THE DAILY GAZETTE PIIBLISIMI) BY - .PENNIMAN REED & CO ') Corner Sixth Ave. and Smithfield St. B. PE? XlbtAte, .1031/AR JUNG, 'T. P. ROLDITOX, • X. P. REED, Put.rt!dui AND rgopntrrolut = fly Mail. per Deliver.] by tauter. per week: 1 HE DAILY GAZETTE ' GENERALITIES. . --e-- Ctd.rßso anproaches Buddhism.. . B oorot e i s to ti a .,, a great public park • MAR.PER'n FERRY in poly a summer . 'resort. . . • Erflorgason CERVIX'S '''' health • im. prove.. . • CRERen, the artist, is seriously. ill iu New York. ' . ... 'fez fish deedre of tioeron are to have an exchange.: i pd A FOLORRD 'Therein exists inJack• men, Louisiana. Lariat is said to he the Black. wood critic of Latin' Ir. CHANEL the celestial Denali, his gone ' bark to his flowery home. • NEGROES and Indiana are allowed to be. come Free Mason, in lowa, EIGHTY-NINE. Marriage lleensen were loosed last week in Chicagei. JEFF DAVIS Is under the impression that he Is not writing a novel. ' Tams is no yellow fever fill yet in Dal ., veaton, lout water is very scarce. . AERERMAXX being bald is objected to by good copperhead Republicans. • . Truoinv Ttlro3ll3'S country seat is painted brilliant red.Witli huff trimmings. THE sisters of iiottschalk are to come out in coneerts in this country next sea . .lini.tiv:v & Lewes mbistrels have con. eluded their tour and are bark in New York. , . A FEMALE trmiwnine.• lerturur oeet, plea Beaten Common every evening title week. • .'fangs: million pounds of quicksilver 'ant produced- annually by the California • mlnee t. • NEW ORLEAria is supplied with fresh ~ meat now, slaughtered and prepared in Texas. ' • Eighty-three thousand violent cientlis occurred last year in merry England and ' Wide,. MLLMONP of young shad are toeing raised in breeding lenes in the Connecrt. cut river. • . Tuoludi & Towitagfto's '-atom is fnciory on Wood 'street, Philadelphla.was burned ' on Sunday morning. . A tisvivs: Pmtesuun movement ix the . latest thing in that e land of all sorts of movementa—Mexien. , into said that a small neat cottage . at Newport ran be rented now for five hon.' tired dollars a week, . A' FAMILY at Sarahavo lie. Ohio, have been attacked by Triehina.• and ore thought to IMP dying, IF lightning rode and t-iceinatlon are of ' no account; what becomts of Doctors Franklin and Jenne'.? • A SENDAI' SCHOOL superintendent. nam ed Beech has left Vernon, Ct., with $3,000 drawn on forged paper. • . . TEN thousand dollars is the inducinent for a man to leap front the Ximpennion Bridge at Niagara Falls. - IT was a fancy shot mode by a Norwich bllllardist, the other day, when he . killed a mad - clog with his cue. ; (Ito, WASIII.NOTOX ha* been sent to prison for three ;Sears, by a 'Missouri judge, for stealing nine hogs. TrtkwE were 131 deaths in Baltimore . 'last week, and exactly the name number ' during the name week last'year. TILE AVortairtaters -Vedic& and . 4 iurgirsi Journalls the name of anew paper start .. etlinfh. , ,Pattlloy.Dr.Alex • -j • Norte —. .4 . ..t1 laxA t . I.ltOlVsi 0,1:11011 al the., ''''' dialtbriiret a gui paper alone prevents him from challenging Hugh Mating,. . IN nine weeks preceding the 2.lth inst., 90,000,000 feet of lumber have been rafted above La Crease and run down the river . MORE Christians have become Jews ' than Jew, Christians, in Austria, since ', such a change of opinion has been legal. THE Czar, It Is said,lum requested Si. ' ion Ilatimelon• to come and mike St. Petersburg as fine a city as he has , made Paris. TEXAS boasts of a servant of the -mother of ',George Washington. The wet nurse of his grandfather seems. slow iit turning an. i ANY/ OXF. !who winlimi to escape jury duty can do "why removing to Richmond county, Georgia, and becoming a profes. aiceuil gambler. 1 Bitunvud.c, ills., has more than two hundred German sparrow's, which are said Usbe very went indeed In destroying worme . and hugs. <\ i. A MAX - man named Baird, who' claims ' \to have seventeen degrees In freemason. \ now lecturing' against the order in Whiteaide county, 111. , ' A norm: poisoning came has agitated : :San Francisco until the Conk explains the mystery by showing that he didn't keep • • his brass ketTles clean. ,', Two youngmaidens in Hamilton, N. H.; - and one old one in Portsmouth have gone • clean daft through religious . eticitement, . .brought on by a revival. - : ' -- Tat- Mecca pilgrims _have been very' . '. numerous and sue:candid this year, and' 'all the traders who actompanled their • caravan, have made motley. 'A JEALOCS St. Lolliri youth the other threw stones at his sucrensful rival as le was entering the church to be married to the lady whom both loved,. , A COMPANY, largely composed of for eign capitations, is getting up a steamship line between Sydney and Han Francisco, to make the passage in 21 dap.. THE latest about Fiske Is that be has -sent Maretzek to - Europe to engage Schneider to- play at the • (hand Opera Bones, and Offenbach to lead the °Mies. ta . , . . OEO. ANDREWS, In an argument with a/ friend named Davie in :Mantle! counts, - Miss., on the loth, was victorious through ' the aid of a revolver, and Darts will argue no more. . A LITTLE three year old girl named - Alice Keppel woo run overjoy a street car in Philadelphia on Sunday and killed An 'argument against' running the horse tars • on Sanctity. THE Res: . Dr. Osborne, of. Nashville, Tennessee. while lecturing on temperance and In behalf of the Tennessee. Asylum for Inebrtakes, at Chattanooga 'got drunk and has heel deposed, ..,- Ica lows, while excavations were going • .on for the cellar of a new church. a Taints ble.veln of Iron ore was . attack, and now that Congregation is trying to put op with its old bullaUng a while: longer. Arl ingenious' fellow In the lockup at •31kidleton tried to climbing out the chimney_ , There was a ventilator on 'top, and whetrbe got his - head through be stuck until pulled down by the legs.• DENNIS Scum, . Sheriff of Nueceof county, Texas, was killed on thel3th, In', an attempt to arrest a desperado named Thomas Burke. Blake bad fled towards : Mexico, hot was perfumed ,hy Kelly's friends. . Mrctt of the eocalled Ball Ring oil • about' the disposal:of which there was so much anxiety' felt, will probably be paid, for by the Insurance companies , as. a great 'malty of It was Verne& In the fire of TTuesday- Micnara, Pint aged six months died suddenly In pidladolphia, while e, battle was : raging' between his - grand-parents. The result of the battle was the one kill ed and two othere-4he grand•parenta— . 'ln INDIANA 'a 'Southern woman with 'stacks of greenback'," Is buying horses and 'mules .for an &whim •'market In Jukes.° end' adjacent mantles, She Is Sahib) be an excellent jadirsof stock, and ' . A-Dnicitt of being chased losa make ' ceased a traveling California 2 toAlve headforetreatt mat of the window'. of 'a sleeping - ear: running at the rate of twenty - five: — Mlles an hour.. _ He was .. picked up unhurt. - flow. Navaftaften,'ilf Lower California, has a son seven years old, and the latter lately, as godfather, held up &tithe bapthe Mal font an Infant who is his grand-tutele . ;7 . . - , . k ' . I I 11 1 * • , . ... . ... • - .1. 1 11-_. .t, ' - 1,11 lit L,_,li . lbtenirgh, (V I 11 itztAtt., , 4 ..., „...,__, ~. , ! • . , , , ,___ I , STABI.I . SIIED IN 1786. s*ao I.s that is, the. brother It his grandmother. The grandfather of the hop and also the father of the child were present on the occasion. A RERIOCFC shooting affray occurred in Brandon, Mine., on the 13th of June, be tween Thomas H. Johnson and A. I. At maker. in which both were seriously wounded, and It was thought - neither of the partierrsvnuld recover. 'rug Crispin of North Adams and other placer in Massarliumetts, finding it Impos. siblo to `reconcile their differences with their former employers, propose to form a cooperative corporation and conduct torsi ! mss on their own account. Dn. Fos - rr.n, editor ofj' the Duluth itiii ticsofion, published an /attack upon the gambling hells of that town the other day, and wan pounded until he became In. sensible an incensed. citizen of the l•bon hued lower limb variety. A wiznosksk lamp explosion occurred recently at Rocky Mount, North Carolina setting tire to a blanket, which was has. thy thrown out of the winddw; It turned out, however, that a baby was wrapped up in the. blanket, and died of the fall. ITALIAN" j0111119.1s report a discourse al leged to• have been delivered by. Mgr. Amulet, Archbishop of Catania • in which -that prelate clothes a letter from the Vir gin Mary to the inhabi ants of. Messina, upholding the dogma of infallibility. This thought that the' frightful t o o- sioffat Worcester. on Thursday last. was caused by dualinti; a terrible • compouria manufactured' by a German named Carl Ditmar, who established an extensive fac tory at NortleQuiney about n year ago. A LUNATIC in a New England town was discovered one day last week nr the grave of hi, father in the cemetery, having dug to the eollln. !le had the lid open. and was rolling on the old man to got tip. tel. ling him he had lain there look enough. Taw largest train of freight that ever reached. St. Louis on either of the rail. roads centering in that city. arrived there one day lam week, over the Irma Mountain - Railroad. It consisted of 10$ cars loaded with iron ore, and was drawn by . one en gine. CARL H. WALLON, who recently from mitted suicide in Woodlawn Cemetery. near Boston. left a note declaring that "as the garden he had laid not had been de. vastated by the chickens .of his son, he wan tired of life and was going to meet his beloved wife." Joux TERRELL and \ Van. Terrell, re siding in Limestone county Ala.. wen• arrested and taken to Huntsville on the illth, charged with belonging to a hand of disguised men who have been engaged in abusing negroes and others in Lime- Atone and Slidison counties. x no country in the world is miulterey so severely dealt with no in. China. A ar: tied woman near Shanghai m recently had formed a. guilty alliance, and connived at the murder of her husband by her lover. The crime wan dlvered and the woman nailed at full length . on her husband's coffin and left to die. newspaper maligns the ad ministration, advocates party bolts, talks about corruption and gives other evident signs of having tried to be brought up by the powers that 10, and failed, the regular Democratic papers begin to pinto co pieusly from its columns and always credit them the same way--thus for in stance [From the Pittsburgh rommereial —Rathral. InorEoisvkx.v after a Parisian wedding the perm usually retire to the Suhurbit, where the:note is celebrated. It Is rarely that the Custorna' officer,' at the barriera examine the carriages of such merry makers, but an ungallant official found re eently under the seat of the bride a lot of smuggled brandy, and it was discovered lire MIME, dower and,Valmiciennes ad long been 11,1,1 •7., glsalgr....' A SPlcxx man In Alexandria. Vs., thG other evening bade Lis wife and children tellingthem that he was going to kill himself. Ile .then jumped into the well of an old ice-Louse in that locality, hut crawled nut through - a dry drain that opened on the side of a kill near hy, and watched with delight the efforts of a large crowd which noon collected to fis hint out of the water at the In ttnni of the Tin: Portage Lake Mining fhl :et te of June 28, hostile following copper. mining news,. Tha ;:May product of the National Mine was 11l tons 586 pounds. Mine work at the Cliff Mine has been sus pended, and the work of removing under ground machinery, Sr., is to commence. The montlia product is 11.1 to 100 tons. The well.known Manganese vein, at Cop. ner Ilarboi, has lately been reopened on the Clark iroperty, with a large exhibit. Ir there is any good omen to be drawn from happy conjunctions of auggestlve. names, says a Philadelphia paper, Mr. Samuel J .114.1,4111 must bok to Ida laurels In the First L'ongreibdonal District. Last time he ran against Mr, Berry,and the re. salt 'Mowed that things. were not quite ripe - fora Republican 'gimes,. But now Mr. Markel is in tLFBrTf . Against and a combination as the lluekellierry move ment, Mr: Randall does not stand a glimd Of a chance. Tot: principal product of Styria in iron." A tradition of long standing among the natives relates that 'when the Barbarians from the regions north .of the Danube drove the Romano • fronittyria, the Demi. as of the Mountairui apimared to the cm, gnerom, and said: “.Tiike your choice; will you hate gold mines for a yrar, silver for twenty years, or iron forever!" The wise ancestors of the Styrians, who hail just begun to appreciate the relative value of the precious metals. at once decided to BP ,pt Iron forever. TitEl.lE is pmmlsr of a lively tinte In the fishing intermillong the v-ast of Maine, an the season winking menhaden approaches, The owners of nets ores...ek ing to hare the State law enforced which prohibits seining within three; miles. of /shore, while the setbere, who have exten sive works along the coast, do not propose to abandon them without a contest. They deny the power of the Legislature to re, strict/the 11Fe of the coast fisheries, which, they contend, are solely witithi, the juris diction.of Congress, and will teat the con stitutionality of the statute, with Onneral Butlevas corinser' Ilizatrin:4, Wan, a .untlatto woman, was residing in - Cincinnati, in 1835, as zi free woman. A inaggjuned Ward and a woman named Boyd abducted her from Cincinnati to Kentucky: where abe was held as a slave seiteml months, was then sold to a Mississikti and finally toe Ten as planter. She worked in Texas for fifteen years as a common field ham! until emancipated by ,President Lincoln. She has brought snit* against Ward and the woman 1303 d for.Vo,ooo, an the value of her Cervices for the fifttion - years shetwas deprived of her liberty. If her case 'is correctly reported, we trust she will re cover every cent of It. . . Sanntuay last Aran a fatal day in Loidsville. Mr. C.ll. W'nhl fell off 'the front platform of a car, which ran over his hips and, killed him. This may be set down u another instance of the mel aucholly ella•cts of abstinence. from drink. Mr. VI ahl had been a great drunkard, but for several days had 'MOM CC " WhiCh 110 unstrung his nerves that this fatal fall was the result. On the same day Mr. Alex, (inner° rose very early in the morning and went to the cemetery, to sprinkle the doWers on his daughter's grave. -It is supposed he was seised with iapaplexma o s f wa w e e , found wi T th h i his sh instance of the calamitous effects of early rising, as if the hour had been later some aid would probably have come to the un fortunate victim of a double death. On the same day John Crouse, aged accent), two and tired of life, took, morphine, wrote s a farewell letter to his wife, and then sat down and soothed Ida last mm ments with a pipe, with which in his mouth, upon which- rested a smile; testi fying to the excellence of the tobacco, hie lifeless clay was found next morning. On Friday Mr..C. Mirth, troubled about his business, went head foremost into the river, and ons Saturday the coroner's jury rendered a verdict in accordance with the facts. Also, on Saturday, a small colored boy, six yeersold,overome by the weight of theliteratunStif- the period, as con tained in • heavy hook case , which be pulled over himself, departed this life. ► QUESTION OF VERACITY [Prom the Sunday Dispatch, June nab.] We understand t h at there is a little "ow pleasantnesn" in the Nottnercia/ oilier arising from the course of the paper in indorsing the Third Party movement, and the failure of the olockliolders of late to realize anything from their • inveniment. As report goes, a number of the stock holders repudiated altogether the action of Mr. Brigham in identifying the paper with the new movement, while,an regal-tin the business management of the oflice, it in charged that It is non-paying because it Is the interest of Its managers to keep it so, in order to tire nut the outside stock holdene, and force them,. it were, to port with their stock at figures to suit the pur pose of Brigham. Thompson & Co. As showing how the matter Mends it is re ported that' a short time ago Mr Brigham had an Interview with One of the 'stock holdera, a well known business man of the city. whose name we can supply when required, and proposed to buy his stock from him: The gentlemen replied be hadn't thought of selling, hut asked him what he would glee. for it. Brigham re plied .ttrt 00 per share, providing he would take it out in advertising. etc. The gentleman, ! who knows mere about the newspaper business than Messrs. Brighani and Thompson put together, having a tolerably fair Idea of the 4 trame" in hand, told the. dormer that. he would rather buy than sell on The tenon' pro posed, anti to show - how little faith. Ile had in the oorrectness of Mr: estinike of the value of the stock, he all .red to purchase nil the latter had in the paper at sloo 00 per share, cash down' Ilere was a trap that Brother B. did not calm late nism 4 ,hui without going into the de. tails of la explanation why Ate paper was not making mom,. or, if making money, why the mockluilderte did not get pull at the profits, spfllce•lt to say that. 'though very minions to buy at s2.'i 00 he declined selling at.4100.06--a fart which helped to open the other's eyes to the game tieing played 1k the "Ring. - and the futility of expecting any return front his stock so long an the present clique hold a controlling interest in the paper. The present difrerkwes:are likely to develop something more In this matter than we care to rate ,. juo n tins, for we must not anticipate, and will possess ourselves in tedienee till the denimement is readied, be it through the court,. or otherwise. [Faun the Commercial, June tr:t h. I Til •is not a parti.•le of truth in What the ItMy Dioratch prints concerning the .atnagement of the Con,hi r reid in connection ' with the True Republican Movement. Front I,thpatehlone • • l'utf.aDElTHis , June 28,—.My attention Lee jour bean directed to an obscure par agraph In the COW mercial affecting to deny the truth of an article in the .son day Divatelt touching tire dissatinfaction of the Commercial stockholders with the business management of that Paper, and exposing the scherite of Brigham, Chomp non 1 C'n.'s ring to get control of tire stock of the concern at a price less than half its par value, and leas thatt_one fourth the value placed upon it by the members'of the ring them...lies Not having an opportunity to reply at length, Will here simply- state that every word in the article alluded to was true Mr. Brigham did try to get n certain number of the shares of the Stock at twenty live dollars per share, to be taken out in vertb'tng, while he refused one hundred dollars* share cash for his own stock from the same pany xrlintn he thought to wheedle into gelling, lint the game wouldn't work and Ire didn't get the stock. That there may he no mistake about the master. I any state without any breach. of. confidencSSn that the party over whose eyes he tiled to draw the wool .AS lien' Singerly. State Printer, from whom 1 as... self bad the statement, with the addi tional remark that Air. Brighatti said Ow stockholders would bare to wait a long time hvhi, the could get ant thing ow "(the concern. - In other woras, he inti . - toted pretty 'dearly that the programme laid down by the ring to Aerial . .. the stork for thenottelve, at 0 totetilice to the 4 r , trli , era, was to make the istockholders nick of their inVestment, mull thins in a measure force th tin to ' , AI at any figure the ring night choose to buy at. These are the >lain facts, end however the rOlhltilr 111 managers may squirm at the ens - wore they Cannot be contrailletedJ- E2I! 17 of tkelnoii In I.lllabnzgh . , It is • 'significant fact that whether the , timer Is stood or whether they 1,. • bad. the tel of the Steinway Pianos are atelidlly a tit.. increase. These Matra merits re in a fair way to als...rls and swallow 111 flue 4.ltilk of the piano I mile of the e untry. During the war any rat tie box n the shape of a piano found ready let P. Not um to-day, people who buy now a liars want the best, full Talue received. or their m?ney. and ' hen, the areat•preference for. the Steinway menu. facture. ' Arnongiho many mod during theptud week ort4ci we find the follow. Mg.: J mph Dilworth, Eaq., a concert grand; ter. James It. Mendenhall. of Waal:tin on. Pa., a Steinway upright; i Sbiters r f Mercy, St. Aloptitur Academy. Loretto. Steinway Square grand; clarion, Ackenh 11, civil engineer, • Steinway "'Pam; hilip Mertz, EN.. a - Steinway square ; oisepit Abel, f..:sti., a Steinway *past; sines Hepburn, Kay., 111.eeling. a Stein ay ruptare M. 1.. Dillon. Esq., a Steinwa Pqaari.; Mrs. Wm. Nicol, Mc. Iceetipo , a Steinway square: A. t . '. Have. Beci., a . teinway equate, and mans' others. all of w ich were purchased at..the Piano warn • of Ifentant. ff. Heber .t. Bro., who a the exeltielve and wholesale agents r the Steinway manufacture for Wean , Pennavlcania. Eastern iali in and North.w.atern Virginia, . . . on for Oct ions When you nee eightf Team old. I,I W I tender, you way eollloquitie after thin &Allow "1 Lase become very &at. Wheat a bleasing! There in such a lot of silly talk I cannot hear—anele scandain, etc. '•Mfy. eye. 'are failing: How fortunate ! I do not see a tithe of the folly and wick.. educes that be gulag on around me. f am blind to faults that would provoke me to censure. '.' • . . . . "I have lost my teeth, and my voice to not very laudable. Well, I find' it is no cms babbling to folks who won't listen, so I save my breath for .better purposes. I don't above my teeth where I can't bite.. I venture on no tough meat. "My tame is not no diScriminating as of yore; atm the good it that I AID the more easily . satisfied don't keep" finding fault, am contented and thankful. A nice palate in u plage I have got rid of. "My Jo u ints are rather stiff. Well, if they were ever so supple, I do not want to go to see the sights, hear concerts make' speeches, nor carouse at least. am not so strong as I won; but for what do I need to be stout? lam not go ing to wrestle or fight with anybody:. My morals are generally. improved. • .My brain is not so clear as •in my younger daps, therefore I am neither so hot-beaded nor opinionated. I forget a thousand Injuries. • Coos-lass Hall, Cape May. Those who bare visited Cape May this season gointo ecstacies over the elegance and general good arrangements of the pa. habil "Convene Hall" hotel at Cape May, N. J., which is presided over by Mr. J. F. Cake This mammoth new resort opened on June let, and erected on the site of the old homelike structure, has capacity to or. commodate In the very best manner a re. giment of guests.' it Is palatial in its ap- Perntmcnts, furnished throughout in the. most elegant and comfortable manlier. Already a large number of guests for the season have taken rooms, and society there this season will be of the very high est order. Mr. Cake, the genial host, who by the way is largely spoken of as; a candi date for Congress In the Pleat New Jet.. sey District, carefully looks after the corn. fort and enjoyment of his guests and Is ably assisted by the old corps of clerks, whose politeness and attention made In past seasons Congress Hall so popular and pleasant. FIRST OMR MIDNIGHT. MAST CONGRESS. =ll=lll SENATE: The Tax-Tadff Bill Still Under Consideration. nousE: Sen ate Business Consideral—Uonferenee Renart as the CurrarY Rill Re• jeeted. Mt-Telegraph to the Pittgilergb illvette.l IVANRINGIVN. 3. , ne 29, MEM Mr. till EItNLNN prevented a memorial upon the Imprirtnnce of fnakiti oral rlPProPrint lon for he &minille copal mcordini 10 the en xineer'n estimates. Itehreed to Committee on Commerce. Mr. Cameron', motbo to reconsider the Texas Pacific. Railroad bill WOO defeated -15 to 11.• Mr. MCP- (or Mr. litrnlaw. lot roduced Lill to divide the Staten( TenneuseeJoto two Judicial District. The bill to authorise the Kunst' Pacific Railroad to extend Its railway and telegraph lines to El Paso, New Mexisaaiwn ,ooo sinewd• Mr. DRAKE moved a subst It ate. Orlon the expiration of the morning hour. the nlll (Vol laid over. Ind the tax-tariff bill proceeded with. The following provisions relating to Imo ranee cowponies wen inserted on recommen dation of I he Finance Committee: And the tax upon dlvidenft of insurance companies Shull not Se deemed due untirsoch dividends are paysble either in. money or herwiu. and toner returned by nat.! in surance companies to t heir policy holder•, and mutual or send-am:mai interest allowed or paid I o depositors In raying" banks or raring paid uhall not be considered as dill dends. The pitmgraiit tusking the duty nu hitutnin -01 mat and ally gents per ton of t went , ait loratels. eighty pounds to the bushel tax debated and mimed— IS In 11, the ratereamng as under the uresent late. The recoultuendationsaf the Committee spe cifying the fullowtog duties were agreed to: On rough or unfinished grindstone% one dol hr and a Italf.and an foliated grind stones two . tiOlidni per Um. • On free cloun sand stone, granite and all building ur morwnent al stone, except marble, one dollar per ton. On all sawed, divots 'or pOilothed atiti• thirty per colt. oil Inform, and In addition t wenty-tlve cents per superficial square foot not exceeding two inches. in thiekne4i, ten cent. per fag in addition to above te for each inch in excess of t wo inches in thiraness: rill over six inches to be subjected to t he duty note Unposed upon marble block.. On halt cloth. known as hair seating. torte rents per aqaare card. On all ot tier manufactures of hair thirty per cent. sulr.l4llSol. nudism dyes and Ooton fifty cony. per yonuld and hirto-tire per cent nd nrdorrtn. on %mums and dreas ornament.. of which silk I' the main -pan and no scoot or worsted. . Ilft v 1.-er c oif. na.)rtm. sllieLet at ooda or other alkolhd slliciot I one-half ctut per pound., On pordnq Into - uuds of tat detleripi {Mt 11.1rts , 11r, per cent. of rd/orr.o. (In nlet,ol twenty-tkroo cents per pound. On niriel of Ide• nod alloy of nickel with • copper Jiteen centS per PoUnd• Uo Ilse nuitools t wents•dre per cent. tot In birrto- freeluipartitioas for Itressdlos: pur poses to be limited to countries beyond to sea so tint to emend to Canada and Mexico. The Committee recommended the striking out of inere.e of duly by t he {louse on lin seed nail Use,. MU to thin* cents per gal -1 on.. Mr. tilll'Atkl A ts: said he disagreed with the rajority of thee...tee .4 ad, °cited the etention of the rule Axed by t he House. Mr. YARD and others opposed the pro posed rat t. is exersalie Increase upon an Or ticle of common houtehold use. . . The , enate • refu,rd to Millie nut the tn. Creaked rate. Yea. 1.. .2)11 %. The Pante-m.lm, mettle the du ties ow hemp reed. rope seed and other mi aeed...! emeept linseed Or tinned, ontolinif cent per pound. on the hatter twenty omit: lii !raging of Elf:Tele pounds weight. on melgaltle reed and cotton seeds thirty trots Per ration. on aertuoe Peen ten per cent. ad ralorcm, which the committee atm propoye.l In strikeout, were retained in the bill. Thrt amendments to retain the of r.. 50 per (mend on opium nod to the duty on emoting °Motu to :la doilies per ton were inured to. Si.rphia Rlll. all NMIla of morphia! lot PTV Mal preariii . The nitteintnients to strike front lb, Itee :Ist ciaatte sail . sultihurie acid and roes id crude sulphurlte ut antismog's. were w t .,* 5... The amendment to strike front the fee, tint honk...maps and charts specially Imported In •Insle copies and not for rile. tit which no edition% are printed In the rnlted States. was reed. ' Mr. SCNINEII epp.mot the linendment. re cording the did on books n. a tax on knowl edge. He was In favor of five trade In books: Mr. FM FABIAN mated, as the unanimous opinion of the timer,. Committer, that al though the public IllintriN and educational institutions bad his privilege under the law now. it would not be prudent to extend It In discrinshatcly. In 'view of the facilities for frond to. follow. The rountry wanid he iloOded. with foreign hooka at a less rate than American books. to the injury and possible rain of our own trade. lie read letter. m erited by the committee from Appleton & CO.. Harper & Bros., and' other lending Pub lishers. remonstrating against ale Provichih. The amendment was agreed to-peas 27.. nays:2l_ At four o'clock the Senate went Into execu• tire session:and subsequently took a ropes. untlherenihr. • .grcninti NoisOm •-the Notate resumed Abe consideration of the tax-tarllf bill. Amendments of the Pinnace Convent*e were arreed tostriring from the free list rough diamonds and adding thereto chryollte. The tunemlutsnt to strike crude sulphur front the list was defeated—µ:3o The nmendment authorizing, for two yeah from the passage of the net. the foot Importa tion under State authority Of tuaChinery and apparatuz for .steam I envilgt. In canals wan Olet o. .IlAlthlS offered all amendment allow. lag for twO yeas free Importation of steam plow nachinery, to be used in the cultivation of iba soh. Agreed to: amendment to authorize the refoodmir of any each., of duty Over rates filed by the 1.111 upon merchaudise, noon which duties have been paid, remaining In warehouses at I the time of the net order Into effeet. Wn• adopted. MIMI The bill havinp Irren gone tiro At %ran ...rend additional nmendments 4iro , pro pored. .. Mr. JOHNSON offered an amendment, init.- Ing the tax nn snuff and variant kinds or man ufactured thloteeo to sixteen rents per pound. iteieeted. A motion hp Mr. SAN' Elt strikeoat the duty wa Bessemer steel rails tare rise to dls mullion; and without action twos it the Renate nljourood. HOUSE OF ItEPRESENTATIVES- The following Senate bins paired:. Amendatory of the act of July Z;;• ISM.' -to r atted the rights of actual nettlers on public To establish the Western Judicial District of {TUN-m.(12. • To amend the act to eetablish and protect National cemeteries. • To regulate foreign and coasting trull on the north mad north-western frontier of the Visited States. To regulate thceffect of a -rote of thanks of CotaTINS upon promotion In the Raft. la relation to certain unsold land' in f the Mantles of Porter and Lake.lndiana. To establish an additional Jand distriet in f • : of i tAtpc ft , l 4 ml u etilf , im of photogrnpbs fnveshl- Gieloßtne consent of Congress to the ret:ep ion of certain bequest by the State Off New JerSer, Ondst the XIII of no late F.dsvm A. : fiterene. For the disPosol of lands within Fort Ridge- Iy Militnly Reservation. Minnesota. Authoriziog . the constructi o n of a bridge acmes the Aftan*** river at Little Rock. To amend the act of IND to carry Into effect the orovlsione of treaties between the United States and Chino, Japan, Siam, Persia,: andT other countries, giving- certain judicial pow ers to ministers and console and other tune timuirlm of the United Mates. t h T e o T r e e r ig= n er i %tl in it i tions e ttf i .g o te m p i :lf i sed by Mr. SCOFIELD, fromutri% Confemeee'Com. mittee on the bill for the relief of certain all fern of the the eecnnd ee l an in on e h h r lß, o ; ' riV r cl k r i eit ° lt to retired olllcent. Ths;sport was agreed to. Mr. CHURCHILL, from the Committee on Elections. made a report in the MISROUrt COO tested election case, thgt Dyer, flitting meat , Mr, was not' emitted to a seat, and that Wm. Striteler, contestant. ie. Begat* entice be would call It up for as onThursdaY week. Mr. crasNA presetned the views of the minority, with opposite cortainsione. • Mr. LOGAN offered a resOlution directing the door-keeper retain in sortice doting the recce. the crippled soMiem now emploved under Mtn, Adopted. The Hzikse resumed'the consideration of the conference report on the currency hill. Mr. JUDD gave notice be would move to reject the report, Mid bare another Confer : ernes Committee appoloted, 31 r. contutN oPpoed the report, and ar- Mod that under it the people of the West withinot going to get soy redietribution a realOciable time..• He :believed it would be better input the.bill off till next Congress, and then pan a general measure of redistribution, rather than take this meaeuref, of med-metiou. which diesetly tended to bring easteron the country There -was no ea- Pension which would ftquire , g 54.000,030 of greenbacks to he kept am a reserve instead of forty-eve millions of three - Pee - eel , " to be .w it bdrawn, andprovided only for all Wile Of fort y-five 11111110121 Of Nat lOW Bank current It was therefore a tneaekre of contraction ef that emPeet. also In rasped of the gold bank section. Mr. JUDD else argued signal: the confer ence snort, which he claimed settled the question against the desire of the House and agninstvhe best Interests of the country. He asserted. if the ewes was adopted the currency would be contracted at least eigh teen or twenty minion.. Forty-five of greenbacks would have to replace the thre e per cent. certflicatee. That wog lost equal to the amount. of additional 'a- Ronal Bank currency allowed to be Issued. Butif tots additional issue of twenty per oemt. or nine millions. had to be held as reserve In :greenback., so. PITTSBURGII, T the amount locked up would be fifty four 'millions. As to the gold hank se - lion. he recanted It a figment of the brain. It n ould he only adding noveladifficulties of the kituation. liter had t lona' Doak notes and greenbacks and would throw on an additional kind of shinplasters, If members chose to call II so. Ile expressed the convict'. that If this report were rn. Jected. and a new. conference committee ap pointed, the Senate would concur stiltstantini ly Inthe pm - Isl.* made b !rouse. Mr-1113E0YMa expressey dthe his belief that any plan looklnfoto the contraction of the currency would beinittritnot to the business interests of the Monty, and regarded the conference report As a positive measure o contraction, at least to thy amount of ntn millions. lie thought The wisest policy. wool he to reject the report. even though the hi I {should fall. j Mr. (It IX expressed the opinion that the no, - lure scan not dutch either of contraction 1 0 expansion. It (night work a little contract lc n at first, but would !trainee expatmlon nnd e - plosion. It was a bill which satisfied neither the Rouse nuennybody—neither contract irm lot s nor expansionists. Whist Congress skald do was to march boldly up to the measure of a return to gold and silver. as the nt ban recommended. . . ' Mr. RITRCHARD also condemned the c at: conference report, particuinrly because he committee had abandoned the ninety-. ve million additional inane, which would h ve reached all States having less t ban their h i re of distribution Of currency. Mr. MORGAN elan Opposed the report as being a measure Of contraction. Mr. INGERSOLL, thought it would hart ly do when the peopitrwera asking Congress or bread to give them a stone, and. hr imagit ed the present {imposition anon no store noel .ss than 11,01. ire belleeed fourrtiftlis of the p .0. pie. If there could be a -popular vote 00 he nbiect. Wolild Vote in !acorn( an•incrense of currency, . and that, too. In tile shape of gmenhack's rather than National Rook notes. , , .Mr. TOWNSP.NII also opposed the report, byrallse he looked owl It as a measalre of Ot pone ion. Mr. lIIIfO characterlzed:as most arc fit nonsense tin, , talk In favor of Intention and expansion. Ile scum Witted and budgeted cOnsiderably by Messrs. Eldridge and log a.- soli 1111 to his tarn' elreett alsollt greenbacks. but War atnnalliglV 'successful In keeping those views to himself. • ' Mr..IONEL. Ey., advocated the conference report. and elated fuels abon-Ingthe propriety of a redistribution of currency. Ile was afraid. finless thls conference report was agreed tn. the bill srmild bath lie approved the report. not because it inet to lila 0107, to full extent, but It did so In somelnewati r. :ml he 1..1°1.11 It was the best the lion, could get. Mr. fi AltilF.l.l/ rimed the discussion by n speech its advocacy of the report. A: to the point that the report Wan aeltre of con traction. lie called attention to a ine.s renlarkable a peetaele presented In the House by t ten exeredingir able toil Intelligent Republi. eons from Pennsylvania, both of thorn Inti mately ronnected with She Notional banking systeni. One of t been Mr. Armstrong, hod made a speech opposing the report, because it wag a measure ,of contraction. The other tMr. Townsend , had made a ,perch opposiu, it aa a measure of Intl/dint,. Th. it was' as high 3 ramspliment as the. report could hove. because. it was clearly proved by 1 . one that it no, not 4 o ar:talon and by Ibe miner t hot II wintry)! tall ion. and that was lasi -what the confer cc of the Mouse and senate bad ' expected 0 reach: Those gentlemen sobs hail asturtsl p a contraction in tile bill Ignored the -fact that In starting the Riblitional fort y-live mil ions of currency ill pad, now deist Utile. tLe ',lit buslne**,o the country wonld be inert, ed he the whole volume of checks and drafts issued (nun hand toi hand. In seder to :Meant A:unit:lt:lion Leung .. ~. worked be the w ithtliaw al (three per mots, which were always liable to be presented for redemption. The Confer, nee Committ PO pteposed tn ' have _art' ad, illueal Issue of forty-eve millions of Nat mull bank enr inner, n loch would be di Whitt 0 as fel lows: Vlritlnlif $1.00.1.RC1. Wet V irsinia fs'Sl.- 104, Illinois taittc.St. 'Mletdrn 1 grtgsoket. Wi.. cousin ii.vri,inp, lowa Igsl: ' Scansaa 'ICS.- oat. Missouri C1.".11.4,kb hen uckv ta.n76-1:1. Tennessee /..I.6rtt.os::. !Ankle /4141=4 llMir : sitouppl $.1. , ,,1L571, Nebraska /.5.4.41, e,,rg a Cktsludat. North Carollnla 3.1/7....:00. Sou li Carolina Ct.:0441:4 Alabama ft 401.1.N,5, Oregon SOUK Texas $ ArkansaS ti...llS.fem. Utah ats.til:k 4 'alifornia 51.t11.2.1; Florida f 1"4:19.2. Dakota .12.*50. New alrxiets f=1,62:. anti Wisontnelon Tett-titter 5155,M11. Mr. BUTLER. of Mansacbuselts, 'asked Mr. Gartleld how he expected utemben to coin for the report. If twit able mid experienced gentlemen like those from Penna., emit,' not agree no to who' It ineallt - . ti.tll)l 1. if On , gentle.. Trim Matinee setts did under•tenti. Deed 1114 vote for it. Mr. 111 - TLINt alit 11;• di l Lot 111,. tn. . .., . Mr. GM A FIELD did notiexpect, one who talked of ;old and silver am relic of hum. riot 1.;.11..5ti..ii wolid rote' Fer such bill. He added it No - add equate better With his own - notions to let tten-weliterninen Who opposed it fight their ow, ,linttlet• if( they dlit not take this Lill ti es. wonlit. in his JUdgMent, :et tell hing. I ridlotint Mr. Inger soll's notions shout coin paper dollttrs and ehent. kind of t ornmer, lllu r r rating the lat ect. I•l.te le .1... , .. ,ee' T. e..nt 3, ell enee er , l • ta ll e r. 1N0R104.1.1. ret•ietsi s t ~..„..rg , ", n. inows to penbbagnbekr o n ttNt gues t ion. Tue rot...was then taken o nzreeing to the konfi7rence repadt, not 'lt sea rejected-yens' b nays Lit, . I ' in motion of at r.JI" ill) an thee artiference I . otutitit ter soul °Hens!. Mr. PAINT: nsked that 'To sdap and %red_ nesdsy of nest week be ant tint to the Cola :attn. on Elections remarking the Montle might in that lime dispose o ten, afters Or twenty ciintested election ea Objection UT, flute. Mr. 1'..1 ISt:vire notice he would rail up the cases an questions of privilege. The bona,' Intirmtted they would he open to question whether the House would consid er them. • Mr. SA . W; ENT, from the-Committee on An.. preortat ions. reported back the Senate amend. meats to the Indian appropriation bill and proceeded to explain them to the Haute with the action rerommeottett by the Committee.' Adjourned. BRIEg TELD;RAMS • —At ()mans yen, erdny the thermometer In dlented tO9 In the nhn.le. l'lnne day at Yale tolls p. 3 , 4 cel..brat.d In the cruel snanner ye.nerant. •-The party of iiets Onvihn reeterdny on lin•eton theirexcurs rrturn on from Call tonna. • —Max. Banks, a river pilot. was shot and a woman Inslemphit yesterday. The woman IV. Arrtat(4l. - Quite a large number of Morroon hare arrived at Omaha Within the past tor days. and more are etpected. - At Galesburg. 111., Tuesday, MIN. Mtge Gunn. trbile trying - G. light a bre with kero. acne wax so badly burned that she died. -Itrirsiolara, n Memphis lawy Imp ro ving who was ou wcoded In a duel. on Tuesday, ls and there are strong hopes of his recovery. -James K. Callihan hung himself yesterday at Cincinnati. He had been an Inland for the vast. two Tenn and of late quite despondent. —lion. Wm. Smythe, yrcsent Representative In Congress from the Fifth lows district, has been nominated for re-election by acclama tion. —The Wheat harvest in gold here Illinois about completed and It In pronounced lb. best trap tor many years. The Corn look. Prom —At St. Louis the weather continues W earily Lot and dry. The mermen. yesterday need from All to Two fatal •nunatrokes core reported. • —The itepubllc..n Convention of tho Eleventh Congressional Platelet of radiant, at Wane tah.yesterday nominated Hon. Jaaper Pork ard for re-election. —The commencement exercise, of Lafayette College, at Easton. Pa.. took place yesterday. The Alumni orator WWI Bev. Prof of. Elliott. of. Chicago Theological emninary. - ..-3fra. Foster, mother of Dr. Foster, editor of the Dunleit h allonerdian, fell down a eel. tar way at, St. Paul, on Tuesday. fracturing her skull so badly that she cannot survive. • . .. . —Sehleltler & Co's . Linseed oil faetory• at Mlnnenoolls. Wis., was burned Tuesday, one hundred and thirty barrels Oil. two thou and bushels flazreed,te. LAM $75.1100;. Insu ranee Ckl4oo. • --A heavy rain fell In Cincinnati yesterday afternoon. which lowered the temperature materially. The water accumulated in the strews and Rome damage was done In the low er part of the clip. -01 i Townley evening, at Chicago, while Dr. D. Evers, druggist. was rolling a cask of wine Mina cellar he slipped and fell, the cask tn e sllg n er f a4 r ou b r ldly Intoning him that =The Republicans of the Second Congress tonal District of Maine have nominated lion. Wm. I'. Frye of Lewiston; for .Congress, the name • of the present Representative, lion. L. I'. Morrill, being withdrawn. • —E. Porter Dyer. Jr.. Con s e n t en ce d NeWtonville Bank, Masc. has Del p to pay a fine of 1:10,(1(X) and to six months' lin -1 priso Inept. This le the last of the Rude at roe , Boston, irregularities, —T Lunnrege incomes of Neu - York city and b are fully equel to tact year, and ti.heNsginig,t.. tlgaing.,:toltit?y,lasesrers,ttiop,toated greater than those of last year, lieflhe annual commencement occurred Bown lief .ersity art Providence. u L, yes terday. 'l ke graduating class was the largest ever graduated. Aniongthepersons made Doc tors of Divinity wee Her. Alletilit. H. Strong. of Cleveland.' . . —The Commencement at Princeton College was held yesterday. The valedictory was delivered by Hugh Graham Kyle, of Tennes see. Among the honorary degrees conferred wan LL. D. on Her. William Blackburn, of Northwest Theological Seminary. • • the Virginia House of Delegates ttn atotatdruent to the school bill, striking out the section requiring separate schools for the two races, was defeated by to to 19. Two whits members voted for and two colored vtgainst It, otherwise the vote was one of color. -The first preliminarymeeting of the con solidated Old and,4ew School Prettyterions of Western New York was held Tuesday sight at Buffalo. Permanent consolidation, underthe name of Synod of-Western New York, was effected. —/it New Orleans yesterday the 'British ship St. Lawrence, loading for Havre nod bar ing over 2,000 hales of cotton and.other cargo aboard, took fire and was pumped full of water. The vessel and cargo were saved, but in a damaged condition. - • • "• . —.4 short time *lace some adroit thief stole fromd he corditing zoom of the Treasury build ing at Washington a package of VO,OOO toSia tlomi Bankbilik Treasurer Bploner has been notified of the arrest at Nil* 1 ork of a person =Plumed to be the thief, in whose Posseesion wag found $B,llOO of the stolen money. URSDAY, JUNE 34, ' 18714 NECONI FOU R Mat ,1 1 Bright (*naval Eyre of the Earl Vl:tread( esvent44 ()I' Capt. Bombay—Funeral of (n—Nen French Loan —Uneasiness In Paris Commercial ('heirs—The Infallibility Dogma— The French . Monetary Commission-- Large Carpet 31anatfartory Destroy. nd rid l'ress Protest Against the Raler:lt ion of the Bourbons. (By Tele.emph to the Plitsl•Fgh ;11,1i r.) Lon:J.3a. lane f2l3.—There inn veu act tee de mand fee money, hot 13 at the hanky an3l on the street. John Bright '9 rent unit ion to healt 11 14 thought to be itertottnent. • The nen. Fon Chou - F . llO 10. IMO,. teceived here. proves to I, of an inferleir yualltc. Additionalcorrespondence het Ivrea the Hoard of Trade and Captain Eyre of the Ho:fi lmy. eonvernine the collision With the Oneida • Meth Il dinned wit h a ennurrunicat inn from the Hoard of Trade refusing. to re-open the case. l'he /loose of Commons wits engaged in the consideration of mend mat tern to-day. Tito funeral of furl Clarendon tool< place to-day. to accordance with the wishes of the deceased the ceremony was 'strict ly private. . A vp - o lc i e nt iZa L n o ce r, l l lo i r tic ir i, l , V o il f l i h n , J C O , n ,t et nt b.,: r b A ee p l! penis. In the case al Lyons against Tlionins. where the defendent *as sued tor the abduction of Ether Lyons and her conversion from Juda ism. the plalotiß was nou-suited: A tenement house, at Leith, containing four teen I:mall,. tilts dem rayed by fire last night. It lo believed all the Inmates were rescued. Lord Amberly, nn the C.:Cardona laying the corner stone of the Congregational School !louse at Newenstle, to-day, made an address, is which betaid ifayns the duty of the gor ertffnent to suPPIY means of education, but lie could not aco,.pt any nabct lints. fur voluntary schools. 'rile Liverpool Citamber of Commerce to-day adopted resolutions eulogizing Lord Clare* - don. The Chamber, 1. passed a resol V urging bet ter facilities for mall communication with Pin ~ done 29.--The Frencti gorProntent nejotlht MR it heavy loon In order to complete the rygrneratlon of P,triti. Itifingurntell by Baron If:motto:tn. Quiet bag been nominally real °red . There is lunch une4sionsi In en:nun:rend circlet. and bnalneaa nl nII ktndn la 311110 Ct ti n stand-%t • .• The °recant tonarr measure, of the hover!, ..nt to gaunt azaln , t4ll , nriters have not been nhat • It Is said the Emperor Napoleon and Ilene, nit Print and Serrano acquiesced in the eation of Isabella, no the condition that nn Prince of the Housinf Orleans should succeed I o the thrnne of Spain. Dispatch, from Home contradict the report that the vole on the dogma of Mtnlability will be pOrtpOnl.6l. and states it will probably be taken to-day. and that the promulgation of the new dogma will take place. to-morrow. One of twing carpet nfactLwles in Beauvais totalled tO the fecund last night. Ste buildings. with all the costly. machinery and large stock, were destroyed. The lons Is estimated at over one, million ttolln, and. eight hundred operatives are thrown out of Cointolotion to define the currency values has decided gold is the only legal standard tender. It recommends the new gold coin, twenty-five franca piece of France, he assimilated' in value to the British gold ,SOvelasitm4 and American half • ht.ottitra. June Mi--Thei press prote-t itgulthit the restoration of thy !Mutton dynasty In the perenn of a eon nf civil . The law author - alie marriae intii"iitit•rat ion tin the 1.1 of Septembers got-a at MINE !skis, h. ma moor` Jnltro W.—Tbe stesimibip Deutschland:from Neo - York, has arrtrod. , ilristorrotea, Joao The steamship City of Washinston. rnin New York, touched here. 1 ALI. • Flout:s4,..June :IV -It I. reported that rte Garlhal,ll Is quite NI. FINANCI tL A. D tsI.tIMERIA AL.. Lumnoti. June -.Krrning.— Consols to money let,: neeount American eamurl ties steady: 'fi.Aoo: • nitt • 'O7, MIA. Stock. stead) , 1 0 -40a. , 1M let ' lllinois, 114: Gres Westere.:N. . . riaaxaroirr.June 10.—Iilond. norhanard. PAIIIR. June 29.—Ilimene firm at, 57e. LIVIMPOnI. JUT. 2n.—Cotton. lands Orleans 10I‘Ct104.1; sales d. O OO bales. California white Wheat Ins &I; red W.stern . No. 2 a t Ind; red western Do Pt. estern Flour 2.14 ed., No. mixed Corn alit ad. Oats 2.4 Sd. Halley St. Penn Ms &I. Prorlaions—Pork Beef Ills. Lard quiet at TIN. Cheese .. flacon Toils for Cum berland and ii2n for hart rib.- Produee un changed. • .. ] I.onruni. June 29.—TnHow dull at Ir.. Lin , e•ed MI 31x rd. Sugar dull. Petroleum a •Ant %ecru —. Hopi, Id. FrttNurOnr, June 29.7-11ondn cloned Mai a no,ooki. Cation heavy at Ili. rm... . NEW. YORK 'CITY The Railroad War In Court—lidland liallroad 7 Mindamir, Jawed in the Brooklyn Park Caw---liot Weather. . . (13v Telegriph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) Nov Vona. lone 20, IKti. THE 11A11.110.00 WAII IS=:t.'ollitT. In the . ilapreme Coon to-day thermion( the Erie Railway (7oinpany vs. L. S. C0...A N. Y. C. and .Hudson River Company came up on the order to show cause why an Injunction *hewn 1 nit be granted. Mr. Fairchild, Mr i a Central R. It.; read In opposition his own a davit . , to the effect that the foundation of a Non was an agreement nineteen years old tween the four compaules,which had ceased t exist. None of the present managers of the d fentlnnts were 'connected with the Originni c rpomt ion. and the books and papers of these a d corporator* hod been packed up and laid !de and are scattered from Chicago to Al b ra y; that the Erie Company has made eon t acts inconsistent with this contract. and for t n years co ducted their Wildness In viola ! Bon of. Ito provisions; that the defendants fluid have, to meet this: motion, to look I to these books and papers 'lied otardn proof of plaintiff's conduct for that,lme, nod that sixty dare would be none, too 'much for such 1/repention; that the; injunction will re- I , quire the restoration of over ninety • miler, of road • to a gauge which had been Imndoned since the making •of this , contract by the railroad managers of the west I forme ly using it and bv the owners of this ninety miles abandoned with the knowledge and nsment of the plaintiff; such injunction woul compel four hundred thousand passen• gers year to change-cant at Buffnlo nod the trustier of ten million Woe 'of freight a year at th t_point and a second chinge of the some at the PA onsylvaula State line, Involving de lay and expense to the public much svelter evemlyear than the three million dollars dam ages elaitned br the plaintiff, using an ome Bond gauge and only nid.the Pennsylvania Central and Baltimore .• k Ohlo Roads. Mr. Sherman, for the Erie Railway Company,willing there should be an 'adlournment. After considerable dls-. cusition Mr. Sherman submitted the order Adjourning, but meantime enjoining the bake Shore from selling through 'tickets in which the New York Central. is designated as the road to be traveled In place 'of the Erie. en joining It fronFrithholding the same CO•Opf , regn to forwarding freight des. rattan In noel ro for the Erie road ,that. they gave to freight Intended for other adi, and enjoin ing t em from imnking any rebate on freight intended for the Central. The court said it iir. woul take the paper, and 1f there was anv thin mproper' In the order would strike It ont. . TIRE XMLAND MA/L.R0•13. Ex-Lieutenant Governor Littlejohn Addres sed the Produce Exchange to-day in favor and explanation of the Midland Railroad, which he said could be finished in eighteen months and fOr fl=o,coo more, which amount. the State having refused Its aid, he wished to raise among the business men of the city. The Exchange adopted favorable resolutions urg ing subscriptions by citizens. . _ • I . stennAntni Bloom Judge Pratt* to-day Issued a -percnittto mandamus compelling Mayor Kalbfletsch,• of Brooklyn, to sign the Prospect Pork bond,. The weath show e d ilt Intemmly . hot.• The thermometero3 to-day. There were zererld deaths from eon etroko. The eteamehloe New York, Helvetia, City of Cork, Mluaeseta and Acadia arrived from Norope to-der.. OBITIYAILT. Senor Morelos Lemur, diplomatic reverses t ire of the Cuban Immegente died yesterday [By P. & A. Tele tT gra ll4" ;h. R ] Itnowisson.ix, -lose 29.—River stationary, With Leather a ball feet ',rater in the chan nel. cloudy. Thermomeller SD at 0 P. • • • Ctrr, June Zi.—Eliver at a stand, with seveutoeu • inches water In the channel. Weather cloudy. Thermometer 9c at 6P. M. . i..w, s ' .s. ~-a~ OM= EDITION. O'CLOCK NEWS BY CABLE rs In =M! tit %NCI, hP VOL. LXXXV.---NO, rirr A ppoinitnent4 by the Prtlillent—Sail !Mining() question—Flag of Clairol'. 1, • lila Silk—The Aimy Con. 1. rat Awarded [HY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Garotte.] WASHINGTON. June tn. Ig7o. NOMINATION'.. The President has sent the following noini nations to the Senate: W. Peirce. United Stat ea • Marshal North am District of Missouri: John 31. Oliver. for merly of Michigan, Associate Justice of the Snpreaic Court of District of Columbia. Postmasters- Geo. W. Miff, Napoleon. Ohio: M. W. Hoyt, Yankton.- Dakota; Geo. Miller. . Boonville. Missouri; Chas 11. Austin, Portage City, Wisconsin; Edward Whales . , Prarie do Chinn, Wisconsin; Chas. A.llolmes: Jefferson, WisronAin; Thos. Dabilatt, Laramie City, Wyoming; Gen. W. B. Divon.South Pass City. Wyoming; E. Frank., Emporia, Knnsatt,• John Kessler. Connersville:,4llll hula; Inn. Osborne, Green Cnst le. Indiana; A. W. Dr Long. Run. lington. Indiana; Urn. F. Comlev u Chema, Illinois; N. C. KtMyon. Chalsworth. Illinois; Gen. 11. Jenkins, Minouk. Illinois; Jan. W. Coventry. Edwardsville, Illinois; 7.. Minty. Watseka. Illinois. Mln the Senate executive Rearinn to-day oir wan spent on the San Domingo tr., M. Morrill. of Vermont, reading a speech to it. Soon. of the moAl earn friends of lite treaty. seeing it cannot reeel the requiMte tworthlrds vote, will make effort In annex San Domingo by Joint nerd t Inn, an in the cane of 'Texan, Whin' would insure merely 0 majority of each Home. FOIL CONGRESS. Joseph Neuman. or San Francisco. has iti rive,' with the magnificent Ileg made Of Cali fornia silk, which he Intends to present in the name of that. State to Congress. It trot dis till/y.l to-day In the marble room of the Sen ate where it attracted great attention on ac- COMA of its size and beauty, as well as being the nest American tiag ever 11110 M cif native silk. I= Several weeks have paSAVII Since the Menne concurred In the report of the Committee of Conference no the Army hdl. The chairennn of the Military Commltteo trill call op the report ns as a suitable opportunity shall OCellr. = The Kew Orleans and Havana . mall steam ship senior via Key West wan to-day award ed by the Postmaster General to Sanford Lite, of St. Louts. The subsidy In tchs,ol:o per annum and the contract Is for four years. THE 'NOLANS Appose . ..or of Hollilo Mods at tarloamPoloi• .--Porwit or Set ago, la Wyomlor —Bed Mod nod Tribr ono Mania Mum. • [fly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Garet te.l puirariO.ltine -Reports have Leen te reived at Lieut. (ion. Rierldan's headenurters. in this city that Lands of hostile Indians have appeared .wit Lin a tow day. at Wood River Station. Medirine Flow. Rawlins . . Como and other points. In some instances United States troops arc In pursuit of them. CIIET t ur n ed et Young and com mand r to lian - lins last evening. the Indians having Ancessfully retreated under cover of the night. The supposed Indian loss in killed and wounded is twenty-one. Ser geant Eessner. of the naval**, was wounded on the hip.. _ . diemelegm from Fort Fetterman says In killed and scalped a Mexican named Picayune yesterday near that post and ran off big Leant. It In reported also that they killed two squaw. who were living with the whites. A report from Fort Laramie says Red Cloud and Ids tribe have. gone buffalo boating and will be gone a week rr two. when they Will come bark, trade and talk peace. .At a meeting of, Woolenit of be for the Exhibition to be livid at lutliabapolls. August 2nd, a nommite. tee tear Appointed to make suitable liCCAM modatlons for the lire. at large durthg the exhibition. The use of the Skating Mak has been procured for the exhibition. From pres ent Indications it will be a complete success. All the railroads hare agreed to transport nnt at halt fare and articles forexhlbition --The New York Tima motley article says: tbe end of the fiscal year, on Thursday at. .tune . afth, it still i.e fond that the ,reasu has received 512400,000 ha custom, duties. cant the country has consumed torelgu goods to the valor of abritit M 016.00 or N - issa.usi so excess of last year. and that we hove m•tyono.col womb mnro of domestic tirodUcc, gold ranter, in the settle forvice L.laretre. Om" lll•treAr. --olutions have been passed hy the Sen ate oftine Republic of Colombia, Instructing the government to propose nn alliance With the Republic of Spanish America. the object being to effect the . liberation of Calm and Porto itico. Should Spain refuse to with are troops from these Islands. the allies to declare star nmdust her and aid the CIIINUIR in achieving their Independence. --Since President Grant's message on affairs In Cuba. the Spanish papers in Havana have indulged In an extremely threatening tone to ward the United States. urging Spain to re quire the dissolution of theban Juntas New York. New Orleans and ` o ther American ln cities, and the seizure and delivery to Sprain of the steamer rot.. —A special train with about one hundred prominent citizen) , of Decatur. Illinois, and towns along the Decatur and East. St, Louis Railroad. arrived at St. Lauls yesterday after noon and returned In the evening. The road Is completed bet seen the tun mots. but will not 'be opened for buinel,q for a few weeks yet. —The capture of the toton's second expedi tion Is attributed to the blundering of the Cub pondean Junta in New York.' A C 111154 of cot n fell Into the of the S Janie. giving them importanthands Informationpan- of the designs of the Cubans inthe United States. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. frr NOTICE.—The Couoeiratlon of JOHN WEPLEV CHADEIexiII take plate on PCNIIA V. /nip 3d et Intuit Erne the !Debt Rev. BISHOP CLINTON, Dr. MATTHEWS. Rev. COLE, and I , tlier, .111 be present. Rath% PROPOSALS FOR (2OAl.—Sealed Proposal• snit be reeetred at No. 11 WYLIE STREET. until 'July Bth. 1870. for froth nix 10.0001' to ten 110.000) thousand bushels of uodd LLMIP be eeirrerett at the (imht ticbottl House. Jedflmrs )13 ARIL% RA •GHHBACH 'Ts. CHAS. Nos. —. In Dlldriet Conti of Al ahem. county. Action of Slander. e Thla memoranda will:lo.MA that I,ChaulTittlic, the defendant In above cams. Inconalderation of the plaintiff ornsontlne to discontinue said action. do tallhereby covenant and eirree with mild plaintiff s ow, viz.: First. That I will pay the cost of said action,. Second. I do hereby voluntarily declare that the league/go eherged andsad actions Is not true in truth dln fart. I knowatothlng derontory to pinlnttt, character. but believe her to be an honest and virtuous woman. Third , T hat I will use to be published. under tap name, In all the Gorman Issuers published In mild countf, and In the Warm:, Elispatrit and raft. full and distinct entractlen nf any defamatory words may At Any time hate uttered of and concerning the plaintiff . , character. %Pit . trarin e ly band and sea t ! tirla,/14 , . T tlat of June, linens: .iOlll l l * • N ORDINANCE—AuthorIzIng the gloltitin and of width of lowa street front 40 to Farm Nl. Ile It ordained d enacted by the City of ttaburali. in :Select and Common Connell" as/ambled. and n le hereby ordained and smarted by the authority of the same. That the width of lowa litreet be and the mute le hereby Chged 110. 40 to 30 felt, by vacating 10 feet ohthe oast side. • • ScC. 4. That any onlinance or part of ordinance mntlicung with the passage of this ordinance a the present time. be and the mune Is hereby repealed so far as the same snorts this ordinance. cr ygsZi , l4mid . g , s 4 c,t . eilirsig;t i lry, In Councils, this JAES McAELES.. President o ff elect 'Cnunctl. /mem. E. S. Winnow. ' Clark °a Select Council._ • W. A. TOMLINSON. President of Common Connell. Attest: IleMAirrtn. Clerk oft amnion Connell. . le3o O'RDlNANCE—Authorlzlng the Ormuz, and Paving of Locuet alley, from Bates alley to 43d street. Steno,: 1. ilo ord•lne.:l end_ enacted - by the Car of Pltoburgb, in Select and Common Connolly a...crab/ed. and It is hereby ordain.l enacted by the euthority.of the tame, That the City Nei/Weer be and le hereby authorized and directed toads/Ir d. for proposal. fur the Omdlng and Paving of Locust alloy, from Estes Clint to 43,10n:et and to lot the same In the manner directed by an Tg.3 ,. ;yszerAing., ,,, Llg6iVAT.iir.;`„roln • °,l2,ll. ° T h iinit r ay Onltnance or part i 4 ordinance conflicting sidth the pawn° of itas ordinance at the protract time, be and the same I. hereby repealed, so far.. the tome affecn this ordinance. Oedalood and ennead Infto 27th dry of Jane A. 14 . 1/or In thin -JAMES IfeAULET.. President of Select. Council. Attest: E. 8. Maunder. Clerk of Select Connell. President Wt of ATmMNCoOnNi l, Attest: IT. McMaerrin, Clerk of Common Council. MOO OItDININCE--intbortzly the greet 7r r O u tt i lat=t I L tilen C a U ll ' e th nite. 241 h Sze. I: Ile It ordained and enacted by the City of Pitteberat On Select and Como Councils a•- ~.hied. and it L. hereby Ordelneb and meted by the authority of the num That the City Late near be:end f o r a s hereby authorized and dloKted teat; Yertlee mpostus for the Onulles.Perintir Curbing or Twenty-111th street. mai 14 7 -street to Penn avenue , end to let the asses In the . manner Allreenal by en 0.2114 "lio.'"Vg Streeta. palmed Anima Mat. 1 r> rim coecernin, booed. improved Jog. , - of 2. That Shy Orehance reEL,,,„_ conflicting Dith . the Meer , .the.prevent time be. and tut some ern pealed as far as the samegreets Ode Ordinance. • Ordained and enacted into • law he Count :W. this ti7tb day of 7ene...t. D.. 187 a • JANES NG4 LEY. Prefidenlof Seleet Council. fAttest: Cora of tielect Co=Gd. w. o f TO3LLESSN. President f Ootemen Coe. t H arrif l irgraioon Connell.. • IN NEW ADVEYETISErerNi'S LOTHAIR. Disraeli's New Novel, THE GREATEST SUCCESS IN RECENT YEARS Fifty-two Editions iii Six Weeks, Tbe .karcegs '•LOTIfAIIt , Is If npandleled by that of nny novel to recent years. II han kovok more diectiminn. excited wider Inter... been • anneralbr admired. bat received more extend. criticism. and,bas attained a greater sale, lit I. Impresnlon.l thnn any novel slnee.' . l7nele Ti Cnbin." • TWO EDITIONS OF publish ell: °nu In Pnlinr. Syn. pries. *l.OO nne In Ploth I.2nsa:prlce 52.00. Collor of elther'edltion. 1:11311.4i. anyeddrefl within the United SOUP! nn receipt of D. Appleton & Co.. PUBILISIFERS 90, 92 and 94 Grand Street, Jon 00 New -York RED LT( )N Regardless of Cost! BARGAINS! BA RGA ! I Morgansterti&Co's LATE MACRITIL GLYDE CO Spring and Summer Goods CM= Shetland Shawls. bite Skirt - Parasols, Sun Shades, • ,C+itiptire Lac e - • Neek Ties, larnburv: l Tose, ri-auz( • 1. 7 2 - ider‘%-eni Collars, - "AND EVERYTHING IN THE TRI.NIITNC4 LINE Nos. 78 and 80 Market Stree A N. ORDlYlNCE—Supplemental to PitabutkOha ialn.m rm gra o n ham c as a m in o p er v R le a g i e lw o Company. 1.. e It foralnefl C o o ellacted by the City of rx,..h.t7l , ev:re.l7,,a:get,-r,rth7r,zgryti the name. That If tbe Councils of said city et any time hereafter direct a change of the grade or aala streebt. or if It shall become neeesmry to take up said railway for the of naving or repaving. emoting or regrading soldstreet.. or for the purpose of constmullng or retmiringeof sower beat therein, or for the purpose of laying, relaying. or repairing any Water pipes therein. the mid railway shall be taken up and retold by mild CoMPanY. their owns xpenseand in ca.of their failure so to do after reasonable notice. the Street Commisaloner shall take thesame at the ex p.. of said Company, and it shall up be unlawful for mild Company to relay the Name. . Svc. 4. Th at anv ordinance or part or platof ordinance conflicting with the passage or dinance at the present time, 'tin end the is hereby repealed so Inc . ti n . fine enema thin Cr. u.ce. Ordalned and enacted into it law In Councils this 17th day of Jane, A. D. 1870 • JAMES MeAELET. • President Or Ce t e ra Council. Attest: E. S. Morignw, Clerk of Select Council. W. A. INN President of Co TO3IL mmo C ou nc il. jell Cler k Attest: It. AtrltAirr or C cit. al • m , . Council. A N ORDlNANCE—Anthorizing the Central Passenger Railroad CompanY to change locntionof their track ha 4th avenue , be. tween Market and Wood Streets. Src. 1. Be it ordained and enacted Conned. ty of Pittsburgh. In Select and ( . 0013400 sernbied. and it hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of The same. That the Central Par. t ad Itallranut be and they are hereby authorized thole pertuittsnl to no change th e present location of thole track on 4th avenue. between Wood and rStg Sa"Weeent7aTlig7PiPs tweet the outer ran sea the curb to not Interfere with the gutter.sublect to the approval of the city Engineer.. Sue. All the provisions of thenriginal :Tx:map 1th.",!:',:f4hz.17.-11IlleTctaati effect. Sec. 2. That any Ordinance or part of On 11.• enter conflicting with the passage of this onti.. uance at the present time, be 'and the same Is hereby rePenled so far an the Nalo affects tats Or. Runnels. Ordalnrsl and enacted Into law. In Council, this 94th day of . um% A. D. 1147 44311 CS .11cA MET. President of Select (nutted. • Attest: Nlouttow, • ' Siert of Select Council. • NV. A. TONILLNSON. President of Common Attest: H. SleNiamat. Clerk of Cowman Councll lob) A N ORDlNANCE—Authorizing. • the Paring and Curbing tsf 33d Street from Penn Artamed° Liberty street. SLCrioN 1. De It anialned and enacted be the City of Pittsburgh, In Select and Common Councils mumbled, and tr Is hereby ordained and courted by antiliy,of the tam e. . That the City Engineer nrlFaCtlor"EPorciat 7Tilrjra"odingd.u.griedt'aa",i Curbing of 8.9 d meet ' . from Penn Avenue to Lib erty Street and to lot the saute In the manner di. =III Vliagnfrite.rra. am me :eming 'Deets I approved January Bth, 1d84„. cont. lirorrtl== present time, Do and the tame is hereby repealed so lulu the same affects this entinance. Ordained and enacted into • law in Councils. this filth der of June, A. D. 1870. JAMES McAIILET, • Attest: S. SlOnitow, President of Select Council. ' 'Clem.' Select Council. PrsidelU t r Attest: U. McMagrit, Commonull. Clerk of Common 1•30 ORDlNANCE—Antroitirig , the Grading and Paying of Millbury alley. from atreet gictivrinenanwa tine. tigcrtnic no ordained and enacted by the City of lituoan t h, m sewn and Common Councils aasembied, and It Is hereby ordained and enacted by authority of the Staine s ' , That the City Engineer be and be le hereby authorized and &tented to ad-. verily, tor Dropouts forth. Orattlng and Parte/ of - Milberry alley, tram 10th street to hanlt's Inn. and to let the:same/a the :manse di reeted by an Ordinantle COneerning Street. posed Arian 31st. 1837; al. an. aancesning Streets, approval Jenuary (ltb, 1804, - • Thu any ordinance Or of etwdwih'= nesent fi g ie l .tetirrlV ie rePealeff so tar as the same affect. this ortinanar. - ordained and elilleted tnyta i late in Councils Ibis 87th day of June. A. D, / ideVLEY, president of Select Connell. Attest. Ed ik tina.wd . . TOMLINSON. President of Common Comell. AU. "' lAita t tc7.4.1.= Council. le]) j..,:f ORDINANCE--Faing the width ot the Sidewalks on 401 h street between tier street and Penn avenue. nic.ll. Be It ordained .4 =att. by the City : n . l leburati, In Select and Common Camelia exam: el , end it is hereby onlairdnl and eesotebbr the g d e44cLa t t , the name, That th e wty Engineer b. e . ..nn :Mb rtirgikT U Sh ill Ybe or C' ”, reitt es-they are between . 11utler etreet 4 the Alle gheny River.. . . • BSc. 2. That anfordlenbco or part ez t = 4 cotielettnig with the passage o% this, mil t. pre._ ..., e t t ,,,,,lr tlnle ibr be and ra llus•sanal .v. is beereyin i: 'Ws sem day el Aprie;4l, [4 . ,4‘ citt; or ca.' 3l :'' ' ' TdiVl El UM BEM THE WEEKLi GAZETTE IS THE BEST AND CBEA.'r Commercial and Family News . • papt • ‘LISR. ES IN WESTERN PENNSTI.V.4 NIA No 2. CI with o w. itt. mechanic. or merchant ghoul, • ,imele altar. , v „_. flubs or give—, • - 1 .. ' Clubs of ten - - • ..... ....•..... 1.23., A rope Is funtlithed • I . flub of 1.. , '1 .4.4.° 90•4 to the letter fljeJ - It eel se Aernta. - YENININI MY, K. ES—•• •• Far Mtn... .4Antnet.” .. Finanling,” AT., not nr/Tesitn,,. FM :It I.IIVES, win be Inn/Tint In them roltintntontn /or TWENTY-Ft ('NNTS; nsrA n.blitlntutt tine FIVE: ,F.NTS. WANTS \VA NTED.—To purchase a house of T 4Or 3 ROOMS. ttuburban property prefer, . Addreos, with priee.terms RHO lorotion.l.Op. titrverr °Mee. • 4-11 111- 7.". 1 1"1,1 t r„ S onifl: " • ANTED3—STORE ROOM.—A good W rent will be void fora centrally touted Store Room. Possession wooled twon. Address tittzerrE (Mee. M T A T k r!I a ' l i n t e l :et! 1:11ti r tt min who understands rectifying and eninpuund re Hest nf recommendations given. Ad- Ibitteburgir r• _ IVA:MIL—A few day benders al T 75 Fourth avenue. lATANTED.—A feys . BOAR DERS ant 4 lit '2lB NORTH AVENI7 L tit"' • TANTED.-2 _COACH PAINTERS IIeK ELY 111 '8 CARRIAGE BAZAAR. R Third Avenue. Front *IK to ENO ear, ... I .' will be paid. AV Jot tlIner1;111 , • . t t E y eLl tR to ."‘•UCI +oat patented. Will b wanted In ra . finally. Addl.*. A. M., Hon 333. Pitt. , mill 1N TE - I)—_ RECRUITS .— SeveraI ei it. ebb:bodied men, nficaidrepotatlon ionwanted to up the FOURTH COMPANI . DUQUESNE' GREYS. Thla company ht one of the heat In tho Battalion.. Apply al , the office of . 0. BEINON. Fee of 42.1 street. MEI WANTED -TO LO for fr 1.300 ere r enrfor trin. Attorney.nt•Law. 3 burgh. • , . i • .t --- WANTED—By a He: peel . HIED LADY—A viten n slet In house work. Wages no Mice able home preferred. Addles 1. C TANTED.—Opernto and BUTTONH OLE H et limlre for ono tweet at. No.l TU N It. r IATANTED—COAL M MET T DlATELY.—Applyolfie PP Handle It. It. MANeFIELD COMPANY. TATAICTED.SeteraI en for Farm ALZ l'i l igl's . ,v4rd to (looking. Cbumberwork. 1,1111 -Poona wort and light work of all description. mill sit IDIPLOT MENT OFFICE.No. 1 Birth st t, ant door front thomenslon Bridge AATINTED.—A Num r of Lndlen VT Yd men to roll Turkish Pelee Soap. Orton randy hones. Prise Stationary Ital. and Jew elry. inquire at Nu. PM ITIIFIrLD PTIOSET. nY g Tl l l h t lATAN , TFlL — Ex)ierlenekl Agents, to ,:;"octjolt"l;.ltlegint. Ill g hd by mt rtes. eor e an family. Address, A. M., 800 333. Pitts burgh. • WANTED — AGENTS.—Exyerieneed Afents to travel stail sell patent right. foe an ankle est patented. DM be wanted In every faintly. I rent Inducements offered. Address A. /L. Lho_ 033. Pittsburgh P. O. G 4 WANTED -MORTGAGES. 30,000 to loan In large or small amounts at a fair rate of Interest. THOMAS K. PETIT. Bill. Bond and Real Estate Broker. No. ITie Smithfield Street. WANTED -MORTGAGES. • Thirty Thousand DOlhullo Loan •. • In Sage or limn) &I:101112U on property In Anna.) manly et ran rate of Intonnit JEMMY. " rirggot stgt. • • ; BOARDING, fitOARDINN—To-lebw MoSwat,c2,lUmnl LOST ORS TED. 40ST.-PROMISSORY ICOTL—The public •as hereby TOtiflOd not to 00/1041tO Or ban forli 2 7sl.3o.PoDbla to 'bonnier of J. W. McCAet.IN. dated May 9r4b. Is7o. and lama by J. W. Meenslin.. payment ban been __ttuned on lame t 4 OST—On Monday erenlng mat a ME.RORANRUM ROOK containing A small IteriOant of Postal Durant", A liberal reward will be mid to the person returning it to SPENCER. MOUT & CO., IG.N Cor.24thi and Snialltnan Srs. 19t8 nary TRAYED--COW—From the pasture field of ROBERT Id. WEAVER. nell4 . llllldale Cereete27. a IVHITL.cory. with freckle* annnitl the head and ebnaldent. istionnatlon may he left at PATRICK hIeGRATTYT. at the Thave Toed. Alledheny. • TO•LET TO-LEE.—A complete DWELLING with Store Itoom attached. Otto fra/ThliP'VAtti..l.'or trO.LET-ROOMSorith BOARDING. " rre'ET.—Tyro Atari Brick Roue, and anisgildllc.:istrirotimbotalatliaVgird add or W ilt be let /ow to •good tenant. Inquire_ J. M. SA 414,22 . 0. J ?Lama Avenue. a4l TO.LET.—STORE ROOM. A: first-class STORE ROOM and cellar, No. ISM Liberty' 'greet. IltUrct op silt shelving and counters. Will be rented chaiiii called for sees. Shiqulre at good, two story BRICK TO -LET.--A DWELLING, containing 12 roonts...lth mod ern Improvement.. Also. !urge Lot end good Brti Stable, eltuate fronting on the Park. No 184 North! Avenue. Rent YellllnnAbitle Apply at No. 41 Ohio street. Alleghen7. • /Mk= FOR SALE VORJan SALL— . A. earioad rallp_ o erp f eses bones. arrived eo CUR, and see them at Red /Jule 84bIa . - F°R HALL' Two Drays, a Cart and a Del of Harness, All In Rood order. Inquire at °Moo of UNION WOOLEN MILL:' - VOR SALE CREAPI!,4SO(I-1,111.:-1 tipish it . i:ll2' t 1%4 ?a :0) trltL vu.rriaahtriV4z7rue t t r i e . i . syetiLitte_venth ae r egim. " 1u1444:417 loR SALL - Th at well•known eiriirmitiOrtirt dkiht=r7•7lLa: To. prow per.. .art. to k.p a hotel. ' Chloe* a re. opportunity. For torroanh or ad i trri 3 4 f T ottuaeroe Wes , ,_lllFlionapailon Ifooleclllahr oa We. , F ° T_ R A •Ai tl ikf E TLC, Vi on. X F _ o A e C ° 1 ; rent w latorove mnt-li w•r7 bora* 4 eteble,, aoe sheep houses. orchard .4 well try a small ore. pouf n through Na plate. Mart. to gratignegoalt %tilt " ' b l ot ' 13 4 % . 1 hew to Magee ane ehuio . h.. a. I eas. be • L ,013, SALE CHEAP, 011E7ICHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY.—A IlzothayNTßY it...1%W.. go. crAbtlit= omproalaat Inu t 4 = Vgi gtrii n tlimq44 good Farms la good locations i.jstoom.• tor sale. Ro O ßl ga imuwAßD. • myLl No.llo Grua St.. .IN Caaaral. . lAL .E.-ON 8 I rB/.. II 9'CREDIT, . .I.,ra ee 18 Lqwars m ,..,h h, orchazdot largebni- It a ere view of. et 'dm ettkoz. Piles pri.dB , ~, icy.fullot choke becrlagtnit, ln i .ticia zilliaMglrasiV id. bla gala inn Of naer cunu ems' .... tv. , rl " crettle 8"1 VN°4l""4l, '. R:trit rYgligor ... 6 „ ... 11 . . i. Ittl f n Mom IM;-1.4‘1,141iT...-7. IM=l FOR SALE;' , .:::. - i•:;: -:- , .., 1 :'staesek ono tutu P n romo...a: l , ift 101 44 th stm s t. it. Ball M ~W ':, Moe. yam .ro iii,i; the house "ft ' a '"1 20...U.1.. " . strabl• la the.167 66" -muut ' - RU)=... , r -.. 1 ..41 tic* Elm.. r -. t.• . • ..11. In. ' . ' ,0 4 , 7 . f a ON MAN, writile.= Infragrenut=iri'ltt f at ,11. abaci:SWOP .....FlUatayate," ' 0U1.41niim . , .. : :, , .. 3- Ulu 4". 4°' SCW6II. Is 14 .1 I, E ius,b . 7. r. b....,,, u „,,, .......y... ; ,--..t =',l • 2- =', At", ,, :••.i. ,- .1 1 -., , :t-::::? ; : , ...:, - ,; , :,1-: , • ,. . - ..,..-rn„..,..,_._...,.._. ~ ;.,...::.:-..,. 1 .. ~, .~-„~;. EMS BM EMS El EMI V=IMI :7,000 on 00, and two [feet. HUM ble Mar• Rom A - A oomfort , Pittsburgh I In[alien. • Fine Coat . MEM S IMME- In es,m INLII A VP LISIIi eh Boarding. .bts. I • ,••=1 No. 41 . VIROIN Aia..117 m, /BSA -• , -.:,,:: .-- .5 . -:•:-. - _ , -' .:''..;',-,;- i 1-,..':;,',,;-'::T.:.--"-._ii