11 +o r - DAILY - GAZE,TTE, HONE NEWS. IfeweranyAlderzonn Herron committed to .hdl John Husett for open leardneas to the Twelfth ward. fiery amp.—Those Engthat COttou hose, repdar made at the Nese Stand Stocking tams. No. 93 Tlfth avenue. The trial of Nicholas 'lotto). will COO, menoe nextiVedriesdar Over fort 5 . ultnetarg have been stunmorted for the Otero, ft.'''. W. P. Me.liary nil! preach In lb.. sixth "11. P." Chord, Alleghenr. on Sabbath day. altTid7 ceotmeoce at 1034 a. o. and 2 , 4 !.?1. Yesterday afternoon James Orie:ln. Henry Heller and Geo, Crouch were taken over to the Hectare Penttentiat7, which will he their place of reAdonco for ■ year. Alderson Ashen yesterday held Geo. 11. Bristol to ball In the sum of $303, for •trlal, upon • charge of wife desertion. preferred by Loafs Bristol, his mod dmonlal partner. WM la the Tomb.--"Craty Wally." the ne co who oecatlonally takes “spells" and be colas, U..aUlreatols. was brought to the lock lte On ThartaaY night. where he still re mint. '610.000 For Loan.--Ten thousand dollan4 ICA:ltt! , 3l:, gl .ltd7pnpfart".2ll.r.;=`ni‘: . denoe confidential. Annres;• cern race. ar. Teter Unsay forgot the law gesterdar when be threatened to dispatch Mare Conner with a hatchet. Mary has Interponed a legal Wee llon, and Alderman Butler la trigilftd In cot- Inn the cue. Must More Mt.—Matt Inspector Lindsay , uiade Information before Alderman Juo. A. PlOrd, resterdar. against Peter Miller for um t iming n slaughter house within the city limits. A subpmun was homed— City Corindle.—A owlet ineetinlf of the Select and Common Council of the city still lei held Monday the nth Inst.. and not on the rah as heretofore announced. The . meeting I.; alined by th•Freirldente of Osunc The Kfunaan irateursion Party leaven Pain bulb at 1010 .i..-cl., June Bib, for KAZUO. rio. Cincinnati and R. Louis. Fare round trip ...\from Pittabnrat to Kansas City, 03. Ticket,: good t for thirty. day'. Apply • id. NO Liberty stree it Crow tilts.—A OEM on Penn street yester. • day between John Brown and Barnard Swag ed. two Frenchmen. resulted In erou sults for assault and battery before Alderman Taylor. upon ng whleh sub defendant was held for a beari. 111 Treating Ilsiter..—Among the residents on Boyd's Hifi Is John Hooper. He was called span yesterday by Ella- Daey. The visit was not rellsbed and the visitor requested to leave In a manner which assumed an assault and batjery phase. Alderman Butler will at ,to John testier, lgeoruallstle.--Ourtiotuisblew contemporary. "the Allegheny Znactter, will appear to-morrow, In a new dress and greatly enlarged in mire. The jekartter le the Sunday editionof t tot Volk/Watt. and owned and edited by Chao. Batter, Len. It le ably Conducted, and we are pleased to note the evidence of its promterity. Col. J. D. Egan. gmlthhelUstreet. near V Ir gin alley. Invitee the attentlon of parties pur ebuing libraries to his largo stock of valuable and standatd works, gsnday.school kuokLks , books. scientific, medical and phUosophicsd volumes, which he is selling off at greatly re duced rates. Money can be lased by parches log ot the Colonel. Treacle Virginia Ailey and Marla Cleopatra Adley of Poplar . alloy. had a disoute Tester- Wt. Treacle testate objected to heetrur her "moot stopped and dust froOod In her open In dat way. Alderman Shore sympath !Zed . h her and Issued thg legal summons for the at tendance of Marta Cleopatra at a little matinee to coma off at ale omen thla afternoon. Boarding fall-- Aidenntin Neuberr. yester day Limed a aOf for the ellTeSt Of Samuel Helmick% for m alttle Irregularityln obtaining $ worth of boarding from Patrick Sweetly. • irregulmity. acoordihg to Sweeny. consis ted to reyreseating that a certain business man was Indebted to him In a large sum. It was only a freak of 8 amuel's Imagination. Slight Fire.—A.alight flre occurred yester tlay morning at the grocery store of James Kura comer of Lunen street arid Madison avenue, Fourth ward. Allegheny. It wu oc casioned by a defective.Lne. The engines were out, but a few buckets of water euln =the flames before their arrival. The wits alight and was covered by thou - - • A tisocisfy little grocery Lill KlnOUlSting to nine dollars. formed the basis sif an Information for false pretense before Al derman Mchfasters yesterday, wherein. Wm. belly charged George Clark with oLtainlLg that amount of credit by falsely representing that hie employer was Indebted to him for one month'e work. The accused was jailed for n bearing. Ilatters4—A very respectable voung mar ried man, residing in the Beeond Vard. Alle [bean got Into o difficulty Thursday night, which resulted In bit being badly battered up. He spent the night hf the lock-up, and was taken out by his friends yesterday morning. when the gerriees of n physicianwere re quire& Dr. 'ere was cent for and dressed bin waling& Litfoessai ...—olon.—Do you want a due dear? Gel to Jeeep . etell. 45 'Ninth streett Do you wont n else ..14irerelasum? Megraw has...every variety Whoteeale ar retail purchasers would you VI tbeetelst Deflates? (Jo to Megraw, No. 4. 7 . Ninth street. Amy body, ererbody and all Whetwse the weed will and Megraw's, No. 15 litlutp street just the place for them to Invest 11511211:10110711. Qieenewere.—There is nothing intim line of tineenswere which cannot be had at the ware hon. of the Keystone Pottery, N 0.863 Liber ty street. Messrs. Kier fr Co. keep on hand °web} the largest and certainly one of the best asmyrtments of queensware to be found 'ln the city. From a child's toy cup to a dinner •.*. Werke fit for royalty, and everything con,. y;-spending itself, their stock of queensware le pp interesting sight to look at, .-4 ,. .Minbering.—FranaLs O'DOnnell w. drunk ,;.::.: - Wectliesday night end sought repose on the door-step of Mary White's residence on Colon alley. Upon asrakenlng from his slumbers he created an excitement by charging the in mat. of the house with steeling sixteen dol lars from him. Alderman Thomas. at his re ' quest. Investigated the case, but there being not a shadow of evidence to substantiate the charge, the accused were discharged. China lath of May last, an item appeared in o:4Zians stating among other things, that TO hey, of East Birmingham. came home red and committed an assault and bat ...UM'. +We have mince learned trom.rellable solutes that Mr. Sankey Is n gentleman of strictly temperate habits and beam a high obaraCter for morality and good behavior. We gladly make this correction of a misstate ment Into which our reporter. was Innocently Bemaskable—lialxrt Clayborn, the boy who •soace ANCO weeks since was injured by Jump tag fininti Si ear on the Pleasant Valley R road: and being ran over by a wagon, an at- Count of %hich we published some day elan, nOtwithstanding the serious In- Nike received. which, at the time It win feared would brute fatal. has Almost towered. •He was attended by Dr. le cif 7 Yederal street, Allegheny. to whose skill and careful attention may be attributed Idsnicovery. Cared La.—Some time Thursday evening a .pOrtlon of the eastern end of Cork's Run tun- Hi-tbePlttaburgh,Cincinnatl and St. Louis Caved In and obstructed the passage of Mins., Fortunately. at the time the fall ocearred there was no train In the tunnel and stiMie due for several minutes. so that the man on wateh had sufficient time to go to the West aid and Polity the approaching train. An Im. Moue amount the track and earth came down, obetructing the track for a considerable dis. lane.. A force of men sem pot to work Irn. modistely to clear it away. *anew Escape—Mule - a - Elates, tt laborer tattle employ of the Street Commissioner". narrowly escaped death on Thursday. after noon. Re bad entered the main sewer on Washington street, during the progress of the Min storm on Thursday. to remove. some oh inflictions. and sot Mired in a pile of mud. ,•• • . tad collected In _the sewer. Sonte.of feline workmen heard his cries end scout to his assistance. They found hint partially buriedVud 1a the mud. unable to extricate himself the water running around him rapidly. Ide Was eatricated from tdaperifous untion with vest dlmculty. • _Sixth Avenue flimsiest liabborth Wheel—Tile .• fourth annual meeting of the teachers of the i. : Matti Avenue Mission Sabbath School for the -.. ilea lou of 00 e e rg to serve for the ensuing Ear • was held last. evening. Tbere was a • • rot Attendance of teachers present. Prof. ..7 ' win lilherratt presided. • After devotional ~.:-. an election of officers was entered ~:••: ` with the following result: ••-•-.- t—Thos. R. Rabe. „...,,,, /Agige. wgSuprilntrniirnt—T. J. Gillespie. • •• : 'i,''i " ' "itobert Frew. --'3 _ .. . I" " c4 ' iz - •ui• Secretariat—Prof. ei. %matt and - naTd.' ' Z.Joues. '''''''.•:'''..i':',...: . foLloortni G the report of deaths hi this eltj for the week ending Stine it h.with The.sanuies leading thereto, as Gum labed by Dr. L. Goy hirceindless, Physician tothe Board of Gealtht Baru ' Sami t4 et i P&er. l 4; T i .smil i r i e 4AV eg -tfoe dI Bowels . 1: hp.4 l4l reol: valeta:ma; tionsumption. 4; Accident, Mar iam:mut 1; Angina Pctrko, I; Heart Dleease. I; gt=ut of Mesenteric (Maude n Acute, .4 Cancer of the Stomach and Pio-. saw 1. Ofthzkoie fifteen were males and. twelve Were f es—twenty-six white, and ,one co lored. Christlko Work. The report of the Young Nerei Christian Albociation - of Pennsylvania has bee'ps laid upon our table. It Is a neatly printed pamph let Of over one hundred pages and contains taief histories otall these associations In the mate, together with. lease of information In regard to their erotic and how it to alerted on: Impure that thorn are now sixty-four use- OlaUons in Pennsylvania, nearly treble th e • number Inexistence hut year. and the net Is ruddlY increasing.. The amount endow/du of Violent* also seems to bare improved. and 14 11= Y et er . 3 ;ontallti b lirt .. lutes on prayer meetings, open air meetings. cottage meet ings, prison work. rooms, ilbrariu. lectures, Musk, ilterary and social meetings, conven tions, tnances, do.. which will be found of es pecial Interest to all engaged boa these Chris. tenterlntses. The tittle boa b Pabibbed far freedisstitaitton, and all derdelmatif otr tactile copies can swum them by addressing the Young Men's Christian Aasociation. burgh: ==3= THE COURTS Shark' emort—Judge Kirkpatrick. FRIDAY, June 10.—In the cast, of tho City of Pittphurch vs. Jacob H. Walter, previously reported, the jury found for plaintiff In the pion of VW 15, subject to the opinion of the Coors on a question of lays reserved. In the case of Agnes Smith vs.,Wm. Ilnms and Susan NVlSlams, action tbr slander, reported yesterday. the Jury found for plain tiff in the sum of W. Alexander McCormick so. Thomas floret, action on a book account, verdict for plalnrirt in the sum of SIM :C. C. Hoeveßer for use of the German Fire In aurance Company of. Pittaburgh vs. Henry Kauffman. action to recover USA alleged to be due plaintiffs from defendant. The facts of the case as appear from the evidence are as follows: August IT, DU, J. Jaeob Schnppl. son-In-low nt the defendant in this judgment note to plaintiff pumorting to be endorsed by defendant, for f. 480. The ante sync entered Up whbont the inowledge of Sir. Kauffman. and on notion of Ids Afton's) . judgment was opened and he allowed to set up a defence against the claim. which Ives that his signature was forged. and letters written by de WO to Ms wife were produ ced in court as evidence in which he admitted that be bad forged Mr. Kauffman'. name to the note. Verdict for defendant.. John Huckenstein vs. James Gilliland, ac tion to recover on a contnwt for work and la bor done. Verdict for plaintiff In the sum of 015.13. Adam Appel vs. Louis Aaron and Doctor Sehnleckendeek. action in ejectment to recov er 1,0420.11013 Of a piece of property on Canon street. Birmingham. Jury oat. Yu Sessions—Judge Collier. Farnme, June tn.—Commonwealth vs. Robt. Barr. Indicted for assault and bittery, M. S. Steil prosecutor. lids cue grew out of the difficulty nt Scott's Jewelry store on Liberty street Saturday Inst, when it was alleged the defendant struck Mrs. :McKelvey. daughter of Robert Steel. on the head with a dray. standard. The Jury fount &verdict of guilty of assault and battery. • . . Commonwealth vs. Oliver Graham, indicted for larceny.onther Andrew Moore prosecutor. The defenAnnt was charged with stealing it watch from John Shipton, Seq. Some tnonths since Mr. Shipton lost a sliver watch, which was subsequently found at Cimlotto's pawn broker shot,. it.was proved that Graham was with Mr.Shipton °tithe night the watch was stolen, end that on the day the mutt% was pawned he accompanied the young man who pawned it to the shop. claimed it. and de manded RIU additional on it. The Jury re turned n verdict of guilty. Henry Kelly:indicted for larceny and for mitering a dwelling with Intent to commit felony the former for stealing on overcoat from J. J. Saint at Sharnsburgh and the latter for entering the house of Mr. Robert [truce to Ease Liberty and cleating jewelry. wits ar raigned and plead guilty. The Court - sen tenced him In the first ease to one Year nod ala months In the penitentiary, and in the second to the same Institution for three yearn and six months. Commonwealth vs. Patrick Doyle. Indicted for assault on oath of Sire. Woods, his mother la-law. Patrick had a ditAculty with his wife. who left him and went to her mother's resi dence. Patrick called at his mother-in-law's. house and demanded admittance. saving that he wanted to shoot his wife, nod when Mrs. Wood refused to admit him he threatened to shoot her, and drew out n , revolver. which he pointed at her. The Jury returned a verdict of guilty. and the Court sentenced him to pay a line of $5 and roots of prosecution. There was also a case of surety against him. in which he was held to ball in the sant of OM to keep the peace. Commonwealth vv. - Charles Dyers. Michael Dierken and Horace Dyers, indicted for lar ceny. W. G. Dunseath prosecutor. The ac— cused were charged with stealing four gold ring, from the Jewelry store of the prosecu tor, on Fifth arcane. On Dial. The Jurors were discharged until ten o'clock Monday morning. Tatar. Wee FOR a. 421.910 IT. ' I Com. Ts. H. Kirkpatrick. a Com. To. Andrew Downey. 2 Com. Ts. Emma Barrett. , Cora. vs' Catharine McCormick. 8 COm.-yo. Margaret E. Snyder. 10 Com. es. Joseph Robinson. . 11 Corn. vs. Marla Hare. 15 Co A . J. Taylor. Id Com. Ts. Samuel Thomas, two notes. 18 Corn: Ts. John Waters. et at. 21 Com. Va. George Berefell. 21 Com. Vs. Clasper Craft. 21 Corn. ra. M. C. Steele and Thomas Steal.. 41 Corn. Ts. William Wilson. 42 Corn. vs. Henry Cook. 43 Com. Vs. Mrs. H. Barrett. TRIAL MIT FOR )101 , (DtIr &Id COM. Ts. Patriek Welch et el. 69 Com. es. Crtroline Schubert. r 30 Corn .o vs. Phillip_Durand MI Corn. vs. Wm. wilson. •- . . g 7 Com. vs. Ann McCune. ' gi Corn. vs. George .7. Fia. IV Com. vs. Henry Cramer et al SS Coln, vs. Chas 'Hood. M Corn. vs. Matthew Keep T 4 Cow. vs. Henry Staub. T.OAL LIST TOR TTTADAY 34 Corn. vol. Harrison Berger. Al Com. vs. hose Rankin. - .. .. 76 COM:vs:Adam Miller. 77 Com. vs. Hobert Hanshue. -- M Com. vs. Phillip Haber. :6 C0111..r0. John Golden. 74 Corn. To. John Schohe and Adam Freund. i, i 7 Corn. TO. lamer H . ars. • - 71 Com. Ts. Wm. Illpp ey. TRIAL LOST YO WEDNESDAY. 111. CoT. VT. Nicholas d Stephen Hoffman. Common Plc Judge fiteme. FRIDAY. June 10.—The ease of Duncan A Waughter vs. The School Board of the 13ev enth ward. Pittsburgh, reported yesterday. was.resumed, and ocrn INI the attention of Cour6dortne the day: — , GOVERNOR GEAR. • AND PARTY. Their Preeiverllngs Teriereleele— The IA ork Boon• Tithed awl Complemented—At the •• Church Honer Generral Geary Maher lahment. In company with big Honor Jareti Mayor of Pittaborgh, and, with Nfevere. White. AJbree and Kelley. member. of the Nonni of :Manager., the Governor'and part)" niched t be ALISOITENT COClffir wOßEnorna. at Chit... Mont. some eight miles above Pitts burgh, arriving about ten'ticl.k. In sieve of the fact that this institution has unnertaken to solve some of the knotty questinnilong ag itated by prison authewitlen this visit peewees ed winch Interest. The Board of Managers. all enthusiastic and active friends:of the un fortunates who end their way tote our prisons, have determined on two things. let. To introduce more humanity and earlialan charity into prison management and discip line; and bud. ;To reduce the cost to our pea le. With this view they have selected a de lightful and convenient site on the banks of the Allegheny. The farm contains fifty acres, fifteen of it the heel bottom land. An abun dant supply of pure soft:water le found on a hilt in the rear of the buildings, and the best brick clay. building stone. peat, be., are on the property, while facilities of transport.- lion to and from the institution are good. In order to take advantage of experiments tootle elsewhere, the Board wisely prorured the services of Superintendent fierux Cordier. Esq., a gentleman whose nu ccessf ul experience of eight yours as Superintendent of the Wi•- 'eonala State Prison renders hint invaluable to anew enterprise like this one. It is fortunate that they start with anexperienced. success ful and enthusiastic Superintendent. 'lt prac tically secures success.\ In fact the Institu tion has already proved quite mire...fur: Dur ing the past two months the labor of the prisoners has paid - all the expenses of main taining the one hundred and fifteen or twenty prisoners confined. notwithstanding the want of shops and suitable employment prevented many from working. This is very gratifying: and Aires ground to hope that the expecta tions of the Superintendent and Board of Managers of having n net profit over- expendi ture..., soon as the institution is completed, will be realized. as It has been in several other States. The Connecticut State prison, con ducted on the saute plan, reports at balm. , of $5,M7 48 over all expenditures far last year. Ce wish this Workhouse equal success. The Governor and. patty examined every part. of the buildings:end grounds. watched the operations of the ...velem introduced, and listened to the plans proposed when the ad mirable buildings now being erected are com pleted. Hie whole manner Indicated that he entered fully into the spirit of these plans and will watch with deep concern their develop ment. . The Inconvenient running of the trains pre vented the party from leaving the 'Workhouse until after three o'clock r. al. When It Wan found to be too late to visit the Home for the Frit - outlaw and Church Home as Intended.witle out disarranging the previously determined programme, and these ,vislte were therefore I v reluctantly deferred. 'The party separated. the Governor nod Dr. "orthington returning to Pittsburgh to fulfil a social engagement. and Cad. McFarland, ac ompanied by Goo. It. White, Esq. and Dr. E. S. llannet I o visit the 31:113COPAL CHIIRCTI 00)/E. The good ladle, of this home have had n Fair during title week, and notwithstanding . the frequent rains, have done well. The dis play of articles for vale was very creditable, and the meats good. The little bike (soldiers' orphans and friendless children) seemed to enjoy the 000.41013 well. A noticeable and very agreeable feature of this Fair wan the attendance of Mr. Avery'. excellent Limes Rand front the Rouse of Refuge, which din coursed the most excellent music and added much to the pleasure of those to attendance. This bond not only does Itself credit, but Is a pmctical illustration of the success of Super intendent Avery's kind end efficient adminis tration. iiiiOng the many active ladles Interested In the Church Home we noticed present Mrs. Shoeuberger (President). Mrs. Leonard inecretary, and Miss Trainer (Treasured. Governor Geary • was lut night a guest of Mr. William Coleman, a few miles from the city. Crearon Optlap • Elsewhere will be found the announcement that this delightful summer resort, located on the top of the Allegheny Mountain.. will be open for visitors twit week. Four hundred persons can be accommodated. The water and air possess oupetior attractions, and the walks and d r iv. are lmtvanse.l. Fine fish ing grounds are close at hand. The table and attention of sereetats is of the beM *DIM and every means IN Provided to entertain the 'guests. Excursion tickets sold by Penn sylVanla Railroad at dlfferent min.. Terms sal per week. Children at "norse and child ren.s table." half price. Mr. G. W. Mullin. Proprietor. is Courteous and attentive to the Iran an leaves nothin excellen t l y o render them c omf o rt able. Re le w e n ~,,_ listed by his brother, and Mr. Do Armlt in the = Erery man should dreg') as well as his busi ness will permit. There lea taste In dressing as muck so as in any other affair of life. Some men will spend twice as much ae others and yet not look half as well as their more eV. nomical friends. They forget one great se cret—dbat good dressing does not consist in flash, or .0 much in costly apparel as in neat, perfectly fitting garments. The best plan Is to gets good merchant tailor, and when once suited, to continue with him, depending la a measure upon his experience and skill. Such are the members of the flruffof Hespenbeide & Cu., No. 50 Sixth street, to whom we can conscientiously recommend boys , youth or men who desire a good stilt at reasonable wpricesorkman and wearer. sod one that will always be a credit to The Continental. Fifth avenue. la Just the place to epend an agreeable hour in the ,conslde l with which It rs ta n le o a f e tshuppla. eands. • - • • • • ~,,,,... PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : THE SotTli COMMON.-4' An evening Coternpornry thinks it ,tsutti cleat excuse for wide and deep excavations ha the South Common Park and for the destruc tion of Its lawns and trees, that the material Is needed in the more favored portions of t he Park on the East or the West Conuncu. The same journal:ll, thinks that while tbe avenueson all other sides of the Park have been made wider and more spacious. It sufficient reason for a total neglect of the South Common. that the property owners abutting on It refuse to permit the to tal abandonment of Stockton line, The journal a foresabl would en Ors', the . idea of substituting an extensit n of Church avenue. west of Federal street, for the abandoned Stockton avenue, thus bring the horoughfare and all private careiageS communicat Mg with the residence. hi' im mediate juxtaposition with the hi Sill.. screeching and roaring locomotives which pass this ;dace at 1 he/Wenger:ll.o of one every twelve minutes, day and night. No horse nouill stand this. and we doubt whether any of the Park Commissioners would remain many days inn locality subject to such Intolerahloanttoy- Races. Ilut every body to his tastes. We have frequently, during the past year, adverted, sometimes In severe term., to the neglect and abuse of the Smith Common, west of Federal street. We have alto privet air apt pealed to at least iwo of the m Park Oani:- 5100er, and repeatedly to the Meyor. to wham they referred us, about the accumulation of filth that continually goes on upon said Com mom and we wow say again. that the uegicct has been most Frans and culpable :at the nui sance is Most disgusting and shameless. The citizens had made t he South Common pleasant, not to ray beautiful. at their oleo ex pense; they could have done 'for years wit h the Common as they had made tin thisno complaints would have found place in this paper If the park hail been left as they had Made It; Litt they have it rlttlit to mandato that the imbroventents which they had made were desecrated. by the authorities permitt ing it to be made the depository of a huge mass of offal, touch of It fit tuengenderapestilesice. If this nines must remain. tee do not wonder that the citizens residing near it should retest. to payassesenteuts; nor would we wonder If the cowls would sustain them In sack refusal. We see absolutely no - excuse fora simple don's tolerance If a nuisance so palpable. and In hot seemlier so dangerous to the health of the neighborhood. We understand that the Street CoMmissloners and the Park Commis stoners disci:that'll nut horny or responsibility In the premises. We nu ll there fore • bespeak the 'them ['oh of the Mayor. tt hese sworn duty it is to see that the laws he °arena ed atm to compel the removal of all nuisances. If it I. UM the Mayor's official duty to prevent obahate the. nuisanee, It must at least be his duty to com pel the eflicer, whoever he may he, Upon whom the legal duty devolves. In discharge hat duty. There should he no mote shirk ing about this matter. If our evening COIOIII - will t Intersection of Middle alley witit , outh Coutmon. Ito trill write tilt lerently on the subject. Mr-,tuts. Enrrons. or Tun tiAzgrrt, The fol lowing communientlon AVMS written for the chninfec by one of its readers, in the way of correction of a grosi mist element in regard to the lot-holders along the South C.mitilon, in toning them with the sole responsibility for the delay in prosecuting the .Improvoinent in that direction. It wan refused, however. an I am informed, by the editor of that Jounuil and although respectful in its tone. and the name of the author—one of the portion MC grieved—wan given as Its voucher—without reading. and upon the general objection that they had espoused the other side of the ques tion, and had uo rnom to spare for contra- VPRIp. •II it out Just. however, to thr people concerned that it should be diffused ns widely as the attack Itself. and I have therefore tO reorient that you will give it n place in purr valuable paper. Tor PARK fitySitssioNgits AND MC s.orrit 31.1401 h. EIIITORn ttr 01E0:at - LE: Von ar, pleased to say, on authority no doubt. and In the way of anawer. I suppoKe. ton paragraph In the UAZErtr. relating to the Soott, improvement . , of which the author:bin - is itit known to ntio • . . . "The truth of the matter ts, tome' of the property owners on Stocgion Avenue. wtot toy Olthogetl to the entire inaproventelt I. nre alone responsible for the delay in rottongticing work on the grounds; while others, owning property abutting on the avenue, have earn estly seconded the sugp.eslion of the Park Commissioners, but they have been unable to xecuro the consent of those referred to." The above Is but the reiteration- of a state ment matte to your columns nearly In ycir no, with the solemn asseveration of tile dt ea . hat It war enimt positively and in all respect. true. - that -the ',Overt y holder" had been con ferred with. - that ••at tiesultgeat lon of row of them the Engineer n - as directed to prepare a plan for the Meat ton of it: ockt on arcane,'' and that the same evens approved t.y ,d:-of them with Ito. or three excetion.: tidy. - The confidence la the troth of your (Worm ant, which enables you to fake 'the responsl bilitr of . sorb statements upoll y,urseltes silil.e perhaps diminished when, Yon are ti ed that neither of them ha. huhfottatotta UMW, id rtlft, except 40 far as the on y lomort hat the Engineer had re ppared a plan of ...one sort for the vacation of on important trees on one side of the common. by its transfer to othet. That he has hail a crochet of this ,sart In his head, which met your rievrit.- you have more than once Informed Its yainraelves. But that the property heildersere ever con ferred with. until the last month w or two. when the half of those east of Federal street were Invited Itt eiholitol it. or that it was approved at nay tithe. be "all bin nto. or three" or even hr any eonsiderable purport ion of them. or that the property hoiden , on the avenue: Or any of theta. are responsible in any-way for the delay in colnotenring work on the grounds. Is atemititelyand toddy untrue. out tmllinv it to be equally so In maid tto the other assertion t hat any of t bent .are 'opposed to the entire improvement. - And in proof of he most material part of this contradiction-which feel well assured that at neither Onmhmtonent nor Engineer will venture to meet over their own names -It. Is only necessary to pl that the an Itself was rejected. na I untlers.tnod. wit h 1111.0 entire unanimity. to the disgust of the Famine, as well as at the chrome/: itself. and no doubt /erectly to the disappointment of the property ronlet, along Clotrett avenue. even lA . too, to whom it was hopefully wolattil I ed. • you Y o suggest the hope that the Pnrk Commis sion Ts "will otoccui with their WO in their own way." without 4.2lllalning, oweve, erh h er mean that they skull yr, ate the nee le. of that they shall deellne, as hereto. fore to give any attention to the Sou h Com mon t all. What the people want is t at they shut ''proceed with I heir work." and bus for at I st your hope Muir nn echo in tb. Ir en leir , . I doubt. howeser, whether the Commission. en t bemqelves feel any great content 'a tot he manlier In which this part of the work is to in-i he scented. provided it he eat kfactory to the it t holders. It is only the Engineer. I think who ban been women about his pine. and cry benevolently insists on forcing It co the p ,perty holders, because.. he thinks,' they o not suffelently realize their own Inter ests in rejecting It. Irony heescumed for nay- Ing to' , rot, however, that If you mean by 'lheir own way" the Vacation of the avenue, ytm greatly over-mte their pens,, which are as well understood by the lot holders. as arc their duties In regard to the Common tlround. Over that, of course. their poWers are liter,. tfonorN, as to walk, and drives. ,Their juris diction does not extend to the streets around It, and Wit did, would not authorize the vaca tion of any of them. We fall, tin yon soy, "to see the force of the objectr avenue to the plan proposed noisesl•n's hoc tern mtletotrii, the vacation of the aVenue might eventually result In the re claiming of some twenty feet :formerly be longing to the Common Osumi, but now in closed an private property." It Is to be regretted, of course, that yotican not see the value of the nventto to the people who live. upon It, as you probably might if you were 111 the same category 'yourselves, although I don't exactly understand the bear ing of your reference to the. twenty feel in question. except It be intended not a threat thnt unless the lot-holders will defer to the fancies of the Engineer, he may proceed In contluentlr to surrey them 'out of their pos sessions. It Is the Nonni time that this "sug gestion" has found a place In your paper. In the way' of nnswer to the just complaint, of the property holders, and It Is expected, perhaps, to effect a diversion, and was to rover up n neglect of duty, or possittly to frighten somebody. / But who Is It to whom we are indebtedier this reiterated esuggestioni" If a Commissioner himself, he has a right to eor "101 l he think s there Is any encroachment. an.. ught-to have .began ra " u h 'l t tge s fl7g ' fa a c r i:P? o so d P p e MV, tl M . neTi groachment no great, before attaching others whose end/was-tee are no target than their patents roll for. 'lf an otanhier, It is none of his business. and It is in bad taste. as It would be speelnily Pune part of (he Commis sinners and Engineer. to grumble at a suspected encroachment of a Commoner. who has lost on one side lathe public, an tisuch as he is sup posed to hate gained on the other—in the face of such n donation as. the Inside -pro.' prleto., who were the only Commoners, have made to the Commissioners for the pub lic uses. I think I may nssatne without of. that neither vonrselres nor the parties to whom you one indebted for thd"sugges tion." stand in that relation to the,; property. If von know anybody, however, who do. feel himself aggrieved. 131101 r R . right to com plain: You will do hint a favor by Informing him that the question of property' has been judleintly passed upon. niter an e a r ago, in vestigation, as much no fifteen years and. that If be Is disposed to try conehmlone again with the lot holders on the same subject. the Comte nre open, and the Coons indulge at any time in that sort of recreation. Some half a dozen of the oldest lawyers of the Pittsburgh bar, who have net hesitated to venture their money In expensive purchases along the avenue, would, no doubt, find it quite agree able to be challenged in thin way when busi ness happens to be dull. I would suggest, however, to your informnnt that eopoor a sub terfitge as this can nn more serve the Commis sioners than It Is likely to frighten the parties alined at either Into a surrender of the avenue or of their it to have a portion of the taxes paldiby them expended In the Improvement of that part of the Common ground In front of their own property. A henrat COmmosorn. = • The (chervil:li deedl were odrnitted of re cord in.tho Mike of TO,. If. Ifuntcr, Ilk - order for Alleclienr county. Feder, June 10,1970 Park Smith to Margaret Marna. Juno G, 15710: no irregular lot, in North Fayette township, with building f-X.O John Sampson to John Bothwell, September 6,1654: int by P 4 feet on Sheffield greet, Alle gheny, with buildings. SLAW Thos. A.Mellon to Jo, linittel, June°, IdM. Mbydflil feet. Mellon's Omi t In Twenty-AM ward, Pittsburgh..., . .. , ..... A. B. Berger to -A. J. Bussed. November 1685; twolots, Berger's plan, WilkinP town ship . . .. .tax, C...Speldef to Itusiel, jun.] . 3), 21 lir i lr_!eet. In Bruddockn borough, with bWifi S. C!Mdtrilock . V o . -1; ;inn 54 it ; by feet on Forty En' street, Pit; burgh. with building u JOsinb Corey to Wm. - Thaw HI 5, lege' --- inegular lot on lilverave h 44.i!d' n Allegheny, with °"rt Jas. M. Taylor to j, 5..050 I*feet Twentict.ti — ,i,7 • M4V 3'l'l°' et by .... Pittsburgh. on Sa m T ralt r :P b etle7so e l : o; n — e s lb.. esilic.frimJuohdliejilvir.peinlfej.ifte:otess°sr.nel; • P 824-100 perches of land in noon town ship ...... ti 12.193 Call and examine nur stock Indies, Ke n o, and children's uniteriVenr before purchasing elsewhere. Our stork embraces everything in the furnishing line. Jtsci. DEG&LwaS New Stand Stocking Store, No. 30 fifth avenue.. . Literary._ How many there are win, in reverting to earlier yearn hare the moat pleasant recollec t Inn, of the deluding club? One of these af tllle [IVO nrgAnizatiorm now pursues the even tenor of its any in Allegheny, and in known no the Phllornallt Literary Society. It has been In existenceabout a year and hos R large ' number of members, young ladieo and gentle men of literary taste tied culture. and of the bent clnacro of the community. Ito meeting, are held weekly and in addition to their bene, tit as 0 means at. mental improvement, are of an exceedingly pleasant and enjoyable charac ter. Lest evening we had the pleastire of at tending one of the gatherings which wail held in the Hall corner of Lacock and Sandusky streets, Allegheny. a very neat. cosy and comfortable apartment. fitted up admirably with It stage, fixtures .and everything neces sary for the purpose to which it Is devoted. The room was crowded with an audience of Indies and gentlemen...ooomm for Intelli gence. fashion anti refinement. The pro granite° embraced orations,declamations, readings. Inunerons and sentimental, together with In laughable allegorical pantomime. and at spicy debate upon the woman soffriore question. The Interest was (tall er heightened ben contest for elocution vy honor between Messrs. It. A. Ralph and Joint It. McKee—the former gentleman !ge mming the award. the }adzes, three prominent kitlzens. however, giving great praise to both performers. The programme throughout Won 'an tlxceedingly creditable one, and evinced tidy* and culture of a superior character. , The Midlence frequent If manifested approval Iry eprdlal Tire Society at present Is aorder the official control of A. 'With. 'President; C. A. Herbert, Vice President; Will E. Cameron, Secretary. and John .It. McKee, Treasurer. The members all seem to take a deep Interest in Its affairs. which Is perhaps the secret of Its tattering SUCCOSS. An one of the Institu tions calculated to promote the moral. DIVII taI and incial advancement of the young, it has our hen rtiest wishes for cant Mined pros perity. ll= Delta Heim and '' [Miry Dean, - whose title tees have been unite the subject of it song. tee different pertins.• Daisy. according to he 'bent ant nority'ive have on the subject, in It Ch Is the above Mentioned Wong,/ tens honest, a thine not possessed by Delia to soy great'+le, gree. A few days since Della. who formerly the with her mother on Penn street. In the Tenth wnrd, entered the dwelling of Mr. .lames M. Hamilton. who lives in the adjoin ing house, mid abstracted VO from • bureau drawer: — She then left home nod Iran absent sevend days. and perhaps would have 'con t intled to. jUltiaiti away had not her mother discovered her In the Seventeenth ward ad bad her arrested. She stunt taken 10 the Twelfth ward station 11011 Se, where she re+. mained until yetterday morning, when she AVM removed to.t he Iltryor's Office. Mr. Ham ilton made information charging Delia with • Inrcens, and stir.will proltribly be sent 'to the House of Hauge. She bad none of the money In her possession when arrested. but had it sui , embundance of trinkets and notions, which she hod doubtless iturchased with it. Her mother states that she has been stealing' f tort he neighbors for some time, but they refused to prosecute her. She Is only fifteen years of age. and stealing appears to bea mania with her. [Anuouncement.l Plolsbitrgh -It., Industry and emmairree This Is the title of a volume in press. which is Intended to supply a want —to bring pro. dor, mid consumer into more intimate runs tact. The plan-upon which the volume to eon., nod egi plav, the most tell/4bo4sta sc.' ressible to esperieneed jultruniasts,' in le. cant to the Industry and corunierre of Pitts burgh. site by side. with the advert king an nollncements of the repentstiv• mania:le t ming estnblishi ren nents nail hOoses of the city, and cd the districts lintncit 'MOT' Rd. / scetd thereto. In preparing the. history of the manufact tiro, t heir pant growl h and prev ent prosperity, the utmost rare bun been ex etvlsed in obtaining and collating facts. A history of the tnanufacturing industries of Pittsburgh, commensurate to their Import am, and influence no the prosperity of the city:Stmts. and nntinn. has never been pi/in ns/led. The object of this volume Is to supply the want. Among the nubject Ole:wed In separate paper", prepared with the closest scrut,ny, are the following: Pittsburgh Tn-Ilay. Desclnpment and Extent of the Trade. 'roe Iron Interest. The Glass Manufactures. Pitt 4 - burgh - I he Producer of American steel. The Petrnlettin Interests of Pittsburgh. Our Hallways. Present and Prnspect lye. lie White tend interest. The Malleable Iron Trade. The Tobacen Trade. linat [Milling and St...inborn Ilitcrest. The publisher propose to place is copy of I he vi dime in 'lie leading hold. of those tiortions oft he Pnion vv Inch are In the •Ihrtdrist degree t ribinary to the trod( of Pittsburgh, also in the varinns leadinr agencies. and stearnbaatii nn theiniiii and Mb:- candor, The Wilk of the edit lon will' be- di-- ciliated In t Ili. litotes ,Weiit and South of Penn. s‘ Rani. with an ample cireulat inn at advan tageous prom.. In mir out; State and F-,tern The volume will Ise printed and bound 3 SI YrO mit hitherto approached In Pitt, burgh. This fact. and the value of it statisti cal and historical information will secure its preserent ion long after the usual ndvertlning aFences are consigned lathe waste paper bas ket. while It will afford to the merchants and dealers 4,f other cities soli localities It conve nient. safe and reliable rental of the represen tative nitinnfaeturing and business establish' ni t of Pittsburgh. Intivasers will call upon manufacturers and business torn for their tall erllsement dining the ensuing week. E. A. Mrrais. I)...vut Lowxr, Ettblkhere .1 1 / a ctx Ylnr Jewelry.. In t hese day. of sham Jewelry it is reheat/- lug to di.rover 1 hoase where all -inch die senthild_i art itler to at t ram cu.:tomer. are Ia- Ind whet e the purchaser la cgri Mu to secure an art icle of the best character. Sorts is the elegant Jewelry establishment of CV. G. Dunseat h, Fifth avenue. below the Opera House. Everything In this benutifurrtorg. rootn. trout the tiniest ring to the most gab, able gold chronometer. la guaranteed' to be exactly it. repreSented— a drat-class article of its kind. kir. Dunseath hat every style of rings. watches, flock*, chains. statuettes and line fancy Jewelry, to which be Invites t he at tention of ladles and gentlemen who desire anything in his line. We feel confident every patron will he satisfied tooth In price and,qual iir With any thing which Is purchased at this How to Look V onsig.-Mmeen.—Don't palm or nse alie lisle Restorers, but simply apply Hagnn's Magnolia Balm unon your face, neck and hands, end 'use Lynn's Kathairon upon Tour hair. The Balm makes your complexion poorly, soft and natural, and you can't tell what did It. It removes freckles. tan. sallow ne.s. ring-marks, moth-patches, etc.: nail In plat, Of ti red. rustic face, 3,111 have the mar ble purity of an exquisite belle. It gives to middle age the bloom of perpetual youth. Add these effects to 'a splendid head of hair produced by .the Kathairmi, and a Indy has done her best In the . way of adornment. Brothers will have no spinster sisters when these ankles are around. An Allegheny Ileuse.—The Girard Rouse, Allegheny, has became an hlatitlltlol3 - 0t that city. Underthe excellent management of that genial proprletnr,tapt, G. C. Lightenp, who knows how to keep a hotel, it In fast winning popularity among all dances of travelers and strangers. on well as citizens who desire a re. tired. yet convenient, cosy, oomfortable hotel. All who desire n Mat-class establishment and comfort should stop nt the Girard 110111.4, corner of Federal and Isabella streets, Allegheny. To the Ladles.—We know I hat - we can an nounce this morning nothing which will ho a source of greater pleasure to the ladlei who wish to appear In neon! with the tenon and styles, than to call their attention to the fact M that oorhead; No. 81 Market street, has re ceived:during the week, a choice tot of new goods representing the very latest emanations from Dame Fashion. Call in. ladleA, and look nt them. . Parry pawaen who designs traveling should ilrat get one of Udder's trunks from No.lol Wood street. They are beautiful to look at, nod then are co constructed that all the wear and tear of travel -fa inaufnclent to destroy them. Every variety In satchels, valises, trunks, , rubes, etc., mnr he had nt 101 Wood street. Vsrlettes.—Foreign fruits,.nuts, cakes, con fectionary of nll kinds, Ice cream, and evert thing to please the palate,at Vormsnon's, cor ner Diamond alley and flmlthfield street. Ono of the finest Indies' and gentlemen's ice cream parlors In the city. It's a teal luxury to sit there, aside from the many other at ttartionn of the place. The proprietor of the Coat Mental, Mr. Hotta- helmer. Is determined to maintain the charac ter °lbis establishment as a first class restaur ant. To Judge how well he succeeds the In quisitive iihould drop In. Right below the Postodice, on Fifth avenue. Ladle., Gentlemen •ndCllldren'e merino un clement In greni vnrlety Id the Now Stand Stocking Store. • .Tso. Dr.ort.sus & Co.. No. BO Fifth avenue. To the !Num.—C:llllo at lioltzbeimer's Continental to-day. Fifth areaue before the Poste:Bee and satiate your appetite with the riehect. rarest. moat appetizing and healthful 'viand., of the season. The Horton' stoek of Henry G. Male, Mer shon' Taller, at corner of Penn avenue and Sloth street, Is no, and complete. Mon sieur flonpaln continues to preside at the cut - ling._, If Thn Continental will be open all day and meals may be hed•there at any hour. from six In tho morning until midnight. Anything you wont just call in and ask for. Buffalo Ilveraio, June 10.—An accident otrthe Lake Shore & Plichkaan Southern Railroad last night prevented further receipt. of cattle nod the market fell tiff this morning Ic. Steers of 1,00 it. and upwards are quoted at f 9, .41k extra g9.7.5a0,12 . . good tiktaisa.fit fair Meer s and heifers and far cowsV.fisSa; poor to medium gg.EI7C:C7,3:; netts of 41. Hogs: Cup • ply moderate mid demand light; price un changed. Sheep unchanged. irith sales of 500 head at tfa9 for Ohio and Canadian lamb.. • —At Montreal, yesterday, a bare dm or In the MOntreal Warehouse companies building.. Over ten thousand barrels of flour. three hundred thousnnd bushels of Irfalo, chiefly wheat, and a large quantity of sugar and merchandise were destroyed. It ls•be lieved that the lons Is covered by insurance. The company bare ...75,t Insurance on the building In the !loyal Insurance company. • —The Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio adjourned yesterday evening. A resolution was adopted, by a vale of slitx , tin to slate, expressing sympathy 'with the' Evangelical Alliance which has been called to "meet In Near York. •Thle is considered a tri umph of the low churchmen over the high. The main] committees were appall:l(l.d. Vermont Constitutional Convent.'On voted,llBto 114, in furor of biennial sessions of the Legislators. Reconsideration moved. SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 11, 1870. FOREIGN Bittotur is ill and the 'oration cuised by bin friends is whether or not .it• be true that Bright'a disease is incurable Tits oyster is getting to be so eruct' and dear in Linidon that it ' , nimbler' to le•come a luxury to be enjoyed only by the very wealthy. • Tut: Cobden Club have issued a reprint of the last report of Commissioner The Athouvuni nava it requires no great sagacity to gees O m t h e short but val uable preface is from the proof the ablest living exponent of Mr. ColaJell's prin ciples. i j ,. 'nit "VOL' , Ham* iharrat s that at Nagy Btin. Transylvania, a fi, days ago; there burst a water spout, by NV kit eighty houses were ikon myed. The corpses of two hundred pepson l were rot it -strewed about the addq.itnd fourteen uhers have been got out hf: the river at ..' latzburg. . LAT:litttcen and Margaret S arida, broth or and Aster. have Bern exeduted at. Tal lamore for the murder of a i man named Dunn. They stood land In I nd ii on the scaffold, Tepeelag the Litany of the Saints as the drop G-0 l . Shields wt twenty four years of age, 1 tot his Sister wenty-nine. • . • • A HICH Bra:Allan lately MI 0 to Paris to he treated for it somewhat to Holm illnens, and resided in ithe Rue den } ten with his wife auptrotherdn•law. TI e cure wan progressing fai:orably, and tl a doctor wan astounded when he received t ITIVSSIIRO to on that the patient whom ht had a few hours herone left improving.. wan at the. point of death. Hr lOthielled to the sppt, and, recognizing the symnionts of poison ing, called in further medical assistance, but mut vailingl,y. Rh the man died a few minutes after.. A lotot•utortem examina tion confirmed the suspicions an fo the cause of death, and the wife- has been taken into contour. • ..Of the magnitude which thepresent epidemic Of stuall.pox has attained in the French capital some idea may be' form ed," remarks the hailed, "when we state that the deaths returned hint week num bered being an inereafe of sixteen on the previous week's .return. The iKtpula Lion of Paris is lesA .than half that of London, yet the 'maximum number of deaths Is-earring in the latter city during any week of the year of greatest small pox fatality for a third of a century never reached WO. NO 11,41/ than 1,940 fatal enr.rs hay 0171 . 11r,reli ill Paris in the twen ty. weeks elapsed of the present year. a atonality equivalent to an annual death rnte of 7 per 1.000 of the population.the oorrestwouling ratio for London being 0.1 par tAkoe. There appears to be not tier slighest'queolott that this most lament?, hie stat,of thing, in thi' French capital is attributable to the neglect of vaccina Nolsaly doubts that the relative ef• fleecy of animal. an distinguished from human vacine. Is an important seientllic question; bur it is unfortunate (to say the least that the public mind of the-Paris. ions ohadd hnyr been unsettled. and their faith in the Jennerian principle shaken, at a :ill.' when smallpox is raging epl. dentically in their city, =1 aIIM-W Ala.—tin TLur.daY. ease fhb. 1 SlO, 111 the reclean., the torlece. parent., Ly Rev. John e Natal, Mr. WILLIAM It. TLINTIN and MI.. Ye NMI': 11. W Lt.t.; both of [Me city. Nn node . PON—DUNLAP- ini ThuDiDy u.edlvg. .Wine 911 i. 1100. by Iles. T. L. tiellam,Lii rb. Luke's ("turf!, Mr. MICHAEL FOX and Mrs. SARAH DUN LAP. both of Pittsburgh. LlTLTON—Wootts—on the 711, inst.. at the residence of Dr. W. I. buffer, No. 1799 Wellsee street. by the 1t.,. Ibibert Chase, lIEDINALIi T. IiVI.TON, M. D , of Philadelphie, to Mtn I.l.tift. EN( E daughter i.f dm isle .1. U, (Weeds, of Pittsburgh. • EOM Tburaday. Jona 9th. at 124 P. H.. THOMAS. eldett Poo of John mud Mary A. Walth.agetl le yearn. The fi:lend will take place from the realdence of hit parasol' residence, No. 43 School street, Aile gbeny COT'. nth. ',TM:Or/K..1 2 o'clock. The Mends of the fatally .are ntspectfvfly. Invited to etteiol. .N —Cm Slldaswoma,. June 7th. 11470. at J o'clock. ANNA SIA lII 'ISLIS HIN nON. aged ID years. 3 months and 12 days. Funeral from the residence ot her faller. Thos. Hutchins..., corner of pate and Urn., stoats , / 3th ward. 7h taAgg ang.a, at o'clock. The friend• or the attend. smear are respectfully Invited In ' CARBOLIC SALVE Made 'Min pure CA HHOl.lr• ACI D. wbleh Is used to lleepttain by direction et Eminent Physician., haa already prayed noel( 1,. be thy moat rteealt and erected! cure to. all Malignant Sores and Ulcers , and for Bum, ratt.lVounde.and all Skin Itlitemares Olai+i st n, r..4t i aad , ara;gent Inn yet linen Henry's Insect Powder, the ‘.l ACIILs. BED BUGS. ANTS. AS. NMI-% . .413 CENIS. nt L.ILROSENBACH'S Patent Medicine Depot, 14 4 -0 SMITHFIELD ST 'NIE HA YTEDDEIt The greatest labor 'titer and (Imo saver of all harvesting machines. The labor of twenty Inert done by one men and a hone. By using the Ted der all help Is dispeneed with. and the fanner to enabled of In run all the grass his may see it to eta. mid got It into the barn on the sense day. TESTIMONIALS: -14 rilvaims, Westmoreland On.. to. W. W. KNOX. Esq.—Dror Mr: list.o4 The American to Tedder on our meadows harvest, ana would not undertake to mak. - hay again with out one. clover and Timothy cut In the fortmcon esn bs put Into tho hub or stack In good order In tha &Remain of same day by ming thelTeddor. Very respectfully. D. EL STEWART. We also refer to 1.. M. BPEER. Rellevernon; Pao WILLIAM OLIVER, Port yam, PA. and others who bought Mschines from us Mat .meson. AV. W. KNOX, General Agent for Pennsylvania T 2 °GER S Cullivalor&Shovel Plow {Without doubt the best inipLatuant of Its class yet Invented. The tome Is of Iron and Indestructi ble. It 0111 stork In any .11 without °lnning. It . tun bo sot to cultivate. any width between nal. The shovels eau be sot to throw the dirt inirsrali. or outwardly In any depth. WELCOME HAY -RAKE bealarn And Farmers au ppllo4 at wakore prima /Etna Mower and Reaper • 'The nn ic d a o . won motnio n im m me hine n telb..Sa M lma n h ' n a in the market. ?armory ahould not fail to tacit baron baying any other Mans.' Excelsior Reaper and Mower Tho well olwahllnho.l and • rolabrated erlglas Wimer. Bend frwllluslzsted elahlnell• ^ here and thlNen Tenho cod hltiehltwaT. AV: VV. KNOX, 137 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa JOHN M. COOPER & CO; Bell and Brass Foundprs, ENGINE, LOCOMOTIVE AND ROLLING MILL BRASSES . Made Promptly to Order. BABBITTS METAL • I% Tittle and Dept on. Hand. Mamffitcturers of J. M. Cooper's Ithproved Balance Wheel STEAM PUMP. • bARDE SHIPMENTS OF ALL kinds of (*eh ash are received daGy at ronnu Palms' paired. ash stand, No. 46 Ms- Ihraat, ['Mahwah, mid at the Twin City Stand, Allegheny City. miner Federal and Ohio streets. Our lona experience In the hostas. en. .elm us to atyrays have on hands nest class article. and can Belt - White Fish. Salmon, Herring, BIWA Bass wad White Perth, all at Tau low _paws. l lnrc no call, we will &m ti are a ne article. Whole* r l4l, lrlytaE.?.yorders abet trtyPtlel DAY.TIMORE HERRING, SHAD, Art, —New Potomac IlerrLng .In-barrels and ow: new do Mout In barrels and halve.: Go.l Mergers]. all sloes of p•p7ell4 NO. SI do. MU* , 1 "nliPZI . 01 d ealt . 141., " =, klAV . %Vitt blob, nsuf hareem Laorsdor Herring, banal. and halve.: badmen in kits: Holland Herring. 100ketra chnire. Ear sale low to the trade. WATT. LANG h. M., ta7lo' 179 and 174 Woo.] Meet. - SPECIAL NOTICES O:rNOTICE TO CLAIMANTS By resolvtloo nt. theGototrette . et on Common 'Grottoes of the City .f Allegheny, nil flatontns to Bottom land. inn the south front taf tho ritY— neludink whet It known an Nelrene I.land and the ,. properties—ere Invited to meet with the Committee on FItIDAYIay June 17th, In the City Banding. Allegheny. They'me also requested to bring with them abstracts of title and any plan rwlating thereto they may have In thine possession. .1. It. OXLEY. Je.i:yl4 • Clerk to Committee. . Genrs or klonOttoellit./1 InbritAlici CO., N. R. corner of Wood St. and 4th Ave., : Prrnilt.7lrnri. May M3n. 1870. DIVIDEND.—The President and u.a Directom of this Company have this day declared a dayidend of FOUR DOLLARS PER SHARE on the Capital Stock of mon t h:mpan out of the ...Imp of the Last Mx tree of Government tat. Payable In ash forthwith. mytiwin JOHN It. CLAYEY : Seenetam, U . PUBLIC NOTlCE.—Haring been - appointed GAN and GAB METRE INSPEC TOR for Allegheny county, notice Is bereby Oven that until the necessary Mace and Mechanical Test- Ina maehinery on be provided. I will be found at the OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL. FOONDRT AND PIPE WORER. Twenty-third street, near Penn, Pittsburgh. - R. 11. AMITY', au and Liu .I.lWr inspeCtor. Kr BOIT NT Y. $lOO Bounty Collected ..For all soldiers • hot enlisted between 11.7 4th and Jul/ 22d. 0361. who were dlectoirged for dissoll - heron, serving 1.0 year., and who have hereto :3n received nebonnty. The undenigned has removed his orrice to GA ULT'. Bulidinit.enmer Sloth avenue end Prnlthtleld weal. and is now prepared to collet% claims slime 111 mid at moderate rates. Call mot mildtees, with *tamp, B. Y. BROWN. ' Claim Agent; OAg WIT[ Building, Corner 131:111 avenue and Elenti.hdeld street. Pittsburgh, Pa. CANDIDATES. !Tr FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. GEORGE NEELEY, Of Itnnhall Township. snidest bo the beelslon of the Linton Republican COuntreontrntlon. Jtublesa gy-FOR COUNT YCOMMISSIONER. BENJAMIN DOUTHETT, Of Indiana township. I. • candidate for County Connelasioner, in anbordln•tlon to the &sheen of the Republican ConvenUon. Est modes In rebus. snit wtbd.ST REMOVALS. REMOVAL. S. P. SHRIVER -& CO. rh - lataiimazttat":=.P - d Nog. Zig and Isl Liberty St., 4157,:rttit'4.Y.Sr:P.4'4.1`Q.=12 S. P. SIIRIVEIt & CO., El= REMOVAL I= Allegheny Insurance Company I=o No. 67, FOURTH' AVENUE, RETWEER MARKET AND WO9D STREETS. J D(IIIELL, tirerrtary. apTim42 ' p EMOVAL-FRED'Ii SCIIROEDEII, hitrehant Talito and Dealer In Gentlemen's Furalsidng Goods: also Gentlemen and Boys* Clothing on hand slid made to order at the Short cut notice. has rumored from Welsh, stand. No. WI Fourth sonnet. to No. SI WOOD STRIRWT, Dower of Third &Tenet. tohltoltsic OrMOL&L. =!EN=I • ' raotclutler. Orrirt. June TO. 18711. Alleg eny Taxes. Notice to beretT elven that the Asseseorihoto now plaewl Iv ithe wreasharer &face the Mph... letty. Poor. Illy Bette.. School. Schwe ns. hewer end Public Park Tates, and of Water Rents for the year IN7O. sod that sold Taro; IT .7-71t-2.13 Tigt!"ro`t:"l 4 Ol t oubJect to the nowt. Mahlon°ns and whoosh., Flee per rent. If paid .on or befoota the and . 1 of July. Four per cent. If Mid ton or before the lot day of Anemia. ' - Two. per cent Is pall on Or before tho trot day of September.. if paid after the drat day ofSeptember...l on or before th• drat day of October. no deduction Will be made. IT paid after the ant day of October. and on or before the drat day of bovember. an addition tf dye per cent. shall he added to and poonble on he same. After the First of November, Warrants will be isthwg to *ninth° the collection of all than remaining unpaid, together with the per montage accrued thereon. and the costa. The Rtate Meniantile Licenses assessed on per sons r arms L +ttbln the Ilmits of Allegheny. ate to be paid at this office forthwith. 1). MA CFER I/ ON, ('ITT TREASURICR Aft sonyori, Mel 24, INTO. NOTICE.—The aosessmeot for Ora. DING and PAVING of Cliestnut street, from north Md. of river avenue to the Mechanic street bridge; also, the assessment fOr the construction of • BOARDWALK on Bell avenue. from Federal street to Walls street. tre now Swear for examina tion and can he seen at Oda office until SATUR DAY, June , 4th, 1810, when they will he Planed to the bends of the COLControßar for onllection. (STARTS:II DAVIS, CIE= MEE= (ITV TIICARCRLIVII Orrery. t Prrreer dad. Jo. 1. 1b171). ACCORDASCE WITH THE PRO - T 1810513 of flee Clty MAW, notice Is hareby red he to th lnv . estment. Tea Play io n of the tityot Pittsburgh. t tf City, City Building, Special, Poor,Basi . ness, City School and . ard School Taxes and- City Water Rents Fortha yeir 48711 Lave, la scoordanne with law, bee. Ws day 1100131904 to me fur colleauou. A dedpntion of Vie. tor mato= will be on on all Faxes and Maar Retail paid Oa Or botara a.r !MUM. Mad Tyro per captain It paid the between the. dive days of " 4 tn...., day of A. J. POPITTIAN. rasTeeeethe!.. )11.1. BE RECEIVE') the Cltv Water W011..1111.. hi , 130 i OY Jumt. tame. Ml(bee, and l'lms to be frr use and deliverW tho • FRENCH. SUPertriteride t triDlittet SOD Scltunvole, scion, J nneSild, MO, e assessment for Grad e.' elVittinia 4hltta street. to the river. la now ready tor it be wen at this othoe until 11th, 181 S C -when It rill he I Treasurer's omen for ir to tati llni t s O iv ert e lb eil t .o Overdue Ilinnieined Bonds .1 ti1t: 0 ..1 , 1_1'0..1.d them to thi• erenararr; int, i.tratr i. he allowed o n on t oro g the Fine le blyl2 J• MeCIOWAN. Controller C BARNES Sealer of Weights and Measures, pl . mg: N 0.6 FOURTH AYE, Pittsburgh. ST.. LAWRENCE HOTEL, i ED. BARKER, Proprietor, Cor. Pena St. and 11th; formerly old Cleo! ArnEti. A small lot of Free, 14ine Ando. Jost mired In good order, and for sale low, at the Fata lly Grocery of Joint A. ILLNIGLAW. mr ,i Corner Liberty and Ninth street. INDIA RUBBER DOM AND 9'[S" . . . Of the BOOMS /11101. S Cornpaar...k. A full mappiy nt all Mee. The trade setpratee ~ ,6,,,,,r.,, Um.' Wl"' J. 4lt TT. 1,7111.7.1Pft. . , • Aments far thts el BUTTER. • num. irret ; lllo II Better; Par sale by .. ..t . „ . CiIePIBLD. --2M1 1 a 1, 72 , .....1.. LOUISVILLE_ ._ lIT -00 mi k a l lJUlC MINNS LAtz s ' ( Waisted Zeta, For Pall DI LE . NA gEon. - airle 4 . 141 avenue. c... ~„~„ ~ '`-.'"'tom..' • MISCELLANEOUS. NoncE. To ,Contractol.s The underrlgned. fbinulasioner. appointed 111 Comm un Act of the General. Aomubly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for the Porilelle of comment. with on oore person. for the e making of the Indexes to t h e Deed. and Mon ocle. in the omen for the Recong of Rend, In the County of Allegheny. he rein give nett. , that Sealed Proposals for the [unking of Fuld in dexes. will be received until _ . . • WEDNESDA.Y..II I ' , NE.22, hen The Inder Books will be furnished by the . tuissloners, but ad stationery necessary to be d wil he required tn furnished by the contractors. Tcrlnt rector or contractor. will be required to aloe bond in the same amount required by law to be Oren by the Recorder of Deeds of Allegheny county. end with It lent two sufficient sureties. which . bond shall be conditional for the faithfol Perfonnence of the raid work. A specimen book. exhibiting the site of the index books to be used. and the plan upon which said In dexes nee to be made. can be seen by applying to Mr. I lUNTEII. at the Recorder's office. . The Conantiralonent reserve to theturolvea the right to anperolse the work, and on the completion of the Indexing of each volume of the Deed or Mortgage Maras, to rewind the contract If the wort doognot meet their approbation', tech bldwill be required to Contain the price Per r.ge and the thee within which the bidder will uuderrate to impletni the contract, and will be'ac conipanied with the naniee of theenretles proposed to be given for the faithro. performance of the work. Each bidder may bid for the whole work. or'for the making otthe Indegos In the Deed Books or Mortgage Books alone. but If the contract for tasking the Indexes: to the Mortgage Books be awarded to different parties, each will be required the corder The Commlsinnent also reserve to themselves the right to reject or most conducive Ind or bids as In their Judgment may be most to the pith ilc interest. . The Olds will be addresoodi . broofh the Pootornee to the ConarnOtolonere, No. UN GRANT STREET. Pttrthorgh. Pt!. • 6. F: LUCAS, A. lIILANDS, THOS. 11. HUNTER: I lA.ollomioner, SIIIItAS, Jr., S. 11. GEYER, Pirrssumlll. Mal 27 12470. my.,3:x771 JITST IN TlitE. Sumner Millinery, =I BONNETS. MOWERS, EIDSON/I, MADE-UP LACES. ORNAMENTS, and NOVELTIES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Mrs. S. C. Robb, N 0.91 FEDERAL STREET. EMESICIM S. INTERNAL . REVENUE, E,4.,I in „T. • COLLECTOR'S N()TIC.F, COI.I.[CTOR or LVIMINAL ALVENC L.] 23d coOret District of Poona, \o.B!Wooer strort. ALLEM; [VT I for, Mar 20th.1870.j Notion hi hero. Veen that the annual 1.1.. of formerly terinrel I.lrencem. and of Incomes, Carriages, Watches, Bilvei Plate, &c., Are now In this ofilm. where payment will ha re ceived thereon by the Collector, on and after the FIILST OAT OF JUNE. 1870. 'These taxes hay. trur heroine due. must he yield before the 2511 e day of Juno. 1870, otherwise additional expenses will be Incurred by the tax payer. ' S. BCFFINGTON. Esq.. Deputy Collector for the County of Armstrong. and EDWIN LYON. Thq. Deputy Collector for the county of Butler. will be reedy to receive after the let of June. for their respective mention. ..a will poet notices desiccut tint the timeand places when and where they will be promo.' to receive the taxes collectable by them,. 'Dues paid only in greenbacks or national eurroncy. Odlee hours from 9. A. It. to 3P. 0. JOHN M. SULLIVAN, MEM MEM PLANINC. MILL MEN And. Other .NOTICE! Th• undoral s rned has lettere patent of Me Uni ted nate.: for the Imp red construction of armther-boardlng. Inside lining and of aralnsentlng for houses. The weather-leardlng. by this potent Improvement. bola( more partleulary intended for males' atm. and combines great❑ arability and be iif appearance: andAt Is an conetmeted ae to entirely :mild the one of Joint stripe, and to rn7v01itt.7.147Z117 ntering tho weather-on the tim.r. lose by the orunn • n:,, :rlereby prrventinetVeTluntl oft te J..;;: " ;;T:n 5trU1"',..r.;11."./:r41, 1 :4,:n1,11,;11Z":4"C'of It claraunnly Known us the .110431d0u Weather- Ile tots disposed of the following ttositorlal sod shop tittlas In•Allespens county, far both patents, Welt: To id. A. If undorff, the right of the territory south the Over in said county. dtegneman Dotiglass, the right for the }lfni mud, Pittsburgh. To 11111. Patterson g. Co.. shop rights for their mill, Sixth want, l'lllteburuti. To Alex. McClurg for the borough of Metier,. To ParkerA Paul. for First, Second, Third and Fourth wards, city Allegheny. To Heed Brother., shop right at their mill In Sev enth ;card, city of .Alleitheity. To Dunham, Saint it Co., for the boroughs of Shat - poinirg and Mum also the [ to of Roder and Indiana. All persons are tranuni against-Infringing upon either of meld patents, and those wishing to put , . &we. wilt please call. or address toe, at lin. TS Smithfield !tree', Pittsburgh. Pa. fa ' T. C. ANMIRSON. JORN Q. WORKMAN H. RICHARD DACIA WORKMAN & DAVIS, - Sumessors to WORKMAN. MOORR & CO., mann. facturer. and Pea/ere In Carriages, Buggies,. SPRING & BUCK WAGONS, 12, 44, 46 end 43 Beater SI., Allegheny. Repairing neatly end irompt/y ezirtited. Or ders foe New Work gotten cip in gond style and warranted to idre aatiaraetion in iiiier'4Perrienbir• • Porigl.Tralgng. iTi E ltyr . ""74.n_ 7 " _t h in d ch.A rany• trinket of 13.111VIrTi o rATxrcr W sr mad Rappa Patent Qalcit Shiner god Antl-Battler for/811MM IL RICHARD DAVIS having purchased the In. Wrest of Alex. and W6l. 11. Moore. In the late Arm of WORKMAN. IIICK)ItE A CO.. the busluees wlll hereafter bo coutlnued at the old stand under th e name and style of WORKMAN A DAVIS. Orders _ AN. - -. 3 6" i iiJZ C A U D K YNNS, late with Citizens' Z..*Al L oaal MC ßank, Pittsbuiwn DISTRICT or NEW OttLICANS, flirt of Pirfabaron. Jrxr. 6th, I r cpwrQg u LED nerompa l b b7 PbMr 2 22.. " ... " - ClllllOlll.. farm. tn be fond otted on aPPlinatintt Dile nine, Will be received thereat until 704 , :t . ,?-r„„l:49p Marine Ilesiiiial, near this tilt, mo r artlelen is Phi tVISION, FUEL. Se.. ananterated hi mad f The quanes Mated ant estimated with reference to M amid number of patients In the Hospital: o rDte Vatted State. reaerrea tbe right tn take mare less of mad articles, h eerdlary 23 they mac be actually required. If te articles de- Ilvorml et the Ibmplasl re not, la the Judgment I.f the plissirlan. of the be tatallt7. mot 'Wanted Di Ilniteltal, i s at Ilboity rel. ,. ‘ And mow. iburvltese other article. In thelratead. And In charge the ointment with any !TM.. .weer the ssattraet arias.. The Unties' States rites the tight to accept the prom:m.la for the !lib de or ant Portion of the axle). spveleed. Jecylit Till MAR STDEt.. Surveyor. fi RAND REAP, MING • A.l • , INrEW GOODS. Shoes, Boots L and Gaiters • 1 1 NFt :PA tr - L,I.Ts . . N. 311 011 1 0 AVENUE. ALLEGHENY CITI' 'rho Imder•lluneti has eprekln with• ponenlo r.f him and PLOCluod with • rich ansurt merit of BOOTS. NUOIDI AND GAITIDIS. • . . . • .. !lion. a• evil prlene will give vatisfeetlnn inelevr min.* And the public axe invited to visit Jet:e. lIMYRY PA t/lXil. WELCOME ITA AND GRAIN It AKE, Steelourillitt and buy none but the Welcome Tooth Wheel BMW. IL II the simplest in Its eonstruntion and hest In um: ex amine It bnfore you titian) other: sold as low se tbcoommon rakes and can be warted by A child 7 Mt/bream old; It Is a c rd seloyersting. The horse domi nantly all the work lt eau toe run twelmrard without danger to manor driver, an &demur In 'n rsold them . or rod Pet C /:11. orntfla nd ' 3;l LIBERTY' STRF.I7. Pittnburgh.re..h7 . W. W. WALAI7B. myitT Livings & Co., IlluoVettnrerr of IIUBT GRIST IRON Light wort our specialty. Loose Joint Butts. Shamir and Olden.' *tab Pulleys. and other articles of Builders . ' W..). on hand. Office and Worts, near, 1 L out Diimjtenr City. PostoMoe address, Lout Dos 302. Pitts burgh, Pa • a 21415 DISSOLUTION OTICE. • Tho partnershiphe tofore existing bat, DTP:MIEN 0. ROME . and J. If. bitcOOVICILV, snowed In the outdated d wPdrlna of Prem. beau. was this day dissolved by =Auld consent. EMENDED 0. 110,1113 Dim J. u. IIcOO'VRILN, PR - maroon. Haf 31,1N70. SODA ASII.-100 rooks for sale by J. B. CANFIELD. • • ' VINE9AR. TIIE PITTSIII7IIGII YI. - NEG-NR, . . 11.' OR KS. IVII.. A liA.llB, 161, 168, 16 and no SECOND A VENUE. h now prepared ,d-wfurnish VINFX:AIt at the LOWEST 3IARKET EATEN. Attention particu larly nailed tti hi. Exira Wine Vinegar. MEM INSURANCE. EMPIR.I 4 I -- AL LIFE INSURANCE CO Of New York. MR •=mmarsnam B= MAUI SpeClll Inaunmer NON-FORFF:II9I2C rafter . ma annual paymono. All policies INCONTESTA— BLE for sual - mime, and • Itt , OLLITELY INCON TEPTARI.E alter ono annual premiums. All re ettictions upon TRAVEL /Ind ItratIDENCE re moved. and no remote required. NO ACCUMII -1..C.10N 01 , INT/ME:et . on lemns nr Doferred preordains. and Si) I SCREASEcif annual ImYmeinl• 711t a lgS e lVV." t i t=h a t " l:VAVa4A 9 i I:4TERINT NOTE is requited on LOAN and them In no ACCCMCLATION or INTEREST charged Iti.nn the tame. Penal. beenmo SELF SUSTAININI: in about ocen years. end thereaf ter yield an ineome to the Pidley holder. term and endowment mincles am Issued; ahm. guarantee Moment policies and annuities. Number of Policles Innued, 3.3.191;.e0vert. In 1174,13.5.10 00: - Prendunot. 113150,047 6" est "i•71},7 clat. ?in? . ° N 1$ EXCELLENCE. The EMPIRE h. insued tenni Polities by over 800 Tut rtant ng April let; 18711. than any other Company in this conntry In the Thetime at the some age. The EMPIRE secures every Policy bidder DT • DEPOSIT or earn 1,11•FrAl. with the State Treu rryy has *1 43 with whieh imp. LOUR AT ITS LIBEItAL FEATURES ern Penn_Cilre Agents wantederamwhere W.st ylvanin. WM. A. FULLER. time , 7PriTlMtll ' A ' \ : Vi r i ' FL l PllTtl Y gli n k. h.. ap2l 'CHARTERIB29 PERPETUAL. FRANKLIN FIRE INSUR.. CO: OF I'DILADELPIIIA. OFFICE 433 AND 437 CIILATNFT siTERET. ' ‘ et7.Vl. 'ill/71..01W 3. DO I . 5 3t U eerli l eii 8 It I ght 100m. 1020. r L0i1v.V4:47 reel Dodds. oo . k.lbersi Terms. The. n.pany a.° Issues pulleiss upon the Hunt s of nll kinds of Bull& Grunt. Geo. W. Richards, Lon, Gs, FWD., Alford Oilier, Thos. Sparks, Wm. P. Went, Moms. H. EDI% Dostscus Benson. . AI:F . ILED ISM:I.:R. PrexlilPnt : 'GEO. VA 1.12:3. Vico flrptlldent. Jas. W. MCAlltsler, P...eretary. T. 11. /ewe!, .AF•l,l.llnt I' I C: TAIN S FELLOGII, ap.ll • Third Aienno and Wood :fit. WESTERN INSURANCE rOhIP'Y or Pitt-burgh • ALEXANDER NIMICK, PreoldenL P. HERBERT. Vice President. WM. P. lIERBEILT, Secretary. • CA 1 - 1 . . GEO. NEELD. General Agent. areh Olflcn WA Water street, Pining &Co.'s Wouse, up stairs,Pittsburgh. WAI Mann, against ail kinds of Fire and Matins Risks. A home Institution. managed by Directors who are well known to the counity. and who are determined be promptness mm and liberality Di maintain the character which they here releumed, at. °Raring the beat protection to those who desire to be.insured. ton Fril).: • - 1 . . .. Alexander Simick, John It. iiteCtine. ii_ hillier Jr.. I . IIIIN. 4. !lark, James AlcAuley, 'William H. Keane. Alexander Speer, Joseph Kirkpatrick Andrew Ackley. Ilhillip lie le r. linen] It. lung, . Win. Morrilion. ll: lAmaan,.. ~ CASH -INSURANCE COMPANY, Phelau',4 Building. No. 99 Fl7 ,l 4LENdi t, moNO FLOOR. CAPITAL. ALL PAI 1111=11/118: N.J. Ridlsle I John Floyd. Capt. M. Halley. Wallace .11. Uartinan, A. Chambers. Jake 11111. S. 31 dint tan, Jae. 31. Bailey. Thomas Stoltl ROBERT 11. KINtI. l'realdnnt. J3lO. F. .1 EStil 211/p; Vice Pretldent JOS. T. JOIINSTON, Secretary. ep pt. 11...1. tloneral Aat. INSI, HES llN A l4nl4s,V is T ,, t.gw . z . 3. Al .L IPS: ev1,07 A LI,EIiIII , ,NV , INSURANCE CO. 0 r I'ittsUitrgh. ) OFFICE. 7:41. ST FOURTH AVENUE. Rink Insures eosins'. all kinds of Flre mad Marius 4P..1. t.V. DONN' ELr., Seeretury. DEAN, General Agettra s IIEMOI. John Irsrm. Jr.. IL FUlmestra.k. T. J. }lnst.., W. IL Ilrerts.o. t`. 0. Rosser. Robert Darts. TinsTeTCM/M ) . , blurb 8. Fleming, ebsrles Hans. eat, J. T. atoeltdale. Cstyt. Wm. bean. • T. 11. Nevin. PEOPLES' INSURANCE COMP'Y. I= = eittrevons: Wm. Phillips, Capt. John - T.. Bleeds. John WaneSnmuel PI Shrill's, John IC. Parke, Charles Arbuckle, C. 11. Loved Jared M. Brush, • Wm. Van Kirk, • • Wm. F. Lang, James I). Verner, : Samuel hleerieksrt. PHILLIPS. Promdent, JOHN WATT, Viso President. W. F. G A RUNE 11, hineretars. NATIONAL 'INSURANCE` COMFY CDR. FEDERAL. ST. AND DIAMOND, ALLF, UREA Nr. B gter ,h. lik the SECOND NATIONAL DANK MARTIN. Preeldent. ' JOGS KNOWN. Jn., Vlea ProeldenL J /LK ES E. STE VENN /N. Pecnvlncy. orntrwting: • John . A. Sigler, 'hot. Lockhart. •Jon4KTern. Jae. L. Graham. Robert Les , C. C. &vie. John Drown. Jr. George Gent. Jacob Kopp. o.lLP.Wilnunle Jno-Thompnon J. 3(oMo:when nog MERCHANT TAILORS. P. IVIcARDLE, Fashionable • MERCHANT TAILOR, KoopiodrAnntJy . on hand ri.nriissAssl.st FRES also, GENTLE/02N n . 1% Rh INIT. No. 93 1-2 Smithfield St, PITMIIVAGII. PA. fir Gent Clothing mado I. order In Ilse latest otyles. REMOVAL. GRAY (.V. TX)GAN I= N 0.89 F No, 47 Sixth Street. SPRING AND SUMMER MUM . J. C. x•pnrn,itm. IR7O u. r. mew...mama - MTIIEBNON & 11111LIIIBBINU,' • Merchant Tailors, No. 10 9LIIII Frnxicr id ikts SWe have rewired large and Ifs erred Stook of the ocst sod moat huh Goods to our line,* great portion of which are Our 74 ' 4 ° ooStrent of our ablllif to giro perfect tatisfactins. rind... ...T0...W.7 examination of war Mork of Fine t. otbs, (sae. & mvuLSerer. ce.nnggra as. tolanrso.. WOO .Itn. 10 Kash street. NEW SPRING (GOODS. A pptendld new dock or Cloths, Cassimeres, &e., I= = KJ Merr:luan. Tailor, 339mlIDdeld street. FLOUR. •• . „ • „ p EARL STEAM FLOURVi(i MILLS. R.. T. KENNEDY' & BRA)., AT.I.WITTENY CITY, PA., Mfaufgeturors of the following oeletnated brindle of Floor 3 IR% 2117:1,'"I d A'flon. rtcti PAI77«X; thi`PLIATto nn of the Ztrni.ii, Vitnoth,Z.Mar.. Aonl 1211. P STONE WEST COMMON • Machine .Stone Works, Northwest Corner, .1 Welt Common, Allegheny.. FREWK ATCATEO CO.. am ...on loin." or Platen* a* short node( Hearth l T attrlZTrelli at i tconTS t e " Vc . .. D"'"" Orders promptly...ow , on reasonable tans s ~~:'~rM ~i 'AMUSEMENTS &Aciu - Emv oe iusic. = nmunanntng NIMSI):t V. Jun. Oth. IM7 0 Carnernss & Dixey's Minstrels, Ore nd Slur Troupe of the World, direct ("dm file ELEVENTII uT - IrEeT OPERA 1101!86. Pl6a. nairilla. In their unequalled Ethiopian Soirees. TWENTY STAR PERFORMERS I= Alaimslos--grehestra. 73e.: Daesa 41re1a,30e.1 Famtly Circl. 33c.: Gallery. 23 Grata IteoetTett &alto Mar be It2t4 tho MB. of lb. Anwar:ay during the day from 9 /1: tO 4P. Doors open at 7r. portarmaneaMOLlMOSSl !tS P. 9. ffrACADEMY OF MUSIC f"••: f-VBLE T. 9 BLEd 17 X, AFTER THE ILIISTRITIONS Mr. GUSTA V DORE, FOR THE BENKF IT OF TIM Humboldt Monument and Celebration. . . . The Committee In churgo of the Ifutolethlt Um tumult. In order to raise addltlonnl funds to meet the Increased expenees eonmement net. uroremente and change. on Om Aloatintr= nearly finished. and Mao to Inert the .00.0 .1 the proposed Inaugurutlon Coremonlet,uldeb w take plane In Inonth nr tyro, hare prevailed tipip PROF. CONRAD and the TUICIRICC of/CIETF. to raprOdpep a number oft he BEAU TillTL TABLEAUX Giving Celebrated Incidents of Bible lllst ory. atilt Dore'. Paintings. which were presented with lank greet epplunse daring the Spring tnontha h) the Tamer, else our Miln p B ib le Studnte , t haen d ,d e o n n r aefe n e rs rose, easily, far exceed anything of the kind ever netted up In this onuntry , and cannot fall proving at treetlve to all. ••• • . The COtamMee le alto much gratided in being able to autiounee that a FULL ORCHEWPILS halt riglrtrffnit fit l i tffirc n criTt! -. 3 gr. ‘" lr. KLKBRR. hare kindly promised to lona their as sistance in producing appropriate Music, Sacred as well as Secular. There is no doubt that the bilge elrynneo equalled willreadily be et by an appreciative audience,. and that these en m tertalnmentil will In thomeelve• form a celebration In l'lme to and :quilted An worthy the ;erasion. Only Three Exhibitions will he Given, Six Tableaux Each Evening, TUESDAV.Inne 11th. 'ninon, 16th end SATIIIIaY. Isl h of next meek Beaty am he reeened nn FRIDAY IiIORNIND. at go'CIOCk, At Mends. Kleenex Rollo :Dore. 00011' 3 cent. each. Ticket. tor rollitiette and three Circle. without orgerwallon. 30 tents: tiallery. conic. A full Programme of the Tableaux and 'Rostra Planes will he mibliehed In thin paper on Friday. WALL PAPERS. NEW •WALL. PAPER. FOR SPRING SALES, at N0..107 Market St., NE AR FIFTH AVE. WeOt,.• otter to the put:Mew steels of PAPER HANGINGS unsurpassed In 'the Wen hit variety e ln nd , a bigrl . C.l' b E r irSUN ` ll:l e p " KS.I DESIGN in Than and bright odor, or ItHiit aA ßeonts. Ae. Atte, WOOD nod MA E D TIONS TINTED and GILT P PAP HS with an al mold diem rasa& CHEAT ELFIN PAPERS. WRITE whichan BLANES er Chamber, Or. All of ~ pro pose to seU as low at the 1.1"1.1. In the martati. Tall and WO, tti No. 107 larket SI., near Fifth -Avenue. JOS R. HUGHES & BRO. WA LL PAPERS. SP RING, 1670. PRICES REDUCED. st3l, , t-21.4 GLAZE All kinds at lie per roll ELKO French and American Pam Dana, logs, not speetnedabove. tuterter to 1...7 meat =eat In the country. For sale Cr W. P. MARSHALL'S New Whnletale nsburgh.od Rine. 191 Malty street. Pitt LIVERY & SALE STABLE& Robt, R. Pattersott&Co„, eartriFlt OF Seventh AVenue and Liberty Stl:4o PITTSBUROII. PA.. WIL/.OH VYNRY SATURDAY. HOLD A_ITOTION_ SALE OP Horses, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, And everrildne apirrralne to the tIVr It= o ' r r ber/7Thigtof of r e= week In order for .sdrentrlng. I nmapt attentlon 100 d we Will Do Wee ell Stdek loft for sale, JOHN H. STEWART AticrloTirx.a. ROBERT H: pyriEßLii 4 7l76: -Livery, Sale and COMMISSION STABLES, for. Seventh Avenue end Liberty St . PITTABUROTI, PA. 4126111 - •, .L. i ... _ . __. _ N.—OTICE . li . LEGAL. Letter; or Ad. MINIRTUATION on the e,tato of T 11074.1.9 hare L been wranteint. Isle of a t f no the n entweribert.all I...motile, deeeseed. ylersons Indebted to the saw estate are ro' 0.1 104 to make Immediate payment. and those hay claimant dq-I manes against the P..t.. of mid etwdent will malts known the mine wflpivi . l7l2 . . m 0...... . ~ MlRVtffll oariAZ k i TOTICI!..--Whereas, Lefton of Ad- INTRATION the -estate of LSAAC [CMG UT. Isto f Eloldwin township. decoys/el. have boon grarded to the subscriber. poems Indebted to the sold eototo oro requested to make tl Immediate poyment. end those boring chdros or de ..- .hoods wawa the addle ot tho sold decedent will rs. PLUMBERS, GAS FITTERS I= IZOIZIM3 FULTON . 7rIANN, Practica 1 .1 'lumbers, DAS AND STEAM FITTEItS, Fifth Avenue s near High Street. Plltsbursh,Pa. Lesul Mo. Own (las Fixtures. Pinks, Oath Tubs wsd Wash Stands. Iron Pape and Eittinins. Mtlgl,l,d'grArranTrn r Water and Steam Ileatinrapparatl. Jabblwi Fanlst3s attended t 0 10IC y.l iir c S BAIL Eiro 12,n$ e clIESINUTST, P RILADELPI III ‘ . PerGtOrtarn The reputation and experi ence 0 140 years, warrant us in saying that our stock of Vine Timekeepers of the beat Euro pean and American Makers is now the largest in the coun try: and we guarantee that each . Watch we sell, is finished with rout mechanical precision, has al the late improvements, and will run regularly, well, and give satisfaction. u.r,irist promptly mete th. Strds lonsrallel bl Emus for want • - M L bets Rutin, White Um. - . bele Cleveland Liam. able Pram wt dal able Toledo 1194 /Or. ..4 br a. a. CIATIPLIM.D. sayle 2.41.11 rat 11VMM'