'-~ HE DAILY GAZETTE. -1104 E NEWS. ' / 'kr...berry festival. ern fashionable new• The Allegheny Preebyteey of the U. I church will meet at Lancaster to-day.. Tke question of last week "When shal l here beautiful weather aga in'?" was aas. we 'e , ed yesterday. TM I meeting of the .Allygheny coun ty Temperance League win be held on 'Friday evening of next week. Re... Wm. Fallon the uc'e- pastor' of the Fourth FA'. church Allegheny. wit he relta lariT thstelled thk ereteug. I Persons interksted in the organization of the Eighth Corona v of Duquesne Grays will meet to-night In the Eleventh word school house. --el. The Annual Convention of 'the.Epscouttl Diocese of will be held In St. Pe ters Church, Grant street. commencing this 1319111i14. . _ Alderman Bailer issued a warrant Jester day for the arrest of John Toner for deserting his wife Maria Toner. Maria resides at ;7. Center avenue. .federal street, Allegheny, at Its Intersection with Leacock. was partially blockaded for an hour yesterday morning. by the break ina,d own of a wagon loaded with lumber. lkal 11,6 wire.—Mnry Beach ninde Informa tion before Justice Helsel. yesterday. charging bar boeband. Richard Bomb. with annual and hearbattery. Richard wee Kenneled and held for ing. Convaleseent.—Our friend W. M. Porter Esq., of Allegheny city, we are glad to state. Is again much better, after a protracted case of sickness. Mr. Porter took a ride yesterday, and Is now feeling much better. aperial Meetlng.—A special meeting of (.10 . Councils Avill be held on Thursday after noon. this week, for the purpose of electing an Allegheny Wharf Master. Thirty-eight members signed the call for the meeting. A Wife Ilester.—Mary M. Luise made Infor mation before Justice Kreban yesterday. charging her husband. George Lutse, with as sault and battery. She alleges that George kicked her. A warrant was issued for them:- cased. The Raines Excursion Palsy leaves Pitt. burgh at MX A. as., June latb,for Kansas. rio. Uneinnati and Bt. Louis. Far. round trip from Pittsburgh to Kansas City, 131. Tickets good for thirty days. Apply at NO Liberty street. 3 Monierly.—Contad Scholar and John Slin- Anon*, according to the allegations of James Redlion, were acting disorderly yesterday. and Justice Conrad having been appealed to by James: the accused were arrested and held for a bearing. flat ef Danser.—Hon. I'. L. Jewett. the t o re u s i l . dtabof t r hn . f u 'll=rlh eig C b o t lu o m r. bll:st o r f U r t : rani,. about a week slime, but nvt are happy to learn that he ha• now almost completely " recovered from It. effects. Went Pay.—John McCoy purchased beef from Philip K00.,11 butcher, on credit. which be now refuses to pay for, and Philip coin blab:ma to Justice Conrad that John obtained credit by false representations. John was or rested and held for a hearing. Preset, Papers.--John W. Nttock. opposite the Postorlice, the agent tor French publica tions In this city, receives regularly every wreak, all the leading magazines. newspaPerw &c.. published In Paris. as well as those pub -lished In this country. Special attention is paid to the ordering or hooka which are itn laSrted direct at the lowest rates. Robbed.—This morning about one o'clock. a man giving his name as J. D. Reynolds, called at the watch house and saki he had been rob• bed of fa. He w•as a stranger in the city and had been stopping at the St. Cloud Hotel. corner of Water and Ross street.. He could give no clue to the. perpetrator.. and It Is hardly possible the money, If lost at all, will be-recovered. Grand Ple-nle..-A 'grand social pie-nic will be held at Glenwood Grove to-morrow for the .benefit of the schools attached to St. Mary's Catholic church at the Point. The arrange ments, under the excellent management of the energetic pastor lie, Father O'Rourke, have been made on a liberal scale and all who attend can confident)}}'' anticipate a rare day of _pleaenre and enjoyment. Special trains will run on the Connellsville road as per ad vertisement elsewhere. All are invited to attend. -Oleg bodiertly.—Michael Dug.. a resident of the Twelfth ward and to the employ of Cloman, Buerkle tk Co.. of the Iron City Tool Works, as driver, while engaged to =loading good. from his wagon on the wharf, at the toot of Wood street, about five o'clock. fell to the ground and expired almost blatantly. The body was removed to Devore's, where an in quest will be held upon . It this morales. De ceased was a sober, steady man sad leaves a wife and several children who were depen dent upon him for support. He was about thirty-five years of age. The -Niles. TrOmbull counts - . Independent announces the appointment of Mr. W. M. Clancy of thin city to be General Manager of the Brown Iron Company of that place, and speaks of "the driving. genial , good natured• warm hearted spirit of his predecessor. Mr. Morrie.' The foulepaateat will find all the Oboes trait. intennined in Mr. Clancy. Give Win the reins and let him get used to his team, and we bet our pile the Brown Iron Company. will go ahead and as to enterprise, Jame heart. liberality-and benevolence. We pit him against any that have gone before or may come after him to the.town of Nile.. GC=2 Shortly atter°ne o'climk this morning a man wu brought to the lock-up on a charge of baying committed a rape upon the person of a littl‘ghd twelve rears old. The prisoner was • • • arrested while sleeping in his bed. He Is well known in the city and resides not fat from the Court House on Webster avenue. He de ' ides the cha alls it ut up lob against him by and the m ege other that of L the child. with whom be admits haying been on terms of intimacy. The case will be investigated ; this morning. • Diocese of Pittsburgh The Annual Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Diocese of Plttsburgh. (embracing the western counties of Pennsylvanlaj will commence its session at St. Peter's Church. corner of Grant and Dimmed streets, in this city, at ten o'clock this morning. Religions tnerclses. Including the administration of the holy duchcrict , will .3sare the lint attention of the Convention, atter which it will be or . panned for and proceed to business. The Bishop's address swill be read at four o'clock • P. W. to-day. The•sittings will be open to the public and should be largelyatteuded , at least by the laity of the city.churelren. Thew Pavement—An It xashaatioa . Into he Metre To-Day. The Nicolson pavement presents very deci ded advantages over any other la the city so ._. far as cleanliness, durability and smoothness is concerned. but there is one grand objection to its use, viz.: it is so very expensive. We are glad to learn that a pavement fully equal In every essential particular to the Nicolson is • about to be introduced here by Messrs. 8. Bald win; of Elmira, N.Y.. and Mr. John non. the well known contractor of this nitro.; The pavement Is of wooden blocks roughly cut In eccentric shapes, which are laid with smooth surfaces upwards and the crevices are Oiled with line gravel and concrete. The bed for the pavement Is previously rolled. prepared with concrete and boarded. Altogether the pavement Is a great Invent/a, and Inasmuch s it costs only half the price of the Nicolson, we it:poet to see it very generally adopted here as it has teen elsewhere. A specimen of the pavement has been laid at the corner of Beeond avenue and Hou street and this after noon at two o'clock It will be formally In . MVAby the Street Committee of the City • • Corner Stone Laying. - • The pleasant village of Mount Washington, Westmoreland county, has the honor of being one of the first to the field with a contribution to the . five million memorial fund:" suggested at the reunion of the two branches of the Presbyterian Church--Old.and New School. The testimonial will take the form of a new edifice, under the control of the Reunited _ Church, which will be art omen - tent to the ' architecture of the village and a probe worthy commentary upon the Christian en thyptise of the new congregation._ Messrs. Barr, &Moser, of this iity, are the „..• architects, arid they expect to have the build -Inceompleted before the close of the season. were corner atone will he laid to-morrow, Wednesday afternoon, at four o'clock. attend ed with ceremonies of an interesting charac ter. Thefollowing day a meeting of the Red atone Presbytery will he held at the village. when the pastor elect of the new congregation, Rev. John McMillan, will be formally installed. The reverend gentleman, it will be remem bered. recently resigned the paatorate of the First Reformed Presbyterian Church of Alle gheny. city, after havine served that charge with acceptability for fifteen years. • The arrangements for the accommodation of visitors have Imam:lade upon the most hos pitable scale. thirrlages will be in walling at the Oreensburgh Station to convey persons to Mount Washington. The generous people of the place. Irrespective of denomination. have taken up the work, and all who attend are mere of a hearty welcome and generous entertain. meat: I , The following deeds were admitted of re cord In the odlee of Thomas H. Hunter. Re cinder for Allegheny county. Monday. June 13. Catharine Montgomery to Josbye - Modes All,uNign: . 72°4:natg=ruggr, Vba. i 16.003 0117 er PaPpard to Joshua Rhodes. March 7. Itra. ontsdourth interest in the above lot, PAO " 6 Christ. Lenbardt to Wee. H. Elder, June 10. . . - 40 by 80 feet Orl Centre street, ffixteeeth ward. Pittsburgh. with buildings PUP Jacob Hebtell to T. bleenhan, Jane 8, 1888; 50 . by M 1 feet on High street. born of Shane ()Mlles to K. W. McClure. June 1. lOW .gtrspli e rB t h i V i tti W = T r enty-thlrd ward. Wm. mosyt he to W. Klett. April 1. DM 5 acres and 37 perches °Nand to 44 Min town- Mitp,_with buildings Tie JIL Coyle to John MeElhanny, April . 1861: 38 by 85 feet In the boro of Sparpsburtr. Wm. H. Stets to T. Morrow. June, Witt lea In 011yees Plan, Braddock@ Fi e ld. with bufild a° Sena .Bohn to Johdltatdel. Jima 9. IMe: inte rrest Mo thtpollee plan. Sixteenth In Pittsbur • 9250 Chas. L-Landgrass to 'Jos. Bradt. May M. • 1899, 50 by St feet on Springhill, Eleventh ward, Alluley, egheny . NCO WWI Cl Sheriff. to Sam') Severance, August 3, left 24 by 152 feet on Water Mewl!, P 1 burgh: with buildings...., • • , • , , MI THE COURTS. _ 0 6.lie. COUTO—Judge Irkpotrlel, MONDAY', June 13.—Court}net at the usual hour, but there being no b sines, adjourned until the flrsi. Monday in Sentetr.ber. Common Ples•—Judge 141ovre • 314 LVDAT. June 13.—The cage of Richards vs. Schwab was called, and when the Jurors were called but five responded to their natnea. Counsel agreed to try the case with are Ju rors, and the fire Jurors have not yet agreed upon a verdict. • SULU. tier FOR =SLUT. • L • No, 317. 318, 31!. 3M. 330, 5 10. .1. 3,51. 333, 381. Sl5, 3„17. Quarter Seostoos—Judge Collier. Moaner, June 13.—1 n the case of the Com monwealth ye. II onice Hjere, Chap. Carter and Michael Dlerken, previously reported. the Jury returned a verdict of not guilty as to Horace Ilyerc and guilty as to Carter S Dler ken, and recommended to the mercy of the Court. - . . John Frankfort and Samuel Ifambright. against when there were four Indictments for larceny of goods from the Pennarlranin-Itall road Contour. were armirnmf and plead guilty. The Court., before passing sentence on the prisoners, heard a statement from Frank fort and from 3f ra, Ilambrlght, mother of one of the defendants. Frankfort was sentenced on two Indictments to four roan In the peni tentiary. and sentence was suspended In the others. Ilambright was sentenced un two In dictments to eighteen months' Imprison:nea - S t to the County Workhouse, and sentence was -Su s pended to the others. . . George Hall, indicted for assault and bat tery. James Hradock, prosecutor. Was ar raigned and plead guilty. coinmonsvealth vs. Henry Staub,' indicted for aggravated assault and battery. Hugo Deck prosecutor. Case settled and rad, pno. entered, no payment of costs by the defendant. Cmmonteisalth vs. David Hutchinson, in dicted for assault and battery. John Flinn prosecutor. Case settled and not. pre., entered on payment of costs by defendant. Court then took a recess until bait-past one o'clock. TRIAL LIST FOR TUESDAY. 34 Corn. vs. Harrison Berger. 51 Cum. vs.isnlic Rankin. - • 70 Cum. vs. Adam COM. vs. Hubert Hanshue. 0i Cum. vs. Phillip Hauer. 75 Com. vs. John Golden. • 74 Cum. vs. John Sehuhe and Adam Freund 711 Com. vs. James H. Hays. 71 Com. vs. Wm. Hippley. TRIAL LIST MR RIEDNERDAT. In Com. vs. Nicholas and Stephen Hoffman THE AMDOII RTIRDER. At half-past one o'clock. the Court of Oyer and Terminer convened, Judges Sterrett and Stowe on the bench. and the case of the Com monwealth vs. Patrick Welsh and Albert Long indicted for the murder of Jacob Ambos. was token up. I= The circumstances out of which this unfor tunate affair originated are doubtless still fresh in the minds of our readers. It will only be necessary, therefore, to refer to them briefly. On the night of Tuesday . . March Ist, there was a public ball, at Bedford Hall. Birming ham. where Ambos, the deceased, was act log In the capacity of musician. Between three and four o'clock AVednesdarineralag. Patrick Welsh. John Reese Albert Long and others, came to the hall uninvited. It appears. and after taking a drink. managed to get up stairs Into the roomhere the ball was in progress. Thee had be w ed there but a short time when a difficulty arose, during which Jacob Ambos and Charles Fritz were both cut with a kale, and seriously - wounded. The In jured men were removed to their respective residences, and on Thursday evening follow ing Ambos died. theoroner held an inquest. on the body, and testimony implicated Reese and Welsh In the fight. Information was made against them and they were accordingly arrested, and after n hearing before Justice Salisbury Reese was held to ball in the sum of 114:10. and in the case of Welsh he refused to take ball. Subsequently Information was made before Justice Helsel. charging Albert Long with loonier. He was arrested and after a hearing committed for trial. . . When the ease came before the Grand Jury it true bill was found to Welsh and Long, and the bill was ignored to Geese. I= The prisoners were brought Into court Itt ten o'clock and arraigned In the usual form. the clerk reading the Indictment to them, to which they plead not guilty. The District Attorney and:Messrs. Moreland nd Moore ap peared on behs)l of the Commonwealth: and the defendants were represented by Thos. M. Marshall and John C. McCarthy. Egos:. for Welsh and Jacob Miller, Esq.. for Long. The Crier mule proclamation to the jurors, after which the Clerk called over the moire. and proceeded to empannel a jury, which QC copied the nttention of the Court until twenty minutes of t four o'clock. There were thirty eight jurors called , of which number four were challenged for cause and four peremp torily by the Commonwealth. Eleven were challenged peremptorily on behalf of Welsh and seven on behalf of tong. The following were accepted nett-sworn: John Bothwell. Ftfth ward. Allegheny. Samuel Thompson, First ward.'Allegheny. James P. Stewart. First ward. Allegheny. William Lyons, Third ward. Allegheny. William Dunlap. McCandless township. William Glue, Robinson township. Barrett M'Cracken.Thinl ward. Allegheny. William Carson. Sixth ward. Allegheny. Thomas Ray. Third ward, Allegheny. George Louden, First ward. Pittsburgh. James S. Richardson. Eleventh ward. Pitts. Frmk Luan, Tweltt4 ~caM, Plttabucg6. • W. D. Moore, Esq.. opened the case on the art of the prosecution , to which he gave a p brief history of the case and the etrcumstmices ,under which the murder was committed, and stated what the Commonwealth proposed to Drove. His remarks were brief and Impar tial. E= Sophia Amine, sworn—Lire on Manor St.. Lower St. Clair township; am the widow of Jacob Ambos, deed.; my husband died on the 3d at March. from a wound In the bowels: I was not at the ball when be was stabbed; he was brought home between tour and five o'clock on Wednesday morning; his clothes were saturated with blood: I saw the wound in his body, - be was stabbed on the right side: he died on Thursday between two and three o'clock In the afternoon. - • . • .. Dr.Jamss Kerr, sworn—Beside in Birming ham; was called upon tty the Coroner to make app mem examination of the body of Jacob Ambos; I found an Incised' wound in the abdomen about two inches below and to the right of the navel, penetrating backward and upward, about three-fourths of an Inch wide. The wound was the cause of his death: I was led to believe that the wound had been indicted with a sharp pointed knife. which was larger at the heel than at the taint. (Wil sns shown a butcher knife) said that knife 'would produce the wound. Dr. Rat sworn—Was called in the afternoon of the day Ambos was cut, about four o'clock, to see bins. He woo then laboring -under inflammation of the peritenearn; I found two wounds on bin body, one in the abdomen and the other in the hip; I did not expect the man to live at the time I examined him; I had no hopes of his life. Witness shown knife, said that it would Inflict a wound similar to the wound on Ambos' hip, which he bad probed. Mrs. Mark, 'refound sworn—Live In Dist Birmingham,• keep boarding house; Mr. Welsh boarded with_rne on the second of March; he worked on the night turn; he left at two o'clock in the afternoon; I beard come one come In the house about one o'clock, and go out again, and rhortly afterward he returned and went through the dining room and kitchen, and then went out again; witness was shown the knife before referred to, and said that it was been, and that she had it in the house a day or two before the fight: I next saw the knife at Bedford Hall; It was shown to me by Mr. Brucker. Crose-cromlard—My boarding house Is on Bingham street—the 131 an was not lathe house more than five minutes the first time he was in; he ran up stairs and down again and then run -out of doors—l had twelve boarders— Jinn. Crilly boarded with me—he went out that night in his working clothes and I have never seen hlm since—Mr.Welsh.Tom Jacob Miller and others boarded with me. We had supper after six o'clock—Crtily eat his supper and left and I have not seen him dace—he left some of his clothes there—Mr. Welsh was home for supper that evening and went to work after mapper—Welsh worked at •Oliver's 14111,—he Is a puddler—he boarded with me over-three menthe—when Welsh came home next morning his head was bleed ing and I gave him a handkerchief to tie It up —have never heard from Crilly since that eve ning. Joseph Wikemd, sworn—Lived on Bingham Ttreet, East Birmingham on end of March last. his witness corrobborated the previous one relative to some one being In the house. Look ed several times on the street between two and three o'clock, and saw twenty or thirty persons on the street opposite the house; did not know any of them. My house is about one hundred yards from Bedford Hall; went up to Brushers about eleven o'clock next evening after the fight; the bar-keeper showed me a knife-{knife s hown witness and identified.] I ground the knife two weeks:before that time; do not remember having seen It alter until it was shown me at Bruckers. . . Jacob Datz, sworill lived at Bedford Hall on the second of. Last March ; was in partner ship with Leonard Brucker; I Was In the hall the night of the fight; I was tending bar. The hall is at the corner of Carson end Eleventh street; is about 40 feet long; entrance is from Eleventh street. about M feet from Carson street. About half past one o'clock I noticed tan or twelve persons there who bad no badges . ' I knew Reese, Long. Welsh and Grey ; they ca ms in quietly; came to the counter end asked fur beer; I think it was Reese who asked for the beer; he had a Gasket on bls arm; I gave the same party three or four glasses of beer; I don't know who drank the beer; after a while I saw Reese with ared ribbon on his coat; I asked him where. he got the ribbon and be told me it was none of my buainess; I left him and went to Long and told him he could not stay and then went down stairs and staid until the fight sr a over; it did not last more than five minutes; I come ep stairs and met some men carrying Mr. Fritz down stain; I then went down stair" 1 ad found Jacob Am hoe lying on a lounge: helped to carry him home. John Revers. sworn.—Live n Bingham r o d ! r r street, r f n e hm h e e d t d " a ita bo "a cnii . r7l e d i n ot ne f m s o r: w i d ! ut h t the th e e think either of the dfendast crowd hack and commence t l h d o not . the fight commenced to grow bigger e l m .:% ° : :t w hir th ee .k dof t h n e i r n gh o m: n Ain l bos timr; an a., d en a ti l e i t t r, tl 4 e roe red and r r ant u know who L d tior other m u! heard a crash, and on looking rem:lna:Ts ; chair come down and saw a knife fall on the door; picked the knife up .and took it down stairs; saw Welsh then. but did not see him in the fight. (fronts Dols, sworn.—l was at Bedford Hall on the night of the fight; was one of the mual clans; I was in the bar when the fight com menced. and do not know who commenced; heard Amhos cauing, lleorge will you for sake meT' and run out, but did not Ind Am ami; =whim afterward, down stairs; Welsh end Long were both In the hall when I came out of the tar; they were among the last who left the hall. • Lrd Brucker, swortr--Reslded at Bedford Ha onthe second of March last; I was at the ball; saw a party that I did not think be longed therebecause they had their working clothes on; I only knew two of the party— Welsh and Reese. Mr. Reese wanted to dance and I would not let him. The first that I saw was Charier hits and a fellow with e red shirt on,• Amboo went In to part thorn, and the little fellow took hold of Anibal. and I went no and told Ambose to throw him out. While I was talking to Amhos Welsh came op and punched him Its or six times on the ribs: do PITTSBURGH DAILY - GAZETTE : TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 14, 1870. not know whether he- had anything In hie hands or not: Ambos quit fighting then and walked away. and when I saw hirn next . It wan down stairs nnd he was cut: I ON Fritz and the little man with the red , stort i on lighting. Then Ambose went in !7 James ' he Ja1.e.71 referred to shown wane. , a nd ca a t that It had been gieen bins I, y er s th io e n flugnhtiti, to-stay. a th v et It. had been In his po , tep,- Court adlourded until II o'cloel A. %I. TIICS day. . SERIOUS JOkE A Anong Sian , Leas Draken- Ilan Ir Wa Done—Narrow Escape. That new three story. brick building, south side of Olin street. near Sandusky. Allegheny, seems fated to become unenvialdy famous in our local annals. It had nut been entirely finished-until it was condemned by the nreiti trot as unsafe. Then ensued a war which threatened to end in au interminable litiga tion between contractors and owners. Fi nally a compromise was effected and it wits decided to tear down one of the ride walls. This work has been done and the wall partially replaced by n new one. Workmen are.en gaged upon it, end yesterday an accident oc curred to ono of them, which adds additional interest to the structure. Ab ne o'clock the men prepared to renew.. their toll, after Wittier. When ,t wo of them started ut, the ladder, the 'foremost. a lively young man of about nineteen. one of the carpenters. conceived the idea of hiding from the others .d thus playing off n little joke. With thin design. he hastily ascended and when upon the third floor quickly disappeared through— as he supposed—a' closet. door. (Mint.lmpost tions, however, were wrong. It wag the door of the - elevntor and his mistake was only ills .covered when he fell through to the second floor, alighting upon his feet, upon a plank, which prevented his fishing through to the cellar. When the other workmen went to him they found hitn disabled. He was taken to his boarding house on Malts street. Seventh want, where Or. Emmerllng was sutimioned. It was ascertained that theung twin had broken the left leg In two pla vo ces below the knee, and the right leg In one place Itnnteili ately above the ankle. The physician attend ed to his injuries, but fears that the left leg will bare m u sic amputated. e a cubed not learn the( of the victim. s is a stranger In the city. having been here bat a short time. • His escape from Instant death was very fortunate. As it Is the affair resulted serious ly enough. GERMAN IN THE SCHOOLS Another Meeting Lost Night—The Petition So h. Presented Introducing the New Study. Last evening another meeting of citirenS was held in the Third Ward echool Molise to receive the report of the committee appointed to prepare a petition In relation to the intro duction of the study of German In the public schools. Mr. Brown presided. The conituioe. through their chairman, presented the following form of petition to be sent to the Centml Board: We would respectfully. yet earnestly, peti tion your honorable bialy to NOchange the present course of study in the public schools of the city an to admit the study of the German langmage In the Intermediate schoolk, bur making this request we would give the following reasons: I. That your petitioners are from frientis.of the Public School system, and are desirous of having their children egloy Its advantages, and through Its influence become thoroughly American in sentiment. manners and customs. which desire we can never realize so long as there is any necessity for maintaining sepa rate and exclusive cchoole. 2. That we believe the study of this language is a necessity In fitting our children fur be coming successful in business in this country where-such a large Portion of the population speak the German language. and where no many thousands who speak the sante 'dialect axe mutually wafted to our shortq, to enjoy the freedom and blessings of a - government whose flag Is worshipped, by the oppressed of every clime. The report was referred to the Cehtml Com mittee for further action. The Committee was continued .d Instruct ed to report a plan for the introduction of the new study into the Public School course, without d kart - seeing the others—this plan to be enclosed in the communication to he sent to the Central Board. The meeting then adjourned. THE MUSICAL OCCASION. Annual Contest •t the Pittsburgh Female Col lege for the McKee and Mellor Mn.leal Prizes. • Lovers of true ramie always ball with be coming delight the approach of the anneal feast afforded by-the more advanced lady pu pils of the Pittsburgh Female College. In the spirited contest for the McKee and Mellor orlzes—special endowments to the institution by departed friends. On Friday evening next the contest-of MO will take Place in the Col lege Chapel. and we feel Quite sure a large and appreciative audience will he drawn to gether. The prizes are well worthy the cont. petition of the scholars. and hence many en ter with spirit and determination to curry away one or the other of the. honors. The McKee prize ita beautiful and valuable gold medal for beat instrumental performance; the Mellor prize Is an elegantiv hound collection of coati gems for best vocal ization. The Judges will be selected with much care, and a fair award may be anticipat ed. although the contestants this season well develop unusual proffeency, and a high order of art and cultivation. Cards of admission may be obtained at the book stores. Mellor •Iloenes• music store, and at the door. All lovers of music end frieride of the institution are invited to bepresent. The Allegheny Connelly ..1 the Depot One. Mcmas. Etarmis: The papers generally. and possibly- your own, in reporting the pro ceedings of the late meeting of the Councils of Allegheny, hove mis-tiscribcd the tenor of the petition in reintion to the occupancy of the South Common ground by the Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company . . Its purport was not merely to obtain - an. injunction againat the ottouse, but to ails th e . Councils to take measures through their Solicitor for the enforcement of a decree of the Supreme Court obtained at their own instance years ago, for biding the Cenumny,froni using the grounds for tkpof purposes, asa gross eihno.pf their Privileges; the law having been already pro• flounced by the unanimous opinion of that Court, and nothing remaining but to see that , the judgment then rendered, and which has been habitually and contemptuously diare garded under their ownteyea, was duly en forced an it ought to be. I I ask your attention to this matter mainly in view of the fact that from another pro ceeding of the Councils on the same evening requesting the, Company to pave the foot way in front of their depot on Federal street, it would seem though the matter had not been exactly understood by the Councils themselves; the proceeding referred to seem ing to recognize the very ii and in (location as ro lawful depot because it has been so used. when in point of tact the use has been ad judged to bti an unlawful one and Is the wry use which the petitioners are asking to have restrained. . I will only add that at the time when this question I. decided by the Supreme Coon, the terminus of the road was at b ed cral street, and it was conceded to be a matter of nernsity that they should he permitted to take In and discharge•paasengera and freight at that point with the express qualification, however, that they were to fate no more time thouMU alp... lutay acc,,hpary for that tat oK, and under no we; rinsideration to ground fo r depot purpose. Note their Irrmin. is in P ttaborgh and the ground there occupied is but a skiing, and used for Depot per/weaned nothing else or, in other words. In utter defiance of the law as solemn ly declared by the unanimous opinion of the Court, and it is to correct this by compelling them, like others to obey the decree always pronounced waited them, that Councils are asked to interfere as they cannot of coon, decline to do without a criminal dhiregard of their own duties In the premises. E) The ”Templere.. Yesterday morning at eight o'clock a dele gation of Knights Teniplars. numbering about serenty-gre, left this city for the Grand' En. camprnent at Williamsport. They were In uniform, wearing military frock coat, sword. belt, gauntlet and chapeau. In the procession were four limners. two In the center and one at the rear...together with the Eminent Corn mender's banner; white silk with rod cross in the center. • • . . The °facer. of Plttiburgh Comniandery who accompany the Sir Knight. ore Generalleximo. Geo, Neal; Captaln;Wm. Little; Prelate, G. C. Riddle; Senior Warden, W. D. P. Eaten; Junior Warden, D. id Watt; Recorder, Thome W. 'Wright. n P e= r fo h ewnig'ndder&smton.nder act the State ofPennsylvania, James H. Hopkins. The Reat Western Band of this city, so companies the expedition, The Encamp_nient at Wamsport, is to an event in Masonic annals. It promise, to be one of the grandest affairs of this kind ever aeon in this country. Besides the Knights Templars pf Pennsylvania. eleven Command. axles fromiother States will be In attendance. The Encampment will break up next Friday.: The Humboldt TM,lmams The end of the series of three entertain ' meals to be held In UM Academy of Music for the benefit of the Humboldt ;Monument Fund comes off this evening. A Mance at the pro gramme, advertised In another column, will show at once that something extraordinary is to be attempted, and the names of those tak ing part are suMcient guarantee that the at 7 tempt will result In a complete artistic suc cess. The drawings of Dore are so powerful and so famous that the muscular and athletic Turners, In seeking for popular Biblical pic tures on which to model their living groups. could not possibly have made a better sale. Mon. But even in the most perfect exhibitions of tableaux rituals long Pauses take place be tween the different ',lettuce, which are weari some to the audience. bat these pauses to this cue wall be. if anything. more delightful in lanais:dog fur the ear the same enjoyment provided for the eye by the Turners. Mr. Bieber, who acts Impression on this occasion, has shown his usual excellent taste In the sci.. lection of the artists andkransio for the occa sion, which we trust end believe will prove es i ntazucceas pecuniarily as it will be ar- Centennial Meetings. • One buSdreal yeersago. last bablinth, John Nuns], the founder of Universalism In this ceuntt7, arm landed upon our shores and pro elitlmed the' religious tenets 'of this church. Centennial meetings were held on Sunder in the various Universalist churches throughout the United States. In this city the celebration of the'occasloo took place In the First Univer salist church, corner Gram. and Third streets, and was largelYuteaded. The church was nostlY And tutufullt• decorated with dowers gg d evergreens. The pastor. ita T. Van De Mark.delivered an appropriate dlscourse,at the conclusion of which the rites of baptism were administered tot:Anita a number of children.the Meats of whom are connected with the church. The mull: an:2...1.e.... o.a-ZOgebtfteh-th:hgr. OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS "dere=Tetb4l en' Rereet%ent and ;V This afternoon the Central Booed of Educa tion will hold n regular monthly meeting. Breezy- times are by some °fah, Initiated, as there are several :natters of unusu al interest to be considered. Among the most important is a proposed change in the corps of teachers in the varlet. schools. The Commit tee on Teachers and Salaries have had this business tinder consultation for some time and have. we understand, concluded to reports recommending a decrease In the number em ploced. The "cutting down - in each ward toil be, if the report is approved, as follows: First word, 2t Second, 2; Third and Fifth, 1; Sixth, 2; Seventh and Eighth. 2; ihand Tenth, 2; Eleventh. 2; Twelfth, 4; Thirteenth, 1; Fourteenth, 2; Nineteenth, 1; Twenty second. 1. T0t01,25, - . . , The wards nut mentioned_will nut be inter fered with. It is estimated that this decrease will reduce expenses about ttifYl monthly. while the schools will be supplied with a suffleient number of teachers to perform the work as well as it Is now accomplished. Thin, however, is only on assertion, :Lod will need to be proven by some substantial orpi ment. What action the Hoard will take can not now be determined, but teachers at well as the general public will look to the, result with interest. Another. Item of businesi should also receive attention at this meeting. It would be well for the members to make thorough in quiries into the truth or falsity of the charge, made to the effect (again given shape and pub licity In these columns this morning by a re liable correspondent) that money was freely used recently In procuring a change In the geographies used as text books in the public schools. 'The members owr it to themselves to Investigate the matter, and ore hope they will not be slow to act in the premises. - = Coniparatively few persons in the too cities are aware of the existence of the excellent photographic establishment of Mr. it. M. Gantt, ou Federal, near Lama street, Allegheny city. Ile is an artist of decided merit, and worthy of extensis o patronage. A visit to his gallery will boon convince person. of taste anti lovers of the beautiful, that. for artistic finibh.pose of the subject, and lights and shades in pictures, he possesses theualifications of a first class photographic art ist. Mr. (la ne's courteous manners, patient efforts to please. anti obliging dim/whin% commend hint to the public. All sty/ear of picturm taketi, - anti finished in water or oil colors inn superior manner. We feel frank In commending him, :and of the pleasure-we-had In pitying hint for work so satisfactorily and well executed for us, at a time when we were exacting and ex eeedingly anxious to have Wen done. • Bay Drawned. About eleven o'clock yesterdny morning George Washington McClintock, n boy seven years of age, wine drowned in the Monortga heln river. near the South end of the Mononga hela bridge.' The little fellow, It alllielllll. was Induced by other and larger buys to cross the bridge to go In bathing, and when on lien South side of the river then got on a ilia 3111 l him o procuring It board wate pr.ut the bor on unable t o ss vim ov s the little fellow became frightened and at temuted to !Mint to the flat, when he sank and was drowned. The body was recovered about seven o'clock last evening and removed to the residence of the Parents on Church alley. Cor oner Clawson will hold an inquest this after noon at one o'clock. llem to Look Voung—altzteen.—Don't paint or ice silo Hair llustorers, but simply apply ilagim'a Magnolia Hain uuon your face, neck and hands, and tute Lynn's Kathairon upon your hair. The Halm makes your cow ' , lotion pearly. soft and natural, and you can't tell what did It. It removes freckles.tmoiallow • ness, ring -marks, ninth-patches, etc.; and In place of a red, rustic face. you have the mar ble purity of an requisite belle. It gives to tnfiddle age the bloom of perpetual youth. Add these effects to a splendid head of hale produced by the' Kathairon. and a lady has done her best In the way of adornment. Brothers will have no spinster sisters when these articles ire around. T-TH-S Walter'. Paring roans a very agreeable. light. nutritive food, s' superior article for puddings arid Jellies. and is highly ITCOIII - end ed • by physicians for Invalids and chil dren. Sold by all grocer., The bluing Stock of Henry U. Hale. Mr, chant Taller, at earner of Penn avenue ..1 Sixth street, Is now large and complete. Mon sieur llonpaln continues to preside at the cut tint. tf • Charley Gallagher Bark Homy. Charles C. Gallagher. the renowned es...pu lrilist nod proprietor of the Big Sunflower. NO7ltil Smithfield street, returned tonne last evening, after a sojourn In, the oil country of one week, visiting the races, Sc. All thoso interested in man - tine matters generally. and especially Alien.h coming fight between Mc- Cool° and will do well by giving Char ley a call. as he will always be happy to post all his friends and customers. The choicest ales, wine., liquors and clears con be had nt the bar. Legal Inntraction Fifty years hence preparation for the' bar by a .course_of office study will be, spoken of as atrimperfect and inadequate method. ThisAvill be the result of net end causes, which are themselves the out growth of the cosmopolitan spirit of our century. The day for securing a know. ledge of the law, by a htliorioun routine of copying legal documents. has already drawn toward', its dose, and the law' school in hemming deservedly pctpular. It may be considered no longer as an expo r burnt. the • benefits to he derived trom these ,Insda have already been tilt wherever they are in successful operation. The contact of mind with mind is the only method by which all the laud powers an be hilly developed. Deiiving our information .from a ITIIIIIIIOII enure., also tends to a uniformity of practice the standard of the profession, and setens the circle of the lawyer's influence Bu acknowledging the nuperiOrity of the ncl rai to Is over the old method-of instrur ton another question presents itself. viz: What .is 'the proper length of time for graduation? Upon thin subject there is a Ififference of opinion. The course at Anti Arbor extends through two years, that Of stir own State one, con eels= ing ten ntrinffin of actual study, which the class of the present year are con vinced is sufficiently long for the acquioi lien of the fundamental principles and rules of legal science. When these art' amuired, improvement only results from practice. This branch of the study, how. ever, is infused into every exercise of the Law Department, in the Moot Court trials, in the reporting of decided cases, in the lectures by eminent professional gentle men front various parts of the State, in' fact under the instructions of our admir able faculty, the practical permeates not only the theoretical, but is a part of the conduct of the students toward .01 other. It may be a pardonable digression to say, in thin connection, that through. out the commonwealth there should be ntanifestell more el the true, professional, Philadelphian cou'rteny between members of the bar. Hieing graditally from the restraint imposed by uselens technicali ties, our system of jurisprudence iv ; ao. allMillg the outlines of a symmetrical tic:Jones, which are to be filled up by en. lightened legislation and general dissemi nation of legal knowledge. lows REPORTER. American and European Railways. The Northwestern railways which Com. rnodore Vandprbllt is carving to secure control of are quite a prize. The' earn. ings of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad during the year 1869 were as fol. lows: $1.1,000,000: milecl operated upon, 1,131; rate per mile, $12,164 03. 'The cost per mile of this road will average VA ; 000. Thu earnings of the best roads In Europe—between Paris and Lyons—for the same year were 1120,625 per mile. This looks well, hat when we remember that this road cost $168,000 per mile, we see the superiority of the American road. The Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Min. newts 'Hallway, now nearly complete, costs $35,0110 per - nine. It. isa grand trunk, which, with ten to lit teem feeders, gives to commerce a new way tic the Northwest up the Cedar Valley, the rich est in the world. It is estimated that the earnings for the firm year of its completion, 1871, will be: For, freight-1,111111,er 900,( fi ruin 1.109.000 Coal _l p 000 Cattle and 110g5........ . .... . • 140,000 hleneral merchandise -- Express and mall . • 150,000 Passenger transportation.. .. 750600 Total earnings • • • Or, $ll - 0366 per mile. AN lowa is a market for lumber and coal, and the supply is adjacent to the best mar k-et in the world for the articles named, the improved view of this road over any Other must be explained on that ground. American railway stocks may be proud of their superiority over any others in the world, but railways in the Northwest, whore wheat, corn, stock, lumber, coal, iron, and the great farm house staples abound, and the soil is the beet, chemically, for their produe, Lion, must have the pi oference over any other railways in the market. They cost less per mile, the land' being prairie, and they earn the boat, as the charges for freight and passenger tre are the great est, being substantially inrestricted. Jt,utt•tro to coacluainna a sporting mil temporary notices a novel cricket match, In which the competitors were one-legged' and one-armed pensioners. It concludes by saying “The game was decided In favor of the one-legged mean by twentvoight rum." This is, of course, a mistake; the writer must moon hops. wirer is the difference between udp and Mr. John Ketch? One loves a cove's joke, and the other chokes a Love's lull: Anreriesn Deified" It seems hat Americans are held in high esteem in the Flowery Lnawl. On this head. s Canton letter makes this eon- OILS stamthent : Another CM.. for confidence in the pro ple of Amelica, and one which will vet outweigh all others, is the act of the gnr. peror deifying Ward. the - "mica!' liii : imster. They accept all the go d s their ruler gives them without the slightest question. Ward Was of. great service to the Emperor in putting down the rebel lion. liis success was something wonder ful tattle Chinese, and at the time when he wasnecidentally shothy his own men, they looked upon bite us the greatest gem end that' had existed for two thousand i yeare. At his eve req est. his cot En . as left at Xing Pa: ¢ceordi g to Clli,/hi Se . us. tem.above ground and tneovered. Nne months after (le n 3,1 the Emperor inch ed the body to-be removed ; to Sung-Kong, and deposited in the court yard, of the temple of Confucius. Within the tentnle 15'149 set up a tablet bearing his name .as the - Captor. of Sung-Kong and many other cities." The Emperor has seen fit to=ga still further, and in an edict has placed him among the major gods of China, corn. mending shrines to be built and worship to be paid to the memory of tlie Arnett: can. The people arn worshippl* him along with the most ancient end powtrful deities of their religion son great deliver er front tear and famine—as a powerful god in the form of a mau. In every tem ple, school and household, his name will be thus commemorated. The remem brance of millions of people secures his immortality : The deification of this American certainly will give additional intensity to the respect already entertain. ed by the Chinese for the United Stales. Any . country in which a Chinese deity WI. born is good enough for Ids worShip . EZEI WIMITM A N.—On Hutu'rduc esentn rs e. June 1 I. FRANK WIG lITSIAN, sited WI yea. Funeral ruts mons l\'4, at 10 from the residence his father. Wm. 11. Mighty:tan. Bald. win torreship: FRAMPTON—On Monde,. morning. June 13th. IS7O. at his residence In count/4 near Rochester. WILLIAM . Imml 73. Teem. The funeral will arrive at the Allegheny B.tion TITO , A raTaaooN. at ly o'cluck. ttr pr caned to A legheny Cemetery fur inletruegt. MISCELLANEOUS. • Clltl-30LIG SALVE, Made with pure CARBOLIC ACID, which In used In Hospitals by direction of Eminent Physicians, has already proved Itself U, be the mostopody and of tool cure for all Malignant' Sores and Ulcers, and ton burns, Cult, Mfounds,•nd all Skin Minium. no equal Rapid Curative Agent has yet been disolvered.aa Rapid Curative CENTS. • CM Henry's Insect Powder, For the Destruction iif BED DUGS A/CMS,. 1 • R1CE...13 C KNTS, L.II.ROSENBACH'S Patunt Medicine Depot, 140 SMITHFIELD ST. JOHN M. COOPER & CO. Bell and Brass Founders, ENGINE, LOCINOTHE AND ROLLING DILL BRASSE Made Promptly to Order • BABBITTS METAL Made and Kept. on Hand "roptletora and liandfantarars J. M. Cooper's Improved Balance Whee STEAM PUMP. offlre—Nrkt VntiNNTRZIKT. I r oundry—Vorn..r 171'11 KAII.ROAD STILEET7.4. Pa. JUST IN TIME. Summer Millinery, U 11 ATM tioNsx-rs. VIA tiT Ens. EIHRONN. ' MADE-1;1' I.A Cd. ORNA RENTS. sad NOV ILLTI r.s IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Mrs. S. (I - Robb, N 0.91 FEDERAL STREET, I= PROPOSALS. SKAI.PhD PROPOSAIA will be recciced by the (11 , KDUCATION of the tit! of llttcbursh. In sccord.ce with theßcocicicheof an Act. Supplementary to an Act, relating to the School Laws of the City of Pittsburgh. flat the Central Board of Educationshall, WI thin three months from the passage of this and annually thereafter. select from the several banks or regular exchange brokers of mid city. a treasu rer or flare .of dap for all se funds under the control of said Board, and said Board Louise ten days' notice by publication In two newspepem 17,ttTi l bI s nro d rgArrO'rtlrenloTerkarrr i. urer or depositary of said school funds. and the se lection shall be made upon the opening of said Prorwsals of the bank or exchange broker , who shall givesatisfactory lieeeritr by at least four sureties by bond, to be approved by mid Board , and shall pay for the em of said school fund the Menem. ratof Interest on current balances, and pay' all checks, warrants of drafts of thu proper °Meer or I officern tit said board on demand. • It act:on:lance with above sot and resolution. passed .hy the Board, Sealed ProPomis Will be re netted and opened at the next regular meeting of the Board, at their room. No. 81 north evenne. on TUYNDAY. June 14th me. Bidders also to state on what terms they will loan the Board such moneys as may be necessary for school and school building pnrposes. GEO. H. ANDERSON, tu73l PIiSHIPENT P. T. STE A. WBERRY Baskets and Crates. R 30.000 IN STORE of the MOST APPROVED W. W. KNOX, 137 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. r "'" Pn"". R. M. liceoWAN J N. Matt/WPC R. AL M'COwan &Co ., BOULEVARD PAVERS, Pate Sidowalks,Cellanr,lsudde Yards, Drives, dc. AND WARRCOLD.ANTED AGAINST CRAM/ ES OE USAT Ordeleft at oeserrsomee, orat 310 FEDERAL RTREeT i A/letheay, r.ptly attend/Ito. a Yr tilMiNgcli"alanit.r.T. at mew/Went* & Co., Idsouracturer of LIMIT GANT num. CASTINGS. Light work our epoetalky.. Loose Joint. Bolts. fibutter and Gate Ulysses, Sun Pulleys. and other ankles of 'Builder.' Hardware always on hand. Mace and Works near Outer Depot All -Rte.! City. Peatordee acidneedi, 19.1 , BOX atUritte , 2 5!!!!LEA,.... C. BARNES, Sealer of IVeights.and Measures, N 0.5 FOURTH AYE, Pittsburgh. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The partnerehip heretofore existing between EITZPIISN G. IiANXISIIS and J. H. tecOOYEKII, engaged to the lillteiting anti repairing of gleam. beats, lase this day &noised by mutual Ft. STICPIIEN U. Hat* .3. H. IIeGOVNItN. Eirreatadn. 31.1r0. CHARLES P. STRIOHT, • Carpenter and Builder, LitAllgr=,=tmu r. 0f2,100.0147 North avenue. corner Webster Meet. Allegb./.l*. 10111117 • • INDIA RUBBER GRIMM, GONE AND NTRA NI PACKING • - or the Boston °Meg Cempeare mete. A tell eareir at al/ Mem The trade napped at atanatao. tams' Wan. rll • J. & 11. PUILLIPS. Aceata to thla qty. . .i-~~.- ... .:1.. ter,, .4az:.. "sl~.t~-.~, ~F~:.,..-ew SPECIAL NOTICES rrNOTICE TO CLAIiiiT Dy 're -elution the Committee on returnee . . Grtiund. of the CUT of Allegheny, ng Chatunne to nett,. !Ands .k 0 thenottth front of the city— Including what Is known Os Nelson', Island era other rropertien—nre incited to meet with the Committee on FRIDAY EN't NING. June I 2 Ili, 'fin the City Bulldlne. Allenneny. They nre ' ilso requeoled to brio with them übetrnetn title any plan rel Inn thereto they ratty hare In their r!l , nerelon• I J. It. 0X1.Y.1" 1W1:Y11 === Orra.c or MoN ' INDATIKLA Doirtuotch C 0../ N. E. corner o Wood St. and 4th Ave., Dire Midi,. Msg. tEgd.ll4lo. ) og-PtIVIDENI)..—The President and Director:4f this CompanY have this day declared a divide ti of FOUR DOLLARS PER SHARE on the f Stock of the Company, out of the earn' of the Inst six months. free of Government tax. Payable In cash forthwith. tny21.19 ,101tIS CLAN El . Secretary PU BLI NOTlCE.—Haring. been AS and GAS /KILTER INSP)X'.. county, notice is hereby given y office and Mechanical Test. be provided.) will he femnd at TILE NATIONAL FOUNDRY KS. Twenty-third street. near appointed TOR for Alleghe that Until the n ing Machinery a the OFFICE - OF AND PIPE WOI Penn, Pitteburgit. IL 11. SMITIJ C 1213 == =! cr IIOUNT $lOO B .nnty Collected enlirted between Mar 4th and ho were dliehamred tor dlsabil wo yearn, and who hare hereto. untr. For ell waffler. Jelly Wild. 1861. Ity before serving Jra received no b The underslich Zrtre Butidinic.co 'tree. And le now 117 nod at inodertit Stamp, halt tClllo7eti hie office in OA enerinzth llTODUO.dSmithtleld rreenred V: collett claim, spat< mice. Call onoruddrees. with B. Y. DROWN, I . Agent. tiara - tire Building. airen to and Suiltheeld street. • Pittsburgh, Pa. Clal Corner Sloth CAISTDIDATES DT . FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. GEORIGE NEELEY, Of Marshall Township, subject to the decision of the Union Republican County Convention. •n3(l - dOgd ay.FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. BENJAMIN DOUTHETT, Of lumen. township, lea ell ndlrlate for County Commissioner, In subordination to the derision of the Itepubllrunn Contention. Zet. mode. In rebus. spin:wet/MT • • . - - 8. INTERNAL nEvEmne, TWENTY-THIRD DISTRICT COLLECTOR'S' NOTICE OFTICE CoLLEATOR OF INTERNAL REVINCE.I 23d,C011ect0.67 laa Distrlc, of Perm, I N Water strata, A Uralic CT. Mar .111tIt. 1870.1 ',W Notice k hereby gwen that the annual Lista of t tltuaj:s. formerly termed Licensee. and of Incomes, Carriages, Watches, Silver Plait., &c., • Are now in this 0904, where PitYmeiDien , he re ceived thereon by the Collector, on and after the FIRST DAY OF JUNE. IS7O. These taxes hav ing become doe, meat be paid before the 013th day of June. 1970.. otherwise additional expenses will be Incurred by the tax peyer. E. BUFFINGTON. Esq.. Deputy Collector for the County of Armstrong. net EDWIN LYON, Eng. • Deputy Collector for the county of Duller, will be temp% to receive after the let of June. for their reopective counties. and will post notices designa ting the time and place. when and where they toll be prepared to receive the Lanes collectable be them. Taxes paid only In greenbacks or national currency., Vince Tour. from 9 A. N. to 3 P. M. JOHN M. SULLIVAN, MMI '.(flg PLANING MILL MEN And Others, TAKE NOTICE! • Thevindersitued has letters patent of the Uni ted States for the Improvedconstruction of wrather-boardlng.lrodde lining and of waingeoging for houses. The weather-boarding. by tills patent improvement. being more particularly Intended for 'remindand combines great durability and beauty of appearance; and It Is so consteucted to entirely avoid the use of pent strip*, and to prevent water from entering the Joint of the gap ing or the showing of the Joints by the action of tbe wea th er on the timber. . Inside !loin, and wai vers in by this new method sea ea ronstructeg as Di (one perfect peseta as cheaply as by the ordinary fitssing tstards alone; thereby Pre eenting the showing of the Joints from any mo. and leering nu refuels for bum Ile oar also parchued the patent Tight of whet sinimonly known as the elloolded Weather tlMilfiiors.a.it or the tonne:terterrikortet end .'"k• ..!•X uy Wanly , fof pith patents, Lewd: • To O. A. Monti. . the right of the territory Mouth of tho river I said county." . 'lsth tesnl ". l. " ‘;.l4 " i; th". "" for their „TV borough c To Ales. McClurtrilf the of M Kee.- Sod.. To Parker A Peal, for first, Second, Third and F Ttf i ll ' eeVeitfirg f sgi e crit their mill in See °nth ward. ..fly of AlielfhenT. To Dunhism. Saint Co., for the boroughs of , turalinnt and Etna: also the townships of Shaler All persons are 'warned egehist. Infringing upon either sold patents. and Men wishing to pur chase will Meese call, or address me, al N 0.7 3. Smithfield ethers. Plitsba oth. Pa. fa I . C. ANDERSON. ' • . JOHN O. WORKMAN H. RILTLAIII) OASIS WORKMAN & DAVIS, Summon to WORKMAN. MOORE & CO., =nu facutters and Dealers In Carriages, ,Buggies, SPRING & BUCK WAGONS. 4r, 44, 16 and 48 Bearer Bt., Allegheny. Repelling neatly and promptly executed. Or ders for New Work gotten up In good style and warranted to give malefaction hi every particular. OWZMATNIMANItg,TW:Mm. pears make of ‘ SfL o nVIN:PATENT WHEELS. and Rapp's Patent Quick Shifter and Antl-tattler for Shafts. RICHADD DAVIS basins purchased the In toned of Alex. and Wel. D. Moore, In the tato firm of WORKMAN, MOORE&CO.. tbe bustomm CIU hereafter be conUn um. lane old stand under the name and style of WOUKMAN DAVIS. Orders solicited. to with ettitant. N L1 , ...R1C RD DAVIS Le , JOHN I iI iVORKMAN nal k.littLiitianth. Orden CoLtreiOlt Of INSZILNAL MCVE.NOIt. "'" R' , ;'114"4".",11,'',7 ! ':., • Orly or ritTant:Noll.aorte ' ltt , _lB7O. • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TH 1' the Annual List of Taxes on Income; Carriage; Watches, Silver Plate, &c., And Special Tax are now doe, and payable, and payment 0111 be received thereon at THIS OFFICE from the citizen... Mim - In the 33d ward of the city of Pittsburgh, borough of Birmingham. Rost filrmingliern. Ormsby, South Pittsburgh. West Pittabin g ldo nongabels.Teinperanowthe, Mount WashinOtin and Colon.atid the township of Loser Si.. (lan. Tim forming MUT BE PAID BEFORE THElOth DR OF JUNE, 170. ote.n.u. additional aspen...sin ineurred. Deputy Collector WM. lg. lIABRII3OI. will nic mire Dom the tax paer. fi ned. parts of the Dtstrict not Included i nthe Mints. and will post Co s no of th e lime when and the plane whore ha will repared to nests taxes Collectable by Tlton. W. DAVIN, hi rstnyin to Int. lies. tad District, FP. Diurnier ar New OnLeese, P 4th Pittsburgh. .fl',u . INTO. ITNITED STATES CUSTOM MOUSE. —Notice is hereby given that SEALED Pito. BAL.% accolisiwnied eY.Proper intarantive. ac cording to forme to be fornianen on application et thin onice. Win ne received • thereat, until I N 31517V441t.iV1T41'1i 1 4.1Tirtir r e U rp Nc Marina llospital i near sale city. itn " 41.1.1 pl& 1•1,0 V 11.10:1. FUEL. fic.. elle crated in aid forms. The quantlllea stated are evilinated with. refererice to the venal her of patients in the Hospital: but the United States reserves the right to hike mo re or less of article*, accordingly as they may be eviviellY required. If the articles de thelivered at the I , lrisr be r, ion, in inn VhanslicitallanZ he will lo t , g e rl i ei r r+ 4 to ",,,,, purcnalie otherartleles In d, the t o charge the einitnictior with any egre r es t'' e w role r the contract PM*, • Tn . vetted natio , reaervea the right to • eeept th e mpUalli• for the whole ur any portion of the articles apecifled. inort STISEL. NtIrTeJUI, RE-OPENING "" NEW GOODS. Shoes, Bote• and Gaiters, • • . AT HENRY PATIT.A . Ts% • N. 3 % 4 OHIO AV NEM ALLEGILICNY - CITY, The underalarsee baa' eva,, tet e npaaaksion of brAtr.e.MlVlEtl...l . ty . eith a rmeh assort- Mode as well as Former patrons uld the paella are "' JOAN HEN kirAltar BUY A GOOD TIMEKEEPER AT • WATTLES & SiIEAFER'S` • No. ,Filth Avenue. HOWARD WATCIIIea - WALTHAM WATCHMEk HUHN WATCHr.Ia,_ • • U. 11. WATTIII43. . . All the dlebrentcrades In Gold and Sliver Cana. the lCuesow made to orner. or any weight and style. at Tall est Dn.. FAROE .ORIPMENTK OP ALL kinds of fresh fish lare recewsal daily at meg rartir.=4. ZA t r i dgo,4 4 Dla si.d. A m. 0., City. corner redand and Ohlo .00... experience In the ba.lnm.en salna.toaliveys have on hands erstehlaa ankle: White rißb. &linen. Harden. Black Ben Glee ttalicallt=itre ll a roaTtier aole. arretall. ordan Ithed promptly. 1 OFFICIAL =3l A ORDINANCE—To authorize:4e 3 .. aai. einnnruellon of n Lateral eTwcr Vlartre • . . Sce. 1. Be it ordained and enacted hy the Select and Common Xiamen,. of the City of Allechenr, and it to hereto. indented and enacted 14 the nu thialty of the nam the Sewer Cammlaaton be. and thee are hereby authorized and directed to invite and receive profaned.. for the conat ruction of a Sewer. battled as follows. viz., and according to plan to be appneved be Cannella: On Wardszi alley. from Sedgvrick atreet to Fulton Arcot, and Arcontract thereforr, wits the Mwent and beat bid• r bidder, at their dlaeretlon. , • . tr..J. shall *mi fully emit and expenses of Hall Sewer s be asieertained, the same shall be levied. assessed and collected al provided for, by nn set II Assembly id the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. entitled - it supplement tea sup plement oif the fourth Me.i.lll oo t n net, entitled n n 'Act rr. Intl ng to Allegheny City,'upprored March -• enc. 3. That no much of :Inn oollnanne an nip. , can with or be supplied by the foregoing no and the W. in hereby ropenled. Ordained and enacted Into a law. this the 0th day of Jnne:A. Dome thousand eight hundred and seventy. JA ?trail 31eliltlEIL President of ißdect Council. Attest: J.le' It, Crk of Select council. WARNIIIL President of Common Council. Attest: It. DiLwoMMI. • Clerk of Common Council. Jel3 ANORDlNANCE—Authortzing the Grading and Paving of Patterson alley. front Rebecca street to line of. Sniith•s property. tire. 1. Ile it ordained and enacted by the Select and Common Councils id the City. of Allegheny. and It is hereby ordained and mooted by the au thority of the same, That the Committee on Streets he. and they aro hereby authorised and directed, to invite and receive nroposals for the grading and paving et Patterson alley. s abiresaid, and to con 4act therefor with tile lo u west and bort bidder or bidders. at their discretbm. . . . . . SEC. 2. That fr o defraying the emit and expenses of the name, there ix hereby levied a arterial HP pesarnent. said ansessnient to he made and etillected as provided by the Act of Annembly. entitled an - Act relative to Streets in the city of Allegheny: . ' ln Pl ef "c :l S..i nteft l it i e a re lr w .`'.r i l th iBn7 a °c. zw ViTL ; iTgArrre! pealed. Ordained and enacted Into n Inw, thin the Ath. duy of June. Ann.) Malin), one thousand eight bemires) and seventy) JAM ofl'reeldent of Select Coe. Attest: J. It. Oxl.tV. . . . • ' Clerk of Select Council. It IC of tY , Preeldent of Common Council. Atlant: It. lithlvoirrif. Clerk of Common leill AN ORDINANCE—AuthorIzIng the Grading and Paring of Barnett alley. from Heaver rtreet to Middle alley d . SC, I. lie it ordained an enacted he the Select and Common Councils of the City .4 'Allegheny. and It in hereby ordained and enacted by the au thority of the name, That the Committee on Streets be. and they are hereby iiutivirlsed and directed. to Invite and receive proposals for the grading and Aaron of Barnett alley. an aforesaid. and to con tract therefor with 'the fewest and best bidder or bidders. nt their discretion. • . sec. I. i That fo r defraying the cost and expenses nf the same. there Is hereby levied a special assess ment. said assessment to be made and collected, as Provided by the Act of Assembly. entitled an "Act relative to bisects in the City of adkArts tordissan ces stte t n al here with be sue ar e hereby re pealed. • Ordained and enacted Into t h ou sa nd w. s tbe oth dgy of Jon°, Anno Domini ono eight hdn deed and seem.) , JAMES MeBRINIC President of Select Connell. • Attest: .1. It. Mows, • Clerk of Select l'ouncll. WNI President iif DENIM' Commo A n R S:uL Concil. Attest: It. T/11.wolitti. linrk (mll.llO.‘lllCll. •Puka.runiCa Or me. June 7111.1 s7p. i Allegheny Taxes'. Notice is hereby given that the Amessom have now placed In the TreasureCa Office the Duplicate. of City. Poor. City Bust/tees. School. School Build ing. Sewer and l'unlie Park 'thee 01. and of Water Sento for the year INTO, and that aid Taxes will now be received In purmance of the Acta of As sembly of February 27th/ 1860. and of April I4th, 1863. e s s ubject to. the following regulations and allowanc: • Five per cent. If paid on or before the nod day of July. Your per cent, N paid on or before the first day of Ausn.t• o Two pember. r cent. If paid on to before the first del Pepto If paid aftethe lirst day October.mbeyand on or before themwit day of no deduction will be made. . If paid after the drat day or Octotatr. and on before the that day of November, lut additio of dye per tent. shad be added to end pnyable o the tame. After the First of November, • Warrants will be Issued to enforce the collection of all taxes remaining unpaid. together with the Per centage Mer c a ntile thereon. and the nests. o f State Licenses...seed on per or firms. within the limits of AlleghenS , see to be paid at this omen forthwith. I). NIACIFERRON, Jel , ylS CITY TREASURKIt CITY EINGINIMItIi ALLECIti EN CITY, June 10th. 10170. S NOTICE.—The assessment for Gra. DING of TILL', sranEr. from Vlnlnl Basin Greets. is now ready tor examination end esn tie seen at th iire DAT. JJune2tid, : ls7o. w he n it willuntil beWEDNI placed I tt. n the hands of the Cite Controller for collection. ' - - CHARLES DAVIS. Je City Engineer. NOTICE TO I'AINTERS. , --Sealed PROPOSALS will he received In the °Mee of Controller of the city of Aleghee v. until THURS. DA Y,..JUne 16th. 1/470. at 3 in. for the Paint. tea of Iron ammo around City Building. Specifications to be seen In the Engineer's °Mee. W. 3f. PORTER. Jell ranarottor. SEWER CONTRACTOIIB.—SenIe ED PROPOSALS will be r , ),eel ranee of the Controller of the Vit of All e gh e ny. until TtIESDAY. June 1 ith, at 3 V. r..r Viiy.'"l•i;;Mt — fitru*Lll7.l l :::44 . l °`" II hid 1 1 1/ Jell City Controller. I=l CITY TEIZANYIIKIYM Orturs. / Plrreorualt. Jiage 1.1870. { . . IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PRO VISIONS at the City Lllol , t, notice is hereby tree to tbe Tax Payer% of the City of Pittsburgh , t t the iusrasstueets of City , Cilv.Building Special,Poor,Busi- Item, City School and Ward School, Taxes and City Water Rents Yor the year IN7O bero, In amodance with law, teen thls fiwy returned to no for collection. A deduction of Fire per thntum will be allowed on all Mom and Water Rents path or be f ore o p day of August. and Tit. pe on rcc:num If fift e enth. between the find days of August and fifteenth. day of Peptember. mamma!! le3 City Treasurer. DROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED! all " d h l;;; M p " a f tPe e fglit ' N ' J r UTg, k. it777;: . r , B• he °mout o n, of Stop Cooks And Fire Plugs. the.VIM PIMP to be of the ' , tenth Pan... with' the. Bliss Couplt. All Cocks and Maws te t te, eouiplete and rein) for 11•0 and delivered on he line- of work. Sloesof cock: b-lneb.. f l-I nch.ll3.inch, 21,/lich. and:Mil-Inch • e Joid.FRENCII. duped:Men - dent. City Cimentin.Lmil Minns. j Prirslititton PA. May Iklth 11470.1 NOTICE IS' I ( ER E BY GIVEN TO ll holders of Overdue MunleSpid Bonds h of the City of Pitteblihsh. to forwent them to t le Mike for Payment. Ho Interest will be allowed on Buh Monde after July lat., 14470. Ito order of the Finance Committee. o myl2 IL J. MeGOWAN. Controller. REMOVALS. REMOVAL. • S. P. SHRIVED CO. h""2' I3 ' SWIVII7 , III,V i t 7 1 ,14:tr,Wra?" - ° Nos. 459 and 141 Liberly Ss., . • Atnire the bead of WOOD STRNET. where they wrlll he pleased to gee ell th eir old Mends end mu- Linners. S..l'. SHRIVER .& CO., _- aplivreb 1 - 7? EMOVAL—FRED'E SCHROEDER, A. , Merchant. Taller and Dealer in Gentlemen'. FurrilidOng Gouda; al. Gentlemen end Dora' Clothing on bend and made to order M. the short mt notice. hag removed from hls late stilrid.lro. Di Vouith avenge, to No. 31 WOOD 8111.1 PKT. corner or Third .ranee. : PLUMBERS, GAS FITTERS. LB. TI.TON htIiANN. FULTON & MGM, Practical Plumbers, GAS AND STRAW FITTER& • Fifth Avenue, near Dish Street. Pittsburgh, _Pa. Load Pim tium trose,Ants Ybrtunts, Pinks. garb Tube and Waah Stand., iron Pipe and MUM , . Ala end Bear Panpa. and Steam Cooks always unhand. Public and Hunts Buildings fitted uD wilt, Gas, Water and Meant Dealing Apperalua Jobbing prompt./ *Winded to. , . . WELCOMj RAY AND GRAIN - RAKE; the Partners. Im rok to yourtntereat and boy none but e Steel Tooth Wheel be a s t I n Is lbe . stmoleet In Its construetlen and best In use: ex amine It before you buy any other: sold as low as the common 111k011 and elm be worked by a etilid 7 .8 yeare old; It selt4per.l.: The hone does needy all the wort and It can be run beekwarel without danger to rate or dri vet. anadvatilakwin [mother rate. llenufactured is Colutablans. Ohi S3l o, and sold there, wholesale or retell. or at 319.4 LIBERTY STREET. Pittsburgh. Pw. by • W. W. WALLACE niftier B ALTIMORE HERRING, SHAW&Ca —New Potomac Ileniut !n D.rrcb and m ze k ageuf:Bbarl In barrels . air o. tyl d rena u b?. of Pak' Nies_ No. S o llo P ln. r= of park 'o's[4:'s; W: Herring, ban" and quarter barrels; Lake -Whlte MO, belt barrels: /abrader llerduk. barrels and beiges: Salmon In kits; llollaud Ilerries. 100 ken choke. For sale low to tbe NA. LANG I CO, •1710 172 and 174 w oo d street. PESEEVING SUGARS.—LOYER idu.B alumni& dr...wee. cut Loaf. Powdered. A WNW and Extra C Sagan le,,,f r o t eroaarrtet, to stone and for ..eat lowest prim., D 7 the Domel nr at retail. 1 , 7 J 2 ,10. A. kIegSTIANT, • Jell) C. Liberty and Ninth Sta. Z9O oleig . "" NT LOUI . B S V O ILLE . w• or /41 nrtrant.. VINEGAR. THE PITTSBURGH VINEGAR IATORK Li I ADAMS, • 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE. ...no. prepared to furnish VINEGAR at LOWEST MAILKET HATES. Attention particu larly called to .hte Extra Wine Vinegar.. my az47 INSURANCE. EIPII-1E MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE l'O Of New York. . 130 131143frA.1/OWAY N. Y MNMOEM . ordinary whole Life Policies AIiSOLVT/LY NON-FORFEITA BM: from payment Of drat aroma] Premium. SpOclai Ingsranee NON.FORVISITATILS: otter two animal payments. Allpoltrles INCON•PF.STA BLE for nasal CHOSPS..4I ABSOLUTELY INCUR, TESTABLE after two annual premiums. All re-' atrietlons upon TRAVEL and RESIDENCE re H 7,...1 : 71131 ' 41P \ , TP:ilt t' s . Premiums, and . NO iNt.'itr.Annuf annualpaymewta o t a lr4SVgf YI INTEst&sT plan. •NO NoTE re e aired. LOAN' and there is no A CCUSI ULATION g o LNTE it Esli VirtPßAln n t ; t in e . ira e ; gl i rV7l;.;.7;gethe E ree; - - ter yield an 10001130 to tba Poky holder. Life. term and endowment policies are Issued; also, R7 4 ek l e 70 r7 i.s t."4 1 'f' 37.4. 1 1 `' i t o lc 1; 1 7 ea ft d3 ,7,2 " : i.u , MP,lif4kP .43; Assets. over 9330,090 00. SUCCESS THE CRITERION OF EXCELLENCE. The EMPIRE has issued more Policies Dr over Va° lendingnthsprgutut' 1070. In the same time at the same age. The E3lPlRESeettrea eve the holder HO A DEPOSIT OP CASH CAPITAL w ith th e State Treat '? re a Vrg e " Pi irf e lt:b i E `1,771 i1 gT;12...iiz has o ll{i74.3 with which to ply. ' LOOK A Agents IBERAL FEATURES Good. activewanted every - wherein West ern Pennsylvania. I w. WSI. A. FIILI rl .01 :4071),,T1L A "t..rn VENUE. l'ltt.liunich CHARTER 1829 PERPETUAL. FRANKLIN FIRE INSUR. CO. OF PIIILADELPHIA. OFFICE 433 AND 437 CHESTNUT STREET. As.. on Jan. Id. 1670. 6:1.14 . 2.5.734 67. Capital, 110.000 0- Accrued Surplus and Smolums. 4.443.733 67. tosses pad shun 1t329.0rer 5.300606. Perpetual .4 Tem.- mr7 Policies un Lt e r a Terms. The Comparlyalno Issues policies upon the Rents of all kinds uf Build lISTIVFI2I."(4ISL-= Fumm el grant. Geo. W. Richards. Isaac Lso. Geo. Fides, Alfred Filler. Thos. Sparks, Wm. S. Grant. Thom. R.. Ellis. Gustavus S. ALFRED O.I3 . J\KE.R. President. GEO. FALES, Vice PresideuL T. ‘ . V li tTte ° ; k. , j it:tlliAll7P27 . COrelN A ICEIAAJGG, atdO Cor. Third Avenue and Woml St. WESTERN INSURANCE COMFY Of Pittsburgh. ALEXANDER NIAUCK, PresidenL . 1 - tt M. P. HARBERT, Vice President WM. P. DERDERT,Secretary. w # CAPT. GEO. NV:MAL General A Off cc tlf . Wel ' A;r — s . ti — c; S7/174r ‘ 67/:'; Wattrote. o Vil i gijairaga bu rn ß sTell kinds of Fire and alarthe Risks. Alhome Institution. managed by Directors :who are well known to the community. and who detertolned by promptness end liberality to maintain the character which they have assumed, as offering the bet protection to those who desire to be Insured. i• 1,11(CC201.: Alexander Nimick, ' John K. McCune , J LM esMcAuley. Willi= C E k an , ., Alexander Speer. . Joeeriti Kirkpatrick. Andrew , Anklet. Phillip Me)mcr• David M. Lung. W.l. kkorramm• D. Ihrosen. - • no., CASH INSURANCE COMPANY, ielan'6 NV. 22 iIIFT) . I. .i t y.binn..COND FLOOR, =fflMM i CAPITAL ALL PAID UP gWIN , Fifli . 41 1 FIEr ftl=7 . Jake 11.111r' P . xi kuri.'..l". tmen . i.);.. M. Babley. Ta''"S giniTtliVlol4.md..t. • t .,No. X.. JKsiwro , i, Vjee President • INSUIIIPS s: 'B i. i i T ik . n it ,43 / 1,74 4 11in1i11: AND ALLEM ENY INSURANCE CO. \I 01 . Pittsburgh. I 07716 E. NO. k i ndURTIRNIIE. . [ono'. .66.6 all of 77re and MarU 1110 s. . T .l ‘ o :4 lll...... o llW K l N N r4 J. N., , , pres ioe, l pr .ndeQelC CAPT. WM. DEAN. Gene . 1 DIHEUTOIO: Tj°.bl.ll7slTln.jeor.n. Nni.L.l.C."l4reso"'ckn. ch.G.CaUrTr;e2Z.l7.l.isl. erre:3%l:l.ll4nm Capt. Wm. a.„. T. 11. NJ. miniwc PEOPLES' INSURANCE COMFY OFFICE, N. E. CORNER WOOD & Y 1,711 BTS. A Home co.p.or. taktog Flrc end M.D. Ma. • nlnaCtonm Wm. Phillips, CapL John L. ltboada. John Watt, I Samuel ILShrive,. John IL Parke, I t7hmlea Arbuckle. C. 11. Love. ! Jared M. Brush. Wm. Yen Kirk. !Wm. F. JOHN WAIT IneWsment. _ NATIONAL INSURANCE COMFY. , COS. rEDISILU, ST. AENND DIAMOND, ALL& GLIv. 011ise, _ln the BECUND NATIONAL BANE HULLOING. JOHNMARTIN. President. BROWN, la.. Vice President. JAMES E. ETEVENHON, Secretary. DIIIECSORR John AIM/tor, !Jas. Lockhart, ' Jos. Myers, L. ' Jae. rahansoßobert Lea, IC. 0. Hoyle. John Brown, J r.licorge tient, Jacob ; Hopp. o.lLl.P.Wllliarnahlo.Thoropson,J. McNanithar. are MERCHANT TAILORS. P. McARDLE, • MERCHANT TAILOR, MERCHANT on hand CLOTHS SS ;736,31 L OST•lao,Gaziimtitniqc:4AruMs . . No. 93 1-2 Smithfield St., PITTSBURGH. PA. = Gent • Clotblos made to °Mei In the ittie4ot REMOVAL. GRAY & LOG A N nevi umovED mom ' No. B+9 FIFTH AVENUE 7 __ • No. 47 Sixth Street. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES! : • J. C. tern thisoN. 1870 c. iiirrOLAMISLINO. N'PHERBON k • MUHLAMBRING, Merthent Talton. No. 10 st.llll STREIT. gate St. Chslr.) We have received • lame me tech *e lected Stock of the best avid most taahloosble Goods In our lbw. a 00.01 portion of which ens oar a ribrr d' s cog n ent of as sibllltr ot - elett eeuerelow we d reeweetie from_you nalgrly OiamlnaUon of oar stook ot Flee Cloths, peg. 100000, Ve lachittlSON d MUHLANBRINO. • No. 10 Syth stniet. NEW SEEING GOODS. &splendid new sioels of Cloths, Cassimeres, &cto Jost received- \ HENRI' MEYER. sea Merchant UMW. 73 Smithfield stmt. FLOUR. p EARL STEAM FLOURING MILLS. R..T. KENNEDY & BRO., ALLY:OII=Y CITY, PA.; ' , I Manufacturers of the iollordne eeletnuted breads of flour: Stu Green Wand an unequaled ktr y ileur. •.4 Star Blue Brand A No. 1 Matra thrdealer entire at~afaetlon. . Firm ' r. auperk. ' tozetof d. w irnr . dna ult . tet Arnll2o. 1870. STONE WEST COIMON • Machine Stone Works. Northwest cora. of Wed Common.lathe.). YILNIVIC ATWATER It CO.. Sieve on hand or mean on abort Donee Unorth trugne,. B VZ an i Norafe ft erre, . nn""" ?u. pnowly Almon nol on zOo•Oligni• Winn ^.rte-«-.wo= ~ :mr ~~ c n.:'5~:(~~~"~' ~'~"~?."e~.r"~°~91'~~"c?s;:, a:; die AMUSEMENTS DT.ACAIfIMY or 3115 :416 BIBLE TABLEAUX AFTER THE ILLUSTRATIONS OF Mr. GUSTAV DOl-3,E, I.olt THE BENEFIT Ut THE Humboldt Monument and Celebration. The Committee in charge of the Humboldt Mon ument, in orderod to mine additional fund. toe eek the aigenses conmequent npon te( improvements RElti changes .on te e 31numenl now nearly tinimbed, and elmo to meet h e expel.. of the ProPosedleougurntion Ceremonies, which will tate glace in month or two , here revniled ugon PROF. C eproduce n nONßAD umber oaf end ho the TURN hige POCIGTT , to r BEAUTIFUL TABLEAUX Irt ., L 9 fg'4o.taiilvd"4 4 "lbtlt M`p";7;g:a 7,lT h - 4 .h attplau t r i e outing the ttprtnn month. - retTorese - ntat tom.. the oulnlon of the pre.. our Artists. Bltle Mtutlentv. and connoisseurs gen rally. far exceed anythlng of .t he kl rid ever gotten rA,47,4 l :„ L c i V.avl: end cannot fall tooling ate The. committee are alo much gratin., In beim able to announce that a FULL 0 ItcllEnTlt A haa VgT e ATlTTleg.gTer '' tg r oll e reCron " ... r f KLEBEII, have kindly m0t..., t o lend 11,011 u. kl•tnnm in Produd..PPropeirto MUSIC Programme for. 'Tuesday, June 14th =I j. Overture 2. Tableaux Tnerana Orr.lotto.. Ilapulalon from Parodies. Oleo. 111. 21.1 3. klxerclae no 'IX H. Sc :l utt.oosh by A. Grobeextelu add 4. Duelt. Martha nolo, Mesta. Apfeammo nod It. kleber. 3. Tableaux - Noah Curse. Item. 8. Duatt Olen. IX, 22.1 Itlva Henn,. und 11r. Rllo,nifin. Moult. 7. Tablentlx.....lnbmnel nod linear OrOno from Iwo,. 'lien. 131.144 . . GEE= 0. l'elbleauxßebecca Mr. et th °eWeilMeans.. M ' 10. Trio, Luerri [ lu B en. endaXXlV. 13.1 Monisetil. 3th M e enne, Mr. Mailmanune Mr. Bruer.. 11. Tableuez Ineno Receives Rebects. [Men. X X1V.114.• 14. Tumbling. Carpet Mere Meg 13. Tablesuz iw aret , , , , , or t . b , i x d x li c t% i blarsy by bin 14. Sung Dn' Abt. llceltr. There will be an entire chang e as ge of programme for Thunder ev as we Sat order entoga. Seata can be reacrrect nt Mesars. Klebers' Music Store. Price 75 rents ench. • Tickets for Parguette non Lim. withent renerention. 30 cent.: Gallotr. 33 eents. Jel3 [Cf-NEW OPERA HOUSE WIMSSAV.TIII7IISDA Y.FRIDAY end eieT TAMA Y..lnne 13.16.17 end IN. • 61.111nheed excellent; ell CutiVelltlOD. . .• DUPREZ & BENEDICT'S Mammoth Gigantic Minstrels,, Coming from their Beautifuland Elegant Optsr. Ileum Philadelphia. DOUBLE TROUPE AND BRASS BAND. composed of 30 Famous Artists. Extraordinary w feature In Minstrelsy. ..es before attempted by any °the r grout . .introducing each evening, at the sal. time, FOUR GREAT COMEDIANSen tbe node. Two Bone Player. and Two Tamborinisi, SEE OUR FIFTEEN BIG GUNS: Hughey. Dougherty. tacit Benedict. Charts. Beynoide.Charles Glm , on. Gus.. Bishop, Freak Kent. Frank Panthursi , Lou n is Collina,Juatine }Lubin... D. Sweohe Ventral,John Woolsey, A. Bergeron. James KO. hi. F. B. Naylor. Most Stupendous... Oath. In existence. Read or incomparable Programmes. u Y. I haws open at 7. commences et 8 o'clock. Admia.un, 30 and 33 cents. JeLIY3I CHAS. U. DUPRE.M.ager. WALL PAPERS. . .... ...... ... NEW WALL PAPER. • FOR SPRING SALES, at NO. 107 Market St,, NEAR FIFTII AVE. We nriw offer to the public a stock of PAPER BANGING'S muntrpaused In the Wen forestial./ sod beauty of styles. enthrseltur all the No./withal In FRESCO. MOSAIC. PERSIAN and GRECIAN DESIGNS In plain and brlolt colon. for Balls Dining Room., he.' Also. WOOD and MARIV Et D7ORATIONS, TINTED and GILT PAR R PAPERS, with un almost molten Taoist of CILEAP SATIN PAPERS. WHITE and BROWN BLANKS nil r a c e tte. All of whin we pro. pose to nll ea low as the town In the market. Call and M. at No. 107 Market M., near Fifth Avenue. :JOS. B. HOMES it- BRO. PAPERS. WALL • PAPERS. • - SPRING, 1870. PRICES REDUCED, 40 INCITES wide tin te . atjNe per roll. ll9c per roll. ELEGANT French and American Paper Hans— Imp. not epectiled above , a le perior to any assort. meat Lu the country. For sa at W. P. MARSHALL'S New Wholesale and ILetall Store. 191 Ebert) taiga. Pittsburgh. .141rEmnrksAmpflpiatues. Robt. H. Patterson & Co., CURNER OF seventh Avenue and Liberty Street PITTIOICOMIL PA., WILL ON ZVERY SATURDAY /10LO AN AUCTION SALE uP Horses, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, 4.4:t e Fmt; f :E ft :r7,747 - Th w i t . 4; m7 4 :grin -der A r l f l o t hzr 13 JOHN H.. STEWART AUCTIONENA. ROBERT H. PATTERSON & CO. . Livery, Sale and COMMISSION STABLES, Cor. Seventh Avenue and Liberty St. .hl rirrenultatt, PA. ner rmm • E STATE OF THOMAS B. HAMIIO . TON. DECEASED.Lettess testateeatael unhe estate of =OMAN B. HAMILTON. de. eeeeee. hoehot been duly mated to the modal, sighed. all persons indebted to the sold estate ere requested to make Immediate :Ramos. and those Vit a t i Vogt - I letronn t d a t lay_to"' i** .**" * • mat . Mrs. CA ROUYN II A m raealete. Or to 11. T. 5101: , so. 1t ace... ILNOTlCE..—illieres:-. Letters of Ad- MINIftTUATION on the estate of THOMAS K. tate of bnowden townslttp, deceased, have Wen granted to the sobscrittent,ollpsrsons Indebted to the said estate are reseeded to make Immediate payment, and Name haste: ord.. wands molest the estate of sald dspedant wLU make known the same without deter PETER alomi s JULL:I EOI'Y, alytiotiO Administrators. • prOTlCE,—Whereas, Letters of Ad. MINISTRATION mt the eatate at ISAAC eKNIGIIT. late of Reldirtn townshlp. decesessl, knee been granted to the scriber, all person Indebted the said estate oatrequested to matt: Immediate mwsrmat. end Da, having claims wiles monde Wiest the estate of the Bald decedent MRI make known the same without delay. • D. W. MMLNIWIT. Administrator,' • my 211.11, Xt. Lebanon. Allegheny Co.. ra. • - HOTELS. Mo Hoime,• • CItESSON SPRINGS PA. • This fsvorlte imrt hos been enlarged and Ins- Proved slow hurt KIM.. Will be apes for guesta JUNE 13th.11N70. COLCUESION TICKET'S sold by the Pspnsllrnls Itailrosd.ll ?sawTook Pbll- Welphla.Harrlsbors and PEtsbersh. • All tram stop at Cresson. BOOMS tsar be secured In sea or Engle. MOILING% CELEDRATEI) ORCHESTRA has been gawkier' fur the rearm. - • gor furtherinfunnstiou, adtlreas G. W. MULLIN, Proprietor. ONE FIIIINII4IIED INYrTAGE tercet lemysi ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL, ED. BARKER, Proprietor, Car. Pen U. and 111 h. formerly old Caul PINE APPLES A null tot trf Frtnlll Pine Apples Pub calved IA good order. and for We tow. at ate ft." fly Grocery of • ' - = _9 , rrier . ..lberti and NUmtb L IIIi ill Ws tern While Lime. bble Cleveland Limed - bets Yromoot ' dO4 ,- bele Toledo do 4 • r....,„, r . .a. As a. B. cAxinn.D. —•— ' • 141 Mt mom,