The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 11, 1870, Image 1

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'irE DAiIY GA'ZP,'
P 3
iMnit‘r Slith Are. and Smith
i T. P. 1/OIIBTON, N. P. REI
hr mul. Wr year
OtrerpLby carrier; per net
• om Pittsburgh to the grentuatS
! Mammoth Cave... The Western As.
aociated Press, etc., etc.
The Journey from Pittsburgh to Cie.
linuatl over the Pun 'Handle railroad to
Iplertarint at any Mallon of the year, and es.
lieclally in the blooming month of June
need company Is eimentlal to Individual
olthaure in traveling, and Oda truth won
;man manliest on board the elegant Put
man sleeping car lanced Ai) ; kindly and
'ruerously at the dlapdial of the ladles and
putlemen who left one bright afternoon
ant week to represent the local papers in
4, 0 ‘Vret ern Prese Aenociatfun MIVATIO a et
f,o udsville. For the generous courfe.ty of
providing ouch a royal method of c nvey
:"lnCe, the thanks of the excursieni a are
toe to NV: NV. Curd and J, 11. Perri gton,
Ems., the General And Aesistnnt Su ferin
poulenta of the road. `lndeed, Mr. f. rd in
l a conspicuous manner developed tl f pd.
liteuesa, courtesy and consideration iflch
'have made hint do univeraally pop ar as
t gentleman, and efficient no 'an offi.
;MI, in his kind and gmfercem, attention
to the Pittsburgirens, net onlv providing
for them luxurious tranapeitatlon jinn
meeting them at Dennison and trehmining
-the entire party as his guests to a waiting
141111101101111 sapper spread in the fistful
wood style of the first cheat and unser.
i 4 ha i' t B"l ffle h tio te il l . Pa 'l ".' l7f g :s r d,Th n i l f:; g a f iraT m ei i i i i i
Orlg be remembered by the gniests wife
avicaik of his hospitality, f At thi s point
_tarty received a pleasant immisition
the person of yr. J. D. bran irho added
uch to the enjoyment of the hip to Co.
lumbus,beingrocird,humernus and genial.
The party deeply - regretted that the good
• natured railway official •could not be
. reseed into the servire and taken ad a
• iwapaper man to the convention—
Melt , would'uot have been n fraud on the
, raternlty an bin grandfather eitablibbed
he fiazmrrE some eighty.fnur yearn'amo.
nd the grandson has ability enengli ie
• • a half dozen newspaper., and run
hem well too,
'; The acentirialong the Pah Handle taut
to very fine. h stretches its almost air•
line length through as pretty a. country
as the ow ever gltubleud. dt intervals,
here and there, neat and pre, tylittle tittenti
olive with activity spring Often the view
to break the monotone of grkrin' Rebid
Mid waving forests. We can hardly Ima
gine a more pleasant route for. the tistt.l
ttler to take 011 his tin y ;West; and dui
!minty no road has during the past yinv
enjoyed greater immunit v from accidents.
It in, from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati, every
section, every mile, in perfect order, while
lit la managed with great care and ability:
At Cincinnati the excursionists 'were
driven to the old-fool total Burnet House,
: , :where a pleat:ant rest wits taken till the
`.iitternoon, when they departed in the
steamboat tlen. I.vtio, of the United
taws Mail Line, fur Lnisisiille. tht.C .
usurious cabins of the staunch and coin
' oodles:a boat, we joined a large party
,rode up, of bulk. and gentlemen who
Ike ourselves were destined for Louievillo
for the editorial ronyention: Old friends
:rem !net and new friends mute and In a
very few minuted the utmost freedom,
L i t lability and good . fellowship pervaded
he entire party, to whom the potrly and
genial commander of the ',rift travelmg
~ raft, Capt. Whitten. granted tint largest
ibertles end inn mon/else simenilernil his
ioat. After stirrer the ei,ut ad•
'ourued to the gsirds, eigirs here inter,
15C64, 1 1.1.11'.34.en and jests. tilts and puns,
• es and - eornastArnissitssero4n order ton
sinful degree. —Frank ... Wells, -nr--.the t
hllpd watt there. , -\
have 'never idied Prank Ante lin eharge
' us with dekiLerately killing n poor We
moll AVOillntl At Onntlin with It Tea hot sun
.. 4 .• -• stroke in order get ono item a-head of
• the members of the Rocky Mountain
•.;, Press Clab. But lan'aras there,andtLe in
flitted by actual ennui on his attentive
, 1 , 111 good Pow
also noor do.
• 12 songs.•
t Scriptural Anotat lons.
9 storm.
Of course oar quaker friend took the
lead in this line of _business but there
:were othe...emulona enough to follow in
;the wake and no hours rolled away on the
guards its the - boat 'flamed majestically
down the bosom of the beautiful Ohio.
A Stititioaky lady manlpulaped the plans
In the ladlea' cabin so artlstically noun
break the ; camp. outside and cause a stun.
'pada to the aides of the Chickeriug.
Then other latent talent was discovered
In the party and a conceit was Improvised
with a very dirersilitd programme and
. . ,
- • range of selections from the compositions
. #of the worm old masters in the business.
...iti Song. mirth and music prevailed till past
44 midnight much to the inconvenience-of
•!:z... lecher sided matrons, armed with croupy
and teethinfr bits of ,humanity, tvlio
• nought in ram to fall into the fIrMA of
• Morpheus or any other body, and who
ITmost have eerily believed that some first
. ii clam Insane asvlum was put afloat on the
7.: wa ainnu ter t . ,
i O n n t e he o i e r l i ar t. k te fo m, und i.,m all
and t no es h cn iiv r.
.. brake the stillness Of the night thereafter
till morning save the heavy mauchinery
,j•• belevr , wheezily asserting. its power over
4 the great revolving Water lifters that
, 7 urged forward the floating palace, which,
.; .. like a bags .white apeictre in deep dark
'l, netts, swiftly glided orer the gently rip
'l,•l piing waters of the La Belle river. And
•,,i',' there wore masculine and feminine snores
.s., . too, heard, buttre take no accoZoit of such
'ii trifles while traveling, for wo hear them
.„. in alee,ping tele, In hotels, on • steamboats,
1.,:. everywhere. .We rejoice muddy, for
"There'll be nn snoring 14eter, ! -
AI me boat tolicheittlie.-wharl
,at daybreak, but only a few wore up
• to seethe touch.- - Oar friend•birsi,of the
'S.; Pest, with whom .we were -coped, was
first out, and much against our Lahith at 1
home.--eonfirmcirtlirough. 'genre of night
:t1 work 442 a daily paper, and as hard to
ehake arm. a poor relation or had repute
- 1. tion—be made us—by a =wind stroke
from . the . toe of his boot,: an, early bird ,
' 7 = earter.for Louisville Worms. We quietly
stole away,not from our traveling. corn- I
panions' baggage, but from the beat it.
self; and wandered op the wharf to see
1 eights on that newly broken morning al
though just entering into basinens, Our
-, • stroll was pleasant and enjoyable. Louie
silk, like all great cities. looks. dull
enough at daybreak,- We returned to tile
boat at eight o'clock and felt conSidembly
mortified to learn that the.rumor,prevail
.;i rd. started no' doubt by -"Mick,' of the
t'incinnatl Equine; wink was jealous of
_our good 'looks, that we had spent several
n hours in looking •up a cheap boarding
house for the Pittsburgh delegation. That
was cruelly false. •• After' getting to the
Galt House the fourteen...mammoth and
' — juvenile trunks and a fete
ing to the two ladies of
the Pittsburgh delegation„ together with
the several boxes oflati_per collars which
niade up the trarellag.wardrebe of the
gentlemen, and - reglaterptg oar names in
coarse-bled. writlng-411 , bright editors
write poorlY . ,altd*O Warded to appear - a,9
•!I brilliant as any- other—and strengthening
ourseltes,with e. solid - .breakfast we wile
„ .
The WeateralasociatedPrem in a great
and porrerfulleohthlisation. It is a union
of many .of - theitnnagest and wealthiest
news Papers west of the mountains; formed
and held toether-as an association for
mutual benefit no far as collecting and re.
Certillg telegraph news from all parts of
the old and new world is concerned. It Is
auxiliary to the New York Associated
press, and in connection with all the aim
liar combinations save the young and
thriving American Press Aissnelatlon of
which J. Itusi-ell Yonug..E.sq. to the ent e r.
„rising and goa-headative President.
'The W. A: P. is neeesaarilv a close body
New papers have touch difficulty in ohs
taming admittance, and it in vary rare for
such to find entrance short of paying an
enormous taunts. An immense ,amount
of money ie paid annually to tho Western
Union Telegraph .Coinpany and' to the
. ' .
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Cable Co., for the transmission of news
collected by agents judiciously stationed
owl distributed at important points awl
paid ',Marled by the .A. P. The le A•
ZLTTE, Dispatch. Pun. Cammescial awl
Om:visit arc the papers of thib city rep
resentud in the Association. The Leader
receives its news as a purchaser from our
lomil press. It the journals contained in
the W. A. P. were to combine in an edl
torial direction to accomplish any object,
there could be no resist ing their collective
power nod billuence. They o,idd SAveip
. .
the country like a whirlwind and accom
plish any object, good or evil, which thee
might desire. There never can be such
au editorial combination formed, however;
for the journalists of the association ri•peo
st4t All shades of opinions, all think for
theniselces and in no ono question could
they be brought to stand sod fight to
The business of the association is geu-•
-orally transacted with closed doors, al.
though them is little necessity for secrecy.
In the Louisville Court House the meet
ing assembled. After receiving the an
nuarreport of the Honors] Agent. W. H.
Smith, Esq., of Chicago, and:electing a Set
,of directors so' serve the ensuing year, a
'mdtion prevailed to hold an open evening
session in order to hear Memrs..l. 12 navel
. .
• . .
Young, of the:New York Slat!mud, Frank
Wells of dho Philadelphia Bellain and
M. HoCert. Chicago, represientat ices of the
American Asanclnted Press, Mr. Erastua
Brooks of the New York Expre... repre
seating the New York Associated Press,
and f len, MIAMI Stager on behalf of the
Western Union Telegraph (Mice—all of
whom had words to address the
roux lout propositions to make the laxly.
lu I lls. afternoon an exenrsion.was wade
the pre tt 11.1111 lively town of Now• Al.
1 .1. Y. Tit... party. joined by the Kentucky
Press Asciation, a large Io•dl which
a4serubled at the same time a.: tho
I'., were Oared in two beautiful new cars
and crossed the great iron truss bridge
which spans the Ohio over the rapids.
The Midge, which we have on a Into pre,
violin occasion described. is one of the
widest and l o ngest iron truss structures
iu the country. It is almost completed.
In New Albany the party circulated for a
few - minutes and then returned to the
fialt Heusi , to partake of an calm fine
In the evening there was a fall MUM
dance. The named gentlemen occupied
the door and addressed •the meeting. A
brief passage nt arms lANVet`n NIVNSTA.
Wllll4 awl Brooke, both very good talk
err.: enlivened the occasion, but when all
wereimard the W. A. P. virtually resole
edxhat it was satisfies! with thr present
condition of thingi and vaulted no nety
diances cw change. The meeting then ad
journed, but not before receiving. and ac
' cepting a cordial invitation front W. N.
Haldeman. Erfq., editor of.. the emirier-
Joilrnal, to 'partake of Louisville hospi
talitles,and to visit under his escort the
great Ilattunoth Cave of Kentucky. A
night., rest and next morning we are off
for the .
Large bodies and said losnmve aloole.
but • sot or with an editorial encursion
party...At early morn on Thursday. all
t were up and ready for the journey to the
...Irainnioth Cave, and Mr. 'Haldeman and
his first lieutenants. endertvood and Jones,
the conductori of the excursion", had-little
difficulty in gathering their guests togeth
er and locating theta in the luxurious MIN
placed nt their disposal as a compliment
be the I.onisville and Nashville 'Railroad
Company. It wan a jolly crowd. The
litntuekv editors, no genial and • good.
hearted gentlemen as ever used the pen.
61, paste and scissors, were not long in
mixing in with and cementing to the 11'.
.5. I`..tournalists. and soon the es elusion.
ist.s. numbering One hundred and more.
were united no one family, and ever) t hing
went smoothly and well. A bridal party,
consieting of bride and groom and nnmer
olis brideemulds and bridertmen, all fresh
ad blooming .from the nromMic . blue
.gruns regions of old Kentrick, were also
aboard the train and were -taken under
the sheltering wings of theTpresn. • The
ride over the L. d: N. Bond is particularly
interesting,innimuch 0.8 It passes through
territory made historical in the late Fan
guitinry struggle between the North and
the South. There were many of the ex.
cursionists who had figured on one side or
the other in that particular region and they
took much trouble to explain where "our
men laid in ambush or captured the mg ,
y," and then they detailed the full history
of operations therealmute to listenerd who
had never been in the war. Nothing is
more interesting than to hear old soldiers
talk over their battles. especially since
very few of them can be coated into nar
rating an army exprrience. This is snr.
ensm. It is not sarcasm to say that leis a
very agreeable diversion to hear the
"Yank" and - Uoliney Itch" in conversat
neither showing any more bitterness of
feeling than if the war had been carried
on in Bungle, and they themselves hod
not been in the scrimmage. The road has
' manylong; dark tunneln, through which
the train clashed right merrily. These
stibteranartn passages we &resits were
construeled on purpose to advertise the
Mammoth Cave, as darkness and gloom
are quite suggestive of that great wonder
and the curiosity is aroused, and passen
germ who-are not in too great hurry will
strip over at Glasgow Junction to godnwn
into the bowels of mother earth.
Noon, after a delightful ride Wind the
excursionists at Cave City. and Pell-ruell
they crowded into a little hotel, where 'a
sumptuous dinner woo waiting. After
Much needed ablution at n primitive wash
place in the bar, supplied with two tin
lamina and one towel, which, for mi g ht
We know, had been -ignorant of so.ip•sodv
since bat Christmas, the Patti . tiled into
the• scant' dining ball where the pro
mised dinner was ativaiting. Unfortim
untidy for the host and his guests, the
NVtli Amendment waiters bad got word
that so many bungrFeditora were moving
that way to urge war on the victuals, and
they there and then struck for higher
wages. Their demands were not acceded
to, They left. The landlord called to
.Ids aid sess.ral superinnuated old no
gresses, his (Hi vers and hootlers, and child
ren, nail the dinner went on. The attend
a tico was vent poor end in many instancces
dignified edttorn snood with o fork made
phgrinme-mi to the kitchen and emerged
with luum'af 'full of corn Mend rind cold pa.
Woes -at which they gnawed in ravenous
manner. Oar friend Cowles, of the
Cleveland &viler, who has tmveled..forii
lied himself with a bowl of sour milk and
corn dodgers. One mouthful nod he—
well be went out, and his appetite was not
en good-as previously. Another and an
other tried the dose with the same result,
and BO tbo bowl passed round till the table
- wannhandoned, and when we left we saw
a young lady vigorously feeding from the
same old bowl, and subsequently the was
heard to - remark that stage-riding always
did make her-sick. Mr. Haldeman, with
a cheque drawn on some good Louisville
Ira, paid for these dimmers, and we saw
the worthy Lost chuckle over his success
as a caterer an he Walleted the stamped
bit of paper. •
'_The party, nearly one hundred in num.
her, were brought together In full view of
four eld.fashioned atagelodmilar to those
which yet run between Butler and Pitts
burgh, and told to get aboard—we vat
more of a board on the top than was en
joyable or coneistent with good pantaloons.
lion ladies were closely packed Inside and
the gentlemen were disposed of in VII/10:19
ways, some on top, some. in the boot.
Drickhasn, of the Dayton Journal,. and
:Woodson, of :Memphis, had a jolly time
in the boot, and they talked themselves
hoarse over the recent unploasantness, for
both had been good 'addicts, arrayed
against each other. The drive wasabout
eighteen Pennsylvania miles, although in
Kentucky only nine. _Notwithstanding
that It was accomplished tinder very dia.
advantageous circumstances, the ride wan
very enjoyable and fun.provoking. At
some points - we were afforded-most de.
llghtfnl view.. the eve taking in a range
of thirty miles of MIN and valleys.
The driven+ wliipped itp their hornen to
it lively gait no tt , r hove' in night of the
large, clean and pretty hotel which bolds
the key' of the great Nfamtnatli Cave, and,
with hilarity the party cheered, 'Whig
glad that the journey was over. All dis
mounted and the ladif.s were at suer- as
signed rooms to fix up, while not a few of
the gentlemen found their way to the bar
where refreshing liquids were set up by
the genial Proctor, the host, who 'gourd
not receive a Cent from his guests, assur
ing all that they were welcome to his hoin
pitalily. In an hour or so the entire paity
were assigned comfortable Moms in the
commodious and well kept hotel, and thee
met at the supper table as fresh arid good
lookinp: as ever. After tea the visitors
strolled throngh the beautiful lawns,
gardens end arborr, surrounding the bo
tch end the more frolick.onte gentlemen
imp:twined horse races with pool selling,
betting, ete. The dignified editors forgot
even - thief: end time had turned backward
making them boye again. They raced
and romped, skipped, jumped, wrestled
and Utmblevl. stud cut up more amid than
'college lads at reefs+s. The 10,41esa,xt, en
joyerl the sport and-bedecked thq..Asttr*lliff
newspaper hors., with choice IsSqUetk a n d ',
wreaths of laurel, When it- he'rethe ton
late for' uccloor sport a partrwas
up for the -Atari mute"-in the cave.
Some thirty...4oa joined, ladies and gem'
tlemen, including Mr hare of the Post,
and were semi on their .way down the hill
which leads to the letiothiut mouth Of the
' - Mammoth Care. - As they wended their
way down the romanticpath, the ladies itt
flashier , red bloomer costumes. and all
carrying open lumping oil lamps thei
talf4aux was truly grandl—Beffelsing the
oxen tire party descended to tire entmnce,
going dawn a steep flight of romp, most,
covered. damp and slippery stone steps.
Titer passed in sing's; file. were counted
by dm guide in order that none might he
left its the cave without being missed on
the return, and they disappeared in the
invent.: mole gloom and darkness of the
cavern. They returned. nhout midnight
having spout four Loins in their explora
tions, taking what in termed tire shun or
1 four Mlle route.
' Those remaining behind the excur
sionists spent 'the es-ening- in various
trays. The parlors were throagedrlth
lovers of music; dmiett:thithsr LI the
sweet vocalizations O of • several ladles; the
lawns and balconies were ringing pith
the laughter fof.pmmenaders, while
above, iu the large dancing hall, an old
•tnelo n hit', no wool on Ott- top of his
head, Who writhing in terrible agony over
squeaky cat gut' supplying anything but
harMonlous music In a Eat arty of dans,
era. The Wile Ole Bull had only one
tune at command, and it retptired some
fifteen minutes for him to strike it, but
when he got it he held on like grim death
anti sawed away with vengeance. rnilrr
midi o . mm:tint/Innen the Improvised dance
was a failure, and - Bedstead, of the Cin
cinnati Comrhercial. paid the waste bill
anti retired to meditate on genies 'lncubi.
So the long June evening pstiml away.
May many such happy Ones enter into the
future of those who there mingled to.
In our mist letter we shall describe the
Care and incidents of return. Until then
we are In our readers, respectfully,
1 1 ARIF3 tAVY•R $20).000#A).
BRVANT . S HOMER it complet4
II \NS BIWITNIAN is near In London,-
Purt..cogrrma has early ripe peaches.
Fun calls Nero the Pagan-ninny of hi.s
Jrniv calla oy3t,r nuce--native imp
WHEAT and harloy linryinsbiliace bngiin
in Tonnessee.
ANNA DicurxsoN'y inrome in sald to I'm.
$18,64).ia year.
Tut Cuiv,rsal Eylibitioa fe la b., tp
l'irnum In
Tut Czar 'llt Ems Las ...Mks.... lime
and Nljoys hisueelt.
STRAwßralnx tuativAls.l44ve Jepletra
. yottag ehteaigo'n -pocket...
" — LIONS' to turn a tame cox into It "'till ate.,
Deprive her of her.udder!
CL EVLL %XI" it to have a aerie. at es
cursions to Daluth this summer.
Tkis' I go to . churelk with a coo gh on.l
turb the reef of the eorigregatioir.
BAIINVII calls his new dwarf Admiral
Dot and he only weigha 15 pounds.
ANDREW JOECiti.ti L about to try to
get lu . to the lower house to startle It.
A nor named Koehersperger died of
laryngitis on Sunday in Philadelphia.
'THE Boston Post his now tmnsferred
a Cincinnati criminal to the Smoky City.
A LITTLE nobleman was, unexpectedly
horn in a cafe in Paris the other evening.
GENERAL ilowArm hiss been roelectetf
chairman of ithe Y. M. C. A. of NVashing
witing the ..ecret }emery
of the SpaninkCourt during the hue de.
EIORT carriage loads or bouquets seeps
slung at Patti upon her last appearance
at Paris.
J. HOWARD LIVINGEiTtni, recently re.
ported murdered at Oswego. N. Y., is-now
in Chicago.
- ScrunrionY says the women ranke very
good etteetameepern when alley are
trained to do it:
A CertxEsr. lawyer' finds atitaPriitia
clientii among hi» coUntrpiutiai in San
Jose, California.
Tits Courier jow-,to( .!I,,tren that Sant
ator Sprague is touch .•auroral for Isis
purse-tat worth.
Jody ailviwee prodigal', !weer to go out
for a lark unleax they ham made up their
minds to catch it.
A CELEIIIIATZD .phyvilcian says that it
is rake that ruins phe*Ml l and not randy,
as is mulemllegnmssie.
OrTsinttie nay' that : g tretneadons loooi
job will now be gitairthed, add the 'Sag
Domingo treaty rejected,
A (WILD'S nurse at.. Oakland; OIL, khAli .
Lien sentenced to six month's' rentirlson
merit for beating her charge.
lurnkassmo OrLtu., has engaged See
the Berman nistori, to come to this
country with a L trottpo of 40 ,trusts.
eflUntlrinei has Mr. "Ileory
Peakes been guilty of that the l'lilladel
piths Frets should call hint an ortiote!
Tut: milllorrquarta of strawberries have
been brought into Norfolk this season..
Most of them have been shipped North.
AN Oregon Judge decides that all mar
riages contracted outside. of the limits of
that Territory, by Oregonians are null and.
A 1i..%1C8/8 Woman weekly lidgellates
her husband, and then locko herself Ili
the parlor and alngs: "Nearer my God, to
Thee." -
AN unfortunate mall in Philadelphia
waned Peter 3lu'holland trite choked .to
death by a hunk of beef wilt& he fully in
tended tontrallotr.
.Tnx next war it la thought will be be
tween the Sultan and the Khedive, and
those unchristian Muslinlman would like
to involve the Europeast powers.
TOE best remedy aui yet devised for
grasshoppers In Utah is said to be the
driving of a dock of sheep rapidly over
them. Some of them can't stand this and
stockholiers of the Academy of
3lttale. in Philadelphia hare tendered a
complimentary. benefit to 'Mrs. Bichings
Bernard far the 10th lost, when she will
appear in Lurline.
.74fiss Loose S'rnarrox; of Cass county,
Indiana, challenges any man in the State
to a plowing match with her. She pro
poses a two horse team, each competitor to
drive the horses and hold the plow.
A, difficultyocaurred in Pollard,
Eicetubla county, Ala., between two well
known citizens, formerly of Couecuh
county, in which I. D. Johnson, exwheritf,
humid his death bv the. hands of Droj. Bill
A 11011RIBM murder WOO perpotrama
hear Columbia, 310., on Friday laFit4 A poor
woman named Moore :3wts beaten tO death
with n billet of wood by one of her Imerd
eta bemuse she refused' re glee Wm all ,
the 'money she lied. Permit wee nude
for the tnerderer by the excited populace,
end it was thought if lie was caught the
formality.. of a trial would be disppnowd
Death of Charley Dickens, the. Novelist
—A 'apricot? Seehrlties in 1/14trnst
—American Consul In Scotland Ar
rested—Fight irlth Brim4o' 4 In
Spain--Drought in Franee—Enri her
Developments in the Regicide Coll
sidiewy--Slayery question in Brazil
—One Thousand Lives Lust in Con
',Ainilluople Conflagration.
By Telt.olipli tit° PlaNburgli
cnenl.r DICK Eng. THE 111'11:AS
, •
I.Aefth)N, Junn'll).—FThe !..dniton Dit4.4 In
tail 'lntl" lhta e;ealitg. startled the cointhai
tally with Ihe announcement that Charles
Dickens had been seined with Paralysis
seas lying Insensible at his residence at a ad.
bill, near Roche.* cr. In Kent. The news
spread rapidly , . and: angled the most prO..
tetanal regret; bait the worst was still to come.
Telegratterhave since heeu received announc
ingt he dent h of t he great unveils! at a quarter
past sit in the e, ening.
Mr. Ini,kens was at dinner. en WealtlendlY
when he wan*red with a dt , ..,'Dr• ifteele, tat
(tae village of :Areal. who teas for may years .
the•family physician of Dickeau was hattnelll
lieuS called in and remained until near- mid
night • The condition of his Pftleitt beematilig
worry and warte . it was detected stitleable .to
summon placsielann front London. - Tel thin
Dickens replied. ..011 no. I hare only' of a
he.. 1.10,, I shall he better presently. Ile
then ali:Val;that the Open window be shut
dawn arami.dlately. He soon becTune uncon-
Seinen haul tell 'back In Ids chair insensible.
Telepliaaniwere tccr,tiliPir dispatched and ger-.
cent Leuddliphy Actin§ reveal at and
consultaticlaivaa held natal his case Aran at
once pronounced The patient sank
gradually. and Meal at fifteen minutes pant sin
last eVollitUtz. Dickens had been 111 for seeend
days, but not sellotaslv. lie land even with at
Rochester:l.nd rather points daring the present
Mr. flicks. .remained "unconscious. And.
never recovered naltuat Ind, Elbe Sort taut
daughters ramnined steadfastlY of Ids bedside
until he died. It is +fated that he has several
tint, complained that he experienced con
siderable difficulty In irorkingt-her.anse his
powers ot application were becoming im
paired. lie also said that Ills thoughts un
longer Caine to hint spontaneously as in former
(lines. While at Proelpite.huti nerd of motiii
cal aid. and ',rightist 11 ten plivalelan.
*anted blur nd.
utxch Untie reading locasse
hennas doing to at the peril of his life.
'the death of Charles Dirkens has plunged
the nation in astourning..l,llthe hrunion papers
hare obituary art ivies this morning.
The Times says the ordinary expressions of
regret are now. cold and conventional. 3111-
lions 01 people feel _a Personal bereavement.
al at °Nolen. sax analittel. beinefaCtOrd lit the race
when they the can leave no sued told: 'itier
cannot, like this great novelist, be an Inmate
of every house. •
The /Juilm.&icerenys that. ,Nithntit intellect
ual trttnits ferrnattorittlie
lisp literature. lie was generalist losing. and
universally•beloved. lie leaves, like Tietek.
eras, an .11111511 rd atom
. I h , rniad r 0 ,4 race: - Charles filviteits
did more than tiny Coieintiacillai to make Eng
lish literature loved end admired."
The T,:t.gropli regards he tiktituraklted
dead as a public tenant.
The death nf Dickens causes TO oltallilil st.r.
M. - throughout the laud. Dieltens was et ,
parently in good health OnWednevdaT. aches
he wrote serverM pages ' 01 his - novel
brood." The snddenness of the Link Int en
sines the aftliction of his friends.' There are
unusual demonstration. of public grief In
London and other cities...-
Tonle. the comedian. le about to Visit the
United States.
. i ,
The rave motwy irtl4l, fErfin xet: to the
Introduction' uf the tree dttrapul Vapid. rtall
road botut.c...sygErl• extierikuces Inenlmar :1
dlstr..t of all guch .eruritie,.
li..b1.1•••, American , Leith.
cntlaml. nna lee [C.A.. Tr, ft, t ,
be 11,4, la Itt .e.ntwGli9r, with lb. Imiren
• miciriermic :lei, Holt Ria • roftt•ei.
4.IOWWLS hllllll ASO I.olt/AIB.
Th ,nc e .t St . tv re ttd d a r. rtt n ece , resignat 14 the
Letitstr - of Goldwin
bzoltb, at Avh It, ..11
eotly itbeired
LtirtioN. June 10 front 810 Janeiro to
May 1 state that the Brazilian I - Moist r'y In
formed the Chambers that while they would
take no immediate measures In regard to ale
very, they would aid 1111) , private e ff orts for
Its mitigation.
t , The representatis_ Brazil. Arte.ii.e
Confederation' and Uruguay have areeil on
the conditions of 3 treaty of peace with Para
guay. ,
VIII/IT want 131110 A
MADRID. Jane Ili—Yesterday the (aril
Guard crime up with a part of the baud of
brigatids who captured the Englishmen near
Gibraltar. The guard Immediately gave them
battirt killing • three and. capturlar their
horse,. 'The others succeeded in etcaping.
Ott the persons nf the killed 1.:11. found :14%0
realf.ipart of the amount paid wt ranstim. , •
MILiNtl•:. • „
P,A0Clar1 , 111911E:1 1 0 NM its gautrithn. •
PARIS. June 10.,4erere drought Koran , . in
the agricultural districts of France.
The pollee bare discovered eighteen more
wheel-absent bombs. which were thrown Into
a canal by conspirators. Fire fresh . nrrests
hare been made of parties Implicated In the
consPlrney.. .• • •
(ILNEELAi. AUNCRTY rnowil‘ao.
Lesta,a, June 10—A general emnest F for peat
jadit feel offences is promioed.
1.1/1130r , June 10.—The Government has de
creed amnesty for all political crin/05 and of
fenses committed slate the drat of March lid..
tiohlanhun Is engaged In completing the cabi-
net /Wronged hy recent resignat ions.
iiNn THOMAS:CI X.rt7+4
CCONSTANTINfIPLI:, June 10.—The mm,bcr of
lives in the contingent ton rnny be tintelY
tel down rtt one t lioutend. •
14C61 . ...NNT0WN. June 10.—Tne afeautahlt, Erin.
from Note York. arrived to-day.
Lifooelol:inne 0,4
for money: Ift acre. t. American arcuritieo
quiet and ateady: '4l2a , e'q. 'Ca. Ke i; • t e;,
fais_.;. Stooks steady; Erie. 17k; Illionia
112; Great Weatern:2 ,4 34 . •
Pants, Jona 10.-- !Bottom firm nt 71 franc ,
70 centime!. 2
-FlLAZilin . r. June 1 0 —flonda firm at ta;f.•
LositoN. June 10.-4.lteteed cake% active.
110 12•7&110 Ido. Taw , 4na. , Cotentin I, i^ -•
aced firmer it Odatria.; : ; 1 . June P.—Petroleum Unchanged.
Lfmcnroot, Jane 101--Cottuot catnrthr
week 41ti7 lulled eLtnett ;Mk: apecutlatton
1.100; stock 0011,04VjAthericart 366.01 q P
for the week Xaooo. Latex; A-... r,„4„:„
market toadav Quiet, with middling ulimni.
at 110a . 4 Atid,OrLeana. at Ifistalfd;,onlea
tulle , Wheat: receipts for three doff. it ) ; 0,
ainartera; Atneriontv CallfOrnm ,P
tarot_ 40a.114:1 arederit Nef: 2. Oa; nintkti
Oa •ftifatil.: Figur: wearomi cora; No.
mined alp -'Nutley -Tens'
N 1403144 Pmvielona quiet and Meetly.
Park lena Od. Nee 116.. Lord ON W. Chee oo
' declining at Cga. 'Nacho feta n for Cumberland;
fit%lid for short rib. Common Rain I*Aio ad •
' Vito of 4ertriileum 10 ,Id; refined la 004 d•
fity Pacillq and -dtliin4d:Lliar..7
afottueatroirx. June :.
ID—Alrer Math:man
with thirty tube* of 'rater in the thane&
treatherelear. Themometer.erentr-ose deg.
at four r. X. .
GrtErreDOßN.Tuuelh=ltlrgretetlonary with
three feet elx Inches of water in channel.
Weather cloudy. Thermometer serectir-ooe
deg. et four P. x. .
nnowasonzeauuelt—Rlverfallltlf, slowly
with about four feet water In the euu....t.
Weather cloudy. Thermometer 541'01JF-elle
at five P. Y.
OtnCrry' Junelo.—lllver tieing very . 10,0 F
with twenty-one inches :venter In chance..
Weather cloudy. Thermometer sixty-cocoa
deg. at Els C. el. •
—Justice Bradloy in; the rotted Stows
Circuit Court at NAN" Orleans; bag rendered
an opinion la the case of Myra Clark Gaines
vs the city of New Orleans. carrylog out the
decree of the dalireme Court of the United
States. and ordered that she be placed In pos
session of properties described In the derree
so ns to embrace only lands in. posseSsion of
the city at the time of the Ming of the bills
The Timm says this Is quite a disappointment
In the plaintiff end a great_ victory for the
ally. as It only adjudges the right and title for
racing square. 'The large-clulin to property
'sold by the city lit IKkl.' the principal basis of
Gaines' demands and expectatioasjia
still la dispute. • ,
—Vanderbilt has reduced his rates' on cattle
from Dutra° to Albany and New !fork. via
the Central and Dodson Railroad lines. from
one hundred and twenty dollars ser car to
forty dollars.. The Erie peatilt stil t ProlulblY
make a similar reduction. Ti is reported that
Die Commodore has recently sold large
amount of hie stock, and It Is asserted In ect,
tato- quarters that his rival. kick, has been
the paretutser. Fisk and „Daniel Drew were
closeted togetheh In a pt
and parlor at the
Erie paler on Thursday. and at the close of
the intercleiv it was manifest that a satisfac
tory SiTentremeat bediresultod;
,r,Lrom, KERtmoN.I
Telt , grnlth to the Pa t,blirgil OhSet tn.)
JTIr 10. 18:0.
t qlie pantyc to the Central Etrailch of
bqrfilint•Prtcifle Itailrond fora land subsidy
wat tnlcfn tip.
fr. HOWARD otrered na amendinent,
ntreed by both parties. and which would
not ifrant the Central Ilrnstell my land within
the Ilmlta 'or Nebraska, but all such lands be
Overt (.01he 1.1 her branch of the Company.;
• 4r413 ERMA objected to giving the ctn.-
natty the even sect ions or At , !and.
The bill was I hen recommit led.
The Senate resented the conidderat Mu of n he
fmnking bill. "'"
3101111111.1.. VerMong t Advocated' iffe
amendment contineing lII,' franking privilege
in the Parma's, and AuTigultumt Depart
ment 11 ,0 8 whom it bad been
wechilly • confermil by lam; darn to public
gr oss, of the present. or previous Corr
r nod that pelitloun he coat free, mai free
netvcpanp.. r circulation continued.
apoke In opposb lon to tb'e bill
Os one , to abolish nn old and time-honored sys
tem end nor an attempt to provide any Means
for nit:lining the of iginal object of the so tam.
Mr. Slaaller 11160 advocated his propo it
for orm cent po<tage.
Mr. TRUMBULL attributed the emote of
rnmphitkt against the frocking privilege to Its
abuse, and believed the only remedy {Nts It.:
entire addition.
Mr. HOWARD Wt.. In favor of abolition as
an experiment. the . roslmnster General hnving
represented the saving Io be effected Its tire
millions per annum.
The Senate took a memo,. •
Mr. Shall reported ativeNel • the bill .10
create n new Judicial district n . Kentucky.
i The eettate bill to regulate tie than to prib
otters for good behavior was untitled.
Mr.-FITCH arose ton question of VeielleZe.
calling attention to the statement of t nor
respondtmt of the Sew York Net that Gen.
- . Witter had's:ski to him there Iran no direct
evidence against Mr. Fitch. Tot there awns in
direct testimony. Ile called noble. Thaler to'
State whether that woo true or lot.
Mr. lICTI.EIt replied that it was nof cor
rect, and :odd he hod not yet been able to re
port because the Judtria ry Committee wan too
Tressed with hustne4s to reach t •uhlect.
Inn hoped•to do so by MondnY heal. There
had heed' RetnrgentteMen named in the testi
mony before the sub-countintee.butt here soon
nothing In nny ease which lannerned the honor
or probity of any lbellther ofikb i louse. In mf
trror, to this corm-pm:4,ot. he had simply
een nuked o taunt ion by him, not as he YU
aellitooa :tll,t hut the frelaleatall renal Nee,
da..amt any Inference front what he unbl-af
logilmr or suppo,ed to effect the gentleman
eoth Se , mix was wholly incorrect.
In reply to a question by Mr. 'McCormick.
Mr.'lltater made SIM itae 4tatemeut.
Mr. FITCH offered t following: •
. . - .
Rao d. That %V. burnt t+Mlth. the reporter
of the Now York Est Wag IYrid. be brought to
the hoe of the !louse to shmegmuse, If he can.
why he should not he ex pellifd front the re
:porters' gallery for libelomn Zstatemento re-
Alerting on the Mtn-470y of member - 1 it the
A dlsenix•Mlit ennOti.l. - nit ended hy great
deal of confusion • and excitement. Motors.
lintwes, flartteld and nutter Inkling the
I ion that the proper MOMS(' to be
. pranted was
to refer the 'natter to a committer -u pro
•l':'.l;tnins.nttti.'irca .that
r ' n " nt S XlT r Cfn " A7ll; l lr.
the rem - dation ought to
alt the ton
Porter.: by Mr. klldrid.gc. who thought it bet
ter to take them one nit a IMP , : ire Merntn.
Parnswort h and tnretield, who exprensed the
opinion. eyntenily, that Correspondents of
"New York papery,
particularly and seine of
the Philadelphia and western papers were
very t ruthful end careful to What they said
•llrrxllllffnnfld'k ;vita' Xt ions:land try Mr. Bing
ham who rec.:dins! -similar rune.. In both
Elnan, thd ..solutitAt wag adopted u. - a hoot
btl,il.l,ti. tabling . it WITS recontid
rat .y tO renitritrolltell In the
Vumititt Coe..
. .
.1 ,
.11 1:30 . 1. m lie d r-keeper end no assiktatit of
the sergemit-at Aril, apreated at the bar of
the House. havi ..! In cmalmtly W. heatt Smith.
reporter nt the New York Etching P. , t•
Mr. Smith hay been pliblehl in the Men ha
meal:Reit- In f not Of tht. tilamter'a chair.
the Clerk read t .c resolution under which the
arrest was mad a and the etmukuuleation and
ttlapateli comp! hoed of.
The Seemlier mid, Mr. Smith. the lions. has
adapted it resolution rettuirlitg poll tw•niTear
nt the bar aria ...lw , :an.. Why 11+IintIld ant
-be expelled tram sits: pea ikge pan now rainy
ar , one of the reparter,lu the teptlrtere ~^lO-
lery for 0..2,- alleged IlLolku tactaben af the
Mr Smith. us ',IR use, iln - smled the 101-1
1 -',......., t• , Mnr,,S.v, lan.. a, 1 , 1,11 w
statements contained thseAtin u ers. has,: upon
ornelal thlclnnenta. and the month act forth in
timslisiestchweye Identical Math those ohm.
entawd in
daaatneatin. nad they w s
were ued
there In the mate chnnectian las used in the
Second- 'CM. these statements belay de
nted hr Mr. I Rob, to the Houl m I
e of Hewes-a
t:Hive, I . Calleil upon Gen. It. F. flutter
and ka urereed 0 .1h hint noon the
, asked him whet he rite Intended to smelt, the
: House that there an evidence before his
Committee:directlyor indirect implicating Mr. 'Fitch. lien. hatter e Id I his was
nnt the exact 1 canine. tit that Mr.
Fitch'; name app. tired in the uffillavlt
of Mr. N. 11. Tay kr On having been
approached-and :I—of the allitiasit
an among' ihe papers eri before hit 111Veatigat-
Ing Committee. but he did not eonsider thin as
directly Ito diva! lax Sir. Fitch. an It did trot
appear he had In at) Way responded la the
approaches alluded üby Mr. Taylor. in ea ,
ply tots goes' lan: C. neral Butler tanker said
that the names of al the members mentioned
in my dispatch appeared In the aMtinvit of Mr.
Taylor im having "been approached by him to
secure thelr aid tar the Cuban raw,
' • NY: Sciirr Surrn.
lir. FlTCtltlittiiirli the i'veakernelted whet
-It,. Ihe [hemmer of the odivinl 41.C.1.t11
and whwenhlbited then( • -
- To
thin anewer• nn. senile that the papere
referred to wore affidavits of N. ii. Taylor and
otheri•before the grand Jary. hat that they
were shown to Mtn in confidence and he'
could not disclose the name of t he Informant.
malt woold hen violation of go.rd faith.
.. . . . . .. .
Several resolutions were offered to compel
t h e t ritae t s to disclose whence the Informs
non name. to expel him from the reporter.'
gallery. to lan the whitie subject on the table.
are. 1 , 1 twit excitement mei al r.
Cinally a renolitt ion to t ianlnt et special
Committee of are to invests ki te the matter.
with power to send. for oe ns and papers.
Mr.Smlt h wen II i , ellarged 'into the Custody
.4 the House.
Sulo , euttently Mr. S.lllO e l / 4 , T ‘eat to Ihe
I dl,.
lerk's e- a .11.m:dell fryer. N. U. Taylor.
dated Mont real, denying he over had nue con
versation whatever with either Nlessra:Pitch.
McCormick, Digit, or Gollmitty on - The subject
of Cuban reefirrlglioll.. .
The Senate Onteillinlolll.4 to the LIA
Aponnriatlon bill, mittihet log yin. Henri) . nil
ending to auptoprint lens ; were vonsiderv.l.
Mr. DAUBS maid the Coati:tin oe on - Alp-
Prolaint Oplin , tai all lhe hrriellirrilerit
erenslng salaries, el. rho.. tor ii flew State
Department and enlargement of Capitol
grounds, t hough the Committee 'were unani
mous for the retention of the Capitol at Wash
ington. and also that excluding person , : :who
participated in t he rebellion trent the Court of
Claims. The report el ementitte« reeottourod-
Intl conCurrenee or 110(1-Cratellreellee. wan
agreed to withoutquestion:, eXeritt whet , '
separate vales were dernmeled. •
Sof the Senate amendment excluding from
()xenon of cvo‘ng I,enans who participated
In the-rebellion. n soled i tilt e 1V HS adoptod 1 bat
before dtohna t o Court, ex s c y eet o wtninonlne tglta te n d t ed n daring
the cant Inuntice of active opetat ions of there..
Wilma, under the prOehirrlfthrle or President
Lincoln, . .
For the Scuttle ionewhoent making rooti.n
rot lon tn fetonlen In deprofinents the .111 e Wt
1(11116.01 rothnt !tote was offereal.eimply throw
ing Open nit.eingßesi of clerk shlps to tomPeJent
women. .
Hero, ii trax dil,ilSYli of the Spi:nker an
nounced the fOnoteingevieet 0 - manatee in the
nse of the rorreghondent n( the Ercufno Poe,:
?tem.». Poland. Dirket.. Finhelnburn. Potter
and Holman. '
, The Home then thlJourned.
—The boay of ClaWien Mot. nu old, well
known and highly respected citizen of Chica
go, on found nt on early hour yesterday
incoming floating hi t Ito slip between the lien
Illlnoin -Cont rot Italitond literal Mr. Hunt
was of the firm of Hunt & lloodwin. ngents
of the Etna Instronco Comprilly. For three
years he hut suffered, from nn affection of the
eyes which rendered him at Hines nearly
Mimi. Lost evening about seven o clock he
101 l 0 friend nod started for ids home. it in
supposed he wan 'Tired with a sudden blind
ness; intoned his 'WAY l anti fell into the slip
where his body was discovered.
—The Executive Committee of the Northern'
Pacific Rallrond Ccimpinty have awarded the
contract for the coastrilet ion of the - Rinnenot a
division of the rood, tWe hundred and thirty
miles In length, extending from the foils of
the St. Louis river westward to the Ited 1110cr
of the North. to a combination of the old
Canadian firm of Sloss.'playson to Co. with the.
Minnesota tirm of Brar.lictt, Morrison A. Co.,
the entire work to Le completed July 15t.1871.
The Committee have niSo contracted for
twenty thousand tons of rails, with Iron RP
gendages necessery t and engines. car, Ere.,
teatilsite for the worit.
—.The nctldent on the Rutland Endroad is
worse than at first reported. Only one man
out of twenty-dye escaped injury. three were
killed outright, as previously reported, and
two of the wounded, Douglas Flint, of New
York City, President of the Boston, Saratoga
and Western If:lnroad. and A. 11. Field, of
Greenfield, Maannehneetti, Civil Engineer of
the Circerineld and Iloomc Tunnel Railroad,
hare knee died. W. H. Enterer., of the Cam
bridge. Massachusetts. Canal Line, and sev
eral others. are horrible scalded. the flesh on
their bands being literally cooked to the bone
and felling off.
—At the National Anti-secret Society CCM
'cannon, at Cincinnati. yesterday. lino. D.
Parish Wag elected Moderato"; lion. Philo.
carpenter, Rev. 11. 11. George. Vier Presi
dents: Her..l. G. Cnrson nod .1. - A. Mack. See
retnries. A report nod enema:ming letters
were rend from vnrlons sources: also, n com
munication from the Associate tiynod recent.
Ic held nt Xenia, Ohio, declaring totalnst Free
:111.1 sltrillur societies. Prof. , mi sts
delivered the annu a l nitdress.
Ulf upon the duty ut the church and demand
Log prompt action.
Au Army 13111 Agreed Ilion by the
Conterenee Conunittec,--Filini Conn•
tilt t wit a Reil Chnnly Spotty.] Tall
and A, eolupanyinn. indinu,—App..•
rent eeeptlon In the ..ituklun. of
Treat! .s—Coituterfelt stamps.
ts- Telt. t etph to the Pittsburgh Onzette.l
*AIIIIINGLTON, D. C.. June lib 'SW.
The majority of the Conference Committee
on the Arrny bill agreed to report recommend
ing the pitssnge of. a bill of which the main,
features kre as follows: The number of rank
and file ip reduced to 30010; brevet rank in
abolished; Mr. Logan's original section provi
ding n schedule of pay for officers in retained
unaltered: promotion anti appointments in nil
stall corps are still prohibited; thn retired lint
is Increased to *b nil officers - who are not es.
signed by the first of Jnnunry, 'll, to
be mustered out; the discretion hereto
fore allowed the President to furlough
on bolt pay unassigned officers in WitlaraWn:
Martini resigning before the first of next Oc
thlwr to receive only one year's pny-and nil
allowances; a board to be convened to exam
ine all officers whose discharge is recommend
ed by division noddepartment commanders
and chiefs of staff; officers so reported can
appear before the board for defence. and such
officers on may be mustered out by the notion
of this board than receive one year's par
proper; o ffi cers of any . grade who are noes . -
signed on the tirseof January may elect to be
assigned as second lieutenants, forfeiting
present sink.
Kent Cloud andparty this morning hall a
final council with dem - et ary Cox and Commis
aloner Parker. The Secretary made a speech.
flaying some rennests made by the Indians
concerning rat ions and allowing them traders,
would he acceded to, and the government
would do all tails power to make them eons
fortable and happy. 'lle announced they had
already received some presents in the shape
of blankets. etc.. and would receive more In
Neiv York on their way home. lie repeated
what the President' cud concerning Fort Fet
terman. It mutt remain. They -would be
sCarted on their hoinewnrd Journey on Mon
day. which was received by the Indian , with
unnilstakuble signs of delight.
lied Cloud stroke In reply. rehiring most
certainly his dissatisfaction at he determi
nation of the government not to remove Fort
Fetterman. Ile sold there was no necessity
for its continuance. end Its presence WWI n
useless burden and expense to the Great
Father. Ile also took exceptions again to
minds running through his country. and int i •
mated if trouble nfose it would be the fault of
the Great Father.
ited Cloud made another speech, in which
he cold the trams in his country wore nil afoot
and the government was throwing away its
looney for nothing. The °liken there ore all
whirkey drinkers. The Great. Father %emir
out these whiskey drinker.. because he doer
not mod them around him here. lOn not 31-
tor notion. or any white man. to bring a
drop of Ilenor into toy country. If he doe,
that is:the last of him. and Mr liquor,: too.
Spotted Tall can drink as much as he element
on the Miscoarl river. and they can kill one
another If they cheery. I do not
hold myself responsible for what Spotted Tail
and trotters do there. When you buy toe an,'
thing with my money. want - you to buy me
what is toefol. tie not want dirty flour. rot
ten tobacco and old soldiers' clothes. dirt
Mark. such at you bought for Spotted Tall.
only tell you what Ia tote. You hare had'
great war. but after It was all over you per
mitted the chiefs tVIIO had kern aglitlng to
come back.
Secretary Con explained the treaty of IST. to
the Indian.. and said the best way Is to be
friendly and deal honestly with each whet.
The lest treaty made provided for a tail and
to ha built. Tine Sioux agreed not to disturb
It. and that It should be built. Nose if tine
railroad Interferes with bunting. see
will try to innate good the damage, by - feeding
you. We linen:—the Government shall keen
hee, theiihite man front going into the In.
illoacOuotry, an well al the had Indians from
going into the white country.. Thus in what
the trOop.arechete for. It any of Oar troll)
nt the forts do not do what is right, the Pres
ident lOU punish them and vend better men
in their places. The same treats . gives the
liner of fedinitemontry :k map of the Indian
crAnntre wan produced. and the Secretory I,-
,P1:0,11Y41 axed .in the treaty
.nt Ctinel looking nen with ..-
14,41 elllll4 w. 1,1 4c asked lO 0100 the
treaty merely to show that he was
and not to grant their lands. lie continued.
nosier This la the trot time I have heard of
such treaty. I never heard of It and do not
mean to follow It. I want to know who was
interoneter, who interpreted these thing. to
the Indiana." The mimes of three were meta
-1 tinned and he said, knit NV nothing 3bOta
it. It war never explained tin toe."
near In Grass said: ':Thee Great Spirit hear;
me to-day. I tell nothing but what I) true
when I Roy these words of the (Only were
not einklnled. It was merely raid , the treaty
scar .for pence and friendship anion; the
WWII,. When we took hold of the pen they
told they would take the troops awnY an we
could raise children. -
Secretary Cox explained that the treaty was
. .
' tittlerent
Slon'm signed
of by more throt t hittofro
01l bsod,
fled Cloud—lda not sny thee..
lied. but the Interpret Ore were
never 'went a word only what wa
iny camp. When the forte were
route to make pence. You ha
houseq or font. When you rein
Aimed n treaty of peace
+t night en thing, tip:
Socrotßrr co.-1 hare beer, vet.
on iniotaies he mode nail the
..• • •
A 1,
NIL' 114 open ay dayliglat, .to
der , ,t and what blink the Sinnx no ,
We are trying to get (Nlogret.• t
their part. We simply say to then
agreementonatie an We remember(
ettplee printed. We will glee d
Cloud au that it can be Interpret
exactly what It Is.
Bed Cloud bald that all the promise.; made
in the treaties had never been fulfilled. The
object of the whites wan to crush the ;Indians
down to nothing. The (treat Spirit would
Judge three things hereafter. All the woelel
sentnever reached the Great Father. They
are Mat before therget here. lam chief of
thirty-Wm. nations..l mill ant take the paper
with Inc. It in, oil
The Secretniy distributed. copies of the
treat• to Interpreters. ugents and touters
present and ndionrited the council till to-mor
row In order that in the meantime the pro
vision.; of the treaty might be expinlned to
, Counterfeit !Italy awl forty. pound tobacco
clamps were seized'. In Baltimore on. tobacco
meowed from North Carolinn. The stamps
are photographed and a little Inrger than the
genuine. The extent or the home it unknown.
spotted Tall bade the Beeret my of the
fetter "good bye" on Thursday. •
A are at Chelsea. Mass, destroyed the
wall paper manufactory of Murramdo Pott
moo. EA111... 05.000,
—The lower branelf , olifbe Thoomehttneetto
f.egisinture has passed It bill to abolish sepn
rat e prigong for women. •
—The Missouri river continnes tieing, and
Iv causing considerable detention of freight
nt Omaha by the cutting away of bunks:.
—lion. Lafayette 8. Foster has been elected
by the Connecticut /louse of Representative,
ne Judge of the Supreme Court of the State.
—The crosier-stone clf_tbn first Jewish Syna-
Farm In Texas wet laid In Galveston on
rimmicy by the Grand Lodge of Free Masons.
- The Pennsylvania State Medical Society
has tinnily decided not to touch the ummtion
of the admission of footsies to the Medical
. ,
-Encouraging reports of t o condition of
the crops continue to be me Wed from nll
parts of the West. Wheat Is n exception at
sotne pointy.
-The Master Car. Builders' .msociation of
the United States has been , oiling secret
business sentons at the St. 'challis Hotel.
NOW York. since Tuesday.
—A young Baptist clergyzun t atme,l Mc-
Mullen ha been arrested at P Iladelphln ou
charge" of "eduction and breac • of prom' s
white a student at Lewisburg C ,iversit).
—Senator Cengin has been n.minnted for
.re-election. by . the Republicans of the New
manwshire Legislature. The De (Kraut hare
nominated 'Henry Bingham ns tb, r candidate.
—ln the National Reformed S cid, Id Nen ,
ark, yesterday. the Committee on Domestic
Missions recommended.-an ap .priation to
the Church building fund and .mestle Mis
sions of Lite thousand dollars en h.
—Patrick W. 041%, policeman, cae arrested
at Richmond. Va.. last night, b the United •
'States 'Marshal. Ea. - still be to •n to Wash .
ington to be brought before he 110 use of
Representatives, for assault on on. Charles
H. Porter.
—The report og the National Bureau of Stn.
t Ifrtics shows the imports for the nine months
ending March 81st mere T.333,901,38fi; exports,
h'1i.310.5115. • The export. ore nearly !amyl - oil-
Ilona greater than for 'the saute thne the pre
cious year. •
—Hours . .Ward Beecher, nt a svoekly prayer
meeting last evening, spoke of the+death of
Dickens, and said most people would regard
the death of the groat novelist as a personal
loss greater than that of any person since
Walter Scott.
—There has been considerable excitement.
among the proprietors Of grain elevators at
Dania, N. T. in anticipation of a riot among .
the.shovelers who are on a strike. The good
sense of the taen,bovrever, prevailed over pas
sion, and all to quiet. •
'—ifeavy snow storms are reported In Mon
tana. The weather In Nebraska has been ex
tremoly.cold for the Inst few weeks. mach to
the Injury of the corn crops. The email grains
qlOO looking naely. In Santa Fee, N. M., the
crops are suffering from drought.
`-' , The St. Paul Prra. Pembina carrespotittent
of the :10th ult. nays the Indians are concen
trating In the vicinity of Lake of the Woode.
with the purpose of airing .light to the Cann
dliuis ashen they penetrate the mumps. :tilers
picket line extends from Lake of the Woods
to Pembina Mountain.
Benue, County S. S. Conventlou
Leurreqoml,nee Pittsburgh Gnettr.l '
SEW liltioliTON, JIM, 10. 1870
The Beaver County Sabbath School ..Is.
sociation held its first sendeannual Con
venuon for lo:0 io the M. E. Church, no
chew i. on the Sth and 911, inst.
The Cotivent inn was interesting, and in
structive, but the attendance was not half
as large ar it ought to have been. This
we regme. We believe thai all who did
attend true pisifited. The subjects
cussed were such as •"How shall we make
this Convention most profitable?'. "How
shall we best secure uniformity of in
struction? Illstory of :Sabbath School ef
fort? ,importance and proper ant of mfg.?
What truths should Sabbath School chil
dren be taught? Who shall teach? Ito-
Intion of Sabbath School to the : Chureler
What preparation should teachers make?
Shall we tench temperance in our Sabbath
Schools. How much and what kind of
singing shonlil
,we ha v e? Hew to ma k e
opening and closing exercises most inter
eating?" '6, •
Them were ninny good things said, and
t,iLid in grad earnest. Every prayer was
an earnest ploy for divlno wisdom and
guidance, that our efforts may be crowned
I with olletwoli, and the rising 'generation
brought to Christ. .
- 'rake one pound flour, one fenspooutul
salt, miA stiff with cold water, work and
wash fen-half pound of butter, and divide
it into four - equal parts: roll out the dough
to about one quarter inch In thickness,
sPrend one part of the butter on it, and
dredge it over with Banner Baking Pow
der: then roll upand out again, and repeat,
the rolling, spreading and dredging, tut
til 01,, four parts of butter have been
used. line invasive of the Powder Is the
proper quautfty to use, sprinkling it
lightly over the butter each time; when
it mgte it will cruise the. Powder to
store and puff up ti,,- puke; hake In jelly
bake pans, in n very hot oven ; when done
place in layers, covering each one with
strawberries. which have previously been
sarefl and washed.
Each can of the Banner Baking Powder
contains small measure to be uscfl even
NB. By liuVing this Powder von will
always get fi perfectly pure, article, and
you. Will he enable to take the exact
quantity, which you cannot do with a
spook. there being no many different
sizes. Prepared only by Jesse EL Lippin
cott, eon., Smithfield street and Second
stints', PittsbUrgh, And sold by dealers
throughout ‘Yealern Pennsylvania and
Fifisceru (BIM.
Real Elate san.
NErll..l.l.:,—This morning at J o'clock.
iirre lots On the BACW.III 1913t11t0 at N..
tict• tulles front town. Free train
Iron. l'eileral et rem At 14::10; itettirn tAin
rat I.lfoili.
170 SANII,4:I . day at
o'elnek. Mr. JenL:4 property an Saidnsk
near Ohio.
~T REET—This • day at'
o'eloek the how. and 'lot 13 Boyle street..
SIIEVFIELD sraes•r—On Monday next
at 2 &loch lots 22 by 138 on
I.iet neon iiiartiers and Man
hattan. Washington avenue, Allegheny,
ON Monday neat at 3 °clock' one good
building - lot 20 by 128 feet on Washing
ton :Ireton., between Chartiers and Man
batten sireeit.
T CItPEIttNC E VILLE—On Tuesday. next
at 2 o'clock the Geo. K. Gamble property
of six acres and fine residence adjoining
FEDERAL STREETOIa Wednesday 16th
Inst. Si I 0%2104. 101101.'1114 ou
Federal street above. toll gate. See ad.
Tenkoment In auction column by A. Leg
gate. auctioneer. !
Orrin Inducement.
losr.instern .4 Co., late Macruni,
re I ring their la rge and complete
stock of Pala r.•' sr.l. sllerwear, Pop
lit. ; ern.t. Parasols
for ;;I 410, teeth Poplin -Skit-Ls
$1 25 Eloop Skirts Ca) coots I.sklioa Iron
France British !lose 2.1 cents : Misses'
Hose 12; cents; Shetland Shawls for $2 SO.
Ladies should not mlaa the opportunity
that is now offered. By giving this house
scull von will convincc yourselves that no
other 'hon., sells goods as low as they do.
Remember the place TO and $0 Markel
OUT of the '•changibilite of the species"
and lie - survival of the fittest. - the hem
WO4l larotitalde ordern airier nut of. es.
'Mem , the wbrst or moat useless.
log Danviu's lispothesi; to he correct, and
that nature's law applies to net, two 11-
1e Pier, Dannals :tat:
Coream Ale w
he the o n ly hind mail hi:tared a hundred
years hence..
MI A111:11 r.
u mug. I
brought to
rem, %ed I
Tour u - nr
ed them I
e wunl tt
Co.u. Wottx.S.—Sebnaliel & R'n l
ker have on handi'nuddeliver daily to any
part 'of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, coal,
nut coal, and slack at the lowest cash
price , Special rates to regular custom
ers anillor large orders. This coal it the
hest offered in the city. Office and yard,
.ciSrner of Sandusky iiireet and West Penn
Railroad, Allegheny city. •rrui3
careful. sn
our tt ord
e 11181 un
• our °lvy,
r out
lona to An
thla la the
SCe have
one to Red
ett to turn
Tars tire the agents for the boys re.
colter; shoots live shots. Price 50 cents.
J. U. Tletbipson's S Cc. brush anti notion
lIF. stroom his man mild never kills re
volcersat Thompson & Co„ only 50 cents
corner of and I.lberfy streets. •
Pll 1111.111 Serpent Fire Crackers. Pis
tab,. Finns at No.:141 Liberty street.
Boy. l.ovtr revolver. live &loos ouly LO
cent& Thomrton'& &
examinntiOn of tlobt. Schroeder, at
New York, yekercluy. for alleged seduction
and abandonment of Adah F. Meyers. was
brought to nn abrupt termination by Mrs. Car
oline Vreeland, mother of Miss Meyers, who
soddenly rushed intn the Court room, brand.
Whinge huge knife, with which she made re
peated desperate attempts to stab Schriiedor.
After an exciting scene Justice Downing suc
ceeded In disarming Mrs, Vreeland, who woe
removed too cell. Miss Meyers was also com
mitted and Schroeder discharged. Mrs.-Vree
land Is Insane, and to said to have been seek
ing Schroeder's life for some time.
—The little Rock Gazette hat crop reports
from the principal counties of Arkansan
which represent' cotton nod corn nnualtally
gond. The weather ban' been remarkably
favorable. In the neighborhood of Memphis
tha cool weather of the pant few days has pro
duced lice In the cotton fields.
to to, tti'',77ll:ll!,6ll°,l°loll.'ir.
fiteKNIGIIT, 111 e. ux ° .trefff, Pallndolphle,
Good peforonece given If destml. 1011:311
Fifth ATOP..
• • ALLitititiNv ClCT,Jlitin 1016.1910. i ,
c ' an
ti, re"
dun. `.14',;`,1.470. 41,`,1 r. 7,1 plaCoelti tto:
Lands ot tno City Controller for collection.
A i)I
Not le E s TA mb E Ove oE t o at A e HEL et AdmAna
ton on the estate of George A, Bell, late of Pitt.
burgh, county of Allegheny. deed., hare beep
granted to the anbsctiber, realding In Pittsburgh.
,ssaety of Allegheny. All persons having claim
or demands against the estate of the 'aid dem
dent, are therefore requastedle make known the
earna to the understaned without delay at 54.
flair ITotel.
Jell-5 J. W. ANDERFON, Administrator.
11 .ok6 WIN* 51.060 Poet (Whir inch.
Boards. to orris oby roll. for nolo by
B ASKET WILLOWS.-40 hondlto , to
"6". I.° ` ' 1 "1.9 . & 1.01 DICKEY & CO.
B ASKET WILIAIVS.-÷"l7. bundles
ula from steamer
. .
illetlrrenel rime, near bcp , A,lNEw canon.
TON Pa.. S. F. CROWilirit. P.t..r. Pronclana
lance SABBATH u 6
t ID ~ A and V. d y
coer Beaver fillbet and 3lnotionlery .ve
'One, Allavh rn ear Cite, JOSEPII KIN". Pallor.
Preachlud 'lO-11f , ftllOlV .Lord'a DIIDat d-sf
S 7 P. N.
cat. ..Weir he a and ft cordial Imitation to all.
Bandar 6cllooltd 9 A.
Pastor. Freed:Ong morning and evanirtif at IU I / 4 ,
and TS o'efeet. hatilil.Blol‘ HALL. corner Or
Lee - coot and 1. adorn! Warts. Allaaheny. Subject
for the et - fining: ••Oor duller at citizens of a na
tion sawed. •
Seat. urn" t rock wol.ti•iue to all
ne:lal tueatlng4 Pittsburgh Coratriandery
No. 1 lOU be held for drill no FRIDAY' and
-1: MOAT 1:V ENlNfii, Juno 10th and 11th. et the
A.ylont, Fink .von..
11:e order of '
.11 I . IIOEC3aLs trill he raceived In the nnlrn of
Contodler of tl:o cit of Allegheny. nntll TWE'llew
DAY : Juno 0da:1570. at 3r. sc. for tho Point-
Ing of Iron Fence wound City
SPOCIOCIIIIOOI, to be wen In tbn Engineer's tam
W. 11. PORTER.
El) PROPOSALS Will bit reeertod at the
niece of the Controller of the City of Allegheny.
until TUESDAY . June 14th. at .3 p. 01.. for the
Extenalon of thrwertroln Ellsworth Engine Rouge.
Eighth ward. to line of low water mark. Plan of
sam to be aeon In tho Engineer's Wert
The e
right Ism/erred to reject nn y and all bid,
Jell Clty-Contrelicr.
Cineinnati Beard
Tr Eeltscatiou... Superior Court of Cincinnati.
he Argument• In Doi'with the Ordnienr and
Decision of the Court. t isle vol.. Soo., ilgoth.
Pylon 142.00. tin tinted paper, gilt ton. Pile ,
1t2.50. For rile by
KAY rnm r ANY.
Jell Wouslprept._
VEWMAN'S SE RitiONS.—Senuon..
YoliN'lNlMl,ll4:Nf`it I)? Vg, h l . -74Iitigi.
Price 1V2.00.
TLIE MMAIt OF ASeCNT. by John Henry
Newoarin. :1J.311 • • '
NO \V BEADY . ..
Alliboni's Dictionary of. Authors
VOL. 2. Uniformwith Ow preoeding volume
Prlog ImillackClOth. 87.50. •
rarcknonry of .Vol. I can burn their rot, eon)
ploto.l by leaving Moir Order.
No. 101 filth Avomie
1161r..1 , 103 WATCHES...
. All t 11111 . P.11t grades. in Gold ond Silver Case
Cases wade ara“-, et say Iru aud at) le. a
C low
price.. Jell
WALY CAKE.A. Is:4111.g Cases and Opinion. upon
on of the Icopurouit questlfrl.• Involved In the
Law Of natl. - awn. IssAC V. 11.141.1. T. 1
vol. Pelee p 7.30. • • •
PLEVIZi. hecond Eli revt.ed. Rice 113.1/41.
iiiiAllSl7oolCS LAW LECTURE... •Lectores
Introductory to the Studr of the (100.
131 f vol. irlca pi au. •
NRAIISWOODN t 0 . ,,,, N.t.N pitorEjoSloNA
ErHIC. Into. Vt.home Price 891 04).
Vol. to.. l'rlev fi L. 311. .
. .
. .
Vol. IS Price 80.110.
ICAF_~ti.CI ' 0 ;NI P A NA
66. 'Wood Street.
ET AI:NA 31. Frrat.
Fine 0 1 0 11 1 . 01.30.
Pooc3llSr.lT..r.l. Lot. Lucy a
l'Jmn. Flnn cloth,Bl.:Vl.
F.' Wile by tilt Boothialer, orwill . be by
mall. postage paid. upou 0.00105 of Use wire. by
tee puell.bere. . _ .
J. B. Lißeinoorr & Co.
11. , U 71A anl 717 )Market P1i11.1,1
sillottntaht HO ltse,
• •
This tarot - 11a resort hem boon enlarged and Im
proved Enco last soashn. Will be open for gnosis
by the Pentssylvanla Ilallroaa. at Now York:Phil,
adelphla, Ilarrishurg and Plosbargh. All trains
atop at Cresson. IIOOMS may-be secured In salts
or single.
been eugagull for the season.
Ern. farther Information. address
• G. •W. 11111 LIN, Proprietor.
ONE FE ItNISLTED CO'VeAblt to rent. jelbyti
• . T.mpßovE . l).. •
CI - 1 ERR I'.. : SEEDEK:
ha beptiia u,e for tiltli.Vit yeth rs.and anter
tailed in an slosh, instance to Mc entire eatistai ,
lion to the purchaser.
-Wheal'. to Julian ospecity. It. it 11l teed a bushel
of Cheerier in 'JO minute,
The 31Achloo I, Cheap. ample, tiorahle and Handsome.
nil hn
op perls herries. ridjusinble, thereby onlopttns It to
steed C
It is the best Cherry Seeder In the Market. No
All ostlers adds...llo
No. 1.3 6 7 .W.00cl Street,
Will te.Filled•at . •
Jan • •
Regardless of Cost !
Pongee and Silk Parasols for Sl,
rrATZ_lron Frami,
LrCO atandkereblefs.
Itausstitchad ILlndkarchlefs, at
I.lnim Towels. at
Mena' Joan Drawers. at
Croon KI 'Worm at
P. K. for .........
troop' fo r
Iris. at "'
.Cllali .4 co nvince
as youiv o elf that other linitve
ow l% tow ire d. • • ,
Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street.
Comthercial and Family Nurs j strapoi
No Uriarcr. mschonle, or morolotrit should 5
5 - lib°. It.
Sloglo anbscribors.
Clubs of are.......
Club. of ten
A swim is famished vet ettouti y to the getterdat
of a Club of ten. Pwalmaeten am mometted
art ss Agent. flddremt.
PENNIMAN, mail) a. co,
D 391
.T.NortegM- .. To•Lrf,. For • Solt." - Loa.'
-. 11'an,,” - You 0.1. - "Boordino.'• act e.rrtrainJ
Firrit - LI-VEN. ni It la .nrirfoi Irk there column, on.
!or TWEXTV-If .'O? t. mill adtttinnat . liar
271'2: CENT.S.
AV V Tlllll.—tieveral Men for Farm
Brll'trattl W,, k.
YinF.Chame.rwort.. rl
Dmlng-noOm work sad
Onixigrag;; l 7 -r ia"t;=::V.Tr.',i'ag=
1 . 7 d T . E . 1) ,
1. .N 0 ' , 11112
e.ndy Boxes. Pr to
ins latatlonarr Pei
acluala oap, • and m
etre. Inquire at No. ta3 53=111 , 1E1.11 tank:LT%
• Mit nbara h. Pa. • Jai
W A tl• T oPa n n.rtihsto ri nt e ll e hrls ge o n ns t n 4 4!:.
V s
artlete inst " petented. be:sescred to
^ , SOLsmOT. Address. A. L. Rug 533. Vane
Inwe •
v DIATELY.—AppIe °Mee At !lines on Pao
&tonal° li. R. MANnFeEI.II COAL AND 1.111 L:
CoMPA Y: • 11 - h
WANTED.—Flrst•elaas Board and
v enruodshal ROOM frentlng the Allegheny
Commons wanted by n gentleesnn end wife. An
dress!. IL. GAza-r-r.othee.
iIIRL of 9 or 10 year. of age. to live with
a couple. Compenvation. board. clothing. tiehool.
WI, age. Beat of reference given. Andres a for
days. J. C.. (tar:arra. ORICe.
- CIUNIST at Mx trade or as Nn tar. b
w Mug to work at etnythlng, Addrnso F. NI.. ti.k-
ZILTSE taffir•O• • •
AN .-
to *ell Sewing .11act1ues In the dl and,
country. No capital rturfed. Apply nt o re ut
PAR 11.551 A. 51. CU. AGZSCY, Neel
emit debt
Agenta to travel end .0 patent rtghu for
m snick. pig patented. Will b. wetted to ere,
family. :Great lodnommenta offered. /Ogre. A.
Al.; Box 333. nit ohurgh
90.000 to Loan In large or amidl amount•
at a fair rate of Interest.
• 818 Bond and ltdal ritiklo Broker,
N 0.179 Smithfield Street
MTANTED-10,900 Acres of Land
, WARILANT9.—Parties haying Werreets
Issued niter the desth of the wannotee:
Warrants to ho assigned by the heirs lir , ing t t: f
fr424l,.=.l.ll4ertZTlVlelblieilAgrvit in=
w" l t t r iffrif. nuAnDocac CO.,
Dealers In tacit Wnrnints. Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
—Tlo, Committee sppollited by the The/.
teen of the Paneitylvabla• resettle College to select
a table location am prepared to or
meal. from the molten! or rirmmlyy in or tmuod
the cities. of Plttabottrii and Allefillear• At the' .
Committee denim to net prudently. puttee bed.,
f=y Igferarlityleeen communicate Immo.
Charm:to or CorooOmel,
Thirty Thousand Dollars to Loan
. .
4agor o r tnal -
tpoon to on
n pro.y Ir•A Ileg
n'ntr"nlnr"f T n iClrti3
• - , Itoolettate
6.5 W 4,0•1
E STR.IY.—Came to the residence of
the subscriber. on Mt. Albee, s SMALL.
DAIlk DT LL. about three years old. The owner
Is requested to prove Property end take him awsj.
otherwise he will be cold to pay charges.
STRAV—Straxed from :the under.
V .
Planed, et 4 Mile Run, neer Depend Minims
. •
Sow° *la lto oar her bag and mill about 0 year. aid:
fresh Is milk. Ally Information concerning ber
will be rewardrul.
. .
Four Mlle Run. [tear o.lcland litatioa
'St bl e R
TeG4.l.l2l.—aTter. n e
Walloe e for
Innpleaosnt lonako. Logone at n.l TAYLOR
4Vl...Nlliteolleny City. S -11-Tins
T O : LET,Tivo story Brick Hone,
e on Aragl,la,trelvionr.7 .m. „:l3
eons...AVM to lot low too goad
re nt,. to
of J. '3I.FAMI;Iiet n Old Penns Arena..
. .
A lint-Masa STORE ROOM and °allay, No.
ISM Liberty stmet, completely Puna op _tettb
abetting and countara.. WIII he' rented cheap; it
- called for aonn. /Ma'am at
TO•LET.-_A good, two story BRICK
DWELLING. containing 12 rooms, with Mod
ornimprmemonts. Also. Innio.tot and good thick
Slablo. situate fronting on the Park, NO. 164
North Avanua. Rant reasonable. • Apoly at NO.
41 Ohlo eireet. Allegheny. 16872".
FOR SALE.—yhat well.known
..ENII.StIErZA L It d I 4. ,IIM7. T X!
To a proper per/enameling to Bel a hote l %. , i . 'hla la
o ""
"P'l""r. F J " . r eATATdcgy i l.Llff.
No. 2 Bank of Commeroo ulliting.
r _i • Pittsburgh, Pa.
Pr , ircupellon humedlem oti .ale. 15102
FOR SALE.—A. convenient hone, 4
Rooms. John atreot,
t i
A good hotieferooma. eyes/bine treet,ll4,ooo,
House, i mom. : 4, 1 3. ... I t, st
ii.....' glTrila!4'3lo elmet. . l ./
House and lot. Heal ot moot., ,
Lot* lb Bloomfield. 8.300 to 11700 ten fears to
pay. A number of other house. Boil e r ta for We.
D. 0. WILLIAMS. I nt. Imre, ea.. „ase
Wool. 6.7
F OR SALE.—Enginea and Boilers,
Lama Ilantr:ot ail kind..constant,
on hand.
Ont.n tram on pmts of the country promptly at.
tended to.
Corner Marion Avenue and Ft. W. & C. It. W
. . •
• i
Alleghenl. Pa. . • •
TAINS 910 ACRES, ono . hundred imd steer - •, ~.4
Imrea under cultivation. Wane* woods. Improve-
meet-2 - dwellings.l very large bal - A• Mid stable ,
and sheep !maws. orchard and wall watered by a
nmall creek bawling through the blase.' in
Jennings count .Indlana. Ma wile* from I Mien .4
and Loal.lllo Railroad; In thriving neighbarbend • ' fi
near to viii egos and churches.. The farm can be •
P ! "b Il d . zr.17,Pzg....-N.PlPL'aloll;th ' Ave. i fsi,
riliiKt tiVe iiitkic - C1 if.E X: eflant ur. .....,., m er.
ESIDENCE. contedning 20 acres with 3 bowie. '
thereon; nne. a tine. comfortable and convenient
tionaei good ward . . and One of the belt waterpow. . •
on In W ntern Penneylvenia fora mill; 16 miles
from the city. on the waters of Turtle Cmek Road, , •
%of a mile from Stewart 'a illatlna, Cent.' kW- • A
road. Ala.. .Wend good Farms in goal locations
and hose* for sal, FAquire of
ifali No. 110 Grant St.. opposite Cathedral. '
i -I
FOR SALE.—ON 8 YEARS' CR El7ll - T, . 4.
. ..
IN tors. 3. acre. Peet, In orcbardof hilt* hoer.
qot.t 'arig;Vigorte. .at , ..etPricee.: Pr.
YO .
wo earl
HOUIR AND !AST, fuller choke bearing fruit.
re 91175.
1 LA MAR NEW COTTAGE, 9 rooms, wide hall.
front and aide porticos. 2 cellar., large °Warm,
good well of water at heck door, carnego houtt. v ai
nableatrapea bearing. young °mimed bear)
lees of the Missend rivers , opposite month
Penn greet, dlt. Washington eltri 1 sere. pew.
$0.3m4 Or entree more of nue orchard tyre be
had with IL Within fifteen minutes walk of Itk.
W. LIYRAIIT, on the promises..
INt SALE — 1471 beautiful building
Into near me Pennsylvania Hellroed. Thee..
lot.sedingretlebeet - 11300efeb-111100ceatt
and ba lance In four equal annual paylents.
the let of dune the price will be $3.3 , Com=
Wimine etllge Dace of T. It. iLI, S SON.
ner Penn and 3.ldetreet. or R. B. SILL. A t r
y a
d t law, 79 Grant stet..
A frame welllnf
t. containing 4 room.. eltnete on
44th lamest, lottl by 100 fee Thla In a very
handsome pleas o property and ...Inmate ■ plea..
t home for any one of modems, attests. T. R.
A frame cottage on
containing 4 rooms Lag
kitchen. sltuate on Main Street, near the Greer.
burgh pike, lot ti 100 feet. Ma le • Vary
beautiful place and be mid cheap If called tor
sncm. . IL SILL N.
Those dealringlo purchase houses and lota ad
vantageously still do wet o cell upon taiend ottani
ine our Ind. We have property that we are grit
ppy...x.ptable to en Inqufroril,_o2l 44
.40 -
1 of rtiletand .
AIION.. T. 9 / 1 42
SON. comer Penn and 330 streets..
. .
Well Iooied; capacity I,ENNI a► 4 per. weak,
tool condition, nearly new. Apply . to.oz Mesas
. ,
P 17111113411.. PA.
416 c e PA ' VYA170'.. untthu
th etik.tVasslZ
on an alley, • toot tni•lt dwelling boa.. o•U st" . •
11 :4 1, tre , ' 4o,l • Q .Vairtos P •Tro c O l .2 4' ..lZ. l l " 4:.
go on.
to halt tree• sod rni Tnes.
Apply to •• • cuntpria BON. •
• - _ Kra venue.
1 .
I Oa
ILNPlKE,—Propossils for the GRADING
and MASONRY nu the shover rned sill be resolved.
ttitilreased to AreDONOUGII PERUKE, one end a
half tnileis Rim Shirr...T. On iisid kerel. =MU
. President SAsrPotntrit sad X ittaning Turnpike. •
lenrii • .
~~ ~.~
-_ .x',