I THE DAILY GAZETTE, HOME NEWS, Penes* leaving the city for the summer. AM 'trishaw to have the ::134tzrrrs: Pent to tbein,vfll pleasti send their aildretlee to the '-°IS6L. Prier bTmtul. 75 teeter., month. . ..n:glatteg west 'win be held the regular =nuttily meeting of Celina, " Haider. of eaciaelltallle Railroad land. will 'lnd an agreeable notice concerning them on oar Lot page. :.. L. H. Roseabarh, the rMnular Youoß,drol:- Fet of this city. hog left for New York to ow s! a new Ftock of g004i.. Mae praetor., the fare of o walnut bare made there appearance In market, and selling two for twenty-flee cents.' 'Minim—Oar thanks are, doe to Captain Wm. N. Dalitielob, the official Postmaster of the House of Representatives, Washington. - 1) C., for esteemed floors. Harper' s ?dew Monthly, for July. Is out and toll of capital reading. Harper's Weekly and [lirPer's Uazaar. continue to, come regularly and to grow 'in popular fa r. Tbelr popo- , lAlitY Is but c Jost tribute o their genuine Worth. . -.— Bade Found—The body of an unknown moo was found floatlng In the Monongahela Inver near the City - Farm loot evenin It w° o brought to the city and left t t h e station -house, where It remains, awaiting. the - nett.° og the Coroner. The body, from appearances, ban heen-IYlng In the water a considerable length of tams. - Temperance. Mectlnn.—The Fifth Anniver sary of the Allegheny 'Temperance League will beheld this evening at .Y o'clock in the the Itandany street Baptist church. Ad drenes will be delivered by the Rev. Gen. P. Hays. of the. Central Presbyterian church. Rev. C.. W. Smith, of the Denver •street 11. church. and the lieu. Joseph King, of the • Christian church. The annual report 'will be read by the Rev. Elliot E.Swift. Swett music will be discoursed by the choir. This meeting Is Intended to be a grand gathering of the earliest friends of temperance reform. and promises to be one of special interest. - - -- Seri .111 y Injured John Hensler, a stone cutter employed. :11 the new City Rail building, was seriously in jured yesterday, morning. , lie was working In the Custom Rouse yard. and the brick lay eik were engaged removing the scaffolding from the side of the building, and - one of the cruel:maces fell and struck Hensler. who. when picked up. wag found to he badly In jured. Ills rialit arm tent (rectum' and he wanton severely bruised on the shoulders end beck. The Injured man was taken to his home on Fountain street, Allecheny city. and medical attendance summoned. Fa•hionabin %%eililsor Turner Hall. on fllnhiltenue. was nn Wed nesday night the scene of n brillinnt and fash ionable • event. the marriage of Mr. Morris Morganstent (son of our esteemed citizen Joseph Morgenstern. }'sq.) to Miss Pauline lioffheimer. of this cit T. The affair was con ducted in elegant style. The hall was bril liantly Illuminated on this occasion. and tt e guests were among the most prcimlnent of our citizen. • An excellent band of music dis coursed to the Terpsichorean devotees. The entertainment Was closed with a grand ban . gnat, at which some two hundred Invited guests participated. We wish the happy .couple a long and prosperous life. E=3 On Saturday. June 2.5 th. at threee °Week, at . the above Park there will be one of the grandest trots which has taken place in this vicinity. outside the well remembered Dexter trot. The following horses bare been enter• ed by their respective owners, VIZ: Annie Watson. Latham; Meg and Oakland of Davy. The. well-know reputation of these hones will no doubt draw a large crowd. and Its the best of order will be insured, and no failure of the horses to put In appennnce. the public Min be afforded a rare oispOrtrinity for enjoy lined. The admission is nne dollar. and with :• good day and good track. we expect some teellent time wit be made. Let all attend. 1=1111:1 • The lovers of billiards will be pleased to learn that a new and handsomely fitted bil liard hall will be opened on (Sat urday) In the Excelsior Omnibus Company's building. Liberty street. opposite' the Union Depot. The hall has • been fitted up in first etas style the fixtures being new and of the bed qualities. There are eight newstables from the celebrated manufactory of 'Julius Balk. which are provided with Phelan's patent combination cushions. The hall is well /1111110 d and well ventilated. and by far the handsomest and best in the city. Mr. Joseph Matthews, the manager. has had extended expenence in 'the business. and no there will be no bar, and as match games for money or betting In any way will be strict prohibited. we bare no doubt the Exceisir Billiard 11011 will be the most popular in the city with those who enjoy the game, and who does not? The formal opening will take - place to-mo, row, at two o clock. at which time Messrs. ' Jolla* Balk and Phil. Tiernan. _of Cincinnati , will be present and play the opening game and rive an exhibition. The manager would be pleased to Newsome of his old friend. and customer+ present. Ea==2 EXCELLIUCCV. GOV. GARY. bi in th city, stopping at the Motionfehels Howie. A 1.1.34146. F./OMM aellurrans, • melting Democrat, whose name mysteriously got on the third party call, announces that he has neither sympathy with the move meat nor the Republican party. Knock one off the Poor. Dims, of the High School. has t been eotumeted with it since its drat existence. .COL WY. Ptolairs will tote Gov. Geary to Putters Landing to-tiny be special train over the Allegheny Valley Railroad. /mu B. Luang. Big" is the retiring .d globert.D. )(Wee. Esq.. Alumniomi Presi dent of the High :School Association. wt., °WHOM D,CexOtt has been reengaged for next season at tne Opera House. • Ray. J.AmEsit. Mita. pastor of the North avenue M. E. Church. Allegheny delivered the animal addreu before the Phi Hanna Ni Fraternity of Allegheny College, Meadville. last craning, Ott WroximoAr MonitioO Engineer Kum - Of No. EQ. run the Pules expos. train on the Pennsylvania railroad from Altoona to Har risburg. Intim bons era Ilfty-four intrudes R. R Cousauss. ESQ.. of the - Seeund ward is sold to be the author or framer of the cal for a new party. Ift. li.CanNAniiie.to'be the Re (oral era' candidate for Connie... - . /MOE PAIME, of the Fifth ward. Allegheny CUT. is spoken of as &suitable man for County Conuabodoner. ... . 3000 Fboro. Eat.. President of tar Ameri cas Bank.' is one of the ablest bank. President in the city. Hal }haw. whose name appears on the so called Reform Call published in yesterday's issue. says he never authorized it to be there. MA.t.Nialoonims. of the Western Univers ity is the best drilled taint err officer in the city. HIOUT G. HALE. the well known merchant tailor. whose establishment Is at the corner tot Pena and Sixth streeta. left last evening for New York, whence he will sail Saturday on the steamship City of .London for Europe. We had supposed Mr. Hale should be satisfied with the distinction already attained, beinq. at the head of an establishment unsurpaased by 'stylus the coutiter. east or west; but his ambition will not rest until he has vhdted London and Paris. the greatest metropoll In the world. He exoects to return In Septem- Der. Mann n ot m d wi ake and alsoll bring mithof m ateria l , l an the very d Kill Wore troDlisbed arrangements with foreign linwitifacturersof ouch fabrics as are suited Haleis Dome traos tooch enterprise aa Mr. exhibits Is sure ba appreciated by the Adams of customers for whom be delights to cater. We wish him a safe sad Provtmmuis enrage And speedy return. Nome Boehm for Money The present management of the Oakland Park, have from the outset given notice that the place would not be used. ns a gambling ground - but for the legitimate purposes of horse racing without attendant betting: It seems that In pursuing such a coarse they tune excited the ire of some sportimg men wilt have laid the following complain n ts tT a ryag p m = r o s f b fi f e o s; e Y W o Nc k , e f x ro ' t r r n i trt we quote: "Some four or are week s-ag o there , Vni , match made for two races between Sam Hill, a gray pacer owned in Pittsburgh, and (Bogey. a roan pacer owned ben. The lint race was to came of over our track here, and the sec ond over the track of the Oakland Driving As ian:lon at Pittsburgh—the second race to be just one week later MID the ant, fair day end track. The Inn nee come off overour crack, • sad the gray bor.e-won the mein three straight heats- -While returning to the city after 'this rate, A beta LI that the roan horse will not taken heat at the Oakland track. the race to take place that day one week. Nose, here is the trouble: The Oakland Driving As sociation is composed set of getlemen who end neonsary to - continually n remind ineanlalic that they - resin ore gentlemen , - -bencethey gladly grasped this opportunity to convince the doubtful minds of tbe public that they do not countenance horse racing, sad therefore would not allow this race to come of over their track, losing no chance of telling every body that their testir. is s gentlemen*o track. Nevertheless, some of the knowing ones intimate that the real reason Is petty jealousy of some: of these • aeltanted gentlemen against the owner of the, Vag kone.• Had that not hien: their gentle. ,sesely cOnsciences would have been can ~angk to store the race 11°.`rit ov) race GO not come off, and A et once called on the stakeholder, and celled the bet_off, the stakeholderpaying over the stakes A had put • up. B never came near the stakeholder and • kiew nothing about A calling of the bet. Ilabsecnentlythe owners of the horses came together and agreed to go the race on the Bea ' von tracir.,,son two weeks Inter, In order to get tbe roan Into better condition. At this nee the roan did win one heat Gad B now • claims that he Is entitled to the bet:' while A claims that be called the bet off co the day It was originally to come off. and that arise run race m ade nothing whatever to do with race made to be. run at Oakland. 2. On the day the match for these two races was made. C bet D that the-roan would not win a heal. ~ • C claims the money, ,00 that ee the rose • did not take a beat at the trot race le Bearer and the second race sever mime off at Oak land. he is entitled to the stakes. Who wine? 1. Tbe bet Is off. ye oeooo gene non mo onily a newrace. The conduct . of those who manage °Weed Park is the most ennordiasry that we ever h ear d of. We rather think that the members or Prospect ruk, Narragansett Park, the Itosteas‘why. tints. Fleetwood Park, Iftlialo Assosiett, • Dexter Part. heart quite as much rem, . me* as they ere; and none of them wane kart tbought Of objecting to each a rue. • The bet Is off. The roan - might have won a 'will the second race. as Made. bad been • MM= RELLUIOUS. Netting of the Pittsburgh Opted of the Re - oohed Presbyterian Chards—Pim Viejo Preeeedlup. The members of the Pittsburgh Synod of the , Reunited Presbyterian Church met at ten o'clock yesterday, in the Pint Presbyterian Church,',.Wood stmt, (Rev. Mr.Scoyeltrastor). Thiimeettng was called to order by Key. John Stockton, D. L. and opened 'with prayer by Rey. James Alexander, D. , s • Itev..John Stockton, P. lE. then preached the opening sermon. Th. Act of the General Annembly of I We Ile inited Church creating the . Synod 'mai then read an a basin of action, after;wl ich the roll of member; teal made out and perfected en nearly an possible. The Synod then adjourned for one hour. in oriler tct ellon. the members to pert-ate of a sumptuous dinner. which had been prepared and was nerved In the lecture room conven ient to the church. • A.VECEILNIODIC. SMION. At half past nne'clock the Synod re-as sembled and trancal o led to order by the pre siding otner ca l l ed Dr. Stockton. niter which the roll mph with ft slew to perfecting The chairman announced that the Synod war non - ready to receive nominations for Moderator. . • Dr. Marshall said that he desired to present the name of Rev. IV. It. MCII,IIII D.I D., an u candidate for Moderator and hoped that he would he elected by acclamation. Dr. Mcilvain hoped that the Moderator now occupying the chair world be permitted to keep the chair during the deliberations of this bodr„ The question•upon the election of Dr. Mein rnine wan called for, and he was elected by • acclamation. Dr. Stockton introduced the Moderator elect, who brietly addressed the Synod. Dr. Eagleson offered a resolution designa ting the officers of the Synod tubes Modera tor, Permanent Clerk. Stated Clerk, Temp.;- rary Clerk and Treasurer. The Moderator and Temporary Clerk to continue In office one year; the Permnnent Clerk and Trensurer two years, and the Stated Clerk three yearn. D.. MeEiney and Marshall opposed the res . Dr. Eagleson mnde a lengthy nrguentdn '" pport m of It. - • br. Stockton moved to amend the resolu tion by striking our the lntter clause, widen refers to the tenure of ofnee. Dr. Jacobus milled tar divon of the question; which was sustained. nod the ques tion recurring on the first part of the resolu tion It was ndnpted. • On motion tar latter clause was laid me the table.- ✓Phr Synnd then went Into election of tare rltti the following' result : Slated Robert , Carothers. Prnnanrnl Cleric—Her. P. S. Davis. Temporary 17erk—lter. John McMillan. On motion of Mr. Jacobus Dr. W. 11. M loran was elected treasurer by a unanlitun Rev. F. J. Collier offered the following: !tanked, That a committee of fifteen be ap pointed, to whom the 'whole subject of the reconstruction of Presbyter'es within the bounds of the Synod of Pittsburgh, and all papers relating thereto. be referred and that thin committee report to the Synod this after- non. if possible. Considerable discussion ensued on the ref Dr. lirownson muted that the matter before the house be laid on the table. The motion was adopted, and Mr. Hill pre sented the following: ReAgred. That a committee-of twelve mem bers be appointedto divide this Synod into Presbyteries and denne their boundaries. and to designate the legal suocessor to such Pres byteries as many lose their present organiza tion by this new organization. Rits;leed, That in order t6ettable this com mittee to discharge the duty thus devolved upon them, the :4ynod with immediately after the appointment of said committee enter a tree conferencein reference to the changes which it mar be desirable to mike in the existing boundaries at Presbyteries, the members who may desire to speak being limited In their re marks to three minutes each. The resolutions were adopted and the Mod erator appointed the following gentlemen on the committee: Dr. Hill. Dr. Jennings. Rey. Graham. Dr. Bownson. Revs. Flanigan. Reid and F. A. Noble. and Elders Jos. Reed, W. Dishy, lion. N. Ewing. T. 1.. Patterson and N. J. !loop,. • • Dr. Eagleson offered the following: ReF.lred That the net of the loot Assembly. passed on the of last, bywhich the Synod of Pittsburgh was constituted, be read. • Bra.lerel. That this act of the last Assembly be recorded in the minutes of this meeting, and that the following paper be recorded in connection with It: Witintras, The territory of the Synod of Pittsburgh, which lies In Western Pennsyl vania. is described In part In the foregoing by the lines of the Synods of Hanisburgh and Erie: therefore. Braolred, That it he recorded In the minute's of the meeting that the territory of the Synod in Western Pennselvania is bounded on the east by the eastern boundaries of Somerset and Cambric counties: on the north be the northern and northwestern boundary of Cbm bria county to Black Lick creek, nod thence by said creek, and by ,the Conemaugh. Alle gheny rind Ohio rivers to the western line of the State; and on the west and south by the western and southern boundaries of the State to the place of beginning: including the coun ties of Washington, Greene, Fayette. West moreland. Somerset, Cambria and the part of Beaver which lies south of the Ohio riven of Allegheny which Iles south of the Ohio :Ma . Allegheny rivers, and of Indiana which lies 1 south and east of Black Lick creek. • . _ Rrsolral. That according to the action of the Genera Assembly the Synod is found to consist of:the following Presbyteries and parts of Presbyteries. namely: Redstown. Ohio. Washington. West Virginia, Blairs ville Pittsburgh. lately of the Old school. On motion of Dr. acobus the paper was aid on tho table. Considerable discumion ensued on tbe ad mission of correspondening members. and to who were and woo were not members of the Synod. In accordance with the resolution of Mr. Ifill..emealook wee watettenee In the diaeo.- slon of the boards of Presbyteries, and the universal feeling appeared to ho tat the lines of the Presbyteries be retained its they now .Ist. On motion of Flev.Rr. Rill. Reel. Dr. Stock ton and Macferron were adiled to the Commit. tee on Pmb ytettal Boundaries. Rev. Dr. McNair moved that the committee be instructed to divide the Synod into floe Presbyteries. After considerable •diseussion Dr. McKaig's motion was laid on the table. On - motion the Committee on Presbyterial Boundaries, were requested to retire. rrtc $.5,000.000 =ND. The Moderater presented a communication from the Committee of the Ge n Assembly, on the nye million memorial fund. containing copies of the address of the committee to the people. Dr„ Jacobus offered the following: Beater. That a Synodial committee of tail . ministers and one eider be n i crt c ed om n t e t e e t ' ort r he t ten wit e b ral he Asl emorial Rospired. That one ministerfrom each Pres— ': cMie I i ' tfir=ll ' . ` „, he m i tg prosecute the collection of the Memorial ve Fund in the churches within their respecti bounds. The first resolution mu adopted. Dr. NlcKaig amended the second resolution 1 by making it :enjoin upon the Presbytery to appoint a committee to prosecute t he work In their respective Presbyteries. The amendement was, aftersome discussion. withdrawn end the question recurring nn the resolution it was adopted. Dr. Jacobus, Rev. Mr. Noble and Elder David Robinson were appointed on the Syn odical Committee: Dr. Jacobus moved that fifteen minutes be spent in derrOtional exercises. Oa motion, a re.ss was taken until seven o'clock. EVENING SESSION. .. • • The Synod m6i at seven o'clock. and a col lection was taken up among the members to defray the expenses Incurred. • • PIIZSBYTERIAL RICONWIHUCTION. The CoMmittee on Presbyterial Reconstruc tion reported as follows: . • The committee appointed to divide the Synod into Presbyteries, and designate the bohndaries. respectfully recommend: That the territory embraced in the Synod be divided into five Presbyteries, as follows: • On motion. it was resolved that the Presby tery of Blairsville consist. of the county of Ctunbriapso much of Indiana county as Iles south and east of Black Lick creek; no much f Westmoreland county as lien north of the Pittstm e r i th and Bedford turnpike. and so much of All eny county es lies east of a line drawn row the mouth of Turtle creek to Turtle Creek village; thence along the Pitts burgh and Greensburg turnpike to where It crones a run at the:eastern side of Wilkins burgh; thence by a direct line to the mouth of Plum creek on the Allegheny river. On motion It wea resolved that the Presby tery of Red Stone consint of all. of Somerset county. and that part of Westmoreland county smith of the Pittsburgh and Bedford turnpike, and the terrlrory aut. of a line commencing on the Monongahela river, north of West Elizabeth. and running west of said town Or the Pittsburgh and BeaSaville road to the National road at BeaSaville, thence by a line welt of Jefferson and Cannichaeltown to the Virginia line. I 111! The Presbytery of Pittsburgh to consist of the following line: Beginning at the mouth of Raccoon creek and running along the road front Georgetown to Washington, not Includ ing tho latter town, and thence along the. national road excluding_South Strabane nod Somerset township, •in Walibltigtoti eonnty, to the of Berryville, and from thence along ths most frequented road to the town; of West Elizabeth. which Is not Included In said Presbyters, and thence aerate the kforlOngo beta river, opposite the mouth of Turtle creek. - nd from thence to the Allegheny river, no as to Include the Churches of Arriswale and WU kinshurg, and excluding Beulah .Church. and thence no vel:ale Allegheny and Ohio rivers to the place of beginning. WASITiNGTON. The Presbytery of Waohington, to consist of the following, Beginning at the mouth of Raccoon - creek, and run along the old road from Georgetown to Washington. Including South Strabane nod Somerset townships, In Washington county thence.along the Nation al .road east to Boonevill, and thence bT line running midway between Waynesburg and Jefferson, in Greene county, to the State line. or Meson's and Dixon'. line, extended to the Ohio river, and thence along that river to tho point Of beginning. The report lees accepted. and a motion to consider It oorluttra adopted. =I • The presbytery of Watt Virginia to consist of that portion of he Btsta of West Virginia, lying west of the Alleghey Mountains and south of the Pennsylvania We, extending to the Ohio river. Mr. Hastings offered nu amendiskot chang ing the boundary lines of the IllalrMlie pees_ by t ery as follows The western Woodall . of the PreskYlvsT of Blair . .. Wens follows." Leaving the Mourn esthete river at a point one mile below the loge of Braddock 's Field, thence northward to the township road, along skid road to Swissvale station, thence along Pennsylvntila Railroad to Wilklusbarg station, thence along Wood street to Frankstown road, thence by township road to Ireland station. on the Alle gheny fiver." AfWr some discussloo. the nosendtiledf was carried and the resolution as amended rs;ond Red stone .was cUrj r a t a h e a e tir b it i P ti7 P im ned ment Commencing' In the fourth line. attar the words "Plttsbusth and Bedford turnpike" the tis t rugr arrilegornfriVe EMI '~g,":,'+u~;,,: ~,;;:::gas-~:°..--.,~.~-._.~,• NI neuter!). thence by the township riled to Crooked Ran. thence by said river to the nat ural:road. and thence to Beallmtlim" and etrikeing• out the balance of the {resolution. excepting the hut thirteen words. The line of the Pittsburgh PresbYten at changed so as to follow Thleepen l Creek to Hickory and then to GeorgetTrfi commutes had Mr. -Marshall here Staled t so? . hove the itante had changed the "Ohlo - to the Pittsburgh Presbytery." HA desired to , Oblosetalned for the p 1 " 1 e A n vas adopted. The time for the meeting e .everal Pre, The report. me amen , . o i ih byterieq ten. then Announced. PlaSurrritLAl. orIMMITLZ. The roliowing Presbyterial Committee was ywinted to correspond with the Synodical Coinmittee on the Memorial Fund: Pittsburgh. Dr. 3frEinney: Bed Rolle. Mr. .1. M. Darrett: Ifin irsville. Dr. Hill: West Virginia, Dr, Young, and Washington. Dr. Dronson. It wan moved that when Synod adjourn, it be to meet on the Friday after the second Tuesdny ha October. in the Second .-Church, Pittsburgh. at three o'clock 1,.N1 rote of thanks was then tendered the tern and people of Pittsburgh for their _ - hospitality to the members of the Synod. On motion of Dr. McKinney. Dr. Hall. Dr. Stockton and Mr. Hastings were appointed a committee to have the report of the Com mittee on the i'lleconstruction of t he Presbyt ngrocsed aid property prepared for The minutes were read and rorreetrd. after •hick Synod ndionrued. THE HIGH SCHOOL. The Commencement Exercises Last evening. The Pittsburgh Central High School, the college of the people, has through years of contest and strife, enmity and opposition, persevered till it has secured a dun 'resting place in online estimation. 3111.1 its class clay exercises and commencement performauces are awaited with as much nnxiety and ex cite as much Interest as similar oce.tons -in the lending and more pretentious places of education in this vicinity-. We con fess to a partiality for the noble High School. An Institution where sons and daughters of the rich and poor, exalted and humble, gather together to receive a high ce der of education. equal to that imparted In the very - bent colleges and universities al the land, tut the cost of n willing people in worths the admiration of nil classes. We can trace the career and history or many of the past scholars. We and them occur - MI(1110 posi tions . iii I society. exalte. - places in the trades and prnfesnions.. .d there are none led who reflect honor to the Alma Mater. The High. School to-day, with Its accomplished faculty toil full quota of In telligent knowledge seeking Minden, Cleell plea no Inferior minition among the leading places of education hereabouts. and we trust Its mission in but commenced and that year after seer It any grow stronger in public es teem. and may he more tuneful in imparting solid, practical and ornamental education to the youth who nee ambitious and worthy enough to gad seats in its clues molua. THE COMMENCEMENT EXERCIPCS Opened with an eloquent npneal to the Throne of Ortice in behalf of the scholars and institu tion. after which Prof. Dean, the veteran al though not age," principal, made a brief nil 'dress. at the conclusion of which he intro duced Mr. Albert iterknwitr. of the gradual hoc chum who denoted a neat oration on M. 's Future Advaneeinent.'. Neat fol lowed a Very pretty essay on " Kind Words." rendered in fine style by its authoress, Miss Bessie It. Evans. -Cents and Nonsense." a peculiarly rich and pleasing essuy by bliss Ceville A. MeClaren. followed to please anti entertain t huenudience. It wan a fine and scholarly - effort. relleminiug muck credit to the ympig lady who wrote and rend It. ..Popular Ideas." an original oration seas de livered with „power. force and brilliancy by Mr. Raphael Sergeant. quite a young gentle. man. His ideas were good. his language cor rect and eloquent anti his delivery cool and almost faultless. - Night brings out the stars." a magnitleent essay be Miss Ella T. Wardaff elicited much penise, while a happi ly conceived essay On the odd topic of "Lore anti times" by Miss Mary It. Bowes electrified the audience. We expected little Irani the caption of the latter effort, but the young lady developed rare powers of composition and made the hest possible use of the character of the theme, furninhing a brilliant soil pretty treatise on the subject. Mc. Abraham St rnsborger delivered an mat inn on the *Hidden truths of nature." in the course of which he showed that he was no idler In the class room but hail trained hi• mind to tab it well and eorrectly, and had perfect control of language to give proper in , .terpretatiOn to his ideas. "It takes all sort `of men to make a world." said Miss Atmie W Donaldson. in a bright and smoothly wonder essay, and Miss Alabama McNeely urged those listening In most eloquent words to - De 'not .weary In well doing. ••Is :natter deed" was. a metaphysical and yet clear and condse ar gumentative oration delivered In rood manner by Mr. Henry Herr. Miss Sarah F. Wright rend an intensely Interesting essay on the "Idols of the Land," which abounded in keen satire and humorous hits. `Tinier the Shade" was on the programme nn an essay by Miss Annie E. McClelland. but Prof. Dean feelingly announc ed that owing to the death of that young lady's mother the graduate line not present to con tribute her share to the evening's entertain ment. -Truth," a good subject. seas admira ble h.dled in an oration by Mr. Thomas S. Bell. A brilliant and sparkling essay en •Wrenths and Crowns. read in sprightly man or, by Miss America W. Wallace. see think was the gen, of the evening. reflect - I." mach .lit to the young lady whose head and contributed the production .-The •of the Age." a patriotic and conceived oration hr Mr. Frank _ P. Swindler wan a fine effort. Miss Flora D. Covert, evidently nn independent thinker and a lady of very decided ability. read a peculiarlysingular essay entitled “The life beyond." Metaphysical and yet •platn, pretty end consoling was the style. and the writer read her timductlon with much cam, grace, dignity and feeling. The valedic tory address was next delivered. in a truly eloquent and feeling manner. by .Mr. %rm. 1.. Smite. We have seldom listen.. to finer picee of oratory. The speaker entered with feeling into his subject. nod In bid ding adieu to the faculty and bin fellow .rholnr< Arre.lnped n degree of telt.. nod Impn•slonect rloqr.tener....l4-111 nttalnell by college SebOlarn. The egercitg, ttarongh out were very interesting. and reflected credit to orch estracars an t the .alms attendance to break the monotony of the en tertainment at curious sting. of the pro gramme with exquisite and enlivening music. After the distribution of diplomas, the vast audience-ndjourned, much pleased with the entertainment and more than ever impress. Ith the usefulness and high character of the Igh School. This evening the Alumni Of the stitntion will bold Weir annual re-uniod. heart Spirit THE COUNTS. Quarter tiesslans—julge Stowe. TRetUmaY. June the cue of the Com monwealth vs. Phillip Durand. reported yes terday. the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. cud directed that the defendant pay one half and the prosecutor. Victor Zeinger, the other half tne costa Caroline Schubert. indicted for Isrcenr. war arraigned, and the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. Martin Gannon, Indicted for receiving stolen goods. was placed no trial. The defendant WOO charged with receiving iron stolen from the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. yerdiet of not guilty. John Showalter. indicted for house breaking .on-.oath of John Snyder. plead guilty. The Court sentenced him to' nay costs of prosecu tion, and undergo an imprimement the Western Penitentiary for a term of two years. Smith Elkins and Wm. J. Graham. - tridicted for the. larceny of a pair of boots from Wm: Sample's, Allegheny, were arraigned. Gra ham plead guilty, and Elkins not guilty. The latter was placed on trial. Jury nut. •Court then adjourned until Saturday. • . TRIAL LIST TOR SATURDAY.. 2 Coto. re. Barrett. 10 Joseph Robinson. 14 " Josiah Foster and Aware 15 A. T. Taylor. Peter lionrbso. Thonias Jackson. 125 Robert B. Gordon. 179 Jobu Moss. - lel Elizabeth ..9trasshereer. zitlaL Llsr ron ilcdstar 318 Com. va Patrick Welds. 157 " Charles Fritz. lA6 " Ellutbeth Thomne Disaet. c. Al " Charlea Carter. et al. . " Ed. Phillips, et ni. 106 11,.race 139 " Elijah Travhla. 119 Thomas Dleten. 134 " V. Deabard. tEI - Pl. 31 1 Scholt•. reap Price. 156 W. Wessell. Agnes Patterann. • irk Mira Strasberger. TRIAL LAST TOR TLMSDAT. con. es John Nicholson. et al. ar: James Grant. et ffls C. It. Davidson. • Ann McLaughlin. sg. Henry Hackman. ffin John N. Rlillanpa. • L. Ritchey. Common!' titerren. TIMM/MAT, June. ,—ln the ease of Alle. ghoul county ye. the Pittsburgh & Connell. vine Railroad Company. The Jury found for plaintiff In the sum of =5,5731. • TRIAI. LOFT TOR riltillor. 315 McOreggor vs. Sibley e al. 304 O. L..) Reed vs. Clark. 343 LlvinEstOn and Bro. vs. Clerk. 344 M. /k M. Ina. Co. v. Haigh et al. MO Neely vs. Walker. Wit' Kennedy rt. Allegheny Not. Bank. XO Amin v. Appel. .T. 4 Commonwealth vs. 'Berger. 352 Commonwealth vs. 61er. . Wel Roberts vs. Krum. 3501 McClelland vs. Day et al. 359 Anton, Zeigler Sawyer et al. VI. Haan Board of Health vs. Warne 2 cases. nendy. ' Conrad 2 cases. ••• •• •• -• Schmidt 11 cases. ••• •• flier 'Deans. •• •• " • Taylor 3 eases. •• •• •• •' Morgan Ii case. • e •' Friend 3 Cases. New Paper. We hare received a copy of a spicy and In teresting paper of ratter small proportions. entitled the Lilac Chief, published In this city. by the following enterprising and talented yontbs: Masters T. P. Best. Charles W. floes ton. J..llest and J. G. Canfield. The paper Is made up of thrilling serial stories. contribu ted by the juvenile edltors,and a general mis cellany of literary and news matter. The lit tle journal Ps the result of amateur labor. the type setting, press work, editing and story writing . all having been performed by the pro prietors As the projectors grow older we hope their paper will expand into one of great Importance. and for the present trust that the enterprise may be encdUinpfed. and that the Little Chief may prove a brilliant addition to the eltY press and a paying inrtltutiOn to its owners. • Stators claim Rasette: As the warm weath-• er ha: commenced in earnest, and a pleasant walk ant log cream being favorite subjects for eonvematiOn, Permit me to suggest to your numerona readers •on this: sine of the river a promenade over the well lighted wide walks of Band ingot tninge to the beautiful Parks of our doter city, stoptag o f coarse at Mn,. Idtkelleldn for lea cream, at the north end of the bridge, on' the coyotes of River avenue and Andetson street. where the moat delicious article is dealt oat with a.tooral hand every evening to large numbs. who are always suer to call again. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 24, 1870. MUSIC, LITERATURE, ELOQUENCE Pittsburgh - Female College—Closing Eaereise. _.forth Graduating Class— Essays. Addresses and Songs -The Prises Awarded—An Even leg Delightfully Spent. Otr literary nubile are indebted to . President Pershing. of the Pittsburgh Female College for Many an hoar of instruction and pleasure. Thaentertaloments; which under his dire.- Don have been given by the pupils of title ex cellent Institution, have always been of such a Character al to remove them outside of the ordinal"' pale of local college gatherings. and make the occasions delightful to all Who can appreciate literary excellence. Thus It Is easily explained why upon every return of the entertaltunents, an audience is assembled of which the' brilliant, intelligent and fa,hion able gathering la the Mount last evening. war . but en illustration. The occasion was the commencement exer cises of the College, or closing performance of the graduating class, and President Persh ing's rare - tact and faculty In this - direction were never more bappily'exhibited than In the aogramme which had been arranged and the fatale. crooner In which it was suttee (meat ly carried out. All who were present were delighted. and all were equally as frank In expressing their pleasure. The graduates. six in number. arrayed in white., occupied seats upon the platform. which was furtherrendered attractive by two unique rustle stands and a pair of vases Ailed with ferns and fragrant flowers which pervaded the chapel with a delicate and sweet perfume. The audience had all assembled at eight o'clock.lllling the root in every availa ble space and earnestly at lilting the com mencement of the proemial le: M The exercises of the eve g were coal ; menced Ileitis "Union," an i strumental duets by the Misses Bowman andaairrrah, arited and exceedingly well executed perfo , truce. Prof. Mesmer played the accompaniment on the organ. . . The Rev. C. W. Smith, of the Ben ver 'Street 31. E. Church, then led the audience In tinier, Mien Inca Ft ennedy, the-talc young vOcalist who Lore iiway the prier for vocalization at the annual- contest. suit took the platform and again levered the audience with "lima"— the selection with which hhe gained the high honor upon the previous occasion'. t - After these pleaaaat opening - preliminaries, the regular programme began - with the Salo tatory by Misa - 11.5. Purviauce. of Pittsburgh. who spoke a few words of kindly welcome to the audience, visitors, friends and Almeria I. and referred fittingly to school life anti Ito pleamires and Joys, cloning with a 'neat and happy peroration, which was the signal for appinuse. ...Life a Ifoinatice'• woo now treat ed of by an Marcher graduate. Miss Mary J. Buchanan. of Allegheny, !who inn brief essay .developed the Ides that men. In the pursuit of fame and wealth. and Int",e. too often assumed false Ideas, and falling In their designs, has tened to pronounce life a hollow sham. The essay comainml many sharp bits. which elicit - ed laughter, nod at the close hearty comers. "Ix Mettle," an Imo rumental duets by the Misses Ake and Dermitt, diveralthal the Pro gramme et this stage. and was followed by a Latin essay. "Quite tun Corona." by Mine Sigourney- Trask. of Youngsvilie. ' The Indy reed In nu excellent style. and greatly to the satisfaCtion of those who understood and ap proved her sentiments. Those who didn't looked wise and said nothing—the oared ap propriate Act ion order the circumatauce.. At the close she wait heartily applauded. -Noth ing Lost" Bruited the strldeet of the 'mat es -- may by 31150 Bessie 11. 'Mercer, or Allegheny. The lady ' rend unustrally ovell, and her pro duction, terse, piquant. and sparkling with logical thought was quite enthusiast Bally - curved: She contended that nothing In th re e economy of nature Wa. lost. This idea Whs developed With won ch... sometimes watt'', sometimes beautiful and always happy Illuatni- Goes, which marked the essay as a literary production of high merit: As she sat down a rhower - of fragrant offerings, together with ii brilliant dinmontl ring - . testified the approval of her hearers. - • w • s The programme was here. changed. and Wattle' of a song anti chorus r - hi ck wits ex , Missby Miss Maggie .t hat m`and class'. 1. , Miss 3lary Bowman song that onik ballad: "I'll be nd Submissive wife." wi r a spirit and ex pi-motion. and correct vocalise which elicit-, ed the heartiest approval from t re audience.' Miss Kate Brewster presided w th rose anti' glare at the piano during the anj g. --Voices of the is was th title of the fifth essay, by 3lisa Emma Nicols of St. Paul, - 31innesota. The coney was a at rt of .lard, mysterious, yet withal. ant cree d g method of reviewing the changes which ha come over our land from the commencer ea .to the close or our great rebellion:each atm rn cessive change being bo a e Nam the 1 winos to the rear of the pa e watcher faraway, yammer and interested in the re sult. The subje subject was happily worded. and the peculiar vein in which mwastconimenced and continued throughout. added to art ful Motown,. made It nee of the hest per formances- of the evening. Minn !Jule K. Pershing daughter of President Penhing , was the last essayist en the programme—the valedictorian. The sailed of her essay wan "Echoes." in which the idea was emanated that - ita in the grand old woods, each echo was but the return of OM voice in exactly the one manner as it had gone forth. -.So in the world. all would recelav Just sorb treatment wethey . c,'ave to others. If front theta nt fort h for all kindness and syrup, thy and charity, so sr - Mild these influen ces return to bless and encourage and cheer their lives. in language chaste nod beam Bid and elegant the fair essayist a:online-it this original thought• and then turned Trout the theme to ..try it few valedictory Wont, to Ibe Trustees and in.stractors sad companions dun lug the years winch had marked the scholastic lite of t hose wao were now to say farewell or those FCC.. of happineas, of studs and or Improventeut. The closing Al Cada to her Ma,. mates acere exceedingly beauttful, and the moat attentive Interest was manifested by the audience as she said: . \ Dear Schoolmates. long have si - e walked. hand in band, united by a , bond of sync the and lose: which is hard to sever now. Is a few brier hours we must separate, and Gen will other. take our - place, and Maim rout love. ll But may we not hope there is molar in your hearts for them and as, too,—that we God not be forgotten? And nose would Too beak music ' itllvera, would Wu snake yen: life andbring sweetne s s; 'trice in ale anti her mono Into lives which are shirr off tram Ni CIA Vll/., , tender idiett, thew.° wh6 are art, L . taned to hear only harsh voices-such notes of joy and comfort into lives accustomed only to mournful dirges. Teach henna now uttering cries of sorrow to chant anthems of Kill4e to God. anti these shall be echoed back to you the Melody 'lf thankfulness ant lore from grateful beans. With the hope that. your liver may b, full of berme* we lid you farewell. My Gass-mates. roil look. Lack to-nlght over the Teen of my school life. memory twinge before me many bright pictures to which your forms and your faces lend much of the charm. We have spent many happy hours together. and It is and that soon their memory onlr will be left to as. We have reached the border. of that sunny future land. to w Inca' we hose no long been looking forward.- I wonder whether It will always look so lovely as it , does now: or if It Is pordble that that fair sly will some time grow dark; those snowy 'gold tinted clouds become black and threatening. Can it-be Glatt he bright flowers of hope which are , just springing up. will ever be be beaten down by pitiless StOttils? But we may not atop to dream now. There is nothing left for uc tat to pay farewell. and enter upon sour different life- path And Unif What ounds shall ring In ri m ii o ars? What Abell our liven he? Light, trifling songs/ Oh! aix let us make them gloricaut allthenitbrell of melody and grandeur Let us have no dirworde• but all hanunny. Let tot an live that the, echo shall bear to our glad ears only erceefloyf al notes. grand strains of music. But we mast hasten on; we would .fain linger, but there is no charm to stay the hying beans And now In loreote We Lanai part; but. my clam:nate. in a little while will be our meeting. in-tbat land where we shall hear no groans Or Wall ing. no harsh-or discordant notes.; but In stead the melodious Grains, of the angel harp, era and the grand harm ny of Jehovah's voice." A piano Nolo. "Darmstadt, -- (which secured the prize at the contest] wit next on the pro gramme, ail*. Basle Patters n performing—to the evident sat !election of t c t , audience. This closed the regular xerciees of the Maas. The 800. John A 'ray. muster of Christ M. E. Chitral. now ascended the plat form. and addres.erl the graduate. Ina brief laddresa; one of those vigorous efforts, full of strong thought. eloquent. terse• scholarly diction and practical rontreels for which the reverend gentleman le an peculiarly dieting ulshed, and to which no Gmlrams .oast do Justice.- Followin the address came a cong.. - Tvro. lepe," by ails, Emma Sawyer, Mls“ Kate Brewster Maytag the accompaniment. President Pershing then delivered the iii. Illontaa to the graduate+, with the tetnal cere monies. After the diplomas had been given. he explained to the audience the examine thine, attaches! to which wag a prize to the pupil exhibiting the greateat proficiency In the various atudiet. He opened the sealed envelopes and read the reports of the Judges The entire lint. so completed, was then read, showing. Milian the year, the following: entzrit awenorn. . • I. President's prize for 1.,,t way- Writing Desk-to Miss Link. K. Perthlog. :..;McKee prize-liolden Menai -Superior excellence in int.trumental music -M1.51 Susie Patteraon. 11. McKee prize -Silver Medal-Instrumental music-M1..31ms 1.. Fleming. 4. Mellor prize -Volume of Music -- Vocal Muale. to Mimi Inez KennedY. 5. Mr, Margaret Darld.on prizu-Silver Cup --Rending, Misa Alice C. illnllong. a. Mary Kidd Fosterprize-Sketch Boa-- Painting. to Mi. Kittle Wood.. 7. Mary Kidd Fosterprize-Drawing- Mathematical Instrutnenta. Miss Mary Mart land. • . • O. Holmes inrise—Excellence In lAtin— Steven's Histories of M. E. Chesi, and !Oita,- dims; 7 cois.,3ll.,Blgowrney Tutsk. Mrs. Bishop Simpson prise—Mathematics Gallery of Famous Potts. Miss F. H. Jones. The delightful entertainment, one of the most pleasant tee .have ever attended. scum appropriately nod fittingly alosed with no ex quisitelygirl's beautiful part and ing Song, - The llehool- Farewl," bv the Misses Wal lace, McCoy and 3fapel. followedßowman. by the Ben ediction by the Rev. W. A. Davidson, with which the audience was dismissed. The class thus graduated is looked IPSO as one of the most promising ever honored with the diploma of the College. An the 'Company retired they were Surrounded by friends and schoolmates to exchange congratulations and good byes. and thus, with minds _trained and cultivated. With the pleasant memories of for mefsuccesses, and with the kindliest wishes of friends and teachers and companions, they step forward Into the active duties of life solth the assurance that with them rests the duty of after years of worthily representing their beloved Alum Mater. NEW BRIGHTON, PA Fatal Accident—Peon Men Killed. (Correspondence of Pittsburgh GAZEtte.I NEW 1/1110WIEW, PA., JUEC • Testerday afternoon widle some men were at work In Mr. DaNISOE'II coal bank, to the ontskirta of Denver Falls, and near the P.. V. W. dr C. R. W., part of the bank fell in and killed two men, father and son. f have not been able to get their named. It Is said theY were recently from England. The father wan about forty years old, and the don about tin teen. Coroner Cori:me - has gone to hold an t in quest. „ KConedy's this everant POIIIIIII, gaDrrs •I Popular nit.. Atheneatim Sauces. Luchnow Sauces. Worcestershire Sautes, London Club Sauce& _ Kin's Royal Sauces. Lelcratershire Sauces. Bearar Chaney Sauces. Prince of Walea Salad Snore,, At, II! Purina street, Alleshrav City- IttArtm = MESSRS EDlTtlitfl: TOUT notice of a meet- Ing of the ettiiens of this ward having been beta at the house of Mt. G. W. Lyons, for the purpose of nominating delegates to the coun ty conventions, Is rather,a surprise to very many Republicans. The usual place foe 'hold lug snob meetings has' been at the Public School House, and it has also been customary to give public potice of such meeting.. Why the place has been changed to a prirotc h and why no notice has been given to the till-' tens at large, than preventing the usual ex pression of opinion, is a mystery that outsi ders would like to have explained. Is this attempt to break up the "HMI that runs the moll. • likely to receive saPPott from the honest voters, whilst such unusual ways are adopted and such secrecy maintained, envel ' opine the movement with the cloak that Rings are supposed to hide under. At least three of the names mentioned as being present, or no receiving annluntions, are names of persons known to have been connect ed With n similar meeting, held for similar purposes some time ago, amt ‘old persons were rendered duly obnoxious to the honest voters for each actions. Are they repeating the old dodge? If not, why sr.. , no nubile notice given of this concur? Are they really representingt he people of the ward, or certain candidates for ofbce'r It looks rather like the . . , latter. or the people would have been invited to attend the meeting nod express their pref erences as to who should represent them in the coming conventions . . The primerY. elec t Inn will decide whether the prdplr the First word endorse secret (Ancuses. Pin sibly called to defeat supposed recp. MAST IMPLIMICAINS. ALI-WREST. June 10,1 tension.—Pool-selling for the knee a Kennedy'a thi, evening: Rine., lihot Guns, Revolvers, Pistols„ Am munition and Gun materinl of all kind; At re,. duced prices, at J. H. Johnston's Great West- ..• • • . ern Gun Works, 1111SrnIthtteld street. Repair log neatly done. (Inns for hire. Arm) Mlles Carbines and Revolvers bought or ,taken I exchange. Call and see or write to a Prle •'t iftter—Pool-selling at Kennedy's. lint :We Woorruad'a Cathartic /Syrup is used in all cases instead 01:pills, caster oil. cpsom salts. ks. Highly flavored. Tsventy-llce.cants. Try It. Sold by all druggists. ; WPM Vey It le true. that you ean get alit . " Foo and Gmten Jeilten, nt George Llenven's, Federal street. Allegheny City. ' :1 Whe Spring Stock of Henry G. Hole, Mer chant Tailor, at corner of Penn avenue ,and Sixth street, la now large anti complete. Mon sieur llonpsar. molt htel; to preside at the cot • tf tlng. EITII3II HOERR—BRADLEY—At the Parsonage 'of Grace Lutheran Church. Blrminehant. on Timm. day. June 9th, by Rev. It. W. Roth, Mr. PHILIP littEHR. Of Ittrntlnghatn. and Mts. lIOSAN BHA DLEV. of W Tell=both. Pet. FOIIII-011.1.EAME—At the residence of the I.4lde'• father. In Philsdelphln. if flee. Dr. ttoduson, Mr. HARRY P. YOH% of Pittsburgh. ItIMINecA DILLESPIM, td Philadelphia. MOHO ANSTEILN—tti fFPIIIMMEII-011 Wed nesday evenlne.J a no 22d, at the residence of the bride's parent., by for. Dr. Mayer., Mr. MOMMIS MORGANSTERN. and MIA s PAULINE 1101.7- lINIM Eft: both of this city. • MADDOCK—HORBOCH—On Thursday teeming. .Inne 23d. at the residence of the bride's father. by Her. F. Noble. Mr. WM. MADDOCK. of Ports. month. Ohl, and Mts. HOSALDA EEO AC1111.4 IN—On Wednaaday, June tr.l. I ti 7 0, It 7 .irlock P. .. GEWPREIrg:. daughter . of 31. aed hoPhle D. Ache.... aged 3 month, • Trunoral from the parenm' reNdence. No. 21 Nlnnwano , ry . Arumte. Allegheny 21th Inet., a 3o'clock r. V. MrELELLAND—Wedno.itty. noon, June '2l ELIZABETH T. lILAIIL of .11ms”.• IL M The tureen! Will teth vltsee 11.71411ty,1 at 3 tielock e. . !cal N". 316 Venn 'tree, Ftlendn NI the tamtiv are .re•peetfttlly inched ITOLNaI Thu . rsdattuorolny. June :23d, a I ough. g lock. W ed7 ILLIANI TI(OM AS, only ..on of Wm Ho LllOllOl, • The funeral will take ;deco from the re•htenceo his father. N0.'27 Mortyatt street. Allegheny. rat. Irrlday , NIittINISO. at 11 tielonk. Frivl, of th family are respectfully In 11l e , h attend. APPLETON—On Thursday. Jane 123.1. Ur 12011NY:1.1A A. A Pl•ixrus. in the :150 year tier nye.. The funeral sin take plate arrsit,iniivi at ij oclock. front the ronldence of her mother. 14 Wylie street. The friends if the family are •e11n11.1,11,d In attend. ' NEW , ADVERTISEMENTS. CAR BOTH SA.LVE. Made with• cAithtol.l,' ACID. which.. used . h~a Iloard.ll ny direetlne .4 Eminent PhYalelana. already ;irOried Itself to be the niostshr , sly and eff.shati cure for all Mallam.t Sore". sat Meer.; . . . . in' 6 fat Huma. CULL W•ouna.s,and all Skin Msr no equal ltaplit Vara.° Agent ha" , Y• 4 dlscovemd. Pllll'n, 25 I'ENT,. Henry's Insect Powder, For the Destruction .4 NOAIIIT.S. EIRD DUGS. ANTS. &e. PRICE. 23 CENTS.. L.II.IIOSENBACII'S Patent MetlieineDepot, .1-10 smITIIFIELD JOHN I, , COOPER CO. Bell and Brass Founders, ENGINE, [Arium AND ROLLING DILL BRASSES Made Promptly to Order BABBITTS lIETAL Nfade and Kept, on 1-land orrprlatc.rs and llanufirlamrn M. 6kper'§ Improved Balance Whee STEAM PUMP. Ono-klitl PRNII STFIZIST. Vnundry-Corner 17TH and RAILILOA D SPI TILLIETB. Itsbardh Mountain Hott..m, CRESSON SPRINGS, P, Tht. favortta ' , amok has Web inlanfed sad Im proved Mom last season. Will be open for rue.* JUNE 1301:1870.. RIM:BRION TICKETS aold by lbe Pennayfranla Raßrned, at Net York. Phil. astelpbta. Ilarriaborg and Rittaborgb. A.R tonne slim, at Creason. ROOMS Ray be seemed fn sun!. nrllnßle. Fltlll.ltitt44 CELlDltAlrlett rr RCHRSI\II/1 h been engaged for the stow.. For further lorormtlon:addrest • G. W. MULLIN: Propriep A TTEiT PRINTERS . I'llA N C. BAKEIV ELL Sr. •ii wood Street, Pittsburgh, Have on hand a eartipleto smannnioni of MATH SDND UNRIVALIAD BLACK AND FANCY Vot,OILED PRINTINO 'NEN. fAt sale td. :Vete Fork prie....aarina freight to ourchuen, o rrl ort --- lir TUC COvroutLyit r ALLtaliChT Ceri . I crr, PA. ; rirrhavuon,Jmue t/Oth. 1870. NOTICE TO BAKERS.—SenIed Pro- POSA LS. addreaseil to the - Bo.rd , chr In spector. of the -Allegheny Comm 141... will h. revolve.% at this cram until JoLt. bud. I noloalro. for furnishing the County Primo, with UltßAti for Mr months from .1 oly 10th. 1870. Mares to weigh ontnainLe-half laud tiro pound. respectively onill to tie ot approved quality. Bid! to be roads at so much per putuid. Bond for two thousand dol lars will he required for faithful performance of contract. The name of the iectinty must &mom. pony the Did. Bills Indorsed to the Warden mid probotao at this nine, will Veld monthly. 8 7 .1% RY I. N . l l fflo t Lr. . . . . . (RANI) RDOPENING NEW GOODS: Shoes, -Boots and Gaiters HENRY PAULUS', N 0.121 OHIO AVENUN, 411.1811118 NY CITY The undersign. has again taken possassinn t his old place. and stocked it with a rich assort . ent nr 000111, SUOMI AND GAITERS. as well.. prices- will gt. satisfaction. Orion intro. al. the public are Invited.. visit. jezzi4 II 'INDY PA LDS. Livingston & Mannfacturer Of. LIUITT GRES MON • CASTINGS. ILkir.t6T,V.TIM %Wein of !lenders . Ile were shears on hand. Office end Works, near Outer Depot. Allegheny City. 1•1.01111C0 andreee. Igen lion 301. Otte burgh. Ils. • ALTILMORE &e. JLJI —New Potomac Herring In barrels and Mahe.; new do Shad In barrel. and balm.; No. Markentl. all alarm of packages: No. do. all Maas of packages; No. 3 do. all alms of wallies: Loh. Herring, half and quarter barrel.; Lake White FLO. half Lamle: Labrador Herring barrel. and halves; Salmon in kit.; Holland Holding. 100 kegs eholm. For sale low to the Wade. WATT. LANG d. task) 170 and 174 Wood street. CHARLES I'. STRIGIIT, Carpenter. and Builder. ww nroroptle attend to all kinds of jot:A/I:ark. Oil and outer tanhOnadiato ardor. N 0.17 North avenue. corner Werater atrort. Allanheor. aniteril Mill SPECIAL NOTICES ig.REPCBLICAN County Conventions, The Republican Voters of Allegheny county are radiated to meet at the usual elates for holding primer! elections In the several Wards. Boroughs and Tomahlns. on Saturday, August 27, 1870, and elect delegates from each Election District In each of the following Convention•. Be follows: TWO DELEGATK9 front each Electlon Dlitrlet COUNTY CONVENTION for the purposo of vornlnptlng athaldatos for PROTHONOTARY, COUNTY COMMISSIONER. CORONER, JURY COMMISSIONER, DIRECTOR OF TILE POOR. TWO OTHER DELEGATES Cram each Elea Hon DIAtrICt to the Congressional-Legs.... for the P Onminating ONE CANDIDATE FOR CO GRIM? In the 22d Congressional Dis triit. ON . CANDIDATE from that portion of Al _ .. leghegy tonntplto•wlt: North and West Of the Allegheny end Oilier Rlverel which Is embraced In the ..13d Comerestlonal District. ONE CANDIDATE FOR STATE SENATE. SIX CANDMATES.FOR ASSEMBLY. These Conventions will meet In the City of ntls burgh, at the COURT 11(1E9E. on TUESDAY Angus,. 30th. 1870. id the following times. (.41nws. vit.: = Mon 'lees Court Roam, at 11 o'clock A. at. - The delegate. , to the CONORESSIONAL.LF.4II. LAT 1 - 0 CONTENTION from the 2041 Comes clone restrict will meet at 10 o'clock A.ll. In th: nfl Insuiet Court norm for the purpose of no. lasting a CANDIDATIC Colt CONORERS ten. Yid Wallet. • . Tht Delegstes from that portion of Allegheer eohe y which is In the 23d Congresslortal District. 0111 Meet et 10 o'elorg A. M. In the old District Court Room for the purroge of nominating •CAN. DIDATF FOR coriant:sa, end electing THREE coNYERICESI to meet the C o nferees of Armstrong Red Butler Counties. And at 11 o'clock A. Cl.. or As mom thereafter as both the Commeasiorial Cerprentione above deal,' Oiled obeli have concluded their respective duties lie !Loeb, they will meet in the old Matelot Court Room Inc the marl:Mae of nominating • SORE CANDIDATE FOR STATE SENATE. sad SIT CANDIDATFM FOR ASSEMBLY. The election of Delegates will he held betireen the boom of 4 and 7 o'clock P.m : on SATURDAY. Anwast 27th. 1870, and will-be held ea far as Pi - amicable br the Republican , members of the election board. In the different districts, and in those districts where) the election officera'are minotity of the red, board the Republlean voter. are authorize to elect enongh additional ^ ffirTM to complete the board. The voting in tile cities and boroughs shall in all faxes be by balint,and In the townships hi marking. The President of the Cobnly Convention. and of the CongressionaisLegialatlve Convention. will. union both Conventions order otherwiee.d con- Cur in vo doing. appoint a Committee .1' three, the two Committeee them appointed to meet together a. anon aa prnetirable niter the adjournment of th Conventam In appoint a County Committee for th ensuing Joan At the request of many llepnbllesins. Awl with a View-of ascertaining the sentiment of the people. upon the ilitegthin of the adoption In this County by the Itepublician party of what Is known as the - Cmwford County system of holding primer) elec tions arid making nomination*, he.. ends voter Is requested, in designating his choice for delegates to the respective Convention., to Instruct them to vole eye or nay In the sold Conventions on a prop osition there to be submitted of adoption by the port) of that system.. full and eiglicit etPlitoto thin of which will he hereafter published by this Committee In the Itegmbliran press of the City of Pittsburgh. By order of the Vnlion ilepubllcan Elecollve Committee for Allegheny county. W. P. I.I.,IiVIANCE, Chairman. Witurgit ticCrsig. Gros F. Id ORO %. • le2o-ystl I . lCy. OV Tilt ASTILIO'II.V.INIWIIANVKCii. ty Pith. .11,K 1.1.1%70. [CrTHE DIRECTORS HAVE THIS Slav daplanal a aatqi.annt;al dividend tlf TWO,_DOLURK PER SHARE I= 44 Penn itrnet. on Ind syter Jull 1. 11570 ErPUBLIC NOTlCE—Having been a:n.11110 GAR red OAS METHS INSPICC, I= TOlt for AI leakeoy sonata, notice U herebr Kt , that until the neceuary °Mee sad Mechanical Ts Ina Fter.Dhiery do be provided.] grill be Mond at the Oh - VICK OP TUE NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORM,. Twenir.third street. Dear 113 — BO Vl' V.- $lOO. Bounty Collected Toe all eoldlers • ha enlisted between May 4th and July 412 d. ISIS'. who trent ellachanted for dluabll. Ity before aerrlng two year., and who here hereto ( Mt ...Seed no btAllatT ' The uadarslrned hu retno.ed his °Mee to ad. Ern . . corner Bluth nventre and Smithfield street. and lan./ prepared to collect claims M.< HT and at... Aerate rates. Cal on,or addtzta. with F; BRDwill Claim Aram. Oa Prix Bnlldlng. . Corner filth avenue and roltb Bald Street, Da -THE ANNUAL EXI3IINATIONI of modulate. for 'adoulaaitai to the High School will commence S chmi d 01dIAY. With loath at 9 11. N.. to the Grant Building. corner of Grant street and Strawberry Alley. Candidatettlt pnnnt a certificate. algned by w School Direct ma or that they are actuai tereldents of the City of Pitteburib. By order of the rentnil Board of Education. Ban FJOIth A. SERGEANT. Secretary. .a .... e310i-ONGA.H EL A INCLINE rLA'S - r--NIYTICR-The Plane will be open for thwaernfera and Freight heather. EVERY MOIINING at 3 o'clock. said will clone at 1 1 e.-rt.. connecting with the Bat car Mon Pittaborgh on the intutraret awl litrthinghara Pthaenger Ja:yld Er FOR COUNTY CONNISSIONE GEORGE NEELEY, Of Marshall Toerrahly. subject to the &dune the Onion ftepobllsia County OfmeefOtof, FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. BENJAMIN DOUTHETT . 1 Of ladle. ultrachic. Is l etndldnts for Catiat7 l'acacchisinaer, in snborialnatlOn to the dericion of the Itecablieen Cenrentlon. Rat modal In rebus. ecal-alf.dlT DISSOLUTION OF CO•PARTNER tmtwarn N I'. Th e partmorsblp hentornr• "WIWI D. P. Scott and A. I. Scott • 1). SCO'l7 & SON, Ws. Morav O. a.' by mutual com•nt on CO 'at dal' at Jane, M . . hiAll.detote heyhe lino will podd lo A. I. Sciilt Will W.. the debt. the dent. A. I. WAIT. IT(TRIC6aO.•.IunC 17. 1 f4lO lultyST JO.. Y. GAZIANI. Jolts PiI.AVVON..WI. U. LO Wt. Jos, M. Gazzani & Co. ATTOBNETB AND COUNNELLERN AT LAW. Sonettnrs Eqnity and Bankruptcy. Orrick, No. 616 FIFTH AYENUIL Pittsbunak. la=llß3 JAMES ENO CONTRACTOI . The Wilier Pt.. PIM mew Drain. preml)67 executed. WWI(' K. 67 ehe 67 A N DUSKY STREET Residenee.llo6 element Allesheel. 1.6746 JOSEPH :R,l HUNTER, iderchandize Broker, 250 X-.lllERrini writ.woo , r, ,A, t .d.mTot Mink An Idini.l Ism TIS PITTSBURGH._ I STOVES AND TINWARE, • VIENDEII.B. COAL. WIWI EIKE lItONa. ko., at lIMM3 .nissoLIITIoN. Mcirta b tintirAt name er ' j. * W. AR. Pn T. A ir gar I itrbt•l the Old eland see en We , fled be WWI= Speer. FERRY BOAT. Aog basing A FERRY 80/ UNEMPLOYED Can gots grad Wring we torpor g 0 Eldnboth, Pa. No competition. Jolt 438 A GEXE BUS 'ESS OF ALL KINDS to be transacted tn Ptilladslartta,.Nesr ar-,akeanded to 7 3A. 11•1 atreet. Good reunmeas Amoy flastred. CHEESE! Goabeti Chemin 1=17; irManiTELD. ial Pala avenue EMI SUCCESS THE CRITERION OF EX CELLENCE The Empire Mutual !Waal/event a minces , . almost unparalleled an the history elf I.lfe Insurance. Business of the Company Whole Slumber of POlcle. polund. . 3.349 Total Premiums 107 * st'SViisit'S Amonpt Insured Ratio of Claims and Exp. to Total 1nc0me..11.30 Average Ratio of all Companies • . 4,10 For every 8100 Liabilities the Empire has ttdill of ANIMA, • Average Amount of Pollcica $2:198 • $330.000 Total Assete _91100.900 Cost Capital deposited with the 1 State and tha balance securely invested. Manager for Weatern Pennsylvania. omen IS - FOURTH AVENUE, Pittsburgh. Pa. Illr GOOD AGENT?. both male add temelti I. MU A. MeFARLAND, S. H. HARTMAN, PIitSIDEN, VICE. PIILNIIMNT. Federal insurance Co, OF ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. FFICE : For. Federal nod Laroek Streets , rittiCeintia: Edward Gregg.i i W. G. Gibelin. Valentine Baker, J. Rohe:,`! M. Sheilah!. gamest B. Smith. Jos. 11. Kurland, W. B. Anderson. Wm. Scharer.- Jr. B. Suydam. W. J. Lanett., Jame. Allison. JeG:itl F..M. LOVN. General Agent CHARTER 1829 PERPETUAL FRANKLIN FIRE INSUR. CO OF PYIILADELPITIA. OFFICE 435 466 437 CIIESTISDT STREET. Assets on Jan. Jet. 1870. 52.843.734 . 67. Capital. 111411/.000 00. Accrued Surplus and Premiums. • 4!33.73_1 m since _ 87. toes paid sin 1829, over .300.0UU. Perpetual And Tempo rary Policies on Liberal Terms. The Company also lamespi'ilides upon the Reno of all kinds of Build. I n isti n &0 , iin 0 d . 1 . 1117 t .r g G. Baker... Samuel Grant. Geo. W. diehards. Isaac tea. Geo. Vales, Alfred Fitter, Thos. Sparks, Wm. Grant. Thaws... Ellls, GURtI.IIII S. Benson. ALFRED G. BAKER, President, • GEO. VALES, Vice President. • Jas. W. McAllister. Secretary. . T. It. Reiter. Assistant Hedy. COFFIN & KELIA4.IO araS Cdr. Third Avenue uld Wodd fit WESTERN INSURANCE COMFY • Of Pitts-burgh. • • W ALEXANDR•EI MICK, Presnt. M. P. HER E BERT. Tice Preside ide nt. WM. P. HERBERT ,Secretary. CAPT. GEO. NEICLO, General Agent. Office in Water street. Sperm& Co.'s Werehouse. tlp stale., Pittshilrgh. Will Insure against all kinds of Fire nnd Marine Risks.' A home Institution, managed by Direct.. who are known to too community. .d ant. are determined by premptness nod liberality t , maintain th character Mob they have assumed as offering thr best protection to those who desu to be Insured. Alexander Nirnick, '""'r Tbn R. McCann. It. Miller Jr.. rhea. J. Clarke, • James McAuley. William S. Erase. Alexander Speer, Joseph Kirkpatrick. Andrew Ackley. Wm. Phillip Replier. David H. Long. Morrison. L. thins., noT: CASH INSURANCE COMPANY ==IM CANDIDATES 11= =I ==M The co-partner- NS{.. u:der tn. roullirrocera. Elyth .o." sr ' a gel:1 ' 111TX:: :1 ma of the Isla dna set- JOHN SPICSIt. WM. SPICER. INSURANCE ORGANIZED APRIL 3. 1569 FOE OE FIRST FISCAL YEAR I= Phelan's Building, NO. 211 FIFTK AVAN i ta L i iiFZONR FLOOR, =!3==l N.J. 13101, I.lrdin Floyd. 'Cupt at. tiallly y MIA .S.ll.llartautri, A. Chambers. Jake 11111: 03.31K , 1urk., Jac. N. Halley. Thomas inalgi on viT i l i. lll i lfter , k,: President. JNO. Y.UENNINGs, ;Ice re Predderd N JOS. T. JOHNSTO, Sectary. Vapt. It. J. ((RACE. General Agent. INSURID4I,ItIEEAL TEEMS ON .A LI, FIRE AND MARINE RISES. .• alrber. ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO Of Pit es • OFFICE, NO. tY/ FOURTH AVENUE. Insures sgainst all kinds of Fire arid Marine • JOHN IRWIN, I rt., President. T. .1. IIOOKINSON. Vice Preodent. C.O.DONNELL, SecniLary. CAPT. WM. DEAN. General Agent. DIMIXTOS: John trait. Jr., ' IL h. Fahnestnek, T. J. Ilmskinson, W. 11. Reerson, CU Dosser, . Rotowt 11. Davis, haves Childs, • II ugh S. Fleming, Charles IlnyiL . Capt. J. T. Stodutule. Copt Wm. Deus. ' T. IL Nevin. PEOPLES' INSURANCE t'UNIIPY OFFICE. N. E. CORNER WOODS FIFTH STN• A nome l'orupazy. lAklngr Fire end Mertne Mats. DIR.CTORP: WM. Phillips, John L. lload John Watt. i fis v amsel . Shaver John E. Parke. . Clrawles Arbuckle.. C. IL le:me, , Jere® M. Waal, J W araaa Y r if . N . :"eP i r' i r i , ,.. .. ip , i 1 ...., F...1 , Ym . t 0 1f1 1 7.11 5'- rickart. , J9itri WATT, vias rTmla:nlL. -...--S,-E-S.4I92!"!"!,t4ITV±TY'r _:__. NATIONAL INSURANCE COMFY ra...sato. 5.1. ;,, t;i1v. 41.1. F 011ie, In the SECOND NATIONAL. SANE BUILDING. W. W. MARTLN. President. JOHN DHOWNiitt-, Vice President.' A IHIE3 E. STEVENSON, Secretery. DMICTITIM John A._,111 . 10n 'Jas. hookbass. Jas. L. Grab am.; Unbent 1.1, C. I'. Bosh, John Brown. Jr. , Georsra U.T.ra Jamb hop p. O. ILP.Wllnasna.J no. Thompson bleNanallen MERCHANT TAILORS. P. IVIcARDLE, MFashionable ERCHANT TAILOR, ETE0T:L.".11 . 1..%712. 1 / 4 call ATATt o. 1-2 Smithfield St., PITTSBURGH. PA. ! T RlT ... Ottnt. elotblos made to order to the latent I REMO VA L. 0-R AY & LOGAN =1 No. 89 FIFTH AVEN EMI No. 47 Sixth Street SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES 1870 M'PHEISON & MUIILANBRING. Iforehtult Tailnya. No. 10 SIXTH STREET, (late electedair./ St e t of e t a large and nen se. Steen of Um beat and moot faabionable Gonda In our ilne, a groat portlon of Ellett are oar own Importation. Feeling confident of our ability In eve Portent a/Planation, reapeotly soneit frumyon an early eaantinanno of oar Moak of Floe claim, Canal us, Yeatlngs, de. bIePIIESSON t ItUIIf.ANBRINO. enblS No.lo !Rath street.. NEW SPRING (MODS. • =I Cloths, Cusimeres, &c. Just renelved.by , HENRY MEYER ee3 Merchant T1110r,73 Smithfield streeL LIVERY & S.fg+E STABLES Robt, H, Patterson &Co. 12=1:101 Seventh Avenue and Liberty Stree ll= ICVT.RY SATURDAY 001. T) AN AUCTION' SAT:4P Horses, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, And everything appertaining to the lin. , Parties desiring to sell will pinto leave their mi. tire of ...sign CI it on or before Thursday of emin and toot order thr advertising Pro ntion and nmsl eery 1. 111 be given ell :Moen loft for a sale. JOHN H. STEWART • Effi=M .1011,4 17. PTLW BOUT. it . PATTERROX ROBERT H. TAT'TERSON Sr. CO Liver - s;., Sale and COMMISSION STABLES Cor, Seventh Input and Liberty S PITIIIIMitOII. PA. a , . IR STONE WEST COIXON Machine Stone Works NorthwestounteLof West Cotonou, Allegheny. FRICOM ATVATZU lino° on nnn° W M ° r,',,.. b oTewitlVl. and Step Mon.. we V o so n, ltt n a vro e. T0zb 0 H n t0 ,..... 001, dne.w. BUTTER. 13 bnzeil Fresh Eon Mattel; 10 half banvig • ForAal• Er . J. D. CANFIELD • 2 141 I.lnt Avert, SODA - ASH.-100 mks for-sale by J. B. CAI/711%D. r THE PITTSBURGH TINEGAR . • ~ WORKS - . a ADAAts,. 167, 168, 169 and 110 SECOND 'AVENUE ow proparod to furnish VINEGAR at to VEST 3iARKET RATE7 4 attantion pakten Extra Aline Vinegar. MEM OFFICIAL EMI= A. N OULU NINCE -I;ftANTING TO TILE Federal Street and Pleasant Valley Passenger Railway Company The Right to Lay Tracks Upon' Cer tain StrePts: in thr City of Pitts- SECTIOsi 1. BO it ordained and enacted by the City of Phtstiurgit, In Select anti Common Councils assembled. and it Is hereby ordained enacted by the authority of the same. That the csensentr the city of Pittsburgh Is hereby given to the Fed ral street and Pleamant Valley Pvseneer Hallway Company to enter open, lay-ortt end construct • railway. wl,ll single or double tracks and the tie camaary turn-oute and switches In, over nod along the following streets of said city. to-wit: Begin ning on Ninth street: at the southern end of the Hand etreet bridge: thence along said Ninth street to liberty: thence semis, Liberty to Seventh miare thence along Bahl avenue to Smltitheld street: thence along Smithfield street to Fifth avenue: Subject to the conditions and Ilmitatious of the Acts of AasemblyineOrTsmating id IfiVismY Con , itaigIOVITWXYAR=T4TA A ia to the further conditions, an First- The noel• Company %hall use In the roe. steoction nf Paid railway. rolls u pattern to be wlirrill'Pet by the City Pneinerr ot the Cite of Pittsburgh, and .11,11 lay the •Ittne Mein .10 the ',lore toutm, notan er L:Psl,/1.1,ti tarn. and pity to the nattl I•:ttineer. tor the as,. ot the city, reas utiole entoponsation tor lits serviees to yinneilion 1. m et limn. Stutters ^`Jil mom, procure and bet dos n at all gutters crossed fa, stint railway. Icon CIIIVe. of a pattern to bent. proved by the City En Mover. winch colrerts shall be mid under the directions of said City EN0... , before the rails are Lid. Said Company then Itmcli the streets i n which they pass, front curb to curb, clean nod In perpetuul gient repair. 71,p1. All repairs which may be Sere upon Auld streets. shall Sr done under the directions and subject to the others ofthe Street Commissioner of the proper district. and tile aceeptanCe of this ordinance by the said company sloth be held lobe authority for the Street Couituissloner of the inlet at all t when he rimy deem tho same elpurchase undertals and employ lobo rem In the name !mil on behalf of mid Comber's, for e remit!, of veld streets. and an agreement on Inct part of mut Company tat imy the coot and ' l , 7lf ' rVl. ' l7t% .l 'nenclis of said city shall at any time hereafter directhen hange of grade of said streets, ny either of or If IC-shall become oftat hake tip saint rullyray tor the puypose of paring or feparing. grading or regrading said streets.'or either of then, or for 'the Povimee of construct'.tiny Peet, or culvert therein, nr for the purpose of laving. relaying or rePalth. tiny water pipes therein. the mid ralimiy obeli tat tater up and Wahl by Company or their own ex ;sense, and In cure of their failure ante do after resonnoble node.. the Street i'enindsoloner of the district shall take the tonne up `lawful pense of said Company . , and It shall be unlawful for raid Company to relay the None while nor or the above enumerated work Is being done upon Mid !greets. either of ahem. t re. That the said Cum any, , for and during the that rive years after thee shall core nicotine' ears upon said now', shall oaf into the City 'Treasury thenum id twenty dollars errt year for each car ver said streets. shit from thence I thereafter the t amu of thirty dollen. per year for each nf their cars not rsaid streets; and the said Company shall. hi addition to the above. Pal Into the City 'Pre:nun' the sum of two per centnm of the dividends or net crocus of their said road. The non so us .essed upon each cur of said Com pany when be told within one month after they commence to run van over said atreets, and annu ally thereafter. and it ahalit be,the duty of the President of said Cidnpany. within one. onth af ter the end of ono year froth the time they com mence. to run cars upon said streets. and annually thereafter, to tile with tile City Controller a sworn statement of the number of cars toed thereon during the precedlae year-and n.. pa, shall be required for cars used only In case of accident to those in common use. The tun itt.en dividend. hereinabon, levied upon Mild Company, Chad he paid the City Treasurer within ton days after said dividend shall have been declared, and if any die deed shall be declared In the *toe. of said Com , pany. the tea shall i.e paid thereon as If paid In cash. estimanng the stock at Its par rale, • NUM The thy of Plttsbnnh Mier...With! eight to went the ape of the tenet laid anon the streets afrovaalti. or .any portion thereof for similar pur p,nen, 00 COndllan 14112V0,11.10.4,1 ntz:r. :,.tragc1n717.4...,,c tithe msg.. S,,nt A. Any Witten peen the Part. or ' , aid Com the o. et iiiiist v,,eation a ir, prostiiiies hre' , gr,inteil. (did the said Chilecils ar e ihrisd , i 1 ssid railatiy, a penile • . . . nominee. at tb shall not be ceortrited ta preve l nt h the li :Mil vItY from Dorsa l. any gni all other remedlu ovided by law. And said erime..or snail commen provided the wo' laying triseks within three tniintlis. and remote the mine within intr. rear from the hissratte of this ordinance. bre. Y. That the tamers hereby conferred shall not he exercised, nor shall this ordinance ho pub.' !billed and ret , tded all said Cmin th pany all Me with e (lir t'ontrol w ler an agreement under the seal of Fllitirottli.ny. in such term as the lity At tomey shall aitiptvve. aceentin e i the Privilege , hereby granted upon the terms nod condition, herein set forth. arc. 3. The Federal Street and . Pleasant Taller Passenger Ileltem. Company shall use the tracks of the ellmburch and Ittrmingbetu Plummier Hallway since that part nfAnttlateld street named In the mete aforesaid. shall conform M the time table of id Pittsburgh and Birmingham road In running sa their cars rarer the same and pay their propoe a. soffithe cost of construction and maintenance of tracks upon such terms as may be agreed Inset by the Companies. Sec 4. Thal..anv latimanee or part tar part of a ddipeace gonna.. with the be of this o dmanc• at Ina r. tent, tune. be and the name It hereby repealed am tar as the KWIC affects this or . Ordained sand enacted late u lam in Conacils this kith day of June, S. 11. IS7O A. If. GRChhi. President pro tent.ofnelect Council Attest' E. S. MOIMMV. clerk of .Select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON • President of Common Count Attest: 11. Mcklkstklt. JaTI Clark of Comm. Council. AN ORDINANCE =I Pittsburgh & R. C To Ereet a Pas.,enger House or. Depot •I'pon a Certain Portion of the Mo- nongahela Wharf. Szcno% I. 71., it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, In Select and Common Councils assembled. and It it hereby ordained and enacted by authoritY of the same, That the Pittsburgh and Connelist - Ills Railroad Comy be and they are hereby authorized to erect a Passenger an Monte or Depot, wltli two tracks and their accompanying platforms, upo linealportion of the Monongahela Wharf which tween the eastern aide , Smithgeld street and the eastem side of Mrant street. /Welded. however, and the authority hereby granted is only to tate egret upon condi tion that the structure of said Depot shall be sup ported by piers composed of rows of Iron pillars founded asnry. not to eseemt two feet In thickness: said pier; fa ho ingitildlnally one hun dred feet apart for a distance four hundrod feet from the mot side of Grant mrest. and tb tare for a - diataned of about sixty feet, to be not less than twenty feet apart lengthwise of the building, and feetthence for a di,lanea ot about seyentyddx in the enst side of Siultldield street: and tbe said rillabnirah and l'oonellnrdle Railroad Coat eany shall hare the abutment tend the front of the htlOPenalon bridge that distance 176 feet I by a wall of 11111.0.1. and thence hissimilar wall at right angles to the amt. towards Water street, said wallsenclose a space lobe tilled In to and paved as a carriage delve. leering a sufficient width In front of Water street fOr OM thorough f wi are to tho Hem rind that the sold Company mat mate their Passenger fronting on maid ear 73:gmdele length, two sries in height. not oreeedlair feet In tie remainder of gala building to he one awry: the underside of the structure mom. hog sold house to be net less than fourteen feet In clear height front the torture of the wharf on the upper side of the house at the east side of • . . . distance td hundredhan nineteen feet atth of four feet therefnAn afo . said. And Praridre at... That the strip or porito of thewharf eovered by raid straclure shall no exceed fifty I:501 feet width. and that the rm. of mild bandied shall be composed of iron orsiatt . • . • . • .• • • and that In other respects duo precaution betaken mature. W.% That the Beamed rinapany is al. re quired to provide stages to 'meditate the di fIL7EI 17,1 g ttt ne lTa t et hereby antliorired to he built shall render th math nCees ht. 3. That for and In conaidentlion llse tight. and ptivilages herein granted. the said Ilan mad Company ball be held and hound to pay an Ilan mad to the City Treneurer for the nee of the elty. the own of Three Thoomnd Dollars trt semi tumnel PwrOlente. the not of said Payment. babe Id at the end of nnin months from the time the odd Company shall Mann work um the Emend. That LOM online/tee shell be held to ;trent 'kerb tight. as the City of Pittsbareh may lewallb con fer...l no emire. 4. Tn....ordinance or part of ordinance eendictlng with the pasertae of this ordinance at the present time. be MI the same le hereby repealed. far . the Pinne affects thin ordinance. Ordained J ee r anac 11110 n lan In Connell, this 20th debut Jeer A. it, I s7O. MCAITI.ET. President of Select Cuncil.' Attest . E. S. MOIIIIOW, clerk of Select Connell. W. A. 7`O3ILINSON, , Chinni P . Tesldent n Connell' Attett: 11. McSIASTEtt. clerk of Common Council: len \ A N opening of Pallas avenue, from Edgerton avenue to Prankstown eenue. Ber.l. Ile It ordained and enactedbe the Pite of. Pittsburgh, In Select and Common Councils as sembled. and it Is hereby onitilnedand enacted be antherite of the same, that the City Engineer be and he is herebj authorised .4 directed se sur. rep end open Vallee arcane, from Edgerton are rine to Fraukstawu avenue; and to Sara and assess tamedts caused thereby,annn c.• Stewart, Robert T.devort, and Samuel Chadwick rite here./ eppointiol. In accordance with an Act Sanons Stroets.sliProrod e nt. That may 10in.... or las lance conflicting with the mt.. of this Ordi nal's. at the present time ba. nad the anon is hereby repealed. an far as the moue effects this Onnnance. ,crcl. Into.lljay, in Councils. A ?i u c e a s n t o d u . ld m en o aAcJ ed ~,- .A „ 40 , n dor of June. A.l I 7 le AC I.Er. I _atte re a Select Canal:. Clerk of liele_kt Ceeorti. - rm. . W. . t i. Attest: if. Sfelfnerert n-t Of Common CQ''cit I Clerk of Common Council. Jord CrrY C.0xin0t.1.11.1(,74% 4 0. 1 NOTICE B(/ W EN TO all holden of Overdue blorder . .Bo t oneO t t . the City of Pittsburgh. to tannin Moe for Payment. • hie Interest .111 be allowed on b Ponds env-July . lM CPO. H _ :4'17007" the " r.r. tcjltaMcoutmu.r. OFFICIAL AN ORDINANCE .GRAirrING THE Allegheny Valley Railroad • Company The Right of Way over Certain Streets to the Pennsylvania Central Rail. road. SM . . 1. Re it ordained and enacted 14 the City of Pittsburgh. In Select and Common Councils... ' unbind, and is to hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the some. That the right of way be and Is Mosby to cosh. AllesihenY att. Railroad Cetotkmy to pat down mid contr. , . Angie or doable railroad Mick from a point on Its track ou Railroad street. above 99th street. by the most practicable ronnover the intervening atronta and alleys to point on Liberty street. between tiTth and :Pith meow tlaence of ross Liberty street and along the east sidewalk of said str.at nutrient distance to grade tip - to the pact of the yennsylvnia Central Railroad to a point =Rabic. and Comenientforminnertingthertnlth. And the void Alin:bear Callen Railroad Company is betOPY enapnwered toT laydown, camstnict. use—malptaln and operate a tract from Mid Paint on Ratt street to said ttolnt last mentioned on the east:l/ it of Liberty greet. over and Ilona the eon above Indicated. Provided. however. that the tea' not of the owners of property abtitting on said Portion of said sidewalk on Liberty Meetshall be obtained hy ealtisCompany before occupying. and using said sidewalk for the purposeP herein baron mvntioned.• prortird Pad Company shall pay all damages that may be lawfully awardpil to the toners et private propons Ps. T.'S? ,r, m " r unto said track may mini Pony shalt conform to the amine of the other itc leavening streets over wnich said track chose- now or hereatt rto be sates lisped bt the thoritios, and that till work done lu the nutting down of and tract shall be done to the Inman- Con of the CRY tuktueer and Street tlon.mtttee. and wooded further, that saidCompauT too a Inman to impend the train. , at the crostinde of the streets over which Its said tract. Mar Ste. 3. Thopudicling at any enhance or Pm 0, im' . " . " th tha Wfntnu ::s.r7eltia::l:Erris'peal“"hle Qralitined and eantml Inn • taw in Councils Oda 90th day of Jane. R.W , ..1R70. siAcnt rat Select our 11. Attest R. S.NOann Clerk of seloet C.aancsie W. A.l l / 3 11.INIMN. President Of Common Council. Attest , 11. Nell-nett.. Clerk of Coalmen Council. Ps= ORDINANCE—To Authorize the 13. Grading. Peeleg and Curbing of Penn ATM MIT. (rem Butler Meet to Forty-Arai 'Owl- Weigng../a. The owner, ut a maturity In In• • term of the property enuttlng on Penn Avenue between Butler streetand Forty-Milt street. bt the city of lilltsbnrith. have by pytltion y•A-pyy...4 their derelie to avail them the:1,113.14.am. contalned In eh Act of Asseuatilytlttaa iiAn 'Act toy rovide for the Improvemeet en Peon low nue end other avenues and streets or tit , ate . of ' Pittsburgh; nun. therefore, P[uTion I. Ito It ordained nod enacted by Up elly rlttaborlM. In detect and ensconce Counale r the and it hereby ordnlned and ennetred by the enthdrlty of the same. That said Petal Av bee from Under W Forty-rift] ert to Foy-MO] strret shah maded. paved and eel with curb nine. under the provision of the AK of ASOMMT aforesaid. That an election for aro Comenssione . re. ,ime - The s drt; paid a be held t curbcu ...ad piece as the °Cheer, herein appointed shill desiknate. of which Sher shall.give dailyai Pub- lie notice by nilverilsement In three fleet pees of the city of Pittsburgh. and by loud-Wile • posted In publiaand conspicuous places along the part of uld avenue to be hoproved. dee. 3. That. Thom. Edward., JosePh Collet and IL tiebtaldt are hereby appointed °nicer, or the election herein proytded for. fmr. 4. cltl the ppn n ntenor or port or ordinance ! `;'1;, ',N"V'".l'll`::,' • usper's airedUMO suet. • ord and eitneted into a hos. in iCoonglis. this 20th day of Juno. A. D. I S7O. President of Select Cuthell. Attest - F n ti. Alottunw. 'rk "1 President of cionnion Council. Attest: It. Mckgsavni. Clerk of Common [...until. jell! p Prrnmr non. June I'll 9 187 NOTICE.—The Assessments for t i e Construction of the Beard Welk m Wylie Menne, Somers street,.Old Tounship /hell, and Francis street, and the OS radius% Paring end Curb- TWENTY-BRCOND SCREE; flout Pero nue is la moo menus for attonoold caul seen cc Me often until USG! 'clock P. h.. on TUE:G./Al .Juno 1.11 1 41,11079 Olen It Phi hCreturnea to the City Treneuror a Alice I, colleMlon. 11..1. 1I0010:, lola ' CllpEnnv_mr. (IMPS or CITY NNOINEICH ANII cyR 7 , PI t.l nn* 17. 101.0.1 XOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.—SeaI• ell Proomale for Grsdlnn. Pacingand Curb- ! inn the followlng Streets. Mk: GIST STREET. from Fifth avenoie to Bly.ll._etrect . STIIECY, from 44th to 43th street. will be no. : mired at this Milos until 3 o'clock P. u.JUNIC j 27th. Ih7o. The Committee reserve the right to ; reject any or all hid.. Specidaulonit and Manly for bidding can be had at this ogle, No hide WI I be received untrue made upon blanks furnished' by this oMee. 11. J. Afooo3. City Finiimbut CrTir Corruom.kr. Orriev,,L Pirmitcnon. June 20. 1070. XT OTlCE.—Sealed proposals will received at this ofilloa till MO:MAY.4I33E 27th. for the use of the City Weigh Salmi. t meeting JULY 10. 1 e:I7O L Bidden. Wilt state i what per cent, of. gross receipts they gif t for . the use. of said :Scales. Finance Commit e re serve the right tifrelcet. any i' all bids. It. J. istml WOAN, Controller. BANK STATEMENTS. REPORT pF THE CONI4TION - OF THE CITIZENS N A.TION AL BANK !i =I At the olo.to of businepot, Jrn. 9. 18,0- iimouneF.H. • •• t Ix.. ma. 411•Counte .... , ... .......162.7 i . i"••••• ran... k LI. Ronde to secure drcohill on .......11 N - gtiaM ' ;lic7l% h ot n ol:k turnip% I . . Lino from honsernlng an e- .1 it 9 fit ' o r lento ß . ' ;X:r National liana% 6 . 0 ; Imo from other Batts & Bunker% : Hankins House ( 3. i, Comfit orpectses ..' • ; . • Taxe• Feld --- ( Cash Items, ltncludine stamps):.. . k Exchanges for ['Marine Hoax.. 10. . •Bllls of other Nations Hanks...... T Hills of Mate Banta 0 ..i Fractional Currency mad Niekela 3. 7 1 VlZl?tr,f - ag."‘ .... ... 123:110 0.4 92,031A46 = Capital Stack paid in 4T,:1;111, % ) . s "itTil a National Bank Circulation Ont- '`standing • 430.000 00 . - Stan. BarikarculatlanOutstatol- - I ing Dichiends paid a . • Individual Deanna' . 317 1 ik R 1 ' C:1- . Cashier's CherJra Outstanding.... Due NaUonal Banks . 0 Due other Bank. and Bankers.. ' l4 r Tau., Unpaid . 1. • - - 811.031.486 STATE OF IrlesiwsrLynNu COrICiT or ALLNOBIZM ) • 1. B. B. Wilson. Caahler of the Citizen,' Natlonat Bank of Pittsburgh, doaolemnly swear that the nt"'" the hen leiVlTSV, '" 4arta li P. f. I Subset - UW.l.nd acorn to beton, ma Me four ieenth day of r tine. • Ilt. ST 0. % APIS, Notary Public. C'"l.—"4 llr . ht. P. BISSIST.L, lINA Directors.. B. L.' rAfiNti,rv,K.l • __*.Sak. TRIRTUETH Semi-Anitual. 'Report tli• TUE DOLLAR" SAYINGS • BANK. EM=l Am gg due Da:portion J un. 15t, 11112.530342 Intarest WO "2 C o o gen Fund , Jane 1,1.1t170 Itt.tol 4.747.69 Y 34 ASIMS. Loan. on Hondo and Nocktages..Bl.64ll4ll Real Estate ' LIU Stock to Pittsburgh itanka U. S. 3.201.10ne5,180.1 an 07 4 UN 2 i IL Satz pee cent, Ronda. 15261. O. Bina Receivable Cloth In Bank, and on band— •. 1' 4: 0 • ? 1 =2 $2,747.092 34 The un.lemigned. Auditinn Committee, mui Wt. folly report that they bare b• _. ;74.766 ` .1Z, I".:,„ b rglf.trth u ,l'irsgtVll. Rank. consisting of acads and ktortgamis. of Real Estate. Certificates of Rank etocir.V4 Receivable, U. R. Fire-Twenty tin per cent. Bonds, 'll.s and 67. 11. R. PIZ par cent. B. 151811. and Cash in Banks and ou hand. and hind the same to conwspond with the above. report. C. YEAGER., 49 J. J. 1311.1.F1iP1E,; Auditing Committee. A. Tlkil7l.E. 7 June 901.1870. The Troateca for declared &drible d i nghree per ea.. for the bola. months, Ater 3114. 11571/. payable forthwith. It n ote raw,. wlll be. Interest from et lent. CIIAS. A. COI.TCIN. Trettaerer. PnTatintob. June 13th. 1870. .1617:773 7 ---- WALL PAPERS. ;• • • NEW' • WALT PAPER. • FOR SPRING SAFES , at. No, 107 Market .St., • • NEAR FIFTH AVE. We now over 42 the plain° • •toeltof PAPER RANOLSGS nrmarpissed in the West for variety . _ rintIVA: 4 3IItT litliVEN e gra MI% IMIONS plisin bitght 5.000. for UAW& BERM, Tint ShOrTr/ W aV D ETIPPTILIA PAPERS with an almost midi., variety or CHEAP SATIN PAPERS, WRITE and EltoWN BLANKS tor Chambers. Ire. All of which we wo rm.. to yell as tow its the lowest In the mama.. MI and sac at No. ID? Markel SI., atar Fifth Acen'te. JOS. R. 111JfiliES•& BRO• ashLtv3S - . WALL' PAPERS. SPRING. 1870. 1 PRICES.REDUCED. 40 Motes wide tints at is per roll. Lieti-„trz=lt°42ll47;ore- • {I ANT French and AOICTICIII PUper liikt- , tutfi bove, superior to say swift, i twit country. Ft psis st H. - . W. P. MARSHALL'S \ rt .. p k i l gt i v. .d Retail Store. 191 !,thati -_A LEGAL. • NOTlCE.—Whereas; Letters of 14* IfINISTDATION or! the estate of MAC. CellillT. late of Ileldeln toemble. sae been mated to the annex beet. Indebted to the veld estate ael to Ake Immediate Ve et. and to ItZWctilma or ere. manes yllnu the aptatt4 the sadd decedent will =ake twee the hul oat deal. milk= U . tenon. fi • - D. W. ffil=l4Mt.. li