THE DAILY G A nTTF, : I ZENNIMAN, REED &C 0.., ! Corner Sixth Are. and Smithfield St. F. B. PIINNINFAIE, . JOSIAH KING, T. P. 11011112011, N.F.[ RILED, EDITORS AND PROPUIZToRS. =I By mall. per year - Dolimed by artier, per week. THE DAILY GAZETTE. GENERALITIES DICEENS . life was heavily insured ; GENERALBrsa. in in Austin, Term Srunaroxs nwiiu in nw*rtna in the PO i tome. TOE Oji mmQ °VOA - eland held-a pie- nie yesterday. WILD CATS are damaging many Maine 'sheep folds. BLACKBERRIES are getting tots. a drug in Vicksburg. TE.O centa a pound Ia the Georgia price for lee. A MICIIIGANDEII died in the act of pull= log ona tight boot. - A'PoLtCLtdAN was Bun struck inPhila. , delphla on Monday. IN New England this year mackerel and mosquitos bite well,' ESaciussts from Australia are coming in large numbers to California. IT takes two hundred ton. of trawiler rieß.per day to satisfy New York city. Tun Irish national schools arc to adopt sewing machines as a branch of study. How. are maid to be good at multiplies. don and bogs ate unequalled on the square root. Do not trine with an accountant. for when he ntlnga, hrll nting like aii:ndder: INXgROTIAN IN raising tame mink. Yearlings bring five dollars--more \than shep. 011otTEPTI. Canada proposes to 'honor Its rnismeers who ••fit into.' the Feninn war, with medal... Jot:ix L. Thu. hue been elitetNAl din min of the Philadelphia Republican Ez• ecotive Committee. A stviGET of gold valued rit 49G6 64 was recently takelt out of a claim nt 111m letville. Barker county; Oregon. l c MAD M 4 was killed by a policutban in Baltimore on Monday night. It bit a small boy before It met the policeman. TfIE shining lights of the Temperance movement. and the brilliant orators who detest corruption. seem to be one and the same. Nine. t.'.t unix, late Mtn. Vaughn, living about teu tulles above Woe°, at White rock, Texan, committed ovarian by liboot log herself. Ox Tuesday the Pueitce Expreati train east,on the Pennaylvania ed Irom Altoona" to llarrlsburg Sa tst ,hours and fifty-four minutes. . \ Two letters for parties in Pittsburg] are held for postage in the Cleveland of fiC”. One directed to Miss M. A. Clark and the other to Samuel McKee. - • • THE licitly of an Unknown woman, with sonic of her under clothing marked "Mm. Itaydon," was found floating in the Dein. ilare, at League Island, on Tuesday. . JoEmi Rom., a man thirty years of age, !prang from a second-story window in philadelphia. on Tuesday evening. We haven't heard the result of the inquest. Mira West Point cadet says, that when .a lady wears a long dress to ono of their .hcips they love to look at her; when she wears a short one, they love to dance with her. A crrna: boy emliodied Ms thoughts on:theologv. in words, thus don't see hair the devil came to turn out so when there was no other devil to put him up k:Lawstin Dstisgu.., the colored man whd murdered Thomas a Philadel phia: peddler, is Po go to his long home via the gallows in Kent imitate, lielaWare, today. . . ....`kir that 1.. r." the poor Indian. ham de. pag7t,,triivu Wltellingion. the question ther in - pallarat•Cischw to now, who de there to t for Lb g ani—Nen , Yerk Hirri/d. 'rut yest4c 10): bold. L ..11.tollIttatt divorced couple have re married, all throu*h a matrimonial wirer. tisement Nehieh the may - published, and the, woman answered without suspecting the author. • rk pipers ply that the A. T. Stewart ix $1,420: $1,273,00111. 11.. T. llehtt Cornelia,. Vanderbilt HICIIARI3 liOul,D, the workman at lb. Vulcan works neSeCliattanooga,who was knocked down on Thursday night by a alungshot.• died Saturday. lie was an Englishman by birth. • A myr.ntintedrunkard in Helena, Ar kanue. recently shot hie wife in the Lack of the head, like the cowardly assassin Le was, but her chignon caught the charge. and she was only stunned. ' TEE Boston Pant rays that man's 'lnhu manity to man has made countless thou - sands mourn is undoubtedly true. but: his wilful negiert'of the opposite si.i may, 1 with equal truth, be asserted. - ; 1 On Tuesday night last, on the premises of Robert Oreiner, in Barks cottnty, Oa., a negro woman wan shot and killed by "her husband, Dave Nickerson. The maw . derer at once made his escape. IS North Nusalboro, Maine, Carrie Thompson's . affianced married another girl. Carrie'n wedding dress made a Undaome shroud and the arsenic she took didn't seem to disfigure her at all. A Ilitoommts gentleman .waiting and watching-, musket in hand, for a thief the other night, was so much surprised when the thief appeared that he forgot to fine th gun till he had got safely away. S Indiana the Supreme Courtin a case ‘ i ap' sled from Umnt county, decided in et. , I that a man who kept a billiard table ke t a table for gaming purposes, within th meaning of the statute of the State. E great rubber litigation of Charles year vs. the Providence (R. I.) Rub - 1 be Company, which has been pending 'swans seven years, has ended, thei - Com. E x4i agreeing to pay the complainant 7t07 names Wyatt Ballard arrived in San Jose, Cal., recently, having come all the y through by rail from lowa with out ying his way; getting along by hid ing a the cars. and refusing to get of whe ordered. 0 .- P. TitATCUER, found - guilty of eml zzlenient at the U. S. Pension Office, .• In fladelphia, and recommended to mere , him been sentenced be Judge I.nd. .11 low t pay a fine of 4325 and be implis need lorfifteen months. • :' TEE San Francisco Bulletin. says: "In the &Begl desert lying to the eastward of the lower pink of -the ('arson, is a epring whiettl i can cure all Ills the flesh is heir to. A fewdrinke of its water and the patient will never want another doctor. Tur', Legislature of Liberia, upon hear ing of Ithe adoption of the X Vth Amend ment, resolved to expunge an article in the Conliditution of the republic of Libe• 114 , which allowed the right of nuffrage tally Mcilisens of African decent. A; rope men earned Shard Ine, who wan bitten On the heed by a at, In Jefferson eounty,ili.r., three weeks ago, was wiled • with the most violent paroxysms of by-. • drophobig on Mender and his case was pronouncled hopeless, although he wee not dead on 'Phesday morning. _ CIL7IIII.IE Rnortre, cousin of O. I. Beck, of Jackson, MIAs., wan drowned a few •. days Mitre, and while Mr. B. was attempt ing to obtain the little Loft,. remains he • - received the intelligence that another cousin had accidentally shot himself. The • wounded num will perhaps also die. . - Tule lead mines la the vicinity of Latest Moand,lio., are juat now receiving gzeit attention. Many luds are yielding from three 'to four thousand pounds a day to the ha d, and the young men of the coun try a giving up- farming for milting. Two 1 d furnaces in the vicinity are in 1 full b t, - , _. TUE hipments of iron ore and - pig iron \from rquette to 'June 1, were 57,923 gnus t sof ore, and 4,427 firma tom of ?pig iro • From Escanaba the shipments were _ ,223 tone - of ore, and 400 of pig Ai r on, mg a _grand total from the 03 of • 111,971 groan tons. The amOnnt ia largely /a excess of hat year. • (jar. f the officers of a steamer at •-. s . 1, Oa., recently hadApure all c.a.. w iih ..,: .. deck hand, and moo his - . own life k iw k-.41 , the rnanoverboattl. The . : _ • '..-` , .q. 1 • 2 .-4- , 4. -4. K. • A i Lie ) iiii) . 144 -A• , x , ) .... 4_,. ,-- 1 1 ,,, tr . /, - A ) . 1 \ __, • N 11 4 4 - e Zjelitt ESTABLISHED IN 1786. IE3 man could not swiiii,and WWI on the point of drowning, when the officer jumped in and merited him. The officer's friends compliment him on F.avi ng two Brea that der. : _ TILE corruption in the Republican party must be something terrible, as we notice it has induced quite a number of foreign gen. tlemen Who have only resided a yen r or two in this country to cill for their " fellow citizens" to come out from its Influences. In about three years , when these gentle men can rote, the Republiciin party may tremble. A TiIOVOIITFUL poison thus nninen on Iho stozT of Daniel in the Lions' Den: Ilene sad it wan for those poor lions when Daniel Was dropped into their dens, to be compelled to go sniffling. about Lim and think how nice a small chap from his leg would taste. and be denied the luxury. It Imo rough on-them lions. but it taught them self Daniel. COL. J. J. Williams. an American en &eel.. and Mr. Jarry. on behalf of the Mc-tic-an Government, am now surveying the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, for the pur- pose of finding s proper point where a canal can be dug to join the tWo oceans; they are both very sangutne.and consider the roject mucirtnore feaalble than on the Inhume of Darlen. Tits paper published in the vicinity of the Lake Superior copper mi -es are cam Honing laboreni. and part eularly un skilled ones, from emigratin , to that re gion. The copper interest S at present entirely prostrated, and sho • s no signs of an early revival. The co • sequence of this depression is that nine o t of every ten of the miners are idle. Move of the counties in ensue hare indications of brine. and salt -prings are found in the valleys of Fall r yer, Verde and Neosho. The large t and most inllwrlnnt deposit,. of salt are In the big betel of Ibo Arkansaa, being found there, according to Prof. Mudge, htatelleologiat, "in'places two feet thici,and and no - wild it must be cut with an ace " ' THE planet S.atnm, with its marvellous assemblage' of rings and satelltes, is now a conspicuous object In the evening -skies, and win remain so during the summer mouths. It rises . now about suneet, and arrives on the meridian a little before midnight. Its place is in the stalliaad constellation, Sagittarius, and about twetk ty degree, east of the well•hnnwu ruddy star, Antares. Two colored meu, and one tit them clergy man, with their wives. were refused) admittance to an ice cream saloon in Tp-) silenti on account of their color. They were informed that - they could buy the ice cream and take It oft the premis;•s, sa cred to white men. and eat It. Another entirely respectable colored man was re fused admittance to a temperance Sunday School in that place. Os the frontier, in Kansas, audiences at he theatres have au original way of a p lauding actors and actresses. They giro regular Indian yell; patting their mouths •itlt their hands all the time. A certain astern actress was so applauded, which frightened her so she ran out Abe back way, hired a carriage and wide twenty- five, miles to the nearest railroad station. leiciing the play in the middle. She said she teas afraid they would scalp her. NATHANIEL LllAZEN.Seeretary of the Capital 31anufacturing Company. of Co. 'lambus, Ohio, and socially prominent in that. city, become despondent and shot himself thmugh the heul on Monday night. A friend who was sleepingin nnothee Led in the mine mom with hint at the time, was startled by the shot in the middle of the night hot thought It was a dream. About four o'clock Tues. day morning he woke up, however, aril was somewhat startled and . unpleasantly surprised 'run New York after describing ~,rorgrolu• turn out of claret and gold. with nix bore., a n d about slaty monograms, green and drab liveries and two footmen, all coating about Otlib compliments the - be. upon 111 s simplicity and lack of English snobbish ness, and upon being satisfied with a sim• 'ple monogram and plainliyeriea, might have had crests and gorgeous plush. The fact is lielmhold might have possibly - expended live or six thousand more upon the advertisement and didn't. ON the nth of June, Augustine Rolland, n highly educated Mulatto, waa married clandestinely to a negro named James Madison, in St. .orris. 'rho mother of Augustine had hoped to see,her daughter married to a white- man, and was so in censed when she heard what had taken place that she pursued the newly wedded pair, who had gone off for a short wed ding trip on the Pacific. Road, overtook them at Rochefortand,meeting the bride groom face to face, stabbed him to the heart with a dagger. The murderess LA now in jail awaiting trial. Tat. new shop; of the Pennsylvania .Ilailrasul, now in the, course of construc tion at Altonna, it in stated, cover an area of twenty acres, and comprise an iron machine shop, a planing mill, a black smith shop,cabinet work shop,and a three quarter, round brick building, for the re pair of freight cars, eighty of which :can be rebuilt at the same time. The CAF ICl sr of the new shops is four times that 'of the old. and the buildings =lib° enlarged when required. These improvemqnta were commenced last summer, and *ill ' l be completed in the spring of 1871. • A cmorli Instance of poismung, d 'one which may serve as a caution to r eam( having the care of horses, is reeo . d in late London papers. ' John B d. ford, a &adman, aged al. in the empl y inent of a livery-stable keeper at Pant , 'as- forcing some medicine down. the ihroat eta horse, when, in drawing his hand out, of the mouth, the teeth of the animal scratched the skin of one of Lis fingers. The following day the ma's hand was much swollen, and he awent to the hospital for advice; but In Spite f medical aid he died in a few dayr fro blood poisoning. Tres Philadelphia Ledger says, Y terdav afternoon the steamboat "Fawn " one of the boats plying on the Schnell:l I. rreen Fairmount and Manayunk, la I h r moorings at Fairmount, having on d about twenty-five passengers. Be inns her pilot had succeeded in heading her up the river; a rope became entangled in the rudder and prevented It from being worked. At once the boat became un manageable, and wall carried by the car rent toward the edge of the dam, !where she giounded and remained until the pas sengers were taken off In the boats of the 'Schuylkill Harbor Police alai others. Foi tunately the water was low, or the boat would have been carried ovef the dam with all on board. . . TILE N. Y. World says:.The gypsies are about to establish a colony at \ New Albany, Ohio, and there are now gath ered thare about forty families. ((eyeful of which have settled down on estate's contigneus, "Delegations are still runic. ing," says the 'New Albany Ledger— though . ivliat' can'have calmed this move ment of concentration Is, so a Yankee would rii) . -. unguessable . They propose anther, and to Invest in estates, one adjoining ther, • and In v, the traditional Gypsy, Queen' with them. It is not generally knoWo that there are families in this city (New York) of eminent fashionable and social distinction that preserve the gypsy blood in its purity. and that the race is sporadic- 1 ally represented In the enterprising rem- repaint upper ten of the metropolis. RECENTLY a farmer named °mere, re• siding in Greenfield, Michigan, concluded that•he would rid his barn of abotit a handfed nests made by swallows under the eaves. and for the purpose pt . t . np and T mounted a long ladder. There wire only a dozen birds about when the fa a Te i n ., meoced at the nests, but be had Scarcely torn one'down before the few set up . mach a twittering as soon brought tothe spot every bird from the bums of the whole neighborhood. They flew aroundGemere's head, uttering mites' of displeasure. and at last the whole cloud settled open him' screaming, peeking and scratching, al if determined to dig his eyes nut. The lad der did not stand very securely, and,' as the farmer raised his hand to fight efflux tormentors. his support !Sipped and fell, carrying him to the ground. tiro far breaking a rib, and giving him Nitre yew( bruises. The bards remake . ' 'the 'spot until seemingly coon their abodes were safe, when scattered. FIRST EDITIOL MIDNIGHT. XLIST CONGRESS. iiiRIXIND SE7VATE: enhan•Spanisb Affairs:— Tax and Tariff Bill—Texas Pacitie Railroad. HOUSE: Representative Apportionment Put Aside for the - Session, Probably--(leorgia Resto ration By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) WASHINGTON. June BEItiATE. Mr. SU3LNEII. Chairman of Committee on Foreign Relations. reported resolut one—as a substitute for the House resolutl —ln re lation to the content between Cuba insnr gent■ and the Government of Spain. He &sic. eti Immediate consideration. The resolutions declare the peopb Rotted States cannot hear irlth Ind the reports of barbarities mactie. Island of cam. The United States, _protests again t barbarities by both parties. and de them as contrary to the laws of civilir teat fare, and solemnly Insists they be The people of ; the United States n to bear that pretensions to property nre etlll - upheld byPnain. and In the justice and humanity this Oorernn manila siav!ry to be abolished in nil minions of 9pei on this cOlianent. The Culled States haring once L tiles themselves, believe the day of slaverT on this continent at an end, 'met the efforts of Spain to maintain on Cuba against the wishes 'of the Cs people of [he ll¢ited Plates at t his with Inn o the people of Cuba in their ao 'cure independence. and at the game . .tmesyro, pathise with the liberal party in Spain who are endeavoring to secure free govern eat for that - comitry. Thel'residerit fe direc t e d to common cater these resolutions to the government of aln and people of Cuba. Mr. CASSERLY objected to the considura- I ion of the resolutions until they were pri7l, and they were laid over 'and ordered t. be printed. Mr. STEWART tooted Lb take up the bill to prevent the enforcement of Chinese Cool e contracts for senile labor.L • - - . . - • .. . Mr. CASSERLY gave notice of an Intent I to amend the bill in some very objectionab features, and asked further time for the pu pride. STEWART remarked that- each de lessened the probability of passing the bit . while these Chinese importations were In creasing. Finally be agreed to wit hi. motion temporarily. Mr. WILSON said the Senator from Nevad. was forced, by objections nude by Senators on the other side of the chamber. to let the ibill go over, but hoped he would call it up as soon as possible and press It to a vote. The time had surely come when Congress should treat this Importation of servile labor. either to take the place of the emancipated men of the South or working men of the North. Re was opposed to casting a drag net over the world and gathering up the degraded portion' of mankind to lower the price of labor and degmde the workingmen of the United States., kir. StescarCa mot on was then withdrawn. Mr. SHERMAN moved to limit the debate on amendments to the tat bill to live minutes for each member, but Mr. TRI'RMAN ob jected. The tax hilt WOK then resumed. and Mr. SCOTT spoke at length against the relent lon of the Income ta.x. • • Messrs. Buckingham. Bayard and Thurman followed on the ROMP side. and Mr. Morton defended the tax. After It short executive settslini the Senate took a recess. At evening session the CutaideritiOn Of the Tex. Piscine Railroad 1411 was resumed. At 11:31) Mr. 1 4 :Ye's amendment. provid ing fora new set of corporator, headed by Gen. Fremont—making the total number. with those already in the bill. one hundred and •Ixteen—Wll3l adopted. Vest al. nays a. A discussion then ensued upon the jinx" of the road, and at 12 o'clock the Senate lourned. HOUSE OF REPILESENTATIVRV Mr. HAY. from the Committee on Inettlid Peotinnr. reported. a LIII to pat pensioner -it hom penot in. were withheld from them be %Veen the ard of March, zen. nod the ti h of bv - reimon of t heir being In I he civil nerrltt of the ftovernment. the Reno.. of pensions to withheld. ' • The House then took op as gonnlatual. laud 'boss of. sestet-114v the beside atnenamoni to the bill to provide for the apportionment of [term...ant:dives to Congress among the sever al:Antes. the question being on Mr. Judd's motion to concur. on which be moved the previous question. Mr. MAIWIIAI.I. u...pealed to his colleague to let him offer an tot;endinent. Mr. JUDD declined to withdraw the previ ous question. Mr:MARSHALL hoped the previous ques tion would not be seconded. as It was au out rage t.o pass the bill In Its present form. The previous question WAS not seconded by :Ito 81. tbea offered a amend - • • • meat providing that in the election by general ticket of two or more Members in one State each qualified voter tatty cast as many votes for ene candidate me.`there are Repeesenta tires to be-elected, or may distribute the Rama among candidates es, he sees at, and that the candidates highest in rote shall be 'declared duly elected. Messrs. Marshall. eftg.,(larfleld and Halde man advocated the proposition. which was opposed by Meters. Taitlin,ludd, Hingham nod Maynard. • • .. The Flange again refused to second the pre ions question. • ; Mr. SCOFIELD moreEtd refer the. LEI and mendments to the Judielary Committee. and Der further discussion . . . Mr. ELA offered an amendment providing that the representation of any &ate should out be diminished In the Forty-secrid The bill nod amendmentswere then. refer red to the Judiciary Committee rem PS, o p t 51 5. is regarded es equivalent to the defeat 'of the bill, the JudieT Committee Standing number ten on the l is ts of otommittel m r: be called, and it beingunlikely It MU be bed this session. The vote was a • sectio I, not party one, members from the West and South voting against reference, and those from the middle and eastern States for it. There were somefew exceptions to the role. -Mr. MAYNARD rooted to reconsider the rote. Mr . SCOFIELD moved to lot the mottott on the table, Which was agreed to—yeas IC, nays co. Mr. BUTLER, of Mass., - from the IRecon vtruction Committee, reported back the Sen ate amendment tothe Georgia bill. with a sub stitute. The substitute was the mute es the bill for Virginia, Mississippi and Texas, with the eht ale addition of glvtalr those four.Sutte* the right to arrant. . • , Mr. DAWES offered a substitute. reeoliMe lug the Met that Georgia had ratified the amendments to the 001221114t109. Was entitled to representation, and was authorized to or. centre militatT for her defenc Mr. CESSNA offered 4 1141:4 e. 41it4 declartrig that Georgie having Complied with the Re construction; acts, arid, the Fourteenth end Fifteenth amendments - to the 1.1345t1t141011 hnsing been retitled In good faith by the Leg islature ofs aid State. it Is hereby declared the State of Georgie It entitled to represen, Mon In the Congress of the United States. Mr. FARR'S% ORTH stated he was author. iced by the majority of the Committee to re port an amendment. . Mr. WOODWARD stated the majority of the Committee had authorized Mr. Farnsworth to present n report, - ad that the case before the Chair was the c u te of the majority trying to get before the House the report of that majority. The Speaker stated that he understood the gentleman m a k e t h e author wed to make the report which habod made, and asked whether that fact was challenged. Mr. BECK said he challenged It, and stated that the chairman of the committee. lArr Butler, had made a report truly as far as to bad gone. lie had been narbortzed to make that report, but he had been Instructed at the same time to have the report of Mr. Farns worth presented, which was in fact the report of the majority. He added that eight of the commlttts had at ant voted for the report of the chairman and seven against It. One of the eight, the gentlemen front Ohlo, (3fr.Upson) afterwarde changed his Tote and - roted upon the substitute In the hands of Mr, Farnsworth, but was unwilling, lest it might Le deemed a reflection on the Chairman, tto take the bill out of hie hands. The Speaker asked Mr. Beck whether he raised the point that the gentleman from Mas sachusetts was not authorized to make re putt 7 r. DECK said the chairman was not au thorired to make it by Itself, without stellar the other condition. The Speaker said that Wes- the only "pent on which he could ruleo whether thetstr--7 wne authorized to be made. t Various amentimends were offered by arum , inrtmi consent, which with the bill and rtb stitutes ware ordered printed, and it Was agreed the previous question might he .."c -omied at two o'clock to-morrow; Adjourned... I Upper , abet. [Br P. and A. TelegraPB.l Etnoinenvicce. Jane M.-111rei statlonarr. 11; • feet water in the channel. Weather clear. Thermometer 81 at 5 F. M. M. onzr_ennono, June-I.—River falling elnvely, two feet e , l inches' water In channel. Weather clear. Thermometer 70 at 7P. M. • Off, Ow, June After at a stand with T e l i ftnteen - Inoaer Water' In the, channel. Reuther deer. Thenielele!ee IV at CP. M. The Steamboat Race Against Time. Cey Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] ST. Lints, JOl2lll turns out that. w h o Pike. of New (Weans. and Hr. mood. Was clerk of the Jan M.White adieu - she Made hoe fact trip i nlett, were authorized by Capt. Leathern to.geep the time of the summer Natchez on her recent trip. and their time Is three dam twenty-one bourn Itud Any-eight minutes. - trots wilt dos to 'the record al . ihe Natchez. PITTSBURGH, ..FRIDAY, JUNE NEW YORK CITY Failure of a tiold and Stork Broker— The Railroad War Wages—Further Reduction of Railroad Fare—ln• 'crew of Freight Rateu. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] NEW Viouw. June P 3.1 . HEAVY riSANCIAL The markets at the fitock Exchange Were outwitted to-day by the announcement of the failure of Jas. Boyd, Whit. . a broker. sus. Pended on contras ti wild to bare been made for oocouttr of F . *mkt E. Ketchum. It ap pears Boyd was curing a large amount of [Old. about five lions, and was also In the stock market, h . Ijlg lines of Pacific Mall, New. York Centr , Hudson and ROek Island. Until recently b Igo had a; large Interest to the Lake Shore a d Ohio et MrtaisslpPl. The break day before yesterday in the last named is said to have been due to Ills tales of stock. The cause of his failure wan the decline in lold and absorption • of margins • by nterest account on stock; It appearing that before his ,suspension he paid • out over gafo,ooo In the settlement of losses. The amounts carried were Out of all proportion to the margins pat. up. Bo yd's 10.. It la thought will - be coveted by 854000, and that they are not larger is due to the fut that the operations winch had been clued . within the past fevtt, days on some stocks have* showed a profit. Great sympathy Is expressed for Boyd, who has been an attached friend of Ketchum's for years. and who acted as his broker both before his departure from and since hie return to', the street. This is the third time Boyd bastalled,*and in each ease through the failure of his principal!fore his suspension he mid out over M O ,OOO In the settlemeut of loss.. Tilt iIAILROAD WAR. • of th. erenc to th 't thepe lounces toped at panned ty n man ae too of •rnm nt de • o all be do beet colt Hu open I.a d r be no 'ob it - stp t fans o tto?eion The competition for 'passenger ratite be tween the New York Central and Hudson River. Erie and Pennsylvania Central Rail road Companies continues active, with Rome further reduction to important points In the Southwest. Thereto for first class faro via Mississippi River to New Orleans was to-day induced by the Fale from gate VALsttand the St. Louis rate from pi to The Genet al Agent df the Great Southern Line via Rich mond has also adopted these rates to-day, and still cheaper reel Are promised within a day or two. From • the pre, cat appearances the New Orleans fare will be reduced toforty dollars within. week, with a similar proportionate decline to all in , ' termediate points. The eighteen dollar rate to Chicago. eerenteen to Cincinnati and twen ty-one to Lou kvlile by trunk lines con tinues unchanged; but further reductlens are anticipated. Pint class freights will be ad, vanced Jnly Ist to Chicago from $1,12 per owl, to $1.50; the rates to Cincinnati from ft to die; the rates to Louisville from SIM to 11.74 the rates to Quincy. _III. #1.40 to $1.91; the rates to St. Louis $1.40 to $1.91. CHARGE DISYISSZI! The charge made by - Edithn Montor ogninat .Mesdames Woodhull and (India woo dismiss• od and ahe was remanded to the rate of the Commlasumem of Charity. Pregident Grant bag pardoned Lout. Lin diner for a violation of the internal IVY.ue law relative ttb lotteries. He had 'erred about half his term of imprisonment. I Ethelred Woodworth convicted of e3nriler reit log'. has tree%tven new trial. the pro-e -cuticle wltnecses roving wane lbw] himself. irxTcycco Michael Varier;irother of "Reddy. the blactotnlth, - b be en sentenced to eta moot hs In the penitentiary. -, BRLIW 'i•ELE(RAMS -,- Report) , from San Pete county. Utah. saT the crop" there ore nearly drat rtlyetlby (raga- —The Missouri, Ittier Ls again very high . and ctill rising tr ilk q cospect of. getting nut of Its bank,. • Willhatt pum boo been nOminated for COnaTellA by tb Republicans of the let h iltio district. —The ftemocruti tutiveut ion at Nen. Alba lad..yesterila nominated lion. M. C. Kerr for Congress. —The annual sale of Rock by Mr'. Alemthy took place at Frunkfort.liy., un Wednesday. slaty horses were sold. realising MOM. The Itepubllciin Congressional Conientio the Fifth Indiana District yesterday notni led Hon. John Coburn for re-eleet Inn. --Koannanschanp. at San FAl.llCiat., Lac erintru6t.,dlo furnish 14410 Chtuese for Ala- Imam and Tedneuwe; tbree viuni •hiP •• • • =I =MB!=IMEI . . . 1..1 also ptes..ils --Tile gold mine[. nn ,sake Ins., of port Roodany anlaa i . ntxa a r .0 u o 1 dRS par- --nig line oU max Wia-h-14tanto l'oint of }Moro, torn Iniltnt, cartooning with the Baltimore and Oldo. lust been placed under contract, to be tin Ina year. -Jacob and Samuel Meyers. robbed ROW day. since at the Planters' Honer, St. Louie, of a large lot of jewelry, has e rood the pro prietor'. of that hotel for }GOV damagee. -At the mamal exhfation of the New York rltyl institution for deaf and dumb. 013 Wed nesday. dlplotonsle.ere distributed to seventy four mutee and deaf c tit ardent. of both oozes. ' -The northwest sutlieriligfrom• drouth. In southern Whiconsin no manilas fAlleu since March, and In Minnesota. northern Illinois and parts of lowa-re7 little since that time. , -A: lake ha