FINANCIAL GOLD, SITNER, COUPONS Bought at Highest Price. PH. R MERTZ, BANKER, Cor, Wood St. and sth Ave Jas. T. Brady & ISuocessors to S. JONES A C 0..) Corner Fourth Aventte*and Wood St-ree BANKERS, !ICY AND SPILL ALL KINDS OF Government Securities GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLit TERMS Interest .Allowed oil-Deposits t7-Mone raty lumen On (Jerome:el:it Bonne at Irk eat Market e!. • -.- ,LU,-,1%":: T V 4.47 A ilZ"Z"" .JAMES T. BRADY & CO. THE DAILY GAZETTE. MONEY AND COMMERCE [By TeleuTsph to the Pittsburgh 9Fetie.i New 'Youit, doge 7,1870. lifoney easy nt 34tA10 on call. ,%tutilag dal] 'at 111N41197.. Gold. Opened dull nt IL3X, and adrntwed to 113%, 'nen 1101: closing easier 11.354f.113V. Carrying rates 1N ntreent to lint. Governments Closed stend3-. - ' •• . • COUP°. 1tik: , .q..18. , f; do 'an, 12 '. 4- LIC'.: do Illyc.11X: do %S. do new 1:1•„Ve LIN; do tn. iz.yatup,: do . d$ 13 , Eni , •do 10- 441 s nmagu. ts.rrency 14 .1 / 4 4114 , ,: " State bonds steady. Missouri 91%; old Ten , neswe 01%; new 'A old Carolina ittly; new Mocks have fluctuated; opened dull and be , e l tig firmer, then relapsing and closing dull. 'le i princlpal activity has been In Wabash, Lake Shore, Ohio and 311ssissippl. and New York Central. Closlugarice: Canton, OS; Cumberland. 40; Western talon Telegraph. 31%,_ . Quicksilver. 10: do. preferred, 10.: Adams Expre”. 6311; Patlflo l ikit t g . ; e irs , ar . 44h United States, Scrip, Saila; Erie :111!.: iturlent. 144‘,: Mending, Usti; Michigan Central. 123; LakiShore. lr ral, 140! ;Pittaburgh.lo9ls; North western. wi; prefe;red, 91; hock Island, lati.i; New Jersey 1, 110; St. Paul, cai,;; prefer red, 01%; it abash.. ;ON: preferred,llX; Fort Wayne. 96:Alton. 117i4; Ohio and Misebtaippl. • 41; Hartford atid trle.4stir, C. C. & C., alining Stocke, Boston - prices: Calumet. PI; Copper Fails , 4; Franklin, mh: Recta. SO; 11.- cock, 1: Minnesota. X. Sub-Treasury balance: Gold, 570..59.513: et/r -amify, 59.567..%1; general balance. sBB.lel,ele. Orricz or Prrrescoau OAm, t TV DAY, June 7, IMO. CieOug. quotations go received by Pb. R. Meru: Gold 112% American.........4t Silver • 110 Western Union.. 31% 1861 Bonds 118 , : N. Y.Central 11:103‘ la Loads 1/SM : .... 1 .112 1 .% e llopew . jt -e•-• • • • 1, 4 3 4 . 5.20 Bonds 1865...111t 021101 mot PD X 00000tt 1 051/......1131; Mich. Southern... PO AM Bonds 1 8 8 7...113% tleveland & P.. • 1091: ND Bonds 10:38...1132‘ C. R. L& P My 10.40 ...,.. ...... • fo & S Adams Express.. 632: Ctlica 2r. W. Pref... B O OK Merchants U. Ex NAN C. /c. Erie MN ionic. Nmall. London Exchange per pound SAO 5.78 Paris Exchange per Fran° M •24 Berlin Exchange per Thaler, It 26 Frankfort Exchange per Florin 47 al Closing quotations se received by James T. Brady. At Co: (told ,11.32: 6-33 Jan.&Jy.121/2. 202 i U. B. lis, 1351 10 , i SralJun./I•Jy. Ibn 173( U. B. 5.20 IMC ' EN 6.81.1an.&.1y. 1.8131. - nu 0. 0.54n0t5t.. .. 11% U.P. R.ll 87.1 f v.& 540 1855 . . 11% C. P. IL R...... Mlf U. 8. 10.40 ..... .... ON CY. P 2 eßlos- .... • • "Ili _PITIIIBIIIIIOII MARKET Orrttaor Pesuestheast Glazrrix, 1 • - Mut; Jane 7. IS O. s f Both wheat and flour, appear to be some what excited in Chicago' and higher In Near York, but there is no good or substantial Moe for it, &id it In no doubt the result of ....naseenteXton and manipulation. The same Wag was tarried °alast year with coasider able niece's; the pretext then was that the crops bad been rulaned by the excessive rains; nor, there is to be another failure In conse quence of the droutb. It is well knoWn how it turned out last year, and there is net much doubt but:what the:result will be the same this year. We are aware that there has been some ground for apprehension in regard to the wheat crop in California and some parts of the northwest, but later intelligence is more favorable. It in now thought that the Yield In California will . iiehe natiehhiqfrie an average, while in all other parts of the coun try, seconding to. present indications, the yield will be tally up and probablyln excess of last year. • In this section of country, the weather and crops babe been and still are all that could be possildy be desired, and, farther. more; the harvest will be at leivt two weeks carder than last year. The only thlig to be dreaded now is frost, toe there Is not much danger of thin as the. season is top farad vaneed._ APPLES—Sewn to over and we omit quo tation. BUTTER S —IsIn good aupplv and rather dull but good to choice MI& BROOM OORN—Dull:100.15 eta. BROOMII—Btore Pri f 4: Foss, ces; iancn $ 5 1:11 E itaklir.L—ls h rl i ll but the dock - I. light and c v A T T ma e l i ti ; finfil perus Lon - B.ole I b i,yd b raullc at MillAS-tite receipt. continue liberal and the market is quiet and unchanged. Ohio Onehen. - Ifr, Ohio Factory, 14; Hamburg, 13. CARBO t N a OIL—Is quiet and unchanged— ithiples at 5.3:9), : ; Peaches, at 61W for quart .e_rs; .OVES for h al ve s. 2. pitted 7a1.9 . 4% . .RiarathlTles, EGOS—The rec e ipt, hare again fallen off considerable, and the market Is Inner end hi VlAlialt i — tb V . ,:ilt .. " ll%a . Whittier and `sow c what ex ci te d—tocre Is now le or no differ thee between Spring end winter wheat Imre, and as might be expected the demand Is - mainly for the latter. C h oice brands of either maybe quoted at 55,3146 , and fancy brands • eilt oGICRIEB—Begare adi active and steady but noctianged—otherwise the market Is quiet. Rio Coffee in quoted at ifir.` for eon.- moa tochoice. Sugars-Clog, 103 ilmt Poo New Orleans, 10 0 _CF..,. bed. I c a: A Co r nr, B. , :mi t t f :4 3 goon and 9 for Carolina. tor" Ilan. GRAIN—The advance to the west the pro dithied a little stromßrrefeetlng here, though there is no change 'whatever to make in quo tations. $113791,18 for good to chaice. red; the receipts appear to be fellingsome what. Oat. steady but unchanged: rate in first hands and 902351 on wharf and track. Corn continue. exceedingly dull and cannot fairly be quoted above I N for ear and 05 for shelled. Rye also, Is as doll as ever, mad 90c seem, to be the top of the market—we are re ported amide of two ears, in- first hands. at Ed. There Is nothing doing In Barley. RAT—The supply to Allegheny aeon again to-day and the market was m asltroll as ee v r and prices weak. Sales were ar p mram i=.• Kentucky Hemp te -- 1119— .ft 67. hOW quoted LARD OIL—No texta Is quoted at sl.thD 1,31. and N 0.3 at Kees. LlMB—Bales of Cleveland at Itheth per bbl. and aaatarn Pß active tiontinues moder ately active with but little change to make In quotation.. Shoulders, 13N for plain: 1534 fit RiM for canvassed elleezeFett; Rib ewe.. lox eaaeX; Short Rib, Lignm. Sugar Certli Can tfti; du l = a4 . D 'A ZZ n itrit, A7l Lard. MOW In taa. and Mom, in and buckets. Mess Pork, MIL ATOEM—Prime Peach Blows very scarce. and we now quote at 60054_ _per bush& PRANUTB—DOII. Tenneaue, fits." . - PEARL BARLEY—No. lidth_pur lb: No:3, firo r .L. GM. Oat Meal—A & ram bid, of Id: for half bbl. lbe, FL/Weed to In steadseaaad. at sum No demand for Clover' or Tlaidthy Reeds. .. IPTITSBCBGIU WOOL' .DIARIXT. • Oman or yetz Prinesevntlit o.tverrx, TCILIDAY, June 7,1070. einem our article of last week we ham little that Li new to report. Trade in ilde staple dray heavily- Except for tbd feresma ll lots brought into the city for sale, we hear 1M Yet of no buyers in the aeld. Eastern. Commis sion bismliapts, so is aerial at this season of the year. are sending out their circular., cod also, in MUM cases, calling In person upon their Consignors. They invariably disote low prices, and report the marked, ea yerp much depressed. We brie jet to hem' of :the first eastern buyer making. hie appearance, in the &gantry bete about, who was prepared either to enter or to put nu -agent late the market and take uo a lot of wool. A. few have 'conic out to look over the ground, but they hesitate Whet to do. The same may be said of the dealers in this city. With the exception of the few "blanket /ots"broughtto their doors, we can bear of no purchases being them, nor even of their haring mua., any arse ra cola for purchasing. " e "P g % is, the trade has been so mastiefse tory the past couple.; will be very caatioe o L y t en gt u in d a e jOrlf; of them lost money, end none made more than Using wages for their labor end anxiety. Manufacturing. as know, was not profit able the past. y , With some ameptienel !EIZ=M3I =Sri Roods either comeout about tit, .• money. .1 number of them failed. and many wito wer d. e 100k...1 adt a few years a bk. e ing gon are now tu considered a 'littlego as wea lit fact we learn. thr.mgh eastern reports , that nnonifacturers are 'weanig sits couraged hr Ndulition of business , anti finding that they -swa mi make goods at pres ent rates. and go their ,money back. net working up their frith A clew of Ron pn their machinery. . the trouble is o there-are tat math nO are not In po•lt.on re ntOn—ln 'pile of the knowledge that thee are dally consuming their capital In meetilig the losses on their gmals—but are obliged to con thine running . ..with the hope' that times will chin for the better:: It would he far bet ter for ge all concerned if a portion of the ma , . ins t ern he o re let us callbif the country the tea Juni. a tt ention off armers to t tro other Important matters, namely: The lienvy importation of foreign skins. which prod.., scoured wool cheaper than domestic, at present prices, and the increasing prodac don of California. from which. State the neve clip !snow arriving freely In the Modern mar kets, and Is said to be In muck better condi tion than last year: These art important facts, nod should not he overlooked by farm erft,wito are_ Inclined to hold out for high Priemo. The foregoing is a plain statement of the state et the market and trade. as we gather front our eastern exchanges and front roarer- sation with our city stealers: Front it farmers can draw their Own couciusions. • lee:would just mid, before closing, that fanners will hove to look closely to the con dition of their wool this season. It will he scrutinized very closely. mad every thing that Is bean- and untneretinntable will be made to quad t h e proper red net lon. In the absence of transactions fl ee ce extent. we quote common behalf blood atlt'to:Ci cents; three quarter to full blood and above 18 to 40 cents; tub washed "a 4 to 49. PRTROLEIUM MARKET Orrin. or Prrrsuraon GAzrrrr.. TUESDAY, June 7. 1870. k nu improvement to - note in the oil business: the stagnation which has prevailed so long still continues, and the market Is Pist about us dull and heavy as it can be, There In still ionic inquiry refined for -early deliveries, but there are no sellers here at the prices bid, and, consequently, we have I=TIE M record. Crude, although weak, is very obstinate, and notwithatandLog the downward pressure is strong, It yields eau slowly. IL 1m • very common for relined to drop or a hi, but It taker days and even week. for crude to decline an 3, or n ?a, ECEE:2I - Not a single sale reported. Spot or seller June may be fairly quoted at WAYS, with bat few buyers over 12, and not tunny even at that. It It intimated that 01l can be bought above at a fraction under 1.2 e. Future de liveries are dull and nomlnally-unchanoll, Nut a singlU sale reported; Compared with yesterday there is little or 130 change in price*, though the market to weak and heavy. June is gaoled at Dili; July. :Ms: August , qty. CIiCOB OIL. Fairl'l.,r I .11 Works 410. ou account 1., W. Young; Star Oil Works nO. on account Llckcyl D. Illy a, Co. 511, on account J..Kunhle. T0ta1.... • bbls. 011. NRIPMENTA rim A. V. It. R. Lockhart. Frew A Cu., ft e bbls refined oil __ arden. Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Livingaton Bro.. 1183: bble rot oil to Warden, . • Moutzheitner & Kreider. MO bbls ref. oil to "aring. K. & Co., - Phila. Braun & Wagner MO bids refined War- King & Philadelphia. .NlcKelve tiro. & Cu.. 549 bbls ref. oil to Lo n Oro. A. Co. Phila. Fulton, Martin & Co., :XIS bbls ref. oil to Kan. Urn & Co.. Phil'. J. A. McKee 50 bids relined oil to A. It. elfenry. Philadelphia. Citizens' Oil Co.. AZ bbhi refined oil, to Tack ma.. Philadelphia. It. W. Morgan 14$ bids refined to Tack firth Total OIL SIIIPPLI, BY w. P. H. H. 3,035 LW Mentzer, H Co., 312 bbls refined to A. I MeHtnry, Phila. Hannon Wnring, 241 Ibis ref. oil to Wo Inn. K. &co" Phlln. .dentzer. & Co., 40'tbhls ref. to Waring, K. & Co.. Phila. Ralston .'s Waring.l34 bbls retitled to Tack Bro. & Co., Phil. Kirkpatrick & Lyon. 4:10 bids relined to Lo- Gan Bros. & Co.. Union lief. and h. Co., WS bbls ref. to Logan Bro. & Ca.. Phila. Total Lag. bbls. !STATEMENT 0 . 1 , MODE OIL SIRITPED RY P. R. R. AND A. V. IL IL DI, Use, Dram] WEEK MNDING MAT Ig7o. • By Parker te Thompson from Parker to Joolah Macys & Sons. :Neal York, 20 bbis. By Parker & Thompson from Parker to Malcolm Lloyd. Philadelphia. AM bbls. By Plotter Bros. from Parker to Malcolm & Lloyd, Philadelphia KC bbls. By J. Bushnell from Parker to Warden, Freer &Ce., Philadelphia..2,64l. bbls. By B. h. Duncan from Parker to W. P. Logan & Co...Philodelphl.i 160 bbls. By T. Chess fm Franklin & Cochran to Wallace, Curtiss & Co.. Philadelphia.= bbl. By D.C. Herbst from Parker to Poultney & )bale, Baltimore, 211.bbls. liy I, Bushnell from Reno to Truscott & Co.. Columbia, PO bblo. Total to Baltimore— . 241 bbls. Toial to Now York.. .. bbls. Total to Phila.. . ..... •bbls. Total to Columbia . all bbls. brood total. .1.74 bbls AIARKETB EIT TELEGRAPH. 'Aienr Y0n.../nne 7.—Cotton dull: sales 1101 bales al. 22,,c for uplands. Flo ur--receipt. of bble and be.lsc better, with a falr esport and beim trade; stasas for superfine State: S o for extra; a5.0:45.70 for choice: t 5,75 4/.1 for fancy; $.5 , Z71,10 for supernne western: Ci..kri1.1.45 for extra; sszons foe eholce: ts.7islb 0.7) for white wheat extra: $5,7341.$ for St. Louis, closing firm. Rye Iflour steady; sales 270 bbls at t.7,50re,7.75 Whiskey dull: sales 270 bbis t f western free at }l,oo2..l,oBX•W,heat— reeel ts of cltP3 bosh.** higher and active, , • • mainly for export; sales 210.000 bush at *Lana 1.75 for white western; $1.4195p1,42 for winter red and amber western; 11,3701,37 N for No. 1 spring; f 1.3041,31 for Nos. 1 and 2 spring hill s aukee; $127 for No. 2 Chicago: $l.BO for white Genessee, and $l.ltlN, for amber Tenne. see. Rye quiet. Barley and Malt nominal. ' COrn—recelpts of 81,512 bush. aud the market fairly active. but closed haft 7 .: sales of 87,000 bush at fl.fki for new western mixed; $l.OB for choice do; $1,03 for old afloat. Oats—recelpts of 5380 busk and the market dull; sales of 43.- 000 bush at dOsEtase for western in atom and delil cred; Wit:lc for Ohio and State. flops In better inquiry at =enc. Coffee unchanged, with a better Unpin,' for Rio; sales of 13.900 bags. Molasses dull. Sugar . steady; sales LOIS, hbds at 9MEt.l24e. for Cuba:also WO boxes Havana at Coffee, fair business In Rio. Petroleum heavy at 14,t(c for crude; refined lower, closing at 29e. PrOTillioll. Pork $30.13e31,00 for niess,_M-50703,50 for prime and extra prime; also =0 bbl, mess. Au gust. at Oita:. Beef unchanged, with sales of 2:0 bbis at SIIQIS for plain•mess, and glee 18 for extra mess. Beef Hamsquiet at' 35. Tierce Beef dull and prices Irregular. In Middles there Is nothing doing, with long -clear atlsMc. Cut Meats fi rm s at 163(eltlic: pickled hams 18e. , Lard strong butquiet at 15 0111181.fc for steam and IfIMG3IBXe for kettle rendered. Butter dull at 10325 c for western, and M.1a30 for Rate. Cheese; very little do- Mg at 742.15 c. Spirits Turpentine 38)1(1.39c. Freights firm; grain Der steam Mid: per sail 5Xd; floor per team le fidOls 9d. =22 1.311.C.A00 June 7:—Exchange remain. up cholla° Flour la tolerably , active and firm at for spring extras. Wheat Is active An r.nges nt $1.W41.10 cash. and mote 10093 i. seller Jane. 18.J.A411,13 at/ log quiet at $1,07,V cub. o.: N thi s afternoon wu heavy and at $1,015,14,1.00X. Corn firm and No higher, closing at 55,iffitn5fic for No g; .Oats less active but firmer. closing at 511 Cash. Bye firm, closing at &Week for No 2. Blgbartnes steady at $161.01. Frorls ions firmer: mess pork closed at g."...5K537.00. lard 153(e,1nc; dry salted shoulder ,. MAMA':: short rib middles 1.5 , 4;e1:51ii, BeceiPts for the past twenty-four hour.: ne566 bbls flour: e 1,2?!. bush wheat:l4o.ollG bosh gam 3.1,6 a/ Libor oats: 1.27; bush eve: 1.103 bush barley:l7HO hogs— shlpmenta: Mils:Hour : 73,111 bash wheat 87.510 bush corn: 14.819 bosh oats; 2 81." bushels 77 rye; 880 bush barley: ' hogs. Freights or. active and Om at alio for corn and 7c for wheat to Buffalo. Flora quiet at $1"..50 , 10.15 for at.kers to ex tra prime lota. Cattle ateady at 0=44445 batch°. to choice Steen. DIEM! Sr. Loris, June T.—Tobaoco active at full istiCC4. COMO nominal at 21f1.21.4c. Hemp stla and better at ai.tort.t.ts for undressed. Flour, more inr . l o 7 4. r x firm; fall pperane C att . bnfoil f t. " l44l4.B "l i. Wheat atiff and higher, with sales, of No 2 spr , ing at F i c, No 2 fall at $1,15121.15. No Ido at $1,..Vg1,25 and choice at $1,..1fifL35. Corn: borers stood off and prices declined: mixed and yellow 1904filac and choice to fancy $1 ow. i,o. oats dull at 57 , i - tMic. LLarley:aalea prime Minn. at 90c. life dull at Mina. Whiskey easier $1 4 04411X. Groceries quiet. Sugar Inx 012 c. Coffee 30@glc. Molasses - Oltiftc for sugar house. Provisions are quiet and un. changed. Park F.9.5(M.30 light and heavy. Ba con, order•sales shouldon I3liiitl3Xc: clear rib laMelfilfc; clear Ittfc. Lard nominal at 15Me1Mic• BT. Lours. June 7.—Cattle active at : 4 keth. ogs steady at 7.Ve9e. Cincinnati - CLNCINNATI, June 7.--Flour firm and In fair demand. with Hales of family at $5.7501.00 and extra at $3,2541.5.60. Wheat onset tled, and red bald at .$l. =l.-%, but these sales are adt•Sc above the new, of buyer.. Corn len active and dull at lEGAISo. Oat good demand and dna at 51460 e. Bye lartEllit hied , 111.•Cottoadinil and prices nominal; middlings ..P.(e. Whiskey irrerular. with Wes et sl.oi for old process and sl. for • patent process. Pronsionanuminallv unchanged. Bacon bold la jobbing lota &USX'', 16X and 11Sfe. hugar cured hams 2 sll:oXe. • Dried • beef =Mc . for winter cured and maze for nommen 'cured. Bulk meats held. at 12, 16, .15x and Ific; shoul ders could have been sold nt 1110, but no de mand for other kinds. Lard nominal! at 16C. Batter dull and unchanged. Eggs Et. Gold 11SX buying. Exchange dull at hoc discount bnying. Money market easy. • • PhUaSelphta.' :active; PRILLUILLPIIIA. June :.—flour held firmly; arin. l e b trh i en SW.T.t. Indiana and Ohio wh ' ite LISGLY.S. l ire s i;c7j/ t I .l, ver T State $ • Corn dull; yellow 4070, - „„flin western 11,0.5. Oats Is 1n better demand; State m.. Prolloolus held firmly; mess pork 1: 1 0.-SOESU.1fc lard 10E1OXe. . Potroleunt quiet; • crude IS/Ifc; refined -ojc. Whiskey to an changed; western iron /LIE ' Llerelaid. • CLZYZLAND, June T.—Flour quiet and un changed. lire flour steady and anchaeqtod• Wheats No.l red so/d at $ spot; there were no Wee of No. 2 red. Corer beld higher and market Inactive: Wee No.l mixed at No. a Ct at 68. 1 1kilAlo i; .? . ala ern,. er and Rpa .dbc.ttery. r gel i d at P 5 0P..0.11 1:' k0. 6' 2 ". 410 ILr i le o y dull and nominal. Petroleum market dull: nothing doing in crude; epee at fib.!! per bbl: refined nominally- at Mile per tai. .Oswego. OWEGO. June 7. 2 .-Flouritctive and Mc high er, sales 3,900 bbls of ta(311.15 (or No. 1 spring, 10.1107.90 (or amber winter, $7,606705 for white and 48,..151q.840 for double extra; all but one mlll are selling at the outside quotations. Wheat to good demand and higher, with sales ISIAXq Muth choice white Canada at 11.1,701 am ber Michigan &LW; No. 1 red and tOarrte• MEM 1 1 X41.1.ii.-Nu. I Milwaukee club tti arrive EI4N; do oo spot #145. Corn held at 1 , 7.11.1. Dry Goods Market. • . . !NEW YORK June 7.—Trade is inactive cud iinces are w ithout ally change. Atlantic IL brown .hectin44. HY.; et wide do. 4.-4 dn. Mc: I. 11.1-111 o: 4tl; do: 11-4 do. Bic; Indian Head sbectings 15c:do. 4. itch 21c: do. Winch I7Sc; Laconia E Mas4actin setts I 11E41 Bartlett d...ached Bootti MEL . ; Ballot, c; Eagle ticks. yard wide. 3J !lc; Harvest do. Hinuchalia. inch. etc. and Suln. Bit .1. Tokilo. • TOLE.tio. June 7. —Flour arm. Wheat Setts, and It beau for No 2 white Wabash at No 1 white Michigan 21.;i2; regular do $1,12; umber do #l.: No I red *1.:33: No 2 do $1.27. Corn quiet and unchanged; No I at Myr, No 2 at 10c.2. Oats unchanged: No I at 00c, No 2 at Zile. Freights firm at 2c to Buffalo, and 7Etllic to Oswego. I= LocniLune 7.—Cotton dull: unddlings 3)l t c. Flour eery firm Wheat quiet at MARIO). Corn {IX. Oats 68e. Rye firm at I.OU. Provisions qulet and unchanged and nothlug done. Whlaky {1.11,10.1.08. Tobacco active and firm.. sales of all LIMN at lie;;Xc for frosted to lugs: B}f elan for common-IW. 6==! 11Esuniis. June 7.-Cotto u dull at 2.135 e. Receipts.= balm expo] ts, 175. -Flour Corn nt 1191.12. Outs dull nt Clc. Hay dull at $7l. Bran dull at V.V. Lard nominal at 111,WISc. • Pork arm, at f. , 10.50. Bacon:. shoulder% at Llhc, sides at 171141ec. 51..n1 dull at $54.11.. Baltimore. BALTIMotte. June 7.—Flour dull and Bteady. Wheat firmer: 'Western si4m4i.m. Corn: white item nt $1.110;1.18: yellow dull at sl.lWit. 1.12. Oats dull ar . .ll,llnoe. Provisions dull and unchanged. Whiskey dull and firm nt tialmea,m. CM= Drrnorr.JUlle 7.—}lol.lrTery firmbut quiet. Wheat lc bigter, eztm white i 1.59; No. '1.49; regular $1.35; amber 11.30. Corn—No.l old sold at !Co. Oats—tqute 59c. Brno 13e. Coarse middlings 20e. 1=0! ALLEGHENY STATION. June 7.—1 car mill stuff, 100 bbis dour. 218 bpi oats, 31 St eel & Son 24 pkgs W Gerdis; I bbl eggs, N .1. Carson:2 cars wheat, Kennedy Bro; t •nre cooperoge,,J 51 Hemphill; bus tobacco, Ken cough &- 31: IS2 do oats, Hlppley A. 11;1 bbl eggs, Beeklield & N; 2do do. :I crocks 'lard, It A A Carson: n cars I stone. Superior /NM Co; 1 do do, G.O L. Mold; 5 do metal, Pah Iron trod Forge Co: 88 hides. Stuckrath & H: 1 ear cooperage. Balya A II; 1 car wheat, W McKee A Co: 10 Iran cement. Rankin W; pkgs ci gars. It NV Jenkinson: 1 ear s ware, Jackson Bro; SW pigs lead, Hazlett & Schwartz: 10 eases tobacco, .1 O'llattlin; 3) chairs, Kreniple & T; 40 aka tonts.V C Brown, CLEVELANO AND FEITRDERGII RAILROAD Comett&r. June 7.-3 cars I ore. Shoenberger, & Co: 1 do do. Coleman. It & Co; 2 do do. Colon Iron Mills:: do do. Bees. G A D; I do I c ore. Halloran. IT & Co; 3 do b ore,) Painter 5, Son: 2do do, Everson, & Co; :I do do, Ole. Smyth & Co; 2do do, Brown & Co; 4 do stone. J 0 L Knox; 1 car pig metal. Union Iron Mills; !do do. Zug & Co: 2 do do, Reese. G & II; I do do. NV tituith A Co: 12,000 shingles, 0 A. Mao tort; 8.1.0) ft lumber. Slack & 8:3) bbls apples. 'll Gruff A Co; hf du fish,- L J Martin: 15 bdlB Logatt. bb tobaccu . 110 Garal forlorn I; la lads Ji W :1 bbls m meal. Schwan, .0 3 bills s w paper. A 51 Kennel: 25 sits rye, lime.o Et I bx bacon, Devol; 4 do do, Watt, L & Co; 2do do. s kg:l Ilandolph.& 5: I cask bacon, J II Parker. 12 sits oats. F (1 Craighead; 50 Obis lab oil, Leo Oppenheimer; 27 bales rags. 11 Christy; I bbl eggs. P Duff & Son: 4 do do. 1 do batter. AA soodworth 5: I);;1 do eggs. 1 hf do butter, W II Graff; lot pop scantling, M Seibert. FITTSFICIIGH. FORT Vu AYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD. June 7.-8 boa soap, GC Falken stein; 10 bbls rider. Broggernran & (); 1 box soap. W If Kirkpatrick & CO: 2.1 do .to. M W Rankin Bro: 10 do do. Voir. Al & Co: Id do do. S P Shriven I car bones. Seward & E: 2 cars I stone, Gruff, B &C,1133 bas broilers, Fleming & A:33 dor brooms, VI 31 Gormley; 18 sks ragS. It Christy; ,p las cheese. N J Braden; 10 sks duur..l 1 H has cheese. E Henri, ton; 5) do do. Haworth & 1); 25 do do. Knox A Urn 1 bbl baron, I box soap, H Rea Jr: 1 Obi a meat. A Kirkpatrick & Co: 47 las (jam At 10011c Glass Co; 115 do do. Bennett A F: 01 hot a glass. C Ihrasen & Co; 3.k) bbls dour. I) Wal- Ince; 100 do do, owner: 400 sks do, Culp .0 8; bus steel. Reiter A Co; 10 bbls p corn. E & C Magian: 1 tall mouldings.l do brackets, F. 11 Myers; 42d0 r teeth, II wells & Co: 1 bbl grease. G A Kelly: 1 box, 5 bas sizing, .Sellers A Co: shoulders. 10 tcs hams. 75 do lard: Reese (Arens: bbls alcohol. J Henderson & Bro. PUTSIILIIGII CINCINNATI AND Sr. LUme ItAnaman. Juno 7.-1 car wheat, Kennedy Bro; I do staves. W Hastings; 1 do min. Mc- Henry & Hood; •bbls flour. WII Kirkpat rick &Co; 50 bbls highwiues. Littell 5; Neck ling: do do, Adam Craft: 14 pgs oats. J II 31cCaffree; 40 do wheat. S Hood: lot do oats, 15 do corn, :1.9 do wheat. 14 do rye,ltlenuor& Har per; 2 pkgs eg v. 2do butter. W H Graff ,Sr Co; :53 bre wheat,.ll do corn. 15 dooats, P Duff & Son; 42 do wheat.= do oats. 7 do corn, Mc- Henry & Hood:3 cars staves, .1 Painter Son; 1(0 bbis flour.Lan & Co; 00 bble hgh trtnes. S McCric W kert & Co g ; 5 cks bacon. 5 1 tcs loct, J H Parker:so bbls oil, Schwartz & Has lett; 15 do whisky. F Evert & Co; 2 cka should ers, t< 1.1 Hays & Son: 10 toe lard. F Sellers &- Co; 15 bbls oil, J Dalzell; 5 hhds tobacco. A Sehaub; I do do, 31 Heyl: I do do, It & W Jenk boson; 4 cars shoulders, W It Hays .5; Son. ALLsonany Vatt.rx lU:la:oat% June 7-2 cars metal McKnight & CS: 1 car stoue, Hen derson. 31 ,k Co; I do do, P Grp:lab:ado metal. W Smith; IX bush 000. D Stc)loth: 20 sks corn. fl 7 do oats, 14 do 1-• Scott & Gisal; PllO oats. S Reit": . 43 do go, J Schwalm; 3 bdis hides. Watt, Laog & ('a; II I car oats, 2 has hot ter, 1 car grain. ibtruggeran (POrlen; 2 has bolter. 1 bill eggs. L J Blanchard; LIS hides. IV II Kirkpatrick & Co; 3 bbls eggs. 11 F Drug airman; 1 .r time. Henderson Ilro: 2 b. but ter. 11.61 eggs. Volgt. M & Co. 16=1 • I PIM BELLE. June 1-1 i t,g, oat, u -31cElrov 5: C0:25 do whcat. Della.. & A; lo do do, .1 B Liggett & Co: Aldo oats. McCracken. G & Co: 37 do do, McHenry & II; 1 !MI. 4 bbls eggs. A T Croasdale; 113 bgs oats. 1 box mdse, 1 do matter. le I.Oldlep & Co; I jar butter. 8 If Dradeom a pkr• batter and egg, C B Moore; 12 bgs scraps. 12 rolls ittlthEr. Multh & D;1 mower. G Renglebaker. 1 buggy. Dr. Patton: 3; boo. A A Rockdale: ID baskets peas. 3f McCain: 5 pkgs sheep skins. W Booth; 2 boa. 1 bbl. 1 Ice cream freezer. W E French; 104 hood sheep. E Harrison; 80 galls a ware, J W Robinson:4 bgs hair, T White; 1 ale bbl. Pier. D & Co. • .. NASIMILLZ PER KATE PeTNAN. June 7.—16 bbl. dry peaches Druggerman t O'Brien: 24 sks pea nuts. 3 cedar cheats £ Dyington; 811 bra sundries. 11 bn pea luta.6 birs wool, lot cedar posts. Isaiah Dicker .t Co; 50 b. los% Dilworth. Harper & Co; 435 b. wheat. Ken nedy, Childs & Co; 113 hides, 2 pigs tallow. I pfarbaegh & co: al Ws dry peaches. Vitali°, der & Shepard. Prrrant•Roll. Know:or:tux AND CicsicrA Pack. 03me.t.:or. June 3.-50 bblz whisky, W J Meek; = sheep. Hawkins; 40 sks oats. Campbell & C; 142 b. or glass. 11 C Schmertz; 53 mks oats. 11 El Conrad; 3 Dbl. bacon. Watt. L & Co; 50 sits corn. W Welsh .3 Co; 3 pkga butter, JT Wray; ft..' galls s ware. W Cooper; 14 aka wool. A S Carlisle. GRAND RE•OPENING NEW GOODS. Shoes, Boots and . Gaiters, AT _ • lIENRY PAT:11,11 . 8% No. IE4 01110 AVENGE. ALLY:OEM.IY CITY. The soden/ma Ina Jinn takes possession a Ids old Nape. ant slanted It with a Gab neon went of BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS. Gouda' as n pylon Will jive aothassGs. Former patrons and the Lablle an !netted to Ylelt. Je.t.tal lIENRT PAELEB. DECORATED AND PLAIN Marble and Slate MANTLES, Made byte= power, The only plam I:Vestern Pennsylvania wins° yes and Mari le Marbleised Mantles me made. Clews= Marble MacitlewtValm [rum C.:waders. Vernitare Top. dc.. marbleised frota white marblle nd Male co exactly represent e choicest marbles of all varieties and colors. Hold at New York prices et 318.20321 LIBERTY STR T EET. IStMburch i tayTt.MCC M=M WELCO - 31E Al' AND GRAIN RAKE Farmers, look to your Interest and but none but the Web:acne Steel Tooth Wheel Rake. It bribe simplest In Its construction and best In nee{ ex amine It before you buy any other. sold as lot sa thrloonsmon rakes thd run be wetted by • eblkl 7 or 8 then old; It Is sell•operatlng. The home does nearly ell the work and It can be ran beeksrard without danger to rate or driver, en admits In nootharrake. Xthufactured In Colombians, Oblo, there wholesale or math or at 3 • and 1 7 4 1 17.111ERT NTILKIIT, Pittsburgh, Pa. nY W. W. WALLACE. runkT WINE OF LIEL—The t re at Blood Ponder and Delicious Drin WAENISRA TWICE TIER . OR WINE OF LW ...IS free from sny Istisonowi dm. or impurities. being weltered Dff thowiFtlo Dffteire a sthnulant. It la•• efdeodld appetiser...l tonic. and the finest thing In the Wor an d pu e f . nvtihe beod o ffer edo mo t plena ar superior to brandy. whisky. nine bltters h or . any ith r ol ' a i l t e d rlatid is a rillo ' n ' rt!r th oid n fvitt taee N. Wine of Life. IL in fact. aMe preserver. Those live ly wish to enjoy good health and of free flow of .lll do Well to take the Wine of Life, /L is different from scything ever before in on. It VI sold by druggists; luso at ad inspect able saloon. niceiptoo in quart bottle.. . enyikowsT W HEELER,S - Patent Stamp Caneelers, EDWIN . ' STEVENS, No. 41 - S. Third Street, E=! General Agent for Stale of Penang vania. ALI onion will bo tilled through Ma ofhee for this F , OR SALt CHEAP OR EXCHANGE /OR CITY PROPERIY.—A a c res COUNTRY RY..S.IDENCE. containing 0 acres with 3 hone. thereon; one, • nee. comfortable end convenient hogatmrip . A. , ,.:Azc a r the beet !ratsepow... go ' m the e slty. watefs otlM i f er ifo•zo e from tower% • Station. Cen Reda: foul. Mao. save good farms In good ccturme •nd hOnvee for ale. Eneelre WILLIAM WARD. 'm No.; 110 grant St., °melte Cathedra . . 131 Nibble Eastern While Lime. bbls (lavelsztel Lime; eels rreMol2l do; bbl Toledo do.; . . 3:13.11A1grir194. m Vor 716 BUT7'Ett. is troze• Fre.h 801 l Butter; For Bak " 1"""1.' J. B. CANFIrLD 141 First arem;e. CEJIEST.-100 bbld. Louisville Hy. draollo Cement. the best 10 two. Tor saleAbr ftlytU*fl,l SODA ABll.-100 casks for sale by 7. B. C.421771.LD. BURGH DAILY GAZETTE': WEDNESDAY , MORNING, JUNE 8, 1870 RIVER NEWS' The river oppettred t. i.r sa.l C=IME!TEI2M channel last eVening. We had the heaviest rain storm of the neanon yester day afternoon, accompanied by thunder and lightning. The Kate Putnam. from- Nashville, is the only arrival we have to report. She wan delayed at Brunot all Monday night. • Thy- Julia No. 3, due here from Zanes• rifle on Sunday night, has not arrived yet. The Belle, from Geneva. arrived and dephitetras usual. The AVauanita, Capt. J. D. Conway, is tilling up steadily and will be the first boat out for St. Louis. The Mary Davage 'is also loading for Si Louis. —The extensive pipe foundry and ma of Dennis Long & Co., Louis vine, was destrOyed by fire, Saturday at. ternoon. The loss falls heavily on Mr. Leng, who looses all lilt patters of twenty years accumulation. ; He has contracts for the building of several new boats, being constructed around the falls; also for furnishing gas and water pipe for differ ea 'cities in the West, all of which mkt be lost by the lire, and over one hundred men thrown out of employment. The will not fall altort of one hundred and (went-five Thousand dollars. The origin of tile lire wan accidental . —lt-ix reported at Louisville that the Natchez and Robt. J. Lee Sr., to leave .New Orleans toilet) for on either the Ibth 0r.301 , 1t lost„ for a rim to Cairo, on a wager of $11101) It the Natchez will heat the Lee to Ca m six hours. .We have little confidence, says the Cincinnati o.nrftfe, in the • report, but should 7 it prove true, we suggest that neither boat tube any passengers. . —Sava the Cincinnati Enquirer of Mon. day: The Arlington arrived front Pitts.. burgh Saturday night, and left for Ladle ville yesterday. She will go below the fulls. and will "notprobably make her ap. perance here again before fall. She will lay up below the falls for the present.and run between Louisville end New Orleans when the Lower Ohio gets down to a low stage. . —The current at Liberty Inland where the Great Republic was grounded SO long, -ails changed, and now rens nearer the 'issouri show, some distance above, but -below cute; ebarply toward the Illinois t-ide, rapidly cutting away the Lead of Liberty.leland.• The; stay of the• Great Republic oticaslimetithis change. well-kuown and mimni.lble gen Henan, of Cincinnati Iran authorized Cap tain T. P. Leathers to accept a bet' for him of ijlti,ollo. that the Natchez • in one of her proisised twelve day trips to tit. Louis. ean either heat the R.t. Ism, or beat the Lee's i me_ item New ('Henna to Cairo. —The St. Louis Reprbliefe la remarks as singular fact that _nearly all NVentern Congressmen vote for appropriations the inipruvenieut of the rivers and. bar hers East, while no Eastern Congressmen are ever won to vote for appropriations fir Western river iMprovetuents. , —rcpt.. J. 31. White has contracted ai Louisville for n boat to be Looter than N/111 . 111, or Lee. Ildr length will be :XI feet. She will have- 34 114 cylinders_ and eight boilers. 38 inches hi diameter_ She is intended for the New Orleans end Bends trade. —There is u lively competition going on between the Evansville,. Padurnh and Cairo packets, by which Copt. Dexter in seeking to drive the Idlewild from the trade in order that he may secure 'a mo mkpnly. _ —The new steamer Grand sl the Richmond the other day, but tht latter boat was heavily loaded and was not in condition for running. —An exchange -intimates that over . riftv lives were lost by the tire at LaCrosse.., and that the railroad and ateamboat mare agent ,upp rem the truth. —The new boat now being built a 13rownarille, for Capt. John 1.. Rhodes Into been named Exchange. —The Juniata did not leave Ciueinnat on Sunday. She war mit crtiaml for Mon day at o'clock. —Ti, Collier. Ft. 1.111. to Pithiburet w - sneiCcuiru un Sunday, ideo the Wild Pock. —The Nick Wall left Fort &mon for St. Louis May 29th, with a big trip. —The Glendale, St. Louis to Pittsburgh. left Cincinnati on Sunday. RIPER. PACKETS THE FLEET snwity,R P. . . ndependent Pittsburgh, Brownsville an Genirit Packet Lety. Whiff 13 , 1 at. above StimusteLbel&andok Ir TUESDAY, TIEWBSDAT inad .7ATURDAY lilt airy height - am Puipocuters to all pants o • the Ilonongtheto Over. For freight or puma apply °aboard. or at What boat: at foot of Ghat Moot. my 9 IScELROY .t CO.. Mont. _ _ EUlr= FOR CAIRO AND Z aig a i i L01.321.-The spleadid Jo; ma steamer WAVANITA J' B. CONWAY. Coller. 'Will leave for the above end Intermediate porta oh Tlllltrind .Jowl Y. at •r. yor freight or MILIVI. apply on board. PORTALIRM:7II PACKET. VOR WHEELINO,3I.IIII- ad dr u g .M•Ardt AfactISTAT• Ireee MUM:rib EVERY FRIDAY-4 r. Litt*. Poitsoaciatb EVERY RONDA Y-10 A.R. 11e new uo4 epynela putetutor steamer MMN2EII • W. IL NMI Clotarituior. Will Immo,motoormarktocf. Ego trot baud. or to n. U. 0111116 ST • CO.. m 717 Pittsburgh and Cincinnati PACKET LINE The new UM eplendld We-vb.! stesener •