, - ;z-i.„t c ,, . ..... . . . . . . • . . •••:- ' - • • • • ttit; DAILY -04ETTE: . • . .. . , tkr• . . .•• i. . -- i 1 _ • ~;... ~.. - PUBLISITED DT 0 •, , , hres,_ ...:• - , : . " :,f • - . ( ir's 2 1... ZPvie tt • ..• -‘ ~..'- PENNI3IAN, REEL, &CO [ - 11111 ce ... a.oe Sixth ATE. and Smithfield St. id .1., i littL.. . . • • . .e. B. imiestmes, JOBIASI LING, . • T..P. mahnow, N. P, AMID, . •.,.,, _nn EDITONIAND pROPIIIIITORIL '' ' . 1 ;. . On :- TEEM/ OP Till Da ILT 7. .l 7\ ■ BY Mali. PP Mr l*llyebbl by omblib. Per k .... THE DAtlrk - GAZETTE, r a • GENERALITIES. / -1 Tin triune crop, of France has tailed. it SAN ill ANCIACCP iS troubled with organ s uTTHE iw r prepared a lecture upon Gin and Milk: - • • g 20,000 i / said to lee what PTharaeli will make out of Lothair. • TUE Philadelphia Irtiger itan a -new 'stock c obituary poetry. St; persons were by the sun in Philadelphia on Tuesday. 'Pee Rev. Phillips Brooks has gone " Europe on the Hammonin. ' • A bOME for Invalid elergymen in to be founded In South Cemlinn. PR.I:6IEV for rain were recently oilered up in thetehurches in England. Fit.4lttroulge -are received as well an Freshmen at Indiana universities. A unroolsr in Sacramento is hatching out a quarter of a million silk worms, Cassmr.i.'s Magashis is to 111111. a Hence of articles on Fenianiant, by Garabaldi. A. T. STEWARVA inmate for 1889, as returned by him, does not reach $lOO,OOO. Tim White Stockings of Chicago- beat the Haymakers of Troy 2.1 to 21,16) Tues day., EART ttAGINAW, has 8 new Sphitualletle magazine ca led the Reo/n. ton.' _ • AT Ettugham Palle, N. H., the Dear -1 . bent flour mills were burned down on . f mii...ILtROARET RIIITII took laudanum t• : and died In Woodside, New Jersey, on ' 'Tuesday. . . • ; - I.Alber LrrTON has returned to the charge 1 -, , 4 • and written another novel, against her ' • A., imam of black eriellere, ~ e .m if nr . e id... ! :I ' _ _. - - and or unknown length, can lie seen near r: '—"" Elko, .Nev. i... . Altinrr RED -VON, eleven years. old, ... was drowned in the Ohio at Wheeling on ' . Wedaesday. ; i • - • PLEienrof street fountains in the latest remedy for relapsing fever suggested in , . ..' . Philadelphia , _ . 1. '-- Rokon nave the English mission has I ' * be= tendered to ex-Governor Morgan and .... , that lie will accept. . i ....',.. -," ' Vniaksz junks ate now t being built in ',, • i ; this *Mary and in the British Pacific 1, , .- - Province for China. • - ON Tuesday Secretary Robeson deliver. , ed an address before the literary societies of Princeton College. . 1- - , • • ' I IT is estimated that the Dela Ware peach . crop this year will ancient to 1,333,33.3 •• basketn of marketable fruit. .. Tug value of real 'and prTnntud proper ty In Charleston, according to the • returns --Of the assessors, in ir.30,590nm , : :': .:- , t,fwtoo PLY In said to have almost totally red from New York. .Even the . red from have abut:bitted it. CITICAGO editors return large Incomes, anule by tolvertining bankrupties, di- I Tomas and delinquent tax, payers, "Adam and Eve" han; Wei - plinitteed •._ . upon the boards at Munich. The ton . tumet ot. the leading parties are not given. _.• , IP Chinese people' an disagreeable I art. , i . as Chinese fire cracker: we hope Pitts. , nrati may long be deity red•frorn them. ' . „ • Taktirstmos ARNOLD, f Shirley, Me., r, alatot himself through the eart lastrreek. '.;..' Ifealousy was the rams , and a funeral the . , INDrass women have elm° to uniform ,. I,y decline all Invitations tb distant visits tft ribtf , lt...essior t of the Court of COW m , . mom Pleas, j . —. •, Autrey nit, jolly a bit ef cheek en see ''.. have seen h the assertinin by Canadian ••• ' ~ - omtorethat . 'England In a clog no the pro.' ' . geese of Canada." , I , = ...'A COITERREADjournan nava: -Ackerman ..:.'. Is said to have "an expression of deep med. . Y- . nation." He Is only trying to think why he got into the Cabinet. MIL Tows WaLatt, of Philadelphia, ltss • . presented to' the Episcopal Hospital in - . New York city a check of - $lB,OOO with which to cancel its debts. Lim.. 'him:woes, commanding the - Darien Surveying -party, thinks he has . discovered gold In the streams on the Pa chic slope of the isthmus. ON Monday Charles A. Handwerker killed himself with a pistol In Louisville. • tie was dying • of consumption and very much depressed In spirits. ext_uuma libanc.ern, third mate of the steamboat Palestine, fell overboard and was accidentally drowned between Tell ... City and Cannelton, below Loniscille. • ' • ..-Tug way' New York' 1210theie get up "-. fashionable babies is to rouge the cheeks ..: . of the little things and sew blonde curls inside their cepa - Then they '. look A rot-Timm witneav on being asked In the 3feriden (Connecticot) Police Conit, the other day, where he would go If he told a lie, replied, "To the Reform School." Re was sworn. Tax poem entitled "The Children," which has been going the rounds, credited to Quirks Dickens, turnavut to hare been written by Charles U. Dickinson.; a- law. yet of Binghamton, N. 1". CUAR: . Bki - DE thinks of coming to . America to rend his own hovels. If he reads with as much - power and originality as be writes, ho will be far better worth hearing thin was the late - lamented. Tag New York papere say that nitro glycerine hi usually sent through that city kacked in carpet-bags, and the care. lees nawun g of one of these bags on a cat might at any moment cost a hundred Urea. • . . The New Yore World says: The ese of sewage aa ea external application will be put in gratattoun operation this week In -public bathe at the foot of Fifth street, „ East Ricer, and Thirteenth street, North A cane--; insurgent, (inmates June*, who surrendered to and was pardoned be the Spanish 'government, was laid • tried, convicted and executed for. crime committed while be win!, an Insurgent leader. A nos at Hurch's mill, Michigan, on the Gratur Rapids A Indiana Railroad. , - June 25th, destroyed the saw mill of New ..non & Co. 1,200,000 feet of lumber and a number of dwellings Loss, $00,000; theta : *. tante. $B,OOO. A Rune rat. Ins been opened. In New York especially for sunstrokes, where • medical attendance, nourishment and care will, • will, be free; and a number of ambulancee den ellldent ambulance corpe will be . meted with It. Tgit Boston Transcript say' the Clapp c• Y. Will Lave a meeting on the 24th - of at Northampton, Mum A. M. i • f i reshingtot will prelati, and the Bev. 4 . v. CUppot New 1 ork, will an d an .S !marital address. -- ' . . i IT I. rather discouraging to young :. .. others to be told that Dickens,notwith ..' :.- standing the enormous amount of work le dld and . the unequalled position he i 'Achieved . iii the world of lettere died .c :.werth only $400,000 . , ` Pekin i. ? Tin t .- m —.o% &sister learns that , lite Caton Pacific. Banned Company has . ',patd.to the widow of John lit urdevin, de ...,.d, of that citY, 'the such of $5,000„ - • Mr. S: was ono of the victims of the late ' disaster' n that road.. - . .- R.vist CRANDatJ., eighty yews of age.. ' . thing bear Corydon, Harrison . eaueoo n . dlaart, committed suicide . on the gist l ast . by. hanging himself .. The - dud srs ' s caused by Intense suffering, resulting tram [ , mysdpelas in the face. A Torlmaron.AßTaays theqtrect of wenn , weather on the feline cool organs !smart I Wonderful. 'lt adds a fullness, strength, I and endurance which nothing else (unless it be a boot jack or brick-bat) appears to be capable of conferring. • 'GLUM preparations are being made for • the."Tromsn's Beffrage Bazaar" which is to .be Judd ,in Boston nett fall. Its ob ject is to raise $lO,OOO for the furtherance of the QOM ill New England. and the ;women feel mire of the money. •. - Turt"seaside drowning meson has been lioniirusated this year by a Mr. ' Hoidthw . f . % Ineaand, who - went in to bathe at : BB Cape May at nine o'clock in th e evening, and wan dmwned before a lifeboat could be launched to go to Ida rescue. Ina driver of a carriage in which an Indiana woman wan on her way to file a petition for a divorce had drunk rather too much, and, overturning the vehicle, threc' the woman out and broke her neck and the bond matrimonial at the name time. A BRIDEGROOM interfered with a par son at Ringgold, Georgia, who, in accord. aura , with the usual custom., &aired to kiss the bride, and assured the priacher elicit as he had paid for the ceremony lie was not going to have any of that fooling, A 1 HOU. \ND Turkish ho'neett have been thrown ripen for the "accontmodation of the Chriatians tArme,nianal and others who were lately burned out in the great lire at Constantinople.i And, bealdea thin, the Turks lime subscribed,?nrge autos of money bit the relief of sufferers. KAN,. .CITI,MO., hair had an orti i mace enacted against liuhlieg an a moans of attracting people, tLe law being employed to suppreca a noisy auctioneer. Sufficient care MAP not taken In arranging the enactment, 'arid the beThimite auc tioneer hem now cuppressed the church bells. Tug lead tnines in the vicinity of `Lo. rust Mound, Mo.. are just now receiving great attention. Many leads are yielding from three to four thousand pounds a dal' to the hand, and the young men of the imuntry are giving up farming for min ing. .'hie lead furnaces-in the vicinity are in full blast. • . • Tug poet Longfellow was, on sue ocea• sion. at a dinner party at which Nicholas Ismgworth was also ',resent. Some one rtmnrked to Mr. Longfellow that his name and that of Mr. Longwortlea started out alike, but made a very disimilar end, ing. "Yes, ".replied the poet, "and it af. fords only Ma another proof, I am afraid= that worth keii the man, the want ot it the fellow." GEOIIOR 11. STEWS or. in his spvecil In , too- ctn. Clarnointi IsSo patron nt Indian. upon's, said thetuost interesting sight he saw in London was not the, Buckingham Palace, or the Brent Exhibition, but two feeble Christian young men, with stam mering tongues; hat heirls filled with lore, preaching to an audience of thieves and pickpockets and drunkards and fallen women, at midnight, in a part of London where - they could not go in safety without two policemen. WHEN Thackeray was• buried, his' friends, and among them the most noted of English authors, carried hint to Kensal (preen. There had been some estrange ment between Dickens and Mark Lemon and as the coffin was lowered into its place. Dickens stood upon one side of the grave and Lemon on the other. As they raised their heads their eyes mot and in. stinctivele patting out their hands. they clasped them In forgiveness, and their quarrel was buried in the grave of Mack- A Citteano paper Willi thin 'dory of Boston : A young lady of one of the most arintoemtic families of the American Athena, went to her - physician with a complaint that her earn were too large, and, under her instructionale carefully re moved a delicate crescent of pink gristle about an inch and a half long from each .arotubenuat. li sewed up the wound. nd the maiden. e previously all forlorn. wan. delighted to behold two "pretty ears." mall,. graceful and genteel). tight to her head. THE Jacksonville. Illinois, &Wind says: "We learn that. during last week, a child of Air. Abbott. aged about 18 months, was Ituried, having come to Its death under the following circumstances: The mother had, a short time piimiously, given the child a drink tireold water, out of the spout of a tea kettle. The child. 'unbar! ()mutat-. found the kettle when it eon. ...med. water, and applying its and swellowerethe belt water 'and steam. Death ensued In twenty four hours. Is Chicago on Tuesday Tim Edwards, a brick maker, was killed by lightning. Dr. I). E. D'Evers, an apothecary, was crushed gat by a barrel of wine, which he . was lowering, to the cellar, falling- upon hint. 'lie died In great agony. The roof of the pavillirin 'Dexter park was blown nil', and a part.of it struck John entice. aged sixty, and killed hint; the same atom, blew down the pigeon cage at the park and allowed ten thousand birds to escape. An Irish laborer, name unknown, died of sunstroke, all did a teamster named John Artie. .- - PENNSTLYANIA ' ll 4lllllKll,jlUlta Kanta s.public La Lour, Tun Ebensburg Alleghfnion says that Mr. Joseph Richter, an aged Citizen of Carrol township. in that county, was killed by sun stroke on Monday. Ma. nEOROF. 31cHEzinc, while fishing at Young's Dam. Indiana, fell into the water, and hating a false leg had difficul ty in reaching shore. Mr. * Jaa: Rees while hastening to Meffenry's rescue fell in and was•drowned. COL. Jour TAYLOR molding near limolsville. 311 Min 'county, while recently engaged in digging out out an old cellar, came upon an old spoon, which he threw to one aide. In leaving the place, the Col onel mechanically picked up the spoon, hruahed the dirt away, and discovered that the aniclo orax something valuable. On having it examinetLat Lewistown, it proved to he, a silver spoon, with the name of William Penn neatly engraved upon it, and bearing the crown mark of England. , A Terrible - Crime. There would seem tole but little de r alit, Rays the Eastern A ego.. of, ye..terday: that a most shocking crime was perpetr*d in connection with the sailboat dlatuffer whir:hot:cornett in Portland harbor on the 20th inst., by which three men lost their lims, one of the victims 'being Mr. ./. W. Ritgers, of this city, This gentienfan WAS known to have on his person finite a large sum of money, a gold watch, valu able pin, etc. Lie was found floating on the surface soon after the accident by a Loy in a wherry. Of course the lad could talse hire into Ids frail craft, but at tached Ili n ."De loth° body andltowed It to the 3110fe. 'hooo of the property was found upon the pensai. and the boy avers that when he first • diatov e . r ed hi m h e ehowed 'lgoe of life. It appears that a schooner in the vicinity:hove:3o and a boat containing two men ptit,-offt they reached the drowning man, partially rale. 'ed and suatained him for some little time and the y dropped him backed into the water, the boat returning to the schooner, which.,immediately mailed away. This transaction was not only witnessed by the boy in the who bat by parties in a boat not fir away. From thew premixes the unavoidable deductbin is that Mr. Rogers was picked up in a half-drownid condition, robbed and thrust back to Me. The Argua farther states that the affair is being thoroughly investigated and that officers are upon the track of the vessel, 'which Is known. If such a tei:rible trag edy was enacted, the fiends should be brought to speedy and condign punish ment. Tar: latest foreign mails bring the de. bate In Parliament, an the motion of Mr. Barton, that an address be presented to the Queen, praying her to Invite the Pres ident of the United - States to concur with tier Majesty in Appointing Comtnissionent to revise the authorlosl version of the Bible. Mr. Buxton, in his Addreati,, ex preescathe opinion that the work of re vision should be of an internatiohal char aaer, and that thi assistance of scholare in Europe and the United States should be obtained, nod that for the translation of the Old Testament„t he aid of the Jew lib scholars, who were• the greatest living roasters of the Ifebrew language,shorild be Invited. Mr. filadstone, in reply, stated that the revision of the Scriptures would be most safely, most satisfactorily, and most effectually performed by per who cannot pretend to have any pub lic and civil authority. Ile also expressed the Wien that though President Grant and Fish would receive with the utmost Fish any representation the British Bovertunent might snake, yet such an inritatlon would carry the President late a sphere which lie excluded almott by the re letter, certainly by the spirit of the Col. States Constitution. UZI W.M. HALL, of London. died on Tuesday aged :rt. Toe celebrated Almanac •de Gotha sold, last year, an edition of 1,120 copies. TIIR women in France, incited thereto by their English sisters, are about to agi; tate for a repeal of the French "Costal gious Diseases acts." . AT the recent sale of Dr. Todd's library._ Wace's works. with his manuscript ad ditions, fetched £4544 the highest price ever given for a booktin Ireland. ii • riSsrise's DEBI-TS STOEI has not only contributed $500,000 to restore St. Pat rick's Cathedral, but flow gicco $250000 for It winter garden tot he town.. AT a recent sale of autographs in Paris, were lettort front Parry, ;the avigator. Bulvror (Lord Lytton). Sidney Smith, and one in French from Lord Paimerston. PROFESSOR Stuwtegmt, of Hungary. in organizing a national church Indepen; dent of papal infallibility, lie hasn't yet got further n paper see. blue PTPT. IN Hungary the arreat has Itren made of a band of robbery, cot throaty, and in. eendiatiett. ntinibering no lean than 1011, of whom fifty will N. rondenined to loath: ( . 11AS. it}:Ant calla the play founded on hie new novel . Free Labor," and the Athemeum calk it ronintonplate. • Real anvils and real hot iron form the 4.1d07 attractions. "idOTIIA111" it lllVntm: will have ti, u dergo the fate of other names that nr• often on pimple's lips, It IMP been renig tenni an the name of a new perfume by an Irish tirm. Ida. J. TOWER 9 ie preparing for publi. cation anttemoir of Beethoven, bawd upon Schindler, Ries, Wieseler and Thayer. to which will be, attached an exact chronO loixical list of Ida works. dress n sr A m n n t en pteltal cards, to hea letterr an ad. ate nide and all Opell on the other, areamong the novelties of the English postotlice, and eveqbody ie in venting ciphers in consequence. - Sum.: workmen, of a town in Hanover, tiermany, amused themselves by stripping a tipsy companion, and fastening him in that condition to a tombstone. A few hours later he was found there, dead. THE Danish government is devoting mreat attention to fortifiadion. \ The military measures taken by Prussia oil the island of Aisen, have fully aroused tli. Danes, and they will prepare for posSible war, cost what it may. .. I KRAUS is said to have been en. gaged by M. Perrin for the purpoor of appearing at the Grand Opera in M. /der met's •'.leanne d'Arc." Personally:at least, she is well suited to the character, andshe has much dramatic energy. A. PORTION of tlle MS. of ..tilivorl)viirt." which originally appeared In &Wiry.. I .11ixyllerity. is still in Mr,' Bentley's pos session. The British Museum might Ht tingly place it by the side of the MS. of Sterue's nSeniimental Journey." BOSSACIII is the ParialaWfumr e just now. She is a 7Elansetow of sixteen, possessed of all thepemonal and domeCtic virtues, and received a diamond ring in a basket of Hewers on the occasion of lot debut In the ballet of Frelschutr" • "LaGEND:xsts," a Catlinlie elergyniao resident in Dublin, and once a — weir,knon n contributor to the Cehliteiaio'n is about to bring out a volume of 'Old Folk Lore; or. Traditions of Ireland, with hunoirous Tales. ke., Popular/old last rat. Mit. United 'Stat. Consul ~r Dublin. has in the" preen "Patrick rill') land: - based upon manuscripts and origi nal authorities. Much of the material used in the work, has been obtained from roitjity. • Tuti , is Erigenir'n latest dinner toilette': —A plain tarlatan, - white, over a whitii taffeta; nothing but ruche and Bounce for ornament. in her-hair a bunch of white Millen of the Talley. with a tow black anti red cherries—a moat striking combination for a blonde. • AT A ulonye, iu profitable usti has been found for the slag from the large iron winks there established. It i cast into slabs for pavemunt and paring purposes generally; into garden 'idlers, posts and pillars; and in venue of its forms is described as artificial porphyry. _L_ TIM late Dr. eaharrus, of Paris. _was so' unsentimental as to dispute the existence of "trim lore." When his friends men.' tioned all the duels fought by Infers, to. contmvert his opinion. tho Doctorebutwer ed, •'Exactly: that is what I say. To lore well is such hard work that it takes four of your dandies to loge the same woman." CERTAIN 'medical men have recently asserted that drily work at the sewing machine is injurious to the women em. ployed at it. But Dr. Decabine, who has thoroughly. investigated' the subject, In an establishment containing between six and seven hundred workwomen, hats prov. ed that the occupation is in no way inju riOna. Free number of the famdon police on the January, 1870, was 8,t357, vie:- Four district superintendents, 211 superinten dents, 246 ituipectom 034. sergeants. and 7,648 constables. The number in less than on the first of January, 1860, at which date there were 7,603 constables. The cost of the Metropolitan Police in the financial year 1860-70 was £818,316, but this In. eludes a contribution of £62,000 to the su. perannuation fund. There ele - 2.1430 men on th e auperannuation listr" Tog Tablet repeats Monsignor Capon; contradiction of the report about the Mar. gala of Bute. and adds (referring, of comae to Mr. Ffoulkes, but without men. tinning him): "One actute' of this kind al ways appears to tempt people to spread reports of other.. They seem to think that each defectionn as the ono which. actually' took place the other day are a great loss to the Catholic religion. Thev apparently regard 'the Church lisle club which can be injured or •diabonored by people taking their names MTh." A usurer, murder Into been committed in Dublin, apparently with great delibera tion. An unfortunate girl, Margaret Murphy, wan found lying dead in a edam which she had occupled,her head having been severed from her body. The ap pearance-of the room wan in keeping with the wretch of thehouse and lamb ity. Not a vestige of-furniture was in the apartment, and the only approach to anything.lik e a bed was a heap of straw in the opposite corner to . where the body lay; Another girl had been murdered be a jealous lover in the county of Tyrone. The head Was covered from the bate; and found ono hundred and fifty yardn away. • TIIE Period, a London quizziatteid lleation_of more wit than wisdom, porP , trues a etevoreplgram at the expense of Profeasor Goldu-in Smith. and apropos of his recentletter: A barbed arrow In Ito random night, Seems. to hnve sought the shore, on which Yon i r a7tre point Witte less—whit then write To let the world kaoit that the shaft, went home? After/ill, Prbfee, eor Smith will he pox' led to answer the oneetion; hie unfortu mite letter having disarmed bin friends, who might Imre fought out the battle for him • and put:weapon* Into the hands of enemies who are'only too happy to use Ahem. TnE strike of the iron founders contin ues In Paris. The masters were under the idea that' they' would be able to get their castings done In other chief of the Empire, and also In Belgium But the founderti of Amiens, Toulon, Hamburg and. Belgium hare refused to execute the or: dent sent to them. In addition to this, the founders of St. Germaluen-Lave, Caen, Mans, &c., he., hare .sent carious sums of money to the men on strike hero. Engt, Bah workmen, members of the tnulel unions, hare, it is sald,-roted the sum of £l,OOO to sustain the strikes in France, and the greater portion of the money will be banded to the foimders. The German,' working societies also Intend coming for ward with subscriptions. The master finaglers In Paris hare made several at tempts to induce their workmen to return on the old terms, but they hare met with' no success, though the men have-been out for three months. FORFIHN FIRST EDITION'. X LIST CONGRESS. oiEcolvo ; HESSIO2II.! SENATE: The Tax-Tariff Bill Sill trader Consideration. HOUSE Amendments to Indian A pproPria lions NoleCoaenrred In—The Bill to Fund, and Vototolidate the t lonal Beht Taken Up and 'on. 4idered. I 'rel..gripl, to the Plitttbutglik (I azett WARRINOTON. aline :11, SENATE. • • liouse amendments In the Senate bill to prevent the est eriiination of for bearing ',lnl and, In Alaska was concurred in. Mr. BI zMNF.Rp from the Committee on For eign Relations. reported a Joint resolution authorizing the eiploration and survey of the Tehnuntepee and Nicaragua route fora ship canal between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The same Committee wrre discharged'frem the s h ipnsiderati. of the joint retion fora canal survey across the lath.MU, of Darien amd curious memorials on the subject, all of which were indefinitely post poned. Mr. SCOTT, from the Committee of Confer epee oo n joint resolution for the relief of the, cabers of the nacy.made a report, which was concurred in. 'Sir. TRAVER Introduced a bill to amend' the homestead act. It allows soldiers.sallors. and marines who served one year in the war of the rebellion to receive patents fur home steads upon two years' residence. Mr. FOWLER int:minced a hill coon,authozin' the adjudication by - the United States of Mexican land claims not passed upon by Land Conimi.sion of 1051. Mr. POMElitiV Introduced a bill authorizing the Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad. the Vicksburg and Merldan . Railroad. and forth - Louisiana :tial Tesas Railroads to Mnumlldate for the purpose of forming a Junction with the Texas Pacific road at Marshall:and (Taut - hag mid ronds twenty sections of land per Mile. At one o'clock Senate went into executire . session. At the doors were reopened and the Sen ate proceeded with the tax-tarlff bill, the question being on amendments to the para graph relating to Itewsemer steel. to reduce the duty on steel railway bars one cent per pound, nod also to strike nut the entire part g . r V b. . EDMVXDS was in rarer of giving the Interest auflicient protection to stimulate It to compete with British manufactures. CA-NI - MON opposed the reductilm. re marking that so far not one dollar had been realized upon meet manufactured In thin COMltry. Mr. Rxrr, in correction of the statement that the, least mean,' paid for the manufac ture of Bessemer steel rails was hen dollars In gold per ton. stated upon authority of Mr. Mon-ell, our of the trustees of the patent prn eels, that clue. February last the royalty had been reduced to one dollar and Ofty cents per ton. dutMry.. DAVIS favored the reduction of the Mr. Pomeroy's amendment t reduce the duty no steel railway bars from o n e e and one half to one per rent. per priund wile agreed tn to It! Mr. WILSON moved to make the duty one cent and a quarter. Agreed to-al toll. • The rate on all railway barn made In part of steel way then reduced from one and one !nun h tonne cent per pound. Amendments to 'metreentv 14r rent. du on slates for es( was rejected-lit to Mr. MORE ILL t Vermont. mortal to Insert sword blades thirty-fire cent. na robOrtni on tenrds. forty-tie per cent. tot nn wa jewel.. ten per cent. of nil. , rent." Agreed tn. Mr. WARNER offered 111111CMIIIIPMQ allwc ~,in machinery manufactures! , expressly for spinning cotton it: yarn to be Imported free for one year. Rejects:K4llly twelve Senators ' Ve n . g SlL ' i ' ll i N e Er ti sn n o ' v v eti to; place on the free Ilse .books foreiguor dead languages nf which no Mittens are printed lathe 'Fluted Staten:" rose - books with illostrattone relating to swarm, we d lets:. Selected. Mr. SCRUM" offered An amendment -that tor A inerirnu artists, now held forPaYosent of dutr In any custom hong, nhaff be surrendered without duty on proof of Pr0t...17 br the owner. Adopted. . • The Senate took a recess. Pratang Srann.-The Conference Commit.. tech report on the bill to amend the act granting the right of way to ditch and canal owners orer public lands wag coacuerNl tn. The tax Lill seas then prrceeded with. 3lr. SCHKRZ, in behalf of Mr. Trumbull. who was absent, offered an amendment to the bill allowing. transportation of Imported tro.ln In bolt from poil of: entry to port of delivery, dues to be paid at the latter places. the operations of the prorlsinn In be confined to cities of not less than liO,lod) Inhabitants and to be ander regulations prescribed by the Secretors. Of the 'Trei•ury. be M ende M m E a M d M e A d ` b rsa nth ethe amobpos itooCmd mece of nearly all the' interior cities. The present system wan sublet and lady a monopoly' to the city of New York, an all the goods had tn opened rind examined there. anti special rarer wan given to direct importation to New York. The bill hod been an d Prepared by the l'lnanm Committee and Treasury De partment. and contained every guard and chock against fraud that could possibl ybe devised, ife believed it would increase the revenue andencourage direct trade between Interior cities and European countries. Mr. CONK LING denied any complicated or. Mutant nebeme touching the Custom RD., regulations could be appended to a tax hill. e thought the bill to prohibit tbe enforce ment Of Chinese coolie contracts would be Thla'nrll7nfaerffiT-Itee'rtu'at'nlegintehnetr.efore altered After discussion both amendment, were withdrawn. . . Mr. SCOTT offered a section providing for nem executive department entitled "Depart ment of Revenue," hot finding It would ores vino protracted discussion withdrew It. Mr. (X/LE moved to Increase the. tax on whisky In one dollar. Mr. THURMAN stated be bad heard the "Ring" had bought up all {he . whisky In the country with the expectation of making for tunes by the Increase Of the tat. The amendment was rejected-12 to 31. On motion of Mr. PATTERSON the free im portation of household furniture for Individ ual use wee allowed. On motion of Mr. FENTON, the duty on oats was reduced to five cents per bushel. Mr. HAMILTON, Md., , for Mr. Ilayard. offered a new iectinti Imposing n In of dye per rent. on goyemnent bonds. Yens 11, net's qimrum voting, the SevalendJeurned HOUSE OE,DpPRESENTATIVES. Mr. UPSON introduced a bill to change the times of holding Circuit and District Courts 'of the United States In the Northern District Ohlo. SeaateTn u e7d r rirgt i rt t o t Pe e l bra d ig=rlV Don bill. The report of the Committee ow Approuria- Dons. recommendtog concurrence to some And non-concurrence in others was agreed to as a whole, except where special votes were called for. Mr. FERRY asked a C ommitt ee on an 'Amendment, In which the recom mended 110, COMCUTrellee, approminting 133,- 7 5 3 for Payment to Italians In enigma for the difference between cols and currency paid to them in 286a.4 under treaty stipule tior. with tire per cent.intetest adted ttre ' ame ndment. to SlT l MlM l T l6 o f ppos avor e , dqlte_x en as establishing a molt dangerous end costly Precedent, which would apply to all soldiers, sailors and pensioners and other creditor, of the Government. • On a count by the aellers there war—our twenty-one yeas, and no further mnint leas asked and the amendment was won-concurred in: . ' Mr. .BEGS naked fora separate vote on amendments, In which the Committee on Agi. prep cottons recommended noo-eonennence. making lare tome° nations under Indian treaties of { t ea: m which treaties the Fortieth co refused to ratify._ He said t re , Iteenortwenty amendments, X ESOO,OOO. and he wished to Dave lionvote of the House upon them an an instme to the Committee of Conference, to which the bill would be referred. These ap propriations, If made, would run thirty yews, and cost the Government between fifty and sixty millions. Mr. PAINE hoped the recommendation of the Committee on Appropriations would be adhered to, and expresses' disapproval of the entire system of Indian treaties. The amendment. were ail non - concurred fn. Mr. AXTELL asked n separate vote on an amendment increasing the appropriations for the incidental expenses of the lodine service in California, from $7,500,000 to $10,(00,0(M. lie opposed the y amendmeritas Intended for the removal of eaceful and 'industrious civilized Mission Indians. who are citizens and voters. ton reservation in San Diem county. Ile rep. resented the movement as a' speculative one o secure the (anus of those Mission Indians. Mr. SA EGENT endorsed the remarke of hie olleague. The Senate hmendment wen non -concurred n. I Mr. DEGENER naked a separate vote on the irmoepnrdamieons rn c w ommnd e d z co mm cu t rr e n con, Aop !Ming deductions from Indian nanuitles on account ot depredations. He argued against the arneedment, taking the ground that the principle thus abrogated was On C." . ." an d common seum way of nealing with Indian deer . datlons. .3fr wrmuNsoN argued in the same diren• Mon. Mr. SARGENT argued in support of the amendment, contending the existence of each forstem stimulated the getting. up of. claims Indian depredations, and illustrating by citing the Cue of a Texas "Greaser." who, not eg r al ug it fit:: lodinel ~% r cattle, drove the Indiana to drive them off,lnTtlieVetil to Washington and made claim before the In dine Deportment. Mr. PAINE argued In support of the Senate amendment so as to avoid allowance or un just claims. The amendmenXwas. concurred bor dere d A committee of conference was on th .l.h d P= l e a disagreeing v s bn.iniis of the morning MIDNIGHT. Mr. UROOKS IN. V.l adetwatml tl4 bill In he belief that the loan could be effected at I reduced rate. . Mr. KELLY opt , o.:ell Mr. Males .atnend neat no unbecoming a great nation. Mr. JEDD argued that the amendment Wan unitive:eery. a: the bondholderklatrcheeed through brokers thoroughly familiar with the American dollar. Mr. SCHENCK took the .eame grolind add remarked that the general rate of interest geld by the people would fall when't he Gov ernment red hoed Its rate. , Mr. Otilit , RN PIP , ' advocated Mr. mate, nosenditiont. eferrlog the moony be obtain. ed ip or,. that .linerican Peolde tnar nee their ow a tu.doy Litilithig mills. brniree, road+ and railroads. Mr. Male, and Mr. Davis' amendments were rie:med. YTIEW °red 1 o emoting bond and e mount from all taxation, bat suintequectir withdrew It. . Mr. wooDwAltll, howprer, reneited!.. it. argliinjo thin Could nor restrain nor future Congress fr. m the 'exerefte_ of that nowt, Mr. 11INGIIA et opposed the amendment and denied the earrertnenii of the legal of WorawL posi tiMr . HMLMAN e l e m tined and Mr. BROOKS and Mr. BUTLER /,,00sed the amendment, the latter elnlminit that .while. the L-20 botilit Were liable to Federal taxation. Congrea: could exempt four pee rent. bond, from all triation. The amendment wa: I rtectial by a lams: tun- Mr.lth Yen, and Inuredg. refaced. INGERSOLL to make he bonds and eOlifiOns letrable in lawful Money Int tend c f coin, ntileh wan rejecte..Ll Mr. hf ANNUAL!. mused the bond, be re deemable after twenty - yearn Instead of thirty.. Rejected. Mr. COBURN moved to make the hoods OR; Tear bond,. Rejected. Mr. VAN TRUMP mooed to make them one thousnnd year bonds. Rejected. Mr. HOLMAN moved to prohibit the em ployment of section Rejected. The second was then read. Mr. WOOD offered an amendment Prohibit lag the payment of nay enointiPsloll Oh broker bille.SCC sold Paymentsg nothing. it the PUtlwl7.lnif thet of any bro kerage Mr. RANDALL atmpoited and Mr. A LL. ri=tip_lTit:dotdr amendment, which was re. The following Committees of Conference were announced: _On the Indian 4porr.ipr4tio.n Metter. '''t)ftelq'atilgglattiVeartekye't?ltlik, ' M ' ern . rn.. Judd. Packer and Knott. Adjourned. San Domingo Treaty Rejected—Whis key andTottieee Tax—Grand Army Rennlon—Revenue Receipts. • 1 [Hy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] VrAtifilnerOx, D. C.; June 80, 1871 SAN DOMINGO TRUTT. • On going into Executive session this aftCfr noon the Senate resented the consideration qt the San Domingo treaty. 3fr. 31 °Mil, of Ver mont, concluded hi. speech against ratifico- . Oen, when the Senate Proceeded to vote on the amendment. proposed ty the President of the United States, soap of which were adopt. ed. A vote was then taken on the-ratifica tion of the treaty and resulted, Z 3 Swan against 28 nays. A two-t hints vote being. re onired the treaty WAs rejected. 4 mi4mber of Senators were paired and others absent. The opponents of the measure say they could have rejected it without the aid of the Democratic vote. treaty doeshe rejection of the San Domingo not Melrose of the Protocol foe the lease of Saniana. although If the treaty had been rattled the &mane question would have been absorbed by it. The project of annexing Dominica by &joint resolution does no to be regraded with suiliclent , • re a majority In theltAtv i. .- .A nn.t.. Nierllartg bill Sidloßi dloR guis t did not lection of taxes on whtskg toLaccil. ' b o ut will probably do so to-morrow. While the bill will not pamose coy change in existing rates of taxation on those articles, the mem, berm of the Committee will advocate nn In crease of the tax on whiskey. GRAND m em b ers REUNION. A reunion of members of the Grand Army of the Republic and friends was hold at Sev enth street Park to-day and will continue through to-morrow, Senator Thayer made the hmugurul address. • RIVILNUE RECILIPM. ' • The enstoms receipts last week were/3,001,- RK The receipts of Internal revenue fortune were $:- . 5,448,750; for the fiscal year. • New °uremia, June 30.-(olton quiet and steady; middlings Inc; sales 4,000, receipts sa), .exportsa,Sail bnles; stock na,9N.briles. Oats dull and unsettled at OCialtle . . Bean lower at Sedhsl,os. Hams Mia..Mc. Lard arm: tierce .154fsItI7(e; keg 181i(619.10. Cotree gn l cha nAedr.total importa (or the y%r, 141=1TcrltTidb8glgirs t year.- o ratkenchraged. ring Philadelphia. • ' PHILADELPITIA.June 30.-Flour is dull and quotations are barely maintained, Wheat I. very dull red - western vi,toatia. corn dull and more offering: yellow western 1 , 1,0 e: min ,ed sl,oollsjil,os. Oats dull at ale. Provisions held firmly. ;fees Park 5i10.50. Lard dull and tinchanged. 'Petroleum held firmly: crude .1811; refined 27.2.173,i• Whisky nem nt #1,03 for Iron bound western. IturraLO. June ao.—Cattle: receipts fm this "i t am cars; market quiet and us motored, with sales of 4t bead at 117 ,22 .14110. &l eap are lo fair demand and prices ower on nil kladsorlth sales to-day of 1.318 head at WO for lodlans.lB for Ohio, i,3418 forSan ada and 17.75'38.75 for Canad a l ambs..Ho n quiet and easy. • —_ • Detroit. ~ Drtildn.Jane4lo.—Flour firrn With a light atoll( and a moderate demand: eholee 1740. Wheat opened rather quiet and closed hther and firm: extra white gLaget.air, No. 1 141: amber glArd.l.3l. Corn firmer at Ode. Data. State and Canada MOW: tendert:7se. Barley r,Do per eental. - ' • ittLermedir, June W.—Deers" are tolerably active et a decline of and offerings of about 1.160 head. Sheep amp full sepals...at 4C051i0 for fat 5e4e4, 3 .lieft.gs per head for stockers, and • for lamb... Hogslower, sapvly large; corn ecl lirKettXc, stockers-1E 612,103; market dult.- 34'71 hoar, procee , ed with the consideration of re ports from the Committee of Commerce. Mr. O'NELLL reported a blirmaklug Jersey City a port of entry. Passed:, • Mr. DIXON reported a bill reciting the pro ject of building a ship canal arras+ Cape Cod at an expense of seven million dollars, ;and pledging the 'faith of the Government to eon ctexct a suitable breakwater and harbor of refuge at the eastern entrance, the expense not to exceed two millions. • • Objection bring made by Me. BENJAMIN, that the bill mode nn appropriation, it was re ferred to the Committee of the Whole.• Mr. SAWYER reported beck the Senate bill to constitute Omaha a port. of delivetT. Passed, Impro AlR%ve ment n substiof water to for the conina Senatelleate billtlon e for t b he tween the Mississippi River end Lake Michi gan, soby of the Wiswonsln and Fox Rivers. The stitute was agreed to and the bill paRROd. C'ONGER reported a billtgra r, t t ing the. Evansville Southern Illinois Reil ad Com , uy4 , ll3h i t ti : r huild a bridge rots the .1180, n bill to amend the net aujiin ring the construction Of a bridge arena. the lissoUrl River on the military reservation at I.eav enwOrth. Kansas. Mr. PINKELNREIift offered an am invent requiring the span. of the draw, I be a .draw bridge, to be not leas than two i tired feel In the clear on each side of the etnt ral nivot• - The uniendilient teat lkgreed in end the bill Flumited. Also, a bill to amend the net of Judi' 15th. Ikeiraprevent smuggling( resat log to ship purchased at Canadisn ports. Pae , INKELNBERG reported, a bill creating a port of delivery at Du Lath, Minn • Tbe morning hour expired and e . 6111 went Mr. BENJAMIN, from the Cent nce OM. trainee on the bill defining the d• of ram ekin agents made a report. flee .isiined that as to teee of petition and claim exits they ' were fixed In this report at ten oilers. ex ,,rcpt where written agreements Made and Sled at 'Abe Department, is whir. 'Case the tnaillnuM fee Shall be twenty-oWe' • oilers. - Mr. LAWRENCE opposed the ft •rt es al to fltioalf,efleoen7,Ct.ot it was ZeeleMns, —reported In the Kentucky election ease that I thee, sitting member, was avail ed under , the fourteenth amendment. that th Governor :be notified of the vacancy, and t• t Zeigler. contestant. be allowed expenses the eon , test: . s[r.' RCllli Presented the vices of minority. declaring Rice justly eat tied sent. The resolutions will be called up .n Pei of next week. (ha motion of Mr. TAFFY.. t he Sea the relief of pre-emption settlers of P ei i ra arm taken from the Speaker's t able passed. The House at 2:15, proceeded to tb eon, - eration of the bill for the refunding and eolitlation of the national debt. • • .On motinn of Jalt, SCHENCK. vet amendment was made striking out a• the of section four the words .. at any tlm tel the end of notice provided for I sec section." He expressed the opinion that Gosemment should offer a Poor per c t. I at par. • • Mr. BLAIR moved to amend the rat lion by inserting the words "the •torn Interest specified In each coupon sbal be pressed In dollars. and the erotical • there. In English sterling currency and In f Mr. DAVIS, of New York. movE p t amend ro the amendment LE adding a ps' that the Secretary of the Treasury shall re power. 'ln his discretion, to make the Interest or cou pons on part of the bonds, not exceeding tal),000.000, payable la any foreign country he may deem advisable. [Murmurs of disappro vitL] Mr. 111.AIIt advocated tdsproposition, showing the advantage to &erne from it In In ducing foreign Investment. Mr. WOOD the opposed bill. 1.1QC141110 he maw In it danger of disturbing InDnionstr bus iness interests and stability of trade, without effecting negotiation nt the proposed rate, anti for other reason. Mr. BUTLF.It iMass.t opposed - 111 , 111nir's gelgsdl't'rt,eat otl'iteOdnilicrnoltngue:ei rneicrtnsrtsoulrb thing. T.4li CAPITAL. 1=122125 EIIZT! C*. I= SEC ONO OMR. President Broune•tollarralatireate Addreu • Address or Re.. R. 11. Pollock, ate. The closing ex, nisei of this institution commeneed on Sabbath. June Mai, and are In prorri s. The weal her being cat remote warm TM einaled rather d suit, tune. but as the ex ercises were In the evening things passed off quite pleasant It . 1 I on Sat lied NV. the %Soh in.t.. Wilmington was gladdened by Ihe return of the graduating class. The members having passed a credita ble examination on the studies, embraced In the College course. during the last of May, had returned to their respect Ire homes to en- Joy the pleasures of friends and prepare their commencement performauces On Sabbath evening, at seven O'clock, the exirrelses were opened with the bare liniment sennon,,deliveted to the graduating date by Rot. Bold. Audi, Browne, P.D.. President of the inst hut inn lie Um listened to by a loran and Interest.] audience. The subject was happily t onct iv eit for the occasion. After a voluntnrr, consisting . of the WM it Psalm, anti exercises% er prose Bv. T. 8. Kendall, of Oregon, the ded with President Brovene's Baccalaureate address. silk - re-ear or moans= smote:a:a LAMA LA The se e not ,it Its of human knowledge and the cure of human ignorance are themes stilted to the occasion or the graduation of a class of young I gentlemen and ladies with baccalamente hon ors. You have completed the college carricu- 1 lulu and time made n fair lleol,iiilog of your education. If you have implored well the years anent within these walls you have M u ni ' erh u o ' srl r gi t h aUfrerTili c c h an ru b ' t? ?Palm to 1, 1 1 Man and it has tough) you h milky. The full ear bends to the earth the empty head holds itself erect. Let me there oak you to study of the prover of Cahn: "Wlont 7 see not teach Thou ms:' Let ns speak hret of the limit of human i knot ledge. 1. Human knowledge is limited by the con- I statittion of things. There are spheres of fact and thought so different from our own that we cannot comprehend them: and if we did, could not communicate our knowledge to others. Paul %%as caught up to Paradme. There he honed things unlawful toUtter-that Is en different from the present laws of our thought and speech that though he bad wit nessed-them In exalted or bodily presence, which he knetv not, yee treasonwrles to deseribe them. 1% - e bare to believe that, eren were the facts nod principles pre sented to us, there are vast field^ of koowlr edge for the proper conception of which we havens vet no tidequate powers, Yet the vanity of the human mind too often has led men to%resider utterly lost. though uneon- Odour of the fact, Into. tracts of knowledge which It ls not competent to man to explore. 2. ligation:.spiMatnadloeeneont esrHenu nkt ntno w ou rh im m se e l s f - . Yet an absurd philosophy undertakes to dic tate laws to the attributes and Operation. of I tither sidrits. Man, who cannot explain how even the grass grows beneath bin femtiletutes, a pt l i lili,e lf o, I. regarding , the taws of the being of 11.0 . 1 .1 The In der, it world presents vast tracts tankful, n to man. The philosopher, with hi. microscope, inoks into a drop of water and finds it a peopled globe. lie turns his tele scope and sumps the expanse of space. sew worlds look out upon him from the distant depths. He increases the power of Ida glass and vet other worlds come within the range of his video Ile In lost in 'mvement . he inquires what may. possibly lie farther back, or how far beyond the nanined limits of ho. moo knowledge are et en the borders of the material universe. It is so Thell the departtuente of physical science. ch timing boundaries of human knowledge are el,ninUllr reminding us how far the miknom n Inn:emends the knou - n even In those sciences easiest of human acquisition. I know that the subtle intellect of man has made wonderfull discoveries In the fields of science. Newton Wind the laws of gravitation and emedructi .1 tle tins system of the starry universe nerves discovered the circulation myth e Mood. Patton applied steam to the irntro "‘ lZl?t f ' ire TiZtliilrungu,filiTian heaven andidentified with electric fluid, and Morse [ought it human language. Yet it mar humble the (wide of sciollam to remember that only two and one-half centuries bare elapsed slime Hertel made his great diseovery, though the blood of Mauna veins has flowed almost 13,U(s) year.. it is similar with these other discos.- ties and Inve idiom. Their recent, humbles the %tinny of man. Itreminds us of the %tini ness of the system ofwhich knowing so Much see set comp trOsseiLknoo so auk.. Let on then in the rained place consider the mire of human Ignorance. Prellminarj to this It is to be noted that .fight I. coutradlstinguished from faith. Sight by meronomy means the knowledge gained by eight : faith the bane lege gained by filth or belief In the teaching of other*. In a wide nense. s.3ht is applied to tho aggreeateknou l edge of our race • faith to that which asp re ceive by belief in't he teaching of God. To this distlnetton the text sPidion-"11 hat I ere not, te .. 1 4. e1l Tana enc. et God. van aid the student even in smiler stmt... Si can lie aid all minds byllls spirit. Of the husbandman It is said. "111. God ;loth Ina met him to discretion and doth teach him.' lb.ttS, di. And God gave the spirit of los ention to Bezaleel. Er.ll.n. It Is wise to recogillSe and imoite the Divine aid In all de partments of intellectual labor. It Is true In ROSIE ~,y,,,inLiither testified-"&nr tunnel., bent &ha... 7400 -, - NoLwitbltanding the sari - But bey ond Oil h. nsetled al this point where as m.itements nbout the delay In the woe of Liman IA liciotn utterly. falls, divine reselatlon, he proclamsliun of the dogma of infidlii.Lity. accompanied hr the old. of the divine spirit it was confidently- expected. In kirk ecelrslas- to enable Ins to comprehend and profit be deal circles, that this Important ehurch paper • its august teachins. Creation. Sin. Itedemo. would he published to-day . This belief was lion and a Redeem who I, the Son of Pont based upon the sentimenti..expressed et the nod the n otterino-or op t; and CA - moisten. held by the Pope on Monday last. teacher as w ell an our priest and king-ail There was a magnificent display rester - MM. these unknown whol.y. or partially, with= in honor of St. Pet,. ProcessiOn. RCM - revelation are unfolded to us la its pates, and vlew. lasted all day, with flee worke at hic a. God waits to tiles. the teaching* of these to Weimer, tone Mi - Inspatchen from Itn e. his at who aincerely utters the prayer, dated the 21/th, announce that the repo of - What I see not tench thou me." the immediate vote In the Ecumenical Co n- The subject was then applied by the exhor f MI On the infaillblllts dorm. Is untrue. he Raton; discussion of the project continues.it Is re. Ist. li math . to seek Otter yet more wisdom. ported the Pope has ordered the Card.nal to lid. To recognize ths need of divine Md.. oppose any proposition to net aside the i is- ad. Not to rest satisfied a ith nier, secular cession. A colninlttee of Bishop. of all non'edge, but seek th• it whieh makes %else [lona, including the Archbishops of San I a -,unto salvation. ciao, - Mexico, Baltimore. Quito and oh r On Monday evening al the same hour the I American. have addressed a request tot e nnniversary exercises of the Society of Inquiry talthfial for subscriptions for the Cathol c took place in the cottage chapel, In the prey- Church at Constantinople which suffered o cote of a very respectable audience. The ex terribly In the recent conflagration. ercises seem opened with enact by Rev. T. S. - ..._-- Kendall. of Oregon. After m Melt Rev, R. 11, FIBS. Pollock was Introduced, who delivered an ad %dress, of whickthe following et a brief syn. HAVANA, June 30.-The Detre; states the I - "6 : magent Dembetta, with six hundred mann" , “The Relation of the lewe to the Ev gel; invaded the juriedietion of Santa Espirlt o merino of the %odd." This orld is thenthe foil the pa-pose of Melting the Inhabitants .f ter for the display of dirinjgrac and mercy: western departments to rebel tipsiest t o Ia mb the world's redemption. 'fidg e t! In a s Xenolith authorities .- authorities. Finding the holism d .- nt sense, the end of Its exintence In tho stetted and the peep!! flylne from the luau - !Litt of this truth the seemingly mosediscor gents. his forces became demoralised. Th dint occurrence, perfectly- harmonize. To cholera also broke ut and Ilembetta RR Oda end nee all divine Providences. When compelled to return o nano Principe r j o h or m, „ tor , f ort h h i tho m o m , of the Mons. Colianne of S anal; troops wore sea power %iii "Shake terribly the earth and the against Reitibetto f m de:forma points all return o He cosines "for the salvatiou of Ills are how punning hi . people, f will be his tuynoMted." The Spaaish guuboat'Crilln captured th th nd result will be the uiv reign ei . En wrecking elotm John rey. from Nas Kt e ngJe-ele; His reign over o u teliling and lor f . sm. The °notate and crew were amens nu Mg people, Language cannot be plainer than the sloop without papero. nation, prophetic writings on this eubjecL All —as— shrill be blessed In Him, and ell on rm 4AcE. lions shall call Him blessed . The inetrumen- Pau, June 30._5,,,i,,. k ' mil rh, tn . lion s shall of God. be which ails Is to be tic. Ile takes his regular . walk In the garden accomplished Is the Church. She is recognized of St. Cloud. He risen early. audiences cant as the co-worker 0 itk Jesus In building His ten and afterwards works a little. spiritual house, In extending His Kingdom, °Wrier informed the Pope last Nay the till itahan au ~,,, whole earth, It is but natural for us to expect of film as a France was resolved to maintain an attitude of abstention and expectancy, mane mmter-builder , n revelation of Ills plans --se.-- and specification.. Title is necessary to the sue -101)1.1. eese and efficiency of the church in her work. The careful student of prophecy „will find Boosnay , June al.-Ileavy cotton frauds exeetntfone fully In this respect re • have been disemered. Captain Teisa signed t he lat is necessary to I he t lapin-riA . h e a n i e t y , bilis of lading for MOO beim which [ on that of church In given her were never shipped and n.n lending full length . cm races purposes of merchants obtained I,Bfelo it pounds sterling. God mince n cleat people. their re ,. rid their part in the world's even lee,'twit The great difliculty which ember- PGRTCGAL. ~.......ritati; toes the into of this eubJect Is the LIM:IOS% June 30 . - Saldt,ylb4.- amcc mac cm. lisPositlon to spiritualize the plain literal merchants of Unbent-. angunge oy. Promises mods to ." credit. develope con, he seed of Arnhemafter the flesh a re co o h¢----- the prosperity of the men- molded with those made to his spiritual seed tjx.--- -- 1_ _ till all proemy on this subject is little else , pg.i bun ioe T t u t o . : b e h m i l a. e e v i eu r " br reference e r,.e ° way ric r o u e fora right .; i t he,. tjh.a wt t 1 a l l t, d hi se e r s citi t n n etr d -. 1 rh I c e / rir i k c e . fil l i b e ' t .inp n f L thr ri e on gr tt n e t r g o a t tZ l ~psag . . " . .d e t ret 1 mostl world. ' ec t pen. ° MY P . ro d phecy dechlared: Pam's argument pearl....shall well a . lone...nnd sha o ll . tint be R reckoned among ... 1 en trd t . l grs . beg' This ou r ak I ey have been scattered among the 0511005 " s earn le sifted in a seem," there has been o wattle amay of this people; no obsorP tint-of them by the most powerful natio. a one which they base gone? Neither op. p togr . t . h e one band, nor h 01.11 privilege.; t destroy th:l e r ' Alro.% ° ,, ° least a B I t 7, e r l! ' n u l l j y e e u t 'be' preserved U 1 unto ugspuesugtera`. T ley Shall acknowledge Ulm an .heir Prince a d Messiah. "Their seed shall he known a cfng the Gentiles, and their offspring among t people. All that asp them shall neknowl e ge them, that they are the seed which the rd ban blessed:' hat the protnises here and elsewhere la the fil4Faie I tgn u 011 betweenkl reasoning ,the rir l "alTl er, L I n/ their i tiii a 4:l•ViViti and & n :s c e u rngs ed ;;',:t A bo l t i ti 0. que-ition more curious than profitable. If It ham-reference merely to the year In, which It shall occur. It Is vastly Important, however, If we propose to Inquire as to the time of their conversion In Its relation to the time when pointentiles shall be conved. The here discussed was the fact that niter some succes. In the missionary cause ot the church. the Jerre shall be reamed to the divine favor -exerting the Maumee on the mlceleuary work la farther premien among the Gentiles, For If the =Myth= away he - the reconcilin gof the won , what shall the receiving of teem tro,latt life from the dead. iv. employ C e o d l ne o r t t h d :M G r o e d m h s e i M o n P a e r e iPeGhoadl w l b tale of these and send them "to Tarshias Fell and Sud to Tubul and Reran. to the hoes afar olf-that have not - heard my fame nor ' s ciln7nT y t V ire7gl.'llutll declarex ;ILI! k g men ant of all thew. league/fen WI natio ' .3 take hold of the eitirts of him tha t Is a Aar Hying, "Wo will go with - Too for we have heard that Gal Is with You. • In the light of these prophecies, In which God read. GM future meows. we can better understand Gds remarkable and serere provi dence. tO atm. In thin e ley furcate rte I. Vel.r4Piallng, i r s h o em atilliz he t= le ig on iv o i work. rgAna! trim of our salvation ;cast made tfaist us ten47cltrei ce tor norissi rs'ilrere:lll4":4:B4l°Maldthrtirtr FO - LTA O'CLOCK NEWS BY CABLE Fresh Inon(ry Into Capt. Eyre's Case Iterased—llevislon of (he Scriptures • by the Protoitant ConneilL-Itritish Oppiedtlon to the Anglo-French Commercial Treaty—The Linea-. Multi queSt lon In (lie Englis h Noose or Commons—Contradictory Reports Concerning the Infallibility Doglna--44reat Cotton Fraud at Bombay. By Teler•rnph to the Tlttgbttrgh (laze t t e.) GREAT' BRITAIN. June /..--Calptaln Eyre.. of the Peninsulnr and Oriental Steamship Germany, non written to the Board of Trade of London, asking that n freak Inquiry be instituted into the causes of the disaster to the United States corvette Onedia, which collided with his steamer, the Botnbay, In the Ilay.of Yokoha ma. The Board of Trade refused to entertain his proposition. • An English Church paper, The Mel:, state= that the question of a revision of the Scrip ture: will be brought before the coming Pro testant Council by an eminent clergyman. IVisetelly, the artist. wan drowned to-day at Margate. A large and harmonious meeting was held In this city by the opponent, of the Anglo. French commercial treaty. Joalant Pidden, conaervative member of the House of Com .- mons for York West Biding, delivered a via. lent apeech against the treats, Himself n the cotton manufacturer and mercant of- Shin to n• chest., he was able to ahew th e unfavorable effect of the treaty on the cotton trade et. .„day Great Britain. After speeches by other per denouncinguion was an th e adopted II fur the treaty an the cause of Was aska trial prostration, and calling the 3flnisteni to and account for denying an investigation of the subject. maid- Sir James Stark, n celebrated Physician, is eon- dead. He was eighty-two rears urn.. Jo siah Forester, uncle of William Edward For. clod ester and patriarch of the Quakers, died yes end terday. fore . The Prince nod Prince. 6f *Alen attended nand the opening of the public school an Lass Lon, the don to-day. • oan Lessees In to hare a grand reeept ion at Crys tal P alace. Sydenham. on t he 4th of July. cc- In the Commons Mr. Otway. Coder Hevre ut tnrr of Foreign Department, declined to nay r- at present whether the gurernment intended to ratify toe new China treaty. Sir. stonsell. Under L 4 ecretary of Colonial Department. acid I it wan Impossible to tell when the Lords' bill altering the representative }Comm of Wilk,. Columbia would reach the ons; The Rouse went into, Committee on the education bill. There was a large attendance lboth at members and spectora. Mir Stafford orth cote offerml nu amement eXpengln the clause prohibiting thee,ching of religious sentiments. He supported the amendment in speech. declaring the sentiment of the coun try hostile to such provision. Mr. Foster op posed the athendment IV letting In an endless sectarian controversy. Sir. Slope favored the amendment and was followed by Mr. Dixon In opposition. Mr. Gladstone defended the clause as it stood as representing the will of the country. As the Bible could be read and expounded without regard to any particular doctrine. the plan placed the smallest possi— ble restraint on religious teaching. Mr. Lis a:wed said the clause would not exclude secta rian content kill, as designed. lie favoredf he election of the board by rate payers. After further deb to the Committee divided with the following result: For the amendment, (Cu acalnat 2:12. Sir J. Parkington proposed the remling of the Bible form part of the daily exercises. Messrs. Foster Red Hartle oPPos cd Lt and the amendment was lest.,-81 to rad: Jacobliright offered an 1 1 1 11Ct11111100t that teach ing shall not be directed against the tenets of any sect. Mr. Gladstone thought the idea le seeable of enforcement. The amendment was rejected by LI! majority. Adjourned.. The Madrid eniTespondent •of the (31.1br vrrttes that Isabella'. abdication Is Ireearded Important an rendering the cnndiacy or Prince Asturias posalble and the alinlce.of peace; throun.holit rciand twee:, next Sunday. the quarterly revenue thirds hhoW'n tho celjdo Orteen and one nillll.l itchiest nineteen million. for the °or:responding period. Last year. . Errenetancone HO--A public. meeting was heist t MehtV, tyor presiding, to pneurde the New York Christi. COllnCli. The atten dance tras large and influential, and the inter est In the object of the meeting profound. LOsnoxiirmtv, June :Xl.--At a large meet ing last evening the government bill 'regard- Ing public proceo,low, won strongly condemn ed. MARINIC ha re Lcurods, 36 .—Noith German Lloyds at for a steamshle Ilne from doutbsunpton to West Indies.. The steamers are now hmlding. .l The nest reseal will snit In October. FINANCIAL AND COMMURCI AL. LoNDON. June, 201 .—Cerninp. Consols • for Money MN: account WU. American securities Ur. " B . ttc 4 ;:s )j 4L ifl.; Western,BS.. FRAN icrOnS, June3o.—Bonds quiet. • • PARA June ;D.—Mourne :Inner itt. 14 francs, DS centimes. Livritroot.,Jeue3o.-oatton quiet: tniddling uplands WO; Orientln /o%d; sales of 10.0 LB bales. Breadstuff, firmer — California white wheat lan Malin Id ; red western No. Go 10d: winter Lls &KIN 'id. I Firmr aultit; Western. Ma Cd. Corn:No 2 mined 30561.1 w Outs 25 sd. Barley i.e. • Pens 370,6 d. Pork lies 6d. Beef ills. Lard firm at Vris Od. Cheese 6fB. lia corkNis for Cumberland cut, and its for short ribbed. Provisions uhehringed. LONDOO. J 055 30 . -- TallnlE w y . !:t. at ICm, Au tar 31,16,1231 e Pd. Mips ' sd. Refined Petroleum Is Td. Limieed 01 heavy. !billion in the Bank of EngEind Inerenged =LOW. Bullion In the Bank of iFrance decreased 21; BOUM francs. DAME. June 00.—Co ton Oat at 116 francs. Aavwstir. June . 1 0 , —Petroleum tint, Fluirscronv, Jima 30.'—Bonds closed flat at lallf(290. IfAvite. June 30 .—C8tton closed Leary at 115 S. francs. I —Reports of drought and grasshoppers In Kansas are untrue. There tom been plenty of retuned no grasshoppers. ps through out the state are splendid. Thee wheat'is gen firally harvested, of full average and the quality exceeds that of any previous year.- The • grazing ranges near Obelcria and Salina are Covered With over fifty thous sand Texas cattle that have arrived thin see. son, and over that number aZon the way tin. The Kansas Pantile Railroad as commenced Tmoving these cattle east by t stock.tnsins. h r r k a LW: g 4i o a road, iVirdvgarlig FlaWinrlrto.r! Ilve miles west of Kit Cars° , and the road will be completed to D ean rby September first. , I —The President bas nnt set abandoned the Idea of sectniug the ratification of the San Domingo treaty. It to well known that the time for the exchange of the ratification ex pires on Friday. July 11, but he stated Wednes day to a Senator. that it there was no chance of considering it before that date without an tagontslng it with other Important. public business, he had assurance that the time could and would be extended as long as neomesar7, to order to meow, the ratification. In fact. herbed taken the necessary steps to that end. . . • WESTMINSTER COL LEG E . I Price. Dunileen Law DictionatT,D 612.00 Sharswoil'e Blackstone. role 10.00 Ewa'. Commentaries. 4 vials 20.00 Blun's Justice ...... • Dunlap's Forums Purdon's Th 6.ollreat 8.00 Parson Parsons Laws of Basin°. for 'fastness Men Crosert, Ifyeryucely's Lawyer.. Baeson's links of Court,. . Brewster's Digest Stephens' Pleading Bunco on Bankruptcy Saandars on Itaakrupter—, .......... Bawle's Equity In Pennsylvania..... Rules in Equity tanpreute Court/ Sharawattl's Laical Ethic. fituatowoara Law Luctures Trouliat d flaly's Prattlce stew, paunsylyanla Bata ItePorta Par yol Wallace'u 11. B. DePorts. for VOL. L I,ST OCTETTERS REMAINING Armatrose John Finch Edward :MeGrunahart L Adems P , PleCormlea mere 'Amon bra 'Gaffey Edward Antal. firtmes W ' • I linft; eittreT,Vmf" '14147 1 7,1"' oerranl 'rhos Illughez Chas :Phllllrejtbd3lA' Bailey Alm J It Border Mn N Johnn , John D iheese Evan IgKarnes John Tl:Johne !Rose Nicholas ar tou rr =hael i Jentalaak, M rs C A I= nrevi3z 11r0.1 u" - !Smlth J a ohn CAmwn Dtowa • 1....31122 ,Ltrilllftfretr" Craft Thomas L . Shalt. Daniel Campbell Mrs It , Leals J , bldelds Thee A , CAl.6l,phell Kra NlDewle fl ;Slitter Peter c(?CadmleJanme 'Lavelle John - :811eler John ~ mminell K immi , ;84eera J/.A.1 CinnonEg'r" Illeer'fref;7l CarnelhP illoHey]fobett ITaylor Allen '• .R . ntr ands iidarAT rig tf ClrotUthrrl't C117.4'11Nt.. I M man rran.4' v e!" A Campbell A Doman D. iWeatepet Sohn D.i.-.7!),1m iitlirr BL_A"lllaMttea"L!iF9. Davit YettW Mgr; H. !McAdam. WatT.Walter John Er Ts ft r ali r T E S -Wood Frees Peter IfILIr DERR. P.lll. Beetpo m R ebo An< REDUCTION. Regardless of Cost I BARGAINS !_ BARGAINS !! T Morganstern & Co's, MAORUM. GUDE & CO.. Spring and Summer Goods, yvcu as Shetland Shawls: White Skirts, Parasols, ". Sun Shades. GullYare Laces. Hambur EdN eck Ties, • ,Ladies'g gir Ganz, AND =Mr. TRllninsT Nos. 78 and ii:ZES HEM 9 thilj trials and whatever' is recognized as el ento of success. Among these were noticed— I. _Their zeal and enthusiasm. 0. Their persevering energy. :L Their knowledge of ahnost nil languages , and dialects In the world. When that nation shall be counted. it will be its on Pentacastill dny. 'when every man shall hear his own fatigue and the wonderful works of God. On Tuesday evening an audience consisting of the citizens of Wilmington. a large number of the Alumni of the Institution, qultennum ber of the visitors attending the closing exer tines of the College, were highly entertained with select reading lAt W. M. Ilvans, of Pit to on liehalf of the Adelphkt and Philo. male Literary Societies. The Professor has read here at different times with eminent suc cess, and his readings thisevening, consisting principally of selections from' Sitakspeare and were,dilly appreciated. On Wednesday afternoon the examination of the competitors for thestrild medal award- ' -ed by C01..1. 11. Findlay, of Aittanning, to the person of the Senior class standing the'est examination in philology. history and English liternture, took place. Also al contest In the ladies department for a prl4e awarded bY . James McCandless, Esq., of Pittsburgh. for the best essay. in the evening at 6 o'clock the business meeting of the Alnmal took place, and nt an address was delivered by Rev. D. S. Littell. of Alumni Association. On Thursday the commencement exercises will take place in a fine grove near the village. opening at 10 O'clock l a dl es . The class, eonsist- Mg of gentlemen and , numbers twenty- Live. from whom addresses and essays are ex peeled; and If the weather is One will yield a pleasant anti interesting entertainment. These exercises close the _eighteenth year of the history of _the institution, and we are happ we sny it has been 011 e of prosperity. end, trust, advantage la the cause of edu cation. The number. of students In attend ance during tke year wits two hundred and forte-six, the greater number of whom were In the higher classes. A vacation of two Months now commences, and we hope It may be one of pleasure and relagution to the stn &Ms, and that they may reffarn Invigorated for the duties of the ensuing year. • X. • 1it3 ,„ 7":14124 , i1ei , % . 6s ' ; irt.FOURTII OF JULY. i YOUNG :UMW SODALITY PIC ND cnovE. • Tickets of nOn3l.nion, InCluding 01. or, • Omer rgrreurnon Ann Bogrog airsmin Co., t Prnrournorl. Juue 2:101;11S70. ar SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCK UOLDERB.—There will be apeclid meet ing of the Steekholders of the - PITTSBURGEF AND BOSTON lIINLNG COMPANY OF PITT& B 011011.” held at the Mace of the Couipany, in the City of Pittsburgh, at le o'clock P. xi., on WEDNESDAY, .271 h flay of July, proximo BY order of the flonrdof Director, THOS. M. HOWE. Secretary. R NIOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT .1.1 a theccllat aon roofe Made et the next meet. las of Legislat Pennsylvania for the let corpora. lon of a Hank In meordaneetrah the laws se the Commonwealth. to be totalled "The Berndt cent Saving Fond of Pittsh." to be located at. Pittsburgh. with a Capital oftn. lasodred Thou sand Doiletrs. with the carnage to lnereeee the tame to There Hundred Thotamid. A DMINISTBATORN NOTICE. Whereas. Letters of Administration have been {Mllfltf,d to the undersieded on the estate CO O LOltter. AIINISTItufiG, deed. late Of Hampton ho e . : . Thig. o tA.rxri o s . leebted to said estate are herbal Maims to foment thTnit'.4ilte'rithAUttitetted for se tt l etzlik&the_tindersisned. I 1. re. !MOWN. Administrator. Ilasteros_Tr.. qeghen• Co., t lone Stii, 1810. f JuLY Dlssoil7l - 14E - )Y. The Pertnernhlp heretofore ertstleg r oteler the 'firm melee of T-T. M. .11.()N(14 -- €V I F:aplraA with clay day blidadlaooa. 1.02441 a co rr. et , ft,. t[ . Jll/10 30th:1870 D ISSOLUTION OF THE FM OP AL LON - tt , \CO: intatuoud Oil worts) k Ihi 4ay itation. • , • JOAN JAMES W. POBTEIft aud =LAS. L.. CALDWE4 are authonu4 tiaaatr. tie the out.tandidy boulnenu , and to utelhe arso's name In liquidation. Prrrsnuno u. Ju1y1,112_370. pat4ll_ STANDARD LAW BOOKS FOR SALE (AY & COMPANY 65 Weed Street, ommm! Lae, - THE MMMY GAZETTE: Ls Tux am AND CHNAPINT Commercial and • Family Newspapet Pannier= IN WRNTIMRSPE.NNSTIMANIA. No torolor. =cotton*, or..norrobaat . oh 0•10 • i.ttllootlt Chad of tea • A 000 y la fail:dolma grataltooAly b tb•goitono of i, Club a Mo. Protmogon. aff. it y art a. Annan.Urns. • ENID dk PROPRIRTOM. C lr -VEMICEs.—.I4Lrf.“ Fbr Sak,'! "Lost' crreedisq - 'urn LINZ'S...O6o lainini la test toil! Meal*. la •-• ' DIrEIIII - -r7I7S ..EXTR; nvk adelltionol Unr Firs CENTS.. WANTS. TASTED.—To parch/is* a Mow of 4or 3 Rooms. Aubittlemr..Pavr WV. u.,qc-rne *Elm j4TANTED.—it 13 Tunnel Stint,3l 4 11..Operstolnk. Plidaben, sod Batton lido iiTINTE - D--- -- NTORi ROO 31.—i good V • rent will toe paid for a rentrany loealed li.li. slare. Rom. Pommes*oo ranted noon. Aditolika 9.A 2 .1.711L0. • WANTED-An ORPHAN BM and v WILL of 9or 10 years of nee, to tire •110 • Mnple. CompenSitloa, No th ing...whoa. Inn. ar. Berl of reference M. two dam 3. e..o2tzlerre owoo. y , Addrees tot. ANTA NTED.—A Situation-is BAR. dr e s s oon, Hem of rennonlerelaUon•glren. An dr IL D. M., Plerborgh P.O. 4.3:1 UTAxTED.— RECRUITS.--SCirral moot, able oaeQ, ofirood reryll4ll.,a, ',meted t o ell np the I. UttUTH 11:0XCAN1 • • tWElT(9oeltaallni.r: ATl:4TtVtell'ee'ref the Yost Jeas:e., liIrANTED. , -.Several Men rot rarin, Wort. Garden[Mr and 1ng014.2 Aln , , tor or Brittrard Wk. &mond (Arlo minte r nor. a cl i ti ii ` N Hch rev b rrr on' gralLir pension /MU° WANTED-NORTGAGEAI 30.006 w Losn In maul =:=l Trtomas sr, privy. 8111. Bond •nd Real UMW thole, No. 170 Elmlthaeld ANTEX:MORTGARES: Thirty Thousand Dollen to Loan !into or man ma oun is on prolnni7 in MinitainV nty n bar rate Of intern.. .CHAILLICS JlLll.l2lfr, RotateAsent. O.I.IIDING-;-To4ebwith Boarding, ?NO SECOND BTOltr 11001113. futtlahed. 103 Fourth avenue. 11-= LOST OR STRAYED, LOST.—PROMISSORY NOTE.—The Pu nuts n hor•by notint.l not to omlotlate &c00p..10.8'2794M. parable to thlfentikor J. W. 7 dre.d.SLlN. dated 31.7 IYYltb. IN7S. and drawn' by MeCaslin. as payment batik; • 'topped on same. . • - .1.045 LOT—On Monday ; evening butt, it iintonAnnum BOOK eentalning • mesh emoting of Portia Currency. A Wien' reseed : 74Y piel be to the person returning It to . . ' HP&NCER. hIcKATA CO, G.,si Coe. 'llthsold gmallsosn Ate. 12th sm.& .. TO-LET. rl'O-LETA comlete. WELLING • 110889, with Stoopsoam attacked; atm on Wylie ay.., For 189 WYLIN AVE lerema, de, WI at Nn. 19.T1L TV-LET—ROOM% with BOARDING. .a. -. 6 R. 4 of ntglatnal Rooms eareoood TLET.—STOUE ROOM. A Bret-class FITORR ROOM and teller, No. IMte /Abaft? Walt. einoldefely Rated UP VII &belying and manners. 'WIII be rented clitap called for I. Inquire ' • , ' • t i -4 T'r `tiro-g.?Z;i ward, near rats/ street, o"nt Serveotb .avente. 14,0 U SlLE.—That well•kdown &darribirisM;a l Viditi r'"T ill ! Tt. a proper ' , a . m. dashing to k•• 11 • bateau. la * ''''Pa't "Y. T Y11 74 7 §& Tit• l get ' fir ••• •: • No. 11 Banint V militant ..\ '. trOdnnpalinn Intraatillart on Sabi- Rolle .4 FOR SALL — Engined and Boller% ~ --- , 1 Nast and liertrind Rand. of all lands. statria dill , '-- on band. 1 amen rrinn all parts of am mangy Pinntoilial. Canard to. k CO, Corner llarlod " Are i nt ant P., Pt. Tr. AC. R. W.. 1 learbeny. Pa —4l , -, ..—...= FOR SALE.—STOCK PAR / I[:-.Can.- TAINS NMI ACIM. roe hundred and Matz r.afrg...tr arialrldn ., 4balt.an: w t =a.lelL t " . , and sheep halm, orchata and mph .aired by It , mall creek paantsfe through Um place. Illmatd in .. ,Al -reminds amt .11....35. =LH hOl2l VertILIM ... . tad Loubmine ;In ;axing! mishbothooli , .._ Tu. t o .Mate rhumbas. dn. ram eatt b. , cr.A A to.. Nn. W pnatth Am ,t Fll OR SALE CHEAP J OR EXCHANGE- , A: POE CIIT PROPERTY. —A One COUNTRY ,'-' ' :.: IMIIDENCIS, containing 90 name alth 3 bonne... thenenn: one. ai1.:41/6.71.4:7,..b.1".n0tA00nran1en! - ;..,..,...' eninti =e 7 rirehnsylvanla r for a inllar4,-4_,,-„:„.: Irmo the der, on the anent of Tarn* Roan. ..,- ..t . .i:: ,- ;. oor a lathe 11901 Rowan's Stan on. Central Rail- -.' Mal. Also. eeveral (004 Parma In 0.1 lonatlona , , •;. ~ mat house, for sale. Malqulre of m. 11" N . . 110 Orant SL. WI LLIAM WARD.. • i'. , pt:agate Catheand. '' ---' _ . -------- 1340 tl.OO I 3.00 14.30 1000 3.30 3.00 1.30 OR BALE. *OO 740 24.50 • :... , A bandsotan_presse4 Beta bum SWIMS, onetMoleg7 tooniatoe 48 - ti Fie .92 , ate ou 44th Meet. Mu Butler street. - l ot . Z.Vll=litleretlraggraraZ Lbn'tbdiV "". ' : Mull. UTethaMiiittn4Wroliaoaenaa."U"""Me ': . lour time riven. - c.c.„ T. fl. 1 ...1. A ....J. 80N a" R ON VAIN LSTratET.-An eletantile ' .:, use, aflame on leans strut bear toe liners - a., :'-. hot. ii;lts4orallopLa room; Lot 341171 M. ;, , . all I moderate M ' aoe ore Vit h L t-.. k n raol' ' ' O. 44th lIITAIWET.-A beauttral lot near lleile"' Arose. 60 be 108, aka* to tha eltleess'P. a. a_ .• ' Aar Oa. wishing a pleuant spot on which to Della - cannot he batieraulte4 T. It. BILL 4 BOR. _Wet:FM Paretts• toe Lots near the Pam= . • It jt.....41 . ,1 v 055 r 1i sua tallanosla four vlaunn.j innnel orMortatilty elre tr. Th e :4III M OT 3 1 tolenutaaeou. T. A B tatlarAtber jam ~,...”.. "en and SW K.., Wafer. ens back 240 feet to Wawa. There Is erected thereon salon Dwellhur. with 11 room...tame, b oth ortable eeaf, house,. leWte &C.; WWI Ude.' use whole house lee •• . eprlos Uwe*. wasb house. Woe cella 4 These le mho • Lam Inlet Stehle on the to .' of We ; /04. with eyerivllwee.cofor Ti at a ts — Oar4oartit' cub; it - two And - -..., .. . ---._, „..... ••• .....,-;-...„,.-: • . PI TTSBIIIIG/V -,,, :••,- , -.: -, ; BANK FOR. SAVINGS,,' . . ::" -, - S ",_ NO. iii roviern ArprugPrrisithir:' ..:',..:..''':?-14 cumrrimm IN 2 94,:: ' '. , i . . . '.. .. '... , .:'..: yam MIT 'At iangluttit-•:•---. akara.zralivirdor.4. grzarh!'i, --...---- naa or Ms poem:Lanni of UM. Sad ...Oft "-.. : -, 1 - till‘drarn coo..nqdx_ senuannuannts 3•41.10-p111;i. ,;-i.....,,:,:r.5.. . co_ or 87-/a , n4 ite, M0JA . 1144. ... -. ... ,, . - ..'1 , 4 nuoint-lt-'-. , Fr'.:: , :il 3%T; jo" a14..1ig.7 ri,l*. giL 1 '; '1- ::'---':''4 10. N . AA A. Zl4 . 'i tiell.Pril. lathes, . WJA - KREBS ICE DEALER • , . . a 5 Rtver Ave" BARNES Sealer of Wtights.and Meassre4;;;l4. orrlcr :: FOITIRTR I 4TE., lloglcysis mine tototTelatioil3Wflup 11T11217. =ill Jul,- MX len, for tn3,44x,c4,,,,,--5-.- tILINNT to let C 1.....) .` ' ME %I -