The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 02, 1870, Image 1

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Confer Sixth Ave. and Smithfield St.
T. P. 11017STON,
lid wwll, per year
1.1i...r0d by nrrler. per WHO
Taunt: are base bull dubs in Perla
GLADSTONE halt £l5 by.the late Derby.
SCOTCH SALMON fishing ir a failure
this year,
THE Psinee of Wales loot £4,000 by
the_ Derby. •
CIN Wednesday two mad dogs were idiot
in Philadelphia.
Pim:CZ Narottina; is to start this week
for Cochin China.
JUDY thinks the way to "do" your duty
is to cheat the Excise.
• PULLMAN'S Income last year an returned
In Chicago amounts to 14%507:
TEN ACRES of 1 . 0603 are in bloom on
one flower farm In New Jersey.
Coms-ELL rxxv - Enstrr is to have a Pro'.
tenor of Chinesi, and Japanese-.
TOE Portsmouth, N. H, Chronieir halt
come out lu favor of woman's suffmgt;.
Lwtuox merchants doggedly insist up
on their objections to the Chinese treaty.
But Els members, of thu Eeutuenical
Council hafe died since it began its sea.
WHEN women come to sit in the jury
boa, - possibly infants may get to be criers
in `courts. .
TOE police of Cincinnati feeroutraged
because they are forbidden to smoke
while on duty.
- Two months'
'miscellaneouß refreal.
inertia" for the City Council have cost BOR.
ton 32,859 75.
Tae New York Erpras complains of the
frequent and bewildering changes In our
postage stamps.
TUE combined incomes returned by
four of the owners of the Chicitgo Tribune
amounts to $83.077.
WHY the neck•handketchief Lupine.;
Is a good trade to follow—Beeause "ties
payiho dealer" always,—[Fun.
THE Matrimonial Xre., of Loinion,
prints more than two hundred announce
ments of candidates for marriage_
THE delegates from (treat Britain to
the Evangelical Connell at New York
will number between 300 and 400.
T*ENTY-FIVE English noblemen have
been driven into bankruptcy by gaming
on the turf within the last twelve years.
SPURGEON has some of his sermons
printed in the Maori language. The Ma
oris, however, prefer potted Englishmen.
JANIES EC: CALLAHAN, a bachelor of 45
years, hung himself ton bed-post in his
nephew's house in Cincinnati on Wednes
A COMPLIMENTARY supper tiaa given to
the Red Stockings at Cincinnati on Wed
nesday and the mein.. were printed on
Tat Russian Minister of Finance has
sanctioned the employment of women as
book-keepers and clerks in custom house
offices. _ •
Tau marshal of the fat teen's' New
York procession has been discharged for
light weight; he balanced only 250
. .
. Midi. Join' 'Wain has received au
anonymous present of $3.100 worth of
diamonds. Lothair most be a friend of
Mrs. Woods. • •
$200,000 le the largest income returned
this year in Chicago ; and John B. Tracey
Is the unfortunate man who has to pay
the tax on IL -
ONE billion feet of lumber, six million
shingles, one million and two hundred
thousand lathes wern wad in Chicago ilia.
mg the year 1808. - _
A TIGER near Madras attempted to cat
a porcupine recently, but that beast objee.
ted and lied his murderer by sticking a
quill down his throat. .
THE New York Trapani says: "It is
one of the unaccountable manias of man
. kind to get drunk whenever it is specially
important to keep the-blood cool."
OATH, the Chicago Tribune corres
pondent, has taken to reviling the ad.
ministration and the Senate in the La
Crouse Democrat style, unfit for quotation.
THE White Sulphur Springs in Vir
ginia promises to have an unusually sue.
cetsful season, and is pronounced fit to
rank with the "nobbiest watering places."
THE leading music stores of Fhlladel
plats. hin-e . agreed to close at fire o'clock
during the Bummer es-cry afternoon but
Saturday when they will close at three
o'clock. •.. s 2 . .
REy. THOMAft. PAISLEY (negro) 101. s
been.sentericerl to six years in the pod
' tentiary of North Carolina for playing K.
K. K. and whipping black and white right
and left.
.&..J: WARD. otareenville. S. C.. while
resisting an ucelit by the United States
authorities for violating revenue laws, was
shot and dangerously wounded on Tues
day. last. .
THE latest fashion in funerals scam ex
hibited In Troy recently, when a young
girl was carried to the grave by eight
other girls dressed in white Ind with.
white veils.
AT Fort Weehington, Md., is a soldier,
now In the eighty:third year of his age.
who has seen sixty-five years of service
in the United States army; and proposes
Ylexcat Ilmso is now. suffe.ring with a
diftese - of the eye.. Ile is even unable to
sympathize by letter, as usual, wits the
reVOlntionists of Europe, and employs an
Twe'Mayor of Indianapolis has offered
a reward of . $l,OOO for the arrest and con
viction of the person or • persona who
muted the death of. Mary bleimarby and
Catharine tlinber on of..
' • '
Tug Lnublville . Courier.Journol Id one
short article analhllates Nut, "an artist
of as much talents.* venom," etc.,• praises
Fields Osgood & Co., and throws in a faint
word of praise for (ten. Grant.
Tun Engtlnh admiralty have ordered
the building of a new and powerful Itoa
ship of War, to be called the Raleigh.
She is to be upward of 4,000 tons burthen,
and have a 1000 horse power engine, and
is to be d with-wood.
TUE =crate of Philadelphia have
i i ,
nominal Wm. S. Price for Judge of the
District Court, and Henry M. Dechart and
Frederick Ileyer, for Judges of the Court
of Common Pleas; also, Oeo. Proverd and
Jos. Rlckette, to Assembly. .
Words was emit to the City Marshal of
Augusta, Me., that a fellow wu selling
"lickers" from a wagon in Market Square.
Ile went to arrest him and confiscate his
stock, and found himself the victim of an
atuot4oali pun. The man was peddling
horse-whips.:. -
TUE &Bowleg appeared in the New
York TrOunc of yesterday : "The absurd
person who sent a sum of- money to the
editor of the Tribune, with a request that
Le would give a kind notice of a lecture
that was to be delivered lard night, Is re
commended to call at our dishier's desk
and get beck his investment." .
Ari _lndiana Bergh lately caused the ar.
vest of • drover, charged with maltreat.
ing hie herds of cows. The Judge an
nounced that the utmost penalty within
his power to inflict for offences of this
character wawa fine of $lO. The prose:
cutor felt, however, that this would be
letting the cruel drover off too easily, and.
argued that the abase of each seiArate
animal conatituted an offence, triumph.
ently carried thin point, sod !Dewed the in
human herdsmen to contribute for his
drove of thirty cows $3OO for the benefit
of the State. ;
' Tar fishermen of Grand Menu bare a
patois of lieu' own. When one of .d iazi ,
„speaks of hle :brush," you'do not at first
suspect that he refers to his hair., mi.
boots are "stompers." while his knife Is a
"throater," and his aprons "herrn,: ilia
hook is a ...dragon," and his boats
"pinkies." "Ogles, and "Jiggers" Ile
counts time by the tide, and covenants
with the parson in marry him to-Suke at
about "slack water" The various preps
mittens of flour and meal as the "fish
irmotlutr,"4duff," and "Jo -daggers:" hard
bread and apples are " grunt . ' lie applies
"she" to everything from hie wile to *
cart wheel or clock.
A rim days ago, a house of ill-fame in
, Detroit was entered by a man of middle
tte 1
( itzt
ft I'd
k itt,4
age and serious countenance, who in
forined the *tonic%
,that he intended to
tAfer up prayer for their spiritual welfare,
and proceeded to do so, dropping on his
knees. 'tin' inmates of the house,. not
desiring his devotional exercises, took ad.
vantage of his position and rolled him
out of doors. lint there their triumph
eoded. Rising to his feetlte rushed hack
into the house. striking out vigorously
with the carnal Weapons of nature in a
style that would have done credit to the
prizaring. listing by sucii knock-down
arguments cleared a apace, he again knelt
down and finished his prayer. The as.
tonislued stifibrers by this development of
muscular Christianity, subdued into si
lence, hard themselves described and
their caeca stated in prayer, with a plain.
ness befittingitte otvasion. ,
AT the - DelllOCßtie Convention in Phila
dolphin,. it wax proposed to nominate
Judge Paxson, already the Republican
candidate for Judge. Several prominent
gentlemen spoke In favor of . this, among
others, Mr. Geo. F. Boric, who said that if
Judge Paxson has so much strength as Is
stated, why should they hesitate to put
hint on the ticket?, He is no politician ; ha
has gained the love of his colleagues on
the bench, the admiration of the bar, and
the confidence of the community. No
harmwould be done by putting bin name
on their ticket. If credit won to be gained
by his election, the Democratic party ought
to gain part of that credit. They ought
to sacrifice prejudice, and set n good ex
ample. A few years ago the Republicans
nominated a Democrat, Judge Shorewood,
for the District Court, knowing his name
would add strength to their ticket, and
they profited by their policy: But finally,
Mr. Boric withdrew the name of Mr. Pax
son, amidst great applause.
YousosTows claims 9.000 inhabitants.
AIUlt. Inas had the oratorio ‘,l Esther
full ~,st tune.
A VAS hp• the name of Bell, was drown
ed In the Mohican river, near Gricraville,
lima county, on List Sunday, while taking
a bath in company with several other
young men.
A mum , . belonging to Jacob Bilekens
derfer, of Trenton ; Tuscarawaii county,
became frightened and ran away on Wed.
nesday, when a little son of Mr. Blickena.
derfer was leading it to water by a strap
'which he had tied about Asia waist. The
result was the frightful mangling and
death of the lad.
ON Saturday, lStb inst., an itucommon
incident occurred in Ashland county. ' Mr.
Elinha Ballou, an aged and respectable
citizen, who had been walking about the'
place as usual, came in and stood by ;he '
bedside of his wife, who had been ill for
some weeks. Ina few minutes he fell
-heavily on the floor and almost instantly
expired. Mrs. Ballou hearing her hus
band fall, though weak, raised herself up
and seeing her husband lying- dead upon
the floor, sank down, and - within the apace
of about one hour'. time,ahe too was dead:
- WE had beard previous to our roarer-
SABO]] With one of our County Infirmary
Directors, that an inmate of the Infirma
ry had a live reptile in her stomach, but
regarded it as one of those "snake stories"
u - e read about. lie, however, assures
us that the facts ate as stated. The
individual is a Miss Hattie Brown, (or-
.merle . from -Lehigh county, Penreiylea.
nia, aged nineteen years, in July pest.
She has a longing appetite for milk,
which, when freely supplied, somewhat
eases her sufferings, but when withheld
for sometime, the reptile raises itself In her
throat, throws her into lipaNTLlft, and pro
crudes its head from her mouth, In which
condition he assures us, more titan fifty
le•rTems have seen it. It has a flat eel like
•ad: Lkack nkiu. nud dance it pi
wiftiy. an hitherto to !male the skill Or
physicians and others who hare attempted
to relieve the patient of the monster.. Ho
assures US he was as incredulous RP we are
until he personally witnessed the phenom
enon. We confess that we feel unsatisfied
with the evidence. notwithstanding , this
testimony of an eye witness.—Shelby Ncsrs.
WARREN COUNTY has nominated _Ron.
W Schofield for Congress and Ifou. C.
W. Stowe for Assembly.
FRANK 06.80 RN, thirteen years old, and
the driver of the Reed House baggage
wagon at Erie, was sun-struck last Tues
A I.IItLE ROY named Clark fell front
the Erie & Pittsburgh Railroad dock into
the bay at Erie on Monday and was
TIIE Republican primary election in
Bedford county will be held on the '27th
of August, and on the Crawford county
yett7n, adopted haat year.
A NEW WELL was struck on the Cold.
rater' Oil Company's lease, Central Pet.
;ompany's farm, on Saturday last, which
ei yielding 20 barrels per day. The work
rig interest is owned by Mr. Prentice and
he United Farms Petroleum Association
A Oil City. •
THE following was unanimously adopt.
ed at a well attended meeting of oil pro ,
&Leers, held in Oil city, June 29th: "We,
the undersigned, oil producer hereby
pledge ourselves each to the other, that
tween this date and the first , day of Oc
tober next, 'we will not continence, tier be
interested.ln the commencement onnew
. 'wells which we are not now obligated to
commence,,. the number of which and id
.theretn, is: Oct opposite oar reePec.
tire althea. Tide agreement to be nub
ject to confirmation at a meeting of the
subscriber. thereto, to be held at Oil
eity,.on.Wedneeday,the 29th day of June
liot Weather« F;onae Seminary..
The Commencement.. Exantination
—.Concert ...Essays.. Degrees Con•
/cued... Address Repty..A Social
Entertainment •
02irrespoudence of Pittsburgh o.ttte.l
NVASIIINGTON, Ps., June 30, 1870.
not. hot weather. .Panting and fan
ning the employment of everybody. An
uncomfortable time for the Commence.
meat exercises of one Female Seminary.
Still we have them.
Yesterday, public examinntion. Last
evening, concert. Music, both instru
mental and vocal. Large audience. To.
day; essays of graduating clans, degrees
conferred toui no address. Class numbers
eleven; fine young ladies; performances
excellent. Mrs. llama, Principal of the
Seminary, conferred degrees; did it
gracefully. Rev. W. A. Davidson deliv
ered an address. 11 was somewhat radi.
cal In its views. To : this Major Ewing
took exception In a nest and very happy
speech. dome present. however, thought
it a little untimely, and not in the best
taste. The Major's heart is In the right
place, but his head was made in the olden
rime; it needs reconstruction to adapt it
to the progress of the age.
To-night Mrs. Hanna gives a grand re
ception at the Seminary. A large num
ber of invitations Issued. A good time
anticipated. Oh I for a sudden fall of the
thermometer! It In going down. We
breathe easier. AMEIIICCA.
New Brighton Ladles , Seminary.
Correspondence of tho Pittsburgh Gazette
NEW BRIGHTON, July 1, 1870
• Thin worthy laatitutlon has just closed
Its first term. and Prid. Johnson and lady
have proved their competency to conduct
• first class Seminary.
It has been my privilege to Nish them
both in the parlor and in the recltatlon
room, and I have alwayp found them
agreeable companions, and competent In.
Their examinations, come of which 1
witnessed, passed off'. creditably to both
the teacher. and the taught.
The musical department, presided over
with decided ability by Miss Mary et
Housekeeper, is an interesting and impor
'ant feature.
They gave a very good literary and
musical entertainment at Concert' flail last
The/intend to open a normal session in
• few days for the benefitof those deal:
dttg to tooth. We recommend it to such
with all confidence. c.
Tilt ettttle plague itits uppetreil at As
IN 'lndia petroleum springs have Lean
discovered near Pegumin. Boring hi to
be commenced at nary.
hen:o to the erosion of tln banks of
he clang.; the railroad station of Raja.
a:x . llye to thrr4telled with total destrue
Tim native Sumo Moye; of
Caaitupore, subscribed t!Oft rupees n mont h
for the maintenance , of tip Enttli4lvsch.l
at Olipur. •
: Ton eldest son of the Rajah of Blinw.
nuggur has been placed on that. throne by
the Political anent in sitect , ssion to his
late father.
THE members of the Coomb.
near Dacca, subscribed 1,000 rupemi to a
fund for the preservation of ancient Sans
crit manuscripts and books.
TIIE breed of antl.barking dogs, dis
covered in Australia make sad mortality
among- the sheep. One dog enriklll from
thirty to forty sheep in one night..
A JEW at Monterey has bought for five
thousand dollars in gold, one of the finest
Jesuit churches in Monterey, and given it
to the Protestants worshipping there.
TUE managers of the eight. principal
Lanka in Lido:tits hat's given notice that
froth the let of July the brokerage al
lowed on bills Will be reduced to one
eighth per cent. -
At , SEAM of coal one hundred feet in
thic •
ness of which fi ft y feet in said to be
of a suppeerior quality, has been discovered
at Kerlin, India, on the Jinni.) Itiver, in
the Central Provinces.
14.051 E attempt is to be made for the pro.
4-113011 of fish in the canals in india . by
imitiog the size of the meshes of the
lets, mid forbidding tiahing within a err:
ain distance of the weirs.
lc PARIS a very atnmisins trade sIrSI./1,
and whirls the police are sin the; truck of
the latish-ids. Via: taking the photo
graphs of celebreties, retaining the fea•
UM'S, and placing the corps in •ridiculous
aambinations, wherein the indecent plays
a conspicuous part.
A FIRE at Mandalay, Upper Burmah,
consumed 10,000 houses, and cleared a
square mile nod a half of the city. The
EuropeanAuarter had ,;a narrow ramps.
.The Kiniei, Custom House, with a large
quantity of Eurspean goods was.burned.
A. subscription is being raised at Magoon
for the autli'rers. •
WE hear from the liangra
China, that the tea prospects are favor
able. The out turn of the valley last
month is stated at. 90.000 pounds. of
which quantity the Holm and Nassau
Companies' estates. between them, pro.
duets] about :17.500 pounds. The antic
paled yield of the season may be VS'
timated fairly at four lakits of pounds.
TOE London Atheneum says, that at
the present moment it is difficult to speak
with precision on the' question whether
"The Mystery of Edwin Drood" is com
pleted. The Athol:m.on, however. in au
thorized to state 'that 'Mr, Dickens has
left his last novel in • very advanced
state; but that, as if he had a presenti
ment of his decease, he had at the outset
arranged equitable terms of acemumoda.
tion in case the book wail stopped before
it was completed.
'A PARIS correSpo n deut writes that the
Duc firumont has reiddred an et rolls nt
_ . .
custom at the P 4111.41.1 oWce, which Its
predecessor. Count Darn, who was a cam
dle'a end economist. abolish&l. There
are two waiting roma at the French For
eign Affairs, one for ambassadors, the
other for the public. to whom an lowr
view has been accorded. Attached to
both rooms is a hrufet where those Wait
111 Z will find every delienry ..1 the +ea..,
and a Sai•itili to r•itto.lir in. with plenty
choice cigars to while away the time till
the turn of each arrives, If a' dinner
lubricates busineaa, a stand op hinch can
not i.e without its advantages.
Tar:Bunn of Cod, 'is the name of a
curious region in:lndia. It is a level
plain, one hundmiand fifty miles long.
and saturated with halt, and is,. firm that
the hoofs of- homes and camels make
scarcely any impression urn it. It is so
flat that a heavy fall of rain makes a vast
slop, which is blown about on the surface
until it evaporates. At certain Reasons
the wind blows the tide from the Indian
Ocean in upon the plain and cover it to
-the depth of one or two feet. There being
absolutely no land marks, caravans and
travelers frequently are loon; and to guard
against ails peril,a beacon fire k regularly
lighteffikke side of the hills of Cutch
by aMo medan family who live there'
and to whom has descended the religions
duty of thus guiding the wanderers over
this remarkable desert.
A TRIAL his just taken place at I 'aleut
trt. involving the right of a [limits) woman
to choose , ' her own religion. A young
woman, whose friends belong to the Drab.
mo Somaj, foZsook the tenets of her fathers
ands.was baptized. tier relatives got i
writ of Aabeas corpus and secured intluen.
tial council, but the judge decided against
them, and gave the woman' her liberty.
She at once, In open court. in the most un
hesitating way, Intimated that she would
not return to her relatives. However, be
fore judgment was recorded she was
again removed to a private room. In order
that her mother might again try to 'shake
ker msolatiou. No Chruitian friend. wag
permitted to enter. Presently, wails and
shrieks and howlings of grief were heard.
After a painful interval, the young woman
wan again called forth. evidently .tnueb
agitated, but she had not been shaken in
her resolve to be a Christian. •
THERE Is only one prison for women in
Paris, that of St.' Lazaiei, and which
figures as the abomination of desolation
in every Prenebtromanee. No nice atten
tion in paid to the moral cbutalfieition of
the Inmates; the mist` hardened 'feninrr
publigne• or thlef—and they are about
synonymous—are thrown poll niell with
the poor girl or woman, whom a email,
crime condemns to this bazar house for Kl.
week, and, on being discharged, sinks at
once into the depths, with a mind full a
the seeds of pollution.. An old lady de r t
sired to reform this prison; she wished to
see it not in parade dress. She took up
lodgings close by it, for some years hi
gnitiated herself with the officers till she
Was allowed to have the moot the wards n
Site took notes, got herself up In the mat
ter, demanded an audience of the Em.
west threw herself on her knees, urged
Fier Majesty to use her power to remedy
what she—the petitioner—knew - The
, result la, that an hastitution Is being form
-1 ed where girls, otherwise virtuous ; will
be taken in refuge on leaving the prison,
and protected until a reintroduction can
be obtained for them Into society. It Is
no secret that there IS a class of wretches;
who watch for the exit of .these poor fe
males from prison, and matie tempting
offers of money, dress and appointments,
guarantee a veneer of the polish of the
grand monde in exchange for their virtue.
Is the courier d'Oran a frightful chine
Is recorded, whio, even In the 'unhipp
country of Algeria, has hardly been par.
allele& On the With of May, at Mascara,
about seven o'clock in the morning, an
Arab, who had been known as a wander
ing marabout. living upon alms, necretad
from a butchees shop an axe, and, hiding
it under Ilia bourne., posted himself
upon a bridge. This particular bridge,
especially - on Friday , in crowded 'with
people going to market—Arabs. Jews and
Europeans being indiscriminately mixed.
into this crowd the fanatie rtutited,strik
leg from behind with his axe, and in lees
than ten minutes felling fourteen prisons
to the ground. A terrible consternation
took possession of all present. The nelgh
boring shopkeepers closed their shops, the
wounded were carried away, but no one
seemed to have attempted to eche the
miscreant. At last two Finable,. after a
desperate struggle, secured him, and he
was conveyedlo the Bureau Arebe
Mire, where, after some delay, the civil
and 'military authorities arrived to in
quire Into the matter. It in noteworthy
that the victims were selected solely from
the European population, the Arabs not;
only being spared;but 'exhorted to help in
the slaughter. An the Arabs were mus ,
tenid In large numbers at the time, from
1500 to 9300,and always carry long knives,
any infection of fanatacism might have
had fearful results. As It is, the lives of
several of the wounded persons are de.
paired of.
A Balloon Flue'
Perhaps the most remarkabloduel ever
fought took • 'dace in 1140$ It Was µ•cu
liarly French in its tone, and could hardlk
have occurred under any other than a
French state of society. M. de ilmtidin'e
and M. I.e Pique had a tuarrel, arising
out of jealously concerning a lady en
gaged at' the Imperial Opera, tine• :Made
moiselle Trevit. They agreed to fight a.
duel tr, nettle Weir respective claims; and
in order that the heat of angry passion
should not interfere with 'the polished
elegance of th,• proceeding. they most
owed tlm duel for a month—the Into
•to bestow her smiles on Alio
survivor- of the two, if the other woo
killed: or, at all events, thit; was inferred
lev the two meet. if not actually expressed.
The duelistowere to tight lathe air. Two
balloons were constructed, precisely alike.
On the day decanted, De Orandpre rind his
second entered the car of one balloon, Le
Pique and his second that of the
other; it was in the garden of the
Tuileries amid an immense concourse
of spectators. The gentlemen were
to fire, not at each other, but: at each
. .
other's balloons, in - order to bring them
down by the escape of gas, and as pistols
might hardly have served for this par.
IOPP, each ivrimaut took a blunderbuss . in
is car. At a given signal the ropes that
retained the airs oere cut, and .the bal
loons ascended. The wind was moderate,
and kept the balloons at about their orig.
inal distance of eighty yards apart.
When about half a mile above. the ,sur-
face of the earth, a preconcerred signal
for tiring was given. M. de Pique fired
but missed. M. de Grandpre fired and
out a ball through Le Pique's balloon.
The balloon collapsed, the car descended
with frightful rapidity, and Le Pique and
and his second were dished to pietas. Do
trrandpre confirmed his ascent. trinniph
antly, and terminated his rerialroyage
successfully at a distance of seven leagues
from Paris. .
A Wild Chicago Denary.
A friend recently directed my nttentcon
to what she was 'denser' to can iho "bop
denish ways - of a young' lady whd Is no-.
ted on our flioniughlaree for he r beauty
and sprightliness, and at •home for her, In
norence and pleasing good nature, allied
ton fondness for all hinds of adventurous
Iswyish. spurt. 1 watched her closely on
thus being reminded of her preserai, and
noticed that she was Over-dressed, a fault.
doubtless. of some presiding power; that
she were rings and bracelets on a shapely
arm. that -her small feet were tightly be
stowed in high-heeled boots, and out of a
mass of drop ury and artificial restriction,
nature was constantly bubbling over. For
she dial the most unheard-of things In the
few moments that I . iiatched her—went
down on her knees to help a forlorn child
find five cents with which she was re
riulml to purchase you'd, posed herself
before a halal of Beatrice. in a picture
window, and never noticed the "nice
young man' within oaring at her; mood
on one foot on the corner and cheered two
dogs engaged in mortal combat, gave a
penny to an urchin who made fares at her
tied up au unraveled old woman who had
lost her way: looked back and laughed at
the vagaries of a drunken man who im•
agined himself partirularlT ocher. Mid.
tled three harm of "Shoo Hy" under her
breath in remixinee to a boyish alleygittor,
laughed In the face of an inaipid young
man with blonde feature., And then ig
Oared him with a glance' of contempt:
thee suddenly changed Into a very proper
lackadaimieal young lady as her nun's
carriage came in sight. Do you know it.
seamed to DIP that glrl felt al RPPfgg cup
that too much civilization was a cu&vi—
Haw r.,rre v ehtlenee of the rhiragn Tri
More About the Dettrnetion Pero...
Horrible acenea—Er tent 01 the
Some shocking details of the late tire
at Pent are published' in a letter in the
l,on.lnn lfieraing P, June 15. Incl.
dents of the most painful description (the
writer sap.) have not been, wanting,
Whole families, have been found, the
membent joshed Ititutch otheeit death em.
brace.' Some few have been removed
from the cellars Of their house, still
groaning In life, lint only toexplre on ex.'
prism,. to the air: I hear that the sum
tier cif houses burnt down is computed
generallytit 15,000, 1 undenrtand that the
total amount falling due from London in.
gaminr companies is estimated at aome
what over /1100,000. On the evening of
the fire the Sultan rode up front aria pal.
ace to the Keene of disaster, but his Maj.".
ty's approach was cut °fret the Tarim by
theshovreni of sparks and the heat. In
the morning his Majesty in person super
Intended the turning nut of the troop,.
Irmo son, large artillery barrack. just
beyond the Tarim, to make room for din
creased families, and also ordered some
it-000 tents to be immediately pitched In
the parade grounds adjoining: Hare are
now located some thousands of burntout
_poor pisiple, who receive their daily rn
tions of rice, bread, oil and Meat at his
Majesty's expense. 'lle Sultan ham also
issued strict orders t,, the Intaum., or
priests of Mussulinau qUarters, in no
way hinder the letting of booties to di...
tressed Christians.
• A May Executioner.
• A letter fmtn Athens, apeilking of the
execution of the brigand, concerned In
the l murder of the Englials travelers.
nays their decapitation wan delayed In
, cornisottence of the ahsence of the oublie
executinner on priifesalonal tour. The
following list of the performances , is
given :
last Friday week he beheaded three
brigands-at fitylips,' on Saturday terseat
ramie, on Monday two at Hypath J e WWI
theu at Levadeis,*kere-bn was to exe
cute a notorious; criminal. He was then
to go to (Maki% and to Athens to behead,
afterward, the, neves, under sentence of
depth. His next deatination• Is Corinth,
where he is to exeinte five brigands who
have been for mono time waiting the axe.
onion of their sentence. Outset thebrig
gands beheaded at fityliaa had been con.
shunned to death five tlrna. These exe
cutions', it might be imagined, would be a
heavy blow and great discourairetnent to
brigandage, In.4_ it in not 110. - hither the
system or sympathy with it seems rooted
among the marmot the Greek people, and
by no means the people of the lower or.
der exclnaively. •
Pennsylvania Postailice',
The following postal changes iu dos
State have just been math::
Sherman Well, Venaugo county—James
T. King, vice W. H. Jessup, resigned.
Espyville, Crawford county —.l B. Espy,
vice J. Espy, resigned:
Handy Creek, Crawford county—H. New.
hold, vice W.' Thatcher, resigned.
Beallsville,,Washington county—H. U.
Young, vice A. 0. Hobert, resigned.
Erie •county--J. McManus,
vice Joseph Vance, resigned. .
Hurtville, Potter County—B. Burt, vice
L. Babcock, resigned. . •
Oilpin, Indiana, connty}.-J. hinter,
'vice J. T. Hinter, resignedl
Harrison City, Westmoreland county—
Mrs. S. Johns, viceE. Wilty, resigned.
Wexford, Allegheny \ -J. Brooker, vice
J. Plankington, resigned.
Change and site of Houston, Allegheny
county, to Claremont, and appoint Henry
M. ()MINTER. a member of the French
Cambodian . eximdition, asserts that in
China the taste for opium is by no means
continTii to the human race. Piste and
horneemthrive upon peppy Jlowers , and
when deprived of their favorite food lan.
guieli and die. At a town in Imum rats
usOC TA 'resort .in large number. to an
opium msnufactotv in order to inhale the
fumes from the coppers, and after the
town had been sacked the P(pitiviy . P.
the ruins of the 'factory were visited by
Ito old habitues, woo. were content to die
on the scene of their former happiness.
—The New York Afrthodirt earn We learn
by a cable diepateh, received Janenith, fmm
Dv. Hunt. that the Oermgn and .dn'leel Sion
gereeero, which met at • ristalie Jdoe Tad, has
'cart all Ito rotes—thirty-nine—for lay delegam
Don. The total affirmative Tote of thamlela
try by this addithin reaches 4,0311. The total
negative rema1t 0 1,..1431. and. tba mod
Torao-rs , Nilts or IMM
Bout Tbtrut. , l. result Dermal all contln-
. ,
,• if your ale, is bad
and your =Morn grumble about lt,go
to Pier, Deana, C o. C They Mk always
give you cream a er, and every one likes it.
SENATE: Progres pith the
Tariff VIII—The Tax
lions Restored.- OUSE: The.
Ing Bill Furth r Consider.
y the IPlttsiturgli Ita
. .
-4 E f K ATE.
Mr. ANTHONY w s elected l'res
In In consequence o the absence o
The Newel bill to hhtinge the the
ag tbalerma of Din! . let and Circuit
• •
. . . ...
- . . .
the Northern District of Ohio was m seed.
The . llouse amendments to the b I for the
improienient of. water, communic' lon be
tween the Mississippi river and Lake Michi
gan, by the Wisconsin and Fox rivers, was
concurred in.
The Atlantic and Noble Railroad bill was
briefly discussed, and en Ineffectual effort was
made by Mr. WILSON to get the conference
report ' nt the army. hill."
The t x hill was inked up, the question be
ing upo the amendment to tnx Interest on
United, fates bonds tire Per cent. It was Messrs. Bayard.Thurman,Davis,
Stockton, Queerly and opposed by Messrs.
Etimundit, Sherman, Corbett, Rice, Morton
and Penton, and was rejected by 12 to Si.
A 'discilesion ensued upon nn amendment be
Mt. THU lIMAN to tax the Income derived
Dine bonds of five per cent.
Mr. WARNER moved as a substitute a three
Per cent. tax on Incomes derived from all in
vested capital. -
Moth amendment were Sr:meted.
Amendments offered by Mr. Harmed were
adopted, allowing free iloPortation of ani
mals Intended for exhibition at agricultural
shows, but not to remain over six amid h.,. and
if cold within the United Ekatea they were to
ho liable to duty: also to repeal the taxes on
bequeata and devises to literary, institutions,
to take plate after the death of the testator.
The Finance Committee amendment an to
the which the free fat goes Intoopera-
Oon. hoeing withdrawn the paragraph, It re
ntalna as passed by the House. axing the time
for December 31',. - •
the bin was reported from Committee of
;he Whole to the Senate when the amend
ments went Collellireli In, ettept those upon
Which hop:trate cotes wemestill. which were
The tlr,t of thee. iu which concurrence Wee
asked wal: then mendment ntriktug not the
income tax tettlo.:
Mr. WILSON moved an amendment c
tinning the Income-tax for two !'ears longer
at two and a halt per cent. 'Rejected. •
oMr. DIU moved to made the exemption
ne thomeind dollars. Rehet led, •
. . •
The Senate then voted upon the amendment
of the Committee of the %Thole striking out
the income tax , lirhich aaa con
curred in. the vote tieing recorded finally am
yeas Cti.gayr 21. •
The next amend.nent upostarhich a generate
rote was demanded was the sezt lon inserted
tn. the Committee of 'the Irhoir continuing
aa tax on Federica and dirlgend• tot UM.
The keel on- "a' ale
e t 4 eenatt Autrust
IThe limendsztent IVPI4
I. 140:endeAln _provide tint
Ittril &incurred in.
t Mr HEIMAS mOved nfi autend,ent to
coatln e the tax 011 pins stuelpts no et peer
o,..rking the Sennte date hot d vtlen`e
Holtverth t a
te es ntee nenvnr). for the ettoort of the
!dr• PI MI:NIV gave notice that In ennee
quence c f the vote Just taken he would move
to reco rider the vote Ntrlldne . out the in
I Err
Mr. E 1311:?;,11S nolved to reconsider the
Vote sty klerout the Income lax, remarking
that by he showing of the' !batman of. the
Finance . o[lllllitt, time country mutt have
either t• e 1001111.1111. or tax WI receipts to
make ufo, the replitedlllilollllt of revenue.
Mr. ANTIIoN I took similar grOund, that
the Senate was bound to choose between
the.e taxes.
M, : 4 1.*.MX}:11 th . ought there wag en twee
n tax. and that the aNdrattut et
the noun.: I `umudttee mute tattlltte6ty foliate
too ter the Mee ot the P4ereetsfy of the Teen.-
urr nt the <peed,. estfarulehntent of thr an
E 41111111 4. 1401.1011 prevailed- :11
and the Income turtion• being *grin before
the Senate, Mr. WILSON renewed his :141(.114-
roma coot/nein/the Income gin until t he end
of I. oh the rate of Ind and n half in4end
of fl oe per cent. '
After &lengthy dlitengslon the amendment
. agreed to—yen% 27. nay. 2.2.
The question then being on striking out the
ections Imposing the 112C0We tax no amended
• nate refused to strike them out, thus re. ersing its farmer action.
Ikne—klessrs. Ilarard, Cassette, Corbett,
'come. Gilbert. ilatuilton, 1%1, Harris,
ohnson. Rulings . . Levu, kleCreetl., MeDon
id. .i tsborne. Poulervy. Itobert,on. pi,,,lt,
Ewan. Stocktrrn. Sumner. Thurman. Tram
ull. Vickers-22. •
Akinxklessrs. Abbott, Anthony, Chandler.
eugln. brake. Edmunds, Hamlin. Harlan.
owe. Howell. Morrell (Maine), MorrelltVth
.atterson. Pool. Pratt. Ramsey, Hier, Hass,
hurt. Sherman. Sneneer. Tipton, Warner,
"Ilev. Williams and Wilson—Ni.
On m o tion of Mr. HAMILTON. the classiff-
, .
lon of mien on autrar as;report-iron, the finance Committee wits subst
ted for the !loose classification. '
Mr. SCHURZ renewed his amendment L au
orizlng the transportion of roods to bond
ram a port' of md re ton port of delivery of
car of oat leas than 150.000 Inhabitants.
. . .
111.11VE moved to allow' transportatio
n cities or 51.1,000 inhabitants.
After considerable discusainn 'the &mat
nding Itself is-Ithont a audeurn., at arl
r. MAYNARD. trent the (Immlttee of
ye and Meant. reported a bill remitting
• releming all legacy and Aucceselon tax on
'see or bequests made by Mathew Vesser
'actor (3ollege.
e.. 12. Paine. Ilenjamln and other inidribers
!Ired to offer amendment,. fora like movie
. In reference to inntltutions in their die
: In, but Mr. Macneill declined to admit
m and the bill patted.
o motion of Mr. STILES. It was ordered
Monte adjourn to-morrow till Tuesday.
i nips a somber of private Milo were period:
! log the exlenalon of the wood acrid! 101-
, was opposed by Mr. UAW whoa,. um
'. to table It wax rejected—X. to /A The
went over at the expiration of the morn
_hour. •
i r. BUTLER, rd Massachusetts, offered a
. ution requesting the President todemand
. he British government under what torn.
ow of right and under whose order Ameri
fishing vessels were arrested and detained
he Straits of Cans, on the may to the fish
grounds, by vessels dying the British Mtg.
he House resented the consideration of
'Fending WI; • -•-, • . ' .
o amendments were .made •to the second
. .. . . ... . . - . .
or hirtv-cighth !motions.
On Mai. of Mr. SCHENCK the fourth sec
tion was amended by striking out the wools, the order of their ,number and Issue, be
ginning with the drat numbered and Issued. -
r. 1101,51 A N would amend the fourth soc
tl n by providing that five-twenty bonds shall
be paid In greenbacks. and made nn argument
inSupport of the amendment.
vr r fin BC all i rse N t C tred a b r y gu t e h d e . t p h aaa M
u f .
ag ti VOl g t u h e e st a io el
of the present Congrees to strengthen the
public credit," end declared that the wont
a d .meattest. the foulest of ah po..ible re
p, ill ation, would be now for Congress to ig
n and trample upon its own very- first ace
of 'eglantine. • . -..- --'
. i . r..l.VtohOodi,l}WA. ni ssoliffnr i ecire ti tc ' gt ' e l 6. l : l sl
b,, ...-orcpsynble in greenback. under the
ti .,
t a of ec lat: E. a si n c d K e
a l t r en i g u the
edit d e t: t e a r:l
h t I .d o n
bee n f Th.
any de . Stevene to that effect.
ambiguity In the law of 1562, that atnblgully
had been removed by the law of the Itith
/larch, MI.
kir. JUDD moved to amend the fourth sec
tion try striking not the word...which in - his
opinion and discretion can conveniently he
applied to that purpose - and Inserting the
word., ° derived under the provisiona of Win
aet.". , He explained his object by stating
thst If this bW became a law the Secretary of
the Treasury might witbhold selling Single it
four per cent.' llsmcs. tint gq to work to Tel
deem the bonds In colts. and ha wished
such right to redelthl 'limited to the proceeds
derived under
. 61.1. bill.
Mr. VOORHEES sustained the poaltion o
Mr. Woodward, end Instanced the language o
Senator Sherman to Its support.
Mr. Holman's amendment was rejected-4
to Lta.
The Republicans who voted aye were,
Messrs. Beatty Coburn , Orth and Tyler. Thh
Democrats wh o voted no, were Moser. 1.431 ,, ,
num, Brooks, M. Y.,) Randall, Slocum, Stone
and Swann. -
Mr. JUDD modified his amendment by in
serting the words "which luny be dernml
from the We of any bonds, theinne of which
_provided for In this ant."
Mr. 'SCHENCK moved to amend Mr. Judd's
'amendment by preceding it with these
"which be may lawfuUT OPPIY to . such pur".l
pose, or"_
Dark amendments were agreed to no as to
make the fourth section read -that the Sec
retary of the Treasury le hereby authorized
and instructed to purchase with any coin In
the Treasuy of the United States which he
may lawfully apply to such purpose. or which
may be derived from the sale of gay tsq l ,4 t e e ,
issue of which is providoti for in Hill Int.'
Mr. BUTLER, Illtsinchusetts, moved t o
amend the fourth section by forbiddinc
redemption of Fise-twentlee,ln cab/t o y er ,
until greenbacks are convertible - Into coin. OF
until bonds bearing lees rate of interest
be sold at par for coin. .
. . .
Taw was tiet..ll,l at some tallith by Minn.
Bingbarn, Alllaon, Pcneack. Lasts and
Lawrence. •
Mr. BUTLER Me as • reason for the
amendment that under the litth section of the
bill all the gold in the omunirtnight be bor
rowed by tbp Treasury and serenty-fire per
omit. of the amount used In redeeming h•Mos at
par, although nt the name time greenbacks
might be temtwerdy or thlrtyper cent, won.
• .
The amendment wax naleoted—ee to NIL
Mr. GRISWOLD !toyed-re Atrtke out the
aece Ne l l.lnrs - h i tl=hmente were afloat to the
teatb i leetio . n. m t
eectOn, 44P: r ail=
Ul.l . 2, 187(
the Treasurer to receive old on deposit and
issue certitioutes therefor bearing three per
cent. interest, and to an' seventy per cent. of
the amount In the redemption of outstanding
bonds. Ile declared that a. more dangerous
and dentructive proposition bail never been
nut Into a bill. It would place the United
mates Government at the tittles - of foreign,
-Mr. St, HENCE defended the section ax ea
sential to the operation of the bill. The ar
gument of the gentleman from Mnasacbusetts
had been directed to the apprehension that
-I no much gold might be poured Into the treas
ury. It wason argument not to strike out the
section, Iris to limit the amount tole received.
In defending the bilit he Committee Of Ways
and Means had in nand tout a Outfield°. In
the amount to be redeemed, but they after
ward; thought it better to leave It to the dis
cretion of the Secretary of the Treason'. The
Secretary might retain fifty per cent or any
other proportion.
In. reply to 3 tin rot ion by Mr. Cox, Mr.
Schenck unntootted the expectation that
within this and the routing year these four
tier cant, 'bonds would he taken. His reasons
for thinking so were to be found in various
article. In European journals speaking favor
ably of the credit of the Failed Staten and Ito
clianCes of obtaining a Inn at this low rate
of Interest. In addition to that, some 4.1 the
members of the Committee of nays and
Means, himself included, had had within the
last week assurances from banks and bank
ers In France of their readiness to take bonds
at four per cent., If they could he of the kind
described In the first section of the MIL that
Is long bonds redeemable after thirty years,
free from taxation, only payable in coin and
of. small denominations running down to
"V . . r ja. '
Mr- remarked that that announcement
seas the most Important part of the debate.
.11 he could'he aasured moneyed men . and in
stitutions in Etsiope were willing to take
these hands and save the Affierican people
the dlfferenee between the two rate{ pf in
terest. he did not know but he would slate for
It, particularly If some of Its had featurea
were eliminated. He Nees reluctant to give
up that great power of sovereiglitY, - . the
right to tax 'these bonds. That right oirght
to he reserved If possible. It these bandit could
go into market with that reservation, he
would favor the bill.
Several - members on the Ilemocmtic'aide;
Including sMessrs. Morgan and Van Trump.
challenged, the position taken by Mr. Cox,
though It wits opt very clear from the con
tused mode of expression what the calla dif
ficulty was. except that it was thought Mr.
Cox was rather representing Wall street than
Tammantll nil.
The debate was further continued by Molars.
Kelley, Randall. Coburn, Jones, Ky., Duolt. N.
Y., an mid and Mongol.
Me. WOOD criticised the Committee of
Ways and Means as being subject to great
deception and imposition on the part of end-
Whits and as being - guilty of nose improprie
ty In attempting to palm off on the House and
country information thus ' obtained.
Mr. MAYNARD called Mr. Wood In order
tor charging the Committee of Ways and
•alemr. wit ti pron. Impropriety, and the iv rds
were ruled our be the Sneaker as unpn
Mr. OOD would not repent it, but old
not take It hack. .
The qii,tion teas put, and he Wan alto red
to tirneeeti In order.
The diacnssion on the section was close, by
Mr. Schenck.
' An amendment be Mr. DAVIS. to af
ter the ;surd “bufilon" the. words •ed
and otamped under the laws of the 1.7 n ttd
States." was agreed to.
Another amendment by Mr. DAVIS to
make the :rte rest on gold certificates [se In
stead of three per cent., was rejected.
Mr. Ilutier's motion to strike out the 11 lb
section wan negatived.
The sixth section was then read for ante d-
Mr. MAYNARD moved to add a clan. e
quirtng enamel statement of the sinkl tg
fund. which was llernatiThi.
Mr. DAVIS. of New York, offered an adli
tiontlonal oection providing for the Issue of
roar per cent. hoods for which greenbacks
wouldbe exchangeable and Into which they
be convertible.
Mr. SCHENCK moved the precious quest on
un ' the bill
amendments soh
secondd. •
Mr. DA TIT muendinent wait relecte'
the hill passed —air to' 41.
The Deintrerat lc vote was entirely he
negative. Mr. Brooks. of New York, M tx
and Mr. Batter, of Massachusetts. did no vote.
The Republicans voting against it were Ir.
Darla. of New York, anti Mr. Stevenson Of
The House bill was then adopted as A a tr
st it ute for the Senate bill. , •
(dent p n
the V Ice
f hold
.urts of
By Telegnsph to the Pittsburgh Gazet tem(
1/I . IIIAN. July I.—tbi laborers In the Mallow.
mills iitruck for an advance of wage. , year et.-
An 'attempt was made by some agrlcultdral
hands at Killarney in wire and destroy a num
ber of mooing machlneg. The attempt was
burned and the rioters •taken care of.
Four men sullered.death from foul gas In a
coal mine at Talks. Staffordshire.
John Derry. Catholic Bishop of (Unfelt
Island. Is dead. ' •
The collectirm tolls ot.raU) turnpike sates
In Exisfland is al.ollutpat.
The Liverpo4l Cotton Brokers ARROCilltlon
have 31.111.1111te1l n committee totake measures
for repressing's/le operations for the depres•
Pion of prices which so injurlouslv effect the
cotton market
The Ittmclig ter Chamber of Commerce pro
tests astalis4 the cession of British Gambia
to France.
. .• •
There ha• been rainy weather far the oast
thirty -viz hours all over the British Isles and
come cectlans of the continent.
. .
In the House or Lords to-day fliers was a
short discussion nu the Ecclesiastical Titles
The commonseontirted work on the Edo
at lon'trill.
I'tw ,
July 1.--There seas n tierce debate
Last evening In the Corps Legislatlf upon the
proposition fixing the army contingent at
ninety thousand men. The Republican mem
bers opposed, and sharply attacked the Min
istry, upon 011isier to maintain his
principles or resign.
There is no apparent dlininution in the rav
ages of the smell pos.
Sitting of the Corps Legislatiff yesterday
was much agitated by the discussion of the
military contingent. The government asked
fur telskel instead of 10000 men, the usual
nuntlier- Mr. Jules Fevre made a spirited and
g:Tfi e rTe:n:2lffgrgy! b lllllgTgufgf
the state of Europe menacing and France
should he prepared.. M. Farce quoted from
the yellow book., official assurances of the
pence and tranquilly of the continent and
wanted to boom what such military estab
lishment woe" kept for, unless hidden
plans and schemes In favor of . dynast,'
were entertained. lie closed by de
eclaring he believed the Ministry hon
est.. but, it was subject to a higher
will. M. °Meier answered charges made
against the government and its
_policy. Be
had .no fear for the future. Fenn ' had
olnedlerEladowa In the plehlecitum. Much
dlssatiefaetion was here repressed by depu
ties and :Violater 011ivier explained he had no
intention of exulting over any of the subjects
of tra empire. These words increased the
agitation to the chamber. M. Farce rose to
rep . but It was Impossible to make himself
bee ,so lend was the noise. lie refused to
proc and took his nest. The majority then
vot , against continuing the discussion next
'dot ad the Climber adjourned.
Tit tritil of members of she International
Woe ingmen's Society continues. The de
fence has commenced. All the accused admit
therzC .111iong to the Society, but denied that
/I= til has anything to do with its f 0....
tion, that its object er praetie•-m . r9 Is ,-
. ment .trikes. . . --
priorun. July I.—Moutnensier formally
offerslhimself for election to the Cortes.
The' deficit in the Spanish Doublet for the
past Sacra year is seven hundred million reale,
equal to the defici t aniticipmed in the ensu
ing. year.
Rout, Julyl.—lt le reported that the party
of action are meditating a coup domain
Home simultaneously with the proclamation
of an Haltom republic by the adherent, of
Hsuln! and Garibaldi.
• ALTZAZIDILIA, June Y9.—The 'Viceroy Is
about to go to Constantinople.' Poring Pls ab
sence the Regency Is conferred op Its eldest
son, who has been recoiled from a Journey
through Europ . •
OurourrOWN July I.—The steamship Scotia.
from New Yo k, for Liverpool. has arrived.
LONDONJiII L—Tbe steamer Cambria. from
New York, I arrived at Plymouth.
_ •
Losroos, July I.—Ehvn huh—Consols for
mopey 60R; account ilets. American securi
ties firmer CIL 90%; 903(; Ms. MX; 111-10%,
es Eries, 19%; Moots, M. Stocks steady;
O. lir. M
Ltykstrooh. July I.—Jhere n le considerable
a ` kel irn=r3 l l the 1 „4.,T,M41N,01
ti tle aloe below the estimate, and AMMican 'MAR
bales below the eMlineft' ;Ales for the week
MUM; exports 4,000; speculation %AOC bales.
Receipts for the week, 01,000; American je! .
bales; stock MAX) balesf Amerlima
afloat for Liverpool 411A10 bales; AMlTharal;
MOIL Cotton Argil upland. (1%©10d; Orleans
1 0 %0101(d,• les 10.000 bales. Manchester
market qu iet 'Receipts- of Wbeat for I dare
17,51* quarts, ; 15,0 M American. tftlifornla
whlte IDs Ad lei Od; red Western Rollie 10di
Willer Os 'id Os ed. Rim quiet; welter° Alik
\ COM rlo .0 mired ANtaa• date 106
IZl f ef i s.4. Per 8;18d. Pork . dull at 101 e 15. r
not sad Y l4ber; Lard au l tbetiand
We: short rib tC7 PetrMeum_.unchanged.
Tallow He.
I Lozomi. July I.—TaliowAlle. Defined Pe
troleum dulki Linseed QM:rater.
I Platt/CYO July 1. . Ronde Arm at
PARIS, Jar L—Bourse opened quiet at 72(
Mx, closed dulls; 741
Anw 11g rti
q" . o ' it. CITY. July L—Rlye!2.111111.;
fii" itiiVjgel.'"iiiii
ometer 76 at 6 P. m:
Raowtfavu.a.s. July I.—ltiver itatloaary
Nth two and a halt feet Ifliteith the channel.
feather. raining. Thermometer it at 6 P. M.
Iteienur of 111IP last Fiscal roar Near
]) 8100,000,000 -1' ie Debt Pte•
itceil Oren $20,000,000 During
itut—Treamiry Polley for lily . —
Tlle'.liniiest y question, Six., dx.
[By Telegraph t., the Pit +burgh f. alet te.l
WASIII9tiTI.. D. 1'..'1013 .
rlSSßcln 1..
The total receipts front (uteri, I revenue for
the fiscal year ending ye•denirtyl are within a
traction of tles,oen,ooll. The total receipts
from customsare estimated, at ' tral:-
,14,1Ui, mid from public lauds and ail other
sources about VA! WAIL This will make an
Income for the Government of nearly #4f41,-
901INO. The sinking fund, at, to yesterday in
clusive, shows 1F37,6115.1911n; the special %ink
ing fund shows $86,:5T.776.trt1, or a total of
5124=968.54 to be deducted from the national
debt . . The reductfon of debt for the past
month will-reach nearly $5).500,K1D•
The following nominations were sent to the
Sennett to-day: Felix A. Mathews. of Califor
nia, Consul to Tangier: John T. Robinson, of
TIISCSI/le. Consul to 'Leith; Edward Johnson,
TlSouth Carolina, Consul to Tallmano; Chas.
Thwelt. of Alabama, Consul to Rio de Di-
To; Moses H. Urbino!, Naval Officer. New
k; Thos. Murphy. Collector of Customs,
York; Thos. Hillhouse, Assistant Treas
urer, New York; T..W. Oakley. United States
Marshal Western District of Wisconsin; Jas.
C. Hopkins, Judge District . Court of Wiscon
sin; Noah Davis, United Staten Attorney
Southern District of New York.
Postmasters—S. Frodshaw. Savannah. Mo.;
fienry'Bohn, Ripley. 0.
Secretary Doutwell will not be lately to
Issue a statement of the gold to be sold and
bonds purchased before Sunday. which is the
day he has accepted for that business. The
general Impression here is that the gold sales
will be no larger than ordinary.notwithstand.
log the heavy, cola balance In the Treasury.
The disbursements on account of %Jule inter
totslut the ,les of gold interestwhich hoe
accumulated 10 the sinking fund • will be
Tine Committee tnn Reconstrixtion have
agreed to allow Beck, of Kentucky. to offer R
bill providing for :general amnesty. as a sub
stitute for the bill reported from the same
Committee by ben. Butler. The only differ
ence 'in the treasures Ie that Beck's bill ex
cepts but seven classes front the benefits , of
amnesty. while Butler's makes nine excep
' The President has signed the bills to regu
late the foretell and coasting trade on the
northern, north western and northeastern fron
tiers of the United States, to establish. and
protect National cemeteries, joint resolution
authorizing the State of ,New Jersey
eel, the Stevens battery: and ant toprevent
the extermination of furlbearing animals .In
The public debt statement shows a reduc
tion during the month of June of 5 9 )=-
: Gt. .Tbe coin balance in $112,79.90 83, In
cluding g 34.547.1.% In coin certLecateg; cur
rency in Trgasurr $28,94511G: 19. The total.
debt, less amount In Treasury, Is $2,386,X18,-
- - • •
.U.yhe amount of joterest en bonds Purchased
h the Secretary of the Treasury for the Mak
ing fund and special purchase falling doe to
day amounts to i1.350.000C01n.. and the pro
ceeds will be applied to the purchase of ad
ditional bonds. •
The Con - mitt ens on Finance and Ways and
Means have determined to leave the tax on
whisky to the present form. ,•
JohnMorrissey procured from the Presi
dent and Secretary of the; Treasury a Trea
sry order to the collector at Burlington to
admit horses from Canada to the Senators and
Long Branch lanes free of flaw.. -- •
The President left to-night for Connecticut
and the Vice-President started last night for
Ohl. Mr. Colfax delivers no address et
Meadville. Pa., Monday. .
Mr. Matthews. nominated as Consul at
Tangier. fostnerly held the came position, and
was removed on the ground that the govern
ment of Morocco was hostile to him. Papers
to that effect sent to the State Department
proved forgeries. '
flyTulegrabh to the.Pluxburgh Gazette.l
NEW YORK. July 1. IS
A little before one o'clocs: this morning a fire
broke out in rihnsheath's kindling wood fac
tory. which 4pread rapidly, so that at half
past one o'clock nearly all that part of ' the
city embraced between the railroad and
kightla street, and Including the lumber yards
of Pablo k Steles, Derby. Snow k Prentiss,
and others, together with Planing mill, bell
factory, machine shops, ,ke. Green street.
Washington street. and others were in a sheet
of flame. The entire fire deuartruent of Jer
sey Cityturned out. but the flee had got such
headway and gained so rapidly on them that
all their labors could not control it. One large
tenement house was destroyed and several
small ones. About three yearft ago the same
district was burned out. The fire is atilt
spreading rnpidly, and it is believed that the
loss will not fall far short of $4000,000. Im
mense quantities of lumber have been de.‘
stroved, and fears are entertained that the
shipplus may catch are. •
Shortly after midnight It are broke out in the
old locomotive works of Ilreer:e Neallu, corner
of Warren, and Morgan streets. Jones City
and within an hour the building wss totally
consumed. It was occupied as a cooper shop
by Bernard McMahon. and as a car factory by
W. It. Cummings. The loss Is estimated at
$55.000: partly insured. The wheel foundry' of
Wnshburne k Co. caught fire several time.,
but was extinguished before it penetrated the
building. The Continental screw factory was
also on fire, but the firemen subdued the
flames. McKay's locomotive works narrowly
rimmed. The damage to different buildings'
around the factory is not more than 14000, and
the total lose will probably amount to SIT,JUI.
= =!
The argument in the case of the Erie Rail
road against the Lake Shore was continued
to-day. Es-Senator' Doolittle appeared as
counsel for the defendants.
Joshua F. Bailey has been indicted for em
bezzlement of United . States funds exceeding
mix hundred thousand dollars.
. . , .
Jose Manuel /desire haw been recognized as
the successor Senor Lenses 'as the diplomatic
representative of the Cuban insurgents in the
Coiled States. The !ter. Dr. Milo Mahan, of
Baltimore, has beet chosen Professor of Sys
tematic Divinity in Episcopal General Theo
logical Seminary.
The Erie, Pennsylvania Caorni and Ne
York (Afntral an.L./suesmi River Compmlie
announce aaeover general reduction In fare
St. Louis. $2.5.50; New Orleans
1X1.03; $9,50• Memphis. tai.7s
Linden:AO, $5.5n; Chicago ' fare unchanged. MEN ritncrED
The United States grand jury found about
fifty Indictments against lottery dealers for
not Sling bondaxiith collectors. of districts as
parented for payment of ton Open receipts.
D. Whir.n.i. and Dr. O. W. Spencer and (=-
Dire are at Cape May.
Eros= O'NEIL, Eire, Is spending the heat
ed term at Long Branch. .
liana Dentitions Is to be the Demo
cratic candidate for Congress.
W. A. TOMLINSON; President of Common
Council, It a candidate for Mayor.
GINEItAL T. A. Rover" of the Eleventh
ward, Is talked of as a candidate for Mayor.
Mn &anvil. AU:ann. late City Treasurer.
Is lying dangerously tR with cancer to the
stomach. His case is beyond medical sidle
and his death hourly looked for.
Join+ W. 1%...a.5.Eay.. was "watchad"lao
evening by hts (Mends to the 'lune" or three
hundred dollars. Judging from toms of the
friends" we think there was some "tide% Lu
the arrangement.
Wuzlatit.FlOLvelittrfiut, the Mell known
caterer of rifth avenue..rmtved
turtle on Thunder' whlrio we he 163 perm*
It will bo seCred up in stens and Imlay on
MOndaY. July Ith.
film S. S. D. TI10)1PSON ag A l leghenytria
Fire /maritime Company olls.
hag fcalgued his position In that Conduinp and
tf`tlgt , lll, ~a p pointment "p..lllT.V.lfeig
most enterprising and practical of omit:limy
LidUtance agents. and while °morseled with
&ens was liberally introit:OW th e Pub
lic. The "Andes" has been eillidtnoll' fortu
nate In securing the serviessof such an able
sa dof e cti s , man In this lobality,apd as the
has all been takers end 'BUM subscri
bed, the "Andes," with Mr. Thompson to ad
vocate its elalroueMil soon assume a leading
posttion ic ille ibl rgln t ot h conntry and be:
;2:4 1 , ppbb local and fore ' ign e .lL E TF.T.l:iitr.
"'Teb following are thenumber of deaths that
occurred during the week ending June 29th;
as reported by Dr. J. Day McCandless, Pihy-
Melee of Board of Health:
Syrsure. 1 : Maraa m ßroachitim, Q,ule. n
‘ !elan
Ira Pertusele, Ailtiammaitorl'ot Lunge. l;
Diarrise. 1; Tetanus. 1: 011:let raver. l
Still Born, 1; Hepatic Enlargement.% Menin
gitis, ;2: Hydrimephains.,l; Capillary Boon
chitie, 1; Remittent Fever 1: Apoplex y, Typhoid Fever , 1; Hemorr h ag e of Lange, 1;
Dentition,. I; So ft ening of Drain.
of Brain. Friumia, 1: Cholera . B=l:rt
Pneumonia, reritotilt. • •
Of the above there were under 1 year, 2fn
from Ito 2, .% 2ta 5, h. 5 telt% 3; 16 to M.
3) to 30,1; to 40, 4; &Ito 00. I; CO to 59.$ 10
to Al; SO to 90,1..
Male., HI females, 24. White, 47: colored,
1. Total, M.
VOL. I.N.XXV.---NO. 152.
The steamer liatnyla. groin Liverpool, a
riled at }lust no yesterday.
-The public free baths In the Hudson. at
New York. weer opened on Thursday. '
--There were live Cases of Suust Thursday.,
Chicago on Thursday -three of them fatal.
-.Hugh Malone has been sentenced to be
hanged at Cliva, on August lath. fur
(lener•,tl toe ha; started North. Ile w
iced at Charlotte.ssillet Va., by lion. (leo
H. Pendleton.
—Dr. J. W. Foster, one or the oldest nn
wealthiest citizens of (tile:Ago. died on Thurs
day at Oak Park.
--Flfty-one of the Josephite Mormons have
left Salt Lake City for .1 heir old homes in the
New England Slates.
- About ninety thousand sheep will be killed
for their hides below Santa CruLWlfor
nla. Scarcity of pasturage the mud,.
-- A man named LaSsawer was knocked
olnw anthiobbed of a largetunoma of smoney'n
and nat. Wayne, Indiana,Tburs-
ay night. '
—At Chiengt. Thursday afternoon at eight.
'clock the mercury In the thermometer
coil at u 3; yesterday at the same hour It
cod at 70.
—Highway robbers are infesdror the sub
urbs of Cincinnati. Within a fete days a num
ber of persons have been stopped by pads and
ordered to die or deliver. '
—A terrible bail storm, accompanied by
Ind and Ilichtiting, passed over Denver. Cul.,
u Thursday afternoon. Hall stones as large
s walnuts fell for an hour.
—Tae harness makers' strike at Cincinnati
is likely to be successful. One 'of the largest
Onus In the city has acceded to the demands
of the strikers and resumed work. , •
—Tho California and Oregon Itailroad ill
be opened to Chico nn the 4th lest., with an
excursion. The road will be finished in time
harvest ft the tiacmmeisio Valley
—C. W. Smith. General Freight Agent, at
Columbus, of the Pittsburgh• Cincinnati and
St. Louis Railroad, has resigned to accept a
similar position on the Cent mi Pacific Railroad
. . . .
—A manufacturer. of Linseed oil at Rich
mond, Indiana, In receiving an Invoice Of ten
thousand bushels flaxseed direct from Calcut
ta, India, at a cost here equivalent to the cur
rent domestic article.
—Lewis Kennedy, colored, who ravished
and murdered Mrs. Stewart, In New Kent
county, and killed John Baker, her fliemmma
ager,was executed yesterday morning at
New Kent Court House, Va.
—The refired& running east from Cinein
. tl yesterday reduced the fare from that city
to New York to $15,50: to Boatort. $111.50. The
Baltimore & Ohio carry paiisengera to Balti
more and'lTivihlngtou for $l4.
—The Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce yes
terday adopted strong resolut ions in favor of
building the Cumberlaud / Ohio Railroad nod
pointed a committee to confer with t he nu-
- .
t ornies of the fond with reference to the
best means of giving old.
—The race between the steamship Nntchez
and Lee created more sensation at Cincinnati
yeaterday than any thing of the kind that has
ever occurred. There 'was n great deal of
betting and between one and two hundred
thousand dollar. have doubtless been staked.
--The eirennistantial evideamiagainst the
man OaUnary. arrested of Indianapolis for
the murder of two little girls near that place
on the :sth ult.. accumulates. Two little girls
have identified him as man who attempted
to outrage them 'some six weeks since. When
confronted with the body of one of the mur
dered girls he showed no signs of guilt.
is "reported from Whetstone Agency
that Spotted Tall hasp returned to his home,
but is very uncommunicative in regard-to his
recent visit to Washltucton: also, that .a war
parte of opera t ewenty Indians left there, sup
posed to on the Pawnees or the Union
Pacific Railroad, in the vicinity of O'Fallon's
NEW ORLEANS, July 1. }'lour dull: super
CVO; XX $5,75: XXX 0. Corn—mined Salta,
94c; White .11,0e01,10. Bran fl,ro. Hoy
Pork dull: Weds 1430.75 for light; 131.50 for
heavy, Menu—Jobbing sales at 14Sc tot
shoulders; for clear rib shias; lB3ig
lOre for clear rib sides. Hams fic. Lard
quiet; tierce 151:016Xr; keg linalalkli(c. Su
gar firm; prime lIJSCDIHfc. Coffee scarce and
MILWAVXEE. :July 1.--glour, nominally on
changed.l Wheat easier at $1,1 : for : No: I.
6t,l_" for N 0... Coarse grains nominal.
. ,
1101111 ST 01 URCH
(Ealhned street, near Depot.) bite Baran!
bite T ow, Pa.. N. F. CROWTHER, Pastor. Preaching
EVERY SABBATH at lOti A. sr. and 7.1(P. a.
Publlccordlally Invited.
CHURCII.—This Church dill be reopened
on ISDN - DAY NEXT. at 11E1 o'clock A. M. genic.
will be conducted by Dr. WILSON; at 3 o . olook P.
n., by Dee. NOBLE, of the Third Church: at 714
ria P. M. by Bev. BEATTY, of Shady Side.
o• corner Bearer street and Itontgotnery tee.
nue, Allegheny City, .10SEI'li 81.,G. tot.
Preaching TO.SlollitpW (I.orols Ihylat lON A.m.
and P. M.
ticats anilroly tri.c and n conlial Invitation to an
Sunday Salt.] at 9
Pastor. Preaching morning and evening at 104
and IS ° Dock. In NXCELSIMIL corner of
Leaman. and Federal street., w elcom e ieny.
Sato are free and a cordial to all.
ECr NOTICE.--The Consecration of
JOUN wEster CHAPEL-will take plane
on SUNDAY, Jold 10th. to. ableb Wee the Marbt
1%/La:. and oth
Tickets of a lmlselnn, inclodlng dinner. 73r
•BA NK'.
Myra/to/au, July aL filkfik / I
of this Bank have MD day declared a Item/.
annnal dividend of. 81X PRIT. CENT.. payable to
tkockholders on and. after the. 11th Inst.
tutzt3 WM. FLOYD. Cashier.
MECTIANIce tr:vrionAL
PrrTenClltitl.July 1..18711.. S
---"" CENT . , free of Turn, will be Wan to the
Stor.kbolders of Ole Beni. on end after TUILS
DAT, July 12th teat.. •
. JOHN. O. MARTIN, Outlier.
Prrrumna Ir. July 1,1810. t
of this Bank bare Maven' a dividend of
MX PER CENT.. out of the prone of the Insists
month.. Maid. forthwith. freo of tax. , _
ladyid F. 1.. RTEPRBNISON; ca.aaper
c "PAN,T
; 2 1tha iwasel In. the 7..1ty 'Of Pit YOC li' a
-I y - tnland to raifile aPPllention to . this next
's.nalviatere of Pennsylvania for additional corpo
rate powers, to-wit For agthority tuna and
eintaor their o•pital and a/MPte in the Plirehaelv of
PrOmissnry notes and other negotiable paper. and .
"9.3' AbOVINIT B o
It. TIRO, President.
JOsgen T. Joilswrws, Secretary. !Call'
Tbo arm of JAMES TPUSiG 004 GEORGE A.
BELL., &oleo !mamas tinder the Wm nun. of
YOUNG & BELL. Livery Stabler,.dolog bustnese
at No. Penn street. la dissolved by the Oath of
George A. 8011. All claim, egalost the above gem
are to be pimento& to gums Toone and Robert
Hell toy settlement, who have entered Into ■ Co.
eartnereblP to caysy on the ifsimi bootees*. All
debts doe Jame Yonne and George Hell trlll be
be pall by the nen - drto of Jason' Young aid .
Robert Bell. ' JAMES .YOUNG, • •
• Attto'r of Geo. A, gam
lIISSOLUTION.--The. Co. Partner.
k lzreelotti a ter=7 4 of xi
r l,Vrlrue linees Wlrde OOlathltle4 Mae
k a inurlil, at 11: Old stay: . o WOOld .
trill be MttrM2 a -
FIR :bony
the firm to MOttiVai Ve=l.•
.... _ _ RIM .4 STN.
rirrur . aoll. July I et. IST •
Wi l TilA z WA i EA_NS,
Y cgueoeuoyNDlAßAiS A COSSISL)
' WlLOlesaleGrocer,.
o i a „, -.WOOD cud 'WATER STREETS Mts
.., ... . je7.41
The Partnership her er.ofore . extering ontier the
Om name of
Erplres with lle del 19'
u. M. units
PrrrenrEo ; u, Jun; 30th. 1810. ' • Int -
Ladie, Gents', YoUths',
Summer - Underwear
Commercial and Family Neisitipei
febbattle. or t marchabl sboulJ b•
• •
Single oubccrlbcro sl:ir
tlub• of tiro
Club.. of tan 1. 3.
A copy la furnished gratuitously to the rsttcr.
of s Club of ten. Youttuacten• rre Pluttleste4 to
act as AccaU. Addreac.
111111111141/. P
FOUR LlNEs,,,in be inorrted is
for E Yer-r1 VI:NT:t; tot,
111.1.2 CENTS.
v coLotwo CHAMBER MAID. with goal
reference, At N 0.3127 PENN STREET, 7-2
Vir A N TEIL—To pureluka Bonne of
4ur 3 Rooms. Suburban p pent' twornrr
ed. Addres, with priewtertus and 1,001lort,I.OU•
\AT ANT ED.—A t 13 Tnolnel Weft.
operator, Pintabers an Sutton Hula
Muter, •
T V.! T p
2411 R tl
n Store Room. .1.0.11101.411111 wanted 110011. Adam..
It. GAIMTE Oak, 1:4115
• n 1 PII
a coupl ORPII~S ROT rod
e. Compensation. di ne
ng, echool
lug. he. Ben of reference Addren for
two dan..l. C.. liaasits Date.. 04
AVANTED.—A Sltnati n
TENDISIt or Ina wholesale liquor .tore. by
a num who understands rectify! d compounds
Mg Helton. Pinto( reciimmends umpteen. Ads
Sows R. li. M.. Pittsburyth P.ll. 4:311
:12iT RECRVITS.—SevetiI
~E a ll , l l ) Z niod- -. led men,
good reputation,
tom wanted to 1111 op the FOURTH COMPANV
DUQUKSNY Glt RYA. This company Is one of the
best In the Battalion. Apply at then iece of
A. BK11:807(..
Eoot it 4.34 street.
WANTED.—Sereral Men for Form
Work, Gardenlnk and Drivica., Moo. for
Brickyard Wort. - Bayard gels Girls Wardad for
Conking; etowTherwark. Dining-room work arid
1 3V- 4 7T 1 . 3 T let .Iv:l.'ol,7:r=
tki.ponsion 8014100
• 30,000 to Loan lo limo or mall amount.
Bill. Bond and Real Estate Broker,
No. 179 SetUkelele Bueet.
Thirty Thouiand Dollen to Loan
n or stun amounts on ;aware? In Allegheny
••• ems at a fele rate of Interest.
Heal Cate** Aent,
OS Grant sievet.
LIOARDINIP—To.I t,with Boarding,
es 103 Fourth avenue. • 643
boblle ore hereby notified not to treadiete or
accept a note forftl7ll.3B.PaYablo to the order or
J. W. MeASLIN, dated Nay 2t4th. Mae. arid
drawn by J. W. bleCaallo, re payment has NMI
striped on MM. PIM .
OST—On Monday evening laat, a
-I— , MEMORANDUM BOOR containing a small
amount or Postal Carrnier. A liberal regard will
be paid to the person returning It to
Cor. Math and &mailman /BAUM ward.
HOUSt. with More Boom attached. Bite
-18/ WYLift
wine A
VENUE. 643.c.. roe wan, Ac.. cad at No.
—A Sotto of Furobbed Rooms on wood
door, 161) Third woo. 611
• A Met-demi EITORE ROOM arid cellar, No
189 Liberty street. completely fitted. Up et ,
shelving and Warders. Will bo rented cheap
miled for won. Enquire et
TV . 11, SALE.-H 0
111 . prat •
Fos SALE ' will
buy a hones nith a • nom d epth. WM
lou 24 feet front b lelle feet with
tabling, frontlncon a tarty feet atreetoneebalf
Kamm baCk of penneylvanla averindkTnentteth
anrn, near East nou n .ppi7 at 74 Omit
etroet, near Seventh pinarela
"MIR SALE.— That nall-knOwn
N.n)2PitittlV,ll4, l 2dlLagzgn-17.!
To • prOpar mime detlllol/ %Sep • h0ter......
rme °PPM - Omit,. roe terms, esti or ultimo • .•
• No:2 Bank of Commerce
rerOoeupailoa immediate On We. Jetrti
I'OR SAlE.—Enginad and Boilers,
-•••• Now and Seeond Hand. of all kindteomtiatly •
on hand.
Orlon from all part. of Mt country protuntly at.
Landoll to.
James mica CA.,_
Corner Merlon Armee and P.. FL A. k C. R. W..
..llgteny, Pa.
A... PAINS 240 ACRES. one hundred and sixty
acres ander cultivation. Want.. woad. Improve
ment-2 dwelling.. very larire bull and stank.
and Oleos hove.. orchard andwoo irstared 4. l4, •
small creek passing through the Ogee. - Mtn lo
7. indian..2it =lles from ninon
Lonlerille ' liallroad: In thriving neighborhood
to vilify.. and ehanthes. The faro. can be
P"'h R. Ifett e triCo...Nt.. P l P l i ir4Votirth Ave.
RESIDENCE. ennisloing 20 acre. 2 houses
thereon: one.. One. eontfortable and convenient
hOnsingood water. and one of the best water pow.
ere In Western ratiO611•11IIIS 101 . • milli 10
from the city. on the wuters of Turtle creek Wad,
if of a mile (root Stewart . . Station. Central Rail
road. Also. several good Farm In good 'motion.
and hone*. for sale. Enquire of
mill No. 110 Grant Rt.. °OP.:wile Cathedral.
18 LOTS. M' sans each In orcltant of laiwe hear-
4 1 1 ' grii i 1=7 4 .r....c.,:111 " the
cities. nice
OQ to Sitloo each.
MOLISE AND LOT, fall of chide° hawing f rulL ' • •!,
P VT i3. iArtV carrAcat. II nak L . . ;
front and sada
at is aaii....41,..., - =,...".. •
good welt oftratar at tact door. carriage house wed
Vitrnr=WlT""'"""a .... r -7-
12.nri i i,reb r tl i t. Waaltini;ton i man 1 iwa. - pri,... . . .',
szelrtsti It. INlthlia {112:n ° 1n2124. WWII of It ' I
cline. Enquire of Ti
W. LINHART. on the prewilmai. . , ' .•
-,T.3 . 41.. ° "111"Z1P111".., ii,,ql tiVI Irk .1;7. -
ate on 44th s r tieet. neer Butler street. The lot Is • '
wad supplied with drape vines. eh
while on Werner as n.s etable.-eas
tbe house. This property law,rtalnly the meet - i
shuttle In the 17th ward. Moe moderate and ' ,
loot time giVeo. T. It , PILL £ BON, - ,--","",
Coy. Penn and 33d meets: ' ' -
1. 1 4 . P I ' : /VI L:11! "l ec " " nr " W " lrlt 204 1 17 gt; 1
Ttils Is a beatitltol l µeat. and one within . reek . ..i ' 1
MI of moderate means. T. It. SILL A KVA • , -
ON 44th BTII33T.—A beautiful la near.rnitter -1
A n y GO by 103, close to the Citirene.P. R.
Any me illehine • pleasant !mot on dtdolt Le band ,-
cannot be Netter suite& T. IL BILL A BON. •:' ,- -,
sAse .ill pundiase One Lots bear the Penna.. ' . 1
IL IL:t 5/00esstraad bean/Lein toning.' sums) '• -. ''
Miming's. Workingman should nolo' UM rend ...' .'i
MMitnnity ells bi, They will_newrebareanoalter - ..
" 111 "."4""' Corner I : rpinTaX4l3/t=is.' - - - A
Sqturdai, July 2d,
At 3 o'clock T. K. sill be cared ea
et Public flambe BEBIT=CII oI
Tbe pram?"
7gt. wlllk 11 rnnam, ante-mogns,
W r: atk4 ike.f *Mars under, the whole hoer for
000.1, eery." house. wash boas.. wine cellars. Az
There is also a la/hiMole Buble on the rear eito!
of the lot. with every convenient* for hone,
cows, centaurs, to.
'/Yams-01.4purth cash; tb Wand is oak.
two awl thnienars. •
Jost nesived.spurresa illalaseactment of N.
Sayers sue invited to call and *stinting the stool
as onanty and price will dr for the Interest of the
o , l ‘ . l6: . n u nstut; l Ltsrp_l_txp . e . 3_leellent usortspien tt.
""5 . "" .
matirs4 , t5,..1 ilt.m4 4
M.-.LOgG 'CO
(INwpwld 011 Worm° it uu day aliwiw#4l/, nix • :
CALDWELL are souwilinilla 19111. •'.
tM ths.coutiwolins trainws.wW wwWW6I4II
. 1 . ,
PraRKTBOTE.J.Ii /. ]Wish • ,
PROPOSALS ' ' l l3o.ll.—.Sesied
STREET. until July Stk.. ERTL for frouries
WOOL to ten 11111.11061) tbcrinuo4 bushels of.'
seed LUMP COAL. to be delivered et ibs Grunt
TiVTU AVYNUL set.. non.. samx,
6 ,, not trcenitno
I suLillimuil nnt
+P k=
E. -L Furnished
F 77.- 0 foot n Stockton an ,
d rung bock 940 teat to Walor
erected therenaa ioostomfortithic