The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 13, 1870, Image 4

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    Q ~~--" ,
Pierer as thieves lu Plttsbureh—strawbe
Allair My ne lreny Park.e w - mat hare been ordered for th
We are leaaW to learn that Controller
ter. of Allegheny, Is couralescsot.
Wefluent O tearreneea-I.lorglarie. In Aile
`deny. Latta In . Tln POI" alley. road nob
belm near the I.2erntar.
, •
Asynit and Knittery.—John lAngeneek made
ildorniation. before Juatice Krehnn, on ?ban,
d&7, CharKing.John itohbeck with tomault and
battery. , A warrant was Issued.
C••••• —Deputy Slam% Cartwliglit dis
posed of yesterday morning. Among
the number Father Magill, who wits pent to
the Work House for thirty days.
The firma o(Plitsborgh, as redefined by the
late General Assembly, trill meet in the First
Presbyterian Church, In this city, on Thom
olay, the Ind of June. at 10X A. AL
.letlagmayor Irwin of Allegheny- had sis
teen Common amen before him retterdny
the largret he couer of Sunday wording vis
liars at t loc kupp for several months.
810,000 Yor Loan.—Ten thousaud dollars
can be had on a tint m7age.
- Prorkrtirs
No nook broker need ap y. All runTSP..-
dance confidential. Ad res. “Money. " (la
se= office.
Body Foass,--Ths bodr of ant 111 born infant
was found to the old Methodist `rave etird.
B.l(rallth ward. It was o eery diminutive of
,. fats and was done up in recur lola. The
serslact of the Conner were not required.
The Kum. Baconian Pan y lems Pittg
,burith at 10,10 A. Jnife 15th, for
_ Cincinnati and St. Louie. Fare rOUtid trip
• from Pittaborgis to Kamm City, 10.1. Tickets
motor thirty day, Apply at 240 Liberty
.♦ Bipedal Stettin of those Interested In the
organization of gallop's Battery, will be held
aunt Thursday night at Slddon • Hall. !Lebec
ca street, AUegtieny. Business of particular
I..,Lasportanas will come up for consideration
d all should attend.
Weseh Stelae.--Informsdlon NM. made be
fore the Mayor yestenlay. by (Worse timber
charging George with tr hsce'l:f: tC 7 l 44 , ru , zerlebZns Ie
several daTe slate, end on geturdey ornery
Dreseletfonnd It In a pawn shop. A warrant
wee Issued.
A Wangerer.—Yesterday -t)Mcer Kennedy.
of the Allegheny nonce, arrested a woman on
Ohio street who seemed to be a vagrant. She
gave no name, but said she came fm Dela
ware In search' ro of her husband nodson. She
was evidently demented , but was taken care .
of and will be sent back this morning.
alias Braken.—On Saturday' morning last.
t te of the tnamdre plate glasa winnow. or
assts. Allen C. Dakewe Co.s new estalt
neat on Wood street watt badly', broken by a
11/llng scantling - as It was hoisting. to the
sant. ;The Vass hn4 Just been put ln. The
the break will necessitate a whole new-plate.
Row In • baltmo.—Saturday afternoon a row
occurred In a Saloon on Ohio street. during
which John Mittleh waa badly beaten with
ettir.mlgeltit=naAno7 g;lngmnecYtinrymoi•
Irwin of this fact, when the accused were
arrested, and In default of bail committed to
the workhouse for thirty day', each.
Fire.—About ten oclock Saturday
we _there man a slight nre In the second
story o Fifth avenue, In the room °c
onked by D oc tornk. manufacturer of o r OIL" The seas emptying a can en
ztie, which took Pre front lamp sitting Al
short distance aware
A fete bucket !I of seater
extinguished the dm and the only damage
done was the burning of a fete gallons of the
Magic fluid. •
Readying Violets tieeds.---.1. H.- Reynolds
• made Information. before lostice Kreban.
on eaturdarreharging Deltrich Seholten and
H &b edit. receiving stolen grads.
of glassware stolen frOm Key
noWs & Co.'s glass house, a portion of which
sots found in the possession of the defend
. ' amts. After a hearing they were held to bail •
for trial at Court.
_Sectwerlng.—Mletiael Moore and James
DennistOti, the men who were Injured by the
accident near. Madison avenue, a few days
'Mee, at, which .time two of their fellow
workman were killed, are recovering from
the Injuries received. Dr. Alllnder tag been
4/tedi them and we learn hem him that
althoug n h ng
the Injuries sustained by these men
were tinmerons and severe yet they were not
of a serious nature, there being no 'gales frac
Iliescaue Notlee.--Coilector Davis, of the
Twenty-gecond District, )gives notice that
taxes on Incomes, carriages, silver-plate,
watches, etc. most be 'paid before the sgb
Instant, or additional expenses will be incur
red. Deputy Collector Har,rison will rece've
the taxes In those parts or the district not
mentioned uheadvertiseent, and will give
notice of the time he will be In the different
sub-districts,- The matter should be attended
to promptly. The Collector's office Is at No.
100 Fourth avenue.
DWG( his Inftnies.—About eleven o'clock
Friday night Polon Gould. an employee of
the Allegheny Valley Railroad Company. who
melded at Sandy Creek, was found lring on
the Pennsylvania Railroad track near Rwiss
vale with one leg terribly crushed. He
carriding on it coal train and fell from the
car on the track and the wheels passed over
his leg. He was removed to Palmerton hos
pital. this city. where - Dr. Hamilton amputat
ed the injured limb Saturday. .monting, and
about six o'clock yesterday evening the num
died. Alderman Donaldson Will hold nn in
quest on the body thin evening.
A. number of the citizens of the Twelfth
ward met at the °face of Alderman Herron.
Saturday evening. relative to the proposed
connection of the Allegheny Valley Railroad
with the Pennsylvania road. The meeting or
ganized by calling Wm. Herron, Esq., to the
dub. and W. R. Ford appointed Secretary.
A preamble and resolutioni were adopted:
IPfttert,thir against the proposed route. and
Councils to defeat the ordinance
goinung the right of way. •
About half-put six o'clock 'Saturday ere,
Ingle accident occurred Ma the steamer "Glen
dale,” arrived from St. Louis, w hied resulted
lathe death of a deck, hand employed on the
boat, whose name stir could not leant. He
had gone aft to draw A bucket of water. and
drOppedthe bucket In the water. was stand
ing Ina stooping yicuture when the pitman
shaft struck him on the head And killed him
Instantly. Notice was sent to the Coroners
offfee soon after the accident occurred, but
that °dicer having gone home no \ inquest has
yet been held.
I 2==l2E
An exciting trot came off it Oakland Park,
ob afternoon. between. "Meg liter
Iles."..Billy" and "Sand. Lifter." The premi
ums was a set of harness valued at $l5O. "Meg"
wan Mostly the three bests, making the got In
217—her best beat.
.The attendance was not been moret would
katril been had the weathe favora
ble. Thogroceeds were given to Mrs. Savage,
widowof the man whowas killed In the Fleet
ward a few weeks ego. Subsequently SIM) ad
ditional was realised by a .subscription from
Mune In attendance. •
A Runa sy
About five o'clock last evening an excite
mint was created on Yount: avenue by a pair
of horses running away. A car on the Cen
tral/W:IIMT itsilwaT stopped at the station
Mar' Matkat street and the driver was chaos
log hoists for the purpose of wain' the re
tina trip, when they took fright and started
to tan. He held on to the lines for a abort
dlatonce bat could•not check them and was
compelled to let go. The bones, with the car
• DM, attached to them, made "Dexter" time up
the IMMO until Om. arrived n e ct
ar ront of the
Cbileettnea °Moe; where the horse fell,
Aid as the otherone was attached to him by
moan of the harness, and could not proceed
Without- taking Ms fallen mate with him, he
OMNI tO a halt. Fortunately there was no •
body hurt. I
• Market Priem
There Is no clam of people in this co ,
IY.Wko, es a class, snake more out of tbilme
oisattes of the people than the hucksters or
market men, as they are called. They lime
an far regulating or governing the -pikes
of PUelle o ff ered , other than the demand
fort Particular article, and the. .siipply on
WWI, and in the course of a few hours we
the pri of
tatter for lastaitee—g ce
uctuate one
from article—take
tee to forty-eve eents, and strawberries from
twelve to thirty crate, tho pries de
irertaltogether upon the quantity of
r ticies exposed to sale. ffaturdar
he prices of the leading articles of
ipactet were u follows: Print butter
, 30c
spring a ken. 6 6 c Per pair, ; chicken., g 1.13
emi, Mc' per quart;
_gooseberries, ltw
awrante. ne;ra
stwberries, 76 toffic; new pots
tai. ape , pack; green beau. kit pea s, 60c - :
pm, 1 48 ., 100 per head; lettu.,three san ds for
10m cucumbers. three for Mc' These PriCeo.
Werner. wil t be no criterion f or next market
MIT.M es Some of
the article* enumerated may
ru 26t0 60 per cent. higher or lower.
_ Pereeenla. •
COL. Seluzsm R. Mout= arrived in the
city on Saturday last, to take charge of the of
fal ef the Ohio River improvement, lately vs
aged by ke.liblaor Roberta, Fee. Col. Merrill
beings with Idin o and it is quite
t=le present emberinerde 41 111, be
T. Robeits , whiMee recently ha l .; the ofenceltri
Joint W.r., r , Esq., left for. Philadelphia
Tooterdop, to purchase on entire new dress
of type , In which the Bandar Leader will
shorty appear. Be will also accompany home
. Ids Dew Bullock press.
Rim. J. J. WILYAn, pastor of the Union M.
IL Minh of Allegbany,wilidellser the omtion
before the Grand Ccnamandery of Masons, at
WiGhttnePorla On Marsden Jane t o
P. C. Jonas K. SocriT, who eras elected
D. D. O. br, of the Pittsburgh District, hal re
lating! tastotamiukin, and will Immediately
Otter upon the duties of his Mince.
- -
7113 Orand Cannella IL 8. R. and 8.M., will
OWE In MUltiOnsport, at nine o'clock on Tues.
'day ctiondnx. An exemplllicatloo of the work
will be Made by C. F. Knapp, O. M. of Penn-
- Tom iltr.Neeper who testified la the Court
of Qmarter Sessions last:week, in connection
with a gambling cue, Was not. Alderman
Tax Masonic and Militate Templar banners
sad e(l9.lpments to he carried In the proces
ilian tactile were all gotton up and impelled
by, Donaeoth. the Fifth avenue Jeweler.
vswr VALI:III4X and handsome watch
" r
bed retrh:rlergayll)lffitittleb:l".
of St.Joiepb, of which organization he
twig been conected In ofecial character.
'4:T4k "
James (them Arrested on • Charge of At,
tempted Bar tart'—He is Held for the Lar
ceny or Tools.
Mont three oeSiek Saturday morning the
attention of Officer Gillespie wan milled to a
crowd of suspicions characters who had as
sembled In a saloon on Fifth avenue, and
after watching them for a short time he ob.
served three of them, James Guest, Thomas
Smith James Gillen. Conte tan and start
hem 1.
up street. He followedt hem at rt-respeetable
distance to the corner of Fifth .avenue and
Smithfield street, where he left theta, still
keeping a lookout, how - ever. But a few mo
menta elapsed before the patty re
turned and patent down the avenue in
the direction of the salon:niter had left but
a short time previous. The offleer kept an
eye on them, and observed Guest go into the
old 'Theatre, from where he emerged shortly
with two bundles, one under each artn.'and
star ds
tared down the Street, his conanlons fol. I
lowing closely behind him. They worked
their way to the corner of Second avenue and
Ferry street, through numerous alleys, the
omeer following at 11sate distance. They
turned up the avenue, sod one of the parties
watt Posted no watch while the others made
an attempt to break Into Fulton's shop. The
officer, in attempting to get a hetter position
than the one he occupied, was discovered by
the look-out.. who gave the alarm, and the
parties tied. The officer gave chase, but failed
to capture either of the men. Hy this time
Ate ortwo other officers. had came tO his 11N-
Pialnllee, and they returned to see 'what mis
chief had been done, by the burglars,
and were searching for the tools In the metal
yard near the fOundry, when Guest and a his
party returned, and upt noticing the officers,
within a foot of - them. Thermic°. gave
chase and ca annul Guest and Smith. but
Gillen escn . The search for the tools was
then renewed and a stonecutter's mallet was
found in the etal yard a few feet from where
Guest had bee teen at work. The prisoners
were taken to the lock-up, and Honest morn
ing Fred.'Porns, nail cutter, came to the Mity
nem office. ansfistated that. his tool chest - had
been broken open the evening previous. and
hbt tools soien. Ile was , shown th mall
found by ti,, officers, and identified it. e
mation was then made against Guest for lar
ceny, and after. a hearing he was committed.
In default of bail, for his Appearance at Court.
Guest, if. and honest man, Is wonderfully
abused, and if rogue, is Certainly a danger
nut man. He has been arrested time and
again on chArg a of burgtaty and larceny, yet
tile officers ha never been able to find evi
dence enough t satisfy 0 duty of his gout. Hagu alleges. that Quest it a profes-
Aional thief, and lwe believe has arrested him
on that gronnti, but the Chief; with all Ids
knowledge and shrewdness. has never been
able to Went!! 1 (Neat with .y perticular
large robbery, orburgiary. He is a cunning,
sharp, shrewd man. and. If a Chef"roessional,-
Ihe sooner the city is chi of him better, . ,
he's too sharp for the detectives.
-- 4 .-- .
Ward's Bakery Oestroyed—Bultdlngind Ma-
Pedalo Bureful--LOss 63,000
Yesterday to ruinga ere brokeo 1 in the
bakery of Mr. I h Ward, located lit No. 40
Palo Alto street. Second want, Alkalienv.. A
pedestrian walking** the street first I,observ
ed smoke issuing Gr. the bake-house. The
family were aroused and a messenger dis
patched to the nearest box to *mond nn filar.
After great trouble, the inmates crt toe
house, In whose possession the key
had been placed. were awakened, sten
It was discovered that they had lost
that article. and the Fire Department could
not be called out until the messenger was sent
to the Friendship engine house. This neces
itated unfortunate delay, and In the mean
time the are progressed. so that whet. the
steamers did get to the ground the !bones Were
almost beyond control.
The bake house is locale.' In the rear of the
lot. Above It is A room occupied by Mr.Joile.
Iturchell and his wife. They escaped • togetlh
er with their furniture, Adjoining on the
next lot above was Mr. Ward's stable. The
dames communicated to this and lo a few
minutes it was ablaze. So fast did the fire
burn that, with extreme difficulty the two
horses in it were gotten out. An It was one of
them was badly scorched and propabty ren
dered useless hereafter. A barouche and a
bakers - wagon in the stable were destroyed to
gether wit h harness, hay and the entire strue•
t are.
A small frame addition CM the same lot 11101
between the residence and the stable 01.
next Mire. The upper portiOn was 11,4,1,. 3
sleeping apartment for the hands, who 1,1--
raped just In time. neiON" was moved two
hundred barrels of flour. Betiding and con
tents were consumed. Continuing, the flames
reached the gentleman's house, and fora time
feats were entertained that It would go, but
by the energetic exertions of the firemen the
conflagration was here checked. the kitchen
only being slightly dnauwed.
The fire Is supposed 4o have originated from
a lot of wood which had been placed in the
oven, Saturday night to dry. This Is the usual
.custom. It IS thought, however • that the
dodo being open, and the wood taking fire
from a coal, caused a portion to fall out on
the floor, and thus set ere to the wohdwork,
which was its dry as powder. The Dien door
opens into the bake house, and the conttagr.
tiod could easily have occurred from this
cause. ft broke out about five o'clock.
The loss is estimated at It-1,100. There Is an
insurance of If4IJ on the door, Ran On the
stale and contents, ande/40 on the dwellin.
in al{ $l. BOO in the . Ben Frank o lin*" of Alleghe g
ny. Mr. Ward is In affluent circumstances
and fully able to sustain the loss Incurred.lot
the interruption to his business will Cause
great inconvenience.
Orttarlasatou of the thmsettosloa —The
polntseente Mule.
The Glee Deportment. I
The Fire ComicWilmer/4 who 'hate been
styled the "council of ten." on accauncof the
attempts to keep their operations from the
public, held a meeting Saturday aftetmoon,
when they concluded their appointments.
The following are the °dicers and men blithe
new Deportment:
.d., Moorhead,en Hay, R. W. MaxXer,
Max K. W. M. McKates.. John
Tolley. John R. 3fer7roy. Robert Franey, Joh
11. Stewart. Th.. Kea,
• . . • ..
chief Enui,...r-John H. McElroy. ' •
Asiotant Engineer—Wm. J. White.
Secretory—Robert C. Elliott.
Fbremen—T. Cunningham. Andrew Sims.
John Humili. A.. 1. Cupples. John Steel.lJohn
WrhilleY. Win. McCll. err. Wm. Sims.
Enrinecni—Jacob Zimmerman. Dan Eekirs,
Hold- Miller, Joseph Busba, Roger Rowe.
Henry Coates.
Drirnrs--George Enos. Hutch:tip:on
Woloredl. James McFadden. John Hanley,
John Groetringer, Henry Motto, George Prin
ter, J. K. P. Myers, Jacob King.
Elmore—P. Nardi, Joseph McCarty, IL D.
Fogle. A. Lee, H. Walker. J. H. Murphy.
Ibr.ton , n—Thomas Smithson, James Ha r t,Bride, Arthur Ditto, %rm. - Moore, C. H
George W. Keep. Wm. Fehl. Patrick Kearney,
Wm. Cook, Samuel Whitton, Joseph Tweedle;
Gm. H. Evans, Wm. Richardsoit Joseph Friet
man, John Wadderlich , John A derson, Wm.
McClelland, David P illp McGuire,
August Schmidt, Nelson Woods, George Mc-
Kenna. Wm. Norman. Thomas . Berard. Mad.
Elliott. J. H. Shuck, David Stewart, Johnston
Mack, Win. H. Reed, W. E. ingrain.
The new appointed members will meet at
the office of the Cominissioners, 110 Fourth
avenue. this afternoon, at three o'clock, for
Inspection and swearing In. It is probable
the members will then be assigned to coin.
PIMP,. •
Pesti. ilk. alieny Hill—Eat With • Beer tile.
—Ana the Result-
Yesterday afternoon Troy Hill wns visited
by many ardent lovers of the "nut brown bev
erage." The bonny ware spent in revelry and
mirth and -general hilarity ettept that
portion which wee devoted to free fighlug.
The most extensive row occurred In Loank's
saloon. Here a patty of the nosiest had gath
ered, and It was not long before a pugnacious
spirit exhibited Resit. The tight was of short
duration, but was animated while it
' did last. Beer mugs were diverted
from their original uses, and made
to do duty as flying mieniies weap
ons of offense and defense. One of them came
In contact with the forehead of George Him
ik prostrating him and laying open the ffesh
Ina deep and wide gash. The police by this
time Interposed and succeeded In arresting
one of the most active belligerents, Georg.
Eiweltmr, who was taken to the lock-up. The
wounded man was also taken to police bead
quarters. where Dr. Thorn attended his In-
lurice. Both mr
n were allowed to spend the
night in the lock-up. and will be disposed of
this morning. Other arrests will be made to
day, as the proprietor of the saloon intends
making Information against the men for riot.
This was the onlydisturbance which attracted.
the attention of the police.
A Voles from the Pea4enliary--Al' Prisoner
Speaks of a Ilabbery sal Implicates Re
parable Vitiseaa
"Go from homelor news" le illustntled In a
little sensation which Is now creating some
talk away off In fit. Louis. It Is a statement
to effect that one J. E. Lemoloo, who was
convicted about a year ago of robbing. the
Find National Bank. of Clearfield, this State,
and is now In the Western Penitentiary, has
tent to the authorities at Ell. Louis a paper
purporting to be a confession. in it, it Is said,
he confesses that be and two otherstlew open
the safe of the Sheriff of Frmaklin county.
Missouri. in March, IBM and robbed It of $O,-
000. One of the parties implicated is Colonel
David Murphy, a highly reputable citizen of
Wuthington, Franklin county. ,Missouri, and
editor of a newspaper published 'there. Mur
phy is alsO well known at Bt. Louis.
Stich •a robbery was committed at the time
indicated and Lemoyne was arrested for the
quittitaw Re was however, !subsequently ac
111, statement itis said Is sworn to and wit
nessed by the warden of the Western Peniten
tiary here. The case will be Investigated by '
the Bt. Louie authorities, and we shall per
haps hear more of it again.
Heal Swam True( ert.
The following deeds were admitted of re
cord in the omce of Thomas H. Hunter, Re
corder for Allegheny counts'. Siturdar. June
li. 11371 k
John T. Harekett c, et al.. to . Thomas Emich,
January I, pcn, forty by one hundred snd
thirty-sin feet, on Ohio street, All
. . .
Paoli'. Macke, true, to John Thompson. Jul_
h lBB% one lot of ground in glen called Ho-
Paul H. Hacke. [rms. to John Thompson. Aug.
Mlamen; lot_ In above plan ' Slot
les to W. 'X. Hesrartl, et al.,
March 1.7, WO, about seven acres of laud In
Collins tp.. with buildings !KM
Martin Arnold to W. A. Visuborn, April H.
1870. twenty-four by eighty feet, on union
avenue, Allegheny. with buildings..,.sl,7M
Anthony Whitaker to Maryi i Owiton, Jane 8,
not= I,r4r.e,2L,..nwitnbasitlirrai
John Chislettar. to Jo an Boyer", Jane O. leak
twenty-two by one hundred and eight feet,
on Fortpeisth street, Pittsburgh IMO
Alexander Martin to W. 13. Ifoore,74aY 87. 18U
forty Lp
McGinnZll7 d lV trxfeet l7Tllwita buildings iS
Peter Messina to Jesse° Tylor, Anent A Iffat:
thirty-four by one hundred and Arty feet on
strs ur
attest, the borough of Etna...
Th et on. U Trustee to .7ane J. thnir.
Hay . twenty-Aye thirty-four feet
on Merman Av7nze, dile, any g1,g70
To the Hottondok the Senate 'ma Mow , c r
reset/Milos of the United 5101,. ill Comings
At the late secsine of the Legislature of
Penneylvania, the follow - mg Preamble am!
ResOlut ions were adopted
Wirratr.,s. Tnt. I Init, fleet is t he
through which the coal rind bulky products of
Western Pcnievivanla ran cheaply reach the
consumer In the Soto and West ; and -
wc, E t t evs, 'rhe Government of the United
;fiat.... In order to render less dangerous the
'ancient!. of said river and thereby stimuli( e
inlnne on.lerce between all the tannin con
nected with the great system of navigable
rivers terminating at t he Gulf of Mexico, have
imade lib `ml appropriations to remove all
natural obstructions betweeti the source of
the Ohln and lAmaist fil 'moreWiells, The flail and Ohio Railroad
Conipany tire entlntlatetintit.Wa railroad bridges
across said river. between Pittsburgh and the
mouth of the Dig Sandy. which will ere:RD
.:I permanently obstruct the navigation
thereof, by the present and old; economical
:node of transporting coal over said river:
WHEREAS. Twn large steamers alld a great
number of ladened cunt barges have already
been wracked and loSt by reason of unavoid
able at Ilision with unfinished .piers of said
bridges; Therefor,. be it
Remind. fey t ire Sett:Gerold I !Moe of Repro
sentatives of the Commonwealth of Pentocyl
vat.. in General Assembly nog, That u Senators are hereby instructed, and our Rep-. ,
resentatives in Congress Avcidffst mi. to urge
upon Congress the great necessity of enacting
such lawn as will prevent the completion.of
01 Id bridges anti the construct ion of ot her
bridges liCeOlit sold river, ::less said bridges
llhave one span over hi. main cha
fed' or
wntenWny, at least four hundred (01 f lit
the clear, and In all other respects be innde
conformable to the importance and necessities
of call river commerce.
- ficatlent, Thai a Cononit tee of three mem
bers of the Senate nod toe utehtbers of the
House Id Represe unionistves be aitimlnted to visit
Wnshington, in m ion with a Committee
from the Coal Exchanges of Pittsburgh. t'itr
and St. I.ollin la urge Ninon Congress
he subjert of t he foregoing Resolutions w it h
oot expense to the Slate.
Under - the above. Senate;
J. S.
Rot.. and. Harrison Allen of the Senate; and
Joseph Walton. E. W. Davis. 11. Johns..
T.R. Ames, and W. ll. pi och e
of the House
of Representatives, a mint ed An
Committee. of which Jwereoseh millWl nt is Chaitr
! •
In furtherance of the objects of their -ap
point mem, the t ktnutilt tee respect fully submit.
to your honcoaltle lashes the following facts
and mumbler:Rion,
In the structure of our cumin ry. the ttiDab.
alppi and its t ributaries appear as if intended
by nature to bold the various sections Ice
get her in the pow erftal bonds of matted inter
est, growing out of free mid cheap inter
change of commodities. Stretching from the
South. to the North, and extending front the
East to the West, over ninny degrees of hit '-
tulle and longitude, they reach evert- variety
of climate within the broad temperate zone,
and are bordered by a soil yielding cibutithint
pnlilitets of corresponding variety, inviting
commereial exchange, which WERE effected
without Med ruct innal las or toll in their gen
erous channels.
Of alit he hilltlettne area watered by the id 10-
shislitpi and united by and its el reading
branches. into one great commercial system.
there is no portion more important to. the
whole 0011 nt ry, or more Ileneeelnirthe protect
ing care of lit e. Government against all tres
passing inroads upcin its natural rights and
advantages. t ban the Valley of the Ohio. The
leading facts ivhiCh scar memorialists pre
sent. concerning the effects of the existing
and contemplated obst month. In the channel
of the river, the eh:tractor and value of the
t ride upon Its Wateen, the ratentof the region
Immediately affect., anti the Importance of
the hit erestsconnected with its nolgat ion.
are all verified In the (ant ottleial report to the
proper Department at Washington, from the
'United Staten Engieeer's (Min Rim,
InAiroventent at Pittsburgh.
The length of the Ohio Hirer proper (bun
Pittsburgh to Cairn is add miles. which, to
gether nith its narleable tributaries._ einlnt
tote an Internal flan ltatiall of over I.nst
mating it shore line of double this extent; or
tictlil miles ; nearly twice the length of
the shore lines of the lam le anti Pacific
Coasts of the roiled States.
The Ohio drains an area of :!I.Losi leilea, sit.
noted in the - henn of the Republic. and Cant.
prising the finest agricultural, mineral. :old
nufacturing dist rids in the great Mia.ictip.
All of F entity), anti West Virginia, half of
Tennessee anti rhenouthern hakes of Illinois,
Indiana. and Ohio, besides Western Pennsyl
vania and part of Western New Cork, are
henedted by the navignt ion of this river.
The Ohio river has determined the sites and
unduly contributed to the growthof Pitts
burgh. Steubenville. 'Wheeling. Marietta.
Parkersburgh. Ports:timid h. Maysville. Pineal
natl. Madison, Louisville, Nein - Albany. Evans
' vide, Henderson. Paducah, nod Cul ro, and
numerous other towns and cities e.tehije,te
engaged In CIIIIIIIseeee. •
Coal. lumber. oil, manufactured Iron, vari
ous fabrics of skilled aril:taus, fanning
men!, Imo Pennsylvania anti West Virginia,
are transported down the Ohio, distributed to
the lower valley-and throughout thetire
Mississippi basin--to New Orleans and en the
(lull Cities In the nontia—to St. Laois. SI.
Paul, Fort Renton, and - many. other points
West and Nort h.
From Ohlo, Indiana, and Illinois, the Crate.
MINIUM leather. tiork. Rll4 other supplies re
quired by the Cott. States are sent by this
river: and front Kentucky land Tennessee
al , ' shinned northward tobacco, hemp, and
other-southern produce to the eastern and
northern market.. It thus appear. that tat
this river nail Its branches is transacted a
large shareof the intertor northern and
southern trade of the coantry. No great
north and south railroads - can ever do It and
keep up with the Increase of Wain,. ma
terms equally favorable: henee the evil of
permllllllC nnehrat I. , rt to he chokeit h h
artificial omet :nip:trent.
The cost of river earring,. In Usleille
than one-fourth the charge br railromis - : snit
for beavy.and bulky tonnage. like coat. iron.
iron Orr. salt. oil. Wrote,. Met grain. he I i Hie
+ft ed hi • rhilro I rah-1.1111.1,0 will ot.l er
offset the cairnco,t.
is well known that the tonnage of. the
Ohio i. immense. Iteside.upwards of Ron reg.
ular pan.enger rand freight swoons. there
amany powerful tow mkt «motored in
moving the thousand+ of barges. and over pm
loan In °cern of front live to twenty-ate to
each hoot. .tt Pittsburgh alone there ore
owned over :,au Of these barges. and to, Intl
tow-boat* engaged. in the coal trade. (he
united tonnage of which amounts to over one
million ILlSlbusto ton., or a. great an I he ent ire
t bitt onnage of New York and Philadelphia Clint.
Statktics for lain, prepared with great can.
by I". a t 'finials employed on the Ohio Itiver
Improvement. giving the lending items in the
trade of:Mitown9 and landings:done the ohm,
show the value of the commerce for that
single year to have been get,wo.rot an
amount nearly equal to the foreign commerce
of the whole United State., including the en
tire iniport, and exports.
Prom tots to Infra a period of twenty-two
years. Conan,. made no uppropriations for
improving the navigation of the Ohio. Since
hied there hen been appropriated for that pur
pose. at different thorn, an aggregate of gCrt.-
ULU nn moun t which scarcely the
losses entrained since these sippromiatio.
commenced by the wreck of boats and barges
Malted pier, placed under authority of
the net of Pet too near to ench other
to. leave an adequate pa.ner for river
craft • The Steubenville bridge Mono iv
estimated to cause damage to-the amount
to alBBool per animal; NO that since its
construction in MI, it alone has 'occasion
ed losses ton greater amOrlnt than the appro
priations above named for the Improvement
of the navigation.
Midges of WO feet channel span, fifl author
ized by the acts of -1/12, are manifestly too
narrow to accommodate to flt of barges,
Rome of which are eight hundred)feet long by
two hundred nod fifty feet wide. The steam
tug .Ajax," of PIG Rburgh, taken a flotilla of
coal barges covering all area of sixty feet
longer and nearly . wide as' the Capitol at
Washington. Such a combined tonnage is no
where tine In the world made 1111 for Moab.
boats, a, umin the. Ohio. In thin ease It
:mount* to WNW ton., or 0,110 Was more of
coal than the .Grent Eastern” could carry.
Nothing cnn mete plainly show the Inade
quacy of a 3XI feet gran. than much a convoy,
which It nearly fills, leaving no room for Mil
calculation, adverse winds. or counter cur
rents, requiring the clearest weather. to ole
which expensive delays nowt be encountered
alm.t every voyage.
Over -, 0 f10.000 mm of coal ire-none:illy trent'
down the river from Pittsburgh, notwith
standing which a Senator from Went Virginia
Illiberally said in the &maim “Let the bridges
be built: if Pittriburgh Ix shut off. the Big
KanaWba river of West Virgina still open
for defeloprnent." lint bridges are contem
plated for numerous point. below the mouth
of the Big Kanawha.
The leteresta of thin great navigation kindly
bentowed upon to by the Creator. If they can
command the aid of Congress for improving
mocha national thoroughfare, still must de
mand that Congress will not allow it to he
blockaded,and Ila usefulness, which no bene
fits millions of Inhabitant. upon Its chore.,
destroyed to serve the convenience or Selfish
notions of economy of any parties • whoso
ever; for, imperfect as Its. If unobstructed by
narrow bridge aeons, It in better for the pon
der°us commerce that float,. upon ita bosom,
than a double track railroad along both of It.
The generous river which Linn en contribu
ted to the development of all the mospernua
region lying upon Its waters, and which note
has upon It. bank, so many wealthy and thriv
ing cities, with multitudes of opulent citizens.
who contribute 'thornily nod cheerfully to the
support of the Government, deßene. now not
only protection Against sordid milmad cam-
pante,. who, to save a few thounand dollen in
bridge structures, take advantage of Impolitic
and unjust legal proviainns toobstruct Ha
navigation, but also Is entitled, under the tr.
ditional policy of the Government to cherish
the growth of trade and commerce, tan fair
proportion of the public expenditure for this
wise purpose. In the Improvement of its navi
No statesman can but aduait that appropria
lions to a judicious system of Internal Ito
prOvement to facilitate inter-communication
and the euhange of product. among the peo
ple, Is sum to be rewarded by a Tully In
creased population, as were, taxablecapital,
that inn few years more than repay the ex
There IS scarcely a harbor along the Atlantic
and Pacific contd., that has not been improved
at public cent, nod that too for the benefit, to
a great eafent. of foreign trade, which In the
aggregate, nmounta to little more than the
value of the commerce of the Obin River. Add
to thia, for the purpose of promoting the Sane
trade, three hundred and seventy-seven cost
ly bight-houses, beacons, and algattla all offi
cered and manned at large cost; also, anneal
charge, for tout stirrer. and an eXPeaalVe
envy for the protection of our foreign Inter
manse. Minions are thus every year expend-,
ed for GA. purpose. Western people help to
Way all these charges: but while they. do not
complain of them, they think,that in equity
or egad
magnitude tear ere doe to imlinr old a m ndprot u eo.
t,...e .
nearer home.
Instead of being effectually assisted by the
government with needed river improvements
elgn anne for the narlips
e.xtent, bentowed'upon for
tion. Obatruction; have'
the coal Mud.. of Pittsbur'hlgrtnitted, and
the amount of more than Sisly Th°OtenrAltil"-
lam yerat c e b r , L . l.l,i . ata paying n n av orngn
ftletrxo coal ants thilitZettVZ h tigte*c.
ratan 110 °Desch. iltch facts carry their Own
Amid the wide an divemifled Interests of a
country so extensiv ,as ottra it I. not surpris
ing that come aborddi, Oa neglected or denied
the needed prof...cilia/team ante government.
On the Ohio, a mon was made that three
i d igi t ht4 i tim p rtab ce olflautsiga ed
there are dangerous reel. which have caused Ron of Vim? of the holders of property
the entire loss of tinnier°us ateanters, at least that has retarded It, nod that if tidal. so he..
as valuable as some oceim ships and barks. I undertake to 24).0481 did before. that there
The lights were refused. in no opposition on the of One body along
The small expenditure mule Yyn thin ricer that Common to its improvement, and I rhea
during the east three years hat resulted 'ln lenge the proof that there is. If it no bushels - a
~,,,,o,be i s e as to the navigation. A few inches by any of the parties who have given careen
added to the depth of water on the shoalest ~,cy to this charge. What the Chronic* henry, hors extend the number of dais that a trade - Its regard to it , be connidered an of no
nutount isuf to $2.01.0,005) 'tier day can he con- consequence in clew of its refusal even to
sducted, while the removal of hundreds of publish the contradiction.
snags and wrecks hat tared many losses to The very Irreleinnt insinuation ns to rupee.
he community at large. as we
11l ns t hose sire stick° to the people in recant to the rail
engaged in the ri ver trade. nn Inserance road bonds. is hut the repetition ova slander
• Which littered so oftedt hat it has prO-
Insurance In ordinarily on the Ohio ten to bably c o m eto believe it itself. If the cond.-
twelve per cent. is year rut t be..valtte of the tors of that Journal will take the trouble of
boats for marine riSks. slokage upon art Ifielel inaulring of the Controllers of the countk nod
obstruct!". occaffioning nine -tenth. of the the two cities, they will find. I think, thm
annual loss largely increate the minimns de- there in as little ground at mice forthia state
mended by underwriters. meat as for those made by it in regfird to the
Remotal of these obstreetitins will diminish Conimonern; and t hat Instead of tons t o these
insurance rates, prevent the loss of numerous communltien , a saving roc effected of n much
boats and cargoes, and confer a great hearth larger suns by the disinterested and unpaid
upon producers, transporter, and consumers. exertions of the intlivislunl referred to, that
With a waterway of only ae feet, wrecks the editors , of that Ismer ore to be
are inevitable ago intt the piers of all bridges worth in the rourne of tlo ey.
thus count meted. If the Government does themselves or to anybody
not remote t Ilene wreckt • the river navigation • I.
would .011 be entirely choked and closed. A
And though thin be done, each bridge tannda Smoky 71..1—A
in the'parh oft he denting Instrittnents ,sf trade. „..
as is constant, an out-lying, and. too often n rrobnitlY no bees !se lon.
fitful obstncle. for that matter in the rot been the
River men hate anted for sa) feet spans , and cause, Proporis,.,,,,iy. of , W than
th greater; believing that only the limit of , ,
Poitticability In bridge construction should • mosY ItlOnds" Al The city
limit their demand. Rut with a desire to ac - claimed it. but the Courti the chitin,
commodate railtoads, t hey hare consented to jest as th ee hod Auto' t 1,,,„ ay inslyio
compromise on spans of 41/0 feet, sin Whis imagined they possessed a fortune
great Immurement over the law of IRV; unit in it. Recently new chitin:lnt. or tither
!liltcertainly with iron truss bridges nom - ihohl• number of claititantn. have aPpeared, and are
of er :551 feet span. and others constructs preparing for host sleets non rat inns. They
el. in Ramps, nod elsewhere of over fro feet arc the holey of a renn i n alielotel Tanner. nu
clear Mum. there be no (Mold the feasi- oatient,lo,, half o
bilit y of the cnostruction of these lyridgeej ry' ago, it in mild by deol regint ered In
To build the Van Of 11 ruliroad bridge 400 feet, in our Recorder's toeured his title
instead of :MR costs eat rn about fao s tloo. to helium. sohnequisit ly he dl. the
Isis-tea :tea inst the piers of one of the bridges
construct ing by the Baltimore and Ohio Rail. formality of =inking a will. lle d
leftwit hoot,
er. two children; but they thought on tittle of
road I 'mummy, have already amounted to the [dace, flint no attention Was paid to it.nnd
more than double that man, heubles the fat griplunily the land Meanie absorbed within
greater luny of Neyenteen
' the cite limits • with no owner who could
some Of the coal stealers of Pittsburgh mid establish his claim.
vicinity, nware of the Mintage to then- bust- Now, howev,er the bells of this decesoted
nets ittevitoble from slums of feet , last tee . ' -Taitil.owner sam e forward. and.. it in snld,
son paid $311,0101 to Mr. Garrett. President of dm s that they own the ''lsland. - silty mires
the Ilaltimore and Ohio Railroad Company,' to of land In the 'First wnrd. Allegheny. by rea
build the piers of their bridgit ut Parkersburg son of an old deed :nutty with agep ,
but sufh
so to leave n wateneny for nut igation of o mi t ! o n „h,„ c th o t t i n t s -4 wo ye ocss
:CM feet, Instead of 051 feet, finlited tie ago thls propt‘rtv belonged to Michael Tanner,
art of lastl. That is, they paid him In rails tu ns wa g 1,1 heirs so t h e ~,...k u„ k r„,„il y
tate 't housand dollara per foot for setting t lie council Is to la• held in n few tiny,. when thin
I Piers supporting the span of that bridge to er plan of isperntionn will be ogress! upon which
the channel thirty Mill feet further Ivan than Is to restore to the owners their property.
rialuired by the law of Congrese. 'lt in than - •
I hat ill
laws nre made t he Instruments
~„ Illfles, Shot ftevolVer, Pistols, Am
of inked iee and oPPre. F ,, r Ibis and munition tind Gun materinl of all kind, at re
perpetual evils restoring from narroW
„ dared prices, M Johnatsiti's Great West
there Is no remetlY bet to at rite hi' a nt lino Works, 171PStult hlield street. Ifenni
the *n " re ' . n ' M whence the thin ' tlee P ee " tog neatly Anne. (Imo fur hire. Arv in talk
eve.. Repeal the boy of lattl; enact a imp
enrbines . mid Iterot Vern bought or ken
IMAM*. law against the erection of kis got ' „,
or write tor
without sultatyle water-ways under them: 1.3,„ : „ . •
use present structure, to conform to this •''
refotint lOa and thus nehlese the double benefit
of disarming the oppressor, and of relieving
the oppressed.
It may proper here to Flute that not only
the commercial useful.. of. the Ohio. but
that of the milientie Minsimippi, and all its
11111 . 1rible affluents, nee viewed with the deep
est Interest by the entire bode of residentn of
the Immense valley watered be them. us Weil
n's by nll liberal minded altateamen of our
Imle country. At the Commercial cone co
t ions. recently held In Sew Orleans, Memphis,
Keokuk and tit. lends, nod at the late:cation
' Ittasiness Convention. held it
nosing resolutions were pasiosl agalust the
erect ion of mirrow-spanned bridges over any
of 'these navigable st rein.; earnest protests
were he placig of any obsc
t lons In I heir channels, nnd n lite improvem tr e u nt
their navigation wits unanintously recom
mended mennure demanded by the broad
, eat public int erenta. and In strict accordance
55 olt the most enlightened minidisks of pont
lea! eennotny. The Injustice and folly of per-
Mit t log these germ not urnl highways of trade
to be "logged and rendered useless heiteml of
teing improved and ansistol in the neenin..
I~llsLtyeynof t he evident object of 1 Ity•lr eren
int, were folly tanott,loesl until treated Wit It
tine gns ity and earnestness; heconung their
great Imptyrinucc. .
1 It canbr iteee•nir3 only tocoil t heat lent hyn
of Congress to ffrent wrong. within the ir
province to correct, In have the vorrect lots
promptle administereyl. Fitch Is the sole ob
ject of-thin memorial: nod the committee Pee
sent tic It vouching for the fart, it contains.
confidently rely ufmn the high nee. which
the members of the Notional Legislature en
tertain of their sacred shales. for it aryydy
rolreas of the is rouge herein set forth.
As toa si atematic improvement of the
navigation of the 4 thin. sit berth. the removal
of exist log bridge obstruct ions, and a plash Rol
thiug of the erection of others in future.
[hough not strictly within the resullut lons un
der which this Committee hold their appoint
-15090. it IS yet as gennain to the loaner of
their coutmlaslnn• that the two toff:et-1e run
lota eacly other. and are nefertarily blended
in t his at colorist. Roth nre loneirconneeted
with the great Interest In intention—the vast
inscle of the Ohio, which alto bears Palmate
relat ions with the dome dlc and foreign inter
coarse of -the whole country. They are all
kindred sable-Is. and loge( her.if properly en
scouraged and gnarliest, constitute a . tadlry
it which he iticreaseit comfort:sand hap
plass, of the people, 34 Well a , the lintfonal
unity nod Great neon, ate inseparuhfr inferno
ntlt/LiEfli nita cquall,en local ml.
;intuits; it nets upon and stimulates the
agriculture of the country: It calls to ac
tivity all the capital nod eirilet nll thehulas
try and enterprise of the counter. ft Ur °win,
I. eilltllliett•C t hat the treasures hidden in the
bowels of the earthare discovered and
brought forth , cnntrlbuting to that affluence.
which In thin Illfp‘ent 3.111411 Ceil tat" of Illi
citly IF both the cause and the effect of pro
gress. It Is also the sole agent that leads to
the establishment of manufactories and the
on altiction of innumerable fabrics essential
to comfort. 1,, convenience, and to enjoy
ment. It is well called the most eMcient en
richer and Mr biker of the world. which has
suppllol an outlet for , energlea that would
otnerteL. have been petit up sad wasted. end
has neessaumted men to habits of enterprise,
forethought wall <4oot:stint. 1
• All It, part. of a potter sawtaint .1. 1 h e
tyulylle good lre roun d . ..nee. that nos
Ithology can be required of those is toy nre ~ rat
to nsk for the removal at artificial olistnie.
:isms from one of the greatest of nor natticil
sot t ride. if I her •tuuuilltho.,
unit of Ise oy Ly . reasolyshis Lothrtutunent
ner, na :ire freyOy loathe elsewhere In of he
entotnercial channels of less iitypewl.tuce.
Respectfully subinilted.
•lOngra W 111 . 01 e, Chairman.
.IsOnt Committee Penn . .a. Lectsiat an
aria iwr Or • ..11. 1., not
t).. et. 0. mite .J. 1.1
rt, ri/0/..4 .4 ft , a
hat Mal, in ennyt,...
Pittsburgh Cord Exchange. tamresent
ing the great Coal interest of the Monongahela
Valley. of Western Pennsylvania. and sus.
Mining initautant relation. with St. Louis,
New Orleans, and the numerous ititerniettiate
cities and town. bordering ffn the Ohio and
Miaaissold River, would beg leave to repre
sent to yonr"honorable Bod v. the disastrous
remits and extreme hardships Unposed on
these cast interest. by the Meng mostruttion
of Railroad bridges spanning these navigable
It ix of vitl importance to nil these cit les
and manufac a turing ronimunittex. that thee
obtain cheap Ityl. Tomset this want, chiniallig
hese original wand channel ways. adapting
our trade ton their special peculiarities, we
,have invented large rains of money lit — Fleinn
tugs" and "barges." carrying at low rates. Im
mense tonnage. We have m far anceseded In
furnishing rloreip feel, that numerous 0141111.
(adoring cities line the. ricers, rivaling In
prosperity and gnorth our own city of Pitts
Tht accompanying memorial of the joint
Committee of Pentlaylvanla Legislature, and
the several Mlles of St. Louts. Louisville and
Cincinnati, 1,0 fully and clearly state the facts
involved In this Matter 04 to obviate any ad-,
dltionat argument on 'our part or restate
ment of the eases we therefore c.a. our ,
selves to the action of4he Baltimore & Ohla
Railroad Company In the construction of their
bridges at Perkersuurg and Bellaire on the
Ohlo river. At your lane session we Memorial
ised your honorable body, to repeal the Act
of PM allowing the erection Of bridge., with
only MU feet channel way, and in Mime to r t ..
quire nll each sit-mimes toprovide a ehlannel
way of MO feet. We take pleasure to stating
that your ration in the premises wits
favorable to bur prayer but. owing
to the advanced pesind of your
sins, thepressure of other meamisrea which
had occupied the attention of Congrettx for
months, and the opposition of the friends of
the B. & 0. It. It. Co., the asked for leglalation
scan not consummated. It. IL Co ,
'lnking advantage of the adjournment of
Kress, commenced - vigorous wort on the
bridges named above, locating the piers of
three bridges as to tri fatally Maestroua to the
trade we represent. We werelti n dilemma:
Congress, the only body having jeristlict ion,
thas not in amt.; the proposed location of
ese piers would effectually destroy our
t nude; nn nine ran to be lost; rte could not
Pratt; the only alternative left as was
ter effect, If pfeeillile. some arrangement
with the aforesaid It. !Leo. Acconllngiv.
Committee was appointed by the Plttabureh
Coal Exchange to confer with the Hon. J. W.
Garrett. Preeldent of the conference.. . It. Co.,
and, an the remit of that lt was
agreed that certain part lea, representing the
river interest • should nay the sum of thirty
thousand dollars to the railroad eotnpany to
incr.. one of their mama to TI feet. ¶l%.
raid sum was paid and the span erected with
channel wayfeet, much too rrole,
it la true, .but permitting 04 leltlt extreme
caution, but great peril, to pass with our
"lows" this obstruction.
.We beg to any that we are tax-payers and.
supporters of the Oovennnent, and it wet.
inanifestty Unjust to Impose upon us the bar
ien of preserving and keeping open to navi
gation, a great National Highway over which
Congress Maims and excreta. jurisdiction.
We, therefore. ask Congress to 'rainbow these
citizens the sum thus paid, and to enact such
legislation on will secure this Important Na
tional thoroughfare of trade and travel, from
such disastrous eneroachments.And inasmuch
na the bridges of the It& 0. It. R. Co. are still
incomplete, and the Wee of said structures
have already been destructive to much value
hie property and n number of lives, we fur
ther pray that. said "Cn." be • required to no
alter their Plans as toullow a clear channel.
way of at least 4011 feet, . the narrownt
channel space compatible with the trade and
travel of the said Ohio Error.
.Yermit us to say, In conclusion, we are ur
gent; son are earnest; delay will be serious •
our interests are in peril: the Inter.ts of vast
communities 'are Ili peril; these broad and
grand rivers. these great lines of trade and
travel, nntedating the construction of rail
roads, will soon he rendered practically use.
less. At great expense of time nod money, we
Invva sought relief of emigre., yet so far with
little mecca', We. therefore, beseech your
honorable body to give this - Important subject
Immediate effective attention.
Respectfully nubmitted,
Juo. F. Ditaro,
President Coal Exchange.
The Elsmth Common Controversy. •
This matter has occupied the attention of
oar reader. very frequently. We not to none
aught like an apology for allowing so much
space to the Idene of our correspondents. The
general judgment of the people of Allegheny
may be on one Ride or the other of this gees
tlon. That matters not. It Is enough for
condectlng a public journal on the soundest
general principles as we understand them, to
know that the residents along the South Com
mon are of one mind in considering themselvee
aggrieved in the premleee, and to recognize
the duty. always Incumbent upon no in such
cases, of giving a fair hearing to all sides. We
do not promise to admit or to exclude further
commmicatinne on the subject, but we pledge
ourselves to see fair piny all around.
EDIMIHN CiAlrerri: After neeertlng ns an
undubitable truth that the South Commoner
themselves were solely responsible for the de
ter 1a prosecuting the work of the Park Im
provements In that quarter, the Clootticts now
subsides Into the assertion that "the
Genera/1e hatere that it is the factious opposi
The higrlug Sleek of Henry G. Hale, M
chant Teller, at corner' or Penn avenue it
Sixth Ftreet; Ix now large and complete. Mt
slyer !timpani continues to preside at the et
- -
Stourroad'• Catliartir I.4yrup ix used in
east, instead of 1 1!.
kr. Highly tlnvortnl. Twenty-11,cent,
It. : 4 4,1.1 to . nil druggists.
Sometimes there n leek of vitality In large
and appanoilly Well deruloq•dfrarnea. le.precleart
sinews and muscles are not always — indicative of
Matra. and oil:N.0111E10nel vigorin t heir. Poatiesaor.
Health depends core upon the condition of the
atotuaeh.tho liver and the bowels, Than neon the
breadth of the shoulders. or the etre of loose Invent
and pulleys of the system in which strength Issue
posed to reside. All of this gruel animal 1113 f blu
er,' is I,f [twit 130 protective against Meknes. and
deeny.and perfect digestion, regular and
healthy secretions. uneontaintnated blood, and a
regular discharge of. the waste matter.trf the body
through the intestines. the kidney. and the pores.
are I.t.r. most ps.tent lestegnartis disease.
the best guaranties of longevity. lo en ~,,,, How
• , ,,trx ix the riot omi porrser o!
Stomach Ritter, The ingredients of which the
ttreat Tonle and Altered", Is composed are taken
ontely virtue.he vegetable kingdom. and 'their me.
dielnal arr not et tunterbalaneed by the avid
and poison...ea element• which exist. nIOII. less.
In all the powerful mineral drugs. nufferent front
Indigestion, bilousness, intermittent levers, nem,.
ons debulty or eonatleat lon. not only and
ate relief Inca the use of ttits agreeable atlmulant
and tray Worm... but becomes notorious, ma than
wears on. of an Infrea., of eonstltut tonal elastici
ty nod Mel tome. LEN. and exposure no longer
praMlllet• the same effect upon thema. heretofore,
and they feel en If they had &educed a hew hold on
life a reserve of mental and :Mrs... energy. Tins
has I.eera the experience of thousands of both
sexes: and every day adds to the mass of ronitrrna.
tory tenths...ivy. Wfienaver Inn temperature and
state of the atmosphere. exerelae, a depresaing In.
anence over the tuind• and bodies of Invalids,
11...letter . a Hitters is the tonic upon whirl, they
@..n rely for rosin sod permanent restoration.
PLEA FNEY-JrtNTS-On Thutadar. l•Vt.111110
June 9th. at the ressoleiwe Gr the bride', txtrimt.
by the Re, W. M. rout.. JAS. nu:A K
NEV slut Mont ANNIE It ./t,Nr.. Ng,.
[WO 414/clef the happy miapie ‘ . .ltr heonuyl s , itt •
and wtah that the, mat rimer regret
the noble word cpchen whirls Malt joined them
together in the MO ritmrla of matrinmny fur life
till death Ohm Joy. Ire , slit had e o n...i.e.t
attend them, and may no dark cloud erer inm the
sunshine o 1 happineat which may gladden their
Pathway thrstualt life ta otenati.)
Bl.AtTi—Elll.l.lVtritl.r.-.p, Philadelphia, Turn
day, June 7th, at the reai.lence of the bride', to
•not.. 1., the tiny. Or. B. W.. 4.1. Mr 111tri.IAMIN
W. FLACK, r.f entaturgb. and. lima ANSII: 11.
itanal at 'Mir.
rattan° (rum talk reahlem•er et the hare", Mt
91 hi,. ~,,,,a .ntlension..l.-1,.‘ I", at U , •
Tie (riot... Iha him., ate tt,a,ttallt invited
%lad,. pore .11.. *bleb la 1.,41
cure for all '}innunant Soma mud 1 2 .erra.
Ana for Burn.. l - mt.lVnundo.and all Skin I /1•0•Xes
.Irtet.reVa4r.'2SMl~~`,Maßnl !'"
Henry's Insect Powder,
.Forthe I.etruellim o.f 111,11 . 111 N. 111'11
ANT! , , e. I.lllrE, I'ESTS,t
Patent. Medicine Depot,
Bell and Brass rounders;
Blade Promptly to Order
BA 811 TITS 31 ETA L
Made and kept on Hand
o foyriotorn and hfulf9footuroro of
1. M.l 7 ooper'simpmve,l Balance Whee
"ftice—Stil PENN STILICET. Foundry—t', nwr
17111 wid ItAll,ltoAlt STILICKTS, I • lt4Lnrlth
• 'menet ent.ter - rou or INTIFIMII. RI:VFW E. 1
t i l .rlgiO V l•ru n 4VltTZ , y
CITV or Pr1 , 1111 . 1111111..11100 Tyj 870. 1
the Annual 1.14 of Tuxes on
Incomes, Carriages, Watches,
Silver Plate, &c.,
. .•
And Special Tan are now due, and payable and
will be received then.. at Tillie
from the eititena residing in the 23d ward nt the
nt Pltiatiurgh. bonnigh 14 Birmingham neat
Ifirallogbato. urmaity, Sauth Pittabutgh...‘ll eft
ribtentiMig hLu'llndnill:alinTd"tTiPt=t7lT:i'arX
St. vlair. t' whe foregoing taxes e
JUNE, 170.
` l tAZPlPATPVlriPriTgliCs i lgltill' re.
?)117-ig o gt`ineeit:latlea
they, limp,. sot will
yMI tone,, of the lima when ,n, the ylto, where
him. THOS. W. DA V hl, by
Coltetur tot. (tee. 2.441 Dittrlet. ,
No. 101 • Filth Avenue.
• WALTHAM IVA•runtlt.9.
- I'l°l'l
I.o?vg,:te rai".rt;t7 .
9 . 19 lowest ;oleos.
-.1 kind. of flesh ash an received den at
ant. Pulamal• popular AA Mane. No. , 115
wand Market. Plttahurgh. and at the Twin Catf
stand, Allegheny City, earner Federal and Ohlo
streak. 'Our long experience In the Madness en
ables m bt always have on bands !Intelsat. article.
hamcan sell White VIM. Salmon. flaming. Slack
and White Perch. all at vary . km miens.
tike a. a mil , we will ln.are a itneartleth. - IThole.
gale or retalE All orders ailed PwanttlY-
11W1113. CRUPIIICD. Oranalaled, Cog Loaf,
Powdelid, A White and Extra C Hagan for fruit
Powarting. In More and for sale at lowan prices.
by the bariel or at retail; by
Cor.l.ll3crty and Ninth atm
Carpenter and Builder,
twnroptiy Wend to all kinds of Jobbing ort.
Online water tanks . mode to nyder. No, 171 North
avenue, Newer Webster street, Alteshebr.
k ba i onn..:: ; Roll Date r
For We by J.
900 1111144. LOUISVILLE Alf•
f r tuu , MEW, " m/ 7 V I tar °%;
aim 141 Flat imam
By resol nth. of the Committee on Cow
IthoUtol• or the Ca' , Allegheny,. nil (*let.
Itottoni Lunar on the tooth front of the city
Including what In known as Nei1.014 . 1, luau
caber pnopertlen—tireltod to wept with th
rommittee 11M FRI D AY EVENING. Jail. 17th
pe the City Ruildine , Allegbenk. They .rµ :it,
4ilirerted bi bring with them 'aiwtrwels
...I any plan relattiog thereto they 111141 hav
their gn'eeenlnn• Q J. IL OXLEY
N. FL corner of Wood SL And 4th Ave.,
Petwaritati, Mel 23 1 . IS7O.
DIVIDEND.,—The President and
Directors of this Comma,. have this dav
declared a dividend of FOUR DOLLARS PER
MARE on the Capital Stock of the enmpetny,
out of the earnings of the list six months, free id
Dovemrnent tax. Payable In cash forthwith.
itlytEttd JOIIN 11. CI.ADET. Secretory.
rff•PUBLIC NOTICE.--linving been
TOII far Allegheny county. notice le hereby girbn
that until tho nocestary taboo and Mechanical Test-
Ina Machinery cur. be proilded. twill heThitnd at
AND PIPR IVOIIRIi, Twenty-third Mace/. near
Penn, tilltabnisch.
1 . 0-- BOUNTY
$lOO Bounty Collected
For all aaldiera who enlisted between May 4th and
duly rod. 7atB I, who were discharged fee di se bu.
Ity before carving two years, and who bare heretr
fare received no bounty.
The undervlgned hey removed hi. ofrice to Ow
errve tiniid Ine.wimer Sixth avenue/nod Smithfield
street. end Is now prepared to collect claims speed:
11l and at moderate rates. Call mi,or address. with
Plain. Agent, (bunts Building,
Curner Plath avenue 160 Smithfield alma.
Pltt..burgh. P.,
Of /WOW! Township. subjoin Oi the decision
the Union Republican County Contention.
Of Indians township. is s tendidste for County
Col:nail.loner. in suluirdinstion to the decision of
the Republican Convention. rat modus in rebus.
love return.' Imm thell• old Aland. Not. :17 and,
18 SIIITIIFIR1.1,. to tltelr Ware hotur.
Nos. ti 9 and ±il Liberty SI.,
. •
Above the bend of wow STItEEIi. where the)
will be preitsed to see ell their old f Mende end el.-
tilentheni Tailor and Dealer In Gentleman's
Furnlattlng Goode, kiwi Gentlonien and Lioya .
Clothing on hand and nude to order at the short
est notice. hail removed Nolo hi. late stand, No. AtS
lOatrth avenue. to No. :11 Wtitill 14THRF.T.
mrneret Third neenne.
Cr, Urn rancor:
rAq , n ERN . June 7th. 1570.!
Allebhen r yTaies.
is hereby elven that tho Aaseamore hate
now placed In the Rea lness. the Duplicates
of City. Poor, City Desirus. Mehool, School Wald.
intr. Sewer and Dunne Park Taxes, and of Water
Mentz for the year 129170. and that laid Taxes will
bow be received 'ln porn
of the Acts of As
sembly of February 7th, 11460. and Of April
LllLlLitr m... nbject to the, followsite recalations
or nlra iD er rent. if paid on or bofine the
Four per cent- If paid on or before the
or Aoeust.
Two per rent. if paid nn or before the
of September.
orhePPlt'rie after
UrlAs Piet
4 1 ' " S lTo P r '. .ttt '
will by made! "
the Cr y of d
of eve per cent. shot Ow added to lo
the sato..ot .3
After the First of NOve
U-1 , —.... r 7 "...
' 1
."'.... n1T1.
r or . :h. - , h se rued there... arhf ‘ t " e. th 1
. 1 . 1.. m.., ... 44 ,. ..
p rexiillie Licenses '''.
, pp
p., n Rhin the /traits of Al ."'"
la ht li lot °Mee forthwith. I."
1). INT A OVER 11.0
('ire ENGIN/Men 01111154 t .
I.l..intAr (IVY. Jtint 10th, I • 70.}
VOTI('F..—The ngwgment fo. Gra-
DIM: of VILLA STRRICT, from blal y.
lboln street). It now ready fur elan:dna. on and
Junebe aeon at this odlee until WRON 11111".
flu INTO. when It will be placed . In the
hand. of the illy Controller for wllecilon.
jelLya Pity . Rnglnemr•
PROPOSALS willf Ailem/Wed In the MIST of
ltyr Iron Pence around illy
pecitlemlon• to be men In the )(bathe/We 0070.
W. 11. ....Tr.,.
Jell: Contreller.
-ED PROPOSALS will be moeleed bt the
. nr the Cobtroller of the /by of Allegheny.
until rtlEz.nA‘. Juno 14th.. nt 3 1.. it., for the.
r4Tting:g. =l' Engine
n In I.lm KnOneer•Onler..
' 4' n lfe i ga b lft lama/aged to reject a nd all bide
tell ty Ponterbett_
Ylrrnaraaa June 1, t
fI. , MR,"L`Nr,F, t r 1 1 2.72. 11 ,'5. 1 2;
nzu ..„„ti zl io ge tP n i rs; of the (Allot Pit iirich,
'ity, 'lty Building, Special, Poor,Busi
nets, l'ity School and Ward Seim!
Taxes and City Water Rents
For the year Is 7 have, In downtimes with law,
been Mita day returned to me for collection. A
deduction of nye per tantrum will be Mlowed
all Timex and Water Rents paid on or bofore the
demean of , and TWO per centum If paid
Entedays of Ammat and dfLeenth
day of septamber.
(7tl Tle..Yrer.
kei tiuildt:4p "1 1 1 i gr.1i7171.
for tho behainif of Stop Corte end Fire P
the hire Men to be of tho Freed, Poffem , mh
glitfi o t: Cork, ' gar t3 1 tto= rot viirWortg:
.T " ?IL
OTIPMICE eitittlhrT7°N4
0 all holders of Overdue Municipal Bonds et
the City of Pittehninb, to forward them to this
adios for rilmeut. N lotere.t w W be a/loam:1m
such Boucle attery 1 t. yemo,
By order of Oa Mime. Contains&
mllf R. J. licOOWAN:Quandier.
PL1M11971 . 43,. GAS nrTratEi.
FUI.TON ..........:.......... ..: O.J.
Preetical Plumbery
Fifth Avenue . , neat Illstr street, Pittsburgh Pa:
TuLrs i arrAl 'll lfiZ l7,l4 g:keZ,,tr p i t"a "
o n eeu~ A:r
Vrater and Blom Mating „
Promptly atteuded to.
Baskets and Crates,
60.000 IN STORE or the MOST APPRoVND
37 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa..
Itsaaat,a •t Factory Rion.
' -
REM 9 Cowan&Co.,
• •
Pays Sidewalks) Cell es, / 1 '15,111,1de Yards )
Dri &e.
°anion taoAzern Dane. oral 39FIDSRAL
BTRICET Allmtnynt.tly &Deaden tn.
V' alder kr pffi , "t2t! Lanitot
W 113.. Part, JI MMY.
. ..
—New Potomac limning_ io tymg. d
en: new do Med In barrel. eon !WM: No- 3 .
Meckenn, all ellen of pac!i_ue., No. 4 4...1 ,
of paelyAttecNo..l dr . .61.140t ........, C6'"
Rlmpro au a t. r bun* Lair
halves: Beam glint: IloginMpp.. 1 ,...end
choice. For tale Itne to the tatdte.. ---4*
mylll tr yrA
_7l'.G W oo d . oo,
, 1 , =0 17 treet •
To Cori fillet° I•s
The underaigned, Commissionersappointed In
and by an Act of the General Assembly of the
l'emmonwealth el' Penneylrania, for the purpese
of contracting with one or more persons for the
\ making of the Indexes to the Dee& and Mott-
Rages in the °Mee ter the itecordl. of
In the l'oenty of Allegheny. hereby giro untice
that Sealed Vropeenhi for the [Milting or p3ia in.
dotes. will he receiree.l until
Clerk le Cecil teat
The Index Books will he (ambled by the Coro ini,lonera. but all buttoner necemnary to he used
will be required to he furnished by the contractors.
The contractor or mntractors will be required to
give "bend in the tame amount required by law to
be given hy the Iternrder of Dee& of Allegheny.
county. and with at' conditionall tilula sumtles,
which bond shall ibe cfor the faithful
pmfortnance of the mid work.
A specimen book, e x h i biting thesis° of the Index
books to be used. and the plan upon which said in
dexesare to be made, can be seen by applying to
Mr. nt the RON•rdeell office.
The Commissioners reserve to themselves the
rlitlit to stmervise the work, and on t completion
of the indexing of ench , volume of the hoed or
Mortgage Boots, to rescind the contract if the
work diet not meet their approbation,
Each bid will be required to contain the price
Per Gage and the time within which the bidder will
undertake to complete the contract, and will he ac
companied with the nareemor thesuretles prom med
to be given for the faith( u. performance of the
PScli bidder may bid fur the whole work, or for
the mating uf the Index. in the lived lbc.lin or
th e Rooks
Indexes along, but
the I Mortga f the aintract for
mang ; to ge Hooks be
awarded to different parties, each will be required
to glee security In the same amount b, be given by
the Recorder of Deeds. • •
The l'otemislonini also reserve 141 themselves'
the right toreject' accept any bid or bids as In
their Jildgment may be 'or
most conducive to the pub.
Ile Interest, _-
tat 11.4 - ,VMPAVirg,
Plitcbtaiwb. Pa.
HUNTER, Commis's'.
ti MI. II RAP, Jr.,
N. It. fIEVKIt,
Pri - nintlitnit.M.syA7 IS 70.
Suinnier Millinery,
nchttling entirely net . styles in
Mrs. 8. C. Robb,
U. S. INT F. T l * t N l 4. n'u!'qnun.
!0 L EcTgit'A Noll(
0,7111, k , il.l..litTOß OP 6 , ...T1titN.1.1. Revisit , el
23d faillectine District of Penna., t
iNo 1' .07 Water street,
A LIMIT IN CM% May 4, 10th,1870J
Notice it her by riven that the annual Lists of
Special Taxes, f innerly termed Licenms, and of
'the Tares on
Incomes, carriages, Watches,
Silver Plate, &.c.,
Are now in this office, where payment will be re
ceived thereon by the eitilector, on and atter the
FIYINT DAV OP d LIN E. 1870. Them harm hay
-a become doe. trout be mild before the 25th day
_ .
of June, 1870. !idher;rl,e additional erpet
will be incurred hi the tin peyer.
nUFFINGTO,N. Molo'DePutr Collector for th
County of Armstrong. and - kDIVIN
Deputy Collector for the county of Butler, will be
ready to receive later the let of June. for their
reapectlre munties, and will pest notices &ethos:,
tin. the time and places when and where they will
be prepared to relive the taxes , diectable hj
them. Taxes paid imly In green backs or national
currency office lien :fn. P A. L. to 3 P.M.
ArLd Others, •
Tim undersigned letters *lent of the Uni
ted Stales for the Impnered meutruction of
weather-boarding. Inside lining and or waltimoling
for Memel, The weather-boarding. by MV{ atten,
intennement, being more particularly intended tor
varticalu.. - and
the of JoI ll
nt strip ' ; ' : and 71
prevent eater fn. entering the mint of the gap
ing or the showing of the Joints by the action of
the vrenther b. tien. timber.
In.. 111,4 mint "aim...bung by lb..
are so eonttroctes ss to ~.".
ay by thp onlinary booting bbiardp alone:
lhereby prb•rntinty the showing of eye Join. from
at cu., awl leaving no refuges for bap.
Ile hasulsopurchaNbl the patent tight br what
Is commonly known as the .. .Moulded Weather
d on n
44111 )
lie hut disprned of the following territorial red
t. a right. Allegheny county, for both patents,
Teti. A. 31toolnef, the right of the tenitnfY
out of the river In Fuld county.
rM, o.llNneiren hoagie..,hoagie.., the right for the First
11111, Patterson Shop right. fur their
ward. tlutrbursts.
Ater. Menlo, for the Miroegh of McKee.
To Parker &Paul. for First. SAT.Irld. Third and
Fourth wards, rity of Allegheny.
To Rani Brth., af ro tit at their mill In Sev
enth wail, city of All en .
TO Dunham, Saint
. d `o , fie the boniughs of
ShTnrit and IR., al e losrmhlps of :Mater
All persons WV Warned net Infringing upon
either of laid patents, and those silsidng to pur
chase will please mil, or dress rue. at No. 73
senstbeeld ktmet,.Pitt•bunl. I'IL.
.' I. l'. ANDERSON.
- _
SuMemoreto WORKMAN; II 001 tit a KO.. manii
tacturnrs a d Deniers In
- Ca rlta
n es 9 !bg i
cs 9-
49, 41,16 and 4811earergl.,.Allegheny.
Repairing neatly and promptly
,eeceuted. Or
ders for New Work gotten up In good style and
wariantedto ere satisfaction In every paßleniai.
M.Nr°xaur foot; rbo:khc=i; Wheel ?Li !
mid itaPP'S Patent Mnick Shifter and Antl-liattler
fur Shafts.
IT. WWITAIIf) DAVIS haslnS purchued. the In
remit of Ale. and Win. D. Moore. In the Isto 0 •,
nr WORKMAN. MOORR A OM, the buslness
hereafter be continued at the old eland,. under th
name and style of WORKMAN DA V IN. Orde
• • fEIifCIVITNI4,.
Lte with eltitens . National Bank. PULsbuila
' '
Dirrtufer or New Oatwaltiv.
Hort of PithOureh.
JtiNs 4th. INTO.
v., , hereby Oren that SEA LED PRO
iSA semituposnied by proper intarantlea. So
...nate., to forma to be furnished nu silitillotittimr"it
Ude hill be received thereat, untll,l*
Morlillan on the SECOND TUA,I)AI IN
UNE NFINT i 14th 10t..) for the supply of the
marine 11,, wiltl.neu this °UT. With th snide.
lillo VISION. FURL, ie.. ounnienited In oahl
Amur. Tho ytanUllee stated aro estimated with
reference to Ore metal number of petlenta In the
to t United States reserves the ht
o tote nioro bnt
or he
loan of said articles, according ri ly g as
they niay lei actually requited. If the articles do
h...ire.' at the are not, in the judgMent of
the physician. of the best quality. and adapted to
the Ilisphal he will be'at liberty to reject the
moue, purchase other ankles In their stead. and
to chime the minUactor with any excess er the
e U cl
The nited States reserves the right to accept
the emus - ode for the whole or any ponlon of the
mild.. at/yielded.
Jeliyl2 THOMAS STlCEL.Plunreyor.
Shoe; Boots and Gaiters,
The undersigned has again•taken hissession
of his oldniece. and snicked It with a rich assort.-
moat of BOOTS, 01100.1 AND GAITERS.
Gond, an well as prices will glee satisfactine.
Former estrous and lb. public are Invited to whit.
Farmers, to i to ynar Interest and buy none but
the Weleomw Steel Tooth Wheel Rain. It I. the
: 'Umpires inlts constructlen and best In use; ex
am'. It before you boy any other: said so low lot
the common flatland can be worked by a child 7
= , tts . rif 43/ . 1 . ! I r . Is sell:el/nal ng 6 Tbe boxe does
without danker to rake or driver:an advantago In
noothornske. Idanuractund la BolumblambOblo,
and sold there.
or rots% or at 319 and
331 LIBERTY STREET, Pittabonth, Pa., by
LiftStoll & Co.,
Manufacturer of I.IORr OMIT IRON
sbWr.trthfirn'T'd qv .,
b Loose .Tatot b n o r.
articles endßuilde usrairare altreye r =iad..
00/co Works, oeer Outer Depot... Allegheny
City. Metal:dee address, Lock Box SOIL Pltts
trench, Pe.. laidtls
The partnershiphetetofore eel/ding between
STEPHEN,Q. ItOIXIKIta sad J. 11. McGill( JOIN.
engaged In ibe nntAtting and repairing of Stem•
boats, wan this day dissolved by mutes/ consent.
_EllennUkatt. lia r 31.18711.
ASH.-100 casks for sale by
u) ors.
1 T T 1
SECO NI) ,111 ', \Lk
Is now prelinriiil hi furnish nt th ,
LOWEST MARK/ll` RATES. Attonll ,- in tulrtleu
laxly railed to his
Extra Wine Vineo.tri
== I'o
Of New York.
139 11110 A ("PAVAN' N. ".
PRINCIPAL vv:ivreft
()solider, whole Urn Policies M9 Ol. ELS
NON-FORFICITA from payment of Ent oda/
Special insurance NON-FORFEITABLE :flee
tie...annual payment:, All policies INCONTP TA
, Hu: for causes,.d ABSOLUTELY IN lON
TRETAIII.E after two annual premiums. A I re
' strietlonsupon TItA VEL. and RESIDENCE re
moved, and no permits required. NO AINU
ILATION EsTERESI' Lo•lts or De fer red
Prrollolll9, fled NO INCREASEof antimil pay eats
oy 141/1 Ixilieles. Dividends on the PRO
INTEREST plan. Nit NOTE is regnired on LOAN
d barged
t c ,u skt i re A d l nil4l: 4 l.lle . natue. Policies become HELP-
In bout sixteen years, and the af
ter yield nn income to the Policy holder. ifs,
terra end endowment policies are homed: so,
guarantee Interest policies and annuities.
itNnutiel7r i .B d
1 1 3 '0 1 10 4 10 0 M
OM ePde3v.3.l9* , C s3oo n 47
seu. nvcr t. 730 000
The EMPIRE has issued more Policies by over
Rio The /311hT TEAR ending April Ist, ily7O.
than any other Company lid this cnuntr7 In the
wino time at the same age.
'Phe evevery Policy holder BT •
Or I,lqt CAPITAL with the State Tress
"V C4 n grl
ha5 ° 51.4.1 with which tope h 1 100, the EMPIRE
Good. active Agents wonted everywhere in West
ern Pennsylvania.
t WM. A. Fl.:l.lMt.
foil F.' T , . W.4.trrn l'entlmylinsula
7,11.1/lA[l . ll A% I.:NUE. l'ittnburgb.
P:=. 111646%0 1 . 87 A 0 eiTtii " ileiT 34
g ',7 4f * 1)111/V0 3 0 1 0. 6 . 7 P . 041.r:VAI4relir t g.
rary Policies on Liberal Tenn, The Company au.°
lAntea•Pollelsx upon the Haman( all kin ds off Build
ilenne .41. ° 71Tilfg . unmanl G.A.
Con. W. filehards, Dane Lea. (tea. Flee , Alfred
Elliot, Thom. Spark, 11'w. 8. Grant, Thomas S.
Ellis, Clurtarn, S. Dennon.
„ .
• ALFRED It. President.
Vire PresidonL
R.I. W.
l A it s 'E li.f ' i2, 9` l. ` ..Z l. 77 '7 , •
noN Vol. Third Avenue...lld Wood
OC Pittsburgh. .
A.F.X . ANG . ER NlAller, president.
initturiitt,. § regetaPiT'aenL
EArY. GEO. NEE/m. Gonda , At.
Office 99 Water Street. Ersingl Co.'s Warer
rip stain, Pittsburgh.
W.II intern signinst nil kinds of Fireand Marineßisks. Risks. A home institution. managed y Director,
who are well known to the community, nut who
are determined by n , midness end liberaito
maintnin the characte p r which they have as s u med.
offering the best protection to those who desire
to be insured.
.1.1.701 L,
.John IL McCune,
IL 3111Ier Jr.. I I 'ham. J. Chilli,
James ItrAuley, William P. Evans,
Alexander Speer, ~ Jnimph Kirkpatrick Andrew Ackley, Phillip Iteymer,
.flarld Id. Long, j Wm. Morrlann.
D. Ilisroe,
Ph el an's Building,
Bleier. ;Jobe }lord. ilkfek AL EMI*
Duel Wallace• is , . H. Ifartemn, A. Chambers.
Jake RIO.•Clurkma. !Jas. M./Mai/sr.
maa SmigiLl'AVPsl.llkVfigushfent.
It..f. f: ft A qseneral Afmnf-
IT:SI/BPS ON A I . ..,!MICAIi N 'I . , UII=4 : fh Al.l. Flit!!
. . . .
.0 . 07
01' Pitti , thirg,h.
Joh% irF Jr..
T. J. lio.kinr,o
. . . . ,
V. G. Hue.,
Harvey Malan,
Clamlop Hays,
opripir. N. Pr. COIINItIt WikoD 6 FIFTHsrs
A Rowe Compeer. taking Fire end Marini Risen
Wm. Phithrm. ut.&An L.'lthcad
John Watt. •! Samuele I'. Siniver.
John K.
C_ IL I.urei . yg l e k A . Lbuc nrs re.
Wm. Vati Alrk , Wm. IL Lau,
Jame* D. Verner, Samuel Allecrickart.
W.V. PHILLIPS. Premden.
.11•1 LS WATT, Tiu President.
. _W. F.'oAttpli FAL gemrmy.
- -
W. W. MAIITIN, Pre‘ldent.
JoIIN kiRoWN. Jo..
1 lee PreelJenl.
J ANIF.IB E. sT P:NON. Seerelary,
1 1 1.1,01111:
John A. Miler, ;Jae. Lockhart, 'Jon. Myer*.
.4se. „ l“ lirehem,, Robert Ides, if
re , F: jr ,lBl , 4,:mt,TerTaligraffitr
No. 931-2 Smithfield St.,
rtir Gent's Clothina made to der In the Weld
Was. ,M-
R1 :4 11V.10 .L.
No. 47 Sixth Street
• 1870.
C. I. mrteuxouneta
Ilerehaat Tailors.SlXTo STREET. (tale
Ire hare reeetree lam and Will NO.
looted Stook of the best and moat faatatonailte
floods In out line. a greet portion of ,hick are mut
own importation.
out - ifeillty to glee
sall7f=.l2:l l soileit from you an a t 1
termination of our stock of Flee Cloths. Cas el
.• No. 10 Kith erreet.
NEW SPRING. 000101.
Cloths, Cassimeres, &0.,
Yostretebred by lIICNRY MYYSEIJ
so 3 Ilerchool. Tollor. 3 i , osttlkftel4 West
Manufacturers of the follorrinit celebrated Wanda
of Sloan
tliar Green Brand an moot:
r uled Paaßrploar.
Is Btu Blue Brand, A No. 1 ' I.`anre r now
that Zea wafts oausaethm.
1 Hod Bernd. Vaal, floo
mamar. Oupolor
V' llYligrittrwZrourted as repreaeurod•
A . lOh O.
Machine .tone:-- orks,
Northwest owner of Wad Conitehe.ASeftlnio7.
Hare on use short sloths. Muth
and Step Stones, YWt for Sidewalks. Itnewer7
YOnits.ite. Heed and Broom kn.
Orden prompti7 esse.o. on newartiabie terms
167, 168, 169 and no
JOHN IRlVlN.Jit..'Presldent
T. J. lIONKINSoN. Vice Precatest.
VAST. Lit WM. DEA-tNNNI.I.. S N ecretary. •
. General Agent..
nlll Vell MS;
Il V otrorl U. I/2.1J,
,i'L '''' k..! ' 4, '- '1 •. ..Ver0c1151.1
T, /I. 2ee n e
A splendid ter met of
L v „, !imi l
w .:n: ~;;ti~i:~ii:r,C>"'via,~,~t~YJ,~:sA;:s=, , .?'~x~'~.~ig'' w°
Humboldt Monument and
The ettottolltee In charge of the RamboMt Yea
utnent, In order to Moo aOdttlollet fund. to Mom
the tucreuad eeponces conarettent upon matles
Impromprovement. nod change. On U.
notched, and atm to Meet the expenula Of
the prttiotood intettrurat Inn Ceremonies, which
IltP,7 l so===WW. l o 7 2l4P.
to roornottee a number of tho
Giving the Chief Incidents of Bible liistory. alley
Hore. celebrate.] Paintings, which weir preeented
with mach
h the Turner. great neatens e during the Spring months
%%eon representaUnns, In the opinion Of thepres.
our Artist. Bible ittudents, and eonni mien re Iran
orally. far earned mlythlner of the kind nverlititten
eln this enuntry , end cannot fell proving a.
etlve to all.
The Committee are also much 'retitled 111 being
able to announce that a .111,1. OUCH tiSTRA has
1(1.101101, have kindly promieed to lend their a.
aistance in me:lnning appropriin.
Programme for Tuesday, Jane.l4th.
4: Overture Toergee °rehears.
Ea/tern Harldien.
3: Exercise nn ( Pgili . iel i e l ..hy A. Crebetiltein and
11. nebula
4. Melt. Math*
• Meads. Apfellatum end 11. !Unbar.
3. Tableant Noah I . IIIAPS
Wen. X •
E. Huai Ilosart.
. aka Ilenne and Mr. Hussman.
7. Tableaux... _lonm/fiend Eager Driven from
si„me. Ilion. XXI. 14.1
• .
S. loin Mr. Abielbautu.
9. Tableaux Rebecca at lbe Well.
Wen. XX1V.13.1
10. Trio Lucretia Bonita Donitettb
M isshenna, Mr. DYSIIIII4II and Mr. Bonita.
11. Tableaux loner Iteoelyea Reboots.
19- 'T 011 c";.%7141YA". •
Is - ""' '"g• """
T "'"Vgiar7Ger. AMP. ittrr by lila
14. Sonyt Att.
Thane will be an entire change of prograturne for
Thursday. well as Saturday twenlnp. -
Scats can be reserved at Messns Moneta' Muslo
Store. PTICO 73 eon. raich.
Tickets for Parquet.. mad Drew.. Circle. without
reservation. 50 cent 414 4:eatery. 35 acids Jell
4 No. 107 Market. St.;
• .
• no
offer le the public a Meek of PAPER
RA RINGS turiftlinxilsed In the Wets for resist?
and beauty, ' of stylem,- embracing all the Nnreltlae
DESIUNS I n PRO, and toilht_eelors.
8V , 21,r4Tt,748d, ii.21441t,1V 1 '6111 I PA A 1 1 E14 1 1
PAPERS with an slmost Tenet of
CHEAP liAll2l PAPERS, WRITE and 11110Wer
BLANKS for Chambers. de. All of which we en. p
tazs a t: d sell . la low' ail the lowest In the marina.
No. 107 Market St., near Fifth Avenue.
SPRING, 1870.
49 iNCIIRS wide tint, at per roll.
GILT—a groat variety at 30c per roll.
(11.A.ZED—All kind s at •1 55 n per nel.
NT Wrench and. American Paper Naze.
t ill ti th= t iV. :Ani! " to
New Wbolowde and (WWI Store. 191- Liberty
street, PlUstrurph. sah4
IL Utz -
H. Patterson & Co.,
Sevenlb Avenue and Liberty Street-
Ho Carriages, Buggies, Wagons,
And everythisur appertaining in the Mese.
Similes desiring so WI EU please hwy. their ca
lico of consignment idiot before Thursday of each
week In order for advertising: Prom attention
and good care will be given 0111tock left
for gala
Livery, Sale and
Car. seventh Avenue anti Likely St.
ap.T.,hl PITTaItUIt(III, PA.
VOTlCE.—Whereas Lot iorn of Ad..
m InlOrstlon to the Mate of TIIO.ILAS H.
FINLEY, late of Collins township, doomed, have
been drained to the eubscriber. ell persons Inds bted
to the raid estate are cm nested to make Immo:Wm
payment. and thaw having claim. or demands
matruiltha estate of the rant decedent will nisi.
known the same without delay to
or W. C. ytnwhinbanah. A Ltorney A A.B . Mud
Application will be made to Mope°Gooey
John W. Geary. Governor of Penny;lron's, for the
PGton of THOMAS CAIRGGNI. late of Temper
gnoevllle. Allegheny County. tnythwg4-111
NOTlCE.—Whereas, Letters' Of
MINISTRATION on the estate of THOMAS
MILLRIL late of Snowden, township, deelesed,
Indebted n
thented to the on heathers. all vomits
to said estate are meowed to make
immediate loOyment, and thfoe having Mato. Or de
nte/We modest the estate of salt Oetwdent will
mete known the same without delay
riereo. SIMMONS,
NOTlCL—Whereas, Lelterx of Ad.
L I MINISTRATION on the estate of ISAAC
McICNIGHT, late of Baldwin lownahip;demmad,
have been OIIIIILOO to the subscriber, all person.
Indebted to the Bald estate are LOLOLOSOSOLO make
1111.011gt.t payment. and those haviarclalma or de
moods against-Me estate of the said decedent wilt
make known the MOM Olthollt
IL IV. kicHNIGHT. Administrator.
mybludil - ML Lebanon. Allegheny Co.; Pa.
Mouniain. House,
MD favorite resort' ha. I.:en ..oiarged
proved Anon last .011•410. open for Mutate
the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Nem York, Phil
delphia. Harrisburg and Pittsburgh. All train.
stop at Cresson. ROOM. may be secured la salts
or single.
been engaged for the was... • j
Yor further 1nf0...mi1e... address
G. W. MUI,LIN, Proprietor.
ONE TUII:I4ISRSD COTTAGE to rent soll4 l
ED. BARKER, Proprietor,
or, Peon SL Rod Illh, formerly old Caul
Sealer of Weights and Measures,
N 0.6 FOURTH AVE, Pittsburgh.
- - - .
• -
A Ulna lot of Fresh Pine Apples On re
ec.ived teamed order. and fer sale low. al the nal.
Ur 0100107 of
JORN A. 111N917.AW,
C9in_er Liberty and Ninth atratda'
• •
Of the Boston es e
lUiltPly of sit Be lli T E^ "Onsiiirs auk*. A full
e triple supplied stmantas&
Aibelta far *O4 stir.
L IME. • •-•
bbls Rumern White Limir: ..'
. 11 remont LID.
rt ' illt Tremont da; • ' •
1 Digs Toledo Elo.s .
Poi ille J. D. CAYILLI),
MOM j i /0 i hrit ream,