Ms ETN.AM)IM&._, 4 sm,, cou - Avows J; _ .. .--Botight at Highest Price. PH. R. MERTZ BANKER, Cor.Wood St. and sth Ave. JoS. T. Brady & Co,, (Szieoessers ta B. JOXIS • C 0..) Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood Street, BANKERS, REY AND 6E1.1. ALL UINTA' 01" Government Securities, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, OR MOST FAVORABLE TERM& intereitt Apciwe on Deposits. Errlioory lo+ on Gov., raneat Roods A.9ow-. .int market W 6 e. • • " Pr - mm= EXTCLITLII TEM Prßertesr Am) Lux or RTOCIM tinN pi.. AND (101.1).. JAMES T. - BRA I & CO. THE DAILY G, ' - MONEY AND Ct,. . . (EY Telegraph to Pittsburgh Gavotte.' New:YORE, Junc3o, Urn. . The cable reports a decrease lb( .21.010,000 frown in the Bank of France in bullion. This large falling off is due to payment, for the _.•_ recant leavv• French machase of grain la - America and on the continent. In London • money Li dearer than In Paris. This is also the case at some other financial centres of Europe, which causes a draw of bullion from Paris. The ralittaacompetition between the trunk lines is not yet settled, and rates for Ant elan freight, will be advanced to the old standard by July Ist: Competition nu passen ger fare* and cattle freights continues. The Assistant Tre a surer to-day paid $1.270.- • . fka in gold on account of the July Interest. Money unchanged] at NIA nn call. ._.. . _Sterling arm at AN4I,BN. Sight, bills are re --awed to 10%. An Increased now of specie Is expetted. Gold Wrong; opened at. 111 N, touched 111)4 and BIN and closednt 111 N. Carrying rates I.oteg borrowing. nod fiat. Clearances, _ . • ExPort4N VA' WM/ ----4 11 - 4 -- r --. 1 - manta strong and higher, with a litn , itedaffering and strong Investment demand. Coupns of 1881, 1801841; tan 11.74112 N: ilia lIK li; Ma 114,012 X; new, 116 IOC 675 , 114( N; M. 1134011%. 10.405, 134 f aN. Cur xn en.13N414. The Treasury bought =Oat- Inlet 110 15-10(0111 14-11X1. State bonds: 'Nelda Carolinas active and higher and the rest quiet and steady; Hiss:m -t.% 9414; old Tennessee,. ea new do., 81; bid North I..nroUnas, 48N; new do, MN. I ' Baaks quiet and steady; Canton elk Cumber -I West Virginia 134 N: Qnlcksilver.7; Illarina 7: greed la: Adams express OH: Well* I 8; American 44; United States 168 i; Plc eldall 4.13; New York Cen tral VIC scrip WOG Erie 23: preferred , 42; Harlem ha: Heading 107; Michigan Central • 1 1 / 1 4; Lake Shore 926; Indiana Central 140; Pittsb% 1041 5 ; Northwestnt 83; prefer red • Ithode I Island la; New 1 411 =a . 81: Ma th i s: I V ' fat; prete 60 ; d. tr.: Fart Wayn.lGN:Terre Bente, 3i preferred. Wand Alton. 118 N preferred. lltk • .110 adi ant g lifissisalppl. 3.51 i; I to. Joseph. 118 N; preferred, 121; C.C. & C ., at : Burlington. 180; HinVerd and Erie. . .., p =ct i irt i mi . Ca s pr zpu t in . 4 Roper Falls SN; -- Bub-Treasury Wanner Gold 877.813,1111; cur re,,,,, ca.sgajok geminti,el.=.l72.B —.ln--- Ogrtcx or Prrrsounou Gazerre, l . -----. TEITIODAT Jane 20 , 1870.. I , • Closing quotations , . aa rec• l'h. 8... Norm - - • .'\ . I (hold - -•- 11l American i —• Sliver 108 Western Union._ 1--. LEI Bands .. -. . .118 N. Y. Central VW ME Bonds IBS—Ill Heading ...... likilf .6..13 Boucle Bee—lll P. R. W. & - C SCH .4.-31 Bonds 1W8...111 Ohio .t Miss 70% 42onsola INS ' 111 hitch. Southern.- 984‘ .6.20 Bonds 1881-114 Cleveland &P. .. . IMO;{ .6.20 Bonds 1808...114 C. FL I. &P.. .., /040 . Int Chicago & N.W. 83 Adams Express.. GI C. AN. W. Prof.. 88 Igerchanta 11. Be. Erie • •-- - ndoe imcbs Jorge/J, Smell. ine per pound 4.1 b SA) Paris Exabange per Pranc my m Berns Exchange per Thaler al at Frankton. IV_.chav --- 4:4, 40 irs.k:u - K Closing quota I &say & Co Gold V . 8.61011 M .. V. B. 686166{ .. ft. 17. 17: 1116 10-10 PITTBBLO EAST LIBRAS! STOcic YARDS, 1. TRURSDAY, June 30,1310. t ArMr. The receipts of cattle have been remarkably Itglit Oda -week, the sees since the date of our lase report only footing up about KO head, =Win Up) head the week preceding. The very light arrivals this week may be attebutz ed to a number of causes, among the most prominent of which are: The markets In the east, particularly Philadelphia to which place was shipped the greater portion of the cattle bought here last week, were very bard and sautleaCtory, and nearly every man who had little In the last named market lost money, soriteof thee a great deal of tt, and as might be expected. they were not so maxima to boy this week, unless could do en eta coisld arable redaction, and -this could not be 0- oompllshed, owirigto tbe very meagre num• her on tale. And we presume that many of the western operators are at home this week-took• lag after their crops, and this, together with the fact that the market last week was un farorable—u It Is retorted that hot few -of 'them made anything, as prices are relative/ hlgber In the west than in the east-was the principal cause of the veryllght receipts hero atis week- Compared with last week, however. • :there Is little or no change In prices, but this la due mainly to the 'unturnal supply.. Had there been tie same number -of cattle on sale that there were last week, there would, in all pinhaldllty, bare been a break, and It was fortunate:or those :who had rattle on de that such was not the case, that the offer ingswee small. Al be seen, the sales • weer withln the range of 6 to 8 cents. some few at 8l(; but it should be borne In mind that -- there Wire but few really good cattle In the . market, - end the rams - grade of cattle. that .brought. Senna week would. In all pro be-lathy/have brought that figure this week. Indeed. Itedgen &Taylor soldBo head of prime Atari steal, averaging to McPherson, al lilt per bead, or p eta per lb. Tmrnwa area. No. Waatt Price. phihips,f, to situ 1...& Co. td sellr• Turßsnai, rtntr.23. Jane 24 shlAe7 Co Duel H., L. &Co. • LH 276 676 TIIERDAT. \ ZONE ti. L Stark... ... ....6 MO 690 liedges ..... 11= 7 en. lEl_ arper kB. to Cony te McP...411 69.:•30 60 /1661.6b11ds to Dorms... .... :.17146 0 0 796 WED5899:4474 .ivrx 29. 'T. Wllltelmey to Klettuuls & AlB 18.360 7 76 C. Wllttelter . 1 4 1 5 9. 4 %1 L 75 IL- to " Daulsp & M. 570 aZS Utah.. 43,7 M -825 Gm r.. 2 1V . 3 E 4 Begrllirr. to 1amb..,.......21 : 810 Reel 0=1;8 & ABll. 15 11,1113 IS 09 lially&s, La& Co: to Knox 48 35,700 045 11.1 t T.... 18 18.150 . 14? Co !sr & Noy .. .114 51451 10.380 222 p ß r a*widow Rorer . M. 490 7 Klemm & An& to Young 18- 19,110 8 25 = .10emam 4 . A131 to Adair 37.0.50 aB5 .ward 1 . 0 Cosy t McP.. ..... .31 48..110390 890 19 •-fu. t..k co. to Ora 21 20 . 1 M Henstsberger. 13 21.590 7 M " Pooh IS, G 75 Runts barter. X) 19,577 a u 3, HatNiti 1.143"te1t 17 83150 L. cotaber4er..l7 70,M0 900 . Baler t Deokei toLamb t M.lO la.oBo a 37 lbw s was a toll amply of sheep. mostly baw.erg, of the mange and' medium Ties. tat with a pretty PM attendance of . gem t h e market was reasonably active t ugh swim ars loafer thallium week--some dealers =ta decline of X ceatperpottud. Qaota sp., given as tar lin Isar , =l ll2i only=drolre cold ar : ! . thr. One Orin =pert. basing sold on =ton, tat 6,000 head as ea a Te r as ; of r within tbdrniogo of . 2 Der head to aX et, D an afe Mall. . • nowt. Ihe arrivals this week base been annsaallr l= r n . dnotuittisituadlni.t7Le, the market. d er r pe i •.:ir ) 1.1, ,, hest lag b W e eek r . Tho P dgn i and is no batter. - sad shippers continue to take hold sery sita rlegig. but with =unusually /lea snOPT. advents was unavoidable. as there was tors Ume• he there glisten ts under similar elreum. rasa** pretty lire'y competition; and ship- Pen 10 orner to get the =mbar they wanted. _lll3l_,_llloea up WI each other an Xto aX. Tank soak baws undergone but little change. • as s anapared with last week. on 1 . third was 110 4 41111 MO Saki 11.1)=. agates' diyD !=2 iiii=1:=Niiii1=1111E11111111 c~~`~ MARFLIST. • -. - ' . OlVICte tie IPrinsmition Gagerri. - t - TBLIWDAY. June at, 1810 . . . i Keay of the Chicago grain operators. .ipe- Chilly the "bane." who are carrying a heavy load of wheat, are very much dissatisfied with the course. of the banks in demanding in creased margins, and some of them re so,far as to Mkgo that the banks are in the int rest 11 of the “bears." Taking a proper view of the Matter. boti . ever. the banks are berfeCtli joggled in the course they have taken ea It was essential in order to protect themselies, ntrilthstanding it wag a serious. matter for he "bolls." Os It compelled tome of themi at `east to unload sooner than they had expected in. and at a good deal of wheat was throWn upon the market in this way, lower pri'res were inevitable. The Chicago Tribune says: "The bankers have commenced to diserihtl nate against grain holders, so much as to render It almost Impossible for any one ;to carry It unless blessed with on Independent fortune, or possessing peculiar facilities, such as those which ettable a law to carry it and charge 12 perAtr y per month far the 'ac commodation. It would be interestingl to know the partial who are interested in bl ar- Inc tho woe rats. and to understand the ex act sleet to which they are able to control he 'a.tway market to their awn benefit. The ex hibit might prove to be equal to the-Aransac- Hong of a gambler who holds a gandful of stocked cords." We :,)so clip the following on the same sub ject froria the tame paper: •Wheat le now worth Be Od per cental In Liverpool. That Is equivalent to Per bushel In American gold, counting sterling exchange at its par of ON. Wheat in tide market at 51,65, currency. is tit crate in gold. The cost of. freight from here to . Liverpool. with commissions In that market. i s, In round figitres, invents in gold per bushel. Add this to the nil crate, and ave Wien $1..16 per bushel An gold; showing that this market Is 1 cents In gold, or nearly it rents In eurmitcY, above the Liverpool market.. • APPLES—SaIes of new crop nt 1H to r..rovi,o per bbl no to quality. ASllat—Stendv but unchanged; Common Soda. lci Refined. Wm Pearls. Ps(e: Pota. NO. • BROOMS—Store prices; Fancy, 040; No, L. 14/ 1 : No.". H: NO. it. PAO: common. row BEITTER—Ia a; ever but unchanged— we continue to quote at 144118 eta.. for fair to choice. ZETTE, MMERCE CILEF.SE Sale of Western Reserve at CZ 12, .d Factory and Goshen at - 13411. CHICKENS-1n better supply and lower: tee now quote at firsafilete per pair by the coop CORN'IIEAL-950/1 per bushel. T—Salea 01 Louisville Hydraulic at LTAi i tari t ill.L—ls dull and weak:nominal at MlVE l lVAVlTlltie v re 'r is some little inquiry and the market is almost bare of the better qualities. Apples 43405 Y. Peaches filfe,Ra for quarters. and IVA for knives. EGGS,—DuII but unehaneed: sales reported. nt pita= mostlytt 19. . . FICATIIEttS:-Qulet and unchanged, at 800 . F 33 eta. to the trade. . FLOUlt—ls quiet and unchanged—the de mand is, less active and mainly local. while uric. are unchanged. We continue to quote good western flours, in store, at *W. Fancy brands re& Rye flour. ts. GRAIN—We can report a fair willing ile toand for wheat, but millers are very bearish • • • nod clolonrOils for lower prices; they are only offering $1.20 for red. but then very little to be had at this figure. We can report a sale, on Tharf. at sl.= for red. and $1.40 for white. here is but little doing In oats; amino change in quotationsi'dealers are paying , 480.500 to first hands: And furnishing sacks; may be quo ted at 513(053c on free cars to go east,. and 64 qt.% for small lots In store. Corn Is again dull soil drooping. with considerable offering at' 91); there would be no difficulty In selling at 85, but the great bolt of the corn in this market costs from 84E84 and dealers are not dtspos.. ed to sell at cost if they can help It. Eye Is quiet and unchanged. maw might hying tit or 2', to go east, delivered free on cars. HAY—The receipts are falling off, but with no Improvement In the demand, the market Is very dull. while prices are unchanged; sales from country wagons et $lOl6. as to quality and condition.. HILMIP—SaIes of undressed Kentucky Hemp at 107. USKF—Corn husks, 9333( eta. LlME—Sales of Cleveland at .V. 2.5 per bbl, and eastern at $1.75. LARD OlL—Extra No. I Is quoted at SI,M iNo. 2 at 80. _ . . - . PROVISIONS—Market steady but uncharur ed. Plain Shoulder". 1334 - 011 ets Sugar Cured do. Itrico.c: ltibbed Sides, itve,iim; Short Mb Sides. 17e171‘; Clear. do. 17,443.17:: Sugar Cured Mum. ff-'. 1, 1e-U Second picket Hams, 2.1 F121,1‘. Breakfast Ilacon.l9elW. Mem Pork, ra‘am. Lard, 17 In tcs, and Mini' In kego buckets. PEANUTS—DuII. Tennessee. 8419 cts. POTATOES--Sales of prime old Peach Blows at 47) to as ttt per bushel. Sales of new crop at 111 per bbl. SEEDS—Flaxseed Is in active demand, and crushersare taking all that offers at t .n. Nnilaat dolor In Otoveror Timothy Seeds. 12= Orrice or PrrranUrtan OArcrrs, TifevisuaT, June 30, IBM The oil market was somewhat excited to day, both here and In Philadelphia. occasion ed by some parties who were short being unable to cover, and an effort was made to put crude up here and to advance reened In Phil dolphin. The movement. walla leant &partial success In Philadelphia, while here It was kind of mixed, as at 4 r. at. there were still some contracts out =men led. There would tine, Leen sudleleut oil in Phllndelehitt t .. roe- . er all or neuety,all of the