The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 23, 1870, Image 1
THE DAILY GAZETTE: PUBLISTIED ar PENNIMiN, REED & CO., Corner Sixth Ave. and Smithfield St. I= T ,P. NOUSTON, N P. REED, RINTO . 9 AND PROPRIETORS. =1 By =II. per tame...... ........ 11e11ver.4 by curler. pu'eweek THE DAILY GAZ GENERALITIES. TENAfI il/4835 pohtmilitresse TrwitE eggs ropt $7,60 • Savannah. lIENLIT CLAY DLO; in 0 / 0 Free Trader clew. Tun new talon Ilotel at 8 poses to accommodate USX) PET= Ilassanthass and P were both drowned in the rive on - Monday. Wurg an eastern college al to. Now York ho becomes no andWeara glasses. •-' Os Monday, Henry Vernon, of Brooklyn, •' fell from the bluff at Fort Lee, N. J., and was fatally injured. I • Jr is estimated . that in Monroe, Mtchi. I! gan;hundreda of tons of grapes will be I harvested this.year. Fixers:can is the home of the first. man I fined. for refusing to guess the census taker's conundrums. Tilt:Tart Commissioners of Brooklyn ask that city to issue bonds. for ilrAisioo ~ for park improvements. ; Mns.i.lrYti, of Nailing, has gone off • with a stranger, leaving a disconsolate husband anti several little sons of Bolas. . • THE Western Fniveraity is in a gour -4 ishing condition. It never had •so maw :: students before slurs itsorganization lit ": 18.111. • 1 .tAmr.4 rt.TN. aged twenty•four, and I teeorp,o Sarl, aged eighteen, wert`dro‘riell on Saturday night, while bathing. at Dation. , i The Telegraph holulg,s in a umnber of ; sketches from day to day, of the gentle ', men who are the "Favorite Aversions" of .....' earl other.' - THE new Constitution of Illinois allows • every one naturalized before January Ist, . 18;0, to vote, which, it is thought, lets in :' some women. I • „ nitIODE ISLAND has heretofore voted in _ April, but its Inst Legislature changed • the time of holding elections for Con gressmen to November. A; I ON Sunday afternoon a skirl - containing • tvai men ana two women capsized in the • Delaware river at Philadelphia, and one • of the women was drowned. - drama: . 0 IIi•NT'S gentlemen's furnish. , log store on Chestnut street, Philadelphia wan broken into on Sunday night and•ntl • bed of V• 1100 worth of goods. • A l'onn paper'. has discovered "one . . • _ . . .. . - • the few specintens of modem, flap doodles" which tprried nut In Int a Doctor who huts tensed to subscribe to the paper. 1 Hcv. W. A. Iir.NAD6 of this city has been elected a member of the EiOcutive ' I Committee by the Swedenborgian Conven than now iu session at Philadelphia. i i A IFOCR SEMI old boy in Hartford tor& such a dislike Whitt baby sister, that, in 1 . the absence of his toothier inc took a poker and killed her by striking her on tbehesd. j A rAttry of-roughn In Chicago set upon • man named Dennis O'Connor and beat - • him so that death is almost inevitable. be muse lie declined to go on a hatter with them. MI THE New Yuri: Pes7, in considering womari.'s rightaasiTl woman's capabilities, announces that - Ahern. are, on tie whole, few things a won= can do better than marry. • AN lowa paper says a: wedding took place in the Harrison county poor house . , a few days ago, n gay old pauper of •68 summers •mameing a lively lady pauper of 50 blushing years. . , • THE loss be the burning •of the (tool hresyery In lislilliaillphis oas but little n . . i'mll t.tso .T f U nt°°° E tha ßofl nf Wi to n n "7 / 7 7 :16: ;! 7 y ll s 4 : 7": I f 'h " e ca n th2 t . te e,." 7:n d :d lno' : _, engage the services of Ah Sing. one of ,". the Chinese at North Adams. to asnist at the Beethoven Festival, ' was, like the ARP Festival, unsuccessful. • . 1 A NUN In New Hampshire hail become .., 1 so used to matrimooy, that on the own ,.. sion of marrying los fourth wife, when t .! the minister requeeted the eatiple to stood up. he said: "I've lisually set." A ewormocc, school is being built in La Crosse. When the world progresses a little farther In eiellimtion, no village will be without' one, and every boy and girl •willbe obliged to learn to swim. TUE Chicago Poet says the Go vernment. may as well give up making treaties to confine the Sioux tribe to their reeerma. lions. The only reservation, they will. ever keep is a mental reservation lowa now has two lady County Super. Intendents of Schools. Miss Addington. of Mitchel; •was • elected •by the people. 'and Mrs. (Inge lino just been appointed by the Supervisors of Black Hawk county. IN New Orleans. rosy•cheeked peaches, black grapes, sunny pears, liquid water melons, black cherries, red plume, soft figs, early apples and perfumed eante. lopes are plentiful; but prices are aril) sk y -high. , • TUE window glass made at the glass works at Alton, 111., in claimed to be clear er and better than any Sale being made in the United States. It In owing to the re markable whiteness and purity of the lime and sand used. CLINVONJOWA, has ' .She went to church; fo pled; cushion on seat; t. the:congregation rose t, reached over, took the . ft under herself. • . . TIE commerce of Philadelphia seems to be falling off very fest. Cart year in the month of May 4,037 coastwise and,l4B foreign vessels arrived at that poei, In May 1870 there arrived but 2.704 coax wise and 02 foreign vesels. Tat result of the re ent war in Para guay is that there are fifty women to every . man In that country.. If - Brigham Young contemplates moving'. 'here is hie chance'. to accomplish the flitting with eclat and a ' fair prospect of making converts. A est.u.stitg horse was killed by a hog in Bloomington, Illinois, recently. The two animele were .grating in the same field, when the hog,',lncorning enraged, rushed upon thelsorsa and inflicted such injuries that the owner had to shoot the latter. A 110 ST terrific Mono passed over the Eastern States on Monday, At Boston, Worcester, Springfield, Lewieten. Bangor . and • Norwich, its effects wens particu larly disastwete. Churches and: houses were struck by lightning, and much glass broken. ILLINOIS has a preacher who gels j)lin congregation in the church, locks the door, and preaches at them until the dea con wil, a specified amount. lie . preached three hours last Sunday. before they camdown with $lOO he was anxious to moiled. ON Tu av last. flee colored convicts, I collect. working n - the railroad near. Minor., Bath con ty,Ya.,ettempted to Make their escape, when the guard, his gun beigg loaded with bnekshoWfired upon them. killing one and ,wounding two. 'The other TUN Philadelphia Ledger says four ; ships, three barks and two schooners sail ed from this port last week with 1.0213,00 0 gallons of petroleum, making- the total exports 16,609,000 since the Ist of January. Six shipa.twenty.sir larks and eight brigs are nriw,loading. Lima( JONEs, who recently murdered his wife In Newmarket, is gradually sink. lug into his grave from want of nourish. went. The gash he made in his own throat Is still open, and out of every pint of gruel he swallows only two tablespoons- ful reach his stomach. The Times observes that Smith has Alban his accustomed wisdom by appro. Miatirtg to himseleone of the least flat . tering characters Sketched in Lothair, and adds public curiosity would be much ‘ II • rellerent the prototypes of Phoebus and Pinto world also reveal themselves . I A BAN named Connor, working near the . !War at Charkestwan. Marts.• ' has gotten into the had habit, when disturbed by boys, 'of 'seising the nearest offender and throwing him into the river This heliu done frequently until last Saturday he threw Benjamin EOM= in. and lie was 'drowns& Thy Weser e7dtement over 1 Si. x :7 'a IS =I NE Mai t'•; ~:» ; ~n ~:~: ~: !`• Ell I ' . ■ MINI :. 'r- '' , 1 I . . I I . . - . - . . . . - . . • . • r. _ , . . . . • . . , . . • - . . . . . . ..I ' . .. . '. # 1 , - . . , • ' " , r , • , .. . . . . . . • J, . . . • . , . / ....' . . • . . :-.. . - . . . • • ..I . . \.. . . . . - ) 1111) . . • ' • , • • b r e\ __ Tii.e. WEITELY GAZETTE . . IS TETE BEST AND CIISAPWiT t:•' . . .. . . • Commercial and Family Newspart • Lb'i ... 1 . ._ . . ... 11 . .. . 1 . r , l i 1)-11 c." 1. 7k..... Zit- tit :IC 4. • w P ie Ll;Ll ut a it, lll:ll.l3 K ES . L , P3 m t: TY:NESTLE ASIA , \.t facet mechanic. or unistS•at iniiiiii 3 a . F'" V.1.:'.--....'.Single subscribers 1.4 g. I,' - • --a. - Oaks of eve Slow of ton 1.13. ' ._ . . , ll' _ • _____ __. ____ . A ", ty fp milibod gratuitously to the get , - -.----- ' - '-' of • (]oh ni Uni. PoAttinstersi sr* monads.' ..'• .. . . If STA,,ISHED IN liE the matter in the nillgithorhood, but t .ours Is said not to realize at all the gravi• 'ty of his action. 1 IT is reported that Bishop Whipple, of Minnesota, has not axperienced the bene. fit which his friends expected from a visit to Europe. It is said that consumptive symptoms have deVeloped themselves in his case, which have been aggravated by his residence abroad. • THE Boston Post in speaking of the late Jerome Bonaparte, of Baltimore, Bays his father was the, youngest son of Napo leon I, This may be regarded ti.s new light thrown upon the page of history as the Duke of. Iteichstaidt has commonly Levu regarded heretofore as Napoleon I. youngest . IEI [groin in Id mouthed toga pro. rdera, trick Ryan at Chicago .tudent goes car nighted A wt.:mut:a in Bridgeport, Conn.. Was interrupted fora moment. the other dal, by - an apparently sane gentleman. wlio stepped up to the bridegrooiu at the altar, tapped him on the shoulder. and said in an audible trhisper "Before" this little at fair goes ant' further, 1- would like to know one tliing—whe will build the fires'!" Tug Lakes on Sherman avenue are to be drained and pipes are already on the ground for that purpose. The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals should attend to this and see that the frogs are carefully removed. perhaps to be added to the collection of f urious an: .iquities on Stockton avenue, - - 'rite Marion county, lowa. Di mocrat, says of a new disease among the cattle: 'lt makes its first appearance In a limb of the victim, either on the shoulder or thigh. awl in a short time the spot attacked tame black and becomes swollen, and within a few hours mortification takes place and death follows. No other part of the nni null swells or seems affialed.. -1 ' ' Tut; people of iholluien. Alalanna. are in a fever of eXeitement over the hill that a party of some twenty' Cherokee Indians. descendants of the tribe of the celebrated Chief Kuskovy, are on their way to Gad.- den, the object of their visit being to make knewn tht; locality of certain lead and silver minee....edid-- - tf4be within one mile of tfie'Deuble Springs, just outside the corporate limits of Gadsden. 'l'd r. June number of the Coll, ge .Irn• mat s before us. It is the' concluding 'mut ter of the first tolume of this paper. and we take opportunity - to congratulate the editors and students in general of the I uiversiiy upon the success of this ven ture of theirs. `The paper is neat, men. prehensive, well printed and well writ ten, end we hope long lived. The editors are about to take a two months holiday, which we hope', they will enjoy. LEONTINE, a handsome blonde of eighteen, was crowned the other day at Nanterre, as the mostvirtuous woman in France. It was Abbe Helyot who founded the institution at Nanterre, in consequence oft which evert - year a prize of Virtue was awarded to the woman de tinted by is jury of nobilities to be entitled to it. The reign of terror in 1193 'interrupted theidistributimilf the priies. but it wan resumed again in 1804. •. Tile. letter of Profeeeor floldwin Smith, replying to Disraeli's tmonymous assault upon his. character in "Lothair.' has rm. ated a very decided sensation in London. The papers of June Bth, without excep tion have something to say of it. The News says coward le a word which is not ordinarily applicable to. Disraeli. but he has earned it in tide tome, and writhe and wriggle as he may he cannot escape the strong hand which strands him with it. . Tug Louisville Courier of Monday says yesterday's Nashville Banner says: "A band of unknown men, In full Kuklux garb. approached a freight train on the Nashville -and Decatur road, yesterday morning, while it was at a water tank be yond Elko:amt. Ala.. and told the entuine ior that if the engineer. Monte, continued to run cie the maid he would LA killed. Fortunately Monte Was not" - on the train. anti . vre are Rua the outrage did not occur this side of . the State line :. - t , ...,. ritkrz \Vim:MA sew. of Brunswick, Gel-ninny, has Inv nted a machine for making Ice without any chemicals. The process takes place a cylinder, where the air la.first powe fujly condensed, then cooled by the admission of water, and final ly expanded till its pressure is about equil. to that of the- atmosphere. This sirdple profess lends to astounding 4-esulis , for it lowers the temperature of the air to about 30 'degrees Celsius. so that after the latter has been conducted in moderate quantities Into a place through which water flow., this water is almost leamedi• ands turned ititoice, of yid& enormous flocks may be thus obtained, -if desired. THE electric fluid has been playing a number of fatal freaks during the poet week. Mr. Williim Johnson, of Mont gamely, Alabama, was killed while stand. log in .his house on WednestieY night last. The current, it is conjiictured, calm in through a window .pane,' which was covered with paper. ilia watch chain was melted by,the heat. Hirsh Hutch ins, of - rnikville, South Carolina, was also killed while resting against the door'. of his house Also, little Willie New ton 5505 killed near Marietta, Oa. lie was leaning against .chimney. and. although all the rest of the family were around him, none were hurt: . nit stony which comes to us from the great - fire at Constantinople of certain Turks who resignedly shut themselves up in their-houses, believing that their hour had come, and so-burned piously to death, is fairly capped by the recent sermon of a French priest. This excellent man, a few Stindays since, selected "Insurance against Fite" as his theme, and preached a die. Bourse against it, an a flying- in the face of heaven. "To insureone's property." he said. "0, my hearers, is &crime! Calami ties of all none are chastisements from on high. If you insure your property You ttivent God from punishing , you should lei see fit to do sot" This patron of Prov idence clearly got himself born - in the wrong century, Tne-introduct'on of Chtrumen into 31as. sachuaette to wo k in the shoo factories, the Boston Post rtels directly brought i t about by the vio ant . measures which' the grade organizati nit have seen fit to take to force respect f r strikes and compel the regulation of bu iness according to their ideas. The Post addle "Combinations of workingmen fo mutual assistance and improvement e worthy of encourige ment and approbation; but when trades unions degenerate Into bands of ruffians organized to bent innocent men who are As Ming to work when the union commando a strike, the sooner employers fill - up their factories' with non•union workmen, the letter It will be feria' parties. It is um deritood that the North Adams Chinamen are only on trial; but the experiment prom isee well." - female strategist. tad her neat oceu k nest seat bank; Ping and the lady ninon and plaWd PROFEMSOR DR. FREDERICK RAVIIK who visited the United States about the year 1841, and wrote a short history of his stay. is still alive, haringjust celebrated his ninetieth birthday, in the full enjoy ment of mental and physical health. Since the year 1811. be and Professor Leopold Non Itanko have been the chief lumbut riea in historical lore at the Universities of Breslau and Berlin. Among the . nu. memos distinctions and congratulations received' by Prof. Dr. Raumer on the above interesting occasion, was a personal visit from the lion. Mr. G. Bancroft. His:Ma jesty the King sent him. by the Minister of instruction; Herr Von Meuliler, the decoration of the Eagle: the Crown Prince telegraphed from . Carlsbad, and many deputations waited, in the course of the day. on the distinguished veteran savant. Di Roston, the organization has been effected of a society called the "Women's Garden Homestead League," and a con vention is to be held in a short time in the . Melonson. The purpose of this organiza tion is to secure a practical benefit to the workingwomen of that city by offering such of them as prefer more healthful and congenial occoptition, homes and land, outside the municipality, which they, may and cultivate. e property it is proposed to'obtain, eith T er h from • • a gift of the State, or from private liberality, and" certainly there is no object which_ more thoroughly commends itself to the pltil- ' anthropist than this scheme for the ame lioration of the condition of needy work ingwomen. Our shops and factoiies are now overstocked with girl operatives and at wages whicb barely seem to support existence. To open up a healthier and more appropriate way of earning a Rein will be a blessing to a vast number, and this is the above avocation's purpose. 1786 er "Runt a Muck." i 'Enquirer sap.; 4 4 is do A Texan St! The Cinch= itt every t,% : n I:authr. rNI2EI= bovine from Te as gets on a spree in tho city and creates a big Sensation. - Teeter. day morning - one of - these long.horned gentry bad a high old time, and cut some pranks which were tin hopor to his spe cies. The indications are that he broke loose from his pen out beyond the lirigh. ton Hourte, as the first heard of him was in that locality. He took things very quietly, however, in that locality. b.ut as he advanced into the city his ire became aroused, and by the titue liv,had circled around and struck Fifth street. in_the . ! neighborhoril of Walnut. W 31.1 worked op to a fever heat. -Ile came plunging along the street, his eye in a fine frenzy rolling, and at th.spoint above a. , signated ran over a little'girl and gored her con sidembly. She Was picked op and taken to Keeshan's drtig store, where prompt aid seas rendered Iter and she wain sent to her The infuriated beast . continued on hit course, encouraged to madness by the shouts and jeers of those upon the streets. At the Vine street crossing he made for a latly whose gaudy colors attracted his at tention. The woman screamed and ran. but the beast ran her down and made an ugly thrust at her. The'pursucd lady -threw out her parasol in her fright, and his-uteership caught it on orient his hems and carried it MT as a trophy. The lady escaped without injury. Ott went the gentleman from Trans. At Hare street he ran over and trampled stpms nn add man named John Saunders, injuring him considerably. The animal then seemed to lake it into his head• to go down to the big plenic`at Short's (trove, and he started at once for the landing. lie retraced his steps, and down Main street he went with the speed of Is smarter horse, cleating every thing before him. An int. slums, crowd stun at the landing waiting embarkation. The crowd saw him coming and cleared a passage for him. One or two persons were knocked dawn and run over, and it is related tkat one man was caught on the steer's horns and tossed several feet into the air. The ferocious bruto headed straight for the river, and reaching it, plunged in ur to his nose. There he stood glaring anti froth. ing and slashing his tail, apparently enjoy ing a bath. Tile greatest excitemimt pre- • railed in this emirs!. A Lumber of .trove men wanted to sistsot him at once, but were prevented from doing so out of eon. sideration fur the crowd. The mad steer, leaving his pleasant quartets; in the river, headed for the shore and :bushed - down Front street, making things lively as he went. rpoMreaching Central avenue he entered the river again. and started for the Kentucky shore. The current carried hint down. lon he swam nobly and landed at Ludlow. Here a crowd was .1,11 col lected and the truculent brute WAS ended after a gentleman had empties! the can mts of a revolver in his carcase: Garroter , . onthe Railroad The Cinci anti Enrsirer gays. A few days ago a party of gentlemen. residing in Newport , gaihered themselves together and went down' the fiSntucky Central Bitily3lnd as far as Butler upon a fishing eXttlillioll. They were jolly goal fellows, fond of fun and frolic, and tunas was the prank they played upon each other.while beyond the reitraintsof social • life. After several ditya spent in enjoy. men s. of which linking was the least. the party started, upon its return. One member of the crowd. a practical joker and wag. named Winston. had laid him solf out to such an extent during the trip that his fellows determined to get even with him in some way.' Juste before retching the long tunnel bark of Loving ton. Winston wan observed to be Bitting in the forward part of the ear, either asleep or wrapped In the :'solitude of kin eivo originality." SOlllO one proposed that when tip•r .adored the taimel it would be-a good idea t. garrote him . The eugneetion met with a prompt sec, on& and as noon OK' the 4..titeette of the long hole ocershanlowed everythlng the.. boys got ready to awry out the i r boner. lent design. But Winsten was too smart to trust himself to them under such dr cumstances, and MO quietly slid out of his stet and took a position in another part of the car. The "boys - hunted about matil they thought they had reached the' neat where they hit saw him, and finding hint all right, as they supposed:proceeded with the fun. But it happened then, as It Lae often happened before, that they ' got the wrong :porcine by the articular pendage—it was a quiet, demure, - old ' Christian gentleman upon whom they had laid their hands. They jammed the old man's hat over his eves, choked him vio lently, and went through his noekete with great dexterity . . Of course be Ft s alarmed at the v iolent treatment, and elloufed lustily for help, but the boys kept it up grandly.: The whole car was in an uproar. When the train shot out iota open day again, the true stalk of at, fairs was revealed to the . practicaLjokers. They saw the mistake which they Lad made, and were profuse in their apolo. glee, but it took'a great many explans. 'ions to satisfy the poor victim and make -• thing clear In Lin mind. La{.Miai~tratioar . • The New York Standard speaks as rot lows upon this subject with the recent ad dress of the 'Bishop of Pittsburgh ai text Bishop his address before the Fifth Annnsl Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, pointed to some excellent results springing front lay min. Istrations. and said that In the.visits he is making in his diocese he Often wishes to have some laymen with him. The Epls copal Church in Pennsylvania. espCcially in V. cistern Pennsylvania, occupies a very. peculiar position, and in many planes its services are unknown and its formula .a tradition. lus trained ministers are few, and the small number of persons In; large communities; who prefer the Episcopal worship are badly served if served at all. Lay ministration h as been a source of great benefi,t in that region, an the good works of good laymen are beneficial eve rvwhere. No one can ovet•estimate the good he may. do If be only trims to . do Proselyting may not be a pursuit that Many-of as could commend, bat. works that are really trod, especially those In which laymen .= eruipige, are far above proselyting. Lay ministrations have a higher significance than even Bishop Ker. foot gave them—a significance that we all ought to see and feel more and more eve ry day. In tide city there is much misery and needless suffering. It seems needless' to offer men church services and tracts and and good boots while they want bread in waiting for work. An empty stomach seldom takes kindle to doctrine. Even institutions like the Young Men's Chris tian Association fall of good in themselves to the classes that most need help, unless their ministrations extend out of theta selves, and reach the internal wants of the sufferers by supplying the external. What we neod all over this country are better organised efforts at improving the condition of the poor—a more earnest out-look lest capital trample upon labor and the degradation- of the laboring man follow with a train of worse evils than •we Lave ever known. We must make men good by making them.happy; we must make _them happy by giving theixf work to do and teaching them how to do it. In thin there is a field ~for lay ministration un thought of by the good Bishop whose -words suggested these things to us, : but quiteas important in their way AB the lay ministration he commands. • TEE Portland Argun says: After a slight - shower in the town of Cumberland, on Tuesda s v of last week, standing water was observed to be covered with a yel , lowish scum; resembling Hower of. std. phut in color and appearing like soap or grease on being rubbed in the hand. These appearances were observed through nut the neighborhood, but to what cause to be attributed is not known. Mr. A. - Gretly of that town brought us a phial of the scum, but we cannot decide what it is composed of. If a volcano was near, we should think it came from thatit may possibly be the pollen of flowers floating in the air, though it seems hardly crediblo that it could be abundant enough to pro duce the effect observed. We have not heard of similar indications in other places, which would be quite sure to occur if the latter were the cause. PITTSBURGH, 'T 'II,:,SDA l', JUNE ==!=2:E:o=l Inspector. Berthold Auerbach has just published au interesting reminiscence of travel. Olt Austrian. borders some quarter of a ern tury ago. N'ith a large party' Auerbach was traveling by coach, in the year 1115, front Adorf to the Bohemian baths. On arriving at the border Custom . Bonn , their passports acre found all right, and the travelers were asked If they had any thing about them liable to duty. Auer; habls declared that he had brought with him only a lmndred cigars for his use due ing a four weeks' sojourn In Marienbad. Me customs official looked at hint -with large eves." stroked his moustache. right and left, between his forefinger and thumb, and 'hardly knew what co soy twat. A Prussian officer, one of the party, joked Auerbach about his houortible con fession. but lie replied that it was the tirst time he hail crossed the Austrian borders, and lie \ neither intended to smug sgle or bribe. '4 Ise o ffi cer shrugged his shoulders. enstonss official catue again to Anerba its and asked bins, in a very good humrired way. "Shall we open your trunk?" necessary," Ise said; •'Lliave a hundred cigars; I have five *icif them here in Inv pocket, and will pay duty on've times their weight." tihat will lie n long job." replied the official, "and in that case there will have to be so and so many official papers filled ant" 'The Prussian officer then stepped I up, paying to Auerbach, -rem let in us; I kfiow you will refund me the • nit ney," and then placed a coin in the nil eters hand: 'Auerbach's trunk was then used unopened. But the official did not forget his a titte. nor, and hinted. "It 1..10 custom ry to' give the Ilerr Inspector inside soma sing." stir then went into the Is rents.• Tiler. stood Ilse official writing t- his desk, and smoking a long pipe, e mpla centiv. Jost beside bin papers the stood ai wooden hovel, tilled with very fin sand used all over riermany I stead of binning: viper.) Into this each traveler ,now laid a pie, of money while thellerr inspector wrote and smoked just as if ho 'sew nothing. ThO party then passed on Mite Bohemia. Auerbach wan then publishing leis oiling*,entitled qt 'rs. ilevatteramann,' which was Printed • anti Carlsruhe, in tint Omnil Duchy of Itadinn and to this he pent the story, as it was fresh on his mind. lie sissified slit' this and place, and vouched foSylie truth I,li what he related. At that time the press was subjected to strict reit. sorship. and Anerbach's story had to pass under the criticism of Ministerial Coun cillor Zell, who struck the whole story out (nun beginning to Mi. 3letternich 'was thrill in power In Austria, 'and to have' published it would have caused great dis pleasure. Auerbach never forgot the im eident, however, and be gives it now as a characteristic of the pre.lB.lB period la. fiennany, "Si Pacem Para BeHum." At n meeting held in Monroeville, Pat. ton township, of thin county, the "old eel diers" with quite n number of young men who "heard not the roar of battle in the late war," organized a military company for the purpose of drilling and generally preparing for any "onpleasownes." which may arise in the course of events in this section of the nniverse. The company - will he known as the Allegheny Zouaves. and following is a list of tire officers chosen . Captain, Wm N. Haymaker. • formerlY of Col. I laya',sPrd Y-third Pennsvl vania Volunteers: Fitt Lieutenant. -Alf. 'Joh. a veteran of Dick Coulter's "Old Eleventh," who after being severely wonaded in the battle of Doi Wilderness, was captured and confined for eleven months antithit • the horrors of An dere, Second theutenant, Aaron Trelir.firrmerly of the One Hundred and Seventh Regiment of I h.nnrolvnnin Volun Orderle Sergeant. )ohn Swager. formerly of the One Hundred and Fifth . Regiment of Peimsylrania. Volunteers. ll Mt. Swatter io 4. general - 1....01AL with fl. , members. and should any Y ea occur ' in the ° shoulder strap ° ..,Orti ta of the Company, he will soon be in i sessionof n pair of those articles him self. I'llh Company is filling up st, as the character and ability of the otti ra chosen a 1 warrant a pleasant time to tine a who may enroll themselves therein. It has been proposed to vole - n no few of the old citizens of 014 , section honorary members of the Company, aiell as the CIAZETTE has been our stand \by; for the last twentyfise years, we shall take pleas ure in making her one of the number. Yours. reSpectfull . - A Sole TITIER. • Alt 011 Romance. ' There fits young lady in tileveirn.i. t only child of a bankrupt Syracuse, N. Y.. merchant, who is now supporting her parents in affluence on a Pnlaii fOrtline she made in the Veuango oil region. When misfortune overtook her parents— that was in 186 G—and she saw her father whom she fondly loved. bending under the weight of want and decliningttealth, she secretly resolved that with her own fair hands she would earn a competence for his declining years. With that thought pervading her Whole being and in full possession of her faculties, she provided herself with male attire, severed the beau, tiful locks which had been the pride and the admiration of numerous beau!, stain. ed her hie and hands to the bronze color of a former boy, and with a small sum of money which she realized from the sale 'of her trinkets, she made her way to PV outer run, where; under the name of Billy McGee she soon ingratiated herself into the good-will of r i crew of drillers, who first learned her to turn • a drill,.and then secured her a position on a drilling -if From drilling for wages, she went tn drilling for small working interests, by which abe became owner of Interests in several fair wells. Having accumulated a little money she vents ed to putdown a well on het own account. succeeded, tried anOthar, again Dncceeded, and at the end of two years, she left Shamhnrgh with $lB,OOO, retired. to Cleveland, provided a gcoil.cme for her profits, renamed female attire, and now, with hands and feet en. larged by toil, she passes in her prorilC . nada the worthless butterflies of fashion, . . with t proud consciousness of bet super ior wor th.—Pleasastrille (7aslighl, jThe street Trees 13 Perl' All the. boulevards of Paris are Planted with trees, many of which were,however, destroyed during the revolution of 1848. New trees ware therefore planted, and their growth fostered with amount of skillful attention that has produced aston ishing results, when the natufal distuivan taus are taken into ;consideration. The trees are planted in loam that has been Previously .XlllXed will said, and trams ported. to the city. This is contained In large receptacles, lined with Mick, sunk below the surface of the Idol waY. and coated over with cement, so so to render them impervious. They form In fact. gigantic flower pets. and, into them are: conducted the roof-drains Of each hone block, from which the earth .ddrlves Its Neater supply. These basins' or flower pots are built of capacity sullicient to ad mit the roots of the trees. Au othamen lid circular iron grating, set . flesh With the footway, it placed over these basins and around the trunks of the trees. This admits air for the proper s upport of the roots. The roots of the treen-itre thus re moved from the deleterious influences of , escaping street gas and the poisonous emanations front sewers, causes which are weiVicnown to have destroyed thevegeta. tion In -the streets 'or many cities. - - Tun Philadelphia Press lakes the right • view of the cue, when it sap: A strong movement is being develop' ed in the western counties of the State, having for 'its object th e creation of a third party. It claims ostensibly to be a move for the reformation of the Repub. UM, party and the nominatioa of an ITT: est ticket. if this in reality is its aim. the means used to secure the end are not those of honest reformers. To be sincere, the effort must be made within and not outside of its limits. The Republican party, unlike the' DemocracY, Is not 80 corrupt as to require outside 'inhumes for its puriftention. .Nor does it move to wards reform on the principle of sues. Mon. FIRST EDITIOI. MIDNIC=HT. XLIST CONGRESS tUiECONU dr.gSIONI.I SENATE: Tariff and Tu3 8111, Con sidered Wittaont. letton,HOUSE: Organliation of Departatest of In ,ternal ilevenue—lntereifk Eta: %tide Between Mr. Parutilforth and Ir. !Idler. Y Teh , graph tg the Pittsburgh 4.l.3zettel WASI16:11201., SENATE. - • Mr. SUMNER, from Committees. Foreign Relations, reported favorably thdhill to facil itate telegraph communication tJetween - the ratted Staten and Bermuda islands: also, the bill to‘ authorize a. direct sub-marine cable from the United States to DeWitt. Mr. WILLIAMS reported, with amendment. the bill relative to the unlawful certification of checks by officers of Nattonal Banks. Mr. NYE called apt he bill amandite the act granting Louis to . aid the construction of a railroad and telegraph line from tli States of Missouri and Arkansas to the Pacific coast. by Southern route. The bill is knOWn as, the Atlantic and Pacideltallroact bill:add extends the time fur the construction of the road so the Company can ootain the right of way through the Winn Territory. "Th ' bill was discussed and laid aside. - • • Mr:SHERMAN called up the bill t o reduce Internal taxes. etc. The emendate is of the Senate Committee on Finance were read. The proposition of the Committee 'to strike out the nrst thlrty-four sectional ImPria leffnMist3rili vee.apli agreed !4!i30 it.. had .provided for keeping up a portion of, the spe• lei tares, while the Senate cOmmit tee pr: po. See to repeal all of them. except on splrit sae bocce and beer. The next three sections of the"bili...inserted by the core mfftle in lu of th pa rt re out, we ren il c d. They ie provide e for the repeal. after May tat, we e of all special taxes. except those upon brewers. distilled splcifis and to bacco:also. that the several taxes on sales be repealed except .1101 as en, by law now paid by stamps; also. repealing text/A on sales of Ice and manufactured tobeeCo, muff, cigar.. foreign and domestic distilled spirits; also. re., pealing the tax article.: in act...dale Aand special tax on boats. barges. .11ats.on legacies sod stleeesSinns , on pas.poris end on groan receipts. Sections were arreed to repealing, af ter October Ist, igiii. the stamp tax imposed in sch Mule Bon promtsiory notes for a less sum than one hundred dollars. on receipts for any's= of money or In payment for any debt, and also stamp tax Imposed In achednle C on canned and preserved rash: farther, that no stamp Shall he required upon transfer or assignment of a mortgage, except when made upon a sale thereof, or when tritneferred as collateral security: also, that commissions shall be allowed In the purchase of pmprietarr stamps. Also. allowing the removal of Inc fee or friction matches. clear. lights - and Wax tapers from the place uf maanfacture for for ears'itparamatiiisrs unbent TarTe.ngtul'alblnasn or f ~,tbaCommlss‘oner. o Internal Egvenue. "Mr. SHERMAN offered a new (cotton, whirl: as amended by Mr. SAWYEILIcas adopted. mendinge the time withlo wig stamps may he affixed to Instrument! of Sr tag melting stamps and executed in the litte retrainees States, until June 13. Int. tanking the penalty double the stnoust of tax and in no case less thaajlive dollars. • . The - income tax sections tare then ilk cussed. t Mr. SHRUM-A N tmoise lu favoa of the reten tion of the tall and Mr. its against 'lt. The blll•was laid ON er es of business for Tharsdiv. i Mr.POSIEROV offered it reiolntion reentst lag the President to transmit Mar miltildnntil' cotton and proposals he had reeetred for the Constmictine 'of (Wan steamships for lbs trans-Atinotic mill service. eiti_ - • The Senate took a recess. • ~, • - HOUSE OF Th o R iz EP g R E th S e ß N c TiT .r i t l ie E in a t • bridge acres, t h e r Mis n issippl a oM oun t c/ B i loutff as waspessed, with no ameadmeVlrtagthit constructirm - of span s three ed feet In width. - Mr. WILSON. of Mammies. from Committee on Public Lands. reported n bill authorizing the claim of the State of 3finnesot a for lands for tbn •.plOl. Of the S nlvtrsit 3.. Passed--.NI to le. Mr. S.CHENCE, from Commintm ou wave and Mean.. reported a bill to onranne the lie fpaa Internal liesenue and to rewninte the collection of the and moved that it he printed and made t h e n special order for Wed nesday neat. The bill changes the Bureau of Internal Revenue into a Department. the Com. tnissioner to be the head. at a salary of s9l_ol -per annum: also allow" an Assistant Commis 54.5 , 111: three. heads of 'flew salaries PAO: ninety-eve male and fifty female clerks, tem:dr-five super visors, salaries CLOO4 and emistant su• pervlsors not exceeding twenty-eve at not over eight dollars per day. The bill also•provides for revenue gauger.. asses son and collectors. /he number of assistant asSesSoes employed s all be permanently re duced by the discharge of nil agoras assigned specially to the essessment of tiny taxes which have been abolished hr law, and the Commissioner Is farther required to reduce the number of o.ssistant ItilgeSSnr% In propor tion to any reduction of service ot. rimiest meats which have been made or may hereaf ter be made by the repeal of soy portion of Internal taxes. The bill reduces the employee about one-third, repudiates entiren the aYs temMf infonters. spies, moieties. 3c. Mr. SCheners motion was agreed to. The bill to pay the European and North American Railroad Company fragaiti. interest due the States of Massachusetts and 3lalne on ' money expended in the War of 1612. less ME cussedr. urg a hill bond the construction ot a narrow cana, mountain line of railroad from a point on tthhe Union Pacific Railroad, near Fich C ity to e mouth of Cot jrlittn h r nre" „ el e,VAltfr l SteA Committee . on the resolution for the expulsion from the r eporters" `alters of Sr. Scott Smith, corres pondent of the New h orkNmnino Post =Me a repon and asked It be presented end slit resolution told on the table. So ordered. The Houle. en motion of Mr. SCHENCE, proceeded to'businces en the Speaker's table and disposed/hereof- as follows Measage from the Senate requesting a C.:in ference Committee on the Currency hill. Agreed to. Veto of the President of the bill for the re newal of a patent to Rollin W bite for Improve meat In pistols. In the discussion which took place on the veto—which was participated in by Memo. .Wood. Laflin. Hoar and Kellogg. in support of the veto, and by Messrs. jenckes and Batter, (Mass.) against It—an exciting episode took , place. arising out of a point orderr. made by Mr. FARNSWORTH. that. Mr. Butler wise the paid counsel M Rollin White, the beneficiary under the bill. Be' dbeilwetlthatit was In evi dence 'het the member from Massachusetts -had accepted a fee of two thousand dollars. Mr. EILTLER asserted there was no such evidence. Mr. FARNSWORTH affirmed there was, an lt lams conttaned In a commuoicatlon of the y Commissioner of IPatents which he bed naked to have read at the C ierk'a desk, but Its rending had been Objected to. , air. BUTLER—There is 'no such evidence— ne;lree. FenAnßlillnNneollneTTlV—linisbeist. upon Its 'sting rend. 3lr. BUTLER—The point between the gen tleman and meant Is thud: He charges that a fee of tf.UOO was furnished me to edvocate the extension of the patent On title floor. I say I received the fee for arguing the case In the SnArre.nfeACTI.VIWORTI—Th' statates . of the United States declare ,member Of UMIZTPSS who receives any roe for matter pending be fore ContrQss, or in any of -the departments, Commits a misdemeanor, punishable bylndict meet, and It Is In evidence the member from Massachusetts voluntarily stated to the Com missioner of Patents— " Mr. BUTLER linterruptingl - 1 do not give away to the abase of a man who has more beard than braitut. Mr. FARNSWORTH — That Is a most excel lent retort—al good its the member Is capable of making. The member can curse my beard, but be cannot steel under. the shadow of my beard. My point of order Is that the Kahn°. man. the member from 31easachussetts, beano right to advocate a claim here for a fee , of taro thousand dollars. -The Speeker reminded the gentleman from Illinois thy question of a member's Interest, In a matter before the blouse is inveriably lett to that member's own sense of propriety. Mr. FARNSWORTH urged the reading of the communication of the Commissioner of Patente twohow that dollar, tler had received a fee of thousand , The time for which Mr. Butler had the floor having expired. Mr. ELDRIDGE asked that the' time be extended. It -was a matter of gr p H eat interest and imortance, and the ome and country wanted to know all about it. Mr. FARNSWORTH insisted on his point of order. The Speaker directed the rule to be read, which directs that no member shall vote on any question, In the event of aliNh he is Im. mediately or personally Interested, and stated that if the rule was enforced In the utmost - stringency. It would nett prevent the gentle. man from Massachusetts debating the- quee lion. The rule was limited entirely to the question of voting. It was forth° gentleman himself to decide upon-his honor and his oath as a member. The Chair cou o ld not be the G° 2lr e e . i rgrarErife o vi.lTA b i e .r,t l inutes lime left ,aid he would give it to Mr. Butler. Mr. BUTLER said he would not ask hail of It. He only wanted the record to be reed which would brand the statement of the member from Illinois as malicious, false and Infamoue. [Sensation:l Mr. FARNSWORTH—Have It reed. Mr. BUTLER—The entry Is ono of 0400 for counsel fees paid me in 'January. ISt, when I_ argued the case before the Supreme Court, where my brief Is filed. It Ives for counsel fees and nothing else. : • Mr. BUTLER desired It to he rend at the Clerk's desk. The paper lens sent to the_Clerkli desk and road, from which it appewed Mr. Butler had written to the Commissioner of Patents, sue. nesting the patent should aot be extended I without examinatlo• andthat he had received a counsel fee of • , I, from the applicant. ' Mr. I.Al:cow H sought the floor, bat -)3. Itiit). Mr. JENCEES insisted on the litecho. teen. The Home, however. beinghumor to enjoy and encourage the scene. refused to second the previous question. Mr. FARNSWORTH obtained the floor. Ile said there were two facts pro ninent in the matter. The first wasahat in SC there was pending an application from It lin White for c am e etension of his patent; ter the Met be ce known to the member trim afassachu sett s. and be volunteen,d to pr., est against Whether that Was for the pure se of courting an offer for counsel fees he did not know. The second faer Wan that when White Bled his schmlule of expenditures ',train order to show that be had not made s much out of the patent as he should, he ntered as one Item of expenditure that In. Jattnary,loBo. he paid the member from Massachusetts f2.01J0 for counsel fees.. He woldd • state fur. tiler that the member Uhl not utter a word In (lie Sapreme Court In behalf of Rollin White. though he did the wren' small and slgullictint brief, so It might appear he did something la the law court towards' earning his CIAO. But he (Mr. Farnsworth , would Irate it to the House and to the country to determine what the MOOT." of White y ing the V.OU(I and what was it, if s not the 52410.4 that Induced the sneutber from Massa chusetts to advocate on thin floor the eaten- • Mon of that patent! T. member had spoken of length of bearth'and he (Mr. Farnsworth) had told him thou, ns he did now. that nag short, no member or Congress should with tits knowledge steal under the shadowof his beard, ho member of Congress should with his knowledge perpetrate a fraud like this on ewe,p or the 'United States. whose inter est!mll he violated, us he (Mr. Rutter) had sale his letter to the Conmossioher of Pal, eats by the reissue of this patent. It would me mb er !loed lust in the letter written by the meer in b e, he said the t he i ra te this pat ent would be subversive of the interests of the Gs,veruipent; but ogee of 02.1,00 changed lits views, and now thchienitim . , forgot in.: his oath. a n d o the Interests of the Uni ted Slates, advocated the reissue of the' pat ent and advised the patentee to make an assignment of his interest co the Govern ment. when she evidence Was bat he had as signed It long before to Smith o. Wesson, and therefore he hail right to' of it to the Clove mama. And yet the plea of the mein .ber from Massachusetts wasrat the advice was worth ta.,o), and that 'bite gave him 12.030 for it. That wee too t in a gauze, too thin: veil, too shallow a tired: w e. Ile believ ed the House nod the country. wonid arraign theather from Massachusetts' for being on Loth ides of the question—Urst 'one side and then on the other side for a fee. The Speaker here called Mr. Foresworn to order. .Mr: GARFIELD remarked that such lan• gunge ought net to be heard In these halls. Mr. FARNSWORTH said he had finished. nail tooted the fireiloll. question. Several murmurs of disapproval showed the House did qut relish the 'idea of shutt Mg off further disc :islet, The Speaker asked Mr. Farnsworth whether he Undated Man, demand. Mr. FARNSWORTH withdrew it.• Mr. BUTLER replied to Mr. Fatm‘VCorth, and us lie was speaking the members gathered round that his. remarks at times were Very Indistinctly heard by the reporters. Ile denied havin manifesd any Interest in the bill before the g House te the way of forward sing its passage. and appealed to the chairman of the Committee on Patents and members generally to bear him out in that denial. Ile explained test In Pell lie was applied to be I certain gentlemen in his town. Interest ed In the manufacture of antis, and who thought that in a contract they war filiolll to enter into with the (lov erml eat they might interfere with Rollin Whiles patent, to watch any application that I alight be made fort. extension of that ma i ent. nod he had therefore written to the Loin , missioner of Patents, stating thee. , reasons which rendered It for the interest of the Government that the claim for extension I %Weald be examined before the extension was ma e • Ile had never - heard of it, nor had I any king further to do with It. further net that. But In lad& while he was , hoar on vacation, Rollin White came I to. tint and sold there was pending's stilt Intte Supreme Court of the United States ten had been once aligned before the Court and then stood for reargument; that his coun sel was sick end he wished him to argue it. He had, therefore. spent four. weeks of solid time Inpreparing a brief. which he. Bled. .d which the member from 'lnutile called a weak and Insignificant brief. The gentleman who had originally argued the matter bad got well and reargued .it. He also attend ed the argument. For that lie bail on the 29th •of Jammer. IBA aieeelrefi VIM There hail been then no appllCatlon pending before Congress 'for extending the. patent to his knowledge; and lie had not known there ever would be. Ile could assure the member frost Illinois that never would he make such a brief as that, never would he ar gue a case an that case wan argued. and was perfectly safe from ever receiving a fee of 52.1151. [Laughter.) Ile further explained It was after the hill bad gene to the President that White came to him and said Ahem semi oppotiltion to It. because 'lt was made to appear It would Interfere with the flovamment. - and then he told him he conld obviate that ty tiling in the Patent (Race a release to the united States. Ile had beard this tlilag Was (0 lie brought Mt ngainst 'llllO 10 the flowne, l, he had felt that innlice. ialded byweoknenen. want contemptible. lint 'they.-/ma becn oft , Presented before the country the singular spectacle of an attemp ted orraignment. of a member by another Member who &Stunned Mut 4nlaWareti. In • the manner that'the blower of e d v e. er ce m n a t de a . , onwards rd sadden' n d nn ' irreh l" e ' m a el e t tie Speaker's gavel iutimated the limit of porno mentors- debate was Win encroached upon. Mr. ItrTLEß.paused. to wed at the Speaket as if wondering at the Interruption. and In quired. Ina manner that brought the House down in roar of - laughter, whether it iron a message from the Senate. *Re suming his remarks he said: I repeat that n prepared blow. alined at a Man unprepared. the blow of a coward-and an assassin— everywhere a great truth 'ln %has. to which I think nobody, not even the Speak er's hammer, will object. [Laughter,' If there be any man here aim thinks I have Dena In any way false to in people, I invoke a vote of censure from the House. Ile added - that he had not sought this controversy. It Won well known there was a rem* great difference of feeling between himself and his assailant, but . he (Mr. Butler , had never iateuded teat dlnerence on the House, and had never brought his personal quarrels bottler I the Hop s°. Ile had endeavored to- keep whet dun said within exact parliamentary langhaire As to the insinuation that be had Wed a brief lathe Supreme Coen, manly as a pretence to obtain A fee, he could onlv say, arid!! father Abraham! what these Chrlittlans are whose own hard dealings teach them to soaped the very thoughts of others!" Mr. Butler took his Oat and tile House was grndually restored to order • The vote was taken en too passage of. the bill over the President's veto, and it was re jected—yeas 12, nays 163- 'rile Senate amendment to the House hill to amend the act lecorporatlng the National Junction Malin:hi Company, was concur red In. The Senate amendments to the House joint resolution in regard to the suspension of the sale aver - Mtn lands In California was Collear. red in-9.1 to OS. , The Senate lantendments to the Ilouse bill for the relief of Chas. Cooper nod others was the Committee on Claims. The Senate amendments Wt. House bill to 'provide for the apport lonment of Represen tatives to Congress among the several States were considered.' Mr. 3CDT/ mewed t cur. Mr. SCO FIELD moveo onc d to lay the bill on the table. Negatived-78 to OIL Without disposing of Mr. Judd's motion the House adjourned. WEST 'VIRGINIA • flepuldloon @tate Cooicution—Proseot °Meer, Nominated rot Re•elrcllon—Congrculon*l :laminations. My ToMirraph to the Pittpburgh Gazette.] W - LlEEuzso, June Mt.—The Repub lican State Convention assembled in Parkers burg this morning at ten o'clock. The at tendadee was very large, and much enthu siasm was manifested. General Ruffner, of Kanawha, was iempoiarr chairman, and Dr. Chase, of Putnam, Secretary. Thomas Swann, of Kanawha. formerly Colonel in the rebel army, but pho has acted with the Republicans Since the close of the .war. made a speech of half an hour, appealing to the Republicans to be magnanimous to the rebels, mid declared if this was done they would co-operate with the party. The Con ' vention took a recess till 1:31 P. ss. The Convention reassembled at Mad P. N. The Committee on Organization reported the following pennattent °Weer.. President—lion. Ilobt. B. Brdwn, of Jackson, and a number of Vice Presidents from different sections of the State. Secretary—W. P. Hubbard, of Wheel ing. President Brown was conducted to the choir and addressed the Convention inn brief speech." - lion. C. D. Hubbard. from Committee at Platform, submitted a majority report Which fully endorsed the Representatives in the last session of the j.cpislature, recognizing the right pf each individual to alba, speak and ' vote according to his best judgment and the dictates of his own conscience. • , Aresolution was adopted far-ring tho re moval of the disqualifications and restrictions imposed or the late.rebels in the same meas ure es their spirit of loyalty directs and con sistent with the safety of theloyal people. and.recommending such legislatio wholeay be necessary to carry it out. Tbe State .ticket was re-nominated.• Gov. Stevenson Was called for and made a brief speech. After a little business was transacted. the Conrin- Hon at half-past four o'clock adjourned. The Congressional Conventions for the rural and Second Districts Arm held immediately after.. General Goff wits nominated for Con gress from the nest District RD Mr. McGrew from the Second District. Great Base Ball Ear!Velment—Al . Stucktop. My Telegraph to the Pittsburg Ormettei ClwetsaAM, June ne of the AI C. t ory of the Red Stockings over the Athletics of Philadelphia produced gre t excitement here. Duringthe progress of he game the newspaper cancel: were - Oros - d and as the game approached a cis , e. the People were In the streets by thousand As tli returns came In from time to time plans followed and when the final result was a nourteed men swung their hats and cheers went up on en. thusiastiC an ever distinguished favorable election returns. P lIILADELPUTA. June 02.—The game between the lied Stockings and Athletics resulted as follows: Red Stockings 2 2 7 5 3 4 2 0 2-27 Athletics 7 4 1 8 11 4 4 0--Z - Fifteen to twenty thousand,people ware Present. —Jacob Thompson, a well-known farmer. of Clermont count)", Ohlo. was accidentallYabot by a neighbor last Matti:day and will probably die. = VOL. LXXXV . ---No. 144. SECOMI EDWOL FOUR . O'CLOCK THE CAPITAL The Neu Attorney General—New York Canal Enlargement —Mediation in Caban•Spaulsh Affairs—Committee In %TM Agricultural Re• port, &r., ly Telegrett.t. to the Pittsburg,lloazet tV ASIIINOTON, .I nun 2 . 2. MO =I Although A the Senate Committee on Judi ciary have determined to report favorably uponJbe nomination of Mr. Akerman as At torney General. at the President's rerinest no lion trill be taken until the urrival of that nt leman. , On Wednesday last the President telegraphed to Mr. Akerman to come to }Vashine,ton, but it appears the dispatcn failed tjo reach him. Yesterday he again telegraphed rind received a replY from Athens. Georght. from A kerintin. stating that he would leave iredintelv for Washington. In regard to t Ow , statements concerning • the with ti Justin( Okernmn% name from the Senate. the Proodent has no suck Intention at pres ent. In con..emotion, be mentions his l'eatillieSS to give attention to the state ments of Senators respecting any Minister he may appoint, and It satisfied with the force .of the ob), Mims. would withdraw the name: hot in utak ing-appointments to till this or any other vna.ney. would always net Ifidepend ently. The President has the highest opinion of Mr. Air .tman's capabil hies for (ghee. After Alterman arrives he will have aq opportunit y to make t le necessary explanation. Although 1 there is se me opposition to tile confirmation. . its at' carnet is great 0* esaggernted, and unless more I..erVnts objections are urgml, he has even . prospect of success. According to the opinions. 1 leading Senators there is DO fell!, It Iliol/ to most 011 he ea atements of the oppo sition. , otne of the Southern Senators are greatly It Isrepre,ente.S. The Se ate Judiciary Committee • reported favorribip tin Mr. Akerman 3S Attorney Gen eral. hut Without any special recommenda tion. ............ • • eio.en UOND INVESTIGATION. The report of the House select Committee on the charges made by Smith. correspondent of the New York Errittou Post. says in their Cdgtnent Representatives Fitch nod Mc ormick stand completely exonerated from all charge or sulpicion or eren complicity In any scheme for sustaining the Cuban cause by the use - of improper Influences. While the Committee consider the correspondent of the Etylifnp Post not without inch. they nre also of opinion his fault in not of such a flagrant character. as to Ju.tify expulsion front the Kallerr. or Pronto warrant any form of re;- Motions of censure. I= Thi , House Committee on Commerce have decided to report favorably' on [Sennett's Lill to enlarge the Erie Canal and ultimately make '[tree from tolls. The bill Involves a guaran tee of interest on the bonds amounting to nine of dollars. with provisions for their payment, principal and Interest, out of the tolls,- The Committee trill ask that the bill be set for consideration some time after the first 01 January nest. .ortitAnr-s roe,. AMERICANS ABROAD. • It is proposed to enact tome legislation em powering the Esecittive• to put n stop to the outrages practiced Upon American citns and American property , and - at the samee Invite the co-operation of other natio nto seeing that the prosecution of hostilities! be •cording to the recognized lawn of War. The Senate Ilitileiary t•ommittee trill report at the earlieet moment, and press action on it nt Mee. AlMlCylrrrtettl. nepvT. The monthly report. I.f theAsomndssioner li of Agriculture shows the acreage of , winter wheat nearly live per cent behind last year, while the quality of the grain is superior. Winter barley is as last year and the spring towing has been Increased. The acre age Of oats has been, iIICTORM.4. Onuses are generally flourishing. Emits' promise abund ance. The cotton acreage la =TATUM' In creased in every State and the crop generally growing well. ' .11VII DISTILLATION REOCIATIONS. The revised regulations concerningdiatllla tien from fruit allows the distiller to glee bond In double the amount of tam on brandy mill capable of producing in thirty daps. but the bond shall not he less than 65W. The ills t Ill4.lmeato taxed fifty dollars annually. - - MEMICEEM2 The Cotamissioner-rieneral of the Land dr, ills cubnilttpd In the dec.:ta r). at the interior. fiir lipid , . al. a schedule of tracts end , rscing thio aggregate 141.451 acres, se lected in the district of Connell Bluffs. as in , ining-to the Chicago. flock [eland and Pacific Iptiirned. r Secretary Boutwell thin morning Hinted an order forbidding any person not connected arith the Treasury Department entering rooms where money fa counted or handled. ?c.4%V APPOINTMENTS. • The Prc,ideut sent to the Ben Ate to-day, the names of, eeveray-three mldshlrduen to be ensigns, and seventy-one en,lrns to e anyners In t he nivy. The question of n change In our mission to Britain has not been entertained by the government. V. c. A inierittatotonl l'onnentlnn at Indlanapoll4 Telerraph to the Pittitairgh Gazette.] • INDIANACOLIg, June 2'2. The International Convention of the Y. M. C. A. convened at the Academy of Music this tuortting at W. g. Dodge. or New York. the fret Vice President of the mkt Convention, who should have presided at the temporary organization, being absent. Mr. J. S. -McLean. of Hallfaz, Nova scot la. was appointed temporary chair- I man. and 11. Beach. Jr„ of Rhode Island, tem porary Secretary. The liev. H. A. Edson. of the Second Presbvterisa,. church of India napolis. led the Convention in prayer. After the. singing of a hymn and reading of a portion of Scripture by lieu. Dr. liolliday. of the Methodist church of In , Mammon.. special eraser was offered by Rev. ' Mr. liarnitz. of West Virginia, for the Pres.- cation of the life and health of the President of the Convention last year. Committees on credentials, temporary business and perman ent ,organization were then appointed, the lathe committee consisting one from each State and province represented. A resolution woo adopted making all members of the press present, all the clergymen of Indianapolis, and all clergymen present from other sections., and members of the Y. M. C. A. present echo are not delegates, corresponding mmnben of the Convention. The Committee on Permanent organization reported the following otneers, which were unanimonsly elected President. John S. McLean. Ha lifax. Novla Scotia; Vico Prost- . dent s,'Col. S. S. Fisher, of Washington. D. C., Rev. C. H. Spaulding. Rhode' Island. H. J. Cowles, Wisconsin, J. IV. Ray. Indiana. Geo. H. Steuart. Pennsylvania. .100. H. Chase,' Ohio. C. E. Chichest er, South Crtrolina.Andrew Chase, Maine, A. Whitney. California.. B. T. Jacobs, Illinois, Jon. C. Bertram, Webt Vir ginia, Bev. Geo.,Douglas. Montreal, and Geo. - Hargett. Toronto; Secretaries. It. H. Highs . , of New York. A. F. Bell, Minnesota, C. O. Wan ly. of Michigan. • The balance of the morning session was de voted to 'devotional' exercises. The formal reception of the delegates will take place to night, at which meeting Governor Baker will preside and welcome addressee will be made on the part of the State and city authorities and the Young Men's Christian Association of th lt Vanvention this P. 38. sc a n PrtaelPftliT occupied In the; dismosiOn of :the question. "Huse any associations declined,. and if so, what is the causer The discussion was par ticipated In by delegates from all sections of the country. The reception of delegates to.oight at the Academy of Music was the finest demonstra tion of the kind ever witnessed here. The hall was handsomely decorated with flowers and evergreens. Governor Baker' presided and welcomed the delegates to the State In a a short address. The anthem "Before Jeho vah's awful throne," was Outlining bye choir. consisting of all the leading church choirs of the city. under the leadership of Prof. Black. Prayer was then made by Rev. Dr. Dobinson, of the M. E. Church. and reading of the Scrip- Cores by Rev. Mr. Sim. of the Presbyterian . church of this city. sifter which addressee of ;welcome were made by Mayor MaeauleY en behalf of she city. Rev. Dr. Hamm on behalf of the tharthee. and B.Brandt half of the Indlimapolls Young Men's Oen Association, Responses were tria e Yl3 Hon. J. S. Malian. of Halifax. Hon. G. 11. Stuarts. of Philadelphia, and ,H.Thane Miller, of Cincinnati. During the exercises the choir sung the anthems, "The Heavens are Telling," "All Hall shi_rgirOt• of Jesus* Name," and fie Wel:lime Hymn. ' • There are between six sad Seven hundred regular sod correspending delegates Dreamt, And a nutaber mere are expected to Arrive on to-night's trains. Western Union and Pacific and Atlantic Telegraph Companies have opened offices In the hall for the accommoda tion of delegates.' =I =MI [Fry Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) CAitatelikiOra. N. Y., Juno 22.—The United - States Circuit Court opened to-day, Judge Woodruff .presiding. and Wm. Dorsbeimer, Dlntrict Attorney. appearing •as prosecutor - or Fenian prisonerk The Grand Jury had be fore It many army officers nod citizens but has found no bills. Forty know-nothing witnesses are here from Malone alone. Marshal Quire. by's deputies seem to have suboenmd aluf who knew nothing, and It is questionable whether any one will be needed except Gleason, Starr and Thompson. Judge Woodruff charged seri' strongly against the Fenian*, and dwelt upon the necessity ..of a vigorous enforcement Or the neutrality laws, as the raids upon Came.. a friendly power. were villainous and criminal. Starr, Marmix, Glass, McNeal and Fitzpatrick appeared for trial. The others are. ee ter, moodt. It is understood that Starr will de. an Immediate trial. The others will waive a trial till the October term at Albany. ButTkro, June D.— Tbe Grand Jury or the Court, at bas. indicted Gen. Starr for violation of the - neutrality laws. The case Is net forbionda. Indictments will also be fonnd against De y nnehy, Gleason and Flepattick. • NEW , ! 111 CABLI' By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh cla,et ie.] GREAT LONDON. June 2....—The Timm says the effect of the draught in Prance is exaggerated. The crop is expected to be scarcely one - third short of the average The . denths by the accident on the Great Western Railway rwiw number seventeen. Thomas Marshall. of Kirkshall, who teas badly wounded. died to-day. Three bodies still remain unrecoenied. All the Injured are now doing well, except oneocho It is thought cannot recover. A collision occurred to-day between two excursion trains near. New Castle. Several peesons were injured. two badly., but none The Baptist Association met at Leicester to observe the centennial Anniversary. Leading divines of the denomination were present and the proceedings wore deeply interesting. Mr. Peele , one of the•parties involved in the Boulton and Park scandal. Is dead. • A crowded meeting was hold at Exeter flail last night In favor of a prohibit ion liquor • %VEST INDIEb. v... June V-.--. 111 the EpanhiL and for- . • sign members of the 'Masonic order arrested for attending st meeting of the lodge have been released on givit, hail to appear for trial at the swam.. Write military. Advises from St.. Thomas to the rah state the Governor has leaned a proclamation ,placing the Island again under the protection of Denmark. Several vlclent shocks of earthquake were felt at Windward I sland . on the 9th. At Guad alupe a tidal wave covered a great extent of I and and auddenly race.' far to sea. del in Kingston Ing lightened. Domingo Is unim" . • • The steamer Dacia graun (Jamaica) bather. and is bel News from liars I and St. portant. . MEM PARIS, June 22.—New evidence of the con spiracy agnlnst the State and Emperor Is coming to light, and yesterday several addi tional arrests were mode. Lesseps. builder Of the Suez Canal. has ar treed lu England and will ho the guest of the corporation of Liverpool on Friday next .d minnin in that city 00:II Monday,. receiving during his stay banquet. addresses nod other honors. CM@ Bostr.. June -.2.—Archbishopi Purcell. n Cincinnati. and Bishop Connnlly. of Halifax tearlessly denounce Infallibility In the F.cit comical Council. • MARINE: (11.1900W,.Julie steamier eambri• hag been signalled at Movllle. • FINANCIAL iND CONIMrIDIAL LIVERPOOL, June :IL—Cotton middling uplands Orleans sale. of 10.0001 hales. White wheat hie rest tens No. 2.9 , ...1.1ack 2.1; winter. On 111441550 lid. western flour:Ns id.: Corn—No. it Its 6da.311 Onto 2s 5,1. Barley 50. Peas Us. Pork lair Cal. Beef 110. hard Ws 6.1. Cheese fins. Itscon—Zo for Cumberland: GU for short rib common. Rosin So. Refined petroleum is Tallow firmer, not higher nt 45a 9d. Linseed oil firmer no higher. Sugar tin ndrXh!s. Cal cutta linseed &to 8.141610. LOOOOO. Juno 'L L .. - -/.:lVllhitt.—Cortsols: for money. 14M'; on account. 92 , i‘ditl)V, American securities steadr:l2.9l‘i; M.:: 88; , ;• Ten-Forties.. B;'.. le! , ;• Illinois. (Ms Atlantic and Great Western, Stocks FRANKFORT, June .--Bonds closed firm at YMS. June 22.—asourse closed declining. A-VrirEllP. June V.—Pet rolemn quiet. HAIM:. June 22.—Cot ton flat at lle. ST. LOUIS Steamboat Rare Against Titne—Tbe J. M. White. Time, In 1511, Beaten Oter • Hour. • [BY Telegraph to the Pitfaburgh Gazette:l St. 1.01.10, June _.-The famous steamer Natchez, Capt. Tom Leathers. which hat been making a rues against time from New Or leans to St. tants, arrived here a few minutes Mier four o'clock this aft en3oon. - The follow in are items taken frz.m her Ing: a Natchez. aeventeenbours iifty-two win mea; Vicksburg. twenty-six holtra: Memphia, two days, nine hours. forty minutes: Cairo, three days, four hours. thirty-Live minutes; St. Louts, three day.. twenty-two hours, thirty minutes. Tile race was.made to beat: if possible, the thee made by the -celebrated J. M. White to 1141, which was three days, twenty-three hours, nine mluiates. - and which ass never -beeten until to-day. although dotingo the swiftsst boat. which run this river the pan qnarter of a c dttury bare attempted to do It. There has been great excltemeat among the steambontmcn and citizen: genre-. ally all day 111 regard to this race, and when the Natchez touched the witall this evening she was Immediately thronged with an excit ed crowd who were - very joyous over the great • ' victory' Large amounts Of money changed hands on the result. W. S. Pike, a banker of New Orleans, passenger on the Natchez, who claims to have kept a careful record of the trip, asserts the passage seas made Sr:three days, twenty- One hours and fifty-eight minutes. the differ ence between Cairo and this point. Vt2VMMII $01104:)Wne:1=11 HIGII • SCIIOGL CO3IMENCE. MENT.—The Commencement Exorcises of iho PITTSIII2I[OIE CENTRAL 111011 PCIIOOI. 7111 [ako plane •• ACADEMY Or MEDIC. TYWRSDA — Janetlad.nt 7 o'elOon. Doors open Ticket,. 1 .f..1 cents: to td had at the . EXAMINATION fmbeloa to the Hlth • hoot Buddha corner of • my Alloy. ni a oortMEmte. limed by oy me nomil reolden le of Sthool ail al 9 tirant etree a C %eh 101 I) audld elt the City of Ilv order Board of Education. EIMEA Yr. SeeretarT. ,ED CITIZENS OF AHD. Ihtt,burnn. arc re )WATTOME CLUB et the LIC SCHOOL HOUSE. on 1, Juno 23.1. 1810.. Sq loss of Importance.. arl /I the quested to: MILLER THCREID/ o'clock to I N omit = lIEADQrAIiTERS nrQUENXE GRAXIS. t Pannsrnon. June` 1.1870. ) rrr•A GENERAL NEETING of the --..• DOQUESNE GRAS'S trill be held at the Armory, on TIIIIRSDAY EVENING, 23d last., at 8 o'clock. Every member Is requested to be preseat. • By order of the Cheraio-arl log Officer. Je23.,TX .1. J. ALBEITa. Secretary. JAMS RENO SEWER CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. no laying of Stone Plpo Kowa Drains promptly OFFICE. 05 and 67 SANDUSKY STREW. Realdenee.ll.l2 Fremont 5t..., Sophist,. jon:yie =ZEI zzani & Co. JOs. M. COVATSELLEILS AT LAW A d I.lodArdptey. OFTWE,NO Pittsburgh. 70=y11.1 ATToRNETS AND HUNTER, ize Broker, es TILEETr, lldlo PITTSBURGH. !ERS. OSEPH Merchan. 260 - x-ritio (Academy of Music It JaZfrrie LONDON CRA 9 A fresh suPPIS of bort Crofters In two you , ' ton Wulf. Mit and (1 re ri r t r C cf,, u cit r r ' l " iorg . g . b • Funny Grocer) store of J. Jett Verner LI chaotic. celebrated A). wafer.Bnd'. 80. m tot wo pound Nace:llrllliant and be pound or can at the N A. RENSHAW. r and Muth atnans. THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE FOR SAL E—Of hall. ear. rooms mud oellar,three lot• ground 'soh twenty-eve feet front by nue hundred nod twenty feet In depth. • • empenter shop. ate. Situate on High street, Third ward. AllegbOry. c ater 40 street.' Will be sold m • - .Miele or Melded tollit metomers. appl7lo •- 6. CUTlllVlgitilsTatie. FOR SALE, On Saturday, July_ z_2 At 3 o'clock P. will be offered on the Vete." et Pobtle Sale. the RESIDENCE of the late 'N.. ELIZABETTI TIERNAN. died. • The Property fronts 70 feet 0. ',Oaten ere 441a,tleebony, non ma bed, *de feet to Water sty r. Therehiereeted. them. a moat comfortabla D.weillna.irlthlll, room., effeb-roolna, bath lane attic, te,t Callas eeder the whole hour 0001, Opting hoate, twat honey. wine ~Shan There Brick Stable on the ma of the lot, wlth'o ^ A c.3.vect " c , l " h. Mtn, canaaawd4 ,r,j,..-One-tourth cub: the behinco in one e ed three Years. . lemerg FOR SALE OR LEASE =1 OIL REFINERY, won Innetwl: oayeatty 1.000 Mils par week. In . Rona condition, neatly naw. Apply to. or seam. -H. M. LONG & CO • PENNIMI tl . l, REMO & • PEWPRIETOKH To-Let.. ...11n . 9& Lrot." 11%M/1; j , ...Flmll,l: . "'4artilllQ. ” Sy, nn ( rxKAimJ FOI:/1 LINES. till to these ealumm omit for TirTl3 - rr-n rt.: CENTS: 44. 100 ^ 111 FZI"E eksrs. WANTS W A TITIM — o rti at i li t Z/Tran a tt s r art i rn A t a man Who understands rectifying and comPout‘d . inn Wol, Beat of reeommendations given. Ad.. Ciii!ta It. 11.11_ lhttaburl h r. o_. — __ --- *T ATED. lwo liouse Carpenter?. =EI I=l Nnant NVuhlutou day bonder. , et WA.l7,fa n ,:; 7 .AsN'Sgru regent TASTED.-2 COACH PAINTERS IIchIELVEICI3. CARRIAGE BAZAAR. Third Avenue. From $lB tolgo per vre.k lAr_ANTEll.—Experienced Agents to v-v- trartd and Patont Rights Or Collopfa for an ankle Jolt patented. Will a 4 nted to every family. Addtete A. M.. DoX a 39. PitPitts bond,. Wit h STE roe . D n za o 1 g 2A.N r 7: 4: 4?p ,,, T1 n fur $1,300 ench.t.ll for there U F.O. It.COCTIILA.N. Attorney,t-law, Grunttlroet, l'itt•- Ina •h. 4.17 GIIn house wnrk. Wimps oblect. A Comfort able home prel erred. Address C. Pittsburgh AATANTED. — Operatoro, • •Flnlshers, V and BUTTONHOLE 11/MD on Fine Unite. Enquire for one week at No. IE TUNNEL ST. IL NATEBN. - VAT k?,i . T_Ej) , _-TIAL MINERS CHM& ItTgov ' ti " .li! " ItAn?'&ollll l At u Ver.l7t: rusiPAN Y. T k ELL—Sereral Men for Farm Bricsrant e igAti o lirflikeettVii Cooking. r Chaninenrork. inning-toom work and Kent work of all description. apply at EMPLOY !. ENT Ur FLUE. No. 1 Sixth street, lint door from *mention Bridge ' Nu i Ladles . 2rr d . I ttgtA r.S. 1.. .bur 5, Pa: 128 WAN'rED.—Expetlenced Ago boucle Jet tLee4= Witt!) eo ever? family. Aliarel, A. ,`• berme. NITA . NTED--An 01 I GIRL of 9or 10 /cue.. m • cnnple. Vompensetlon. board. doing, yen.— leg. Sc Best of reference given. Andre. for .two d. 7, . J. C., GAZITre ram sa ---- IXTANTED--AGENTS.—ExHienced Aft pa tolls to kneel aod eel! patent rights for an article eat tented. Wilt be wanted In every . nuttily. t.I rout Inducements offered. Addreaa A. :I IL, Hoz 533. Plttoburslt P. O. l:4 WANTEIW--MORTGAGES. 30.000 to Lotto In Jorge or itch amount, at a. fair rate of Intereq iumAK K. PETPT. B roker BM ' nand tg d ltil a hrt=ld Street. WANTED, • A Aecond-hand . SCREW CUTTING LATHE, 3 w 8 feet tred end 18 to 11 Inch •wine.. Aidreso tEliftri PootoMoo Box ;TA, Pittollnite .t _r_a,_ WANTEn, Coat and Pant Makers, AT kith rifian, Oppenheimer & to., Jule. 7A7 No. 80 WOOI2I34REET. WASTED—MORTGAGES Thirty Thousand Dollars to Lan ' large nr mall intiounta olinrOP•ttYl. AnalibinY ant, ell lair raw of Intoreat • 1 . CHARLES MIM . Kelrrntnl. BOARDING BolllDlNH—To•let,with Boarding,. TWO SECOND STORI ROOMS, lanahad. at 103 rourth avenue. , C.-13 ,TO-LET O-LET-ROONSiWith BOARDISG. T —A Bono of Plumlabbd • Rooms on stoma floor. 160 Third avenue. ' • • 6•13 9 1 0•LET.—.1. complete , DWELLING 110116 E. trtth. Store Room attached. Situatod on %PAM avenue. For terms, Se., call at No, _ 1t39 WtiLti AVENI:R. 6.9. 7w lere:3lee o ß= wit h 07=0g... . . Skytil wy 3 ll24=4l g . Two Story .Brick House, tad ithise,el',TlVArtri=al‘al-Velll liar. Wlll be let low to a good tau t. Inquire t .1. M. FAAS. No. D old Penns Arenue. TO -LET.-STORE ROOM A fleet-rinse STORE ROOM and miler, No. Liberty street. completely =Led op with eltelrlng nod counters. .Vllll be rented cheep called for won. Znqulre et • 7-7 No. 4. VIRGIN ALLEY. TO.I.ET:—A good, two story BRICK DWELLING. con !dining 19 rooms, 'al mod- Improvements. Also, large Lot uld g-op:ll3rlek. Stable, altnate frOnttnir on the Park, No. - 164 Nortb. Arenne. Rent. reasonable. Apply at N. 41 Ohio street. Altremor. .IeSTL, FOR SALE FOIL SALE. Two Drays, a Cart, and a Set of Harness, All In (nod order. Ingrate at office of .• • ONION WOOLEN , MILL. jelltryin N 0.121/ Weer Avenue. hen . pow SALE „CHEAP.-82,600 will buy a house with eve rooms and hall, with zi . f ,i 101 . . , 1 feet front py rt lely let to depth, ilth t . 'Knave tick ' .% o et:sylva i ntalvetue " +:Santliotti wrd. near east Marta. Apply at 1.74 s tmt short, near Seventh are n a•. J ul rat SALE. That well•known iiicriarlitAßt!* k 4fl L 'ek."`•:rglt,,, ,T .ita To a proper peruse desiring to keep • hotel, this la &NO opportmity. r(hr UM., bt. address J. Denise MeMULLISS, No.2.llang t;1 . Con;marce Nglidlue, Pittsburgh. r.. 4. 8311 - IN,4!pu &hob . Itatnedlito on We. j . r;geyi FOR SAL i t —Engines and hollers, New and d Mind, of all kigh.eogatum, on hand. . Onleri from all p o rts of tYll ooentry prouiptly at. tonded to. 3 E 9 FULL A CO. t . Cornor Marlon //venue sad P., Ft. W. A.C. R. W.. aA ghocy : PA . TOR MLLE.—STOCK FARM.Con- TAINB24O ACRES. one hundred and Maly erne under cultivation. balance wood. Im= 7 meet-4 dwelllogit very Wire barn end and sheep holism. orchard and wall wattled by Jo countght through tho Sam. from In Jennings . Indlarm. 3N man from Femme s e e r lgutsvil Railroad: in thrivlng nelghborhood ea In .... T . and oburrhes. The harm MR U. purchased • ellgeper Co Apply to ft. rifcl,A.lN i CO.. N 0.104 Fourth Ave. tOR SALE CHEAP,. OR EXCHANtig FOR CLTY PROPERTT.—A gas COUNTRY It I ORNCE, One 20 acres - with 3 Coma. thereon: ona. a One. comfortable • and 000•81110Elt llSTlNC:VVlttnilliasli: r fl! ' b." a aii k _ _ 7 "0 , t Web ' from lhty, on tbe waters of 'gins Rang. X of a tol. rrom Stewart's Mallon. Central Stan ton& Alan. severs/o.d ICirms to food iiio ol . o . and houses for sale..gininira A , wmir k. 232 0 1 , Wifirant fit..wypsolta eagneglng. FOR SALt.--ON 8 TEARS' CREDIT. 18 LOTS, 34' wise cacti in niggard of ogolllloi. 4tM =line stew of he rifts, Met %LIM zAir. full of tbc4e• tgazins !raw Thine • ' I i y ardri NSW COTTACI3. 111 mons, wino h ,a 0 Ls.,ci ode pbrnsos,ll WWI 2 lamp osatansr well of wntar at bar dc marriage .011.1115a6 gjw Ali: eines utirreiirs, °malts:Val! fcm street. 104 Waabingtonorius X 3 price 0.300. Or is acres more of tine men Lan with it, Within Afton, minutes 7 P.: 04°0. E . " 7 1 17.11N1IXItT. on tni. lifstniags. 3•4,71-grgri FOR SALE. A handsome_pr m essed Brick Throng trioo g 7 groin, containing no. Lot 48 by 1 , sun. ate on 44th street. near Butler atr.t. lot la I far wall su pplied Sflik grape vines, shrubbery. iII.. k o. while tm the rear Is a fine Stable. 13. a4 throngla the hone. This property is pertain. the - most de. "id untie In this 77th snit. Price angers._ and long tone given. T. B. SW. BON,. Con. Penn rind streets. ON MAIN STIIERT.--An elegant Cortese Howe, situate on Mehl street. near the Cossest , fberg Plko- containing 3 rooms; Lot 39:4•• lit Is a beatititul pls., and one within at en of undone. moons. T. IL SILL k //0 • - ON 4gth STRick - r—A beauttrw lot soar nester Meet, OS b 7 lOte, clone to the CithanY P. R. W,- An 7 noe , sinine • pleasant tenon Pena to build t . be better reds TR. BILL dk BON. .111 Inntinve tine La. near the reed. B. H. sloe cash add balance. ton:equal annual payment.. Wolidogreen should not jet this grand opportunity slip by, Thor 1 , .../ 1 1r1 il; 6 l..rtha . 1 1: 1 21 '*".l. ...r46,44.4/2=, BARLEYA CEPAII BOARDS. 2 , 0 ,1 fr. Imo ND &I ; or Boards. To am,. or " MLR DICEET CO. C. br 1111415Aral°11AWSI-VIV nts, to ~_~_