it'd FINANCIAL. GOLD,= ki, - "Vkit, COUPONS Bought at Highest Price, PH. R. MERTZ, BANKER, Cor. Wood St. and sth Ave. Jas. T. Brady & Co., .ttSztoomisors to B. JONES & CM.) Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood Wet, BANKERS? BUT AND YELL ALL KINTA OF Government Securities - GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, UN iipBT•FAVORABLY TIMM Interest Allowed on Deposits. W . W.I lamed on GOTOTIMOnt Bonds at low eaat. este. • far MUM= Kcirtriro icat Tin Pr Rclf Asa /On) SALK OP STOCKS. BONDS AND GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO.' THE DAILY GAZETTE. -NONEY AND CONDiERCE. 013-lee[ to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] NEW YOUIC, June 'll 11‘70. • There is R firmer tune to Wall street market. this afternoon. a general improvement -in the •prlces and rather morn activity. This was Draught about chiefly by telegrams from Waihirigtun that the Conference currency billlWouldfirobably bedeleated in the House. The Assistant Treneurer to-day commenced to anticipate the July interest. The amount oat was r. 407.638. Money very Ell4y nt ;141.5 per cent. 4,n cell. with exceptional loan. etc percent. sterner firmer at leading bankers asking the tatter.. Gold firmer; opened st 111. advaneed to MXd. an closed at 1113(0111%. Sorrowing rates tint to 1434 per cent. Clearances 61.000.- • Ciaq. Governments strong and. higher. with in crease& bush:lea.. Coupons of lit. 117 tiesll7.l.: 411/ 11.0N0111; 110%6110'': 13 6 , 110Vd.110'.: new 111P.42:113%; '67. 1113%011334; 'od. 110)61. HAW Ten-forties, 107. 1 03 1 6*: currency, 11:34 11.113 X. bonds: weak In Tennenees: steady In ethers. Missouri., 64%; old Temtessees. new do. 601; old Virginia.. .6X; new do, WIC: old North Carolina., GC new do. .r.H. . 3 1xe stock market stronger i and f busi d nem . alts large led the mark et p orflie 6 rltt ward torn and advanced l 3 per cent., and stock selling at and scrip at PTV: bal ance the,t advanced to 1 per cent. At the .. closeadvance .was not fully slat:Lined. and the market reacted It to X per cent from the highest point. The stock market closed _strong on Central and Lake Shore—otherwbe • dull, but steady Canton. CM: Cm:lberia:id, PS; Western Un lou 'telegraph. 8411: Quicksilver, 87 Mari- Eea. filtip.referred. AAdamsExpress, 665‘: o 4 37111, 1" Zi71 ; 6 1.1ew Er Vo "" k i r Ct i t t ral. WS: Scrip. KG:: Erie, ; preferred, ts ; Maipm. 136; Iteadltag. Michignn Cen tral 111iIi; Lake Shore, c Illinois Central ; Pittsburgh. IOW.; Northwestern. at,l; ; do preferred, 873:: Rock Island, 115 X; New Jersey Central, 1667{; _St. Paul, do pro leered, 80%; Wabash. AK: ort Wayne. ii5N; Terre Haute, M.: do. preferred. 60; Chicago & Alton, MX: do. prelermd. 117: Ohio & Mississippi.. SM.; Hartford & Erie, 30.:: Bur. Wigton & Quincy,•l67: C. C. & C., 130%; Du buque, MN: C. C. k • Sub-Treasury _balance: gold. $76,911 0. 964 cur. rY* ".5.24Th; general. 6111.631. 1 61% esneell: - „m ad i t e s r t x :A sg iv.6 t . r., Washington, . , ~ „ • - OM= Or PriTaurtiCut Gamer= 1, I TMD.LT, June 'Ai. ISO. - i ... • - Cloeltut quotations as remised by Pb. 11 • Wert:: ... . Gold 111 - &merle. .... . .. Silver.... . . ...... 1115 Western Union . .. 437: Me Bonds. ... 117 .N. Y. Central.. ... 1173 i MB Beads Mg —llO ileadlog, —... 108% • /S-.NI Bonds 1141.-- 130 P. Ft. W. iiC..... • COS 1 ,• 6.33 Bonds 1535... 110 Ohio ft mho a; • coma, 1835 113 Mich. Southern... iqoi LW Bonds 185...113 Cleveland & P... 10334 13.53 Bonds 15e3...113 G. H. I. &P.. .. :1 10-10 107 Chicago & N.,.W. 43 )4 Ad=ligisas i t.. :,. F. ,. ..t . N.7..pried ... . .. at . -; • - 37;:" .. ___••=iiimagreuimixt.punaei to ~m lierlln Paeltanyuyer Thaler tu 10 Frault.fort Exchange per Florin 411 i • 40 Central Pacific B. 8.. Bonds . ,41 , i• Cnion P. B. R.Bonds 07 00 Closing quotations as received by James T: V 9, 1 : Brady &tot : , . Gold 11X 593 Jaw 317.10&7=i: : • G. B. ea. 188 1....._ 3734 3-3:ITaW&JT:ING 1334 • ' r. B. 543 IBM '— 10% 6-33 Jan. &.Iy. DM 13 G. &6001804 .... 103 i B. P. IL 11.......... Fat • 11. 8.540 10,,- ' : U. B. 10-W .. .... 7 ... . , 4 Cr. Pacifies 1.334 PETROLEUM • • Orr= Or Pc SDAY rnis , Jarte mnou y TUE MnO. The oil market was considerably stronger to-day, farticubaly for refined. and compared with yesierday. prices are higher. The conflagration this afternoon which. according to our latest advices. would result In the de struction of some half dozen refineries, and a Vte - Ylarge amount of oil. both crude and re fined, will doubtless have some in !Menne on the market, but tor what extent, cannot be even conjecnred until more eliable details have been received in regard to the di-- Werr. We should not be surprised. however. to see a still further advance in prices, if the loss of oil is as:heavy as reported. canto& Sale LOOO bbis spot at UN; and 1,000 seller j bil y arl2. ll4 l;ani tu fn ' i ,a .ley o t erd A aukl P iziatio=-' ber. Me= mfirarro: Considerably &Met sea tending' upward. l&Mt ar Juno quote. at Tr; July .13).43:%; Octo ber:Mr bid: September and October together sold at T.N. azacirra Cacaos oft. Star 011 Worts IM, on account 0. C. & A. . • BR; Brilliant 011 Works 4/30. Lockhart. P. & 130; Pennock 11, - Dein.= My on ACCOWIT.TS OB ., RgeI'ITTIIZ'agS,TrO e'dUSlTl'.°ll.4fr.'=.l,l'.. WlikinsMis, on account Phila. & B. Pet. a.; Poetical Oil Works MS on-account Account efitkettC°Mhetirro 1 i a. ° 714 lon&tutlt.T.. =lrv& r. ircfrooludrti.a.. Racket tt Total pr.. bbls. A; Lit ton t:Tri We., 198 bbls ref oil to 'ff . & Co.. Phila. .McKolvv Bro. & Co.; 311 bbls ref. oil gun Bro. & Co. Phil. J. . A. McKee. NO bbls refined oil to Logan Bro & Phil's. McKelvey A 800.. 113 bbls refined ,to Logan :lims"a.Cel4ooz. goc aWi t Phl ita Tawciat. ale & Co., 120 bbls •3. ILBiter. glbbi , C l"toLOtan Sty& Co. ClUzene 011 Co.. Wir bbi, refined. oil, to Tack Sens.. Philadelphia. Moutzbeimer & Koehler, ion blots ref. oil to Waring, K. & Co.. Plana + Taut 3.20 bbls STATTAISST OS =CDT OIL SHUT= ST P. R. It.. ASTI A. Y. X. It. 011. AMT. a. wera B y acne 41. MM. By D. C. Herbst from Parker to Malcolm A . Pfilladelm. b1314.0m Parker to Mtndcri.l e o r yd!PhiladelNlTs , By Parker &Thompson from Parker to War ' deny, T 1" P ' hi . A d ni l Vf i t: -L irerto bb krde n, • rriEer nigg-elgtVlll',No Malcolm & d, I=9 bbis. .I.llrlS Ml:Ti r Eknr&earm u f nipaw,f 2-I ;b l s er -.-' Bs Thos. King from ficrobgrass to Aleophlin Set Co., Communipasr, 479bbls. • -Tota4 5,677 bbla. of 45 nab. Total to New . 0,116 Tfl. bbls. Total to Phil, . I bbls. .., Oratultotal ......... 1111 El Me • I ' NM ES 13111 ES Ea ti i ; ENE Pt7TWlL'Rtill WOOL lIIARILET Orr= or THE Prnsamau GAZerilit TIMIDAY. June The wool market has been, active the past, week. and considerable purcleues have been made by dealers here and elsewhere,"ranging from 3711 4 2 e for the various grades. Howeier. the' great bulk of the wool parches e4l has been ,at 40e. without much regard to quality; the chief considera tion being to - get the &lomat on all helm and unmerchantahle wools. Whilst some agents and local buyers are careful la this re speM, others do not use the proper care ordis erindnatton in inspecting all badly washed wools. Wool Growers know very well the dillerenee between dirt and grease. and clean waahad.wool. and it is the traiera place to make the comelier, We hoar of some round lots, 1 rom mooed bands. of choice tub sold at Sae In the adjacent counties. Washington. Beaver. Greene, &a.. considerable of the clip has bees sold at the prices namedeerre. Advices from the Eastero market are that wools are dull with 111 0 immediate prospect of an ad - ranee:and wi: b the present selling rates Cl old wools no margin at enytbing nlgher than lao for the areeige of pen:miracle and Ohio wools. Dry Gioia Market. ' NKR YORE. Jane 93.—The weather la ea celeirrely hot; trade le exceedingly quiet, and the break In the price. of beam brown Ewe n=rated dl=ingd'jbuobt- Rine 0013.1101 wol buy Op all the mailable stock at the present low nue*. Appleton ibeettov..a-eliblag M 3 yards to the pound. sells at De. whereas Lawrence D and A, ate hold at A~ Untie, and there must be a settling of cake, soon as the Lade are now takbeg stork. • . • PITMDURGU MARKET firricz or Prrrsennon Clamarg..l Tuntioa.g. Jima SS. The attention of our grain and to dealers Chicago, ii, It seems to Is still directed toward CVCI4O and New York, particularly hare the controlling power lo directing the count of the market, and this a matter ln which the public ganewdir Is Inoreor less in terested. Wheat dropp.l eleten cents per bushel in Chicago last. Wilek uccordnig to th „, legram , t ,, r dif thebottom has not yet been reached. The Immediate causes of the I decline Were the heavy, receipts, reports of quo titioeS in New Ycrk, Liverpool and France, ,ort: accOnntS• of more 'flvcrable weather IsEurope, where the crops at last account's were more promising than ever this year. chose parties who were instrumental In bringing about the recent upward move wet. now aeeqi generally disposed to let go. though some of them claim that there will be an advance later In the season, when It Is found that much of the land sown In the west will not yield over four or five bushels to the here. They are letting go because they are obliged to, not being able to put up the •enor- Mtn. Margins which were called last week. The Chiragoyribune says "if the quotation here falls 10 cts per hoabnl, the next telegram_ from New York chronicles an equal decline there; and some operators to-day protested their belief that the only way to get wheat out Is to force New York up instead of bear ing Chicago down : - With regard to the condi tion of the grain lu store here, rather exten sive fears have been entertained. but so far they Seem to be without f nundation, as it Is In no good condition as many time this year." There In not much doubt but what the de ", )11 Chicago within the last few days is in part, at least: to the action of the refusing to accommodate grain :peculators unless very big margins are put up, and this manv of them are unable to stand, and it Is this that forced a very large amount of wheat on the market, and, of course, lower prices were Inevitable. Should the grain in store there become ally injured, there are a great many operators who would be unable to meet their obligations. and this Is not pleas ant to contemplate when ,other peoples money is at stake. and when this is takers into conald eration. the banks cannot be censured for to king the course alluded to. .attliES—Steadv but unchanged: Common Soda. 40: Relined, Vac; Pearls, 1110; Pots. APPLES—We can report regular sales :it tgiViper bbl, as to unalltv. IlltiloM—COUN—Sales at Matte.- - BUTTER — Is dull. no is nearly always the vase in excessive hot weather. though prices aro unchanged. at 14418 c. for conunou to strictly prime fresh packed, 111t00)13—Store prices; Fancy, 15,51): No. 1, }1.10: *4: No. a, $3.50, OUrhrhoh. V 2 . 9 .74M CiiiCKESS—.l4hieh of live chickens by the c Cer bushel. CEMENTLSaIes Of Louisville Hydraulic at - dull and ea k, nutelnai •.11 "1t• in'n Jobbing u ay. , LIDER — No. t sweet cider is quoted at per bbl. CIIEE4E—bull, as li,nearly always the cane astrepte hot weather: we continue to quote owing b.ks. 411T4i. - . DR F.l) I , RElT—Continues very dull, and the supply_ ruostly,ef . an inferior grade. Apples 480%, Peaches oat, for quarters and 41. 8 for halves. FEATHERS—Quiet and. unchanged, at itra, 85 cis. to the trade. EGOS--Coutintie very dull notwithstanding the arrivals are nut large. nor is the supply, but for somecause or other the demand rs very light. We continue to quote at 19C1, 2, 8 , FLOCR—Boar is quiet and unchanged. We can report regular sales of veil establish.: ed western brands at lilsoaBX. mostly at t . 8.• Fancy brands, $7;01,8. Rye. our $3. ORME—The millers. under the influence of the advices from Chicago and. New York, are becoming bearish in regard to wheat. and ask ing,_for concessions. to which • holders, as a general thing, are unwilling to submit. We continue to quote at 1=3,25 for good to strictly . prime red, though to-day there were but few borers above $1...902,1.=. Oats held prettyllrmly. though as yet the demand is only moderate; we can report three cars at 523it0 go east; another dealer_reported that he had been offered 13 for a Large lot, while still another said that he would sell 10.009 i s at that [Ware. Small sales at 644,55. Corn is qalet but steady; prime shelled mar be emoted at Wag; sale Id one car at 91. There seems to be not doing in ear. Rye— we hear of sales ut :War!. ROCERIE6--The grucery market is rather dull and devoid of anything new or important —no change to make in quotations. HAY—Is dull but unchanged with sales at $9641& trona country wagons.. HEMP—Sales of undressed Kentucky Hemp at $167. RUSKS—Cons husks. lli rte. LlME—Sales of Cleveland at V..,25 per bbl, and modern at 51314. LARD 01L—Extra No.l is quoted at 11.1:441 edai and No.?. of 80. PROVIKONS—Rams Wm and higher, otherwise market is uncharured. Shoulders, 14 cts for plain: Bibbed Fides, 164 i: Clear. Sides. .11)4: Breakfast Bacon, Iris; Sugar Cured Yams. Cauvaseed, =EC= I..ard quoted firm at 1: lutes, audit , la buckets and kerF:„NviiisTlyiltai-Troncisec. Sea as. 7. PEARL BARLEY—No. 4. Wu per i1r.1 ,70 . POTA.TOES—There is but little dotrig to old stock. New crop are being sold :it MA per iVhi: — . SEED.s—Flar.seed is in :leave demand. and crushers are taking' ell that offers at $ d , . Morelos doing in Clover or Timothy Seeds. New Vork. NKW YORK. June 'N.--Cotton dull and heavy; sales 400 bales at 210 for middling uplands. Flour: receipts 17,976 barrels: market heavy mud 103..910 lower. sales 0,00) barrel , at $5.105 5.30 for superfine State and western; 1.5.4. MO for extra do.; ta.h513 , 5:= 1 for good to choice do; $.540164 0 for white wheat western extra; 0,5108.70 for extra Ohio; $5.036 0 for ettra ft. Louis. Rye flour Is a shade better. sales 150 bbls at $4 :. q@.: 90. Corn meal quiet and unchanged. Whisky firmer: sales SOO bbls at $1.030L05: closing hrm at the latter price. Wheat: receipts 97.4 d: bush: market be and 3040. lower; sales 79.000 bush at $l.lO for rejected spring: $1=1,24. No. d Chicago; $1... ,5 / 4 1..ti for new Milwaukee. $1.20 for No.l Milwaukee and $1.4kr.1.45 for winter red and amber western. the latter an extreme.. Re , octets of Corn 29.401 bushels. Corn unchanged: [ sales 41.800 bushels at pos9@ for new mixed , western. Receipts of Oati, 43,..%1 bushels. Oats firmer, sale. 34.010 bushels western at 50 Hay. westr rn and 67003 for Ohlo and State. steady. limes firm at 162 A. .Coffee Am , cha,.ng.ed hlisdds .tinsel. Sugar P.?; Sr), In Alf. request; soles ON. :Molasses In moderate demand: sales ILO hoßsheads Muscovado at Met. Rice quiet at 51.02.2Nc. Petroleum outer at 13Witl. 14e for crude: m:difia=l , o for retried. Turpen tine dull nt.3741-Tair. Pork heavy and lower. vales of 7:0 bbla az 1C0.a . a.V.: 1 for mess. Sti 1 (k=3.10 for prime. MrArd.ti for prime mess: 1 AOIO 750 bbls mess seller August at r 0.75. Beef unchanged: sales of :12S bide. Beef hams I quiet. Tierce beef more [ mess sales of 310 tierce. id. IgsKilla for prime : • VOW , for India mess. Middles dull and heavy; sales of oatsxe long clear on private terms. Cut Arm: sales of 140 packagell at 1127.02 tic for shoulders; lilya,lite for hams. Lard heavy and lower. sales of 1:0 tierces at 10 - .1. 165.0 for steam; lekr.lllke for kettle; also 500 tierces seller June and July at 1514 e. Batter [ Tile at 14:04e for western. Cheese dull at 3141ic. Freights lower; wheat 4tl to laser , Pool. '. , /..oted -Flour closed dull and Made lower. Wheat dull. lower and heavy at sl..Z42.l.ffifor No '2 Milwaukee: $1.40 for winter red western. Rea nominal. Oats rather quiet at 682.61 c for 1 western: near.. for Ohio. Corn dull at We Me for new mixed western. Pork heavy at [ VS.7ofor mess. Beet quiet and steady. Cot meats and bacon dull. Lard dull at 151.0 for prime steam. Eggs dull sad unchanged. . • ,Chleage, ,[ Climatal, June and l ost unclumged• allour Is very dull and almost nominal. Wheat is 4}SkLsc lower, with sales of No. 2. at li.o3moixix cash. and 8).03X01,1Y7M seller I:ire'r`iitill thinVilFnsr t ` tr .tl ` -i r li i• rr: ,l . heavy at $1.04, seller Julret.lo bid seller last half.• Corn le moderate y active at 77V..l'ac for N 0.2. closing at Vira.7o)4ol the market was dull and unchanged this afternoon.. Oats steady. fraligwaetro3rifnc.erTgsdlf, 17-flseisilsoo forllighwines rassil,sl.oo. Prov stone 21g4t.4"w"VV73%; i.t?"14tr"1.5..a7 hush w-heat. 10105 bums `corn s . 1 1 :m 1 huh este. 5085 bush rye. 6.1141 bosh barley. Shipment.- 2.864 bbls, 19.544 bush wheat. 30.101/ bush' corn, 94100 bush oats, =655 bush rye. 2" bush bar ley, Freights quiet. Hogs active and firmer at Erd.llSc for com mon „ to focfhcocrice. o C n a tTtleex aactive earn d t o f pri me t=gl.ees' t Llacinnatl. - -; - --- CuI2IIM.OI. June V3.—Flour cud un changed: family 5E,762.48,00; supertne Ver& Wheat very dull; red winter held at S .Ih3 IP; about 10:10 bushels tear white Kentucky was received to-ch.y. and sir hundred bushels sold in Into nt [l, 1.60; the quality is _grad be. Col e foal et . It could not not have been cold at , better than KW. Oats in good demand: re . dt I:db u elt rfriV rt;l7 at flc: Barley unchanged; new fall sold at si.oseix. Cotton dull and prices nominal and no de mand; middlings held at Wc. Tobacco firm and in good demand; sales of 290 hbds at 0,80 av,4o. Whiskey closes firmer with sales at $l. the morning MI barrels were sold not tin be delivered next week. after n oon Dot box bought below one dollar thi Sins pork Is nominally unchanged; shoulders lIXe; sides 11%ie. Bacon ,qatet; shoulders Rhe; sides leK and 10!Ve Tor clear rib and =Ll:war cured; hams 2130:21. Gold 111 ESE ' • • ST. Loom. June 97.—Tobacco steady and un changed. Cotton nominate. Xt. Hemp 4911 at $1.91(i.L7P, emcees rope Ilkel hemp ma" glog 900. Floor doll; low and medium grade' Imar k Stasu t ylnejlmsea, 91,;7 5 . 5 a Vreat nod u easier: No Tiering 97c, No 9 red fall skauo and No I do ftle. Corn dull End closing 1119 c lower for prime yellow at ElSe and wee at 909391,02: latter tor new . . • dull at fieks34ic Rye dull and easier. ' Whisky firmer at 91,03, ()recedes dull and provisions quiet and unchanged. Po• rk FA for heavy. Bacon: shoulders kllil9 , lak(e: clear aides 17)(c. Sugar Cured Hams • c' . Lard: small sales choice kettle at lac. Cattle In lair demand at :4417)(c for tenor to choice. Hogs active at Make 'tor good to choice. Leesville. • LOotartmx, June 7.3.—Baggiug Arm, at we. Cotton dull middling 19c. Flour quiet and arm: extra. family SS,W. Grain inactive and nominal: prices unchanged. 6 i( l 7) quiet; pork PO SA; bacon 13.W41.6MCD1.)Cc: bulk manta 127‘015Xfilkkc. Lard 170. B.lls gimel. Whlvacy dull at 9090 c. Tobacco market active; vales 211 Mid. at 500.6 CO for frosted; $$ ASCU 25 for lugs: $7 =PO 9d for common lent to medium bright larappera. Cleveland. egratabit, Juno 2.ll.=Flour steady and tin cbanged. Wheat quiet: sales early the day at SLO foe No. 1 red: $1,14 for No. dc; 'Art. Note b o lder't: Sg.erianlUdekhl fe. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 29, 1870 do held at 85eade. Oats dull, and held at &Se . for No.l state; Bye spilettnd held atiOZW. ~ , for different grades: Barley nominal: Pe trolosumdult, and - nothing dotes, Crude-Vs --- .... dakaocrec Martel. gemmd.22,11,-,",,,d.m; ' — Tile riveris about at a stand with scant Pnusielphta,. .1. • two feet in the channel, by the Mononi .. Weather Continues Pi-knnunna. June U.—Flour dull and m a,elu pier marks. lii Its's trot; western extra family Pla— Wheat sl — Is In less demand and declining; red Indiana' 'oppressively hot, and the prospects or a f Lai. 'Wye; fl.ill for western. Corn dull: • .. mixed western SI,Q.L.uI. Oats dull at 63).19. rise ar e just about as remote as ever Provisions quit. Mess pork f3arioi 'llene has been no arrivals since the Lard 16/Bl6Mc. Petroleum quiet: crude 'P.c. refined Alb c. Whiskey firm at 11,(021.01. date of oar last report excepting the llalilmore. slackarater packets. BALTIMOna. June Va—Flour dull and weak: western .perane'As: mum 5:47/5.73 The Julie , departed for Zanesville, with family $6.157,50. Wheat nominal: weiitern a slim trip, though she hid all the freight fa11:60.4 5 . Com: more dal sales white at - flak/111,1d and yellow t 10/31. .01 7.. - _ Oats alie scented or could take on the water- - . dull at 600464 c. Rye !I .10. Provlsions unchanged. Whiaky dull at $l, 1:01C1,01. ' The Mollie Ebert is having her freight u • his. brought from McKee's Rock's, where she, Memp Ninment , . Jour 26.—Cottou dull at Mire- is laid up, in barges. I ceipts 122 bales; exports 10. flour unchanged. l' . and; Meal quiet at f.. 4,50. Corn: yellou - A.' —I he Nashville Republican Banner , and ; white 81.0.-Q.1.10. unto dull at forreze. says: In the Steamboat bill now pendinic hide;iet at P.l. Bran Viet at 20 c- ~ rd before Cougresa, it is provided that the 17itOdc. • Pork dull at BSI. flacon: shoulders 11l sines 161,e111,,c. 'Nashville hoard of Local inepection shall- Tcdedo, . be discontinued, and that the management Tornuo. June 2e.—Flour steady. Wheat Vit. of 'our marine affairs shall be centered at ile lower: No. 2 white Wabash f 1.50; No. 1 Evansville Against Erich an - unwise and white Mietdlriwi 1. 1 . 13 : ambcr 3iichigen $ 1 •:/ , unjust arrangement thu boatmen In this N I red f 1,31: No. 2do SI.2X. Corn Is un changed: No.l blihi c: N 0.2 trdion yellow Me. section niaanimousiv protest. A memor. Oats quiet: No. IlsiX c. cal to that effect had been numeromily hi1i0,....• - signed by our leading citizens, frail tho Governor down, and las been • forwarded to Washington. We are confident that Colonel Poorer will NCO to our interests in this respect., 1 . • --Captain( C an non.says the Lee will , leave New Orleans on her regular time], for the pnr . Pose of making.a regular Mimi. Mass trip, without racing. If the Natchez should attempt to pass the Lee under way, Captain Cannon will; of course:, try to rue fast enough to prevent it, but! says Girt although thii Natchez may be 'Ole to do it, she willtink that the Lee is ab aft one hundre miles long before she gels • 2.1 ILW AI:KNId.. June 2s._Flourdnll and lower , choice Wisconsin 1.5.1nad.12 Wheat is dull at $1.13 to V o n' and *LOU lot No Barley s steady 5c for .. Corn, [We nod nonsinat. Freights unchanged. Detroit. Drrnorr. June 2n.. - Flour quiet but Ann, with light stocks of choice at 57.50. Wheat dull. heavy and lower; extra 0,53; No 1 $1.43. Corn nominal at Sake. Onts—wcstern 511a3nc. :gill stuffs . steady. • 121=2 . . . . • .. NEW ORLEANS , June '.fit—Cotton Quiet and steady with middling at Ilr2.lNe: sales . 2.:1.011) bales: seeeir . ds :ZS bales; exports t2i bales; steell. 74. W; bales. -- IM TM Ilk' RAILROAD. CLEVELAND AND PirrsnUnnii lt.uuto&D COMPANY. June N.-2 ears Lake Superior ore. Shoenberger. U & Co; 8 do do, Mchnight. P & Co; 4 do do, Union Iron 51111 s; 2 do do. Color lan. It & C 0 ..% do pig Iron, Colon Iron 31111 e; l i do du. Zug & Cu; 10 do blooms. Nimick & Co; 70,000 shingles. 11 Schmidt & Co 0.000 ft :um ber. it A Clark & Cot 1.6,000 do do. G & Co; 0,00100 do. McQuewun & Douglass; 5.000 do do. Croinlow & Loon; 25 bbl' hams, 10 kegs lard. Dairen & Townseuth 35 bog starch. Strickler & Morleget 1 001 s do. J Wilson & Son; 10 kits toll.o. W Lem 20 lit bbl. plek erel..l Connor; a) cases tobacco. .1 Fullerton & Son: 35 lots h'were. Secomb & Co; 10 0t bbl. lash,Volgt & McGrew: 40 duo w boards, Ar buckles & Co; 11l sits malt, Franenhelm .I,;_X; . a) bws. 8 do poles. 51 Br McWhinney & ern 51 Out corn. 10 do oats. icker & 91 bars iron. 10 sits potatoes, 11 W McLaughlin; 2 Oss bacon, Atwell & Lee; 25 has cheese. J .0 Graff; 40 bbl. Jhmr, Houck. Jamison & 51,10 eggs. 111 Rea Jr: 3 bbls eggs 0 Barnett; 12 bbis lob & Co; 2 do do. S 11 Floyd; its cheese. J Daub; 230 oil bbl., 11 11 Moore; 254 e oil bids. C & Wormenstle. PITT:MEDD II CINCINNATI AND ST. IA,OIB RA I LW P. June 0015•11 our. rt.glunyer & V; 100 do. 1100 Stewart. lOU tcg & Co: 42 hes 05t....1 Sebauppe & Co; 3. do wheat. J S Liirgett .9 Co; :It do oats. 24 do wbeut, Sam Hood; TI do. 43 do corn, Heil !Hobart; 55 do wheat, W McKee & Co:2 _cars graln.l throats, Robb & Horton; 1 de dO.Fag bgs oats. 50 do wheat, 31ellenry & .II;. 9 hhds to bacco. F. Maul: 5 cases do, .1 Welner; 5 toe d beet, Rees Owens, S do do. F. II Myers & Co; 7 do hams, Jll Parker. 19 logs potatoes. Meanor& 41; 4 0010 vinegar, Bruggerman S 13'11; 9111 bbl. MALT. Shomaker.t L:l4 bbl. eggs, J A. Grtdl; 211 bee rage. W McCullough; I car staves. M P Adams: 2 do do.W ll:otter , . 10.1001 s dour, Saul, Lindsay. J r & Co:4. logs do, Wtttt, Lang & Co; bbls potatoes. 20 do apples, Volgt; 1.1 & Co; les hams. F. Holleran; 5 lihtls. tobacco, & Schaub: 50 bbls whisker. Jos S Finch & Ce , . tes dry 0.51. Daliell & T; 8 pkgs tobacco. T.l Blanchard; 1101,1 , 10 potatoes,V on border & 5; pkgs tobacco. Carter. 3IcG .0 Co; 3 tee shoul ders. W U Hays & Son; bbbts tchiske!• • . rolgt & McGrew; s do apples, H Fee & Co. ALLEGUENY Startosr June. ools . s dou. 0 Stewa; I ear wheat, W McKee .. 0 0 Cu; 2 do r, lumber, Art' Taggart; 2 01,10 starch. Holmes. Bell & Co: 18 bbl. wine, G Schmidt; :04 logs flaxseed. M U Suydam; 250 pigs lead. T II Nevin & Co; 525 galls stoneware. 1. Wayg: 43 dor. browns. J Hutchinson; 97ks rAg., II Jones: 3 bbls eggs. G Myers; 200 pigs lead, Beymer. Bauman & Co; 21..0ge potatoes. J Kohen: 10 dor brooms. C& J Melting. I car cooperage.J M Hemphill; I do do, Malys .4 IP, 19 hides. Luckcamp & Co: 8 ears lumber. J Manz: 199 logs oats. It Knox & Son; 2 5010 C LaPPe. FITTSDERGR. FORT WAYNE AND CRICAOI3 RAILROAD. Julie bbl. flour. Wert. Lang & Co; 100 do do,Seliornaker & I.; 10 do 0000 & dust. H M Buffman Co; 91 bats .paper. 1.1 Fahnestock & Co; b pkgs bacom_Henry Rea Jr; bbl. sugar, 1 don peaches. Dilworth & Co; 72 bdls spokes. 8 do yokes, 1 tag ware. Mc- Whinney & Co: I box n wore. 2 bills castings. Sand Mores Son; I bonepower, I frame. I separator, BraitwiCk & logs potatoes, 10, togs cheese, Woodworth r U; IS bas I oil, Scott .0 11; 00 tits cheese. P Shrive , * Co; I ear of lumber, 31 Seibert & CO:Ln AA WOOL S Grad er 13 bales rags, dop stock, C Markle „& SOLL ALLEGHENY VALLEY lIALLiko. June 24. 50 sks Arheet. Kennedy Bro:1 du do. Jim 1,- 11e; e,:z.zi4ifilratruliSchooenbertt.if sks ffillanhord: 3 car ' :u t e k i...l. li t ro " Ma - 6: d C.: g fra iks oats. IS do rye. Dan Ws.llace: 60 do wheat: Jas-M Moth: - Ido onto. A MeMeth: 1 car grain. Keil HPOB 81 Rays's. _ . . . (I tKETA PER 1.1mr..g. Juno Z 5-7 sks wool. Wn Welsh & Co: 157 ska wheakellcßane E Anjer, at sks wheat. 31 do °a(g.-is .. )1. Floyd & C'o: 4 ale bbis, '.L Wltit.,:i.hl; AO .1: Ysto. : , Ie - CrAcklo St I InlbrAith: ,31 aka rags. fi rem. A II on WU fro: G u 11ki;,,,.::•;,„Z 2 ,, v1: AL•411:V.:1.7, k, ter, 2 boo eggs. si 31 DuCtatn, At gal ' ,tun.. v.. " ,... tin =reTa, I nt ' rn g 111 n VI.. I it. II Conway. 1 lot snoring. Wut :smith. VtrrnagnOn. lIROKNAVALLt AND GENEVA Pacgrt Comen.srV. June V.--de As wheat. 35 do oats. McHenry & II; a sits rags, It Chris ty;Z) blds door. J S Dilworth & Co; 4 bbls of a1.',1, tra":' ; ..I ) ,`:',:h o ni... k m- C •ctlb °V ' .r 0 . ,. ? 1 . , bk. cheese. Knox & Orr; 50 sks wool. A .9 Lar ds's: 5 pkg. butter. 31 W Rankin & Bro. _ BITER. PACKETS ?jOAO\6A!I6LA RIVER. THE FLEET STEAMER a dr oi t BELLE, J. r. SMITH J.W scorr ndependent P I, Pittb, Brownsville an Geneva c eI:I74I:EWIDS Tr n . 'rilltrStiAl 9 =VAT '6"Dl7,-; "4 rCan - y x. TIM .47,..4.1Psuisetsgirs all' thVg,'T,VorwrZl..vor °%"%rlt.lrct:nov iz co.. Mow. PORTO:MA:TB PAyLET. YOR WHEELING, NA Iti- si dat . ETTA. A ItitittSßVlßO. ONTON AND PORDS.ItoCTII. Leaves Attsbrugh EVERY VRIDAT-4 r. st. t Lowe. Portemotab EVERY MONDAY-10 A. The nate endaAendld passenger steamier GRANITE STATE, w. 0. LEW! ....... Wlnteave as announced. Tor rretiebt or passage APPIy on board or to Pittsburgh and Cincinnati PACT LINE Z he r and InPtentlid Blee..beelsidrist Capt. C. 1.. BEENNOcorittlerover e rtoon i r for Cin cinnati SAT 011.P.EY of o co ci ocCrilVirzt nuck . Y" tn"" F'"" R . A n a l i n a.trAg&D , JAMES COLLINS. Mum. STEAMSHIPS. rro LIVERPOOL AND QUEENS .L INM Ale MAIL "4 ., • EITNAMSILII4 I, twebering emcee et. elute vessels. among them the eelebr. CITY OP CITY OP RiHwd,(il,TsilrlN".'l/61114;113. Rand { EVERY SATUIWAY, from Pier 43 North Imer. pp Neff York. For Immo or (miller irtfomm tioo alr WILLIAM BINGHAM, Jr., OS. H. GIA.T.IIH...MIN 1111ANNON..R14. 'U. LORI. • Jos, M. Gazzam & Co., ATiOKNEYR ANIDV OINS k EL g ERB AT LAW wavziPVL.Plfr G W. DeCLIIP; :ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Was removed to No. 37 GRANT STAZET, burgh. Will practice In tha U.S. Circuit C ond oct Court.. In the State Fiaprel. and ell theof Allegheny county. and mato celloctions in most of thitednecentconntles. • • • _ AM_ ARCHIBALD BLARRI—N, Attorney-at-Law, : • OEM pc:Ol.T R. McCORMICK, Attorney. - at - La w, No. 6$ GRANT STEM= • tirPrompt attoutlOo than to all lands of leisi 3.2.t15 betslno. WIL B. NUPE% ALLaintAN ANatlp-01100 .TUSTICII: 01 Office, 112 Fifth avenue. : c ram .t.torignven to °newer...UM and .0 1 . I onn Deeds . Bonds and !lanai.. Mt , * OP. and all IMO business attended to nrtnapill and an• IDEA NUTS.-401 . sack DICKEYre, for sy , ISAIAH 00. RIVER NEU entirely padt. —The Columbia, recently Sunk in We Missouri River.lwas built in July, Dal; at Miller's landing, on the Missouri , and completed at Si. Louis, coating about. tlO,- 000. She meadured 7.152 tons! and carried 900. Her length on deck wait gni; beam, 314; deptloit feet, and she drew, light. three feet. She was built fdr Benjinmn Dozier, .1. 11 Willoughby an& others. —The Cincinnati C(//aniertiol says Capt. Andy Robinson, Jr.. has not sold. the tilasgoie, as intimated by the papers, al. thougli Capt B. C. Levi. of Louisville, has been examining' her for the lower' trade. Capt. Jas. Collins, one of the owners of the Li lasgow, is among the:Juniata:a pas. sengers from Pittsburgh. —The W. 11. Eddy, one of the smallest side.wheel steamers over built, and which will not pass inspection on account 'of her boiler; not being in accordance with the law governing stamboats, has been put , chased at Ironton by Dan Rice for WOO. Slll. will probably be used as3in advertis ing fore.ronnei for the circus. —Captain . 11. L. 1. r. thtl Red River taattman. formerly of St. Louis, will pro. bably retire from the river Profession at an early dat, Of the . several steamers owned he has sold all navethe (31a 'ola: which he will doubtlens also sell. -Captain 11.. t. Dohrtuan,Oerk of Cale' Rea'. new lied river packet. writes friend in Cincinnati that • the new .et will 'already by July l lo. and will tamed Carrie Converse. after the wife a New Orleans inewitant: --A Sunday morning ppaper hints that to' river editor of the Enquirer will Won double-trip It for life. lie go. to Penn. sylvenis this week, but whether lee-will return with R wife or not we are. not in• formed.—Cis. Gartfte. —The Went Wind sunk a barge by. driking a log Littleas River, above tla nitwit of the t Wabash on Thuisday lofts of corn were wet. The, berg. -rdoed and brought out. tam to el pack . . . —The Wauanita Rad towboat Boaz ael at Calm on Sunday, and the Bait-keys N arrived at St. Loula the tune day. —.llexanderl liuthrie hat sold out b onutiitirth int rest. at Nashville, in tl Burkaville, to papt. James Lovell. al trivili;Olog 04 *I . , _. -__ -_ . ~ , i NTri l 0 ) KIICHAIN i 0 Dying business in the Iltuvultbsan4 Then:Wyk uf thts cone ty. mei ell Reel Estate. Mercbaaeltse, El cheatte..tecl , MU. Cattle. 110411 etZl Ull Err wen. Blillsza 11.11 H aletle K elopers. sud Commission 111trikliants '1""*'"" YF. o, ‘ll. .1, Of JO, to se r• tu,rlA ',1"&"ZIr AxE With • reduction 01 0, wit. for prompt pm meat - J. F. DENNISTON. Treasurer of Allegheny County. JeLioradsT U. S. COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. • • Orrlcs COLLsrTor or Isrsio Ilesc.ft, 234 0011R:dn. of ransu., No. Water oleos AL.X.rouIMT . May WM. 1570. Commus.m Cl Ser. . . ed, Notice is !Hurl' giv i r w il=btar m i l- Lt ot.ErV.s. . • Incomes, Carriages, Watches Silver Plate, &c., Ara now In this oelos, when payment will be re ceived thereon by the Collector, on and After the MOAT DAT OF JUNE, IMO. Three Yazoo Wm tvg become due. meet be ;Yid before the 23th der of Jane. 1371. otherwise additional, experaes Wlll be inctirred by the ter Perer. &BUFFINGTON, Bee- Depute Collector for the County 'of Armstrong, and NDWLY LION, fag. Deputy 'Collector for the openly of Butler, •111 be ready to melee attar the let 'of June. for their reveal,. countley sod wlll poet notices &Werra. tint the time and planet when and where they will be prepared to recelce the tares collectable by them. Twee pald only In irreenbacle or national moreney Moe boors frora9 A. U. to 3r. N. IM=1: 11. cultustrr • CO Allegheny Taxes. 143 IiMITTIYIELD STREET PROFESSIONAL , it 0.116 FlMit AVISNUM. 0!=;l1 OTICIES. OrDocreß .WHITTIER coNTINJ 131t8 TO TEMA? ALL PRIVATE DM- i EAng. That numerous dam of cases remblorr from delf-ebase, producing unman/Mem, na rms. debilits. irritability, eruptions. seminal emimions. and thralls impoteacr psrmanantlY stimd. Parma. Orbited with delicate, intricate and long standing conistutional complaints am an invited to milme. for nsultation. teachers has ena which costs noth ing bled him. Ac the co twat of , Derelict remedied at mace ereident. oaf e.perawnsitt. midebleti in most mews C.A.+, be used without hind ibised to business. Medicines prepared in the ea taberthrilent, which embraces aim remotion and waging gouts: also boarding and sleeping apt i rt .. - _ Mal patients requiring _daily personal at - -.poor and chemical baths..thus conmir to. the horsed mineral Springs. ho matter who Oleg, stateour cam. Read whet he ssys his pamphlet of W y O paged. dent to any address for twaatamps hi sealed mvolope. Thousands of mom Mow 019 Ca and all over the rountrv. Vt'llirrtrer. inrgreavv,t.b747.?k:.• 9 A. o w. XS Y. 31. ' Sande). 11 la. co P. a. rairiphlat sent to any address for TwO eiTANIVS. apt _-- 11:rDiftirEPSIA—NEW 3toDt. TREATMENT. ' PROSM"SORWALKER.the distinguished Erie lig Botan disetireral le Australia an expellent Bohnit rented'', an effectual cure for indnitedon , 111111ous and Liver Complaint. hlo and eurranintifated tlfiTi Tiehiex. trg 2,7guettz Retf'crnlPo'clety who nmkes this on. nPnime the ment w Medical ill not mate any chases , f or this cunO of Erri eiwgt.tvel t:,17".u.r . lane. but in return request those who are *veined to forward to the Societta statement ei their case. and thus aid with facleflhe !resent re v ering ' n 1.2% R 1 if ' d irt ? TII " Er RU C 010 South , 13th . street. 11illadelnhit„ arIlIA:ICHOOD: 110 W lASTS HOW RESTORED —1 not Publighed ii4icran 7,17441 Mt Eiga ° ea re o f i. diperntaterg or Stenina n l o lVeilk,bees.tind2 i =: m il en" nit :TO Its " , ejrnt. r m.:Z ° =piq mo.t IJlmPticie At: bittOßT, CULVERWEL. D. 11: ' ,n P lhor r. !the . ..Green 800k,7 de. I. A BOON . TO THCLNOS OF SUFFERRS:. Sent under smiles rlaln envelrti.p. addre , r. t tr , stra ; j ' C'll7i73. ° L I . VITN‘E•II: r44 4 1.4.g. I New Posuilllce bon 4000. Also Dr. Culeerwells •iyitarrfork.tage2vide.:cLicsol3 cent. mr.c73) liAllt DYE.— . This splendid Heir Dye I. the Wet In the or wld. Harmless. reliant. InstanLeneone.dmit uce nut contain tendon:yr any vreamc poleitn to Prod paralysie or death. Avoid the vaunted nldc ssle7..prltri'irgtfit rr.Z11:2g01.P.7.,;;;• 11114 30 Tents untarnielrii repubition to npludd its Integrity us the only l_erfece Ham Dye—Diave Brown. hold OL Dingifiett. Applied of to Bond street. N. 1. . I fe. AVOID quAuKIN.--Ik 1 letlp...of Ird`;.T.." •... ..... of noTeVri7VlZlCl:rjnegrirlit V.rbP,!".:l.l= 'uirog.o,oltf• 78 Nassau 81.reei..:Nififft'l'o;k WS 01AE SALE GROCERS'. 81,c BSTABLISHED BY A. A. T. CORMLY,II9I w. M. G 0 MALY,' Wholesale Grocer 271 LIBERTY STREET, M J An, FEEL,. )J. & SON, JOHN HE. SULLIVAN == =Ea _ Taw.. uziejOini•Vitnii, 1870 t;c2Slep'ZA- itt:C=l..":4lfl","Mprri V:. Rents City . ;OW, Clty Oasineae. School. Awn Build. OS( and Publie Pare Tatum and of Water Re for the yew Ity . . and thltttrannt All. :47.17 01'011.17°Infh. 11110. and of Avril I.4th, IMO. Ilub)ect to the fo lowlus Wilfulutio nw and allowances: Flee per cent. If pall On or before the drat del of July. - Your per Uent. If pall on or before the drat day of Auget. Two per cont._ If paid in, or beforelbe drat day of ileptember. ft paid after the drst day of fleptanaber. and on or before the Nat day of October. .0 &Audit , . will te roVic bet P•l2l th alter the Mat o lf of Ottotei.etaggf, of Or. ft. 1,11:01ajatil be added adalmtrifell'perable on th• lue. After the First of November, see Wurante .111 tome! to .1 orOe collettloa so wlt E to of all taxes raroprolni untold, tor... per venue* wormed tbereocy.rd ..Tr r,„l.lspitrigultr-b..- • this co • ,p.'hl:49,F*Rft, ON c r or lxiattNAl. frr-1 , V."I6 P TAZIA.,. OTT oh' PlTreitheoh Jove VOTICEIS HEREEtt oft E T A.. the An:ma List of Team on Incomes,: Carriages, Watches, Silver Plate, it,",L i ertiVAl T Dirrolly o :44" . thechleenerettetztetnthe theett - lt i t i t o olt7 i o! h rlttalgl i ber o atylgT io th M i t atrnE 4 :7lll rhuePtrgair:i tat St. Mar. The foregoing tenet DUST BE PAID BEFORE THE 90Th DAY OF • • JUNE, ISM °Wend., eddttional Tante* to,,„,,inv=l, Deputy . Collector W . Ur the 017.11:41:44tr:Atztrato,elietStine min whhn wilt be propeleA to en „„tytt litgOi heg 114:1,71t3 Colinctdr Iht.lleta W liak s " crn-ThfiIIVKIR rnal.oo JUDOi • N ACCORDANCE WiTli I k PRO" V1810743'0f the mg tilgertl 4 "ll4 b ir b b i theta IP' M City, city Building s Special, FOOT, DU N ness, City School and Ward School Tax 6 and City. Water Rents F o r the isar actaluf. n...nh been Ws day returned to no for colleen.= A deduction Of Vivo me to allowed on all Taxes ,and Water Roma pat& 0....f0m drat 0.1 of Au.... and T en per cent= If 1,00 ,b 01.1.14131110 nut daTt of /Moot and fifteenth day of PHlpliflAber, • • A. 3..00cHW• I= erectly opposite UAW Hotel.) Commission Merclunds, And Dealer. In FLOUR. GRAIE: FEED, ad., N 0.93 01110 STREDF, Dear E. , . CormanAt:Alle ,4lVl We C. Armstrong; Ithicceraor to F 1140( a ATIVIMIaIr.I PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, . J. BLANCHARD, Vholesale'and Retail Grocer, nIi96PENN STREET Ileanor & Ilatper FLOUR. COLLIN AND PRODUCE COMral ssiou Iterchau to. 3:19 LIBERTY RIRRET. CansignmeLdanninited. - --- ITTLF.,IIIIIiII & PATTON, Whole eIALE OROCM K.C...1.0 1 . 11 . n Yleri - hanta and 'kal i era In rnalacc. Floor. !Won. le ,hente.l.l ttat, C.O.' , and lan OIL Into. Won., Cotton Varna and oil 4•lttabFgh Manufacture, anuondly. 111 . 4 ."ndl 14 ttri,."..2,11.!.T.,_111c.r.11, rittoburgb. T Olt N I. 110USE6:BRIA..Sliceessor s e to JOtL' L LOESS a CO., W0 . 011444e Grocers i'vaustlann Merchants, earner ot esalttcdeld and Wale, stnyta, thltotatnitg. To7l7,7vlriax ,W.turre. Q.III_PITM WALIACEI Whole.salr - 77 FINANCIAL, '7 rer Cent. Gold FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS (rar.s OF 17. a TAX.) Eli= , - • lIIIRLIN GryoN,. :. cEDA.R 1 11A1'1Ds & MINNESOTA IL IL C A LIMITED QUANTITY von PAWL A..t DO and Interest t pay . Ole 31a7 Wa NO,MbeT. 3. SWAP. THOMPSON, CHARLES L. FILOSI. nese braids lave 30iners to run. are convert- itile itt the: option of e holder into the stock of the Conipaur d at per, en tnextrTenl of the`priii dratgreirer gr f t o O ' f b ihe ' g ' iar n I L lial i nt.d . 7 °I ultileied and *hoes lure earnings, and th••bousnOi. of the work I. rapidly Pnicestll4l. ereltonssitatiugly resoramend these Bondage the * FI Ou an t d best inteltment in the tunttet. C. B. rsrteentles. at present prices. only return g r . ..,...g_ i t mereet, while these per eight and me-quater per ,ill GOO, end we regard the Plienrity erpielly good. the tromp., reserve the right. without 001100. to advance the price. HENRY CLEWS & CO" • Bankers, • 32 Wall Street, New York N. NeCLEAN .t CO.. Pitteburab. Pa. HARKER NROS. & CO.. Philadelphia. TOWNSEND. WIIEUEN & CO.. Philadeleh KUNTZ & 130 WARD, PhNadel phis. BOWEN & FOX. Philadelphia. DeIIATES At BEMUSE, Philadelphia. CENTRAL BANK No. 35 Bank Block PI7TSBUR , III,, PA MIMI Bank of Discoint and Delo STOCIMOLDIKRii IitUIVIDUALLV MARLS. nterest Allowed on Time Denali!' Uni lted lectioo Cana a made tdall the principal Cities of the State. and du. 11031T.,ANRYAPiij,T t,•i gn ail aAM OOAI /O FilO T kItO MV 11. ALICON P WC JFA.TM 14 P uuNNI. 0, An't. ' 4oool , aplt:e(horr _ .LL - 111G NATIONAL *BANK 0 . 1.' Pittsburgh. No. as FIFTH •ALviarctiv.. Caphal Stpolt. • ......$500,000. J. W. 000k_Prwidow, R. W. MAOLET, °wow, i.e55:2.8 W. MeCABDLEBII, /wt. Oulgw. HOTELS Mountain Howie, CRESSON SPRINGS, Pi This lavadlo resort . Ito Non enlarged and Im proved Once last season. Pall be Open for g 111,016 JUNE 1 3tb.1810. EXCURSION TICKETS sold by tbe Peonsylvsnla Raiirdad. at Now Tort, Phil adelptd. Harrisburg and Pittsburgh. All trains stop at Cresson. ROOMS may be secured In sults or stogie. FEULINOR CELEBRATED ORCHESTRA b • been enPsted for the season. • For Isittherbstormatlon, address • G. W. MULLIN, Proprietor ONE FIIRNIF9IIIED COTTAGE to rent. Jar ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL ED. BARKER; Proprieinr, Cor, Penn 31. and fib. formerly old Cut ME= pretwoLazt AMERICAN BANK, I No. SO Fourth Avenue, PITTSBURGH CASII CAPITAL ................ . ........ 1110,00 0 Stockholders individually Liable. DANE OF DISCOUHT AND DEPOSIT. VAIN FIfIFD. WM. FLCestneOYD. r. "ti;scroye: • Tboa.M. Marshall. JODU M. .llartlend id . • 'IIT W ie (l.... sT la° a. B.L. ' , Con Joh n Floyd. Cotion mane uu points In the United Stones and Omens. Prompt ittentlon p• 10. to on, THE . _ . • • • DIAMOND SAVINGS BANK, 1 No. 6 DIAMOND. PrertatCßOM. CAPITAL. ........... . .................... .824 0.00 0 d'rOCRIIIOII,OI.II.I7.anfwIM-A1.1.1' Ll.kflt.L. liepoada In lIIIIIIS of $1 and nnwarda fewewed• Interest allowed onAlms &Malta latttlsalaes , tentlon Oven to collet-00m procesds ut Which will heremittsa Prari l Y• Ct ~,,...,. s . . Napeir'. Abraham Garrison. .ZwYer. po‘ap'Lle...lllson, I• L . egii k.1..b ,,, ..n. ..v , z P Pres 1 de t g ta A D MVT. Cushier -Jon • S. SCPLLY. , 1e9:02 FREEHOLD BANK AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION il No. 100 .orirth Ave., Pittsburgh. lIIIVILKt . EPOSITORS SECURED REAL ESTATE D AND INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME BE . POSITS. D r d Praelr; D riDD DElik NcrtDDC ADA3I JACOBS . EDWA D DOUSE. PHILLIPS. JAAESe, otAFT. !;toirr. Ny . .SIA,ORBY , TIIUM AS S7rviimi,,,liiill4isk DRUSD; r:Tg ' 7Z - IV D I A'ID To= ex4PS.SLL "'""'"lD'n9 giik l lvtgtittirtl Vitkfe 92,,z 4 1 ever l y mtu M BANKING COINIPANY No. 4! Fourth Am, Pittoblrgh. EMI= Stockholders Individually Liable. .w. IL EVE lisoN, w: 31ACRUP , PreaWant,. acroCastile!. 'ALFJ,A.7•RELI. BA TIK, JOipiAT. VILYagiIittiKIifII4'.(IIVIT,LIPS, J W. O. It KKK ARP • F. WILSON. JACOB KLEE. Collections made on all aectaalble points of the 1'1'41,1.111V Itg,ce`dnotilf hIE DEPOSITS. Prompt attention (IT to bustneee of cartes-, nondent%_ CITY BANK, 1121.'17'11i AVENUE, . PIT72BURGII, PA. 00.000 CM= STOCKHOLDF.ItS NIVIDLY LIABLE. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. BOWDON -raeliAtiGH. bought endwad. and when desired remitted to t Elllupe. Collections castle All end in ell the yrinClyid Potrith of the U°"*4 WMJNIC inCCABE. Voce President. W. N. ittiRGAN, Caslithr. Psties_NcCitbe. Hugh se . etinit i Terence mii.. mee umn Thome. names. et.ASVO T JO9. M. OAZZAM. gOlidtoT. THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO D Ihratra Thorns. Roo It Parritt Bane. Chu. u: Barr. Chu. M arano. J Ot'•Pittsburgh Volt ' Safe Keeping of Valuables, • end Lb. reuttux of dales Lulls lE= • Fitt andßurglar-Proof Vaults ; No 'B3 108 - uith In=crows Wllll2ll Phillips. Sigo t z 11. ,, Psost.s . r. TtiransU (Ss °r auwit. WM., M. Lyon. V.U. U. H..). lAA II Vermnt.