ravAzzou,.o Uoi~,~ =~ sizvE coupoNs Bought it. Highest Price INIERTZ,„ ; BANKER, Cs. Wood St, and sth Ave Sas, T, Brady & Co, CA.Ceeff.re to N..10N ES Corner Fourth Atenue and WoodStree BANKERS, I= Government, Securities ijOLD, SILVER. AND COUPONS ON NIOST hiterest.Allowed on Deposits e•ie - Sloney loaned on Government Bonds MI , mutter rates. (► miflour! 'ltaltellTED rt. Tilt PUKCIELA 4.11 EAU: /10NIIS .O,NTI GOl.ll. Ali ES T. BIIADY..& Co. THE DAILY.GAZET% MONEY-AND COMMERCE • UrVics. or Prmnuttaii - LIAzEITE. titervitnar, June 1, lUWI. Next Weidey being set In Congress as the day when the so-called currency . bill Is to be considered, the entire markets reflect the im portance- the passage or rejection of the bill would have on the future money market. While those who favor Its passage predict a general decline of the eitork - nicol g - .,1,1 - Market. arise is expected In all Cloremuient seeuri- Lica. Those predicting Its • rejection fire h re ope fuJ of • further general 1110.11. Ftockt. , aid likely In gold, from • the th'et. fk t 1 liirker amounts of specie would br-zrillipped tg; rope. which have Only been delayed in the hope of securing It at a lower taste. The pay ment of about thirty-five millions of gold for Interest on July first is 111M10 nn argument used lit . favop of lower gold. and higher pelves for hoods and stocks. The temporizing In Con gress with all financial measures has kept the mercantile community. as well es capitalists, in a state of uncertninty, and instead of do lor n very large and paying spring business, us could reasonably be expected front the general good crops in every section of the country, trade In lingering, and should no judicious. financial tnenmres he ndopfed by Congress very early, the fall business will give no more teals( !teflon. • The fetiture of the past {reek trim the de aline In the gold premium. despite the large aliments exported 'and the rise in government bonds. cent mry.to the general rule. Stocks are excited :inti higher under the manipulations of the cliques. Pacific Nall. an almost worthless stock. Was manipulated neom MI: to 44 and closed at Ulf. The rest of the market Is strong and shows all the symptoms of a further general rise. Our local securities there Is n steady im provement toad to general appreciation of all kinds of stock from the large amount of rapl tal seeking profitable investment. It is ouly surprising, that mortgages• still sell nt from Id to 11 per • cent. the excess of legal • Interest deducted by advancing the money. . It is high time that usury laws should he abolished In this state. It would, especially for the coming de eision,rhe a great benefit to the middle null snorer class who have bought property and wish to Improve it, but urn prevented by the. extonlons of a greedy clan of monied nieu. Closing quotations as received by !h. R. Mertz: 1911 Bands. MIN Anneriennr . 41 111 Western Union.. 31 Hs N. Y. Cent ral.. MCNISZ=ETIRM 420 Bond. 1861, ..111!; P. Ft. tv. & C v. , : 621 Bowl. 1861...1.11': 0111. , & consols m. 9 111 Mich. S.ut hen, . G9O Baad.-I gyeitnei P. . tow; 493 Ikmds 1998...114 ta L a P /1 3- Y 3 •.. .. • 1.• ITU Chi ca6a• !!!‘i Adams Expreaa.. 04;77..c3.\ Fra4. Merchants U. EX. Erie 'Lan", ," toidon Exchange per polind L Paris'Exchangu per Franc Berlin Pashan,^e per Thaler . Ynnkfort Exchange Per Morin 4W • Closing quotations no reeeirgal by James Brady it Co: 41014 114?; 6-33 Jan. &Jy.lAir. 14 U.S. Ss, 1881.— . 114 5-11Jan.SAy.145; 14'; U.K. S..ta 12'; 543)Jan. &Jy. '4' U. B. 3...11 1154 11U, V. P. 1L........b734 U.S. 631 141674 ... 4.1 Q. 8.10-40 cy. Pacincq Illy Telegraph to the l'ittsburgb (luglto. Ew Yl3lllC..Tune 4, WO. The cotton movement Oates a marked fall ing off; the receipts for the week of all parts were V.. 4441 bales; export g. 311.1130 bales. The trade of the city Las been quiet, altli a gen eral dlspualtion to reduce stock? The 1411;-:Treailury dlidwried 5z77,:.35 Lac . est end received ti. 71.338 for ettetninc. Motley cagy at kt.s per cent. The bank. statement Is unfavorable. showinn henry ohipmenta of notelet Loons. VISZ 4 11:1: cm gg. 5 .,, :44; deposits. 1.1bal.101.791; decrease. V 43 . 4 , AU1105al tendon. : adlaish:llo; decrease. Sterling Linn at unsion per Cent • Gold dull but Born; opened - atnnd closed at 114Nellthr. Cern - Inn rotes ' ISMS per cent. The clearances were $10,00./.000: ex port for to-day. MOM: for Week, a 1.1111,7110. • G remments firm. Coun. of 1104; 'n:,, 11e541124.11-'64, po USN:, new, 114B0,141::. 'flr.1.11.1,:B.I12II: %a, 114101114 N, Ten-lortles.lolSidEltak VorrencY Slzcs 1145.11 State securities steady °keep new 'Virgin ias, which Were billsomt. Id, old Ten nessees.o.4 new dn. CO!.; old Vlrglnin,tls: new do. GS; Louisiana Levees, 75, old North Caro linas, lin new Stocks steady, though a trifle off the highest point of the day. .. Canton, ant:: Cumberland, al; Western tinlon Tchlectl b sr • 1 1 .11.Vggr,LiYrriee,fe577 . . • p e so, 15.4'; American. 11: Colton States. 454: Peelle Mall, 41.7 i; New. York Central . 1013 4 : Scrip, islti; Erie, Za: preferred. Vigigre.. l nlALlVLlcleigh,!ltV. tnt'l Centntl.l.l4, Vltteburgb.lo9';;Northweidern. 114: do prefe rred. AIX; Sock Island. LIP.; New. Jersey Central. Ilea: St, Fool, Gdy do .pre r _ems& tob Matel. 571 r; do preferred. '74 Fort" Wayne. fig; Terre Haute. Ith do prefered. Ste Chicago nod ‘llton. Ill 1; do preferred. 119: Ohio mad Millaissilltd.4ll;;C. C. A C., tIN; C. C. .0 I. . Boston prices Odumet Ilk Copper Falls. 4t(. Franklin. e.g, Hecht, NO, Quincy I:. Imports for the week: Dry goods. geueral merchandlse. Slab-Treasury . balance : Gold. $171..V.8.313; currency. 4.6417.70% gencml balano , tK -034.564. • PETROLEUM 3IARKIST nmce or Prnnnrnon Gazorrs. SAXVILDAY, Juno 4. YT:n. RITTER ton . Compared with tart weak. dm presents but little Mit. is . tutti or illakrlADL - The market tae been exec-edingly dull. the sales being eery light, and while the general feeling la one of-weakness and the tendency . . downward, there has been but little chant'. -•tespriesses -It la saki that several illswaliacere taken by speculators during the week, but for some reason or Other It was kept very quiet. and the particulars have not a yet triallidred. We are inclined to the belief, asnewer, that these 91nes" were not eery large and that theft were not . very mnoy of • them. At no time fur sezeral ears. perhaps. Ih the history of the trade, ha; this market `.beep clearer of speenlation thaalosr .. V.T . Past flee months. and a slight "tweezer - sash a. .was of very frequent occurreace bait . SAT. would liven trade somewhat, thatagirkfter all It is probable that the trade is jest as Well wlthoot anything of this kind. • _ There are various canoes assigned for the • weakness above referred te, - - but the prine i. sae Us the steady Increase In the production. New strikes are almost dolly oecorrenews three good wells reported within the pno - fer.. Ma - which, If reports are trne. have Added • three hundred barrels per dm- to the Per e gnTrlta a ble 7.7= ai:°,2,7,gz . , more remarkable that erode Itt* - =f• :nfekur.ltahtgeit.hr.ery in I. thin that is clogging business here: general!, mates • but litledlifzo I ute doar Pnt has a . ruce,ptir erode this wek..=4. ,, °b.' lint week. sAtifl Jarman- Art to rts date =TM: 'Yams . tling last yeer Sir TEO. lispo of refined this • lime... Moor lasit week, 2,1411,- from Tanuen. id" OW*, 3 11.1101: same time Dad yew, Mita. Sales hi , "leek:24lM bbls envie. &OM this refined; last wetwAsmoo Tho =tricot t. doll owlwirlrnsred. 960, or teller June or Jolt. 19412!‘ O x a.ked; Haler Aogort. ossort. Dorember. elm; Wier tm, ; 01 rem . PtlThrtl. Sale 1,000 July at 27)f OW 4 noted at rtg . jape IS quoted at 27; Alarat , 1.0 DeOttUbliT.* Beigetrater be!,,,,,,; barer all pear, . afaraet Anil and Keystone 011 Work, 4A), on account Lai but, prow A 02; 9tikwlv4 Ofl wort. MO, on cocoon nanstatriillant 015 Wink. 607,1 m *c oon= same. Flitter Am MX% on account 0. C. te A. 1111.; A.A./GU. SO, oa account W, Barth, -cititens I.lll.Worke 14. on accoOnt 1.. B. ie C .J as, Wilkinit;ll4. On hetitant Paltnt.r; Peerless Oil Rorke RI, on account. B. S. lomenn; Ful ton. M. & slsont acount I'. Hutchinson: - co. hit on account Leekr 0. lIIY 10, On tiCCOnlit 'Adam% •. - Total AO& Ws.. Oil. SIII:PMENTI, PER A. V.*. R. Nnt ((Min Relining' Co.. .3110 hlds ref. oil to Warden. F. A Co.. lAtekhart, Frew s Co. 5:1 Ito refined oil in Warden. Fre* 11... Philadelphia. 11. Koehler LLIg ref. oil to Wo . .toz. Phiht. • • ez 7.. .4 , ..KA 2. 1.7, 1.1.19 n-f. Fawcett. Logo . n. Stockdale & ref. nil to Logan Bro.& Co.. ..... 1.3,13 PITT*Bt RIM MARKRT OFFICE: or Prrtsinrito it Gazerrg, :iarrtinar, June I. Islo. The 4:01111 market s cont lee to attract con sider:ll,le attention. all liver the country, and .01 be-expected. a lively Interest la is ken in regard to the coining crane. We not Ice that Chicago speculators. particularly I hose echo are long on wheat, aru again very lipprebentlye that the yield Will be below 11l liNenler. in consequence of leretiorted droutlt In the northwest, and they have linen ..bull ing" that market for some time put with con kideridde succe,ei. Another theory advanced is that t here Is smaller area of wheat gown than In (omit, yearn; also, that England taunt yet Import million bushels to supply her deficiency to the t Mir of the harvest. A west ern exchange;are that wheat does not pay the farmer nil anything under one dellnr per bushel. whereas many Of them have been to sell at but little over Fu et s. The fEtllle paper says -that it pays better to fame corn and nat.. and with propitious weather. 11111kol, will have a large 'yield of the two lat ter, Entire being planted than last year. and the prospecln at present are very:good. - The Chicago Tribune ill commenting en the wheat market retimrks ; • "fit course these conaklngs about • short crops nee always heard at this lime of the year, but they have now gllittl.4l venter cre dence than usual, owing to the recollection that tilt Inn cycle rear. 1844."1808, Ile!, and laud, are 1111 crledlted In history as being years nt toiletr. they are divided by Intervals of sixteen years. nod that Interval claims 1810 as the next knot In the cord. it great many per In the COlllllt.ey pity attention to such things.. where city people think them beneath notice. except as mere coincidences. Ilut the country orders often control the mar ket. the great mass of operator. on the noor being really little more than the rellreliellta tly es of eountry speculators." -APPLES—Senson is over and we omit quos RUTTER-The demand for commission but ter Is exceedingly light, and It is dull and hard to sell. One house reports having sold 30 pkgs of prime at 111--quntations may be fairly given at IN I 8 for good to choice. IlltooM CORN- Denland very slow; plc.., nominally unchanged, 12 to IIitOOMS-Store pikes; Fancy. tl,Tit; No. 1, No.?. t 4: No. B. isi,so; Conintati. . BEANS-Dull but nominally unmanaged, f4C_.:01,1,17t per bushel. ' HEESE-Is rather dull but unchanged. IMO-Goshen quoted at ireviN', and Ohio Fat- CAREON. OIL-la dull but firm, and cannot fairly be quoted below 24.1 n Is jobbing way. CORNH'EAL--Itetrutnd light and prices un- Changed.' itlia.l per bushel. CI:MINT-Sales of Louisville Hydraulic at l'lll i tt l i e s e b l i t ttlT-Ttic stuck of the better grades is pretty well reduced and there is little or no inquiry for any other kind. We continue to quote Apples at 5 to (Di cents; Peaches. 647 'tor quarter and Ku' for bah , ' EtaiS-1 he arrivals continue libenti. and the market Is quiet and unchanged. Some dealers report having sold at but IU loop be regarded as the ruling quotation. FLOUR-The market if anything firmer. but there is no Improvement In the demand, the great proportion of the sales being in lot s,ivhtle prices are unchanged. \recen t:nay to quote western dour, In store, ut Nit 1n!.:1,73 for spring wheat $5.50(ci6 fur winter wheat and t11a.2.;i0 for toot} brands. 1 7 Ye dour, r.. 1. CROCERIF.S-Stigiirs firm with a steady city and country dealand, while Coffee, Scraps 4c.. &c.. are quiet and unchanged. Vollowing are the quotations; Sugars-Porto 11100,10 for fa 10,41 for good nod 11 1 / 4 ; 1 .11r. for prime to choice. Crushed. A. Coffee. 13lx: IL. 1:h Extra C. 12 , i; C. 12IS; C. Yellow. 11. Coffee. 1.911- for fair Rio; :Xi for 'loaf. 21 for prime, and 22 for choice. Rice-Rangoon, 8,4; Caron.. 9. New Orleans Molasses. mass. GRAIN-Wheat is dull :md In good supply and the millers. United be expected,cont knees very bearish, and appear very Indifferent About baying• as they are all full and have no placcto put more. Prime to choice red is still 'looted at 01,15111,10. Three Is rather more Inquiry for =sand the market Is rather neater;quite a number of ear lands have been sold within the past day or two nt 3011,11 to go to Philadelphia, and this, of course, ' 'has materially minced the stock here. Corncon tinues very dull, and as there is uo margin in shipping east and little or no demand for It here. holders :We obliged to store it; we quote in the absence of sales at N) to &I for ear and sitl - 2.50 fur shelled. Rye is unsettled and hard to quote correctly; some dealers are offering Ka, but tee hear of sales at Weld and even Nothing doing In Railer. It .1 I"-Continues exceedingly doll and prices are bideag hay may be .quoted at .1e; . t.16; and . an wharf. nt 0111Q,15. HEMP-Sal, of undressed Kentucky Hemp fir. HUSKS-Corn looks, Irc.:lV ct LA Ills 011.-No. 1 extra Is quoted and 50.2 nt LIME-bales of cleveland at I , or WO. and eastern at $l. - .a. PROVISIONS-Market steady but with Hof exception of lard, which Is a shade loiveri there In no change In prices. Shoulder, 111 1 , for plain: 15 , 4 for sugarenur”sest; ltlbbed *l.lr..l7:llear alder, 157,181‘. - ttreakfaat con. 15,4. Dried Ilerf higher. Init22N. Lard. !WS In tierces and 113.,411!;. in kegs , and buckets. PEANUTis-: -Dull. 'Tennessee. hiss cis. PEASL ILkIILEY-No. 4, Sign per lb; Nn. 3, p.‘; No. 1.41 , 4. Oat Sisal-A 4 ft per hid. of _2151 lin for half Ida. Ito ilia. CIAO. POTATOES-Prime Peach /110,1 , ore scarce and In demand with small sales. at 4fse.so. but Price and Inferior ore not wanted at any prico. SEEPS-Flaxseed M steady demand. at 02.:51. Ni, deniand for Clover or Timothy Seed R. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH • New York. Nese Pont;,- June L—Cotton heavy and lower; sales" 400 baler; :12""sc for middling. Flour; teceipts 10.542 bbls; fas better; sales 12,- 030 bids; 3.1.90a5 for superfine State and west ern. 35.25'u.5,40 for extra do. 35,4315,1 r, forgood to choice do; 35.00.j, 7 6.45 rafur white wheat west ern ext. 35.3.1ix8.15 fore xtra Ohio, 35,1 7 /30 for eaten St. Louis. Rye dour quiet; 54. 1 433 .1 Corn meal quiet. Whiskey unchanged; sales 235 bbls; 31.1b41.05,k; free. inside rate for wood bound. Wheat; receipts 107,36 bush: 1 , 122 c, better and active for export demand; sales 210.0(1 bush; 31.10 for rejected spring. 3130 for No 3 spring, 31.1€451.21 fur No 2 Utica go, 31,2351,53 for No 2 Milwaukee, sixioxr for in bond winter red Canada. 31,..Tid.1.37 fur winter red western.3l,9oforrery choice white State. Rye quiet. Barley nominal.' Corn; re ceipts 51,13 a bush; Irregular and unsettled; sales MA) bash: 51.07e1,09 for new mixed n'estern.sl,lol4l.o4 fur inferior do, 31.11:3I,10 for old mixed western. 31.12 for western rel. Inn. 3135 for white wentern. Oats; receipt! Iti.Latt bush; decidedly firmer; sales 3.1,900 bush; t4.licenale for western. Csiiiale for Ohio and State. Rae steads.; 5% for shipping nod 300t"1.in retali lots. • Slops n shade firmer, and a better demand for good and choir.. Coal quiet, and unchanged. Letither,.. hemlock sole •in moderate demand;!fs3:7lat fur South American. ". .Wool dull sad heavy; sales at. 4403.45. for dotnestic 'fleece. and 37440 c for polled. Coffee quiet. Molasses drill. slide Is in fair request at tiMq..e!;e. pe roleum stead r at lie fur c rude. aml e.113.27!:c for reflued. gagar active and firm, with sales of 1.0917 hhds Cuba at fleitMc. and Porto 11100 35e.10c, Spirits of Turpentine quiet at 3.9'1, 33c.. Pork firmer; sales of tsai bbls at at 3:30.404 :01.50 tartness. 5:t:r02.r0 for prime. and 5m.3$ fur prime mess; also 2.70.1 belt mess. seller July. 'ld 5(13:53, and 7.05 do.sell, .1 an, at 33).21. . Beef steady; sales of I.M beta at ;it' 15 for plain mess, and 510a.10 lot extra torsi. Beef hams quiet; sales of 101 phis at Vork: l s. Tier , ' beef quiet at 3562,x• for prime mess. and 33Q.33 for India mess. Middles dull. Cut meats more active; sales of 400 pegs at Itilyie for shoulders. and 100.42.1735 e for hams. Lard drat; sales of 1.341 tcs rat 11.1fa1tiqC for gleam. and 16 , 1.altii•4e for kettle-rendered. Batter 'Net nt 11ra.2.5e for western. Cheese steady at 41.10 c. Manufactured copper steady and 00-, changed; Ingot quiet but urm ISSWeXC for Baltimore, and lare,l93ic for Lake Superior. Pig Irma quiet but firm at 312.3:c fur Scotch. and :Ite3te fur American. Bar Iron firm at 70e for preferred English and American. Sheet Iron quiet at 110,11550 gold for Russia. Nails steady - at . thit,Vie for cut, rte for ell shed, and 2:r;3.2.0e for horse-shoe. Lnltl.—Flour cloned a shade firmer, with a fair export demand for low grades. Wheat lc better and active at "31,910.7,.% for Not spring. 51,01 for No 1 spring and 54741.38 for winter red western. Rye nominal. Corn Cirri at Cie for westerr,. reNEtP) Ohio. Corn quiet at $1,0061,1 . ,0:0 for new bid wesieresa i n. .cork veryo ut.. ' Beef quiet and orunne'hangeol. June or firm with fair demand.' ..itactla', dull. Lard firm with sal 2:2) middle s prime steam for middle July toAugust at Inc. Egg; arm at 4dilZo. =I CUICAoO. June 4.—ELcebange 'weak and un changed. Ficaria gOod demand at fit.M.XILLTAI for spring extras. Wheat Dexter and less 11,C tire: sales No 2 for ens h, PaNiffilni for seller June, StalMei.fiaN for seller last half: closing nt $1,(104i01.01 for cash: this af ternoon the market was unsettled at 21.003te. 141 (or seller June. Corn opened firmer at eCtiiaJgOic. bat closed quiet at 843(e; this after goon trregotar sold at gic for setlerJuite, 0d cteec for seller last half. Oats NON e lower; closing at- 40e for No 2. Ifse quiet at • for No. 2. Barley is ver atAigha ties - •Iht fur wooden hound. Provisions stead [ , Urns end. quiet The re. ceipts for C!ps past t hours Irmo a.%fibbls flour: tf...TO bush wheat; Ingo Lush corn: 1.7,C41 bush oats,• 19.060 bush rye. 3 . 0) bush barley: 4..kril headof hozs. tnltipurtents : 5.6061.1 s Dour; Mali bath wheat . .72.1N 1 bush corn: i,XI bush oats: Lal3 bush e; 4,Nait'.l ll b buries- 4013 head of hogs. rattle 4p t in at I a,10,21 for stockers to ex tra-primer shipping . beerrf. nos. astha .t R9.l(ra. , far ccuunon to chofee. • CE=! . yr. loot at, June I(—Totencen itetirr ed. Cotton nominal at 21.azittfe. Hemp firm atat.M46l,Soforundrestede 'flub? trOtbasSed rep fall super Stii.4.l3; extra $1,370,4.20; double ex trs tl.7eittold. Wheat firm and N 0.2 fall a little better at *l. 114 No. 7do 1121 choice . tee Omer. 1)1,...4i,40. Corn dull loseert mixed yellow h e avyrime to !anti white. Sterni,o9. Oneand easier ut folig.7ei latter este% Leavyo fire dull at WE 71e. Whisky firm ti SM. Groceries quiet and unchanged. Path firm and nest:inked. cntim ropory Inadequate and prices UO - ranrintr at 4 ?Se for tie/MITOIt if. ex. lint. unchanged at 131ZONc. . Phflettelstlis. , P/TITAPELPITIA. Juno 4.—Flour eery quiet. ilam/Inc, at $1,75, and taring wheat mars (sadly at gr..2511ft.23. Wheat ftrm: sales indl• ann red at Ill.:1151 0 1ft Rye steady. at ftlft6 for sreatern. Corn unchanged. Oats dull la 60, /IV. Provisions are dull. Mess Pork, MKS In. Lied 1ift,16 , 4e. Potrolenni leas eras, and .crade held at Inr. and wester n. at 1,8L14c. lehlakey atendy at $1,09 for iMm. Cleveland. etzvarAult. - June 4.—Flonr arm, tendency ate:ntty toward higher gore'. Rye flour Kectfly and unchanged. Wheat Miter for 'to. PITTSBURdIi: 'I)MA' GAZETTE: MORNING}, ' JUNE 6, 1870 ~ . . red %tinter at t1=1..t.3: . no transaction. in I, No. 2 red. Corn Hem doe-. No. 1 mixed: nod , closing firm; holders — asking 915 . 0tte: Oats ' Arm: No.l State 55c;_ but nt the close ;inking -56 e. lice bteadr: No. I held at n5e11.1. 0 0: No.: do tticar2e. limier doll and nominal. Potro teem dull but not leu - er: crude 1.4:%i Per bbl; refined 231((dMY:c Per gallon. . Dry Goods alsrl,l. N.," Yong, June I. Tradewas, as Usual, dull, and prices of staple goods rale Inn' un lacy: Ltrown .t eon: of boot makes steady at 141,airEs, At.ea:l Cabana, 1:14," 0..14e: Laminla 11. 12ttte I U.: Lawrence LI. 1434, , . lie; the inside role a low dgore: Miller River 1:!;e: Pepperell 11, 11IR: do N. 1. 1 1 , ;c: do .-l. :/h; do b 4, Me; do 04. 411., do 104. 45e: do 11-4. 40e.... Barlet I bleached I 11.1111: 11;#e; Lon don. 11c: Bay 31111, We: Wahiseßa XX. 2114 e and New York Mills 240. 1E9=13 CINCINNATI. June Inn anti In frooll .dentantl: faintly f.1.5Cit.1.71. Wheat Inner and, lint little offering . . :Wang 1.1541.14. Cara is high er nt ppi_ s tne. fiatu ltye 0nt....du1l at 21h:1%214e. Whisky cloves hem with fair demand :It (tl,lll for pitl process: pa tent doll at *l.lll. Provisions unchanged and nominal; no sale: hat air - Unit:les held at obi priee, flutter dull Cheese 12,14 e. Litneetl oil $l,lO. CZ= Mt:m.ll4 . .lone 4.- -Colton recta a 473 bobs, exports I.uL. Flour lull at }1:V . 111 4 14n. Caw. Omer; Yellow .liati....white F 1.1 4 ,11.1.15. (luta In demand at (inv. Hay dull and nominal. Ilrart tiukt at fttl. Lard nomi nal. Port: dull at tlltttlialll. flacon ahoulders tuff at sides dull at liti6tlho. Baltimore. = . . improvial demand; sales western superfine at Voidizi.s; extra. ; family, $41, - .:5 - 7. Wheat than. Corn -dull: sales at st.ll/ , its for if•ltldEl.ll for yellow. thitS dal! at 57 liye steady at Val's - di= Provisions nueluttted. Whisky weak at el lWid I. 0:. 12131= Isit•litY t.t.g. June 4.—Cotton dull at :ilk, c for middling. FloUr steady. Grain in fair demand. Provisions Wet and trio. Bagging flint. Whisky steady, prices In the market ruling at yesterday's quotat lons. Tobacco it more act Ire and prices 'stiffer: 1.104 216 Wide, fatt.4ll trash to medium bright wrapper. Albany. A . .I.‘ NV. Jane I.—Market for breves opens tame with receipts in excess of lasi week. at an adranco of a, to Ise olanitted; 'highest price lire and from that range touched Sr.', In sheep a decline of 35 to lc. ME= I.:gw Oittxxx,. June 4.—Cotton dull and nominal with middling at 21?...c: sales°lll.ood bales; receipt ,. 8211; .ex ports stt;inch Bay firmer with prime at rJr.. tither articles 'quiet and unchanged. Sterling • 31n.wAmir.E. June stenay: carnet. Wisconsin ti.C=4:lll. Wheat unsettled at $1,119 for No.l, siiro; for No. 2. Oats firm at it. for No. 2. torn and lurley nominal. lire firmer at Fla: for No. 2. I=2III !)minor. June 1.--Flour 11rtit 111 Id in *lOl nnind. Wheat is t Ntu better; extra $1:4; N. I $1.15; regular . sl,3Kl 1:4!: $1.2 , ,at5:54, , ,e for westem = CI.I:VLI.ANII. AND PITTSIIVIII ill HA 11.10 r. 41, COMPANY..IIIne 4.-1 earl. or,. Shiumbiwger. It A' Co, 4 do do. 'McKnight. I' do do, Jones, & 14 1 do 41a..1loorloiii .t I'm t 410 UM., 0011.0, Penn Salt Cm I do pl metal. Colon Iron Mills; Ido do, Ili Smith .h Co; 0,100 !rut lumber, Flask a: it: 16.11Cia do do.fkisOall shingles. It A Clark lt. Crulat ft lumber, It P Iturguln: casks mdse. K E Sellers Si Co; lot furniture, T fi Fulton:s4o bids many:mese. C L Under loYsi 0 bas tobacco. J McClurg: 5 bbis oil. IV II llownril: 1 Cllll tobacco. Pretitleld bbis appira. W 11 tlralLiiil ht w tish. Schomaker 14 bbls I wire. J Dunlap: Ibx bacon. Ell Myers; II sks corn, 5 do roc. McHenry ,k hood: 111 bbis o meal. Strleker S Mt It bbls do, la Sys p barb, E litagletou: 0I billspokes, War ren .S . P: :Ft bxs cheese. Volgt. 4 Si Co: 10 bas . do, W Ii Kirkpatrick: !ti do do, Dilworth, 11 & tt do do, Arbuckle% & Co; to do In. 'I'C Jenkins; 1 do do, Woolworth & D: :1 obls ItF4'. II Itt, Jr: f; 11%.$ chve.e, Volgt, )I Co: .1 bbt eFg7. Robb at II: I do do. II Itlddle; RI /do onto, 1 lt Cr:tight:lß' IS 01l bbl, It D Moore; • .. . 2 bl;ls 1 oppleg. Hour). J S t'o: 2 doeggs.:i ko butter. 2.1 eke .1 apples. I' I/11T S Son:3 bl.l, oz, 04, I box butter : if Iten Jr: I bbl eggs..) 3 . _ 1.7 raff; 1 keg Water. 2 Wok egg 31. Prrisorunii CINCINNATI ANS) ST. Ilait.nnan. lune 1-1 car starry. F /inl.er; do do. Strrat Urn:: do germ. iron. Park Hr.': I do wheat, Kennedy Pro:. leo Mil. Hour. K irk pkt sick it Co: WO do do. Shounker do do. Schmidt 8 Friday; 1 ear millfeed SchnelbAch it Heel: 2 do .tare., 31 P pkgA tattedard..l Porterlleld: 1 do do. E mmaosonmasteatti n I & 110, 5 do beer.f. do bout, 41alsell 5, Town nn.': I krJul tol,deco. HS 11 - Junk inson: 3do do, 31 Hey); 2 les shoulders. 2.1 bx , soap, Watt. Land &.1,4 11 1 1 , 611.whiskr. II liven eases trine. 11.1 Roberts:11110 lord. .1 II 14. t; 4 trs shoulder, JII Posher: .I.i herr. . • 7 hiunr. Sellers Co; :11 hkgs tobacco, Bnabie & P:2l libbi eggs. IV II Graff .0 lo bbl, tOl bgt, twin, .clerk Urn; . pkgs baron. Bead & Met agar 2 bbl, ergs,' Rankin; do do. Canfield S Baler; 5 balsa wool. W .11:W -k., .1 r 3 pkg, Muannr B Ilartitr; i MlNeggs. W Cools-1 . :2 410 do. Voigt. 31 .0 Co; 15 do do. J Graff St Co:2 do do, IN Nlllandrr: 2do do, '34 Kirk: bbls sugar. Ilnwnrth S 11: 11 lora stand,. rt Dyer; In Our tobacco, McMullen .t Co:s do do. II Bllinger; 5 do do. P. Pourstsll: LLB, flour. Dan 11 allace; 1 ear faintest. II 111 Henderson d, tiro; 2do 'blooms, Nintick Co; _do wheat. -P Bush: 5 bar estuent. .1 MIDI.: tea hants,.l II Parker; 4 bah., ton. T ii Volingl 111 bait soap, (1W McClure. Prgrsurnait, Fnirr Warsar Man ChireAnn RAILROAD. inns Mau hour. BM ohs do TCJetikboi Ilro: 2 cars stone. Bultsnin A: 13: 100 111.1. flour Culp .0 S; 1111 Io 111/. II IV Be- Chita, lot scrip how Nlyors .0 IP lo lilts pota t..., Paul A: 13: 1 cur lumber. Don llortlonati: 2 LW, i/diS. NV) 4torie It 10 kegs 111. gahnetdork t 5,1 Mr uk, [tax. .1 IV Tivl,l)V Cord ALA rogn. 11 Clatisty; 1 WA rgg,lo ss cheese, Woodworth & D; 2 do 10, Brad .0 NI: . . ,-•• . . . I cur I stone. WT. IS 3; Co; 5 Idds liquor. A s McGrew; 10 Las cheer...) Brutlen; a lads forks. &Needs, 11.430: 0 11,. 1.11, 1 , 0101.-stork diAlk ar brd. , Ms;eq . Hr., it. 111,1* ..{I. rage, lard. Reese Owens; It lend. 11111,21.1,. AND COS:NUJ-OVMM 1t.t.11.- ;WAD. June 4.--a horses, Campbell as A; I bbl.s erne. McCracken. (I & Co; 3 idols d apples. Ss Shriver & Co; :Oaks wheat. Snot ; ears metal—l Moorhead: V Sas ar J Ander son & Son; 33 rolls leather..l ll:unmet; & Son; 143 bgs wheal. Kennedy Bre; Lal — sks oaf, Illnner A 'IA; . 25 In whent. 5.; 113; dl,l„ky. ay Co; 3 cars brick. S' )l; 1 ked . . . . . . , butler. I tin Inn!. Voigt. M & Co; 1.t.l WI% 1.- M. ,.. rg . h tin t w ilu o n ... tj , T'L u b , b ir r t, ...zt&e , nt. I. 33 ALT..r..“llWir VAT.;.XT ILAILtunAls. June 4-2 carra..umt al. W Smith; 2 do do, 3kKniglat in Co: 2 nun grain. Scott A: M c la aka tra.ol, Whet dun & - ;?..1n: 3 - : Rgs Mg , . McCullough. S k Co: I . . • • • , do . do. V BorroleY: sdo do, Bricker& Co: ts) sks wheat. I car do, Kennedy Ilro; 3 bag oldie, I) Gregg S Co: I bbl eggs. I ear rye s t Ao wheat. kg. batter. Brugge.... car.lhne, Henderson Bro; I car gral. 1 41 , 1 eggi4 W H Kirkonnrick k Co. ALL= II ENT STATION. June tors era, J Cunningham; 7 cases b powder. J Lockhart; 2 cars wheat, Kennedy Ito: Mtpigs lead. Scboonmaker & Son; I car shingles. MeKledy Me(); al bbls, IGO aks Boor. S C 31c3Inslers; I ear coorpentge. J H Hemphill: 24 rolls lent her. Jno Taggart: I car lumber. Frasier Bro. I :12=1 PITTSIStiItOI3. R1101FF9911.1.1 AND Or, reit PAcarr COMPANY. Jnoe'4. , -51 LLii finar..l Dilworth S. Co• 478 Wu w• glass. RC selonert a okes butter, J .1 Pettit &Co: 1 .IAI whisky, W R Drill:lifts dry apples. J Ileppart '2 !Ads eggs. A S MI bdll s boards. D L ' , lamest ottr & Co: 40 do do, It Nlateliet t: 0.5 01l Ws. E A Stewart: 8 bales hay..l C Schaeope; 10 do do, Bricker & Co; Aldo do. A S a VSEVA Co Baas- .Tune -.11. bale, hay. McElroy & Co:2la, butter, 1 tar batter...for Klee; 55 bgo wheat. rs do corn, McDane .b A; do oat,. S B Floyd & CO; It dolrbeat. ./ & D Shaw; NJ do corn, W Weigh; ale bartelm, Spencer & M; 7 jars butter, 3 by. turn, 3 hero 811 Balrd; 190 gall, wore, w Butt man; 340 do do, Weaver Bro; :r3 bg, 0010, Mc- Cracken, 4./ & Co. RIVER PACKETS • -NTONONIJAIIELA THE FLEET STEAMER • BELLE, .1. P. SMITH J. W. scorr Independent Pittibur.h Brownsville and Parket. - - I.e.svri WLuf IKR IStVree% Monnnsshela Midge ery TUESDAY, TIIMPSDAY and SATURDAY t3e.m. • . . Will carry' Freight mid Passengers to all points. the .Ilosionsah oda river.. Yorf might aspakkagnennif tin Innitilimiartitiiii t..t, at foot Of Grant street: - non IVkl. WI:IAM' k CO., Azont. 152E312 FOR CAIRO AND ST. z aMt LOU/S.—The eplendLi pawn• ger steamer • wecAXITA ..............J. tl. CONWA Will leave for the Strive and Intermediate 'rats n MIS DA Y. June 2, at 4 v.v. For freight or p.A.age, apply nn Lotted. I= VOR WHEELIMi, 1 ETTA. PA ItKERSBUna. JROISToN AND PORTSMOUTH. LCSITS Ptttstairgh EVERT YEIDAT-4 LotaiecaPortarooothrreatr SIONDAT-1 0 A .w. Tim new and aplendld ana.nonanaiaamer GRANITE STATE. Will les.e as an... 4. • Yoe Weight or narrune spiny en Ward, or to =I Pittsburgh and Cincinnat PACKET LINE • Thrlv wlll les. Pillebureb for On U . SSIMIC at litio'slir.Pmillifil elselnasibl SW/MT SUN 1 4;1 fjpe 4141111: " ). freight or pas.. sppl, WACK #.II:O b aI.NOWOOD, jAsm 014.1 NA. AMU , mb7 Pittsburgh and Cineinnat PACKET LINE. The new sad spieedid Ofe . ”bral A dr i a Mesmer A IGLINGITOi. WPM 14(kr.RIC, 11141 , 14. A. R. SflgeAlerr, Molt. Mateo Pittrennyth for Cieelerreti !Intl TIIF.hAY et 112 }I. - promptly. Ref erning.leeref rlnelenell for I'l Ho- Merely, nt 12 M. every IrRY6AY. For fiefens, peesege.or ether reirnettne, apply an.tniethl M try • /AMES CreLLINR. e FLACK IteOLLINOWW , Tr. A tO. RIVER' NEW S. The rivet has undergone little ur nn - cluing., for several dais,the Monongahela marts still indinnting i feet 6 inelie. in' he channel. 'l'hr from arrira•d. and the Kate Puttinni. ruin .Nnshville.sktiil he Julia front %anon ilh. nre dtte this nornlng. The Cumberland river was rising on 'riday• with shun fret on llarpeth Shoals. The St: Charles-took a picnic party out mm Cincinnati on Saturday: The Ar ington lout not arrived up until Friday Thy Glendale. from St. Louis. was ee reeled to arrive at Cincinnati on Satnnlay. The Wild Duck left St. Louts for Pitts mrgh on .Thur.lay. Thellevernon was .to have 'taken a yoti party oat from Cincinnati on Satin lay. The tilasgow was at Evansville - nu Sid Imlay, nisi the Camelia Was at Cairo. The >lotnphia ...1 rob r, eh t• of NVaslnesdny says. The Arkansas; from Si. hids, fur . Arkansas - river, discharged 200 tons of freight here. Lim captain war Undecided, last night no regards . ascending. the At. :iansas river, owing to the low stage of water. The. Mollie 3lcPike, for Arkansas riser, was blinded ton deep .to got up that stream above the cutoff' nt iii' present low stage of Witter —The :lletuphisrlppen/ sltys: The steamer Legal Ten ler has captured and 61., earried away Cu' itt _States Marshal 11. P. Reid:and his Ise - v. They went aboard ns directed by a process of the Federal Court. caught th pilot, and tied the boat Pin log projeet g front the bank at Friar's Point. Tlie Captain above; seeltig what was going on, ordered the engineers to hack rout into the river. 'file log was dragged after the boat, which went away to its destination with the : United States slicers nit learnt. Tloeir writs load no va lidity beyond. the, middle of the river, and the captain wing Outdo. them confess . they la-cm - dead in ate...doted headed them on the round ttl . s A "Legal-Tender - I pays debts very totrionsly. if 'one . any . - read - conclusion from fads here re, cited, lit referent 'to the ailove we have a note from .lodge Reid who says Item. earried atwont-ti 'miles-down the river and was pot mato ' tn. Arigur.R. , • --11, ricer h. a reached a slags non. that boats which I re too long for the ea :,:.1 0.1.1 ~,,•1,,1s 111 1 falls if it were not for the eillis and , le:tractions left in the channel of the ri er ht - the bridge Coin ',any,. It b. an on rage that boatn belong inn above lie, ma needed there. should be detained here o this liettitit. When the tit 1 r N. 1. ,I.to . a few days ago, they r0..1.; !.4,- la..•ti rinoved eiisil. NoW, the 0,. lit r.!/.. ,Je . lie Ebert awl s;ivoral ether Isms are /yi ' ig at Portland for this renson.---1.. , .,,eii1e ( . /111111* eel"). —,‘ ,-:-1. •• ollitot rove oi-vorr.ollootwr en the steath . ers .Itni)..hilite•on, of the lie. 'sok Parket t'oonitkilly, and the lied 'W ing, of the No.rtheinitts, bet wo.en St. Louis ,rtuf li , ,ktik, in, t - ,•ir last trip. The John son has been con..itlered the fasteet host on the r ip , mi,,,i...,,ippi, awl earried .If the boner', but ale' lied NVing. although new and towing a hargii, bent her an hour to Quincy. It in said the Ihst Wing ran loan Hannibal to Qiiini-y, tri tiilt's, in Cl!', Ininutss. ' . F rivate letter f Marietta. Ohio. :tales that Captain 11. Brinker's new boot, building nt that place for the lied River trade, is progressing finely. Thr follow lug.. are Ler diraenaions. .Length. id; feet; k!ain. :IS feet, d epth hold. L; feet; P.A. incites cylinders. li fort stroke. will cabin full length, nnklito fine its they make them tor the lied Inver trade. Iler 11111/1e has not yet been decided open. —The St. 1.011i4 10,,,i.trat, of Wednes day. sap:. The Collier left for Caroude let. from which Ole will depart 14,mm-row or Friday. with 5114) tuns ore for Pitts burgh, .i(in Inns for Ironton. and tuns for Martinsville. besides 1111 tuns Iron she took trod' ,wir levee. The Torn Reef: barges are lading nt eatundelet with iron ore for the I Phi°. and will getaway. prettily, to any. late Mentplain dinl.atrL MVP: Nearly au acre of valuable laud nt fax of Poplar tdreet. in (rant of the city. fell into the via or last night, swamping wad in,•*, n it bargee of coal owner( by llrown ntnl Jones, entailing n loss of lit teen thousand &Until. In the morning a large portion of tho bluff j0,..t below tie 'IOn the riVo . f.• in nail Clint of Ow I.stio.contiooplnti• soak lug nio. altetations her: that she will be widened feet and which will Rink.. lit, tlii• the nteanter Itieltmoud—:l47. feet long. tlawllah Poppnrd. elerk.atol the Frew of the Mollie Ebert panned through . Ctn. einnati on Thursday for Pittaburgh. the Ebert having been - up at Portland. there it being water enough to enable. her to nsrend the falls. Nile - 1,11 Little Hoek, May 2.. r. Nightingnle lying Own- welting for fl tine b. go up, elnrkvil le at Swan Lake douldo tripping: IL t'. linty laid up at South Bend: America nil np nt Arkansan Port.- -• lassonwr on fir steamer Hobert Barns lost. seventeen • hnadred dollars by n gnu... just before the depar tare of Thai innAL hum 141 Tilt•ii• day night. --me barge Louina. nunk , toome time ago and nuppo . sed to have been lost, in Icing on the bank at the month of Saline (liver, end will he launched noon. —The warohousinitt Little Hoek aro full of Fort Smith freight, left then, .hy tram hitlit boats: • NuTreE. To Contractors. Tho underalyned. Corntnimionemappolntrot In eat an AM of the General Amemhty et. the Commonwealth fallen:nu/'Tante, for the parpnee enntromingwith one or more permit, forth* Rv ring OP indexes to the Dealla PM dthat Iteiied urepoasts far the utaktottAf raid one., w ill be received Until t:Si), T- 117,•TUE 27870 1 _ • Indru kooks will be furbished by the Con inissioncts. but tri atationen necessary to in need wtil in required to be furnished b the contr. - tun. ' the contrsclor coutractors will be required lir give bond lit the raterount required by law to ho given by tho ntoeh of of Allegheny county, and with at bast two sufficient sunbelt, which bond. shad be enuditlonal for the fellhful performance of the said wort. apecirnen book, exhibitingthinin of the Index teiiike to be used. and the plan upon which said in dexes are to ho made. nn be teen by aPPIThItI Mr. IttIXTER. at tile aecorder'e The rotunilielimers reserve to themselves the rit• lit to serrerrin the work , and on tbccoulibletion 0 the Indexing of each olume of lionks., to rescind liarcarittwel 111:110 elt dee tst. men the!: epproligtimi.i Ede 3. told will be reqUired to contain the on ter pnge arid the time within which tile bidder will undertakald Ciltnpletu the eiatriti. and will be in coin givenpa Ith the tangle of thosu reties proposed to he g tribe latalltd performance of the wnril• l • lilmnii Jet l ooh bidder may bid for the winde or tor trio - making of the . Ifdeiee In the Deed Dookenr Vi; btaht If e =Boot awardttiet for ed to different girlie...each will be hequirni t r be o/dee security In thelante sto.nt to De bY the Iteonrder of Deeds. The Conunlsloners hien renerre to theteselvae the right. to mice*. or In t l neeet any bid (meld!, as in their judgment mey he ot condoetre to the pub. Ile Interen. . • Tae q, Pittaburgl_, m pr 'n' "N l7 RINT ".1.1". 11. lULA. F. MICAS ; r . • TROY. 11.• IllfMTElt, irounnie.loneri. V. B RA Mir ". " • PrI7I.IICROII. , 'tap. r0y13,7:1 NOTICE. It r. Blank Book Manufacturers. The undersigned. Commissioners aPpnintAil In end by en. dolor the General Asternolf of the rgw.' rive A7rllTbl c jk . sTr ‘ Li=ftfl •Z the g r :MARV:en; trts rt:Vor=r- I tr% Xi ' :; tint:ard Reeled Ilwpor Forty to iffy Blank Books. Rettoble for Mew boote lo Abe deed* ind Mort "tire, Ai. , re1121.1.9/111 be received • . . . . . . WEDNESDAY, June 8,1874 i 'Aaltit Weeper,' boot, strirff Vol di m ...1 =12 d t Irdi= Ar . . , 111;744".;1, thi 4 1t e =lribeteld II; be" ; eirteent et of let* wurbledlllll.lll be reeelred to beet the rant/ tubstantisl there°. The eortireitslonere will eward Ilielablitiet to the bidder Cr bidden whore hid I, Mee 0111.1 w their ltdetteel.bo mitt fevoreble to the PubllO Interest.. Tim bide will he ltddrettrol, throne, the_Post• mtw to the 71otioners, No. G R ANT billtt.T.Pitttba 7 7 , • - I ' TllOB. /1. MINTER. ennltnieelOnere. W F II.I.IVAW: ! P/T7ent.linll, Hey 11, 114,0. 1=1:1 NOTICE.-The Bookii for thr mob. tick (PTIOPiof Stook of the . • Crystal Spring Ice Manufacturing and Storage Company, Are now opened et the Mechanics' he lone bsy tehse li oobouf r n r St e l a ion o e f l i e4h,otl. t go. ii 4ll7ll)l lflbVerritecreeneett .tue, the f v gl e t i Ahee o s , y lerfeltrete g eteoz 4 Mora JANIPPI Indic ocwmr, Pre•blefil. SPECIAL NOTICES IR — DOCTOR WHITTIER I'ONTEI. 171:5 7TH TILPIAT ALI. PRIV ATH DIS EASKa. that humors/a. elms ot ram. resultlag from rell-nbuse. producing Ininuanllncsa, narrows debility, irrtnthllity. "It sahlaslotta sloon and Impotenty iternrannlitly cured. Person. ftglicted With drilcato, intricalo and long standing constgutional complaint* aro politely lulling rail lor con•nnallon. costa nothing. Baps glance. the in,. ..1 Wadi..., ban .nnt,!,,, nen enlVlent.gate pononnont. i:i r d " ;gi r t;lTtlitnit (.4.mi can be used 1;1111..iit rnnen to hUninenn. ‘n on tnblinhment, which embrace. office. reception a t also bonnlin, nnd •Inn4lng nand* rot paten. requiring daily occsonsk arts, thni.•nri saran. and enenocal loth', inns e.o.m. totting the tamed mineral .prlrnm., No outlier who bore 1.11••1, Kn. your tame. 'haul wind he lays In hie pamphlet of lltte pew, punt to nny nthinnas for (WI. stamps in waits) o T 11.1111.111.12. of Mae% treated unnnnll.l at °Mee and all over (be countrY. Consultation, re... pet . ..nails orb, unik l men No. 9 Wrlle aural, inemr Connltnuw , l 1 . 11411111i11, is. Hours A. M. tit MP. Sundnyn w. 0.2 p. Pamphlet...lNa to any or TWO PTAL L. 10•DYSPEI'SIA--NEW MODE OF TUICA7'3II.:ICT. Pitt Ir ESA{ 111 10A 1.1: If lithe dlntlinnitslielf Nng -11.11 Itotanlkt. discovered In Australia nn o <reliant Malone remedy.ml effectual cum for Indigestion, itillions and Liver roinelnint, end okunnionlented I ie. seine 10 the rhilaltelnhls lllltnnie Institute. rho:4•eNtnrToilneelivelion. forward free to All,dt eeler, I Mettles! h e m.liefo Solite y Who makes this an nouncement 111 not male any ehurgo for this boa, t.k derieektrete the sure , - ttortty or notanle over every other {mirth.° of rd to forty r l•1 the of their 010,, thus Illt Nets Oho frrmenll resent - fuoventent In niedleal reform. Enclose it dlroeted oneelop . o to the -.4Ft'llrl'A It V OP Tli VI 110- TANI,. INSTITt:Ttf.' 10 10 $Ol,lll lath street. Philadelphia. Jet vlt . 0 a . MAN11000: 1110WL HO W OST: W RESTORED -.lust Published In n yealed N akSporn. ttttt I.lentlital Aenee7n.lkN n l l ` e l s 'l s J . I t t n nFI. dl 1 1 : : n 1 r'llil 1 mpedi ments to NW - flame getsernlt, Nervousness. row VrirA 9 ,:tratv:. l 7,'. 11., nutliqr o ' t the "lace,, Hoot." be. lIA 11110 A To TIIttI:SAN twrFrlittslts. , Kent ttttt under seal. In a plain envelop., to nny address, poetpald. vviro:th."ll4 In II ...Ince in;s iSfl, A 1.. - by roAfe j i-werll .. .11erretZ0 Klee 2 a cents. n1y3,1:1 I '.. , ; I .— BATCHEI.OIt'S HAIR 111'E.-1, Tido splendid Ilnir Ole it the best In the world. Ilarndees. Instantannotts.does not contain Jowl, ~or y ProdUee Pandysis or IltAth. Avoid the vaunted and delu sive prenarstions boasting virtues:they do not Wee Neer. Tee irenUrrie W. A. Itatehelor's Iltdr (lye had 30 years milltmloll.l Mlntntlon to tii.hold Its Integrity an the only Perfect flair 11,0-((lark or hr all Druggists. Applied ut 10 Ye. WHOLESALE GROCEIL9, &c, ENTABLISIIED A. 8 T. 141R111.1 . ; 113 Av. MAI( \ILY, Wholesale Grocer, 271 I,lllEln SHIEET, =I Plll , lll to It PA. lleanor & Horper, FI,II:It,IMAIN AMP ritorwrr: ColllllllSSion lert.ll:lllt.S =I M. STKEI.E. . .. I A ,TKKLIC. Conn is4ion 4.rchati And I Yale. in le1.01.:14 GRAIN. FEED. Ae., de N., 95 1,1111, ”.• Col.:nein. Ade ghen7 ivl. W. C. Armstrong. Fetzer ,t PRODITE I.OII3IISSION $1:11(11 INT, W~ 9 z4l . N... 13 MARKET FT 111,A NCI IA 111 IVltultsale anil Retail “rocer, NizdrG PENN sTIII.:ET. I- ITT I.E.ll\lltllk PATTON, Whole SALK tillOVEKS.l , ennd.lon Merehenta and nlern In I.l,ldre, Fl”nr. Igor n, rartem and laid 1114 Irdn, COIIOII Yuma and ell PlUnbarch .Ilaladecture. vnerelly. 114 and 11l SEC. mr. Plitahural, 11% t. 11.11,P . LOW. 110i • sE. 110,C. '`Toll' HOUSE'S:IIIIOS.. SIIeCOSI4Ors t) lit d.IIIS I. 110 USE A Co.. Wln.leAnle rinren and Ootnnala•lon Alerctunta..cduer tot Smithfield •nd Water otreets. ‘;.11111!TON Wholemle likorKILS ANTI I.IOIIICcE DEALERS. N., 6siAtb svt , nuo, , OILS Taek, .13111.- & l'EltitY BUILDING, Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. 'l':\('l ]-;I OS., 11111FRIC`111111:1. myl+ W r Ai/N (4 1“N r (11, otunilf•l .1. 31erchant, aulHl4.krrk Petroleum and its Products, 1.7.E7.1;11 Uo4l'.R.iNli WAY., P6llndeph4 Add Al/IN(÷, TN4.4 &CO 100 1 09 _ EC fa - T ; SE PETROLEUM REFINERY. Herbert W. C. liweadle, MANITACTVIIICIt for Lubricaling pud Bich Test Burning Oils. = ti 10.1140 beta enabler: ;0111311111 Ilno yid al lower. tenarrendurea. Spacial "II for tropi al :oclimatearrears. , iir 7.46110T1VY. WoLiLtik4 BIALIIIN 6 81101*. nut • HAW MILL AND MILL . . . Addyted toe isidhlr ed. SPINd.IX N/LIIEAD.LI,II3T TANNE!.. HTI!pAIEN4OI.r... 11=0/111311MMUMIVIN o';;;111 1 6\1`; . !3: 4 . 1 ,:?1,1i - r. ' th .A =. I; fine. Ire n Work lfschiretry tram runt. • Three products are runnut'acturett 0111 i, Dr. Tainlelein patent by auperbented atenut In part-Ise. Tbe Lubricant. Olin ore inhales'. per foal, hum uniform. end leanly Hitt Wore& Innen high tempt/Muni nnehtonged. anti female limpid during extreme ea.. 'I . Ito Itallresel 011 s nre ann. gunned. nre In cenntant one neon tnntly et the principal Italia - nts.pler ran be examined and g lnf ba ers burg left 174 WO OL PTlllier. 'Work. at rlet FINANCIAL CENTRAL BANK No, 35 Bank Block, =I •100.0110 Bank of Discount and Deposit. DEMI BTOMUOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. Interest Allowed on Time Depoklts Collede In 1111 the principal Cities of the United t its nd Caned.. TIIOIIAS FAWCETT, • AiiIiISON BAILEY. l'illigielailikel, eiZilinTßilli'AN JULIVS AI/I.Elt. JAILED N. BRUSH JABIFaI DROWN. JAMIEI. HACK 1.1. J. 11. WALTER. y I.TONN. . _. . . . W. DAY ITT, ensitter. M. lIUNIIING24, ler. spllrrlthtwr • • DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No:05 Fourth Avenuo. • = ASSETS. , • 82,595,:371 fl():: ..p ° l" . araiNl 39 r;n7At9"'Pea'S'ay7 k i r it; .ocilreMber 1 ssf i non Itch ember lei. to as let, frotn SO f 4 &elect. • ;Cm re Prod of all sums of not • leas ,than Olt DOLLAR, mute dividend nigh* groat, des tele* a year, Pan• and Desember. Inter . t has been.. declared semlasoula/ly In Jane and December, 'Lingo the Mutt sou organised, at the rate of lilt Per lent. Per rot , !interest, If not drawn gut, is placed to the credit ge e I ll' i rtVga t• ltrir ZVI 3:U117 11141 r, eginpOurigllng twice e Tear. withent tronbling the depositor to estl. or even to preeent his pigs. book, igt, [Mangle money Will doable In lets than twelve ' VIM containing thq Charter, 717-Lairs, a t a u nt RegulaUons, I arnintied ratio, on evaluation at the °Mtn. Plitliennitag,lA MIX lIIGIUDIA9.. ,' • Am..:. ' Viii r"t' V l ' Arm, . ht It : Cw a g ii.hql , t}qh. I libbsk DA' •'• fan!. F. Wen °Mock. IJohn IL niumMerger James IleA . i:jjoy, . -. James Mlle, .:, at " 2 . 1Z14:1?! . ItlglVV:irr '. : . 1 . 111 , ,itt: • 1 ni J A derson, port' J. Leash. - Illein • Ailtlie, ' . ' ' 'li .igy A, 9 , dglm, J anila.."', . r ' Agn.. I? . j ‘ T i t:.;ll,„, . ' it ' ntbgniirs: ' ,e , lita , Daggs, ,11., ' Ig iil r tis; . . ' Pi% li t iTmtglii Ines7l ; ft . ,, .. . ~, f lt T,. 41 ..„,.....,..; I qm h r.A.„garili.4 „Ir IA .1,117, FINANCIAL Tradesmen's National Bank, ITOODD STREET, CORNER SECOND AYE. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS Gold. Coupon Bondi nod StOa =I E=Z;M= 1% : . V A N President, odAdei CT lICS CLARKE. Jll. Cashier. _ AMERICAN RANK, o. SO Fourth Aveime. PITTSBURGH 11000.000 = Stockholders Individually Liable DANK OF DIMMIINT AND DEPOSIT. DAD , : M.OTD, WM. PhDYD, . . 1111111. M. Marshall, John M. Mortland. Win. T. Shannor I A rchibald Wallace. • .Inione W. H rrol Jan. D. Kelly, et.am.ll.l.rech. Ww. Floyd. John Floyd, Collection.. mt on all pond.. in the Vnited .Stale. and Calm . Prompt attention laid to ow renponnenlo. FIDE HOLD BANK AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION; No. 1110 Fourth Ave,. Pittsburgh .8100.000. .5200.1100. DEPOSITORS SECURED DV REAL ESTATE. AND INTENEET ALLOWED iIN TIME DE POSITS. EnOlident—+WAllD IIOESP:. Piro Preside Di—J.S.CRAFT, ADANI JACOBS. CAPITAL.... 1%1111 YUII EDWARD Ii0111411.1.1;IAM I . I.IILIAPS JA NI FIS S. CRAFT. ROUT. W.MACK KV, .1114 AS STF:KI,, JARRI) M. BRUSH. TIIO3IAS W. DAVIS. Secreter, end Treamunv—Tllosl AS STMEL. Aaalrlant Vagltler—JAMES • r, . • . from fp ...clock A. M. 4.4 o'clock daily. and every Saturday avoulnir from 7 to 10. apTi:C:4 COMMERCI A L BANKING COMPANY, Vo. 9! Fourth Ayr., Pittsburgh CAPIP \ $200.000 Stockholders Individually Liable: W. 11. htli3ON. W. C. NI President. Cashier. T 1.1 VI/SA Y A.ll. F. 1011.1 1 411, NIACKI3I W. 11. I.:VP:MI:ON. .11/11N Q. viitt.l4 w.(,.itn; II A Wl' 11. F. WILSON. It.llrrtl~nir mile Amu KLEE. INIERIV3V allowert .ir. TIME DRIVSITf Pn.inio ....Ilion given lo bushier* of pontlent.. CITY BAN 112 FIFTY' AVENT . PITT6I3 UM: IC PA. WrOrKHOLDEItit INDIVIDUALLY INTEILEST PAID ON DEPAISII Pounds EXCHANGE bought and when sleatre.l remitted to Euro,w, I. maleedm4 al 4, n n dnC • ana dhie. prtneipal Von DOMINII , K. I/MI.4:N. President. A M View Prealdent. W. N. MORGAN. rmhier. 011.1,011. J.. , McCabe, 11 Sea lan il, 11. A. Freyt...le. Thomas Hanle. D. Ihniaon. Ila arias Itaurkr Patrick Kant, Char, B. Barr. ebaa. H.J. tinstv. litaaT• Mt. M. GAZZAN. THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. ( )1 - Pit tburg,ll Ft-MI.IM Safe Keeping of Valuables, I guarnntee, ind Ilia renting ..f Safes In llr FirCantl Borglr-Prnof Vaults, No. 83 Fourth Axe. P4e.lllrlnt —IV 11.1.1 AM pm LL:PS. Vitt' Ilvaidet.-11E-N HY} LOY 11. Igimeroun• Ilymn s I AI. Pa orr t w. ti J.. S. l it,rgr. 111.1, 1 . 111111 G. 1114 Iclltlam Itanry Lloyd, William It William M. lomn, Jaa. ITlWnamt. : on and Treak—ll. V. VON DONNII , Open daily (nom 9 o'clock a. Is. to 4 0., MORGAN, KEENE . ' - & 11AI. AV aI L Stre = nn) and Sidi on Corm. STMT. GOVZHNNIENT MKCRITIP4. and 4 Warm. A General Banking Bu TIIEO M. Mt/ItUAN. SAMUKI.. BA.T.DRN F MAILVI.N. ==:=Mll:=l MM== doing In Mar Immediate •Ithilty of the \ +dock FA change and Ilia Mold Board And inestbiets of each). orders are executed - with the/greatest passible des patch. Merchant. and incest...llring al a distance. can rely upon our attention to their smallest or lamait orders. with equal care and promptness. As In yearn put. *a shal tinue to transact all business of National Ban ks and Corporatlimil on the most favorable terms. Individuals and Trust cosummeg. ronte%pinting a change In that: securities. or desiring to mute inquiry concerning any financial business they ay have In. this city are Invited In communicate with us personally iv by letter. Ile fermi . Jay Cooke A Co.. Ben Tort. mirMALI N. Holmes &. Sons, RANKERS, 57 Market Street, P al's nu mat PA. (...n*"..re e4e C'D 11 Trtl V=l pmts of ? knta . STOCKS, BONDS AND OTTER SECURITIES, =2 PartlenTar attention rata to atin Inienhiten mile ' United States Securities 1100.0 HART, CAUGHEr& CO., Bankers.and Brokers, CORNER FOURTH AND WOOD STREETS, Pittsburgh. Pa I= Exchange, Coin, Coupons, Md partlchtt Ittonilt i gil to the purfhase and C3overnment Bonds _.ALSO Sight Draughts on Londhu mytoa 7 Per Cent, Gold (FREE OF 11. B. TAX,) OF TIIIC BURLINGTON, - • CEDAR RAPIDS . & MINNESOTA R. R. CO'S First i First Mortgage GO YEAR CONVERTIBLE BONDS. i s. A MIMED QUANTITY FOR B At 90 and Accrued I terest. = XDOAR FROSTM CHARLES L. > ' The greater pall of the road la aletedgeomphOod and thews huge earning.. and the balance of the work la midi,' preventing. •' • Nee unhesitatingly recommend thesettendsenthe Watt and belt Inrestment In the martin. If. P. give•twentlM. et current prim only,roturn Ore peg tent. Interest, while that. par eight end ono-quarter per nerd. In (told, end we mart, the security' evielly good. HENRY CLEWS CO., Bnnkerm, 32' Wall Struot, Now York,. S. IirCLEAN & CO,, Nt), (111 Polivi A VOtll.lo k MeNtgllllilllll, ENGINES, BOILERS, &v. FO Li r PITT Boiler, Still and Tank CARROLL & SNYI)ER, E= TnII`cIII4tITIEIS" v"aAb. ,1 IV OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS. CHIMNEYS, IIItES IO CIII> AND ASTI PANS. SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS. EMMEI=MII=I =i= drrirr. AND WAILEHOUSIC: Coe. L'd, 84, Short and Libeity Streets; 118 - Orders rent In the above addrese 111 sa be Promptly attendee to, m CCM HUGH M. BOLE & CO., for. Point Alley and Duquesne St., I= Engine Builders, Founders, ANI; .4fonufactore STGAMHOAT ENGINES and STA THIN Elty ENGINES of all rfre.. ' Soodur Intention Invited to our net RTATION ANS OIL WELL ENGIND AND poRTABLic BOILER of 13 hon. tomer. CASTINDN,If five kind. mode to order at our Vounpy. on THIRD r,' NET. below 312.11.31. • • . ItIGS i'es• Oil Wells, hiIAPTING, PL LEUYS. HANGERS. nod TORACCO SCREWS. endde IRON der. TOBA heCCO PRESSES, on hand and ma to or at t INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny Myer. near the Point, l'lttebolgl4 I'n. • gir All ord.,. prot9Etly MINI.' TRY US. & Bro. FIRE AND I 11-PROOF SAFES AND VAULTS COMM ENGIN ES AND MACHINERY WORIC. KEI • AI KIM/ and .PUTTINI IP MACHIN Fncv. lIVIPRAKLIC.CKAIENT. t•or er I 71.11aml K K STREKTrI. l'ilLsbur.h. 1•a. A • • O'HARA BOILER WORKS F. REPHAN & CO Man xi factn rr, nr q'TF:A SI 11011.V.ItS, OIL TANKS Ct -l kj for. of Stroud Pienne and Liberty Street. PITTSBUROII. PA. rres K, 00,000 lepairlog Oronietly. Orders sent to tho Memo luldress will 1.11 promptly attended to. F. KM PI I N. lornierly Malawi.. at 'Altitl)l.l, MEE! kl. end leen n , the FOUNDERff, MACHINISTS KNAP FORT Pill Poundry Company. OFFICE. AND WORKS rrw oIEMEM I Retorts. and CaAttnes qrnensll7. t NATIONAL FOUNDRY ME Pipe Works. HE omit Carroll and Salalltaan Steels t, WM.: SMITH, = noN ns. ‘Nt'FA VTUTIFIII nF t'a•t. iron Bowl Pipe, .mess. M EK\ P., GAS-AND WATER WORKS Pita. In dry Castings for Gas- and Water Work 4 of 7:1'11`2-gLZTVIIIP.TiaI'AfTV.`"""°.`' NI. J. ANL EIRION 11. A. FREI - MILE. --- - MONONGAHELA FOUNDRY. W. J. ANDERSON* CO, =SZMM= C2=M=IBMI Castings of ail Descriptions attotttort tagd.. so AltlllTilteTtrltZ nod to ttattintra for Vindoar titzlot OFFICE ANTI FOUNDRY—NO. ISO WATER ST VAlsburgli. Va. ROBINSON, REA &.CO. SilGtettot.l to ROBINSON, MINIS WASHINGTON. WORKS FOUNDMIS rirrenoßol3 Martufsebtrors of Bloat sod Starlran' Steam En tilh"sefli orr.. "l gisttok id 77:11 etLjg i g; n i x " = l a Stela, Boller nod 50000 Iron b orit. 0111013 No. .111,enrner ring and frreltbfteld streets. feedi Amm n ar B toilers. er BIFFAILD'S PATENT INJECisT OI3tIrrY2 for• g . TIIO.S. CARLIN & CO., • Fourth Ward Foundry & Machine Works. ==! blanitructurent of Stationary and Portable Steam Middle, Oil Prom., Pulleys, Shafting. Grist and ham MIII Work. Rolling MIII and Machine Cartng., Grote flan. WeUMW, Wagon !loses, au. light to order and hare ou hand Engines of all. Mara tayllioh • Plicenix Roll Foundry. • Car. LIDESTT A\'3 24Th STS. • BOTITIMAN & BAUALEY, Mnuutacturers of Superior • Chill. Rolls, Sand Rolls and Pinions: PROFESSIONAL. 12121 extgan CI ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAIY, Rae removed to No. ST GRANT STREET Plthp burgh. Wilt practice In the U.B.Clreutt and ttriet Court., In the Butte Supreme end ell the Co of Allegheny county. end make collmiluits In most of &be adjamnt gountles. • !ankh= H. H. McCORMICK, Attorney-at-Law. No. 88 GRANT grnsirr. • OrPrompt attention idven M all kinds of teed business. Jean ARCHIBALD BLAKELY, Attorney-at-Law, xw Ile IFITTI I A IlL'itrE, = ALIIERIS AN Atctl li ftairr JUSTICK Oe Office, 112 Fifth 2 1V0 . 11t10. N I X= 1142 P0 a Irvg4l2=mg,... n . 71; App p it lortl butane** ottonded to p 11) .pal Ct. COTTON MYLS. HOLMES, BELL & CO. ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, Mamthietarro WPIAVI'llitt) 1131 . 0.11.10111T ANVIIO . II AND, MAGNOLIA oltecging aiid Batting. LRCM AND STEEL CEESCI 7 i ]iNT \\'()IIKS. MILLER, BARR & PARKIN, OFFICE: No. 3:19 Liberty Street, 1• ITT4111. Itu P DUQUESNE WORKS. CiMM =! Cole)nan, Rabin S 5 Co rP.1,11 - 1071 111, IRON, NAILS, STEEL, A.xels and Springs DUQUESNE, L AND JUNIATA I , l;Ar LIAR, ROUND AND SQU ARE IRON, 11001`,SDERT AND 'AAR Itt"N, ponant PLAyES AND I!EADS, . , GUARD 11CoN, DRAG AND DROPPER DARN. NCMS, cirrnot BA ILS,CY LINDER IRON. T AND FLAT RAIL fur Coal Road.. ' CROWBAR..., W EDO ES and DARROW TEETIL SPRING. PLOW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL. lITEEL WINGS AND MOULDS, est co Ixltt ern. STEELTIRES, ST EEL . SRA FT I NIL A STEEL. •COACIL BUGGY 55.1 WAGI.N SCRINGS AXLE.s, CUT NAILS AND SPIKE.s. All Goods; Find Clues and Warranted OFFICES ANII WOItKR-16th ntrret. and AM , Omni River, 004 77 tVeter.Ptreet. l'lttsburgn. nab). Pittsburgh Steel Works, ESTAIILISHEI/ IN ISS 3. ANDERSON & WOODS. Best I I-Zetitie(l Cast Steel P:VERY VTIWC A 1.. , 41, Best Refined.Urnian Plow I; Steel. EIMIEME! CORNEIt 'LOSS AND FIRST AVENUE. PILL. bumh. nule,n4l Pl'l"l'S' BUR C-i 1-1 .7Vo velt II S. = 1001tIlEAD,:kDAMS CO., Manufacturer' , ST AN OAR r bank's latent) PLArvoitm S Janus Faced Patent la•or .Iml.s. and Wel.on. Paint and . ;.. . Corner of ttsT AV EN r . E :RANT STS. Pitt...burgh. Pa, • Sheffield steel Works, NIMICK & CO., Manufacturers .1 evory description...l , ; - Cast) and (A-c-rnlart Steol RAII.WAY 81'11INGS. h:1.1.1:•TD; AND PLATFORM SPRIN'tIR. , AXLT-i, STEEL 111 IE, Ae, „fr. 'WAItEIIOCSE - S 3 Waternert 100 First streets BLACKD I Al\ lOND STEEL *WORKS. PARK, BROTHER, & CO., Mannfoelnrers of all . Ileseript lona of I'ETTSpURti PA STEEL, OFFICII and WARIMOCSK-30th. 3lvt and Railroad streets. Pittsburgh. STOVES, CASTINGS, &c. COOK sr.rovts. Get the Best! BISSELL - & CO'S TRTITMPIT• For Bituminous Coal: Wairantest to COOK. RAKE or ROAST as well P. MIT other Stare In the I.lnien. BTSSF,LL & CO.,' • No. 235 Liberty Street. ALSO2ON II ANL AND FOR SALE:. PA RIX% STOVES, HEATING sTrncs, ORATE FROSTS,. FENDERS. COOKING RANGES. AC., Se. =I GRAFF, HURTS & CO. Manufacturern et every variety la STOVES, Boston Cooking Tiango, I fTll . Ei FIERY FUR N ACE" • FOR WARRING BUILDINGS. TINE NEW ANTT.REST COOKING" STOVR. "RFAULATOR," COLOMBIA COOK STOVR, VAN'S (Cfnelnneti Petterni PORTA RIX ItANOR, CAST IRON MANTLISt. WELLMANSTREFLRC- Toll. (MATES, free frevwfirt end duet; ORATIII FRONTS. FEN D ERS. Ar. 206 and 208 Liberty Street, PITITIOURGR. I'A. A.BRA DLEY & CO. No. 30 'Wood Street. Manufacturers of the Create . . iariety of COOL PAROR and HEATING STOVES to be found. In no r ataortment will he found oil the latest PAT TERNS and utruovnmENTs. and the repute- Monof mar Stores is such that any "he In want of • Id article should purchase none but thosonno ufactore welly ua. they will would the 01011 t. du rable as as economical. coil particular attention to our new VOIAZA NO b far m onths.. Intended +gores. user 300 sold In throe months. Intended for with or. without easing. All w hotne. harm used them pronounce them suimrloSto any other and far cheaper. Send for Pittalognoand Price /Ash • JOE WINES, LIQUORS, &c. , • ... .IVAGNER'S FRENCH. COLORING, The Very Best in the Tutted Stales, MANBFACTURED BY WM. IYA Or 1•7 . T....R 981 North Seventh Street; TITILADELPRIA. d:RilSers—All the lendiug horz!,,Vglos. Schmidt & Friday, IMPORTERS OP WINES, BRANDIES, - GINS, &c., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PURE' RYE WHISKIES - Nos. 384 - and 386 Penn, for. of EIVENTS ST., forierrly =Z I 2SZI joS7STFINCH & CO - I irk 155.1f0.1511.101.193 and 106 I= • ntneufneinnoo of COPPER DIMMED PURE Also dealer. In Yunnan WOOOO, and LIQUOIIS 1101%, dge. mh 046 PAINTING, GRAINING, t4o rtrrenuncsa JOHN T. GRAY, EOM AND sin PAINTER, . • _ AND 01...11-7rElti No. 34 NINTH miner, t.*t2 (Lt* lland'vtreet,) Pit Istnirgb. RAILROADS LiEN7iSILTANIA 'CENTRAL RAIL: ROAD-42nand Ifter u I A Y 2: 1.1/ 14 1. = 9th ITO . and ueparx ss Sol — T i;A sir Ann . . T wtwe i ll:A. T ig n, Le., I." rliLj n ll.7..Tl ' Arria b e ' n ' rtnlon Do at. 1 . ,-lngE , 313 um Mall Train ...11: 3 Ma 1 -iiio . .fain• . l••• 10 nal Fall 1.00.. ... I • am Winton A , 10111 no• Clacinnati Rx.l , Rt. V . Ti ' l ' ia ln ..V4t . .. ' lit WI Pa7 . 111 ' ;% "‘.. 1 . ; 0 rigT ' . Mast 1.1ne...... 7 . 10 Dm Tray I,Tant.. Ulla Pin i fu, i • W V11 : : .. ...!4...1111:g..M . 1 1: .;t ' 0, - i e'. : ° : i ll ' IZ. : all i a Mo. 3.. 3:Or Wall'a No. Ti.. : am , Johnstown Ac. 4:0 pm .R.dwitora . An. . aRk Wall's N0e.3... 6V. 0. WV !o. J.. • • opm . 1 Walla No. 1.. •3100 Pm a .. N.o. lo • ' i v. ll , Ttnew . Tl Ac. Witll a Sm. .. 4 . pm Ni. 1 tliAll pat', m' arin'a AcSo.o i. p,,,, AT ,:n. No. 0...11:00 P. 9,.....T . 1. d A " "3 p. ~Intintl Exprem and radfic SIM.. lease 0..4 J. All oth es . trainS daily. ewCept Sandal curtnu 11 Trains leaves Wails Shation evert I al m:00n. mo teething RllohUfii at 1 O n fli a. m. Iteturniag. leaves Pittston at 113 p. ni. and arrivea at Walls Station at 40 P. m• rr.'''th"t"'"" \l l.' .ll ' . ° ,3 l ieliVlTllAirent. Tile Pennsviranla Railroad Company al it not W 1 •,31111. rtliy OIF. r, Micmac. except for wring. me iret,mo unit or responsibilltY l 0 R., TT.HT: dreat liars In Caine. Al! Dowdaica exceeding me• tr , a i i: . = , ai n 4e . w i til i tzgt ; Nt r e . 4l . . of the owser. A. J. C.ASSATT 1 _mg:o GeneralSuperlntandent, A 11 0 ,22 0 .1. 121.._ VITTSIITIO:R. FORT WAYNE & , ‘ .,,ippap . : . t. y i ...2.pd aiss terituiCit:it. ' ' " 6- Maim MAT 111 1870. trains will leave nom end arrive at the Unlnn Depot, north a l oe, Illtw. burgh city Uwe. as fullowa: LIM, £. 1 ~,,,, . Fait Line 10411 a m r..... um, ‘ 11:5 a int i Ede & Vim Ex 3 ..,.., tfnine Ex , r rp m 9 m Wel g MI _e.• Im c el a eglelie Li S• en ‘ i . in 1 :rpr 1 .. L 1 lel n: Cie Mg - 3 IL I. I 7 1; ,e r' nt 4.1 & IlthliEn ,` St p roCleeeine En 13S erk 1, ,,, , , r i %..E. .1 N p 11;11,) e., v. I: :11 , p eta ISOM Ai e.a•r.VlLltor IV A LI.CeaLLST. • IleJ rraille AC..1.. ••• ain Leetsdale An. 0 • lam I'''''''''° :: I?. :It gT:e .r a l le :: 11/4:Z I.eeepler " 4 pitoeSmn " Pl. i•ei in t.'nen "'0 pm beet/P.lO "11JP in I evodelo - . :fpm Ilen'r Falls " ' IP m Beni Falls ' 0 4 23 p cil Leetennie " x P . Le. twiele "10 13 Pm - •• a 1 . tale Onto Sub- Fair Onte Pun ini7,,,z,tab,...2p 13 pz i, ! . i . ,t, e ar . h...9 33a In [l L— reVo7.lg:f== e y!tn i gi. r i. excepted ge - rwst Line erreen tinily. Mender. eneept,l. 17 ; 111 Irelgritzlile wilt lewee and &nice dullre 1 1P n liik:L. J. N. IieI'ULLOUGIT. Pi;s..CT - ilset Ago.: " WESTERN PENNSTLTANIA R. R. ~, s, ,vzrzi v r o v i I'rnlns .A the Women, Pennsylvania Railroad will arrive and glapait from the Feder. Etreist Ifeisit, Allegheny illy. an follows: .ALLEGIIENT TIME.I , AlllllV C. I DEPART. Freeport No. 1 0 . .40 ts m•Ntall Sam Freeport N 0.1.040 aea IFreeport NO. I ia m Excrete 10g..1 m Claremont Ae,l : leretoont p m F.lpnan p nt Vrel'lNl// N°: Rgryn?.l: / ',l! Mail ttSllcm SpringiVeNn.2,l3:2o p m!Sprtnege No. 1. 0 p Above trains ran daily except hinds?. The Church at leaven A hen, Junction every Sunday at 2COR A. Si.. Mauling Allegheny City at 0:50 A. NI etuniing.... loaves Ahen.liene City at 12:50 r. N. end arrive at Allegheny llenat9:oor ete t 3:00 Thmvßßh B e M a tiO tialr " a r treet: near the t Beape ntd n n slon Bridge. Intm. bumh, and at the Depot. Allegheny. , P‘7"' y ' nrig y i,l 7 :lVElCTS. Agent. Federal Street Depot. Local Pinhole to ell Important !Ration, on the n. .11. line of the Pennsylvania Central AAT Canentl Superintendent. A lt on n n. P . a. ItO.I3FJCI' NtILSON, Superintendent. Inttebtirch. 13 ITTSIII: ItGII, , CINCINNATI ANI) A. T. Lop:, !tAii.. wszirt _ . PAN HANDLE ROUTE. CIIAITGE OF' TlME.—Onend alter SUNDAY. May 29. 1/470.tmlna sill leave and ants° ea the Ening, Depot. Pittsburgh, vigllowa t ; Tim.. • F.xpreas • Fast Line • praz...44";1. m. 9:43 a. m.,; 1: Pip... Southern Express ASS p.m.11 : a.m. I Mixed Accommodation.. g:.l. a. nt.t . :. Nan. McDonald AccommodT, 11..2 a. m..! : /a.m. Stumbenvtlle Acramed. .11 p.m. at a.m. a t uTl:3lltt A r ' er Tg1 e t 4 1 1 .. n ..11.15 : P. ''''' t p.m. The .1.0 . .a ' 3 A. , I. Fest planed tissue dal y. The 13 . 13 neon Express arrive, daily. All other trains run dully except Sunday. ME=I . . General Ticket Agent:Colo:l4mo, W. W. Coop. Snort.. Dennison, Oblo. m DITTSDURGH AND CONNELLS 'I6.IIILMETO: February 20th. 1070: Trains will ornon and depart from the IMP.. Cor ner of Grunt and Water Womb.. follow,: . . . . .. . orPanr. ettarrr.. r I MAU to end fonn Unt . n.. 7:UU a.m. 1: P.. IcKeeeport Aconnumod.ll:oo a. ni. . . p.m Ht. to and from Unt . n... 3: 5 p.m. 1 . U a.to Wen Newton Acrommo. 9: 9p. m. Ids iLm Braddock's A rc ommoda. tl: 3p. m. 7: P.Oi Night Am to McKeespl.ll): Up. to. 0: 1.94 liunday Cliurch Train to . , • and from West Newton. 11111 10:00 a. 91 RICIIARD B.BOWICHS, Agent. H _ARDWARE & CUTLERY. BEAVER FALLS CUTLERYCO - . 3 No. 70 Wood street, omat ' Table Knivei4 & Forks, Pocket Knives, . Butcher Knives", Bread Knives, Carving Knives, 'Scissors, • Razors, Pn t t y Knives, AND ALL OTHER ARTICLES OF CUTLERY AT LaW PRICES. • Beaver Falls Cutlery Co., No. 70 WOOD STREET,. Ott PITTSBURGH'. PA. ESTABLISHED 1831. • Logan- Gregg & Co, tapa.lllFt HARDWARE ' • No. 5'2 Wood. Street, PFITSBURGII, PA. Spring Hoods, Hoes; Rakes, Forks, - Scythes, Maths, &e. Merchants are invited to examine our stock when in the city. Orders by mall will have prompt at tention. BRASS CASTINGS. • ........... .G REPAVE BARCH Henry Bier & C 0.,• (Fotvess,rts to JOAN M. COOPER & GO.) BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, Brass Castinas • MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER. ILIALEARLE AND cum* mot; prrrrefoe. GAS PIPE AND TUBING • PIMA EMYR,rITOCIPICCCOUALVE9. DILASS WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION D.. Stomun. Water.* 00. DITIVIVRikIAVArpIa r I, ThWIC"D AGENTSof. DREYFUS' PATX.n. ‘,ELERB. Lb* belt In the market. • ' OFFICE, AND WORKS: Corner Thirteentlimd Pike Streets. ATWOOD di McCAMEY itm oistr Elfßltrt .4 Trutt. Atrrt•x, Mae Ute,, BRASS FiDUNDISRB sad MON pips rirlEßS.azd AGIZI'TBtorA.S.CAMLIM AcO EMMY VVMPII AND BLOWER& EPMLIYUMPI3. - - g - - -..... S• ... :KO LIVERPOOL. . AND - IrEEN TOWN. - 7718 LNkr.A...V MAIL - 1' ALMBlllPll.eumbertheetzteen enc. 1ea41,.. 'mete, among them the Meer.. CITY OF PANTS, CITY OF .01T9rmou CITY OP DORTO CITY OF - ailiiab'az CITY Or N. LONDON. 4/ 01 1j 1 1 1 TRZDNITINDAY.Dnagrfi t NOtth IloA r a4 4 l to " "r"" or r OM*. WILLIAM BINGHAM, LIEFUVPON O. J.. 11COANN. ITILTON.h MUNN Praafical Plumbers, erzem rrninu!, Fink Await, ne o ar Mob PI Ps. Low Pt wo Moo, 03a Tow mat ash *am* boa loud =VW:Fir toa """49" “or mi ttrati. Wet.. atom I =7Art. obbloa prolapUT attended to. • M:IMI3M 14$ surntruaz imam. 11-11,434 y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers