• A• •. - . I=i THE DAILY GAZEITrE OFFICIAL PIPER 1 Of Pittsburgh, Allegheny City and Allegheny ConntY; . , GIAZKTTE IBIJILOINU: t:oreer of *Mb Ayemar mut doaltherld Wert FRIDAy: JVNE 17 . 18" BM:Di at Frankfort. W 46,1 ['grantsXll at Antwerp; quirt --- - (Jots) closed in New York on yesterday at fiat. Tug probable failure of the French harvest excites fume speculation In our grain markets. The upward movement is the more buoyant, since prices have heretofore ruled very low, and everybody seems to have been waiting for an inevi table advance. , IT is much more Pr tisfactory not know anything of the new Attorney lieu eral Ackerman, than to know too much of an ex-Attortey tieneral 01 Pennsylvania, who wanted, bid did not get, the Federal Lai office. • We would rather have the un- ee known than theknown. 1.;1, TIIE Georgia should have lwen • ported yesterday, and with the" proviso against any Federal interference with the regular election next autumn, •under the State Constitution. If' the Committee have failed to Fneert that 'provision, we trust the Boum ( will not fall to supply It. WIF: RAVE NOT Itrani of any our who Taut signed Brigham's call for a bolt; but we hate , beard, of neveral who were said to be on it who were yepterday busy in denying that they had,..siglicil it. .I ndg lug from the 'eageruess with which the denial wan made it would seetit .that the company is nOt ton numerous to be con sidertid select. LAwr TEA* the. Coinmerrial boasted, in the meat extnivagint terms, after 'our county pominations were over, that it bail succeeded in smashing the -ring," and that the nominations were a complete tri- ° umph. for that sheet and its supporters. .." 1 " tl la that the il.lliloll . why a new party in now necessary to reform the sbuses Alleged Sto Pli g ht have grown up in the Republican rank sr and ' w' OCR ADVICRA front rarioutt ]tarts of thel little lIeI county are to the effect that the both;[ tiepublleidlinf Old 'Allegheny has not been inveigled . to Miy extent in the disor 4 pulsing scheme to get up a party with r 'g a ‘ out - a cause. The men who stood by LIN— COLN and tiusirr have too much regard for their principles' to throw away the its a As certainty of success upon the pretenic lii that such a step is necessary to sustain pout lino them. • fire . 'risme&ll tor di* third party Convention was 'very industriously, although very quietly, circulated for signatures, but was published without any. if it was sot necessary to have signatures to give va lidity to the call, why circulate it Y If it loos neyessary, why publish thO:call with- Out them I Was it because the signa tures were 00 few or so inaignificant that the Intriguing managers of the -bolt omitted them! Certainly i f they had the backing they boast of having they would not have been slow in showing it. Tint MAXAGEIII4 of the Brigham bolt justify themoelies on the plea that it is iteetiusaiy in order to break up "Amts." and all that sort of thing, In other words, they are themselves unable to manage the party in their own special interest. and therefore propose, by getting up a new party. to font! a "ring" of their own, and thus be able, hereafter, to control nominations to their own liking. They wont to make a "ring" to brealr. up soma other "ling," wasting only in their own imagination. Their proposition, stripped of all disguise", is to form a party within our party for the purpose of controlling our party action. • 01I0011• hula Democratic State Mov eminent last year. It elects the ticket of the sank party this year by a very anal& aiderably reduced majority. The last Legislature was Democratic by sev enteen majority on joint ballot in the next Leglainture, the same par. - patty will have a majority of not more than eight. This is not much of a Demo. cratic victoty. - , Moreover, it anggests a pertinSat inquiry. " The consention which nominated the ticket now successful, en' • domed in its platform the policy of re. pudlation. Query! Was the reduced ma jority of the party at the recent election due to that endoreement;or in spite of it, 4 :„t:, E , . • IflA Tog same complaints Were made lait year that ate now embodied in the call hit the third party ; yet, in ?pit; of the alleged existence of the ceases for these complaints, tlie,Commercirif boasted ithad defeated all who were obnoxious to the • complainants. Thie • triumph of that vir. tams paper was achieved uithin the party and through the regular party machinery. The "drag," it shouted ,were heaten then, "horse, foot and dragoons," through the very agency by which the "ring" expected to succeed. How, then, If the men who camas all these complaints, - are the se easily beaten withlkthe party machinery, does it become neeceesary to get up a new party to do the same work 7 knl =1 MI lin MI -IT.fs.estimated at the Treasury Depart :meat that' the amount of decrease . In Ostiots.from duties, under. the Hours , tar andtariffbill now before the Senate, would be abOut $25,300,000. The reductions caused by the... Abated rues In the internal revenue Tart'of the bill, are estimated, upon the teal' of bud yeeer, at Dot lees than $52,000,000, The total loos to the Treasury !mild therefore reach over set , afi:teovou millionsof dollen, if the House stud become a law. Poutleatly, that would put an end, for the piesent , to every " Wog like redempdon of the debt. Would Ibisedistr ourfas•paying clttrous? Of ottine,. the tDehtOersq grill agree to It with complacent proMptitude. iMI El I e Tng following Is a Syropels of the Petro. Ileum Prodncera' Report for May: At the 'tbw of. the month there were 99,f)41 bar rels-of oil on hand in the oil region., be fog. an increase 'of 1,948: since April; 407,908 barrele were delivered from the Wells during the month , being an increase over April of 7,905. The amount pro dined( dining the inonill was 409P30 har re* ell' Increase ova the production of April 0.40,741 barrels. 13,211 was the event ea daily production, being an in creased average of 917. There are 448 view*ells ditllo, 150 commenceli during the month: 182 rre completed 'during the: Month, 9f abandoned, and 00 old intnewere_resuMed, ' v32,6:r. barrels of oil are shared in iron tank., vrhteb Is I s2 . lss , ierrele'lren then their Cipecity. •; I - ' . ' VW leenw up leant. got • . the alt e for 1 apart" within the Itelibblioan piny, *- hie that the failure , to establish the Crwifflrd count,' system in making our tatty nomthaticine hasten there no other :alternative. It is the deli:gar. system,MSl Its manifest imperfections . Which they want to have a bolished. If that were but given them, w, they could have 601111! show at the primary meeting's, they would not think of g etting up a bolt. And. yet, their very first step inn resort to (what they rallt the corrupt delegate system! When they were Issuing their call it would have been easy for them to establish for them selves the Crawford county system : why, rhea, did they uot do it ? How does it.come that, with both systemit before them, they deliberately chose the delegate system? ,I I it is good enough for them why is it nal not good enough for others? lilt IA "enr rapt" in the hands of the people who bat, stood . by the Republican party stare 1 856 what is to keep it pure in the hands of thi politicians who have Made thin new ven ture? flow can they ask irt to establish the Crawford county system when Meg deliberately set it noble, and proceed to call, for their owo, pet uses, a delegate convontion? . ATTORNEY lifINEWil. HOAR has re igned him official trust, and leaves the 'abinet. His successor, Amos T. Acker tan, of ileM 'a, ak a rom c was promptly nominated 0 the Beard Without pauSing to en. lucre who A os T. Ackerman, of lieor. in, is``—tor we ke it for granted that he a egizen of at least fair. professional lain eats and •of Soundly loyal ante ten s—wo. should be unjust to the vic tim , if we omitted to acknowledge the ry high claims of the retiring law. Ike upon the confidence of the country, si i.e respect of the Republican people. ir. 1 OAR bad personal foibles, entirely i hi manner. and habitually exhibited 1 lii professional' career before be en oiis ',the .Cabinet, which stood much In ho ay Of his personal or even official till ace with the party find the people. ant none have ventured to question his ega qcialifications, his intellectual abili ties, thii sincerity of his political comic. tio ,or the purity of his character. Al way . he has done just that Which lie thin ght right, regardless of the popular isle . 1, - ids may have been a grave fault in public man, but it is certainly a very la one. Had he been more complaisant. for xaniple, in Lis ntercourse with Sena tors espalcially in Tr rd to the appoini menu which depen ed"upcin his Lures lw would have been onfirmed in the sea Mom' the Bench to kb the President nimitt.l lam some Months ago. We eat his courage in declining, as lie thus to be forced by . that - studied t Into a resignation of his portfolio, ve Millar his sense of self respect in Mug in w. after a decent interval of The President retains iu Lis Cabi much more adroit politicians, and equally capable, but none who could nand a more confiding and mipectful from the country. = al""" FR E. ii 4 lli DISTURBANCEs. the C rrency bill passed the Hot, erms onside for an expansion 4 y fifty millions in the paper circuit , 4 the 'ountry. An issue of ninety milli° s of national bank. notes is authorized,ilforty-five and a half millions of which to be exchanged for-the three-per-ctn re t certificates to that amount - still Duna." ding, and the residue will be a clear addition to our paper currency. As the bill Was first reported, it would have required the withdrawal of an 'amount equal to • four-fifths of the new issue of greenbacks, keeping the total . volume of The currency nearly unchanged. But the limitation was struck out by the House, and the bill goes to the Senate for its approval. We trust, with some con- 1 tidence, that ibis concurrence will be re fused. The country does not want con- 1 traction, and an inflation of the currency is certainly not what the interest of the ' 1 People really needs. It would constitute 'a fresh departure in the direction opposite to specie resumption, and would of neces sity be fatal to the plans of Mr. •Boutwell, and the wish of the country, for the re funding of the debt at a lower rate of in terest. For gold will go up. that is, the paper currency will again depreciate, and that must have the effect to postpone a successful refunding indefinitely., The country has now pretty nearly reach ed the lowest possible values for its prop erty of all descriptions. To this state of things we have really come because we have already discounted in advance that re sumption of cash payments which would have taken effect ere this date, if there • had been no session of Congress since De -1 • I rember last; or if that session had closed with the passage of the Senate funding bill. Since March. the influence of Core gretudonal debates, delays and imprao tabliity, has been clearly to keep up the gold premium, and to obstruct the natu ral course of our financial fleilifl, which would have led us in fact to the results which are thus discounted on every de scription of values except that of gold itself. Congress has net kept up the prices of agricultural products,or of lands, or of the fabrics of domestic industry. It has not made - money plenty. It not not given the slightest alleviations to the ?w -ide. It has given us all the concomitants of cash resumption, without the mount). tion itself which would at once have open ed a way In the direction of our only le ' gittmate'relief. : This was had enough, but the bill just passed by the House will make the slink tion still worse, since it commit ••.• •- , try to another inflation of fietitiwo , :sit, ~ 1 1 .t" •C he R_ 1.,'.1'' "I" ,1 • 0 . - ~,,,;.- blowing up another Nubble, to be a: - ., - 1. t. • punctured by and bye, and aubjectin,; :o- H . 4 .,..,,,,,,, bd ,, ,.: ~,,, , : , .. 7 _, business of the people to a repetition of liquid pearl. the paralytic stroke from which.we have , Iv. WIIITEI,OWDEnS run VIE SKIN. - been suffering for twelve months past. The white powders consist of carb —is tr . '.f lime. carnonate .. a magnesia. cla o y nate or "'ng :' i ' s mixed. Standing where thin buainese has . since the opening of due maxim, it is acme of abort-righted folly for Cong to interrupt the natural course of eve by Such efforts to Inaugurate a react against a downward movement which. is really attained its lowest possible po ni We have stood where we bad everyth ni to gain and nothing to lose by cointum I 'ling an actual resumption. Uuder th policy of thin currency bill, we have e er thing to lam and nothing to gain. V are not willing to believe that the Sr t can lead its approval to a moot needlef 1 and mischievous step. . -. • THE NEW PARTY "CALLA ALLTOITENT Crnr. lune 16,18'10. EDITORS Oazurra: I real in yester day'', Commercial a call for a new piny convention to nominate a ticket for the fall election. This call not being signed, suppoeed it a Democratic joke at the ,expense of Republican'', or the work of a "Sore-head;" with a - view to cratte: dl- ViSiOn in the Republican ranks, and thus satiety a revengeful 'mirk, engendered through disappointed expirations. Tide coo ruing's Commercial confirm. my belief that- the latter 'apposition Is the correct one. It shown the cloven, toot, giving Iteriblibins to undentauld the " reform" ring are again beistMentischief. :I - have been asked breeveral temper. mace men, who knew me to have been one of Stir. Dickey's most ardent supporters last fall, whether the temperate/Swing of the Republican party had originated this "new party"\ movement, and answered them that such was not the fact. If it were, 1 think I should know it. The time his not yet mine, any reason for such a step does not yet exist, and this move. thus prematurely made, ostensibly in the interest of '"temnerance reform," is proof satisfsetM7that the real object is as fore , shadowed in the Commercial. ': Trim lean. istranee men, of Republican antecedents. will not be`thus led by broken downpoll- I, tides's, ringmasters, or whatever other mune pollard "mew" might justify-me in III&Dg to designate the men I be. 11Eli love to have caused t. boglin call referred to. lclop,rance well are not yet cola plaining, hut are patiently awaitft the action of the Augusteonvention, and con lidetitly hoping that tinobjectionable men will be 'selected as candidates for the Dai ren to 'he filled.- The -call" put forth and championed as it has heendias stimulated if any thing. in ilos desire, in or tat 1k" liepnidiean party may, pre united . and put to 012lIlle leathig their schemes for mere per gratification. I ant a temperance man, -holding that no man of intemperate habits should be elected to office, and last year worked for Dickey in the ward of our city that give hint a larger majority than any other dia• trot in the eounty, but 1- am not of the malcontents who are. always to he found crying silt agalast -rings," "corruption." for no other purprise than to stimu.. - late dissatisfaction in the . ranks of the dom. inalit party. - Assuring you, Messrs. Editors. that temprrahre men are innocent of this re. rived erforni movement, I nut yours. ALLEGIIENY. And v ODDER, PAINT AND DYES A Chemist'. Aanlv.i...Meretray,'Cor. tedve Sublimate and Lead..Eam. el., Powder., and Hair Re4t to a , tire' •t uutulter of the Chemical Nee. • remarkable , report au ••Poi . sou eties.- n doubt I h n great deal of inlet t. r last. Dr. te . wia A. Sayre, MEI New York. enclosed to Dr. liarrix, Cup intendant of die MOP - 40.HW) Dist \rirt, pimphlt , t. in which thr eaS44 , of lead pfth , y pr. ti Lp Is/ktin Bloom . of Youth. TbiA timrtmunicikti was laid before the Board of Wahl', to Other with notes from Dr. Barris 'and Sanitary Inspector Dr. :lanes. In which at tention was called to ihe,grent variety and largo • quantities of pOiFOUOUP haft. dyes, commonly called hair restoratives. etc., consisting essentially of acetate of had. and enamels consistinttof carbonate di lead which wery sold in the'Metropoli• nt h t . e board at on, directed their doing Ist. Prof. C. F. ehandler. of tho School of Mines, Columbia College, to, investigate the subject, and the substance of hi, le pOrt, fully confirming the opinions of thi physicians, is- given" below. It rill la seen that the proprietor of latinl's Moon of Youth, in order to evade the comic quenees of the investig.tion, had Pubst! I, toted °Kide of riot f.yr the sugar of io.‘ t which it formerly contained. IMPORT OF NW" .tfll , . I'. F. I.IIVNIfI.EIt. • ~..• D.SportSt• to life reltoltitiots of the ilaittti, directing "the c tentist to examitie the various hair tonies.ivaidies. cosmetioi, and other toilet preparations in general use, and to report what ingredients. if any. they eoutain of a character injurious or dangerous to those who use thirttir . i beg leftVif to Stiiilliit tits following report .of the results - thus far. reached. My el amination hits been gpecially directed to the mineral poisons; no 'tests have teen tut yet made for vegetable or anhual, 4'o, stances, as . , for example, mntharides, which I have reason to believe is sot. , times employed. The articles which I have exantinfll may be classed as: I. flair tonics. WOrdier , and reittCorall o e l, 11. Lotions for the skin. 111. Enamels. . . IV. While powders for the skin., Alit TONICS, .1 V AMIIEs AND 11F.ST011 Of these. sixteen have is•en essmi and, with but title exception. all have I found to contain lead, 'generally in form of acetate or sugar of lead. tWe omit the details of the anal being too long for our columns, and join the Professor's rerilititulation.l Only tine of this class of ,. I arations - illoyt's 'Hiawatha Restor.divei is free from which metal seems indeed to lie' tI ' roman! A.N.gtibittd in most cases. Ma of thesediments observed in the,bottle and which require that the bottle 'be in 111.11:011: etc., consists.of sulphur. which is intended shall ultimately unite with tl lead to produce.the dark colored sulphidi of lead; or, as one of the manufacturers has ft,"the original youthful beauty and rotor). The following tabular statement &OITA - bow the poisonous hair nostrums ,resartsme among slternaelvve : Omits of Lend to iiiiie hail moire. - e . 1. Clark's. Distilled Restorative for ter Male.. 0.11 2. Cbevalier'a Life for tile it'ale - . I.tt 3. Circassian Hair Rejuvenator. 27:1 , 4. Ayers flair Vieor .st . Prof. Wood's Hair Itednrative :Lin it Dr..l..l.tritriett's Hair Restorative tit America 7. Gray's Celebrated Hate Restorative . a.a9 N. Phalon's Vitalla ... . . 5.00 • . 4.1* 9. Hines Vegetable Ambrosia. .. 10. Ildre.S. A. Allen's Worhl Hair Restorer F..W; 11. LI Knitters Indian lisle Tonique .. 0.7... V L. Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair tte -13.,De. Tebbett** Pbsycoinglcal Hair lie generator , 11. Martha Washington's Ilair Remora- Pn IS. Sintrer' s Hair Its . .16. Pit LOTION. Olt \TAMEN VON TIRE. COll - PI.EYIONe. ' "' - Prof. Chandler enumerates the . follow ing. which do not Aloe' any trace of lead or Injurious menthe. Burnett :a }cotillion. ?Maoris Paphion Lotion or Floral Bakti• lier.Eruunel of America, Email do Paris de Jared. and Balm of a Thousand Flow ere. An analysis of Perry's Moth and Freckle Lotion, a odorless liquid; with a little whim sediment:gin-mod %fluid ounce tw contain: Mercury in solution ....Aa • Equivalent to Corrosive Sublimate—la Sulphate of Zinc. ,(crystalized) 4'w 111. F.NASIALS FOR THE SKIN. . The sedian'ent rootains a little mercury, lead and bismuth. The Enamels consist of white powders suspended in char liquids: on standing the postalers sultaliale, but agitation quickly in • rtlk a co rates them with the liquids. A in: The following contains lead man ly. if not entirely, In the form of car bona e; they am,therefore simply ..white lead" 'ground in water: Grains of Lead io our foil 000 re after shaking. Engenle's favorite.. ........ 108.114 Pholon's enamel ....... 1411.28 , „, e ohile ()dental erann1.190.9 9 lute., wet French chalk; either singly or John Irvine's compound of Chinese tablet of alabaster, consists of carbonate of lime: &MID'S superior lily white consists of car ) Ise/ate Of lime and carbonate of magnesia; 0 , Wright,. cancarills de across! de Persia, nsiata of carbonate of How and some " co earthy matter itmoluable in acids, either lir clay or "French chalk ;" the original tab s- let of alabaster or lily while cosmetic, consists, l ,, of carbonate of lime with, some - clay or "French chalk ;" Bismuth powder I for. beautyfiying the skin and retrieving . e freckles, consists of carbonate of lime. e with much clay or "French challe Livers ~, lily white and cos. bloom, mishits of clay -, or "French chalk." From these facts Prof. ('handler con cludes : 1. The hair tonics, washes and restora tives, contain lead In considerable quanti ties: that they_ owe their action to tide metal. and that they are consequently highly dangerous to the health of persons using them. • , 2. Wills a single exception. Pern'e moth and freckle lotion, which contains corrosive sublimate, the lotions for the skin are free from lead and other injurious metals. 2. That the enamels are composed of either carbonate of lime, oxide of zinc, or carbonate of lead, suspended in water. The first two classes of enamels are compare tively harmless, as harmless IM iny other white dirt_ when plastered over the akin to close the pores and prevent its healtliy action. On the other hand, the enamels composed of carbonate of lead arc highly dang and their use is very certainto Produce disastrous results to, those who patronize them. 4: The white powders for the skin are harmlesa, except in eo far as their applica tioa may interfere with the heatikv action I of the Ain. • tfit --- Thomas Carlyle to THE visit of Mr. country le said to have particular ref. erence to private business affairs rather than anything else. "Bettor geeartwi," as the story goes, made some i American investments two or three Years sgem bi c h are turning out prostable, t a rs It tato lbok after these thafhe in how coming to New 'York. Another report that a aft, gniabed clergyman from BrOAtlYn has tendered 'him the hospitAties of his house dating his stay,, 111 PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE Iron and Steel Production in 1869. From the fifth' annual report of Mr Henry .MCAllister, Jr., Secretary of the American Iron - and Steel AanotiatiOn, the. Philadelphia Ledger has condensed the following interesting facts, in reference ti the manufacture of iron and steel: during the year 1869. The report,after referring -bt tLo courts mode by the. association in reference to the question of tariff. sets • forth that -in the States north and cast of Pennsylvania; the production of Anthra cite iron. 1w1969, was 269,216 tons, as fol lows: New Jersey. - 54.201 tons; New Fork, 210953; Massachusetts, 4,200. The production of anthracite iron In these States has arisen from 64.969 tons In 1964. to the quantity above given. The production of anthracite pig iron in Pennsylvania in 1869, was 1192,739 tons. Of this quantity 300916 tons Was made in the Lehigh region; 150A09. tine in the Schuylkill region; 123,273 I t iu the Upper,,Ausquehanua. and 116.141 tons in the ['Aker Susquehnnna. This product exceeds by 20,784 tons. or 3.09 per cent., that of 1869, or 310, per cent, that of 9917. Within the past titre,. years 14 furnaces'' love been erected in.the Lehigh region, uereasing its capacity about 1411061 tons. ne following shows the - whole ',rabid if anthracitijig Iron in Pennsylvania for 1111 . past aglit years, In 1962, 370,304 tons, 1963.4407 2 do.; 1964, 519 MO do.; 1865,177.443410.;1366. 6173,729 de.; 1867. 294.276 do: 1969, 671.1612 do. 1869, 692,739 MEE tons. • The iota' pnxbict of anthracite pig iron in the l'aited Stall in '1869 was as fol lows: \laasarhuert to p e nnQylvanilt Irtryland TOW 971.150- - The production of bituminous coal and coke. pig iron, in 18119, amounted to G. :111 tons, an increase of 21:1,841 toms or c 2 4 per"vent: over that MN. Of Ate whole amount about 2511,00 1 1 tons of lion Class of pig iron win' inn& in Pennsyl In 15.14 the production of bituminous id col, iron 5-1,15 lifelk • the average s annua S l increase has 1,41 , 71 - 11 per cent. The progress made y this branch of business in several hi Alities during the past few ytars is very rent. In 150.1 there were eleven furnaces f this class in the Shenango valley. Pa.. he oldest of which was erected hying the live following years to !Skit). nelusive. there were ereennl ten nddi tonal anthracite furnaces, having a ea swity of tIS.OOO to 8.).000 tuns. During Ike same time three ; arcoal furnaces th, Vllney ch with a capacity 5,000 tons. The production-of charcoal iron in 1889 anti unit ed to 391,1:111 tons. tont. dlows: New England Staten - 35,1)151 tons N. V., N. J.. Penna. awl Aid ..13-1,000 Western States •206.400 •• Southern States. • ...... 13.100 " - 'this quantity exonnls by '22,140 tons or about per cent. the product of The produ - ct if the rail mills of th kNkuntry .luring the year 1849 warms . Mamnwharette...... tone of .N.XIO New York ........ 79.463 do. do. l'ennr.ylvania 319..11.13 Maryland . 21,:12t 4 do. - do.. -41,53, do. • do. 7,!.717 do. do. fl,St.-ki do. In. rgt,26l, In. do. SOlO do. • do 16.424 do. do. I em. Michlou V." j con4lll I Ittier Mate • T0ta1.......... 11113.5843 do. do. tho rails imported from tireat Britain amounted to :tat i 0 tons, 111 Incrt!axe of 36.340 WI., to -.Tutored with I..tlts. The- prrsluet - of the rolling mills taller than rails, for ISO. 'Ato 14'2,420 - lons, follows: • . Merchatd, bur r.al ton.,_ Nails and spikes Axles null Other. The prtaact of the Gages Sri , erie," in ItArl was illi;i011 tons: of s , all kinds, 35.2110 tons. - _ End of a De.perndo—llbute Murder+ d a Spaniard and Indian, Hunte Down and Shot. - A riorrelowndent, of the San Francisco Bulletin, louder date of Timber tote. So 110111 a county. tune Ist, writes, For eons.. week,. past there enniaileralite e settesitent hereabout, drag to the Adventures of A well kr ilespeetia, of several the ' drag that of 4,r ataiat too, Friday tiranville. that he wished io gain pow., mountnin ranch a fro mill, at concluded the surer way womb , atch doe owner. a Spaniard. himself with a double barrelled ..of gun, heivily charged with huckshot, lie. rams upon him as he wan reading in his cabin. and killed him instantly, by firing one charge into his breast. and the other through his bead after he. dial fallen to the floor. leaving him horribly mangleoL Au Indian who Witnessed the deed and reported the name to the friends of the murdered man; was shot by I ' a - few days afterwards as he was passing quietly along the road. The turn who happened to be near by were threnteraal with cer tain death if they revealed his crime. To cap the climax of recklessness he Immo diately took posseselon of thee:thin, ranch and even the stock of the Spaniard, claim lag that be bad loought and paid for thorn. In abort, the citizens were so exaepern tad by bin many MtedeettA. of which titrii are only a sample. that they were 'at of turning out ell ulnae• and inflict ing summary justice with a stout rope and limb of tlisivarest tree, tout at last wise ly olecideet the -law take Its course. Accordingly our newly elected constable, ineeph Priee, aconnpanied by a few peace loving citizens, called upon him early on the morning of the illth inst., and invited him to surrender. Instead of complying ll...opened the door a few incite,. and fired his revolver full in tloe face of Mr. Prieto, the bullet grazing hie hat. After firing several shots 10. broke from the htalse and male fur the timber chow by, hut wax brought 110R11, at a distance of about Pei. -say five yards. by a well.directed fire from the constable and bin party. lie ex. pired almost Instantly. An inqueet war. held and a verdict rendered in arcordance with the above facts. .Much credit la due .0.-rtle Prier. for hit pnotnptnewo In Itt tz,,r7 =OE ~ • . Softly In zit ,ncleeldotte. {aught It It. Oitd ,„ tame gaol.virkt emd day It .1 ate. Fn It whi tllt:Z.t' r a, hemr tv7t.:lartherou sloe upon the grave and shag` to. rings it when the heart. would groan Sings it when the shadows darken NU. r larther ad:" -I,lEu PreScher. .• THE Uovernment 'Officials hare more Lope thin they felt last week that the conferences With the Indian Chief' will reknit goOd. They do not think that an soon as they return they will go on the war PAO. but will wait for Rome titne see the'ri.sult Of the progo,ed new order of thinga. Duran- the hotmonths 14,1nm°, oVel7 lawny Homo provide theniselyes with sorne good disin (Mile like - Monde of lime. You will end fresh supply Just received this day Ist JA.14F1.1 k. BURNS a CirS DRUO STORK. corner of Penn • • • • CHLORIDE of{LIME. Chloride of Lime. Choride ot Lave. Chloride of Uwe. Chloride of Lime. Chloride 14 Lime. Chloride id time. Chloride .4 Linn. Chloride Lime. . _SOLI AMES E. BURNS &. CO.'S DRUG STORE. erne, Penn and Mixth ieid NI. CialrOttree re ‘l, AN't OF V FFALITV; Some:dim. there Ina lack of vitalitT he berth anal apparently well developed framer. nercule. sinews and 1111 l scles are not always Indicative 01 atamhia and ronstiteetlem at v Igeer in their ted.ted fma areadth'ff.re rlealtli depon to more p.n the an lautach.llin liver d lira h.weln. than upon the he mnf and pulleys lei tan the systim ‘r nntwititlll..winoxa ix.np- Pnged ten reside. All of thin grand unbent machin ery Is ad Itself no protective against aletneas and decay. Fwey and perfeet digeston. regular and healthy accretio, unonntaminated blood. n o • eegular t he of the waste matter 01 the body thrungle the inteatenea, the kidney , and the pores. are the snort Went anteguania snaked disease. Isla the III•Pt guaranties of lee:kneads . . Prnmfr nom lise yreal title oft4l rlirykse linitteter, Stomach The ingredlerde or .whih the Great dein and A Ihemilve compeaed are talent egelnhink,rcti and pteisonoies ele l spleen ere ments which exist. more ter less. in all the powerful mineral drugs. Sufferers from t b ln e der'esDVitr 1 .van Va ate relief trout the use of thin agreeable stimulant and invigarant. hut beenuten mnociting, time wears on, of XII increase ot eonstitulltentd elastic-e -t) and vital tore.. latttor and exithenere •no longer produce the name etteM edam them ate heretofore. and they real eve it they had acquired a new hold on lite a reserve of mental and phy Meat energy. Mitt has . been' the experience of thouxamtg or Mitts 'Meg. and every day adds to the WWII. of elmerma tor} tentlmeeny. IVhenever the temperature and state •,f the atmoxpliere, exercise. a depregoing in• fillellee user the 1311109 and bandies of Invalids. Itogletter'a the tonic up. which the , can rely for swift 141111 permanent reateerallon. imwmets. 121 '2lO 11'201 MO 7. I Lb. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS "41M111 I" ;MO 4a.100 appear. • 100 Of 1 10 . IIT New Oil The Venture well In Kill tolta.l...:Zih. the rate of about one hundred and seven ty five barrels per dap, and lathe bent well in the vicinity. Well No. I on atwenty acre lease of the Tuttle farm, owned by Messrs. Irwin and Bird. struck the sand rock one week since, and so heavy a now of gas followed it was necessary to put nut all the tires until con ' nection with, steam pipes could be made with Venture well No. 2. Drilling wan then resumed, and onßufiday commenced to test. lip to Monday noon It had pro- duced about one hundred barrel,' of oil. Much was wasted in withdrawing the tools, a stream of oil and water being cast up higher than the derrick. It Is andel initial that as soon as It gets In good work ing condition, this well will be lotto as productive as the Venture. • The McNair well, upon which so many eyes are turned, and the success of which will prove the worth or worthlessness of territory in that direction, is in the sand, and but a day or two will elapee before a verdict will be rendered, - That thin will prove a fifty or sixty barrel well,...nearly every one believeathonglt there are found the mina' number of ,kndwing ones who say. In speaking of the oil belt, 'alto don't run that way—better follow right out be vond the old Ventlre well." TnE stone face la the desert near Oils Bend is believed by the Mexican Indians to be that of Montezuma, who will one day awaken from bls. long sleep. rlo strong is this belief in some parts of Mex ico," says the Overland Monthly, •• that people who passed through that country year ago Wird some localities where fires were kept constantly burning in anticipa tion of Montezumas early .. coming. It looks as thongh the stern facia up there , was just a little softened in its expres- Mon by the deepslumber that holds the'. eyelids over,%he commanding eye, and all nature seems hushed into death-like still-'I tees.. 'Day after day, year after yew. tnry after century, elambers the man up there on the height, and life and vegeta. , Hon sleep on the arid plains polo her bet never disturbed—a sleep never bro ken: for the battle cry of Yuma, Himo and Marlcopo, that once rang at the foot of the mountains, did not reach Montezuma's ear;tted the dying ahrieks of the children of thole WA7••=es , far over the seas to tobldna of his sceptre and crown, fall =- heeded - op the rocks end the deeerts • that gazed his sleep."" FRIDAY MORNING, ,TUNE 17, 1870 HOPE'S soriG.i MI? But law much t tho unleionen, tale hi dot'. dounting—only s better farther Dui — lndries and LettOrl" of tin English PREVENT sleliNE,,.4 FIRER VAN 1)011EN 367 Liberty Stree PITTSBURGH. PA. STEAM ENGINES, IRON AND 'WOoD WORKINCI MACHINERY , Steam IPIIII7IpS, Engineers' and Machinists Tools,. STEAM FIRE ENGINES BELTING,, Wen rklachinety, Machine Car 4 annfact un•rs' and Mlll Sup• plies. A constant snooty on hand and tarnished on short notice. )11 DV:H(4 16.30tilerrVIII LETTER copying Presses L'Ml= BA It 1•It LETTER !UZI.: PRE SSE.. CAP SIZE. PII.ESSE.. CA RHINE AND GILT PRES , V.S. WALNUT PRESS STAND. MANNI 4 CoPYING ROOKS. YRV-NCII COPYING ROMIS. NOTE SIZE. COPYING nOoKS. CUTTER SIZE COPYING BIIOIM CAP tUZE COPYING BOWLS. ARNOLD'S I,'OPf IN() FLUID. SMITH'S COPYING FLUID. FRENCD coPtING VIOLET COPYING FLUID. RUBBER COPYING SHREW., CAN HAIR corriNn ent:PriKS. WATER BOWLS. CHINA AND IRON. J. L. READ Sz SON No. 102 Fourth Avenue PIiTtOTHGU. PA 11P11()VEI ) IIERRY SEEDER Wi It blab been in use for the lest We Ylt foiled to on aloe* Instance to glee en, tat bon to the purchaser. When run to Ite full c•tweitf.lt will Nee. •1 of chewier In 'JO ntinnlea. The Mwtilne It Chem, Nonni*. Durable end Itandonnte. • Th e Hopper NI mat assntoe. tnernbr *dosing It to all lm] herries. It la the best Cherry etteder In the Ilettltet. hI '17,%:6...1dre”ed to JAMES, B()NITN.,' N 0.1:3ti Wood Street; riTrpnu ROIL PA Willbe Filled at MAN U FACTU HERS' PRICES (PI PR 0; BloAlk Books. ALLAN C. BA KEIVELI CO,, 7i Wood Street, Pithburgh. NKW GOODW FOR SALE. Mules and Horses. OnApar very nee CARRIAGE RORSIN Three seerrior FAMILY HORSES. _ The very leg.l MUT.Ini. Three new EAR'iRRN 1111111. T Pout imod ,SECON I) RANI. BIItIOIRS. R. 11. PATTERSON At CO, Ju1,761 C0r.716 air?. and Liberty Street._ Lands Factorie,s &Mills, JOS. ChttIiENNF,DY & SON, WABIIINGTON, D. C . Are Apnea (or tbe sale or hate and small FARMS mad valuable traoin .01 TIMBER and MINERAL LANDS and , MINIMAL SPRINGS {lmproved) in the States of Maryland. FlOtlrds. NortE Georgia. Mamma. and MlsaloslPrd. They also oder IRON rocrmoturs. COTTON FACTORIES lend FLOURING MILLS se a treat Waal.. lakyle•dtrT Bakery, , Confectionery; • • AND ICE CREAM_ Ites&aard the above tout. WaTIRII . A r iNTS, Alleghe y, =in bret. fgaLizzit. - . ° fa vetray the coalmen of lee cream. yd. etto IMO It o orreole0004:t to . T n it c r 0 1; ;. Ill , a n tlefeattl;%: p.t... WM. A. RHODES. I SIIITheA nissournom Norteg. • Tb• sattnarsalphanstofore allatalnat.din trrsrnati O. RODGERS and 3. It Ma(39irERN, aninged hithaauldtting and talnaddd o 7 nom . boats, muftis du ddaOlved by alai.) , =dolt. • STEPLIVi Cl. BOIK41:11.S. J. It. McOOPERN. Pm: unman. mai 31. umt . . . . . . ... . . ..44,1.....-aj.27,.a4.4V,V.:011,1:.: TY,,:,„..,..4,,,..,i;V.,,--1,%i •Z2,..1,4,:,-:•;_"••..5:,....1...-.....u.A.,,,,,.........-.................,..-.....-A,,,,...--,,,,A-A-,,P,...,,A, • -AA , •:- - - -•-• -• '' ' -P'Wt.,0.,;•.-li5tWA...-iiii,V4-t:iesA7.la.,ll.`••:-I.WPi"'?." ''''... ''''' ~ • . , - -..-.,..... t.:A r p,,, . - Are.;l:4A,Ae '-•-••:•-^--.241S4( .. A . , . . .. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW DRY GOODS WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 and IS?. Federal Street, EEC= EXTRA GOOD BARGAINS IN EIS GOODS I'llje.2Vl;7l2lnadwleN French Lawns. Itnl Sniped and neared lirenudlnes. ere Poplins, all no dForn. WM. SEMPLE'S DuLThVIDfI 11.• µp W Dark I Wic. HEN ""IP.rt Vidgi'VsZT. r- A ITV.I'd bug. rt. sults, \V M. SEMPLE'S NEST uAINS Or THE SEASON IN Gros Grain Black Silks AT AVM.SEMPLE'S t Ole illell./11 Summer Shawls, AT TIIK LOWEST PRICKS, Wholesale and 'Het ai WM. SURE'S nd Federal Street, Allegheny BEI i organstern &Co's OM ACRUM. GLYDE & CO PK('IAL BARGAINS! legtirdle•s of Cost wee and Silk Parasols for $ IMEMEM Shetland Mauls for Dopitu Nuns for BMW, Iron V nova Dorm at ...... tan i Chia ft. St lleo,.utehed Ilandkarchlers. Linen Towels. at Ur Joao Drawers, at Ureeu Kld Mora, at P. K. for Sans. at 11.41 Skirts. at All and convince `C arat that no Meer h ha good. a. )010 MA do. Nos. 78 and SO Market Street. SPECIAuriES Hats and Bonnets AT lIORNE I& CO'S. HAIR HATS, , • LADIES' A AND, CHILDREN'S CACTUS AND STRAW. HTS. Rtiti O"AILAVItS'AItriuIINPICTIMMUFBIIP3‘.:iiff.RA 'APAel'artidiiA.P2M) MIN UMBRELLAS. PONGEE AND te MIMED LINED. -A now halals reaelead. ririZMlC.r7l:7lffilrleßrlM AND HAMBURG REAL AN D UINTIIL T AI? R " 7 COL" RR ANII R EMBROETT • I CHEM IZ IDER E4 LADIESED•LINCH SETTS. - WRITE AND BROWN LINEN DRESS tRVANTS • EMS. ROBES AND DRESSES. A frn,liiilAVlVin Light Esealag Shades, and Bright Ctrs. all ndmbers. NEW GOODS Arriving Every Day. 77 AND 79 MARKET STREET On a Par with Gold WE NOW OFFER El= Our New Stock DRY GOODS NOTIONS AT EASTERN PRICES 81747.118 AR INVITED TO K:.01 - 1ne or. Goods &Prices , - ‘1)1) \• , SHANNON CO,. N 0.115 Wood Street. JOHN 01014. 111 AN - ill. Filar/LAD DAVIN - - WORKMAN & DAVIS, I.OW PRICKS aneanwora t o WOIIII[M . AN,MOOIIII & CO, mum taiaanin. and Dodos In Cari G iag :B sl lC ß : ggles' SPRING WAGONS. 42, 44, 45 aid 48 Baur 81., Allegheny. Or an-1 f"VirraklAMTUp T11.2.°"1 irarrsnuaw give arjactiao 1141==illr. Varrjettilol. ta k NOW 011, " W r.rn il4t ..tot A/OwairvitlAncerttl i rgB'mr,z . . . it. R1CTURD.1.1;7,12.1 ri r , 9 . 7. 1 ca the .. tA , v t o % , VIN- moo Ric U. co te. ti.'engom ""`"l,rorAterias" rill eet% • Willa d . - , JOHlf_Q, WORSHAM. i . H. RICHARD DAVIS, late walk Mama National Bulk; Pittatrarsn. S. MORROW, (late of Ifitothatrion's & orroW.) (BIJOCIESSOIt 10. LEAN It lzumito lialtreWiiiXOPM4lBllZET IRON Tb 11.01123, DYCK WOVE:B,, Wpr i t l IRON STILOOL PIPMS. 1141406116 ;COMM No. 112 First. Avenue, tvai vr !ivt=t"'" .l PITTSBURGH. Pi. WM. KREBS, :ICE DEALER, 861-River`Ave, Allogheny. Jaass FULTON'S VIIIINO ROOMS, • VOR LADISH AND 991T71X9191. No. 97 7DURTH *PUPA 'asst. istriPH. OPSH OR THURSDAY. Jar. Mb: . CM NEW , ADVERTISEBEENTS. I Vridiy,june 16th, AT AVIA. SEMPLE'S, SO and 182 Federal Street, ALLEMIENY. Will be Found the Latest Novelties ail Best Bargain of -the Sena in . HATS AND BONNETS Ribbons and. Flowars. \Vliite Goods NEW ASSORTMENT OF Striped and Barred Nainamdo, etriped and Filmed P. Valencia Lace, Int anVe %VAMP, Embroidered Edging/. line limertiec • AT 1.111.0. AH. MOVES, AT AV AI.S ... • Parasols. and Sun Umbrellas- t.tyleg and at the Lowest P!'w. W vI. t-4 EMPLE'S iadles.lMM and .101clrelip Moe. \ Ladles and Gentcl , Simmer Underwenr. Kid nnd/.11 , ThrPll4 lace Clam and Handkerchief , Switnhep and Fancy Linen and Silk En m, Attractive Prices AP IV3I. 180 sad 182 Federal Street; BUY THE GEt CLARK'S "O. " T, SPOOL COTTON lEMEEMBiI SOLE AGENT Sold Every f ere. PLANING M 1 I.• MEN And Others, • TAKE NOTICE! The undersigned has letters.katent of the Uni ted States for the Manus onutruction weather -boarding, inside liningimd of wainscoting tor braises. The weather-bus ling. by this patent Improvement. being more with:lady intended for vertical use. and combines MINA durability end, beauty of appearance; and It so constructed ad to entirely voidthe tise ri of Joint stri , pix th and a to retest rag th g e Fl I t the weather on the timber. I inside lining and wsinso ging by-this new method are so p ly a s as to form perfect camels mt cheaply as by the sh ow pp boards alone: thereby Prerentiog the showing of the Joints from lisTr• itt, ',ire.n.ett:' Zan, ..., le snooty snows. as the Asioukted weather% fcl,;,T,!,^for.rlr A. StundAre, the rigia of the territory T ti. .‘V.writjt.rrViLlVT=4l.l'nent for toe Pint 'TA:T=I4AT% it Co., shop rights for their mill, Sixth ward, Phut:ninth. To Alex. Sternum for the borough of McKees port. To Patter A Paul, for 5100 1. . Second. Third and Fourth wards, city Of Alleghear. To,UsTe‘i nfotitaiwAhoP right at their main% Soy '"T-T; DUlSPll.igiwc7'll°,!: for the boroughs of sh—r. an Etna; also the townships of Shsier ' All person's are warned a,gginst infringing upon either of said patent, and Those wishing to pur chase eill slew call, or address me, at N 0.5 limitkitield street, Pittsburgh, Pa. fe C. ANITILBSON.. JOHN STEVENSON'S SONS • CO ., JEWELERS; 93 Market street, Pittsburgh. ft# 4" (THIRD DOOR FROM FIFTTO Have on hand all the latest novelties In Fine Jew eler 'leo Sliver Pieces and Carer Plated Warn of DOW 40•11M/yailltabk. for Bedding Watches of all the American augers in gold and Mlrer Wes. Both Key and Pendant Winders Ma. stantly on ofdha,. well Wa t ch, variety cf the finer ITIMICS the Swis including Jur- Jensen, .11.1 t, PPrrilgßolli. and others. We call particular attention to our Utilities for malaria:f t rd ;T u rn: tine Watches. To that (Infers by 'r mail parroptlrgertaigaiof any (000• sent in MS1110010) all at request. myth:yea C. D. AItNSTEI AL ARI4STHAL & SON, Virginia and Louisville . Tobacco dgency, SEGARS Floe Cal Ckewieg oid Smoking Tobeetos, tiMITIWIELD 19.1111 MT, Pfttatonsh. WHEELER' Patent Stamp Cariceleni. EDWIN iTEVENS, No. 41 S. Third Street, :arrt for Mate at Pennsylvania. ,10 - • 1.4 1 ht. LO.,Z. /Ma office for thl 1: * WATER PIPES Chimney Tops, OT AIR & CHIMNEY FLUES, tit. A largo and toll uoostatant constantly on Oand. HENRY R. COLLINS, ISS MOND AVENGE. =a "HILL & ADAM'S SEWER PIPE - CO, 65 and 67 Sandusky St., Alleglien hlgnutacture highly VITIUYIXD WATER AND SIGNER PIPK. • •Dyillitehh CIII3II4ZY TOPS. TLYMII god lIYOKAIILIC cation , . , • G. riIabIILLEN, Agent. DE'Y YELLOW PINE AND Oil. A artAtattA lot, 00,02017 .f 4, i' 5 " 4, I n the rough,orplatletloAtheTltta• JAMES M'BRIEE, 191 Sandusky Street, Allegheny City 3.6.79 yEIIE OP I.lFFTherit Blood Plower and Dellercems_Drio 1r Ajerlir - VITA Ott MINX= ar s.. . rii=ro r=ociirstoorents. 6 111•140Onald ITaiiiir r=b10100.... t r th w iA th. sat sod • - d4r: *Ma evAr. oilorektp MS SrOtho. tar aupinior to tostrl=.6l. .ttraL,.`7 = stallt dlioa.W.7orog or o%coarirrWO ...! 40, , Ligi . lit to;1410:41.A. nrirßr",mi ac,' . 0r UV vikit.,lWomell Sonnt*lin _WIIM of - tifilL It iinrianriMt abut Wore ' In •S . it IS OrAd by among: nnoo az..e.P.a. obis room. !Me Wire, lo c orn OrOilor. sorturrn . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS oi the ter-- 0 ''uesapeake and Ohio bill"' The Chesapeake . %nd Ohio Railroad Inpleted and canning triad RICHMOND, VA.. thecelebrated WHITE 227 II It I,belekir ra4lll I=l Wended 1, , die 100 sting in AS 4 . 47 hthe.. In Its prOitSOM WesthAnt.it penetrales and open. p to market the ItEPOSITS TILE KAN WIT .1 ItEGION IN WEST V11t• UINIA. And tone bring% lbet•u partnr and abundant as of that woilon Into communicAtion with thi RON to DES of V I 116 I NIA AND OHIO. and the WESTKRN.SOI7III W 1 'TERN AND NASTItitN. 121=2 When ewupleted It will e"nneet lAII.OOII FACILITIES lF TILE I'll ESA ['MAKE RA V will, reliable ~,, nn Il,e Ohi.oiver, and Roo with the ENTIRE SYSTEMiiV RAILROAD AND WATER TRANSPORTATION OF TUE GREAT WEST .INI I SOUTHWEST. It will wake EAST. CII EA] . and lA. VORAIII.It 11011 TE form the WEST In the SEA lid CIA tiondnand. a LARUE SHARE OF VIE F.NOIi3I,PUS I.'n}:harrs. mectioß tnuisportatlOuto =MI It will thue nue a them...l IMPORTANT AND PROFITABLE F.AST AND D'EST TRUNK lAN EN . OF It .\ 11.10 All In the. eeentiy. nod COO. !!=I The complete.] Of the it 01.41 1i ding a ASs. !Si UBA:BNB BUSINESS, and eq.! ;it value too the whole atneutd.o the tte.rtvzige tie the hntire lane-413,000, The lean he 1 ikeNteeeke Slid 01.10 ertEratty, Leine a Enter M ET , : A E UPON THE EsTi II r: LINE, PROPEitTV A fill EQUiPMENTS , WoRTE WHEN CoM prxr AT.I.EAET 1130,- 4100.000.1 s Morel ere I me of the mosCsubstantlal , conservative .nd relelblesl4•Eroal Loans eve- feted hi the teuzlier,amt le peculintly ednyteo:t4 11=2 stors'and Capitalists tileghen). 111biL SE , I; MTV The Band+ are in deaanaaatlana of $l,OOO, $5OO and $lOO may be bbd COUPON or ItEll Ele!! 2=E Ist lusl NOVEMBER IM. AND INTEREST PA TABLE IN ME= 001.1) IN TIIE ('ITV O NEW VOILE. Price 90 AND Ai'eliEED INTERESTin Col reser, al shicli price 'Rey pity steady SEVEN SEI CKNT. IN lOTA] nn liseir sort. ittll=Ml al the Stock Exchange riseelved In °Cellulite. et tele full merest value. end Etude sent to ell parts f the country, free of Ku - press charges. They .an be obtained by ordering direct from us •; . through any re/Tensible Banksir Banker In any • part of the ..rintry. FIS k & Hatch, No, 5 Nassau Street, New Yo Maps, Pamphlets and full information furnished upon application in person or by mail. S. M'CLEAN & CO., 78-A_NKERS , 65 Fourth Ave., -Pittsburgh, .t• lite ntt1.....1,the•011... 045, - 0 . 51th E BAILEY&Go ,t,CHESTNUTST, PRILADELPI III ‘ . peqeestoit'aimeg The reputation and experi ence of 90 years, warrant us in saying that our stock of Fine Timekeepers of the best Euro pean and American Makers is . now the largest in the coun try; and we guarantee that each Watch we sell, is finished with groat mechanical precision, has all the late improvements, and will run regularly, well, and give satisfaction. • lequiries promptly replied to. Wattles forwarded by Exstess tat annul. 1.. G. ARNSTGAY COAL AND COKE '[ORGAN & CO. CONNELLSVILLE COKE, their Mince, Broad Ford, N. &C. B. Office, 14 WATER STREET, BY RAILROAD, And Deliver in the City. OscarF.Lamm &Co. MANUPACTIAISRB OP CONN ELLSVILLE COKE DEALISILS 1 Youghiogheny and Anthracite coal \ errnotnnott.ra" OFFICE i BOON No. 5,• Gagelle Building COAL! COAL YOUGHIOGHENY GAS COAL CO Company am now preosma to furnish the hag coil of anemias or tine.guan AT FAIR @ATM. Moe and Yard adjoining Citt. mad - med Depot; toed of Tel Street. Pittsburgh. Orders eddremsed to either Mines. West NeliftoU, OT V, I•!..d.wil l bt nrompUr attended to. M. P. 011EnN,Fleetetary. MI Charles H. Armstrong tougbioglieny and Connellsville Coa • And Manufacturer of COAL. SLACK AND DeBULPKURIZKD COBS. OPTICS AND YARD. corner Sutler and Kision streets. Liberty and eltiner streets. Moth ererdi we, Ihroorld Mr.,- 'Sloth Irud, lOri at foot or Boat street, P. a C. A. B. Depot. Sooond ward. Orders left at either of the shore ornerth or ad. draped to me through Pituburgh P.a.'s. Moll" ' P reltilo trh U oin ' i ern it pl. ffelrl tuiv.l_,.Nirla.* rel.. Wm. Smith. Unfortultolp hulls. S. S. lOW er if Toe&p l i, ?: leltehrli7t (k. Reese, 11.1 r sahm, IN.. m-lrort fl,Zigi l lAW ft.rir m r;fa s o--n.. •Illa EL It, Pennsylvania R. Al egheny Vallee It. It. ------- -.----=--- COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART 84. CO., To: 567 lAbertf :Street. CCotolynty liourjOi Blogoodm - noose . • Aro o mewed Li . taratas YOOOll3O- IMISNY wir LUMP NOT tx:YAI. OIL BLACK; lit P.• wi n t==etroiesaar - add iattual thlovektile =W..w b• ostoactoo so prnoptly. CARPETS, OIL CL CARP II SPRING Si Fine, Medium -an CriRP Our Stock to the lygert tve have ever offered to the trade. Bollard Rose & Co., 21 Finn AVENUE. April Ist, 1.870. MEM SPECIE PAYMENT Res nited ! cash Fe . t hinn datat e Silver e nande will be linen to somers, , M'Farla -." nd. &Collipis • (1: f 1 t‘ Swig: 71 anO. 73 Fifth Ave. Pr o.s Wsca asa the lowest In thls market ap2 - • CARPETS. New Rooms! New Goods! NEW PRICES! ,:eftr:AftAi IMINI=I GIR PE TS Ever dffered in this Market. .01VEST PRICES-SINCE 1861 °OYER McCLINTOCK & CO, o'A Fifth Avenue . s EW CARPETS. Reduction in Prices WHOLESALE RAT ES McCallum Bros., No. 51FIFTH AVENUE • blanubdinrera of SPRING. man - VW stool, V. wTTßiwoo.i• wrath... waster. and Pillows. Church cud.... Cornice blouldlnas and all kinds of Upholstery wort. 'auto. dealers In Window Shades, Buff. Green and White Ilnllands. Cords: Twaddle. to. Particular attention I. Aron to golf ing up, cleaning and brushing, altering and relal- Our mode of cleaning carpet Is the on)/ ear In which YOU catt feel assured thu the colon are pre served and the good. thoroughly freed from ell dust and vermin. The price for cleaning has been greatly reduced. Our express will cell for and de• liver all goods free of charge. ROBERTS, NICHOLSON it, THOMPSON, L./21,113 liejtsjStb4Trae. Pittsburgh, Pa. CARPET CHAIN ON - HAND AND FOR HALE AT • • AgIIOR COTTON GLASS, OtrEENSWARE 100 WOOD STREET. MANUFACTURERS OF SHIP TO ALL POINTS IMMEI3I3I Myths mimed their Office to, I* THS, &ct BM FOCK. Common TS. rated the upenl. of taw New FINEST DISkAC uF TO CORRKSPOND WITH _ , ~ _..1,_.,,.:~~,~.a:~a u r liplosiu Upholsterers and Proprietors of am Carpet Beating Falb'lament, NO. 12.7 WOOD STREET, Of all Colors, m vs: Alleg,hony City m Q UEEN SW ARE, PINE FRENCH. China and }la . SILVER PLATED GOODS,DINNER ANP TEA SETS. TEA TRAYS AND CUTLERY. Tp WARitlorgOONw 'Mt, MORE . I prices. R. E. BREED & CO., 100-WWII STIMET. REYNOLDS STEEN & 124 Wood Street Importer* and Mahn" In FRENCH, CHINA, FINE CUT CLASS AND Queensware. y+ly e Unrest asbortmeat al NoW Tort prtars. ESTAI3LISIIEI) _ unser iliall'...Alnitor lliwor...Kolli. /LAW! i RIGBY, OUST & CO., No. 189 Liberty Et., . Wholarde sod . Bolan Dealers and Jobbers CIIINA_,_QPICIeNSWAIIL GLASS . and MTS.- PIATILDWAY.I6. Tboattentiop of all at/ goods la the above Vle directed to cur nicely lsoborted direetlY from the best turopessi modem and we we now replying a nosh and !WAWA* 101 l al tha above I . __. __ . -sid:rdi -DR. ~-lI'I.TIER OONTINUIO3 TO TRILLAT ALI. PLOVATIC 11111)LA 81934 . yphille ligligs 1 ormeallt= li d .=, "4 8 Prjrgti,i, IgermAtio •:Preeres= and wheels produce Dome of the olionLeihr on a ntribk"rierrkoltoloseletL an=nemi, lima of Mme menus, fees f mem ineinurnee, 00C s/ amlsions, and Soar im Protnrn"tlf_the me net an _em as to tender roarrisge comas= and Obeffrati. imprudent. sr* permanerd=: f o m Fames allteted with these .lolY other demote, k . u .,...4... isateridlog constitutional complaint eleindAlve the Doctor a trial: As never fails. £ piss attention_stran to all Female end& • iti....or Itatteadganvift=lrel=. =.,.. ...."" etraontanta—bytMencWsosannd CACtrarrennesa , tint trt3l.Bo with the peat ... P.M ralLelislant. Mat t heisician who Oznainos 0f....n0, to tudy of • cerialn Cllllll Of 411.11111•0 sad Arcata thormando of eases emery ...,.... ~.vire greater still in that *WWII than one in genersti Mk, mmomThNVV:r2 lult err=rorrff irogratl ..• pail ' alfololll l that can be had tree at tab hi mail for two ItAnspe, In peeled envelopes. • Wren =Wooten» d in eterm c ietrotne lon to the &MAMA& ea. tn the melee Mtn. of Ar Tb tat " Wegirgrro= ruftr A t4K:lßtateggra• min% zawireii. e.... De formeftel by walls exwawst. In wow* MM. tww.holiwnw IL winos& essatingilos is abloi atlm sWel twouswiry with Withers thar towwwi l .., : ,d, iti.cor UM id , with Lbw ITIE colt with enwrf ....._ tt=aot. __ll99l.o,Yer c eb.V..9117 ._..P. SU ‘'. 111.0.11410M1 pirs.. WA by =WI for two amp,. No waihwit im°‘ vts4lwolaw wila Lionni*A.lll.loUld at: aw i_sir. to 9r. as_ mom rto. II UMW oown Sawsw) POIWwwWW- ~ 61