El M 11 THE DAILY GAZETTE. El II U (` ' OFFICIAL PAPER 01 Pittsburgh, Allegheny . City and , • Allegheny County. 1 uenurrn nriLuenu: Corr/ et YlatY %velum Na Basttbgal Stmrt. FMNAA%4ULYA.HML BONDS at Frnakfnit ; PrIII.OI.EUW at Antwerp 531. GoLneloved In New York on yesterday at lilt. POLMCAL r:CrELLIGENCE office has bunt oned by the Bolters on the second loot of a building4in Smithfield street. All office seekers who wish to be elected by 850 votes, ind all who aspire to be del egates to the Boltrirte Convention, should nuke application at once. No deiegatea will be admitted to the Conventiim unless they, have kleen approved . by the ,Ltdelli genee Committee. Registry fee twenty five cents. One hundred dollars must la, paid on the approval by the delegates as soon as approved, and one thousand dollars by the offireareker, as soon as elected to offire. El THE EOLTERR. . So far, not one . of the men who bolted the Republican nomination for State Sena tor last winter. at llerrisborg, has been renominated. The latest victims are Bowman and llecreery,' of Erie. They went In last Year by a heavy vote and thin year they, go out altruist unanimonaly. Antes, of Crawford, and Leslie, of Butler ._. rutty, am in the name box, and ea. K. Anderson, the chief of the if; Who furnished the money as well an the brains for it, has beeneholved by five hundred nominal majority, and by over ani thousand majority if there had been ilci cheating in Titusville. Honesty In the .-- beat policy after all. Chea lug never pros. . pen, to quote another proverb"; and as these facts are their own' best comments, . , we may claire with that other adage which says, a shout horse is noon curried. . ...._ ..,... ... r . ill ' THE RING I 1...U.4XX WORK tI I , - The batten' ring .is busily: engaged - In S'" - -. its dirk and dishonorable work. 'ln the 1 „ . 14 11. :1: 1diee l,l ii leh ni tt ad les: p edl rof.a. a few da ys . sinik.. - , the • Republlains of : , Alle ghe ny county were invited to'itieit . in their re t. spectire election dist:dais' on • day sped - fles-Autiter and the. professional delegate, . select funi of their beat citizens as delegates to a ConmatiOn to meet at the Court House in the eity of Pitteurgh." for certain put, But.thes6 miserable.dbiorganizers have Issued a pricate call, which differs mate. rially' and essentially from the words which, we have. quoted above. In order that we may not'be charged with ralsrei• resentation, and that our rainier' Marsee . the dishonesty and duplicity of these men, • .üblish the private call in full. ' t It is as follows: lotarsonssar Itsosvoucom Howls. 19 Bollthttold street. 41 Floor. • Near New Qty HAL } PITTRIM 1011, 1879., Mx Dear Sir: You are requested to Confer . with - your neighbors, and make ArtnalM meats to have your Ward represented in the Independent Republican Convention. The - " Call" which we mall you fully ex pLtlns the-'object of " the movement. Please give this nailer .yorjuilnediatr attention, and report - the nooses of the del . *vales Med ed Article Iliattelartirs. Kum,' J. B. CAMPBELL,- • • • J'so. A. Ck.uorosaa, Uro. Nmo, ' Connitittee on Organization. According to the public "call," the dear II people were invited to meet and select - their own delegates. But this, it was ...: found, would not accomplish the - dark AL &Signs of the talters. They knew what I the honest Republicans In the several ': • election districts would do, and therefore, - . distrustful of the people, take the matter, in a secret way, into their own bands. Delegates are to be selected privately, and t • . : their zanies to be reported to the Read .' qua rters of the ring ! Even their con& . c dal friends in the several election dire Witte are not to be trusted.' They. must , first Make their selection., and then sub - wit them for , approval to five men, not ..ene of whom, of course , ever sought by ..._ logrolling or otherwise to secure a nomb • . I make for any office ! 0 purity - 1 thy ma. * t ''- ~. L need name has been covered with deep and black disgrace ! . 1 ' • .: - The people must ,"ttot select their own - ,. , .1 delegatee. This will not be tolerated by ', the ring Selections must be made pri '''' vately, and then as privatelyeireported to ..;1 ' the above namedd, persona for their 'n ovel. Was there ever such an Insult Ntiffr Pr • •,.! • . o ff ered to an intelligent people? Bat this coarse is in perfect keeping with the boast made by the two dosen of r. Ipolteis that organised I new party on last . Monday, namely. that they carried twenty ..-.....ave thousand Republican votes. in their vest po_cketa._. .. -!, Re - publicans, select your own delegates .;. 0! on the filth of August next. You are at ..:,1 Lest se capable of making a judiciotur of .Democrat_ • this week, ►t Altooo►, Andover whkh our friend, Col flair, of ; the Part. presided. It moat have been, refreshing, even U the Judgmettle luau ...plot, - resole. that When new issues - wise about which them Is some doubt, or idff.. kidded Of opinion si to the 'course of the • party, It Omit be the duty of the Pres!- . dent of this ftssodation to dal s meeting toO"Masidekie name." Who could ask a grefiter i&COficitt. \ o more idividuality .. r among DeoMeralla editors, no more going t slow on fresh questions, no mote lade- L- - peadent'tholigbi; but all must meet to- Igstlier li, Infallible connctl, sad get ideas ''"!... earred oaf Co thinmenrhoJeWdo and. retail .lll, sot 'for the fitscods or _welfare of the ~ .. "people, or fifth; gonernment; but !ditto!. 4--. advancement of the Democratic party. I- , " The editors were - so Pleased' with' the ~- i',." - ' hint - Of rafewing all new Issues whentbsy '1 ,../. _'' - ididfirise Ws council that they felt It !!'7 - would bewell to decide Mifetbor,JOrt tol : o . ..-. -. i ipisiif_steek in trade to run - on for it i ll ..That we d - denounce thC umnitkeHe Ist 1 „ - Which the socalleol - Fifteentlrsmendtbitit ''',,,,,___-'''• ' .was der.latedpert of the Conitttutfoi, and .... filiPm7intwiDlidltd-for Its timetd,telai 1•:: - - 7: - - rt = illkdligui irtivet7ll] : .1 - -- til ersot • " - ._ . , L. ..:::1 -!':N.4 ., S-Oppedtif t a to tics Chinetwaymmt. or_ ,f,'::::,•-•,_.:_i El .: , t;`qt • . . anything that injures or depredates the dignity of white labor. • B—Opposition to corruption wherever found, and by - whomever perpetrated. Ye friends of universal liberty and equal rights to all men, tremble over the de. nunclation of the Xtt.ll-,amendnient by these wise men it ,. .Ctinill! Ye newly made citizens whose color" mocks ad d the virgin white Illy, tremble for these pow. erful men are Opposed to negro sur ge and will labor for Its repeal with allelr might and main. But perhaps we wall draw consolation .from the knowleidge that these acme patriots labored r , earnestly ; wickedly, to perpetuate slay Vy. Falling in that and to keep down under their feet the emancipated blacka, h ey strove to prevent the ballot from Linn in to the hands of the disenthmiled bhicks. We have .reached a period in history when people don't go backward In measures pertaining to el, ilization, enlightenment and liberty. The colored people may rest secure in the rights and privileges vouchsafed them by a just nation. It is not in the province of the Democratic pay, the Republican party, or even the ne third party, to take away the enfranehisrent boon granted the colored people, ftir God's hand not only wiped out slavery but lifttictup the oppressed freedmen to the plane they were destined to occupy, and who can undo the great work amomplisited ? The oriental "Johns' who are swanning to our land are to be opposed by onr.Dem ocratic editors and denied a place in our workshops, on our railways, farina and plantations. But `"John" is further along. lie has not yet found his way Into Penn. sylvania, nor has he been found a bad ele ment among foreigners. lie in Indus- Wimp, quiet and harmless, and as we have untold millions of acres of land to be ex plored and develOped and standing room for all ChristendoM, we think John China man might be afforded welcome. .: The last declaration is good:wise and sound, every word of it, and it is one 1 which every Mitz i , be he Republican 'or Democrat, secular or religious can hon. estly endorse. One declaration wan forgotten, though. perhape, thought and talked abilt, . and that was to deela 1 in favor of unity in the Democratic nuke, and to encomate bolt ing in the Rapti lican party. That' is certainly includmf in the undAreloped plans of the opposition managers, l and the first practical illustration of it is witnessed herein the coalitiOri formed to orthrow . the regular Republican party. got the people have to offiset these' premUlgated declarations with the simple one taut the Democracy, with all its tricks and plans, must and will be kept in the same place occupied during the"piurt. decade of years." THE PROGRAMME. Them Is no.longer any room t. doubt that the Democratic party has en .. neered the disintegration of the Republican or, ganization and that the Commerehil lends willing aid - to help the work of destruc -4105. The programme is ' developing. The Post pledgee to' help send i,protec tionist to Congress, and the candidate is g_ in training in the Commercial tin Gen. Kegley must be disposed of; he is too faithful to his constituency, to 4 party. and his own character, to cult the disap pointed Cilque of Republicans who thought they could twist and mould him to suit Steil. purposes. It would be a gad thing for the interests of this district should I there be sent to Congresa a Democrat to I represent the people, or if by any combina tion a treacherous and purchasable Re publican obtains the seat. And yet to ac compliab either one of such ends is the idle aim of the ringleaders of the third party movement. If any evidence is needed to oompletethe confirmation of the fad that a well-devised scheme exists to overthrow the Republican party here and elsewhere throughout the State. we have it in the following expression frcim the Post of yesterday, in referring to the late convention of Democratic editors held at Altoona : "Aside from the regular baldness trans. actions of the Convention, there were other matters taken under consideration, and definite eonelasions nrrieed at that will tell upon the politics of the State in the limas. dusts Mars . ; as will be developed by the general tom of the Democratic liners. .We take masker to say in this ernnec. lion, that the Democratic party will no longer tolerate any temporizing with the great questions of public policy. In the Stite of Pennsylvania, at least, the De. meow are united, and henceforth their campaigns will not only be progressive, bat aggressive. We feel that we can ray to the Democracy of the whole Union that the glorious old Keystone State is about to be dimpthralled from Radkal domination and will take its position in the Democratic phalanx, from • which It has been practically displaced, through treachery and misplaced confidence do ring the last decade of years." Will the Republicans calmly consider the situation, or will they willingly join handi with the treacherous members of their organization and deliver over the political power so long held to the oppO mitten and weep Oyer • their folly in the future? Never before did them exist more pressing necessity for calker in our party, , Weeaturot afford to quart) among ourselves while the enemy are moving upon us In solid columns. If we fall to ' properly appreciate the situation now, if we disband and fight under two flags, if we fritter away our strength, we will lose Abe battle, lend for yearn to come we cannot - regain what shall be lost, and the Demo. cro.io Party, aoleag kept in the oblivion, its principles and doctrines -warrant at the hands of a free people, will itself to ride with despotic tyranny: We have no time to pause, for the enemy are on the march,. their campaign has com menced in good earnest and they will eon .quer if we present a divided 'router a camp rank and rotten with' spies! Ind traitors. Will Republicans net ' . arouse themselves -, bend their differences! • the Impending battle? they will, but if they reap a: whirlwind femme for which they _:-4411141 , 111',A1G AIME, _ _ trying evils of our , Is our extravagance. aese United States are the world for their reek- At expenditure of money. , I go their conduct in this vously felt and bitterly com plained of. Within the last few years, since they caramel/tad to visit Cketinentsr Europe in large numbers, hotel charges; uid the demands of waiters and couriers are made on the most sitter/want scale, so thatioirlsta from the:British iiies,:tMd elsewhere, complain that it Is impessible for them, with their,, limited means, to „Lu rch ' travel on routesaa are frequented by Maori .. who are so lavish with their money. We are exorbitant in our demands, and desire to reap where we have. not sown, .and gather where wa have - not strewn. We are excessive in our:likes' and dia.' likes; in our joys and griefs; in our hopes and despairs; in our intagixistiona and ex- Pektations. We are incodinate in oar de. sire for wealth, honor and distinction; for gorgeous houses, expensiie furnitunt,and aplendid 'equipage.: 111 point of dress, ; wethelteye there is not a more extmva- Soli,'-'l,..ts,*- world. The most fseklima4.**ertades , in London or ailt-: ,;1!. , .. *Fed by amore richly ..Vhilifoo; . _liirany time; than can be. ** - i4firAlilf*fho thoroollhfsres of our liallrritiftdeddous title:a' ' Our extravit ' MEM PITTSBURGH DAILY 4:IAZETTi: FRIDAY MORNING, ,TULY 1, 1870. gance is enriching Europe, and impover ishing otuselves. Our reckless expenditure, of money is aot seen only in our, magnificently ap• pointed private residenes, the trappings tansy of tan steeds, the ric hness and gayety of our attire and expensive cuisine, it is visible in our churches, the Very place where we would expect. to find a grave "simplicity. Temples,' for the worship of , Ood, are erected , each yliar nt an expense far greater than the necessities of the case demand. We would feel no comfortable, although our pride mig it not be no fully gratified, if we, aooemb ed in less costly fanem, and the worship ix adored would not be less acceptable. In ‘ain will the pores and ecnnomioto call for trenehment and ,reform in the modes o our social life. until the Church first to the example. A little extmragance t evening partleo, and on matrimonial oc .ionr may be ex rumble. but the gorgenn displays which we make at our funerals are not founded one sensible apprecintin of the solemnity of ouch occasions. nor an we see thnt they are respectful dead. any n family incurs nit capon on the occasion of the latrial of its file irlo, from the im poverishing effects of n hick it Mow not recover for years, and Mat robs widows And orphans of the necessary comforts of life. 'rite reason nomigned—reopect for parted relatirex—may he laudable, Inn it is based upon a mistaken notion. Dis play on such Occasions is,,to say the least, unbecoming, and does not in any way en hance respect for the dead. On this subject we might learn. a very profitable lesson from the aristocratic cir cles of (treat Britain. Within the oast few weeks, two of England's most noted and respected public men have gone the way appointed for all living. Dickens i l and CI tendon are no more. The one adder an immortal fame in the domain of lett , the other was one of the most honore of the English nobility, and filled several importhnt and responsible posi lions in her Ministry. But in nothing did they co mend themseves more to all Seri alble n, than in their express desire that tit it funerals should be kept strictly secret, nd be unattended by any ostenta tious c remonies. The simple coffin of Dickens was carried In a plain hearse, "without feathers or trappings of any kind;' front Charing Cross T .retinue to . Wesimlnster Abbey. his re nine were followed by three carriages, hick con tained the members of his ftl . illy, and d few friends, in all, only Ovel ;e persons, who were attired in pinin black. and wore neither bands •or scarfr. .The Cable I. formed us yesterday ;that thr funeral o the Earl of Clarendon, which took 'p ace on the previous day, r - was' equally rivate, and entirely free from all porn. and pageantry. Let our ml lionaires: merchant prinree, and Men of letters and . imsition. set an example of equal simplicity, and they will relieve many it family from a Initden whit-lila intolerable , None elterinh less fondly the memories of Dickens and Clarendon becaune they expressed a denire to be buried privately and unostentatloualy, nor think less of their fanlilien because they discarded all extravagant display in the solemn hour of their interment. Let Its benefit. then. by the t , xample, which has been so no bly net by persons moving, in the higlrst walks of life in England. The extmea mint .-ost of a funeral 'neither brings honor to n; living nor thin deed. Allegheny County 'Politic, [From the Butter Anteticsa.) It isnot our habit to meddle in the af fairs of our neighbors—Particularly po lltical affairs. M e have always supposed them capable of attendlig to all their own matters. But the movement in Alle gheny county for a Republican or tion outside the regular one, may lowed by such results as td .. justify all In spaiking out and giving a word of mum sel.! If thin movement should cause the. lose to us of the next Legislature only, it will have done a serious injury; 'Why it is anticipated the next regular Convention of Ottrirlends of Allegheny county trill nottict and do what is right; 'we are at al sto know. We have known of di. satiefactiOn and defection after convert tiortil hace been held and nominations been mad, but never Wore they have been held and made, until the present cascf. The usual way in to wait until a tic et in formed before we oppose or-re:, pudiate It How can it be known who ' will or will not be nominated till a con vention meets. And why cannot as good men be nominated at a regular convention as lat an irregular one. If they are baught out and urged as strongly In the .It.. on case as In the other, they would be. ut, it in paid, the time for holding the net Allegheny countyconvention, in late. So 1t seemed to un, until we 'learned that the }ime , Angunt, Is not an unusual one.. As to an the year ISM they held their convention In lingua, and frequently In that month within the last ten years. In the eastern counties of this State the usual time. for making nominations is about the let of September. Without saying which in the better time to nomi nate, June or August, we can pay, from experience, that a ticket nominated at the former time will undergo a quiet lull for about three months. Until the harvest is over and the election approaches but little is aid of the merits of a ticket, pro or mn, so that a ticket might an well be nominated In September an In June, for all -practical - pummel.. We hope the leaders of this Independent movement In Allegheny county will reconsider before it is too late, and not borrow trouble In advent*. The regular convention in open to all and plenty of time to . have right and jostle*, done in all respects. An Important Invention. 'The San Francisco Bulletin says After twenty yews of toil and trouble, Slander Heath, a mechanic of this city, has sue ceeded in manufacturing a remarkable lag machine; for which he obtain. Washington yesterday, Vhe a ffvettion relno chine for forming thet"enceitm..=„nl o f• a drawers and boxes, and Is likely to p • remunerative to the owner. It consists of two sliding frames, moving on tables, One of which serves to dovetail the end, and the other the side pieces of a box, without the use of swinging guides, nn memos gauges and leveled tables—the whole being easily fitted PO as to operate on common sawing tables. The saws for the two tables can be fastened to the same mandrel, or they may have separate man drels. The two tables, also, may stand side by side or be separated, and may he used for all ordinary purposes of sawing, by simply removing the sliding frames. The eliding frame for the side pieces has a tapering guide fastened to one of the crossbeams so an to give the desired angle to the tenon, the board etandingupon this guide while the frame slides at right .an• glen with the saw mandrel. The end pie ces are formed on a similar eliding frame on the table, but the guides in this case stand at a right angle with the mandrel. When the table is fitted up for this work of dovetailing especially, a great number of saws and cutters may be used, so that that all the dovetails of any lot may be cut at once, by two motions of each frame, leaving nothing more to be done except to fit Ahem together. The machine is simple In construction ; an be made at a cost not to exceed three - hundred dollars ; and will do as much work in two minutes . as can be done by hand in the game num ber of hours. Tax Jewish population in Donn:Maim has increased in that principality from 60,- 000 in 1849 to upward of 400,000 in 1870. The Jews there are said to enjoy all poe. gable freedom, and-IQ Poem" 176 U na. Rogues, while there are only 63 Roman Catholics, 12 Protestant and 11 Armenian churches in the country. The Rouman. Lan government has sent a number of young Jews, at its OWII expense, to com plete their education 1n Paris, and has conferred a pension upon the widow of Dr. Bundle, a Jew, who held the poll. tion of Professor in the Military. Academy, and at whose funeral an eloquent address was delivered by cured the moat eloquent Christian prelates of Roumania. - The Ro manian journals caution the world against the false publiottions of the “Alliance Is. nate," of Pula, which asuadathrn. 'n ape-tad/de for the hoax recently practiced Amon ildicountry. r I . Obituary Extraordinary The following remarkable efiusion ac companied a death notice in a recent Mil. waukee paper: f A little girl of that city had been drawn ed while playing with a pet dog and her seboolmates on the river's bank and while t ug, her heart - broken - parents - and k ndred were in the Sorest, affliction, a Heal friend of the family sang , throw it the press: "O' lather claim one p nt hour with young companions ga : We see the song.birde onward tour, And why should she not play': With buoyant spir its on she walked, The pet dog followed near. And with her neighbor'a children talked In accents loud and clear.lVllets by the waterside they stood, All 'joined a game of 'spy.' With cheerful Iteltrt. in. mirthful mood. The dog clamed fir and ~r nigh. Juat at that moment Mein': fell Into the rippling stream, NVliiin me were standing closely by. With coward h :arts, I wren. One playmate ran and beg ed of them To render Mnllie aid; These wolves dresaed In the garbs of men, Were deaf to all She said. Twice, thrice, "she rose, again, again, The children cried loud, 'Save Mollie Thompson, do. good en'' No.' no.' the monsters rowed.' Poor. °life st retched, her snow white nrm: 'Oh. ni , ercv• save me,pray '' These men looked on , Otis oat alarm, Then basely sneaked away. No'._ not at: effort would they Make, t i The . childrfai Scream and r Poor Mollie Pr nn Mollie is! us all forsake efore • the setting Run. The crowd soon ti now came round the pot, But of a s glimpse was seen. Is 'this the OUM ‘I . In that° or non No mark was le t be tween. A gallant tore plunged boldly In, To rescue. or to try. 'Too lose! too late! O what a sin! • These feeling children ere. . At length moot' earth et noble turn. Brave Tompkins, Is his name, Ileedlese of elothi., or boots, or when. Dived headlong in the stream, And brought Poor Mnllie's anew white face To surface of the deep, liar hair confused and nut of plaM, Her ...Ye-, lids closed iu sleep. The lather at this tine ran wild; Bewildered at 'the sight; Unto his bosom pressed Itia child, And homeward plied with might. No poins seem spared to bring her round—Alas! 'swan all in vain; And she was wrapt with,' In her shroud, No more to play again. Poor Mollie's teachers heard. the news. And flocked atoned her come, The shock did ey'ry heart confuse With anguish and remorse; The scholars, too—Owl bless them now!—ln sorrow looked dismayed; They strewed sweet flowers nu her brow `ad Cel.. - h e coffin e - red. And o'er the coffin pravt... Aud now, poor Mollie, in thy shell, We'll bid a last adieu, 0, may we meet in heaven to tell how one and all loved you! The parents and the family, For merry rent the air; With pang of sudden agony; They laid their bosoms bare. - After which follows an elegiac acrimaic! Imagine the feelings' of the mourning family when, after the first tempest of their great grief shall have subsided, some friend calls •their at. tent ion'to the above astonishing "lines!" • Church Mission'ary efKidnapping" iu India. ]From the Punjab (Lahore) Times,May - 10.] The Christian Missionary is at his old game again of what is known as - Lmby conversion." This time, however, ha suc ceeds in reaching his victim through one of the teachers of the• Zenana Mission, who had been hitherto unsuspectetily ad. mitted into most of our native households. It seems that on Saturday last a young Ilindoo widow girl, aged about fourteen years, who used to receive her first lessons from a Zenane teacher by the name of Miss Martha. belonging to the Church Missionary Society, was removed from her house by the latter a ithout the knowledge or consent of her widowed mother,-and under the auspices of the Rev. J. Vaughin, baptized in hot haste. She was placed by the reverend gentleman in the house of one Hazra, a native convert, and there de tamed front the lawful custody and guar dianship of her mother. The reverend gentleman and his accomplices were &UT e4 with an attorney's letter calling upon them to deliver the girl into her mother's custody, but this RR refused, and we un derstand that immediately on receipt of the letter tb,' girl was baptised, and the next day the mother was informed by Rev. J. Vaujichan other baptism. A few relatives and friends who accompanied the mother in bringing back the girlwere treated to a volley of. abusive epithets by the Christian fraternity of Amherst street, Such are the facts et' the convention of the present victim-of the miseionary bedy. The story will speak for itself. • The text will no doubt form the sub ' ject of a grandilotfuent report of the wo g . zees of the. mission, by the Rev. J. Vaughan. and so the supporters of the mission and. the British public will be considerably hoodwinked, the questiona ble means resorted to for conversion be lug of course carefully kept out of view, e are afraid that the present instance will give a deathblowto the cause of na tive female education through the Ze mull mission. Already it has been. warning to many llindoo families in the city. The aged mother, we an. Informed, is about.to take proceedings at law for the restitution of the person of the girl. A Conductor's EitorraaA Coffin With out u Corpse. A western railway conductor tells thi horrible story - I was running on a train between De troit and Chicago, in DM-. A gentleman of Chicago WWI taking East the dead body of bin brother for burial among the family friends In New England. During the night the wooden coffin. by reason of the friction of the nail. against those of the' large rough boo which enclosed it, or in some more mysterious way,. caught ,ffre, and before 'discovered , corpse wan burned .to a crimp, the outer covering of the coffin being but little injured. When the horrible fart was made known by me to the brother, after taking him amide, I thought he would then die. Ili, grief•un manned me more and broke me down more completely than all the killing and mangling I had ever neen. 'Him Minter must never know thin. said he', after a long ',mazy= of grief, 'it will kill her.' All the employee of the company ac quainted with what bad happened were sworn to mercesy. An; elegant new' coMn wan procured at Chicago. In which the burned remains were carefully fastened, and the grief' stricken brother conveyed the amhem, - literally, of the dead. East and they were burled without any friend, PACO :'one, knowing that the - coffin contained no 'corpse. And that brother has kept this sad secret from his people and from the press to tide day. A Contradiction The report-that the Episcopal Convert. Mon of-the nieces.. of Wisconsin adopted a canon, that "Every communicant of the church marrying outside of our commun ion, or married by any other than a der. man'of our church, shall stand ipso facto unmated," in thus corrected by a volTegPol , le Detroit Tribune: "It so han present at the Conven tion pe of the Di sin, at Milwaukee, on Wednesday when a young man introduced the above mentioned canon, - who Mated that he did so upon hie own responsibility, and with oat expecting its favorable consideration. It wan received with much merriment, and without one word of favor from any per. non lint the young man who offered It. , Ac a matter of simpla courtesy to the It woe, at his own request, referred to the Committee on Claims, and the committee, without leaving their seats, reported in words of pleasantry against It, and the proposed canon wait rejected without ono vote In Its favor, except that of its author. The whole subject was out of the way in a little time as it has taken to pen thin contradiction." General Anderson. -The Chime Tribune eontahan the .fOl • • lowing: . . . A late number of your paper contained a notice of General Hobert Anderson and his present embarassed condition, whirls every American surely most lure read with the deepest humiliatitin. Why his services. which can hardly be overrated, have so long gone unrewarded, it is not easy to nay; but a tardy act of justice In i better Ilan never, and if we cannot wipe from t o national fame the et fume of hav ing neglected one of our heroes, we can, at least, put a limit to it. The remedy is at band.. Let It be applied at once. The subscription of one dolGir from all those who have been benefited-by Gen. Ander son's example of fidelity and heroism will cheer the remnant of his daye, and assure the world that republics are not ungrate ful. Put me down for the first dollar, or the last. . • Qins. CHICAGO. June 28,1870. Two men got into a car laden with oats in bulk, to sleep, - at Sandusky. When they awoke the door was locked and the car in motion. It was not until!' two or three days after, when the tntin ,, was at Bellaire, that their groans caused, them to be discovered, when _they were, almost deed with heat, 'taxation • and ethane. .lion, and ware quite lusensible. . . . . BOOKS FOR Tilt BLIND.—The National Association or Publishing- Literary and .Musical Works for the Blind, in raised `letters, has just published "A Compen dium of American Literature; embracing selections from eminent. Authors and Statesmen," a large volume 0[1,49 leaves. The object of the above Association is to provide by subscription and legaeielf for the printing and furnishing books, in the raised character, it the actual test, and to ,the indigent blind -without chaige. The above volume can be obtained of Mr H. L. Hall, the agent of the Association, or of William Chapin, Principal of the Pennsylvania Institution for the Blind COLD NPARKLUM; SODA Drawn trent Genuine Marble Fount., with the Genuine F.I.LOW MALTA s riti:ll. fresh. Abu. the now' Antertean Syrup MONTANA. elegantly on denught. Thew error are the nneW yron , ever win In AIIISCICA. Inu ennlind thew mweri nice and tTehla at JAMES E. BURNS & CO.'S DREG STORE. NVY fou '11.87° drunEht. • lin not fairtn ball arid try them 'Chia I. .nld /II bulk Bottles and by .Ingle On` , I =CI Injure the main spring of • watch and every Dori.' lion of the works become disordered. The human stomach In to the human system what that elastic piece of metal is to the thrown:loiter. It inflitonom the action of the other organ,, and controlato a certain octant, the whole living machine: Tho romparlann may be ennled farther, for As. the weakness or other Imperfections of the main spring is Indicated on the 'fare of the time-piece. an also is the weakness 'or other disorder of the stomarb betrayod by the filen of Invalid. The himplexiou la tallow or faded. The eyes are Mein In lustre and Intelligence. and there Is a worn. ansioua expression In the whole maintenance which tell no 'plainly as written words cefuld do, that the Oval nourishlocr moan, Whose otfliss It Is to mitilster to the wants of the bodY.and to suittnin and renew all It, parts. le not performing Its dial . . It requires renovating and regulating, and to accomplish this end Itonetter'sfitomach Bittern may be truly sold to he Ole one, thing needful. The , broken main Fining of a watch ma, be replaced-by new one, but the ,tomar.h an only be repodrod and he ened. and alas Is one of the objects of the famous Evegetable restorative which for eighteen yearn tuts van waging a aussensful contest with drsPeloda In all climate,. As species for Indigestion It stand, alone. When the rreourcee of the pluirmo roriTgalnhoWtht.l,l=l7,ll edit wholesome and palatable. yet powerful, nt.s mama stomachic effects a perfect and permanent' corr. In all case, of drepopsla, the liver Is more or well dinordered, and atom this Important gland; as well a• upon the etionach and bowel, the Bitters art with singular illstlrictnens. netruhtting and rtdavitt. `,'.7,A',%:,l,l7.4.l=ng'ed.;Tlgiggeorm- NEW ADDER ISEMENTS FABER & VAN DOREN, 367 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. STEAM ENGINES, IRON AND WOOD WORKING M_A_ol-11NER - Y , , Steam Pumps, Engineers' and Machinists' Tools, STEAM FIRE ENGINES, BELTING, Woolen Machinery, Machine Cards tirMannfactn S ers• and AIM Sap• piles. A constant supply on hand and tarnished on short notice. ORDERS fe4omacrr.E.ro LETTER Copying Presses. pitEssr-4. BAR PRESSES, LEITER SIZE PRESSES. CAP SIZE r9sactax4. CARMINE AND GILT PRIGISILN. WALNUT PRESS STAND. ,MANN'S COPYING BOOKS. FRLNCII COPYING BOOKS. NOTE SIZE COPYING BOOKS. LETTER SIZE COPYING WOES, CAP SIZE COPYING ROOKS. ARNOLD'S COPYING FLUID. SMITH'S COPYING FLUID. YRENCII COPYING FLUID. VIOLET COPYING FLIJID, RUBBER COPYING SHEETS. CAMEL' HAIR COPYING — BRUBRES. WATER I BOWLS. CIILNA AND IRON . J. L READ & SON No. 102 Fourth Avenue. TMPTipVED . • MERRY SEEDER It hu been In um. for thelast ale ynd never felled In an single instance to Oro .7111,.Pattgal , lion to the purees... When run to Motu!! espeirily.lt will oenl a tinehel of Mantes In 'JO minute, The Machine Is Cbeap, Simple. Durable and ,Illandoonte. M3lM==6=l It la the best "Terri Seeder in the "dirket. N Al eht t orders Addresser" to JAMES BOWN, No.l.36WoodStreet Cl= Will be Filled at M4NUFAGTURERS'PRICEt3. Jo JOHN STEVENSON'S SONS • & CO • •, • -• JEWELERS, 93 Market street, Pittsburgh. (THIRD DOOR FROM FIFTH.) Rave on hand s/1 the latest novelties In Final... • clef; also Silver Meow and Miser Plated Ware of "Valr:lllllt==°=ri. Fold and sliver eases, Roth Key and Pendant Winners con- EMantis on itandosa wall as a OW variety cf VW. nv risdae of tali !Was Watch. Ineladirso Jar . neon, Jacot Parrinraus.andrithers. • mist attention to one facilities for o Wino One watches. To that Ord gooda . i eW irnt=t;jrna . ra . tare • 4r " . " inylik • 1 E IRGE BEAYFN kin NUFACTURNII OF • Cream Candies and T; Hea l And Dealer in Foreign and Domestic 'Frain.. Pickles, Jellies, Swoons, Catanpi, Note, ie..' NO. 112 FEDERAL STREET, - ALI:COHENS% PA,- •WINE OF LIFE.—The great Blood Punter and Delicious Winn, WAntiEltl3 'MUM TITAL. Olt WLitg Of LITIL Is heathen VAT4lrre.Vrei...=cgr . rte 47•1= appetiser ma loofa, and the engin lo the world for patifylag the blood. IL Is the Most Ona. manta delleions anion aver ofiord to the penile. " b rrll y in ' or JatiVgr a=?:. Bo male and emiale. roman eadoi." oo the Wine of Life. It Is In fact. health peed ner. non who wish to nil good free rtrl f e! fr it islgettrt'filiinwentrl tat. ' Avg . = I , l4 ,,,,,,,,,„r t. b. l . f . a b i= t rugratez espect. =Maine? JAMES RENO, tZWED. CONTRACTOR AND BUTLDED.. Ptl7 in . OFFICE. IB A S and IT SARDMIXT STRZFC. Residene. logi FresouctSt..AllitsAA.T. • JOSEPH R. HUNTER, blerohandize Broker, Also promyry orrumvir, (fif.deluf of Munk Building,' Juldisn CHEAP MI GE RTOPES AND s. TINWARE. • ' rimmut • c ""i9m x 9lnotni, a., ...es E=C= NEW ADVE:RTISEM::EIftt3. 11E1 WM. SEMPLE'S, ISO and 182 - Federal Street, = Itoort BA EGA/S. \ 111: NEW AVG. Desirable Dry Goods. 19,A( ‘R - . BL A CI( ST LKS, V erg- Low Prices I D.RESS: I O-00bS. I.lmin and Plaid Japanese Hilka. L Che eans. Il Miemxed mnles end P.Urenadthe, laid Japanese oplln, Drown and Drab Dress Linens. very cheap. Wll ite Goods tUnped 1.44 Fluor 1 I . l•lUan. Plain and P Sp laid nooks end Jaconeta. Pinln anoted • wt.. light Yemure d n r and Matteis, at popular print, liallaigill ('A sz+S I VIER ES, Cottonades d Linen Drills. Shelia! 1 Shawls, ACE Jjs FL \ LS, Light Summer. Shawls, .1 At Attractive Prices, WM. SEIPLE'S, 180 and 182 edema Street. Allegheny lan liMl E & CO'S. Clea HATS FLOWERS, ante Sale 01 Milli iery Goods, 'IRAS° S. Sri SHADES Large dditions to Stock In ~~ LACES AND ACE GOODS. GAUZE UN .ERWEAR, • DENTS' V' RNISITING GOODS. HOSIER , GLOVES, CiUIPU E LACES. SASH AND BOW RIBBONS ,IND LINEN PANS, At I ow Prices.. NE W IGOODS .A:rriying Daily. 7 AND 79 MARKET STREET JOON O WOI 11. RICILARD DAYIn WORKA AN & I DAVIS, Summon, to WO RYAN, 1400 Mr. Z CO.. mom haonrern ont Deal6rs In • . .. .. . i Carr is Buggies, .. • • ... ... is i. SPRING. ' BUCK WAGONS. 41, 44, 46 au 18 Beater At., Allegheny. . Repairing neat' and y executed. On for hew W rt tot ay to amod 5t741004 warranted to give ttsfacti n m 'WM Partimilait prNewest style iof wort WWI on hand.. SOLE Ail IL•8 or the N rr Haven illmeJ Cam. pears make of 9 EVINS PATENT WHEELS, and liappl. Patentret 5 Nei end AnlidSattler for Shafts. . . tIL RICHARD D IS haring marchased the In te WO RK MA N . . and Wm. It COIn the late limn of..IIOOEN A CO., the imatiew will hereafter he continued at the old ender the name mad of rte of WORKMAN I DAVIS. Orden &Rotted. . .. . . . . ... - • • atc SOlai ?il r an Late wi th Citizens' National Barth. Plttabann. "HILL & ADAM'S SEWER PIPE CO,' 65 and 67 Sandusky St,Allegheny. /Wlf &Hung hIshILZIJILITIAD WATER AND S. SEWER PIP n. In CHYMNIT TOPS. FLUES and HYDRAULIC CEVENT. C. G. MenTELLEN, Agent. HOLMES, BELL & CO. ANCHOR COTTON Nlanot.turers M IIEAVT MTDIUK uLd LiGAT ANCHOR AND MAGNOLIA Sheeti- GRAND NE qhoes, AT 1-lENRY PAULUS', No.1:14 01110 AVENUE. ALLEGHENY CITY; The undersigned has ageln taken licanesalon of hie old ahem and stocked 11 with anon smart merit of BOOTS 13110 ES AND GAITERS. I Goods' as we ird prices will glee satiehtelSon. Yoram patrone the ( ; . bl.le ore Monad to visit. NENE? PAULUS. ST • WATEIt PIPES, Chimney 'Tops,: HOT AIR 8c CHIMNEY FLUES, U. A Large and tell aesortimit sonstantly ea hand. HENRY R. COLLINS, 133 SECOND AIMED/. Bakery,„ Confectionery TO • C R EAM. The undseslgned nese in the ter. eon Went Na WRSTEILN AYIiNTE, Alleateneraf.:, feral the Part. Where If la pre old orders In Malin°. Ills Want la some - w e for the consumers of in erenan. ...NU and It' werrwoo=2,=== eat tt hiftet,it lie patronage la !solicited. ww.. A. mioram. mmes L ADIES' DUSTIN I G CASE • Gold Watches for $25.00 'WATTLES & SHEAFER'S, JEWELRY STORE, 101 IFItTU AWRKIIIL - Aloe,. Eno usottment of LADIES' and DINTS' FINE GOLD INATVIIF_S and CHA I NS atth• sand gessomble prim. A oo unortment of CLOCKS and VANCE GOODS nn band: Mum ulre us a 0.11. lei VISSOLUTION OF • CO•PARTNER. BRIP. Tbe putttorsblp benitofore existing D. P. Scott and'A. I. Scott, tatiartbierm name sad stlle of D. P. SCOTT & SON, W. dismayed by mutual consent oo the In day of ]one, 10170. m=ll l ,ha ke lm c azin o be.m os bl ha _to . .t. I. Scott, who .. • scow: PITMIIIIIGTI. Jan 17. ier : liS7ll. L 2 =4" PISSOLUTION. The co-pall cz el l ktrar m igmb= l .lolll name a J 7 . a W. 7.N IiPSICIt, mailman. nab w e g ru uri man , n la Imaaaa 7 lockod • • 'MAW' *. 33 8 MEI 0 iP , V2M-1 Iki 2 1:44 (z) Nj. I 4 4:1 AT - WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and, 182 Federal Street, tiOOD STOCK. OF Sash and Bow Ribbons, Hats, Bonnets, SUNDOWNS,'„ At Primes Low oxCao be Found Anywhere. Al L' ha. larue. and kiln.. HSIV. At 740. full slow Lama Shawl, ' At 61.00.811 k Parasols. worth 61.1 J. At (par., rut Colored Calicos. At BK.. Light and Dark Colic., At I DA. all the Bert Make. of Callao, At $l.OO for • pada Chlnta Calicos. At 100,4-4 EltruitiodMutlln.st ruperioranacle. At 1111.., Fast Colored Limns, At visc.. Printed Mania and Alpaca, ' Al %W., Double Width Chene Mohair,. a hare*. Gloves and Hosiery, Green nod Blue Kid Gloves. ` • Clark sod Colored Sid nod Lisle Thread Clore. UM.% illssre' and Chlldreni Merl Red Roy, Half LAMES' AND GENTS•. Summer LTUderweal Collars. Cate. and Neckties, ' 'Lace Collars and Handkerchiefs. Hoop Skirts and Skeleton Corsets. Ladles' and Children's Aprons and Suits Hair Switches and Chignons. Jet Jewelry, Pocket Books, Satchels. dr. WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, Alligheny On a Par with Gold ! WE NOW OFFER Our New Stock DRY GOODS NOTIONS N EASTERN PRICES BITTTAB ADE OTVITZD TO Examine our Goods & Prices ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO., N 0.115 Wood Street. BUY THE= GENUINE, CLARK'S O. N. T" SPOOL COTTUX. GEO. A. CLARK , SOLE AGENT. Sold Everywhere. TI#IRTIETII Semi-Annual Report DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK LIABILCIIRB. A? doe D.pwltanJmelet.~.6Jo.94J 93 InMelt due Deprallor,J one 1 Ft. Cnatlngeotlund..lisete 15t...1870 lutes se =I • ..• Loans on 'Bonds and Motgurm..llll.9 !IA it Baal Rotate Ati t gra b iM k :i..o" - p y LT X, .t ne7M .. 055h14.0814t4. I Hi 1 ° In Ranks and on band 1 • 1 0r1.747.691 34 The undersigned. Auditing Committee, respect lOU, •neport • that they have examined the Treaso- CReport for the last six montits.endirghlay IS7II. and have examined the /insets of the consistlag W. t of Bends and - Blom Dear gliseivablz_u. it. Ft Twent ' r Mx pewee t. .63 and WY. U.S. Ad per emit. Bonds. 4181. and a 1.141 Ranks and 00 hand. and End the satne to conespoefi with the abrow report. YLAGIM J. Jcll.LLltlini. A. TlRDlitt. PITTIISMO. Juno fhb. IWO. - The Trustees have declared %dividend of three 1 311.157 t i sVatiroritVir worn/J.lz bear Interest fromilst Inst. PITTEIBURAII. S. Gaiters, emetia.t.%T N. _Jeliul; 1.40.3:4,1,w.#11 ARNSTHAL & SON Virginia and Louisville Tobacco agency, SEGARS Pine Cut Chewing aid Smoking Mame, • Pittsburgh and Connellsville R. R. EXCURSION TICKETS:. tYlll ibe .01.1 to .JI Point. rlttlGong tod• rone6ll.llllo nallro.4 t•Gotra the molar faze IS forty,Mllllsl.ll oe merl no MX 410, good until Joll D. D. ANGELI.. Est; Master of Traitspitllon. C."" itL i tt n l c' Ffigs "ll l;tl7.lW:t " i • N OTICE TO COFTRACTORS.—SeaI• RIL PitoPosnLEl will De received at Mist:K rim until With inst.. Inclusive, fug building ■ new BRIDGE over McLaughlin's Ran. on th. toad insding Dorn the Washington Pike to Bodoni, in Lipper Rt. Clair township. Also for muting n new WOODEN STEW:7IIRK ak the Bridal any tile' nand leading grom Waddington Pike Dr Thoinns foiline' _ Mtll , In Smith row. Townihip. Ey direction of County ComMisidonery. I•lBy!}dAT FIZIKILY LAMBERT, omen or Pas corrs ommtagta tb xiii a: . 1 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. OW Proposals sail bo rteeired stabls (Mee pc" JULY 3. Inelaslse, for bollaft • NEW 11111 Dal; one Roblemates Eamon therm:IWO:VI from SW:buy - We ta37 , 01.•t0 W. Plat 7•6•41. nearbase Walkares mW.• • Elms and vectflestioas nu be seen on applies. Eon. • By alreetton of costais caroatisstozeris.: MMal Orme or Till Cowhums= OP ALLINMIXT Cocrer...P.A.. pm.l g6011...11361:1 9 S. 2 571. NOTICE TO COUNTY ASSESSORS. Tree Boots toe the liatietretion of Vetere are Eery ready far delivery at the oillee of the County . Onnedieioners. Bertures*will be Malted within the time pripsesibed by few, end 00 payment wilt be me* unless the terms nt the low hr. Moray eatepilail Dy dlieetton of County Conunitslosiow CM= NEW A.DvErnanzurrrs " es aPate and 'Ohio Railroad 4 The Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad I• compiata.l Ynd rAnnlng frum RI( lISIOND. VA to the colobratoo WHITE SULPHUR SPRO4O3. I=l attended In the Ohln rlrer. 200 miles further making In ell 497 mile, \ In Its pnwren Westward. It penetnonn ural *Penn up to =Ant the. WONDERFUL COAL. DEPOSITS OF TILE EANAWDA REGION IN WENT And thus brings [no .uperl or and altundsut Coale of that motion Into contmonlotilon with the =1 =I 03:1152 When completed It hill connect the SUPERIOR. HARBOR FACILITIES OF THE CLIFNA FRAU:: BAT with tellable enctentlon cm the Ohln tiver..d thus with the ENTIRE PYSTEM OF RAILROAD AND HATER TRANSPORTA77OI4 OF THE GREAT WEST AND ROFTHWEST. E=l 01337=1 and will ohm:nand a LARGE. 511.4111 C OF THE ENOIIIIO FltEicarys meeting . treneynnatlon le the ...qt. • MMI!M]I!IMIZIME =I LINES Q lIAILISOA I) In Inn ,ennnO4. and corn wand a trade of linmense 'aloe. The ennoiletod portion of tho thud It doing a PROFITABLY: ANT. INCIIKABING . 1100INFIBB. aue le fully equal In V3illf , to the whole amount of the manage . upon the entire 1.1ne—111113,000,- 000.) The loan of the etiefapealte and Ohio Railroad eAtogany. Doing ti 'FIRST 'MORTGAGE UPON TUE ENTIRE LINE, PRO rt:ItTY AND EQUIPMENTS, WORTH WHEN COMPLETED AT LEAPT $30.- 000.000. Is Inerefore nneof the moatsubstantlal, conaerratlye and fellable Hallo.' Loans e'er of fered In the coarnet,nnd la peculiarly adapted to 13:11=1:13 Investors and Capitalists. Who desire to instep their investments with the most sstistsetory implosions a PORITIVE ANT UNDOITB'rED Race MTV. The Bonds see In denominations of $l,OOO, $5OO and $lOO, .4 may be bad COUPON or REGISTERED: Interest Biz per oetat: per annum. peysWe MAY let and NOV821(13E11 ' PRLYCIPAL AND MiIIeRPMT PAYABLE IN GOLD IN THE CITY OF NSW TORR Price 00 AND ACCRUED INTERFAT In Cur which price they pal need, sTcrisri PER CENT. IN GOLD en their com: All Government Bonds arid otherSecurittersdeslt In et the Stock Eninature nieelved In eseliniinge, at their full nintltet 'tine. and Bonds sent to ell parts of the oonntry. free of Pia - press ebitniree, They tan be obtainedby ordering direct from or through any responsible Bank or Banker in .7 pert of the country. , • Fisk & Hatch, BANKERS. No. 5 Nassau Street, New York Maps, Pamphlets and full information furnished upon , application in person or by , mail. . S..M2CLEA_N &. CO., BANKERS, 65 Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh, S l ° BAILEYZO 12t•" 8c CHESTNUT ST, P RILADELPI 4I/. 13C4CCGIOrt . effftertj. The reputation and experi ence of 40 years, warrant us in saying that our stock of Fine Timekeepers of the best Euro pean and. American Makers is now the largest in the coun try: and we guarantee that each Watch we sell, is finished with great mechanical , precision, has all the late improvements, and will run regularly, well, and give satisfaction.' =I E=11133 P=! ' Inquiries protnytly replid to. Watches forwardl . by Elms for approvaL y13.900-ONE-HALF CASH, RE =kinder in nye annual pay ments, ...II purchase a new. twn story brie* boon and lot,llve rooms and • cellar, mu and water an .toreg, we/I 10111.11 In complete order, altnate on Motio n street, corner of an Ile and near 1 , 1313 •en Apply to N. CUTIt /CRT NON. 3 Math avenue. COAL AND CONE. MORGAN' .& CO MANUFACTURFAA OF C n NNELLSVILLE COKE, At their COM Broad Ford, P. k C. R. B. Offi6j, 142 WATER STREET, 1011 P TO ALL POINT% BY • RAILROAD, • And Deliver in the City, m 17216 Mi=e2l OscarF.Lamm&CO. MANUFACTURERS OP CONNELLSVILLE COKE, . DEALERS IN yosiratogheny and Anthracite Coal errranunart. OFFICE : RODE No. 5, Gazelle Building, fR' Orders respectfully solicited. spEcrtl COAL! -COAL! YOUGHIOGHENY GAS COAL CO. The Coespaoy an now wowed to furnish the best Coal of any Ass or quantity. AT YAM HATE& Office and Yard ad.lotnlng the Crronsllsvnts tad Depot, foot of Tel Street. Pittabtirgh. Orders addressed to either Mines. West Newi4 . ,n, Ps, or to Tent 0111 he Dmmotly ittinded to.. SC P. 0111ER14. Seeretam • spreneTS Charles H. Armstrong DEALER IN Youghiogheny and Connellsville Coa And Ifanufsgetaref of • COAL, BLACK MID DIOIULPOUILIZED 00101. OPTICS AM) TAM oorner Butler and Morton Onsets, Liberty and Clr streets, Ninth ward; elm. Second street. 'Eighth yme ward, and al. foot or Boas street, P. it C. IL IL Depot. Savona Orders left atelther or the IMO , e °Mors, or 'ad dressed to me thinoith Pittstanah P.oo. lll Peneleti prompt ettention. Serer to admen Tam atipplytem Meier, Wells .11 Co.. Wra. Smith. Union Ion! Stills. S. S. Fontom a CoMaisel. Btei zr ezini t ic.. ., Preelit Co, Watt Reesa . ratr /Mull? Wen. ° k. Mier ar L a"CV` 157f,nrpl u ilti, & c= Al. vine rt e . II!„, Pennsylvania IL Allentien7 R. B. =I COAL ! COAL ! ! COAL !! ! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., reenoved their 0111 c• to No. 567 Liberty Street, CrAw7 City Flour )you) SECOND FLOOR, cirognanir l r ° co h lrolletiNV l St k r i oaterfiloo.or gmildisseed to UM. nomad thateall,llllll4llll.loolll4 b FR0V.1417, IRINAV . . • Cos*rangy MIC=I CARP . = 'OIL CLOTHS, CHEF 1 , CARPETS. Superi Ingrains, COMM° CARPETS . • C.Cvrs. rEII TART. 1 .. ArCALLI T NI. FftliL _.1.2.1 • lAboTe Wood BAIGAINS CARPETS U , NOW BE PAD AT M'Farland &Collins 71 AND 73 FIFTH ATE. hV a t 7 , tro Latin, mina, and plow • many W Brussels and. Ingrains, At len than Rest eon. Cell nee and int the the lee JeSI CARPETS. SPRING STOCK. Fine, Medium and Common C.RRPETS. Oar Sleek le the largest we hail eTer offered to the trade. Bovard,,E,ose & Co, 21 FIFTH AVENUE. CARPETS. New Rooms! New Goods! NEW PRICES! . We have lemon:meted the opening nr our Neel Rooms with the FINEST DISPLAY OF CaRPETS Ever Offered, in this Market. LOWEST PRICES SINE ISSI. OLIVER MeCLINTOCK 16 apb 23 Fifth Avenue. ~ UPHOLSTERERS. ' Manufacturers of SPRING. and IrOBIL MATTRIMMIS. Feather Bolsters sand Pillows. Church Cushions. Condos Mon Mimi end all Singe of Upholsters wait AISO. dealers In Window, Shades. Buff, Groan and White Itonand,, Cords. Tassels, ks. Particular .1411 Non Is Oran to lug up, cleaning and , altering arnsestar. • ws,Ssem - lEefir f .rwisarl6ll74o feel alums! the wises &mew; *erred end the goods Munro hly freed lima ell dust end Teriliti. The prior or Weaning has been gra.rireduced. Our Good. free . !nores call for and de. • HOBBITS, NICHOLSON k THOMPSON, === =3 team Carpet Dentin Establithment, STREET, NO: 127 WOOD MMW=D: CARPET CHAIN Of all C ON EFAND AND FO lors, BALM AT N 'City. ANCHOR • COTT I wzimplegheny QUEEN 100 WOOD ST MI QUEENS* lARE, IM3E3M 113-lass Chinn and 1111.VICR PLATED 000 DINNER TRAYS I=l ANDCUT7.Y. VIRriarICIWON a R,. E. BRErn & CO., 100 WOOD STREM-7 REYNOLDS STEEN & Co., 124 Wood ti.e,et. I r apatm and Pit's% In gag Nell, CHINA, FINK CUD GLASS AND 91 - teensv)are.-: smortoast at New *ark • ESTABLISHEID• •• 21011T.../.1.114131' 1110.11Y:..11kDT. OPST , NO. 189 Lib. air,,Avmmn-scatdmi pt i t=3l. l • =atm be d' s "' tVlnn 4 = " :W a irt ill e Ba ta reaming wtevalt•sael Magrable ot all.lloolll VOILS. • . WH11. 7 11B.; Pht TO TitgATALL PRIVATE to .11 tie toms. nil Sad erects st or a= ted:Boesebetoutten or es mein Westmorland pddney - alissaalg Mal SOISsAftS, 000tla end which prodeoe some of the rot •es blotches. WU/ Oa,' SOO samptlatt. arerslos to weedy. an. Of Utters RlOte . loos of tomnot7. toe. sot • Utensil emiseloas, and tinny or. PPM en cal m th * i l i t e e r e n fo s r e • t W o • ntsrudeSe e n m eeraaemr tpioe e P a o A n . ape •110ed s es s tth l th t e* ox other Wol = g .uaa unl a p h 7 A= v at... b Ott • Aokematkoes. Menorrbagfe. D litatuDy or llarrenness. are elth*Life2 agtv=rjytherb,r=v,•=,...4... of *Mum •a• • trims , thOsunds ot moo . ,•••• wain, Maar milll Alt 014 Tb.VO., yabllarerisrolkal Pred 1 2 m t. V= gril trlunr ...., mall for UM sidape, In soled •• , ...= *Wafts mmamou to • ' Jaen to usrp•Abe "Fame • a U lti n e " =&23 inthitslijete••••••• • ii cesteei f i5i.,... - 0.3.• I T •4 ,i n wz toe ..... itrAtten•ummUltarb• nalk•oll 1•117••••• 1nC• ty= OXI•l*• l. la re 'N'°• •••4orit= - of' P•ilenisiberresra Fes' a= 00•11••••••411• tle2 AlTti=om . o t . .... ft . .*• 3 ea d rn io gib=i 6 V• via „,„ "7,MINEMITkm. IMO, dim MLIVIZA,,C=,. /I , 0. ,, N . , , : ! B . T: MY Lim,::. lab Mean. Mita I_4l= ll ZT, .6" TO - 17T 15iw ! N Feroxrs .o. low