The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 08, 1870, Image 1

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Nrner Sixth . Aft, and Smithfield St.
EDITORS AND paornisropra.
Y/111113 OF TU DAILY
Br =all, per year
I ,, prerrd by aTilr.
BALTIMORE is to lutur a fine now hotel.
Tag race of elephants is teat dying out.
CUARLES READE is DOt 'coming ttoApter
_ SENATOR NORTON. of Minnesota, is
seriously ill.
PETaoytA, Canada, postures 4,50 0 bbis.
of oil a week.
JAIIETMALLOT w• 9.14 d yawned at Cincin
nati on the 4th.
Tug hatters Union of Brooklyn has
90,000 in bank..
TIIERE were four Fourth of July fires
.•• on Staten Island.
FANNT JANATSCI/ECE is to play next
winter in English. •
Bairns has eleven freohatlis for. men
and five for women.
TLIERE are said to be but about 500
people at Saintoga now.
H. STEPUILYS is getting heavy. He
now weighs 79 pounds. •
NIAGARA does not Seem to be a favorite
watering place this year,
. SOME stamen have started an advertle
", lug agency In New York. •
Allocr 3000 feet of the Mont Coda tun
rel yet remain to be excavated.
TIE Lydia Thompson troupeds'at the
California theatre, San Francisco. 1
IN Philadelphia a street car 'couductor
has boon linedlor overloading his car.
• Tarr Claciu.uati park conunissiortershave
spent e-90,:t. , 0 90 npontheirvarieuriparks.
' Tut Union League of Philadelphia
gavel-fine diiiplay of tire works °tithe 4th.
Gnu. IlosTuAt was netinated at.Tnnt
many Hall on the 4th for • the. Presidency
in ISM. •
- lIILDEBRAND, the hero of half a hun
dred horrible murders, has turned Ints
-7 ABRAII.III IttEnnEtto was killed at Ja- '
maim Plains, near Boston. chutag a drunk
en rowon the 4th.
LAMENTARLE accidenta are recorded in
. every town in the country as the result of
' 4th of July orgies.
Two brother's, George and John Wen
_ derlich, were drowned while bathing at
Chester on Tuesday.
liotortztr has published an interesting
account of Abmlufm Lincoln. in the
Hawaiian language. •
Erma thousand one hundred and forty
two Chinese have arrived at San Francis
eo since the first of January.
Tug skeleton of a woman, found under
an old tenement Louse in Volmubust,
is creating a sensation them. •
'TUE Husain:l Opera troupe is going
. home dissatisfied, as they find American
names and English, songs hard to pre
IT is proposed to publish biographand
sketches in one volume of the firer toe
hundred and twentv.fite gmduntt.s 'of
Tae Philadelphia Bulletin of July sth
prints allot of nine accidents and herr-.
teen fires resulting from the gloribus
in that city.
- ON Wednesday, Wheeling had a case
of attempted arson, an attempted- burgla
ry and anattempted fight. Only the fight
was successful..
JOic TutN Rtes, of Howard' county,
.Indiana, goes to the State prison' for life
for the murder of his wife, Mary Mans,
in February last.
A DRMCILEN fellow named Eacker. shot
and killed in cold blood a school teacher
named Thos. E. Bucher, on Tuesday, in
St. dolma/Ile,
Baltimore, left about t.... 20,000. which stun,
by his will, Is to be divided among. his
widow and twoitons.
Cusza,one of the Siamese twins, is
pining for North - Carolina, but Eng will
not leave Europe, and Cluing does not
feel as If he could come home without
hire. •
.PgrEnsos, of Philadelphia, announces
that advance copies of the Life of Charles
Dickens will be sent to any one prior to
eta date of publication upon receipt of
eta. DE PEI - Krim of Tivoli. N. Y., Las
began a history of the Third Corp. of
the Army of the Potomac, and is anxious
for coutributlons of material [tem any
source. •
• AN old man named Tullis, while in .a
skiff on the Ohio at Cincinnati on the 4th,
was turd& by the •revolving' wheel of a
atesiabrat,nnd hag - not - star" been 'dis
covered ,
Eintv on Monday morning Chas. Mc
• Carilly was murdered at the west shaft of
the Iloosac Tunnel. Timothy Lynch wits
arrested on suspicion. They were both
laborers in the tunnel.
AN ei - ',Cuange remarks that persons who
prefer stale bread can have their taste
gratified by sending to Pompeii where
they have leaves which were leaked
eighteen hundred yaws ago. •
-Num serious accidents__ is Chicago's
daunt for the Fourth. The mostdreadful
happ,encd to a little boy named Yelverton
Whom, pocketful of fire crackers and tor
pedoes exploded, tearing Ids abdomens to
LTUE IlOilidaysburg Register says that
Elisabeth Earns, of Oaysport, sat otd
lady who,was deaf and had on a sun bon
tat, was struck by a freight train which
. she neither saw nor heard and killed on
Friday. ,
• A rovico man in - New York bet he
could drink six glasses of ice water, cad actually won the bet, but on - account of
the warm weather and Hie; Nigh - _price of
ice In New York his funeral was unusually
expensive. t •
AN irreverent lawyer having insulted
Judge Pitser, of the California bench, hire
honor descended, seized a cane and ad
. ministered to the attorney a • severe flog
ging. The Judge resumed his seat and
' bado•thn whipped pleader to proceed with
Ida remarks. ..
IN Elizabeth, N. J . : a 'pleasant gentle
. man, described as "a well known mugh,".
entered the house of Mr. Timothy 4.ltey
on Monday night. knacked downahlagere
Unman, beat Mrs. 'ahoy severely:smash
ed all the furniture and then retired,
Mt= Limo, a moulder, of Louisville,
whan on a ferry boat in thomiddle of the
river on the way to a pie-nlc oa the 4th,
made a bet that" be could jump in the
river end swim to shore.' Men dragged
for the body all day Tuesday without
UP al. P.r TICKET.
lifituna.KorromiGunirn: Permit one
to ask who does not feel deeply interest
ed imam war. which a few men are now
-tiling to excite in the Rerfubllcsa make, -
If It wu the intention of those poor crea
tures who dignify themselves with' the
name of -"Reformers" (Alt! me!!) to set
aside the Coratitution of the United
Staten, which declares "there shall be no
religious testa" when they met at the
Court House on Wednesday and gave no
religion any show but the Lulled Presby
terian ? . Carnahan is a U. P.; Mr.
Kirk is aU. P.;. Major Frew is a U. P.;
Minas Tindlu tea U. P.; Aaron Floyd is .
Is a high - priest .c. P. Ree. F.
A. Untehison is a U. P.; Alexander
Niudek should be, and I - think Is,
a U. P. and a great many others such as
the Reeds, who have been shaken - by the
wind, liave been In the kirk -ei eg . are U.
P's;and still a great many others If they
have not bolted, or formed an "Indepen
et!' ISt:deal/lath:al) Orgnnisation!' are U.
p s . The U. Pa are a very good kind of
people when they are good, and I do not
karow many bad ones, but rt large number
of the mcst influential of them declared
yeelterday they would net vote for their
own members If they run on a bogus, die
loyal ticket. So please toll your readers
from one who loves - U. P hun'that it Is
all LT with the ructionisis' ticket. -Fut
er than It went VP will It go
P. S. and .N. 3.—1 see there are' only .
iw delegates on the ticket who reside
in Allegheny City. Please put that .
(44-11- I • -IP 1
' .11 1 1
.1 z
r ce
The Mountain lloa►e..The Guests..
The Picules.-The aprinus..The
Journey Home.
It was rather a crowded train that took
a batch of Pittaburghers and your corres
pondent among them to Cresson Springs
on Saturday last, through a storm that
must have been nearly fifty miles long.
It was dreary weather, and a trip likely
to put the spirits of the passengers 'in a
state of depression, from which many
were nut rescued uutll they came Into the
great dining room of the Motintain House,
and felt the genial Influences of the ellef
dr cuisine of that resort. A game of Lit•
liards, a cigar and a night on a bed that
felt like those for-Which Paris in famed
brought your correspondent into a fitting
mental and corporeal condition to resist
the heavy cloud which hung about the
mountain top all day like it wet blanket,
only being broken every now and then by
cheerless rain. The hotel was pretty
full on Sunday, as were some few of the
cottages; and some ten or a dozen of the
visitors mustered devotion and courage.
enough to go oaf two miles to church at
the village of Summit. The rest stayed
in their rooms, hung about the parches or,
like the subscriber and his party, defied
the weather, and explored the numemus
and far reaching board pathways leading
to the Iron and Alum springs, the bath
houses, the various cottageS and the sta
tion, thor did-they fail to avail themselves
of the generous hospitality - of a fellow
townsman at his cottage. Among the
lvoll known Pittsburghers at Cresson, we
rerognized Mr. A. S. Bell and family, Mrs.
Plallips, Mrs. CIOSSIIIBII, Miss Phillips,
Mrs. David Park, Mr. and Mrs. Them.
Tuck. and Messrs. Jones, Dilworth, Brock,
Laughlin, Cwagmve, McCaner.,' Bagaley,
Stallknecht, King, Arnold, Sands, and a
pleasant party of five young gentlemen.
four white and one colored, whose
WIMPS we did not learn besides` I
. .
lienniston and family from
.ColtunlMs, Mr. Andrew Carnegie, of New
York, Mr. Augustus 11: Tack and family,
of Philadelphia, Mr. Frank Tack, of Oil
City, Mr. Evana and family, or the West .
Chester Record. aid numerous others.. Oo
Sunday, dinner was the event of the day,
Then the eastern bound train wan ringed
and the Sunday papers reviewed and
eagerly explored for clown of the new
party, but in vain. A delightful evening
on the noble porches of the hotel almost
repaid for the horrors of the gloomy day
The Birthday Anniversary of the nation
dawned glorionsly; the air was delicious,
the sky
. perfeet, the mountain looking its
Very loveliest. An early train carried off
a large delegation to the races at Altoona,
which were something of a fizzle, but those
who stayed were glad they had done so.
The house was thronged with visitors from
the'neighboring towns all day, and two
pic-nice, one at Lorretto and the other at
Summit, drew the Country folks from
Miles amkind. A charming walk—made
_with companions that would have cast a
glamour-of delight around scenes far less'
- lovely—brought tot to the scene of rustic
merry-making on the menetaiu-top, where
refreshments and dancing platforms were
nestled in the most confident fashion be
neath the arches of the forest primeval.
Hete for a while • we watched the doings
of the fawns and wood-nymphs—lusty,
vigorous devotees of Terpsichore, who,
with all of the native glaces of the region,
lot loose their agile limits—with an aban
don and 'recklessness only to by equalled
by the power and rapidity of their speech
—and rejoiced in the independence 'et
their country - and the plentifulness of
their beer:
1 ~A walk from thence by way of the. old
! 'Fringe road and down one of the..
relies of antiquity, avinclined plane,
brought us to the far oils iron Nudes!.
where a eat& vclepr •Itesy:' iduck.eyea
ADO erucary, Ind to eil the place of
"Mickey" the presidi kg-deity of the
1.. ,.,
foUntaln, who was am revellers.
the revelle.
we had left at the Sch. n femival.
But it would take t. . long to go into
further particulars of 'this abort and
charming visit, sallies it to Bar that we
found the hotel and grouleuls greatly im
proved. a new mile and a half track
almost firdahrd, a really uperb kitchen,
'said to be the most comp, .te iu America,
added. and Mr—Mullins, ust the saute
genial 31r,-Mulline, lookin after the wel
fare of his guests an Las f r so long been
his eustom_ About the juke that the
evening train for the w .t was due, the
guests at the hotel be. . to gravitate
towards the station, an 'hey must bare
felt well repaid for sod log, for smote
motley, jubilant, crowd is . t alooiya to be
witnessed. The platform 'as filled with
• ic-Mckers from Loretto a 'd the Summit
homeward bound, with
full flow and when the tri
dering 'along and stopper!,
crush which deStp,descrip
hundred people u%nted t
train at one door, about
to get off at the
the earn were already pack
At last the change
the train moved off, every '
warm humanity mosaic-eel
that would shim° the arti
race. Men stood there hol
the air to save themirern,
Princes in the tower, oth
there with their arum in
,and seemingly non
thein, many befog around t
the other Rex.. tightly pree
ink no sighs of any
, -o signs of any au4,...y
opting an occasional woes
a contraction of the muscles
have been felt by the girls,
"mountain lasses," and neve
stood the pressure nobly.
few thousaud.n, more of I
train, and then wo began
young beauty who was seat
back of a seat, with her feet
ions be w. Red cheeks and
were It portion, and she w
the fi t water, -knowing
man of the large party, an 1
him her, and woe to 1
temptf r
to pass her bye, for
would ave honored Jael
be around his neck, or a 41
would be in his coat, and .
drawnthese gediile th
nine in uence to the feet of
result an that she reign
over It urt of a dozen caval 4
though special lover nee
Portion, 1
"Yet a' the lads theyismil
A comas' tbro' the can"
And many a jeahme ginn
darted ater from eyes that
looked b 1
wn l
love into those o
longing t the young men witl.
At foh etown the beauty per creellehre
and all 11 a other beautienpul their enam
ored s n o departed,
mitring way for a
fresirbat hof rustic mountain loveliness
who were with us but for a few a r eet .
fleeting miles, and then vied Imo the
night, 1 ving us with but n few tc, ,„,,,
into the a oky city, which' we did af t ,
having e to the conclusion that Cr...
ion Sprin are pleasant, Creeson guest.
delightful and Cambria county preachers
likely to Map rich harvests soon, 11 arm
encircled heck' and waists may he Con
strued into omen, of marriage reremo.
_ ._
• • New (Mew,
plow on ., July 7.—Flour dull, with
superfine as; double extra $5.3); treble extra
15.76. Cord firmer; mixed h l . o 7l(t.white 11.15
e 1.20; Oats Orgnic. Bran *IAMBIC& ffsy—
prime western BM. Pork firmer at. $31.50.
Beam acts a and held at lie for shOuldenr,
17Me for el r rib;181f0 for clear sidle; barns
r t
111 (0. La quiet; tierce MBCHB' c; keg mg
BMX.. Su scarce and firmer: pri e nue
Its.. Molasses gron,• fermenting 4Q.600. Whis
ky lower at 97M1.10111,00. Coffee — Prtme 11.1(e,
17Bc. Jiteri nit2.l.
.111 i- ''
- --.---
• Loulsrllle. 1 •
Loutsyskr.E. Jour 7. Bagging
. ftrut and
tlg:' $. 3 3.V'c4,,,V,".7.141,',irgarhgar iE 34 eS .
prtces ruling abut ateY <Pm allot.. . ft:.
visions firm, demand light. Pork pl.
Bacon 19,4817®1i c. Bulk moats Wiitl6o
Imo. Lard' 17e. Hams, sugar Inured, -BIZ ;
Whiskey el. Tobacco . Wes = bads;
1 7340 for ted to lugs, hetet{ c for low to
good lest.
Baltimore. • 1
DAV11)10 C. July 7.—The cattle market wits
ackive duri g the week, the prices of inferior
and lower Ora dea being (4151(0; ordinary thin
Steen sated w e digetd.J4e, medium to fair iei
re; final By 7.lo ti finkr t u ltlt b lt . =
ym b r hart g ° ln Bond i.m. Hogs 12.34ek
lac and In short supply. Receipts for the
week: 1111 k sheep ,=I; hogs 3,501.
(kal Trial: of Agricultural
[np•elnl l'elege ' nl;l to the Gazette.]
MASarirt.n. July 7. into.
The third day of the great reaping rilal Arno
suspended this forenoon on nreouni of rain.
At nbout three the dyunnionieter tiu.t wits
resumed and the interest wits at Its height
when a sudden shower suspended operations.
The neld for reuping tr. opened by the
"Champion Self-raker. , Wr. Whitley driving.
The change of weathUr has only procrastinat
ed the trial, bill hen not lessened the interest.
"hank's Chnugnble Spetal - Is still pilule,
friends. W If. Williains.fgenernl agent or th e
"World: for Ohio. Is net lire In the Interest of
the Company.
(corm.pondeoce of Pit tß4orgh Gaze( t 0.1
IColurall.u. 0.. July 7, IVO.
rm. Thl.ll. Or IMITLIts ea
Thh. morning opened wet. and at retail
writing there In nothing doing au the geld
This afternoon mad• develop better weathe
and 1 shall chronicle the result by telegraph
There are probably the hundred machine wet
and strangers IntVrested awaiting the trout
I subjoin some additional matter t led oily
in: interesting; nisi references to smite of the
principal machines;
The machine blindness has assumed an Im
mense magnitude! Not less than thirty mil
lions of capital la Invested In it in the (hilted
States. The lowest estimate of mowers and
reapers built this year Is one hundred and ten
thousand. Allowing each machine to save
the labor of one Mon. la low estimate). we
11.6 a saving of manual labor of five hundred
lnd fitly thousand men In a single year. At
east this moldier were sold. and same con
end one-roan h more titan Aida extlinate, as
there !remit:lone left oyer las! year. Alt hough
!his May seem large, It is barely sufficient to
bapply the demand occasioned Lit- nesv farms
rought annually Into cultivation. Thin hits
become an Important business to Pittsburgh,
as she furnishes at least two-thirds of the
iron and steel used In nimmfactming the ma
chines. Jones & Laughlin, Anderson& Woods.
Hussey, Wells .k Co.. Lloyd & Black. Reiter &
Co.. Brown & Ck, Lewis. Oliver & Phillips. all
derive n heavy trade in this line. And In this
connection f have one ward to Sac. Why is It
- ire can furnish the material referred tot even
the coat and coke, transport It hundreds of
miles to the west and return the- manufactur
ed nrticle and uot enjoy the profit of building
- these machines °ands-est The transporta
tion itself would be able. profit, and I can see
no reason why we caul , manufacture as
cheaply its the west. Let nor manufacturers
took to this: there IS a wide nelqopen.. I con- -
t Moe my mention of the ditferiad • mfichities.-
• •,
This name was Very app ropriately selected
for the neat. compact little machine built by
the Manneeld Machine Works of this city. It
is the invent iOn of Ili.ll - 11shwtea' oriXtillanas
burg. New York. and Is exteusively built In
the east, where It , bl known as the -ttirmicr,
and has met with-great favor. It ban been
improved end to some extent
Mr. Reece. the mechaulcal mind of the com
pany In question, with part iculin reference to
the demands .1n the west: A Norge number
were built for the present honest and sold
FMK befoie the I.L . l. 4 olleornmenceri. ' The most
gratifying results have attended their use.
One of these machines hat lystsa on trial and
folly sustained the expectatiol IS of its friend,.
The round was raked off. and Le work
showed a clean. low. uniform stubble. t Indeed
one old machine man said a "straight edge"
would touch every one. The draftwas very
light and the movements noiseless. --no nide
draft. but an evenly. uniform, steady motion.
shoeing no tire to the team and nu
wear, cutting or heating of the gear. 'Tito
driver controled [hate:on end Machine with
as much facility as a gig. It in proper to add
that this wan the only machine taken entity? 1,
apart nn the ground. Every piece a - . taken
npart Inside of two minutes by the watch, iff
ono Man. It wan pat together in clearly. the
same time. The gearing is Ingenious baCillm
ple, and so arranged that there ao dancer
tit accumulating dirt, crewttnr friction, and
should any part break, any farmer the leant
skilled In mechanics can take lcapart and re
pair or replace it. The Mansfield Mechanic
Works also build the "Thudicpc. - This Is too
st ell known to need COlilMenclallnn. Thee
hiive t•Sten..l re factory at oils rho,. and
••xtel.iv,ly trulld cnAlne+ mlllo and
IA bee rimefiliscry. It heir intention to Mice
a large supply of the 11toista11 for next har
vest, and orders are --, eatly received for CM.
This prosperous nianufactory in represented
y Mr. Nixtia. of the erm. who luso recently
invented and perfected a new - machine. It Is
smiled the U. N., end possesses a number of
valuable points. Thin machine•was tried. and
performed with ease and summit cut a clean
and etenly swarth. and , showmt great mien
tation to the different kinds cif ground aiiii
grand- •Oue 'peculiarity.'was diartleplarlY
notlcestdd viz., the di-tipping or adjust 'bit
ending motion of the knife and cutter bar.
This In most ingeniously arranged, and
ablra the driver when the machine In in elu
tion to turn the cutter leer either down or up.
thus taking advantage of any undulat lone of
the ground or leaning crass. The U. S. Is a
compact, datable machine. easily managed
and of simple construction. 'The Camping
have been building the Cayuga MO. and ire;
known as placing before the public ouly the
Mint machinery. The U. S. promises to fully
requal its namesake In popularity and noto
ete. and have an early and extensive in
mir spirits in
• • . came then•
there was a
ion. Several
get en the
half as many
me place-a ad
to a degree.
• effected, and
isle solid with
with a nicety
ices of for
ting habits in
ie 'tate of the .
w, • teen stood
curious; pool.
le to move
te waists: of
And oho*•
a move, ''
The name and fame of thin machine In cow
inennitate with the Union. and wherever im
prOred ..usettlences have been Introduced it
stands at the head ale! Jront. It sea. OM /nit
iileCesiful two-wheeled Dlnchlzle. anti %Into
Its triumph at the drat great naticutal trial
bat continued to Increase In popularity and
°wittiness. hio Improvement. invention, or
convenience known to the agricultural world
has proved of more benellt to the col:unit:thy.
The writer has seen more than two hummed
'kohl-Wt. silver modals awarded, It In set",
tieldtrinlli. and It In a ilditorloul !het Ib4l.
hat Derr,: In single Instance tailed- •1 7_
Tnt ill"C•NZIII
Is built both as n mower and reaper.and Is.
swlthont dinobt, the only noily portable ma
-1,1110c,111 toe. The cutter bar folds with...all
the faclllt_y that a .. l int fl. ' , bk." Capt.
John A. Earnshaw, who has been the - early
tn,,,AK.IIIILI m i na.oN t h e b tgr e h r I n e e ° t ( 11 n o tg, , , a n ;
estate. 'Louts Miller.. of the Akron fesn,ts
present. Mr. Miller It a mechanic of the nest
order, and has left no effort , to make the
"Buckeye" what It really In, a.."triuniphant
. HIE self-rake Inuproied system of
guards. and many other Improvements clearly
prove his ability.
It Is admitted by all that the Buckeye has
the best general reputation of any machine In
time for all purposter, *ad It has been the alto.
and still wi l he,' to sustain Its character. The
f*tton firm. C. ..tultman t C0.,-me also
repreiented, and In all there are fiveliVet.cor.t.
andllll receiving attention, It was remarked
by . as -old merchant that Capt. garnshaw
should have bells on by team- as It wags,'
noiseless as to- glee no warning .of its
approach. This certainly imeeks highly of Its
great menhanical *oust RICISOU and avoidance
of friction. I shalt have motego say of Its
. ive sort of
I which must
ut tiler were
winced but
i Wilmore a
I left the
o obaerve a
upon the
n the emai
-1 white teeth
a belle of
very young
it beckoning
let who at
arm that
once would
areeot hook
O would. bei
di of fecal:
uty. The
d supreme
ors, and - al
ed to be her
rue rozinsON
'Mr. Johowie. thiffantitor 'of the aficive, In
commotion with Dollen. the general agent of
the firm of Johnson. motley tc.Cari. (buck
port. N. • are present er ,Itti'd vesper, also
.seltfake and lauding attachment. 'llse latter
woe pot in trial Yesterday, and its working
was witnessed by a large number of egrictil
turul men who had never peen anything of the
Lind tried. It fully 'indebted Itself. John
son'a self-rake le known' as possessing palate
of merit. that .tutve never yet been equalled,
and. Is used bye large number of leading man
ufacturers. Ills reaper has taken a - number or
fiM preesimna. among whlelt were gold wed
eln, last year. at Louisville, Ny., and the great
trial last month at Xer.l.
Mr. Johnsen bas made his mark In the agri
cultural world and done mere than any one
living. of his age. to benefit the forming cons
muelte. Ills aelbrake has been a success and
his self-binder promises atilt greater results.
we caught,
should have
per eves ba
h eouvulgive
It would be doing injustice to meebudcal
skill, and a meritorious mechanic not to men
tion this valuable field convenience. It fully
met publio expectation and notwithstanding
the prejudictr of certain parties Jealous
worth has .continued to Increase' In
favor. The machine is substantially
built and has some very SUPOMOr I
Points of merit And will . develop Ito
raking better In heavy grain or Erns. than
`l'm , . the miTelalnea were tested. 1 had the
Leasure of meeting 8. It. Harris Esq., the
rwurigent. whom I found to be 'not only a
Fraftlrin Inechirdsti!but a gentleinem of en ,
mr ired In business and thorcrughly
!conversant with the use 'of field machinery:
Mr * ShePpdrt • the Principal h.lo of the
I wa s _ Itheoess..t andlelly " roved him
nod lr s g h wu all reQlers:;;l: hebreeartite'rW;-P'. you
aware, Is- ,lntrodueed in PennsYlvmditi
htlitotrurunar. Wong!, •
The above have been b e f ore
the agricultural community for ne Cie i
years: making nil the princi p al { a i m
barn tools, sew WOW.. insltlvetorS Ice
They own and build the liiihtsisti mowi; for
most of the Western and Southwest or
Staten, nod have made considerable impr uve .
ments In it. Their Hubbard was tried as
mower and did first class work. As it scopes
this machine has still greater rroutat Din. kits ,
ticularly with the self-rnke attachment. This
Is of the family of Johnson rakes and has
been modlded .d greatly Improved. Such
has been the demand for their machinery that
they sold out weeks before harvest commenc
ed. I wa rted ned to meet the !old, staunch.
noble . Hell. Wright. Esq , the general
iraViDtDE agent of the firm , and Est.
O. Catlin;
of the same. These gentlemen all look bale
and hearty.
—Mr. Palmer, of Little Rock, Arkansas, a
day or two since made personal application to
the Superintendent of the Free Labor Myelin
of New York city for fifty servant girl..
mid that the white Camille*: of , Little Hoek
had held a meeting, and lifter collectively con
cluding that the negates had been unmanage
able as household servants, had resolved to
employ white labcr, and had sent hint North
anivly provided with fund. to employ the re
quisite number of persons.
SENITE : Woman Suffrage' Arnow
meat--Conitonrelitil 13elalion% alt
Npaulgli A merkan Connirlem—No
Approprlallons—•Eleel lon and Ai
• florlionment of Reprexonlall yrs
Any 1411 Con forence Itenorl Tabled
11011.31;: linuNtio
--Currency_ 13111
Funding 11111 Iteferke4 LoContelviK
Commit Ire.
I ❑r Tolegroph t n the Pu t 91,441 tiatotto..)
WA su.tilTON,:litly 7, prat.
Nuinnroitnly eigned petitions agninst the
continuance of the Income. tax were ore
nettled by Mr. CAMERON, end tabled. •
Mr: TRUMIICI.L. In response to various
With,ux (or the amendment of the Constitu.
Hon allowing Women to rote, reported the
same back, and netted In be ilintherged -from
their further consideration, NO ordered.
iThe Conference report relative to the
navy pension fund was ngreed to.
151 r. _A V C introduced a bill to regulate rank
lit file navy. Referred. •
Mr. SHERXIAN.froth the Finance Commit
tee, reported an amendment to the civil ap.
propteulim bill, making an appropriation for
extra clerical force required by the pesslng of
the Molting nod currency net.
Mr. FENT() ic add1....el the Senate on the
subject. of our commercial relations with
Spaninh-American countries on thie routi
ne., which ho t bought lied been too touch
neglected. He believed our cononerce with
them callable of very large and valuable lu
cre:lse. Mr. Fenton then lubnatted the fol
lowing,,wioli [this adopted: -
itreireff. That the President of the Visited
States be requested to Institute inquiry. by
ouch Insane his judgment Shell bed eemed
proper, into the present condition of the cow-
Inertial relntionx between the United States
and Spanish-Ai:eerie. Staten on thin coati
nent, and beta,en those rOUntrien and other
nations. nod communicate to the Renate full
and complete A 411,111.10 regarding the same,
together with such recommendetions nn he
may think necessary tn prOgnOte the develop
ment and incr.. our commerce with those
regions arm Centre to us that proportional
share thn tenths of thin continent to which
t heir close relations ofge.eraphiCal contiguity
Col Uolillral friendship with all the States of
America justly entitle them.
Several House bills monied, ineltsding that
rephirtng National ban. going Into liquid.
t lOn to retire their circulating notes:
Reporth WY, made as follows:
fly Mr. Cu 'PRUETT. from Comutittee on Cons-.
moose. without amendment, the bill to Incor
porate' the Tehutudepee railway and ship
canal company.
Ily r. HILERT. ro Committee on Vont
office.. with amendment m .
the hill autborixing
mail steamship service between Cedar Keys.
Florida, and
r. STEHWaAanRaT.
bi lty o M divde Virginia
w n t t h
tw nm Ju dm ctnetl .
fly Mr. CRAGIN, from Naval Committee.
oltbout amendment. the Joint resolution Two
shalle klieg that enlistments the Marine corps
be for not less than Commute'
Ito Mr. TIPTON, from on Public
Lands. with amendments, the bill granting
lauds to Lincoln City and Loupe Fprk Bail-
- 111 r.'CASIPAtt/S:introduced ti Joint resolution
for ameetrting the proposals ot _the Interna
tional Steamship C ompany' for constructing
and placing stemnshins le the Trenx-Atlantic
service. Refereed.
Mr. MtUtItILI. Me.. celled an the Naval.Ap
propriution bill. thoquo.tion being. upon :eon,
earring in the amendments nude In Con,
mitten of the Whole.
• ..
An amendment was adopted. after discuss
ion, providing that - no money appropriated by
the bill for the present karat korat year shall be ex
pended on account of naval engines contract
ed for during the war. '
An amendment by the Committee on At,-
ropriation9, to iinthltiit retired officers being
a.slgneil to duty or given Increased pay and al•
Insvances, was dlacu.vil at length.
Amendments were olgered by Mr. CRAW N.
inenntsing the number of seamen, ordinary
seamen., 'mechanics ana "boys In .the Navy
front a.:11/ to Maki; by Mr. DRAKE, for a
board of surrey to control the construction
anti compluentof vessels; by_Mr. NYE. pro
viding for floating clocks in Southern porta
for repairs to saitsels. authorizing the balances
or, tinexPended aPpropriathins to be taken for
t ne purpose.
All were votesitlown.
Mr. DAWFS made an argument In favor of
the Increase of pay of LimitenantS and 0111.
evr. beton. hat rank. meltinitte .an
amendment to that eneet. tent rejected.
thu pal table remaining as reportoil from the
naval Committee.
The remaining amendments made le Corn.
mit tee of the Whole were concurred in and the
bill passed.
31. r. MORRILL. of Maine, called up the fer
lineation appropriation bill.
''. A motion to tald., was tiesattecti- , L3tri
The bill passed with Out debate.
Mr. Titi.73lllCLL callfsf nip the bill to fin
Tuesday After the first, Monday' of No
vember as a uniform day for the election of
Representati vie. to cdnerels. beseumine In Prat.
Mr. 1 1.1.R.LANnioved ar unimultnent the
„ topottionattitti ill fixing tha number of Rey
rementattv. at WM
The only difference between the amendment
and Apisartiositueut bans previously p.m.t
by the berate is Mutt the election for Rept,
scutativcs• In
rtesvtt Comae. by dernsnl
ticket. in the St loosing nn increase or di
minution of Representatives. is made positive
instead al befog loft to the State Legislatures.
The amendment was aimed 10.
Mr. ANTHONY moved that any State har
ing. fractiOn of population exceeding one
half the Amount rtaluired for a Representa
tive, that be entitle.] to nn additional Repre
sentative. Adopted.'
Thehillsras then mood. The antendroent •
netnire the concurrence of the Douse. ' •
Atter nn executive st , ssion _of half an hour
the beetle took * recede.
_ ,NernOtOStistom-,-The report of the Cornraite
tee of Conference en the army bill was die
ca.ved, and, nn Motion of Mr. CA.MI:IION,
tabled—vele PS. hays ia. ' • -
renr,-.4 am. molt,
Came AbboCtt.
arp m e Anter, C es, Dole, Coremaonr
n hron.
betMbert, Flatland. KellopfdLe w ladMcDon.
WY, Morrill IMO. Mins-11l II ti. Nye. Daborn.
Patterson. Pomeroy. Rice, Robertson,'Rosa,
Sawyer,. Soott, Sherman, Stewart, Warner.
With:y..l '
Nom—Messrs. Bayrd, Casiterly. Con
Cnigin. -Davit. Pottier. Harris, 311
Civoryi• Prlttt.. I/Antony. Spencer. npragne.
BIM were patted concerning the anenal
grounds In St. Louis -and itinhorlzlrtietbe Im
(Torment of certain ground. owned by the
nltedialates In Balridn.. -
Adjourned: • "
• -
The :Senate atnethlutent to House bill to In
corporate the United - Stet. Freehold Land
and humieratlon Company. nail to confirm
certain legiilation in Colorado Terrthory: tree
concurred in
On motion of Mr. ELFIEVCIC.. the Home le
thard Upon its at:tirade:trate to the blinding
ill, end ttgreed're a commttlee of conferenoe.
Toe Senate atnendmestla• to te Tat hill
were referred to the Committee o f Way. and
Means. .•.
Mr. DAVIS, New 'York, asked to hare the
Senate amendments to the:Naturalization but
Mr. i"E.l.llitifto would object, marl
the ameadmeni. were tole concurred in. • .
Mr. DAVIS saldi he proposed to ask the
Housoid non-concur. and moved the gales be
Suspended, the amendment% nomeoncurred in
nod a committee of conference ordered.
The mine ware obi ouseeneed-77 to la less
than t wo-thirde In the anirrnatlve.
. The House resumed the consideration of the
ciee of Patrick Wood.: in custody for sseault
on the Porter.. member from Virgins.
Mr. EILITLEEPS amendment to extend the
term of IteprisMiginent till the Rh of May next
war rejected—yeas to nay. le.
A resolution reported by thi t m
IV lnerity: di
recting that Woods 'be they; turned
over to Hustings Court at Richmond, Va..
wee rejected—nays EA Tensile. a party vote..
The reolutititof the majority of the..leddle
Mary Onrunittee,dlreCtltier Wood. tm
prisoned In the jail of the District of Colum
bia for three : month. wise :screed to — Yens lip,
nave M.
The Speaker announced Mews. Sehenek
Hooper (ileac/ and Brook it ii. Com
toQu[ ltl i glr o rfA C l ll bli b tk r inferetio• Committee
on the Currency bill, made a report and pro.
corded to explain it. lie ended hie remarks
by suiting the adoption of the report was the
only mode by which the - Muth clued. obtain
nt ties time banking Wilde.
Aresopo as agre agalt TO.
lutionto pay con tes tant s for seats Mi.
toile y's: ilenry D . Pater. D. Mr* ,
soniglisii,itedt'harits,W.hlttlessyisl,6oo; wee!
adopted. •
Mr. PAINE, from Committee on Elections,
reported a resolution thatthe Arkansas con
teated cnee,Citmeron agalnet ROMs, be tabled.
and be would Celli!. up before the close of the
tendon. - '
Mr. HOOPER, from Committee of Ways and
Means, reported a bill to promote trade with
Prince Edwards laland. Ordered printed and
recommitted. The bill. flees the duty on Mu.
partitions from Prince Itildininla liaised as
follows: Barley, oats and potatoes Ave peals
per bushel[ horses and mules seven dollars
per bead; meat cattle Ave dollar. per head;
r a re , ',beep, goats and swine arty Ctiltd per
head; mackerel, the catch of Inhabitants of
Prince Edwards Island. one dollar per barrel;
leering, of like catch, fifty 'cente per barrel—
provided no . light money or nehmen.
fees shall be dinned Mika torte atai H a rb ors
of the Weed on American vessels. nod that no
regular packet between the 'Mond and Malted
suttee shall he liable to pilot 'tees or dues In
theexcept when pilots are.actually
Cohen: and provided further. that manatee
tares and producers of the United State, shall
he Placed on the same tooting and received
into the Island at the same Males as like pro
ducts of Great Britain or of any of her de
-1 Pendencles. The emceed section makes the
act subject to alteration, amendment or re,
peal at 3 . 11 1 e, o_er
tested election case of Steltzler figura D C Y'er,
the report of the majority being that Dyer:"
the sitting member, was not entitled to Cleat,
and that 14'111Inta F. Btettsler, the' contestant,
It. The report of the minority was th a t m ror
was entitled ton neat.
or two • - •
AiiiiiVit;ktrrtrtilacusition a nubstltute
feredity Mr. CD•IBNA was naymi toyeu lee.
noys st EA Dyer retain. his seat.
Mr. CESSNA offered n resolut ion to pay
Btritrier CUM Adopted.
Mr. BROOKE, of Mew York, introduced a
bill to Incorporate. the Tehuantepec Hallway
and Ship Canal Company. Deferred to the
Committee on Foreign Affairs. •
Prot itellon r of Foreigners In China—
iintiscriptionii for the . ufferers by
I he!. Oneldii-lionibay Ca amity—The
Threatened Complicall m Concern
ing` the! finani'sh hrone—War
• Threatened—A .7iitc. ddressed by
the French fiorernment to Madrid.
Hy Telegrnolt to the Plt l tehut h Unzette.
1 VILVWE. - • .
Pont", July 7.—Tno' Who Rtes hove
been snared that folly thr fourths of the
member! Of Ibe Sprtnlolt Cori 4. ore favorable.
to the 4e:ration of the Prince of Hohenzollern
to the Stoutish Crown. There, teems to to no
doubt that the Mug of Prusola to nito favor
able to the project, and r!..faci , , nor explana
lion. 4 .
Tartn;~pls is-The Minister of Foreign
fain hat recolsod full conflrinntl. of (Ito
ine:sacon of French In Prlsln. Initrections
will be Intinedlntely sent to thO commander
of the French fleet- In . Chinese system There
no special ex pedal.. dispel elle-% as
the navel stillicl,nt to vindi
cate the outraged tllgnlt g of Posner.
• .
There is great agitation tutu nett vity in the
foreign oMee. It in said scores of 'elect:mei
passed bet Wean Oen. l'ritu nod Ilismitrek be
fore the tutrigne was discovered by the
French minister at !Write It In not believed
trance , would age to a conference of the
greet powers on the 411101111111, an she desires
to nettle directly wjth Prussia anti. Spain.
Austria safer maintains a strict neutrality on
the questloo. It ts asserted the French fleet
will itumelliately sail. via Bred, for the
bleilltertantnn. ,
Ittunorst nt Prim boa a/A.1(1111M (tie can
didature of Prince llohenzollern, In vi of
the three inn opposition Of France, ocean
conartried.•...Prlut wishes to liavtlt he direction
of the Cortes on the question and insists the
project is not hostile to France.
The LuaTtr demands that Pruaala be forced
by the European Congress, or by give
gmtrnatees Which will bind her not to inter
fere in the mutes of tither 'nation, it calls on
France to geepossession of the Itheinish fron
tier, either by diplottiney'or way.
The (Maker publishes a second edition to
retract its report that Prim had given A. 7.
candidatureetatea he still =intuit. the
of Prince Mohensollern, but that
the Stranbilt Minister here has telegraphed to
Madrid that the project moat. be nbondoict4
Or there would be war. -
.Ifidnight.—lt Is reported that Olozaga,
Soanish Minister, will receive his onset:sins
If the rtg,ly of Spain to the French dispatch.
Sent to Madrid to-der. Is not favorable.
In the Cori. Leglslaif Minister Segrls said
the Government had remelted no conormnica.
Goo on the Spanish question eines yesterday - .
A note Is said to have been received here
from Prussia, the substance of which Is given
all follows: Princehiljih t enzollern Is not n
member of the rover( lir Prussia did noth
ing to procure the offer the Spanish crown
for him; the consent of the King of Prussia to
Its acceptance will be given definitely molt
after a vote of the Cortes, and if the latter
should elect n Hohenzollern. Prussia will sup-
Pert him.
Dispatches have been sent to St. Petersham
to obtain the advice of Russia on the candida
ture of Iloheurellern. •
.Ao important diapatch traisent by the Mie
later of Foreign Affair" to Serrano to-day.
A runtur prevails that Spain concluded yon
terday a new treaty or alliance with Prusnia
The French trienatenropusen to inmate lb
military contingent from ninety to Iwo boo.
deed thousand.
LOStron, July ;.--ieletrims received from
Pekin announce that Order bna been restored
and measures Wane, taken Which will Inaore
safety Wall foredirners..
Subscriptions' nee circulating' hereand at
Liverpool for a fund Maid of the Milli. of
the officers and Sablers of tberstesmartMelda.
width wan rug, dowse off Yacht:ma ltv ttte.
steamer - 116mbay. 010 John Lubbock. of
London. is at the head of the movement,
and It Lida fair to be a success.
• • • •
buthee is touch escitemete, not only hhre
no the centtineek In vicar of- the threateu
ed kluruceau'cOmptlLlttlotk ou the subject of
Prince L.padli eandldature for the Spa ti.h
throne. tot' iliepatches to ...iv :113:
there I. 41rinie tet•lin,.., j",,ne..,
tide,Mrial circles, :lA . :dart the bestowal of
the Spanish crown upon any fluid.. Wien,.
The tramluifllleff assttrannes Of the Preach
ElllperOt 111 - 11 harlot a beneficial effect In Pa ri,
and particularly 111 the It 'torte.
The Tue.
that England favors Prince
Ifohenzolleffit for Spanish King. It denounces
T'rine's action, and hopes that the good sense
of f'ruitslit Ifolionduiltnt
doge the withdrawal of the latter. 'the •Srit i•
Red does not anticipate war. but tbinitsdhe
attitude of France sufficient to cotripel ,1 Ittz -
drau3l. The Telegotob believes war te 11
ensue if Irrusgia does not yield,
The .lortsbloPost sty.; rho great pielreelivill
be disposed to sanction am energetic action
on the part of Frstife for the punishment or
the Clitspese.
The AtiffsbargiMootte nays many Bishops at
the Roman Council have tenounced the right
to hasten the decision of the infallibility
dogma. • „
tonic. July 7.—The (jealous tationrintro
dured here hr employers have Fitruck loud
Joined the td,lt •
CUD ‘.
kiA VAS A.. July 13, ego Star Went... July T.—The
Captain General till twirls:PAY go to Santingo
de Cohn. General Vnlmateda has left Cap
ered to go t here ulso. Troops ta the vicinity of
Foltifieff ode Cebu are toting altogether no the
defensive. Theofileer In command at Santi
ago de had wades demand for relnforar
meats. hat wng enable to get any. Various
retorts repret posittgely that toe SpauLsh
troops were def sen eated In eeveral engagement*
recently with the Inanegent leaders DI. and
Gotnere. The situation of the Spaniards In
the eastern department. Is utifavuradde., The
planterg are holding Meetings and nearly all
of them refuse to obey the emaecipation lairs
and will reals freeing their slaves. A- Large
amount of money Isopelor raised to .ctid
Spain In order to avoid the execution of the
law and to ' , Tore Its repenk.
816.1.1ef. July thesend-official Jour-
Pals herenre silent ou the Spanish Imbroglio,
wltlkt yye tuntinet 01 the 'North German tin
mast =a , PdPer Professea-to have learned
fur the Pest' time, from' the deClaration of M.
Or:mu:tont. that.any Prince of the Hoare of
Hohenzollern hail accepted Prlnt's offer of the
Spanish crown. and It falls to understand the
talk about n - ar indulged In be 0111rIer pester—
dar In the French Chamber.
Sl•oulo, Jule 7.--The Tempo awl
which support Dort-Alfonso, nod, other jour
nals, Join le the ontery against" rrusslart alli
ance. The partisans of Prim west It as the
Inst resort for Spain.
EGYPT.% • __
Pt; July "..—The Viceroy. of
E .: 3l.7fltt:r4rved here. Ile IR {tell received
by the Suit nn.
Ixmm,s, July 7.—The ship Cerastee. one of.
thu unclog cliPPers. from San Francisco
Marchltp, Pas arrived, as Ilyerpnal,
. 1 . 43 ND0N. July I:—Etrotho.—Consoh. for
money ICS: do. account tr.N. America"
titi l on "C' l: l4 7: l" e (l ll‘ 93l tk
rance has decreased M. 403,000 francs duties .
the week.
LONDO?1. June 7:--Thelullion In the Beak:of
England boa decreased 443,000.p0u0ds during
the week. _ - -
LIVZI , POOL.JaIy 7 , oottea ipslet and steady:
sales middling (uplands at 91‘d; Orleans 10d:
salmi 12,000 bales.. California white Wheat 10s
Ad 2110% td; red weetern.No. ^ in 711; winter in
bd. Western Flour'=s Ad. Corn, No. 28:nixed.
PM. Oat' NI bd. Barley As. Pees 31116 d. Pork
1021( 64. • Beef 112 i. .Lird' 71.. Cheese oss.
i l iac ii lies for Cumberlaud: (Bs Od.ahort ribs.
Tallow Oa 90. Turpentine 5:11. Linseed 011
Lnatum. July 7.—Tallow 4.%. Valued Oil
firmer, Turpentine rim. Cloyerseed 44.
B" iti r l; ;3;l; 4 ;l—Jimmie In exulted: rioniei 7 . 11
FRAtIKKOUT, July ..—twoua quiet at 86.V f.
HAVRE. July 7.—Cotton quiet.
Arerweny, Jelly 7.—Petroleum arm at sim.
—Among the arrangementi which have
been repudiated since the Vanderbilt pals
acquired n controlling Influence in the affairs
.of the Lake ShOre Mad Is said to be one by
which the Brio line Ivan to be allowed to run
'Moine Union depot at Clevelnnd. on condi
tion that Ovoid and fitly nbandoned the pro.
ect of building a through line to Chicago.
laving been notified of the nullification of
this agreement by Vanderbilt, Gould and
Fisk have. It Is said, entered into arrange
ment. foe the Immediate commencement of the continuation of the Erie and Atlantic and
Great Western lines to Chicago from Cleve
land. The new Erie extension will wind
along the Glum Shore to Itendusky and Toledo.
from which linter point it will strike - out for
Chicago by an air line. It Is mrserted that the'
project meets with great favor throughout
the west and lending enpitnlists of Cleveland
and Chicago.. o.her prominent men Interested
in the sections to be hem:fitted by the opening
Of the new lino have agreed to subscribe all
the capital required. providing.. the line he
commenced immediately.;
—The most interesting.glisentulon In Ohio
State Teachers Association, at Columbus.
beet method of con
)dro'N;l4l;..ll-V atl'igaLone or teachers A
resolution witi adopted favoring. a law
for the appointment of County Rukrint eg d..
cots of school,. The following officers for tho
t o u o sul.n . C_Year were ohs:tell: President, A. C. Urbana: Recording Secretary...l. F. Le
ith., of Rent, 'Corresponding Secretary. U.
P. Curren. of Cincinnati: Trensurer. T. C.
Mendenhall of Columbus; Auditor, C. It.
Strong, of Cincinnati. Five Presidents were
elected, among them two ladles. The teach
ere las asylum.had a reception at the deaf and
dumb The imsoolation meets next
yen; atßandusky.
FRII)Ay.„11,11,) . ti, 187 u.
'ONO Elliflol.
.1.4)1TR 0'01,001(
iimys BY CABLE
'l'Hl: cAprrA L
[Br T.lese '. ph to the Ph t Fltitrgit It nzett , l
IVE , DIENOTON, July 7. too.
The Conference Committee on-the bill mak
ing an npOoprint lots of one hundred thousand
dollars to ald Ilt , lte Otting out of an expedi
tion of d I'ocover • to the Arctic regions, agreed
Test...tiny to um e the ttntount.fifty thousand
dollars.` - The hill allows the President to se
lect the commanders of the expedition, and
nuthorlios the Secretary of the Navy to det ail
two vessels for lie use.
lit tiro itecontit runt'. Culanattee a mot ion
to roport,n. gcueral ninth:ate bill. for action
title scsionortni lost by tt tic rote. the Com
rattler at:tutting . tire to live. 4,1 thorn were
tom,...beeetee, it is :tow hie that this action
mar he [crop :tittered at a future ineeting.
Sumo Southern nientbots thou:ice their In
tention to teat the tense ofit:t the flown: upotf
the tultleet by Intralucluif Butler's hill. ntul
asking It vutn uu It under a motion 10 x.p4md
the ruler.
The Senate Committee on Coirdnerre this
evening held 0 electing to consider the New
York Cosrnot louse nominations. They were.
referred to mtpproprlate emit tee., A mno.
Hon to confirm! r. Hillhouse .as Assistant
Treasurer. without reference, war objected to
by the friends of Mr. Murphy. There was
only an Informal consultation by the Commit
tee on Commerce to-night on the case of Mur
phy and llminnell. Time examination of Ob
jections In them will be commenced Haturdny.
RAN NOT 111.IfINIIi. •
Remora that Secretary Fish has tendered
his resignation are untrue. Ile would like to
retire from the nonition, but will remain at
the relined of tilt President. Ile has no wish
for the English mission. preferring to remain
at home. Therefore the name of another gen
tleman it is believed will soon be gent to the
Semite on Minister to England.
Red Feather, Little Swan, Black Tomahawk
and other chlirs, eumpoalng it delegation (rots
beetle Of SI to near Fort Stilly, visited the
capitol this .
The . mat • to-d& cow:limed William T.
Singleton nior First District, West
Virginlli or W. Scott, Collector 'of ' Cue
tom%, Winn. elle. Oregon.
The Pe rettn-n6l thin morning nod
engnitrrl lu nicht] clutles.
The enstant receipts Inst reek were 42,H411,
PI ht Ik to
O tavern. gr% P atrthe;ell S e i nt ' stere be o r t
Miners : !larded, Brutalities..
(By Telegrdph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
July 7.--A letter to the Omaha
Herald, from Pawnee Reserve, states that on
the Captain Egon. with a small detach
ment.of troops, encountered a war party of
the Sioux, who had made a sucoessful raid
upon the Pawnees, running off eleven horses.
Ile captured from them ill the stock. robes,
&e., taken from the Pawnees. On the return
of the troops, the Pawnees gave chase to the
Slows, who halted and gave them battle. The
Pawnees Were forced to retreat with a kiss.
of one killed and four wounded.
I:maims:cr. July party of twenty pros
hectors, who loft here for the Snake river
sullies three weeks ago, returned to-day.
They witnessed a fight between the Utes and
Cheyennes in North Ptrk, and probably owe
their lives to the fact of the Imilatta lighting
among themselves. On July 4th they found
the bodyof Mr. Shipman, at Independence
Mountain. In front of his cabin. lie won shot
twice, scalped, t wo axes driven Into hie head,
nod his body mutilated In a manner too hor
rible and' disgusting to mention In. print.
Eight) miles northwest of here. at North
Platte Ferry, they found the bodies of two
more miners, mutilated in like manner—names
unknown. The Indians perpetrating these
murders are undoubtedly Cheyennes.
gri.t.glt PA gricmalls.
Lattssite errs, Wrajuly 7.—The Laramie
Sentinel of the 7th sap,: After dark last night
a man came Into Sherman station from North
Park and reported there had been A horrible
massacre of se/mention"s by the Uses. The
report is It comes to' on ts,• that n party of
Cheyennes came in there nod the Mel went to
the miners to get them to help' tight the Choy
bnnes.but tkeerefused. A fight thettoccurred
etween the rt.mband C'heyeunes, which last
ed some five hours, when the latter fled.
Then the ! - tea went nt the miners and killed
nil thee Con hi viii of them. Oar Informant
c: toes . 1 that 'whorled threr killed at John Olt
nm's cabin, or near it. (Me was a man vain
! Chipman, who was sick and In the cure of
Sir. Van Dyke, from whom we published n
letter n few days Ago. We did not learn the
names of the others. They were all very
much mangled and their heads chopped to
pieces. Up to the present writing. S andyke
has not been heard from. though nis cant and
hat were foam] at too cabin. In the present
state of excitement it is diMcnit to get nt the
facts, but we regard it as certain the Cleo
have broken out upon us and several have
learn killed over at the Park.
Lister reports Mip that the Soeth Park ma 4-
say er in undoubtedly true. . •
Mon., l'amanehea, Arrapharo and Cite,.
ennra on the %Yoe Path.
7—cDcaprrnt as a ler
from Fort Slit radian Th
Territory. st h ating that
the Kloa Cauinnebm Arrapahoe+lthd part
of the Cheyenne Indiana are on the war path,
and detailing quite a number of depredations
committed hy them. In which Nevem) white
men were killed and a large candor of Mules
nod cattle eon off. The Quaker agent was
obliged to amt his employes and call for
tmons to defend his agency.
Y. M. 31. 1.. A. •
Report or the Lecture - Committee--Younk
Metes 3lereantlie Library Assoclaths°.
To thc l'reolchott of Mt l'oong 3feWs3fertnol:le
Lthrory .tornerntion of fgrfsbOrph,
On behalf of the Lecture Committee CM.
1[49-la, I heir leave to hand yip herewith a
report of their operations
. during the pant
Bet Ore proceeding to, a detailed report, it
may not be improper to state that your coin-.
mitten has labored tinder some disadvantages.
which may have somewhat tended to lessen
tie receipts from the course of lectures. Bit
netwithotandlng these. (to which allusion will
hereafter be made.) the result cannot tall to
be gratifying. as showing the
hold which
we have tuna the affections of the public.
Which has so lotrously patronized mi..
in addition our, own course, there was
one givenby an asoociation which appealed
directly to thapaggiotiorn of the pnbile: and
t ids, together :with an unusual number of
other very attractive entertalmnents, some
of which occurred on th ame eveningo on
which our lectures were given, doubtless had
some effect upon our receipts.. Besides
our grotto may have been somewhat dilate
libel, by the tact that your committee deter
mined. after very mature deliberation, to die.'
continue n custom which had prevailed for
many yean, viz.: the aisle of Mk rt.! seats fun
some of the lectures. This custom had not
only Involved n great amount of labor, but, as
we felt assured. had faded to giro that satis
faction to the public which ow Its object,
It was not without some hesitation that we
commenced our course with this 'resolve, but
the result has fully imititled our procedure;
sad we venture to recommend a similar
course to our successors.. recunlarily,
think the difference Is but little. -
In making arrangements for-enouroe of
lectures.we endeavorede.Seenre the very beat
talent that coutaue °Maine!, arid these efforts
wee. aor• nitogether nsuccessful, although
many dlotirolvlshed persons with whom corrceponded. were obliged to decline on nea
rount of other pressure of engagements.
During tire season your committee lutagiven
eighteen lectures and readings; as follows:
IWO. November 1- 51arkTwain. "Our Fellow
Savages—the Sandwich Mandela."
November 4 -and s—George Vatidenhoff,
"delect Readings."
November IS—Henry Vincent, l "Life and
Times of Queen Elizabeth."
November M—Col. D. W. Powel, "Cartoon
of the Colorado."
November 30—Rev. W. H. Wilburn, "What a
Blind Man MY In Paris,"
Decembir as—Dayard Taylor' "Reform and
December 9f.-Misa . Kate Field, "Among the
1870, January 10—Theodore Tilton. "The
Welt Ilse of the Mind.'
January in— Miss Annie. E. Dickinson,
"Whited Sepulchres."
• Jamul7Pf—Miss Annie E. Dickinson." Down
. ,
January ...E . —Capt. 0. F. Rail, ~My Search
for Sir John Franklin."
FebruAry3—Mlsa Animate D. Damon, "Se
lent Readings."
February 2,2—James E. Murdock. *Abraham
Februarrti—James E. Murdock. "Select
Readings." •
March 10L- 'elide)! Phillips, "Daniel O'Con
March 81—.1olto IL Gough, "Cur
March 25-,John B. (lough, Ltghts and
Shadows of London Life:.
From sale of season tickets.. t.:,ltsi (0
From the sale of Admission
tickets I. • 4,411 91 •
' • -• . - ------$91(1l 91
EXPENDMItts. • •
Amount paid lecturers..... CO
Amount paid for MON no 00
Amount paid for ndvertlslng
sncl all other expenses 899
Net proceeds of lectures.— ....... . MHO 37
The lecture course, for many years past, has
been one of the most prominent and profita
ble features of the Association, until It has
almost become a necessity to those who seek
instruction combined with pleasure. Hereaf
ter the Association will have such advantages
in the matter of ball sccommodation• (which
has always beene great drawback) that our
successors cannot fall to greatly increase their
'receipts from this swine. and make this a
, valuable adjunct to the Association.
Your criminit tee cannot clove this brief , re
port without expressing -their indebtedness
to thecity press (both secular and religions)
for their uniform courtesy and kindness, end
the s.tesiica of every facility for the fur
therance o the success of the course.
Very respeolf• Ily submitted.
tux. N. HOWARD,
- flasirman of Lecture Committee.
ttusrter riessns• „fudge
Tornsi.\r. July 7.-Thomas Dlaset was In
dicted for receiving stolen goods knowing
hem 1,, hare been stolen. lure out.
Martin O'Connor was found guilty on a,
charge of farmer et rem. Sentence' deferred.
M. Lipp plead male contender to - an Indict
ment for assault and battery. .
Two cases, Joe for . as
.ult and battery, eases in which }.lira Halley
wairdefendant, were settled by permission of
the Court, on t payment of COMP by the permission.
(emboli. -
The ease of the Commonwealth vs. 44 K.
Militants. indicted for assault and ba ery.
wioUset tied on iniyinent of costa ,by t e de
fendant. .
• JaMes Guest wns tried for the larceny of a
mall'et and stone cutters tools from Mr. 'Mr..
The jam found a Verdict of guilty In tit nm
nee and form Indicted. There Is anal er in
dictment pending against lilts. ,
John Orinly plead guilty to a cha Allegheny -
hibiting robsme pictures In - the
Dlaniond. lie was sentenced to the work.
Louse for thin v days.
Peter Wityrnim and James Grant wrire
dicted Mr robbing Willman Wanner. The
prosientor. a German, was sitting on the steps
at th • Sharioiliorgh railroad station, and the
defendants, it is alleged, robbed hitsof, $2l).
A verdict of guilty was returned. Se tense
2; C,nt. to. Beaton ]tenter.
NII " James D011111:fly.
1st•• Richard W. Morris.
• Jacob Smith, et al. •
227 Conrad Schaller, 2 cases.
" Francis McLaughlin.
24 •' Thomas Devine.
:7 I Hobert lianshue. -
_I4I " Anthony Snyder.
Silt " John Kennedy.
lal, Charles Knoll. -
221 ~F red. Floe.
loa '• NVni. Britton.
205 " florid Lynch.
Martin Lyon.
set •• Samuel C. Chestnut.
MI • " John Moran.
275 " Louis Kramer.
.111 Corn. so. Mal Jamey.
YL• Charles Edwards.
2 41 " Patrick Slclially.
—lt is renorted that Minister Bancroft will
he recalled from Berlin
-The story of the cnpture of an Asiatic
fishing vessel in Canadian waters was a hoar..
—Prince Arthur embarked tin the Crocodile
at Quebec, Wednesday evening, forP.ngland.
--Professor Raymond end several teacheb
and students of Vassar College, New York,
have returned to lit. Louis from their trip to
Colorado. . •
=Ron. 3fark 11. DMlnell has received the
Republican nomination for Congress from the
Thirteenth Minnesum District. WiiSOU, Del:4-
cent, Is the present Representative.
—Reports of 1111111114{ In New Mexico are very
much improved—the ditches arc full and more
gold being taken out then ever before. Track
lain from entomrd On te K. .R. lont.:,
me y ne g t,' on Tuesday. s Ther oad is P In b e
c c nt.lo
pleted in six weeks. .
—Hugh Daugherty.' of the steam fire engine
Vigilant, Philadelphia. died from Injuries WI
thrown from his seat during !trace with
the United States, the two engines colliding.
Hobert. Lloyd. driver of the carriage, was
also Injured andthis carriage demolished by
the Vigilant running Into It after Daugherty.
MU thrown off.
—Judoce Barnard. at New York, yesterday
- enjoined the Lake Shore and Michigan South
ern Railroad from using any Influence or so
licitation to send passengers or freight over
the New York Central and- Hudson River
Railroad in preference to the Erie, ■nd front
giving the patrons of one road any -favor on
advantage which It does not extend tol
—David A. Wells. in a letter to A. .T. Stew.'
art, estimates the adverse balance. on all ao
counts. apart from , perio etports for the yeat,
at $1&.000.0t11. The export of specie for the
first ten months was nearly $ .4 / 1 11.01X1, and
mar atnounr to ilM00040) for the whole year.
The net increase of our Indebtedness to
Europe during the year was therefore .1137.-
000.fall1. represented by exports of national and
State securities and of railroad bonds.' The
The amount of. American obligations of all
klnds now held in Europe can scarcely be lees
than $1.600.0e0t000.
orrier or TUN 1
eNcr COPANY. t
Nu. 4 lOallo Street.
ALI.CoUrNr. July Bth. I STOJ
Zt u re , tlll:7 ,. decLizil g r
in t
of , ONE
J.dynid. Ain. • •
D. RIOT/LE. Secretary,
Tf4 ' ol.lNO.--011 Saturday evening, a
PoCKET-BOOK. einialning mane). &v.
The uener ran hare =Ding agl44.3S.mndually
street. Allegheny. and Me:allying It.
on CINCINNATI, MEAGia+w it. ,....
-The wimeld ramerger steamer.
E FTANg . . Commander.
Will Dane fur the mho e end Intermediate nortaNu
SATE; RDA Y. July In t. at .1 P. V.
/Ow freight ur gateau, apple nu hoard. Or lo
TO • CAP ,
E marg,-•
ti STS !—Pn rt onlarly
machinist. or prhellent
s . .1 , 011 •pirr AWN. •
An excellent opera - unity for a profitable Ilif.t
-111C134111u Foundry bushman. establiffled for thirty
yeari. in Southern 'city. Is offered by Company
ennmered under rime legs. Capital ptocti
uroha.lmn the
glint it would on., uilw toe such building. arid atia
mtruccons on he irmund—oririlego also of
Inertias:mg the unmunt of capital stock
;hundred thousand dolleirs. rts per ebrtrtor.stock.
holders exempt front personal liability beyond the
stock Investment. 0 full Pnnleulat. address or
rah J. P.III4NZOR.
No. Set enth street.
or, tr, Ii.GAZZA3I.
No IJCanatela street.
THECOUII-T 01 , 0131310 N PLEAS:
--Allegheny county..,,
.181. 11.scewber. 1809. In Divorce._
And no, Juno 4th. 1870. on merlon of J. N.
Qualm, Eau- complainant's attorney, the Court
appoints W)t. OWEEB. Esq..Cornutissloncr total.
trutirnony on part of Ilbelltott.
BY 111. E
?toffee Is hereby el', that the underateued
will attend to the duties of the chore spncent-
Inent at hts orrice, NO,. 1 7 Fourth Avenue. Cttts•
burgh, on Flt 113:17, tbi • 9th day of July, 1870.
at 3 o'clock p.m., when nd whore all parties In
turreted luny attend. %VAL (MIMI, Jr.,
I)a rfleF Contallaaloner.
I, 0 TS!
Saturday, July__ I_6,
Sale. on Observatory Hill
necohd "ward, A Ileghens.
Three Good tuilding Lots
Fronting on the Perty.ville Plank Bowl. Thin
a very Makable location. cornmandlog, a• it does,
• thus view or both Ones.
.. •
7 Per Cent, Gold
Coupon or Registered,
Burlington, Cedar Rapids
Minnesota R. R. Co.
We Are Attlli4erthe A litalte l Quantity for sale
At 90 and Interest
interim. AA/Able 11A7 sad November.
I. 31110 A II THOMPSON. I 14orterl
1.. FROST.
These bonds hakelo th years kw run. the rt
ible at the 0p440n e holder into sleek of
the Gorapanf at par. and the payment of the mine
CIOOI la prodded for bya sinking fund. The eon
ertibillty Privilege Minch.] to them, bond* cah
oot fell to canm theca at no difotant der to cOub
m and market price consideratar aboye par.
The greeter port of the mad Is already...op/ 4 ,g
and abowe large ern.. end the beano* of the
trclnt Is rapidly prograwaine.
nTri rtraet d rgen t rrey"iti: and h
rg' „
ommendluir theMbonda In inyettem oe,tn every'
U' ,
• Prment prima eedyape a pp .
toe per cent. Interest. these pay eight mad
per et... In Geld end we regard the
werrotte motel!? good •
Tgo Lotop•Or rOtOtTO the right, without Pollee,
to advance the Klee. ,
12 Wall Street, New York.
N. Sid:LEAN d< CO.. Plwbara6, P..
KURTZ dk HOWARD, Pialatelphia,
BARBER, BROIL h CO., Philadelphia.
DeIIAVEN & BRO., Philadelphia. .
TOWNIIEND,WHELENd, CO.. Philaielpiala.
,XXXV.---NO. 1x
lA'D$ IW *'l
111 Nlllll
Harper St Brothers
:r - Setrt Mad, 'prepaid, to a fly Nvl 4 114
1 , , 1n,,i Sl4lO, 04 !,taut ~, the 1•r i.
Delyhton by the let. Her. blunt=oo W. 0o
Etymon, the Inenmbentl of Trinity Chapel. N..
E.lltbui. , With Portenit fompleti)
One Volumo. , Crown SYo. Cloth 03.00;
• .10sephIne. Quren of 'tolls/W. Mother of Repo
leOn 111. by Joni S.C4kenoTe. Author of - The
French Heroholm. - - 114tury of Napoleon Bo
*Beane." he. Wlgh Entfravlnge. 10tnu. Cloth.
11.20. l'ollnon v.ith Alth”tret librotrafr.l
Pored]. Manners, Etiquette. and Ceremonials.
1 arno. Toned Paper. (loth. Beveled Edges. $1...
or the Deletion between Spontaneous and Ile.
encore Thought In . Greeco and .the Puslttre
Teaching Christ anditlie Apoetior. Dr D. F.
roc - grn, D. H. Profeasiir id Moral and:1(0(1W'
Ptilloeophy In the lintrerelly MiehigisL
• Crown. tiro. (loth, giej.7s.
' Pontieal. With Bo•erlptlre Notice. of his An
ne Wry. By Dr.GLOBOL If rain iv- TranWated
Rod Edited. with an Introthictlvn.Psphinnwn7
Many, and Appendices...llg BZWNYTU 11. IC
MACREN.2IE. F.B. A.,T. A. S. L. HUI upward
of 100 BluntratiOns. tiro, Cloth, 93.00.
Ttartr4ll.Years Itil•alantai In India. 117 Iftw.
J.ll. WKielmenv. D. 0. With Matra af Dr.
Scudder. 12m, Oath. 81,75. •
SELF-11E1,P: with Illustrations of Character.
Conduct and Parser crime, Ily SA Mr na.81111.1..
Author of "The Life of the Stephenson..." "Ills
tory of the Huguenots...a, A Revised and En
longed Edition. 1.4m0, Cloth. /1.00.
RI Joahr W. Rua PCR. M. 11..1.1..D., Profer,or of
Chemhary- and Chrzlolocr
. 10 the tlglyerelty of
New Vork. In Three Vol, tiro, Cloth. 113.30
per vol. _ •
the Continent of South America. By Lot.
OuroN, M. A., Pridessnr of Natural History in
Veneer College. Poughkeessle, N. V., end Cone.
eponding Member of the Academy of Natural
Science. l'biladelpilla. Wah a New MOP of
Equatorial - Ain erica and numerous Illustrations.
Crown, Pen, Cloth„001.00.
, rvarroun ill orationo and Three Cheracterlstla
Portralta. Nen' dlliun . containing opereral
Cams not hitherto imploded in the 4:Matted
edltlaniirf his saYthwts.and with the Idyls of the
Mingartangest In the rellit.r Indicated by the au
thor. 401 A Thousead. tiro. Pawl'. 50 peras;
C 141,01.00-
STEMS NECESSITY. By F. W. Rostmoax. An
thor of ••Poor huroonity." "Hattie: o ntr y.
•'For nor Sake." “Curry. Coureselon. -
Edited Friend. - Ao, Rya, Paper. 30 oexam.
"WE:ODOM:W . II TIARTEST.. Of tho Author Of
"Canyon'. Year." "One of the Forone.""Yonad
Dead," "A Beggar on Iloroebook." AO. Soo.
roper. 23 canto
RCADE. Author of "Herd 'Club." "Grltilth
Gaunt." de.. do. From the Aufhaer tarty Ards .
Yourself In Ills Place." With all the Illustnt
tions.lneludlngthe eharneterlstielhinttheanot
to bill found In soy other AlVOneall edition.
Yew?, 72 rents: bound In Cloth, 8 lad.
• Youreen 10 Ills Plae." Uniform with the
Raton household Edition of Charles howbeit
Novel?, and hound in Grego Morocco English
Cloth, to match that edition. Illustrated.
TliE VICAR OPpIi'LLIIAMPTON. By Iln - rhohlt
Trunmong. Author Of "The Bertrams," "Castle
Richmond," “Promlug Parsonage." -'!'Orley
Pam," "arnall liousit at Allington,i'ltn.
Illustrations. Sro.Paper, 81.23; Mil?: 41.74.
MSS VAN KOSTLAND. A Noce.' or American
Society. of the Anchor of “Sfy . thineittei Eli
. nor. - Seco. l'aper.lll.o O. ' ;
BENEATH ' By the Authin• of
“Oltrer Varcoe.'• Se. Bro. Paper: 30'oente.•
Boy. Der EdMon. IVIlb nunzerouL Munn.-
Dun. OT Arthur liushe . s and Sidney Prior,HalL
STD. Pamir, SO cents.' „ .
A BRACE.LADT. 1117 the Ainbor jif
• fax. Gentletena," Ithmtratltitri. 4 15r0.
Paper. Coth. 111.30. • : • AlO3Bl
Received this Day:
. -
Traveling Satehrls;
CON and,Glnel Satins,
Black GroGratoonsb - Rihhons,
••cozoiett'Sash Ribbons,
Gauze Merino Unqrrshfrts,
Silk and Born Fans. '
Millinery G(Ws,
Received Every Day.
Mail% .4 A tre - grasaliggix
sod attar W I SDNEBtIAY,
Jul/ 0. 18!0. Trathswin sm../ matt down bps,
Du k +. eing l e::!oou. end / Water stroete,el yOl
- • mum.
1141114m1n... 65111.4..v.1et McKee. - - -
Ae 7:10e.u.1 porlute ..... f:jg
we, Rueter watt A.u. , olenutud Aa 111:09
1 McKee.
_turt At 111110 euJ W Ae " • ti.s • w
=Vat: 3i”P-x•ir a lwr m ire..l Ale A .Y.
111 fla o ere I:39""liiryPitiVi
g r iiat " 3:30 P;il.l3lBllTniln... 'ek:lo Pm,
' 111r•d d ours
3SKlleieem- "Hl"'
, i2 ,....k.. t . ,;; 1 0:4 • i , ...:4 . 0rAe w 930
Mouth Vtt . 12:43 vui.lChurott Trll1 ton
s gavplys only. All other ITlLlyth
D •
kr! Muter of Traruportation.
NO. fit MUM!! ATENITE, PITT Bl7lttilf..
ctiAintruto 119112.
from 4 olOodriasti em SAT.
ADA T EVENING Mar tat to Norordhor
In. from 7 to • 0.7 VA ., and from , Aoramber ,
Rte I.t. to ti o'clort.
jadd at t
of ets per oohs.. o en of tax. and fl. hot With
drawn compounds ...mut add
July.. Omar of =mlahed at the
Snarl of Monk:am—Or Presldett; P.
°"* D.
A. Bradley. J. Graham. A.S. Bell, Wm. K.
a. Ishrorth, Y. Rohm. G. Fnlbumbee.
Joahua Ithodra. Juo. )300tt... Rat. C. Sag merM.
. D. W.* 1•14. 808. 6ollettots, 27
good location,' aorra 149 Proara.
wall! med la NM Dar fortrave 1001101 fruit
eholoe oalitt • road In no= =4 la
I ntir 0 141 C• /00 ' Poe We e • •
tes S. CtfTgIEUT
Stith ammo.
commercial :ind Family Newsman
PUBLISHED Ul intsTERN P /007/311X AEI A.
No farmer, mecbanim or merchant thoold be
without It.
Singl o e sobsmibers
Clubs f
(lobs of ten ;
A opir7 If IMILIOIIIOO.O LO the gieu,..up
of • nob of ten. Postmasters are requelded to
acts .A 3.011. Ada+o44.
Sak, , ,,J.not. •
nnt ..11.41rding.".k.. not ovcoedin)
Fol "it LINE'S. teal Dr Inserted be Mese rtguanneoncr
for TII'L:11V-rf1•E ,14. NTS; ma' 6444tkrtsal lint
Firl: CENts. ,
_ _____
Wt the Ulster Wt?t,,,AL,1p5,,17,1:40,11
end Sixth ave.,
_ _
ANT „ge4),M1 , ,T, 0 ,11
Ttilrl avenue, I
AN T L l. NRE:aMml g nlala i MgrO o lll
fon o tatli±..2=onlop, jto:
con .Pent. own In lower newt nil Machin.
%AT ITED.'+- bifortnation of the
y whereaboute of EO9.INNA BENNET will
be tnankleny malt. bz_ttar brothers Tbowiat
end Joseph nennat. Wow Entaboth.
VITANTED -- t 4 TABLE. -- Copaetty - for
T - throe how and two boo:low , alnastodi
within Owe adapted waat of owner of Lifratty
strait and Thlrd overate. Adam. fAßiar., -
(i.titT7w Mow
COLOBEB ClfAXllft MAID with (nod
• - 17 PENW BTREILT. .4
WANTED. — No purchase a House of
Y 4or 3 Homo. • 84sentan progeny perm .
ed. Aadre.., with price, terms uld locatlca.l.ol7.
uazrrts office.
WANTED.—At 13 Tetanal. Street.
kinkors. ra
Opetor.. 1141.5h0r4 44,1 Button Wk.
OIRL at 9 or IDS9N
INoah,. • eolopenualn. board. eaanlaa:rchuo
nt. /to. Elena !at lefarana• Nets. Addrefa fat
two day, J.C..9 azarraulOcc. (La
WT ANTED . Sithation as BAR.
TOMER or In wholesale liquor Mom Ey
man who underaleadxaeMit/Inf end conmonn.a.
Ina Inman. nett nit remnamendearonseteen. Ad. a
dream H. B. 11, Pluebenal P. O. - 6.51
t li TEN. t, — .I, IIE , C .e R n U . l l lTS,;Several
are In all • the 111.11V1 CiliVerik
DINUMINS GIIACYI4 Thla com., Bono o • the
twit In the Battalion Apply at the oallerof • • •
ter m 41..... or Ai tarm
kricirard Work. Sky 'Mr LariiTWontod tol:/
l'ookbwk elfalftwrwoffs. Dining-room volt:wok
Agfa work of 01l destkirtlon. ADPIT Y. Pwr-
FoN'T OVVICIC.No. I klub duvet. Orot.door from .
A Good Republican Newspaper;•
By a man Who Will giTo aatistattlon to his party
and madam. Address BOX 841. Yoadvilia,
tattorma. location and dirt-W./too. 14{m44
• •
.30.00010 Loan to lam or small amounts
Id a fair ray of Interne.:
818. Bond End Beal Boats Hinter.
No.lllo dalltbdeld Menet
IVANTEIP-111 iii 3. • •
Thirty Thousand Dollars to Loan
tya t It or
fa anirantf on promrty In Alloglaenf
coun ir rate of 'lnternet.
. .
' 1 47 h"
er4=l ft reit% •
U,,i,a ! =4 , 11bLk2 ; : . M . !1
i a'v a for city: intern from 01.00 tots par day:
0 dolleitind Agents to work on leder,: 4 Vann
Mande: 1 Blaokarottb: 1 Colored Bur aa portnr: 1
boy to learn dylne Perinea.: 1 roan to drive • two
bone porno 1 notehlnten 40 servant Inds for op
era! 1114itlwtYrottk, dining room work and chamberk, t. wages fnentti.laitadmirtneektli nonenril
laundry atria: taconite for conntrr. nudes front
11/1 per week. /toter co S. T. MiCLLP.II. No. .0
Ninth street., corner of Penn. • ' AT-41
BOARDING—To4e i t 'with Boarding,
m o igi r ttligra 4 . TOAT ROOMS. tiFoinsed.
g e" era4== . t e =d a lraJ 3l .dsjr
` 72147 . siToN. 17 Fifth arentla."-
-d-J public are hereby enabled not to nogottate or
'meant ante for to the oral. of
J. W. MoCAPLIN7 dated May With. 11S71111. and
drawn by J. R. StrIMMIn. as payment has bean
Mopped oo tame- •
UST—On Monday •evenlng last, a
MEMORANDUM BOON edatelaing I otaa4t
amount or Portal Currency. I. liberal reward Inn
be paid to lb. Penn roil:train/rib to
C-N 2.lth and31.111621113t.1201 sm.&
10 OD n 2 ii iti
31! Esplanade . street,
Allegheny. Ibcrse or 7 MOMS end ankbot
attic; ens lb/M:1111°4.11k, egg, roll meter Is
kitchen. Posseselmt given September lit. Apply
ve premise..or t o STERRETT;Dismeng.
, .
Allegheny. ' ..". "
O•LET.-:A large. Third Story
MONTT ROOM. iniltehle for Xodgers.
plc at 279 Penn street. 747
, t!'fd ,, i.
I.:—.VBalte of Turniabod Rooms on nomad
door. 189 Third avenue,
complete DIVELLINO
110U5r,. with titore Room alteebert.
aced on Wylie avenue. Yoe Jenne, am at Na.
180 wYmaAvaxt.m. . ' •
A ilyst-clitab STORM aoolt
182 Liberty worm. eimpitally ;Opal by. ell
mbelving an& *Gunton. .{VW M ivintad &leap
ealledlor won: - ' • I
• 74 ; • • No.{ VIACJIN
Fo b it u . . s , !te-renzt-pmr,oo
Fa !our:l4 feet f nu Lla r t.rz tirdepth .
E OR artmeirt ;E-Tha. i
well•known ,
fr...P. 01 ... 90 .r.t. i . c . 7 1 1 :101k1cti n 7F. fa
No.2Ht.t of cc ...2=DLLIN, • .
ALF - Oacrapapon Imme.ihda o. W PlSteo.° ,
.s. VOA
ineir,..4 8.4.. n awl, of allidlulls.ednetentle -.:_..';1
ALEr—Enginea .aid BoUera i -. , /
on bend. rs
. ..
Orders from a ll Pete of the Mdmtr, yeehrT44, edw j
tended to. • • '
. .
nem' ••
Msitoki l v i stia .L ed if.. K .-w. i. L. R. W. •
._ i_4111.1). Ye. .
1 . 4`01L SALE.---STOCK . FARII4-10n.
12 TAINS 240 ACRES. one handfed eat ably
lona Illadar ealtivailas, balance WOoda,
meet-% dweltinsl4 ~ 7 WT. tom .2=.
and sheet. !masse. maned mg mat Amendb a
mall creek pansini through th e piece, 11/ ill
Jeardims oreurtrAta.ll}t .lb Dem gamma -
end Unthiville • ba thriving belghbottood
pear to MI and etiafeall. The ferat one toe
P "r tle rad.N32lTrOWllb Ave.'
irk. fid. CHEAP OR =CHANG g
IDIDICII. montainteg acme with • Mame
thereat: one. • enct comfortable and mammals
boaamgood water, wed one of the best Inun• lm.
meta western resobytreala for • mut. Am rtte
from the tirt. oo the oaten of Tante Peek .. .:
Ira smile mom Steram'a Sultan. Omtml LW.
road. Alm. amoral good Farms la good loot ms
and homes for mit. Enquire of •
0,711 No.llo Grant St-o wn..l.l ppositeAßD. Celhabal • ,
1191QTAAnz i seclb I.4.orehard of lap Wu ,
1 .1 M.havtrgt a tine. via;;Wibe edtlea. Print
00 to $llOO
HOUSE d.ND LOT. Mot chafes bearing ?Mt.
Mina t ri .
fetiot and aldte 6S . • tmma.irkalaB,-
tan pllani. Al tante
gopp <Minder el beet dna; eartlege wawa wag
atable.grapes bearing. youngoechastlbeating . rat„
elate etas elttes WA riven.
mon of
Eneramt. of
la acres Ape orat faabe
an e It. Within fifteen andotdo waft of leb
Enquire of
j•Cylarrra W. LIMA BT. on the proanlaes.
rft Kill; 7 '7 ------
A handaomerated Brick . Damp. • ton
"C t .. 4 ° 4111 "1 1%1 Attar strag We Vli
.i, ~,.reigo MPS vices, ahrabezeis. •
whoa on th• roar la • One arabl. Gut all '
tha Pem., Thla property is
eartaktly the mot '
irs.* to Ithe bred warL Prted_podwat• sod .
1.8 no. gin. • T. EL BILL_
ON MAIN ISTREET C Are=gI=I . Vito . i
bu reautt= n )tabietneet. et% ta?
This Is a besotlfallace, and one otthla I*. Oir
all of tooderate i rsa. ••T. H. PILL P. . 1
.b 13711 .—A lataatlfal lot wow WY '''
tt...r trr i l do. to theßUsear. P. eV.
.L..,:44 , , , :.°, 1 :r.,—. : _r5p.air 4 C
will roman. I. .4.1.15 near tho -. ..
R.L. — III 011_earh aze Palmer In 10 , 0/e.,
Panaants. Went , ahOold POI tali=
otTortoolty sap Dr, Thy trill net r
up aerantairaoas. T. B an d
NO Corner Peen tirattati
01110 E--The Plaid which exploded
at - 1644 Liberty hod anted the ere oh J 4.7
4th. Wu rot wrisasarnotws inneromo
_rz.trin..hlch la ooht by Lournaa a rrtios. -
so. 34 &wadies stmt. another snide.
Them nl7 has besiotty 44pkeko of the X• -
.. . . .
.-....::,....-- -, --....-:-...z:z.-A