The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 27, 1870, Image 1

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Corsee.Sixid Are. and Smithfield ,St.
T. P. HOUSTON, • N. P. REED, -
ar nail, irer year t
Delivered by earkler, pew week
INlnstts LIMB cat that drinks b. ,r.
Tug sugar crop of Brazil bas failed.
CHAMPION undertaker is announced.
• FLORIDA has - a man nine feet six inches
DAvtq k going to travel in
A CorroN Excuwxne kto I...tarted ID
New York..
Nl.knoorr factories furnish food for
trench fiah.farms..
-TAntg. .AR DOG" were killed .iri New
nn Thursday A
'lt:AA:Tien; quittlriooti girl is besiu to
saks. her demi on the. New York stage.
A Itraintr hen 1111 x four young kittens
'under her charge whiew eyes are not yet
A SIAN in Terre Haute has obtained a
divorce beattute hiti wife swore to hint ru
JOHN Alonitisskv declines eo return to
'Congress, it is !Laugh% be has higher
taspiTations. , - a
tiE.O. ANDREWS, of l'hiladelphia, took
dose of laudanum hy mistake and died
on Thursday.
Mn. C.ll ARLES DE You No. President
of the San Francisco Press (lob, is now
In Philadelphia.
Cuicano Las an ItSle.eiation'whose ob j ect
is to teach the Vieript ores to the high mate
women of
.Thrre prisoners were bandy. rescued
from audio:titian from fool air in the new
model jail io Lonisvino.
A - XENS England. paler litiViSt.A that
Lietb consul to follow the ex told.. of
Lord Arthur Clinton and die.
Moses MAlLETlianrinq worlis at win.
throp. Me. were burned neaday.
Loss s9o.oth. Insurance $15,000 •
Two crops of figs a-vear ripen i South
Carolina and, when dried, they compete
favorably with_the Imported
THE Denver Pacific liailrtwd was tin
hated at 3 it. it.:-on Thursday, and trains
will hereafter run regularly over B.
}luau 13oNNEit fell from h the scaffold
In at the Green Lane _Bridge. in Phila
delphia, on Wednesday, and was killed.
TUE last surviving child of Maj. lien.
John Stark. of ri,olutionary memory, was
buried at Londonderry. N. ii.. on Monday.
A florrsEtts paper learns with pain of
'the deceaxo of "George Dicken, the well
:known author of .Boz and Mystery of
THY Leeds lEngland) insuratteß., con,
panels building fell down on - Tuesday'
g dg6t , hut the occupants had warning
did escaped.
WHITTAM'S COLIZUI factory at Bolton,
Slngland, wan burned down on Tuesday
1 tight, throwing a 'lumber of hando out
,1 employment. •
UEN. ROBERT ANDERSON is very poor,
s ad the. Boston Prof says Ms poverty is a
lisgmee to the nation, so it is; as is also
S hat of Mrs. Lincoln.
A HERBER of citizens in Charleston, S.
have engaged eminent .legal counsel,
with the view of testing" the validity of
'the city debt in the courts.
IN the Sioux country you can buy woe
, Caainfl at all prices, from tiO cents (cosh
poppi septa) to $1 30 Nurses akar' took a,
cosh poppi :opts) in specie a pair.
THE Titusville Henthl was so pleased
with its Thursdays matter that it re
pegged it all on Pridiv—by command of
the party interested, Mr. Anderson.
A. PREMATURE EXPLO4uN of a blael
Al.pclam'afternoon killed e 1..... w..rklnt-n,
, rod
- wiitted ettLesa.... 7 .a,e totally.
WASHINGTON'S body servant still livear
His ,whole name, • this time, is Samuel
Randall Mitts: he tires in Symense - , - New
York, and says he Is only 11:1 years old. •
BASE BALL seems to be more of an epi
demic than eves,every placebut Pittsburg.
And we can't say we feel very badly that
our potpie are not afflicted with the, fever.
IN a drunken row at Windeor,lllinols,
. on Tuesday night, a bar keeper named Ir
win Mast was struck by a 'farmer on the
head with a club, from the ifflectsof which
beaks!. . -.
JACOC OAKLEAF, of Waterloo, charged
with abusing intylng fin itten
don to the remonotmnivo of the male citi
-mita, the female,. united and' drove him
out of town.
Miss IDA Brass experienced anything
eiselmit that at Milford. N. U. on Friday:
after taking a pinch of snufl' she sneezed
'lncessantly for five hours,and at last ac
counts WM still at
Ali ex-admiral front China died of sun
stroke In Calgorula recently while on the
march, and his companions let ',his body
lie, only 4 03 find upon their return that It
was devoured by hog..
A nor named Baker, living' in Mill
°rove. Owen county; blew his li&ts out
lest on Wednesday of t week in t same
old way—he was blowing Into the mui.
ale to see If it was-loaded.
THF. elections for the Diet are in p'iat
grams In Austria, much excitement pre
vails, and meetings are held even• night
in various quarters of Vienna. The
emi party is gaining iu the pnevincm.
A stErrixo was held in London on Mon
day night to promote Christian
Lord Eliot occupied the chair. Speeches
urging harmony among religions sects
were made and appropriate resolutions
Two colored men, Charles Brown and
Wm. Butt, were knocked off the top of an
excuraion train on the Terre Haute and
Indianapolis Railroad while passing
'through a bridge. Wednesday,. and in
stantly killed.
MRS. MARY HARRINGTON. residirig at
No. 80 Elm street, Newark. Thursday
swallowed an ounce of arsenic by mistake.
She did not discover ',her mistake until
nearly an hour had elipard. Iler
ery is nolexpected.
❑tv and Milk liras the popular .Beth.'
oven drink In New York. The rain-can is
thought to be the favorite Beethoven
dance, both of which are as appropriate
as it was to call the last week's monster a
Beethoven Festival.
A LAD.nained JatMP Hanley, living, in
Cincinnati waa mortally.. wounded by a
pebble fired from 'a pistol by a play-mate
named Brown, on Thursday, who pointed
the weapon at him in fun. The young
homicide Las disappeared_
Tut: 2.50 th annitersaryof the landing
of the Pilgrims • will be celebrated at
Plymouth, December- 31, ,. by an oration,
dinner and tall. The date Lew been recti
fied acronling to New Style, and is one day
earlier than previous celebrations.
£eyt OBitiEN, while hanging clothes
Thursday on a roof in Thirty third street,
near Second avenue, New York, fell back
ward, through a sky ; llght into a crockery
store, and sustained severe injuries. She
was removed to Bellevue Hospital.
ADNA ORNEI.LIO4, of Jacksonville,
Illinois has reached the great age of one
hundred and one years.. She is a Portu
guese sod was born on the island of Ma-
deira n the year 1769. She IS still quite
active and strong considering her age.
Tug Boston "Journal" of the 2lst says;
..The Rev. Charles Cleveland. on this 08th
anniversary of his birth, retires from all
secular concerns, denying himself the
eomfortof receiving Ida friends at No. 20
. Springfieldidreet, as in the last twenty.
seven years.%
Tait Maw° Tribune says its Washing
ton correspondent has never abused Sen
ator Morton. The world at large will
have to change its definition of the word
abuse if they would not have It differ
from that of so high in authority as this
Dn. WALTER H. Foarmt, otPLiladel
phia. went to Yonkers to buy a house.
Be went out in a boat on the 9th hut., and
hu not since been heard from. -The boat
was found the next clay tied to a poet sad
in it were his knife and tackle. He had
a large amount of money abonthint.
A KEW - caterpillar, preying upon the
growing crop s , has made Its appakm er
in the sent -west. The worms am * o f
various colors, are three quarters of no
'* v'iQ' ~;'a~i~.~ ti + ~ ~S - Cx~W v~L l'4 ~ ' s~aib~3i4Ek~ ' mi~`R'~li .9 ✓~.L,
~sr~;~' `~i- ..i4i+d_ "s , +'~~e✓ '.
-i:~v Y.~ :'don ...e
( °4l /le l t Zette
inch long, and at each extremity have two
spreading hornlike protuberances coo.
seed with hair. The sting is unusually
'ha: rubbish pile of; Stockton avenhe
is actually being carted awn work hay
been begun upon t within -twenty,
four hours of the time Mayor Callow re,
wired his instructions from the' Park
Commissionors. The question now is.
what Will be done with the Sheirnan ace
nun frogs". •
A idatue fin- occurred at Montreal on
'Thursday. commencing in Austen's plan
ing mill and Mintier yard. and spreading
to 'fucker &Smut' and Shearer's lumber
yards. About a dozen familimi are ren
dered homeless. and hundreds ottnecltn
ics thrown out of employment. Inns,
'fur. jewelry. of the Etrusrans—srune
of which was worn over t wo thousand years
ago—recently worn in public by an Ital
ian lady, is declared by competent judges
to be superior in Workmanship and finish
to any mode at present in Paris, This
rather upsets our. exalted notions about
modern progress.
'rut: 9t. Pa ul Prer t , t or r I
io ' fr u :ntl 3t etrl ' t ' in rn a .
Napa i'll
' 7111: I t. in n case e the Rea firer
expedition continues to move Westward,
provisional government will send an
armed force. to meet At. In this cumin
gene, the' independence. of Canada will
probably ho deClazed.
COL. ROBF.RTSOIS Professor of Agricul
ture and Horticulture in the University of
Michigan, tan Juauguratell a system of
exchange between himself and the mans.
ger of the Itntarial hardens of Russia,
by which the products' of that country
and Minnesota wilt pass to and fro for
experiment\ in culture.
A ixTru ensued Kilmartin was
I, rows. (nail a ladder scaffolding in Wet.
terbury, Connectictu. Milt Saturday, talk
ing a distance of thirty feet and striking
On his head on a pile of stones. His
scalp was badly torn, a small portion of
Orr outer surface of the skull knocked
oil and the paint-pot capsized on his head.
A coxvirr escaped -from the New
Jersey State Prison last week, but getting
drunk before he left the city, be exposed
his partitmlored prison garb-beneath the
I clothing he had on, ansl was detected. Be
ing a powerful num. lie knocked a dozen
men down, and was badly bruised before
he could be recaptured. He wati‘sent back
hound hand and foot.
Wulf:Cars. Ezekiel Baldwin.of Thom.
as street. Newark. was white washing the
top door of her residence. Tharsday, she
accidentally fell off a chair on which she
was standing. over the hannisirss.a din.
lance of twenty feet, She was picked up
insensible and died in a short time . after
ward. She was an old woman, and leaves
a husband and several children.
TIM ! ' Plymouth. Indiana, Democrat
learns of the mysterious death of a child
whose parents live in Stark county. It
appears that tlie
.child ate some lettuce
that had recently been picked, was taken
and soon died. An examination of the
lettuce revealed a considerable-number of
potato Mimi eggs. which are supposed to
have caused the child's death.
MIAs FlAnAn. Cox. n respectable young
lade of Camden. N. J., died on Sunday,
under cireunistences that - led to the sue
picion that abe had been withal:led by one
of the females In the boardhigbouae where
she Trebled. Coroner Bendn eumtuoned a
jun., and - the inquest, which- was runtle
netl upon tits body,. developed
facts pointing strongly ton Miss Stites as
the guilty person. She was arrested. and
was committed to the county jail. The
inquest teas adjourned. •
Tintni: murders hare lately been com
mitted in Madrid: one was that of an old
lade, rennet-led with the aristocracy. eery
rtefi and . very minerly. %%dle site watt: i n lora. eertv ..... her tr.
eat, and ihe'thieves wade oil with .at
ritlerable sum of money and many valu
able papers. The 11{001 , 141.1.0111iii.e.ii 021 was
a double one. • Twobrathers and a intend
were coming out of a gambling Louse ; a
dispute arose, and the latterkilled one of
the Mothers; the other ilursued the ag
gressor and ran hint through with the
blade of a ewonletict..
Tue.. Philluielpliln Ledger says rester
day, afternoon at l o'clock. the clothing
tom of Mr., Burnstine; Oilard
avenue, wan discovered to he on fire. The
flames spread an rapidly, that - Mrs: Burn
stine, who wax in an_ upper- zoom with
two children, had time only to encore
with one. While she was on thealde.
walk, the other child, a Loy, five years of
age.. appeared at the- r window and the
mother directed him to jump down lie
refused,,and paasing back into the room,
woo smothered to death. The building
was greatly damaged and the stock de
stroyed by the fire. .
A SINGULAR accident occurred at the
slip next. above the Hoboken Ferry en
trance, iu Hoboken. about 10:30 P. at. on
Monday night. A German, whose name
Is supposerjto be Erkko Oltman, was ap
proselaing -tire ferry, when the wind blew
his bat down the adjoining slip. He gave
chase with sucli - impetuc.ity that he could
not stop himself on the bridge, and, fell in
bend first, his head sticking fast in the
mad at the bottom of the slip. When
fished out a few minutes later life teal
extinct. • Three letters were found on the
person of the deceased addressed to Erk
ko Olturan, care of B. Walker, Esq., 9
Essex street, Jersey City.
TLIEME four are from the' NeW York
. .
World: Saranah has taken largely to
making imported cigars, possessing great
natural facilities for misprinting the first
letter of its labels. Ft. Paul has a Wmt.
invinman's Building Society, for the ne
gotiation of homestead loans, It is need.
less to add that its benefits are confined
to loan t worrren., Count HourMier, a do
ceased:Russian of great wealth, is said to
be n:biother-in-law to the medium Home;
but the litter is umlliated by being en
tirely disreme reu •in his will. Now
that the t of ammithetic disoavery is
traced to its bottom in Hartford's %Veils,
the authorities of that city- propose to
erect a 1/30,000 monument in honor of their
'run following record of marvelous ce
lerity we find in the New York Irerfd :
The telegraph is the nervous system of
civilization, and under :it journalism in
waxing daily more and morn-. cosmopoli
tan. The Red Sea- and indlin -cable ham
been completed in Us 'connections, and
happenings: In Bombay appear:. in San
Francisco pa he next morning, having
aintost girdled the earth. d. .telegram .
from Bombay on the morning of June 9
was received the evening - of the :day he:
fore. Bombay time being about sixteen
hours in advance at San Francisco time, it
impossible that occurrencoa should - be
transmitted by telegraph at PINK, from
Bonibay in time to appear in the 5:30
o'clock edition of an evening paper at San
Francisco—no stoppage or retranamis:
sinus interfering.' So, again, an event
happening in Bombay at 1 o'clock at night
might appear iu the 3 'o'clock editions of
the afternoon papers of the previous day
in Ness York.
TIIF. Artuxtronly well la doing
rein per day.
wellsi - are going clown In the Bra
dya Itena.diStriet. I •
►lns. V. O . DOISNEL is the owner otit
new well, strtudt on Friday last, barated
on the Dempsyl farm. Kane Run. It in
pumping thirty barrels daily.'
THE (lady and I.llclianS .. well, struck a
fortnight since #n the IL L. Shaw farm,
luta been gradually increasing until now
it is pumping 109 . barrels daily.
THE well at IReta. which mus e d as
such exeiternent 'at that place three
weeks ago, stilt keeps up a handaerne
yield. it is producing full
. silty barrels
Viz:TENT Irma, 2 , :0. 1, located at Frank
lin, which is-producing about ten barrels
of oil per day, was Fold on Tuesday lam
to Dr. Egbert. of Petroleum Centre, for
A WELL wax struck on the genecca Oil
Company's tract, three miles from Oil
City, up the river, and opposite the Al.
corn Island, but week; which is now
pumping 30 barrels. daily. .-The well Is
but 354 feet aeon, and only in the first
How to Enjoy Fugue.
Mr. Henry Carter, a Providence organ
st, 14iveo thew• ti4Yetiolll4 to OM,
tv-ould fain enjoy fugue musk , :
you want to understand
listen dually toile. first twenty .
so. They are given out distinctly
. -
it time, and will be constantly repo
thronghom the piece. After . the , •
twenty rotes a duet nommences In whit.
the upper or lower part must repeat the
melody already given. -
"After the duet comes a trio, with the
same first melody in the highest or lowest
set of notes. When the trio Is finished a
quartet begins, and then, ,as ',dare, you
will find the first melody or subject up
permost or in the lotrets part: The reason
the people hate fugues in that they expect
the melody always in the upper part, and
seldom find it. * Hunting for the melody
when obscured by three inferior melodies
or accompaniments is a source of keen en
joyment to an educated musical-mind. A
musician, once in the habit of tinmvelling
,sail dissecting intricate fugues, looks
upon compositions where all the beauties
are on the surface, much as a chess player
looks nisin cards.
' In Bach's fugues do not look for cone
rants of light and shade, for quiet senti
mental effectst for dramatic power. They
have a character of their own., healthy
cigar and manliness, as well as being. foil
to the core of intellectual strength. They
may be compared more fully to huge sole
lime rocks than to sweet 'violets and the
charming nuts. - Listening at
tentively to fugues opens the vision to a
rani field of beauty. lie who imagines
the whole interest of music to consist in
a pretty. melody or the effect of chords.
knows not .the charm, of the orchestra
with its iusirnmentation, its arts and in.
trigne of figure. nor can he fully enjoy
any tine composition of 1110, intricacy
than a simple ballad. A goal way to un
derstand fugiu.stli to 110.1 e them perforni
ed by n firatclrtss quartet of violins. lout
the most practicable way in to hear and
practice the choruses of Handel's era.
:aaßil' Buddha
The most curious mistakes sometimes
occur. but we recall none so strange as
one mentioned by Professor Max Muller
in a recent lecture on "The Migration of
Fables." According to this eminent au
thority, the founder of Buddhisma re
ligion that has endured for 2.400 years, -
that evon now numbers 415,000,000 mil,
rents, and that teaches a morality second
only to that of Christianity—lea received,
nutter another name and of course through
ignorance, the highest honors of the lba.
man' and the Urea churches,aud stands
on their calendars sua a regularly mnn,
rd This -is Dm stoiy.: Johannes
Damascenus, a fatuouA Christian theolo
gian, and controversial writer. passed his
youth iu the. household of Almonsur,
where Ida father held n partition of trust.
flerollis mind bemire stored with East
ern lore. in after life he wrote a treat.
ise on Christian morals, in the form
of a religious novel, the history of.
&damn and Josaphat. The 'latter was
represented as a young prince of whom
itl had been.; prjadicted that he would
embrace Christianity and Leconte :..a.dero.
tee., To prevent this his father ender,
voted to seclude hint from all knowledge
of human misery or evil, and hi attach
him entirely to the pursuit of pleasure,
But at length the young prince took three
drives, in which he saw old . age, sickness
and death. The result of these discover
ie.. was the transformation of the young
man of pleasure into at pious hermit: A
litteral age mistook the romance for - n
history and the hero for a real personage,
and as such he was accepted by .bothrthe
Eastern and Weatern churches, by both
of which he was canonized. In the °reek
Church the festival of St. Josaphat is
celeltrnted on Ito' 16th of August: in the
church of Home on the .27111 of Novena
be, Nor seo the church., very for
wrong; the history ~f Jusaphst woo a true
one—or, at least, is that of ittultilut us
.o"*.stts. tuustsayof..titn Hatildh hat
religion; with whicia ftcsitt.t:
Int ion doubtless
and the highest honors of the church have
b. ton cOnferred.ora many-lean worthy than
this old Indian muralist.—N, 3 II orld.
Trio Dubuque Times of the par,
'A shocking accident occurredat Tete des
Marts, a few miles south of the city, last
Sunday afternoon. The Catholic resi
dents of that vicinity were engaged in
holding a grand religious festival pet,-
bar to that faith, the ceremonies 'consist.
ing of. a large procession. crunpoeard of
men, women and children, who where
disposed around several altars that hail
been constructed for the occasion. The
priest appeared beforS each of these and
bestowed upon them his. blesiiing, - -wheit,
at the conclusion of the 'same, and to or
der to heighten the effect a large cannon
was fired, which was stationed on a small
`eminence immediately back of the church.
The firing party Wall tempoeed of fohr
young men, tons of Ulmer% residing in
that neighlwohood. Along in the afte'
nom they ran out of powder, when the
boys started after n fresh supple, and soon
after returned with seven pounds of cont.
mon blasting isiwder,loosely ovrappeit in
a piece of brown paper. 'they had got
about half way up the hill, when some of
the ponder spilled tout - uisin the ground.
The young man entrusted with the task
of carrying it was carelessly smoking a
cigar. and without removing this , from
leis mouth lie stooped over and corumenc.
ladeling up the powder with his hands
and placing it back again in the paper.
%While thus doubled over the pile of pow.
der he commenced joking his companions
about the mishap, but in the act of speak
ing the lighted cigar dropped from his
mouth directly into the pile of powder.
around which;at the time,all were closely
huddled . together. Quick as thought a
most terrible explosion followed. The
consequences that ensued were frightful.
.The 111-fateti smoker was blown up In the
air a distance of ten or fifteen feet. and
fell all Ina heap, so norelled, blarke7ied
and disfigured that he rapid hardly lie
recognized' as a human being: All. the'
rest of the party were shockingly Injur
ed, their skins being burned 'to a. crisp,
and pealing off at the slightest touch,
leaving nothing but the bare, quivering
flesh. Every vestige of clOthing was
blown from their bodies, the, hair singed
-off, and their eye sight destroyed. Added
to other horrors the dresses of a. large
number of school children who happened
to be standing near caught fire, and.mane
were badly burned, some so seriously
that and:lives were despaired of. One
of the young men died on Sunday night,
and at bat aCcOnnta gthern were but
just alive. Since wilting the: adswe we
learn that the names of the two ' victims
are Nicholas (lerein and Nicholas Tyson.
The boy that died is the son of a widow
Woman and wax her only support.
INDIvIDCAL fiaßofAlipirlo are In danger
of being emperceded. At a rpceiti dinner
party in New York, a maitslve silver bowl,
tilled with water, with a smaller vessel In
the centre dmtaining flowers, wan pre
sented by ilia butler to each guest in turn,
whichloi the geniil custom in good society
In England. , Nobody ituti llie Slighte , d
Idea what they were expected to do, so
they adopted the always safe 'course of
doing nothing, and merely shook their
heads. The servant, evidently very
much amttod, finally took . the bowl to his
Miami', who dipped her fingers into the
Water, and Sent the magnificent partnei.,
ship finger bowl to make, the; cirfult the
, . .
second time. '
Tint Western and Southern papers are
complaining of the abort supply of gun
ny bags and bagging for covering the
cotton crop of 1870. The stock on hand
and on the way front Calcutta, amounts
to only 9,800 bales, while. it w i se 19,000
bales in 18119, and 27,750 bales to the same
date in 1868. Under these circumstancel
great difficulty will be experienced in ob
taining covers for the cotton bales, as the
crop, it is predicted, will reach 0,000,000
A CoNxECTIrni paper uye that some
of the Handel and Haydn singers arrived
in New York expecting 4; sing "Elljah:'
On attending rehearsal, at 10 a. m.. they
were politely informed that "Elijah" had
been postponed until another ' night.
When asked, "why the changer they re.
plied, "Losing money; anvil!. and gun-
powder nen the Only: things that will nave
1 1 1 U EDITION.
1 1 1-lEITAL
and Minority
Ann Domingo lures.
Ottrtency 11111—For-
eign . '.,,,,... i- - , - , ;nue Rereiplx and
Funds c•r ~.,. ~ /-
,• ~ :.,-
...-• quettell
, . .
[Dv Trlegrmtlt t
to the
Tlu• following n
Senate to-day: A
Treasurer at Nel . a ,
Geo. McKee
~; .
Lotman. London
Geup W. 4:..,.
ee, k:ynthi.una,
eto , O . n. Kentucky.
this morning. from Select
borough; H. H.
.1. H.lgraer. (deur
1, 1 0: DOW:.
Senator Howard
+Wing tic follows: "The
to the conclusion. which
seated a report c
majorit v have can
uleaaure, that !1!42.0,g6
tsderted In . the Senate cal
zollty of misconduct, they
:barge In onfattoded, nod
It tins been opealy
Aleo. Babcock teas
:ry satiatlel the
t hat he conducted hlmaelf thnourhout with
perfect honest nod sincerity. They rook In
vain for. finy evidence of any insincerity on
d l is pert, or any misstateinent or prevarica
tion. Ills ichnle conduct has been marked
with truth. honor n th nd fidelity. and the whole
evidence leaves m.. without a stain.
And we would be untrue to our own COMIC
if we did not apply to lien, Ingalls and
thicket t, who accompanied him. and Indeed
aided in the negotiations. like etinmendallon,
And we take plenaure in expressing our con
viction. after weighing all the facts and air
w le 111 our knowledge. that In Its
Dego( (3110111 ittad preparation the treaty is free
from any or or unfairness, and that the
agents employed lay time respective Govern
metrts hate all acted with becoming frank
ness. It is _ not perinissable In.
to eXprl , f“ thlg public manner our
opinion of the merits of the treaty.' or the
course which the Senate should adopt in
regard to it. but no agenta engaged
negotiation tutor been chair with cornet
mot ives_and Improper cam net. we deem It
proper Co say that ,Ve. deem the accusation
The Committee, in review of Hatch's claims,
say: - Had he been wantonly seized and sub
jected to a mere mock trial, and condemned
without n hearing hod without testimony; Iu
short. had he been treated with manifestw.-
t °noes. and tyranny and enteitY, they could
not hesitate to recommend a demand for satim
faction. lint the farts do no., chow that snob
wan the eh:trailer. Of the prooemlings, hat
hat they in ere,. thecontrary, in accordance
with the lawn of the Republic. The Commit
tee,therefore see no ground for this branch
f Ids clam. To, prove the bet of hi.
1 property he presents no other 'evldencetli.
his own statement. to which he has omitted
Ito make oath. Ilia admitting. his state
meat an being true, it does net fol
low. under ordinary circumstances. that he
hos a valid claim fur damages which occur
red as port of the ordinary circumstance. of
war. because he admitted enemy of
the Rae: governinent. According to the tes
timony of ex-commercial agent Smith. Mr.
Hatch had been engaged In other illicit trof
te it.,,t g ow, A sponish vessel wan con
signed from St. Thomas to Mr. Match at flat
ham and was undoubtedly engaged in illicit
testae. to which Mr. Hatch connived.
She Aras seized. condemned and sold
by the Dominican government. That a
person so situated should make reclamation
against the Government he was than offend
ingoyould seem singular. From what in be
fore the. we cannot lavalltile that Mr. Hatch
had ur has now any ground for a claim for in
demnification. If he was danuiged at all—n
fact which it ig• not necessary to deny -It neat
his misfortnne,4roxiing out of his own fault.
and without astruining to soy that hecan eitab-
Ugh nojust claim against the Government of
Dominica. we are to nay we aro
out able to xee. its Justice. and • that at
any rate his application to Congress
In thin behalf la preniature. We can
not but regard this unusual course as an
attempt by Mr. Hatch. In snaking his alleged
grievance. public, to prevent a fair considera
tion of the treaty of annexation, to arnime
unfounded prejullices against it, end finally
it...defeat it. Hie course evinces a want of
that candor which news In
A merlean rlticrn abt..nd In Dauer; In whirl.'
coromlnent 0,....rn0d. I.ond and pa,
.t 0 In.l"l.lintl, blind.
lid nr•
aro ma prt.-
3 ,,. 1 - Lclgo inane...o 01.1 - Indor•
'rue cosemisse:s.itossole. - .
tie. Hatchli petition be luileari==.
Signed by Jas. W. Nve, J, M. , flownetis Oen.
U. Williams, Willard Warn..
The minority submit n report concluding
with the following resolution:
Witerizow Dori. Hatch. no American citizen,
was un t histly imprisoned by the Government
of the haninican Remit:lle for a considerable
I.erind of time, and In cont....Menetof such
imprisonment Willa atirtall to free. I noon.
yen ience. suffering an peen: dory tort:
And whereas, the treatment of balls llotch.
as this govisrement is officially. Informed by
the Secretary of State of the Dominican gni
criintent, was owing to apprehensions' enter
tained by the government that Davis Hatch.
If net at liberty. would exercise an injurious
Influence with regard to the treaty annexing
the Dominican Republic to the United Staten;
And whereas, this cotunillites a genie, out
rage to Mr. Hatch and Indignity to the Re
public. therefore be it
Itowired, 'tr.," That • the President he re
ouested tit dernnud of the Republic of Doniin-
Ica full reparation for the suffering and losses
of Davis Hatch as aforesaid.
The minority report Oxpresces regret ISt be
ing obliged'ut diwent front the majority lu
every itaportauoint of hoot.: •Thee submit.
from the testimony, that Itatclo n gentle
man of the highest charneter. Hatch was--In
Barbara while It wax in Ihe pos•ession of the
.Voihnil party. and when Baez talk possession
of It he was wrested. taken to San Domin
then to Arm. a province then under martial go.
lave. where he was tried before a military
court. a proceeding. exceedingly barbarous In
the circumstance attending it. The testimony
ohms.* that Hatch in a former year In
monad the displeasure if two powerful
indlyloinala on the Ishuid. He had written ar
ticle. for American newspapers redecting on
Baez. who wallet that time. Had, in exile. In
that war the ashen! government was over
thrown and one of Itner's test acts. After get
ting In power, WAN /WOW. anent On the al
leged ground that he had been concerned
with the ommaite party. This attention was
as holly • disproved by a letter written by
Itoter's heather. ONO by the testlniony of Mr.
:math. commercial agent. Hatch was there
nragent•of.a salt minlet cenopauy.the Priv
, lieges of which flare. bad repeat
edly tiled .to have mealiest, and
strong efforts wept wade to drive Hatch
and bas cominuir awns - from the/ investment.
The conclusion of his trial at that
Waft his
sentence to be shot. and afterwards his par
don came on conditions that he would leave
the countiT. Netertheless he was not re
leased from prison till March,lol. While he
was In prisonnegotintions for the nenexnt lon
of Dominica were begun, and General Bab
cock arrived, there a meat of the United .
Staten, remaining several week still l he treaty
was concluded. to spite of urgent mlirnta
tun of controaretat agents Pests and Perm,
al eh was kept in torlsnalied the reevons fof
Imprisonment appear In an official note
addressed by, the Dominican Secretary of
State to our (kommerclal Moult, doted ?<torn
err 19th.- IE7O, In which solicitations
for his release ,Were denied. bocanee'of his Ir.
reconellable enmity tinniest that Government
and Inventing calumnies to divert the public
• mind against annexation to ritntes.
ttaez birnself,'ln a letter to Adgilml Poor. In
Hatch; 1870, etplained that thecontinned im
'Plisoratteat of Hatch was en accomt of WA
COnnentiOn with parties iihfrleedlY in Ban Do
align. and hie flisprel i tien to Mien an lona
ence on public opinion detrimeetal to the In
terest of the iMmlnican Government.
The Committee show that Bebenck refus
ed to have anything to do with wo American
citizen so held in Orion, and declined to speak
a word for a venom - so outdiffndo end went
even so far an to omit all Mee rT concerning
the reasons for which that gitizen was held
would have con
captive. while a few minutes Investigation
which was co ered proof of that captive's
ikned him that the only thing
guilt did. not eel/ton Weird, and that the
tend. sentence nod continued Incarceration
after pardon were barberous outrugen from
beginning to end.
• The minority, titter referring to the motives
which must hate Lea umt Babcock to than 'T
russ to intercede for Hatch. proceed to show
that he bad matilletuut g4ftposition to con
strue his Instructions ilberallv. - 'He took en
entire port In the Permit of the steamer Tot
egraPho. wileis Instructions were smite si
lent on the subject; that he sired the one
ibropulty protocol testate.
OnCnd hilnlielf in Goa cafmeitT --
to the President and his specialagent,and In
the first efficient which be explicitly pledges
the President to use all bin lalluence In order
that the idea of (be annexation of the Domin-'
Man Itepublio may acquire such a degree
of loonnetrilY among members of Congress
us may be - neoessary for its aCCOMplidomett,
and to make no coMmanicat lon to that :body
unlit he shell be certain It will he approied GY
alnajority. Tim minority thinks this unpre
cedented In nh ald-ittkemap of fact.; that what
lever bin several Iturtructicart Were his written
I°4rdni-ide, emJentrered him only to gather
infornintlon hall not to outer Into nay agree
ment at all. Mane think It singular that In
gulag Co far bnyoad his •Instructlons as to
compromise the mum of..the President, he
should have been rreeeinted by any feeling of
delicacy from inturedlng fa behalf of . an
Americen citizen of high character held In
dint r ,E34 d . hiring been pardoned. Neither
don t e Cettpulttee, from BabcOck's Own ad
mission, avoid the conch:aloe that all the In,.
Beene° he used with regard to Hatch's case
was Invariably directed against the Incarcera-
• -
While circumstantial , evidence leaves but
little room for doubt as to the correctness of
emirs statements on this subject, the minor
ity-submit the followling- points from the en -
donee: .
- ...,,' __.- ...• • . . •
. - tr.. -- tmttoli. an Arne:dean citizen 'of 'Urn.
proachable character. .. n arrested by
potoltguln anth,orlties on the charge •
leg al co a Parts' of revolutionist... Wan
tried by a military communion and nen
tem:lett to he Mot, The record of the trial
- shorn the *bole proceedings of the barbar
. . .
Second—Hatch Wei pardoued on the condi
tion that he would leave the country, by n d
cree of Dominican Senate. officially puhlish
October 4, lAA
Thlrti—Hutch man, to spite of that decree.
kept to prison till the middle of March. MU.
Omrth—Presldent lima and his Secretary
44 State, the latter in an official note address
ed to a Representative of the United Staten.
qtated as a renson for finch'. continued im
prisonment, after iturdon, that It wits feived
Sr would injure the unnenat no scheme if
let free.
Pifth—Tne commercial agents of the United
State., Smith and Perry, used every means in
their power to procure the release of Hatch.
Sirth—Dabcock WIIS sent to inn Domingo
as special agent for the government, and tow
ing authority to give direction ,to war vessels
of the United States In Dominican waters for
the protection of the Baer government
against foreign interference, not only declined.
to speak a single wont in favor of the release
of Hatch, tan also discouraged othetrs from
doing so.
The minority believe that, aside from
Hatch's pecuniary losses, he is, in clutsidem
lion of the treatment received th bands of
the Dominican government, entitled to liberal
reptirat ion. iThey cannot close thW report
without declaring their most - emphatic dissent
from the posit iontaken by the majority, that
the imprisonment of nn American citizen
abroad, on the ground that he might exerclite
an injurious influence this or that way with
regard to the public interest, can be Justified
under the •circumstances. They
• . reougnaM to tree instl
„,., , r:•1r s.tstary of the
would be son., • I .•
construe ns nn attack alalr • •••
thecondnet of his agent..
The report Is signed 1,3. Senators Schurz and
The Conference Committee on the eurreeey
hill Tel, In cession to-tiny but arrived 01 no
conclusion. •It is r•rOhrttAe Toldltlonaltneilithri
trill be given to banks In the South Nod Woos
In the extent of $7 ll .nlAnCO. hp absorbing the
Cony-One million of threepercent. cert illeatee
acrd t mnsferrlng ..1.01k1,11(01 front Eastern
blott, It le likely there trill be no netunt
punslon of the currency. only so for on this
tour revolt from the not horixntlon of gold
Letter postage to Vancouverle Island 114nd
Brit bib Columbia will be reduced on the let of
July to six cents for half au ounce prepaid. or
ten cents unprepnid: printed matter to pay
reasdar domestic rotes to the frontier.
Internal Revenue receipt* 10-day amount to
011.65 P: grand total Inc 11*cal year #150,571,-
Cuerenev balance in Trettxury
.4.21,974411: gold, fill.t.tiLl,trog coin certificate*,
Illy Telegraph In the Eltp.lmegh
WnsuINGTON. 11. 17.. June
Mr. litIWA111). from Select Committee on
the petition of Davis Hatch in connection
with the Dominican treaty, submitted a writ
ten report, with the testimony taken in the
case, recommending the Indefinite postpone-
Intent of the subject. '
)tr.SCIll7lt7. said he would during the day .
present the vie*, of tine minority of the com
mittee, enamisting of kfeccrs. Ferry. Vickent
and himself. lie subsequently introduied a
Joint resolution relative to the complaint of
ihris /latch against toe Dominican Republic,
hich was lola over and ordered printed.
region. Otthe Committee'Co:inference
ou the Bankrupt bill was aulanaltted and
Mr.ABRUIT introduced a billtiwrilaing
the consolidation of the Western au
N..C. Rail
road, Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford
Itailroad.and Spartanburg and rlliol3 Rail
road. under the unarm of the Western N. C.
Extension Railroad Company for the purpose
of constructing a railroad to Cleveland, Ten
nesse, and establishing continuous railroad
comniunicat Inn between the Atlantic its of
the N. C. Rad S. C. and the Pacific tic
The resolut low from the Committed on For
eign Relations on Cutia4llfairs were tikkenluP.
Mr. CASSERIX continued hie Pemark,
when the idthjyit went over. •
The Howe Naturalization bill at ant:dee° up.
Mr. DRAKE, referrineto the alleged enor
mous frauds at elections In New York
city. Predicted a general civil war as the cer
tain result of the AUCCeNs of n candidate for
the Presidencyelected by that vote.
Messrs.. SA rtstiulll and V DICERS fol
lowed agalnst the 11111.
Mr. RA YARD spoke also against the bill.
which was then postponed, timiin the condi
tion of being then Really disposed Of.
Hi 'nil: 111 . :1'lIESk:NTATIVEN. •
4111:11, on Llllro• r
snadera - rrpott...===oo . 2=l:l,-
Mr Pro rat Intrit...rod n Nil to veto. - rule
tbe Width/ of ghlt", for foreign trutle. 4
The RamaLs bill to change the boundaries of
Innd distriClß was pained. -
Mr. MORRELL. of Pent.) . lvania.n.drialleave
to report from the Committee on Pacific Rail
road the Penate bill irtnnt lag Chart/1m of war
through publln. ninds to the Midland Poelne
Objected to by Mr. BINGHAM and others.
Mr. 'OXON mooned hack the ticaate•bill to
reorganize the Marine Hospital service. and
to provide Vieth.. relief of sick and disabled
seamen. with an amendment changing the
date from May to Augnet.
. amendment •Wa. agremt to and the bill
Also. Senate bill to incorporate thi National
Bolivian Savigat lon Company. Passed.
Mr. lIINGIIAM, from the Judiciary Com
mittee, submitted a report , and resulut kin for
the punishment of Patrick M. Woods for no
sault on Representative Porter, by three
mnths Imprisonment In the jail of the Dis
trioct of Columbia, which, with the minority
report:woo ordered printed.
The /louse went Into Committee of the
Whole on the sundry civil service aPprnPrln
t ion bill, the pending quiatlon being on the
motion to strike ont the Item of tnktfi: for the
comploth= of the main central building of
Columbia Institute fur deaf pod dumb. •
The Item mat not struck out.
'MOM was appropriated for a court house
nt Nal Moines. lowa.
The:Vett' York and Boston postoface mat
ters were arranged be the- adoption of an
amendment authorising the Secret are of the
Treasury to enter Into a contract for said
buildings in advance of an appropriation of
money sufficient to complete the name, in av
conlance with the provisions In said act.
The appromiatlons are untouched. The
Wyendruent wan agreed to.
A motion by Mr, 'WELLS wan ruled out of
order. for nn appropriation for tl etivtoal noose
at St. Louis.
On motion of Mr. TElLit , y an n
' lltnet ‘ r= " 4l a ct. f" b li g ht
After disposing of nineteen pages of the
hill. being half of It, the committee row.
The Senate amendments to the WI to re
rise, cOnsolidate and amend the potent and
cony right laws were non -concurred In and a
committee conference ordered.
• •nte Senate amendments to t h e , 114faio
Bridge bill were concUrred la.
The death this ; morning of %rid Beaton.
member from N. C. was announced by Mr.
(14111. of N. C.
After the customary eulogies and the adop
tion of romlutions, including one providing a
committee of live members to accompany the
remainatlithe National cemetery at Neerbern.
N. C., t he fiancé adjourned.
Wholesale ()racers and gheProposed HMan
Atom of. Doll.. Os Coffee, Tea and Hoke..
[urTeleirraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
entesoo, June Vi.-IForty leading wholesale
linwery houses of this city have united In a
Petition - to Congress that to the event of a
change in the ditties rut sager, coffee, ten gag
snipes, that said change shall take effect Ile.'
ember alat next, and not sooner, for the* fol
lowing reasons:
These changes will necessarily lonict
lose upon all holders of sugars, coffee, tea and
spices out of bond, both by the lowering of
Values and interruption of trade.
Second. Nearly all holders ewes : front ram
parts are holders out of bond from necessity,
either because of the absence of bonding fa
cilities, or of the nature and aZigellolr, of bu
Third. This embraces almost unnumbered
dealers, large and small, throughout. the
'°antry . .
Fottrih It is therefore, we conceive, only
proper that a time should be chosen 'for low
ering values when the loss would fall least
bcnvill' ha these numerous dealere, to wit:
when the Stocks are lighletl and trade least
Fifth. During the fall the stocks are heavi
est, because trade is heaviest, rind. it cannot
be othefwlse. At December 31st stocks are
lightest, for various reasons, and self-protec-
Don •In a considerable degree is possible.
Clre. Uncrllan'. Tour In the Indian Country.
[By Telegraph to the FittSburgh Gazette.]
CHICAGO, lone ?4. Lieut. Lien. Sheridan,
who returned to hendquerterslnst night tram
a tour through the Indian country,' has been
absent since the third 'Of. May. During his
trip he has traveled over five thousand miles.
The farth.t point he visited wan Fort Ben
ton. Hie object In making the tour woe to
become more thoroughly acquainted With the
mutt regions known as the Indian country,
end the real situation of affairs there as re,
specie Indians and white settlers. and United States troops at variorui military Pos Poste. lie
hae olned from trallol.lB 11 0U/COll • 0 vast
nmount of information which will prove of
Importance to him in the future discharge of
hit tintless
Dming the Journey the Lieuten
ant... General wn. nut molested With Indians,
theng throne, the country
as by more hostUe tribes ho had an ea.
tort of cavalry. He found the friendly In
dians, quite communicative, and all eeemedde
eirolle of receiving nrcacnts from the HOlTllt
went. and especially gum and ammunition,
with which to fight the Simla.
• Two Deareguniered al Omaha.
fitr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
OMAHA, June AL.—During an attempt to ar
rest Bernard Doren last night for adultery. be
stabbed Constable McClean, Col. 31ulhay and
an expressman. McClean and Maihtly have
since died. The expressman is pot danger
ously Wounded. Doren iv note '
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Items of British News—The Rioting
In Cork Cool innes—Napoleon Again
Attacked with Rheumatism—Be
. Inn
of Ledrn Rollin to France—
T CaSe - of the Orknits Princes—
q ecu Isabella Abdleates the Span-
,• Throne—Bradual Abolitim of
S awry In the Colonies of Spam-
• The Slwond Cargo of the Cuban les
: 4cl Upton Captured—Contionalipn
, elf . War 'Barbarities in Cuba. . —. l --
1 ---o--- , .
!...IT.legraph to the Pittsborgh 41 :..trt tO. )
The Stkpoino tittult. • ; :sere willLe a
general fatl of interest a Avhlrh will enable
the Lombard street brokers r• underbid the
Everything is uniel ut Cork. Thirty 'people
more or lep. were Injured in the recent riots
lavrtiroot.. June 'a.'banquet t bin
evening in honor of Leming that gentleman
declared that the only want of the Suez Cared
wan money, and that would he certainly forth- •
LONDON, Joni. large deputation of
London workingmen yesterday called on Mr.
Foster, who explained to them and defended
t oration bill 110 W before Parliament.
Advices front Cape Town announce the nosy
docks in Table Bay completed. -
A rumor has been In circulation on the'Con
tinenrthat Prince Charles, of Roumania. Arax
assassinated, but n dispatch from Ilueharest
pronounces it false.
CORK; Jame at.—Thu disturbances continue,
although the termini and police occupy tile
streets in force. The rioters offer no resist,
once to the trmuis. but annoy the police.
When driven from the streets the rioters oc
cupy house tops and thence burl tiles. and
stones at the policemen. One of the •lat ter
was to-day - knocked from a house :01,1 badly
Injured. A shoemakers shop was attacked
yesterday by a liege snob. but suereolfUUT
.defended by troops. A large 'number of per
sons have been arrested. The authorities are
noting with moderation. They have forbid
den pro - cessions within the city liutita. but
have given permission for holding public
meetings In the Park.
I . AI June It i 4 reported on
good authority that the Emperor had another
attack of rheumatism, brought oil he a sud
den change In the temperature of-the weather.
To-day was quite chilly.
Ledru Rollin has arrived. It Is erdeeted a
report on the petition of the tirleaus Princes
will be presented to the Chambers on the oil
of July.
The Chinese Embassy have arrived here.
A complaint has been addressed tot he -em
peror. signed byprominent persons. against
011ivier's abuse of power In rejecting without
exannuation the request that Senator no
Stank. Secretary of Senate. be tried before
the nigh Court at Itioi.. -
PAW,. Jane Emperor bar !men
w y big physicians to go to Coot reaville
tort tree eelm to take mineral baths. famong
for ring dLgemies of the bladder.
. . .
The Committee no Petitions It the Corps
Legislatiff propose that the reeent.eolumunt
t ion tithe Orleans -Princes' yelat Ire to their
recall Le fortnalle laid befpre the" Govern
The Chloe,. Entbovoy will be 'received to
morrow by the Minister of gomign Affair%
At the ena of the weal, they go to Madrid.
PANI., June %..-Quern hnbella yesterday
glened her alidlimt ion of the throne of Spain
in faior of Prince of .Asturine.
The Spanish Cortes, before ite final adjourn
ment, parted a bill for the gradual einanclpa
tion of slaves In the Spanish colonies, differ
ing from Senor .Morel's original project la the
following renpects: all slaves over sixty. in
stend of sixty-the, hre Immediately
liberated: the guardianship held by
their former masters over slave,
horn sinoe req.°, .41 proof of
tOOO. the ,otrt of the luso:
Tor. or o,orn Thr ootrrlzter f 4-611-
Oen under fourteen ore to io with their
woshes, msertedeouplee nOt be popara
led. nett pualsitusient to, thetsiek lesituituusete
prubitilted. Provision will lie made by sup
piementary.leglslstion to meet curb ease,: no
may neither be covered by thin bill nor left to
the disceet ion of the govern sent.
11 v 4 ..4. Joh. tr..—{hpt. ti nernl
telegraphs to Haman that has captured
the second cargo landed by! a steamer Upton
on her return from Asplnsms I. It IS val
uable than the nest.
The reaction in the Interior acne the
muse of many outrages.. The Insurgent Orte
ga family were on the mad to surrender when
they were captured. Two m her flirt in at
tempting tosarrender were caught and
hanged and their families outraged. 1 . 3111 C.
are forming who resist ennacrildion and m
ina,. to aid the revolutionists. • -
PA tits. June 2.4.--The.llontor(d/ rilidootatiger
publiinea an SICC(.1111t nr a battle bet ween the
Argentine Mond inutrgetx in-P
the.adre Mon,
. Lopez. Jo cornman n dedr.
Ina cavalry mule a brilliant charge lootf broke
the Argeatine right wing. but the la tor ral
lied and defeated the rebel.lnTant
I.onoon, FvenOw— June ConsuN for
money ie.,:account fat.. American eremi
tic, steady . 'E2,90 , ,i: 10-10 s, '65, 911, di% 885{.
Erte, 19s: 111inot,4. ul; we""rni• 25.
Stocks! eanler,
• .
Livimermi., June • Z.—Cotton quiet and
steady; middling uplands 1(111:00/fd, Orleans
Iok4 . 4lW'd; sales 10.000 bales. Ilreadstuffs are
firmer. California white wheat lila lid, 'red
western No 291, winter as &labs bd. Western
dour 1441 d. Corn; No 2 mixed als Gd. Oats
20 11. Burley Ss: Pens IS,. Pork Ittts dd.
fleet 117+. Lard thls dd. Cheese Gr,.. Bacon
nd for (..umberland, Cis for .short rib.
' Spirits' petroleum 10d; refined
hosnOs. June 25.-- 1 1'allow 4144:is 3d.
AkewEnr. June Z.—Petroleum firm.
RAMP, JukeZ.—Bourse closed dull. Rents
at 2131.
Prborickowr,,lnne S.. bonds are firm
ut 96%
HAvne, June4;(it ton quiet and steady
Aliempied Mir Hurler and NuWide—Work
ingmen I/emu...v*6e Imperiallon of kendle
Labor—The Coming !Masao . 'al Ittsblbltluo-
New (Menage Elf.lif,lollllllll.
111yTelegraph to the Pittsburgh Hazel lei
C1N1.M1NA71...1.0 M.—About one o'clock
thii morning Frederick Knoll, a baker, thirty
nye years of age, shot his wife, inflicting a
very dangerous wound in the left breast, and
then shot himself In the head, though without
producing sleuth, He had been absent In
California nearly four yearn and recently re
turned. Hoeing his nbsenre his wife had de
cipsedgoing until she could have some atom
afire of support, 4. baring been Improvident
here. Last evening he went to the house of.
11. Whitehead, Ludlow, Ky.. opposite the
city, whore his wife wan stopping. The
evening was spent in talkingover past times.
At times he upbraided her and again relented,
the wife still declining to go until she could
feel tare she would receive support. He ended
the interview by taking a pistol and tiring
with the result indicated. Roth are danger-.
misty hurt, though the murderer boa a better
chance of recovering.
At a mooting held lnat evening of about
one hundred warkingmen, called by the
Labor Askaubly, resolutions werendouted de
claring .4Millft the fraportatiOu of servile
races for the purpose of tampering with the
workingmen of this country, and demanding
the enforcement of all laws Tor the
lion of the coolie trade.
The Newr . enns mash:mate will reach
here at' noon to-morrow. They will be es
corted through the street* hr a Committee of
the Common Connell-and fire Department
and receive a collation.
Over fifty applications have been reeeirml
for places for snachluery at the Industrial Ex
position In September. Another Milne In to
erected almost as large, as the Meugerfest
building, to be used In addition to the latter.
A meeting of manufacturers throughout the
llnited , StateS will doubtless he called during
the Fatr.
The wentper leas Weakly hot this fore
nowt hot ebOlertbls evenirig: •
Baßroad ear shop. Burped
Telegt'eph to tbc Pittsburgh Gezette.)
itrAnprii,Pa., June 51.—The nese and exten
sive car shops of the Reading Railroad Com
pany, on North Sixth street. were burned this
monsing. Lore /110,00 n; insured for Vl,ooo.
Brown. t
the Coma
rebel., at
at the fall
ly mentt
tee omen
gaged In
nosier, i. milmint
a quarrel
dram , k Halley
whereat S with a
scythe a , mitering .
through the heart .ad com ing l'i - -
ou p boat,
killing him luMantly.
M.-C. A
International /'out cation at laditnapollo
(fly Teleiottob to the. Pit tspurgb gazette.]
NOTANAPOLIA. 'Juno 2& The after
noon session was opened by the singing of
the hymn. •'lost Jesus Beard he Cross Alone."
Hey. Mr. Spaulding •rendo port lon - of Scrip
t ore nod lead In ppLyer.
A COMUMM.II.IOII of Erecting was. read
from D. Edgar Soniptow, Secretary of the
.T. C.lfaverneyer. of New York. and Hon.
It. Brunot were heard with reference to
the Evangelical Alliance to be held in New
Special prayer was offered, led by Me, Mr.
Campbell. of Nova Scotia. for the President
of t he.l7 nit ed States and Queen of England.
The nest order of business, the thee and
Ware or holding the next annul convention,
was taken up. Invitations were presents,
front Providence. It. 1.. Pittsburgh. Pa..
Francisco, Washingltio. D. 4%. Er.
New Haven, Conn. A vote et,. it •••
WhshinKlnn ueleeted by
The geleellon of thr
COllVellt 1011 W3N
. .
110 w
• • ..• ..4106111i011F1 be the moot
~11' • • , on In the gnaller townsr
tens r•peued. by Mr. Moore. of
..ors. followed bv Carr. of Connee-
Mot t. of I'ellll , lylrtni3. Illauchard. of
Among the reqolut itin4 reported by the Ex:
ecutieeTtilttee and adorned are the fol
. That T. James Clayton, of !don
t real, .1. it. Wood. Edgerton, N. J., .1 ion..f. N.
Harris. of Neu Aust in Ale
Idol. Egg., of N. V.. be and . are hereby ap
pointed' delegates front the Young Men's
Clirietlan Association or. America. and are
appointed to the General Conference of the
1 mine. Men's Christian ANS.:11011m to be held
at Antsterilatn on the sAth day of August next.
Howlml. 'flint the Executive Committee. In
the name of thin Convention. and of the As
sociation of America, traninnit lit the Genend
Conference to be held at Amxterdato, a letter
of fraternal greeting, and that they request
the Conference to concur in the reeommenda
t lon that the second Sabbath in November
next be obseta - eil as a day of ProYer for the
blessing of lucid upon the Young iiten's Christ
ian AVM - 11.13[10. throughoutne world, and
that tlo.y suggent that the circular announc
ing such recouonendat ion be signed by the
representatives of the Conference and of thin
The contemplated excursion to Mammoth
Cove by .t he delegates him been abandoned.
The topic for discussion tens, - .How can the
V. ft. C. A. carry the Gospel to thoile who do
not hear it? And how canwe mkt/ our grayer
meetings so Interesting that the unconverted
young men will attend tbemd - The dia./s
-alon was carried on by a large number of del—
egmea in short addresses.
. ..
1 Pi' night session was opened by the singing
uf the Coronation Hymo. Hoe. S. S. Fisher,
Wgshington. D.C. rend tl port lon of the Nth
chalder of Thessalonians.
Prayers were merle for several persona who
had attended the open air meetings and had
Cottle to the Convention.
Mr- , Littlefield then sung the beautiful hymn.
"I love to tell the story. -
The business committee then made their
thud report,consisting of resolutions of the Indianapolis Aesooletion, the
Governor, citizens of Tedianapolis for their
hospitality, Heilmn' companies; the press re
portent'. be.
This session closes the business part of the
Convention. The. delegates Will occupy the
pulpits of nearly all the churches to-morrow
at the morning and evening service, and at
night . a union meeting will be held at the
Acadouty of Music. •
teams, June 26.—Most all of the
churches united with the delegates to the
Convention to.nlght In a union meeting. The
Academy of Manic wog crowded to titerflow
lug long before the hour forservice. A second
ineating was organi,eil in t lie Third Presbyte
rian (lumen. which was soon crowded and
thousands were unable to gain admittance.
The services commenced at the Academy of
Music by singing the hymn - All Hell the power
~f Jest. name: Hey Mr. Clgin led in prayer
'and read a portion of the Twentieth chapter
of Acts. Short farewell addresses were made
by Major Frew.' of Pittsburigh, Hon. Chancy
It,. leo. Dangle.. L. L. D., Montreal.
Ilex. Dr. Harper, Col. Rey, of Indianapolis,
and minty others. The chant "Jesuit Glade."
was sung. Hon. Geo. H.. Stuartmade the con- .
.prayer. after which the President
brUtilY and fcelingly addressed the Conven
The following was then adopted:
itenotred.•That this Fifteenth Annual COll
- or the Y. M. C. A. of the United State.
and British provinces do now adiftnin, to
meet i n temmtnaton 10.1871 at the rill of the
Executive Committee. .. •
• lltlee commencing "Sav, brothers, shall
we meet you'r" and 'T.hallgather at the
river: nere sung . after wh ich the delegates
nil ininsa, in repealing Vie Lord's Prayer and
singing I he 1.0.5. metre I,ol6lngr.
131t1I>F It A INIS.
Inst. week New
- The widow of (:en. Tloonag •oiled , tar
Pron. , . on .4.3turdnr. .
. • • .
. .
—nett 04. Of hull stroke occurred at Now
York yesterday. one fatal.
--At Springfield, Masa., the thermometer on
Saturday rose to tie; Vegetalay It showed GT.
boiler of Saturday' atillery,at Peoria,
111., exploded on afternoon, killing
one man and wounding another. •
tan '
S. portion of the village of CIL(
,g, nt V. was degtroTed by Ire Sat
Imlay afternoon.
- At Ilarnan the number of cholera cases
and deaths in growing lens. No fears are
entertained of an epidemic at present.
• •
--The steamship Samaria. from Liverpool,
arrived at Boston yesterday. The Columbia
from Glasgow, also arrived, at New York. •
—The Treasurer of Illihois will-soon leave
for New York to par MAO Interest on State
I.onds and take up 51.10,000 maturing bonds.
—The Albany Journal says cattle, sheep and
hogs could have been shipped from flulTaio us
!tremble there ur Netr lark at one cent a
•• —Rebecca Bradford had recovered In the
.Circuit Court. at St. Lank, .r...tion from Henry
U.Cady forseduchur . her under promise of mar
riage. `
---The canvass kR al,d-tG Goon IT in
North Carolina; nearly all the candidates tor
Office al the August election having taken the
--IL Is reported that Belmont has taken
OJthACIO a n t city of New York terra per
cent. lrecently created for hnurovement
of dockß and men.
— At Chicagq, Saturday, the 'Peccary
reached IC; at Cambridge. 111., It touched Ind;
Oshkosh. Wis., IC; Mntilson, Wis.. IN: Rochelle,
WIN:. IC; Aurora. 111., 106: Cincinnati, 0., N.
-.M.Chicago.on Thursday, Mrs. Krehu Com
mitted suicide by taking a dose of strychnine.
No more Is known for committing the act.
Her husband was asleep In the adjoining room .
Itt the time.
—The room of the Treasurer of the Special
Cuban Commissioner, Cortes Castillo, at St.
Georges Hotel, Neu• Y0rk...," robbed of
MAU and all private correspondence Satur
day looming.
—Alex. Gilmore. formerly Lily Marshal of
Louisville. told one of the oldest policemen of
the city. while decorating the. grave of m son
ft Cave Intl Cemetery nu Saturday afternoon.
ell dead. Came apoplexy.
--The Central and. Western Pacific railroad
companies hare beh consolidated under the
name of the Central Pacific: It Is stated that
Pullman trains on the Central Pacific road
trill be discontinued after July lh.
—The New Orleans fire brigade •arrired at
1.0111.1110 yektOrd3p and departed immedi
ately for Cincinnati. where they trill remain
several days. The brigade proposes making
a tour to the principal non hero cities.
—Charles A. Dann has been sued for libel by
the officer. of the society for the prevention
of gambling. in consequence of an editorial
In Saturday'. New York San. He gave bail
to appear. °Meets of the society were elan
arrested andrheld to ball.
—At New York on Saturday the thermom
eter for Iwo hours, on the shady side of Broad
war, Indicated blO degrees—the hottest day
slue, last summer. Several fatal sun stroke
cases were reported. At night there was but
little abatement of the heat.
—The .netr stock letsped to be ssued by
the Wabash Railroad be used, it neces
sary, for the purpose of netr equipments for
East St- Lquis anti Deentur road. Just comple
ted, of 107 mile.• also for the equipment of
the Hannibal and.slaple road of 45 miles.
—A desperntondict took place In 110111..
Peoria eolintY ,Alinois, last Friday afternoon,
In which knives, pistols pitchfork., club..
etc, were used.. Nine persons were seriously
and Verbal.; fatally injured. The battle look
place' in a harrest field and had its origin in nn
old grudge,
--The fight.between the New reductionral
and Erie It on the of
frcighta la confined ercluniveir to , cattle and
live stack. Fright an general .merchandise
is not nffected. the Erie Road. having an ac
cumulation of freight nt Buffalo and both
rondo all they con dn.
—The Erie Hallway Company has leaned or
ders equivalent to prohibiting the Manic and
Essex trains from running through the Bergen
'ltinnel. The fatten disregards them, and
.troubte Is apprehended. The Presidents of
both roads were et the tunnel on Saturday,
and for a time violence was apprehended.
—A commission of innacv
York issued by
the Supreme Court of New In the ease
of Gee. F. Vonixek. It is said leaving
hit wife and children to Germany he mended
another wife in this country and savoured the
pa.ssage of an act by legislature, In INC legal
izing the second marriage. The first wife ar
rived in the United States this spring, lvhere
upon Vonbeck forsook the second' wfe and
children and :took up his abode w i th the
partner of his earls. years. The second wife
died of a broken heart. The children allege
he had several strokes of paralysis, is of un
sound mind,and petition that trustees be ap
pointed to manage his estate.
D. Graf
lator, for
re favors
he people
ion with
seat le
CM. Deo-
—A snit has been entered In the 11. 9. Clr-
Milt Court at St. Louis, which Is calculated to
create a great sensation in legal and businen
circles. Jesse Holliday and Alex. Turnbull
sue F. Calvin Darns, a prominent tem
per, who. with'Fhafasm- Marshall. was ad
ministrator of the estate. of J. N. Bathes,
who died In ladl, charging him with gigantic
funds in tho settlement of Hughes' estate,
by which the creditors went defrauded, and
asking for nn investigation of matters and a
new settlement. The estate was valued at
$50, 1 :03, but the administrators brought it out
in debt. Burns. bondsmen, some of the most
prominent gentlemen of the city, are else de
fendants to the milt.
Nat, aad
alley, en
len Kttob-
AXXA'.--;NO. 147,,
Pittsburgh Qiiintette
Will giro their FIRST rill t oNt!RRT mt.
the -
C)n y
1:0411110.111g St S o'clock. precisely.' Tickets. 30
eettlx. at the music attires. lett7=l:i
icv.7 ) . 4zit , l le j eg , , , re ;A M ONDA Y and TUE.,
Velt!ck. In the PREfitInEVeArPI eVet.
Dr. Ilowerd'r•l for the benefit
• • •• • •
. • enine—"tiENTlNti A: , APPETITE"
. to each Lnetttre, the cent., Mite.
. th7r r k: " l
Jonnaton Aro.. In t Pit t‘boratt, and Me.
Alleahenr. AIR, at the (allowing Marie
. . • •
nlz.: Mellor Boone, Charlotte
Bber & Bro.. and Barr. hoake A Itnettler, and It
BardleatlCA and J. It. Reed's Jewelry Store,
burgh, and McFadden's. in Allegheny City. Je2l
urns: or Tar
CoMltol I.Ert 1'0 12, r7,1"; •
' n
Jue :3 3. 70.
Sealed PrommaD tan Lot roce/ved shim ofnce
mall .1 1:1.1" 5, manta,. for building n NEW
BRIDGE over Ittlbuttort'a Dun,. the rood leading
from Steubenville turnplkito Mtllcr a Run Plank
Road, neer lease Walkcee
Plans and specinenti.m. can Le.een applies
rim,. or Inn
CuNrrnorheit tie MiliSrt
Itirre ne milt, June 23. I h7O. •
OTiCE TO 1 . 01 7 ,iTY A SSESSORi.
The R ti
emits for the Registraon of Voters
now ready for delivery at iloyofflep .f.the County
Commissioner.. Returns will he required with n
the time prescribed by Jaw, and nn payment w
he mule union, the lerm+uf the law are literal y
complied with. -
By direction of nuttily t:inuntlYsioners. '
7 Per Cent, Gold
_AA 90 and Interest.
Interest payable May and November.
rmilan TROMPS/3N.
These bonds have 50 yeara to run, are converV
thin at ` the option of the holder into the soma of
the Company nt par, and the payment of the prin
cipai Is provided for by sinking fund.
aZPlCA t all;rkT,'Lgrfi:.l:l l .l":27=gi'tkg
work rk o tity progreening.
We nehesitatinglyrecommendthese Bonds as the
safest and beat Investment in the Ml/kOl.
U.S. Ftve-tkenties. at present prices, oni y return
foe per tent. Internat. while these pay eight and
one-quyter- per rent. in lipid, and we rtsrard the
SeCUrity eqvutlly /food.
The Company reaerre tire right, wittibut notice,
to advance khe prim.
32 Wall Street, New York
4. YeCLEAN 1 CO.. Pittsburgh. Pa.
BARKER HRO9. 6 CO.. Philadelphia.
TOWNSEND, WHELK:: A CO.. Philadelphia
KURTZ A HOWARD; Philadelphia.
BOWEN A PDX, Philadelphia.
A ern'. J tine '23tb, 1870.1
'F.° Sewer.. Contractors.
The Sewerage Comullolon of the City of Alle
gums, az., peeper." receive peoposals for tit
construction of the following SPIWYMI, with the!
satairterianeet. Inlet. 3fanh Ar,
• contract N o . 1.,
Jackson (e trect , fr o m Beaver street 41 Pantnre
Laze, alone 'Salina: Lane to connect with the West
Common Yewer.
Contract No. 2
ri e po oray e et w o , ln r tt o aton s u , t n lo f t , H) . *
n frct 13-inch Circular
avenoe,!.. connect with Ilf74'74:6l(l7•ZgrAb4n:rr
• •
C_!oritract No. 3..
Auer - Pone Viewer word's
to connect with the Settgewlet Street Sewer.
No; 4. .1
Comprising snout SNO feet of I.s4neh. Circular.
Pine Sewer on Burke alley. trom the north line Of
Avery attPet. to connect with the Wavh
Street Sewer.
Muss logs and Speeitlestions cni be seen eon full
Information ~ btalned et this ottlce.
tiles must be endorsed - Severer Prole...els, COO.
treet No. 1. - Cor 2. &e.. as the ex. run, fey and de
beefed on or before ar. TUESUAIt, Jul) 3.
Forms of Proposals, on which forms alone bide
will be reeelred, will be f,ortilobed at this ord..
The Commission do not bind themselves to. ,
eept the lowest or any bid,
tit order of the Commission:
. • • l i • .
s ,
- Superior Ingrains,,
.51 Fifth Aventio,
ie2.5 . (Above Wood Stivrt.)
On Saturday, July 2d,
At 3 o'clock P. Y.. will be offered no the premises
at Public Pale, the RESIDENCE of the late Alm.
The property trouts 70 feet on Stockton ave
nue. Allegheny, and runs back) 40 feet to Water
street. There is erected thereon a most comfortable
Dwelline, with 11 rOoms, ente-rooms, bath house.
mote 'attic, de.: cellars ender the whole house tor
coal, spring tiouss o weeh house, wine cellars, he.
There is also a largo Brick Stable on the rear end
of the lot, with every convenienn. for horses,
CM., carriages, IC.
I'muta—One-tcurth rash: the balance in one.
two and three years. is/17M
As ORDINANCE—For the Repeal of
an Ordinance, auttioristsor the opening Of
Sec. 1. Be It ordained and enacted by the City of
Pittsburgh. In Select and Continuo Councils as
sembled. and it Is hereby ordained and mulcted by
authority of the same. 'Chat the ordinance passed
the —day of Sentember. A. D.lBOB. entitled an
ordinance for the opening. in Sc., of Har
rison street. be and the same Is Itemby repealed.
Sec. 4. That f.ny Ordinance or part or woof
ordln . ance conch Ki ng glut the e t t y e r (1;
It i gtrretearerf Zrta ' r t ai the b and
same athues this or
-11•110e. •
0-atift,l3lV,:.'l.`ttl.°l'4l"o°"7 C"'dL.
A. - . 11. GROSS.
President pro tetesof
Attest, E. S. Monaose... di.
""k " NeA C . ° I433iLINSON. •
Presphreit of Common Council:
1 " " ' "'
J.taKa or Commm cou.;,ii. •
. • L ., adenthistrauon on lb. want of
yiviin a lato of Wigan tornolalt. ;4 ,y z
it e rgd r il l s ' ione, 7 l:allpersoni load - Ito Lmldnestato
terenno•tod to mato Iromedtato torment. and 10.1
nons holding skimp spans; uto wale will on
,Jermlit•T SUSAN Ith - roEo, Admlnlsmarto;
ran fled a good paying tote for her at Eiraboth. Pa.
No reapetitip.
XDFIto be transacted In Pbtladel obis, Nair
mo attendee to by Wal.
GUT. 241 met Want. f i bilsetalphia.
(Wog re tames. given if geared. -. ie1142%
Commercial and Family Newspaprt
.trmer. mechanic, or merchant •Could
. • ..
nub. of ten '''''''
A nopT to lurat..ti itratt ''''' unit . to the Better u
or • elub - Nr W.• are reque•tect
net se Agenlf. Addrey
“F.r ,
'Plants,” - Foun.i. - - Marding. - .1 , .
Fort?' LINES, win De 1/1/r ref ai fbeir rol.mnoon.
for iff'l:\Tl• rt rt: CENTS; 6 .e
tIVE E NTS . .
At 1 : S Tunnel Street
3lnkors. G 4:
F'iul,hen and entst~, - n — t le
14, r oteo'"T. 11 4 1 ,Tigi
A l'ITJ:11 1 1t or a S e i h t !:& 4 4l .l e ° flgu " or stun. hr
num who nneeestend.rectifying Dad cgmg,....4-
tog Hest of reeonane gdetlonot Oven. Ad.
Arose RYLL M.. Plusbereh Y . lr.
nTANTEIL-A frw day Waders al
Fogeth avenue.
noted at NORTH AVENVE, Alle
gheny c i ty. 411
8 ThIN Avenue. From $lB 14,1110 per week
will be held._
Alrll-Nsi.vl:ra".4l—Elf tiMrlrnced AgEe!t:ntys.7.trol
for nn ankle Jo. patented. will
every 'Nally. Address A. NI., Bon 333. tv
tUrgh. G- IN IB
\ - ATAN r TED—TO LOAN ,000 :- ;—s7 on
foe 02 t A tii; ,: 4C•ll ' flgT:iNe f :; l LL l rl;. °oo. and
6161,.6. 1 . 1.6 7 1111 A\,
AtU 66 6U mit nreut • NU%
truurh. U 7
_ .
‘l7 ANTED—By a Respectable Bar
i' V MED LADY -A planation to /.11W ILLIti
%In In house wort.. lenges no otfleeL A comfort,
Ohio oe pre! erred. Addle,. I . I'lltntarn
It. V.
. Controller.
XATANTEIL--Opfratorr., *iphittors,
and BriTl/N1101.1:: /I/N , ppv_ _klpo_ct
. opt,.
LnVrell,r , otte weeK al h.. : 13
NA TA I T k EI j . ;; S i ' n verai d
l !rti. viw r°r A rar r
I.leigrard Work.. Severkl Oils t4kl
k Ch i anTe d rworik. ti DI klnk-lel w aiA a N l
VA I iTZ.I4I..N.I. illak=rtlgt dour iron;
Sovenslvn Midge .
W A :7 E D 1
men to wIl .1 h b f s 14 AP . I
e B" x es.Pe Station Pick mplra t. tNAIIIIISVIg
WANTED.—Experienced Agents, to.
travel and tell Patent. Mita/lb, cottottaa,.
toren article Just patented. Will be wanted to
every family. Addresa, A. ht., Bon 333, Pate
GIRI 4a 9 or 10 Y.*. of 11,dg •. h . .
.0 plc. 20:1"grg16 Aild . Zs ' 10;
two dim, J. C.. GAZILTTIL ofllce. 1145
r o, to travel and sell patent rtsbts for
my article um patented. WM be wanted In every
famlly. (• t. Indus..monis stlfesad. Address A.
11., Hos 333, Plttsburgb P. O.
30.000 a 0 4"" " 110.01 °° ""* . at a fair n .
T 17014,2 it. PETTY. n.
Bill, Bond and itaal Nalatn Broker.
No. 178 Smlthtlikld Surat_
urA NTE I),
s 0 feet bed and 'Pito 04 loch MIR(. Address
td4l4 Postoffiee Box 50 . 4. PittebArsh. Ps.. •
Ccrat, tend Panttdakern,
Kaufman, Oppenheimer k Co..
I , IIIIC N0..80 Wt.ol) STREET.
Thirty Thousand Dollars to Loan
In !gum or small amonnte on property In Allegheny
enmity at a fair Tele of Internet.
Rey Kettle Ageat.
88 Grant Street.
Vat OARDI NG —Talet,with Boarding,
1.1 TWO SECOND STORY ROO*S. furnished.
103 Vanstb avenue. .
rr(I4,ET.—A complete DWELLING
lIOUCE, with More Em attached. Situ.
7271 1 )11 ' 'riar ra.`tt/S.F"
—A Ntl Itoof Furnished Rooms on second
floor. 160iThird avenue. 13-36
rro!L , FT, , Two Story Brick Hone,
A ii-g1i'.72117'4'..=,747,1Z:4:14`..711
cellar. Will be let low to n good tenant. Inquire
of J. M. FA AN. No. .1 old Penn. Avenue. WM
A tastoliss STORE ROOM itad cellar, No.
182 Liberty street, completed,' fitted UP Mt
shelving and munters. µ•ill be mated cheap
called for soon. Rnmilre at
• • -7 N 0.4 VIRGDGALLICS.
TO-LET.—A good, two story BRICK
DWELLING, containing 42 rommorith mod
ern Improvements. Alm, lime totaad good Brick
Stable, Monte fronting tin the Park. No. 184
North Avenue. Rent remonable. Apply at No,
41 Ohio street, Allegheny.
firca(ra pi, a eirt, and a Set of !foram,
All In good order, inquire at office of
'\,l.lfilON WOOLEN.IIII,I.,
IeISTIrI No. 17111Blver Avenue. Allegheny.'
1?OR SALE CHEAP.--82,600 will
Out a house with eve rooms and hall. with
four tote 24 feet front by 104 feet In depth, with
etabling. fronting otraafeety feet street, onle4alf
square back of Pennetivards avenue, Terentlath
ward. near Mutt Liberty. Apply at 174 (Irene
street, near Seventh 'avenue. Stle.wrai
F°PProR SALLt- That well•known
.7r4, , L tirg,!`•4 4 4,l%;.
T 4 I' proper person desiring to keep a hotel. this le
a rare opportunity. • Vor terms. call or addraea
N 0.2 Sank of Commerce Bundler.
_YerOCCupation Immediate on sale. jewykl
- F --OR SALE.Endines and Boilers, wr Now and Second liana. of WI kinds. einnetsaNT
on hand.
Orders from eh phrt• of the country proteptie se
tended to.
JAIIIEII 1111.1. k CO.
(Amer Marlon Avenue and P.. Ft. W. & C. R. W.
_Alleglte2l . 7, 1 •
1 TAINg 240 ACIISRetne hundred and sixty
acres under small . .. Ron. balance woods. Improve
menti-111 dwelling". very large Oar. awl rt•Ol..
and theep houses, orchard and well watered bY •
mall week pawns through Use place. Rimmed las
Jennings county. Indiana. 35( tram Vernon
and Lotilmille Railroad; In shriving neighborhood
near to villa/Tod eburetten taros Mu p. ( • . acne- Amity In
P'Vb"ad pm
B. Re LTA CO.. No. 104 Pourth
IDENCE. corning 20 acres with 3 hong.
[demon; one.. 13 comfortable and converdent
bou lnlV
from the eity. on the watent... • ..f i r o TurtM t ..snimalbsed..
if of smile from StewarCs mission. arm mai
road. Alan. sorrel irOMI rams m . foal kmatloa•
nnd - hOneof for sale. Examlre of • •
mull No.llo grant PL. ongiente Cathednd.
starlet h" tgiriCi ' in e rg.
ate on 44th street. near Butler street. The kw&
well supplied with mte slues. shrubbery, an,.
while on Inc rearl3a Inestable. Gas all throust&
the boars. Thls property Is °metal? the Most de
trabie in tb• 17th ward. Prim moderattl Mad
ots tune given. T. It. BILL & BON,
ON MAIN mrtalt4:2s==alrortti.
11...u5e. anuate 05 Main street. near the
i re&
Vh"tif lialrb=gl4PU.rdtri:lLL":t,ga,
all Of moderate means. T. 11. HILL & SON.
ON 44th FITUNET.—A beautiful lot neerßutlicr
A n y BO by 108. close
the Citizens' P. W
Any one wishing a pleasant spot on srblub' to aud
cannot be better witted. T. It. BILL ,4134 ' N. -
1300,11 purchase tine Lnts near thePenne.
R. it. slollsh and balsnee in fouyeptialluswowl
PaYments. Workingmen shOuld not ins this vans
°penman/ Min hr. They will never neem:bother
so adrentageons, T. R. & BON,
Jesl Corner Perm Inn .113c1 streets.
won lowed: exinnnlY 1,000 bbl. yyserr week, ha
rood wanelUon.nearly new. Apply to,er address
H. M. - 19 N- & CO..
PROPERTY FOR SALE—In Rood toongoo,
[Mir tnepreprot Wood otroef. • 2otoef Met more
and Dlrenthar noose of alzrooms man War. tfo.
100 Seed,el arena. ror ‘ Vge
. ant a rrar s ,
Sixth sevae.