THE DAILY GAZETTE. OFFICIAL PAPER _Of Plfinbargb, Allegheny City and Allegheny County. , Z TT R 110111,01:1112 , Cory of Watb Avow wi Walthaeli !km.. _ - WEDNIDIDAY. JULY 6. 1870. BoN at Frankfort 9W494 PICTROLECII •t Antwerp; firm (loci, closed In New. York !eaterday at 11111:R111i. IIOLTERII bat 11111 t they vrill; have a large Contention today. I.7nleetrall the papers in the city lie—the C'om mercial not excepted--Ita members . will Nat II the reprogentativea of the people. • CIE office of the Oil City Dims was destroyed by fire on .Nionday. 10; condnet ors hive oar sympathy, and we- trust to wen their sprightly and well conducted journal rise from the ruins bettkq than ever before. Tint .Philadelphia PreAs thinke "it would take a year to are and thoroughly approciato Philadelphia." ' Wed always did think that it required quite • long thus to form an appreciation for the city of Brotherly tore. . TIM Commercial announced on l op d ayl ot ..that the IiAZEM: would pronotMon the lit boltera' ring a "failure" as soon welt heard 12t of the result of its primary meklep., • There is no neiMaity for ns to make any 15 , such announcement. The result'pMelatins lot It itself. 1 17t isi - As TUE managers of the new . llrd ID ' party failed to get enough 'peopleaLter. . sated In their movement o make up A convention, it is Wife to prostime will experience 'difficulty in raking tut. gether enough citizens to 'Mild as midi . dates to be knocked down by the regular • Republicam. I 1. BKcFL&L of the reformists Lace openly acknowledged that, thin movement is a grand failure, and are free In Raying "we wore kurdetted with too many Kirks to enure Barren." We prate St. Mr. Kirk hiis been one of the harden workers in the movement, and It in ungrnieus, to say the leant, to saddle him with the blame of defeat. TUE BOLTERie COMUITTEE of five Wig* WALT engaged on Jlonday and Yesterday la nominating and. electing ,delegates to their Convention which le to meet today. Their, report will no doubt be gratifying to the people, who by their absence from the polls on Saturday. testified -their din improbation of the new party movement. The esters of the county are to be Ignored altogether. The Committee will do the work for theni. , . • Mr. Carnahan, the Alessi and front of the new party, was yesterday - busily en., gaged in telling his friends that theprim ary meeting, held Su the Second ward, which elected Lim • delegate to the . Con. ventien today, by- twenty votes, was per,- wily fair add honest. limited, but bow about the primary meeting which sent him to last summer's Convention by • vote of 160. Was that an honest or die. honest election t Tun cinik and orderly manner in which the "ever glorious Fourth" was spent in this neighborhood is highly tattering to the character of our people. Outside of intemperate drinking on the part of many anions to celebrate the hilarious ott casion, we have nothing unworthy the good name of our communities-to report. The day "was remarkably well observed - and furnished the assurance that. patriot ism yet lines;_thrive• and prospers here abouts. . - Tux iinsaT RTE&MBOAT DACE OD the Misdasippl. In whiCh so much interest ,was centered, was doubtless arranged for the purpose of securing advertbsement for the competing boats, but the taste ahich prompted tho competition is smite quer Womble. With knowledge of the; awful - consequences following the mania for fast running in years gone by when the river packets occupied much higher 'places as -vehicles of travel than now;- passengers compelled to patronize them will Teel no security if ambitions pilots and reckless engineers take the idea that speed is route daidrabbt than Pater "Whops the gods mean to destroy.they And maks mad," Is a very old adage, arAd has lost 110110 -of Its force in the lapse of eentiniee. It is a weakness of human na ture not to be able to see what we do not wish to ire." So says the orgatt of the discontented. So far u the sage remarks apply to that sheet we endorse them as the most am. did admissions made for come time-by the oracle of brimstone corner. The gods have roue wickedly for it and the case of Madness is a frlghtfnl one. Ito little weakness, however. will be all right nest election day,When it will be able to see what it don•twant to see. fititcn the humiliating defeat of itatur. day the 'Cosa tacrtial clsints that the bolt ers have oaf a "controlling force," by -wide*, of course, they expert to throw the fall elections Info the hands of the Deu*nitie party, and send an advocate of, free trade to represent the great manu facturing interests of Pittsburgh on the 'door of Congress. This is certainty cool. Shall they succeed In their wicked attempt to destroy the prospects of our manufac turers'? "Rule or - ruin" Is their motto. but they shall neither be able to, do die one DOI the other. The primaries of Eataidiy ?le.,termilne4 . l that. - Tai Commercial of Monday remarked: .We venture to OY that not for years . have 'enmity disinterested citisena attend. od Republican printery meetings as on fiaturtlay." Now; is that not refreshing! We venture to nay jest the Contrary, and have the truth with us We venture - more and say s ( that there was never known such sparse ttendance at primary meet. Inge In this ihmund ward, Pittsburgh, which polled, twenty votes and proved lbsltAbu lobe the strongest district of the new, every man who voted never missed depositing his ballot at the regular Republican Meetings, so that they would not themselves lay claim to the title of disinterested. We say more, that there never remained away - from the Ornery meetings se Many "disinterest faltldal Republicans es on last Satur- • - L. - Ws ass era theierge of an Indian war. The anaWrieement halt been • made that .1% MCI pewerfal tribes have donned the paint and are on the march. This movement on the part of the •. Paallzta has lung _been tenter:whiled, and . it ferwilll'itot be so easily &voted of , by our "'•L •-; }replier . -army. as many imagine.. The I.ndluill htive_ had their wrongs' and they will have:aliali - reientre. They ere too saws& Vo be reasoned with, too ferociceis to dealt with kindly, :aad Wei brava to . be drlien, without a desperate struggle, lirewiths Warpath; Congress haidelayed I so long the input! priation bill that t tated upon the co ashen we 11.71%. 01 it. The I , d Tie., and history will . Wife of the inyit „of the Indian appro. is trouble iipreelpita ntry premattrrely and ally prepared to meet illrite extermination. record . the aceeit. Tut:- primary evening, held In p the Independent glieny eounty, tended, and delega the diatrieta, districts was quite less interest was men were chosen, be a full one.—Co .lectiona on Saturday reliance of the call of Republican* of All, re generally Kell al oft were chosen la all tote In some of; the large, while in ethers eanifested ; but good rut the convention will nierrAtl. but journal would edu. 'renting the new party a honesty and sincerity labors to dereive even ' rty.of Mend. This Is the way este the people at movement. Can i be tainted when i its own select tea for the truth a. • ,t those mythical pri: tasty martint,rs. Ye report only there i ; atilt In the city, mu) as much of a failuM as these meetings were in the several wards, in the untry districts o and boroughs the elec l ion, were still greater „farces. WO puhl h a tabular statement 'and show the Republican vote polled for tiny. Cleary in ISM, and c-impare it with that given for the new slaty on Saturday: rirrAnrnair nenry. 200.. .. 412 . 307. 277-- Wuxi First kLLEGHLNY 170... LE11:! :J, In Pet :td, Pet.. Pr't MI. 2d Pet. WHAT WILL THEY' DO The Waterloo , defeat and Balaklava slaughter which the )'mew party' austnined nu Saturday, at tife primary meeting*, th in the city and enuntry, have so sha !erect Ito ranks and filial its few survivont with dimmer, that they are at their wits' end and know not what to do. The lofty and Patriotic exultatinna of the people an they celebrated the natal day of the nation only seemed to intenaify their grief. The recurrence of the anniveruary of our Na Serial Independence produced not In their hearts the lentil enthusiasm. Few of them were visible either on Monday or Tuesday. So heavy was the ennui produced by their overwhelming defeat that Scarcely any of them appeared outslde• the precincts - of - their_private dwel lings.,...3lnelt of _them as possetewl banyan of spirit enough to enable them to appear at all In the outer wo r ld betook themsel es. generally, to the alleys and byways n order to evade the public gaze. Those o them who CAMP under the rouge of our Tision were in Furl a miserable plight that they excited our sympathy. notwitlistawlinfr tluit their illadsised and disorganising router was the sole mow of their fearful discomfiture. It was' suffi cient indeed, to awaken aympathetic feel Inge In the heart of a stone to Pee them as they perambulated the obscured paths. in the ',city and miburba, with their liCads drooping to the shoefatehet, alternately biting their lips and eating their finger tfidle, and frantically plucking Out the hairs of their beard with very grief, whihit occasionally when they met a warm personal (Fiend. they cielaitned, "\%lnt will we tfiConwt We are deepieed MEE utter dismay was not without an adeinite mune. , The bolters and disc.' , gan err have met at every pointy the / most scathing rebuke and withering scorni The influential men who signed the enll to indicate their desire fora correc tion . et certain things, but who never once thought of having them corrected by the agency of a new party, have shown their Sovereign contempt for the 'few dia. appointed political tricksters, who, to gratify their thirst of revenge, are en deavoring to foment strife and produce division lo the Republican ranks, by diking no part in their counsels. We , k now roost of those influential gentle Men who signed the original, but not the pplicaie call. We can say with pride and eastire that for many years they have been 'numbered among our warm. Ut: l and most devoted personal friend. So far as the possession of lthfand the attributes of intellectual d Moral worth is concerned they are Seaton of Influence, entitled ,to the hmage and respect of their fellow atl as., They are men who hare never been k , arum shrink front the pellormance of y civic, aortal or religious duty. They act 4 WI into every work in which they f lan interest, and are - not afraid, nor med to give publicity to titeir - viewa o any subject. What have thely done in ialation to the new movement ? They re merely sided their names to a call s aighify their desire fore correction of y abuses that may have crept into the 4arty,l , which they KM adhere to, and will 4ot abandon to join the ranks of the die. unions. They have done: nothing ' more! They have shown this by absent: lag themselves from every meeting which the few soreheads have yet held. We are informed that one of these respected gentlemen, whose note for a quarter of a million we would like to hold in one own personal right, merely stood la the door for a minute when the fret meeting was held on the ”tecond floor," and looked In, and Ills name was placed at once on the Executive Committee. - Why is it that thei.opulent and Influential eitisenshave not taken an active part In the operationa of the new party? -They have not as yet taken their depiriture for Long Branch, Nesrport, Cape May or Saratoga. They have not retired to their rural palaces. They are almost all in the city. i They can afford to spend. both time acid money. They are not tiding it. Why I - Because they have no faith In the men or the mo tives, which Wive produced the miserable 1 abortion 1 4 an "Independent Party?" But the great cause of grief is_fcmnd in the alsoltzte failure of Saturday. Out of the tweMifive thousand voters in the county, whcee ballots the bolters bout they carry In their vest pockets, (there .- hi ample room 'there) ant five hundred of them attended the primary meetings. Why? -If we are to believe the Allegations of the new party, there, were sufficient causes to impel every louse voter to 'howl& hind on Setarday,aad Make every sacrifice to forwaid.its Interests. . But the sea of politic was not disturbed by any thing larger thin a pebble: In few of the election districts were the. polls opened at all. .. Theauinseyed, milleied reporters who are known to be üblqalt. cem, made many a fruitiest search for the polls, bat hi the great majority of cases they were 11 , 71 s stag Owner! Aker an enterprising morn.? af one of oat.catelg.: . pararie; had blisitri.d hie feet and ex- 1 iIESJ I AMiN'FRINKLI;is L blind cid A Brief Diacourse Upton a Deadly blinded all his physi energies in vain 1 ..--:-- .7 ---- attempt to tlnd , "return's," an no- Enemy of the 13orts comodating gentleman in' the Fourth I [Never put MT till tomorrow what you Ward, kindly offered to hold a "primary- ndo tine after to morrow just as well.— on his own account, so that the diligent :Th , n c i T ltirt Ern " kli ' l , i I Ins party - was one of those persona_ search of the reports r tight ant he all-1. whom they cull philosophers. the was ralutely bootless.' This generous otter LWIII4, being born s imultaneously in two ..11.R respecifidly ileclincd, and ids. des ' iinr'i'n' ' inn '' '. in the city of It`tt't;m is appointed knight of the p, „ ,ii ~,,,,,,,,41'Lliyeseanlme,s.reimoasinoi:tantitng „su.onrtodet,litir, to his sanctum, fully conviond, Clint stir ; accordance with the facts. ' The signs are 1 influential fellow citizen. designed toper' considered well.euough to have, though not necessary, bectusii the inkabitants petrate an immense hoax on the members , the city p „ . „ . „..„ 01. 01 . ii . ,, ”. „,i „ , prantoor,utatnwdo,wittlrm..l.aoces.. .to o tte e li n tra an nf o e r r the mouthpiece o f the. V•ity9,4 ring, failed eel times in the same day. The sujert to procure returns from a single district of this memoir Was of a vicious dispotti. tion, and early prostituted his talents to at bast if it did procure llama, it gay them no publicity. The reason of this r l a tic e : l l . 7 , n r t i i r o o n i o n r a ir tu r a r, z u i t ta rin and m tit n ih r o h r o is ri ni: is palpable. The Connultble were drivett ing gent.ratibn of all sub g serrent ages. to their wits' end." They knew 'not what' His simplest acts also weft- contrived with to do. They fettr.i to make any . publiruJ i 3 , stt 'r i t° ti o t t elr b , l ,, " "g . '''''d "P • 1.'4 the 1.1011 until they had time to \- set tip " the! ;, 14 1 1 : 1 „ " ,1,,,, w i,,, "':avir forever— l ays happy. l "" 'T., ~.s and the thllegates, for i the names of W.F. in this spirit that he bentinet:e . son the latter had to bi' reported to the q,i n 1 a a ..)al boiler;t . and Ina addY for noother reason t i han !h i nt the efforts of all future quevir. Committee for approval; Notwithstanding the vast inqrartance of tars w i th ' l '' is t i r i l r aTtl i rsll ft li n l S ic t i l l i n n lfl l, li ig .i i° lll l e ",: Saturday's primaries. and One (net . Huai were tilt. suns of soap ' boilers. With t a the Cono.norcidi had ample time to secure, malevolence which is without parallel in i l would work all day nod then theeteturns, t i f any there went from most of the districts, the local COIIIIIIIIS it(' that ', l ,l,b u r r, 1 1 1 ,, ' F, 1 1 1 , t ; jr u t t le o t i c s ' n ~,,I (: ,; l , ll ' ,ll , l , l r t ii i - , 1 , ,n gi u . 3 , 1 journal on Monday mornitig, dismissed si. Clint all other boys might li.S• dint t:: theni in a notice of nitleiine's. 'Lee - were.- do also, or else have Benjamin Franklin not worthy of a "stick ftol, - f r the "liattyl thrown up 11 . them. Not stttisfied went' at ' V b . " ' inetnnee they' 'lee I' held , hind livi ' n ' g ' P :ll7yt i- i ' lw i e u tld hn it ri nd " tenter, I . ' at ' u l l evidently gone to "Akio. - 1 studying nstronomy at meal tinti.—a time In districts where the Intl wet...op-n.41 which lots - brought adliction to millions of Ins sinct i .vltos - e . fathers had rend Frank the thing w. the merest I fart:e. The People looked upon it as el trick anti n ili s l' o r t n \ i ' s n o l . l s " I ::... 'g ri r' . i t 'l .llf of animosity frmul and manifested their, tli.ppritlet- loWnril boys. Now-adays a boy semen tion Lc staying away. ' The %lA., cast in follow nut a single-natural instinct with the few districts t'liere the Rue, .4 a m i. ",,,`"! . "‘" I ' 1 1 1 7i'l . ° " ef '' lttt " " 1 ti r e e , ver : mare was enacted were not liard to coonti Fr ' a u ti n k g lin%irti r r -1/...0. '"u 1 i f ' i l r o e • ar l ' . n o g vs ". I ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' : , They ranged - ill the way from one to . C1411.1i worth of peanitta, his father silts, twenty-four, few of them rotating the aliemeinbt.r witafFmnklin said, my son, latter fig„re acc„nling 1„ the reimrt ' ,,,, a t it „ r f r, r l , t i td s ~a i L l,K „ lt , Lu t n , l , v r a g T,,,,r ;'-p , ' "‘"; 1 , 1 , ,e given in an Independent journal. In one If lie . ivants to spin his top when ' h n t. ' i - s . district on the South Side of the Masan done work, his father quotes: ..Procr.ti gahela, some thirty-tine -; votes were tuition is the thief of time." If he does n , due 1110TP to local ( o r i u r ot r t r s rr ~a rtlanr rh e never ' gets anything mat, but this wan 1 i tit. is its own reword:' causes than I 9: any regard Which the vu. And that boy is hounded to death, and de ters had for the new patty. prived of his natural rest, because Frank- In view of all this, the question is tin said °Beet - 11l Mal of his Inspired 111 0 11, frequently asked, Indeed the lraltent ask of •n!,...11g,n. to tfY l:,.,i and earls' in rise it themselVes, " What will they do •" ' MA - 6 antan healthy, 'wealthy and wise. - win they repudiate the trill of the piss. t a i; ( 1, , ,"....-, , ,:,a v iz,,",i," a t n ,t i o„a.4" . to In ,' plc, who declared so emphatically on Stit• it.ruis... The sorrow that maxim o l n iar '' ra uc s ' t urday that they neither approved of them 1110,th - rough my parent:' experimenting on nor their object s. Will they conStitute me with it, tongue can not tell. The le, gitimat i e l result Is my present state of I. , h it e i, xu . s n lves ..f the j :- . 1 . -pr, , ..szttres ., o d t ill ~, .z ., ,m r, ,,, i,, , ,n, ..1 , 4 1., , . ..1 .1 , , ,, , ,, ,i n i 1 iz,:, ,,, ,, ,, ,, e d, ,, , , , i1 in„ , 1.;, , , ti through with the far ms ot 'witting up Is-fon• nine o'cbs-k in the morning ' , as convention!, Smile assure no ' they a'altethaea• "Ilea I was a trff. If they w lts o lLetr i u 4 - , ta e k;:zy no tt ,, at , nm i l ,o ris i t, where will not attempt noels en .1 of tyr anny. They will show' the v r good sense. no doubt' ' , and respected . by all. i ug '''''''''' jby abandoning their . disco ganizing• and And .what an adroit old adventurer the unimptilar work. \Ve know that' some Of atlbieef of this mem o ir teas' in order le the signers have already declared tßat for lig e h .. r t n r i i n n ,.. g .. a , ri t dje i t. , {, , 0. ,,, t ,i a , .; , 11 1 1:1 , i. n - e t a ot , li o i , s ,, k l i:e on Sunday. he they will not mnintain a position of ante- on to 10. a Itlltint; : gonism against the popular ii ill. which is guileless public .would go home chirping cleerly - not in favor of their project. Stich almut the -wialom" and the "genius - of r l a t:tryi ,i Snblin , th.breaker. If any prudent connideretion. Mid submission to Ila 'n "mumble:pc -la the popular will, ... f e ar, will not ream- hinf - Self after m the ageof sixty . he g woul t late the conduct of nll the instigators of immediately appear to be ciphering o disruption. Titer are Maddened td toil how the grass grew—aa if it was any' AilleSS. My grandfather knew' tag fury,. and thin •"fitird Estate" is reedy I , ' " to asamnitlo in the Court House to-tlay. and I proclaim in the - fare of the world "Wherever the Committee of five is, then: is ihr people of Allegheny niunty." It may lw they will set themselves tip an the people of the whole country. These gen tlemen ere maddened with political fury. They are willing to ride theffiselves, and. *possible, drag the Republican piny with them into the valley • hot of death, but annihilation. We really 1.0 then.. They are throwing every obstacle in their power in the way of parts reformation. If we mold do anything to heal them of Alto fearful malady with which they have been seized, we would.render our service. most willingly. . MOM of then, are feting contrary to the convictions of their better. nature. Despised and abandoned by their influential men and OW whole pnpli.... WHAT WILL, vffr.v Is," Nrw Puts CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IN GER The questicm of capital punishment is more or less agitated now throughout the Europeanized world and it is consider ed by many of the ailvocatea of its abolition ae one worthy of tubing null in budget of progresainn ivith 'the question of slavery. In this country it bas never, as yet, become a vital politi cal or - party question, litai in England, though it has probably been more thor ' oughly agitated it has, we believe, never yet come before the people for decision. On the continent it seems to be consider ed of more present Importance, and very recently it has been virtually abolished Holgium. Ilnt ha North Germany LAX no occupied public attention se almost to he the cause of the destruction of a ministry . . Much of the time of the late sitting of the'Pederal Council was talon up in discussing the question and very widely ditraring views were expressed - by the various members. It was not merely abolition or no abolition, but the Aiews of the different States were shaded down as gradually es are the shadows in the crayon sketch of a master. The Prussian Minister of Justice dedsr ed that his government would not consent to the total abolition of the death penalty. The reprearniativra of Olden burg, Saxe-Weimar, Anhalt, Schwarz barg-Sonderahaussen : Saxe-Ifeiningen Bremen' and Imebeek demanded the en tireaholition of the penalty of death. The bort four insisted that at least only the re:brie of .murder should he punished by - .bath; Meohlenbnrg-Seltwsrin and Nfeckleninvich.f.ttrelitz insisted that death mined tii« punigliratit - ferrarhitla it had heretofore been awarded anti . fittest. wished to except only the rase of man. slaughter committed while engaged to some criminal act: 'fere Ina wide enough difference of . opinion surely, and that a lengths and embittered discussion ensued In not to be wondered at. .-But, as in moat affairs in the North fiermen confedern. Lion, tiro Wart of Prussia trampled anti the maintenance of capital punishment for attempts made on the life of a reign ing sovereign was carried by a majority of 84, and for onliniry murder by a ma jority of 88 Voter. . . Tux following communication we re- - rotted yestenlay from Mr. Dmnnon, a col oral gentleman of Robinson Township. We publish it . en _received: Mums. Eurrons OnzrrrE. : The cid. zees of Robinson Township, first precinct. hate seen fit, in the goodness of their hearts, by three votes, to select me as one of their delegates to the New Party Con vention, to be held on Wednesday, the 6th inst.. Please inform thorn through your columns that I Intend voting with the Re publleans, as do all my people of color; and, therefore, will not be present. lam opposed to all movements, whose leaders "toadied" to Andy Johnson, when be was In power, and now wish to throw tho good old county of Allggheny that has done mach far my we Into the hands of the Democracy. My colleague can go If be wishes, but as for inc, I ain't going. • C. Bneuxou, 'Robinson Township. • A Lox() Jornrree.—Tho Los Angles Nara of June 113th, says : A gentleman of this city received pamphlet of the . Altmmi of hie Alma Ma ter which, while a student, he had mailed to his pereeptor, In an other State, after a ravel of thirteen years in the United States malls. With various tripe ups and downs—lt has survived a war of four years—a suspension of the United States mails In eleven States of the Union—and . yet, in pursuance of many changes In the Postoflice laws, it follows the require ments of the last law, ^that if not called for within ten Asps It shall be returned to the writer." PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : WEDN"F,SDAY MORNING, JULY ; (1, 1870. well, and he- Sava Franklin was always fixed—nlwaya ready. If n lids, during his nld age. happened on him unexpected ly- when he was catching flies, or making mud pies, or sliding on a cellar door, he would immediately look wise, rip out maxim: and walk ottwith his nose In the air and his cap turned wrong ride before, trying to nplo'nr absent-minded and re. centric. Ile wan a hard Int. - • Ile invented a store that world smoke your head nit. in- four bourn by the clock. One can see ti., ninte,t devilish Satinfac• tin° he took in it. by his giving It his HU :,1,10 proud of telling ho titereti 'Pl3iltuielphia. for the firut t vial nothing iu. the world but two ngu in his ttocket, and four roll. of 1 tunier his arm. But mall?, when come to examine' it critically. it wan tog. Anybody could have done it. To the• subject of this memoir bed ago the honor of recommending the a y to go hack to bows and arrows in pla of bayonets anti muskets: die observed "th Lis customary foke, that tbebayone was very•well, under eircumstances:' Ito that he doubted whether it could be use. with accuracy at long range Benjamin Franklin did a great mini- notable things for his country, anti ade her young MM., to be honored in natty lands as the mother of such a son - it is not the idea of this memoir to igno that or cover it up. No, the simple Ms of. it ISM is to snub those pretentious max mu of his. whiCh he worked up with ti great show of originality out of truisms that had become wearisome platitudes as early as the dispersion from. Babel. and also to snub his stove, And his , militarY inspira tions. Isis unseemly endeavor to snake himself conspicuous when he "dere,' Philadelphia- and his -II vin g kit I , and fooling swap his time `' all sorts of - such ways. Wh m 1 ought to have been foraging for . Or or constructing candles. I me s s' y d -sired to do away with somewhat if tl prevailing calamitous idea among heal of families that Franklin acquit.. ' ' great genius by moonlight, and etti op in the night instead of multi g morning liken Christian, and th• t t programme rigidly inflicted, will ink Franklin of every (admen fool. .1 time litese•gentleilien were findln • that these execrable eccentricities of stinct and' onduct are only the eti iu of genius, not the creators of ii. I had been the father of my parch ft 1 enittigh to - make them comprelien 1 f truth, and thug prepare them to le their non have an easier time of it. Vi lien I wan a child had to boil map ,n twith ntancllng my father was wealthy in I had to get up early and study geom ry breakfast, and peddle my own poet , and do everything just an Franklin did, In - the ...Memo hope that 1 woullhbe - a F nklln crone day. And here I arn.—.lfori - assi in .7niyfintar 0. • Pity a Pcior Eastonviet. The following IR fmiu the Boston 7 lob "Since Edward Keichum's release entered largely•into xpecolation,xn dr couple of fortimen, paid mmllllon 4.11 n of debts, and lost the residue. as' w. s a i tail last week In noticing the fill James Boyd, the .- Wall street h o When :doses Ketchum & Co,, of ew I._na _ _ „, __York, failed. certain gentlemen In 1 rt- D. /1111Weri — IA - 111 - . ... .... H. &BARTH/a ford were Involved largely with the . m• y i ou S ng ' L i get7lra ' g ot. ‘ ltt. S o 7 ; 3° prigcm . , a ‘ riord i - • L & SON, Ing to a letter in the ' Norwich Butte 'n. he saw three of his Connecticut cr hors, Virginia ant Ilcmisville and convinced them that by the R ranee - - of a email oust—c ould one It Bred thousand dolly could, by Wal street Tobacco &agency, roanipnlatirms. reimburse his coati. ential • , , s. obligations. and after consultatlo , the • SEGFARS amount desired was loaned him. eons sewn:illy again embarked in Wed street Pine Cut Chewing andimokitnt Tehareot, ventures; successfully sellingg gni. short, and my...ring Ills contracts., when tl mice m Agm"nnri , " sTRETT Pli"b*"th. "'" - fell • Naturally flushed by Ills suc. ena.. - Is understood to have figured up pfits the clone of his first campaign, nt to over one - and a 'half million oil' One million of thin sum was, It Is d, voted to the payment of his priya o gationn, as originally proposed .y him, and above alluded to, including t e State Bank of Earl fowl, leaving for tutu e npee, ulntionn over half a million. Thl- sum, and more, however, he has lost t rough the treachery of some one con •ersant with the secrets of his operation , who divulged them to his opponents, a d they Maimed the scheme by which e wax ' ruined. There is a Fleliian quality about Ketchum which will 'hoist him again with. out doubt," Tng New York World says it way not be generally known, yet it is true that tarantulas are sometimes concealed in bunches of bananas. ' It is well to re- 1 member thief for the spider time named is said to pomtess some remarkable prop. cities, and in consideration of them pea pie mag be gri g htened more titan is neces sary. For instance, there is a supposition in that one bitten by these spider" be es mad, and insists on dancing. Adance celled the Tarantella is based o this idea; readers of Bulwer's "St age Story" will remember that Mar race played the music of thin dance o the piano at Mrs. Poypts'a house, and shacked all the proprieties, because everybOy be gan to dance. . Curler gives another story, which is that the evil effects of the bite of the tarantula may be cured by mu sic and dancing, showing, a. the great naturalist said, that :the imagination is more affected by fright than by the bite. Skeptics QII the point are ref ' - "Coy. An King. &itch-pub:rt. I Lycocae, Tarantula." We'st Hickory Dents. • The following is the production of wells in that vicinity: . . Beatty Farm—This farm .la owned by Beatty. Neyhart and Grandin;lltTliii ekght, on this farm ,stontin'ne their produp, lion as heretofore reported,. with , every prospect'of continuance. No. 5 is pump ing-12 bhlte. No: 2 lit bbls. Miles Farm—This farm is owned -by the Warren.S Venango Oil Company of , Pittsburg-,. The wells are as follows: Con. Snow, s. 2 wells, producing 27 bhls. New well is testing. Collins Bros. sslnelng 10 bbl No. :I's pro. streets. • ”1 ttil Conkjany, Irvinittou, Is bids. Annintriwell. preslucitg.t buds Widenwske well, pro. during Is bids Wideaseake well, pro - icing 4 bids. Hoffman well. producing ducttv in ill r well, oil the Newell. 01111 p li ng 101)1,1 Royal E. Scott Farm .—This hirtu is owned by Senn, it - Fisher. ! & Laney; well producing 40 bids. is down 400 feet. Filler & Ralston yell No. 1 is pumping 00 bids. Wat on's Well knew, is pumping Wilds. The I led Flag knew) is pumping 00 libls. On tln It. Serat lower firm. Thorn. ton & tilastrirli. well No. I, pumping 7. bills; No. 220 bids; No. 3 20 hbls: N.). 4 85 Nn. 5 is down 400 feet: No - 4k drilling; Evergreen is testing. erowelr well. Harmony.- No. I lo puinping fifty barrels, No. 2 100 feet. • On the Wilkins farm. the :McNair well, No. 1.;1101 bbls; No. 2 is drilling. i,eno. 5. well No. l is down . 025 feet; lease 0. No. 1 is doWn 3.40 feet. lease 7. NO. I in down '315 feel; Irate 2. No. 1 is down 2110 fret; lease 9. down 370 feet,- 10, 11 and 12 nro lease 3. No, 1 Intoirn 050 feet .. Oil I= MINERAL. WATERS OF imuty MINERAL WATERS OF EVERT JCIM, NII EIRAI. W %TEM OF RVERT AMIE, A 1"I'III LI W F:ST 1.1111 . ES AT JAMES E. BURNS & 00.'S 11317.81= I= A OROAINSIDIK. FOR lIIMEIIIO4. Incompetence and assurance generally go ban In band. and of aU the tribes of pretentious nothisurs with .ableh society II atalched. the u scientific •frocillelne men'2,who attempt to tamper with the hraWit of the community are the most dangetous and the most impudent. FO much by way of Tent. Now for • spesnal and Particular It appears that a mushrot oat growth of is...tiled Bitters"l. springing tip under different names in various localities. particularly in the Southern and Western Slates. which the venders have the ha, dihfosl to recommend. to eacysgoing people. upon whom they think they can Import, as n substitute for Iloshettees Stomach Ditto., lonirecostnired by every eisca an the purest sod beat medicated stimulant and invlgorant the world afford , " The cononctions referred to being composed of worthless material. offer a larger margin for profit than that Celebrated Tonic, and Dente the anxiety of dollar worshipping dealers to foist them upon the public In its place. fiat — forewarned Is forearmed." and all parties whom those distinguished Ifi beings we endeav oring to max and inveigle into anbinltuting trash for a standard remedy. are tieweby informed of the selfish and sordid motives which underlie the cep rsentattons In 0... UM. The pleat popularity and vast sales of ll.uiwts fee. Hitter, ranhot, of row., be ...lonely lm p... 1 by the. Or trade," but ae the do blllmted and sulf.rtna . tiaea a dlr.. lute.. 1• the matter, It le only an art of 1,101011 , 0 hutuankt to put them on t heir [hard. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FABER VAN DORE\ 37 Liberty Street ppr-psnuRGH- S'IIEA M E\(-4- I=l MA 01-11N"F',FCY, Steam Pumps Enf., , lneerh' and Mactinists' Tools, STEAM FIRE ENGIN BELTING, Woolen Machinery, Machine Cads. lilrManttracturers' and Mill . up. plies. A constant supply on hnnd nd thrulsbcd on short notice. , • onnErts kiOLICITEI) __ SPECIAL PRICE DRESS GOODS Lawns, Organdies, Wash Poplins 0 CLOSE OUT OCR Summer Goods, BELL it, MOORHOUSE 11./11%RATP.s1 A 11E1.1,1 21 Fifth .Avenue, M GEORGE BEAYEN =1 Cream Candies and Taffies And Dealer In Fob,lto find Domesitc ?let NUM.*. CAMPO. N.U. &C. NO. 112 FEDEIIAkSTREET =_ STRAWBERRY Baskets and Crates. K thille IN,SrRIC of 16e MORT APPIICIYED W. W. KNOX, 137 Liberty - Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. F:= 4 ,,,Dw ar d Maskers at Factor? PAM. JAMES RENO • • SEWER CONT RACTOR ASD,BUILDBIL; The laying .t Stow Pipe limner/rain P.a.P1 1 7 ima 011 , 11 ge C11, 66 itad 67 RANDDRICT 777tE1C7. Reslasnos.l•2 Wrmont jeall9S CIIIPAIIRAY INSTITUTE, 18 7 .n61 9Y ETlOCEr f l o t t pFr,y_hill: atmtnatriaggon AEI! Iron on montnniGnerntennnzn =ken= • "14.A:o=wmnr.ara_ gaga. .des ' CODA. ASH.-100 musks for sale by 7. IL CLUCTILLD. - ,~._. a*.''r".ii`.aa.•,~T.ata3Y.L'`~P ti 1.~ -i. r• t~ 2ia'n;.. 'tip, gJ~4#! y..X+s.. Y,x. '..L'..~Y.+.,J~a.~v .~<,. vau9Gl>,xs. ~ _. v i.wu.~.. ~..~ NEW A_DvmTia AT_ WM. SEMPLE'S, ISO . and 1S Federal Street, A1.1.Y :lIfiNY,. ~ O mob fIAfIuAIN, IN NEW AND Desirable Dry Goods, BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS ery Low DRESS GOODS Plain and Pintedupanese.tillka. Cann°. altled and Plaid Japanned Poplins. Lawful. llernanlan, Grenadines. • . Brown and Drab bras* I.inena.:Tary Cheap. White Goods Striped and rieuttat Piquaa. Plain and Plaid Naln.eak and Jaronata, Plain and dulled Sala., Percales and Chlntrea. at Opal.' pal lIAIMAINS IN ( I :ASS MERES, Cotionades , and Linen Drills Shetland Shawls, I.A s AW LS Light Summer Shawls, At Attractive Prices AT - WWI. I S JIPII.I F'S FMI,, 180 and 182 Federal Street. Allegheny HORNE & CO'S Clearanve Sale of _\ TS, F LUWEBS, Afillittery Goods, lASOLS; SF SHADES Large Additions to Stock In' EMEROIDERIEs, _ . LACM AND LACY GooDm I GAUZE UNDERWEAR. AiENT4' IIoSIERY. OLoVES. , DVIpVILE LACES. NASH AND BOW lIIRDONS. SILK AND LINEN FANS- • - . At Low Pricesi NEST GOODS .Arriving Daily. AND 7911ARK14 STREET REDUCTION • Regardless of Cost t BARGAINS! BARGAINS! AT MorgEffistem&CO's LATE MACRUM, GLYDE & CO Spring and Summer Goods OREM Shetland Shawls, White Skirts, . Parasols, Sun Shades„ (guipure Laces .Neck Ties. Hainbnrg Edgings, :Ladies Hose, Gauze Underweat Lace Collars.; White P. K.. ANTI NVFIIi"TIIINQ IN TIM TIN .N 1 NiTNI.I LI STE, Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. JOHN STEVENSON'S SONS & CO., JEWELERS, 93 Market street, Pittsburgh. ITITIRD DOOR FROM Firma flare on hand an the latest nannies to Tee fin al...A alto 13110er Pieces arut MM . Mind Ware of o Wa d tgergi ?Ne i. = rZatialtrin Old and slicer ethos. Both Key and Pendant Withal" eon sunny on band,tharstt no a roll rartety of %ha gone Irma. of the mewl Watch, Inciodthe Jur gene.. isnot. Yerresans, and othr. We on parumnor =mama to oar twelfth for Meeting end =lnnen One Watches. To that Roods rent In draw nth by malt at request. " DILL & AD-01.'S - .SFITER PIPE CO , " 65 and 6/Sandusky St.,Allegheny . blanntathnre Mealy TITRIFIND WATTS AND fintA D VIIC7 ClthlTlDtraT• TOPS. fI.QDIFCgg dad • 0. G. S TOMtLLEN, Agent. HOL ES, BELL Sr, CO OIL COTTON MILLS ISM • Prt19411171161H. Man f acturtrs of mtirr muntnit md LIGHT ANCAOR AND MAGN I Ilk Sheeting and Ba 'ng GRAND R}.OPENING NEW GOO U' S. Shoes, Boots and Gaiters, 1-IEI‘TRY PAULTNT, N 0.1114 0:00 APXNUIS. ALLY44INT CITY. Tho anrllsrstste4 tots again taken loollaGlNOd of Ids old olade, nod stocked It with Doh mart, mord of BOOTS, BISONS AND GAITNItd; • Dood. priest .111 Ova attldfaetloa.• Fortner patrons sad toddlo_pdlovltod to visit 10:04 am. HT PAULUS. ==l73 STONE WATER