THE DAILY GAZETTE. HONE NEWS. ==ll=32 Our Saturday terxrevr °exerts, containing a Pill description of the Soldiers' Monument, LayingitTl the Corner-filmic, and the General obsairanoe of Decoration Day, can .be had at our Counting Room this morning. It ie the paper to sad to your Glenda. , • --, - - Aliansaa Moreland yesterday committed T PO Im O o o tb 2 p le ßr e i t e l n O t ' o ß Pourkfort h felonious wdys . The And. Insurance Company still cowl,- Ite4l to gain favor with Pittsburgbers. Their stock Is going rapidly. tee prospectus on second page. The boy Dennis:O'Connor. who was run °Tar on I.4berty street Thursday erenlng Is reeoverhur, and will-It Is expected, be about again In a few days. Allegheny City rejoices in another new• pa per. called the Twitted!, Star. T. Burton le the editor and proprietor. We suppose the long est pole will knoolr the .Perslininori."— Mercantile LIE ary:—Thls Ituktltutlon will rune the clreulntion of books on and aft, Saturday. June during the day time. Ur order of the Dlreetore. A. H. Lane, Sacrata- Alderman Butler yesterdity Unseal a war mat for the arrest nt Albert Goltbouse. Al bert had been engaged In a little knock down galllo with George Moreland. George came out second best. Dy•pepola.—A new and effectual remedy for the care of dyopepsla and all Willows com plaints ill ,tut free by the Philadelphia Botanic Iturtituta upon application. Read their state ment on fleet page. litatlooery of all NW.. and of the quality and variety that cannot be surpaseed In the city. All the lute Ifegarineitand 'nonrated Papers at Col. J.l). haul's No. Smithfield street, street, nett M door to anonic Book. 31n. Loiters. a denizen or Ilardscrabble, Injudiciously threatened to split Mrs. Klee in twan, and to tear her into fragments. Alder roan Morrow has the. case in hand, and 'Mrs. Lortanvelli haven hearing to-day. Mercantile Library.— The circulation of books at this Institution poill be resumed this day. .llntll anal remocid into the Library Booms proper. books will not be given out after seven o'clock in the evening. See ad• vertise.meut. Attention. Douglas Zottasea.—A meeting will be held at the Miller street school house on Monday evenlng, June nth. at :X o'clock. , Buslnesa of importance to be transacted. • •Uy order of • G. S. MASSET, Capt.. arena Courert.—Mles Emelt wilrgive a vocal and instrumental concert at Liberty Hall, East Liberty - , ou .Monday evening next, soil from the able corps of aseletazde she will . hAve, we have no doubt but that It will prove %MIAs success. Sec card in another column. "Lamb. Victories and Milla—Under this heading, on our first page, will be found the 'advertisement of Jno. C. Kennedy & Sons, Wnablngtori, D..C. These gentlemen offer some rare bariumns In the way of real estate. which we call the attention of our capitalists to. 1111 Whlpplug.--5. S. Ross. who resides near the upper basin. like other men objects to having his children whipped by other peo ple. hence when Jr,. Ellen Johnson chastised I,a three year old Boss she got bend( into trouble. Alderman Shure'e eonstnble is look ing for her: _ Discharged.—William McOwtney, who was charged with the larceny of Mr. Shiptun's watch, — had a hearing before the Mayor Thursday afternoon whet,. from the testimo ny elicited. It was clearly evident that there was no foundation for the charge, and the ac cused was discharged. .oTer.—Yesterday afternoon about 3,14 o'clock David McCarty, a boy. teas run over on Penn street, near Seventeenth. by a buggy. He wu cut in the head and braised on the leg, but not dangerously Injured. The driver of the vehicle gave himself up to Alderman /nerd:, but acne subsequently discharged. Rte Temptation.—yesterday George A. made Information before Deputy Mayor Nichols against Leopold Hart for disorderly cow:inch It to alleged • that the accused at tempted to drag the other into his saloon on Penn • street. Ross had been a patron of the establishment. but recently - "swore off." and thus seas again tempted. Warrant issued. Abandonment—Fannie Essex made Informa tion before the Mayor. yesterday, charging her husband. Marks Hama, with abandon meat. A warrant was leaned, and Charles was arrested and taken to the lock-up. He was exceedingly drunk when arrested. and on ex amination three bottles of whisky and fifty - - three dollars in cash were found In his posses= slots. He Is held for trial. Variety anil Beauty.—There is as much beau ty sad variety In manufactures sometimes, as in what Is called the fine arts. Take. for ex ample,thentock of quecnsware an exhibition at neaLlberty street. from the Keystone Pot tery. Elegance, taste. delicate finish and beau tiful outlines, are comprised In It. The fancy may be pleased in these articles of every-day use. last as well as in any other department. Oldteery.—We regret to atIl2OllOCO this morn the death of Mr. (leo. W. nard. which ing occurred yesterday morning a L t e t o he residence of his father, In Butler county. The disease which terminated his existence was enlarge ment of the heart. The deceased was well known in this community. and had been en gsged In Journalism. at intervals. for several year., at one time haring the edltoriar man agement of the Plttsbtargh fir fu neral will take place to-morrow afternoon. Pare to Law reneerille.—A are occurred about half past ten o'clock last night la Sic broom factory on Forty-fourth street. Sereoteenth ward, by which the build ing. a two story frame. and Its contents Wert. destroyed. The alarm wns sounded from boo. 74, to which the engines in the Third District responded, but the flames had made such pro-. gross that it was Impossible to Bare the build ing. The loss will not fall short of $1 700. and we are informed that tbere.was no inentrance upon it. • Rlsenwel• - -tn exciting runnwar occurred on Write avenue yesterday afternoon about one o clock. Dr. Dallaher's hone attached to his buggy. was tied to a post in front of Abel's drug store. between Elm and Logan afro when it became frightened, pulled the post up. and started down Wylie avenue. ne a r flight the animal took the -pavement Congress street, knocking down tree bones. demolish ing steps and wrecking the vehicle. The *el mat. freed from the...buggy. ma several squares before it was final ll y secured. The loss from the buggy and harness will be about gIZ. Nobody hurt. The Grseiry • House of Dilworth, Harper Co.. although but Fecently established,is one of the strongest and most popular in this city, and already It has a heavy. patronage in Western Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohlo. The two A lb ertrt of the ern .W. Dil worth and Harper. are energetic and reliable business men, fully up to the times, and well versed in everything that pertains to their particular branch of trade. Mr. Dil worth boo been engaged actively and eaten-, alvely In the grocery buslness from his boy hood and understands It fully and thoroughly In all Its various details. Enterprise In Journalism The Clommereka of yesterdaT published aa article headed. "Wool In Beaver County." and gave credit to the Bearer Argus for the same. Theentire article was the Oszerres report of the wool market of Pittsburgh. published in the lame of the nth OIL. The Arlan, chem Ir ed the heading to suit Beaver county. As we tarnish the live -stock.. wool. and produce martatior various country rapers. we trust that la the future they will glee due credit. and thus 'nen our neighbor embarrassment In publishing the reports weeks after their ap pearance in the CIAIZTTC. I The following shown the number of deaths that oPeurred during the week, ending May ni, as reported by Dr. J. Guy McCandless, 'l7okt:a of Board of Health: • Consumption, 3: tyPb o-ormlatial fever. I; par- Ills*. 1: prematnre birth. a; loan Mon. 3; con vulsion, & Inflamailon of brain, fi sculet fe ver.oarsbroupinal menin gi tis. g; marasmus. *cholera Wantons. * uremia, I; congestion of brain, 1; Inflamatlon of lung. 1; hydrocepha lus.* diarrhoea .. I; apoplexy. 1: Old age, 1. Of the above there were under 1 year. It from 1 to** 2 to 4e; 15 te Zl. 1: 30 to 33.1; JO to At 50 to 10.*C0 to 1:80 to 90.1. Males. ltr. females. O. white, 3 * colored. I. Totallo. - Gran/ °peals' of Dry Gar/. There 1411 he • grand opening of saantirely new stock of dry g oo d. b y H ..... Murphy & Co.. moonset§ to J. W. Barker & Co., No. le Market street, on id oo d A y The stock has Just been purchased under per sonal supervision by one of the member. of the new Arm, and is In every teepee s choke and .complete. All the gentlemen cocooning . the premed firm were connected with the old bones ofJ.W; Barker & Co., and are well no " imalitted with the tastes of Its numerous ma ma. They will leave nothing undone, me are mantled, in the way of selling cheap and goo d, to give satisfaction to their muleteers, sad sectire a liberal *hereof public patronage. latarealeg * Captain Hugh 8. Fleming the genial and Main occupant of our stirievaity wilt bare something of Interest transpiring at his odice Lathe Court House Monday morning commes- Mug at tea o'clock—that being the time for the Wes, presided over by Wm. The an ntrunoement will be orespecial interest to cap. ttalists, areg the proparty to be dis posed of, some of the • finest Pieces of real orate in the county. The opportunity is one which the wise will know how to im rfrove. The worthy and accomplished con - ductor of the ceremonies will he assieted by bin allable and efficient clerk, Mr. W. H. Deal, who front experience has come to be at UM on such occsiamp. There will doubt less be a full attendance. . . • Personal. • . • Rm. yookilu Ohlinger. the highly esteemed plater of the Etna German M. Erehurch of this city, has been appointed, by the Board of In A omm tsolonary to Foochou Chins. Herrin leave for his distant field of l aborb about the Mit of - next September. He een pantos „sal the church here since lOW. and has wini the love of ell with whom • he. emaciated. Hie many friends to trzommtu t lig h t in with the itte°ll74o. sent a s the first German HMV, odisZminister sent as a missionary from this Country to foreign lands. Impressed with the imputanoe and solemn responeibility of the wort and with a fervent zeal and love for It, he can hardly fall to be a faithful: earnest toiler, and achieve abundant encomia. The best wishes cud Christian sympathies of his friends go with him. • r. , * C=.,:,, ~~ 4 A DUEL. Mae and %Vowels the Canae—A Reapectable Married Man or Allegheny Fleeced by • Street Welber—He la Prosecuted for Adul tery and Fights a Duel., • A duel In Pittsburgh in May, 1970 Two men meet in a morn in one of one principal hotels, and. taking position at opposite end.. deliberately flee two shots apiece at each Other. Had such an affair transpired a cen tury ago, It might not have created a sensa tion, as the code diulin watt then the code of honor. But at this late day. la thlsr en lightened and civilized city. from whence tl practice of duelling has long since been expelled, and rejected as one of the re lics of the barbarism of the dark ages,this state ment naturally enough seems incredulous and strange, aye, wondrous strange. but 'tie no more strange than true. That such a thing did transpire there la nu doubt. We hove the names of the parties and facts out of which the dlMeulty originated. The former we with hold for prudential reasons, but the hitter are public property. and we give them for tho ben efit of our readers. The story involves the telmiatioo of a ...- riban d heretofore a d bornet ;se moral :gt character . nod for the sake of " b ly we w,lrco4.hrl; name rtrofrr v:him rpublic.4enttys in the it till donne of ;" I n the caTtrif. to ;,—lt Lim ;,,4:" " w a - c e n will call him Mr. Billings. It appears that Mr. who Is a mien It thirty-tiro ea of age, the proprietor of an establishment in Allegheny, a married man. and the father of two or three children, about a year %Wee beeline en:tinctured of one of the demi fluoride of this t heft a-woman destl tute of principle, who by t and otherwise has robbed him of over three thousand dol lars. Mr. Billings is a man of rather weak mind, and front the time he first became acquainted with this vile woman. gave ber almost complete control of his purse. She took advantage of his getter , witty and expended his money lavishly, and not being satisfied with' hoover could ob tain from him by asking for it even added the crime of larceny to her "uiltitude of sins" and at one time stole a check for SI,IXIO and anotherfor 1400, on both of which she pro cured the money, they having been endor sed I stro 4 - b - im. Sostrong was Mr. ll's infatuation for the vile creature that ho never once suspected the theft, and even when It was fully demonstrated to him that she had procured the money on the checks he refused to believe It. Ills friends haMag discovered. huw matters were resell ve.Lto save him from hie folly if possible, and to that end one of then, came to a police - °Meer in this city who was con sulted as to how their end might be accom plished. The facts of the ease were stated to him and it was resolved between.- the parties that an information should: be made against Mr. Lt. charging him with adultery. and after he was arrested withdraw the • . iiikiCtiniire.on7C;;dilloil7l3it he have nothing more to do with the woman. The °dicer. at the request of Mr. B:s friend: made the infor mation before an Alderman to Allegheny, and the accused was arrestedUnd held for it hear ing, and the girl: hearing of the matter, nut in an appearance at the hearing and demand ed three hundred dollars to compromise the case. Mr. 1.1. being somewhat alarmed at the turn affairs had taken, agreed to give her that amount, and she In turn..signed an agree ment not to prosecute him. ' The officer who had made the Information, -having no interest in the matter further than Mr. B. 's welfare, informed him that it was not necessary for him to pay the three hundred dollars. and he went to the girl and on a threat of proaccuting her fur the larceny-of the check before mentioned, succeeded in having her disgorge stlM, which was paid over to Mr. 8., who, in 'compliance with his agreement. re turned WO of it to the , girl, and then it was thought the matter would end. But It didn't. The Interesting part of the affair was yet to _transpire, and that was A few days since Mr. 11. and the officer who bad made the Information against hint met et one of our principal hotels, and adjourned to a room to have a friendly talk over the mat ter. They had not been in conversation long. however, until a point of difference arose be tween them. Mr. B. asserted that the girl with whom he. won alleged to have commit ted adultery was a virtuous and decent girl. and the officer .tented the assertion. Words were multiplied and finally. .blows - were exchanged. and Mr. It. being the smaller min, was -knocked down. Ile gut up and was knocked down a second time. Being satisfied that he was not able to tight the officer to that manner he pro .sed that they should fight a duel, nod each having a pistol, pistols were selected as weapons. There being as person with them. and not desiring to give the matter any more Publicity than was necessary, they resolved to dispense with seconds. and arrange the preliminaries themselves. They accordingly took PollitiOns in opposite corners of the room, end at the word fire, two shots were exchanged. but owing to the excited state of their nerves. the aim was unsteady -and neither shot took effect. Mr. B. had by this time become much cooler, and proposed that the conflict would end. Ile admitted that he WWI wrong. and said he was satisfied that the officer had acted as his friend. tln ended the duel,but there is an after-piece which we propose to give at another time, as It Is not yet fully developed. Sabbath School Sault tram" The fourth anniversary of the Sixth Accuse United Presbyterian Mission Sabbath School was held last evening ln the chief auditorium of the Sixth Avenue United Presbyterian Church. Long before the appointed hour well dressed and smiling children, with their parente were flocking to the church. Al sfe entered the church we were struck with the beauty and appropriateness of the deceit:alone. Evergreen wreathe interwoven with fragnint natural flowerswere spended from pillar, and ceiling, end pis jets su . in great profusion. Almost every child held In its hand a beauti ful boquet, and the pulpit and platform were adorned with a profusion of boquets and Lowers, Behind the pulpit KM a gorgeous evergreen tree In whose branches was fastened gilt cards bordered with roses, containing the beautiful wools of Holy Writ contained in the Oft h chapter of Galatians, ITArd and 23,11 verses:— •' But the fruits of the Spirit are these: love. joy, peace. long-suffering, gentleness. goodness, faith. meekness. temperance." The -Works of 'the Flesh, - contained in Galati.* 540, were printed on cards in variegated let ters, and fastened to the wall in the form of a cone right over the pulpit. On the platform was arranged six hundred beautifully, gilt tat:lke—the gift of tire Superintendent tegthe children. The Sixth avenue Mission School tele e w ni l l ifte Ct' , alrd '- d a e s irgwvi ' v t : e .... , ve.rerit t i come very One pieces of - music. Professor Edwin Sherratt presided at the organ. The exercises were introduced by the sing ing or a part of the 65th psalm. commencing: "Before the Lorda people waits To praise Thy name In Zion's gates." Reading of the scripture in concert then followed. conducted by Rev. John S. Sands. Rev. Thos. It. Rams led in an appropriate prayer. Singing again a part of the psalm com mencing: "As pants the heart for cooling flood . So pants my soul 0 living Go I, To taste thy grace.' Then followed a highly Interesting re port _ from the Secretary. James A. Smeigh. Reg from which we append a brief synomiin. Total enrollment of the school le& Increase over last year 140. First Sabbath evening each month. Children's Union Prayer meeting; Children's Prayer meetings every Sabbath evening; Children'. Singing Class every Tugs day evening; Juvenile Choir Clan each Thurs day evening; Young Men., Literary Society each Thursday evening. Papers, tracts and 'cards distributed In the school and In outside missionary work W,OOO. Teachers' weekly meeting each Friday evening. The Uniform Lesson System Is adopted, using the Menlo. ational Teacher Series. Xr.timeigh alio on behalf of thelTreasurer. Mi.. Xattie (lark. reported SIM as the total amount of the Sabbath School collections fur theyear. ' Iles. T. If. Ilanna then conducted the Con cert exercise; taking as subject the ''Fruits of the Spirit" contained to the words RS pre ented on the tree. The lesson, if we could Judge from the earnest attention and breath less silence. was a great success. Mr. Rama taught in an earnest, loving, simpl e h manner, which could not fail to arrest tattention and captivate the hearts of the little ones. As he presented each word in order the chil dren repeated In concert. • paasage bearing on It; after which the Choir joined In singing A vent of nu appropriate psalm. Then follow ed an address from Major Wm. Frew. Xr. Frew atemed to be a favorite with the chil dren if we could indge from the hearty ap plause he received. Hls remarks were very appropriate to the occasion. At the close of the address Rev. Hr. Hays, of Allegheny, . led In prayer. The Superintendent, Thomas H. Rabe. YAq.,esil. dressed a few word.. when the children were marched up to the platform, when each re ceived a copy of a beantiful book. preunted by the respective teachers. 3Ve have had the pleasure of being present at the former anniversaries of this school. but nonewhich has ever been such a perfect AUCCAiII, and around which happlermemories will ever linger. Caltronda Teacher. Eamnflon The great exeuraion of school teachers whicn left. San Francisco Saturday, May 93th, numbering about three hundred, passed through here last evening on their way to New York. over the Fort Wayne and Pennsylvania route from Chicago. In point of numbers, this is the largest excursion ever organized on the Pacific slope to cross the continent by ran. They were taken from m iles. sco to one change hundred with but one change of can. and from Omaha to New York, fourteen hundred mile., with one more change at Chicago. To those of the party who had turned Cape Horn, crawled the Isthmus or toiled their weary way for months overland to reach California, this flight of lees than a week from ocean to ocean must have seemed like a dream. They had come throak without sickness, delay or accident of sort and were as fresh and merry at the end of the three thou sand miles as we should expect to find them the nest day out. Their train of palaces, the smooth and solid track of the Pittsburgh route. and the lively time Superintendent p raise Larag d gave thirty t his , division. were loudly bypa . Mr. Kimball, general agent of the Pennsyl vania Central in the West, and Mr. Jame' Denman. Superintendent of Public Schools In California. who accompanied the o f eax*araP"dininhgereoir U . e m"a n n d d return t f u ew rn w da e y st s by way of Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, and other western cities. = Tuesday evening next the lovers of the good, pure, and the true In music will have a a rich treat in the grand Clamed Concert to be given at Pt. Pauis Cathedral. The rnaingers of the entertainment have bees careful to select a class of music not often brought be fore our people. but which is of the highest order of excellence and embodies some of the finest gems with which the world has ever been favored. The performers agreesemb any of our best amateurs, whose names auf" Orient quarrantee that the affair will be of the most meritorious character In the preparation for the event the greatest care has been exercised In every part. awl it Is confidently expected that the concert will be one not excelled by any Previous effort of the kind ever witnessed in this city. We can assure, our music-loving renders—and who is not of this glass I—that a rare entertain ment la in store for them, one which should net be Interfered with by env other engage ment for Tuesday evening next. Go and en joy sad be made better and happier by an evening spent In sacred music and song. THE COURTS. U.S. amslt Coot—dodge McCandless. FIDAY,Inne 3.—United States District At torney Swope died an Information. in the na ture of a wilt of gat° venerante. against the Second National Rank of Erie. to comm.l said corporation to show by what authority it con- I tinues to exercise the privileges and franchises ' of a National Bank. Inasmuch as said oriel- . leges hare been forfeited by said bank by re ceiving .d taking a higher rate of Interest than Is alio WO by the Act of Congress under "hic4 h" Its a ' tVi t ll . =;po - Tt h e . tlt r e it ioulTlt made reto r t . . Monday n June. This Is the first writ of Its character, we are informed, that has ever been Issued against a National Bank. Proceedings were also instituted against the Pittsburgh and Connellsville Railroad company for tales, dee the United States. amounting to $70,000, alleged to have been collected by the company from the bondhold- Rrs, and not paid to the Collector of Internal evenue. In violation of the act of 1h64. Also a suit against the same company for penalties incurred In not paying the taxes as required by said act. District Court—Judge. Kiritpetrick. FIUDAT. June 3.—Uonegger - & Co. for use of Waring & King, re. H. D. Graham & Bro., for eign attachment on a contract fur oil sold and delivered, two cases.. Plaintiffs claim that they had a contract with defendants, who re side to St. Louis. to deliver to them two cer tain quantities of oil at a stated price and time, which was tendered at the time and place. but oil having declinM price defend- ants refused to receive the oiland thla action • is brought to recover the difference between the contract price and the value of the oil at the date at which It was tendered, which In the first case amounts to fBOO ,and POO -In the other. Real Estate Transfers. - The following deeds were admitted to re cord in the office of Thomas 11. Hunter, Re corder for Allegheny county, Friday, June 3. 150:- James Dimon to E. 1/. Dithridge. February latite twenty by one hundred feet. Chat ham street, Pittsburgh. with buildings. 43.7,50 Samuel Garrison's heirs to John Gordon, April 16. 1670; forty-eight by one hundred feet. It Street, Eighteenth ward. Pitts burgh 1100 John R. Bringle to Annie Askine, September 10, if one hundred and twenty by two hundred and fifty feet, New Franklin Road. Reserve township, with buildings,. 0.700 Elijah Dainty to James McCune, et al. May 3, le;O: thirty by one hundred and twenty feet on Water street, borough of West Elizabeth. • t-tro George Hester to Pout 11. Hacke, June :'t. WV; five acres and sixty-four perches of land, Collins township .10.000 Jam. S. Devlin to Henry ihort, June 2.1, 16t.J: twenty by one hundred feet on Calvin street, Seventeenth ward, Pittsburgh. ...1&p... W. A. C. Thomson to George Iteis. .111110 2n: 11* 1. twenty by one hundred and forty-live feet on Manor strent,South Pittsburgh, with buildings 130) Wm. H. Evans to Edward L. Wood. June I. I:370: one and one-fourth acres of laud in borough of bit. Washington, with buildings. -PAO Walter P. Fell to A. )4. tiolfe. April I. IMO; one acre and one hundred and six perches of land In borough of Mt. Washington. with buildings c..... . . Id'.loo IL S. Fleming. Sheriff. to Catharine Shddler. Mny 'Ai ISM; twenty-two by one hundred and ten faekon LOG g Lane, Alleghww, with buildings ....... . . .... $173 E=!==! • OrChA Horse.—The Opera House. which has been closed during the present week, the regular season having terminated. will be re opened this afternoon, on which occasion Mr. Flank Conklin, the . court courteous andlgentlensanly treasurer, will be the recipient of a benefit. Mr. Harry }lotto. the ever popular - funny man." having volunteered hi! services on the occasion. arrived in the city yesterday looking bale and hearty, anti was cordially welcomed "home" by his many friends. In considera tion of Mr, Hotto's kindness in favoring us with his presence again, it has been arranged by his friends to tender him a benefit this evening for which occasion an immense hill has been arranged. Of course alLthe:friends of the bettedetarles will attend the Opera House this afternoon and evening. Coxiso.—There ire at present so many worthless companies of minstrels traveling through the country that "burnt cork - enter tainments are almost if not quite below par. but when a test class troupe visits the city. especially one no well known as CRITC(.36 3: Males'. the stock goes up Instantly. and the prevailing question is. "Have you been to hear the minstrels?" Monday evening this well known andpopular company will commence an engagement at the Academy of Music of sin nights and one matinee. during which time we have no doubt the house will be crowded. .Gru.v r LrOzs's3llMerligt.S. have been draw ing large audiences at the Academy of Music doing the past week, which Is the, best evi dence that the troupe is a good one. They give a grand matinee this afternoon, and close their engagement with this evening', enter tainment. E!!!= Enrivrta G Azar's.. I read with pleasure. quite recently, regarding the organization of a "aloe" selected front the (*moo. '111:e -gherty" and . .Enterpriae" dabs. which I think Rill render a rood SLCCOUrti after a Ilitleprae- While Cincinnati has her professional - Red Stockings:* and Chicago her - White Stock ings.- let us be content with a club of grid class amateur players. Praesslonal tow. hall. like professional rowing. is a somewhat -four subject to discuss, and calculated to discour age our To.d men from cultivating these ath letic graces. Let Pittsburgh and Allegheny young men practice this fine , health, ruutlme on some green trait!. as often as business en gagements wilt allow. and more for physic,' culture thin with view Xo professlOnal ex ellence. In it neet.arj. in order to keep up the pub interest in oat-door sport calbulated to de relop the man, that we must introdnee the ex citement of professional contests, which are sometimes sharp enough to develop the um/te ster" ' Let our young men enjoy the freedom of the ball ground and the excitement of the friendly contest for eneellence; It will Inelgornte the body and enliven the mind for the graver du ties of the studentthe merchant.. But let our base ball club. be composed of gentlemen ...ten.: aspiring only .10 practical excel lence within re...hie bounds. - , AstaXgrn. = Joseph Chapman, by attempting to get out • of one difficulty In an Improper mariner. has Involved himself in a far more serious one. It appears that Joseph went to his boarding house, which is kept by a widow lady, a few days since. and being slightly under the in fluence of liquor, he resolved to break up hormekeeping for the lady. Ile was Inter rupted in his amusement. however, alter having demolished a large mirror. and turned out of the house. To prevent a recurrence of the affair. the lady made Information before an Alderman charging Joseph with dis orderly conduct. A warrant was Is sued and -placed In the hands of officer O'Hara who started In search of the valiant mirror smasher and found him at the Hush House. yesterday morning drunk as usual. When the officer oriented him he resisted, and It Is alleged struck the officer several blows. Assistance tame. however, ind the prisoner hearing,en before the Alderman, who . after a n committed him to Jail. Officer O'Mara then made Information before the Ifaorr charging Chapman with assault and battery. A commitment was lodged against the accused. . =l= Among the white residents on the bin r. Mrs. Margaret Neely. She bag a great aver sion to her colored neighborr, which was man ifested in several overt acts against them. Six times she was before Alderman Hatter. and twice before Alderman Lindsay in one day. but her warlike spirit cooled •not. She wee dm In her determination to exterminate them from ber neighborhood. Yesterday. for the tenth time. she appeared before Alder man McMaster. It was alleged that she oh served Nettie Rom a young colored girl. quietly engaged in scrubbing in front of her boom, when she Pelted the bucket and brought It with I,,rce down upon toe younger female's head, following up the attack with other demonstration , of a violent character. She will have n hearing before the Alderman to:. day. • A (*stainable easy fitting suit of cloth log bee a silent influence upon a man'. character and actions Which Is not gen erally recognized but which Is neverthe less felt. An Individual can never ap pear in hi. proper light with an awkward unseemly, chafing coat or vest or garment of any kind. The noise of a goose saved Itome; and sometimes a man's suit of clothing has the shaping, Ina great measure, of his future destiny. To be always on the- ante side, and get the .f oil value of the money expended gentlemen wlii And Hespenheide & Co.'s fashionable house, N 0.50 Sixth street, Just the place fur them. I= The proprietor of the famous Continental . Fifth avenue. below the Postollice. hew suc ceeded In popularising hip establishment by attention to a few simple rules, the most im portant of which Is the preparation for the guest, of food In season and of the best quali ty and quantity. tio in at any hour otemptf the day d eml ta ready which will e ap anpetite o a f any who can et all appreciate th what Is healthful and palatable. One feature of the estatillshment• is the regular Saturday and Wednesdardinners, with which especial care is taken. Call to today ye hungry ones and appease your appetites with the most deli cious of viands. Books at Half Prim—Sabbath School LibralT Books, Medical Works, Theological Works, Architectural and Mechanical Works,togetto er with a luxe collection of valuable miscel laneous works received from families, at Col. .1. D. Eon's, No. Smithfield street, next door to Masonic naleken, Atgentle., Tobacco. agars. - Pipes. • Tobacco. Cigars, Pipes. Tobacco. Cigars. Pipes, Tobacco, Cigars, Pipes. Tobacco, .Cisars, Pipes, Il Mbli ar cc°. s, ° T ul l stre et, sebrd l ei l Me or retail, :II lb w s lia l tst N b ' r ' a i nt ' lls.No better stock in tin , . 1 4. Good articles and cheap prices. • be l(eeee.' VI.. Md. mut Brew. 11.1brIgge. Ladles' Lhde open worsted Hose. Brown Gs% Ho.. Ladies' Med.. Underwear, la great variety; at the New Stand Stocking Store. Jon. Disowxale & Co. Do. BO Fifth avenue.. The eteled ISOUK , — Clean, ee and om fortablc are the characteriatica at the Ofrarti House. Allegheny. Like the Emit. thin old establiehed house weans , under the Proprietor- WI. or Mr. G. Lighthap, to have ita youth. Tiavelera through the city. or au ed who want a quiet. convenient boarding house. should atop at the Girard House: Conner of Federal and Robinson streets. Alicirhenr. • .>s._ .~.:.~r .r SBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 4, 1870. Mlloll'4l Cot:wiry Residence For sale. within twenty-five minutes' drive - of City Rail and only ,six minutes' walk from Laughlin or Fraakstowa statical on the Connel'Brine Railroad. There are be. tweet sevFn and eight acres of ground in • the very highest state of cultivation and • laid in the most tasteful manner, by an_expert in that lino, in walks. drives. em. It is acknowledged, by persons famil iar with this anti all the leading proper ties adjacent to thetity, to have the very finest variety of fruita in this part of the. country, Mich as apples. peaches, pears, plums, cherries, quinces. apricots, nectar ines, grapes, ice., and an endless variety of garden vegetables, flowers, &c.,and the great variety of shrubbery- and shade trees. some of them very rare, is unsur passed by any other place in this part of the country. The view of the city, the river, and the whole country around. is varied and truly magnificent. The honse is a cottage, very conveniently arranged, and the gunlener'it house is very hand. some and well gotten up; also, a good stn hle, carriage house, &e. There afe two' wells anti one spring of the verybest ma ter, delightfully cold. and also a very large underground cistern, with pump, em. The vegetable garden is now fill) of `fine vegetable s. many of them now ready for use. There are Many attractions too numerous — to mention, such as patent swings, kc. It is certainly the moat de. nimble place now for sale in this part of the country, and Must be seen to be ap preciated, for there are many attractions that are really too grand for deacription without seeing them. This very desira ble property will be sold low and on rea finable terms. The neighborhiaxl is ex and, in slier, „cannot be surpassed n any other parfi of the country. For 'miller information inquire of C. 11. eive, 58 Fourth at'enue. =EC! Here ane a few of the claims which, it is hoped, - with due modesty, ore set forth by Messrs. C G. Hammer .1; Sons, .4 NOR. 48 and 50 Seventh. avenue, in behalf of their extensive furniture establishment: That it is more extensive, produces mon. elegant furniture, and of later styles at more durable character than any other tablishment in thi , pity, which, notwit standing its superior character, they ai at the ordinary rates. . There are rather high pretensions, con. sidering the amount and character of the competition they lhave, amino one is ex.. peeled to udinit them without seeing for himself. Parties'interested in the subject are invited to visit their extensive show. rooms and view! the display of elegant furniture, with the pnindse dint they inn not 'see anything like it elsewhere in Pittsburgh. Understand. you are not in. vitd to he bored into in, rchrteing iti op lie rf yourself. but!. See an extensive display of furniture or n e , character not lather:a prodirced in Pitt:4lmrgh. The halls are large, well lighted. With convenient pas sage to allpaet4.,and the furniture ar ranged for exhibition. not piled in stacks, so that. whether-purchasing or not, your visit may be a pleasant one. Elrpnt Maa.loa lloame; Formerly by James A. Ilutchi son,Y:sq.; Sixth ward, Allegheny City, to. goiter with about three acres of ground_ frontingon the Ohiii river. Preble,liayard and Adams streets. The river front is MO feet. the mansion is about l 4 btu 44 feet, tw,i stories high, slate roof Abe' rooms are large—parlor IS by 4,4:Vning room 10 by 2S_, library 17 by 111, hall S by '4O, porch S by 40, and the chamber., kitchen, pantry, bath and other moms are all very large and airy. and convenkently arrangesl, so as to go into why ro oli in the house without having to go through an. other. Nearly all the rooms have marble or slate mantles, the ceilings are lofty and many of them han d somely paneled in tasteful style the grounds am handsome ly laid out in lawns, Sc, and well covered with fine fruit. such as apples, peaches. at, and other ntilall fruit. The hn nn two fronts--the ABC on the river i tagniticent view of the river and .L 1 Cl,lllllry around, ,and 1 1 1 11 1" pleanant plan, Laving the f meth liy•eze (nun the river. and free from any smoke. Woot., Ac. Inquire of H. Lrce. 5N Fourth avenue. 122== A.Leggatc, Auctioneer, invite. i.pecial ttentlon to the following aide.; Monday.Juu” fill, at ten o'cloek,the muse and lot.-"-g, Monierey atreet. tad journal from Monday last) This in n. good property. on a good turret. near nal Park. nu • flue of cars and very desirable. The four adjacent yannit lota, 21 by 70 feet, and on corner lot, 20 by 70 feet, on which Is built the foundation of - a house. Also. at II o'clock of the same day. a fine lot 'on (tall/4:ller street, Sertunt wart. All,,l tt •av 100 by rm feet at the saint• time, several Mtn in John Me. emery's plan in Ilreecl's (trove. now laid out in very denirahle building lots of. various mixes—,-Partira unanttutinte4 thin locality aro*pet-tally it vital tit ex amine, The, 1.111 Ite struck with ita beauty and advantages. On Tuesday. June 7th. at two &clock. those skiperior building lota of Captain Jenks. on San dusky street. above Ohio atreet.. The corner lot mash. a brick dweiling of right rooms and stable. Full partrtulant of these and other sales at A. I:emote's. 159 , Federal street, tile: =I Vnrivalled for quality and cheapness at 112 Federal street, Allegheny. • - Spiced Salmon. Fresh Lobsters. ._,Pickled Oyster.. • Speed (lama. - resli Salmon. - Pickled Lobsters. Spiced th - steru.' Pickled (lams. Fresh Corn Oysters. Sardines. Truires, Potted Meats French Peas and Mushrooms, Capers.. Queen and 'Spanish 011 res, Olive Oil. French Mixed Plcklea and Piccalilli, Terrine des Foleallras. r•-• English Pickles, Sauces, Ketchups, Mustards. Assorted Syrups, Extracts. Preserves, • Marmalades, Delkesa Raisins. • French Prunes, Seedless Raisins. • Paper Shell Almonds. Fine Canned Peaches, Plums, Cberri and Fresh Fruits, in glass. Choice Figa and Dates, Prnnrllon, Ac. Ono BEAvE:r. PM.% COAL &Wa ker have on .land, and deliver didly teen . „ part of Pittabargh and' Allegheny, Coati, nut coal, and Black at the lowest cash prices. Special rates to regular custom ers and for large orders. This coal is the Lent offered in the city. Other and card, corner of-tanduaky street awl Westl'enn Railroad, Allegheny city. rrns PEOPLE al waym buy the beet, la the re sun tliat Pier, Daman & Co. sell so muc of their Omen ale. The ellY iartaa this week has been unusuallY crowded with strangers In attendance at toe various public gatherings and conventions which accounts In ■ steal measure for the great trade enjoyed by Llebler at his ware -rooms No. 104 Wood street. Strangers Vrbo have been vexed beyond endurance with no old rickety. rackety trunk, when —they see such at those made by Liebler are not long In supplying themselves with an outfit In that • line. • Menet Merino Shlrte and Drawers. do. Merino Half Hone. In greet variety et the New Stand Stockln Store. John Dego!men & Co.. No. NJ Flit avenue. ' The fleeted Terte.—The bait proof agains the sweltering heat of these warm night. to cool, delicious flavored dish of ice cre • with Its accompanying concomitants, fro Younitsun•s, comer of Limithflald. street an Diamond alley. -Ladles end gentlemen en saloonss one of tbe most attractive ice crea s and confectioneries in the city. Hun tlissdes.—W. W. Moorhead, Nu. 81 Mar ket street. ha. Just received a newanortment of line parasols and sun shades, comprisliig every style and quality, and sold at elf prices. Hummer lace staxls and novelties for the la dies' wardrobe. Ribbons and- Powers. hats and trimmings. gloves and fans hankerchlefs and hosiery in endless profusion at Moos head% 81 Market street. - The a. /Unease. which are Peculiar to males, u Female Weakness. Leucorrhen.Weak Heck. Irregularities, and Nervous or General Debility are permanently cured by the use of Dr. Tierce's Alterative Extract or Golden Medical Discovery. Sold by dm •gists. or send KI.M to B. V. Pierce, M.D.. Bu ff alo. N. T.. and get three bottles tree of express charges. • The alpine Stock et Beaty U. Hale. Ilfer. hat Thdar, at corner of Penn avenue and Sloth street, le now large and complete. Mon sieur Donpaln continues to preside at the cut. Ling. tf La&k desire what men admire. And this little thing is Beauty. What do we gar la beautiful? A transparent complexion and a luxuriant head of hair. What will produce these? Hagan's Barton& Balm will make any lady of thirty appear but twenty; and Lynn's Kathairon will keep every hair In its place, and make it grow like the April past. It pre vent. the hair from turning gray, eradicate. Dandruff, and Is the finest Bair Dressing in the world, and at only half ordinary cost. If TOO want to get rid of Sallowness. Pimples, Itieg.autrk., Moth-patches, etc., don't forget um Baguette Balm. Übe: • ELIZABETH, PA Decoi - ation Deky..Round Hill Mszisgs'. EtirrolTS GAzertE : As no preparstiens'L'or observing Decoration Day were the citizens of this vicinity, thn pupils of If ftrOony School. ElizAbeth township, Win. F. Lindsey, teacher de termined to ply th e i r fespectS to the mem nries of the heroic dentl, • whfoll their gal. last deeds on flood and field, demand of old and young. Early in the_afternoon tho Pupils re paired to the residence of Mr. Jott n Power, who gave then, privilege of ink ing and using such flowers awl evergreons as were needed, a kindness which iheJ' highly al - preciated, ' . In a very short time quite a largo num ber of most beautiful evergreen wreathe and handsome boquets were skilfully wo- ven and tastefully arranged by the little maidens, exhhhiting—auch elegant refine ment as could come only from young and tender hearts. filled with love forth., brave moldier whoslied that they might live to enjoy the blessings of ei /fee country. Thin work being finished they returned to the schoolroom, front whence they marched to the Hound Hill graveyard, where hen of "oar blue-coated dead" are "sleeping the sleep that knows no hreak ing." Here had assembled a number of friends to witness and assist in the strew- • ing of these gravea—an eshibition of the fondest affection and deepest sorrow of the human breast. Aa appropriate song was sung by the school children, after which Mr. Scott Patterson, in a solemn and becoming man ner, read that beautiful and. touching poem, "Four hundred thousand men." • The, girls, large and small, loaded with Spring's most generous gifts, now pro. neshslquietly and solemnly to each grave, on which they placed their wreathes and gently strewed their dowers. The bop; followed, revenmtly passing each grave with uncovered beads, • • • What solemn thoughts of the past Mlle rushing in rapid succession through our mind us we watched that little band wind ing its way through this sileht city of the dead, treading lightly over the green turf that enshrines the lowly bed of mans. departed spirits, and aelecting, here and there a grave on which they. gently, -quietly, solemnly and reverently laid these tokens of love, - coming from warm and generous hears—placell them on the groves of bur nation's heroes who fell on the bloody field, or wasted away. in the dreary losvital, or sunk under thr hard ;ships of the long and tedious march; and 'then brOUght bark by loved ones, lifeless and dying, to slonther in the sight of the !••dear old home:: and in' guarded by ever true and faithful friends! -After the strewing of. dowers they. re. turned to the vanl in front of the church. where Miss Flom - Howell, in a Moat feel ing and impressive manner, read eThe Soldier's Hest." The school then Bung the long meter Doxology in such a manner tut told that their hearts were with the flowers with which they had decorated the graves of the soldier dead. IlArtmosr. bialesburg Free Prem. of May 30, .•• hears from a source which cannot be doubted, that a certain school teacher in this city. wan recently,- guilty of a most inhuman net of cruelty. It seems that one of Ler pupils, a little boy about 8 years of age, had committed mine petty misde meanor, and, after whipping him quite se. rarely, she furthered him punishment in • the following manner: _ . She obliged him to stoop over in such a mannsi . that Ida head should hang down and his back should he completely bent, allowing him no support whatever, except the fore. linger of the left hand; which she suffered to mat uncut the floor. In this terrible torturaome position she forced hint to re main for half an hour.and, when that time had passed, the victim of her Mugu : Aar cruelty was insane. Incredible as it mar seem, nothing as vet -hat. been done to legally investigate titiacase.- A llnnteville (Ala.) paper nays '.het among the—wante of that plate are at leant one cotton and one wool factory, a paper factory, a factor for coopers' ware, shingle factory sod an establishment for masoning wood be Un- - drying. The raw materials and facilitica for each, of thene manufactures are said to be at hand or easily available, the demand fur the' fah rion great, and the Markets certain And easy of.arcens. tio far the opening seems a promising one for caritabittn, but just for the rake of curiosity we would like to know how thin liumnyille paper stand,. on the, uentiou of Maintaining a rajtailiva taritt for thn encouragement of borne in , d wary. ,If the South To moeken to join the Itenwerary and the agents of the Europe ! on throutfneturern in thehoukue derontol • for free trade. it bet espeet to runt, litre for int....meta in liolustrlal entetproteo. I - here hare been ten thousand Ore hand -1 red . and thlrty-une inind,crants landed it New York within the list four dart, a num- Wlmost unprecedented in the annals of the Immigration department: On Wednesday the geture of one thousand had .twenty-nine passengers .ve as weighed and checked. There were . hundred Pc andirtaelans. and this clwas of immigranty hal become quite numer- - Ijll--- - 1 Charley Ituaaell. driTer of on elves atop, drova his hone into the 'leer at hash Hie. reaterdoy morning and eras drowned lartfter with his hot.. Howlt leaved tie and two children.l !toy: Gaw. Merino Shirts. . do. Drawn Mixed Hal( Hose. ' do. Unbleached Mixed Half lime At the New . Stand Stocking Store, No. x 0 Fifth arena' Do 7. vast •Triurk,lleegatehel Valise Carr.ettats, or Traveler's Companion? Go t Llebter's.o.lo4•Wo.4 etreet, nod take you choice. • Perseus traveling on the Allegheny Valley Railroad vein the lima table changed In'e paper. =CD STANTON-1111811-On Thursday. Juno 114:a W. nesetemee of tb. bride's brother, l Mt* C.. tla. Pa.. by the Bev: A. B. Bradford. Wy. BRAS TON, or Ctatthnsa. 0., to Mu ICI.I.ICN KARIM of tba former place. DIED LISONARD—On Irriday amralair. at teeliva• 0190400 W. L 4024440. Funertil on Sentini, •PTICIINOON. at 4 o'clock from the revidenoe of hie brothrr•ln•lntr. V. PC. Holmes. 41 Seventh avenue. UMBEIST--On Thonulay afternoon. at Otte o'clock, Juno arl. 1070. ESlNA.daughtornf John and Ellsa J. tiotabert... Years .4 3 month. The funeral ntll arrive by the Anrwarrllle Jest, on I.4Art.sesur mmorria. Junn 4th. at 10 o'clock. to moon. to Allegheny enrnetary. Irrten4a of the fatally ors reepectfully Invited to gtten4. lIIIINEN—Atc4 yrlnas. oclock 1. Artamaks, on Sun. . M.. CHABLIS. T. = KASARINE. A POIIADIL WARRAATEIITU'R66TOR6I3RAY ItAIIL Also, Kidder & Wetheral's Raven Ink, The beatloliblo Ink In rho ma:let, tS ant* pit bottlo. Zreir bottl• _ warranted or no Ws. Genuine French Glove Cleaner Fur gleaning kid (Moves.. ror ma. - L.H.ROSENIiNCITSr Patent Medicine and Periume Depot, • 140 411MIFIEb1 IcrnEr:r. my11:109 TEAS!TE4S! T 1: ost reeefrad,• lams and line assortment of Ns TeasmonMedne of YOUNG If yogN. ooLdN'u EIBSI . • SOISCIIONO. Boyers are lovltell to Call and .01 amine the nook orehee eotallT end Wee tilt be for the Interest of the .er. ... Alb, on hnod. I nnd eicellont a.anrtinen .1 choice ror solo bY • EDWARD lIMAZLETON. •Pa:RMM Npo.lllland 30 Diamond Saws. Livißgstp_ & Co., =I CASTINGS.. naf t,,,,t r: ,,, n our rpecialtr i tome Joint mw. nottra.niCiwa'.l7A'AULT.'" at, PoarA d " r 4511 1 111 Z bona, Pa. J 1191.05 TT AIIGE SHIPMENTS OF ALL L tied. I es. Palmer ". r po"py":; h turlu n gra,Vt d ai.i. " mond s.rl ihtrouri and ct luon Pt? nand, A llebeer. City, corner Fedora end OM street. Oar lons experlenoe In the haleness en :chine.. to allure have on band • end clase Artie]. and MI Coll White nth. Helmut, Harriett. V.A. 11.• and lirtlte Perch. all At Teo . low cream Glee tu • call, we will Insure • tine mild. Whoe sale Ot rotall. All cutlers ante 9..Plir• C. BARNES,, Sealer of Weig hts and Measures, arPILL: No. 6 FOURTH AYE., Pittsburgh SODA ABll.-100 saute for Bala by .1. D. CANFIPLD. SPECIAL NOTICES --- O FFICE Or Mos:oSoAttica - INIKRANce C 0../ N. E. corner of Waxl St. and 4th Ave, / PrITISCROU. May 11134.11670.1 tt - DITIDEND.—The President and LA., Directors of this CortonsOr have this day declared nice end of FOUR DOLLARS PICK SHARE Capital Stock of the CampenY., Government of the earninas of the last Ms months. free Government tax. _ Parable in cash forthwith. H N MTIKAM JO IL. ( LANEY. Secretarl. [(TA MEETING OF THE STOCK. HOLDERS of the . FIFTLI AVENUE BANK of ' , manure, will be held on TIII;RIMAY EVEN MO. June 004 ut 8 o'clock. In THUMB HALL N 0.241 Filth avenue. for the Di 1110011; of amend lag Constitution and errors! of EY-Laws. 01y13,93 D:rDIVIDEND.The Board of DI RECTOILS of the Fifth Avenue Bank have tide day ieelareo a dividend of $3 pavans., fr. of GArrernament and State Tue.. Minnie on and after June lst next. myll,lV 11=E1=== gy-PUBLIC NOTlCE.—linTing been appointed GAR snd GAS METER INSPEC TOR for Allegheay county. notice ht heroes WW Wen until the Rectums, office sod Mechanical Test- leg tdaninneri can be prorlded.l will be tutind at the OFFICE Ole Ti!!!, NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Twenty-U:11M street. near Penn. Pittsburgh. I= r.rW .( Hrvr!T l i I=l3 KrbOuNTY. $lOO Bounty Collected FOr all soldiers who enlisted between May 4th and ]sly 2241.1861. who were dbmbarged for disabil ity before stirring twormare. and who hare here-to tem received no bounty. . The andante . ..l has removed hie °Moe to GA trite Building. corner Slxth avenue and Smitheild •treet, antils now prepared to collect claims timid: and at moderate nttes. (.1l mint Midi., with *tamp. B. F. BROW 1, Claim Agent. GAZaTri • Corner Sloth avenue and Smithfield Street, - Pittsburgh. Pa. CANDIDATES FOR COUNTYCOMMISSIONER. GEORGE NEELEY,_ Of Marshall . Township, subfbet it the decision of the Union Republican County Convection. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. BENJAMIN- DOUTHETT; Of Indiana trornehlp. le • candidata fur count) Oommlseloner. in subordination to the decision of the Republican Contention. Est modus In rebus. arelhalbid.T REMOVALS. REMOV_A_L. S. P. SE:RIVER iSz. CO. rr old ,L. NUf. YY dMITIIFIELD. I. tkelr r.b00... Non. 259 and 251 Liberty St., Above plott e dd ..f WOOD STREET, where they will be to see all their old Mends and ens- S. P. SIIRIVEK & CO., REMOVAL. II=1:1 Allegheny Insurance Company I= 67 FOURTH AVENUE, r=!= I= 1:1203 - - • 1. EMOV A L--1" R EDI( SCHROEDER, AA , Merchant Tallor and Dealer In Gentlemen's gurnishing Goods: also Gentlemen and Dogs` Clothing on hand and mead to order at the ohm, Sat nous., has romoved from hlslate stand. No. 0.2 Fourth . avmme. to No. 311 WOOD ISTRZET. corner of Third MVO.. enhht.elleY DILWORTH, HARPER ( 213 LIBERTY STREET, =9 GROCERIES, =I Two Thousand [lbis. Refined Sugars, l Two Hundred Boxes Hivana Sugars, One Hundred and Fifty Hhds. P. R. Cuba and N. 0. Sagan. An puhased Peter... th e lath advance le prl A full a nd pouthlethweaortothot TE.R S, Syrups and Molasses, COFFEES, Tobaccos and Cigars. I= ROASTED COFFEE, Put up la one pound parlage• and warranted t , tiro satlaf. It prepared In a male - perwerre Its tutor and reialn Ita.tra.etn A ndelthita perluel. r =I = ARNSTHAI & SON, Virginia and Louisville Tobacco dgency, SEGARS FIDE. Cot Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. gIIITIIY.IItIIt STREET. Pittsburgh. M G RAND RE-OPENING NEW GOODS. Shoes, Boots and Gaiters, HENRY PAULTJS', x 0.1.44 01110 AVENUE, .111.1.750U1CNY CITY The ondendimed has main Into giressi;An of pia old vise.. ft 5. "'" - .71g,:g lOces Ova satisfaction. y, nalsons and t e public aro Incited to c 1 it. ja. x ,,, HENRY PAULUS. DECORATED AND PLAIN Marble and Slate MANTLES, • moo try ate= par The and place Waatarn ear.ndato and Marble Marbleised Bums.. as• made. Ehapant blarbleleantlea.Waln eaottee, WOW% Furniture Topa. An, marbleised wpm, marble add slate to email, redrafts% errre=llll W ir gartsiptitouro, Lad A/mummy m osmth.T W. W. WALLACE. WELCOME HAY AND GRAIN RAKE Ihtlikerik look to 700 ante rest and boy none but th . ',a w n. Blew Tooth Wheel Rake. It In the .tpiideet In Ilk ooin.ticUon ann beet In met as- K won, you Mir an/ other eeld nr th ir a"" ArlitsVeltr be ° :urzeo.f. U. work . It be oe tottward , th Aramer to rake or Oliver,. advantakre in noothernike. Alsounetared In inhainbtann. tillleta 71=7. Vet/ =I CHEAP COAL BOXER YULE IRONS, de..*A.Al PIM • JOHN ot - LLESPIE; Chit/lneys Swept. • Rork done on Comte tellAout making 1,471.' All s o r e Awns m P ALL a* Y . be t we e n Ll eien Nol4 Smlttteeld etreets. PltUhnrth , Pc, wlll reoelee prompt sttentlon. OFFICIAL ALLEGHENY. A N ORDINANCE—To authorize the 11 COnatrOction ‘,l a lateral. an Federal sreet. .9 gr. 1. TM ordnined nnd enacted by the Select and - Common Coundlo, of the CitY t f Allenhene. and It In hereby ordained and enacted by the nil thonty of the. some. That the Sewer Commission tolnviteh are hereby authorised and directed to nna promos:Os for the construction of n Sewer. hooted n. folloorm..rta.. and according to plan to he noproved by cOunclis On Federal street. from Strawberry alley' to Montanmery ave. nue sew nd to contract therefor with the low. eat and heatbidder or their discretion. Pee. 9. That *ono as the coot and expenses of fsaid Sewer ohall be -folly ...ermined. the tome all be levied. assenneil and collected as provided for, by an art of A_ssembly of the Commonwealth l of 'enusylvania. entitled "n supplement ton nap pigment of the fourth peetton of on act. entitled I n .i . A . Ag ie.ting to Allegheny City..epprvcd March SP.C. 3. That urn wadi of nttl ns be conflict with or bo supplied by the foregoing be and the same m hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted into a law. this the 20th day of May, one thousand eight hundrmt and Pry- dentE.,4 MlEß .Pree of Select Council Attest: 3. It. OXLEY. Clot of Select. Conned. • lIENItir WARN Co ER. President of Common Council Atte. It. Illtdrodint, 000101 Common Connell. Jo. AI.I.LORTNT. May 24. 1870. NOTICE.—The assessment foi Gra- DING and ramsn of Cheotnutetreet. from north side of river avenue to the Mechanic street bridge: also, the assessment for the conotructlon by a BOARDWALK on Bell avenue. from-Federal Went to Willlo Street. are now reedy for examina tion and can be semi.. this office until eATUR DA-1:, June 4th, 18 . 40. when they will be placed In the hands of the City Controller for collection. E=l IMEZEt=I3 City TREASURER'S Orme. I Pri - reuctiou. June 1. IS7 O. JN ACCORDANCE WITH' TILE PRO. VIRIOIIB of the City Digest, notice is hereby ean to the Tax Payern of the City of Pittsburgh. that the assonszneoll of City, City Building, Special, Poor, Busi ness, City School and Ward School Taxes and City Water Rents For the year 1810 have, In ...modeller with la, been this day returned to me for rellection. A deduction of Five per rectum will he allowed on all Tares and Water Rents paid oßeniefore the first day of Angust. and' Two per in If paid between the tint days of August and fifteenth Mir of September. OFFICE or CITE' ENGINEER AND SEIIVEVOR. PITIRIICIO3II, June 2d. I NUL NOTICE.--The assessment for Grad fromLllSO PAVING and t h e 4815 street. patter street to the Oyer. h now ready for . , SA m URDAY .aun n lh .187 owhe s n °iMt ewe ilu nb returned to the City Treasurer's idlete for roller lion. = It= (ITT CONTIMI.I.XIent tl Mr, PITT, 10:11. PA., Maw Pith. 1870. ( XTOT S 111:1IEIIV GIVEN TO 11 all homer.ny Overdue Municipal MAIM , of the Illytit Pittsburgh. to. forward theta to this °Mee fur Payment. No Internet alit dun clan Winds alter July let. 1870. . . . Ily order of the Finance . Cionmit.tee. • mill . . McGOWA:ii. Conte,llor. Ureter or CITY E\l:to writ Am/ Stitvcvolt. Mt - vim:nu it. May 31.1570. I,', I TOTICE.—The Assessments for the Grading. Paving and Curbing of TWENTY STREET. from Penn avenue to Small• man street. la now ready for ernmlnstlon. and can he peen at tine t dime until THUlthlisti June gth. 1879. when It stilt toe returned to the Pity Trona. user'. attire tor collection. 11.4. 3100IIK. city Engineer. pItOPOSALS WILL lIE RECEIVED kONllAV.eig.`,7ll2efg=c y gtV,`,.;l"..c'lflV I p g. - " o ` o tai f giriv!? a,,(4711i.,r '3 .TicAVio r. 7lsl;filAlli . Chief Engineer. PLANING MILL MEN • And .others, • ' TAKE . NOTICE! The undersigned has letters patent of the Uni ted State• for the landovedconstruction of weather-boarding. insidb lining and of wainscoting fur houses. The weather -boarding. by this patent Improvement, being moroparticularly Intended for vertical nee, and combines great durability aril beset eppearance; and it Is so constrtcled ns to entirely avoid the use of joint strips. and to revent. water from entering the Joint of the tap ing or the showing of the Joints by the action of the weather on the Umber. Inslde lining and wainscotin by th is new method fix, Po constructed ordinary t ouri ngrtye panels theaply as by the boards alone; hereby preventing the showing of the joints from ."' lleTardst " r pu le ;Z• r h i la.:l " trie 'n' oVelirigl .'" of what la commonly known aa the - .Mould Weather boarding." lie ban disposed of the following territinial and •hop rights In Allegheny county. for both patents. Writ: ' U. A. Montfort. the right of the territory Toof the river In said county. To MeQuewan s Douglass. the Mitt for the First ward, PlUaburght. M To IL Patterson Co.. shop rights for their mill, Sieth ward, Pittsb r thurgh. To Alex. McClure, foe tannish of McKees port. To Parker A Paul, for First. Second. Third and Fourth wards, city of Allegheny. TLi Seal trothers.,,ahoo rteht at their milli. See ' • Tri Dont= rtrrnii. - 7 14 0 71.. for the boroughs of ettermserg and Ktla..l. the townships of Raley All persons a warned against infringing niv , o either of sold pa re ten., and those wishing to per ch.* will Ora. call, or loldres+l Me. N 0.75 litoll.llllolPl lame, • JOHN M. COOPER fir, CO, Bell and Brass Founders, ENGINE, LOCOMOTIVE AND ROLLING MILL BRASSES Made Promptly to Order BABBIITS METAL .Made and Kept on Hand =I 1. M. Cooper's Improved Balance Wheel STEAM PUMP. O lee-881{ PENN b"PREET. Foundry—Comer ITTIL and ItMLROAD STREETS. Pittsburgh PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be remixed by the CENTRAL BOARD OF EDECATYON of the City of Pittsburgh, In seconlance with the provisions of an Act. • Sitp . t . l4ll: yit ti r 0 1; NiAt i., ,,earg IC th e Schoo l That the Central Board 5 - EdUcallon' within tinge months from the passage of this and annually thereafter. select from the several honks or regalm exchange brut ere of raid CitY.• 5..0- ,r or piece of deposit for school funds under Me coning of said Bose:Land said Board to age o Inn days' notice by publication In t eul wo newspapers 11 or schmil funds,and the se Mellon shall he made -.upon the opening of said Proposal* of the h an k Or exchange took Cr. who egoil give satisfactory security by at least four enroll°. lir bond.. aPproved by Said Board. god per for the me of mad school fund the hi gh rote Of interest no omen{ baleggelt.and goy oil checks...arrant§ or drafts of the proper ofheer or officer. Mr mid board .n densand. ° In accordance With shore act and resolullou. prissmr by 51,1' Board. Smiled to tar Will be re retro./ and sipmed at the next regular meeting oif the Ilmrd. at their mortis, No. SI Fourth ,inner. ° TUESDAY. une 14th pm:. Iliddem also In state on what terms they gill limn Soloedard•such moneys as may be necessary for and school building Pogos°. GEO. H. ANDERSON, JOUNQ.WORKMAN WORKMAN & DAVIS, Suctestors to WORKMAN. ROOM & CO., mama (.moron non Donlon In Carriages, Buggies, SPRING & BUCK WAGONS. 42, 11, II and 48 Beaver 84., Allegheny. Repairing neully and prompUy executed. Or. dery for Nun Work gotten up In good style and crammed to salve satisfaction In every pertientar. /E - Nrivost style of work constantly on hand. POLE Alt IiNTS for the New Haven Wheel Com pany...lucky of PARTIN'S PATENT WHEELS. and nd Sha itarps Patent Quick Shifter and Antlatattler fft. • • 11. RICIIARD DAVIS having purchased the In terest Of Alex. and Wm. D. Moot, In the late arm hf WORKMAN, MOORE A CO...the business mill ereafter be continued at the old stand under the name and style of wolumaN A DAV IS. Orders solicited. - lonal Bank. Pittsburg/1. P2MII=I!= WHEELER'S Patent Stamp Canceler& EDWIN . STEVENS, No. 41 S. Third Street, General Inuit for State of PEIIIIIYITAILia. All orders sill be filled through thlsothee for State. ept•42this G EORGE REFLICE,. HARD WOOD WORKER. No. 47 FULTON STitairr. corner of Webster ave nue. YRONT uld VESTIBULE DOORS mode to order. 41.11 01500 oftrarnitere repaired and var• Hefen bY permisSion to David Aiken. Beard Ile••111151, XTOTICE.--Iterebsotst storekeepers, ." " rhireiSa l rola b g. matter Iwi pay no Oita may contract without my j tign it metla s. "" 2°6 6.-IgiatZray. GEEZGIS U = LIME. ft . wide. um. ToLt. di,4A4 Ltme; . tilt ;Taro" eiti - . . J. B: CANFIELD. 141 Tint avenue, my2lor .s/o of VINEGAR. THE PITTSBURGR VINEGAR WORKS. 11. ADAMS, 167, 168, 169 and.l7o ECOND AVENUE. Is now prepared to- tarnish VINEGAR. at th LOIVM.T MARKET ItATES.. Attention milieu laxly called to his Extra Wine Vinegar. INSURANCE E EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO 1=! Of New York. 139 1311.0/1.11W11. - 17 N. Ye PRINCIPAL FEATURES: Ordinary ...hole Life Pond. ABSOLUTELY NON-FORFEITABLE from raiment of eyeteeth.' Premium. Special insurance NON-FORFEITABLE. after two annual payments. All poi.. INCONTPBTA BLE for usual eausee,end ABSOLUTELY LNCON TESTABLE eller twu itremiums, All re strictions upon. TRAVEL and RESIDE:IOE re moved. and no permits requtred. tG) ACCUMU LATION OF N O IN N on Loans or deferred Premiums. and NO INCREASE of annual Tyrim i tts o i n itVlS c irri 1 7 f 4 . h rgli d' al l' AlLtNT ' INTEREST plan. NO NOTE Is required on LOAN, end there is no ACCUMULATION OF. INTEID.T clutrged upon the name. Policies become ISELF HUSTA 'NINO In about sixteen years. and thereaf ter yield m Income to the Policy holder. Life. term and endowment mildes aro leaned; also. gueranthe Interest policies and enmities. Number of Policies Issued. 3.3411; Coveting In Risks, 97813.840 00; Premiums, 11369,047 33;_Assem. over $330,000 00. SUCCEsCe THE CRITERION OF EXCELLENCE. 'The EMPIRE his issued more Policies by over $OO Tilt Vit., TEA it ending April let, 1870, tn my other Company In this country In the mune time at the same age. The EMPIRE secures every Policy holder nr A • DEPUtuT or cam CAPITAL with the State Trews tux suflidentlT ample to every Pa. , h ::tirl7::iaa;gf c. l t i . agiity to lose. the EMPIRE LOOK AT ITS ...a y iL FEATURI23 Good. active Agents wantennverywhere In West ern Pertneylemla. I= M=M WM. A. MILLER. Mannfrr for We.tern Pennnylvanta. office 78 FoLlall AVENUE. Pittsburgh. oral CHARTER 18'29PEitl'1 7 1LIAL. FRANKLIN • FIRE INSUR3 CO. OF I'IMLADELPIIIA. OFFICE 433 AND 437 CIIVTNUT WPREET. Assets on Jan. 16.. 1870. $2535.734 67. Capita/. 8400.000 00. Ackvued Surplus and Premiums. 82.415.73 J 67. Losses paid since 1829. over $3.300.000. Perpetuai C omp Tempo nary Policies on Liberal Terms. The Compapy shin i•MICR policies upon the 'Lenten( mil Muds of Build tollilTaZ/d11.4.0-10 7f ' :ll Samuel Grant Geo. W. Richards. Isaac Loo 000. Pales. AllredFiller. Thos. Sparks. Wm. S. Grant, Thomas S. Ellis, Gustavus S. Benson. ALFRED G. BAKER, President. GEO. VALES. Vice President Jws.W. McAllister. Secretary. - T. It. Rem. Assistant sh ls KELI , x , ou soNI Cot Third Avenue and Wood St WESTERN INSURANCE COMP'Y Or Pittsburgh. 1 • ALEXANDER EDUCE, President. WM. P. HERBERT, Vice President. WM. P. 11ERISERT,SeeretarL- I CAPT. GEO. NEELD, General Agent. Ofilce 91 Water etrect. Spann a Co.'s WerehOnset ' u St 'i . t iVtte=l7ls h t . ell kinds of hire atol l Marine Risks. A home Institution. managed by Direetore who are well known to the community d who are determined by promptness and liberality to maintain the character which they have annalist as offering the best protection to those who dash . ' te be !named. Alexander Nicola, M.ier Jr.. Jam M es ll MeAnte/. Alexander Speer. Andrew Ackley. David M. Lung. D. Ihmsen._ CASH INSURANCE COMPANY NO. 24 rirrpnivirtvirii, SECOND p. 0011.. CAPITAL ALL PAID UP rtMECrolum N.J. Maley. :John Floyd, :Capt. 31.• Dan . ] Wallace, I S . IL Hartman. !A. Chambers. J.lce 11111. B. Meclartan. 'Jai. M. Bailey. .11N. - 41* - 4,lo;klgYe,=lT ll " Capt. R. J. GRACE, General Agent. INSURES ON LIBERAL TERMS ON ALL FIRE AND MARINE RISKS. ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO OkFICE. TO. 67 FOURTH AVENUE. Insures wawa AU kinds of Piro end MAMA Maks. JOMIS 111.WIN,Jta.. President. T.4.IIOS . KINSON,. Vine PresideoL DONNZI.L, neeretary. CAPT. WM. DEAN. General Agent- DI11.701111: John Imp, Jr.,' B. L. Flhnestoet, T. J. Hoehn.", I W. U. Ererson. C. G. Ilnesey. ! Robert IL Davis. Charles Child.. llnph 8. Fletnhen, Charles tin, I Capt„ J. T. Stontaare Capt. Wm. itmn. , T. U. Ravin. PEOPLES' INSURANCE MAIP'Y cirncr.. CORNER WOOD a Firm STB. A llome Company. taking Fire and Marina Risks, • . . Wm. PhIIIIPL t CapL John L. Rhoads, John Watt. , t Samuel P. Shrive,. John E. Parke. I Charles Arbuekle. C. IL Loveared Brush. • James an Am er. KI Wm. F. Lang, D. Verne Samuel mecrickart. WSt. PHILLIPS, Prealdent. . JOHN WATT, Vim, President W. F. GARDNER. Secretary. NATIONAL INSURANCE COMFY. COIL TILDIIMAL A.:le DIAMOND. ALIS- ntn o to , In O the the SECOND NATIONAL • BANK W. W. MARTIN, PrealdenL JOHN BROWN, JN.. Vice PrealeenL JAMES E. STEVENSON. Secretary. I,IItECTORS: John A. Miler. ..Ina. Lockhart, •30s. Myers. Jas. L. Groh .:Robert Lea. C. C. Do_yle, John Brown, Jr.:Goorge Gerst. Jacob HOOP Thompson 4.3leNanalter. • era MERCHANT TAILORS. P: 'McARDLE, Fashionable MERCHANT TAILOR, ft,`,Mirrea h rgif/ T EISCSVOME ~G GOO B. No. 93 1-2 Smithfield St., PITTSBURGII, PA. • lir Gant's Clothing, made to oedema the aplll latest REMOVJ.L. GRAY & LOGAN r== =I No. 89 FIFTH AVENUE No. 47 Sixth Street SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES! C. IleCIIMILSON• 1870. C. L. MIITIMA.B..XO . . _ . IPPIIERSON 1111.111LINBRING, Merchant Tailors. No. 10 BIXTU STUMM. date tIL Clarr.) We hove received • large .111 ft.- leered Stock of the beet and wow fastdoestge Goode to our line.• (pen. WNW. Of which ate our own Importation. Ot. .perfect ox oar stock of nue tmlbs, 11ss7 m " . "' V "jrni d ritSON & Ulf LAMMING, mhlo No. 10 Sixth street. NEW SPRING GOODS. • A folendlO now stook of Cloths, Cossbneres, &o. =I eel _ Merchant Tailor, 73 Smithfield West. Pittsburgh Utility Works, WEAVER & JONES, Corner of Juniata and Fulton Streets, Moth Ward, Allegheny. Hannfadmners of STAPLE HARDWARE and all ItIndaLIGILIT GRET_IRON CASTINGS. . We tender oar Goods and services to the Trade at the Lowest Ptices. and warrant all our work skillfully finished. Coders solicited. The attention of Dealers delliCraiil Is called to oar make of BED AND PLATE CASTERS. WEAVER & JONES. Address: Pittsburgh Pontotaes. mrScaltt CHARLES P. 'WRIGHT, Car] Wlll moody attetid to all Wade of jobbtrort. Mend water tenkshnedetto order. No. 17 North avenge, comer Webster street, Allegheny, tt= LOUISVILLE TOT) ..Mc.u.i.V.8.1, -111ster. roc sale br 3.13. CANFIELD, '' myl6 . 141 Mat amuse. . wl t . 1- .-0. „'~ s~ ~"','"'; Tr, j - ' i k ''' ~}j I'~ i hvwffid!`~'.sw. NEW OPERA HOUSF. t:. Y. C.ONKLIN. For which occasion the ramultr and p or lIARBIn two7' :h h sk s nly r ro te te u d.andwill agdCompany. ppAya4 SATURDAY EVENING. June 4. 187 o.Compll • °Mary Benefit t.. HAIU 110110. •01 appear in three of his larorite ehayllo. A GRAND OLIO PERFORMANCE Iletstecn ieces. both Afternoon and Event :NI. Or host of thushorsh solos:teen, -JCADEMY OF MUSIC The ritteborgh the arc cocaina, 71... Great Star Troupe of the World, Will litre or itiirWg once . 0 ” , 111- f ore their Illetaborgh Men .tor • abort watent ot SIX ctintroectetor • • When they will p resent to their friends and pa trona a compant fiste unexcelled by antother ortmoltstion. Puling their season they til l pee. scot to the publics serf. of norelties. including all the chinos Songs Soa ks e day, New Barlesimes. New Nekro acts, Sew and Dannes. and pre senting at each even.; • enter... Me n, MS' gramme replete In every department. The office for Reserved Seat. will be open on MONDAY St ORNINti. at the Academy Doom:n at 7; performance commences at 8 o'clock. Jet NEW WALL PAPER. FOR SPRING: SALES, at No. 107 . Market St., NEAR FIFTH. AVE. Wenn., oger ur i ne pntille a Stork of PAPWR HANGINGS unsed In the West for reGetT imlitiestaty of styles. embracing nil Itie Novelties In FRESCO, SIOSAIC, PERSIAN and GRZAIAIS DESIGNS In•plelnd Orlght Polon. 10 11 Dining Rooms, an WOOD and 3IARB I D DECORATIONS. TINTE end GILT PAU LO PAPERS, with an 10111094 endless vsrinty l CHEAP S ATIN PAPERS. WHITE and BROWN BLANKS for Chambers. Ac. All of which wr pro. poserto sell". low as the lowest In the market. Call and sm. at It. MeCnes. Clts. J. Clarke. Ilism S. Means,. Joseph KirtnsiMCL PhilliMor p Re:erne+. Wm-rtson. Of Pittsburgh HAVE REMOVED FROM =I enter and Builder, AMUSEDEENSB ATINEEy fl SATVIAY. June 4, 10. Com .entareneat of •CID S7 arneross & Dixe)'s Minstrels, MONDAY V:VGNI:ip. iUNI: 6111 WALL PAPERS No. 107 'lintel .Sl., near Fifth Avenue JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. m1112:•15 WALL PAPERS. SPRING. 1870. PRICES R. EDI 7 ()ED. 40 INCIIEN wide tints at 73c per mil. GILT —a great variety at 30e per roll. GLAZED—I Fr e nch at . .atic per roll. ELEGANT ec and American Paper I=7 . riga, northno specified above, superior to any •• ent e country. Foor sale et [MIMI Ness W Pltts holesale and Retell Store. 191 Lthe met rt7 street, bessh. -LIVERY & SALE STABLES. Robt. H. Patterson & Co., EMSI333 Seventh Avenue and Liberty Street PIIMMDUROU.PA IVILL SATURDAY now AN AUCTION SALE Horses, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, And everything appertaining to the florae. nutlet deviling to sell will please leave their no tice of - consignment on nr before Thursday of each week In order for •AverthingPrompt attention and good me will be given all Stock left for sale. JOHN H. STEWART, Mr= JOU! , II FIVIA.P.S MOM 11. PATIWON ROBERT H. PATTERSON & CO. Livery, Sale and COMMISSION STABLES, Cor. Seventh benne and Liberty St nrrenultair, PA. AUCTION Wilkinsburg Property AT AUCTION. I will offer for rale. at Public hocßon. on WED NEBDAT. Jane SIB. et 4 o'clock P. P.. about RV sexes of growni.opon which ans a LAMM: DEICE DWELLING HOUSE, brick Tenant Bourn. Stable and Carriage lion.. Wash House, Coal Borne. Orchard. Eh Tide property II upon the Greene. burg Tnmpike, and la within fire minutes' walk of the roilroad station. IL make.. eery contralto. ble residenee, and is admiroblY fitted for • mbar. ban Hotel or emintry boarding bonne. IL la known aa the Flatboat' property. Bidders aro Invited to examine tba enshrine before the •ale. which the) can reach almost any hour by rail. Traria—One third cash balance In four canal inttalmenia, with Interest. WttAM=U=== Houses and Lots ON SANDUSKY ST., ALLEGHENY, AM) Boyle Street, Allegheny, AT AUCTION. On TUB3DAY. June 7th, at 4 o'clock, will he sold on the premises, that very desirably located pie rtp 170 Sandusky strret,betwg•en Olsioetreell and the Park. The two story 82 by 120 feet. The holm. is two story brick of 8 reams, with hot and cold water, bath, gas, mega. lee house, brick coal house tmel good dry cellar throughout Brick and frame stable In the rear. If desired, half the ground will he sold with the house, and the other half In two lots. Partlmder attentlon la directed to the central location. Also, at 3 o'clock, the property No. 13 Boyle AMA. near North avenue and Federal attest. Lot Viletr. ggld feet, rt:nrlA3 yard, hot f1,"::.".= Part, bath, gas, de. Good loratlon , being near to Market and stmt oras„ . Terms at sale. Fossenloagiren immediately. Inspection Invited. 1 ma A. LNGOATE. AucUrnieer. ~~ OTlCL—Whereas, Letters of Ad- MINISTRATION on the estate of TUOMA/1 LLER, late of Snowden township. deceased. hese been granted to the entecribere, _ail persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to male ITU= tal . t . ts T t7tAlltrt=7Pirala n tisiVer:l% malts known the mine without bit es PET EIIhIMONS. /OUP I:IIPY,_ Adasintsarators. mr21..30 NOTlCE.—Whereas, Letters of A.• MINISTRATIO Bald wi n town s hip . of 19A6 hatee/INIGHT, late of d have been granted to the auteeether. ell Indetded I, th e sald estete are requested to malt tentnedlate paent, end them having dal= or de =ands apipst ym the e.ktate of the wild mate known the nom nil Ar:or. D. W. MeHNI.:II e. AthatOlstrlJOe_i mylaaM Mt. Leban.-. AM:Ohara CO.. ra, STONE WEST COMMON Machine Stone Works. Northwast comer of W.d Common,Agetbe..T. MEDIC ATVATER d CO.. • ' nava on bond or Drs v r on nand notice. Heald Valle. Pulp atones, fot Sidewalks. EradlnT Vardta. to. 110 W and Tomb Stones. .to. true proorptir orooo o o o on nolsonabla tams N.E F F HOUSE. Yellow Springs,Ohio. *in be ready fur the reception of attest& 0. SATURDAY'. Juno 11241870. APPllcatlon fo'r•ltoonts tor the season and be re. *tined on wad after the 20th of this month. J. F. PIERCE, myletYll rItOPBIETOR. NOTICE.—The Books for the sob. SCRIPTION of stock of the Crystal Spring Ice Manufacturing and Storage Company, Ars'no. opened se the Div:4.W Savings B.*, No. 73 37LITI1e7ELD STREET This Company 1. changed by theLestolature; s f Penneyguda, and Itt Co nij of W ATIAVAr n 7 ' C ' ernes cAft= Frew:Paten, tl=n[===l THE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETO TORE exhales between the melertivAny• ander the name and style of STEWART MK.= & SONS. to this day dissol e 7M7 A metttel consent. ROBERT 5:.4516.. WILLIAM MOLISE. • • S,MeCRICKART. Preresrnon. / 1 .7 21: 11570. miaxlS TINE APPLES. • A null lot of }treat Pine A seised to good order. and I' oroods 10.,5t tbs 117 Grocery of JOHN-A. IMMILAW. Corner Llieny and Ninth Anat. pin* BEUBER BEDTDIO. 110811 AND STEAM ?AMINO • Of the Boston Bettnit Con:W.f. ... AA A MI ...P9ll of .111.0 u. The trade ..390. 4 tuners . prices. J. • U. PILILLIPL rL Aped for this city. =ma