The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 13, 1870, Image 1

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torier'Sixth Ave. and Sinithtleld St
By mall, per year
Dellvere4 by careier. per peek
MONTALii PETR 0 LEI' 51 11E1'0 RT
The Titusville Herald says: • •
Th'ere.was an increase in the poslitetion
for the month of Alay amounting to aismt
nine hundred harrels daily aer that of
the preceding -month; The month ; was
most. favorable for, operations, and in ad
dition to the several important '•strilies"
in various localities, there was a' steady
and uniform yield open the majoriti.ef
the older. tracts and farms, while the de
save in oils or two localities,
trilling, and many tracts exhibit no app.
rent change.
Among the farms upon wlth , ll the in.
_crease WAR light, or varying from ten to
twenty-five barrels each. 'are the Slufm.
burg Petroleum Co.'s tract, ifierow„ilis•
trici, Pleasantville; Wisal's farm, Petrol. ,
urn Centre; Columbiana and Itynd farms,
Shaw farms, Union 8 Brevoort Petnilettin
CO.'S tract, Loser Cherry 1t.,,.; ilublehop.
er and other farms. rear Pithole:ll. Mc -
Clintock. Tolls and .1. Burhatuin - farms,
near Rouseville. - The increnee on these
farms, though small, reached in the ag
gregate to ..701ibla
The most important increase during the
Atonal uicurreit in the districts south of
Franklin- upon the Allegheny river, in
eluding The Parkei's Landing territory.
upon the Tuttle farm and the vicinity of
Welt Hickory, (the daily .inewase in this
locality averaging CWi barrels) upon the
Wizen farm near Petroleum Centre,
whom the increase per dny over the month
prtitioux was 112 barrels. amp upon (11e
eldiagn and Emery tract. upper Cherry
Run. the former having In: maned hO nail
the latter 4 baryels per day ever the pro
durtlout the month or April.. •
The yield in Allegheny rivordistrie
south of Franklin Zts .increased materi
ally by the completion o f new wells 'in
the-vicinity of Parker'. Lintling and tee
the use of torpedoes in old wells that had
begun to fail. Several new wells were
struck about the 15th of the month that
toutuced. id...natty 11..11'1 40 to iR itttrroht of
oitt.tectifty, while the production diming
the latter part.of the mouth was largely
Increased by new strikes and the. line. of
torpedoes in wells thid had hen•tofore
produced oil in small quantities only.
'rite weather during the month under
review was most tat-entitle for steady op
emtiutut. anti there were fewer stoppages
and - arcidents throughout the entire re
Rion titan for any month previous during
the limit year. .This - waS'especially the
gas.' at Parker's Landing.and though but
few new wells were started during the
Month there vet remain a suilicient num
leer belog.dralett to keep up the. prisitte
Sous of this district for sometime to come.
The total pmduction during 'May was
418,810 barrels; the average per daY was
13,90, an increase in daily nvotaa.• over
May, 1860, of 3.111. Tht• total shipment
for the month - was 411:,841 barrels of 43
gallons each. ,-The stock on hand gay Ist
.was 839.600, and on June Ist it ham "34 I.
5119. On the Ist of done, 1510. thew Pere
483 wells drilling. which is. inert; than
there ever were at one time before. at
least since 1804. 'flae amouet in iron
tankage Is 17:1.1:i0, on itierease of :17414.
since May lat. • The. total iron lankaer
capacity la 1.1119.1111. The amount of oil
shipped from all points in the oil regiout
Inca lanutry lot. 1970. to New- Fork hat
411r2,595 ; lf, CleyeltPtd, 1 1 111,889:.iltsuntt
71,300: Philadelphia, 150.761-i.l'ittaintrgh
403.817: Portland. 11.283; ioher ptlints
104,849; total. 1)00,340. --i
A new well was struck on It rnlav last
on land of James W. Parker, tot the hit
south of. Mike nat. The well is ow ne.
by 0. P. Herrington, Mr. Byd, and .411
ors, of- Titusville. and los been putopine
five or six barrels ie-r day:
Another well wan struck ,n land oi das.
R': Parker'. ou the bill south of. Mike run.
''' — witieet - Pactuawtoesta to pump on Tuesday,
of last week; and Is now throwing oight
or ten barrels of oil Per day; OWnisl bra
Col. Harding. of Lawneleeburg, Mr. I liden
and others.
A new well has been struck on land of
Mr-Hall, of Butler county, formerly land
of John Marshall, on the hill n,'ur law
renceburg; the well in owned by Alfred
Shin, Samuel Turk, of Lawrenceburg and
- others,and commenced to pump about a
week ago. with a goad Shiite. hut Owing to
some ditficulty with the seed log has not
yet pumped-any oil.
Sutton well, on land of .1. .Nlarshall, tin
the south bank!of Church not: is a new
' well, which commenced to pump on Sat
urday last; has pumped isitlieoil - and is
improving. The well is owned by J wage
Sutton, Ile°. W. t'hristie, Samuel Cun
ningham, of Indiana county, tuol others.
The Rhermtut is a new strike on (1h tech
run, on land of John Marshall. it Idyll coin
menced to pump about a'week ag o n but
' has not yet thrown much oil. The well
Is the property of Jackson Boggs and fl
F.' Frialicou, of liittanning..f. 1.. Chem
here, of Appollo, and others.
The Moriarty is n new wellou the Fow
• ler farm, which started to pump last week
- and Its been torpedoed. It itt - rtim prods
- cing twenty-live hamlet per dtly ; ownet
by Moilarty Becis., add others.
The Excelsior', Is a new well on land n
Church Rua 011 Company. owned by N
• Hu,'Neabit, Stitael. V pperman.o*Donnel
and others, of Pittsburgh, which lots been
pumping for some Iwo weeks. but beano!
yet pumped much oil. It Is thou g ht that
it will improve. however. by being wet
pumped. . •
The Charlie. in a new Well 011 land o
Church Run Oil Company; which began
to pump on Saturday of last week. but has
so far,falled to pump either oil" orwater':
- It Is thought, however, that 'it will Im
prove. The well is owned by Frank Con
- let Charles Duffy, of Butler county..and
- The Emits, Is Has-name of a M•w well
on thalloblesort farm; on the bill, owned
• by Samuel Robinson anti others. which is
now pump ing twenty•five or thirty bar
MIN per y. .
The Hamilton la a new well which - ims
been pumping for finttis two weeks, on the
• Fowler, farm, and Yielding about twenty
barrels per day. phis well in owned by
• Dv Hamilton, of timlenton, and others.
. - .The Morgan in another new strike on the
Fowler farm, which cOnlineneeit 10 pump
last week, and has been throwing some
' oil. The Well blownesd by Ins. Morgan,
of Parker's Landing. and oiler gentlemen
of Pittsburgh.
'I%P Smith and Stewart, No. 4, on the
Fowler farm commenced to pump about
the first of last week, and Imit been Tiro
-1 ducincabout tru barrels. It is owned by
SStewart, Smith and of Butler. county, and
I other.', .
From the Franklin (ken of this week
we.telin of the operations in oil in that
vicinity. - .
i . During the past week there has been
more than usual activity In the oil busi •
ness in this city and 'Vicinity. A large
' number of leases are being taken, and
rigs orrigoing op rapidly.
tut -Thursday evening a new well, lie
- longing to Mackay, Grant & Co,. on the
Point, was tubed and la now' producing at
the rate of 8 barrels per day.
1 A new well belonging to Miller. Austin
& Co.. on the Point, la now being tested.
with tlatterink prospects of a good well.
The Vincent well. \o.:', will Lai down
i• this week: • • . •
Hanle & Co. also expect to ,onumenec
tenting early next week.
slattern; Smith .& Co 4 on the Point.
commenced drilling on 11 ecineeday morn.
The ••Lock well" is producing 114 bar
• tele per day.
The well of Sims. Smith A. Co„-above
tho lower. French creek bridge, drilled
about a yew ago, was torpedoed on Mon
day last, and in now producing about four
barrels of oil per day.
The old ••kfamoth wells': the third oil
well drilled in the oil regions, is now pro
ducing about two barrels per day. Thin
” well is now owned by A. W, BaymcMd.
EN,..find was recently cleaned out and
tubed by Birk Bros. who are now operat
---,, Big it.
A new rig lum been erected on the flute
below the Venangemilln, at a well which
formerly produced considerable ell.
Dr. Egbert In also erecting a rig ulan
kis lease above-the Polut.
A number of wells are being put down
on the Shirk farm, three miles above on
- the river, and a large number of leases
-have been taken in that vic:nity.
The Burt 'Brady independent nays:
Pollock well, No. 2 on the James Pollock
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AR 00
farm commenced flowing on yaturdsy and
threw oil thirty feed higher than the der.
rick. that will prove a first class well.
it will lee tubed and tested immediately.
lie Armstrong well in the early part
of this meek flowed at the rate of :it; lifer
Fels per Muir. _AN ere go to press, the
lenovv flow has subsided sudiciently to
enable the workmen to nMnnmtenre drill..
Mg. It Is deemed init,rtant to put it
dowirileeper, when it will he cleaned and
tubed. and ije rapacity fully tested.
1.11{111:1t tell. FILL!).
Tlle dieeldrte lute,ott the E. P. Alltridtall
tract, owned by Sheriff John f Sfrott, is
yielding J.e barrels per day of ihin , oil.
Thoms well. on Tom's If tin, own.
by fiates. Morrow and others in prislue.
ing IS barrels per day.
The amount of M tank tel this point
monads tee idiom 40.000 liarrels. The
tankage is owned by the Mutual Pipe
lien.. Earns & Parker's Pipe Line, nod
tle • Empire: Pipe line of Parker & Thong.
. .
tig Apthe -Mutual shippea per
,ave.,. ?,ilOO arrels and O. S. thlhirl,k
Parker and . Lawrence
iirg daily is lield_nt :ow barrels.
;The ilea . Well on the Ce , ntral l'edroletim
farm is about ten barrels
. .
r dny.
A new Weil was string: 011 the Kerr
rm. near 'E7via - 611r, n few days sitten,
' t
Licit is yielilinit 'hi barrels per day..
Over two Lundeil leases have been
iren ut \Vest Ilir - ter, and the new city
'gins t. 11.1.1111 ttp Ind spread forth. _
The wt-0I owned by Thonins DonagltY
td others on the elf ray farm, is nearly
ti 114.11 11,1 ‘Veilll.•
'Fitt AVashington county 14am - wrath .
Intention in to Meet on the ',nth itist.
Drlttmt the tat tilt tlaya throe pornoilli
rVe been killed at • llhrrisintrg—nll
vounll Their oWil
THE rolling mill of the l'ata,aipot Man.
factoring Cilinplitly ,e muted operations
few days mote with a hill tome, at n re.-
netion iu Visges of tell per eent.—hiotbot
t N Monday in Mi. Pleasent. Mr. .10,
Fletcher:no aged citizen of that nom wa.
almost instantly killed Ile went into An
lot to catch an old family horse. when ,it
kicked him in the 'fare and head, tractor
big his skull: Ile lived About -half an
I Mr. Fletcher was nearly ail years
old.— Irafine ('i1i . ,,,.. •
dons. son of Win. Phillips, aged ten
years, went to a creek near Waynesburg.
to bathe.. Ili inhaler hearing of it went
after hint to I ring hint home. When she
readied the c . k site tam her son dniwn.
lug in ten fret of .water,and rushed . in to
case hint. T. , laboring Mena Short time
afterwards sue •eeiled in recovering' both
of the corp.,
0:5 Friday,' ening last, Mr. It. B. fing
ling, of Perry township. Clarion county.
while tiding a spirited horse in the neigh
1.01,0. Of 1 eat Freellont, was onions
and had his skull badly fractured. Ile in
not expected to survive. Mr.' Yingling is .
tut old and highly respected citizen. and
this sad accident will be a source of deep
I regret to his many friends.— Kid Brad)/
1 hub pehdeni. .
' Tin: East Brady Ailyeade,d says. an
Sunday minting * hod. about four o'clock.
one of the boilers: attached to the furnace
' in the (tend exptoded with a terrible crash,
carrying with it the toot of the building
and doing cOnsidemlih , other damage to
the estaldisbment. The boiler was turned
1 inside nit. No person teas injured. [hap
pening at dint early hour few tvorkmen
..-1 t• OH tite vroniol. .
l'nEliEn Ii • n T, itn r. 1.1.. aged Iti only
three yours. n son 00l
r Soley Turn•ll.
F0r...4.14e ..Low.umlaif, , ,Vaeat,vele ..e.e4Aut
stint lklitelelt ell the gllt It ult. Ile went
at Own near the house, tot his' gun in 11
vb.,. nation himself on a 11•61.. ••••• an a
' bring the normtle near his heart, and di
charged tint gliti by /11.,t ors crook.,
; iron rod he had otepareil for the purposi.
lie dint in about an hour.
• 'Vitt 1.1.1 v., .7.,,,,,,,,1 says: We ari
informed bv Thos..l. McKee. of Nedian
noel: towtiship,.that the oak timber in lib
Inv.' land is literally stripped of leaves.
liy email worms, varying in length (nun
oar eighth to three.fimalis of an huh:
the smallest are nearly white - Wand the
largest are white tinged with green.
They fall. (rain the' trees in countless
nivriails upon the 'ground, and whenthey
fall fnmi the timber, which hant,, Dyer
margin - of the fields, they forthwith claim
the stocks of the growing wheat.
TittENdreer .DiNor/c/ , says: The swam
wt. still, Shingle factory and grist mill
of Mr. Seth iloagland. of East lackawan
noel. bon'tniliip, were.burned iii the ground
.Sat it May evening last. 'there had
been nnlire alaiiit the premises since the.
evening before, and Mr. 11. is, unable to
account for the lire Only of the linmtliesi ,
that a.imark liad . ltalged soinewhen• in the
sawdust or lumber, and slowly ignited tlir
lire. 'Clue hats is estimated at five thous
and dollars, and in injured in:the Pymatu
ning Mutual for two thonnand three 111111
irell dollart4. • •
(ISE. day last week a son of Mr. Jittiosc
Bowman. of Southampton township ' was
in the woods with his uncle, Joseph Bow-
man.'who was felling timber for the • par.
pose of taking Mr the hark. • A largeAreo
had been felled. beside mllololle boy woo
standing while Mr. Bowman was engaged
in rutting down another,. Tim, tree
proved hollow and fell wematurely. a
limit striking tit,' boy on - the bead and
killing him, instantly. Ins scull was
crushed and the brains scattered about
on the leaves. The boy .701 between
nine 2114 ten years of age. whiorpa
moth, who lost her lootlevol • sail urn
sons within a year. lion our sympathy in
her affliction.---iiedfisr , / Graeae. .
Mi"sTEItIOUs Dist ere.aitmieg.—Jacob
Labon Rosa. the only son of Jacob Host..
residing in Church street, la-tweet, Linder'
and Tamer. Allentown, Pte, left home on
Sunday. May nth'. betweesi the hours of
1011 V and two n'eloa p. to.. an Ida father
and three of him daughters had 'gone to
• lay School.tance winch time nothing
has (watt bean' or seen of him. Ile in 1$
years of age. but rather small for his age,
and hears aquiet, modest and reserved
appearance. lie wore at "the time a pair
of calfskin boots, one of., which lad . been
patched. a .lair of black pants speckled
with white, a dark sack coat no you; a
white linen shirt, a plain green silk but— ,
tertly neck tie. with a breast pin in it, and
a dark blue cap. He left with no money,
and no clothing except what lot had en
his person. 'Any one who run give any
information as to his whereabouts. will
confer a great favor - upon the grief stricken
parents. by addressing hif, father at the'
nboee place. .
-- •
tit. Charles /hour/ says :
itch to. ffrihis city, was dangerously bit- .
ten by his stallion 'Black flask: near the
IiOUNI. of Charles Smith, east of St. Charles,
on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. ti riflin was
In the act of getting into his sulky .when
the horse made it dive (or hint. jumping
about eight feet, and caught him wiAh his
teeth In the left side just over the wart,
and drew hint back over the sulky', shak
Mg him as a do g would a. mouse. The
horse was fearfully mad, and rerated the
operation several lifilea before he could be
driven 011 This was only effected after a
vigorous application of a club over his
load: Mr.. Griffin was brought to the
Minnesota House, and Dr. :Mikhail called,
who dressed the wounds. Two ribs wen:
found to be badly broken rind chewed
into a pumice. and the flesh torn and lacer
terribly. It is feared that he may
have suffered some internal injury, but at
present the indications are that be will re
cover. '.'••:o reason for this sudden ,mad
freak of the horse can Ln . trivcn, other
than that he was tied in a stable the night
previous with other borscri,some of which
got low and were fighting and" kicking
during the night."
Tar. New York World says: Miss Olive
Logan sprained her timuuttic accessory at
l&arenworth.liansits , M alighting from
a carringe, will disappointed the audience
before Whom also was to lecture. The
leg she has so long denounced turned at
loot, like the wounded worm, and the
withdrawal of her own support must still
more ankle in her sole.
--4 , --
Abione..The Buckeye Co onyssitkiv
irument Lauds... Home lend. for
[he linmelr.t. etc., rte.
irresponAetice Pittsburgh (tazettiet •
AB t LENT, Kan...l une 1.370.
As many of your readers are interested
the stweess of the Ilm'keye colony.
nke the liberty of writing. -it letter, -
Itich. if consider...l worthy) you ./111
Hiatt. Our colony is Mode lip of lien
e mainly front Eastern Ohio and West
Pentasytt 31141. 14,!.11 I arrived at
'Mime in April last. Many of 0111.. mew:-
.rs 1110.1 c bought property and are living
i this town, while others have formed a
•ttlement extending front three to live
tiles north of town--a majority of
taking laintstends on 'liity
rnment lands. The colony numbers alto.
ether, nilt?tts and children, about three
et:aired. I lielieve tutu Without a single
xeeption, all are pleased with the emu!
ry. 'They tumultuously deela re that this
tart of Kansan is magnificent. Lands
.re ehcap. the climate is wry healthy. the
.cater is clear and gt,..r. the rains aro,
tbundant and crops look well. Abilene
4 said now to he the third'or (outfit larg
to rattlle market in the Uniteil^States.
t is liteated on the Kama. Pacific Rail.
ear, Itlil miles W 144 of I,rayettworth,
mil the satuellistanve town Kansas City.
it the Ilissouri river. It is e`411114/Wal
hat there will be two hundred thousand
head of Texas cattle in the market at
Abilene during the p .seat season. it..
Harvey informed to • a few dart; ago
at Topeka that the KR rs nt 'reIIIA . CJIMII.
ill Kansas. during the - ear IStliktimounted
fit to er f,,riv million The wiles at
Abilene alone amount 0 to three 111 iiliou
two !11l IlnhVil 111011.1111 dollars. Till , . IS
1•1111.1=thIllly n grand s country. Poor
tan. with limper management, be.
ennui wealthy here in a few years.
Our town has almost loubled its pope,
intion shim the the first at April, tool now
intains about seven In liked inhabitants.
ixty new 110.1.0 {UM , ,eta hum within
iv weeks. The riling. Is 1. 'Mg more
xpiilly than any other tt wn on. the Kansas
with'. hallway.. It is hi' county seat of
ehinson, one of the largest sad 1.4,4
unties in u nsas. 1.0 tilt are still rhea',
al there are tine m ettings ha' pll4ll.
ate lllV,llllrilth. seer ore thor n
MEIN of acres of iovernntent lauds
' first quality 'still .11,'i for 1111111i'
.121..1111•111. tcitLnut net or price
t the settler, ear, lit.' VS pease of survey
inAt torn ran do well here, alai poor
ien who are crowded tint In dm East ran
ere obtain fno• hone, for their fantliiis,
by industry and ..4,11111111S they nit
veers 0111 t• independent anti
a goon weekly paepr pn'
Inr.• eanr,l the Abilo, (Zrv•,,ir!
give, a Vlll4 amount of informant
,trot the grnar State liar as. it sail
elltnnte, cheap lands. 1.1.!., and inn nide,
gently in settling up the town an.
county. We Lars a go.llllllllllint
churches. Sunday schools. and in tine a
nusd every advantage of much older no
Kansas l'aellke Railroad ie. aho
1.4.1 to Cliecr•nne via. Denv
lily, nail tt • experit4l that
f. ,- mt days passengen. 'c•nn
New York un,l reach San 'Pranci
vf-r this route as cheaply and make a
gotkl time as he the .t 'lnaba
day in not fa(ainnant when thin wall* tip
idipubie route of truvrl oetweeti the A
lantie and Pacific oceans.
NIV ',Lett is full. Mid , I •S, ill
sliyinir, that I still reeeive nthl rend
grent,•r p1ea...1r.. than rrl•r the o I 4
1 . 1 rrstt • Ito I) vII.V Itt ZI:111 , .. • Mg 11
it prtilitir. It KEY):
Nssliosanl Repulo-lis - Hu 'dbrf•Nit.
The following gentlemen are agreed
(pin as the nteml.ora of the National
man a I tttt Medan. tt
E,n... lisle; Ala
lams. Willard 'Wart...,
Rice; Tennessee, Santnel M. Amn; . Wir
.1. 11. Platt; Illinois, John A. Logan; South
Carolina. F. A. Sawyer; Florida, i'. Al.
Hamilton; Louisiana. .1. 1.. Harris; Com
nectimit. IL 11. Stark weather ; Indiana.
Jolin.Colimn: Ohio, 11.1'. Schenek ; New
lork. J. 11 lietcheur. New Jer.ev, A. tt.
Cattell'e Nelintska. .101111 l'atti4.; Kansas.
S. C. Pomeroy; Mississippi,
Pennsylvania, Simon t'ameron: lowa, W.
IS, Allison; California. A. A. Sargent:
11. %Vila)... Michigan, Z.1'11...1-
Minnesota, Alexander Atm.:ivy; Ails
snarl. john F. Benjtonist; NeVllllll.l . lloll . lltiS
North Carolina. Abbott:
Oreg.., lint, 11;Willlailtn; Ulo l,' Island.
; 7yaos. \\'.'l', clarke;
Vermont. w. T. \Willard, SVest %'irginin.
A.. 1. Horeannu; %Wisconsin, David Atwood:
New. Hampshire. A. U. Cragin. -The Na ;
tional Committee 'selected Senator Wilson
as.its president and the followinCr Extol,
tiye Conunittee: henry %Wilson. chairman:
John A. Ingan. Simon Contemn, john
Ketchum;'!.. Chandler. h'. A. Sawyer, It, F.
Rice, A. Sargent, J. H. Platt. 'The !;zero.
live Committee was autborizt-d to elect a
secretary, and the person who *limit lie
selected an secretary for the Executive
Committee trill also net as secretary for
the National Committee.
~ .
Two new ',ads have arrived at tbe ae
logical Gardens, London, the alleged
habits of which trays the. Poll Mall (lit..•
vile) afford a 4211911 M theme. for specula
tion, 1,11.1 Men'e to supply an illustration
to poets and philosophers. Thetuale has
a strong. short, curved beak; fiat fentab , a
much longer hill. The naturalists tell us
that the ands breaks Ope' the leak of:the
tree,,within which lien 'hid the groin on
which Alley feed: and the fetnnle pulls out
the worm and presents her mule with half
the meal. Hero is a delightful instance
of the r:.sentiel incompleteness and mu.
teal helpfulness M. the sems, the two
forming One, Rn we are told they , filtolllll,
in tierfect conjugal muiuti. We low that
observation num conlinuthvtale:but t ini•
mutt , at tbeZoo . logical liarde'ne - .:tre Pain.
fully apt to
. ilisappoiAl • the expectittiona
whirl' we have leen led to form of them.
There IS the ay.e-aTe, for . instaure,. every
one has b e ard; of . ill, marvellously long
nail• and its Singular adaptation trthene.
lessor Owen has founded an explicit Ar
gument on the use of the loo{; nail in ex,-
'meting the creature's Ns' from the deep
crevices in which it is supposed to Mut it.
It is AU admimble Instance of design:
But though all sorts of ingenious devices
. hare been adopted to induce that aye-nye
to owe its nails fur these purposes, it
seems to have a rooted objection to doing
so; it has never been known to &anything
!Ise than arratelt Its nose with • it,whb•h
no one can suiniume to Ise a final eau*.
Tint Saginaw Courier - says: Many of
our renders will recollect the tmgedy'en
arted several years ago near Fentonville,
in which a young son of 301a1 il. Valde:ell,
former well known resident of SaginaW,
Was 'horribly murdered under circuit,
stances of the most mysterious rharactei.
A nun by the name of Johnson was tried
at Flint for • the murder, and acquitted,.
principally un account of insanity. .loha
son worked for Mr. Caldwell. There Is
little doubt but Johnson would have been
convicted but for the saving (inure 0f.. - it{-
sanity. The murdered boy was sleeping
at the bouse:of Johnson at the thae. with
two of Johnson's own children, and an at
tempt was made at the time to murdjr
the children of Johnson. as both were
verely mutilated, the work of slauglitt r
having been acromplishisr with an ax: 1
It now transpires front a recent report
an Arkansas paper, that a young brother
of the murdered boy, Charley Caldwell.
who Wait recently hung br a xigilance
committee ant NVest for horse-stealing.
was the teal murderer, he having con
fessed the crime, alleging that he did so
to get possession of VS in money which
Lin brother had on Ilia person. licalso
said that ho intended to murder all three
at the 'same time, to get possession df the
money. Joint B. Caldwell. father of the
murdered boy and murderer, was killed
two or threes yearsago . in Texas. by his
partner in business. •
A Ft•NEHAt notice in the Philadelphia
Ledyer ivindm up thus:
Fold her hand. gently un her pure breast, :7
8o like h e r out
strared Idle o f
bleat, •
Bear her out truly, this Idle of oura,
And make her a grave usnithd the sweet Cow-
Good bye, Sallie.
.'"~`~.~i-~=xt ~w"S~n'-~7 '~., `~~•a~'i'~. ~ ~:.~? ~.e`c,..aerrw,..i,.......Y,..i:....._.._
The Death of Dickens, Ills Will,
D. W. Rullway—lteirnrd for
Doan era—Elect ion Riot In Isle or
IV kilt —British Parlhnnent
y Bel 1V1•441 Franco and United
Slates-The Slater) and King line+.
tinns Spain-7he Constantinoid.
Conflagration—The Threatened Rev
olution in lialy.
ilklturritth to the Pittsburgh linzette.l
THY Detail OF MU. Itlettetts.
LOND.i.e: June 11.--Queen Victoria home
dial els . after the intelligence of Mr. bicketre
death Wtte erllllllllllltelltett 411 VOW t..4lhthttl Cited
n suevial useitt:age of enntlolence to the tor.
towingluenthers of the family 4.1 the liel,h , ett
author. -The rotate Ingt it at tone of the rite
suspended butane , + intuieiliately after hearing
of the melancholy event.
name hail Liam propoctal la ti t
nL :mil balloting on .lila .1411111 . 1%4011
r arac In Wive orettrivit on Weithe
22i1 Inst. •
It is Jahnsled his funeral will Isior
the usual .lusitsllon ndR f th
mile has been elven. The pi3CPfrie of bu h rial . Is
t,dleiter written 14 . Itickene wa.
June Thie cont ained repression! ,
le deepen!. roveretiee for religion,. and i
lilted the newspapers ns repudiating all.
mcrary Impre,slime which might be derivei
om accident al expreesimislin book..
In lilt will Tlr. I ileltens leaves .111 Ihr 1",4i
tttpttl t.t tti. , otit. wit b mane vellmbie augKea
00. Amid Its
A, 1,11. n. 11. 4.1-t-lIIIIIANIZA2I II N.
‘.c-orgnnirtt lon of the Alb
in and t; rent. We.tertt Railway lit been a
tinted to, votes mproe•enting anore than nt
Intl( id 111....1 , 1. leivinK been enn in.inTnr
\\ till 1011 THE
I dartNhe nett . Wet I
II ft:leg,
tvt ..1141 t httlittant pt,tintltt
lie t•et of pttrsoutt
t ttanottncitig the la%
A l it,leUVeNel occurred to-dui in
141*. of. WWI% M*nc person. were hurt
diditurs -ached and Nt Indowx broken. A
xt mecount, the walowitir. had ...neverdet
re.qorinic lade,
The Itaial ask k soospensloat of to
al far a time respect tag the war turret
'apt:Vat. tomo
ve Fliiiirea, I he uolevl Fren
the city. A Irian ch
eing Ii I. arrival there. whirls has be
Si IR France, I. therefore untrue.
U.. •
itY:111 of Wight lot+ Krentill:
'hoot, chrlyle ~ .nn snit.. for the I'
Tilt: MAF44I•I3CADVIts.
The Itoultun lutist iticluding Ame
-AU euivdsl (late been cutniu4l.4l
LIINOON..IIIIII . 12.--The Conservative main
her. or Parliament held a-pollt teal nits-tin
.in Saturnus' Maid rind resolved to support th
tiro - end:lent*. compulsory education bill unt
oppose the amendment, tittered by Mr. liar
court HIM the Notional Eduentionallnuen
horn Miirby Is suptICKLA toII3V, 1 4,001. "
Irrialle from oppOsililon to the Irish land bll
and to seek only to IrMikl, such amendment
!lawn! router the meamare accept alai. to th
Mouse Lorne. •
J•An Nnll, If we;ekly jirom•ll. Vnhli
lalnor that the Nlanini4 lor Nair isalo
TM I, %TV Is 11'11 l•NITil)Pri•
.",,,,,PARP-11,. The., rrnock Clawraim•
w.gen M I ul-1..,
'; . T.:*,!•:',;,:1;,'1';...,',',;'::"•,'.',.,'';'',' , !: ,
'A hs l'ANt'ctiehts.
It Is 41elitiltely w.
ye thht the
lon trot weep the Frenels thrternment want SI
into 411 ItAttle Tran. , Allahtique Vt.:Weal, to
he Milutotlortnteld ,of the eicintiVe PrltileKe
I the Seetet ,o „
'signed Vemterdny.
T. clrcit.Utn It A11.1110.,1,
I Slonday. ill It ired ill take Flare ill
' I Anri , lat If Ilie ititerpell:dien 011 I
eel a the it. (int hard Ila
k 1581 In he constructed liv Prinetia, I
• Switzerland nntl Italy Jelotir. The or.
inn i. looked forwanl to with tome inure
VIE RUT. iYm Tllr. cit.tvn MIME.
PAM, June L'.-The rice - tar the On
rile 14 Park twiny At altrruird by a vol
nattier of. apertatorr. The Emperor. E
ot and Prince I mperial , wria. presets
rer4;ll:l4Mliirjirr"PiCr : lltllll.llo , lll. 111
,won easily,. Ity the French alit
ornette. No. MOM horses tiara platted
After the met a mat tinned gathered hefor.
the Imperial slant] and gas e talented cheers
lye kfi ninpersir, ',mitres,: and Prince 1.01.0-
r al. The English horses were Illasod Lop the
101111 MAJ bey took 'their plnceit foal he Wart
and 11150 during the rare.
I: • 1611.10 N. Ilwsi_taTn . r. •
lI Al.ltll/. Jkini.ll. -The session - of the Cori es
far the most port leas 11111,1101.01i7.0.1 lite, past
week in debating Illy proposit lon looking I.
the abolition of “iliVers fn the:4l.6l6th enionle
Th e bill for opening the colonial ports' is we
received and. has alreadkibe en read twice. •
11.irly mgt. week NO - Castellar,ono'of I be de
tales to the Corte", will bring forward a pro
oaNition for the complete and lunioollate abe
firma of sinter; In the Spanfsh colonies, wit
Indemnity to present owneior.
THE KING yorsro,N.
There in 081 some excitement over I benne,-
oof alwure ruler of Spain. Tbe Uric:mkt t 4
thoen.o4l , hAtebeen mined by lb
. ... _
recently ndbere a io Th"
all In lunar of Montnennier. with Niargha
;errata. as their second choice if the Duk.
doe, nnl accept or canna Le'clin,u.
• mrxxes •
ain ',Berri:Hite+ UV Tile olif:41 . One.
tfOicia'ASTrai nal.; Julie 11.- -11 le impossible
to caw how many lives were lost during the
contingent ion. Sonic put the nember at three
hundred, others thirteen hundred. These are
extremes, and the est loonel are made every
where between these ext remes, The Sultan ban
been Moorective In extending 'relief to suffer
ers. than one thousand houses of Turks
hove been thrown olihn to Chrlatians burned
0111, unit large turns Of money subscribed be
people, irresneet ire of sect.
- , AtuUttigiLiliNift.Lsrtilst.
FlAlRrtiell, June has been reported to
the government to-day that another revolu
tionary movement In about to occur In Italy.
The authorlt les are Inking tneasurea to sup
press disorders. ,
it reported the nor
reanondence between the Italian and Swiss
governments no the subject of the threatened
Insurrection in Italy by the adherents' ot Dltrz
-0101 bus *attained Milder. terms. A dispatch
VleUrat that& a descent revia-
IlUlanistirtrout Austrian territory In threat
ened and that the Austrian government In
tartar measures to aimed against the..lave
• • ttv...tran OF tstsualtek
rIEoI. a: , '
Jame - 11.-The health or 'Bismarck
a quite delicate. Ut phy.ticluns have order
ql Matto refrain from all manner of work,
mil I hilt he mike a short t rip I o
Ilneubs, June IL—Petroleum clued active
at 6 lindens 2licroats. • .
HM1111411(1, June U.-Petroleum closed firin.
.4.4l;i:smorown, JIM.. V.—The Me:mishit. Ne
soda:lrma New York, has arrived.
--- •
'alatkinal tioc4 ,l Y.
Illy TMegrapit to the Pit taluirgh flasetle.l
C11 , 411::NATI. .tune I National Anti-.
Secret Society Convention to-day adopted the
report of the Committee. setting Wit' that th e
secret sOcietleatri, Which this Convention is
CpposediNvera 08441101 y 11111114:Mkt and anti
hristian, therefore t injurious to the whole
social fabric: of heathen nrlgin.expebiallyl he
Masons, charging that they Ignore the Owl--
pro,y to unknown OAR; natur
ally desecrate the Sabbath lap:trading through
the streets ot funerals; send the dead to
Heaven. h °teeter they mat . have lived or died:
Insubordinate to anti Monk of the Church; a
snare to Toting andeleernbsynary Institut lona.
fallacious and deceptive: and that the mem
bertmlp k deserting the discipline of the
Church In ease new members. after these ad
monitions, persist in clinging to. their fellow
ship. Speeches were mode tat afternoon by
Dr. Brown, ofjiew Turk, and other" to
small audience.
Vermont Conaltuttimul Coerentio.
(Itg Tileroph to thaPittsbUrg 4.
MonirrLtEn. June li.—The Constitutio
Convention today passed upon the YulloSvL
propositions Of amendment.with the tolicorin
result:-. ,
To authorize the Legislature to till coca..
cles in the Rouse and 'Senate. Itejected—l&
to 41. •
To give the npuointment or Supreme Court
yes to the Roeernor. with the consent 0
the betutte. Rejected-2:11 to J!.
To give the taJlot to women.
to I.
provide biennial sessions Instead of to
formerly: Adopted.
upon ' e ie f i e trou le t eivecluirrariefogruoer'doirall" against, eith a er l ln
committee or Convention.
h 19 I lie Pittsburgh hazel IC.
WARlfiSilTriu..llint.• 11. Irjn.
I 1:101 A N oovonvl ht. 11111elat log to
rot brand% of the Union I.lwllle
extrannilmtry ' , and of
hat feature of the bold kraut polier Lich
he goyernment niwayk Tekerred to tell le
nient nil road ' , vet ion land grunt +.
At the expiration of the morning hour Ihe
Franking hill came up, Inn wtof mutt nkide
proeve,l wit h the +ending hill;
.Arno continued by Mt-aura. Yatra
au:flout nun Ite.etrft. Howard fool
rife of the IfIll.•
........nkftioctoulon 0..1411 finally moon
1: against 13. an follow.,
101- - Mosxr , Ante*, Ant hone, Itrownlow.
.iiinghttni, Chandler, Cole, Petry, fowler.
H lf tonliton, ereznid
oward, MePon-
Nyr, tinhorn, Pomeroy.
Mooney, !Ore. :44.0U. Stesettrt. Stockton,
Pr, Tipton. Trtunlffill. %runt., tool Wil.
:P.. • .
Thy dt In
nd 1 hbvi
. .
y5..•111.31qr3. 113‘1,•. Nlerreery
111, iVei3tl4/31 1 110.1, St•llur7, Stirlnklin
cer,1.3,r3753...Tharer, l'lkurotnu. Vie.l3.
V3ll, 13.
- 110ITM: 1 , 1 , It I"l'IttlftENTATI Ktt.
Mr. Ist"ritr.ll.M,stt.. Uttied 11.3V1. to repot I
from the dutliclury 1 . 1.1M1111101, I hr Lill to re
peal the totturat of office riet• % • • •
Mr. A XTI"1,1, product, tot Ail •frout
Sun Joaquin. CU!.. ;miter, chnetting colt tild
he part of I 'lttlftreitt . Its the mat ter of the
Northertt frattchhte, anti it
Uuggc , ted n 'out front reporteru
to invott 'Kat e I Ite"tuat ter mut watch ottrutbers.
The Sergetoll,tldirtn , 1.01111.'11 Ihtt rick
AVoutltt olio. Dooley. eh:treed with tut 11..1111
• .
upon Mr. Porter. a uttalibto of the Iloilo. trot
train la. nominated itr otond. and on to,
114111 of Mr. Al.l.lSt IN, Ilse matter ot, ref erre
to the Ainliciary Committee, with heir
tenni (or outvote. and impel, Abe prkont
meantime to be net a 'neat In Ike credottf of
Sergeant-at-goo ,
Mr. KEltit Mitt tat a .Ccitotta ion directing t I
Opeakerjo:noteito . etalngel for th' oison,
o [deb NV:. inferred to the 4ttate committee.
'the 11.onot rerouted the connitiernt ion of t I
:fen te amendment.: to the legislat it.. it
'Alan bill.
Allol,ll.4.kydion Ibe .16:Airy!, i t
Volylllll.tee 1111 .1 p~nvry ,
HIM mg elolooYe.
Mart nls on the bred lug . a•. Hy no.
lopted. wit b alnendlnynt Ilyll
te compoosoLlya or mink ottiver, clei I, a
by are female. vabill be tho .1
now Hoed Id I:11V bir milk. , of the ~a 1
The 1 4 411:Ile ainenoinovin apilropriali I • .
101 tor t C.4lllllolli . elllVllt ill a new looldlitt
for t Ise SI ate Irmo tt ninon was reierte.l — tltotr..
rannoinlinent in violation to lie extension
at the Unpii..l gslattut: rdiected vas 31.
vllllllleltl apprtip, fig Zllll3lll (0
I Intl (0 111,. \O:111 1 . 010 W:01 01001.,
'lt trout Jlrltlon.
Tire anieutlinent intro.:using it, , ,:dart or J. , •
eIN of the Supreme foot of the Unite
tat es m.o.': leetPli t 1t4.• •
t hr ntnentltoont to t he tolleo it tit
f the Committee lot Approl.ri.t 4. 4 in 11.
tatter of fetnale employ. , wa,retainsidere
nil the amendment rejected.tont Ihe 'lltit
into reported tr. lb. t.ototoll eeal;recd tn.
The antemlnient ammo:log the appoint':
ion for the Agricolltirtil Ilepart intent in:
tneurred in. ,
Ele bill was then referred ill Contotittet
l l 'onference, Paw, •Nildnek ant
tgan being appointed on the part of t
M LOG tN. (nun Conference Committee,
tieliteil the bill for the reerg . nolvtlicin of
the army, which the Clerk rea).
101 l
for art :toiling army of thirty awl for
I he lat of .1 .4 . .1.71; far the pay of (Abe,. On ,
for the :whirl 101 l of utonbtir., ant for.their
promotion; all "divert , not toe:hated by the lit
of Januar , nest I o Lo 1111.1e,d _
• Mr.I,IWAN espinhted that
filtr.. four billion. immunity.
The bill rt a: agreed 10 . 0101 the
Snotted Tail 'and Mkt, In•liayro Were at
Nett Voll: Sat tn‘ln)
• • . •
-The' loonigrani arrivnl+ at Nee - nn
'ritlay to.t Mont.:red 2.1111
-Con.tantlne lAcintnnint blew out his brains
t New York Saturday afternoon. . •
The 141,111%11113 Virginia. furor Livonwil.
And Dentveblattel, fnolll IIt.IIVII, at iis ~1 at N.
York Saturday.
Among the passenger. for Europe on Sat,-
nnitty was ex-President Wade. of tin. Western
Vrtion eye p r
2 Al'llli:tut ti thuore Simms: I he dist Ingnisiesl
~,,,,al.l, tiled at , 13fltdeOttat. it ~ ...t .. ‘t'''' ‘'-
stay. .4,1 sixtrlonne -... '- -
The ere /Maul hit :1411Inn part y vet nene.l to
11. o-1 - 1,0,e ~.t0r.0.,. .on son,"Tn., o eo.
} - kii..t. of .1. 1,. I :too too al 11:oleol.
- The weather at trot m ire forthe Ptnt w•A•k
Las been ennee•lllllar cold n lLennolt. The
them ~,,,, rter hint night wna 41/Aun to to.
Tin-buildings lit the I . OIIIIK Men', Clirist
n A.oelnllon at Buffalo are 111 - Aped in
anointing In resport to lhe nonnor) of ittek ens.
A, fire at Montreal, l'anatln, on the lm b;
Ileatroyed I he 1,101111,1 g Assmpled by tire Cann
tin lasi.. Work,. how in}l,ll.lo, partly Insured.
Daniel AIeVA t haul. tif • New York. assassin
olf A. it. Richardson, has at-rived at t 'Meng.]
from Indianapolis. The object of bin ini.l.lon
la not publicts knowd.
-The truster. 14 tint. I' nit ersity of N'ttsin
title leo e ticeepted the propoWt ion of liens,
silushrod Jolittout anti Kirby Stull h lo hns .
that 'not lumen for liftet.n years.
- A very destructive n 'MI :111.1 hail storm • er St. Charles e, amt v. M0..1a4 Mon.
tiny oiening, deal roy Inn crept. gardens. tire
rank. A,. to the amount ofilbout tfilAvO.
--While the .teanter Phil. Sheridan was lv
lug at Montrose. lowa. Friday night buil
some [Nitre. went through several stars
rbouli and robbed pu.sengers of fifteen hut
Bred dollar,
-Tire boild i lig in l'hlholelphia known ma II L
"ctrl Cooper SIMp refreshment saloon - Mutt g
the war. Walt burned to the ground on rrldAy
night, Ast ring eitploye of nt. of th Cree I-
liallt. tart Leen ik nil eat t col on nuyi o eion of e
..ce 1-
diarisni. Loss moan.
--The Atlantic and Paellic ILtilft.l Wt 4
Completed Sal unitty to Pierre COI', hilt mil . .s.
runt of Springfield, Mn., and will be bush I
rapidly forward to the sontinvest t.lll/hlry tf
the State. thence through the Indian Terra ...
n• :Ind Rene. the lint inert.
.. --The t 'entry' bbnk in Len islon, Men was
nearly destroyed by tire Sunday morning.
urns fal.tgal to rt.loa, itu•litti Mg FirVl National
Bank taktlnt). Cobb A, Seranton $12,11,11. L.
Wakefield ttkillik P. M. Ilillienthlt . 6.nlmk W. I'.
ftnralon MIMI. Partly 'lnsured. .
` --It It staled that the Ilnilslin Bay et mutton
it ill recommend the Itst ribution among the
proprietors of tine-three inintired thousand
pounds paid hv ean34lll. The ordinary di. I-
Mani is expected to be much reduced by the
Intetrupt lon of this year's business.
--A. gang of seventy-IWe Chinamen arrived
at Chicago. Saturday unarnitig, from San Frltn
else°, en 'Pole for North Adams. Maw.. where
they are In be employed in a boot And shoe
factory. They are Ihe first ga g f
n erer sent
east. and are under the direction o /A Knott
ornschattin •
-Miller and Ward. conv 'wird nt Hinton
year two for henry enthezzlementa, onSalm . -
dav• ere
sentenced earh to two years' imP
onnte w nt Ind one hundred Hammond dollars
fine. thug Well, a third Nifty. WAN not ores
nt, but his c ttttt Ise' promised he Woad he
,rt , elit for sentence Tuy next. .
-I%er - topers nt Philade esda lithin are 11.5 W on a
.trike. During last week several coopering
.stublishments were burned. Pithier night
fro were bunted do the lower purl of {he city,
Ind. early Standar morning the large barrel
lantory. of Wm.-il. Tho , ll. U. entirely de
ten, ed. It was unfinished arid. contained no
itOer. trite man lots been commit led for trial
—Commodore Vanderbilt NIA telegraphed to
the live stack dealers In Chicago that the New
York Central Railroad will enny freight from
the Suspension bridge to New York for t wen
ty-tive cents per MI pounds. and forty dollars
per car from Holtalo to New York. Lire
stork Is now earned froni Chicago. via Michi
gan Central, etc., for ninety-dire dollars for
two-story earn. This lea great retittet ion on
presimet rates. • .
--A COIILTIennee (Or lomunot IVe ten
ders with seater while at full speed was appli
ed Onecenfully last week on the Hudson River
railroad. A took Is sunk between fhe track and
lilted with water. from which, by the old of a
pipe dropped at the proper time, the sealer Is
furred Into the tender. Cowards of six hun
dred gallons were in this wise toned Into a
tender the other day, the engine going at the
rate of thirty miles and hour.
- —The ear shops of the Kansas Pacific Rail
rend, 01 Wyandotte. Kansas. were totally de
stroyed Ky are last Thursday night, togetie
with threepnfeenger non, nut ears
One loin ;en one sleekear. belonging to lb
Chicago. Burlington MI Wiley Mid. Abell
Ilfty thnuannd feet of avalunt• nod oak lumbe
woo Mon bunted. The hem to the company I
*Won lnonininee Small. Most ante Mech.
Ira Working In the %hope not their totals.
'IMO Mond In the Susquehanna.
I 11)• Teleirntith to Ihe l'lttnburgh thizetle.l
.111110 - The recent Minh
h h eo ehttnett it high hood In-the north anti went
branches nr the thtquelttourt, 'weeping
thine ninon hien 01 timber. 311111onn of feet
have dilated IM. • •
A SPECIAL to the Chicago Tribmir fn
Fert Nfel'herpon says:' Lleritenant E
Thomas, with part of Cornpany 1, El
Cavalry, has just gained a nplendld v i e
ry over the Indians. On the night of t
oth, a party of Indians rim MI several
head of horses near this post Yesterday
morning Lieut. Nhomas, without rations
and without stopping for breakfast, start.
ed impursuit. He scapristsl their comp
this morning, after a Imrd chase of over
sixty miles across a very difficult country,
recaptured all the stolen clock and thirty.
three of horses of time Indians,killed
three Indians, wounded. several, destroyed
their camp and captured blankets, buffalo
robes. saddles and rump mmipage. bat
could not he brought 'away wan burned.
REV. W. U. SMITH, of the Cumberland
Prembiterian Church at Oaksloom. has
Breit suspend for denylfig tbr personality
- of the devil 'and the rentirection 'of the
• -
• • • • -•: • II
•I .. • ' • I
• . _
13, 1870.
rd Cloud and linvpratiwat 1111Ivials—
Phial la a
Financial—Twenty Thonsand Dol
lars Mlsstus from the Treasury—
New Commeminl Polley- -lieletp4e of
l'ilhati Privateer Hornet.
lv 'ruleKl . 3l , lll,ollv 4i3t0,4,1
WASHINGTON, June 11, iti;ll
VIKA, TAl.l‘.
• .
A Iliad ititerviesv bet wren lied Cloud. See-
Tint,' CO ' S. Mill (.701111111.61111Pr Parker took
dame ttetlay. lied (land made a speech in
chirp he sill before, he left Ilk coital en the
'Wet+ held a vottnell and he had atilt' spoken
what they demanded: Secretary Vox 1t0...
ised et erat Mott to 4111, unce their interest. and
make t ill,l lowan. floc ern, Pitchy - la, the
ele 'et no - Chief, gave t heat some good add,.
N, Welt t h., 1 . 14 . 1 . i‘f0l with approbation. lied
;load tlerllnea sating hoot, via New Verb. Ile
AVIIIII ,, 3st might er Ilia.. Ili' say+ he will not
rel urn angry. nit 1101Ig tl it in V1'1..10111 the Itali
s are not well pleased wlt It the result+ to the vlslt. Ths•y leave here Viand:o . .
14,1 .I`lotid had another Interview I ;cubit'
with Seeret :try ('ox+ indulging 11l :Mother tom
rie+ of complaint+. The Serretttry 1'...111.11th . 11,
gin lag hint good advlde, by urging hint 31111111 S
follower+ to adopt the waYs of elvllital ion.
tint att.:aria); I tient the government would
arot eel the Interest!. - id nil Indian+ who lived
in Pollee with It • lied (no..t."ylt•cted to fr ,, i.:
home by saw of New T0rt...740111g he had seen
ettottglt oft own+. and that pre+eat .1 ettald be
bought tit to, other dare on the I'M' home
ward. 'I i
lse Indians VIIIV ill MW
ON), '
rill,: in A 111.V.1,.
A tire in tine inigeninent ill ! 4 1. 3:lleneg Mart
to-day nuiok arl dense . stoke. nearly kntfo
cal big several Inmate's. Irk: eragiu, suite Of
:baud tur Crusgin, mid infau. ; were I nken null of
a third %t .r coory will‘inw by menthe, of a honk
and laild.mpany null : Truing lady re •enieni
in au inKensible rondlit i in by a young um.
who ago:aid...l to a ..talr ray and bore her In
lib. arm.. down t Ine Intl& . lAN.. in. building
light. , . •
• ' "
The lutertud Ilesenne t mends look,. were
ritgl.:llA lel; for the week. /M.W.M.os.". 6.1; for the
:Meal year. } tr . o.iieg...7 1)1.
Coln hnlance In the Tleasttry to-day t IttS.-
• 1.121 Iscurn•ner. t3i. 13, !tit 01; rola cern-
I rate.. fal..l7faim. - 1.,
TIVF-STI - T11111,1,0:11 LOLL \US 311R,E1 , . -
There lots 's... tlllaSed •front Ihe Treasury ol
1 le United Muter 1111. day. sopposed 10 be
uOlen. a handle of two thousand Pell' legal
nder note. of the denominat ion of ten dol
lars, new sole. of INV. lulling bend of Mitilei
• ant !secretary Ilarlier ;wring Ser
re ry
during the absence of Mr. Mont well
Ti .. latter will be absent a week.
inn.wv. •
It Is wl :tied l hnt IhelPresidcnt lets :do 111;ir
nduhoud to, inaugurate a cononerein
orica . hien kill tend to bring, no the vas
trade of tneSnanlnn-Anltadean Staten wldel
non . principally goes to European portii.• Th
eslgn is to carry out the hauler suggest loi
in Mt amnia! mennage.. have alivav
felt that the mont intimate relations shoal:
be tultivated' Let wee!: the republic of - •
United :gal unit all Independent nat inns ill
I his continent. It my be wen worth con
siderhig whether ne w-treaties het Aver° th
natal :lilt:stew unit them inny tug be prolltald
entered into to secure more intininte relatnin
frinndly. nOininereint and otherwise."
Senator Ne (101 l ratan of I . olollli
4,11 pprOltriatiOT4_Bllo AtleglltO Monne
f Utah. had an-Interview with Red elou
ut evening. durin which the Indian Chi
aid t here would he no war If Ihe white to
'tilted for the Shall. to ruenee it.
eople 110 fount are to , hunt. so
rho. they do that they w re told they. see
Iftheir r,ervationu and were shot at. TI
it. trouble end the Indians get the Nat
r they have no wrlterg or papers. •
Mr. Ilooper told Etna Cloud that more the
ghts thousand Slortnonu had crossed t
ham • the lost t wenty-two ye.
t hey never lost a life, nn animal or. b.
goo,ls until the Railroad was built. An
TWO 0103: 11 . e. lost stuns properly
Clotlit -a el he knew ,in; T
131k...1 tglit And 0.•:L1( I irle td-nterrow
New Vort.. where - win 1,11:1i .1 3V
two and then proceed directly held,
The President yests dav ordered t he relate
of the Cuban private r Hornet. seized at Wil
mington last toll. - For audit Macalr. the orig
inal pnrclower of the testel from the United
Staten • ilovernmett.. requiritig. however.
bond. , in the in o fifty. thole:sod dollars
that the esael m n
it he need to mnna, hos
tilities against Spain. nor MI any other way
violate the tiontralllv laws of the United
Staten. Hen. It. F. Hotter mid Hon. W. K.
Chandler arr micelles upon the bond. -- .Th,
vessel and other property restored are valued
at ab out $lOOOl The decision of
detit in the caner of great rejoicing tornifit the
(Wend. , or co.. patrldin.
Let Lets front Denmark show the govermitent
iJ pi , UUle are unteh utortined nt the neglect
the Senate on the shbeet of the St. Thomas
clay. Lilt its ejection-wouldr u have left
ss unf Heathy feeling than is nniv manifested
tong the Danish people.
tan, Ittr Hr. 1.131:11111:1, •
• The denial ure of Ited (loud and Pant' for
New York. Whiril was ro take place to-o
has been welt ',onto!. lie desire. , another
conference with the authorities, whirli will
probably he printed.
tv Telegraph tot he Pittsburgh Oa:note-I
cis Vault, June P.!, Mo. • '
A proposition nppears to -day for it loot tog
stintostbd to Dickens, monumental or other
Rev. sr. It. Prot Mu:film referred to Dickens
In Ills sermon, and enlarged on the treatment
due.hint for his steadfast. untiring efforts in
the elevation of his felow creatures, and or '
the Christina feeling .which he Imparted 11 f I , Y
his works.
Bev. Dr. Chapin to.dav rendered nn eat husk;
mile eulogitun to the memory of Charles Dick
ens, whom he regarded as doing the work of
the Redeemer, by holding to such noble use the
genius he
received from God. His every work
. was characteristic of true charity, and faith,
in the mercy and good of the divine
s, being.
Bev. Dr. Bellow In his sermon spoke of
kitchens as sin example of christlau real with
knowledge. The works of the great novelist
tended moral the mind anti Create a
healthy o tone. De never exerted his
mighty influence except for good, and his pen
was never used to expo B . l. nn Immoral thought.
. ~
The quarantine war as commenced between
Itrooklyn and New Yo-k. Rome vessels which
had been permitted by the quarantine au
thorities to proceed to the Atlantic docks in
Brooklyn were allon.ed by. Dr. Cochran,
Brooklyn Health Officer. to proeeed 'to pier
fourteen nit East Rix*. The quarantine men
in the steamer at
te I ted In tone off the ves
sel, whereupon the r awser was cut by order
of Cochran and the N w Yorkers retired from
the conflict. Broo ly merchants and work
,lng men seem to side with the Doctor and to
Ise determined to fight the matter nut.
eounri, tw $10,030.
Won. M. If ews,s'of Elgin, 111innis, . whit
asleep un a sleeping. carriage la the train fruit
I Pittsburgh to hew York on Friday night, we:
robbed of bonds to the amount of ten thou
sand dollars.
illorace Greeley's is Improving and he
trill be nt hie post inn few days. Ile AM. re
on Fildarftbin the Hoffman Ilonse to
his residence at
The regatta of the West Point Cadets, y'es
tertlay, teas won by the Secood,Class boat,
which made three miles In:nineteen minutes
and tit teen seconds.
The forty-tine enamel), earylvore or th.
Oneida. were yegerday paid nit and dlechar
ged. TM, were generally dtsentl4lled at lb
amount allowed.
Jolts McNally. .a shoonalter.
surdered hin wife is Williamsburg Last night
numbing her skull with a hammer.
11.n4 humlnythtn arrived the oast wewk
ter f Ittl nt whom went west or to the irde
The 13.0j,11.1111 , 11 'Cluelnolia
By Telegraph lo lhe.Plllstangh Gazelle.
ClNCixi , cri. Jour 12.—Preparnt long for
approaching Saengerrest have been tuner
ing all day at the hall. which is being
aomely decorated with evergreens and flags.
There wan a grand rehearsal last night
another tnight for male voices. wish a full
orchestra. ne programme for line of rch
on Wednesday afternoon - will be publishy
morrow. The grand procession eMb e
alarge number of societies of this cit • all
s ocieties from abroad. the entire city Ore do
pastotent,the city.public officers, home and
forelgTtlamds. and the military. Atthe grand
triumphal areheneh singer will be presented
with a wreath of flowers or boquet by Voting
g i r l s . F r om present appearances it trill be
the finest demonstration ever seen here.
• - • - tipper Biter.
[By P. S. A. Trierratilii
Oil Cric...ltitte rising slowlv. with
4 -feet . and $ Inches water in the channel.
It:thane. Thermometer 74 at 6P. L.
RTIOWNSPILI.P. Julie L.—River rtationary,
with nbout 7 feet water in the channel. Min
ing. Thermometer 63 at 7 e..m.
tilißCiSllo llo , June 12—River falling alo wir.
with 5 feet water In the channel. Italnln6.
Thermometer 65 at 1 P., M.
Dt•trict -Court—Jodge hlrhpatrh . k.
SATUnnAY. June 11. The orior.nenl lift trot
token up in this Court occupied the entire
Jury riol , %Live bell and will
lot ue remoineil otoilthe fllll Ilnnduy of Sale
Common Pleas—lad,., Stoat
vtlittin v..littie 11. -In the inaper of Win:
Cable vs. Nlitt iilhl Cable. •pet it inn ill divorce,
i appointed Commis.
sinner to lakeoreaii,
t 'tunny oil part of plaintiff.
)Zarin Mick es..las. I'. D. Itillick. petit ion
ill divorce, 11. 11. Herron, 1159..• appointed
Coinatis•doner to take I.C.M.1111011Y:
81.111111 A BIM VS. Theresa BIM. Pell! ion in
411vorce, It. IL Parkinson. Esq., tippointeil to
take t esti:1111ov.
Jame, 1,11(.11 vv. lionivo I,yoch. In divorce.
liet Moo PiTiCllll . lt and subtotal. awarded.
In t III:lifer or the Presbyterian Church'of
Fleming Stitt 101 l flied tinier of corporation.
l'eany vs. Inia 3: Erving. Mot inn and rea
solobillett for a new trial by defendants'
eat hatine Mailer no. Itudoltdins Muller. ne
ed Ur n ill giiiolT.O. 11. llirist y. Esti.. appoint
to take te.t inton tat tart Piamt
En he omit, of the apttlication for a char
ter of Third German Evangelical Lutheran
cotigregtd ion of Pitt shorn' , final deer. ,
(tenrgianti 'lover VS. W to. Rover. petition in
dlcore, tt. . Met lurg. appointed to take
new bon,
Marc Eetolmly 30,01 ICeatietly writ
lattolico itoptireosto. InUttl , lo ion napproved
• finding' minfirtned. Jacob. 0111 appointed rows
mitt., of the est ate of saki is ic neonnit" -
lag Ontoi4 in :lie son 01 . tioooo. neon
in the Matti hr of tlrn dicers
h o n e e A cent
0 1 e , 1
k WliliC l o ll n . f m r n
oit men, of it a art ireige
th io under
it e b r rt nice in+ K , lorange o wag
poinit lu t COIIIGiOOI,
he f
matter o . f Mirabelli 'Johnson on.
tel. J 4111215.11. wrat ,fr Sonata. 01,11111,
a loC ttac lol hment to klpit ih sue nson aga . theinrt court
James ere P.
V,o. for vontettipt of court. Isaac
- Johnson was declared a lunatic lie inttaisitlatt
find Y Johnmin appointed committee of
his e state. .0 rule was served atm° him an.
quit - ton itfitt to tile an acount which he net;
lected do. thence the c m turbulent .
TRIAL 1.1,1 FOR NIONI,11 . :
3* Richard+
LO(Colt Fisher.
. .
II: Dunn N . , Keil.
Its Davis 11:111.411.
t!-.1 en et it. to: nse .
.InrneaWhal Smith. gmirtilnn t cobslmmo.
Algeo Arnold & I.'o.vs.:selnne
11l Anne:lead Meerisno vs. llnslege.
211 lihnnner .k.Danler vs. O'Neil.
CV Elsennr S I,nn Vi..l,Kepli Davis.
v 4. Vatienon
Ilmtller 5e...10n. -J.40. , 17u111,,
SAI I I. iiiiT _lune 11. number of fetil i 4
aml i%.• ti rninis were presented :tut tiled.
- Ir.t. 11. Mere!. inirety iiT Slip pe.
refeptlant ordered to tr:ly I be CORM
0111:1. s. W4,6:1. Surety. Defend
rtcrrtao iiny ih en... 1 or prieniention
hunt of $lO.l In .keep
peace. .
Coin. i . g. Glut. Birchen. Surety. ISefentlit
not appearing, %ens ordered to Div the cost , .
1 . 0111, VS. M. C. steel and 'floe, Steel. Soret
l'lnet. Steel tli,chartreil and M. C.Steel order;
111101?' t he con. , nnd enter into ball Ili the 00
of 5311 to keep t he peace.
fool). e.. • Casper Croft. Ite,ection. Dere
1 “ 1 . 1 , 3 1 t i t=l . l „ t ... .: c l;3 ; va b h. , ;l , ; - ::t .., h i e t f
i l . l r r , t ,... T e e c e , l , l t l r l i
1%,r her .011 port.
. l'o. e••• 1. K Irk pat t telt. and Chas. Kirkpa
rich. 3uret —Dunes King. prolecutor. Dere
iiiint 3 orde• en to pay one-half the covt3 tt
the progeettt or the other half. .
111101. lin FOIL •MONDAY.
:rol Coin. vq. Patrick Welsh et 31.
SCT'ont. v.t. Caroline Scube.
31 Cool. VA. Phillip Durand. rtn '
. .17.1 Coto. no. Wm. W 113 on. -
er Com. I'.:\ tdl 31.C.1t0..
I 57 . 1 Coin. s:. (Osage .1. Hall.
g. 7 41 . 0111. es. Item, framer et nl.
ic. Cont. 00. CllllO )11/011.
7.0 Coin. ss. Matthew Keep,
' Ti Coin. VI. Henry Staub.
'MIA,. I.le, 1 . 011 TITEsn t V.
:34 IN/111. 11. IlarrDon Berger. - •
el coin. v,. Isaac Rankin. •
',I Ctini. V4..01111111 Nltiler.
77 Cont. es. Robert Mush°,
K. Coil, 00. Phillip Baiter.
77 Coin. so. 3111111 01111111 1 11.
1 Clllll. Vs. John.SCllnhe 31111 .sdant Fret.
.coin. vs. Dunes It. Ilays, .•
7i Coto. cs. Win. ItinlneY• ' .
t 1111 AI. I.lsr ron.tiCl/NEAL/AY.. .
1,1 Coln: Vs. StehOhl. and Stephen linttm
Grand Final Oak. of OW Ilaktoxell rtellerty
r,•n,h•r, of this paper. must by
time Ito n•ell v 0.04,1 In the merit.. 0
nltove 1010,1 oropert y. t tr•n 10%1114..1h
‘v1,1..h 0.0..4. It 61011 n
Jn ,11 010, h.• that 00
ill tli•• Sill/110/SO
vitLm. - t'•ntc••nience, Itealtitinines.
bentity ire combined in tl u • higlies
roe. 'Elicre hull] • remains eiglit on
• 'atm. and on, plot of live acri,s; two
kit Mr. nakenell's reablenee, earring
ti.e...4table, ham and observatory nr
rhe improvemeats on this.plut are vet:
e and should tereive the special
n of all haviw an vve to a bell
91`. The anal sole will take
.rroa ane,dayl 'morning at hi 1
will Ile eellVeYed free
19 train from Federal street. returning
Thi - , being the last niriort unity 1.
rare n . portion oflbws , .gruutkls. a
wrested kill please reinentlietbe ti
1;1 morr , tw mnrning at s:al. . 're
sale are :The-SiNtil ca,lt. the :Wan
live years.
Heal Fodatr
SHEFFIELD ,TILEF:f —To Joy (Monday,
nt 2 acincli two huildiba Intl 2 . 2 by 1.38 ul
.(.I(artil•rs and Man •
On Monday next - at °clock: one
building itot .20 by 1•28 feet en Washing
ton avenue. between Chartiers and :llan
Indian streets_ .. -
TmIPERANCEVIME-011- 'l`ttesday next .
at *..! n'i'h,ek the Oei, h. tianthle property
'ash: neren and fine residence adjoining
FEDERAL STIIEFT—On Weduewlay Ifith
1118 t. :It. I liclock, 6 cram° tenements on
Fekrul street above toll gate. • Sue ad
vertiscinkt in auction culumn by A. Leg
, auctioneer. •
S./11F: PARTS oh' THE %coma , are to. (H
away that it Is inijiessible to send Pier
Dan . nals S: ereain ale thither. Th
antortutiate . ialinbitants there treillientl
AT :t vireos performance in Elbert}
.Mo., on Wednemlny of Inst week, Prof
White entered the den of Lona, and wn.
quickly very glad to he'llanled
One of the lions, it seems, hod eon,
a dislike to White, and at once made
hint, crushed one of bin arms, tit a pi
nut of bhi side, am! altogether grier
him yen' nitwit.
• A VOUNiI lad in Wesley, Me., a frWi•
(toys slum was so poisoned as to nearly
cause his death by • walking over. land
where superphosphate had been spread
the little fellow had a crock in his heel
and the poison cnsomunicated with his
- •
URDAY. Junel3. 11117an0 Is.
$llll 511034. excelling ell competillon.
Mammoth - GiLiatitie Mitistrels?
?owing from their Bean Weld Elegant Opera
haute.. Philadelphia. DOUBLE en TROUPE AND
lIRAIM BAND. composed of SU Pansoua Artists.
Eatmordlnarf new feature In Minstrelsy. never
before attempted by any other TroeVe.introdnelng
each evening:at tilt same tinse, FOUR GREAT
COFIEDI ANe on the ends. Two 80110 Plavere and
TWO Tatutwrlnlsls. •
!towhee Dougherty. herd,. Benedict, Charles
Reinolds.CharlasOleason.Gonsaleo Bishop. Keane
Kent. Frunk Panhlmrst. Lords Collins. Justine
ftabl.on. D. :Marla. ernon. John Woni,ey. A.
tenter.. James Km 111. F. B. Naylor.
I hlost Stupendous Org.l2llllthill in existence. Read
.r Ineamparnble Poem:les. •
I bmrs open at 7, commences at h "%dock. •
• Atlnsl.l.. 30 and 33 cents_
lel.llX CHAS. 11. DU PREZ. Manager.
l~ n rucqunn e,. been made fors rustier,
MUD 11,714 of 11141theny 01.111.1y,t0 tpearpnestO the
St. Aulonius from Padua) Beueficia
Satiety. of itifmiughum,..).
• -
And that sedan:tarter will be =anted at next tel
of said Court, If no soleleient reasons Irk the et
tratT are entered meanwhile.
Attorney for the Socielt
_Ur Indebted to or liming <Mhos mains:Apo ea.
tato of NAN(T ANN PIIILLIPtI, late of Snowden
Township. Allegheny county. Pa, deceased. rm..
untitled to tettlef the same with thOolodefl. ou
Administrator. with will annexed of the min dr
regent. at tilt office, N 0.1196 rutin!, avnue, Pim
__ annoy vrorn.
Tun.pixt:.-p,0r,.... far the GRADLND
and NASD:4DV an the above marl will be received,
addreued to Ilan)Nottall NEKKEP:, arse undo
half mile. from StanTMarg. naidi nnUl
'Emblem Sharponu-Vi',Vglf,MArpfio.
jell • • '
,XXXV.-r-NO. 144
11.31. 1/0. Trants nill
arrive and dap/31as '
Throve 'rraina Ihnete Trama
Leave Union Pennt. Arrive to. UM,/ Pee.
PPannell:so any Mall Trani —.l 1:50 p mn
Mull Train S. \:111 am Fame Wnc.. . z .. 11:11
Brint•mn Ac.... 1 0 MO my Cincinnati 1..N.1 WOO am
etncinl Ex-J . "1 . 4 5 nm 1:13e1/14.11}1,....g.Ag tau
I,Npre/..• cm. l nMlle •• • • 10,10
Fast Line...-. 7:.10 cm' Way fans
I.ot, 1.. LOCAL.
Wall , Na. 1 0•311 me Wall, \e. 1.. 1110 am
Wall, Nn. I._ll'. 5 ton iirin'n Aerto.ll 7 , 054 n
Wall , No. 3.. 3 04 inn Li: aM
inlinMown Ac: .1115 IPM .1.!IIIIPto , rn A r.
.11 , 10 am
t.IITI j U F/:
Ac. e/:511 ten Wall, Ne. 5.. 7•.30 pm
Wane N 0.13. 1 1 A/11 1./ }Om/ AeNoM 1 , 20 Pm
,1c• 10:110 inn
AllExprose tint‘l.l";;',..til'e.'EMee, leave
All mhor train% daily, r<rnpt Sanday.
cli Thins learns Walls Station CVOI7
14311 n. rearning rittsbneen at
Returinng. leaves Plasteiran
. mid aril cep lit M sills Main. 1.•1 at
9 30 .
U‘h;ruturullill''KUWlTll. Agent.
The renn•rleenl. Ihprienl
I ng Oy
wo any 1 . 0 05 un
and hint their 11..p ir. ,
red St here twine, All ..e
, •n her. at
unt In valne the rn.
Intent taken by rnerial central :
303 General Superlntendent. Alt.,..tek,
1.1 . ...11 .1 in.. 11. 1870. l vii e fern
l it the tin Dep., it.r.l.
burgh city
Fast tine 12 . ...1)i i mEa-t. lane 1 . 2,13 nt
Whig .111.11:3!, a Wheeiln Et.111:.1!. a us
Chicago Mall—WAS a Ins Paelni• ...11:1114 p m
Ede it Yon Ex m Chaim. NI:OI..3aLS m
Chleao E... 10.13 p m s
Cl. WWI: Ex. 11:38 p Erie !t Va'a Ex 3 .13
Ihtelfle Ex nm Wb's: is .7 AIS m
lro rienEx..l.33 . L. p ist
Veto IS p F.xpre,....1 1 p ni
ritull AIII.IVI, At......031[2:V.
Miser Falls Al S:SIS to 1A...U.1:00 Ae..0:33 a to
Leetsdale 10.13 it tu'llear Fa1k .. .1 4 :0h a ia
11:53 si •• 111
Haan i • pm ' I
s e . ° (.1 .;:i : 1 1 1 1 , 1 1... 0
2' 5 . 13 :Flll PP'r P:01. " 1:4 PlO
Be l.e ie rAnle r lW 6,23 p ta 11111
.."10 4:1 7 '33
Fitly Oak. Soil- fair Oak: Sm.-
0.1, Church-1:1 3 1. tit it.", tte
[lenient., .tally.
grrniat Line leavii• Mils.. 3
Il i rrast lane arrive.. dad>. eNIVIPII.I%.
orAii ttl,d airrive ./4.19
F. It. 711 ERS,
I've. A Ticket Ageta. s . el. Manager.
I.I,EUH EN V.% 1,1.}:% E.IILEO
I.: Rl' rt ,1,111 Tilt:
i'g;rl) l .;
.11t,d311114 ,, ,IdAttial.v
leityp ,rt Eleventh
1 VII, ii
Oil ,1 1Y• MOW° ,
,dlll+ltt 1tt.."11 itertnitr.
.‘11111V1: AT
7!./0 SAO
900 - 7 in)
iu Rio rt.... ,
. • • 6.011 11. M.
• •• • It -111.211
It r att i co l t ' ;: l . '" .. l, : **" • " " *
Ihls A. M.
1 .41 1111 1 11 . X .....
• 111.
:P111411 , 1 . ....1 1110
It. 7111 r.
rat . . ' 11 - .15 A M P. 31.
Church I.oor. 10:.
arar troth , Mop only at principal point.. :kr
nzmulation stop:II all Mallory..
Silver Palave Sleeylnr.l%tro .on 1.01 Nhtlit ExpreAr
3013 .1.\115 4 11.111,NT. lleltet Agent
ST. 1.1151 S MAIM.% V. -17
CHANG/10F TIM 1:.-.0n and. after St:NI/AV.
Juno 11. IS7ll.lcOng 11111 wave and arrive vl
the'l:nhtu 11011.1. IhttAtntratt.lg,fmnom::
letter It Time.
1.T.1.A.11.T. MUM' .
EiPre," 11:13 noon
Fast Line 10. IR 0. 01. 7:1,111.111
Southern 'Expreee :1:1.3 In. 1:1,13 mid.
1110 pd Ace. onnmodatiom.. VI A.m. 11:S.1.11,..
Mrthtnald ACCOIIIIIIO4 . II. 1 m. in. 7:OM . W. tn.
Slettbenrlllo P. MI. If 1.1 :, 111:
McDonml.l Ace‘mmo.“l . i.. - 1..03 P.m. -
Sunday t•harch.TrAin...'
'The 10:13.4. m. Fool Lime .111110100 tinily. The
1 . 2:13n0mn hlshrese arri fen dully. An other treble
.1" 0 0101.1
IV. 1.. 01111.1F.5.
. . .
Gonend Twkot Agent- 0 ~ Imobnr. 0.
V. CAM , SOO-. Ohio. 7el]
Dolng,Son.lneso. lit 11...Mr...1.A 211 Id nt
this ...tunty.tind Rawl 1:0101e. Merelmn.lize, Kr
eh:lnge, .4,1,11111, Cattle. Metal and Oil
unitltnw.u..n , •
.c\lerr , bnis,
lelng buyinesY iil,lu the limit.. of this
amtv.tire hereby h toed nu t their STATE: M
I.ll•KS'er: I) M., be paid *my
allce. Wre the st dn of July, to Lve rust or
tat befor e e
on Aldlermen.y ie
I , llpliCatt. WV flaw rp for eartuent rrt ttate
nyt Ceuta) , , •
11 1 •t V - 11:
• • .1 .1.4
With II rOtietiott rrf AIIT i•rJ 1.; ~,,,, ImY
• J. v. DENNIsTos.
rrvasurer ui Aitt-hav runty
-wr istisiirl).•
Fine rl,llt. Y 1 ;10.
II trctM I'Mn volt s tl 5H0RT ,. : fi0r,A 5 , ;1;:01 , [ ... 1::.5 ,.,.u,
.11111 N STUART 3111.1. •
SUBJICI - rioN Cot. w l m
lemo. Flne _
Fer sale by all lloadtsellerS. orwill lie sent by
mall. postage paid. upon reeelpt of the prier. hr
J. u. Li vet tt.copr &
ier-sm 715 and 717 Ilarket 81., Pltlladriphla.
A N ORDINANCE--To authorize the
JAL l'enattuellon ot ti Lateral Sower eh Ward's
Ste. 1. Ile It ordained and enacted by the Select
nnd Common conorlis, of the Cdr.' Allegheny.
and It Is hereby ordained and enacted by the au
thority of the Caine, That the Sewer 11 . 01,1111011
be, and they am hereby oath mired and directed
to Invite and receive proposal,. for the construction
of a Sower, located as follows, viz.. and neeording
to plan to be approved by Up 'Ward's
alley, front Soda - wick rtrees to. Fulton reet, and
to contract therefor win, tile lowest nod be, bid
der or bidders. at their discretion.
Sac Sewert as soon te. the rout mod experfe. of
said shalt be fully atcortained. the name
Hall he levied. ..eased and collected an provided
for,. by an act of entitled'y of the Commonwealth
of 1.011119 . 1,111111.. ,I soppletuent to a sup
plement of,the fourth ..1011 of an act. entltl.l
en 'Act relation to Starch
SE, 3. That ,o ILOIch of till ordinao,
conflict ants , rupplied to the too egoilot
and the satue hereby repealed.
Ordained .d enact.. into a then the 1111 h
day of June, d. °fie thousand eight hundred and
I•1N ed
.1 All ES
44 "'elect
Attest • J. 11. (Ix Lev.
(lett of Select Council.
PIN ItY - IV ItS Pit.
President of Counnoti
Attest : It. Itu.tvoirrn.
fleet 14 Coltman Council. jolt
A "t ORItINANCE-'-Antliorizing the
Grading and Paving:a Patterson alley. from
Rebecca street to line of Smith's Prof...Y.
Ste: I. ne It ordained and enacted by the Select
and Common Councils of the City of Allegheny.
and It Pi hereby ordained and enacted up the au
thority of the lame. That the Committee on Streets
be. nod they are hereby authorized and direeted,to
invite 1 t 114 receive proposals for the grading and
bidd,„,, at their discretion.
Ste. '2. That for defraying the coot and expenses
of the lame. then. Is hereby levied a special aa
aessment, said assessment to he made and collected
Pa provided by the Art of Assembly. entitled ap
- .het relative to Streets In the Illy ot Allegheny.'
op tirV 'Pet l ail e,t i . rstMc . en or parts 14 ordinances
inconsistent herewith be and they are hereby re.
Ordained and enacted lota n law. thin the 9th
day of June. Anne Manna. 1•11.4 thramnd eight
hondred and remedy.
JAME. , 31cliltl ER
Pre.ldent of Solect 41.03
Atte., J. It. °ELEV. •
President. of demon l'oe
Attest: R. DltavOlertt.
Clerk of Common Council.
A N ORDINANCE--Anthorizing, the
/X Clouting and Paving nt Air:tett 'alley, from
Beeee street to Middle alter.
SIX'. 1. De It owdalned and enacted ny the Select
and Common Councils of the City or Allegheny.
and It Is hereby ordained and enacted by the Cu.
thority of the name. That the Commence on Streets
be. and they are hereby author - Mal nod dlrec•ed. to
invite And receive prop o s a lsfoe ihe grading i ce
a ct t ing heref or lir Unme twith t a
the lley.tot
lowest afore
and sai bent bidderd, and to con
bidder, et their dist - reline.. -
NW. lg. That for defraying the east line sanestwa
et the Panic, there is hereby levied a special noway
went. Rind assenenent to be made and collected, AT
ProVided by the Acent ATSeinbb.entitied an ::/tra
relative to Streets In the Illy or Ai , thr ... '•
Oen hiconsistent herewith to 41 tire hereby re
-o=lned and etachal into a law Ihl• the 9th
irst.o.ln,er..Anitnr..., Domini one theusand eight bah-
JAMES m,nnre.u,
Prettdent of Select Council.
A itet ftTPl r c . ct . Uer att si nclL
rte-idwdOt n t ". .otint ' l ' l N CTlOcit.
_Mott!cl DltmotrtitM.
erk of COM,. Council. IHI
..TUESDAY EVENING. June 14th. at 8 o'clock.
will 'be sold on netiond tivit of MeittratneU Auc
tion Roornall OD Sualtntield street
Ilia Mutton Camera DotiotNational Bank.
111 share, Allegheny Nati m onal Bank.
aharea Third National Rank.
JO abate. Fourth National Rank.
JS shares Omen. National Bank.
3M share. flootntensdnattrance Co.
MY aharmt-Standard Oil Refining Co.
RO than". Plattlnlnni Grain Elevator Co. -
MO share. E. Rail Co. Reaper A. Monet Mann.
factoring Co. -
1013 .
.•. . .
•• Wants." - - Intinil.""Enriting.' • it‘ . .. not ...Ming
I,illt LINES. trill Lit ineirtni in Maw columns unit
v . , or Tir E.\ 71 , 171". E. (EATS: nick additional lint
_ .
INTED.-00rators. FloishrrA,
Enoulre fOr one WPI:k si No. 13 TUNNEL ST. -
61:1 U NATEIEN._
- N AT A NTED.,-Several Mf'll for Farm
work. Eardening Brlvlrte,. Ales. for
Briessnrd Work. Severn! girls Girls Wanted for
Cooking. elustwerw,.rt. Dining-moos work , slid
I sge p :. ' llgillt r r
lizeziensfon Bridge
r newspaper esnnpositors eau
leans or issrw ls-
went situations. at highest wages, Of eedeessing
IC, - eeRTS OttICO.
A inn! T W E e l u t r: ne A ll T!:1 1 11 - IFrie2 r. Sosp. Pet:
4.11dy Bezel,. Prize Stationary NeWwee. ti Jew.
etre. 'moire et No. ti.s STanRICET,
•►)01..i (IdAgentx,t o
for.. aillele Piet patented. WM be ) wanted in
evert family. Addrem A. M., Eton 333.• Pitt.
VkrANTEI)-- . --(1).1. 1 1. MINEES IMB_E7
AITANTED.—First-class Board and
unfurnished 11005 fronting the Alleithee7
weet..4l by gentlemenend wife. Ad
dress .1. a_f;srXr-re °nice.
a couple. Compenmtion, board, enduing. soloed-
Mg. Am Best of reference given. Adolfo. tor
two -I. 1...1i 7.FTT.r. oOre.
.itana ArartreFslt%r.srp.V.
mem, onlco.
ANTED.—Six good srEwaili and,
TRIMMERS Immediately at MI ALICM
_Yo. 31 Fourth avenue. S-31
WA NTED.--50 reliable AtiEliTS
to moll Seelna Machine. hi, the ci f ti and
ennutrr. No reafired. APP7 O .I a
• 1•Altlf.111 M. Co. A EiNtil". Nu. Smith e
W A Von l i! I
t7t A re l v 4 e l l : ;n l tl B sp7ll I.s E L Y
La7fl l ;;l r t i ft ed or
erticle,ust patented: Win he wanted to overy
family. (.teat Inducements offered. Address A.
lior. 533. PittsOuroh ti. 6.4
30,000 to Lonn In Ism, or amounts,
"1 Interest.
11111, Bond nod Real Itetate Broker,
No. 179 Sodtb C o t flute,
AN l . V7lNt i ri ° 7lT 'l letle! le h re y 7 nif or Ma Lanlds
w leh Issued 'et for the deft. 01 the warientew
Wurrente to be assigned ley lbe hehsllrlng In Mt -
parls of the country: by Admlnletrators or
'dimwit/me, will hr folly advised how to proceed
the' by
. "I . I 43FLY ' iI BMA DIMH3C - ,tCO.
Denier. In Lend Warninta, Mt. Vernon. Ohio.
—T ommittee appointed by the
tens of of the Peunsylranis F 01131.10 College to select
a suitable location ere oreiniced to receive pro
pOIMIA fn. the owners of .•nnietly leer. und
the cities Pittsburgh end Allegheny. the
Committee desire .to set hrouiptjy. parties having
property to offer will please noninunieste Imme
diately. Address
ehilrufon of eommlttoo.
flr sm amounts y Thomml Dollars to Loan
In !lase ell amoun on property In Allett..!
fait "le
Ito EAtste Agent,
flri Grant street. .
-VSTlLl.l%.—enine to the residence 01
trio subscriber. on Mt. Mben..s - BMALL.
DARK' BULL about three fears add. The owner
requerted to prove ProPirtY sod take hipr SWAT.
ige he .in Co wad to POl ehantew -
VSTRlV—Straped from the under
nignedltt 4 Mlle Run. near Oakland Station. a
o white. her bag end tell; about 6 years old;
It In milk. Any Information concerning her
be rewarded.
Je7rFl • Four Mils Itnn, near Ooklan4
rro.l.l7.—Threo Ni Rooms, with
Gas and Water. suitable fora
_sm r a_ll ,i- f rr. otall ,, y.
Ina ylensant, location. Inquire at 33 TAYLOR
yr,.`412. K. A Ilegheny ,
TOslirrs—Two Story 'Brick noose,
No. 01 Congress street. containing ant room
finished tittle. gas throughout. largo yard geld
cellar. Will be let low to a good tenant. Inman...
of J. N. FA AS. No. old Penns Arenal. 11-11.7
• . A Urst.class STORE ROOlt and collar. No. r.
ISi Liberty street. completely lilted up with
shelving and counter. Will he Tented cheap. tl
ogled for soon. Empire at . .
T0.1.ET. — .1 good, t Iwo story BRIG,
_ F.l.l.lNO.contalning 12 rooms, vrlth
ern Improvements. Also, lan.; Lnt andgool Brick
Stable. citrate fronting on the Park, N0..164
North Avenue. Rent reasonable. Apply at No. -
41 Ohio street. Allegheny. ORM
• FOR SALE. - •
FOR SALE 4 .—.That isell.pwa
ECK ri r ti r rlif/111417 . .th 11 Ito etc.
'fop a proper person delolrlng to keep e betel. Ma is
a ore opprtunity. 1. or ternm,aili or eeldrepe . .
.1. BATES BIeMLILLIAIf,.: ' : •i.
No. 2 Bank of Corinfi i reear4lllli .. .,;,•. - • :
7.3 - fmenpatlon Mime/Mete on sale. , ACM.';, ,
11 4 " . 0E SALE.—A conyenient Juinie, 8
_I ' Rooms. Jelin street, 9:11.000.
mg1 d . .0.", ; ,,... 4 . a . =rt .tr.. , .14.00..
Itouse,3 rooms, Sherman etreet.
0 .100.
House and dl lots. 431 b street, .11 11. .
House and lot. Haslet street.* , _ ,
Inn In Bloomfield. 8300 ho 11,01111 ten yesre to •
Vi..lllltr/Sra."ll;lrs h ;,lrefrgltir.= 7r i
AMYL • 7
R LL—Fnglnes and Boilers,
'New and Second Mud. of nll kinds, constantly
n hand.
lera from all part,' of the COOntf7 Promptly at.
nded tn.
JAMES 1111.1.5 CO.,
Corner Marlon Avennb Ft. W. A C. H. W.,
OICI4 A ft—STOCc . FARMTL - Eim.
A; TAINS :HO ACRES. one b y and Mktg ,
acres under cultivation. bairn:me woods: latiprouro.
t dueliinhs, very large barn and stable,
e nd sheep houses. orchard and well watered by a
atnallensek possing through tee place. Situated to
Jennings Colloly, Indiona, mg. from Vernon
Rod LOOIOIIIIO Railroad; In thrirlng neighborhood
near to amalgam and churchek The farm can be
pu"h" feVel li ns pe a.7 . l7 . .,:e rib Ave.
VO It SALE C l' i o ' R
81:FIDENtIle, enutalnins tgo acres with shone.
thereon; one, a nue, comfortable and convenient
bonne, good water, and into of the best Wet. Pow
ers In Wertern Pennsylvania for a mIIL 18
i =a
from the city. en the waters of Turtle Creek
of a tulle irons Stewart , station, Central Rail
road. also, ,wveral hood Fauns In good locaUOns
".4 houses or
'''q't glV.LlAM WARD.
mill No.llo Grant PL. opposite Cathedra},
18 LOTS, !a aces each In orebardot !ameba,.
In t Apple. Peach and Pear Trees.
LLY/14.having due view of the clUes..Plice
$OO tolg6oo each.
AI ID LOT. (taint choke bearing Mgt.
P VTA II II 7 tfiEW AGE, g whfigheßs
front and side porticos. .441%9 large c
good well of wow at bath door. carriage ho=,
table, grapes bearing. young orchard bearing
of the Miler, and rivers, opposite moot -of
Penn street—att. Wuhlngton, with 1 sere.
110.300. Or acre. none of line orchard - Canim
bad with It. Within fifteen 'minutes walk of In
cline. !inquire of . „ •
W. I.INUART, on the Preki".. ,
VOA SALT —149 beanlital . bulldlpg
lota near the Pennsylvania f=k ot rais• •
Intl are selling,veryehimP -1 4 11 2
and balance lir four i5tv. 9 .....1 4 V.,
the lel of Jane the price will Wap...-
examine plans at the oftleanUff. MIL ft N.
corner Penn and 334 Me.. 11.11. WlLL...Attar ,
ney atiww, 72 Grant straet. • . •
A frame dwelling containing 4 mom.. Ottlate
4th atreet. lot 11U tif /00 feet. This a WWI
hannt dsome piece of Pr•P•ni ••• . 111 .•••• • Pleas.
roc any two of moclarata mean& at. PA
A (came cottage %MT Loathing 4 two=
Ni=llV,Torea) by* 109 W.. Tb. Dear t
i OIMCe• •
beautiful tiVr i sLid s, wgAisi chew? If 99193 , for
" ItTdesiring to Parchase hone. and WU ad-
Will do to mil =: , ,itaandeSants
Ine oUr IlAt. WO hO , {NrS7
7o il t!ttr(7 . l . ll ,l lt e d 614%14". Lt 1 :-
SON. Corner Penn .d 33a street.. • M. 17
mated: esimity 1.600 blas per mask. In
good condition. nearly new. Apply to, or nddreink
H. M. LONG- & CO.,
~i s .p.
FOR SALE—In good location. havtfitn Vint
of lel feet on Forty-f °drib smart by IILZ p
on an alley. a largo Inlet avralllnslionae. II as.
canned and. in good oniniv Portloo In Pion Tian
hall. nine 1 . 00011,1125 h b.... IlroOd ...liar. an.
rarden. cholcs froll - tees .dAT.PM ,113411, ..
Apply to : . ~.. r. CUMBER? k SO .
. .k,......---. "Mich av nor.
AttiEgb..;PcsiNEM,- OF h ALL
Mood referent'
s even If 4110 st. yearest