The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 02, 1870, Image 4
-....-.. .1,0, THE DAILY GAZETTE. HOME NEWS. Person. leaving the city for the summer. add wishing to bare the (3.txrrra sent to them, will please send their addresses. to the ogles. 'Price by mail, 75 cents per month. Crretted Out.—On MondaT we will Pre." a pretty fall account of the commencement 'uncle's Of St. Invier'e Oo'lmre. which ill crowded out by press of othe r matters thin Inolllll4. Ban I.ll.—The Atiantlce of latoMitreb anti Mutual' of East Liberty will 9 1 sT n Match geme.of base ball at the Union Park this aft er noon at 3 o'clock, P. M. A etc.. and lot crest ing game may be expected. am. rm. Male.— flevirst sate of second-Mina window Huth with good lighta In. mid doom, WA ' Zi e ,:i ° reiMiTtlijir r ri: l i:: . : corner of avenue and Smithfieid stre et. Alarm a Plre.—About seven o'clock last evening tbere read an alarm of are from bog 14 which sem occasioned by a burningchim ney on Wylie street. a few door. above Tun pl The are department resna ud'd promos tr, but did not go Into service. relive Pay Rell.—The Police Pay Holt for the month of JULIC was completed and ap peared by the Police Committee. The roll foots up IN= 40, a pretty considerable sum to pay to men for protection. when these men are not clothed with the requisite power to spord the protection. . lll•evesetag.—llomlnec MM, a few days ago borrowed twenty-one dollars from Georg: Breitler, reprenentlng the firm by whom b • was employed. owed himthirty dollars. II rave an order for the amount on the arm, refined to honor It. the drawer haring n money with them. Warrant Issued. Ear in Ear—John Mehen wu charged betor Alderman Mogeletad, yesterday. by Mrs. An (7.h_exia4Worth with threatening to sever he 'head from her holy. or at taut, cut her throe from ear to ear. The sanguinary threat wi not be carried Into execution it the othci can prevent it. Ile has Issued a warrant. A Grand Ple.ale for St. Bridget church will coma oil on July 4th. at Daum s grove. Rom. Station. The Pennsylvania Central Railroad can afford all accommodations to allot as de sire to spend a pleasant day and do a good work. Additional cars on the Minersville assenger Railway will run every h‘ of an tour. Nancy Edwards alleges that William flagon CAMP Into her house the other night and at tempted to break into her room. When un successful she furthet mates be applied all edits of vile and obscene epithets to her, and acted otherwise in an outrageous manner. For this disorderly conduct DePutY Mayor Nichols has lamed a a warrant for his arrest. Far a Cigar which can be smoked with ease and Comfort and Is a real luxury go to Me asles, No. 45 Ninth street. i f you don't dMitika clean, get a meerschaum and some of that tobacco, flue cut and Impart) smoking, which liegraw always keeps on band. Me gr &W., No. 45 Ninth street, is lust the place for the accommodation of smokers, Lareeay.—Henry litrchenroather made in formation before the Mayor charging John Ryan, Thomas Powers, James Powers and Pat. _Gannon with larceny. The prosecutor oua butcher stan. In the Diamo n arkek and he alleges that d the accused broke open his money drawer and ab 4 tracted iry were arrested and locked an for a bear ing. Kier & Co.. proprietors of the Keystone Pottery, have on hand at their warehouse. No.IKCI Liberty street. a new and beautiful sLock of tea sets. latest patterns and finish. A table that wouldrilt look well with them woulent present, a neat appearance with any manufacture of qocensware. The Keystone Is not excelled by any qilieennaare in the mar ket. Jahn Began rented a house on Forty-eighth street scums time ago from George lieu, prom ising to pay the rent as 1 , 0011 as he received money due him • from the Diamond Steel Works, which flan ears was a action of the imagination—fregan lasing - no money due him from that source. Deputy Mayor Nichols Instructed officer Herr to arrest began on sight; for false pretence. • riimable fiewl.—Testerday John O'Brien made information before Alderman Taylor o barging Thom. McOlarmott and James Donovan with entering his house, removing his goods and compelling his wife to leave the premises, they claiming to act thus ,by authority of a landlord's warrant. They will be arrested for forcible entry as loon . the Milner can Interview them. Drinathwalt yesterdar stated to Dep - 7 Mayor Pilch°is that while sitting on his l iteps in the beventeenth ward. he we a r. proached by. Hugh Garrey who jerked ti • pipe out of his mouth. and when asked to Lure It declined. at the same time following up the assault by striking him iCrosethwalt) In the mouth. As this was a clear cue of as!, saint and battery the °facial drew up the ne , cessary legs papers authorizing the arrest of Hugh. .A Little Preyleue."—Mary Al Prior, to uso an expression attributed to.`the city (Molar was a .little previoue in Tonging a mattimo rial relation a few days sin.. !Prior to this Hock referred to she was joined in wed lock to John Prior. who still! lives and not having obtained II divorce from the Prior broads, prior to mitering intetbe others Mary herself into diaeuity. John Prior, her hustand, made information before Alder man- Floyd yesterday. charging her 'with bigamy. She was arrested and after a hear ing was committed to jaU for trial. The ,, litenehake" Itscandon... The excrualon of the Xinnehaha CM, on the Fourth in the steamer Camelia, be ooe of the most thoroughly select and enjoyable methods of spending the day. The getters up of the affair know all about such matters. and Ease made eveiry exertion- to ensure It. per fect sueoess. The boat will leave the foot of Market street at nine o'clock, and will have on board one of the best hands in the city. There who desire to have a dellichtfacur- Mon on the Fourth should remen the .Itfinuehatia"Ciub'n trip. Ammican Back. • The Directors of the American Bank de -tiered a semi-anneal dividend - of six per cent out of their profits. It is only about a year since this institution went into operation, and yet, so large are Its deposits that at the end of each six months it was enabled to declare a dividend of six per cent. This Is the first bank In this city. we believe, that has de clared a sts per cent dividend from the start. Its success speaks well for the able manage - meat of its excellent President. John Floyd, .Bsq.. and shows that the commercial and bus iness men of the city repose Implialt coal dense In him, and the institutfon over whici. he presides. Wunfaggots sal Dearer Counties. Messrs. J. S. Hamth, H. C. Patterson and T. 31:Taylor, Legislative Conferees of Beaver county. and H. U. McLean. A. W. Pollock and James P. Hart, of Washington county. met at the Monongahela 'Room, Pittsburgh. PM and organized by selecting J. IL Harrah. Mm., as chairman. and James P. Hart, Pall, a. Secretary, whereupon they proceeded to natty the nominations made to their respect , Ire counties. to wit: Demos W. Leatherman, Esq., and William A. Micky, Esq., of Wash olstume:rma:t4l7.nd data for Washington ton and Bearer counties \ 1 1 \ i Floral Festival. The Daughters Of Samaria, •Can Urtkle , Mdse. N 0.19, have secured Imfayettee Hall for One night only, the Fount, of ]say, and • propose to spread their tables with sem" - . delicacy of the season. No pains or expense will be PRIM LO make the nail attractive Rad ths entertainment Is every respect a Joyous 4. and _essant one. Mn,. Nancy N. Smith, the WillSVandlifrf: Boadley, Secretary. and t•;;--112tdairies William,. Ellin sod Bartley, and Mines White and Stewart are applying all I their energy and Ingenuity &misted by other members or the Lodge. to have everything as to should and '1;3'11=1'1 1 Z:4 :at: OULL)O9,Iat. 411, The "Lenity Grose." There. will be no more delightful way of g spending the Fourth than In the "leafy grove" T . In company_ with the Young Men's Sodality. k who propose an excursion to McFarland's on ; `,. teat occasion. They have been arranging for the excursion for some time and anticipate . we,--cosrof the best ever held under their - super vision. Those who have attended others will nusderetand what this menus. We can safely assure all who denire to attend. of a moot Ilignseable and pleasant time. The proceeds are to be devoted to the Public. Catholic 14- 101.+-1111 additional Incentive Or attending. Ipmte can thus aid a noble institution • . as um, a day of rare pleasure. 116orilog Room Robbery A gentleman boarding Ina house on Spring alleys near Seventeenth street, Tenth Ward. was robbed on Thursday night of $315 In cash sad two silver watches: The money and watches were In his trunk on Thursday even ing. At an early hour yesterday a man aimed Pfeil, also a boarder In the house, left, that he was going to work, and soon stating departure the robbery was discov ered. lie was not suspected, however, until the afternoon. lie did not come to dinner at the usual hour, and a visit to the shop at which he had been employed developed the tact that be had not been there during the day. lafoi n matlon dim made before the Mayor charging Pile with the larceny, and the pollee Cr, after him. 13 Wirt Carman' Stepora Following are tbe report or Pittsburg', and *Unbolt.' Litter Carriers for the mouth June, 1170 eirrentnum. Delivered. Collected /0457 ..... DAM . ... 45.385 mg 10.4- rot Letters. Letters airsPaPell. Total rE,lnt /MUMMY. Lmplcpec cogr4.4 r. p Lattart. Latter . a Total Wee Maria Bailee. Notice timanewitax Wee Werke. rDaring my rounds in the discharge of . tor Wide' detboi u Fire Marshal, I have fre illtestlYliboarved cues In which horses hate 2 hem Medised aid life and property endair gated brim by the 'Macrame of Ire crack ers. rockets:4c. I therefore deem It my duty to coil the attentios of the Proper mithoritlee of the county to the laws prohibiting the mme. es sad would mart respectfully d uk that ta refuses thereto. I P ir w ilrle r ful alit° th em at my coatmand to enforce the Los. • • • Jos. A. Fire THE THIRD PARTY. • Another Council Weil.: I'volt/day—Lae, port. And Dioctuolono—Wkat They 13•14 eat DM. A meeting of the "Third Party" eras held yeeterdny afternoon at three o'clock at their hendquartere No. 1:29 Smithfield street. There were In attendance twenty-M. Tenons. The me ets, was 'Organized IT the election of Alesander Miller, E.g., as President, • and I. R. Reed, P.sq., 11l Secretary, The 'Finance Committee reported Prof... , and wan continued. Mr. Hobert FinneY tray elected Trinsurer. Report. of COMPlittPfqlwere then called (or =2 Mr. Alex. Mtllei, from the Committee on Organisation. called attention to the fact of the publicat lon In the 0 azrrra of the "Cir cular: He deprecated the publicity given to everything connected with the proceedings. He believed in the methods employed to .ad ranee the rause, but didn't think it proper to let the opposition krone whist they were doing. They should be kept from knowing it. If pos sible, and the result only teen. Mr. Kirk said It would leak. out. The pro ceedings couldn't be kept so quiet • Mr. Caruthers—Vex, the Hazy:mg will pub lish the news. They are always wide awake. The discussion now ended on this point. NEW SYSTEM OF NOMINATING . The Committee appointed to prepare anew system for nominating were called upon for a report. Mr. Kirk presented a paper containing a pion. which was beetle: Ist—Providing for all voting at primary meetings to be by ballot. Msd—Tbe people to vote for candidates direct, and at the enure time for delegates to Convention; the vote of the people to be instructions to the delegates, who -would be i required to vote In Convention for the can dictate's receiving a pluralltr of vote, at the primary meetings. 3d—teach election district with two hun dred votes to be entitled to one delegate and nue Tote In Convention • over two hundred and less than dee hundre d two delegates, nod over dee hundred three delegates—reglatrli tion the year previous being the standard. tth—Voting In Convention to be by open ballot on printed slips, the delegate signing his name to the ballot, and writing upon It the election district from which he is sent. The Secretary to read the ballot as the vote of the election district named, and a plurality pf votes,to elect the candidate. In cage of a tie, necessitating a second ballot, the delegate to be allowed to vote according to his own preference. Mr. Kirk, after rending the roper, said this ma only bin Om. The other members of the Onumittee would present theirs. - ANOTIUR PLAN. Mr. Carothers offered as his plan: let. The people to rote by ballot et primary MMEMM!M .• . . two delegntes to he sent frmneach election district at the same time, who shouldtake the instroctions of the people in choosing their candidates as a guide in Convention. ad. The voting in Convention to be by ballot. 4th. A majority vote in Convention to elect the candidate. Mr. Finley, another member of the Commit , offered the following: ll'hrrros; Our Republican form of govern ent does not require that any candidate at ur popular elections have a majority of the otea polled, but on the contrary a plurality oder any andalleireUMMAllera Ia MuMelent to And wheren.x. The practice of requiring a lajority of all the votes potted In be neces ry to a nomination—which practice had Its dittoamonsst Southern politicians of the ace slave litotes. In orOcr thatn minnritt• Ight use undue Influences over majoritie. .d by that means bring conventional bodies , o a dead lock unless the majority acceded to heir,wishes; . , ...ttalsrhercas. It is also the prolific source of corruption and the grand loophole through which wiry and unscrupulous delegates escape and excuse themselves for having, bettered their constituents; Therefore ftra.lred, That it he obotulonrd, mid that in lieu thereof a plurality of votes be sufficient to elect to a nomination for any Mike for which a nomination is to be made to Coun ty Conventions, alio. Roked, That in lieu of the old delegate system, the people vote at - the primary meeting. directly for the several candidates. and that a true and impartial list of the sev eral candidates voted for be mode out, with the number of votes cast for each set opposite their names. and the said list be certified to hi the officers authorized and who hold the elections, and that the same be sealed and di rected to the President of the Convention to be held in -; and furthermore. Rooked. That during the voting the qualified voters also vote each for one person as a cour ier or delegate to the Convention. whose sim ple duty it shall be. when his ward or town dile be called, to res_pond "here," and hand his credentials to the President or Secretary of the Convention; and that the same shall en title him to ortx Vint, which shall be cast " . . . . . . . rutin; and that when the vote]. are added up It shall he the duty of the chalet/1u to an nounce the number of votes each candidate has received, and the candidate haring the highest shall be declared the nominee; and to cue of a tie vote, the Convention may order to be stricken from the list a certain number of those candidates having the fewest votes, and then proceed with a second ballot until the nomination, be made. Having read the above. Mr. Finley said: Oar conventions are too large, and consequently unwieldy motet, swaying. surging to and fro they were only half the present number they then could be seated and governed. Un der our present system of delegltes,vninor lties have no voice or representation what ever in convention., whereas the above proposed plan will al.ce every mad hid doe THE TLANS—WHAT TO DO WITH THlni. After the plans had thus been presented. ihe President asked what was to be done with MUCH WORN, ITT NO PILOORCIIA. Mr. Carnaban sold they could do nothing but receive them. They could adopt no One. as none of them came directly from the Ur mittee as their report. • Mr. Miller thought the Committee sho td have agreed upon a plan themselves d brought It In. As It was, they had come to o conclusion. Tilt "CRAWFORD ** STRITYI WON'T Mr. Miller said it was evident - the Crawler', County sstem umil.l riot du, as seemed to • contemplated in• measure In these plan ] The countrytwor•tr 'MUM titter submit to 0 They contended. and justly. too, that the olt by the Crawford county system, made lb. nominations. The party must In their sir elan get over that difliculty. It 'mold new, - to adopt ft. ANOTHER M7OGIEPTION. He thought the matter should be referred' back to the Committee to combine the ad vantages. suggested In one plan, and report that to the Convention. The plan was wasted for next rear, and It the party did not, through their executive committee, now adopt one,they might lease it to a committee to prepare during the year. AFRAID OF TILE COCNTRT PEOPLE., Mr. Kirk thought that about the most Im portant business fore the coming Conven was the adoption be of plan for nominating. It could not be done outside the Convention, thand they should have something to act upon in e matterwhen they meet. ',lle thought, the Executive Committee should get business ready for them. The one point mast also be carefully guarded—the country districts were afraid of, being outvoted by the city. His plan bad been prepared to obviate that die culty. He did not believe a district .wlth only fifty votes should have as many delegates as one with fifteen hundred. It was unfair. His plan would cut the representation down in solar parts of the city and raise It . in some of the country districts, no that the distri . button would be made Just and equal. A motion was made to receive the reports. Carried. THEI 001011ITLX MUST DO TU FIXING W. Keeler thought they should noir dis cussed and then referred back to the Commit tee to rearrange, ay" and combine Into one. If the three scent Into the Convention. would require te more t han be e e d t atyle: d It he ou l l d t be dyed before the Convention met. RARE EXPLOCLIOX . . Mr. Finley wasn't teni minutes In preparingbve plan. and be wanted \ It discussed as as hc tout IVO' her•lLlNal to such things. • DON'T 'raw Ayr. CONiTenorr. Mr. Dickey couldn't se 'what was the use of rain for candidates beet IDNS then hav ing a Cnvention. Mile only confumed - IN.L, ten. He favored voting direct. , THE DIMMED "CIA T OAD " STALES. Mr. Caruthers said In that case tbe city would outvote the co y. The Crawford County System should n i n n t4se adopted. AN NTS TO . MINN. Mr. Kennedy thought the reports should be printed and then brought Into the Convention for action. I `IIIT" FLAN TIM 11:13T. ' . . Mr. Kirk said in many thing. the three paters salved, but In one point they differed —ln the number of delegates. By his sau the country districts would haae as much porter as the city. • = • Mr. Caruthers wild the cotititry di.lrlct were already tenaciorta noon the point of equal repretation. They 'didn't want to be outvoted by the aharPrityfinotrii. Mr. J. R. Reed thought nu du - thorn Anon. were twin In the ntel party. A CONCILVTION AT TART. A motion was now made and carried which referred the plans back to the committee for revision, the points of each to be presented in one combined report to the Contention, "pialterreo PAGOlteaa." Cilis were then made for reports from the different districts of the progress in the Cause. The First ward had no - representative pros; rot. A gentleman from the Second ward re ported that he bad given a number of "calls" to a .. ..otter" in the First weekend thought as there were a mood many people In the die trict that delegates would be sent. The representative from the Second ward reported that circulars had been distributed, but that nothing area known further. There had been some talk of interference by the members of the old clique, but they would try to tmevent that. The Third ward reported nothing done yet —because they didn't knots what to do. AN iorzeßvirraorLOßT roorna)roß Too At this stage Mr. Kirk interposed, nod said It was not necessary to go over the election districts. The Committee on Organization had reported rbe.ritr Prefreo..Manhat woe sufficient. All that was necessary area for the people to meet and send delegates. It yens important that this should be done, but the tied manner woe introoterkil, ear the del,- mien urre sent. Farther reports of "gratifying Pr.:Crew ,- were accordingly dispensed pith. 1111A11711taieWairrinD. A report was now received that Mr. Flimsy positively declltied to serve as Treuuree . 'lle hadn't time," weenie reason given. No as was taken. furonicavon WARTED. 10:516 18,0(I) EMI A representative from the Eighth ward wanted information. Up there they don't know bow to proceed. Me inquired If It wart only then 17.93 1 7.1 hot: tarftrultirgAtltTi, and their ballots, and than oonduct the pri mary meetings. ARMOR APTLICANT TOR RROWLRDOIL Mr. Keeler also desired Informatics In re gard to the geodes erred( of ..}he primary metiers. TOI ATPTICILLNDLD. Tie delegate from the Eighth ward said there were fears of luterroPtloo et their Poll& They could hold the meetlog ma the sidewalk PTrFSBU for that mattar, but he wanted to know what was teoo(ntred. Mr. Campbell had heard of threats and thought It best to prepare for war to time of - - - - - 110 W TO DO IT Eventually the Inquirers were,instructed to proceed according to the "coil and "circu lar," and If Interfered with at the polls to ad journ to some other convenient l°cnlltT• but to be sure and send delegates. - CONDITIONa - NOT INSISTED t7PON. It was also stated that the conditions, such as signing the call and other provisions, need not be insisted upon unless therewan an n 1 - tempt to control MIME; by unfriendly ies. Si) ADDRESIi PREP &BED. A Coll was now made, for R report of the Committee on Addresa. Mr. Carnahan, chairman, said he had .not had time to prepare one. Mr. Keeler said he had written one i !idat didn't like to reid it until revised hr.. Mr. Carnahan. It wan not read. I= Mr. Kirk now arose and announced hat a very important report hnil been made during the meeting which should not be forgotten. The Finance Committee reported they had all the money they needed: Chairman 01 that Cmmnlttee—Mr. Kirk tni, understands me:. little. I did not mean we hod all the mover, but that it C 01111111( had. - Mr: Kirk—Oh. well : that's, all the came. The meeting then adjourned. EDUCATION AL. itecilug.of the central Board—Report of the School Faculty an the Admission of Pupils to the High Naomi. A special meeting of the Central Board of Rancid ion was held .ye•derday. Friday. July lat.lB:n. at two o'clock, for the purpose of taking action on the report of the Faculty of the High School on the examination of candi dates far admission so the High SchoOl. Members present Messrs. Anderson, Clark. Curie, Fleming. Getty, Hamilton, Harrison. Hartman. Mays, Nobbs, Nome. Top - Mr and President Wilson. REPORT OF THE r•CI:LTT. Mr. Sergeant. the Secretary, MO the report of the Faculty, as follows: On motion of Mr. Nabs the report was re celved Prersuranti.Jaly I, 1070. 11l thr rentrol B. sled of Ed.g,,,,tion.: GarrtaxtEs : According to Your appoint ment. the Faculty of the High School held an examination of candidates for odmission on the 21thrind 20th days of:June' last, at the Grant School House. I herewith :submit n tabular statement of the markings en the performances estimated in per cent. From this table it appears that holders of the following card numbers hare passed the conditions of :UlElll53lOn, namely: hove obtain ed averages of fifty per cent. on all except spelling. en which they have obtained -- sixty per Cent. or mere 9: 11, 15,23, 91.:#1, 31.37, 10, 41. 53. 50, fi 00, 91, - 2 78. S.', Si. 87.98.994 90. 111. 112 119, 191, 125. IV. 135, 140. 144149, 154, 131. 150. 147,188, Ile, 194, Ik., 310, 311, 917. tait. MO N 210, 217. 222, 12.911.9:17, Mll. The following were deficient on one study: I, 11, 17 10, ati. 4S. Si. le, 56. 97, sn, al, 45. 9001, 104. Ma, 114, 131, 124, 131, 131, 134. 131, 137. 143. 152. 153, 157, be. 193. NM, 17 9 . 105. 191, lilt. 31.1, 207, 213 2.10, 231, na. _ The following were deficient on' tWo 'studies: 37, 42, 49. 54. 94. 411. 00...71. 70;77. 79. St. ad. 105. ut... 12', In, 122. 137, 144. 151, .195, 17 . ' 11.1 174. 1 177, isi, I SI, 194. 190, 103, 194, 198, az; 215. 22z, =9. =2l, =4. • The Faculty are of opinion that it would not be very objectionable to admit without iv-examination those of these last torn lists. whose overages ore 40 or more on those inutiler on woolen they n-sorted de ficlent. The delegations from several schimls were distinguished coo this examination for the re markable exactness and correctness in the preparation of their manuscript. It is to Le hoped that there will hereafter be more at tention paid to this important element of good scholarship. Accompanying this report was a tabular statement of the result of the examinations. there being 241 applicants. Mr. Nobbs moved that those having passed the examination he admitted. Mr. Craig moved as an amendment that the report be referred to a 'special committee of three in connect ion with the City Superintend- ant. Mr. Nobb moved as an amendment that the committee be instructed to examine only as to residence of candidates for admission to the school. Lost. The question then recurred on the motion of Mr. Craig, to refer the entire report lathe com mittee, schich seas adopted by a rote of ten yeas to three nays. The chair appointed Messrs. Craig, Nobbs and Taylor on,the com mittee. Mr. Hamilton mooed a suspension Of the rules in order to take up other business. Adopted. Mr. Hamilton stated that some of the schools had closed before the time prescribed by the Central hoard, and moved the appoint ment of a standing Committee on Vacations. Adopt Mr. Hamilton ached for an additional teacher in the . •Forbes - sub-district. A number of Other applications were ti tile. but as the [Ward bad established a rule for the increase of teachers at r previous o eat ' leg, the application same drelded not at order. On motion adjourned. • THE COURTS 441.11er liculoos—Judge %Dm., FRIDAY, init . I. In the caae• of Edward Phlibin, indicted Inc assault and battery upon floe. Coyne, the Jury returned a verdict of not guilty. and directed the county to PIIV the Crete. The first case taken up wan that of William Wessel, Indicted for rasattlt and battery. The Jury ound a verdict of guilty, and defendant was seetenced to porn tine of VA and costa. In the case of Philip Bauer, Indicted for as sault and battery. a none pea. woo allowed by the Court, on the payment of COMA by the de- ' tenches. Levi Richey was charged with aggravated assault and battery. Matilda Richeyappear ing as prosecutrix. The jury found a verdict of guilty of assault and batteh, John Snyder was placed on trial on a charge of aggravated nspetult and battery, on oath of James Douglass. The defendant was charged with striking Douglass with a piece of iron. The assault was committed in a saloon on Smithfield stme6 of which defendant's father is proprietor. Jury out. Commonwealth vs. Smith Elkins and Wm. J. Graham. Indicted for the larceltrof a lot of tobacco and segars from James Bull's tobacco store.'Allegheny. Graham plead guilty and ACIA placed on trial. Graham was placed on the witness stand and Implicated Elkins In the robbery. i The jury returned a verdict of not guilty without leaving the boa. , The court then thanked and discharged the Jury from any further attendance at coon. TRIAL LIST sort SATLTIDAY. Corn. vs. Wm. Mcßurney. 244 Abraham Helier, 2 ease, John Koontz. .179 " John Mons.. Catherine McCormick. TRIAL LIST roe TCCSDAT. Com. vs.. Stephen Hoffman. " " Robert Hanshus. " Jonn N. Williams. • Archibald Mantagve - Thomas Devitt. Wm. Britton. -• Elizabeth Strasberger. •• James Donnelly '. Peter Klemen. " Charles Knoll. " John Best. " David Lynch. John Kennedy. TOW. 5.101 FOR REDALSDAT. ECL COER. vs. James Grant et al. . •• •• Michael Lipp. 219. " F cis McLaughlin. •'' •• Thomas Hewltt• " Beata, Beater. 121. " " Frederick Moe. 2.25. " Jacob Smith et al. ST. " " Conrad Shat, 2 cases. " " James Gent. 140. " Martin O'Connet. led. Richard W. Morris. S. 100 • 1,9 " 107. • 141. ' . " 'O/1 " Common Pleas—Judge Ricerca. Fitroar, July I.—Win. Hemming vs. steam boat .. .I. D. Johnson. - Action on a mechanic's Into, petition to intervene with bill of particu lars' was filed. The mom of Cnoipbell ~ the Pittsburgh. Cincinnati & St. Louis Railroad Company, orstiously he .1 p o rt re was resumed and sub. ta1t1..11,0 t 7. ON 111% A holoadler . • .Operetton... The old Ulm,' Yesterday morning Deputy Mayor Irwin. of Allegheny, was shown a check for all7O drawn by S. L. Dunkin. to the order of J. U. Dodds, upon the Central flank of this oily. It ivas endorsed by S. Minnlce, and had been given to a storekeeper by a man who had purchased four dollars worth of groceries. He left the groceries. after getting his change, stating he would call again. Tha check was worthless, as it subsequently proved, and the man hits not returned. It was simply a revival of the old game. It Is said the fellow hu been practicing It extensively for several days past In Allegheny. hum keepers should lookout for hyo. e Is de scribed as a tall, sandy haired; rural looking gentleman, sporting In linen ,clothing. 'The amount realized has been quite large and lltls probable he has cleared out now. GERMANS ADD THE FOURTH. Prooreslon •rd Plc Nir. Our German citizens are making great Prep arations for the celebration of the 'Fourth. They have arranged for a grand procession and plc nic, while innumerable private enter tainments will mark the dor, The procession. will be formed of twelve societies, embracing the Turners, lied Men, Seven Wise Men. Sing ing Societies, American Protestant Associa tion and others. It wilt form at Turner Hall, and after proceeding through the principal streets of both cities, march to Iron City Park where a pie etc is to be held. The exercises at the Park will be preceded with addresses. Josiah Cohen, Esq. speaking in English, and Item. C. Sebillings sad C. Welsterkausen in German. Then the remainder of the day will be devoted to genemi festivities. The ceiebra- Eon promises to be , one creditable to every re- MI 1= • Mr. W. tt. Dunseath hen Jun ornemented the front of Ms entablishment, Fifth avenue.. Just below the' Opera Howe, with a new clock, mounted In walnut, and standing nef In relief from the wall that It may be secump and down the street all the way. Felllndn' ass along that thoroughfare will appreciate this Improvement ae one of great convenience. Mr. Minsaath exhibits his enterprise Inside his store by having on hand a judiciously se lected and Ins steortment of watchee, cloaks, jewelry and °nth:tit goode--excelled by no other house In the trade. Call In and see him. ==! Title time-honored, eter-rellable and well nannatred Institution, anicourieell in to-learn pa , . per to its stockholders d dividend ofaeren per cent-,payable by the 12th instant, With Its capital of eve hundred thousand &Mitre, sur plus fund of two hundred and ninety-one thousand, and A run of deposits avernellUr about two hundred and fifty thousluid, Its stock is looked on by Our capitalists es one of the very best In the city. May It do as well In the future as It has done in toe past GH DAILY GAZETTE : BEAVER .tionnal Sermon—Addresses by Jim A. J. Mad:- ley •nd Burt--Connueneement Exercises. Cornmencement week of the Bearer Female Seminary and . Musical Institute, always sets the staid and order -loving community of Bearer, agog. Circumstances this pear. com bined to render the Fifteenth Commencement unusually pleasant and interesting, nod this delightful condition of things won apparent throughout the week, ending Thursday night. Sunday evening last. Ile, Wm. H. Locke. A. M.. pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church; preached the annual sermo i the Presbyterian Church, founding n, his n discourse Upon the parable of the talents. It wet a very creditable performance and serv ed to show • the fine pulpit talents of this young and popular minister. Mr. Locke. tee .note with pleasure, will occupy hereafter, the positi6n of Professor of English Literature,, at the Seminary. Tuesday evening the Annu al AtictresS was delivered by Her. A.J. Ends wanan' e xcell e nt i, subject, “Character." It tt thoughts, and. calculated to lease a tine im pression, as well as to he a source of instruc tion. The next public performance was the address of Rev. S. Burt. A. M.. for merly a resident of Beaver. and latterly of pittslatrgh, to the Alumna, of the Seminary. The well known reputation of this young . Min ister was not tarnished by the effort. During each day the usual examination of the classes took place, to the credit of the teachers and pools. Vocal and instrumentt i ti music are ~,nog the specialties ratite last utiou. Pro lessor Beater, In charge of the I Her, is quite an enthusiast in his Profession. Mid an artist of tine musical powers. Mrs. Tdylor, wife of the President, is a splendid singer, and the young ladies under her Instruction rapidly acquire the "diohio art. - Her groin! manners and unwearied diligence tomb, to bring for- ward the mmHg raiddty The crowning event• however. wan the ',or fermance of the ffritrituding ChM, ill the spa clouu audience chamber of the new 3iethodint Episcopal church. But five young Indies grad ttted. namely Sadie W oofirofie. St Ohio; Miss Miriam Wilton, Whig • , •nter, Penllftylvanin; 1I Clarn Ewers, Re! ord. Ohio: Miss Amelia Moorhead, Bridge . . water. Pennsylvania: )tits Irene Barr, Bridge port, Pi, who pronounced the Valedictory Addresses. Throughout the exercises. vocal and instrumental, music filled the large audi torium, consisting. of choruses. songs by select vocal class, piano and vocal dnetts and solos, which had a delightful effect uricn the audi ence. The address to the graduates by Rev. 0. P. Lowrey, pastor of the Presbyterian church, we did eat. hear, as train time Lad ar rived baton' this pleasure could be enjoyed. but the well known ability of this 'adapter is assurance enough, that It was able, scholarly, and appropriate. • —3 The performers Occupied seats on the rol , tram rennin^, ficrosathe entire ratan. on the left, while the Trustees, ministers and dis tinguished visitors were seated on the right, Among the Board of Trustees wan lion. Daniel Agnew. of the Supremo Court; who is President of the Board. Bon. J. F. Bravo, of Beaver. Cern, Clarke, Esq.. of ,New Castle. Dr..l. W. F'. White. of the Pittsburgh Bar, and J. Murray, of Bridgewater. Revs. L'aig• J. Bray. Sr., J. Brant. W. C. P 3 Hamilton, J . K. Miller, were also present. The toilet and gay apparel of the ladies. and brilliantly lighted chamber. with the inspiring exercises. render ed the occasion delightful and exhillarating. President Taylor for years has devoted him self, with assidlous care in promoting the in terests of the Seminary in his charge, and now he is very justly reaping a rich fruitage of honor, from the reputation It has attained as an institution of learning. flaring rrlOn. 21011. we team, the large and spacious Semi. anew building will be occupied by summer visitors. unt It the next term, September 13th. A SUCCF.SSITI. ENTEUPRISE. Inc (teal rl.tate Itegi.der-11• hew Quarters. Tip` Pittsburgh Real Estate Register for July. a monthly journal devoted to real estate In terests. published by Croft di Phillips. the en terprising. Real Estate Agents. cornea to us considerably enlarged as to the quantity of matter it contains and improve° in appear ance _keneraliv. The Register is now in the fourth year of it, publication only, yet not with its extreme youth. it has at tai a 4 mg ces• beyond the most sanguine expectation‘of Its publishers. Four years ago it as 1/1 experiment. and .although it was only imAished quarterly many predicted it. failure and feared that it was n Inning speculation kin the part of its publishers. It is now publikbed monthly. Circulates In-every city, town and hamlet in the United States and is the acknowledged medium for ad of real estate. The publishers are men of enterprise and through the means of the nco.ster have increased their business to a far grader extent thaneventhey anticipated. The Register affords facilities to the purchaser and advantages to the seller as an advertising me dians which he can obtain through no other source. Each number contains a full and com pletes description of all property placed In the hands of the publishers for sale, and they bring the loading real estate agents , In West- ernirennsylraid, of course the list is not a mall one, and to each and every description Is appended the price at which the property can be purchaaed. Purchasers rat n distance are therefore enabled to make a selection of such property an suits them by merely refer- Inc to the JituiAter. Persons having property to tell are offered advantages for advertising , t he sows on a more extensile scale through the /1.0,.ter than be any railer medium, as it is circulated gratis In all parts of the country, and iu addition to this Is published In a form which warrantsn prerervartun for a much greater length of t ime Iran ordinary newspa per. and periodicals are prtuvrost. la look ing over n copy of the Register yesterday we noticed that oar enterprising frtends, the publishers. have removed from their former Place of lutsincau on Vourth avenne to ornr. commodlou• quarters. in the Cormarvetal building, corner of Fifth avenue and Smith- field tamer, and we dropped In to see them in their new quarters. Their new apartment. are on the second tenor of the Commer cial building and are tactefttity tiled up with a view to Loth comfort and con venience. Here we found the members of the firm both surrounded by customers and ab anrbed In theirbasiness, yet attentive. pleas ant and genial to all who entered. Their gentlemanly aitaistants, a book keener nod t wo traveling agents were also busy at work. Adjoining the business room add fronting on Fifth nvertue Is a private room, fitted and fur nished with rare taste and beauty. but, like the others, having a view to the comfort and convenience of its occupants. The rapidly increasing business of the dna rendered the removal from their former place to the more commodious, central and COM', nient one they now occupy an absolute neces sity. It is really gratifying to see men of en terprise. such an is displayed by the publilthcrs of the Rivixter. prosper In their business and it is seldom that tuck enterprise, when coupled with honesty and integrity. as It to In this In stance, fall. to he fully appretiated by an in , telllgent public. We set! .14 advise everybody to call and get a copy of the lietrider. as it Is distributed gratis to all who call for it and contains, in addition toil. real estate business., moth general and useful Information to pur chasers as writ as to those having proper!) - , to aril. _ I=2 We desire to call the attention of ourread era this morning to the old estntil ished house of Messrs. John Stevenson and Sens, Market Street. a few doors from Fifth avenue. The reputation of the , est abli.hment is such that Is almost a work of supererogation to refer to the firm, but that we desire especially to note that they have received a choice assortment of these elegant chaste and ornamental bronze statuettes, which are so popular and highly prized by eonneisseurs In thin art. For the ornament ntion of e dwelling there in no article that tsill be more /leasi ng to the eyea, or refining to the taste than one of these beantiffirand choice article.. which combine so much of the beautiful and useful. They are silent teachers whose Influence cannot be estimated. In thin connection it may also be proper to note that the stock of watches and tine is up to the standard always maintained IgrcLhge house. it h t t. o 177 ilitl a fact, nn . b i a n i t a e nl article coming from rdevenson's is accepted as perfect In what It Is represented. twin thlapolot our readers know as much as our selves. h The members of the firm are all thorough in business and in every tninsaction, place their personal Integrity—a Just and hon orable course, which ban made the great repu tation of the house. Call at Stevenson's for anything you may denim, and you cannot be disappointed. = Foliating are the appointment. of teuhers in .event of our Public reboot, for the eon log Tear.. t Stitnol Dixtrict iiin.s3 _Princil—Leander S. Greets. (immune Department—hits. Rachel W. Latham. Esi2= Primary Departinent —Miss MI A iminn ylrw ton, Mrs. Verbena Lorna, Miss Annie Robin. ran. Remington School—Miss Zara MacCosh. Riverside Schoel;--Mlas Emma M. Midge. Franklin Sith•Distrki—iSeventh; and Eighth wants.) Principal—Daniel C. Holmes: 0 rammar Department—Misses Caroline S. Davis, Martha J. ?ifcCracken,Mary.l4. Fonike, Evelyn M. Simpson. non. Detutrtment—Missem Martha B. Snodgrass, Amanda L . . Snyder, Eliza J Deity. Elizabeth D. Shown. Primary Department—Misses Martha A. Coleman, Lucy (1. Shepard. Sarah A. Leech Emily S. Hall, Lizzie V. Jeffery. Josephln WDonald. Mary Fleming • Annie E. Hutchin = The school year of the Soldlen' Orphana' School clones on the Thl of thin month, when the uaual .summer mention will .commenee, terminating off Thursday. September lot. The second annual examination. will be cum. mewed on tire sth, and will he concluded lir the g.ld. The examinations In the schools thin dleinlty will be conducted by lter. C. Col fortb s inapector of Soldiers' Orphans' School as • / .Ll , tAu ei rg ny a . ni t l u A e Le n n y h . e . inji . tpenn' APT- Home of the Friendless, Arleitheny, Thurs. do itilto b nn l tt h ilhurch Horne, Lnwreneerille, Frldnv mnrujni, July 15th. Philllpsburr School, Hearer county, Mon day. July 11th. Uniontown, Fayette county, Wettne.elni, July lath. Hoar to Look gesag--litateen.--Don't paint or use vile Hair Restorers, but simply aPPIY n o .f; bends, ll T3d i l ts?, al i m .,:: P . n . :69 your heir. The Balm snakes vbur complexion pearly, soft and natural, and you can't tell what did it. It removes freckles, tan, sallow ness, ring marks, moth-patches, etc.; and In place of a red, rustic face, you have the mar ble purity of an exquisite belie. It gives to middle age the bloom of perpetual youth. Add these effects to a splendid head of hair produced by the Rethairon, and a lady has done her best In the way of adornment. Brothers will have no spinster Filters when these articles are around. T-Ttl4l Ladlee, go to Moorhead's previous to your departure for the seaside or the fashionable summer resorts and get one of hht exquisite ly beautiful sea side shawls. A full supply of the latest novelties In fans will also be found at the sainekplace. Then, too ribbons and laces, and parasols and trimmings and glovs and hosiery, and hundred other tollet artic e les nay be had at a Moorhead's. No. gl Market street. French etdrts, barred flannel shirt& cash mere shirts, French Percale shine. Sto r ehite shirts, at the New Stand Stocking .NO. 00 Firth avenue. Jun. Erzott....Lur &co. SATURDAY MORNING, JULY' 2, 1870, THE MAYOR'S OFFICE Business for the Month of June—Number of Coors—Reeelpts from Flom he. The following is an abstraet of the business done at the Mayor's omen during the month or June. 101. showing the number of cases disposed of. and the recelptu from dries, licence, i.e.. which were paid into the Cit Treasury during the same period : NEMSER OF CARES. Digorderly Conduct.. Drunkenneq. VneTuncy . informat Of th,lbove there were discharted RECEIPTS. Following are the receipts from a he several sources named: Fines and Forfeitures. Jail Rece . Night ipts Uraninite License Wilkins Hell html)a „I' Total. Receipts for June INN Increase for June PM. • • COMMITTED TO WORK MOUSE. Tiventy-four persons were committed to the work house.for disorderly conduct. One for habitual drunkenness end four for vagrancy. • - - • -. • In addition to the above receipt $274 were paid to the Gunrdians of the Vcor, the pro ceeds of fines for selling liquor on Sunday. = • The following is the report of the business M Deputy Mayor Nichols' (Oboe during the flume time: Tots! number of cases MC . hi paid lines; sent to the Work House: II) to Jail: W 5 Paid Into City Treasury.. SUPPOSED INCENDIARY Arre•lrd uu Wasplekin, btu walmerquemily DI chargrill. ! Yesterday morning about 0 . 604 the Al legheny police arrested a man prowling about the new building on the corner - cif Sandusky and Ohio streets, Allegheny. rt., Wea,.errY7 inn a lot of matches and candles. and they supposed hint to be intent upon In centliarism. lie explained be bad gone into the building to look for some pig ' eons which had taken roost there, and were destroying the premises. Thei Mayor Ruble quently held hint in-41,000 ball tor a hearing which came off itt the evening. Fire Marshal Butler was on: hand at the time, but no evi dence was prtaluced implicating the man in any criminal attempt, and he -was according ly dischatged. 1= The oppressive weather Cot the past few days has developed a great demand for rum mer clothing• People have discovered that it Is mu. more healthful at well ue comfort able to array themselves in ceasonable gar ments and lay' actae that which they had worn In cooler weather. Of .u.e in snaking the change the came principle Is considered. that no clothing that does not fit Will be com fortable or I.k well. Ymmg gentlemen or boy. contemplating 'change can bate no difficulty in the matter Of fit and fashion if they willonly patronire Hespenhid, Na. TO Sixth street. I Since hl+ enlargement. there no better lace In Allegheny to procure Ice cream and refreshment. than at Wm. A. Rhodes'. No. ...V: Western avenue, one square west of the Park. The proprietor of the establishment. thorough confectioner with long experience, is always enabled to please the taste of bin patrons, and hence has scores of friends In that line. While Walking through the Park. It is but the work of it moment to turn aside and partake of refreshment. at Rhodes'—and refreshments in the highest sense of the term they will be found• to be. Candles. cakes. nuts. fruits, ice cream and mistry at •Ithoden . are Pt for the palate of a king. Ile tnember ihr Western ItreilllC. • The Girard Honor, Allegheny will recr few•inore boarders. Located corner nt 1 bells and Robinson street, One of the .bes.l stopping 'daces in the cities for either Iran cleat or permanent boarders. For a quiet clean and homelike hotel we can heartily rer ommend the Girard House. Mr. 0. C. Light cap. the genial proprietor. has had long cope rience in the business and know• what wit please. Ratnmg Dravter..—Ftincy IgabtriF dr.twere the New Stnnd Stocking Store. to. 30 Fifth venue. Jso. DE00.115 . 5 & CO. %%has mastered It resterdee that the rain came down in torrents and traveling through the streets was of the most disagreeable character. Liebler had just what his m patrons wanted—a first class, strong, stv trunk. which no baggage smasher could Pert. That's why No. 104 Wood street wa crowded, and why it always presents a sr of:Losy activity. Or. Pierre's A ilt(1111t, Kierarl, or Golden Medical' Discovery Is the greatext bronchial tonic and blood purifier ever discoverer!. It cures consumption In It. early stages, and all severerd lingering coughs. :told by drug slats, r send three nod a quarter dollars to It. V. ,lerce. M. D.. Buffalo, N.' ti., .0 , 1 art t tires-bottles free of express charges. The Yourit..4 July comes neat Mnntlay and MOlttbeliner at the Contlnental,.llll h avenue. trill celebrate the event by haring a royal dinner at the Contierntal—proteinent ^mon, the delicacies of which will be Green F4A Tur tle hoop. Think of It. the mare and• be on hand. Grate' eamarer melds° salerwear in greed arietr. at rho New Stand Stocking Store. • Jao6Drdrialdras & No. 10 rift b •venue. Henry (1. Hale, Merchant Tailor. has just received a large assortment of linen; and pace., also a complete assortment of gods for summer wear. generally. cor der Penn, avenue and Sixth street. • tf The l'orwlnent•l, Fifth arra., talon the Pristoffice. with it s green sea tort le soup for dinner tools;, Is sure to he a rallying ground for t he hungry, • Them. w.. only one - hundred and righty ei en pounds of the Omen sea turtle which in he serrrd In delicious soup. at the Conll ental, Fifth arrnue. to-day. Uto to Ibr Cant intnt al to-day for a rich. nor ad Juicy dish otgreen sea turtle wup. lirveu sirs Turtle Soup at Holtzttelmrr% tu da3-. UIECI PATTON—On Thursday evening. Juno 30th. 114110. at S Mrs. MAW:AM:7 PATTON. tn the 30th year of her age. Funeral on RATVGDAT MORNING at 10 iielock from her late restdenee,lBl Federal street, Alle- Shen). Friends of the family are rintaeoffnitY ins 'riled to attend. 24 Colnntno.n,.on End., mantle,. Jul? let. WILLIAM B. PUSKY. Jrt. =I MIT Fridst IL curl. EL Y cl=tl " ol 4 wlro . . " Eu, D. NUM , . .ood I year. 3 mouths . andllS • Funeral sentry/ at residence or I/. H. Miller, Sy , diekleyrlllo. Tod/AT. . 10 o'clock A. Y. MoELIVIT—Mn Thursday, Juno 30th, 1870, MACK, Infant /laughter of John 11. and M. J. MertlrOY.alred I year and 2 WV.. The funeral take place frotu No. 61 Pike troll. Ta-n AT, at u'eloek P. u. GREEN—On 'Friday to“ru ln``,, July at 10 'duck, Mra. CATHERINE 0 I4ZIVt. relict ot the le Wm. U. Green. In the 6Uth year of her age. The tuneful trill tale ph . .. Tu.11Arie..7..,..1nek. from her late residence. No. 33 J•tnni ,Feet Third ward. Allegheny. Friends of the family ar rempecttully Invited to attend. ' FRI.FIEB—On Itsuradaj afternoon al 4 o'clock, lIMARY S.. son mo n t h sry J. sad tirsulta Felber. seal 3 years. 2 altd 17 day. The funeral will take place to-nat . . at 1 o'clock P. If the residence of hli parent. N 0.24 F.spianade knot, Allegheny city. The f naafis of the family are respectfully incited td.ttend. InUlttlllFlELD—fln Friday evening, July 1 at, 1370. at hsJf-past 4 o'clock. 2 ra, ANC PAT -71,3‘8011 BURCH F121.11.1n the Blith year of her app. : • Funeral from the residuum/ or her husband. Wm. N. Dumbedld. on srvoo.r nrtcnNOON. 1112 RAPP—JuIy I rt. M I M a r tha . tg.,JULIU9 V. yonnamt arm 0 Robert and Itaap.agrat 7 month, Funeral int% MORNING, July ik.l. at 10 n'cloek from the ;wants reslitencv.llS . l Franklin stiwit,oicula_kutrik, Allegbany city. Tho Mende of the hunt y sra rniNliticyylled to attend. -NEW ADVERTISEMENTS CARBOLIC SALVE, Dade with pure CARBOLIC ACID. whlob la u. 04 In Hospitals by dkreetton of rrolnent Phyalelans, has already prrsrep Rea to be tharnoat t ardy land 'la'aggs,Sg.f.lwltatd""jrZsDNlT: no equal as • Rapid CqrlrApent bas yet bean dlaeorered, CHICK C S NTS. . - EIESI Henry's Insect Powder, For( he Destruction of ROACTIRS, IDIOM. ANTS, &e. PRICK. tit& CENTS, at L.FLROSENBACH'S Patent Medicine Depot, 140 SMITHFIELD ST. NEW NOVELTIES Aceointants and Bookkeepers NATioNAT; Rxrcurmcie FILE. DICKINSONN ARM REE'r.ItULKR UTTER. fILEOUR PATENT RULER CI T ETR AND IAEANURE. LETTER. OPENER AN n ERASER. ra" Call and Me to at ALLAN C. BAKEIVELI4 Co ., 7S Wood Street, Plltebrireh & Co, Yhmarsetura of LIMIT GREY IRON • CASTINGS. uot• wok oui nalibtair. Looti Joint Botta, Shutter d Oat. ftlitt ?M., .01 °Oaf Vlach.. Ofßuilder.' itardware always on hand. , °Mos and Worts, near ()War pima, eighany CUT. PnaloSlos manna., Lock Bon XO . , nits burgh. iti •2831.5 A GENCY BUSINESS OF ALL KINDS to b• transiteted to Ithiladelphle, N 0 00* BalDmaro tt.neee to g Good references Gobo If desired. • 1e11721 SPECIAT. NOTICES. --- xErt County Conventions, The Itepublican Voters of Allegheny county are requested to meet et the usual Dienes for holding Pntuary elertlon• In the several Went•. Boroughs and Townships., Saturday, August 27, 1870, nn elect delegatet from each Election District to ad , of the following Conventions, as follows: TWO DELEGATE:4 from each SlecticorDlstrict COUNTY CONVENTION • •ir the ammo. of nominating ondhilates for PROTHONOTARY, COUNTT COMMISSIONER. CORONER, JURY COMMISSIONER, ' DIRECTOR OF THE POOR. TWO OTHER ITLECiATICS frnpa each glee Inn District to the • $1,060,15 :100.00 24:1,10 110,00 $1,657.A1 $1.456,45 X 51,6, ongressional-Legislative Convention for the purpowa of nominating ONE CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS to the .4:11.1 Cong.Malone] Dla trlct. lONE CANDIDATE front that portion of Al legheny enmity Ito.wtt: North and Welt pf the Allegheny and ohlo unreel which Is etalimeed In the 23.1Congreolonal Drattica. • IINE EANDIIIATE FOIL STATE SENATE. ' SIX CANDIDATES FOR ASSEMBLY. 'note Conventiiinv will meet In the City of Alin• burgh. nt the COURT 'HOUSE, on TUESDAY, Mimed 30th. IM3O, at the liiiinwing follow, it.. = =I The deiesate, to tho CONGRESSIONAL-LAMS LATIVE CONVENTION from the Tid Congres sional DistriEt will moat at 10 o'clock A. Y. In the now District Inert Room for the purpnne of nom inating a CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS (rem said 'lberia. The Delegates from that cordon of Allegheny cc/may which In In the 23d Congressional District. will meet at 10 o'clock A. M. In the nld 'Marie* Conn the fur the hurtmewof nominatingsCAN- DlDATE FOR CONGRESS. and electing THREE CONFEREES to meet the Conferees of Armstrong and Keller Countien. And alll o'clock a:N., or ea men thereafter as both the Congressional Conventions atiovdesig noted shall hero cOneluded their reaped. MUM, no pitch. they will meet - In the old Distil Conn Rimm for lhn purpose of nominal'. ONE CANDIDATE Fort STATE SENAT and NIX CANDIDATF.A YOU ASSEMBLY. • The election of Delegates will be held between the hour* of 4 and 7 o'clock T. N. en SATURDAY. Anglin 27th. 1870. and will be held ea far as practicable be the Republican member. of the election boards In the different districts, and In Chime Metrict* where the election officers are a mlntinty of the "regular lamed the Republican voter/ are authreiced CO elect enough addithinel °meant to Complete thV hoAra. • The noting In the clues end boroughs shall in all motet be by ballot. "Indio t he townthips by marking. The President of, the County Convention, and of the Coneresnlonal-LegitintlyeConventlon. unto , . both Conventlont orderotherwlse and con cur In to doing. appoint a Committee of threw the two Committee. that appointed to 61. t together. soonae nntetlcable after the adjournment of UM Convention to appoint a County for the , emoting year. At the request of many Hepnbik..; sod with mew of mmertatntng the a...l'M:lent of the Dent. upon the question of the adoption in thin County by the ilepubllcan party of what la known as the Crawford Cdunt y wpitem 01 holding primary elec tions and nutting nomlnaLlona. 2c., each enter is requested. In designating his choice for dethlteths the'respectlee Conventions. to instruct tkem to rote aro or nay In the maid roorenuons on a Prop osition there to be submitted of adoption by the party of that avert, a full and explicit explana tion of which will be hereafter published by this cothntittoe in the Republican press et the City of Pittsburgh. Hy order of the Union Republican ICLecgtlye Committee for Allen henT /y, PleleChain:nth. Wale. Ithertan, tiro V. Monnith. - ia.ERIMARY MEETINGS. INDEPENDENT Republican Primal MEETINGS Will be held in the aeretnl Ward, Ihrredighp and Townah le. dl• Alledhen I Count , . dn • Saturday, July 2, Between the 7 o'clork T. N. for the port - P0e...1 selectine TWO DEI.I9a{kTES from eto.ll district.. attend the IND EI , P.^..tDICNT RE. 19:111At'AN CoNVISNTION. to be held In the rOCHT HOUSE, flt• of l'ltOtpuryth. WM/NEE , IPA V..luir fith. at ID...clock a. b.. forth.' th.;1•47: „ ..Te 24'. O. Per.ine vothht at the Plintal7 MieelthlP ...quired to , 14 R 1 , 14 Call for the Convent/0o be- IFo7f4rll.lhal I De hl WaTP4l7ll:fthr 4=4;4 DT Markle. I= .117-7 BOU NT Y. $lOO Bounty Collected Fur all sldier% ho enlisted tetween Lay din end July . 11.1. 11%81, who wen. discharged for disablt- Its before serving two peers, end who hare honour I= Tad aadahalrual bat camotid 41e oaks an Ga. z vra But dlng.corner Sixth ~,flat and Bmltldal4 Mies, and to no+ prepared to collect claims ,peed; Ili and at mnderate vales. Fall cat,ow addresa,Fl* B. F. BROWN, Alain Agent. BA Errra Building. Corner Sixth synnue end Smilbasid street. Pittsburgh, P. trflilt Or. Tilt ENTIMPILIAL INPUILANCIC it Pal a/Mg/1. Pa; JrNc 14,1P170 TII E DI RE(TORM 11. yE THIS nar aeciaree a aeml-aamw dlyttlend rwo DOLLARS PER MARE rwn-r., pTflTflllt'Tr!r No. 4/3 Penn wool, no And after July 1.1570. ME Orrtec Prerautltou AND Rostra: , MININ“ CO.r? Perrantinon.Jeae 224, 181 C 1 ay SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCK 11OLDEllti.—There •111 be • special meet ing ttf the St.kholdery of the ..PFTTSOUROII AND BOSTON MINING COMPANY OF PITTS- Item: ti... beta at the °Mee of the Company. to the City o f Pitt abo hill. at 2 o'clock P. It.. pq EDNESDAL Nth Day of Joly, proximo = post) THOS. M. HOWa, SecreOol.._ P UR Lle 1 1 14110111K,-,-Having been am/1114d . HAS sadWAS MST= UMW TO It fsr sllssbeity musty. notice Is hereby Ow. that until the necessary olDoe usd hlesbatilnal Tert- InR Inathinary nen be prodded. I wilt be rodnd at the OFFICE OF 11111/ /theIONAL FOUNDRY AND MR Wall% Twenty-third street, near Pena, Plttsborah. Out and U. Yeti? 1•11PatiOl. =EI Prot,. SAVING, BASK 01 ALLXIM.Y.I Corner of nalorslapdlaoock WNW, • Jraa 4 .13d.119711. ErTIIE DIRMTOILS OF THIS Bane have Oha def declared a dividend Of FIVE PER CENT. nal tf the tenets of the Mx canna., payable no awl attar July lst,lriTld. (mold tax. E. 1. YOUNG. 151'f, Gabler. Plrnteaaau CONIrr.t.LnvILLIC Rts . ttitcrin PITTIOltrit08,111n• Ilea. INTO. O:3•NOTICE TO BONDHOLDER: —COUPON Nn. 4. VIM himtiosp. Bands 01 C. and il L e . tper b y d . , lne July r lnt unit, nui be d lald OA •t th a n 41111C1IMANATIVAT. lIANIPT7 IiALTIMoRK. JOUN 11. PAGie: Di. Treasurer, ErllloNOli ft AIIEL A INCLINE I. l..tros—NOTlCE—Tba Plana will alien roc Passengent and Freight busing,. EVERY MORNNO at 3 o'clock. and will oloss at 11 P....- co...chug with the loot sir rms.. Pittsburgh on tho Pittsburgh and Itirtnitighaut Paaaesurar n 7. Ja:rta rrr FOURTH CO. DU .QUESIYE • . GREVE—A meetly, of the whore COM. peer will be held on FRIDAY EVENING NEXT, July 1. et their COMM end ou4 ler pawn. A full attendsnee is desired. Fly order of the Captain, lenle-G JAMES BLACK, Orderly Sergeeef.. DIVIDEND NOTICE.--The DI. ItEUTORSLOF TIM LITTLE SAW MILL RUN RAILROAD Cfl, dome this day declared .dividend of FIVE PER CENT. clear of Gams went Tax, nut of the earnings of the put. MI morahlt.Pllyettle to the Mockholdere or their leend repreecntatieen on and after July let. at the mace " the Company In 1 % : 1 fre.raTisllK Preeldent. .._June rrrNOTICIC—The Animal Confer - KNCE of the A.M. E. ZION CONNECTION wlll take slam on the FOURTH SATURDAY IN JULY, In the JOHN !mum CRUR 11, thin city. Dr. Wlllteme, Or. D. R. !Withal... Rea. Cola, and other", CUI be prtnent. AMYX CANDIDATES. Ea -FOR COUNTY CONIIISSIONER. GEORGE NEELEY, • of Marshall Toeueblp, eublect f the detest. of the duke Republican County Coonntlon. apltded FOR COUNTY comussioNEß. BENJAMIN - DOUTHETT, Of Indiana township, It • maims. for Offanty Commissioner, in cabordleationho the dentition of the Republican CousenUon. list mania In repos. apahwtSiliT CEMENT. -100 bbls. Louisville 1.../ -- try dentine Cement, the beg b. MI. Formant Jl4 8.1 Mat !mum CANFIED. BARBARA GORBACH TS. CHAS WITTIG. Nos.' . In District Court of Al- Inll,l:7,:m=dgi on of irgrtri the defendant In atm eases in consideration of the plaintiff consentin to discontinue said act Inn. do hereby covenant nd agree with told Plalutlff an follows, vie.: Firsts That I will y the cost nf s:dd - uctions. Second. I do hereby s thantarily declare that the lantrusire charged In actions. o not true in truth and In fact. end I know nothing dertlrstory to plaints charecteribut believe her to. be an honest and Wilsons winnan. Third,Thot I will cause to be publlsTedl under my name, In all the German papery published In mild count, and In the GAZETTE. iNspnfas And Post.• full and distinct retraction of any defamatory ward" mar a t to r -time hare uttered of and concerning the plaintiff's character. Witnens my hand and seal thii 1 lot day of Julio, A. D. 18170. •C. 11. WITTIG. (L.AI Witness: Jolty Itigt.r.ov. leatot NISTRATOR'S NOTICE. - TE OF GEO. A. BELL ITECUSEO 1 Vtltil i g n Gro " 4l.l.ll:lVittelt n g 7 : - . l an gegtka i l ' Cli e tfu h r e ,Ul . oti d in e ;lCt I.TlT:btl ' r e g e b n . a nelrny.,,All pecan. having claims i 9 i.X4rreilte=o l V l7 g d ...?gs : he undersigned wlthont delay at 11. A " En Nonce Is Clan an t harsh cn I granted , woe to Clair Itot 'CL—, r Letters of Ad- ISTRATION sm,lho es to Of ISAAC IT. late of Baldwin township. deceased. grunted to the subscriber, all persons SO Die said estate are requested to make rut the estate ..1 the ulO decedent will the samearlthout Solar D. W.Admlnadrpt•.r. • Ult. Lemnos, Allegheny Co., l'a •-- 'NOTICE. Letters OT , MI :1..N1G dibt:ed I=2 MEI Feeref, epee the estate nf MI Ml'. ' LLWANGEtt. late of Allegheny, ins been grantecf to the undersigned lilt • Oebted to maid estate are request. , to 1 Mate ivythent, and all persons holding lost gald estate to present the as te, i. en tn cased for ttlement, to WHITE it Atrneth.No.l se th 08 tie &sena e, Pitt. lIA RUT ' deed. her Person,. I• mate Imm • duly sut. SLACLE b‘jr:2l =M LIVERY & SALE,STABLE I R01) 1 1 fit Patterson &Co. ll CORNVI OF Sevent. Avenue and Liberty Stree WILL ON IMAMS SATURDAY HOLD AN AUCTION SALJA ants, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons And overrating nnrmun log to the Rocco. Pardee desiring to eeit will gleam leave then no lee of cos:ddment on or before Thuredar of each Mk In order for adverttelng: Prompt atteutton d good care will be elven all Stock left for We. JOHN-H. STEWART' .11,,T H. RUM' ART ROOT. D. PVITZILSON ROBERT H. PATTERSON' & Livery, Sale and COMMISSION STABLES Cor. Seventh Avenue and Liberty St, I PITTSBURG rt. PA. alas tit WALL PAPER!. NEW WALLy PAPER. FOR SPRING SAI;ES, at No. 107 Market St., NEAR FIFTH AVE. We now offer to the public a Mock of PAPER HANGINGS onsurpamed In the West for vnnety Inbeauty of Styles. embracing a/1 the Novelties In ESYR&SCOi MOSAIC, PERSIAN min GRECIAN DESIGNS n pinto and bright aloes for ROIL fl l /gUtLA I IMS ". T, L4T h Eb GILT PAPEIta, with an almost endlem variety of CHEAP SATIN PAPERS. WHITE 'and DROWN b n o d ee e ee e BLANKS for Chambers, ALC. All of which wen .. low as tb! lowest In the sto 0. ID Markel SI., near Fiflb . lieun JOS. R. lIUGHES & BRO. bI2 TV, WALL PAPERS. 1. is.;p. SPI'IN(' PRICES 13.EDtTc El> 4 1, IN(IIKS wide lel. al .Sc per roll. 211...5M1=112MPgoir . KLIWJAPIT French and Amrica/3 raper It leg. ton speased above. • • la pork. t 4, Meat le th• eactet27. For sale at " 1 _ W. P. MARSHALL'S New Wbniesale and !WAN Moro. 191 I. bent atm.. Pittabiamt. mbl IMIM AI LleOlirfr E N4Tge 4 ' 3U:5 ' 1)470 To Sewer Contractors, . . The Seareenge 'Commission of the City of Alla attenyere prepuce to reeelee propoce.le for th censtruatce cAt the following Seven, with thel appurtenances, Inlets, Manholes, as., Contract No:1 • Comprielne %boot 1030 feet of 4 feet and ego. 1340 feet of 34 feet Oren]. Mick Sewer r Jeclown *Meet- from Bearer etreet to Ite•tu Tine; alone Pluto?. Lane to cm...010.016We Colorunn Sewer. Pipisig about 1460 feet of 13-inch Circ e Sewer on Stockton avenue. from She • avenue, to connect with the kederal Street Se Contract: No. :3. Compriting about 640 INA of 1.1-Inen (Irma Pipe 5.1111.1. on wnrer. Alley. t rom FultorCeutte to eooneet with the Sedgewl rk Street Sewer. Comarlelna abaut 3sO feet of 15-Inch. tlfreitlet Pipe Newer on Burke ' alley. from the north Ilea of Avery atveet,-to connect . with the Weahtnalon !greet Bawer. Draettigs and Specifications can be mien and full Information obtalued at thin °Zee. „. Bide mat be endorsed 'Sewer Proposals, Con track No. 1, - /or B. Ac.,_aa there. may end de live.d on or before 3 I'. It. TUEADAY.'JuIy A 11010. eon. of Ph/penal.which forms alone bid mill be received, mill ba fon umlahed Cl this niece. The Columhadon do not bindthatuselves to se rept the lowest nr Wl.' us' order of the Commholon. • MM3ZI= CHARLES DAVIS. - 310 . CITY ENGINEER JOHN M. COOPER & CO. Bell and Brass Founders, BRIM, LOCOMOTIVE AND ROLLING MILL . BRA.SSES t Made Promptly to Order - BABBITTS METAL Made and Kept on Hand MEM J. M. Cooper's Improved BalaoceWhee STEAM PUMP. Odlee—eiettd PENN STREW. Foundry—Corner Intl and RAILROAD BTRICICTEL P%tUburgh JUST ARRIVED Plated Bracelets, Mrs. S. C. ROBB'S No. 91 Fei!era! St.. Alleghen MILLINERY GOMM •nd I=== WMAREBS ICE DEALER, 351 River Ave., Allegheny. C. BARNES, Sealer of Weights.aud Measures, orris No. b 'FOURTH ATE., Pittsburgh • LONDON CRACKERS. A fresh amply of Mackenalee celebrated Al bert (bunkers 1a two pound cans; Wan Bond's Br. MnMIA Kilt and Graham Hawn In two pound bones: Eniteon Pearl. rile Nano. Brilliant and C Crack. era tar wide by the pound or as at the Faintly WOMITTEItore ot JOHN A. ItIENSITAW. bad • Comer Liberty and Ninth otreeta. LEGAL. 1, TINEGAR ji WORKS.: rx ' ADAMS, Adm;nistrator. SECOND AVENUE. noR prepared to Ito stab VINEGAR at th.. MWEST MARKET RATES.. Amaralon pmdieu arly called to Ma Mill UCCESS THE CRITERION OF EX 4,2 CELLENCE. The Empire Mutual Has achieved a nuceess almoat onparelicied In the hivu.ry of Life int...env, COTllparlY FOR THE I.lllr+T EISeALNEAIt. I=l Whale Number of Policies hooted 3.301 Total Premium, , AmoUnt Insured 1l 1 i S i l i 7tA t 1 Itatlo of Mites and FA p. to Total 1nc0me...43.38 . . 4 Average info of all Companies Foe every' 8100 Liebllities the is:opine lies ill of Agee., Avers Amount of Petioles !8 U. OO. ge Total Assets • 11100.001L1 balancepitsd deposited with the State and the securely Invested. • WM. A. FULLER. Manager for Weatem Pennsylvania, Moe 7S FOURTH AVENUE, h. Pa. CirGOOD AGENTS, both malemod female . A. McPARLAND, 5.73. HART AN, Fur V. r. Ptc Federal Insurance '• Co E=ZMM OF ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. OFF WE: Car. Federal and Land Streets Contract . No. :2 Contract. o. 6 '.niprictors uC Ifsoullotureas of, 1= AT $3 PER PAIR VINEGA.R THE PITTSBIItGH 7, 168, 169 and 170 xtra Wine Vinegar. INSURANCE •IPRIL 3, 1M69 011IIVI'OR, F.tlarard Gregg, ' W. G. Gllawn. , Valentine Hake, • .1. "Oben, M. Sheßaby.!' B. Smith. Fame Jon. It. Borland, W. B. Anderson, Wm. Schaper. M. D. Suydam. W. J. Lanzltt, ' Jame. Allison. 1e1::11 11 F. M. LON'S% General Agent ~ CRAWLER 1829 PERPETUAL. FRANKLIN FIRE. INSUR. CO: OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE 435 AN6, 43 t. I‘WES.T.A.tILS7TIsIEriT: Arwood Surplus and PietnlUMP. ' .4F 5.731 07. Losses held since 162.1), over .500.006. Vetpetunt endT pa. not POIICYP• on ldbend Toms. The Com InaTtan Unor. policies upon the Montan all kinds of Ind pe bVlPPOlitfAltt . ' r g Itirte e r: • Santual Grant s Geo. W. Richards. Man Lea s Geo. Fates , Altrea Flan, Thos. Sparks, Wet. C. Grant—'thomas B. Ilustakus S. Benson. ALFRED 0. BAKEH. President, • GEO. VALES. Flee Preeldect. J.. W. McAllister. Socretary. T. 11. Reger. Antsuint COFFIN 4 KELLOGG atOS Cor. Third Avenue and Nood at. WESTERN INSURANCE COMFY Of Pittsbillei ALEXANDER NIMICK,. President. Vat. P. HERBERT, Vice President WM. P. HERBERT. Secretary. ' GAIT. DEO. NE ELD, - General Agent. t)filee 9'J Water street Spend Co.'s Warehouse. un stairs. Pittsburgh. fft 9 insure effalnst .11 kinds of Fire and Marine Risks. A home institution, managed by Directors who are well known to the community, and • who are determined by promptness end liberality to ntaintnin w the character p which they hare assumed. as offering the hest riitection to those ho dews. to he insured Inni - rOttn: juernnder Minslnk, John M. McCune, Miller Jr.. J. Clerk, Jame% McAuley, William S. Kvans, Alexander nneer, Jo.eph Kir nmsQer,kpatrick. MC_ CASII INSURANCE COMPANY, Phelan's Building, NO. Da MTN ASBUINvium n, S ECOND FLOOR. I!ITTNI.A. CAPITAL ALL PAID UP • 11111.TOBA: V.J. Style", 'John Floyd, .CapL Fu ll er. peelWellace, . ;S. 11. Mtrunan. ;A. Chamber. Mao hleCturtan. :Jas. M. Batley. Thomas Smith. ..:nn. Wlllooek, ROBERT 11. RING. Pieetdent. J NO. r JRNSINGit, flee Menden' JOS. T. JOIINSToN, kffetSiy. OWL R. J. It RACE. General Ayent. INSURES ON LIIIIKRAI. TERMS ON ALL FIRE AND MARINI': ItISK.S. eel= ALLEGIIENY INSURANCE CO Of Pittsburgh OFFICE, NO. 87 FOURTH AVENUE. Tomtits amtlost sLL ktodA of Fire abd Alsolo Mgt. t .ROAN IRWIN, JR...President- T. J. lIOSKINSON, sire PrestOnA. C. 0. DONNELL, oeerebo7. CAPT. WAL DEAN, Genonil Agent: EntoreToßs: • John Int on IL L. Faboestect, T. J. linsklns, W. If. Everson, C. O. Homer. i Robert IL Davis, Wormy Cberlor Hoye. 110011 Fle . mttor, Capf. J. T. btoctobut. CA. t. Wm. Dean. T. U. Nerlo. PEOPLES' INSURANCE COMP'Y OMEN, N. E. CONiN EN WOO ! ) E FIFTH NTS A Rome CompapT, tAklug Fire .d Marina Risks. 1 , 11MCIVIIII: Wm. Phillip., . Capt. John r- Illcad John Watt.. Samuel P. Shriver, John E. Parke, i Charles Arbilelle, C. It 1.010, • I Jared M. Brach, Wm. Van Kirk, I k\ITMCi liT(‘triArkar.. James U. Verner Preeident. .10101 WATT, Vleer Prearderit. W. P. GARDNER: Seuretare. NATIONAL INSURANCE COMP'Y. • COD. FEDERAL. ST. AND DIAMOND.ALLE- ag ra b lz . the SECOND NATIONAL RANK W. W. MARTIN. Proiddenl. JAMESROWN,_JE., Vloa Devoid L IL STEVENSON. seesetVr. . , . Joan A. ?Atter. I.laa. Lockhart, ktrcra. Jae. L. Greeale.robert Les. .C. C. Bola. John Brown, Jr. Georiw acre,. ;Jemb /Wee. O. It.P.Willianta.Jno. Thompsonl.l.llcNaarßer. MERCHANT TAI /DES. P. McARDLE, Fashionable MERCHANT TA PLOR, alVgralT 11" trINCTMINCtrata MO GOODS. No. 93 1-2 Smithfield St PITTSBURGH. PA g." ClOthing merle to Ord, r the F2,1%10 VAL. 0-RAY & LOGAN I=l N 0.89 FIFTH AVENUE 47 Sixth Streiet SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES 1870. a . • C. WPIIICRSON. C. L. lIIVIILANDUTIPO. M'PHERSON k NUTILiNBRINO. llerehme. Tallow. No. 10 SIXTH STREET. Ili St a •We have reoelved e large •nd ere• loeted Stock or tbe ben portion moat foshonsm &sod. In our One. • great of whith w• onr o" aello4 9° eoroldeut of our ability to One ;errant lamination. we respeatly mit mut jou an earty ex of our stook of Floe Cloths. rm. t DIMILANDRING. table No.lo Sixtb stomet.„ NEW SPRING GOODS. A eplendid new stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, &o =I MlM==l STONE. -- ' - WEST COMMON _ . Machine Stone Works, Northwest...roar al Wrrt Common, Allerhimy, MEDIC ATVATER CO, • Names band or pre son shaft [MUM Hearth awl dmp tisopm, I. for Sidewalks. Brewery Vaults. so. new andmob Stones. ae, en reasonable terms BUTT I3 ER. ' boxes Fresh Roll Butte; 10 half barrels: For We b7:': J. B. CANFIELD. 141 Elms area.. SODA ASIL-100 casks B for sale by J. . CANTIILD. AXIISEMENTS B.SlpO, PLY! SHOO, FLY! • NEW OPERA HOUSE ONE WEEK ONLY. Commencing' Monday Afternoou. July 4 Doo.OPv. past 1: conmenu nt o'clock I'b, Original and 'World•Fiktorlus BRYANT'S MINSTRELS, The oldest Minstrel Troupe in existence. From I.lrmmt's Opera lions.. Savr , Vtrk. ander the ito.• Mme direction and mup,rtinlon of the eminent comedian. Mr. DAN Ultt ANT. who will poOtiveta t'• ;101:2V/VArlDi I rs - . iTe,',VTle 1 tm ,0 folinwina burteisise . oprrait will be performed: . -11:.‘qigtrirtrtirPeriod;' and Ilan ~ryunCs defe4 171=1 luaWidotl,b,teurolVlliggav":t ( ~ 74- . • ...House, New York. Sale of 10111 will commetice tMrssettr nl—i=sso'lli•Mcloen,d3alL:itTrek..thugidetlV.C.: 1111.00: Gantry. J i a. a.m.. Open at paid 7; commence at NSO cck. - .10 ' JOHN P Business Agent. • [Cr FIRST Grand Military Pie Nic, = FOURTH COMPANY. Du Qu G-REVS, AT FRI ENDSIII7 iII U OT It Penn Avenue,lnte lireenabure Pike July 4, 1870 'nab.. $1 MU.ic by Great Wodern Baud JUl:sbu OFFICIAL =I A N ORDlNANClLSupplemental to /X. an Of - Mathew panting crania Privilege. Be - Pittsburgh and Birmingham Passenger Bailee? Company. Svc. 1. Be it ordained and enacted L LT the CHI Of Pittsburgh, In-Select and Common Conned ILISCZO bIed, and It in hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That It the Cohnols of said oily shell at any time hereafter direri a chance of tile grads of said streets, or If It saw hecomu necesserl to take lip said railway for the purpose of burin or repaving. grading or regrading said streets, sewer the purpose of constructing . err...miring enY or culvert therein, or for the Purpose of laying .; 'wttar reltrinteaUknt4.r illretlhalletyn'af% Compan t y M y thelr own capons... Pend in erecttisolr failure so to do saner reasonable nonce. the Street Commissioner shall take the same up at the e lli7 r,?:of said ComPsnl. and it shall he unla ful Id Company to relay the same. Eir.c. 4. That am , ordinance Or part or part of ordinance conflicting with the ssage the some dinance at the present time. ho and the la hereby repealed m. far as the same effects Oleos- Ordained Arid ed i nt ont alas, In Councils Wits !IVA day of enactu. D. 70 JAMES AIcAVI.EY. President °Peeled C tttttt Attest, K S. Nltotitow, : Clerk ..f Select Council. W. A..roMI.INSON, President of Common Council. Atte.t: 11. MCMAerren. JeAl Clerk of Coustdon Council. - 7 A N ORDINANCE—AnthOrIziug the , Xl_ Central Passenger Railroad Cowl.. to (Mange location of their track on dttravenumlmo preen Market and Wood streets. Sac. 1. Be it ordained andenacted by the City . of Pitmburuh. in V.elect and Common Cut:Male ae. tabled. and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same. That the Central Pas. anger Railroad be and they are hereby autherßed and permitted to so change the present location of their tract on 4th. avenue, between Wood and Market streets, as will bring It neer the tenth matt of said avenue. allowing attractant distance be tween the outer rail and the curb to net Interfere with the g ette r s ubj e ct to theaPProval Of the CRT Engineer.. • SEC. 2. All the provisions oe Ave n uel it g Ordi nance granting the ace of the ahe said 'caret. P. IL It. Co. to remain In full force sell ca S e g . . B. That ani °Mina.. or P. , of 8:1 , - nen. ...feting with the passepo of this nailer et the present time, be and the same!. hereby repealed so far as the sante affects this Or. ditance. Ordained and enamed into a law. In Councils, thitr27ol day of June, A. D. 1870. JAMES MeA Pl:elicit:et Of 9elect Council. • Attest: E. S. AIORHOW. Clerk of Select Council.. W. A. TOMLINSON. Preside. of COILIIIIOI2 CamtlL Attest: 11. MelLefrritt. Clerk of Common Connell. le)) A "i ORDrSANCE—Antliorlzipir the Grailln.g. Paling and Curbing of ilUtl Street front Penn Arenne to Liberty street. Sacritolt 1. Den ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Select mad Common Cam ila assembled. and II La hereby ordained and enacted - by aethOelty of the same. That the City Domineer be and be is hereby authorized and directed tO &d- Caft. for pro pals for the Grading, Paring and urbing of 3.3 d street, from Penn Arenuelto lib erty Street. and to let the name in the meaner di rected Minh 31 . ItlJ7~ay retl January iii7l concerning = or . ha tlo 0141. f ardthano• c 0 oneicting with tne,neeenee of tbls at.. present time, be and the .me is hereby rep... so far as the same Mice... 0rd.... Ordained and enacted Into a hoc In Councils, this • 47th day' 01 June, A. D. 1870. JAMES atcATILF.T. .President of Select Connell. • Attest: - IL S. Monk.% Clerk of Mines Connell. W. A. TOMLINSON, President of Common Connell Attest: it. Me3listsrrat. Clerk of Common Connell. 1• A N ORDlNANCE—Authorizing the fe n ° "`"WVeragrat rnov 1. Be it ordained and em.od b 7 the Co e. y of Pooloupb. In Select .4 Common Councils aseembled. and tot hereby ordained and enacted by authority of the humouredo the City Engineer be and he la hereby and directed to Ml vent. for proposals for the Grading and Peeing of 2411 berry alley. from 18th street to- Scalise hen:lt's Ms,s and to let the same In the manner dl. rected by an Ordinance concerning Hoods. passed August Elst. 1837; alto an act conctomini Stumm approved January Oth. 18414. Sac. 3. That .y ordltienoe or tart of ordln.ce coulliCting with the passage of Ltds ordin.ce at the pnasent. time. he .and the same ts hereby repealed so far as thesame affect* this ordinance. Ordainedand enacted Into a law In Councils thin :1710 day of June, A. D. 1870. JAMES 31cAULET. , mom, tzsident of Sole. Connell. Alteeß.lS. I+.• clerk. of Sole. llo , unoll ..TONLINSON. PrcildeAltealt H. 11c5LAftriat. ""' (" 7 °' .Clart of C4IIIMOU Council. 1o9:1 A N ORbINANCE—Fixing the width of the Sidewalks on 40th street, between linter street and Penn avenue. Bar. I. Be it. ordained and enacted by the CRY of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Councils ham bled. and It Is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority h e reb y game. That the City Irhsineer and he is authorized to set the allbStoll.l on 40th street. from Butler street to Penn grade. so that thesidewalks shall be of the game width as the& u are between Butler street and the All*. :M any ger. • Ste,. That any ordinance or part of 01111011.0 conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and thesame is hereby re pealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. th?linridd;.72,,r,Z,l,fte.l'B'737 In ""'lis JAMES AIeAt'LET. President ;of Select council. Attest: E. S. MORROW. Clerk of Select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON. President of Common Cowed. Attest: Cl 11. MeMsirrtits. erk of Common Connell. 1.17 N ORDlNANCE—Authorizing the ciee cha t. nee of width of jsmus street from 40 to hiertoh 1. Be if ordsined and enacted by the City of Pittsbureti, to rielect and Common Councils sasemblad, and it if hereby ordained and estactirli by the authority uf the come. The reby _e width of lowa street be and the same he changed from 40 to 00 feet. by vacating 10 feet on Um ftest side. BM 4. Thrd any ordinance or part of °Milhaud oordilmitur with the peewee of Ms ordinate at the mnanc Ile, be and Um rant° bereblrolmelehaw has the same affects this ordinance. Oained and eructed Int&tlbor, in Councils. this 07th day of June. A- U. 1 O. .1 MSS ItcAULET. . . President of Select Connell. Attest: N. 9. Mormons. neck of Select Council, Wof TMLINSON. President Common CounelL Atte= IL MOUNTED. • . Clerk of Common Connell. . A _ N ORDINANCE--Authortslng the Grading and Paring of LAWnst 01107, teem Paws alley to ;Ed street. Eircrlois 1. Be It ordained and enacted by tlw City of Pittsburgh. In Select. and Common Councils mumbled. and It Is hereby ordained enacted by the authority of the same. That the City raglneer_ be and Is hereby nothorlsed and directed to for proposals for the Grading and Paving of. tocrist a/ley, from Rates alley to 454 street, and to let the same In the manner directed be an Ordi nance eons:err:lug Streets, tamed August 31 1 t, 1851: also an sot concerning Streets. ay/wile:id January 6th. 1864. ste..g. Tun any ordinaries or part of Ordinance conflicting with the pusses of thlsordloance Mahe present Stine. be and the same is hereby repeated. Par as the some affects tint, ordinance. Onlalned and enacted into a law In Cauncils, Oda 97th day of Jane A. D. 1870. JAMES MeAtiLEY. President of Seim* Council: Attest: K. B. Manors. (Imhof Select W. A. TOEFLIEON. • ?maidens of Common Canna - Attest: 11.31cMaorin. Clore or Common Council. jar A NORDINANCE—A horizing. the firedieg. Peeing and .'toeing, or Witte meet. from Iltibb, street to Peon oone. 2. BO ItOrdighwit eel rilacb,l by the City of Pttreaurat. In Select end C..neeeti Co se. eembled. and it la berebyordalned and matte by the mitbtty ohenceearne. That the City Illsigtriehe Ns. and he Is lauthottsed and 0 to ad vertise far itsn for the Grading. P 1411 1 .11114 Cerelng of ntygillt street, from la street to Penn avenue. and to let the same in the manner dimmed by an Onsiminee concern !Assets. named August 31st, 1b1371 also concerning Streets. approved January lath Mr ear. That any Oftlinmichust of Ordinance ea/Aiming loth the wawa Ois Ordinanbe the present time be, DOLI the W rteere re. puled se ter es the same Qatet thin nance. Ordained and enacted into • lag In Councils, thin )7th day of Jane, A. D.. 1870. JAMES MaAtTLEY. President of Select Council. r Alas. E. P. NetteeW, clert of Select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON'. • ' President of Common Council. Attest: 17. 31elLterla, Clete of Common Council. le3o theMORDINANCE—C lt erl itgham in.o.e ttit., of amil b ri v itgaigr:.lotrge= trylva. end (women Councils of the City •I and It la hereby ordained and ernicied b y oh thorny of the same. That the Conieduee ati linnets be. and they are hereby anttowited SAW dirseusdl. 09 Invite and receive proposals for the Oradell eind Paving of Morton alley. with Mt feet sidewalk; internment, and to contract therefor with the eat and toot bidder or bidders When. discretion. of, Ohs S St. nue. That ta. . for d. hereby 10, 0 .4 the mit eed earwhese w sold pandensent to: he nude and collected, as provided by the Act of Aiweinely, entitled an - Act relative to Weed gr4atie cur Ananay . a• prov ed ßic. tYte l tV ordtnances page of byre . nances eortslrtent herewith do mot are hereby re pealed. Ordained and enacted Into a lair dd. the 9jd day of June. Anna Omani. one thousand glint hviiiired and oriventy• jAms. mamma. President of Select Connell. , A tient : J. R. ort.rr, ' 3 ' l " s°l "Tigilri l WARNER. ProolO tot of Common CoonelL Ailed: I-R.011.v,, Gat of Common Ounni. i=M NEE salient% for the SEWERS en Corry and • I m / t m ll erenanstlon and. TURSDAY. July I be planed In toe bands , rye emu,* for P 11761111121. amstmotion of the Ann Meet.. are non . can 1 87 0 at this o.• VOTICEe --. The . rthtMrco t itgo of the Same. JerhSte CIIAPI. =