r BE TAE Digs GAZETTE. - OFFICIAL PAPER" Plttebnrgb, Allegheny" City an Allegheny County. • • iMet. GAZETTE BUILS Gamer of mull Avenel= aamlf" THURSUL CM BONDS 71. ant at Antwerp .53f. rClot.o closed . In New York on yesterday .tlll4€llli.- - I'LL&WFORD COMITY REPTIBLICANI., af ter thoroughly liking its merits. hare abandoned the Crawford system of nom. ie►tlon and returned to the . delegati, lan. Dm the oil statistician of the Titiniviiie Herold, furnish the figures to tl. E. A. to show the Inereastul pniduction or Re. publican votes in that town': The mar ket Was balled to no purpose that time. TnooE WHO nustun to know where "rings" aremaintained in all their glory, and "honesty" reigns pure and incor ruptible, will .please read the statement of the question of veracity between the Dispatch-and Coonntertiel. which will be found on the find - page of to-day's is. stir.. We have always been in favor o reform; but we fail no idea it was cinch needed. The following le the official- reettit of the Crawford county primary. election, held last Monday: Congress—Colonel S. B. Diet, 4,050; Van Born, 1.414. Senator . —4l. B. Delamater, 3,503 Deo. K. Ander , ,on, 3,033. Isiesident Judge—Joshua Douglass, j,015; Ilendemon,1081; Rich mond, 1,035. Dr. limy and Dr. Ashley were nominated for Assembly. Comrule rioner—P. A. Gage. Auditor—F. D. Bernie, \a TilE VLAO, barreb of enough stars to represent the States of the Union, used by the Andrew-Johitsonites at one time, Imo been resurrected, and with a flaunting lie hung to its bottom, has been thrown to the breeze on Smithfield street, from the windows of the "True, Republican Headquarters." History . repeats itself. This same old flag hanging from the quarters occupied by the defunct Republic where the ruin of the Republican party Was oft plotted in days gone by, is again used by the- self-saine patriots, darts in the selfsame place and hides in its shadew the self-same plotting mercenaries who clung tenaciously to Andrew Johnson till he was laid foreverin a political grave. Tut: SUCCESS of Mr. Delemater over Mr. Anderson in Crawford county renders his nomination certain, as Erie concedes it on `the principle of rotation. Mr. D.'s majoi ity was 472 and his 'Strength came from the country districts where ballot box .stuffing and fraud are not practiced. Although Mr. Anderson has full cause for mortification in hid defeat, still it is not ungeu!rotus to Inquire of his organ, the TitusVllle Herald, how he really did de velop such extraordinary strength in that city, polling 480 votes more than there were . Republicans entitled to vote. Of course, there told& have been no fraud Used., for G.M. A. was the reform candi .dste, who, had he been elected, was to to haveinaugimtecl honesty In .the Leg islature. " trAt.WO, PAY" said a native of the sweet Isle of Erin a few days since, 'did you see the call for • new political organ• !cation, to be called the Independent Party?" . ..Yea, what of It 7" .. oelt nothing much. I only want you to tell !‘' sae the meaning of the word Independ tat" "Bad manners to your ignorance did drop all the education you got lnto.tbe Atlantic as you came over the • • Do you not knowthe meaning of the word Independent! Sure every school. • '• :‘ boy knows that Independent, as applied to 1- those discontented and disgusted pellet. titians to whom the . Republican. 'refused to give office, and are now attempting to organize a new party because they could not get all the spoils, means 'not to be de pended upon: " • Our. Irish. friend seems to know the ,• Meaning Of terms in their particular ap vitiation. Crawford county las practically giviin'tba same definition in rejecting the 'claims of Oeo.K. Anderson to the State Senate, although be was endorsed by the Conumerviai of this city, and a few pseudo tefonners in Allegheny county. TnE utarratao he been terribly ag resolve inthis locality during the past four weeks. It seems to have a penchant for stliklng low, passing the high places and coming down literally among the people to • work death, damage and des. traction. The terrible - conflagration of Fridaj,,w,hareby , one , precious life was lige-and many „hundred thousand dollars worth of property destrojed, is charged to Ote,,,wratlt thp. subtle field. The faadly -and friend* of Mr. Foster, who lost his life in the: quickly enkindled fisunes„have the sympathy of the entire community in Chia their dark hour of sorrow and affliction. The energetic bus % ineesinen, too, who at one dash net for. slowly gathered together, have the oktheirfelloweitizens Dr. 11. W. C. Twaddle' especially, of the latter aliailk;likeiVeS the heartiest measure of .1 :ItYmpatity, for on several °cautions in the pest his labor of years was swept away by the'llmoad,'Olement, and now another stroke of misfortune is brought to Ids floora'‘at:.it, time, when his fortune was being again built up smiccasfully. But ruin of hli scrimp, philosophy and force of , - character, will not long sit Idle with waste • aslik boi. Phoenix-like; will rise again and , again with new life and new "GRATIFYING PROGRESM." '-... . The Pittsburgh armenereid Ix in the hourly receipt of letters from different viola of the . State, some in letterpress and some In manuscript, and most of which. it le very uncharitably alleged, originate in 4r, its own office. conveying the gladsome intelligence that the .work of disruption •in the Republican party is making most "gratifying progreee" everywhere. If such intelligence were reliable, we hive not a doubt that it would be most "grati tying" to the Commercial; and the very f l ;. few of its stockholders and selfish` sap- I . , porters, . who are engaged in a vain at- I 1 . 1 - - - tempt to carry discontent and division in- 1 - to the Republican_ camps. But Mitten- ..:,,,,, lately - for - them, 'the gratifying intelli- I puce has commenced to pour in that the -work of reform is going bravely and-sea . -- cessfully on, and the people; wherever .t. , -- they have spoken. have ashoinistered a 1.. withering and bathing rebuke to the - .. Conmercial dbruptioniste. . . 1 -Lt Tits honest yeomanry of Crawford coon t. • ty have uttered no uncertain sound on the : - subject of reform in repudiating the claims of Dlr. Geo. K. Anderionsat bititi L etate Settate.""Thhi . le the same - - gentleman whose "checks" were distrib uted mo freely last whiter at Harrisburg, and aided, by - mesas which we will not . = , ~' 4 k characterZe, to carry through the bolters f be party. An bjdrecisatipulous add were fully en by the i'...;ininieretat, which has bard to secure his nomination is , tare Senator, in opposition ttr.tht pure sad honest patriot. Mr. Delemate.. Both Mr.'Anderson and his Pittsburgh ally have been scorafully 'rejected by the BRepubli cans of Crawford county, who, in nomina ting Mr: Deleuaater, have declared that they will give no quarter to auy man who will even attempt to lbrrnpt and divide the party. • v 30, 1870 It is not difficult to pmcure letter writ. ere, who for a small consideration will misrepresent and traduce honest men and an honest party. But . one act speaks louder than columns of misrepresentation written to order. Cntwfurd countY by her own act has declared that disruption cannot be effeeit;d, And that the work . of reform is maltiog such progress as must fill the heart of every true ilepublican with the profoundest gratitude. The first gun has-been fired, and has filled the ranks of the boltera with dis may. Melancholy and gloom were de picted on their every face yesterday when they heard that the work of reform was makluy niest-"gratifying progress" in CrawfOrd. county. OUR COUNCILS AND PEOPLE %IL IVIED. We call tie ropecial attention of the enibers of our City Council to the fol• wing paragraph, which we clip from le Pittsburgh C'vmmerrial of yesterday: We go a step higher and look at the City Council. Honest men shudder at the name, for it is associated with noth ing honorable and everything dishonora ble. Such a conglomeration of min rep resentatives of the people is seldom• Keen outside of our State Leglelature. Huge and daring frauds are perpetrated upon our citizens at almost every meeting. What do our illy Int:been think n this? In neither branch of the city coun cils out there be found one h! nest man! for they are "associated with nothing hemor oble, rod every thing dishonorable." Here here is not a iingle esception tutule. one righteous man can be found for whose sake the city will be spared. Sodom and Gomorrah were nothing in wickedness when compared witl‘ Pittsburgh ! Shall we be destroyed with fire and "brimstone" froutthe corner ? • We toqueist every Coutieihmut to cut ut the above paragraph and preeerve it 11 next January, when he will be so cited to extend municipal favors to the me sheet that now traduces him as din• neat and Lonomble ! We protest against the Commercial making no. exception in favor of our worthy friend,: David Kirk, and his equally. bOnest co.adjutors, who have hitherto sworn by that paper. A railing and heartless accusation like this must not be raised against him. We earnestly protest. . Not satisfied with casting obloquy and reproach upon our City Fathers, the Com soerrial traduces our whole people in the following style : ' .t . fAnd the people have hitherto looked stupidly on—looking on as though some horrid nightmare 'asessed them ; look ing on while their lands have been tied, and they cast Into hopeless insolvency these raids of the • Ring upon the public money." Think of this, Pittsburghers! You are denotinced its It stupid people, seined with the "night mare and east into hopeless in. noteency." Your creditors will pounce upon you immediately, for one of yciur own papers declares you are In a utata of hopeless insolvency ! The last . feaiker that has broken your back i 54700 paid to this same veracious sheet for putillishiug the Record of your dishonest and fraudu. lent Councilmen. \That city would re- fuse to pay tho paltry sum of $7OO per annum for the pleasure of being held up to the world as dishonest, dishonorable, stupid end buiolvent? I= ?The days of the dogs are upon us. The sun, egareess of humanity. has broken through the bounds of decorum and pours his scorching rays down upon the earth without pity, burning the/skin and stew ing the 'brains of helpless mankind, sweltering 'in the cities. Quicksilver is the topic of the hour, and business men who three monthsago greeted each other with the query "What's Gold?' now ask with less of 'energy bat more of heat “What'Says the Thermometerl" Fat men bewail their too solid flesh, and slen- der ones ,regret that their bones are so near the surface that they grill to sun. Fan and soda.waterdealers realize stupen dous fortunes, and languid sextons have the best pews in the churches to offer to straggling strangers. Closed, dust deck. - ed shutters line the streets and hide th'e windows, from which, but a fortnight ago, airy banners of lace fluttered and eyes of beauty peered. Bente of un are tied by Gordian knots to the city, some of us have fled already to the retreats of our choice and revel in the records of a high flying mermiry while enjoying the low tem perature of an alp or a billow, and others are waiting and hesitating, unable to de- tide-which among the legions of resorts they shall this year honor. • One thing is certain, and that Is that Bedford, Cresson, a Cape .. May and Mar quette, will swarm with fugitives from these triplet cities, for there Is never a year that some of us do not decide upon each of Shoes four. . Cresson is sure to be filled with Pitts . burgh peeple, and those from among the beet, and some Philadelphians, with per : haps a sprinkling from Cincinnati, or per. hape from farther South, will enjoy its srxhileratlng air, its beautiful scenery and its blankets. Bedford draws its guests more numer ously from Baltimore and the South, and is fora short season as gay as a Saratoga and as exclusive as a Newport. Marquette is the ruining ground of. all the great copper men and their families, and thus Boston, New York, Cleveland and Detroit are is largely represented ae Pittsburgh. Let: a man but take the tour of the 'upper lakes and he frotuthat,thue becomes their ardent advocate and is care sooner or later to go again and again. Cape May may also be regarded as in a certain sense a local watering place. The inane of its tisk tem art Philadelphians, then come Baltimoreans, and Pittsburgh. •re, while New York, New England and the West patronize that Queen of the . Coast but' sparingly. It is not so stylish as Long Branch nor so elegant as , the esp. helot Rhode Island, but it has scarce an equal in the world for safe and glorious surf bathing, and for genuine fun and jollity, it it land breeze does not blow ► million of mosquitoes down upon you, In which case there is no salvation accept in Bight. . Jiany well known citizens are now at Williamsport with the judges and law yers of the tithed States District Court Some will doubtless accompany the court when it moves to Erie, and there enjoy It. unequalled bay, glorious trees and pens• totting dust. Exime few will visit the rendezvous of brides at Niagara' or the giant hotels and medicinal springs at Sir atop, others will go down the St. Law rence and up the Saguenay, when thi sublimity of the Deemer,' has only haw marred and not destroyed by the recent That strange conibinatiou .instourr WI - and 01:014, the island of Mount Assert, has better reormmendatkas for guests now than it had last year, but those who Me attracted thither, must look PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : THURSD for no extravagance of dress and no lux. ury of table, for every thing is still of the very plainest and a flannel walking suit is a necessity. But there can be no use in geeing over a catalogue of delightful placei, thinking to attract persons to them by our words, for are feel slue that none who can do otherwise will brave the July and the August promised by such a broiling June. And those who can't get away tan glean' but little pleasure or refreshment out of nowelimper, with the therinoineter, in the ice house round the corner, pointing to SO degrees. . IS) 211321=1 The de velar and religious press, as Well as the pulpit, iii 'now . discussing at great leagth, wheiher or not Charles DickenS was a Christian. Thin might have been a matter of some moment to Mr. Dickens while he lived, but no far as he is concern' • ed now,dhe disculision is useless. Theo.' logians always tell us that the SaViour laid down thin rule as a test of Christian. character,"Ye shall know them by their fruits." We do not know that Mr. Dick ens' life was visibly adorned with ttn3; of those shining religious virtues which or thodox Christians look upon as the pro ducts of a "gracious soul," but enough is known of hint to show that he hollered and respected the Christian religion. In the Daily _You, of February 14th, Ilia, he wrote a number of verses, from *Lich we select the following: The God who took a little child And set him In the midst, And promised him Lila mercy mild, As, by Thy Son, Thou didst Look down upon our children dear, So gaunt, so cold, so_sparm . • And let their images appear Where lords and gentry are Oh God,remlnd them: In the'breed They break upon the knee, These sacred word. may yet he rend, "In memory of me f' Oh God. reminn them of Ills sweet - Compass:on for the poor. And how he gave them bread to eat, And went from door to door. The . best evidence, perhaps that we have of his respect for the Bible and the religion of Jesus Christ, Is found in a let: ter which he wrote on the day he was seized with, the illness which terminated his earthly career, and which is supposed to contain the last words he ever penned. Some one, it would appear, had directed Mr. Dickens' attention to a passage in the tenth chapter of "The Mystery of Edwin Drood," which would likely wound the feelings of those of his renders wlio were devoted to •the Christian religion, inns: much as it contained, in the opinion of the parson who wrote him on the subject, an irreverent allusion to a passage in the Holy Scriptures, which is supposed to re fer to the Lord Jesus Christ. Mr. Dick ens wrote the following in reply "lad's 11111 place. Bighorn by Rochester, Wednesday, the Bth June, 1870. "DEMI would be quite incon ceivable to me—but for your letter—that any reasonable reader could.possibly at tach a Scriptural reference to a book of mine, reproducifq a touch 'abused social figure of speech, impressed into all Norte of eenice on all sorts of inappropriate tie casions, without the faintest connection of it with its origjnal future, lam truly shocked to find -that any reader can make the mistake. I have always striven it my writings to express veneration fin' the life and lemons of our Saviour, bemuse feel it; and bemuse Ire-wrote that history •r my childreu,overy one of whom hew it from having It repeated to thein long before they mold read, and almost an noon an they could npnak. But I have never made proclamation of thin from the housetops. Faithfully yours, Rice es The English Clergy On Diekens.;The Healthful Spirit of His Teachings— His Creed of Humanity. . [From the London Daily News.] On Sunday evening the Bishop of Man chester preached at Westminster Abbey, from the words ."Great is the mystery of Godliness." The sermon was a plea for the toleration of differences of opinion where the foundations of religious truth were accepted. Towards its conclusion, the Bishop said: "It will not he out of o 1 .... harmony with the line of th ou ght , •7l Cave been foreekag,,ver_,_eviakt../ " in keeping with the aleareint ion of thin 'fee.: dear to Englishmen, not on y to ono of the proudest Chriatiau temple , but as containing the memorials of so r any who by their genius In arta, or arm, br states. bi d d manship, or literature, have n ride Eng., land what she is—if in the • pleat and briefest words I allude to that and an. expected death which has robbed English literature of one of its highest living or naments and, the, news of mihick, two mornings ago, must hate made every household of England feel as though they had lost a personal friend.' He has been called in one notice an apois tie of the people. I suppose it is meant that he had' , a mission but in a style and fashion of his own, a gospel, a cheery,' joyous, gladsome mes sage which people understood, and by which they could hardly help being bet ter. It was the gospel of kindness, of brotherly love, of sympathy in the widest sense of the word. lam ware I have felt in myself the healthful aidrit of his L t . teaching. Possibly we migh not have been able to subscribe to the e creed in relation to Uod, but I think we . should have subscribed to the same reed in re• lation to man Ile who hastaught us our duty to oar fellow tuen betthr than we knew it before, who knew so well to weep with them that wept, and to rejoice with them that rejoiced, who has shown forth all Ms knowledge of the dark corners of the earth, how much sunshine may rest upon the lowliest lot, who had such evi dent sympathy with suffering, such natur. al instinct of purity, that there fiesiarcely a•page of the thousands he has': written which might not be put into the hands of a little child, must be regarded •by those who recognise the diversity of the gifts of the spirit ea a teacher sent from Gish' He would) have, been welcomed as a fellow laborer in the com mon interest of humanity by Him who . asked the question t "If a man love not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he Bath not seen r" The Rev. Mr, White, Chaplain to the 'House of Commons, in his sermon at the Savoy Chapel, 'spoke .of the death of Charles Dickens, and said that strange as it might sound, Mr. Dickens had borne es sential service to the Christina church by his writings. There was a purity and healthfulness in his writings which were a natural consequence of this character, and this might be understood by the fact that one of the last letters he wrote, if indeed not the very-last, was written with a view to remove a calumny that lie hail been unfaithful to (.'hrletian truth. Mr. Dickens, the Reverend Chaplain maid, had taught Christianity with much greater effect than many priests had done. Tlie ' R.blrgie Rebellion, Bellies and == The Mitres rebellion is (June 3) reel. ving in the steppe between the Caspian and Lake Aral. From the latest Orenburg intelligence we gather that the attack on Colonel Rukhui's detachment was *more serious affair than at first appeared, The Colonel with two officers. two--noncom. misnioned officers, thirty-eight C'ossacks, and one gun, had left Fort Alexandrouski, on the pentheuls of Illangishlak, to collect the tales Impaled under the new statutes. They had not proceeded very far when they found themselves surrounded by the natives, and were taken prisoners without having the satisfaction of striking a blow. The fort, ea we know, wailhen attacked, but shortly after, relieved by reinforce merits sent from the CaucUlan shore of tho Caspian. - In the' beginning of May a second attack was attempted. This time - the 'Mires were several thousand strong, and in , an engagement with the. garrison, which boldly confront. ed them In the °peril field, killed some twenty Ruseians. In consequence of 'thew disquieting events 5,000 fresh Russian troops have been dispatched from Orenburg to the river Emba, Fort Aktube and other Rus sian positions in the western steppe., Ws • New York letter: "You must not be at all surprised if our next Repub. can State Convention adopt a resolution to the effect that= more moneys must be' appr i, :wed byour State authorities for aectlia purpses. . It is as certain as that the am will rise - to-morrow that any polit ical omanliation. Republican. Democratic or third party, which will go into the eon. test on this Issue, will sweep the .Empire State by an overwhelming majority. The same is trim of New Jersey. The Ram Atlanta The most interesting ease concerning i the ram Atlanta will shortlyle presented to the public. The decision of the United:l States will probably be called on to tablish a precedent on the laws of rou. tracts between a citizen of the United States and a foreign government. One Sidney. Oalisnith, on the sth day of Au gust, I.B6o,Cuntmcted with the Hayden Government, then under the Presidency of Sylvain Salnave. for the sale and sde livery of an iron clad called the Atlanta. The sum to be paid was $150,000 in gold or coffee, 00,000 in gold to be paid on the complete equipment and armament of the vessel, $lO.OOO in gold on the arrival of the vessel at Port au Prince, and $90,- 000 to be paid within a certain specified time, either in coffee or gold, according to the , option of the Haytien Government. $49,404 58 was paid on account .of the contract, and the vessel was, at the re quest and demand of Mr A. Tate. Minis ter Plenipotentiary at Washington to . the Haytien Government, formally delivered to the. Haytien Government. on the :Al of December, 1669, at Philadelphia, he. Mr. Tate. signing the necessary receiptillere for, and in whirls he was joined by Admi rai Elms, the Admiral commanding the said rain Atlanta. The Atlanta. sailed from the port of Philadelphia-on the 16th day of December last, with her officers and crew, mid under the Haytien flag. to carry on the bloody strife then pending between Salnave and Saget: but fate ordained that Salnave:s sun should set, The Atlanta, from the day of her departure from our shores,has never been heard of. &Move has fallen, and Niessage Saget, now President a the Haytien Republic, is called on to pay the little bill amounting to $100,591.1 12 gold. The general principles of law declare the. liability of the •present Ilortw,inent of Hayti to pay the amount. From the dote of the Restoration and during the moue ants revolutions in France that have up. rooted so many forms of government, the contracts mode by all prim- governments have been recOgnized and faithfully .page formed, and it is difficult to see why the government of the Republic of Itayti should attempt to form any precedentcon trury to . the established rules and laws of all civilized nations. Livingstone--His Probable Fate. • At the final fortnightly meeting of the session of 1869•70 of the Royal Ueogmphi. cal Society of England. in London, June 14, Sir R. Murchison referred to the pres ent position of Dr. Livingstone and the succor which is to be sent to him He said: There have been great misap prehensions about this aflkir, and I have received numerous applications from ac tive young men anxious to go. In search of Dr. Livingstone, supposing that there was a rap expedition about to start from this - country or elsewhere. There is uo such expedition, even Inimagination, and certainly tome in reality, coigemplat ed lb any way. Dr. Livingstone has been more than three years and a halt in the heart of Africa. without a single Euro , pram attendant. I ain not sore that the sight of a young gentleman sent out from England, who was .notncclimatized, would not produce a very held Oren instead of a good ono upon my friend the doctor, be cause ne would have to take rare of the .new arrival, who would very own die there, and the poor doctor would have an additiOnal load. I have, therefore, to an nounce that there is no Such intention whatever,. I have received a dozen letters - Tirim admiring voting volunteers. who are bnxious to distinguish them. wives, but who have not the least idea of what they are about. I have every rea son to believe that the 1:1,000 that the government Vas given will go out by the Consul. Zanzibar, who happens,. accident be in thin country, and who in .going out imntediately. lle will instruct Dr. Kirk, the Vice Consul, to refit the same expedition which was started be-- fore, but which was impeded by an attack of .clrolem. The cholera has paned away entirely, the country is free from Zanzibar, awl the only difficulty nose in to get to Ujiji, where toy dear and valued friend was and still is, for he cannot move forward or backward without car. riers, supplies and istforth. It will take two months or more for those supplies to go front the seaboard to Liu', therefore you must put aside all anxiety fur some months to come. hope in about seven or eight months hence you will hear good news, and that very soon after that we shall are our friend again in his native country. ISM The Philadelphia Ledger of Taraday says: - About this time look out for.frptpaont Asoe; miglst.rtn/leCe fa our trutderu.othua dor. 1.1111114. nf thn ren.ctionn the alumna. of our nnoesfors. Among the fires reported in the .newspapers of yesterday was a very destructive one in the car-tamps, at Reaaing, Pa., on Sunday, two in our own city on the Name day. one also in Philadelphia, on Saturday, and one in New York, on the same day—all from the accumulation of inthunable ma terials—and at least two of them seem in have been from spontaneous combustion. On this latter subject there seems to be stubborn disbelief by some persons who ought to know better. There is no longer any room for doubt that greasy and oily rags, or cotton waste that have been used for wiping oiled machinery, or rags soak ed with benzine or paint, will, if kept in piles, or hid way in closets or under stair ways,or in other nooks and holes, gene rate infficient heat to take. tire and burn whatever is within reach. This danger is greater in hot weather than at anv other time. Such stuff shimld not be al lowed to accumulate about any house or factory. and least of all when the ther• mometer is ranging from eighty to ii: hundred: Then, at this season of the year,we have the additional dangers from the explosion of fire-woks, which, not withstanding the mischief they do every year, and notwithstanding the fact that they are under the ban of the law, are left, year after year, to carry on the work of danger and 'destruction. It Is rather expeneive patriotism, but, unfortunately, those who play are not the ones 'who have to pay. A Mothe 5 r 9 ll . _Ezyltittoo.l4. Tale of Murder And 9aicide One day 'last week a dog that had been prowling about in a neighborhood In the southwestern portion of Henderson coun ty, Tennessee, brought up the lower half of e. white infant's body. One of the child's feet was gone, and looked ae if it had been eaten of The citizens were greatly shocked and incensed when the discovery was made known. A meeting was held and opinions interchanged, but -no facts were elicited pointing to the au thor of the infanticide. tiuspicion strong ly rested, however, on a woman in the neighborhood, who is believed to be the murderer and unnatural. mother of the child. An inquest wan held, and Information obtained which led to the issuing of a 'warrant for the arrest of Miss Susan Toes, charged with the . guilt of child. murder. The young woman, aged about twenty-four years, was working in' cot. ton field when information reached her that the warrant had been issued. Drop. ping the hoe, she went to the well on the premises of Mr. Benjimin Rhodes, about four hundred yards distact, and plunging headlong into the abyss, was drowned. The well wan twentywivfect to the water, with ten feet of water at the bottom. • Shoo Fly! The Lima Gazette says : "A lady in one of our .churches rested her bead on the back of the pevi In front, as all devout people do In the time of prayer, but to the pew before her eat a young man who neither bowed his head nor kneeled. A beautiful plume nodded and danced - upon the head of the fair ono behind hint, occa• atonally touching the neck of the ybuth, who evidently considered It a By or some other troublesome insect. For a time he bore the unpleasant .sentation without a murmur, but at last patience ceased to be a virtue, and from the flash of his eagle eye one could plainly see that the hour of that: fly had come. Instead of saying 'Shoo•Fly, don't budder me: cautiously his hand moved toward the supposed oflend• - ing Insect ; then followed a frantic clutch' and a spring behind him. Imagine the horror of the youth to find in his hand the nobby bat of the fair ono, which he had torn violently from her bead, eadlydiear• ranging the contour of braids and chig• non. The lady was indignant, of coarse, and the youth could have been purchased at an immense sacrifice about that time. Explanation and apologies followed, the disorganized was put In order as soon as possible, and the devotiona exercises were resumed." ML.-Dmens B. REDDING, a victimOf the capitol disaster, died in Richmond on Sunday. He bad one of his legs broken and was otherwise injured, but up to last week had improved so much as to remove ell feamili hie recovery. Heves. how ever, seized with lock-jaw a taw d*ye since, and died as alx,yestatet. ' Too New Ylnk World of Tuesday says: An inquest was beldyesterilay by', Coroner Schirmer in mac of John ',O'Brien. whose death resulted from a atab'wound of the abdotni.n, received at the bands of Lawrence Sullivan during a frusta at No. 1 1 Wbitehall , street. O'Brien. tt.lsill be remembered,'lnterfered to save Sullivan's wife him u castigation, when Sullivan turned on him and stabbed hint. The jury rendered a verdict agalnst• Sullivan and he was soot, to prison. During the procemlinrs Sullivan, who had been very unruly from his entrance into.court,seized the chair upon which lie was sitting, and bounded across the room to kill ,irs. Buckley with it. lie was seized by officer Smith, and forcibly put down in his chair. The Coroner sent for handcuffa and had Lim secured. lie wits very violent and threatenink. COLD AND kIPARRLINI3 DODA WATER. Drawn from Genuine Marble Founts.. with the Ga.l. YELLOW MALTA bYRUP.Iresh. Also. the new Arnericun Syrup MONTANA. W e on dranslat. These hirer are the finest SyMP• ever seta tn Amerlat. You (.1111 and them amity. nice and frelb St • JAMES E. BURNS & CO.'S DRUG STORE. - ISsIENG4N CONGRESS enure you sill flab It .• Y. . VICHY and SLIJE• LICK W ERS ulanaya o. Man gtit. Bo nut fall to call and try them. REMEMBER. ' Tbigis sold to bulk MAO, and by single 111.!, THE LIVING /11,11,1111%E. Injure the main 'tinting of a watch andirety per Lion of the works b ecome disordered. The hum • stomach is to the mean system what that elastl piece of meta/ Is tip the eimmometer. It lateen. , the action of the other organs, and controls to certain extent, the whole thing machine.. Th. comparison may be carried farther. fur su Ih mimosa or other iniperfectluns of the Man prink Is indicated on the face of the time• Diem o also Is the weakness 'for other disorder of th tomer), betrayed by the face of the Invalid. Th inplexion le endow or faded. The eyes are den • dent in lustre and intelUgence, end there be worn. anxious ea salon in the whole countenance which tell es plainly as written words could do. that, the mut nourishing urguMwhosenflice it Is to minister to the wants of the budy.and to sustain and renew ell its parts. Is not uerfuralingits duty. It requires renovating end reg and to accoms end Hostetter ., StomachulitUng. DitterillUsy be trn pl ilyh Tres s ld to be theour thing tent/111.i The broken main spring of a watch may be repined by a new one. but the stomach an only beret...red and strength ened. and this Is one of the a/loots of the famous veactable resbuntive which fOr eighteen veers nem been waging a 'eurcessful contes t with dYstalisie in it climates. As • specific tee Indigestion It stands alone. %Then the reggurcos of the Mier... Z17.1 ° . " .1 - 11htt7.1g1117,74 1 ,4: 4 3 1 :ga1 t 00 b,,` A 1 Of this • wholesome and pal teble. yet powerful. stomachic enroot a perfect nd permanent cure. In all amee of dynamite. th liver Is more or less disordered, and upon this fm Tient gland, as well as noon the stomach and bowels, the Bitters act with singular distinetneat, regulating and reinvig orating every secretive and tmintilatlng organ un which biallly and mental health depend. SENCENTS E.rai•:/:~r1YN:~ FABER & VAN UREI Street 367 Libert fITTSBURtiII ; PA. STEAM ENGINES IRON AND WOOD WORRINO MALCHIICERIC, Steam Pumps Engineers' and Machinists' Tools, STEAM FIRE ENGINES, BELTING, .1 Vonlen Machinery, Machine Cards. tirManntacturers' and MU Sap• plies. A constant anpply on hand and tarnished on short notice. URDER6 MoLICITED LETTER Copying PrfBBB WUEEL PRESSES. BAR PRESSES. •LErrinit OW.rnamasal rAr RI7.R PR 12...114re. AND SILT rians•me , . WALNUT PIt&SS STAND. MANN'S COPYLNG BOOKS. FRENCH COPYING BOOKS. NOTE SIZE COPYING BOOKS. LEITER SIZE COPYING BOOKS. CAP SIZE COPYING BOOKS. • ARNOLD'S COPYLNU FLUID. SMITH'S COPYING FLUID. FRENCH COPYING FLUID. VIOLET COPYING FLUID. RUBBER COPYING SHEETS. CAMEL'S lIAIII COPYING lIRUSIIIMS WATER BOWLS, CHINA ANDIRON. J. L. READ & SON No. 102 Fourth Avenue MM3== IMPROVED . - CHERRY SEEDER. It has been In nie for the lut six years, and never felled le an single teatime, to ..lve entire sallsfary Hon to the Purr... , ; ' When run to Its full eapaotty.ll..lll seed abtisbel of Cherries In 20 minute.. The Machine Cheap. Simple. Donnie and uanneoruh The Hopper ',adjustable. thereby t01.p1..g It to all sized ltaeries. It is the best Chary Seeder In the Hertel. No eseepUon.. _ All order. addressed JAMES BOWN, No.l36WoodStrret, PITTSBURGII, PA. • • Will be Filled . ati IVANUFACTUREMPRIPES. JOHN STEVENSON'S, SONS & CO., JEWELERS, 98 Market street, Pittsburgh. (THIRD DOOR FROM Flllll.l liar. on hand all thelatest novelties, I rine J sir,: Wm Sliver Pie c es and Miser Plistad War: of nen dealing. suitable for ABA Watches of all tha American =heroin told and alirw mum. Both Ear and Pendant WLoders mu- Mantis on hand, uwell as a full misty cf the Mom grades of the ttelm Watch, lardading •Ted , mom, Janet. Personatr, and othsrm.• We con parucular attentlon opr To for milAiriod t E l lie Wainhes. To that : , ! ... 71m17 0. 4 .0 hCmg14:tim A; L' 4.0 dat rts of any m 716,1110 WARNER'S PILE REMEDY. • WARNER'I3 PILE HEMEL/T . Wu mute Wed loot even In one easel to can the •1017 Wont C.O. of Blinn, Itching or Bleeding Plies, Those who anp afflicted ehotdd immediately cW on thelr an:Lexie& arid gut WARNER% PILE REMEDY. It Is en. Pmslay far We Mee, and W out recommendid to .y other Illsowe. It has cured many °Mt Of over thirty year, rtanding. nice •1. Fur We by dr.ri ptY everrwbem: myTxrnt JAMES RENO tiZWEN. CONTILICTOII. AND 131711,13Eit. The laying of Stone Pipe Mass Mahn prompUr uentee. e • OFFICE, OS_ and BT 14ANDIJOICY STREET. Resldenee.loll Tremont et.. Allegheny. 1e1te.,16 - .JOSEPH R. HUNTER Merchandize Broker, 250 manmirrsr ernEvrr (Academy of Music Da JeWOO PITTSBURGII. OHEGARAY NETFPUTE, .rk t4ll 0 9 ET IPPT:"' 3 :11 1, 71 ,221plkV.BIVAmbor MI. Thatch le ten fanilly and ls constantly sPoltet . TEM;tustltuta. %Mall-rnln i ! AD42I Os UT4 141 1 41. CHEAP =3 ATOVRA AND _FK 8 178 f 18mn0. ac. az. as P. C. DUPPYII. I I!!! Y • MORNING, JUNE • 30, 1870. NEV ADVERTISRIKENTS. Maiday l June 27, WI SEMPLE'S, PO and led Federal Street, = MANY GOOD BARGAINS, SUCH AB it 7i Cents Full She Lama Shawls, 411EAlf tI!I.IiGAIN AT $l.OO, OLOREI) SILK PARASOLS IMMEMEI • At Mar.; IsouhieWleth Cherie Mohair!.a deci ded bargain. At Itehr, PrirtteS Alimens. At Fast (Mused and Dark Lames, At 125c..44 Machod Muelln, a treat bartaln At 5.0.. Fast Cobred Callous. At 'Mir., Light .istd. Dark Prints. an extra good tentalti. SAler... all the Best Makes of Calicos. 91.00 fur 9 yards Merrimac Chlotses. Cassitiseres.Cottoules and Linen Drill.. • PERCALES AND CIIINTZES VERY CHEAP. *-- tiros Grain Blank Silks, I . l6lllkand Plaid Japuoe Mika. eh ene and Plaid !opinion, Poplins. Lawns, tirensdines kid 'Dummies. At Very Low Prices AS VM. SEMPLE'S, 80 and 182 Federal Street, Allegheny Eil BORNE & CO'S. Clearance Sale of 1-TATS, FLOWERS Millinery Goods, AEASOLS, StN SHADE Large Additions to stock in EMBROIDERIM. LACES ANI, LACK WOOS. GAUZE UNDERWEAR. GENTS' FURNISIUNG GOODL 'HOSIERY. GLOVE. GUIPURE LACES. SA.BII AND BOW ElBBulie SILK AND LINER FANS, At LO'w Prices. NEW GOODS Arriving Daily. 77 AND 79 lIARKET STREET. = WORKMAN & DAVIS SUCCUNT b WORKMAN. MOORE & .. =1 .lEarriages, Buggies,- . SPRING & BUCK WAGONS: 4, 4 fan alidiSZCllMUT4illibel l l .:;;Txv.r=r.l47, m VVo:3l. uri a gl .arrentess idyll . fut on In every iaact , letaitt7•- E r lrrta. ; 1 411 ' roof, rakNlNnittl Pany's mate BAUTINE PATENT aeatISELE. mi 6 i2g.Patent (Nana Stater And 1.-11.1aller Lll. RICHARD DAVIS hawing porebued the In ternet of Alen and Wm. D. Moons, In the Isle arm of WORKMAN, MOORE A CO.. the bosinees wlll Inutetter be continued at the old stand, under the Immo and style of WORKMAN A DAVIS. Orden .al tea. • JOHN O. WORKMAN. '• IL RICHARD DAVID, . - Late with Callous' Nationel Rant. Plindmilds• ILL.& ADArs , SEWER PIPE CO,' and 67 Sandusky St., Allegheny Ilannfectorslghly VITHIYLED WAT6II. AND SEWER PIPE. Deniers In CHIMNEY TOP& FLUES and /IYDSAIILIC CEMENT. - C. G. DicrilILLEN, Agent. HOLMES, BELL & CO. ANCHOR COTTON-MILLS, MannfactOrers of HEAVY MEDIUM .4 LIGHT ANCHOR AND MAGNOLIA Sheeting and Batting GRAND RDOPENING - . NEW GOODS. Shoes, Boots and Gaiters, ENRY PAITLT_TS', No. TIM 0810 AVENUE, ALLNGUSNY CITY 'The undarslimed bas again taken poreploo g.lde. «IR War' kAP Goods as Ire. aawrt as pdtw ssill es, satldattion. IssizmpatrOOS lloo tDa pobllttwrriptlyrinet. STONE WATER PIPES Chimney Tops; HOT AIR fIPHIMNEY FLUES, tie. and fin nanortskent onvlnntly on DWI. HENRY R. COLLINS, 133 SECOND AVILMUS. Fr= Bakeiy,: Confectionery ICE;CR . EAAL The underehror4 l 2.1 1 2 1 tehed_ . wles tb Itaksee:t 4ri n tle from the Perk, .1a! .. tlegmel= i pp i lg a l orders In hie line. rue UP for the esteem n n rare t to itoO oot l 0 at e t r r ir • r tg u rtil i n rd . a e FA piton. The p er. lA. Ile eetrolner. Wit; A. lIHODIRS. LADIES' lIONMO CASE Gold Watches for $25.00 WATTLES SHEAFER' JISWELItY STOELE.IOI FUTII:AVENUE. ar74 tter ll, E(2wMga&.. renaealable DNS A Ili. assortoseca el CLOCKS sad FANG"( GOODS en hand. Please glee le• • c•I L DISSOLIPTION OF CO•PARTNER SHIP. Ibis port...bto berOtaoM eslstlns 0011•000 . ' D. P. Scott and A. L Scott, 1 linden •Mb , b4eikad style of . 1). I'. 'COTT az. SON, • ~,,,,,,,„„,,,,„d 'nutmeg:meet oaths let day of Jme. 11470. L • ' • • . All debts due be Illue ern be bee t o A. .T . . s c at. who .111 Ow the debt. Of the erm . .-- • 'M r ' -.I Prnes t i4.3ll, Jude 17.1870. mai* TN 18 INTION. The .col orer: P ic at i bprN4ll,, b r e lerteir th , " a we e .AL °l 4% 7_,;,..°P401:161 by =eteteest , au tee al est7Tbe treeteese Lietu be eeettneed at the ettl stand xesd au &romp. of the We Ana set tled by WUJI • • Brea- • : -.: L Joyce "WPM' Jetekym . ~• L., ~- Wit. WIZ& • 13=1:=1 = NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Mil WAIL SEMPLE'S, ISO BO Federal Street, 1. • ALLEM:LENT. A I AROF rork TO SELF t T 1111. M IN Hats, Bonnets, AND SL7NDOWNS, rimastow mann heFoundlnylvhcre 11111:11E1 LADIES' AND .HISSES'II ATS, Ribbons and Flowers, Lace Capes and Shttland Shawls, AT VERY LOW PRICES LIGHT Summer Shawls, I= Parasols and Sun umbrellas. LADIES' AND CHILDRENS' RITE AND BROWN SUITS, I= Lilian' White Tucked Shirt,. Leo Collars and Handkerchief,. Lae. and Embroidered Edging.. H.Mer7.olover rind Underwear. At Attractive Prices Wi SEAIITIPLES, 180 and 182 Federal Street, Allegheny Oil a Par with Gold WE NOW OFFER Our New Stock I - DRY GOODS NOTIONS • AT EASTERN PRICES Buylots Aux miirrzu TO Examine our Goods & Prices ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO. 0.115 Wood Street. BUY THE GENUINE, CLARK'S • N . "0 T • " !OM, COTTOT. GEO. A. CLARK , E=l SOLE AO-ENT. Sold Everywhere. 7= • T RIRTIET I I erai-AnnuEtl Report Ot THE DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK 'TAW a l 'e Largest due Depositors, June In, Coral:mg Fund.Jutte 1111.1870 1 Ikget IS =I lean. on Bonds and Movie .9 1 11# Real Estate Stock In Pluaborgh 'Banks win 4 9:0 U. 3.20 Bonds. Ma 0. U. t nant• 1-°°•7881. dris HMG Receivable ' Cash Banks and on hand 1. $11.747.644 34 The undersigned. Auditing Committee, respect , fitly I ritf . por r t t that Dent.thermhjitveramirpnedfilfees.u ., 11.a0.11 r dl t f t t:re tonnit ' ente ' iL•ta ng f m tg; ..nada., of Bond. and Mortgages. ;feeds ot Beal Wage. Gentlest.. of Bank Moe. Me Ve l fr* U . rslx ` lZlVelfogsTak t% Cuff tn Banks and on hand. and waffle to cern:spout gun the above report. C. TRAGER, .1. J. GILLBISPIE. L AudithurCommittee. A. TlNtiLg. PITT matinee. June thh.l 70. The Trustees hare declared a dividend , i of doe &rim wehavrauvaiz. „, z I bear interest froze Ist last. 4 PrlTaurnoa. alit:Mr • Th ril% C. D. ARNEITIIAI. 1.0. AltritITRAL. ==l ARNSTHAL & SON Virginia and Louisville Tobacco.. enc , SEG-ARS Fine Cut Chewing and Smolfog Tobaccos, TM SMITHFIELD STREET IlItIbun;11. toyD.T.S Olrince os' CoN7'itoLLED - ALLEOIDLNY coryrr, DA.. PITVIDORGH. /me 17th. 1570. NOTICE TO C4NTRACTORS.--Beal - PROPOSALS will be received et tide Of ace until ;149th inst., inclusive, for building a new BRIDGE over McLaughlin's Run. on the road loading from the Wastilmrtock Mks to Sodom. In tipper St. Clair toerusblp. Also for main/ • D.. WOODEN STRUCTURE at the Bridge over MU lora Reo, ou the road leading from Weehingtou Plke to Thome, Collltui* Mill, In South Fayette Township. • By direction of County Cointahialoners. fella 0T HENRY LAMBERT,Oolstrollor. co. - -7414:,;*12 Lis.upaz.r. NOTICE -TO CONTRACTORS. ngieled Proposals will be received et this office ,nntil JULY 3, Inclutiva, for baUding . NEW BRIDGE over Robinson's Run, on tbe rout leettUng tram Nteubenvine turnpike to Minors Run Plank Roan. near loan Wetter's mill. Plans and •Petinostions on Do seen en applies. • By tUrectlon of County Commissioners. Imam LAXBISIVr. Controller. =M UMCF. OF TIM Corentotasa or Auwahawr Ciotiterri_PA • Prrnietrade. Jane I*. ItITS. • NOTICE COUNT.Y.ASSEBBOIIB. . Vito Buck. for the Beglatratioa of Voters an now ready for delliren at the office of the Count, Comteleakmen. Rotuma will he Molted within the time prescribed ty law. and no payment will be made welt. the terms ut the law an Ilterallt complied with. • Hy direction of Count! C0.1=1.10.00. r= C. BARNES. Sealer of Weights : and Measures, No. 6 FOURTH AVE, Pittsburgh pm RUBBER DEDTING,IIOI9IC AIND MAY PACKING V* or . sralsrgitrialaVes 'mutat Slaws' prow • - rl.l NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SPEarki, PRICES DRESS GOODS, Lawu~, Organdies, _. TO CLOSE OUT OUR Summer Goods. BELL & MOORHOUSE, iLATE DATES & BELL I 21 Fifth Avenue. ,L,royazaw..g:anct.7o.i To Sewer Contractors! The gewenige Cow Winton of the City et All gheny ore prepa red lINVIVO PrODOSZLII for tb • construction o the follow lag Sewers. with they .PPUrieIIAUCC3. 10100 , . Munbules. Au, Contract -No. L Competing a tient 1030 feet of 4 , feet and about 43511 feet of 3S feet Circular arta Sewer on Jaceoin street. from Beater attest 'reduce Lane. along Pasture Laneto connect with the Weft Common Sewer. • Contract, No. 2. Conierlsing about 680 feet of 1.1-inch Circular avenue.wer on Stockton aconite, from Sherman to connect with the Federal Street Sewer. • Comprising about 550 feet of 1.5.1beh Cireul Pipe Sewer on Ward's Alley, from Fulton street to connect with the Sedgewiek Street Sewer. Contract No. 4. Comprising about 31S1) feet of 23sincti. Circular Pipe Sewer on Burke alley. from the north line of Avertstfeet. to connect with the Washington .Btteet Sewer. Dravrtngs and Sperolmitions can be seen and full Information obtained at thin office. Bids must be enflorved "Sewer Proposals. Con tract 50.1," for 2. ac.,as the case may ho and de livered on or before a. TUESDAY, July S. lint .of Proposals, on which forms alone bids be willr eceived e, will be furnished at this office. The COMIIIISSIOti do not bind themselves to ac cept the lowest or toy hid. Be order of the COMEelentoll. CHARLES DAVIS, SPECTACLES. THE EYE. Dr. FItANKS.. the celebrated Lecturer on the Bee, and Manufacturer of l'atfnt and latiameed Spectacle., has returned to Pittsburgh, and Is now at the ST. CLAIR ROTEL, where he adjusts his fm-famed Spectacles to deficits . e vision from . eamination of the eye alinse m Ma. cenallY well by day ea by artificial light without fatigue. from 13 to 2.5 years. W.F.-Maybe professlomllY consulted un all Ramses of the num. Emend bas a large stock of his Spectacles and Rye Blames fur We. About 4.000 pairs a them Sfectscle• were mid on Do. Frank. last visit In the space of three' months, String the molt entire satisfaction to all, vs the medical gentlemen and elttmus of Pittsbergh Immo by certificate testified. ' Be particular and eirquireat the Ladles' entrance on Penn street for Dr. Franks offthe. RODM 99 (MCI. Rotel. • • apl.thmflt T. T. T. •. Trego's Teaberry Toothwash. Is Um must pleasant, chestiest and best trilbies extant. • Warranted free Dom injurious Ingredle to. It preserves and whitens tho Teeth I • in . aitgls . is d and otaeltga= RZTlM. 2 l l :'A 3 .4,l2:rrreih Is a superior article for Children. nreittlM.fr 11va..411,1434t0pta.. Tor ssde Or all DraMrist. J.Z.TTuI B. M. MeCOW/LN i R nfesovrx BOULEYARD FIFERS, Pave Sidewalks,Cellars, Inside Yards, I Drives, &c. WARRANTED AGAINST CILANOES OF IIEAT AND COLD. Orders lett at GAztrisOfilee.orlat.39 FEDERAL STREET Alleshour.promoDT .41..d..11.. .. VT ' At! . Il y a= ' Aree to A. L aV. `b orr b .eigi: _ il, an . • . „MT ".16,2115 STRAWBER Y Baskets and Cr tes, dlr ° IN STORE ur 111 MOST PPROVED I ' . 7.7(7. W. 1 TK.N i OX, 137 liberty • Street, Oittsburg' It, • Pa. • .1 1 . 42,! ) .r i=u4 BanketeAt Fact.or ' y Prier. I=l AI ARSHALL'S ELIXIR. MAsensixis Eux.na WILL ccks lirarautcaz MARAIIIALL'S ALtl¢ll WILL MAT. DTISPLIVIA. 11.1.813.41. 1 :1 1 L'llLTt WILD of Marsbaln. 1110.161 x. 61.00 P= l". Price L 1301 bilarlat atrea6. 11.1URSHALL 6 F . OrWe, VAlAesartatetall, by GEORGE A. KELLY, PltUtAk I fe4:M-ITM .52,747.69'3 34 It= WM. KREBS, ICE DEALER, 3sl River Ave., Allegheny CO., NstArwrixrunxits or C O N .s NELL SyILLE COKE. At their Mines, Broad Ford, P. hC. B. k Office, 142 WATER STREET, 881 P TO ALL POLNTS BY RAILROAD, And Deliver in the City. OscarF.Laim&Co. Youghiogheny. and Anthracite Coal rrrrstunton. PAL. OFFICE : ROOM No. i t Welk Building. worth,n respectrally maenad. ar.10•14 COAL! COAL! PitB+.3acl YOUGHIOGHENY GAS COAL CO , Ttds Company are now , prepared lo foraleh the beet Coal °fear else or quantity, AT TAMMUZ. Mike end Yard erljolnlng the Cotutellsville IWl roed Depot, foot of VI Street. Plttabstrih. Orders aelerened to either Woes. West Newton, or to Vert% WI be promPtlY etblothed Charles H. Armstrong, Youghiogheny and Connellsville Coal, And Itionfeetarer of COAL. BLACK .AND DESULPIILIRLUD COKE. OPTICS AND YARD. *mar Retlerend Mouton street.. Liberty and Clymer streets. Moth ward; 'she. Hewed street. Elfitah went and at foot • of liDes street, P. • C- IL L Depot. Sewed ennt. Orders left at either of the abase oinces, or Ed • droned to we through Plttsennett P. o.o,lllreeels Co ß .. e M W B .: SFI I .TrortrOMITL ' Uh er.W W : ib lin• a h 84000S11100 inlooll Groff Mt O& le& Medley, Park. Bro. & Co.. Park. y & Co.. Rave. Graff et Ds% Wro. M. neer t n al i d it a z 2 /1 •111 1, H. 's R. ICPennartZds lIENRY LAMBERT mm: 'C - oif ►:!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO, • MED No. 567 Liberty strt!,et. ors• lidotolmirry CityFLOOR Flour It= escoro . itunria# votoirionalrenlifts. I° 2 4""t rotrirtilatioltoi.ocaddromoll o _ lluisii ttio wILI be otteadoll to PoNoriff• CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, & Wash Poplins, Contract No. 3 EM=I ,!~ ..:. kIItiUVAMMMI OV CONNELLMLE COKE, Havtrd nanond 111.14 . s to CHEAP CARPETS. Superior Ingrains,: e 1 .on rEtt TAltv COMMON CARPETS, 30 TOl3 CENTS. I'ER YARD. NI:CA LIATM BROS., 51 Filth .3yenue i===2l BARGAINS' CARPETS CAN tam HE RAID Al M'Farland &Collins 71 AND 73 FIFTH A'Vl. Thor are tailed steel. and will dew not tinny of the best Brussels and Ingrains, At lees than Stet tolit. CAB soon sod get the tholes. CARPETS. SPRING STOCK. Fine, Medium and Common CdRPETS Our Stock Is the largest trt4ave ever offered to the trade. Bovard, Rose & co., b %l FIFTH AVENUE CARPET. New Rooms! New Goods! NEW PRICES! . We have tenternreted the operant of us? Net Booms wlth the I= C.II?PETS Ever Offered in this Market. LOWEST PRICES SINCE 1861 OLIVER )11cCLINTOCK & CO., 23 Filth Avenue. UPHOLSTERERS. Msanfacterees of SPRING. SLUR sad FMIdE MATTRESSES. Feather Berton exAWass. Church Cushions. Cornice Mouldlnn sad all Idols of Upholsry -work. AnO: dllalors In Window STA t e Cles,.Raff. Gress sad Mate Hollsads.Cords. TauslAA. PYLICEdaIt Monitors Is sleep biot a:A stp, slowing sad bin , , alLertuirllkad7lft.r. _ which lOU can tee aesuied that L 21.101020 afe Pre eereed and the goods thoronsidy freed from all Pest 04 Teruel. The mice trea l eerdef boa reo liZtl a rednit:g =1 eiLlltKaa ROBERTS, NICHOLSON k THOMPSON. = Steam Carpet Beating Estabittluncal, NO. 127 WOOD STREET, =ll=ll3 CARPET CHAIN Of all Colbrs, ON'IIANDAND FOR BALE AT ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, - .03. - Allegheny City. „ 100 WOOD STREET IMII=EI ad arilka `and (3-1 A INLVER PLATED 000DP.DIN Eft AND TEA SETS. TEA TRAY W4l ANDCDTLENT. P 4 I I Tt, ~ ,ti N trgirePolEs 44 1 R. E. BREED & Pet, * , 100 IV-60b3IREET. REYNOLDS STEEN 1 & CO, 124 Wood Str.et Importers awl INstilers I FRENCH, 1:111!“. FINI.:111 LDS AND Qtteells:vara usortment et tle ESTABLISHED 1828. Mar llLlGllr....uinarr MOOT.\.; c O/11'. dirf RIGBY, CUST ' CO., No. 189 Liberty St., wh a ,&4lVcruAtkitrairfat sit Jobavide rirtention of a ...Lai. - :ods in UM above Ilse la directed to our Stoo, tamorted Madan trom Ike best Enrometo markets, and sag ant acne madam a' treat add dearabla lot of Use ame &bora DR. LWRIA. ITHIR cVNALIMU...O TO TREAT ALL PILITATII DISPIAt SP:9, tklObfita to 01l Its ion., all ortnarj dleeerbe 6,,...m sod the elects 14 mercury are of lady cradles: WU Spenestorrhoo or Seabed el and la. potatia:_nOnaltloi Irmo Wl•obuto other M. me wales prOdsee owns of the 1 looter ~la sa blanche* bodily looltore... ton. COO. " intioptiOn. minion to ttwactf. unman 1101A111•41 gr.trtja==s4.ll.ert7. Doe. sal gram ea to router braz==ea and therefore optuelent, sta olonordl Persons wilttotodwltb Wow or on otr yotitor Intitcole of long standing oonstltutlatasd= l'b r grig2•ll:= f: Ft be nay r.... WU.. =t4):=C. 016L11417411 j .V.Vlta lr =. mad =trarattl:nett. Oita !be great. i :Ott Mots. • . , , • • It la otilt.nldeot toot a phytkiso wit° htmoolfow:Ml.olr to tho study of a ear= of dleeneen sod treats 00..0 Of awe ever= mu . must acqutal greeter anti to that wale/. tri. uto tattfWaril=". breast of pylar taser. fell export Rob reversal .larki A Wrote Masse. that am be eat to.• et or W for two M.P.. to otottOO ow , ' tr=o 000tattn. instruction to then . • Wan to deteettdoo the . precise are th rielta ' Whth . iearait elheaspitiom It rah Wimp sodcony moot to ellglittrjr.sirjr , tber cos kn can tia4 eta btalued be foresree4 r erprea, Le Dome rei.howerer. In personal totwolnattoo la .." *"." ,0.1, e". 00tt " ACT? ecototo dn" Pe' = Of • ottiont• OM oAt 4 . r at rtarto coatattled with tiv t =l JD writa7 Mar oaCtkooir t=.71.11 =WM* 4=jell u Z ioa l/O.IIIIaLTIVVZ P O be for arostampe. Novenae...whr wog ears. abersl3l4,e. K. to r. 4=1;t4r91,114:11;14:11:."' Obts Eastmn Whits LIR • at N a b by Toledo / Q M ==!