!I 'l'm DAILY GAZETTE 11 II - ,PUBLIMILD ST I'ENNIMAN, lIEED & CO., Center . Sixth Ave. and Smithfield S . 7 . R. FEHHIMAJI, r JOSIAH MAO, T. P. itotiston, N. P. 11.11ED. 1 EDITOR' A.I4D Paoraiteroits.. Toms or nu DAILY er o, per year DMtrered of eaniar. per 'reek !'HE DAILY GAZETTE. Tnt Pittsburgh Corn menial, following in the wake of the. New York World, and other journals of decided Democratic pro. clivities, made sui ungenerous and ill. natured assault yeiterday in its editorial columns on General Brant. Was it in. spired by the movers In the *Rot of new party? Such attacks .show the de. sign of thi bolters to be to deliver Re publicans into the Lando of tho enemy. - FOREI . GK. • •••• _ • Cnotrna is an e idemicin India. - Thr. &mese twins have joined lienz's POOR Carlotta, it is thought, will have a magnificent funeral Nome time during, the summer. . . . .1"; Eng Hob youth who married - on fif. teen shillings a week has naturally gone to jail for stealing. COCNT BIIiNIARK'S physicians hare or. dered hint to visit one of, ,the English watering places during .lydy.! , f . ,.. w Positc . or Prussian Petard' ':e bebibue thoroughlyalmost German' . Polish langnagebnly occusimjally m liard-. .. - Tn k; toad in red.sandotonewiiikiddeltia head, for an Englishman has (outdone , at Newcastle that fired six months in a barrel of tar. ...tura," why do you sit out the lon sermons of .that abbe? "said niece. ••\t dear," replied Want, - they accustom iuo t eternity.—Pari e C'or. theUEEN VICT, in la rivhte 1, Q ORIA Duchess of Southerlan p d, hos exprv.4.,' ed the deep Interest with which she re garde the approaching Protestant Confer ence about to be held in New York. • - fiREAT fears are again entertained in Roma of tiaribalditut interruption. There can be no doubt that the whole of Italy is in a eery critical state, but well informed persons say there will be no reriousmove. ment till the Autumn, A MONT3IENT to John Kepler,. at Weil der Stadt, the birth place of the great astronomer, was uncovered on the 24th inst. Subscriptions have been received from all parts of Bermany, Franco, Russia, and even North America. IN a caw in tiermany, where a little girl (Bell from injuries received by her clothes catching tire while locked op in a room by herself, the mother was wn tenced to three months' imprisonment for manslaughter, through carelessness. Neturriitrioxii are pending with respect to a treaty of commerce and navigation between the Northflerman Confederation and the Republic of Salvador. Mr. Barite] Zaldicar, who 'represents his fiovertunent in France, has arrived - -at Berlin from Paris for the purpose of concluding it. A CCRIOI:b 'pall* regulation for the punishment Of inmshattion exists In Rus sia. Persons found drunk and incapable in the public thoroughfares are taken into custody and condemned to..vcork for a day at sweeping the streets. Conse quently, well dressed offenders are • some times seen performing their task, broom in hand. has been demonstrated that the cavia-sturgeon can be acclimaliaed In the North German lakes and rivers, nod that some few of them Lave always existed in the Gierland lakes since Frederick the Great imported some from the Volga. Even in St. Petersburg one of these fish can rarely be bought for less than 150 sil ver rubles. We hear that . the plenipotentiaries of Prusida,• Bavaria,. it urtemberg, Baden, Mrs., •Irbn Jar-the pitman of settiingaud ittlutriEnfellts-made by The Kthghs of St. John In the ream from am. to 18 05 brought their latairs to a satisfactory our.- elusion on the 28th ult. According to ar rangeraenta already made the Swiss quota will be' borne by the above-mentioned Governments : • THE North German Cormpondent sap: The Franciscan monk, Hotzl of Munich, who some time ago wrote a defense of Dollinger. and was in consequence tutu mooed to Rome by the General of his Order ad re...moduli' unimum, was, we are assured, immediately after his arrival in the metropolis of infallibility, put is puce, that is, shut up In a cell, in one of the Franciscan convents. In this narrow prison the learned theologian, deprived of books, and ezposed to the intense heat of a Roman summer, reercat an NM ant. The exports of Roumania during the peat 1808, amounted in value to 46 million Prussian thalers. The most important article of export is grain, of which were shipped 1,164;502 quarters of 'wheat, and 2,162,501 quarters of maize were shy . Twenty-five hundred thousand a of wool were, sent to. Prince, and three million pounds to 'Austria." The exports of petroleum reached only 2,400,000 gal lons, principally to ifungary,but it is be- Raved that lanai larger quantities of this article will be exported when the com• pletloa - of the 'Roumanian railways has "procured it a market in Bohemia, Silesia and Central Germany, • THE . Chinese pirates seem desirous of proving how necessary the common Incas tires about to be adopted by North43er many, England and America are. Thee attacked the Prussian ship George, which left Hong Kong on the .111th of April, after staying some days at that port, with a cargaconsisting chiefly of opium. On the first night of their journey the pirates approached the ship in two junks almost without making a sound, surprised and bound--the sleeping crew, -and then searched the vessel undistarbed. "After they bad secured a rich booty, they bade farewell to the captain and the men, and shook hands with them most cordially; . - THE Roman correspondent of the Sod deutadds Frew writes: -With a truly manly courage, the Archbishop of Paris clearly' proved that the infallibility of the Pope had: never been a dogula of the church, nnr could it ever become One. At the same time he protested most , earnest ly against the new method, according to*. which a dogma might be decreed even when no unanimity existed among the. bishops. In conclusion he ventured to prophesy that tire proclamation of papal Infallibility might very probably signify the end of the temporal power, of the Pope. • At these words, a - deep though silent movement was - observed among . the fathers. Monsignor Darboy is well known to be in the confidence of Napoleon. Tut Austrian journal, Wher-Zeitung, reports from the Military Frontier the • Instructions have been sent from Peter warden to the stations of the various mil. Scary companies to look for convenient lo calities in which all the arms in the dif . ferret districts must be forthwith depce ited. The respective communal anthori Ms. are to be responsible for the punctual delivery and safekeeping of the &e-arms. • eWe believe," says the Prue, referring ni, the above mentioned measure, "that Aids hasty disarming in a district when.; ' the peopfe have been accustomed for cen turies to the use of weapons, will only serve to increase the agitation already existing there. The frontier might be demilitarised, without wounding the ens. ceptibllity of the population by depriving them of their sans. -Tax North German Correspondent says: Austria 'having now consented:to the sup , presekm of , tolls on the Elbe, nothing far. tber remains to be done than to fix the time at which the navigation of the great stream abtll he completely free: The sooner this takes place the better, as con siderable numbere of shine with cargoes are welling for the abolition of these dues before sailing, and in the meantime the depth of water in the river, as is usual in the begiitning of summer, has begun to diminish.' The conuniasioners of Prussia, Austria, Hamburg, Mecklenburg, Anhalt, and Saxony are consequently about to meet for the purpose of - revising and abridging of the navigation. act. They will decide on the measures which are to b e taken in order to insure the preserva tion of the river and the amelioration of the channel. ,Tireatoman correspondent of the Ant. burg 411gemeino Zetfung writes tbat t bishops of the opposition intend to bind . . • tc, _ .. . 1 _ . ..... / L --- mi l i It. • . .-. . 0 „ , /I ESTABLISHED IN 1786. lia . , themselves not to - vote for a formula con taioing the personal infallibility of the Pope by signing 'a document. tb that efliect, Ile has had au opportunity of seeing an entititate emanating from the midst of the opposition, which shows that Ate party is not only weakened, but bon even gained in strength.' it 43 rtermans and Htmgariann, 40 A nglo.Amer cans, 20 Frenchmen, 4 Portuguese,. and 10 Italians. are. enumerated. The large number of bishops from the ratted States in whom confidence is pladed in remark.. able.' When they came to Home almost all of them Were *lined to vote for the new dogma,. but, :their eyes hale been gradually opened. The principal strength of the Papal 'party consists of the 120 bishops from the kingdom of Italy, the 14.1 from the Papal States, lad the 120 titular bishops, forthe most part created by the present pope, who haven cure of .'guts and represent nobody but' themselves, or rather hint who 4.4*1 them from the dust; and set mitres upOn their beads." 1 ' MODERN won ary sclence,it is asserted by lir. Lyon Pldyfair, originated in an ac tidentnl circumstance. When the' great plague prevailed in London in 1664 : -tittr ing which time, at the lowest estimate, persona were carried . off, King (Thanes I removed the Court and Parlia ment to Oxford, which -had been recently drained. The citizens also, in anticipation 'of their distinguiehtsl visitors, had re. Moved all the accumulations of filth and -garbagt. Front these • preparations On. ford-enjoyed entire inimunits- from the the disenne, and cause and effict in refer ence to the . plague were for the first time connected together in the public mind. l'lsysiriann also had their attention at. traded to pythogenic or filth-born mala. dins.- Prim- to the period mentioned, the ['Mind I of ph , wiciens in Paris recom mended the following ineusures for the arrest of the plague, to wit That if u shower of, rain fell during . the day, a npoonfrd of treacle Should be taken ' and that fat people tiltouldiet Sit in thesun. For sev . cral • Eenturics,' .kfichelet states, not a Man, wohnuf tn. child took a' bath voluntarily and'ont of a desire for clean• lineT. As a result of this fearful neg• lest, the plague, the, black death, the swea sickness and other pestileuces den tated 'Europe. . • POLITICAL. IiEN. NATHAN Govt• has received the Republican nomination for Congress in the First .District of West Virgins. Tilt: Democrats of the Congressional district of Pennicylvania, now represented by Mr. Cessuu, a Republican, propose to nominate B. F. Meyers, and there will be a lively contest. Tttt; Republicans of Eric have put the following ticket in nomination Congress W. Schofield; Senator--Grange No. ble; Legislature—Geo. W. Starr and J. Miller; Sheriff—Colonel T. M. Walker; Judge—S. E. Woodruff; Treasurer—L. J. Dyke: Clerk' of 'Courts—C. L. Pearce, - . Tut; Democracy ,of ortliumborla . ad :panty, at the.prituary' - election Sato?. , placed in- nomination, the following ticket: Congress Wm:Solliner Assent lily,' Robt: Montgomery; Asaciciate Judge. H. Nl'Corrnick; Register and Recorder, J. Leieenring; Commissioner, Jacob 'Elfin seeker: .tuditor,Jos.Eisely; Jury Commis. stoner, P. IllWillLatue. • Tip: Republicans of Union county have nominatekthe following ticket: Congre.sa, Hon. John B. Packer; Senator, Simon Wolf; Aseembly, Scott Clingan; Associate_ Judge, Jovob Hummel; Sheriff' Michael Kleckner; County Comnassioner,,Solomon Hoffman; Jury Commissioner, George W. Chambers; County Auditor, M. R. Dill: Coroner, John M. Hess. Tut: l am, „Repub camel:mint; of lVirit Vry , inta 1.41 eek at Parkerab urye Was the largeer- am” teen, kes ever witnesaed in - that State. The vory unusmal cortrullmnit of 'nominating nil th« Statootlieers was full evidedce th.t the party is 'well satisfied 'with the present administration. Hem is the ticket in full as nominated Governor—William E. Stevenson, of Wood county; Secretary of Sato—Jas;M. Pipes. of Marshall county; Auditor—Thos. Boggess, of Roan county; Treasurer—James A. Maeauley, of Ohio °aunty ; Attorney General—A. Bolton Caldwell, of Ohio county; Judge Supreme Court of Appeals—lanies H. Brown, of Kanawha county; Congress (Ist District )- Nathan Goff: Jr., of Harrison county. Cure for Obesity Mr. Schindler its the latest addition to e list of, persons who have undertaken be treatment and cure of excessive fat less in the human race—this condition be ng cymeidered by him as a disturbance of be animal .economy,'. in consequence of which the carbon taken in is accumulated n the form of fat. Diet and exercise, as night be expectcd, constitute the basis of his treatment. As in the method of Mr. Ranting, which . some yearn ago was no much in vogue, the diet advised for fat persons consists of food containing a large percentage : of- nitrogen, to which 801111, vegetables without starch, and cooked fruit, are to be added,. for the purpose of moderating the excitation duo to animal nourishment. Thin diet id to be varied, according as indiViduals are of a sanguine or lymphatic temperament. The use of certain nines is permitted; beer, however, is entirely forbidden. Coffee and t ea 11.12. allowed with eery little sugar. Cheese, N s a toe s s, rice, beaus, peas, maize, maces rani, tapioca, arrowroot and soups are not allowed. The use of, sulphate of and,, is recommended as moderating the transfor mation of nitrogenous materials and stimu lating the oxidation of ,fat, and the use of mineral waters containing the sulphate of sada in solution in conaidered of the greet. est Importance in this re:Teti. The waters of 3farienbarl,Which are especially= rich in this loth, are stated to have 'usual. ly,the most happy effect. Their ruse,- to gether with that of some alkalnio , and a strict adherence to the conditions above mentioned, canned decrease 'in weight of from twentqfi course cc to sixty pounda in different indiction in the of a 'few -- wocks.Earron' Serunnere Rs twau, in 11 , tryotr's3ftry\mine for Jury. , Tile Govnesrott. or Minstestrrt has ap. pointed to n judgeship Mr. W. 0. Ilen. derson, and all bemuse hie former slave, a member of the present , . Legislature of that State, addredsed the folloiring neat and grateful letter In behalf of the ap. pliant, which touched n.tender place in the heart of the appointing authority: GovErtsron: .1 was a slave of Col. 'W. G. Henderson. Boys together as -we were. Inc is the centre.of the tenderest as. iodations of my life. Arrived at man hood's estate I was still- intimately' con. ,nected with Lim. In the relation of his body . eemint. What he was wounded at Upperville. Va., en route for fiett)sburg; he the languished in o handstine valley of. authorities, until it was my privilege to take him away, secretly, through the lines to his 41Wilpeople. The atiecticoate relation of our childhood having ripened into a fixed friendship in our manhoodAN been In- Vignnated still further by atuality of service and devotion which makes him dear to my soul. My friend and lode g mailer lea candi d* e for the OITICH of Circuit Judge of the First District, He is a man of unbletn. Jelled honor, le a lawyer of high standing arthe bar, and having stood out for you boldly during the late canvass, is a good Republican. Now, floyernor, 1, by the mysterious providence of God, ant a member of the Legislature: I want no office, no honor, save that of standing here In my gam as a duty to my race. But i believe my po sition gives me sonic claim upon the pat. ronage you are about to dispose, and I flow' place. without reservation, all the credit of that claim to the account of my earnest prayer that you appoint to the Judgeship of the First District of the First District the playmate of my boyhood •—the companion of my manhood, the gen erous „friend of my whole life—my form er molter, Col. Henderson. -.. Hoping that you will grain this first and last prayer which I, u a member of this House of Representatives, make to you as Goverivr of Miraissippi, I have the honor to be your . ..Excellency's very ;humble servant, . AltitilOSE HE!DZHZON CIENERAITT: .lEILnI:Y CITY hankers after s public 1 1 park. 13Es. GnANT i expectett it Long Braich July 7th. A NEW volunto of Victim' Hogo's pocu Is announced. -‘" AN eleven yearn old wife 'in Indiana &aim; a divorce. A Niat•ocm oak hag .a pair of antlara ironing from his brad. DANIISIf Ship now in Boston harbor :tuns its pumps by a windmill Otiti.ADEITIIIIA is revelling in eximr siotus io Cape May and Atisntie City. 1 Cold. Spriok, New. :York, has just been dedicated " 7 he Grant BE E. church. YOKOHAMA hats been whoited by a eerie. of earthquakes. which did but little damage: As exchange says Sir John 'Macdonald i accused of using a shutter as a 'vehicle o transportation. RinFzißittilis is to have al - world' chess 'congress:it - has had annual world'. rogue et ;ewe congresses. Tut: house in whiclithe present Fm peter of the French wan born is now or cupied by the Austrian embassy._ . • A HUMOROUS colored man lectured the other evening at Indiana's, on the "Sub. ject The White Element in our Midst." THE death of Col. Titus;.• well known Kanto. - border ruffian," is confirmed. Ile weA iolllll,a to death be Indians in 'Art zone. 1:1111. JO/IN TALBOT. nn nged citizen of Monongahela City, died On the 18111 ; igat. He lint Heed in that town for thirtyaix year. Jon:: Maiiimok, sheriff of Madison musty lOWA is thres ( ot •t high, twerml - - tiro yrurn old and tlvr*•inght "assails in weiglit.-- Finn months . ago New York cigar makers struck and now thee• give in, an. -bouncing. their .wil4ugness to resume work at old juices. - • • TIIE endowment .of..oberlin College la to be increased from $90,000 to $150,000. and a Professor of Christian Apologetics is to be added to the faculty. THE' steamboat Natchez arrived hist week in St. Louis having tveki but three days. twenty-bourn and fiftY.eight Hein . utes coming from New Orleans. WHILE digging a well in De Kalb county, lad., a few days- ago Joseph -At water dug up $950 worth of Old silver ware, fifteen feet below the surface. THE American Consul, at Toladuisna, has been notified of an active volcano at sea, about two hundred mitre southeast of that port. It wait discovered by the Benefactress, Capt. Eldridge. NEARLY all of the free trade paper. thmughout the country have adopted. when speaking of pridection and protee• tionists. that style, which Brick Poinemy in the la l'rosae Democrat first brought fairly before the public. • • : • THE l'ortland, 3ie., Pr,. is tLat the mysterious disappearance of bt. Walter 11. Foster, a natireuf that:chi and late'of Philadelphia, is'proltably• a trick. us Ai. loan Was never there but six tutmthe, Mid then was tunsideted an impostor. THE LACroS,,t! Leader reporttithe death, in the county poor hamlet, - on Tnesdav last, of Mr. Leonard Cireeky, uncle of litintee Urea:ley. aged 77 years. 'qt., authoritiee have written Ilonice li reeley, asking lain to defray the expenerl of his tt treles limin tenanite. AN attache at a baloon ascension ,in 11- inois got caught in the,ropes as the bat. oon left the ground, and was carried up kywards by the heels, his bead hiving lowntrard. He managed to extricate imself from his perilous situation and licutt.litta_the Pastier.. . Ntca ,e.n 4 ;.....1r. Nu - not-A - neid- ann. 'Waylaid 14nuton Huddle:sin, near Little river, Frenchman's Bayou, Atjsaivai • racemtlr and &fang,' Nichols tired, -Sinaibaton lessantiy.. The munierers were arrested and put in jail' at Oaccolt9 to await trial. Ox Friday the 4 'oroner held fire impiests in Chicagd: one on a boy named James Wilson, who was run over by cars: one on Pauline Kvitn, whose crimg was suicide with strychnine; the third was John Bret ten, drowned while bathing; the fourth an unknown victim of sunstmke; and the last a little colored boy named Cornelius Thomas, who was dmtrned while bathing. Galvinston, Indiana, last Friday night, Mrs.. Isabel Kirkpatrick left her sed and was found next morning dead. Shdhad izot ; into a rain barrel and sat down. When found; she appeared to be . sitting tannfortablv, but the water was ; over her face. She land to bind . her head forward to rover her face with wa • er. It is suppoeied Mn. she.. laboring u . er a fit of insanity. IS marinated that 200,000• glasses of lager were drank during the Cincinnati tiactigerfest. During tut-, festival a beer ganlen bid the following prominentlk placarded: 'Old Tmfasiiiit—trive strong drink unto Min that itireadv to perish; and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. Let him drink and forget his poverty, and re member his misery no mere.—.l' roc. r.r 7," , TMiaironf-Hritik DO -longe water, but use a little wine for thy atom. ach's sake and thine often infirmities. 7-1 Timothy, r., 23." • ; • - Ltd/ter—Who loves not women, wine' and song, He is a - fool his whole life long.", t Protettant ••Schema." The basis of agreement fur the debates n the forthcoming Evangelical Alliance 0 :Sew York will be,tho same as that of he origined Society iiilsrMsloi, asterisked in sidd: I. The divine inepiration, authorityand efficiency of the Holy Scri ptures. , 2. The right and duty of private jtidg. meat in, the interpretation of the Holy . Scripttut'irs. a. The Unity of the tiodbead and the trinity of the persehe therein. " 4. l'ho utter depravity of human nature in consequence of the tall. 5. The incantation of the Lion of 0 0 d..: the work of atonement for sins of man kind, and His mediatmial interceesion and reign. 6. The justification' of the Moiler by faith alone. 7. The'trotk of the noir ttidrit in' the,. juatitication and eapetification_of the sit • ner. B. The Immortality of the rul, .the-re correction of the body. the judgment of the world by our Lord •lemta Christ, with the eternal. blessedness of, the righteous and the et‘malpyidahrient of the wicked. O. The divine Institution of . the Chris tian ministry, the obligation and perpetu ity of the ordijkanco of baptism . and the It being, however, distinctly declared that thin brief summary Is not to be re. goaded in any !Maud or ecclesiastical sense, no a creed tir: confession, nor the adoption of it as irivolfing an assumption of the right authoritatively to define the limits of Christian btotbeyhood, but stm, 10M - indication of the-class t. - elasa of persona whom it is desirable to embrace within thu • boltnal Oblo Blver Badness and urn . eral IHrartary for 1870.71. Messrs. Wiggling & Weaver, publishers of City and State Directories, are now preparing a complete, directory of all towns of note on the Ohio . river, from Wheeling. to Louisville (except Cincin. nati),tnaking it a-. fiat clam ruediinn for city advertisers to make their business known in that loeality. Thin work will have a large circulation, and will Include in it cities and towing numbering about 151,000 inhabitants, The agent, Mr; Row, will make a thorough canvass of the city, and we hope will meet with the encouragement which such a work de, serves. WEEK YOU FEEL LIKE TAKING SOME,' THING Refreshing, ask for Pier Dame's & Co's. cream ale; you will And It whole some and delightful. THEILE is thought to be every prospect of an excellent champagne crop this year as apples are numerous In New Jersey. • PI - BURGH, TUESIAY, JUNE 38. 1870. FIRST MIDN IGETT. NEWS iIY'CABLE Death of Eirl of Clarendon—Serious State of Affairs at Cork—Stock of 'otton at Liverpool 7 -Operatices . Strike at Lancashire—Ravages Of Small kix Paris—Monument Dedication on the SoUeda() Battle- Field—Petition of the Orleans Prin' ees Denied—Queen Isabella's Abdi cat lon —Se% c4e Drought Throughout ' Itermany. [By Telearaph to Pittabonzh Gazette.] GREAT BRITAIN. Ling pos. lone r.—The Earl of Clarendon. Secretary of State .for foreign Affair.. Bled at half poet two o'clock this morning: The Earl hag been seriously HI for three days from an attack of the diarrtara. He was sed enty year, or age. Lord Clarendon was prostrated by excessive labor. and.. had fur n long time been sub ject to violent attacks of gent. Hut the im mediate cause of his death was diarrhoea. When attacked his Lordship paid no attention to his disease; which operating on his debili tated matey, soon became dangerous end within, three days terminated fatally. The State ball which was to have been given by the Prince of Wales has been postponed In consequence of the melancholy event. It is believed Earl Granville wilieschange the De partment ..of Colonies for that or Foreign In the Lords to-night earl Inteel lag terms, announced the death of Lord Clar endon. He pnilsed the deteaaed for his Mil I- Iy, sagacity, experience and moderation. 111 , . brilliant wh.. his conversati powers and his conciliatory teuiper were onal know to all. Re hod a marked Influence' With the 'Queen, with all parties and with foreign coons and their representatives. , Lord Granville said he tilled he would bent honor the wishes of 11116 ereased by not moving the customary adjournment of the House. The Duke of iticluntoni. Earl Derby and Earl Cowhrey fol lowed vs ith similar culoglett. at the obnclosion of which the lido. fn Committee resumed' the Irish Land MIL _ . In the Commons, Mr. Smith. member iron Stockport. gave notice he should more are foractg nbllit Hosete quallOcu lion a voter. 'rho went into Coin mitten on the Education bill. Lord tlt rathnains hna resignedthe annrnand in-chief of the forces In Ireton t. - • • . The Jfark f.mc Erprou reviews the pros pects of the wheat crop and comes to the conclusion the crops arc safe. The Tile. considers that the foot of a Dub lin jury acquitting the Fenian James Barrett, chargerl with an attempt to carder the land lord, Captain Lambert, after conclusive cri donee of guitt,neceailtates the Inquiry wheth er Irishmen are capable of discharging jury men's duties. The elect ihu fora member of the House, of fornnions for Bristol to 1111 the vricanry MCA atoned. by the election of Robinson. has un rloubtmity resulted Is the choice of Kirkman Hodgson. a Liberal. although the resulthas not yet been ndicially announced. Notwith.. rtmulies the large Liberal majority usually cast re Bristol. the Tories threaten to contest tbueloctiott on the ground Of fraud nod co, rootlet". The nominations were made on Fri dar, amid much confusion and some violence. . Reports of the Intended recall of Mr. Mot- Je and are not credited. The yacht (Umbria him the to the place of rendezvous off Kinsale on the Irish coast. near Cork harbor, She Is In command of Captain Cannock. Aahhury Is aboard and takes out nome handsomeprhes, to be offered for race. In America. besides Astinice of plate valued at .M 3. • •SenOr Co, iterrer :pare .e dinner at 81ch i-50nd, at which lion. Mr. Syufer, explorer of Central A merle. the Prassilia and Peruvian Ministers and other important persons were present. The question of ot•onnecting the At, !antic end Oceans by a canal was din cu.sed and the lentils of the scheme advoca- , ted by Stator tinitcrrez were OW - roughly ex plained. Prof. Spun, the diAinpuished 'Norma. Is dead.. The collection of tolls by the Austrian and Prussian autboritid on the Elbe ceases July Coat. June ST -Serious riots continued Saturday and ttntsday nighta. Skase. terns SC.- Ann...Ont.-Tao notke.. Aare berome sreneral. -- rbs laborers in all de .•t in l art or.. leaving or thrc teo dotie he. tounktrygnen ten ' their ;hp, the to have stompedwork nO,l even pave wt home and newsboys re luseto astrontnnen. ..tfolence to-dagy.but tae situation is danger. eon and the excltenientvand anitety lateness 'LIVERPOOL. June 27.-The commercial tn.sd le of this city hose been feasting M. Les reps.. W says ital is only necessary for the , success of t he*ma Canal. The Liverpool merchants trill to likely to assist him finan. tinily. lavuuroot. June:.-The total receipts of cotton from all party for the week ending June Zlth, were t hirte-sin thousand hale.. Of this all hot one limn...tad came from the United Staten. The amount-of American cot ton on hand here laestimated at four hun dred and sizty-three thousand bales, and there are basideanne hundred and eight thou sand bales of Asnerican - rotton now at sea. b. end thls country. . , Some of the proptietore of the cotton milfs In Lancashire have conceded to the advance in wages demanded by the operativee. Others still hold out against the strikers. MA XCIMTER, June,teL—A boiler exploded in the- Firewood mills, near this city. Two men were dreadfully scalded and one has since died. =lli Paula. June 27.—The deaths from small pox last week were two hundrel and MY. • Arnaud Mabee. a French politician and po litical writer, died yesterdaY, aged slaty - one Forty thousand people assembled on the Field of So!feline oft Friday. the 2lth lust., the anniversary of the battle, to witness the cere mony of dedicating a monument to the memo ry of the soldiers who fell there, The pro ceedings. which were very (eternities. were conducted by Col. Ifaye, 'ors the part of - the French. and Colonel Pollak, on he part of thin , ' Austrians. Among those present were the Princess Humbert and Savor Carragnin. of Italy. In the evening a grand banquet WI. held, at lilt pacific and apnroprlate tr:utsts were each ed by representatives of the ra tions European power*. ; . - The exaggerated reports of the Emperbr's illness continue, but they are probably circu lated meted) to Influence the Bourse. The F.experter has intimated 'that the time has not yet arrived to grant the petition of the Orleans Minces. He adds that he will urge the remeval of the restraints whenever it iscafe and proper to go. Prince Napoleon has returned to this city. The abdication of the throne of Spain was ed by Queen Isabella in the presence of sign tha members of the royal family la Paris, toldand several Spanish grandees and general.. preceded the act by reading a for mal addresa of farewell. In a lette to the Pope, the ex-Queen notifies him of her abdica Hon, and beg* his blessing , for the Prince of CTturia• no for Spain.. he 'Committee cm Petitions • In the Corps gislatif, at the request th e M. 011ivier. have reported unfaeorably7on application of the Orleans Princes to return to Insure. ',The Journal Do , /MAU my. the steak of the western line. of rrallway in Prance Is firmer. owing to the lnerease in • baldness ,exoccted from the transpOrtation of AMOriCIIII stag. WOW s nrAtAlvuJinte Cate. Oeuarat Boor a card which he denies that be Intend. to be eroember tdeeketsmeS society. -The luturgententeentlyeapttirate party of ntr form s went out from Puerto rrincipe on • lm:Mon. The prlsollera were all killed soon atter their rehturr-': A slight, stiock.of .earttrroalte•lrm , felt at Santa:awes Meath ett. Several m ore filibster, of 1•01120)/ command have been killed. • . , The schools la roll° Itlco have closed fOr scant of tends: •• • . Volantecri WU/ xn rprf.ed nearSantlngo by n band of rebel. and all abot, =ll • RERUN. June g7.--Tteg.tycegtim his been Ten ND vers. tbrovarbuttt au wore Germany. Advice. from ' all quarters report the orop prospecta very disco LEI WIC, June 27.—Alvahehe, of Memphis, Tennessee. him been scutemced 'to One y e ar'. Imprisonment for committing an assault on the American Consul here. I=ll2 FLostr-tm June in.—Th e reittpeiattlit de nies the report ptiblistimt :lately of an Anglo- Italian note to the Greek Acrvelltnient on ”.X fiuttiecrt of b . rija , n_d . w i i, Pope will not not prodahn th ß eZ r alltlitidoima Oli fetir . art i t: ed - mAgipict R6WO. • . , Qtriazctrrowlr. June 27. - - , -The Acta:l2ooN Ne braska. CaJahra sad city. at Antwerp has ar rived. . • • . .. . • Losno.Damy. Juim steel:lWO Nalco, from New York, pan arrived. SINANI,NAL 'AND (A)MMERCIAL. . Igm.Am, . June 27— Keening. C0... 1, c1; money u:9 ; a roount sex. Ameee.lmegant evilly: 90)1i DC We .117.,2 Ten-Faction. ....,. iitx. Eii 19 : 1111 uols.114; 0 t i i ',..... , vp u, '" ° PARIS. June I . — Bourse. firm at . .. n "' Z.' centimes. . . • . LtVeliroin, J ooe 2 7.- , Cotton firm: middling uplands 103110kor Orleans 10.kdd101id; . 1 31 . 1 _9,1 L. = balsa. California white wheat . . °".. 10s $4; rod western No 2 11dia7s; winter Ds ed4tAs ed. Western Moor als 3d Cut. No 2 mixed ale dd. Oats UM Barley Peas Ws. Pork ifes dd. Beef . 1,. Lard firm 706. Cheese In. Bacon 3ds for Cumberland cut and Cs for short ribbed. Bashi 135 3d. L O2 DON. June S..—Linseed cake outer. Tal low firmer at 45s 3d. Oils dull. Sugar quiet. Turpentine dull. Rosin ermer. 50CTUAIIPTOr, Jane 27.—The eteamehlp America, tram New York, has arrived. Pnalquorm, June' 27.---17. F. bonds cloud quiet at 96tiBildid HAYTI!, June 27.-Cottoti quiet and steady at 117 francs. Azaw . tirir, Juee 27:-4etruleum Arm XLIST CONGRESS. (I E 4 14 EAMOPL) $ SENATE: .Tax. Tariff Bill Iti;stinied— Income Sections Finally Struck Out —Texas -- Pacific Railroad Bill Passed. HOU - SE: iltlry Civil Expenses Appropriation Bill Furth. er Considered In Continittee—Reporc of Conference Committee on Curd reney Bill. lily Telegraph to the Plttepirgh Gazette.] • WARTILY(VrOtt. Joann. IRIII. MEM! . A iniiflOn by Mr. 110WAltD to held at} fivenitti . ' Session to day to dispose of the Texaset'aellie and the Atlantic :Ind Ptrttt .linitroad bills toms objected to by . Me. SHER. MAN as tending to delay the tan bill. and gave rise to a long debate. The motion seas fleshy agreed to. hhls the tax bill CRUM up as unfinished business. - Mr. SHERMAN. Chairman of Finance Com mitter...dated as the result of consultation in regard to the bill that they had agreed to let all the Income taxes go), and as a substitote to retain the tax upon sugar an It Is now. And also the tax on gnaw rootlets.. He taild the House proposition for Ike cl.sideallon of tax on sugars had been objected to by buniness men throughout tho countrY, and the Senate columittco's che.r,ltication had encountered .equally strong opposition: The remaining sections of the bill would clear up ambigui ties In reference to apeelal tax on dividends of corporations. such us Insurance Companies :god relating to Chokers and other retigimts * • The Ineotne tat nection was stilek en ma withotadivlvion. . Mr. SHERMAN offered attn . section to con tinue the tax • an Corporations and- notaries during this year. The amendment was agreed to and various 'others submitted by Mr. SHERMAN to carry out the recommendation of the Pimtnee Com mittec. The amend inent to authorize the consolida tion of Collection district. Won agreed to. The Irani erctivne brrtleg been reached. nn amendment striking out, the duty on chicory. sutmorv.dandelion roll.and acorn coffee. raw, around or burned, or prepared, nod on all sub stitute.; fur coffee, wu agreed to. Mr. SIiEft.M.VPI end.vprml to withdraw the ante:Ailments reducing the duties on sugar according to the rtenntu Couunit tee's classifi cation. sons to allow the rides to remain as under existing laws. Mr. HAMLIN objected to the withdrawal of the section ad asked to have a vote nn it. After discussion Mr. Sheridan' , motion to strike out the reduction of the tax on stig its was rejected -yeas IN. nays its. . The Rouse classification therefore remains. Yens Messrs. Abbott. Anthony, Bayani, Cole. Conkling. Corbett, Cragiu, Drake. Fen ton, Gilbert, Harris. Howarti, Kellogg, .mti c .. rill. IMe.l Morrell ITt.l Osborne. Pomeroy. Pool. Ramsey, Rice. Robertson. Sawyer, Scott. Sherman, Stewart, Stockton. Witmer and Williams—Lei. Mle-Messrs: BOreltl6l4 Cameron. Varpoi, t sr, tai'lerlY. l/at Is, Edmonds. Forry. Fowler. Hamilton. Md., Harlan, Howe, llots ell, Johnston. McCreary: Morton, • Nratt. Noss. Saulsbury, lisltrz, Spencer, Spragne , 6„„„, 11140 „,, vicke., and. t Wilson an 'lentos u. • Mr. YATES moved an amendment prohibit ing hereafter all takes 'on tea. coffee mid su M r . r. ',MERMAN remarked Yha amendment ivould strike off 146,1100,000 of the revenue and if adopted the whole bill should fall. Mr. YATES advocated his amendment at length. At four o'clock the House resolution an nouncing the death of 'lion. David Heaton, Representative from N. C.. was received and after eulogies of deceased Land the adoption of the nsual resolution. of laanlulance. the Senate took a recess. • . - . Evening Srapintp-+Tbe cOnsiderattol of the Texas Pacific Ha*nail bill eoe resumed. Mr. WILSON'S amendment. to make the Mauge of the road uniform. at . nye fret f rpm arshall, Texas. t0:3i12 Dietn,L'alifotula, wax adopted—yeas al. nays ' • AS2 amendment by Mr. STEWANT, nether- Yrin,L the Southern Itarinc Railroad. of Call. with the Pacific by e branch Raid was itlaitte& Airy, itineuilunrol..by Mr. SAWYER. that all Iron and steel usotV, Alai! be pur t .h....d. fn the United State., The bill then pasted. ; The Atlantic and Pacific lleilromi bill ma.* made the order ntlrnmrtnnr nt Adjourned. ItErIiFISENTtTI aims were ow r... 1... e.I reetaxtr the ansteuree.o. ..r from grapes. peaches and other trims. R e4e ,, sas uusutamanuent s Detotrlrwent To panip the Collection of ille-al taxes on P lirr ' .l/ZD intend a bill for the di,- tributlon pro lota of all monies paid or to be paid bf the Republic of Venezuela for claims of citizens of the United States under the au-ard of the mixed commission. Paused. Mr. DAVIS INew York/ introd aced a bill to authorize the issue of. four per cent. bonds exchangeable for and convertible tots, legal tender notes at par. Referred to Committee of Wars and Means. Mr. REEVES offered a preamble and MO lotion directing the Committee on WeVe Means to report forthwith the bill reducing the Present duties on all clauses of salt UM' per cent, which..under the operation of tee previous question, was adoptcul—lod - to On motion of Mr. SettENCK, the funding bill wits reported back nod made the special order fur to-marrow. Mr. KELSEY. from Committee on Appro.. miations, reported back the Consular and Diplomatic Appropriation hill. and moved the Senate aniendment be non-concorred In and a Committee of Conference orderml. Agreed to. On motion of Mr. KERR, the Senate amend ments to the bill for editionsl terms of United States Courts in Indiana was taken front the Speaker's table and concerned in. _ The Speaker presented otelegram announc ing the death of the Earl of Clarendon. Eng lish Semetarr of State for foreign affais. . Mr.. BUTLER. Masa., from the Judiciary Committee, reportard adversely the Senate bill to change the Judicial circuits. Tabled. Mr. :SUMACH Introduced the bill to abol ish the tribal relations of the Mime Indian,. The House went- into • Committee on the Sunday Civil Expenses Appropriation bill. Items for work on the ( apitol were attacked by noun, Missouri members, Messrs. )(Tor tuick. Itenjmnin and Flukeinnergand defend e M dby essrs. DoVrel. and Schenck. The items under the head of Agricultural Department Rave rise to n discussion between Meows. Holman. Potreo. Neloon. of Ohio. nod °theca, but were agreed to without amendment. A discussion axone between Messrs. Ferns worthand Dawes In ference to an Rem in I the bill to pay Paul S. re Forben a balance due his under a contract with the navy depart ment for the steamer Algonquin of Cris.T.V. Mr. FARNSWORTH moved to strike it out. , He Criticised the action of the Committee on Approjwiatlons In reporting it, and expressed the opinion that the chairman of the Commit tee. Mr. Dawes was like Joe Itagatoek • sic: devilish idyl" Mr. DASVE3 retorted th Farnsworth was so constituted that he erndd not believe any one else lobe honest• and intimated that he did not desire to be measured by the gen tleman from Illinois or by hie standard of morality. The Item had been reported be canoe the Secretary of the Navy said it was to liquidate the balance due OM mate-mot a claim, but a debt:i "Mr. FARNSIVORTIFittid be Wad not attack ed anybody, and that the unusual wrath and excitement displayed by the gentleman from Mnswichusettst Was cadlreltunneoessare. He did not suppose every mansdishonmt, and his friend from ifansachttlettartiook unnecessary umbrage at what be bail said. He had. said he thought him sly, and the fact that When 'the bill was reported the gentleman said there was no venial legislation In it, was a After smile furttertilsauselon the Motion to strike out the item Willa,tejected., The Committee rose, Miring still six pages of the bill unfinished. • Mr. GARFIELD, (rem the Committee of Conference on Currency bill , mode a report. He gall he would call it up tomorrow. Adjourned. I:prer Ithrrs. ly P..n04 Lloc.l Cinetsenonn, June I.l.—Rlver sloi, 13". with twenty-one Inches of water In the channel. Weather clear. Thennutneterno at MCMOLIMIWN, June 27. River stationary, with twenty inches of water In the channel. Weather clear. Thernunneter 11l at 4P. 71. lIIUTNYVILLE. June l.l.—ltlver ststtionary, with two and a half feet of water In the chan nel. Weather clear. _Thermometer 441 at 4 Clit.Trrr, June 27,141ver at a stand: with Ve h athe n r c l i n e Thermometer :l e e r ! e t a h t e ll r.nf • 4 Terrible Crime lik r iellees. By:telegraph to Pittsburgh Gazette.) tintAPLIPOLIA. Suer 21'.—Orr Saturday last two little girls were toned 10 n rue or elutes,. way near.Whlte giver, who it . wan !supposed et the time were aCcidentally drowned. Further developments by the Coroner's Jury reveal the horrlblefact that the elder of the two had been outraged and murdered, and the youngest VVIUAIso murdered to prevent her giving informatlon.• There was only eighteen Inches of water over them when found. No .arrests have been made, but the police think 'they are on track of the guilty parties. Seri prlesost . . NEW 0111.E.ARS, Jane tiOur qnlet. 'and fins: superfine ii 575. XX E 6 and XXX Ea,.,3 S.W. Corn dull and lower; mixed 950 and white g 1.05. Oats 64035 c. Bran lower at $l. Hey lower; prima V.!. and choice S 3. Mess pork dull at fCI.-4.41.513. Bacon dull: shoul ders It F . 40. ribs Mix and clear ribs 18cc. Hams "" "*Be. Lard dull; tierce Heine and k. o f 180 90. Sugar name and firm: prime II 1.110. Molassess firm at roc. Whiskey du lat f Htl,lo. Cotten; prime 173(0173(e. Sterling IMc. I=C! Totano, June dull. Wheat !inn and le2c better:No. white Wabash 1 . 10., No.ll do 11,31 G No. 1 white Michigan 1,18; amber Michigan 111,V1i No. C o rn #1.31; o. doll:inn No.B do 111. M. quiet. and a shade lower; No. 187.10; No. :. 85ifci yellow lle. Osta dull; Michigan 6Tc. . SECOND EDITIOI. 1-T'OUR 0 'CI IiCK .Tllli The ConferenceCommttire Report on the Currency BilL—Aniendments to the Tax-Tariff Rill—lleath of Lord Clarendon Officially Announced— Dispatch from the President on the Emt. [lly Telegraph to the . 11t6burgh Gazette.] WitolliNoTos; June• 27, 1810. TILE einvernrScr stErour. ' Representative Garfield to day - submitted to the lionsU the report of the Committee of Conference ion Currency Rill. The bill pro vides for the soup of forty-five millions of 'National bank notes to banks, In addition to the three hundred millions authorized be the —• act of INA, the amount so provident In he fur= Milled banking associations in States and ter- , rit °ries having less than their apportionment as contemplated in the applirtlonment act of , 11 , 43.1; the securities for such circulation to be deposited with the Treasurer of the United States shall he of any de.,cription of bonds of the United States, bearin.: coin interest: ap plications for the circulation shall be made within one year after thepas.age of this get, and the Comptroller shall issue it. to banks making application, glVing preference to those States and territories having the greatest de ficiency; nu bank orgsinlzed tinder this net shall have a circulation exceeding half a Intlz lion dollars. Anew account of Increased circulation shall he made ra. oon an practicable, hosed upon the. census of 1071). The Gamptroller at the cud of each' month is required to report to the Secretary of the Treamiry the amount of circulating tedes issued during the prevl: our - Month, whereupon the l . lecretary of the Treasury shall redeem and cancel alike amount of three per CCU certificates Issued under the acts of March 11, MT. and July 70. 18 , 58. by giving notice to the holders thereof that. Interest shall cease on the day des lit natcd In the notice, and* that said certificates shall no longer be available as bankkie re serves. r pm, the deposit of anprrold interest bear ing bonds in the Treasury of the United States In the manner prescribed hr the nineteenth and twentieth sections of the National Cur recy Act. It shall be lawful for the Comp. tro n ller to Issue to the bank snaking the de- Posit 011eulating notes of different denomina tions, 110 t less than floe dollars. not exceeding in amount eighty per cent. of the par cattle of the bonds deposited. which notes shalt bear upon their face the promise of the 11S.Cill tion to which hey are 1.1.11 to pity upon presentation to the o ff ice of the association in gold coin of the Called States, and shall be redeemable upon such presentatlnn in such coin. The capital .4 any such banking asso ciation is limited to one million dollars. Ranks orgnedzed under the preceding sec tions are tsiquired to keep on hand at all times not less than tirenly-liseper cent. of their circulation in coin, and shall receive ut par in paymentof Sickle the gold notes of every other suck liank which Is at that'lline redeeming notes In coin. The limit or circulation In three hundred million In the currency act. and the . reontre meat that the brinks In Pan Francisco must ntileem their notes at par In= New York. arc removes!. The term "lawful Itioney" In tho currency act, as applicable to banks then organizes] Mt a geld basis, shall be construed to mean gOtil sill of the United States. • , • I The bill, fart her provides for the withdraw al front .banking associations having a eirein ! lotion exceeding that contemplated in the tint of ?larch :id Ihns. twentystive million dollars. This circulation Is to ire ithdraWll, cummen •ing with banks hating a circulation exceed ing one million dollars In States having t '1 ar sees of circulation. and then , 11,VIAISIR Pro nitro with other banks having a circulation ex ceeding r200(llo 10 Staten having the largest excess of elreeilaslon. and reducing the egrets lation of such banktrs4 States haring the greatest • pruportintr . excess. undistilrbed the banks : States having smaller proportion untikthuse to greater excess be reduced to the rame grade, and continuing thus to make the reduction provided for by this act until the furl her aintiunt of twenty-Eve millions shall be withdrawn, and the circulation so withdrawn be distributed among the States quit TerritOrieli having less than their propoe tion.. • Provtalun Iv made, Achere bi - nkv fall to it, turn Use circulation required within ougy3 ear. fort br-mad of their lvnfli depositedVittrthe - Treworer - oft . treTrotted-Nrate. for their tir-• rulatlon. • circulatton Is to be withdrawn nail the tort i v vise int"ions Kllnted to the not oat lon v trio t. wat stut us. its proportion of circulation may lentos e to a The fYtt Cottrell of last evening adopted a resolution declining to fr e, the Jefferson Davis Confederate Presi- Lential flotation back on the' !terms proposed by the rnlted Stated government. that is. not to charge rend for the time of,ciecidinuce as bead iluarter for the military. They nab rent to be paid and the building restored to Its former contilahn. The followinClTE 1N0.1.1. Tax. nre the ons reorted by Mr. Fhennan g and adopted bytwosecti the Sen p ate as substitutes forthe income MI. stricken anti . -That sections Lin 121, 12.5, and 11.7.1 of net of June 31.), , WC and amended bvacts of July la, Iskl, and March gd. 1867, shall be ctin stetted tp Impose taxes therein mentioned. being saxes on dividends of corporations and salaries of Government officers for and 'dar ing the yenr Ina. nod that all such taxes shall he collected in the manner now or hereafter provided by 'Sremni•-thut Jur the plinuise of allowing deductions Iron, incomes of any religion: or social community holding all their property and the income therefrongjolntly nod in coin .mon. each rive of persons in MlllOl society, and any remaining fractional number of such per less than flee or over such groups of tire, shall be held to constitute a family. and a de dart lon of $l.OOO dollars shall be allowed for each of said fatuities. Any taxes on incomes, gains and profits of inch societies now duo and unpaid shall be - trisessed and colleeted aceording to ihls provision. DEATH OF TILE EARL. OF CLANENDON. The Itritith 4 Minister iteing,lll:ll3ollllCed to the Seetetnry of ritate this morning the 'death of the Earl of Clarendou, the Presideut direct ed a znes.age of sympathy and regret , to he transmitted. The following is the dispatch sent: Depot - Ina et of .elate. Iras hInoto; D. C.: Jane L'L 1870.—Tk, Mr. Motley, Mlnbder, London:— The death of the Earl of Clarendon removes a statesmen, whose fordo belongs to the world and whose loss will be felt be other nations than that In whose behalf belabored for the advance of elvlllzatlon and In the Interests of prase.' The President tenders the eympathy of the United States to flee MeJesty and to the British people, and condolence to those to whom the loss brings personal grief. [Signed.] If ASIII.TIIN rlBll. M A party of Indians INDIAN came ßA on the line of Little Barton Creek, to within fifteen miles of Aus tin. Texas, on. the 11th inst., and stole bones from several parties who pursued them. and as they had not yet returned fears are entertain ed that they have been murdered by the Has- NOMINATIONS. The President has nominated - the following postmasters: Win. D. Hitchcock, Per. DD sin: W. W. Webb. La Crosse, WiseQnsin• and A.F.Allen, BOTT/1,0. SHERIFF MCIUMMED. A letter from Corpus Cbristi Mates that t Sheriff of Nueva county, Texas. had been foul ly murdered and there was eonsennently great excitement. • CILYSLTS. The tioperlotAndent of Census omko nh ap . pmprlatiou of V.,:e.NS,KO. CINCINNATI Reception of Visiting Firemen- from New Or Jeans. lily Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Garette.) Cractrnesvi, June 27. -The New Orleans Fire Department excursionist, reached the city at one o'clock this afternoon on the Ohio fe Mis sissippi Railroad, consisting of the Mechanics Fire Company No. 6, Hope Hook and Ladder Cohlpanv No. 3, Representatives of Phoenix No. 8, Mississippi Twos, Crescent twenty-one of New Orleans, first and second Assistant Engineers of the .Fire Department, and Invi ted guests. in all numbering one hundred and thirty-eight. After reaching the city they sown some time getting their engine and lad-. dens arranged. About three o'clock they were received at the depot by a Committee of the Common Council, Ca d. Meanie. Chief of the Fire Department, and 'committee of two from each fire company In the city. Preceded by the Zouave Battalion band and a detach ment of pollee, they were escorted through the principal streets to the headquarters of the Fire Department. The New Orleans com, ponies, with their fine personal appearance, handSonie engine loaded with silver plate re ceived In successful corepetition with other companies, and their complete ladder. and carriage; attracted much attention. At the headquarters a floe collation was awaiting the guests. A wet- . Come address was made by Mono George F. Davis, President of the [Leant of Aldermen. Ile mentioned the hospitality Cincinnati del egates had receired at the Commercial Con vention In New Orleans, alluded to the noble qualities that moved men to become volun teer firemen, and gave them a hearty wel comet° the Queen city. Response wee made by CapE Diomm. of the Mechanics, who spoke of the motives that moved them to 'make the tour they were now enjoying, thanked the authorities for the reception re mired and offered The health and pros perity of the. Fire Department of CM- Monett" The firemen were specially welcomed by Engineer Megrue, of the Cincinnati Fire Department, and remarks fol lowed by Billy Glass. of the City Council. M. Carroll, A. A. Stone and Major Tracy, of New Orleans. Councilmen of Covington, and Von Beggern and Mr. Latta. of Cincinnati, also Made brief speeches of welcome. Al-the close "the Fire Departments of New Orleans and Cincinnati" were toasted, after which the procession formed' and marched to Fifth street market space to witness the exhibition of the Washington and Brighton steam lire engines of this city. The excursionists attended Wood's theatre - In a body, escorted by a band. They will leave to-morrow evening at 9:45 for Philadel phia on a train of three fine sleeping and one drawin room coach, over the. Erie Railway. A. G. McGuire, Guire, of the Mobile Reeidcr, accom panies the party. SIE!NEMI BRIEF TELEGRAMS —Francis B. Cutting, a distbutuislaed lawyer. of New York city, died onSunday. ..• . --The Fenian trials it Canandaigua.' have been postponed until the 12th of :July,' —lt is reported that den: -will re view the militia Id New York . on the Fourth —Vessels from Europe report , the weather on the Atlantic very cold. with fresh mace, but no Ice was seen., • —A heavy thundershower prevailed alNew York last evening• A flag stag ua BrondwilY 000 struck by lightning. —Draper &Sties' hosierrlaetory. at Canton; Mass.. was destroyed by are on Sunday. Loss." 00,101; insured tor $20.000. E. Amin, formerly of Cincinnati. died at New York or Sunday. Ms remains will be taken to Cincinnati for Interment. —The corner stone of the new building of lieetboven Mnennerchor. in New York. was laid yesterday with appropriate ceremonies. --Class day at Princeton College. N. J.. was very Interesting. It was announced that a fund of $101),000 has been secured.for a library. —There were four cases of sunstroke in New York yesterday, though the heat was much leier typpressiye than on .the few preceding :'—‘ArdOng the passengers per steamer l'er idiYe..arrise.clandred at New York yesterday wak itaoh or the bite Jerome Ekmaparte, Baltimore. —Shoeks or earthquake are imported t have been perceptibly felt in New York cit • and Brooklyn between six and seven o'e ! Pontiac morning. • —Andrew Stafford, late a Joan agent be— tween Unit Itnore and Philadelphia. has been sentenced to three years' lonprlelannent for embezzling letter,. SleConnelsburg, Pa., during a wind and hail storm on Sunday ' , about half the -court house roof was torn off and' the new Id. E. Church badly injured. —The bark Sago of Picton, which arrived at New York yesterday from Guantanamo, Cnba, lost Capt. - John R. Gavin and rive men on the voyage by yellow fever. —The last spike in the Denver Pacific Rail road was driven by lion. John Evans on Fri day last. The spike was solid silver. and sae presented by the citizens of Georgetown, Col orado. —The steamer City of Hnrtford struck n sunken rock near Portland, Conn.,. Sunday evening and sunk In shallow water. The pas sengers, crew• and freight were all safely re moved. —The sale of ice on Saturday in New York city amounted to 1,800 tour—mere than on any previous day on record. Large quantities are now being imported by rail from Massa chusetts. --One Ephraim Williams bus brought atilt New York against the Kansas Pacific Rai road Company for two million dollars da age.. lie alleges the company defrauded hi Of his righte as a stockholder. Morris. Illinois, Sunday morning. In Catholic church, Miss Sadie Deice. one of th • pupils of St. Angela Academy, being or come with heat, fell from the orchestra to lb floor below. a distance of twenty-eve feet She W. ill a precarious condition. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FirFOCRTII CO. Du (ilrEsN E ERETS.—A meeting of the above non panyalli be bele on FRIBA Y . EVENINIi NEXT. July t. ut their Armory, renter of 38th And But ler !diet:. A full attendance Is derinui. 11, order of the Captain: je•Birll .lAirl Eli BLACK. Orderly Sergeant. ay' WE!;TEILN UNIVERSITY. the odumeacirrient exercises tit By Western Unlscriity spill take place • This - Evening, at 71 O'Clock In the THIRD U. P. cuuncu. Piltabereh. The Yitaritle rat education are nordlallr Mulled to al ined. Ad ' intaalen free. A splendid Band of Mealy be It, attendance. JeZkyle .. ocrFIRST • Grand Military Pk Nic FOURTH COMPANY nucluEsN - E GREYS ei= ==! 1870 7:;k2 , , , , Mu.. by .4z-int western Eland 0-.1111: Pittsburgh Quintette Will Zire their PllOH' CHAPEL CONCERT 1.4 tho - • PLIISBURGH FEMALE COLLEGE Ot t Ttte: , •ielay Next I.l . ommenclng ut tl o'cloek precisely. 'rickety. 30 cents. et the music .tore•. leraLl ry" LEM ERES.—lter. GEORGE P. MAYS will lecture on MONLA Y and TU Elt DAY Ern:serf:B June 22thd 28th. at 2il P'clock. in the 2ND PRESBYTE R IAN CUURCtI. ennstreet. (Rev. Dr. Howard's,/ for the benefit of Ilarlewood Presbterian Chards. TS Monday Evening- " 1 1L\TING AN A ['PETIT R." Tuesday Eventng-“ELDICATICD FAILMIRS. - Adana-don to each Lecture-SO cents. Tickets to be had at the door and at the rollowtng Rook Stores, yls., Il A. Clarke h CO.: Robert S. Davis and W. t:. JohnstonA Co.. In Pittsburgh. and Mc- ClintClinton', Allegheny. Also , at the following Music on', 'ls.: Mellor d Hoene, Charlotte BlUrne, Kinber Bro.. and Barr. gnats A Buettler, and at Dunseath's and . J. It. Reed's Jewelry Store, Pitts burgh, and McFadden s. In Allegheny City. Joel - - [Cr SHOO, FLY! SHOD, FLY! NEW OPERA HOUSE ONE WEEK ONLY. COMMENCING ON MOM:, Kb' ITU ==!l BRYANT'S MINSTRELS, rho oldest Mantra] Troupe existence. From yant . * ithera Beebe. New York. under the In.. r mediate direction thd bopervlslon of the emlnent comedian. Mr. DAN URI ANT. who will pealtively ViCa_ very performance. anointed by bib *2 T-C n b e A ISS AI T ISIS. Duets the week the following burtebtee operas will ko 'performed: "Lucke,. Borgia. "II Trovatore; "soutane:thy lA'. - Girl nt the Period." and Dan hunt's Great ebt New Tort Succoth. The Great Orig inal - Shoo Inv". vliallsol and made • public ac cent., of tcy Dan Bryant and Dave Heed. an per formed by them over 340 nights at Bryant's Ope ra Houle, New York, gale of seats will commence Ilolitnen A [Tale's Stable Store on Frithiorn. JOHN P. SMITH, 1 >bßosiness Agent. CEEG IRA T INSTITUTE, . 1327 nnd 1329 SPRUCE STREET. Phil. delphlo, Po. Eneloh end Fume'. for yowl; L.- ! dies and on Boarding and Day Pupil, nil iorpen on MONDAY. September 21. French le hes lononen of tho family od e Is constantly spoken Itl e Instilte. /AIR 'De If ERE ILLY, — je.9.17-Trini Principal NEW NOVELTIES Act..ountants and Bookkeepers • NATIONAL REFERENCE PILE. - DICKINSO'S ARII REST:RULER &CUTTER. CLEGGEI PATENT RULER CUTTER AND MEASURE. LETTER OPENER AND ERASER. .7 - Call and we them at. - LLAN C. ILI KEWELL & CO.; ii Wood Street, Pittsburgh JUST -ARRI-VED-. Another as or those Ilathisome Plated BraceNs, AT $3 PER PAIR, Mrs. S. C. ROBE'S, No. 91 Federal . St., Allegheny MILLINERY GOODS gad 1213111thiGS.111 Ev Id at Ynd bola.. cuid. for 90 du. PMSURGII BANK FOR- SAVINGS, NO. Elk FOURTH AVENUE. PITTSBURGH: CHARTERED IN IS6. OPEN DAILY from 9to t i Vimk. me on SAT. ORDAY EVZINO . hoot 7in b N o , o ooor to 9 :float. and from Novearf Mt xste attf I.t. 6to a o clock. Intontst n u : ox per cant, free of tax. and tt dawn compounds seraLaan lan/ m Junta) and J . al oe y . Books of By./..rig. fett . oahod ‘t tho Hoard of Managers —Pa A. Herm Pratldeal: 11. Hartman, Jac Park, .I °. Viva Pnaidarda; D. B. WKlnloyi Secretary aod , A. Oradiey; Gmaam,._A, 8.441 Z. DLit' ta h oil:s . . l 7,7l . o F tiTa g o.&=riT: cliViertiTe 11 Eatiollors. _ ' Tr , z=a ,Q VOL: LAXXV."-NO. 148. NEW: ADVERTIS . • A 5 ORDINANCE = Gfading of North. Canal St. The Entire Length itorotigti Line, and "to extend .the Yaring'or salt! Street - to Sprint; ).trept t In the Itoronr.h-or.Shlirlistturg.' tiCe. flc otriatned and Borough r Shar ps- gess and Town Council of the of burg, and It Is hereby ordain and enacted bthe asalsonty of the name. That thr Burgess and TORII Council be and they are, hereby authorised and directed to invite nod receive proposals fur the gradlngrof North Canal stree from the lotersee tion,al:Main and North Can al airoets the entire length - al mid North Cnnal street t i the lint-ouch Lane. had to contract therefor with the bidder or bidder. at their discretion. . - , Sgt./. Ansi that North Ca stree, Su r ing intersection "I 'Main •street, betarred to St V..3 Tani al s ' obn as the cant sod expensernt !phi Improvements shall he fully ascertained. it rhnli bts the duty of th,St.ree4Commissioner to inerilT,TAT:'l,"2,l . "l,gt=2. v .." 4 `"l4 s t- s t lt frg:r r th Canal street, in the said•Bot.4.retspeCtlve/s. ae onling to the rule nbote Indlomed. and thereupon proceed to make demand and Ptdkret the same ac cording to the provisions "( the Act of the Gen eral Amsentbly of. the Consmonweaith of Penn sylvania, e 111 third - .ln Act <Seining the manWer of colter.. tile Alleys of/tileo grading and patinae! the :streets and Alleys 11 d for other nurposelhlt punted the 30t der oi March. A. D. t 833, furl new extended to t e Bor ough of Sitsruslutra be on Act of Aim.. ly. ups' proved the 11th day of March. A. It. IS7 . Ste. 4. That M. mute of any ordinance as may conflict. with or, Isu supplied by the furegra. be and th 1.110 e 0 Is hereby repealed. • Ordained and entitled Into IS /an OILS Io: Eh day of Jun, A. D. 1570.1 . ~ T. ,11. GIBSON. Boracite. . ' Attest t F. A. K. Leta. Stormier/. Promulgated the —of -; . A. D. 1870. 1.2 . 5. v; AN I)RlllNANCE—Atithorizing the further htrot of Sewerage Bonds. I sec. I. Ito It ordained and enacted by the Select and Common Councils or the 'city or Allegheny. nd It Is hereby onialned and enacted by tne au e- thorny of the sante, That the Controller be and he Is hereby authorized and empowered to prepare an additional issue of !sewerage Dontishnl sufficient amount In the actrremste ua may he necessary to pay the stityhs portson for the construction of the sewers now Under contract. and Mud may he con tracted foe during the presentimsr, provided the amount does not eabeedl33o.ooo: said bonds to be of the denomination of *(500 or 01.000 regal: to mature In ton years from date of Issue. and t o hard econpons attached bearing Interest at the ral gi. ° , ; :r .h:Tng ' W . ar74 . .ltUr ;I: F lftl'ir:g! t r h y e y ' e t u r t s r t t add Duels to be slatted by the mayor and ' urreasu-' ler, and countersigned to the Controller. sre.2. That all mules sa said Ronda which may be leaned. shall he need by the Can ss( sale city: by and will. the advice of the Finance Com mittee. anti In all sober resect/. the issue , sale and disposal of sold Maids shall be in nes:entente with • thu Act or AIINIM hi y mint iTO to Sewers in the City of Al legheny. tipprstred the 26th slay of March. 1889.- 3. That he faith. credit and co Porte Property of the City 07 Allegheny he and I. hereby ple , vea Int . the rmleinplion of efini It•md+ nt ma turity. and the Interest accruing Menem. •4. Tlint Clintl. , much of any ordinance no may conflict with or be ul • ldlyd Cy the foregoing. be and the game Italic re:waled- Ordained and enacted into a lame. this the 23d day et .turie.A line I benini one thonaand eight bun. tired and acventy. . . • JAME,I 51HRIEI I 'resident. of Se l ect evun t. di A tttst • OX • clerk of tneleet Comm!. • .IFICY AVNNI, ' I're.ldent t:f Common Council Alleet: It. Incwoiril. • • Clerklq Common Cmlnd]. Je.'S A ORItINANCE—To Authorize the ConMrimibm oi• .4 Main Bawer Jseloon stroet and Irwin :menue: • • '1 . bYP enTrees lily of llegheni, and It hereby ordained end enacted by the thority. Of the same. That the Sower Comm:salon be. and they are hereby authorised and directed to in idol receive tirotersale for thecae...ruction of a Sewer. located /LS logo. s. viz.• sod ncei,ding 'phin to be approved by Councils: On Jackson Street. commencing at Bearer street, and extend ing aloha Jackson tercet and Sr,wn avenue, and connecting with trest 1://IIMI°111 Sewe and to con tract at with the lowest and best bidder or bidden. at their discretion. -- • Ser./. That an ter fullye cost nod narcoses of said Sewer shall be useertalnial, the same shut! be levied. ossesstel and collected as provided for. by tor art of lesentbly of the Commirewcolth of l'eunsylvenia. entltird .. e supplement n element of the fourth sectliin of ortact.entieled an Viet rehtting to Atlmtheny City,' approved March Ser. 3. That so touch of any Vitairce as may conflict wlth. or tie supplied by the foregoing, be and the same Is hereby reprotled. Orda and enacted Into.• Law, this the Ind day of June. A non Dototol.ene tit - Mimed eight hun deed non aerenty. JA3IM , • rm./Meet of Select Council.. Attest: 3. 11. Os Ley, • • Clerk of select Connell. lIKNItY IVA /1. Prroldent. of Comm ItN en Co ll uncil. Attett. It. Dikwtorni. . • . ..-I.l.lert-or Common . AS . 01tDINSACE—Atilltorizing the Yl Gm.n. ,hiirain av treat enue. co the Select and Conn ~,,,, conned. or tie, city. ot .sliticionY. and It et hereby ordained and enacted hr the au thority of the tame. What the Committee on Streets es. mod they...a hereby authorized and direted. to torn.) and receive proposals for the =ratline arid paving of Sherman avenue. as abire-said. and o tract therefor wilhie loivest and beat Wilder or bidders, id their Sm. it. That for ile >tag' the Cost and oxennrea of the varne, there Is hereby levied special en. ressment. sold itssevarnent to lie made and collected a.brovlded by the Act of A”cnitilv. entitled an - Act relative to btreets In the City of AlleglienyZ,. approved April Ist. 1870. bre. 3. Mgt all ordinance* or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith he end they ere hereby re pealed. Ordained and enacted Into it /Mr. this the 23, dayt June. Anon Dooms one thousand nigh hundred and seventy. • , c. ~.e J AMES !dc2lßllllt. Attcel:.l. It. ~ x ri -14cnt of Select Council. Clerk ,of Select Council. Attast Clerk of Conituon Connell. IOiS AN ORDINANCE—To authorize the Construction of a Lateral Sewer on Stockton avenu Sae. e. 1:13e It ordained and enacted by the SCII•k and Common Councils of the Cite ur Allegheny. and It Is hereby ordained and enacted by the au thority tit the sung, That the Sewer Commission he. and they ard hereby authorized and directed to incite and receive proposals for the construction of a Sewer. locatedus follows. viz.. and according to Plan to ne approved by Connell,. Oto n Stockn avenue. (robe Federal street Sewer westwardly. and to contract therefor wilt, the lowest Ana best bidder Or bidders. at their discretion.. • tar.e.:l. That us mein im the cost an expenses of sald Sewer shall; be fully ascertained, the setae shal by levied. amiciewel and collec Commonwealth for m act of Assembly of - the of Pennsylvania. entitled supplement to sup plement of the fourth suction of an act, entitled tle'Art relating tOAlleitheny City: approved Starch Ser.]. That soh marl, of any Ordinance as may !amnia with or be supplied try the foregoing be e d tea lance la h e e :acten '' tl i al..law. thin the Sad delY at June. A.D. one thousand right hundred and H • • JAMES SIeBRIER. At.tcA: J. IL o3s rP . reMdent of Select Council. Lim* of Select Council. HENRY WARNER t l roMdent of Com C • Atteal: Dix.woicmt. 7 on oundl• Clerk of Common Council. - • A Pio l ll l lSANCE—luthorizing- the Gradingand Poring of Morton Alley, Item North oiler to Montgomery *Venue. Sec. 1. Ite it ordotnect and enacted by the Select end Conmon Councils of the City, of , Atirchenti and It in hereby ordained and matted by the an thortty of the name. That the Committee Onntreetts be. ond they are hereby authorized cod direction to incite and metre proposals fur M i l:noting and Paring tot Morton o% fewestrean el. en biddern tract therefor with the'ant st or bidder. at their dincretion. 5kr....1. That for dennying the cent and expenses, of the tante. there In hereby levied a epeetal assess ment. said amtatoment to be made and eolleeted. no provided: by the Act of Anaembly. entitled an .. .Act relative to •Streeto In the City of Allegheny:. eh p'tri..ced. 3. V.V.! 1,11 1 'ilittinecti 'and perta of naneem lnconnirteut herewith be and arc hereby re am Ordained MST'ensieted into a law. then the 123 d day of ' Jane. Anno Domini. brie thousand eight hundred and imoenty. - • . • JAMER kIetIRIEII. Prottdont of Select Council. lilted: .1. Clerk o 11. O Below Coonsil. INE President of Cornro WA w L s Coun ß, cil.' Attest: J. It. Oxtee. Clerk of Common Cotton. Jet% AN,- ORDlNANCE—Anthorizlng the w..h47 ,1, 7, 4 1,:g31VA'1,1.11PLV:&.'"`"n I. Be It ordained and enacted by the Select and Conon. Councils of the City of Allegheny, and It is hby ordained and enacted by the au thority of t hesame. That the Committee on Streets be. and they are hereby authorised and directed. to invite andive proponaln for the emoting and Paving of Ced a r alley.. aforesaid , without curb or sidewalk, and to minima therefor with the low est and best bidder or bidders. at their dlscretlem Sec. 2. That for defraying the emit and emennes of th e same,there In hereby levied a menial unseen. went, said amusement to be made and collected. as provided by the Act of Annembly. entitled an "Ant relative to Streets in the City of .Allegheur." ste mmed April Inc. I/170. r, 3. That all ordinances and parts ces Inconsistent henneith Do and breh er eby re pented. ordainedand enacted Into a law this th e if 34 day of Jan a . rniio Domini tine thonsandelghibuct dred and se.rentY. .A MORI E PresidJent.ll3o3 of Deice?. Conn R, ell. 411" t tlgi? , tUl r eZt Caoaol ism:yßi WARNER. President of Common Cornell. Attest. ft. 1 / 1 1.1rodyls. CDs! of Common Council. ~J ost ORDINA to Water onds. SC- 1. Be B ordained and ennotedby the Select and Common Councils or the ea _ r Ant i t h e°T. and It Is hereby ontalned and waded by e au thority of the Name. That the Mattson, be and he is limb, author's,' es, empowered to hare IMAM° wren per or ot. Rater Muds Issued Be t. Bo a, .. Hze. 2. That so mate of any urdlnanee oral eaos, as may sos u ir . swt , h i r h g t z;= . 7 the t rrrg g e igr3seeten Into a law this 23d daY of May. Anne Domini one thousand etabt buttered mid aerentn JASICS .1101111F.P. President of Select Council. A U r ' Cl j etlNNe l iPie o nett LICNitY WARNER. Attest: ikan l i leNdent , of Common Corium . Clerk of Common Cos. *3;9,0 0 -{pi la ..11ALF CASH, RE 42::,,AgthisTA; and Wage* rooms and cellar. gas add water az. tores. well bout and In oomplete order. situate on Marton street, corner ot en alloy and near Fifth avenue. Apply to S. CUTHBERTa SON. $9 Slate amen.. AGENCY itILSINESS I F ALL KINDS to be transacted to Philadelphte, Now Melti ll6l6 7l4l l' b:er d t e r d eet, o Good Menaces itte n tr A rea. Jokra • TEE WEEKvii _GAZETTE rs Tire esstarnacumessr • ommerna ewsPart , .1 ., C .1, IN WEST'ifts I"2".."'iII'SVGVANIA. farm s.mechanic, or:merchant . shvuld without It. subscrtba., Clubs of tire......_ Ca:Maid ten 112' A MP, fdrutth.a gr " . adssly to the'Reudr-t; of.. Club of ten. rostma...., `Agents. Agents. Address. • PEMSIMA‘a.alt6iaA.:43,.. T.-1.,e." "For Sok." “Ft 116 44 1 ,”"R0urd02.7,tr, nut eXichlina FU ['R LINE'S. ini:rrent in thew collintnremor !or TIKENTI-f/111; CEXTZ Nat' add it iolug Its•• WANTS • XATANTEIL v Nast. able bodied toess.afrAIEVPSIVIIV, tit'Nral'E‘a tr1V7,4„,;,,=.';b1, best In the Battalion. Ap 'blew office • A. 1.1 BEEZR)N. roOt of 424 street WANTEI).—it 13 Tunnel Strect, .Operatt.r., Einlstiara and Button Uula aker, 6.t ------- - • IV A STED—ST(IIIy. ROOll.,—A good Slnre 01.1U.Z.VoT onice. A 1 , 7 ArUll',;:, - .-,`..5.ibt.V.2.1,41.,80i!t ho under:taints raelt yind and continandi. ing Best tit recorantendationsitiven. Ad. M.. l'ittaborgh I.U. • A NTED.-1 'few day boaden V vat, 75 Fourth nventm - 1,11" A NTED.—A few BOARDERS r r vninted.nt 21S SORTS. A VENUIe. Alle gheny City. fT.d )N X TANTED.—, COACII PAINTERS MeKSlPirb CARIIIAI:11 BAZAAR, SJ Vaa at l Acetate. From Intl to ONO per week ccrsllFpald: 115) W A NTED. — Experieueed Agents to r travel pod 'tell Latent Rightir by counties for an article pea patented. Will by wanted ill terry handy. Addrecs CI ., ti nt 533. Cats burgh. ottT,o A Bqp ;11 f Ok. and Ct n ., for s2.sou each, ell fur tbgeeoV;r.ictibei,...,N. Attnrney-st-Loay. No. 'llo '4 lirant ctreat. Misr. burgh. vVANTF.I)-:-By a Respectable Mar r HIED LADY--A situation to ' , dovecot as sist in booms work. lYsces no object. A comforts able lionio pert erred. Address L. C., Pittsburgh a t n ' ,l 11g1 : 0 - 11171,7 1 117t 74 ' D wI F h ' e .'n%aire fur in.. wets' at No. 13 TeN N WY IL NATHEN.• NviiiT.FD - - . 7com. MINERS IMRE. Dandle Ie. t' L E . I II ., 4PIiS C P.) " .O. " Vb c TI3II7I CONIPANY! wi,i'iT k E! ? .„ d —S v •eral i 3 , 1 m for A rargl . Mira, rd Wort. Bement girls Girls g iVanted for Cooking. CHamlicrwork. Dining-zoom'Mirk and ligla work of all description. Apply at EIIPLOY MENT tiEFICE,No. 1 Sloth street. Ind door from Suspension Bridge AN T,TED.-A ?inmher of Ladles 4; . '4;7t4 h la ante candy n=7.,l 'n i'lCk Sap. Pass h, Inquire et \..S3SMITI III EMT. Ptt.burch. an. NyINTFD:,-- selll;ptriteigellgentti,,to furan artlele a jtst pnte:ted. be y sr=d In everylagully. Address. A. ht.. Don 393. PM. burgh. AAJANTED--An ORPHAN BOY and v GIRL of 0 or 10 years 4d age. to live With muple. Compensation. board. clothing. echool- Ind. Ire. Best of reference given. Address for two days. J. C.. ti.n.gma toner. NITANTED—AGENTS.—Exytrienced Aim. to travel Will ell patent ghts fur en article ust patented. be wanted t o every family. Great Inddeemehts offered. Address A. !I_, Bog 333. Pittsburgh P.O. WANTED 7 MORTGAGES • -30.000 to Ineui la large or small amounts a fair rate of Interest. TIIO.IIA EstateETTY. Rill. Bond and Real Broker. - N 0.170 Pmlthlleld Street NAT A N TED —3l ORTG A GE S. Thirty Thousand Dollars to. Loan Zi%`,l".T . :7,lV r i:TrtrLgr.P`'''"""' 'CUARLES nirgny. IteP , l Kanto Agent. 6811nint. otreeL BOARDING 'DOA RDlNO—To•let,with Boarding, 1.1 WOOSISCONII STORY R00M.% Innalshod. .103 th 4vento3. 6-11 LOST OR STRAYED LOST- - Ou Monday acnni.r.. mzuoRAYL: he paid to the per.. - , F M='s2 ‘„,;TRAXED--COW—From the pasture nehiar ILOBEItT M. MI EOVMIt. near 11111elnlo Cemetery. a COW. with freckles around the head and shoulder'. Information may be left at PATRICK .11clatATTY'h. at the Dane Yard. AllegbenY TO-LET , . 'O-LET.—A complete DWELLING Z 1101188, with Store ROOM attached. dlr.. tedon '' L y iVIVk. 2 O3E. F" """. n'll` l4 ". . r i'D-LEE—ROOMS,wIth BOARDING. Suite of Furnished Rooms on second floor, 1130 Third arena.. .. 17 o-LET.—Tiro Story Brick House ' , No. 81 Congress street , containing sig 'nom , and c ear. f oisted It':l`;ll' , l , T , Tegrizltfl7l',7 l 9lA and Of 5.51 FAA& No.A old Poona Avenue. tell"' TO -LET.--STORE ROOM. A Unit-clams STONE ROOM end cellar. No. I.BM. Liberty atreet, cottlipletelf fitted up wit abelving and counter. {VIII he rented cheap callcOfor soOn. Enquire at 7 IZEI;l31=T1 TO-LET.—A znod,t n - o story BRICK DIVELLING. containing 12 mune, with mud. .r. Improieme tits. Also. large Lot and good LifiCk Stable. shoals fronting ,on the 'Put. Nu. 164 North Avenue. Rent riatonablo. Apply at No. 41 Ohio vtreet. Alleghenl. leg= FOR SALE 17 4 "011 SALE.—A: car load of horses. Jost arrived. Suitable forall purtmises. Call and see them at lied Lion Stables. FOlt SALE. ( WO Drays, a rait, and a Set of Harness, MI In good ordor. Inquire -at omen of UNION. WOOLEN sum,. lald:f6l Yo. 121111ilyer Avenue. Allegheny. I'oll SALE IIEAP.---$2,500 will buy a haute with nye rooms end hall. with ?our lota 74 feet trout by 100 feet In depth. with ' , tabling, fronting on* forty feet incept. dna-hall square backof Penniylvanla avenue. Tim:Meth M pent Fast Liberty. -Apply at 174 Grant •rtet, near baccnituyeb be. ibui-Wyly That . Gee La' rOR SALEt That ~ well•kaown .1.: property at Par ers adin. Penns, - THE ECKERT 1101184" SALE.- all- Bar tandem, et. To a proper panion &airing to keep a Meg hi a taro opportunity. ISur ß lir i ni.Ar c l i rr .. . • hio.2 Ha" of Cltintmerar Building. . Pittsburgh. Pa. CrTlecupatinn intra b dinte on sal. _ • )enurbl F OR SALE.—Engdnen and Botler9, ziew.no Second Mad. of ell kind., conid.nely on hand. • Orders from dl parts of the oo . untijr promptly tended to. . JAMES ULM, h CO.. Corn Ef"Marion Avoetue sad P.. Ft. W. & C. R.. W. Allefetievy. VOR SALE.--STOCK. - FARM.—Con. A. TAINS if4o ACILICS. one hmdrtst andsixty acres under cultivation. balance woods, tram's.. went-2 dwellings, very large he and4table. am sheep houses, orchard and well wale by • small creek moral; through the place. Slttuttad in Jennings county. 33: miles freed an ppreea d Louisville itallrosd: thrlviut nelshuorboud neer vlllsliatend churches. The farm can be U. 1 1 .1? . .ra r Cir . s1 AV IV to /Ie o. 4 roan Ave. T"OR-SA LE CH EA I", OR EXCHANGE. J.: FOIL CITY PROPICRTY.—A One COUNTRY ItMIDENCE. containing :Macre, with 3 houses thereon; one. a tine, comfortable and convenient boo se;tfund miter. and one of the best miter pow. Lle Western Yermsylvanis for a milli 16 miles wnli the city. nn the waters of Turtle (Yeek Roan. y of a tulle from Iltamoth Mahon. Central Rail mme. good Yrtms to goOd locations and houses (ormat. Require of • WILLIA )4 WARD. _myth No. llO Grant tit.. FOR SALE .- ON S YEARS' CREDIT. S sere each in orchard of him beer. 1 40 A M Pcac riging view of par ' the cities. Price 110 to#oo each. 11 . AND LOT, full of choice bearing [MEL Priee $973. - t LAXGE NEW COTTAGE. 9 reeves, wide hall. trent ithd ulde poilloos.2 velem 2 lame Geier.' feud well Of water at pact door. eardwie hooee.O stable.gropeserrlit younfrorehani bealincenest Pview of let V i teO u w a laT4 . l, ;tri ne moat= ipit:ll7or acres mere of' One orchard . can be h with it. Within fifteen athletes malt of dine. Enquire of ietirt-tirrn W. ILINUART. on the premises. . FOR SALE. - .toria, ba=toe o Brick Dwelling, twp ea, con Ina 7 room. . Lot 48 17100. mo at*. 44th street. hoar Buller Knot The lode :; 11, :: 272,11 . 11 4::1gr.= . 11'1.°1rgd0p the home. This praperly Is certainly the meet g ettable to the 17th ward. Price moderate end long 1130 Oren. e T. IL SILL &SON. ON 31,A1N STREET:ZinP=letteCottte 11.ttat Moab on hteln amen. Dem lb. GMT... TIM tftebaTairtna rolieVOTNalli all of madame me • T. R. 8/LL & SON. ON 44th STRPNIT.—A beanttrul lot now Bute, strict- GO by 108„ ow. to the C7titena'Y.AW, Newest.My n ottrUnirmA catinlach to hallo $3OO. srtif pombaaa Ithe LOta near tae Pelt. IL && oath ud balance he (omegas! annual Payment& Workthenten shonkl not let Lela rand opooramdtreho by. They trill tamer hare another so adrantagman. T. IL SILL _ J.N Corner Paw and 334 wn*W. • • BE BEM 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers