The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 05, 1870, Image 3
FINANCIAL. , 1 Otti, -. -SILVER, COUPONS Bought at Highest Price. PH. METITZ, BANKER, Cor. Wood St. and sth Ave. Jas, T. Brady & (Snecesuas to siortrA di CO.. Corner Fourth Araile and Wood Street, BANKERS, BUY AND kkl.l. AI.I. KINDS OF Government Se ourit GOLD, ;',II,VER AND COUPONS, ON MObT FANORABLX TERMS Interest Allowed on Deposits, ..t t r=leetned on Government Donannt AND m... Tx sfewital dai7"' JAMES T. BRADY CO: THE DAILY GAZETTE. MONEY AND COMMERCE Orrice or rtuel...Mm x ;R • oli a ( l i . tzt i - rx.: Closing quotations n% received 1i P 14,1 Mertz: - • • Gold 111 Arnerienn .... Sitter 108 Westernnfon.... Runde.. ...,115 N. Y. Central 100 &al Bonds 1FC...111 Reading ..-...101!; 5....1) Bonds 1E61....111 P. Ft. W. a. C- 10.33 i 5-S3 Bonds 11165...111 1)510 Sr Miss 36'. Consols IMS 110 Mich. Southern... EN) Bonds 1007 ..110 tlleveland a . P... Bonds.lski...llo 109%4 10-40 100 Chlcap N. W. Adams Express.. 68X C. SA. W. Pref.. FON lierebantr R. Ex. Erie L.orpe. Smolt London Exchange' er pound • 5.47 5,57 Paris &tannins per Franc , 22!..; • 2.1 Berlin Psehanpe per Thaler 6= sl Frankfort Exchange per Florin 475 40 Central Pultlc tt 11.'llonds • Union P. 11. E. Bonds - ST ea Closing rjuota trona as received by James T. Grady It Co . Gold . . • . 11N 593 J an. & Jy. Int. 10% G. Sl 61. ... 15 593 Jan. it 1567 lON 11. 8. 59) 151 C US 59) Jan. & Ji. 1805 10% 0. 8. 5-83 1181, .... 11% C. P.ll. G. S. 5911585 ... 11 s C. P. U. R. rem 0. 8. 1040 PS Cy. Pantiles 11 My Telegraph to thEMlttsburet Oniet t Nur Conic, July 5. ' Wall street quiet and money. abundant end euy at ass per cent. Sterling dull at 9%;Cttlly• Gold beary and lower: opened atjllX: closed at 111.tie11tli. Clearances $17.000.0 1 20. • Car rylnr rates 3 per cent. to nat. Caparts Governments are lower in sympathy with gold Coupons of '81..152.15 , :; 11N4 - 011l: 114: new, 10%441010 %I. 10%4103i: 18%43 11111,14. 110.4i ' ; 10.40'5. I){37X; currency Ws. State bonds dull ,Missouris, obi Ten ' Degrees, &A; new. a4N'' old North Carolinas, sane , 30. kt ' oeks dull and firm but not quite up to the Ilighest pnt of the day. The Shore.aure were Nest- York I.7.nitral. Lake /back Island. Ohio and Mississippi and Heading. Canton, C 841; Csistberland. 41; Western Union Telegraph, UN; Quitkellser.b7; 3.lnripora.,6;; do. preferred. ISt Adams Express. 085; leS. American. 4436; United States. MI; Pacific Mall, 4:X;New York Central. 100}41 Script. SOO Erie, -d; do. pre! erred, 44; Ilarlem, 142; Heading, 110 %; . Lake Shore 101 N; Illinois centr4, 140: Pittsburgh, 10944 North western 8:IX; do preferred /OK; Rock Island 11114: New Jersey Central MU; St. Paul 67; preferred SIN; Wabash 581:: Preferred 76; Fort Wayne PDX; 'ferre Banta :Kr, preferred - Chlmtgo and Alton Ill; preferred BP::: Ohio nod Mississippi 011; Hartford Erie 44:: C. C. and C. 81: Burlington Mg: St. Joe prefer ed L11.4i; C. C. and I. C. 22)4.. Boston prices: Calumet. To, Copper Frills, 0; Franklin, 8; Benin, 00; Quincy 18. Sub-Treasury baloney—gold, 872.028,1irg cur rener.811,210,14 , 11. - I= Orrick or gnu FrrreiriniWin G.teorrE. t Moturtsr. July 1. WI 1 CATTLE. - Following ebterra the number of cattle on sale, the points at which thee were slopped. and the names of the shippers: • M. Varner. Chicago 1 car S. Marks & Bro., Chicago 1 cars Roth Shan:tchild" he & m Zeigler. Chloagog Chicago 'n, cant Sol enre L. &J. Shamberg, Chicago - .. ... ..,. 4 ears Hasiewood & Illackstock, 'Chicago I cor B. Brans. Chicago car ' Chas. Baas, Chicago 1 car Hreenwald &- Kohn. Clncinunt ll._ . it, .. 1 - car F. Brown. Cincinnati... ......... ~. ', .. 1 car I.ltrown, CinCinnati 1 car Trauma= & Lobman. Crestlice.. ..... tear .1. & B. Needy, Newark 1 car B. Harks k Inv., Newark ' 1 car Horner & Shornaker. Bridgeport_ .. • .. 1 car Prepaid. ... : .... . ........ , .... ....... . .. a' cars Totr.l ...Z .. Total last v:pek .. . ao Twenty-live car loads. averaging about 1$ 'bead to the ear. would make an aggregate of M. and add to this say one hundred driven ill from the country. and we have 503 as the tot: . number on sale; It lo possible there Nrere 00, but aot an more. Ordinarily this would be voueldered &small surdas. but to,dav it wan fully no to the demand, and it is ponsible - there may have been a tent left over. Not over two-thirds of the butchers were In at tendance. Many of them in view of this being the 4th of July bought atwo wrote supply last week, and besides, an Is always the case in extreme bet weather. they do not require no many cattle, as they , cannot sell the usual quataity of meat; then again the great abun , . dance of berries and vegetable, bat a ten dency to curtail considerably the demand for fresh meat. Compared with tan week. prices lire lower. • fully.N of a cent ou the, bent_grades, and a .tf m i eliT t ut e and b c e ll . r , , , , , , , T,...Th c i o sr:l d w k r te but e l i r r e%y good cattle on sale. Stock cattle, of which the offerings mainly consisted. sold at j Irma to ISK, according to quality and condi ; Mr. Jacob Haas, a well-known drover and senior member of the firm of Kraus k died very suddenly at tits residence In Ails gheny on Friday last, otparalynis. He . was at his pets as usual last Monday and was In • • tfun p rtigge l red b xtl,th lie wiiithwhetaar,,shnortot mistaken, about 53 years or age. and leaves Maternity In comfortable &commence!. • LC. MeNeeseeold,6 bead Butler Co. steers, at aeg:k ra rCo rl . Vila 7 head of fair to graml L. Reefer retailed 10 hnd of cemumnbas .• Mock, at 6 3 7 ctn. L. Rothchild/ & Zeigler 43head mixed ,terra, from Chicago, at 6a6erc. ; Jonathan Davis sold 6 common R'nshiog ton at 41fed. Haziewood & Blacken:wk. retalltsi V. 7 head of uommon mixed stock, j from. Chicago. at 4.3106. V. Qom Shomaker &.' Co. 'wholesaled -10 head Sairtelt. from Belmont Co. Ohlo..tocti to iloth ohlMe at 6.10. • ; IL Dorsey wholesaled 90 head of count:moish stock to J. k 11 Needy at 6, and SIO over.• Holmes. Lafferty k. Co. sold 95 'head of fair 10 extra Steen fur Brown of Cincinnati. at =lanai sold 41 heed of mixed hock from ? b 4r...stifl t . 5 1 6 11 33 filiad : of ; good Washington Co. steers, at 7N. Trammell ft Lohman 23 heed of mixed stock, • I ?Tirit7een:l t 45 head', of good to prime Kentucky steers, at ;J. Bothelaide . sold head of goo d to 7 pitisse Ohio Meng, at m ixed, N. ; 9.lnm lthead of Chlcago stock, at Of GM Varner 18 head of goOd to prime Chicago *teen, at 785831, and 18 from Weld Virginia, at . . j Peter Hartman sold 25 head , of tool to prime Oreeoe_Co. Moak. at 741.81(.1 Z . & ff. Needy 37 head good to extra Ohlo ideas's. at 7414 X. Bata a Loweastetne sold 1 head of mixed Etats cattle. of 6xe.7%. Marks it Ego. sold WI bead of fat cattle at CO) M stockers, at LINIVO4- it J. khatabreg. head mixed stock. 'ltom Chicago, at s.lfek.2k Graham wholesaled ts) halls to Kelsart. The ral e t; 4 lllthratt ie t itoptitpltnr;att week, won laity up to the demand, and as la the case of cattle. were mostly of the lower'irnules, and sows of the bombers were troubled to get as nanny good ahem as they wanted. notwith standing tbertteld pretty big prices. Co mmon sheep, better known perhaps as scale ' wags, were in geed imply and dull, and those butchers who bug thin kind of stock were en abled to do so at their Arum almost. We saw bus averaging Probably 110 or 116 lba offer ed no V,l( per bead. or about 2 eta per netted. and It waabard to Ind le ver . ror et this are. Prime fat sheep, he,er, of already le_ tlmated.r a t d !g ag I r eeit . er e a r y rdieffc rr o ritn pp re gr per heed. , sold at Kauffman sold 64 good Weahlbgtou county sheep to Neely & NcMillka, averaging about VT the at 4611 also 10 extra at gaper bead, - A. Fabren, tff bead scalawatpt tram Beaver county at 115 c to pa& bend. Adam Eckert sold 91 lambs at $n 150 a X.i t trelto7, fold sheep at . PM- - lambs at WOW. Jacob Emmett sold 130 Butler Co. . Omen a t of V re. I. l l=Lrl e alt sta st t 3, and lambs" an a" of left over from bast • • X. piperDelgheY SO P Week at hvbier. sold sheep vac lambs • at l VOtt abeep on commission for Blot ham .at. John Beelet 90; sheep at sl.'and lamb* at nn ammo ots3. Oarmln Bre sold 00 abeep and lambs at r. Irrrle . sold 104 lainba at 81,260,4. John Fairly sold ea bead sheep and lambs at • -aalemmatte slit. . • sheep at V Jas Mercer sold td Lawrence C.! (IA per head. , John Drum auld lin sheep and Westmoreland Co. atUiLl per b Jonathan C o. IN °Ea vs head Washlarron Co. sheen and lambs 'Roux. ambs from of common L fixo. .li'le.l q i6011',1,i , el') par og little i r is Tut likels Cut 111 this i crime. AS e 't gross.. Market coatinucs very dull, but ways the cane at these yard 'it tit the year: the butchers are buying tharlooocn4"P'Tr"'es; )nf,nr‘kh:rad'rt..l e veld any imrove. Ipeet to h r s ouse mo nths It quote at WOO per etc = I G r::lEffi L ra :len isvot like- Orrice or PITINDI7ItOII TM:SLUT. Jul kolim.R. it+ k :dwayg the eaue of the year. It very doll, and It hM there will he any Immedia at. Our merchants and mama l e improve eturers Ilre !king Stuck •thltut else. bast!)• en .ueutly our T t Thera Is 110 anons, but 1g is doun- wol Ing more of their thlie,Jo making nettlnmenta titan an ,Iry people generally a hat-venting. and rouse! =1 material change to make In quo the tendency of almost' everythld ward. Including dour and whent. , l PPLES-Are coming with a •tendy demand. pricec arty bi.t.:At per libt. ,tslll...i—gAnaile hat unchangt .S..alit.{m•ltaLtned. 4ktc; Peoria, as t ltl: grkat—Very quint and Ulleli! of good fresh packed nt 17WASe., at 19 q.Z fr el). but malutuhard MEE= id g c hoick lit iticooNlS- tor Price.; Vanes', 1450; No. 1, $l.:Ai; No.=, $4; gal; etnutoott, *2;003 111(01.12.11201IN—Sate ut our ear load at hte, alai [ht.+ IA about the best figure that east be CHICKENS—In better supply anal lover re now quote at Cab - ellOcta Per Pair by the coo etlltNla 1.--tesate I per hamlet. 12KMFINT—Sales of Louisville Hydraulic at. CARBON 011.—is dull bet firm—we quote .tandard brands. in a Jobbing way, at Mlsfpfl4. CHEMSE—Is very dull but unchanged at Mit itc,•the latter figure tor prime Ohio (Aachen. DRIED Flit:lT—There babasns little inquiry id the market la almost bare of the better mifticc. APPIe. VlskSs36. Peaches kViQ.Ofal ir quarters. anal than fur halves. Etidlf , —Deuittial rather better, with sales of vsli reported at Cl/or2lc. kIEATIIKLM--Qutet and unchanged, at Sida &lets. to the treat, 1 , 1.01:11. —There is no improvement to note In the dented. and no change to make in quotations; supply light. us dealers generally are lint no anions now about baying big stocks as they Were a mouth ago. We cuultilUe to _uncle .versterutloUrs. in store, at tailedMi, wheat.per bola fence Lends ttlitl. ltyu dour There la not much aoing in as some of that dealers have not , set become reconciled to the prices offered, and are hold ing in ealwelation - of an Improvement. We Continue to quote at sl.ffiket.lai for fair to prime, anal choice. if which there Is but little offering, would probably bring sl.=. Oats quiet and unchanged: eve can report sales On rharf at SI. and in store at s?..isAf.M. Curtis quiet and unchanged; shelled easy be quoted at on le hart' and track, and 'sMistfl fur ear. Nye —distillers are still out of the mar ket, and dealers ate only offering sts, althanglt we dill bear of a car load having been sold at e 7, the buyer furnishing sacks. Nu sales of Maley nod but little ohering. and not much wanted. - GROCEIII.--The grocery market has bees doll during the \VV.,: which! }tad closed, ea r s . leb IS initto scarcity t U..."rY buy es and the absence of country dealers Is in consequence of the fact that harvesting has ease u commenced. flat they' are crowded with work at home. Sugars are tlnner, having ad vanced an eighth of a cent in the east au relin ed. Coffee is quiet and a shade lower. Syrups are neglected and unchanged. New Orleans molasses strong, with a light stock. No change whatever la Mee. • HA h--:ales from country wagons at $10(a.12 Mr new and C 4418 for old. lIKMP—Sales of undressed Kentucky Hemp . • at $167. RUSKS—Corn busks. 3.‘1,31( cta. Ll.lll:—Sales of Cleveland at iMt'.s per bbl; and eastern at SM.' LAID) 01L—Estee No. 11a quoted at $1:11 e. 1.2.1 and .1.10.2 at 191. PROVLSIWIS—Iti steady jobbing demand with regular sales at quotations. Shoulders 13Vit11 for plain. and 15.'iGt.I8 for Sugar. Cured: for Canvassed Sugar Cured Hamm loSktl6% for Ribbed Shim 17 for Short and 17X l and or Clear: Breakfast Bacon. 19. Lard, tea. 17 1F.V.18,y In keg* and buckets. Mess Pork V.ll. Dried Beef. 23304 t 1. PE.ANCTS—DuII. Tennessee, hitt. POTATOES—SaIes or _fresh receipts new crop at s4ZtOli per bbl. SEED.Y—lncraeed la In active demand, and crushers are taking all that niters at S Net bine doing In Clover or Timothy Seeds. • CE3=332:1012 Orrice or Prrrearrston Claggrre, TrEADAY. July 5, ISM. I The oil market opened quiet and rather weak, hat Infer in the day It was stronger, having gained strength from tome source, though there was little or nothing done, and (Imre is not much chance, In the present ml lion of affairs. to do anyt hlng. There Ina feel ' ing prevailing. however, and it teem to be gaining strength, and that is. In no event are prices likely to.go mach lower, while. on the other hand, the chances are If there to any change, that it will be upward. RErTNY.D. Was stronger and a shade higher. Spot and July way bet toted at 27. 4 4 and . 4U . : it was bported that therehad been a sale of 1,50 olt spot made in Philadelphia. but about the to time there were salon at alli• and more ...tiered at the name tlgure. Thomism,. to Its nothing iliiingand but little sold alsait fu ture,, mitt there are no Cornbil•thed a CIIeDIL Early Iu the day It wan rumored than.there bad been n sale to be delivered on this 'mater nt 1134; It could not be traced to any reliable source. however, and therefore wan .not be lieved. Afterwards it was. reported that there ball been sales at 11% and 11%. bat the onb• bona Me trhusactlon we could bear of nine at 11 , q, and this seemed to be regarded as the ruling -quotation for spot or-seller this month. • =I Vista Oil Work f.M.,rin account 0..0 & At 11 R ; Brilliant Oil Workleat .em account Lock hart. F & (A,: A. B. 31111 e 193 - on account. W . Bartle: E Sfittodwintl4..on account J B Bar bour: James Wilkins M. on account Phila. & Boston P. Co: Same 74, on account Treat & P: .1. A McKee Ea), on account AS Goldridu Bril liant Oil Work ). on account A -Goldriclu F. A. Bates 019. on account D. C. Herbst; Fisher lire li4 on account L W Young; Eagle Oil Work WE, on account B. S. Duncan. Total • 1.754 bbls. STATEMENT. Or CIII.TDE all. 5/UPPED HT P. It I, AND A. V. It. It. OIL LINE. EITIMNG wren s.euraa JOLT 2. 1870. . By Parker & Thompson from Parker to Malcolm Lloyd, Philadelphia. MD bble. lir D C. lierbest from Parker. to Poultney tc. Moak, BUBimore, 6311bbis. By Parker .Thompson from Parker to Wor th., Frew & Co., Philadelphia Lien his. Br Parker .& Thompson from Parker to I Josiah Macys & Sons, Communipaw. 101 bldg. Ity Fisher Bros. from Parker to Warden. Frew & Co., Philadelphia By B. S. Duncan from Parker to W. P. Logan & Co.. Philadelphia, 210 bide. l3y Thor King from Scrubgrass to Merritt, Jones & Co.. Baltimore. 212 bbls. lle Charles Ecky from Foster to King Philadelphia, 180 - bbls. By 3.l3ushnell from Farren Farm to Tre tt & Co., Columba. SU WM*. Total. . 1,817 bbls. of 45 gala Total to New York 410 1 bbls Total to Philo 3.501 bids Total to Columbia 80 bbls Total to Baltimore 444 bbls =I MAREETRHY TELEGRAPH, Nrllf York.. Nrir Yong. JalyE.—Cotton dull And Sales MI bales at 03}/c for middling upland_ hour—reeelpts g5,.....12 bble, dull and ]De lore 'sales 60.000 bide at $4 MS MI for supertin 'western and State; g•', 0Z.6 80 for do eat • driad 0:1 for good to cboice do; - rop fore white wheat trexteru extra; *5 0 ,, Z1A rO for extnrOblo; 90a9 for extra St. Lout, Rye flour u shade firmer; sales 400 bbbi at 8r 0 10. Corn meal quiet and unchanged. Wills_ ky dull: sales 150 bbt 90ott$1. Wheat—re. Wets 41.871 bush, dull a and 1.100 lower: sales 64000 bush at $1 Mill 90 for No 2 Chleago $1 21 et 27 for No 2 Milwaukee:li t Mal 4 tar win ner redand ember western. Itre quiet. Bar ley malt steady; sales 5,00 bush Canada West at El 00. Corn-receipts 28,101 bush, 14t2c bet tar and fair demand; sales 42.000 bush at glft. 1 la forams' mixed western; tic for inferior do; $1 0n14e7 for western yellow. Oats—re •ceipts 33.611 tmb, firmer and In fair demand; toles :COCO bush at o'itite for western; 84Q. , 70c, Ohio and' tate. lbw quiet at $70475 for $lO5lOO. retail tots.. Hops quiet and `very arm. Coffee quiet and unchanged. Su gar steady: sales 750 Idids at 9MMUNos for Cu ba; also, 400 bee Havana at lame. Molasses dull end unchanged. Bice dull. Petroleum qniet: seise crude et llic; 93.140.21 c for relined. Turpentine steady at igliktinic. Pork dull; sales 4 40 bbl; at $.l/AilaZl.7s for s mess; =SI M. 50, Mime: 12.50= prime mes; alto, fin bbis mese, seller three months, at VD; 500 able August, im1.50. Beef quiet and steady; sale. 100 me at SIIQIS for pieta mesa SIIM4IB, ex tra mem. Beef Hams quiet at4t.VM% for m ew MA. Jodi:lmes.. Cat meats firmer soles 7 bble and 10 bxs at 14Me for Cumberland cut. Lard dull and unchanged; isles 180 Ws at 141(0.161fe for steam; 105(41.18me, kettle rendered. Butter quiet at lOrdAle for western. Cheese heart . at 70110. Freights to Liver- Pr! quiet.: Tataf —Flour closed dull and Gc Poese ee common grade, Wheat quiet and Murry at $1=1.27 for No 2 Milwaukee. $1.17Q1.2.. far western No 2 L'llltaao, and $11161.40 for win ter red amber western. Rye nominal. Oats quiet, so ft:4840 for westena and 111)845700 Ohio.. Corn quiet and steady at 5180404 05 for new mixed western. Fork steady, with sales of 500 bbis mew seller August at IMO,' Beef quiet and unebenged• Cut meats tirm D at $23, with fair inquiry. -Bacon nominally unchang ed.' Lard dull and heavy, at 103101ic for prime steam. Eggs unchanged. CC= • Cdicaao. July .1.-Flour very dull and un c I I " OVIII I Ch c`artYal and e Tailor,l. ETV ',11; 1 10 roller, last halt; Clueing at Malan rate for No. 2. _This afternoon market dull at V. l o t au easora IOALI 0 lower; cloning St tiotatEOX for N 0.2. Unchanged this after noon. Oats dull and 1e..110t lower, No. 2 closed tellers, at 48c. Ilse Inlet and arm at Ilk for 280.2. Barley dull and nominal. High wine, quiet. Prorlrions dull; mess Rork at Ve 2:4= 60. Lard 15)(e15Xc; dry salted shoulders 11BGLUB; loose short k rib middles Vt i r&. 4 o;9 0 1 11 " r tikdtra_;,9q.:c,tatr° arm , I . ! _t at 14 8 A50.9 33 for t u toe o rn and ealpplag e Steers. Receipts the pas seventy-two. hours—'3= Obis dour: 11.745 both wheat; 121,810 bush corn; 58,490 bush oats; 3,163 both eye; 1.100 bank bay. ley; 1.1135 hogs. Ship ants-4.11: bbl. flour; 04,865. bush wheat; rye bush Com; 17.4 60 aaab oats; 300 bush rye; altDbnatpbarler, LEN hot. Freights quiet and easier at 4540 for corn to Baffalo.' laneinstatt. • CISCIJCULTI. AM' s.—r lour Is sery ull and PrleesTlttle better than nominal: lam IT $5.50 ortnk Attie Whet small very dull $l, ; 1.15 for Nos. 2 end 1 red: sales of hl at $1.!5 tga. / yn dull 1 85 7:1111gonly aood d 11 , 311 . 1 „ .;41 , lobbing corn Oau `4,fr:rutt: toßVerig2gdat'4, Barley dull: sales of new at at for com mon to food, choice not saleable at better than PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETT 11,15.. Cotton dull and prices entirely nomi nal:. middling Can be bought at We. Tobacco active and in good demand: sales 210 hhds at $0.(4=3,45. Whiskerdull PEQ,9OO. Mess York and Lard are dull and prices nominal: (rimer held at hp) and the latter at 13!:Et.lac. e Is a good demand for Hulk Meats. especially shoulders. of which Mlfiult IDs sold at 11Xe for loose, and 12c* packed. part , at Indianapolis; shies cold at 14clOose. LtaCOn firm and cleat rib sides higher subs 11l pkgs nt 1011itifc for Moulders, and 16f-fald r for cletur.rib sides. Sugar cured hams trlsaartle. Gold buy tug. Exchange steady a; par Wring.' Use Snuck Market.. New YORK. July 4. ThetranSaCtio as Were confined to u fen' hours thin morning. and the markets were lively but the stock Was not all Mild. Beeves Molt sin thousand for the week. and tour thousand to-day; Ilia ears at Hundredth; pl cars nt Weehawken, and 54 xi at Conimunipnw: 'Tie prices of good ttle'are unchanged, viz: 42 to Me, with 'lle um and COllllllOll rather lower at Cre ilk, the ,erage being ',Hong at the. while int cattle 41 without trouble; punt as lire en gmely slow. New York Coutrars freights m forty dullani per car from Buffalo: brie, rte dollar. Cheep number 27,:15) tor the week ud tied to-day; many of them are holding _eon they range Iron, 4 to 7c per pound for very thin to extra fat sheep, and lififiltic for. lambs. Dogil have rallied again to .1101,1144 e for dressed; the receipts being only Monti tor the week, with 21 mita to-day, a lot of Is: pouud bogs sold, lilt - ). at loge. Putt.abeixtia, July u.—Beef Cattle lu :air demand at fin advame, with sales of 1,400A:5 -un un lit lair to good at 7)6(0.1k . . and cuminCin nt IVO . c. Sheep held thinly, with sales 0,013 at ifilairic. Hogs are In demand. with sales Of 2,00 head tit 512.5tq1 2 . 75 . Dry Duo& Markel. New YORK, July o.—Dry goods Dade dull arid prices without inatorial Change. Best heavy brown sheeting, of SOO and twit era makes are selling slowly at likPlie; brown drill) held at Irrikida.kic; prtuts or well known makes Were In limited demand at lurraxiHre; corset jean, held :it same figures; 01/14COW W gingliams 10e; Lancaster a; r.qu. N 0 141] Meeks HS kr.lac: do No lnfiti do ILliel Uneas -. r stripes 11.d,17ic; 0; Ile Wight caluirricsr-11C; Antonin to 21Kr:0m - it's that Coatis' spoilt et it - L 01.114. F.T. I.OulS , July s.—Tobacco active and Urn. Cotton nominal, latinTLl/. Hemp quiet,l•434);lj4 uudressed Machine Rope.kwS c. /Imp hag giug. AV. Flour. Me eau and drouptn,-. choice Fall munerllue. ta2na. Eat ra 4.".0; td.:3o;tat. Spring W hint: lower UZ.e. deemed. Nu. 3, daarad.lani For old Wheat, f1.154.1.1a. New 1,0.1; XT•ittia• 143. Corn IILIV.OO ai.,..5,; sale, untied al to higher yellow n2(d.,5c; while tricrilf t. tints higher nate , : at nant.33a. Rye. more active at te.r.rdlc. Whiskey steady: sales at Old. Oro ctn.., dull cud unchanged. Provislona hewer arid more doh's . . Porn Edie•ilni . the latter bar extra henry. Menu: order taries of shoulder, at 131. e; clear rlb 1nt,(d,16 , clear ITSc• Lard • 1101111 URI at , Itihtittintii Caine are in Drink demand at interior to contniont 4titi;), c for fair to cook lingo INCtne I= LoutsviLLk, July S.- Ilaggiug him; 2-pound Kentucky 110011:0g. mactilue tope 8;.; e. Col ton dull and 100 - cr; uuddliug IS} e. -Floor yuit 1. 53ats 100. lip, $l. Provudous firm cud in better demand. Pork vo. Uucmt lay 4061Q41:31c. ludic teats 1:-.X0,1AesItih Ittu sugar cured. 21N c. Lard r.e. 111%Key 04111 lc. Tobacco market active; sales 144 blob.; ti2.7NO for frosted to good Ws". V‘f• c for lose to Medi= briTh , loa f .• Philadelphia." • • P111..0.1.PU1A. July s.—Flour dull and wear.; Sllpvallle V. 4.5 ev rns *:Yip,.', s srrinK 1.1.1 extra fat tttt y *li Vogr,;. quiet for rod; $1 46 for State. Itve stea uy; western pl. Corn dull; homed western pI (1.1 M. Oats steady at tr.iitellisc. Petroleum— bulauess; crude ltlUi t yle.qc; relued nom inal. Whisky quiet; western iron $l. CL.XI:I-ksb, July s.—Flour unchanged Wheut steady and firm at *1. 30 for No. I red tor 2 do. Corn firm and held fit W.O To NO.l Minnesota: No. 2 held at SOo•. Oats dui und'quiet at 57c for No. t State. Rye quit , and unchanged. Barley nominal. Petroleu • quiet; crude per barrel: refined - . 2:le De Memphis. ; MEMPHIS, July 5.—C0l on flat no re. eelpts, one hundred and erEhty-tou r oSPOrtli line hundred and fiisty-.even. Plour medium edad.Z. Cornmeal quiet. t 1.70.. Corn heavy ttk1.141.00. Oats Hay quiet. /AI Bran quiet, 19c. Lard nominal: - Pork do . ' 1394 c In store. Bacon shoulders, 134 r: aid 16M0.17}fc. IMITZIME )11C1vAcKr.r. July 5.-I.lour nominal..Wh tak at t. 1,14 for No. 1.10 for 50.2. Oi wer at file for N 0.2. Corn and rye nomln =I CLEVELAND AND PITTSBEINDI ILAILDOAD COMPANY. July 2 -12 can Lake Superior ore. Stmenberger. Blair A Co:6 do do. MeKnigitt- P A Co: II do blooms. Mullet. & Cu; 3 do plg . Iron. lAtotuts A Collard: 1 do dn. .1 IV Porter; 1 do do. Loomis A 5000 ft lumber. Croatlow A Coon; 5.000 do do. Polies. Long bend & Dailey; 3 bbls ego. 1 dot seed. II Rea Jr; 2 bbls eggs. P Duff A Son: 3 pigs cigars, T W Raker; 3 bbls oil. M A Jones: 10 bbt.t .••• • . . gar. S Eirart & Cu; Sl bbls hama. Drape & Robertson:7 bbls vinefrar,.WOodworth & Di LI aka oats, do corn. k' 0 Craighead: 1 pko clakra..l Fallen on:31 washers. LeArls. & Phillips: 5 crates cigars. Arbuckles & Ca; 10 bblit oat meal. Strickler & M; let bdle chairs. 0 pkgx chair.stuff. Bedford Chair Co: I car a pipe. 11 II Collins:3l3 eta oats. Mt:Wine & An jer; I tee bacon. P Duff & :km:l bbl beams.. kge butter. 2 bbl. tglr , . I bi h - P & Son; IX bbl eggs. I keg hotter. Read k 34:1 do do. I do do. 1 1 Dort k Co. 187 emp oil bblq.o A Wormckstle; Al e oil bid's, II 11 toore: Ibis potato, 4 do vinegar. Ilruggertonn .7; 011; Itel e s chairs, 12 e s ellekers, A Minikes & Co; •ro , Co chairs. Lem. & Weise. • - .1 • . rrnariton. Voter WAYNE. Aou RAD-m,OO. July 5. -13 Irkirs aubaccu. IL D . Wormners CliriNty: pkgs to bacco.J Wilson & S ;a; okirs mdse. Kramer. 11.0 Cr: 7 bbls Shbles..l N lloffstott; 30 Nils brooms. K Ewart & Co:, a bale. tow. Lemon & Weise; 1 bbl whisker, Adler. It & Co; SUdour. W Hostage &Co; Inn do do. Houck .7 & Cdo o; 34 do .10, Minks, do. Sehomaker & L; 33 bbls bungs. Arms(iong. 1.1 & Co; 310 do dour. Owner; do do, Haworth .& D; 19 bus chease.W D Cooper: 10 Mils whiskey. F Evert &Co; 110 hxg w glass. C IhmseuL &Co I bbl alcohol, PI A Jones; odo do. 11 'O. Fahneslock & Co; 31 do liquor. Ilunhall A Co; 25 ruses lard, Ualzell & T. 1(1) do lour. I/Wallace.° do Men hol..H E Eellen &C.o. 35 hides. I'gh Tannery Co; 5 bids whisky. Jos•S Finch & Co: 5 do do, .0 II Watson; 3) 0 bids fish.o P Striver & Cu; 01 bbls alcohol, Wed et ter & 9: 10 bales hops, J. White Jr. ADD Or. LOCI. RAILROAD. July 1= 19 b. CON, 1 car grain. McHenry .0 II: 1 dc staves, Stroll A Dew 100 Mils dour, Owner:s do whisky..l A Christy; I W Jen hams..l P Han na ,t Co; 27 kg., tobacco. It & kins.; 11 110 do, Carter. McGrew & Co; It. sausages. J II Parker; I do do, F. II Myers & Co; 4 pkg liquor: J Ferdenberg; 1: do 410, H Noland:3l bgs wheat, S Hood: 0.5 do do. 169 bgs wheat. 1,9 do oats, Meaner & II; I LW eggs. 'Point. 01 & Cu: 241 bp; dour.. II Riddle; 0; bgs wheat.l3l do barley, 1 Mickey & Co; Al Inn corn. P Duff & Son. ALLEGHENY Marton Julr 4.—S can wheat, Kennedy & tiro; 1 do stares. Italysi & II; 300 bgs barley. A Guckenheimer & ears shingles Melanie . ; do lumber. I. Walters. & Son:22 Mos wool. 5 11 3: .1 H Fullerton; II tildes. Lapne .t W:4 bags meal. Jag 0 IlanlIn: 711 bgs Millteed. Johnston & McF;: ears metal. Spang, C & Co, 1341 bits oats. 24 do rye, It Knox & Son: 179 do 0n1a.31 Steel & Son; 1 car metal. Pgli Iron & Forge Co; 3) bbls whisky. It & A Carson; 19 sks wool. S liradley &Son; 1 car Ice, Gilmore, S s Co. ' .' ALLEORRNT VALLET RAILROAD: July 5.- 1 hides. G H Anderson: 1 Car stone. - Render— eon & M: 2 do do. P Brough: 4 do railroad. tt; Ctta:2ll kgF,s tobacco. Porterfield tiro: 3 care metal. McKnight. co; 1 do lime, Hender son latrot 2 kge butter. Bruggerman & O'Brien. 170 eke wheat, W. do corn.'_ do oats. Scott & illeal; 78 eke pate, 6 do rye, Adams & Knox: 633 eke oats, A Whitten: 3 eke wool. W M Logan & C0:36 she wheat. 10 do oats. Scott & G tall; 1 car cinder, Zug & Co, = = Prrrornrnon. DROWNSVit.t.r AIM GENEvA PACS= COurmar. July 5.-40 sks teed: re do oats, Camnbell &Coulson; 18 do wheat:Ken nedy limn 9GI sks bats, 16 do coml. 13 do wheat, McHenry & Hood; 27 hides. W Flacons & Son: Et. , sks oats 11 Soaker & Son; CO sks cora, P DIX & Son; -98 do wheat. fill oats, Hitchcock, MeCreery & Co: to do do. 18 do corn, Kell & Hitch:wt.: 13 do oats, 1 bbl. eggs, McCracken. (1 & Co: 12 sks oats, 1 bbl eggs. A Hopkins:2lo mills stoneware: 24 sits corn 8 11 Floyd & Co; 37 Mtn wool, Clarke & Co; 4.2 sits oats, A S Carlisle; 241 bxs w glass..l Flack; al sks oats. J S Liggett & Co: 11 pkgs butter and eggs, 144 sits Wheat. 24 •do oats. 3 8 do corn, McCrackenm 7 o & Co; 2 boo eggs, picas butter. .1 J Pettit; sks oats, C Yeager: 50 skit oats, P Dail & Son; 2 bbls butter. 3 bbls eggs. 14 W Rankin & Um: MO bk. w glass, 11 C tichmertg; sks wool, W DarkerJr; :91 site onto. Campbell .5: Co; 12 site wheat. TA do oats, Hitchcock, Me & Co; 80 eke oats. 14 do corn, D Chess. RIVER PACKETS RI TILE FLEET STEAMER ..,slate. BELLE, IMll= mitpendent Pittsburgh. Brownsville an Geneva Packet. leave* Wheel Beat above Mortongshela Midge every TOMO DA Y. THURSDAY and f DAY "Arc L. Ir. carry Ight and Pamaangere to all poi at on the Monongahela elver. Forteeig for pamage amey onboard.ov at Wharf boat, at foot of Gnum Want myp Val. maul:nor a co.. moot. EiNZIM Volt CAIRO AND ST.. _ LOUlB.—Thenew and splendid xxcitANGE ChpL A. C. lIICCALLEN, Will leave for the elute end Interteedlele Pot TO-DAY. the 4th lest.. et 3 V. Y. eur f relay on brava or ta let VLAIIIC. ,ti I' 70 Ma NtiWOOD. Agente; POWnIMuLIIt PACKET FoxWHEELIMA, MA kil- s ar ci e no ' o -r. 4' Aia PA-RE c a . • 1 Moves Pittsburgh girEttr g issW-4 P. M. • IAMVOS POrtatenuth ETERS oNDAT-1 0 A .M. The new end Splendid Palen r steamer • GRANITE S ATE W. IL HERE. Will eave me ornomnood. ___, or 0 Vol freirdit or pormoor SPOT on 0. 11. CO Pittsburgh and Cincinnati PACKET LINE The new and eplioneld elds-wbeel a gr a t eleamer CapL 0. L. BnitarNAN, will leararittabn rah for Cin cinnati PATURDAV at 112 Celclock M. prnmpt ly. liaturninaooll Ware Cincinnati on TUESDAY, nlllllll. r"' 1.'4" 4. P." W . elt t r l toli7 JAElltal 00 UM. M Or • RIVER NEWS. The river rose considerably during- MomhLy but yesterday it wen about eta- E,o; tionary with 6 feet '2 inches. in the Than. rg nel by the Monongahela marks. Weather LI clear and hot in the sun, with indications favorable for rain within the neat forty eight hours. • The it'buiest twtween the famou; Mis- I,lli, and It. E. her.. mac won by the Lee.' The Lr•r was built at Lotiisville.and the Natehtex at Cinch,. nazi. Pall jiarilrnlars in regard to time etc., vie., will be found in our telegiaphie . . • tins been no arrivals since-Sat tur. be Kate Putnam front St. Louis. ext boat due—she was advertised • Cincinnati on Monday. . • The towboat Coal Valley, with 70,000, and the Coal 11111 with.llo,ooi4 bushels of coal departed for Cincinnati. and the Lea der left for Louisville with 70,000 bushels. The Exchange departed for St. Louis with n fair trip. Pilots—Copt. Greenlee and A..D. Henn. The Cincinnati V)azc(le. of Monday •: ' The Government nurveying boat, Tcdeout, is lying ai the .Neivpiirt wharf, having arrived from Pittaburgh Friday evening last. Cid. W. F. Merrill, who supersedes Col. Milnor Roberts in ... . . . . . charge of Ohio river improeemonts, with headquartei at ' Pittsburgh. is with the Tideouto... .11 n.dip the following from the some p per; Cant. henry A. Jones has sold ill( bat,. Nellie and Selencin to Edward F. (evens for $3,000 anal. Thu Armadillo Idol: one to New Orleans. where it will be loaded with railroad material for Littlelioeh, and towed up by the Colossal. The latent tows the other to Jetnrsouville, where it will be loaded with railroad material for Little flock. --Copt. T. C. Sweeney lips sold to James Collins, of . Pittsburgh, three. fourths. and . Captain Andy Robinson. Jr., formerly of the Illasgow. the other fourth, of the steamer St. Marys. for ir.10.0011, Capt. Jack • McAlliater has sold th I'owoll for $5,000 na follows: thre ha to If. A. l'unninghton:Awo.tenths t L. Barringer: two-tenths to liarvey Allins worth; three4enths to J. W. Sherswood, —The British ship St. LaWrence tsar hunted and sunk at New. Orleans, Wed. nesday evening. She had over2,ooo bales cotton and some Hour in her hold. —Capt. Nat. Williams, of Madison, has purchased the Countess for 'O,OOO. She AVM towed to Madison to lte_disruantled. —The Hobert E. Lee and Natchez are .advertised to leave New Orleans again -pit the same evening—July 14. —Tenne,pee river has again got down to low water mark at Chattanooga. . —Theironsides was etportqd to arrive at Chwinnati on Monday. tir OILS. Tack. Bro. & Co., PERRY BUILDING, r)114011I,0110 Way, Plttaburie =I Crude & Refined Petroleum TA Ca - 711E05., Philad'lphia. VA:RING: & KING Cannuission Merchants and Writers , la . , Petroleum and its Products DALZELUS BIAN . K.DANfI , W , Nr WAY =I KIN U & c 0 p 1 109 WA I.IICT - STREXT ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY Herbert W. C. Tweddle, MANUFACTURER OF Orienting and High Teat Burning 011 g • II let Batt/Alt X.i.n Olt.. Stand. ant heat wahont chanson: rentams lin,. old at lowees or st temperatur e..sreathisi. Special lit or pop- climat hot I.OCIOMPTITK. MACITINS 13110 P. I Willcot «Teary PAW Mill. APB PLABINIi 011.1. oti..d. Sl A ll d ita 2"4 l.Y. f Ulr gi tt l rtre:lCEAT - 1.1 1 :31 1 T tin., Oil., TANNEI44 . STLao-'IIKNY.OI.Ii, PING and FINISIIINGMASOLINK 1111. 11ABNIPIS PARAFF Ile& • A ItMOK VARNISH. to preserve Bright Iron Work and Machinery from rust, Three products are roannracittred under Pr.' Tneoldles patent by -Superheated Steam in }tem°. The Istbdastlng tills are almost odorless. pet (noels pure. uniform. and meetly tight emoted , stand a Mph temperatuni unchanged. and main limpid during extreme Th e Railroad Olin arolane. qualled;and arc In constant tun upon roomy or the prtnelpal Railroads. Samples can be examined and orders left at 174_ Wald, STIIBETo Wort. at Sbarpstmnt Bridge.- = TAX NOTICES U . S. L'iTtilt COLLECTOR'S NOTI OrrICS COI T.WrOlt Or INTICRIPALRivreor. • 230 Collection 1 Wate lo2let Of Penna.. No. etstmt. AI Lann.Y.Crre. May 2021,11570. Native Is barest given that the annual Lists of tperial ves Taves, fonneril tanned License. , and of the Ta an Incomes, Carriages, Watches Silver Plate, &c., • Are now In this ME., where payment will be re. oelved thereon b 7 the Collector, on and after the FIRST DAY OF JUNE, 1870. 'Mete taxes hav ing bemire° doe, nnst be Paid before the 25th day or Jane. 1870. otherwise additional expenses will be Incurml by the tax payer. —E- lIINIT7.\OTOB. Eno Depot , Collector for the County of Armstrong, and EDWIN LYON. Esq. Deputy Collector for Um enmity of finder. will be ready to reel.. after the Ist of June.for their respective cantles. and will pont notices deelins tine the time end pieces when and where they will be prepared to metre the tares collectable by them.. Taxes paid only in rrecribacks or national mitreaty. Ofece houYe frouro-4..E.105r. r. JOHN M. SI7LISPAN',-' COLLECTOR. CITY Tmusraza P OPTIC& Pn - Yenrstatl. Jane 1.1870.5 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PRO VISIONS of the City Digest. votioe Is hereby ~ to the Tax Payers of the City of Pittsburgh. that the PAPOPPOIPMP ity, City Building, Special, Poor, Thal nets, City School and Ward School Taxes. and City Water Bents •, • • Forlbe yelir 1100 bare, In accordance erltblew. been this day returned to me for conection. A. deduction •of Flee per mutual will be allowed en Jilt axes end Water an punt on or the Wret T pay of August. ann nta Two per motion biefore If paid between the first dale of Anlntet and Urteenib day of Reptembier. .romrum ( l , l44 STEAMSHIPS fr OW - o LLYERPOOL AND QUEENS s_ TN.— TIAN INMAN MAIL • ' STEAMAI n.berlogslneen Mt, do. ressele, =Ong them the celebra. CITY OY PARIS, CITY OV . ANTWIIIIP_. FITT Or HORTON. CITY_OV BALTIMORE. CITY OF LONDON. . &Mink ICTESYSATITIIDAT.frocoPter4dFkketh River. Haw York. For is or further Informs. therapply W • WILLIAM BINIMAM,•Jr., MMM INE LIFF.—The trent Blood Purifier and Della°. Think, WARNER'S yistoki km.f., Olt WINE or MVO, is free from VU r trtl i is Pr f= gr i n; vieghth.ruttlpni the ant and delicious article ever offered were public, far superior M brandy, whist), wine bitters, or sor other-article. It is more healttik and chattier. Path male stalemate. young or old ran take tbe Wine of Life. It to in fact. aae preserver. Those who wish •fa Welt.) good b tit and a free now of lively sPidta , aui do well to take the wine of lac, It different fawn aulthituf over before I n use. It Is sold bldrnrogiste: also at all rimpect able saloon. Price Sime, quArt bottle,. nob: wrT 000=1 , 1124ci, TEAS! TEAS! TEAS. Just received, iSIMO and fine word:tient of New Togsa.eenststlng of ySoN. VOLONO, =! BOOCEIONCI. ilium are Invited to eall and examine the stock as quality and mice wid be tnr the Interest of the Oureha.e, ".wnmeni ME=M!l= PROPOSALS_ FOR COAL.=-Sealed Proposal's slit e received at N 0.12 WYLIE STREET, until July oth. .1870. for from etc (0.000) to ten (10.000) thousand bushels or good LUMP COAL. to he delivered at the Orent School Mum. • lettrabb WEDNESDAY MORNING, .JULY 8, 1870 LE T CL9..L NOTICES. - On WHITTIER CONTIN-, t . :EIS TO TREAT Ail. PRIVATE Dig— t IS . That numerous dam of cases ntsniting Ithbuse, producing unnumilnees. nervous bil lt irritability, emotions. seminal essions. d n. Sly impotency mi Perrone with delicate. intricate mud long limn.. nstit Ronal complaints are petite Inet.d to nil tocommit... which costs nothing. Expe rience. the beltof teachers, h. enabled him to pert - remedies at once ealcient..te. permanent. dw. to most mutes can be used without hind rance busing.. Medicines prepared in the es tablish en t, which embraces office. reception and wsl i t; r rt;torote also boardln , g rod ale r vt= :Alt e r , t; lion. a d et ° l - Vl e ei=l%l d ttltZ thus onmen: Intl the teed faint ell epriturs. No matter who hare t fled. state your eu.e. Barad what he saes it , his pat phiet of fit 57 page. sent to an, adder. for two at moo in seal.] ant elope. Tiot.ell43 of eases treed° annually. at "Mee and an Alit the constry. Ca nsu tation treo. personally or by OWN, No. 9 Wit sheet, (near Court 'louse) Plusburgh• P. Ma 9stlLtoS P. M. :tandem , 19 to 9e. Pomp lot sent to any address for tun MA Mi. lc - DYSPEPSIA—NEW MODE OF TREATMENT. - PRI Fffti3Oß WALKER. the dlstlngulabed En -It I danlxt. dlscoVored Atis.a.lll. an excellen g t c remedy, an effectual cure for Indlaestlon, nOlO • .d Liver Complaints. and communicated he .•e to the ...'hlludelphle Masonic Institute. -no ' r ot., will. On c0n..1 , M forward free to II thin Important The Medical Reform society who makes this an nnteetnent will net make any chance for this eels., the object being to demte the rope- ...Mt, Of Melanie I,rer creel Other tswenee of nedlelne. bet In return ...edema those who an, V"litTr!deatL.l:'n,r7lll.llietnn'ltlh;lirfiaegeatl'er ;;Cren't ...cement In bean rsfone. linelose a directed .neelope to the . tifft ItETAItY (.1Y Tlll.l 80-i 0,1011.7 *nab I.3th street.; •hllede ehla. Jet:y.2 1 - 1 - 3IANIIOOD: - HOW LOSTI 110 H It ESTOISED .t...inet 1,1)1110.0 In a nettle) V,Z44;Yril.l:friA'llUirt!i', ' la w :Via,l l l .9 e ' sL l `,. Soermatorytnea, or Seminal) Wenktion, and Imps.? ment. te hiarrlnge denerallyt lierctonont, (.1.7 ISM. 'aid, riiiieecy, and , Vita; Menlo) _mid Physt . Ineopttetty,fte... let 11011 r. J. t..L 1.% }Atte ELL. U. It., nutlvor of the "Green look, ll Ac. ..A 110():: TO TllO IdiANDS Ole SLIFF.F.ItEItd. - Sent under Pelti. in a plain ansolope, to any adilrose, poet Mid. Vi1),70`.15.` ':!."'iLeV,l• r i!if.". r•ii'lil.:rrni.P;l,',: , Tort, 1, ostoth hax.l.),S6. A 1,.) Dr. Culyentell l u Vert. go Guide," ptieu 25 MPS, meattratl' a,.---0 HATCIIELOIL'S HAIR DYE.- This Bair Dye Is tho boot In the world.' Itarnaloss. rultablo. instantanoonu. doom not Contain !endowsAny VITALICI.I2.. to Peoduou aaraiyu /) or death. Avoid the vaunted 'and dein taro p t erms boasting virtues they do not dos . seta. Ti.) uunnlne W. A. datchnlorlu Hair Ore hiss h.! .3010.0 untarnished repsltathsn to uphold Its Integrity ns III; only Perfect Itaar Dye—Black or Brown. Sold 17 All DrogoastA• APPIled 01 111 Moot otrueL N. . . --..!':';.. I1'AT011) ktUAUlth.—.l 1 Willi or LW.,early Indire,otlnn, causing net eons debility. prematore. decay. he_ bovine tried -in vain every advise - tined reroody, has dlao.yered rtMnlPin of snit-cure, which he will vend free to Pis follow sufferenl. J. IC. It flF.V}:d. kalnorr IS Nancy Steno!. New tort illy. VI: F- - I , :tro KH tt•l•jai z{:fuß3 :TABLISHED BY A. & T. BBBRA, ISII. w. M. GOTI . NILI, Wholesale Grocer, 271 LIBITTY SMUT, = EZEZIE M. STEELE .& `SO Commission Merchants, • Ano 'Mater* In FLOUR. GRAIN. FEED. At A N. YS OHIO errincrr, near tn. COMBO, Alle iihjez .._. ... Meanor & Harper, FIARIIL GRAIN AND DIIDIRTIC Commission ivlerehant: l N.. 3J9 LIBERTY HTIMEr. Co_aArn_Latl?!.._Lko!lFLl W. C. Armstrong, tßocoessor w getmor & Armstrong.) PRODICE COMMION NERCHANt pl&MO No. IS MARKET STREET. 4.T. B LANCTIA TIT) Wholesale awl Retail Grocer, No. 396 PENN STREET .9,l;Lz _ _ L ITTLE BAIRUSPATTO N ,WhoIe KALE G ro O ee.. C ßaco n , ebeeanen4 riee n and Lard Oil. iron. Nada. Gtaaa. Larne and all rittabitrigh Mannfacturea renenGly. .t 1 l and 1 14 efier2Nli ATlLEKT.Pittaburatt. . . ...IN t. nul•Slt....lrrn, nor pc.....vrx. P 0 1 .... _:1 - 011N I. HOUSES: BROS., Succession u to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO.. Wholesale GrOcerel . and Com:Weston Merchant*, corner of Smlthtlela tad \C~ler .tract.. _ _ I 0111( surraw, WALLAC E. HIPTON & WALLACE, Wholesale •§I. GRC e ER e AND PRODUK IMAL6IO. No. FINANCIAL_. N. Holmes & Sons, BANKERS 67' Market streot, PITTSBURGH, PA Collect:4z nad n u ll .e. t gd p =/. points of STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECUBITIES, ROCGIIT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION Particular attention pale to We percllawa and sale of United States Securities. JrXma HART, CA UGHEY & CO Bankers and Brokers, CORNER FOURTH AND WOOD STREETS, Pittsburgh. Pa., ISOLTESSOILA TO HANNA. HART A r 0...) inAtials Exchange, Coin, Coupons, -G-overilinent owls. ALaO Q 4Fl L , cht . !lraughts o Laudon. - C - ENTIM 7 kip Amd particiu attantion paid to No. 35 Bank Block, 4100,000 Bank of Discount and _Deposit. MEM! STOCRTI OLTV:RB 1241671:111ATA Y TIAN E. intertst AI10*AI:eller Deposits: I U:e. 7 lT7 IASFIW I -'ITNsToE Y, JAMESH. MI" II, tiP V TGE N INGH „ I JULIUS ADLER, JAM! , M. BRUSH JAMES BROWN. PAUI. IL 11ACSIt. J. H. WALTER, JAMS LW:a et PAWCTT, President. . W. AVITT, President. M. HUN HINGP, /met. Cashier. sell Villisary =2 ME= ALLEGHENY - NATIONAL ''BANK, No. rad Vlrrii Cupilal .. • I 5t0ck...:.....5506,000. J. W. 000YPronidnit. B. W. MAO Y. Ulm , 4 e2.5. :O. W. McOANDLESS. MSlll=== Jos. M. Gazzam & Co., ATTORNNYA AND COUNISELLEDS_AT LAW, avviverrauldpwrxr: - , "Ingir EOM ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOILIT LAW, rbi removed to N 0.151 GRANT ', FrlitZ,Pltto booth. prtioe In the V. n. arenit a di ngrid Coma,N the sum.° mil tne Courts the.l,ll.l..l i ntr "'" "" 1 " Jeaelat H. H. mc c onmick, Attorney-at-Law, ..?*:. OH 01[ANT STREET bu rp rop , n tu t tm sir= to F all Mani MAIM siness. . tao.ta lanvAß!) niciar,NroN, WM. B. NEEPEB, • itIIIII,IIIAN AND EX-OYTICIO JUSTICE OP , • TIX6 PEACE. I • Office, 112 Filth a'venue.. a r ta e z. man d re, 4 o3, 4 e=mr...s.,.V; and all lesal byname! Matmdm2 to promptly and an. Parately. FINANCIAL. AMERICAN BANK, No. Fourth A venue Stockholders Individually Liable • BANK OF I)IACOBNT AND DKPOSIT.' JOON FLOYD, WM. FI.OV LP, Pro.ddent. DIPICTOPPI: TANI. M. hta.hall. John M. Alm Mend. Wm. T. Khavnsm, Arahlbuld Walluoe. Jame.. W. Arrott J. D. Kell7, Chas. B. Lepch, , _ WM. FlOld. Join; Ford, Call:letIon, Inanenu ell points In the United P 'Staten and Canada. nanat attention land tr. alr tenpoadentn. DIAMOND SAVINGS BANE, CAPITA! STOeitllettnitii Deposits insums of Interest alleirodi.n time VllTC,airtiett DIM Joules M. Cooper. Ames Wro. Jos. tl. - President—N. Cushier-3010 S. St Tradesmbn's wow STREET, co INTEREST IAI FREEHOLD BANK AND !BUILDING ASSOCIATION, A PITA L . ILI -DEPOSITORS SECURED BY REAL ESTATE AND INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DE. POSITS. President—EDWAßD DOUSE. Floe Preeldent.-.I.S.CRAFT. ADAM JACOBS 1,1111/.0111.: XDWAIIII MOUSE. WILLIAM PIIILIAPS, *. CRAFT. ROUT. W. MACK - XT. THOMAS STEEL, JARED M. BRUSH, THOMAS W. DAVIS. Secretary and Treasurer—THOMAS STEEL. Asslstrtnt Cludder—JAMES P. SPEER. OSI hours Dens 9 rieluck A. M. to 4 o'clock P. M dally,land every Saturday eveulnd.from 7 14 10. apMval COMMERCIAL BANKING COMPANY, =WI . . . . , I CAPITAL 5200.000 Stockholdefs Individually Liable. L I. W. 11. IiVERSON, W. C. NIACRUM. • . President. Cashier. OM MOUS: Al.F..x/on , Ern BATES JOHN LINDSAY: A. 11. ENGLISH D . 8. MACRI:3I • W.ll. EVERSON, JOHN o. putt.hars, w. 0.14 rtill A WV, ' B. F. WILSON, J AC4 B KI.EE. • Collections made on, accessible points or the United States and Csradas: - INTEREST alloWed or. TIME DEPOBITB. VTOM pt. attention Wien to a/I lumina,. of comes pondcdta. . _ 1 CITY . BA NI, 112 FIFTH AVENTT - E. PITTSBURGH. PA. 1 CAPITAL $lOO,OOO STOCKHON L TEREST DERS PAID O TI N DEPOSITS. FOTIF.IGN EXCHANGE bought and amid.d when destred remitted to Europe. Collection an s made on all and in all the principal points , of the United plates and Cstnadas. DOMINICK lIIMSEN, President. JAME% McCADE, Vice President. I W.M. MORGAN. Cashier. ' ; • . I miarro.: D. Ibmsen., Jame, XlcCither: Thomas Nutlike, ; I Hugh Keating. I . Patrick Kane, I ; Terence CamPhell. Ct.. It. Barr. , . Junes Pbelan, I cbem Haidn, " : 11. A- Frcrvogii. P.. J. G eps. race. ' I .1 as Barnes. .N. St JeI:XX .1)B. 3.L GA7.7.AM. Soliitor._ THE SATE•• DEPOSIT CO.I Of Pittsblirg,ll. • • . 1 , ill TIM Safe . Keepins of Valnables, ' Under suhrantee. SAX the renting of Saes In Its Fire'and Bur dar-Proof Vaults, . . No. 83 . on.rth Ave. President—Vl AAII Vice President.4.ll EERY FLOYD. , ... . = 7 Per Cent. Gold FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS o purchase and =I = PROFESSIONAL PITTSBURGII tutu) Goo THE = tt.10.000 MR. proceeds of whi<h Abraham Garr L.nn. Andrew 1.. It... Dimwi t, htl,l %t r.' RIM qational:Bank, lINER .1 , .1:11M1 ME. I= C111(1, Coupon Bonds nud SloA 110MAIT AND Sipl,l, A. BRADLEY. Pre.Alder., W.\' ANIC ILI.,_VIce CI.A ILK E.. 111. Cashier. 131110 Pourth Arr., Pittsburgh .5100.000. e. 200.000 . No. 9! Fourth Are., Pittsburgh Hymn,. Painter, i Jos. S.Stoniann, Gemara Black. Cants ti. llussei William Phillips; Henry I.lsTil. William Raii. Wllliam I. Lynn, Ju. L HcvnaU, F. VON HONNIIOHST. Peel snillr " . ,.. — "pj p s 3, N. to 4 n'do".E Oosii : () I I' U. IL TAX/ . F TIIK BURLINGT 'ii, - -CEDAR RAPIDS & MINItF,SQTA R. R. CO, ,FREE A LIMITED QUANTITY FOR BALE. At 90 and Interest lqureet parable May and November. J. rttO Alt TII0111"2.0N, t CLLUtLE.4 L. FROST. These bonds have 30 years to run, are convert- Ible at the option of the holder Into the stock of Me Company at par, and the nE ent of the pi-M -etre. Is provided for by a elnklo end. The meter patter the rued Is ready completed and shows Mega earnings, and the palettes, of the work Is rapidly propreselne. We unbevltettnstly recommend Memel:toed. as the safest and beet Investment In the market. U. S. Flve-twentlet, at present prices, only return fee per cent. Interest,rhtle these pay eight end one-gum - Mr per cent. In Gulp: and we reCtull the weerltl equally wood. The conemny reserve the right, without notlet. to admen, the price. HENRY CLEWS & .CO., • . Bazilcors, 32Wa1l Street, New York. 8. IiefLEAN 8. CO.. Pittsburgh, Ps. !! (V.. Philadelphia !.TOWN END. WTI SICEBTZ & HOWARD. PhliadelPhia. BOWEN .11 PDX. Philadelphia. DRCIAVEN A BROTHER. Philadelphia MORGAN, KEENE & MARVIN W all Street, (Third door from BroadlEdyJ NEW YORK GOVDoII na Commisalia,STOCK_ ,8 BONDS, ... t it 'KENT EIRCURIT It'n, and uol.n. ann A General Banking Business. TRW. M. MORGAN. SAMUEL S. KERNS, = . . Gate Parnasser Genets! an 0 - Ittlititaltt General the !Gala of ble,Torh-) • Bain, to the immediate vicinity or the Block Bee change and the Gold Board (and member, of eachl. olden ere executed with Ihe snidest pomade de it• Merchants and Investors, itelng at w Matson,. can rely upon our attention to their emallest or largest orders, with equal care unl promptnen. As to rams past, we .hall continue to transact all bnainewn on the moat o favorar National Ba nn and Corporations ble term . . .. . . . .. .. . Individuals and Trust Comanies, 00n....P1aU.1. Ichange In their “curlthia. or desiring to make nquiry concerning any 411111Cilli business the/ ma hare in this cily ars invited vo communicate I s henuinally orb, letter. 1 a erence—Mesiirs....7 Cooke k Co., Nair York. . , OF r0inc,31.E24.1870. TRW - FIRM OF T. TAYLOR & I. COOPER Is dissolved by mutual catcall,, and wo have this der formed limited mtrtteralin under the risme cif TAYLOR &1 COOPER ; • No. 5 Brbad St., for tee trathaekloo of a general Brokerage nod TI asocial buelnesa. negotkaßog Lee., . MR. JOHN; BAILEY As spend partner, Lanni to the coornion stook. • • I We take thlsopportnity of thanking the onto touters of the old lirm f ar! oir paatputrunase.nd of soliciting • continuance of their favors. We also uner our garnet , * to all, end respectfully snide their buelnen In the purchase and rale of Glsecurities dealt In at the New York Stock ft , eld Exchange. entlf.oll and Dleidends eol Interest allowed on dews! orders 01)1.11 qt . Tenn"; I= AlACToorMtly oseCated 'THOS. IL TAYLOR WM. COOPRR„ BAILEY. M=IM lister by permission Pistsburnh. CHEESE, 10 100 . bo mn boxes (114, • cheese: I 141 First sylmilL 'ENGINES, BOILERS, &c FORT PITT - Boiler, Still and Tank -WORKS.- IAHROLL SL SNYDER, =9 TUBULAR. DOUBLE-PLUED TUBULAR FIRE BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. tl STILLS gitllt(Jllo . ( lN,6l . ) ANTI PANS. SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CoN DENSERS, STEAM PIPES. GASOMETERS AND II(OX BUIDGEs. PRISoN DOORS AND COAT. BRUTES/. I= Cur. •2d, 311, Short and Liberty Streets, PrITSBUnGH.PA Order. sent lo the above address *ill be protbialy .4teaded to. • butailiJ • HUGH M. BOLE & CO., Nor. Point Alley and Duquesne St.; I=l \ ngine Builders, Founders,- . _ AN L • , , MACHINISTS.TS. 3lama:o3r. sTrAMBOAT nNo tsr s and STA- Tit ik,' ' TAV - Ntnnttnen V7,,—STATION- Wi 'l l l . !; kN :r N It AND ORTABLE 11.11 - r rll,sei . (.' ST' l 'S. r . iftVil r ki , M - 1 .41,1 1 -15' :i • A n' t. '"6' .. .ii . t i' . , 2! i , .., , ....„'c : 11i , , Sit:V . IIND; 1 . 414:T5, kn, s lllt7r , :i •A',i;kAc',l,-,^q 9 „2,:', , gc - 0 , , , , r,„, , , , ,m,N 0 , r f:/ id L order, et the -- INBUSTRIAt WORKS, ,Ming on the Atletcheny itiver, tenr the ruin Intiurnh, orderrpro.Pui Oiled. TRY ua Riesick & Bro. F 110.: AND BIiROLAR-PitiloF AFES AND VAULTS, =BE IMEM2 ENGINES AND MACIIINER BitEIVINIT WOUR', t.n end PUTTING 0 UP NI CigNIENT. Cur- Her 17 and writx.s. Pittsburgh, Pa, O'HARA BOILER WORKS F. REPHAN & CO., Memufoctunoro of STEAM BOILERS, OIL TANKS, STILLS. AGITATORS SALTTAN RISON S,_OA C SOME- Y.IIS,_ ESETT LI MMEN FNO PANS. P DOORS. lIIMNVS, EIRE lIEMS. or. of Stroud Avenue and Liberty Stree VITTSBURniII, A. Metalling done promptly. Orders rent In the above sddress be promptly attended to. F. RENY,* N. formerly Manager - et CAUROLL tiNYIIGIt'S. gel& FOUNDERS, ELIOMINI S. NATIONAL FOUN Y ANT) Pipe .Work, Corner Cprroll and Smallman ? greets • I=l =! WM. , 'SMITH, X AN REAMER= OF - \ Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, i . F„„. GAS AND! WATER- WO KS. and . ., - .ea cenetat Castings for Gas and Water !irks „ignzz ll x, - ;=.7mtvrg."'"' U W. J. ANDE!tSON 11. A. FREY 'OGLE. MONONGAHELA FOLTINEX. ,_) W. J. ANDERSON & 00., m"'"TWENT2i7.2FULTIT'i WIN Castings of all Descriptions. CASTINGSttenton _paid to',ARCIIITEn.VUILE and to Caattngs for Window Glass HOW.. 01TNT AND FouNttr— No. 150 WATER ST.. Intuburnh. V. ROBINSON, REA &CO. floone...nrs to TIMM:SON. MINIS & MILLItitS WASHINGTON WORKS FOUNDERS d MAURINE:MR PITTSBURG N Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Stone Eta- Ones, Inset Engines. Mill Machinery,_liesaing. Shafting, Castlnge of all dexriptions,lMl Tanks and 011110, Moiler end Sheet Iron Vi ors. • I Office No. ltfi corner Thin and Smithfield street. Agents for tillgrAltlrS PATENT vuucroit for feeding Donors. . - THOS. CARLIN & Fourth Ward Foundry 8 Machine .2 BANDUSICT ST.. ALLEGITZNT . . Manufacturers oiBtatlonary and Pnrtabl 8 Englna. 011, Prem.. Planer/. Shalttne. Gaist Saw Mill Wort.'llollinchtili and Machine Ctt 011110Wahr8la.WaOri Daze*, he. all order and hare un hand Engines of all *lx. a. . Phcenix Roll Foun 1 ry, Cor. LIBERTY AND 24711. 8 BOLLMAN & BAG: . Y,.,. Hunt. rs eture of Superior . Chill Rolls, Sand Rolls and Inion.s. _. BRAS E1E9114 MEE GUSTAVE BASCH Henry Bier. & Co.,_ (COaas. to'.lollN M. COOPER a FO.J BELL . AND BRASS FOUNDERS.. Brass Casting s • MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER. LIALEABLE - AND GARY IRON *TIMMS,' OAS PIPE AND TURING, THROTTLE, SAFETY A CID awl( VALVES: ALL GLOBE PATTERN IRON COCKS. MUSS O am. W WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION for Steater uld OIL IdanufsetureneoLLM.FenneettCVelhlPßOFED RALANCIC-WREEL STEA3t TURF. AGENTS of DREYFUS . PATENT OILERS, the Opt In the market. = Corner. Thirteenth and Pike. Streeta. ATWOOD & McCAft REY, tamer Ltinfrrir STRAIT Nur TIMM ATiennt, Plttabargb. M., BRASS FOUNDERS And IRON PIPE FITTBES.ead AGENTErt or A.D. CAMERON & CO'S STEAM PUMPS AND BLOWERS 0 * /Diu 1 P EARL STEA)I FLOURIF(i MILLS. It T. KENNEDY & BRO. A I,LZOIIEPR:CITY, Manufacturers cf the folio celebreted brands " Itnireen Brand en n ulllod P 1411.1 FlOlll.. Star Blue Brand No. 1 Mitre Family 7. Flour that eras entire satisfaction. I tar Red Brand. %gond iYmllJ flour. superior to ant of the same wa d dle In the market. I tirtn n trl7l7. U . ' " "*""!Wd. 1 2 LEMBERA GAS FITTERS. 13130:12322 fuliTON & M'GANN, Practical Plwriber.s, ===3 • Fifth Avenue, near High Stmt.: Pittsburgh, P. Lead Pio...6am How Liu FLatania. Sinks. Barb T.b. and Wash Btands.lron Pips and Pitttnga. Ale gnel Boor Pumps, and Mem Coats anears on baneL Peddle and Prin. Hogan= Med op viten Oas. Water and tend'gle eam to. Hosting Ananias. Jobbing promptly atd IRON AND STEEL CRESCENT STEEL WORKS. AIRIER, BARR & PARKIIN, ) OFFICE: So. 11:19 Liberty Street. mr2s PITT.IAL'haII. PA. DUQUESNE WORKS. Coleihan, Ralim & Co I=l IltON• NUTS, A A STFFL , Axels and Springs. DUQUESNE. 1. X ANII JUNIATA , FLAT BAR, ROUND AND EQUARF. IRON. BAND, HOOP,SHEET AND TANK IRON, 0011.1.11 PLATIC4 AND lIKADS, GUARD IRON, DRAG AND DROPPER BARS. FLANEES, cur= HAILS, CY LI NDER IRON, 'V AND FLAT RAH _for Coal llosdn, CIuDVBARS,WEDGE , Sand IlAltIcOW TEETH. SPRING. PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, STEEL' WlNtis . AND NIOULDS„eut rdttem, .STEICLnuEs.IvrEe:LsuArriNG,A B STEEL, A COACH, HUED V and WAi:ON SPRINGS lOW CUT NAILS AND SPIKES. All Goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICEA AND %VODKA-10th street .1.1 Ails • hen Inver, unit 77 Water. etre... Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh Steel Works. ESTABLIbIiKD IN ima ANDERSON & WOODS, I=l Best Refined Cast Steel OF EVERT DVCRIPTION. ALSO. Best Refined German Plow S: Spring Steel. CsORNEft DOSS AND FERNT AVENUE'. Pitts burgh. Pa_ nuliknO PITTSBURGH Ji'ov'elty WO rkA. FOUNDED A. 1). 1833. MOORIIF.AD, ADAMS & CO Alanoraetnrers .1* KEYSTONE STANDARDAVAD Denys Paw.) PLATA/Mt AND COUNTKD C A ES. • Inn. Fared Patent ,floor Inks and latches Paint and Coffee ]ldle. is - • Corner of FIRST AY lisur. sod ItItANT PlltsburLt, PS. _ _ - - Sheffield Steel Works, SINGER, Duo: & Co., = blunifetcturers of erery.deeeriptlnn of Cast and , German Steel RMLWAT SPRINGS. PILI.InIe AND PLATPORM SPRINGS. firmir TISK. Se. WA REIIO SI &4 Watorand"loo First streeta. BLAOTC DIAMOND STEEL WORKS 'PARK, BROTHER & CO., Manufacturers of all Descriptions of • •, • ',FSTEEL. OFFICE arid WAREHOUSE-30th. 31. t. and Railroad Motets, Plitaborgh. STOVES, CASTINGS, &c COOK STOVES. Get the Best! BISSELL & CO'S TRIUMPH, For Bituminous Coal. Wvrented to 000 E. BAKE or ROAST an well e eoy other Stowe In the Union. BISSELL & CO., No. 235 Liberty Street ALSO, ON RAND AND FOR BALE PARIOR STOVES, ' HEATING STOVES. GRATE FRONTS. FF-IDERS. COOKING - RANGES. IC.. AC. GRAFF, ,HUGUS & CO. E!CEI!=1!:111:21:39 STOVES, Boston Cooking Range "TIIK FIERY FURNACE" FOR WAFLMING BUILDINGS TER NEW ANTI-DES'S COOKING STOVE. "REGULATOR; COLUMBIA COOK STOVE. VANE(Cincinnati Pattaral PORTABLE RANG CAST IRON MANTLIW. WWAIAND REPLIEt- TOIL GRATEA Ova Irum illMand dust; GRATE PRONTSWILVDBIL9. An ' 206 ' and 208 Liberty Street, .... • PITTSBURGIL_ PA. _ A.BRADLEY& CO. No. 30. Wood Sireet. Manufacturers of the Orelßost Variety of My CercltlE: PARLOIL and LICATINO STOVIs ta, In our essornstult Will be found au O. latest PAT TRIMS and IMPROVltAttnrys: and the Want. lion of our Stoves iP any one In must of • cood article shusue impalas. none hut those man et,es they Whl be found tha onost dn. mete ell well as easonomleal. Would celtpartleular attention to our new VOLCANO BTOVIY, for st , relles,bnlls and stare. • Over 300 sold th three ut i i thafig,a44,wat, proof easing. All have used then, pronciaieeittrull v ro lo r any other and far cheaper. Bend fur CataloglßlANd Price and far WINES, LIQUORS, &c. WAGNER'S FRENCiI COLORING, The Very Best In the Wilted States, IitANITIPAChIRKD BY WAGNER, 981 North Borentll Street, 7.ALTILLPIII/1, W.I. Itantsphts.zancxn—All the touting bowel. tn Plata ant lanken-Tras Schmidt, & Friday, IMPORT - FIRS OF WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, &e PURE RYE WHISKIES. Nos, PB4 and 386 Penn, Cor. of ELEVENTH ST., formed JOS. S. FINCH & CO MC 183. 137, 159, 191, 193 an. lIUT iiTIIZET. Ifanafailmers nt COPPER DISTILLND PIM6 Yld WHISKY.. A11.0.12=114,* In ITALKIGic WOtq and Ltdeoas Hors. - nitakoSl. = Y°TICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN. TO. ena k le owners alone Penn evennft. .I`l°J.:`4l.lo. L'ir"c4. - UV' el I.'l:lt' d ' ITT,"l,7;lllZ`VryiNteresirAtEVAl l VAn ElCHanr2. 110 lAN, on Weeny Knee, between the Eons of 2 and 7 b'elockeoe. B. BClllirDT,_ Tim CosenOttei TEL lipWAnio, JeU. , l - Job. VOOOL. . ZleetlOn. ,! t RALLROILDS! . ........-- ..._. _____ . tIENNSYLVANII CENTIIM. 11111.- t ROA D.—After 1mm0 ....... 7 . -- •••••:. - r. ' e ; 1 . th. 1700. Train, wil . • I-•:74,,: u • ....,,... • j arrive and da1...1f-nom. T.AsOCARD . 'FORWARD Through Milne . Thrmigh Train , Leave um.. Loma. Arrive al Ilnion.Nypot Pisani.. E5.....12:30 am Nall Tra1n.....11:30 inn Mall Train.. ... (.10 ou,IFOL Line 11:18 am Brit; tun Ac.....19:20 am.Clncinnall F. 7.1 18 MU Cincinti E5...1M:33 pm kittsla•gh Ex.. • • pm Pails. Exprms 3:30 pm racinc Ex 10: omu !'ant Line 7:40 pm Woe 1 . 501er..10 , IA Pm SAWA,- LOCO- Wall', No. 1.. 0:30 tan Wall's No. 1.. 10 bib NV nit's No. 0..11:31 ant' Brin'n Ac No.l :30 am 1 Wall's N... 3.. 3:01 um Wall . ' No. v., .30 an, JohnAtown Ac. 4:04r pm Johnstown Ac. : oam Wall's:No.3— 603 pm Wall's N 0.3.. • . OPM Wall's Nn. 4-: 3:10 pill WAWA No. 4.. ~,, OPm rs i llrlt.B A . FB.. 1 1:00 :1 Val: P.': grg;',' J ‘..d , .1 :. St: wings.b.gA,..l :00pm Cincinnati Express and Pacific 7...xpresa leave ; Mu,. All other tmirm Sally...FY . o. hank.) , ; U. I num.!, Trains lea,. 1, alio ,1.11•44 VOA 1123 in , . , .al at N:3O a m.. peachlng _yltbiouNh at I • 4. ': .411,1 WV::;,, "Vail". s's7,ll'llfli% p.m. " r ""ber''''''ll''.ll*.Pficlawns. Ate n , 'The Pennsylvams smul Company will not at. • poet SU I T t a i l'' , lbainiae. eltart blr wearinpt arc drol ' in....,VlV:. rzr;r2.,.,V,,=7.1,:i amount In value will be at the risk of this owner,. unless taken by special cmpact. CANNATT, General Superintendent. Altoona. Pa. DITTSRI?RGIi FOR WA ''NE k CIIICAGO IL M. and CLRYELAND & rrrrs-RAN lit.lloll It. It. Front June 13. IPi7O„ tn.. will leave r rom arid arrive at the Union /repot north side. iittar burgh city time. as follows: ukArd Fast Line 131 a m' Fast Line 12:413 aru Cl..t 31 . 1.0:3 aus Wheeling Ex.113:4S tu Chicago .114 tn Paddy Ex....12:11is Eng .1. Y. Ex .7 a nxcairo m Chic. m.Cleveland,ltx... WhR Rs .3 p Erie dYg 3 P Pacific4a 31S p dWh g p m W . ., I"iinla..ll , p Sa. Igy..7:llrt pm— tale targets. p Erie Caere...ll:l p I)trAlti AI.I.IXMILVT Faille A c..S:3S a m: Leetsdale Ac..o:*3 n 10:13 a rotas). Fails tu . '111:33 •to Enon P4:3S ut - Nets " 343 pni New Castle 10113 ato Edon 4asp Leetsdale 13:113 Sit Leemdale 3:13 p m Beier Falls 3: 3 Bee'r Falls 1433 P breisiale 4:1:1P Leetsdale 10:43 " 7: p m Fair OW. Bun- 'Fair Oaks Sun day Churct..l:l3 pal' day hutch O:3N aus Expresa lesves.and arrives daily. 12 .- Fast Line Icarus daily. Mondays excepted. [[L' - Fast Line arrives daily. Mundyy• excepmd. other Osiris will Male and arrive &MY. Sdays excepted. un F. It. MYES. J. N. McCIILLOIJGII. Genl. Cits. A Ticket Admit._ Gentlilmuser. FSTERN I'EIiNSYLVANIA R. R. Trainn ori ttier PenNyiViulta Railroad ntee will er arrive at and deism tn. the Federal Street Depot. Allegheny CUP. m follower - . Spring47o l l ` 6 . 4o a Pm.. 13 a at YreeprtNa.l.l.44o to.Freepurt No.CIO am Ifspress. 10,21/ a griClaremont Ae.llll0 am • dee !tall 3,3/1 p m:Pme rl" pum cµ. opm Spriculd'eNo.ll.llCll) p mOortngd'e No. OP. Above trains run "illy accept Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Junction every Sunday at 14,00 A. A reaching Allegheny City at PM/ la A. M Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 11230 P. 0. and arrive at Allegheny Junc tion at 31/0 P. Y. Through Uckets to /haler.nahstaania7 ha purchased at Walker's 8 °Mee, no. St. Cigar street, near the Suspens n Bridge. tit. burgh, and at the Depot. Alleig y. For further parUcu bus appl JAM'S y maneickets ta Importan Stations on the of the Pannsylvania Central 11.+11nmel. A.; J. CARSATT, rtntandlint. Anat.. Pa. ae"end s°pe. . HUBERT NEILSON. royg) Superintendent. PlUsburob, ALLEGHENY TALLEY RAILROAD. Is3V LINE TO BUFFALO 71111011011 TWO Oft. WittllONS. On and tter NIONDAY : argaNNF it June Elth, IST°. 3 through TrainstualyiesserptSundsl •1111 leave Pittsburgh PrislAi hum.' Or Niu , ... 111 oind Pike Strrets, for Franalln. Oil Pity. buttslo, and all piled, in the 011 LL Hutcinhs. AVZ . . • , pErriint . Milt. Prrntstrutin. IsVitV.Xe . ss gig A.M. '423 V.: Way Passenger 0:31e A. M. Wall Train , . • II:ff P. M. B r ed Bend Acen.. 104 P. M. 1 . A. IL - WritliA 6:10 P. M. .• A.M. stittliton ' SI:40 A. M. ii A.M. • Ilultor , 0:00 P. M. :00 A.M. il Holton 111,:!;:;f: .3: P.M. Yanuoisini Church 1:00 P. M. 1 :10 A. M. Express wine stop t op PtliictPni Points. Ac commodation trains stop ate ll Winona Sillier Pull., Sleet/ins (Mrs on Might Ewes, ' Trains*" .."7 1 ' . 3'''. I'IWISATIMAIL`g". • ) 03 DITTSBURGH. CINCINNATI AND 1 ST. LOUIS ILAILWATI PAN HANDLE ROUTE. ' CHANGE OF TIME.-O 0 and eur SUNDAY. ltuN, 11.1,3170. trains will settee and arrive it the Union Depot:J . 100;101th. as follomet I Pittsburgh Time. • 1113PAML Altair. Erpre33 - Itiolit. M. 17 . 13 team Fast Line Southern Express Mixed AccommOdation.. i M nt. P p.n.. y i ttEtxtli iN tit Metbitudd Accommod`n. Ile a. m. 7: a.M. Steubenville Aticommod. it i p.m. I ato. 11cDorudd Accommiarn. . p.m. t p.m. Sunday Chumh Teal_ .n. .._3` - • a tu. The 10:48 A.m. Fut Line daily. The 12:13 noon Expresa arrlyeadally. All other trains dy except Bandar. r P nail • 1 W. L. wasnar. Gmend Ticket ( Agenti , COIIMMIM. ..BILD.BopLt._. Dem:Mon _ hlo. leM • PITTSBURGH AND CORNELIA vats RaILKOAD.I"I2 . Orland Meer SUNDAY:, Febraery 200. 1870. Train:: will arrlre and depart from tho Depot s cor ner of 0000! ma Water Meets.. follow. ntnanT. Mall to and from Unt'n.. .7:110 m. M. pm. McKeesport Accommod.ll:6l/ a. ist. p. m. L+. to and from UnEn... p.m 10: West Newton Accemmo. i 4: p.m., ea . Brae:dna:a Accoramoda.. el: p. M. 7: VO. m. Night Ace. to IlcKeespff..lll: op. m. 6.4 0 a. m. Sundahurch Teel. to and! w""latitilitL'it"HfAViat'Amgir. HARDWARE & CLITLERY. • Pittsburgh Utility Works WEAVER h JONES, Corner of , Junititti and Fallon Streets, Sixth IV ard,; Allegheny._ man.facturert of STAPiili HARDWARE and all kinds I.IGRT GRIST IRON CANTO:GB. We tender our Goods ind services to the Trude ; at the Lowest Prices, and warrant e/1 our wort notched. Orders solicited. The attention of Dealers senerally !AMA an our make of DIED AND PLAIDS CASTERS. WEAVER St /ONES. • _444ms: MaimtilloozEllee.______rg_k_vkasi • ESTABLISHED 1831. i Logan, Gregg &.0., HARDWARE, No. 52 Wood Street;. I PITTSBURGH, TA. ~ Spring Goods, Hoes, Bakes, Forks, Scythes, Snatha, &e. Merchants are! invited to eximittne our stock when in the city. 4 Orders by mail will hare prompt at. 1 tention. - BEAVER FALLS CUTiERY CO., it " end Street, li lt q ~ OVITRIt Table ICnires & Forks, Pocket Knives, Butcher Knives, Bread Knives, Carving Kniires. Scissors, Razors, AND ALL OTHER AUTICLER OF CITTLERT LOW PRICES. Beaver Falls Cutlery , No. 70 WOOD STREET, i'utt3% a-nives, LEAD. DRUGS, &o. PITTSBURGH Vhia Lead and. Color Wo J. Schoonnlaker & PROPRIETORS, 311.1if:seta:ma a WRITE 'LEAD. END rjun. rattL i erilf righit r a i""r" PUT" a" orncr. AND recroat (SO, 454, 456 and 42 Rebeita Strqt; / Canal 1 r We call strantlre ts the mamas posted' otiS,' i I Strictly PM* Whits taw. sod atm c. .-my. W . sr earbmstrtor land me wow .l 1 Ma ta tr. nom Aosta/ : sad Wa " Watly wwnt- -,. fors Is whiter Sas saperker. wsil Whams Sild ow. Sl ar lobs II ptriPl enigmas 11,04 awl whiter MY ht tr. t=wa: s worshi th• pm. of Ms pthasse it , isWO sdhltention. I I trENDEBSON, 7. k B' 11411,1=avel. Nelms t° Drop, II Mirati