THE DAILY GAZETTE. HOME NEWS. Pam.. leaving the city for the summer. and 'righter to have the GAZITIT sent to them. will please geed their addratece to the office. Price by mall. 75 cents per tri o nth. 41111. . @event you Important ordinance+ appear ou our ant page.. • Tie grandest pte-itte or 'the season was given yesterday by On Wnnhi nston Infantry. AtlasJammu , . aced Are dollar, and costs yesterdaY by Mayor Callow, for forestalling the market. It is rumored the Duquesne Grey; Intend luriut u Brand military hop at City Hall about the Ent or September.. edeeetlestal.—The closing exercises of the present peer at the Twelfth want nubile scnue hools through the week.menced yesterday end wllt eon . tt TM 41111.1 commencement exerellies 'of the St. Xarler'ot Academy takes place on Wed nesday. the :Nth instant. We acknowledge en levitation to be present. Broke Dawn.—An Iron wagon belonging to Prank Anlary, loaded with nine tons of Iron. broke down on Butler street- yesterday and blockaded the street for some time. M arlin. evening thC s :bodY ad William Marlin. u•nd formerly relded. Run. wag found In n privy vend ‘W fume children. The men go.nlotWY em^^"""/ Haar " • " P•e1..11.--Celbarine Newton Made Infortnntion before Alderman Mister. of the Berentb ward. Allegheny. yeeteniel. in wblcl Ibe charged JacobWcHb,lP With dlllo.iPth "1044 M Tb. Veleta Rifle. are to be reorganized. mNettur for that porno.. trill be held Thum day ernalna at John aeven u' Grunt realdence of Mr. Rorke. comer 111-Ant and 410th Arena. • Illarbargeg.—Anna Charlesworth was ar mated on a charge Of disorderly conduct. of oath of Louis Jacob, and taken before Alder man Taylor yesterday. who discharged th• acruard after a bearing. aosokey chimney Is a nuisance in rur household. EMilla C'aislon• yesterday corn plaloed to Mayor CIIIIOIIC that ittsePh maintained such a nuisance upon his premises Monmal eras held fora:bearing. namarderly.—A warrant was Issued forth arrest .Of William Anderrel4, by Aldermi, Arent, yestarday..on n charee of dlaorderl conduct, on oath of John Helbllntr, He Neti &revolted and bald for n beating. By ref... are to an advertisement onour drat Wife it will be seen that the High School Commencement takes piece Thursday even ing. The Alumni Class gives their usual grand entertainment Friday evening. The atiestleo of our readers Is, called to th tut that W. N. Burns has opened a Ilrst-clas. Restaurant at No. 2M . Liberty street. ens door to the Academy of Mole. where he mil be dlad to sce all his old cmdomers and Opt Mends. • Illegal Collect lag.—Yemerd ay morning Job CDdetrralf made Information before May I.`allow, setting forth that John Connote fin falaelegsresanual himself as htsapdeara ff pa ffneitketalTVlZlLTl.,. ° °V trar° arrant leaned. JS Bari lamer.—Jobe Heller made infonne tionbefore Alderman Eggers, of the Seventh ward. Al'ethane'. yesterday. stalest. Jacob Osreebt for surety of the pease. He alleges that Jacob threatened to burn bin house and Darn to the ground. A warrant was Issued forJaeob. The Res. R. &Van Cleve will be leant/ill)" '7 - Installed pastor of the Presbyterian coop, cation at Leetsdale this evening at the church. The Roc Jame, Allison will act as Moderator. and the Rev. A. A. Williams delivering the charge to the Dunn, and the Rev. E. 13. Swift t hat to the people. - The %Missile Public Scholl Balding is rap idly approaching . =motet' n, and will be ready or occupancy at the beginning erf next school tem.. It will be an /raiment to the borough end creditable to be paten= of the •nterprise. The eehool gro ads will be the largestand most pleasant the county. liestoni Aectleet.—Joseph Conklin, a paint er, was miciusly Inland yesterday . . Re was engaged In painting a Donee for Adorn Appel, In South Pittsburgh, when the scaffolding gave war and he was precipitated in, the ground, IL distance of twente-d re feet. Me Injuries though. Revere are net of n dangerous character. ' Nightly trijared.-oMcer Kelly of the Mayor's pollee, with his mother and two sis ters, were slightly injured Monday evening by being thrown ant of a buggy. They were taking &drive out the Greensburg pike when the horse took fright and ran away, eapsiziug the buggy and throwing them all out. Their Injuries were not serious. Call Vat Col. Egan's, next door to the Ma sonic.=OsE Eamiwir. Smithfield street, and buy books you museum& Books at half pride. and all the standard works. Evers de rertaneot from romance to theology repre urnted.—tonny of them rare and valuable vol umes. If you don't see what you want ask • for It and it will be forthcoming. Heeajoritrell.—The prisoner u•ho escaped from the Western Penitentiary Monday. nu ac count of which we published recaptured yesterday afternoon at Zellinople. lintlercounty, by °hirers Wokle and Smith, of the Allegheny police, and lie now occupying his old quarters. and will be likely to occupr them until his term of serrlce expires. Direful Tbreeta—Margafet fiarriagton, tty allegedvmade terrible threats against the per son of —Matilda Wilson. yonerday. In which she propelled to slscerste Matilda, who, hay leg no disposition to part with her internal arrangements, made info ' , effort before Al derman Taylor. and he in ed a warrant re , gulling bar to appear beta him for suret y the peace. Female College.—The ading contest for the Mn. Margaret Dar Ids°prize at the Pitts. burgh Female College took place last evening. The entertainment was, a. natal. one of ex ceeding interest. and the c napelltora for th prize all acquitted .themselves with credit We regret that a want of space and time p vents a more eat ended nonce.- • Committee for C. Chesnut alias Crawford.gery charged before the Mayor with for on oath of Robert Hartley. of Hartley. McKee & Co., a report of which we published some days since.. was after a heanng. Tester day. held to ball for lals appearance at Court. and in default of ball was committed to Jail. He la charged with forging the dm mane of Hartley. McKee 8 Co. to a bill of credit. The Best.—The New St. Andrew's church on Ninth street Is one of the Onest church balidings In the country. to thin respect It occupies e place similar In church architect tune to that occupied by Megraw on the same Street, No. 45, In the tobacco trade. One of the most complete stocks. the cheapest prices and the best articles are the charneteristles of this establishment, No. 45 Ninth street. Daring Hobbery.—About half-Vast four o'clock last evening a man went into the Arcade saloon. kept by Adam elgand. and LTeelltaendgeP'lllT permiss i on it% permission was Ro ton room upp stain Mated. and a few-ioutes after the ungrate ful scoundrel left M r . Weigand discovered that be had takes with him a valuable gold watch and several dollars in silver coin. Ile In knearn, and the police are on his track. The puma week b. exhibited unwind act iv- Ity In Mae matrimonial muket, and mdny new households base been Inaugurated by t he ban py couples In the purchase, among other fur niture, of a complete stock of the Keystone queensware, from the warehouse, No. Lib erty street. The people exhibited their die 'ardor' and eppreciation of the beet in the market, by supplying their homes with the Keystone ware, which has no superior. By refemsce to our drat. page to-day, you will dud the card of Mr. James Reno. of Alic e:l7er giewe ' rs. b° ltc °ll . ' lrr. '14'..77. 1 74,4! man of large experience In building sewers, and has finalities to execute all contracts en trusted to his care with promptness and dl.- patch. Our renders of Allegheny could ro trust their work with no more worthy own. and we bespeak for him a large share of their contractor: Not Goitiy.—The pry In the case of the CommonwealthTh Nicholas Hoffthan, Indict ed for the murder of Thomas Laughren. which occupied the attention of the court. for erreialdvs past, a full report of which we published to the OAZUTTZ agreed uplin 'ver dict morning ta-court at tee o'clock yes terday when they _pronounced their finding to be not guilty. The prisoner was dlschalled be proafamatlon. The verdict ap pear' to have given alnaost universal satisfac tion. • The iltrearberry Festival In the lecture room of Xarps Chianti. at the Point, last night. was • grand success pecunaiiir and other- - idea. At the .panest eollettatioua of many . O~Roa epent the evening a n d pleacantly. Father of the district, has concluded to spin hold the testiral to.niplat presentnds cordial in. Titation to all to be The proceed. ice to be denoted to a moot worthy tame. The 434 Oecella braes band will be 1. at tendance.. ==l . The Mayor. we are pleased to notice, has re solved to have the ordinance, relative to Ere works 'Wetly enforced on the Fourth of July., as will to ieenbY the following cotter. .. • "The ordinance In relation to the firing of fin works wad Are dray, to the limits of the City of Pittsburgh, on the Fourth day of July . lOU be strictly enforced. "By order of the Mayor. • SOltostr llama. Chief of Poliqe." , Whether thin Is understood by the Chief to refer to the Fourth of July only, we are una ble to say, and if It does We are equally at lose to know why It should not be enforced even* Other day aswelt. and the foolib and dangerous practice prohibited at all time.. Ormsby "'swagger Beltway. Pursuant to notice, the corporator' or the Ormsby Passenger Railway held a meeting at the Town flail, Birmingham, last evening. The meeting organised by calling Mr. T. D. Atterbury to the chair, and appointing E. CI: Kreb s..Fiq, secretary. Sixteen of the orig inal corixtrators were pres ng ent.. ' fhi motion the followi named persons ted com mittee to "en s i g ht lr b rarr hares of the capital stock at. ,; b o o . "bare, with the privilege to Increase the amount to twelve tbotwand t D. B. Oliver. P. 1. fleliel,_Dom. lionsett..W. Aultin. heath. Geo. Duncan. T. P. Atierbury, Jen kiss JOISell, Chas. Brans, P. W.Oimpben. Wm. Do_yle and John Adams. when the stock has been disposed ef, a meeting of the stockbohltrs will be held. and encers elected. . •• • . ---• . ENTION OF DENTISTS. Annual Meeting of the *ate Dental Society— L ...ft ist of the nr• of Delegatea—Repono Demirel—Duel- II Day. The foueth annual meeting . of lbe State Dee- • • • - tel Society of Pennsylvania commenced yes terday tacrning In the Board of Trade Rooms, Wood strict. There were In attendance dole gates.repieseritlng the principal local associa- Doug throughbut the State, together with a number of visitors present as Interested spec tators of the proceedings. The Society wag called to order at eleven o'clock by Dr. Gee. B. McDonnell, of Councils title. First Vice President. who presided In the absence of Prof. Buckingham, President. detained by sickness. Dr. J. W. Siedick was chosen Secretary. The Board of Comore reported favorablY upon the credentials of the following ...- hers of their respective societies. M. la , kens Long, Philadelphia; J. E. Huffer. Colum bia; (ELI. McDonneld; Connellsville: Samuel Welchers, Lancaster; ,H. Webb, Lancaster. W. H. Ames, La:waster: A. A. Bobbins. Mead ville; John tApc...r; cf• Teml ,l . - ton. New castle; E-- Pierce, aren: M. E. Pittstaargh:J. D. W hite. Pittsburgh; James D. Wing, Pittsburgh: 11. , W. Arthur... Allegheny; Geo. T. thirker. Pittsburgh; C. B. ~ssnt. Gil City; C. D. Elliott, Franklin: C. H. Bakal,. Meadville; George Luce. Titus role; D. It. Herts. Eprata; J. S. Smith, Colum pp, A. F. Ilerr. Lancaster; James Orr, Pitts burgh:G. M. Niedick, In consequence of the absence of a majority of the licuird of Censors, the Society proceeded drst to the election lit an additional member ono tem.. to complete that majority. Dr. Joh!! MeCalla was chosen. • The , lloard•of Censors then presented their report. setting that limey bad examined the constitution and UL laws of the Pittsburgh Dental Society, and approved them; but ree onttneuded that articles 3,1 and 14th be chan ged in reference to membership. that all mast be Dentists of good situating. The Board fur ther reported the following members as regu larly accredited from the Pittsburgh Associa tion: Drs. M. E. Dillespte, James King. If. W. Arthur. J. D. While. From the Lake Erie ASsocka ion they re ported the credentialsof Drs. C. D: Elliott. C. 11. Ansont, C. IL thwley O.J. Luce. Front the Harris Association of Lancaster. Drs. D. Kline Ilertz..l. S. Smith and A. F. Herr. The societies reported had all complied with the requirements of tin Constitution and were therefore. recommended for 111.11- berkblp In the State society. • ; The report was received and the persons recommended unanimously declared lIIPIII- berg. • An nddrele+ of welcome to the State Dent 90C1M23 . was then delivered by Dr. King, 1J Pitttiburgh. which wag reAponded to by I) Samuel lielehen. of Lnocaster. . The minutes 01 ihe"lmt r tneeflng were the . • . read, approved anti adopted. The Executive Committee reported, recom mending the meetings of the Societe to be help from AtoLI A. sr., and 24 r. v. WedueS day evening to he devoted to a public lecture by Dr. • and Thursday 'morning to Clinic operations and mechutleal, together with the presentation of cases, instruments and appliances. • The report was approved. The Board of Pehliestion retartod that they had an essay published which woe the only one given them for revision. Approved. Mr. Robbins, delegate to the New York State Dental Society. reported that he was unable to attend lu consequence of understanding that their meeting occurred on the gnue day as the P.A.& Dr. Templeton. delegate to the Ohio State Dental Society. reported that he was Unable to attend in conseatnence- of absence from home, the meeting of that body. Dr. George B. McDonnell. Chairman of the delegates to the American Dental Association. reported that they attended that meeting and had a very pleasant time, acting very harmo niously. Adjourned. AFTERNOON SESSION. _ The Convention assembled at half-past IN o'clock. . The Board of 611101r9 reported having, en amtned the credentials of Dr. James Orr, am. recommended:him as worthy of membership. The gentleman wseelected. - • - The committee to draft a bill to be pre sented to the Legialature reported that they had revised the old bill. removing all objec tionable parts. They urged. Ito passage and succeeded In having it reported from the Ex ecutive Committee to the House. but for want of fonds toSupport men while attending to its paßsagel it failed. The report WAS received and the committee discharged/. . On motion of Dr. Welchen, - .a new commit. tee, consisting of Drs. Itobbl., McCune, MOM( and Martins. was appointed and authorized to draw upon the Treasurer of the society for all necesenty fonds to secure the passage of the, WI. • ' ' Dr. Roberts called up the resolutions pre sented at teat meeting as an amendment to the Constitution. The first was an amendment to article MDT substituting "the members present': for Yet fall quorum. - This provided for all amend ments to the Constitution receiving a two thirds rote of the members at any annual meetirtg. instead of a t wo-tairds vote of a full quorum. Adopted. The second amendment was a new article providing that any person, after pausing an examina g tion an by the - Censors. and approved, low of t shall be rted a certificate making him a Fel the State Dental Society of Pennsyl vania- Dr. Bobbins, of Meadville, explained that It teemed to be the Idea that the admission of members Into the Society was rather Rmse, and this amendment Wes thatit the applicant should pass an examination, and was aproved by them. they could give him %diploma which would answer all purposes. whether he pos sessed a diploma or nit. The Board of Cen sors were responsible, and every applicant mast first be pa.ed anon by...them before he could be admitted. This would systematize and perfect the mode of admission. These examinations. ould be • private, and If an applicant falled.once he could comeup again, and try It over without the least .de triment to his professional reputation. The speaker then explained at length there examinations. and thought they would be the greater ad vadcement of the Pr'efe . haeh• Dr. Richards thought the amendment should be laid over. , He believed in harmony. and as many local societies were represented in the State Society, care should .be taken to make everything harmonious. This sunendment contemplated the confof a new degree. which would be of no force . whatever unless by legislation. which they had not now. When legislation wan than obtained it might be advisable. • Dr. Baker did not favor any amendment which would make the diploma given by the Censors take the place of those given by Co, College. lie believed' the great success of American dentistry over that of other coun tries consisted In the fact of dental colleges which had been supported here. He would favor this amendinent If It was only additional to the College degree, but not above It. Dr. itobbirismid It had been done in N.York. TheY conferred this degree there, and although he wan not (condone about lt, he only wanted co see if the Penifsylvanla State Society was ready to harmonize with them. Dr. lieldich said he_ thought something of this kind would tend to elevate the profession —would make all of them study and work to improve themselves:. and get thin additional mark of merit. The further cousidemtion of the amend ment was then postponed until next meeting of the Society. Dr. Melchen moved that a committee of three be appointed to secure a proper Real for the Society Dr. Holding,. said the seal was not needed now. as It was simply required for the esrt had justproposen In the amendment, which had just been postponed. Dr. Richards thought' there were other papers which should be stamped. and he thought It should be procured as soon as pole sible- The motion pr e evail . e d,adthefh:i nYW_rcbtin..gcl; the commi ttee . The election of emcees, which was the next business in order, was postponed until Thurs day afternoon. The Society then brocesded to decide upon the place for the ',next meeting. Lancaster and Gettsburg were nominated. • A vote resulted In favor of Ciettyßburg. The.resignationsl of several members were reed end accepted. Dr. Barker then explained at length a new method which he had been eugaged In Attempting to perfect for two years, whereby the dentists couldbe supplied with all the robber they needed without being eubject o the enormous tax Widen now was exacted acted by the patentee* of hard robber. His method was timely taking any kind of soft rubber and while keeping it In this condition yet perfeCt- Iv vulcanizing it., There was no patent on vulcanizing rubber. The Goodyear and others patentees were simply for vulcanising rubber hoed. None of the agents claim anything en soft rubber. The process was', Illustrated by blackboard The society then adjonrnecl until thin morn- Iff at nine o'clock. Grind Field Trial of Mewing Madden Westmoreland County,—A Challenge and Haw is Itaged—Ehoupion Again Triumph . • For some time potO &challenge ha. appeared in the Weetmoreland papers from the went of the clipper .Ifoirer, to all other machines, to a fled contest no the farm of the McKeown brother., some four miles from North Wash. ingtott, to came oR on theßah 6Z June. From some cause or other the agent. of the Ciampi. mend Excel44m - were the only tbmake an appearance, although there were Buckeye and Romciit In the immediate vicinity. After par taking of an elegant dinner. furnished free to . 01:some three hundred farmer, repaired to the field and the following machine. were found represented and to readiness: Clr, Lil l :, built at Yonkers by R. D. Langer of tattoo. Ereelstor, by H. George. North :WOhhilltan. Chompion/V0.3, by B.llare&Bon,rittaburgh. Champion No. a. by MoCammeron. of North Washington. It was insisted by the Clipper agent there should be a committee, to which the ChOmPlan agent did not object s but suggested leaving it to the crowd. After consultation, however. .it was decided that each agent should select one man who should add to their coraTlttee MI two or more desired. Mr. H. 11. Lo of the Compton, selected Capt. Z. Gold n. of I Northwest:Hr. !auger, of the .41ipper, John Walton and George John Tbonipson, Esq These . entlemen readily agreed, oil added to their number the names of the fol- , lowing intelligent, disinterested farmers: H. Howe. 3. H . Huainan, James Geer. Conrad Harty and J. H. Mcgeouse, who Immediately allot.' each-machine Its piece to mow. The gran was heavy and In some places badly lodgeded, but th e work doll any machine was superior to that of the so he. The committee after care t =easlng the operations of all cow oting speed. width of swath, moot nest and even ness of cutting. labor and tire of team& &O. : , awarded the Bret honor to Champion N 0.3 (a comhtned combine) and No. 3 as the toll *lngle mower. They took into consideration durability, a n and general mechanical oonstructlon and awarded as above, the only disseutlon being the desire of one of the committee to sco the ground raked off, to which Ina. Lang readily assented. Eight Champions were maid on the ground one to one of the committee of a competing ma °One and two others to members of commit tee. This is a great triumph for the Chopp iest as It was in a region but little known and on ground chosen by the challenged. The decision was upon real merit am the Champion has always retied on. It is pror to add that Mesta. Copeland & Ross, of Parnanallas ant agents for that portion of Westmoreland county and they and all other agents of the Cittatinini will rest** to all obablentes. PITTSIIURGH DAILY GAZETTE ; IVEDNESDAy MORNING, THE COURTS. 'Saari; s eimaloco—Jogge Sims, TrVtDaY. June 91.—The first case taken an wait that of the Commonwealth co. IlarrPoo Berger, a police Officer, indicted for assault and battery on oath of James Anderson. It *as alleged by the prosecutor that the ac cused arrested him and took Mtn to the lock up without cause.„ Anderson and oceerm other born were lounging on the Garrison, 0 1; d r a S e l e r on e , thesh.,'te72:lll. 0 0 .1 d1:f i el Y . Ta l s t;: Ltd ' 0:12 d r k i I:di bet weett Anderson the officer, whoa Ir:01 arrested and taken before T o t;' , ;:ff;yor Nichols, who fined hint three. I dollar+ and coos, The jury returned a 'err ! dirt of golitY. Commonwealth VP. Keel/. Assault nod battery, Abotham Skirboll. prosecutor. Set tled on paytnent of costa bk defendant: Commonwealth Ilenry Kramer. Peter %Vila and Win. Daft. indicted for highway Mathisrobbe John fl were fully p icker:tell. prosecutor. The facts t case üblished in the o.tacrrn the morning after the Occurence. downtens a lumberm. and came the riser with n raft an d stopped at a t lie Red Linn Hotel. having in Ilk possession sl,es. Ile fell in company With Kramer who it Is alleged, lead hint from one saloon to another until he met the other two defen‘ dents. Ina saloon on Grant street.. He was then, he alleges, conducted intuit small alley of Smithfield street by Kramer. the others MiOWing..llllll - IVIIN there attacked by them ml robbed of his pocket book containing 41,48.1. Oa trial. I= Com. co. Martin Gannon. Ludwig Yochum. 31 Showalter. " J. W. Taylor. Thomas et al 1:0 Eltjah Smith al. KI Isaac Itankcen. 71 IVm. 11l Niry. 141 - Thos. Illeten. eeninson Pirate—Judge Metert i. TL`VIDAY. JIM(' 2l.—Alleglienv County vs. Pittsburgh S Connellsville Railroad Company. Act ion to recover the interest on bonds of the comp.,: which were purchased by the city, amounting to ttt The case was pre y rrrr siv tried In 11111 t Court and a verdict for plainffs given. tint wee carried to the Su- preme ti Court and new trial ordered. Cnder the derision of the Conn. de ndants have a defense of Vt'i.oo. as it was decided that plaintiff, could nut collect under it after the road was completed beyond Connellsville. On TRIAL I.IST Toll WEDNI,DAT. 10. L.l Reed vs. C9ark. , Livingston & RI,. vs. Clark. 'tits M. & NI. Insurance Co. vs. Haigh. • 341 Kennedy vs. Allegheny National Bank 351 Aurin vs. Appel. 354 Coin. for use. TO. Burger. 355 Com. for use vs. Glee. 5f6 Roberta vs. Evans. • :158 McClelland - vs. Day et al. 358 Zeigler et nl. vs. liner. 31):. Nieflreggor vs. Sibley et al. :ul 31efireggor vs. Sibley et al. , ==l2 The Council of Mlllvale held n meeting Mondry evening, June Ahh, IRO, Burgess W CIE= Minute* n preceding meeting rend nail air After _transacting some business of !Moor vrtance. the Bargees announced tat • the of the Council would terminate with went cretin,,. He congratulated the and citizens of the borough generally mog res. which bad been made in the se interests of the borough since its or- Arai ion. and the harmony and general sue ,. ithich had attended the deliberations and wdinances oLthe Council during the two years past of the new municipality. Although In its infancy. the new borough bad alreattr entered the sisterhood of suburban tillages of the Iron City with a prestige that warranted the highest enticipstions.. And yet, there mu that whereof he would complain, a prominent, barrier to the move.. Three years ago the Directors of the Alb , - gheny City Poor Farm, observing the rapid improvements surrounding. them. laid out their property in town lots with streets and alleys to suit. A sale immediately followed of a part only. The MU sides and road sides were disposed of at good figures. obtained by the pledge that within two years thereafter the remainder of the choios•lrits would be placed in the market and the Poor Farm ar rangement removed to a more rural neighbor- hood. That pledge; has not been kept In gond faith. and a year has passed- away and there Is no Prospect that the remaining lots will be 1 , 01. i tarn year ortnore to come. The citizens and owners of property in Militate have but one alternative, to wit: To continue the work be gun in the opening up of Sheridan street. All the streets and allays, as laid out on the Poor Farm plan, and as recorded on the may of the borough. shout t be opened up. Citi zens should not be compelled to take circuit- OUP routes to reach the raltroad station. schools. workshops and church.. Unless the streets and alleys are thus opened up proper ty In the borough. will depreciate and con templatedimprovemente could not be carried out. It Is hoped the new Council will con tinue the work begun. At the close of the clharge.' address. the Council unanimously pasted a tote of thanks to Mr. Williams for the prompt and faithful manner with which the — duties of Burgess had been performed. The oath of office was then administered to the Burgess elect. John G. Brown, Esq. The roll of members of the New Council was called, and the following named - Pennon duly qualified by A: M. F. Johnston, gag.. J. P., tie Edward Coat., D. Dempeey, Louis Fellbach, S. F. Keller and Hugh Coll. Mr.,Wm. McConnell, member elect, WU not premien. The old Council then adjourned. and the new Council or. immediately called to order and proceeded to businese.. Tire election of officers resulted or - follow. Clerk of Council—C. U. Burrows. Solicilor—A. H. Collier. ' C/ oLrueos— —Thao.s .F McElroy. Street Coramiseioner—Thos. McElroy [bnetable—Theodore Kleeber. Cononittec 1 4 / 1 Finanri—Coates, Coll, and Kel Council on th D ler. • Comm(lta on Strata - -Dempsey Fellbs and McConnell. Regular meeting on the second Monday each month at 3 o'clock. sharp. ET2E2=2 According to a time:honored custom, the grad.ting class of the Western L'Jaliersitr met last evening at the beautiful country lea (deuce of President Woods. fly special Invi. taints, the faculty also were present, braid number of invited guests. The supper wax gotten up In the_Doctor's usual princely man ner. comprising all the delicacies and luxuries of the season, to which ample Justice was done by the grave seniors and the august pro fesson. After supper the seniors. under the Influence of winning elated some. what Into the melting maxi. .Soft. eyea look. ed love to eyes that spoke. again, And all went merry as a marriage Reason ...arc."' ed and there wax a How of soul. Even the professor of astrology, who Is a confirmed batchelnr. and has never been seen to smile before, smiled and blushed In a secluded corner under the winning Influences of gentle words, The class-day ode, composed by Mr. A. F. Siebert, was sung, accompanied on the piano by the lovely and accomplished Miss W--. Dr. JiUson leading the singing with greet beauty nod effect. At a late hoar thejoyous gathering bade each other and President %roadstead family good-bye. IM=C== Coroner Claw - son yesterday held an Inquest on the bodice of the two men who were suffo cated by foul air Ina coal pit, an account of which we published yesterday-* .It appears from the evidence that the men Who lost their lives heal entered the tunnel to assist the other three, who had been overpowered, And that_ they succeeded iwgettlug them in a coal carwhen they were themselves over powered. Hearing their groans others rushed In the pit and finding the three men Ire the car UOCOTIRCIOUS run It out after which they returned for the others but too late to save them, as life wan extinct before the bodies reached - the mouth of the pit. The Jury returned a verdict In accordance with the above facts. An inquest was also held nn the body of the Infant found on Washington street, an account of which we published yesterday, and the Jury found that It had come to He death by neglect and exposure on the part of person or persons to the Jury unknown. Woods' Bare&laureate, Thla Mora lnf. Dr. Woods pronounces his Baccalaureate Addrete to the Graduating Clans at linlventl ty HaMgt eleven o'clock. thin morning. The subject in an Interesting one. "Working Power In Han," and all who will may enjoy the benefit of a careful, nchnlarly, and yet popular preparation for ine %Kaska' which of course engages all the powers and all the sympathies of a College President. It Is his lut formal address to the class of th clng year. We hope a crowded hallNoill toothy to an awakened Interest among 114 In literary culture. r. = There 11 no difficulty In getting exactly suit ed to clothing If the parchaser will only go to the right place. Such a bause an that of Ues . penheide & No. GI Sixth street, for in stance, is the kind to patronize. Every gm ment from that establishment Is sure to look well because It Is sure to St. and In thus fitting It will always give satisfaction. The gentle men comprising this firm make It a duty and a pride to attow - nothing to go from their house without It Is exactly the article which the Paton bargained for. and hence every customer is pleased, said the -reputation of their establiehment has been made secure. Go there for clothing. Wm. Kaaba & Co.d and vlialnes 8r0.." Pi anon. New Mock. at Charlotte Monte% 43 Firth avenire,vecontldoor above Wood stmt. The Wile* wilier's:min their own Interert ikol li A n geTtir t ;EVo m r i e n . l 2?.i.TFlg. ' l .t et , tva fore puroballog elsewhere. ]aIO. I D o I:ORMAN k Co.. k) Fif th avenue. Parasols, Parasols, parasoliir OrionlA par sol Itlbboni and lute, ribbons anAlaces, ribbons and Meet. Fans and bate, tans and bats, tans and hats. Ladles' toilet goods, ladles' toilet goods, Lad's.' tolled Roods. ' At No. el, No. 81. No. Bl. No.lll, Moorhead's, M aaaaa street, near the Diamond. • Join the e . t.a.—Travelers ,topping f 0 the city temporarily. and desiring a hotel with : 1 171111; fare ° arqk ma aad kes comfortable rargtd lye and enticing will nod the Girard House. corner Isabella and Federal street., Alle gheny, pat the pia. ter them. It If conve nient, too, for all Wts et the city, and per !noses the advantage of a retired , homelike hotel w ithi n 00 .7 diutance or all points of In tenet. • Try Heltsbelmer's Continental If yo u good restaurant. It la located ari atm below the Poatoface. • ADD Rare and Datniy—tbe dinner at the Continental tQ-dly. POLICE COMMITTEE. Meeting Last Nlabil-41.1111rer Palmer Dl•mtased. The Police Committee. held a meeting loam evening. Chairman JAI. Hare, presiding. The matter of the suspension of Lieut. Pal-. foor of the Mayor a police was considered. The Committee approved the action of the Mayor in suspending him. —A sub committee. consisting of Messrs. Hare, Friday and Preston was then appointed to prpare an ordinance more Cully defining the duties endpowers of a pollee °Meer. Charges were then preferred against Lieut. Palmer for rising - disrespectful language. re- Inoue to the Nlayr, and that officer was re lieved from further duty. - - 121=0:12 110, Smo+ DOOM, of Allegheny. is spoken f ns n candidate fur County Commissioner. C. P. NA111:14: CO.. on Inst. Monday. 'at heir mill near West ewton. made a nof ewe print for the N Leaute re n o w B ullock tress,eight miles long by forte-five inches vide. The Bullock press works the paper rom a roll, printing It on both sides at once, sot rutting It after printing. , • 1100. A!.13 MM. R. A. 1111.0W54 Pre.d. lent of Westminster Callrge, *III deliver the annual address before the Alutunl - Assoclation of the Western tiniveralty, on nest Friday evening. lige.' Dn. 0. A. Ilotzass of tirwickley, has gone to Meadville to tate I the closing exer cises of the 3lethodist Co 01 0M s. W. P. Snow Will I ' ln tailed pastor of thd U. P. eongregatlon o 'letdown on the gall inst. . Jsass 110VAIID Q Arm of Bovard, Rose 0 Co., ',rag tit thel Ale House, New Cns 10104.34istseirlarzotLbicrnr.e 4to to the city, after H. J. MunDocd Esq., f the Foiled Potat/- triton, has arrived sntelv in Newry. Ireland. with his faintly, who ore visiting Mrs. filenny of Trevor hut. HON. 0. V. LAWRENCE is candidate 4t Congress in the 24th District. CHARM.; kft.s)rysri, formerly ..Rice boy the.tiAzgrrg, in said by judges to be one tho best painters on glass In the city. Charil is but eighteen years •orage . .' Gir:ois constantly arriving at tite Net Stand Stocking Store, N 0.30 Fifth avenue. JOHN DECIELHAN & CO. Pits,,. and Melodeons for rent, and rent de ducted if purchased nt Illume's la Fifth ave nue,io second 11.1' al ye Wood a t reet. Go to lioundson'a —lf you want a real deli cious dish of the finest flavored lee cream. which melts away in your mouth like that prepared fcr the delicate palate of a luxurious fairY , go to Yountrson lc Co's., corner . of 'Smithfield street and Diamond alley. And when ou are there soul forget to try KM. of the ir confectionery. cakes, Rifle , , candle!, foreign fruits—all of which are of the most 111.1CIOUR character. The summer 11S•SOCI at the watering places has been fairly opened, and the trunk trade es a consequence in lively. Liebler, Wood street. is kept tans supnlying travelers with his incomparable manufactures. Pittsburgh will have them. and others, when they see thelr sunerinrlty, also sigh for one of 1.4.1 , 1.'4 trunk, die has all the latest styles. and many now kinds not to" he hattelnewhere Sle - o - t Keil - avert. Plitola?Tm. andmouton Gun material of all Mail, at re. dared prices, at .1. Johnstotis Great West. ern-Gun Works. 179 Smithfield street. Repait. log neatly done. Guns for hire. Army nines Carbines and Revolvers bought or taken Ir exchange. .Cull and are nr.write fur a Print Lint. rwr The vlpelog gdock of Henri, G. Male, M hone Tailor, at corner of Venn avenue •t 'lath street. le now large nod complete. M lour llonpale continues to pt'e•Me Pt the c trioneroad's cathartic. Syrup is used in all cases Instead of pills, caster nil. epsom salts, de. Highly flavored. Twenty-tire cents. Try It. !..Id by all druggist , " m • A Eine Assortment of ladlea' merino under- wear at the New Stand Stocking Store. No. 3/ Fifth avenue El= Wm. Kaaba d Ca:. and 4 •Flaine. tiro. - NeW stuck. at Charlotte Mum's. 4.1 Fifth avenue. seeong.door above Wood at rect. I: t ypo don't bellere the Onntinental It .it copular restaurant In the city. ask °the. opb• who hare been there and then en Your Ti.. resaon there i , alway , ,ach n crowd below the l'oatorace, on Fifthavenue, each day at dinner if hecau, that where the Cant inentni in located. Down-loan Merchants unnping in the eit. If - dinner will tineTchat elealre nt t antinental. Fifth avenue. Neal. at all hourra of the day at the C nerttal, Fifth avenue. below the l'oratafilee. Floe Game dinner at the Confine Fifth avenue to-dray. Pianos and Organ. mute be * . Knabe Si Co.. Mine.. Bros ••Prince a C 0.." "Cook a. Co. nd other. torte new gook at math; redo I prices. at Illuxue'e, 43 Fifth avenue. . A Full Aeaortaaeni of gent.' linens. eumtner Merino underwear at the New Stand Stocking Store. \. , .:D Fitt h avenue. - Joian Tatum-man S t'o.. litegaace. taste and clean] ine•a at the t'tta tineatal. . . - • • • ABrace Girl. Our. heroine I lira! In Bartlett. Near Ilampabire. and was a descendant of Cl., old (7rawfords. ller father wan a Craw. ford:nod followed the profeenion of a guide among ilitamourdall , . Her name was Bessie, mid the wan the ooh- daugh ter ronainingl at limas—a diark-eyed, brown-haired girl. of alight, but compact frame. just entering her- 'nineteenth year. Her mother had been dead «r:veral yea,. .. • and upon herOro!yea the . N'tiolo• rare of the household.} One day. late in summer, Mr. Crawford went. with a party of travelers, to the head waters of of the many mountain streams that empty into Saco, and Bessie was left alone. Even the dogs had all gone with the pleasure seekers. Near the middle of the.afterneou,sirbile the girl was sitting by an open window in the front room, engaged in sewing, a man came up from the road and asked tier if she would give him a drink of water. Bessie had seen this man before, and had not liked his looks. lie was a stout, hroadshouh damn. 111-favored fellow, and the . , him • moss to . nt upikeu of the pines 'upon MR hie clothes tudicated that he bat dept in the woods. But Bessie did. not hesitate. She laid aside her work and went to get the water. When she came back the man hail enter ed the room. She did not like thin, for allt.Wnh sure lie had Come in by the win dow: but she handed Lim the tin dipper without remark. The man drank, and then *et the dipper down upon the table. Then he turned upon the girl, and drew a broad-bladed knife from his pocket. "Look ye, my young Bub , . said,"l know there's money in thin house; and I know that you are alone. Sheer me where. the money is! If you 1 shall kill you, and then hunt it up nlyseit I'm to earnest, and there ain't no time to waste. Don't make a fuss, for-if you do youT feel this 'knife quick "' Bessie shrank back, and looked into fl main fare, and ahe could nee- that meant just whai he had said. "II I show you where the money ix w you pmmlne not to do coo harm ," "Show me: honest, and I won't hal "Then come with me. But you wi ake only the money—you won't, take in ethers life"" • " Only the money. girl." • Bessie led the way to a small bed room on the ground floor, where there was an old — mahogany bureau, the upper drawer of which oho unlocked. The man, when he saw this, thinking. doubtless, that Cmwford's gold was within hie grasp,shut up his knife and put It into his pocket. The girl opened the drawer, and; quick as thought. drew forth a large navy revolver —one with which *he herself had killed • . a trapped bear—and cocked it. Villain!' she exclaimed, planting her back against the wall, and. aiming the weapon'at his bosom...many a wild beast have I shot with this good pistol, and now shoot yon if you do not : lnstantly quit this house ' I will give vou - not even one see - rind! Start, or I lire." The ruffian could read human leeks u well as could the maiden, and he could rend very plainly in the firm net lips and In the flashing eyes—but more clearly in the steady hand which held the pistol— that she wonanot only tire, as she had promised, but her aim would be a Bare And ho backed out from the bed room —backed into the sitting room—then leaped from the open window and disap. . Bessie kept her pistol by her side until her father and ids guests time home; and when she had told her story, search' was. niado for the ruffian. Ilut he-we not found. Our heroine had no, thoroughly frightened him that he never mine that way again. nit man who condo n disturbance at the lecture of the daughter of Lola Men tes, the other evening, and wee "put out." contributes to the Herald the fol lowing anecdote of Lola: Two hours bs: fore the ship sailed from Sidney, Austra lia, to Han Francisco, to which place she was bound, anpfllcer was sent on board to detain heron legal process. She re plied respectfully to the officer, "Allow me to arrange my toilet." The officer granted, this request; but the officer thought she wee a long timefirith her toilet, and knocked at the diar of her anteroom. "Come in," said Lola; "If you want your money you must take me through the streets of Sydney without any clothing and in a • state of nature." The officer declined the-proposal. and would not take .in custody so illustrious a prisoner go naturally attired ' , . . An Ess4 on Sunstroke Another illusion of youth hits ~ - aninhed We are now told by •'an eminent cian" that cases of sunstroke may. occur in the shade as well as in the sun. Here is whet tin• phyakinn in - iitioninn sap= in Ifrarth and Hon,: "One of the sacred prounses to those who are to inherit the better life is: 'That the sun shall not light upon them, nor any heat.' Tn the inhabitants of the 'dry and thirsty latid,' it is well remarked. by au author on Sunstroke, this promise wag full I.f meaning. This disease, or rather accident, has Undoubtedly been recognized in crone form from the earliest periods of history. 'Niel su ffe rings of armies in tropical clima tes, or during the hot sea. son in higher gatitthies, is frequently due to the effects lof heat. Laborers exposed to the steady action of the sun's action in :Milliner, and be situated or cluthetbas to interrupt freh perspiration., or by their habits raising the temperature of the blood, are liable to sunstroke It :Michas that an-nillrimanrtrola may oreur trithent carom'e to t os Me, and 'wit is the ease frequently. All the conditions may be ~ present in thi shade, and even when the person is in a tote of rest . ••Though u t strictly correct, sunstroke nifty, for practicalp urposes, he defined to i hs,an affectio of the nervous system, due to overheated flood. ' The term overheat ed must be t 'en in a relative and nut literal sense; For if *the nervoun system is in good cond tion, and the functions of 'the body oth rwise . well performed, the temperature f the blood may be very touch increaaed, withont dangerous or /, even injuriou results. Lint If the . Mill- vidual is grea ly fatigued, or poorly nom. -imbed Or %yeah -tied by disease, so that the, nervous systern is depressed' or enfeebled, the effect of the sudden eleVation of the temperature of the volume of the blood Iffay prove most disastrous, This result is produced, nut by over-stimulation, but by actual 'depression, for this is the•re cognized effect of overheated blood upon the nervous centres. %%loiterer miser and more subtle causes may lie operating upon the individual, this one will be most apparent, and, if' avOlded, will save the exposed person from an attack. -Hy far the larger number of victims of sunstroke are the intemperate; they . are ' predisposed by an induced. depression of the nervous system, to poor nutrition, and by so air-heated blood train ' the use of ninon onto. They often fall dead In nuts• tner from flue Pili;rts of heat, even while sitting quietly in the shade. Ameng,la. borers and soldiers the intrlllperUte are the subjects of sunstroke. The aged and infirm are liable to be prostrated bY het% during• the rise of temperature of the blood. the heat of external air. Feeble children, also, often sink front two exhaustion. due to the depression -of ”The premonitory symptoms an• Gent. dizziness, gnat thirst: - suffusion of the eyes. followed by fainting or insensibility: like an attack of Apploplest-. --. s aunstroke depend. upon ...vend corl al lions 41 varying intensity, Ito it• at tack nfay be slight or great, xecording to theni conditions. In some rages it in but a transient fainting, or 'perhaps only a feeling of alight depression. lasting for aevetal tints, while in the severer fans death fallow. quickly, no -though there had been a veritable coop de, or stroke of the inn . In the management of this disraoe prevention is eminently important. It is an affection which catialways be prevent ed by proper prealUtiollS. and the pre_ ventive measures can be practiced by every one. Timone prime object must be . to keep cool. and, above all, tokeep the head, tine seta of the great nervous cen tees. cool It will not do to cool the ex tremities simply. for thus the blood is driven in upon the brain and. lungs and fatal mischief mai- time he created. The whole holy should be kept In as nearly tire nornmi temperature as tsomible. This may he done by dressing Itt light and loose clothing. which allow the cooling process of perspiration to go on unclesek• ed. 'llte Chinese fan their shaven heads, .mi so, if we create a current of al round u•: we reduce temperature. W. hould avoid ell stimulating draught licit excite the circulation. and forth me reason very active exercise become dangerous. .11;e feeble and exhausted should be placed in airs . roma, and be gently fanned. The laborer ahosild rest during the heat of the day, drink cooling fluids, nod when at work frequently bathe the head, ask and hands in cool water. When the attack cornea on. the putlerer should to taken. to a shade, n mustard plant t pre j o n irt n ld kbezp=l.,Lanr.fliAmej;ht...l.: uld All that can Irmo 'without mut:lived adviro 'IA' bietnriral gallery has i.eon opened at St. l'eteraburg. It Include. pertraita, of which fifty. six 'are po r. trnits of Catherine 11. and twentr-thret. . . . . Dell PeAm' I—govereiglo..whO are both iton ored with the epithet of "Great." Out of the moat remarkable portraits . le ' mid to be that of the Scotch soldier of fortune, Bteme.- Knight of St. Andrew and a Rue. Man Count ; and all, pith the exceptimi of sr ,e een or seventeen, 'king to the eigh t eutb century, :which 113 now. for the Just time, thrown open to the study and appre. dation of Russian writers. Almost • ultaneously withdhe opening of the eiglo t century port fait gallery, the (hand Doke, heir to the throne, at a meeting of toe Itu.abin Historical Society, announced 'tbsit he winked to present to the Society all Catherine paten : and two e not are welcomed by (11.11111;4*n ',ream isa signifying. above all, that, a period hitherto known to them, as far n. their own country wan concerned, through tlin writing. of foreignerni In now submitted • tli l the examination of native historians. I A FATAL accident occurred two mllee ea.! of Marion, fintnt county, Indiana, on Friday. kir. Ilazelet, a resident of Mon. rrie townsip in that county, was riding a young horse and carrying a broadaxe, when it is supposed the horse became frightened, throwing the rider and caus ing the axe to never the jugular vein in the neck causing nlincot instant death. —The general freight agents of the Pennsyl vania Central. Erie and New York Central Railroad Companies hare held a meeting and Intend making a alight advance on freights Immediately and nanny restore the old prices before the that proximo. It Is thought that the passenger strife will terminate In a short time. and this will end the railroad war. . —Considerable damage was done In Prod demo, It. I. by • lightning on Monday night Mini imlitlings were struck anti some person injured. In Ureeneillo Whipple's wheel ohol was destroyed. Loss MOW. The tarn nom 'tinniest ed to the store of itarnes & Sprmrue which was also destroyed. Loss MOOD. • !akin, discussion , inspiring special difference between the Methodist pbellite or Christian beliefs corn . t Cynthinni‘ Ky., yesterday, between b Mittler, of the Methodist Church, I. 11. Wilkes, of the Christian Church. —A reel point. - and Ca m merited Rev. Jaco and Rev. —Nathaniel flaxen, a young titan prominent ly Connected with the Capital City Brut& tompany. seas found dead In his bed at Co lumbus. Ohio. yesterday morning. shot through the head. He is supposed to have commltted suicide. The strike of cigar makers at New York, which commenced In December. has termi nated. The Cigar Makers' Vulva hav e y author ized the executive emotaittee to make the best terms possible with the etzlitioYers• DIED t L PRCE—On MondayPRICE. morning, Jane tieth..lete. ETITIA ''lneneral from her late reelderree.No.37 Malbeel7 suet. Allegheny. IltraltbAT ArTannoOn. St o'clock. The friends of the femlli ern reePoet f ally Invited to attend. . BARCLAY—On Meaty atnninon, M. JAlll5n IiAItCL,AY. In the 32k1 year of bye age The fonensl will tate piece on TML signal" Nogg- Mi. et 10 A. 34., from the residence of Waiter G. brown. Meadow street. near LlittOin avenue. In the %Ist Ward; Pittsburgh. Carriages will knave Tatman A Sanison'eollice. corner of Seventh av enue and Amftheeld weed, at PM oicloct A. M. trieada of the foully ere respectfull7 melted to attend. -' BELL Tneeday morning. June SI J 1148116. ooty child or Ana.' and AU ea ...general from the residence' of Ili perente, No. 19 Ledlli street, Allegheny. To-eke. at 10 O'clock A. N. leelendo of the family are newt. tolfylevited to MIAMI. • - ' . • Ms9E. 1 4 , AFE9trs: CARBOLIC SALVE Made with pure CARBOLIC ACll:n.rbleb la need Iloopltals by elreelleti of Eminent Phytlelana, b.. amine Wined Itself to be the moat mune ring effectual cure for all indignant Sores and Bloom end for Beret ßoola wolumokndMere ract l ie ' rer .S'an'CT;Tri b oo LEM Henry's Insect Powder, Ig.rti.twirm. ogwir• BED RUGS. L. Vii.ROSENBACH'S Patent Medicine Depot, 14 0 SMITHFIELD ST. TUNE 22, 4570, SPECIAL NOTIC , S F REPUBLICA County Conventions. The Republican Voters ct Allegheny county are . requested 50 meet at the . usual Maces for holding prim., elections In theseverul Wards, Boroughs d TowtoddPd• dd Saturday, August• 27, 1870, d elect delegates front each Electlnn tgottlet to &nit of the following Cnnventiong of finlowf. TWO DELEOATF.S from Penh Elflettiln DiAtria COUNTY CONVENTION the purpose of norniunting candies.% tor. ==l COUNTY COIIMISSIONEtt, CORON R. - JURY ,WhtIeSIONXIt. 1111tEC Olt OF THE POOlt. • TWO 0 MD, DELFAIATES from each Eiee lion Marl t to the Connes:sional-LeOslative Convention, for fh " oows° of nominating ONE CANDIDATE FOIL Cliflolllol.4 In the Ind Conti . ..tonal Dix. term, ONE CANDIDATE from that portion of Al- Mellen, county North and West of the Altepheny and Ohio Rivers) which Is endanced.M. tha 23i1Coniiressional District. - LINE CANDIDATE FOR STATE SENATE .. 013 CANDIDATES FOR ASSEMBLY. These Conventions will meet In the CUT of Pitts burgh. at the COURT ITOUSE. on TUESDAY, AMMO. 30th. 11470. at the following times.,. sic: COUNTY CONVENTION WIN meet In the Cent mon Pleat Court Itannt, at 11 o'clock w . x. The delenatee to the CONGRESSIONAL-LEGIS LATIVE CONVENTION from the 2.4 d Connret elonal Dietricr will meat ut 10 o'clock A. M. In the new Dietriet Court Room for the Moto.. of nom lustlng a CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS from said District. The Delegates from that Dorn. of Allegheny County which is In the 234 Conk - reunion' District. will meet , at 10 o'clock A. M. in the old District Court Room for the purpose of nominatlng rAN DIDATK FoR CONGRESS, and electing TOREN CONFEREES to meet the Confer...of Armairting and Butler Counties. And at II o'clock A. a.. or as soon thereafter as both the Congreseional Conventiona above dente net. shell have concluded their reepective duties so such, they will meet in the old District Court Horan for the purpose of notelneti. ONE. CANDIDATE FOR STATIC SENATE, and AIS CANDIDATIE4 FOR ASSICIIIIIX. The election of Delegates will he held between the hours of 4 and 7 o'clock eiteion SATURDAY. Anguet 2701. end Will be held as far as practicable by the Republican members of the eleetlon_ boarda In the different MAMA... and In those districts where the 'election officers are a minority wf the regular board the Republican voter. lam autholited to elect enough tiddltlonal ofbeera to emplete the beard. The voting In the eltlea and I/email:is shall In all cater he by bellot.attif In the townahlpu by morainic The Preindent of the County Convoatlen. and .of the eolorreselonal•Lesislailye Vonvent ion, will, unless both Conventions order otherwlee and eon- cur In srtdolug. appoint a Committee of three. COmmltteesthusaPPolhted to meet Weenier. soon ea prartlearde after the adjournment of lb Convention to appoint a County Committee forth ttouing 711.. At the requeot of many Republic., and with = upon il/e question of the adoption In this county by the Republican petty of what is known as the Crawford Cnunty system of holding Prima'' , Men tions sad melting nominations, An.. each voter is requested. indesimuding his choice far delegate. I nd to the respectire • Conventions, to nstrect them to vote .yt or nay In Up said Conve none on • Prop osition them to be submitted of option by the party of that system. a full and *annelt itanione- Bun of which will be iiereafter pirbilsbed by this Committee in the Reptiblimin press of thu (My of Plushrinchu _ By order iNf the Union Republican Executive Cr.suittee for Allegheny uranty. W. 13,'PritCIABCE.0 balrman. w.a.grrit B. 21gCr Wig / /,,,,,,,,,,,,,. U.. F. MOIGAK. • • I..):YK. • 1 1011‘01 , i ON CI ill II E ILA INCLINE PLANC-n--NtlTl ' fE—The Maine wilt Ns own he Poteeenste're &ad mint bUalnews EVXRY liO3NING at 3 o'clock, and will Hose at 11 P. 31., connecting with the last, car from Plttabitreh Ott the ritittrarah and illnutnehant Putteennnte war. . nmer or Mr. 6t - friistot Pogrywrort,o. it PUtsturplk, Jr.S 14. IM7O. CCrTHE DIRECTORS HAVE THIS Ir==l TWO DOLLARS PER SHARE V EMI= ESE [CT-PUBLIC 110 TOR fir Allegheny that tauall Lta• ttaoaaa btacelnery car. U.S OFFICE OE' AND PIPE WORIFI, Twenty-01A ;amt. alma =I Out and Gau Yew impector. =I aj —BOUNTY • - - sloo_ Bounty Collected For all soldiers ebo eoll•Ord 0•4••• a May 4lth and Jul r 924. 1861. who Iron. Olsehorrod for .18•011 Ity Wort *voted MO tan. and who bar. broado- Thre received no bonny. The understood ha reincrmill his raise to Gc... znußucaing.eorm.rmrt►se.nm*andSaithflgold street. and is non prepared to malect clams .peal' UT and at moderate rates. Call 00.417addnriuso.111 stamp. B. V. BROWN. . Claim Anat. Clasvm Building, Corner Sixth avenue and Smittidird street; ' Patsbargh, Pa. CANDIDATES. [gb FOR COUNTYCONXISSIONER4 GEORGE NEELEY,I Of Hart hall Township, eubject to tbn declaim of lb. Union Republican County Convention. apflankt .OR COUNTY COMMISSIONER BENJAMIN- DOUTHETT I Of Indiena township. le • candidate for Count? C.onimissinner. In ortmelnation to the dettelon of the Republican CM, elltinfl. rat mutes M TOM ' strOurtbdaT OUR . EW p APRIL • J. L. READ & SON _ - - - lITATIONERP.I Nu. 102 Porirtb Avg us. Pittsburgh DISSOLUTION OF CO•PART. ER. PITIP. The partnerehip hereto?... existing between D. P. Scott and A. I. Scott llndetthe non ttame . an4 stle nt Y. SCOTT & SO4, W OO dissoisod bs motWlon ..too the Ist day Jtool. 1870. • All debts dee the erm will be pale to A. I. Edo .1, 0 .111 01e. eny the debts of tn. OM V. tSpt:Yrr. Prrtss . rnOil, 17.1870 A. 1:5C6 1 , 32/4: : NEWTAPER J.. L. READ & SON sTATtonas, j!yi 'No. FoathAterro. Pittsburgh. Livingston & Co Man . thictitm af LIU ~3~ Lista' ;irk Modal abater awl Gala Masse, . . Owma ! Doildsis • 11414 • OCISoe and Wort= Cia: City. Vostodlee 0 {TR_ - NKW J. L.READ & SON, STATION ft, /01; Na lON Yourth iSSOLVT -1111... e colartner. gir eq l mntialm baveen JOHN name 1417 a FiatlV 11. V,Za i =b 6 . t . t ling mutt. AlleetzettltelakElved by mutant Wait the 34 mt. oolhehe inn be eeet.h..dn. Zne r i er=gixteweent se of tan lab tUm OH. 010:724 j Ar. BUT' 1 FERRY BOAT. . . . . M 7 poreas Yawing . ! A FERRY BOAT U NEMPLOYED • a. 0. 4 . 00d p .o.guse for ber at Kliabeils, 7 juu-yai No compont.n. p P RESERVING SUGARs.__LoyER. IMPS CRUBMID. Granulated, C. Loa(. Powdered. A Whlteand Mtn C Bums f r teem Prewarrlnt. In dor* sad for sale at lows. prices. by the berm' or at retell. 1 i I i M A, jai Cos , Meet ettp ei,.. aAGENCY BIIGINEBB OF ALL WINDS to be MAMMA 111PhIladalphla,11 atilrla i rbZ34° AZZA Memel. Vdd d • J.111:111 = BANK STATEMENTS REPORT OF THE CONDITION • OF THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK = = IMMEM2 Loans and discount. 81 -" 1:10t 34 o , rardrarts V. 4: Vg: 'r,',11",,',"' 6 """'""" *tits; gi t•ther Stocks, Hondo*. Mortgage. 10,00. Due (rem Redeeming and Ro am-we Agents Duo from other National Banka a it - .M 9 0 M ll Due Crum other 11 ank..4 ttankera 5141 9. Banking Iron. 39. 61 6 'Current erponscs.. 1: 57 2' Taxes paid, 1.600 no Cash Items. Oncluding stamps,- 11.090 05 Exchanges tor Clearing 110014. . 30.14 40 1111111 01 other Natlonn! Banks 11. i 0 33 ..., Mate Banks Fractional Currency and Mckel. - i.:172 0 Specie, lender. .7 I I • 1 100.1 Tenders ' 14 .000 00 =I capital paid in $ t 400.1100 00 8 143 ' 1 n :4 ' f ". 1 0 341 la National Bank Circulation Out standing 400 . .000 00. State Bank Circulation OUtptand- Ing Dividends Unpaid • 11.0 Indirldua/ DePosini Cashiers Cheeks Outstanding. .. .11 3 I n 39.1 3 $OO 00 Due National Banks 1!.1830 00 Dan other Banks and Bankers... ....11 . 7 2 LI Taos Unpaid FITATII Or PIVIOIYLVANII ta,‘. Cot,rror ALL[GITENT. I. it. K. Wilson, Oubler or the Citizens' National Bank of Inttaborat, solemn/1 swear tha i n above Istrae.lo the best or In •. K. k \IPITSIZ ' R a sh le r e . • Subaernred and sworn to lesion, me this f 0ur ju".11.817.11/AVIS. Notary Minh,. Correct—Attest: . _ _ _ WM. S. BISSELL. m OEO. $. BEAD mry nr". B.L. FAJIBIN'I" • T RIRTIETH • Semi-Annual Report OF THE DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK = A tigr a l due Deno&gore., Lille 11.1. 63.330.242 Interco' due Depositors. J one let, 1870 - • 117.046 Contingent Fund. Juno 1,1.11370 148,503 ! 3LI. I= ED= fAlarillon !tondo sod 111t0rtgage5..51.961,663 17 Iteel Ettitte 47:411 Stuck In Pittsburgh U. S. 3-20 R0nd5.1663 end '67 100.060 MI U. S. tds per cent. Bonds. HtBl. 3113143 73 Hills Neeelvable Cash In Bents and on hand 1. .I.ggS 21 02.747.6112 34 Thendersigned. Auditing Committee. respect fully re u port that they hare eamined the Troupe. rags Ito Ft for the last six months. ending May 3151.1870. and have examined the Anneta•of Rang pommeling of Rond• and Mortgage.. peed , of Real Estate. Certltica.s of Bent Stock. MIN Receivnble, t;. el. give• Twenty nix per cont. Bonds. .64 and 'lll. V. el, elk par cenLillondn.le,Sl. and Caen In Ranks and nn hand. and end the name to ogrestlie . d y nr c kh o tNi t abovr report. . J.:J. iIILLESPIE Auditing Committee. A. TI. 111.0. June oth. 1870. The Trustees have declared • dividend of three will bar Interest from In Inst. CIIAS. A. OqI.TON. TNASIIrer. Pirlentritai.June 13th. 16470. 1e1(7t2 BALE STABLES 'Robt. . Patterson &Co. COFINIZU Seventh Avenue and Liberty Stree =I WILL. ON EVERY SATURDAY' HOLD AN AUCTION SALE,Lrriages, Buggies, Wagons, And wr rythingunlng to the Horse. Partite 4 ng to WI will ygesse leave their no• tlee of ontstgnment On or before Thursday of eMb week let order for arrertlrt Pawn t attention and growl we will be given all ng. litoch left for We. . . JO H. STEWART, AI:PTV/NEER. __ . _ - ----- SW. rt. winx Row. R. fArrrnsom. ROBER 11. PATTERSON Si, CO. . , . Livery, Sale and 001WISSION STABLES ,C6f. &MO ATM! and Liberty St = PITTSOUROII. PA. been SPEC -0 p A PER I J. L. READ & SON - ix .- land id 'WRY r== =111=!M OHN M. COOPER Si, CO. Bell and Brass Founders, EIGIME, LOCOMOTIVE IND KOLLIN 311 BRASSES Made Promptly to Order .BABBITTS METAL Made and Kept on Han( .rovtietnrs and Ifactollaturon of M. Cooper's Improved Balance Whec S'll AM PUMP. Otbe•-BNE PENN STREET. Foundry—Onset ITTIt wad RA.II.ROAD STEEETS. Pittsburgh y ENV p AVER O 11l J. L. READ & SON TATIONZR.P. No. 109 Fourth Avenue. Plti.burrh OITICS 0, Tilt COVIIIOI.I.ZR ALLltollattir Cors - rr, PS.. • , Prrralit• non. JuntriaoM.lblo. OTIOE TO BAXERS,--Sealed Pro. 1 Pt - MATE, addressed to the - Board of In spectors of the Aliegheny County Primo. - Irdi be reeeired at this Mem until delth Inst. Inclusive. for Cur:Rehire! the ['aunty Pttaon with BREAD for sit months from July 13th. 1870. Loaves to weigh one-tot Ma•tutlt and two pounds respectivell and fobs of approTed quality. Rids to be made at latouch per pound. Bond for two thousaud dol r!. will hr required for faithful Performer.. of contruct. The manta of the emeriti must .. Me.. - Poor bit. Mils Indorsed by the Werdenland otohatrd at . this °MCC triV i ta i tp.z . ,, , N AT. • • 'Controller. ' 0011 - -Ew APER. p J. L. READ :& SON BTATioNsitp. lel: so. 102 Fourth Asiatic Pittsburgh. G iIANIE RE-OPENING NEW GOODS. Shoes Boots and. Gaiters I lEIsTRY No 44 0111 n AVENUE, Ati,EGITENV The undersigned bO aged WadSs...Sion of h4 nld awe. and stocked It +lth . rich uson went of ROOTS, PROFS AND GAITERS. • ' Donde 10. heir. seinen mill the sattafantion. Farmer patrons red the potato an Invited to Jedil . KENNY PAULUS.' 0 , it CIRRT IRON ' GS. iottn. Butt*. Y.. 1.4 otber J: L. READ & SON STATIONERS. Nn.ilrA Fourth Avenue. Pltteburele ,I h "Val t :mama Ii TEAS! TEAS! TEAS: r Jut received, a lane and doe assortment of Nevr utILONO. JAPAN. NOUCIIO/40. Burets nn Invited to ca n and onannne the stock aa m tl l ullty and price Will be [intim Internet or Um r. OfAcra ohandiit.latritawellent mortteent wf-V No.. mad 39 Mamma Q' u. J. 'L. READ Sr... SON anfiVilOME 9 13233 131 . 0*RS AND TiNWATIL VNNDEBEI, 00A1 DOM. • rum DION% ite- • 100 ` boxes Goshen MM. A" b° F . new'r•T a rtilrisup 2 • • VIM% &velum. VINEGAR. • THE PITTSBURGH--- YINEGAR . . . ' ...,,.- WORKS. Wll.. AL) AM S, EMBEEMI 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND ,VVENEE. =MEI le no. , prepared to furnish VINEOAR el th LOWEST MARE ET RATES. Attention part'es tally called to hie Extra. Wine Vinegar. 1:522 INSURANCE I=i2EXII c,ZUCCESS THE eitvrtuto OF EX CELLENIT. The Enipire Matua lIMS ochleved a success almost unnsuJiclod In th history of Life !minium. o CI I io Conapon3 =EI Whole, Number of Po , iews 3.34 k TntaL-I,:rtitumr 41:go..Ezinly in±uien R 7 o. natio Chtlms nttot Esp. to Tntnt Inmrne, AVP-