El FINANCIAL. GOLD, SILVER, COUPONS Bouoht at Highest Price, R. MERTZ, BANKER, Cor..Wood St. and sth Ave. - Jas. T. Brady & Co., ,BoetroooOn, to B.JONEti t C 0..) Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood Street, BANKERS, 11j., '4 AND \ PELL AIX 11 .INI/8 Or Gov j rninent Securities, 6L13 SILVER AND COiTONS, ON' MOST TAPORABLIC TIMM Interest Allowed on Deposits. rirmoner lowed o Gormuutut Bond. at low. tes_t_sualtst ra - Outizza E.Czclrrzu nut rub PLMA - BAgz AND BAWL on STOGSZ. BONDS AND GOLD. JAMES T. IJIADY & CO THE DAILY GAZETTE. " MONEY AND COMMERCE (by Teleitilogi W iho Pittsburgh Gazette.] New Yong. July 6,18 M The Wall street market was somewhat un settled to-day by telegrams ,from Washington Inregard to the nnanetal legislation and wee like rumors from Europe. Honq easy.. although ILI some quarters In rather rabra Inquiry; osll loans 213.5. • Phel , !:, with a little demand for or abort sight M lOLEGION.. Gold strong on European news; opened at 11%, tell to ltd, advanced to 11 , i. and closed at INCOM. tZt. t ortlfort t0i.500. Ouverimeet• strong and higher. Coupons: 'al, 115Q115 '• 111I:¢112; 11 /MCPI2: Vs, imam. do. new, 11U.iCrdlON; W L, n e ;f o o t r e tg 0 .„ 10 „ 11 $1.1300,000 at 11 1 1 K ill • 31- too. State securities dull and lower: NI PIN; old Tennessee Ai; new do GO.: old North Carona:ls =X; new du Stocks dull and weak at X to X per cent lower._ Cantoa,llo3c; Cumberland.= Western Talon TelelfraPh.344; Quicksilver, It Mariposa. PI:: preferred, la; .dame Express, 68.4: Wells. & Fargo, /574 . * . American. 44N; United States, - 46 X; PaelticMall, 4IN; New 1 ork Central.PlX,.; SeriP , Pa; Erie. 2:14:: preferred, 43: Harlem, 110: Howling, 101 N; Michlamn Central, 13:1; Lake Shore. 100 Ii t'lllinola Lentral, 'Oh:Pittsburgh, 1001.; Northwestern. lit; pref.. ae; Hoek Wand. 1104: New Jersey Central. lOSI.; Milwaukee and St. Paul. 66X:do preferred. SIX; Wabash, 57X; do Preferred. TM Port Wayne. I.ICk; Chi casco and Alton. 1.12 X; do preferred, Ilah ; Oblo and Mississippi. 0 5X; Hartford and Eric. 4: C. C. and C.110!4; Burlington, 161: Bt. Joe, 117 X. Sub-Tressurr balmce—gold,,MMUM; cur retry, $11,148,MP. °IMMO! me PITTSBCROu GAZETTE. WIDIPOSDAY.• July 6,1870. llosilrye , quotations ay received by Pb. K. Natty.. . Gold • 11.1 American Fllver 106 Western Colon.. -- 1881 H00d5........ N.Y. Central 'O 0 , -.11 floods 10re...111 Heading. 107 , i 620 Bonds 1861...111 P. Pt. W. dr . C .. . 5.&0 Monde 1863-111 Ohio & Miss alti Consoll MIS • 110 Stleb. Southem...loo'. 6.90 floods 1867-110 Clevelsad & P... 15.3) Bonds C. 11. I. 3 P 100 1040 .- . Chicago &N. W. 6.1 Adams Empress t o 683 i C. &N. W. Prof.. Pref Merchants U. Ex. Erie. .-- L - e;;B.: ' ./n_n I/ London Exchange per pound 5.47 3.57 Paris Exchange per Franc Igti Berlin Exchange per Thaler f 2 El Frankfort Exchange per Florin. 475 g 40 Central Pacific H. IL Londe • Union P. B. B. Bonds 'e; ' 00 Closing quotations as received by Jame" T. Brady it Co : Gold 117( 641.11a.R.1y.11161 100 U. 5.85. 188 l 13 4-40Jaa.&Jy. 1867 10, • 11. S. ISM 180 1134 " 101: 11. 8. 6701864 .... 1134 Cr. P. R. 8. 5-33 DAS 11f4 C. P. R. IL sex 11. 8. 1040 .. .. Cr. Pacifies....... 14 = _ • Orrcce or PrrinntMan 16.42ETTE. t • WEtufganar. July a. mu. - There is no Improvement to note in buat eess, and it la not likely that there Wlll be for a month to come—trade *always dull in July. and there is noreason this year inould be an exception. Country buyers, us might be ex pected In harvest time. are very scarce.: and the coot:an - business is a big Item; in feet, the trade of many houses' is with the country almost entirely, and 'the business of Pitts burgh in this respect is growing' steadily every year.. Until within a fete years past, -many country merchants would Make is trip eastward once or twice a year to. lay in their •. stocks of groceries, dry goods etc. etc; latter. IY, however, theyhave diseervered•that they . Can do !ayes well,liere as in the east, and thus avoid the annoyance and expeller of go . APPLES—Are Coming In pretty freely, but with a steady demand. Price, are =de Weed tl cads. but unchauged. Common Soda. Refined, Pearls, gite: . Pots, BUTTER—There is good shipoing demand with regular sales, at Lkiistictm choice may.le quoted at IgIIAL - DROOMS—Store prices; Parley. 1.5.5, Igo. I. WO: No. R. N 0.3. ri.so; Commo urtoox eta. • BRANS—DuII; SIA/01.75 Per eoHl. • CREME—Continnes very dull owing is part to the hot weather. though prices are un changed. We continue to quote at 10114, as " W1ak913.-n better mt nod lower, we nowquote at Millets per p ps r by the coop r•- COIUMEAL-25241 per bushel. CEMENT-.4kales of Louisville Hydraulic at CARRON doll but -flrna=we quote standard brands. In a jobbing wayoat DRIED FRUlT—Continues dun and no. elected. the season being over, and there Is no gaud stock in market. and there Is .not much Inquiry for common. We continue to quote nominally at 4es for Apples; Ydil for quarter Peaches, and 7es for halvet. EGOS—Demand fair with sales of fresh packed at.M. Arrivals moderate. • I/UTNE oiet mad unchanged, at S 5 eta, to the t e. 'FLOGR—The market Is steady with a mod erate lomd demand. but there Is no excite ment; dealers are now willing to let onto mere have all they want, and buyers, gener ally are not so anxious about laying in big stocks, as they are Impressed with the belief that. prices are more, likely to decline than ad-. sane. We contiune to quote good western flours. In store. at OW per bbl. Fancy brands. MRS. Rye flour $5. • onocfmtms—The grocerT market is doll. but this is always the ease at this season of 'the year. Sugars, especially refined. are re ' ported stronger In the east. but with the ex ceptfount a firmer feeling, the New change to make In quotations here. Orleans Noluses scarce and Ann. Syrups Airy dull.' • Coffees nnahenged.lnia7l=Pq)lv Kin, se l, M! ' gef t :trel . Scoarts—Coto, EWER: FOrtWßitto at liAga 11N; New Orleans. 10Nalfc' ; Havana to bases. 11= Molasses Pusan. 9.104.1016. A. Coffee. RHO: "B. do ble: Extra C 155;e: C. Misr; Crashed. Cimmilated KR: and Powdered UR. Nowrms—New Orleans. MM.: Porto Rico. PAD:I6e. 87awsi—Havemeyer end Rider. or Ferree'. Roo Drips. Me: White Honer Drips. Rit: Silver Drips Me; Lovering, Mr Golden. We; Amber and !Over grades from 35 . Tsas—Toga( 03.f•la• 50 : /1403-14114 imperial. Meg xxi. gaps.. lrolonic 751E51. 3 4 Ronehong, 006/1.31; frlces—Grain Pepper. Re: Pimento. Dim 'Ousia. MAW: Cloves. gic; Nutmegs, $1.46. Pnerre.- - Prunes. lislains. $1.50 per box; valenela Raisins. ]se. Soars---Ommical Olive. Dim_ Babbitts. Clakier's..loe; Cram ptou's. Dm Dobbin's. 14Ne: Chemical Erasive.7.lfm Rosin, ;DORAN; Toilet. Soaps, 1.132^e. Sawyer's Winer. IP per box. • Ran LEAD-10)0 per lb. • Intor Soor-1x.75 per bog. CONCIMILATZD Lrz—Peoun. SS Per ease; other brands. $ 1 367. • ErrasCr Corrsi—V;Z Per grow for /hai rnets. . • • . C.A.Nott9-51nuld.12X . Star. SIXe; Seearine. STARCM—Yeini, etfc• tin Gloss and..tillrer Glos. 11.8(c; Corn. D. SODa—ln kein,lll(e: ln boxes, airtirted ONc: Sal Soda. 311 Ixotoi3=Sl.4loslL6o. Dan —No. 1 Mackerel. rani per bbl; No. 2 large. Slth „NO. 3 large, $l3; No. amtsi • 1111; in bait Mils 80 cm. additional, In .kitts -1:o. 1. SA No.2.DM; N 0.3. Slk. Lake Herring. pAct; its Fish, SPX. Baltimore Herring. .8711 Dullish. beta per pound. lacy—Carolina. Sc. Rangoon. Mf.• . • GRlN—Whea rts not coming in go irot , f. but the market appears weak and millers ore still talking prices down; good to Grime red may be fairly quoted at SLINGL2). nd white at 11.3)01.7. Oats doll and in pretty good and la the absence or an Eastern de mand. prices are weak; we cats report sides on wharf and traok at Mc. and in store at 03153 e. Cara is dull no ever, though there is not much offering and the supply la this market is by no means hunt.; prime shelled cannot be quoted a wns MM. Tye—sale of one car in eleva tor at 90e. sold to n miller. No movement to barley; the hut sec reported was new crop Tennessee at $l.lO. DAY—Sales from country :wagon. at swan. for new and $l4OlB for old. • HEWP—Sales of undressed Kentucky Hemp 111:18103-0Orn husks, KIM Ctl• LlMB—Bales of Cleveland et r..,M per bbl, and eastern at $1.75. LARD OlL—Extra No.l Is quoted at $l, oias and N 0.2 at 80., , PROVISIONS—In steady - .Moine demand with resular wales at quotations. Shoulders 13X 6 24 for plain, and 1.1512 pr 13agmisCoredi N for Canonised Cared Hants: IDS leM for Ribbed Sides; 1. fortibort Ribbed. V* 7 WiP;.4„ 7 4FRit , • and . 173 f for Clear: Breakfast flacon. p. Lard. in tea. and imatilh in keg, nrld. buckets. Mean Pork tcll. Dried Beef. PEANCTS—DuII.- Tennessee. WIL4 , etc. POTATOES--Bahrs •of fresh receipts Emu' crop at tcry..ut' per bbi. sEE In e demand, and crttlihery ore Ulkillg a that offers et' .2,- Nothing doing in Cloveror Timothy Seeds. , , • t•EllitOLEtAt MARKET.: • Orstrn sir Prrniurston f•.vetro. Wror4x.so...tr, Pr.J. The oil market Was Strong 'and somewhat exalted to-dap. and with an unusually heavy volume of business in the aggresrate.•prices are considerable . higher. No special cause ran he assigned for this sudden though not altogether unexpected upward movement: the Impression use ores ailed for some daps past that prices had touched bottom. and that the change when it did take place would be upsclud, but as already Intimated. it come much eboner than was expected. cituon. Sales of •.:,(o.lbbl. to be delivered on this seater at IV:: 3.010,10 to CP seller July at II's: and :3.0011110 to tre same delivery and option. at 12. These tigores compared with those of yesterday. show an advance of a ;4 of a cent. -- • . Sale of llatl bbbt teller lastfludf ot July at 1.51k1 same delivery at 2114;1.500 last half August at A dispatch from New York dated 3P. 51. sap!: - 10.000 bbla July sold at bro 7,4' ught to 273 i: and 2.0.10 last holt same month • ItiICEIPTS CitrDEOIL. James Wilkins 514. on account Phila. .k Dos ton„Pet. Co: J Gallagher :116, on account L. B. ,n Co; Fisher Bro. 1.1(s). on account L. W. Young; Eagle Oil Works 1170. on account B. S. Duncan: NN wring. King a; Co. 1114. on account L. W. Young: same 71, on .count T. Hackett; F. A. Bates 214). on account D. C. Herbst; War 11nr. a: 767, on account Lecky; Oil Works 401, on' account Lockhart, F. 1t - Co.; A. B. Mills NI, on account W: Bartle. Total • . . Ott. sittraitth - ty, PM A. V. IL IL PetlllOck S Beeson 50 lib's 'Orienting oil to . C. flood. Philattelphin. John Spear & Co. lto bbls tennetl to Tack ro., Fulton. Mart - to & Co.. 1.14 Gbh. ref. oil to 'Otto. itro & Co.. l'hiCh. • . . Brawl & Wagner MU bids relined oil to War ing. King .k Cu.. Philadelphia. It. Koehler & Co.. PM bbla ref. ull to Waring. K. 3. Cu.. Phlla. • • J. d. McKee. 51.1) bids relined oil to Logan n+. .Y Co.. Phil'. • . • • Fawcett. Logan. Stockdale & Co., 400 bbls ref. oil to I,oganillro. & Co.. I'lllra. • Livingston Ifni., 1(0 bbls ref 00 to Warden. F. fs Cu., Phila. Ke;eione oil' Co., An bblertf. 01l to Wan'. F. & .Locklutrt: Ft . ;:tv . & 8:13 bble refitted oil to Warden. Prete & Co.. Philadelphia. [tell& Cu. l(K) bids paratne to le.reitaw & (716u11. Philadelphia. Living ton & Itro's. 111 Lida benode to 11. N. Culeo. Philadelphia. otal • 3.lolbbitt. • MARKETS RA TELEGRAPH New Torii. N.w Vonn. July d.—Cotton steady, with sa , e. 1,100 bales at _Vic for fiddling upland.. Floor. receipts 1141011 bblr. flour dull, heavy and lde lower. with gales 6,A/3 bbl at 1.4,5047, - . 7.,70 for superfine westernand titut!!;ss.AritsM for extra weltern and State, $4,7503,10 for good choice do. $5,10114,40 for white wheat western extra. $5,50ri01,50 , f0r extra Ohio and $54751 , 9 for extra St. Louis. ft) c Flour steady. with :so bbl. at $.1.101.10. Corn Meal dull. with sales too bbis at SNISJ for southern and warsh•s caloric. Whisky unchanged, with sales WO ibis at niksitsl. Wheat: receipts 14e.,612 bush: wheat heavy and .V. 3 lower, with $ ales 1.11.000 bush at $l.O l for rejected spring, $1.1*.1.111 for No 2 Chicago, 51,11Q1,25 for No 5111waukee, $1.22 for No spring. $1.30 for No I spring. $1.4331,45 for winter red and amber western. $1.44 for State and $1,70 for white western, closing nominally 132 e lower than the above quotations. Bye quiet. Corn—re ceipts of 20.10) bush and a shade firtnen sales tame bush nt Oda for mixed western: $1,00'7{.1.10 for yellow,• 111,10 for choice 'white western. Oats—receipts ARki bush and a trifle higher: sales 50AM bush at trKati4c for western: 003.70.N.,c - for Ohio and State. Hay doll nt $75 for shinPlor $1003115 for retail lots. Hops quiet and Ono at I'x3_sl. Coffee tairand qaiet Molasses dull. Sugar steady: sal. of 6)0 hhds Cohn at intilte, and 2011 boon Marano at 9U4/10e. Petroleum uiet: ik for crude; ~'"7O for refined: .Rice tirm at brs,Slie. Coal rattler more steady. Leather: Hemlock sole ntoderatively active. L%3310 for ....loath America. Wool dull: sales of 1511.0u0 pounds at ifsitale for Domestic Fleece. Pork dull: sales of 301 bbls at $29.511 g1ff 1 .75 for mass. ='. - ±z..1,51.1 for prime, 011 for prime moss. Beef steady: sales of lal bids at $114415 for plain mess: $16315 for ex tra mess. Time beef doll at $151 , 11.:.M for prime mess $20.7„.11 for India mess. Cut meats quiet: sales of 70 packages nt ILVMe for shoulders, for hams. Lird quiet and steady: sales of 1011 tierces at 144.M,Ititsc for ' steam; lalaeltikiti for kettle rendered. Butter more active at 101/,,Lc for western. Cheese firmer nt 7e.l4Ne. Sheathing coyote steady and un changed. Ingot favors buyers nt $3l fur Baltimore, and /130.:sli,fur Lake. Pig iron is dull at $335t55 for Scotch and $.1.10.31 for American. Bar dull at $75 for refined English and American. Sheet quiet at 11f46114c gold for Bassist. Nails steady at 4sc for cut. ac for clinch and MM.:S., fur horseshoe. Exports for the week, exectd d tlslWs 2lB, inl ' l.ll ^E 34,435 bbis our. 75t1.453 bus wheat, 4701 bus earn, bush roe. 700 bbis pork. 245 bids and 242 to lbs lard, 01153 lbs cheese. Freights to Liverpool quiet at 4.5(d for wheat t steam and 4d per sail. Latzst.—Flour dull and SelOc lower. Wheat heavy and Mtge levees, N 0.2 Milwaukee $l.lO qll,=: winter 'red $1,400.1.C. Bye nominat. Oats steads. at Gatlin tor ssestern. and GaIM.. i 034" for Ohio. Corn quint at $1 , 41.tr, for sound new mixed western. Pork, nominally an , changed. Beef steady and In limited demand. .• Cuts meats lino and in tole demand. Bran nominal. Lard dull at 10Z.I6Sa for prime steam. Eggs steady at 21390, fur western and :State '24.112.).r. Chicago. CIIKIAGO, JO) . it—Exchange unchanged. Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat easier. closing at $1,1:2 ?..;c0.(11 for No this aft enuam the Market was irregular and heavy. $1 (12 cash and tlL.O4yill.tllX Beller last half July. Corn firmer and 2 - 423i0 higher. closing at ECM ilitfffUe for Co 2; this afternoon the market was steady, 15.3 c seller July and 84c seller last half. Oats quiet, closing at 48c for No 2. Rye steady, 79c for No Barley nominal, 90?...q5c for Pio 2. Ilighwines quiet. closing at teirs 963.fc. Mess pork and lard quiet and on- C Z1V;0111 5 1:r3 " // ir C Z l ' O r OW " stlar a i c l l i i r middle. 15c. Receipts for the'past 24 bourn; 6,1 d bbis flour. bush sr heat,eo,lCdbiash corn. 27.640 bush oats, 1.757 bush rye, 3,761 bosh barber. 5.772 hogs. Shipments: 2.a1t3 bile flour. beet wheat, fiS.l - 16 bush corn, 2JIBO bush oats. I• 10 bush barley. Freights active; 3,iic for thfc for cornand 5c for wheat by sail to Buffalo. • Hogs fairly active and steady; ta,(02.943 for fair to extra prime.. Cattle fairly active and steady; 24.2529.05 for stockers to extra prime shipping steers. LE= eInCINFATI. July O.—Flour dull and un changed. Wheat scarce and hardly any In the market, and prices ate higher: gl.i) was paid for No. I. and at the close ILZ was asked. Corn In light supply:ld firmer. and round lots sold at sac. and car loads at IflQABc. Oats un changed. Cotton " . dull middling at lac. Mess Pork and Lard is dug, and nominally un esanged, ith nu enquiry. Bulk meats, are M held e hig w her, with sales of shoulders as 12c. and sacs at 111ift.154V.16c. Bacon held Mc nigher, with sales of shoulders at 123(4. and 'idea at 1i844t1V.,". with buyers offering 'Sc less. Sugar cured hams are held nt_2lß Sgt. . Butter firm for prime, and in light supply. at :sJenin. Eggs held at I:3c. Cheese dull, with sales of Is esters Reserve at 9 , 1010 c. No change in oil! Gold. 1118 buying., Exchange_ steads., buying at par. Money market easy. Beef cattle are firm and la good demand at tIVr,SO for common to extra. HOC, scarce and higher, at ga.sorotil , s. _ Ei113121 e. lurls, July G.- Tobacco arm and un changed. Cotton nominal at Mc. Hemp tar changed at j1.401a1,75 for undressed. Flour unchanged. hnd at:perdue sold at. a i..w r&t.ttn extra ext at Viits.Bs: double extra. b. nod treble extra. $90030. Wheat ann. and Ni. old fall at !UM,: do. new, $1.11!...,: No. cholue new: El . ...:L1:6.1.2a. Cora lieum lOW btgiter. with salesmen - axed at Plexr,c, yellow. at Ktr4, eft, and white at tr.icegljr.. Oats batt e r, at 5te.56c. Barley dull. rat 704: for prime spring. Rye: nothlngdoing. Whiskr.4l.M. Groceries dull and unchanged. Coffee. litlig.l2l34c; sugar. itose,m.,.., :d01..", ranged from [oat. tOr sugar-house• Pork unchanged at r•02010ti • latter extra heavy. Dry wait:meat active brat sales mainly private; new cask shoulders. I.:tls'c; clear rib, 16c; loose clear sides, up riser, Bacon artier and higher; shoulders, a " liegel c ig le il r r. 'ib i,.ll7% l o 7 = ` ;lll. 'c ,gi ` e. Cattle firmer at t-V.l.7,Stc for !fair to extra, Hogs steady at ' I- o‘. Lire Smelt alarket. • IS cw liona, July 6.-All State cattle have been gold and no fresh arrival* the feeling Is strong. Sheep: arrivals to-flay of 10/ head. altenir at Fortr-Eighth street; pri...s are 4:ie for thin Ta pound Ohio up to 70 for some Can na. or 113 - pounds-, a car fat Ohio, 6i pound, sold at 6X O : prime Lambs doing better. with a temporary scarcity: poor sold at la:. fairldc and good to prime Jerseys at 11Gt.12ke; 7hhend of hi pounds at the latter prioe: a car of bf pound Keatucky lambs sold at nhcz/11l lambs, 07 mamas. at Vic: Ite of 59 Poaledg fat at There were ti cars Hogg to-day and pacer Inn nt 11X0 forall sure a fete heavy ate guar ter less. Cleveland. V -L 7.!4. , '• July A—Piaui steidy and quiet. eat nun and lower; sales at I= for red, but at the e line it o ered -at that figure 'without harm; \o', Slat CO 3 ' nothing done but thenurket. ' • . (Or rio 1 refl. Pk for s nr,in• dull; asking use; 57c was 67. sod dull; offer. tor.different t r ye c, quiet i i ,. fli r tt , a , l72:llj . rrin; crude $54,1P.71.10; refined I 1:•:!k7l very - . • LoutivlLLa. Jule . 6-_l2laggi g gi n ,, heavy at , Cotton dull; middlingit Flour quiet and unchanged. thrum ems and unchanged. Provisions firmer • but the demand light. Pork Hid. Bacon 1.3 X. 17. mat 17Xe. Bulk meats I_X.-10. and' lege.. Lana 17e. Hams 2IXc. Whisky leallSl. Tobacco market active; sales= ladle at 1' rates; 740 for frosted to lugs: t7.7141.11, - ,0 for low to tine leaf. . Benham , • ' •• s 6.—Flobrateady: superfine ! /.5.23 , 2117 Wheat dell. especially tow red Went ern. $1,309.,1.7W. Porn ix uomtnelly unchanged with light receipts: white !LI IA; yellow SLOSZtI.IO. flats quiet lariititc. can Pork Is eider 7c quiet $.1(L75 , d,31. Bacon (ler d ; morn ac tive: shoulders rib ear rib IWfihis7c; hams:o tn. 1)%4P1 , 1;X , Lard .tul. at 117 c. key fiv, Philadelphia. • I'lltLADELldtia, July IL—Flour a Ibuited do mend: superfine flYas4s. eat &5.L.5134,,i0. extra lewdly 15.75fit7. Wheat; prime wanted. -other snide. dull; Pennsylvania red 1 3. 4 ... 1.47. Rye steady; western SI. State Lfti. Corn quiet; mixed $14L05.. Oat, firmer, elb - eitqc. PrrAisions and petroleum unchanged. Whiskey dull and unchanged. Dry Goode. ..• NEW Yong. July IL—Trade saw null, and there is hardly any change in - prices, except In one leading jobbing house, which Is selling Atlantic H Brown Sheetltiga at Ilk. • - IMPORTS BY RAILROAD YISISZDRON CINCINNATI AND Ni. LOOTS RAILROAD. July 6.—Y. can wheat, .1 W Bow carder; 1 do do, Kennedy Jiro; 50 bbls high wines, a Mechhor, 10 bee tobacco, WLenrson; lo do do, J Fisher; S bbl etas, Volgt, & Co; 3do do. J Grad; 31 birs wheat. McHenry 4 .0.11644r:9 do do. 3leanor & Harper, Zhi du du, S Hood; 3 boo corn mesh .1 U Dunington: 11 hoe corn. Hell & ILitchort: 5 bales wool. S Harbough & Co; &I Aga corn, 01 do wheat. 19 du rye. %Akan - & 3 stirs stm es. J Painter; 1 du do, 1. \rakers; / do Mother, M • Seibert; 55 too hams, Dalrell & Townsend; 5 du du, S do shoulders, .1 H Par ker; 10 bss tobacco, Johnston & Colvin:3 Orr. lord. Dorrinton Bre: 1 bbl eggs. It Fee & Lo: 3 too dry beer, .1 P Hanna & I cook shoulders. 1 by, tongues, Uses Owen, 'lO case.: wine, L too hams. N'uict S. Megraw; -3 orl, llamrls-S, Ewing; pkgs tobacco. E Ilehrletont l 5 bbls lard oil, Jos Dolrell; 6 cks meat, %V 11 Wilson; 4 bra wax..l H Lippincott: pkgs tobacco. C Arnsthal; II do Carter. Fullerton; 8 do du,Jl Dalmyer, B du do. McGrew & Co; 5 bales tow. C Hammer: 106 bbls Hour, Schomaker & L; 3a htids. 4 boa bone dust. S'eward & Emerson; 2 bbls whisky, .1.1. - Webber; 15 do do, P Evert: 11 too hams, Jos • CLEVELAND AND YITTI.DERGII RAILROAD COMPANY. July 6.—t cars New York Ore. Shuenberger, B. A: Cu; I do blooms. SWIM/ & Co:LOW feet lumber, Fuller. L. 6 11; 19,000 shingles. it P Horgan; 5 bbls f .ware, I cask do. Park. tr. Co: 2 bbls glue, 1' W Gerells:2l hdls paper. II I' :Markle & ."ono Lad ft seasoned lum ber, A Hallett; 2 casks, I . tub and 1 trunk. Jos M Gorkler; 6 rolls leather . ..l G Haunc; 15 bbls Dour. P Duff & lion: 25 boo oats, W.. 1 Ham mond: 1 1101 eggt, Itobt I_ ,'eet; 7 bas elfeesm F Fermis:l44 boils chairs: Bedford Cb.C435 casks broken glass. C Ihrusen & Son; W bbls p_ota toes. J J Pettit A: Co: lot 0' lumber. 0 ofsi worth & 13;16.7 plow L.catua. flail a. Speer: 1 car icalttut, Woodworth A: 13; 1 car p lumber.' J Haldlnger; /al cmdlesl2.l chain. 4 parlor do, N Whiting A CO: 4 doz els chairs, ii itoz w a do. 1 doz lounges do. .1 W wexxlmattb: I dO cafe. do Wangs, 11 Zinksid; 6 oral ebairs. 4 nurne•ll close, Chonlek & Cu; 115 pl beams, Hall & Speer; /PO coop o bbls. 11 31 * uonn 25 k Mils ash, Jognsou & 1.7; 6 Intl boops. 50 do fellow., 31 Me. Whiney:s hhd a s lob, C Wormser: 2 boo 1 bbl wax, It E Sellers ACo; 7:1 bbls dour. Coleman & S; 2 bas eggs. 0 grkhis butter V Strnel; I cheese, Van GorderN Shepherd; 1 bblg berries H Rea &Jr; , .3ibbl eggs. 2 kcs butter. l bx du H Hea Jr; 4 bble Apples, W C Armstrong. PITTSBURGH. FORT WAYNE AHD CHICAOo HAILROAD. July 6.-2 can lumber. J Manx; 25 ten hams, W 1 . 1 Hays & Son:23 do do. Dairen &T; 5 mks rngx. 1 bx bees wax, 2.1.‘ bbia lard. 2do bacon, olgt, 51abood & Co; 4 bbls eggs. 1 keg butter. H Rea Jr. 14 sks corn. (Si do rye. 100 do shelled corn,ll Wallace; 10 sks wool, S Harbangh & Co: 11 'ski: Iwo. L Fahnestock & Co; 30 sks oats. W C Miller & Cu; 0 bbls flour, J Altenshaw; 11k: bus w hour. Si bow cheese, Bruggennan .0 011rient.i20 h rakes, W W Knox; :MG 0 0 bbls, C Burke: 1W bbls flour. T C Jenkins Bro: 1.120 w skins. Lewis. O & I; MI bbls flour, Wntt, Lang & Co: 110 do do. Houck, Jamison &Co; 10 do grindstones, Hall & Speer. PITTSBURGH ARO CGIVRELLSVILI.Y. RAH, itOkb. July d.—it she wheat. J 11 Liggett & Co: 23 do do, 8 A Rankin: 87 du oats, Zi do corn. Barker & Co; 2 kgs butter. I' Duff & Son: I On bacon. John Wilson & Son; 2 sks wad, 5V Harker, Jr & Co: lan .bills raper. Smith & 70 ohs eon:, Bricker & Co: 2 bas soap, Reed &Johnston. 3 billsbgs, Welch S Co; 1 do do. Wallace: 2 bbls scraps. Huoveler .0 Co. " ALL.roia.se VALLEY ItAILIMAG. July 0.- 2 cars metal. Graff, Byers & Co:1 bbl molasses. Cooler, WO & Co:4 pkgs hinter, 1 bbl eggs..L J Blanchard; hies rye. II Itea'Jr: 10 bbls dour. Jenkins tiro; iii bbls eggs. owners:' rolls leather. Id Delange.' Isnra =2 • Prrrsounon. BROWNSVILLT. AND GENEVA PAcrxr COMPANY. Jail' 6.-9 sks teed. 15 bbl. flour. Campbell 5: Coulson; 122 bks w glass. It C Schmertz; lC sks oats. W Welsh & Co; 2 bbls crackers. J Porterfield. 3 pkgs bolter, W D West & Bro; II do do;Jones & Laughlins; 101 sks oats, McHenry & Hood: 3 pkgs cigars Rey mer & Bro; si sks oats. Heil tlk It; &4 pkgs but ter eggs. N Heaton, 15 do do. .1 N Fink. 9 do do. Stroce,lB , sks oats, McCracken & Co:21 rolls leather. 21 slot wool. A S Carlisle; i pkgs whis key. P Gallagher. - RIVER PACKETS. MONONGAHELA RIVER. THE FLEET ST3A*Eitarmit BEEtit, J. V. Smvrii Commander. J. w. intlepruilent Pittsburgh, Browns; anti Geori a Parket Leave:. Veinal tbLat above .I,.oaaagalgar.l7 ° yeer TUF:SI , A V. TUURSIJA d S • . Iruieirry Freight anti thtseengent to all pt Itnt• on the Monongahela river. For Innen t pnnotonapply un beard.or at Wbar4 boat. at foot of Grant ntreot. 07:1 Wit. )Iclil.ROY Aaent. =3! VOR CAIRO AND ST. zs dE i t WULF. -Then,. end Wendid MC met EXOLUCGE.: I- .. .1. .4 - 41. t. I% M,CALLt ti. VIII :nay, for the fiboo and httermedtato Port TO-DAV. the 4th 1110.. at . r. It. mir'o freight or ++~ n+isnn h. and or to rl.a~K s cOS.ji.I o;woun, Agoel PORTEMOETH PACKET rOlt WITEELISI4,-.11 ETtA, P A ILK tlt S 1111 ..KONTON A.N I'OKTBIIO - - - Leami rltt.l.ruh EVERY VRIDAY-4 r. v. Leaves Puclauanuth EVERY 311INDAV-1 0A.,1 The ner< and spiel:4ld I..."enKer at GRANITE - STATE {VIII leave as announced FOilietiht on board ,r to IM=l mrll' - • - — 7 Pittsburgh andyinetnnatt PACKET LINE. The sew asdem pleodE l sldt.abnal air stma, JUNI AT A, (Mpt. C. L. BEESSAIL trlillealre.PlttaltkrEtt for elunatt 'SATURDAT at 12 o clock M promo, 17. Returning. mill lane andsnall. op TUESDAY. at 1 . M. rc'fr'ight "'" It.:4II7VIIIIgt%OD, mita • JAMES COLLINS. Mesta. TO LIVERPOOL AND qUEENS- A_ TOWN.—THE INMAN - MAIL STEAMSHIPS, numbering sizteem ere elms ream* among them the cetera-SIM Mel TY OF PARIO, CITY OF ANTWERP,. _CITY OF MORTON , CITY OF BALTIMtotE. CITY:OF LAINIXIN. • Sailing EVERY SATURDAY. from Nl&43Nortis River. New Tort For paererre or tultbfl Informs- U. apply to WILLIAM BINGRAM, Jr = =! SPECTACLES. EVE. '. Dr. PRANKS, the celebrated Lecturer on the Eye. and Manufacturer of Patant and Unproved Spectacles. hat returned to Pittsburgh, and is now at the ST. CLAIR HOTEL. where he adjoins his far-famed Spectacles to defective vhdon from so examination of the eye alone. so tato cult equally well by day to by artinclaPilaht 1 atlgue, front 13 to . 43 year& Dr. V. may be profeasibnanT consulted on oil diseases of the Unman Eye.ind has a Mtge Mock of his Spectacle, and Eye Glasses for sale. About 4.000 palm of these linciles were sold on UT. Prima., tact visit In the space of three months, refer the most vane satisfaction to a 11.., the medical grutlentee and cititens of Pittsburgh here by certificate tectltled. , • B.PartiC 4 / 4 1 , 114 eta/ trq n Penn greet for Dr" 4 , ki the u aid mee l 7/t v .70172 ' ..1 tEclnir 443-sirrn T. T. T Trego's Teaberry To othwash L the mutt ptesennt. cheapest rind best Dentifrice extan. Warranted free them inJuniins Ingredient.. IV preserves and whltens the Teeth t Ptinire i' XlTellr th . 7.l . 4 h :re U iZtr Prevents airignitheimro or Tamar!' . . ,14sms and Par Hid" A.,110.1•1 Teeth' Is a superldr article for Children: Id dyad LOusslsts.d Dent.mo. " A/pdalor:A. M. WILSON. Phlladolphst. , Fnr sale brad l+grrlTn. K Si. Mce()WAN J. It. NIcKO_WIS R.M.lVl'Colvan&Co. ROFLEVARD PAVERS. rare Side icalks,eellars, Inside Yards, Drives, Ace. W A It lIA NTEI) A (IA ItitlT CTIAMICH llr II KAT AND COLT. ~tllAL[T[YlMlnr;nl ¢t 98 YCDF.I[AL • Fir Hader by rarmiZTO P ViT Lygrn,Mborh k I•n., W tttond .1 le. m. Park. Ilarticy..lloKee 00...../ ,, ra• cart:W.4TM, WARNER'S PILE 'REMEDY... WARNERIVTILE REMEDY Mu never tailed (not even in due rase) in cure the very worst faees ur BMus. ILthing or Illeedlnd miis. Those who am alluelud should rustoedlately all on their draggle sod act ARNEWIS rims Itr.mmoV. on precut 6.r ire act;ila ed to I nod id 051 other 110t0.0.. at hat MIREITIZII7,FII.III# or ireiSt thirei/46 rivediax. Pelee 113 YOr4le l,rdeoa pots are.7..r". nolusTrar TEAS! TEAS!-TEAS.! Just recelved.a lanic Min line s - Fsuttutent of New T". l . (ll7n t riVa)li. OOLONG. JAPAN r hOCCIRibu. Hofer. am mated to call and examine the slosh as quality and price will be for the interent at the purchiteen - Abut, on hand. a lame and excellent assortment Of choice Urocerles. For sale by - -EDWARD 11EAELETON; nadusit-1 , Nos. 211 and 30 Diamond &nuns SPIi3ED In cans ane halt awn P.n. In nenents for the ten tnble, forma., by • • '• • A. Llbertyatn Meth eta: PITTSBURGH p4LY, GAZETTE RIVER,NEys The ri7er: - eoutinue to recede ateadicy with five fe'rit in the channel by the Nio nungnh,~k mark Weather clear and hot.. and, it Mail,.~ to look an if we were on the verge of low- water again: it would be 65 well prhaps if the rivet would go &wit and stay down for a wonth or sib weeks, us tilers is very little fright here. Two stetunbuatman were placed ou the ticket of the "reforMers" yesterday, 1 .'144. •R. C. Gray for Assembly. and t.'mu. Neeld for Prothonotary.. The Rate Putnam .from St. Louis is due to-nigkt.. The eldest daughter of ('apt. James McDonald, aged about-, P years, died on Tuesday.of dipthera, arta - a very sudden illness. She was taken sick on Sunday afternoon, Capt. TOM Slitunan,'au old steamboat. nan, is now engaged in taking the ef , l ) ,, t s n Fayette Co., this State. . . . - . The Collier took one, of -her barges out yesterday, and if she did not go last sight, n -j ll depart with the other two to .• . . 'lle towboats Ella and Samson No. 2 the former with 8,500 and the latter wiih iO,OtN) bushels of goal departed for Louis. vine yesterday. • The Granite State; is due here to night And will 'leave fot. Portsmouth anti Cin. cinuati tomorrow at 12 o'clock. pas- ntigern and ehippero elionld bear title', in duWhin. . . —Our dis miles of yesterday report that. Capt. C no rs of t Natchez, were made t n of the Leo and Capt. t Leathers recipients of banquet at St. Louis on Monday nigh which was largely attended by' steamboatmen. No event, perhaps; shire the close of the war caused so math excitement along the Mississippi river an the race between these two boats. It is generally conceded now that the lam is the fastest boat of the two, and she ought to hens she has 40 inch cylinders while the Nntrben has only lift inch. —the New York Tribune. M severe on - teninboat racing. - In noticing, editori nlly, the race- between the Natchez and .ee it says: *..The stupid bout-race on lie-Mississippi, over which the Western wople have been excited to wager several nundred. thousand dollars, has resulted, ortunatoly, without loss of life. We :uppose that there will be, consequently. no protest against this outrage, any repe ition of which ought to be prohibited nd prevented." , • • —The Lotiiiiville papers ere very Mail' •zercired in regard td the •iime. between he R. E. Lee and Natchez, claiming it as great. victory over Ciuchumti, bi;cattne he former boot was built there awl the atier at Cincinnati. Wu admit that the Lee is the fa.atest boat of the,two, but it 13 Mare than probable if the _Natchez had he as we power o f her:rival that Ow -.mid be able to ram away from her. vas nut a fair tried of speed. because the Ile has a great dual morn txisrer than the alter. —The,Shrevi.mort Bulletin says "The following well-known Aver men are line. it now stern-wheel steamers constructed for them, adapted to the Red River trade: Capt. Joe. Clarke, Cant ..Frank Smith, ('apt. W. T. Boardman, Cape. Thornton, Jacobs, Capt. A. A. Maims; ('apt Flatow, Capt. Dolman, Capt.- J.. 11. Brinker, Cain. A. Aiken, Capt. W. W. Witherhun, Capt. Ilahleday, Capt. Newton, and Capt. ue. Hodge. —Jidin Vandergnitt who wan convicted of manslaughter and recommended to th e Mel, of the court, on the ellar2e of nnvier, in having killed, on the .Ith of. April, in New Orleans, Robert Allen, Jr. the pilot of the Pauline Carroll, was sent. muld lorieven_yeare in the ismitentiary. hhii Kyle lint chartered the Alll[4lolllllll Nightingale to Capt. lion shell, Of the Big Sandy and Pomeroy Packet during low water. They will take the Fleetwood's place, while arrange , ments are being made fir light boats to take the place of jhe:Trlegraph. • -- , The- CrS - nisi Palace:Captain W. .1. liountr.. in IS.7i-1 made thy rug: from Cairo to St. Louis in Iti hours and II minutes:, making seViM stops with theniail. —The Peninali, arrived ay Simi], City on the 2d Mat from Fort Benton, in ti days and Zi hoarti:said.to be the best time on record. —The Nick Wall left St Louis for Shreveport ow the 2d,' • *,,...ooattougler, Co.,Tick. Bro. & C PERRY !WILDING, Dug tic,ane May, Crude & Refined Petroleuni 11ACKMR0 let" WARING Si, KING, Commission Nereb.ls sad Bzokers in PArOielini ituld its-Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK. DCQUESNIC WAY. Plill”!elphi• AdMeme. WARING-, KIN CO.. .pct imp WAJ.NUT star:KT. ECLIPSE . PETROLEUM REFINERY. Herbert W. C 1 Tweddle, MANTIFACTURCIR OP Lubricating end High Ted Burning 01li. ECLIPPM RAILIIOAII AXLE OIL. Stands neat heat without chance: reaming lim pid at lowent temperature.. 'Spatial ell for tropi cal climate. ur hol.reatbet. LOOD.MOTIf E. lANOINK, BIACIIINIC CHOP. Will cut rue... SAW MILL AND PLANINO MILL OILS. win • • EtlnsrE l wool; rIVIND-LICIIIT OIL 011., ANNIEHS . Kn.-teaorroLr, - FIN° and GASOLINE YO6 YAJO t fISII . t AltAfl />(L- W Machine..., Mai m 1 c. . Tlieee products ase usaueactured u u nder. Dr. Tumid t*gleitt. by Superheated Steam is Ynocuil. .The Lu lug Otis geg odoelegs. petitattif pure.= re, grid mainly be adored. stand g high temperature unehanged, and remain limpid during extreme gold. The Itallroml Ulla are en.. quailed. and AM In coe•mot eye upon *any of the principal Rammed.. Sample* can be examined and mien lett at 17.1 WOW/ tiTICKET. WI rk• Shisetuburet Midge. TAX NOTICES TT U. I E .4.94'1% -1 51. F ATifri N 5Hter. COL i,Ecor()lt's N(ricE. - -g4Brtirct 4 r t i nIT,TAV Alr.r."' 1 A Li loatii 6 ( f al t r%;74gio. IM7O f I. hetvoy ',von that Ott alums/ I.lst.of " tirTte r iog ""'""Y "4" " " n "" " ^ t Incomes, Carriages, Watches, Silver Plate, &cr., , Are now in "this Mho., when. Parmeo( will he me mime( thereon by the Collector. on and after the Mtn DAY (W AVNIC.IB7II: There taxes ha,. tag become due. Jana Itni paid before the tiOth'ithr of June. 1870. htherwith Mummies will be incurred by the thy Path , K. ID:PFINOTON, 3m.begiatr et/lecter for the County of Armstrong, and SIMI( LYON, Nth., Deputy (*lector for the county of Butler, alit be ready to motive attar the lit of Jane. for their Testroctive counties, and will post notlossdmigni: tins the time and platen when and where they !Ili be pnigared to receive the tales collectable by them.' Tager pant only to greenbacks or national currency ! Ofileaterint from II 1. W. to 3 Y. 0. sTORN Wt. ttrialv . nwn.2t com.wrott. city Tnaariritga 8 OVY(yI. . / Pmentigoo.lur t i o elei Q. IC TAVORDANC.WRITHir 11 vistorts of the City Digest, iee berebr Kirin, mote Tax Payers of the City of Pittsburgh, that tbe assessment' , of e. City, City Building, speeial,,Poor, Rust ness, City School and Ward School Taxes and City Water Rents • )or the year MOO bare. to accordance welt been (ht e day returned to me for collection. A ' rl d Ve U s . e n eld ri Ztrtrit " ntrile m ro “ " Vgertri: ;rat dsr . of Augustosed Two per ' Celt.= If WO between the tint 'dere et August and ti der or ptember, - Comiltinr. I'3- city Treasoder. _ - - CHEAP h7°° rl B ..itZl6 7/ . NwA ar. . . , , . fitz . ntoNs, Lc., aa,u E=E SPECIAL NOTICES DO TOR .WHITTIEII -CONTI:C. [IIZ TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE IRS EASES. TAM numerous ems of cases resulting Inns aelf-abuae. prod...Mg unmanitneas. crayons , l e tt b l i ga=iatit li t i, C= P rn th =nirgu ' V m i ls e s t i 4; n n . ; afflicted with delicate, Intticate and long standang U r complaints are poltMil mined gall for consultation, which corm nothing. Myna. Melee. the bat of teachers, bus enabled him to perfect remedies at once eftelentsere. permanent, and which in most owes as be used without hind- ' ranee to btualtums. Medkines prepared in the eb tablishment. which emlanmea onice. reception and wailtog ndoms; also boanfing and sleeping apart ments for patents requiring daily personal alten- Ran, and vapor and she ndmi bathe. thus concen trating the famed mineral amine.. Ni mutter who, have failed. Mtn year mom. 'Read what he says ii his pamphlet of lift,y pages. sent to any adds.., for two attungs In settledantelope. 'thousands of cares treated mmually. at unite and all over the comas). Consultation trey, personally or by mall.. Office No. '9 Wylie street. (tear Court Hormel Pittsburgh. Pa. Muss 9A.L- to 8 P. It Sundays 12 IMAM P. st. Pamphlet sent to any address for two Fatima. apt. i - r - IIIYSPEPSIA-NEW MODE OF LA..a TRICATMENT. I'ItOFF.BI.OI I . WALKER. the dieting...A Eng- Ilsh Helm:Mt. ill.novenot In A untralla an excellent Ilotanic remedy. an effectual cure for Indigestion. Itlllloas and Liver l'omplelnts. and orrnmunicated The the : hihidel Inn Botanic Institute. he all. this Important recipe. The Med•cal Reform 64rclety mane. thin an nouncement trill not make NU charge fur this no • elty of B,nanld purr every tither praelloe Itlo4iCitle. to In return reouent thos statement b.dietitted to f o r to the Society a of their canc. and time old with fact!, the present movement In metal refomi. Enclose a directed TAMIL. to the .. P . PX7IIISTAIIV OF TIIE 110-_ INSTITHTte I 016 Smyth 13th etreed Philadelphia. ANI1001): 110 W lAIST: HOW LA..a un4yoitEn -Just Publisbeff in a seelod envelope. Ericff,lilx cents. A LEUTIJItEON'I'IIE NATUItAL TR.LATMENT, and Radical Care Of Spernsatorrhma. or Seminal Weakbean. and impedi ments to Marring° generally; Nervousnenn. numptlon.Epilepty, and Filet Slenlal and Physical ineopecity,Ac.. BORT. J. CULYEItWEI.L. IL nutbor of the AT Ilion," he. "A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF , SUFFERERS: , Sent under seal. In a rain envelorte : se. poetpald. VILT. 1t74P.1:" nny uddre S: ‘' -York, Poetollliee ter: 4350. . Cuiverwell's ' . 3larrlage Guide." P5..23 cents. rar.I.KI • r4I — BATCIIELOIL'S HAIR IT.— ; Thin splendid Hale Dye la the bet In the world: - Mart:ales. reliable. Instirotaneous. teen not romtnin lead. MA . 110 y VITAL. MIAMI tO rode. paralyein ur death. lAvold the s tem tett en dinti sive preparations I..tlng virtu. t do n d The genuine A. Itateholorle e has ban 30 yearn untaynlelled repuintion to uphold Its Integrity . the -only Perfea Dye-Black or Brown. Sold b AI Druggist... Applied at 10 Bond litre.. N.Y. . fei • ff r AVOID lir-.l—A ictim of early Indisce °Hon. cunning tie,oun debility, premature decay. /re.. intrltur tried 10 00111 every edvertised remedy. ha* discovered asimple trace of .If-cure. which he will send free to hie J. K. ItERVES. Jellikriar 78 Nassau Street. Now York City. WHOLESALE GROCERS. &.c ESTABLISHED BT A. & T. GORILY, NI W. M. GOR NILY, Wholesale Grocer, 271 LIBERTY STREET, I=l P171.11(111(111, 1:A. 31. Frxm., J A. tITEELE. SrI.TELE tkr. SON, And INealvro In FIAAIR. GRAIN. 14:2M, An.. At. 0010 STILL^Cr; nenr Eart•Common. Ann- Flinn,: illeanor. & Harper, FIAJUII : tiItAIN AND PRODUCE COlniniS - Sio/1 Ale/NAM/11r,, Cousignilients sollettnd. - Ic7 W. CO ' Armstrong, itMentomor to Feiter.t Armstrng.) PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT. intiagt .11.9tKrr )31 - REKT. L. 13 LA Nc. FIAT; D, No. 396 PENN STREET .oas:Ito I'I'TLE,IIAI RI) A: PATTIIN, Whole. 1..4 SALE 0 ItOCEßS.Conands.t. n Merchant. and I tanlent m Protium t'lnur. Rana, l7nee•e. Flee. rarhon and Lard Oil. Iran. Nada. Cotton Varna and nil Pittsborcn Ihmufacrnrc. itanrnal l 7. 1133 nn.i 3 14 s 3:CON 13 STREET. InttaburEtt • - irdlN trocar --sr n. ar. Hord. JOlni I. HOUSE& BROS., Succelvors Comm I. "SOUSE a. Co- Whotheale 6roters and Coprcaloahrn Merchant, corner of draithtleld sod wars street..rattabarch. 1011,1 SHIN-ON I#lll.l.Allt. QHI PTON & WALLACE. Wholesale GROCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS. N,: tl Sixth avenue. Pittabur.r.b. -01L9 N.....bi1me5 . ..& - Son.§, =EDE PITTSBURGH, PA.. '""• 4 '7,.{,11:47.12,11V,1=.°°' STOCKS, BONDS !SD OTHER SECURITIES, DOUGIIT AND SULD O 4 COMMINSION Put Feeler stteetloo fold 43 the purchase end isle of United States Seonritiee HART, CA VGHEY. Bankers and Brokers, CORNER FOURTH AND -WOO STREETS, Pittsburgh. Pa., igU4riMOR.I7I?iIIANNA. HAUT A (0.,1 11.1 ARI. Dt Exchange, Coin, Coupoas, And partielar etteolloo paid to the purchase and We of • . - Governmrit Boiid Sight Droughts on London CENTRAL BANK No, 35 Bank Block, CAPITA' $lOO.OOO Bank of Discount and Demi!. NTOacifoi.Drate IMIA lAA , LI MILK. Interest All wcd on Time Deposits. u:;rgntx.tga • ntit h ,.." ..1 the ""''"" ltlett•t Tittpollte rAVIVETT. te.A J r hriNierrok ~n i ew t • C iEttitTgjej'h.lKt Still A le. JULIUS 141/1.1:1t.-• JARKD fillttell • JAMP:eI tutowx, •PAI/1. 11. IIAt . K IC. J.ll. WALTKR, JA r.ti Lvom+. 11108. , President. I.lr. W. ItA VITT. Cashier. X.lllniNlNGti, /teal. Cuhtur. NATMNAL No. CupllBl Stork.- j l -....ttrM,000.. COOR President, . B. W. MAOIST. Okada.; er.a W. , IIIcOANDLESS. Asst. °solder. JOS, .Ij. LOWE Jos.. M. Gazzani Si; Co ,, ATNIHNEVN AND COUNSELLEIth AT LAW, N , ,ltell•milts !Nulty ano:lllarstruMc7.MT, No. ft 6 VIVTII ENUE.l'ltt+burgh. .1eXt:i101 G • • - . . ATTORNEY ANU COUNSELLOR AT LAW, reEN•Ared to No. 37 GRANT STREET, MM. band, Nnwtko 111 the U. N. Circuit and UNAtiat 51=Attgragg=gifel n olll ' Int -the ALINNAmt onntlor. • - TXli. McCOILILICK, • • Attbrney-at-taw No, 68 °SANT wirtam. bus l3 , Pronapt attention dv. 10 al kinds of logo! levasa. JOMO WM. B. BEEPER, A/ZEEMAN AND EX-OITICIO JUSTICE OF TUE PEACE. Office. 112 Fifth avenue. e rehamtenuon rm. to conveyancing end ml- I lons. Deeds. Bonds mod Mode:sacs drawn up .r 1 all Baal Saltness attended to prompUy end to. Malvin . DU77I - 19. 140 anent pins' -TAT:RSDAYI MORNING, JULY 0111111111 , 4101 t Merchants, 12= Wholesale and Retaill;rocer FINANCIAL BANKERS, 57 Market Street, =I A 1.1,0111M\ PROFESSIONAL FINANCIAL. AMERICAN BANK, No. Pourth A veil 14 'PITTSBURGH .100.000 =I Stitkliulder Individually Liable BANK LW' DI:, , COI'N'T AND DEPOSIT. .101.1": FLOrD. WM. FL9TD lIMMI Tho.i. 11. Kenna John 11. Ilurtland. ttbannon. Archibald Wattace. James W. Arr.:. Jas. 11. Kelly. Char. ll.Loech. Wm, Floyd. John Floyd. Collectinns made on all points In the 'United States and Canada. l'rurept atientlon p:ad to roe rnapnntlenls. ieltherd - - Till DIAMOND SAVINGS BANK, = CEll:2=l rmizm STOCKI3OI.I.I[S 151.1v101,A1.1.1 . Lrem.e. Depoeite in sums fit St una ['wards received Interest. all ,, sted on ttme Particmlat at . . . _ bin even to collections, proceeds of 'which be remitted promptly. James M. Cooper, I .ibintiam Gar - Maim Jams E. J. Ants.. Andrea, L. Robinson Wm. Ilinda. • L. Wlnlertield. Joe: Fleming. • N. P. `Sawyer. Wm. U. Cooper. .Prealitent—N. F. SAWYER. t utiter—Joll9..t4 tiCyltltl le9 r 3. Tradesmen's National Bank, WOOD STREET, CIRNER SECOMI AVE. INTEREST PAID OS DEPOSITS. Gold, Coupon Bonds and Stork 1101101IT'AND SOLD. A. • Pig Miden;. J (]abler. FREEHOLD BANK AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, No. 100 FonrlVAve., Pill burgh !100.0 $200,000. Ml= EPOSITORS SECURED BY REAL ESTATE AND INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DE. POSITS. nie - Ident-‘EDIV A ILD lIOUSE. - ma= EDWARD MOUSE, WILLIAM PUILI A IPS 'ASSES S. CRA IT, ItO WT. W. M ACK E.Y. TIIO3IAS STEEL, ;AILED M. BRUSH. T11031)18 W. DAVIS. I . Secretary and Tressurrr—THOMAS STEEL. AnAlotant Cashier—JASlSZ P. SPEER: Ofticoliouiiin,m f 1 o'Goct to 4rfetnct del` Ll ;cam bier) Saun2u7 erected frt. 7 di 10. CON M ERC IA L BANKING • COMPANY, No, 9! Niurth Air., PittAburgh im;ET •t 200.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. N. H. E vimsoN. . w. C. NIACIUThI. President. Ceihter. ton Mom AI.P.NAN DIM BATES. .101 IN LINDSAY. A. IT. MOT USTI. D. S. NIACHLISII W. 11. Kt KltsoN, JOHN 0. paiLiArB. WO. uu lIA P.T. 11. F. WILSON. . . . .jACtilt lil.i:K. - Collections made on ell o.cessible points of the Unlte44_Stistes and Cnnadss. INTEItES'r allowed on TISIE DEPOSITS. . Prompt attention ',leen to all busliieeii oi coffee pondentr. CITY BANK, 11:2 FIFTI4VENLTE. rirrsueukat. PA. 0100 000 MET IiTIiCKIIOI.BERS IN DIV 11117A1.1,1' LIABLE. INTEILKST P.ClIt Old BEPOSI'IIt. 1111C1fita nxciin:vGE bought and wad. and when deelredremitted to Europe. Collet:Bona Me on all and In au the prthrtr. l PA. , * of the Balled blatex and Canadaw. BobIINICK l'realdent. JAMES ateCA BE.. Vine PretldenL W. N. BOlt(IAN, C.hler. torment.: James Bare.. II ugt Keating. Terence Campbell. ! Jam., Phelan, It. A. Frcivosie. 'llwfou Barna& G AZZAII. gollettor. 11. Ibrnren. Thomas Kuurka l'aßlek Kane. Chat. H. Barr. eltuu. Maiden. N.J. Gr... N. Etupy._ /C1:16 THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. of Pittsburgh. Safe :Keeping of :Valuables, Under amaranth, and the renting of !nine In Ile Farr au4 Burglar-Proof trault;>, Nu. 83 Four . th. Ave. 11111.1.11^ , . YIA Prendent- H EN ItY FLOM Dirion U. Painter, triirig.ipa: • 11..11.4 Geckle Black. Illam M. lino. U. Busser- J". Benne tt . k VON BONNITOP-ST Oren daily !WIZ 9 o cirock a. sc. to 4 does P. K. 7 Per Cent. Gold FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS. =1 01 THY BURLINGTON. CEDAR RAPIDS & MINNESOTA R. R. CO A LIMITED QUANTITY FOR SALIL, $4O and Interest. Isteroal payablo Also and Nov;sliber. .L 1:11,0 Aft TII))11.140S., ciimit.n L. ntosT. • ".t."- These bonds have 30 years to run. are mitivert- MI. at the option of the holder Into the stuck of the Company at per. an the permant or the prtn- Op* la provided tor by • eluting tong. .a7"'„Fr::7 "*";?l,2e !I'LIe'VZTENT: work Is meetly prone... Mk. We un he...tinkle recommend tbeseßonda as the fest and best Investment to the market. sa U.S. Sive-twenties, at present price... only return tire per cent. Interest...bile these t.. 7 sight and one-quarter per cent. In Gold, and CO resting the eremite equally mood. The Company reserve liar right. without n o tice. to adtwice the price. HENRY CLEWS & CO., Banker•, 32 Wall Street, New Yorl ti. Slefl.Ehle A Co!, Pitlablityls. Pa BARKER Ultog. a CO.. Philadelphia. • TOWN:MAD. 11'11 F.I. ts . CO.. -KURTZ a 'IOWA IID. Philadelphia. BOW K\ a FOX, Philadelphia. • - A APCN h UROTIIER, Phllndelphih. da MORGAN, KEENE *MARVIN, Wall Street, TWO dvor from Brtmtiwny,) PiE.W Yt.11.16.. Hoz and Sall li R Onnmjaalln. STOCKS, BONDS, GOVEN:MIM n I' ECURITIPN. and GOLD. and tranaact General Banking Business, 8 AMUIII, S. KEENE, = .81SIMEN r.. MAIiVIN to etaysuottter tlenentl and adiaadaGadaralar • the Staldur Nev . York.) • • Being In the Mimedtide skinny of the Stock Cg. change and the Mold Board tend members of each). enters are executed with the greatest poeslble des.. patch. Plerchmits end Invest...lllllns at a distance. an rely upon our attention M their smallest or 4 V:t"i k. "'y wi iin h t,Two u lgir c2o end u l ar c l Trltrenct bmine. tu National Itatim ' and Corporations 00 the most favorable term, Individuals and Trust Companion. content piallmt • change in their securle. financial esiring to to Inquiry concerning any business they may hare In thin city are Invited to communicate na Personally or Jettr. cference—Mossys.cook., I Co., Now York. NEW YORK. May 2dl S7O. THE FIRM OF T. I» TA t LOB, de coorat Is Ms/solved by mutual cement. and we hare thia day - funned a limited partnership under the name of • TAYLOR & COOPER, No. 5 Broad St:, ; for the tranuction of a general Brokerage eta Fi nancial baldness. negotiating Loans. Sc. 1 . 11 t . • JOHN BAILEY Asthe pecial partner snu, having contributed $50.000 to et inui in g. Wee tale this briportunlty of thanking tbe cus tom rof the old arm for tbeirpsetiontronage and of °be elsoiiV lting a continunnce of their farm. e r our services to all. and respectitily solicit their business In the purchase and sale of all isecuritles dealt in at the Now York Mock or Gold itzettogo. Coupons and Dividends collected. ' Interest allowed on deposit. Orders by Mall, or 'Yelegraph promptly executed TLIOS. 1.. TAYLOR WM. COOPrit,_ .101111 RAMEY. • • Enter by pen:Motion to First. National hang. Pittsburgh.. doIe:TVS COTTON AND WOOL. D balecColtori: To arrive Or el auks Wool. 107. r : "" 1 1E1 DICKST Q CU "<, ' ce , 1870, ENGINES, BOILERS, &e. - FORT PITT .Bnilu, Still and Tank WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, =I uLAtiv3lrkpi, ustva EiNl:n4,Eit BOILERS. OIL STILLS AIT. OIL TANKS. BIAKECTITNG AND 5511 PANS, SETTLINO PANE SALT PANS AND CON DKNSEKS.. STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON PRISON DOORS AND COAL SLR:TES. . OFFICE nvn WAREHOUSE: • Con 241, 3d. Short and Liberty Streets, Ur Ordure ant to the above eddetsa will be Promptly attended to. mhad9d HUGH M BOLE & CO., Coe. Point Alley and Duqueene St, =I Engine; Builders, Founders, AND Manufacture STEAMBO - AT ENGINE'S and STA TIONERY FNOINES of all sires.. • Special attention Invited to our nom STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE AND i GETABLE BOILER of 15 horse ;mow. CASTINGS, of errr7 kind. made too der at our Foundry, on TIMID STREET. Wass Market. LOGS for. 011 Wells, SHAFTINCS, PULLEYS. LIANGEIL9, DOUSEd TORACCO SCREWS, and IRON TOBACCO P RESSES, on hand and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny River. near the Point. Pittsburgh. Pa. ItirAll orders promptly mien. TRY US. Riede].& Bro., FIRE AND BUR(4LAII-PROOF SAFES AND VAULTS. ELIZEZ/ ENGINES AND MACHINERY, BREWERY WORK, REPAIRING wild PUTTING MACHINERY.IIYDRAULIC CEMENT. Cur er 17th nod PIKE STREETS, Pittsburgh, PA nolrovP O'HARA BOILER WORKS • F. REPHAN & CO., Nlanoloctorers of STEAM BOILERS, OIL TANKS, STILLS, P AGITATOR/i t SALT yi,m4„61A80.111:- Tk:ILS, SETTLING, ANS, PRISON DOORS, CIII3INEYE suicliEN FIRE BEDS, se., Cm of Second Avenue and Liberty Street PIT TOB U UUIi. PA. Repairing dune promptly. Ryden oent to the above address will be promptly µtended to. F. Iit:Y.IIAR. formerly 3lntlegbr at CARROLL & SNYDER'S. • FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS. NATIONAL .:FOUNDRY AR!, Pipe Works: Corner Carroll and SmaUnion Sreets, ININTU WARD.) PFFTFRUROR, rA. WM. ITH MANUFACTURER OF- Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, . FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. .zl2,:rit2yAN=..th=flt7ll=Voq omeml Castings for Gas and Water Works .1=9,2-,%Vig°=°<`,'?lltirtlf%.'"""`"" W. J. ANDERSON IL A. FREYTOGLIS. MONONGAHELA FOUNDRY. W. J. ANDERSON & Man otact i ra Gram graB nl . o .7 l, WIN , Castings of all Desdiptions. VlV.s"lfg I:,r a C aa T a 742 Rouses. urn. A.. ot:tarict —No. 130 WATER IT.. plitsburatt. I . . ROBINSON, REA & CO., Boooesooro to BOOrtfOott. MUM & MILLtIta WASHINGTON WORKS, POUNDERS a MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH. • Itinufactorere of Boat sad Stationary Steam Ere raft n . l lll .teettre =el ... f li t? in . gatti=a Stills. paler ena `Kett Iron work. • Office No. 11, corner Find vmd Smithael4 Moms. Agents forOINFARDtS PATENT INJECTOR for feeding Hullers. lallmo2 THOS. CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry & Machine Work'. SAN DUSK P Err, A.LLEGISENY MP. PA. almoracturors of :Stationary aed Portable Steam Monne, Oil Press.. Pulleys. Shafting. Grist and Sari MU Work. Roiling Mill and 3lachine Outing*, GraM lims. Weigtita, Wagon Dimes. be. 110111 to order and bare on band Engines of all Gees. Phoenix Roll Foundry, Con LUDIRTT AND 1.14T11 ST& BOLLMAN & BAGALEY, 31=0w:torero of &manor Chill Rolls, Sand Rolls and Pinions. BRASS CASTINGS Ulnltl 01.18T&Vis BASCH Henry Bier & Co., Itlucceitsore 10 'MIN M . COOI•P.R Seo..) BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS • :Brim Castings MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER. • !SALEABLE AND GREY IRON FITTINGS, HAS PIPE AND TURIN_ E 1 THROTTLE. SAFETY AND CHECK VALVES. ALL - GLOBE PATTERN IRON (N) CE R BRASS MOIRE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION for Steam, Water and OIL linnufnettoonu KL f .I.M.Coopo&CVNIMPROVED DALANCE-WIIE STEAM PUMP. AGENTS of DREYFUS' PATENT OILERS. the bat In the market. I= Corner Thirteenth and Pike Streets. ATWOOD & McCAI'FREY I Corner LI4ZNYT SUMS? •ad Talon AV VIM% Fattaburph, Pa, BRASS VOLINDERB .4 IRON. PIPE FITTEBS..4 AUENTa DOA. &CAMERON &COB STEAM PU.IIPB AND BLOWERS. . • FLOUR. • . _ PEARL STEAM FLOURING MILLS. R. T. KENNEDY, & BRO,, • ALLEOUGNY Idenufeeturers td the followtrts eelebrale4 brands of Flow: 3 Star Greeb Grand in meet:Wed Pastry Plour. Star Moo Breed, A No. 1 =in Ferelly norm thatres entire seustattlon_. ar of Bran. good 'Melly . u p er ,,„. wen t ') of the owes grs le the markt. All r uremia warranted as represented. Aullll4. 1810. imqs.Ac7. l l:lQinoyz..:TA FULTON & NPGANN, Practical Plumberst GAS AND STEAM ItrITDDS. Ifth Assam*, near Thsh Barest. Pittsbarat, Pa. Leul Pim. Gum nook Gas imams, &aka, Bob Tuba end W . Stands, kw asa Ftt . thtt, Ai d s Mita sad g-fisir Betiding. attair 'eta if.: Maar and Steam IleaLlas Jobblas promptly - atten4ed to. -IRON - AND RAILROADS. CENTIII , N, jui_LN L ROAD.—Arter Jtint - - ' IS7II. Train* will ._X ' . arrive 'and delntet m follows • • , . 7 ..- .7,. .-.- ' Th ' CA ' tg . g r l7 . Vre r' .. es •rn " r•Vt: "%. , 1 . . Lenvo u.k. ...,..4. '. Arrive at Unl, n Dec t. i. Patlete Ex 12 30 am . blall Trials li3 am y S r I I U L LI I AI r i Ap v s 1110',!:,:::::•,;;'.11:,IT,t1,,:,12,l.. gler.l ', , , tlneinti Ex.. 1•2133 pm ihttsb'gh Ea.• II.X IO Pm l'-' I. U U 11 . “ f T .A..riun.,_ . : ~.... Express 3:3OPm ihsethe Fw P:4olwn ; _ • FmtLtee 7,1 U pm Wall Pawdr.• t• , .. 0 P. - • ' Wall's N 0.1.. 1430 an, Weir!. Nt!. 1... .040 am .1 •• • Wall, No.td .11.31 am Itrin,AeNo.3 7•3oase - . • Nlall, No. 3.. 3:04 rim Wall, N 0.1.. 5.31) am ; • • :•Johstown e. 4•03 pm Johnstown ris e MUD ant • MILLIR, B A tl , LI it. D!i ilio rrid ~ W11,N0.3. 0:03 pm W1p530.3.. 110 pm i . x• xI II 1 3' I ALI 11..1. ,IN ell :0,0. 4.. 340 Pm h.4 0 Pen i wilicinsb Ac. Wall pm Wall. No. 3.• , •0 Pm ' . . j \tells:4,o.-11:00m !WM, AeNwtg I 1,10 pen • . • • WilllnsbW Ae.l GOD pm • I Ctneinnati Fapress and Pnelge express lease OPFICE : No; 319 , Lkiiert str e - et_ ; dad,. , All othertrains daily. exprpt Sunda'' , , I Tit , ( enroll Trains ift.l,ll Italia mutton emere .n,las ut 8:30 a. en_ reaching Pitt.borgh at ; ' 930 n. m. Returning. leaves Illtsburch at, . . 1.2,3 0 p.m.andarrises at Walls thatlor at •S• 10 :. rayMixat • PITTSBURGH, PA. . , P.m. • t` , _- .: _ . -- - ---- -.• , For farther Information spats to .• , . .. • W. 11. DEVICWITTPU.....JC , ... . DUQI T ESNE • - WORKS, I ...3fLergmtz.l...=vll-',.igiii', 1 W , ' ,, ,l'ail.l°A l ,2‘l l :. Tril,',=l..,„,T,',Llti LI automat in calm, will be at the els', of the owner. - ,__ . • • 1 unless Wen by special contrite , 1, •1 .• Li i , j o y; u.....„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, A. J. C ASSATT. '', Mama. 1,. t. € . OlOllll ill Ilan:ill AT: C o:, _____ _ . - .A--- A • • ) ' nnTsßult i a l ~t }lila IT &V. '" 4.• • ••,,, -.. j _ CHICAGO IL N. • ' ,I.I,L , FACI . yr.... or • 11 . EV MIND .1. r. . and rary,,--..„,,ag„...„......", l' ..• liPltEll it. It. MPS-W .4 g' •••••'`, ••••"'""— • Y : 1110 N kILSS TEEL. • ,_ _ l , 1 .„ 1 2‘1;.r.,L 1 4 , . 1181 0,ratt s Mit leave Doi.; burgh city Uwe C.l ” . •••••Pot. north side, 1 %4 . '1 ' , , Lax,' .!•. I viltdc: .A.xels and Springs. I 14t5t . 1.1ne.... r. 2..., 1. A ,, ..r. ' n. , ~,.. ~,..,..,..1 4. ..: 1, 1 4%t e ..1 .111 1113. m; DIM] ESNifs . 14 X AND JUNIATA i 1.1.,,tryi:An....fn.„,..rn.dn-r&r.';',ltuz:;:', ,1 " ..., .::. E . ' itlit . :;;'M - Crao 3 l ll-i rt ".n. FLAT ltAlt, nousil AND q9uAicy: niciq, I a,,,,•• ~,.„.i._ ... .., ~... . _ •3- Pm, BAND. 110ol• SHEET AND PAN& IRON. I MP ,';;'......111 ' N ' p P ml.f e tlV . h s.a F " l • - ' i l3 P' RoILER I.I.A'rEsAND HEADS, • ' He' t iji • if t " L. 13 - • • L. n .... •IS P GUARD 1111,0. DRAG AND IIitoPPER BAILS. by '' L. d .. . ,p re .3 St 1tx..7•1N pem • FLANGES. CU TT ER BARS,CVLINIIERIIIA)N, y ,;:, x'-thMlbt• • .4: S p twErie Expremii:ip4,..; T AND FLAT RA 11.,.1ye Coal Roads, ANT Iritol.l A1. 1 ./;(1 . 1,A11111VE1,1 ALLY:OII,NY, CROW B ARS WEDG Eh and lIA /CROW TEETH. ' ' rice 's Falls As..Pc3t . • am'.Leetsdale A e.. 1433 am; SPRING. PLOW , A NI) CULTIVATOR STEM. L• V U '' °l. i' -. IT .1 .. .p n...r ' •.n. 7, - ,...9p......i t , TEEL WINGS AND MOULDS, cut to gattesr,; .„,„ e ~ x, , 3LI ~n .. I` - ':. y :;;; STE E L. TIIIES,,STEEL SHAFTING, AII TEry., m... ; , ~ - , !Pen ' i rn-heR ~.4.- 1 . - ,y1 4 ,---i COACH, RUtitiT and WAGON SPRINGS. and Leetsdale ... Si !CP entree,. ails. ' . ' b tit' Axi.r.s. Rea . r Falls - ' 3 , 23 P m LeneZegla/o ' ••• ji,., CUT NAILS AND SPIKES. . - I nTr i t d :Ps ' ElOn i . '43 ' 9' Fele Oa " ke q . u . a... 1. P' l All 63011 S First Class and Warranteir' r th.• Chnrsh.•ll3 pm dalChnt 4 h...o•33a le 117 , htengo as leaves daily. • terraelbe Express arrives &Mr. I 1 411 - Fastl.bie ICSIVCII daliiyMODderS s aleefK4 , ggrrast Line amires daily. Mondays MeePPCI:' ' grAil other trains will lease and scrise dalty,, 8 1 9 .1nWia 'd. J. .N. Steno - LLOUGII. - ; Gen,L_Ette. di !yawl Agent Gen . LbAttagn . IirEWTERN PViI'iN.SNLYANIA It. R:1 --Onswel after MAirm == .„..., .....), 1870, the Passenger •••••• • • •••••-• t Prates on the Western 1 Pennsylvania Railroad will settee at and depart i Irma the Fedenti Street Depot, Allegheny l follows: '''..• ea -: 8= OPVICES AND SMILES-18th street and Alle gbeny Direr, and 77 tracer street. Pittsburgh. mtel Pittsburgh Steel Works. 1 - =ABLINLIED IN 1613. UNDER EON k WOODS, Best. Relined Cast Steel CM= OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ALSO. Bed Refined Berman Plow S: Spring Steel CORNER MISS AND FIRST AVENDR. Pitt. btagh, PIT TSBU R CHI Novelly IVorkB. FOUNDED A._l). 1 S 3 3. 11001111 EA D. ADAMS & CO.. EV:Y=4 KBP,TeDir,V4lll:',4l,7"'- SCALES. Jen. Faced Patent Door Lucks and Latchee, Paint and come wne, &e.. • „ . Comer of FIRST AVICNViS and ()RANT ST$. rittaburxh. P. Sheffield Steel Works. SINGER, NIMICK & CO., PITTSBURGH. PA., Menslnclurerr e ry dervlpllon Cast anti 'lrerrnall Steel, RAILWAY SPRINGS. • --. AND PLAT!. MLR SPRINGS. A2CI.ES, STERL TIRE. de., de. WAR MOUS u-sa Wnter and 100 !Int Itreeta. BLAOK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, 8R01R14.1 & CO., Mannfathiren4 of all -libe.eriptfotts of STEEL. OFFICE; and WAREHOUSE -30th. 31st end Rutinlad streets, Intuaburgh. - STOVES, CASTINGS, &c COOK STOVES. Get the Best! BISSELL & CO'S TITIUMPH, For BitUminous COal warranted to MOIL DAMS or Mt/AST es wen II Ray other Store le the talon. BISSELL & CO., No. 25 Liberty Street. • AllO, UN HAND AND FOR SALE: PARLOR STOVES.. 'HEATING STOVES. GRATE FRONTS, . FENDERS. COOKLVO RANGES, ' A.. AO. . GRAFF, HUGUS & CO., I= STOVES, .130 - tOn Cooking Range, "TILE FIERY FURN'ACE" . )'OR WARRING BUILDINGS. uz u ETA oralAT a i t:l3.3Ra 13 S LOTE.. PANB tar:minim% Pattern) PORTABLE RANGE, CAST IRON MANTLES, WELLMAN'S REFLEC TOR, ORATES, free from dirt and dust: GRATE FRONTS, FEEDERS, SO. - . , 206 and 208 Liberty Street, • PITTSBURGH...PA. A.BRADLEY&CO. . No. 30 Wood Street. Ilmmtacturersef the Greatest Variety of WOK. PAJILOH and LIKATL`CO STOVES to be found. Izmir +murmured will be Mond ell the latest PAT TECISS and latPXoVilatElila. -end N. roguis hoa of our Stores-Is suet that any rear , want a . =red by=t7y7rlll be n r u o n tlettto most a u nble ita well as econmlcal. aut mel r mst i lcuitte Vt= helloVnllirtAs. ‘ Vrel % • . hoo sold Mittel ' mouth. • loteatted for with or without nosing. Ali who here used them pronounce them superior - to any other and far cheaper. deed fur Catalogue end Price last. JeD • WINES, LIQUORS , . ; &.o. WAGNER'S FRENCH COLORING, The Very Best in the United Stalest,- 6f.ANUFACTUBISU RV WM. WAGNER, ER, 981 North Seventh Stieety PII.II4DELPIILL Itxrca•Ncs6—All the I.alog houses in •hlt delphla. . Schmidt & IMPORTERS OF' WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, &e., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PURE RYE WHISKIES. Nos. 384 and 386 Penn, Cor. of ELEVENTH' ST,, formerly Canal JOS. S. FINCH & CO., Non. IBS. UV. 189, 191.193 and 193 • FIRST STREET. IllfatoßES." • Manufsetomrs of COPPE&DIS I TILLED PURE M l Ll W ogrir it 1% to wu 20 , va N , oncE is HEREBY .OIYEY.:I . O .11 pmpurtg ovum Moog Ps= Imola., from utter to 40th street. to Qs CRT. of Pittsburgh. that the alectlatt at Combabialmr: far Pena ay. litteggpt3ll7l l , l lb i t. t h e SINT etlfri n arit mi n k 0 —,. z.f rn 1.1 al , " set, betheeu th. H. scAmb ) 4 The; Committee W4= " 305 X ' macties. .. ' (ALLEGHENY TINE.) 3 Motto c. • ;Janata.. Fortnatre No.l 040 a tu'3lnll btheportNe.l.24:3o nV Freeport No.l ut Claremont Ae.l . 310 Vppam ) Claremont Ae..INLY p rspreav m a e tirzptort :1?5 p %Iprln g. to;e , l)3l r A ri , : b . 4 0 , ,„ rt „,.,:,.up,m:„min t1 p.... 1 . , :5... Opal The &woe Stthesktn every Sunday at INIIO .U.. reaching Allegheny : FttLIIIVIIItt. etitTtaVv'egaticAllZlttg;giAnny. %lon at 3:00 P.m. Through Udmurt:lt Butler aneEthannahatown may MParhment! at Wallter Stage 0013m. N0. ir Sreet, near the Sever:Mon Bridge, Fitts. burgh, n erd at th e Deoot. Allegheny. • I For further particularanoply to • • JAMES LLPFENTS, Agent, Federal Street Depot. Local Tickets to all Important Stations on tha • moth line of tha'rearthylranle Central Railroad. General eur.l.l. A. J t, A A i S a S n AT Da Pa, • RODENT NEILSON. mv:o_ Sepertnteneent. Plllabtanth. A LLEORENy.VALLEY RAILROAD. I Tel , / LINE TO 13 VEAL() THROUGH TILE OIL I IIEGIONE On add 'after•MONDAY. J rine MIL 11410.3 thrmagh vraine daliviescept /lunch, will leave Pittsburgh Depot. corner •of . Meirenth and Pike ' , trees. for Franklin. Oil City. end all points in the Oil Regions. LEAVE. All Ntvla AT • i•irrsoirmou. i•lrrentracv. 828 A. ?Pig 8: .1 030 A. it. 6: p. 6 .1 R ei d aft O: 333 P.N. - 1 9 .1 A. M. S•airt Works • 6:13 P.O.e A. Y. let Lltilten T.A3 it! . A.M. • •13111111e1 . 1.103 P.N. st 8 t• Parnassus 11i1. • Church 1:0 P. M 10: Y. coW.MTlV„ll7.ro n gtlfr,ZlEt. '" °, t'• A . - Miser Palace Sleeping Cars on Expose . Team. both ways between Pittehurgh and terry. .1. J. LA WILENCE. Gene Supt. • Jel3 • JA3I ES H. TIDAL', Ticket Agent TITTSBURGII. CINCINNATI AND ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. • PAN HANDLE ROUTE. • • the Union CILINOR OP TLILE.—On and after SUNDAY. • Jam 11. 1 Dor.. 070, trains will Plitsburgb, I ra renown: and mine at Pittsburgh Time. errs h. Ahltive. Express 13:30 n. to. 12:13 moon • rum Lino ' 1014e1a.m. 7:114p.m. I Southern Esineem 3:23 - 12•13 mid. Mixed Accommodation.. 343 s. o^4tip. tn. • 314:Donald Accommod•ti. es% a. m. 7:33 a.m. Steubenville Accommod.. .11•01 p.m. 0:40 , Nielhmald Amornmod'n. 0:55: p.m. 3:13 p.m. Sunday Chun:* Train..., 1238 111:3S a. ma 1 The 10:4IS A.X. Fest Line daily. The I 13:13 mem n daily except Express Sunday. arrivesdally. All other trulas ru L. OTRIMg. amend Ticket A gen t . Columbue. O. I W..thir. Supt. Dennison, Ohio. Jela 100ITTSBUEGII AND CONN}LLS. I VILLE RAILROAD. On md after SUNDAY. R . Va„. , TaZER February 110th. 1070. Trans will arrive and desert Dem the DePetssFV , " ner of tirant mid Water streets. as follows: • • DICI•AlIT. - • AIMITLE... , ]tall to and from UnPn.. 7:00 a. m. 0:00 p. m. 3lcKcesport Accommod.11:110 w cu. 2:03 Ex..to md from UnPn_.. 313 p.. 10:00 a. m. • Wert Newton Ammon°. 4•30 In. Pe33 liraddock's Accoramoda. 0:13 p. m. p.m. Night Am. to McKeesp'Llo:3o p.m. 040 . a.m I Sunday Church Train to Sunda from West Newgen. 1:00 p. m. 10:00 a. m • MILLIARD H. SOWYMIS • Attent. • HARDWARE & CUTLERY. Pittsburgh Utility Works, WEAVER & JONES, Corner of inniala and Fulton Streets, Sixth Word; Allegheny. Manufacturers of STAPLE HAILDWAISE end all kinds LIMIT OBEY IEON CASTINGS. tio tender our Goods and sees:lces to the Trade at the Lowest Prim...and warrant all our work .1 skillfully anished Order. solicited. The attentkut of Dealers generallaird to i out auto of BED AND PLATE CA WEAVES & ZONES. Address: Pittebragh Pootoffile. eitlftfft -ESTABLISHED 1831. Logn, Gregg & Co., IiARDWARE, N. 52 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. Spring Gonda, Hoes, Rakes, Forks, 'Scythes, Smiths, &e. Merchants are invited to examine our stactAThen in the city., Orders byinitirtfillhave-pyinpt at. tention. -; BEAVER FALLS CUTLERY _CO., .No. 70 Wood lotreeV 1=33 Table Knives . & Forks, Pocket: Knivos, - BttiCher Knives, BrOad Carving Knivet4, Scissors, Razors, Putty -Knives; lAD ALL OTHER ARTICLES OF CUTLERY AT LOW PRICES. Beaver Fills Cutlery Co., No. 70 MOOD STREET, rrrrsaußan. . . LEAD. DRUGS, &o. ; PITTSBURGH - 1 'Whitt Lead and Color j WorkB, - i 1 . . J .Schoonmaker Si Son; , :i •- 'PROPRIETORS, Mantitacturera nt WRITE LEAD, RED LE A D agotor i nta r li EnVR lARULI"." '"4 . 01410 E Alin FACIE Y. L i%, i Wi t 165,11; 456 and 468 Reirea Strut, : ; . - . - - : 6 w. WI aftentio t e toat=thigi read d m oar , or cartT Pan onstn :A." we man A 1 Um is Iron Dom **Min and ATdritle. ana wenn- .4 ton Is whndw and napsnor, nein hi coke' and now- ~j. wI GILIMEED to be inter darsOuntin ot L.. 4 i luta while, than say tn tt• toseltstoind will twilit 20 =red 1 . 110 .,, Tankage It th. last TERBDERSON; . k BROTHERS •Vatratfu=' Dw. ". lu PlmOrt = EBB!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers