The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 17, 1870, Image 4

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ba.temuk of - special Interest Wll.l torn;
acted In theCounonn Plea. Court yentenlay
llama Craabed.-11.icbard Mason. x wfirk
. man M LORig. Oliver tk 1111111 IN mill. in Ifir
t ati, l l.att u t .. r t h c il a ex t rit aE lni t n . t r 4zl, ) ,.. , T . l. l •4l;r e 3 . :.
terday. Amputation will be necewury. •
- -
Martil 7.0 ao, n•-ihn tcaxharped with the
lagfieny of five loads of eon' on not week. be
fore Alderman McMaster's trapdischarged
by the prosecutor paying the frost. thereby
claiming Mr. Logan from I he aforesaid charge.
114.14 -racat's second .grend vocal end in
waffle • tai concert will be given without fail
at Liberty Mil. East Liberty on Friday even
ing. June 17t h. Reserved seam bl centn; cnn
Llhe 'be secured. at nivelerretrs dnig •tore, Rent
Our typed of yesterday made speak of
Dilworth, Porter di Co.' Locomotive. Works
as visited ho the Southern railroad party.
We should have said Smith O. Porter's Izeo
motive Works, and Dilworth. Porter's Rail
road Chair and Spike
New Store.--A very extensive' Iterr whole
sale liquor bowie has Just been openedat
Non. 1: and 18 Water street, bv Iteaars.
hlurddal and John 1) . /Johertv, uniler the dna
Munn of M. Munhall nod to. The house is
thoroughly stocked. and the. Um, with Fuel,
promlnes to trao.act a large No'
Strasebenies.—Strairturrijos and other deli
eltitts edibles In abundance to the Smithfield
street M. E. Church thin evening. Adminnion
tree, and no "borinr about Investing In the
delicacies ntalent the rinitor'n xvinhec. The
evening can be devoted to no more pleasant
purpose then by attending thin entertain
eloeing.—The ladles of the linziewood
Presbyterian Church will "close their 'draw
berry festival to-night. If !bow who have
not visited the church during the festival
could feel ne they do who More been there,
the church would certainly he crowded !h
-eight. Trains from the city will accommo
date visitors, free of charge. redeavor to he
Weddiags.—The mouth of roses seems to
also deserve the title of month_of marriages
if we are to Judge by the numeous weddings
which hare lately occurred hereabouts.
There were no less than thirteen brides on the
evening train of the Pennsylvania railroad,
and three on the noon train, and all were
married yesterday. The ministers moat be
reaping a rich harvest of fees.
, Let none of our readers. fail to remeni-
Nber that the kennel musical contest of
• - the manila of the Pittsburgh Female College
will he held this evening In the College Chapel.
These occulonsgerterally draw together bril
liant and relined audiences; and we can con
ildently recommend all our renders who
would spend an evening delightfully to at
tend. Tickets may be obtained at she honk
stores and at Mellor& lloene's to n ne rooms
on Fifth avenue, or at the door.
The lam Litsnee—.The strawberry festival
under the ausplees of the ladies of the North
Avenue M. E. Church, Allegheny. opened bril
liantly last evening—exceeding the most san , ‘
swine expectation. The church won thronged,
with one of the happiest company of ladled
and gentlemen and Joyous children that has
inter been gathered at any similar entertain
ment hereabout.. The edibles. from the
listh they Ms/teemed, must bare
been sactory. The. fair closes te-nlghl.
Don't min the opportunity to en ley one even
' ing of raro pleasure.
EDITORa GAZETTE: Permit me Through the
columns of your excellent paper to call the
attention of Council to an ordinance panned 0
long time ago fort hr construct lon of a board
walk In that thickly settled' portion of the
Twentieth ward. from .1 ikon avenue to Elm
Liberty, along Ellsworth avenue. There ap
fearlfto be noenorement on the part of those
whose duty it in [ober° the work done. It is
certainly an outrage on the citizens living
along this avenue. Every rain compeln those
whose business calls them to East Liberty to
either wade in mud or take the fearful risk
of walking on the Pennnylvania Railroad. It
11 a Well known fact that a great number of
ladles and children have to travel over thin
road to the store or to nudml, hence the (Tent
necessity of a board walk, and that as noon
an possible. I hope you animal the attention
Of tbe patties Concerned Lo thin matter % an
anti you will do but an art of justice to a
gnat many citizen..
The Jury In the ciao of the Common_
wealth vi..lPatrick Welsh and Albert Long.
Indicted for the murder of Jacob Am
bOL R full report of the trial of which we
Prericamly published. agreed twon a verdict
yesterday afternoon at half past four o'clock.
They found a verdict of guilty of voluntary
Manslaughter ea to Patrick Welsh andfrecom
mended him to the mercy of the (3ciun.
and a verdict of not guilty as to Albert Long.
The latter • was discharged by 1 proclamation.
and Welsh was remanded to Jail.
MCEBBJ3. EPITOMIC/M:I7E : Our new st reel
Improvement, like "true love, does not flow
smoothly." and bas come to a sudden halt. as
Benetton. has Leen served upon our pro
. ve Council , restraining s them from
her street Improvement until certain lines
are settled. The Council proposed a compro-
Wan. but the agrleved party prefers a Irani
adjustment, and hence their appeal'i o the law
and to thettestimony."
The ladies of the first Methodist. Church are
now holding a strawberry festival, In oar new
bank building, which la to continue through
the Week. A fine gold watch, a gold headed
cane and other articles ;are being voted for.
which produces some Interest and excitement.
, Per... Oats.
W. H. Prro. Eso.. son, of Sir Morton Peto.
of England. la In the city at the 31onongabela
Elamite. [He .la making , an extended tour of
ohipeseatton through the country. We ate
glad to bid him hearty Nrel. e, and teen hit
atm' here may be pleasant and enjoyable.
Hog. Mum HMtraturra declinee. Ina card
• elsewhere publhhed. tolbecome a candidate
fat the Senate.
Wnum, East: left the city yeller
day for a pleasure t our Feat.
IL W. DEraucgsON.l Ihmj.. of Crawford
counts. Auditor of National Hanka of Penh
allsanta, la at the st. Cherie, Hotel.
Hoe. H. W. MAMMY la expected home to-
• Butler County PrGary Election.
The following Is the aggregate vote cast at
the erlmary election in Itutlercountr, for the
Valens candidates. on rtaturdaY. June lit h>
", • COl:GlattStl.
NJunkin Lien Phelog
14:01 Aiken. 844
. .Matbegml efg
_ ASSOCIATE 3004) '.. MCCOY I.COF Fiedler -•
• rocarr couktsstonin,
Dodds IL% Ilarron. Al
. cker 339 Dlcgolat ion . IN/
Cro . . 139 • -
108 Ktllr.
I ==
Some twenty or twenty-the of the 4oldlen
of 1012 and IEI3. of Kentucky and Ohlo have
agreed at once, vrithoui preliminary utvatige
meat, to visit the - battle gro Inds of o,;youth
at Fort kfelgs. and Col. Dudley's battle ound.
near the Rapids of the Stammee river, t ose of.
Keetucky and Ohio, woolly, will pass Cincin
nati on the morning of the Md of Juan, on
their way to Mammee Cite. 0., and would be
happy to meet all or any living of the Pitts
burgh Blues and Petersburg Volunteers of
JAM and 1813 who served with us dating the
@lege of Fort &Rigs and the ti rdships of that -
Campa4so. should this scroll meet the eye of
anrand they choose to meet with us. they
should start. from Pittsburgh on the early
Sarning train of the 21d of June,lll7o. I truly
how to see same of. those old ',comrades and
wltli them take a stroll over
WM. thre grounds.
• l'ary respectfully, e
Soldier of 1812 and 1813. In my :9th year.
McArthur. Ohio, June itth,lB7o. dtu-
Pennsylvania Patentees.
The foil wing United. States patents were
illaued to Sirens of Western Pennsylvania
daring the week ending June il, ISM:
Die for f In/ vise boxes; Christian Eon.
oldjoittabu b..
Steam boiler blow-rde pipe; , John C.. Me
.Laughlin. Pittsburgh.
Mdste for making barrow teeth: JtUrle.
M n, Pittsburgh.
for glass lamps; DWI fel C. Ripley, Bir
mingham. •
Katalluragic furnace for iron and steel;
3 Y. Smith. Pittsburgh. I
room -for matifying and reducing mag
ic ores of iron: same party..(antedated
J e 3d. 1870.1
Thomasl)Oanell Pit Is
ghTeialleiirgL. a n d Alien Anchors.
eer Creek Station.
" Indow: Erastus W. (lidding.. Johns
to I
4.. car; Thos. McCors. Fayette City.
s is , Cutter; Nelson O'Neil, Purchase Line.
. machLuei Seth Rigby. id. New Castle.
ratalaustble Double 144;1411,g
'aiddrinable 'circle. were all ablaze ' with
ex ement last night on the occasion of a
• • weildbutstiticb took place to the Third
byteriait Ckurch, on Sixth avenue. There
Isulailly one thousand invitations but,
• Judging from the attendance, but few
• • of regret could hare been sent In. At
appointed hour, eight o'clock. carriage
• carriage roiled up• the oven, and
• -the richly attired guests asfahe
7 t , fs. Daring the interval elapsing bet viten
th • seeleatot the guests and that of the bd.
Party the audience was agreeably enter
. with aver? floe organ concert, Prof.-
&Aback presiding and manipulating the
Wealth force, power. beauty and brilliacer.
Alter the commodious Church was crowded
to It , ntuloet capacity with en audience &m
-inimums for dress, culture and refinement, the
bridal pasty arrived and merched up the mat-•
bee seale.ithe organ seMlog forth a merry
wedding march as a great leg. The couple were
M leg e hytwn bridesmaids and bridestrieft.
In white, and crif.l it =rof t` Vil,, de irtt e r.
There wee nothing elaborate or extra. um, of the cost tunes of the bklies
but all busked charmingly neat and sweet.
The Interesting ceremony of uniting the hap.
Toollg_PoPPle tetether was performed by
see. Dr. N obl e . When they were Joined soil
eolanutlY declared man nod 'rife, a p leasant
?Roe epbtode. not in the "card invite ^ occur
red. for to the astonishment of most of the
mto on h e ofe s t k h . e and d th mn ow e re m
making the occarion a tight royal double
wedding: •
She grOom la the first wedding was Mr. B.
B. Haseltfne. a welbknown Filth avenue mer•
ottani, and the bride Miss Lizzie. the acmes-
Mslied daughter of. Hon. U. W. Williams. of
Mayntme Bench. In the surprise wedding
Mr:Bderard Maxwell, who la widely known
and esteemed, was the rca who secures a
Mind for life, and Mu, daughter of the
Porter B. Priest& mist e bit:Wag bride.
bl couples left on the eastward
pound Halos for an extended bridal tour.
linen of Oyer sag Tenolnee -Jnilgra Merrell
and Collier—Trial of Nicholas Dorfman for
Maker --Diseund Day's Proceeding..
- The Court of Oyer and PernDner met at ii
n'elock yesterday inorning, Judges Sterrett
and Collier on the broth. The ease of the
Commonwealth as. Nicholas Dorfman indicted
for the murder of Thomae Laughran was re
sumed and the following test ininny was elicit
1ir..1. A. LAIIIIOIII. nwnen— I reside at 511
Penn at reel; am a physician: Was called to . •
Thomas Lauglunn lite morning of the sth o
October: he was at the residence of . Hugh
Hanlon: Penn street: I was called before :
y a
o'clock in the morning I think—ean't s ek
actly: Laugliran was In the rear part of ,he
house on the Ist story: I found him Irina on
his back, breathing with difficulty and tire
wax considerable blood Min, hi. lost': I
found on examination that hewan Clll. on
right side near the breast bone; treat ''''l l 'h
he was bleeding and exhaling air froturlie
tang. The external wound wan larger than the
internal; I closed the wound and had hint isai.
,vered to his boarding limem;,l so di:meted;
by so doing hi breathing 3'34 1001 Oppressive
and them was less 3elool3iolgt, l did ant s p..
him again until he had been removed in his
1,,,,d1„g bore: haw him before s O'clock
same d n , ; examined the 111 e wolittil
and • made a sllglit. emu - M.llml of the
Noe ; I 300'1 remember that I here
was :owsignincanre attached to any
a tuT woimds; it seems to me I hat he was
somewhat: made no further exatn
ant ion when gee Ihe second time, bolo--
I ed upon his general syniptoms. The wod
ver the lung seemed to be a clean cut [wal
-1 .1 with the ribs, about one inch In length; I
Thenot probe it. but int roductsi my linger.
extern; wound was an inch in length: it
Wan an Incised wound: 11 knife would produce
:11 wound of_ that kind. We have no right to
probe a wound of that character. Wean, we
might create damage by probing. Afteran
i.indult ion of the wound and man. my °pin
nn of bin condit ion was that it wita one of the
ordinary cases of a ehest wound. You must
aln - ays look at wounds of that eluirneter as
angerous. when the lung Is injunsi. I visited
ughtan fre qu ent lyUfter that time: I culled
number of t Imes. that stone day: I called
t,the text day; for three or foMr•daya he
. quite low. eery bail: his symptoms abated
somewhatafter tint day; we were of 11k1in
.Jon, Dr. Ikinnellv , the consulting physician,
and myself, that he W:10 out of danger; don't
remember the date of the consultation.
I vklted hint tip notit the 18th of
I fonbee• I eannot tell how long af
ter the consultation l visited him but
the morning of the 10th sons tf e last
time I visited him: 1 did not examine hint that
Morning: do not know his condi. ion: 1 desire
to make a correction: I meant to my that I
visited the man ten days: it Wan an t Itemorn
log of
when that I visited him last: do not
know he died: visited lam seyerni times
after the consultation with Dr. Donnelly:af
ter receiving an injury in the chest death it
Insotermetimes caused by hemorrhag
w e, external or
nal: blredlng did not follo as the result
f the Injury; there wag 110 hemorrhage in
case after I closest the 3 . 0111111: I exatnintsi
the tnan carefully after I closed the wound
several times: I cannot state whether there
was Internal bleeding nr not, as the. blood
gravitates to the bottom of the lung.; I can
positively State there was 001 an Internal
hemorrhage; if lee have not bemorrlinge idler
the t bird day our prognostications are Inver.
Mr and we have hopes that death will not
follow front hemorrhage; then Ire-direct ~me
attention to the inflammation: there wmtin
ttnnanation in thin case to his ads antnge: the
treatment was then antiphlogist lc: our abject
wan to avert an extensive indammnt ion of the
lung; sometimes an Inflammation will extend
all over the lung, and the more extensive nit
inflammation on the lung the more !Mal it bc
he continued well. improving. airwe thought;
the consulting physician. Dr. Donnelly.
withdrew from the case thinking the patient
wan nut of danger, stating that the cm e was
more favorable and he world not call tint 11
for by myself or louse one : else.
tin the In h day after he Mkt wounded, the pa-.
tient was titling up and talked wit h one )ovi
alit': recovery. of course, had not permanent
ly set. but he was premature In his sitting up.
[bough he felt comfortable when sitting; on
the morning of the 17th i [TM him last, bill
Ohl not remain more than a moment; that was
• the 10th day afterjreceiviug the wound; I did
. not 02311110 e him: he wag in bed; Ica nnot state
cause of hi. death.
• eroll-examined-1 do not recollect the tiny
I trAtonnelly Una Called to lee the pat lent; do
not know how ninny times I baited laughrart
before Dr. Donnelly was Called Itt: do not
know the time Dr. Donnell,. and inyrojf came
to the conclusion that the 'patient wag not of
danger: It was about tire. six o set - en days:
the consultation took place outside.
de. :trier we
hid visited the patient together: I told
ran that he wan improving; on the at h tint af
ter the Injury he wax sitting up and talking
jovially: Dr. Donnelly had retired Trout the
ease before that; when he was sitting up I alk
ing jovially he said "Doctor rant all right: I
-would be all right if I had a --." I jovially
remarked to h he made m
treatment up to m
the dity‘ I left tne I t
was nic: of y
course. after inflammation exists for some
time the powers of life must decrease, and we
give tonic to stimulate' or strengthen the
patient, to • prolong life and to p
vent clot, as it deliberates the bloore
d ;
nut nothing on the and externally; I
dressed the wound hr stitching it and placing
adhesive plaster over it. I also placed over
it 0 to/lo dotsd plaster: I don't know how long
these strips of adhesive plaster remained:
shoot a tint or two I think. cannot state posi
tively. I did not remove then,: Dr. Dannelly
removed them: It erns done on hit nest or
second visit; I cannot state when that chit
Was; I did not see Dr. Donnelly on bin nest *
lan: thee told me tie tuul been there; I Wan
not there when 3.aughran died; I ceased to
visit him nu the 17th. because I felt hurt at
the conduct of the consulting physician: my
feelings were wounded by the mime he bad
adopted In my absence. On the first day Dr.
Donnelly came he did not agree with me in
Inv treatment' of the case. Ile wanted to
adopt a' different mode of treatment from
that which I Was pursuing: he did adopt It
n ti o nt "&111in'e pursuing;
e treatmenth o in
terfere with toy treatment or change it. bat
added to it a preparation which operate. 4 on
the skin. The treatment was not changed to
my knowledge on the 17th: I did not examine
the patient on my lout Thal; I did not examine
the patient because I felt hurt at the eOnduet
or the cOnlUlting physician from something
that had been said to me. The patient ty: s
In delirium Only at certain 1111100 for-two r
three days, or longer
he WWI not i
delirium when he sat on and tolled with m.
I said the Inflammation was to the advantage
of the patient because it solidified the lung a,
the part wounded and prevented hemorrhage
Re-direct—nave been practicing about Live
years.' Graduated at ftelleview College. Have
treated cases of this character prior to thi.
one. It was in the forenoon bad theconver
sailor. with Laughren. when he talked Joni 1
wit k me. I idways called in the morning, nn
sometimes two or three times toeing the de
and at night hen they would call me. •
think t wns coiled several times In the nigh
It was on the 16th that he sat up and talked t.
tne. It was on the 17th that I was there last
I remised hot a moment.
Dr. John A. McGirr, s worn.—Am a practi
cing Optician and turfman. Rave been pose
Ming thirty year+. Saw Thomas Laughrn
the night before hi, death. Saw him on Tni
teenth street at the house he bad been lyin .
at. Re was in a dying condition when I ea.
him. That In the only time I saw
him, except at the pet modem ex
nmination. Dr. Donnelly was present
I went to see the patient at his request. Mad
an examination of the wounds. Discovered
wound between the third and fourth ribs o.
the right side. about an inch nod three-qua
ten In length through the akin and fatty tin
sue, and extending down to the muscles that
attach the ribs to each other. The wound Was
from half to three-quartera of an inch an
depth. Did not examine any farther about
him for external wounds. NeTeely examined
the externs' condition of the ch st with refer
ence to effusion; and found the che st filled full
of fluid, excessive andlabored athing nod
the perspiration pouring off htno that hist
bourn were very few. The DOM and I con
cluded that he would not live twelve hbure.
The patient was conscious. I did not converse
with the patient. The next morning Dr. Don
nelly made a mot filmiem examination, and I
Was present, and we are red at oar ideal of
what the come of death as. The first thing
we did was to examine whether there was
any communication he ween the external
wound and the cavity the chest; I refer
to the wound on the hr st; we found that
we could pass a probe in a short distance at
the angle nearer the been -hone for a short
distance but could not pass it Into the
chest; The wound t rough the mus—
cles that Joined the 11 Tyne plugged up
by & deposit of lymph, f fresh formation;
the Coating of the chest as then opened and
an Immense effusion poud oat through the
cut made by the doctor I the examination;
this effusion was all reran ed , and it run out
en rapidly that we could et sponge it up, but
we collected about two thirds of nn ordinary
wooden pall full; I tk the sponge and
cleared oat the cavity of the cheat and found
the lower portion of this aid contained ron-.
siderable puce, matter; I hen examined the
or .,
condition of the right lull and found it col
lapsed or condensed an occupying a mail
space in the upper po km of the cheat
not larger then my two Sts: vre found the
M ' a m tr a ti d n l n 'e d r g g .liTrl h r a ler - wallel - 4 Ten
cheat where the wound pe etrated unit at Ick
tc the lung also where it had been mandril.
we then removed the lumrkwith the portion
of adhering ',lrmo, and-. xamined it for a
wound to correspond . ith the external
wound; We found the longthal been wounded;
on separating this attached plflint from It
this wound was cloned up by lymph na the
wound between the rib , bad been; I
separated these hands of lymph and
found that an artery, a vein and
a barochial tube had been net ered
by the cut; the cut moot have been one and in
half Inches deep In the lung; It wan deep
enough to divide these important parts of the
lung; the wound was three-qtuntera of nn
Inch In length; that of connte gave us data to
form our opinions an to the cause of death
unions we found canoe of death cimwhere; we
examined the heart next, and found it sound;
fxamined the other side of the cheat and
ound the lungaomewhat congested from the
armature of the fluid on its right aide against
it, interfering with respiration and circuit,
lion; the lung was In the main part sound. our
conclusion from the examination was that the
man had died from this wound which had
penetrated the lung and the effects of that
penetration: it was a continuous wound
through from the breast Into the lung which
It penetrated, as I have described; we exam
ined. an in the Other wounds, one on the 'fore
head and one on the bath; I don't recollect
mach about them, do not think they were
serious around., am very certain they were
nett the wound in the lane canned the death
at the man; the examination was made in the
room where the man died, at eleven
o'clock the foil-owing day; he wk., a
l oan of tine physical development. 1
Croseexamination—thughlin was, I sup
pose, abOut tire feet eight or ten inches; be
wan I 1 very macular
would seer large.
well-rtereloped chest; he weigh eyee
one hundred and eighty pounds, probably
near two hundred pounds. A wound oath as
1 have dencribed would not be necessarily fa
tal. from mar eFrience; I could estimate very
nearly the len cf time intlamation bad been
going on, and t must base been front a week
In ten darn; a wound that had as moth effu
sion as that one would necenartlT be fetid.
That amount of allusion would not necessa
rily,fellow in all cases: It often follows that
wounds of that rho racter are followed by In
fiamstion and symptoms Of effusion and then
the indematiop and effusion abate. The Ori
ginal effusions of blond from the wound into
the cavity of the chest was there as a constant
come* of Irritation, keeping on that halftone
tlonof thepkunt, constantly table to break
mann until that effusion was absorbed; the
would not be safe at any time, as
long ea the effusion or a portion of It wan
there; I do not think the intimation resulted
from the handling of the wound, but from the
Presence of effused blood in the lower cavity
of y?.. e lPre. 'Doi moth—l deceased; • do
not remitted tee date; It s v ' rTs About fear
hours after he dled; Drs. Dannelly, MoOlrr
and JandsOn. Were present; this was at the
'nod inortein examination; I was present and
took Nome notes id' the examination: trier
were two, 4, 3111111111 on the hod one at the
hash of tlre neck, this wound e•r , 1]•
lanother wound on the righ t bresor about four
nches below - the collar bone at itslusint Of en
t ranee it ef abotd two 11161 , lengt h. ex
tending in 'a tarot:non back searils sins' unwards
into this calcite of the chi,: This wound was:
not healed at its point of ent ranee. but 113 c
P 1 .g . K. 1 11 1 31 tr point :Mein 1111 Melt in depth
with plastic lymph: inri•son was made from
t base nf It he nevi. 10111 , 113,11. allot her one
rmrrled mitre.. the 31.101111 . 11 at this point.
cheat 11,1,11.3:,,1,1L/,.1,ini.14`...1111:
tivt (muut tilled i right _
tens ion 113111 3 Haiti, 1111,41 Nlllll volk.ring
,„,pies , et the blood: the I nog matitiiying a pa
ion in the tipper 31311 inner cavity of the
m., it • wns completely occu
w er e snus-elght of. the entire carRY:
There were eery large Lando of plastic lynsph
holding it in t his e nn cavity and layers
of blip .131111,
i t the inner surface of the
wall of the chest; the hang 1,13 removed and
it partially invisible wound found in thelow
er port 101 l 1/T the upper lolie. which corres-1
pondesi to the direction said 11111.01411/115 t( the.
taternn] wound described.
At this, Oita t•nnr? took a rete-.nntit lint
inlet tate ot'elock.
Cowl convened at halt 'met oto.
Sturm t ntnl Collier nn Ti,.. bench. •
Or. Daley who ttfl 1311 tfie at and unhen Coort
104 a reca.s.. wan n•-milelh and the ,11111 . i11117
. ilOll itt Chief WM cont Inued' •
The wound was nhnui aquarter of an inch
in dent h in the lung. and a little Into than that
in length: the ent ire dept hot the woUnd front
the surface I judge was from ftya and n qua,
ter to three inches; the rat railer of the Idade
had divided the intercostal muscle* across
their fibre: this would cause a somewhat gap
ping wound. and allow the rod pima , oratinna_
itherie air fnon Ihe weight of its M. pres
thesure, which WOltiii c . 11111.4. eotiapse of the lung,
tTuard fluids gavenn evidence of ant - very
remote elTualon, or rather - remote :talon of
hat kind, Inasmuch tin there 1114 nn' little
of I hat kind of decomposition that results In
the formation of pus: some pus, however, was
Present in the tower strata of the volt
tone of fluid. evident I y in its (mining
stage. The
ymean ws apparently about
I wenty-t wo ars of age fool was of a
very moot :11
1,1 111119elliAr frame: bin features
rare a pinched expression, Ind teat lye of hiss-
Ins suffered eacruciat iug • pain; ' there Wan tie
sets . import ant arteries in the locality of the
wound: the eat ernal and internal '1114,(11113,
and the intercostal arteries are nhout all.
fon rather inclined to the belief that Holle of
these arteries were severedf. in tar opinion.
&lab WIIF caused by pleurisy or intlationa.;
thus of the lining membrane of the lung, with
its consequent squat Intel effusion: this seas
the iminediate effuse' of death; the remote
cause of the [rookie waa the Wound tirade by
I he knife,
'nent-elatilined--Th inilatilitiat inn 114 ht
have been mused by a ynid I akin. or from
the wound. I could mit say e , rfaioly and
nee...11110 thal t lie intlatintint renulted
from the wound. It to 1/OC I .IIIII I that If acute
inflammation had gone on Irani the time the
wound was tunneled tint ii the deut It of the in,
t lent that the - ellii•don might lon.' been the
name an we faun] 11. bat it in not pr,,t m bi e .
The matter formed 11,011,1 ha,. noire
the severing of the eater.] in:run:try /Men - ,
and the ititertl
rould of
been SeVered. think the sole rause of death
wain from Inttamwu my Nto ion set nip by some
very efficient nose, :11111 that action Wll.l. Very
Intlanattat Tn.:retied front the
sennnd. and the Inflaninudion wan the ratite
of death.
110-411reet 'flier, Ira, 'thse, of ant Nil
vere violence about the Lead.
The COMlllllfllven.llll lir(1 . 1104et1 10 off, •••
dem, the tit:element: umtie h
Alderman Tarim - i t w int/ening after. lII' AV:I
inJurtt. '
Al.fereent Tin,. Meier. swot. - 1 t 6
called siren In go az .1.4, the titre:trod 011 th.
titorning after Ii w s Injured. It was :then ,
right o'elnek on t . h
otter li e eo n ],
not stelik: 1 tookt In statement pfirtir
standing round. nod then read h to Lang - limn
whn nodded his assent to it.
The otter was wlt lid en wit.
.. . .
Edoriti Printet..worn. Liie al No. Itl l'ike'
.toot. - Ana about I 7 years of age- Work at
Moreland Mitchell's livery .1060 r. I k •,
when , Stephen Hoffman lit - eel ita Coe it Ow r .I.:
it Wa.. on Penn street. a few - doors slimy°
011ora. I %vac there hit at wen t lir.v and font
o'clock ortj he morning that the muting took
place. 11. outside of Stephen Hoffman's
lannae, stentling on t iss,w inflow sill. In Wa. 3
tavern. I think I tin was tee first night be
opened. I hears! it fuss in the house sand loud
talk is the reason I got on (Ise wind.... 011. 1
looked t brough the window. SAW Nick Hoff
man and Stephen. anal a anon I,V the name of
Iteo , er. 3lld I think Stephen'o Wife w. them,
They were just talking then, anal were otand
inn at the ter talking. They had been talking
then• about tie minutes. I guess; I credal bear
what they said: I Isesird Nick Itolintasu say he
wand - kill the esn et a la - h that all Stephen."'
They were .Is Salons: the bar. tS hawse
was shown a plan of la he blinding. anal sleueri
bed the position of the pan ies_ 311.1 his issd
t ion at t he wind°. . lie then .aid: i ...natal see
Nick Rahman plainly; saw nothing but stand
ing anal talking while I was I here; and not see
any striking. The talking was not ern' kind
when I Ivan looking in the window; a few
minutes sifter !Mani 1 hat remark from Nick.
lie and Steve starred in the back 1,10111; Ste
phen's wife was behind the (sari a I don't know
whether it was St ere's wife or not: there was
one lady behind him bar; than three men
started to the back room and entered it; it
wan atom? five minutes on ...0 :after I bean! the
threat I had th.:v entered the back room: I did
not see anything after that: I Just • came
anion l'elln at reel before I got on the WinaloW
SIII: the first thing that attracted nay atten
tion as I come down ('Nano from lAberty
street. was three men nanning down t Pliant
Street Inward 31111beeey :alley front Penn
strew, could not say how finale men were
dressed: did not know any of them; Mr.
lemon came out after the man was cube the
nearest I wee to the men who ran drawn\
the street was about half 3 mintare.:`
I a 'd not see the t trey anen, or any of them.
af r they turned into Mulberry alley, until
rtft r the man was cut./ that there were tiro
mm tante out for the police. and I caw the
man who was cut; I he amen came mat alter the
lid,, becObe. the Mali Ih., Wag eat the loon tat oath; I the
into the liCilit. when
1,011‘3 , went in; the man I hat witgcut was in
Lemma's, next door; never saw hint I.4are he
was cut that I /.110W of; alb! not ..., 111, 'Il a I ,
.lanc ater t her had ant:-red \ , 11... !mei; r..i.ln
tint It i he were grating orient AL saw them
t hen in tioffman's bar room: they rushed into
the back room when I was standing on the
window sill; they ware the two ffmana and
Ilroser; do not know - which of tunm entered
[IPA.. the bar room was I t by torn
ps a lights; could not see the men in the back
room, because It %rot dark In there; did not
see any lights in the back room; thq dour be
tween the bar room and hack Conan was open
after the three men had eat Bred; I heard not h
ien that wog going on In the back room: I did
noteretnain on the window sill: got off a few '
militates after :he men entered the back room 1
andaras standing on the pavement by the door •
wheat Hoffman made I hose thresto,• 1 did not
aee him make any movement :.l did not go '
Into Hoffman's house until they were getting
arrested; Steve and Nick Hoffman and a few :
more men that I did not know were in here I
then. -
Crosseexaminisi—ll war between three nnd
four o'clock of the morning of October 7th; 1
I can't tell what day of the week it trim I ,
recollect it was the ';th of October: can't tell 1
how 1 recollect: I was going home: live Si I
Pike street; worked at Pitcairn', tit that time. I
W. drlving "Buss - --got drawn generally at I
twat time in the morning. Saw )It. Lemon the
umn who keeps the - Fort Pitt" Maine:a
door to Hoffman's. He Caine illit of th front
door of Hoffman's house: I know St 4 phen
Hoffman when I see him; I drst told - what I
have told here to Mr. Mooney,, a policentan, a
day nr two after the tatting was done, on
Liberty ctreet, where he was on a "beat. -
Wit uses wastage:o shown plot of the black In
which the house stands; crosied the street hest
cause I heard fuss: got up on t he window out
to are what Was going on; could not see from
the pavement for the shutters or something
Inside: I only knew Brauer when I sate him;
tenni of Min non base ball player; have known
Stephen Hoffninii - lOr n good while; dp not
know Stephen Hoffman' , wife; nay fare was
an close to 1 he Window no T esaild get It; the
lady was behind the bar and the men were In
front of h: I think there wasto little blood on
SOnie of their faces, bast cannot my whose face
It oval on; I know that. It-was Nicholas who
mid he would kill the son of a Is -h whostriek
Steve, isv hit voice; I knew him for some Hine,
but never talked with him: hate heard him
talk frequently up about the engine house:
can't on how often; could tell lain voice
from the others in the house • that
night; , I refer to the Niagara engine house:
it hue Leen over a year or more' !since I We
him nt the Niagara. engine , lipstae; I have
heard him talking other places; can't Ray',
when I last heard him talk, - It' was about Ore
minutes from the time I saw the three men
coming Into Mulberry allessurit II I saw Niels
°lns and Stephen Hoffman and Bruiser rusk
into the back room. I had juot got alp on the
window when I hennl the threat; It Wag a
couple of minutes before they loathed into
the room; it might have been ten minutes
after I now the men turn into the olley that I
saw the others rush into the _back room; I
cannot say how long I was on the window
sill; there was no light in the bock room that I
could see: the troannu commenced to Ingle,.
three men rushed into the back room; I
was not on the window sill then: I heard no
noise In the back room before the men posted
in; no one messed along t lie ntreet.Wh Ow I scat
rat I he da tor nnd window, but there was n Inn.
standing on the pavement wit la a bucket; did
not observe whether these teas nny One In
'Lemon's saloon; think one of the doors was
Ppen; there was a little light, In the house:
have never been in the back , pert of Hoff
man's house; I know Hint it was Nicholas
Hoffman whornade the threat from his voice
nod the expression used: be said I will kill t he
son of a b--h who hit my brother Steve,
.Re-direct- The shut tern on the window
went wood and lout boll selle tip the window',
Jamett Ilaniorr, sworn -•Lice in, the Ninth
ward; lived there In October last; know
where Stephen Hoffman lived when I heellffi
cult v tooklances he lived in the house where
It ra;ccurred: Nicholas Hoffman was In the
}souse that night. Between nine and ten
o'clock la night I and Tom Loughran andJobn
lemon %vent into Hoffinan'a house with the ,
Intention of baring a drink because it ova., the
Oral night of its odening; Nick Hoffman oval
the. only man In I 110 house that I
knew at that tinge; • there w'erg , lieo
more and a woman there: Nick made Me
acquainted with Ma brother Steve; don't
know who the other man was.' tire had
.• • •
a drink and during this time-Nlek nod me got
into some talk about rolling mill affairs; dur
ing our conversation Laughrtm interfered in
the discourse and talked for some minutes
• with Nick; they eanfturled one another dur
ing the time they talked; I believe Laughren
cootraried Nick in the talk; Nick called him
liar and offered to strike at him, but whether
be struck him or not I do not know; Nick
stooped. on if toget nn under kohl bf -Laugh
ren, and threw him down on the 000,1 -Nick
was then on top of him. and Sieve Hoffman
otme.running from the end of the bar and I
think be was trying to separate them; did not
see him attempt to strike; there were two
more strangers in the house, who we bad left
behind us at Lemon's; Lemon went out and
brought them Wafter we had taken one drink.
with the Intention of treating himself; -these
men nil gat into the fuss then; Lem
on and me then tried to - get them
men apart; after ire got them apart we shor
ed Laughren out; One of the. strangers went
wheleith him; Then Hoffman got up, and
got my eye. upon they were-in a very
rarbl;j.P.Ttiork. the freely as If they
ot on the head; they were coming
forward to Lemon. and each of them haring
r g on 6 ' e, I:l7h:e k T:1 0
u e e t 1111 4 1 chairstwba it log
t. u war g ; " n',L was
Paw an
Nick put kmd le his pocket nod draw
a knife; he opened the knife and made some
expreassion. but I COuld not telt that
it was; but it bore On my mind that he said if
he was abused any more he mould either take
a life oriose one; I could not exnetly say what
he said; it might hare been from two to Are
minutes, maybe more when I. Lake...
make hie appearance In the back way in the
door leading into the bar MOM" I Shouted for
ton' n37l' to
s glancetagar making
the gas light: do not know whether it was the
back or not; the knife ww• in Nick's hand: I
heard a Jostle at the door at, tt s ue person
had fallen tot he door: I tried to 'get • oat but
tine front-Maw was locked; the antes wns In it
kind- of an entry or room hock o r
the bardom : never was In the
place. Could not Cl.O who• was In the hack
reent at 1.11:1t lel, I tried to get out the back
way but could not and turned back again.
Nehru I turned hack to tine from door It woe
.1.41,111 d Lemon woe just going out. When
trot int! 1 hallooed "tmlice" nod "murder."
Lenten heti been crying tnurder on the st reel
for sonic time. I could not sny where Nick
Hoffman woe when I heard the fuss in the
hack-room: he went that way and was out of
nny sight. When Loughran made his appear the hack door Nick Hoffman won
standing' along by eta - side at the bar. I was
stunding wit h my hark t o the bar handy to the
door. fir teas /winingactitrist the counter.
Steve 'Ho ff man sync at the corner of the bar;
Steyr , foiloWed after Nick when he went tit
witrd Langhron: one other man went into the
bock l'oolll. then Caine out nod returned again;
tine knife Nick pulled out was a pocket knife:
o at
t aut srvy what size it hen
Loughran did
scent to be 'drunk when we went Mtn
llofitsuut's: the party in Ilitlfman's were ap
parently sober an far as I could see; in fact I
might have been more drunk than any of them;
(omid not say Le* Loughran Whe dressed:
l helped to lint tranglirto nut. and I
t hink it was that unto Brostr who
lucked the door: at
say whether Lnuehrin
had his hot or emu on ine off; could not sae
hail - for Nick lloftnnin was from Latteltrub
wiles he made his appearnnee at the track
door: did not hear hint soy anything when he
stared. ttIIVOITtiK Langliratu did OM see
Stephen do anything lad follow after big
brother; I next saw Loughran In the buck part
tit' Hugh Hanlon's: Ryas :Lout five ur ten
dtinntes or more after I -saw hint nt the back
oor of nottionti's bar room; then I saw hint
In Hanlon', hoar- :do • not know how
he got into llnnlinee- house: 111( wits
laying on tine Load of his back with a goal
dent] of blondino him: thane: all not iced at
'that tune: the lloltntan's were arrested and lel
the pOlieettlell. regneeted lee to go
along with Marl did not see Image rim :again
Uhl 11 the next morning; he was very weak and
was breot hing heavily: I sow him about three
day , : after, ard; he appeared to lie a little
easier: I saw him livo days after dent. and did
not see him alter until 1 saw Mtn dead. Ito
appeared to ire mending. when I saw Mel Ohl?e
the bast dine.
At thl• mint Court t. uk U rece.s.,
Court convened at coven o'clock, but a half
bout elapved before the counsel ere• ready
to proceed. At. half -past seven Mr. Hanlon,
who WAS. the stand when court adjourned,
was called again:
. .
Crits , extintinatima—Lottglirsit, myself and
Lemon went Into Stcph. Hot:noon's house to
gether: it .ens about IWO o'clock; Hoffninn's
door kvng open; Loughron went In first: I went
In Twit Mitt lemon inen; we did not knock 'at
Ihe an
we hod been in Len...11 . A boos be
fore we went to ilotfituill'::; we had 111,13 I here
Cone :.n hourhonr idol :1 hlf;
think; went
Into Lemon's :110 , 111 olio n'Olork I
opt state the thee ecnctly; it was not Wino
t Welve o'clock; I bad been not above the toll
gate townrds Lawrenceville to McKee'e be
fore I went In Lemon's: went to McKee's Le
twll seven sad eight o'clock in the evening:
do nt know what time I left McKee's; I came
in o 1 the clonial-ant min: I went into (Or
alum House before - if - Dinghy Lemon's: 1 took a
drink or t wo at .Nlchee's; I might hoer taken
hoar: I hod not AZ; I s ,-, niet Imes .tank.whisker
and ..ienetiotw_. ale; I took o drink of whiske'y
at the Ilitsh lbws, I only rent. surd there
while I was getting tin *ink, and came out
again; I then went inn as cell:wand got as w
of ny...ters:' I then went .1 might to Lein,. as
I found Tone Inuglirnn. John Lemon and /0
Iwo snoopers mentioned; I was loin - due I
to 'the Wrangern: I do nit recollect lb it
1:1111,t: Loughran introduced me to then,; I
could not tell how- long It won from the time I
went Into Lemon', that we went info Hoff
man', we hod ,ot hing Li drink a Lemon's;
I could not tell bow me the drinks is t
then, 11u0) Ilo• count. and could no fell bror
ninny I had; Loughron drank as oft, as I did
:it Lemon', 1 conk! not soy whet In r Lemon
drank ex orytime to: not: I know le !nookentre; I think I drank ale only aft. r I came
t o I,,non•s; I don't know t int niy
Illell/OVV wa. much the OrNe t
drielys 1 hod token; I m W
alight have bee ior o
litt he le
the worse; when I any I lilt count, I mean
that I 11.111 . 1, know how Often I firm Mere:
If I boat hen perfectly :mare I might have
recollected the number; I believe I 'hod ten
drinks at lloffinan's before the difticulty oc
crred there; q out not certain about the ntin,
Le u r: I rOttlol MA ,‘,,r NOM? I drank: I War get
t 1,,g prett 3. "(tunny" tit flint time; r could won:
srrolgtit es ant - man, but I "felt my beer." I
we. called before the Moyne the twortinagafter
the fight, and examin lncapablelncapabled; went to titek.M , nyor's
' office end woo Incapable of nankin n state
! oleo), nott wan Rent hack.again: I vi. s inen.
noble berense I bad drank too much I.r and
lying in-the celL - 1 could not rim:fly tell whet
I time II wns t hot we wereexotitirr. but
it was the sante day; I reilletalw H
r uy Lemon
and the Mayor wera• present; they Might
I' hove been more there; do not know whether
Me. .Moore Wat• there or not; the egaMinnt ion
0,0 in the front office. I did not state to the
Mayor that after the affreyl found otyrelf in
the lock alley :Old did not know boy I got
there: I laidl found my trot' back to the
hack door, but could not and my ten 'jolt to
Nfultierry alley. and collie buck norritn, and by
the time I got Into the linr-room Isarnin was
'getting out of the front door: when Laughran
,10/ 1 1/111 out one of the SU:nog:ern wttnt oat
with klin end the other stayed in. I t'ohl the
3loyoret that etnreinnt lon that I Wes so
much affected with liquor that I Could 1101
exactly' tell what Nicholas Roffman said; I
emit recollect Oct and trottlit not ntilte, It lan
fort: I did not say to the Mayor that I thought
Lemon went t tit with I..ll , t i ghron; I know that
Lemon Wle: In the lionse vlt h me all the tune;
I hove na clear and dist nel reeolleetlon of
that fora' as I hove of the number of drinks I
took in Lemon's house; be will all the friend
I badnod lie stuck by me; I believe there was
seven in the room offer Loughran won put
nut --the st runger, Leto.. myself Kick Hoff
inno...iteve rind bit wife, and the twin rolled
dr001..; could not say when the , trallger got
Owl, he was in the room when Hoffman pulled
theknlfe MO Or his pocket: I, VOilld. not +lir
from. nee to ten mlnuten of Ow time
Irmo t Ise pultltoront of the knife tint II I
Latiglitwil nt the park door; the time ton., not
•ert . Ifolg: I hale no Oen.. rerollert lOW of the
hoe at ell: I could not .05: w het 1,..r the
Iran : ger got oat t Ike hark or front ,I
o et., r rerol let t it, r.f tl /mance; and cannot
sAy how ter llolgonin Won from Loughran
Chen the latter appehred at the back door;
hwasstanding near t lie from of the bar, end
the other canoe to 11,0 other end of the bar;
bilth the 11Offmane heal , wero bleeding
pretty freely when Latiglioln wan pot not: I
dld not ore am Mood nn Loughran when he
appeared at the beck doo Old' not see any
blaYtt, 1111114 Or WOuntin onhint When he wee
put nut of the door; do not know how .Nlch.
ides lioffmen got bin head hurt: did not are
any one strike hlm; did not zee ham all the
time during the fray; did not see Laughren
ner any of then. during the fray; they were
all In 5 pile nal , Lemon and: me, and we
Were not in It until we went to part them; we
were standing between them nild the door; I
dld net see any one In the bar but the tyntnart
a - fid Lemon going nut at t he front doer ; when
I returned from trying to get out et the beck
Moor, my recollection of what took place
there is not very distinct; 'I would not state
Anything for fact.
• John Lemn. sworn on Penn street,
'No. Cr:, neat door to where Stephen Hoffman
lived. I remember the tight; Laughren come
to me- house about nine or tee o'clock; there
were t wo friends of hist here, and he went out
with them and they returned again, about
twelve o'elock, mien( say bow long they re
nisined the tiro time they were there: the last
thee they canto they ,stopped imtil heileeti
one' and tyro' o'cleck; Hanlon and Lai ran
both went out together. and I went lit Ilse ar
ten minutes after: when I went to Hotlinen's
door.- It was a little open nod. I saw
Nick Haulms inside and I Arent inside;
Minton, Laughren- Nick and ptephen
Hoffman. and Mrs. Hoffman and a man
by the name of Brosie were inhere; they had
a drink on the bar and I drank with them;
Nick Hoffman then ordered up a drink:l went
nut and said I would be in in a minute's time;
Iliad telt tto: e two strangers In my
end T told them to collie out it few minutes
nod see went into llotlmuis; I took a drink
and the strangers hod 3 drink; Nick Hoffman
and Hanlon were talking about rolling 0110
affair, and Laughren trot to t :liking after some
little time: Hanlon- did not say much otter
that: it was Nick Hoffman; they talked.fOr
1 some time; apparently no hard feelings he
! tweet them Unfit:me told Laughren he was
liar and struck him; ,they not -Into a fuss
then and Loughran came down on hie back;
when they got; down Sleeve came into the
fuss. but I can't soy whether be was trying
I to separate them or not: it got to be a mixed
rapt wing between all parties; they finally ROC
' needed' in getting -them separated, and when
Leughtun got to kis feet he made a stroke or
two et the Hotheans; some of the folks got
Min outside; he tried to get in
: again, but
Itrosie, I think, locked the door, after that
there - was no one in the her room but Nick
' Holtman, his brother, Hanlon and Land Hoff-
man's wife; I saw Ihnale locking the done,
but I did not see hint aft 'w that; the door was
locked from the • inside: we talked a little
- while and the two Ifni:fumes rippenred in be
used up; both of them were bleeding. Nick
Hoffman pulled out a knife. It he made any
t tweet I don't remember what he said. While
we were Miklos' Istnehrari came to the back
door. The two Mifflinnn went for him when
they seen him. They net in a hall off the bar
: room null got Into a (WO. don't know how
ninny were in there: It wan dark mid I could
not pee. I went as far as the hall door
at the beck of the barroom. end the lounge
was narrow. - I sew no war of passing so ne
to get out the back way. I turned round and
seen that the door wee locked hi front, nod
1 told Mrs. Hoffman., who was behind
the bar crying, to get une the key or I
would have to break the door and gel
nut; she came around the bar end the key
won lying nn the floor; I took it and opened
the door and went out; I ran around the ear
ner nT -Twelfth street and celled watch;
I went down to Mu lberry alley 10 the entrance
to Hoffman's home.; I • heard Litighren efun
.lng out lamenting or Inonnlng liken man feel
ing pain; when Ise enine In-me I got hold of
like and took hint through the yard l o my own
house and laid him on the kitchen floor; ran
tp steles and waked up the botirdert and told
hem to go down; wont outside and met the
I policeman outside of Uolfman's door; I told
I hem to go Into frogman's: Steve .and Nick
Hoffman and I think Broser was there, were
standing oti the ber-rooni floor and I told the
police t eeriest t hem: I went to my own bar-.
roam and a policeman told me T Would have
to go intro with Mtn to the Mayor's Mare,
After Nick Retinues called Laughren
liar and struck at him' they gut bolts, and
they went down, and Nick snot On tap of him
but did nut appear to bestriking latughren:
when the Page commenced Steve was standing
at the for end of the bar or.hehind it; he clam.
-to the Ilan and got impearahtly mixed up in
the light: but I could not tell whether hewas
fighting or trying to separarate the men, they
were not he floor two or three minute.; I be
lieve Laughren had a pair of dark pants, a
dark coat and black slouch hat on when he
went into'lloffmens; when Laughren fell at
the beginning of the tight It appeared AS If his
feet an -- , oiled nut from under ben
and he fell very - heavy; I dent iknoir
whe-put Loughran out; can't nay I saw any
one put him out; it was about two minutes
after he was put out that Nick Hoffman pull-
shout the knife: the knife appeared to be
about two or two and a half Indies in the
blade; he opened the knife when he took It
out of kis pocket: he made use of some ex
pression but I non know what he Bald; he
' t ' gg:C7r d f o t :r h :ti e n
x ugel e git l e t s. h r e a
knife until Laugh= came to tae' back door; -
he had the knife oben during this time; after
':he Opened done
the knife he de nothing
until Laughren made hit appearance:
don't remember what Helium fold eller he
opened the knife; I know there Is [Me door
leads from the beck part of the bar room;
dan't any which of the Hoffinans went in the
oor first; the done was clotted when Laughs
ran came to and he opened the door about
a foot and looked In; you could see his face'
but that was all; the two Hoffman'. then
went out of the door Into the book room in the
'tall; can't say how Laughren eras dressed
en I met him in the alley. .
Cross.mtemtned,l have been residing In
• •
' .
2{ •
that Louse since last Noveostber a Year; t went
there In November, IRS; I do not recollect the
day of the neck that thfs occurred: do not
remember the day only from—seeing it la the
paper this morning; don't mind who kept
the house Hoffman lived Ip_before he came;
there war n Lerman there whose name was
Peter Mathes: was there but seldom; sr. ; not
acquainted with Steptarni before he came
there; I knew Nick ((oilman: I knew Laugh
ren before that time; he boarded with toe
some four months prior to that t tme: I never
nale those strangers linfOre: sow one of them
the next day and was talking to him abourthe
affair; one of then, WWI a stout, Chunky man,
and the other was a toll slim nun: I don't re
member how titer were dressed: I might have
taken a drink and might have token a dozen
that day. I don'tremember how many drinks
t 1 ha t night; g i L at ;
I do on
n't nY t l ltou 1 g likely
t thatd i"; took
did 9'k
say positively that I did take n drink that
night in toy examination in elder: I did not
any in Inv ex:lttihad ion in chief that r took two
drinks that nigkt; Laughratt and them u t enn _
gera went ont of house and ::they back
again about twelve 0 . 00ek: :they re _
amine: about no hour' or on. and
a-bolf; there was 00 one in. re house
but me when they Collie ill the Into t
I.:aew:ln I had taken lila, or three
drinks in mr boure;.l followed the nbont
ten ininuteS afterwards, le:tying the t wit
strangers In my Inise: when I went In Some
of the pony WWI. treating: tbe conversation
between Hanlon nod Langlmin began hero,
brought the strangers Int they were talking
about Au g's milli I don't remember that Hoff
man said Lek : nte eta back to Zug.,
01111 to work taught.. did not coil
loot a liar neat. I was examined before
the t ha tMaor lon not recollect stating lathe
3lnyor t t when laugbrun Wa::_ptlt out of Ilse
iltmr that (holm went out. I don't know
whether I stated to the t here w an
no nue In tin. room but Stephen and Nicholas
Hoffman. Mrs. Manton rind myself after
laughran WileCOnt MIL It Wile alien( a miner
or IVO after I.nughrmi tried to push the door
"twit t hut a:tenni:ln lianninn pufleit nut
the knife. I kept my latent open un
til half hued oar- o'clock. Hanlon song
Situp 1Wil; I don't rentenill, any
other singingt. I don't know how I.n tglown
took tip the conver.t inn:- I eOnld net ttaY that.
I saw.i.aughtun pat out of the door; neither
of the strnngers were in the roam after the
door was locked; I did not see then, go out; I
did not see them nns. mom that evening: I
saw one of them the nest morning nail here
never seen the other since; don't remember
the stranger's name; never son Heade before
that night that I remember. I
COM. 1,1. Henry Cramer Cl 41.
115 Chu,. 11001.
• .
Mat thew. Keep.
Philip Duralid.
C:Lroline Schuberi
linrrison ©creel-.
Hobert Hannhue.
Philip Bauer.
abalin Golden.. •
intnen It. Hay..
Smith Elkin, and 1a..1. Urnhwm.
l'hna. ettrier vt nl.
Janien Inlnkeiry. . •..
Archibald Aintit agile
rim, LIST not \lllll. is". •
Out, e.. Eutton Itarrett.
Mena Hare...
. .
.10%lah Fnaler el nl
Wm. IL ILarri..l.
- Peter Nloarlaa.
—Missriraa a : -A large and fmillionahle
enee assembled at the Ilpern non* hist even
ing to hear Dupre, A Rene/Eel's 3finstiels.
The enterlahmoinl. as 11411S11. Wag, n find
elagg clotract or. 'they trill ret.rulnltentire
change of programme I his evening. and of
course there trill he another fashinnahle and
frOWtlPii audience pre , eot. I:0 early to get a
Rood ieat.
FESTIVA 1.. -- 1)1111'1 Jiang :Olen - ding the NI TlM
harry fextival nt the Sixth Prextrvtorinn church
to-night. Plent v 4,1 Rtlmlvirfe,l. lee cream
and cake. V ivilortt will tint the arrangeonent •
fur their enjoyment- everything that could lid
dextral. nix will be the lout evening and It
should be iilipiTne.l. The,llllrall 011 Frank
lin street.
nines. Slam Guns, Revolters. Pistols. Am•
munition and Gun material of all kind, at
(Need prim,. at J. il. Johnston's (Irma West,
ern thin Works, bait Wield street. Repair
ing neatly done. !inns for hire. A rtnyltitles,
Cstrldnes and Resolvers bought nr token In
exchange. Cali and see or write fora Price
The 14prlasoe 16 al enry Hair.
chant Tailor, a t. corner H nf Penn IS,
avenue Met .
Sixth street, Is non large and complete. Mon
sieur continuer to preside at the cut
titnneroad'• cathartic hyrnp in used - in all
eases In of pills, caster nil, epsnm salts,
.tc. Ilighly flavored. Ttrenty-flue cents. Try
it. Sold by all druggist*. wry
A F. kartarslue. Train,
Will have the Union Depot at one and a
• Welork. next Monday afternoon, to
convey grown peri.wn* to the great kale of
over :hat' building lots at MeFirland'a
tirave, See Mellwaine'rt auction nave,
liv.Pie.skt:c uv all . kital“ this have
been condacted with marl more general
anreess than they were list year. This is
to be attributed prinripally to large (-rope
reaped at flier !not harvent. In this par
tirular vection lotsines% men have [wen
largely stimulate‘l IT L'ier, (tanned,. t
Cretin., RI•.
1105 . 1.6-ctsvlche...lwha lath. 1870. ht her.
W. Smith. C VLF:, Esq.. 511.1 Ills. h ATP.
II Asits.Vl). 11.1.1 A Ito •. Tioirs.i.a "ea.
lag. filo lOtl. inst., the Thir4 Presbyterian
t'hhirh. hv het 7' A et , Noble. Al, 11. It. BASEL
TINE. In.. in 51Pit 1.1Z711.1 IV. WILLIAMS,
daughter of Judge Willie., both :.1 this City.
NIA AW ELL. •PRIEND-At the same lime, and
piaeo, by the same, EloWAltli L. MAXWELL in
).IAUT IL FRU:NI, both of this Oily;
. I'brirsday
morning. June 111th. 1870. by the Ile,. Father
Phelan. J. IL FALLAIIAN. Pail., of AlleghenT
I'll.. and F. 1.1.0 5101..4 PtaILIN. Pot.
JAMInDS—IIERRON - At rho (malt, renidefCe,
Union nonfat. Alienneno, no Thunder evening,
Juan 1 Mb, • Dry. John J. Pres•ly, D:,
—Du Thursday eysung.'
Jane 18th, at the residence of the bride's parents,
by the tier. T. N. Boyle. Mr. W. W. WRIGHT end
Thy, LIDA hr. J. LIINICARIL youngest daughter
of 8. R. Lenkatd, Eng All at 'Allegheny (My Nu
The funeral hill tete place from the remoleuce of
her mother, No. tf9l Webster bromic, MIS (Sr,-
day, AST/FLeowe at o'cloek P. h. They friends
of the family are respectfully Milted to &nand.
ran l ( l .f4 3 .'4; 0 '61 44 1
n t
daughter the late Geo. Beale.
Funeral on k9lionl - MOONING, a; 9 o'clock, from
the renldemm•ot her mother, No. 3$ Ferry streak
'oar - elms at M. PAM'S CalkOdral.
STRW kltT—On Tuesdigr ettlertioms.June 14th..
al Al.lute rentldence In Bearer cOan
tf, ID A %lb HTIKICA FIT. la the 7Ulh year of tan
t, 1 • 1r07, 1, 1L7. 6 1;` - d't.11NA . , 1 1.,AL1a10 . 137,111,17c1V.
tegrr:'.ll . 3 l l l og:A b goleoslirrercrg.
and for Burns, Cult, WOUnFis. Mild sit Coin DiII4IUOS
Vgt a il g r a pVed a , s ;a i r aaa
Henry's Insect Powder,
"r° •
Medicine Depot,
144) SM IT I 1 If *ELT) ST.
Ineluding atalivly 4218 Styles 11l
•NO. 91 FEDER &1., STREET,
1 13
Bell and rass Founders,
1 03 ASSES
Made promptly to Order.
Made ant Kept on Ha.
^ mutat:mil
and Manufacturers ot
M. Coopees mprave4l Balance Wheel
ir.". 8 190: AD S T Pz 9
pn. ttabZ:
_. - ..
. .
'or THE
Loans and 'Discounts .
S 7134 2
IL S. Bonds to secure Circulation 4 0.1 :MU 00
line from Redeeming t Reserve
Agentet r 9t,156
Ihre from other National
Banks 81402 Br
Due (rota other Basks &
Banters SXIB It
Rest Estate ISAV th•
Fursßunt and-Fixtures. 2.18 80
Exchange. for nearing
21,4R2 21
Remittance., Cheek. and
Revenue Menses. ....... A 7721
hainnal Rank Natee..... 11X3 10
Fractional currency kNII GI
Legal Tender Rolex 41.222
3 imr Sant. Certificate.... 2041a01.1)
• 1495.1473 19
Cupital Ptak $ 400.000 00
Slaplog Fund 11.13311) ID
I , l4onont 3,614 IS
Prei nkntu 111111 Exchange. 344 GI
PmIII and 1....... 4114 St
12t gIS
Circulation --
Doposits • 1.55.1 K
Duo Natioutal 31.:43 11.1
lun I.lller Banta and . .
Itankera TAJO II
431 1/
• 7 00
1.817 10
Ilividpndo Unpaid
Tax, I ,nPold
1, - .lnlns I.l•lngston. Oehler 11493 141 73
1 9
Until Hank 14 Plltsbnrsh dn aoll..111 "b. v Ird
the above atuaunannt I+true. to th n e 'i bf w a e t
kndarledge and belief.
.11/11:: LI 'I •
Spurn and sobacrlbed . ber ‘ or '"l"°N. e'"1". hma
y t
_l . l A Eal , gi . I.: T. 111.1 V KR. Noutry
11A111 . 111 , 1ELD 1
Exchange National Bank
of PlOrturah, at Ottaa of butne.,
It,r 9th. 1.570.
IiKSIII , II4 - 1C.4.
11..mem nod lii•courim giti.`431.101.4
Ronde to serer.. Circulation 0 pp
Due from Redeeming .... • .
Due from other Pisti..nal Baulks_ 0.4 0
Duo from other Ranks &Banker. 7. 1 001
11.111 king 11005! '3O O O 00
Centimetre for Cleaned ' 49. 19 11
11111 m of other National Bunks.... 21.0313 00
grarelonat Curreney. (Including
Nickel+, I l.pflo Ad
epode. lir Coin 9.150 lb
Gold Trestoury'liotem Rah W— 21.4t.10 00
Lerrel Tender Note.... „• . . 211.300 00
11.1i4141.737 5
Capital Stock
auralna Fund •
tancouni a 7.714
Ku:halve ....
11 , 011 aria Lona ta,317
National. Dana .... .
Circulation out
Slate Bank (Weelnnen outstand
i g
Dividends Unpaid
Individual Deposits
inte to !int Ions! Hank.
to other Dank. and Banters
44.757 00
9 11,P
it 9.
Or 1 1 10. Arl.rAA.
j ". 131384137
. 411' Nit Or A I.l.l:Gllrri V. 1 - '
I:Andreiir loom. rashier the liSehange Na
tional Dank or Pittsburgh, do solemnly swear that
the whore statament 1• trot. to the hest or my
knowledge and bather..
Subarribed and %WWII before Cue Oda 14th de
of Jane, A. D. 11470.
H'M. P. ROBB. NniSr, Yob
Met'd ?IDLES& ,
IL t`IIII.ItN • Direct...n.
B. HAKIM/I'ISM.. Jr.) 1,115 - rn
ilerchank & laaufarturm Nat'l Ran
At liitteherghin the Mate of PeAneylvania.\
Alt How of buelneita,
9th. 1870.
Loon a and irloconnta ,
orerdrafta S 91.1r00
U. M. Dind. to.stroure Circatattoo SOO. OaII
tither Stoekty Bonds & Mortiage• 1').?“, 147
Duefrom bedeeming uid Re
-1,7erMt1111rrN.„..... 'ill 1
Duo from I .ther Hanka& Bankers It
Banking llonae 111 .7
Current EMI... .1
Taxes Paid ...2,,
Cash hem, Unahiding Stamps,. /Sol • 1
Exch... for (laming House.. .
11111 a of other National Banta.—
Fractional Curneney. ilneladlon
. oa t Met
Te tal/a
n t
der Notr. 34 B:tell SI!
...,..,.,..,..., ' ra:n? . ll
Sarnia. Vann
OWN - taut
Exchange 31131 i yg
National Rant Circa[salon Out
standing RIR. 3f
Dlrtilenda rnpald
Individual Dap.its
Duo to National Rants
Out to otherlianta a Hanker... a 041
e i, i 2 i l . :Pti i
STATE Or YENNATI.v.Ant.a. • • 11.4.41uwi si .
Cot's . , or ALLto [MST. " • • .
i. John Scott, Jr Caatder of the Merchant* and
Altutufsetnrer. Natlonal Bank. bee t ar
that the above stater:lent is tine, to the of
BY know/edge and belief.
30I1N SCOTT. JO.. ('ashler.
6n64cyllul and manna in bastard sue Ibis 141
day or Jane, Ib7o.
Correa—AH.4: •
k Mined.) H. 1.. HOLLMAN,
HORT. H. HARTLEY. , Dlractors,
Second National Bank of Allegheny
eon* of Pennsylvania, at tb• close of Wanness
Not. And 11111/ 111e000rt1ed.......1 312.1L1 r e l
OverOnfla '
I% N. Booth 133, 011 U 0
1/Aolrof,,ni: lholeelohnien4 Ilete•rve
us. s .„ 31
• 3 3 x
uoe Irmo other 8fhhe.::!..... '' ' 31. 00 OU
asst Estate slid /Inures .
are% t. 111
Cash Item.
BUN nt other Nat Wool H00ke.... l, IS !
FrottlOusl Curreorl.
ln. Tender
11190 . 2 ,... 12
Leo Note.
113151.4110' le
4s , Stock paid id
. 41on 0111.48.131 pig 1 9 si
Dividends UnPa ld Sv
DTP Depsolinrs.
liei:llle iv
I, N. ISavldao, Cast Mer or We nesond:.4,-
Ilona' Bask Of Allenheny, do solemuls sneer that
the shots statement la true to the beat or my
nuouledo end
' Sworn to ana Itranklibed"batore toe ttils 1391
de/ of Jong.MAO.
11. Nog.," pupil,
JoHII 8110111.1.3,.., ph."
or TRK. I
Farmers Deposit National Bank
nt FAitaIAIihtI::::::..S44IOI.(IVIDAA•yIVAAIA
'' .
U. 8. Bands in soave elteulallaa 3W: 099
Due from fuuleemlniesne
Due . ........•.... . 101 , 12
Due Mau othetßaal• Bauere. 01
Banking Home. ... . ......... IV,
orase ... s . 3: 6 1
IlLeteuey. luelodue
Metals ................. ... agn Si
74..41.14. .... 1,91"9"3,99:"":3
. . .........
............ 11_1111*
' Att u :a% lota ,
National. Beak Cfrealaika,
'Doe to other Banks &Baakers.:: 5 •
STA . = or pc TrGAr ISTA NT •
CorsTr orAlsSainerr.
sodsF. L.Eltepberuao.Caabler of Um Formen . D.
National Doak. do doldsodr swear thst
above statement Ve Me to the bon of en, knowl
edge omd P. L maparagsa:kr. Caihier.
day ofJ ne,
VG. J. cAgsnyr,
CFXENT.-100 bblx. LoalsvMe H •
ennlla c.mne, ta.ipmt to u 7• For
J. B.
141 VMS show.
Loans and discount,
. . • •
I). S. Banda to secure etrrulation 314,000 00
U. S.
stook.n hand 3.000 00.
Other Hendee Mortgage. 10.000 00
Due from Redeeming and Re- '
serve Agents 112.619 92 .
Dan from other Nstlonal Banks 60.950 13
Bunkingther Bank, 4. Rankers 3/47 93
Douse 32, 01 61
Current, expenses '" 1.. .17 22
Tax. paid 1.000 00
Camh Item,. (Including Mating"— 11.990 65
Rechmurea for llearink House... 304124 40
Hills of other National Ran kn.:— 11409 00
Hills t.f State Hanka, 509 00
Fractional Currency and Nickels . 3.47 S 10
Specie. TIC Coln
leutal Tenders 1;20. 00 00
Capital Stock paid ill.
linrolua Funds
Pro= and lama
National Bank. Circulation Out.
Mantling 430.006 00
Stile Bank
Dtv n ldenda l'npeld . . -
Individual Iretatalta •
Cathleen OleCI. Omatandll/I{..
out, Nations/ Banks
Otte other Banks and Bankers.
Taxes trapald
.111•STI . Or EY. , '
. .... . .
I. It. K. Moon. Vs...tiler of the Citizen, Natiwoo
Rank of l'lthohnegh. do M 141411107 ....., 11.01 11,
above is t rue:t.l the best of my knowledge and belle,
K. K. ‘VII.SON. Cts,hler. •
..übmcribvil and 1/1.111 to before me Mt. (..ter
,eentb day of JIM, 1870.
Notury l'u •
' - •
Wit. S. BISSELL. '0
(iEO. H. lIEAtI, ,
OF THR . .
11.nana and Ins, litn le 91 .:129.3.13 33
United Nunes Bond. to oec
111.1•11 3ll ure
OCirmala nt tlon .143.000 WI
Other Ntocke
Due from Redeeming and He
Due Agent s 131.771.17
Due from other National Flank.. 33.151 69
Line from other Banks &Banker% 1.1400 03
Ifouee . 3 . 1t 011
Current Erpennea 9ll
ealth Items. including /damps.— 1.. 4 t
krehanaea forflearituf llonee.. 17.0. 1 UN
Bill. of other Natlertal Hanka.. 11,033 00
Fractional Currency, including
Stosie .. .... . . . ..
1.....1Tettr Note..
Canl.! !ilet paid In
Manion. } 'and
National 'tank Circulation i ' nr .
Ins •IV:15 Deponita..ll,lniAdd IC
Hr 3.10.1111110 011
Do National Rana... ...41110
Du t o other Bank. & • ' '
Titers 1:h1 ill -
. ni
----- 1./I, /AS) -I
. -
f'/o[ tsr A 1.1.1,011 ENV.
I, .7. Scully. Peebles of the First Sationel
Flank, Pittsburgh. dis solemnly swear that the
above statement is Anse to the best tit my know,•
and belief.
isubotrlbod and sworn to before. too thin lith
0 y of June.lB7l).
S. SMITH. Ni . .tary Publle.
...Devi—Attest . • v
`. IL H. RAYS. ;
JAS. !I Mel'ORD. , DireCtorr
W.11.K . ..:413111 . K.1 IA,' yr:
• ---
Nalioual Batik of . Commeree
At the close ot
T U. S. Wn 4 do p t i o re= Circulation * 3 0 ,,~ • 00DU
C. S. Ronde on band
Tbrer per Certlecanos ig
Marmaa a nt Premlnma 1.4 4
Due from Remme 201.3 4 44
Doe from o th er flanks Banker*
I f ZI
Legal Tender and Coln
Real Mate and rilraltilre 71.U0 79
Crab Items, Cleatinbt [louse and
' 11114407.481 43
Capital It oak 'mid in...
tipio• • ind >i
3 ;11/8 1 1; 0*
Patella •
iiiklag 111
Individual tt
Doe to Ran •.4 8ankeri.. ti
739.01 NA
$lll/07.461 13
Theaeove'l• • correct abetnket from my report
to the Vompindler of the Verrone,.
• Menet oi Carr Con -, /.
El; PROPOSALS will he received at this
until 3 P. N. SATURDAY, dtliill I%th.
I, tor thegradind and poring of. the folio - -
reels and alley.: Cedar Avenue. from Ohie
~t to North Alley: , Slope Alley, trot° Shield
E to Monterey Street: Patterson Alley. from
1 • - Street 4111 Street t prove.); ..lett
, from Beaver to Middle Alley. Also.
...Una only id' Brown Street, Iron. Alle-
A venue to lit alter Sweet; Pnwe Street,trom
a line to Beaver Avenue. Speeideettons eon
nut the iiniee of Chas. Davis, Esq., City En.
. The right Is resartml to reject env or all
IC Co troller. •
ern. F.sai rxx mot 0 nari, ------- i
Aurauxxs Ivry. Juno 10th. ISIO. i
TICE.—The assessment for Gra.
IDINO of VILLA STREET, from VIII ittl to
tints,t :t :gra ' oiler i in n & e
lllVlnt i tUr.
i ttik!7•l4Y r o i t i gol i t t or .' f i c i , tiiitl n o n4 l. in
12 ' CDT Erudneor.
8.1 II
i',:%' i
TICE eu S ns Pa. My IGtIVEN 0T
II holders of fbrerdne Municipal Bonds of
tyof Pittsburgh. to forward them to this
for Payment. intorpst WIN be el lowed on
Bonds after July IS7°.
otter of the Finance Cummins..
It. J. MoGOWAN. Controller.
leave removed from their old stand, Non. 23 and
22 SMlTrinen.i), to thole Warehouss,
• -
Nos. M and hl Liberty St.,
Above the heed of MOOD STItEhF . trhnre they
lithe D sad to see all their old trleode.nd ens-
S. P. SIM . 11 7 E1 & CO.,
p Emo V A L—FREDI:
• 11 , Men-Sant Tailor and Duster In Ueritd•Metn.
Si.;; tilentlemen and Bore
Clothing co hand and made to order at the anon,-
est notice. Les removed from his late standaio, 99
worth avenue. to No. 27 WOOD STREET,
comer"( mini sienna.
Monniain House,
This favorite resort has been enlarged and htw
bowed slum isat Nowan. Will be open for guests
by the Pennsylvania Ilan road. at New York, Phil
udalphia. Harrisburg and Pittsburgh. 'All mane
00p at Presses. 'ROOMS may be secured 1W suit,
been enraged for the season.
Snr further Infurnantion. address
ti. W. MULLIN, Proprietor
ED. BARKER, PrAnietor,
Cor. Pena 81. and lllh,formerly old Canal
IVOTICE.--Wheresiy Letteii of Ad.
.L 1 MTNISTRATIONon the estate of ISAAC
MeNNIGEtT. late of Baldwin township. deemthed.
base. been granted to the inthscriber all emersion
Indebted to the thid Mate are noth
or to mansde
immediste t. and ose
mands again the Mof
/hate of the hartnielalms
said decedent - mole known the mmcwlthonadelal. - '
D.W. mrNIGHT. Administrator,
sayrlafil Mt. Lebanon. AUMOlenl Co, 1..
Lifts* &
Baia d Wsh i l e d R ai It
artiaiss of Beadtcs' rr_un oupad.
011 Io• and Woeink .4pol,
City. Peatolltal Wm.. 14es Booo.9l,;litty.
i t ..) la. bozos Goshen Cheese;
bons 1114orn fcir . mals
o lz ipurlD
hist aveair.
. ,
THE prrislwnein
167, 16X, liin and 170
Extra Wine Vinegar.
.61.117.591 67
. 7,400 00
.5 1.005 DO
114..905 11
1 ..111 143
9:- u00 i :/311
3 11.1
14.030 00
3:9t7 fr 2
~122 07
Of New York.
1:1D 11.110.A.DAVAV , IV. Y
irdintiry .-111.1 e um l'nheles
Si PS-FOILIFF:IT ABLE f non paytucnt Ilmt autamni
Special °lnman, NON-FOREEITA RIX at ter
tau annual payments. All policies INVONTESTA
FILE for peas! cuu and ABSOLUTELY INCYDN
TESTA 111. h: after tw se, o
annual preminme. .All re
strictions upon Tit .l Thili and RESIDENCE re
univeil,inil no perm.U
required. Ni)NO ACCM
LATIoN CIF INTEicEsr un Lou. or Deferred
Premium, and NO INV it EASEsif an nun] retymenta
on an 7 claps of Ills Wends on the PRO.
slI F,SIVE PLAN: also Moon the GUARANTEE
INTEREST :Ann. No NOTE Is required on LOAN,
charged aped the same. Poll/des become SELF
FUNTAININO In about NiXteen years. and thereaf
ter yield en inf•ltle In the Policy ladder. life,
- term end endowment whine annuities ed; also,
guarantee Interest pol cies and
Number of lonlciee lesued, 3.340; Cnverlng In
Ithdot. 07.513.5410 00: PreMIIIIIIS. 0360.047
23; A.m.,. over 03311.070 00.
SUCcESS Tlll C111T01111m: EXCRI.I.R - NCR.
'The EMPIRE hue Ismted more Pallelem by over
SOO Tile Flllet Ynan ending April list, 1870,
than any Other Company In thla country In the
same time the name age.
Thol'34l'loE: /*M, isVPI7 Poller bolder or A
JITNIArr ea,. CAPITAL With the Sta. Thum
um auftleiently ample. pay 000171+01,CY.
For eres7 dollar or to In, the ICMPIRK
bee $1.43 with which In
LO A IS pay.
Good. OK y T g T nta , wa hp ed
ve IF r K y AT e U re R l E n S
ern Penneylvennt.
\\•\l. A. F •
r." "."""7
Omen 7!h Firrivnit%N l.lM=
:Lill Os
xi° ouu ou
./{ 400.000 OU
300.070 40
OFFIel: 435 A5l, 137 (11):STNILiT STREET.
Aleiets IS7II. 02.1,43.734 87,
011011./. 0100.000 110. Arerueil Surplue arid
Premium', $1...125.13J 67. loremes.puld •Ine*
1029. /qr.. 05,500,00 D. Permum. And Temp,
nary PolirieA literal Tenor. Tim riompanjuito
hem, punch...mum dui lieut.+ of mil 410,0 of
In fi a I ; IVITATAt i .4 ' L n I,TS O n:I ma el Grant,
G. , : W. Richard', isuaii hen. Geo. Vales, Alt
Fitior, The, Spar], NVio. S. Grunt. Thomas S.
IntlY,Gurtrlyuy lionAon.
A I.FRED if. RAKER, President. •
. .
fl Et, PALE... Vire President.
Jan. W. MeA !lister. tkeretriry.
T. If. Iteffer, Assistant
17:? : KIN & Inti.woa t
.146 CO, Third Avenue slid Wood rit.
Or Pittsthurgir
A I.6XANIIP.O NIMICK. President.
WM. P. ylee President.
. •
11. It battigltT . Secretary. •
l'A rr. GEO. NEKI.II. Genentl Agent.
Odlee feg Water alreet. Spine .t l'n..a Warehouse..
up stalm. - Pittaburett•
W.II insure Lc:atrial all kind, of lire and Attain,
Rinks. well Itintllntion. managed by tHrectors
whn aree known to the community. and who
are detertultn..l by -promptnens and - hbentllty to
maintain the character which they haveannummt.
ea uttering the bent protection to shone who cleatre
to be Mitered.
Alexander Sitnick
IL Miller Jr..
Alexander Sneer.
Andrew Ackley.
!Meld M. lune,
L. Ihnewn.
11111.“70.1: ,
N.J. Risley. John Floyd. 'Capt. N. tialley.
Derfl IVAN., 4. Mn. Harlem., i A. Chambers.
Jake Mil' Morturtan. i .4as. M. exults. '
Thom,. ,ersith.
. .
V. . • .
.tx. JF:SINIi..J, Vico Ilv.ldont
.104.'1'. JOIINSTON, fL.cretarY.
ol' Pitt iibrt4ll.
Insures umstrou nil kinds or Fire and Marini
.101 IN I liW IN, Ja., PreaWent.
P.. 1. IfOSKINSG.N, Vi co Inmanlent.
InINNELI.. tleere Lary.
t 'a VT. \1 .al. 11E.a..N. General Agent
.16tat J
T.J. lionklnson,
I'. 41. ll.ser.
Hervey Child,
Charlen LI
Wm. Lean
A Home Company. hiking Fire an.l Marina Risks
Wm. Phillips, Cant: John L. Rhoads,
John Watt. Samuel P. Shrives.
Anbn N. Parke, Charles Arbuckle.
C.ll. I.nve, Jared M. /nab,
Wm. Van Kirk, Wm. D. L.
James D. Verner Samuel MoCciekart. •
• W. F. DA 1tD , E11../.lecrecars.
COll. FRI/N/A!. ST A ttfl/ DIAMOND, ALL/.
Once In the t/FADND NATioatAi. • RAN[
. •
W i
AV. IfTIN PresinN Vlde.
J A If. STEV N'SON, Secretary.
• .
ohn A. Slyier. J. lasekhart. Jos. Myers,
.14. IJUrikhant, 'filbert Lea, I', Boy I.
ri Ino's, Jr. lirshigii tient, 'JIMA. 11(Opp,
1.11. P I% linstrovJnis Thomp J
son . alebanglier.
I fgv d astavr:a,h.rtgamigkcgt NW,*
No. 93 1-2 Smithfield St.,
prrisituniiii: PA.'
p'4 on Clothing made to order In the laden
No. 47 Sixth Street.
mearchant Trapp, No. 10 SIXTH AlltftET.. (WU.
St. CI•le.) We hare re.wlvad • lama and wall Se
lected Flock of the beat and toast fashionable
000 d. In our tine, a gnat PAMOO of which ate oar
. . . ,
o srlitl finPe o ' sal at ir in Trtipectl r'l ..ti t i%fgfe.tittatt'r
snmlmtfon of nor stork of floe
T" ViltrfiSON .1 311 ILANBIIINO,_
mllO " . No 10 141.0 h itreet.
A lepleadid aow etnek of
Cloths, Cassimeres, &c,,
\ •
Ilarehent Te11...13 Smithfield street.
_ FLO UR .
11i STiiiiiio6lli
term of the following celebrated brands,
ißliteltrand, 4 Vtionlgan d Pi We Floe;
ves entire eatiefaction
oft l e an e d i=l ffel T
arte '° & . ! ""1"
•mil . aiiguntett as raffesentaid. •
WEST commox
Machine Stone Works,
?foremen. corner of Nfint.Cononon.Allingbany.
YREDIL terrATIM & Co.,
Rave an Lana or &Iv r anon not&oe. Muth ,
snit Bum nins fo r , 81 , 1•1alks. &ninety
vault. is Mod an d b Stanesate.
often wpgrily On 1111,01Libill emu
.40 f==.4e.
E r A 'ADEN Y-1)F
Humboldt Monument and
The Conlin Mee In charge of the Huta tuddt Mon
ument. .u.der to tat. additions{ rUndslo meet
the Inerenned expense. conaequent upon neatlng
Inapmeensonta and dune. on the Monument now
nearly nntehed. and ale. to Meet the the propo.4 inauguration Cerwmordee. *hien nth
Itlittr.*r( gltrfi n2 d o :r4Vllll7•ViNTAP ,
In letwodnee a number of the
Giving the curet Incidents of Bib
DOM} telebrattd hilntin le
with be n ' .e.RT. l .l , l , llllne c;rlWnrlt;7"."'l'd
Dribs admire.
.by urners. •
Thew repreeentallon..ln andpin of ihe
our Artlete. Bible Students c innoneeu
entily. far exceed anythininf the ever " ca.ttan e.
In C
vehit eo
all.untry. and Connor{ fall proving at
tracti to
The Committee angalvo mach puttied in being
able to announce that • FULL. iRIiIIESTR A hall
been enKaged t and that large number of our
Bb:ST ANIAThIllbt under the direction of hte.
KLEMM have thully proinleed to boot their se
aisturcee In producing appncuridig co,
Programme for Tuesday, June .141 h.
1. Vit7lrirl.: Toordn's orchestra.
Expulsion from Paradiso.
10.. 21.1
3. Exercise on Trapeze, by A. Grabon.tain and
11. B.Mus..
4. Buell, Martha
Maass.. Apfeltonim .d 11. Blob.
3. Tableaux Noah Curse. liam.
Ellen. .
6.1/oxll r te.
Mina Henna and Mr. Boatman. '
7. Tableaux.....lithensal and Ilxilar Urlrvn frnm
'tome. Ilion. XXI, 1.4.1
P• 0111 Mr. Xt.lelliamm.
9. Tableaux Rebecca al Abe Well.
Glen. X 311.131
10. Tria.l.urretla Bonds lh , nitettf:
Mee Menne. Mr. Hammend Mr. BenlG.
11. Tableuax Isaac en itecelres
13. 711 - 7.1 n t . t . t0 Nay y by
Brethren. Mien..XXXl - 11.23.
14. Song '
'Mr. Ben its.
There will be an entire chanee Prear lino for
Thuroday as well on lurday erenlitan.
Beat. can be rescuedat Meters Me 10... Music
Store. Price 73 cents Pnen.
'r.clicta tor Ihmmuettecircle without
reae manna. 30 cents: Gallery. 33 rent.. JeLl
URDAY. Jane 13. 16.17 end 16. in
MATINEE Saturday After oon at 9‘..; 0 clerk.
Still ahead, excelling ail competition. -
Mantmot4 liigantlit 31instrels,
Coming from their Beautiful end Elegant Owe
House, Philadel p hia . DOUBLI: TROUPE AND
BRASSIIAND. comprwed of 30 garcons AlllPt.
Itall4Ordlllll7 new feature In 311.1664 w. never
before attempted by any other Troupe, int...dueled
each evening, at the same time, AWN
COMEDIANS on the ends. Two Bette mornP and
Two Tamborlnlsta.
Rug ay Dougherty. Lewis. Benedict, Cherie.
Reyn da,CbulesGleswon,fjonsalvo Bishop, Prank
Kent. Frank Paniharst. LaWla Collins. Justine
Robinson, D. Swaebe Vernon, John Woolsey, A.
Bergeron, James Nor hi, F. B. Naylor.
.Bost Stupendous organiution in existence. Read
our Incomparable Programmes.
Doors open at 7, commences nt S tielgek.
Admission. 30 and 33 rents.
Je1.1730 CH AIf.II.IIUPREZ. Mannxer.
In the LECTCRE ROOM of (ho church for tour
night, beginning TIIIS 14th .4 .11:NE. Proese4
for benevolent purpose, '
MATlalitements have been made to make the Mkt,
-a pleasant one. Jeri
J.,lm It. McCune,
1 71 flllnm
J. Clarke.
SAltv ani,
J.eplt Klrkpataiclt.
Ph illip Ileymer.
Under the auspices of the Indlee of the North
AvenunM. N. Church, Allegheny.
THURSDAY and FRIDAY. Jane 16th end
_OO and enjoy an evening 0! pie/mire. SOD
Tit!! Vti C u i rg7 ;17 2.*
the Connellwil le Depot. wnminutes Work sista
o'clock. retuning. leave I 1atit0wntntrt.......e....1...
NI. .
Over• 300 city Lots,
%V. U. F.Terfoo.
Weber*. H. Davi,.
Hugh S. Fleming.
(L pt. J. T. Scnckdals.
T. f. See In.
Filth Avenue, in 20th, Ward,
94 2 O'Clock, on the Premises.
It is neell nt to f the veil-kn own
beautiful situation of liferarland's Greve. withlt:
e En legant surroundings; of magnificent taxasions and
. . . . .
These lota are handsomely situated baleen the
Oakland Passenger hallway and Pennsylvenla
Centtnl Railisned. within thin minutes' walk. of
Rona . . Station. The lots are from 20 to' i r feet
front on wide streets. and from 100 to 1 feet
In depth. Alan lots with wide frontages on Uth
ev.we, utending IPSO feel In dna...Wert-JO
the Teton opening of an alley.
Soup's. Mallon Is Stilly tire neeetelle tide tram
the Linton Z i pot.mettag these lota actuallpsoarer
to business than the time required to walk • few
seneres. de almost hourly AccommodallOn
Trains at Vs Hallow the Oakland Pitatienger
cues cnnatan y on lllfth avenue. .
Trittis—On int roth; balance in one and two.
P.n.. with in rest. 1110 to be paid en each lot,
when sold.. rt of cash payment.
• •
Afree Exoursion Train .
11 - 111 lea e the Union Depot et half past 1 o'clock
P.m.,pre ly.on day ot sale, and convey Pow.
persona and from the sale free of <barge. No
Ti .
. . MeILAVArisTE,,
. .
Jell . . ' AUCI7OXISTi.
at N. 107 Market St.,
• •
ivn y .i.iita e ar r N . 7.:m0 e tti 0 in . z t .:.. . 7.71 011‘. thriN.i stor wlitp o for t Na P oll ,A lua g li
DIM lONS In Plain and tirtt ht. golon, for FIHIC,
PAPERS lob an Hindi ondle.• varlet) of
MANED f Chambers. de. Allot which .11 , prz .
111 . 4 . 4 .41 low. a. th e 1..n0-t In Mama k
• •
No. 107 arktt M., Brat 1 lad Avenue.
• .
JOS. E, 1111(111ES BR O .
SPRING. 1870. •
441 INCH RS wide MU ati 4l sC MP. ‘,
GILT-. groat at .. I.r
GLAZED—AII kinds st .41 c par
61.1741 ANT 'tench and Amnion ram?
P. ant eliectbed abore, waverer to luvr
• nt Itt Ow country. Farr sale at
New.Wltoleosle Haug Stang 191 Llb•tty
Pittsburgh. 'WA
inc Arr MEDIUM mom
Sheefing and Batting.
Pmetical Plumbers,
- -
Plitt Amin agar 7110 Pnt=a;
47:g Vr ;7 O ut '' A
1 .
tsur c A `r pp a ari r ta pj bbtu
Pos4gal to.