The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 07, 1870, Image 4
II E THE DAILY GAZETTE. HOME NEWS. •, • PeTwo.. !cal ill?, I.lre• laity for the summer, ' aLtd vrithlng, to have - the o=7u sent to "them, ,x,lllplezocesend their addresses to the , od3ce. irrioe by mod, 75 cents per month. 43,700. net, We*, cleared at the recent fair held at !City Rah fur the benefit of the Mercy . Xatler 'yesterday threatened-to hip ulg wife Thersa. Ile didn't. thouxb. 'Alderman ['plater ge ale the family dia. pate In A legal way to-day. ! . , Lost.— OttTuesday. Tuesday. July (A h, et or near totter of Wood Ftreetand tOtth areaUe, seventy dollars. The under *III be liberally rewarded by leaving It et tide office. reand.—The bodyof James Stuchy, the bay who Was dmiened In the Allegheny river Sunday. afternoon Was found yesterday morn inn tiontil:g in the Ohio opposite Seirlekly. The coroner bun been notified. Yesterdays regular John' Chinahsan land,' his appearance nt the Union Depot, in con maple. He ereate - .1 n sensation for•twenty 'Mimes while he refreshed, .and then re sumedit hi Journey Westwar'L The l omen's horn age A•;•041111101. for Al legheny runty will hold' a 'sleeting at the Board Tr.ide ltoonia, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley. Thursday, the :th, half pant seven r. 31. Ail are invited. • Poc Several seta of second-hand window imabwith good lights lns and doom good ea new. will be gold very low.,Applyto day at GAZETTE toggling room, corner of Sixth avenue and Smithfield street. Attention. Friend RIO. I—There will be it meetlest of the Friend Mlles held at the office of the Allegheny county Treasurer this men leg at o'clock. All of the old members of the company Are respectfully lrirlted to at tend. . • sly order of the Committee. Atientlon.—The members of the Douglass &mares Will meet at their nrmery on Fourth avenue. over Mayor'' , office, on Friday nt o'clock. A full attendance Is de• tared. Ity order of G. S. )(soarer. Cautain commanding. Co. Wit* de.enloat was the charge which caused the appear:owe of W. F. Lawrence In the official presence of Aldermen Bolster yester day. Ile came from the 'Fifth ward, end will have a hearing to-day, when hi. wife Eliot , helh will have an opportunity of substmftiat- Jog the charge. MA In the Hospital—About ten days since. John Snyder, was committed to Jail by the Mayor for some flight offense, and was kept there until yesterday nt which time his teeth of imprisonment expired. In consequence severe Hine., he was sent to Mercy Hospital where he died yesterday evening:* PO orgh, into 7 Mb. 1878 . 6, d rftme4 13A zrrtr.: gam" of Luse boll played at Union nirkon Imlay between the Atinntles and 31 ut reunited in furor of the Migrates. Rum 22 toe.. Tours. ALLEN U. !ixAtm . . Cor.f.cey Atlnutlz 11. IL C Slaloms Bow.—John JoseiM Wagner. pro prietor of beer saloon on Main street. All egheny, yesterday made information before Alderman Bolster charging Adam -Lindner. Adam Eichel. Paulus Cropp and ethers with creating a diaturhanre at his establishment Tuesday night. The dilapidated condition of his irindows testified to the nature of the at-. fair. • Warrants lssued. ' lillaelstalth KUL—A bill fur blacksmithing amounting to .18, was the basis of an infor mation yesterday wherein John Kaufman be Alderman Bolster, charged Daniel-E. witnger with. fraud—the offence consisting In Incurring the debt nod then attempting to cle tr out without flaying. The parties met at the magistrate's When where the bill was paid and the case settled. Out and In.—Freedom's natal day witnessed the liberation of 'Alfred Gordon from the Western Penitentiary-Tuesday found Alfred enjoying a delight( of snooze to the gutter on Ohio street. Wednesday he appeared before Idayor callow and was sent to the Work House for ninety days for drunkenness.. Al fred was accompanied In his trip ticketre mont be James lirani. who has en titling him to thirty days' recreation at the -Springs: nay Drowned.—About halt-burnt two o'clock yesterday aftertioou, William Murray. a boy between lifteen and sixteen years of age. On drowned - in the „ plegheny river near the Feint. It ars that he was riding in a skin, and p ulling upe into the track of a steamer the skill was capsized by the swells. The ac cident occurred near a barge, under which thef boy was curried by the current. The body ova recovered It few moments after at the lower nod of the barge, but life was extinct. It was mu:laved to the residence of the boy's plrento on Fifth street. A. Card. Wet. ttyuple,l3l) and be Federal street, Al.: Icgbcny. krutefully thanks,bls numeroui cus tomers for thlr very liberal patronage, and, would respectfully inform them that until tartlet notice his store will be closed nOtiat urday evenings at 8 o'clock. -„ July 611,1570. Gt =I • Fred Fenter and David Moore attended a festal gathring at Pleasant Valley • Orove on the Fourth. They there had a misunderstand . lag. and come together In a hostile 1.. when Fred was deprived of his smaller d igi t •whlch somehow got between the teeth of phis opponent ,and was thus severed, from the hand. Alderman Bolster wasmade moment al with the case yestenlay, and Moore was accordingly arrested and held fora tearing for aggravated assault and battery. • MalagaWind Colored 'Clatter.. Senator Revels and lion. J. J. Wilght will attend - the commencement eternises of Avery College during the day at the College In Al legheny:and this evening at Lafayette Hail, u - non, tbey.wlll deliver addresses. We learn from Mr. Yttlmes. Charm. of the Reception ,Cortimlttee,that the distinguished strangers will, under the auspices of the Committee. visit maurof our manolactories In and about the city. We bespeak the cordial reception and courteous treatment for these, as we would for any other representative men de sirous of personally certifying themselves of the material grOwth and prosperity of our city. E=Eiln Attention is called to the cant of Mr. Jacob 13..flubley. announcing that his nephew, Mr.l Alexander Y. Hay. has been admitted to en bstetest In the dren. This well known housei woo established over forty years ago by Mr: Hobert Knox. deceased. well known to the old residents of the city. 'lt has always stood high In business circles. and Is still worthy of the reputation of beings flist.cleas establish, went. Mr. Halley was 0 member of the nrmi of H. Knox & Co.. slid for 111113):. years has been . mote proprietor. The numerous friends of Mr. Hay will be pleased to learn that he has been admitted Into this worthy old boxer. Ito. testily the house has been listed up et much expense, especially the apartment for those desiring meals to order. Continued Politic Sole. Oteirke to the heave . rte preventing pet sons rim attending the sale . of those deetrable pieces of ground at city View. only part. of them were sold. and the balance will be uttered on Friday. .7nly 9th. at 2 o'clock PAC .Any persons desiring a piece of ground from t o five acme, covered with hearing fnri trees and.grapes, and comma dinebeautiful view of city and country within fifteen min , ntes. drive of the Allegheny' • Diamond. via Federal street.' North Demos and lower Perrprrille plank road. should not fall to attend. so sites no convenient on such easy terms are exceedingly rare. . Terms. one-fifth cash and balance In five • equal annual payments, with Interest. Con . veyauces wi ll be .provi ded to take persons to and from the sale. starting at Troy Hill Pas- Seeger cars, at corner of East and Ohio streets. frees IN to o'clock. -, sanst Clerical Scandal Again. • It Was generally Supposed when the 'ter. Dr. (lark had passed through that severe ordeal before his Presbytery a few weeks ago. his case, In relation to that “breach of prim was nettled. Thii seems. however. to have been a mistake. l'or some time Tumors have been current that the scandal was to be revived and the Presbytery again called anon to engage in a - judicial investigation. Within a few days these rumors have been !substantiated by other evidences which. indicate there is truth in the talk. We have it front reliable authority that a Onm mittee has been appointed to Investigate a neve'ebarge. This In substance Is that the ••promiss" was made prior to the decease of the reverend gentleman's wife. The prosecu tor in the new case is mid to be the accused's brother-in-Law. whoappeared as his confelei In the former trial. The Committee It le un derstood will report at the nest meeting of the PrnsbrtetT. • It is to be regretted that the case Is to be Kahl brought before the public. We have re frained from mentioning the matter In this new light until it has become the Subject of gener4 coneersatkm. While not taking sides eltber.way In the :Ricerca nil the facts. we may say that the evidence substantiate such a charge shottld be rent conclusive. nth ' ernise it were better a prosecution bud never been entered upon. In any event It billet the part of justice to all concerned that the pub. Ile he not hasty in forming a judgment until all the feels are developed.. G==! • Al.ll/LET GAZZAM, Eau., formerly of tip., city. but now of Utica. N. Y. Is in warn on a brief visit to his friends here. He Is looking some thlrly pounds heavier than formerly. aP pearsto be In vigorous benit . h , and lathe same . mu % Viggo air ht2 . 6= m bt Vtrlt ' or it; much professional distinction In Utica. and also that during a long confinement from On Wowed Limb he badprepared a treatise on the bankrupt law. adaptell both to the profes sional and busloesa man. and about to be pub lished Nen" York. We • hope that tu the field oa u thorship our friend will exponience the auceese due to his Industry and talent. 31n. Aucis taws F. Hsi. admitted to ao la terat to the house of Jacob 1e Robley...ST and 29 Fourth 61 . 6666. II 6 worthy. young me , of modest slam and possesses capital besiness qualifications. Mr. Robley will be ably assis ted to this new association. in nuasinlog the high reputation of this tinte-tuniorsd nod staunch 606145. 7ceskim Hoax& Esq. the sealor member of the lame Jobbing howe of J. Home & Co.. Market street, and his Want son, Wu star. : tad on a pleasure tour crrer the home Ban : mad to Calltonda. and will not Mara mall about the lot of. Aetna.- The well wham of hearts of ttleade so with. father and sorrin their jaunt. iisrinprontaikur hu formally . rimmed erlitotial charge of the Fronted. Pktnnut, end I the cha sd one s ge . Dr. M. la probably of tke character of that journal the tnark cme Is .. mosthoroug he lg and PrOfoundly educated Igentlemen In t rill'. . BOLTERS. Carnahan, Kirk & Co. THEIR - CONVENTION YESTERDAY'. - Self-Constituted Represen tatives of the People. IIEDENTIALS DEMANDED 7 BUT NOT REQUIRED. ll~ilf the Count- Not Represepted. !PURIFYING" EFFORTS OF THE PURIFIERS. Bombshell in the. Camp. ADJOURNMENT : TILL AU GUST PROPOSED. Honest Efforts to Harmonize • Ineffectual. RING TACTICS AND GAG LAW A Ticket Nominated and Resolutions Adopted. Worm! Where! The delegates elected to the so-called Ile foem Convention on Saturday last, to the number nt twenty, and about sty- self-con stituted delegates'. representing ;wants and districts he which no elections were held. and In which the "little game" of Kirk, Keeler. Carnahan. Caruthers Co. has no adherents. met In convention in the District Court Room at half-past ten U'clock. yesterday morning, for the purpose of 'following out the pro gramme which had been set up the evening previous by the above named gentlemerkand their proselytes at "headquarteri," On Smith-. field street. • The Convention was called for ten o'clock. but at that hour the number in attendance, including only the twenty regularly elected delegates, was Iso meagre that Mr. Kirk thought it advisable to postpone the calling of the Convention to order until half-past ten. In the meantime he and others of the ;airily ers builed themselves in securing men to rep resent unrepresented districts and making them familiar with the programme. which had been adopted by the "Executive Committee.". At half-past ten o'cltick all things being to readiness Mr. Kirk mounted the bench. culled the Convention to order and moved that It: I.%maltan, Kni.,.be elected chairman of the On:mention, which motion was adopted. Mr. Carnahan. -on taking the chair, after thanking the Convention forjhe honor confer.' red an him, said that it an. unnecessary • state the object for which this Convention had assembled; its object had - bees published to the world. Its object, briefly staled, was to nominate a ticket that the masses of the Republican party could and would give an honest sun/wort. and to have the .. .movie take •art in the selection of candidates. The neat !tom In onier. he said. was the election of . . net Prcsklents—The following named gen tleman were nominated John Litman. Ed. Tiosklnson, Alex. Ninalck, .1. N. Shallenberger. S. M. DuTal anul James R. Reed. . - . . . Sterrforiev—The following gentlemen were elected Secretaries: John Irwin, Jr.. Hugh Lee. llobt. G. Atkinson, Frank ander... and D. C. Wolin: • The chairman stated that the Ant business to order would be the receiving et the cre dentials of delegates and completing the roll. The secretaries commenced to call over the districts beginning with the First ward. Pittsburgh. ischieb didn't respond) when it became apparent that there were a large ma jority of self-constituted. or appointed dele gates; as but few of them were provided ith the areal credeutiale. Mr. Oliver, from the Mst ward, morel! that .0 person be admitted as a delegate to this ourention without presenting the proper redentlals. A delegate thought this would not be good policy as It was well known that in many districts no elections bad been held and men bad been appointed to represent them, and consequently were not provided with the necessary credentials and would by the adoption of that motion be eacluded. If it was -desirable to hare a fun convention It would not do to adopt the motion. Mr. Oliver did not desire to have a packed convention. and If persons were admitted as delegates merely br handing in their names. the convention might as well resolve Itself into a mass meeting. lie was opposed •to having men come here representing no consti tputgril;end'as:filifijirt p rima ry meetings eeeen twos It was either an evidence that they had no sympathy with the movement hor did not desire to express it, and he thought thin con vention had no right to appoint delegates for them. This was impposed to be a reform movement. emanating from the people. and he ens opposed to farming a convention with delegates who represented no constituency. ,Mr. Kirk—l care nothing for the constitu ency here. Mr. President. we will haves con 'themncy of ten or twenty-eve thousand at October election. The men who are here are honest men. whether they have been hon estly elected °root. • Prof. Thompson said that be held in his hand the names of two gentlemen who had been appointed delegate from a township where no eleetion was held and the adoption of this motion would rule them out. (A voice from the lobby; "'Who appointed these?" to which the response came, "Kirk k Co.") .Mr. Oliver said for the sake of harmony he would withdraw the motion. although as a matter of principle be thought It right. MOBIL DiLIEGATES WANTED. MrMistr moved that imrsoos teem districts net repteseated In the Convention be admit ted-as delegates br 'signior the call for the Convention.. The notion was adopted, nod three or feu delegates were added to the Convention. Mr. Rams moved that a committee cd Um, be appointed tia a committee on credentials° contested Intl. .•- • - . A delegate desired to know the necessity for such a committee, as but few of the dele gates were provided with credentials. and there were no contested scats. The policy of the Convention aripeared to be to admit. and not throw out delegates. The motion was adopted. and .lilesers. N. D. Ross. Jno. A. Car othm and J. S. Slagle were appointed. =1 Following Is a list of delegates . Including those elected and those self-oonstltuted, as well as tnose admitted by signing the call: Ist ward— '• —IL 11. Carnahan, J. IL Cara pbell 3d —J. It. Reed, .1. IL ES.. -11. W. tyrickler, H ooter. -D. Irces4. ‘ . Wm . Rooter. -D. M. Armor kt Vll. -K. T. Hunse . hielaum. -Wm. Little:J . Lippincott: z=.l. W. men. Geo. M. item!, -W. 11. Berger, James Arbuthnot, -James Lill, R. J. Howe. • 13th " -John Harrison it. 14. Atkinson. 14th " -Samuel 11. Baird J. R. Wightmim. 19th " ,-Dr. Arensburn. 14 in. Bauer. 17th " -James Campbell. Wm. Hastings. Pith " -David Kirk, John Herron. 19th " -James Thompson, Thos. Marshall. nath " -John A. Renshaw. W. .7. Johnson. :Ist " -George Finley, F. Yam (harder. Mrd " -D. C.ltlpley. Geo. T. Olirer. ataSainrwT. , lst warik-C. Yeager. C. C. Wills. 2d warditChas. Arbuthnot, Jonathan Gal lagher. _ gd ward-in. C. Tagrart, John A. White. Rh war d' , Ist Precinct-A.qR. W. Painter, J. S. Slagle. 4th W 11.14. ^ rd Precinct-S. Barker. Alen. tilmlck. sth ward-A. M. Dyers. • 6th ward-W.,11. Ross. Thos. limper. sth tth 7th Bth 11th I=h I. Elizabeth—J. H. °cabala. H. H. McClure. Braddock—J. N. aballeubecter. floe. M. ay. tiestlekley— Ran. Birmingham, Ist Precinct—Geo. Vanemen, m. Barr. Blrelsam, PA Precinel-Thos. Atterbary, Durranntairtiam -8 . K. Duvall, H. Paromr. Mt. Washington-B,T. Kennedy. J. S. Mc- Ulan. MeKeesporil—G. M. Bacon, R. L. Pile. _ tb n Nprisalyorgh,W. IS. ,Hurler. J. K. ratm-j. D. Barkley. J. Marna. Etas—Geo. H. Oliphant. Jno. L. Robinson. Ktansek—H. Barrier. W. W. Shaffer. Les !adds- Irwin, T. 7. Shields. Plum—W. W. Grier. MINA—Wm. Rohimmn—Wos. Tun, A. W. Ewing, East East Der—Ged. R. MACK Lewis Peterso. North Fayette—P. IL Anglalloo. P. Baker. Patton—David Sham. Jbo. A. Caretbere. Versailles—B. L. Wisod:G. N. Bowman. 800mPa:—Joke IlarphY. Joan Boyer. . Lower St- Clalr—Jno. a Neale. , - Low Davis, PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE Scott, let Precinct—A. Lee, J. Stevenson. SCOtt.L•d Precinct—C. Fetterman. Forward—J. K. Kramer. J. lf. King. -- The following districts were called over but had vo lIEPHMIENTATIVES. First Ward, Pittsburgh. Ninth " Tenth " Sixteenth ." Twenty-second " Third Ward, git precinct, Allegheny. Seventh " Eighth t " Borough of West Pittsburgh, Monongahela, Sharpshorg, .• West Elizabeth; " Ormsby. Tarentin.• • MlBride. ' " " Tempemoceville, • • • " Bellevue. . Township of yoblnson, rd precinct. Moon, . Franklin. " Baldwin. Ist precinct., 11:04win. 24 precinct. Ross, 1.4 precinct. Boss. 24 precinct, McCandless. Versailles. 24 precinct .Ittlerson. C nrtle.. •• Findley. •• Reserve. Pine, West Deer. indina, • .ISouth Fayette, Binder, Ist precinct, tinnier, 24 precinct. Fawn. Upper tit. Clair. .• McClure. " Union, :: Hampton. Marshall, Harrison. Lincoln. " Penn, Elir.nbeth. 24 precinct, Represented. .I Not representedl The 114 having been completed, it wan re eulved to proceed ;to business. and Mr. Kirk moved that nll pen.ns not delegates be re quired tit retire outside of „thebar. Adopted. Mr. Ktr,k moved Mint the Convention new proceed*, nominate a full ticket. Adopted. 1 , Mr. KI k moved that the cute for candi dates he kg nor. , A dele . te moved to amend by substituting “untrkin - for 'lieu not... : Mr. Kirk thought the amendment unfortu nate. as thenystem of marking had been the cause of More complaint in the regular Re ubllcan Convention than anything else, and e moved to Iny the inuendment on thetable. Adopted 4 - I The questim.rectirring on the original mo tion to vote 'Vint . er r,"' was then adopted. .t.NOTHEII SHELL. Mr. Frank Anderson. from Neville town chip, =dent an I gentlemen or the Conven tion: Before proceeding to make nominations I desire tn ionic few remarks. I have come Into this tOOVentitHa ISA a delegate from Ne ville township, a district that alwayS has been and in still true to ha ve principles. end If I know myself. I have mine here as a friend of this reform movement,. but 1 wish our or- non to to furr the best t interestr of reform. All I want Is (Ruud men nominated. .1 care not whether this or another convention nominates them, sothat they be true Republicans and meu of undoubted Integrity. I feel sore that' under preheat circutuStaliCeS the Republic. Conventlln to meet to August wilt make fully as good n aninations as we can make. and then the dimelty of having two sets of good coot dldeles In the held, both representlue:one party, cannot be overcome. • I fear the result ;night be the greatest of all evils, the 'election of Democrats to our tiLaie Assembly, which you loose would be a great evil, especially at this time. 1 see a great number of our country.dhitricts not bore rep- MICZESIMEta= =MI= now busy harvesting. 1 believe there are none but true Republi cans here to-day, none but those who are anx ious for the niecessa of the great Republican p his arty lamv andeation consid adjou ering tn this tu t mee t, t I n one weekow IMMO t. after the August Convention, and lf thnt con vention sloes nut snake satisfactory numb.- font we will then snake such nominations as will receive the support of all good Republi cans of the county. This wne the signal fur Mud cheers in the lobby, and the Convention itself was thrown Into a state of confusion. • A delegat e mounted - on a chair shouted In thunder tones. - Hr. President, this Con, en tion was called fur a purpose, and we should reacted to business. I ant nut in favor-of , MM=MI 'Vontusion worse confounded" now ensued. The chairman rapped with the lave!. Kirk shouted order. Partial order was finally re. ,stored dud the business proceeded. A delmntte moved to soneud Mr..ktlert.on's motion by adding. that .. a committee be ale pointed to confer with the regular Republica. County Executive Committee. nnd If possible Induce them to call the regular Republica Convention at an earlier day than that. non fixed. Another scene of confusion. dlarraceful i he extreme. ensued. Anderson attempted to regain the door .as prevented - by the W./init. nd clapping ads. which proceedtng was imitated bi• but. u tat h, Mr. Kirk and carriNl on by hi* pruarlytel:* that we wern, pmvetartki from hearing' Mr. An. demon's r*marks. Mr. Atkinson surcevdet in gvt tint the duo and spoke as follows t Mr. •PrtSiderlt: not only am ummsed t. this Convention taking anr action upon the names of those submitted as candidates. bu 1 go . farther 'and say tbat .there should be 110 action taken. placing us In opposition to the ggrtuand old Republican party. I am proud of being associated with so many known to me as men of undoubted integrity. and ability. but I beg yo.s gentlemen. to think of the probable consequences of making 'any nomi- . nations here t o- 4ns. Let us glee the people an address and platform. asking them. no body, to muse the party. If any who are therein known or suspected of dishonesty or hicapacltr. hot let no not commit the folly of killing the Itepublican pally In the house of its friends. Here, where It first took National form and shape. wino on from that day to this with the entire approba tion of rill good citizens. doing a work of ref ormation and progression. Why not adjourn thla Convention until some•suMeoueot day.. web with the Ibunty'Committee for the withdrawal of Its .present roll end have en earlier dote, take away the mutate of so much _ exulting and joy from that tossien Port upon Wand street. which has stood by this move ment from Its Inception. clapping Its hands, and crowing for joy over the prospective vic tory, of resuscitation of the Democratic corpse Into life and power. stroking the pin feathery of this bantling. and in its testacy of joy crying Eureka. "It is not our funeral" but nor morn ing of hopeful light. AnotherCommissioner ship disaster. A little more dissension in our own ranks about who shall till the °Mee*. . • • whose friends that arc nut shall pet In. to en rich themselves under the guise of reform to the titter dissolution and destruction of the noble.staunch and true. with all Ito many de formities. the good old Caton Itepublicau par ty. Let us adjourn. to go to the polls upon the regular election due. preserving our or ganization Intact. there consult the wishes of the people as we ought to do. av we claim this lea people's popular reform movement, elect men of integrity and send them to the convention and reform the ports, within the party without any soreheads. without any ringstreaked piebald elements. claiming that as they represent une-third of the election districts In the county, therefore being ro formers they have a right to put in nomina tion aticket not only for this county. but In fact as Is proposed for the freemen and voters of Armittrong and Butler countln: let us have no wheels within wheels, but the old unity. the old supremacy. the nos- glory of new deeds united to those of the old. [Ap plause from the lobby, und consternation in the ranks of the purify err followed:I THE ROMINATIOSS. . The nomination of Congressictital candidates being first in order the names or Major Wm. Frew and Gen. J. K, Morehead were mention. Prof. Thompson stated that he ' ,rag author ized to say that General Moorhead was not a candidate before this or may other Convention, and that be would refuse any nomination which might be tendered bins. Mr. Item said that be thought there should be generate Congressional Consentirms. It would not he proper for either district repre sented to the Convention to nominate a candi date for the other. Prof. Thompson molted to postpone the nomination of Oonscreasicual candidates anti! the afternoon session, nod It was agreed to. The following nominal-lona were then made. • nVede Scorge.—Ales. Gordon, ,George H. Anderson, Thos. Howard. Assernbly.—P. „A. Hutchinson. Joseph Wat son, Thomas Penney, Alexander Nitpick. J.. Rl Lyons , James 3L Cooper. W. T. Haines. Moog warner, AlexanderNill&btirig. lesWn ertfrn e art C. hee, D. D. 'White, Wm. Dillworth, J. 11. Kerr. ['outdo CorumL.utuur.-I.utlah IRekity, Jo seph Drum, Drum, (leo. FORcYt 1% J. llosktosuu, Joseph Dllworh. ,Proth , 00000 forei—Jscub Walter. (tett. Scold. Joseph Ross. eo. IJ. Riddle. Mr. Kirk desired to know - If the mottos of Ross. !fiddle nod Walter were axed by au thority. Mr. Oliver replied that he and not consulted Mr. Walters, neither had that gentlem. eon- Suited him on the subject. but he understomi the object of this convention to w r to necure Rood men for the 0111e511. lie kne Mr. Walter to he a rood UellUbll.lll And knew that he had made . acceptable officer to the people. Mr. Atkinson said that he did not think a delegate was compelled to ask Mr. Kirk who should and who should not be a candidate be fore this convention. The men about whom hi had inquired were all honest Republic... and that was all that It was necessinT fur this cOnvention to know. If they did not want to serve the people they could decline if 410[111. anted. Mr. Kirk attempted to reply, but the Chair man called him to order, and tile bualness of :the convention was proceeded with. .etrcoucr—W. Hope, First ward, Alle gheny, Jet.. .Millet. Allegheny, and Jonathan O. West, of Mimic. 'Jury Cornmissloorr—Anton !eye, notill. rutted by acclamation. Director of Poor—Mlnas Tlndle; nominated by acclamation. °owning% on IILOOLCTRINS. Lifter the nominationi had been made; Kirk mused that committee, consisting of five persons, be oppointed on resolutions. The motion was adopted, and the Chair Minted Mews. Kirk, Shaffer. Single Thomp son and Scal d on the committee. • - A motion to adjourn until ball-past one o'clock was then made, but before the nom. tion was pat. Mr. Slagle moved that thermoses of the candidates in nomination be printed on sills for the convenienconf delegates. The motion was adopted, when Mr. Kirk sug- Festal that if Ike names were to be printed it would be proper Laverne the Congressional candidates so that their names could appear with the others. lie said the candidates need only be voted for by the delegates Melding In the proper districts. COnontseforsid. NOYINATIOI.O3. beenmotin embodying the suggestion baying adopted the following nuinitual 6 " we " made. ......... District—Major Wm. Prow. Ge2t.e tp fa ers rkiles. Dtgrirt—T. tt. Brtmot, James M. Coo. Mr. Kirk moved that a Committee of three be appointed to malt on No. lirunot to request the use of Ms came as a candidate for Con gress. Withdrawn. The Convention tben took a mesa until belt-past one o'clock. AFTERNOON SE£II3ION The Convention re-assembled at - half-put ,one o'clock, Mid was coiled to order by the Chairman. \ On motion tbo name of Wllgam Littlesra. added to the list of nominees for the ,thee of Prothonotm7. . Tile attisMCTIONs. The report of the Committee on Residua°. Wait then called for, and Mr. Pavid Kirk, Chairman. submitted the following= floallr.l. lip the Republican s of Allegheny county in convention nssembled. that we re armlt i b u s u i :o t h f:t chp,e.r.iprinciples Chicago t t 'l .. C ' sr ail s b i o ec d :u ri ,: o t o i :U.( the p le legit, n i i : 9 ,4 1 o e n t i al phia in liregt; in the' various remmstruction measures adopted by Congress in the Fif teenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. The noble services rendered by - the Republican party In the preservation tit our free American government , and In secur ing to all persons justice Over equality of rights, and all the rights of .man, constitute an Imperishable record, and entitle the party to thecontinuance of confidence of the .Imer lean people. 2. Tha the present imperative duty of Re publicans in to keep the party organization pure and incorruptible. and maintain in lively activity the strength and energy of the party. This can be done only by placing and keeping in official stations represent:Ws-en of the party worthy of thetublieLleOnlidettest. The great need of the day isthat noutinatio. for office be made under the dictation and compulsion of nubile opinion; nud the chief purpose of this convention is to bring the Republic. Musses Into n more active participation In tile business of making ...lions to the emi that the party be honestly and efficiently represented., tha sole alio and object is party purification. • 1. That reform In the to eaduilnitration of on an arty altars Is Indlepensible the mainten ce of Itepublienn ascendancy in rennsylva via. The General Astenthly has become it re proach' to the state, and the public confidence. has been withdrawn front It. Corrupt special legislation has grown intla tin engrossing and fnghtful public evil. debauching the public morality, mid entailing enormous burdens on the State. It Is publicly charged In the news paper press, and generally believed. that the high offices In the ki tof the Legislature are bought sad sold. TI e remedy of the. evils Is with the people, t d can ho exeseised only by the selection of nest and.capable mire sentittives, and by stricting the Legislative lawyer of the Gen dAssembly through a Constitutional Cony ntion. I. That we conden n the mode in use in this county of making noinhottions for oilier . unfair end making opportunities for the prac tice of (mud and corruption at the priuntry meetings and In the conventlotia, as giving origin to political brokerage. "slate milking. and other discreditable practices by which the will of the people is defeated; and, as a consequence resulting frequently. In the %min imal. of mtndidutes unwortbY the cunt(. dens of the people. It is not forgotten that - Mane good pe have voine into office under the system in w vondmnued; . but experience has shown th at the system itself provides no effectual %minty for honesty and competency In the selecti. 'of the candidate, d that party. purityjandauccess emnand as Mirrored Method.: 5. That t h greatest danger to our party and country at the present time is the , corruption that pervades the pub& service and the wild scramble I& other. The doctrine that to the victor beitthgs the spoil. is &morale.. a n d destroying the Government. and we, there fore. Insist that the desubtism of patronage and nubile offices be taken from partisans anti given univ;to competent persons as the prin ciple of the Jenekes' Civil Service bill. ii: That the laws that give to Clerks. R.I.- 4ers..Prothonotary s and Sheriffs tea, twenty and thirty thousand dollars per annum, and .to Judges three to live, are absurd and sorting. nod we call tipoit the Leah:lawn: to enact a law that still cOlopensate according to the talent required. and that nil fees over rea,utt able and fixed compensation shall be paid into 'the public t bn ' n , treasury.-.tly lax adininlstmlloo of the license laws by the (5 anti y 1.5....10i1er5. In granting licenses, in many instance, to farrsons ran qualified. by Moral c ents or by compliance with the. requirements of the law, is a great and crying evil„resulting in • an alarming increase of the vice of irtentlter antis., and the sorrowful , train of woes aod crimes which it entails Bins the community. And lw order to remedy this et d a tt call man, . the people to elect snub l i ttnintissioners as will. in aeroplane., with their oath, of o ut rigidly enforce the license Int9l se they now e. That we etwatially endorse the able ant successful administration of ?resident Grant and pledge to It our continued suplumt. IV especially commend the economy in the 4111 Itattion of the national revenue. which has to suited in the saving of sllrdiindlix) at tibia period of sixteen utonlit, Whieh has gas en the administration an enlarged Hahn upo. the public confidence. U. We cordially tailor, the able and pa triode aolnilnktrition of the Ste. , govern meat, of Ilk Kleellenty. John IV. Gear., where honesty andttrtonees. in times of trL and danger. hove given him additional claim upon the coundence of the kart y and the pet pie. /hearts!. Thnt the true policy of the et tiounl Government Is the reduction of tax lion. which can be accomplished by the fund lag of the debd at a low rate of intereet, thu extending the time of payment. and we mit chilly call for the removal ad aII intiniditurl. taxation which requires an army of office for their collection, On suollUu the revurt was aduutetl I=2 Mr. John S. Slagle. one or-the Committer Resolutions. mid be bad been unable to bac alLtils Wear Incorporated In the -reinirt. un would therefore offer the following add faunal resolntion : ficsleed, That the members of this Concert-. Lion, aid the large body of Republican vo ters they represent, are no fact lunlsts, but true and - loyal Republicans. We have no per ... Mal elide to accomplish. We. seek tulle the goral of our con-try and the svre , . of our party, orrwliuse success we believe the best iterest. of the country depend, We 1 heartily raii.3l,3 the administration of Geu. Grant and 'Governor Geary, and tl,ll - 1. the COlittlntrd ascendancy ~f tio , Republican party in the roluii...l in our elate. Hut, he •lleving that that v c.oinot to main tained without a '<DOTS( ion and purifying of the party, we have . tart In eutlVra tioo an an enmest alumna:ma against the abuses that hate existed, and to take such measures all may be It...TSB:IIU to effect the reform AO much needed. We wish, however If possi s ble. to avoid a division nod defeat ~ the party at the coming election. on which so much depends. To this end, therefore. this Convention will-make no Otllinatloo2 at this time. but will adjourn until the 31st day of August next. to take soak action ax may then teem Dees...a to carry oat the 'objects for which we have been called together. and to advance the best Interests of the Republican . - On motion of Mr. Reed) the resolution was received. , Me. Gallagher then cloyed that the resole lion be /old on the table' • Mr. Single said it might be proper to state that the impel- hod been prepared before the meeting. but he was acting on another com mittee when the Convention decided to pro leed with the nominations. lie thought it mportant that the party should be united. and he was therefore In favor of adjourning until the 21st of toga t. If the rattler con vention did not heed the movement. this Con vention could reassemble and make their nominations. Mr. Atkinson called !for the yeas and nap s on the motion to lay on the table.. The chairman decided that the cell for the yeas and nays was out of order. The motion Dal . then adopted amid great confusion.l Mr. Atkinson thought Mr. Carnahan'. ruling rather a strange one' lie understood that this was a reform eifivention, and was stir prised ro to see such peedings. Mr. Slagle thought'. that minorities had rights as Welt as ninjoritles. He . thought there was at least a say respectable minor. Its in favor of the re...duller. and desired td know II there was no way to determine what the exorcist. of the Convention wan noon it. Mr. Kirk—Mr Irjresident, the expression of the conventionwas bd. plain that ..he who Ma runs y rend,"l and the .. wayfaring man though a tool may not err therein." The vote was almost unanimous. except - a few persons who came. Into the convention to create con fusion. Mr. Atkinson .6 exp4atton said that he had not Mme into the co ventlon for the pur pose of raisins It disturhanee Ind had been duly elected and - ha his credentials. He then offered the following resolution: • Ruins. Tha t Inasmuch na not, more than une-half of the election districts of the coun ty are represented in this Convention. as Gila Is popularly apeople's reform movement , rind we deem It nothing more than right that there should be a full and fair expression of ,the Republican voters of this aunty. that R committee of seven be. .1901.1.- ed to confer with thet Union Relintillean County Executive Committee, and if possible harmonize the prewnt differences between the two wings. " 'Rweirrif, That thl. Convention. after issuing an Address end submitting. a Platfunn to the Republican voters Of this county, recommend ing to them the sup Port of none hut known eltirens of integrity MI 11C1Crate. to the 1111111- lasting conventions, do adjourn. The ,resulutions.' un mutton of Mr. Kirk, were laid on the table. ' Mr. illogic asked fur Information, how moor men werein thlieconsentlon in conformity with the call, it it their crdent NIA represent ing a mmstitnency. as he was. M.- was an easi . spatter for n few persons tu•..put up" dele gates for distrleta whew no elections had been held, but inch a course w e an not a repro, sentathm of She voice of the people. ..Confusion worse confounded - followed thin speech. and the, chairman, In order to pre vent any 'Wee of the Convention being ob tained. force.' the motion toproceed to hallo for a n didates. although no Bach motion had been made-. nod the confusion subsided. The ballotting then proceeded. . . • A WITHDRAWAL- Mr I Oliver, of the Twenty-third ward. when called npon to vote; stated that he couldaot vote _honorably without consider ing himself bound to support the ticket. and as a Itepublican he could not consistently du that, he therefore declined voting, and also desired to withdraw the attune of Gen. Joints tL fiegley am n caudidate for Congress. Mr Atkinson stated that he was authorized -to withdraw the name of John H. Kerr on a candidate for Assembly, before this Conven tion, mid at. the some time desired to with draw all ballots cost by himself. lie Wile re gularly elected a delegate to this Convention, nod had his credentials on such. Although majority of the Convention taught dttfer.with hint, he thought that through Justice nil ones clone submitted by himself or now other dele gate should receive thensideration of . the Convention and be submitted to the delegates for their decision. Ile desired AO wash his .hands of all such rings and corruption as was appatent In this Convention. Ile would - not be controlled by Dave Kirk and four others by and through whom this Convention has been packed. The names of W. 11. Hope o d J. U. West were withdrawn front the co mention as can dictates for Coroner. The delegate front McKee% ort stilted that he was authorized to withd sw the name of Alexander Miller as a candi ate for Assembly from this convention. TUE ItrAMT. • . . . The balloting having been concluded the rc sult was announced as 101 l ws i . coitotunia--Tvrtarnr.-s • no Dirriizer. Wm. Frew' . 13 'J S. Kegley lb 000011.12RI—TWERTY- IRD DISTRICT. F. R. 11ruti0r......... 13 J. M. C00per..._.6 STATL SLRATT" Th. Howard.. .. Alez.Gordoo o ttl , eo :H. Anderson 19 immix/11 • -• *Rev. F. Hutchison. 60 obt. Arthur,- .31 'Joseph Walteri 47 R. C. Gray 87 4 Thes. Penney to' D:N. White 37 'Alen. Nimick... ... 70 John H. Kerr.... = W. T. 11010 es 12 Ilearl Warner... 13 Alex. Hiller 24 John Wi150n..... 26 54. HoMpbreys 13 1 mairr-cmixissicwm. •Wm. A. Shaw 45 81. on Drunn.:... , .... 3 Isaiah Dickey 22 ...I0 Joe.' . Geo ao conoran. J J. Ai. Walter Geo. Neeld Win. Little Wm. H. Hope 'Jas. Miler = =I Anion Floyd, nominated by accilioation • • • Minas Tindle. soullsated hr nett:m.l.lon. The Chairman announced that those secur ing a Majority of all the votes were declared the choice of the convention. There being but four of the candidates for Assembly having. received a majority of all the votes it would ere neeessarY'to proceed to another ballot- Mr. Darr moved that-the two candidates having the next highest number of votes be declared nominated. Adopted. Mr. Kirk =waded by moving to proceed to a second ballot.• The aniendtnent was lost be a vote of ZS to .t.' The climatic n recurred.. the motion of Mr. Barr, which was adopted. and Messrs. Itich'd. C. Gray and D. N. White were declared the choice of the convention for Assembly. It was then moved to' procee I to vote for the Candidates for Prothonotary by rising. The names were thew called and the vote resulted as follows : Geo.,Seeld.... ..... J. If. Wa1ter........1 • •., • ..... . (leo. D. Riddle 6 Wm. Little Neither of the candidatt's having received innjority of the votes, the Chair decided that there was no choice. ' . • It was then moved to proceed to another ballot by rim rote. Mr. Kirk moved that all but the two highest on the list be stricken from the list. "Adopted. The roll was then called sand a vote taiten,! Weh the renewing result: t, Little Mr. Neeld Was therelure declared the choice' of the Convention. Mr. D. C. Ripley offered a resolution in structing the Chairman to appoint an execu. rive Committee •of twenty-one members, which committee shalt have power tb MI any vacancy occurring In the ticket this .day nand= rutted, and alto to call this Convention toget her if in their Judgment -it may be mmessary• The resolution trot amended. to Provide that the chnirman of the Convention be chair man of the Committee, led that said Com mittee 'shall have power - to add to its mem bers, Mr. 81nRle offered non stitmaltute the follow frsoltvd, That In ode opinion the existing evils can he tracedinalnlyl to two source', That of marking for candidates In nom inatin conventions; and Id, The appointment of unfit persons on the County Executive Committee; and to remedy these evils and re store purity and harmony tothe party we propose the following plan: • First. I /Illy one nominating convention shall he held each year, and It shall nominate all candidates to he elected nt the same election, and delegates to utti National or State Con ventions during that year shall Ire chosen by the convention didled together by Its oiliness called together ehpecially for that purpose. She vofings for candidates or dele mites in the Calory Convention shall be rim roe, On the call of the districts 'in thei order. the delegrdes shall Ilse In their pine and annonce distinctly in the hearing of th whole convention the I names of the Verso. for svh hey vote. Thiel--The County Executive Committer shell be appointed in the following mantle the County shall be divided into twenty-fly. districts composed of an coal number tv contiguous districts oil the delegates Iron the districts thus •fisrmed shall choose ,011. verso for soh district and the pemous OM. vimsen shall belie Executive Connuilttm , 10 the snecemling ar, and shall elect their Ow officers. wit luiretv hie renolutinit. t Mr. Kirk thotittlit the plan a...elope, bi th oold not see bow it could be put nab opera ion at this lime. Ile etoved Ts an amend- - Alit that the count v be divided lulu three liviabolle. north, tooth awl middle, and that he delegates Trust each district be instructed n select seven peraints to serve on the Eke.- 1 ve Committee. Ni action. The resolution offered by !dr. Slagle Ivan hen tolopted• A delegate moved that the Chair appnint a ....lee of ten to divide the county ban scenty-Ilse districts. in accordance with.: the dan prob.,. by Mr. Slagle. Adopted. i j • Uu motion, James Park, Jr.. Reuben !tartlet • • . • . • • Tilol4. J. Makin...on WCINI appointed • eon rra to meet the conferrer front the, othe !~! iettlet. On motion of D.C. Ripley n ote of the* :Le towlertd to the Presitit'nt. ' I on motion totittornetl. The followln ng letter way hooded to 4 del egate, who itegleeted Irons •tonic Cattls. to read it It. 11. Cans war:. Do ii Stn. Learning. that Inv name Is Whim tle Itetrinti Convention to-slay In connect lots with the that orlirothouutary. b leave lo ...tate that whilst I nin a candidate to e that dr iller. .abject to the derbiton of the regularly called Republican Convention. I have nonyi - pat hy with anv party or wort:went which wi I distract the Republican party, and desire t t lily nano, may be wit hdt awn front before yo r Clarendon. ' , eft fully yours. J.4(1111 11. WALTER: • . • PRISON REFORM. • 311regIng or Ihe Prison rsworirt) Wbst Oressfisstion I. lkynt.-- Heparin tress 111 lllYren • A regular monthly meeting of the All •- gbeny County Prison Society was held Tae daytnerging at riniu'eluelt in the Young Men ' Hume. Ouquesne way. • In the :deem, of the President, Dr. J. ls Tinian wits tailed to the chair. The Seeretiiry, Mr. H. C. Miller, mad tli minutes of Die last meeting which were apf pr..tml: . The Treaturvr, Mr. J. D. Carlisle, reported deficit of1.113.:12 in the Treasure, Report re, ceived and • I I The Rev. SI r. McLaughilit. agent of the Sod , sly. presented an interesting mutably report of his oreratious fn., which it apars lie made dining June twettlyeilx. vislt• pe to the county fall--etooping In each inSt•riCe to con vene. with the prisoners. Ile also visited eight, or lea families throughout the cities and in moat eases leap the means of tidiest ing difficult ie., which had ellstowbeill Dm peace of the households. During the month be Rated that three hun dred end fourteen prisoners had beta 11µ1k tilted to the county AU—rono various charges Imposidiste us tweet.. It little o. possible Ps mettuoM the ninny Itttle acts bleb had been performed to relieve the con. dition of the U4l orrUnntet. sad which It was hoped had the desired effect. The retiort closes with the citation of a few reset of Interest which came within the agent's operation• during the m,nth. One was that of a poor lama soldier. impisoneel ' unjustly for some trifling offense. The fact Aas brought to the attention, of the District ttorney. who procured at order from Court and bad the man discharged. The man was, at test necounts. doing well In another town. Another woe that of a girl of fourteen years of age committed for larceny. although no justly. She was dlscharted by the Court when the ease was brought before M. The Mart was received. and Merl. • One of the members of the Visiting Com mittee next reported that he had, during the month, visited the Penitentiary three times. distributing tracts at each Instance; also visited the Ditutihlti jail end Mercer and Law.. retire county prlietna. The jail at Mercer was especially comniended—a new building -and almost as perfect ns it could be made. Re ligious terriers are held there every Sabbath. The New Castle jell was found to he n very theonyenlent building and badly adapted to purpose. Another member reported a conversation with the Governor. In which that offlelal had expressed his hearty sympathy with the Semi .ety matt nilllngiru lend all the aid .possible to quell organizatifois. . The committee nppointed to publish the Proceedings of the Society for IttAl reported they would hive the work finished neat week. The taint was instructed to tail upon citi zens for their yearly subscriptions to the Soci ety Immediately. A liberal • response to this Newel is expected and calculated upon. Tho meeting then adjourned. STRUCK BY THE LOCOMOTIVE Fnelherdy Experiment and Its HemsP— anne and Man Killed. A fatal-accident occurred yesterday ntte Fleming Station, on the Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne and Chicago IGO!road. It was the result of sheer recklesonese. About see en-o'clock Balser Wilke, driver for Messrs. Riddle Sr Pugh. of the Acid Works. was driv ing along the rend near the station In com pany with smother man. Wilke wanted to cross the track, but was warned by his attempt,CUM- Ak n a ' s " d t ti o e ' l ' st k tVa i ruii als she express however, and the adviser jumped fron d peon t the vehicle leaving the driver to go It alone. Wick, continued on his course hot lost his life. Just. as he was on the track the Wheel ing express rounded the curve in the road, and in the next instant the wagon was de molished, one of the hornet thrown to. une side mad killed:and the driver ran over land cut almost to pieces. The remains were drag ged smut:distance before the train could be stopped. It is said the usual signals were given by the engineer un the locomotive, who wits prevented front seeing the Wagon un the t hat en nccount of the cone In the road at that place.. The remains were taken to the Acid Works nod word sent to the Coroner, but at last cc' counts he had nut held an inquest. . LOST HIS •LOILIE. Playing with Vireworks..alinenter Accident— A Litile•llay she '4lnca. Liklllbert Karen. a little boi..about ten y cora of age, Met with n very singular accident on Monday evening. lie was playing with sev eral companions to front of his father's resi dence, fiber& street. Allegheny, when a fire meeker by Some accident was thrown into his mouth, where it exploded. Ile fell to the ground and was taken Into the house. when a physician was summoned. Nonmetal marks of injury could he discovered and the boy seemed well enough, elcept that he was nimble to speak. Ile has remained since the accident In that: erudition, elliroWth 'other wise lie scents well enough. Every effort has been snail, torestore his lost powers of vocal ization, but without avail. The case is Indeed' a grange one and has caused greet grief to his-parents. IL Is feared that he is perma nently injured—that his. speech can never he ' restored Teachers Sleeted. Oakland School .11istrict—PrIncipal, J. P. Andreks. Ornmumr Departuipt —Miss Susan E. Halo, Miss M. F. Putlege. Intermevilute— Mrs. Samh E. Thompson, MI6B Maggie Hardie, Miss Lizzie Grey. Prima*" Delmrtment — Miaa Sadie .1. Yon. Mite E. Jennie Fawcett. Mies ?dailis B. McMnsters. Trainine Tenehnr — Idles Knte L. Anderson. Jilelfiamt Sub-District. Nineteenth Ward.— Principal, Gee. P. Fulton. Grammar Depart ment—Miss linnonh J. Lyon. Intermediate— Mimes Selina A. Ackley, Marla. J. Joyner. Primary DeprJrtmen S t—M Hu se en Nettle -A. Mc.Crolla, Minnie . , Mettl Clark. Q 3 3"" * " .3333-43411 ' " 133. WZDIMSDAY, e.—Commonwealth sr. Thoma., Dissett, Indicted for receiving stolen goods. was the next case taken np. The defen dant Is charged with having received railroad Iron knowing It to have beeiratoleafrom the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Jury out. Mary O'Comser indicted for fonds et Let_ Harker prosecutrix. On trial. • The cue of the Commonwealth en. Stephen Hoffman. itidloted for the murder of Thomas /Anew= previously reported: was resumed and concluded. The 3.1 T returned a verdict of not guilty.. Fnom TUE surrounding country orders for Cream Ale throng upon Pier, Dannala & Co.. and only by hard work night and day do they manage to keep even with the demand. That's whst people get for inaltieg a good article, • Dos...withdrawn D. Riddle 18 . . . - • . - '''''''''''''''''''''''''''"'"'—'-' .• - ' . '"""'. . ' `---"''''''''''..,-..'4,-.,-..-.VinZla-k.,f,,i,...-aftf4_‘;-44..,,t..11.%-,1-0,--,:,.j..wera..'ki.Z4. y . -.4.-..44,,!.--.4-.:....0p..,- ,i5g.., ,.... -5.,, f2.4....4 g-4 , ,,wf .5.., i- , f ,.t.0..-al--•:-.•-- i ... . - 4 , -- ,, - . 1.....akir,..4:,..z. ~., • . . . URSDAY - MORNING, JITLY WAS IT SUICIDE! A ntrnuner's Corpse found In the Inver —My*. seldom Deoth. Yesterday morel= at an early hour, some boys were playing . about a raft, moored to the Allegheny shore Of' the Ohio river Just befow the 14tw mill H u n Ferry Landing. when they discovered a suit of clothing. lying upon the hoards. The fact was made known to some Meer In the vicinity whose suspicions were aroused. When the clothing was stemmed.. , a bottle was found containing . a 6=11.1.1111h' of collo - mire sublimate and marked ."Poisan" The mystery was thus further increased and a case of suicide was at once suspected. The necessary apparatus Avan secured immedi ately and the river in the vicinity dragged for several hours, when the body of a man was at last drawn to the sur face. The - corpse evidently had not been In the water long• but whether the de ceased had taken the poison. or drowned him- Self intentionally could not be .certained. Alderman Donaldson soon after In tra al,- ' senor of Coroner Cannon. held nn Inquest upon the remains, hot nothing was developed leading to their Identity. The man appeared as though he had been a mill hand, his bands be ing hard and tough and' his arms horned. Thejury returned a verdict of death by drowning. Including in their finding an opin ion that the case won one of suicide. The body was subsequently taken to Fairman's undertaking establishment from where it will be buried. - . The Flight Thing—The night Place. 3fri Mitanc—l was led by yOur favorable notiep of J. F. Ileilstine, and by the testimony of a fliend who has dealt with him for more than a year, to try for myself the quality of the various kinds of meat for which he is cel ebrated. :My experience is good .Proof that lleilstine either at his stand 75 Pittsburgh nr SfJ Allegheny Market, Is, as yo have said, a sure place to get good, and only good beef. mutton, or veal. eat and served exactly as they.shoul,L be. Try him and he convinced. Insisign AT HOME. The Prettiest Woman in New -York. Mink K—, well known in our frhionable society for her dist/nuns appearance and beautiful complexion. was once a sallow, rough-skinned glrl, chagrined at her red, freckled face. She Pitched into Hagan's Magnolia Rahn, and Is now us pretty in complexion as she Is charm ing hi manners. Thin article overeomes freck les, tan. sallowness, moth-pat ches.ring-m ark s. etc.. and makes one look ten years younger thou they are... Magnolia Balm for a trims parent complexion, and Leon's Kathairon to mke the hair plentiful, luxuriant, soft and delicato,.have no rivals. The Katimiron pre vent, the hair from turning gray, eradicate:l dandruff, and is the best and cheapest dreg: sing in the world. ' T:T1131. lents . U. Hale. Merchant Tailor. has Just 'eked a large assortment of linens and al- COOK, abeia complete assortment of goods slimmer wear generally, corner Penn enueand Sixth street. - tf • LIVERPOOL, July (L•-Cotton firmer but not higher; onlea uplands at irt:s.; Orleans Itss.; sales 1200 U bales. Brentlstu ff s quiet: Califor nia white Wheat Its. 4d; red western, No. 2, 711.4.01. M.: winter tis. iid. Western Flour 235. torn, No. 2 mixed,:lis. Ikl. Oats 25. Id. Martel As. Peas 375. i'sl. Provisions dull: Pork Ile.s. tid. Beef Ills. Lard In. Id. Coffee rs'is. Bacon: Mn. Cutabberland: 02s. tM. short rib; common loess As. lkl. Spirits Petroleum tin; refined Is. 7d. Tallow 435.9 d. Turnentinertls. Nkw Om.k..tss, July S.—Cotton quiet. and week with middling at sales I,too hales; 'et:tints 2r9: stock Irt.igss. Flour doll with superfine at SA, double extra treble o'Xtra flay neuter at Fr— biskY cos ier itt lks:4l,(AN. Other articles 'ankh..l:got Sterling22:t. • • Utvmts, July a:-Cotton Is firmer at liNc; receipts ht. exports 101 bales. Flour dull nod nominal. Cornmeal firm at s6lll..Corn likYt .- -k!.(6, Oats ANTJANc. 1100 dull tiIPABB. Bran ff170.15,:i0. Pork quiet at $111.:31. RaconJsliouldent 13Xc: sides Isistl736. =man NSW: -on Toeuday. July :loth. 111.3.1. uuly child of Wru..A. and 1.. 11. T0ML1N ,,4,14. bowl p.m mud days. almond (tons the reeldenre her arandrathe Joseph Tatullesen. on Hurler street. Tlit'alanar et•l tieleek. Frlenda of the family are Incited t .attend. l'arriseer will !care cern., Seventh Net nue end emitheeht etrert. at I "'clack. CARBOLIC SALVE, Node with purr CARBOLIC ACID. which la need in llomdtals by direction of Eminent Physicians, haa careynyef Maligne the meat trwwf h and .feetiai for nilant Sorsa and Mice.. aad fee Darns, Cut?. W made, and all Skin Diseases share war lie equa e. l .ns PRICK, 1.5 (AMTS. a Rapid retails. Agent bus yet been . ALSO, - I Henry's Insect Powder, 1 , ..7 tho Ile. ris of SO A 4 lILI4 DIM HT. ANT., Ac LOOCE. 23 CENTS. at L HTPLOSENBICH'S Patent Medicine Depot, 14() `MITH-IFIb:LI7 ST. JUST ARRIVED. I==l Plated -Bracelets, AT $3 PER PAIR, AT Mrs. S. C. ROBB'S No. 91 Federal St., Allegheny = Mld at awl below coot for 30 day" 101 JOHN M. COOPER Si CO Bell and Brass Founders, ENGLNE, LOCOMOTIVE IND ROLLI3II NIL BRASSES Made Promptly to Order BABBITTS 3IETAL Made and Kept on Hand. I= I. M. Cooper's linprovirq Balance Whee ISTEAM PUMP. 1 01Deel-INVJ PENN STREET. Fmanirr--Corner 17TH ,suld lIAILROAD STEEN= PittabOrgb 1-tUDSON''S Opteeling Stamp, LITIIOIII7.ISD BY TUB (10VIFIRNMENT. _Melf Inktnpr, • Melt' Dating, Cuts the Minns' =I ALLAN C. BAKEWELL & CC IMI WM. KREBS, ICE DEALER, 351 River Ave., Allegheny. JOAN. a BARNES, Sealer of Weiflas : and Measures KEICS ...•!i.).47. !FOURTH AVE.. Pittsburgh ALARSiIA IX'S ELIXIR. MA WIIAI.L'e KLIIIIISv7sts. lIRADACnn. bleallll.o.S.n ELIXIR WILL imult DeerePM. eleallnel.l.'n Mai In WILI. reds coeliventee. Price of Slenthelre )lillit.l.llo9..see DepC.l3ol Ibtrket 'tree, ay. aIA AMIAI.I. co, limeade. Proplietons - For We, Wholesale and Bedell. by GEORti 6 A. KELLY. ritt•burgh. fetibilba . rms JOHN T. GREY, NOM LID LW MITER, AND oz.A.zirmn, FECI PTO STEAM BOILER MAYERS.— Per o n po e u irelcat o o b A mehwed o P n T ne t t h y e .l o r OTXAM DOI LratS,eet oleo, read,' Ihr roe. I h Neale' the Steen, Pipe Attachments thereto. for ion. new Jells and the Conn House Eaten- W in er n men at the o k Letie .o ut he ortaled. directed t MUBEt o PrO:n al t left ,t h e the Controller at 41 o'clock P. h.. FRIDAY, the etti POI 'ARCHIBALD BLARELY, Attorney-at-Law, RUBBER TUBING. All alga of India Rubber TublAt. constsfAlf 13=113 ATOTICE.-"Aoy liformation of ra .I.‘ BENI COPZLAND rho, boot .11.5 ee . AV.IIW grarit h rel 7" 7 1 ' 2 4 . 1014 2 LAND. brother of esio rre P IFLoPeI•••• 1 •• 0 thin/near Marmot.. t 1 Amor , . • ton. by sadresably WIABADio, isisotObb• 1.14b8 7, 4870. • rreNOTICE.—The undersigned hare charterml the Measn Ferry 'Bunt. Capt. W. and will run her its a Ferry on and after July Nth from Sharpabnrg to Pittaburgh side. until the Sharpahurg Bridge In rebuilt_ Wlt. n. CLANEY. Jul: W. A. SPROUL. OPPICEPITTSI , I,OII AND HOPSW: MINING Palest, non, Jona 22d. W7O. lir SPECIAL MEETING OF ST OCK. U OLDIGIS,—There vlll be a special meet log of the iitoekholden of tho lIPITTSBURGII AND BOSTON MINING COMPANY OF PITTS BUM/IL- held et the omen of the Complus. In the City Of littst.nrcch. et 2 liclaic P. NI.. on • WEDNESDAY. 27th Day of July. proximo I= = Er BOUNTY. $lOO Bounty Collected For all soldiers who enlisted between May 4th and Jul) 22d.1861. who Were dilscharged for disabil ity before serving two years.4rid who hare hereto fore received nu bounty. The node...limed has remo,ell Donee to OA arrne Buhdlag. comer Sixth event. and Smithfield street, and L. now prepared to collect Alalms weed: euld at moderate rate.- Call on, or au t dreaa..ith B. Y: iaoaci.v. • Claim 'Agent, G.teriTe Corner Sixth avenue and Smithfield famed.. ar PUBLIC :OTlCE.—Bating be e n eppointed GAS and GAS 311{TER IPSPEC. TOP, for Allesbian Y county, notice to hereby rtveili that anti' the neeeeenry orate and Mechanical Teat- Inc Machinery on be provided. I will be found at the OFFICE OF THE IIATIONAL.POUNDICY AND PIPE WORKS; Twenty-third meet, near Penn; Pittabaradt. MEI PITIIOII.,tOII k CONNELL-VSII4.M il/,1 • 1 . 177811M1011. June 15t . 11.1570. Kr NOTICE TO , BON PH 0 L DERN.— —COUPON No. 4. Fire! Mortgage Bonds of thin Coroner 7. dye Jot/ I CI. next, wandpaid en nd after that date on toresentationaelivery nt the mmitrilAyrs NATIONAL BANK OF BALTIMORE. Jelstl 301 IN 11. l'AtiE. in.,,Treneurer. D:rM ON ONGA If A INCLINE PLANK—NOTICE-7%e Plane will lie open for Passengers and Freight hustings. EVERY MORNING at 3 o'clock. sod mill close at 11 P. If connecting with the last cot from Pittsburgh nu the n Pittsburgh and Blrruiuglinni Passenger POLITICAL. E cr FOR. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. GEORGE NEELEY, Of htnrshall Towniihiri; subject to thedotnehiu lit the tinionitTublican County Convention. spirits& • nx FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. BENJAMIN DOOTHETT,. Of Indiana township: le it candidata for County C4;I:1611•1110[1er. in subordination to the decision of the Itcoutilican Coneentton. Fat =Au, in rebna. aplihrtsdikT - • LIVERY & SALE STABLES. Robt. H. l'atterson coILNER UY ' - Seventh Avenue and Liberty • street . PITTSIILINGIL PA.. WILL Oh /IVENS' SATCRI/Af HOLD AN AUCTION SALE 01 , • Horses, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, I%.l:l".l:2VC,ltrgrpl.W._fithe llig.7i no. tle+ofofonsfialenent On or before Inunlw of oath L1 I V:g1.1 wlll 4 4 ;171 1 4 1 2 . 5j0.. n .TTe P ft 111!-71:r JOHN H. STEWART, AUCTION NEIL JUR.%rI WrZWART ROOT. H. I,I7ItROON. ROBERT H. PATTERSON . & CO. -Livery, S' :Ale avid, COMMISSION .STABLES, for. Seventh Avenue and Libeily SI. lot; 11. PA. • =I STONE. I , WEST COMMON Machine Stone lArorg . ., Northwest &mow nf West Contemn. Amostreny. MEDIC ATVATEII & CO.. . • .. Ha on band ur fres: on short, nr ntio. Mar. .0 dl.ep Mon.. 1. for Sinew:olm Bravery Henn and omb • Orden reILSOnSI3IO brio• MM=M I= Ms=l Jul 101 Ftftb_Aroaue. Livingston Co.; iftoofstsuilr of LIMIT GREY IRON CASTINGS. • . eair and Onto gra s o, l th i laufs, sild i rtgt Jarddos of Builders' . hand. 01100.4 Warta, mar Outer De poor Aron,' Pootolllo4 !Atty.:mu. Lock IN= 30 . burgh. Pa. - No. 1111 rant AVENUE. Ens=2lG3 EIZEIM2 =l'.=l SPECIAL NOTICES E=IIBIMZM ==3 I= LtrTTTCfITPra4jr,TJCQ OFFICIAL Prrrsarno R. July eth. 1870. \TOTICE TO CONTRACTORS,--Seal rf) PROPOS .Vl,l for the constrectl,ll of . . 24-IRCII PIPE ffEWER on Diamond Stree,frirm Smithfield street to Clisit7 alio/. wfll b reosiVed t this Wilke until $ o'clock P. Y. on FRIDAY. July 13th. The Committee reserre the rightto reject any nrzall bids. Specilieatiorus and blanks for bidding an be had at this office, No bids will be received unless made upon blanks furnished by this office. Jmdll. J. MOORE, City. Engineer. .11. 111CLIARD DAVI& JOAN Q. WORKMAN WORKMAN & DAVIS, Summon; la WORKMAN. &WORE & menu tscanrers and Deafen In Carriages, Bufgies, SPRING & BUCK WAGONS. 42, 44, 46 tad 48 Ikaret St., Allegheny. flepelrlnf Wortd promptly' executed. Or .ders for Newgot 100 Op In mood style end !cremated to etre satlefactlon In every imxtlMlMr. trarlti /Mgr Z.l ' 3l k NtlT;te ' r_e tir b eZ I Alm. Panre make of SARYLNII PACts.A . end flapp's Palma Quick Philter end Autt-Battler for Shafts. • - • 11. RICUARD DAVIS. basins purchased the in terest of Me. and Wm. D. Moore. to the late Pm of WORKMAN. MOORE CO., the business hereafter be continued at the old etand,. under the name n1111.1) - 10 of WORKMAN A DAVIS. Orders solicited. . . • I.,Uwith illthiens' Nattonal Barit,,ritlabittlt. omcs us Tam • Cossoishign or ALLISOUWNY Cocsrry, FAA ITCrenC hoe, June 11111.1870. NOTICE TO CONTItACTORS.--Seal• L AU l'lll/POsALS wilt be received at tide Of -111,0 until 2Sth Inst., inclusive, for buildliss • new IMMIX over McLaughlin . . Run. on the wed lending frot,the Washington_Pike td Sodom, th Upper dl. Clair Lownehip. Also for erecting • sew WOOIiEN tiIIit;CTURE et 0e thidge over Mil ler's Run. us Ma road leading from Wastdualint ergo to Thomas Collins' Milt. In [Swath Fayette Township. = Jellry774eT 111ENItY I.AIIIBERT. Controller. VON COUNTV' ° Prrrrtir tin U. June 43. 1,00. N OTICE TO CONTRACTORS. • Proiaisals will be received et this office until JULY-S. Inclusive. tor buildings NEW over Rubinson's Ittiwun the roan ieauing r,„., turnpiio to minor*. Run Plank Rend, neer Inane Walker's 10111.• B=EiMilliii= fl) Mrection of County COMmlystonerp. lINNIIX LAM DEBT, Jenaktfer e4.n t r. Cos's nom a II N OTICE TO COUNTY ASSESSORS. The Ili mks fur the Itegtstmtics of Vciecs e now. ready for delivery et the °Mee o f the Coent' Commissioners. Itetums will tm required within the time prescribed by law, and no payment will be nude unless the terms of the law are literally complied With. By direction ol.C.ninty Cirrimissioners. HENRI' LAIIIERT CEICIii =TM IaUiZN Wattles & Sheafer • • sTYLES or JEWELRY. w hich th" et ll thAgntav,rre.,...". neve received • bate affillurlet. er_,LAmTICST, Bottum. Studs. Ilandke'P h4" e ' d &Id Ca ßracelet., ideirer Haan " %,' a. 2 Goul nine Opera Leen WATTLE& & &HEATER, • GEiCY BUSINESS OF ALL y t KINDS to be transacted to Philadelphia, New ork BalUttione, U., attended to by W)//, M. Y{l Dock street. PhiladelPhitt. Good ...tenons. gh , co If 0• 1 ! ,, d, 10Lrn - VINEGAR, EIBE ATI.ATEGAR WORKS. 101. AIANS, 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE. Is nu+ prepared to (waled) VINEGAR at tbn lA/WEiT MAIIKET KATES. Attention panic+. larly called to him Extra Wine Vinegar. MS iNSITRANVE LCC .Sh THE (111 /I,IIION OF EX CELLENCE.. The Empire Mutual lles eehlered o euotess nhuget nnescalleled In the .history of Lao. lesurenee. ORGANIZED 4PRII. S. 1869 F311,41 - 1(.:4:4 oil lie Conip F.,n THE VIINT FISCAL YEAR: Whole Number of Policies Issued. 349 Total Premiums 9309.7 47.22 Amount Insured 971413.8r.00 Itatin Ut (Tali.lind.F:zp. to Tota th l em... 1.30 Accrat Ratio or ail Vomnanies 1.49 Yor f every $lO O I.lnbllltles the Empire h. 0911 o Ass.. crt a ria4=ount of Pollan, ' 413a1l 0 9100.000 Cash thooltal deposited wall the State and the thither. ttethrely Invested. .W3l. A. FULLER. ". ""laroolar for Wortbrn Penneilvania. Unice 9tl FOCUITU AVENUE, Plttabfrgh. Pa. ;Tr GOOD AGENTO, both wale and female, wanted. Je A. McTARLAND, S. H. HARTMAN, , I.IIE,IIOENT. Fedeml Insurance Co. CITY, PA. OFFICK\ Cot., Fearral and Work starts - i . . . Id liEcrons . Edward Gregg. IW. G. Gibson. Valentine Haber. 'J. Ruben. al. Shellan!, EaM nel 11. Saint, Joe. 11..Borlatil. W.H. , Andenars. , Wm. Feboyer. M.D. Suydam., W. 3.l.mnd - rat. James A11i.n.., ' jelLy7.l. . F. M. LOVE. General Agent ' CHART . i. 1829 PERPETUAL FRANKtIN FIRE INSUR. CO. OF PIIILAIIELFWA. OFFICE 433 AND 437 CHESTNUT STREET. Assets on Am. IS7O. 162.625.734 67. 04 , 64. 64i0.000 00. -Accrued Surplus and Preminm,. ) 67. Losses paid stnee 1626. over .300.00 Perpetual mil T . lnp rAry Policies on Liberal T . wns. The Compan lino lames puilVes upon the itenlA of all k inds A. l'aitGEZTOditV-17f'1V Baker. Samuel A l Gen. W. Richards, Isaac Lea. Gee. Fide.. Alfred Filler. Thos. Spark Wm. S. Grant. Thomas 13. Mil, Gustavus B e, enson. . . . . ALFRED G. BAKER. President. GEO. PALES. Vice President. ißster.• Secretary. Assistant Seel. COFFIN & KEL L OGG Cur. Mini Avenue sad Weal Pt. FNEE MEEMEE! Of Pittsb' ALEXANDER N NH. 1 - 1./7.i Office 92 Water street. Slim up stairs. Pittsburgh. W,Il insure against all kind Risks. A home Institution, who are well known to the , are determined by prompter maintain the charucter which u offering the beet protectite to be insured. Alexandor Nimlrk 11. Miller Jr., =XYM A Ale drew Ackley,nd, =Ell= D. Ihipimm. CASH -INSITR.-IN Pilel all ' S B 1 NO. I •JY FIFTH A'#ENlll PITZSBLrItt" . Jake 11111. , S. McClark.. ~ Jae. Thomas emlth. . . no. Wlllsmk.' _ JNOERT IL KIND. FooDlK e t iia.t F. JENNlNGtir.sim JOS. T. JOHNSON,. Secretary. CeEt. R. J. GRACE. Lien enl . Atent,_ _ INSURES ON LIDERA... TERMDON Fins AND MARINE RISES. 122:1 :ALLEGHENY . INSURANI . E CO. Of Pi tt:§burgh • 1 orvict.. NO. 87 KOLIRTII ATL 11 078. RD Ilwa As. re• ahBn, t 81 kinds of Fire fwd liming JOHN IRWIN, att-Pre.ldenL ' ' • ' T. J. HOSKINSON, Tice Prosldont. . C. . DONNELL. SecretafT. 1 - C I T. W7l. DEAN, General AZ.. • DIRECTOR-, John I pl.Js., , B. I. Tahoe took. T. J. llostloson. 1 W. U. Eve C. 0. Romer. ' • Robert R. DxBs. IlarveyChll.o, ! Inh 3 o, Ff . =tet e Charlox Rays, ' Coot. Wm. 11Calll. - i .7..3i.:43,4"." - :` • PEOPLES' INSURANCE ,OMPT OFFICE N. E.: CORNER WOOD d YI I FTLI 818. A Sloun'poinpanyonklun Fire WV/ Maxine Brake. 1/11.1.1“11.11.: • t • • Wu, Phillips, Cap t. John Watt. . • Js,hn E. Parke, Arbuckle • ILletra, Wm. Van Kirk, Wyo. F. ang, James IL Va _ P re rner t Samuel t. MetklekarL W3l. mden ' JOILV WATT, Vice Preeldent. W. V. GARDNER, Setretam. NATIONAL INSURANCE C AIT'Y. cox: !nl/I:RAI, ST. AND DIAMON , ALL& UIIBV the SECOND NATIONA RANH BUILDING. W. W. MARTIN. President. JADEIIItOWN,JIL,Vice P Inent. JAMES E. TOR2I: STEVENSON. aviary. I,IIIIX .yler. - Jas. Lchart. , Jos. aham. Robert Loa. .C. C. Bpylo. Jr.;Georgo Gent. -lama, Kopp. ll l llanmJ no. Thompaors.J. McntanOer. • John A. al las. U Jo tat Deo 0.11 P.WII MERCHANT TAILORS. P..McARDLE, Fashionable MERCHANT TAILOR, • fgvir:sT-torzLagna'ACEtrilellfBl - GOODS. No. 93 1-9 Smithfield 'PITTSBURGH. PA 7(ienit'e Clothing made to order in theme SPRING AM) SUMMER STYLES! 1870. J. C. lernlnnOn. b..cumennwro. INTIIERSON • & SOILANBRING, rIVITMCZ' i taYanl in . E ga m° lented Stock of the - end moot fashloceble Goods In our line.. groat portion of which are oar own importation. aat mumination of our stunk Yentn Ac pf klne atm caw 'rcie"l.lo NY 1 1141,19 N .: ° ,. NEW SPRING GOODS. A y b londld new Mock of Cloths; Cassurteres, c„, • Jost recelyed by HENRY MITER. eat 4leichant Tailor. 73 Smithfield street. HOTELS. . : alinintalo House, • • • CRESSON SPRINGS, PA. • - Tlale Toronto resort hos been enlarged and ta. mood 141100 last season. Will be open for guests SUSIE IStb.l STO. EXCURSION TICKETS sold by the p.otooyltronta Railroad. at New.rork, PIT. Elorhebont and rttlabonth. All trains, itop at Cresson. ROOMS mar be .scared In salt. or elnila. YEELLING'S CELEBRATED ORCHESTRA boo been molted for the season. lot farther Informaßon. oddreis G. W. MULLIN, Proprietor. " • • ONE TL - 11111811ED COTTAGE to rent Sall:711 ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL ED. BARKER, Proprietor, Cor. Penf St, and 11th, formerly old Can • ArdusErecerus. Lir SHOO, FLU SHOO, FEY! , NEW OPEEA ONE WEL"K ONLY Contmeneinr Alonda) Afternoon, July I, • poorl.Peo nI I: commence o;clock': Thp oigtnnl :,nu BRYANT'S ILEDISTRILS The oldest Minster,' Troupe In exigence. Prom Bryanta Gee.. lions., Nei. York, under the tel. C6lAn, Mr. DAY BIIYA\T. rob, ;. c Jy Ig4.l:_v i r), , ,l7 A V l V, i , 4 , l ,l w4t7 l s t en by Mr following buciewine operas ,„,ie the we e. iitA t gatla Borgia. "II Troyaboy" .b.anarnbuy !L .... Gigot the Period.' and Dan Ilettry Great eat New Twit Surer., - tlannet." T ile Great Intl "Shoe "Shoe Fly." at ettallred . and'ruade it public Re =lite7dlrbtTt ere Z"2l atlggrlv4v.'o:=: ra gong, New TOrk. beteg guy glicionruenee Openly Mouse OD Monday rivirnina. It 4, At . tutglon—Dress Circle. oc.: Parquette. chest.. Mt.oo, Gallery, Diana °ben at rut 7; commence at elvek.. .101 IN S)!1111. Ilugnew AoynL rr - TIIE ANNUAL LITERARY EN. LA-. • TEItT.AIN:MENT of the ' PUPILS OF THE !legbelly Colored Public Schools • Federal take place in EXCELSIOR enrner of Federal arid Lacoek. Allevhenr.nexl.NlON -11iY 11nd 'PPEnI,I" EVENlNlal.Jtity 11th and 114tb. Every ifferl his been nude 10 this and receive, the linnet u I rettnection of the Princi pal. lie.erved Seat Ticket.. wall Inwdr.rls 'CO emelt. °Mina, Ticket.. 23 rent.; Children. 40 cenla. Jui-Piet S. A. NEALE. Director. BUSINESS CHANGES. DISSOLUTION. . The firm of JAMES YOUNG and littt. Mt: It A. BELL, doing bushiess under the firm nof YOUNG A BELL, Livery Stables. doing bu ame sh:toga at No. Penn 'street. Is dissolved by the death of Ilmmae A. Itch. All elsimp against tho bore SIM aro to be presented to James Young nod ltubert Bell fob settlement, who hose entered 1.A.. et/- Partnership to trarry on the same business. All debts due James Young and (Monte hell will be be paid by the now Pm of James Young and Hobert Deli. J A AMY. :OUSE, • • . . I N t NM:Raw,.•• • - . in2.,sid -- Adin'r of Geo. A. Bell. nissoitTioN.—The Co•Pari lier, Le shin heretofore ea - tiling hl , l wren Ille Un dersigned. has been this illnn dheedred by , fuetkkal ri n .allt g l i\We b , " ll . l " :tr ,V,",t:,,`',1'." 1 ,'4,W 1 07 :f1, 1 0,. - d* end W.VA . street., where the hook, of the hrm 1.111 he settled. either partner using r.he nemenf the hrm In sett lenient. , . . . WILLIAM MEANS. MARIMSON A. I.:irYFIN Prrisunium..laly 1,4.1h70. EZIEIMMZISI2I _ Itturcerror to MEANS ft COFFIN. , AV olesa 1 o Grocer, ..rnr W6Ol, arid 4 11,ATElt tsTIIKETS. Pltte. bunts. P.. 1if:c11 DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNER 811IP. The partnership heretofore extetlog between D. P. Scott and A. I. Scott, f Undei the firm name and style of ' . S O N , sP. SCOrl.' & Jimaabsolve d by mutual consen t tathe lot day of , 11870. All debts duo the firm will be pad to A. I. Seats who will also pay the debt, of the fo. 11. SCOTT. • A. I. SUOTT. PrrrsuPuon. Jam 11. 1870. luartril. N PISSOLUTION.- The eoiturtner , ship heretofore oat between JOUli E EM and WILLIAM S tr PEER. tinder the firm wend,of ISPAER. rata grocers. Sixth Allegheny,_was dlssolred brannual consent ththe 3d Inst. Thn business will be continued at e old stand and all accounts of the fete lam set- . tied by William Speer. • JOHN SPEEM. • . . MGM WALL PAPERS. NEW WALL PAPER. FOR SPRING SALES, , at No. 107 Matict St,,`!, El i IME NEAR FIF'TII AVE. We nose oder to the [public n stock of PAPER [ HANGINGS unsurpassed In the West for rerlet7 Inbeauty of styles. embracing all the Novelties In FRESCO. MoSAIC. PERSIAN and GRECIAN 1 DESIGNS In plats and bright colon. fur 11011. Dieing Mesta., Sc. Also, [WOOD sod MARBLE DECORATIONS, TINTED add GILT PARIAIR 1 PAPERS, with an almost endlers variety of CHEAP SATIN PAPERS.' WHITE and BROWN BLANKS for Chareljers. So. All of which we pro [tul.T 41,,sej! . low as the lowest Is the market. n ‘' No 07 Ilurket St., RCN Fifth Avenue I IIITGIEESI: 12=1 ALL PAPERS. SP RING 1870. RICES - REDUCED. • INCTIF.S gide alma at_7:Se per roll. .ILT—a great variety at 51.1 c per roll. .LAZEIS—.III kinds at 23e per roll. WANT French mil American Paper Hang. • , cot specie.] above, superior to any aatortu , sTi at in the country. For sale at . W. P. .)lARSHALL'S Irboletale and Retail Rote. 191 Lib ti t,Plttsbureh. mm 1 N THE ORPHANS' Allegheny c•nunty. rennsyl II the matter of the estate SON. dised. hlarth Te Parkitton or Valuation,. Toi Nanny M. Gi Tho • Glbaun.hiary Gibson:lnt. •• Mal Annie Gibtß/13. interma tin • e,Jaines C. Gamut Sandi D. G boon. Wm. IL Gibson. Pete 10a17. im.rd • - • I. are hereby notated that ! Id to pursuance of the nbp Mtn or Valuation on th e I. hip. Allegheny county. iILSDAY. the 14th day of ! teeloek at., to mane the hairier pant d °cense lu Both pronOrtions ee b nwenith tedltocted. Lc— • YOU may attend If pm MICE M==M =MEW THE ORPHANS C = = I=3 ariraret Caldwell. widow, ~ now .intermanied ' eaten Powell.liobert Caldwell,:]. V. Odd. and Caldwell now intermarried with Samuel n. and Elizabeth Caldwell now intermarried Intel deotL ' , • I L . L tt I to I V I i , , , a I , 1.1 f 4:1.- , W [RHEAS LETTERS TESTAMEN TALLY to the Estate of WILLIAM HEM d ßl e Vi. tu t vll4 r.a"id.i: yearlt=Wd I fr . to Indented to aofMa r o eratodl tlaile dr i derarad i . dazd V• rsartre Mate of the a :ll d •at will mete leunre the saint without delay to MARGARET lIKIIRON. Parattani. W. C. Ali . lnintiGit. Eieetttor. vL__ ,.. l3lZ/tGIL. Jan-f 8.1147 0 7. th"" TaVir t. rd _____ --=.7.1 .6 hereby notified that en innorlittoit will In pnnumnee of the ntuoie mentioned ion Wan or Valuation on the biennium In West 'remade,. Allegheny con ty. Permaylvitnla. RSDAT.3rtIy 211 , 1.1: O. 0..11 o'clock , noon pyyllt ion 1., ann Imnylk the heirs of ocord in .101 +t i. n., ! . in.t In 000 proper by the Wes or Ot Commonwealth 16 di . nu. Id which tl e and place you may at you think prtyr. '• if OW & FLEXING. Sheriff trnines Om I, / . ounn. Jane e, 11S70. f • littu be hole of Par Deaf te on Tlll A.. if . t aid de tions e l l rooted tend t ;NOTlCE—Wherea t Letteri of Att.• MINISTRATION. on the estate of ISAAC °KNIGHT. late of Baldwin township. defamed. hare been scowled to the subscriber. MI persons indebted to the sell estates/a requested to masa Immediate payment. end those haring claims or dis.. sands neatest the estate of the said decedent lOU mate known the ItOIOO Wit bout deer It. MitERIOUT. Adisiloistratior scirZkzil Ms Lebanon. Allonbany I t . FNEC' ETOIt'S , NOTICE. Letters testamentary upidi tbe • *elate ot • ELVER. A I INUT ELLIVANEEIt, late uf Allegheny CIY. deeTl. 'saving beau grouted to the undersigned ...II Leeson. Indebted to yid estaMare requested to =lot uniedbate pyraent. and persons holding tielme es/Must sold estate to present duly nothentiratell for settlement. to WH I TER 81.AGLE. Altonuire.So.loB VIM Yen tie, PlM blMid ' ELLWANGIER;Extuiter. • REMOVALS. E OVAL B. P. SHRIVER & CO. flare remove s n ther old stand. Nee. 27 see Malin VIZI.D. to tbetr Warehouse. Xos., VA anti Liberty St, Above the bout of WOOD 6TREEr. where MeV will be plowd to gee 111 NIIr OM Meade sad as. nEFITTIVER & CO., = MIME (120 0 MID 1.1,1 Pnrchare s .w Oro rooms nail col tare.. troll Malt and fa Marlon Aria; cornar of APr7C. t!. In fire an two Mary b lan a . and I7T e yp E Il. " 4 1 6 I =alai COURT OF . • C JAMES A. 013. 1870. Writ of Gibson. 'Robert d with Uentw C. ed with T. G. M. I .Gibson. Rachel Gibson. and o logd,lUon nth nmenttoood writ eremite. In Me . Penosylesteda. on yip. A. D. Itl7o. foolltluo to and 1 to audit manner the Inns of thln t whkh tint, pod k ink DroPer. EDZIEMIZI 3 1.2=94. 4 .8 UHT OF AL. 11.1.1.Ait CLI.D , No. 3. ,Decemba EIS , Pur el house His- Dude en ear BON. Fifth =I i , , .1,, , - ' :-'