The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 01, 1870, Image 4

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Persons leaving the city for the summer.
vrtehing to have the. GAzerrE cent to
them, will phase send their addressee to the
alee. Price by cents per month.
Is 4 at 3 o'clock. P.m, sale of
deslrablellit es for beautiful country. homes.
Darnel °lnman.ll retired. from the city .
yesterday . to the wornhonae for tour months
for general worthlessness.
A stated mertlagof the Board of Conmilers
or Allegheny city. will Le held At City Ball on
Tuesday evening next nt :,y o'clock. ,
MIDI w •
of bus.
hAilaw Wee the Inter little game
high a couple of Allegheny magietnitea
ay consoled themselves for the dearth
Alders an linter Tnaterdayy leaned a war
rant for the arrctt of Catherine Litz for com
mitting a naltance neon the premhrea of
Loulas Schmidt.
Slate Hasbro objected in It lejral Information
ytuterday to being eallet4le names by Wil
liam Stewart. Alderto oiler Issued a war,
net for William's arrest.
Jobs Thomas was before Alderman Neubert
yesterday for Insattlug Margaret Dans. The
case was not made - out and the proneutrix
"paid the cons of the suit.
Hari Odinits renterday made information
before Alderman MeNlantera charging Chri...
thin% kielintt with being unfaithful to her
husband, who was out of town. Warrant In.
leantSUL—Beautiful suburban lota from one
to eve acres abonndirur io fit Wes. Irrapes
and shrubberyi• only fifteen ru minutes' drive
from Allegheny Diamond. Public rale this
afternoon. See advertisement.
V. Nair:— &meml sets of second-hand
window sash with raid lights In, and doors.
good as new, will be sold very low. Apply to
day at CIAZIETTE counting room, corner of
Sixth avenue and Smithfield street.
Geo. Taylor residing 0. Main street, Alle
gheny. for maintaining .an nutunzsled canine
which bit Charley Taylor, yesterday, has his
name 'Wain:upon Aidennati Mullen's docket.
and .111 be arrested whenever found.
Betsy Asaerson exhibited her spite at Fred
Itubsamsn eallinf him names. elle vias
such an eltiertlhat k red telt Justified In call
ing Alderman Nenberta at tent lon t o the facts.
when Betsy was arrested. The case was
'ensile settled.
Ungallant 'Jana Rants yesterday called
. Mary J. dust bad names and threatened to
give her a hat water bath—scalding hot.
Alderman Mullen's police are 'instructed to
Intercept the canguirdll7. Proceedings by ar
resting Jacob on sight.
Exploded.—Yesterday morning a stilt
bunted at Livinsgton & Ilro.'s all refinery.
Just above the Sharpsburg bridge, or what
wed to be that annum, the still and con
tents were destroyed, but no other damage
done. The loss was not large.
ted to
ple " Xy tre rm h n ;foil a m sTera t ri ‘ ,l l .
fort alie pretence. It was alleged that he
had obtained boarding to the amount of $lO.
from Joseph Gibson. bgrepresentlog that he
had $lOO coming to Lim from a firm In the city,
Which wit" not the case.
Vesterasy manilas ■ horse Attached to n
spring wagon ran off in Duquesne Way. The
dying team, wagon and all. - brought up at the
river mraloot the Pittsburch Barge Club boat
house, just abort the Suspension bridge. The
• wagon was demolished. the boat !muse elite
crushed hi. and nobody hurt.
Tim Connubial tenderness of John Vogel
lean musnifested , yesterday In chasticicut his
wife Ottherine, ,diminishing the nobly of
their crockery ware and threatening to dis
solve matrimonial partnership by causing the
demise of Catherine. Joan Is now in bail.
awaiting n hearing to come fill to-day before
Alderman Molten. •
. legamt.—Aidermen Donaldson eld an In
quest on the body of an infant h about nine
month.' old. which died suddenly at the Union
Depot. Wednesday evening. The child, ac
companied by Its mother. nn English woman.
wM traveling Weld, and had been .Ick for
several dare. The Jury found that the child
died from natural causes.
lietaped and -Reeepturril.—Charles Kenne
dy. committed to the workhouse by the Mayor
on the 14th Inst. for ninety dam escaped from
that Institution Wednesday evening. and woo
yesterday recaptured by Limit. Emmett, in
the Twelfth ward. and brought to the lockup.
The Mayor sent him back to the -work house
to serve out the remainder of his time.
Tboroughlarr.—.7acoh. fllgmundi drove
lb the yard oflotit:.Vu:ii; Fourth ward,
A days break ing down n
lothes I tle and agitating the female mem
hem of the eatabllehment to such nu extent
that Mr. Wein wag compelled to call upon Al
derman Mullen and have the Intruder arrested
for malicious mischief. Ile will have a
Coaled.—Wllsou's glass bane. Birmingham,
was the scene of a little unpleasantness yes
tegday between two of the employees, during,
which .L•B. Wright silenced his opon thponent.,
James Parker. by hitting him e bead
with a pin:mot coal. Alderman Thomas sub
sequently was called upon by Parker, and the
visit resulted In it warrant being Issued for
Wright's arrest.
Pint Presbyteries. Church Organ—Post nom,
beat of Sahiblllea.—Tbeexhibition of the
splendid new organ In the Elm Presbyterian
iMuroti; +Riach was to have taken place this
evening. has been postponed tors short time,
•as the organ Is not yet completed. Notice
wilt be given In our columns when the exhi
bition will take place. We understand. how
ever, that It will be used in the services on .
neat Sunday.
Aggravnted Assault aae Battery... , J. A.
Jamiaos made information before the Mayor
yesterday charging John Duff, John Kramer
aad George Kramer With aggravated assault
and battery. It is alleged that Duff attacked
Mr. Jamison, a member of Council rnim.the
Twenty-third ward with a club and beat him
lea brutal manner and that the Krnmers aid
ed and abetted him. They were arrester and
held for a bearing.
home of the - membe r s of p the Pittsburgh
le !M
Barge clu. had R vey lnt xTIon
at a b ne . Three of the easa boat, e m ned
hi fifteen of the members were rowed p to
the Belvidere, near Sharpsburit where apppex
cellent supper wait attended to with n lelleh
that only oarsmen can know of.
The host M. E. Elehenlanb understands how
to keep a hotel. having been a proprietor of
this excellent house lance UR.
rims Foutsla.—The petition of the citizens
of the Meat ward. Allegheny. for a drinking
fonetaln (tithe Southwest square of the Dia
mond tuts been heeded. Who erected the
fountain we are net informed. bat toe foun
tain is there Yo every one may see who passes
the Dlamort It is styled the "Fountain of
Health." tls bot a very elaborate affair eith
er to design or finish. yet It looks quite as well
as ■ load of baypr a "huckster stand."
Borrower le Trouble.—A wagon wheel hoe
een the eauae of veration. lit bgetlon between
Jacob. Carollne and Fred. Mlnkle, of All .-
'two-. Fred. borrowed the wheel of Jacob
but kept it go long that the owner called for
It. He didn't get the wheel but he did get
ea out. Meditating upon revenge ,he
y hatn t d h e n u °g d ee onf
oAmetimn u
erick with aaaault and batter)- and tracer and
coarerelon. Warrant hulled.
- Seal to he giciatlemeil.—The Festival nt
gouth Common M. &Church will be continued
to- eight and alim on Monday evenlng,lnly
Mb. at which time sealed votes will be reeds -
ed on the banner for the most popular Sunday
school. Also sealed votes on the gold bead
. • •
hick Is being contested for by the
Me • • • Walter - and- Qldgle. Walter got
ahead arida last evening. The contest Is
waxing worn and it Is herd to say et present
Writing who will be fortunate enough to get It.
lieveamle.—Lost evening the tolls of Jour
holistic life were most agreeably diversified by
a delightful serenade, with which we were
favored by the popular Iron City Brass Band.
undgr the skillful leadership of Mr. Julius
Moore. A number of formite airs reemployed.
the sweet music evoked attesting in the full
sot measure the proficiency of Abe members
lh the "art divine." For the pleasant sen
sed, they have the thanks of the whole force.
editorial, compositorlal and office. all of whom
will be pleased to have them call "early and
often." -
. Through the ripe.
oelgMCallahan. a youth of fourteen sum
mers, who was committed to the [House of
Refuge by the Mayor on the :nth Mat., at the
instance of his mother, remained in he hull
tutlin about twenty minutes, m near as can
be ascertained. and then took his departure
through a sewer pipe which leads /rom the
building to the riser. Ile had been gone about
lyre minutes when the keepers of the institu
tion mined him and thinking he:had gone
through the pipe, attempted to Awed Mu, off
and ...catch him when he emerged from its
mouth. but they were too late. ' lid km not
been seen or heard of in that locality since.
Our colored fellow-eitizens of thli vicinity
are anticipating . a brilliant time et the snub
versary of this Institution. which Will take
place on the 7th of July. The Literary So
?, chillies will be addrensed , by Senator H. R.
Revels and Judge Wright. of the:SuPreme
b. Court. of Smith Carolina. Anumg other dis
tingUlshed colored scholari who will be ores
tut are Bishops John M. Mown and Single
andwtheor Hebrew
i Nebo:Lac
- Mayor T. Morris Siester. N ewa Trui7 our cot.
grad citisetut ought tabe proud - of rect. a pro
.- gram:wand meowed to give their brethren
Aststoomlngteceptlon. , •
. .
.. --•--
If ' finelifoi Attaelg—The Parmigiana Remind
tirtardeMshortly after boon. a man was
•I, btought to the lockup in an Intarlatted con
. - dittos, end looting as If be had ltd. Paned
thrOglik SA .stastear iturdleal ope on. Ile
, .
could not fire his name, but the erplanallou
' .. of his_ appeanugee was 'given by the odl-
I; air. The man, It seems, mblie under the In
. 1 abases alliquor. tattered Weber., beer saloon.
..-- Item *mat near, disteenth street, and es.
• ~.. - ileavored to raise a disturtinace. .litre. Weber
- .
man In attendaang at the time; And Ober a
few minutes the .tisitor
'.„ wards r millethe addres s i e m d o c d a t n b n ur a
•, nlmme b iately attackciatwith .
a dub
~ and Itlected him from the saloon after Maki.
r w i lr i p . juk upon Ma forehead. awl otter.
lam. Ile was so terrible ballet
LbstandleViundstanoe had to be called in,
adieu hie wounds were prof:aril drined. 'The
lontantbera moaned him, and today the case
- .
WW .b Investigated. :.• -g
• .
The Bubble Burst—Veers. Slot Menet...—
Dame Ramer Cornered—The Truth of the
'The Dispatch thus very truthfully and sue,
cessfully explodes a sensation which crepe
Into our columns a day - Or two ago. We Ire
glad to put the parties right on the record,
fOr we know that they were. loth injured ly
the publication of the Item, and unwarrant
ably en . for few gentlemen occupy higher
position in public esOmatton than they. Hem
Is thy statement of f)ispnich, which, after
omit careful inquiry• we are prepared to
heartily endorse:
The city oapers of Monday and Tuesday
contained what purported to be particulars
of a very sensational scene which occurred In
East Liberty on last Sabbath. The parties
who figured in this affair bed hitherto - been
recognized as among our most respectable
citizens, and, at the time, although brief men
tion of the affair was made In the Dispatch,
we gave no names, and strongly doubted the
probability of tee story, which was to the
effect that the wife et .a well-known stock
broker, had been found In rather an awkward
position by the lady's hatband. in order to
have a full understanding of the matter, we
yesterday paid a visit to East Liberty. mud
from disinterested parties obtained a full ac
count of what gave rise to the rumor. The
lpartners referred to have long occupied a
eading position among the atone dealers at
the East Liberty stoc`yerds, end for several
years they have enJoyedthe fullest confidence
of tech other, and as far as the world's goods
were concerned, had prospered finely.
The partner, against whom the finger of
scorn was, for the moment. pointed, has been
known among bin associates as one of the
most exemplary young men doing business
about the Mock yards, and the news of kis
difficulty with his partner, and the surround
ing Circumstances, thieve all who know those
concerned Into a fever, of excitement. Ever
since this occurrence of Sunday. which was
referred to in the papers, th , eielghborhood
of East Liberty and several . Dons of the
city, 'where - the panics were known, woe
alive with the moat picturesque description
of "a scene" between the two partners, and
the story receiving a fresh impetus from
every one who dealt It nut. cultninated yes
terday Morning in a most pathetic and minute
description of the occasion. "
Determining to find out the truth or falsity
of the story which had gained credence. nut
only from the newspapers, but from the scan
dal mongers and 'citizens generally, we visited
the scene of the affair and Inquired Into the
After having betted the rumor, as it first
gained ground, which was to toe effect that
the senior partner and his daughter had gone
to church; that another daughter had soon
after appeared in the church and requested
her father to return to the hotel. where they
were residing• no a strange scene was being
enacted in their room between the mentor
partner and the senior partners wife; how
that the married gentleman cashed to the
hotel and there discovered' his wife and the
Junior partner In la - loving and affectionate
state; with this onhand we looked for facts.
Now, lathe outset, we have it from both gen
tlemen implicated ,ln the affair, that this.
statement as to what incurred the little..on
pleasantnees" that did transpire was not
brought aout In the mariner in n.
The senior partner, accompanieddicat bred at il
one of
his daughters, had gone to church. Aoort af
ter, the other daughter of the gentleman ar
rived is the church, and, seating herself in
the pew made a remark to her father relative
tothe extreme heat of the day. The gentle
man in response to the remark said that he
would not remain during service but would
return to the hotel. He did so. and, on s
cending to his room, found the door to the
sleeping apartment of himself and wife lying
open, while lathe center of the room etood
the gentleman's wife end on her shoulder
rested the hand or the junior partner. At the
eight, the 'lady's husband became strangely
affected, and doubtles• his brain was tired
with-jealously or an Idea that his domestic
the two
happy as they might
be. Anyhow, the two gentlemen had a few
words of rather animated corivereation, after
which they withdrew to a private parlor;
where any misunderstanding that might have
been between them wan happily healed.
Herein Iles the entire heals for all the ab
surd stories of a neck and neck encounter
which was so freely circulated.
We yesterday conversed with both the gen
tleman who assured us that the, above was all
that occurred.
• towhead, '
I'be - bablti. who felt himself wronged, it
is but proper to state, bad not long since re
eelied a letter from an anonymouswriter.
warning him against his partner , and refe,
ring to sundry little acts of devotion (which
were none other than nets of kindness) which
he had noticed between the parties. The con
tents of this letter, the writer of which has
not been discovered, nor do we suppose be
ever will. he now, were of the most contempti
ble character. It Is supposed by seam of the
friends of the parties that this letter won
written by one of the Inmates of the hotel.
but as yet the truth of the matter has not
been .fully ascertained, yet both the gen
tlemen feel confldeot tharthey will be able to
unearth the busr-body who was the sole
cause of any little unpleasentneu that may
have Inornentorny existed between the par
We are n ow happy to state that all the diffi
culty, silent as indeed it was, between the
gentlemen. has been most happily adjuqtrd.
and that they now bear. toward each other'
the kindliest feelings.
Perscout who give rise to such rumoraWleast
redection on the characters of two such
well known gentlemen as those referred to.
cannot be too summarily disposed of; yet we
suppose that as long as the world exists we
will find scores of busy bodya and scandal-
Mongers who are never so well pleased as
when endeavoring to ruin or blacken the
character of their best friends and neighbors.
So ends the "East Liberty Sensation.' which.
without a 'beginning or an end, never had any
tsogible existence.
A collision occurred 'a the Panhandle Rail
road, near Dinsmore, - ednesday night. The
express train, was due a the city at 12:12. A
freight train from the . pot here started and
near Dinsmore, run on a aiding to wait until
the express bad passed In doing this sever
al construction carninped With brick had to
be moved forward o the Siding. In doing
this some disarrangement of the brakes-oc
curred and the can being on a down grade,
ran off the aiding to the main track and on to
the bridge, some distance away. They at
tained-considerable speed, and although the
locomotive was sent after them, kept the
lead. Just as they entered the bridge—n
small covered structure. the express
came in at the other side, there was
a meeting_ in the center and n
smashup. The locomotive of the express
train, with the express and baggage can.and
two passenger coaches were demolished. The
"construction cars 'shared a' similar fate,' the
bricks being throWn In all directions. The
bridge was completely wrecked, the timbers
being broken to splinters, but the cars were
drivenso tightly together that they formed a
span across the creek—an impromptu bridge,
The passenger coaches contained about
seventy persons, who somehow escaped. Home
of them were slightly bruised, but this was all
the damage. /lo they escaped seems a mir
acle. They reach . the city yesterday morn
ing, • special train having been sent out for
them. .Nn emyloye of the train were hurt
and the only loss w s in the rolling stock of
the company.
Peahen ry Personals.
Jona Armistoro
~ sentenced to undergo an
Imprisonment of twenty-four yearn for homi
cide,li at'Portem - 111 , Butler county, Is happy
and contented.. Ile is making cigars and has
putlti three years f his termt tie has con
ducted himself tub:nimbly, being docile, good
natured and industrious. finder the new law
he will gain his liberty In fourteen years, un
less sooner pardoned. .
Dn. fixtrrd. of LaWrenceville, who was sen
tenced for Pill years for pluming counterfeit
money. is making shoes. He looks delicate.
but Is happy and contented and enjoys good.
TEDDY MCCAUTTI4 ' in in the shoemaking de
partment and work sell. He in very Indus
trioll/1 and conducts himself In good manner.
SINCLAIR, the burglar, Is dangerously
confined to the hospital. from diseases of the
kidney,. lie wilt never come out alive from
TfIOYAO CAllOOa, Of Temperanessille, who
shot and blind his eon-In-law. IR tromod at
weaving... He 41 much depressed In spirit,
but conducts hlustelf In an unexceptionable
JACKNELSOA is working with Saar add
plane. y He Is a good mechanic, and Is IM and
LEONARD RAHMAN la at the loom vreaallitt.
He gives no trouble and is measurably well
Ton lleurrairaa is running a loom in the
weaving chop._He is cheerful and happy, and
grows fat upon his confinement.
KAUrntaX. the Penn street barber who shot
a boy who was looking la hi,. window, end
who Was convicted of murder in the second
degree and sentenced to twelve years' Impris
onment, Is at 'shoe =akin*. He Is unhappy
-and discontented and yearns for liberty. ..
Stamm Anne. is in the weaving depart
ment. He makes a clever apprentice and is
no trouble whatever to the warden. He phil
osophically accepts the situation and is con
tented and happy.
Su - mu:arr. convicted of rape some four
yearn ago, and mu:fenced to fifteen years itn
,prisonment. la a shoemaker and a nod one.
• He la cheerful.
Turstg are but eight women in the Peniten
tiary. They are engaged in sewing, supplying
the maleprisonerti with clothing. •
Turns are only one hundred and thirty-one
prisoners In the Penitentiary, a much leas
number than has for many years m'cuPled
that corrective institution.
oa 84 Man*.
From an information made at the DaYor's
office 'yesterday morning It appears that
Charleit,Oallaher, proprietor-of the "Big Sun
newer- saloon, who Was formerly • proles
sionai prize lighter, has again entered the list
of contertants for glory. It is alleged by Jen
de that Charley and her had a "set
to," la which +became out second hest. The
facts appear to be as follower Jennie
went 'into Charlie's eabitin and wee
requested to p she
became hoLeterous leave and r efused e t i e g u o. Charlie
thawed her out at the house and unfortunate.
ly for Jennie a policeman was parting the
place at the time and took her la charge. She
was taken to the lock-up where she remained
over eight and yesterday morning was requir
ed to pay a One of five dollars. and costs.
While smarting' under the punishment impos
ed upon her sue resolved to ha revenged and
made the nfzialion as above stated. Charlie
won held f or m a bearing.
John Hthirer mul Williambiltsch. QU.r 7 r.
men employed to Knox's stone quarry at
Woods Has, were. seriously Injured on Wed
nesday evening. They were bleitleg rush.
and baying pripared a blast lighted the fuse,
Which. from some canse.gid notbarn. After
ing some minutes on it theft both went
to o l the cause. end while Rom= Wu
Avir arer 11 the tharjre exploded. serious
ly ng them both. One ot flobisees eyes
was own out and the theft of the other des
trove& • -He also te•Wred• other injuries,
which misdeal his reeowny doubtful. Xitseb
bad one leg fractured in three places and was
Otherwise infused.
• .
Quarter Seoslons—Juige Stowe.
TiliranDAY, June 33.—Court opened at ten
o'clock. A. a.. Judge Stowe on the bench.
C. Davidson. indicted for larceny, was
placed on trial. AV. H. Stroop the pirosecutor,
who is proprietor of a billiard snloon, alleges
that on the Ink of April last the defendant
tons In his employ and at eleven o'clock of that
evening: he discharged him and that on the
following- day defendant took SD from his
money drawer and charged himself with it on
the book.
The carg e of the coon to the ury indi
cated tha h in t the opinion of the court the, evi
dence under the late did not make out acane
of larceny - . Verdict of not guilty. . • ',
The Jon ret turned a verdict of "not guilty."
In w er e of Daniel Kerr - and Carrie Jotted.
who lndicted Jointly with John Nichol
son for Attorney of Patrick ollins. the
District entered a nal/ e vil s and the
defendants were discharged.
Commonwealth on. V. Itenhanl, indicted for
selling liquor on'Sundity, was next taken tip.
The jury returned a verdict of guilty.
Commonwrinwealth to. Horacellyers, In
dicted for larceny. E. P. Maynard, orgsecutor,
was the next case takes up. The accused
was charged with Meath:Wan Opera Pungeant,
valued at Via, and a second count for receiv
ing stolen goods. The Jury returned a ver
dict of guilty on the second count. and recom
mended the defendant to the mercy of the
Court. The Court sentenced the prisoner to
the county Jail for twenty days.
Commonwealth vs. Ann MeLnughlin,indictett
for assault and battery. Mrs. Roe prosecutrix.
Verdict of not guilty and each party to pay
one-half the costs. ,
. •. , ,
Charles Ca rte, who lea gnillV n charge
of larceny, wan r
sentence p d d
to the House of
ael Mellen Who plead guilty to
chargeof larceny, was called up for sentence.
Thedge remarked that if the boy had a
mother he would send him to her, but es he
had not he did not know what to do with him
owing to his exterior youth. The boy was re
manded to jail.
The next ease taken op was that of the Com
monwealth as. Edward Philhin, indicted foe
assault and battery, jointly with Patrick
urges that on the morning of t he- Eth NCKS
going t isw at the Clinton Iron works
- And he t me te h accused standing on the board
walk. Duffy knocked him , down and Philhin
struck him after he was down. Dotty has not
been arrested and Philhin was put on trial
alone. Jury out.
He Corn. vs. Smith Hiking, et ni.
lni John Snr. d
Hobert kannhue.
. •. • .
it Phillip Bauer.-
David Lynch.
15 , 1 •• Wm. Wessel.
1111 •. Levi Richer.
",•• John N. Wlilimnr.
lip ••• Archibnid Montague.
•• Mrs..l4nrrett.
.24 `• Thom. Derlle.
100 •• Win. Britton.
ISP •• Ell.rmbet h Straslierrier
111.tAt. tm eon SATURDAY.
841. Com. re. Wm. Mcßurner.
:MO Abraham Ileseir. 2 mew,
I 2 John Koontz.
179 •• John Moat.
• Catherine McCormick.
Common—Judge tite eeeee
THURSDAY. June 30.—The case of Qunptoril
re. the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati nod St. I.Amis
Railway Company, reported yesterday. was
resumed and occupied the attention of the
court during the entire session.
01IIA1.1-I..‘r FOR FRIDAT.
3114 ill. Li /teed to. Clara.
345 Livingston & Bro. as. Clark.
ilas M. .t .Ir Instiram, rv. MORI, Rt al.
=3 Neely vs. waiker.
:51 Kennedy rn, Allegheny National Rank
Sit Aurin an. Appel.
351 Com. vs. Barger.
055 Com. vs. Grier..
3:00' Roberts as. Evans.
MS McClelland as. Day et al.
350 Anton Zeigler vs. Sawyer & Harr.
The Board of Health vs. Wagner, ti eases.
Same to. Brady. 1 case.
Same vs. Contudy, 5 cases.
Same vs. SCRollol. /1 cases.
Same vs. liter, 10 cases.
Ranle vs. Taylor. 3 cases.
Same vs. Morgan..! eases.
Same vs. Friend.
210 Hutchison vs. Patterson.
The Flames leOeldedlN . e nreel E•llthate.
The dames of the great nil lire have at
last subaidell, and the lover. are now in a con
dition to sum up their loses. As yet no car.
tact estimate can be given, the sufferer.- trot
having completed their schedules. The an
gverate, howeVer, from all indications, will
not fall much . ort of a half n million. The
following is a li t of the Insurance cotenant.,
and the amount which they re.peetively 1n.,.
.o far a. heard f nm:
Ed i.m..--Pitt. e1m:11.4 , 7410: Independent. of
Boston, V.i.V:al: Enterprise. of Cincinnati.
OnisVin: Norwich, :came #4.wo: rottunerce. Al
bany fs , ujS Blfalo City. VA.., w e.,,..en,
Buffalo, V.M.J. Peoples. Worcester. 44.,,,,
United States. Ila t imore. id,1110: Narragfinset t.
Providence, f B.Vite, Buffalo F. & N. SAVA%
Etna. Hart fortl.l $3.10o; Albany City. Vl.ltan
:Etna. N. Y.. tiAlle
gheny,..ll4n Yonkers, tne`On; Matil. ere lea total Insurance of
about 77,0011. Nei b a 16ss of about 119t,010.
Eellw.—.Etna.\ of Hartford: on refinery.
t 10.0.0,• dwellingt and barn, ca.:xi.): Albany
MY. *gain: .Etna, N. 17.. $7.010; Lancaster
nn, Norwich. s4,,Litn Franklin. KUM
Artisans, ..SCO: Narragansett. VZ.fifh Buffalo
F. & M., t 1); Western. Buffalo, USW; Peo
ples, Worcester, Winn Coned States. Haiti
morn. f•-J+4 Buffalo City. WOO. Total,
toni,no. k
Aotmt--..Ettt. Hartford. /4.000: Albany
Citi. P.M% :Etna, New York. $1,100; total,
Some eight of nor home companies have loot_
nearly tiOAOO. ranging from s B ,oooin St.OOJ
each. principally umni the bridge. They are
Allegheny, tl.HO' Peoples, SI.COM Pittahurgh,
$21,(01); Eureka. s7.bon; Boatman. r..faan We.t
ern. *ACM Cash. $5,010; M. & N., tAlash total.
The following Is an abstract of the business
done In the °Mee of Joseph 11. Gray. Register
for Allegheny county. showing the number of
wills admitted to Probate and letters of ad
ministration granted during the mnnth of
June. :
AT .Led.
.abet .
Tbon. B. Hamilton
William Herron...
Mary A. lit'llonald
Fred. Auger.
Nance Met/ [fire...
David Mourer .
David Tennant.
William Unseen
Stephen VenKlrk :
Mtuaret Morton ,
Nancy A. Phillip,:
Chas. T. Ihmsen..
Francis Knert
Salines Webbeb....'
Prnnels Sankey_
Michael Leariac
,trahn Strlb
Daniel Duffey
Bella Anderson..
James C. Bartley
E. F.llwanger
Deredent. n :r.
George A. De 11... —Jae. A. Anderson.. WOO
Henry Belo Amelia lieln 2.001
David Scott • F. (1. Krehan ion
John Frote Elizabeth ?rote no
R. E. Matthews.... W. C. Aughenbangb.. 1001
David Mfrs Ann Duff). and t
Patrick Duffy, ' I
Bridget Ita_gene. _Catharine Coffee ... 100
Dr. Franz Keener—Ferdinand Koeller. 3:10
Oeo. Armstrong.... Samuel G. Brown__ MD
W. H. Hard,. Mnry ..... . IAOO
Jaob ..... ~Susan Detre' 1.101
John aervin Sabastin noo
FA. Anderson .-- D.A.Anderson.C.T.A. 11.110
C.A. Gellman_ ...ono. A Ile.n.v•
Edward Jones David 0))
.James Moth welne.James Welsh 11.0)10
Webster !greet Cofreed Slehool, Alleghesty.
The closing excercises for the tern), were
.• •
held on Thursday afternoon M. the Webster
street school building. The excercises con,'
sisted of reading lessons from the Fifth Reader'
and of original add selected pieces spoken or
read alternately with vocal music. We were
thetified with the tokens application on
.part of the pupils and of persistent end
laborous efforts on the part of the teachers.
These efforts would have been crowned with
better results it the schedule of grades In the
schools were extended somewhat. The Prin.
cleat. Professor Neale. besides being thoi ,
oughly qualified, is ardently devoted [obis
schools, and Inborn with untiring zeal for
their advancement. At the close of the exer
cises the Pi - Inched was taken quite by
surprise by n most agreeable Invasion of his
platform and presence by two deputations of
the scholars. Each with a pole of elegant
fancy fiower-vases, a very large and smaller
pair, the young Misses of the presentors, ad
dressed Mr. Neale with expressions of a grate
ful sense of his faithful efforts for their mental
culture. Mr. Neale's sensibilitien were scarce
ly equal to the draft upon them. Ife however
succeeded, not without parenthetical vocal
and visual effusions, la finding words for
very graceful acknowledgment of the unex
pected testimonials. Judge Parke of the Fifth
ward and Mr. Trimble of the Sixth ward
School Boards were present, also Mr. Benj..
Pulpresa Motored). is citizen of the Third
ward, and Our ownreporter. These gentlemen
were called on for brief addresses and
under the pressure of importunities our re
porter essayed a short speech. Ile was fol
lowed by Mr. Trimble Ina few very appropri
ate remarks, the best part of which was his
testimony to the tine condition of the school.
his interest Irstltem, and his pledge to visit
them more frequently than heretofore.
Mr. Pulpress, a representative colored man,
always Interested for his race. ever ready to
aid In all measure. for its advancement and
elevation, made the closing speech, which
seemed to us to be well conceived, well en
pressed and the best, speech of the evening.
It was a subject of regret that more of the
parents of the pupils and other citizens were
not present to enjoy the ten' Interesting and
pleasant occasion. •
Mblalabi Fire—Stable lituated at Oakland
Limit edged a few minutes before twelve
o'clock, an alarm of ere was struck from Box
if, Claklan4 Car Beehive. The engines started
out, butteild not go an the wag. the distant:*
being too - great. The alarm was caused by
the burning of a stable on the walk below the
car station. • No cause for Its coigne could b e
ase.ertalued. The name of the owner was not
known. • The - structure was burned to the
ground, but a home and the harness were
saved. The loss was about -three hundred
goreereers Cubanle Syrup Is used to all
eases Instead of pills, cuterepsom salts.
do. Highly flavored, Twenty-A ve cents. Try
It. Bold 01 all drodestS. W 734
• .
• .
• •
- ,
1 .
, .
The fourth topic: t'How shall we grade our
SchoolsI” WWI opened by Dr. Phillips. The
only difference Of opinion was with regard to
the number of grades. The phut of three
grades was generally advocated.
Fifth exercise: A teacher's elan conducted
by Rev. Mr. Day, showing I to draw' front
the clan. First the theme or central thought
of the lesson and then those truths which are
Sixth topic: .11 ow shall we secure greater
Interest In our Schools?" Opened by Rev.
O'Neil, of Ontnville.. lmpuitunt points were
brought not • In the discu“lon—First, ram
tnence at the time: Second, (let all, both t dd
and young, Into the School: Third, Let the
convention of the scholar be the - one great
object: Fourth, lie careful about your Selec
tion of hook - s._ Strong grounds were taken
against Sunday School novels. Fifth. Don't
call Upon - Tom, - -Dick" and "Harry" to make
Seventh exereine: Itallnt elms lesson hr J.
I). Esq.. of Pittsburgh. illustrsting
the method which he uses MO suevessfully in
his own sins..
. .
Eighth exercise: Sacred Geography. by Rev.
S. C. Faris. of Pittsburgh.
Recess till Tis o'clock.
Ninth. Report of delegate to State Conven
tion tides.
Tenth topic: — Shall we int mince the temper
ruse pledge Into the Sabbath othooir Open
ed by Rev. Wm. sI. Robinson, of Mercer. The
discussion of this tapir was perhaps the moss
interesting part of the meeting.
After a. half hour of free conversation fdr
mutual congratulation, and encouragetattit.
the Contention adjourned to meet In Gra,n
le nt the call of the Executive Committee.
Altogether the Convention was the most
pleasant nod Interesting County Convention
we have attended this season.
Fire Crackers.
It would be, sha a to stop the. boys and
girls from firing off t'hlne.e crackers In 101 di
rections, and flinging Ore works around gen
erally. merely because the practice is intense
ly disagreeable to moot people, and honer
will run away on account of It. Nor 110,41 it
matter that' hundreds of thousands dollars
worth of property are annually destroyed by
the tires whi.:ll this practice gives Ilse to. It
would be a .haule to enforce any lats. which
would .deprive the dear children of any such
Innocent pastime. and the officers of the law
hereabouts seem to think so, for all over the
city. whererer me go, we are startled by the
loud 'reports of exploding gunpowder, while
at short intervitis thrqughout theAlty we are
greeted ttlth ear-piercing salues fired front
the neighborhood of Sixth and tonithileld.
friend tells us that when playing croquet In a
qde Titril with a Part, of led lei recently. pee
Of the newly Invented giant torpedoes was
Clung over the wall from the street. and burst
Inc on the lawn created panic among the la,
dies. This variation of the amusement al
though intruding on the privacy of citizens
is overlooked, because none but an ogre would
deny the dear Innocent that scanty pleasure,
even If tv on doing eyes and earn and property
might be saved. [The above is Intended to he
looked upon as irony -1
file 110Noil 1III91: KIRKPATRICK wan sleet
ed an honorary member of the ileghenr:Rese
Hail Club. loot evening.
Mr. A.ll. Stl,vgr. of the Cbgistialt Aaron - de of
lice. is the latt , Ft recruit toll3 - men's ranks from
among our friends. The interesting eererzoony
took place lost evening in the Vitas Methodist
church in this city, the bride being Miss fide.
M. Hantnett aup of Wilkitutbnrgii'll fairest
The happy couple it:mu-dim v
started for Niagara on a wedding tour. Peace
be theirs, and joy.
Air fAitorc—l was 1.1 by your favorable
.rtot we F. Beilstine, and by the testimony
of a friend who ha. dealt with him for mote
than a year, to try fur myself the quality .4
the vartonv kinds of meal for which he In cel
ebrated. Sly experience is good
.proof that
[Whin. either at his stand Tel Pittsburgh
or :et Allegheny Market, In, as yn have said. a
sure place to .get good. and nolv goal beef.
mutton, or- veal, cut and Served easselly as
they should hr. Try him and he convinced.
1/100V1 AT How
Ritter, Nhol Gana, Revolver.. Am•
inuultion and Gun material of all kind. at re
duced prices, at J. If. Johnstotes Great Weft
ern Gun Works, 171tSmithfleld street. Repair
ing neatly done. Guns for hire. Army fillies.
Carbines and Rewoirent bought or taken In
exchange. Call and roe or,elle foe a Price
List. owe
Henry G. H u
Hale. Mercbaut Tailor, has Jsl
recelved.a large assortment of linens and al
paccan. also a complete assortment hf goods
for rammer wear generally, earner. Penn
avenue and Sixth street. • t f
Public Hale of desdrable I thisafternoon
at "City View. - Don't fall to rend Ibe ad
Don's fail to read advert is ment of public
sale of suburban lots aLlty •Vlew. July I.
T. V ::: 11 1 ;4e n ii f iTerlien r r. 11 tire
acr". fle
Beautiful nitre for suburban borne.. -Sale
July I. see advertisement.
Reenter. Butane..
Permelln D. William,
S. T. Williams.
Carrie Hamilton.
) Margaret Herron.
# W. C. Aug binbattgb.
S. N. 8:4. N. Mrquilough
Chrirt lana C. Auger.
Barnard Harm.
Itaehael Moor,.
John Taggart.
Jonathan (-lower.
G. Con:mock.
Robert Can Kirk,
I John 'turret).
H. E. Morton.
Aaron Flop). •
Elizabeth Ihinuen,
i James E. Ledlel.
Denver, Colorado, yesterday. J. I'.
Davidson mode his third attempt at suicide.
failing again.
—Charles Humphreys,' a well known Phila
delphia merchant. died Wednesday evening.
aged 75 years.
-lion. D. W. Voorhees has been nominaled
by theDtmocracy for re-election to Congress
from th,i Math Indiana district.
--Frederick Knoll, with tried to murder his
wife, at Cincinnati. hut &today, and then to
take his own life, died yesterday., •
—The receipts of revenue In the Second
Ohio district were over four hundred nod
seventy-six thourand dollnrs fortune. I
--Myra Day. the woman •who shot Gus
Honks, river pilot, In the streets' at Memphis.
on Wednesday, was commlttedllo prison. )
—The New Orleans firemen Orived at Phil
adelphia yesterdny. and were escorted
through the streets by forty city en:nannies.
--fkmion Eldert, Wednesdny, shot his wife
mul then killed himself, near Hamilton. N. N.
The wife may recover. Jealousy wad. the
Elizabeth I.7llrieh.
Lout!, Welderhohl
i - John Sankey,
Wm. F. William,
John Klrb,
, John Cotteral.
.amen M eek.,
Wm. F. Ellwnoger.
—Wm. U. Andrews, a colored member of the
Virjrinia Leghdature, from Surry. boo been nr
rexted on a charge or perjury, and bxlled
—.lobo Help. a trell . farmer tlruQr
2:rdl,'.y hnnßlnß 61m~r1 r to n tree In nor ,
known. _
—At a meeting of citizens and workmen In
.Tremont temple, Boston. yesterday afternoon
and evening, epeeehea were made and resolu
tions passed against the introduction of Chi
nese labor, Into this country.
—This examination of Wol..oder, conductor
of the freight train that caused the terrible
at Eureka. May .12th. terminated nt
St. Louis yesterday, and the °mirk held the
accused upon a chargeof manslangletaxin
the fourth degree. fixing the bait at 'LOW. -
-The Republican Congressional Committee
Is fully organized for the fall ciunpaign. 'Con
gressman Platt. of Virginir., has been chosen_
Pen Wilson remaining Chair
man. It him been decided tkmake opposithm
to the importation of Chinese Inherent a party
—All the special asehdant assessors employ,
ed to assess the 'income taxes, will he dis
charged on July 1. A number of regular as
sistant assessors will also be dismissed, as the
Commissioner has given orders that the reve
nue districts throughout the country be re
organized and the farce reduced.
—The United States District Court, In ses
sion nt Madison. wisconsin. Justice Miller
presiding. while trying the case of Carlos
Clow against the Northwestern Packet Com-
Pantolamages laid ut Orgirn. wits brought to
sudden close yesterday by a telegram from
Washington announcing: that the old court
was no More. Tile Judge and oMeers are
puzzled as to their duty In the premises.
• •
—Baas and Posvell's large distillery. at Li.
on& some twelve miles fmm Chicago. took
are about noon yesterday and was completely
destroyed with contente, including twenty
'two hundred berrels' of highwines, worth
4123,0f10. boss, sllOggi. The Ore wen.proba
bly the work of an incendiary,_na the distillery
bad been closed since last Saturday night.
This is the second time It hns _been burned. •
—At ‘Theeling, Vredneedny morning, Mrs.
Sarah Beeies was awnkened by bet nick child
wishing a drink of water. She arose, and
finding that the facto in the room had burned
nttempted to refill it while burning. The
flames communicated with the can and an
explosion Immediately occurred, and the wo
man was so badly burned, that she died a few
hours after the ; occident, suffering intense
—Toe steamship Tennessee which left
Charleston. South Carolina, for New York on
Tuesday with a large freight and fifty passen
gers, was discovered to bison fire In the lower
hold when forty miles northeast of Cape Ito
main. Captain Chichester ran for the shore
Red scuttled the steamer fa ten feet water.
,The weather being el say the passengers and
crew were safely landed on the beach. The
steamer City Point went to their MAIIMAISC&
The Tennessee was valued at W. 4000.
Ilumauitm, • June XL—Mour unchauged.
Wheat quiet at $1 10 for No. 1: $1 10)4 Or o.
Oat P Mandy at Ma. for No. Otbermalcui
he TOV don't want to be PIM tartlet,
find some convenient place where they
keep Pier: Dumas & Co's. cream ale on
drat and moisten yourself with it three
or four times every day. In this way you
are kept fire proof.
Interesting Toiies l Dlsestattell 11 Pleasant tie
The Young Men's Christian AshOCiatiOn
Mercer lamed a call for a Sandal School Con
ventlon, which met at that place on Tuesday
evening, 28th Instant, and Iraq opened . with
sermon by Itee. Mr. Dar.
Convontion met at nine o'clock. and spent
thirty minutes in devotional exercises.
Or. Rose. of Greenville, was elected Presi
dent. and R. M. J.Zalmeisser. of Mercer. Sec,-
The first topic: - Who shall Superintend?"
was opened by 'key. Mr. Finley. of Mercer, fol
lowed by several members. Among other sug
gestions ACP note the following : The Superin
tendent should not N . a long-fared man, who
never smiles; who would change-all the chil
dren into men and women. He should not Le
a fussy man. lie shouid be a man who loves
children and em Iles upon them; one whom they
wouldselect, whoLtis orgattlzing ability and
ran ant:note others; Who goes quietly to his
Work, and bolds on through. storm as well as
sunshine. ,
'' H
The seeOnd to c : ow shall we obtain
competent Tone rs?" brought out some earn
est appeals for I °hers' meetings to be held
weekly; also. to • same method tee have in
public schos. vie: Training classes and Nor
mal schools.
The third topic .. .Shall we hare uniform
murns? opened by Phillip Clover. Esq. The
soenkers oil ndroentfni the niTirmatice.
Adjourned for dinner.
The Ithda-Thtnr—Thr 1114111 Ploce
FRIDO' - 'M'ORNII•Ii3t,. - - JULY 1, 1870.
(By Telegraph to the Pittahnrgh Gazette.)
. • New Torte, June B, 127;11
The' grand mass meeting of workingmen
held lo - Tompkins square to-night was an un
mistakable protest against the mtroduction
of Chinese labor. Over six thousand were
present. Nelson W. Young presided and made
a lengthy speech against the Chinese labor
system inaugurated In Massachusetts. bP
prupriute resolutions were adopted. Speeches
were made by lilayorMall and others strough
sympathising with the subject of the meet
ing.. which was throughout orderly.
- Judge Barnard to-day reamed to gtald 11J1 in
jrntet ion epiloot the Lake Shore Company sell
-lag tickets for the Nete York Central Hall.
road. t niter point, Involved In the atilt or
the Erie V. S. L.S. are not Vet decided.
eewnn ite.ttxtrat. •
The supreme Court overruled the awani of
'25,0W to the city st reets occupied y the
new Ilarlem Itall f ro or
ad Depot, the ev b idence .
showing the tee of property taken Is worth
tl7n,tril.. New rointilissioners :ire appointed
to fix the compensat ion.
Charles S. Merriman has been arreeted nn
suspicion of concern in the robbery of the
United Staten Treiontrr at Washington or
tial.ooU. In bin vo.ennion were found $7.101
of the stolen bill,
Itev. Mr. Kittridge, of the Eleventh Prekby.
I erian Church, Fifth-n[lh st reef.. has accepted
a call to the Third Presbyterian Church,
Chicago, at a salary of f 7.1100, nod. preaches
his farewell sermon here on Sunday.
SrITS 1111000 UT.
Snits have been brought againvt the Loud,
meat of ea-Collector of Revenue Bailey for
the recovery• of the deficiency In his toccoont,
Which In 'toted at ftall,ll/411,
. NI/VANCE IN 11 . 1,
The' price of ire hies been advanced to
$1.511 per 100 pounds to .1,1.111114. A and
largeateaters. • .
TO UE_II)1140:11. •
John Heal 'vv. to-day ~entenred to to. hang .
ed t.n the sth of Auguet. .
'rim high Swiss hat has become aneotn.
titOti. that it produres a 'wearisome uni
formity ill the dress of - our ladies.
CAttniSnE and visiting boots areNVII in
mints to harnumile with the toilet. and
are usually of satin, eh: Own-Melt- embroid
Fon the cmqnet lawn, the Marie Antoi.
nette slippers, with a.moderately thick
sole, and decorated with an immense how
and steel buckle, will be in vogue.
Fon young girls and children there is
no prettier Eiryle for arranging the hair—
if it In' long and abundant—than to let it
v'a)fall ,its il'ltrird on tho xlionlders—crypt. of•i: tau harts, stitched with white
and laced on thwinside, are there isopular
than c•olorod boots this seas,,!, (or the
street. Buttoned hoots, except (~r eltil
dren, are no longer :,,
THE - Frou.Frou - slippers is another
elegant trifle. and, as its nano.
new.this see..son: A frill of leather or
tinting oI .satin around the instep is sub
stitutes for the ordinary how, While
buckle fastens the two silica together..
Tub latek novelty that htar made its
appearanee for the summer months in
ladies' toilettes are two new 1111/11)Calleil
VIA Belle" and - La Heine," French
nomens, given to two derided], Engliml,
I. king hatit. There is a striking niter
larity, and yet they vary just enough to
give to each a name of its own. '
THE mltort drrw.vs 11,41. - worn render it
for a lady to wear an ilifitting
boot, and go forth with any hope that the
patent fart can he concealed from the eye
of the moat ordinary oiwerver. The foot
is now an ronmpirnoint and as easily to lot
Iteen an the' hand, and the importanee of
Irving. well olio] in no great as.l.e.lng
Barney jacket is ^something 111'W
this hummer for hors Iwtween ten and
thirteen. 'lli, is a plain, short sack. with_
breast and two side pockets. with broad
lids:and buttons All the was down the
front, short rolling collar. 'rms comes
either with or without A trot. The ma
terial for this, and drems Alta./ for boss of
larger growth, is fine broadcloth or two
colors—dark lilac and a snuff brown.
Ban's who swear pants reaching only to
the knee; adopt for - common use a plain
substantial goat skin rho% either laced or
buttoned...cording to 'taste. For drei , s)
occasions a finer kid is elllpleVed. For
boys in long pants, there in nothing bet.
ter than the tution button shoe, similar to
those worn by men or the plain laced shoe,
For warm summer Baja an evening dn..,
low patent leather one, tied over the it,
Step with a black ribbon,.is all the tasks nn
provides in this line,
tittliaT latitude la allowed to the timing,
went of the hair. Braids, curls, put% and
- frir2es." nit chtim an Null nuirdß:r of .
(devotees. either being stylish as long as
'the general shape of the coiffure is qt.`
'34rhirla extends from within andneh or two.
of the forehead to low down in the neck.
Blondes naturally efilvt curlS and soft
Ilutfv - putts, with their hair frizzled fu.
riousiy Oyer the eyes inn dishevelled.
linceltante style. whlela they evidently
consider dangerously alluring; While bra'
neaten. especiallv those with classic fen'
tares, arrange their hair in smooth, Ion:
gitudinal rolls, alternating with heavy
braids, and perhaps, a gentle wave in
front to redeem the hair- from Its ordinory
limpness. • .
SKIP-114 kVVNI A AIN -On Wednendoky.June :111.
I[oo. st tke noodeuen of the bHde, parents, by
floortre Wenzel. De. C. P. 9F.11. of Cunt..,
Ohio. and bllon ELIZA lIOFFIIAN, daushter of
Dr. 11. llnffman. of Plttnbun/L.
SIIXEY-lIAMMETT-On Thursday evenoug.
June 301 h; IM7O. by the Rev. C. A. Molter,. ay.
slvt.l by the Rev. Illnou tOnsahaugh.. the MYnI
Methodist Church, hlfth- ATOI2OO. Mr. A. 11. SIL
VRY of Pittaborgh. to MI. I.:DE M. lIAMItIiTT
of Wilklosbrity. No eseds.
FORT VAL Tnesder. J rine PC V470.1t r.1 . 41ri
BALDWIN roSTKR. mon of the la he William B.
Tbotoncrtil will talk plane on FRIDAY Moßkxso
July let. RI I I o'clock. lAcrylcen at St. John'
Chnrch, Unkrenckyllle, And Trooped thence to Al .
lesbeny Cemetery..
PATTON—On Theraday evening. June 30th.
l i ttl e :III Ph " ): k r •
o ,ot tl a rm, g 3! . % /JIM PATToN,
Funeral on SATtntlgy Mottlerka at I o'clock
from her late residence.l3l Federal street. AM ,
gheriy. Mende or the family are reapectfully I th
♦Red to attend I. ft
ISARRNAN—On Thursday. June 30th, , 1N10.
Intact daughter of William
A. sad IJule J. FlaWmeta, aged tea months and
twenty-two days.
The funeral will take plaes from the reeldruee
of Captain John Wolff, No. 30 Locust street,Slath
ward. Allegheny, on 11tIoAll. July 1, et 4 0. 0.
The Mende of the family try respectfully Invited
to attend.
Tl n ltY tne S ts , s U o n
of nedary afternoon at
J. and Vomit& Felber,
axed 3 year, 9 months .0 I Islay,.
Notice of funeral In Saturday morning's paper..
Mule with pore CARBOLIC ACID, oh loh to mod
M 110 pil.l bJ dlrectlon of Eminent Ch. M..,
hu steady hrotihl Itself to be the most mfr. end
EthiNggigingliP Lean
Al Wl,
Henry's Insect Powder,
';',.kit,hirViritql"...ll' (Vggi...p ....,
Patent Medicine Depot,
Liv gston & Co.,
limo factunn of LIMIT GRAY MGR
RfzVrr t. I givtg
aricea. of i
lk z e u amoa . fawaamdc
t "'r W r t n A t gP lr l k =ea gew.oadr r V Hay itel
• Orrice op tee'
Cowslthbvert or ALLIVEIMST
_Ccintvrt . Pa o ,
Prcrelntent,t June 4 0th. IM OO- t
t:eon Zigrolgic t ; th t e r
received at this .onace ontio n Seth Inet. Inclusive.
fur f ." l "lne the County thistle witb inticAu
for ale month, front July 1450.11470. Loscrea to
Welt one -ands-half 1011 tall pounds rest/camel/
...fob. lir netirtivall nnellty. Bids to be made at
: 4 % 1 r.7:iti .BrltiftVirp=rrafgeVi
contract. The name of the security must Kamm.
PMc the bid. Bills Ind. - dyed by the Warden and
"I " s'. '" Vlrlitt g Po the
. Controller.
—Naar Potomac Herring In barrels and
esCnest do Ilhatl In barrels and halved: No. It
Mackaral, all
nt earteti
o r p. do, al? Mao
ply packasmlio. 4 do, all msrs par_ltqtan, ss a
'XIIIII:ti°V,I4I.'7 Mr.", TiT,lter.'4.,TlN
baleen Bataan. In that Holland llemnir, 109 . 1 Nata
01010.. For age lon In the trade. s
1 . 7rAti . ; 1 40 ° .t..Q.:
KINDS to be tremeeted Pbtledelpt4 New
rent ßl eretoletren b::t: lt onbo7a. "."Ielltr:
T. - 100 bble. Loulinflle H]]- &wale Qualm, the best in use. For sale by
• • •
County Conventions,
The Result!leen Voters of Allegheny eon., .y
requested In meet. at the usual slaws for holdt •
Primary elections In the see - gist Wards; Boroughs
and Townships, nn
Saturday, August .27, 1870
and elect-dr-legate, from each Klection iliM let to
'each Cl the following Cntwentions, M follows
TWO IIItLEtiATES from each Election Dialtict
lo ILr
1, the purpotv of nn eenottreeettneldstes for
Two OTTIRIt ItrI.FRATRS Rain verb Mee
titet Dentlet to the •
Congressiumil-Leg,islative Convention,
. .
f\ o• the purpose of nominating ONE CANDIDATE
i It CONGRESS In the 2.4 d Congremlonal Dm.
trieLONE 1 -• ANDI DATE from that portion of Al.
legheny county Ito-nit: Normand Wept of the'
Allegheny and ohln Rivera) which Ix embraced In
the 29d Cougromional Diatrlct. •
. . .
The.. Conventlnnx will meet In the City of PM.-
burgh, nt the I'oll/IT 1101L , NN, nn TMCSDA Y.
Amnon 30th, IN7O. at the folltmlna
COUNTY CONY - ENTRIN will toet , t In the Coni
mon Pleas Court Room, at I I o'clock A. N. mThe deletrates tAlAilfleflNG
I.ATIV II CONVENTION from ihr %WI Congo.,
'deial District will meet at 10 o'clock a. Y. in the
new inst riot Court Itoom for the purls , . of, noes
instil. a CA/it/If/ATP: Pllll CONtiIiRREI (mm
raid Itletrlrt. ,
The Da'smuts from that portion of Allegheny
wunty which Is In the 23d C ongre s sional District.
ill meet at to o'clock A, at. In the old District
Court ltolnn for the purm,se of nominating •CAN
DIDATk trill ffINGIIFAhr, and sleeting TIMED
CONVEltit'S to meet the Conferee. of Arnutn.nic
and Duller Connlies. .
And lit l l fiCIOCk A. NI, or ap soon thereafter as
both the Congiusslorwl Conventions stave dells,
r!aled shall here concluded thole rt.Orbitfti•O duties
euch, they will meet In the old District Court
Room 1,./. the purpose of tonalontl.
. , ..
1 ,
The election of Delegates w I be held between
the noun. of 4 and , o'clock P. .on PATUILDA Y.
Monk. Illth. 1870, and wit tvalteld as far ne
Practicable by the Republican members of the
election boards In the different dietacts, and In
those districts wheni the election &Poen a• s
minority. of the regular bawl the Republ ican
voters are authorised to elect enough additional
officers In complete the board.
The voting In the eitlei end boroughs shall in all
eases he by balint,snd in the townahlps by marking.
The Preeldent of the County Convention. and
of the t'ongressional-Legislative Convention:Will.
unless both Conventions orderotherwlas and con
cur in so doing. appoint %Committee of three. the
Iwo Committees thuesppointed to meet together.
mom to practicable after the adlournment of the
Convention to appvlnt • County Committee for the
eneuing Sear.
At the request of vhsny Repubrlcarts, and with a
• lew of ageortalnlng the sentiment of the people
upon the question of the adoption In thin county
by the Republican party of what le known as the
Crawford County system of holding primary elec.
llitloe unit tusking nominations. An, each voter le
requested. in designating his choice for delegates
to the respective Convention, to Inning( them to
vote floor nay in the saidronventions on a prop ;
oaltlon there to be submitted of adoption by the
party of that einem, • full and explicit erbium
tton of which will be Isentaltier published by this
Committee in the Republican presto of the City,of
Br order of Nn Union Republican executive
committee f t Allegheny county,
1. - rnt Ideel,l4.
F. Mu. AS% r
wat Iw hshl lu th...ftsternl W s. Boroughs auhl
Township. i.f.Allegheny County. nn
Saturday, July !-2,
!let% een the hours •
.1 unit 7 .....pbe , k u. fur
the piirreme of selecting TWO
hn,iKti tAnts f
111chr of l'ltOlanntll. on WY:It:Ca,
I, V. tel. , nth. at I o'rl,lt Y., flu. the rurp.e
of putting in N.nninata.t. a 1 . 0,0/ IIKSSION A 1..
Pervone - eutln, at thArrintary Meet-Wes will be
requiroa so e.tirn It, tor Imo gea...tine be
fore ',tine ding m all rages Inahe fill,. and
11m-ought, shell be by Ilallut. end In the Tow neblp
by Marking.
Taut. t'A Secretary.... jelk!..ll
M EET I Nti.
Independent Republican Ex
ecutive Cominittee
Palllll. July ht. at I (Piqua P. M.
A toll attendant...lo re9uvaLtil.
JOHN WILSON. Chairnoso.
Thos. N. I'A r- Secretory. .1833:2A1
$lOO Bounty Collected.
Tor all aoldlers a hn enlisted intween May 4th and
July 21‘1.1M01. who were discharged for dbabib
11 , ben.. serving MenJears, and who hare hereto.
fsre received no bounty.
Tlie undersigned has mimosas:l his roMma to.liA.
mania fluilding,cornerMatherenueandacallbasla
street. and is now Preparod to collet claims speed
Ily and at moderate roles. _ Call on, oraddresa,with
stamp, B. T. BROWN.
Claim Amt. OaaleTTit
Cumer Sixth avenue and Smithfield Meet
Orrlrv. TO, ENTtlarnisE 1101LIWWIr. CO.
Pif tobl.roh. P...
JP.. 14. ISYD.
(res. of (I..vornsisent Tax, posysblis at lb. office
No. 4:13 Yana street. on and after 'air 1. INTO
J•17,,75 • ALIMIT7. Ammar,
arPUBLIC NOTICE.--Baying been
TOR fur Allegheny county, notice ts hereby given
that until the nelaisSary tam and Mechanical Teel.
Dechinery can be provided. I will to Viand OS
AND PIPE WORKS, Taninty.thint skeet. near
Penn, Pittsburgh.
H. 11. SMITH.
(Nlrner of Federal sod Lauda streets,
irlar 234. IS7O.
• Sank have this day dulared • dtvMood of
/IFS PPR CENIT.•otd. of the prolate of the hut
alt months.. payable on and atter Jot, In, INTL
free of tax. /L P. IOUN4/.
1a21.6 Cubler.
Prgranii eon A Co:thaw:int lthrtranan C 0. ./
Prrnintittan..l e. IlNth.lB7o. i
EC - 4 "- Ni' •: . . 3 T ICE TO BON HOLDERS.--
voLIPOR No. 'CPU.' °NAT Bonds of
.il ' iTr i lliel d itZta j n 7 ",... ...
~07,-1.6, e .,.%
t I A t i i iAiN2LA.NTS ' NATI.. AL BANK Oe
P s l l :__Jllt! 11. PAO in.. Treasurer.
PLANE.-..NOTICR e pla ne will be
open'for PasethgVni and Preis buien.....,, Eß ,
mintrinici at 3 °Work. end IN I cloth at I I e.....
minnealtna with the last ear I' m Pitteburgh nn
the Pittelmmit and Binning Pariseturer Rail
• et
WiIIEYS.....A meeting i the above Com-
Deny Will be held on VIII DAY VENINO NEST.
July I. at their Armory. earner of seth and But
ler street. A full attending,. I degred.
Ilgorder of the CIITAWI4
. ;JAMES BLACK. Orderly Sergeant.
NUN RAILROAD CO. have thin day declared •
dividend Of VIVO: PEE CENT. clear of Govern-
Went Tar. nut Of the earnings of thn put Me
month., payable to the idockholders or their lejtal
repreventativen and cflor July 110,0 Ihe C.ECO
of the Company In Tempentocerol le. - •
WILLIAM ESPY, Prevident.
_Jour t b.lBlO. 1•191 C.
NOT Annual Confer.
will teke play, negh(' FOURTLI SATURDAY IN
city. Dr. Williams. Dr. D, n, listbeere. Rim Cole,
and Mbar.. will be present. JeWaTi
Of fdsrshall Township, 1112 lbjoci. to the Podiums of
thn Union RepoblioaSs (moil 00olnisitiOn.
nentlile. esndidat• tor Count?
• .1. nobordinatlon Inn decirion of
- • oblialn Convention. EA motion to nen&
• ,41vaira6Wgit'e,
• .
.Now —. In District Court of Al.
• I Vl:i ' in7ria . 7r t jiiidtri ' gegert ' h a an,Chint. Wittig,
the defendant In shove CEPPS , consideration. of
it . nrairgr n ll:ll " % n rVi n tra:Wigg r Olf
}follawi, els.:
fret, That I win Oaf the cost f sald actions.
Second. I do hereby voluntarily declare that the
language chanced In said action. Is not true In
truth and In fact; and I know nothing oerogstory
to plaintiff's character. but believe her to be an
honest and virtuous woman. Third, That I will
masa to be published, under my name. In all the
German papers publlthed In said county, and in
the Garcrrg, Dispotch and Part, a full and distinct
retraction oe defamatory words I pitsm at any
time hare uttered of and curlew - ninths nntiffs
. • ,
i;tn il ean ii ily
h and and seed this tkl,d, day of Jane,
A. 11. P. ITTIG.
Wltneat • JOON Matto,. leaCkal
IVOTlCF..—Wheyeas, Letters of Ad-
SV/C'lV:bted linento thetZeldbetr
NT/W. I ft a AWL, 71 5 e=d e
sebecrlber, all peon[
Immediate payment, and th e cae hrel=l7l l .l . ;.%l o n k e e .
Inanda aalnet the entitle of the said decedent will
mak!, known the same Without deley.
W.MeKNItiIIT, Adreloletn. ....
klyilndll Mt 'wham.. Allegheny Co., Pa
e o s r ta i t Sl4h f en7l l. l . 4.
deed, hating - been granted to the undersigned, all
Persona Indebted to said estate are requested to
nnotadlae anyment, and all persons holding
claims against said estate to present the sum,
duly authentleitted tor settlement, to WHITE ,t
!SLAGLE, Attorneys, N 0.1015 Mali arena.. Pitts
1. 25 :0 WM. F. ELLIVANGER. Executor.
Robt. H. Patterson &Co.,
Seventh Avenue and Liberty Street
Carriages,--Buggies, Wagons,
vearyri th gt n o a se p l p l e w rt i a l l pi n a..
h a e e o h n. r
tice of to .stanasent on or before Thumday of each
week In otter for advertinln Prompt attention
and good
we will be Wen all g._
Stock left for tale..
aortic xi. wrcormrr nowt. u. rArrulsox
1. - r very, Sale and
for. seventh Avenue and Liberty St.
at No. 107 Market St,
We now nffer to the public a ottick fo r PPR
HANGINGS onsorposed in the West variety
beauty of styles, embracing all the Nnyeitthe
DESIGNS In plain and bright 00/ora for Halls,
a Also, WOOD and MARBLE
PAPERS,- with an almost endless variety nf
BLANKS for Chambers. de. All nf which we pro
pose to selLas low as the lowest In the Market.
(NI and we, at
No. 107 Markel Si,, near Fifth Avenue
SPRING, 1870. -
4it aira rie tints et/ Se per rull.
I. L A twT I PATLlgc?pler'AlfI ll •
ELMANT French and Amerman eerier Hemp
hunr. not spetilled atom.. superio r to any swirl
meat LII the country. For sale at
Naar' Wboleash,and Retail gt , ire. 191 Liberti
streat. Pittsburgh. • zahl
IlltiDAY, 'July Ist.
Public Sale of Magnificent Sites
Beautiful Country Homes,
Only Witten minutes' drive from Allegheny Dia
mond. byay of Federal soret.Morth avenue.and
Saw MIII n un Plank Road, niter. July 1.1,1E470,
at 3 wetock w.. precisely. will be offered at pub
lic eAle a number of choice building sites, as fol
lows: Six 1 ts erre lots. covered with bearing fruit
Owes. These evoledingly desirable lota are Ica.
pnired with standard and dwarf fruit trees, all rub
bery, and a variety of choice grape vines. contain
ing about nut-third or an acre each. Also.• beau.
tit ul site fur • line residence. containing about five
...frt. wi comm endss of pure water. All th e '
above lotviews of the city and ono
rounding Country. Alen. four half love lots, t
Seiler with a number of smaller lots. Any per
son desiring a delightful rutin try home.convenient
to alertly, min certainly be Suited here, and should
not fall to attend this sale.
Tmatila--Ono-afth moth and balance. In GYP equal
annnalTotrota. Conveyance,. 101 l carlyystinsins
wishing {0 ate tale from tho mill Stns.
Cam. at the corner of Ottio and East Mallets. Third
ward, f-
Allegheny. to tlly View. from half-past one
to halpart two.
HITIZNY CITY, June I{.l{ll. ISfl .,
To Sewer Contractors.
The Sewerage Cosiest...don of sheeny of Alit-
Omni ere prepared following e pls'lccons for the
construction of the owg Sewers, with their
anDortenances. Inlets. Manholes.
Contract No. 1.
Crnwall:yr ab/rat 1030 feet of • feet and about
103111 feet of as feet Circular Brick Power on
Jacksonstrt. frun-Berrer street to Piston
tans, along Pasture twneto connect with the West
Common Pewee
Contract No. 2.
Comprising stant foot of 13-inc:h Circular
Pipa Bawer on Mammon avenue. from Shaman
avenue, to connect with the !federal linnet Newer.
Contract. No. 3.
Commixing about 840 feet of s.lerh Mentor
Pion Sower on Ward's Alley, Irani Fulton @tree!,
to ronneet with the Sod:owlet Street Sewer.
Contract No: 4. •
row about 388 feet of IG-Inch.Circuisr
Pipe Sewer un Burke Mier. from the earth lino of
Avert r. to 001100 et with the Washington
Street Rarer.
. •
Drawings d Specifications can be eeen and full
Information obtained at this office.
Bids mod to. etgdoriNtl "Sewer Propoule, Con.
tract No. tor SS. gc n eattiodaetnaylie t l and de.
livered On or before a p. m. TUIRIDA I:July S.
Forms of 'Dropouts, on which fofins alone bids
will no received, will be finvilshed at this office.
The Connal”lon do not bind themselves to as
etiPt ord er owest or any bid.
11, of Um Commission, •
ern,- maxims.
Bell and Brass Founders,
Made) Promptly to Order.
Made and Kept on Hand.
• lroptletors sad ManufatTiners
T. M. Cooper's Improved Balance Wheel
o•—sB2 1I NN ISTRICET. troattary — enraer
17111 and RAJLROAD imutaTa, Pittsburgh
Accountants and Bookkeepers.
- •
MEASURE. , . .
flrAndl and no than at
75, Weed Alreet, Pittsborg h.
_ . A (rub ea poly of Xselgenalea celebrsted M
IMS exacters In maim
_and caw; a/sa Bend's Has
ten Wine, Milt and maw= NAM, la lye Paul
bessan c =la, Pearl. Illq ;lye. Brlblens W
A 8 C int sale by be mend or can at we
Fatally orraei7 Rem Of, __..onn..
JeSl Corner Liberty as* Math @Mel&
a .
do r .
. .
c===;• • I
ADA ms
167 , 16R , 169.011 170
prepared to Insoielt VINEOA It at the
lAIWEST MARKET RATEA. Attention Rutin,
tarty called to hll
Extra Wine VineNr ,
r)( I
The Empire Mutual
Ilea achieved a taneeteni minion/ unparalleled In the
Matta" , of date Ineureinee.
ort ht. Comp . any
Santee Number of Pollclrs leaned. 3.949
Total Premium. ,
F r!gr1:7,13:44
Amount thawed
Reno of Claims and Esp. to Toth. Income..U.ol)
Average Ratio of all Counpunlea .4W
Inc every •100 Liabilities the Empire bet 431
of Assent,.
= L IT A Lanun t cit Policia, 92.4941
0100.000 lltuili Catlital dealted with the
Slate and the balance - securely Invpoested.
• Managerlsm Western Pennsylvania.
0226 e 78 1 , 01.14T11 Mahwah. Pa.
27 - GOOlt ASEN22O. both male and female.
Paamorve. Vita Iltaathavr.
Federal litsuraliee _Co,
' • I
OFFICE : Cor. Federal and Lanni; Streelo.
. .
, •
Valentine Greag,.
I ()
tr. .
l 11. Smith.
Jm. IL holland.l W. 4rkderson.;
Wm. hyer. dam.
W. J. Sc Lan e ctltt. Jam. Su Al y lison.
jelt:y7:l F. M. LOVE. General Agent
Aasetn on Jen. I et_ 1870. 02895.734 67.
CePIMI. .10 . 11.000 00. Accrued Surplus arid
PRmlu TtrA/11/ 5 01 3 1.41. 6 3 . 8 ri?ettt . sii ' dltit l tP c .:
rurr Policies nn Liberal Terms. The Company also
lames policies upon the lients of all kinds of Build.
inr e aT A
Und het/t...end It
If 1.1. ° 1.1E4 . .. Samuel. Grant.
Gar,. W. hichardn, Isaac Leo, Geo. Pales. Alfred
truer. Thos.Souk, Wm. S. tyrant, Thum.. S.
Mils, Gustavus ti. Benson.
ALFRED G. 1111C1111. I . 7l:ttent.
Jas. W. BleAlgite o r . . E 4 l 4e7:4 ' ce ' '"
T. 11. , Ite0er. AIM:MAUL Knew •
•p.%• Cor. Third Avenue and Wood et.
Of Pittsburgh.
Wei. P. ligliMlCltT;ff ice President.
WM. P.IIEII.IIERT, Secretary.
CAPT. OPX rik:ELIL General Agent.
Office In Water street. Spend Warehouse.
u W . l . einsnrc N.M. all kinds of Fire and Marine
Risks. A home Institution. managed by Directors
who are well known to the dinamunity, and who
are determined by promptne. end liberality to
maintain the character which the y have assumed.
an[greying the best protection to those who desire
be insunol.
Alexander Nimick, . John IL MeOune,
L hillier Jr Chu. J. Clarke.
James McAuley. William S. grans.
Alexander Speer, Joseph Kirkpatrick. '
Andrew Ackley, . Phillip Ileysier.
Maria M. Long. Wm. Morrison.
ii. Ihmsen.
- - nn.,
Fhelan',~ Building,
N.J. Maley. John Floyd,Opt. N.
Danl Wallace, 18. IL Ilartgetnr A.
Jake 11111. 1 8. 1 aleClurtan,:Jas. PI. galley.
Thomas Smith..lnn.B. Willpgt
HOHEItT 11. JUNO. President.
JNO. F. JENNINOte, Dice Prendent
. JOS. T. JOHNSTON, Secretary.
Capt. It. J. GRACE. ttenentl Asrent.
Qf Pittsburgh.
Insures against all kinds of Fire and Marius
JOHN IRWIN, JR., President.
T. J. HOKKINSON, Vice President.
C.O. DONNELL, Foervitary.
CA PT. WM. DEAN, General Agent.
John Irwin, Jr.. ' IL Fahnestoor,
T. J. Hoskinson, W. It. Everson.
ti. Hussey. Robert 11. !moo,
Harvey Childs, Hugh S. Fleming,
(111140. Hap. Cam. J. T. titockitala.
Capt. Wm. Dean. V H Nevin
comer. N. E. CORNER WOOD a FI ST&
A Homo COMMIT. UAW( Fire andMvioe RSA.
m. IMO,
J W ohn. PRWatt,; Card. John f.. Rhoads.
, Samuel P. Shrivd.
John V. Parka. , Charlet. Arbuckle,
C. 11. :Am% . Jared M. BrnW,. •
Wm. Iran kirk. • • Wm. E. lang,
James U. Tamer I Samuel Met riclarL
WIl. VIILLIAPS, Presedent.
JOHN WATT. Niue Preoldent.'
W. V. GARDNER. SeriVt•lT.
GlIEN‘'. .
Wave In the er.coND NATIONAL. MANN
JANIG9 N. FITEt FiSON. Secretary.
John A. Plyler. iJaa: Lonthaat.. V. Myers,
Jas..l.. tinhorn. Robert Loa, • I •C. (-.13t2,30.
John Brown, Jr.,G•ort• Gent, Jacvtonopp.
o.ll.P.Willixam]Jno. Thomp•on,J. mcN &nen.. .
K..- nraiT . h t C 'EctVlkafa
cM•zr.v, sai.
No. 93 1-2 Smithfield St.,
Gent's Clottdoo mule to order to am latest
NO. 47 Sixth Sireet:
Tel No. 10 SIXTH STREET, nate
sea Clair/ We 12. V. reoelred • lame and well I*.
leteed Stock of the best and moat fuldnnable
Goode In our lie.a meet Pornon of which flour
ovm iomtsuon•
recline consent of our ability to it,. perfect
eaelafeWon. we taxmen, pollen !mum an early
m samlnallort of our stock of Flue cloths, Carel.
mblll • • • No.lo Sixth etreet. '
A splendid new st.wk of
Cloths, Cassimeres, &c.,
Jlist received Os FIZNRY METER.
Machine Stone Works,
Notthweat Caner of West Commen t Anathanl ,
Moreno b o pra on Ones mein', Baulk
and Step Wine n s, 1 ton Sidewalk", Brewery
Vaults. an_ Read mid Tome Stones. to.
_Cndarceroanalr on ~, asonable teems
-1/1 Dawes Fresb Roll Baiter; --'—
Foreblebr " f b"'IE
J. B. ciarrilaii.
141 Vint reeves.
SODA ABll,-100 easlls z. lbr sale by
AXirSErd:ENTET. --. r 7
Commenchpa Monday Afterioon, July 4.
Doors Open at 4 pact 1: commence at 2 o'clock.
Too OrlAtinal and \Potld•Famoua
The olde O pe nvl
t io r .New Y o rk . unier e i h e
mediate direction And lupeision of the mainebt
median. Mr. DAN BM A NT, who toil wanly" r i
Mretl:Vieg7A igi="ll; rr F l",l,'„
following burl
means will he permeated:
- Lucretia Borgia, vil irriostore. -
- Ulri of the Period. - and Dan Boma . . Great.
net New York NIICCOns, - Hamlet. - The Oreat Orig.
Intl Ad
D a n vitailled and made public ne
cessity of by a Bryant and Dave Heed. no 4:-
formed by them over 430 nights to Bryant.. .
ra HOW.. New York. Saletol SOMA will commence
=n r -- l igos n iNgfe n . d a a do . „7g, " :fo . d. " . l it.:
chest's, 1.00; llailkry 44,10. AK. open at ti
punt 7: commence at N SAo'clock.
Job • JO/IN P. MM. Buxton.. AgenL.
Grand Military Pie Nic,
1:01'11111 COMPANY
On Perm Avenne.llll.tireenNburg Ihk
my 4, 1870.
Ticket.. $l. tire. WeAcre
A N ORDlNANCE—Supplemental to
on Ordinance granting eertala Privileges.
Pittsburgh and Birmingliam Passenger Hallway
Pax, 1. Be It ordained and enacted by the annum
Pittsburgh. In Select and Common Council
bled, and It is hereby. enacted by the authority of
the same; That If the Councils of said city shall
at an time hereafter direct a change of he grade
toldOf atreete, or If It shall lieconie necessary to
take up said railway for the purpose ofraring or
paninß.gradiag or regrading pur pose
or for
the urpose of constructing or Malting any sewer
or CUlrert therein. or for the Purpose of laying.
relaylag. or repairing any water plies, therein, Um
said railway shall be taken up and relaid b rid
Company at their own eirpenscand In caeca their
failure an to dn after reasonable notice. the Street
dale Conordraltmer shall take the same op at the
:14 , 11 , ;a11 be unless
4 ' . That one Ordinance or Part or
t r. n 1
ordinance conflicting with the passage 44 le 01-
41lnance at the present that, he and the same to
hereby repealed so far as the stone enema this Cr.
Drdalnad awl enacted lath a law 111(AntacOs Dila
trlth day ny,Jand. A. D. 1 7 10
Prealdent of Select
Attest' E. N. lloloww.
,%.ept. 11. mer. 41.1::
N (o
Rs the
Central Pamenger 'Railroad lman) to
Age Mention of their truck on 4th avenue. he-
Tamen Market and Wood streets.
Ste. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City
of Pliqurgb. In Select and Common Connell. as
iambi . and it Is hereby onlidned and enacted by
the nutority of the same, That the Central Pas
senger Railroad be and theism hereby nnthorlaa4
thd permitted.. so change the present incntion o
eir tract on 4th avenue. between Wood and
Market street/i.e.; will bring it near the mutt curb
of said avenue. allowing sufficient distance Ps
tween the outer rail ann the curb to not intertan
the gutter, subject to the approval of the City
800.2. All the provlnlobe of the original OW:
Cance granting the nee of tlicAen to the mid
entral P. tt. It. Co. to reMC nln fn ne
ll forte and
ti .
ne. 91. That nny Ordinance port of Ordi
n con dieting erith the passage of this Ordi
nance at the present time. be and the sane Is
hereby repented P. far as the same affects this Or.
Ordained and enacted Into n • I. In cpnan..ll4.
t.hln 27th day of June. A. D. 1 ST& ' •
Pre,ldent Select L'euncll
Atteet: Stomtme, .
Clort. Li Selei Co3l . l3Cii.
Att.4: it.
m... „&frAlri. MMTlft'tinlY;ll(l/.
A N ORDECANCE—Anthorteke the
(trading. Paring and Curbing of = Street
from Penn Meares to Liberty Street. •
Irecareiz 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the
Clty of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Cffttnicila
rerietabled. and It is hereby ordained and enacted
by authority of the same, That the City Engineer
be and he Is hereby authorized and directed to ad
vertise forproposals for the treading, Paring and
Carbine of 33d street, from Penn Avenue to Lite
erty Street. and to let the same In the mmner di
rected b_y an inallnance concerning
streets, passed
March 31st 1837: also an net concerning e tracts
pp rov J o nnory SOL 188-1. •
n tine tThat any ordinance or part of ordinancechub. ng with the pIIFICIWO 14 this rirdinance • t 1.119
present Ems, be kind the m hereby repealed
so far us the come affects th Pa isnrdinname. .
Ordained and enured into low in Councils. thin
31715 day of Jon, A. D. 1870.
• .
mon .P o Tident or Select Council
. .
' Clerk of Seleci Connell.
President of Mouton Council
AI&eM McMAleren,
Clerk of Common Council. 1.
ORDlNlNCE—Aethorizing. the
Grading and Paving of 3111Iberry alley, from
street lo Schwlnehardt's tiny.
1. 13t/ it ordained and enacted tur_tans
flay of Pittsbh. In snood nod utannoitt Cbunalls
awieble. en th e hereby ordained and ensidald
bg ...erne o same. That the City Engineer
be and he Is banishy authorired and directed to ad.
yentas for proposal, for the Grading and Paving
of berry alley. from llith street to Scwlnd.
hard Cm Ilue. and to let the mate In the mnuner di
rected by an Ordinance concerning Street. paased
Atignst 31st, 1857 :also an Itln .ivrtapi
Streets, approved January Oth. 1801.
Oar. 3. That any ordinance or part of ordinance(
aottilleting with the passage of Ulla ordinance at the
present 11150 be and the some Is hereby repealed
so far as the saute ptfircia this ordinance.
Ordelned and enacted Into a law In Co.dlalhls
2710 day of June. A. D. 17170. •
President of Beleet Council.
Alle-t• E. - 3. Moulton . • •
.. •
Ind, of nnlect Connell.
11.!thllIPrenlilenk of Common Council.
cfr.ric a Cmottrn J. 3)
AN ORDINANCE—Fixin g the width
of the fhdonolka But a n e. th straet, between
Butler turret and Penn
Inc.! I. Be It oniainands enacted by the City of
Pittsburith. In Selectommon Councils mum
bled and It is limby ordained mCi enacted by the
alahatit7 of theMID, That the City MeorWeer b
and he hereby authorized on net the curbstone
on 400 I street. fn. Butler street to Penn./mu.
ro that thenidewalka shall be of the name width
are between Sc theybetween Butler dreet and the Anna
aunt Elver.
U. That any ordinance or part of 'ordinance
conflicting with the passage of thin ordinals:eat
the puma time. be and the name la hereby »-
pealed go far *a ten s name affect. this ordimpece. ,
Ordained and encted into a law in Councils
Ude o.lth day of Apr% A. D. 1670. I .
President of Select Cemeit
Aunt IN. S. Mottmor.
- fleet of Select Council.
Presidentof Common C ou n cil.
Anent: 11. MrStmertfut
per or Common Councp._ jell
N ORDINANCE--Anthorlzlng the
se tlnge of width of lowa ntreet from 40 to
sccnom 1. TM iCordained and enacted by the
City of Plttatibrgh. in Select and Common enacted
mumbled...rid It in hereby ordnintal sad enacted
by . the authority of the NI Cap. linst the width of
lowa street Do and the same in hereby champed
Mut 40 to 30 feet, by vacating 10 feet un the
east side.
. •
BM 4..
That any ordinance nr mutnf ordinance
conflicting with the Dotage of this ordinance at Um
Mesent Mae. be and the same Is hereby refueled mg
far as the same affects this flnance.
Ordained And enacted into a law, In Councils, this
fliTth day of J wig 'A. ni
•President of Select Council.
Aiwa! in. Monnow.
eleit tor S..loci Council .
W ;
Allen: H. Meld r A rr" M it."l"‘l CbuOdl
ommon Cnnncn.__
0 FLIIIINI\ i tho
LI Grading and Paving of Locust alley, trona
tes elter to street. . •
Smilow I. Bet ordained and enacted by tbe
City of Pittabungh, In Select and Common Councils
assembled. and it lEhereby°minima enuted by
the authority of the girlie. That Merit) Engineer
be and Is hereby antboxised and diroetad to adver
tise for proposals for - the Grading and Hiving of
Locust alley. from Estes alley to 434 greet, and
to let the gone In the manner directed bibn Ordtg
initl3l:TlTr/g"etW Silt
' n ' grli A"
onry Gth.4l.eeiT .V
4. 'lnat any ordinance or pan of ordinance,
rxmillctlng with the peon° of this ordinance loth*
present time. be and the same is hereby repeated,-
so far as the am, affects thlgronilnangq. Councils,
- -
ordained and enacted Into *Lewin Councils, thls
47th day of Jane A. D. IEI7O
President of Seines Ointicil.
Attest: R. 13. Monnow.
Clerk of Sheet Cnmeli. r •
rot ofCommnoCnmtlt,
Attest: 11. Mtilaaria.
Clem of C moron Connell•
A- N .. 01411 . 15 ,. .A . N.C , F , — nn. .," n o tb ,,b or . izi . ng f
= Or b.
qr.", from natter Angel 1., •••••11•TYTOVI.
Slit sett ordained MO god by the CEP
of litudrands. in Select and g ouggoon t outwits as
sembled. and it is hereby orgionogi and enacted til
M. "th at e lte l let e Xll,laLT&d? " 110 13!
for the Onding. Itavin ed Tand
curbing of entdfth greet, from uu r o,
street bo Peene d enue, and to let the Mae In the
manner directe by an Ordinance
Streets. ressed Ammo stn. raa
COOCLOTIIOR ainsets. approved
ore M. Thai any °romance or tom of Ordinance;
oontlicting with the illt•••• of this Ord:lnane. at
the present time be, tad the same Is hereby iv-
Pealed a. far as th este.• eiteris is
onlalned and en a cted Igo a law th to , L C oici a, this
47th day of June, A. U., 11: , t70.
President 5 8 41 ` ,A u rf,ILL
Attest: E. S. Moitnow.
Clot of Select Connell.
President of Common P.m/Iqt.
Attlugt: MeMigargli,
Choir of Common Council. Je3)
A. N 0 DlNANCE—inthorls eg the
J - x, Grad rer and Patina of Morton AI y, from
North elle to 340•LIOMPtT avenue.
SEC. 1. It °niggled and enacted by MIKE
and Clown Councils of the CBE of
and U. Is hereby ordained and enacted 1
,ho Pty tithe Mee. That the Committee • • Street
tag, end they ens he =uncalled End
hwite an 4 metre propcumlefor the GI • • 1;04
raving of Morton all with alz feet E
as aflialeh WM to contr.% therefor wi *low
eat an hem bidder or bidden atthelr GOO.
BCC.. . That for defraying the cost end 7
of the mme, there le hereby levied a s eases.
meet, weld mmessment to be made an • an ^ al
Pnwided hT the Act of Assembb , ,entiti • en .. M
relative 00 Streets In the City of Alleiterly," ags.
'Wed lat.lBllll.
C. 3. That all ordinances and poli of ontig.
nancei incong/tent herewith be and are 1 emby rag
ealed. .
Ordained and enacted Into • law. this the=
day of Jane, Anno Dominl. one thousand
hundred and eavontl.
AXES Melllll
President of Select Gaga . -
Attest J. IL OrtEr.
• elect ot Select ...WWI.
President of Common Colnictl.
A Beet: J. n.OXI.Er.
Clint of Common Colintw,
• ' (ITT ETC MR A WHICH- 1. •
AMSGHIMT. Jone 29. 1/11711.$ •'
VOTICFO -- Th6 - ASl:ftiuments • for the
ow:1.1,003m of the FiEWIRS on Corry and ' . .
Aen tope% fle now ready for examlnAtlOntAH •
041 rift at thle cake until TUESDAY. July . e
atn 1874.,eme they wIS be placed in the hands
of is. cur Controllerw tern bother for phylum,
of the Mae.
• Alb= MAL DAVIS. City Maxiaisz, •