22. venerable structure used ea a barrecke by The report s of the Conference Committee oaf the American army n the siege of Botiton,',T:4.o"ll7l:lVTAntlwp"rtrgetl 11 in 1717 i-G, and to to n the whole , building enforcement of contracts for serene labor into two large, hailed One of these will relative to Chinese and Coonecontracte. „ , ,;‘ , ll. . , ,CAV . Etle i ll" , n ,.,, ffereal and advocated an be used for public dinners, nntil the new Memorial hall is finished, which will pro- em'aresrestam.r.h?sijoirekr:sioTutinti /fait- be La the saminer of 18711. 1 ink an appropriation for payment to the /Wit ' Ish flovennuent to settle the SIMMS of the TUE Cincinnati Commercial says : Bev , tindeon flay end Puget Sound Agricultural 11. 'h'. fierfont, lam pastor of. t im eo Cominsny was passed. Church,„College Hill, wan anittal in the c47.T.a. The iyt iguaice-P f resident announcml the Senate bonds of holrwedlock, In that handwahandsome3 sdC,litategriZ'Ltattear?=.ll,; little edifies, last evening, to Mine Appliiii mover ofAhe committee. Mr. Pomeroy, de l. Locke, youngest daughter of. the late ililood lo i boaPPolnied On the committee. Prof. John locks of Cincinnati. The ear- inThnnte. vet,:gawabevg,7,,g-tgc2!: f emony Was performed by Bishop Kerfoot , bated at length. Itemarks were made by Mr. of is, onoy i roo t o, itio il ott yrb y 1 . 1„,.. Rl4_ VAASEHLY In adymniegsf of Ma tunas Invent nod ()ray, of this cily, l and was witnessed t^ make TyTsTOnot. V215 1) 1 11 1 3 in be an elegant company of laelen.and gyn. than or eitellonllg to thnt class of Inuniants tromen, resident. of Ciallege Hill and from an political righte, and by Mr. NOWA 1/1 in eulogy of Chinese civilization and good gor , the city. - ermnent. San Vratmisco nundin Of the 29.1. it Mr. SIi3fNEH renewed the amendment he ult. says " About eight o'clock lest even. hnd proposed to the Naturalisation bill. lien had ...all cave occuired in 11,, yellow t m ett g =tu , :t o u r ra , gz , ..: t , t , n r n . tlqii foreigner. alike. Jacket miner between the 800 and 1100 feet Messra. NYE and CAMEltOtaLfavoredpost level. Four miners were killed. Their ta , o b li n se e sa p pu of tee subJect until the results Immlgnitlon were more fully deyel of • amass were .Manual I Alameda, Patrick ors.d. . Doherty, John liennedy. Itilph Hansen. • At Mai the Semite went Into executive sear ._ The body of }Lawton was recovered about aloe and soon after adlouraed. 1 o'clock this morning The otlfer bodies HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Can be neon - and will be recovered, but owing to the h..° oat re of the mass of co O nt. ' e:t l e o Pi n ecgo Br ' sT A ß i am tb, ., e ,„l 'r . k g a .r.:f morning/ n ea ore and timber, the I worktu4n hare to ttoot lens tabled. proceed slowly and entitiously,- 3lr. JULIAN asked leave to present the pe- , colon of of hundred nod Oftv colored la- A trorNii man who tarried a collection borers 'of Washington for Janice nod fair . plate, In service. before starting, took may by the anithsniter n al th , e . elly In the am -from 1"a laa.k" a a vi. l cant ptece,eB ho Pl a e e ' lla Ist artTl7, to 1 Mn, 1 tWITA L L suptmsed, put it on .11e plate. and then male 0 suggestion sO nna to Include Chinese. passed it round among the congregation, n r a,J l -, r 5 t1A• 31 ,,,, , the !sl r ,„ ith tf a ; t ' e g; hl 4 l "' which incladed many young girls. The on h fir.,l'4.l . lll , j c 7•4; e p i. - ;: p iii,T ion ee l. m g.: girls, as they looked aethe plate, all seem- . tAtn,rt. which was adopted. ed istonished and antdseci, and the young Sir. ASPER:from Committee of Conference Inn, taking• a glance in the plate, found . ~oa..4o,!.e,enZliefo.reereAefo,flicia:Vleftielatedo! the that instead of a nickel five -cent piece Inc . nYr. ,ILA WY-IUL. item Cbmsnittle on Com had a conversation r lozenge, with the mercer reported back the Senate nmen t iment s w0 ,..,, b , ~win you ~,. a T ri,? . ' it„i.ed Ica- to the river arid barber appromiation bill and moved concurence. tem, staring orerylexli- right in the face. 31r. DAWES declared he could not vote for he amendments nod recommended the appro. A RINOtI.A.H. explosion occurred in the t pront lona for river nod harbor purposes be an of time American Tea Company in tined to important channels of tredennd nav igation, and not frittered mow in Improving Trenton, on Tuesday. A strong smell of "inap t rivers and creek. that hove only lode] ges being nertyptible In' the vicinity of importan ee . the tall, a'how window. a Omen applied titer further d (sensitive t hiSlimise proceed a lighted match up and down the gutepipe, ol to vote en tneumenumenta. Separate votes when a terrible exploeion followed, blow- '' ' gr r e ' i ' CaTerrt i gl i ig n tlyiTgrig °f niliViLtl i sTaVal the bill ha. gone to the President. leg the wind ow f„,, pieces and destroying about $2OO worth of property. Thiamine The motion to reconsider the vote .giving of the explosion tosetubled the firing of a - ja ir l ' te i rtrtt r i It Meat oi Dyer t ,f v=a t' tn:r . cannon and shook the itirrrounding build. gime!. Inge. The cane° of th e accident was An Mr. ECOFIELD I from the Naval Committee. accumulation of gas in a partition enders r t t jt h ,, 9 ,= ° &To:, pto rthd rra i ln7 thraTt e ert liC the window. No one Was injured.. - tint of July. ISM. the enlistment. be for five 1 THE N. Y. T Tears. end authori rilotne says: During the Slog credit Pn. enlistment Pssed. hist trip of the s pteamer . Norwalk from .11r. LOGAN, from the Military Coannittee s , Coney, island, on Monday a gang of ,reportett bnek the Senate bill to pay bounties thieves who usually Infest the Cony to the ttst ri t i llth e zt s navrilry and First and Island beach took posertalbu -of the boat B“. IafrIABGEANT, 'I trom the Committee on and robbed :the pessengers riglitand left, Appropriations, reported a joint regolutlon Several of the men on•board had their Froviding,that the act of March 3d. 19011 1 mak watekee torn from their Pockets , end. tlit gu ' ri. 'l 74= t lit n tl .eee tw' sMeri mtrigglit; of dared not remotuitmte for fear of ill- Knoxville, Tenn.. be ham to include and revise usage,. at - the lads of the On all prior expended appriep . riatlons forth.. ? b Lat l"t r. t ftroo . Pu ka, sed ei New York, having declined the arrival of the Norwalk atTler N 0.4 North Blows. the watch.graphers took to wens on the Conference Committee on the possession of the gangplank, and two landing bill, Mr. Maratialik Was appOtnted to gold watches wore torn frdin the vest hie place. ma House took up theadditlonal deficiency pockets of two men. Ono of them seized bill covering Items amounting to al t , , . 1 41777 c mit i v e l i o i r l tdd e d t . ap , the big. . the thief who robbed him a few minutes - Mr. DAWES annealed to the Horse ant to before, but the other members of the gang clime to his: assistance, and the the cenans. Some other Item* ha d Ve i n :v f erf owner of the watch was terribly limiten. tooted In makinfeout the estimates and some The deck-hands say they eaftanfina In had "igen tr3 i n t " cre ath'n of the niW partmen ofustlee. de sweeping as many as a doie' n.'empty A n 'month : neat offered by m r , RANDALL . pocket-books. - to pay certain clerk§ of the House adaitimial . • . FIRST EDITION. MIDNIGHT. PoIATicAL G. 11. Delnmate!. Nominated for • Stale Senator in the [Special Pisa:act to the Pittsburgh Gatette.] nlit, July kind: :The Senatorial Conferees CO of Eile and Craw - ford counties met here to-day. and after tir mudzation W. effected proceeded to ballot torn candidate. The itttnimit cordiality nud harmony prevailed. Oa the 46th ballot, 0.0. Delamater, of fileadville, who had received the Crawford cointy, ,nOmination—notivlth., standing. the frau s perpetrated by the oppo sltlou to Revert. Ix defeat—was nemlodT ed. 'The vote was subsequently made muutimous and the Conferees adjourned. • The diraffeetion attempted to be brought about by those .mnoti,ltepublican pitied.", Abe Pittsburgh eenuarivieb Erie Ifrputatenn, and Titusville Hrrala, to throw the Senatarehlp 00010 into Erie county, Is thus nailed dead; and the Ameerßon clique Is laid out very ef fectually. XLIST CONGRESS (.BcoRD kIIESNICKII3 SENATE: 1/Inabilities of Kentuckians flenio‘cd—Army Apiiiropriatious (ieueral uisamuuea Bill Passed-r. Georgia Bill Referred toCiintl.reuee Conunittee—Dipinmatie Appropria ions—Foutraets feet ,Serrileiabor. HOUSE: PostoMee knpropriations Pawaed—pirer.and harbor Appro priation Dill Finally Pissed -Addi tional ifelieleney Appropriation-- 310de of Determining the Ratiflra lion of F,:nstitnlional Amendments. Mirepenrettion of twent y Per Cent, fur t e 'I bitty-ninth Coogress. which had been r-, dered buf not Mad.. provoked 'discussion, n whlubt.Mr. RAWER said. If the Mouse ma e the approPriation to increase the pay of an t:Nis he would withdraw from the commit- mitten of conference. In whigh for sthe fait len days he bed_been trying-to linpress on the Senate that It woo Improper and IneaPedieut 'rit this time with the neary taxation resting MI the officialso go to raining the compensa tion ofof Congress.. - lir. PETERS niivocated the pro Hous e ha d only making provision for whit the House had , Weed to by resolution of the Mph Congress, ..agreed to resolution the Treasury officials leatrilfuted to execute. Mr. DAME' remarked the gentleman from Maine had ever voted for the highest sums •Intd grottiest 'lncrease of compensation and 'lntlinT over since ho hid beanie mensber of the Moose. Mr. PETERS lbreaking oThnt Is emote!. tinily net trite. It Is absoletely. nut true. I do not stand here to have such slanderous as sertions put'on me. Mr. DAIVE4-1 repent what I eels!, and un til thegentleman ensiled otriecurd statute le stance where he has failed to come up to the truth of what I bane mild I will not withdraw a word of It. The gentleman has also been always In favor of the biggest jobs. Mr. PETERS repeated whet the gentleuntn from Massachusetts said of him was not true, and he ought to know, lie had more (re quentlevored tignimit titattr raising sala ries. That gentleman him self had voted fur giving larger compensation to female mn plOyes In various depertments, and lie tidied thatgentleman to show any Such vote on re . r. RANDALL criticised Iffr. Dawes. and sold ail/course in regard to economy bud been that of a wart rowing one way mud looking another. He woe come to bestrides threaten to resign, but even If he did, the Ilonse would - turban notwithstendltur the. gentleman stood here and played the part of esdown. 181111110 n fall of the Speaker's hammer-I I w thdtaw th g. xll, l l ol`Tas i ii. l4: , , Tfa h 4i r ,n If he 'flied any tin , perilatnentary language, and Intimated he would at apologize to the gentlemen from Malue, If his demennor lied been smelt as to re quire It. • The AMnu tu a : a m P l enedxmpelannnt aw tDiaosan w agreed lo im la tboe tlw. eenMeseannenmentd offered' by Mr. HING HAM to Increase the compenkation of pages of the Home was relented. Mr. lIROOKS. of N. T.. offered an amend- Meet anthoeiting the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House to devise come sjuitem of shortening omelet reports In the tibite., anti to leave out Irrelevant and intent t terlal matter. Mr. BE:U.1.1(1N moved en tunendment to exclude speeches and parts of speeches not actually delivered. After iliteurbon both amendments were. re ieet ed. Mr. BECKLEY offered on amendment ap propriating 111711,0110 for the Asayment. of loyal men In the South who nssisted in taking the last census. Agreed to. Sfr. CLARK offered an amendment noon, PriatinX SWAIM for the remittal of the Kansas Indians. with their owe consent. Agreed to. The bill then passed. Use,lC/11. Rom re gu l a te iay mode of, , ported n hill to the ttnnk of, determining the retilication of amend. :neut. 16 thO — Cnasiltuthlill of the Caned State.. The first section meshes' it the duty of Sim Executive Of each State, Whose Legislature shall have retitled a Proposed turmehnent. to Ceti ify forthwith such ratification to the Sec retary s ections of the United States. Tar second s ma k e ; it unlawfal for uuy I State °Meer to certify thereafter any repeal ' of such ra Lineation. miler, an amendment for repeal shall hire hero test proposed by Congress, and directs the Secretary of State not to make record thereof the third secs lion prescribes a penalty for an attempted re. us-I of such uttilications r. State uldboritY, itimrisonment from One to ten year. and a tine rom 15.2.6t0 to itlnneu. S . Mr. Ck).l. objected. The enderstnnil nig .11, {bat when tae Judiciary Cononit tee bad a day assigned for business that Mo• pollt teal matte:r be reported. Mr. lit SOH A M denied tfat. there had teen ant such understanding. s Mr. NI BLACK moved toteble the bill. Nei atlved-ls: Co Lit. Mr. IlL'ill HAM moved lati suspend the roles and pass the hill. I. Mr. WOOIJW AHD ask lise minutes to ex press ads epposit ion to t 111. Mr. ELL/MIDGE there bbl. vat a mum Infernal a ronositl than this Lull. Mr. MeNEELY moredto- ad.Psern. Neg . all, ell. Tao-miles urre siodiriallet: 1" V17 d ., W - VI L IMPIit obt leave to has 4 h ak e , the 141obe the a she Intended t, mate; ll.. lIINGIIA.II report aMU notate - 14.g thenereplaure of the me Mime of a Judge mho 110,1 - tsvoinualsslort nut less than ten litre. end who teem ph; cal or other causes is perulantsatly distabi . from performier dote* efficietaly. the Ridge - tss have attrine netarnl life the earner Sailerizrable at the 1 vetannimn.aans out Wlntt eternised f 1 dges will, hold Oilier daring 0.1 be ha•lotte. Mr. Itifitt lIA St. front Committee.reported a joint resolution directing the Secr etary of the Treasury to , pay lawful owners the net proceeds of ail cattle selard later the &eh of June, IOFt, such seizures basing been made In violation of the injunction of the Treasury Department and after the surrender of the rebel armies and proclamation of amnesty. Mr. III:TI.Elt. of Mass.. made the point of order that the hill made an the'aPProPeittee Wh o le Andbe referred. Its Committee ur Whole And the bill was so refee,li, Adieu coed. d ned the hi moo TELF,GRAMS --The New Orleans visiting Bremen had a lino reception In New York, resterdaY. • —Theteamers India and Western Metropo lis, hu m Europe, arriVed at New York yes terday. - -General Schofield left St. Louis yesterday for California. to take charge of the Depart ment of the Pacific. we — re k so lo d o at w New h o Yo rSyushe (kao l to . rmr n i d e s a shaking fund at rkiaall. —Pontiac. wa ed destro ye dy a firs on Wed nesday night which thirteen build- Mita. involving a loss of - rAJCIO. 7.-The planing mill of }hansom, hammy k Co., at Cleveland, wan partially burned Thunda.v night. L 055. S IO D,OGOt no Insurance. —There has been n o r t hwest relAlft.. Of tarot hroughout the the past week. which will prove of imutedge benefit to the crop.. • -Another large are occurred at •Saugenay. Canada, which lasted eight days. The gov ernment has been applied to for $25,(00 to old the sufferers. —The Directors Of the Canada Air Line Itallrond Company who l e .estrday t he antiton,Sluturio. The amount of stook wan subscribed. —The Coroner of Cincinnati held Inquests during. the year ending July Lt-1.7 homicides. 36 suicides, 11l necidents, violent deseases 5.3, intemperance lii. —A quantity of gold has arrived at. Omaha from -the unich .]tines, on Dear River, of Northern Colorado. Reports from new mines are encouraging. —Last nionth there arrived at New York emigrants. among them 13,5 w (lernians, against 41,= emhfrants., and among them 13,- 912 (hewn's, in June:MCP. —John Hugh Smitthata-Mayor anti Judge of the Criminal Court of Nashville, died yester tiny of eongestionpf the lungs. the result of an unseasormble coat bath. —Track laying on the lowa Falls and Sioux City radrond was completed on ay, so that Dubuque and Sioux City Areow In direct filmed communicat ion. • —The Presbyterian Synod at St. Louis has reertnnized the Presbyteries of the State of Missouri, c.unpleting the consolidation of the old and new school as one body. 4 • —At Coateasille. Pal early Friday mornin, a fire broke out In a gash factory and extend ed to the tan yard of Joan Seely, destroying Loth establishments. Loss sso,ooit —thief Justice Come and daughter arrived at Chlmtga front NVashingtou, on Wednesday night. and left on the Illinois Cenunl IMilroad op Thursday.toorning for toe South. • —A disp....b from Denver, Col., states'. the =wittier Is clear and delightfully' cool. M exic o crop prospect, la Colorado and New are erectly Improved br recent nine.' . `Levi Norris. a returned Californian, charged Ames Nand, at New York, with stealing hie .trunk containing _over UAW worth of gold dust. Hand wan arrested. -Atlhe recent session of the ralted States District Court of lowa Judgments ttstres. ren dered In odirond bond rapes to the amount of two hundred and ninety-eight thousand dol lars. —At Pilit Wayne, Indiana..on Wednesday, Francis Ott, a German, in a freak of malice, discharged a load of shot at a young gentle man and lady, severely wounding them. Ile was arrested. —A young man named Smith, workingin the Printers' furniture warehouse nf Simons & Co.. Chicago, 'myna Instantly killed yesterday afternoon by !falling down a hatchway a silo toner of WIN feet. —Eli COleman. whorobbeaie Southern Hs Press Oompany at Jackson. Tenn. until re cently o f in Jall at Huntington, Tenn., was shot and killed on ThursdaY night, in en deavoring to make his escape. - -Thursday afternoon, at La Salle,lllinols,n clerk In , a grocery. named Hathold If. Janes, tell down a shaft of the Illinois Valley Coal Company.. a distance of 450 feet. He scarcely breatbedatter he struck the bottom. —The Hoard of 'llnde'rwriters of' Wow Fork have. presented Captain Gazer, of the New Orleans steamship George 'Wnshington.n ne thousand dollars for saving the vessel from an Infernal machine stowed among the cargo.. —The Imilann. Sinking . Fund Commissioners have given notice to the holders of the re maining outstanding five per centa Rat the .State Is now readTto redeem them, and IT not -presented by the Ara of September interest would ante.;• —The Chi Council of Si. Louis hiss passed an ordinance authorizing the Mlomouri Pacific Railroad Company to extend their track to the levee and to a track lathe river front, to connect the Iron Mountain with the North Missouri road. — Twenty Performers and sectors of -the Pg rea et t he i t ' ul 'l Ll . , ° %t groTitlff°ol; : ew t ln j aP s m; sident..of t - ne Long bland Railroad 2trecovery of transportation debts. The r ' eatturer of the came= has absconded with HAM —Sheriff Marhim and Limmty Sheriff Stearns, of Norfolk, Va., yesterday completed the 'a moral of seven hundred negro squatten who, since Mt, occupied the 'Taylor farm, nine armedro Norfolk. The neemea were wen but offered no forcible resistintee. The !Al; rlf P e r baseb ee:settledTLri fat er ria n pu D , l. • • MI NUM EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK. THE CA MAL Funding Bill Conferenee—Nomina tlons—Distrlbittfon of the $5.1.000e. 10 Additional National Bank Cur. eney—The Nei [ Attorney General Sworn In—NaTal Academy Candi dates—Protocol uud Meaty Ratified. [H Telegraph to the iPittsburgh Gagette.l W A AIIINGTON..IIIIy 8. Ind. rtworwu 016. CONFLUX:WE. The Joint Committee of Conference ou the b'unding 13111 had along discussion to-day, the juluelpal disagreement being the rate of In terest. the House Committee Insisting on four per cent. ano the Semite arguing there could he no negollationa at that rite. The Senate Committee want foreign agencies, and exhibit letters from the Secretary of the Treasury fa voring them. They alio disa Committee the gold ,elauses of the hill. Thewill ineet ugain :att.] gull of the Chairman. .Mr. Brooks declined tObe n member of the Com mittee..on the ground that the minoritr of the House ought to be represented. and Mx. Mar shall was accordingly appoint.' 10 his :duce. • NOYINATIONII. • The President sent th following nomina none to the Senate to-done Porter C. LlllB5, Secretary of Legerlon to Mexico; Marsh Old-. dings, -!dlchigan. Cotool General, Calcutta; George, IV, Kingsbury. Assennor Internal Rev enue. Dakota Territory; John N. Matcher. Examiner-In-Chief of Potent Unice; Banal A. Duncan. Assistant C0nn:413440/ler of Parents. Poatniesters—David A. Cook, Mendota. Ill.; Renter A. Birdsong, Bellaire, Ohio; John Fogel. Cadir.,Ohlo; JOtte W. Hays, Ilarnoivllle, OK*. - . . Nary . —T. O. &Urld ze, Rear Admlml, nth , od list. James P. Schenck, It Admiral on retired Itst, promoted to netire list; Slelanc- Ilion Smith, Rear Admiral; Charles S. Bogga, .Rear Admiral; Fabius Stanley. Commodore; Wm. E. Capt.;' A. F. Crnsman, Com mander; Henry C. Wields: Lieutenant Com mander; Wm. P. Macomb, Commodore; Paul Snlrly, Canton]; C. S. Norton, Commander. Troy, Witte, Lieutenant Commamler; Wm. E. Commodore; Thos. Pattlson, Captain; F. ltradrord. Jos. (1. (trees, Lieutenant, Commander. WICEIti IT GOVI • • • Ti. following named Staten and-Territory, wilt ht• ent Med to the lift3,4onr million. of dollars additional circulation under the ;tette Lurreuer act, in the proportion below mone.l: "f rFlu 1a......t1.u15,ke. W. Virginia S 451,11t1 Illinois t.O ii, .i Michigen._ 7130.716 Wisconsin.... 2.117.. MS lowa ItnEE2 KIMMAS.. .. 114.70 A 1.412 Kentucky.. . 4,411,31 n Tennuysce.... 4.:411,72 5,12z0vi 2.9,41.470 ' Nebraska 0.570 Georgia. ... N. Carolina. 4.00NA.11 S. (kwolina. . 4.216.6 k Alabama.... 4,0414E1 0rrimn.....,.. 101=1 Teens. .... 2.1XV.1144 !JAVA!. Ptah . •. Califontia. 1.717.:045 Florida.. • . 5411.412 Dakota 16.441 New Mexico, note Wunhington T 47,1tu Coral. ACADEUT CONDIDATL4. The Imuther of enutDdatcs admitted to the Naval A my' cade was twenty-nine, Including J nneph S. Itreckeuridge aud• John E. Cheek. Indiana; Wilkin C. McDowell: Jae. S. Negley and Geo. H. Peters. Penna.; C3Try COngi.loll. ernif, 3(1.011th WM. 0. Harrington. Ohio; Chan. N. Haskell, Iowa; WI. it. McnionlP. Illinois; OcO, J. an'alliess. Wyoming TerelterY: wm. E. Whitfield. Arkansas: Richard S. Town.. Nebranka. = Mr. Ak °man mehting took the oath as Attorney lagore Associate Justice Viler of the Sittirt.ineVourt. of the District of . ' , alutsitila. Jodge Hone left for Boston this afternoon. • PROTO.I.firm RICAL 11$111C1(1.. • The Seeirtarr or the Tressune reeslxe .ruled pruto.n 1. until the WO of July fur the of right to take soils upon the Islands of St. Penland Si. tileorre. Alaska, for t wenty MM. fro* the (rut of May. IRA. The I to -d oindian . delegan ad a cotincll with Commodore Parker y. Friendly. senti ments were exonnesed on both sides. The In dians Iroise to-eight for home rrltn pre.ents for their FIASIPIED. The the let Executive eteaviou tovisinhi :aided the orotoenl In relation to the African 1.4%r mat' naturalhottlon treaty with rent Waxen. - I , VEII. tractaloN. • House Committee to,lay eldest—six to fire—ngaituct tire Mccetenth. NEWS BY CABLE The Ps. el tenaen t on the Continent Con cerning the Spanish Kingship-LIN- Woman,. Notes and Conferenees— Warlike Aspect—Military Prepara tion!, by France—False Report Con cerning the Ocean Yacht !Ince—The Dogma of Infallibility to fie Pro claimed on the I 'fib by the Pope, with (treat Solemnity. _ Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] FR 4ACZ. /'.tats. July a.--The Spanish question still miser much excitement., though the feeling this morning In somewhat more reassuring than nn last evening. Tilre. were transac tions at the Bourse at el ven o'clocklait night. rents touching seventy francs and fourteen centimes, the lowest Apnea which have been reached for, years. The Bourse opened a shade firmer thli morning—return seventy forms and thirty-five centimes. No definite Intelligence has been received from Prussia. but France will not be content with the evasive declarations of Bismarck. Prussia ought, in the interest of the pence of Europe, to withheld her consent for Hohen zollern to set upon the throne of Spain. From various semi-official journal, of this morning err gathered the following details touching the candidature of Hohenzollern: General Prim meant hostility when the Spur ish Government notified the great powers or Minis( Yiri g °l reTie l ef erl3l. O ca el dl ite tu rien - 1?: 'Minisfe'r here, that he ( Pr in t ) had chosen Prince Leopold; that the Spanish Ministry felt assured that the. French Government woold object to It, but that he depended Cebu the higher sentiments of the Emperor. This proves that (ten. Prim meant to net without the consent of the latter. • France hag communicated With the other powers of Europe. and in nil canes has receiv ed words of sympathy. Ali the now seeks at Berlin and aid Is to Prevent imlitical plleat ions. A Governmentity forwarded to the Span ish by the Duke of Orammont ings been made The Duke ears that France lumen that Spain will renounce only. the candidate for the throne who is altogether disagreeable. Re recalls the services of the French Government in Spanish affairs by In terdictim• plots and rwrcating invading Car lists, and urges the fact that France aided Spain 131 the establishment of a Provisional Government. • No answer has a. yet been received from Prossitta the onsof• Secreta of Foreignince Affairsd eclara In the ti Corpsthe Legislatif ry few days ago. . patchthe sm r e ce ive d f r h m gl P ay ss how rothe aect that that government knew nothing of the candid/afire of Prince Hohenzollern fur the throne of Spelt). A report, seemingly well founded. is Liar sltation here that. the Prussian. Minister of War has ordered all the general officers of the Prnsslan army to rejoin their corps without deLay. • The Monorlal Dip4ontatique Rap, 3 French circular has been issued defining the situation. The Madrid Discussion has an article on the throne question to-day. whereto It tars: Prince Hohenzollern's qualifications are India. putable.• A beggar himself. he manes to 'rule a nation of begg,ars. The Speyer .(Bavaria) Gazette says: After all be is more n Bonaparte than a Hohenzol lern. One of the maneVerorte in circulation about Prince Leopold save he refused Prim's offer of the crown twice, but his sister, the Duchess of Flanders, induced bite to accept it. It is feared If this should prove true Belgium will be draWn into the conflict. A report has reached here from rid a that Montpensier ordered his adherent M s not l pose Hohenzollern. time e o pr e L s e op oMa'd rida n i d s d d i a v t i udreed. oT heLium opposes his elevation, but complains of France because she acts as if the Cortes was in no wise ...age./ to take care of the dignity and Interests of Benin. The Pubh, warns tne country that this candidacy may servo as a pretext for war between victim.d Prussia, in which Spain - will be th The Iberia fully approves Prior's policy.. The Cmrvslm dencio announces by authority that the Cortes will meet on the of Je]y. The Tirmpo gives notice that a demonstration will be made no Sunday against all foreign candidates for the Crown, tbe Chinamen la Paris, fearing thc . an- Pre of the 'populace for the recent margircres at Pekin, hare carefully kept within doors, but owing to Spanish affairs the newafrom China created little sensa rpellationUcin. In the Seate an intc has been submitted on n the Hohenzollern affair, and the Nothingfixed as En s been for it. dismission definite bee been beard to-day from Prussia. Olozaga. Spanish Ambassador, goes to-night to Madrid to endeavor to make arrangement. to satisfy all parties. Tee Ambassadors 'of Austria, England and Italy had a conference to-day with Duke firma ment. They seem favorable to France. The . Russian Minister wrui received to-day by Orammoirt. The Emperor held a conference this morn ing with the minister, of war, navT and tine. Military measures are alresAy mention ed. Two efirffs L'Artnie are to be inadageady for Immediate movement, Marshal Barraltre will command one and .bate b n n arm? othr Marshal alarmalion trill and Oen. Intent will be entrusted with an 'm ann ant comumnd. white Count Mehl° will lake command .of the tronps to operate • Active preparat ions are going nn nt t he seutiorts. Mid /I ipht.- -The Minister of War handeciared to the Emperor th e . army is ready to march vet the first signal. No answer has been received from Protein. and it is reported there will be none before Monday. A t telegram from St. Petersburg reports that the French Minister there declared the coronationof Prince Ho henzollern us King of `;polo sell! be regarded by France an a rogue Mill. No further contiramt lon of tne massacre of French in China has been received here, and no official advices of the affair either at Lon don, Paris or at Si. Petersburg. Olozaga, Spanish Arribasentdor, had la long conference with the Emperor: at which Chevalier Negra, ftallau Minister, was presenl N It Is not certain now whether Olozaga will leave to-night for Madrid. The Ministerial Journals are violent against Prim and Bismarck. and say France Will not accept explanations from them. Send-official , Jourissin of ilerliti,a_r march Is the accomplice of Prim in the Hohen zollern Intrigue. and Hie King Of Prussia has given permission to the project. , GREAT BRITAIN. Lontos, July S.—A report was received at a late hour last. night purport ug to name from Cork, that the yacht Daunt ess had•rT tortlell to Queenstown, having lost her fore most. Inquiries were immediate y addressed from the agency of the associated press by telegraph to Queenstown. in reply to which a complete contradiction is given to the report. None of the yachts which started ocr , the ceent: race have been heard of sire their de parture. The Commons was in Committee again to night on the education hilt. Several amend ments were adopted. tine offered by Bagley, increasing the stringency of the clause which makes school attendance nompulsorT, excited an animated debate. Mr; Forster ad mitred the 110CCSALV for some cogipaislon, but had objection to unqualified compulsion. hfr. Oat borne Hardy thought the law and not 'Dent boards should determine the point of compel- Con. The amendment was rejected by .Lla 'itr ty. i 0..? to-day reports the mental and bodily rigor of Mr. Bright completely restored. Copious showers during the past twenty- four hours In England. alternating with sun shine, has greatly improved the prospects of tho growing crops. Rev. Charles Leslie, of the Episcopal Church of Ireland, Is dean. The Court of Sessions of Edinburg has rendered judgment requiring Forrester, a Glasgow bookseller. to pay mat pounds dam ages for selling an American edit ion of Tel:I -nv.-MN Poems. Then, has been much Informal comment In the Commons to-night on Prussia's delay In responding definitely to the 'note of France. The opinion Is frequently expressed that this Indicated a spirit of mischief. If not a more dangerous purpose, on the part of Pravda. . The ..xeitentent hes been Intense ovei affairs. ,n rite continent. nt -there is a reaction of etititeent t.vdny, In con‘ettuence of the vox letiot 1. ht.! war mar be avoided. The pante Ind reaction are probably equally unreason, ECM ItOsim. July S.—The dogma of ' infallibility will be proclaimed on the li't la Inst. Prepara tions are being made file n magnificent cele bratirm of the event. The ceremonials at tending the publication of the dogma will be held In the Church of Leo IV. The Pnpe will tinenlig the veritable chair of St. Peter. The Cardloals..trchiblsliops had. Bishops will at- tend In full canonicals, nod the various relig ious orders trill go to the church in Iran.- sine. The enneltnion of the religious sere- . i nionie.v will be heralded to the populace with' Milititi.ei from canon and by the pealing o bells, Correspondence front Item° of the 5t rep resents that Ihe orators on hot h. tides f the Infallibility question in the Conned have re nounced their hitenthin or speaktug on, 1 , con dition that- iiiiihieseripta of speeches be sub mitted to the Imputation on Faith.. It le rob able the schema will third before•the Ilsth. On Tareday chapter coat adopted; and the vote on the lart chapter. which deals ex clusivelr with the dogma of Infallibility: will . Isom, follow. The partisans of the dogma be lieve t lin origina I form will be maintained • by the Council and kotrudgeted on the Illb by • the Pope with extrnorditmtT solemnity lend . rejoining. • , • , - . • . According su spe nde d ics t he lays in the Connell was =eine "days, pentllng the preparation of an amendment to the chap ter on Infallibility. Several American Pre latee protested against the abrupt close or the discussion on chapter third. • • " I At'UTRIA. \ • • tra V d l ic NN l t tJe yr ep-orTho f° M the n l int o e u area t co o n Austria 111' :the 'lsendhlg- dttnealt Prance, Prussia and Spain. They declare hat Austria., lit not under any eiretimatatleeS r tiCipate la the controversy.' aIAILINIZ .:goal. . Qi - crsarowa, July 0.-The steamship Penn :l,drania has arrie..l 1 . QDETOWS, uly ei.-The American yacht Sapp NFl ho willed J this afternoon for New - York. i f l'1.1,101:171. J IT 8.-The stesimphip Ilam imnla. from Ne - York. has arrived. ,' VINANCi; 1.. AND gmlimEnemt... ! LuNDON. July B . — Erothip.—Ccinsols ' for owner lep„: nclionnt .Cle.. Securities- Id-405 - 814. twiner and hi gher, 11'-'s. Oflti: WA. 91'::'0,1, 004: }:rtes. 1014; Illinois, 1134; (L'W., 21 , g. Stock. firmer and higher. LtrEnetwit... July 0 . - Cottonquiet: uplands nd:Orleans 10d: sales today 10..W0 bales:sales for the week a'afakk exports 7.00ta .p_kid.tio. 0400 Wes; stock S 74 . oll ;Americanal..soo bales; receipts for the week, 72.000: Alnerlean 110.0 W lades; quantity . ntloat 404.010; American 95. 6 00 bales. Iteceipts of wheat for t hree.'days 15.1.= quarters: American 10,000. California white wheat 10s ad: winter Os :id: red lstern No 1 S.: W- Western floor wu 05. 'orn-No 2 Pets MN and henry. Oats On ScL Barley Se. Pens it:s dd. Pork 1117. , ad. Heel Ills and arm. I.nrd henry at :Is. Cheese quiet fit 4-ls. ILa_ con quiet and steads. at Sels for Cumberlatd: u2s dd for short rib. Tallow at 445., 'Turpe n . tine:lit, i LONDON: July a -Tallow Is :id Sugar firm. . Comition Itosin firm at i n 7.l6"trs: fin e firm nt ' Ids. 3fancitecter market dull. P.t0,0, July 3.-.ll.turse opened at :Of adc and closed a shade firmer; routes :Of Os. • HAVRE. July 0.-Cotton quiet; on, spot 110. LONDON. July S.-Linseed oil closed Amer OMs 15da:175.. ' PENNSYL VANIA. . tiltprenie Court Hessian. at Philadelphia. Pniv.s.T.El.Pnt.t. July B.—The Snprem Court of the State. sitting in bone. to.daylan summed several decisions. • •• • • • In the Eichoepre case: the motion for the lpening of judgment In further writ of error e refused end judgment given for Common wealth. In the Credit Moldtier case against Common wealth. the Judgment of the loner Court I. reversed.% The Judges issued lan order 'directing the' udges holding uiel prim hereafter to de cline the exercise of conferred b theact of Congress In Jurisdiction issuing naturalization y Deism's. The Iron 3fenliera rearentlea. PIItLADELPIIIA, July B.—ln tle Iron Mould en Convention to-day a motion was made by Thos. Walsh, that the convention enter a protest l a gr itnktT, imlrortntion y or present system. Referred to* sneeinl Coax to it • A mot ion 'limiting the Amount of work to be done by nmmbeta working piece work WU reforrod.• . G. tiredly moved that the constitUtlOn be amended to abolish nil future strikes by minor Unions and naystem he adopted for the nrbitrat ion of nit difficulties. Referred. The convention resolved that thi s opetive foundrys or other members of Union be rtllowed to make contracts with nr make an) ; work for any foundry when there 111 any trouble existing, under penalty of expulsion. kit. Crispin" and Senile Labor. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) DORTON. July B.—The Grand Lodge of ' Knights of St. Crispin met 'at Tremont Tent ti:dtte to special adopted resointlons -doy e the and hearti attemptyed.teyn Zninst the new to degrade labor by the Intro duction willile laborers from Asia, and It, say . they at e lcome try t o by . all hurful means to getilst ` tar: fnU 7iMr4itligt Ing np In this conntiT a class of aechanlcr whose skill. enterprise, loyalty and devotion to theleat Interests of labor shall commend theta to the favorable conalderatlon of all: • • • L pper Myers. • • My P. & A. Telegraph Lille.] OIL CITY, July B.—Riser at a stand. with 25 inches water in the channel Weather clear. Thermometer TO at 0 P. If. 11110 1YNSCILLIC. JULY S.—River abOut aL Mewl, with three feet water' In the channel. Weather clear. Thermometer 70 et OP. M.! • , — Yesterday. at the residence of 3ir.lllcrifas.. 'ten. la Chicago.- a colored lad named We, . Benders, employe w h e re ervant (C o nlin . family, entered therm= Annie white girl. also employed as a serrtutt. was engaged at her work. Incited the doomed asked Annie it she would marry hilt, Stuarepiled. Jodie "no." Whereenon be drew a knife and cut her throat. The sorearan of the girl o a ntar. t r e d Igc u lt d art . to the der .; seized a knife and Inflicted several statelier, his own person. En was seized and remoted to thepollee station. Huth ere le a critical condition. —The St. Domingo treaty will nbt be aban doned, but Ifarreement can 'be - settled It will be brought .up In some 'shape, next session. The treaties. that of annexation and for the purchase of Santana, are distinct. The latter has not yet been acted on nt all. The clelm of the United States. however, until October 'teat, Is established, and beyond that time, if th e money Is not paid, some anangements un it bars to be made so its to awai t the reas sembling Of Congress. —Tho Red River dpo Nation, of Jane 240 , ingtobillatr arlogettf i l i niWtrtg action on the Manitoba bill and article, of confederation as reported by delegates. They were adcrpted, at which Rell expressed his satisfaction. It is thought that the Commis sioners must have brought back assurances from Ottawa of eIMIMILY to Riel or the adop tion of the bill would nothave betano luitAt and cumnimens. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS . . La•-• FIRST METHODIST .CHURCH, ,itallmul street. near Depritjlfiriir Baton. re. Pe , eltaillirliEg o Pasor. Preaching SAIIDATII at lOS •A. 31. and 74; P. ft. Public cordially Invited. .• - - • Da'SIN:TII'PICESBYTERIAN CIRCIL-This Church will be reoponod int SUNDA Y .NEXT. at 10 o'clock A. M. Service. will be conducted br Dr. WILSON; at 3 o'clock P. Rev. NOBLE', of the Third Church:at 75 ridoelt P. N. it r. BEATTy,o!Btady FIRST. CHRISTIAN CHURCH, corner Baver street and Montgomery ave nue. Allegheny . City, JOtIEP/t BIM.. Pastor. Preaching TO-.110/tRoW tlk;o1 s Day; at I Os A.m. and 7 r. Seats ontlrely frt..° and cord Lai In vitatlon't 'Sunday School at IP A. • ay. PLYMOUTH CONGREGATION AL CHURCH. 'Rev. E, Y. ISABEETTE. Runny. Preaching morning and evening at 104 and ll o'clock. In EXCELSIO HALL. corner el Lenceck and gedoral ninety. Allegheny. Sends are free end a cordial welcome to all. • arNOTICE.—A PUBLIC MEETIIT6I will he held In the ELEVENTH WAItO SCHOOL HOUSE% SATEEDAY, at half-past 7 reoloelt r. tt. In regard W Oro Filth Avenue Sewer Almessnien“. All Rattle. emu/Fed are re au wed io attend. ELIBERTY. --30 toot front on 3.1 y fttatlon atreyt by 130 feet dear. to an ynot, a Dew TllO STORY FRAME 1101:SE of wldo ball, pnrlnr. nierb e mantle, dg morn and kitchen, Onus rlunabors Dud &tinkled little. Cellar mnd base -005;1(71'71d ga rden, 1 2 1it: P ' 39 Slyth avenue. , • /§I'AMMERING CURED.—Prof. P. EATON. from No. 1313 Chestnut Meet. ILidelphia. whose success In the curt of Stem. meting tad all Ohne 4,gpoOmentas of speech. has bean as remarkable. will spend a few weeks in thls citY.mal will gave of aUtatlon cure of all defects In the use of the vocalo ra te The Published certificate andply attest his ebllity and success in the relief cure of persons thus af flicted. Prof 'EATON may be consulted. for the present: at [lmpg:ice of SLOAN. KING 4! CO.. No. KG Portent AVENVIE. Pittsburgh. Send for ciders. Ju9:lb6 Fine Watches & Chains WATTLES & SHEAFER 101 11T11 AVENUE All the litt•t ntyles at CRAINS.d rtxr JEW SLUT no hand and terrain at low price,. New Recent SILVER WARE (neva:Ml.49ra onto Jon recel red. WATTLES k p THE COURT OF QUA RTER SES ROSH of A Hog h fOfmoot!. - No. 1.1. I rommher Tirn, 1671 Notloe 1• hereby glvon'lhut the rep,. .1 In the attOve raw. trot prosenlod h; Court and NM July 7. 1870, and ow. firmod pat . iititiilute animal etc/title. are tiled thereto withl ten dein. . p _., ~,X4.: • - ,, , 5, - --,...•. - - 7 - - • .7 Fifth kiehue, Market House, r il i rlie 111 . . 4,07 . A 1.1 y e - 1 2 1 ,, 1 2. be i tgiAre;l m uM w4:fticfA"::::g......l.;,td.u P , irlUitbneeb... ma be seen held ern, tfl arieltlea!lnne use I n na tgitittgeeiL 3 A i g4li h T ra ng o ll , l . Ana ii T NaViiti•HCOlitml tie e reeerreithe tight . to re: Pict Okla. ho 1 Yawaniala will be left at orde ur i 2 ,,E1 Lo!il:AtiliaLrilliiir of Ifitrktta,C:llTlLall,_ Slim mer tl-rjerwear. (ZEN TIV IJZR MERINO ROMIG& GENTS' GAUZE, itSitpki GENTS' lIA.I.VaLEF.V.R. CiAt:ZE MERINO MATS. RILE, LISLE THREAD AND COTTON DR DERSIERTS AND DR 4.SERS. TAMES PHELAN'S OLD STAND STOCKING STOIIK. 24 Finn Arlunins A Good Set. of BLANK BOOKS For $6,50, Made of rood white paper : paged md lodeme booed boo lo etrptos sheep leatPer. me Comhdlaa o f (14 Ten , Quire Ledger. Oue Ten Quire.:,pny. Bonk, One' S3t, * ()oo:ensh Book, • Meting In ell TIr&STY:SIX QUIRES for only 66-ou. The bases it'll bleared separate to eaom• woe ate Wee qyaoharo WWI eke In elle. J. L.READ& SON, 13ooksellers and Stationers, No. 102, - FOURTII AVENIIE. CM=M CLOSING OUT Summer-- DRY GOODS L & MOORHOUSE 21 Fifth' kventie, OFFER THE BALANCE OF THEIR Thin D1N41.4 Gooda. Litwas, Chlntzps, Hernanty, jy.ERY CHEAP. DAY BOOKS, Journals, ledgers,' GASH 1100 KS, "jP:r itere a lp ls t i •BoOks,. -s -Cheek Books, -' • • • . Dray Books, LF,rril COPY/NG BOOKS kinliture Blank Blots, sr Invoke Files, Adliestyp - letil" Fileßy ,13111 Books, . - Memorandum Books, Counting Howl. Stationery, 11111 fields; Lotter Hata, • - • Envelspes, and VUllinessCards, Arld ell albeillaresattla Pttatthg ..r.enstadi lu tL. best Mylit. KAY COMPANY, 66 Wood atieet LA.FA'IMITZ 111JILEING. THE WEEKLY GAZETTE VIE BEST AND CHEAP69T commercial and Family . Newsinim PUBLISHED lII:WESTERN -PENPIATLYAN/A • No farmer, meehani;,.4 mer.•heet .Luton to ' Without 4. • . ....... ........ $ tittles of ten 1.n.; A eopf le fumtehed guenttottely to the getter. o t. of q ('Ane n t. te. lientanotere erg requested i. net Its Agent. Addreett. 711-1,1," Mr Salt," “pinfl. - ••Aaivraf..Q. - S,..ret errowding }l,l'n 1.13;15.1, lain l iruilrtrd in (Atm. (1411111111 MIC, ESTI , F7I7: (I;Arl,..;tarh.„.vddielogrel Ilnr VTR r ANTED. 7 - BOA It DE few `3° °°""" ~r ANTED.--A WOMAN TO COOK at 'the .01ster Ocean. eorner of fidilthde T. jld and Sixth avnue. . .1A T.A 1) NTE—BOOK COMPOSITOIIS Third •TPLIO. at the wince of W. B.IIAVEN w - WalCt AVAATED-A good Washer and v V IRONER for roonorlfe and eblld. rd Preferred. Call tools otGAPETTZ odlos. Jut; --•- IVANTED—lnkniedlatalb at No. 6 Stockton avenue. SICIIM. RIM. one, ran. Can operato upon • Mogen. '9&-ins Machine. 7.4 t ANTED. Information of l ife W...hereabouts of ROBANNA DENNICT mW be thankfully received b y ter brirdbers 'Memos • snd Joseub nenoet. weer uj NTED — STABLE,,CapaeIty _ TuTi 'a r r.= rjk ',.."/F s ' o r re 4, .treet and Third avenue. Address GsZME onterd' WANTED - IMMEDIATELY. - A COLORED CHAMBER MAID, 'Mb raferances. at No. 307 PENN . STREET. .4 of AATANTED.To purchase a HOUR' of V 4or 3 noon.. Silbert:we pernvrrt prefer, d. Address. with price. terror and location. WC. GAZ _CIT office • Gel) T . tvrig n t!ritt Makers. • 7A TEU —: fin ORPHAN BOY and GIRL of 9 or 10 years of age_ , to Ilan 'M gt a couple. Co mpensation. board. ye seam& ae. Bast of Jeteronm elven. Adam. tor tap day,. J. G. (Li warn Mime. TATA NTED.--A -L -S Hannon as BSA; •v v TENDER or In • atrulend• Uaisor Pam lir • man who understand. rectlfrlng and romp:mai rg4Nt'.off: al":l4.`l7;lllTg!'"'°"'"N`r22. TATAVIT.D. RECRUITS.-BeTeral ~ .I . l . .:=•ai r 4eibT7bVllVc"4llll7;• beet In the AntWlon. INVITZ74:4°``" not.o7.lld'lL. RUM WANTEL—Serersl Men for Firm TlilekraVniroArl3.l3= "g1A.11121;g..i.d Conking, Cbkinberwork. Ihning-roOrn work god kt,1141.VACV,11771131 R . .gr.g . t0 3 4 1 4,1 I.nspielylon Bring. 301 Fifth Avenue. , wANTED. . _ , . . A Good Repobikini Nemspoper, -- By a men Who will Live lutist...l.n la hl plot, and reader.. Addy... BOX 411. Meadvlle, Pa.. listing lento. Inatlon and COCullOhlh,_joY - .A' WANTED — MORTGAGES. - 30.0110 to Loan In lame nismall amounts at lufeir rate of Interest. TllollAll K. PRIVY. 8111. BMW um Real Rotate BMlter.. No. 179.819.13001 d &ryes, ANTEDORTGAGES• - Thirty Thonsattil Dollqrs 16.1..0an In large or aman amounts on nrOnatil Mialltnt7 counts et a Gar rate of Interest. .C I tAILLERJBRRIM 144 Ronne Anent. ON Grant streeM:ll MEMO city Attorney., Erd:P.LOIOEL'NT 811RE.1117 - !‘ OI WANTED-A 0 LABORING MEN _ 'Woo from 21.50 to INT...du: 1i , e7gke;i1,,,"1,13 , 4 Fa in . 3.. rt lrot ' nag IA!" d'rxr.'wt Oral housew mt. dinloottoo. ms"tr'Oglet"chato""ber. ;;0rk,,T , gg:! ,. ...r $2 to $4 per WIRPk: noroeso. • 448.1,4 - A - ANTl7.9p..akrarliv: r Nintlattrett. contor.o,Crou. • ,LOST AND FOUND • 1 VOUND—On Saturday- erenlag, - 1 • iLoglia72,(4 N'bra l _Fraiglitt.ti' : AlLoamy. and lucatlaylrir It. • • ; 1,8 • • ' MATEASTET CM A I.AitoM. DAME R COW She strayed from ourPritutbie.. Cents ettftlt, July 3d. A suitable rairard will be paid fur tier rectivery. F. 11. 'SATO?? 17 Flfth I OST.—PROMISSORT NOTE.—Tho Public are hereby notified 1:10t to flegOtiate: • I accept • note fors gEI.4M. Parable to the order J. W. McCASLIN, dated Nay P4tb. IN7o.and drsire . by J. W. McCulln. an plethora bast been noticed on same. • M.? lOST—On Monday evening lasts MEMORANDUM ROOK containing a email . amount of Postal Currency. A liberal reward will be paid to the person returning It to SPILNCER. MCKAY it CO.. C-Pe Car, 24tb uldgmallutan Stal2th BOMMING B (MIMING — To-letmltli Boarding' HO T AL S ZW:o B7° " B°"8. TO-LET: rII4I4I ET. — FUIZNISHEDNOOIiwta o t board.' Enquire at 114 Y0U42,3 • - large. Third Story I' FR79 ONT ROOM ...Melo for Lofton, 7.4' Ao- t 2. Pe t • • r rO . LET--R00 . 315, With BOARDING. Suite of tarnished Rooms on uvond or, 160 Tby . _o_ ...anon. • 09 . TO-LET.—A. eomilete. DWELLING .A. BOUM alth Store Room attached. Alto. t.ll on Wylie Aron.. nu. terms, to fell at No. 181) WYLIE AVENUE. A2l r I , O•LET.—No. $ 6 Esplanade street, . 1101.78 E of ?looms and llntahho attiq 4a throughout: hot and cold miter to kitchen. lioneninti riven lilePtitfonfic lat. orerallice.or to JOHN RTiItHICIT. d. INastood.. . _l,l4:tr • ' T ° - LET. — KTORE R , A ling-elass STORE NOON imul Whig. No. N`l - 14bezty nreei. completoir Silted op wit shelving end counts.. Will to vented cheep ' enhod for goo.. Enquins st FOR SALE. FOR SALE.--HO—;.-Furniahed USEi _roll.* 75 rimarum. located•fas • T'OR SALE. That • weltknowii To iZproperty_ AtiVkers Landlng.Panort....THlC Yg= l tdr;l i rt . all L'etrk taro a rate opportunity. or w g rins. w h4"4l J. BATES lielltrid"' No. , 4 Hank of l'onnap./.1g.0,1.1n...p.: ~.PrOcoFpotion Immediate on we. la:rzi. _ _ -"OR SALE.—Englnes and Bollmk,_ pr.w...d &wood Rand. of all klnds,oos:"At4! Ordars from all parts of the country ' Alyea. • Indeed to. Corner Marlon AMMO and Pn. I4 AV. a C. a. W.. • . ,r 0; SALE -if -00C TAL 4 I3SI49'ACRICS. nna hundred and .abety acresozer culticaUon, balance...nada broprosts- ' end thee gelle. • 4.l " rd ant veil wa n t! vow yrodl: bi t small erect rassnitt the Vann alsitatadlst.4: new to ylllar L. Slr ts and churches. Tho hum can 1 1 Purchaxd a■Ow any. ..Appir co • FOR SA LE CHEAP / OR EXCHANGE FOlt CITI k.—A Oa* co_pleraT tICSIDENCE. con raining • 0 soraventh bye et one, dna cougar:A anti conventaut ViVer\ t V =V;atll iMelor th e nth . 11 from rho atty. on the "racers at ante: cwew it or a mho from Nienarta &anon. Central 11.4 A ISO. ear cent good recnalllrentlocallone and tense. for ealaelulginifla... • east' Tin. 11Gran 0 t Cluhmehi. FORE --SALON 8 TEARS' CRNIHT... 28 LOTS. It sent each enchant ot Urn bear- , CITA. eta. mf thacltleta Pricle„ • ta pute each. ' /Urn %AND LA/?.1111 W choke heansattldt. 411" I,A I / 1 1C krer Ama t oCOTT. ll .manna 014:11 um and ald• partlora, camer 0 ram ctukuur • cunt well of stator at tact door. ate,; stable4r•PC• enLigra'bpate Inolitrf clear or the Mica sera Lean wan: Ile. Wl= raZltt. ° llthlp Slft moanro of sen toWn - Lea arsia oaa ~ ' ethl42:`' rare. RT. on the FOR , SALE.' „ 1 . A handsome presses! Met Dwelt , twO sogies. maws leg 7 room. lot 48 by sttet , Ste ow 44th street. DOW Bugler mow 1 kale wen sweetish with image sisw. igilrbbbega4. while ow the This Is a gine stable. Qtr en . • 9;!!. .71ils rolls's is eargatoly lb WOK 1.,;....ri11agML1-"4"'d.T./1 4” P• 011 &Ad am.. ox; ux egYnytga r —kga Nomura . , ig r o t ar ounediM ....V. try INV , TIM Is abeasutti oust or oy _L 1114°VMMA bewlitfoltwests •' ' Aitoggengllgt • plossea 4am i "" eFo:= r• tiny l l dipmewe bettersm ted. 7 . 1.. BILL Akit a. ili re="esiVssolig l'eVe.nial m• eighost . PsTswata W should hog snahisreabot ~ rost ne i.x...... d . ty alp by c.r . p w s. lll T.itgerxembaavrAgiasther '' . I=l rieurlite WANTS. MN No. 4 VIENNIALL4T 1 E I=