The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 17, 1870, Image 1

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Corner Sixth AIP• and Smithfield St
TESSA OP TOM 11,111. T:
Br mall. per year
by carrier. peiereek
en v 1411
llOaa that - rout loot: are Anati:alian
Wc.i:viN are mae.l (al .scalp
tountv is •
artyi:J .!atjeaf ,
)•atroi,i7e Ilr 7il
t ho• NVliita Pin.. 1..10,
ben,. 11111. $0 per quail
, hrt•nn" t.
1%11141 the burglar', noug ' •
can . b, bought 311 • Ne,
Fomulland nt tltirty.twn ertst , lo.t dors'h•
n load,. of vol,oialmmte v.•ry.1,11"
on tho ..astern bound train, oftlit•
I:nu:Ann La. Ow fro.•. Lath (ever—not
trio sonn. So plug• is n L.•tter missionar
tleld in this line
named-r .ister .11 di
great ❑acLeVis Nvinninir ianrri• it eau
me , tienne in Pori...
A't , .ittr trotting eon' is treating for .11
race out west. It is thought that the re
sult will he batter.
vt: hundred thousand gallon; ott. the
result of lost year's operation, in Con-
DMICUt lush oil factorie,
AIAP.SatE has gone
_into the
wlinleaale tea IniPineNS in .New 1 I obi She
has another partner .
"A SEW Chicago church hits Is AIWA%
heals emmeetea icitlt the pulpit I.;-•
trumpet,: for the benetir of the deaf.
BENF:ATII the Wile , els < the nanie,.ll
new romance. Tie of, the o iti.-
ter probably prevented tile appearanei:
Ahove the limmern.
'fur. I3.taton Peal nOva • •
Eagenie'g gift of ten thoinon.l
francs to tile Congtnatita spits Plitrererg cover
suet. a litteaa that of K,loy Morris '!,*
THY Nov, l'oxrdkUnmr ti fiery I
. .
been successful rhi.. vent. 'l'llo nutul.e
brought it. St. J..ltur i. nhout. :1.10.001
valued at nearly n million and Ludt
ticlan. died 1111 th. lilt ef,May. lie Ica Judge a the Supronii. Court. n Pr
Councillor and it utemher the 11.0 e ,,
sot's , . gill. Med grily 14u1v1, took
chloroform to ears, the pain of serofirlons
sores, in Elkhart vounty. Ind., hilt week,
and is now Plveliillg the Sit,(.l, that know,
no waking.
BT. ,liod his employer
for twenty t.110111.04.110iii11,1 anyungei for
the loss of a leg caused he - too high pres
sure of whiskey in the engine,' or the
SENATOR GRUM, Lau greeeuted to the
public libmry I'4 Burlington. lona. about
GOO volumes of standard Outman works.
valued at $1,200. Tiff• library now NM
tains 4.192 volume,
A NliatcrAGr.t aclihol board. by n vote
of two to eoe. declared lightning tods
dangerous. as they ntteneted lightning,
arid ordered ono on' the building over
which they presided.
A MAN rode ten mile, to :•;.earaier, , . a,-_
note, lately for a jug of rain ivnter; he had
a diseased hand on which he used a prep
aratiou Mode with rain %int.:, - and could
get none any neater home than this.
A DETROIT invalid. miff..e fawilc had
gone out for the afternoon s , was shat up
with hie dog, which became rabid; and at
tacked hint. For three hours law kept the
brute at hay, tool loath, diiettelted it
with bin trent:.
Pounce:, of tie P o e'. non o
e.- f the
late Charles Dickens reatatiled nn veiy
strongly of sue Jotirnor sketch of the
lamented author.---.llmtee .h-efeant.
Naturally, as We had neettas to the I atm.
Ws: learn front the Kestertias • that.
destructive hail storm swept rhrongh
Bourbon county. last \Veilneaday after
noon, rutting a swathe in the vegetation
about half. smile wide; The weather has
been quite chilly ever since with occasion.
al hail. -
Nluvrville sa,
Fleming ('irruit Coati met in spircial ses-
Mori en Monday: for the trial •of John J.
Key, for murder. A nitinber of witneFsos
- have been examined. and there seems to
be but little doubt of hie acquittal on the
plea of insanity
ALAM Write. front Home that
shehopes to hare her I.incoln statue corn•
pleted by January next She will accom
pany it to America iu Febrnary next, and
Erssent it to Congress before.ikteliourne.
She Rill spend the summer nail autumn
• at Carrara, at work on the marble.
MIME SOMMTlth,tin accomplished young
lady, residing near (lulncv, Illinois. - was
stabbed and instantly killed. on Sunday,
near Louisiana, 'Missouri, where she Was
teaching, by William Cole, of Hancock
county, Illinois. who had offered himself
in marriage and was refused. The mar
' derer Is still at large. •
A PENNSTLYANTA paper tells of a local
*leacher wholias received for salary this
year nothing but a currycomb, IC keg of
varnish and twe dozen clothes-pans.
Whenever his children cry with hunger
he gaga them, with n clothes-pin scratches
their stomach with the corn - enrol , and
lays on a coat of varnish..
A JF.II.ttEY girl, picking ttp an artifirial
bug OM she thought. and finding it to beat
lively cockroach, screamed and fainted.
Ber aleter ran screaming for water down
• stairs, and fell to the bottom, and
a young man in the hall ran to the street
'crying "Fire!" and, in leaping from the
stoop, sprained his ankle.
Tat (Jutted States steamer Sabine has
arrived at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, after a
pleasant passage of thirty days from Fore
clud, Madeira. -Instead of ;going to the
Cape of flood Rope, as first intended, Abe
will cruise off the roast of Brazil to ex
. ereise'the midshipmen .in working ship,
will then go into Bahia, and front there
• sail for home. ieaclaing Boston by the Ist
• of August. -
FRIDAY afternoon. in Lafayette, Indiana.
an infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John
Blood was accidentally ernothered to death
by falling from a hammock which was
- suspended over a bed. The child had
been left alone btat a moment, and had in
some manner managed to get out of the
hammock, when the bed clothes fell over
It, causing It to he suffocated. and when
-discovered it wan beyond human aid.
Jnnag DAVIS'S bill to establish a uni
form system of naturalization, met with
attache from the moat unexpected quarters.
' The Democrats attacked the Measure be.
• mute -it wan .400 king •at- flick )prime
- strength: the Pacific CoaSt'disapprefeed of
it because it might afford political rights
to the Chinese; while the West generally
it, as they selfishly oppose every-
ItliVitat does not in some way benefits
themselves. Mr. Davis will try to have it
passed in some amended form.
Fanricithinci have come to hand by
mall of the terrible earthquake 'which
nearly ruined the entire city of Oaxaca,
Mexico, on the 11th nit. About eleven
o'clock .P. a., several hard shocks were
felt, causing destinellon'of life and pro
perty all over the city. The motion was
- eselleding at first from smith- to north;
then vertical or trembling. The shocks
lasted about . fortyeigkt seconds, and In
force, destruction and severity surpassed
anything of the kind that has ever taken
place In Mexico. The palace was almost
dmtroyed, Mad it will, require thousands
of dollars to again make -It suitable for
occupancy-. The ChureltOf than Francisco
is One mono of Tana, and the whole of the
corridors of the Old convent of San Jima
. 'de Dios fell, burying four persons and
wounding many more. The clock tower,
which was only finished on the sth of
May, was shaken down, passing through
the top of the building into the Supreme
Court moms, and through the doors of
these into the portals oche palate. The
total number of persons killed is about
one hundred, while it is impassible to as
• certain the number of the wounded. The
•• shocks continued at intervals during the
followingday,•odtenorreigned> me
• throughout the city, the people, remain
in the public *Valve and ,outside of
• the city for fear- that greater:shocks
would come, sinton account of tar
- dated condition, make a complete ruin of
the entire City: . , •
~t~,~`~~( Y:;
_ ;Y^ ~ . ii L l' : Ct..3S.;x^` , ati , :A sx,::-rr ~ asu ` s : , ~ „ s ,i.Y,Sat w;.~J 5~..~.:~:.~i.a. r
~~~:#~""~. sS '~, .c ~.,r3Nf:3:.~=:L Fv~;r''.+::."f.
- ~
. •
- -- 1 - 1 IIII) -
, 0 'lPe ' . . I , 9 '
.11, 1 r --44, ,Ic ~, :_L A ittir: gL. o!4e,c ic
16, no
al tannin!! :1115,141/1 the Fnnrlh,.f July.
hit as a candidate far Assembly !rani
Republican ituininaiinw eanven
in Warren county, will he held at
arren on tla: ?Atkins:. .
Inc. people of Arnint long Dam 'N., ti.
nve challenged the town council and it
erne of Tionesta to pitch horse shoes.
Iltrtults Nfisciitxtt is food - of ra idd
'Recently be taut the roof lifted'
tl . of Ilia ludo! in Lattenater. another story
Ott feet high and o . ollll.fted of
It.taat hriclis-- and the plaaterlag. white
•arbing, carpentering and re-rooting all
one in I wenty-fiiiir trorlang hours.
A et Vllll.ll Iwo :11.1.911,41 in the iivittli•
eirliitoil of Pottsville. *hero lie rota
Idel. , ais nod - frightens people. A hull.
og was.,et nt hint the other day. A bull
log io snitl never to let go his. - grip until
le is dead. Tide ...lie let gel in sthiltlt forty
•cond- and his sutler limbered op the
THE Biatler eemity have
made •the follAwlthg itominatimm Mr E. 1\ lr.thukin : Assomb
lien.. W. Flreger :uhl Or. Amos ImAk r• •
.nninU• Judge. !lon. Hiram C. Me-i •oy
Conuuissioner, Mr: F:. Dodd Jury emu
wiaaion.•r, Mr. Euu•rr : Auditor, Mr
1.'11.10.04 , N la.i. Ahrshain
of Earl township. lierAs eonnty,
•I front his lanne on Itorsehail.
nsnei some basin.... ill lloyortown, and
rot timing toward evening. he lowt his
lan,. when. near 1101111., and fell fmm
s horse. fnieturing Ida skull, and otherr
~ injuring himself so severely. that he
1,1 is 11 f4,114i11r. Ile was :dont To
ars of age, nibs and a large
mil} - of grown.up children, all of whom
e married.
Quakertown Mirror hays
ango man lhlely died in Montgomery,
the ghouler , . About four wrells
nhilr engaged in hauling 1,, he
a ~mtut.:l4ll a cold which took at *Were hold
until] hia , robast condition: fever and gen..
end debility set and afterward, the
a,stuned s Stittilge form..and for
antic tine• bathed the skill of his attend
ant idlyshlllll, A (ter a careful i nvest i ga
t inn it was fouhd that. strange no it may
.•, his real disease was glataleN.
I ming lost fall and WilVer 110 nail; rare of
hors• that had this tihteitse, and it to the
ot 'Mon of thane who an , best antitainted
a. It the iirettnistnnees that the poison
go,r into his blood.
4 from Hon. M. S. Humphrey
hr IT, I.IAZETTI: PlrMag . 111
tlli of pour valuable journal, 1 denire
Iwo- I feel deeply sensible
hindne*. or. my friend, in prtmoNing and
urging my name in conneetion with the
positlon of State Serial, ill the present
,anitiaign. but being unable to spate the
titH that W:14141 be required in emurnet.
ing the Senatorial canvas-. hy rese.iti of
nn fweilpation in the
rolling mill, I am compelled to decline the
profered honor.
ho:e.tup tiienda who ha, r• gen.
.1114 V 1111111 i Tested so great All illta Wfl in
y laAtalf 1 tender my heart felt thanks,
41 if ontsisteatt with their and
igif , s, us al.) those of the people qai the
urn ry. I shall again submit my name to
al-..anproaelaug Itemibliran C.atventinn
a caralidate far Assenthly.
Mire- , S. Ur al 01l
to motto re I Nett' Mexio...
laity. It ta a Ittrt,tr Ital.,
a proteta Is e Tel M.
die Clifford lota archlo.l to tto•
t Court at Boston that Coogrora ha.
r to tar. the start' of a State Gillet,.
—cent, typOrtg receive.l the , week feetiltV
birds of the cot ntle4 to I..sva all give glow'
ecentnviof the appearance of the trope or
-. • ))Whig have prevailed. xupplying
prninusly awed .
—The Catholic trriefu of the Viarenneft
Cliid.ldirieese held a meeting at Nen - Allan,"
on TIIPCIMV, and ordered n gable disetteli to
i.e Rent 1 , 1 'Home the wish that the
definition of Pipit Infnltibillt) tfe fora tailed
to . them.
—Tho proceSki. of Knight‘ Templar
Willintwport. Pa.. yeuterdny numbered o.
honeand and woo witnessed by probably tf
teen thototand rinitors. in addition to citizen
Got - . ficary wag among . the spectator , at tt
-lion:Charles'Hitchcock. of Chicago, has
been to-day nominated nu the Republican can
didate fru - Judge of the Supreme Court for
Seventh bistrict. under the new Illinois con
stitution. Hitchcock was President of the
late Constitutional' Convent Inn. The election
takes place on the second of July.
-The Republican Convention of Maine. at
Augusta on Wednesday. was the largest and
umst each lag ever held In the State. Thirteen
louutred and eighty-three delegates were
present. lion. Sydney Perham was nominated
tor Governor. receiving fir votes tn 4L.7 for
lion. S. T. Hervey. The nomination was made
—Yesterday afternoon %torpedo, consist inngg
of five hundred pounds of powder, was explon
(.4 under the hull of the burned Iron clad New
Iron Wee In the Delaware river. near Phila
delphia, breaking the hull into fragments , CO
their removal will he easy. The force of the
explosion seas sufficient to throw some of the
immense Iron plates sixty feet Into the sir.
—A meteor of the most brilliant ohne:odor
tell on Wednesday evening at the corner of
4/rand and Norfolk streets, New York. nearly
demolishing a cart and Waring the horse nod
frightening the spectators. Another fell
about I tie same time in Bleeker street. but do
ing no further damage than ploughing up
ee MAE. stones. Roth meteors descended with
twat force. grving forth many colored fires in
i heir iteacent:
-A meetingof the Provininnal Directors of
the Erie and International Ship Canal was
held at Niagara. Ontario. Wednesday. It was
numerously attended by induentini Americans
and Canadians. G. P. Ilridge, of. New York.
Well elected President, Angus Miwrison, of
Toronto. Vice-Preoldeat, and Wolter Stanley.
Engineer. The President subscrit..-d ode
hundred thousand &Marti of the •toci,.. id her
subscriptions were announced.
r —The Union Reform Convention at Colunt
, bin, S. C.. nominated for °overarm R. H. Car
venter, a Kentuckian. and tried Republican,
now one of the Circuit Court Judges of South
Carolinn and formerly Colonel in the Federal
army. The Convention also nominated for
I.leut. ft en: M. C. Butler, so ex-Confederate.
whose nomination Wag Waisted on by colored
delegates and made unanimona. The prnered
ines were harninnious and enthusiastic; "
The Amin Amrican naengerband at elnel••
nati-- e The Grand Concert.
Ilv Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
CINCINNATI. Jhue 11.—The (rand concert
was Inaugurated to-night with great SUeeeee.
The audience woo lamellae —ail the peata filled
and every inch of clouding room occupied.
The audience t hey mre 15,000. The
managera now see !milt the bonne too
small. In the vicinity of the stag. the manic
wan greatly - enjoyed ! The grand orcheatra
consists of sixty violin.. twenty-two Vieille.
INTO hundred and ten violincellOs. aLlteen
double base, eight 'Preach horn.. eight Gum
peta, two tuba., one kettle drum. one baits
Antal, one timpani, four.hassoon., two &men.
four trombone.. aix flutes. eight cinrioneta:
chorus V.W. The concert commenced with
Colurobld by the grand oreheatra, which was
well received but acorcely prodnced the en
thusinam that was expected.
Accident on the % erment and alasurhuaerta
My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
BOSTON, June 18.—A fearful accidentoccnr-
Zed on the Vermont and' Maneachurette Rail
road between Itorniston and Athol. The train
going treat broke through a bridge. Mr. John
son. or 'Fitchburg "the Pop-Corn Man," and
two other" were killed. A number were *eel
ousii injured.
Om Eon: June 16.—Flour active; advanced
tke on girths and on them gradrs: eats
2,900 bbl!; KW' 2.7 for No t spring. 67.167.6 0
for amber winter, th 118,26 for white, $
for double extra. al but one mill selling at
otttslde quotation. Wheat In good - demand.
with an upward tendency: sales 2.000 hush No
I Milwaukee Club. 61.2% %ND bush No 2 tea
Indiana. flat 2.000 bush do $1.62: LOA bosh
do. PIM; 2.61 N) bush dO. 1142: 6.fMO bush No I
red Ohio. SIX'. Corn dull: sales =KO bush No
2in ear lots at al, and 0,000 bush do In lots at .
MaLTlmeraff. Jane 10.—Barre= offerings to
day I. Market rattler dull at slight de
cline; most sales at $70.41. Steep: market
aver supplied and very dull St $444475 and ;2
supplied ead for lamta. Hog market fairer
at Dff442lsMc. Net receipts for. dm
+seed 4312 Beeves; 4.643 Sheep and lambs;
7 A 3 - , Mama rate 912 Herres,
NEW 01 , 1tyi.114. June lil.—Flour; super ViJ.2 2
$.5114-+.ili. XXX VS. Corn lower; no-wn
*l,Ol While *1.12. Oats drittlec. Bran f_l,lo.
.I°4 Other articles unchange.Q.
Zd 15 ' 9 1 KCAViT 'LT; 27.4 ' Nfgre n
6641. exports -.196, stook
watiggit-atMenntinkeclele=n r Ru e : t oll tto I ea
tied at $3.23 for Nen and $l.lO for N 0.2. Oats
nchnged. Corn steady at Ifio fo2ralected.
Ilse and Battey are nominal. Fringing na
4 ,
....... ..... , ,_...........-z
~ ....,
,f,,,,,, ,4,,,
~„_.. - ,- --
1,4:4 OW hif.1.1.1011
ATE: 'Transportal lon of Foreinn
Mereliandike to Interior -Voints--
Wean 41111 Service— Invalid Pen!
Fraulanr, 11111 Further Von
]. , adored Without Action.
Vole on the Cuban guest ion--Mr:
Itingham•+ Sti'edit oh• for Itie
bitten 01 the rorelati Atfatr , ; Com
mit I ne..\dupi ni
Itr Telegraph In the Pit Pitairgli tlarrtt e.l
Mr. CriftlarlT. from Committee 011 Com
.11 reported it waive II nt e for the hill ,0 (x
-. 4,1140 16, trate:l.ll,oml of Europe:to.
nod Ate.tratian merchandise to the het:riet
lien of the Volt ed State, nod acre-, the con
t inert- The ouhstitute provide, only tiff the
trier:port:eine of good , ei toot teins. Ih
N1r.1.1) It BETT made it , stalpinient i..arn,
ion of a new•paper report oft Le iiiiiiinitinent s
the Crionnit tee on Commerce to the bill ali
horiring the estiiblishilient of n.',lll mil
tenniship semi, bet wren he Mired Mate+
1111 Australia. Ile stilt st the xnlonnt of +tit,
idyll:id been remiced to VSSI.Psi, and was to
e on the condition that the Ansi ralian coin
ties Kaye a similar amount.
Mr. (TIAN ltlitift, from Committee On OM ,
ner ee reported a joint resolinion pled/Mix'
he faith of the Ilovernmeut to mini:trim,
unable breakwater and harbor of refuge :it
he eastern entrance cif ,the proposed Cape Cod
intisanal. to be ready for use on It, coinple-
Ma, proXideil the entire exPenselto the Gov
rnment for such breakwater oath harbor of
retneaballstot. exceeti,:.tsTo MilliOn
amt ht shit; canal to forever 'frau, to
vessels and property of Mellott ad States.
Mr. CHAN DI.E.R. from saineentnittee,
ported wit bout amendment bill to repeal
the act of !?Inrcli t a t h. MOO. taring t as
sent of Congress to certain acts of the
Suites of Maryland :11311
Mr. DIESKE. member of the Commit tee of
Conference appointed on the invalid pension
appropriat ion bill. stated the lino,. of Repre
ss:vat iyes,, after being informed of the itti
poliement of ite. members . ithe part of
the Senate. had, contrary Ili pfirlinnientary
TVappoillt Cli I heir original loran hers.
The Committee did lint feel 4161104011 1.1
alit to Whitt they considered t indignity put
upon the .senate by the Ilouse.and t herefore
asked to eieused troth fort her terrier.
Tile Committee were excused and Messis.
Morrill, of Maine, Mee and Pt nekton substit 11-
t la their places.
Mr. QS ! ended ui , t he bill smolt ing con
demned mamma for a •iilillers' monument In
Da motion of Mr. lie bill wts
made general by aa
uthorising the Secretary of
War to sleltter to any city or municipality
condemned iron or cannon ton soldiers' motto
meats, when not detrimental to the public •er-
As wended the bill 1/114Aeti..
Mr. PATTER.ON entled up fhe Ifo u' 4il
:Walsh a Department a .luMice.
The Cranking bill came up ns the regular
r nt businesh.
tier It II hteUtattoll Mr. Mewurt• oil
madman. the ,oldect ttll urxt ,r...itat tt
4tocteil -veto:l7. na), 34.
Sir. Ltrake' amendment exit:mita% the pr
t prny'olons nt tin. latv metal ire to I he
tn.tai , .lon Of newspaper.- ma. ~lota.
as :E. nnyg 17.
Mri I offered an amendment
anti inning tho franking privilege to per , uni
mint whom 4t IC :01 especially conferred iN
10V, 1%. FAPCIIt Iva Department and :tari
tiltaral Departinont.remarkitiff his object was
'flake away the franking ploire from all
embers of lamgress, and from all pri,t nins.
r. SfrflENC/C. front the Cow&tenor Way.
Meattv. riwrte.l the bill to nboliAlt the
v ,et eevt. to pet it ..nhe free Ikt in tlits
II::l 1. I.lromittgku.
the Whole.
The flonite then procectleitio vote - on the
tsthan re•witutlon. the 111 , 4 vote being on Mr.
Logavis 11.11.IM•tat ut•SO6llm...
t V Lin 9.0 aw to girl. to both emnestoingpnics
the same advantages of Intercourse nun trade
with the consistent with the
law of nation,. !hat have been Or mar be eon
ceded to the goverument of Spnin. Mejected
- rens nay+ 107.
The next vote was on t volistit lite offered
erday by Sir. Bingham.
Pending the vote Mr. NI.VVi , t.tRII muted
that the whale taildeol be laid the table.
lte feted—ill toff.
• - •
. r. Bingbania mtbal it Me for the ry,otut ion
reported be the majority of the Committee
. airreed t o-101) to 17.
The next quest ion non the subaitut ibn of Mr.
Bingham 's amendment for the resolution it ,
ported by the majority of the Committed.- ••
On a count by the Spenker there arnle I.
nyea and oars.
The yeas and nays were called fot •aud Ibe
,nbst note Ayes ngreed to- yeas MI, nays
Mr. LiF.A.IIIEX then moved to lay the whole
subject 'on the table. Rejected.
The resolution an nmended was then
wets' to, so that Mr. Llinglianin amendment
Is the form In lc bioh the reaolutlon has nnsStst.
Mr. KELSEY. from the Conference Com-
. . .
in tee on Pension Appropriation bill. report..
committee hod not been able to agree.
the Senate Insisting On striking Gat lbr ripprrr
print'oo fur. naval 'pensions. and allowing
them to be paid out of the Naval Pension'
Fund. which is kept open in the Navy Depart
ment. and the House Insisting on their being
taild like all other pensions. and on the Naval
Pension Fundlielog covered Info the Treat,
After considerable debate the House re
fused to concur with the Senate--yens MOM'.
Me. and Insisted upon its own position.
Before the announcement of. the rote it ap
peared that Mr. Bingham had not been In the
sail while the vote wag being taken, but conic
person had voted for hlm.. an Incident which
drew forth remarks from the Speaker tut to
vicious habits In connection with talont the
yeas and not,. and AO expression of the hope
from Mr. Brooks that they would not I as
any more about New 1 ork .repente ."
it er G. I • .
Mr. BINHAM. chairman of the Judicia
Cotnutittee, offered n resolitt Mg directing I le
Pargrant-Lt-Amax ,take• Patrick Woo I.
now in custody (Cr assault on a turinbeenf
the House 1 Mr. Porten, to Richmond. there
to testify In a murder case before the Hust
hngs Court. and after be An test [led to bring
im bock to , Washingt on. Agreed to.
Mr. WHEELER. chairman of the niftier
on the Pacific Railroad. reported. bill grant
ing to the EOM Central Rail Company
the right orway through public I nds for the
construction of a railroad and telegraph from
Ogden City to Salt Lake City:
The bill was posted:
Mr. WHEELER also reported a bill granting
the Island of Terba Thant. or Gott Island in
bon Francisco Bay, to the Western Pacific
Railway Company, for a terminus, prodded
- half the Tstand shall he reserved to the I:nittal
States for fortilicat lons and tnilitarypurposes.
ind..nothing In the bill strait imnalr the lawful
- enuitable rights of private parties to the
stand. • I
Mr. KNOTT moved to amend by requiring
--• •- the - rtiment of $2.11f0k09.
.yreent to the governo.. at o
le w. informed the Island WAR worth th
alillons, and if put on at nberifra tale ton3ol
w the Ant bid would be one- o,
and ht
th :o ought If there wan any:corporation ex
earth able to buy and pay for It,war that
enormous corporation. -
Mr. HOLMAI movisdln tablet ns. bill. Keg
nlSt d KhaVI . V . ' la Aanendment urns
The previous question was sefmnded.
Inning on interruption of the voting Mr.
UAW PS, from the Committee on Appropria
tions, reported the bill to allow nix dollars per
C ory t registers and sheriffs In the .Fift 11111-
t District. Passed.
On motion of Mr. BIN(IHAM. I the ties o f
oniettdmenta to the bill defining the duties of
pension agents , etc.. were non
-concurred In
and a ffammittee of Conference ordered.
The House then adjourned, tb e Speaker slot
lug the.Yerba Baron bill. would remain • the
business of the morning hour untildinnosed of.
The following In the vote In' detoll sub
ntituting Mr. Bingham's amendment for the
majority renolution on Cabals
rens—Messrs. Allison. Ambler, Amet , Arm
strong.. Asper, 211.:Tood. Beaman, Benjamin,
lientom, Bingham. Brooks. ttlass.l Buckley,
Buffington, Burch rd, Butler. (Term-1 Cake.
Cessna, Cherehhill. Clarke. - aexas) Coburn.
Cooke, r.Conger. Covode, Cowles, Dawes.
Mans) Dicker, Dixon, Docken - . Border. Du
i val. Dyer. Efs. lanuns - orth, Perry. Fisher,
Garfield. Hale, Flarrls, Hawkins, tinnily Hill,
Floor, Hnoper, Hotchkiss, Judd. Kel
logg. Kelsey. Ketcham, Knapp, Lailiu,
Lawrence, Ma I _McCarthy. ..McCrnry.
-McGrew. 3 fercer, Moore, /Ohio,. !doers. t 111.1.1
Moore, t N.. 1". Morrill, int.,t Kegley, O'Neil.
Orth.Pack rad. Packer. Palmer. Plarce,Pbelps.
Platt. 'Poland. : Pomeroy. Bogen. Sorg,ent,..
Sawyer. Schenck. Scofield, Smith. 10111,0
Smith, .Tenn..! Smyth. ilowa,i Starksjegber,
Stokes, Slaughter., Strinkland,: Strong. Tare.
Mimeo. Towtsend, Twitchell:Voer. Upton,
W a rd, sgasbume,hb
Wasurne, illanen)
.Welker, Wheeler, IS'hitmoreMillard,Wilimn,
Winans end Welcher--BC.
Kan—Messrs. Adams. Archer, A.xtell,Bal
fi"tß Beast
k al. l3 4sN i'r it
Blair, Baker,
Burdett, Burrßutler ( Co b b Clarke
(Kansas). Cobb (WWI, Cobb fS. C.), Conner,
Cox. Collom, , Degener. Dick/m.on. Dog, El
dridge, Ferris. Finkeinberg. Fitch. Fox. GetZ,
Gibson. Orion - old. Haight. Remit, Hainilton
au.), H a y, Holman. Ingersoll, Johnson. Je
lian,fiCerr, Knott. Lash. Lc!wi l s.
i ilegj i t , n . . Mar
sholl; kinybalb MoKee. Me.see y, , Nor.
Rao ,
Morobts. MorrisstlY..Meugen. Neweimm.
Niblacir,Parne, Porter. Potter, Prosser. Ran
dell. Reeves, Mee, Boot,,Schumaker, Shanlm.
Sheldon tLa3. Sheldon th. Sherrou, Sao.
her. Smith /Orineont, Stiles. Streeter. BVCIIIII3,
SW.OTIer. Taylor, -Trumbull. Von Trump,
Wells, Wilson (Minn.l, Winchenter, Wood and
Woodward—M. •
Bpeelat correspondence from Fort Stanton
reports the kfllinlLot two SforJoans by Indians
pear that pious. The mountains are zed to
betel or hostile Indio., sad tertees trouble
lsappreltntletl. -
Another Sprveeh from the Sloax Chief
tied Claud —Eipartation 14 Bread
41ntt.—D6itity Marshal Arrested r.
A ('olinlerfellpr
•-' NeW YORK. .luny Ll, 1,%0.
'ollltll SpECCSI
,oper 'ma itttle . was . crowded at noon to
by ',anal,' ail\ hat' , to hear Cite rental-lt
'•- • •
of. Peter roitper prisided . and made a
eelt favoring eonellintory measures I ow:hd
i Indians, and denouncing the late War like
let of the A tovernment. • •
hid (loud spoke through an interpreter for
about • half all hour. Ile maid: The report:
the doing,. of Indians Were allone aided.
ere tt. some gOott In us. aittiongh Your are
d wo are murderers and thieves. • We hove
en yon 4th . the land we nod. but now we
rem, more. Ny dear friends we want you
halt. nv with the fil:eminent. Theltreat
hit mai . lot prom and ignorant• aud yon
'lt awl 1 We. We have children to raise like
.mand N e want Viol to help toil-Mae them:
18.7.! Oa Wirth Father made it trout y with''
that WI should - keep our country open for
tyolve •111 , . We renperted the treaty.
I' 1110Ve I . olllllltt led depredation.. until
arm.. wereQent and killed ourpeople. floods
ere sent tin I requent ly. but trashed us only
toe. Soon alter the I iovernn.ent took near
only good man .Col. Pitapat rick: we titer
l td. The Government Said .111 abottl.l go to
trilling. :Mine of air' people .went th Port
itramie. lin t ' they got very 1... r. We . 0 01 Y
- ant peace and jui , iice. and we went to Wash
eg lon for that purpose. and that in In, ~,,,,,
art we ore 'here now, In ,h4ts • we vaned
- 1,11, brought by men. and ms We Were Igno
-111- (VP lit 11011010 W their contents. When
went to Wathington the tlreat Pother told
ni what the treaty to and what we had
Igned. I then 00111 that I had been deceived.
fel that the Interpreter hall deceived Me.
Min It:01.110A' , W., a.. .
The Erie Railroad Ennui:tut continue the
ngnium Vanderbilt 'and the. New York
Road. by the forth , reiledlon of
freight and pacqettger rotes. Firkt ease fare
to l'itodunat reduced to Vanderbilt nd to Lour,-
VI. It in exprettad the lines
r. ill make equal if not greater reduction,.
oi toAreri , 001,1110.
All the avitilidile shippitig In • port is being
for Havre for the transporta
tion ot end offs to France. NIPARIer of
threicationitllnie.leaa to-day put on for blame
,wet in fell 10111111, all ber i frolglint , anyini 'map
'teylit•Ofaf.att.: rk Ptr,el Lrnket. at
laieWOr •!ITN j
n•etitten, of information of qweilistio
x‘l.lct, 0 10. t
utt it 11 . 801 0 1 e.
‘Vl.ll..llolrttiltini....tatiml it. tit
he Melinet America lSe for Europe.
Itv Ti legrapti I. the Pitt statritli tivel
Ldtirois. JuneLi.-It iw denied tin. the Mars
nisei( Bute lint renounced t herat holle faith
aid joined the Perit cwt ant,
—The Tirsi in altensolna• the fc,
erninilg iit t lie Pol.'' ,
...4,lrq tar front hint or insie,
air urn. Litittir !Finite 1:0.1 upon earth.
Dunn Stanley st ill deli, er the ~noon
lt estudruter ...klibey next Sunday' on the dent h
.1 Charles Iriehens. Intent° engerneat it
inJuilettial be the poLlie to obtain places in
he ALber'idi the oi:cation: The Krave ix en•
ltrely covered with ',hover, detiot.ited by
did , who have twinged the shot tine. the
The trotl mete tahue! is extrem
nettre. '
It II vat.' dielsiinerdr Roasts and King
of Prussia tnet at Pawl o arrange it marriage
beim...di Prince V aldincir., d econ son of Ihe
t anti ti Prnwhin prineeaa.
the cs+e 44i Hill a s. itibbetts. sr here lice
it:M.I.I,IIIICP 441 yroperty of the late Mc. Whit,
•.1 Ydrkaldre. walettorin, to two hundred
Temnria, sear elalated daughter
I'u 6. the rl:.brr t.O barrel era
• sane
eeneed toreviow. to Ile. in New Vork•
•Nek.. •
slime bill...ties tug from null
all grain Imported Intl', Prance Was into.
dared Into the Corps Legialat if to•-r1o1••
referred to nn ommittee.
The abolition of atainn slut small/utter
has 'men decided nn hr the govertllliehl.
The Consul General .if the rutted State
teat eat err 'third at Mutter I:tt night, give.
Lr t ne sv minister to \Vat:llll4OM, Poi.,
Among the tote.. -were the net
French aliniater to Switzerland. neveral mein
hers nine Cabinet at !About:aye. The J 614 4.
Pia _Vs Lichdt.. it:Woggle. the alluded men
rarn.lnhattut tars hr in clearly the rich
man in the right Place.
The examination of strikers of the Inlet.
national Workmen 'a Society take , place
the figlid Mat gel ore the Police tribunal. Tb
charge Made agaimvt ihrin I+ inletalnlnß
secret soviet y contrary-to Mat. I
'rile Emiserliar is still antfering from goat •
FIN 4,411 Xt. 4ND 1.2111121R11121
IiDON. Joie If—Er..tibut--Conlel.. closed
Itt.i for money and IC's on aeYonnt • Amer
can securities,PlA; Tam. Rey;
10-10,n:. Stocks ste ady: Erie. IPS,:
Great Westenb
I.I‘'EItPOOL." Junta In.—Colton dull and ir
regular middling uplands at JO?: and Orleans
10.4, anjea MAIO boles.- Coll fornia Actual Ms
lal4elol 10d: red Western No '2 2253/1EI:Als lilt.
Wtmtynt flour 21:424p; connnon Non mixed lit
I. tints 2.4 'pl. Hurler Os. Teas 3tis Pork
lo,ovy ill Utts fd. Wet llln. lard ;Oa. (beetle
di. Hamm Yu for Cumberland eitkarul to. jor
short rib. 'Produce tinchattaill.
-I.oX LION. June PL.—Tallow dull ... at OIL
So gars to tinier active at n. dd.•
- II ovng. June 14.—Cottoa qUlat at ffut. •
FRANKFORT, .11111 f 10.—Boodt , fIrrn.
snviato,ltme If.—Pecrokinn -
•FABIS, Jude le. itourse. mused nrm: rentes
:at :Cc.
121 , 11 , 11 111 I ht. 'Pit (i
Cloud, and In tool. ttlttth the ',oh,
eS t \. Itrowuler. 4 , l:llming to b... T/t•
•. Mat . ;ll3l Tom..
wtti, bfing •
~,unterreit n.ney. I hlq pn,:e4
vms found •CUR - . 3 V. S. cur
I:dilha Moot, 1134 .tiol
tul I.33tlitt for Th.. recoissey et si $3,00
snsl rin g and fs! ,0011 lit snoneF nidels als
Ise sieed with these.
gone, June t:,:—The Pope hnu axed the =ad
f illir us the otniced limit of tbo time 'lti be
Howell the Altnenions to mulct. eutonhmlons
. Ihe flule Settee. falling In NV hid, they Will he
xeotnuoupleul. . .
IlA1•111I., Jun• 14. on is felt
tr nt the tneßcppr or Prerldent Groot no
tr rllbmn giteatiou,
Repubilein ‘Nloininitleito—Eoeltrometti 'Von
milting the Diormerl of o teem Imprison•
weal for Eighteen Vein.
Illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh °vett si
PifiIADELPRIA. ides • 311,--Tho Ventilate-1n
Nominating' Conventions met. -In-dur• Benj.
Buckle was noniinated Ciingresst in the
First Di.strici, Chns.rtillielll In the Second,
Leonard Myer n the Third. and Wm.
In; bat he Fou r t h . . ,There is a split in the Sec
-04 District aid two conventions, were held
In hue rode, Ws Loiters nominating John
lathe Sheriff Convention there was a deice
' , rages... desks overturned. chairs broken.
etc. Finally the Leeds' men were ousted by
the friends of Oen. Bingham. Nonronlnat inn
rhntit i rc i lOl nominations
I o-day. -
The struggle lathe Sheriff's convention re
sulted ate Infaboar In the success of W. It.
Leeds over (len. Bingham, t he mord prominent
of the several candidates.
has been
henet:,.Jecanroetibd.--(lrirat excitement
exists'horeeser the discover,' of a Poor de
mented creature, earned Berries, who. it
Aweillug of- his brother JiCtleriphS,°nglilienr the
'Fourth and Lombard' streets, for eighteen 'or
twenty :v...., The nrat .infonnation of the
horrible 'affair 'was commnnlcated tn the au
thorities bye young
mac living in an.adioirr-
Mg building, whom- a human nosedrg 'through a knot-hole In boar wa ded
scenes small window in one of the *Part'
meets In the, and, hearing a
strange noise. an larestigat lOU WAS Instituted,
which brought to light most...horrible spec
tacle. On entering a room live by eight feet.
the °Ewen discovered the poor linbecile,
seated non rickety old chair, nearly naked,
his only costume being a short petticoat,
fem em
fom h o i f u : o w a
e rs. e t a e n a . n . v: e s . ..
s ki ; n ens
ie rt
ro nt
him grow, and all that could he elicited
NitiP . entirely deta som .q. Was able to
walk and move about, nod al times seemed to
have a vague conception of what was
: luddr , He stood up, vat down,
nEtt tV"Al.toothAigii" - Ttnp.lte:
meet was covered with filth and the stench
was unbearable, and an. old dllapidnted sofa
and a rieketty chair were the only articles of
Walton its the Jiving tomb. From all np-
Trearanted It Is evident' that thls miserable
idiot has lived to his own filth for the almost
Incredible period of a score of Tears. Be was
sent to the alms • boars. .His brother Joseph
was arrested, and subsequently released on
five thousand dollars bath Joseph keeps
‘ c o l ei s . t g ore af t e n e t b b le e
mfro:dt.dparrttngthe 'rouse, ano
Iron easy circumstances. one or two of the
old neighbors have an Indistinct recollection
twenty Tears of we shoot th aum e
h. o about .ver
eighteen year niece Which time ha has
been W hen the officers tried to he
the Idiot's - apartutent they were rebated by
an old crone of over eighty 3 - ears of age. who
said she was the mother of John. Her daugh
ter. together 'with those already mentioned.
were the only occupants of the house, dosePh
Is e n e reticent, and indisposed to throw any
th :4 s T e b n e goTaTe ' s i ge a lnV g ;
insoluble. •
Dry Gaols,
NEW Tole, lone 18.—Dry geode marke t
Quiet and eneheaged. Everett light cotton
ides are reduced om 108.
._ -,..e._..... ...~,-~..~. ...~~
..~,...t :. ..gin. e r„4.~,~. ; sa> _Z.,:~a: „t.., ,;,Ic~ay:=.£-'~~~• :.,
.fl 17, 1870.
on or .11 I nrney lieu. II oar
nee—A motel la men,
aea ney ror Re•d
IteAhout to
I lie ttO
(limit awl rail) the
Wm-le- Exhibit at Philadelphia.
I '1 . wt he Pitbdotrgit
CtIA - Yt:g.
Al t..rney General I far has tg,igand. and
the President' mania:Wed in his stead
T. Ackerman. td (ieorgia. .
Mr. 'Ackerman is at present railed Slates
Attorney for i:eorgla.. lie In a native of New
ilantiodilir. Jamul fortjisreen wears old. and
emigrated to Georgia twenly-ftYe years ago.
Ile etnillmt lAw with die Into .intige 'terrier.
.originally a WllifO.Ml uuKnpn n ldrong-
Nat ional man. ileonpoyedseeesidon .tnd
among ihe earlier meng•ent of the 16110111,m
port y.
.1 I'l II:I: 1111.1 I/ ASILTFIE puttnitort ,
The friert4lo rel:dIO • or Judge Hoar and
he Predident 100 e nekver been interropimi. '
V hen recently he tendered his resignation
or the 61,1 111110 in wiling. the President :Ca
eptell it, with the in Inuit ion It the South
no .1 wipe oil Ihe Snpreme bench, it ,eneelll
- fair that section slidniel have represent:l
ive in the Cabinet, tird therefore Impales
vere made as .to a
anenessor. The
mililignei Aekertnnn botng
4atisfatory. lie W.
wslay lo the Stluate."Cowartis the 0104 e of
he proceedings At t hid body. t his afternomt.
in inelreet nal IltOtilitl Iffig ad t hen go into ea.-
eta eve session in ordtb t
e notultint ion
tight be acted anon. Obis probably will be
one toonorrow. Mg. Ackerman tints been
o 'lllo to and Is bn Ids war
rottowi.g roll'eSpOnclen , In-tetl 1,0.
wren .1 oil Mar WIC the
- ATITtIENCTGLittIITI:n Ires 1 . 14 •
A.ll KIM , . I). tow flu h. 1: 4 :1 1 .
Stir I 0 , 4011 tio•ole ,. Atli/114 4 ,y .4 boleti
.1 be ['nil totl 01111etAbe renInnI , III I,I 111 ' , I
•111.01 11,1,111 I he appointment tont onalilleat ion
4 my ..dtweessor.
. Very reaped 10110,
iSteloll.l I:. It. II" tit.
balker t rive )I.cvsll , n. 41
W.lgtitnhTol,4 11,C.,.1nne 1:4:11.
Oil MAR .1 1•110), Your resignas
inn at At 141000 y tlinternl: 1111011 t 11.• :11,111 knit
1114111 and of 00110 tneeettor. I
t ake the twendida to 0011104:s to mut 1111 . high
appreehll ion of Inn able, vitt rim le 01111 1101,-
1 4,1 manner in xi !deli rot* have performed tile
functions of that °dine. Innd degree do I
fail to aptlrecint 1. I lie person:ll rela
tion,: whirl, Lave e,lsted from the beginning
of our n=loe4lltfon ill:Wildly 111 pul,lic Once.
lloping that )'on wili.earry you nothing
lint pleasant I . ..collections 411 vour nonneetten
nit 11 ille pretellt rnilon. 1111 h the as
..uraneed 41f MY personal . esteem and trio 111-
s 1 it It great reapeyt.
Sour friend andtem' . 0.0. SO .
To It. 1144441 . ..1rry. Geol.
_IIIOIeIES ITIII IVIII i 101'0, vol I. klirl .
The 1./OW.7IIIIIPM altibOrllle hat e devinedy:
comply with the ratite:4 mode 14v Bpi Cloud—
reeent ly for Weser RI carry his y 1101,10
from the ter
ofj lin railroad. 11T111 so nor
tie4l hint In relegyabb. Ins reply. received
100111 Neti: orkl, inf terms he 1%.10111i,..i0n,, id
Indian addir, 111,11 the illtelliirellee 1101 made
his heart yr, hie pot he is now very glad
ond grateful.
TM' 1,•11
'lllO eleit salient 111.1 he Capital On:lng to the
4.1 at of Culum :Oral' , text:cols - anything. ever
bviore witnessed. Prirnte
stirn.untlloo of the'
retold of the whole Cabinet ely given hy
the President tont ominous hints 01 impeach
ment. .Butler *1,10.1 x ecru e.I be
tile Itopithlictus.
i. YelstEN tRT ,11` All t,Ie%S INTILI , LNDEnt
The entimittee ore Foreign Affairs anti Com
mittee On .)Innufnet tares Of the lion, left 111 s
.4 rt ernoon for Philadelphiu to meet the Com
mittee having lu charge the ottit/eri of
\t"oriti't Enhinlllon ItChnniOl :111,1 Arts in
lint city oullm
CenteMlnee.TY lin'
11••vlur:tt 1.111
.tniet loan t ndepand.
; 1,0 410 4.041114 11.
net Committee on Recondition idn. at a Cull
tingmee toolay, confirmed t ht. pet ions :WI ion
on the Georgia bill. which omit. r2l,,,•nee In
a ...v.: c, - I.olnlotß. the
111, 1,,111,,.rn15.anal
I,lltg 1 lie min!, ~
Thv ctss.rn receipt+ 11. woel, vi• ~,, l tnled
Premonition. u r the romlne ut
• Ilovtllel4.Agr.lnNebraoliks.
I lta Telegraph to t he Pit t uhurgit tiutelle•l
Jane la.-Fifty Indiana cmastal the
railroad tract, near Ogittalla at titian oli the
might of the Vali. They were tittratted lit Maj.
Well. anti a company of cavalry. ho
vaptured ten head of horse... all their
r rip el uiptge. forty-flye parka of rota.. rind
a large lid of dressed meat a.
F.MT Mc Ptiritaiia, iign.,Juneli;.- A party nf
middettir appeared at Cottonwood
,prings.' near Ithrl.'a rancho and IWO miler
w eat oflila post, afternoon. They
wounded a cititen ha coca herding cattle
for Mr. Waite. heel contractor. ' A large
party (if about one hundred Indiana appeared
at about the same time at. the mouth of Mon.
• row', aeven treat Of here. l'wo
cot:manic. of cavalry nre dote littrault
gate Itepore• from Cuba.
Telegraph to Pitt %burgh Gazette.!
. .
Icrw Yong. June he /Wm
e avana
correspomient writes that another An rica
rlt Lten. a Mr. Jo,epb thinner. ens sr tled by
the Spanish authors les on fitte..St . Inst. - and
thrown Into prison. and relived i.erinissfon to
cOMMUlliettle with any our outside. Ife wag
on bis way from Vern Crm, to Sew York. and
bad touched at Havana. Br Ibe merest ilea.
dent the newr of the outrage reached the ens
of Consul General Biddle. and me.siblY ....-
thing may be done about It. • •
.'Cho execution of [`minus convicted of dis
loyalty continue throughout the Island. Two
Insurgent recruiting °dicers In the S.igua dis
trict were hunted down with Mood hounds
ra p b t a udrl,eyd h.
it O . e
m th a e n m gl enda med Tetra.
the dogs
that when he was executed he "was unable to
,rand, and was obliged to twelve the fatal
bullets Widlet sitting on n
A.rumbe prevniled a nd aathat Vahn
da bud beelm fluted killed near Bayamag.
[By Telegraph to the PhtalmryflrCiat et le.'
CITY Or MEXICO, tin. Havana. lone id.—The
National Congress adjourned on the :list of
Pipv. President Juarei, in tinting lilt me.
sage,• Sept the revolutionists In San. Loll.
Potosi rout Zacatecas hate been rHlnced to
petty bands. and measures taken Ly the goy
ennytent. In co -owl - talon with Congress,
which trill prove of great ,henellt to the
country in future -
. ;
.The earthquakerm the lin h of May erns felt
at TnbasCor All the thatches nenrly all
die pritute dtcellinga at Mahut la were
thrown to the ground by the shock. Near
Perchuttn the roads were rendered impassa
ble. Rocks fell from the mountain sides and
tilled them op. The lost of life Is Luger than
was nt first est [nutted.
New geld mines had been /114 covered near
The Custom House at Natal tan hits embar
goed the property of Henry Itrooks,
American, who ;refuses to pay eshorbitanr
port tfutle.. ;
aineourscing Areount if Illinois Crops._
lily Telegraph to the Pit tAturolt liarette.l
CniCaGo, June M.—Reports train all parts of
the S'ate represent the crop ; prospects as
geol. The dry we ot iiinrond the early
part of June was detrimental In grass and
small grains. but the recent rains hare consid
erably Improved appeannces..and Jai - mere
note look for an ascetic yield.' Wheat is
none heading out in the northern and cen
t rat portions of the. State. Oats and rye art ,
rather thin. but lank betititc and promise p
fair yield. - The chintz
paran several bolto b.
b made
l i n ts
s a u n f . -
fi e ient numbers to (o o a nd serious
elan. Corn is coming f nmgard finely' since the
recent rains. Potatoes at. suffering some
what from potato hugs. )Frults of all kinds
promise it rather meagre, yield, although in
some localities an average crop is ant lei Pat ed:
IL pill. RiTtf*,
tfly P. & Telegle th.l
- .011.crrOrtne14412tver tieing slowly, With
forty-four Inches of water in the channel.
*The weather is cloudy. Thermometer IA at .
MoiloAN - rowN. Juno le.—filter stationery,
with four feet of water in the channel. The
weather is cloudy. Thermometer 73 at Ir. v.
BR/IwNgVII , LE, June 16.—River hillier slow
ly, with about ere end athelf feet. of tenter in
the chutnel. The weather In cloudy. Thee
mOmeter titi at foot 'P. M.
0 RE.ENnORO, June lei. --The ricer is falling
slowly, with four feet two inches of water In
the elraniel: .The weather Is clear. Ther
gometer tt nt six P. H.
Knocked from a Car—A Brakeman Mitt
Yesterday morning, about half past four
o'clock. William punk, a brakesman on a
freight train drawn by engine 40, coming
west on the Pennsylvania Railroad, was
knocked from the train near East Liberty and
run over. He was walking On Sop . of a car
when the train approached tire bridge, and
although warned of his danger, plied that
hesrmnd "look out for numberone.' He was
missed by the conductor after the tnidn bad
passed, and a search revealed his mangled re
mains lying on the track, over which tie eats
had palmed. The - Wheels passed over his
skull, crushing it to it Jelly. The body was
taken to the railroad boarding house, Law
reticeville. and his friends In Connelissille no
tified. He was unmarried and about twenty
live years of age. Coroner Clawson will hold
an thqat2t.
tio. 01 Thank.
, 41 AdJournnwnt-.
rai a , of Het.
I'lomiss4 tsp Hi
Pin ctraipla on,
nine C'elock.
EpiNeopal Chum
meneed ye-ten!:After
h ncolpied hplf
. .
Or. Senses was 11 en eirete•Lt. , MI I h....
eaney in the Board f occasioned
by the resign:lt 100 of ft. H. S. holden.
The report of the nomitte'e on Cidlolshed
ilusinegs, with the fo lowing 11, nil eic; Benoit
of the Committee on supplementary
to the new Charter: the repfiri of the Commit
tee on Education; the report of the I 'mond,
tee on Canons; the report of the Committee on
State of the Church.
RY[lOll received and Committee disehargiSt.
'rite . report oil the Committee nn MI isions
hat, read and ordered to hOprint ed. ,
The minion of . t lie ComMittei , 3ll • 01111,1 iii.
AVA , accepted nail the Cominit tee con , hole& •
The •
IP,. Mr. Kariiher 1•41, , e to inquire If the
ht the last Journal in referent, Io
'the change of the name iiConvent lOU * 10:10 not
onlinished hasiness. The chair iiceideit t hat
the resolut il/11 h3Villg • been post f,onedon
year..,Nvm no longer indinkhed
Tice Rev. Mr. Karcher In appealing, trout the
deeliiim of the chair, iv:ts railed to order for
tho use idnnpariiiimentary hinging,
The decision of I he chair Was then sn.tain-
The Ile, Mr. Spaulding preseined he report
if he • Cotioniti re on the State of the Church.
Odell Wes rend , and ordered ill he printed. ,
rile following resolut ions. presented lo the •
ottunittee, sverc adopted.
notolecd..That - t he Committee on the State
if the Church 1, -- iaint toted. that t hey Inny
Prepare with neettracy the tabular retiorts for
he Journal, and ,ilea tune
tot Improvements in the form oft arochial
reportc res experlenee ' , oar stiggefd• form
of report to he printed.
/treols../. That the °Rivers of the charitable
told edneat Weal Institutions within the I lio.
cese be requested to make annual reports , to
he Bishop. to be rend hefore
ce the Convention.
itesolrol,Tlint the form of rtificate of,elee
t ion of the depot les be referred lg.' t I 'inn
nth tee On Ihe State of the Church
C ((tint t letthues
nom melte it confonn to thetrod bon p and
I 'anon.. of the Ihneese.
Mr. I.vuelt, felon the entire committee, lead
a thloilhr :dement of the comfit lon of i.eT
church. es port of the report .
The Rev. lfr. Killikelly moved thathe Con
J on retur to te raice adopted Ist the
Iliad ournal on f
h ln p refe ct rence to the print
ing of Parochial Itiltort ,
The lt,. Mr. Karcher moved tßeet or
he allowed to occupy more than half a page of
t tie Jottrnal wit It his Parochial report. lost.
Th e Ree. Slattery - moved to limit them
tat welve Lo=l.
The first motion of Dr. Ktillivelty wa, hen •
The Rev. Mr. t 4 tnith moved that the form of
Parochial report be modified according to the
Ikrretion or the examinee on! the State of
the t7hurels. Carded.
The vt•port of the Commit. , on 'Form ir
Charter. N.', watt again taken tip nu It ha I
been left at adiournment on lt'ednrndaveceti-
on motion of Mr. Howe, the direction. (Or
the fonnot 1011 of a new Park?, were adopted.
The renntinder of Ihe ,5511,11 Wag OGCIII/1041
by roe t ugentAitin upon the adopt ion of the
Convention 11..11.1,1 at the appointed
hour. Itishop Kerfont n I the chair. and was
-opened with devotional exereises.
111:.11STIIAR'S ItEN/R2.
The Rev. It. the Registrar of the
Diocese. presented annual reports as fol-
The liegislrne beg,. ledge •to report to the
novent 1011 *bat Miring he pan yehr leis
eeeived tor liermantint record a detailed ace
mint of the moneys received nod expended
v the Trettarer of the Episcopal Fund: oleo
. nurrative of the founding and groat h of the
hurrh al sugar 11111—lefferson county.
A , leg of the 1/loceNe teduirei
hat the books and valuable impure in the
mode of the Regietrar be depneded Ina Mike
it once sate and accessible to the Melva,
anditur Commit tee anti officers of the hio
ase, the wawa - Regletrar reepect dc
-tree to resign his office, in the hope Aline
ine Levitated who will be able to Comply
vit b the enthlitiolls above indicated.
The report oil received. in Itie lodgment
if fhe Convention e there was no urcesett for
'change in the Rgistrar. anti the reques y t
hat facer to be relieved front the omen woe
not cc nailed NV it h.
The conNiderttino of the report of the Com
mittee on fonn of Charter.' to. tire then re
eunie I. [hiring the theca:Nino the Bishop,
who was Chainmu tif the tlartmit tee, took
the door ole spin 0 Ibe boeee. the lira. Mr.
' , mkt ta t elm tr.
able .tbo - 0-0...0
Thein . ent• the 'teener
The Bv-Inere we e next taken Up.
The Ity-lative, as rend. were adapted. t
her with the eenmonnying rebelut
the tne 01 the form eh,. et,
1.111,010114 Birth formation of it near* 01,
00dit he ity-Law
b. (onto...toning 1 tic
tented the train .Ing:
/6,4,1. That the thanks"( lii, t'unvent ion
ere especially doe. :out are hereby heartily
given to Malcol Illy. Esq., Treasurer of i he
Episcopal Fend out of the Diocese. for the
ery thorough ant edlcient management, of
the I rust ...lite.] to him. •
The Bishop In offering the resolut ion paid
a cordial tribute to the energy, efficiency end
faithfulness with which Mr. Hay had per
formed his duties, and said he felt like offer
ing the resolution if it would have any greater
weight in commending an officer who Race
taud tats o his trust, end more han
j anted the le c n ent t hlenc:. re,urseal In him.
The remlut lon was adopted.
Tile epise . ol,l. mar,
Mr. Hey presented a plan for the endow
nient of the Episcopal Fund. which t'as or
dered to he printed in the Journal and to lay
once 111110 the neat Cum . ..titian.
• - run notwOr'n cil.‘llol.
The Rev. Mr. Scarborough sold the Conven
tion had listened wth' great leasUre and
profit to the charge i
of the IliSh V op—the first
ever delivered to the Convent lon.- lie here
fore moved that five hundred extra conies be
printed and given to the Bishop' for dlstegrue . ,
lion. In addition to t he mood nurnber distrMei;-.
tett be the Convention. The mover would he !
proud to have such a document go out es the
esmess dechttntions of the Ittleit.of the pie
'rile 'nation Iva. inialilmounly :OMAN).
The Secretary called attention to a Pro- I
itosed amendment to the General Constitu
w Welt was read for the Information of ,
the Convent inn, hut no action required.
Mri Scarborough unwed lint the
clergy attending the Conventleu from a dis..
seance be refunded the attendant t myelin . ex
lwanen. Adopted.
Mr, Leech offered s resolution providing for
the joafruent of one hundred and fifty dollars
to the liev. It. J. Coster, for bis seericis ns
:iecretary of the Convention.
The gentleman named declined with thanks
the intended 'compensation and the resolution
Won resolved Into a vote of thanks to the
Secretarr. the, tiev. IL .1. Coster. and He es-
sistant, the ev. T. L. Bedlam, for their
efficiency, which was unanimously adopted.
The Rec. Mr. Hartman offered a resolution !
providing for the printing of seven hundred
copies of the Jonnl. . Carried.
A resolution in m structing the Trcetsurcr to •
pay the 6001011 01 the church tlf, for the
three days' session Wan carried.
Tb s were also tendered - to the Rev. John
Scarborough. of Trinity church for his able
opening sermon before the Convention and to
the Rector. Wardens anti Vestry, of St . Petels
church for tbe use of the church, and also to
the choir of the name.
Tile nionon
The Rev, Mr. }Caroller called, up his prOln.
ed amendment to the rules which would al
low the minority a voice In the decision of
the questions considered, by allowing cumu
lative voting—that is, allowing each delegate
when voting for officers and standing Com
mittee fe.c.. to center all the votes he Is e
tled to upon one' nominee instead, of -Wing
compelled to scatter them and deposit only
one vote for each nominee, for any once.
The gentleman In supporting his resolution '
referred to the fact that many who should at
tend and take an interest in the proceedings
of the Convention did not because' they were
satlialed they could have no voice In what •
wag accomplished. There were two parties
In the Chtirch. the High and Low Church,—
lie woo here interrupted by a call to order.
Continuing, he spoke of the "two sides" in
the Church, and said that If ono of these, the
minority, was recognized, the members there
of would attend the Conventions. Ito thought
this minority had rights and should hare some
thing to soy in the proceedings. Voting an
the most important and final action and In this
they bad ho control—the majority could al
ways override them no matter on what ques
tion. This role had been adopted in the- New
Jersey Diocese. and he believed It would work '
well in the Pittsburgh.
The Rev. John Scarborough opposed the
threed been member of • the
Diocese for years and knew of no par
ties, or anything . of. that kind. He hoped that
nothing' like the resolution would be allowed
to obtrude upon the harmony of the Conven
tion.. He would oppose it and all situllarmat-
ters,ulways. He Old not think there was any
danger of majorities' trespassing upon the
rights of minorities.
The resolution was then la id on the table.
lie solutions of thanks were weed - relating
to the hospltmlities tendered by the enter
tainers of the delegates to the visitors; to the
members of. the Committee on Canons for
their labors; and to the representatives of the
The 'Mentes of the.dnee proceedings were
than read and approved. De
being tailed
to the chair.
Baldness being over, the Bishop, 'who hail
assumed his Episcopal robes. stepped forward
end addressed the Convention in. a few brief
hut tender and Inving
culscwi wOnne.
Ele mid at the clout of another Convention
It was hie desire to say nothing whir?. might
geese trite or unreal. for the feellpg ,hich
possessed hlnswas very real. Ind i - r.• , -' , Argirtif
the duties of President Of the ..•••••r...:ent'os
not always of a pleasant charcc.e , r,
aimed to - Deleste and upright and 'SM.!. eau it
offertne , ltad been given to any.die etagere: ,
hoped it would be forgiven and forgott•ri.
He might Out ever again be permitted to peel
with them. Some who were present a, our
last gathering were now no more, - ana ac 10.
would doubtless be with othiatreee-..
, come. Then should than al ID .•
and love and CMS-Wier I '{ll 11:
and workarntogethertn the onwgreat
in puling with them at the does of
VOL; LX X XVH---NO. 14s
Fift it .1 ottuFil 'onvention. ii was hi: i,eru jar
joy tn,ay lila, is, felt more lore for the work
ev,t r des he lists in it. It 1V3. , glorious
and yet it high and solemn respeati-
Idler. to Ether attil how and rejoice in the
ork of the I.cod 311.1 , ee the salvation of
snub, IH= earnest prayer was t hat the hose
Head of the Church might guide and direct
the work and counseig that His name might
abundantly honored.
Thp work in t Ile Illeee:e during the tear
' been enr of greatenroltragetnent It had
heen aming
_ t itt newt Is tent great good had
heen done. Vol inore',..trueqtll , 4 W, needed
for tire filly,. and it sheitld be the prarcr of
di t but It• each might he vouelloafed more
love for Christ and greater ,teal for Ill; cause.
Ile'aller them! dr urged upon then] I I e Mit
of each doing. his part with intim sel
more cheerful tr.:St.:on' greater faith. (tint
find might. to extent, extend his
Tessing to the utmost limit of the Dlnces'e.
lw reeling . should he one of I' alOd lore
and sengiathc. •rltese feelint, were gnining
ground, mid it was Ilis enrotrst desire thal they
might continue n. inemase, that the work
!night prsper. 'until all toil wag' given up
and exchanged for the Idessincs of eternal
words were listened to
with tit , . host earnest attention. many of the
members manifesting derp taunt ion which a,'
terted the sirloin of esteem Itn,l loos with
which the tifect ionale swot ender eximr,,o ,
tit, No 3, receivell. .I.f the close after a
mi nut e's Impreqsive silence, he evening ',or
rice had the Vonvenlirm adlottrned
Tloi It:attn. moved t a special
vole of hal e , i.e tenilerial the editors and
i.t the ibigurrf., for publishing in--
fall the ailitrers. and for Ito nein:rite
tepart of the tov the Clitll.lll.loll
during the ses-iim. bath appeared in their
: journal.
The- gentleman lit t he motion said it
spas the feeling or himself as well as all the
Immiliers of the Convention that some special
note should be taken of this action n the
if the ii tznlert.
The lona ion W. seconded, but the Chairman
decided it imt of order as the minutes had
been read.lo , sl tito business, neeoril
ing to a previoal motion. which hail been
Departure of Exeor.lonttPi from Yilloborgh—
Arrital lintromn - Freeport Jone.lop—
firmly, Be.' and Venato.o City. '
.Vf ler visiting most of the principal limn
'dart in in:: et s in the two cities
and Mr...inch:int. the railroadeurainnists
'took t loin' rt at n front the Un ex ion I lepiit
nil Thursday obi:ming at ".o'clock precisely..
the 5:1 . 111...0111.. of cars in which they ramie.
ii6ir Ibe in and drawn by the cattle
iingine; which wits nianipultil etl in excellent
style hy .1. West fall. tile train being under the
t +lll.ll 61 , 0111. 01 H. P. I/nub:tr.
Thy- dist ingukliell visitors eauriisaeil theit
rout astonislinnint nt the nbigoit tide of the
nainifactirring esiablialitments of Pittsburgh.
%thy of then, had visited 10. "Smoky City"
&fore. lint they ha.l not fnritied any nilequate
inucept Ina of the great miss anti Importance
Itn monntact urea. A personal inepeeliun
enny 111(.011 1 hem t hat Pittsburgh la lest ailed to
be oe of tilt. 1:1.1111 11,1 Cities In the 1
ii ma n terial al ealth and prosperit c.
The egruesionist were joined in Pitt slinargli
by Ca pt ain .1. T. Challant. of the Ilroy of i 'hal
lant • fir..ll S Con dealers 'ln nll tools 11 Par
her's Landing. ' pt . lialfantslinwril 1111115e1P
'to be a brave ....Idler during tIN 15110 and
oiany "1 our readers will remember the long
d s of attairty which Ins friends had In rein
than In his safety. Ile is now engnged pros—
und his presence on the
Irina was hailed with delight by the cam's
sionhot •
The train touring the party backed over the
magnificent iron bridge of the P., F. W. & C.
It. W. to tae West ern Pennsylvania Railroad.
and . proceetled up t hat Important thorough
farm which Is a brunch of the P. R. it., to a
Mu.. where it -lopped for an hour to allot.,
the party to visit the extensive works of tht
Pentssylermia Salt manufacturing Company
111,1.111,111 ms io toyer twenty-Ore .:ter ,
of ground. The conmany have an luvestet
capital to the amount of one million dollars
They employ live hundred hands, and Mel
annual sales amount to a million and a half
An extensive description of these import an
works has appeared on several occasions mr
the st Acrrrr, and it is unnecessary to repro
tine , . It here.
In the :tt.ettrn of Henry Pemberton. L'sq•
the General Santana entice!, the visitors were
condueted through the vast rtdabllsliment by
Mr. Clifford Pemberton, the-General {gent.
'trot Mr. John Jahler. the Chemist of the Com-
VtttlY. Barra I tlllltti ,and satisfactory explan
ion of the process of manufacturing the
ilTerent articles, for which ft has now become
Nemo, All seemed tn.he greatly interested.
t:'otronls , ioner Itelann listened with great at
fent lon to the explanations of the chemist.
and gave hatpresslon to Ids high sat isfact
and the importance of the. e•dablislonent to
the country.
The t me . ameleil the W
• 5.. - nere IT h . ,. met .t. a. wrenee.
time rae- aperadetufeni. and Thomas N. King.
.Vi-adimi Sin...Menden* ..t he Alit.-
' glealy V alley Nail: end (VI. 91
Superintendent of the ilrady's Bend Iron
I Work 4. After hacking round the V. the traiu
was -auk/ate" Ott the t rack of the Allegheny
Valley It:tamed. and wan soon in motion op
that. mud of substantial einaitteuetron and
easy grade, The speed attained on Ma-road..
was alma a, much as our weak nerves gouda
bear. The train whirled ariamil the eant ,
mem: heed: aline, with the velocity of 'Jea
nine. 11.11 the hare Snell cohildnnce
it t hat they assured u, they could
at a
higher rate of speed with lierrect safe,. •
The rain halted foe few minutes at brad
Bend and the eXcursionist s surveyed wirnthe
evens best hey could. the iron works on the
opposite bank or the ricer. •
• Whew the testa halted opposite Parker,
Landing. the atrangera on hoard were filled
with anmzement. There there in ft• perregt
forest of derricka On the brink or the river,
land the most elevated points of tat hills.
Most of the wells ate yielding. moderately.
- Short stops were made at Ornham's
log, Foxbargh and other places. and t be wells,
trbet her yield or not. were examined with
deep Interest by these who had never seen oil
ti ells before.
So excellent sad complei a ii ere the arrange
ments made by, Cassatt. Pitcairn and
Creighton of Ihe P. It. It., and Messrs. LAW
ereco and King of tine .A. V. It. It.. that the
line nu the special tlebetillifT Wan made to
inute at every point. Of course It La unnece,
•Y in say that every one I. intortely delight-
The train artiveil at Veiritig, city at I'4o
Timm...lay afternoon.
on ICE ar
! rittahuroh.
1-I. IS O.
U.S diVidend
No. 123 1 . 4`1111 4 1,1,1 and hflpr 3111, 1. 187
I_N rw
10'3 Feurth Avenue.
-I.AIIB trill p.q112. a let. well built, two
I an.Cnit [feet,
rlgl4h c a k ea? "' n ' i to t 1 2:1 1 VV: 2 hnrinl{ trout
of Ill_ /00T bi:72 71000 to . 4 . zee( alley. Flre
27 " :11rL d Vh; balance In (cur
epos) annual payment, Apple in
S. (7 ( 7 11IIIERT & SON.
1011 39 01:10 avenue.
Orli NES'. p APER.
T. L. READ &
No: 109 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh.
PtrfsuchoM. June 17.1370.$
1, ED Pretioutis for Grading. Pawing end Curb
lug the following Streets. vii.: GILT STREET,
- from Fifth art nue to Bluff street: DAVISON
STREET. from hut to 47th street. be re
ceived ut OA. ortiCe until 3 tiol.k r.m..JUNE
27tb, 1370. The Committee reserve the right to
reject any or nil bids. Spec:de:Mons and blanks
for bidding eau be had at this I Mlce, No bids will
be received unit,' made upon blanks furnished by
this °Mee.
felt 11. J. MOORE. City Engineer.
In Buchan. Postothee. Juno 17th.181/1):
A . Murano Kush
Adams C IFortunes gni IMorwan Wm
Adams L C. Ferrell Sirs . 'moss V I ~
11 Flock Wm: • 'Hiller Crous
Barr Wm P • Olin James MeNtalns Sirs SI
Bartlett Sirs l. A Fultott Chss 'McKenna Peek
Brien The , MeCorsolckSiral
Iturtt J Tioldthorp F • -"McCollough RE
Rums John S fitunrost Geo , 0
Buroslint E 'Grimes James O'Neil Ii
Brown Mrs E Gordon Miss AD. P
Bowe. Prod Gno Jake ;POW /7 Jacob
Benson Hirt M J Good John .
Hadley GOO II Reese Mrs R
Wed-d ;U:gallirrl""trotittl
Campbell'Arilgillesdley Poser S
Carnes Robert ilaydon Mrs 51 ,Shooh Leal
Conner Dennis . ;nays It , Sheoperd T
E !Dobson Chas Smith Thomas
Caswell'.)n= 'Howard Johnnie Stunts Pas Si
:Meter II
Carnahan 2thoOl Jones Lewis.) !Idayer Chas
Carney Mn S !Johnson Albert j
D •Jottnson El it (Thompson John
Dud" Johnson Jots ITllPlett Wm
Doyle Ilene; !Jones Isaac
Dent ord John 1 K Dppermanll
Darts Mrts Mor.f.Kelly T SI
Davis Miss A , KcareeslikF Vaughn GeP w
DavlsTlios G Kearney Jamee.Vogel lisene
Darts Minh W .
,Leve .opo _
Donovan ion '1 !Leeloy oeo ,WintatasJ
t=.l,„ - sit "' ! " % j e hn I titiVeAr
Stariln Jobb
Enright John , Matthews Johtt IToehge2.:" -
E111•0.311.11a ..Montroas A :Toone
i Evans De :IlarsholtllissFi.,.Yolten
-- s i 7R
( - E*.
as r"': SO:!D• ASH.-100 casks for Baler by
r. • cul:
Federal' Insurance Co.
or 1.1,E0 HENN' CFI' . P
Ul'Fll'l::fur. F'rilrra I mill Larork Nirrrt
nletst :
]I ~~Lrllu4l. ,
.1,,5.11, .;
Wm. 5da ,, ,..r
W, , .1.14.1;11t1
v.. A111..m.
.% tonic .\/end
i R
1 Itt
.107 NO. 10• l Fourth Arrnue.l•ll,4ntrgb
pi Rlll7ll
ta' Till:
1.61,511• , ra Jun.. I ~. .1 .330.1.41
Inß • rent duo une I , t. 6 ,
. 0
it ,
1870 .... • 14,m03 Ati
r: , lllll3gent 1,11.1,i um-
to,{ool Fill
.. 71.6:11 WI
. 3 , 211110nc1, 1005 and 'O7 100.000 MI
per cvnt. Bonds, ISM. 411.1.13
ills Iteeelvnble_ ... . 1.1.700 110
2.1 s In Itank• and on hand . 113,903 21
- -
3,.).1!.692 31
The uniforpigneit. Auithine lee. fallT report that they liaro p. 1111111.11 the irrpippn
peen Report fur ilio lap( pis ihipithp. eipilipt May
31st. IS7 O. mod has ,ppririnlniiil the Appet,,if the
Itaillt..phipiptlng of Deed,
of (teal palate. OP - Wh i st , of flank iiitork, Itllip
Iteekivrible, U.S.
and '67. U. S. Pis piir vent. Mini, I SiSli;nnd
In Hanks awl Oil and 1111L1 It., %AMC V•
•,(04p7p:1 , 011r
.1..1: all.P. 4 l`W.
1.,,- Itl'ltoll. Jlllll. 11111. I S 7
. .
' 9'lle Tnl•ter.. Is.", derin, x ,11,1, r.f titre(
o,l ' . 'r i ,‘ 4'4.t,:',,',4. 1 a,. 1 A, - ,!,;'t:',;" h 'iit.l":,/,;',!',
w in ' `. l liT4 1. .T'i1i.1.,
..T'ili.l. , IN T ~, ~ , .
P11,1i1•11u.A ..111iii• 138 it. I S7ll. j..17 ' ;: r .:
0I - I: N Ew r Ai'
J. L. .1 . : P.. \ - 1) .s: •.--; t)N
T,VI ,, N FRS , .
1111 Fourth vrhuo.
A Splendid -Turn-Out
Well•Mnt ehed. Fat and Tractable
Horses. n Multi tieent Top 11117,ey. n
Set or Gold Nonnted II drlll..i.
The whole making ene tne rd,t 113511-
leettble nnti deer:title •
taintedeev in .‘liedheitS
onth. The hotter ere both of n that brown
color. exceedingly •ta halt in thaw, vert ram aten
nee, kind rind well Ironed, fonnhonnitenetlier the
Mehl attraettve ltatte ever calmed tor ante in Pit.-
laugh. The bung, wit. With to order. la gold
Moulded and !Inhaled In the highest style el the
carriage boildera' not. It Ilan bent] tire.! nut three
dime, and el the most tdellnit and valuable vehicle
of the charnoter bereNbotti The barneas cone.
!pee d% With the turgs, twine geld Montated. of
the latent drawn and of the moat bemoan! work
msnahip. The proprietor having now rite horse.
In bin Mutat, la .te`erLelt .4 reducing het stork.
wßich et bin if motive lit selling. To o gentle
mun desirtnia if terurnlg n really I tialtlonahle and
vtduable TURN OPT. the present in an opportu•
.rite which nhould not he overlooked. a, It tune be
e bong ltme:lf ever,bef etre sun). n learn. bUgge ntid
hetet,' etre eguln offered for rale in Pittsburgh.
Teruel reasonnble. Perth.. deatrous of purchnsing
can see the hear-et and titrn..ont, and learn the
priceZne.. he inquiring tat the OFFICF: one
. , Mt
- 'I:W
• A
I: So. I MS Fourth Ai emu., thilthitrith.
.Boots and Gaiters
The lus/1 . 51,mM hos sCulp tsksii possessl
of his old place, mad stocked it with a rich rl.oi
Goads se wed es prices will giro .tisfectio
Vormer patrens snd the public are Incited so is
No. 101 Fifth A vemuo
c. sl
All Ike different grades, In Gold And Silver C
Caves made to order, el any Weight and at!
he lowest pile. ,
..k , FM
No, 10:1 Fourth ATeoup, Pit!
D ISSOLUTION. The ee-port tier.
heretofore est... Una lieureen JOll3
SPEE and WILLIAM SPEER. under the !Inn
name J. A W. SPEER. roxalltrroners. Sixth
ward. Allegheny, was dissolved by mutual consent
on rite 3d In t.. The baYinelal NW ha continued at
the old stand and all accounts Of the late flan "'-
tied by William Speer.
• • nrATIONEIU4.
. Ro. 110 Fourth Aooooo.lhttaharah.
R goon local lob. barinßa front
or. 167 feet on Forty-fourth None by 123 droop
on an alley. a large brick dwelling Waive. well ar
ranged 110 d In gO. d order. POrliCOJ9 ffunt.wlde
e'lli.ncerarenr2P4l:lenl,7_,L,7,' 10,00
Apply to • Oct 1 Li 1.11:11TA PO'.
_f 39 :Ruh neenue_
Sealer of Weights i aad Measures,
. °FFN E
5 •
• 'Any pawn lithethe •
Cen find a ircii.a paying use frilliar at Faxabetb. Pe.
Ilen competition.
ATEw .
J. L. READ & 6°
NJ. 102 Foiuth JAL..
pr0_..p „._, , , ,,,,,,d f0r Z O IIRADIN c Iii
. ...,.... 4 MAtIONRI . n o.s - alMil FEMUR.... =ln;
ecsute.sed to ...Vales., nn smd seed. mall
half miles irrnm yth
rvew .aspi .. .9s Sorg and SCltlaulne 'nu - spte.:
Joeild. , ' '
LY 4I'. ..MQ Buterrilta Lime.
tta cu—iolad
441, Toledo -40. f _
sale by • ..1. B. CAINBIBLD
mr3l. 141 Vina
boXys Fresh BAD Sutter:
20 tall 'wads:
L D.
For We by Xl 4
• Fits. arynos.
800 piatTs
tqr FOr We by J. B. gm-a1:73
SAYS ' 141 Puss avenue.
1 ,
)mmercial and Family Newspari
r. naechun.,:or merchnnt should ►
s l:it
pt I, furnished gratuitously to the getter.up
Sub of ten. I..hdnut•ter. are roquested
Agent . , Addresh. ,
•lestll44, 4L rr
41:4 44 4 f
tb ten...
ht., not erc..1...
.. , .
I 'II LINES. ,t.,11 he Insfrte.l In fli. se .01i0m....e .
1111;STV,F.114: e &YTS; taili l i./.116...1 14lif
r Et • ENI,.
- ---
t • few 1104.RDERS
• •
.11S Nt , lti II AN .
IV ANTED-TO LOA S.-$7.000 On
„7,`,A7;;,%:T,1!7,K7,:;;;;;;`;',, 8 . t °°° ' "".
• corflit t N.
AttortioY•. , ., No. WI kit.nt street..
. _
AsvD..- . —A , few tiny boaders ni
7S 0111,110"11110,
NA r i2ITA -1 - 3. 2 , 1 t 11 1 2 4 ti 1 ?( ° 4:2,t r :
I,ln henoe Work. Wage,no cona
. hie honte preferred. Adam. t I.lMbnrytk
P arEa
nooT!tA:W;1:71114,:; ll on Finn float..
El-I. , efor ono k... tt No. I„
Al' ANTEI)--:C11.1.1. MINERS IMME.
.1 WlATikl•l'.--,lpply °taco at Minns. on Pan
lintolle It. H. MA IAN!:
Wy M
NTE—Several Men for Farm
Work. Gardening end Writing._ Also. for
Ilrirakimi Work. iteroetil girl' Mitt Wanted for
Cooking. Chatuborwork. Dining•n•oinWork an•l
fight work of nil dpwriplion. Apply at E.lll'lAtY
ti}NT 1 Sixth strvel.grat door Trout
Stitponnion •
d T , V , ! j - , — . . ,
00 of .
(only Mae, Prlze S.tiotterr rectegfu end Jae .
e 1,.. letptlrr . nt No. 1,15 SMITHFIELD STREET,
Ell . ..burgh'. Po.
TANtED.—Exiwrieueed Agent+, to
I' trovel und .vll Pritvrtt Ittehte bi
for an article Junt. patented. WM be wonted In
r loudly. ddrou " A M Box - 533. 11104-
1. 1,1 E .•
of Dor 10 yearn of age. to lire with
n couple. rompenest lon. hoard. clothing. seb.l.
leg. kr. Hind of reference given. Addrese. for
twn day.. 1.1%. Geer:Tit Office.r.- 14
AATATDto b Bret--4GENTS.---Exr9rieneed
cu te lt h ;:trl
I t, Inductunettle offere.l.
31. Icon 333. ....burgh I`.ll.
_ _ • ._
30.000 to Loan In Inrne AILIIIII &nu - .
lit fair rate of Interest.
Bill. Bond and Rena :lance yl . rok
No. 179:s!falti.d:
5 t.:6 foot hod end ISto:21 inch ortny. .kildrolto
IN.I.;1:11i411d130:1, l'ittabpsitt2
Coat and _Pant Makers,
)00 , ‘,
haufnion, Oppenheimer
Thirty Thousand Dollars to Loan
. or all
azanunta prOperLT
Iv as a full' a t ~d Intervol.
• Rani Nkatate Agoat.
UN Utant atravt.
. • • •
O•LET.—Three Nice Rooms, with
in.. and (Voter. Suitable for a small family,
in a pleasant location. Inquire at 34THYLO
A\' rm
F.N . Allegheny Cita. IYinta
T! .-ry,„__Two Story' Itigek lionst4,
'13 1 "
A drat-class STllng Illpfal.asid cellar. No.
Pitt Liberty street, completely tip with
'belying nail counters. (VIII be relined cheap, if
railed for torn. Enquire at
rrO-LET.—.I good, two story BRICK
rornalning rooms. with =W
en. Ithph,ements. Ale., lunge I.nt and good Bel&
Stable. eouste renninot vu the Purl!, No. 184
North Avenue. Rent reasonable. Apply et No.
.11 Ohio street. Allegbedy. Joh:121
p Arr.
r .
buy s house with eve• loa m. Rl/11 hellorith,
four lute 34 feet front by 100 loot In depth. with
stabling, fronting on a forty hest etreel, one-halt
square hack of PBMl.Yillitillk avenue, Twentieth
werd. near East Liberty. Apply at 174 Urged
street. near Seventh avenue. July -teem
rt hat vrell•knowli
propey at Parker' . Landing. Penns., , Tllle
ECKERT JUJUBE," with all It. Runner., etc.
Ti a proper hereon desiring to keeps hotel. this L rsre oppertunity. Sur RATES terms, call or
Il address
J. hicMULLi.
2 flank of commerce auualp~ je
orocettoason immediate on tale. lalkrn
I , OR SALE.—Engines and Bailers,
New and flacnnd Hand. n all kinds, constant',
rders from alt part of the Country promptly at
• • -
Aiothenv•ilt, ________—
FOR SALE.—A convenient house, 6
Rooms. John street, "3.000.
A goodhoum.l4lTol..Blool,llore t, { 4.000.
thmse. 3 rooms. 4thlt street. Sl, .
muse, 3 motor. !Sherman street. kr.
}louse and ti lots. 43th street. .
House and lot. Haslet street. 3. , .
Lots In.llloomtleld. $3OO to $lOO. tan reg. t.,
V. i ri. N ' ill u .llrn. t 7 . ' Vire h ;unfr, aitt l l g sn err VII
street. 64
I S :LSO ACHICS, one hundred and .its
' egg utrtgazz-4..7-1:4: woo d s .
tland L 'm t a ble, s"
and sheep houses, onchnnl and well watered by a
Jennings pasting through hil ls. . tilleatedlu
county. Indiana, 3W front Ceram
and Louisville Railroad: in thrtvlpg nelahborhant
neer to vilisigp. end .rhurchtet. The (arm can
" h it /AV: F0urthC " 07. ' 14, ‘ .. P 6 7 4 Are.
it • I DENCE. containing MO acres with 3 houses
thereon; one a iine, comfortable and convenient
bonne; good water. and one of the best water pow
er, la Western Pennsylvania fora milli 16 zeta
from the env. oti the waters of Turtle Creek
t; of a mile from Stewart's Station, Central Rail
sad. Als seso.for several 10 0 00 Fa Enquirerms in good locellons
hou sale. of
melt No. 110 0 rant St., ordaulta Cathedral.
.?, 9 P.,;ETILR . F,
1$ LOTS. St acre mob In orchard of large hear,
baring ;le l ; of . the cities. ?rte.
• 6 1 HAM ' S Itit h iT, full of choice bearing Milt.
Price 913.
1 LA E NSW COTTAGV. 9 rooms,
front nod nide portico., 2 collars, 2 lane cisterns.
ilm.l well of water at hack door, carriage ben:soma
amble. grape. heeling. young orchard boarbmilinest
WWI! of the cities 11/14 riven, opporiiite mouth of
Penn street. MI. Washimiton, with '1 arra. Mee
96.300. 002 acre. more of tine orchard dap,.
had with it. Within fifteen minute. walk of lo
dine. Paquin. of
W. 1.1 !MART, on the premises. •
140 nr7t. 'wet.
FOR SALL-149 beautiful
lots near th e Pennsylvania Rail The.
lots usseellingreryeheap-11134:•Mh-11101eamh
and balmmo In font equal soft: eigant. Attar
th amine June the the
explans et the office at T. SiLLT I SO K Y
earner Penn and 331 street, or R. P. PILL. !Merl
ey at Law, 'YR Great street.
" A frame dwelling containing 4 roams. snails on'
.14th watt, lot 20 by 1110 feet. This le • • serf
handsomeyloce of property lo and will male a 'delta
ant home foe 407 ono Of 01171)0 010/10111. T. 11.
t. frame cottage house containing 4 Isom end
intone°, situate on Maln tenet. bear the Greens
burgh:pike, lot 30 by 100 feet. , This le s owe
beautiful place and w il l be Anhiglgeip G Called for
seem.. TR. SILL 90. N. • '
'Theme desiring to purchase hinnes And lots ad
rantsgeousl y will do well to 4sll atownenleltd =ben
inn one list. We hare pennon,' tb" we are "13..
'Mint . ..we acceptable to all W . 9 4.
comic enni And Armen° , ....H. 9
SON. Penn and =downs* •, es -
;cwt. r w oo .
. .
!pa •
Jor N 0.102 fourth Amu*. Pittabstilk•
. . .
, .
O. 81 rota Tit AT - L'V.IgtiI3EURGE.
PIM DAILY from 11 fr. 4 . n . 01001t. Ma Mt T
-11°R.DAT EVBNOtO, from may tat lx , Kormo g lct
Ist from 7 to 9 o' tort. sO4 tom No• pb %
Tito a iii 11 to tread , intifssa t •
of par 01113 t.. frm of tax.. AIM not MM.
dram comooands mettaannanyjo January ma
July. Ilman of Ity-Lam, an., furntaped !ay fh•
Boma of Yawn .-000. A. Berry. 17•03ent; S.
11. Hartman. Jas. ram. Jr,, Vim Prmadmia; D. B.
M . A.. M ltrod wi ntr " . J. t lYGrabant ‘'d '''...u .
A.P. r. 18•11,. Wm'. yy.
rel. Jona ft. Dilworth, P. Rahm 0. n't= :
mom MM.. J no. &oft. Rota. C.
. D r" . 1V.% air. r Eol.l3olloitora '' ' .my
LL~~~~ -