II 11 11 'k'HE DAILY GAZETTE: t OFFICIAL,. PAPER Plttebnegh, Allegheny City and Allegheny County. IIAZETTE BUILDING: ;yeses. of Muth Avenue 'andfinfibieli . --- 3143;!DAY. JUN E . 20, law BONDS' nt Frunkfort, 951 PETIOJLEIOI at Antwerp,..kii tiOLD cloyed In New York.onSaturilv It 112141121. TUE CALL for the'ile4s" of delegates the forthcoming . Repuldiam Comity Nominating Conventions,' Issued by the Chairman of the Executive ,comm . liatere, Ippeare in another column' of -to.day'a SPAIN in willing .to make bonorsblF sends for the outrage on American aim. 'fierce in the acizuce and detention of. thy rimer Aspinwall, thisinneh as it would quite unfortunatS for that nation to in volve itself in any alight, tmpleagantncna with our government, rstitieularly at this inncture of nftkirs with Cuba. ' IT to reolunm: that 3lr.Ackurtuan will be confirmed Aucceemor to Attorney lien. 'end Ileac. het the Senate-will be first sat. ' lifted as to his antecedents during the war. fie record is not the 'coldest for loyalty, but hammy succeed to explaining that his' -ncemection with the, confederate Army 'was more competency than of his own election. . TUE BRILLIANT ' siXer.si whlcli lOC at 'tended thus fdi the great Internatanal Saengerfest at Cincinnati, is a matter I~worthy the pride 'and congratulations-of :all classes of one people. It is a grand :peace spectacle, and folliiwing so closely :ion the somewhat similar Boston Jubilee, lbetokens an awakening Chionghotit the !land of 'a new lost; and enthnaiaam for Itlie fine arts. • "Tim Ilt.runticAN rItIMARY MEETINGS 'to select delegates to the-forthcoming , nominating conventions already excite at. tention, and in many districts tickets have ,l ii been put for Ward for the support of the ,',people. It is a Matter of grave import- Ince that noneliut gnod, trite and honest .:. representatives should find rents in the 4 conventions—men who will not be biased i In their judgment or influenced to nomin. . i ate any but such candidates as will unite 1 the people in hearty support. ' It is well • to earnestly urge the voters of the district ,1 , to attend the primary electioa; and to see I to it that their. duty is faithfully' dia. 1 charged so far as the selection of proper delegates is concerned. No one who pur- I posely absents himself from the polls at I,i the election for delegates can have ,good . cause to complain of .the material out of which the conventions may be composed, •••., or their actions in nominating assembly. ECROCE is about to be convulsed in a general strike among the workmen who are disiWthlied •:with their conditions. These strikes genc4ully. accomplish no betterment of the condition of the era, but entail upon them a train Of dis tressingyvils. Unr the world over is worth only what it will bring, and in for eign countries' it brings baldly enough to sustain the lives of the Operators, who are compelled to drag through miserable' existences in their natife lands or end- i grate to other. countries. It is against such 11l requited , labor that the friends of . free trade'would bring our own reason: : . ably remnuenitad working 'men •• • • petition . . When protection is from our own laborers and the pernicious doctrines of the free traders' prevail, we can well anticipate' the same ruiderable situation in which the foreign- working classes are now groaning 'for ',those Rho a re now haPPY;snd Contented in thework shops of the laid. ' THEORY' N. PRACTICE. .I' History iiisdoeee a great mass of profit ( less speculation. Vain attempts have i been made to'accomplish impracticable 1 schemes. To their authors the success of their plans seemed 'certain and their own fame and forMnes secure. There was but a single step between the present and j the realization of their fondest hopes. But 1 some unforimeen and uncalculated de -1 meat defeated all their plans and forever • disappointed-their high hopes, and ten dared the remaining part of their lives I wretched. So niany a life has been wasted and many a high leirectetiOn :disappoint ' ed. In the single department of pittiont 1 there hare been 30,000 such the past :' year. And then there are the 11i:4:Ault writ 'i ten which are to secure immortality to ,I. their authors, but ire never published; i the discriveries to be made which are * never realized. So it has been all along , the page of history. The alchemist i was for a long time -on the very verge of disowering the philoso ••' pher's stone,. the elixir 'a life. The ': astronomertaol'ined many ailasCry of the ;l heavens which . further investigation or diabovery premed fallsehms.. The chemist I had his absurd theories of. Mmbustion: electricity - and rittrietfon'oiest: the Mier of . .. wea Th h e t wealth hi s a re ie tt 7 o 7 . f .d go ,ep ld ia n d ev im er l, reit nre l n izerl oci . l: -1 1 ways combiiiia lit th_ AtiMer Indiddnal.• . • To speculate Is easy, to realty, invent and discover are, not tactifitsy.,- How numerous were the theortea of the way iit';iirlticla a l return Ma specie bads was to, be, sectir; aid, and yet the reedit has net been ' relic h i ed. There was of all oriliem' but one . . - best way. 'The end Wlll' a iatie..timo he. attained, but when it is not aiitiasy tciaf. , ti it bymeans rullecau" loll i ri t wa r4 . l th l' e t t7it n , rn 'e tra tim t ..be. firme r. ; at once. Immediate resumption Weald 1 have been general ruin. The boy will tat:;' ', tome, if siltiidr, a * *an: But It by no means folloirs that on' that account he la :I now to be entrusted With all the cares and • l have imposed all the . _ toils of manhood. So it has • been said all ware and tight log, and even eieltdefence are ;wrong; as the time will come—millineal Period - when they will cease, therefore they shalt I mane note to be Practised. 'All 'attacks on individuals and nations should be sub -Imined to without any attempt at defence. The wicked should be allowed nnrestiitt. ed license AO kill and destroy. ) Buhl vial Wayland's great -land li'stfheiTtrrgio commenced , y u g ofthewir, when but when . -1 his views were - put to the test- he abandoned titern,rewmte his section on this subject and:was Bawd in the public ball earnestly arta eloquently urging the people 1 to rescue our. nation ,f front, altill• Be also t i wrote Walker : the ultra, peace man, but f: when their rt,a.ce Conven tion assembled in Boston,at thOiornatetaccineut of 0LUL : 161:47. 1 gle, he and neparly all others with him de. dared tha lA' toUgnit4P6ol one and were earnest in ,its advocacy. His views of Free Trade, When Pat to' tbe testire A. equally trMiclunri:lA'• - ' f'l: - .1 • ' r i The time will come, it is said, when ;.7'. Free Trade doctrtnee will prevail in this •'• ' country. Admit It,' whit follows ?:, net iwe should now to all respects mil them out? By no means. The theory is good. if all men had started together.and with • the - same advantages in the race. Bat if England had a thousand years the start of • >. 1 _ ME tu4and in tii,thla long period has come gradually' Les ,on this subject. Tlin Child. of aday is asked to compete in all things , . with the parent'of a half century, and told It must sufferil it can not.. What we are to be centulien hence we should be'now. The acorn should be come the tall' and strong oak at once. Only. Indian jugglery can effect this, and only similar jugglery can deceive. people intollteAoctrine of imniediate Free Trade and non.protection to any department, of American industry. .Theso adiecitku. for immediate and unconditional Free Trade, who are asiunling England.as the standard of right, do not tell how a ; did , protect herself and how she now does it: or how New England never could'have succeed.l in ler tuannf Ohmic for which she no . earnestly contended, that no purely agri• cultural nation LAS ever become rich or povierful,4 that -lotions have risen or Lenin With their manufactories,' or that the Interests of the laborer aro as closely connected with the success of manufacto -1 rice as are thole of the capitalist. They r have a theory which they are sure is cor. rect, but which has netch-' Ikon •tried in predsely:ahrelicutitstances, and. they ne gleat If it is fit and expedient torus aoa. The practical man says the time has not:Uome—that with Free (mile now the wages at the operative must - be reduced SO low that he could not support himself, or that our manufactories mast cloi‘ed, affording no employment to the operative and bringing . iucalcinible evilx TJ Theoretically, all nien-iihould do right, but. . they do nut; theorethially, all men shoirld be allowed to buy and sell what they please, provided they do not inter fere with the rights of others, hut pmcti wiiestriet men ito the sales of gun powder, poisons and ardent spirits and certain kinds. of pnbliwations, and we ar; rest and punish those who disobey the laws. When all men shall be good the laws may be different. When all notions shall be disposed to do right and circum stances shall be equal, then the laws may be the same. TIIAT THIRD PARTY. I The movement to catablialt a third party, whose object is to accomplish a -reform" in the Republican party, is en. yeldpedin to much mystery that it hardly deserves any more notice. Whoever rained it or designed the plan beg been discreet enough—or perhaps cowardly enough would be better words—to screen himself and coadjutors how public gsme, ior no =ins have }rot been given in con- nection with the movement. :No true 'Re publican can attach his name to such a paper with impunity, for he will thereby shot himself out of the communfon,anil no purpose and for no plausible reason hatever, be left to muse over treachery unrequited. The Di patch, an independ en journal that cannot be called organ of either the Republicans or Democrat s. has doubtless unearthed the birth-place of the thus far fatherless whelp, in the follow ing strong article, which we publish en. tin', belieMng, that the insight -- Into the movement whieh,it strords, should be en joyed by all the voters in the county: _ . As ire suriected would be the case, the Commercial failed yesterday to give the nattiest of the signers to its all for a con- verities' ler the formation of a third party. The understood reason for this ts dint it Las few or no Harries, and leant to publish. what it' hes, lest the weakness of its more- went. should become apparent. • This fact being eettled,it only remains for us to ex pose the corruption and villainy involved in this movement, as it properly deserve. The movement in based on the pretense that it is necessary to secure purity in the Republican party. It proposes to secure this by Jo:retailing. not only the regular convention of the partv, bra errn tie pri mary ineetinge. iit - whicl the delegates to the convention are, elected! Thus, tinder pretense of securing purity, it -really ttlkt4i, 156 far as it has power, the entir e Sominatiomfrom the regular .onnvention aid delegates from the people; that this to utterly corrupt and dishonest a few con siderations will show. No 'fact is more clearly determined in party !edifice than that when. the peopk, become tired of any'Pertlitdar regune or office.holders, or of the manner in which the affairs of .the party are conducted, they perfectly under , stand how to remedy the evil. ..They simply go to the primary meetlnp,eleet delegates whom they know, and the work is done. tremally even this is not required. Igo roan can maintain his prestige as a party leader who does not either give that party success or condect its affairs so honestly as to ementruid confidence. The only bola politicians have en a party is that which is either voluntary or supinely conceded. ri ranting,themtbat the Commercial 'slight in Ili - views as to 'co rruption in the man agement of the jarty, there are ready and ample remediesßhin the party organi zatton. - and the notercu 11 well knows that one-halt the effort it will put forth to It develop a thirdparty would do much toward renderh the , party Organization , perfectly satis factory to every honest man in the party, if It is not now. The third party movement s not, therefore, an hon est attempt at reform. It is an attempt to dominate the - party by means of a threat of a split. It is an attempt to foist upon the party IL .. ringi" which shall dictate its nominations and -policy. Stich attempte are always dishonest and corrupt. They are alwaysadveirated as "reforms;' but always turn out most villainous carer,: Lions. But the Commercial's editorial sup porting the movement contains internal evidence of. glaring dishonesty. The heading to its article, 'Meow the Tea Overboard," If it means anything, means an entire cutting loose from the Republi can party. _Ali through, it professes to have hearsay knowledge of the nature of the proposed movement, when it know. it originated in- the Commereint otßce, and that it has no respectable Republican sup. port. It claims also that It 1211100 L be need for the diaintegration of the Repub. limn party, when it knows it is doing its utmost to bring about just this result. It claims thatthe desire is for the people to 'erunlaitte a stmng and honest ticket, when it adopts _ precisely the same methods in nominating its crowd. It practically claims that the movement is spontaneous, when it knows that it .originated in- the Comm.:tele/einem and has no Republican . strength. It professes to desire to remedy evil and does not wait to see if the eviler: iota. It is simply' shied and a lie and is an attempt to dictate the party nominatione. After so much hypoerisy and • doebledesi. Ing es its editorial presents, we moot be excused from believing It when it watt. s telalithe regatta convention will do. But hypocrifeJ and falsehliod *side, the atkmpt to forestall the regular action of the party is an especial outrage. -Of course, It le belter.if we have (tailors, that they show their hands early. - It enables us to gauge their resources, and estimate their force. We know, directly, just what the party has to contend against. But all this does not take away from the contemptible meanness of an attempt to forestall the salon of - the party, and to take other ac jinn in its name, before it is known that its regular action will be urusatisfactory. It Is equivalent to affirming that the peer pie, as well as the party, are not to be trusted. Aside from . i rrupt - motives in volved, the movement simply flaunts im lath in the face of the, . people, And espe cially so, when it is kneure that the peo ple intend to be present at the primaries and to elect delegates to represent them in convention. Dare the Cornmircial pro claim the people diabolical, ~ The simple truth is, the Oeminereint having failed in blackmailing senator Cameron, or trwprodtteing any result by violent periminal assaults on members of the party' in , thr eonnty and Stale, lids" abandoned this guerrilla mode of warfare, -and has desperately turnerfpolitical high. asyman, demanding of The Republican party its control or its life. "Rule or ruin' ("Manna°. Its silly attempt to plunge its' ostrich 'Beek in • editorial sand will, hardly hide Its reel anima Its eautiOM, is that et. the)tremikms: thief: ' .-la.rd. tempting tukaarcl . every : teat t; lexpellee all. Tint let it remember that few sec• teed by treachery. It certainly wail' not: rAirrY of. Irishmen: near. Berea, Ohio. assaulted a Bohemian, ind pounded him with strums, cutting him severely, and de stroying his sight. The conductor and brakeman of a passing train interfered, but were driven off by overwhelming num. ben of Irishmen and stones. I'ITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : MONDAY MORNING, JUNE -20,. 187 The BastlfneseWho Are.rts Parents. Mrsses. EDITORS G AZlTgit Mae *Mai hereof, as you tnow, is WV a politi cian, as that term Is usually tpiled now. , a-days; is not an offite seek' never wsui I one, and never expects to be one, and weS 5 thus touch by war of introduction to what follows. Ile further adds that he is an ardent, unconi - promising and !theme friend of thollapublimm party. pare and eio,i,te, and is hilly as ardent, political& speak• hag; Miffs hafted of - anything and every . - thing that Met the , appearance of Utter dote Deoweraele attached to it. • , ; Wlty am I a _Repo/dim n and not a Deossl we 'd 7 or what In worse, one of 'those • no.ty, strotticsa !hinge that htsai r open the skirts'of every party, waiting to lick the hands that may toss it a crumb,andatands ready to hurrah for a sixpence, upon all occasions! Why should we be open. avowed, honest party men, ready and vi I - ling to support our fellows, anti through them the country and its institutions '? Is the . Republican party unworthy of our support, in it without a history of its own, has it no record to which it can refer. has it accomplished nothing for the sentry, is it a thing of mushroom growth to be' trampled upou, are its supportere genet ally classed nuns the friends of the flovernmtert or its enemies, in a wend, are we prepared to Sanction anything that may. disorganize and finally dr: stroy this' noble okt.- party., that. Ins stuck so grandly by the country,: the flag and its supporters, through good and through evil report; the party that carried the war through to a triumphant conclu sion, that, put down slavery; thin% ! wilted , treason from the very. doors of the Capi tol, and rescued the government I rom the hands of traitors; hands that. Were already nt the throat of Liberty and Lass. Hold ! stop! think friends, think of what you are doing, - Tetore you thoughtlessly give countenance to a movement which prom. ices the entire disruption of the old port!, of the Union, and upon its ashes permits the jagged, atal defeated remnants of oopperheadism: allied with"sore heotle" of our own threatened party, to 'rear their unholy and pot:lilted idols!! Is this picture a true rate? Is -the' unity of the Itepublitms party threatened I Are the restless spirits who are -- moving Heaven and earth to accomplish our ruin, com posed of the working rank and file of our party; or, are they not, to a man, de fretted and deluded aspirants for office, now bent upon destroying that whirls they found they could. not rule? Do you they any person engaged in tient biting these petitions forthe disruption of the Republican party, who was known as a working ihtrta man, when such men were needed to defeat the deidgns of, the wen try's enemies during the tebellMn? Ili these new frauds prousiie that this new party is to run itself, without trattere?- Is it possible te conduct any political party without leaders? Are they not neeessery to the secrets, or indeed, to the life Itself of-any party? Ito they premise, then, that the leaders (the ring, it you please) of the new movement, are to be incorruptible patriots, model reformers, proof against any, and every selfish emotion, higher better and nobler seen than these who had steed by the party and its nominees, and its principles in -times past, times when it tried men's souls; when "Hell-it self did gape and hid them hold their pest*? " 1f ouch be the ?expectation of any per. son, I can tell him beforehand, that he in doomed to:disappointment. Already the arani-evarier, prove the character of the material that is to follow and give unto us a new Moors to lead us in the exodus from - earraptionB, rings," and all unho ly alliances, to the land of promise. ..the land of the hereafter," the Kingdom of Righteousness, where_ rings are not. And upon whom • has this blessill rrc fallen; who are the 111011 to be thus hon. ored over, all of their countrymen: who see they who go before, preaching the itew gospel of economy, reform and hatred to all rings; ring -Masten, andiishiagpartiel? Excuse me, Messrs Editors and patient reader, for destroying this happy Marion:" look for no great name; expect no brilliant meteoric one; for the poet bath said "lireat aches from little toe-coma grow," and might not something grand grow out from even such a head. The new movement then, has for its leaders the purblind Secretary of the last "economy and reform" league last, him self a disappointed office seeker, a bull headed bit of obstinacy% without brains enough to keep hint Seem butting against everybody with whom be comes in egn. tact who is eternally yelping out "Ring . ' — r "Ring"- - Ringil I" and. 1 aktraist._lnr got it, on account of its close proximity to . the tail, the. Pittsburgh Curnoterciai, “disorganized in elder. Tim-i.e• be your 1111, lit -former! litxl nave the coun• try— A UNA:nu ON. ALLLMIENI, Jane 17, 1870. "The Oil Regions—Pu lin. blic Building! in Frank Va.:ism° , . Juno. Ll', 1876.. j. EDlTnltti CIALETTE: Since 1 arrived sere, about ten days ago, I hear of nothing but oil, oil, oil, at meal times, in the par. for and in the street, and from all the in formation I can get, the business is now conducted on a bettee - baSlXtlikaltrrtner , ly. There are not so many of those land sharks walking around. 1 have no doubt the.experience of !6.1 and '65 have some what enlightened our people. and many to the coat of Omit bottom dollar. I will now give you some information, told me by a: gentleman who Mat drilled miny smile at Parker's. Says he; the Parker oil field is new the grcateit in'the coun try. There are three miles and a hall of derricks, and each will cost.' about • five theueand dollars, finding everything, and then the minor running after commenc ing to pump will. be one-fourth royalty. There is not more than one well In twenty that is paying for: the outlay. A man should calculate to get his money out in twelve months with oil at $4.71 per bar rel, running expenses six. Milani at least per day. one-fourth royalty. Any one ac: ,painted with figures will me that a well abort of PiX bands per day will not pay, and Imways them are more wale pump ing six barrel], and under than Over that amount. Ho further stated that he could not understand 'why there is not more prospecting for lubricating oil, as it.com. minds more than double the price of light oil and one has not to drill one-half the depth to get. oil. I . noticed new develop. meats being mule up the river from the junction of - French Creek and river prey- Mg to he al splendid. hityatinef r it., (or well I saw has :enaikiiinpad punt barrels of. splendid lubricating el . ' ey told at the 11'41.1111d the gravity was thir tpone dogs.e and selling at the tank at twenty-three to twenty-five cents per gal. lon. the average; depth &Abe went( in this neighborhood is from two hundred and eeventy-five to three hundrel feet, the cost being.less than half that at Parker's, with it greater certainty of a good paying welliaad 1 punted seven wells pumping,. Most Of 'the& ;Wm:bred yielding since 1864 and WO' ClirhF 18 : 11; ,now pumping' Mute eleven' harrela per..404,-• rteakiiktried Insiv Iseetv given out. - Mc Smith tells:me.lus has leased a parcel of land to a genflcifinii in Pittsburgh;, with a well on it, ultich was a splundid.well in' 1864, and promises to be as good an investment as any on thin farm. i ern told that a large well was struck on the Rem Property two weeks since, same say yielding one hundred and eighty barrels per day That property is two miles be low Oil City.. ; .1 took - a walk ".to'the new Court Rouse yesterday, Court being now in:iieasion. I have seen pi anvPithlic build , fogs, but this one atErUkli n is the band somest I 'ever saw. It would have paid those in authority in Pittsburgh to have, taken it Se a pattern in place of the new Criminal Court Room. The room is about sixty feet wide, or more, and about ninety to one hundred feet deep; the bundle are just the same as those of a church, ,the back pews being raised nearly ;three feet and - decllning to the level of the floor. At thh anditorlont from the counsel and judges' bench, the floors arematted up the aisles and each, peyr ' vhied with two spittoons. The jury chains .are high backs, covered, with green mo- Tomo leather, and walnut furniture: . The lodges' bench it well arranged: In - fact, it Y a Model building throughout; and the 'eltizens of Vetoing° county have alum, to be proud of 'niche building. The Nation alliot°l if now considered, the best hotel slncitthe Exchange was Mimed down. very good table I. kept and the ,charge I. mryilindatlrattitee--netwwt A otel is to tat y % .. 1 1' a (fat class sealer itde intended for the an• meamm bo ort yf ,gneiss, who wish to bring their wives Along to spnd nshort 'seittaint tn , tlas healthy region; to divide abortion of this hotel Minima , of moms, bed.cm cm , gad sitting room. 'think it a g oo d Idea, and no doubt will pay. The ne w .gm works are building which . will' do much to enliven the town. I may send a few Met more In's day or two, as I ahall be traveling. Yours, de., . As OBBKIIVER. siSt:LIB raENOIEiON. auddel• Appearaiee of Lakes and . Pond in the Town of, Wilton... Cellars and-Wells Flooded.., ...--'' Morn the saratostanl• 1,3'i..4;3de out on Saturday to-observe a peculiar phenomenon, which for several weeks has kept our harmers in .the town of Wilton in a state of feverish specula lotion and wonderunsiii. The section in which - this really remarkable state of Minns exists, is about two miles out of .. • , .... Saratoga, in a northerly - direction. - Toro :graphicall;r, dux district -is- a slightly ale rated table land. The "Surface is broken and undulating. It ;sea - good. farming dietriet:the section in - which the ponds have appeared being dotted .with neat farm hopes. and occupied by some of sir most prosperous farmers. • • On this strip of land, covering an area of a mile broad by two tuned in length. have appeared this Spring ten or a dozen goodeired ponds. varying in sirs from an acre to air or seven acres in extent. 'A , hpeculiarity of these lands is, that they ave appeared in spots that have hitherto , hardly known a puddle, in some inetanCee in fields where the farmer has beau wont I to reap his richest harvests. They 'nosly i tame n April,and all through that Month the farmers waited patiently for the sub siding of the waters. supposing that tile ' unusual neenmulati n of thu aqueous ohs . ment wee the, result of .the sudden fuel . lag a the snow. It t May - came:And al l I the miniature lakes Iretired not to the h - nom of the earth. The fanners looked oat each day in wondering surprise, ruti bing their eyes, and expressing to their households in unstinted . terms - their amazement at the unheard of thing. All through the May drouth the ponds held their own, and only within a short time have they begun to subside. In' some F laces . ' they have crossed ' the highway, and the ground still bears the marks of the water. We saw, in the course of a MileNi• ride, a half dozen of these ponds. Thee have appeared mainly on the farms of jolta. Graven, 1.. A. Grimm, Janie Butler, Daniel and Hi ram Creel, Miles anti John Ingersoll. and Norman Itoblets.. - The - largest of these we maw was one covering a portion of the farms of Daniel Creel and Miles and John Ingersoll. We estimated the present ex tent of the pond at About five acres. It takeis In pert of the rood, covering It about a foot deep at the present time. We are informed,and this signs indicated it, that the water had been ale ut two feet higher Outwit is now, Wars wan never known to stand on lhis , and Isidore longer than a few days at time. The locality is naturally dry, this. it is leachr, And no visible inlet or outlet ppears eith er to this or to any of the o her lakeleta, eteept .an artificial ono 13 rled - by Mr, Crippea to drain oft the intr ding waters from one of his very best lo , which thin year lie, comparatively useless. ' Froni this latter pond a good sized lei Osumi flown constantly through ground that never be fore required drainage. In addition to the appearance iirthese pistols. , the wells and . cellars of die residents lull through this par t icular section have been and are at present flooded from one to three feet deep. 'the ' wells have from live to seven feet more of water in them than was ever known be fore; We found nue farmer, Mr. Janice I Butler, who had been busy all day. bailing'. out hisyellar to get at his potatiose. The water haul been three feet deep in it all the spring. It was never wet before, and one would suppose from the high position that it could not be flooded. - There - hiss been much wondering over this singular phenomenon in Wilton, but nobody has. found A satiefaetory solotionof the mys tear. It is a curious fact, however, and may be in tome way omnected with the 1 phenomenon. that a couple of nines, east- . 1 of this section, but on lower ground, the water is lower than it has been known for, years, and on•the opposite side of the Ad liondack ridge in Corinth, the water its full two feet lower than it was one year ago. But why water should thus sudden. lyappear in thin strange way. on • this sandy table land, in thus far unexplained. and must be left for the naVaan to Who. phise upon. Sir Rookdell Palmer Sir Roundell Palmer might bare been .Lord Chancellor on the accession of the present Government, but he could not sub to the polity of the Cabinet on the Irish Church question. lie is a man of marvellous application, and makes an im mense income, a large part of which conies from his (limber -practice; s.'A*) bring the price of -an 'opinion - from him. The life of a great lawyer in Parliament is about the moot laborious in England. Ile has to be early In Chamber., and yet has to Play Inte in fili• lions,' of Commons. while a tuentlo•r run Ile abed in thebtorn. lug if detained in the House at night. Lord Palmerston. who used to sit out the proceedings, never rose till about eleven in the morning. More titan one great English lawyer has sunk uniliw hard work. Sir William Folio?. the most. brilliant English barrister of the century - . wan in his grave before he was fi fty; and Lord Cairns, an Irishman, who, without any ad 'vantages of birth and posittou, was than oellor before he was fifty, andenbsequent ly leader of the House of horde, is now in a very . delicate ondaltiOn. 5ir...110140..1i Palmer never seems to fail. On Sunday he regularly takes Lis schOol clear of boys in -humble circum• stances; and many of our readers are fa miliar with his Book of Pollee, almost so Well known in England as Hymns,- An. cleat sndfifodern. Ile is the son of a Icountry clergymen, and this ablest of a very able family. • A Germku Swindler The Cologne :Editing has the following account of a rather smart -An unparalleled swindle, lately perpe- trated In a provincial capital has caused much stir. A. gentleman stepped Into the store of a merchant, followed by a ser vant. The gentleman, who wore his right twin in a sling, was taken for a military pensioner, and the ,rnerthant gladly plac.. ed befbre him Rich artieles as he asked for. When he came to settle the account, however, lie found he had not sufficient money, so he asked the merchant to write a note from his dictation to his wife, which he would send to his hotel by his . servant. The merchant umuspiciouslY wrote as he was desired and on a sheet ' llVAring the name of the firm, three words: Send toe immediately, by the bearer, two hundeed flatlet!. .toura, Robert. , Ho amißng closed up the note With the em premien, 'Ab, then wet are routtenakeer i fhe servant toolctbe note, and anon re turned with the reipaired sum, 'The gen. tlenten Paid for his ,wares, gave them to his servant to carry', amt then went away. tiol7lf, bourn after the wife of the nierchaut visited lint ; and after talking of sundry things suddenly asked him why be sent -for the two hundred tinders. The man was rendered ajearclffiria with tiatonish nient When Ito item what a cheat had been played upon hint: 'The search 'after the sharper Into not yet been successful:" I= :The Clealy-and ;Idcliane well upon the Shaw farm, etruek one week mince, Las steadily increaced 16, one - Itniaud , ,4arrela per day. The f;teliers, afier'seve. nit yearn of hard work; and-during, which they Lava never realized one dollar 011 former investments, have at last met with this deserved slicer... Mine Fortune having -snickered right mut" on them at then eleventh hour. 'The R. L. Shaw larin at Itouneville is one of the best tarnse the - 01l regions ever protium]. - Its territory le not more than half developed, yet thin production in creases steadily and is. now not lean titan .425 barrels per clay, and it bona tcht,O,lrer was recently made of $lOO,OOO fora ono eighth interest. —Tiluirrille Herald. MONTANA has a citizen named Miss (liven Evans, who, as may readily he in ferred from ber name, is by birth's Welsh woman. About ...month ago she entered the U. S. District loon in Montana, and naked to have a natundization certificate nutdo out for her. The puzzled function ary settled Ida spectacles on hie nose, ex 'mined the applicant with surprise, and then plunged into the ['lilted Staten stat utes, in w hich he found no legal time why a woman should not be legally riatu ralizedf,and w, Mien Emma received her pa. .pers, with . which she boldly went to the land office of- the Territory,- There she., asked a clerk to make out her declaratory statement to preompt 1130 acres of public land. The gentleman, like the other, Was somewhat atm:fished at her request. but on .examining rartherltiett; he: found no reason to repel the* applieanf,andher cer tificate was duty filed as No - 11100. The lady then went to-work on her newly ac quired land, anitereeted a house, end ed. herself about Improvingher farm,fenciug it, and otherwise showing that, having it, she intended to keep it. She now has a cow, a yoke of oien, and dr the usual farming tools generally used by pioneers. Iler land lies in Deer Lodge Valley, and some day the Northern Pacific Railroad will run close to it, making it quite a lit tle fortune. BISITOP 'SnitiNhoN, while in Europe, will .Denniairk, Sweden and Norway, as well as Oeimany andidigitzetitigd . •ID tend inrious Methodiiit osiiieretateiG" 1 PREYEXT tOWILNESSiI Dorn. Ole Lot mouths of l.ln ' should - provide then:Rely...lh some Soda Chloride of Lime. You will flod a BURNS pp O O H S ust received this day atJANIES X. a and Sixth streets. . CIILORIDE OF 1.1114 R. Chloride or Chloride of Lime. Monde of Lime. Chloride of Lime. Chloride or Lime. Chloride of Lime. Chloride of Limo. " Chloride of Lime. ' SOLD AT' JAMES E. BURNS &- CO.'S h (old Si. Clair) ilthreeta MEESE! = Injure the main spring , of a watch and event Po!" lion of the works become disordered. The human stomach is to the human system what that eleetic piece of metal is to theater/P....ten 10 . S, ae." . the actio n of the other Omani , . and controls to • certain extent, the whale living machine. The comparison may be carried farther, for an the weakness or other imperfections of the main spring Is indicated on the Iwo of the tlate-preves, eo also Is the weakness rif other dleollei of the stomach betrayed by the face of the invidid. The crimple:lnn is mellow or , eded. The cycle are deg i Meat In lustre and listen!a nee. and there Is a wain, atigions expression In th whole countenaneewhick tell as plainly as emitted words could do..that the mod PlDUriehing ormn, whose omen MU to Mk:44er to the wants of the body ,la , nd to sustain andreneW all its parts, le not perfor, Ingltsduty. .1t require. renovating end ingollati and to accom p l i sh this end ItoMetter'n Stomach Men may be truly said to be Ow an 010, Ile" 1112. The broken main spring. of a watch me) be replaced by • new one but the stomach can only be repaired and strength ened, and this In one of the objects of the hmous vegetable restorative •ihlch for eighteen year! , nes. been welling a 'snootiest el contest with di. pole in all climate.. As a specine far indigestion It Mande alone. When the resources of the Phew... rorzmhowthtm,rip„TzTg...w4.T.u,;,.,.r. , =t: this wholemme and palatable, yet powerful. et effects a perfect and permanent Onto. In all asses of timpermln. the liver le more or lemi di eord ered. end npen thisimminent gland,. well an open the niennach and bowels, the Bitters , net with singular dletinctnem. misrelating and reltivlsp orating every accretive and mehullatlng organ on which bodily and mental health depend. kt_•:11.11111: . M;Ly •)24.:,8W.r FABER VAN DOREN 367 Liberty Street PITTSBURGH. PA. STEAM ENC4INES, - IRON AND WOOD WORKING MACH INERY, Steam Pumps, Engineers' and Matthi,plsts' Tools, STEAM FIRE -ENGINES, BELTING, oolen Machinery, Machine Cards lirilanufacturers' and MIII Sup. plies. A constant supply on hand and furnished on short notice. CIIRIDEIIIII3COLICIT'EII 7 Per Cent, Gold FIRST I4ORTGAGE, BONDS, (TREE OF O. 5. T/4.) OF iii BURLINGTON, H CEDAR RAPIDS ec • MINNESOTAA. 11. C A LIMITED QUANTITY FUR SALE. f)0 and Interes mural Pslable Nai *Ad NoTember. .1. FINIAIt THOMPSON. t CHARLMS L. ►HOST. 1 • The. bo . nds luta., 30a to to ra a. are eoniert 141a t he oteon Cir. ue co prrerdedri ay alniatV aeaw rand. ° - .721f7.4"1,°:`, raft. it r•Pini, We Unhealtattnaly racommend theta !landau the sa u fest and beet Investment in lbl mane, it. Flte.lweatka. at amen{ Mines. Only:Mute Ern per tatarertoe thane PSI Cana and one-gunner per mat: to Gold sad .11 natant the aecuritT equaill PP.& Ttat mammy reNTVe VOC Kau Irttaoat notice, to ad Tahoe the price. HENRY 'CLEWS & CO., 32 Wall. Street, New York. S. FGLEAN CO No. 65 Fourth avenue LETTER Copying Presses WHEEL PRESSES. BAR PRESSES. LETTER SIZE viEssas. CAP SIZE PRESSES. • CARMINS AND GILT : PRESSES. - WALNUT PRESS STAND; MANX'S COPYING BOORS. rnr.scii COPYING BOOKS. NOTE SIZE COPYING DOORS: LETTER ME COPYING BOOKS. CAP SIZE. COPYING LEWIS. ARNOLD'S COPYING FLUID. REIMS COPYING FLUID. PRENCII COPYING PLUM VIOLET COPYING FLUID. RUIIIIER COPYING SHEETS. CAMEL'S HAIR COPYING BRUSHES. WATER BOWLS. CIGNA AND IRON. J. L. READ & SON N 0.102 Fourth Avenue. PITIITUROU, PA. IMPROVED` CHERRY SEEDER. t:ll:l;nbieweinslint4m I{ 9 p the 1/217n=heVelggigrilit= pp.ici tr. It elll onel bushel 4 aIgIVIA:Tga7;:4ImOI...X.tIIATA_ . M rh et e or C adJustablq. ?ereby %dr lger , tgianerry tiv34.14 the Market. Nu atldnes•ed to : • JAMES BOWN No.l36WoodStreet, = Will be Pilled at DIANUFACTURERB'PRICES STATIONERY PRINTING, Blank Books. ALLAN C. BAKEWELL & CO Wood Strut, Pittsburgh. NEW GOODS! leaOß F°R! 4 LY- Mules and Horses. Ono pair very ea. CARRIAGE HOBBES Throe nitieiloi4liair ;pasta. ' Three von Nod 111:1113. nmm our 111-61111 C BVILT SWAM Four tom stCOND HAlrthlooolll3. R. R. PATTERSOff & CO., - and Liberty Swim. AAGENLV:, BLlimEss ' OF. ALL f g auT b° V . '" ite 4 ,l ° .l9, °l lrt iro in koirr. Own references giVen u dewed. ',my= NEW ADVER AT- 1 : • - _ _ AT ,„ . SEN ' SEIPLES :11 4 L ES .. 7 IN and IS Federal Street, I= good Bargains in EW GOODS 9 Yards of kerrinrack Chintzes FOR $l.OO. . . . At 115tt., Lich ma At]] At tlicln Calli°L • At Ise . Prhtna AI Bb , : n r s t v At JAPANESE SILKS, Japanese Poplins, Japanese Robes, an, Pink, Blue, Buff and Green LAWNS. Yery Low Prices WM., SEMPLE'S, ISO and 185 Federal Street. Allegheny. MI NorgeStern&Co's, ECM MACRUM..GLYDE & CO SPECIAL BARGAINS!! P3R3SOLS Regardless of Cost! Pongee and Silk Parasols .tor $1 MELEE Shelliad Khania for Poplin Marie for Metish Iron Frame Hone at....: Limn Handkerchief', ne.. Hernalninheid LlEndkerchiefr. at Linen Towel.. ..... Jean Drawers. ni Onion Kid ()Inver. la P. IL for Suite. at Hoop BUM. at CAII ~d conrincd; ymirself that 00 othat hoo Its duals at low as wd do- Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. ZEIIM SPECIALTIES Hats and Bonnets, HORNE & CO'S HAIR EATS, LADIES AND CIIILDRENE CACTUS mit! STRAW HATS. Fresh assortment VINE. FRENCH FLOWERS, ROSES. 1./RAS/WE suad PIQUET? RIBBONS, at abades arra width. thin rAIIASOLI~9 AU SUN ta , ,PONGEt AND CDOESN LINED. / L sew toipum reeei•ed. PoinitoinuE. NNW NEEDLN WORK AND HAMMED ElNiltei Am, INSZRNINBS. REAL AND INLITATMAN.LACE _ COLLADS AND HANDIKIDICIUNIN. . _ . . CHEMIZIMM EMBROIDERPID IJNISTir SZTTS. IJ LADI I ES . WHITE AND BROWN LIMY DIMS el INFA EL NTS'. MD. HOBBS AND DAMES. A 174 . In n ETAIN ' In lJght. end &Ight Won,ll numbers. NEW GOODS Arriving Every Day. 7 AND 79 MARKET STREET 3011:4 Q. WORD:KAN 11. RICHARD DAVIS . 1 —... INORKMAN . & DAVIS, .... .... to WOREDA . S. stoona a Co.. ay... Carriages,: Buggies, SPRING BUCK WAGONS. 41, 46 and 48 Beaver St., Allegheny: Palpate an: ono execttl;rl : - Or, fur 4 ' 7.1 , 1 7: Zu.:11.."4.T47.= ifiltramazak...vrit t .',,T_q& h 4rt• Van riske, of MAJLVI.NI4 PATENT and= rater.% .Irk Shifter and Aral-Battler rII. RD Na ilweb.wed the bi .7rOVICAIVirMOORA tkr7g: n tgl i".l1 eea ,0 hereater cocain agd_ajihn old stand, tiodor th e =Me stllo.ol.Wo.ziffor A DAVIS. onion u. • tl metal_ pAiV, Lida with Cliliens' Naonat-Ilanlc. PlUsbursr, & ADAM'S': SEWER PIPE-CO " 65 and 67 Sandusky St.,Agegtteny: Numf.etan, ‘ll,lO Viptirusi W./2*llOD siswEß Mrs. UAW. 1 cuntrialr TOM iyas and ininiAtiLle • • • 6. G. MailitatEttsAgent. tnel win S. MOR ',OW (LAW of FlUslm: i ts's (SUCCESSOR TO SSI Monormoorer of TIN,POPPIIII• :WARR TOOK STOVES tor VIIROINt DOOR V IRON STEAM PIPS& JobOlos attended 10 I. Po/. No. 112 Fu t. • error MorkOt eft lM.) onliksTl PI ST s'N WATER II Chimne Ti 110 r AIR &, A him and tu u analea . HEIM IL so 153 SZCO =I WINE OF . LIFF.--The riea i Blood Ailinw i M V 0081 , 1 a. tAzs.xx, 7:4 1 0wo calmot.thwoo Till oi=rs oma o : ri ptc LL 4 W u x.., th .. nfigeugru°,,,,,, o t o ergr 011141 tolgrAtt , Forlortrlbrfo , 7 1 = 4 721 , i05bi ~,,, r artlois,. MA . 11, Z.Arkg. male sad fenscs O. 10.4 r mat dm pi ra . rial Litc , IVll.4lFrrft - a j avpm.n..., Those vrbolollsh taqy ... ' .. ,11 th' traintrnis. '''Zible r VF• ..,....4.0..,...47040 = WM. KREBS, ICE DEALER, 351 River Ave., Allegheny 040, - • • '' XPTR" .timv34LTlsEiaTarrs ISO 'and lEd Federal Street, I= I EXTEA GOOD 2141/GAINS IN ,BATS AND BONNETS, Ribbons and Flowers. A Very Large Stock of New Sionmei ShawlB, I= Great 13argains in Ladies' and Children's LINEN SUITS. Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, Lull.' Su:miner Underwear. • Gents' Simmer tnderweisr, Ladles. Gents and Children', • Blue and Green Kid clove,. Black and Colored Kid and Lisle Thread Gloria . !Adieu' Ell.l Scarfs and Silk Bons. Lure Conan and Handkerchief,. Ecribroideilid.Linen Sets ver, cheap, Hair Swltthea and Chignon,. Gents . White and Chints Shirts,. Wholesale and Retail, WM. SEMPLE'S, ISO rand 182 Federal Street, Allegheny On a Par with Gold ! WE NOW OFFER Our New Stock DRY GOODS NOTIONS EASTERN PRICES I=l Examine our Goods & Prices AItBIJTIINOT, SHANNON & CO. I N. 115 Wood Street PLANING MILL MEN And Others; • TARE NOTICE' ! Tb, tinelerstthell has letters patent of the Uni ted States for the Improved and of weitther-lnisdlng. Inside lining and of wzlnseottug tor hinthev. The weatherthoarding. thin pnt Improvement. twins more particularlyI ntend edor vertical the. and combine, great durebillty and beauty of appeerance: and It Is so conatturted as to entirely avoid the eve of Joint stripe, and to prevent water front entering the Joint of the rar ing or the thinting of the thinte by the salon of the weather on the timber. Inside tinnier and wainscoting by trite neer ogre are en- woustrtieted town Pi... In! cheeplY no by the pedithry flooring boards e, tberoo7 preventing the elbowing of the Joints horn nie e rteltlrl d pu ' Zi l lertlrriej -n eg ri ir . of wthit le Mtatuo!sly imovrts as the ',gummed v ie at kn !lre or the rdt and :amp eigh th in Allegheny county, tor t both ' paten to wit: U. A. Mend/mfr. the 'lO4 of the territory • of the river In said county. •• • . . . To bleQueiran & Douglass, the right for the /Lot .ward,Pittsburgh. To Rill, Patterson & Co.. ahoy tights for their mill. &Mb ward. Pittsburgh. To Alex. McClurg. for the •borough of McNees- Port. • To Patter & Paul. for first. Second. Thirdand Fourth wards. city of Allegheny. To Deed Broths.. .hp right et their mill Le Sev- Th word. city of Age ens. . • O Dunham. Faint Co., for the boroughs of 2!i ,d arigorg and Etna L also the townships of Studer •All persons are warned : sirllnst infringing upon e ither of sald flatelge. and those wishig to pur chase will blame cal/. or, address me a t No. 7.1 groithfkddi sheet, Pittsburgh. Pa. f. , • T. C. ANDERSON. BUY THE GENUINE. CLARK'S 0. T." SPOOL COTTON. 'GEO. A. CLARK , SOLE AGENT Sold Everywhere. _ IMICZ 01IN STEVENSON'S SONS CO., JEWELERS, 93 Market etreet,Rittebiurgh (THIRD DOOR I.:RdieliDATß.l'." nave on Nand all the latest novelties Ja }Br Jew elm Sliver Mem and Meter rated ere et es.. designs. suitable for sorddiag OM. •••• watches or all the Ainerinan !Bakers in gold and silrefeases. Both Key and POndant Winders ton stand) en hoed sae age full variety of the finer gratlen *Ube Beim Watch. Melneme Yus. W W Jared, rerregaux; and others. • Wa parlicribrotteetien . to our Willem for serpairlsur. and regulating also Watehes. To . that branch or our business weals., spode' eam. . Orders by mall prometty Mien. , I)migna of üby rods sent in drawings by mall at request. C. I). A.BriSTlldl 13. ARBEITHAL. AINSTIIAL & SON, Virginia and. Lotilsville TobaCco dgeney, =LEI =I d MEET 16014 .• boats and 110- COPPI4II. end SECi-AIZS FincCat Chewing aad-Smokiag Tobaccos, 79 BMITIIVINLD 6TR6ET, m 717,5 • 'venue, .;=37! DRY YELLOW PES PINE AND OAK. ps, lUES, ar.t. islataly oe dnad' I • LLIES A drst-elsas rot, thomeßtilf 1.. the 21 . ;oiyiii,,or Wailed, at 6e , JAMES3II3IIIIII, 191 Sandusky &reel, Allegheny Cit 'APENVIt Patent'Stamp Calklers. •,' EDWIN - 'ST. V LITS, No. 41• , 5. Third. Street, ThILAIDNI , PE/A. " Ent tor gate et PaiwyitaniL LIM Alrallger:vlltte taloa throttle& 011113 4 3t* far It Hs F 1311 0 . 1 ,8 TlNlqiloloo lll Si - Yea LADUCIiAND Nall7 FOURTH ATENUE,'ENO: Wood Eireat. OPEN ON THUNMAN. J. 2. Etb -1011:721 NEW ADVERTISEDEEZI4'S saPeale and Ohio RAIN- The Chempeake and Ohio Railroad le - Completed and rennlntfrom Haw! , to the ootehreted.AVlllTE SULPILIFELAWEINGS. In Weet Vlndleht. 227 nate. It to halve; rapidly ex - tended to' the. Ohio river, 200 mike further making In all 427 miles. • In Its progress Westward.it penetrate. M d oPook up to market the WONDERFUL COAL DEPOSITS OF THE _ KANAWHA REGION IN WEST VIA DINKA. And thee bringathe superlormkdabtindant Canis of that sectiim into communication with the IRON ORES OF VIRGINIA AND OEIIO. and the WESTERN,SOUTII WP;STEIN AND EASTERN DIEM When completed It will connect - Rio SUPERIOR HARBOR FACILITIES OF THE CHESAPEAKE DAY with reliable navicatieri oa the Ohio tleer, awe lboa with the ENTIRE SYSTEM OF RAILROAD AND WATER TRANSPORTATION OF TIIE GREAT WEST il-NIi.SOUTIIWEST. It will nuke a SHORT. EAST. CHEAP and FA.- TORABLE lIOUTE from the WEST to the SEA . ad will command a LARGE SHARE OF THE ENORMOUS IRMOUTS seettng tramparcaLlon to 121=3 IL .111 thus become one of the meet IMPORTANT AND PROFITARLE•EAST AND WEST TRUNK LINES OF RAILROAD ha the cosustsT, and Com. nd a trade of immense value. The Completed. portion of the Rohd Is dolag e PROFITABLE AND INCREASING BUSINESS. and la fully equal In value to the whole amount 0 the mortgage upon the entlio Line-1015.000. 000.1 The Imo of the thesapeake and Ohio Railroad Pod:Maar. Wiwi a FIRST 31ORTGAGE UPON THE ENTIRE LINE. PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENTS. WORTH. WREN COMPLETED AT LEAST IMO; 000,000.1. therefore onoot the mo.thubstantlal. coeservatire and reliable flail"... loans erer of fered In the market. and Is pecans/if adalned:th =1 Investors and Capitalists. Who desire to micro their Investments with the moat satisfactory asnoracce of POHITiVE :AND LISCDOLIBTFaI 13KCI.11f1TY. Bonds are In denominations of $l,OOO, $5OO and $lOO, nd may Inn hnd 00EPON or REGISTERED Interest Six pm cent. per annum. peyeble MAT Ist end NOVEMBER Ist. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD IN TILE C yIT OF NEW YORK. m Price DO AND , ACCRUED INTEREST In Cur. ram, at which pr ce they pay nastily SEVEN PEA CENT. IN GOLD their cost. All GOVITIIMPI3 Bonds and other Securttlesdealt In at the Stock Buctianae received In exchange, at their full mntketivalue, and Bonds sent to alt ruts of the country, free of Kernels. charges.. They ran be °trod by ordering direct from as or through au y spooetbte Bank or Banker in any next of the country. Fisk & Hatch, BANKERS. No. 5 Nas i san Street, New York, Maps, Pamphlets and full information furnished upon . applioatiop in person or by mail • S. M'qE...A N CO., B NICERS, 65 Fourth Ave / , Pittsburgh, A.ents fok th..l. t thrse j IN/ 54 r --N p .01\ it - E c s Ai LE y t ero B 121 SeCHESTNUTit lacktecGic tuncß i f. The reputation end experi ence of 40 years, warrant ns in saying that Our stock of Fine Timekeepers ofithe best Euro pean and American Makers is now the largedt in the coun try; and we guarantee that each Watch we Sell, ,is finished with great mechanic it precision, has all the lato improvements, and will run regularly, well, and give satisfaction. tvarie. pro ptly replied to. Wattles larval Ilawss astraeal. COKE COAL & 00. AfOR G URERS OF LS-VILLE CM= CONNE COKE, it their Mines, Broad Ford, I'. k C. 1.1. Office, 142, ,W.AtrEjt - §MET, • - •••,,„„ ,t, • sine 143' BIE" And Deliveli in the City. OscarF.l4riim&C6: ILANUFACTFRERS OF CONNEI,LSVILLF, COKE, Youghiogheny , and Authracite coal • • PITTSBURGH, PA, OFFICE : ROOM No. Gazette Bnildici: .:111rOnliert respeftfrllly apNtyli COAL! COAL YOUGHIOGHENY GAS COAL CO - - This COMM:IS are now tortured to furnish the best Coal of mty size or onantlts. AT FAIR RATES. Oio. and Yard adjoining, the ConnellerWe Rail road Depot, fool of Try Street. lettabingh. Orders addressed to either Mines. West Newton Pa., or to Yard, will be promptly attended to. lII.N.4YEIERN.Seacesty. • soltr7s Charles H. Armstrong =MEI Youghiogheny and Cone ecru And Almolocturar of DUAL. SLACK. AND DNAULPIIVTUZED COKE. "OEFICZ AND TARO. armor Bat.lor .nd Norton streeD44.lbotty. end Cfner strrets. Ninth 'ward; raw. becostd stroet.L'lS ch wo.rd, and At loot al. Ito. street. 0. Depot. Second mad. Orders left at either tho•aboyworllce. or *.4: dressed to me throasta Pittemr"P.O.orlllrsool,.. IlluntY W. 11.1 co • osier to whmo !eat suplying- Finney, we 16a .. Wm. thattb. Ul3lol} km Mill, th 8. Fowler r/i =Vs' 171 " ICo.. 14% ESChldr_th Coo ago.. toss &mai. W. I. co Riati n' tgyotHlPVL A CliiT ' alt. Whe kleculeytrattLw R. n, Allegheor vgey B. IL • COAL! COAL;! COAL!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO„ HAM( reakoT - pfi iiitz.o26l3 No. 567 Liberty Street, 4stia7Ctty MRLIU) BECCIip F7.408.' trAt h OIrfA T CI V .O2. -. " oVrams earlielrotaeo °melanoma to thim latetrogh tie mall, will I*.atiMem to pomvus. CARPETS, OM :manor; & - c. `CARPETS. SPRING'STOCK. Fine, Medium and Common C.IRPE.T► Oar Mock is the !largest, !re Ipirti era offered to the tradel &yard, Rose & Co., 21 FIFTH AVENUE April st, 1870. SPECIE PAYMENT Returned ! • From this data Elver Change will he given to b enotomers. at M'Farland & Collins . CARPET STORE, 71 . and 73 Fifth Ave. Our prices are the lowest In this market. ap3 CARPETS. New Rooms! New Goods! NEW PRICES ! We been Inaugurated tee °pent. of our New none with the = CARPETS Ever Offered in this . Market. _LOWEST PRICES SINcE 1861 OLIVER McCLINTOCK & CO, 23 Filth Avetate. NEW CARPETS. Reduction in Prices =I I WHOLESALE RATES McCallum Bros., No. 51FIFTH AVENUE. ABOVE WOOD STREET UPHOLSTERERS. Stanufsetarent of SPRING. HAIR and MOSS MATTRESSES. Neither 80/stars sad •Elihrsrs. Church Cushions. Conger. Mouldings sod stile.. of tultoaderr nor, AD,. duelers In Window Shades. Bun. Green • and Walla liollands. Cords. Tassels. he. Partlettlar attention Is Mien to tak ing up, eissalmt and brushing. alteria and relay , hascarnets. Our made of cioaallur 'oroet m the only win ba which you an feel enured that the colon ere on. served and the goods thoroughly freed front all dust and mann. The price for cleaning has been greatly reduced. Our express will all for and Mi lner arl goods free at charge: " HOBERT& NICHOLSON & THOMPSON, Upholsterers .d Proprlebrs of Aram Carpet Beating Establishment, NO. 127 WOOD STREET, M=MM===3G!!l CARPET ;CHAIN Of all Colors, ON lIANDAAD•FOR BALE AT ANCIIOR COTTON MILLS, Allegheny City, GLASS, QuEENsw.tRE be 100 WOOD STREET. 8! 'QUENSAVARE, ruts rumen. 43 1 China, and Glass A • SILVER PLATED GOODS. DpiNER PT.I AND TPLA 470. TEA. TEATS Ai VittVl. ors Irtg R. E BREED & CO., 100-3511411:411-tlff:- REYNOLDS STERN . & 14 Wood 4t,rcet IrnreVrters and Dealers In FRENCH,. CHINA, FINE CET C1,133-AND Queensware IT - The ka . lveet a . epory e tent Ot Navr :Fork prieer. 7: 7 ESTABLISHED 1828.._ ittmor IMP P...P.0 DT. N. CUNT HIGBY •cusT &• , • . 1 No. 189 Liberty St., • Wholesale and Retell Dealer. antl .2 lo_h_bdtrg In GLA&S • d HILY IlnM. The In of all requirinit Iteodo In the above la directed to nor Stock. Imported dirodelf from the best Humpetto markets, and We are now receiving • fresh sad desirable lot Of the obo , . goOds. us:ris DR :WHITTIER OONTMEB TO TA ZAT A LL PRIVATE Dleltd: gr .II IU forme, all urinan dine. . e b igiPo ted:Seeenetterrhea or Seminal WeAnees and Ins. potenef. manning from self-Amen or other anew. and weld" produce Nene of the folLF ., effeet• aa .elete.hes, bodily' "Malmo., lu eat. inn:opt/M. areraloo to nuclear. unlit. 1...WM.4 Or tittle* eventic loss of inemOty Indolence. bee. turbot emlssiont,uid finally en tniestrattodete usi system ea toder martlago .metal.metal and therefore Itnvin ren dena.. aro petmaaeatl .Persona Welded witt,theso orally other datleate, barleatt or 10174 ettiodp a g og . terutiongi . l Se coutplajos =atnnettn .Mee to all Vereale cos- Leueortted Vaning.:lneseemr. thee Enterattanor Choliforek baau . ..=Ua rh Ut t=4 "46 l*ferri ?trl gir. are erOled enth the . . Itisieir.i - rident teatarisidin who WabAes Dime! ertierlyely to rb deaf of a terms maw et ablerend freers tboneeterle of noes try i l b er . nAr n ergelre irreelT4 real be thee ey are Doctor peens . ber) = • traideeel parentlea fif i ~ t ill_oll of venereal aria reined free et Ever t. man for two rani.. mina enveloßee.y II :raw= t. 1 .41 • tasinrctio 4 h: 45 the =heed. o no Te • Vgr eeetent.erThil „ re M. lng PrW44 lere erepr voo f matt ls oaletnai k M a llt v le ecutret tazei to vir ouz i tile to fotwernall byreall bet= Mk 14/41 . 4 oeabowevel, a personal eneanlnitica eteo noteelary abet% tbilly ;emend abletalate la rep alla Seethe aoootareotletlos of fatienu thereat* epartmeete caumelled .10S . 050 4gr ow att , Prot lend every main, gtle.rpr""=ele 100 Pm-WO e Doctors own laboreln7. saleable lt.e.eem Media penebblet• at palm _Aall for Pronampa. fionretterallrv e *nee belays. Hoare A.. a. to r. rt. bey. date 1111 a. to r. r. Canoe. No. 9 JA9 Cellar cant House) fletebrusb. --tt Q HE I