THETAILY GAZETTE. OFFICIAL PAPER Of Plttsbnrg,h, Allegheny City and Allegheny County. UAZETTIC BIIILDINU: Corner of flUtb Avenue arrd SoltidelO Street. SATURDAY. JULY 2. 1870 Sonya at Frankfort 961 PgritoLEult"'aeAnivrerp (mo closed to Sew York on yesterday at 112ifatit'l: FOXIIES WON'T Lat.—The best evi dence; of President rent's efficiency, the honesty which- pervades all the depart. meuts and the general success of • the ad ministration. is found in.. tie flattering exhibit of receipts for the fiscal year ending on Thursday, which are elsewhere published.. TUE CONYESIF.EI of.!artier and Windt , ingtort . countes met yoderday ii-this city and ratified the nomination of DEKA& 31: , LEA - Tawnier; and WILLUM A. MACKEY of . .Washington; and Mr. Wu. C. Snt-n- LOCK, of Bearer, as the Legislative candi dates. The Republican party of these counties la thoroughly organized and the utmost harmony prevails along the whole line. ii.tre 8 Alt EVIDENCE Of the coalition fenu ed y the new third party with the Demo era .a correspondent directs our atten tion to the fact that the regularly employ .ed . ' tiry is an' out-and-out Democrat, and o his management is entrusted the at sig out the details of the canvas.. 11 can any thinking Republic= be de. celled In . the , object of ,this movement ': Will many be sold out and bought, ; cheap by the crafty Democracy . , t than Ton Commercial very impudently tell, •ihregular Republican party that there . . is ut one count° fur them to take in the • present =nation, and that is to aamiesce in the nominations that will be r:tle by the select . and committee appro_ con. ~vlt, i , ; :n which in to meet dent week. Th of- it, Republicans I You are asked to ink your own rights and follow n the — lend of the immaculate fire, who me to have the setting up of things in the, new third—party. The impidence of - these holier. and the organ of brimotooe'coruer surpsoaes tltoivonderf al. Pi ARTIST of no great talent, but ex ceedingly large ',retentions, once painted the picture of a horse and fearing that his friends might, not recognize his sub ject wrote naderneath, "the above is a horse." So, too, the new third party pro. pose doing, They ask their friends who arc to participate in the parlie primary meetlnica to a paper in which the declaration is made "the under slow& Is a., trap • Republican and an hon est voter," ;Like the artist's horse, they would hardly be recognized as tree, Re. public:ante 'unless the tablet of infOrma• lion was tacked above their names. TIMMY: appears to be general rejoicing throughout the•State,that Mr. Otorge K. Anderson, Ile Petmleum. Prince, .who stooped to befoonquered, has - been so Big flatly defeated by thelteMeit, COmanry of Crawford. The 'Verdict given In that county-is regarded as 'cheering and en. couniging[for it shows that ,the people are yet right, and that they know how to rebuke fraud and corruption, even if the gni* clothe themselves in the counter feit garb of honesty, tho better to deceive, betray and acLumplielt nefarious purposes. Mr. Anderson le the Crawford wing of the . clique of parlor politicians who are now, lil ' under the shadow of the Commciaa' Len. idesvoring to hoodwink the people by the ' cry of honestyand reform In politics. IHe l succeeded se well as will they. Ile was : rebuked sternly and manfully by the ' Crawford pest& ; they will be treated likeirble . by the thoughtful musses of Al legheny. Ilia deception has been un masked in the terrible exhibit of astound ing fraud developed in the vote of This villa; their iloaption glimmers through the dark lantern caucuses being held and - the-secret circular. sent out to those who they would seduce Into taking stock in their honesty of purpose. ItetributirMhis overtaken him ; it closely, chases , his treselacyoui Allegheny . colleagues. rEccAvi • • de We anticipated, and intended to say yesterday ukoraing that it yrould, the ChM mercid apido'gives'for the toilikton . , out rageous in& deliberate atuitt, made irk lie" minims ,on -Wednesday morning, on the I members of our City IC...innate. Apology was not made voltudarily. Tire iufgna tion expressed by those wile were dellber- ately and unjustly vilified' Itinught It to its imams, and compelled it .to , cry,peeiwri. Its retractian le shout as sincere, as that . of the steieativin who once derived In the beat of debate, in . meet unchustital and unparliamentary phrase, Those on the opposite side are . dt . to carry _g--s _to a bear! - pd .when called to 'order for his untiecondhg ~Jit•tidta it back. Theiare all very Bt." It has offered a milk and Water apology; but its columns furnish indubitable evidence every morning, that it does not hold the members of •the City Count:Man high repute as men of honesty. But . our City Fathers , who are all highly respected citizens, - are not. gentlemen to be trilled whit. :They not ilkiw themselves to be badgered, btow.beaten and traduced, andthe rapidity. ith which, after nunited cas9Aation, thei brought the Commercial to its ktices, cause --las-odßufg ;whatever dz.y may think, to • tamp cautious In reprint., whit they, , been elicolumns'in tht futnm. - and wick • • apology. 'weaver, hats generelly, who w • ly naPnitclpled same article as bond slay • Our citizens plcW and reduced to a state o • the insOleenty." 'The reason of this in, insprominn bad seized the editors of that journal since a few of the bolters have eetaldbilied;at lie instancy, on it - second Morin Bmitlitlehl street, a factory for making and unmaking delegates to poll ' tits] conventions, that the people will not be allowed to have a voice in the manage ment of municipal affairs% or the bedew. Meat of olßcial fatdrs on needy editors. UNFOUIIfDED gLAIIDER., ..1 . ~ Some days since we called attention - to 1 " the fact that the Commercial, of this city. i ' following in the lead of the most bitter 1 . •, • Democratic journal!, both in and cot of ;4 . New York, had commenced tomake elan ', denims' attick ` ti on Prestdent. We .. 1 . -4re ipill to say that it hal not as yet ''S`‘ ; ‘ • • irboWit any signe of reptmtaneei or regret. „.:,.,' On the contrary, it continues daily, either ".. 4.-- in its editorial .colurnns, or through the ' !„,.' 6, .. : -", „ , , Ida otat.s.e.enrimpondents to throw '•l,:r,:::•''''' oat tlibiktutost wicked Insinuations against -",-t the resident A fresh attack wiui JP , against him yesterday in the - ..;.,.1..,. 'columns of .. *at unscrupulous Jour. ..I.At nstrertilett charged him with creating -•*?' • " trouble "in the affair of the SSW DOWD -4% 4 ' go iresty b: ad inflows et/ his ~...., r1;:f. ; : , .. - . - rent , . L it! se. 16. . favorable roos lion" of it and producing' breaches in the Republican ranks that will be a long time in healing." becauee "he bad not stop ped with 'Junking the treaty and laying it before." the Senate, " accompanied by his reasons for thinking it had better be ratified." The Commercial knows right well that in the Investigation of the San Dominic, atßdr, the President has been fully and triumphantly vindicated; yet it continues to circulate the slanders which have been manufactured our of the whole cloth by the opposition prs But General Grant i hair got used to these sbindercius attacks. They will do hint no harm. The people , understand the spirit in, and the ; object for, which they are made. The Conrmereial in la boring with its puny might to produce a breach in the Republican party here, and it May seem to some to be a piece of con summate strategy for it to hire men to write from Washington that there are breaches there which It will take a long time to heal. lint the genie will not sue ceed. The motives are too well known, and the loyal Republicans of Allegheny county will not allow themselves to be Imposed upon. Neit`xer will they, quiet ly, permit a journal Which has inglori ously cut I loose from their organLiation to heap rile vituperation upon • the nation. al Executive of their choice. President Grant is as deeply rooted in the affi•ctions of the people as overlie was, and the true Republicans of this city and vicinity, at least, will not allow his char. \arter to be assailed and traduced by any "met without entering their solemn pro est. The envenomed malire-which thd' !oninierrial is 'spew(ng out against him sill only. serve to promote Lis interests. THE NEW PARTY. The non- party held. another meeting yesterday afterunofi, a full report of the proceedings of which will be found in our local columns. -Their mouth-piece will no doubt toll its readers thishturning , "for numbers and strength the meet ing was all that could be desired," as it announced the day after the first meeting woe held, although there were only about two dosen_present, all of whom acknowl, edged their weakness. According to actual count made by our reporter .Zesterday, there were not pres ent at any time more than twenty-nine perams. These, although respectable in their different stations, are , certainly not men of strength, as that term is un derstood in this codisection. Is it not then AO evidence of the weakness of the new organization that it has never-been able to muster more than twenty-nine persons at any meeting, and among them not one of : those "influential wee of whom the restless leaders have made their boast as signers to the call? We say emphatically that notond of the gentlemen whom the bolters thednialves have desig nated as influential has; to our knowledge, attended any meeting yet. Why not, if the movement has been hailed with such enthusiasm as - the organ of the bolters constantly proclaims! These gentlemen gave their names merely as an indi cation that they were in favor of correcting any abuses_ that may ttare crept into the party, without the slightest intention of ever leaving It, or entering into a new organization. They prom this by &Mounting themselves from every meeting. They will not meet with them now, nor will they vote with them in ' October, if they should be so foolish at to nominator a ticket. . Another evidence, of their weakness is, that' Thif receiveTesponses from differ ent lestiffideita their prirate call, to the effect that thoee upon whom they relied will have nothing to do with the matter. This announcement was made in the 'meeting yesterday. It is passing strange that such intelligence should have been received froth districts where many sig. nature; were obtained to the original call! This is positive proof that If the movement ever bad any vitality, it is rapidly filling into decay, and will soon die out. This has been the current re port on the streets for several days. Even one of the officers said to a member of tile city press yesterday • that he thought he had discovered a snake in the movement already, motes soon as he aim convinced, he would abandon them at once. And coca-know that there is not a more honest man in these cities than that selfsame officer. We only wonder that he has allowed himself to be de ceived so long. . ' The bolters have been clamorous foe . Change in the manner of making nomi• nations, but it will be seen from thi report of the prOoo - eling,s that they are unable even among themselves to define what they want. They are sunpielows ot.oun another. One said he could not trust the' city, another that IX, could not trust the country. Where then 'will they find men . whom they can trust, when they cannot ttust each other? This division in their :council is an evidence of weakness: A di vided house cannot stand. The strangest thing of ill is that -the Crawford County Systerin was denounced by the meeting In uumeastued terms. Out of all , tlte. plans preeentett. not, one was adopted. Honestly, we believe the new party has been Oipped in the bud; the day of its In fantile busied &swills nigh. CONSTITIITION OF iLLlelote: A State Convention in Illinois L. (rained a new Constittiton for that Com. monwealth, which will be submitted to a vote of the people today. Among Its pro visions ate the following : No person convicted of Bribery, per jury or other infamous. crime shall be ell• gible to any office of profit or trost in the State. Members of the Legislature are required to sweat that they have not Told any bribe to secure their election, and that they will rsot receive any gift or bribe for any vote or Wiesner, they may 'Skis or withhold for any official act which. they may perform. Legislative and Senatorial Districts ;ire to be apportioned'acoording to the number of inhabitants, and all collides having tlaco.fifths of a ratio will be en., titled to at leastcou representative. . • 'Co apptopriatimeashall bernade to st......, to law, and , ap p ropriation bills shall other provision. No money r. r nl ei ., from the State Treasury The Legisl of law, and when ap. tingutsh the rude fie object shall not . ligation of any corpora the State. or ex . The Legislature ihall not vln oh- The addittooal compensat on. lin allowance teeny public officer, age • contractor after entice has been retitle or a contract made: .... The State *ball not loan itscredit, nor In any manner become responsible for the debts or liabilities of .corporatione or in dividnals- ' .. :Nri•law shall be passed extending the eii, term of any public officer . after his elec tion t sar e n f iezt t . the menthe. rend are required to pass a law over the veto of the dovernor. llpder the presen Con stitution a majeritY Only Is required - The Supreme , Court &hall cons t of seven judges instead of three, as at ipren The:Leatisilature eiMil have no power to discharge persona or Fioperiy from .a proportionate share of taxes,nor commute such taxes in any form. • County authorities Shall never assess taxes, the aggregate .of which shall ex. 'Geed seventY.five cents per $lOO valuation. nukes authorised to do so by a vote of the people of the county. 1 Railroad companies are required to k MI office for the transfer of stock, and mike rat report to the legislature salt I . . PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 2, 1870. may require. They shall not consolidate with competing lines. A majority of the directors must reside in the State. The Leg'.'attire will fix maximum rates of charges for all railroads within the State. A section forbidding municipal subscrip tions to railroads will be submitted sepa mtely. The Bill of Rights provides that no person shall be denied any civil or 1,0110. cal rights on account of his religious opinions. Grand, juries nitly be abolished by law. No irrevocable grant or special privileges shall ever be made by the Legislature. Most, if.not all of these provisione are new. It will be seen that they throw powerful reatraints around the Legisla ture and county authorities. The newly framed Constitution meets with much 'popular favor. It will prevent the useless squandering • of the, peoPle's money, and special legislation upon matters which can be adequately provided) forin general laws. It vroposel a radical and cqmpletd reform, and the indications are that it will ho adopted by - a large majority. THE DANGER. The Republican press throughout the State, at least such as have been recog nized as inlfull sympathy with the party and ; its principles, very decidedly condemn the movement started here by a few par lor politicians and drawing room states men to divide the ranks and break down the regular orgrinizatiou. It is not, per hops, through any immediate concern for our political interests out this way that outside journals sincerely deprecate the movement, but because they are fully aware of the programme of the aggres sive Democratic leaders to encourage se cession in our rants_ and to urge union in their own, hoping to march into power through the Republican disorganization. The Harrisburg Tag/Tap/4 puts the case plainly as follows: -There never was a time when entire harmony in the Republicans rankc was of more importance than It is now. Those who Imagine that all difficulties were re moved by the crushing of the rebellion are sadly mistaken. It i&the fixed Inten tion of the discomfited leaders of the re bellion. acting in close concert with the sympathizing Democracy of the North. to restore again, at the earliest pautible moment, the old order of things—to undo all that has been done to advance civiliza tion and extend liberty, aud to bring the corm r t y back in all respects. to the condi tion t was in before the first gun was fired upon Fort Sumter We wish those who re. perhaps unwittingly, fomenting discolrd in the ranks in some sections of tine gate. by uttneeesKary and unwise movements would ponder with a little More care the evident intcutions of the enemies of progress South : and North, as occasionally disclosed by leading presses and orators of the Denodracy. At pres ent we Invite attention to an extract front a recent speech of Wade Ilanipton, of South Carolina: - ••Let us, then, my friends and comrades cling with unrelenting grasp and unsha kencon6dence to the faith that hi in us. het not the angry threats of oppression or the syren voice of temptation drive or allure us to forsake it. Above all, be not misled by that unmeaning jargon which tells you thatyour cause Ml4l submitted to the arbitrament of arms, mid thatt the sword has decided that cause against ns." The. Telegraph adds: "As lengas there exists even a remote chance to revolutionize the revolution in publiesentiment and. carry the country back again to the accnrsed era of slavery; the South's:will not rest content with the new older of thingti, encouraged as they are by the yet powerful Democracy of the North: and nothing ran prevent the suc cess of this unholy alliance but a united and well organized Republican party. Let h are jthose with playing with tire. brands in close vicinity to combustible and explosive material, take heed in time.** GROW; FABRICATION We admire the magnanimity of soul and kindness of heart in ■ political lament which would prompt the utter. &bee of the following wards, which we . Copy from the Cincinnati Enquirer, ' A story Las recently been started' In • lacrosse paper concerning the death of an uncle of Horace Greeley's in tlfe cousin poor-house. All the details are supplied to give it the •mblance of truth, and it Is even alleged that letters from Hr. Greeley were found in the 'pockets of deceased. Now, notwithstand ing we know nothing whatever about the matter, we venture to pronounce the thing ■ mean fabrication, and we are sorry to see Democratic journals copying It for the purpose of political capital, be cause of Mr tireeley's prominence fn the Republican party. Mr. Greeley is no friend of ours, and we are nut among his admirers, certainly. But he is a man whose private virtues atone for many of his political mines; and Le has laved too many of other men's uncles from the poor-house to allow us to believe that he would let las own uncle die there. The Inventor of this wretched canard Was both base and brainicas. If Le can't get op something more plausible, ho had bet ter quit journalism and try -shoemaking. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. The late Ohio Congregational Confer ence at Oberlin, .was remarkable some respects. Henry Wird Beether's theology and especially his paper; the Christian Universe, were the cause of a lively time; because of his views favoring a union with those who deny the Divinity of Christ and the atonement The venerable Professor Finney said Le knew the Beech. era well. In his childhood Henry Ward's father spent his life in controversy, and It didn't amount to lunch; and the boys all got sick of It, and the girls too, and they went to opposite extremes. The next im portant question was the admission of woolen as delegates.-the church at Tole do having sent them. Finally the women wre rejected bye vote oteighty-eight fit The Rhode Island Congrega tional Conference also_rejected a woman as delegate. the Adepentlent, the Rev. J. V. Clokey,tuited Presbyterian minis- ter at Steubenville, Ohio, loni been refus ed a 'certificate of ministerial standing, I because Dr. Ekln of the Old School Pres by Arlan Church, by vote of his session, assisted and partook of the Lord's Sup pet., at his communion table. Further, on leaving his presbytery to join another, action was taken expressing a want of confidence In him as reliable on Church polity in respect to psalmody. . • Indications are apparent that 'the feud between the regular Baptists it, Ohio, and the. Disciples (Cainpbellitest Is likely to pate away, and that the points at. bane, es pecially of the regenerating grace of bap tieni; sell) not be . ti` barrier to prevent friendly relations. • The Quaker Monthly Meeting of Ails delphia have sanctioned the report of a committee opposing the exhibition of costly preeento at weddings, tut fiiatering it spirit of vanity at valiance W 111.11166- tian sympathy and the rules of that body. Dr. Krotel, a leading Lutheran clergy estimates .'that if the Lutheran m. • vunplied with , ministers Ito chum more MM. hundred tit. re-united Presbyterian The United . umbers almost four of Westmoreland, • Jane 21, and was organ. • ~by t.m, ton of Rev. J.S. Easton, M . mu, T. P. Patterson was installed . the congregation of Laurel sermon wan . preached by Rev. S. t. Mcßride; Dr. .timeey addressed the Tas ter, and Dr. Eaton gave the charge to the rople. The Episeopal church, Frankfort, Pa.; has a Sunday School of nearly fifteen hun dred, teachers; sewing and , night schools, &Other's meetings, etc. Notwithatendthg. the United Presbyte' ilea Chn#lL ls Pica*ing in =ay re. gpeoi,:iloividing to the Narrative of Holt gion at Hie list General Assembly, there has been an actual decrease in the minis teenl force of ten during the past year. Fifteen ministers died nod twelve joined other denominations. This fact excited anxiety at the General Assembly. Many laymen living in. the Southern Presbyterian Church are not satisfied with the hlligcrent Htllll,l of their Church towards the Northern Presbyterians. A distinguished layman thinks their. course neriung The pp , abyterian, iu noticing the ques tion of Dickens' religion, without pro posing to throw any light on it, because it knew nothing of his daily life, thinks that it is n matter of profound Interest the fact that the question has been on NO many lips, and excited so much diacus. Detroit). Michigan, singular to state, with a population of from eighty to one hundred thousand, ha* until recently had but one Baptist church. The receipts of the Baptist Missionary Union last year wore a trifle °vol. two hundred thousand dollars, while the expenses were nineteen to twenty thou sand more. The Co 11111 l Men want two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the current year. Rev. Frank Do Hass, formerly of this city, uow pastor of the Trinity Methodist Episcopal church, Cincinnati, Ohio, has been honored with the degree of D. D., by .Albion College, Michigan. The elegant new Wesleyan Association building, Boston, hasjust been completed, Tit a costof nearly three hundred thous and dollars. It is located In Bromfeld street, with a front of soventy-two foot, and a depth of one hundred and twelve. The Book Depository, Ziotio Herald, and other Methodist interests to occupy the building, and the three large stores on the Street. A condipondent of the Preohyteridn, Which has carefully read the reports of the late Presbyterian General Assembly, presents the following summary, which will interest many. Of the 600 members of the Assembly only 140,.are roportad as hiving spoken at all, leaving 451 silent members, except that a few` are reported, .without name, as "A member said" &c. The 146 speaking were nit follows-. Dr. Musgrave 63 times, -Dr. Beatty 50, Dr. *rosby 49, Pr.W. Adams 36; Dr. Hatfield 35. Dr. Sprat . 29. Ex.tiovernor Pollock 28, W. E. Dodge 21. Pr. Breed 19, Mr. Kingsley IS, Dr. Fowler 16, Judge Strong 15, Dr. Paxton and Mr. .punkin each 12.1 Mem. been spoke each 11, 2 members spoke each • 10, 2 members spoke each 9, 2-members spoke each 8, 3 members spoke each 7, 3 members each spoke 7, 5 members spoke each 6, 10 members spoke each 5,5 went hers spoke each 4, 14 members spuk each 3, 2'2 members spoke each 2,04 mem bets spoke .each 1. At the last Board meeting of the Amer ican Bible Society at New York the en tire number of Narks : granted for the month wore seven thousand three bun .dred and ninety-four, besides other gifts. The ministers of Philadel phia, are about to organise a Presbyterial League, embracing - all the churches of the city with a view to adopting means to reach mere effectually the . mssaeswith the theme'. The Senate of France has recognized the equal rights of Protestants and Catholics in the army, by requesting the appoint ment of a Protestant chaplain, for the sol diers at Perpegan. In 1852 the Havihsts of Newark, New Jerse . had but two churches, and five hundred members. Thrutigh the activity of missionary operations. in conneccion with the usual means, they now haveZ eight clprches and over twenty six hun- died members, haying increased five-fold, while the city has only doubted in popu -I', laden. • The ratio of ri;tiresentation in the Oen, end Assembly of the Presbyterian Church is to be one minister and our -elder for every forty ministers, instead -of one of each class from every Presbytery contain ing twenty ministers or less according to the former'rule. • FULTON'S FIRST STEAMBOAT A Romantic Story of How He Won Hi• Bride.sThe Old Boat Still Floating. .t oorrespOtident of the tieneVa Couritr relates the following story of the Kate Morgan, the little steamer which for More than a generation has plied on Cayuga Late,ber owners obeying the behest of the fi n d prorchdor, to "run her till she busts:" . Before the Clmncellor Livingstone stem. med the current of the Iludson, yet after the little Clermont bud stirred tim quiet . - water. of the Collect Pond, the whistle of the Kate Morgan awoke the echoes in Taughanic Glenn, and her puldle-wheel dashed the spray upon Cayuga bridge. There is a bit of romance attaching to her name and building.. Old General Morgan, of Revolutionary fame bad a noble estate on the teeter - It bank of the lake, not far from where the present Wells College now stands. Be tween kin only daughter, a lovely girl of eighteen, and young Fulton had long ex. laded a tender attachment, which, howev er: the poverty and obscurity of Robert led the General to severely' frown upon. Fulton went to- New York. Flo labored long years in perfecting his invention; his day of ,triumph came, and th'ep he wrote , to the Stern father relating his success and asking for the daughter's hand. "Nay," wrote bick the incredulous old soldier,"l'll believe what I nee with my own eyes. Comeyou back,- scapegrace, to the lake; -build and sail a steamboat past my own door, and then, and nut till then, shall you have my daughter Kate." Need I say that Fulton came joyfully back, that a streamer was built as rapidly as circumstanced would permit, that she was launched, and in due time did mall trt. umphantly pant the General's door! But let me add that, according to an express ittpulation made. by the illy Robert -In num be succeeded—when the Kate Mor gan sheered in 'towards the General's dock a small . boat was seen pnaldng out containing the original Kate, her grim father, and a gentleman in clerical veal.. ments. The ,y were soon on board, and there, amid the waving of flags, the ring ing of bells, and the blowing of whistles, the proud inventor and his prouder bride .were made one. A glorlorts sweep upend down the lake completed the first bridal trip by steam ever known in tide country. Beforri.weleave this historical boat - let us go below aticmtent. Rare are the old fashioned engines, inscribed "Tremen, Cartwright A. Co." The were the (list engine builders in the United States, and furnished both Fulton's and Fitclea boats. Cartwright MRS the father of the well known Peter Cartwright, the Western back woods preacher. Glance now at the cabin. Its upholster ing was furnished by. A. T. Stewart, at that time an exterprising young trades man, keeping a little seven by nine shop in Chamber street. Though the lustre of the goods has long since passed away, .ite durability . remains to attest to the honesty and good yudgment.of the young dealer, and by which he has risen to be the fore most merchant of our country. -THE 4 , :aiyttevian . gots off the following: It is mai of the mostamusing sights in the world G 3 watel,ayming and inexperienced fly attempt to porlgrinite Blantindicularly across the head of one of our short haired yours g men. We mean one of those heads that has been scissored Owl, rasped, filed and finished off with rand paper and no that the minutest phrenological "stands out In as bold relief as a takes. Ile (the fly) traieln so 'reyien . Els feet:, SO much like Lelor learning to skate. No • a sermon with one of line between yob unfortunately el across Least cib, and the on It enna t i s from the not t. net to ace a Meta A coN'tawroWtY, weather, uks that the 1 men who have been seeing trio) face of the sun for some time paste , be that the force of his rays w3ima, be materially diminished thereby, will please step to the front and explain." THE THIRD PARTI NEsSIIS EDITORS The Third party pre; tends to be in . favor of the . Crawford county system, whirls by the way Craw fool county has abolished. How does it Come that they did not adopt that system to making theirtminationsi, instead of the delegate syste which they pretend * to regard so wonder If the leaders, Carnahan and Brigham did not anticipate u tber islander show of strength. Thilir failure to adopt this system, taken In connection with the over tures of their lenders to the Regular Re. publican party for reconciliation, would seem to indicate that their lmaisted confi denre in their strength is -put on." MMMI SritocroliNalifornia,has two very cu rious insane meb. One has but one leg, yet threatens to walk to New York for the purpose of inducing all Irish emb grantsto go.with him to Mexico; and the other Unagines hitnself lion. 0'7..4111, and is bored that the newspapers should con eider him so popular a topic. COLD AND BPARKLIEU 1501:1A WATER. Drawn from Gaut!lne Marble Founts. with the Genuine YELLOW MALTA bYltUll.treati. the new American Syrup MOSTAII. constantly on dracwht. These arrupe ate the flpella tl ever sold la AILICTIVI, •1011 can and them ni n es nice and j treah at JAMES E. BURNS & CG.'s DRUG STORE. 71Z - 717V r gdirl.D o E d fIi : PON N EB4 .° ,ST.Ir4 draught. Do out fall to call and try them. El= ====l ===l Injure the main sprieg of a nick and every nee - , tion of the works become disordered. The human stomach is to the human system what that elastle ;Mee of metal is to the chronometer. It lunette:es the action of the other organs. and centres to • certain, extent. the whole living einwhlng The comparison may be carried farther, for as the wesknem or other imperfections of the 'mein spring Is indicated op the face Of the time-piece. so also is the weakness or other disorder of ke stomach betrayed by the face of the invalid. 0 coniplmien Is sallow or faded. The eyes are defi cient in lustre and Intelligence and there is • worn. angiousexprmslon In the whole eunntenanes which tell a plainly As written words catlld du. that the went nourishing organ, whose ogles it is to minister to the wants of the body, and to sustain and every - all Ile parts. is not performing Unduly. Unwell . ee renovating and regulating, and to accomplish this end llostetter's Stomach Bitters may be truly said to be• the o ft thing needful. The broken main Wilf • watch ma) be replaced by gnew one, bet thestomach can only be repaired and strength ened. and ibis is one et. the objects of the lemons vegetable restorative which for eighteen .veara nas been waging a suceessful conmtt with dmicepsla in all climates. As • spetinc far Indigo:Mien It c st o a p n m d a s h ave . Beene ge e eo d w es t o hou he tmst . doingmoe than mitigating theouteplaint. &tonne of tido wholesome and palatable. yet Powerful. stomachic effects • perfect and permanent cure. In il of dYetier•la. the liver is more or less disordered.and neon this important gland, as well as upon the stomach and bowels. tbe Bitters act with singular distinctness. regulating .and reinvig orating every matative hea lt himitating organ on which bodily and mentaldepend. I•h'Zl FABEi& VAN DOREN 367 Liberty Street FITTSBUROR. PA. STEAM ENGINES IRON AND WOOD WORKING NIACHIINTER - Y, Ste'am Pumps, Engineers' and Machinists' TooLs, STEAM FIRE ENGINES, BELTING, Woolen Machineiy, Machine Cards farNaAufacturers' and NM Snp• plies. A constant supply on hand and Inrnished on abort notice. L.) vo.) .ri.zilr.),o , t.• w vv./ LETTER Copying'. Presses WHEEL PRESSIB. BAR PIIESS69. LETTKR SIZE. PRESSES. . CAP SISK PRESSES. CAREINK AND GILT PRESSES. wAL.NeT PRESS STAND. MAWS COPYING FRENCH COPYING BOOKS. NOTE SIZE COPYING BOOKS. LETTER SIZE COPYING BOOKS. CAP SIZE COPYING BOOKS. ARNOLD'S COPYING FLUID. SMITH'S COPYING FLUID. FRENCH COPYING FLUID. VIOLET COPYING FLUID. RUBBER COPYING SHEETS. CAMEL'S HAIR COPYING BRUSHES. WATER BOWLS, CHINA AND IRON. J. L. READ & SON NO, 102 Fourth AvenUe. I=M=l Mai IMPROVED CHERRY SEEDEL It Wu beget In use for the last six lers.and never ag. Instance to give atlas eetistse- L lhltirttrie 141 Ori CaP•eilf at will seedetnishel IrgiVretqltrif l etreep, dimple.' Durable and fl.donme The Hopper h sainstwe, thereby 'dealing It to ell Wed I:berries. It Is the best Cherry Seeder In t'r Martel. No All orders addressed to JAMES BOW N, N0.136W00d treet, PITTIOUROII. PAk Will be Filled at 31 . 4NUFACTURERt3' PRICES. JOHN STEVENSON'S SONS =M JEWELERS,`_ ,. 93 Market street, Pittsburgh (THIRD DOOR rOM 11••• on band all the late. noveltles In Flee Jew el.: also elger Avert Clll i er WWI.. or n We a tirir 41 5 .31113 n e Agartise Ate rn_ln sod and Du.... Both Key and Fondant. winders mi. .tanur en bold Y 1 0 111 . 44,1=1 1 • ,40. 14.1 3 tr ., Pol r .erVeLlterniereme, end aggro. We all mile.. attertUou to 000 40.0111000 for Metre._ and reengther Eno •• 1114 bran& or our brultees..._ lig, • Orden Dr man ...Mg ett _t eget.. In drawler. by mall m. • myttgae _ GEORGE BEAYEN, =I Creain Candies ,and Taffies, And Dealer In Fundy, arid DomesOa ?roc Pickles. Jelllto, Dances, hail... Nat( NO. 112 FEDERAL _STREET, JAMES RENO, NEWER CONTRACTOR AND lIVILDER. The lONS of Bt.. Pipe noun Drains ptonwtir Irma. Residence. PAINL I gt L A WI D Xgo Y y. %LW CHEBARAY INSTITUTE, d 'de lel i gni w AiseerilOar - c #1301,211511474121.9Pg.„1..: Noma m Mn a AQ . El aty pumal33 . l4ltLta muit liEssiza.y. • olart-rras SEPH R. HUNTER roluunlize Broker, lik i - 6 7 u"'" rirrszoian. EMEI!!M NEW ADVER AT WM.. SEMPLE'S, 60 and 162 Federal Street, I=l = esirable Dry Goods. BLACK_ SILKS, BLACK SILKS ery Low Prices I RESS GOODS. Plain end Plaid Japanese Blitz. Chem, Mired and Plaid Japanesa Poplins, Lawns, Iles - made, Uninaduses. Brown and Limb Dress Linens. VeT7 entail White Goods. Striped and Fittired Piqed. Plain and Plaid Nainiaiolis and Jacunida, Plain and Spotted Swig., ~ Light Pe main and Cbintles. at popnlar prices eI`BCIAL BARGAINS IN CASSIMERES, Cottonades and Linen Drilla. Shetland Shawls, LA.CE SHAWLS, Light Summer Shawls, At .Attractive Prices WTI. SEMPLE'S, 'Wand 182 Federal Street. Allegheny EMI HORNE & CO'S, Clc:u•aiicc Sale of HATS, FLOWERS, 11141ineryl - Goods, AHASOLS, SUN SHADE Large Additions to Stock in 'EHBROIDERIES.• LACER AND LACE GOODS. GAUZE UNDERWEAR. ' SOENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. HOSIERY. GLOVES. GUIPURE LACES. SASH AND BOW RIBBONS. SILK AND LINEN PANS.' At LoW Prkes.' NEW GOODS Arriving Daily AND 79 MARKET STREET JOLLY Q. WOKS-VAN 11. IIIGll•HD DAM WORKMAN & I DAVIS, nneeessors 1., WORKMAN. MOORK •CO.. tenures* and Dealers In Carriages, Buggies, SPRING bc BUCK WAGONS 4i, 44, 46 and 48 Beaver St., Allegliesy. Repairing neatly sptly executed• Or den tar New .at eup La good style and warranted to dln err. partnetar. irtralgirer wore Ni a".4' w U , " 412 .- L pan y's make of 8/LEVINE .rnwral . WEEE ad Rapp'. Patent Quick SElfter and Antl-Entler for Sean. 11.1UCIIARD DAVIS baring purchased the te. Wrest et Alex. and Wm. D. Moont, L the LW Ma of WORKMAN. MOOSE! 00, the •rastoess will hereafter be wuraloned at the old Mask tinder the semen orate of WORKMAN& DAVIS. Orden JOHN O. WORKMAN. solici 11. RICHARD DAY Late with Maras' Naueom mane. Pltteberra. "HILL & ADAM'S. SEWER PIPE CO,". 65 and 67 Sandusky St., Allegheny Manufacture highly MEWLED WATER AND SEWER PIPE Dmitri, In CIILMNET TOPE. FLUES and ItYDRADLIC CEMENT. O. G. BIarITLLEN; Agent' HOLMES, BELL & CO. .ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, flamtfacturon of HEIST 11184110/1 and LIOBT ANCHOR AND MAGNOLIA Sheeting and Batting GBAIYD RE-OPENECO NEW 1 3k -4 C O OIDS. - Shoes, Boot' .nd (Giles, • HENRY PAULUS% 11U Mill 01110 AVILMOR. AI.I.IOO . IIILNY CITY. The r d deg o vei s hr elgele e h ee.r.= ge t oTor BOOTS: 1311011rA d Ir 00oee as well es moos .111 rut metleteetese. Yonner petroae stiOlne p.tollfigi t yltantaL pa:l3l STONE WATER PIPES Chimney Tops, HOT AIR & CHIMNEY FLUES, &c. A 16.15 .6 f on assortment amstaatly on bann. HENRY IL COLLINS, 133 330011 D JXIIIIII3. MErl Bakery, Confectionery I.CE C%LeA_NI The underflened hae adwe ham fro. Pa ne. N h •he Is Malawi to rudely all °trim In bls li Me When la ltandsowler.rdUed ay or the eteasamere of leedrease. who whl end It very ouovenlent to the Part. deltalltetlen war. rented in geode. ettendanoe sad prim. The pah a' P " '"" v'ild"d- WK. A. swims. LADIES' HUNTING CASE Gold Watches for $25.00 WATTLES & SHEAFER =I u 6GOLD WT m H e nEtS o s f a LAaDLEMS' B a nd t G h E e N m T reasormble prices. • A Moe assortment of CLOCKS and YANCT GOODsS oind shnd • WI. hdr. M== DISSOLUTION OF CO;PAETNER. SHIP. The pertnenhip bantam MIME between D. P. Scott and A. I. Scott, Under the flan tows and style of D. P. SCOTT & SON, Fu dloolred by youtuolcomant oath, Ist 4.7 of Jana 11570. • - ~Dolw • - debts dr .4t litt o rr, to . A.L F. L.= Prsmomaaa. Jane 1718/0. nissOLUTI6N:= The COrthe r. tot JOHN grivreg J a b alrAreals. th= Il f 1•0 dat.fry Cm SA WM. bashumm • oltl staaa au account* at Ma arm ma by . - MM% WM. SKIL NEW. ADVERTISEMENTS Ell WI SEAIPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, =EI A GOOD STOCK OY Sash and Bow Ribbons. Hats, Bonnets, SUNDOWN'S, At Prices at Low 1111 Can he Found Anywhere At 125,c, Ladies' and Misses' Mts. At 75c.: fall sized Lama Shawls. At 91.00.811 k Parasols. worth 111.73. At 050.. Fast Colored Ceklcus. At Byte, Light and Dark Calicoes. ' At 10c, all the Best Bakes of Calicos. ' At $l.OO for II yards Chintz Calicos. At 1250.44 Bleached Muslin...echos •rt isle At 1250„ Fast Colored Lawns. At 111 fies Printed Challis and Alpacas. At 23c.. Double Width Chene blubalm.obarsaln Gloves and Hosiery. Green end Blue Kld Gloves:'' Black and Colbred Kid and Lisle Thread Glues Ladles'. Mises' end Children's Hose. hienjuld W. 1.. Ralf Hove. LADIES' AND GENTS' Summer Underwear 'Collars, Cuff. and Neckties. Lan. Collars and Handkerchiefs. Hoop Skirts and Skeleton Corsets. ladles . end Children's Apran.... nun!. Hair Switchei and Cblgl3ooll. Jet Jewelry, locket Books. Satchels. Lo. - WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, Allegheny, On a Par with Gold ! WE NOW OFFER Our New Stock DRY GOODS NOTIONS EASTERN PRICES 13=1 Examine our Goods &Prices _WWI on all Miscues of the Human Eye.and km • large crock of his Spectacles and BYO Mame. for We. About 4.000 mint of tame Spectacles were sold on Dr. Franks last visit In dm space of three months. giving the most entire satbatactlon to all, as the medical gentlemen and entrees of Pittsburgh have by certificate testified. Be particular and enquire at the ladles' entrance on Penn street for Dr. Franks Office. ROOM '471 St. Clair Hotel. spoors BUY THE GENUINE, I T • ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON t CO. N 0.115 Wood Street. CLARK'S "0. N. T." SPOOL COTTON. GEO. A. CLARK SOLE AGENT Sold Everywhere. TRIRTIETII - Semi-Annual Report =a OF TIIH von DOLLAR SAITINGS LIABILITIES. Amount dos Deposivan June Ist. t. IEI7O _ _ ._. :1430114112.2 ...roar,4l •114111PVIIILOH,J1111 .1 1., 11 Ccatlosstst Fshd,Juse 14.1870 12;/31 • Total LIsteIBUOS 1ti,747M951 34 AINETS. LOIS/WI Horde sad Jlorticeess.4l. Resel p e r u.K..ll4=7 b lWad fit 7 4 U. B. six pent mods, soot . 0 HUN Iterealrabis Cash In Banks sad on hand 1 • •. 143.747.1139 34 fuT4 '1 ,41r42 . 141f1:r.g.%%%° .7.14 . 1: t. "am Intr,.u... , ZlVg,h2 e .dr,fMtft; condethnr• of Bonds and Mort=l3ll.l. Leen iL Istste C Ave-reent t.e g Bent da Dor non_t,ihnolt 63 met V. $.1,1111 par neat. Donde. lead... Cash I. Banks and on heed, Ind the same to currenand y vab o w. above repor4, GlLlll4E,..l: 7 A.uditine Committee. AAINDLE. 0. ' The Trainees hay*. Waved Milxidend,.4 ttree Ir T lV.lTZ,:fanr:orag.l47. •01 Deer Interest from let A met CHAS ToN , • , - Orr:saw:U.4nm, .1•11 A ODLNSTLAL L. U. ARNSTILILL ARNSTHAL ti SON, Vir g inia and Louisville Tobacco dgency , SEG-ARS Fine Cat Chewing and Smoking Tobacco', 19 BMITIVILLD STILE= Pitt•burgh. mytt,S Pittsburgh and Connellsville R. R. EXCURSION TICKETS will be .11 iu nit points un tha Pittsburgh sod Oonnellsville Itailsusd (wham thi so. slai,tsels forty cools or overt on JULY 4tli. goon July Ilth Wen:misc. ANGELI i Master of Trosotrott"o. ncn on - CotnraoLLEtt air A ro LLEtwerr Colnvrir, PA.I Mr:cacao ts. June I TO. lame. ATOTICE TO CO. TRACTORS.—SeaI -1` LD PROroXIALS:sriII be received at tem Of. eau until Ufltts treat.. Inclusive, for building a One MUDGE over McLaughlin'. roan. on the road leading from this Wanhingion Pike to Sodom. In roper et. Clair Loma WO. Alm for eras:Wag • nor WOODICA PiTHUCTUng at the Bridge over MO lee. Ran. on the road loading from Waronaston Pike to Thomaa Corona' kill. In Booth inmat• Tommhip. .. 11, direction of Canny cesemiedoners] ielbrlit.diT HENRY LAMEitRT. Coshroly_a_ MM OnrWS ca or Inns . 13 owrit0= . 0s~a am. 7;571 N OTICE, TO CONTRACTORS: to !d ProWNla wpl De, t eeel•ed SL tht oat., mill JULY 3. Unaware. for _in . :aiding • NEW !JUDGE over EOSlnsonnatnn.ola the lad leading. ham szenbersinle turnpike to Miler's Ran Pisa sad Wets esn M.een on spa tion. Hy du ranks, 0011017 COM=LSIONIMI. tuiNar LAMBERT.. Ccetrotier 1= ohm Cor na • Colnrrir, .straws..l una 515.15711. =IIZI I t I COUNTY ASSESSORS. or tha Registration of Setae are oltiely et the cease of the Covets 1U be required Mean n. bed' Dr Lw, and 00 permed .rtn the terms of tbe lam ars Merely NOTICE e Book@ bow ready for the tbee • be made • • coandled *lib. BY Olteation .ICouistrColastUstaae 'HENRY LAKBEILT., Ctatredlar. ,•, z'" .1 ' NEW ADVERTIBEDTENT DRESS GOODS, Lawns, Organdies, Wash Poplins, 0 CLOSF, OUT OUR Summer Goods. BELL & AIOORHOUSE, iLATE PATES k BELI.:1 21 Fifth Avenue, REDUCTION Regardless.. of Cost ! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! Morganstem&Co's LATE MACRUM. GLYDE & 00 Spring and Summer Goods, ISEME Shetland . Shawls, Whiteskirts, Parasols, ' • Sun Shades, • • Guipuro Lace • Neck Ties, • Hamburg Edgings, Ladies' Hose, Gauze Underwear Lace Collars, White P. K., AND lIVEIITTLIINU IN THE I TRIMMING LINE. Nos. 18 and 80 Narket Street. SPECTACLES. TILE EYE. Dr. FRANKS, the celebrated LeaWV( on the Eye. god Idanufactuter of Patent and Improved epectaclee. has returned to Pittsburgh. and t now at the ST. CLEUR LIOTEL, where be adlusts hls fablerned Ppecttteles to defective, 'linen from en examlnatton of the eye alone, eo es to snit equally well by day es by artificial Debt without fetlito. front 13 to 53 years. Dr. Y. may be profeeslonant T.. T. Trego's tab erry Toothwash Is the Most pleasant. cheapest and beet Detainee extant. Wairauttd free _from hilarious Inavedtents. It prtnerves and whitens the Teeth ! Invigorates and soothes the Gums! ' Pura. and perfumes the breath ! Prevents accumulasion of Tartar! • !. Cleans and Pandas Artificial Teeth! Is a suierior article for Children! • Olgreg.TtrealOlZlCZel kl. rnr.• by. °roma. P marras U. M. McCOWAN a B. McHOWN R.M.FColvan&Co., BOULEVARD 'PAVERS, Pare Sldewalks,Cellars,laside Yards, Drives, &c. WARRANTED AGAINST CHANGES OF MEAT AND COLD. Ostlers left at GAZEITEOffice. wet 39FEDEILth STREET Allegheny. promptly attended to. Em Kt!' MAT OWL% La.? STRAIWRRY Baskets and Crates. r so i ooo IN STORE of the MOST ,APPROVLD W. W. KNOX, 37 ,Ilberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Factory Depot• and Baskets at Factor,' Fri.. m7/6.51-zurralc MARSHALL'S ELIXIR. ILARIDIALL'S ELIXIR WILL CCM MADAME. MARSHALL'S ELIXIR WILL CCM DYSPEPSIA. ILAIISIIALLIS ELlXlRw..kcoik; CoMrrOcos. & Co.. Unagqta. PrOpOonors, For sale_, holemie mtd Retail, by GEORGE A. KELLY. Pittsburgh. ferkElßTrus 83.90 0 mlfe . r. menu, II pureness a new two !story brick bolas and lot.dve rooms uld cellar, gas and water 1:13. twee, well trent and In complete order, situate cm Marlon street, corner of an alley see nem Fifth avenue. Apply tu CUTIjeIERT & RM. .79 811th avenue. COAL AND OOZE MORGAN & CO. 7i.StfIIFACTURESB OF C 0 N NELTS V ILLE COKE, t their Mines, Broad Ford,F;B.E. B. I Ofin, 142 WATER STREET, =I BY RAILROAD, Ana Deliver in the City. scar FLamm&Co. YANUFAt.`IITR.MaS OF CONNELLSVILLE COKE, Youghiogheny and. Anthracite Coal PITTSBURGH. PA., OFFICE : ROOM No; i, Guetip Building. :. SerOrdere respectfully oollettee. .sa:•u COAL! COAL YOUGItIOGILEN 7 Y — GAS COAL co TbVc am peuy en °° DrePued tofartbib the bat Cold 40=7010v atuatitr. AT FAIR RATI2I. Mee and Tare adJotaine Itet Coeval/Mlle lUD rose Depot. fool of Try Street, Pittabereb. Orders sedreesed Weither Meek West Nowt... Pa.. or to *rd, teUl be promptly Attie &Oita. spike' --I ' --- Citifies It Armstrong Youghiogheny and Connellsville La], And litaindsrAnner of COAL. SLACK AND DESIMPLIURIZED COKE OFFICE AND YARD. emit En Uer and Morton street& Liberty and Clymer etreeta. Ntntl, ward; Seamd p strzez., i llftith pi ard==n ot oxt " grali or the alio e oen Anus/ to me throusil Pittsburg:P. Mein prompt•attention. seer ta *sm 1 marsupplylov. atelier, Wells & Co:. Wm, thall.h. Upton Mille. 8. 8. Yowler & Co Mlthhell. Benanav & Co„ & Co.. Greg tacr. Ala. &Wt k Ca" pat. • Co,. J!lLyon & Co:. Juni Manarark.t.:! , ,r,. len. McKee Co.. Union Dunn Hotel. Coma& vtlie It 8., Pennsylvania IL 8., Allegheny Valley COAL!"COAL!! COAL! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., Having Noumea their Moo to No. 567 Liberty ,St:reot, - Clty Flour It 1.11) BLCOND now:. ' O A R& "' L l nrril# COAL OrrLdneirtit .11JI l o= rl taddr °Meow ado:lrond so lbw *mush e i►a mail, will b attend!! lo promptir . 111 CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &o. tmfnlggeNl CHEAP CARPETS. Superior ingrains, $l.OO PER YARD COMMON CARPETS, 30 TO 23 CENTS PER YARD. M'CALLIT Al BROS., bl Filth ..kvetate. (Above wad Stie•Ll CARPETS. SPRING STOCK. Fine, Medium and Common CdRPETS. Our Stock Is the largest we have ever offered to the trade. Bovard, Rose & Co., 21 FIFTH AVENUE M/Mi BARGAINS CARPETS CAN NOW BE LAD AT M'Farland & Collins 71 AND 73 FIFTH AYE Thsy are taking stock, mid trill dose out ninny of the hest Brussels and Ingrains, At Imtbana tint cost. Call won and FAUN choice. Pal CARPETS. New Rooms! New goods! NEW ,PRICES ! We bay. Insuptreteir the opecdne vt eet New Room trtth the FINEST DISPLAY OF CARPETS Ever Offered in tide Market. LOWEST PRICES SINCE 1861 OLIVER hieCLINTOCK & CO, 23 Filth Avenue. UPHOLSTERERS. Manufacturers of SPRING. HAIR gal HOU MATTRESSES. Feather Bolsters and Pillow,. Church Cro.lons. Cornice Mould.. sag MI HII of Upholstery work. Ai. dealers In Window Shades. Buff. Green .4 Mite Hollands.Cor. Tusels. Au Particular sue.. at an.. teJt. la. O p. des.nB and bruatiluir. altering and rel.- tug caroms. • Oar mode of dual= asset to the 0.17 ser which yeoman feel assured that the osiers are ors. served end the geode thorough"; freed from en Oast and vermin.. The Klee for elegals; has bees fi v v . reesg WOl t . : e gl i r:.arcess slit fsr gad de. . . ROB;RTS, NICHOLSON As THOMPSON • Uplzobleren and Promietore of tam Carpet Beating Betabliehennt, NO. 127 WOOD STREET, _ I == ,RPET CHAIN Of all Colors, ON /LAND AND FOE BALL AT ANCHOR COTTON 'MILLS, . r ... 33 Allegheny City. )11k)1/N*Itztyri:ii.r 1.100 WOOD STREET QUEENSWAItE, EMEEIR • China and Glass. A SILTED. PLATED GOODS, DINNER ;T4 AND TEA SETS, TEA TEATS ;41 ANDCIITLTNIT. RtltnorarllON W VOUS .t ow IR. E. BREED .& CO if6OTIATftkEf.- REYNOLDS STEEN It CO; 124 Wood Street Importers and Maloof.. FRENCH, CHINA. PINE rI n T OLLA AND Queensw are. pier. WM Wier, aslortaant at Na. Tort I ESTABLISHED 1828. lEntitY x.,trat. HIGBY, GUST & N%4Tho. 189 Liberty gt, o.l lri . ARN II . IBB- AlrAt Ixtr i =lo alg r gr x i m o= - theliest Ittrrosese roarbets. and we reeeishid•fresh and deeirable lot of Mods. - .DR. WITITI'M CONTINtina TOIE AT ALL PRIVATE nES, Syphilis to a Re forms. ell nrinary and the effects of emery era oompietaily ted: liparerietterTh or Seminal Weakness potency. rtaml to selfebuse or one and which produce soma or the followins se blotch.. bodily 'realm.. Indiana sumialm event. to society. ansnanthes of future events, 10. of memory, Indol tercel ensissloos, and dually .prostratir e a mil erne. as to render marriage nom and therefore Imprudent, an permanently Persons .Hilo e k ed with theta or any other d Immo.. or long standing constitutional pl, should pare th e Doctor...l4h he never A putt= lar attentionAdven to sil r ~,,.,, Vg=fin"%e * * r Vgl Amenorrhoea. Menorrttglek i. k. I MA ems Stallity or Barrenness, are with great , ma MONS. , . : „,... It is self rident Net a phyalM. himself exclusively to the etady oil :" alias of Masse. end heats thousands of =7.l,hettleire,.., Mater skill In that . Theo Noe. rr Will.. girezZdteal perapiilet Wt . j perm Mat gives a hill exposition of private Musses that can be tool free. org mail for two stamps. In Isabel env.° =al contains Instruetkle to the them to fletennine the precise :a their complalnts. The astibilahment. Tr./ U... . 1 W" is medral. When it is convenient to the MMus DOCtorsrAlo i n b. f. M o=il MOO Ended ... ...„ 0 be lettel Ivy pee or enter. In eon. - • dm hoireller. sitersoloal exmaination Is neemmaryorldie to others daily personal V retelsed. sod torahs secoramodatioto of seell ' r4=tatles there're ie-tphptantoVari,AnutithiM. triir recovery, hocludine w.f. ' p p Mee WWI' ........ 2 " . " . "%dtt.i °'" A.-—. 7:; "= tit nt Oblte r= lltee. Or ' two stamen. So matiereb have Wed, ' reed be Mit Me= • AL. rt- tf. W ail tin. du .' re. !eV P.A . Odice.,No. V VT. (near row. blew. PIO . ' lato L it' bbl ' bl T'or .a. b Tastern White Lime. Cleveland Limn. J. Mu' It- 11, • B. oAsnier.,D, ill rust slre.s. r r~ ,kt i Its: I !BZA. i........ 'dread . ace.