The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 29, 1870, Image 1

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COruer Sixth Aye. and . Smithfield S
2. B. mamma:4 JOSIAH KING,
By mall, per yeer
I pollyered by barrier, per wlmts
SOROSIS is dwindling.
LOT/lAIR is not liked in Germany.
AT Appomittox pia has been discovered.
TEXAS has more than three million cat.
'ON.Saturdltv sunstrokes were frequent
In Philadelphia. -
TIIERE are 1,800 Sualthoo in the Sew
Nark directory.
NATIVE Lnuisiana champagne sells at
ten dollars a dozen. .
TEAVldtterical prlson,theConcietgerie.
in Patio in to be destroyed.
A NEW and valuable veil of coal has
been.struck near Springfield,
WO per night is the pricelllias Anna
Dickenson now - charges for her lectures.
Gfeltenst. O'NEILL io atill in jail at
Burlington waiting for a $15.000 bonds
man. -
BOsTON In enjoying as a theatrical nov
elty Boucicaul thrilling sensational drama
of the Octoroon.
- TUE hotel capacity of Saratoga wan
never so great as now, and the rush of
visitors is commencing. .
Motocross object to having their fences,
'and - mountain sides adorned with solver
thiementa in white paint. .
A LAGER beer vault is what will he
. made of the Mammoth Cave if visitors
Liu not become more plentiful. .
MADIIIIL it; iLver a report that
there In a child-stealing association 'there;
one little girl hoe disappeared.
DIRCOVEUIES of lints at Sioux City in
' dicate that the aborignal residents in that
ioeality were all eight feet high.
is Maine bathers are fined for working
on Sunday. .In 3ltuinachusetta shaving iA
regarded by the courts as a work of ne
A foloct.o was recently Inarriit s in
Coventry, R. 1., and the briilegroom. vho
was two yearn older than the bride, was
only fourteen. -
ScAsnrsAviss atudents are provided
for in the Northwestern (ill.) University,
and a Scandinavian professor has' been
added to the faculty:
TUE Russian opera troupe now - out
west has become disgusted with this
country, and the members intend speedily
returning to their native land
ra - rrrtos in being signed at Perim,
• asking that the firand Rabbi Isidore
should be nominated Senator:a dignity to
Which no Jew- hasever attained. '
OrPoso'ros pacers find fault with SET.
retary Robeson because he is a landsman,
and now that he proposes to aall along
the coast they Gnd fault with him for
that. •
Dn. Hrrz has gone to Washington. lie
died some oda years ago in Isiontaner,lie-
Mmo.aue/r-a beautiful petrifaction after
• burial that the Smithsonian would have
ON Saturday David,Carnegie, a carpen
ter, fell front the top of a new -.building
in Columbuso,'lhrough'th the cellar, and
broke his nose. Otherwise in, is but
slightly damaged.
ActEr is a cementer a far beiter lawyer
than a barrister? Bemuse a barrister
commences his profession by going to the
Bar, but a carpenter goes direct to the
• Bench.—{Tomahairle. •
mouth, and Hon. James Pike. of South
New Market. are prominent candidates
for the Atonal:llmsnosolnatlon
, •
. ,
Two boys named (lave,/ - were run e
by a train of care at Lack:tow:La. Tb
elder aged seven loet an arm. 'll
- aged five had one arm and hi:
bead completely.eut off. lie is dead.
THE Louisville thUrlllll says: George
Eliot Is the successor of Charles Dickens.
A watt= stands 'today at the 'lead of
Eitglish fictitious" literature : the peer of
Tennyson and Mill, and greater than all
TUE Fremont county (Iowa) Time* can
lions the craftagainst a printer, one S. E.
'De Forest, who swindled that Mitre. 'Also
the public against one A. C. Lawrence,
who' . has been imposltlg on the Odd Fel
lown of that locality.
tuAT convenient authority, an “PX•
change," say. One of the largen oo t a lopen.
lags observed in the sun in 187, miles
In tircumference. The earth rolled into
this dark crater would be like an apple
thrown into a bushel basket."
By the burning of their shops in Read
ing, on Sunday, the Reading Railroad
Company lord about $115,000, on which
there wee but $25,000 of Insurance. Three
hundred- workmen lout their tools, and all
of 'the valuable patterne . Were—Aesterryed.
TILE New York State Mixon it Auburn
to Bahl to have such a reputation for-cool
nese that criminals are travelling to , its
neighborhood - and committing such Ktsc
tiOns of the law as they think will secure
them lodgings there for the summer
SEVERAL new Undo have been: struelt
In the Dubuque lead -region lately. Two
poor Miners have reached sudden wealth
la the discovery of tno hundred thousand
Ontands of the mineral that In In night,.
and there In no knowing how much in out
R. U B. Fiothingliam says, in
speaking of the summer. that it
du!y to' lose ourselves in these
fit nature; to take the skeletons nut of
our closets and lot them volatilize away
in btinging them in the sunshine—what,
ever that means.
ON Saturday afternoon this business por
tion of the Tillage of Clifton Springs, N.
almost entirely destroyed by fire.
several dwelling Louses as well ao public
buildings were burned to the ground.
The aggregate loss will be . over 175.000.
The insuranee will not reach one-fourth'
of the
'fug latest Chicago sensation Is the find
login en alley of the hand and ann of a
mulatto woman, which had evidently been
concealed In a hovhead of sugar. It is
^ supposed to-have been shippedto Chicago
in a hogshead of West India sugar, and
the question is what grocer haa been sell
-log that sugar?
A BOLD attempt at • burglary was
made and frustrated on Saturday night in
Forney 'n Per,. building, cornet of Chest
nut street, Philadelphia. Three men were.
• caught. in the act of cutting through the
floor of a second story mom to get into
the jewelry store on the first floor. After
&sharp_ pursuit the burglars escaped.
Tarr have a queer . way of amusing
themselves in Auburh, A party catch a
toad, then a couple of dozen fire.flieo or
"lightnimg-bugs. "rimy make the toad
swallow the bugs,- and afterwards put
hint under a glass Wait. The little flies
keep up a flashing inside for some min
utes, and illuminate the told all over.
The toad likes it, too. ..
i ' • If ERE is about the &cement specimen
of free trade joke that we have found, it
has the virtue of not being vulgar which
Is tit:thine in free trade jokes, and it COM.
from Punchinello, the. very little Punch,
which tells of 'Greeley. at Long Branch,
**wing sadly , observing the swindling
we're'. which cameall the - way from Eu
rope, and didn't pay a rent of tax when
they landed."
Tag, Rev. Ed. Hualband, an English
clergyman who went over to, lionte_bas
. Roos back to where • he started, hating
remained but a few weeks.• The Rev. E.
G. Ffoialkes. a nottst convert to Romazdam,
and one who xis an active advocate of
the Somali Church, has returned to the
/malt= communion. The. Marquis of
Bute, who was, edacited strictly as 1
preebyterian, and whose...conversion to
' the Roman faith made • such a sensation,
\denies that Le has ever regretted- the
step, and Mill advocates 'the dbouni of
the church of his ri)tion.
FOR several months past quantities of
freight, transported by the Central Rail.
read, have been abstracted from the pack
ages, and the matter was plaited In the
".. hand. of detectives. On 'searching four
hous es In. West Albany on Saturday, at
each were found secreted large quantities
of - shoe., boots, rubber goods, dry goods,
r .
• tt
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and Family Newspapei.
lik lits.
' Pulaj'."`" l i . ElWNß rth.. :L .b l o 'A u 7 d lA . ,
A . x i l , .
Zr . l it t
No farmer. ..
without It. 'bn ' te
Stogie awbwatborit.
clubs of 4.4.
Clubs of two Owe. 8
A copy la [airmailed Nasittltalm,., th ..., ,
_ —
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STA BI.ISHED -, -4).A!
hats; caps, fursdboxes of plug tobacco,
ladles writing desks, etc. A switchmen.
named Stephen Manahan, wan arrested,
and Ise"Made a full confession implicating
other brakemen on the freight trains.
The brakemen have made their escape,
hat will be pursued. The robberies, it in
estimated, amount to many- thousands of
dollars. •
AN anxio u s couple from Illinois recent
Iv arrived at a St. !Anis hotel, and. at
their request, a clergyman was sent for.
After the marriage ceremony , was over,
the happy groom tendered, the minister a
*2 bill as his fee, but the landlord sug
gested thaLle ought al least to make it a
V. Upon the hint the bridegroom handed
out $.l more. Everything was lovely so
far. The next tiny, when the party wish
ed to return home, the landlord found
that his guest WEI! short of !rinds—that
he had, in fact,' - lurid all he-,bad to the
minister. The landlord, remembering
that he had urged the' liberality of the
previous day. took it as a good joke on
himself, receipted their Nil in full, and
bade them depart in peace.
TOE Springfield Mo. , Leader learns that
a desperate affray occurred in Stone - co:.
ou the :Id instant. which resulted in the
death of two men. Monday night a num.
her of horses and mules were stolen from
stables in Suspicion rested
on two dischirgod railroad hands, who
had been seen going South with horses
and mules. A posse was immediately sent
in pursuit, and overtook them In Stone
'county. about fifteen miles from Marion
ville. The thieves refused to surrender
without warrants for their arrest were
produced: One of the posse was sent for
warrants, the rest remaining to guard the
horses and titteses, wishing if possible
to avoid bloodshed. The thieves took
vantage of an unguanied . moment and
shot one of the posse named 'Williams,
who lived at Long s Mill, on white River.
who was instantly killed. In - the confu
sion incident to the shooting bOth thieves
made their escape. In a short time after
one of them was discovered lurking - in
the woods, and was shot while trying to
escape. The other. who killed Williams.
has not' been captured.
THE carpet weavent of England talk -
triking.for higher srageit. •
TEIF. new, docks at Table. - Bay, Cape
Town, have been completed, and are now
open for shipping-.
THE great composer of waltZeS, Strauss,
receives a salary of $15,000 in gold for
his particlpation In twelve concerts in Ba
den linden.
Tut: otatisties of emigration and immi
gration of the Kingdom of Saxony show
that 471tersons moved into that Country
.during the year 1869, while 451 emigrated
front it..
no epidemic of small
- 10 in Paris
continues to decline. The ,mortality dur
ing the week ending the 11th of June
was 165; the general mortality decreased
from 1,174 to 1,058.
TUE Sultan desires to visit the States
of the Occident again; but his minliners
Won't let Wargo, and even acme of the
Foreign 'Minister are said to be strongly
opposed to the project . ,
Hosons are being heaped on Count
i3eust by the Emperor of Austria. lie
has just been 'made Cluumellor of the
Order of Maria Thereaa,the second high
est order of Knights in . Austria.
A wottaa named Agnes Swctta, in East
Prussia: Injured her husband in such a
terrible manner by pouring boiling water
over him that he died of it. She woo
sent to the penitentiary for five years,
Baas Cuniartaa ANDERRON, the story
o ..pentintrets. a fen. devu prrvioUß'
trltilti death of Charles Darken,. had r...
evteed and seeepted an invitation from the
latter to pans a few weeka nest automa at
oldmembersb of Sepolefirie (trend
Anny died the other day, within fifteen
minutes of each other, at the Hotel des
Invalided. A curious fact is that both of
them hintbeen severely wounded at the
beaten( delgt. .
FsTlll3t • IlYAe4Tnt: is at Munich
iiere he lidlds daily intercourse will
anon Doi/Inger and-the King. of Bararia
din, it is said, intends to ranter nn hin
ie cirizenahipof Munich and a- chair
is col:lnnen.. of a groat , scarcity o
clergymen in North Germany, the proper
authorities have been directed by the
government to favor, us mochas possible,
the exemption of. theological students
from military duty.
TnE people of Austria have been in a
terrible fright lately, as both the children
of the Emperor were almost-dead with
the measles. Prayers for their recovery
were o&•red in all the churches At last
account they were recovering.
TuE oldest sons of the Crown Prince of
Prussia. William and Charles, whose
health before had been quite . delicate,
have returned from Comes. in Southern
France, where they spent the winter, to
Berlin, very much - improved in healtli.
AT a match pen of carrievpigeons flew
a distance of seven hundred miles in less
than ebihtliciurs. .-The,y were let loon., in
the morning at 0 o'clock in - Penult, Hun
trarT, and arrived at 2 o'clock P. 0., at Co
logne, although in nn'exhanstedfcmdition.
Ting editor of The Cape May; bitrtio . nd
proposes to open a room connected with
his publication office, fitted up with desks
for the convenience of .newspaper men
from all, parts of tlw country. The lead
ing papqa will be on file and a-register of
visitors kept open.
Omni mc and French correspondents
rt that at least two thousand courtesans
aye gone to Rome from all the large
ities of ilumpo since the Ecumenical
'mind! met ha the Eternal Cite. and that
he demoralization prevailingthere at the
resent time is oven worse than that of
Ix the first • wnek j of June there were
13-I.oOfi persona in receipt of parochial re
lief in the metropolis, of whom -33212
were in the workbouses,and 100574 were
outdoor paupers. This was an increase
of 4,379 on the numbers In the corres.
pooling period of last year, but a decrease
of 41,00p,at the coil of February.
la 01,1) Herod was Mill alive, he would
find a nyrupathizing ally in the Catholic
Club of Vienna. Th 6 nohle society has
Iturt offered a price of twenty dursta for
the bent entity nn the following subject:
"How can the thematic of our Jewish po
pulation and the accumulation of wealth
in their ban& be prevented in n legal
manner r
.VELoczrEDEs, which have 'almost din.
appeared from thin country, are an
the go in Europe. Velocipede races are
reported from all parts of the continent,
and only a short time ago a Count Hoff
manseck made the distance hettieen Ber.
tin and Dresden in two days and three
bourn, on a wager. 'Phree days' time had
been given to him.
Fnom• April Ist to June 11th the nation
al revenue Wan .C 1222.7,444, or more than
£2.000p00 below the receipts in the cor
reeremiltntr period of last year. The
Imam from the Exelitiiitter were £ll..
848,219. and this was .61.000,000 short of
the expenditure in the first eleven weeks
of the financial rear 1869. ' The balance
in the Bank of England on Satunlay last
was .118M/9,684. •
A SINIUNO society of Vevey, Switzer
land went out on a little pleuure party
to tho mountains on the :fiat of May, and
about thirty of their number went out
trout-flabing on one of the deep mountain
lakes on a raft. When they reached the
center of the lake,' the raft auddenly
broke apart, and twenty of them were
drowned. Some of the most proment
persons of Vevey are among the deatl.
HR. J. H. SCTIROEDEII, of Hamburg,
seems to be ambitious of rivaling George
Peabody in the munificence of his dons•
Lions to the poor. He has just founded
an asylum for widows and their children
in Hamburg, which met him two millions
of mares, about nine ]hundred and fifty
thousand dollars of currency. His done.
Lions to the poor amount beildes to eerev
al hundred thousand dollars annually.
WIIEN the ex Elector of Besse Cassel
learned that Count Bismarck had the in•
tendon t• visit the watering place of
'Carlsbad In-June, he Is said to hove ea
claimed: “Then I shall leave at once, for
I would not live a day In the same teen
IN 1786.
with Hurtle scoundrel." Hut no it is. Count
Bismarck fins accompanied the King of
Prussia to the watering place of Enia.and
so the poor Elector can imilth his summer
vacation in peace.
IT is stated in the Lerma Times, of the
Ath instant, that the amount of property
' destroyed ht - the great fire In Constanti
nople exceeds .C 5,000.000 sterling, and that
the loss of life has been fearful. Cp to
that morning more than a tbdusand dead
'sidles had been found, but the number of
persons repartedto be inissing was 2.400.
The editor of the Lfripit nneg, the
clerks and-the compositors were till burn.
ed out, and saved nothing but their lives
and4hoseof their
the new French
EnthaAsador to • the I7nited. States, said
one day to a young French journalist who
naked the - distinguished essayist how ho
had Regttired his VAAL slink of entem
pomry historical knowledge ; thnt he had
read the London Tithes 'every day front
the time he had been at college; and lie
added that he bad not only thereby ac-
Euired an Intimate familiarity with the
nglish language, but become exceeding
ly well posted about the affairs of the
States in all parts of the world.
Tee Paris correspondent of the Seers
says that the drought in France is begin
ning to Cadge much anxiety. In many
places min would now be too late to do
much good to the corn. The price of
bread in Paris, a short time ago, was
centimes; it ruse last week to fki centimes,
and it has now gone up to PO centimes.
When it reaches a (raw the Clovernment
.will, it is thought, interfere and.pravent a
illrther rig,. Owing tiithe drciught,there
will be sntrrely any hay, and graziers are
selling oil' their sheep and oxen because
they have nothing to feed them with.
Dit eta. , the° baited .Yard
nays: !lies- in the Westminster Abbey,
along with the; great chlefit and peers of
English literature. • It in his properplare.
Ilia s uniting relatives have known how to
reconcile reverential regard to the sim
plicity cif mind which expreased itself in
bin funeral instructions, with a recogni
tion of the nation's title to pay -hits the
highest posthumous honors in its power.
lle belonged to himself and to hie family,
but he belonged also to the English per,
pie, of whose life in the itinet;entli
century he was the truest of all interpre
'rim-infant Prince*. born at Poisdam .
on Tuesday ineressee the family of the
i.'rown Prince and Princess of Prussia. to
to seven. Their Royal Highnesses, who
were married on the irith January..lB.lo,
have had the following. ehildreni Prince
Frederick 'William Victor Albert, born
27th - January. 1850: Princess Victoria
Elisabeth Augusta Charlotte, born 24th
July. 1860; Prince Albert William Henry,
born 14th Aligast, 1861; Prince .Fiancis
Frederick Sighitrinsid. born 14th Siptem 7
her, 1804 tidied 18th June, 1868); Princess
Frederika Wilhelmina Amelia Victoria.
horn 12th April. 1866; Prince Joachim
Frederick Ernest Waldemar, born 10th
A sTollyis told by a Paris correspon
dent of a lady who preserves her beauty
by plastering strawberries over her faCe
every night and : washing them Mr Ate
next morning. The fair creature has for
some time past been annoyed by a trouble
some creditor. The other day he culled
before her beautivehip had risen, and in
slated on forcins his may into her lied.
room to demOld Instant payment. But
.fools rush in ithere angels tear to tread.
lle had no limnergot Into the room than
bin fair creditor cried oat. "My dear, Mr.
Uun, why could you be so impudent as to
approach a person suffering from small
pox '!""Look at my poor face r The cred
itor g~aave a thrick. darted out of the room
and has not dm, been beard of. .
AT . forerin,gof tk.. LoodanStesisty Are
the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Hir
rAvrin the well-known artist,
MIA 1 )11 . 4. 11“,1.1d ni.di. a npei•elt to re-try
tte.f. to the t u mour . enrmptneraiie at the
Ittrucuetsmith Police Court, iu which he
bad been a witness. lie said . that one - clay
on, Regent ttreet, London, he noticed
mau with two handsome paps under his
arm. The man Junin; and winked at.,
him. lie said tritheman,“These are not
bad animals." The man replied -.They
.can't be matched." Ile said, "they are not
cropped!, The man replied, "Lanchieer
says they ought not to be cropped." Sir
Edwin said he was exceeding Haltered by
thin, and felt that he had been the means
of doing something towards carrying out
the object of the society.:
TITE long eontinued abseil, of rain is
one of the remarkable evperienees of the
present spring. Since the full 'moon of
March 17 the total rain fall at
%rich has bet{t only It inches. '.otit of
eighty-slx days, seventy have been rain.
less. The average fall in April and May
is 4 inches; bat during those two tuopths
in the preiient year only one-fifth of that
. .
quantity bun From the beginning
of January to the end of May the rain
fall at Greenwich wan but a little over
half the quantity for the KEMP, on an
nventgo of 59 years. The re sults for the
other large towns . of the kipgdoif'
on the whole, not been Flo unfacorable.
The rain fall for the present year has been
in Glasgow 8.3 in.. Sheffield AM in.. Bris
tol 7.8 In.. Birmingham 8.3 in.; Portsmouth
6.7 in.. and Norwich 5.1 in: As 1800 'was
the wettest year
. which had been ex
perienced for very long time, 1870 bids
.fair to be distinguished in a contrary db
A Lgrinit from I , Onstantinople, decrile
ing the terrible lire which occurred in
that city on the sth inst.. - says that no
finch fire has taken place there within
lirlngnionnory. ~The moot solid talifitin,
those which seemed best fitted to resist
the action of the flames, were burnt like
so many houses of card. It was impossi-.
ble to cheek the progress of the conflagva
lion. Peres was on fire ia'fifty places ut
once, and wan. no to surrounded by
a circle of Hamm A strong northwest
wind was blowing at the time, and it was
this which rendered all human effort un
availing. The lire, which broke out at
two o'clock In the afternoon; did not, in
fact, cease until It bad burnt Itself out at
Midnight. -Great (4ertlons have since
bben made by-the Turkish tiovenament
to relieve the distress occasioned by thin
terrible disaster.
Dn. Shun, a celebrated aurgeon of
Kiett Russia, hna distuverad a method by
Which the human body may be literally
illuminated, an our minds are often figu.
rati.xstly said to be. The illuminating
mode* sic effected brmeons of electricity.
and the skin andliesh are made to .eem
almost trasparent. We learn from tine
Good Health that the distinguished inven
tor in question lectured at St. Petersburg
"on - thib astpoishing discovery he has
made. • In demonstration of the feasiiiility
of his process, he. placed a bullet in his.
mouth, anti then canned the electric light
to Rhine talky's= bin face, whereupon the
bullet became distinctly visible through
bin (leek. The especial utility of big die
env ery he ronniders to be that foreign,
hodieN, as Millets lodged In the fleets:can
thus have their whereabouts infallibly as.
certained, without the danger and mar
tyrdom of perpetual insertion of rotas..
Mr. Mill° further maintains that in cases
where the bullet: contains the smallest
admixture .of steel, be can provide for
its extraction by the application of meg
LAST week the rate of mortality in Lon
don and nineteen other large towns of the
United Kingdom, was 21 to every 1.000 of
the population. It varied from 12 in Lei.
center to 26 In Bradfora. In the metrop
olio. 2,064 blithe and 1,273 deaths were
registered, the former having been 15.
and the latter 38 below -thee:sib:anted av
erage. There were 1112 children who died
under 5 years of age. Zvmotic diseases
caused 320 deaths, including 8 front small
pox, 118 from measles, 103 frOm scarlet
fever. 4 lrom diptheria, B. from croup, 33
from whooping cough, 4 from typhus, 8
from enteric (or typhoid) fever, 14 from
simple continued fever, 9 from eiyslpelas,
and 34 from diarrhoea. The. increased
fatality of scarlet fryer ban chiefly arisen
in the western district of Kensington.
Slxty.four deaths resulted from violence;
of these 47 were accidental, including 22
by fracture'', 13 by drowning. and 0' in• -
tants and 2 adults by suffocation. Sixteen
suicides were registered. Seven -fatal
accidents by horses or vehicles in the
Streets were returned. The mean temper
attire during the week was 58 degrees, or
03 above the average.
-?4 * ; * 14',; <
Jule—The American Crop-.llorror.
and Dangers—Cheering . Facte.
• From the Sett• York Nottstter Port.
There is an immense amount of this
Indian vegetable for sale at present in
thecity of New York—in meet cases bon.
estly, under its Indian name o( jute; in
ethers dishonestly penned off for gepuire
human hair. Some of very fine gust.
ities tindifferently of almost any color,)
when well oiled and braided, may pays
muster, especially under the meshes of a
net. r. Others, again. are so coarse and
roughly "stringy' an to challengelletiu..
tion upon the moot casual inspect s kin.
Compared to the veritable article it , tyim•
litotes, a "on - itch" of jute is a marvellous.
ly cheap affair, varying in price anywhere
from $1,50 to $5, and $5 only for the Very
best dressed varieties. For an answering
human hair ornament. in the game or
eorresponding quantity, the *, harkens°
price of $lO, or anywhe:re from that to
$l5 or $lOO, would be demanded. One
happy pecidiarity of it (the jute)] o its
equal facility for taking-dyes of any and
every description and color—from pole
auburn to black. •
. •
Thanks to jute. then (which only whir
the past fifteen months has amounted in
American Importations to any consider
able figure), the single past rear's returns
of the New York Cuatom House for the
impartation of foreign human Itairhave
never been lighter. ,
Tlie'Anteriranhintr,'it . is noticeable, o
whatsoever descent, pore or mixed, in al
most invariably much liner in quality
and when properly cleansed and brushed
nioleeptible of a milli finer gloss or pos
itiye brilliancy of lustre, than the hair
Europeans, to isirresponding grades o
Obt4irve — the usual directions for the
growth tits finer head of (natural) hair
addition -to. the frequent, nay SiMai•
drab' (tit thoniugh oblations in cold
water—/witch head baths, by the way,
are insisted upon usually ridorously as a
mine veo quits—irrespective of one's
other daily personal inclination or .desire
for cold water)--a frequent and thorough
Brushing of the hair and scalp. with a
good still' brush till it tingles all. over, is
A good word, then, aml final, to all
'American ladies is this parting Injunction
4nd-ivrivnine, viz.. Never, under any cir
cumstances, 'wear jute—especially in
warm weather. And if you moat wear
fates hair of any ileamiption„purehaao it
of an authentic and well-known metro.
Nihau hair dealer 1111 Jere are several of
them whose words are as their bonds Inc
voracity), and hill positive assurance that
it Is genuine living, noildead hair.
The fact ia not known to all ladies that
hair cut from the head of a corpse never
retains either curl or -ware after death.
nor the glo9sy, life-likeappearance of
hair cat from a brain citadel endowed
with life.
an Catholic countries the non's hair
ix one of the most serious of its gratni
is, and is, RE a rule, in all respects the
finest in the world.
Hair rut hum the Leads of criminals i.
the world over another source of grea
Among the dang ers of false hair are
sonic of the following terrible nen skin
diseasetc.sometimea caused by the masses
of.- jute ihnproperly and imperfectly
cleansed; mating upon the pores of a
heated perspiring brow or throat; second.
Iv, the literal overrunning of the person
by a fearful species of living parasite, na•
rive to the hemp when in its Indianian:lie,
and.witli which, in the navel Loner obits
ravage.. few Aoloriotti plipisrians eon
stwe:4.nfully orpe
Already, in emulation .of foutineuUd
.Eur..p..1...t• ~..........,.,1 - ..........v.l.v
the hundred in then field, here . , there and
everywhere over the entire length 'and'
breadth of the American territory,. frobt
31aine to California. in speculative search
and hopeful subsequent purchase of '!wo.
man's glory, - of every tint, quality and
nationality. literally for.Ainerienn service
and home otnsuniption.
And where. the world over, could the
harvest prove inure - plentiful, and owing,
of course, to its mixed nationalities, of
more peculiar and varied beauty?
1 The hair belonging to American crimi
nals in moat instances is sold far the per
sfinrsi benefit of his owner.
I Hair sent to this country from Perin is
knotted up tight in several colitcof difier.
ent colors, which coils are - then; packed
closely together, till on touchi tglthe out
side of the tarred. leather-fast nrd cans - as
- bag. intr. - which they are finall crammed,
1 tine would think it crammed - ith knots
,if IVOO4I instead.' go hard and absointely
' unyielding to pressure Is the I tenor. '
ilaton, received in this country. after
the duties are paid. the hair rxirga, wilich
la technically called "mw." I then sep.
anted, disicitangled and anise nrcord- I
ing to its peCuliar shade or col , r, for even
of black hair in the MIS' Mat. there are
sometimes thirty different shin es.
._ .
TarTittiiivilitt llrrald report's the fol
lowing reisubs 'of the primary - election
held on Monday;
Titusville given' Ander
son -
734 . Majority; Oil Creek 157 majority.
Spartansburg give Delemater Clmajtitity;
Meadville- almut 200 majority. Center
ville and Rome give Anderson 20 major
ity; Tryonville 3 majority. , Vernon gives
fielemater 37 majority; -Mead township
gkra Delemater 120 majority, %turner
hill, 8$ ; Blooming Valley, !l5; Idaytfield.
58; Wayne,7o; Linesville, 13; Sparta, 79;
Cochranton; Steuben Fives Andeitlini 0
majority. All the reports recoived';give
nearly 500 majority over
Mater, but-coneidering the localitlea not
heard from, the probabilities seem 0 la.
car Polemater. : .
Ws see from the 2Torfhero' 117,4) that Mr. J.
11. Parker, of Pittsburgh. was at the imperial
Hotel; Belfast, Ireland, on the 15th Inst..
Artonsw J., fonsicilY Pittc
burgh. President of the P.mpire Ifenufactur
ing Company of, Memphis, Tenn.. arrived In
the city yesterday to inspect ourplaces Of In
dustry and to complete nrrangentents tope
inecessful operation of the exteneive Coln .3'
Over -4 , 614 ho presides. Mr. a , per-
Rev.-Jog, energetic and thorn oing coupe'
Lll/1111M1 DM, "MI hie n • with so
1nf ".!..., , 0nnnr. at Its bead, Id Mil evidence
that b e flpp}mjnted I n bi.A3esrot.thern
N[dc;dotargPi L.
DagOok. the Pittsburgh
favorite. en actress nod render of great abil
ity. In in the city, on her way to her home
in Neu . York. She wan exiled aPiln 41 the it.
_Char/es, yesterdey, by tunny of her friends
and adroArers
Jr. rOVriißotito - mi u hed in the petro-
leum:tlro re.t.nUrfi Wee. a , brother of the
lamented musical cowmeer weld font =Uhl',
StephetrC. Foster.
J. W.71AL2111, E59.11111A WISSCS A.llllll V;
attar, city. °corm- nammor quarten
in congress Hall, at Cane MAT. •
. A ocninA Morroongnrost thn Eighteenth
Mos. ntd. le IrI L n D g
dangemnsly 111 with consamt.
Sfu..l. P. Simi, the accoMplishrd Veld of
Dan Bryant'. original Allantrels. is In the city.
Opinion of • 'whms,
• Gua.r4 the delegates from. the Oineral As
sembly ortreliesbstelian cho t ob to Ireland
to the General Assembly of . the United Pres
byterians of the United States, which met In
this city last summer, Ina letter to the North
ern ITIfo of Belfast, says: "The British and
Inch delegate. went On to Pittsburgh on Fri
day night, and were received last night kr the
General Assembly of the United Presbyterian
Chuych meeting In this eltY. This body (eon'
[alma' about ow congregations) is lowly
made up of Scotch - Irish, who disapprove of
organs, hymns, icaMbrases. On acconnt also
of their decided testimony Ogling slavery,
they went obliged -to hold aloof from other
Presbyterian bodies,. who did not make
slavery a tenn of communion. They are a
very orthodox. useful church, mud now that
differences between them and the Reunited
Church are so much narrowed down, It is to
be hoped they will, by and by, throw In their
lot w ith will, the larger hody.,.
Thu “c.O
At respectable Welsh citizen, a Republican,
informs us that undue liberty hue been taken
with the names of ammo of hie countrymen in
connection with the 'third party" convention
call. For Instance he 'Bates that
• 1. Jrnkina Hotreibt. residing In the Second
ward, never authorised the use of him name.
Jaw , Hounds, hie brother: le not a citi
i en.
. a. Sidney °loner 14 now In Europe.
Th which ther names of Welshmen to the
call, he enures us are likewise there
without -the authority or knowledge of the
person, and promises a Bet of them.
404N(13711D SEPAIONG)
SENATE: Atlantic and Pacific Rail
road Bill—Tax-Tariff Bill Not Vet
Dispood Of. lIOt tSE
1 :loud ry Civil
V 90111401 Approp anon 11111 Palmed
—Conference. Conimltlii 'Currency .
Bill Considered—Early Adjourn
ment Owing to EXCPOiIVP Ileat of
the Weather.
Inc To...trmm to the PittAborgb ozette.l
(WASHINGTON, Jutie 1870.
The Senate proceeded wit it the At lantigand
Pacific Railroad bill as hiplines. of the morn
ing hour.
An amendment by :AU:HARLAN, that
neither the original nor the ',relent Innti grant
shall apply tit lands within the Indian Terri
tory. and requiring full rompanant ion to Own
ers for landAtaken front Indians for depotn,
he., Was advocated as inrolvinithe good faith
of the Government In existing litdinn treaties
by which Indbut titles bud been created in
the Indian Territory. •
After retrntrkn In nppooltlon by Mr.. lIUW,
A ItD the ninendment prevailed—yeas nnyft
kir. CAMERON then catered a motion to re-
Consider the vote on the Tessa Kann - mil bill,so
no to amend by providing that the amount of
foreign iron to be used should be limited to
31000 tone. Rh asked present-, considera
tion of the motion. •
Mr. CASSERLY objected.
At one o'clock Mr. MORTON moved. on
Executive session, on which Mr. SHERMAN
demanded the yens and nays..tis involving n
postponement of the tan bal. 7
The motion wilt agreed ta..-v.vis 29, iktys
-and the-doors were closed.
At half past one the doors were reopened.
when' It was agreed by tlnuilmous consent
that the live minutes' rule. of debate on ;the
tax bill should ho enforced for to-dar. -
The tax Lilt was then proceeded with, the
question being on the hmendment of Mr.
Yates. which was modified to provide that no
duties hereafter shall be beefed upon ten and
After M44.9441°9: the amendment...wag re
Jeeted—yeas 9. u..13:14 41.
Therote of the Senate rellating to strikeout
the House provisiona reducing the dnpee on
sugar sr-ac. on Mr. 'Cameron'a motion. recon
sidered—an to 21—ana the Aouaeclamihention
was stricken out-27 to 24—leaving the rates
at'three cent, per :.tinll4l, according to the
present tow.
- .
The recommendations of the Finance Com
mittee striking out the House rates on pimen
to. pepper anti spicesof different kinds.tou
wines, chumpaigue, brandy. cordials sad
manufactures of cotton. were agreed to.
The effect •is to leave the duties as at
The paragraph rehtt ive to corsets and mann
factured cloth rras withdrairn'brMr. SHER
The Pitt' pararraphs, making the duty 01
~velars of every description six cents pe ,
thousand, on ultramarine-ale. cents per pound
and regulatlus the dutieron twenty and other hemp. unninnufactured. at twenty
doe dollars per ton. were adunted....
Other amendment , . were adopted as tol
. .
On cotton begging or other intinuftictures
OM otherwise provided for, suitable for uses
to which cotton bagging Is adapted. composed
In whole or in port of hell jute, linz..ganny
valued b g ln n e r s s c t ran' tent er "‘ r
n i r a c i
two cents per pound.
On cotton is above, valued af ocerten gents
per equate rare, three cent s, per pound.
The following ParagrsUb debated:
On bituminous coal and abide fifty cents for
a too 4{ twenty-eight bushelei eighty 'pounds
to bushel.
. .
Mr. IMIHEMAN opposed the proposed re
duction as destructive of the conliaterest
of WeAt Virginia and Pennselvanta.
Sd'OTT and WILLEY followed ups
Wit nom a vote on the p.ikgrapb &KW r ad
Mr. HINGHAM; froniAthe• Judiciary Con,
MP ten. reported bock Ile} Senate bill k..ottrlg
P,rinrll.• eturt. td•
anes to widen a stet r Paggrd.
Mr. tI AR X " is D e tifeOti t rSt4 ., M: i .;: e * ° "
Mon - tif aft Cot thr national currency swim(
ulien; Sillt.whlcin provide. p enaltlen for of
fense, against it, to apply tO •eery president.
director. cashier. teller, clerk or agent of a
notional hank. Panned.
The nonce then event into Committee of the
Whole on the Sundry Civil Service Appropria
tion bill. to which amendments were adopted
Increasing appropriations to the amount of
IMXI.OI.P. Including tt.allt to Henry S. Holladay
and D. T. Parker In satisfaction of a Judgment
of the l'nlletl Staten Supreme Court or South
ern Minot.. MASI for
Decem ber of eclipse
of the enn In Sorope next December. $5,tlS) for
Matue of General Scott for Franklin Square,
Washington. gi73,RO for Velioot Indittn mat
tern, etc.
An amendment WAR &no adopted repealing
the law which requires the laying op of Ave
of the sly. revenue rotten on the northern
lakes, and unthoritlng the Secretary of the
Treasury to put them all In commis:lon. to be
specially charged with aiding vessels In dis
Thll then panned.
Mr e .
F bi INKKLNBUIttI. from the Committee
on Commerce, reported a bill to regulate the
anprnicement nod Inspection of imports In
certain atS.ll9, allowing tran.portation of Im
ported articles In bond, except wine, distilled
spirits and perishable or explotlve
tenor New York. Boston. Baltimore, Port Hu
ron nod New Orleans to ant - sea/torts. Or to
Portland, Buffalo, Chicago. Cincianntl, St.
Louis, Erantrllle and Milwaukee.
_Mr. BROOKS, N. V.. protetted against the
bill as one that would entail large fraud. 'on
the Revenue.
The bill passed.
Mt. SCHENCK, chairman of the Committee
on Ways and Means, reported. In accordance
with the resolution of the House adopted
yesterday, the bill to - reduce the duty on. all
binds of salt fifty percent., and inured Its
reference In Committee of the Whole on the
state of the Colon. Carrieto 5..
Mr. GARFIELD, front Conference Commit
tee on Currency bill, called LIDA he report gar
tattled yesterday.
It wan discussed without action until. PVC
o'clock, when the lions,. exhausted with the
beat, the thermometer indicating 90, ad loom
:New Orleans Firemen—Ward of Trade Freight
Department-11ot Weather.
By Telegraph to Pittsburgh Gazette.]
CINCINNATI, June ".B.—The New Orleans
Firemen spent the day In riding about the city
and suburbs and visiting. There wan nothing
of a public nature to-4W, though they have
been treated with much attention by officials
and private citizens. They express themselves
highly pleased with their reception here and
will stop on their return. They leave to
night at OAS on the Erie Railway, In a special
trate, and go directly through to Jersey City.
spentling_oue day there and reaching Philadel
phia on Thursday.
as sdiretors of the Board of Trade to-day
decided: soon as certain contlitioes regard
ing members departmente with. to estab
lish a freightin the Board for the
purpose of obtaining 'cheap tranaportation to
members. The propotltlan substantially con
templates the establishment of a freight'
agency la the Board with such arrangements
with hosts and roads as will enald^ them to
adopt a regular srztem of rates.
The weather Is again Intensely
temperature this evening at six a'
Vi. There hare been a number rat
prostration from heat during the
days, and few dcaths. There hart
unusual number of deaths from
Orlitsh Cotumble end the Canadian Union.
[By Telegraph to the . Pittsburgh Gazette.]
GMawit, June 28.—Delegates from . British
Columbia have received tram the Dominion
Government the terms upon which it Is pre
pared to treat with the Governor and Council
of that con for it, entrance into the
Quotidian u ni o n .. Caned nls to assume the
debts and itles of British Colmbia:
the populatio lI n
limit for the purpose of u finan
cial amangements in fixed at COMM the an
nual grant fur the support o f the Meld gov
ernment and Legislature of 'British Celumbla
to be d0.16,00G;
ntained regular steam communication
to be n
mai Victoin and
fortnightlY tq ffan Franci
tco Is
. t
British steamer.; the Dominion Govern
ment will guarantee the construction
es early ns Practicable of a Railroad sterols
the continent: British Columbia In to be rep
resented in the Rome. of Commons 'by six
liepresentailren and three Senators: Govern
'meat will guarantee all public officer. ap
pointed to carry out the new government to
be in every way acceptable to the people of
British Columbia; the tariff of the Dominion
Is to be extended over the colony and the
Present tariff of British Columbia is dls-
Continued. The terms also refer to the ex•
tension of the postal service, protection of
fisheries etc.
Duel Metweeri Memphis Lltnsrp,...—lseebma,
Fatal Geode. •
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
Moirnic, June 23.-4, duel was- fought this
afternoon oath, Arkansas shore, four miles
below here, between George It. -Phelan and
James Brlzziolorn, two young lawyers .r
Memphis, with Colt's nary repeaters, at
fifteen paces, resulting In Brizziolora being
shot to the left breast nod • arm, perhaps
grew fatally, In the second round. The difficulty
ont stricture, of Phelan the
Democratic of
Executive Committee,. of on
Brlzzlolora was a member: The affair pro=
doers great excitement.
I.VoalPoint Aesdesoy Examination.
[By Telegraph to the Piltaburgh Gazette.]
Ponangzsrins, Ti4T., June Ml.—At times-
Rai:tattoo of the West Point Military Acade
my, concluded to-day, forty-eight out of
elghty-six bee n *III be sent borne. it is
said to hav t h em ost rigid examination
ever held.
' -
j. _ '
Successor of Earl elarendonLAuti.
Vaceination 'League—English Sur ,
t ",
rise. Over Pullman Palace Par.s—
arions Items of British News—
'hy the Petition of the Orleans
Princes Falled t -linerican Private
Theatricals in Paris—Bakers'Strike
in Marseilles—More iVar Barbarity
'in Pubis.' •
Telegraph to the Pit t sburgli (hurt e. I
ONOON, June ibt.—The inOrning journals re
nal• the .statement that, Earl Granville.
retart of State for the Colonial Depart
nt . will succeed the late Earl of Clarendon
read of the Foreign timer. The Au, says
in such Case the Right: Hon. Chichester
F. rtesnor, (ti Secretary: for Ireland, will
p hably iteeeed Earl Granville in the Colonial
It is stilted that an American tom offered to
purr:how the recidence di the late Charles
Dickens for =IAD.
The Commissioners appOinted be - the Gov
ernment to investigate the charges no fre
quently le lately t hat the Pnons now In
confinement In Miriam! and th en e colonies are
harshly treated. will• satin enter upon their.
work. The prisoners will hove at
to be heard privntely before Alm officers of the
Government. • At sued hearing the. gaolers
will not be permitted to be present.
The news this morning. in closingits eulogy
of the late Parlor Clarendon, says: "An ordi
nary man, or a Mere politician, could never
nave attained. his 00 , 4t1011. Others bad to
cram for Ile . w topics-1w was always posted.
He woke large-henrted. statesmanlike man."
It irl reported that George Otto Treviillyn,
title of the Jiminr Lords •of Admiralty, will
resign Inaonsequence of variance with the
thereroment nit the education bill tonic before
A meeting of the Aut 1-Vaccination League
wan held yesterday.- Prof. Newman, editor of
the ' 7,oiottist. presided. There were many
speakers, who denounced vaccination In the
t congeal tenon nod urged Parlinment to
repeal the lawion the subject.
The evidence taken at the coroner', inquest
on the (trent Wewern Railway dismster woes
substnntially -to prove that the casualty was
canned by the breaking of an Sale, through tt
a now Which could not have been detected by
ordin ej s
The !Inti m :Cl:4,liter of the London Timex
says the English holders of
En e shares ten
expect copious information 'as to the condi
lion of that company and of the progress
made in the prosecution of their claim, from
Peter U. Sweeney, who has just arrived in the
itePorts to nariculturaljournals from south
western Counties represent the potato crop
has not suffered from drought and promisesan
abundant yield. .
A ladies - croyiet . tournament for all Eng
land is being held this week on - Witunbledom
Gammon. it is a lively and picturesque affair
and attracts large crowds.
The Tiara gives an account of the Pullman
Palace car exellesPill_front the Atlantic coast
to San Francine°, with descriptive extracts
from A merleean paper, published Monello. line
of the Pacific Railroad. The Timr,l ex pr eg,ieF
astonishment- at the ingentotia and suiliptuotis
appoluttnents of the train and the luxurious
prevLsion made for the comfort of the pas
senger*. •
An indignation meeting of ladies was held
at Shields to-day to protest 'against the Con
tagious DISCISe net. which Is pronounced an
abominable measure. A daughter of lames
Honig occupied the chair.
Thellfouse of Lords to-nlght continu
discuss amendments to the Irish land b i ll
several of which were adopted and nthe
rejected. The clause of the bill advanciag
fonds , to tenants for the purpose of sin I
holt, was debated with Arendt!). F rl
Gran ille opposed It because it would lead o
caul g on the landand emote broods of sm. Il
debtors. Lord Cranmore supported the clan e
and appealed to the success the FTstelit h d
met within Russia and Canada.' Earl Gm -
vine also made a speech lu favor of the clan e
as It stood. and Earl Carnahan. Conservativ
acquiesced in It. Adjourned.
A dispatch from:Dome states that not itle -
[ion has been glYen of the appainttnent by t e
Pone of a number of new Bishops, Includi
three for America. to till the' Sees of Sprit! -
deli), nacre De Grace and Port an Print. .
Thenames are not given.
Wm. Hale, Archdeacon of London. died t
day in his 74 It year.
A shbury. owner of the Cambria , befur
leaving fur Kinsale, ordered a yacht built bn
itathscy at Cowes, to be n schooner of 2:0
tons bonbon and specially constructed to .
compete with American yeehts.
COI., Jun —The city has been cdmunra
aht,-"Twn'h rooted
special I.llceuien areurn duty.
In the Conference of Primitive Methodists
rltligtr VrisraTria ' cit . p . aregt=lsrcritirs ' i7.
ered, but no conclusion reached. I
A collision °centred to-doy on the :Belfast
and Bangor Hallway. Sixteen persons were
serimody Injured, hat none killed outright.
The yachts Cambria and Dauntless arrived
In t his harbor. The owners are guests of the
Royal Cork Yacht Club. The officers have of
fered to start them for the rare nu Monday.
PJIIte, June :M.—The Prance newsp4er en.
Pining that the pet Itton of the Orleans princes
for restoration of their right to lire In l , mnce
failed because It seas addressed to thel Corps
htlrit.lnt if and not to the Emperor. •
L prosecution has been commenced under
the press law against the Revell! for an article
published last May, •matitled "The Army of
the Plebiscite."
• The Infante Marguerite. wife. 'of Print:
Charles. Duke of Madrid, has given birth t
:1 son :t1 Veray. Princess Metternich MI
safely delivered of a daughter.
Mn.. Ward's private theatricals. an Ameri
van entertainment, are a great attraction
Paris. Among spectators at the perform.,
on , Saturday were Ismi Lyons, Count.. Per
signy. M. Chevallier and other dist inguishet
NIAMKILLES, June 25.--There Is a geheral
strike among the journeymen bakers here.
The employers are Willing to concede an ad
.\ once of
Insistedt refuse to acme to certain
rondlt ions upon by the men• ..-
.eau.. there Is a nearir total suspension of
lynch at the bakeries., The price of bread Is
advancing. ••
LONDONDERRY. June 2s.—The 'fit ennmhio
AnAtl:tn. from Quebec (or LlveriMolAnnehed
here. All
SOUTHAMPriN,iIune 91.—The idearoshlp
telt:isle. fronritalt linore, has arrived. ..., -
Lona, Juan t..-- Steamship Tripoli ar
rived not at two o'clock this rooming Irina
New York.
• .
TRIESTE, Jilile V.—Tile. Cited State,
learner Richmond arrived to-due from rtrin
Moviu.g, June steamer Anglia
rom New York, has arrived.
HAVANA, June Gonzales Junce, an
lender, who surrendered some time
go to the Spanish authorities at Villa Clara
ad wan pardoned hr the Government, was
ried and convicted nf crimes committed
chile a rebel lender and executed this morn•
of at Tort Cabanas.
Nlt in announced that
wait on the canal. through the Whim. of
Corinth. which him been In contemplation for
Conn. time, will he commenced immediately.
LONDON. June:al.—Console for Money teu,
for account American securities
easier; Ws 00 , 4: 91:1; so,
stocks steady: Erie Illinois Brent
Western 2 7.•
PAIIIS, June L'B.--Iknir.r dull 721 57c.
LiczneooL. June .—Cott on quiet.: middling
101; Orleans 1111(d; soles 10,000 bales. Bread
stllls4 quiet. Receipts of school for three - days
p 25,000 qrs. 10,40 American. California white
wheat les rali red western N 0.2141 cid; winter
us 54. Weatem dour Ms ed. Corn, No. 2 mix
ed alo ild. Oats 2s 5.1. Retie; ss. Peas Ms.
Provisions quiet—Pork iRs hi. Reef
Lard 70s. Chem 6as. Bacon 50s Cumberland;
62., short rib. Produce unchanged.
I.oaDosr, June 2S.—Linseed cakes dull at Ile.
Tallow dull at 450 ad. lingereasier; on spot
als &teals lid, Hops nominal nt.5Q...1.a
FRANFLPOirr. June 2S.—Bonds Oar at
Men& June :.I.—Colton Ann at 11716. "
JUNI:HESTER. June w.—Advises less Piro,
hot. The
clock MU
f cace. of
Past fen
e been nn
drowning, .luxe M — Petrotetn firm nt
Indian Trouble. In Wyoming.
(By Telegraph to the Pitt Id urgh fluorite.]
(.11syming. Wit.. June fit.—.l courierfcatne
Into Rawlins last night from Lieut. Young's
command, tout reported that became upon In
dines about twenty-five miles from Rawlins
and had n fight with about two hundred,
and killed fifteen. NO soldiers were hurt.
Ile feels confident the whole pular will hf
captured. Lieut. O'Brien left Rawlins this
morning with reinforcements and ammuni
It Is reportetkat Bryan that n party of Indi
nna, two hundred in number, came Into South
Pane CUT, Saturday morning, rode through
the town and drove off about platy or nervily
bead of hone,
Philadelphia Democratic Nonduationa • -
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
PIMADELPIII/1, June '2B.—The Democratic
Congressional 'nominations ore /1.
First,Dist, Samuel J. Randall; Second, Theo.
dore Calder; Third, D. R. Moffatt: Fourth, no
nomination, which is understood to be ad en
dorsement of Wm. D. Thomas, Independent.
—Considerable excitement and interest Ina.
rails at Indianapolis Indiana, in regard to the murder of the two girls on Saturday last. Va
rious rumor. are current, one that the oldest
girt. Mary Ilenneby, was worth twelve or fif
teen thousand dollars, and that she'tras put
oat of the tray by persons who would Inherit
It. The county record shows only two bun
iired.dollant and some claims against the State
of Missouri, whleb are considered valueless.
Two boys were arrested on suspicion of being
concerned in the murder, bet wore dismissed
on investigation.
—Fears are entertained of another.aeareity
of water at Fairmount Water Works, Phila
delphia, Utile present dry weather continues.
There 1s also a proipeet of a - water famine In
Brooklyn, unless an additional storage reser
voir I, constructed In Hempstead.
(treat IVltisky Revenue Case—San Do
'Mugu Treaty—Negro Squatters Ii
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ozzette.l
W.OIIINCITOS, D. C...hine 2d, IS7O.
The President sent to the Senate the not
nations of Edward E. Douglas no E. S. M
sand f Northern Alahatnn..l C. Boit
AKsonsor of Interest Revenue Fourth holt.
In the Senate Executive session to-day.
after some discussion Is to the desirability of.
(thing immediate action upon the San Do
mingo treaty. a motion to open the door and
re.mebustness itrevalled bvn vote of .' to
id. This Is considered decisive of the fate of
the treaty.
The statements Hutt Gen. Sherman had
ordered the dkpossetision of the colored
summers In York comity, Virginia. ark Un
t rue. Antr: ution he has ever taken was In
April last, at the desire of Gov. Walker, ex
pressed to the President, to nohify Gen. Can
by to aid the civil authorities to cove any dif
ficulty arose that warranted the nRe of sol
diers. Neither lota any such disposSession or
ejectment taken place. „'
The great California revenue case pending
before the Treasury Department since Sep
tember. IMO, bag reached another stage in
US solution. Fourteen hundred • and nine
barrels of whiskey are In the possession of
Platt and Newton, owhed be Horace Webster
& Co.. Nes, York, Write. Miller & Co. and
Haterhopfer & Co., Now York. The
charge, made against the whiskey by officials
sciaimi the sonic eves that while the packages
had can tax paid and warehousestamps they
needed also the stamp 'of the rectifier.
In oilier words, the officersclaimed
the hiskey to have been rectified: It
rested w upon the claimants to MCC t beef/M.l.n
-m This was done several months ago In the.
cute of Webster & Co.. who had three hundred
barrels released, t he balance being held for
further investigation with other lots. None
an orderlies been issued to release 1,470 bar
rels seized in the possession of Dewitt. Kittle
.k Co., the balance in possession of Platt &
Newton:. belonging to the parties before
named, being kohl for fart her testimony. The
counsel In the case have nts doubt of the re
leese.of all in good Dine.
National Union I,ragne—Nen - s frog
Central ..tmerien--Bergen Turnip
I)lllfrnily—liallrond Competition
Chinese 3turringe.
[lly Telegraph to' the Pittebnrgh (Wel te.l
NEW YORK. June 1810.
The Executive Committee of the' Union
League of America held a secret session at the
ht. Nicholas Hotel to-day, to discuss meas
ures In the interest of the'Republican party In
the fail campaign. Ex-Boren:tor Jewell. of
Connecticut. Wil3 the only member present
from New England, and the West bad but one
representative, .tames T. Beach, of Missouri.:
The. Secretary's report was read, giving an
encouraging account of the state of the Re
publican party throughout the Union. The
rest of the session was of n more secret char
acter, in which It Is stated a spicy scene oc
curred between the friends of the adminis
tration and others. . The former, however,
triumphed by an overwhelming vote. The
Committee adjourned to meet at Cape May in
July-. , •
Arrived, steamere Alaska and Henry Chaim
cey from Aspinwall. The Chauncey brlno
1165.701) In specie and the Alaska v 4,417. The
steamer Nlpsic, of the Darien survey arrived
nt A.apinwall on the 13th hull.. and sailed for
_yew York on the 13th.
t The tire at Panama on the rah Inst. was
cktecked_hy the effort, of the °dicers and men
from the st pawner-03st ft rasa - stsretc,nr.ttlnat ton
and Cooed atates ne t srner Synch. The km
I, In, ~ entininted nt atom-
IGO; total
f.'...11.1101), almost the whole
/gamma. rano., neon A
rion{Mninsit Onlv
our lives were 1n.% hat. .treral
. ..
On the LSO. ult..everal shocks of earth
,' take were felt at L acria, Peru.
,JA quarrel Is imminent between Bolivia'and
lxieru. Venezuela Le In a state of complete
. narchy. There are five armed candidates
eadv to fight for the government of the coun
ty. Chill. government 'will appoint Senor
. iria :IR Ito repreeentatil lathe Peace Con
erence in Washington.
- Mr. La NalZe arrived at Bogota and pre
ented a memorial in the name of the British
ompany. of which he in an associate and
asking the privilege for said
undertaking the construction of an inter
comic canal. - ,
The Darien Expeill(lon seems to have o i led
tit b substantial saccees. The Nipsic sailed
, a the 15th Inst. from Aspinwall for New
t grb, and the Onard had gone to Carthagetra
land native workmen. after which she will
r qurn to the United States. Health of odi
c re and men good.
n connection with the extraordinary -
duction In the rates for transoortat ion of rat
obtain tween New York and natal° reports
circulation that Fink and Gould, learn
ing the Central had reduced the rate to one
dollar per car, telegraphed their western
agents to buy up all the cattle they could get
on account of the Erie Rood and ship over the
Central, thus compelling the Commodore for
the ard time In his nnancial•rarcer to carry
Erie stork at tr disadvantage.
The Erie and Pennsylvania Central lines
yesterday reduced the passage rate to Cincin
A Committee representing the Delaware.
Lackawana and Wentern.ltallrond and Morris
and Eater Railroad waited on flould and
Fisk at the, Erie oilier to-day, for the purpose
of nettling"the difficulty In relation to the
Bergen tunnel. After a long and spirited
discussion and mutual explanations the par
ties separated. on the beat possible terms.
having agreed to refer the points In dispate to
friendly arbitration.
Two Chinese were married in. Newark yes
terday morning. by Rey. Dr. Smith. The hus
band has beets,tutlying In this country nine
years. Kish the Intention of returning as a
Missionary. Ills wifelv. brought to this
country when a mere child and adopted and
ediwated by Mrs. Day, at Newark.
Mrs. Caroline Vreeland was to-day convict
ed of stab Robert Schroeder In
the Tombs Court, June 10th, and .sentenced
to four years Imprisonment.
SAIL FOR ivEopk.
Pechter and Miss Leclerc salt In the Cola
0-morrow on a short trip to England,
--Public bath houses will 'be opened in New,
furl city next week.
—The Southern Pacific Railroad bill has
passed the Texas Legislature.
__--The New York Etym.. aaya the Engll h
311.410 n has been offered to ex,Senator
PM of N. Y.
—Orer one thousand dollars worth of smug- .
gled hair was taken from a passenger on the
steamer Denmark at New York yesterday
-At Philadelphia yesterday was the wann
est of the season; thermometer 100 degrees.
Several Cases of sunstroke occurred, but none
—Prince PAiltha Gilbert Monter bns been
pronounced u perfeetlysane" by On. Hammond
nod Nealls, of Neu. York, and released from
—At Cincinnati. last 'evening, a young Oer
man girl, Augusta Newman, fell from a third
story porch to the pavement below sad broke
her neck.
—C. F. netts, defaulting tobacconist.
arrested at Qlasgow. Scotland, few des.
singe. but the authorities were unable to le
hold him.'
—JuHun F. Hart Troll. Implicated in the State
truth. lloston, Irregularitleb,..baa been gen
. eneed to doe years Imprbiontnont 111401, and
line of $lOO.OllO.
machiners rif the exteinive duck mill.
t Paternon, N. J..bas been cold [Who South
•rn Cotton Manufactory. to be teansferred to
be Rocky Mountains. • .
—The opening. exeroiseir of Drown •
sity, at Provident°, It. 1., took place yester
day. The Phi Beta Kappa Society re.lected,
Professor Duncan President. • .
—The bark Sago of Plctoti, which arrived at
Yew 1 . :f 1 6,7.°11,1;°:ft. 137:7. 2.7liNag:.•
the voyage by yellow fever.
—The office of the Maryland Fire Insurance
Company, In Baltimore, wee robbed at noon
yesterday of U.S. bonds nod other valuable
securities to the amount of SISO,UU.
-r‘lion. Geo. H. Pendleton. of Ohio, and Ocr.
Stevenson. of Kentucky, arrived 'yesterday at
Charlottesville, Va., to attend the commence
ment exercises of the University of Virginia.
--Secretary Robeson delivered an 'address
before the litermy societies of Princeton Col
lege yesterday. tier. Dr. Maclean was re
elected President of the Alumni -Association.
—The Hew Tork police are atrictly enforc
ing the law which requires the closinr.of all
licensed liquor saloons between one nod are
o'elock In the morning, and forbidding the
tiring away or gelling of liquor on the Sab
bath day.
—James Boss, proprietor of a saw mill of
Calm. Illinois, was killed yesterday by n &-
cable saw, which, by
accidentally, coming In
contact with n large rope when. in. motion ,
was wrenched from It. LT.:WINN an d thrown
against him.
—During a thunder storm yestenlay Juke
Ethrarde, a laborer employed at Befamx, r t,
111, ivne mruck by lightning and Inetantle
killed. At about the same time the lightning
Farouk the bird• home of the Chicago Sporting
NO. 149
Club at Dexter Trotting Park. and denoolishe&
the building. the falling. t44 b ,, r .. : lama, h'
Coffey, who was Invite the building td. the!
t rote.
-Atire commenced in the w „.„
un4„ b etn l
p. Long Inland. Sunday.
evening. and Wan lint extinguished until Mon
day. Five hundred Cords of wood and mile.
of lentos were burned, lurching a loss
$.6,1100 to $lO.lOO.
Yesterday'movning Implosion occurred
in Ilyatt's billlani ball manufactory, at Al
bany. N. V.. which blew out a portion of the
rear wail and set the house on Bre. The ex
plosion was caused by mice nibbling matches
lying among gun rut ton.
—The Maine. Democratic Convention. after
a long and animated discussr, adjourned to
meet at Ilangor.August Id. It in understood
thin movement is made t e hope of nomi
nating a Citizens Ticket. with Clov..loshua L.
Chamberlain as standard beater.
—At the Harvard commence yesterday
the following honorary ilcqees Were con
ferred: Doctors o I hose, Wm.. faxwell Evans:
or. New York. and Leonard Bacon, of New
Haven: Masters of 'Art. Francis iltimphrey
Storer. of Boston. and Wlll. CJ Collar, of P.n.s
ton Highlands.
—At Chicago yesterday there were two or
three lively thunder showers, which consid
erably toned down the heated term which
had prevailed for the past five or six days. It
is believed these storms hare extended
through the country west and much good to
crops will
—The . bass of IMO . of Princeton College bold
o dee...1./ meeting Yesterday and presented
to the Princeton .College fund ten thousand
dollars. tbelnt.erest to be applied to the sup- -
port of fellateship on the plan of English uni
versities. The gifts to the 'college last year
amounted to over $175,000. -
—An incendiary fire yesterday morning. at
Providence, R. 1., destroyed the coal elevator.
sheds and considerably stock of Tucker, Swan
& Co., O.! W. & E. A. Hopkins. and property of
the Providence and 'Worcester Railroad Co..
anoldamaged adjoining property. 'rho ts
estimated at from /.75,0011 to $100,000; partially
insured. •
-The Baltimore and Ohio' Railroad Com
pany has made, from' New York, the follow
ing reductions on nessengey fares, viz: Via
%).7' o l' i r ltt l .irl ` n i, lfaTi .c.,°, rrro s n Oh tti r o o ro s ;ff,
Cincinnati, froin'42,lo to slolLoutsville. from
644,11A'''afittrIr leTtolrrlts4
from $4O to 5;4 Si •
CAMBItIbUr. June 244:- Ileef cattle: receipts
1:14 head: market Inactive, sales of extra at
$, fleet quality sl2jAlrbl2,ll, semnid
quality. $1146a12.2.1, third quality .1Y1 0 .501212.00,
Bheep and lambs: receipts 4O head; best
grades a shade higher,- with sales at Vhsllgh
:ha, extra at fr 6 . 5 0441.X -•
NCw OnLEANs. June 28.—Vinur quiet lind
firm: superfine $5,50a11i $h.57,4 and 'XXX
$6. Corn finmixed Liic,l yellow $l. and
white $l.lO. Oats dull and hirer at' efilolic.
Iron slit.l,lhlo. hay: prime Vr...%122.11.1. Other
articles unchanged. Sierlingfifi.
[Cr OTfeE.—Tho (Foiveeration of
on SUNI/..1"..iti1y 3d. tit wholi, time the Righ
COLE. and others. will be
rrr•NOTICE.—The Annual Confer-
win take place on the FOURTH BAIT:RIMY IN
city. Dr. Williams. Dr. D. B. ALatlimvs, Rev; Cole,
and others, will be present. ' imez
RUN RAILROAD CO. hate thla day declared a
dividend of FIVE PER CENT. clear of Govern
ment Tax, oat of the earning. of the peat Mx
r m a;e " slit r oViVe ' s e o t : the Nar k ti l i 'itT:giorr i rat
the C
in lTTElV..frah, Pr Sident.
.11 - 010 '27th, IS7 0. eJeXiieJi
A t Cm' r w E . c aJust t'2s
9 0 . wn 9o .i
X , OTICE.—The Assersmeaistarthe
construed. of the SEWERS on Corry and
Ann streets. are now ready for examination and
min be omen at this olbco until TUESDAY. July
.dith. 1810. whau they will bo placed In the hmds
of the CI ty Controller to servo notice for payment
of the same.
CHAS. DA CIS, CALEndiseer•
Pittsburgh and
Comic, R. R.
ba-sold- to all - points on the t•ittaburah and
Corms!!settle Railroad (where the re, ular fore Is
forty cents or ober; on JVI.Y 4th, tem - A until July
6th Inclusive.
• Mar.ef:Trrnport u ti o .!
Tack,- ' , Bro.' . Co;
Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh.
Crude & Refined Petroleum.
\ C.I.CBR(I)S.,
j 4, Phqaclejlphia.
Public Sale of Magnificent Sites
Beautiful Country Homes,
4 Ci r ril r VI EW, ".
Only fifteen minutes' drive from Allegheny.Dio
31100d . by way of Federal street. North • venue and
:raw Mill Ilan Plata Hued. Friday. J sly Ist. 1870,.
51 3 weleee P.... prettrely, will he offered at pub
lie sole a number of choice building sites..., Srl.
lows: 81.111, erre lots, covered with [ bearing fruit
trees. Those exceedingly desire's( , lute ore lei
proved with standard and dwarf fru] trees. shrub
herr, and a variety of choice grope v nes, contain.'
117 .1 s, `VN.r.1;:g d r::,,;'=".17;f1li, :A9;:a b lell4
...... with tthe imilho viewsre water. All the
shove lots command fine of the city and
ding country. country. Alro. four halt *ere lots, to
gether with a number of smaller hits. Any per
son desiring a delight ful mom try bonse.convenient
to the city, can certainly beguiled he .end should
"? I ' llill..! 2 (ViTti d frg . .Stind balance in'
Sr 'P " r' f nU d rZ! 7 : ' '.w T '7 ringlorlenilefiTtbe rUe
Cara, at the corner of Ohio and Faint oh
word. Allegheny. to City View. from hr
to half-pan {won t
jeMild. • .A Li . OliEElt.
- - - ....--__
FOR 'SA tE. -.
• • -1
011 Saitirday, July 52d,
At 9 o'clock V. 0., will be offered onthe premises
et Public Rale. the RESIDENCE rd the Into Airs.
' I .
The property fronts 70 feet on Stoektne ave
nue. Allegheny; and runs back:l4o geet to Water
street. There isereined thereon a mos ' comfortable
1 ,
Dwellingorith 11 rooms, ente.rooms bath house,
large little, to.; cellittianneler the wit le house for
coal, spring house, wash house, wine cellars, An.
There is also alargo itriels Stable maps rearend
of the lot, with every
_convenience for licirses,
cows, mrinagss. a. \ - 1
Ttittni—One.fourth cash: the balance In one.
two mid three yearn I JeltLyIE
NEW I\r, ) - VEtr.C-.I[ES'FOIL
Accounlanls and poolikeepers.
CT Call and me them •
7i Woad Strut. Pittsburgh.
M. 29 '
cana-zw.n AND t;a.T.,:l!
Id9oat7 • (into Hand atraet.) Plttabansb Pa.
• •
',bra • Al
ond• Boa.
two . nod
tan the
UM •• r
tell. •
,E 1 Y.
t Cadet •
No. 34 Nnkrrrr ErnunsT,
A fresh enP9l/
ben Cracken lo t5..p 0, 174 ev e n, also (On
bo ton :', " _ , ""i pca l"" ileilt:l7.i . =
A B e e ' eli s ci:nlior sale e 1 t h e {Meng nr
""'"7 Htore ? f jOiliq A. RENS!
Je23 corn.. - Jaen,' and Ninth
taxue M M traniactod I PhlladelP)
lore naklanore. at:tannin to ny
MCKMOUT. 241 Doc* Want, rnlt
Good nderencesiqyen If 11.tnarno.
DRAULIe (711AINST: s bbla.
Pia Mer. Forsale by .1. B. CANI , II
MM . 141 Finn
lost .4 Agents. Address. • '"' " 'U
PENNIMAN, ammo dr PA:
...Fatina,""Donrding," de., no/ oz....dine
Frnti , LiXES,witi blegarrfnl in thesi columns once
fo , ,TITENTr-r/17: i'ESTS; rack Inklitionai iiM
‘7 ANTED. ltEeßVlTS.—Several
•d , Coaled men, of nod» tattoo
leu ~,xttliNE GUILTS o en °. Thls oi tro
pan 7 " th.
best in the Hamilton. Apply nt the °Men of .
MeN:ei Foot of tpid
I / ANT 13 Tunnel Street,
M lters. Odom Irk Ftnifkho s and Button 1101.
tl i.,:tTOdßforß.oo3lti.Loti.
Store Rooms. Possession Wonted soot. Address
it. lingnirg o 1,1 ) :
A TMER or to Situationwh lq . u ag o r r BAIL. ,I
Izonn who on, erstande rectifying end ontspotted.
n liquors. /lista( recotornendattonsgireti.. Ad
dress It. MM.. Plosbnodt P. O.
'UTANTE —A few day boaders at
t 3 Co. Ott areabe.
T T p l anted
at 218 :CORM AVENUE.
• at Ate
Third Ave
ba paid.
r. From RIR to *2O per week
[layer .
for an article •
every 'sunny.
. 1,
I.—Exßerleneed Agents to
nd yell Patent nights fir Mantle.
at patented. Wlll be wanted In
ddress A. 31.. Ilan 333. Pitt.
three mn
$1.500 car
Oaten—woe for 11112.006. and two
all for three year.
0U Ortutt Area% 1110-
Attomay-at-law n l
WASTED—By a Respectable Rat ,
DIED LADY—A situation to POW end as
si34n houae work. Wages no nb.leet..A eomfort-
Yable home proeorred. Addwas . Pittsburgh
. 0.
ViTANTED.—Operators, Finhhent,
v anti BUTTOIMOLE HAND on Floe
Itl.7 l m.for one west NI.. 19 TUNNEL
1 232 1 1 1 L 'l l lAfr nl3l"
HaeIL TII 3 /.NorIn . ,D,A.n. ,o IBIE
001I . AN Y.
wA)7ED.—Seteral Men for Farm
VA.l2"iv AIZ:i fo
l'hardberwork.' Dlnlnproom worknod
Ilaht work of All deyrrlptlon. Apply at KAIPLOY-
Al ENT IIFEICIC,No.I Sloth ylreet. and door front
tkPlPotollon Bridge ,
tIT.E.D. Zghber of Ladles
Candy Bower, Prize Eitatlenary Packages and J floe eap,
elry. Inquire at No. 2414311T11V115L1, STREET.
Plweburab. 38
TTANTEI).---Eperirneed Ageriti;l7,
travel and sell Patent Alights by co We.
ter an
er a
family. rticle
A Juddst pa ress, A. tented. Will' be wanted In
evy. 3031_11tts
GIRL of B or 10 years of age, to Ilve with
log. n couple. Coropenhathin. board. clothing,
hr. Batt of roreronoo Oran. Andrew. for
two dam J. C.. GAZRTZ omen. G-tt
C 33
I r e A A N A T e!! to t ik mttl i. fi S sel -- 1 patetn i g e nto for
artittepat patented. .Wlll be wanted ta every
larval Inducemenm oderen. Addrese A.
593. PittentiArb.P. O. 6-1
20.000 to Loan In large or smW amounts
at a fur rate of Interest.
_....e — TITOMAS X. PETTY.
Bond .of Real Estate Broker,
N 0.179 Elenabnalld Street: .
Thirty Thousand Dollars to Loan •
large or small amounts on property In Allegheny
mots at a fair ma of Interest. AlleY6 •
Ilea/ *Pate Agent.
511,fares street.
B _ _ ...
OA RDlNG—To•let,w with Board
et 103 Yonrth even.. S.=
pablie are hereby notified not to negnitatAt.ny
accept oi ante fer l l272.3o.perabta to the order of
J. W. EIeCASLIN. dated May. With. 1100. ectit
, 11aerit by J. W. MeCnattn, ea payment Mae been -
stepped en same.
lOST—On Monday creating last, a.
MEMORANDUM BOOK containing si small
aumunt of Postal Currency. A liberal return will
be paid to the xenon returning It to .
tti CoLijqhtmdfirnallniimi Sta.l2th want.
: , ZTRAYED—V.OW—Prom the pasture
Held .ni.RODEBT 31.WEAVER.nearlItildale
Ocmitter7.• WRITE COW with !reek]. around
the head and nhnulders. Information may beileft
Cl PATRICK McfiRATTY'S, at the Drove Vard,
Allegheny. I .•
rO-LET.—A 'complete! MELLO°
ROUSE, with Stem Room attached. fl (to
O•LET—nooms,with Bomenno.
—A Butte of Furnished Rooms oo second
11100r..180 Third svonue. G2l
.Story Brick House,
aad goar.tyirmnz'zanzipm.-4,-
cellar. WM be let low to • Rood tenant. lng
of J. 31. FAAS. No. A' old Penns Avenue.' m
A fret-damA STORE R 0037 and cellar, Nn.
182 . Liberty street, completely autod, up wit
chairing and Counter. Will be rented cheap
coiled for soon. Enquire at
No. 4 yl.Rant ALLEY._
TO -LET.--A good, two I story BRICK
TWELLlN(Leontalning ltt rooms. wltit mod
ern Improvements. Alm. large T ot and good Bork
situite fronting on th e Park. En. 164
North Arent.. Rent reasonable. A DOT ' nt
4 1 Ohib street. Aileseent. •1. 1.96512
pOR SALT` —A ear load of horses.
Just arrived. Vultuble fon." nurposes. nal
muJ see them at nett Moo
n tiro equal
Intl, Third
rents, Third
nil ine
Two Dray& a Cart, a
Aft In good elv e r. Inquire
lelkyl33 No. 121.1ftli
1.70 R .SALE
woe o re L.j.: buy a hones with Ore rooms and ball. with
finir Into f r ai feel frobt by 106 feet in dept, wit
stabling. frontincon a forty feet etreet,chalf
mum* back Of Pentwytmala aretroe,_TwenUath
.ward. now Nan I.lbertY. &PO at 174 Want
street. near Feventb avenue. JuILSWeII
VOR SALE. —.That etl.known
if&crtirßiALlT. Fk .:ltt
To a proper person desiring to keep • hotel. mle le
• ram opportnnlty. lor terms, rill Or arldnout •
'No : Mßank of Com me r cer.lll4ll.l,tget.
DrOnenpatlon Immediate On gale. je4721 •
FOR SALE. — Engines and Boilers,
se..d Second Hand, of all kinds, cowlMaly
on band.
Orders from allWarta of the country promptly at.
tended to.
JAIIMiI litl.i. & 00.,_
Corner Marlon &emit. and P.. ft. W. & C. N. W..
! •
A: TAINS tie& ACRS. nee hundreand Wet/
acres under ealtivellon. woals. 110Prorre
..,,-4 40.1nn1, very hugs lam and utable.
and cheep boas.. orchard and well Irstaried by a
small crest paean" through the Pam ilttualed In
Jennie..runt y. lndianst. wales from Venues
end Ixollrrllle Hal/road: In Willy nalghtarboo4
near to villagfir churallew Th e term OM r t.. ,
perchsead at
_er aorw__Applyto
a. Me N & Na. 164 Fourth Aso,
iti.,?;?hiPzY Priatpl,frA Okla.r.
thereon; ma,* One. comfortable and convenient •
.tionf r wrgAr i ::: ;. r . :o one of the best tratarpow.
Tram the att., on the IT..r4VMV I I.igMe
kof a retie from Anton s Statlmi. centrall
AlSo..Orrrel 110.1 Farms IA bona 110ollom
soul soinuint fer wile. /Montle of •
mill Na Ila Gnat 84 . WILLIAM WAIIII
...4.,,, EortelislZ•Vibt.fro
ate on 44th street. near Butler atmett.
mtopited ettli grape shrubbery. $O.,
whtle Thy lull.
nn the rear le a doe slant. Gas ail through
the house.. This propertl Is certainly the tont de
liftable In the 17th ward. Price modulate and
tong Unto Oren. T. H. BILL 4 808.
Co, Penn and 33detreete.
ON MALY STBERT.—An eleg granseCottaire
fi,mo. situate on Bain street. non e . the tlnsea.,
burg Pike containing 3 rooms: Lot 30 he]
This Is a bemilthil Plebe, and one within teach ut
all of moderato means. T. R. BILL k MR. •
ON 44th B TRRET.—A beautiful lot. ntry Butter
meet, BB by 108.4.0 to then P. B. W.
An, one wishing • pleasant soot en ehkli to build
aiiiiii i t 4 tE . l7tter suited.. T. B. SILI it 808,
IL IL 1112 all sad butt ki f,mreq
es th e LTilft
m.,,,0te, workingmen amid not let tkisgrand
oDpMdaltfdlp hr. 11107 Mill never have another
a4rantageons. T. R. BILL At BOX,
earner Penn and 33d streets.
_,t,'HALF CASH, RE.;
matador ye ennui my
zente. w il l p rebate a new tw o s Italy brick Itende
el wt. eve ro oms and cella r . du and water tlx
tnueg:,6well bald
Omer n f
&midst* order. situate on
are44e. AP 7NI b. !tn ..
j elle r r E ngi near
813 dh a coVeris.