PINCIA.t. GOLD, SILVLIT COUPONS Bought at Highest Price, PH. M ERTZ, BANKER, C . or. Wood St. and sth Ave. J4s. T. Brady &. Co., =I Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood Street, BANKERS litOr AND SIMI. ALL KING (W "Government Securities, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MAST FAVoltAtil.k Interest Allowed on Deposits. Cir.)fenny leaned on Government Bonds nt low 1 market rates.. • • 11-1 , 01111t.1. .EXIXI . II,I, !It T 111: Pl . ll,llklM ANO SALE or STUCKA. BONDS ANII 001.11. JAMES T. BRADY CO THE DAILY GAZETTE. MONEY AND COMMERCE. [l4: Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] . Nmv Yymk, June 1. Monet• easy at a'al, per rent. Sterling Ex change quiet and firm at Gold steady: opened at 11-1!4. touched nod 'ringed nt 114.%@.114!;. Carrying rates I per-cent. Clearances, tr.l,eoo,OX). Engage ments roe export toonornrov. s7oo,ode. Governments active and higher on the pro iel7.s i l t alB ln i 8 ,1 1 linnsr to tax [hens. Coupnnp: n 4: the RAILY, Wholesale Grocer, 271 Minn' MET, =1 Pill MIL 11011. P A. Meaner & Harper, =2 Commis:4ioli 'Merchants = .1. A. STEEI.I:. LE - Lk. SON, COnllll6sion Merchants, A„, 1,,„," ri.4)1 . 11. FEED. Ac., he. N... imtr rLUL C.ums..n. Alle ahopy City. W. (i., Alnstrong. 14. t Ler A. ArmAronv.) PROVFFE )IEIIIIIINT, MA ICH ET It I: lir. .1.1-;l,_\ Witt)loale and Iletail timer, N0.:39G PEN N synF-Arr . kITTI.B BA [RD l' A rro . W !icily SALE .:I(ol'EllS.l'unnut.,lonllerthants und nler% In l'n.doce. Flour. 114. ,, n. Chre.e. 1 , 101, Co.tb..n and Lunt , 41, Inm, Nall., Cotton t ma uII Slanufacturr,envntll,. 112 oind 114 SF.CI INI, ,TREET. 1•III.Tn Rh. 401I\' I. Ink,. 1101 , C. -Iv, 3t. 11(11,E. [Olt N I. HOUSE& BROS.:- Stures,inr4 ey t. JOIIN I. HOUSE A CO.. Whol,nle Grner. sod Contrutomon• Merchant, corner End seer ,ttcot., . . 4;1 I I'ION A: W LI.A('E, Wholesuli GII , CCItS ANI)1.1101/1 , 17 lIT:ALNILS, No 6 011111 liTenue, l'ittbburxh. OILS Tack. Bro. Co.. PERRY B 1 ILDING, Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. -TAci; - Hrz()S., • 1'1111:n14.1phi:1. mrs \\*ARAN( ; ..k . • N ( ; Petroleum and its Products, 11.1.7.E13.1i 111.011(. ItVQV ESNE WAY. I=! WA 2 !NG , 11N: ; aOll 109 9%11.NCT 5T1119.7 EC:LI PS E PETROLEUM REFINERY. Herbert W. C. Tweddle, SIANI:VAITCHEII OF - Lubricating and Iligh Tc,t nurning Ililn ECLIPSE 'LA11.11..1,11) AXW:OII.. Stmul• great heal .Itltota change; remain. hal VW at l.orcst. temperatures. Special rtor 0,0 and rtlruntea or hot ' , vane.. I.OOOMOTIVIC. MACIIINE 1,1101. . tem Cut 1.41 . (414. • SAW MILI. PI.ANING MILL eIILOIL T Y f ('ll. %v oll'n EAIFLuinT rn L, ANNIaIiI S wri r- VlNOend FINISIONO tiAS E OLIS. w.,. and Nlechlnery from not. Thew, producla are manutsetured under Dr Treddle . • patent hype rhoetol Steam In Yemen. The . Lubricatin g Oilf ere altno.t ed.oleo • per tectlY ppure uniform. and Acuity light emorod. eland high temponottro nnolmngml, end tl.lll3ifl MM.% I.3rtnnne.lo: The Ttellroad aro nne quelled, end ere In mootant tou.n many of 1111. prinolpal It/kiln - rade. ktampleaean es/mined end s.lars loft et 17.1 WIYIII/ STREKT. W erke at Shary•burg Bridge. LEAD, DRUGS, &c. P ITTSBU tillß White Lead and Color Works. J; Selmonniaker & gOn p] 2( >PI? I E . r( - )11 Manuntetneers of WHITE LRAM BLUE bEAD, rurryand all n•lor11,111' ANDO •. 'N I IIFFICR AND FACTORY. ID, ,1i.L.151, liG and.lA lieberra Street. . . , . We cal r .. ettentlon to the C.. Leo Wete.l .4. our Strictly Plow White Lead, slid shed we., :I•liiir er verhoilate WWI... we moan - cliernicallg teed Is free fngn Acetateound llyilnite.rin there enre In whiter end both Cohn. and coy '1)‘5111.1".;171'4:1, taWlit parer eitroite and whiter than , s In Clic market. alit will forfeit the price of this package If containing the least adulteration. I tTiT i b tS 7 N t . I . I " ! " ; r" end. PatenMelcin e e r * I I I nl2; i= FLOUR. .. • . I)EARI. STEAM FLOIL'ItI Ni 4 MILLS. • It.. T. KENNEDY & BRO., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., Mannfaeltirers of the following eclair:dad brands Of F 10.7 3 NW, (keen Brand att unelinsled Pastry Hour. tbni2 Star 1/11IP Brand, sfactionl. Extra Family Flour filves entire sati Sitar fled brand, a good Enntlly Flour, superior to p nn yof the same grad. tho market. All runds wnrrunte re ) as repsented. April 20, IM7O. PLUMBERS, GAS FITTERS. L. IL iIILTON B.J. 31 . t3 ANN. • FULTON & VGANN, Practical Plumbers, GAS AN!) STEAM FITTEIOI, Fifth Avenue near High Kreet. Pittsbuigli. Pr. Lead IN . ..Gum Mo, Gan Fixture, Maki., Both Tub. and Woods Kam', Iron Moe nod Fittings, Aln nod Beer Pu 7„. mot steam Cooks niwnye on lonia. Public and r Tato itulldlngs fitted up. nub j S and Innni Molting APPnruton. Jobbing promptly sitt raided to.. S. MORROW, =I (SUCCESSOR TO KEAN k KELLER,) Ilanufacittrarof TINCOPPER and SHEET and WARK, COOK tnEo% Kg tor atnamboats and Ho tels. FOllOlOl, DECK MOVES, COPPER and IRON STEAKI PIPES. Jobblna attended to promptly. No. 112 First Avenue, A r v i ,f l r.,,,tr:ota iurnAntauut. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL, ED. BARKER, Proprietor, Cor. Poo St, and Ilth, formerly old Canal BEI FINANCIAL Tradesmen's National Bank, WOODD STREET, CORNER SECOND ;ITE. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS Gold, Coupon Bands and Stork =ll MSME W. V A NKIRL. Vice I'rrnitlolll.. 0r7.9,41AT CY MIA CLA HICK. Ju. Cashier. AMERICAN BANK, No. 80 Fourth A:wt.:nue PIT'I'S111; IM II EEIMM =I Stockholders Individually Liable BANK OF DISCI/UST AND DKCOSIT. WOIN ELoyn. • WM. 1,1.511, l'reAldent. 111111“-TOILS: • . • . Thos. 3t. John M. Thailand, Win. T. Shannon: , Archibald Walla", James , W. Amu, , Jnr. 0. Kelly, Clam R. Leech, . 111•111. • John Floyd, Colleellnnet made on nll polnln In the Unite,l State, and Canada. Prnmpt ttenilnn intld to enr remnondenla. Jelo.kCl FREEHOLI) BANK AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. No. lOU Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh .1100.000. 1200.000 CA1.19A1.. PIM II : DEPOSITOIISI SECUILICI, A 111 INTER NsT olVF: REA ESTATE • AI ON TIME DE vosi MEMO= V Ice'Presldents—J. S. CRAFT. ADAM 'JACOBS. EDWARD 111/11.4e ' VIT. 4 1.IAM PHILLIPS, J AM KS rItA rr. ROWT. W. M ACK ET , TIM IWAS STEEL. ' JARED M. . • Secretary and Troy. .... S STF.F.L. A 1.1“..nt ('molder—.2 A NIES P. SPEER. OM,AnA In,m 9 11 . Cina A. 4 t;'clock 4nll T. ui t•rvrT SatUrd..l evening In .1 7 f... 10. COILME ItCIA I, • BANKING COMPANY, No. 9! Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh CAPITA, • $1100.1.100 •Stoekhohlers. halivilltially Liable. w. 11. EVERSON, W. ACHU]I, um . E MI. AL.TANI,EILJOHN I.INI,SA V, A. KNOLISII. 1,. S. W. 11. 1:V}111SON. • .14,11 S 1 . 1111.1.11 . S: W. . HAIM', • 11. 5. WII-St,N. JA1•4111 Cnurettone ntade silt itecenxible points of the United ..•tates and l'itnr4a.. INTER IiST oe TIME DEPoSIT 4 .. Prompt attention Or. to WI buidnemi of—eorrms pndent, • CITY BANK, 112FH."ru AvENITE MEM INDIVIIICALLV LIABLE:. ISTC.ItES'r l'Al I/ (IS 4n 11EE:lu `1 1 , 1:(1 . 11ANGE: bnuaht and' p"ld. and ben deplre.lremitted 1., Eurtqw. Uadn all and In all the principal won.. of the nited SI/M./tad I . IIIIAItIA. DOMINICK lIINISKN, Prealdent. J ANI McCAIIK. Vire Prestdent.. W. N. Mt/ItGAN. Cashier. lancenwia: 0. Hammon, Jame. McCabe. Thouta, Bourke, Hugh licatnw. Patrick /CM,. • Terence Catul , lwil. Chu.. 11. Burt. James Phelan. Magian . IL J.("ha.. llrsow. 11. A. VreyHe rn ..,, e, le. ' Th.'ens. N. stun,. .lel.lo. itle. NI. GAZZAM. THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO or PI t ,bUrl4ll. FOR THE Safe Keeping or Valuables Linder triterenteir. snit the renting a Safes In it Fire and Burglar-Proof Vaults, No.-83 Fourth Ave Preslilen,--.W11.7.1AM PITILLIPS. Viet President—HY:NM' 1 , 1.0 V D. • 01111,1131.: • Wlllimn Plillitps, , Ilyrunll. Painter, Ilenr, LIMA. • . Jos. S. 3lnniNon: William Rea. '_.4,:vorge Black. William 51. 1.1 - no. , CUM% li. i1u.,,,.. " Se cV e k n ' T l e teas " . . .V. V.'S' In k l Open daily frenn 9 o'clock A. 31. 4 , 4 . 11()RGAN, KEENE & MARVIN, - Wall Sfreet, Mt) from tl gra y.l NEW Tuit6. tnn+u•t A General Banking Business, TIIRti. M. MORGAN, 18A MUM, 8. KERN?, ALAILVIN, Atd PuYtnuster General and Adjutant dulled.] the HUtto of Nut. Tort) Being in the immediate vicinitY of. the ilork F. 'change and the Gold B....tient! members of each •irdern are executed with the greaten nontible de patch. Merchant% and Inreators.llring at n dlstanct can rely upon our attention to :heir atnalleat leaven orders, with equal care and proruptne% t. At In yearn pan. we Abell continue to trantne nil huallowa ofNational Banta and rorporatio uh the nowt favorable terms. . • . Individuals mtl Trent Companies. ainlemplating a Change In their accost ilea. or desiring to make Inquiry cvneernling any financial business they MI, h.! In Mils city arc incited to coconauninnte with us int minally or by letter. Reference -Meant'', Jay think° S/ • o.,\ea York. turro:l43 N. Holmes & Sons B A NKERS, 67 Market Street, 1 , 1 TT sB u I-I, PA. Po".. STOCKS, BONDS AMI OTHER SECURITIES, = Pa fib ular attention wad to the penchant and sale of United States Securities. Ja.ll.lkl HART, CA UOIIEY & CO Bankers and Brokers; CORNER FOURTH AND WOOD STREET I 3 i ttt=thirgh. oqul.F.ssoits lIANNA. ILVIT A 1'0.,1 IMIIMIE • Exchange; . Coin, Coupons, And partietar attention pateto lie 'mediae° and ale tit G overmnent 13onds ALso Sight Draughts on London. 7 Per Cent. Gold Loan (FREE Or IX a. TAX,) OF TIM BURLINGTON, - CEDAR RAPIDS & MINNESOTA R. R. CO' First Mortgage . LO YEAR. CONVERTIBLE BONDS A LIMITICD,QUANTITY FOIL BALK. At 90 and Accrued Interes !Memel , berable May S ri Nove t m ber. J. rvautin T"'""' The greater part of the rAad le already completed end flows large earning., and the balance of th work le rapidly Sungreealeff• lei unhesitatingly recommend theto nondiaathe safest and best Investment In the market. _ .U. It. fireetwentlea, at current prices only. return Igoe per cent. Internet, while theee rftY Oakland eep.,ptartor per went. In Gold, and we regard the i secutity equally good. HENRY CLEWS & CO. Bankers, 32 Wall Street, New York S. WCLEAN & CO., No. 65 Fourth Avenue 136=1=132! 1111111! ENGINES, BOILERS, 8/4 FORT PITT Boiler, Still and Ttink • WORKS. • . .. ....----- . CARROLL & SNYDER, = TLDULA 11. INIPTILPI.FLUED TUBULAR FIDE, II(TX AND CYLINDER STEAM DOILEILS. ,lIIL sTILLS AND oil. TANKS. CHIMNEYS. lIIIEEFIIING AND ASII PANS. SETTLING PANS. SALT PANS AND CON DENSEID.I. STEAM PICKS, LIASDIIETEILS AND IRON 8111 DUES, 1 , 111505 IPIOILS AND COAL SIILITMI. • oFFI , E AND WAREBOrSE: Cor. 3il, Short and Liberty Streets, PITNBUBLIII.PA. - 11rlirtlers rent In the above addreos will he 11,1110 r attended W ` mhd:LN HUGLI ill. BOLE & CO,, . Coe. Point Alley awl Drupowe St., I=l Eukine Builders, Ponders, AND ' • • NU A CFI NISTS. Nlaoaraehire STEAMIIioAT.ENOINKS and STA- TloN MCC ENGINES all tires. SPOON! attention Invited to oar new STATION ARY 011. WELL F:\l:l\E AND PORTABLE BOILER Of 15 homy idawer. CA sTi NOS. id every kind. made to order at our Foandry. On THIRD STREET. below Market. RIOS for till Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEYS. BANGERS. IIoUSE .and TOBACCO SCREWS. and IRON ToIIACCO PRESSES, on hand and node to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, • Ft.... on the A Ileghonr River. near the Point Pittßbergh. Fe. Tr All order, Kt tillod. TILV Ries - 16k & 13m., VIRE [ AND BURGLAR-PROOF [ [ SAFES AND VAULTS. MIME t I;',NG INES AND MACHINERY WORK, REPAIRING MIi PUTTING EP - MACIIIN ERI% HYDRAE:I.IC CEMENT. Ow twr I 2th sand PIKE sTktion's, now:0; O'HARA BOILER WORKS F. REPHAN & CO., Manufneturcro of STEAM ROMER., OIL TANK F. Al:ITAII/R8 SALT I'AN! , ASO3IF 'mit* s FANS, 1111: 4 ,6: DOOR.. IMSEV:4. ItillrHEN FIRE BEIM, Se.. :or, of Scroll] Ivenne and Liberty Street PLTPSBUIttiI I'A. =I MT:tiring doer engeptly. Order, rent to the eboye nthire, 0111 attended W. 5 iA,141 , 11 ., f .,. A N. I.,entenly Ntennger at CARROLL FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS KNAP FORT PM Foundry Company. OFFICE AND WORKS Twelfth . Street-, rr - Mngint... Hulling Mill MachluOrr. Nsll M Itetortn. and CaPtlng.,`conrrally. =74 NATIONAL . FOUNDRY Pipe Works.. Comer Carroll and Smallman Sreets I=l AV M_. SMITH, MANUFACTURER OF - Cast. Iron Bowl Pipe, (AS -AND wATER WORK sand an,FI I flat IP,,gth . AFsa.iuiiu"wflt ~,t ,g general - Castings for Gas and Water Worksi I would obioca thootlontion of Superintendent of Gen to my tnnto of lIKTORTa. W. J. ANDKUSON ...... . A. FILISTILE. NONONI;-A 1114:1,1 FOUNDRY. W. J. ANDERSON & CO. Illsn.facturerk of IRON 110IIHE FRONTS. WIN DOW I.INTELD and SILLS, and Castings of all Descriptions e.'kt.7l'.4G4"l`„"P'?l; pp id to AR('RITFATURE m,„,„.. I Aso For nirs—No: 730 WATER 811. Pittsbumh. Fa.• ROBINSON, REA & CO. llu&scssors w jwuissoV , MINIS S MILLER" WASHINGTON WORKS I= 'Manufacture - in of flout and Elnllnnary to En gl.', Elena. Eng Theo, Mill Machinery, Gearing. Stint Eng, (11/4411404 of all descriptions, 011 Tunksand Still, Holler 121111 Shunt lion W 'irk. (intro No. 1 4 2. corner PIM and Smithfield rtreets. Agents for ti IPFAIS1.11•1 PATENT IN./ kx7rox for feuding THOS. CARLIN &,,CO., Fourth Ward Foundry & Machine \Yorks = klannfactorors of Stationary and Portable Stearn Enamel, thl Plyases. l'olloot. Shafting. MOO and Sag 3(ill Work. Rolling Mill and Machina Castings. Ornto Ilan, Weight., kgagon Bozos. gr. Hull( to order mot hare ni t hand Engine,. of nine,. . 1011.0 Plicenix Roll Foundu, 1.1 KRTY AND 24111 Fr 9. ' BOLLMAN & BAGALEY Steno furturers of Superior Chill Rolls, Sand Rolls.and Pinions PROFESSIONAL G. w. DecAMP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Rat removed to No. 37 GRANT STREICp Pitts burgh. Will malice Inaba U.S.ClecultandDistrie Courts, In tbo Mate Supreme and all the Coals 0 Allegheny county. nod make collections in most the udineent eoundev. • Jaggalda H. McCORMIcIi, ' torney-at-1:6..w No. 68 (MANI STURM, farprompi attention given to nil Mods oil bloom:ma jeftlf A RCHIBALD BLAKELY, Attorney-at-La*, I= A]V f t ; --- -- .DRIIMAN AND EX.OFFICIO JUSTICE OF TIIE PEACE. Office, 112 - Firth avenue. Special attention amen to conveyancing and Col lection, ' , cedar' Bond. and Storuntima drawn op and all legal bdatnrael attended to promptly and ac curately. qpr,cqq_ly & gLpi.l._ HOLMES, BELL CO. ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, Manufacturer. of IlltA V IdEnival Liorr ANCHOR AiNp MAGNOLIA Sheeting and 13atting . , 3 , • . IRON AND STEEL. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS. MILLER, BARR fi PARKIN, OFFICE: No. I.lberly Sired 1.1 .23 :X 01 DUQUESNE lllOlll6, Col enian., Rabm k IRON, NAILS, STEEL,-; :ma.Spring-kt. DUVESNE, 1. X AND .11 - NIATX FIAT BAIL 110 t , ND ANTI St?I.7AEK lEDN. BAND, 11001L_SITEPr AND FAR IRON. BDILER PLATES AND 11EADS, ANlll.llli4l.l.Elt 11Altz , FLA Mitls. e• crrEtt BARS.CYLINDER IRON T ANi FLAT NAIL. for Coal CID;WIIADS.WEDGESand HARROW TEr.TIL sPRING. PLIIR• AND crvrivAToit STEEL. STEEL WINOS AND 31DCLDS, eta to Ration, STEEL T 111 ES. STE S 1. SI IA FT I MI. A 11 nTEEL, COACIL ISUGGN and WAGON SPRINGS and AXLES. CUT NAILS AND 51.1005. All Goods First Class'and Warranted OFFICES AND WilitES-16th •trA as &rl=3 . Itl•er. nod 77 % , ;:st . er ,treot:Pit .4. gA t burj.l A"' Ik. Pittsburgh Steel Works, MSTABLISNINO IN ISIS. ANDERSON & WOODS, Best '.llefinec . l Ca,4, Steel MET= OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ALSO. Best Refined German Plow & Spring Steel CORNED. ROSS AND FIALST4tVENUE. PRo burgh. Pa. 1.1011141 PITTSI3I T Nor el Wo r k s. FOUNDED A. U. 1533. MOO IME: \ D . , ADAMS & CO., Munttruttun•ro •.t K SI Asna au (Faa. bank's Patent) 1•1,11,101 AND I'oUNTF..t • . . I Janda PaerNl Patent and I.alein, Paint and Corp. 31111, • • • • . . C.,rtter , 4 FIRST AV II F: nn.l I; RANT Pll.l..tourrrls. Sheffield Steel Works. SIN(EC,N ICK :dont, holoror, of every deseriolJ. of CaF4l. awl (24reyrrian. Steel RAILWAY SPIttNilS, 61.1.1 wrIC AND I.I.ATFORSI SPILINkk+, AXLES, STEEI.IIIIE, Ac.. WA RELIOUSE—S3Wat tr n 951100 First stree t s BLACK DLAMOND STEEL WORKS. PAR K. BRoTwEit co., =I Manufactnre'rs or all Descriptions or - STEEL. OFFI( E•and WAREHOUSE.. 31,1 th. 31. and Itatlroad etre., Pitt...burall. STOVES, CASTINGS, &c COOK STOVES. Get the Best! BISSELL & CO'S TIIIUM pH, ll= For iliihmiinous Coal Warranted to CoOK, BAKE or ROAST well re aslTother Stove In the f'nlon. BISSELL & No. 235 Liberty Street. I=o PARLOR STOVES, HEATING STOVES, ORATE FRONTS, FENDERS, 1;0081xt; RANGE., Ar... GRAFF, HUGUS & Co., Menufi.urers of every variety .4 STOVES, Boston Cooking 'Range tIIIE FIERY FURNACE" I= THE NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING. STOVE, 'REGULATOR,' COLUAIRIA COOK STOVE. VAN'S (Cincinnati Pattern) PORTABLE lIANOIL CAST iItON.MANTLFM, WELLMAN'S REFLEC TOR, GRATES, Imp from dirt and dual; GRATE. FRONTS. FENDERS, As. 206 and 208 Liberty Street, A.BRADLEY & CO. No. 30 Wood Street . , hlmnifueturers of the Greatest Variety of COOK. PAGLIA& and IIE.t.TING STOYES to be found. In our assortment will be found nll the latest PAT TEItYIit and lIIPROVIISIESTS, and the reputa tion of our Shovel, la resell that nny one In Want of good article should none but those man - utnetured by ua. tie Gory will be teed the moat du rahle as well as eounurrneal . . Wool!' ..G . p.....rtleuhir Chace AT,l;, s . - 1%),11h,`Z months. Intended for with or without CllllllO. All. who hues, used. then, ponnounee then. auporhor to (yether and far cheaper. Pend forGutulogueand 'rice List. JAIO WINES, LIQUORS,. &c. -WAGNER'S FRENCHL COLORING, The Very first in the limited Slates, MANUFACTURED BY WAGNER, 981 North Seventh Street, Rerentsem—All the leading hone°. in Phile elphin. Jonviat-rrnn Schmidt & Friday, IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, W . IIOI.F.SALF, DENIXItS IN PURE RYE WHISKIES. 611=Mi Nos. 384 and 386 Pena, Cot. of ELEVENTH ST.. fdrmrrly Candi JOS. S. FEN CII & CO., Nor. 1 " . ver. 159. 191.193 and 193 r siST STREET. Pittnbnrsh, of _COPPER DISTILLED PEEK 2 , SKY. Also. deniers In FOREIGN WINE,. (41 , 011.8 Horn. de. natOidOS PAINTING, GRAINING, &c. JOHN T. GRAY, PITTSITUnaII HMS AND 81031 PUNTER, - GILA INEIL AND GILAZIEII., I= AIMS? (Late Rand steer,) Pittsburgh, P. RAILROADS pEN NSILIA NIA 'CENTRAL RAlL nrclre C1eP1Ar... 1,4 • C.ASTVARDI, tilliallifillD Through Trains . Thto.o:l T. 8 .. . Paine Ex 41.4 4 :.' 42= 1 , ~. mmi Tr.: •' . , 1 ,, .. 1 ....., Line.... - mo Brintun Ac. 1 Ruls am ClecittnAll ES : ••••• t i tnetn i ti Ex... 12 33 P. P1u,••• 9. E.- 1 . • fat Phila. liartuss 3 30 ~m r. c . c Fast Line 7 , 10 pm Way Pasant:AV: VP. '•••••'.-- " , Cat. Wall's N . o. 1.. 91 ettti WialVs NO. 1.. ilkil oam 1 leallX 10. 1..1 1 . . am thuu•n Ao iii?.ll. Jam .ro % l=4 •l e. VI. T•l ' Yot:tfi '' ,t,:. •.• ' am ''' ." ' e/1 : : ' i . 1: 3 4 - ... g:g r•it , a 0 l1 : : ( c ' o: I.: • PT; lioniew'd /ie. 'all's No. .. i pm 'Mit •A S • 4 i Mo. 1 4:3 8 P 7 llgit:irt Ae j . • : : 5 :: V. :ills No. II ..11,0 Pat , • ..eintmli Expressend - Nettle Expresa leave •i..ily. All othet trains'dally; except Suoday. The t !lurch Train, leaves WWII titatlOn every Simile, st 900 0. mo reselling Fittabuli at 10 00 a. m. Returning. loathe Plttsbung at 11:30 p. in. and arrtrea et Walls MAU= at AV P. In. lot further Inforinthtn u hliza wrrir iv. , The Pennttlranla Railroad Company Rill not ali Ammo am IA for Basarsge. except for war:riot . sly Wel. and 'mit their meponsibillir in One 103 . Med Dollani In value. All Raw escalating that . a7rin't in 'Mite pill t,,C at the 0 a of the owner... ' 7.. Inte" bY 'V..° ' ''"" sl . . 3. CASSATT. ' n't9 Gemini! Superintendent. Attains. Pm I)ITTSBURGII. FORT WAYNE k ....111,-.Go R. F. smi 3 PITTA- and BF RR it . 11.: it. t lAA v ir3.0411 From MA V - 49, 1570, titans. will Inner from nnd arrive at the onion Depot ' north Side. Pitts burgh city time.. folli,t, . I.C.A.VC. Alltal.. • Fast !Ape 12•43 a ii - ii.7.‘ Line .44,3 a m Er e t .' ' gn u 3/711?: :11 . tZt.'% r i‘ii.... - 1 . 31... 1 ::: il,i — "0‘ . 1.1.,..4 . ~. a ni 17..14,1t. n 1.. F.x..71 it p Iv lotio g0....1W 24 •in ,Illickni Ntell..r. yo TO II .1, IVICic Ex..`.1 . 3% p tu'Cleyclanot 1.., :33P ni Peiele Pla 3 . 08 pm, 73 1 e 4 y irn Ex ;13 p m Pro A I"ifnEx.4:3B P oi,Cl. 3 ll h R 00.7:03 p m i1i:5400 1 , 11031 Ay I , ..G . Y.llllit , tll.K n r 41.1.. t rilrY. Itea'r Falls ..AF...Sin • 1" ,11 .4 1.1jipt - it , ::,,, i.....p,i. : , ?;43•::, , ;N:Veutle.. 1 ' a m Rochester - 1 2:11 p .117noti ' . '. • . rzad.. :: lir,:le17111,:•. 1 1p: Beier Falls . 0.2 3 p in Leetsdale : 4 . l. P . lao.o,lale - 10:43 ti ia • • • 7 ' 4 • . Fair. 0013 Pon- Fete flab Fr- 9.35 .., =l-I'..h:l4:"i....l:,tit'w%lellTeSeVy! .... . fir Pacitle Ex prose arrives dolly. IM - Fant Linoves daily, Mondays excepted. 111FFst line noires daily. Mondays exottPu'd rtrAll other trains will leave and arrive daily. adaya earOted. ao - F. IL MY Elta, 7. N. Gin]. P.. k Ticket AO.i. Gent. •1•2.,,14L•r7 XVE.I , I' , ERN PENNSYLVANIA ILL 0.11 IS7O and 1' m AY T.:in.' ‘l°. reTagglAyTigE_ Railroad will arrive at and depart trout the Federal Stmet Repot, Allegbonf Sr. itsifollovre (A-LI.ED lIENV TIME.) ARRIVE. I IMPART. Springtre No. 1 0,10.1 t M Mall 013 a m Freeport Na. 1.830 e ns Freels. , 30. 1 1/:' 0 Expre.s.. ..... 10 30a m,Clurernout Act oem Claremont . A c..1:18 p Express r P LLL rm.port N0.33:33 p `LP PL ," Sprintnre!.... : pm, Mg • O. . p m Abort trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Trsin leaves Allegheny Junction every PURORy at 8:00 A. M.. reaching Allegheny I . IIT O.T. A. 3 Iteturnlng. leaves Allegheny City ut 13:30 P. M. and arrive ut Allegheny Junc tion ut 3:00. at. Through tickets to Butler ond:liannabstown may be purchased at Welke 's Stage Office. Mn. 3 Bt. CND Street, near the Suspension Bridge. Ptto-. burgh. Mid at the Itepot. Allegheny. For further particulam epply . JA3TES I.IiFFRRTS. Agent, Federal Street Depot. a? in y line of the IMhvsylva~itln Z ' l:Su S tr t ni t' FaTtg n e/V. le A. J. CASSATT, Gu"n'T nly:P Superintendent. Pittsburgh. i)rirsrluimit. CINCINNATI AND lAN HINDLE ROUTE. :!t - CHANGED.' TIME.—On and after SUNDAY. they 411. IS4o.tteins 1011 leave and ardva at the Union Depot. flitheltufgh. as follows: - I'lltsbargh Time. TINPART. Anoint m. P2:1P.?•.• 032C1 Foirt Line ........... ki:eilAocelum . p.. _043 m. Mel/tumid Aceonamod n. I] al a.m. . :ig a.m. Stenbencillo Accommod. 4:0. p.m..1: 0 a.m. Melloneld AcremmmEn . 0:0' p.m. :la p.m. The Churc h Train... I'2:3S .. The 'The 10:434. - .N. Pnatll.lnevrfflieave dully. ' 11:13 mme rotpcmtx errlves daily. All Otter trains run daily except Sunday. ..._ I=l W. T.. O'BRIEN. General Ticket Agent, Columbus, O. W. W. Etat,. Dennison. Ohio. 03E30 PITTSBURGH ANP CONNELLS x maxßAlUßGAD.wiza.watirtr- On and after SUNDA February 4001. Ibl7o, Trains will arrive and depart from the Depot, ent , ner of Grant and Water streets, its follows: . .. - . -. . , . nrf A. eitnirt. 11A11 to and from Unt . m. 7:UO a. m. 1:011 P.M. bLeffeemport Aceoratro4.lll:oll a. In. • :05 p. m. i and from Unt . n... 3: 1 p tn. 1 :11) a. m Wou Nowton Armansno. 4: Up. tn. PI: i a..m's A.:ma:m.4o. U: SP. at. 7: P. at. Night Ace. to McKeon:l.lU: OP. at. 0 :4 •• tit Sonday Churott Traln to • and from Weat Newton. 1:1111:p. tn. 101111 a. m RACJLARt) ft. POWERS, Argot. p: :loran 313/ BEAVER FALLS CUTLERY CO., No. 70 Wood Street, T;ible & Forks Pocket Knives 13ntelier Knives Bread Knives, ' Carving Knives Scissors ZOFS Putty Knives: %NDALL OTHER ARTICLES OF CCTtEIIA AT LOW PR refs. leaver Falls Cutlery Co., No. 70 'WOOD STREET, ESTABLISHED 1831, Logan, Gregg & Co ., DEALERS IN HARDWARE, No. 5.2 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Spring. Roods, hoes, Rakes, Forks, Scythes, Snaths, &T. Merchants are invited to examine our stock when in the city. Orders by mail will hare prompt at tention. 1 4TTBU . R , PA. 4 BRASS CASTINGS. HENRY BIER. ' GUSTAVE BASCH Henry. Bier & Co., - INereemor• In JOHN 11. COOPED:A CO-) BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS. Brass Castings • • MADE.PROMPTLY TO ORDER. • • lIALEADRE AND GREY IRON FITTINGS. oAs•VIPE AND TURING. THROTTLE, Funny AND CHECK VALVES. ALL OLOBE PTERN IRON COCKS. BRASS WORK OS' EVERY DESCRIPTION ter Steno, Water and OIL • ATra ' 77 , sß : rl7:lll: r tkISW MP,R°Vin - AGENTS of DENTEUW PATENT OILERS. tb• belt In the market. • OFFICE AND WORKS; Corner Thirteenth and Pike Streets. apt • 131a= ATWOOD & McOAFFREY, Canter LIBIHTT Brain Sad Titan AFRAID.; PlDAbursb, BRAE FOUNDERS aid .IRON PIPE FITTBIISJd AGENTS for A.S.CAMERON A Co , " EA ), rtrAiPS AND BLOWERS. WARNER'S FILE: BEIVIEDW. -'wAnNrws PILE REMEDY has never Med (not oven In one case) to cure the very learnt:mos of Blind, Itching or Bleeding Pllea. Thosewhoare &Meted should lmmedlately cal on Melt . droplet and get WAREERE PILE REMEDY. It LI =- manly for the Plles,and in not recommended to any other disease. It has eared many °wig, lifer thirty year. 'landing. Price Si. VIM WO by droi gads everywhere. myr.gru ,• R. M. MCCOWAN J R. MeICOWN R.ll(l.3l!Cowan&Co., BOULEVARD PAVERS,. Pave Sldewalks,Cellara,lnglde Yards, Drlm, ate. WARBANTED AGAINST CHANGES OF AND COLD. Ordersleft atOAZInTIORIro,oratR9 FRO RTREIa ItstietAaMpt a lg Re:MU= Vi r r. Pike; Dlrtlei, MOD. & &NO. rtrwl&FlTla ro CEMENT. -100 bble. Louisville lip Metre Ceoient, the bes . ti . l lon s raT z tle . bir 141 Pint smuts,. • i 3114,7,7: D I. 1 i 31.1 .. . M. a. M. . .., .„ . , . ?.. ' ITECO ===! ffilV