The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 05, 1870, Image 1

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Corner Sixth Ave. and Smithfield St
Tsars OW ras DAILT
Er malt. per yea/
Ir••kverad by earner, per week
EARL FORMES is in New York.
CrialuArros, 8. C. bag a Cuban club.
CHIEF JUSTICE Cu.tai la at rut In Ba
Aaucne has a wonder-working claire°
Tim Chattanooga police have been urd.
formed. -•
SOLDIER tuermengero are dead-headed
in Detroit.
PON/Vire are considered 'a nuisance in
'New York.
LADY PASS - Fit:S . is in Victoria en ratite
[rota Shka.
WATER 311iLLOtrit are in the Philadel.
phi* market.
Ccrrroy harvest will probably begin - in
about a month.
EDWIN Bovrn is to make It starring
toil? next'winter.
Tux shade trees of Covington are be
coming rookeries..
Su.' weeks snaked to bring Lotliair to
its fifty-sixth edition. .
A cownEti Theological Seminary is to
be added to St. Louis.
TUE Philadelphia Pre..* of July 4th is
devoted tiinewis of 1776.
' Tax exhibition of wool' at Indianapolis
in to be in the skating rink.
THE Fall Rivet notion mills have re
duced wagess - Eight per cent.
W3t. OxratuLLls Iron foundry at Bath,
Maine, was bunted on Friday.
THE lister . Wilrks of. Boston have cost
nearly ten millions of dollar..
RED CUUUD is now spoken of as a can
didate for the Spanish throne.
WILLIAM Bt7REE died of eun stroke on
Wednesday meaning in St. Louis.
BEV/ADIEU OzzLeitit. J. T. WALLS, of
the Florida militia, is a eon Of Africa.
TmEntaro said to be three or four thous
and American boys at school in Europe.
.NILLSEX's voice is said to be a good
deal worse than Patti's, and
y ery thin- at
- Prriontimm.o" says Korner is tit
only German poet reeognizeit in Weil
• TROT, New York, boast of a suburb
where beef can be purchased for four
teen cents per pound.
"BEAL-TEM:6 piece of clot h" RS the name
for the Bag our Colon has superceded
'brilliant patchwork:'
ONs of the Cincinnati school districts
sente its teachers to the Mammoth Cave
and payed all expenses.
A PAGE of the Choctaw Indian journal
is said to-look like a "Intro-glycerine ex
plosion is d type foundry."
°yeah' emir is the name of a proposed
ratan' surf bathing resort on Brigantine
beach mat of Atlantic city.
I COLOSED conductors have charge of the
street cars in Savannah that are reserved
for the use of colored people.
Tiams Stmt. August Blackman, John
Jones and Peter Gowan, died in Philadel
plat, of suriatroke on Thursday.
( . - ..oirsscricee, beside) wooden nut
mega and base wood hams, now manu
factures menterfeit coffee berries.
. Relators Omen was found timid at the
Planter's Hotel, Savannah, on Saturday.
Suicide. Cause, trouble and morphine.
Foca thousand tons of ore, it is stated,
were thrown out at a single blast In the
Lake Superior iron region the other day.
A sum> in Fairfield, Nelson county,
Hy., got entangled in the machinery of a
reaper on Tuesday, and was literally cm
to pieces
• Is spite of Iris success Strackoah" it
~me has Peth—that is ho hue engaged
Dr. James Pech to lead hi i oratorical or
&mime. • •
Ax old man in San Francisco, who ped.
dice cakes anti candy, has given, ne hun
dred dollars to the Benevolent piety of
that city..
A TENNEssEE poet broke out in song
on the hot weather recently. - Injured na
ture rebelled and his remains were sent
'home in ice. i
lilarrAntr authority in Georgia has in
terposed to prevent the working of female,
convicts in men's clothes upon railroad
As exchange says a New York boy was
not sufficiently used up when a horse
kicked his jaw. bat has lost one eye ISIZICe
in like manner.
TIIE. Rev. Mr. Neighbor, a graduate of
the Chicago University Is about to go to
India as the first missionary sent out by
Chicago Baptiste,
Is Fond du Lac an athletic lad turned
a land spring into a kettle of boiling tar.
His anxiety for superiority as a gymnast
' has quite..deserted him.,
Dn. Ansi. STEVENS is writing a "His
tory of the Methodist Episecpal Church"
In the United Stater,. It is to. be hoped
that be is also an able author. .
A Booms paper states that Craver. of
the Chicago White Stocking nine was ar
rested there fora crime committed in that
city before he went to Chicago.
' THE Bohemian Catholics of St: Peters.
burg have publicly annonneed'Ximie In
tention of adopting_the Greek faith if the
dogma of infallibility be declared.
Five, seven and eight were the respee
rive ages of the three little boys who
were drowned In the Pleats...peg river
at Manchester, N H., on Thursday.
A POET LARAMIE dispatch says that
Red Red (load and his tribe have gone
SniTalci hunting to be gone a week or two,
when they will come back, trade, and talk
FRANK THORNE, who is to jump from
the Mayers suspension bridge,wry* be
am boldhis breath thirty seconds and that
the tiwe orenpled try the fall will be firs
THY. new road from Philadelphia to
Icing Branch and New York was opened
on the 4th hat. By It Long Branch to 79
. miles And Now York 1115 miles Loin
ON Saturday .111 a. L man Stewart, of
Titusville, was in canning fruit,
when one of the jars filled with boiling
conserve exploded and 'molded her in a
shocking manner.
THE retina& In California are all made
with ties of red wood, which Is very dur.
able. In the valleys the routes are nearly
level, and the grading cheap. The aver
age cult . per mile ishbout IPO,OOO.
MAIRTLiED couple at Fort Dodge, lowa,
finding the matrimonial knot irksome,
mutually agreed to oecure a divorce,
which was. effected •by the woman con.
Renting to I beating before witnesses.
MLLWAUSICF: (TITS{ rain, and puts its
aspiration thud: 0. howniadlly, we would
give bountifully of our lager fora few of
Roaven's diainond drops to moisten the
parched earth tad eooi the heated air.
Tut Cement Indiana are nosing a
vast amount of trouble, on the Texas
-frontier, laying combined with eeteml
hoatilee • tribes In the Indian. territory.
Reports of outrage, and murder are fro-
A Cowitso mai named ifemy Scott. of
Ironton. and an unknown white man. were
found floating in tho rivet, at Cincinnati,
on Sunday , and Vuximan named
oey woo aculdunlany drowned there the
same day. .
Ms Ohio State Jouraat has bought
new and machinery and hm morel
int o a urge and oummodloubutiding and
it la to be presumed that h wi.ll continue
to be as energetic and excellef!. new .„,
per an it has n.
PIILLADELAIIIA Min indulges in the
pleasant ezdtement of firemen's riots. 011
Smutty mciraing. just after midnight; a
rwining.stone and fist fight was wed - co e d
by two companies for nearly two talks
tarongh the streets.
1 looks as though the days of .reckl . esti
steamboat racing and beam fuel were
aboht to dawn upon us again, so that the
prospects for business among profession
al writers of .obituaries and terrific acci
dents are 'brightening. •
Tun order of Odd Fellows is to be es
tablished in Germany, ind Grand Sire
Farzoiworth and Frank B. Austin have
L_ •• • it -- r .-- 9 11 ~
1 -A
I , C
__ _________ ______
„ . .
pirrsß LTRGII WEDNPiDAY J ' . \ • -
been appointed Commisioners from this
country for that purpose and Are now in
New fork en route to Europe.
THE St. Cris - Pins are now reported to
have said that if tiny more Chinese are
brought to Massachusetts they will be
murdemd; in which case it is more than
probable that a few of the Crispins would
never need shoe leather any more.
ricrott EnA NtEL Nap, he would tallier
have a new hospital fur the blind - at
Florence than a new crown, probably be
cause uneasy rests the head that wears a
enmo,:while nothing of that sort has ever
been tiaid about the heal of blind asyltuns.
tiEoitok; SttSens, the celebrated Not
tingltiusltire cricketer. died at Notting.
ham. June 20, from injuries received in a
match at Ltiiti's ground, a few clays pre
vious. Ile was struck full on the temple
with the ball, and the blow caused his
death from effusion on the brain.
Timmy. is a 111111, difference between the
artuy officials and Quaker Indian agents
regarding the permitnency of peaceable
relations with the Indian tribes. The
former are satisfied that we have by the
recent (castings of Red (loud and his peo
pie by no means avert&l a generallndian
Two children of John . Leonard, bf Ak•
run, aged v'espectively four and years,
attempted . to light a fire by aid, of petm.
lentil on Wednesday. The usual cams.
trophe resulted. One of the little girls
died in a few hours . after the explosion.
and the other is crisped horribly fiat still
lingering. ••
Wnttc they eat! the yeas and nays in
the Hawaiian Legislature, the clerk makes
this powerful draft on the Ks :*(Kanoa,
Kanutkan, Kaitine,_Kaanwai, Kapyikal,
Kalmulelio, Kann!, Kaliapiple, Kits., Ko.
moikehttelm, Kalman, Kaukalm, Kauaina,
Kalakana, Kantakau. Kaeo, Kahane, Ku.
Kalania and Kanaike.
Pr is an event of great interest to the
public, no doubt, that a manager and a
singer have signed a contract of engage.
torah with each other, but the Atlantic
is rather too vast a whispering gallery
for it. end it would be interesting lo know
boar touch et lieraise wortlile, Kurt.
prim operator of the Associate Press is
worth a utonTli to Strackosh.
Tut Louisville (; ,, ri , r-Jouridat having
requested that extracts from it be eredi.
ted to it by its NU name and not by either
half of it, now sails into the Pittsburgh
Pus/ in the most ruthless manner, for ex
plicitly retuning •so to do. In the 'article
referretito the Post Ls accused of making
assertions , unfounded in fact, of being
gratuitously and needlessly uncivil; of bad
taste, and of not being worth mentioning.
tIOCIC-tIVAV, which for many years was
a favorite reson for sea-bathing. and was
celebrated In a popular song, written by
Gen. fieorge P. Morris, has for some time
been deserted, in consequence of a sand
bar, which . shut o ff the hotels front the
surf. Rerentiv, however, the era has
broken through the bar, and by the .for
nation of a new inlet the surf I at.,min
washes upon the shores of Long Island.
at Rockaway. " '"I
TITY.MOI.. properly wiled thittic acid, is
recommended as a new disinfectant, in
some respects preferable to carbolic .acid.
Front several observations asammunlcated
by .4. Paquet, it appears that in the undi
luted state it is n powerful esarotic. use
ful especially to remove warts and tauter
ire hollow teeth, in which cases it arts
without producing pain, and:gives: the
breath a far more agreeable odor than
carbolic acid.
nu: onngregution of St. Paul's
eran Church in Philadelphia in divided..
Some persons think their pastor, 'Mr.
Relcke,ought not to beallovred to preach,
and consequently on Saturday had him
enjoined and Air. Sian filled hie pulpit on
Sunday, when quite a disturbance occur
red. kr. Man was followed to his home
with threats, and a strong body of police
had to clear the church. looking four at ,
rests of ringleaders_
Tin: New York /reefs says. Now that
Charles Dickens Ims left us, Charles Reticle
in to be accounted the foremost living
English novelist. Lord - Lytton map write
more romantic itorics anti Wilkie Collins
more elaborate ones, George Eliot- luny
have-more of austere strength and Mr.
Disraeli of aristocratic splendor, but as a
weaver of ingenious aad absorbingly In
teresting fiction, Mr. }trade will, by con
sent of' a large majority,bearotr the palm.
ENTLE3IAN making a flying trip to
Ireland-draw-8a dismal picture of the con
dition of that country. Palaces and huts
abound, but a comfortable farm-house of
the American pattern is not to be en
counte_md Ina day's journey. Ile stepped
into a school of some forty children in the
Black Valley, and in the midst of his talk
with the children naked them what they
expected to do whell they became Men'
and women, and with one Inspiration, in
concert they responded, •..Go to America."
ALEXANDER DEcganx nod his wife, n
colored couple employed near 'Minerva, in
Mason County, Ks., locked their two small
children in tile Ironic when they went to
work in the field on the 21at ult. The
children cot the house on fire somehow.
and both were :burned to death in the
building before the accident was discov
ered. For several weeks preceding that
day, the father had been confined .to the
house by injuries resulting from his be.
lag dragged a considerable distance in the
harness of a wild Lome.
TOE Newcastle, Ketucky, Conatieufien
affirf says: On last — Saturday Mr. R. A.
Bate had a difficulty with come Irish in
Smithfield. Mr. Doyle, Town Marshal,
interfered and disarmed Mr. Bate, when
he (Bate) swore he would kill Doyle be
fore he left town. Bate then went away
and proctred another pistol, returned and
began firing on Doyle. Doyle retreated
into a store, front which fie fired two
shots, both taking effect, one Fussing
through Bates's head, klhhin him in
stantly. Doyle lute been acquitted by an
examining court.
THE Sew. Orleans l'hurynne of June
22 says: "Tho long expected death of the
venerable Archbishop Odin, of this Eccle
siastical Province, occurred In France on
the 2.lth of last month. Archbishop Blanc,
having been previously Bishop of Galves
ton, and will in turn be succeeded by the
Right Reverend N. d. Purdue, lately nom.
Mated Bishop of Abdera in pa rftlete. with
right of succession to the Archbishopric
of New Orleans. As the Abbe Perelm,
gentleman has long been celebrated here
for his eloquence hm the pulpit, and as a
polemic and dialection of a rare order. It
Is questionable' whether his superior in
those respects. ruin be found among the
Roman Catholic prelates in America."
Dorm Prtri tells an irreverent storrat
the expense of Roscoe Conkling, who has
practised the leanly art of self-defence as
siduously, and delights to use bin friends
as buffers. One. whO had been often im
portuned to par on the glover, brought in
a friend lately and Introduced him AA one
who would accommodate the Senator. The
upshot was that the Senatorial ' beauty
threw up his arms, and stumbling b uc k ,
fell ever a lounge, leating nothing vlsi.
ble but his &tutorial legs, and there be
lay, atedying a Hew eon of astronomy
thist seeme d to
to be ads up of fireworks,
while his visitor remarked:—"l beg your
pardon, Mr. Senator, I thought you more
experienced than you. seem to be. I am
an old hand at this sort of thing, having
been brought op In the - prize-ling."
MED/CALf e ELA In London arc very
high, and to &Ins in moderate .circum
stances whose income can barelYlfrtrniih
subalstancts'and clothing, the charges far
a physician's services cause serious incon
venience. A Co-operative Society, how:
ever, has recently been organized in Lon.
don for the purpose of furnishing medi
cal attendance to by members at a low
rate. Only persons'whose annual incomes
are under $l,OOO can belong to the society,
and be entitled to its benefits The annu
al rates of subscriptions are as follows:
For a single person, $2,621; for a family
not exceeding four pennon, 0,25; for a
family not exceeding six, $787; for a
family exceeding six, 410,00, and the en
trance fee is 25 cents. The society guar
suttees the best medical attendance, and
no additisinal charge is made in critical
eases when a consulting physician is call
ed in. It is reported that these societies
have been approved of by the medical
profession in London. as they tend to res
cue patients from the hands"of quacks,
and to increase •the influence of regalia
prictitionerx, •
How the Patriotic People Observed
the Fourth
Oar National birth-deTlind a moat fitting
conimPinvat inn ill YlugvtownaLi p no .M"n
. .
The returned soldidrs of.. Plum, Teen
and Patton townships in thia county, and
of Franklin and Borrell township?, West
taoreland comity, resolved some flew ago
to have a grand reunion at New Texas,
Pliant township, on the "glorious Fourth,"
and to invite all their friends to /sin with
them in its celebration.
The matter Was taken in hand by Men
Who know Ito* to eonduct such altirs.
Imuteittees were appointed. work aSsigned
to them, preparations made in all depart.
meats and no pains spared which could
cothribute to the . success of the
commemoration. They succeeded ad.
mirably. As all ' know, the' day
was a Meet beautiful and pleasant
one. 'rho grove selected was one on the
fain: of Mr. tiro. 13 Alter, a short distance
to the east of the village, of New Texas,
and - was very suitable for the purpose in I
almost every respect. Early in the morn.
ing the people began to gather from all
directions. They came in wagons, iti car
riages, o n horse back. on Mille lock, on
foot and in short by all usual and 1w some
unusual means of Inman locomotion,
They came in such crowds and so con
.t heed iy i hat the children df the neighbor.
/total rO l zon to wonder if there wasn't
"more people than usual this veer."
Several parties of ladies and gent lethen
went from the , city, those who went by
the milWit2.• being met lit the stations'and
conveyed to the grounds.
The "Speaker's par y." consisting of
some fifteen ladies ant gentlemen, (the
"party" taking this at one by reason of
the positidn occupied b • some of the lat
ter) left the A. T. R. It at Logan 's Ferry
Station, Were supplied with onwevances
by Messts. Jacob Alter, Jr., and J. B.
lcutersolt,• and'. were laccompanied by a
',rooted 'e.eyo - 1 -To t 1 1+: .. 5.1.11V of open,
.11. newiTe‘nn they n'en• joined by the
mocnnnion. This WAS 110111 liciSiii Of 111,1 i ry
11111 infantry, and tens guile large. Capt.
..feorg, C. I 'attersomeWlll3 Chief Nlarshal.
with Lieut. T. E. Dowes ass. Chief of Stuff,
and Captl Frazier and Others as nide. The
infantry was under the insmediate can.
nand of Lieut. W. N. Haymaker. of Pat.
ton township, and the cavalry under that
of Lieut. 'John M. Duff, of Franklin town
ship, Westmoreland county.
Thera wete two bands in attendance—A
martial imnd under the leadership of- Mr..
11. R. Hunter, and the 'Millersville band,
led by Dr. Batdorf. The former travelled
on foot, the latter in an "elegant snot raia 7
aaaltuto." hand uaget driven by four
Having arrived at t 1 le Grove and taken
time to "cool ofr." Ca t. Patterson took
the mud and made - th. following .taCini..
nations for officers:
Presiddia—Dr. David . Alter of Pa,
naOsum. j,
Vice presidents--Jar
maim Hays. James Part.]
Sr.. Wm.Biliaw, Her, .
.1. D. Moorhead, Thoma
MeMath. •
Secrela 'es—Jos. S. lit
11. Gray. . •
• Prayer ams offered by
of Manchester.
Tile President duly is,
riate rem irks, mid Mir
Blakely. 10 distoursesl
"eloquentland well" Is
hour. lie was, follow,'.
' Bayne, 'oh , aorinitted hi
honor. Tile attention of
then turned to the eatal
good" provided by the lac
borhood, at d'full justice
"ample rep at "
Beturnin again to the
the ttudienest was enterfai.
-Glenti, wh o delivered on
qn,..lien. Ile we. follow/
McClung. .lext mute a •
and the WIIS crelebmt
ber of persons in attendant,
ted at tifteeni hundred. 4
maintained throughout
disperseerat about four o'c
pleased with, this good
hearty celebration of the
The bandtt before - to e
greatly to the interest of t
their music.
. The “speakers party" wel
entertained in the evening
C. and Y. A. Patterson
nttt Wilson, Eph
rson..lncolt Alter
uce Kelso, Rev.
Armstrong, Jas.
ymaker and
Rev. P. Moon
do a few appro
aluced Gen. Win.
to the east crowd
r the apace"( one
I by Col. T. I.
naelf with equal
f \ the en,sed waa
hlea - plenty and
dies of the neigh
s - tt.g done to the
peaker . a. atatul
•d by 'id. ,1f.1411
• b , st
I by Mr A.
dreas parade,"
•1: The 'nun,
r Was estitua
' al order was
d the crolvd
oek, evidently
i .ld fashioned.
rurtli 'of July.
Itioned addekl
Orrasina he
, re handsomely
by 3lesars. U.
rho furnished
substantial sup
. ck to the Hail.
.tuen w•ho had
the looming.
a good humor
al and a Plum
thern.witb elegant and
per. They were taken be
rood station by the, gentle
conveyed thew thence in
and returned to the city in
with all the World iu genet-,
township Furth of July in
Obrenatlon by,•'
• .
By my records it appears that the past
spring has no likeness to any previous sea
son The peculiarities are, that 7itarch
being cold, and in its regula course should
hare been succeeded by ts temperate riii
April and Nay, marked by he absence of
hard freezing or frosts, an he early yet.
tang in of heavy thunder .showers.
Another peculiarity was the unusual pre
valence of S.. E., E and X. E wind.:, ea.
peclally the &LE., which blows Nit seldom
in this locality. This is to be attributed
to the snow stoims continuing late in
the West and North West, which bad the
effect to Influence our atmosphere, by the
cold winds meeting and counteracting
these east winds, thus condensing rut a bund
ante of rain and preventing a heated
dry term. If April bad been marked
with frequent hard freezmt, an overplus
of rain would have been the
, ...
consequence, - and.; • the result a
drone' in July and August. These east
winds blew more or less, on fifty or more,
several days, from March to June, June
has hewn remarkable for the absence of an
active evaporation, April and
May had been very active. The atmos
phere wan at tithe's merely 'saturated with
moisture; as may have. been noticed, by
the dew so suddenly covering the outside
of the ice water vessel. This sultry heat
produces the uncomfortable greasy sensa
tion of perspire:ion, and collapsing and
enervating the nervous 'system. Suture
has provided many hygrometers to indi
cate the moisture of the- atmosphere,
Mason's, scientific ono,l-is the most
correct one to ascertain the cent
ing weather, but few I persona have
time or patience to watch it every hour.
Borklin & Steahllng, manufacture an in.
strument of a circular forth, three or four I
inches in diameter, which can lro purchased
for two to three dollarn, and is a good in
strument to ascertain the moist ere present:
It in divided into sixty digits, with a atm*
braes pointer, to show the digits. ..Autore
simple one can be obtained by .procuring
a bares viol-string one yard long, with a
three-ounce weight 'fastened to the end,
heavy enough to keep It in tension; hang
it out of doors in the shade, upon a nail
or hook, so that It may swing clear of any
object. Place an inch space, divided Into
ten digits on the fence or wall; mark the
same to correspond with the string, by a
while thread, opposite the permanent In
dv; if the atmosphere Is:moist, it will
lengthen oat, if evaporation is active, the
string will contract
Indications from ;one 28th to July 98th
are fourteen days cloudy 'and variable,
nine of rain and fifteen fair sunnhine.
The inclination of the weather is pleas.
ant and hot, likely to be an active crapes.
ration, with wet and northwest winds,
and free from cl so sultry 'heat, bracing
and elastic to th human system. ,
: a L (i. A,
PITTIMIIIOLI, July 5, 1410.
P.trruN 7lowNsull., July 1, WO.
MESSRS EDITORS:. At the meeting of
the self-styled Reformers Mthe township
to-day, just three persons attended. We
would like to know Who the delepttes
selected will represent, and also, if there
ismot a prominent member of the Com.
=Mee on Organization for sale cheap?
. (TIMM.
STator, find *eine. antrenient plate
wbere they keep—Pier, Dannale & co,:a
cream ale on draught and moisten your
self with it three or four times a day. In
this way you are kept fire proof, .
NA -. Ns.P.i4D . , 0
Trial tit .t ;Held tura! I nai!lenten Is -
G rent Conapetitlen—Lnrie ,Attend
(Special Telegram to Pit t tdotrgh liartite.!
3!AN:4IEI.Ik, I lino. July Ti.
The second trial of field implements. under
the management, of the Ohio State Board 1 , 1
ARricult ii re, couhnenced tooter on the fang
of Col. ilallowar this city. Niuety-two note
chines have brie entered, hearty ell of NV hid
are io the thel4 The committee minsista el
five Ex-Presidents of the Society, and are'all
gentlemen of !integrity and -
They have the co-operation of the President
and Sccrettiry, ho assisting in forwant
ing the test • !
The scale of merits adopted IN: Quality of
u • krk, forty, simplicity, of construction, ten:
durability, Mech. ease of draft, t wenty: Mar
ket price. five; facility of management; ten—
t.. maximum of these numbers being consid
ered perfection.
The first test is of single Mowers, of which
there are thirty-two in etMilketitiOn. Ono-half
hour is devoted to each machine, on separate
lots. previcusly staked off, and the monikers
drawn by lot,
t ore . w tried this after
noon. and it is exPected omplete Ihe re
torkimier to-morrow. The reaping will probe•
ble commence. on let ••• •
It is without oubt the most interesting
contest ever held in this country or Europe.
and exceeds the excitement created by Mc-
Cormick on the fonts of Prince Albert, or of
Wood, in France. The Itrst•national trial was
held at Synkcuse In 18.74, and the next at Au
burn in IlLkl, whet. not more than half the
number were represented. The itoprovements
in this class of field machinery have been
marked and great good has resulted to the
agricultural community. ' •
Alt the' prominent inanufacturers of ma
d.," are present, including those Of the Ex
celsior. Russell. litickeye. Champion, Dodge.
,Etua. liely. Bucyrus, Clipper, World, Hub
hull. 1% thsi and others of less notoriety.
There are a totuther of new machines noire
prestMted to the public before. 'Two-thirds
of tire iron and steel niedln their constriction
ismade at Pittsburgh.
The an endivece to-day was estimated at one
thousand and will increase as the trial pro
gresses. Your correspondent is under oblign
tio. to J. lg. McCullough fur milroati cour
tesie.s. •
ISpeCial torrespoodenee Pittsburgh fltreette..l
M.0311 , 1EL1,.. July 0, ISTO.
arri ed here this morning • after having
spent Part of the Fourth at the thriving city
of Alliance, and mode a N Wit to "Mount Union
College," one nod a half miles south of the
city. .t found that imktitution In a erne POUF-
Ishing conditiou. The anniversary services
commence thls month. I found tialtrii Duni
bee of Pittsburgh students of both sexes.
who all speak in highest tern. of the College
and its management. Although tinder the
Methodist Episcopal Church. It is not strictly
sectarian, and the scholars are permitted to
- attend any denomination they choose. The
.Mount Colon College Oren, incilities not sur-
Passed in the West fur •I ttrood education and
al low rates. Your correspondent visits this
idly to attend the great trial of "'mowers and
reapers." commented tosciay. kinder the man
agement of the -Ohio State hed oard of - Agricul
ture. Although denominat a State trial.
It Is notional. nod I might add universal, in its
character. as compe...tition is opened to the
orld. and all par. of they are repre
sented. The entries up .2.5th of June
ere fifty-seven n.. end sonic hove
been added since. machl
wil i l furnish a complete
list In my next; alto the schedule adopted
governing the trial: As It may he interesting
ton number of your readers, I propose tet trire
The sickle e
g o Melt wetcrop . Itilln c t
h ot ]]]]] tat use f,
harvesting ther introductio
of the cradle. anyilyi u
fact till within a very re.
cent date. Is undoubtedly as old as Tubed
Cain. to one who has bud practical ex:
perience of the use of the 'lnch' bred/Ang flat
land there are leis- old - farmers who have Imo
Can Mil to appreciate thelmineme saving of
human muscle of the slow and wearisome
hand labor. br,the introduction of the reaper.
And so with the mowing machine. writer
wisely remnsks "mowing !sat Itats( one of the
•ta ere, ..f labors or the farm. itot
' he eaort. or lamb. and other writers In Mal,
It IS all fun." Eeery tele who has
ever used a mowlog scythe is a wan. that it
rails into piny nearly every voluntary muscle
in the body. ma - lulling not only more frequent
and regular movements of the muscles; but on
account of the twisting motion of the body on
usually gmat.exertion of 1131.1.11111 f power. It
does not require a striall anieunt of skill to
mane a good mower or use the sickle. Hence.
it Is nut et all surmising that mechanical m-
Malty Should have been' directed to shorten
and lighten these severe. tests of muscle.
suppose Abe reaper an' entire
modern invention. This is a mistake. as the
ancients.. who relied mainly on wheat and
small grains, tried at least with some degree
of success . to supercede the scythe and sickle.
This them did. for It la recorded that the farm
ers of emu) used a- simple reaper, nut long
after theAltne of Christ.
The lint account of a machine to reaprain
appear. to be that given by Pliny the Utter.
who was born, it has been supposed, about
the year of our Lord l..more than I,eoo year.
ago. This historian says • "There are cari
ous methods of reaping grain: la the exten
sive fields of the lowlands of Gaul, vans of a
large size, with projecting teeth on the for- .
ward edge, are driven on two wheels through
the standing corn !oats and barley are called
corn) by an ox yoked Ina reverse position—
with the Machine forward of the oz. In this
manner the ears, for what we call beads of
Imrley or panicles of oats) are tom MT and fail
Into the van. In some places the stalks are
sever - el la the middle by slektex. - and the ears
r heads of grain are stripped nit bet ween twt
Palladian, an eastern ecclesiastical writer,
B the following account of reapers in A.
I).391: lie says: "In the Galliclowlands they
empley a more expeditious method of reap.;
during requiring the assistance of a single ox
he whole of harvest time. A cart Is
constructed which moves on two wheels. A
low -box of boards is constructed on_ the
wheels and the boards n front a lower
than the rest. Behind th i s cart two re
for thins,' are fastened, like the miles a a se
dan chair. To these an or. is yoked and har
nessed. with his head turned toward the cart:
and the ears or heads are gathered in the box,
and the driver regulates the devotion Ind
de_predsion of the teeth with a lever."
The next Recount of a reaper Is give In
proposals submitted In Britain in 1785 for on
structing a machine. This effort would no be
considered a novelty and would form a va un
bid contribution to our "curii.ity shops." It
was propelled forward by a horse or ox ad
clipped the heads of the grass, which w re
deposited Ina large box and then emptied to
a storeroom. The details of this mach an'
show very complicated gearing, Pulleys, - in
tone, tooth wheels, luau combs or teeth, &r
In 1790 another reaper is spoken of as he og
'propelled by a horse hitched behind It nd
laid the grain Inn swarth.
In 1800 a Mr. Gladstone produced a real er
delivering the draw into gavels to be bon d.
In leo7 Mr. leuncknet constructed antacid
which the horse drew Instead of pushed. Thi_t
was no doubt the first effort tow seemsateen
ful machine as =mused. Thereto have
been no further progress made In this line Of
field Implements until Iftel. sheathe Rev. Mr.
Bell, an English Baptist clergyman, perfected
a machine. At this time America began to be
Interested.• and simultaneously we flail
Echnebley. of Maryland, C. H. McCormick. of
Virginia, and Obed Massey. of Baltimore, cx
These gentlemen all secur then atets tween leatrand Ilero. and duce the inter
est has been steadily increasing. Whatever
Imperfections may have been In • Obed liusi
sey's machiggnqqqe. It cannot be doubted that at
least one of his patents is Indispensable toed
mowers and reapers. Thls in known na thy
open guard, ' being really the Vibrating erldb
cation of th knife ordekleto theteettodthi
out which n machine Is practicable. In the
winter of PM Mr. Hussey whit teaching
school to an Obscure school hoot. in s country
district In Ohio. when some agent of a thresh 4
lag machineicame along to sell territory. Mr
ll.sey ashen hhn -how a machine to
mow by horse power would pay. The
agent replied It novel he n fortune.
The ites.o day Mr.
with his "pen
knife." comPleted the model of the open guard
wheel which thirty years afterwards he show
ed the writer, and this invention. Is used .to
this day on every machine made In this coun
try or Europe. lie secured patents which
were renewed and extended and have only
lately expired. lie was -killed a few years
ago in the act of doing a kindness on the ears
to aphid, just at the thue he had began to
realize from his Inventions. •
1t0_ ...
has left behind a name that is as lamer- .
Ishable as that of the Immortal Washington—
and future generation. will regard hint as a
benefactor to the agriculturalcommunity.
lie Informed your correspondent that he had
struggled against poverty for thirty yearn
and never could have, secured and sustained
his patents, but for the valuable asSistance of
General Tencle Tilghman of Maryland, the -
classmate and friend of .our own George W.
Cutts, Pa 9, 1 _
Gen. Tllg. man has lived to see that bit con
fidence wan not misplaced, and that the com
munity hay been greatly beuentted. Obed
Huney's lit• was a minion of goodneei, end
his death a . artyrdom to hit humanity. Mo-
Cormick p bubly did more to educate public
opinion to he value of Improved g e ld
chineryany man living. fie Wgood
manipulate as well as Inventor. The ground
plan of a at. chine, also the reel nerd In reap
ing. are hi inventions. Atkin. and Many
came In e field soon after. both
with a her of improvements far In
advance of'. ything In use. Atkins was a
cripple for IL e but a devoted mechanical stu
dent.. The a self-rake was hit, and it is ad
min.,' by all mechanics that, although very
complicated. It is the most Ingenious piece of
mechardeml flown to the mechanical world:
It was built at Dayton. Ohio. by It. Dutton.
Eta : . tto , Inventor of the "Clipper" mower.
cold In you sister city by Dieters. Price &
It was not.
World's Fair
however. moll after the tint
• Loudon In 1850 that American
e manifest by • the triumph
• cCormlck at the trial on the
•no Albert. This stimulated
gprlie sad encouraged the In
, eld machinery In thin country.
ware accompilehed peri odn
' gird results at a later
farm of '
Ammican en
troductlon 0
. .
elmtlar rent'
diet more m
M MI li!' I.
sail.. uf 111,trsal,
tichierial a triumph sEcoN
al. alai) ow: from
over a vonelitZeirohn Engl
Alglern. •
9ti;•l;il,chints first introtinced bad but one
drive wheel.. Such would now be considered
Font of date'. Different kinds of gearing were
Nsed, cants, eccentrics and goys. The great
ational Dint at Syracuse. in Itsitl. brought
it the first two-wheeled
:to and con
r m
niugonsly to the surface the best echanical
ut inventive genius of the nation, arnung
who, j would name Wheeler, hull. 'Wood.
I .sultunkt. Rust:SAL fidflin. Dodge. Stlbsrling.
Is 7 Dona id. and of hers, who will he mentioned
and their efforts more fully referred to ill ro •
lure articles.
iletnet , n Ilte Elentnlwnt. h.' E. 1,, „„i
Antehrm, It Nr Orl Liihk
The Ler WIC.. In Tbren Dap, Elaine n
Bonn mud 141,14 n 3104,41.
7' •
I fly:1'01.1:1111th flu t•itt giburgt Gazette.'
ST. 1:--The Steamer Hobert. IS.
01.1 Ur, A. L. In!hrt, "rip, rtubterti
loom. m a d /rag*, ri u,i,nnrr trutl. New lln cads,
',itetithipt' the Natchez's time on her.l:l,l
firms 1001" ,1, 114. ,,, 1111-60er 1010 1 0,:tml the Jits.
M. White's (Minus time four Iwo, 0.1 fifty.
15/.. 111101 , 111 4 . The Ntitehez (en. detained he
heavy fog belott G rood Tow,. one }ill noted
and twenty-11rd miles below here. ti ntl tilt] n Ot •
'KISS I hot {',iotnntit N:3O A.M. •
The following is the time the stetustet Itoht.
IL Lee made to pritielpal points eu the trip
front New Orleans, taken from the steamer's
Das,. 'lours.
Donaldson% lite .. 0 4
Raton Rouge 11. a.... 22.
lied Meer 0 - 1 r 51;
Vicksburg... ...... -I. .• -
Providence . ..
W it
lin hite Riser . . I ~,,, . , .
llelcnn 3lemphis. , "2 . 0
New alatirld. .10 .....
•Ca .... .. - ...r.3 I. .
St. fouls ...... 3 • ... 3")
• ui
The trip was 1.15 o%lltio from first to last.
Along the river thousands flocked, oven fro.
utiles in the interior, to see the racers iniss.
and bonfires. cannons, pistOix and every thing
tint could shoot. were brought into ose
give vent to feelings on .the occasion. The
crowd at the !Circe here Wla
bank of the river Was lined with people Dom
Carondelet to abbsc the Pity for
distance of
six. milts and windows anti house !opt along
the city front were. tilled with tot inishodie
spectators. No 15111 , iiltr n cut ever eaused
such in excitement or brought out s unknrowds. A millien dollars probably changed
hands on the result of this race.
The Nateher *as detained by a 'sensedog be
low Gratin TOW,'
,kuld bad not at
' , ll l t /f c h k tit7/11 M .:-The banquet ' lit . the .I•olithern
torte! to-night to Capt. Leathers of the steam
er Neches. and 011,1. Cannon ,ir the steamer
Robert E. Lee. saes quite a brilliant affair.
About out hundred vin inClUding
several of the oldest in the nee,
hat low n.
Roth Captains Wert toasted and respond.' by
proxy. and the evening passed hartoonletst
and with the bent feeling.
The Day at Various Points.
t i Ily•Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 6 acct te.l
New York'
Independence day. posses pleasantly and
with deconitu In this city ad Yielnity• Ti,, :
weather was delightful autt he tullitat-y . dls.
play wan morn than mina fine. The fires
works , }'ere a success and th parks - enchant.
t .
!ugly cold and inviting. The were some uf
-1 fras•S; and drunkenness Inelnen to a holiday.
It. . open the whole, the city w e remarkably
r \
tinier''-. The day was celebrated in the cos.
tountry manner in the Public Inetitutio..
Iti Brooklyn. there was no pnblie demon
stration hes - mntle dectentiun of public and
private buildings with - nags. lind \the Alsplay
of fireworks at Furl Green. ' •
The Democratic Celebration of the Fourth at
Tammany Hall was one of the great events
of the day. The large hall tees tilled to the
minuet with an audience of Democrats.
l'lrand Sachem Tweed Wade the opening ad
dress. and was followed by Hon. Eugene Cne
serly. Senator. from California. the orator of
the day. An orb:In:al .KlO. woo recltmlby John
Saxe. and Hon; S. S. Cox delivered a
pruh. lioor Moffatun was not present.
big. ,ta :4 it tte, Letters were isle° received
and read front other distinguished Democrats.
' , winding General McClellan.
The race On Fashion Course yestenlac wan
won by Leidy Thorne Bine 222.1, , ,f. 2:T.1, .2fit.‘s - ..
The other made, were Geo. Palmer. tie,,.
.1171kee. Aseeeric. Iliel. and tieteemitly Maid.
A. Lillian. melding in filontgornery ne. n
ihobfon Ilt s - • Mewl urk. wattle la ~,,,, .0,2 la.
eartrepte into n .2k411 rantwn. with ‘t h
h. had Lett. firing nalislate yesterday Mg
!lig had both arms blown off by a protean
discharge.,_ough horribly tetanal eti the
are hopes of his reCoVery
I itleagn.
the Fourthassetiremarkable free
om from freth -p litles, none ) wth
Yet being reported.
Numerous mal acidents occurred.
he Fire D ep a rt sent was almost constantly
013 the run. Fourteen alarms •were sounded
during the day . The total damagemom
not exceeding four thousand dollars. The
free use trifler storks wee the cause of seventh
wi,e, the balloonist. made a succen%ful as
cension lust evening front the Luke shore lu the
presence of a large multitude. The balloon
doatinl off toward the Sotithweqt and probe
blx alighted on.the open prairie.
e Fourth of Jule celebration was entered
with more “Plat than ever before. and
•Ithout au accident of any Importance.
opening ceremonies at Eden' Park was
entore of the forenoon.
The President In Connectlent.
I Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazettes)
WOODSTOCK, Jely t.—The Presidential party
left Hartford at 7:15A. at. A large crated as
sembled at the depot and Governor Jewell In
troduced President Grant to them and called
for cheers, which were given enthusiastical
ly. The President' bowed thanks and the cars
stmo left fur WoodstoCk.
Pleasant recepthms were given the Presi
dent at etations along the road. -
The Committee from Woodstock met hint at
Plainfield and took charge of the party, Mr.
Cleveland reading an address and resat:llcm
of citizens of Windham • county. The PlVRl
dent was introduced to the people and re
ceived with round alter round of cheers. to
which be briefly returned his thanks. •
At 1.:50 the party reached Puttnan.where
carriages were ready to convey them to Wood
stock, four miles distant. The people here,
ton, were enthusiastic. .k DreCeSBloll was
formed herided by two. posts of the Grand
Army of the Republic. Groups of citizens
gathered along the road and cheered the PreN-
Ident as he passed. President Grant rode the
whole distance uncovered. Mottoes of wel
come met the eye along the road. Each house
tins decorated and festooned, and liteneS ex
tended across the:road at intervals.
At Wombats& , t he SCOne lens aniated.
Thousands had assembled, and vehicles of
ail descriptions stunt! by the way side. The
grounds were beautifally decorated with
banners bearing the names of the leading
Generals' of the Union army, and of the
'States and Territories. Shortly after one
o'clock the thousands around the village
:gathered together In a large tent on the tom
ton. The Presidential party took teat* on
'the Platform. Senator Buckingham occupied
the chair. On his right eat President Grant.
The Senator briefly intnaluced , Ex-Governor
Woodford, of New York, who ,delivered the
oration of the ;Any. Rev. Henry Want
Beecher Ba r onllved an address: fits° Gen.
Butler. ratan:try, Hessian Minister,
was receivedwith cheers for the Imperial
Government of Rfiesia..and bowed thanks.
Sew Lostam, July s.—The Presidential
party arrived front Norwich thin afternoon.
The publie and many private buildings were
elaborately decorated and largeerowds lining
the street cheered the . President, who pro
ceeded on steamer City of New York 1,..1.-
quot House, where ft 4zanquel aoft- recep t ion
acre given. Th e !eft to-night for
Upper Meer..
mad .1..L1ne.1
01 t, CITY. Jelyll.—ltlver fulling, with forty
Ix Inches of water le the channel. Weathe
loudY and warm. Thermometer 74 at 7r. al
IittOWTOMILI.E. July s.—ltlver stationary
ith tmo feet ten 'ache. .water la the ehan .
el. Weather clear. Thermometer IC at ,
—The significant feature of the celebration
little'e Fourth, nt Woodstock. Conn., was a
imminge ut arms between Omi. Butler
and - Gen. Hawley on the Chinese question.
Gen. Butler made his pror
ised proutiocia
meta° against the Chinese. declaring con
trolled and unpaid labor Incompatible with
Republican Government. Oco, linwley re
plied, ca ving , it will not work to lock the doors
of the United States. We must counteract
any evil that may threaten us. by our living
examples of good. - 11 e would not dare to lock
the gates of America against suffering work.
Gen. Butler attempted to reply bat woe stop
ped off by the IMINie.
--The Barrett house, a frame hotel at Keo-•
kuk. /own. and seven buildings' adjoining on
either side were burned on the 4th. While
the are was in progresu_the house of Or. 1. C.
- Hughes was discovered to be no are, Which
spread north and west.reduclng. the en..
tire block.exceot one building. to &An. The
The firemen of the city were absent on an ex-
Malian VI Warsaw end learn Were entertain
ed at one time that the city wbuld be destroy
ed. The lossrb estimated. all the way from.
sixty to two hundred thousand dollars.
—Judge Unison, at Richmond. Va., has de
cided in the contented city election question
that the matter of ,lijegal 'and fraudulent
votes cannot be goneloto. The Republican.
claim that the. decision In effectLgives the
city offices to thel r cand Id ate.. The Conserve
tire. nil! content I he election on the ground of
informality in the election.
—A meeting of delegates frog ' , counties in .
Pentinylvaula where Republicans are In the
minority wan held In Philadelphia on Monday
and a resolution adopted recommending a
Republican State Convention of I delegates
from minority counties and districts with a
clew to promo Mg legislation favorable to
minority repreoeatatioo.
-A serious
affray occurred yeiterdm at
Cresson, dity miles south of Jackion. Mfg,
between blacks and whites, canned by the
abuse of a at ite boy by a nett . The Degrees
grad on the whites, wounding two: • The Aro
was returned end three negroes
YOU it
N 1, IV
ht Hove—The Contest
their Wu) —The
inr Vacht.. l
l'ase—Fourt It of
tion in the 1 - eittitenleal Conneti—.l
6 fur t'or the !.;;pallisli Throne.
Inv Tolvarapht.iti,e 111.tsburgit 4:1;;;1!!!...1
I: IN DON. July I. -•Strphru Blair. a la, aldnent
Free Milsoll. is dead. •
, hiPPIPK ‘ , t,VerPOIA ta.t deCO/ nteJ
commemoration of the sailing or the Cunard
et emushio Britt:oda. thirty. years ago. for
- America.
Borings adOet tithe the Issue of Baltimore
and Ohio It:inroad Minllll,Z 11“1111,
r..-- , :Tht? polite Cambria
Tnd Dauntless hart started on the ocean race.
hey reached Banat's - Burke at two tins at.
Lemma Iv took'. The went her is tine; strong
west by ralith breeze. .1t the Ilret•gus
warn fired Anal the •Catubria and Dauntless
drooped from the tugs. Five minutes after
ads the Dituatithee snot ahead and heist the
for t trenty utiles. when the Cambric
Melted with the wind and manitthed to get
ahead. The wind •changed and wan then •
Itrong from tier,southwest. The general olds.
wo he that with at quiet east and favoring wind
the - American will win, but • rough weather
Insures victory forth, Cambria. Betting- on
the result Is very active. • •
Is usto!a, Judy I.—The latest reports boo
the 'moms who Accompanied the j acids to
is as folLowsc The yacht Cambria was
soen taking :5 very long u h words: the
!Montle., with roll wind, was spreading her
sails and running fuel. The wind 10:10 mode,
Gorl Derby and Countess Salisbury were
married at et. Jounce Chapel, thseellieon of
Wind., officiating. There ,Cll.l to display.
Two heavj failures tire reported in Liver-
Mool. Ono le in the cotton lousiness :cud the
obilities are .50.01, ponnds. The other is
prominent hrm In Intlin shipping and produce
trade: liabilities heavy.
luauhe Boner of C'omunovie Mr. steamer an appeal of Capt. Err.. of the
Lowboy. He reeked t luecircou.t ones.. of the
Collision between the Oneida and Bombay KM;
maintained all: [minted to the innocer cc of
Copt. Gyre, mud moved a resolve in accordance
with this view of the case. Mr. Gladstone
said t lue u'ootoin of be Bombay eras undoubt
edly gully error, but he regretted the
butroduct hos .rf topic .11 ho och 11 wOlllll
be withdrawn.. Mr. Troy, p. i, sine th.-r.•.e
PA nu, July 1.-- A meeting Of A nierieittin was
lhe l a d ntt o o - celebrate
e' F n o a ur a tdhs.
oEf TGovernor
Wanliburne. of . Atininebunetts. prenided.
Speeches were made he Consul General Alead,
Colennis Hoffman and Moore, of the United
Staten Legation. Alural tialAtend. of the Cin
innati tAniontrehit, Dr. Eaiis. and othef - s.
Minister Washburne wan tiMlible to be present.
The assemblage wan ems large. The Atntiri
can Club held u reception during -the day. nd
Illuinluateirthelr building nt night:
July s.—The. noutlnation of Fri •
Leopold Hohenzollern to the throne of Si ;tin
causes immense eteitetnt•nt both here en, in
31adrid. w ork .eneh laces denounce Inu
Illsioarele.. and declare that the SI •of
neople will never HiTHIA H descendant of
The Committee to; the petittou 01 the Or
lean• Prluetet ft 4 rettoratlon of - property re
ported to set it :thine until next year, but tit
miltleet will probably come up for debut.
,next. lbiturdne.
In Hie Con. Legislat if 10-d:re several mem
bers of the Left Centre subniiileal Interpella
thin, concerning the proposed candidature of
• Prince, Hohenzollern for the Spanish throne.
They were assured that the (forernment had
Informal the Cal..knetas of Berlin and. Madrid
that France could not n.vrit to the project.
It was also stated that Fnince would propose
1:41ngre,,..4 the srrat 'Caerej tai , ettle, the
question. •
. • .
The 'estoteh lodge of Free Meson'. In Paris
has resolved to Ire. mourning three months
for M. Dares. • Jule., Shourrhas become, niem
her of this lodge. • •
The hoot is Intense again. The recent rams
were light and ttffortird only .temporary load
tqtrilal relief from drought. 10 Brittany the
Inmght t-. •n ~evert that the farmers are loll
ing. t heir vitt!e nt to.bent. Per iroimti.. 10
Pat Is, Itoo tot,. the %hope 0001. the prices
id meat no.' The provlnCial Joitrul6 cullettr
to estimating the slrkied grain eroll . at lne
fourth elow the at ernge ad .
Ex-Qu b een Isabella b official notification
conveyed to all the foreign mute of her
_ t _
ROM :I -The Council yesterday adopt ed
t he preface and two chriptersaf the Infallibili
ty scheme. The extreme partisans of infalli
bility refuse to concede any alteration, and
den - Jana an immediate vote. Should the op
petition -remain obstinate and prevent the
tote. the discussion :ear last a month longer.
Thu Bishops are leaving Rome, especially
those trout the neighborhood of the Danube.
It k thought the debate on - Infallibility ball
close before the 10th. •
Homy- July 4.—Tho altrantentane Bishops
have petitioned Hie Holiness the Pope to
close the discussion of the dogma of Infalli
bility, the Council having approved the pre
amble and the Rent two chapters of the &limn.
It is therefore very probable, that the discus
stun will be closed et once, and the dogma of
infallibility be promulgated immediately af
MAI.IIIID, Jolt L.—General Prim id chalged
with haying offered the Swinish crown to
Leotold, Prim:col Hohenzollern. without the
authority or sanction .of the Cortes. The
- deputation charged with duly inviting Prince
Leopold to the throne of Spain have not pet
rettirnmt to the city. The Spanish - Cabinet
will meet to-morrow to distuss the Introduc
tion of the Prfuee of Ifehenadlern-Sig. Ma
igen ns King of spain.
The Government authorities today officially
deny having made any but confidential over
tures to -a foreign Prince. The name of the
di vu une. the Government adds, it Is not proper
MADRID. July lf.• The Cachet Juan hoe
imposed silence units partisnit
lIAVA I A..JuIv I.—The rebel leader Umbel
ta hits been attacked Und r.atted.liv loyal gue
rillas ln the l'uerto Principe jurisdiction. The
tight lasted an hour and a half. Sixteen Span
iards and forty-nix Cubans NV die killed.
The seven remaining men of the second Cp,
ton expedition were captured and jailed at
Holguin. The rebel Colonel Lono'wets killed.
Owing to the heavy arrivals. Of corn the
market hem Is flooded and prices declined.
The Americans here celebrated the Fourth
bye dinner,. at which, for the first time since
•r he rebellion, northern and southern men met
in the city on a convivial occasion.
NEM". • •
Z. , 01.7HA X IN, Julys—The Ftenumer lihueo
om New York hes artlyed.
LONDON, July s .—Eeening.—Consols.
American securities quiet. hire-twenty
bonds att London ION: 'lns liO1S; 8'
U, Ten
forties. 8814;• Erica. IP; Illinois. 11S: fill. NV.
273.1; stocks dull.
LIVYRPOOL, July s—Cotton q uleemul steady .
sales midditing uplands at sales le.Nsi
bales. Breadstuffs quiet; California wade
Wheat Ps ed.: red western. No. a, CC. '7414441.
M.; winter. Us tid..___nreadpes wheat for the past
three days cram I 'o - DO quarters, all AweriCon.
trostoro Flour:Ms. Corn. Nu. 2 mixed, 35 lid.
Oatsl4.• Harley flu. Peas Tls ad. Pork
'Ms ekl. Beef Ills: I.ardllll ChoeveGas..
con ;ins; Cumberland ICs lid; short rib, 60..
Turpentine LYss. sd.
Lcomosr, July s.—Tallow dull at 451 nod
quiet: Linseed (HI firm. Turpentine dull.
Flops Ss. NI.
• Paws. July 5. —Mune decliniog at 7875.
ANDevßic July 5.-Ikmds opened firm nod
quiet at Pd1,419(11f.
Asrwkne, July s.—Petroleum firm.
Hamm. July s.—COttun.heary.
D t • Tow,To ot . Pluttburrla Oezette•l
• WASNINOTOR, P. c., July 5, 'nu.
The Demo:tete In Congress and •elsawbere
are making preparations for starting u party
paper In Washington: .1 largo amount of cap!.
tat bum been contributed.• Jas. C. Hervey. re-
Minlater to Portugal. Is reported to be one of
the editor's..
The House Committee on Pacific Railroads
to-nieht considered the Tema• Pacitio Rail
road hill which recently passe% the itenate.
The Counlttee.will report adversely on the
section Piing the gouge at Pre feet and pro
viding for various branch roads. It will also
recommend that the stockholders he required
wgLenrgawezboAnf°,„Jutie.'d of
Some Senators art desirous of obtaining an
extension - of ten days of the time axed forthe
.adJourninent ot Congress, being npprehensive
that the necessary public business cannot be
transacted by the 15th, but the House will not
consent to such extension.
• arm.. Isr creroDT. •
Pat. Woods, the Richmond policemen who
assaulted Congressman Porter. still In the
eettodY of the Sergeant-at-Arms, lodges in
the room heretofore occupied by Wooley, the
recusant witness to the Johnson impeneb
111 Vat CABC.
CblerlJustn G et t y sb u rg accepted an invita
tion to visit prings narly In Au
gust and wlll probably remain several weeks•
Vice President Colfexhas returned
The Meets Constitutional Election.
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
CHICAGO. July s.—Very few official returns
of the election held on Smaller have yet been
received, but there Is no doubt that the Con:
StitUtiOn. with all, separately submitted
articles, Is adopted by atlarge majorlti,
SENATE r l'he Naturalization Bill
Amended awl Passed—The Tna
Tariff Bill 1'11.e4e41 with the Income
T; Retained
lu Tvl..gra hb.l l'lttsfmritta Guettv.l
w,,tworrox. illy I, 01:0
The Funding Bin Was retielared frotn the
Nouse and referred to the Pirlaflee Corifinittce.
Mr. 10.1$S. from Committee on Indinn
Affair, reported a joint resolatioll for the re
moval of Cherokee Indians in North Carolina
to the Indian territory. It provides ;Cr the
payment to each Indian of tiftv-three tAm
lan: iniaireot thereon, as stipulated in the
treaty of Isla. • -
motion of 3}r. 11.11011 i% it resolution in
quiring into the removal of Collector Casek of
New Orleans, and the management Of the
Custom noose there mince tF4, An.. was
The Naturalization bill leas considered.
At the evening session the rote by which
Mr. Simmer', amendment bras :plopted was
reconsidered am t it was rejected—ll against
Mr. STEIVA in moved an amendment to ens,
tend the natnralintion law to aliens of
African !nativity amt persons of African
descent. Adopted -.Mac/Ong :M.
The bill wan reported' to the Senate as
:....0q,..1 and was passed. Adjourned.
IV 0511 isogon'. July 5, itfin.
sic. RAMSES' called up the bill granting
• land to the State of Minnesota to aid the int-
Provement of the harbor of Do Loth. Passed.
Mr. SHERMAN, from the Finance Commit
tee. reported back the funding bill and moved
the Senate disagree to the House amendments
and appoint a Counmitt. of Conference.
Theanotion w.:1.9 agreed to.
?Ir.. SD ERNI AS also .reported without
amendment the House bill to declare the con
struction of section Nth of the National cur
' renneY .t, approved Jane Itlth.-1 , 04. the object
of the bill being to clear air the anninixotity of
the law.
. Mr. FENTON inntroduced a bill to ineorpoL
rote the 'Tellaunteper Railway in. Shit/ Cm.
Companiv, with a capital of thirty-live millions
and prover to notolre from the Mexico:l gov
ernment all the franchises nnol privileges It
Inlnv gent. •
the tax bill was proceeded with, the queen
tl. being u. - non Mr. Trumbull's amendment
ti.l dhurlcing tine trunsportation of goods in
Ind from port of deliver. - in a city of not less
I au 150.0(1) inhabitants.
111' general moment Messrs, Chandler and
Morrill. who were specially hostile to the:
hill, were given half nn Wt.. each to address
the Senate.
Ole. RAI - AIDA spoke a.inst Mr. TrumbulPs 1
Lmentliment dud Mr. scorr In favor.
An amendment by Mr CHANDLER was
ooted to allow transportation to ony city
Or 100,1.0 inhabitants which is a hart of entry.
ther. SHERMAN' stinted this would include
cities of Portland, Maide. Detroit. Mil,
Looks file. and I 'hark:don.
Mr' Truntbull's amendment 'as amended wani
relected- 2.1 to L . :.
' Sir. ELPM I . N I /S. replying to' re ma rks by Mr:
Trumbull. that Pa:amendment had been de
feated through easternselfishness In denying,
to merchants of the Inter - tore/mat advntages
with those of New Turk. a
add he had voted
l i r n . l l l lVNlllL i t e L m n i l ' e u n ' l ' e ' g d t i ll s t h nr mtYMe„surie
sus liable to any such objection. and argued
its only object was to place the merchants of
tin . , country on'. mine! footing, so that those.
of the West might no longer he tributary to
New York. ' /
Ole. SHERMANproposed to give the Sena-1
ton's Will/ had manifested su much concern in l ,
regard to fronds ou the revenue an opt/or , '
to slits to show their sincerity. He therefore
offered in new seotion, repealing all laws
allowing inervinandlse to tie transported
through the Culled States without payment
of duty.
.' After discussion It was withdrawn,
' Mr. SCHURZ moved as an amendment the
House bill to regulate the appralsethent and
inspection of imports in certain cusses.
Nlessfs. Bayard.Conkling and Edmunds main
tained the section confining the. privileges . of
(Inc hill tic certain ports to the co/chi/non of
others was obnoxious to co.Ututional Mid- '
billion, that no preference be given br an; re
elation of commerce or revenue to the tarts MI
one State over those of nnuther.
The Senate took a recess.
Ern nano Senoinon —T. Senate resumed the
consideration of Hoy tax hill, till: red
being 11110t1 the House bill fur the appraischent
and Inspection of Imports In collecting ports
and for of hen purposes. moved by Mr. Schurz
ins nn amendment for the tradsportation of
f'oluis to baud from designated ports of entry
¶o torn
_n hem they em to Ae e:
An allact.meut was:aduidtot-eatextding thy
privileges of the bill to Charleston. Savannah
nod MI/Mlle.
Mr. 'LAMLE , . offered an amendment re
quiring the parted examination of goods at
toports of entry. awl compelling plenty of time
be given to such examinations.
Mr. MORRILL. VA, moved, an amendment
by extending provisions of the bill to cities of
Mere thou ten thousand inhabitants. Lost-.
I. u
Mr. STOCKTON snored. to include nil ex
porting ports oientry and such as may here
after be created. Rejected.
-Mr. SPENCER moved to abolish the other of
lraval officer anti require the duties to be per formed by the Surveyor of Custom, Loot-
The pending amendment of Mr. Schurz as
ontled, teas adopted-2i to 21.
Mr. WILSON called attention to the tact
thou the Senate was somewhat thin upon the.
occasion of the vote continuing the Income
tax for; two years longer at two and it half
per cent. lie now asked unanimious consent to
move a reconsideration of the vote In order to
have thequestion decided In full Senate. I
Ile was in favor of, the discontinuation of the
Income tax. but Me issue the other day was
whet her the duty on sugar should be restored
to the mount of eleven millions or the In
come tax continued. His amendment had
secured a reductions of the sugar duty, bi
which 01l the le ha an interest. I th•
reduction could be p made d
the Income tax f
be dispensed with at the some time by restor
ing tax on gross receipts. lie would like to
secure that end.
Mr. CONKLING hoped the question Would
he reconsidered to rife the absentan upper--
absent` to hove their votes recorded, and
moved to insert in the bill a new section pro
hibiting the levy or collection of nny income
tax until by act of Congress it shall he here
after so directed.
General discussion followed upon the mer
its of Income tax. M. SHERMAN defendink
himself from cert.:in newspaper criticisms
upon his course in securing , a continuance of
the tax.
A letter *ens read by Mr. PI MNER train
private correspondent. to show that the taxes
on Incomes and gross receipts. might both be
abolished and a surplus yet remain in the
The Senate then rejected the amendment by
Mr. Edmunds continuing the present tax on
gross receipts
17, nayslrt.
Mr. POMERI.II" moved to strike out the in
come tax sections. Rejected by a tle rote, as
Penn—Messrs. Bayard, Carpenter.. Cole.
Conkling, Corbett. Fenton, Fowler, Gilbert,
Hamilton (Md., Harris. Johnston. Kelton.,
McCrhcre, McDonald, Pornetoy. Revels. Rob
ertson, Saulsbury. Scott, Stewart, Stockton,
Sumner. Thurman. Trumbull. Vickers ' and
Naps—Messrs. Anthony. Horetuun, Chand
ler. tyagrin. Drake, Edmunds.,llamilton.Trez
-00.)1Imulin, Harlan. Howe. Howell. Morrill.
(Vt.,) Morton, Nye. Patterson. Pool. Ramsey.
Mee, Muss. Sawyer, Schutz, Sherman, Spen
r. WCONKLI N arner. Wil y od
G t le n W
thd illiams—W.
Mhen rew his amend
ment. .
On the motion of Mr.CONKLINO annum
Went. Was adopted hnpoolne f0rtx...4. -- rent
int roterrrn on telempn
The hill then ov.....l.—Meilorty-three. soy
WAIIIIINOTIXf. July 3, lf , ;(I
11017.5 E.
Thu Conference report on the bill granting_
the right of way over public lands in Collier
' ilia to ditch and canalowners sync agreed to.
' Mr. WASHIICLO% IV's., from Select Com
mittee on Postal Telegraph. made a report In
favor of the proposed government system.
He made a speech In advocacy of the bill. and
moved it bo printed fur consideration next-
December. So ordered.. •
Mr. I'ALMEIt presented the minority re
port. accompanied by a bill in establish a
postal telegraph system and to Incorporate
the postal telegraph company.
The Kentucky contested election case of
Harnett vs. Adams was discussed for three
hours, and the seat awarded to Mr. Adams,
the sitting member, without division.
Mr. DEN.IMILD, from the Committee 'on
Pensions, restated a bill to pay arrears of
pensions' to some one hundred persons named
thereon who had not made application within
the thee requiird law. Passed.
The Virginia contested election matter 6f
Tucker vs. Brooke won discussed two. hours
and tabled-Pe to 24- •
- _
Fight With Indiana en the Union Paeffie
italiroad. • •
Illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Oasette.)
CHICAGO, July s.—lnfortuntion has been re
ceived at military. headquarters that Lieut.
Young, of the Second Cavalry', with thirty-are
men, attacked two hundred hostile Indians on
the With of June, thirty-eight miles from Raw
lins, on the Union Pacific Hallroad, and killed
fifteen of them, besides wounding a number
Of others. None of the soldiers wen, killed
mid but one wounded—Sergeant Michael
Kronen, who received a shot In the hip,' not
dangerous. Aftera doe hours' fight, Lieut.
Young sent for inforcements, but before
they reached himthe Indians • fie to the
mountain, and It was Impossible to discover
their trail. The Indians had a strong Positlein
In the brush and mountain gorges.
Extensive Fire at 011 agu e -Lose from 923,000
[Ey Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
On, CWT. July s.—About twelve o clock
last night fire broke out in a row of buildings
near Johnson's well on the west,. side of the
creek and consumed everything on the east
side of Main street from Johnson's well to the
ond of the Won bridge. Some eight or ten
buildings In all. consisting princlpilly of
clothiog, boot and shoe, millinery and liquor
stores. The office of the Oil City Zlodu Macs.
which had recently been moved to thu side of
the creek, was Dunn. Most of the material
was saved but in a badly damaged condition.
The loss is heavy, being from SUDO to
WAD. The fire was first' discovered in a
millinery store. Cause noknown.
— Geo.Thomas. formerly connected with the
Erentng Arius and &credal, Atlas. ot
wan suffocated to death Monday evenltef
by a piece of meat welching la Ms throat.
CI, BA.' •
Pr, nor x.:n. PA.. Jul NK y 5. IS7O.
derlnred n Dividend of Fl VF: .4! PET{
CEST.ent ~I the ranting. the Intl •tie month,
paynble On demand.
Till . Sretdin Nil In I. !3.151:
Thn Direct"le of tide ilara have title day declared
of SIX PElt cENT.out tee profits
01 the last ""onth;:
Cy— lIACIII,us, !' ashler.
Jthe fiord of Idrectere or Ws dank
hare dtelot . ed n dividend "I FIVE , 51 571711 CENT.
•1.11( the :dente df the peel lle raeted..PeTable
en and after July 11th. II
feted/It - IT J. . Cashier.
Pit l.r•'•,u. July I. Itlll4 Jte:::9.l
BANK. -The Threaten , Ipi This flank have
thin day declared a I , lridend of FIVE (11.1'Elt
CENT. en . the Capital Stuck. payable on and after .
the 14th In•l.. free of ten.
• WO. C. 310.1-:AN,
I . lTi+llt' 11.11. July /A. 1 S 7 poker;
11n1H1 . 111/11:3uir a.. 1,17 O.
D cr NOTICE.--The Directon, of this
Rack inn Ibis ant 41c,Inred Diridenl
FOUlt PER CUNT, un 111 a Cupitttl par-
Ole to ; , 1,141.1.1,3 , ,n and niter the 15111 11191.
T, VAN DUREN. , 'nobler.
MEI•crIA sr: 6 ala rearyrimita 11 . ‘a K. ,
Perrallettelt. July lb. 12470.
The Ihret tuna of this Hank have hue day de
Oared a ineldend.l•}lVE l'Elt ILLS!. on th
cu Mtal ,toek out o . f the profits of the lust al
morel, mynbte um demand. tree of Wee.,
JOIE N Cushier.
.!tertel: 'rtsi: Proto.r..s . stli.t rice C 0. .,
rr-, DI VI DEN D No. • I 2.—The Board
Ifirecthrs of Oda Conipanf have thle
lay declared n dividend of FOUR DUI:LARS per
share, free of LISPS, out of the eadoms of the
last s:x eneiths. on.and utter the
In. t.. as ,111119.. Dellors per share in cash.
leld Teo Don. , Ilt`t 'bars to he credited on Stock.
WM. Seeretar.f.,
Pcresnritnn. July 1. ISt°. '
think have this doe ileelared it dividend of
FIVE PEECENT, on the Gasps! etuek • not of
the earnings of the last in months, payable forth
with, free of ail tar.
Asalstent Cashier.
Pill, NAT. BANK. PA...
11. A.• Pl...burgh Trtoq Colnoany.l i
'rho b.r,tom "r tilt. Rank hove ltd.: day Ito-
Oared a oostrferlr d,Olend of TIIRP:E PER
EN.o. Cagaral Stork coot,of the Pron. of
Ille !alt. three monthe. i ns f,rl.livitth. tree of
qtate .tool Gorerhloont -
.1 .1 D. oCUI.I.V. Clothier:
..v.ltb. 12470.
• tit:xi: •
omen A; rennet v nmocr. C 0..;
Prerenennti.Jelv lOt. Into.
rr""1)!_i'l I) EN 1 /.—The l'resident and
Bril g n ;;!e!, l lr„„`i,`,.TrTgef . :::„,,r.:F‘t.;
doetsbargh. in the ebenty of A qeFheny. bore Nola
declared a Dividend Ed ONE Ittlt.l.Alt AND
Flp - rr CENTS on each Otero tr: the Capital Stock
ot the. Cohnotar. payal.le by, the Teruourer to
Stoekholders or their legal representatlees forth
with. •
Julstai IVSI. Treasurer.
• BANK OF ro3l?lEltrE. cOIMIEII OF
gl 2 4lUrn i gri 1 1 . Bank AIVe I 4I elli E t d L efru .. — r . e 7 lN e
Dividend of SIC PElt CENT. .11001 the preens Or
the last eta mantle.. free of Governweet fur, Par
ehle °us/emend.
.111SEPII 11. HILL. Cashier. •
f i rrrstit: in.ti. PA.. July If. INTO.
- A .Eitt le DANK. Jul
itrirnnt non. July I et. Ififfo. i
at this Da k hare this day declared is sued
, annual dividend of BOX PEE CENT.. tray able to
Stockholders on ml after the llth inst. . I
Jniarl • W3l. F 1 tin Cushier.
; • ... .411,. I. :3 NATIONAL BANK.,
Irrsen•loin..lnty 1..157U. i 1
CENT - . ree of Taney, wilt he paillto the
Stuckholders ullthis Hank, “n nod lifter TEES
DA V. July Jltidlest...
Jullk46r X 0. 31A Irethi,rasbier.•
Irrirsnutitai...luir 1. 11 S7 0 .1ii
'''''s' or this (lent hare deli teed a dividend of
813, .1 . , , E4_ eXY I . ., out of the profits ot the Net siX.
-ellunihs• Parable furthrrtill. Iree ”I Las.
itthsta , S. 1.. s TEI'IIESSoN. resider._
1 . r011 . 1.r., SA , INIO. Bank Or A tixonfiSr.)
Curtner of Federal and I.a.euck streets; v
Jrse 13d. ISXII.
thank heie this day steelared n dividend of
FIVE PER CENT. out ,ef the oronts of the last
~.i.,,uouthe, nnynhle tin aro Ist te i: Jlkir l i qi Air O.
free.' tee. ; I
Je2hre : Cs/abler.
• • •
. .
. •
r - q - DIV111ENI) NOTICE.--The 1)1
10Th mizazixtutt,,TLlE 5AW.3111.1.
dividend or FIVE P'filt ' Z ' ll:3 l .llTogo d .r itivernt
went Tan. 'me Of the earninea of the past el
months. Tamable too the nvorktiolders or their legal
reprro.mCompany inVT .. 4 IINZMPY. PrerideaCJrr th. lSflt.
orincE or THY. ENTL11191151: I NO t HANCE ell.
isf.,PitGinervh. pa.,
JrNEI4. 11S7U.
nee dednred n oeuni , nrintant abrkfend
free ‘,l uu•ernnaent the ct
No. 433 rend •cruel. on and after July 1. 1870.
. .
Pl7l-"ItA OF THE
Ilegheny Colored Poldie,Sehoo
will bike place In EXCELSIOR HALL, burner of
rodent! and !Amick streets. Allettheny.next34oX
-11 AY and TUESDAY EVENINfeS. July 11 th,and
12th. Every elfull. hne been made to make this
exhibition worthy of the palmnago of the people.
whose liberal eneouregionent hi the past merits
sod receives the grateful recollection of the
Reservist Seat Tickets, with b00k.45 cents each.
Ordinary Tickets. 25 cents: Children. 20 cents.
Juaxs) S. A. NEALE. Director.
leuamherywd. with mire. illueurtleor. the Jail
WWI FourternA"nlimble Artl
JO 'cortte p. Part. 63.30 k,‘-'".".
(4 0 1)- -.-- "iA r ) Dt3 •
t-Yithriarentertaininglind Instructive ertiaci.
Pig , TO/ $2.14 pOr annum.
Good Words for the Young.
With ten entertaining; instruetire nog
23 Vel26
• -
7Tpersatubelnl Periodical bottler, For Nun.
pectua.lllronl Club Halm eta., addrera
Ju 713 AND 711 MARKET ST.. 1•111 LA
:ling Stamp,
" Duilns,
Cate, tho Stamp
.1 UNITED a ATEL Menlo Western rennet of
.1.,%19.46!" -
The tandem • ned
. t . :AgegAillehrg t ! . .do r tr i . 3
I nV i rtv.v.v.v3l. DG P.\+. Petaram
ea It. 1V.110(1/[6. A Me.. of !lawmen. the
whoof Bearer and State of Permanents,
who ham been a:linden bankrupts on creditor].
bl he PjtuiA93tirt,pl astd dlatriet.
tarang. , ..471ne r. 1 ;,..
To the ere. don of mid 1 1 4.11k111.P1e. JUS.S7Ir
Propose will be received by the Heel%
.TrAlbgt)l 133. L87ia l tlinl e a r rit gritriol ° 43. In.
• Ming tb e 8 at eine Attachments thereto. ter
ermine new Jells and the Conn House 7sten-
V 8 ' ineth of
11/11 Ng% tViutt.
Inn Inst. 1.0
.1 Ind% Rubber Tubing. cuninentir
h&r can,. put In .easoti for the
e Dr
Cor: liberty od Nlixtb gts.
1 An Information of JO.
AND . about 23 year.
" 4 . 7 ugh. '" C* H1 17 42r ). TV)7 1 02
Jo* Copelmd. then
F64,7131.1=`' 'Wan"
Commercial and, Family ISewspapel
No farmer. mechanic. ,T merchant Mould be
without IL •
• •
blusle subscribers -
flubs of SIT
Clubs of feu 1.13.
A COP, Is furnished gratuitously to the setter-lye
of a Club of teu. PO•Utilliter• ooe r•VlC•ted to
ace os Agents. Address..
.ric s TV-Let," 4411, -- •' L•ot.'
AT., not clufais.),
LINES. still be Inurted In 'Ante c01...m.0,
CENTS; each additiomat Ii
I.ll't rusty_
NV al'ii!!f7);',.F . ,",,f . pi " d_ . ! a hl4. er c l and
referred . Can to-day at y1.11,LA4. 'Pad
lATANTElF—lmmediately )) . at Sol v znocktnn avenue. a SE. ll l • who
7 an amyl a pins,. Sewing Nlachtna. 74
MT. ,. .f ,.. E1/.. , — ..., ln l f i c o irmall A oß E.s oj the
ET wlO
Sc tunnkfuny tvect7d by her bfoLhera Thuntaa
and Joaeon Benne. tt est Elbuthetb. Pa. Int
atioUp for
01110 n do e !unmans arallf of owner of Ltratt7
streat and Third arcane. Adams “STABLE."
(Ja 751 - ra offlce. 74
• •
A Good Republican Newspaper,
a man who will Kira aatlantetton to
and tendon. Address DUX 841. Meadvelo. PA,
analog lettaa.locanuri oadvirenlation.
COLORED ( - RADOM% MAID. Mt) cinall
rafryancaa. at Nu.4u7yENN rrimer.
A;r/NTED.—To pnrcbase a Rouse of
T 4or 5 Mortis. Suburban Proper[ prefers.
Andre...oll6 price,tartaa and lutation4Ata,
Arri once.. • Ml4O
VTANTED.—At 13 Tunnel Street,
v Operator, Plolohers' and Itntlort lIoU
GUM of 9 or 10 years of sign, to lire will.
couple. Corepenrotion. board. elotbing.lmbed.
B.e. Belt of reference nicer). Address .foe
two OspI.J.V..GAZCITC uniCe. 64
na . T. e E tt b — tellt E m e e R n
tr ef,F TS' il e tLut e tt a e l
ere scented to en op the FUtlnTli COptPAPI.
Drif Llltnfir GILEYII. Thia woman, Is two of the
heat In the Battalion: notelet the o.mee.ts,
• •
11 7- AuTk E g;7le B :l Tena
4 Men for Fenn
1111cavard Won: devdt% Vila Ghia i iVantaci for
Conking. Cllamberaork.Malmo-mom work and
Light Work of ad desert pOnn. A PAT KMPLOT-
At ENT 1 &rib strldi.drat lour trtnl
"PF. T_"_lllr.Ve
30.008 to loae b lam or small amounts,
a fair rate of Interval..
71101IAS K. PIeTTY.
Boud and Reel Berate Broker.
Ku. 179 81211015e10 Stirrer
Thirty Thousand Dollars to Loan
. .
lame or small soutanes on property In Allimberly
unty at n fuer rule of Interest.
. lie el relate Assent,
• SS Grant street.
BO ARDI:SG—To-let,with Boarding,
at 103 Fourth avousa. 641
T. 11. S\TO\, 71 Fifth avenue.
LOST.--P4olKloolilr. NOTE.—The,
public are IscreOr nucleon nut to neirutrile or
new pi a 'lota rortS'N9.36. eanbletu the Order of
J. W. 3IcCASLIJf. dated )lay 2altb. 12 . 4711. and
drawn by J. NV% MeCa•lia. )*)pent been
Moved on nne. ' JIM
OST-4.111 Monday evening
: last,
„MEMORANDUM ROOK ountalnint •Mill
:amount of Postal Currency. A liberal restictl.lll.
•t 4 ;mid to the person int ornhog it trt
elPY—YeElt, AIcHAY S CO..
r a Cot. tlith sad thuallman Sts.l2th want
T • • -
O-LET-1 large. Thi rd
. . Story•
PIIONT .11.1)031.! refillable fur LAW,. AP
plint 499 Penn never. 76
O.LETL-R0031:4. with BOA ROO (i.
r: A it s 7,41,41T, 1 . " R00m.."
r rO-LET.--A complete DWELLING
HOUSE. vOlh alum Room Attothed. Slta•
\;11.11r avenue. Yoe
terme r
at Nn.
A Orin-clan STOltr. BOOM end ce11a...21m 4.
IN2 Liberty etreet. cOmeletelY etted ee • ,, et
*belying , and coantetn. WIC be rented Cheep
'called fur !OMn. Elietitre el, •
. No. 4 '44111211N ALLEY
Von SALE.--110138E. Furnished ,
drawa. .t 10 Pint street. nail located far •
m home. Terms moderate. .
It'Oß SALE CHEAP.--V,500 will
buy a house with tive rooms and bah, with
vim lots 24 feet fnmi. 1001 Met in deidnisilth
stabling.lrontinit oda lolly feet street now-halt
&quart., back of Pennsylvania .mane. trentleth •
wrd. near litiat LJberty. Apply at 1 Groat
street, now artV,•ntli &venom Iv W7lll
FOit SALE.-That .well-known .
I :ektigattr,"4fl i lrut e•P° Tuta .
To p pforor pen.eo deoning to Mop • total. tills Is
n 4.4
499°'44"7. 1 2 4 .VATAIrl ' g f arre
N0.:22f00t :4 Coromonnagolldlot ,
Icou potion loaned Leto on salt karli
VOR SALE--Enginen and Bellew
New and Second Iliad. of all knit. cOostotinll .
on hand. •
" •
JA31144 lIILL & CO.
Corner Marlon Avenue m 4 P., FL IV. it IL /L
~A 4eMf ny. P 4.
1' TAINS 240 ACtige, ono hundred and nztl . 'I
acres under cultiraUcni. balance woods. tinpro.n. • i
dwelling.. very large bani and stab}.
and iihnep houses, orchard and well widened by •
small creak parable through tbe p*ni. Intastad In
Jennicia. county. 4diana. 3 / 4 Wit. fro. .... i
and Louisville Railroad; in thriving neighborhood
near twillaal charchnot • The :No! .. be . J
siONNCE, eon:awns acres with Shame
thereon: one.. fine. corn astable and oonveadent
bo.s. taxi one..
End one of the fiestas P..
en ittigro . t'si t icigrAitt for a 10111. 1 aie .
• nand a ratio &la Stewart:. &WM ' Central RM.
. Al.. *teen' itisxl. raring In good lonialowir
and houses fur sate. &lamina of -
nifil No.llo Grant St, opposiCk
• :..
A handsome
_pressed Beek Dwelling, I
stories, enntalning 7 Mum Lot - 421 by 190, sits. , '
ale on 44th Weld, near Duller str eet. The lot is " '
:gll . :gi j ir l " " Nitr " s_= ti h rt b.". . I
the home. Tbls property u, es=u rue &oat
Wattle la the 17th; omd. mud
king Dote given. ' T. B. SIL
UN Perm and .73d streets. • "
ON 114114 snizar.—An caegmtinmecowee
11.mre, Musts on Main West. imar Om
burg Pike ountabling 4 mune; Lot Zegla, .-
Thla is a beautiful place, and one within of
all of maim .somas. T. H. bILL, & PON. -
ON 44th liTitlt6Tei.A beautiful lot DIM' Aptler '. I
street. GO by 108. elate to Oa ellnsi P. EL W . ,
Ally ono wishing a plommit spot mt beilid , ' • 4
ea r i gis i t. be !midterm:died. _.T H. MIA. & 80N. I
11l purelias4 One Lota near the Penal.
B. H. 100 cash aod lisi/1101110 fourequal annual
Durmasts. Workingmen abould not Ist Mb 'mod '' •
opportunity slip by. They WILL tamer hare smother..l
no advardageous. - r T. B. tlitjls NON,
_yeti _ •--- Comer Penn sad gad atreata, ' • •"-}j
• 7.. . . ' 1
• ,
MOUND DOWN; or, Life and Its Ponsibilities. A
worst BF ANNA M. Virgil. Ohm,. Flog cloth
"A remediable twoh."-N. F. Zeriring Melt:
"An interesting domestic wary. which be
penned with pleunre beginnlngto
Bultintorr Ermine Atinciin. • - '
• • ,
A very able. windid and coweltiong argument: .
Chimp, Err. Jorned. •
" -Keen searching.“-Phils. A - tango-log
Instrldal. rho. W. Eels% clroeggig. I.
- Or. Forwoo.F. descriptions are foil.
sclentinc.and the femme of lestions. , --suie.Preas, •
A Very interesting au "reit as valuable Wk."-
PAM, du.
, . .. •
ivy LEAVES. A volumeat Poems. By MARY '
R. AyartNeox. 12,220. flitted taint, Sit.•
•doth. 111.00.
Evidently the production of a highly -colovited ' . L : •
teled."—Phtle. Perm -
A dainty volume of pserasalllndlitetingenitai• ....A
and taste In the writer.—y, S. Therm. • e - --'„
CARLIN°. A Novel. Br the anther et "Dr. An. --• • i
Undo." "Lorenzo • !Event.. etc. Illastreted. • `-1
le a , lywor cove, 4.1 mac
-goemesind dept
Interestlnd."—lY. Y. Rant a ' .-- i
and Nom.
.A menet Mlle Itory."—Broonlot Raider — ' •-- i
ONLY A GIRL. A Rontaace; ' nom the Genoa,
0 1 wititpuwan yeti. on r ire sr.,lly Mn. A. L.
wnrrcit. tratimlatnr ot the "Old on'eeriliefer - -' ' -L./
;Z`g -u a; l2, : in u , i;.=%, - ; , ,,,, ch u1;.--VAT ~ ~. -,:'
mridi Diva: . 1
_ .
riTlniely. forelhleand pineeesetsut ha more tban • ' -!
ordinary seems: —Phil. !Vieth Areastote.'.... -L - . -... 4
lIERODOILTS. By G. C.:Orme.. iorellquVol. : .i•
Ili,' CdtAntsn A Pacer Cl.Ard i ringli Md. , - - :. :- --.-4
•••ye L(e ia ierayinetten £1,511 In 'Ude 'end the Wet
z l eattli d e l of thi r =t;
i f . l=irc rl. Lit. ydrpres 3 4=7 . - .
,:,... ; ., -- i_...4
reeve)* by e/1 Boolitellere. Or be sent 'in 1.0704. -':.•:. ',
- - .7!*
dress. post...“ Mid, aPOO receipt . ed tie prim 07 , -
the emended", ,
.•J. B. LrPPINCOTT & CO., ..• ..:.:: -
1 1 3 ...4 717 11.41111101' felltalT. Phila.:l'lod. •- -