rim AxaIAL. GOLD . , SILVER, COUPONS Bought at Highest Price, PH. R. MERTZ, --- BANKER, Cap Wood Bt. and sth Ave Jas. T. Brady & Co. I=l Corter Fourth Avenue and Wood Stree BANKELRS, BUY. ABII HELL ALI:BINDS OF Uorernmeht Securities COLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, I=2 Interest Allowed on Deposits ir-Ma no ratan. r to .o ilavvranaant 110na.% al b• an market IY - 111N.Dints Ex rrrac” von in •NIT BALI Or STOCKS. BONlat ANI. t bI.D PUIIIIIIOI. AMES T. bil ' A 1)Y CO, THE DAILY GAZETTE MONEY AND COMMERCE .. OrniCnltY Prrrstimulit I:tangent. SATURDAY. Jun,, 11. lAID. last Th e currency bill came up again on Tuesda lAA In Congress, without being tinnily di , posed of, unnettling matters in the Mum MI departments'and business generally mot , ... ever.• The approach of the July Kok nyments ,by the government has deterrec Importers from making remittances, in the itone of gelling cheater gold then, and Ibis MD has weakened the foreign exchange u l til T cet and reduced the rules. The coin lat rine In the banks and' subtreasury. having been redueed,the premium la finn MU= tuber rates and gold lone lout flat to Iwo per cent. In view of the large amount of coin coining on the market, afterduly (test, the general sup position would lend to the conclusion that gold Must sell much below present prices during the next thirty days, but, whell , :t is consideted thaPthe imports have been and will be heavy for the balance of the season, , and t country drained of Its pralticts, it is reaso able to Infer that :i fair average rite of premi m on gold, clime on present quotations, -, will p rail, and under an easy money market tern n ary ahem advances may set in. The rice of government securities is pretty well alntained , having but slightly Yielded on In er gold quotations. Although there is nod and by inventors at present, nor for expo , yet the government weekly ptir chase are sufficient to sustain the market. That c ass of the community that heretofore invest d steadily In government bonds, is note tombß its RftflaiOß to local securities, which pay a much higher interest and are more Rabbi than formerly. A temporary rise of gold, however, touch as it would otherwise be regretted, would lead to an net ire invest ment demand of government securities. 'The stock market to unsettled tint still tend ing upward.llnlmss a'currency bill should pap; In Congress that would lead to a contraction of currency, expansion of paper money is certainly not wanted: but should the crop prospects lend to the mmclusion Gott a heavy fall business could be done, the currency movement West would soon advance rates on call loans sufficient tp Meyent any thrliter Intatinn in the price of railroad securities. . Some of our enterprising . German citizens have started an exclusive German sat ing, bank, with the object of getting the deposits of that class of the German population who hare hitherto gone elsewhere but have been deprived of the benefits of such institutions, not being able to bring their rases properly before the officers from insufficient knout...lre of the language and of the tontine of I,u. i ues.s. If any institution Mtely started will be swum:n.lo It in certainty the German . savings . ... . For negotiation iu government amt Comm yr.- entitle., try the banking broom lot Ph. IC. • Mertz. 1 Cloning 'quotations es received by - Ph. 11. Alerts: (told ' 113 American.. j ...... 41% Silver 1W Western C010n... -- LEI Bonds WI N. Y. Cent I Ittl 5-20 Bends 199...11M Rending . . - ..... IM5i 6-90 Bonds U64... i1 1% P. Ft. Rending . C tc% 5-9 D Bonds MS-1W; tlitio Sr )11s. ..,,. 40N Consols ISM 113,4 Mich. South •rn.). tetu b Bonds 1Nt7...113.. Cleveland Ilt P. 110 , i 5-3)80nd.41303.. 11314 C. It. I. .k. P. 4. :IN 10-4113 ... ......10K Chicago & rt. N,. tut: AdamsFiprevs.. 1:1% C. &N.W. Le . lek Merchants V. Ex. 45 • Erie....... -- Lo •,. Knoll. • London Exchange per pound 1.114 544 Part. Exchange per Franc ‘,.!..”.‘ tat, Berlin Exchange per Th aler t 9 • Kt l / 4 Frankfort Exchange ific per - Florin .47 41 Central Pac 'ads 1.4 Union P. It. R. Bonds N 3 I 1 11 • [Sy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Garet le.) I NOW Fong. June 11. MO. Cotton movement for the week: receipts at all ports only I:Jags lstles, and exports The general trade of the city has been dull. The bank statement shows a heavy decrease In every Item. Some money has gone west during the week. 1uaux.V76,4111,57c; decrease, $33,861.15a. Specie, $2%:-.73.811l; decrease, - MAO- Circulation. Vrkl4::,l4Fs; decresae, 'MAP& Deposita, $:21),C09.20; decrease. Va. 404 1 7. Legal tenders', 56U,159,17 0 : decrease. $1,131.140. Money easy at GNI, with exceptions at n. Gold dull and steady at 113!..011.33. dosing at IMgesll33,i. Carrying rateajlM to Sat. Clear ances, 57,011,000. Exports to-day. 5-1137.1 5 O; fee the v week, • Governments higher and g • , C , mop. Hrigiftllan; do. Ir. 119491 t4f: do. I:4,lllMfa 1!1){g01114: do. new, 1131:G,I14: ctr,..;.ar.l-41111,, 114'i; 10-40 s, Plag State hood, are dull and s ends. Missouri, 11401dTenneasee, 45141 new d -.611i; old North • Carolina, Gg: new do., .24: old Virginia. die Dew do., 67M. Stocks Mist stir lower, bat closed steady. Canton. dlg:Cumberland, C;Wcstern Union Telegraph. Mg; uicksilver. PM: Mariposa 9111 l'eferred. 1: Q M: Water Power. lalf: Hartford :tad Erie. P.C. Adams Exams. CO.: Well Fargo. 15%; American. lire United States, 451 t; Pacific Mall. 45',; New York Central. lOW serf ti I r ati r : i fai l nVl7ofrelit, lar lltrentra il T. M. 13.; SAN: Maros Centnd. twit; Pitts burgh. 110 S; North western, hig; pfd.; Coq: Hoek Island. LIM New Jersey Central. Gout St. St. Paul. MN; do preferred. it.; Wabash, 0 do pref.!. CO; Fort Warne. %Si:Terre Haute. 110. do preferred. tit. Chicago ft Alton. 11n. preferred 117; Ohio& Mississippi, Pe C. (1.. k C. fag: St. Joe preferred 11a. Hostonpricese Calumet In:: Copper fans 4, Hecht etc Quincy 17g. Imports for the week: dry goods St e :IMAM: general merchandise 5a,413,016. tfuh-Treasury balance:yid • g7rattft.fsli; can reneY 5110.106,45: general ..4.741111; cancelled gold certificates sent to nettle/Lion 51A44.4111. PITTIBIRUI! MARKET °Mee or Prrnitarnon Garen% SaavnatAY. June I. /M. Trade In general niewhandlso has nee moderately active this week just about wrm can be expected at this season of the year, no better and no worse. The demand for nearly the leading connirioditles, in entirely local, there being an almost entire absence of anything like Inoculation: grain and dour mar keo have been and are still considerably excit ed under the Influence of the adylcea from Chi cago and New York, though the feeling getter auy entertained here le that therein no s o lid 0 substintial cause for the material nelvance to wheat and flour, and that it cannot for any length Of time be maintained. The New York Bodin, in referring to the movement In hreedetuffs, remarks 'That a demand of un usual proportions has appeared from the con tinent. and Liverpool is actually shipping wheat to markets whence she ban been ac castimed to draw supplies. Stocks of dour with us are small and our trillion; are fully ,employed.. The comic:wore is that exports mital to current reeelpta involve a rapid re duction of stocki. The questiOn. therefore, in one of present demand and supply. The crop accounts. enoept from California, are all that could be desired. But these have no present I bnarlalf• The impression prevails that flour and wheat are extremely cheap. This Is not true, but it leads to speculations. Priers are a bove the average of years In which the yield Was gOod. TheY ale higher (Jinn they ruled all through the war. The deliveries of the . Enlf link farmers are largely In excew of last year. Bat the demand from the continent, the nc now" from California, and scarcity of flour seem to have led to a rise to wheal as marked as it was unexpected: . AstiES—Steady but unchanged; Carman WA. 4 cti lArth.l, C34nl Pearl', like; Pota. 77(P. BUTTER- - Continnes dun putteularly for w thing of an inferior grade, and the supply even at the low prices Is fully up the demand wood to prime fresh packed may be quot ,..i,a . Irate eta, and choice at ratan -filtoo.l4 0011 N—lo quiet and unchanged. 11=t—There is scarcely any Inquiry and I NMM the market. Ix llldi h.tel .erices. nominal et:{l,so e 1.74 per buSbel. BROOSB3.+Store prices; Panel*. V.A.It No. I. td.lit N 0.2. (4; Igo. 3., VAC Common. V.:Oita. CORNMEAL—Is dull but the stock in light and priers anclumgeti: 160.41 per bushel, CEMENT-5:441.1es of burdsville Ilydratillo at g. - .Mayf per GM. CARBON 0)11.—Is dull, as is alorMYs the rate at this i ',articular lane. and prices are drooping; we now quote at 2:175.:Z5i. for stand ard tmids. Inn .Jobbing sear. EIIERSEA3II4.4 4.1 new Ohio Factory at Mc: tear Ohio I ~ ,shell at lINC, null Hamburg is quoted dull at tie. I /MED FRUIT — Apples are.belng sold td I is.". cts, for fair to prime, and choice will not bring over S,St'. Peaches,t7d.,7 for quarters and With for halves. Blackberries. 1011: pitted cherries. 2:142.5. EGGS—The market Is strong and the de 'nand pretty well or to the supply, though g.. - I its may be •regarded as the ruling - tlaotulioal sot wit Ustandlug some rules are report , . tt . .'.4 du. PlAltlit—There is a good deal of talk here tbout advancing flour, mita' , its Per bid , am , o it should he to keep up with the west, from head weave to draw our principal gun ,. but re in 11101.0 talk than anything so fa the IttIVIIIIeO here is concerned. , lees arery timid :Ilona putt log ttP . the , . y 'have not notch confidence In demote being enetained, anal besides the Milton has been so strung With'. the I...months. that they are very carefu ir customers. We continue to mud. -ands of both spring and winter at £5.7: Igh some dealer. quote op to tr 02.1 Il t N .fllit 1 , tilt; .ittA . lN—There In no material change Wheat. with the exception that the feeling . 411121,ker 311 , 1 MC &mama more active: vc now quote at SI.15.s1:11 for fair to prhne red thus steady; and if attything, it shade stronger in consequence of an. itaprovement In the ast; sale of tine car to go mod at 5144. and 4 earn nt free mi board. which is considered 10 51 im wharf, as it n ote one rent per bushel to deliver on cam. There is no im provement Corn , and the market is dell but there k ROI 111111•11 offering no dealers nee not inclined to sell at present. twt:es; we continue In genie nt sO4 - ,lct for ear an atisf.as for. shelled. Rye In quoted at al. buying, and links IC, seines. Marley is seldom mentioned, :nal the tomstm, here, is v irt gaily fiNer. .t tld •ago paper - Friday says: ..itartey as higher excited, and very Irregular. under:, middenly developed demand for. No. which closed Ik:Mc higher. at WOW, with bid for September delivery, at which figures large purchases would have been made had t here been sellers. GIP IPERI ES- The grocery market Is fairly active, with a fair business in - I he aggregtde change sales tit sugars continue large. The changes in the tariff on sugars and co ff ees, proposed by the tax bill which 'passed the house the other .day, would not Into effect nntll December last. leffd. Sugars; Cast. Mallet Porto Rico; 1nt0r.114.; New Or leans, I 0440.12; Crushed, Mil powdered. lAli; .unitffe. 1314; 11 13; 11 . 001 C 121,. Coffer is quoed firm at lahialti34. for ordinary to choice Mo. Rice—Rangoon. 5441 Carolina. P. :syrups firm at former quotations. HAY-Continues very dull and while the receipts are not large, the supply. neverthe less. In considerably 1a: excess of. the demand; sides from count re wagon , . at Sliffkira and bale.l.4m wharf, at sloic , l4. - HEMP - Sales of undressed Kent ucky Ileum .1167. 1 USK'S --Corn hu4k4.3t3 , 4 et 4. A 111) on, - No. I ext quoted at allii N 0.3 at .141 Sales of l'leveland at. V::: per blot. 1 eastern nt $1.75. - POTATO ES -.Market b of prime l'each ad* rthem is not muc are h inquiry for nor klml. The former would Hill sell Ile at 60e per barbel. tu bbing steady with regu ,bbing demand. and pricer although ,ell Unstained, are unchanged. , for plain; 15446/015..: fled in gar eared: Rib Sides, Idid in lab, 17441:5i; Sugar Cured Can ino, 31. Ilm.nkfast Itteon, I:4X for Ram nutl In for cane:vied. Dried Beef, I..trit, 0 In tea., and 14. in kegs. Mess 'ork, KII.• I'lA NUTS—DiII, Tennessee. &i.D. case I'E.AIII, ItAItLEY —No. 4, 64(c per Ilk N 0.3. .1.4; No. 1.6 t. Oat Ideal tII per bid, of an 1t,,. Slit for half lAA. 101 5.5 4 511. SEEDS- Flaxseed in in , Atmdy demand, at No demand for Vluver or Timothy :weds. nits houide = • _ Omen or Prritmmutit flAzgrre. t SATURDAY. June 11. Kik ungtrw volt TIIF WEFAC. The oil market has been very dull and de pressed Mating the week which has Just closed, the sales in. the aggregate being in aignitleant, and compared frith - last week, both crude and relined urn lower. The long looked for report of the production has at lust come t.i band. and while it 'Was generally expected that there would he 4 material in- be Increase is larger thin tr d. According to the report of the Ti tferdhl, the doily avenge prodtictio It of May was something over 13, , e1.1 • have not the exact figures at hand) =1 Itruth of April, of alollt mint, hundred bbl Notwithstanding . this largely int:mt. - 6d pr .iuetion, the market to -tiny trAs fully trong tts IL war yeetettlay; in fact, refined was shade heljer and crude as no lower., l'ow.iderable complaint has Leen Made re tently. and 9tili being Mad , . in regard to_ Mt gunsht . of oil at i,,arlter's I,tittlingt and here 14 mattlyeason fore omplaint. It seems hat rellnerr and dealers bur and pay for arty-Iwo gallons to the barrel. whereas. we are Ml , Mted that 111 nearly every ta.e. it lest It i• guage (Mere, It thw. tut hut.' olli. ,h.trt tato. 4 - alh.tt 41.1. whit It ter,' t•.‘t. he fact that the price of Crude P. high , belntleely. than refined, However, f all our 111PRIMIL want Is that wlitch they hay and lap for and to till+ they are certainly 14.celptt Crude this north. tart .1..24,1kit January Itt to (Coco. 4.1.I:311; ante. vvor Ext...rt.t of rollord thls . I. 11.. - M; from iallllllrY to .aurae t laat year. 17"ut:. lt a I hia wook. bbla extuli-; 4.1110 f ned: %reek. 2.1.750 61.1 g crude: 3.0 , a , re- Markel. if nnrilkin. n shady firmer 1.1/1 t quirt. ~:tlr v 1.1310 b 1.113 svot 1,130 p 40E133, nt. 'IP,: 1.11001 Parlivr 1111 1, rit $4.40 twr 1.111. Seller 12 Augrv+l Selitorhlier.l24; seller all 3 ext. 1333. also n. shade stronger, and as eoinpa h yesterday. prices are a fraction big e 1.15111 LLI. J Rae at g;; and at.) each Se ar pt alai October at - . IS. Buyer all ye. . Ant weft, is unchanged at re:X. -- ur..Cgt Curl. Olt.. till Work on account W Mcrulebetin; F.aeelFinr (111 I.!n. 011 •I't., ClwsQ: nn aeto A. lilt; Eisher 111. SHIPMENTS PER A. V. 11. rt. Lockhart. Frew & Ws benzine lo If. S. Cullen, Philadelphia. Lockhart. Frew & Co.. :V. bl.la refined oil to Wardell. Frew .1 Co.. Philadelphia. National Relining Co.. rd Wag ref. oil to Warden. V. & Car.. Braun & Wagner C71.1.1a refined oil to War ing, King & Philadelphia. ing mu ng lin & Wag o.. ner ITladelC bs hrefined oil to War . Ki & C Phi IL Koehler& Vo.. 1..14.1 ref. oil to Waring. K. & Co., Citizen' 011 CO., MR bldg refined to Tack Ben, Philadelphia. .1. C. Kirkpatrick *MUM relined to Tack Philadelphia. Fulton. Marvin' &'-,41.! bids ref. oil to Logan. Itro & Ur., Phirn. Fawcett, Log an. .9tockdrile & Co., :11/1 Lids ref. OH to Logan Bro.& Co., mar.. Total ' • I ex: hue. NIARKISTS I.IN TELKI/RAPII New York. Nt.w . l'Ong, June 11.—l'ottOn quiet; sales nt gna Dales nt n for middling uplands. Flour. receipts, lAN Ibis; floor better. with a good demand In export and home use: sales Of I,rom) barrels nt V 42440 40 for superfine State and western: f 5,447.3.01 ..k I rip do: • tt...1.8.%ce.,.Tit0r pond choice do: for extra round hoop Ohio: tr h Onnin,litl for white wheat extra western: tn.nririgi,rinfor extra St. Loulti. tale flour moderate In request at $441 411,75. Corn meal steady. Whisky dull: sales pr of WO barrels at $1,1441,10,w, chledy Inside i o pened Wheat: . ls; inar ket opened X;i.ite bet t er a nd cloned heavy and part iptvanFe lost: sides of Milo barbels at ....... _ . m,stent:l. l .th I. and Ilnarer western; $11.314314:1,.5i ..... ,ritur-the latter extreme; sl.2)if.a. Milwaukee: $1: . 0641.= for No. a . st.traLla rejected • for staler. Bye . cornungd Corn: receluts.s3.2ll bosheis, opened A Outdo (Inner and closed sumily with trusierntc larloirY; sales of 01,0UU bushels at sl.MNl.l.rts for new ruined western, g 4,011 for choice do. *llssitl,oll for old mixed western. and $1.1 0 01.1.1 2 for western yellow. Oats:receipts 31,7,11 bush: nate active. with antes ROMP bush at ilro.4ardie for western In store. 014faRf for choice .10 Minot :00.71e for Ohio and State, Including IXI.OOII both 'Canada t G445c. Hay steady at g7li for shisibing and fltartlin In retail lots. Coffee Blends . , with lodes 2.888 bags at. !Meg:lit . ..ld in bond. Molasses quiet nod unchanged. Sugar steady. -with sales tali hhrls Cuba at Okedalie and Porto Rico at tiNitine. Itye dull at Petroleum quiet nt 111,ic for crude and =Stu for refined. Coal unchanged. Leather--hem lock rule. In moderate request at 2tVale for Buenos Ayresand Rio Brand, Wont quiet, with'ettles ;mond% at-10400c for Domes tic fleece andlPlG.Mtie for pulled. Alcohol V.,10 42.1234. Turpentine quiet at :IONV„:00. sheath. lag Copper declined to laic; Ingot more active and firmer at IstAllifge for Baltimore and Ito:aslant . for fAke Superion Pig Iron steady at SZIG•:I7 for Scotch and Pre,.l4 for American. tine Iran dull at Cr, for refined English and American. Sheet iron steody with sales icel4-elc for Noo% steady at 414 c cut. tic for clinch. and zrit2ic for horse shoe. Pork nominal; sales of ItO thin at Irin,sll 031,d.: for mean; for prim; MC 5:511 for prime mesa; sloJor city mess; also 250 buds for August at cote:. Beef quiet; sales 70 bids mess at 1.11005 for plain toe.; flnEin far extra mrss. Tierce beef steady; sales on tea at for prime me.; /2401 for India Ind.. Reef hams dal% ralee On bids at 1,23 , 14 X, Middles quiet; sales Si Las Cumberland cut at IfAie. Cot meats arm and active; soles fed plugs at P,M.l23se for shoulders; niflac for hams.; 15V.2.1c for bagged hams. Lard • dull: lodes Ilia ten at llNAtinNe for steam; 16Wc for kettle; also, MO tee prime steam. fuller three months. -at Inc. Butter firm at Irsaft; for western. Cheese steady at Wane. Lotert—Flour closed quiet, with a brisk ea port demand for shipping grades. Wheat dull and lower; No.- Milwaukee KM. No. nil. $1.:17; winter red 11,432,1,41 Rye dull. Corn Oat .1,1Y.Y4.3,03 for new mixed western. Oats ti rrn at rt.'l3ic ler western in, store. Pork dull; mess tl!OJii asked. and POOP bid for Au gust. Reef unchanged. Bulk meats fairly ac tive anti firni. Bacon quiet. Lard quiet and ; ,flebartged. , Eggs quiet at ..1414.,r,c. • • Chleato. • Cittcsno. Juno 11.--Exchange unchanged. Flour quiet and Orin. Wheat more active and unsettled closing at sl, l og forNo2; this nfter noon market dull. unsettled and unchanged. Corn easier, closing at itiNgitilCe for No. 2; this afternoon market dull; sales at SWAM.. seller June. Oats active and firmer No.: clns ed at GOIiCINHic. Itre quiet , closing at adt ASXc for N 0.2. Harley dull and almost nom inal; sales at Klittlelc for No. 2 Highwines arm at $l. Provisions an d unchanged. Receipts for the past twenty-fourshours were: 7.1. at bids dour. 1.4.047 bus wheat. 166,70 U bus orn. 38.3 in bus oats. 6,00 bus rye. 4m bus bar -1 c ey, ZrAiS head of hogs. Shipments; 4,7fet hbls dour, 143,8{5 bus wheat. 450 M bus corn. 100415 PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 13, 1870 hoe oats, 1.040 bus rye. 1.110 boo howl hogs. Freights casief. ifi CcAco,June 11.—Hogs itctive at tilta9,:xi for common to choice, ' Cattle quiet and steady at VlAlig,B,9ll for common cows to ex tra prime smooth steers. Cincinnati. Clartatia.2l.June 11.—Flour unchanged. with salon of family at s.l.lslaound eaten ataISJAQ 41. Wheat firm :out offered sParinglY; red sl.not 1g . ,. Corn dull at isle. Oats dull at Wsit , 1 . 2 e, the latter rate for o bite. Rye advanced to nekso-$l. Cotton unchanged and steady: Whi.key unsettled. and pat eat o sold at $l.Ol and old {waxes% at. }l.lll. but the. d emand is quite light. Provisions un changed. Mess pork quiet at Mai. With small sales. Bulk meats held at 12 and 15c for ;dominoes and sides. Bacon 1310.141 N andlll:e. Sugar cured hams 210. Lard dull at 1041010. .Itutter unchanged; fresh 104220. Egga Item at ;ale. Linseed oil firm nt $l.lO. Sugar in good' demand; rase 10.,412e, and refined 1341,10.:e. Coffee firm tit full rates. Cold 112 buying. Ear change nt 1-111 tMI per cent. buying and par ceiling. Money, o market easy. =I NEW 4.)III.EANeI. 11111 e Ill.—Cotton quiet :11111 nob; mi,ldllog .11a 213.,,c; FOIE ,4.D 1 boles; re. stoelt, receißt . njor tbl ek, sAV.: export, 14,11 , 4; soles, 14,000. -NEW 0111.1:20., June 11.--Cottno steady o•Ith a fair demand at ::14 , 21t.ir. qttles 155 Intl.; receipt:4lol: export , . AV; sleek 1nt1,77. Floor firm; sunerline reet4"..37.4: extra tr ,5 0d 4,75 : double extra flay *24(11.24,51). Mb, a, t lely4 ouch:tatted. Sterling ItV... Sight tirttriq On Stew V ark Premt.m• -"old It I= • ("I.l,Ei.aao. June 11.-Floor fine and un cliangtal. Rye dour ham; held a t-1 t .25•147475. W•heat: No I red wino , hell nl t1:4 9 ; N. do held al $1:24 dosing lino. Corn lino; %WC. , for. No I lolled, 10"klEk: for No 2 do. Oata firm; ale• for No I State. Rye quiet . . No I hela nl Iro.L•o/ $l. No II do at zekitAkl. Barley dull :old nominal. PotrOleton quiet. hot steady; Mode s4l,lnlt 5.31 per hhl, relined 2:1421.1ac per gallon. Albany. A twit:vv. .1 one 11. 4.i:title very lull with in I haq far In receipts over lied week; th davit lon In transportation prices On the Cen ol pailristil hos caused a decline of er Plum!, the higher snick. tel t.'“, or': ss than last week. Carnola hulls ;v., an lockers laid no price lined. Sheep on lower. here is no deniond to CIE3= St. 1.41111/4 June thin. active anti unchanged. Cotton nonillion 21c. Henn , active; $1,40.rt,5.1 for undressed. Flour firm; fall super £4.-1n401,50. X $4.75. XX ti,9i1441,110, XXX $5,-.r. Q 311,,5. Wheat strong, chasing 11l higher. Whiskey doll, I,W. ltroceriesnitiet and unchanged. Provisions steady. Cattle active 43.4h7t.:c. Hogs steady; 7's QM= Iwn:tkylLlA:, Junell.—llaggitur firm: pound :Mo. Cotton dull; Mtldling Flour 1. Wheat firm at }1:2114;t1.:10 for re.! whlte. ru lower tit Oat n tine. lire ti,thl. rovlslon , toteluoled atilt prieell of yerler ty'g quotation , W tarky Tolson: des 2:6 Illolu of for fro4tl,4lll,olltld if,:; 1r,70.7.31 for low to medium bright Itlemplas. pills, tote 111,- Cotton oroolnal at 211;0 vs: reeeloti 3ltt bates, exports El. Pon etbrtt •Ineal Sr loll: yellow VI, %glib. $1.11011,11. 1131 e. Hay quiet: V 91,1.21, Brat $l.llOll INE , :tle. Pork quiet: E shoulders quiet. 1:13.:e, side+ totlet OM= MILMAUKER. Ality - 11.—Flour unchanged: ales city made double extra at Vi,754±.6. Wheat weak at }MOS for No. I: $1.12 for 2. Oats steady at rtiNc for No. 2. Corn nom inal. Rye advanCing: sales Sic for No. 2. Freights steady at 6 and hie to Buffalo and usweg- dune 11.--Whent: upper gratirit anti lower tirade+ ia dritaindi extra siAteadyxko.m. No 1 $1.4704,01. regular PLltlatd.iirt. and amber $1 with tittles wood trodern tit7dr :tad State at Gic. Philadelphia. Pll UAW:LS . IIIA. 311110 ll. HOW' unchatuct V heat advanced le. Corn dull and neelm lc. Pcovlslnag unchanged. - Petroleum tlnn 'rude MSc. relined tll.6l.Wic. AVltlqk notollutt at g 1,16. Itnlthnocc. • IlAimni)ult. June 11 . .—Flour ut the at; ful lee, Wheat firmer l. $1.3541.40. Corti inert white prime $1.170 . 1.1n. milt :me I 011:17.k. Provi,lotoi toichnuned. Dry Graala Starker. Nnw YOUR, June o.—The neirket Is very du nil there is but little or no change in t h rierk 0 aninle articles., I=l PITTSHIIIOII, FORT WAYRIF: MVO CRICAGO 10. I t.nOit, June 11.-173 bbls flour. I. J 171 Ibis eggs. J A Dr7.lt; $ trunk slabs. Jos 'Liebler:l7 bon soap. J A Jacobs;':", do to. Dairen A: Towunstud:burrs coffee. I ear wooden ware, Dilworth. ' II , a; Co; 4 bbls bacon._ boo du. II Res Jr, .1 ears tone. 111. nn Diaper: I do Ito, J I. linos: 4 bbis , s b. I CO Imo. Jour. & lAughllm 194 bl/kt • 11,1 bl7 s fessl..ftskas cheese, T C Jenk Ins • b.f.f..7.i'V12:!..':'..!11P5tt!' 14.1„T.'n! ....Tlt7iiiit:AWir , si!. - iiiiiii; it U 4 Ohl, itornitiitt; 2 PI emls X lingo, Hero. °Well , . 1.0 b1)10 hour, Seglimyer. 1' car lime. Penh Salt Mfg Co; 12 rusks p nob, Itikewell, P & 11t; ti cheesy. 11:410. Idmg & en; 14 lislls e. 8 MOgrstrebl4l gull's r 'roe. II .1 ,,, e.: I t 1../ It tuke‘..li.lin 11,11 S. C. I .10 do. S Hors & Pon; i 5 halo t inss. :1 reel. yarn. H tlerwig & Csd Id k, oat, Msd.'sillims; 2 Md. whigkr. I keg do, .1 hlelin); 21/lio ebeese. N J 111,1;len: 10 IMO dour. Sh yard 5 I /71VIS1 Il lit , f Joro, At Ludic 1,101 1 Co: 16 lolls imper. Ih, , teller & Smith: 12 bide old glmos, I. Thompson. & 5..,.;'', skis sm, Sehorllsmdls 5 II: 45 1.110 v.l,lssky. Rodels Inons 5 .1. 4 eno Ososslshirs. F. II NI, etsi & 1'.,. '....rvi:i. s ks o ANts Pin,. inn, 11.1.11.itsiAti 11 d. Co: I 1, pig 0 - 00. A Ini ork & 4. ' • b, 3 .. opr 0. MClinighl . P & CO; 2110 do. lt,s. 0 A II: _du .10, 11103163,. W .11 I'ol2 dd dn, hIcK night & l'., 24..110 IL hoists., Fuller. I.& II; 2,011 do In. It A .111001;144.000 r1111,g1e.... (1 A llamdrirf• 24.11111 ft lumber. McQumenn & 11; 1,401 do do, 'Om& a Sholos:1 car lee. 1V Sent( & Pons. Idlelool, T .1 Illacknince;ll butte , . 34 cuAtwell .I'. 1.:_I Ms starch.' II & 1. Welsh; ....., do 1t , ,. Itinelmil.& P.; It: do .10,'Ishillth .x II; I boo shoulders. Drupe & It; 12 oil lade. It 14 Moot,: 2 ers pop ,luniber. .Viron & NI; 21 lob', hay, 11,1,1 nisplef..l Collins; Lt. lit do Mb. Watt. L & C., 10 rkis poetic, 1 Isb) dmi1,1......11...nd & ,I, 11 , 144 t, Int,ll. IllnelEirt .k $: k .1 ,, , 1.11. 11 ".. Hinick..l & rm. 50) I,x,lseo ee, Volt. M & V..; IMO p barley, :Strickler 5; II: 2 has. I table; I suck, J French; I kegP Issmlers- Joel, 11 .+rr. 4 1)011 elder. 0 Cribber; I bbl egg, F II er&l2- head; 111 tails gnu, 1' 11,,11 & :km;. bbt_. ego, I do baron, 11. 111.1.11e11 box toldosen.earter & M 1021, oats. F 0 4 hmighend; 1 bid IssicOn. N. Cullough,S , S; 1 41., .10.1 keg 1.1 , 1. 1 ,1 .11 1,1,1 Haworth .. 1 / 4 1,. . Prrrsnellllll , axe Csocxci&AVll.i.g. ' lAD. J Yoe 11.-- 0 bails CAC k 4; iirill(lo,- A;to 4 0; ISlskgs reuktrs, W F Amrst num& 31sks rags. Alstantv A. Co; Ira , .11 , corn and 0:{{11. S.;Cilt.i: It; 8 lids sugar: -Intonoon & e: I car not, llouck.J & Co; In sks .1.., 105 do corn, 51 do wheal. W Wrists A Co: se; 1,5. , sr glass. Cry St Co; 50 1,1,10 whiskv, A CI McGrew; ,11l Lids charcoal. It Winnis: 11l docrinsid, W 11 Nantlier As Son:10 rolls leather, ti H Ando , 50n:77.44N cement. Hartman & 1.5 ICI tans paper. Smith& I-% 75 1.1,1 A crinsnt, C It Lerch;;; bids whisky. Dillinger & S:: tdds lV no unrar. IV .H. Lang & Cm; 4.. do cement, II Kirk patrick & Co. fl'lTTsueltOrt CINriNISATI AND FT. LAWN ItAlLtucin. June IL-10 toLls Sour, C A [number; 1 LA. molt, Hitchcock. MeCrecry & C.,:7 441 u dour, Schomaker & Langenhelun LS legs corn, !tricker .1., (Sc• SI Sirs oars. Kell & Ititchart:hdo do, P IMII& Son: 11l dnuns to bacci...l Fdierton. 7 bgA feat hen., rCI Craig head:4 41/1• r.rd. corm Kramer. Itobn & Co; 5 pkgs haul ware, 3 %Voodsrell; 17 I,gs corn. klennor & Harper: K. pkgs hardly:4re, .1 kin- Colcheon, Il do do, K Hall. A .LuitigrrY WALLET ILAII.IIOAD. June ' ll--I car Idle, A C Neff: 1 do clay. Star Piro Stick Co; 5 horselL 2 mules. I) A rnbelm; 2 Lids whi ky, McCullough. II & Co; 1 /102 thlif , C, A H ling ish & Co: 52 hides, 1 L 414 - tallow' Nick KCller; 5 .kg pot lane.. 7 do oats. T Densey; 4 AP wool, ado ram, %V George: I car memo. McKnight & Co; ado do, Oral!, II & Co. Aigattanszer STATION June. lI.—G can ore. Lewis. Railer & IL: 00 sks bran. Ilippler S II: 40 Ali , s mats. W 0 Ilmwn: 7 don chain, (inns & I: l ar rnopernge J emphill:s b soap. S'l/Yer: ILW eggs; Mr H bon N Corr. 7 .k. rose, A j Kast: 2 4414 eggs. tteckgel.l& N: 11l bgs I need, 51 IlSoydann 2..1 rakes, .1 hicCutcheon; 1:7 bpi oatrh It Knox & Son; I car metal, I.lndelay & IIII; Id bk 4 t 1.1,11 W Ilubley; 4 do dn. It Alttsgrave. =I . .. -151 PORTS BY RIVER. ~ .,4 • Pi MYRON. IIfIOWNAVILLZ AND CIY-NCVA PACER COMPANY. Jane 11.-172 ANA W glass. It C Schmertz: l KP its oats. S It Floyd & Co: ;I .10 alb, II Conrad. 111 4 ,NNVA PrJt Isr.a.i.r., June 11-61 sks wheat. W Veliee & Co; stiks rags. Ilughoner:SlGgslls 0 wait., Ifinnltlon & Jones: 16 Jets oats, II do IVilCilt. Be Bane & A. r No. pring• - OILS. - fjck, Bro. & Co., PERRY BUILDING, Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh TACK liol9_ WARLNG & KING enomannlnn Merrhants and Broken. In - Petroleum and its Products IoALZKI.US BLOCK, DUQUESNE WA Pelliulelphts Address. WARINCr,K IS C 4 &CU 109 WALNUT fiTHEICT. ECLI PSE PETROLEUM REFINERY Herbert W. C. Tweddlo, • • MANUFACTURER OF Lubricating and nigh - Test Burning Oils. ECLIPSE RAILROAD 'AXLE OM Manila greet heat without change: remains lira ' lad at lowest temperature.. Special nil for trout-- IiIACTIINIC 81101 . . ' Will cut aurora. SAW Mita, AND PLANING MILL oILS, SPIN t ja, i , lih s,ertirillEAl7 - 1 , 101 - IT OIL, OIL, TANNERS' STUF-lIINNSOI.Ic. ve,,v,4oBll,'N"li.lZONirs • RUMOR VAILNIIMIL to timliewe Might Iron Work and Machinery from rust. • . These products are manufactured ender Dr, T he natant hy Superhgated Stamm In ' . untie. The Lubricating 011 a are almost lalorless, perfaMlT pure, uniform, and mostly light colored, Mand high tomperatam tinehiumml, and remaln during , e cold. The Railroad 011 a are une qualled and are In constant um, man! of the hallreada. Samples can he examined and orders left at 374 woo!) STRILIGT. Worts at 86.90sars Midge. - 'RIVER NEWS. —. • The river rose considerably during Satl urday night and yesterday forenoon and was still swelling at 2 r. x., with four feet ten inches iu the 'channel by the 3.ln nouguliela marks. We should sod be surprised to see six or even seven feet to: day, as Were has . been considerable rain above within the past few days. TheJuniata departed for Cincinnati on Saturday about . 11 o'clock. with all the freight she wanted and a fair numher of passengers. TLr °Lindale arrived front St. Louis on Satiarday evening abold 5 o'clock. She put otr a - good deal - .of ore . at Sit➢cent points below. and. consequently, experi enced lint little _ditieulty in getting throng t. • • 11,0 capt. lol flounced far tit bads forthwith. Messrs. flees and. Itunlevy are associated 111 getter in the A very distressing and fatal .ael'ilielli irred on tilt, tilendale on Saturday nn, a short distance below the city. t band-named James •Melamaugit, milting to draw a bucket . of water after end of the. bola, was caught en the pitman and .fantail, and the rq being iit motion. his neck was al nstantly broken and badly crushed vise, emoting death almost instantly. ipped on the tutat ftt,l4t. Louis. and .e was born in New York.. An in• yesterday. • [Cutte'lhanatu, Capt.. Ed. Evans. is r uptiteadilv for St. lintis and will Ile ready to.takelter dejtarture. oe Juba, front 7.attesvillt•l is due for lay rub will return us usual to narrow. —The‘St. Louis DernorKtr Thurtslay ays.._. John A. Warden. fOrmerly steam. sett ag,;.nt here; now in 110. Oil .t rittaburgh, and, previous to that, h navy cotton otterat'Ar at letuttlfis, is here In a visit, and saw many old friends 011 yesterday. Having Well Iris Wife tsure trip to California. Mr. A .114; in nttrq Warden returns to Pittsburgh to-. ay._ We clip the following from the ham taper; A false item is going the round to the etreet that tbt Carrie V. Koontz i allwo.. She probably Will be by tlm 1.2t1 inst. She WIIR still high slaw° water below Alemphis—on. the 4th inst., and th owners had not been advised yesterday ii havinw 11W - wended from . her lofty eh —We clip the following front the $l. ,011L1 Capts. W. It. Carter end Henry 11. Symmes purchased from 'apt..lohn P. Keizer, superintendent of he Memphis and St. Tunis Packet Cam may, the Mary K Forsyth for $7,000. lie' Forsyth was built In 1884, and lots machinery still in good order; Is a 900 tun boat. with wssl hull. and We think alto getflor the cheapest steamhoat pronerty sold at this place for a long while. We helive no deeiSioll hat been Made yet with regard to t los trade she will run in. —The Evansville Journal. of WWII. , day, sans: We are authorized by Capt. .blot VC . .eZtllllOll to say that flip report that the Natchez and 14.1, are to make a Mee on the Ntli. or at any , krtlier time, is wholly without foundation. The repnta. ' of the Lee is fully established. and . Capt. Cannon it tar goad a business man, And NA, prudent n kleamboat limit to risk, the lives 14 his friends or his crew by reckless efforts to attain glory.• —The Cindunati Go:dfe of Saturday says: Cate lk. It. Whittaker. formerly of the H. Iran, and more reeelritly rr this Savann;l, passed through the city la evening en r m onte fro St. !Ands to l". MMMI=EM =M= —Messrs.( flair. Parker. Lee ant Wendell. Mg.-era Of the United Stab• Navy, stationed at Mound City. have goo to New Orleans to take smue monitors t Key West. They will return when th. special job has le•en performed. —The ship carpenters at the Vitriol yards at Cincinnati barn all resume work. They wee• receiving per da • and Struck for an 'advance of - 50 c. TL are hiM WeleiVing —The Clarksville Tobacco Fair otters premium of $2O to the steamboat the shall this Ne3/.11 carry the greatest mu ber of hogsheads of tobacco at one trip. —New (Private. frc•ijhts Nave admitcc thew figures:, tßk. f pound freight and 50e. for tuerell for pork and t. 1.75 hisky —The Viola BAIN, arrived nt. Ft, fm tl,r Wiwi' day. with '.!ls tot, ft.7lizid.. ..•1 lali , rntol W• 11.1 w.... :It i I RIVER PACKETS SIONONIi It ELRET STEAMER sila t BELLE, I I' , sit rii J. 1.. t•I I i Jl' udtpeadent Pithburgh,liTOWll%iille a Genera racial brareol W but B ntt above Slor.ngaliela val 7 TUESDAY. V and SATUIIIIAI WIII tarry Freight and lhaasengen. In all phAntards he Monongahela rivo.r. Fr a freit .a.,04/I.llolapplynnlo.ard..n . at Wharf. tx , 111.141. foo gh l ed tinuit 14/1144. wry WM. Ale 1 0 .1.14 1 Y & Aironi• MEE! • 1 4 , t) t cA Ito. •Kr. Louis. I,lll4ijUti AND T. PA CI.. lite land 40245....1110m kAI PUTSAM. , ED. EV ANS Vlp W. IIIAIDIMON Al'lll Imo:. to above ,:n WKIINKEDAV.I3: I : J. IL VOLLINGWOOt Oil .I D'. VLACK.,I AEr FOR I.TICA IRO aA N D T. I.OS. - no tdend id talawii - . iree Mamma • WAIIANITA .1 ii.CONwAr,(Nbra'r. Will leave for the above and 'Oen...Date porta on Tulin DAY. June 13.. at 4 C. a. ' Fortfralatit or pawainle.al•PD lin lawd• • - PORTSMOUTH PAChNT. IL WIIEFfLINCI,NARI• pew ETTA, P A RK EIDIBU HO, AND PoRTSMDLITII. Leaven PlLDbuind EVERT FRIDAY-4 P. The EVERT MONDAY - ,10 The new Vu! ephandl4 I , ..naer rtn.ner GRANITE STAT W. /L epta wVolti'l:evrglgt:nr=ipply nn board, I= Pittsburgh and Cincinnn PACKET LINE The new end oplen.ll.l ohle-wheel s iagg Emmet. JUN-lA:TA, • apt. C. 1.. MUNN/IV, will leave MIA I 11 clunstl THIS lIAI 12 • o'ck:t_._ Yo._ ", !1; V,A4teauppl. los,. CluttlnosU EVERT HUAI . !for frelichi o•r "‘"VZ'AtPrir.tar4,7l.Aol, mbi JAMMI (A)1.1.u45. /Wont. • I:ctya/AM - :):se;I: 1 1 • .. rro I.IYEDPOOI, AND - QUEENS TOWN.—TIIR INMAN MAIL STEAMSHIPS, numbenmodstete fifillaNk class rinarelo , among them Lb* eget.. CITY OP PARR, CITP OP ANTWERP,. CITY OP notnrox, CITY OP IIALTI)10112, CITY OP LONOOPt • PnlllnQQ k l: El A y , T r U i.o rt Y , m r r zo .r., P b l e e t , 4 . 3 0 • WILLIAM BINGHAM, Jr - I.I3.H!IITIIppIi, STREET. I' AS! TEAS! TEAR 3""""'.••••i•••• Red One almortoaent or N , , 0 , ea, , T1R ,0 141 ,, 2 1 1 of , INlVe r b. • • AN Woomera hotbed 4o all and examine the stock as quality and prim will be for the laurel.' of the purchaser. Alan, on hand. a lama and aloehitit abuirtutent of choice flu/cedes. For sale hY EDW A IttLIIZAZI.KTON Non. 201 and SO Dian Tod NV r== El NI Trego% Teaberry Toothwash le the tinntMut ' thalweg and beet Dentifrice extant. I Warranted free front Won.* : It prelim/ma and whiten. the Teeth ! invidombes and mamma the On Purifies and perfume. the breath - Pneven4e accumulation of Tartar! (leans nd Purities Artldelal Teeth! Is aau not amide toe Children I ddbr Tor sale gall Drumnate. WM: KREBS! ICE •DE.ALER, 351 Riirer Ave Allegheny. /ann. . SPECIAL NOTICES. • !OF - DOCTOR 'W HITTIER COZiTlN xAsirs. AL TC OuTn " talc ALL o f f iRIVITZ . Ir nf - r. from self-40u., prviduetrig ....line., tier.. detillltyjnymbilim m 1101013 1 ,, Wistful embustens. and finally ',minim., Permanently cured. Persons afflicted nun delicate, intricate and lone standing constitntional complaints are politely Invited to Call for consultation, which costs nothing. Rape tient..., the best of teachers, has enabled him to , perffmt remedies at wife etnelent,eafe. Permanent. and which In most eves canbe used without hinds i ranee tu business. Al Mines prepared in the el.- tabllsfinsent, villich e braces oak, reception and wailing Mans; unsi la Nina and sleeping anal , meets for tmtlents reit iring dall• personal ellen- Pon. nod senor and chemical baths. ris lm. thus conceit ttlng the famed min r springs what spris. No matter whn Rare fall., stabayour cuse. Re. what he aitla In his pamphiebof lifty Wee, sent to any address for .. v... in sealedenvelope. fib impends of cases treated annually. at office and all over the country. Consultauon free. personally orb) . mall. °Mee No. 0 Wylie street, pear Court 1b..) Pittsburgh, Pa. flours 9n. u. to S P. hf. Court 12 H. Pi 21•. a. Pamphlet sent to any address for Two irre II Ps. oysEEEsIA—NEw MODE OF T tEATM ENT. PROFESMiIt %V ALE ER, the dlatlnxuinhed Eng lish Botanist, diseovered In Anstralla an excellent thmsnic remedy, an effectual cure for Indigestion. ilillious and I.le er the name to the Philadelphia Bawdy Institute. The Secretary will, to, application, forward free to all. this important The Metheal Reform SoeielY who make , this an. nown n eetnent willnit _make anY carge for thls t Cher medicine. of but In return request those who are trenedtted to forward to the SoMety a statement of their ease, and than aid wititfams the present 7,en.t!lu In tl ' i.. '" ` ? !i : lgl t tl .r4 A 7 '1 ;7 l'etri t tl Ta v Alt . iNsTr ' rUTE Sflt 13th *tree , I.hilndelpitla. IFS leCy- MAN 110011: 1100' . LOSTI 110 ' RENT(110:1/ —Just Published Inagent at 2.7rt14437h1t . . t Spermatorrinea, or Seminal Weaknesa, and impedi ments to Marriage genemily; NOMIIOII4OSII, Con sumption, Epilepsy; and , File; Menthl _and . Physleal Incapacity. SM..by !tour. J. t . 1313 I.lll‘ ELL. H.; H. author of the .tHeen`-irkolN To THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS.. under seal, lea plain envelope, to any address. postpaid, hoA, I.ostommt box 4380. Ai,. Dr. Publerweirs ..Martinge 111 . 1.1 . .13 cents. Ins:Cult/ rey-BATCHEIAIIt'S HAIR DYE.— Thi. splendid Hair lute is the best In the world. Hamlets, reliable, inabsetanemis,tillear ../1.111 la, any VITAIIe poihou to prod ye paralysis or death. A cold the vaunted a not µtr nd d ie pimp lute has had • 30 years untarnished reputation to uphold Ito integrity as the only Perfect Hair Dye—Rlark thrown. Sold by all Drugged, ••Applied at 10 Bond street, N. Y. fe: WHOLE SALE GROCERS. Sic ESTABIASIIE:II BY t.. & T. GOMA, Rill. W. M. (;OIZNILY, Wholesale Grocei 271 LIBERTY STREET ' , .pix,slie Eagle I tote%) 1'111 , 111111. , 11 VA 111eanor & llarpe rimuu, GRAIN AND 1.1161,,,i7eR ClOllllll i tni.ell:lritS No. 32N 1.110:Ill'V STILICET. =1 A. A. STICKLE. M.. STE Ta - Jl l 7l & SON, = 'ontmisslon Merchants, And IMnlat• In FLOUR. lIRAIN. FEED. An., A No. A 5 OHIO sTitErr,lnnte . East C.usnuon. All Atm., Illy. _: W. C. Armstrong 04M . ..0r to Fetzer A. ArruntrunKJ PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, ptv.cu nom. 15 MARK pl. stlocrr. • j...81JA NC ARD, tolesale anti' Retail tinker, No. 39( I'P:NNSTmEET urr I.E. lIA I RD S PATTON. Whole nNlarchanta and An-ultra l in Prnatker. Flnur. Rae., Vitae.% Fink, Vartmon and Lard 00. Indi. Nada. Wank Coln. Varna andn Pataintran Manafactunmaennran, 111.4 nSKVON • MIN I.llol' SE .1: BROS:. Sitecessors tfl to 3011N'1. Ilttnilt Wawlern.le Vuunutpaton 11,•rrhaida. e..ruer tdolllsteld and Water ar...,tl..l.i.buralt. •-• • • PAIN I i„liitrros W.IIALLAOIU4'I,:. Wholesa ll le tatoCEItS AND 10i SEath i'atgbondi.• FINANCIAL Tradesinetfo National 13a WUOhO STIIEET, roasEß sEratio AtE STEDEST PA ID OX DEPOSITS old, Coupon Bondi and Mork I= A. BitAlll.lff. Prfwidind, W. VANIKIRI,V ItemoJent en RUA CLARKE. In. Usehier MBIll NEW Mar 1,1.1570. r 111: El RH of T. I. TA MIK A: L ”orint nottunl o.r.ent. and we low.. -lb. day ',mod n oArluer,hlp tout, Ow mane .t TAYLOR. & COOPER, t.). liroaa infliVielloct of a , • War , sl al neg. aralooK I ,uss, :11 It. .1()1IN IiAILEY ponl nalyel noir. e.log VI totted 6 30.000 the. 0.111011 "We take Mi. opiw.rt.ity thankine the mut ton..., a the ~141 tin. for them pa•l ro nil,. and aollcilltOr 1'4.1111.1411, of their rav , .r, 21.147 . er our per,' to 3111..4 reel.ett ullY .4ldt their ...too. In PUMI.”P .ale of ellwneurition droll 111 at Ilia New Vat Stock or • iold Kirboaq, 1.11111.21..4 I,lv W .. end eol:ected. Interest alhewed Mier* tor Mail .sr Telegraph pr , aul4lT e.C,Ote4 rer •by Vernit4lott I..Vlrot Nutional Bank Aburgli. CENTRAL BANK No, .35 : Bulk Block, E=9= = MEE = ET= STOCKIIOI.I , ERR INDIVIIIUALLY LI A RI.IS Interest Allowed on Time Deposits . Collection. toad/tin all the , principal Clt4e of the United .uteri end • 1111Urf,1111, THOMAS AUKTI . . MADISON HAMM'. W. IAR}IOI.I.. J. F. 1/IINNIHTON, JAAIRY 11.110PKINS.. 1111 , 1011 AN JULIUS ADLER, JAIIICII SHUSH JAHIFIS BROWN. PAUL IL HACK J. 11. WALTER. JAI.IM LYONS. TIMS—IMIVCTT, ProsldenL J. W. I/A% FIT, Cashlar. lL MINNINIItt. AWL Cashier. splll9klWY OLLAR SAVINGS. BANK N 0.65 Fourth At:-enue, 1111= ASSETS,. 82.595.:371 GO. XrB"AVIK taT fNw llu~ lot to lot, from to 11 o'clock. and from No vember let to MAY let, fromto PI o'clock. ll gM 'l rl7tr.led o tt o tl i i l v 12% of ,WirgitlPTon demi twi. a year. In June and Dee tuber. Inter eat ham been declared Dttaltannually In Jane end December, since the Dant waa orkankted. at the rate of Six Per Pent. our year. ;Memel. If not drawn out, la placed 10 MO CM, it 0110,, &vital°, 3.1 principal, and bears the Mille Interest from Diu OM MID 0 , tinne end D e p,e,,,,,e, ranupounding MSc° 11 yettr. without tntubline the d /t e tWg ' n . st Vtigt:rllVlt t :Ltirrll%t h a h =t o treri t te 111 r i t'.7.V.VT. 1 ,7t 1 ,4!t,1,!T;17117;,!1T - 14,11:4 1 ,1;;;°,1 I the —JAMES DEUID IAN. VICK 1.1/101111.1111, . tiortryie Albers, . lA. 11. Pollack, M. it. John (i. Ilackuren.llehert Robb, Rent. F. Vitlimedock, i John 11. Shiiimberger James areAuley.Jkines Shldhe; D i James B. . Reeds, Alexander Speer, lasso IL Pennock. Tothrrittn. liThrlatian Veseer. Wm. J. A nilemon. illenry J. I.ynch, Calvin Adam.. Peter A. Idedelra, John C. Illndley, John Merehkh, tare rge Black, iWalterP. Hara han, Hill Berickiln, John H. McFadden, (Marten A. Colton, I Mehl klecandleee. John Evans, Rten.ry . k . k. Oliver, Jr. John J. Chiles.plo. i """P S ! William S. linen. .Ormabt I hilllps, Perm' 11. Hunker, illenry I..lllnanalt, Richard 'lay, 11ZITi a l kd ' AP Tffl f; I James U. Kelly. Iloberl C. Locals., • William Van Kirk: Titerkennen-41A1 RS A. liill.TON. S[chrewnr.-JAhre'S R. . MENDS. COTTON HOLMES, BELL 4 CO; ANCHOR COTTON MILLS Ilanotactarers of HEAVY MRDiUM and MOUT ANCHOR AND MAGNOLIA Sheeting and Batting FINANCIAL EOM DIAMOND SAVINGS, BANK, , No. 6 DIAMOND, Partmorilon Et= SeurNMOlMltits let - armee 1.1.1 . LIAM.. , Deprisite In sums of SI Boa upwards received. Interest allowed on time deposits. Particular at tention given to collections, pnweeds of which will be remitted promptly. 1 inerrant.: - James M. Cools, • 1 Abraham tiarrison. James M. J. Allis...it. Andrew 1.. Itoblio.oli Win. Hinds, ' I- Widerbeld, • Jut. Fleming., . N. F. Sawyer. Cashier r'ifirtllifier. Cashier—MAlN . S. SCULL 1 AMERICAN RANK, No. 80 Fourth Avon -tie PITTSBU HG CASH CAPITA I $200.000 Slockladders Individually Liable. HANK OP 1/IHPOUNT AND DICPONIT. JOHN FLOYenD, t WM. FLOYD, Presid idtteiTiwil: Cashier. Thoti. N. 51nrshell, 1 John M. Murtlanil, Win. T. Shmmon, Archibald Wallace. Janies W. Arndt, Jas. 11. Kelly, IT,as. H. Leech, Wet. Fleld. John Floyd. Collections wade on nil 110111 t. 10 the United Slates and ....ed. Prompt attention ea ni to ern , respondents.• • lelolo FREEHOLD BANK AND. BIMINI; ASSOCIATION o. 10 Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh PITAI. . PI/IV II MK • - • DEPoSiTnitS SECURED BY REAL ESTATE AND INTEILF.ST AI,LoWED 0 N TIME DE POSITS. Prooldeßl.-EDWARD 11011 SE. Vire PreieleistA -J. S. CRAFT. ADAM JACOBS. mum - nuts: EDWARD DOUSE, Wil.l.lAll PHILLIPS, J AMY-4 DRAFT,BOB.T. W. M APB EY, TM /MAR STEEL, .1 A BED M. BRUSH. THOMAS W. DAVIS. Secret) .0 Treaeurtir-T I toSt A S STEEL. A%MeoLla CAM ler-JA RES P. SPEER. tinier) b...n , iromf) cock to 4 o'clock p.m. slAily.und every itaturday .ovenlett rm. 7 to 1 0. ap.13,04 • COMMERCIA L BANKING COMPANY No. 9! Fourth Ave„ Pittgburgh MET Stockholders Individually ITVISITSON. IV. C. TT ACILUM, Preeldent. Cashier. nInECTOIts: • ALEXANDER HATP.S. JOHN TANDSAY, A. IL /MULISH, O. S. MACHU M, W. 11. KVEIMON JOHN O. PHILLIPS, W. B. F. WITJSON. JACOB FLEE Collertiona made ‘HO all accessible points of the United States and Canada, INTEIIEsT allowed on TIME. HIM/SITS. Prompt attention given to all Immures of eorres wmdenta. CITY BANK_ 11" FIFTH AVENUE prrrsuintuti, PA. MEE STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. INTERIOR' PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE bought and sold. and when desiredremitted to Europe. Celle Miens W e on all and re ail ,the principal print .or the United States and Caniulact DOMINICK lIIMI4EN. President. JAtIEB AIMIABIL. Vico President. W. N. MORGAN. Cauhler. • • Marren.: D. D. Ihmmn. I James McCabe. • Themes Rourke, thigh Keallne. Patrick Kane, Terence Campbell. C.a. B. Barr, JOICON Phelan. Moo. Harlem_ , 11. A. Fret - told.. IL .I. Grace. Thomas Barnes. N. Mope, jellth JOS. NI. li A 7.7. AM. St dicitor.. THE SAFE 'DEPOSIT4OO or Pittsburgh Safe Keeping or Valuables. Under $ll 'antes. and Iho renting of Safes I Fir! and Buiglar-Pruof Vaults No. 83 Forirth. Ave PR11.1.11 -. S. ke reemideut.-11tiNKV bl.l I VD. 1111tExT.I.: Zr:W..S i forit 7l l:7 . George Black. Currie to. 11 us're,. William Phillip." Ilenry Wald. William Rea. Wllllam Y. Lyon. Heify aly Tivas.-S. P. VON lIONNIIORPT. pen Maly rfolll 9 o'clock A. Y. 1.0 4 o'clock r O lORGAN, KEENE & MARVIN AValt. Street, fri. , ll/t,dtray. , NNW TORE' trail.. A General tanking Business. TUFO. M. MORGAN. :AAMLIEI. N. ICF.FNE, I= Late rat tit.tr General and Atitutant t_ the State 01 Now Vork.l . Being in the immediate vicinity of the iittuqt Co ohdene aane d e t xe e c ü b t l e o de l l o an e r t d hem d e a m l e m m t b P e u rs a o ih f i e c a t c c h a patt. Merehants and Investors, living at a distance. can rely upon attention to their smallest or largest orders, wi th o equal ear* and PfilnifilithN. As in years pmt. weshall eonlinue to transact all 411.1.111. of.Nationa l ßank.. an d Corporations on the most favorable terms. Individual. and Mist Companies, contemplating a change in their securities, air desiring to mote Inquiry concerning any anemia' businere they nary have in this city are invited to coruniuniotte " 1114 9 447:et n arsr7t. 71; e P.t r lie New Cork. N. Holmes & Sons BANKERS,. 67 Market Street , rhos. i.. TAri ‘VNI. COOPIt. .11,1 IN BAILEY PITTSBURGIH, PA Cllect:on% mad*on sit th* Prittrol Doha a of the United htatu •nd Van CAS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES, BOUOOTAND SOLO ON CORIMISSION. Particular atteutitio peel to the P . lout United States Securities ettNa $lOO.OOO HART, CAUGHVA & C -Bankers and Brokers, CORNER FOURTH AND WOOD STREETS, Pittsburgh. Pa.. (SUCLICSSOitB TO HANNA• HART a co. Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And partici. sttentlolry to the purchase and Government Bonds ALSO' Sight Dranghtn on London. no on 7 Per Cent, Gold Loan OF TIIE BURLINGTON, CEDAR RAPIDS & MINNESOTA R. R. CO'S First Mortgage 50 YEAR CONVERTIBLE BONDS. A LIMITED QUANTITY FOR SALE. At 90 and Accrued luteres lut.'est MOle May and Noumea J. ItIKIAR THOMPSON, t ..,.... d .,.. eIIAItI.K.S 1.. FROST. I The 'meatier tart of the road is shouts comPleted and stomp 'large 'earnings. and the balance of the walk is rapldly progressing. we onlieFtingly recommend thesoliondses the safest and t Investment in the market. U.S. Fir warns. at current prices only.return oer cent. Interest, while p.m, par eight and - - - -o regard the = 000-quarter per cent. ha leetnally equally goal. HENRY CLEWS - & CO. 32 Wall Street, New York =MEM _ S. M'CLEAN & CO., No. 65 Fourth Avenue ENGINES, BOILERS, &c. l FORT Pitt Boiler, Still and Tank WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, INUFM`TUREHS OF Ir2lo 000 jIMULAIL DOUBLR.FLURD TUBULAR STRE AM, CYLINDER STEAA ROLLRNR. '', 31 "1 , 1 1j it •4' 1 , W (111111 AN I ) NI II Z , VgiN . -. SALT P 11KN411 kr • ['lrv's 0 ASOIIETERS AND IRON 11_ , Trillt..1 , - • 11 rIIIKDA DOOII, AND COAL SIIUTIN. I=l =I pr. Orders sent to the above address 1.111 be ettlentled HUGH M, BOLE ST, CO, r. Point Alley and DIIIIIIPSIIe Si, Engine Builders, Founders AND AA .1-I_IINTISTS Manta/1,411re SITANItn , AT ENGINE: , and sTA- . 'NON FAY FNOIN or all pars. A VV9 ' l l l 1".";.%9121:?. Invital If;I7I;iITaATTALIN. horse rower. order St unt Foundry. on i''iiil7l77iTligi-Pginr..... 111(10 for Wens. ill 50 11511 lIM 4 IIF.RSt. 110155 and TORAI'I SIeRMNS, and 110 , 5 ToIIACI , 11telseiSln. band and wade In order, nt the $ 100 0 000 $2OO 00. ND'. STItIAt, WORKS, g m the A Iletolkeny River...tear the P sr All ..mere promptly lIIIod. TILY Uri. Rieslck & Porcj., FIRE AND BURULAIL-PIkODF SAFES AND VAULTS. NOIN ES AND MACHIN Ell 0100 000 BREWERY WORK REPAI lON 1 .1 I PP NI A PIIIN PIKE IIYI/RAUI:III'E.\IE:4IIT,TIN" twr 17 and P s•riticr:rs, PlOAsourgb:. , ... c"r- O'HARA.BOILER WORKS, 'F. REPHAN SLICO. ) nn feel urerp of STEAM 801 OIL TA Nit_S., 5T11.1,1,, At lITATURS, .1 . TIMINTWInft!i A I , II 4 iIt : I.I BI{ I I 6 :4A ° C. A6I(') . 614: 'or. or Second Avenue and Liberty Sire Repairing done Eromplir. OrdeteZnt to the , ab lF : .7tg'irit;7l. l . l tureriT ' NtroZ t r i. a d CA tritOLl. SNYDER'S. oelEtne Sion 000 FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS NATIONAL FOUNDR% Pipe Works nrner Carroll and Smallman Steets =MD AVM. SMIT MANUFACTURER O' Cast Iron Bowl Pipe FOR - iAS AND WATER MIRK n4lllig.taW"ltn= 4 T" , for teas and Water. Worki ;4 .441,1:: ~.. "" c 4‘,.n 4k( , 44147.4,14.14kn41 k.l tit" """‘".. 41.,111:1(St/N . "1 11. A. "M"' 141.4.71 4 : A 310NONCAllE14 FOUNDRY W. J. ANDERSON & • Nu nu t.tmer, ed IRON i F 4 RO ‘ N o TS, WIN !ANTI:1.811u a luld to ARCHITECTURE sod to Ctinitnwv for Window Litwin Orrice AND FOUNIIIIT—No. 130 WATER Pittiwurith, ROBINSON, - REA & CO Ponce.. to ROBINSON, UIN SS MILLIIIO WASHINGTON WORKS FOUN lIEILS .111:CIIINIST4. PIIITSBURO Menu( actin . ..re or Mot end notloner) Steam Far Moen Blast Maine, 1.1111 elaehlnery,tlearthm Shorties. rnetlinrs Of all deserlptlons,oll 'Tanta and Stills. Holler and Sheet teen 11 ork. Office No. 12. comer Mot and Smithfield streets f.s.,:grrlsjrzgiNFAßD'a PAR'I.NT INJILY7e. e r THOS. CARLIN SL CO,, Fourth Ward Foundry & Marline Worko. alanufarturent of Ittatlonary alb! Portable Strajt! zneiri ;447;1°01;1Na! ;;,,,Tegto(gt4:. Unita Bar, Welabta, Wagen Doze, att Bunt to order and bare on band .bnaines Or all alias .I,t Phenix Roll Foundry, BOLLMAN & BAGALEY lilenufactumrs of Superior Chill Rolls, Sand Rolls and Pixdons tiIISTAN 14 BAKU HENRI BASIL Henry Bier & Coy (Summon to JOHN M. COOPER a CO.J BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS =I (TREE OF U. S. TAX .-:. r .."--d Bankers MEM STEEL WORKS. OFFICE: No. 339 Liberty Street, Short and Liberty Streets I= N NA II TIE POINT.). Nu Moll! b =MI , A.LES. Junta Faced Patent. Poor I.6cks and Latchca, - . Paint and toffee MO!, he. PITTSBURGH. PA. I p Nr bu e rg r iMIaST A V ENUF. and GRANT STS.. =I =I astings of all Descriptions BAN DUSKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA Co, I.IBKRTY AND 714TH STS BRASS CASTINGS Brass, Castings ,• MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER 'SALVABLE AND OMIT IRON SITTINGS,' • OAS PIPE AND TORINO, THROTTLE SAVETY ArzuellEtlit VALVES, GLOM PATTERN IRON COCKS. BRASS W OF EVERT DESCRIPTION for Stesm,Wahsr and 011. ManufeetheersofJ.M.Osoper&CSNlMPßO VED BALANCE-WHEEL STEAM PUMP. AGENTSof DREYFUS' PATENT OILERS, the best In the market. MICK AND WORKS Corner Thirteenth and .Pike Street& .454 ATWOOD & McCAFFREY, Comm. liinienTv natal . and Trunn AVUVI, Pittabungh; Pa.. nnikss YOUNDEILS and IltON PIER FITTERS,aa'd AO ENTSfor A.S.CA/dEBON A COB STEAM . PITSIES‘ AND BLOWERS. :,) 1;0 10:1:110) :: Cl/ _ . G w.,Dec A mr, , ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Lim removed to No. 37 GRANT STREET, Pitts burgh. Will practice in the LLB. etreuit and Gletriet' Courts, In the State Sulmine and all the t , une of Allegheny county, sod ante collections in most of the adjacent mention. . H. McCORMICK, • Attorney-at-Law, Na 6$ GRANT STREET. . . lirProgupl. attention Oren to WI Mods of business. AREIIIBALk BLAKELY, Attorney-at-La7, =I Il!= rM33 WM. 8.. NEEPER, • ALISIIIMAN ‘ AND 7.3,01iT1C10 JIISTICT OP TUE PPACK. Office,ll2 Fifth avenue. I = l = logargfr=olet Mad all legal tossloses s tte A .lod moot mad . 0 - cust,ely. st.':'.`vilii';Lr'.eatitv",n:~r 7 rue s : C o l4l: + :-wwa ' IRON AND STEEL. CRESCENT LLER, BARR PARKIN, my'S r NBC/1011. PA. DUQUESNE' , 117()RlioSi Coleman, Ram CO 1!=i1 lIION, NAILS, STEEL, A.xels and Springs iriu t u E sNE, I. rA ND JUNIATA 'p l e c i li r l!, li ! A ! ' 4il l . ‘ , " ti l itlit7 l ' ‘N A Z ?: ll4 PA A4l r VUI'IIII.4!.IIIT;fIISAittOII'S.IC.I. N DER IRON, ?Of:crllaiV4w TEETH. sr-roso, )BVWIIA1 1 - ..0o A rts I, 1,1 L'ily full STRICT. WINOS ANIO Mol7l.ll , s.yut sTEELTI It KS, ST ELI. A 1 , 1 COMM, sod NS AOON St •Itl\tlY, sod `A NNNAILS AND SMIRKS. All finale First Class and Warrantet "Fr"."' ........ ‘l4tls't•MitiA"e -,•11:•ta . • • Pittsburgh Steel Works. lOTA BUSHED IN 15.15. ANDERSON & WOODS, Best. lielined Cast Steel oi EVERT DESCRIPTION. ALSO, rot Retina German Plow & Spring Steel COINER ILOt+S AND FIRST AVXNUE. burgh. Pa, •.163%.11. PITTSBI T RGI S Novelly fl 7 o rk s. rouNDF:D A. D. 1 ti 33 00MIEID, A DANS' Sz; CO., Ilanotaclumr..,ll:FY,‘ToN F. t'r A;toA s lti! (Fair bank's Patent> PLATI , OII3I OUNT Sheffield Steel Works. 06E% I= Blennfunoreis of every description of Cas't and 'German Steel RAILWAY SPRINGS. ELLWTH , AND PLATFORM SpRINGI AXLES. sTr:Ht. TittE, WAREtIOUSE—S3 Water ut.ll 00 First street BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER Co., Maunfacturers or all Descriptions o STEEL fIa OFFICF: and . WAItEIIOUSE-30113, 3lat and aroad atrecl rittalairsh: STOVES, CASTINGS, &c COOK STOVES. Get the Beotl BISSELL & CO'S TMATNIPIT, For Bitutilinous Coa Warranted to COOK. BAER or ROAST a. •+n7 other Stove in the Union. BISSELL & 00., No. 235. Liberty Street ALSO, ON UAND AND FOR SALE PARLOR wrOP ES, lIKATINO STOVES,. ORATR FRONTS, . • VENEERS, COOKING RANpts, Sc., St. GRAFF, HUGUS & CO,' = STOV NS, • , Boston Cooking Range "THE FIERY FUIINACE" FOIL WILIIMINU BUILDINGS. Tll NEW ANTI-MIST COOKING STOWS, •• NEG TVA ., B I3 , RON CAS TOtt NTS. , GRATTZ, 1; tlll4, f roe from dirt mid dust; ORATE FRO F • 206 and 208 Liberty Street, PI'i'I'SAIURG.II, PA A.BRADLEY & CO. No, 30 Wood Street Ilmtufacturers of the Greatest Variety of COOL PARLOR and HEATING STOWS'S to be found. In our assortment will be found all tho Imes% PAT TERNS and IMPROVEMENTS. and the reputa tion of our Stoves Is such that tog one In want Of tr=l i gy e :ra u slit v e ' gril:Trnr l =T Xl: fable as welt as economical. Would call perticular attention to our new VOIsIANO STOVE. for chorcbeshalls and atoms. Ores 360 sold In throe month. Intended for with or without mans. All who have used them prononnco them enpettorlo any other and far cheaper. Send for CatalOffne and Price List. leak WINES, LIQUORS, &.o MINER'S COLORI Tht Very Best in the Unittil Stotts MANUFACTURED EY WA.G-NER, 981 North Seventh Street, Rirtneeers—All the leadlne Looses In Mete delphla. ..I•Zarnin Schmidt & Friday, IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, GINS WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PURE RYE WHISKIES. Nos. 384 and 386 Penn Cor. of ELEITYTII BT., formerly Cana JOS. S. FINCH & CO No. ;R3.18748%191,193 me 1113 • FIRST RTREF:P. Pittsburgh. . .. 1110e11.11114 , 111 of COPPER DIRTMLED PURE RYE WHINEY. -Also, dealers le nano/. WibUS, sod 1.100000. HOPE. &c. • PAINTING, GRAININSt, Ao. JOIN 'T. GRAY, 110138 E AID MGT PATITEIL, 4311LJUWEIt ANI) tai . ZII It. = patv aase Mad etriNtiJ Plit...nt. Ya • B.ALFAROADS. • TESTERN - • EIENNSTLYANIA B.R. 2,_Visitti.ll.3iigll6lggE • rain. on • the errata Fernorleanla Railroad will arrive at and deMXt th re the Federal atrial. Depot.. Alleibenr lALLEGITENY TIME.t MC,. Mailmen, No. Ila 40 ang!ltall '" l;q3 a m m ' artiev..rt No. 1 .te 30 * so. Nmeport No. 1 ilko • m Exert,. 10.10 a tit Claremont Ac i l t oa . ( larciiiiink Ac ii taiiite 4 Catirtait xO.l V; m 1 ' N . 1111 "-" .. . 430 a n ' t i P metio d riii o. . : i' ote th iipringireNie.2.o4o b vottpringiEe No. .6: 0 b .:d Above Maine. run dem, except Sundae. . ~ ~ The Church Train leaves Alleithenl Jiltic._` every Sunday at b 4.09 A. a.. reaching Allearl " "I 9'3 g A. : asr:Zr ' S g ;l i tn:;,, J anuet n e 7: CitY * ratric U. u s l7g.,ri, tickets tit Butler volal.uabetoeru may 1 .,• pnrchave4 at Walker's 8 tr on ge s. r , a. r . ig : ";'re'rhsitnotgltntreetielt.grlreeheny. ' ''l , ..e. bother PertliterrejtAcirrs. A .., .I. Federal Ftreet Luta. Local Tickets to all lutPdrlard 8.U4F2.11. the mein line of the Yentmelvanlaillittr e laW n. (Mineral SuperiliAndte.bri.NAlßtoornamsolbtl. , ‘ ,..ei NuperintendonaLittationg _...... p ITTSDI: DD It .AND CONNT,I.LS . VILLE RA 1.itt1A1..... im i giglik •tlo .4 after JUN DAI . February 20th, IS7O. 'Maine erill arrive eiid depart trot. tha 10 . 9c . 4 ^ “'''. nee of Grant and Neater eiMir : 3 . 1000 7, , , m ,... Mall tit and trim UniN.. 7:110 a. aL lir la n . ‘• MCKCC*Itott All-Mptm—•l - i Id a. m• ... i f 10:: e . •... y i " e'it ' N ' e ' v d 47.iigilin ' Ve . . 1; ti: :: . ' L. .' •ot t 1 isina t dom s Aceoremcvm. lei 3 ti• 0 .• ~ tt• .* Night Ann. to alrNoestel.lo, 0 ti• m• • • bunda i Tenrch 'Vain , be 1.00 p. m._lollo ia en. '''' d r* We" Ri1a....8. NOW NHS. Ag.n. - })wARr. & myrtEity. Pittsburgh Utility Works. . . - • - WEAVER & JONES, Corner of Juniata and Falton - Streets,. sixth Yard; Allegheny. Manufacturers of STAPLE MARIAARIS and all It Inds lAttlIT tinAtt" MOM CASTINGB. We tender our Goods and...lces to the Trade Vklllr4lll;;;Zsel:tr.C.Vidaecr2 a71=41. alt "T c . • ogattr,ln'llt;'`Ah.NlVtlrls.AlllTAntrTl.ll."°' In WEAVER a JONES. Address: Plltuburgh Postoffice. unictutil • ESTABLISHED 1831. Logan, Gregg & Co., DEALERS Di HARDWARE, No. 52 . Wood Street, PIITSBURGH. PA. Spring °cods, Hoes, Rakes, Forks, Scythes, Snaths, &c. Merchants are halted to examine our stock when In the city. Orders by mall will hire prompt at tention. BEAVER FALLS CUTLERY CO., No. 70 Wood Street, It= Table Knives & Forks Pocket - Knives, Butcher-Knives, Bread Knives, Carving Knives, Scissors - 1.2 a zaps, 'Putty Knives AND ALL OTIIER ARTICLES OF CUTLERY AT LOW PRICES. Beaver Falls Cutlery Co., No. 70 WOOD STREET, - COAL AND COFCE. CO.,LORAN . ss itAXIIPACTUREILd OP CO N I\TELLSVILLE , COKE, At . , 1 At their Biros, Broad Ford, P. k C. N. B. I .Qffice, 142 WATER STREET, SHIP TO ALL POINTS BY RAILROAD, And Deliver in the City. nolesin . OscarF.Lamin&Co.' MANIIPACTUREAS OP CONNELLSVILLE COKE, DEALERS IX Youghiogheny and Anthracite Ciiid PITTSBURG/Hi PA... OFFICE :-ROOM No. 6, Gazette Building. I r Orders respectfully 9011elted. • FoXL-11 , 1 COAL! COAL! YOUGHIOGHENY GAS COAL `CO. _ - This Company are now prepared to furnish 10* best Coal of my else or quantity, AT FAIR RATES. Wenn and Tani adloinlng the Connelsville Bel rood Demot. foot of Try Street. Plttesurgb. Orders addressed to either Mum West Newton. Ps.. or to Yard. int be promptly etonded ls , . • M.P. omictur,eacenare. otym Charles .H. Atinstrong DIGALEE IN • • Youghiogheny and Comilsville Coal And Manufacturer of COAL. SLAM AND DIESIMPITUBIZED COIE. OFFICE AND EAR% waster Sutler NOW Walton stream I,llmtr and CIE mar Wools. Nla.th ward . toso l'. 9"" stree n t d , r " . & ckiTittnTr= 14 , r, Orders t ot .1 .11010 of the 100,0 Oldeef, 00 a lt ad. & p wo t oow nt hraah litlalortbP.O..warrwla• r,lihivy,r eget C thxri Co,Mlloball.Enzww Es Oa, I Co.. g u rn i f taMlPitirL, e.; oo„,.1. B. Lyon & CO, iwa.n a co., AI- MclOw I Co.. Union Daiwa 11041. wino IL 8., Viorntylvaala R. L. Al 107 6R. COAL!. COAL!! COAL.! P • DICKSON, STEWART & C 0. ,. • Having removed thetr Ofile• No. 567 Liberty Street, (Lately Car 01000 min) SECOND noon. G A IT OW &Tr °. NUTlllfrorAM c e; 24;