The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 25, 1870, Image 1

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(41 . Commercial and Family Newspart
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Smithfield St. . 0 ' .
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. • - No farmer, mechanic. or merchant should lk
Without IL 1:
P. "Ind, • •N , L.\\:4 •pi •g Tiltim,
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~ .. A copy 6 fungAb.Arramitonaly to Um erHer -9 9
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• ruatsinicti 1
Corner Sixth Ave. and
T. P. SCI A.
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or ire* DAyI.T: -
By wall. per roar. WOO.
Delivered by p.r IS.
Of Allt.:heny.p ounty.
In another column will he (fund the
call of the Republican Executive Coin
mittee for the elcction of delegated to the
Republican Nominating Conventions,
ititielk ate to meat In August nest. With
inn publication hf tbat call. ordinarily.
inn duties of thin 'Committee cease. and
'lifter calling the new Conventions to order
Its responsibilities are handed over to auc-
oreanra chosen in the usual manner by
these COnyentiona. . .
The fact,' however, that another call
fur a Convention, to he held in the city
of Pittsburgh, on . July oth,-1870, and to
be composed of professed Ithlicana,
has been published to the peope by par
ties who claim to be ktopublicins and to
-there hitherto acted within -M reguli
political : or g anization, juitifisß his Com-i
matte in the unusnal and tilimow un
necessary precedent or addressing you,
the imers of the party, through :the pub
,', lie press. And in doing an, let - it be dli
zinctly and. clearly oath-II:mod that this
address' Is isimed by title Committee
neither under claim on its part of a right
to dictate to you what course you shall
pursue Matte contemplated bolt, nor with
threats of party lash hereafter to be
applied to those! who may break away
from the regular organization: anther is
it issued for the I,wpm:it of appealing to
you against a disruptton of tloo : party to
which for years you Imre so steadfastly
adhered, but only for the purpose of colt=
bog your attention briody to the real
status of your political agairs,andloorrect
ing certain erroneous conclusions which
the -framers of the new call . Lace :arrived
at and upon which they Lase their action:
it In hardly necessary hem to say that
the signers of that call have n perfect
light to carry out their.purposes as there=
in : etpresned, or rather as it should have
been: intelligibly ezpressed, viz "the:for
mation of a new party." We recognize
the right of any number of citizens to
form any party for • themselves they
choose; but we deny the rigitt of these
men lir any , others to assume to themselves
the right to act for the Republican party t
.to calla og l Mition in it., name, or to at
tempt tp"riturp the powers which the
party by its owu voluntary act Iran placed
'in othei hands ~issltuliug to theniselves
the duty of calling together a convention
of Republicans, tines not and cannot dele
gate to them the pow era which for years
plot have,in authorized and regular chan
nels, been handed down to your present
Ezecutive Committee, at whose call and
whose alone the regular cooveblinna con-
The call for the July Convention asks
you to distant your regular ',arty organi•
ration, to repudiate the , Convention,. called
..... by it, and in advance of what. thoee Coo
. Win - flans urarno,ocoorninate an independ.
ent ticket, on the presumption that the
'regular Conventions will nominate a ticket
of bad men, or will, falling in that, be
. guilty of some wrong' salon- which' will
;justify a withdrawal of support from and
eilnfidence in them.. •
.. , More plainly to put-it, the nen. party
movement proposes to condemn- the
actions of the regular Convention six
weeks before the litter have any exist
ence, or ran have done artyttng either
right or wrong, whatever, 6 that too
with the full knowledge on/the part of
the organizers of this new movement that
if , they display one-half the zeal and ac
. dotty in organizing the regular Convex'.
Rona, by the election, at the regular pri.
nary meetings, of good delegates to said
- Conventions, and put themselves to one
half the bor and expense in that diree.
don will - 'thefluvieeb.en at in foment. -
, • ingAlkdo in the party, they "can and
• will—the politicians and all alleged
rings, tote contrary notwithstanding—
„- control th regular , Conventions in the
Thinn . buttons there to be made.
- It Ili for the voters who hold in their 'utdo
. the great bnsiness interests of this county,
.. which . kiwis so grown and increased un
der the policy of the Republican party, to
- say whether ir not this ismot stated fair
- 17. and wheal r or not they. will, when
their attentions called plainly to-the du
ties each has t perform, attend at the
primary meetings of the party, and there,
by exercising their power of ruling the
...?.. party in its cOurCe and in its. nominations
--....—a thing they can easily do if they will
but give half an hour on election after.
• • noon—decide to role the party inside of
and subject to the party usages and
regutations, or, whether on the other
- hand,' they will ruin it outside by
an independent and irregular move
ment: If they.. choose the latter
Mune, and are willing to endanger the
success of tht•marty in the county:lf they
'.. Ire willing to risk the chances of. being
represented in the next l'ongress by two
.Democratic 'Members, and in the next
Legislature,' which has the important
duty of apportioning the State for ten
years to come, by an almost full delega
tion of. Democrats from Allegheny mita.
ty; and if they are- . Willing to 611 their
local Alms from the ranks of democracy.
` theirs. is the right to do so. :Coen° soh
or will emeation that right; Waif disaster
aimett—urou them must rest the re sponsi
'The complainti Riade by the signers Of
the call and set forth by titern as a justifi
cation of their aftion, are— .
- . snrif. That the Bins has come for a re.
.. ._foss of our party. • .
* - Second. That the mass of the Republl
ran .voters of he county are- s not satisfied
:41th the mode 'f
making nominations.,
' ' Third. That a consequence nomina.
.. liens are w , incompetent and unfit
Fberfh. Thit our committee postponed
'ihe nominations until Atigust 30 for the
_-I.erpeee 9f preventing any auesessful np.
position to them, when made. • '
" a Ririe, the time has come for... re
form of our party, the proper *4 is' to
reform it by staying In it and using the
means and opportunitlei the organization
'ldtbrds. No organization was . ever re
. formed, and none ever will be, by break
ing it up. The people are always open
to`,the appeals of those who have re
• kilns so propose; and if the reform.
are worthy, their advoiatee need never
fear the result of piesenting them to you
for adoption.. To form' it new `party;.be.
• ,ciuse"" you have not &dor - tied reforms never
submitted to your judgment is most tin.
reason able. We have faith enough in
you believe that you are capable of
managing your own toneerne; thur Yf
there le anything wrong in the party, the
• •
. •
proper place to work reform in within
the party itself; and that Ton will act rea
sonably and justly on whatever change is
submitted for your action; • •
hirroud. An to the allegation that the
mass of the Republican voters of the
county are not satisfied with the manner
of. making nominations we can . only any
that no evidence of that fact hen reached
us. The matter wan submitted to you in
a Oinvention held March 2, ISCA—lnit
little over two years ago—and you then
decided, by an overwhelming vote,
against any change. Thin is. to on. the
latest expression of your will. We could
not, without a reversal by you of this de
cision, attempt, of our own motion, to in
augurate an enticely new system. We
have, however, at the request of many in.
tluential Republicans, submitted the mat.
ter anew for your decision; It in for_ you
and for you only, to say whether any
Orange shall be msde. The whole matter
is in vour hands. If the mass of the Re
publichn voters are not satisfied with the
presetit plan of making nominations, they
will. al the Convention of August .110th.
have an opportunity of saying so, and,
when their will in expressed It will be law,
to us and to all whin- follow us.
Third, If tonudnations have - heretofore
been weak, Incompetent and unfit, the
remedy is in your hands. It is to you,
consequently, the appeal ehoitid have'.
been made, and a resort to disorganlnt
i ion is the poorest of all possible cures for
it. We cannot possibly make any promi
ses in your name, or undertake to spank
for you in advance of your action: but we
have the moat unbounded trust in your
sound judgment, and we do not hesitate,
therefore, tti express our confidence in the
result of any appeal to yon to make the
nominations of the party worthy of the
Rapport of any and every man who-in de
voted to the !weren't of Republican prin-
Flu/rill. The allegation that we had any
purpoisTto avoid the ordeal of public
scrutiny by calling the Convention at ao
ate a day as August 30; iscithnut any
foundation in fact. It ban been the prac.
lee of the party, heretofore. to hold taint
laating Coavrationa both earls and lite.
In some years they have been held in
dime, in . others In Aupiat, and bone
stance at least as late as September. -The
pr.'wedentsare about as strong one way
as the other. County Committera hare
been - ' guided by the circunotsness sur
rounding them in selecting the time, and
we have acted, this year, a other Cotinty
Conimitteeti have done before us. and sa
le-Med the time fined for Contentions in
other yearn, in the confident be.
lief that we were thereby promo.
ting the Lem interestsi of the
With the full knowledge on the part
of every metubi . l- of this Committee
that no nominations in the year 181'0
(a year devoid - of the usual political
excitement incident to a State or
National contest.] would receive popu
lar support unless they were pepulaf ones
and made by the people themselves. can
that u setion of the Committee, done ad
visedly and after full deliberation, be as
nailed by say last the meet easpiriona.
wheat. rw,ultn to Ow t,. opts ha t ing prom!.
neatly before them for two months yet to
some. the dlffnrent asptrants-Ter
ferent °Meet, this year to he voted met
By the arrangemads made for your Lou.
Ifentiona this fall even - Republican who
Will take the trouble of going to the pri
mary elections will be able to rote. if he
has made any inquiry whatever, intelligi
bly and with the full knowledge of the
kind and character of the men hell; voting
-for. as they will then have been promi
nently before the People for inspection
and discussion over three months, and It
will be the fault of the voter alone if.
through neglect or want of judgment, he
allowa himself to he deceived..
We have thus endeavored to allow that
of all the reasons given for thin nett'
movement, and of which the public is ad-
Tined, there la not-one that affordrianrjus
tificatiOn for it. ~.
The true and only remedy for any and
all the things complained of in an appeal
to yon an already' organized.. It ,you
yourselves, after being appealed to. refuse
IA right any wrongs complained of. If you
fail to make proper nominations, af:
ter notice duly given, then them
might be aome excuse for a separate or.
ganization; but until you do—until you
have been tried and found wanting, there
can be none: 17ntil you are given a trial.
until your Conventions have met andacteti.
by what - right and , with what ?moon Is
your party organization to be arraigned
IMfori , the bar of public, opinion, and then
to be tried, convicted and sentenced for
tins not yet comtnitted?
'Without appealing to (Inv Of you to
sound by your party; without reminding
you of Ito riefories'and its glory, walleyed
under its present system of organization,
and of the , dangers of defeat ; if disruption
is to ensue; but with the plain statement
and facts herein given, the whole matter
in left with you for your decision, confi•
nt that the people, the puIIITP 0
power, will decide iiively onthe questions
before thrm and will resolve to adhere to
the organization under which they fonght
sn dallantly fot Fremont. Lincoln. and
(rant. finding within it a full and adequate
ritnedy for any grievance that may be
complained of.
On helualf of the Republican Executir
i3trimittee. 9..Prdivia NCR.
VAT:mit S. Iticerxr.
flEo. F. MonnAN,
A Moscow .rociorn.t. states that the
railway bridge lately - erected; over the
Dnieper, near Blew, is one of the greatest
works of the kind In the world; and the
longest in Europe. it consists of twelve
arches, awl feet in length. Captain
von Struve, who built it. has been pro
moted to the rank of Colonel by the
Emperor Aktander, on the recommenda
tion of the Ilflitlster of Public Works.
Ohio Rl•er Yates nod
era' litsrerory for 1W7671
51 " 8 T.• Wiggitui & Weaver, publishers
of City and Wtate Directories, are now
preparing a complete directory of all,
wne of note on the t tlhio rim . . from Alieeling to boniaville (etc ept Cincin.
miti),makiag it a first claw medium for
city advertiser' , to make their business
known in that loeality. This work will
lyre a large circulation, and will include
In it cities and towns numbering about
1' 1,
.t o
000 inhabitante. The agent. Mr. J. B.
11 a, will make a thorough runnels of
th city, and we hope will ' meet with the
ea uragement which such a work de.
serves. oar
OAR FrITTNG AND Pymenrso.—Mesent:
Fulton & McGann, gas fitters and plumb.
en, on Fifth avenue. near High street,are
prepared to do all kinds of work in their
line of business, including plumbing, gas
and steam flitting. They are both priay
tloed workmen and guarantee all their
work to be done in workmanlike manner
and at rates as low u the lowest. - They
keep \on band, at all times, a complete as
sortment of aster fixtures, Including the
latest improvements - in' water closets,
chandeliers, &c., to which we call the at
tention Id'our readers.
lineunt.te.o: primary electione will
Ict in Erie county on the 25th.
Mn. Wm. CRAWEORD, one of the oldest
citizens of Cnionlown, died last Friday.
A NEW Masonic Hall was dedicated in
Waterford. Erie amnty, on St. John's day..
Tun hotels in Indiana have reopened
and have increased their charges fifty per
FIT: new hotel at Downingtown was .
burned last week. Involving n lost; of over
fifty thousand dollars.
Mn. 01:o. K. AxpEnioN monopoliw
ils Titusville Heraki just CIOW in quite an
gotistical manner. —Thursday morning
here were seven or eight articles nn him
his jaurnai.
SANIrEc lismitstni, id Washington
was flung from his horse on Ssturday and
badly hurt, as the beast tramped on him,
injuring his head severely, but it is lie.
tiered nm .ssriously.
WASZLVETTUS • cousr Republicans
have nominated. Mr. D. M. Letherman, of
West Bethlehem township, and Mr. \Vm.
A. Mickey, of Hopewell towieddp, for the
Lelfislature, and Mr . J. E. Bell for Sheriff;
WAS/lINIITON county Republicans hare
instructed their Congroorional: coatereen
to vote for ('rapt. J. B. Donnelly foi ,Cop.
grew. The Democrats of that county
hold their convention on llondaYihe 27th.
Is Waterford, • Erie county, the work.
men engaged on the street, a few days
ago, dug up some more bones, the remains
of human akelitons. The supposition le
that theseloones are the relics of soldiers
t the war of 18111 i
Mug. li.txziAtt LONGAR ER, of Barnes.
town, Chester county, committed uninten
tional suicide, by pouring oil from a can
nimit a fire she was lighting. Atter the
insumerablo terrible ..wcarnings it does
seem singular (bat no many accidents still
us Una boat club of Erie is composed
of fashionable young ladles , who exhibit
nortigns of that elegant lascittide cod
weakness attributed so frequently to that
class of women by people who know noth•
Mg of them. They have just procured
an elegant new barge and dubbed It -km
stAN named Cropsey. of Elmira, was
drowned in au oil tank. at liouseville. on
Wedneaday 61 last awl:. lie went into
the tank for the purpose of recovering , an
augur which he had dropped in the day
before. and was overcome by the gnu be.
lore he could extricate himself_ He wan
a lawyer ; by
O, Thurailai Lista man M. drowned
e Youghiogheny at the mouth of
Hun. lie waa a French Canadian
and was employed on the' railroad.. He
wiucout Tiding ina logger. and getting
into a kind of a whirlpool caused by two
eddy currents, the boat was capsized and
the poor fellow sank before his friends on
shore could reach hint.
It -Weatmorelazd Republican nnm'
nations ATP Ng follows: Congress, (subject
to derision of 'etinferees) Jao. A. Logan;
Assembly, A. M. Fulton; Prothontary, Eli
Chambers. (:lambent; t'lerk of Courtu,
W. Newlneyer; uty Cfnumisuioner.
finales Rarnuey; County Cooithifedoner,
Burnett Thomas. Auditor, Hiram Jelfrien,
Poor" House Director, Jacob fietterney,
Tur oldest irmin in Connelleville. is
Gins. Heil. who him reached the remarka
ble age of 108 . paint. She Callb• to the
linnet country and crossed the Youghio
gheny river on her way to the old Union
Furimce, when there was not a house
where Connellaville • now stands. She
liv'es with her daughter, Mrs. John Shot
lenberger, mad is in the enjoytn of good
Mr: clreenville Argersitays: A and acci
mtent occurred In Pardee's coal mine, bolew
Mercer. ou Imt Friday afternobn, which
ra•volltral in time Notalgien death of a. miner.
named David J. Davie lie tan " hclpiaQ
to lift • rim upon the track, when it • oe
.easaved tOlairo Vitit the roof over his head
was not safe, and jmt .6n- Le vv.. , veeetoe•
up to sound It, a plees of 'slate, Weighing
about four hundred pounds. fell down
upon his head, killing hini almoort
THE Raftsman's Journal says From
the Lock (raven llrpoUkan we learn that
owing to the sudden rise in the river on
Monday week, thelumber that went adrift
at that place in estimated at 9,000,000 feet
of logs, besides seventy-five rafts of
sqnare timber. Abbut 8,000,000 feet of
10gs alto went adrift at Williamsport.
The loss sustained by the lumbermen is
very heavy, notwithstanding much2,lothis
timber will be gathered up along the
river below.
Punzuatawney )4,1 eater says:
On Tuesday evening Mr. John NV. Cony,
residing about a mile and a quarter cast
of this bin' ough. committed suicide by
shooting himself. All the family were out
at the time, and did dot hear the report of
the ride. It appears he had taken the
kettle from the stove, and placed the lock
of the gun, half cocked,- over the blaze.
resting the piece on a chair, and, in a sit
ting posture, held tEe muzzle to his fore.
head, when it wu discharged. the ball
lodging in the brain and producing in
stant death. Mr. Corey was about 68
years at age, a quiet and respectable citi
zen, but for some time pant had.been in a
temporary state of insanity or melanctici
iv, which was doubtless the cause of the
main act.
Tut..tniontown Genius give 4 the fol- I
lowing cheering mountain news, which
will be appreciated by persons intending
to spend the summer there, •• ' ' '
"Several very large rattlesnakes were
killed in Wharton township during hot
week. Joseph Stark killed a very large
one in his corn field, and a large one was
killed near the residence of Hervey - Mar
rim.- 3lr. MeSerahan killed an unusually
large one on his hum, and a blacksnake,
about eight feet long. dtrthe farm adjoin
ing. Eustace Ritenour, a boy alonut
twelve years old, was hoeing corn in a
field' near the 'National road, in - Wharton
township, last Saturday, when he heard a
:stnange noise in theyrdofia,•near the field.
1•11 e determined to ascertain the cause, and
went in the direction of the place ' from
whence it came, when, to his great aston-
ishment, he discovered two wildcats en.
gaged in a deadly oonfilct. Not wishing
to take a hand in the fight,he beat a hardy
retreat, and wan unable to tell how leter.
mimed. • ,
The Franklin Citizen says: '
'Haynes' Well, located directly on the
point of the hilhaboce the J. & F.Raflroad
bridge, Isliroduring fear ,bFirels per ,day.
This is a dew &Mks, and is thi , lemly veil
on the Point in which rasing is used.
'the McNair Well,' on the Mina Fano,
Went Hickory. ill' now producing about
200 barrels of, oil per r ilayi •Jiec & Thames,
thin city, own'a leas e of telt 11(141110join
ing thin well, down about 400 feet.
Thomas offered $ll,OOO for the one fourth
interest in this lease;
. ,
• Great activity "prevails in Went Hickory
and throughout Forest county to TiOriePiA.
Numerous wells are 7 going down on all
the (aims therealxruta. - . ;
The Genf and 2dckene Cell. up on the
Shaw farm, struck one wee • mince,
his steadily increased,. to log barrels per
day, The ovrneni after several veers of
bard work and -during wldch ; theY have
•nerer realized ate dollar on former invest
ments. ham at last met with this deeent-•
ed 'meccas, Dame Fortune having: raicket.
rd right out" on them at the eleventh
hour. •
The 'lt. h. Shaw feria' at: Rouoeville is
one of the best farms the oil regions ever
produced. Its territory hr. not more - than.
half developed; yet the production in.
creases steadily and is. now not lege than
425 barrels per, day, and a bons tide offer
was recently made of $lOO,OOO. fors one
eighth interest. : -
The old llunkidori well, on the Egbert
farm, started up a few , weeks ago, is now
pumping 20.barrela of oil a day. The Co.
qaette well is yielding- from fire to ':en
Barrels. • •
A. new well was struck on the indepen
dent tract, near Shamburg, '
short time
no. It is owned by H. Spear ; and ln
yielding 100 barrels per day.
The. Forest Bekublitan says:, Ott the
Wilkins farm, the is prcaluc.
tug from 240 to 950 barrels per day). and a
lane number of well', are being rapidly
pv!s4oo torengd, - •
I By Telegraph to the Pittshurghbezette.l
..LIMERICK. June 2.l.The pollee yeateZdoS
found a quantity of loaded bombs to on 11130C
mipted house. The nwner of the preMiset
was arrested.
trianOrt. June 2.1.--The Gat .infe.orh lest
night subsided before midnight and the eify
Quiet to-day. A. large force of special COSl
iodides is on duty. Several rioters base been
seotencefi to the severest penalties of the law.
Reading citizens of Edinburg have decided
to build a hospital to perpetuate the memory
of %be late Sir James Toting SlroPsort. 1 .;,1 1) ,
discoverer - of the ausesthetical propertied
PAXIS. June 24.—The Sriptil Nuncio har
ing, by order, of the Pope, Published
answers to the addresses sent from
-France to Rome in regard to the Ecu.
menlcal Council, the . Minister of Foreign
Affairs hoe Informed the. Nuncio that he Is
considered as an ambassador and exceeds
his functlons in replying to such addresses.
The ancla In resp not
e. regret. the ItTegii
laxity &Ad promises ot to repeat It.
The banquet given last Bight bytinited States
Consist General Head to Prevost Parodal was
a brilliant affair end a graceful compliment to
the now Minister: • Among thoseironeitt mere
the Setreterieit of the American Legation. Dr.
Emus. Means. Bowles. Belch and, other well
known American residents.
The Council of Ministers have pronounced
Princes granting fierailsslon to the Orleans
to return to France. • • •
Tram. Junurs.—The Ottlist Junta repudl
tes with InSignsifou the purpose attributed
to It of reAorlng the Meals Mon in Bilaln.
ILtnarp. June 24.—Spain has joined En g land
and Hollandlathe expedition now ogan
izing for the extermination of pirates In
The Cortez adopted no decree of amnesty
before adjourning . , hat left authority with
the government to proclaim general amneetY
at *rich time an they might deem It expedient.
.sm7rii AIIEMICA
Lpinoa. June `,.4.—The regular mall steamer
from Ilio Janeiro has arrived. The treaty be
tween the allies and the Paraguayan govern
ment had not yet been signed.
The bill recently, Introduced is the Brazil
Chambers foe thektrolition of slavery makes
free all children olslaces - born after the pas
sage of the act.
. a,triTlal
Vmps. June P4.--In Styria twelve Cler
ical, six Liberal and four Sclare csudtdatel
have bee* girdled-M.oe 'Diet,' and , MOMNiI2
has elected sectliCanstitatinaalistaand tmen
tr-threo candidates of the Tscheck party,
LONDON, June:l-4,-111e Flungsrinn lllsboo
have reconsidered their Intention of quitting
Rome In event of the proelamntion of Pap
Am3r3in.oax,3nrie ti.—The Bank of Holland
has reduced Its minimum rate of discount to
three per cent . •
(XEminOws. lone 21.—The otekniqM
Java. from New York, for Lirerpool, has a
rived. '
PLYMOUTH. Jona 94.—The steamship Kett
phallo. from New tort for fintoburg. has or
LONEkt:F. .mine 24. -Mr. Aslibury'r rich
Cambria left Cow., today for queenttosen
the starting point for the trans-oceanic roe .
with the Sappho on the 4th of idly.
. ,
mone77•.lClik; on account, Wien American
securities quiet; W. MN: Wt. SO`,.• 'Ft, AN:
Teo-Forties. a; Ac. title:. Illinois.
Atlantic and Great Western, 31. 'Stocks Arm.
Ltenneont. June 21.—Cotton dull and •
regular: middling upLands 10410%,d. New Or- ;
le:testi:o4olo d; ealee of :(0) mice for
the week t.1.101 - bales; exports 6.000 bales;
4.10.1 balm , : stock 642.10) bales:
American 4G3010: quantity afloat • FLOOR
American 10400. (.I,llforntlerbiee , Wleast itY
oat red
esternstern No.ttitst w ` ter ea Mena 01.
w Hour 040 34, Corn— o. ..!nit fled 310
GA. Onto* 0. Ni. ItlrtryPr-ns pn.. Re
ceipte of. wheat for the Rt.! 3 tlay, :r01.4
ju.ar_terS; American 31,000.1 Pork bets ed.
Irr tat tWrgtret..'W... . I MT.!
Losocci, June 24. nos e W. ttpena
oil d
u ll
at at 401. Sugar 31. ilde.,Mt. W. bole
011 dull at 375. Petroleum dull at lsela ld.
Calcutta linseed 630 Acit.r.t. Linseed oil 311
fe1e131.10 , 1. Spirits turpentine dull at 30.41.
Ms IL Manchester market henry. Hops
quiet at AsWis
Pants, June 24.—Bourse closed Arm at
FRANKTOST, June 24.—Honda Arm.
ANTWMP. Jme 24.—Petroleurn quiet and
Y. M. C. A
International eensnolou at leitenapolls.
[By Thieveoh to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
Ixotstbtroms. June 24.—The Convention
NMI called to order at nine o'clock. After do
[lona exercises and the reading of the role- •
utes. several resolutions and communications
were presented and referred.
A resolution for the appointment of a week
of prayer elicited ronsidertible dismission.
and it wee gnallr decided la recommend a
week trhen other arrangement. Were not
made by mutton, and churches.
A reeolutlonwu discussed and adopted in
effect that mealtimes, hes...ken by this Leuven
tioe to secure pernaleslon from the various
railroad companies to attach to each passen
ger soars such boxes as mar be appropriate
In which to depoelt nide religious reading.
The afternoon sent= Was opened with
prayer by Her: J.P . Meeting.
A reeolution against the opening of library
and reading room, on Sunday. and another In
favor of annual Corm ont ions. were presented
and referred to the Committee. •
A letter from a. brother on :the subject of
colored members was' read and referred to
the Committee.
The Committee on Asßoelstiorta. to which
was referred the resolution offered by Mr.
Edwin of Brooklyn. New York. to the effect
that the control of our Associations should be
left entirely In the hands of the young mein
beet of the same. recommend the adoption of
the following resolution Instead:
/footrest, That we deem It adeleable to leave
this matter to the several Associations. to act
as •elrettmetenclm and surromidings may re
The Committee also recommend theadoption
or, the muestlolll, offered 1a resolution by A.
IC:'Ppencer. of .the University of Michigan et-
Ann Arbor. as
Beaufo That title Convection halls with
joy the organisatloe In some -of our Amide-
Mies and College. of Associations. and com
mend t hie feaure of thrwork In behalf of the
young men ou tAmetica,and hope that these
Association* may be plented wherever prac
ticable is our Academies. College. and Uni
versities. and that -we urge especially to such
societies already existing that they seek to
extend their work In tide Important Geld.
The report wan concurred Wised the resold.
Bons adopted.
The next business was the comiderethm of
the subject. “The Amociatlone of America are.
not simply Isolated and Orennlietbees enter
ml le-local work. but charged else with the
duty of a large and Important,
in the
flavior's name for each other and for the
young men of tar whole Contlant."
The discuselon Woe oppokedits a 'Sacco min
utes' speachby HOD. C.Ctranaris Of I.SeW York.
followed bi , :tbe Item Mr. MilMe.iof Unix'
siße.dri avers" 41.1USIStAndttel eslrring Mee
militates' speech; at thb -closed •Whien'lL T.
Miller rose, clUDiag Mr. Malde by the hand,
and the whole Cm:irritator. -Tieing mug the
hymn •Ttlemed be the tic AM
miller than Jed In fervent Wafer to for
bleesinge as the brethren la the South. and for
meet.. of the work In all erections, of the
'- After - this three delegates from the Young
Concerto Allonelatios of.lndbulatodie were
Introduced. They wore made corresponding
delegatee. This APIOchtLIOI Is composed of
toys from eight to dxteeo yule old. It was
ISOZAnixed one year eye by Ayr boys in It gar.
and now numbersabout seventy-five mem
ber*. The 2rennltatiou hoe been the means
of doing a ,urge amount o f good in relieving
the ',Offering and dominate rung he poor
chndren of the city.
Col. James Blake, the °Tiled Sabbath school
teacher of Indianapsdis wan elected oorrek.
winding member of the convention and halt
mit° a Ma Oa the photon., endelbrlelly ad
dressed the convention,
The next order of busineas was the ,diming
of the question drawer. A tante umber of
important questlima were naked and replied
to by Me Barney of N.V.. Hell of Washington.
Miller of Cincinnati, woody of Chicago.
...Bergen of Baltimore, Report of 'Philadelphia,
land of Boston and'othere. •
:Following this the Subject. •Ibe importance
of embracing German men in our " Inns for
mad =eaol..ta,...l.tiona hate ixtlgtcrirr:;
made; nod the best i ldts teethe further prose.
cutlon of the work. • was take* up• and elo
quently dlecusedlar Rue Mr. Btackenbarg,
of Pittsburgh, Mr. Weldsali, of Louie. and
Cot Ray, ,undiesalcolls. - •
The Academy of Mule wet crowded again
to-night. 7tretOple Bre dISCIWIMit WU 'The
leading of Young Ke a to the Saviour bow is
It best accoltildldr Bezefilet and eloquent
were roadebyliev. Mr. Belton. of
Cleveland. Rev. idalou. Loulartile. Shedd
Thomas. of Ontario,of Brooklyn,
and number of Whets. The NT*. Wh e re
do you journaT." solo, duet and chorus,
Bang with great effect by_Mlsa Chester. Of
Cincinnati. and H. Thane Muter. The, entire
assemblr jolped In.the chorus.
Another large- m eet ing wan held at the
Third Preslytertan Church,. at which D. to
Moody. of unieegirprasided. Miss IdoPhar
*um of London, land, formerly mission
ary to the dens o vice and wickedness In
that City, addressed this muting. '
The weather Is tateeeely hot. Thertsoine
ter SO dames In the shade 10-07. • - •
(Immo NiamoNJ
ALcIiTE: Cabah. Bololutious Furiber
nAidere4l Tax-Tariff Bill Re-
Ineome Tax Sections Strock
041, and Ftirther Action Postponed
t ill Monday-Nat y A pproprlat ions—
Additional Representathin In Forty.
st4!ond Congress. ROUSE: Georgia
ItAtoratlon,lllll Passed.
. .
Ihy Trtegraph 14 the ?Ittaburgh Unzet le.') •
lA' ASSIItaTOS: June 24, in.,: -
- - FSATE:
Mr; WI \ .
SON reported with amendments the
Army Appropriation bill. ' ..
Alan, tha bill toithe fella!' or tha National
H....eateaal at Oeityalaire for orphans of mol.
die and sailors..
SC.llloEllt reported a Joint resolution for
the turn to the Ciovernment of China of the
una• , roprlated earplug of ISOO,OOI currency.
Lett, part of -the Inun received from that
con ry for the mattlement of claims of Ameri
can—alai—A _under the Convention of 186 a.
Mr.ltlAriTNuced at:4llln dissolte the
tribal' relations lit the 'Miami Indians after
four 3eers.and fog other purposes. Referred.
Dille were Innen! declaring the bridge 13e
tweenTniladelphla and Camden a post ro
authorizing this IMMOUapproptinted In ISe
`yennedeyof the Isthmus of Darien to be ex
nadar tin direction of the War or
Navy Department. at the discretion of the
President; designating December rat h. Janua
ry July 4th and Thanksgiving Day R?I legal
holidays In the District of Columbia.
Mr. lIAMSRY re-Introduced his hill to es
tablish tress-atienticpostal telegraph service
by dmeticen cables. -
Mr, MORRILL. (Vt.) front the Committee on
Finance. reported favorably the bill to re
quire national basks going into liquidation to
retire their circulating notes.
Mr. FiritlYEß called up the resolutions re
ported on Thursday as a substitute for the
, House resolution op Cuban affairs.
• Mr. THURMAN said the substitute of the
committee Scot merely grandiloquent
tic. which failed to extend one iota of nid to
Cuban patriots. tt was a simple ant i-slavetY
declaration. whichatight with equal proprie
ty be addressed to many other governments
besides Spain. and he prefermi to speak di
rectly to the point—to say to in she ought
to recognize Cubed independence:. instead of
making an argument upon theory.
Mr. CASSF-IlLir. member of the Committee
on Foreign Relations. was not prepared to
soy to the Spanish Government that we un
derstood one better the merits of the slaserY
question In Cuba than did that' govern-
• • .
At the expiration of the morning hour th
subject was laid Over.
the Tax
The Sen
and ate
Tari bled.res the consideration of
The actions to continue the income tax
were stricken out—yeas 34, nays
row—licars. - Abbott. Amen, Anthony.
Bayard, Buckingham, Cameron, Carpenter,
exactly. Cole. Quailing', Corbett: Davis, Fen
ton. Ferry, Fowler,-Cillbert. Hamilton
Harris. Johnsten,Hellogg. MoCreery. McDon
ald. Ctsborn. Pomeroy. llobertson, baulsbury.
Scott, Steirart. Sumner, Thurman, Trambell,
Vickers. Wilson nod Yates.
Nap—Messrs. Barman, Drownlow, Chan- t
tilers Drage. Hattalln_, Harlan, Howard. Howe.
Howell. Morrill. (Me.) Morrill. • iVt.) Mor
ton, Pratt. Partisay. Rice, Roe,. Schurz.
Sherman. Sprague, Thayer. Werner. Willey
and Tcwhma. .
Mr. Lewis, Mains/ the tsnn, Mae paired with
Mr. Spencer. In fayar.
Mr. SHERMAN asked a rote upon the
sections continuiag the Income tax on divi
dends and corporations. but subsequently
asked to bare the bill postponed till -Monday
next, to give the Finance Committee oPPor ,
tunlty to consult. The or. or revenue In
*aired in the rejection of the income tax
would hare to be made up by the restoration
of other taxes: He thought It also necessi
tated the toting down of the tariff part. Ile
Was apprehensive of the final defeat of • the
bill In consequenee of the rote Just taken.
The !louse hartag Poised the' modified in -
I route tax
the like l y
by any eventhreagr e es e.
would not be likely in
Its total abrogattnia.
Mr. CONKLIN°, frhm what bud been said
by members or elm! House, felt confident the
decision of the Sante. on the uestion
not Le serlotalg OlSPow'd in th e Hoow ,
Mr. WILLL4.SIa, -nod others favored the
strikingout of the tariff sections and the sub
stitution of a limited free lint, which appear
ed to meet with Mane favor.
'rhe gea &tot the bill were discus;
sod upon
o n IT prera
•ot sterra o'clock the NiVal appropriation
bill WAN taken up.
' Vt;7y " ;:e... r2 el;it
the p an ran a n
ny and adowances. reureeteot nrst pro.'
motion of °nicer., Mt the number in each
`Slinititri Was then repotted to the Senate
from the Committee.
Mr. HARLAN Introduced a bill_ for addi
tional representation in the forty-second Con
gress._ It provides that In any Slate in which
the representative population of the ninth
census shall exceed BOJO?) or more than, that
of the preceding census. there may be one
additional representative In the forty-second
Congress for each Bil,ooo of such excess, and
for such fraction thereof exoeeding
The littatesore to be notified ne to the addl.
. . .
flaunt number as soon as the census returns
are in, and. units otherwise directed by a
State,' such representative shall be elected on
the aenend ticket..
The Senate. after Executive ~ession, took
retell,. •
Mr. POTTER, from the Committee on Com
merce, reported back the Senate bill to amend
the act authorizing the 'Secretary of the
Treasury to license pleasure yacht'i: passed.
'The consideration of the Georgia bill wag
'resumed. the discussion- lasting till three
o'clock, when the House proceeded to rote on
the bill and amendments.
The first vote mason the amendment offered
by Mr. Dickey to that offered by Mr. Farns
worth, to strike out the words In the year.
ig:U." so that Mr. Famsworth's amendment
should read. "but nothing in this act contained
rhnll he
m eorgtothe at ohlP:oeenf
of the General Assembly of said
State, as provided for In the
said State.'
Mr. Dickey's amendment Was agreed to-121
to 71.
The. nett vote was taken on Mr. Pains.
wanth'n amendment as amended, end It was
!c r g ' e d en t ienTl . m " en 100. ft ‘ e a r r ed as i.y Mr. Lawrence.
Imigoing conditions In regard to suffrage and
school rights and privileges. woe rejected.
The next question was on the substitute
offered tor Mr. Dawes substitute.
It seas agreed to without a division.
. . .
The bill now stands to follows. Avithout the
Steno: , 1. Belt enacted. he.. That the State
of Georgia, having compiled with the recon.
Ar r ge ° s u or erd a me l.7 n n t s .fjolge " Crn ' t i ttttl i tgrol
the United States having been ratified In
good faith by a legal legislature of sold State,
it hereby declared that the State of Georgia
ht entitled to representation in the Congress
of the United States; but nothing In this act
contained shall be construed to deprive the
people or Georgie
the General
right of an election
for members of the General Assembly of said
State, as provided for In the Constitution of
sold State.
SEC.!. That to macho( the net entitled "an
act making nopropriations for the nupport of
the nrmy for the year ending June a(1.1&18. and
f a o s r i,Witi p t:Te l' O ' rint - nVerTi v o ' n d 4 ' lC 2d antly . P6 o 7 ;
cal Mg Into nervier of the militia forces of
titntes ofGeorgia,- Mississippi, Tenon and
Virginia be and the same Is hereby repented.
Vuate an episode occurred between Mr. Ran
doll and Mr. Dotter. The former charged. the
.•• . - .
latter with going to the (infix office and pro
curing the omission of certain' words of a
personal - nature from Ids (Mr.
subject bras
marks a few days since. The antdect was re
feferred to the Committee on links.
. . .
The Speaker Renounced Messrs. Garfield,
Jones, of Kentucky, and Shields, of Lousi•
ana, as a Commltte of.conferen ce nit the our
rency lilt .
A large number of pension bills were re
ported and acted span.
Mr. PAINE presented a memorial of the
Milwaukee ,Cbitmber of Commerce for the
. • • ..
completion of the breakwater at Buffalo.
Mr. SAWYlift introduced o bill for the im
provement of water emiummicatiop between
the Nlisalasippl and ,the lakeg via the liiiscon.
sin river. Referred.
Forty-Ts oof the Veteran. VDU Old Von Prigs
•And are fland.ately Entenalued,
illy Telegraph to the Pittaburgh Gazette.]
Torltal, June 24.--FortrAwo. veterans of
the war of DMZ chiefly froas-Kentucky, ar
sired from Motorail Int evening at Perry.
burg, where they were received and enter
tained until morning. About ante o'clock this
morning a processionwas formed, the veter
111111 in carriages, and marched to old Fort
Mel"s, a mile up the river, where they were
received and welcomed by Major • Tyler, Col.
Martell Todd , Of General Harrison's staff. re
sponding. The old soldier; spent imam time
in examining the grounds. seeking for old and
familiar points.
About twelve o'clocx the procession was
again formed and proceeded enroll, the river
to Maumee city, where they were cordially
received by the entire population, the streets
being decked with banners and Bowers. A
dinner was furnished at the American Hotel,
after which all proceeded to a glove near by.
where the veterans • were arranged on
a platform. in the presence of - n vast
concourse of people, and formally wet
coaled by the Her. Mr. Chardson, to
the name of author - Ith* and citizens, Colonel
Todd apd Dr. Gaither., of Cincinnati. re
manding o l l e behall ogtmettsaeut . e .d aar e
asamablag and Hon. 31. 11. Walla. larbahall of
Mrs.l. . HD. ted the retain= tO visit
Toledo mad accept the hoimitaUtica of the
Oliver 'House.
The eirerctsee at the stand being Closed.
Use soldiers again took eartinsma, and pro
ceeded tit a steamer, arriving in Toledo it six
P. x., when they proceeded to the Oliver
House and partook ofsapper, after which
they were recetved by Yrs Hall la the parlors.
ttralMast of them left for Claclonzil by the night
Another Cabinet Ch age—Certain Re
tirement• of Mr. Fish, Settetar) of
Stale—Mr. Motley, Minister to Eng
,. 1/nd, to he Removed—Mr. Fish Like
to be Ills Sneressor—kttorney
lien- Alerman Not let indneted Into
Office—Address of Democratic Con
gressmen to their Constituents—
Nominations Consideral
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
WASHINGTON, June 24. 18741.
A New York Tribune special says: The
speedy withdrawal of Secretary Flab from
the Cabinet is no longer a subject of doubt..
and . there are the best reasons • for the state
ment.ihat the acceptance of his resignation
will be Insisted upon as soon as the name of
his successor is chosen. The President is
anxiously eroding about for a suitable person
*ol:restore the high office upon, and as soon as
this point Is Nettled Secretary Fish will retire
and his name be sent to the Senate for confir
mation as Minister to England, displacing Mr.
Motley, to be removed. it Is reported that
Mr. Motley has not met the expectation. or
the Administration In his dealing w Eng
land, and that he has not carried oat . In n
vigorous manner, the Instructions he received
from-time to time from the Adminlatration
regarding the I n nam claims. The rn
toFish's name this connection supp sed ,
to foreehndow a more positive policy.
President Grunt recently mentioned to er
marl Senntors that he Intends to reinove Mr.
Motley, Minister to England, as soon as a a tit
able SuCcessor be found. During the conver
sation the President inchlentalis mentioned
the fact that when lie formed his Clarinet,
having selected A. T. Stewart for Secretary
oI the Treasury, he Intended to offer to Mr.
Fish the mission to Eugland. buttnat after
he had, for well - known reasons. with
drawn from the Senate the nomination of Mr.
Stewart, and Mr. WasiMume had been trans
ferred to the French mission. he tendered the
Secretary of Statestilp to Mr. Fish, 'who re , . -
Inciatitl accepted the position, but consented
to occupy It at least tenmormily. While
there is no question that Mr.' Fish can now
hare the mission to England, if he should so
desire H. it Is equally true that no scoots
have passed between the President nod Mr.
Fish. noon t he subject.
The commission of CoLtAkennan, Attorney,
General, will ant be Issued for several days:
tits friends say they have reusons to,belleve
he will not qualify for a month to come, until
which time Judge Hoar will continue to dis
charge the tint ken of the since:
At the Cabinet meeting to-tiny the Atto,
ney General wits represented by Jung. , Field.
Hr. Alterman, by imitation. from the rrni
dent. called during the session and was per
sonally introduced to the members of the
Cabinet present. He took .no part in the pro
ceedings, however.
The Democratic members of Congress have
appointed a Committee and Issued an address,
advising their political friends in the States to
be particular In the selection of candidates
for Congress--those of the South to be men
who, if elected, can take the ,required oath.
Information is also given of the fact that one
third of the num her of 'United Staten Senator;
are soon to be elected by the State Legisla
tures. Therefore they call upon the Deno,
crsts toudopt , suitable means to secnre the
election of the largest pomade number there
of In view of the fact.
The following nomiontiona were sent in to
day: Joules It. Root, of KSIISAIV, Envoy ex
traordinary. and Minister Plenipotentiary to
Chill; E. Stanislanit Goofier. Consul to *NB , .
!lasi len: Joseph C. Bennett, of Kans.. Con
sul at Chihuahua: Charles T. Goshatn, of
Michigan; Minister to the Bayne. •
The Senate to-day eananned Mr: Pollock as
rolleetor of Internal Hew.[Me for the Find
nM t ldarylaroVf.oVgin L =.
and Ella, o.ltruner. or Maryland. no Commit:,
. . .
.ri .
-en tirt.
One of th.• Situntors oppose to the Son Dot
ming° treaty tays his inquin x and observa
tions itatisfy him that thlrty-ljne Senators are
pp,...... se... • .
. .
. . . .
The Premldent toAla3 - otigned the act to pay
141yal citizen. to State% lately In rebellion for
aervice. In taking. the °rut. In IS)).
The beeretary of the . Treaßut7 has directed
he payment of the July Interest on and after
hr ttth Wet.. without rebate. •
Further Reilnetlon or Railroad Pas
senger Fare—The Workmen's Union
and Chinese,Labor—lntense
nation and Immoderate Speech:—
Transfer of :Peal and Iron Lands
Declared Vold.
us Telemph to the Pittehorgb Gazette-1
Nicer roox, June 24.1870.
The rival competing railroad lines announce
farther reductions - in first class .passenger
fare. to take effect to-day- The Pennlylrania
Central and Great Southern Mall Route have
adopted the annexed list of prices, and the
Erie & Neer York Central are expected to fol
low at once. The price of tickets to Memphis,
Tenn., 1s reduced from ClB.,Sfi to put % 'Kan
sas City from $44,16 to Kit: tjulney tO $23:
Cairo. Dr.. $31.1/ to $a 1 .85; St. Louis $ 34 . 5 0 to
S.I:M; Indianapolis WI to $l7. Slmilar reduc
tion,' are agreed upon for through tickets to
all other points in the west.
At the meeting of the Workmen's Union is,
night the Introduction of Chinese labor Into
the country was forcibly denounced as a con
tinuance of slavery, and the Massachusetts
men were decked slavers. deserving the pun
ishment of death. Nelson W. l flung Was
present and explained the evils resulting from
cheap labor. and another speaker advocated an
appeal in. force, saving if the Government
could not keep the (blamer out, the Govern.
• meat should be removed, and all were annul.
mous In demanding from Congress such meas
ures as would put n stop to the Importation
of Chinese. Resolutions to this effect were
adopted and several speakers urged that if
this failed recourse should be had Warms. A
mass meeting of working men to protest
against the importation and employment of
Chinese will be held Thursday .evenlng next.
Judge Blatdhford has declared null nod sold
a transfer by one Edwards of a conveyance of
coal and iron lands to the Kanawha and Ohio
Coal Company. a Now York corporation, ex
cept so far as It covers his Individual rights
se a stockholder In the Kanawha Coal Com
pany of Virginia. Edwards received r.150,-
WU in New. York Central E. IL stock for his
transfer. The rase goes to a referee for ad
justment. .
A Philadelphia Ann has snedone of the
mercantile agencies for libel In SIOO,COD for
publishing their 'names as bating failed, be
cause they failed to subscribe to the agencY•
The Court of Appeals affirmed the Judffrnela
In the cage of John Real, under sentence a
death for the murder of officer Smedlch.
[Bt Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
iIAIXESTON. June 21.—The Senate passed the
House mllltia.bill, lb too. Previous to the
rote thirteen or the Conservative Senators
bolted and Were bron,cht back by the Sergeant
nt-Arms and lire of them released to make a
quorum, and then the bill passed. Eight Sen
ators nee still under arrest. There is great
Indignation expiTssed against the bill and at
the manner of its passage.
A newspaper correspondent has been - ex
pelled for nailing the wife of Oor. Davis and
other females lobbyists.
The bill giving the Governor power to k nn
point all civil racers, and another to organize
a State- pollee of which the Governor Shall
have the appointment, will doubtless pass.
riper Riven.
ty P. at A. Um.]
Elttowssvict.e. June 2l.—ltlver stationary - ,
with three and a half feet of water In the
channel. Weather clear. Thermometer 88 at
P. w. • •
Ou. erne'. June N.—River at a stand, with
seventeen Inches of water in the channel.
Weather clear , Thermometer 84 nt BP. u.
I'hllMsphln tinagrendonal
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
was to-night nominated for Congress by cit
izens of the Fourth Illittict, ; without distinc
tion to party. to onimeltiotrto Hon. IN. D.
Losdirr . UM.
Ygntst tux, Jane LL—Gageng Min demand
with sales good tinn two ponnd at Sic. Cot
ton unchanged: middling at Sic. Fl 340.•
Grain and Groceries nnehntigedand_ pol e d re
main at yesterdays ynotetloes. wh4ty
sales 21:1 hbds at rattier ftliesprtneti,
" I. ° , ga being mid for frosted to-t0 00
New Oessams, June' ?Ad-Flour quiet with
Wes of 'walla, at Pab for doubleastaw. and
I =t B .l 2 :4lll4. 4hawed .ltur treble extra. Other articles
Magni, ung. • .
VOL. LXXXV.-7-NO. 146.
—Fiftr-t .rholars graduated at the Cin
cinnati High Schoola yesterday.
—The harvest in the southern part of lilt
noia la nearly over. The yield trill be more
than an average one. •
Dover. Delaware. yesterday. Edward
Donnell. colored, was executed for the mur
der of John Hagan. in March.
—The report that an Indictment had been
found against Bailey, the defaulting New
York city Collector, la denied.
burned to death last
.evening by endeavoring to start tire with
cnal oil.
—ft. Nialahan, while in the bottom of a well
twenty-two feet deep, at Cedar Rapida,loirs,
Thursday morulngoran burled alive by the
- well caving In.
—A report comes from Decatur, 1111nols,that
a young gentleman living in t hot MIT W. fa
tally .hot by n entirterrin nn Wednesday.
Nameawithhold. •
—Geo. Peebles, and of resident of Water
town. Wis., e'ac instantly killed at Columbus
yesterday morning while Jumping off the oars.
The tram passed over elm.
—Lieut. Gen. Sheridan returned to Chicago
Yesterday morniug from a tour of inspection
extending from Salt Lake to Fort Benton and
Pembina. returning via St. Patti.
—The NationaPDivisiou of the Sons of Tem
perance closed Its annual session at Newark.
yesterday. The Order now numbers
1,870 divisions and 87,22 S members.
—The residence of Elijah George, near Clin
ton, Henry county, Wisconsin. was burned
foe nights since, and three of Ills sons per
ished In the flames; two of them were twins.
—Lathrop's elevator. two blacksmith shops,
livery vt nble of Stunner & Bossenger. several
dwelling holm, and carpenter shops were
burned Thursday night at Racine, Wisconsin.
Loss t 23,000. •
—Andrew Stafford. Mall agent between Bal
timore and Philadelphia; has been arrested for
robbing the mails. He admitted his guilt and
Is committed to await the action of the grand
Jury at Baltimore.
—Private admires from Andrew G. Curtin.
American Minister at St. Petersburg, speak
encouragingly of his expected entire restora
tion to health. He accompanies the Czarand
'Prince Uortschakolf to the swarm springs of
—The Corner Stone of the Rhode Island Sol
diers and Sailors monument seas laid at Pro,
idenee yesterday afternoon by the Free Ma
sons. in pursuance of an imitation of the Gen
eral Assembly. The entire Masonic body of
the State was in line.
At New York, yesterday, warrants were
issued fort New,
arrest of It. it. West. President,
Henry Galway. Superintendent and C. E.
Prescott,Attorney of the "Assoc iation for the
Prevention of Gambling," which has been
lately shown to be a swindling and black
mailing organization.
—lion. A. Campbell. delegate from Canada
to England, has power to detnand from the
Imperial Government all indemnity for toe
late Fenian raid, and ample protection against
future invasions. It is alto stated he to to
impress the importance of aiding In the con
struction of a railroad to the Pacific.'
The United States Grand Jury at Canan
daigua, New York. have presented indict
ments against the Fenian raiders Starr, of
Louisville, Ky.. Thompson, of Albany, anti
Mann', of Malone. separately, and one
against Thompson and Starr jointly. No
tither lonians were indicted. blare will be
tried on 'Monday.
• -The Episcopal Connell of the diocese of
Wiuonsln was held at Milwaukee on Thurs
day. The following new canon was reported by
the committee and adopted °E•rem commu
nicant of the church marrying outside of our.
communion. or married by any other than a
clergyman Drone church, shall stand pro facto
—Three:persons connected with the recent
case of men who went Shout London in wo
men's clothes hare died suddenly. Corres
pondents state that circumstances indicate
that poison had Leen called in to bailie jus
tice. Lord .Irtin Cleyton's friends believe
that he completed the tale of his misdeeds by
connuitting suicide. •
—The plow factory of George Fawcett S Co.,
',plnning mill end sash and blind factory of
Johnson 0 Co.. wood and smith shop belong
ing to J. - 13. Wing's wagon nod carriage fac
tory, and tools. materials and manufactured
goods belonging to each. M Farmington, 111..
were destroyed by fire on Thursday. Several
other buildings were more_or len injured.-
The total loss in $.13.0010, no Insurance.
Two won., on Thursday, in Forsyth
Mason county. Illinois, got into a quarrel.
when une struck the other with a bean pole.
-injuring her severely. .In - officer went to nr
rest the assail:int: she made no excuse to' go
to her room to change her clothes; in a few
oinutes the report of a gun was heard; the
fficer rushed to her room and fond berdead
on the floor, having shot herself. Names.not
—At Ite afe - r. - 17• f ..,...... ...-„rormarll Wien'
very generally observed ay the. Masonic fra
ternity. Abont two hundred Masons from
Cheyenne and vicinity arrived by special:train
at noon and took nat . ! In the laying of the cor
ner stone ut the new Colon depot. which - was
performed with Masonic ceremonies. to the
afternoon a grand pic-nic was held at the
fair grounds near the city. Business genet . -
etly• woa.ensasodod- • -
--Two professors and ten students - of the'
Cornell tinivertilty. New York, hare sailed for
wiMre they will spend slx months in
scientific explorations. The expedition Is
composed of Charier Frederick Rant. Pro
fessor of Get - doer, as Director. and A. N.
Prentess. Professor of Science. Assistant DI-
• • - • .
rector, with the following named special stu
dents of Science: Horace Rentinll, Secreta
ry, T. B. Colstock. Stenogrepher and Botan
ist; 11. li Smith, Geoloisti MB. ariebert, A.J.
Powers. 0. A. Derby. P. P. Stanton McDonald
and P. M. Johnson. Mr. Ralph Eldridge. Of
Boston, also accompanies the class as a volun
teer student. Prof. Hutt still enter Brazil at
Pan, and pursue his Investigations and stir.
rey of the country from the head of the Am
. azon to Pernambuco. It is Ms intention also
to make a careful storey of the tonal for the
Improvement of commerce.
Real Eclair Transfers.
The following deeds trace admitted of re
cord In thy °dice of Thomas H. Hunter, Re
corder for Allegheny county. Thursday, June
• •
Jas. B. Bonham to J. J. Creese, March 5,18;0;
fourteen acres of land in Moon lownsa
with buildings . .
Nicholas Voeghr to 0 Rudolph, et al.. May
10. 1610; eighty by ninety-eight feet on Spring
Garden avenue, Allegheny. with buildings.
0. Rudolph, et al., to M. Ifegmalr, May 1,
1070:same as above • $1.200
M. Hagenler to Frederick Stoehle, May 11,
1370 - came as above - 14000
John Herron to John 31. Bendier. October 13,
'mat Zee iota in Cassatt's plan, Reserve
Man A. Stay to Moses P. Walsh. April 18, 1811%
eighty-four by two hundred feet, Lower St.
Clair township $950
J. J. East to Carrie Seaman, March H. 11171;
two lets in East's plan, borough of Bellevue
Jam Gates, et al..' to illellerbach - Auth,
April 5. 18:0; forty-nine by one hundred feet
on Penn street, Pittsburgh, with, buildings.
James Marshall's executors to John Doyle,
April 20.13:0; thirty by sixty feet an Rail
road street, Pittsburgh, with buildings.
• .. • • • • $5,
John Dickson. et.. to Peter ... May 21, Pm: 000 .
three acre, in Versailles township.... MD
TirenaDay. June 24, 1570.
Thos. D. Updike trustees to R. S. Thompson,
May 21. 1610; '25 by Si feet on Sherman
avenue. Allegheny $l,BOO
Jan. F. Kenhahn to Geo.C. Lang, May H, 1870;
20 by 101 feet on Concord street, Allegheny
F. K. Alter to J. MePhllllmy; March with
ecres of land in Fawn township. with
M 1
810 Clancy to John Primrose, Marcrff,
1810: 01 by 110 feet on Webster . street. Alle
gheny. with buildings R • .,350
A. Ammon to Feed. Hartung, May 1,
i r49• SO
by 01 feet on Hamlin: alley, East Birming
ham. with buildings 91.400
S. T. Lonlie to (1. %%Jones, Hav 17,'187Ca
by 97 feet on Locust street, Allegheny, with
'buildings #2,500
1 . PROPERTY POIMPALE—In good location,
near to corner of Woo 4 street. a atorT Brick. Stops
10d Dwelling House of Di rooms and collar. No.
0 iocoott nventw. F s "r e p u riAliNtymlyto
jet,. .34 Ruh aretine.
testamentary upon the estate og EBER
t ARDT ELLWAIDIER. late of Allegheny City,
Aped, haring been grunted to the msderalgned, ell
Persona Indebte fa DOA estate ate Mag..' to
make Inaturallate la ment. ang Ali gamma hoLdlog
claims against saki estate to present the same,
. .
SLA y GLE h . AntoAney , f N r O . x o6 ue f n th . Aom H n l Pitts
JeCA:un WII. E. EI.LITANGEII. Executor.
LTIONS to cell Liquors, tiled In Or Clerk's
S .
olari. McDonald, tuvernAourth wan). Palm
Thome. (\Rhona. ri. Thirteenth ward. NUR
(throve Bummer. E. IT:. Seventeenth ward. PlM
bVilliam Rummel. tavern. Third ward. !tile.'
Patrick Monahan. F.. 1LSI:1h ward, Allegheny:
Fredericarmilton, E.
itlith amid. Allegheny.
Dramas. 0. U., Baldwin townahly.
Haman Sehlleden,.E. Stott township.
Albert Yonng,X.ll., Rtnwo tormatith.
The Lthenad Board will hearth/althea...pv.llo,
UM, on %VERNEaI/AT. the 2litti 9 tgothet
Jots . 2.1. INTO. j 0
On Sitfrittny, July 2
At 3 o'clock P. N., will be offered o➢ the preemie,
at Public Bala. tba RESIDENC3 °tette late Ida,
13.17.A85TE1 V6RNAI4, dee'&
The Mown/ 117011. 70 feet - on tttocavW wr
leoa7t7. WM num Oackol4o top
Meet. Mewl. °tented thereon • toodoce ,our. " ... '
Dwelling. with 11 memo, eat...mav bath house.
large attic. in.; MINIM nee'Sn . ' 1 " 40 4°u" t"
noel. Ming beam w t .t.wele6 wine oefarti, te.
There b .lo • lam laser &able to the rear end .
Of the lot. .flt,n .r.ce convenience for noente,
TylbFpyreourtb t!sib: tb* bali!ue In on
bre luidteine•Towl• 1.011,757
. .......
(Railroad Atm, near Depot,) Lrr BRHIE-
ToN. Pa.. t. F. CROWTHER. Pa4tor. Pmaching
EVERY SABBATH at 10•5 A. 3. and F
['ERRE cordially InTROd.
CHURCII.—TbIe ClMeth will be reopened
n SUNDAY :CII.IT. at 10 o'eloa.a.
will be erTdlrtet by DM irLSOA;tl.l , 34elo:* p.
a.. b7ll it:4 'n ne i .Z7VA ' TTl". of Shay Ride!
minerr. Barer street and Alattinmery ave
nue, Allegheny City, JOSEPII KING. Patti.
Basal rig TO-MORROW (Lord's Dar at 10)4 AA..
end 7 P. M.
Sate entirely film and a inallal aviation to all.
Sunday School at 9 A. 9.
Pastor. Reaching morning nod evening at 10E
find 7s! o'clock. In EXCELSIOR HALL. comer ut
Lea mock and Federal ',Meta. Allegheny.
Sea. ore tree and a cordial welcome. all.
ass. HAYS .1111ectnre on MONDAY and TUES
DAY F.VENINGS, June 2Tth and 38th at 7 . V
enn stnea the.. Dr. Upward's,: for the bandit
et Ilatlewood Preshyairlan church.
Tuesday Ercnlng-"EDUCATED FAILURES."
Adtasalon to each Lecture. 30 con.. Tickets
to he hog. at the door and, at the'followlng Root
Storer. slat S. A. Clarke fk.Co., Robert S. Darla
and N'. 0. Jo tination fo., in Pittsburgh, tad Mr-
Cllnton's Alleeeny. Also. at thn tollowtng Music
Sheet.•. Doane, Charlotte Blume.
Kleber & Bra., and Bare. Isnaka A Beattie . , and at
burgh.a and J. lt, Indßs Jewelry Store. Pitts-
Ind 3tolit'adden'a Allegheny city. 1,01
Gold Watches for $25.00
Also. a fine assortment of LADIES' and GENTS'
on able Ohm's.
A !dos assortment of CLOCKS and FANCY
GOODS on hand.
Please 5100 05 noall. job
Summer Enderweal'
More Thread Shirts and Drawer:
Fine Mk Shine and Drawers.
Garde 3dnrtno Shirt. and Drawer
Incite Onus I' Shirt* and Drawer".
Thin Gotten Shirts and Drawers.
Ladies Game Merino Vests.
Game Merino Vests for Children
11Isek Lace Mitts.
Superior ingrains
51 Fifth AN:elm°,
(Above Wood Street.l
LAwfi ,
Warsk Poplins,
Summr Goods.
21 Fifth 4veniie.
Journals, Ledgers,
CASH 800, . — S
c _
Order Bookt-, • : 1 , ,
Receipt Books. \ 1
• Check Book._
' , Dray B ks,
Miniature Blaulc•Books,
Invoice Files,
Adhesive. Letter Flies,
Bill Books,
Menniranduni Books,
Counting Souse Stationery
Letter Heads, .
Envelopes and
Business Cards.
And all other Mercantile Printing syscntsd In MI
bast style.
66 Wood Street.
(Try ENaDisziOx Owner.
ALLsagirS Crrr, ane U 1141870.
To. Sewer Cpntraetors.
The gewetage Commis: 101 l of the City Of Alle
gheny ate prey ed to model. propOsels for the
consteneslon o fthe following Bewers.wlth their
ePPortenannee. Man hole., do.:
. .
Contract No. 1. •
Cern prising. knout 11030 feet of 4 (.o,4llnel:out
Litt . 1 17t t
.._ , °i t 3 P:nr}. l ll 7 l ' • ,f, 11"e 1 1. 8 7r,74;
Lane, alonx rastare 5,000 t o with the Inter
Common Seer..
Contract. No. .
cr tiglV `" .1 ..
avenue, to connect with the yeilerel Street Sew
Contract No. 3. •
w . . , C po ncogisto wer g . a n bo v Al m B..lo , f l itet of 13-l o ch atrocalir
to connect with On :Sediew e iTit Btreat Fint4'wero.lo"l.
Contract No.
commutes. shiest 321111 feet of 13-Inch. gals,of
PUMP bower On RaiLe alley. from the tkh.,,.
Arai greet. to connect With the Nei
titratt Saner.
-ripen end fall
Drawbafs and d Sneddcations oak, • •
information obledned at OM ciPei."
Bide mint a ndorsed4amsib - e - t - ,
and do.•
tram No . A," (nr Y. 6..e.ta .TuEßattY. Jab' a.
Ilvered on oy hefore
-ost which forma alone bldg
~,F r i * ,...,...., ,, rtjaspre- t urnishell at this oak.
—" •do nnt bind themselves to u i
The Connolavg6,, ma. •
11 , 0 h 4rAe Commission.
w e n loc.t.d : opacity 1.0011 blas pef , week. IA
food Postallliphnessly Am Apply too[ WORM
H. M. LONci& co.,
rrrrirsusau, pa.
Amonis. A441..0.
'PIL'RONA:II, Rim, a, ('O..
NotteßS— . • Par
• , • • .•
-11".,nt5,•• ../biend," -10ardime." dr.. kor czecftli.a
turn LiNss, via be Inserted to the* . eolvemel ewe
.r, vIVENTV-T1 VI: et:NTS: rock . elgtelt/Gbrob line
. •
. •
rent will be paid for • rentnlßT 10. 04
Btore Wynn. POwesidoll wanted noon. Add
It. GAZETTE . 6.13
WANTED.—A Sitnatlon as DAR.
aor In • wholes liqorstore
ale u. by
drew , 11. n. N.. Pittsburgh P. 0.
WANTED—A few day boadera
73 Fourth smote.
CitY• _943_
. Third Avenue. From 11111% to LW per whet
will Ns geld.
Agents to
Just pa
fur ral snide tented.
rye ' snaa:Clts
ttsfy tautly. Address A. 21., Bat 3 3. Nits.
bursa 6.13
fuv4l.lZ; eigrroiaa"....s2.° 46..0 : 4" .
Attorney-at-Law grin. COCIIRAN.
burgh, • • Uriiiit string Pitt
WANTED—My a Respectable Mat ,
RIED LADT—A oltuntion to new and an.
Ant In Loupe work. Wanes no °Noel. A conafor ,
nolo home preferred. Anthems C. C.. rlttabluel
one )fice2:'
'Handle MAN!'
-115kriNTED.-4saverid Hen for Farm
Work. Gardening Ind Driving. ADo, (or
'Brickyard Wort. Berm) girls ODD Wanted Tor
Cooking, Chambtroort. Dirilng-ruom work and
Mitt vrork of all drocriptlon. APO) at EMPLOY
51E 51 ENT OFFICE,No. 1 Birth street, IBM door
dosprinalon Bridge
AATANTED.-A Number of Ladles
laid moo to salt Turkish Primp Soap. Prim
Candy Emma Prim Stationary
_Pao.kagoo and Jew-
Plry. Inquire. at No. SS SYSITIFIXI,D STREET,
ltttburgh. 3111
NVANTED.--Ex_.perieneed Agents, to
travel and mill Patent Rights by manilas.
for an artiste Just patented. Will be wanted in
every famlly. Address, A. M.. Box 533. PUP.-
. 23".'•
AV 'l'll,F:,l)'9.;;triocs,Re " d t se N s r iTit Y ...2l
couple.. Pompinsatluu. bond. timothy . . aehool
tg; 00,1 ti f ai. e"r itfbee t . m. A dd'" 6-ir
:jr• onto to travel and sell patent rlghte (or
an ankle ust patented. Will be nutted In every
real Inducements! ottened. Addl.*. A.
M.. Box 433. Inttaburab P. O. 64
at • fa 30,000 to' Loan In large or Fria amounts
lr me of Intone.,
Bill, pond and Rad Estate Mutat,
No. 1798naltheeld Street.
Two House Carpenters
A second-band •
. .
:s1" 8 feet to.d.nd IS to 84 Inch some;. Add , ...
JulAyie3 PootnlBce BA: 301. Plttetburt, P.
Coat and Pant Maker°,
Kaufman, Oppenheimer k Co.,
NVANTED 7 --NORToattEs.,
Thirty Thousand Dolton to Loan
.7."70:! "rtllf," rotpert7ln Au"b"'
• Ball Mazda Aiwa.
GS Grant. stmt.
, .
-- —..._
let OARDlNG—Talet,with Boarding,
.1.) TWO SECOND STORI ROOMS. furntahen.
at jlO3 Fourth avenue. 045
O gS r T l f ompete 2t E F j Tlewith looty ih,2. ra.
it•Mittrgt2'.." """.4`-
—A Hutto of Fornisbe4 Roos. oo second
fluor. 160 Third Avenue.
Rooms, we : 9
Gas and Water. fiuttablo for es f ,
infapailk.locattun,fnputro at 33,
T e a Story Brick House,
ei1 c =z1 . .:11,"047-77.1
will be let low to geod tenant. Inge',.
of .1. M. FA AN No. 0 old Pew. AMMO. 6-11
A. drat-elm STQRB 80011 and Whir, No
181 Liberty street. entoplately dtYd. rap •it
chairing and counter.. Will be rented cheap
celled for AOOO. Endulai at
. No.4 VIRGI Jaray.
TO -LET.---A good, two story BRICK
DWELLING. contalilat 12 tootote.‘lth =W
arn koprovemeots. • Alm .larsni Lot and good &lea ••
Stable. Minato fronting 012 the Part. No. 16{
North Avenue. Root YeaSOlable. Apply M No.
41 Ohlo street. Allegheny
Two Drays, a Cart, and a Set of Harness,
All In good order. Inquire at ogle* of
.1014123 No. 120 Elver Avehave. Allegany.
TOR SALE CREAP.- S2,& SA will,.
buy e house with Eva rooms 44A ball, MIA 1 .•
four lots 24 feet front by 109 feet to aaph, syssa •
stabling, Mottling oo • ferry Teat Mmes., oewthalf
move beak of Pennsylvania. arearsTeerala4l,
ward. near East Udell/. AP*/ at ArtOrem
stmt. near /feverish avenue.
FOR SALE.— That well-known
propertr Parker. Landing, /alma, “THIC.
ROOM," • with all It. fataltora, .w.
70 p.m person dealrlng . to keep a !iotal. =la le
,a,a opportunity. I j u . rrananAlgirMsa
N 0.2 Bank of Commerc e ln
f=i l / 4
alon Immediate on ont o. lainfli
FOB .SALE.—Englies and BoIle» !
Now sad Second Ilan& of *ll kleals.oonataaLlT
nu band. t.
JAMES mu. A CO., I
Corner Itiviori Ave.. and P., ik c.v. W.,
Allubent, '
I TAINS 410 6g , see handrail and MAY
acres under Millie:Mon. Wane. wood.. Reprove
derelllnds, very loops tom and alalda.
and .beep halal.. orchard end well watered by a
small ereoli Munn throndh the place. Sltaated In
Jeardne• Wanly. Indiana, 3)(Wlea from Vernon
and Wln eleyllle Railroad: tart nu InlghbOrhOOd
1.1,/ /Ulre . , and churches. The tam iain tle
"du ll "' ll2l?:= . Nei ' Ve
'mirth I 4e.
x. Fox env PROPERTV.—A ilad , viaiONTßY
' RESIDENCE, oontaining 20 sem 'dna 3 Dawes
thoreon; one.. One, isomfortab4, tad Convenient
D r.
good water, mid one of Sao best intim few,
ers In Western Peansylvanbutor•sont;
fmm th ty on the :V or TiNgle Reek
get a Alt o . .om Ste wismsoi•AM
iced. everal g
and house. for
N. 1,1,0*.a NS- °Mogi* enthadeaL
,as w d etapa r tlu c ut of Jame Mai. A
a tine stew of toI 00em. Mew
$3OO eseh.
O *DT t7I4EAND LOT, halal elate boartairtnatt„
3.. • . •
1 LARGE NEW C'OTPAOE, moo., •14* .. .L
front ang .Ida Dania*. %WWI. 3 WE* etemend
good we of water at baengnof , una.s.‘
ste l rofttret tles moll ty ibpswitr a ninehri
rtrt.treet. t. Watti o V4mt.: 1 maw,
=With It. IVlthln Maori oKfutes t. ar ia
Rnquir. ^f
jeCyl-FrO ,
W , I,INHART,. Ilopresumig,
'L'OR • SAL}.
. 2: •
ModelboantnioneJ•tootan PO en Dmont ttro
. oontanals, 7 mom. Lot QS by 1 ' mu
st/. no Alta skte.l. new . Butler street. *toile
wen to Petaal inn , grape tines. abrabbea jio.. n ,
while on the rear Is a el. stable. Ou al '
the Image, Tlkto , p , operty la cestalalf the Wee -
amble In tee 17tb mud. Pens
lone Unto elven. T. IL SILO( I"
Cor..Penn and
Ifonte,ettante on Main street. mar ve
...., . co.t+lni.S- 15 roOsum Lai 0
TIM, la a beautiful pam, eaa on. ,cgte_ a
a, of Inntknue means. T. a. BILL
ON 44th STR_ZET.—A bouttSful lot Mar ir
eunet. CO be 10el. close to the Cltlaat k a P.
Aar one winking
cannot be better si t4A ' l l oL . nr- i v i l aM i
AV1111( 0111, acmes*. 800 Mar thle .
. 11118111 nab 2.14 Wlllla fouregant annual
mama. worsurpm. =.1... 1 finials mad
o pponw t y op tr, Thal .11 Litrr i CeSsother
so sanotageou Oma r Pans zn..
ieti • old
9441 4744"
2"m" - "ralittaraurraco