FINANCIAL GOLD, -»SILVER, MID COUPONS Bought at Highest Price, PH. R. NIERT4, BANKER, C.oj. Wood St, and sth Ave. Jas. T. Brady & Co., (Bummers to S. JONES a C 0..) Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood Street, BANKERS, I= - Government .Securities, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Interest Allowed on Deposits. • 11 ,- 3101347 1011004 on-Uovemment Bonda at los. tst,AarYet rata& ur °saran Ittactonto ron TB. PL , ltcllasa AND BLit Or STOCKS. BONDS AND COLD. • 'JAMES T. BRADY & CO. THE DAILY GAZETTE. MONEY AND COMMERCE telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] • ' NEW YORK. July 1, 1870. • Disbursements Interest here at this time including that by United States. estimated near seventy millions. Wall street market strong. Money easy at 3a5. Sterling drin 0t.91 , 441,10. 614 . 14 t lORWOM. Gold Arm but dull; opened touched closed 121i45123(; carrying rates 16.2 per cent:borrowing Oat; clearances thirty million; Governments dull and flan. Coupons of 'Bl, 18 561155 R 'Ws 12.1601234: 111, 13a EN; '65, 1286 :2612M; do new, '67. '6B. Illie/15:: 10.10 s, fligtte currency. 1386614. State securities quiet. Misscuris, irk old Tennessee:l, 06; new do, 65: old North Caro llentb 5136; new do, 30N. Stocks active and buoyant. New York Cen tral, Reading, Rock Island. Wabash and Ohio Mississippi advanced on the market. Canton. iiBs(._Quicksilver, 71 Adams Ex_ MnU, 4786; nmberlmd. 33. a..Y ; Western Colon Telegraph . 31.',; American Ezpteea, 44; Gaited States, 474; New York Central ,9936; Scrip, SAN; Erie. d, 42; Harlem ERR: Reading. 1073.: Michigan Central. Hit 'Lake Shore. 1C03.: New Jersey Central. 14036:P ittsburgh.lo9M; North western. 833 i: preferred 6036; Rock Is land. ; New Jersey Central. 100; St. Paul, 67: do preferred. RI: Wabash, 58X; do preferred. 7636: Ft. Wayne, WS; Terre Haute, 33: do preferred, 50: Chicago and Alton, 118%; do preferred. 117,M; Ohio and Missppi. C. C. &C., 81)X; Burlington, 160; Hartford and Erie, 416. ' OITICX or PISTSBUTOH Glatt . = t FRIDAY, July I. Ira Closing quotations as received by Pb. It. Martz, Gold Silver 108 Western Union.. -- DWI Bond. 115 N. Y. Central 38'; 603 Bonds 1869...11.^ Headlnsr. 107, 5451 Bonds 1104...110 P. Ft. & C 65Y 541 Bonds 1/85...1.12 Ohlo & Miss.. . 310. i Consoht 11155 . .111 Stich. Southern... 6m Bonds 1887...1.11 Cleveland &P. . IOW; &El Bonds 1868...111 C. B. X. & P 1093( 1040- •ES Chicago &N. W. MU Adams Express_ .. _ 68 C.& N. W. Pref.. 6t( Merchnnis 11. Ea. Erie Large. Sown London Exchange per PO.= 6 4 4 541 Paris Exchange per Franc • 2.48 M Berlin Exchanr i rir 'Thaler id 83 Frankfort Exc per Florin 47V 40 Central Paclle E. Bonds Union P. B. R. Bonds 87 80 ' Closing quotations as received by James T. Brady & Co • Ciohl 12s .54.9 &J.T. 102 11 U. S. di. 1081 'l5 5-33Janat Jp. 1262 11 , . U. S. 5-20 UM. ... 12 5-33 Jan. 1 , 17. 1005 1P: U. S. 5-33 1204 12): U. P. R. R....:... 27s U. S. 5-0) 121: C. P. R. R. WS Cr. Prelles • Sri I= OFFICE or TliS Pmaßcnan GAZ.LTTE. I FRIDAY. July 1. LW f The Iron market Is devoid of anything spe cially new or Important. There L a fair Imes In metal for the season. but prices are very low and it said, and we have no doubt It is true, tact the furnace roan are making no money; already, some of them • have been stopped and unless there Is an improvement In prises soon, of which them is not much prospect now. It Is highly probable, that the great majority of the furnaces will go out of blast within the next few weeks. And It Is probable that the majority of the mills wit inrspend operations between now and the Ist August, as Is Initially the case, to take stock and make repairs. Upon the whole, however. business is eboat as good as It usually is at this seaeon of the year. though nothing to brag of. • =I - MO tuns Red &tort. 131.03 4 mos 50 " No. 3 Neutral 31A214 mos 25 " N 0.2 do MAI 4 mos 50 " N 0.3 do 31.004 mot. 50 " No. 1 Foundry .. ~. . ....... a 5.504 mos .90 .. No.l do at Furnace... 31.004 mos 03 " No. do do ... 34.504 mos MO " Close Red Short—Forge... MAXI 4 mos UV " Common N 0.2 Foundry.... 2 .8 . 5 0 4 mos 153." do do ... 29.005 mos 150 " CommorrNeutral Forge.... 30.006 mos XI. " No. 1 Foundry... ....... M. 50 00 ds 60 " N 0.2 do ' =AO 4 mos 50 " No.l do 74.004 mos 30 " No.l do 34.104m0s 100 " No.l do 3.5.00 4 mos 30 " No. I Extra Foundry 36.00 4 mos . . 2tgl tuna Fancy Grey Forge 44& 4 moo " N 0.2 Forge. .. . - 4.5e4a 4 mos White nod Mottled 415.00 mutt ansxrxtmcs COAL swxyrza 11100 LAKE SL'PE- RlOin ORE. NA tuns Goird Gray Forge .to arrive MOD 4 mos White and Mottled at Furnace - .95.50 80 do 50 Gray Forge, Favorite brand, to arrive 31.0:14 moo 500- wClose Gray Common Forge. - at Furnace : • MAI 4 mol I mat re Prrrumion Claxa - rra, ° FILMAY. July I. 11680. f The 01l market was vary quiet 'to-day. the excitement which prevailed yesterday In con sequence of an apprehended corner having subsided, and there is. now, seemingly: roth og todisturb the monotony which' has, Pre vailed In the oil hulloess for several months. There is some little inquiry for both erode and refined, and mainly for early mouths, hut the figures offered are not big enough to please our refiner., and comequently, we have but few sale. to report. CAUDIL Sale of I,COO bbls Parker, seller Xi day et IBC and I.ooobbis (40 to 46 gravity) 11K. la last sale. It is but proper to remark. wan made under pecolar circumstances, and, therefore. 11% cannot fairly be regarded as the market Price for spot 011-11.8 would prohablp be nearer the market. • 1 1 nZTINILD. July I, quoted at 11 for first, and =8 for last half—sale SCObbis, first half. at 1.1. August and September. 27X. There wade sales of some 80:0 bids opot oil in Philadelphia last night at =GEMS GOADS OIL. J. A. McKee EA on account A. S Ceoldfich; Brittle:B_oU Works 112, on account A. S. Gold rich: Waring, Ring Er Co Si on account. T. Beckett; Sunbeam oil Works 161. on account T. Hackett; J Gallagher 766. ow account L.. B. & Co; Fisher Bro IQ on account .1. B. Barbour; Lyon. &Co IX. on account F. A. Batas; Jas. Wilkins 10. on account Phila. & B. Pet. CO; 11. Illy &Co KI. on account S Adams; Facelsor 011 Co 171. on account Thos Chess; Brilliant oil Works 326, on account Lockhart. F. & Co; A. 8.24111. SO. on amount W. T. Bartle. ... . • . Total . 2.317 bbl.. OLL SDIPTZD ZAMT MON DCOMMEIDZ DIROT. Hutchinson 011 Renninic Co. -MO Dble relined to Warden. Frew & Co.. Philadelphia. WOOL rrema. The wool market in Harrison county con tinues extrema,' doll. Probably about 75,000 pounds have been wild, and 525.0:0 pound. re main—unsold. Buyers are still offering toe. Webave heard ot a few clips selling at eme, de.—Craf: (0.) itclobfferm. The local trade in wool is quiet, with light receipts. Prices are unchanged at =Mc for unwashed, and 32G.4Dc forgeeee-washed wool. per pound. Woolens are dull, with the excep tion of yarns. In which there to some activity. Sdwingedil (0.) Republic. Col. Asa 3fanctiester, of indeiseasienc e town ship. one - of the extensive wool grow,n of this county. sold his clip of wool recentle to- Samdel George, Esq.. of Wellsburg, w aat v a.. at Id cents per pound. The leteubeurilis Her old says that Wm. Leggltt and a Mr. Dins more. of this county. have nerdse disposed of their clips at fd rents per wend, on a credit of Weise months without interest.—Wadmuu. too (Pd.) Reporter. I 3111=1= .Yotr.S. July I.- -Beeves count S::0 to. day. making 0.440 for the week. A fair de. mend for good cattle at full rates, but most of the stock wits too poor to sell well; prices ruschanged at ft3.o64tg IC mean 4 cwt Texans sold at P,M,SP: 501froxi OS( cwt Illinois steers at 144:416)(e. with a car of d cwt Ohio at Ito. 57 lb per cwt. Sheep: 2.330 to-day. making MAX 'for the week. Trade very slow and mniifi." unsold. Fat sheep unchanged. with thin at 44100. Lambs much lower, western 8311 c. and State and extra Jersey 10213 c. A car of PO lbs Ohio sheep sold at 61(0; some Indiana tU lbs peer at We; a few HO lbs State at lie. Hogs hare fallen to for dressed, with only 6 can to-day and 13,500 for the week. Tho high.Ptiee 01 toe makes a cheapness for hots. IME WLIEtKET Orrice. ur Prersarnou Gaza-rra, t }IIIOA, July I. ISM I For several yea're past Chicago has been re grain market in this rorn 'd try! ' a ' •l ‘ r e h kin rl d ee g seeption only of New York; and ."w eke in endeavoring to control New rock irpterd of being subject to that n• heretofore. in other word, ,he i s naa l a mg an effort fu take the lead. and I , 'en . de.loarD of leaving Ness- York behind. Chica go led the recent upward and also downward movement in grain, and the ere of operators in even . commercial city were hoed to that place. and every market followed the Chicago market up or down. The New York acknowledges the mnpreetacy and influeuce.uf Chicago in this particular Care when it rays; 'The export of grain has been checked by the rapidity with which speculators here and in the West have run up prices beyond the Malts which Europe can afford to buy in con, petion with the other groin markets of the 'world. The Chicago bankers have determined so farts they arc concerned, to check this speculative e ivl of fornstalling the market. by retusing to.diount grain paper maturing be yond July. I. If the .peculators can obtain .factlities to carry the grain they hold at pres ent lerices. their tile result will be that Europe will buy in. other market., and the United State will lose the sate of a large amount-of grain. The country will be injured thereby. These K e rala speculators must bear In mind that Europe always exaggerates the calcula tions of expected short crops in order to at tract speculative shipments, so as to have large stocks of grain in its pons. The result generally is that the highest prices are realiz ed before the harvest Is half In; rind after wards come a breakdown. which rules specu lators. It Is estimated that this action of the ClDengo bankers will enforce sales of about 7,103,000 bushels. Its the end the specu lators will realize more than if „they were en abled to carry out their own views. In other Words this action of the Chicago 'banks will add to the wealth of the country In increasing the exports of grain, and ales, by saving spec glators from heavy losses and perhaps ruin.' APPLES—A re coming In more freely. though prices are still maintained, $40.51,1per bbl. ASHES—steadv but unchanged: Common Soda. let Relined, 4.lte; Pearls. 10. , ic: Pots. 7360. IMOD:NIS—Store prices; Fancy, ',VA No. 1, .f No. y, g.t: No. a. cut. common, r'o23 BUTFEIt—Is quiet and unchanged—the of ferings are not sec - large. though fully equal to the demand, which continnes light . Sales t good oto prime fresh at MID, CHICKENS—In better supply an lower; we now quote at artiOeta per pair by the coup CORNMEAL—Wii.4I per bushel. CEMENT—SaIes of Louisville Hydraulic at tintli/i per bbl. • . • . CHEE=SE--Is in good suouly and dull. ail is always the case during hot weather. though there lo no quotable change In peters. loan, EGOS—There Is a moderate demand, with sales of fresh at'llja—.oc. CAR . BON OIL-The 'demand, Ina Jobbing ay. continues light, and prices are unchang e w d, DRIED FRCIT-There Is some little inquiry and the market Is almost bare of the better qualities. Apples Peaches for quarters. and 7Cfr for halves. FEATHERS -Quiet and unchanged, at Poa. EI cts. to the trade. FL01.711- , Market quiet, and if -anything a little weak, and the demand Is not so brisk: but prices are unchanged. We continue to quote goal western flour. in store, at PIX. Fancy - brands glee. Rye Flour $.5. GRAIN-Wheat is weak. and drooping though there Is a fair demand at a decline of 3 to 7. cts. per bushel; we understand that none of the mills will pay over fl.) for prime red. and some dealers are selling at the decline In preference toputting it into store. Oats dull add rather weak, which Is owing mainly to the fact that there are no eastern orders. and the demand being restricted almost sfholly to the local trade. We now quote nt 46R,49 In first hands; 51 , 1511 i on wharf and track, and 534.53 In store. Corn is also dull and weak; prime shelled is offered freely at PO. and there are but few buyers above Kam Rye is dull though still quoted at finill)..-distillers gener ally are not buying. ROCERIEs.. , -Market continues dull, which Is nearly always tht case at this tootson of the year: the couus trade has fallen of very Per ceptibly within the past two weeks. and take the country trade away from the grocer , trade, and there Is not much left. In regard to prices there have been no important changes for several days. HAY-The receipts are falling off, but with no Improvement In the demand, the market is very dull, while prices are unchanged; sales from country wagons at fn la, as to quality and condition. • . . HEHP—Sales of undressed Kentucky Hemp at $157. HUSKS—Corn husks. 34:5:131( cts. LIME—Salm. of Cleveland nt and eastern at $1.75. • • • LARD OlL—Extra No. 1 Is quoted at si.r.3 elm and No. 2 at to. PROVISIONS—Market steady but unehaur- PROVISIONS—There is n good demand (or Sugar Cured Hams, otherwise the market Is littlet and raker dull— Plain Shoulders. 13'4314 Ott Sager Cored do, 1661.16 X: Bibbed Sides. Id ;e•lti.,.i; Short Bib Side, lPtlt t Clear, do. 1:X417`.:: !sugar Cured Hams, "4.,tiqt2.3: Second picket Hams. 21 , 412213.1. Breakfast 8ae0n.192..19!i. Mess Pork. VO).01.11. Lard, 17 In les, and IFQ,IBX to kegs and buckets. • PEANIITS-i-Dull. Tennessee. 4.2.8 cts. POTATOES .—Sales of prime old Fench Blows at IV to ess cts per bushel. Stiles of nem crop at fi per. bbl. SEEDS—Flesneed 16 in mitise dcinnnil. and crushers are inking all • that offers at Nothing doing in Closer or Timothy Seeds. MARK Tir BY TELEGRAPH New York. NEw VORK, July I.—Cotton Limier and closed quiet and homy. with sales ]Oil bales at 205'e for middling uplands. near—receipts 15.140 bhis, dour .1 'bade firmer and rather mere doing. with ,ales wool b•rreb. at V. , : . 5.30 for "Alper t,t,,u and State, • extra ilfelte. $5,'.1‘25.25 for good to choice du: a5k00e..1.1 for white wheat extra western. $5,70 - d5.10 fur ext. Ohio And $5,90e9 for ex tra St. Louis. Rye Flour quiet, with sales :IM bbls at $1.20425,t0. • Corn Meal quiet and steady. Whiskey a shade firmer. with sal. 300 tads at 2113) , ,Q;1.01, letter price for Iron bound. Wheat—recelpte IMMO bush; wheat 1 .d2c better fur winter and steady for spring: .1. 131000 buck at 51.0051140 fur Fos srlng. SI,MYAI '.24 for N o' Chicago spring, * 1..1641:10 for No 2 Milwaukee. and 21.6111,45 for w nter red and amber western. Rye quiet and un changed. Harley Malt dull. Corn—receipts 21,100 bush; corn active end 16420 higher. with sales 97.000 bosh at Site $l.lO for mixed west ern,the latter price for choice; novimos for it•dern yellow, sl.(gi for old mixed western 'afloat. and Pill fur white western. Oats— receipts 21,023 bushels: oats more ac tive and firmer, with sales' of 81.0.0 bush at fire tic for western; elX43.unc for Ohio and State. Hay dull. Hope quiet and very firm. Coffee unchanged. Petroleum dull at I3Malic for erode and Ole for refined. Rice firm at 515i11e. Molasses unchanged. Sugar arm; sale, nal Wide Cuba at 454610 r. Perk heavy and lower. elosinz, however, a little firmer; sales 330 bbls at faidZi,2s formes.; it= , prime: #2151.4 - t=. prime loess; also. KO Able men, July and August, VIVA do. Aug.- V 0.20. Beef quiet and steady. extrao bble at a11a1.5 fur plain mess: sl‹,le. mess. Beef barns quiet; sales 30 bbl, at wax, Tierce Beef dull and unchanged. Cut meats dull; miles tiO pkge at LQ,l2lic for shoulders: 16:44 - G2lc, hams. Lard steady; sal. 250 tes at 14 V.21filie fur steam; 10' , 02,10,4c, kettle; also, LOW tea prime steam, July and August. at lehic. Butter steady at 1063 for western. Cheese quiet and steady at 70414 e. Turpentine steady. Latest—Flour x sha - de firmer and in moder ate demand. Wheat firm at $422e,1.30 for mound N 0.2 Milwaukee. and $1.45 for winter red w.tern. Rye neminal. Oat, steady at 0 2 a03c for western; tati..9oc fur Ohio. Corn firm at Rktrt.2l.C3 forum mixed western; $l.Ol for very choice. - Pork active and higher: sales ZO. able me a ns .august at 89,.Z. Beef steady and quiet. Cuttneate quiet and firm. Baton steady and in moderate demand. Lard dull at wok for prime steam. Eggs ad changed. LE= CLNCraiscain. July 1.-There was a better de mand for Flour but rates are a shade lowan sales 4.000 bbls superfine at $4.75e436: extra $.5.255..440. and family at $3.40 , 65.75. Wheat In better demand:-sales 4AOO bush red winter. equal to No. L at (11.1aa1,14.; moor 'mimics of new are offered and held at $1.1011.1.13; nu pales. Corn firm but quiet at Saelibc: receipts 11gbt. .oatsrunottanged at 640100. Rye Nee Cotton dull at 19.1ge for mie.dling. Tobac co In. [Odd .demand at fall prices: ogles ISO bhda at sa,oo to 'UAL Whiskey dull at MA. 11: no sales of importance. Mess Pork dull and nominal at. KA. Lard held at Ito. Bulk meata held at MX and BMUS Se •for shoal den-arid olden. ilicon shoulders sold at 13c, but all that could lie bad at this rater ere taken. Clear rib std. In demand at 16e. but held at XXci clear stde, held at 17,ife, but no demand for them. Sugar cured hams steady .:11 1 42-Z. ri tlutt d e , r i llrl t t and In fair demane Listeeed 011 doll 111.AVIi for extra current make. enter and Coffee are steady. Gold 11134 buying. Exchange Arm at Par buyinfr : 310neY market steady at and e v er cent. discount. Weather showery sultry. and splendid for the growing envoi LE= July I. --Exchange unchanged. Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat In fair de mand: No 2 closed at $1.05),M1.06 •cash and $1.11,4011,15 seller last half July; this after •noon the market unsettled: cash firmer at $1.07 seller last half and heavy at $1.11X01.12. Corn IfQ..!‘c lower, closing at FOX.loo3ic for Nog; this afternoon steady and unchanged. Oata steady. closing at 50e.50,n5c. Rye erns: No 2 closed at 78}56178e. Ilnrleydulland Highwthes quiet, 'closing with buyers at Pee fur iron hound. Provisions dull and easier. Hogs active at $5.71929 for COMMOO to choice. Cattle unchanged. Receipts fur the past 24 hours: 3,1011 MAR dour, 411.510 bushels wheat, 72,133 corn, =772 oats, 1.777 rye, 3,171) barley. nod 2.8257 head of hogs. Shipments: 2,816 bbls door. 135,371 bush wheat. 7,048 corn. I.gil oats, 2,920 barley. and 3,584 head of hogs. Freights dull and easier at ]sloe for corn to . Hugel°. - Cleveland. CLEVELAND. July I.—Flour quiet and un changed. Wheat stronger . and :le better; No. 1 Red $1.29. No. 2 sl,Mlit L.% as asking Pripei; Corn In good request; No. 1 yellow Bic. rigc,..TlLleorin§notitti3eZurie q O ule t : and unchanged. Barley nominal. Petroleum firm and a shade better but veryqulet. refined held at 22X1123c In large lets and 218VM for man lots: crude has advanced on the creek and Is held here at 0,10 per bbl. Lootlivu.Ln; Jule I.—llagglng is Arm, with sales of .two-pound Kentucky hemp. at 2Pc, and two-poundn flax mtc. Cotton firmer with a light — demand for middling at lBl,c. Hour •unchanged. firldn nominal and unchanged. Provisions quiet and weak and pdces stand at the last quotations , Whiskey, 99,4f1. The Tobacco market is fairly active, with sales of 171 hhds. at 1.5.2K1.174.5 for fronted up to good shipping leaf. Philadelphia. PHILWEJ.PHIA, July L —Flour dull and hut; little business done: extra family 0,15 , 0'i• Wheat very dull; Pennsylvania red .1.40 V. 1,4* new Delaware stozemo., Rye steady; 'westernl. Core dull: yellow western $ l . TOL f. unts unsettled. Pronalons better. u MR- Lord brZiAnS:c. Petroleum ttten: crude 1934 e. maned Whisky nominal 0141. M. Toledo. tbutno. July I.—Flour itendY. Wbeat eo tive and lt/po better; Nn. 2 White Wabash $ IX; N 0.2 do. SI,Z. Corn lc better:. No. 85 aic. Onto steady; No. I MAO. Freights dull and unchanged. Grata to store July Ist: wheat 13/,700 bush. dons 398.700 bush: oats 94.10 bush. Memphie. Mria'no4 intY t.—Cotton nominal at Inlie; receipts exports 51y bales; week's re celpta WM. exlxirts ?-127 baleil; stock 10.911 bales. FlourAulet at 553.7. Cure meal firm at Corn heavy attl3c4l-11.1.4. data • 1 at • Dry Good. Market. N.w lonic, July 1.--Thr market continues inert and deprensed fur moat cotton goods. We quote Conestoga extra Ticks reduced to V: CF do 21; doC CA do al: do Gold Medal 24: Suffolk G brown Corset Jean. G.: do black and colored do 12. , ::1.1wrence M Brown Sheet- Imo 11: N0..X., , C 16: Tremont 0 It: Atlantic H .1:3; Indian Head job at 16. which is extreme: Paelffe extra 1; 1 544 Hamilton Print. AVII/14. • Louis. Sr. Louts, July I.—Tobacco is steady and unchaned. Cotton nominally lower at 19 3 .5 e, 3)c. Hemp unchanged at t 1.4141.75 tor no Machine rope do. at a&Nc. and hemp ',aglow,- at aloe. Whiskey firm at sl.di. Pro visions unchanged. Cattle are In good demand at t 2 .7.W.:30. Hogs heavy at sl,3lcta. Aewlrian, NEN July I.—Cotto holders ask an advance but buyers 'operate with caution; middling IIOac: bales 3.1a0 bales: receipts 7 . 43 .bales; exports KA bales: stock 90.913 bales: receipts for the week 4,p t; exports to-Great liritalnati..Ml bales; sales 16.000 bales. ' Baltimore. I.lxxrinoitE, 'Jule westeru superfine 15 5115y7 :i0; extra VI 25e a 7 25. µ•heat unchanged; western $1.11.5Cd4 XS. Com—white firm at $1 It l 20; yellow dull at 11 0542.7'1.17. Whisky in taw demand at dl dal Osiiego. Osweco,July I.—Flout unclumged; hales uf =WO bbit. Wheat dull; sales car lots •at $1.3/ for No 1 3111wankee club. and $l.lO for No 1 Chicago spring. Corn quiet; car lots No Yat • I SPORTS BY RAILROAD. CLcrua AND FITTSBURDII ItAILIIOAD COURANT.JuIy 1.-3 cars Lake Superior ore, Rees. Gral,o Dun; 10 do blooms , Nlmlck & Co; 6do Iron ore, Shoenberger. Blair & Cu;! do do, Brown & Co: 2 do do, Hussey, Wells & Co; 2 do do, Pgh Bolt Cu; 2 do do, Coleman. Hahn.o Co; 2 du du, Union Iron Mills; 218 sks oats, R C Henderson; 61 eks•wool, Springer Harbaugh & Cu; 25 hf bble, herring, S H Baird; 1 car Ice. W Scott & Son; 18 Obis copper. 40 masses So, Cliff Mining Co; el cars lake cup ore: McKnight. P & Co; 6,000 ft lumber. Heath & Spear: 11.0 M do do. Slack& Sholes; 71,003 shinglee, Union Planing Mills; 9.001 ft lumber, .1 A Hay's 3, Cu: MAO du do. 0 M Illtner: sa bes wheat, Me Cracken. 0 & bga do. Laing. Mchalll & Co; 2 lads eggs. Ilruggertuan &O'llrten; 9 aka potatoes. Dar, Seely & Cu: 03•kfre p barley. Seghmyer & 1 - uskamp:s bbls oat meal. 7 kgs do, 10 kg, harley; Watt, Lang & Cu; 21 bdls chairs, Bedford Chair Cu; 2 bble eggs, H Rea Jr; 1 bbl bacon. 1 bx do, Atwell & Lee; 20 kgs lead. Henry Hasty: 711 hf bbls Arbuckles .0 Co; 10.161 ft - lumber, .1 Nesbitt; 20 bgs wheat. 15 do oats. Mc Bane & Anjer: 2 bee oat meal, J 31 Lea; 3 ear. Dig iron. Loomis & Collins; ado do. Nintick & Cu: 9 tails rags. II Christy. 18 kgs lead, 26 du do, Schmuaker & L; 21 dol Miles, 19 la Is. S Harbaugh & Co; 81 bdli'sks. & W Fairley. PlTTnnt7jiGni CLNCINNAiI AND Sr. Lone RAILROAD. July 1.—:10 bbgs oats, Lee & 5; 61 'do wheat, II Schlide; 1 car flour, JWilsen; 1 do Stases, F Kober: 45 bales brooni - torn. 1 bbl eggs, J A Graff; 10 tee lard. 6do shoulders, W II Hays & Son; 4 bbls whiskey, A 0 McGrew; altos hams, .1 H Parker; 5 bbls alcohol. Harris E; 48 pkgs tobacco, JOhnston & Ct 6 bbls of eugsr3 Dirge mOlasses. R Watson; 3 bbls egge, 'F G Craighead; Ido do. I box meal. Mc- Cracken, G & Co; 50 bee oats. Mdu rye, S Hood: 50 do corn, Robb & Herron; spkgs eggs, 15 bee corn. 4 pkgs meal. H Smith:ls bge oats, Kiel & R; 4du coffee. Rinehart & S; 4 bills sneatb, Hays & 0; 2.5 tea ham, It Owens; 10 bills .meaths. John Itebman; 29 bbls patatues, "Olgt, 31 &Cu; 50 do, highwlnes, Shlopton.& W; f car wheat, J W Bomgarder; 26 bee cont. Meador .0 If; :21 do do, 36 du oats. McHenry & H; 77 do oats, 4 do wheat. Kell& II; 59 do do. W McKee & Co: 41:do do, 7t do rye. 30 do corn, P Duff &Son; 03 du oats. 31ennor & M; 31 do do, .1 C Sebauppe & Co; Prrranclion. FORT WAYNC AND CRICAiIo ItAurtomo. July. 1.-28 acs wool, S Bradley & Sone: 23 tes hams, Dalrell & T; 75 late spoke,. Phelps. P & Co; 2 cars lumber, Fackiner & J: 2 to stone. Hillman & 0;103 bble flour,J A 1:1; 157 by, wheat, J S Liggett & Co; 10 bee soao. 25 boo cheese, Watt, Lang & Cu; I car curb stone, NV C David: 10 bbls whisky, A 0 McGrew• 9 bales wool. S Harbaugh & Co; 3 bbls eggs, Kapphan & 0; la , bills fellers. Hare tiro; 1 bbls eggs, 53 bgs rye. BS bgs oats, oodworth & 13; 1 bbl eggs,) eke rage. Houck, .1 & Cu; 2 cars lime stone. Graff. It & Co: 50 bxl cheese, J B Can field; 25 do do, Johnson .0 Colvin: LI) do du. Haworth & D:10 du do. Reysner & Bros; 50 do do. Dilworth. 11 Jr. Co: 2.5 do do. Carter. Mc- Grew Jr.,Co: L 5 do d0..1 S Dilworth & Cu; 119 bus cheese. N J Braden; mu emu 011 bbls, hart. & Co. ALLEMIRRY VAI.LLY RAILROAD. JULY 1.- 9 rolls leather. I) Chestnut; an eks corn. udo 'oats, 'Scott a: G; 12 du du, Jas McGready; 42 do do, A Dougherty: 6. mrs railroad iron, G 'Ur Cuss:2 do du. metal. Gruff, 13 lc Co: 12 do do lumber, Ewalt St root Bridge Cu: I 051 eggs, S Deco!: I do d 0.2 pkg. butter. Jos Montooth: I do butter. A Gallagher; ado do. F. Pithrkaste. 7 do do, AV Stewart: lido do. Z C :Schingest; I car lime, Ilendersun Dro. . . Augantegg tergnog Julrl.-3cani. lumber, L Walters Sr on; 40 eke flour. sdo meal. It Cun4on,• IWs eggs, N Durand. 4 ..ks wool. Logau & Co; 24:ars metal: Lewd*. II r D;1 car stares. J Hemphill; Ido plpe. C G 170 bgs rye, J Rhodes St Co; I car ice. Gilmore S & to; M hldes..l Ilui4tZln. I car shingles, W M Lane. • Oziramze;ix.):•Aligl C==! THE FLEET ST 'AMER BE LE, J. P. N ITII . J. M. Bcorr Independent Pittlbnrg Grnein P Lea', Who, it-bat a., 1 every 7l;EtlflA Y. TIIVR3U at 3 . ablTL=l.alf'gZ.d ..EOrtrelichtor eroulaiteePPlY boat. aefout of Grant street. lZk= Lotir. F - OR CAIIIO ' ANIk ST. Lol.l9.—The Pea an/ AO .termer 1,:3(3133 . GE Copt- . t'..llcCALLtv. Will knee for the oArts anintermediate port .on ATVllltA V. the an Inst.. at 3 C. Y. 1,7 frnlß 11'.thVoint PORTiOIut:TII PACI(ET KOR WHEELING, MARI ETTA,IC A Mlt II RR, ONTONAND I' RTNIR/LiTIL Lea , . Monads EVERT FRIDAY-1 r. n. Leaves Portasion EVERY RONDAN-10 The I.lor and vele. did patentee steamer G INITE STATE e • m logger .nvo Per freight, ImEMEMI I= Pittsburgh and Cineinnat PACKET LINE Tbe new and .pie Ale stde.srheeL steamer J • c. will biz, Pitmlymett tnr cinoml SATURDAY At 11l o'clock M,preinn ly. netnrnlntwlllleare C tnelonaUob 'PURSE/AY at IL For freight * pusai. apply on board or to .AR COLLINGWOOD. itsb7 - JAJIP:SOOLLINS. ARAM. STEAMSHIPS. 'To LtrEßßow, AND QUEENS duo vessels. among them lbo•ookrb tea CITY OF YARIB CITY 01 0 _43T3V3RIF, CITY OF FIgrg)N. s ,ciar N A,II; . FIALTI.IIOII.3. 1.11114 EVERY kATURDAY.trcirOPIor43 North River. Now York. For Forsake or Further Won.- tloo apply to WILI.IAM 143 lIIIMIYIGLI3I3IItEET. REMOVALS. REMOVAL. S. P. SHRiVER & CO. "a° Noc 2i9 and 2il Libtrty at., Above tba bd of *OOP IiTHISET. where thee will be pleat ed to see all their old Mends and on, tomes. S. P. SHIOVRII CO., P=11.13 WA NEWS PILE . EIVIED-Y WAILNEWN I'ILM: fIEMCI/Y hen never fallen Met even In ono case) to core the eery wont canes of Blind. MMus or Bleeding riles. Time whu are allileteel !shouts! Immeetstely all on their dryads) sod get WARNER% FILE JtEMEDY. It Is es , Vressly for the Plisse. and is nut recommended to any other /twine. It has cured =ay caste of over thirty years standing. Price Si. For solo by dreg gists e , errwher. millrrrn CHEAP IsTow s t ag r . Juvwmic, • • COAL tiiSXES. Elite 111.01.18. U.. &a. at JOHN is GRAY, HOME /ID BIG! PUNTER, OItAIIrIVAU ALrin. I= hat= ' Mato Hind 1.11: . ••ta P!Cilberoct.. P. INDIA RUBBER DEDTING, HOSE AND STEAM PACKIND Of the Boston Belting Cosupsay's slake. - A tell supply of all sites. The trade supplied st essautee tursreptlees. { MEM PITTSBURGH' DAILY GAZETTI RIVER NEWS. The river has risen .considerably since the date of our last report wiriest even. ing the Nliortozigahela marks indicated 4Q, inches. We Itrid several very heavy sbowersof rain yesterday, and fhe pros pects at this writing ore favorable for more. There were no arrivals, and the Emma Logan for Parkersburg wax the only de. mature. The Juniata is laid up at Cincinnation dergoing repairs. Whenever Allem is sufficient water she will again enter the Pittsburgh and Cincinnati packet trade. Capt. Collins has not yet returnen from Louisville. where lie went to deliver the Glasgow to her new owners. . 'apt. Dail Moore. of the Arlington in here on a visit to his family. The Arling ton in laid tip below the falls, Capt.l.-1.. C. McConnell, clerk on the tit. Louis sod Arkansas river steamer, Ar Kansas, is here after an absence of nine months. His numerous friends will be gratified , to learn that he is In excellent health, 'and will retualn here several weeks. The new sterner-Exchange, Capt. A. t'. Mit'allum, is filling up rapidly, and is an. nounced for St. Louis forthwith. She Way built under the personal superintendence of Capt. J. L. Rhodes, who is no novice at the business, and is in all respects an No. 1 boat. Mr. John Dales, for several ybara, connected with the Monongahela river' paclcets, will have charge of the river. -i-The Colonesl has arrived again at New Orleans. Captain Bob 'Riley writes: Ndw,that all the fast boats arc making gtdck trips, and in order that my 'friends may know that 1 am not left out in the cold, but still in the ring, though slightly disfigured, I here give thO time made thd Little Rock and Fort Smith railroad' packet Colossal, which speaks for itself, filer tinte front Little Rock to the foot of Canal street, New Orleans, a distafice of 000 miles, more or less as the case may he, was forty.eight hours and one, minute. No', 10, rendered historial dur ing the late war , by the siege it sustained is rapidly passing away. It is being cut down very fast, and the indkations are that when the next high water' shall have passed on to the gulf, Island No. 10 will be no Inure. —Titer R. E. Lee stripped herself at Mound City on her way- down. and will have no superfluous freight when she leaves New Orleans next Thursday. Odds are being offered at Evansville on the Lee making better time than the Natchez. —Bossier is the name of Hiram Him lett's new boat for npper Red river, build lag at the South St Louis Marine Wars. She will draw light only twelve inelies. and be completed in six weeks from this date. —'fhe Tennessee River between Knox. rule and Stevenson still maintains a high boating stage, old ateamboatruen say the high-water in that river is unparalled in the 'annals of the matt. —The Sallie, an we leapt by a telekirain to Capt. Stockdale, her ,owner, arrivecl at Sioux City on Tuesday, and expected iv nrrive at St. Louis to-morrow. , —The rilendale, Wauanita and bell boat Aid were at Louisville onliednen day, and the Kate Putnam. wan IT Cairo the same day. —Capt. Larry Ilarrustead. of Metupine. wants to 'bet . 00,000 that- the Lee can. cunt beat the Natchez. Ile says he is in dead earnest. —The Governor Allen has been laid up to repair and repaint to take the place of the Frank Pargoud in the Vicksburg trade . -Capt. 11. II Drown. late of th. Spun cer House. Cincinnati. will go In 'tenni. boating again in the fall. • -The It. C. dray will have a new in and texas pat on her before leaving for the Arkansan again. - -The Major Anderson will-lie np nt Cincinnnti-on her return from Wheeling, thin trip -.The Wananita will probably load nt Cincinnati for New Orleans after the Lorena. --The Sioux City Lao entereti the trade lietwe-u Omaha and tit. Joe. --Th.. Sick \ VA . ]] im et St. Limit, for Red River. • —The Eau t s llare is for mule at Evansville Ci;ft: „Brownnilleun ,rket. Taek. Bro. & • PERKY IIILIIN6,• Duel clowne Wiry. IPlttoofilirigh. MosunAshelA DMA. Y •n.I SATURDAY ==! •n bvd.or at Wbur lIEALERS Crude & ,Refined Petroleum, S., Philudelphitti. WARING & IUNG, zzamom Commission a.rch.nt• and Brolke . r. In Petroleum and its Products, I= PblLatlelphla Addre“. WA RI IsTG, KING St . CO CMIE=nTM!== Comm.ri 1, PETROLEUM REFINERY, Herbert W. C. Tweddle, LIANUYACTURZR Or Lubricating and High Test Barging ails. ECLI,SE lIAILROAIt AXLE OM Stan& went heat without charms; remain. lim pid at lowest. temperatures. Spacial oil for tropi cal climates or hot weather. LOCO, ElitiLNE. MACHINE SHOP. Will Cot person. RAW MILL AND PLANING MILL OILS. /lensed for high • . !WINKLE OIL. ' W 5 IIZAD-LIGHT OIL. MI., TANNERS' L -41GShw FIND ronsiiiNG`GAG6Licit, OILOIARSIDIS • PARAFTIEZ. A OR VARNISH. to prmerre Mehl Lron Wu and Machinery from rut. .r4 , ll%.=Thylitts=d' l S=rl , , The Lubricatin;olls ma aimed Odorless. perfectly pure. uniform. and mumEsellisselworod. limpid high terntaratere Isholia - .d remain dun's, extreme told. The Railroad Ulla an une qualled. and vein constant use upon many of the prtncipal Railroads. Sample* ean eynsulnedmtd otters left at 174 WOOD STRZET. Works 1.1 Sharpaburtßrldew. - PROFESSIONAL. J. M t OAMLAM...IOIIM IMIANNON..WM. H. LOW. Jos. M. Gazzant & Co., ATT II ORNE tto Y* Ar COUNOILLLKRfI o iL7 LA7 Iftlerentabfgr'y 3311.1 Ce G. IT. INHUME', ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, LW ',moved to No. 37 UILANT STAISZT, Pitts burgh. WW prattle:eta the [ . d.Oreatt and [ILIUM In the 81nte Somme and all tne 'Warta Of the note Alleffnent nt mantles. vaunt,. and auks oollatlloas In l mon of aelj • .121 , 73 A RCHIBALDIMAYELY, • Attorney-at-Law,' QM= of aio,r H. lI.McCORMICK, Attornby-at-Law, , Ito, ell tiIeANT itTIiNXT. llTProtapt attention Oren to 1I kinds otistpl , linstness. , Patti! , ~ EL 11. WEEPR, B R IANII.3, ANpdv i attio JUKTICC or Office, 112 Filth avenue. tlpecUl L..u.ougaz.dionvoysnettilad o wn t:1- WI Mt b.loona attenderg=ittly and .1 enrately. HOTELS. Mountain Home, SPRINGS, l'A. TOD taiorlte rreoin hid been enlarged and Int. proYed elect, 1.4 eeszton. WM be epee for agent.. JUNE 13DLIIN7O. EXCURSION.TIOENTS bid by the Penneylyettla, New York, Phil adelphia. Ilanithers and Tlttabtugh. . All trains 409 at Creston.. ROOMS may be scoured In Colts or Weide. FIHILINGB CELEBRATED ORCHESTRA be. been eelDgt.l for the wagon. For farther Informationoweres. .'G 'W. AtULLIN, Proprietor. • • ONE FURNISHED COTTAGE te rat& jethyll I= 01=1 ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL, ED. BARKER, Proprietor, Car, Mut St. and formerly old (Moil J. a U. rauxtrs, A4...t. I or thb UV. • / SPECIAL NOTICES. ar'DOCTOR WHITTIER CONTIN UES TO TREAT ALL. PRIVATE IDS EASEL That numerous W. caaes resulting. d hum self-atm., pnrduring s e mi nalunmnli. nervous irritatallty. emptiness. emisaions. and Enally Impotency permanently cured. Persons afflicted with delicate. Intricate tad long standing consUtutional complainta are politely invited to call for consultation, which °Dila nothing. Expe rience. the best' of teschersrhis enabled him to Perfect renredl. at once and which in most asses am be used without hind rance to bostnees. 'Medicines prepared In the so, tablishment. which embraces office,. receptiorsand walling rooms; ahur boarding and eleePing eprirt [cents for patients requiring dolly perennar •tten- Urn, and vapor and chemical baths, thus concen trating the famed mineral springs. No matter who have failed. state your case. Read what he says in is patupbJet of fifty Pont. sent to any address for two rumps in sealedenvelope. 'firousande of capes treated ann.ll7. at office and all over the country. arn:ltgAruZllll l ipbll7. l l :fget;,g;Notfil i adtTe a ft , r * TVO ' Rirk;tll: . ap2 .13T . DYSPEPSIA-NEW. MODE OF TREATMENT. PROFESSOR WALKER. the dietlngulebed Eng iish Hntanist, discovered In Australia an excellent Itotanic remedy, nil effectual cure for Indigestion. Rillioup and Liser . Compla list, and commUnicated ! A% WATe tTr; b w " Ilf.. ' 0111V1=1011?=Iilf11:Orto ca thls Important melt.. 'The Merlin! Reform (Society Whir maims this en nounCement will not make any charge for thin zr,';.',!'fe t zt,tlt,"l'4f to demonstrate the repo• medicine. but t o return request those wlin are tp•iiedued to forward to the Society a statement of their cp., and thus aid with fame the present movement In medicel re form. Enclose a directed envelope to the "SECRETARY OF 111 E 110- 'PANIC INSTITUTE." 916 South 13th street. Philadelohla. ' iselsy2 D3-3uNirooD:, 110 W L STI HOW RESTORED —Just Publl Mfn a sealed np .1".TAI;V!!1 Spermatorrhree. r Seminal Wes ova , and impedi ment. to M e generally,. lit ousnea, Con sumption, Epilepsy, and MD; Mon and P h drat Incapacity, de_ by ROBE J. CU VERWELL. D. D., author oft. , "Green Rook." "A BOON TO 'THOUSANDS ()F SUFFERER ." Fent under rent. In a plain envelope, to any ddreses. postpaid. ‘ ;'3l7(7. ‘ r : s itiVif'r " *"111,::ri P 7 , 1e:: York. Postonlce hog 3396. Aso Dr. Culver : well's' "Marriage Guide." price 20 te n t.. mvlw33 W'II,ITCHELOR'S HAIIL DYE-- This pplendld Hair Dye Is the best in the world: Harmless, reliable. not • euntain loud. nor any \ vrre hie poison to produce Paralysis or death. Avoid the Vated and delu sive prepurations tswaffing vlrtura t hey do not Po , seas. The genuine W. Batchelor's flair Dye haa had 30 years enters:as d reputation to uphold Its Integrity as the sally P rfeet tenor Dye—Black or Brown. Sold bv .all gents. Applied at 16 spun street. N.' Y. _App lied a t eaATOID ILEA . It:S.-A. Ilento of early I nrilvin elle causing nervous debility. premature decay. Sc.. h vine tried in vain every dvertised remedy. h.' lecovered salami': means of eelf-eure, which he will tend tree to bin I J. K. KEEVER Jeff/mu , 7111 Nassau Street. New York City. WHOLESAL624I.Od)IRS.&o ESTABLISIIED BY A. S. T. GOBNY, 1811 _ yV . . M. GORMLY, Wholesale Grocer • 271 LIBERTY STREET, 1 tpl.K . o r novo' It. Eagle It t ,teu • PITTSHEIWILLA, ,, M. STEKLr. 7 A. STEELE. M. STEELE Si SON, COMM Merchants, And ' , edam In 11 , 1.0 l: It. GRAIN. FEEL). Le, de. No. OS OHIO 81111.ETT. near East Common. Alle dAsff.2l.l._, W. C. Armstrong. !dummy: . W raver a Armstrong.) PRODCCB COMMISSION 3IERCIIANT, opIS No. 45 )LARKET STREET. L. J. BL--I:INrC No. 396 PENN STREET api,XXO Illeanor & r- FLOUR. ITRAIN AND PKODUCIS Cornmis ion I\Serc Rants. 320 L - 113E11TV V.TIiKET. 1%,/iiifonten4 solleired. ne7 I TTLE.BAII DA: PA TT(IN. Whole SALE n Ilerelannto and 'rulers In rrodure. Flour; &won. Cheese, Finn. .nn Loot 011. Iron. Nils. Mans. Cotton um,nu rinrturub Manufactures nes:mm.lly. •11.1 1 14 n014Y:111, "TIMM. Iltratouruh. OILS /OHS W. 11018 E. TOHN I. HOE SE & BROS., Snores4ors GP to !MIN 1, nousa C0...Wh01e...1e Grocer, unn CpnuvavOnn Member., comae of' Sauntonela omets,..,..rovUovv.. • A. VIA I.Lacx. Q 111 PTON tt, WALLACE, Wholesale OROCEDA AND PRODCCE DEALICILS, Nu. Irnivib avenue. Ditteburgh. FINANCIAL. 7 Per Cent. Gold FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS. RU.RIANGTON, CEDAR IiAPIDS &. !Menem payable May and November. T1M1.T.. " PAM!' Three to h•ve 30 ye." to run. are convert ible at the option of the holder Into the stock of the Compar. and the pavment c.f the erns. Cllstl provided for by a stat in g fund. The greatert of tbe acedle Mreul aduplated and Moths none earnings the balance of the work Is reladll PrOißeetting. We unhealtatingly recommend these Donde as the cartel and ben Investmentl{3 the isuarltat. Ilve-Mrentlea. at prevent prices, only return eye par cent. Intenit. while thee* Per eight and oturcotarter per cent. to Oold, and we regard the arcurit7 equally hood. The Company reserve the right. ehhoul notice. to adeance the ECLIPSE HENRY CLEWS & cO., ' Banker. 32 Wall Street, New York. 14. ideCLIOLN A. CO., Pittsburgh. I. BARKER CO.. PlM.lelghts. - TOWNSEND. WII =XS A CO., PRIla/feign, KCRTZ A. ItOWAßD,Philadelphii. BOWER A FOX. Philadelphia. ha Dgli t i. WEN A BROTIIER. Phlludelphin.• • ALLEGHENY NATIONAL BANK,. of PittSbUrgil. No. 38 FIFTIi AVENUE. Capital Sloe k.• ..8500 ITZlErgaVan. .4115321 I . 4cOANDLZB/3, A.n. ClaAhle, TA._ , „v- , -r1:111bES. ij 'N. INTERNAL REVENUE. • TWENTr-TIIIRD DIIrtItICT. COLL E( tint ' S NOTICE • ""`" 4:4l6 , 2mri l iWtVil t ertfan...9 Ut a v iMiV Auton t oth, 1870. ) ~th cM e eo ~ n 'T . u l n e e 7 . 7 hareny given that the annual I.lste °none toraeed Licensee. and of Incomes, Carriages, W-atohes, Silver Plate, &c., An nuw W thli uMce,•hare.permant will be re ceived 'thereon by the Collechw,ori and after the MST DAY or JUNE, 1N70: These trues hav ing bruvitne due. must be mild berme We 23th day of Jnne..lB7o, otbomme additional • woollies will be Incurred bY the tax payer. E. BU7EINOTON, 7atn idepety Collector for the County of A...tonne, and EDWIN LYON. Ere. Deputy Collector for thq meet, of Duller, will be ready to nicielve after the et of June. fur their yesdecure countim, nod will pull notices dealt.. ling the UlllBl.l places when and whore they old be prepared to receive the !Alen collecteble by them. 'ream paid only In greenbacks or national currency them hours from O.A. U. to 3 P.M. • Cr, Tasserstra x Orrfcs, 01 mmo.June:l,lB7o.i stN AECORDAMI WITH THE l'ItO• v (MONS of the City Dimes 6 cake to hereby ela hto sesessto the Tao Payers of the CPT Of Pittaborgh, that the enta of City, City Building, Spaniel, Poer,Bust nem, City School and Ward School Taxes and. City Water Rents For the year 1810 hare. In accordance with law. been Ma day returned to me for collection. A deduction of flee te per caHaute nt. m will be allowed on all Taxes and Wr paid on or before the Ent day of Austat.and Tree roe notarial If paid between the End day, of Anima and nfternth day of September., A. J. VOCIIUAN. SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 2, 1870 'Who!emit. and Retail Grocer =1 MEM MINNESOTA IL IL CO. FOR eALIC. )(.) and Interest. JOHN . M. SULLIVAN, 111==11 1:1711153 REI SEE FINANCIAL. AMERICAN. BANK, No. , SO Fourth Avenue; PITTSBURGH 0 4 200 000 =Z! Stuckliulder Liable - BANK OF lilecOVNT AND DEPOSIT. ,IIMIN FLO VM. . WM. FLOkJ , : President.. Cushier. DIN ICCOP Thee. M. Marthall.: John M. Mnrcland• Wrc. iihaanco, i Archibald Wallace. James W. Arndt • i Jul. M. Kane. Clots. H. Leech. :Wm. Floyd. John Floyd. lollections mime On all pointe in the United States end Qtrinda. Prompt attentionledd telak43 IME DIAMOND SAVINGS BANK, No. 0 DIAMON.I), PrresueNNU. CAPITAL 6240,000 SkrucgLlOLDEne LIADLIt. thspoelts turn. 0181 mid upwards reCelve4. Intermit alluvutql on time deposits. Particulur at tention given to cqllectiuns, proceeds of which will be remitted erV411,14.,.: 1124,";:'ivrg';I .l ~. {em. Illnds. " I , wi.terheht, dee.. Flatting. • Swedes. Wen. D. I. oolllt. l'resident—N. HAWYEIt. • . reahlet—JOllN SCULL Y. FREEHOLD BANK AND IWILDING ASSOCIATION No. 100 Fourth Ate.,yillahureh. I.A _ 781 P siiit; 886 MEMO • -- DEPOSITORS SECURED DT It:AL ESTATE AND INTEREST ALI-HS/ED . TIME DE- PuSITS. ' Prealdent ERWAIIU 1101.1.11:. ' Tice Presidents—J. S. CRA IT: A AM JACOBS. DIRECTO.: . EDWARD DOUSE. WILLIAM PHILLIPS. JAMES S. CA VT, ROUT. W.MACKEY, THOMAS STEIN,. JARED 11.1.11tUSIL THOMAS W. DAVIS. '- Secretary and Treasurer-111031AS STEEL. Armlet ant Cashier—JAMEß P. SPEER. - thrice hours How I) n'tiork A. C. 104 o'clock P.M. dally, and every Saturday evening from 7 to / O. _ard../m3S_ • COM MERCIAL BANKING COMPANY, No. 92 Fourth Ate., Pittsburgh • CAPITAL V 209,00 0 Stockholders Individually Liable. W. 11. EVERSON. \ W. C. :SACRUM. President • Cushier. Intitcyount ALEXANDER DATES. JOHN LINDSAY. A. IL ENOLISII, .0. S. MACRUiI W. H. EVERSON - • JOHN 0. PHILLIPS. W. O.IICULLARY . ,F. WILSON ACOR ll. s LEE. Collections wade nn nilsetenstble Pants of the tinllect - Keine and Cutiadet. I.NTRItY.ST allowed on !PIMP. DEPOSITS. Prompt attention given to an buelatse of corres pondent.. CITY BANK, 112 FIFTII AVENUE L=23= 11100,000 OMB dTUCRIIOI.IIERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE bought and sold. and alien desired remid to Ennipe.• Collections made on a/I and In nil the principal points of the United Statim and Caned.. DOMINICK luusEN. Preoident. JAMES .IIcCA BE. Vice Prmident. W. MORGAN. Cashier. • 01.(70.: D. Ihreoen. James McCabe. Petrick Rourke, Terence m. Kane. . Campbell. Ch.. B. Boor, Jam. Phelan, Ch.. Mae.. 11. A. Froy•ogle. R. J. Orace. ' Thom. Bence. N. Step]. 3011. XL GAZZA.M. solicitor. THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. C)l' PI tt SbUrgil, F"lt TILE Safe Keeping of .Valuables, I=l Fire and Burglar-Proof Vaults, No. 83 Fourth Ave • . ••• William l'hntim , , • , Ileum Painter. ' Joe. S. Monison. William Bea a wn ,. i " . . William M. Lyon. Curtis U. 'hammy. J 8. I. Bennett. See'y sad Treas.—in. P.. VON BONNIIOBBT• ••• Open daffy, (rum IP o'clock A. u. to 4 eicloa4 p. u. MORGAN, KEENE AIARYIN, Wall Street, I=l Boyand Sall c..iumlaaaon. bTOCKSRONDS. GOVERNSIENT on SECURITIE, and G OLD. and tra.naact A General Banking Business. TLIEO M. MI/litiA7, SAMUEL tl. KEENE. CI3EMEEM • Late Partnaater General and Adjutant it'eueml of • the State of New York.) Behar In turf immediate vicinity of the Kock Ex change and the Gold Board land members of each), order. ve executed with the greatest poen hie d pach. Slerth.ta and Inveiturs. living at a diatanee t can rely upon our attentMn to their smallest or largeet orders. with equal ram and promptness. ' As in , yewrit past. we shell continue to transact. ell businem of Netional Hanks and corporeal.. on the wet favorable term. Individuate and Truat t'omeantes. eontemelating a change to their acct. - me. or deeming to male inquiry enuctrnlng any tlnanclal Lunn.. they may have In GA s en, are Invited to mmmtunicata with us permnaily er Of letter. Reference—Meagre-Jay Cooke A Co.. New York. rayln:alk t • N. Holmes •) Sons, • -,BANK'ERS, 57 Ma:rket Street, P 1:1r Sli 14 It (.3r H, PA. r. 7. " at l'?etta.l l 4, Bpd =lt .`rolnl' of STOCkN, BONDS AND OTHER SECBRITIER 'BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION !talParticular attantlou paid to the purchase and e of United! States Securities. .J.•_ 31 • 1 HART, (7ALIGHEY & CO., Bankers and Brokers, CORNER FOURTH AND WOOD_ STREETS, Pittsburgh. Pa., =I Exohange, Coin, Coupons, And paMeier atteutloo paid W the purchase and We of e4overnment Bondt. M.So Sight Draughts on 'London snyl-sR2 NEW YORK M. •)dito o. TINE Flini OF T. L. TATLOR & COOPER IC dlosolved es mutes/ consent. and we have this day formed a limited partnership under the name of T4YLOR• & COOPER, No. 5 Broad St., V=.1":04171:11VVICT NR. JOHN BAILEY tturcvgmpzvall.;.,l.,e.u.ributvii4so.ocio • - . . . OfWe take this opportunity of of thmklng tbe cur. tomers of Die dent fur LIND pailtpatronage.utd ag7 =Pectin ni sollelt their business In the purchase and sal. of allsecurities dealt In at the New YorliNtock or (fold fixenamre. Con pons and Dividends collected. Interest allowed 00 00001114 Orders by Dail or Telegraph promptly executed THOB. It TAYLOR. - Wk!. COOPER, . • JOIIN BAILEY. Neter IT fmnuission to Flout National Bank. Pittsburgh. 10111421 r ation onionßank, WOODD STREET, CORNER: SECOND AVE. • - INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. Gold, Coupon Boutlsatid Sloth IMOUGUT AND BOLD. A. BRADLEY. President W.V ANKIRL, ylee Pres ident. rerreda:r CYRUS CLARKE. JR- Cashier. CHARLES P. STRIGHT • Carpenter and Builder, will arc/raptly W.WI La a/IL:lnds of Jobbing work. Oil aad wabrtants . wrarla lo order. No. 171 . NtIth avenue. onnlas Weimlar street. Allrad r rar. .. • • 11110W4:1 ENGINES, BOEGERS, &c. Boiler, Still z1.1(1 Tank WORKS. CARROLL St SNYDER, I= LH . `.'6Iz,VIATiI,MATILTEAVig.FI"E -oil. STILLS ASD OIL TANKS. eIIIVINEYS.BREECIIINO AND ASII PANS, _ SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS, PIPES. GASOMETERS AND IRON rRISO . NDOORS AND COAL SUITES. I= Con '2ll, 3d, Short and Liberty Streets, =I! IN - Order.pent to the above address will be promptly attended to. L - HUGH M. BOLE & CO., • Cur. Point Alley and Duquesne INE.tE. THE reINT,I Engine Builders, Founders, AND MACHINISTS - 31anufsruns STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONER': ENBONEb,_! at IN les AVV6is D.. ~ '; ‘Ds: our nos STATION iI.I."A EI.L. ENGINE AND . OBTABLE BOILAR pf 15 horse Soscr. " re; kind made ton der at oor e,„"ns„l,7:o(•nst'ifi7ti,ktßET t..^73liratlClUlEys, r' lttild for Oil Weds. .511.!.5T1t5.., 0 1101.1S1It t) anAil.T . I . html l. and !HON TOBACC rtt matte to order, at the INDUS'FItIAI, WORKS, Frontetethe Allertheer River. Dear the Point.. Pitteburgh en . p.. I= Ries - wk & IME=ESEI SAFES AND VAULTS. " DAMP . Ell= ENGINES AND MACHINERY,. BREWERY WORE, REPAIRING and PUTTINU H UP MACHINERY, YDRAULIC CEMENT. Cor ner 17th and PIKE tiTREETS, Pitteburen. Pa. nolOqul O'HATA BOILER WORKS, F. IiEPHAN & CO., Morlaf.tunors of STEAM BOILERS OIL TANKS. STILLS. AGITATORS SALT [ANS, OASO3IS- I'ERS SETTLING „SANS FUSON DOORS. eIIIMkEYS. alum ries EDS. /Pc.. • l'or. of Second Avenue and Liberty Street. =! Repairing done promptly'. ()rdere sent to the above seeress Will be pnonint/y attended to. F. formerly 3tunaCer at CAIIIIOI.I. B.:aVDER . S. oe18:t,1 OIIIMERS, MACHINISTS. ATIONAL FOUNDRY Pipe Works. Corner Carroll and Smallman Sreets, I=l ll= WM. SMITH, 111ANIIFACTURER Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, 11. . vo. •.. . GAS AND WATER. WORKS 2., err all met Ineeriebly In Nts,ln dry and 11feet lennthe. Aleo.fullessortment of ireneVal • :figs for Gas and Water Works ould al. call &be ettentlun of Superiotenclauto S. Wort. Lu tor mak.. of lIETOILTS. ANDMSOIC 11. A. FRETVOIILE. MONONGAHELA FOUNDRY. Ny. J. ANDERSON & CO., E.NSIsetorprsIIOUSK YRONTS. WIN DOW LINTELS and tasting of all ,Descriptions Nan atl n e :pa. ntlon ' 'to ratrIIITFICTLI os . Cortino for Window Moss Ilonses. FumintEr—No. 130 WATER T. Pit.banch. Pa. ROBINSON, REA & CO., Kowtow" to ROBIIi6UN. Mit+. it" Mil.Lmo WASHINGTON WORKS, FOCNI)F.ItS.I 14.nufa_rtnrer! of Bost 5 .. 411,9.1.10nary Steil ru En n'unY:stfA,"°7,iii Atrentrfortall4'Alll)l3 PA xENT LNJLCTOIC for fe•4lnrelinsrs. • 1•11352 THOS. CARLIN 'Si, CO., Fourth Wird FoUnttry & 31arkine Works. =I Manufacturers of Stationary and Postai,ls 'Steam Moines. 011 Presses, Pulleys, Shafting. Grist and Caw 31111 Wort, Rolling 31111 and Mathias Castings, Grate Bars, Weights. W Boxes. .t.e. Built to order and hare on hold •Dalton of all sizes. Phoenix Roll Foundry, Cur. LIBERTY AND giTII ITS: BOLLMAN & . BAGALEY, Manufacturers of tiuPacfm Chill Rolls, Sand Rolls and Pinions. BRASS CASTINGS. ILtsen Henry Bier .& Co., tenocemon to /OLIN M. COOPER & C 0..) BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS. • • Brass Castings MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER. MALEABLE AND GURT IRON FITTINGS, GA HRO P TTLEE NA F T F.TY A G N , D CHECK VALVES. IkUML S A7OIIIDCOMION for Stearn, Wa stool IL Br.r.MFAVGAtri , V,WPWIF!.IMPR°VaI AGENTS of DREYFUS' PATENT pILERS, health the market. oFFICE AND WORKS: Corner Thirteenth and Pike Streets. ATWOOD & McCAFFREY I • L Corner LtnenTkEntkrr and THOU AVERTS, Pittsburgh, Pa.. 'MASS FOUNDEIIS and IRON PIPE FITTEBEand AtIF-NTb fur A.S.CAMERON &CON STEAM PUMPS AND BLOWERS. FLOUR. p EARL STEAM FIAMf RINI! MILLS. R. T. KENNEDY & BRO ALLEGHENY My, PA.. elanntoetnrero'nf tee following celeeroted brands of P.m _ 3 Bev nit.. Bund on anotalellflu. filar Blue Brand, A NO. 1 =Hat orollY Flour that gLea antra oollalsellon 6.l • tn ufWe j l.e d = Ws nadL All or.. Internal. as represented 38. 11N10. . • . , • PLUMBERS, GAS FITTERS. i:n.II7LTON • O. J. priIANN. FULTON & M'GANN, Practical Plumbers, GAS AND STEAK FITTERS. Filth Avenue. near Thgb s, Pittaburgh. Pa. m D Lead PI m Gose Gas . nraa. Mg. Bath Tuba and Wash stands. Iron mind Fittings. Ale Mlle annMe . : 4 l3 steam nildins; titteillsni% 04, Water and auto Nestling APParatv. Jobbing IssonsgtlY In. IRON AND STEEL CRESC N,NT. STEEL 11 RAS., MILLER, BARR k PARKIN, OFFICE: No. 381). Liberty Street. n)‘' DUQUESNE WORKS. =I Colonial - 1,11.Am & Co., •• IRON, NAILS, STEEI,, .. .Axels and i Spring: DiAtUESNE,I, X AND JUNIATA FLAT BAR, ROUND 'AND SQUARE IRON, BAND, Ills iP,SBEBT AND TANK IRON, ROMER PL.ATEs AND IfEADS... . GUARD IRO M. DRAG AND DROPPER ' , LANG Cln - r Elt BARS. CYLINDER IRON, T AND FLAT RAII.. for Coal Roads, CROWBARS. WEDGES and HARROW TRETIF SPRING. PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL. STEEL WINGS AND MOULDS rut to patturn, STEEI.TIRES,STEELSDAFTING;A I) 6 rEca.. COACIL MUGGY timd WAGON SPRINGS and AXLES. CUT NAILS AND SPIRES. All Goods First Class and Warranted OFFICES AND WORKS—I alblnput and Alle al= Maar, and 77 Water tenet. Plttsbunet. . Pittsburot Steel Works, MSTABLISIIED IN 1845. ANDERSON & WOODS, Best Refined Ca.. 61, Steel OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ALSO. Rest Refinid German Now & Spring Steel COIINgit 11tRi4 A.l'iro FIRST AVENUE. PM. bunth, PITTSBURGH • .lVonelt;q PVG rk I= 001tHEADoLDAMS. & CO.. -Ntammitzetorots of WE VSTON sT AN DA RD (Fut, Otmlis Prttom, PLATFORM ANI, CuLINTEN J.. t need Patent th.or Lucks and Latchei. Paint and Cog. , Corner of PIRST AVENUE and MUNI' NTS., Pittsburgh. Pa. Sheffield Steel Wgrksi SINGER, NLMICIi ll= I=== Cast and Gerrnan Steel, RAILWAY SPRLI.:I3S. ELLE.TIC A:iD I : LATH/Int SPRINGS AXLES. STEEL TIEE. dc. WAItZIIOI:Sr-11; Waterand 100 Fire.streeta. BLACK 'DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER &TO., Manufacturers of all Descriptions of STEEL. OFFICE and WAREHOUSE-30th. 31st stul gr.Unatd streets. Pittsburgh. STOVES; CASTINGS, eco COOK STOVES. Get the I3est_f BISSELL & CO'S TRIUMPH, For Bituminous Coal Wei - meted to 1.1)(.1K. BAKU or ROAST tie well Po any other Store In the Union. BISSELL (l• CO No. 235 Liberty Street.. I=l FAILLOR STOVES. HEATING STOVES. GRATE FRONTS. • FENDERS. COOKIISG RSNOES. ere.. • At. GRAFF, HURTS & CO., = STOVES, Boston 'Cooking Range, "ri IF, FIERY FURNACE" = THE NEW ANTI-DUST. COOKING STOLE, REGULATOR," COLUMBIA COOK STOVE, V . ILStS tel.:tomtit Petteml PORTABLE RANGE, CAST IRON MANTLES, WELLAIANI3 11EYLEC. TOR GRATES free from dirt and dolt; ORATE rnoSits. FENbens.s. 206 and 208 Liberty Street, 3EMET! A.BRADLEY& CO. No. 30 Wood Street bloutdocturors of the Greatest Volley of COO PARLOR and HEATING STOVES to be r • In oar osoortment will be found all the wien-PAT TEILNB and IMPROVIIIIENT•A:mairthe lion of our Stoves lo ono In wont of th""' ,V4IP,II7.7.T ' A u tIT=.II:: , as economical. Would , co/ . lporticolof clariieli k ahlals o nn r d ' t ' ii7es ‘ .. o o L T C Al/0 Sofi'lialth fo r who tve'lZ,Vebgl" n i4 l4l l 7: t i . ind for Cheaper. Send rot °dialogue ande.lo WINES, LIQUORS, IVi6NER ' SFRENCiI COLORiMi, The Very Best in the United States,* MAYILTFACTUIRED BY . WM. WAGNPR, 981„North Seventh Street, I=l Itertztecte—All the leading Loan Ie Phil del 115:0)-tets,_ ytd. . Schmidt & Fridtiy, IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES,. 'INS, & 1 WHOLESALE HEAL MID PURE RYE W g 1532 Nos. 384 and 386 Penn, Car. of ELI VERY ST.. form' 17111 SOS. S. FINCH M I. ISt. 189,101.19 YIILST Plttab ManufeCtiJ i teii 'of 6.44158:D IIYIIWIII ICY. AU. dealer. In 70 404 latgrOtts. Itor% c. and 193 I b LED PU ON WIN 62•' NOTICE IS HEREBY IVES TO ko l uortriVl 7 :t=t7lti l iVif LlVOrgir e edi= that the election of Comintastoners for Penn ave. nas tate s V x ilCUt7oL'ucrettrol'illtlair NI hours of it and 4 '7 o'clock r. S. ISCUUtUT. i n c Committee TU. EDWARD. of icacez L VOGEL. I elec JUG. ISM Eli \ RAILROADS .. _ . . OE\NSYLYANIA CENTRAL RAIL• ilth. R. P.447"Pr7bi.'Ziatti . . arrive thd depart as follows k leakrrwtk tin w - Parraltik Tlindlgh Trittho Throagh 'Mina Leave Laim th•pot. Antic at Calre Peiot. Caddo EP 18 . 30 am . Stall Todd...Al:B am Mall Train..... ii tl am , null Line 12.1. wen !kiloton Ar.... 1 ,111atu,Clocinnatt 1x.10.110 am kinedn'tt Ex... 1. .33 pus Idttatiah EX.. 2:10 pm Phil.. Eipreu 3 . 30 pm. Citeide P-lk 10k . opm 1..,,,,Li 0e ~. . 730 pm Way Pam', -10 , IP pea Lthrt- Loral- Wall'a ~•. 1.. 8:30 am. Walla No. 1.. II:20 Ida Well'. : 1 1„ ' : . ... -- "1 'RI :411170:1`.'!4 - . 1 , 4.1t.' 1 lohnatOarri de. 4.01 pn• Ydbak!terri Ae. : ma Wall . , Na. - 3... 0.0 pm 8 . 1.11 . • no. 3... •-. pm ,vall'a No . . 4.. 31 P , T 411, 1 :404 -3 PM ,12 11 " ;!: ' ,. ° 13 ' !" . 11 ' 4.184ir °MP . . ; ‘ ;: i l l• - ° .. ° P 4. : W Okla stip Ae.lo. 0 pen CI, Itinati Faure,. and Fader Patna.. toxin is•f • do ,ki lier train, daily,. except runday. 'Pk , tnunn Trains tear,. Walla Station ever! f i nS . ,' , ..tta..l4 . 10 7 rplott iftl i. ttatt :I. ri?. ° P ... i l Pd IrtV:a ' at Zak% 17,1105.19:10 - Fut : further led . I '-"' Ni.nnifFT.ll/I • lll,.ASani- The Feituall cants Itailko;th Company out Doh oar admohn.l Int f 0. ., IlaaTage. except anaetrtaF Sr poretAnd Inv a their ream xllll l to One,Otio drod Dollars In value. Al , }o,,dlpgils•ll. a:nom:at in ratlike 1.111 be at the ria , of the owner. unless taken ay asocial contract. / . J. CA MATT. ;,xl3 General roperlntendent. Alunkna, IN. ,• . . T3ITTSIICRII.;II, FORT WAYNE & 1 CIIICAGO It. W. tiadw• PLEVICLAND 8 rirrs- i.r..1 . 7,,•-•m-- -- xi uckum R. H. ..,....K.7-- ,, , , , , . From June 12. 1870, train% win leave from and anive at. the Union newt, north side. SIM. hunchcity time, aa to/lota,: :that. Fast Lice m Fast Line 13:43 am A Itb'g Wheeling 0:40 a m Chic-n 4 Ma11...11:4,4 tu. Pacific Cs 1 . 2:001 m. 1: 1, 1 t . f.0 . k ag:tTni m ML:P PI P' 111 °° ' El•Allt An tmu ALLECIFICYT. Falls ~t3hl •su Lecp4ale. AC..0:33 •• 1 :lam nos r rails hurt lneltd '• 1 44;%,i;re...u.:• 443 Cron 331.• 7: hr Leetwialedp m I,etadale '• 3:13 pm. Hest Wags' • • pm tear Falls " 1023 Leth4ditie losetadale " 10:43 P " •• Fair Vain Sun day Church-I:13 p dnYClinre...9:34o: Express leave. nod arrive* daily. : Pan Line' leaves doll DlunDaya eime WA. :is•Fast Lisa sarives dully. Monda y* essePt.d..• :IP - All other trains will Ware and arrive daily. SuhMtpt msg . :Med. • D. It: =ENS. J. N. wign.touoir. Gent. Pas. & Title Agent Gehl. ES a r4 "i rgN ,.. S. VINANIA R. It. -I) INTO. the Paasengoli, 'rratimon the {Peale Itallt..o anion at and dbparl. from t h e I n end Street Daps. Allegheny City est fohow. I=l •RRIVIC. Siningtre No.l 640 a Darn Mall . 1 a m Freeport No. 1.8• MO to.Plgippurt No. 194 ata Pspress_ m'Clatemvat Ac. 119 am Claremont Ac_.• P MM.. ; 1 . 4 P m ,MFreeport Nu. ti P m 14 1 : 1 1: 7 7: . 4. r);: gd'eNo.t.a::lo 10 fl ' l ' ,Sprirred'e Ut Above enema run daily except Sunday. The Church Train e : c if ' A r=llll 7 Ail:Vig; 2'ity rY a ‘ ili n ni t tl y E a . t iV i lte - Eirning, I Allegheny City at It/ is. E. and arrive at Allegheny Jane. til AgiTUAt ' etto Sutler andalannahatown num he purchased at Walker's Stage Once. NO. 3 St. Clair street. near the Suppenaion Bridge, Pitts burgh, and at the Donot. Alleghtmy. For I urther pante:llh. appal to • JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent, Federal Street teapot. Loc lineick to all important Stations on tllll malnof the Pennyylventa Genteel Railroad. . . SSATT General SuperintendAenJ CA t, Altunna. ROBERT NEILSON. my:o SJlperinteudenL LLEG lIEN Y VALLEY (RAILROAD. ::k.-Av LINE To RI:FF.i7O - rlnkrucit TILE OIL REGIONS. on an d of ter AlONEAllA r m Eraig June tltti. b 70.3 through Trelnadallytexcept Suntisy will leave Pittsburgh Depot, corner of Eleventh mud streets for }Vauan, Oil City. Bunk, Lad Writs In the Oil flehlune. . . PITTMIWILUII. Pritstittmo• IWts Itspres• L il 7 P. 7.: Vi 111::: bight Express Way Passenger ..... .. tußti A. M. . P. Mail Train • Zol= d A''''.. 112 r.: : 10:- : ' 1::: r ii.on • i llohte 'lll A.M. r..... • '::. ti . . 1 1. • a Helton Pantass. • Church I 48 P. Y. It 1.: ' I Express trains stop Only at winelpal points. Ace eenunedation trains step at all stations. Silver Paige* Weeping Cara on Night Express Trains, both ware between Pittsburgh aw Corey. J.,. LAWRENCE. Gent &net. Jett ___ JAMES H. BRAY. Ticket ..l DITTSBURDII. CINCINNATI - AND _L. ST. LOUIS RAILWAY. PAN ILANDLE ROUTE. ,CIIANDE OF and atter SUNDAY, lune 11, 1 at7o. trains will leave and unite at the Union Depot, Pittaborgh, as follows: Pittsburgh Time. IMPAKT. motive. Er press . - Fast Una 12 itig ' p . '" m " . Southern Express 4n. v.m. 1.1 mid. Mired A cememodatlon.. 3 . 1 a. tn. p. McDonald AccummelYn. 11:' m. am. Steubenville Aecommod. I : McDonald AmotommiTi. ' pan. Sunday Church Train.... I` The 10:48 A. a. Yam Line willies , . dal 7. The 11:1.3 noon Express arrive. daily. Allah*. trains ruts daily except Bandar. MIX= General Ticket Agent. CUlumbas..o. Cann Snit. Dennison. Oblo. Dll3 DITTSBURG II AND CONNELLS. crier BUNDA Y, RIZI.R6SEESI Febary tet, I IF. Train ru s lOU antra b 'me depart from tbq Delta. ...f -iler of (hang and Water streets, as fonotra: . , . .. . PCPs.. Alan's), • Mall to and tom Um's.. 7:00 a. m. woo p. ot. kletcrosport Ammo mod.llll/11 a. m. 2:03 p.m. i Et. lo and from tint's— 3: 3 p.m. 10:00 a. ro.. Wort Newton Aocommo. 4 - OP. M. 843 A llk. Braddock's Amor:mods. II: 3p. m. ' 7.9 P. ...- Night Am. to McKeessiLl 0: op. or. OA 3a. ta. Ponds? Church Tca . In to ""rom We" tattitiiinrsqiiarget °,,,-.. HAILDW4IRE Pittsburgh Utility Works, WEAVER & • JONES, Corner of Juniata and Fulton attectif Sixth Ward, Allegheny. Manufact of STAPLE HARDWARE and all hinds LIG HT HT ()REY 111 ON CASTINUS. We tender our Goads and aerates to the Trade at the Lowest Prices. end•warrant ail our work okillfully inhaled. Osiers alielled. Tho attention of Damien enerelly la called to our make of DED AND PLATE CASTERS. WEAVER • zorms. • Address: Plltsburgh Porto <. alrgßaSl ESTABLISHED 1831. Logan, Gregg & Co., HARDWARE, No. 52 'Wood Street, . • PI779BUROIS. PA. Sprhig Goods, hoes, Rakes, Forks, Scythes, Swaths, &c. Merchants are invited to examine onr stock when in the city. Orders by mall rillthare prompt at• tention. - BEAVER FALLS CUTLERY CO., No. 70 Wood Street, MIMI ',Tuttle Kuive.s & Forkt,. Pooket Knives, Butcher Knives, Bread Knives, Carving Knives. Scissors. Razors, Putty liniyes, AND ALL OTRER ARTICLES OF CUTLERY AT . LOW PRICES. Beaver Falls Cutlery Co., `No. 7O WOOD STREET,' Jel' .rrrr Duauu. PA. LEAD. DRUGS, &c White Lead' and Color Works, J, Sehoomnaker. & Son, PROPRIETORS. - BL ntarers af METE LEAD. RED LEAD, E LEAD, ZIECN,LITILAROE. PUTTI sad Xll Navas Drir AND IN OIL. = 159, 44 . 2, ail, 06 and 448 get!ecta Sind, il 5 & „ * mil ittontion tome euereetee pelted oe oar 1301 ly Pere Wane Lead, sod wets, we may ...par, er etleed.^ we wen "Mmleelly evre.^ s Imes Metals sad Ilyrel.end Uwe 10therlar. aollste cob& the aes, * G . to be a elver earboeste ar , Mied , the V . alal=e iir e= thg ead wiLl i a i lti EMERSON,. J. & B R OTHERS, • 2116 Ltherty Wed. Dealers la Unlv i Z a rt ladVateat Rigida,. _~ iTM ~~ , Yi ~::,Y~n~i;:. :,