The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 22, 1870, Image 1
THE'DAILY GAZETTE: PIIBLIBIign BT PENNIMAN, REED & Corner Sixth Ace. and SmithdAd St., P. annluses, fogies limo, T P. 'ROOSTER, N. P. REED, EDITORS AND PROPIIIETORA. I=l Ay 11111t1. per year Delivered by .Sryi.r. , per. week THE DAILY GAZETTE. G EN ER A LITIES PIIII.4IDELrn IA h. ripe peaches. THE Etna India cotton crop is promising (IA LVIATON Imo thirty t !lowan,' dogs LOTT.‘ is to apen.l the awnmer in Eng land. . A lIEVITAL now agitates the ' itenitentittrr. . . . • PAREFA and 11:.r !manul are to aall for Enrope•today. . . .. . •A J Clair. Illaw Lars found in Indiana win, r4used ittilvorce. 311101Inin the Linit.l States 'OIIItA are to receive $3 • d• 3 • • A DICTLESS DRINICINI. For . NIA IN I. pra p .4.41 for New York. A BOARD of fetnales if to iultpert 1111 prinorts ofritioxle - PERSONS nattering from gout are now Wi warned ngatnal. et rawberried. tt A SOCTIFERN 00VESMOlt vetoed n bill • i for bnd ►polling and grammnr. A FIVE.STOMED hotel in Ontonagon in to be taken down and rebuilt In Duluth. CATETICITA,AIIS are very destructive in the orchards of Sonoma eonnty,galifornia. - TEE President dries tint smoke more than a third nn uturh an did General Grant. SErTEVISF-Tt 79th is the advertieed da) for Chriatinelmen's first appearance in New York, BOOTH. Adains. the Iwo WeHacks. Chnntrau -and Maggie Mitchell are to spend tli;'eurnmer at .I.nnes Branch. 'fin: Cincinnati Enquirer has gotten o' a great joke on the New - York .6th: It enlist that sheet a "Itudiwil Journal. fIEN.CANIIV is now on his tray to San Francisco. lie Is to relieve Chen. Crook of the command of the Departme.nt of Co- lumbia. Ten tents worth of Chicago whiskey is said to be as good as a dose of corrosive sahib:Elate, looking at it from a coroner's point, of Viv'. . . IJONO-Sa Ken is thought to he the only Citinn-man In the lecture field in this ,odntrv. Lecture committeee elmoild keep their r:Ye on hint, . IN Philadelphia on Sunday night final's Brewery was burned together with a large stock of malt, hops and malt liquors. The loss amounts to about *200,000, A. FRMtiCII PAPER published in New Orleans Says: "Charles Dickens, the great American romancer, died yesterday of apoplexy. Ile was the Walter Scott of Americw:": - - ' . THE frogs in those lakes which occupy , the site of Sherman avenue, Allegheny city, cobalt - eery well for their age, and I must be quite a source of distmction to $ their human neighbors. . A yot•No American lady, Miss Anna B. Starbird, of Portland, Me.. has just made 1 a successful debut in a grand concert - at Florence. under the direction of "the Phil. I harmonic Society of that city. 1 - Tue . Fourth of „Jule eelebration at Wocdstock, Conn.. will have for orators -• Senb.tor Buckingham, Ben. Butler and Henry- Ward Beecher. and for distirt gaished visitors President (tram with his , family and staff. JOHN SAIDLE, la Herman by birth, but ..: for some forty years a resident of Sugar Creek toWnship, Montgomery county, In diana, a soldier under Napoleon, and a i participant in the bottle of Waterloo. died on the 11th inst. • , WE have received a singular little sheet, Nix inches by ten, called The Boyi Telegraph. It seems to be edited by boys, Is pnloffilleki in - that curioue . village, Econ lomy, and promisee to appeai• monthly at . the aubscriptiou price or 'Weld,' copra a ~.—. • - • •Pissi;sispson.s...4l.. ... had a relay. of the story of-John Hart:Wish sons wont straso ; 000 in'oll lands, but spent it nil, and hadn't . • enotighqeft to buy a "chew " of tobacco. A. western paper adds: •"Blit. we aren't go .:" ing to shed env tears abobt it until we find mil ono thing . Perhaps hedidn't / '.. t want any,tobicco: 1 - 1 Tan Germantown Telrgroph says: Mrs. • I Stanton. wife of the late seeretary of War, ;'has rented the Churchman mansion, at -' the corner of Wintyr and; Chew — ntreets. • : The pure, wholesome. air of Germantown, - we trust, will is! the means of restoring her health, which, we imderstand, is .... ,. I . somewhat impaired. • 1 ' . ' Tun 107th anniversary of the Old Swedes Church in. Philadeitthin;was cele bested on Sunday'.. The pantor, Mr. Sims.. the Rev. Mr. Burk and Bishop Stevens of ..... ficiated 'and a number ofl persou.s were .. , confirmed. The sermon was • from the •' same text used at the dedication of the . . church July '2 . nd 1700. ; A WELL-KNOWN citizen of Dubuque has I . i an appendage something like a tail pro- .. jecting from hie backs just below the , 1 waist, and his physicians till him it can . . not be amputated without ;danger to his '.." .1 life. It commenced growing three y.irs .., since from a protuberance which has ex. 1 , Sated since his birth. He i about 40 yenrn ', lof age.. - . , A WHET(II.who had atop ri his master's .. t ; . wine was thus made conscious of the epor •...' mity ad . the offence by Lord Kenyon, in passing sentence. nth:ad Id ever;' claimof ..• '. cuttuml affection, and blind to your' own :.'lnterest, *you have burst through all re• -: ' stralnts of morality sad religion, and for hare many years been feathering your 1 nest with your mnster's betties. - Wn,stx. Cotizrss is engaged in Prepar :. lag, for the English ' end American stage, ; • ... dramatized version of his novel of "Man .....• and Wife." An agenthas already been ,ti . appointed by Mr. Collins to represent his interests in negotiations with American %.. managers for its production. Charles 4 , Reade's "Put Yourself in His Place," has . • been dramatized and played In London. THE literary criticisms of the New York . : lima are probably unequaled in America -,,,,, but we think the recent critique in that ; paper upon Bryantb Homer is open to ob-' 1 jectiona.' it is four columns long and has I copious quotations in Italian, French, Ger' I man and Greek, obliging any one win, .. reads it understandingly to be a polyglot. 2. Pedantic and tiresome are adjectives ap. ; pliable - to it.' I' THE Baltimore Arnerimn gives an Etc : ; count of some magnificent charities con. ~., tenipiated by John Hopkins, an esteemed '. citizen of Baltimore. An university, a hon. '., OW, free to nil, without respect to 'race or color, and an asylum for colored orphan i chlldreaste - the imnitutions .tha4. - ba_ in. t sends to mike the eLjeets 'of iis benevo -1 leans. " The amount which Mr. Hopkins ... intends,to expend in the building and en- &Yemeni of these institutions will be sees . eral millions of dollars. . .1 THERE are complaints in the vicinity • lof Franklin, La., - Or the prevalence of the Spanish dies, The insect Is descri bed as half an inch in length, striped, •,, :. with long legs. They aro not inclined to I dy unless there is an Immediate prospect of danger,th fact, they prefer the use of their. lfge to their wings. They travel in large swarms, and will eat up the tops' of a row of potatoes in a night. It is not -.' stated whether they are of the sort 'that . 1' will draiv blietefs, but they are quite ... 1 skillful in drawing the jltice not of to. t' matoei.. • . . 1 Pr ins: so pleasant during one nt these sweltering, hot day" for the hard working man toznetlect that after the sun' goes i down liff can.go to the . Allegheny . com. 1 mons, ail upou comfortable benches . and ‘,• listen to the coot splash of the water In the fountains. And when, full of these ideas, he snits till the sun goes down and I goes to the Commons, he finds that' the - emptybthare teethed enes ethed for ladies . and 1 the water don't ripple after half past . .,1 seven,-and that the refreshing thvnights of , the day were a delusion and a snare, and; that the saddest of words are "it might' Ihave been." i . THE !Burgin Michigan Journal of the i . leth says: "On Friday kat Mr. George If Mallow, while engaged at work In a field t adjoining the village of Ontario, was ap. P Proached by a man named Jenks, a cooper 1 . of thatplace,. ,, revolver and without weani ng,,g. ,i five times, killing him. After the shooting, Jenks returned to town, told what he dud 1 done, and gave himself over to the an . thorities, who took lam to LaGrange, and ' after a preliminary exaddnation, lodged s '• b t u in the county ail of that place. The i ) I I -~ ~.-~ ~ . ~l ~ ~.,.us':-~:r.a:.~'s .s a ~ r :K'sas~.f~ .s -+.N...'^. ~_S i yam' .eJ ..s ea , :ti>. ,;,yY',Y;±pe,rii✓i. .~,r}yt4a;: ( r~~h~Y.W~~;141+ h.'k>-:,f:4 . • (i4l fit vtt4 uxol ztt A ESTABLISHED IN 1786 6EI „ s e 4,f the shooting we hare not learn. ea, more than tluit Jenks accused Mallow and several other's of the place with Inter. fering with his Uri Cat - 'engines.. A ItEgAituani.te story has circulation in England In regard to the publication of “Lothadr” bv.Mesars. Appleton of New York-city: It is l- Mated that these gentle men desired to enter into an arrangement -with the Anglo-American TelegMpli Com. - puny (or telegraphing the whole of "[Abair" to New York in forty-sight hours, evident lc convinced that the ten days' start which would thus be obtained over Americanpublishers would amply repay the cost of the experiment; but the l•chle corn any . declined, their facilities not being sufficient. Ne'w York Trait/tie -ways n lllYUflft• erie was exhibiting -in Saginaw City last WeiluesilaV: life moving tale of n monk ey then and there. is short. Leaving the protecting arms of its maternal parent, a simious infant roved front cage to cage. clinging to the wires with grindrnmanous agility and prehensile grace. With -the dexterity that the trapeze performers vainly emulate, the infantile phenomenon sprang upon the haM that guard the calm Of n lioness. The, latter. not Appreciative of circus gymnastles. or perhaps en nnyer with having seen so •much of them since leaving Africa. put out a paw and pulled the infant into her mgr.. The rest was an affair of two bites and two sereams—one of the latfer from the unhappy mother who looked out from her distant rage. THE SAcire.N.iv FIRE.—The official re port of the recent extensive conflagration along the Saguenay. in Canada, states that 555 families were left homeless and entifely destitute. and that l 4 other fami• lies 1. - d lost houses And other buildings. `commissioner appointed to , 'examine druo the facts reports that the newspaper accounts fell short of the reality. Ani mals, houses, fences, growing crops, for ests, had wholly disappeared from the "burnt district, — Seven persons were burned to death..ands large number were seriously injured: • The survivors only escaped death by hiding themselves in wells, collars and - . deep holes in the earth, or by taking refuge in boats and pushing out into the streams. The burnt district commenced * at the laver the homrof .I,ake St. John, and extended to Ha•Ha bay, a distance of seventy-five stiles. lathe parish Of St. Jerome, on a road built up with farm houses for a dis tance of nine miles, nothing was left standing but two of them. • PENNSTLTI3iII 'nip black and raspberry crops will be very tarp, dila year on the mountains abort Uniontoiffn . .. THE Uniontown Genius says: The wheat crop in the "Tangle' region will be a very heavy one this season. . The corn is short, but it hrnilt good color, and with favor able weather will makes full crop yet. • A PARTY of gentlemen from Pittsburgh visited Dawson's Station, Fayette county, last week, for On; purpose of selecting a site for a steam saw mill, and spoke and hub factory. We are informed that they are pleased with the place. A vxmat the Johnstown ore Ito feet . . thick Lan been disememi near Wharton Furnace. Fayette county. It has been tested in two plates. one and a half miles apart. Tha discovery was accidentally made by uninterested parties.. A MAN working on the railroad near Uniontown says that seven copperhead snakes crept into his bed rixim the other night; and a man in Somerset county says be found eleven black snakes, the longest of which measured seven feet. in his bed. The Uniontown Standard says this is bought by be n Kona year for EMI A HAFT belonging to Martin Flynn. of Clearfield county, Harr II Alnnev rnrrea. imndent lu the Wlfliamapors Aimed**. .1 Bulletin, containing the Owner 4I the idiot went over the Manor data hat Man i day morning. drowning the latter. whoae . . name is unknown. The owner 4..4:aped without Injury. The pilot' had considera ble money and a valuable watch an his persen. . • TnE.Uniontown Snindard says - a short time ago. near Pile Falls, some boys, by some swans, procured some powder, next promired a little benxine. next acted the' fool fool with tire, got fire Into the Pocket and was blown up. The boy to noteonsidered dangerous, but is consitleraly hurt." That is just the sort,of boy are doubt consider dangerous. Stn fintowr ALFRED CREIOI/, L. L. D„ of- . Washington, has been appointed re presentative from the grand conclave of England and Wales to to the Most Emi nent Orand Master and Grand Encamp ment of Knights Templar of the United States. This is said to be the first time that this order has appointed a represen tative to the United States. TOE Mercer Disputed says - . Mr. Joseph Islicklin, of Lake township, this county, was fatally Injured. on Wednesday of last week. tie was attempting to hold a cow by the head, when the animal became restive, rushed upon bins and forced him backwards, through the bars, and jumped upon DIM with her feet, causing internal injuries, from which • -he died on Friday roonaing. et eight o'clock. . _ - Tin:Ldercer Dispareetiays: Just as we were, patting our paper to press hint week we were informed that Lantea Armstrong. of Worth, hati r been thrown from a bug gy and killed. Since then we have re ceive.ti true following particular: James Armstrong and It m: Snyder, came to Stoneboro about noon on Wednesday of last week. 'On returning from the Lakt blouse the horse took fright and threw thein from the boggy, causing congestion of the brain the in case of Armstrong, and severely fracturing Snyder's cnllnr bone TUE Brookville Republican says' On Saturday afternoon last, Mr. Alanson Felt, of Brockwaysills, was drowned •in Little Toby, about one mile below Blue Rock._ He was engaged in rafting at the time, another gentleman being on the raft with him, but It is not definitely, known how he was thrown Into the water. It is supposed, however, that in dipping his cxtr it was caught whit the current— winch is very swift there—and threw 'ina oil satbe AMC rimaatunning him to such an aslant-that he could make no et tort to Race himself. • , 'l'BE - hotel keepers of Indiana bound themselves under penalty of $OOO to close their Iniusea during mutt week became the courts had refuted to license them to sell liquor. . Much inconvenience waa at first felt bythe crowd of country people. who came into attend court, but the hos pitable citizens of the town opened their houses'and accommodated them all. In the evening a public meeting wan held and between $B,OOO and 0,000 ware rale ed to purchase or build a hotel.. Much indignation-against the hotel keepers is felt by the citizens who vow that not one of those who entered into the comblna.- 6111 shall ever have a license again: TIM. Lock Haven ilepubliron my*: "On Saturday morning last about three o'clock, a heavy land slide occurred about one mile east of Hiner, on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, and within about fit teen- feet of the mountain, calmed. evi dently', by the heavy and Incessant rains Artie Thursday. covering icily two hun dred feet of track at that 'Ant. We are credibly informed that the trees, rocks, etc.. of the mountain were shoved down with the slide,'and are now standing In as erect and natural a position at they were before the occurrence of thin slide. The company sent to the place immediately some three hundred men, when a new track was laid around the obstruction, en abling the trains to pass by at 8 o'clock that evening. The land which gave way from the mountain moved froma space of several acres in length" • • - WEST VIROI?iIA. Tun Denmeratic State Convention has nominated John J. Jacob, of Hampshire county. for Governer: John M. Phelps, of Mason, for Secretary of State; E. A. Ben nett, of Marion, for Auditor; JOhn S. Bur dett, of Kanawha, for Treasurer; Joseph Sprim. of Hardy, for Attorney General. and C. P. T. Moore. of Cohen, for Supreme Court of Appeals. AT the Commencement of the West Virginia University, W. E Jolliff de livered the Salutatory - and M. H. Dent the I Valedictory. EUROPEAN GOSSIP ‘'tertot Hoot.' has a new volume of po!ma In press. SEVEiiTF.F;N duel', were (ought in or near Paris in the month of Mar '.fne. Empress Carlotta is in the. last stages of insanity. Iler death, it is _.•~ perted. will occur at an early day. year one hundred and fortv.three pleLadnits its Pram, importuned the E at perm- to eonfer titles of nobility 111.11 theta. Tll E ,t'rqwn Prince nr.Prtisdin is said to nve entirely recovered his health by this se 111 ' the eelelellteil Spred el Wet er it NAmot.y.4,N l Third refuses to ...meetly Dr. Nesltou any longer. Ile says he hint more confidence in Dr. t 'onnelp than any EC= Tlll.l Sla TWilis returned on the '2lAdmf Mar limn St. Peteliburg to Berlin. They trill neit go to. Ha n and join Benz's Circus in that citv. • • TICE most eminent physicians in Paris declare that all the Andrea of Prince Napoleon (dying arrofuloun to a high de. greet are hound to die at an early day. ladies' summer hat in Paris is called (happens Watteau: As the mune indicates. the Park of 1870 has returned to t h e a hundred years ago. mtbseription lists to- the monu ment to be erected to Voltaire have been . . . . . Igried by 'Zi.05.000 yeranns, wino rontrilint• il to the fan,' about tortyllinusand frames. I..tittitl.aYg tilted tears, the other day, client the students of Paris insulted hint on Indignantly. Ile then complained of the course of the police. which nn ener getically calked by him to interfere. had persistently refused to do an. 3/1 - ruso the presence of the Emperor .Alexander at Russia. it was observable that more than ever his countenance bore a trials and somber expression. attributed be some to . serious indisposition. which, however, allowed itself but little in his stalwartlorm and erect bearing. MOST of the Paris papers are disaidia ned with the appointment of Prevost- • Pamdol an French Ernbassatior to Wash- - Wigton. They are much surprised that a man who has so bitterly attacked the Emperor Napoleon the Third should ever accept &prominent office under the Second Empire. THEY have a new criminal crate in the North German Confederation considerably more lenient than the former • penal laws, and ri Prussian jurist. who niust have hid some spare time. hascalculated if all the convicts now in the Prussian Statoprisons had been tried under the new code. their aggregate terms of impririOnment would be by three thousand years lens than they are now. 13=1 lending member of the Austrian finis tomer, and noted for the fast manner in which helived in Vienna, has kft that city between two days, and left a host of creditors to mourn over n deficit of half it million florins. Reside that sum. the noble Prinre got through with his own fortune of tire : finning in n rent short time. • A °raw; antiquary, Henry Schlis- Mann, writes from the'village of elphtik. fireeee, on the plains ofirTray, near New [ilium, that in the course of some exava. flails made for hia own private gratifica tion. he has discovered the of Priamus. where Hector sacrificed to love. where Xerxes offered up a Itecatoinb. and Alexander the Great his armor. Ile in. tends - transmitting a report on the subject to the Academic Francais.. TIIE following little adventure in re ported In a' Pali. paper. It occurred- to Itocilerer, the celebrated champagne deal er. who died lately.. A joker or a real Inonr dad) WNW to him: hive run it lam in the Nw”rld.and I adore champagne s 0 be good enough to Pend me a harket of your divine Isltt le.. Thank s I. 1111 . 111 I elan forget my micery. - M. Roeder., did not Rend the basket. but replied: ''Sir. ti our remedy for forgetting your inlaery Is had, for the ineelkaant and obstinate presentation of my bill would: remind yon every moment of rout unfortunate- . 100 Mitchell•. Neer Geographic. Thin community has been nommitat agitated on the nubject of the best text hooka in tieography: w „think there need be no excitement about it. More than thirty years ago the Mitchell series was introduced in the Reboots throughout . -rite Statc. They Were thought to Le great improvement on anythjng tllnr had . prec . eded them. Teachers amt acJudars were alike pleased with them.. The map. were comprehensive and distinct. the let tee press clear mid well suited to the learner.. 'rt.. nueresiverdltions.that have followed Irout time to time tdrord eviden that the Mitchellft were determined keep fully up to the times. Every new feature and fact was fully brought ,out. The puLlisliers always evinced a detrml nation to maintain the high stand ing they had acquired and as one new edition followed • another the patrons of the Mitchell Geography were left without any felllolll, to complain. eve rything was added that was of the slight est use. The mechanical execution was umught up to the highest state of th. art. Every new political diviainu wawa once intryiduced, every new discovery lva liure to to exhibited. and the descriptive Matter in each successive edition made to conform to the most improved methods of instruction. rendering the study of (frog. ropily at onceensy and attractive. The ut most care has been bestowed upon the pronunciation of geographical names, equal circumapection bas been observed in the elementary as in the higherdepart meats, and in every way the publishers have spared neither labor or expense to earn and maintain the just pre-eminence of their geographies. Rival , publications have sougheto ou percedethem.. 'Wherever they have been tried the teachers and .the schools upon which they had been foisted were gener ally dissatisfied with the change and longed to return to dlitchelro. tude of-teachers all over the country have testified - in ormialltied terms to the la. triode Merit* of Mitchell's; nearly all the teachers in..Allegheisy county have re. corded their sentiments -on the same aide. Indewithe only reason Mitchell's Geogris. pities have ever been objected to Is that' agents of rivaf works have here andthere succeeded in inducing a change, but have utterly failed to demonstrate wherein-any other geography . a single particular, surpassed shem. The -fact Is. that Mitchell's new series comprises a eye. tem of Physical, Political, and Descriptive (hog-raptly, more complete and better Adapted to our schools than any other, and comprehend everything that can be de: sired. They are indeed. a remarkable pre• duction, and the skill, enterprise and libe rality of the publisher' richly deserve the preeminence awarded them ih nearly all the schools in the United States. Our Central School Board .have faithfully re flected-the prevalent choice by restoring them to the High School. Within the past two years the Mitchell series has been supplemented by a "Hand book of Map Dramng," which will prove A meet invaluable aid to the student of ge ography.' 'This Handbook is :adapted to the maps In Mitchell's new Series. It is not intended to supercede, but to accom. piny the aeries as a meats of fixing more indelibly. In the memory the facts eon. tamed ht the series. 'When a child, or student, has once sketched the entlinen of a state or country, - traced the mountain chains and watercourses, located the prin cipal cities and towns, be will • have received lasting impressions akin to those derived from an - actual personal visit to the places. - Inatruc toes will find this land-book a rid aside aid,' and students will, by Its aid, attain to greater proficiency. We esteem Ira Meat valuable adjunct of the series, and cordi= - ally recommend to those' having 'the :di . rection of our public schools the Mitchell series, with the hand-book of map draw ing inclusive, - 4a a complete compendiuni of Physical, Political and Descriptive Geogisphy, prepared with consummate skill and peculiarly adapted to the ele mentary, medium and more advanced classes in our schools, and without a rival in their adaptatkin and completeness. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, ! TUNE . 22, 1870. FIRST EDITIOIt. AIMNIGIAT XEIST CONGRESS. iSF:COND NE 1u:11.1 SENATE: Now:Conenrrenee In Anaend. 'lnputs to the Currency Bill—Post 'Mice Approjniation4 Passed, Aftel' itt;jectitni of Franking Privilege .i,IIII i Plllill entn—Navy Appropriationu -Tax i ul jTariff Bill. HOUSE: Mr. Wil tititnore Not sworn In, and llin Credentials Returned--tinndry Ili 11 Expetineg Bill—Review of Alt. prouriatinil))' Br. ildwe.i. ,' • Teleeraph tijlhe Pitt.burghthaette .l I . , stuateraros..Tune 21. WO. SENATE. Mr. STIEIiMAN, frointhe Finance Commit tee. reported unanimously recommending a non-concurrence In the amendments of the House•to the Senate Currenry 1,111 nod the al. pOint Ment of a emnutittec of conference. The Muse 1.111 to pave Pentegylvanhinvenue was prt.ed. Mr. SHERMAN, front the Finance Commit tee, reported a joint resolution to determine the count rortion of the Internal revenue act so as to exempt IndistrEnatable sums mitten to contingent lands of Insurance companies, Passed. - Mr. BAYARD presented a metnoritti of Wm. F. Smith, Pregident of the Int ernnt tonal Ocean Telegraph Company.•proposlng. for $300. 1 1 1 .0 year paid by the rolled. States for twenty years. to establish and malntalc. International telegraph cables rrotn San FranClico to Japan and China, and a third from the Vetted States to Europe, conditional upon never consolidat ing. trim :my exist ing Tram-Atlantic cables, never nov charging more than five dollars gold for each tnesgage of ten words. Ile- „,..The Flom”, Tax and Tariff bilks made the special order in sonic as the eonmdarnppropri ation bill i t titspo.ted Of. • The Sennte loc.:, op the Tat..toglce appropria tion bill. Mr. 'rrumbuli , . amendment. limng the franking privilege hereafter to departments, star rejected , ll to el.. Mr. Itanisev`.. proposition to repent the franking privilege was amended by Prohibit ing any nilownnce forstnmps or lnereaxed pay to itenntont or fiepresentativra in cattle quence of the repeal nt the franking pririlege. Me. Ramsey's amendment W. hett.rejected —26 to 2S. nos—Messrs. lloreman. Buckingham:Cam eron. Casserly. Catlett. Chandler. Conklint. Cragln, Davis, Ferry. Hamlin, Harlan. Howe, Howell.. McCreerg. Horton. Pratt. tianosey, Schurz. Scott, Sherman.SPragne, Trumbull, Willey. Wilson and Yates. .'ea—Messrs. Ames, Bayard, lirownlow. Carpenter. Cole, Corbett, Drake. Fowler. ,fi ilbert.lDimilton. 1 Md..) Hants. McDonald. Morrill. tVt... Nye. Osborn. Pomeroy. Pool. Mice. Itobertson. Itoss, Sawyer.. Spencer. Stewart, Sumner. Theyer, Vickers. Warren and Williams. • . The bill Irat thee plated: The Senate then proceded - to the consider ation of the Consular and Diplomatic MIL The amendments reported by' the Commit tee on Appropriations were adopted. Mr. snucedt. from Committee on Foreign Relations, reported amendments providing fore Consul General at Liberia. raising Minis.: ter to Japan to an Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Ptenipotentiarr and increaaing the appropriation for contingent expenses of foreign Intercourse and for missions abroad from taft,ooo to 1110.150. Adopted. • The bill was tben reported IS the Senate. The Senate. in committee. tool. up. the Nasal Appropriation Lill. Among the amendments reported from the Commit tee on Appropriations and agreed to were the tonne - lee' Ordnance Department— increasing appropri at lona for fifteen Inch guns to/Mk...WM for gun Lowder. Int labor at navy yard*. PC uuk). In the bureau of conetruct inn anerepairs For labor In nary yards and, on foreign sta, for purclialte and preserva of bombs and general maintenance of the navy, taiLoPo. To enable the Secretary of the Nate to dis charge the liabilities provided for by con. triads made previous . to March 4th. 10/, S.Mi... • In. Bore.. of Steam Engineering-Fee pain 1...-ssorhiono . . I VW.... Theelk me ow the that isi I 1,, ,•I h.. thin inettiAt b n .e mode het wren the line and .itsg scasagreed to. • ate. °RAKE. mole the Naval Conunittne. reported fume.eel. Tretsone the eeOrf Pee lint of the neer. reel:antler nroteotlons CO, tie. At:, o'clock the Lill us laid ankle. and the Tax and Tariff bill taken up. when the Senate ad)Ottrned. Messrs. Sherman. Warner and Sprague Were appointed Is conference Committee-0n the ' Senate currency bill. FIoUSE OF REPRESENTATFVFA. .14r: UP SON Inc rod u ced n Joint rivolui donut log four condemned cmnou to the Wil tion.loughby. OhioMiinuinent Associa- Posted. Among the bins reported woo one by Sir. ELA,citing that tevc it ei: ss due hr the Called Suites to the State of Massachusetts. for interesron expeadltures during the mar nt 1512. that one-third of it bad been assigned to Maine, and that the claim *of both 'States had been assigned to the European and Narth American Railrond Compnny. and directing certiticntes to he Waled for the same to that. company. Mr. PALMER, from the Pacific Railroad' Committee. rePorted a bill authorizing the construction Of a bridge across the .Missouri ricer, at or near Council TIMM, IN the "Zebras. kit and Missouri Hirer Railroad eonmetfiy. lie asked unanimous consent to put the bill on its • . obje ted. but cab _uently w ithdrew the c ohJection, when 34•'.'Irt:I.Lore neared It. alleging as rt reams that the span provided, for ..between the piers was too STOUGHTON*, from the Committee on Military Affairs. rerun - N.l an not to Incorwr altned the •I t S e o f c er ey o to t J he d i A ci r a m ry Commit tCeeu.m.ber- Mr. WASHISCIIN reported an act to pay loyal entre:et In the States let My in rebellion for services in taking the eighth census. Passed. Mr. LORAN offered a resolution reciting the action of the Committee on Military Attain and the House In reporting a resolution de claring • Mr. Whittemore. by selllngtollitary and navatundetehlos, as unworthy. of a Peat in the. -House. reciting bla election and the, presentation of d e clin e enis, and resolring that the House to allow and Whitt, more to be sworn In 50 a Itepreeentative the Forty-first Congress, and dtreetlng cm ,lentials to be returned to hint. After diecnesiou Mr. POLANDendtavored to obtain a reference of the credentials to the Jualciary Committee, but Mr. LOGAN de clined to admit such revolution and moved the previous question. under the operation of which his resolution arras adopted-131 tole. The Nays were Messrs. Arnel;"'Ayer. iMass3,Dutler. (Mass.) Cessna, Cobb, CC C.) Coburn. Eta. Farnsworth, Hoar. Jenckes. Kel ley, Knapp, Maynard. Morrell. (He.)Newsham. Poland, 'Loots, fiawye i r i 4 ,, mt n t, r (Terin.) Toile. 1 1 7 1 1 1: e ll T ou ' s l e " tre i t i t rent Initothroctedt tee On the wintry civil expense* bill. Mr. DAWIIM; de m e an the Committee on , Appropriations, demr.ed thin proper mow: Lill, it being the last general aoProhrietk m hill, to review tbe work of the Conunittee and the House in regard to public experatltUree. liereMinded the House of the rework' made by himself in the early pert of, the as .10X4 comparing etetimatee for the next year estimate. of the Met adminlatratkal for the Present year,and showing that the balanee waa alarmingly against the former. ;These remarks of Ms were much oommeotedo4 and.l no two gentlemen bad since been able to Itgree upon ,the nom for either year. The ^Treasury Departineat ,bad. however, employed one of Its ma t s skillful accountants to review the esti mates forte:oh mum ar nw laid before the House. to be trrinted I n cthe o Oldie the re port of that havestlgation., It Mowed a bal ance handsomely In favor of the estimates. made by this administration. This stimMal7 showed the estimates made for the next year to he 7&01!71.3 Ins than the maim:Wee for the present reef; That difference was found by the Department cotrect log Its owe teazle In estimates to the =mon of about' . off), all made agatnst itself, and correcting the estlihates made by the last administration for the present year to the amount of Shout aye millions, nll mode In Its men favor. • The Committee on Appropriations hod a.' dressed Itself to the work of redeeming the pledge •it made, to cut down the aeOrrierl utConly below the estimate for the next year, but also below th e a ppropriations made for the present , yese, , Me toot Some pride In submitting the. result to, the - /I ' m "' The estimates ,for the Year ending lane 30, 1071, exclusive of What ArZzlied I,ermenent appropriations. were $ The COM tnittea had . reported 4OorePriations antonol rdjkr4Tbe.. 84 71;. th roh g R a t_ onT au lDr t:e present year were g.,, a ,7,1 1 , 4 •4 b e i ng gofff,tua more than for the ,next year. • These filtOrei 'did not include permanents POrr., nos, such , na for the payment M lo tereet on ' the' public ' debt, collection of cus toms, &e. If these I were added the result void .estiln ites for Hie coming year. s2oB.3lo.6l.4 . aPerOpriatiOns recommended by the committee. S2B4,SINAD : appropriation , for the present year, Including permanent a pp , ens.l l l4g ot i lln i arl fortes n mom ext dierAr. lati° , n . - The Monte then proceeded to the considera tion' of the bill In detail. It appropriates $1, 1 .- 1 778„IN). loolddlng the following:_egerrili,7,,, inspectors of steam teasels, Ilsoom• " saving stations $21,803; n e vunue cutter serrice; $1.331,400; loans and treasury notes, Valo,ooh exemmell on public lands, sm.ciA expenses for collection of meant from tittles of of Co u m bra, met r opolitan pollee District of lumbia, 21106 gcrremment • hospital for Isane, 1130,000; deaf. and dumb institution. Is4o.rlfc Columbia hospitel and lying In hospital. $10. 1 301$ soldiers' and sailors' orphan home, P7,mt smith,,,, n ian Institute, SOO • botanical -garden. $11,000; _public tamping"! übder treasury departmeror 0. 4 41 1; Sett It includes $300,0M for the New or =trance, =o.l:l3o_fer Bolden Poet oats and ,13enrfor, the BO Francisco mint ight e eto, - IIeIOGNIXIN armories and areenall, SU/o,olllh survey Of northern and northwestern riven, SSUJO)O; continuing the construction of !tuck Island bridge, s3oo,oote, public works In and around Washington, 5142.0001 Washing on aqueduct, *144.000; navy yards nod naval $4114.000: public buildings in Wash ington, Mite: light house establishment, $l.- MINOi Coast survey, SWAM: mireering Pub lic lands,g44B.lllo; tntseeilnneous mntters. WM expenses of Fhited States Courts, gl.- „„ Mr. ,tffered an amendment re heating the law which rettnirek cutters on the lakes to be 1T,1,1 Up. and authorizing thelrem ploy tnent for life saying purposes on the token After dlselision, The amendment was re jected. Mr. BEAMAN moved to strike nut the Item of tat,taa for the crimplett onlof the main cen tral building for the 'Olurnbian Institute for Deaf and Dumb. ' This gave rise ton long discuesion. In which Messrs. and DAWES, of Mae,. took prominent parts. the former condemning the ettrayagance or approPtintician for that Matt tutlon, deelarin/ It eost $l5Oll to eduade ench.deaf and du nll mtpil..lll. ridiculed the attempt to allow; they can do what God Al mighty never Intended they Mould do. It we. verr well for Barnum, but not well for a Leg islature. . Wit hilllt diSPOilirl le of tEu.yuen ion. the Com mittee rose and the House adjourned. • NEWS BY CABLE Cmupulsory UO.llllOll Quevilou In England--Canado and Her Relnitonq to the Mother Conntry-Proeerd illgi Iu PariiIIMMIt . — SPTiOII 4 4 Rail. 'way Accident—Ml.litary and Pollee Squabble In lielaium—llealth .of Napoleon—lnternational Working, men's Society and the Consplrae Plot—Slavery Question In Spain. ly Telegraph to the Plttiburgh Gazett e.l GREAT BRITAIY. I.oNPoN:Jone 21.—The Bishop of ,Metnebe ter delivered an address Inst evening to the Educational AM SOCiehrOf his diocese on the Education Bill. and aPpethed generally of the new bill pending In Parliament. but hoped an amendment would be adopted making eduCit tins compulsory. The Iron-clad Inconstant is ont,' generally admitted a failure as a Pea-going vessel. Advices are received giving details of a con diet of nut bority at V eerier, a • town of Bel gium, near Liege. The police nod militia had been called uponito suppresa the disorder, when, bccorning:jealostatOf each otheett nu t hority, they begun to llghtnatongt hemaelves. The polite being nenrmed WOW quickly driven off. many of them battle hurt. In the Lords last night Earl Russell moved a commlanion be appointed to inquire into means( whereby, the 'anion between Eng land and the colonies may he perpetuated. lie considered the great national armaments note on foot and the vast improvement. made In nevi. made the question of our relation, with the colonlea one of grave moment. Ile argued In favor of maintaining Intact the col lonlal eintilre .and dwelt Particularly on the preservation of union with Canada. lie de- Scribed the Canadian climate. pointed out the want of communication. and abowed what obstacles there were in the way of ready re , ittforcement in case of entergeney: lie re; q retted the withdrawal of the garrlron tram nebec as imprudent and Impolitic. Earl (trey spoke in support of Ike motion. for In glary. Without gallon On the subject the House ndjoutued. The Committee of the Commons tal i the in vestigation of the Diplomatic hervice of Great Britain wereto-day LnfOrmed by Lord Claren don that the government had rettaon to believe the United States Intended to raise its mission to England toonenf the grist rank:. and this must be reciprocated by the estnblishment of an embaasy at ,Washington hl lieu of the pees. ent mission. .. • In the Commune last night th e Postmaster Omttral promised nu early MC 3310 of facili ties for telegraphic commanientlon with Ire laadl cablea will be laid and Un proved connection established. • Mr. Forester, In reply 19 a. tleest ion of Mr. Mayfair, raid achnol accommodation would be provided at soon as the education bill waw passed. : The house then scent intocommittee on the 'Compulsory Education LEL Mri., Richard moved. and Sit . C. W. Mikes seconded, an antendsnetUo strike out the elaulut making grants dmmtninat Iona! echoed*. Nears. Richard: a nd Ditkee main. lifted that while the attendance on achoolt abotild be made compulsorit.t he funds for then support should come fromiewal and v.:dueler , ' wink,. and not from the piddle treasury. The. 'Leann/mu forthe maintenance of the aldhority. oft tie church beeame geneeshilernefOrd Bone. sir. Paklngten end- esthete aupport Mg the Amendment. Mr. Forester , oblected aen the amendment 44 Impairing without making any ...tropenant ion tn the valite anti y of I he ernt.. A• MI: stmal Ism, the edmialmn was likely 1,, Ix raCrared. f,:r one mat. might snatch advantage frost- an,.,1 her. At died.... of ants Farmater , l l 4.Vol. t he i 'out ,altses retired e , Itnase adjourned, At an early parla4l in the proceedings of the' Commons to-clay Mr. Ferries Rave entire he abould propuee the Insertion In the extradi tion bill of a new 024440 guarding 4/4MOSI the surrender of NOM e.t, where a criminal rbarire may dliftilae it political marinate lathe" 'demand of a foreign Koren:intent. In Lire evening the Howie. in Committee. re sumed the debate on the Educational bill Me. Neall opposed the clauses which dealt with religion. Mr. klacarthur reprobated granting public, money foe denominational schools. In coming oat of - Committee, _Mr. Beaumont moved for leave to bring in is hill relieving Bishop. from attendance in Parlia ment. Mr. Itemunont thought the presence of Bishops there useless and unpopular. Mr. Locke King seconded the Mr. alariatnno saitlihe Government crallit not 451- sent to the Int raluct lon of such measnres. Hr considered it an 111-mit Isedand gratuitous at tack on the Conat itut ion. The !douse ,fivided, trill leave to introduce was refused by Id! to • The Rouse of .Lords to-night took up the married woman's property bill, and after a brief debate referred ft too select content tee. A lively senantion wits caused In the lower Haute this evening by s false alarm of are. Whitlam's 'extensive cotton factory In 'Rol ton was totally destroyed by are to-night. A large number of hands are thrown nut of ern- Obyanent. • Dispatches from Athens announce the exe cution. of floe toorrAbirothon brigands. The ens say, the Canadian agent reported on Ike way to England tot the purpose of cre attest 111-feeling against the l'ntted States government on account of the late Feninn raid. Is on a fool, emend. Letters from Paris generally ropreeent thisf. France will not push her claims for control in thelit. Outlined Railroad and will assumes passive attitude. Vice Admiral Sir Robert Spencerllohinsori. controller of Navy. and Edward 3. Reed. chief naval constructor. have resigned. The Shindocil thinks no upward movement in the money market Is probable before Sep tember. _A terrible disaster occurred this afternoon °t the Great Northem Railroad. A large ex cursion train was run into by a freight train. several can thrown trim the track. and three demolished. Thirteen persons were killed, and thirty to forty Injured, some fatally. A meeting was held last night to promote Christian unity. Lord Elliott occupied the chair. Speeches urging harmony among [igloos sects were made, and nppropriate res dation. adopted. The differences between the Scotch Iron muter, and workmen are in • fair way to be adjusted. I= Psras, June 21.—The Emperor's condition Is much Improved. Ile suffers little NSA now from (rmt and the swelling of his foot has sub sided. The F.moeror and Court went to St. Cloud thlsaftenwon. Prevost "Parndol, the near the United States. Is exceedingly popular'among Americons here. who are giving him rounds of entertainments. ..• . . The International Society of Workingmen ban haled a manifesto, declaring their organ itatiOn has never beta a secret one, that all theli meetings have been public, and that ail resolations adopted by the Society have been published in Its reeogniled organ. festo is issued on account of the approaching 'trial of membentFf be Society for alloged conoectlnTegni i erFoasplracy against the ••• e Minister of Fine Arts to-day distribut ed prices to the artists whosepaintings have been Po exhibition at Palate D Industrie. =MI LIADON. June 21.—The Kind officially re volved the now American Minister a few days axo. The usual friendly *peach.* were made. On Sunday a monstrous demouetration - wee made here In favor of General Goddard:mu. There wore twelve thousand people present. ES • MAIM in, Jun* 2E—Senor Castellar dellverid • brilliant speech in the Cortes to-41st. In favor of the immediate abolition of slavery In the colonies., , . ' MARINE NEWS. QUEINicTOWN, June 21.—The steamship City of Brussels has arrived. Eflatir. June 21.—The' steamship Ville de Ni 10. from the city of Nett' York, arrived to- d' &lenortatanny,lnn et steam . inn, from Portland, has arrived. , - PIN ANt SAL 'AND CgrIBRUIAL. -• , lwartiOn, Jane :tl.—Lasso for money BIN, account MN. liondo—W, Pak: 'SU, inN ; 10 - 40 s. KU. Moo. 1.0%. l'Anni, June 21.—Bouroe cloned nt 70c. Fussicrimy, June :I.—bonds aloseritiat nt NS. Stocks dull; Illinois Central, 113,1 f; Brie Sts Orelt Western. N. ' ' LtPatamOl., June 21.—Cotton steady and improving. sales of middling uplands at Mtge 10'id; Orienna 10.411105 d. Sales I=o Califor nia white wheat at 10s ltd, red western N 0.2 at Id, winter Pe led. Westernrn flour 24.. Co: N 0.2 mixed its 0d43.31. Pd. Oats 21 rd. Barley Is. Pens 3811. Wheat: receipts for past three Moe 4AOOO quarters-10,000 American. Pork IlleS 0d; beer Ills: lard firmer but not higher— sales at 70s: cheese Wm bacon 55s Oct for-Cum berland, Igo short rib. Naval :don:adult:tom mon rosin 501.5, 3d. Bplrits petroleum le, re fined in exd. Tallow it 3d.Spirit+ turpentine steady at Latinos, June 21.—Linseed oil quiet and steedy at 31 pounds 10s. Relined petroleum Illa 7d4r1111;14d; sugar Mies. Calcutta linseed Ms Gdr.. ierwastr. June 21.—Petroleum in quiet at ittorcusarsts, Mine 711...—Markets "qulet an. steady. Hints,"Suse elOse ' d trregulat—. spot USX, afloat lia.. • • • StOOND EDITIOI. FOT_TR O'CLOCK THE tarrum, eneral Amnesty Kill—The Belgian and Nen Jersey and. Bahama Cables —Poreigu Postage, .te.,.ke. legialth to Pitt Aburgh Gazetiel WASHINGTON, D. C., 31110. 21. ICO. AMNESTY 1111.4. The bill reported to-day by Mr. Butler. from the Committee on Reconstruction, provides 'for n full anti general gruce,amnectv and ob livion of certain wrongful nets. doings or omissions of all ',croons engaged in .the lair rebellion. Incurred or forfeited between the 10th of April,. 1661. and the iMtlt of Aumist. leaf, with full restoration of all rights and privileges lost or tutored thereby and therein. The following classes of peroons :nub their rights and causes are excepted from all the provisions of this act, anti none other: First—Those educated at the Military Acad. emy of West Point. or Naval Academy at An. napolls. s o -Members of either house of Congress of the so-called Confederate Congress. Third—Whcwver held the office of bead of one of the Executive departments of the ("Mica States, Minister Plenipotentiary.. or Minister Resident, or Judge of any Court Under the United States; whoever held either like offices in the Confederate States. flittah—Whoever voted for or signed any ordinance. of Seceaslon. or held the office of Governor of n State while the same was In re bellion. • Fifth—Whoever while In the service of the so-called Confederate Stites. treated with cruelty. or otherwise than according to the usages of wor. any prisoner of war. Sixth -Whoever, having charge of public moneys of the United States' had not duly ac counted for and paid over Ehs, name, and who ever embezzled or !mended public stores. pub-. Ile goods, chattels, moneys. provisions. mill tory and naval property of the United Slate, Scciatit—All deserters. from the army and navy and bounty Jumpers. • • • Eighth—All property and rights of property acquired by any levy or judgment made and exerated upon auv lands or tenemeets, goods, chattels or other valuable thing whatever. and any sale or forfeiture by confiscation or taxation, whereby nay rights or MINI have be come vested either la the United States or 'hird penee. third persons. • Sinth—tivery pleCe and parcel of land. how - ever it may be described and bounded, which now Is or has been used as a National ceme tery. In which the bodies of soldiers of the Unit sd States are interred. or which Is In the occu potion of the United States for the pur pose of a cemetery, which parcels of land are hereby declared the property of the, United States In fee by capture in' war and forever dedicated to the uses uoses of ceme teries for soldiers of the'Un it e d States and to be under the sole Jurisdietion of the United States, inalienable forever, provided nothing herein contained shall affect or impair the va lidity of sty act of Congress removing the po nt 'cal disabililes of any person herein ex emoted from the effects Of the provisions of this act. This act shall extend to all nets or OMlsidolla by nay °dicer or soldier or other agent of the Milted States In carrying out the laws of the Utiltetrntates. known as the reconstruction sets and other Oar for the government of re bellious States. .i I • TILE ngIAiLAN .'ABLE. • The Senate Foreiga Committee agreed to re port the Belgian Cable bill, It reserves to the °abetment the tree use of the cable for thirty minutes each day. This gives the flov rnment dolly one hundred and flity won tree. which, at the present cable rates Of se, irt y.nre cents a word. amounts to one bon - Ired and twelve dollars and fifty cents per day and for a rear fon y-one thousand dollars In gold. The i'ommittee also agreed to report t h 'New Jersey and Bahama Cable hill. / i • ronricos POSITAGE. Bet : postage between the Boiled States and the North German Colon and Austria will soon be reduced to seven teats per half ounce by direct steamers and to ten cents en closed mall Via England. . ►lttti DISTILLATIOu. Full regulations Concerning fruit dlsitllit t ion were submitted to- Seeretary Bout well tu•day for approval by the Commissioner of Internal tbeeetsue. y The President has slimed the bill d01:1200/ Lang Bridge uner the ientotutte to the south ern tatentil.ll a the Vertegrlvattln Central 121= . . Al,rnoof 14 now toll hi, WI. 10 W0..1. Ina-t, n. nn.l 0 - ill prolothl, arrive loonormo The , With& Iltapeattlool to Ille4 Illser—Prob lame Anotoll Iteobitattee by thoL4blnolpog sera- _ . . . . , . fly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Garotte.] . . Cutrsoo. Sone 21,—The St. Paul 'fire , thin owning publiaties a letter front Pembina. v bleb says that In ease the Red River extwedt ion continues to move westward. Klein' Pro visional Governmentwlll send en armed force o • Meet It. In this contingency, Indepen... knee of Canada will probly be declared. The Prow also publishes the Instructions of K Se ier. cretary om f dint to Father (Reh., tit one of Wen delegates to the Government, at Ottawa. in which t o says: “As re gents the expedition , t is viewed with much suspicion, and is no at nil acceptable to ank portion of this peopl . The government And people of this country cannot view this expedition In env other light than was the approach of Malougall as Lieutenant-Gov ernor last November. And to view of the peaceful condition of. he northwest sin. evil spirits left t ie country. both among various etas a of. the people. and with anti. IMO gat _lndian tribes , and the evident intent' m of entering Into ronfederation on antisf ctotT. conditions by the fact hf :you and you co-delegates being in Ottawa. we deem thin apedition as entire ly unnecessary and belie e it Is intended to compel the people to a rcpt the condition!, other dictated by the Cr "-- ' -vernment, which cannot be effectr - • of 1917. in reference to the ing Into confederation." Westens (By Telegraph it. tte.l CINCINNATI. Jut. Ime pan the rates for fret Me and other points to the E. : become somewhat demorallt, meeting Ara. held of General I. ' of the Cincinnati. Hamilton St. -, oak, & Nfht r.) slasippl, Little >llama. Pittsburgh. Cincinnat I .b St. Mots. Baltimore Ohio. ledhinaplla. Cincinnati & Lafayette, lllnnis Control, Jet fentonvllle. >lndiann &In lanapols, Evansville and Crawfordsville, tte touisnile, Chain-. nail & Lokinten Ball de, at which freights to NOR York by rail we arranged on fourth class as follows: From loci:matt forty-five cents; Loulaville, New-A harry, Evansville or Cairo fifty-five: lower Oho points. Nashville or Clarksville. elate-live; The new tariff Is to go Into operation July 1, co. Child horded to As County, P. (By Telegraph to the Pitt burglitjazette.j ltcaonan, pa, June '2 —Yesterday after noon. near Boyertown. a 1111 d of Wm. Ludy, about a year old. had Its throat cut from ear to ear with a butcher knife, by a girl named Catharine Hummel. agedabout thirteen, em ployed In Ludy's family as nurse. After the murder silo fled to the woods. and was not ap prehended till this morning. Pt Buford Woad Choppers /Markel sad N by lettans—The War Begun, (Ay TelearaPh to the Pittaburgh Gazette.] CHICAGO. June Morrow,of the 13th Infantry. arrived it Sioux City from Ft. Ben ton yesterday. and reports an attack by eve hundrettlndians upon the Ft. Buford wood choppers. killing nearly 011 of them. The Colonel thlaks this the quinine of the long meditated War. typer, [By P.:and A. Telegraph.l Crt - r, Juno 91.—Rtcer falling with 19 {oaken ot water in the channel; weather clear; thermometer 76 at 7 P. M. . R. . . . Ithoweniriu.s. Suoe 2L—Ricer falllcg x lth . about 4 feet of water le the channel: weather clear; thermometer 70 at 8 P. Y. A. GREtrilliiollo, Jnne failing slowly with 3 feet of water to the channel; weather clear; thermometer 70 at 7313 p. x. x. . Three Children Killed at Elle. [By Telegraph to the Plttaburgh Gazette.] RBIS, PA., June 21.—At five o'clook this :ZlTlC, i llnririUM l TO;in, C . s tv he e ' re Ittito2ll::.lhy Katie by the falling of an untiermined foundation mall of an old house on Sidigaf rat ntreet, near the Union Depot. - . . CMS= Oatzesit, Jitne 21.—Cotton quint and Arm, pith raddling at 19kc; sale. 1,000 bales; receipts 1,513; Imports 136; stock amen: - Flour Oran super double entra 10: XXX 110.611.. to. Corm mixed s3 white ti. was. Oat. Inner at . DM. 01,01. Ray Pork 4:1141210%. actin Orin in jobbink: shoulders isko; clear aide. 171.1th17Xc; clear aides 187(6 lax e, =NO. orhmkr 1161 ,10. Other articles unchanited• Cambdige CAmBRIDOS, Juno 4.--Deet eattlm receipts 421; the market le Improved. but quotations are unchanged. Sheep and lambs: receipts 1,95; market Inactive; eaten to tote at $3.5^214 extra sB,lsodit —A Washington dispatch says the resolution which posited the Douse last creek relating to Cuba, and recommending the interitheition of the President to prevent cruelties in that island hereafter. has gone to the Committee on Foreign Relations, and there is the best au thority for saying that it will not be heard of. again. The Senate hen too much business to attend to during the remaining three weeks ofnto session to enter into any long discussion Cuban complications, and it is not likely that the resOlution will be constderedby the Committee. It certainly will not be reported to the senate, unless It Is dm:winded by a vote. pa la Om State of Indiana are co as beat and torn look eplendld. VOL. BRIEF :11',L14GlitillS —.The Ina levy of Cincinnati , for 1 0 i MAI • E=l Red Cloud and 'party nrrived nt 011111113 sterday. -.Work has been commenced on the MoQkin Ruin Valley Itahrond. • sectioun .tnutl, of Memphis report t lte• cotton and grain crops an flourishing, —Nearly two Intadrial Immigrants—month - Germans and Irish—have enlisted lathe Voitett States Army, at New York. wit bin •a few darn... bov in Louisville wt.o bad beibitten two weeks previously by a rat. was attacked with hydrophobia in Its toted violent form. and died. The story of u trAl.uud paid 0D tlfe insur nee pulley present to President ()runt from • tiding ltepuldienns of. New York is n pore vention. ' - Gov. linker, of Indiana. ha. deelined to Cppoint delegate. In the Capital Removal onvention. to meet it Cineinnat inn the tab ft October next. • --Turner and Donnelly, pugilists, fought Yesterday morning at Kushla. 1.a., S; rounds. Turner was the winner; thee, two hours and thirty-Os e minutes. —The New York workingmen.° Org. iaing In opposition to the Introduction of tl 'nese labor. Secret .111i01111 of the labor nnioooo l hhhysflare held to discuss the subject. —ldaho ntlylces of the Ilth say the-krniYa hoppers have not mode their appenran ,e yet. The crop prospects are the best known for years. Mining news nattering. —The suit of Dmitri Leone vs. Erie Railroad Cx.uipany, to recover ssl.i.ißti for personal inju ries sustained by the Caere stock disaster re sulted in it verdict for plaint li for MOW. , —The most encouraging reports nave been received front the North .Park gold mines. Over six hundred men ate already at work In them, and the rush there Is becoming great. ' —The general freight agents of the New York Central. Hudson Sliver, Pentia..Central and Erie Railroad Companies hare resolved to restore the old high tariff for freight and cattle on the fleet of July. • Judge John A. Campbell and J. Q. A. Fel lows were tined filpench for contempt. In the Eighth District Court at New 'Orleans. fur earring to the a petition thus, their clients could not get justice therto. —Judge 'Ratchford, at New York. has ' Issued an injunction in one of the Anneke Jens sults gainst the Trinity Church Trus tees. requiring the plaint Iff to show by what authority he undertakes his eaten.' --The Chicago St. Louis Railroad Com pany art considering the question of adding p number of new passenger locomotives. with six feet driving wheels, and running fast trains between Chicago and St. Louis. The Intention Is to run the fast express so as to make the through trip In nine hours, and con tinue it as a permanent train. The distance Is 90 miles. llenchtful Country Kimldenee For sale, within twenty-five. minutes drive of City Hall and only six minutes' walk from Laughren or Frankstown sta tion on the Connellsville Railroad. There are between seven and eight acres of ground In the very highest state of militi a-mien and laid out in the most tasteful wanner. by an expert In that line, in walks, drives, &c. It is acknowledged, by persons familiar with this and nil the leading properties adjacent to the city, to hove the very finest variety of fruits in this part of the country. ouch as apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, quinces, apricots: nectarines. grapes. &c., and an endless variety of garden - .vegetables, flowers. kc.. and the great variety of shrubbery and shade trees, some of them very rare. Is unsurpassed by any other plate in this part of the country. The view of the city, the river, and the whole country around, is varied and 'truly magnificent. The house is a cottage. very conveniently• arranged. and the gardner's house is very handsome and well gotten up; also, 11 good stable, carriage house, Se. There are two wells and one spring of the very best lightfUlly cold, and also ri very large un derground cistern, with pump. &e. The vegetable garden la now full of fine vege tables, waist of them now.rearly for use. There are many attractions too numerous to mention, such as patent swings. 8:e. It is certainly the most desirable place now for sale In this part of the country, and must h. seen to lea appreciated, for there are many attractions that are really .too grand for descript ion without seeing them, This very property will be sold low zonil on rowunistile terms. 'hue seigh• liorhood is won-Dont . anti, in slicer. .etinuctt he ,surputoonl it, arty Wats part of the country. For further information inquire of C. 11. Love, : - 0 4 Fourth avenue. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS [g- lIIG SCIIOOL COMMENCE• NIENT.—The Commencement Theorises of tko PITTSBUIIIaI CENTITAL MGT! SCHOOL will take place In ISO AVADEPtif OP MUSIC. THURSDAY EVENING. June • t Tlf o'cloet. Door* open at 7 ,'clo ck. Ticket*. US Pont.: to he hod at thii Jell Ilu PITI,I Dro.a . Z3S , C GIUVra. lICHGII. Juno 21. 1t470. 0:3 2 .A GENERAL MEETING of the ocour.,•sr, onAys will be held at the Armory. MI 'IIIERSDAT EVENING. :Mt at P e'elnek. 'Every member Is requeeted in be present. By enteral the Commouding Ofncer. leitirel J. J. ALBEITP. TAXES RE)11, • SIDVER etriTitAA'TOIL AND BUILDER The loner of :awns rip. 11...e1/mins promptly execute& - OFFICE. 11.13 'sod tIY SANDUSKY STIIKYLT. ILesldeure.lo2 Fremont St.. Allegheny. Dray% ATTENTIff,i. PRINTERS! kLLAN C. BAKEIV ELL k CO Wood Street. Pittsburgh. Have on hand a complete moronani of RATH ER'S SONS t - snivALLED BLACK AND FANCY' COLORED riunrso. INKS, for. sale at IS - rts rock priers, main( Delight to purchasers. 'ler FOR SALE. On Saturday, July, 21 At 3 o'clock I'. M.. wall be offend et Public Hat.. the RESIDENCE of the late Mrs. ELIZABIEITI TIERNAN, deed. - The property fronts 70 feet on Stockton sce ne.. Allegheny, and runs back 2.10 feet to Water street. There Is crested a most I ,,, nat.tad. Dwelling. with 11 rooms, antsorooms. bath house. large attic, dm; cullers under the whole house foe coal, opting boom, wash house, wino cellars. Ile. There is alma largo Brick Stehle on itte rear end of the lot; with every 'eourettlinted lodge; *owe, earrlages,Ae. . • Tsiun—One.fourth cub; the balance le on two and throe pram . 1at1:07 A "iORDINANCE—Mithortzlit g the opening 'of Mlle. events.. from anamon 7g`iw. targipllfren.eteilto t tSty rittannrgh, eel and Cominon c Is se. of semblad. and ft Is hereby ordained and enacted be authty hereby same, That the City Engineer be and 5. 1 s authorised and directed to sto rey and open Dallas avenue. from 241011100 nue to Frantalawn avenum and to spends. dam ages and 0000 /100/014 domed thereby. John IL Stewart.. Hobart Vandevort, and Samuel .ildsriek. aOO herob7 .ppoWou. In tutor:tenon nitti arthst noneerninn Streets: SPeroved JannOrg ei o . l 510.2. That any ordinance. Of part of 00000 moieties nub the manage of this Ora. nano. at the present time be. and the same Is hereby rapsalad, so fat es the same aliens this Ordination. Onlatood and . enacted Into I , i t r . In Conned., d"an 20‘b day '4 "n 2. A. Rail& :MCAULEY. Pr , AtteolC S.H. '4 """*"6l -Clerk of Select Comoyi. • : A. TO of i 1 . XLINSON. Attplit MellAmen, • Clerk of Common Council. • 7 - - - A ORDINANCE—To Authorize the finding, Pavinfrand . Curbing of Penn Ave sm. from flitOer street to Forty•Wth street. • W Mumma • owners of a melosity In In tenet of the property abutting on Pend Avenue between Butler street and Forty-drab street, In the city of Pittabureb. have by petition erpressed their desire to 00011 themseiresof the privileges contained lu mi Act of Assembly entitled "An Act to provide for the iteMovemmt of t he Ave nue and other arcades and etreete of the ulty of Pittesurghr now, the • deCrsorr Ile it ordained and enacted by the City of Plitsburgh. In Select and Common Councils assembled. and It is hereby ordained and *netted by the authority of the same. That mild Peon Av hnue from Butler street' to Pony-fifth street shall o graded. paved and set with.. curb stones under the merlsion of the Aet •of Assemblyeforemid. La U. That en election for five Counnissionere, ao provided in said mi. than be held at such time and place a* the Meow. herein appointed-atoll designate, of which they 'hall give d o l l )hoe.b- Ile notice by edvertisereentin three y* pore of the city of Pittebergb. and. by hand-0 w P lro d f tir,4*ettieirgripTvg!"l the Sec. S. Teat - Tema. Edwards, Joseph Vogel and B. lichroldt are hereby appointed as atom of the election herein provided for. Mx. 4. That any ordinance or part at ordirossece conflicting wits tbe t= herebyre of this ordinance.. present time, be anne le rWe lOl ler She lame arrsloolothis ordinance. —, l'! • Ordained ead erattedinti4 in .1 00th 0 1 of J.% A. D. 1 0. Antics McABLET. President of Select Ombra- Attest, E. S. Cleft. of. Belem ProldenCu fn d A common CO ll .OO 1 Attest; 14Mer.....:W. ===2Mi ~< IBM iX X.X ` I . ••- NO. I NEW ADVERTISE: / = Federal Street and Pleamt Pas.u , Ker Railway Company The itiqiit to 1.11) Traeks Upon Cer lain Streets In the• City of Pitts Smith , : I. lie it ordainedidol enacted by the site of Pittsburgh. in Select tas.l Conan. Councila the it is hereby ordained marled by the authority - of floe scow. That tile oraseill of b et Pity lit' I . ItINIMMI/ bereby given to the ped. , rat streand Pleasant Valley Passenger hallway coni,rany. to enter upon. Iny-ont and construct railway. vitra stogie or &orate tmrke and the ne ewsnr turn , uts and swltches In.ower and along the followingstreets of sold city. to.ult: flagra nt./ on Ninth .1 . 901.. la. the 'southern end of the !laud at reel bridge: thence Milne 'llllil Ninth street to Liberty , thence nerds. I.llforts do seventh Me a:thence along Male rivenue to "'wit Afield street: ttsence toothan Smlthneld street to MO avenue: 'object . e conditions and 11mila-thous of the ,ets of Assembly incorporating said Itrillwayyrora win., a pproved resuectlY etc February :40th. A. I/. ltatfal. rind )larch E. and aubject also to the further conditions. a. follows, via, nest. The raid Company than une In the con atmettun of railway. ,ails of it pattern to be unproved by the City f.nanneer of the rill of Paltburuhrand shall lay I letame down - In the place and manner dratma y hint, end pity to the acid Engineer. for the se at the c.a. it reas onable errapenasttion fur id reessielorin connection therewith. Sereohl. The raid 'rampartLimn. at their °tenni petite. procure and put dorsi rat nll getters crostrisi by glad ruuwar. I,li culverts of a pattern to be ap proved by the City fingineer. smell culverts shalt be laid under the 5ll My .Enithieur before the rails arcdirectio WWI. Said Company shod keep' the streets through whir It they pass. freer curb to •=1: 1f,%-"'Lle,ie'VeraThi e l. All repaln as ry upon sold streets. aim.) lie done, radar the thro,tions and subject to the order. of tho Street Cocritniastoner or dinance blithe ill•triet. nod the nceeptance of this or sale etruinneY shall be held to be authorttY for tile Street Vunirulssinner of the 01s. Diet at all times. When ill: may deem the neon no cansary, to purchase manertula and emptily labo rers in the name and on behalf of said eornParrY. Lot the repairs of said Streets. rind en agreement On the part of amid Company to pay the coat and ex Fo pense thereof. urth. If the Councilorof mild city shall at - any time hereafter direct change of Smile of raid pins., or either of them. or If it had become necessary to take up said retina) , tor the purprasi of paving or repaving grading or regradiniraudd streets. or either of them. or for the Puri.le of conetructlng any sewer tor culvert therein. or for the mune.e of laying. rdlnylng or reentrant one water piper, therein. the salt railway shall betaken up and relent by Mild rrompany at their town and case ~f their lisliure to do after re:won:rale hotlce. the Street Commisaloorier of the district shall take ttha same no It the extant...of said Company. null It Minh he unlawful for said Company to relay the rand, while any of the above enumerated work Is being done upon said streets. rzlthetrof Own. either or in. .... '71.111'. That the said I . l.o l netn r. tor and during the gist live years after they Shall en. 1111.0 CO running :tiers upon eald atrects. shall itly into the City Tertiary the sum OrentY dello , . tor Year for eh car run over raid streets, and from the thereafter the sum of thirty dollar* per yeer for each of their ears Pm over said streets, and the said Conitiarty shall. in addit Pm to the above. levy llntn the City Treasury the•snarof two per ceutum of the dividends or net profits of their mid road. The •sernan assessed upon inch one of said Com pany shrill-be paid elthin o month sifter they commence to run mini over mid ne street, mail annu ally thereafter, and it • shall be the duty or the president Of said Co ra pany. within one rrinnth af ter the end el one year from tile time they com mence to min cars Ilion mid atreets. and annually thereafter. tu file with the City gontrOLler a all'Orn statement of the number tif cars used thereon during the preceding year. and no payment Mail be required fur can used only in ease of necident to those in common use.,T he ten upon dividends herelnahnve levied upon said Cnumany. shall he. rd"ilfsitel:led Cate TeeasUeor within ten days after '4114- deed Abell be declared hi the vine: of reid COW puny. the Pm shall be paid thereon as if paid in cash. mtininung the stock at its pm value. - sant. The City id Pitt-tinrigh reserve. the right to Leant the use of the track laid upon the streets aforesalittir• any Portia thereof for similar pur poses. on condition that the grantee or e rnt.. of the tote pie a poiportl nate part of th cost Of construction and matntemnre of the tame. . Semen, Any failure up .n the pent of sold Com pany toe omply with any if the provisinne Of this ordinance. shall. at tiro lit lon of the Councils Of the City of lburch. emit a reemmtlim ft the privileges titer by granted. and the mid Councila may direct removal of mid railway n public nuleance. florierd. Thai this provision Mall not be construed to prevent [boast , ' City from Penn ine any lad all other .remiallee provided by law.. And mid Company shall cod nee the work of laying tracts within three mont hs. and complete W e mime within one year' front the passage of this ordinance:. • . I • SEC. M. That the Ismaili, hereby tionfernal shall ant be exert Red. nor shall 1111 ardinant . ,e be .. puh- Malted and romrded until said Company ahall file. with the City Controller nn agreement under the seal of said Company. lu Such form as the City A t tomey shall approve, necentinx the Priviiege* hereby grunted upon the terms and conditions herein ant forth. I SW. 3. The loderiii Street and Plmastrit Valle, Passenger Railway Company abeliuse the tracks of the Pittsburgh and 'Birmingham Paseehger Railway along that part of Smlthneld street named in theroute aforesaid...l shell conform to the timetable of mid Pittelmrchd Birrnitlehnni mad In running tholr ears over the eame and line their proportion or ti l t Cost of construction and tusintenanoeof said Skiers upon Inch terms ay may he agreed Amin try the Companim. • Ste. 4. Chat any ordinance co part or port of ' ordinance maillicting itch paYafure of dimuce at the 'meson! shoo , lie arid the oaTllll hereby repealed Y'' far us , the saint , 'effects thiy or. CO. I 1111.1 Ordstood onsmed n in i'.'unellY this each y nit 1 11,10, 4.1 1 . IST 0 • I A. 11. GROSS. Presideunprry tem. of-Select (Sinned. ttelt K. .S. Alonitote. t`lerkof Select • IV. A. TOMLINSON. President of Coninson Council. Attest - 11. NICAI • 1.4 noir 01 r ,minion Council.. A N. ORDINANCE • AUTIIORIZINCI TI!K Pittsb!lrgli SCCounellsville R. R. Co To ErCCi a rasseueer Ilonseor I)epo Upon a Certain Portion or the. notwahela Wharf. bwrios 11. lie IL ordained nod enacted by the City of Pittsburish. in Select und COOIIIOII Councils usembled. and it ts hereby ordained end enacted by authorny of the anew, That 'We Pittsburgh and Connellswile Railroad Company be unit they we hereby authorised to erect a Passenger House or Depot. with two tracks and their accompanying Mits‘r7l:itin'erill'elitlePtlrTX their e th e e asTelr Tfril e iil Smithfieldstreet ad the eastern aide of Grant' street. ' Prorldel. flowerer, and . the authority hereby grunted is only to take effect neon condi tion that the .trusters of said Depot shall be map• ported by piers mouposail of rows of Iron Mile founded en malionry. not to exceed two feet 1 • thickness: said piers to be longitudinally one hun dred feet apart for n diSMICO of fear hundred feet Stomata east side of Grant street. and thence for tdistance of about sixty feet , to be not leas then wenty feet apart lengthwise of the building, and that thence forit distanceof about seventy-six feet to thereat aide of Snittlineld Sargent and the said - Pittsburghand Cosinellsville Railroad Com pany shall hale the tight to extend the front of ehe Suspension bridge abutment that distance 170 asel by a trailer masonry, and thence by a similar all at sight angles to the first towards Water street, said -wals to enclose a space to be tilled in and paved as s l carriage drive. le p aving a sufficient width In trout of IVater street for the thorough fare to the Drell and that the mild Company may make their Passenger Rowe fronting on said car. Rage drive, of two stories la height , not exceeding 70 feet In length, the temaincier of add building to be ono stop - . the underside of the structurn feet said house to be not lest than fourteen feet In clear height from the surface of the wharf Brante upper side of tho hourat n in e tee n nal street. and not less than feet atthe distance of four hundred feet therefrom afore -4 said. And Prinider n ~ That the strip or portion of the An covered y said structure shall not exceed fifty ((001 fee t width, soil that the roof of mid handing shad composed of iron or elate, and that In other ref la due precaution be taken . n- rc ' . " 3 l .7'hat the Bat road Company is also re bulled to provide 1. /Lt. to facilitate the dis.. - atone Of ricer Weigh. tram horde when the height of water and the Misitlon or the tracts hereby authorized tote buUt anon render theses:cm necessary. Sex. 3. That for a . WI try consideration of the rd ptiviloeria herein granted. the 'met Rally road Company than be held and boned to pay an nually to the City Try rev for the use of the. city. the sum of Three Minuend Dollars in sand-. annual payments. theca W said payment" to ha made as th e end or al • moat helicon the time the sald .Company shall gin work on the ground. That th is ordinance s all ho held to grant each . . . . rights ns the City of Pittsburgh may legrillY con fer. and no more. - • Eln 4. Teat any ordinance or part of ordinance eonfiletiam with the Ewan', of this ordinance at the premnt time. be and the Pune Is hereby repealed. Ofor ES the eame adepts thin ordinance. rdained and caused Into a lam In Councils, thin 20th clay of June A. U. 1870. I JAM ESIteAULP.7, Preildent of Select Council. Attest, E. 8. - • , • Clerk of 8011. Council, • W. A. TOSILEISON. Pre dent of Common Council, Attest: It. MeMearLys. ". - •.• Clerk of Condom Coanell. Al ORDINVi t E . ORAN .1 . ~ Allegheis rAlley Thatlght ofWa to thr Pennay 1 road. ' 1 ~ 1111 Railroad Company over Certain Streets ranla Central Rall. 'bad I.'Belt ordain and,enacted the City of Pittsburstin Me • • and-common emboli, as. seeable& i end t It hereby ordained and enacted by the anthority of the same. That the tight of way be anti Is brraby granted to the Allegheny Valley ReUrusdlleompany to knit down end enastrum.• tlngle or dnubis railroad track from a point on It. rack on Railroad stree,t ver above '2Bth stnset. by the most practicable route the Intervening streets end soils to a point o LibertY street. between 07th and with straetm thence tor.. Liberty street nod along the seat sidewalk of mid street a sunicleht distance to vedette to the track of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad tot point saheb. and convenient for conneming therewith. Andtt said Allegheny Valley Railroad Company Where% rVell ' lniti ` r.frik ` rknr . ed to mid point hot m.tined on t...seart side walk of Liberty treet. over and smelt ji.h.tY. , 21 . 1 , sent or the owners of prom./ above Indicated. Prorbit.l, bowers , mme,e..L . .. PertiOn of mid sidewalk on Lleertr sheet ...hell he Abutting On sold obtained by said Comp.? ° anrpoalfVjelj‘ ' r: shall Pfll "nir mid sidewalk for ali mentlonedtproridcd....t tr g n u r ewarded to the trpt.7l., th r at ov.r . " kb " la "" k* To r tWrades of the other in- Ce,"X al „rree """* . over widen sald track shall pow, tow nr bor.rter to be establishe by the `net t ingthorities...l Nat DIU wOrk ton e in the d pad track shall be done to th_p .estialtio "UgigtrTAPV."thel, Vact.7,:oralar.l : . sr,:°°"==r4clll:7,47:P.`t`',°=.7 of Sec. 3. That en! ordinance or part of °rein:lmmo coullleting with the passage of tbleordlnance at tbe PrOMot time, be and the none is hereby repealed so far as the same affect. this tedium:tee. _ Ortlatroad and enacted into a law In Councils Ma 90th "7 of jot.' A. 111 /116.5 MCAITLET. - President of Select CoenclL AttMe E. 5.1e07111.0w, Clarkof SelectSt y runelL . TOMLLNSON. _ _President of Common Cotmed. Attest , Mciteltrift. Cie* of Common Connell. t- ~~ THE WF,EFIY GAZETTE IS TUE BEST AND cimArare 'ommereial and 'Family Newspaper clausal:l, IN w EsTEnN PENN9YI.V ANL.% No farmer, manhole, or merchant should b wltkont It. • Tlltit‘4 . Clubs of ten - A dory Is furnished grattultously t.t the gatter.nn .t. Club of ten. Pastssasters sr« rennested et as Areas. Address. • PIQINIMAX REM) d. -- - • I d'NeiTIVEN--.. low. • Wants." -Found.- nut ♦xrnl.nJ LlNES:unit b inserted in (Atm roluninA [woe rirzyrr-nrE cENTS: end. .t.lit;on.i Ho , FIVE BM WANTS - - \ A . NT . El).—A Situation au BAR TEN VER or Inn tgt:ll4ll=' r =',.b.l - "'" 6"°.. w ANTED. TIAR) }lolli,, = I= IMM=;111 ATATA --NTED.A few day bander+ al v 73 Fourth Avenue. • __ AIiTANTED.—A. " few lIOARDERs v _wanted at WIN NORTH AVENUE, All, ow: ):k7ANTEEP.—?.. COACH PAINTERS T IletcEl.V Ertl Vll AIIIAGE 'BAZAAR. IS TWIN A•CDUC. Prom $) . loslo Per ITTI will Le pald. • VlTANTElL—Experieneed Agents to V 1 travel and wall Indent Wantons - count!. tor en article lust patented. Willbe_ srant i ed to every fatally. Address A. W.. lion 533. ntV d-ta ------ -- WANTED—TO .LOAN.—S7.OOO on 1 • tn.. morttraTrlt- - nne foritl.ol) 0, utd for f}1.301) each. Mt for three yattra. OK, It. COCHRAN. Attornor-at.tat, No. GU Grant Welt. l'ltta- Winch. • di': W in ANTED—By a Respectable Mar- . ILIED LADY—A nes initiation to seirend u. elet honse•work. Wa no otleet. A nomfort• Mile home preferred. Addnom m m.. Inilsnianth ` 9 ` """ " ---•- WVIT T E . I I )- ‘ 7 . 9? . AL MINERS MIME 0. 0. 31AN.VITtl.IMAI, CoMPANY. - • 6-9 AVANTED.--Several Men for Farm v Work. Gardeningand Driving. AIN, for Brlelivini Work. Sevonil Ririe Girls - Wanted for Cooking. Chnwnerwore, Inning-nom wort and I ;l9:!Cl u Ztrge o g.V.l l = aliTirt l ., Y dnt E d M oor einepenrion Bridge WANTEIL—A Number of Lodlea and meta to sell Turkish Print Soap. Crisp Candy Ilexes. Pries Stationary Package, end Jew elry. Inquire at No. NS SIIITHeINLD STREET, Pittsburgh. re. Yid W Agents, to isdented. vituu'e. 7 4.nutUd" bi rryfandly. Address, A. At., BoX 33 3 , Pitts beunch. wjr TED --.n 0 lir 11 NIS BOY and GIRL of BorlO jeers of wee, to with .uple. Coompernsalion. board. clotnlog, school- Mg. Ste. Best of refineries. firm Address for two dart, J. C., Whirl" Nee. ese WANTED--AGENTS.—Extlrlenced Arnts to travel and Ual Peter. riable for an article out patented. Will be wanted to every fatuity. rout. Inducement. offered. Addreve A. M.: Boz 33.lrittaburati P. O. WANTED -MORTGAGES. 30,000 to Loan In large or small arnounta, at a talc rata of Intere _ TItOMAS K. P KTI'Y. MIL Bond and Heal Waco Broker. N 0. 1 .79 Sontheald Mont. WANTED, A wrond•hand SCREW CUTTING' LITHE, to 6 feet bed and lEito 514 Inch Addr.s. _Jule: yig Postorb. Box 304. Plttsburqb,Pa. WANTED, Coat and Pant Makers, AT Kaufman, Oppenheimer & fo., No. SOWOOD STREET. WiNTED—MORTGAGES. Thirty Thousaid Dollen to Leen In large or small mounts nn property In Allegheny north at a fair rate or Intoreet. • (11ABLIng FidatlA•l•l.o Grant Arent. BOARDING B • OARRING—To-let,irlth Boarding, TWO RECORD STORY ROOMS. tuniOlod. at 103 Fourth venue. 49. TO-LET. Tl.l4.F.T.—Three Nice litnoum, nlth Gar and Water. Suitable tor • ell l A n Z y l''t a A t " **6.l". 1 410, i rnkLET.—Two Story . Rack' ROURP•, andiltlL. c '.2=4`l4;=4lZ:g:T.',l,l! cellar. Will be let tow 10 it good tenant. Inquire ot .I.lf. SAAR. No. old Penne Avenue. I..ti TO -LET.--STORE ROOM. A first-dun STORE ROOM and cellar, No. ISIS Liberty street, .couipletely titled 0P- vltlt *belying and counters. Will. be rented cheap, if celled for soon. Enquire at 7-7 No. 4 VIRGIN ALLEY. ~`O•I.ET.—.I good, Iwo otory BRICK DWRI.LING, containing 12 room, with mod ern Improvement.. Also,liage intend goal Brick Stable, Minute fronting on the Park, No. - 154 North Avenue. Rent reitennable. Applv at No. 41 Ohio street, Allegheny: - FOR SALE. FOR sALIP,. • • Two Drayn, a Cart, and a Set of Hamm, An In god nester. Inquire at ofhee et • UNION WOOLEN MILL. jeltyin N 0.12 0 Meer Avenue. Allegheny. r . Oll SAXE CHEAP.-$2,500 will buy a heave with nee rooms d epth . w ith tour lots 24 feet front by 106 feet in with stabling. twitting on • forty feet street. one-bull square back of Pennsylvania asenne,Twentleth ward, near East I.lbarty. Apply at 174 Grant street, near Seventh ermine. JuW,CI/111 VOR SALE.—That - well-known ilt;at r alrilU%P.J k :lit i f'dl d la g. ll . gat . To a proper penult desiring to keep a hoter. tuls Is - nun opportunity. Yor terms, rell or address J. DAT= llebtlil4.l2:. N 0.7 Bank of Compere. Dandier. Pittsburgh. Pa.. Mon Immediate on sale. jrg 321 c;=7 FOR SALE.—Engines and Boilers, New and Second Wend, of ell kinds, constant/7 on head. Orders from en eerie of the country promptly at tended to. JAMES HILL & CO., Corner Marton and Y., Vt. W. a. C. R. W., Allegbsr rOR SALE—STOCK FARAL—Con- TAINS 240 ACRES. ona hundred and Asti acres raider cultivation,. balance woods. Improve umin—la dellings, very butte band sad stable, and sheep booms. orchard and well ...Mersa by a small creek passing throtigh the place. hituated Jennings enmity. Indiana. 3R antes from ernen and Louisville Railroad; in thriving neighborhood near to vilismsne Wburchm. Tbs farm can ea " )3. kernir;oo., - Idt r .lloonret Ave. EsOR SALE CHEAP OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY. —A. One COUNTRY 1131:NCR. enntaLning 20 acres with 3 henaea thereon: dna. ownfortable and convenient house; Food water. and one of the beet water pow ers In Western Peeneyfrania far &mill; le mile* front We OW, on the waters of Turtle Civet ROW. if of a Mlle WOW Stewart% Station. Central hall- Med.; AIM. NVOTII good lams In toad lochthrtis and honees for sale.. Raqviiof WILLIAM WARD. No. 110 Grant filt......sEpoette Cathedral.. _ . FcIR SALI.f 7 --- --- A, handeotne _pressed brick Dwelling two starlet. conukinnte rooms. Lot AS by 100 . AM an 44th gimlet. near Butler street. well intypUelL with dray. tiers. aayabbe l h yt i" ae! whit. oh the rear le a gne stable. Oas all through tbe boos. Thie property eertalnly the snort de lirable In the 17th ward. Pore inederat and 7g time Wen- • T. IL ItILI L DOA • • Coy. Penn and 4. cream ON XiIN.WTRERT.../to elegant .Cottage ll oute; ritual. on Yalu tenet. near the 0 horn Mae eardainleft 3 romp Lot 30 by la 'ims 'lO • besotum pl•es. ors wflhmr of Il iltlecelerare wean.. T. FL RILL & 80N. Ox 44th EITRBET.—A beautiful lot neer But/or aIZoLgO bylelbl. el.* to the Cilium' P. R. W Anngtbe . tteliort W er n" ritneelni lid . imp w in One ...Us near th Petrol 9100 &Oat sae hal/wee in Jeer :I Pew" ' el/to. Workhors. *home a.= epeprmeity alto hr. They will never have another aoadvantegeona., T. IL BILL /a SOIL _ . R. and 334 streets. FOR SALE OR LEASE, A b795T.42,Af1el OIL RF',F.LNIERY , Well located: /MO nest'Veek. In red COOdlllon, pefalr now. Apply r ... H. M. LONG & CO., Ipit • - PA. TPP ENTYAIX.7 LARS arUl earths.e • neat, well bull, t wo nory brick elgao i houaa, Blu to m e e on griggrey 12 deep to It 4 e inft Lay! FIT: room and an/lar, well or_Olood water with ramp In tho we. Term, SUOMI cash: Wanes In lour eqval annual Temente. el to A lto srrals= k BON, Jet 39 Math ammo. JOSEPH R. HUNTER, kTerehandisee Broke; 250 xamixtmnr smatTzET. (AO% yof l[onlc Bonding.) prrrsurnau, e 1 41. 1.13. :r3: