THE DAILY GAZETTE, HOME' NEWS. Persons 'mein; the efty for the sittroPet , 'end wishing to leave the GAirrrti them, trill jaCIL.CI send their addresses to the etlice.• Price by mail, :5 cents per month. The Washtnilan Infantry will hold a nle-nic to-day at . McFarland'. grove.--- The pollee ellitlnfillee will meet this even tag. u :X' o'clock, et the Mayor'x oMce. Vosterd.y eraq the wartne.a day thl.rseamm - C-vda foutaniu, did it samelhing huoiaeso. Michael (Parka u.:ni lilted three dollar,. be Mayor Cal"' y.Atenday fur tnuoping over tlir dral3 lathe Park. tleruil Mayo/. Nichols Io been appulated one of tbo Ant:aunt Fire and re- Colced nig commission yesterday. Otheer Gehby rho attempted suicide as men tioned in . yesterda)'s pateer, lcus much Im prdo4ed I. t eccalag and (cis thought, he tc out wer. Three well dressed young men endeavored to mouse themselves by a wrestling match In the • Allegheny Phrk yesterday afternoon. They wa7l.t3 each for their fun. Yesterday morning a wagon loaded with sten* broke down on Federal street, near ROldnean. The running of tho street cure wat Murton:4 with almost halt an hoar. • • To be called a thief was not rell,hed by Diary Kendrick. who. Saturday morning-. had • warrant baued by Alderman 117)onnell for Kary.Matulre fur applying thlk epithet to her. Olsorderly.—Mrs. thruener of East lllr =lngham was, It is alleged, by Ellen Et‘ell actinic Ina Very disorderly wanner yesterday and Justice Helsel Issued a warrant fur her Merl. OS.—Ttsterday morning Lawrence Noel. employed fn the shop of Mr. W. B.ltiehartison. had the thumo nod angers of - his right hand sawed off while working shout a Circular son - . • Yesterday afternoon a carpenter employed about the Inc:lned Plane was crushed be tween two of the cars And severely but nut fatally Injured. Dr. MeCoolt, of Fifth avenue, attended Ole follicles. Orrnaby stockholder,: of the Ormsby Passenger • Railway-, Cempany WUI hold a meeting at the Touter ifs% Birming ham, this evening, for the purpose of ergo:t iring amLelecting officers. - Ingandelde.—Testerdny aft the Mayor's police on duty street 'Maid the dead holy of ln.a pool of water near the st moved to Devoret. and an Inge I upon it this morning. rnoon one of 11 Washington lan infant lying el. It was re est. will be held Felonious. Assault.—lnglis. ' medal:a ta•nin - .Informatlon before Aldeumn iNeubert chore lag Louis Saracen with felonious assault 61111 battery. Ile alleges that the accused attack - -ed him with a knife and struck him on the !tee, indicting a severe wound on the nose. A. warrant was issued. Malicious 311sallef.—Pat Valade had a dllll - with 3lre. McSwiggen of Eist Binning hamyesterdaT, and Mrs. MnSwiggen vented her wrath upon Pat by .throwing stones through his windows. Juitice Helsel was UPPolled to_and issued a warrant fur the en ranged woman one charge of malicious mi.- Chief. • flew Wes 11.—Mr. Henry riirky made infor mation beforo Justice Helsel yesterday. charging Ilatthess Steinetr with larceny by alleges that Mrs. irky rave the defendant a watch and tkreddollars. for what purpose does not pear. and that he now re-' fuses to return the sante. A warrant was le aned for hie arrest. Festival.—A Strawberry •stival will be bald to-night to St. 31arv's church lecture • room at toe Point for the benefit of the Church. Extensive arrange • sot have been made by the zealous pastbr. Rev. Father 011osnrko to secure the enjoyment of all who attend. Excellent music will be on hand to ealleen the entertainment. cordial invita tion Is extended to all to be present. The moor that Johnny Robinson had been shot et the 'workhouse seas Without founda tion. Be is occupying a cell at • that institu tion peacefully and serenely. He refused to Work around the grounds with a .ball and chain attached to his pedals, nod hence is de priced of the pleasure of out-door exercise— the Superlateinlect haring had enough of Johnny s freedom. With this exception be Is as pliable as the other inmates. Joseph R. Hooter.—lt will be seen by his advertisement. elsewhere In this paper. that Mr. Joseph It. Hunter has opened an °Mee for merchandise brokerage at "JD Liberty street (Academy of Musicl. With a thorough knowl adze of business derived from, many yeani paosrionce. and with rare talents as salesman. Kr. Hunter cannot poll to effectsales where males are possible. We commend him end hi. ample room to the trndp_generally. • • Mistake—ln our local column yesterday there appeared a notice of the prayer meeting of the Y. X. C. A., which was held on Penn street, being very mach disturbedby disorder- . ly erovrds This, as we have been informed, was a gross mistake, there weeetwo or three =a having a discussion near by, but it did not materially interfere with the exercises held by the young gentlemen. We gladly make the correction at the request of a very reliable party.. 3teanalc.—Thcre will be a meeting of -the _members of Masonic _Lodges In this vicinity to-eight, at 31asoulz lIalL Allegheny to make villa. attbe bend f the Monongahela ltiver. The celebration will consist bf a procession, picnic and general festivities, and as members AC the order 'hereabouts have been invited. they desire to respond 'with as huge a delega tion as possible. The .hmaul needing Co ttttt of the Pitts 'burgh 'Female College for thel Mrs. Davidson prize will tate place this evening. Elocution Is made a principal study in this model educa tional institute for young ladles. and like the Musical contests the reading' trials are emi nently deserving attendance and generally lo- Cure large audiences. Cards of admission may . his obtained at the door. There will be no re waved Sealsso those who wotild obtain choice position should go early. - - The Funeral of Mr. John Mbrtin. who died suddenly of congestion cl thalungs, on_ Sun day morning, took place vestetrday afternoon from St. Paul's Cathedral. It was largely at tended._ The printers of the efty turned out In large force nod made a acre creditable ap pearance. Her. Father Derlln preached an eloquent sermon on the occasion. admonishing -al thief e prepared for death which cornea "like a ln the night. hell least expected." The deceased was buried In St. blary's Cem- Man Ran Cher.—Testerday moraine about ten o'clock a picnic procession. headed by a bran band. was passing up Madison avenue. Allegheny, when the music frightened a horse attached to a wagon which was standing on the street unhitched. :The result was a run away. In his flight the animal knocked down Alois Hildebrand. an elderly gentlemen, and two of the Wagon wheels passed over his breart.• No bones were broken:and be was able to walk away, although it is feared he eras injured Internally. The horse was checked soon after this episode. swiped from the Penltenttary. Dante Aughenbaugh olicu Ditienbaugher who ores serving his vhglaii torte in the West ern Penitentiary, eseaped-from that Winn • tio ll regard**. It appears that he was out side of the wall In charge of an oveneer, wheeling coal, and during the' time ho was thus engaged the overseer's attention was Milled away from him a moment, which mo ment he Imprcrred by climbing into the hay mow of the stable. when he quietly slipped out of his penitentiary yiants and baying dark woolen drawers on, slipped out et another door sad escaped. A reward of tri) I. offered for his recapture and return to the Institution. =Z There was quite an excitemeut created on Market street, yesterday morning. be two hones. attached to a large wagoo. running away. They ran . .with great speed. but the driver held tight on the reins. One of the bones soon became mit:waled-hi his barons. and this seemed io excite them more. but the driver still held them with great force, much to the astonishment of the byetanden, and when tjmy had run a short distance up Llb eny street a num rushed out with along pole. which he placed lu front of the Infuriated animals. This had the effect of bringing them to a stand Immediately. Net much in)ury was sustained, and no Per son hart. Common Pleas—Jodie Stone. MOST/LT. June 20.—john McKeon'. Ex.'r re. Jeremiah Koben. Action on book account. Vord:ct for pinintlff ibe gum of UM Jamul Waterton ra. AlleKheny Valley nail ma: Company. Action to recnrcr for eel-M -ON rendered. Jurxoot.--. =UAW LIST lOU TL'IMIJAY. UM County of Allegheny vs. Pittsburgh &Con nellsville IL IL Cu. 94i Livingston & Tiro. vs. Clark. Ste It. it M. Insurance Co. ra. Hair .351 Kettriedy 'V. Allegheny National Dank. SS3 4.nrin vv. &Masi. Ski Lam. for use vs. Burger. IRS Com for use vs. Oier. RR Roberts vs. Evans. :IRS Hitaellind vs. Ham al. Rd Zaigler et al vs. Gam, Mm. Laying The cevernorrof laying the corner stone of tbi Mar grata In CM pleasirst village of Bit. PiNulttit, Westrnorelend colony. took place on' list Wedecadef- flev. bleldillen. fonnerly of Allegheny. bag utected the peetroattl of the revolted congregations. Cod his In.telletlon Wllltbp occasion. This church Is the ling to build underttie new recline the Revolted Preabyterlaa•bodies: The order water fol lows: Intonation by Rev. Barnett. of McKeesport. normal address. Rev. McMillan. Genesis' ad dressee were delivered by lbw. Ram Pao. Dr. of Philadelphia, Rev. Noble, of Pitts. bonend others. These addresses were terspersed . with singing. Rev. Andress , . of Sewickley, cleat' with Prayer. a Thin ut -maa iegyirealize evenin ed. g a festival was held and bo • . Nett day the leatallation services took plaee,Rev. Noble preaching an able sermon, Rev. Here delivering the charge to the new patter. and Rev. Dr. Wylie to t people; Th e •.rnem bere of The congregation h had provided an ample dinner nnderthe shade trees In front of the Church—loderd the whole arrange ments on their pert displayed a moat commen dable liberally and spirit. We have since heard that' twenty-five new members have been received. Everything seethe pro mising In flail new field of labor for ens who carries with him the best wishes of many /deeds la they cities. CITY COrNCILS bpncial Mnnfing-ahr Flrx Department—Pr.l leisto Rsilrosids—ltoullne Daslurno—Elre don of Wbarf 31s•ter. special meet,lng 6clect and Common Commas hel.l ye,teryiny. Monday. June 20th. at two o'clock r. v.. for the curl.o.e of electing a Wharf .Ma.ter for the Allegheny wharf. I= Members present—Messrs. -kblbOrn. Aiken. A rinstrsang. Dissel. Brown Boni in; etilin. Duncan. Friday. Gallaher, Gross. Hart man, Herron. House, Jones E. P., Jo.•s Rebels, Kirk. Laufman.Liddell.Littell. Ll o rd. MOITOW. Murdoch. Murray. MeCart he. Phil i'•. Rafferty. Recs. Rush. Schmidt, Scully. Ser.) • Shipton. Thompson. Wainwright S. J.. Waln wright Z.. Wilson and President McAuley. On motion of Mr. Littell Mr. Gross scat called to the chair. . . Mr. Morrow preiented n petition from river. men, flaking that the rue of speed of hunts In tho.elty limits be regulated be ordinance. Referred to Conunatee on Nfononifaheth Wharf. Mr. Collin. a rentoi.trance sgalnst tine con struct'on of a sewer un Third Weer. Referred to Street Comuuttee. , Mr. Rush. a rescautlon zwitliorizlng a drop In the sewer uu the corner of Eleventh and Lib erty streets. Referred to the Street Commit- Mr. Aiken moved tine reconsideration of the resolution requiring clerks of Connell to fur nish copy to the publishers of the "Recent." AdMr. op Aiken then moved that the resolution be laid on actable. Adopted. On motion of Mr. Bargain it was resolved to take up the untaish.l business. — Plan of lots at Shady Side presented and approved In C. C. at a previous meeting Wes approved. presented a communication from the Controller asking that appromiation No. 4be hereafter designated "lire Commission ers," and that 4:20,U00 he transferred from No. 141. City Property, to said appropriation N 0.4, and that the balance In No. 21 he transferred to said appropriation No. 4. Accompanying the connunnication was n resolution author ising:tile change asked for. Mr. Kirk offered au amendment providing that not more than V.) be paid ns a salary to the Secretary of thell said hoard. Mr. Phillips moved to lay the amendment. on the table. Lost.' , The question thenremared on the 'amend: mein, which was adoffted. and the reSOltitiOn as amended was adopted. Council then adjourned. Common Council. At fifteen minutes past tote o'clock this branch was called to order by President Tom linson, the following members answering to the call of tbe roll: Messrs. Art Mira. Barker, Beckman. Beymer, Black, Booth. Bradlap, Carroll, Caskey. Chal mers. Creegnn, Daum. Diamond. Dietrich, Duff, EliWUrdg, Faxon, D. L. Fleming, John Fleming. Ga.r.rain, Ilare.Jahn.Jamison,Jones, Kohne,Lang.Matteru. Mitchell. Miller, Moore, Morgan,- Ve l Ve . rMs e t i o r n e . V C.lerb e e C rl e . „ i n i 4: Sneathen, Snodgrasg Verner. Ballad: and .President Tomlinson _The Clerk wits then Instructed to notify Se leet Council that the Common Council seas ready tt meet them M joint session for the purpose of electing in Wharfinaster for Allegheny' ether!. • Cr. When the Joint session had udiourned Con munch resumed Mr. Morgan offered a resolution instructing the City Solicitor to enter snit against Robert A. Rill, the defaulting NV harfuntater of the Allegheny wharf- Carried. Mr. McKelvey rose to a point of order, and contended that Council.-eould nob take up new - business without n motion to suspend the rules. Ruled out of order by the chair. Mr. McCandless presented n petition for laving'n Beech alley. Referred to the Street ornmittee: • . Mr. David L. Ileminr. petitloo for the ex.- t.osloo of water give on Eta street, from Webster trestle. Itetermi to Conuottte on Beytner. petition for water pipe 011 Ne. tarter. Referred to the Water Corn- . petition tor ktnei lamp on .ty-fottrth Street.-Iteferrett to the Gan Mee. Mr. Arthur, n -resolution authorl.r.itig Street Committee. . • , Mr.9nodgrass, a petition for a Fits tamp on Washington street adjoining the drinking fountain. Refered to Water Committee. Mr. Caskey. Petit ion for stater olpe on Beech, Referred to iVater committee Mr. Cas.key, resolution instructing City tine -neer to report upon the practicability of open lug up other streets so as to relieve the travel along Second avenue, which was obstructed by the Pittsburgh g Conuellstille Railroad. Adopted. Mr.ollver. mutest against the opening of De Ylltlern streetrlleferred to Street Committee. Mr. Gitzzam, petition for more gas lamps on Fourth avenue. Referred to Gas Committee. Mr. Duff called op the ordinance giving . the Allegheny Valley Railroad tight of way over certain streets to connect with the Pennsyl vania Railroad. • The ordinance was put on its third reading mart final passage. Mr.-McSelvy read a remonstrance against the passage of the ordinance, which has here tofore been published. After somedircussion. the ordinance was finally passed. nil . CONNZLi..S , ILLT. DEPOT: . Mr. Oliver, Jr.. called up the ordinance granting the ConnellsVille Itallroad Company privilege to erect a deabt on the Monongahela hela wa After a lengthy discussion. the ordinance , assed finally, Mr. Morgan alone voting in the egative. which was greeted with uproarious P ?l l t!! a lrtu i t ' t t e h s e e Tt e e ' t b :4l.:ll . tl f o r r ad paving Locust alley. Referred to Street tomm ttee. _ Mr.Arthura called up the resolution relative to the vacation of the Arsenal grounds: motion of Mr. V ine the the clause in the resolution on the appointment of a Committee to proceed to Washington was stricken out, whoa the remainder of the paper war. adopted.' Mr. Carroll, an ordinance for grading and Cacing ..Try street. - Referred to the Street oMmittee. Mr. Arthurs. an ordinanceuthorizing the opening of Dallas avenue. Read three times and passed. Also, ordinance for grading and paving of Penn avenue. Read three times and passed. BANITAIIT. Mr. Hare offered. reiol4lon Invitlefr the Board of Health to visit the Council chambers and report upon their condition. In presenting the resolution. the gentleman referred to the peculiar odor which pervaded the stairway and balls leading thereto, and which were almost sufficient to knock an or dinary mandown.. In view of and to prevent this prospective pugilism, the resolution was unanimously adopted. In all business not otherwise noted. C. C. concurred. Adjourned ---.0--- Joint Session. The members of • both .branches bating as sembled in - the Common Council Chamber, President McAuley. of the Select, called the joint session to order, and stated the object of the meeting. Mr. Kirk presented a communication in re lation to thematter. • . .. . .. . . . President McAuley 'tided that It was not customary to receive communicatiocs or allow debate Ina joint session. Mr. Kirk stated the purport of the paper, when on motion of Mr. Bargain It was read. It contained a proposition • from James Ralston. father-in-law of the ex-Wharfmaster, to pa v the city POO of Rill's indebtednes. pro vided he iftaistoni was allowed to have the office for the remainder of the year, and ran guaranteed a re-election for the ensuing year, Mr. Morgan moved to lay the paper on the table, but withdrew his motion. subsequeatlY when It was accepted. On motion of Mr. Garman Mr. Kirk was al lowed to explain at some length. Ile stated ' the •Wbarlinitsters had kept no books land that the solicitor said the city could notcol 3, lect from his sureties more than co d be shown to have been paid to him,--It was .rob able.-frot more tuna Pi/ could be thus pr yen, and hence hansiceptjog. the proramiti the city would iiie more. The aeon men accordingly aline the election of Mr Ral ston by acclamation , which was almost imn imposts, toted down. Nominations were then made and the elec tion proceeded with, the following being the result of the TIWIT BALLOT. J. Patterson.... 9 B.. Montgomery J.. 3. . 11 W. G. McClure.. W. C. Barr it T. J. Parkinson C. Sackett.. a J. Balaton Before the result was announced ganknoved that the candidate receiving lb highest number ot.votes be declared eleeted Laid on the table. _ . . . _For n few moments a Label-like roof 111031 retiree& each City Father seeming . to D. motion to put 01111 a plan to be pursued, Which was urged with the vehemence of a nentbr. Finally a mutton to restrict the second ballot to the four highest on the list prevailed: and the roll was again called. The following is the result of the SECOND BALLOT. .......18 Monlgowen• I= 3lcClue ..... ... Barr Mr. Burgwln moved to couthte the negh bal lot to the three highest oa the Ilwt. Ca7led. • • --. . The third ballot resulted in the Meal • • of Mr. McClure, be having 50 votes. n usaj• rlty of six over the whole somber cut. On motion of Mr. H. H. Oliver Jr., RJ .ner Goff was elected Belt Inspector by nuldma lion to fill the vacancy occasioned by , the res ignation of the former othcial. Joint session then adjourned. DEATH IN A COAL PIT Two M thatforited by Fool .Ur—Th Men Go to Their Resent, sod %moo ,-Iroespe. A distressing casually occurred yesterday evening, about live o'clock. at Keeling's coal works, In Birmingham, Welting in the death of two men and the narrow escape of three others. George Stewart. a young man named Dulford. and three others. all employed an miners in Keeling's works, having completed their labors for the day, were on their way Dome. and, in order to;are distance, started through the tunnel. which passes through the first out back of Birmingham. Thee had passed about hall way through when they Came in contact with a current of foul air, which nearly suffocated them. Three of the party succeeded, however, la getting out of the pit. when they discovered that their com- NMons. Bulford and Stewart. had .. ,btp b o n behind. They immediately staran in permit of them and found them some distance in the dead, having been suffocated with the foul air. They attempted to remove the bodies in hope* that the men might be restored to life, whioh attempt - came near proving fatal to all of them. They bed proceeded but a short distance when they were over come with the poisonous gases' which all , peered to pervade the tunnel, and sank down inhabited: where they Probnbly would h. , . _died had not soma of their friends on the Oat-' side who knew of the fact of the tunnel being Oiled with foul air and the purpose for which the throe men had entered it gone to their as sistance. The three men when found were unconscious and fears are entertained their recovery. They were removed and medicaimid ; summoned. and were of W living at slate hour last night. Coroner Clawson will hold an inquest oaths bodies of Stewart and Belford this mortar. ese. Hecker's Farina forms a I very agreeable. light. nutritive food, a superior article for puddin and jellies. and is highly recom dren. eeEby physilcians ers.for invalids and chil- ld by &I groc . PITTSBURGH. DAILY GAZETTE : TUESDAY MORNING, - JLTNE THE.4tiGHRIN lir RDER. Cauelusion of the Trial—Point. nobmitied By Defendant's Counsel, and the Ralliks of;the Coon Thereon—The Jury Out. . The Court of Oyer and Teeminer assembled at nine o'clock Yesterd . ” . suorning. Judges Sterrett and Colikr, on the (bench. when the trial of Nicholas ll,uffunin, fOr the murder of Thomas Laudhruu. lt full report of which we have previously published, wilts resumed. . . nestamagra' Pritrts. 31r. Swartxwelder', one Ofjthe Counsel for defendant, submitted the following points to the CoUrt, before the case Fns argued to the Jury : I First—lf the Jury believe tlint after tho first re-encounter In the bar-rootn. Laughren wan put out and he returned by the back way through the kitchen and entry to the room again with intent to do Nicholas Hoffman some great bodily harm, and he, Hoffman, had reasonable ground for believing the danger Imminent, and/tilled Laughren to avert it. the killing under the circumstances wee excus able. Logue Is. COIL.. 2d Weight...X . 7-li. This' point was nail med by the Court' with instruc tions that the lure must be satisfied that the danger was imminent. Sawed—ll the jury believe that Laughren as sailed Nicholas, Hoff man in such manner as to furnish reasonable ground fur apprehending a design to take him (Hoffman's) life or do him some gteat bodily harm, and there was rea sonable ground for believing the danger im minent,,: tho igh the appearances wre e false, and there w in fact no- design to do him se 'Mous Injury, nor danger that it would be done, Hoffman NV uld be justitinble in acting upon appeatunces nod killing Laughren, If it was necessary to sold the apprehmuleti danger. /hid. This twist wan lano affirmed. .Thint—lf the Jury believe thitt Laughren,_ c ause. eing tarned oat of 'Stephen Hoffnians i tu re-en ercd It against the will of Stephen, wit intent to commit a felony or do rem some g at bodily harm, end Stephen had reasonable round of . apprehension of the souse. and wi bout retreating killed Laughren, the killing w uld be excusable and so Nicho las, the brot er and guest of Seephen, having a like atm elision would be excusable in killing in d tense of Stephen without re treating. t Garton on Homicide. 'ZLIO-235. 2nd, Archbol , :US to 225-(3. (text , . This point was also afe . ied. .. _ i. tburth—lf he Nes - belleve that Nicholas Hoffman st ck Laughren first t o the bar room brawl, . ad utter the - encounter Laugh , ran was put . at, and a ssafte ome minutes re turned mid sewed the ssault in such nur 1- ner as a pps of it • Isis reasonable grounds for Hoff mun's ae . ending a tenth s to do him some great bodily 'arm or take hi life, and that the danger was Imminent, and he killed Tort it, the killing svotald Lu Po . tense. Wharton un Homicide rt In offering this point sold Trendy been stated to ,the Jury I lughrau to i tunable self 2t2. The Co that thin had to be the la% Fifth—The ==i2== stunßoffman o d a b n a g d r ttri unable ; 01, ground w h o ett 3 f.. P at , i s g .h hat ' i n op axed at t e back door, may take Into con. 61 prevloue :ratioll th in the bar-ro ma no bearing upon the reason ableneas of tie apprehension. Sixth-1. - nd r the plea of "Not guilty. - every element nee SrirY to constitute the offense charged is denied, and the burden of proof I* throughout upon the Commonwealth to sul tana them adirmativelr. not Bennett nod heard./_ .I.Mrined. _ . . . .• . . Serenth.--Every reasonable doubt in regard to the existence of every fact necessnry to constitute the guilt of the prisoner must be removed from the minds of the jury by Antis iactory proof or evidence produced In the case, before they . can convict the Prisoner. ttst Bennett and heard 3:1. and Brewster 471= - 2. Atlirmed. _ . . Eididh—lt follows that If the Jury have rt reasonable doubt as to whether the killing of Laughran was In self-defense. they must ac quit. The Court refused to affirm this Twilit. holdiug that It was Incumbent upon the de fendant to satisfy the Jury that the act was committed In self-defence. • -Muth—Evidence of character is a fact from ichich the Jury are nt liberty to form the basis of a reasotiable doubt upon which the prison er may be acquitted. This point was alarm ed. Troth—That the jury. in deciding on the crodibillty of the dying declarations of Lough ran. may travel over the same ground which the Court has occupied lu Scolding upon their competency. and must submit them to more rigid tests of truth thou the testimony of liv ing WittleYKCl: subject to ell)15-1121111111 , ttiell. (*it Phillips on Evidenc, 2424-4. and note 101.1 Affirmed 3f Swartzwelder lu the course of his argu ment in support of they ints. having occasion Co cite from Judge Lire ter, paid that gentle man a high complime t, and said that be considered him the leading Witter on criminal lane of the present day.l Col. Bayne, for the Common , ealth. , nub wit ted a number of points to the Coon. District Attorney - ream. then opened the argument to the jury. Mr. Swartzwelder fol lowed for the defense. Mr. Moore. Rh() for the defense. came next, and spoke for over two hours nod Col. Bayne closed the argu- . . meat on the part or the prul,ecution. Judge Collier then delivered the charKe or the Court to the jury. which vras coucluded at half past eight o'clock. when the jury retired and Court adjourned. Quarter sinslons Court. TRIAL LIFT FOR TI.7L'iDAT. IC Com. no. Henry Cramer. et al. 05 Charles Hood. 30 Phillip Durand.' 07 " " Ann McCune. • 58 Caroline Schubert. 34 •' Harrison Berger. • Robert Hanshue._ eo " Chaa.CarterandMlchael Durken, PA Archibald Montague. .5 John Golden. •• -• Edward Phillips. et al. 06 Jer Hannon. Horace flyers. 73 a Jo. It. Hays. TRIAL LIST FOR ITI:DRZSDAT. Martin Gannon. Ludwig Yochum. , J. Showalter. .17W. Taylor. Thorn. Ilyde. 0141. Elijah Truvilla. Smith Elkins, et al. Isaac 'tauten. Woo. Ripples. glos. Edelen. I`2. Com. I. 133 '. . 131 `. ' EXCESiiti GRIEF Moth'. Iteeageo—A floppy Home Dest Lo red— A Sad Episode or Lire—A Foresee [ Lo through Geier—Taken to Dlemont. One..f the &addax/cases of mensal abberation which see have ever known came within our knowledge yesterday. The victim Was .Mr. livery llone, proprietor of a grocery and dry goods store on the Greensburg Pike. a few miles out from the clty„..He was the bead of a happy household—a write and five children— ad was in affluent circumstances. Ills char cter was that of a quiet. peaceable citizen, to was highly esteemed in the circle in ,hich he moved. Besides his suburban pos sessions he owned considerable , real estate in the city. Everything about him seemed pros perous. and life was full of happiness until aGout six week. ago, when the charm was broken. Death entered the household. nod two of the children successively were. , within a day or two of each other. soddenly laid in the grave—the result ' of a malignant fever. Prom that time the father seemed to be a changed man. and a spirit of melancholy superceded, his former genial and cheerful appearance. His depression increased. but no fears of a serious result were entertained. and it was expected that he would soon. regain his former spirits. About a week ago he engaged a brass band to serenade him—a duty which they per formed for several successive evenings—being paid tes in cash boon each occasion. .t few days ago he come to the city. pur chased a turn-out for /WA paying cash, and emoloyed a driver to conduct him through the city. Stopping at the market house, he Invested is boquets. filling the carriage and spdli?g . nearly all the I:l,2ll,,gertt coral oTre a rin n gs od to s = " alrrg y i along Peon street to the outer wards. He re turned home after these adventures hot ex hibited no signs of violence. and no Idea nth!. lunacy was entertained until his friend, be came aware of his conduct. His wife then asked him about the matter, when It became apparent from his answers and conduct that he was out of his mind. This was Sunday af ternoon. Subsequently he became violent and It was found necessary to take him to Dix ; mord. which duty was?rformed hr an officer on Deputy MayorNic all force. Hone Is about thirty-flve years of age, had always been temperate and quiet and was re r- raided as one of the bestneighbor. In the vi cinity of his home. • lila mental aberration is without doubt the result of excessive-grief at the loss of his childingivshich makes the case one of peculiar sadness. His physician thinks by careful treatment be may Is time recover somewhat. but cover entirely, as the shock has been too sevrre. It Is one of those sor rowful episodes of life which call out the deepest pity and sympathy. RECKLESS DRIVING BChild Ron Over—Dangerously Injured.. Yesternoon afternoon about bye o'clock a child was run over on Peod street and very severely injured. The little victim is al most three yearn of age and a daughter of Kauffman wise is now In the Penitentiary for shooting a boy sometime ago. She was cross ing Penn street at Its intersection with Thir teenth when a car of the Citizens Passenger Railway approached in one direction and one of GangseichCe wagons, driven by John Crahe, came from soother. Severalpeople on the erect. observing the danger called to the driver, when the car was stopped Crabs. however, paid no attention to the alarm and moved on. The child was caught between wheels andwagon and fleetly fell beneath the of the latter which passed over Its leg terribly braising them. The vehicle was loaded with beer and the dri ver seemed to have a quantity Of the ar ' title on board:. Immediately. the _little girl' was carried into Hoffman's saloon, where Its mother was, and a physician sent for. The crowd In the rneantime became so encited at • the supposed recklessness of the driver that threats of hanging him were freely made:- Doubtless this design would, have been car tied out had not eiffeer Omura with charac teristic Promptness, took theme Into custo dy and conveyed him to the look-up. Subse quently an information wits made against him for reckless driving. upon which he will have a hearing today. —Since writing the above we learn that the child was being carried across the street by its grandmother, Mrs. Hoffman. who was knock ed down and slightly injured, and that the child's injuries are not so severe as at brat antoosed. As it is not supposed there was anything criminal in the actions o withd r a wn .ver the prosecution will probably be Bag Pipes and Balky Horses lent much to the entertainment of pedestri ens Pasting by the GAzzra yesterday after goon. The highlander with the pipes, after dhictitmting a" few mournful tunes, was as- , tensively remunerated by the little boys and girls standing around, and then mused on his; way. But the balky horse. In spite of all the entreaties of driver and the pol iceman on our beat. could not be tursuadeo to go, but own • lucky thought struck our neat door neigh. bin: be seised t h ep of meaty w a c h wu lying on ground, and Placed It in front of the horses month. The poor ani mal seized It greedily, and with a gentle crack of the whip both borne and driver also lused on, mush to the amusement of the arge crowd which had collected 10 front of our office. 4 THE BURGLARS' PARADISE. LOVE UP • A TREE. There wa.• seat to the apple tree• Opppe rrleds"olZulah; Gentry I !! d. t e i rt gh''Y i - A Atittlftiet= l aTour 1111 Matti aim , munlty (roust:Metal Interruption-10 he Con- Kitt, slit them rmalmt a book. tinned. Her fair lamb Imre. with no bat to mar. And ber Me. hut showed one dainty boot: Allegheny is a anluhrlous little town of And he saw her as be smoked his stone. _ And be mune and stood at the ULM '. loot. about eighty thousand Inhabitants. It Is a reg ularly coast toted corporation according to the won't you come up and sit here now IT.ty half blushed. then smiled hem now acts of Assemble : made and provlded• Among And Kitty's brother.• boy to dread, other valuable posses.ions it rejoices In so q . ; md eyis d.eth i rut,= , • r ur s t„ ° ":" ; police force numbering forty-two ntilformed Listening to all they had into. Did tbe Impish brother, conhi bt• gentlemen, who are pleturesquely distributed Seised the ladder and bore It waY. over an area comprising eight wards. and a . Then they saw mm:-and she , with frown.' considerable number of square Mlles. The ta."What wN that...fel buy dune:tr . And she called him the Molest ...P i^ force Is Organized ostensibly . for tim protee- Yet I don't believe he was very much sexed. Dort of life and property, and preservation of For bernmhalf•smiled.tho.tih *** ** halt cried. peace within the corporations limits, but un-' A.." ...ow the And he came over and sat by tier side.. fortunately a bad selection seems to' have Lacing his place an the ooPosite bough. • been etude lit the men. So far as can What could they do/ They were there. be i.e.-Mined none of them arc übiquitous. .lleld by an Iron band j h.i positton of matters uow. Generally it is not necessary that a police- I.2,l7eneet= teitdredheer' clarion her hand. man be possessed of this qualification. In M. "i'l'hey_tdd'4:ll"rsiti'"hsVgradptilit. legheny It in au essential matter if the duties So we a some* stardere all the abode • Or till some ono or other et ht. ' assigned to each be properly performed.. Herein lies the fault of the foree• Thosel And some one did come. It ans. Kitty • P. 0.. Who past the tree his footsteps tea ed. night. prowling gentri whd and profit and And saw through the leaves a lighted cigar. fe Udne waist. pleastire In the profession of the burglar . un ere met:late this face. and realize accOnlingly that An then looted up and Washed at me tatter; Kitty d l ' UoTrrd c .log L ' lghtl ' at tn All.gbenv Is their paradise. Within it are pa- e .. "l l.,Vir„Vt'efrbniier. halal residences. mercantile marts, money td Eld '- Institutions, and other attractions which ere Wiest was the end? 11l tell Too that. so enchanting to the burglars eye. The clean- Some nrunthsent ter, 'mid miss and lace Men he rendered doubly fortultloux by the as- Au' *Jut . "' nod ...en. t ome k ' dk° 7 ". who woe dl.ussing the time and ace sUrance that lu his meandering., he will be A. to ahen-eo run toe deb.,. pleasurably free trout Interruption-except Ana where a certain wedding should bet nn occasional episode which only gives life And that impish brother win beard 50 ""f.' to his work. "It had better come off in the apply irms. While opera i L tit here the burglar" take their - - ease: Sometin .8 they organize a squad and by a series of mentions secure sufficient to enable them to repose for a season. This they dirt a short time ago. and again were these tactics pursued recently-last Sunday morning. Their last attempt was but moder ately successful. First they began with Jenkinson's tobacco stbre on Federal street near the Suspension bridge. The time tune about two o'clAck. En trance was gained by knocking out the tran-• som of a door in the rear. Thee bad previous ly entered the Cellar and attemp ted to get Into Once the store that way but failed. lnside they first relieved the moneY drawer of about eig ht dollars in currency and' then selected a choice assortment of Cigars, with which they quiet ly disappeared as they had mitered-having se cured over one hundred dollars In money and goods. They were not molested. The next . point of Interest WWln house on 1-acock street. near the Pearl Mill. They had entered and were Ina (Mr way to reap a rich harvest when the proprietor of the manalon awoke. Ile immediately gave chase. waiving the formality of donning his garment.. He tsucceeded lu Insnlrlng a healthy circulation oo - race as far the Passenger Depot on Federal street. but the fellows-there were four of then--escaped. Ile couldn't And any police, and wisely concluded to retire from the night air. It Is said the watchman of the depot was terrible alarmed at the welt° on parition. but subsequently recovered upon ascertaining what It meant • By comparing the time, it seems that not long afterward the gang upended Idenn the. residence of Mr. Guclenheltuer on Western avenue. near Bidwell street. tecnrine tsy a valuable gold watches and about eight dol. lore in money. Nobody knew of their visit to this house until next morning. . The compliment. of the season Were ulsu paid to the residence of Mr. John Heath. corner Bidwell anti layette streets, near to Ouckenbelmere. They had just entered here When Mr. Heath's son heard them and :darned the house. They departed hastily, and se cured nothing-sending hack as they went their compliments In term. expressivebut not very elegant. Dawn was now Out approaching and with contetalable prudence tiaq• seem to have rested front their labors. Thev bail not, it Is true. mule :my terse "hauls" but had secured mough to oilatee fur one evening which wa atisfaelorr. The burglaries acre nil known to the Indic. when their C3lllO to the office and toot tila vt. tiros. They had not seen the men or know", of the festivities before. Of course. if they had an interruption would have Leen the re sult. Their inefficiency may be set down to their lack of this quality—ublquity. Such oc currences an these tninht Le avoided to{t he fu ture If n sufficient police force to guard the 'city properly were put on duty. but that forte certainly could not be organized front forty two men. These night prowling adrentures may be enjoyed by their ParticiPants, but cit izens generally have no fancy for them. • The limiter Is worthy of eotlefttion by the City Father.. 12=11 C.wrnotain Poker/31.0t Allegheny City. snit last evening for a trip to the seacoast thr the benefit of his health. - The Khali wish, of his tunny friends accompany him. Do. the retemn of the Com mon Council. seas in his seat yesterday for the first time in many months—his absence brine (sea - stoned by Illness. Be Aran cordially seri corned to the ranks again by bin friends la both branches. We, u - ith them. Ougratillate.- him on his recovery. ILuon .h. M. ItnOwN drives one of the hand someat trains in the city. Feux R. Itnr7 ,,, T. DV.. it Ypoken of. as a candidate for County Commissioner before the Republican CORTell(1011. limmy M. LONG. ESQ.. Ile the Chairman of the Committee on Common Grounds. Alle gheny City. not Geo. D. Riddle. as we noted yesterday. . J. M. K.ixiat.l.., ESQ.. the efficient Assistant Superintendent of the Erie nod Pittsburgh Railroad, will remove his family to Erie about the first of July. El 00..7. S. YOnungarr. we are reliably In formed to to no way connected with the new hint party movement. Rae. Jens R. Ctran. L. D.. who hos been expects from the city for w il l ”rese o h eal mnths. Is d home o-d. churrzlt next S.tlatAnt al ay .1, rat Ma- ta•wal :tour, CAPS. E. SI Wit.wt. the efficient Warden of the Western l'ennitentiary. offers fifty dollars reward In this morning's paper for one of his boarders. Car, A. FL ItCLVliii yeeterdaY eleetcn Allegheny Wharftuaster by ceunells. Sin, DAS - 11 , 4 , 001 IS the only person we heard spoken of for Jury Corninlssinuer at the com ing Republican prima, meeting. C'MS= According to the investigations of Mr. Wu fl. McGill, of west. Deer township. wi. ha Just completed the census of the borough o Sewickley, the population of that borough ha about doubled since 180.1. The following 1.1 summary of hia statement Number of white Inhabitants.. - 1.42: Number of colored . . 5: Luber of Tooth.. • • • • tuber 'ofclwelltwe tuber Lf famlllea How to Look Nouug—litateem— Don't paint or use vile Heir Restorers. but simply apply Megan's Magnolia Balm upon your face, neck and hands, and use Lyon's Kathairon upon [four hal,' The Balm makes your complexion +early. soft and natural, and you can't tell stbat did it. It removes freckles. tan, sallow nem ring-moths, moth-Patches. etc.: and In place of a red, rustic face. you have the am ble purity of an exquisite belle. It gives to middle age the bloom of perpetual youth. Add these effects to it splendid bead of hal produced by the Kathairon.And a lady has done her best to the way of adornment Brothers will have no spinster Osten whe these articles arc around. The Weed Mewing Marhlne has more at In Its favor than any other. Call at ballet street and examine the "Weed.- The ord., sliewk of Mears V. Hale, Mer chant Tailor, at. corner of Penn avenue end Sloth street, le now large and complete. Moro. sieur Lkuipain continues to preside at rho cut• Mag.• .if Tha Wed Sewing Machine has more !actin p9lnts Its favor than am other. Call at.H. Market street and examine the "Weed:* Try Itoltsbehner's Ventisentel If you wish - good restaurant. It Is located on Fifth &r -oue below the postoMce. FUN FROM PUNCH AND JUDY NOTE, of Admiration—Billets dour. neurtELlEF—An nbollolted turnpike —Punch. 11' . ill uu aim, if you can't hit the bull's eye.—Judy. Wnv in a ricer the lenient thing in cre. alien? Tincaime it in never omen out of its bed! . . To FisitmoNuEns—Yott don't generally get as much for salmon when. it's pawned as when it's sold outright. As good as a Fenst--Jones nye that an egg is quite sufficient for any meal, as it Is always on oruf(enough.) WUT is a lamb on the left hand nide o the road like a blot on the escutcheon Because it Is a baa..sinister. TLIE right way of taking it: To liquor up is the-nsnal expression, but to liquor down would seem to be the more correct one. Wriar should a European -never expect generous treatment from a Japanese dal.. ado? Because they are all two sworded (too eordld.) WItY do they never make twelve o'clock at the right time on board a manof-war Because they always strike the bell eight (the bell late.) QUERY-Will the "license to carry fire, arms" have to be taken out by those good natured lads who carry 'Militiamen's rifles for them as they are returning to their billets?... IF the "Society for Prevention of C'm• 'ity to Animals" were to haul up' 'e man for cropping the ears off his dog, would they resort to the same measures were he to cut a coxcomb? A Local aesoclation: The common be lief is, that the modern practice of cook. ing horeetesh for the table was tins intro. daced in France, bat it seems more prob able that it originated in this country It a place called Stewpouy. consideration of his sweet temper Auld saccharine budget, Mr. Lowe might eery appropriately be called reau sueret As Adolphus said when Au gustus presented him with a mackintosh —"Water proof' ef affectioni" DC CET : Half the duty is taken ofr Sugar is down' to price. Sacharissa nye, there is a line in Tennyson, which all con sumers, whether of moist or lump, may now quote, with peculiar propriety: "Sweet and tow. sweet sod low." A New• Story of Lord BYrod • You may roped another eiplosiou of mad,poetry front Lord Byron. Lord land, who returned from Geneva a few days ago, told 31r. Gallatin that he wax the bearer of a considerable cargo of verses front his lordship to Murray, the publisherthu'imbject not known. That you may have a higher relish for the new pinent, I give you a little anecdote which to told In London. Some time ago Turd Byron'e books were sold at auction, where a gentleman purchased a splendid edition . bf Shakspearo; When it was sent home a volume wig missing. After several fruitless inquiries of the .auctioneer, the purchaner went to Byron. "What play was in the volume asked he. "I think 'AltOthello. I remember, I was bad ! ing.that when Lady BYron did something to yea rue. I threw the_borik at her head, and she curried it out of the room. Inquire of come of her people and you will get your I.°E—A n ad Letter from Ostia C. rrrpbtri k. QUM t.ltA Stonday..lllllo 110111. :10- o'clock. WILLIAM t:TLIELBEItT, Infant son of 11. and C. lime. The funeral will take place from the n..ldenee of hlk parents. .No. 07 Federal street. Allegheny City. nits Alerelt. , ol/k. et 4 t.'eloek. The friends of the family are respectfully Welted to eiluud. morning. June . ..loth. (big, at six o'clock, ?LAW! A.. Infant danatiter of John and Emma Purkhill. aged three months. The funeral funeral will take place froth the residence of Its panful... Nu. 41 ebeflield street. Allegheny. .trTVII,NoI,:, June 71..17 o'clock P. 4. PItICC--11u Monday 'mvmlnr...lo4o 1161 h. 31 LerrnA rotten! from het Into nesidonce.tio. 31 MulbeetT street. Allegheny. I' 1.12a-VOila. at 2 o'clock. The friende of the tensile ere tetpect fully In.ltott to attend. MISCELLANEOUS CARBOLIC SALVE Mule with pan, CARBOLIC ACIIL winds used In Hospital% by dlrcetlon of Eminent Physletanns, bns shady rovervi Itself to be the moat rpooly and; rfotual clod for all Mallartant dom. sad Ulm, and for Burns. Cut L. WOU w RlR.Diseases v m enst . t . • ,it A r ngi vent has yet been ESE Henry's Insect Powder, For the Dentmetlon ol ROACIIEz , , BED 111713 E, PILICE. C !SNP:. at i.H.RosENBAcirs. Patent Medicine Depot, 140 SMITHFIELD tiT US. INTERNAL REVENUE. • TWENTT-THIRD D 115111.11,11. COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. Orrict Courrrox or nrrins... Hsrratur. 2341:wire...11 Diane. of Puma.. • No. It Water • ALLrolorrr rrr. )1a=,1870. abNott _ls beret."' th at th e...di-Ws° , 5p..., 'mew formerly termed Licensee. end of Income', Marriages, Watches" Wirer Plate, 81. c., = FIRST DAV OF JCNV. 1870. Thew nts.hav tna become due, must be raid before the 25th day of June. 1100. otberwste addittlabal eaPennee will be inoutvol by the lax laler. E. BUFFINGTON. Esq.. lhpatr Culluutn , for She County of Armstrong. and EDWIN LYON. Esp. Deputy teleetor for the county a Butler. win be reedy to receive after the let of Juno. for their respectise counties. and will poet notion deehßie. tine the time and places when end where they win De prepared to receive the uses oulteetable DT them. Taxes paid only In greenbacks or national currency. (Mee butte from 9a.9. to 9 P. X. JOHN M. SULLIVAN EM= UZI JUST IN TIME. Summer Millinery 13. eudlty, •ntlrely 11" .tyl. IF LILTS. FLOWERS. •lUUU NN. . MADE-UP LACES. OILYASIENTE ,4 NOVELTIES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. ALI'S. S. C. Robb; N 0.91 FEDERAL STREET, =CM Orrin 01 ret - • (.."1""t r• 6.1 Altge n ja &Fri. ihr P o S . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.—SeaI ED PROPOSALS will be realvad at thisOf ace wall :18tb lost.. Incloalre. for 13¢114124 ane 11RfDGE OTOr McLaughlin'. Run. on the road leading • from the Waphington Pug to Sodom. in Upper. St- Clair township. Also for erecting anew WOODEN STRUCTURE at the Bride. overkill. lees R..on the road leading from Mutat:Won Mae to Thomas Collin* . Mill. In Smith rarettl Township. By (Inaction of County Commissioner.. M=MEM=M Lands, Factories & Mills JOS.C.U.KENNEDY& SON I=ll Aro Animals for the, Ws of large mtd RAMS and valuable tsseta of TIMBER and MLNERAL LANDS .4' MINERAL BI'IUNO! Omen:wed) In the Mates of Maryland, Vitlol3ll. North Carolina. orantft. /kraut.. and MhtelaMPPl. Th le M. LIE. IRON FutINDRIES.COTTON FACTORIES and VIAIDRING MILLS at a great bargain. Jetyll-daT L. B. SUWON O. J. MOANS. FUI s TON 4z. WEIN Practical Plumbers, (.1.011 AND STEM( Firth Assnue_. near nigh Street. Pittsburgh Pa. and, atm Iluse,Clu Fixtures, Stills. Tub. Nguh Stands. Iron Pips and Iltti=s an li e Deer rgittro atl8 taam bUdlngs ttitA i wsys n 0 Ntitt DSC Water andLl:ltasm Dealing Apparatus. sobbing monody st used to. C . . SR , TAPEfL J. L. READ & SON • 1.17 7 Nd.lolll Fourth Avenue. rlttaburah C. l BARNES, I . Sealer of -Weghts : and Measures, OFTICE Na rp FOURTH AVE, Pittsburgh. VLENTY-SES HUNDRED DOL ARS wig purchase a neat. we ll built. two nu Mick dwelling hiu mi ;m l pZy. m ate on Clegg vireet. Invologbaso. near W 1, hang a treat of 119 napt qy re d.ep to a 4 feet al lay. Ilya rooms and calm. vr..11 oc o yod Water 1.1 lb Van* In the larmt.ll.o cash; balance In fall eq anneal pk7itenta. B : Mo na a soli. 1617 3IV Math avenue. LTT . TLE L _ Sr PATTON, Whole SALE 0 elUlNKCldd„Cosalalasica Merchants and 'la Produce. bola Guinn and Lard OIL Irur. B 0 . Ch 1111,111 i RAIAIITNET. EBEENT.--100 bbls. LonisTille &sane Cement. tbe best In ant. Woe WO by J. B. CANFIELD. 141 Fleet meant. SODA ASH.-100 casks for sale by 3. B. CANFIELD. SPECIAL NOTICES County Conventions, The Itelmbllaw Voters of Allenheny county aie Quested to meet nt the usual planes !or holding eleeteess lu the several Wards. Boroughs nod TowonlOire, on Saturday, August 27, 1870, d elect delegates Irons each Election metrics to ch of the following Conventions, as follows. TWO DELEGATES front each EleePon Oiststet COUNTY: CONVENTION for the purpose of nominetOti eandldeter for PROTHONOTARY , OCNTY C.Oll-111eSION RR. • • DRONER. ' , • CRS comiiiiisioNEß. istRECTOR OF THE POOR. TWO OTHER DELI:OATEN' from esel,Eleo- Hon Illstrkt. to the Congressional-Legislative Convention r o e the purpose of nominating ONE CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS In the 71d Congressional Dia; tricti . tiNlC CANDIDATE from that portion of Al -I,asoa7 eoentY Ito-wit: North and West of. the Allegheny and Ohlo Rivers/ which Is embraced In the 230 Congressional DlstAct. " • • ' • • , ' ONE CANDIDATE FOR STATE.BENATE. SIX CANDIDATES FOR ASSEMBLY. nese Conventions will tnest4n the City of Pitts hmit, et the COURT llbtyE, cn TUESDAY, August 30th. 11.170, at the Detesting times.. fellows, _ COUNTY CONVENTION will Inert In the I'om MEM Hese Court Room. at 11 o'clock A. V. TOO delegates to the CONORESSIONAL-LEGIS LATIVE CONVENTION from the 224 Cotter.* clonal Markt trill meet et 10 o'clock/1. )I.ln lb. w Maria Conti Room for the purpose of ram tins a CANDIDATE FOR COM:IRMO fro.. O DlBllif Th . Dt Illpates from that auction of Allegheny county which is in the' 3dConifressional District. will meet at 10 o'clock A. st. In the old District Court Room for the purrs.° of nominating a CAN DIDATE FOR CONGRESS, and electing TORRE CONFEREES to meet the Conferees of Annstronit end Butler Counties. And at 11 o'clock A. IL. or as soon thereafter as both the Congreselonal Conventions above ileitis acted shall here concluded their respective duties on such. they will meet la the old District Court Room for the purpose of nominating • ONE CANDIDATE. FOR STATE SENATE, nod CANDIDATES FOR ASSEMBLY. The election of Beteg..s will be hold between the boar. of 4 end !Vohs. P.M. on SATURDAY, /tartlet Math. 1870. and will be held as far as pructi.b. by the jtepubilcau memtiers of the election board. In the diderent dlstricia,end In those districts where the election office. are a • • • - minority of the regular board the Republican voters are authorised to elect enough additional titters to complete We board. The voting in the title• and boroughs shall In all rases be by ballot, and in the townships by merging. The President of We - -County Convention, and of the Cougreetlonal•P.eglalative Convention, will, uniam 'both Conventions order utherwim and am. cur In co doing, appoint a Committee of three, the two Committees thneappoloted to meet together as main as practicable after the adloornment of the Convention to appoint a County Committee for the • ensuing year. At the request of many Republicans, and with a view of ascertaining the sentiment of the people upon the queitlon of the adoption la this county by the Republican Party of wind Is k.... ...k. Crawford County eysteriii-ef holding primary elec tions and Waking nomlnatlous. to., each voter le requeeted. In designating his choice for delegates to the respective Convgatlons, to Instruct them to edetrye or nay in the said Conventions on a prob. mition there to be submitted of adoption by the party of that system, a Lau and explicit explanso lion of which . will be hereafter published by this tommlttee In the Republican press of the City of Pittsburgh. .13iy order or the Cuton Republican ntecull 019.3i11e• for Allegheny county, W. S. PITRVIANCE, Chairman • I WArrnn S. Meet's:, i:go. Mond As. ". DTMONONGAHELA INCLINE PLANE.--NOTICIS—The Ptsne 'rat be open for Passengers sad Freight business& EVERY. MORNING at. o'clock, and will close at 11 P. 11.. connecting eith the lan car from Pittsburgh ea the Pittsburgh and Innuinthim Pa...enter 'Nall- Orrter or THE Satttratitt lastattargCo.) If Pittiedtßab • Joan 14, 1870. 1 • THE DIREC'TORS HATE THIS. day denlervel • vend-aneual dividend TWO DOLLARS PER SHARE I=l No. 4•W ?rob street. on wad .fur July 1, 1 HID ==C= - - - - EIT•PUBLIC tx.n °As mud OAS METER t3SPEC TOE fur Allesbesi count?.ooUrelebeleeloean that until W. serrisaar7 ufflossafiblastoaSeal Teri. e i We Use lonery eal. be we ed. I will be Mad et -the 'OFFICE or TUE E TIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Ter trAbled West. art =I it. it. tourrn b.... 4 b.. mew. 12=1 O:TBOUNTY $lOO Bounty Collected Kur ell soldlare w ho enlisted between May 4th and July 251d.18111. who were discharged for dheabll lty before storing two years. and who haws hereto. f.lre mosired no bounty. . The aaderalaskall has auxiolad his oftloa 1.1.4. asTra lavi:dins.omnat Rath area. and avalthaala West. sad le now prepared to collect dal= naracr 117 od at moderate rattaaaCaLl pts. or address. artth stamp. B. T. BROWII, Claim Aireat, GAZNITZIdthi. Comer Sixth &yawn anCemlthnold navat, PlUaburgh. Ps; CANDIDATES FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. . GEORGE. NEELEY, Of Marshall Tdenillli.• sublets to ibe decision of lba Venom Itepoollean County Convention. BFOR COUNTY commssiormi: BENJAIHN .DOUTHETr Of Innis. township. Inn =AIWA for County ComeoLssioner. Lo enbordlosOon to thndeeesion of the Renal,linen Convention. Est modes in rebus. spikwit.diT REIOVALS REMOVAL. S. P. SERIVER & CO nn "sraitiVilirairtotirwVALlZ l. " A Nos. 1.59 and tilltberty St., Ahon t he'll of WOOD IfTRAIRT. who. OM OW to 010.0. to 000 all wolf old Moods and mar tomsts. S. P. SIIRIVER & CO., -pEIOVAL—FREDW SCHROEDER, Slarchant Tailor and Dealer In Gentleman'. runts/ War Goods: also IClontlwows and 80, , ckgbigica hand and watts to order at the abort ut nos, haa ramrod from tdslato stand. No. 91 I"ourt3 sm.. to No. 31 WOOD S'IItEET. .Sornar et Third amnia • • 00R w p APE& • "7 - J., L. READ sr., SON, STATIONERS. J. 17 Nu. 10"/ Tallith Arena.. Pittsburgh. foRN M. COOPER Sz, Bell and Brass Founders, ENO, LOCOMOTIVE AND ROLLING MILL BRASSES Made Promptly to Order. BABBITT'S METAL Made and Kept on Hand. opprlators sad,Maxtufaatanni of J. M. Cooper's Improved Balance Wheel sTHAM P UMP. IMr - giardloairgtT:= 14, OER NEW p APEL J. L. READ & SON NWKff(3 499 BBLS. LOUISVILLE HE• p CEMENT % 01.7 J. C 41714 141 Thst avosna 21, 1870. BANE, STATEMENTS . Byola OF THE CONDITION • . • . OF ITII E - CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Ai . I%ttnti,lr,ll. its the btalte of rettn•ittentn =2 MEE= = 1 = , d......t. SA.II 794 RI 3S (11 b . ;:11,0413: t.' hand "—'*"°°._ .31.:1 II g l'lnr"f=!-li:tr:l7l„mveAr 1000 .. see .....nts Dun oci nofrom tram other other Nationa lß.,k. . limit.. ,3krr‘, . 1 43 111 II Ranking Rouse 31 itli CUIWIIt expo... Taxes paid oo Cash Item*, Ituchidlrig Mon..— i 30 03 Exchange. for Cleo 1 1...... 24 .1 ISIII. of other National Han...—. 00 li URI. of State Ranks Freetloni4 Curren./ and Nlolasb . 3 714 '2O Specie, el.: Coln Legal Tenders ' . 1.21 P 44 gh [l=l ..... . Capital Sitrek mid hi 1 MIN II N rr u o r v itnod aL National Bank Circulation Out - standing .130.000 00 higte Bank Circulation Untamed ing Al 0 Dividends Unpaid 3411 Individaa/ Ilentnsits Cashiers Cheeks Outsigudine..• • Due National Banks I NAT 8? Tiether Banks and Bankers... 4l 131 Unpaid WrATI. or l'anNim.raN•t4s , • C'"NTY "P A".""' h entices.' NatWest] LN. K. 'Wilson. Gambler t „ttut oilier. Bank of Pittrburstli. role u tao; , , ,, , ana abOre tb. coo a er. Babresteed anti nwr; .4 l - n u to notkru mo this four - "0"0 "0 01 j 000 .11.1. 1/AVIS. Notary Pokily. Corrent—Attest: WOO. S. DONNELL. 4SEO S,11001), Dlrettors, Is. I; En OINKS lOCK. jolt T RIRTIETII Semi-Annual Report WOE DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK =! A:1100M due DeposltoreJuoe let. 1870 02.330.242'23 luivra due Depee2ete.JUCLO I.t, 6 Cuntlyeent Fund,June 1 et. 1870 14;:t0 1 1 38 =I Ml= Lass on Bonds nod M0rt0.70.• -41.9E1 1 }. 1 113 17 ILeack inl Meta 7 . 414 37 Sto Phtsburgh Moshe 7 34 04 U. N. 3410 Bonda. 1 863 an 'O7 44/0 3 .1 , 0 4 1 411 U. S. sto per cent. Bonds. 10171. . 0. Bills lirreeleable • 0 Cash In Banks end on hand 1 :91.1 02.747,0911 31 The toolcrslstied, Auditing Como:Otto, respect folly report that they hare examined the Treaso- Eit.Tl4'igiloord thee Wink consisting of ha ve and Mortgages, Reeds of Real Estate. Certlncates of Bomb Mock, 111115 Ilecelvablf, U. it. .lee- per Mx per Cent- Ronda, a 3 and 0.7 V. M. sit per cent. Bonds IMO. and sh In . Bankk . t ad on hand. end Illndthe same to correspond trlththe above export. C. TRAGER, J. J. GILLIP3PIE, Anditlng.Comonttec. A. TINDLE. Pm/10mm ti, Jlll2O ilth. 1870. The Tnasteea have declared a dividend of ahrce (A . rr i ;T i t for Oa coma% endln /day arld b eer Inter4Vror: ll ' a l lraT h. not *'w". llrnshunda. Ja l thit . . 1740. 5. T ren.orer. LIVERY & SALE STABLES Robt, H. Patterson &,Co. EMEIME3 Seventh Avenue and Liberty Stree =1 ' WILL ON EVERY SATURDAY 'SOLD AN kijeTTON SALE Horsts, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons And everTilking appertaining to the long. Purlieu desiring to sell will please leave their m int of consignment on or beton/ Tburoday o f each eek In order for advertising Prompt attention • d good care will be given all 'Stock left for tale. JOHN H. STEWART, JURY H. INTEW ART PONT. U. parr tumas ROBERT H. PATTERSON & CO Livery, Sale and COiMISSION STABLES Cor! Seventh Ire= and Liberty St PITTSBURGH.. PA. apaithl 0 w J. L. READ & SON 1312=11:3 I OS Fourth Avenue. Pillsbury:6 =I Cowan&Co. BOULEVARD PAYERS, Pave Sldewalks,Cellars, Inside Yards, Drives, WARRANTED AUAIN9T CH/OWES OF IIEAT AND COLD. AsliAzErriOgloe.orat 39 FEDERAL 13TILEKT I Alleibeol.CAPtll Att.e o .dr a Z. „ a Co., 11 3 1 -1 = I b litey. McKee C 7 o., ' Slalor J. Dan myanriA.rme • Y EW APER. .1 o - J. L. READ Sr, SON BTATIONZE.9. - No. 102 Forirtb Avenue. Pitt.bunth STRAWBERRY Ba'Skets and Crates. MElill;MEEilii W. W. KNOX, 137 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa Factory Depot, and Basket• at Factory Priam rorreabt-TuerraF • Akt- J. L. READ & SON = Jolt !io. IOS Fourth Avenue. Plttotouvh G RAND RFA)PENING NEW GOODS. Shoes, Boots and Gaiters, PAULUS'. N. 114 OUIO AVENUE, ALLEGHENY CITY. The underelwited he. agalti taken r reiesaleo of ht old dam and mteeked It with • eh &aunt meat of BOOTS, SIIONS AND GAITERS. , Goods ea well aa prim/ will give eallehtetloo. Former Weans and the public are Invited to visit. Lea:a HENRY PAULUS. Livingston & Co =I CASTINGS. I.hht work oor spehalfy. Urea? endSah; Shutter uld Gate Metes, bash Panora otne les of Benders' hardware always on band. ee and Works, near MUM Deno ABeil i nlzaz Poetoniee address, Lock Bur 30 . 4. Do t . Ba• TYIIIII RUBBER BEDTI NU. DOSE AND STEAM PA.XI NU Of the 110. a. flights Compare mate. A f Impel, of all lat,s. The trade supplied et =loofa torero' prim. . • J. j, 11. PHILLIP), tll; Agents for thb , eft, EN r OLIt J. L. READ & SON; • BTATIONISEH. • 1017 Nu: 100 Fourth Avenue. PlNatursh CHEEP ney, l 3,o ß tll t i ! lL AR • °DAL .IIIWIBONS. aa, PM 1118 SOLUTION. Tbe ce-partiter trizithlabWriltanniie.btA. 474 name of 3. W. 5P11191.. *sun smTr o s. eixtb =Alit 'tiro traor d j ' lT =nu= the old Maud end all amounts of the We erm 'WI by William Speer.' 3011 N SPEER. - ma. SPEER. I= lEw p outt,, J. L. READ Sr- SON, M*EMEM L 'in• bbls Fano'. Whits Um*. litt Lmn =DOW VT J bt" J . 4 02711 14L6u.c ammo =E!! VINEGAR. THE PITTSBURGH VINEGAR 1 WORKS. Wm. ADAAIS, 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE. = EiM=Bl lanue . prepared. 1.;./ I urnlsh VINEGAR at tho LOWEST -MARKET Attehllutt Particu larly culled to his Extra Wine Vinegar. m73",i47 NSITRANCE. s c Uc EgE c s TIM CRITERION OF Ei• E • ) The mpire Mutual 1,11,..c, h;: , i MI I d u tuck,. utmost unharnitcled thu tfo insurance. ORGANIZED APRIL 3, IS 9. Business of the Company F 1 It t THE FIRST rR. iscAz, TEA Whnle N mber of ' , Akita billed. 3.3 Total Pr 111/illll. Amount nenred ' i t.g/Z: 0 . . l e4n:tte igrora d ll E (. l Tin t ATlVV I' - 'e ... 51: 1 8 Forever„11100 Llulollltloot tho Empire by to 1 of As Lta. ' 7st e s i•9''. crii — oillit of Policies Calf:3lg eta 00 Cnsh Cipttal deposited th the 1 the biditneenesurely invested. • • 'Wdl. A. FULLER. Inanger for Western Pennsilraids. FOURTH AVENUE. Yittsbunrh. Fa. AGENTS. both Lenin and female, IPI/ Arenige TolnlAs4 e 4lOO. te =I Mica 1- VI - GOO toct II ER .1829 PERPETUAL. !LIN FIRE INSUR. CO. CII ift I FRAN I, OF PRILADELPIIIA. • OFFICE 4 3 AND 437 cize , rNyr STREET. Amen; on Jan. jeL 1370, 601.823.734 67. Capital, iO,O 0 00.. Aocrned eta - plus iind Premiums. 3,73 0 1,67. Denies paid since 1820.0• Er 3,3 0.0 . Perpotuai and Tempo mu Eolith. on Liberal Erma Te Compariyalao thanes pol , l , lisa upon Om Rentz of oi l tlnde of DWI& th ali G eCT.)ll.4 l . I . l= l G. Maker. Samuel Crane. Geo, W. ,r, base Loa. Cleo. Falm. Alfred Filler. Filler. Th . Bp.mrlus, Wm. 8. Grunt. Thorax. R. Ellis, Gust ens 11.. Renton. • ALFRED G. BAKER. President. GEO. VALES; Vice President. Rimer. Secretary. ' AM:Stant , Eleo . y. • COFFIN a. EELIAirIG, Col.: Third Avenue and Wood M. SSE WESTE N INSURANCE COMP'Y • r Pittsburgh. I.EXANJOER NIMICff. PresideeL A. P. HERBERT . Vine Pre& ' , int. ,i. f . . G ,lrgiaSeeretagi i Office O . Aber atreet.SvanglCO.'sWar i gro n eWe, l' %llll7min .ag og aall kind f Flee arid Mellon Maks. A h e Instillation 'r e:Wl:raged b f Dlreckirs who ere we I known to the oonomnity. and who are determined. by (M. 0.. and illinrniff7 Wi maintain character which they hare seemed. ae offering e best prone:Mon to t.liOnl who desire to be ins 1 Dinbcffoner ilerand, Monet. John B. Steam . li. Miller r.. Chas. J. Clarke.. Jame 14 i William b. EVIII. A ndrew Kirepatnek. Andrew A nglid M. in.ll =Ta y .. 11. lbssin rey. INSUItANCE COMPANY 'elan's Building. FTII A VE:11.111, PECOND VIAIQII. I PITSBURGH, PA. Pl' NO. •18 F =M= I=l=ol Stile 'Jul;n Copt. M. GOUT. Datil wal S. It. I Outman. A. Chamber.. Jake lilt!. thalurinus. Jae. M. Dade) , • • JO4NO. F. JENNINft. President S S. .' T. JOllNSTuriecretarr. Capt._ R. J. GRACE. ueneral ant, Piet RES N LIBERAL TNEERRISES. MS ON A.U. FIRE AND MARI ALLEG ENY INSURANCE CO. ( is Pittsburgh. OFFICE. NO. UT FUIIRTII AVENUE". Insures against 111 Etude et Fire and Merin lets. .101 IN IRWLN. 7/1... President T. J. ItOSKINEION. Vino President. C. 0. DONNELL, SeersterT. CAPT. WTI. DEAN. General Agent. • : nntECTultS: r i.ER John Imre. Jr., T. J. Iluaklnson. C. G. Linmey. Daree,CMlds, (Marie* Mut,. Ca C. Wm. Dean =1 TEOPLES' IMEEMME! . . . . • A Hume Company. l ilaltig gtre and Jittincrona: Wm. Phillips, Capt. John L. Rhoads 'John W.D. ; Samuel P. Shiirer. John E. Parke, Chlrlea Arbuckle. Whin. Lore, ! Jared M. ttnish. Van Kirk, ; Wm. F. Lang, James D. Verner, •- I Samuel Meerlekart. WM. PHILLIPE. Preaident, JOHN WATT, Vino PrraldenL W. F. GARDNER. Sennatarr. NATIONAL INSURANCE COMFY. COB. FEDERAL T. AND DIAMOND, ALLE- n eMt lis ln o. tb SECOND NATIONAL YANK MARTIN JOILi Vlea I:resident. JAKES E. STEvE,ArttoN. Secretary: . . ilinl.LiOn=.ltroteift'khan, . Lea , n. Jot,. Bro.n. Tr.l Georg» Gerst, IJorobopp, o.ll.P.Wllltaxaslinu. Thompson Mc:46lloa XERORANT TAILORS P. Mc_ARDI..4E, Fashionable MERCHANT TAILOR, PAP. Keoppc9l.lF on band CLOTIIB,WISIREtt tg i varNtriß. aIso.OS7LE3LEI4II No. 9:1 1-2 Smithfield St., PITII33I:IItGa. st rgr that's Clothing aeons to order 121. the latest tg REMOV.A_L. GRAY & LOGAN HAVE RZIMOVXD FRO)/ No. 89 FIFTH A V ENITE No. 47 Sixth Street. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES I 1870 . i . L. J. r. IePHE.II.3ON. APPIIERSON & MUIILANBRING, -Merchant Tailors. No. 10 SIXTH STIUSIT.Ika. KtWe have »calved hog tlooted stock of the test' sod most festdartable Goods to our line, • Mat porta°e of which en oar owo troportialon. Feell= C4113114e121 cow shlllty tO CI. Issriet 4 istlalsoo. we respectly eoLcit fronialo c zul essatinatlork of our stook of Floe mores. Vestls Yorit:NSON m610N0.10 Sixth street N Ely SPRING GOODS. A evlendld Wry . stock .f Cloths, Cassimeres, I!=e2=lEl MEMI!MI OUR VP - D Amt. J. L. READ ar, BON 7 20. 202 ?earth A TEAS! TEAS! TEAR! 133:212112 r==M Jan f•••••••• • karts Inagua sesortluent et Bev ooiont, JAPAN, • tiounioNG. Boyers ere Wetted boll end exantlee toe sleek .. quelity end plea will be for the Lutenist of she oa baaa. • lam* and excellent woo:Sawa of choke Grecerles. For sale by EDWAILD 11.6AZIATON, .wes.V tilikuld3oll%....l6Vtars. . • . PRESERVING SUB ARS.--LOYER isces caviare:b. um.aued, cat Loa. Powdered. A White and Man C SO/Pre to , hull , Pft..0.1.41. 1 5 1 .to sod for ode at lowest prices, bY the b"YbloY at "W 4.110. A. 11A71811A*. 010 Lit..o, and Ntath BY. HEESE, • 4, j FREE RAILROAD E. GREAT AUCTION SALE OF Over 3(q) City Lots, WARLIND'S lOTE, OV Fifth Avenue, in '-20th Ward, MONDAY AFTFINOON At 2 O'Clook, on the Premises, It to ne t/ edle. to 'peak Of Ilia well.knoni • beantiyul •ItyaOti Or 2llciarlend's drone, with elccant torrinlmlings of tuNotatletult mansion, all . c orm... these Sod nrc handsomely ell tutted between the Oakland Caseenger Itellway tend rennsylrente Central Railroad. within threo walkof Koup's Station. The late aielfrnm 20 to i a front nu wino etreete. and from 100 f in depth. Atom lota with whiel front a ges on Asensio. estendlns 2110 feet 10 depth. eubject tO the future opening ot an alley) • Itottp' o s Station la only ilyelminutes` tide !men o de the time squares. Beside almost, mom, AccommalaUtro Trains at Routes Station. the Ileklerid rewl•efer Cars cOnetantlY Pass on 111th &tonne.] its reelb be ttyl to and two 'Pere, with intr... 110 to pll on oath lOU when cold, Ite port of cash payment. 1; • • A Free Excursion Train - Will lease the talon Depot et hell•past 11 o'clook preeteety. on day intle, end a0r.4472 personae to and from the tole loan et Tickets reontred. A. McILWAINE, - Jel6 Aucnomsza. PITTSBI Paten( .1870. NOTICE.—The . for- the Construction of the Board ifulk Bond = Anomie. Somers rtreat.Old Totairbly Francis ntrait,ond the Grading. Plaint and Ont. • :ii log or TWKNTY•bitiCOND STURM, front omn arnas to Liberty tartlet, Is now rattly for as !nation. and two be neon at this ethos until unit] o'clock P. 03.. on TUESDAY. June 11b1th.1147 when It will be rialto - meow the_Ott Treaso orrice for collection. J.13100/trn Oty anyone. OrrICE or. Cm, Esensamt AND litirm4a, Prrreachou. June T. 1.070. I NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. — SeaI. aPiPAZZT,„,"7 I ,dbf..PtAff fired Fift h Amen to at ui tre. LATINO tiI : ItEET. from 4 " 4lti to qui ' st7eet, vtu fired Pt this niece until, o'clock te. J CNB 27 the liti7o. The Committee reserve the rightto f o r say or all bids. tipectlicatious end blanks for bidding' dm be had at this ndlee, No bids wt be received melees made upon bleats furnished ter < Oils °Mee. Jell It J. 11004 E. CUT CITY CoNvuoLteiCs 0001 R. PldTentlooo. P... Me 113th ISZO. NOTICE IS 1101 all holders of Overdue Municipal iloollllol City of Fgttsbureh. to forwent them to thits office fur Payment.. No tritcrost iirtU be allowed on such Bonds after July Ist. 11370. By order of the Finance Committee. mill It. J. McGOW .CoitPll.. • ern . Eiromrea's °lncr. ALLIXIDENV CLtr. Jme 10tb.1828.i biOTIOE.--The assessment for ra.. DING of VILLA STREET. from 'total to n streets. Is now ready for examlnatlon arall can aeon at mu °Moo until NVEDNVID&. Juno %D. 0.114570. when It will be placed m the hands of too City CMitrollerfor collactlon. CLIAILLEd DAVI& Ell= OTICE IS lIEREBY GIVEN,VIIAT 1.1 ppiktettth bee been made for Cbse u eir. at Number 1.037../übe Term. 11'10. of the - moo Plea of Allegheny count,. to InthrpOiste t • SI. Antonia& (from Padua) Beneficial • Soritty„ of Birmingham, And that sate Cbarter will bo granted at next term of said Court. IL 120 sualciont roma. to th e con • liar, art enteredtocanwel.e. (manor lee: 1051 Attorney for the Society. NOTlCE.—Whereas Letters of Ad ;ill ministration to the estate of THOMAS S. tot - LETO/steer Collins tolerable. deceased. have ~ been granted to the antaedbar, all penalualedebtod to th e said estate ere reptleftad to make traumas.* r payment, and those harts g claims or dem a nds against the estate of theraid decedent will make o known the same without delay to CATIIARESE FINLVT. it !tdSZ.. C or W. C. AnghtnOsugh, Attorney, no. ppnnd Strest.lettsburgh. Arad 1.1 1 0 i1y2::• 4 .4x • 4 'VOTlCEr—Whereas, Lette Ad. 1 MINISTRATION op the eats of ISAAC frell.NlGllT.later of Baldwin tonna, . deomeed. have been panted to the anbatti all salons todeptno to the esid Wets reo UM to mats Mittulallate pelfreent. end melee dal!. or dee needs aeelted the estate of lee said decedent nn Dyke known the mese witbeet delay. D. W. MoKNIGUIT. Aaletiwutwatot, m5,-3,01 Mt. Ulnae.... Alleeneny Pa, - - - E t sT V. AT OF TBOMIS BAIT", TON, DECEASED.—Letters teatamentary e estate of THOMAS, B. HAMILTON. de ceased, baring keen duly granted to the under.: signed. all persons indebted to the aid estate requested to make Immediate raTment, and HAIM haring claims or demands againel the cone to make them known without Was to Mrs. CAMOLINE HAMILTON, Eseentrtz. Or to H . T. M 01110.43, N. OS El= avenue ELllFelknestock. W. IL }lverson. Robert U. Davis, Ugh IL Fleming EXECUTOIMNOTICE.—AII persons Indebted to or haring claims against. the *s mut or NANCY ANN PHILLIPS, lota of Snowden Townshlp. Allegheny county. Pa.. doesasad. ars mottled to setts e Not same trtth Imes:signed Admlnistrator. with annated of Ms said de. cadent. at his °Mee. N 0.196 .berth avenue. PIM °NIL lAA RON FLOYD. ''SURANCE COMFY NEW WALL PAPER. I 1 FOR SPRING SALES, at No. 107 Market St.,l NEAR FIFTH AVE We now offer lo=nblle I gook a ef t PAPER RANGEIGB unto PRVVIVCW . trIEr ' P 'b ETIP to WO oaf OR DESYUIS In plain an A ikb. w wt o o r o i lv a fizan .0%.117419 0 ALNTE0 and 011.1 . PARI2 PAPERS, with elnowt, ondloos -misty CHISAPRATIN PAPERS, WRITE sod BRO BLANKS for Chambers, bo. All of ortAch Ea!, to WI so low as dm lowest loths Eau and memo o:msi No. 107 Market St., near Fifth Avenue JOS. R. RUGIIES & BRO. WALL PAPERS.. SPRING. 1870. L i PRICES REDUCED. o WO 014 c per roll. °WatAU k=c . : anigor ELEGANT leoW sod Arourlon raper Haw MO. uot opudttod above; Mork. to üb7 me.. the ao.U7. tb • •W. P. MARSHALL'S Ntr ew o 4 Ito. Wm. 191 UWI7! seet. Pittanorsh. House;i CRESSON SPRLVIS, PA. Tbl tenets mart hsa lows sulargri awl Us.' proval gnus last isison. Win b• - egas for guests JUNE 13th. itrze....zzarasTmcncirre .01a! by. the Paussytraula Itattroad. stlfor , Tork. Pkg.' es/40sta. Ilarrlsburg mut Pittsburgh. • All Vass stop . st Craws. BOOMS VW W seensied Ia War idme•• • PISTILINGI3 CICLYSILATED 0134111212 8 / 1 , has been engsgsd fur tlis seams. POI further harormatless. address 4 ON 6 TURNINII6.O COTTAGE to NINS. ST. LANCE HOTEL,, ED. BARKER, Prupriettir, Cor. Fens M. and llili. formerly old Calall =I PEAELSTEADI human; R. T. KENNEDY BRO., CE=l f Floe. 14,4.13rfBrend heeneyki " hf. he =end, A . NO. cketra, =Mar hrdarvee enthe reheectloo. • '• t HO Breed, • geed Or,l 14.12.0 Wee grade to the liiiiir!-••••••••-1 April SC ItZred""P".".o4.-f - - WEST COMMON Machine Stone Works. tiortbaroat owner of Wain C41931100./TheNY. td ATVATER and Stop Stan__ ,ei ar r m 19"'Egitirman• BM.= Vaulte. Sr mad p lan Tome n tltes•S fhtte. essetl, .•••••••..4 eina —.Wfierese 1 eras: (.. t J. 1-,. - READ & SON - -- STATIONEPS. ICI N0.102 ImaNlt Avon*. Plttabsosb. .. . . 1. • AUCTIO CURSION. MEM i OFF FW7c7.V! WALL PAPERS MOTELS G. W. MULLIN, ProPtkOr VLOWL AILEY/ITEM T CITY. PA tdUOIN. , of im tuil. , lll/ ewer ua brum • STONE 0