THE DAILY GAZETTE • OFFICIAL PAYER Of Plitobtugh, Allegheny City and .Alleghcay County. IJAZETTE BCILDINGI :Conan, or litstn Malmo and Widthlda lintel WED:MU/Ay. JUNE 22, is2o EOVDS at Frankfort. 94} Prritotarm at Antwerp, 52. Gott) closed in Neve York on yenterdey it 112 iGll2.t. PHILLIP M. HIVE. an original anti slavery man and the projector of the Phil adelphia and Erie Railroad, died last week at Leek haven, Pa.- . ile left an unspotted record n..a man and Chtiatlan behind him. Inc Beaver A ryus, an endorser gene, ally of bolts and bolters, has this to bay In reference to the third party movement In Alfigheny count.-: "We doubt the wisdom of s_ moveluent which takes Republicans outsidd, of their organization to .remeda politlctO wrongs. ba oux . oplulon tLtic .shordil Intro waited until the regular conviatlon of Om party was held . flat convention may warn everyman now complained of. • ft It 'falls to do tins It will not be too late then to take action on Us shortcomings.' Miami BurtwELL; of the Ifuseum, Ims sought in coin for a copy of the ••numor only cignod•• reform paper supposed to be lloatlug around somewhere, but Ida enterpriee lout not been rewarded. Ile would do better to secure the political mouse Itself when it comes forth after the awful parturition labors which have torn and distressed the Commerefiil for so long a period. TV DAY at Indianapolis will commence tits International.Conventlen of the Young Men's Christian Asaociations of the United States and British Provinces. A Very large. attendance of delegates is expected from all the associations of the country, and groat preparation. have been made to give them a warm reception. -The Con vention will be in session several dope, and will discuss at length the work and labor which these associatkpas are putting forth: Tur.. Rost perhaps forgot ite part in the farce of the “Republican smash-up" note being rehearsed behind the green curtain, when itexultingly exclaimed, in speaking of the bolt which secured the election, as Commissioner, of Mr. McGee, an ontand out Democrat: ..The party was ruined to the extent 'Of a Commissioner, and would have been rained altogether If the Temperance men had nominated a, full ticket, which they Propose to do this time." Exactly. And horn in a nutshell we have full explanation of the Port's conduct in allying itself to the great dissatisfied of brimstone corner. Reform is not wanted: the election of a full Democratic ticket is .desired. IT is t significant fact that the Pod, a journal thoroughly Democratic, aide the Commirrial in ita endeavors to nurture the third party animal into strength and im portance. Will the Republican . noussia be blinded? Does It require much penetra tion to discover the game goinglorward ? Is the coalition formed merely to correct imaginary wrongs andlrregularitles in the ranks of the great prodcaMout part or te make a pathway Into office and power for the long Alit out Dennomacy7 The Awes advocacy of the movement gives at de nial to the firid part of the query and the plain affirmative to the latter: Who among intelligent Ilepubliesma will he caught in the trap? Not many we are Cure. Du: Port chuckles all over with deligifi and gushingly rejoices that a new 'arty is about to be formed to break the back of Allegheny county Republicanism. it - encourages the third party movement all it knows how, bat does not invite any Democrat to attiat his name to the "re terra" paper. Oh, no: Out of the tem . perance bolt last fall the opposition man aged to secure a Commissioner, and now, Inasmuch as the • embryotic third party hopes to nominate a full ticket, it is ex cusable in the Post to urge on the move , 'sent, thinking that perchance the pm verbial unity and adhesiveneiti of 'the De niocracy, whether in the wrung oxin the right, may bring about the triumph of any candidates they may nominate: Nev er lel up neighbor on the card you hold, play your into the Commenter hand, hold your place in the combination you have entered. and you will thus at least show shrewdness in A political game to arum a majority which has crushed you- WI, mercilessly in times gone by, but whose weight cannot be much lessened, either by the efforts of upon enemies out. side the camp or traitors within.''' A moon OF wan no larger than a man's haneappears in the horizon, and who can tell to what dimenslorur it may not grow? It may not be universally known that Venezuela has recently changed its trov ernment, or rather Its governor. Senor German Blanco, after raising a revolution In that land, whCre revoltitions are so ais toundingly:prolific, has overturned the,, until then, existing government, ousted the President and seated himself upon the-republican throne. Having rendered Ida position so secure as pOesiblOrom internal attack, and probably believing in the policy of keeping the 'minds of hie excitable people - distracted from domestic politics, he bas seized a Dutch mall steamer, and of course the 'diplom atic representative of Holland has with drawn from Caramel, and a declaration of war Is imminent. For their own pro tection, and because of the utter impossi bility of any ordinary diplomatist keep ing the ran of the polities of thio tipanish republics, the governments- of Europe have heretofore abstained from interfer ing in South liner - 14n troublearubat if Holland should becorne infolvid in one of these wars, what 'MAY" not bi 4 the ' 241 1 1 41 A petty , Italian republic has more than: °ace involved the World in wax, and the possibiliticaof elite little quarrel are bre moutons. But Senor Blanco has &heady occupied the capital of Venezuela several weeks, and,H, Precedents be of any so: count, we nay expect before coo iti diya to hear of his deposition and thenonze. quent return of the representative of Holland. . THE EXHIBITION IN 18710 Philadelphia, with an energy unusual in that staid city, and with an ardent de sire to outdistance all competitors, has put halter claim to be the 'place where the great centennial anniversary of- the Dec. Illation of tho Independence of these Milted States .shall be held, six" years h en c e . With this view she hasfered and dined the Congressional Committees, tak ing them to see all her beauties and cwt. °shies, her-vast manufactories and glort. one park, her navy yard and Indepen- donee Hall. Speeches were made and re plied to,. and general - good' feeling pre. culled, bat' 'Mini — Members' of the' , Coh greesional committee% declined commit ling themseleeto when called upon to pledge their influence in favor of this great Idea of the quaker City. ,11{ proposed that a grand international exhibition of arts, manufactures and nat ural products. shall be held in 1876, as a sort of memorial exposition and as the nuset suitable way of showing to what a mighty tree the little mustard !wed of Liberty has grows. The committee, of Congressmen appointe4 -for this purpose. is to report to the nrit Congress plans for the organization and conduct of the eel. ebratlon, and a motion of HOU D. .1. Mon, uktt,makiug Philadelphia the site, has been referred to the Ctinitutttee on Manu. factures. That l'hiladelphia a could be the Owe selected fur this celebrzztion- can scarcely be denied; the birth-plies of the glorious declaration, the sell 4f the Continental Congress, the first capita of the nation, still preserving that time-worn -cradle —lrdependence 114111. What other city can present such claims 7 Nee York Is the mighty metropolis of the nation, but it was not so In- the. timeTi z of Which this proposed exhibition is to boa monument. Roston has many hallo Wed memories clinging about her, but what is Faneuil Hall to the Hall of Independence? And besides, Boston is neither central enough nor large enough fur so grand an affair: Philadelphia has more mum, and more fitntiss for this celebration than any place eltet,sud r•e hope that for this one grand ocoetion petty jealousies end private in. tercets will not bet allowed to prevail against public advantago and pro-eminent fitness. 'SINGLE LEGISLATIVE DIS. TRICTS. The Constitution of this State providm that - Any city containing n sufficient nuinber of tazables to entitle it to at least two representatives, shall hove a separate represenation assigned it, and shall be divided into convenient districts of contiguouslerritor,y, of equal taxable population as near as may he, each of which districts shall elect one represents tire." ,This arse adopted ns au amendment to the Constitution In 1637. The first artier tionment under ityas in 1804. In that year-the city of Pittsburgh had not scull elenttaxables to entitle her to two repre sentative.; _consequently we have rurcnr, yet, had the benefit of this provhddiii The basis of the neat apporticomient will be the enumeration of taxablen now In the Auditor tieneral's hands. This shows a taxable population of 810,000. Diliding this by 100, the number of rep resentatives, the basis for each member will be 8,100 tatables. As Allegheny county has 64,000 taxables, the coun ty will be entitled to eight members in all; and as the cJh of Pittsburgh has over 16.200 taxables, she will, under the new appOrtionment, be entitled to separate rep resentation, and the city will have to be divided into separate districts, like the city of Philadelphia. We are 'not ' aware what the taxable population of Allegheny city is; but if it should roach 16,000 that city, likewise, will have to be divided into separate legisla tive districts. We submit that this result will relieve our legislative nominations, hereafter, from many of the didiculties now sur rounding them. The cities, with separate legislative- districts, can nominate their own men by popular vote; without fear of being ovecolauglied by the county, and the county (apart from* the cities) can nomi nate its representatives without fear of city control. The fear of combinations, and of the rile of cliques will thus also be.removed from this elms of nomina tions. • We submit, further, that thhi point be ing ;attained, much of the opposition of the Republicans of the country districts to the Crawford county system will be overcente. Its adoption, hitherto, has been resisted by them through fear that the two ritit, would ontvore them and take all the legislative nominations to theruselcen. We trust, therefore, that le; the people are asked to express their views as to the Crawford county system at their primary meetings, they will take, this fact into due cowilderation, and give to it the weight it deserves. I== In all political campaigns Immediately succeeding a Presidential election there is a natural tendency to disintegration in the walks of the successful party. Itjs not that factions and factiousness do not exist In the party In the years of Presidential elections; but the orcrabsd 'owing influences then at work throw them so deeply into the shade' that 'they fail to be seen of noticed. Tho renewal of these influencers in sub sequent elections brings them into the light again; and the interests at stake be ing apparently less, the spirit of faction aid political restlessness again asserts Itself, and works its ;mud results. This fact hie been thoroughly eetab- Milted through the political experience of the past—so much so that, prior to the late war It had grown into a political ax iom that the Congress elected the second year atter a Presidential election was either against the President or contained a Ltrgely increased oppceition. Thus the Congress elected in 1882 joint ly with President JACKSON was strongly in his favor, while that elected in 1834 contained a largely , increased number of Whig opponents. The Congress chosen in 1836 was strongly VAN BOUM; that elected in 1868 was. Whig.. The Congress of 1840,, chosen with tasmeon, was Whig; that of 1842 was Democratic. That 0t1844, chosen with Poix, was Demo castle; whilst that of 1816 was again Whig. So in 1648, Oen. TAYLOR carried inn Whig Congress with. him; but -the Whigs lost control of it in 1850. In 1852, PIERCE went in with a huge Congression al majority let his back which, Jn 1854, tom very considerably reduced. BLTHAN- Arr,in 1856, was also backed up by a Con gressional majority; but he lost It In 1858. The,Congress elected in 1860 was of the same political hue as President LINCOLN; and although the war had, in 1862, crea ted the necessity of aust•lnleg th e p ree t. dent, the usual ienction was again dant, the bemrabs carrying several States they had lost in 1860.1 Fortunately the reaction was not sufficient. to change kb" palitical character of Coast's'. We might follow thisup by showing that the eleetkatin 1866 Wad disastrous to JorINSON, who had sue7cessied LINOOLN; bat this was not the result of 1113 y, SOAC, IIOILSMOng the ps:Mle against the party that elected Jourteeri. Ills treachery took that campaign out of the usual age. gory. I . The same spirit is now, howees.l, show. ing itself. 'The preesure of the war being removed, an inclination to get up factious movements is vary generally manifesting itself, and the bemoerate are showing their usual ILlVOlitess in fanning every smouldering ember Into a blaze. To all who fee.l the slightest desire to go 1180 any of these factious movements in Pennsylvaaia; we wish to . address a word of warning and caution. We beg them to atop and look at what is st stake In this State. If there were nothing more at risk, in oar State matters, than the election of a t§titta Tomator and. the usual special legislation, we should not feel the same interest as we M i aow do In averting a PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 22, 1870. Democratic majority iu the Legislature but there is much more than that. The last apportionment of state Sena.. tors and liepreeeutatives was made by the Legislature chosen in 18113; and as this apportionment is required by the Consti tution to be , made every seven nmrs, the Legislature to be chosen this year will hare that important task to.perform .111 who know what Democratic apportion. Inv eats area [ld how certainly, if that purty 'obtains the useerdancy this year, the Slate gerryma'adered so as to stifle the :voice of the majority, will see how sawn. 'tint It is to prevent such a calamity by this year presenting a united front to the mime. But more.- The apportionment of the State into Congreasionaldistriets will also have to be made by the Legislator,. chosen thin year. This is n concurrence of appOrtionments which has never, we believe, happened before, and cannot hap. pen again for accent; yenta. The thoughtful Republican will see, nt a glance, that we cannot afford to be frit tering away our strength In factional and personal fights with, such Aeighty interests as them at stake. I:pon the Congressional npportionment to be made next winter will depend our chance of being represented in Congress according to our numerical supremaey for ten years to come. Does any Republican in Alle gheny county wish to put this tank bite DSmOcratic handsl If not, let him be. ware bon . he opens the way for Demo. cratic success by helping to divide or dis tract bin party. So much as to the LegiSlnture. t'on gresatuen are to he elected this fall, also:. and we see with pain a dispositiM evinced in the Cambria district, the Wash. Ingtod and Roarer district, the second district of Philadelphia, and in this dis trict, ns well perhaps as In others, to en_ danger the choice of Republicans by In. dulging Su personal grudges or getting up factional fights. Is this a time fur showing such a spirit? Every Denfoaemtle member of the present Congress from Pennsylvania has voted, directly or indirectly, for free trade, end it is their votes which leave rendered the result doubtful in the House. Are we to settle this doubt by increasing the mint. ber of. Democratic representatives front this State, and so give the frest+Aradens an absolute majority in Congress ? Their aro questions for Republicans every where to ponder, and specially those of Allegheny county, who are now importuned at every corner to sign calla for the purpose of disorganizing the party and so paving the way for Democratic sue cess.• Let them look before they leap. Forewarnettls forearmed. • If we are salted how the Democrats are to be prevented from succeeding, we an swer, by adhering firmly to the Republi can organization. If there is any thing wrong in 'that organisition, right it by staying in it. If there Is any danger of bad nominations being made, overcome the danger by working in the party against it. Tho organization of the party is in the hands of the people. They can control it if they will, and it will be their' fault if they do not. The remedy for pie venting the repetition of past wrongs- is In their hands, and the ticket will be just such as they want if they- will only help to make It. Thu formation-of parties within parties has never yet done any good and never will. Such parties only beget bitter hoe tilities, and defeat the very end they aim at. There is yet purity enough; and hon esty enough, and vigor enough in the Re publican party to right any wrongs that have existed of prevent any that may be feared, if those who wish to right and pre. vent, them will only exercise their privi leges within the party ranks. Never, in view of the powet In tie hands of the people, wea a party rriolt less justifiable than now. Count Comiolssioner ME/vilta. EDITOR/3 (Lutes - tit You cer. tarot} place all good Republicans under obligation, for your suggestion of so ex cellent a man for the honorable and re. spotuilble position of Commissioner as Felix R. Brunot, Eaq.)and the best hove and prayer that could be 'offered in Intl is ence thereto would be chit, in the good ness of hil heart, and out of pure Wein terestednesa and regard for the people of the county, he would consent to accept the office it tendered him by the Republican party. Without intending any, reflections gpon the gentlemen who have hitherto filled this position, I certainly agree with the of en expressed belief of many good cit izens that the growing greatness our ooun ty, and the corresponding increase of crime, pauperism etc., -demands that checks should be put, as far as posed ble; and compatible with the law, to the hitherto apparent indiscriminate inning of (teenier to ecU liquors. Lel Mc laic be rig. Idly enforced, and in order that this onay be - done, and the interests of society - at large be therby benefitted, why should not an efliort be made to secure the eminent services of such men as Mr. Brunet? I earnestly hope thdt. the suggestion of his name will be favorably met and fur. they that his well known character for benevolence,philanthropy and sterling integrity shall be permitted through Ids election, to give that pure character to the' office that should radiatnand. permeate through the entire county; causing die. honest office seekers (If any such there are) to stand back and ofl'ering to good citizens an opportunity of serving the county, State and city In their various offices, without the stigma of baseness and corruption - attaching to them. The election of Mr. Brunet, or nue of his standingmorally and every other way, would 'purify the politics of the county amazingly and better still would result in such an administration of the duties of the office, as would satisfy the strictest demands of Justice- and put at rest all dissatisfaction. MEl=l3l ALLtu=tr, June 21, 1870. Butchery in Boone County, Missouri. Wo take tlie following from the Mont gomery BGindard, of the 9th: On Friday morning last, about eight o'clock, t. section hand on the Columbia Branch, named Tom Connell.bnitslly mut. dared Mrs, 'John Moore, with. whom he was boarding, by knocking her brains out with a stick, and securing considerable money, fled. The unfortunate lecithin was sitting at the breakfast table, little dieamhnt of the dreadful fate awaiting her, when that' fiend dealt her qg terrible blew on :the temple with a Hfige club, crushing bet' skull, and killing her almost t negro girl, who was out milking at the time, same input as the murderer was leasing, and promptly gave the alarm, an 4 fete hours, some two hundred men were scouring:the country tor the worm. drel. Be was overtaken near Sturgeon, on Baturdaymorning, and thawing fight, hie ctptort were forced to shoot him, In flicting several severe wounds, before he would surrender. He was taken to Colum bia for trial. hire. Moore karma family of five little children to mourn her terrible and untimely death- Tim following extract. from a cotafiden• tie! note 'addressed by the North German Ambassador to the Roman Court, we find in the /fora Germs; Correspondent We desire particularly to draw the at. tie:alai Of the Rely; Chair is ono point. In eermany, Catholic s and notreatholle Chris tians must lino peateably together. Under the influence of daily anuteximis end con. Waist Intercourse; tele:tie= have boen formed which, without obliterating tho differences of the varietal oonfesairmsave led to a esdoel approach between them, that Justifies a hope that the time may come when all the vital powers of Mit tbanity will be united in combatting the errant which already Miluenee, th e we ed , to the mat injury of rellgioe. The pr. rasa Is in danger of being checked by the threatened resolutions of. the Council, as the people see in them an,isttetupt to re. new the old contest, and in the interest of the Catholic Church the Noithtierman Confederation could not keep silence." .t POST-ILtPILIELITE PICTURE. The Lanai Martel lathe tlDlrlt. IL tk World tlrayon Portrait aald to be front 'the 'Hand of the Great Italian Matter. • The Spiritualists of this city have been much exercised in mind for some i time past over n picture which was recently completed and which Spiritunlistically purports to be the production of Raphael, the great Italian painter. The histiry of this picture may be brietly told : 'On the evening of - May 12. a circle was held at a private residence in Thirty-fourth street. under the mediuninhip of Mrs. Margaretta Fox Kate—the circle being composed of three ladies and the tuediu,n. During the seance the-following eortunu niraition was -rapped out:' -We will draw you a picture of Miti. ll—, a daughter of ono of the •ladies of the.cirele. The artist will be Raphael, and the picture very much the style of Ma Mader= della Seggiola. The atti tude will express three affections; the hands-be . pointed towards Boil and signi- - fv devotion; the smile of her mother, and the expression of love to all. 'these three named elpre.lolus are attributes that tend . ,to canvey to your minds all that makes the soul divine. We want you to commence and end each meeting , r with the I dffir prayer. - In fulfillment of the abo e request, a circle was held twice a we k at the house' where the la dice reside; and the revolt - is the produc don of the proWsed picture. By invitatioh of a friend, the writer paid a visit. to the house to examine the picture, add listen to the statements made by the ladles regarding the manner of Its lroduction, Which woe in substance as fol owing: The time consumed won about four weeks. Two circles, as already state ed, were - held each week, although at some of the'sittings. conditions not bring favorable, no work was done upon the pie lure. The actual time occupied to draw • ing has been computed at seven hoUrs. The directions governing the proceedings were niwnyo given through the raps. Tilt PA PER oNsvnicir TUE PORTRAIT WAS IMNi2I A large sheet of drawing paper and Tot of crayons wore purehastsl at (30110 I'S. AS directed by the raps,and placcni,upou large sized quartette table at the first circle. The paper was marked by each member of the circle, and also by oilier persons residing in the-horse. A piece of muslin wan also ordered told strings sewed at each corner. It was placed over the paper by the spirits, and at the close of each sitting the strings were tied to the legs of the table by one of the and the table placed in a small room un der lock and key until the neat meeting —one of the ladies keeping the key, which she affirms never left her posses. alon. WHERE TOE DRAWING WAS DOL. The sittings were all held in a dark room, and were opened and closed by the circle reciting the Lord's prayer. The ladies and medium were required to stand during the entire time and to sing. Some times the sittings butted for two or three hours, raking the attendance anything but a pleasure. During the sittings sounds like pencils moving upon paper were distinctly heard. Towards the end of the third week the faith of the mem bers of the circle began to Ilag, when the raps asked "If you are permitted to see a hole aver the paper will it give you strength to persevere to the end?" The ladies replied "Yes." It was then rapped out, - Don't cause confusion by excisma tions when vou see the light." A strEENASCIIAL MOUT. Ina feu. minutes aftervrard'a halo was visible over the paper upon the table, and the pencils distinctly seen in an upright position moving upon the paper without visible hands. Three sittings before the-list the ladles were ordered to procure a sheet of the thinnest tracing paper. It was purchased, and at the next meeting placed in a roll upon the table. Before the clone of t he sitting s light was ordered, when the drawing paper was found covered with the tracing paper fastened down .by pine and books. The ladles were then directed to examine the untin. . tithed picture through the 'tracing 'paper, which they did, and at - hat ,time there was no writing ujton the paper. ntiritsp.'s isrEnnirrna. • The medium who officiated at the sittings was Mee. Margarekta Fox Kane. one of the original Rochester Fox 1/18tP/11. She deco not .reside /13 the house, and had no means of access except when admitted in answer to the street door bell. It would have been impoettible for lir to have tampered with. tint paper vrlßrout -being collusion with others In the house. Thu mdther of the person whose portrait the picture represents, was one of Ott. circle. nod trltn tlit.ll pl. need wttli It that she gate thu medium $lOO for her time at the seances. I=l As a work of art coming from the hand of Raphael a more perfect production war expected. The expression of the face, with Rs eyes turned heavenward is exqui sitely 'tweet, and the left shoulder and breast are true to nature. The color of the eyes, and hair are me. id to be like those. of the original, and a strong family re. semblance is recognized by all who have seen the picture. The Lands are crossed uptni the right breast with the lingers pointing upward, and front the right hand a rose bud droops-toward the left thoul. der. The anus, from the elbow to the wrist, and the hand are-badly drawn and out of proportion. The defect is a mark. ed peculiarity of the picture, andlo some persons who have seen it, presents evi. deneett of its production as represented. At the bottom of the picture le written in .Italian, in a bold hand '..Esilva roan nom. iglia :ilia vita" (My life Is like a summer wee), and across the left-band corner is . the name Raphael, said to be facsimile of the great artist's signature. Thepaint• ing has created a deCided sensation among Spiritualists. and, whether ur not- It be a production of the marvelous master from whose hand'it Is said to have - come, It la a curiosity, and the select few -who have seen it have at least found in It something to talk about.—N. Y.-IVo rld. • AN 01110 LEAF. An Old Han'. Children Drive Him from their Homes, and Leave Him to Perish in the Woods. (From the Loudon (Ohio) Free Pre... Jane IL] A heartless and shocking case of in humanity has just occurred in the town ship of iVindliam. A man now upward of eighty years of age, and who has re. Sided in that township for years, has for some time been dependent upon ids child ren. He had lived With one of his Baugh. tern, two or three of whom were married, for a short time, and then would remain a short time with another daughter, and so on. A oouple of months or so ago, the old man bad an altercation with some of the members of . tits family. whom, we shall designate No. 1, and with whom he then resided, -He left the -residence of No.l after the altercation, and supposing that he Lad gone to live with family No. 2, a few miles distant, No. 1 packed up his clothes and took them to the horse of No 2. No. 2, however, was appareltly determined that he would no longer be bothered with the poor old man, and would not allow the. clothes 'to be left on his premises, and No. 1, therefore, left them in charge of a neighbor. Soon afterward the old man arrived at No. 2's, and was told that his clothes were not there, nor could they tell him where they were. Ile then started for No. l's, where he arrived no feeble that ho was unable to walk any further. Daughter No. 1 then took him in a wagon to No. 2's. How long he remained there we cannot say; but finally daughter No. 3, who ived with No, 2, got him in a vehicle andk him to within a mile or two of N l'a, setting him down upon the road and tell ing him to got to a house near by. 1a ,,,,.. stead of going to the house, however; he wandered tato a piece of woods, and noth lag more was seen or heard of him for about seventeen days, when he wee found lying insensible In, the wOods.. When found No.. 1 wan apprised of the fact, but he refused to allow ids;team to convey hint froth the woods to the house, and also refused to go for a doctor] Some neighbors acted the -partof good Samaritans, carried the old man to a hattee and dispatched a messenger for a medical man. Around where the old man lay in the woods every twig and leaf was Oaten, and it was evident that • these had been his only means of su eshrtence during the time he was in the woods. At lest so cOunts he was In a very weak and preya. dots condition. - ; -', . , MAD, advicee from London to the 7th inst. state that replies have been received from all the scholars and divines invited to join the Committee of Convocation in the revision of the Bible, except Canon Cooke, Archdeacon Harrison and Dr..Hon nedy.' nye:have declined—Dr. nisei, Canon Smith, Dr. Wright, Dr.iNeWman and Dr. Tregelles, the lest -frotn illness. With the exceptions named ramie ißrion• conformists who have been 'invited hare Wombed to do so: E=Ml DOWATtittin from Fort and other points, report the Indians very numerous Leto - ern Camp Sully La Bear Creek, all ou the war Several gov. erement and other trains and herd, have, bven attacked, but so far the Indium have been driven off. tine train was cormled two days at Gtu yysn Creek. fighting the Indians. A train, front Camp Sully was attacked four times. It is no longer sate for trains , or her , P to travel without a etrong escort. j• . THE LARGEST STOCK AND GREATEST tAmEry IN TUE CITY. Conerating In part of Dru-s, the Patent4l , llclneiti • Perfumery and Toilet Soaps In .dloas slay. A large stock of fine Liquors. mm- THE ~LARGBST prising the celebrated Whisky wren 'eon old, Pure 'YOUR. TREE . limady, ' Portilherfy,lladefrar ' and Blackberry Wine. All theIGREATEST different bands of genuine Scotch and English Alen end,RIETY OF THE porter. Preaaratlmi for the' GAIL Teeth and Complexion.' CHEAPEST Gousekeepers will rind the best quality of Baking Soda.: GOODS Cream Tartar Washing Soda,. Soda Ash. indigo, Potash, IN THE CITY. IS 6e.. Sc. Painters will nod ni good assortmentof ever,AT JAMES E thing necessary to the tradr—, Whim Leadlire:W. Linseed' {WEBB 6 CO' OIL Turecuttne.Copitt Coach,' While. lamer and Block Var. DRUG STORE, co - nlsh. paint Brushes. Would, ; resPectirdil dl whom' [ter Penn And . It may concern to call and on-I ermine quality of goods and (old St. CMG Its learn gripes. We are aatlsned. (tiny ern! not go away dlaaat, laded. • THE LITINE JidA' CELINE. lI legate the math spring of a watch and leery Wir etap of the works becometi.rderad. The bunion stomach Is to the burr...Mem what that elastic piece of moue Is to the chronometer. nineteen°. the action of the other onnete. and oontruls to a certain extent, the whole living machine s The compart.n may be welled farther. tor es the weakness or other Imperfections of the main awing Is indicated me the face of the Inue-Weele so also is the weakness or other elikinler of the stomach betrayed by the face of the invalid. The complexion Is sallow or led.. The era aro dea den!. In lustre and latelligeners;and there Ma worn. anxious exPression In the whole ortuntenthoo which toll as plainly so written wards could do, that the, great nourishing argon, whose office It le to minister to the wants of the body.and to sustain there... all ILK parts. Is not performing ite duty. • It eveed.. renoniting end regulating. and to aecomPlith thin end Ilostetteffs elermarb Bitter. may be truly to. be t Ike nor thing needful. The broken main aris o s f tetre ' i=gn " t " ril Ve"P al ° ° iv 0 ° g anal, an d this is one of the objects of the tame. bee n restorative which for eighteensem use been snsfing a successful wettest with d ye pepelit In all climates. As specific far Ining.tion mends alone. When the ravne without. pharma it copeia hese been exhaled... at best. dol. more th an mitigating the ff.imPlaint.•ewurthe of this wholesome and palatable, yet powerful. alotnachlo effects a perfect toed permanent cure. In all mem of dyspepeht the liver le more or lead disordered. end ogre. this Important glands as well 'withthe 'demerit and bowels, andtters tel alieguhe dlottpWoosa, regaisetlog Morin =ie . 1211? - is aVe ;:I " hVal " tr i depend. organ )..MAll'a).);4l4fziNk" , lWriOl FABER & VAN DOREN, 367 Liberty Street, PITTSBUIL4III, PA STEAIVI ENGINES IRON AND WOOD WOREIND MACH INER Y,. Steam Pimips, Engineer? and Machinists' Tools, STEAM FIRE ENGINES, BELTING,' Woolen Machinery•, Machine Cards. larltannfacturers' and Mill Sup• plies. ,t constant supply on hand and furnished on short notice. CWItEPE.MIfa macrr-v..n NEW LINEN SUITS. tt New Style in Linen and wns JUST REOEIVED; BELL 4, MOORHOUSE 21 Fifth Avenue. LETTER copying presses. MCCIIE=M/ LETTER SIR PRESSES. CAP SIZE PRESSES. CARBINE AND IDLY MESSER WALNUT PERS STAND. BAR'S COPYING DOOR. FRENCH COPYING BOOED. NOTE SIZE COPYING BOOM Larrra SIZE COPYING BOOED, CAP SIZE COPYING BOOR. ARNOLDDOOPYING FLUID. SMITHS COPYING FLUID. - - It has been In use f p*WlYinYn. and never felted in en units mimeses to Pee wilehea flop to they ofWarniVatuUthuC."'",3ll,l. Mel a bushel The lamas liebeep. Innello. Durable -and I.lsnimeene. • .11t2=1 . ealJostable. throb, 1114 I. the beet Cherry Seeder In Ur !Whet.. NV eseeptlon. OrtNIS ndelmood to JAMES,' BO N , No.l36Woodtreet; • , PITTeIII766II, Will be i Filled at 4 .41IIFACTURER131.13410F,S, GEORGE BEAVEN lAIIIIFACTURIM or Cream Candies and Taffies, AM Deal.. In Toretim and. Demesue halts. Jellin. ft..... Calm..., Nat.. 4tc. NO. 112 FEDERAL STREET =1 M==!! Wattles & Sheafer W AMERICAN WATCHES. Caro tectalita. or A neM Gaud Chain* .o 0 Leootains Moans at •.v /OW murnma I= ,I;;; NEW. ArrimansEra:Erns AT VI SEMPLE'S, 160 . and 182 Federal Street, IMIED=I2 Good Bargains in NEW GOODS 9 Yarda of Merrimack - Chintzes FOR $l.OO. 11 At c ., Light sad Dark CaDree... At a., Marrhosaat Callan. At e.. Lancaster Valle.. At a... American canc. T • At in, Wasblngtma Calicos. L. At • sc., Faat Colored Lawns- - At Xe . Printing Alpacas, At r.... DotthloWklth Mona Mobalm—hart bar • • grad thts Mason At it. 14, illoatted Masao—worth 111 he. At ~, tg iN. &pare Lama Shawls. , . At e.. Light 0•111/0rAl Marta Atlll.oo.oarednuantarlildrun—airrsat bargala JAPANESE- SILKS, Japanese Poplins, Japanrse I Robes, Plain, Pink, Blue, Buff and Green LAWNS Very Low Prices WM. SEMPLE'S, ISO and 182 Federal Street, Allegheny KEI Morgahstern &Co's, EMI MACRIIII. OLYDE & CO SPECIAL BARGAINS ! P.IR.ISOLS Regardless • of Cost! Pongee and Silk Pans°lB for $l, : WORTII 1.73 sod trhowlo for . a=glloro 11 . O. I, Handkerchief., at.— attebod • • • ET " '"IFIr Aer i e ße G a.T l" oop 192.1ru, at CaII end oopeltice Tonnell ULM no other bowie sells good. es low es we do. • Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. SPECIALTIES Hats and Bonnets, AT HORNE f,-, CO'S. am , m , Earat - AD DRILL 3 CACTCS AND nLIAW riATS. ...,... OA MAVIT:rati N PI DiT C YlltiViifral Mee And widths Irft I KUR B I6I3 1 1 E. L lZ,,,, , Fatl i llg. ?"`UP.n. WORK ADD DARN W E 11 $ 1.nn DissanNio . §. _ cx co AND INLITAToPN /AR •N r y i teKERCHIETS. BROILER% LINEN BEII4I IRS' WILITE AND BROWN LINEN DREW 4./PANTA . RNA RORER AND DRUM. A tma . Nog Dot tn. Agata. r2 l il..= tram swam, ...d NEW GOODS Arriving Every Day. 77 AND 79 3IARKET STREET .101121 Q. WORKMAN BZCUARD DAYI3 WORKMAN & DAVIS; Ruomfors to WORKMAN. MOORS &CO., mann tummy sad Malone to - • , arnages, Buggies, • SPRING & 'BUCK WAGONS. if, 44,,46 and 48 Beaver R., Allegheny. ltfl mrLr"w'lk'r=lT.," oo i,. ramated irl; ,. • oalstaeuo: an W 7 Ah 7 a s • OVIV i I .10. rVirAk lakt, P.U.nt Ant.l7K. AgliMat reour,,Pl.latilla' Rils 00 tainugnees ritr y TlWilVl Mrga: and • Alegial2R 1 4 ale with Mame ?halm.' Bank. Mtn `IIILL & ADAII'S SEWER PIPE CO" , 65 and 67 Saaduak y St., Allegheny. au;„.f...., 1;00 vrrierrizn Wi:rll2 Awn ggynis ptpaL Deal.. la CFEENIIII7 Tors. rums ina wrOwoup camarr. O ti putdrlAMlT,Aiont. s. .IvIORROW (LW ot) itaamma.r. a Mono,, (11100011115011, TO pri4,012,), sad MEM WAIDD T..1.9 , - 1 61Amicand w iN r i b m • 5 , u , vurrlß NMI No. 112-First Avenue( a trAkt k ;" 4 "" )' . iTiriatrao sToNE WATER PIPES Chimney Tops, ROT AIR & CHIMNEY FLUES, &c. • lame and . fan uOrlawat eaustaxill tax Wad HEINN 111. COLLINS) 0u.,,,a 1311 11111COND AMINE% WIIVE_Oy LTE , —Tl‘rt. Blood WuxiWM VI ZUM : sat ..C44L R P. • Zkiroftia... cp. Hof . 11. 4 ,z4d: 70:21itzt i t s —bat .4. 1 14. itane:"AS2l— WM. filiEBS, ICE DEALER, I. 961 River Ave, Alleghen3r. NEW- ADVERTISEMENTS RI WI SEMPLE'S ISO and IS2 Federal Street, MIMEO HATS AND BONNETS, Ribbons and Flowers. A Very' Large Stuck of New . Summer Shawls I=l Great ;Bargains in Ladles' and Children's LINEN. SUITS. Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, Ladles' Bummer Underwear. Gents' Bummer Underwear:.. Ladies. Gents and Children's Ilttee. and Green Kid Gloves. . • Ulna and Colored Kid and Lisle Thread los ell LadLes''Fargez Bends and Silk Bows. Lace Collars and handkerchiefs. Kmbroelerod Linen Sets sere China Ilnie dwitehos and Chignons, Gents' White and Mintz Shirts. Wholesale and Retail,. WM.. SEMPLE'S, 180 md 182 Federal Street,illeglieny On a Par with Gold ! WE NOW OFFER Our New Stock OP DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS AT EASTERN PRICES. BYTIOIB A 11.19 1NT1IT1) TO Examine our Goods & Prices ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO., N 0.115 Wood Street. PLANING • MILL MEN • And Othere,_ iTAKE NOTICE :. -zul.l In patent of tbe tint led tales fur the Improved eonstearlito thrlneek nmentoetrda m eeanPntPkl e b e ne mgtaen go m e; omaMd iics eu n l . a d N .y .n atOeleu nm s o taoedtd t n u g for b. The w bth e e - boa ding. o l in Ude patient mrause, and som r n pa 01101 lamina d ) nod y arced the use Of Joint MO.. and Le petrarkt eater hom enteling the joint of tha get. to/ or th e shoeing of the jointe by the melon of Ile 110 00 on the Umber. • Inside lint. and srathaeothur by this nsomeabod DOI DO DOOStruot&l.A., f ry this '. l.4o% b reinge b ilog the shooing of ' la Joint* frotri agy masa. and leaving no refuge. for Ocurs. Me has aleo pethahalked the mment 000 of arhat: la commonly Imovro Datha -Moult.. Weather- Ito has 0 topootal of the funkming territorial and oho, : rights in Allegheny county, for both patenpatent*.to wn To G. A. itundarlf, the right of the territory Toof the Neer in said omenty. To Mcqueen. 6 Donahue the light fOr the Fleet 7'e tDll " rt== a Co, s h oe rights foe thole .r.d.ctebur. To Ater- McClure, foe the borough of Mao.- port To Puler Past for• First. Seisimd. Tided and Yog o rLb made_ elty of _Allegheny. ench tamt n erortl •b° eggea ng" " " 'lll "!- To Dunham. s for %be borou of Shargsbues and Einsu Mao the townships of naler and Indan. personseef nts are ilers teer..nd those e e, t o .7 P C. ANDERSON. BUY THE GENUINE. CLARK'S " 0.N. - T." SPOOL COTTON, GEO: A. CLARK 5013.1 At3LENT. Sold Everywhere. JOHN STEVENSON'S SONS CO., JEWELERS, 93 Market street, Pitt4bargh. • CIIIIRD DOOR TROY 507711.1 . agrabr i d n latjtqadmit end grottle er i = lir sir- t Nrter . rtit n ilLF jeod=,.. d sliver Ra.l. Enlney Peodsat COIF Kaattly oa Random well as MI Roar gnaw GLOW Voids Watch.' , I=Ji h ut %TU=:Topaz. sail alms tar :Top e fa oar failß& for VraVrf oar ty=s• iftirr ot ia gong e krrn ano=l,ll.l,2.lUss C. D. ARNDT/SAL L. G. ADNDTILLT... ARNSIBA - L - Sr SON Virginia and Xioniavige Tobacco dgency, SEGARS Fine Cat Chewing and smoking Tobaccos, m ye4scrrinam rrnesarr. Pt n. DRY YELLOW PIN AND OAK. • lot., thoroughly measoued la the sough. ar9A& st Igo Plog JAMES M'BRIER, 191 7. Sandnsky Street, Allegheny City. • WHEELER'S Patent Stamp Canceler& EDWIN . STEVENS, No. 41 S. Third Street, General Agent for State of Pennsylvania. An orders win be Wed throat thboaee foe ewe. , • • ma 74 DINING. BOOMS, .IEB AND OILITLINICt. I. • TI! AVINIIN. Dow Wood 'street ON TUVRSDAT, Dow Mb. FULTON ' FOR I= OP= HAM 1 WrlWWlßMWlww!=tlglllg !muIsINEM • , NEW ADVERMIMMENTS " Pede and Ohio Railroad Co. The Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad l completed .pd mamma Zrum ItICIIIION1), TA M the celebrated WHITE SULETIE It SPRINGS, In West Tiralaia. 20 miles. It It bolo, metal, e . aleadad Jo the Ohlo river, 200 milt, further making In all 427 miles. • to Its protfreta WeatorArd. It penetrate., and opens up to market the WONDERFUL COAL DEPOSITS OF THE KANAWIIA RIXHON nr WEST VIR GINIA. And thus brlngs the superlorand abundant Coals of that aoctlon Into communication with the IRON ORES OF VIRGLNLA AND OHIO. and the WESTERN, SOUTH WESTERN AND EASTERN MARKETS. When completed It trill connect the SUPERIOR HARBOR FACILITIES OF THE CILESAPEARE BAY wlUa 'unable , tatelottloci on the Ohlo Gear, and thm with the ENTIRE SYSTEM OF RAILROAD AND WATER TRANSPORTATION OF THE GREAT WEST AN!) SOUTHWEST. It nW mkt ek SLIqI:T.EASi. CHEAP ettal FA TORABLE.ItocrE tram tea WEST to the SEA od *SE eetemand • LARGE SHARE OF TUB ENORMOUS FREIGHTS seeking tnumentationto the roue[. It shl thus bee o rue vnc of the most LIIPORTAST A.ND PROFITABLE EAST AND Wl= TIILIBIL LLNES OF RAILROAD In the country, undeom sussed u trade of immense ♦elms. no completed portion of the Itood Is doing a PROFITABLE ARI) INCREAIILNE_ BE - P.IXESS. and is fully equal In value to the whole amount of the wooofsge open the entire Linn-413.000e 000.1' ' Tna loan of tho elloanpaaka and Ohio Railroad lapato, ballad a FIRST 3fORTGAGE UPON THE ENTIRE LINE, PROPERTY AND EQ GIPMENTd. COORTIL WHEN COMPLETED AT LEAST $30.- croilooo,i. tner6fore une at the mein substantla/. Cll2olirrilliTtl and reltable itallrand Loanaavar of fared In the tnarket.and to atnndlarcyadarted:td tho wants of Investors land Copitalists. Who desire t o sinks their Investments sktb the most entlefacitory assurance of rorance l UNDOL`BTEL SECURITY. I The , B OAS 11,3 depomtnatlons of $l,OOO, $5OO and $lOO, and May be Ind OTJPON or REI3IBI"EkLED.. Interest fiD per Cell,, per um= P•ribl• DAL letenl Noirzscßczt IGLINCEPAL AND Lyman PAYABLE LY GOLD IN TUB CITY Or NEW YOUR. Elio. 90 AND ACCRCED INTEREeT to Cur nem et which prices thee' liw7:heeel7 SEVEN Ma CM:T. IN GOLD on their oast • All Government Bonds and other tleetirttlas dealt U at the Stook Exchange ntoelcon In anottanas. at 'their full market Tula°. and.Bonda sent to atl parte of the country. free of Rcarees chamea. They can be obtained by otterltuf Weal from ua or through any responetble Bank or Healer in any put of the country. Fisk & Hatch, BANKERS. No. 5 Nassau Street. New York Maps, Pamphlets and full inforthation furnished upon application in person or by mail. S. N.IfOLEAN & B.AITKER B, 65 Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh, WT==Ni=d piNi 4 1, 1 ) : t s B AILEYegC 4.• CHE ST N UT ST, P RMADELPNIX" jaMECGtOiCeIfIICRI. The reputation and experi ence of 40 years, warrant us in saying that our stock of Fine Timekeepers of the best Euro pean and American Makers is now the largest in the miun try; and we guarantee that each Watch we soli, is finished with great mechanical precision, has all the late improvements, and will run regularly, well, and give satisfaction. Inquiries promptly ropliod fit. Wean lorwanted by £llllll lot annul. SW, GAS SHIRES- PITTSBURGH GAS STOCK.—THUBSDAY EV=4. oneso, at It o'clock...lll aold_oit eacupd oor of Mel Amine'. Auetto_rt 1.1.00 m., leo &WM geld Wool, 4.000 Oaret_Plttsburila this Stock. A. Atal.WALNG,Auctloopar. COAL AND COKE MORGAN CO., MANUFACTURERS OF CO NNELLSVILLE COKE, At their Mara, Broad Ford, P. &C. B. B. Office, 142 WATER STREET, snip To ALL romrs BY RAILROAD, And Deliver in the' City, Oscar F.Lamin&Co. MANOTA ' OPLIIES4 OP CONNELLSVILLE COKE, DEAIXFUt IN Youghiogheny and. Anthracite. Coal PTITS/WHOD. OFFICE t BOOM Ao. 4, Gazette Bonding. op- Orden n.p.ettnity whetted. COAL! COAL! YOUGMOGIIENY GAS COAL CO TOL Compoof an too 'mend to turoltb tho best Cool of any oho or ittuttltr. AT FAIR RATIM Mot and Tait atlolonto tho OisotllrtUto Un read Mott. fait ot Try Bawl. Ptttobarik. OrdenatittrOgool so oltiOr Mow. Not Newton. Ha.. or to Yard. Ell OD r4l, attended to. Beeretio d~ Charles H. ._ Armstrong, DEALER IN Youghiogheny and connellsville Coal, And .3tanufeetsrer of ir. COAL. BLACK AND DRS' TICRLTdD COSS OITICMD YARR, co Butler and llgortoe i& N ee=tlntreel.. "4 MgrP,h , _.ithrbant sq.).* t. r. 4v. R. it. De neconArereL omen ion se either of D, above office. or 'a& to me ileougli Pittsburgh P. 0.. 'lli receive prceip ttentkrn. Li:CO.. smith,.W: r " 7. l rAfti. g re . .Ver ' l 2 halt BB Taill, AR A 1 3 1 14111 f &c , ..., p o , gr . rejalF.: Reeee . trairg ISorlN'io..le, nun it. oe, Al yon • Cf... June* Marths/1 it Co. ten. - nog ee A Co, Litton De_pot Rotel. Co In_ne ville R. 8.. 1 . 9.11711M1L R. 8., Allegheny' v IL R. • COAL! COAL!! COAL !! ! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., lISTIZIN nmo.w tholr Offios to No. 567 Liberty Street, musky ©r Flow 3/1/1) SECOND ILOOB. WM?Wil l a &PA r i aLATEra 2rit= l WlMarollies.areadreemodilo Unto the malt stlateliq to mmas. CM CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, dio. *CARPETS. SPRING STOCK. Fine, Medium and Common CaRPETS. Oar Stock Is the largest we hays over offered to the trade. Bovard, Rose & Co., 21 FIFTH AVENUE. riablStLiV April Ist, 1870 . SPECIE PAYMENT Reis-limed ! be xtrtn to 31'Farland&Collins CARPET STORE. 71 and 73 Fifth Ave. or Our prices are the lowest In thls tomtit. ore CARPETS. New Rooms! New Goods! NEW PRICES !., allui v ialtlcAnsted the °maw our NA FINES! DISMAY Or ••CaRP E T " Ever Oared in this Market, LOWEST PRICES SINCE ME OLIVER McCLINTOCK & CO, 23 Fifth Avenue. NEW - CARPETS. Reduction in Prices TO CORRESPOND WITH . WHOLESALE RATES. McCallum Bros., No. 51 FIFTII AVENUE. ABOVE WOOD STREET. UPHOLSTERERS. naoufseturar• or SPBtrra. SAM yul at= IitATT/IBBSSB. nothar Bolsters mut Church Cud:dorm. Ourtdoo urf maw of uriouctro . " won, xi.. dealers to Windy iihUies. Buff. °num nod Whit. liollandi. Cord& Tudela he Partioulai• attention is given to tat. lag up. cleaning and bniehing. altering and relay. ing auveta. Our mode of elaardror carnet to the only ant hi which you can feed aware/ that the noires ere we. served and the good, thoroughly freed from en dust and vermin. The price for oleaning ha. been greatly reduced. Our enema ell/ call tor and de liver all goal. tree of chin[.. • . - ROBERTS, NICHOLSON & THONIPSON, Upholsterers and Proprietors of • Steam Carpet Beating Ettabllehment, NO. V 27 WOOD STREET , Waage Neat Fifth Avenne PtUab • • P.. CARPET CHAIN Of all Colors, ON MOIL AND POLL BALE AT gum COTTON MILLS, mr23, 4k.llegherly City. GLASS, QIII:ENSWMtE Ath 100 114M)ll STBEET. QUEENSWARE, MZECIIIM China and Gianni EELN . 'EFI PLATED GOODS, DUCE= AND TEA EETA, TEA TRATE AND CUTLERY. RIRMVZiyorrNEsT O IM R. E. BREED & CO., REYNOLDS STEEN 4 CO„, 124 Wood Street Importers .ms Ll" San 112 FRENCH, CHINS, DBE CDT MASS AND Queensware. 11r . rb Yjnll. 1 13. • ESTABLISHED 182 • ...n.,...,....LuRT 1 / 6 11111%..1 BT. K. MR HIGBY, CUST & CO., No. 189 Liberty St., • .• • i‘l,l"l4l4l44SMlttiftilltqaa— at=t4iiietwall sisf - froth e bei umpired searke * reeetvlag . a• nob and desirable lot "ba re e DR ;.- WHITiIER Era T 9 TRT ALLyRIVATIC i tl i g . lac In=lajll t itortom ell orl= WU tpusaatOrriCO .. E4oranal VoaboOtt ai S M ooleogr. reenhlng fnj o eelf.etasse or other Moto.. sae IMMO toodoo• Mao of the folloeebote ae hkashee.. bodily 'smitten, Ind • ems, . enmotiom, aversion to .047. am.. ea& &rood of Men elects:tom of etemotT. itsfOletesM mat. tarns =MOMS .a.i Zanily so Demirel:loathe In. OW ii . As to M.O.D . MartialOO oorM eed ont th em: are P.n... Pena= afitSl with them or an= hrtrloat• or statoltlot on.Stlt Mamie Doctor a trial: be weer Ma. • .4% .. ste4rtitika %1 F 11 . Or 3 .. ...... t t : l ''' °l7 il=tlBl..: l "nig7 l .s. i , c , ...., are OOk , • gat. . It la aell.e•rithmt thee • Ob . gdalea who exoreslvely to 'the dy of a e y.t.T2= t ol a = s awl treats . thousands of came gin ' no lm 'a th a t "iM Th. "tm. f. es a moetal trojtoidei Of MO V),: t . dar: tog ' ..l ' tot had m i'm s'il2eA sail Op Oro SOluoio. iu sealoO i t o t WOW. tbatroctlon to — likeW . .ma them t i e Gatermloo the pnalse nature theeroomtagente. 3# — .t..^4.171% - grklgtlralam . the Dodoes ophston an be obtalnepor (Moe . statement of the esse...ISSOCIO(poo SO to aril Or Vail or express. In mese meta. s a ne. boomer, a Dena:oil alsolloattOo la abOOOtioli tooottoryorhUO Oa others daily personal Is regotrea.lo4 .tor the aceotomodestoo Or= =24"12 ''', , ;• , 'rgrei',:itlf:'=glalt h tat ' Is salentnalbtfecame rearr=eleetairameet. htat_7l.ensti Is 'fee= enema t P := - M OT *0 orterrstam ai P AIM . tb al t a se=. eV T .'''"a r&fir. V Val W: ii tonialtte j' I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers