The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 04, 1870, Image 1

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    THE DAILY 43-A7PirrE
Corner, Sixth Aye. and Sin!lucid-St.
r. H. iENNIMAN, ' JOSIAH 'ma,
EI : 1.1r
D re.l y per weer
THE Democrats of Greene county nave
nominated R. A..‘fcConnell'for Assembly,
and Abner Roan for Shedd'.
Dn. E. D. C.vzta, formally of this
eity;ia announced in the Philadelphia pa.
pare, ae a candidate for Assembly from the
XVth Legislative district.
ON Derwmtion Day • the ceremonies in
Tionesta were cloned with a benediction
invoked by “lion. Mr. Brown; ex•rnember
of the Now York City Council."
Wz learn that much of the wheat crop,
In the northern part of our county is look.
ing poor, haring been Injured by the cut
worm last lath—Somerset Herald.
DAT, who has assumed
the editorial management of the Waynce.
burg:Repo:rib:4.y, has dropped that title
and resumed the former one of the Re-
nut r ;fniontown Genius of Liberty sends
out a/supplement Chia week. The Goads
.pkrticularly good local paper, and af
lroarsito be prospering, but its politica am deplotable.
Tun Meadville .Republiats says: A new
Intl' yielding 100 barrels of oil 'daily is
reported at Reno, this week. If as good
as stated it will prove a fortunate strike
for those who put their faith in Reno.. -
A BEAR nested a sensation in Sinking
Valley, near Tyrone, a few days ago, by
entenng on the premises of a fanner
there, and devouring two sheep in the
presence of the farmer, whci,was only too
glad to escape undevoured himself.
Ton Somerset herald says the work on
sections ninety-seven, eight land nine, of
the D. &C. R. in Milford and Tnrkey.
foot townships, Is being pushed just now
with great vigor; a fresh reinforcement of
fifty hands, went to work on Monday morn-
Is speaking of West Hickory, the Oil
City nmes says: Buildings are being
- erected, and oil rigs are spnnging up like '
mushrooms, and remind one of Pithole in
its palmy days. The "Venture" well still
continues to produce its 250 barrels per
day. On the H. W. Scott fami, adjoining
the Turtle farm, the Scott well is pro
(luting about 90 barrels.
VENANGO county nominations are: FM.
lifetnlyr of the 42nd Congress (subject to
the decision of the Republican Confer
ence) C. W. (311fillan; for Assembly. J.-D.
Mei unkin, of Franklin; for County Com
missioner, Henry Dobbs, of Franklin: for
County Auditor, John Glues; of Rouse
villa; for Jury Commissioner, Robert Mot
lit, of Sugar Creek Township.
Tun Raftsman's Journal says this' not
withstanding the high stage of the - water,
last week, very few if 'any rafts reached
market—the waters having subsided near
ly as, rapidly as they rose. Rafts are
sticking on all the rites along the river.
and a great many were "stoved." This
state of affairs entails considerable es
po3so on'the owners of - timber, besides a
great lose of time.
loss ALLENDER. of ML.Pleasant
salp, Washington county, while engaged
in taking a tree out by the root.; after.dlg.
ging about It became afraid it would fall
an the wrong direction and climbed up it
to fasten a rope to one of the upper
branches. When he was fifty feet from
'ale ground the iree fell, carrying' him
with st breaking his thigh and otherwise
seriously injuring him, so that his rem,
ey. Is despaired of.
Ton Washington EraMilier • says The
yell known Spanish ram "Specie," owned
ty H. C. Slasher & Co., of Amwell, was
horn a few days since, and his fleece
weighed fhirty - possd4. It wanted this--
, eon days of one year More t h e ram was
horn before. "Specie" was shorn in The
• -escnee of Geo. W. Chasuberlin, 13. F.
lesser, Mlll.r. C. D. harsh, H. Ms.
coney and others, who were also present
viten the fleece anus weighed. It any of
wool-prowera can beat this, we would
Ike to hear from them.
Till'Butler American 'says.. Since our
•ast, we hare learned theitratifying news
shit the "Butler Branch," between thin
. .
nd Freeport, will be completed end the
^ars running by the first of October next.
Ins recent conversetion - wlth Mr. Snyder,
• •
the superintendent of its construction, be
'stated that the track would commence be.
ing laid, on the lower end. during the
present month of June; and that front the
wogreis already made, and the force at
work. he thought it could be completed
to Butler by the first of October.
Dyeaeatle• Day—The Orator et Dm Dread •
—Sow Alt Pared 04-11aleble—The Lak
Tomas Mea's Christian AsDoelatlea Roam
[Correppondesce l'ittzbergb Gazette.]
WAISIIINOTON. Pa., June 1,1870.
Vutrone Gar.Err= Decoration Day
was duly celebrated by our good people.
The Poet of the 0": X. It. had the arrange
ment of the whole affair. With, what
they did no fault could be found. The
procession was formed at one o'clock and
was preceded by our excellent braes band,
and reached the Cemetery about 2 P. •11.
A largo concourse of *pie were assem
• • .
A stand was erected, from which prayer
was offered by Rev. Mr. Crenshaw. Then
followed the oration by Hon. A.Vlr.Camp
bell, of INlmeling, West Virginia. It
gave entire satisfaction., The speaker was
patriotic, but not partisan. His addreas
was lengthy—too long for the occasion.
After the benediction was pronounced;
by Rev. Mr. Woods, the flowers were
strewed over the graves and the crowd
quietly dispersed.
Oar people, generally, appreciate Deco
ration Day; it grows in favor with thein.
Many of our places of business were
closed in the afternoon, and all should
- have been.
An old man, nearly eighty yearaold,
hung himself night before bust, some
miles from town. His name was Patter
son. A few weeks since he went to Ohio,
and by largely representing himself ea
rich, persuaded a lady of some half Ids
years to marry him. Finding that he
was poor, she bonelnded to leave him and
return to Ohio. He took this to heart.
and put an end to his earthly troubles by
putting a rope round his neck. lie wrole
in a book the twenty-third Psalm, and in
connection with this he stated that his
wife's purpose to leave him led him to
make way with his life.
Young 'Men's Christian Association.
This is at last a fixed fact. It was organ
ised a few weeks afro: rooms were secured,
and feral-Blasi, &tallest evening they were
- formally:opened. The exercises were I
teresting; a *elect choir from all 11
churches did the singing. It was under
- the direction of Prof. Wilson, principal of
our public school. The scriptures were read
by Rev. Mr. Wenderhall, and Rev. Mr. Don
leson. The address of the OCCIUIIOI2 made
by Freeman Brady. Esq.. the Rev. Brown.
.son, Woods and Crenshaw participated.
It was a very pleasent occasion. The
Association starts on its career of useful
with flattering prospects. Axicre.
Carcrox celebrated Decoration Day by
burying a dead soldier.
BERTILt FAOLEY WWI drowning in the
Mabuning river at Alliance when, Wit
11am Chime, a colored lad, rescued her.
AT COltoubtOL a workingman. upon re
turing home from work on Saturday
night, found Nis wife dead drunk, and at
tempted to commit suicide by cutting hie
throat with a razor.
k mitt boy about 11 ytnult or age.
Kai of Nehemiah Hubbard, of lothtabnia,
went on Tuesday afternoon down to the
creek at that plate to bathe. Not return
mg towards e
body wee .Z=6. lanttZr:uhluit
uplifted from the water as ,if imploring
for that help which never came
• Tan hhondleldHrrakt devotee a guar
ter of a column to dilations epe e th e f Act _ ,
that Sourbeck at Alliance charged ht m
snarler for a cup of tea. It memo to be
the principle and not the fact th a t t h e
Herald Is driving at, ,although he doe.
not deny that he was stuck for the quar-
ter, se he had promised the tea to, a fair
one on the cars•
J.- - . .'_ . :... - y; . .,,...:,...;zia,,,a,.4 , ,,,,.. ,,,, •.k.-- , . , , ,,,, -‘ :.--, ,--, -----,,, :1 ,,, vgyg , k2tiqi:4..4. 7, ,44..t. , ..i5-i...4.;-; ,7 .,
..,.F..,-Ms.-.;!44,,,,,,^ -• . - • ,
''''.7, -,, ''i.. ,1 , ..f:?, :7!.' , "% .1 ' . '''. . - ..
tit tit bitr A I) zttitt
'tit: Buffalo in extinctimg Net.
A WITI.ING calls the Piln.'s age sarerrio
A MonmioN revival in going on in Now
THE S4IIIK of Malta noin tiourigh in
• ONE of the Webb sisters hoe n niece,
and it is not Ada.
Ix lows six thousand acres bare been
planted with flax. •'°
Pnr.AtonNT 6AILIIETT bun spoken n
piece in Louisville.
-Tim young Napohron swears nicely in
Spanish, his native tongue..
DvseErmA, men Alphonse Karr, in the
remorse of a guilty stomach.
• IN San Francim:o a female teacher' who
marries is at once discharged.
Mits. ltEvEt.s's Mate toilette is crimson
silk with trimmings.
AN improved wheel barrow has been in-
Miss CitAnt.orrn TentimAN Wan to
leave Route for America on the 20111 of
AIIKRICANP Pre achieving renown at
the German watering places as pick
pockets. -
A STATUE to Martin Luther is about
be put up in Eisleben, Saxony, his nu
•e town.
Josu BU.blNun, although he is Mate
•ara old. does like a godd agrietuturtil
rise trot.
THE new Russified rniCersity - of
w. in Poland, has • five protesi+Ors am!
nit one student. •
CoNsTA.Nrmot•LE n,.ccr Lrn tntul dogs.
d the reason is surpostsl to hi that they
P. T. atitimm-reflects upon the Verllll
- of Mies Anna Dickinson's statement in
regard to the Mormons.
BIBMARK ie trYing to get SIIIII6IIB Bay
and stands ready to take it at the moment
the United States refuses it.
TIIE latest addition to .the shoo-fly enl
- has appeared in San Franciaoo In
he shape of a pony with two tails.
ItURNAND, the_ author of 'Alum*
Thoughts," has lost his wife. His thoughts
upon the occasion have not been divulged.
Mn.. VALLANDIGUAM inys he is going
to bid good-bye to politico. He has been
very slow in returning this courtesy of
• 'l"ne. Philadelphia-Bulletin wants Jef
ferson-to have the couunetiv of Rip Can
Winkle re-written by a • Philadelphia
eucurr order, with ritual, nigns and
grips,-called the Earthquake, has
led in Tipton, Ind. ha object and purpoi.
lants.June 3.—Tim Chamber of Judgment
the High Court of Justice has convened for
the trial the Imperial assassination con
Several bf the p - risoners charged with com
plicity in the con...piracy -plot were emterdny
brought up fur preliminary examination In Om
High Court. The Court also Investigated the
imams found on the also
of some of the
prisoners. Many of these adludged to
hove no connection whatever with the cot,
spleacy. While ‘Olll, of the prisoners were
THOUSANDS - of workmen nre now en .. I hem for trinl.seceral were nneonditionally
gageil upon the evension of the Chem l'a"t'
A BALTIOIOItE lady tried to pour kero
• •ne front one jug to another. and now
rugs and of her .earthly affairs liner reseed
• o interest her. _
'fzu Chicago i'oit says it O'Neil had
en atnart,l;e'it.bare Seen out of Bu
ngton jail before now, on a plea of teat
penire. k Ohio Railroad, from White Sul
phur, Virginia, to the' Ohio.
A Nontelcu hen has hatched a chicken
With one head, two bodies and four legs.
The head has got all that it ran do to pick
up food sufficient for t wo. bodies.
Tit!: nail works at Belloille, Illinois, are
at last running in full blast. The iron tined
in from Missouri, and is reporte4 to be the
bent in he world for the purpose.,
Two hundred and' fifty steamers plow
the . Danube. but they do not have nearly
so many - hamming accidents no ivo
here on the MitodEent•in or linthotn.
THE coal fields of Illinois are e,timated
to contain 1 ',217,500,0011.t0ns of coal, MiX
times an much and one
thinl of all the coal measures of North
America. •
A OKNTI.V.MAN looking into a tailor.
window, in Liverpool,l was knocked down
and badly' injured by 13 runaway cab which
dashed through the shop, and out al the
MEmnian; of the Senate Finance COM
mittee nay there h no,doubt that the Seri
ate will pass a tax. bill' thin session—either
the House bill or the one reported by Mr.
TOE Louisville t'ortner.Journal sayti
-that Sumner can never feel that Virginia
is property reconstructed until the :name
of the White Sulphur • Springs ban been
Pr is General Butler's intention to re
port the Georgia Bill, and demand imme.
diate action thereon. .No changes have
been made in tho bill, it being similar to
'the bill admitting Virginia.
GENERAL SCHENCK: encouraged by hie
marked success in disposing of the Tax
Lill so rapidly, will- very noon offer his
Funding bill to the . House, and the Coin
mittee of Ways and Means held a meeting,
having the subject under discussion.
• A FAMILY named Buchanan at Chris
tiansbury, Brewn - county, Indiana, were
poisoned on the 24th ult. Three packages
of poison were found in the well, suppos
ed to be placed there by a relative who
was anxious to obtain their property. The
oldest son has died. The others, at last,
accounts were alive but in a critical condi
Tug. House Retoustruction . Committee
Lope to close the subject of reconstruc
tion by maturing a bill for general-am
nesty, which will be urged_ to a speedy
vote under the pressure of the previous
question rule. General Butler is himself
in favor of an amnesty bill, and hopes to
be able 'to report it pith the onenimmns
approval of the committee.
ITuucort thealripping bill lost the sup
port of the Protectionists at the close, its
clideat was clearly a trite ph of the Re
pitblican tree trade interest,which fouglitt
the measure with the utmost obstinacy.
The scene was quite exciting all through
the debate, and there is great rejoicing at
the result among the British importing
and steamship meats, who are in Wash
id on in force.
kr is said that, on the first trip made by
thbAdams - Express. Company between
New York and Boston, thirty years ago,
the business was conducted by old Adams,
and that the 'way-bill amounted to only
four dollars. To show bow business in
creastai, we state, upon authority, - that
sometimes now, on a good trip, it amounts
to twice Mot.—See what energy and per
severance will do.—N. Y Democrat.
A ttutuvr inquiry of the Commisnioners
on Lunacy, in regard to the treatment of
paupern in England, discloses some hor.,
trible tacks. It appears that the chief
treatment for violent canes is by kneeliiig
MI the body of the patient. which leaven
no tell-tale bruises on the skin, and breaks
the ribs in no many places at once that
death generally ensues from "pleurisy"
or some ether "natural causeiv"
Tug first mosquito story of the season
cornea from Maine. The Ellsworth Ameri
can Mlle it, and it is to the effect that . the
moetinitoca' are no ,numerous in Orland
that three boy. "concluded to !free how
many they could gather. They semped
them up and put them into a large sized
factory pail until it was crowded and
heaped fall. and they Judged they scraped
off of the water and put on' the ground
and crushed more than two pane full
• •'On the evening of May ;14," says the
London .77mts, •:Earl de Grey was installed
as Grand Master of English Free Marione,
and such an assemblage of the craft as
were there gathered to give him a cordial
greeting is altogether' without precedent
or parallel. That such should have been
the case is not to be wondered at when
it is known that there has been no similar
event in this country for twentyaix years,
the Omnd Mastership having for that
period been occupied by the Earl of Zet.
land, who now retires from the throne of
Free Masonry. The Occasion was rendered
stillmore interesting from the intimation
that Brother the Prince of Wales had
given out, some time since, that whenever
the Grand Masteralect should be Installed
as Grand Minder, he should do himself the
pleasure of being present to witness it.
Upwards of 1.200 of he
e highest officer. in
the craft were prose it, some of them from
China, Canada, erica, and other
countries." '
The Fenian Sc-arc in England—Extra.
ordinary Pi:muttons —Trial .of
French itegit:itle Conspirators—The
Slarery question in Spain.
Illy Telegraph to the Pittsuurgh Gazette.]
LONDON, Jime 3.—The Admiralty iorthoritles
are alarmed by the rumored Fenian design to
attack the naval arsenide simultanconely. 0101
have strengthened the garrisons and taken
extraordinary precautions against nn assault.
The Davenport and Plymouth rind the Ports
mouth and Plymouth dock yards, and the
Woolwich arsenal are strongly guarded. Tire
leaders contemplated. outbreak .d attack
simuMonemiely with 'the Canadian raid. hut
in consequence of the failure of -that move
ment, the design was nbaridOned. It is now
believed they are trying to create-a sensat ion
and excitement.
The New York yachts and those of the Royal
Thames Yacht Club will c9rpete on thell.Oh
for the Dorerton cup. The course will bd
from Dover. England. to Boulougoe. France,
rind back.
Apprehensions are felt in regard to the
movements of the Penna. In England. and as
n consequence orders have been issued to
double the guards at all the dock yards and
naval :gat lone in Great_ Britain, and to keep
the fires banked mall eteamers.ond other pre
, cautions calculated to facilitate the suppna
tilirn of any revolt.
The report has been confirmed that the
Prince of %Vides has been argot Intrng for the
pureh.e of an rotate in Ireland. He hes con
cluded the bargain.
The Hunt passage oft he land trill is regarded
favorably by the Irish press generally, and
stone of the newapapers net iitbllnnt •
The alleged Feniaus. Devitt and Wilson.
were again brought up for ertuniontion to
day. .qoure ortho evidence is important.
going to abase that the prisoners had been
netivelY engaged for some time past in dis
tributing arms In Ireland and the north of
England. The Government Continues Its pre
cautions against Fenian violence.
The Eraraluir recommends the several
provinces of Spain and Portugal to form a
federal Unbar Intsed on the principles of the
Constitution of the United States.
Shirley Brooks is the imeeressur of ths late
ILirk Lemon as noire editor of the London
Punch. - •
Mrs. John Wood, the mitres,, acknowledges
tine receipt of an anenymotte F ie of Mammals
'end emeralds amounting to seven hundred
pounds In value. ,
Americatie In-Londia are excessively an
be the slow and uncertain delivery of
letter and - newspaper rondo from home.
A material reduction hos been made in lolls
on cable Messages between England and India
via Gibraltar and Malta.
Ln•curoatt_ June 3.—Twenty-two thorn:and
emigrants, mainly Irish. left this city for
America <Wring May. ... Nine-tenths went to
New York.
The physicians of I^aris reports that the
practical value of vaceinotitur at a prevent iv
Ilf.:miall-pox has been professionally demon
• strated by actual observation In that city dor
lox the past month.
The High Court of Justice, of which th.
Chamber of negotiation is wog In session. nil
meet at. Blois° on the 30th of. June, for th
trial of persons charged with conspiracy.
MAtmlit. June a. The debate upon th e
mnancipation proposition In the Itreett
shortly Ire resumed. Gradual munnclpat tot
hos been by the majority of t h
numbers. to be completed within sixty years
A riot occurred in Little Village. near hi,'
yc.terthiy..tat areotunt of an arto.lflP,..i
;of tun.." ,If eietrg!
, 1.1 , 1.01•11. 1.4 Itinl at 1., w.
quietlY 11r •
.\ riot broke out in Valladolid I
. .
ermsemsenee of noilfleatton given by the city
governnmentj of the collection of certain un
popular tomes. Troops yeete called out and
the disturbances quicklyppreasim, but ma.
withcut sumo Ton citizens werc
killed and eight wounded. Many arrests
were mode and the city Is now quiet.
Zraft:H. June :I.—Captain Charles Duncan
Cameron, formerly aritish Consul at •ILasso
wan, Abyssinia. whose ltn; . risonment by King
Theodore occasioned the lute Abyssinian war.
tiled In Genoa yesterday. where he had gone
for the benefit of his health.
hove. June 3.—lmmadlately atter the pro
nmbrallon of lufallibilltr on the Dth .tune.
the Ecumenical Council will take. n receas
until the Mb of October.
BERLIN. May 3.—A rrarlaataallta RIM com
pleted for the annexation of the Duchy of
Louerburg to the Kingdom of Prussia.
Nrnesn..-June 3. Several morn brigand
have been sentenced and beheaded.
ImaDos, June 3.—Erening.—Consols for
money (CX: account 43. American securities
quiet and steady; '4ls, SP:: '4.55. old, 86%; '67s.
RN; 10-405.86 a. EUtwks dull; Erie, 161; Illi
is. 109 N• G. W.. X.
Patus, June 3.—Bourse quieent 750(44.
lixeng. June 3.—Cotton opened hoary: spot
L l•k t: s.ACTitr i24 . lane 3.—Bondsclosed firm at
S FIa Q.4SY.
AS m
M IN a M a 3- —P on r o o m qu i e .
Lter.aPooL. June 8.--Cotton—sales for the
week. 51,600 hales; exports LOOP; speculation
5,0V.50,• stock 609.101; American 14,160. • Receipts
for the week. 14905 American 21.00 in amount
afloat 354000; American hales., Market
Ouiet; sales 10401 bales uplands at IP:WON;
rleans 11. Manchester market dull. Receipts
of Wheat for 3 days 7500 quarters: American
5600. California white wheat las; red western
No. 2fa Od: winter OS 34a05 4d. Wester.
Piper 21534. Corn—No 2 mixed =l3 3d. Oats
Is sd. Barley ss. PMss 351. Pork 1025
Beef 116 e. Lard Ms 6d. Cheese 685. Bacon
quiet at Lee ad for Cumberland; 641 6d for short
rib. Common Rosin ss. Tallow 155 3d(i,45s
Sugar quiet end steady at 2ris 3d. Hops
easier .44 51 per cents! for English. Linseed
oil gr..
Olopoich from General Ilsomek—llls View
ils riarawilow, from Observation.
[llyTelegraph tithe Pittsburgh Gazette.]
CHICAGO, Jane 3.—The following dispatch
was received thLi morning at the military
headquarteri •
Sioux City, June 2.—To Assistant Adiuta'ut
General Headquarters Military Division of
iissourh: I have lust returned to this point.
I went to Cheyenne Agency. abdre Fort Sal
ly, and had conversations with Indians there.
Troops have been placed at oltrTonca, Whet
stone. Crow Creek, Cheyenne and Grand Hirer
Agencies. I have visited all except the latter.
General Stanley was there a few days since.
and everything was quiet. • have ordered
two companies to Lower Grote Agency,
eighteen miles below_ Crow Creek Agency.
on application of the agent, who informed me
that he could not continue his business opera
tions unless troops were placed there. Every,
thing seems quiet. lint the future is consider
ettuneertain along the river. At. Gheyenne,
Major Hand:den agency. the only place where
I talked with Indians, I observed that they
made no promises for the future, and name of
the Indians there us well as at other agencies
complained of troops being placed on their
reservations. They understend, however,
why it was done. anti seem to admit the jus
tice of It. My *lmpression Ix that we shall
have no trouble with Indians on the Missouri
river, of soy general nature, if the Govern
ment continues the policy of feeding them.
Otherwise. I have no doubt there will be
serious trouble. They will be more likely to,
make trouble elsewhere, however, as they
can only trade on the Missouri. The policy of
sending for repntative men of refractory
Indians clearly wo rese uld have is good e ff ect. and
would generally break down in their influ
ence with Indiamt—
Irequlst authority to advertise a reward
of $5OO or gl,OOO, say in horses, for the mur
derers of the family-on Niobrara - river. I be
lieve we may thus capture them. and at leant
produce thifelfeet of deterring others front
' committing like outrages, for fear of being
arrested through similar rewards.
I leave by first train for St. Pout
~[ Sgned.]WStrur GS RANU k S .
Upper RI ere
[By P. and A. Telegraph.]
Outrassnano. Jun. 3.—ltieer rising slowly
with the rmometer ?et nine Ihes of venter in the
channelo deg. at SP. M.
ltiondawrown, June 3.—River rising with
thirty-two inches of water in the clam:mei:
'weather cloudy: thermometer 70 deg. at 5
ilflownsvillx,Junen.—Rieer rising slowly
with three feet nine inches of weter in the
channel; weather cloudy; thermometer R
deg. at 0 .
New. From Wlradieg.
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
Tonoirro, June a.—A dispatch from St.
Cloud my '. Biel Is dissatisfied with the Mani
toba bill. because it don't provide general am—
imetY. and Intends to resist. The Red River
expedition has two hundred men at Port Gar
ry and eight hundred on the prairie. A battle
Is expected near Lake of the Woods. Bell is
said to be robbing the mails to procure fends
Previous to leaving for the• United States. •
ihECOND 14E10510%4
ndian Appropriations—Progress w Ith
the Internal Revenue Bill—lncome
Tax Reduced and Exemption In
creased—The Teas and Nllll4 on the
ty Telegtuph to the Pittsburgh Gazette-1
W.ssut:iorns, June 3,1170.
Mr. KELLOGG. from' Committee on Com
,orce. reported resolutions for the appoint
went of a Committee of five by the Prebident
of Senate. whose riuty it shall be to consider
the whole subject of preventing the alio , int of
lands on the lower su.i.dpvi from overflow
by ecomplete levee system, to sit daring re
cess, iind report by null or otherwise. and to
employ a clerk. Adopted.
Mr. POMEROY. from Committee on Public
Lands. rep,rted. with amendments. the bill to
extend the pros blunt of pre-emption laws to
Mr. MORTON presented tri . nenortal and ter
olutions of Israelites of Indianapolis, calling
attention to the massacre of Jew'. In Rouma
nia, am! requesting the interposition of the
President of the United States In behalf of
thnt persecuted and manic ell people. Ttefer
red to Coot:en . ter. Foreigff Relatioos•
Mr. SUMMER offered a resolution calling on
the President for :toy information in the De
partment of State concerning the reported
persecution and massacre of Israelites in Rou
mania. Adopted.
general discussion took!dace to the
orner of business, Mr. TRUMBULL trying to
get up the bill for the apportinment of Rsevepre
sentatives In Congress amo o ng the eral
The Senate proceeded with the Indian op
proprlat ion bill.
Mr. ILbtfLAN, from the Committee on In:
d ion affairs. reported o !norther of amend
ments. making appropriations to fultil treaty
tipulntions. being princiPallY in payment Of
subsistence. 'annuities. &c.. of Indian-ffribes.
it ems embraced =Oat for the Arapahoes
. other tribes. /4%000 for NavaJoe Indian.,
m for Wyandotte Indians, tk.t.' %Oat to the
Witmebair Indian.. or refunding the amount •
taken from their leltutl funds to pay the ex
ptmss or removal front Minnesota by orders
of Gotth e e etuumnt. the money to be placed to
their ot edit. and the income expended In Im
provement of thetr-lands. Porchkso of stock,
eKrieultuntl implements. Sc. The amend
ments were uttrsed to.
• Mr. W 11,1.1 A M Introduceda joint tesolu
(ion :lathes - Wt. the Secretary of the Interior
to Increase tto• compensation of Assistant
Marshals for takitv the census of Ink the in
arease not to • exc,,,d aft? per cent. of the
mount now allowed be In, He Would ask
the consideration of. the resolution to-mor-
Further amendments from the Committee on
ndlan Affairs to the Indian bill were adopted,
pproprhaing *lo.oeo to collect.
oftfocat and
nbslst rosins,. Indian, on the borders Mez eu and Texan.
Without dispuaing of the bill, the i , enate ad
Mr. CULTAZIM reported a hilt amending the
art of )lay 4th.ioxas to allow writs of error
In Territories (Mtn declaim's of probate to the
Supreme Conn. which 1110.,11.
Mr. WISCIIMER offered nresolution de
elarlug the Mouse view• with profound re
gret and diffilitiroval the gross violation of the
great principle nf religions Mimi)* _some
oeleof Roumania In their pemeetttions anti
utrages aralust Israelites. and expressing
the earnest hope that they would speedily
Me. SCHENCK to knob: lehethe
there teat any authority for It, except a UM
paper laid on the deiitca of members thi
morning. The (JIM had hero hoaxed wo o
three time, in the i r:um of the rity of Iliedon.
i to bin motion the resolution referred b
Foreirm Committee.
Mr. LIUTLER rune to report the Georgia hill
front the Reconstruction l'onunittee, but IR •
Mr. Cox's amendment reducing the income
tax to three per rent. was adopted—Milo N.
The yr:tn mail nays were called for and re
ent& yeas 114, nays 77.
, role—Messrs. Antes Archer, Armstrong
A xtell. Ayer. Banks. Harry. .fleck. Bennett
Mgt*. Bingham. flint. Bowen. Brooke.( Mesa.
Ilmoks, IN. T./ Hurd, Bugler:ton, (lark,
Cleveland, Cot ode. Cowles. Dario. Dawes
lh,gener, Dickinson. Bottler. Don. Duval. 17111
ridge. Ferris. Flukelaburg;Fisher. Fitch. Fox
lit le. 6111111 an, Chstswold, Haight. Hamilton
Md.) Hamilton.i Florida., Hamill, Herds. liar
lin. 11111. Hoar. Hillman. Hooper. liutchklet
Jencks. Johnsen. Jl/1111, Keller. Kellogg. Kerr
Ketcham, Knapp. LAIIn, La wrenre. Lynch
31.11 he w.()few. McKenzie. Mc
No..ley. 3111inot. tloort. Morgan. Morril
.. Negloy. Netles?...Nit
Ara. Orth. Packer. Pierre. Peter.
Porter. Maier. pr,..., Panaali.
Snrgent.,wyer.ruaelJ. Sheldon
F./. Slocum. Smith .regoin. Smil h I Vt.).
Storkweatker. Stevenson. tittles. Stime, tkro
osr, Strong . . Swann. Sweeney. Tanner.Tnelnr.
Townsend. Trimble. Twit obeli. l'eson,
burn abowd, Welker. Well., wheeler. wiggles
Wlitens„Witichester and Wood-114.
Nitise-blessr4. Ambler. Arnell. Asper, At
wood. Itailer,,lleatnatt. 'Patty. Benjamen,
Benton, Blair, Bates. Booker, Hord. Burch
ord. Burdett, Butler (Tenn./. Clark (Teta.).
Cob I Wis.). tkolntrn. Cook, Conger. (,ee ls, luny Itockery, El,. Farnsworth, ti Israeli!. Gib
s.. Hale. Hawkins. Hawley, 1103', Hayes.
Ingersoll, Jones )N, C.l, Kelsey. Lash. I.ew Is.
letgan. Loughrhlge, Marshall, )taynned. Mc-
Cormick. McCreary . . Mercur. Moore lOW,.
. . ,
Moore Wis.?, Morph's, Morrell Illalnel. Pack
ard, Paine. Peck. Phelps, Pomeroy, alter
Ituots. Schenck. Sheldon ILn.h Shereod. Smith
cohlt.• Smith (Tenn.% Smith down,. Stokes.
Stoughton, Strickland. Tillman. Toner. Can
Auken. Can Horn, Wnllace, Weed. Wilkinson.
WilsoniMine./ and Witcher—W.
Ur. Hales amendment making the ezemp
t S2,J was adopted-13S to 52.
Mr Judd's amendment to confine the tnz to
invested cnpltal scan rejected-75 to 112.
Mr. Finkelnburg's amendment. limiting the
allowance for house rent to $5OO, was. adopted
—lts to 45.
Mr. Potter's amendment3that the income
. . .
tax shall not be collected alter 1870. was re
jected-72 to 101%
Messrs. Morgan, Holman,
_Garfield, Wood ,
ward. Loughridge, A stet' and others' amend
ment. were rejected.
Among those adopted were provisions Pro
hibiting the publication of Income return.,
reducing the number of persons entitled to
exemption in a social or religions community
to live, adding to exemption losses by floods,
allowing Assistant Asessors to increase the
amount of 'returns he has reason to believe
underNtated. and not requiring Income returns
to include wages of minor children not re
Mr. McCarthy's amendment to strike out all
sections relative to income tax was rejected
—on to
Fens—Messrs. Archer.' Axtell, Bennett.
Briggs. Bird, Bowen. Buffington, Burr. Cleve
land. Covode, Cowles, Crebs, Davis, Dickin
son, Fitch, Fez, Garfield. Getz, Height, Hain-
Ileoper,llotchkisn. Jencks, Johnson
Kelly, Kellogg, Ketchnm. Latin, Lynch, May
hem, McCarthy. Mae., Moore (New Jersey).
Morrill (Pa.). Morrissey, Myers. Bosley. New
sham, Nibtack, Porter, Itaixdodl.
Smith (Oregon), Starkweather, Stevenson,
Stiles, Strong, Swann, Taylor, Trimble,
Twit pe-31esers.chall. Meant and Wood—SO. • ,
No Allison. Amler, Armirong.
Arisen, Atwood. , Asper. Bail b ey. Barry , Ilea
man,l3eatty, Beck, Benjamen, Benton. Bing
ham, Blair... Bates. Booker, Boyd, Brooks
(Massechusettn), Ilurchard. Burdett, Batter
(Tennessee), Clarke (Kansas). Clarke (Texas),
Cobb (Wisconsin), Coburn. Cook. Conger,
Cullom, thtwell, Degenger, Beekreb DO. -
ley, Doz. 'Duval, Dyer. Eta, I.ldridge.
Farnsworth, Ferris, Finkelnburg Fisher. Gib-
son, Oilfillan:Hale. liambleton, ( hid.),
tom (MO, jlawkins, Hawley. flay, Ilnyeo.
Heflin, Hoar, Holm., Ingersoll. Jones. (N.C.)
Judd, Kelsey,, Kerr, Knapp. Knott, - Lash.
Maynard, McCormick, McCreerY, Bamy. M O- '
Kenzie, McKelvy, Mercur, Moore
le Morrill, Orth,
Itt ' l7l l , 4) ht i oc ' lsfr ' •. '. Peck Pierce.
Peters, Phelps. Platt, Pomeroy, Porter. Pros
ser, Him &wets, Sawyer, Schenck, Schofield,
Stinnkn,EheldontOtile), Sheldon (N. Y.), Smith
) Tennesnee). Smith (Ohio). Smith (Vermont),
Smythe (Iowa), Stokes, Stone, Stoughton.
Strickland. Sweeney. Toffee. Tanner, Tilmsol,
hint Williams,Wilson (Ohio), ND
Townseull,Tytter, Van Aitken, Walloon. Ward,
W " bb..e OW.). Wheeler, .Whitmore i . Wil
and Woodwertl-11.%.
After an animated discussion Mr. Beck's
nmendment, to tax Interest on el United
State, bonds, was rejected-7S to 110.
The House then proceeded with the re... 80
Ing sections.' - •
Mr. BROOKS offered nn amendment to one
section, providing to reduce the existing
thrill on sugar end salt thirty-three per cent..
on coffee and tea twenty-live per cent., and
pig Iron nod Hemp Dun
the point Per cord. •
- Mr. ELDRIDGE made the of order,that
tariff provisiona were not in order to an In
ternal revenue hill.
[lt wns understood this Movement wits at
tempted to abut out the tariff bill which hr.
Schenck proponen to attach to the pending
measure:)After arguments on the point of order the
Speaker submitted the question to the House,_
which decided, 117 to as, that, the amendment
wasgennaln to the MIL
The question wee then raised whether It
could be offered to the pending sectioh, end
the Snooker decided It-could not be.
The House reached the lent oections of the
hill en which Mr. SCHENCK moved the pre-,
vionig question. when. Without digs:ode/C- 0 r )t,
the House adjounied •-•
—The National Sitenterfon begins at Cin
cinnati on the 15th instant.
—Gorham. Gray t Co , cotton brokers, of
New York and - Boston, failed yesterday.
—Horace Cheri*, with his wife and two
daughters, arrived at New York from Haman
—Seventy-Ave Chinamen lett Pan Fnincisco
for Massachusetts, on Thursday, to work In a
boot and shoe factory.
A complete statement of Fenian losses in
the late raid gives eleven killed and seven
wounded. three mortally.
Henry Croll was murdered by; some un
known ruffian* at Pekin, 111, on Thursday.
The murderer robbed him of Sim.
•• •
—Joseph O. E. Lulled; a well k 120.411 mein
her of the bar of :Slew York city. died sudden
ly Thursday night last while riding home I
his carriage;
—A man named Prank D. 31inerhas been ar
rested for swindling In sellingten lota
Chicago to three different persons.. o'l°
each a deed, when he himself never owne ,
them. - -
~..,,. ~ ~.~fi^,;g ip ,r;:k~:s`~'s4r'~~y:;.-,>
Winn question—lncome-To:c—
-aftans Interviewsd , - May . l'a)-
leals—Teunesst•e and Gear& Mat
•ra—Appointasents, Jce.
Telegraph to the Pitirburgh Gazette.]
Rut. Cloud and the pony +WzonnatnYing him
remained quietly within.doors yestcr-
ThOugh here • but twenty-foUr hours,
they are getting tired of the restraints of civ
ilization and manifest nu impatience_ to come
to an understanding with the
. Government.
Serious work is unquestionably at hand. nod
Commissioner Parker both feels it and lie
knowledges it. The President and Secretary
of War arc both iinzions and fearful. and
General :therm., NVAII perhaps hotter smiler
stands the situation than any one else:openly
declares that nothing short of w miracle, or
strict comtdianee with treaty stipulations
on the part of the Government, will avert an
extensive Julian scar. Ile has - advised the
President to endcavai !led (lo at
with an idea omake ' inillitary power of llie
Government, to a show of our offensiCe
strength. and to keep him East until he shall
hove acquired suck acquaintance with the re
sources and power of the Govegnment as will
Umpire him with fear and cause him to hear
home to ids people such impressions that they
will not dare.meers In conflict. If anything .
may be inferred from the flaw expressions
that have escape Red Cloud since he and his
Pparty left Iseaveniverth. the StlVOir
ay is that the great.power of the Govenunent
has al mady begun tc dawn on hum
TIIK INCI'iltE 0.51. •
In remit to the income• rtx, It is deal.t fel
f its total abolition will lhe carried. but it is
vident. however, that the inuount vif the ex
milt lon will be InCreasiel. and the rules of
he tax reduced. It Is atisert ell, be those heat
equalnted with the subject. that if the House
eternal tax bill becomes a law, nt least One
enlf of the present ofiic•n connected with
he Internal recent. ens be dispensed with;
or the 'reason that the bill ,itnplities the
vorklog of the iVetum awl co's ua unneces..a
vwork. It also reiluees the taxes. so that
Loot cll.trlets can be einviollilate.l 'tutu
The Sioux drlckafhone Met nt the Indian of
fice to-dity. with :ontiniiiiilotter Parker and
Secretary Cdx. Addrenarn were tnade by both
of their erntllientlon at
meeting with the Indiana, the latter milting
them to detail their condition that mm perfect
• . .
understanding might be 'reached anti s peace
made that mall last furover. 11. Clnlvi
mild a few words la reply. in which kw said he
wante•l rations for his womea and children
anda load of ammunition to kill game tc it h.
tserretnri . Cox promised a careful considers
Lion of the request.
I The puymentn made by the Treauday during
Mor were:
lint and Miarelloneuul
$1.0141 MI 14
4 '..:411 7.11 01
2,111Z.Mt . 0)
KJ: , I
• v)
The shore 110 out include pnyusent. on nu
unt of intereNt or redemption of the potoll
iThe Coumdttee on Banking and Curtence
re not inelisout in tho adoption of the hill
iresented t tient to-day from the National
to Banking Astuviation of Now York. lann
ii.sine the funding of the ft Wlc debt and eO
- a uniform gold nud paper currency.
The Reconstruction Committee were in
m last Matt. and nt Midnight had the Gene
• n. hi I • .I..enssion. The
ve increed to push the former WO post pen
Lion iin the latter. because the (4enera.l Ani
•rty hill is not yet
rinfnmeiinn. IMC
The Itecomtruction 'Committed , last ingb
cord Mesddrs. Maynard mud Stokes at-greh
• .
and conelialed the Tennessee, learnt
gation. Some Congressional stetlou may I
reconimenelml wt the next meeting. This 71
nett quest ion was not conAldered.
The following nominations were sent Into
. - by the President: Wayne IdeVeigh.
”11..)1% :mkt. Mini Mer lt..uldent nt
Adolph islicner. erns , tlnt
. Is. (MIT, .1...e50.0r.,1 Itttvrttalltr.c,:nlp...,l4
There I. no troth In tne report thnt COue.
al.loner I.lsito WOdeckled the .peelnl tar
lunt toe paid nn the New York rennet sod
otliwe Scrip. The matter 11 still e.. -
icier:Mon by the Supervisor of New ork.
The Comminslutier of Internal Itevenne hoe
p ropred deltirn for new turn-cent Stamp
or hunk cheek..
Press Eseursionlsts to A/01111moth Ease.
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l
June 3.—Thursday morn
ing at o'clock the members of the Western
Associated Press and of the Kentucky Press
Association, with their wives and friends,
numbering In all eighty-six soula, left the
Louisville and Nashville depot in two luxu
rious and elegant coaches, which ! the
Louisville and Nashville Company. with
their characteristic liberality. had pieced
at the disponi of the est:erste:lists for the
Mammoth Cave.. A powerful mutt -burning en
gine was attached to the train. which was
heavier than Usual, and the party were imam
whisking along over the smooth and
welt ballasted road at the rate of thirty miles
on hour. Acquaintances were soon formed,
and In len than half an hour after starting
the excursionist, seemed like at party of old
friends. A . ride of four hour* brought 'the
train to Cave City. the point of deilination.
A hasty gathering of parcels and baggage, and
the excentionists were mite more on terra
tram. Everybody was in the gayest mood,
'lint' after a hasty lunch a line of mech.., the
genuine stage coach of early days, kindly fur
nished by Mr. A. , Maloy for the tine of the
part were drawn up. and thee the work of
loadi y.
ng them commenced. The party was
larger than had been auticipated, but the
capacity of the conches maned to be unlimit—
ed. The Indies wore placed Inside and thd
gentlemen upon the torn in the boot and on the
driver's seat. A coach,lwhlch at test glance
seemed unable to accommodate more than a
dozen passengers, remised twenty-five by
dexterous loading.' and still there • Sean
room for more. The editorial room, with
Its multlplicity• at cares and labors.
was left behind. The stern hard
line chiseled by the rigid discipline of journal
bon relaxed; a new light beamed I nnn the
eye: the over-attained bow was unstrung end
the leadlag Journalists of the west Wore as a
party of merry, careless, hippy schoolboys,
granted a vacation-after a long and tedious
session. "Three miles from Cave City to In
dian Cave," the 'Jell. said to the eager
excursionists. It appeared to be Sten,
and Kentucky miles were anathematized .
as detente. to travelers. A ride- of
an hour brought the party to the . en
trance. where they went hospitably re
ceirml by Messrs. Young, the courteous proL•
prletors. An abundance of ice water had
been prepared. After refreshing draughts
the party entered the cave, which had been
brilliantly illuminated in honor of the mese
beta of the preen. The many beauties and
Almaden; of the cave were thoroughly
examined, and the party returned once
more to daylight, and the process of
packing the conches was again ' gone
through with 'and the Journey regained.
A ride of two hours and a half brought therm
In view of the Mammoth CIIVO Hotel. The an
nouncement was received with the wildest
applause. 'Mr. L. J. Proctor, the urbane host.
met them nt the door and welcomed them in
true Kentucky style, and by his attention and
tourfesy all wore made. to feel, as many ex
pressed It. "perfectly at honle." The beauti
ful grounds surrounding the hotel proved too
great a temptation end the exen.lortists were
- soonscattered through them. The fun
grew fast and fnrimm. Alt sorts of
game. were prOpOSMI and entered Into with a
will. .Men who by the power a their Pees
control Staten and communities, Indulged In
wrestling. leaping and running with an anlor
e.g./led even In the happy • daysof boy-
Black Republicanism contended with
rodhnt Democracy for the longest Jump.
Party pow, was forgotten in the trial of
Qty Telegraph . to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
PIIIIADELPIIIIA, June 3.—ln the Presbyte
rian General Assembly, thin morning, Lhe re
port of the Committee on proposed changes
in the Board of Trustees of GM Corpora°
General Assembly. reported that the
six trustees elected In November last should
be removed, and that six front the flintier
New School branch be substituted. This was
agreed to and six gentlemen elected.
The Mileage Committee reported there was
a deficiency In that fund of three hundred nod
ninety-eve dollars, which.. however, is $14.10
less than last yesir. Resolutions were adoti-•
ted fixing the rate at six cents per capita for
the ensuing year, and stating that payment
will be required In full tit all cases.
••The Enabling Act was considered and ap
proved, with au nmendment directing Synods
to designate by name the Presbytery in which
the succession of any disorganized Presbyte
ry is to be continned.
The consideration of - the report on Freed
men was remuned. A separate provisional
Freedmen's Floardof twelve members was
constituted, located at Pittsburgh.
Resolutions providing for the consolidation
of the Board of Publication and Publication
Committee were discussed at length. Pend
ing action adjourned.
—A cable dispatch states that the Ecumenl
calCounell have decided that the dogma of
Infallibility be proclaimed on the Stith hest" In
honor of the feast of St. Peter. Extensive
preparations are being made to celebrate the
occasion, and It I. sold that the die I sT of
pomp and pageantry will surpass not demon
stration of the kind ever witnessed le Europe.
Olynopol. of Ahr Report of Ihr House Commit
By Telegraph to the Pittaborgh Gazette.]
Sew' Vintu. June 3.—The /frriail publishes
the forthianning repoeL of the Ileube Foreign
Affairs()UnmitTee on Cuba. of which the fol-
lowing is :I synopsis:
The report opens by referring to all the nu
merous petitions In behalf of Cuba, signed by
.nearly seventy-live thousand people of the
United States. and then. after recapitulating
the early stages of the straggle, .the delusive
wires of Spada to speedily crush the re
helliu u. the Immense effort made by Spat,
lards and volunteers. continues as follows,.
'rhe Cubans had at Vara, October 11th. lbati. •
14.7.1000. 4 1 02 Ott the 120 Of October. 0,700 In
and 12.1010 in December. They have
now 'AIM well armed. 1111,1;• there are DOM
enrolled and drilled. but without arms, and
they claim that with av supply of arms they
can put Into thefield DOOMU fighting men. Cit
izens. fartneni and emancipated black men of
the country are fighting fur its liberty. These
hostile forces have not forgotten the objects
for Which they were •organizeil. From the
deelanaltin of Cuban independence at Yarn to
this hour•tiscre bus nut been a week, se:irate
day. which has nut been marked in the cal
endur Of .tear by fierce and bloody contests.
No revolution presents a moos constsat and
determined struggle. Although the Cubans
Wore 11111ii561.1i1112 , 11 and unaccustomed to
the use of nose, of which In the beginning
they had few or none. •and their • enemy
was compose:l of the best troops If the army
aml navy of Spain, whose places In the milt
ry posts oft he island had been 'supplied by
resident Spaniards, organised as volunteers.
the Cubans. nevertheless, have been ready to
meet their foes in skirmish.sunliator bottle,
and have shown themselves as linive In attack
as defense. A record of nearly all the raids.
skirmishes. combats and battles. occurring
front the Ilth of October. to the defeat of
Pucliu and Govenc h ti. which terminated the
mpaign of btu:ember, IND, and January.
e no honorable distinetion to the
straggle of the Cubans for Independence. that
would In nowise discredit a people long amt.
tinned to self-government. and trained to-the
Mo. of anus. It is unnecessary fur the pur
poses we have In view to speculate upon the
advantages • 'gained be :Spaniards or Cu ,
bans in these constaidly nu:oiled hos
mit:Canters. The record is presented
as indisputable proof of the long continued
existence of civil tsar in Cuba. lent we recall
the Incidents of the campaign of the past
winter. iu which. after exhaustive prepara
tions by the Spanish government and the must
confident assurances of the speedy' tenni.-
tinlin of tile near. her best onerdis. Paten° Kell
Gnieenehe. inn concerted campaign under Val
nonwnta.• weft. both defeated, the former with
a heel oh I.iitu out of 2.71 X) men. as evidence
• .
the souit and vatincity of the Cubans fur
ecessful war.
The .report' details
at length Official
formation as - to events lu . Cuba. re-
. . . - . .
celved by our own Goverment MS well
as Spnin: and continues: The Immediate
proximity of. Cuba to the Cattail States given
to ther grave events an importance which
canned hit fully-appreciated Py another State.
European or .American. The Cubans appeal
to our people for sympattwand support in
their nateptal struggle for liberty. rite Cu
benl ii eit wit.beonn es, t herder, an Amerie.n
- , t r i z , t7 .. t . i i n , . ,,, a i n ,s tl ,
a t
. hn
. 1 , l o,t,t,lntmti
to f the
Interferet Untied
behalf of its. citizens against the utthnet eke ,
trees t
i f
f the authorities and tropic of Spain.
and fo the protection of Abe nett: of Innocent
and u offend ittrA mericans, as well ns to itts
tift .. almost universal sympathy which Is.
felt. and In part expressed. my the American
. .
omie in the cans., of liberr — 3' in cute,
.ggre•mion uP,rn our roan
eire by Sonni Alt erui , oru are narrated. diOrn
the mo.e Of Lloyd A oplu wall, fur which no
Titration ban boon made in,y er : to
m demand? , of our Government, The loresh
nd erne' oleereen homed by the Government
6pnin during the progress id the war are
sufficient to show the character of the strug
gle and Avert the interest .which the pen
t/It, of the United States. at home and
okra Id. have .in the grave issues to lie de—
cided ill Cuba. Notwithstanding the co
stant - protrts of nor Government, thes n e
decrees stand siihntantially ns they were
issued and are executed. not neer/Ming
to the instructions of the Government .of
Madrid. but in the ferocious spirit of •Catalos
ohm S
volunteers. without regard to the eons
- clUslons to which the Spanish and American
Government% may arrive. .The American
Consul General nt nirvana recently received
_from British naval °dicers lissurances of their
lavtleetion. and the offer of. little of. marines
to protect him'. • and. ' whenever it
lowan..necessary. to tech his safetv•
It board a British truth-of-u or.
still later. the Aincrican ice-Consul
at Santiago do Cohn was called to account for
i li le ,t c h c , seat this GoVernMent :and Pah-
W the unnuthor
irs who govern
of the Spalligh
tO protect hit,
toil violence by
r irte antler the
I onkel,. • The
of the ntroci
. 'pear tot". new.
v housnool own.
thr lot
in in n
irase„ l
iir police by rut.
es representing
Hoene,. tout SO
to add
conlis,sed of
enrolled in
shad order 14 Funnies,. le
red and Irresponsible cohante
%dm, and tinder the :triviee
orernittent. wag unahle
annht fair =safely r.,.th pera
anion reftitre an x french Is
d.deetian of Freneh naVal
'wtai4lt r.dnateek.. the tad!.
.or in. , 1
of Ito. numb, for
tie troops are late
tad gencrallySraternirn with
antenna an •addairtell in t h
ionnl cluing and vonitn,tt , l
pinlartly ‘‘.lllll anal It I
lo sc 11 Is non - vropost
. 0 °ulcer enric ,
oeraons 11, Iter,tofOre
. .
nallitary organization, It al ling the balanr
wrwer, this force Is absolute in tuba. Th
lata ley of the government at Madrid must con
fo to Ito VICaU. It ttauvolunteers ',trig •
Co ludelrendence the authority of Spain
des roved. They compelled the resignatio,
of Captain General Duke. because he was to,
. .
lenient in the conduct of the war. Thep
boldly threaten 'the removal of General De
Rosins If he falls to sallsfx their demands.
They secured the promotion of Valmasetla at
the ,ery moment when our Government was
feeeiving assurances front Spain that the
enmities to which he Owed his advancement
should be uppressed. They disrcgard all
laws and nil authority which Is not in accent
ance with their sanguinary Principles imd
purptoes. Few or none am natives of Cuba..
flicy swarm from every Part of Spain in
Search of' wealth. None remain In the land
they plunder to live among the people they
have wronged. Small fortunes genentlly sat
isfy their desires; but they often Heenntn
late great wealth, according to their aspint
lions and capacity. They are unaccompanied
their families end unrestrained by social
ties, and represent the most desperate classes
of Spain. Our Consular °Meet" in Cuba are
commercial agents only. without diplomatic
powers or authority. We cannot of right In
sist Kinn the recognition of our political in
terests In the government of the Island. Our
diplomatic relations are with Spain, not with
Cuba. Our Inquiries and protests must be
commitnicated to Madrid. reported to Cuba.
returned to Spain and transmitted again to
the United States, n circuit of many thousands
of miles and wasting months ef time, before
either party con appreciate or comprehend
the violet of the other. and then the circuit Is
to be repeated.
flow long are we required to shut our eyes
to facts which are patent to all the wand,
and endure indignities never before prncticed
on any nation? Such grave events, covering a
period of eighteen months, show an establish
ed condition of affairs Injuriously affecting, in
every way, the rights, the interests and honor
of the American Government.
. .
It is unnecessary to assume that this disre
gard of authority and decency Is In accord
suer with the wishes of the present govern
meet of Spain, or that It makes professions of
regard fur the - rights of the United States at
Madrid which It does not intend to observe In
Cuba. On the contrary, the character of the
sullltary, force In Cuba, the onicial declarations
of officers of the United States and of Spain,
and the record of current events from the
. • . .
beginning of the war, prove conclusive
ly that the government of Spain In
tuba is unable to conquer the people
of Cuba, to suppress s ure
to enforce its authority, to the sheer
vance of its orders among SWards, even to
support Its own officers, to protect the rights
of foreign nations, or to punish-crimes- which
the civilized world must condemn. it Is no
longer a civil commotion,
_as has been
hitherto regarded by the United States, nor'
n mere domestic question. ns it 11 rep
resented by the Spanish Government.
It is a protracted and atrocious civil
war. Oar first 'duty Is to treat it as war.
and in accordance with the lime of nations to
declare and maintain. in regard to the parties
engaged therein. a s.rlct nentrolity. The re
cant would justify our Governnient in recog• .
airing the independence of Cuts, or it declere ,
Goo of slur. hut we propose only to provide
for the emergency specific measuresprecisely
to the extent required, but nut further. We
ask only that in tine armed contest in Cuba,
the existence of which it would be m crime to
question. the neutrality of the United States
Shall be proclaimed and enforced.
The foregoing Is but a -brief synopsis of the
report, but embraces-all its salient points. It
appears it was completed bat April, and
adopted by a majority of the Committee; after
which the accompanying resolution was
Presented to the Ilo.r, and a day lined for
considend ion. llitt that day has long since
gone by, and Gen. Ranks had mode but feeble
efforts to bring the resolution again before
the attention or the house for final action.
The report snakes no recommendation re , -;
galling intiniered Americo.. although It de
nounces in strong terms thecruelty and COW
:mike which caused the deaths of Wyeth and
Speakman. Messrs. Voorhees and Logan, will,
It Is believed, be prepared with a resolution
additional to that reported by Mr. Banks, au
thorizing and instructing the Executive to de
mand Norma indemnity from the Spanish
—The first annual report of the Evansville.
Terre Haute and Chicago Relimed is pub•
lished to-day. The following paragraph is of
greet Interest: . The Directors believe that
all of our road will be completed to its north
ern terminus by January 1, NV. The - gap,
now only thirty-flee miles. on the Evansville,
Henderson and Nashville Railroad will be,
closed during the month of September ockt.
The Chicago and Danville Itallrorui Is reported
to he making fair progress, and the managers
propose Its completion to Danville by the
close of the present year, thus making, with
our road and the Evansville and Crawfords
ville Railroad. a great through route from
Nashville to Chicago: -
'•-.While Lamle Holy and Louis Ruah were
working on a staging on the Farwell Hall
Chicago, yesterday. at an elevation
ofd some fifty feet from the sidewalk, the
staging, consisting merely of a ladder with
boards laid lengthwise, and suspended from
the roof. gava.way and Coly was precimsted
to the sidewalk , killing him instantly. Rush
seized a rope, sprang Into a window and
saved himself.
=Charter Saulsbury. a clerk In the Philadel
phia Pokelee. has been held to ball In the
sum of ten thousand dollars to answer a
charge of leaving the PostoMee with letters
in his possession. tearing them open and de
atroying. them after finding that theircontents
were of no value to him.
.." sWu. ..r.,-, , ~e~zt',Y.:u Fin"i.h.'~.~'3s ur:,
VOL. LXX 136.
Parker's Landing 011 Fields—New Wells—The
. Allegheny Oil Fields, !Le.
We clip the following from the Brady.
Bend bo/cpcintent.
The Brady well, on the Robinson farm, on
the river:was torpedoed last week. and start
ed ott pumping oil at the rate of about 100 bar
rels per day.
The West.liiiinch well, owned by a Clear
field company. on the hill. weed of Parker's I
Landing, Nvts torpedoed Mit week, end its '
production Increased to twenty-five or thirty
barrels per day.
The Holden= No I, north of Church Run.
was torpedoed last week, and Is new produc
ing thirty-eve barrels per day, an Increase of
thirty barrels.
Tho Murray well. on land of John Marshall
lu -Lawrenceburg, has been torpedoed, We
have not learned the result.
The Middlesex well, is new strike In Virw
reneeburg has also been torpedoed, and Im
A great many svelte are being torpedoed In
thin region, end In almost every Instance It
has Improved their production.
The Chance Shot, a well on land of John
Marshall, In Lawrenceburg, dewed oil on
day, nt the racer one hundred barrels per
doe, we learn on Tuesday, that the seed bag
believed to have bursted. A large well we
The Central, Is a new well In feriserenreburg,
which starts MT at tarty or thirty-eve barrels:
The Good Intent: a well struck last week.
in Lawrenceburg. Is now pumping about fif
teen barrels of ell daily. •
Dating the latter part of 'the past and all of
the present week. the oil excitement in this
region been very high. Thin loos all been
brought about bv the striking of several new
wells and the Improvement of some older
011 e
A well on land of John Marshall, in Law
renceburg, the Chance Shot, which on Monday
flowed oil at the rate of one hundred barrels a
day—was the subject of much talk and specn-
tat ion.
The Priscilla. a well In Lawrenceburg, which
was torpedoed several weeks nen. and has
since beerdpumping some fifty barrels tairday.
also has a tendency to excite the feelings of
Another new well In Lawrenceburg. the
Central, owned by Wilson Taylor and others.
makes an expellent start. and seems destined
to be one of lam best wells in this district.
The Forgoer. No. I. on the hill north of
Church non, which was recently topedoed.
and Is now. actually maiming one hundred
barrels per day, would a Is° go to show that
the oil Is not being all exhausted in thin re-.
giun. Parker's Landing Is now the principal
oil district Jut of the whole number. Not
only is ther more oil produced by the wells.
but the capi allst is mole certain of receiving
.a handsome interest on his investment in this,
than he Is in any other oil region.
The Clarion Lkinucrot says the Clarion River
well has not been cleaned and started since It
was torpedoed. The new Illyson well is al
most 'On feet deep, with good prospects. A
good show tf oil was found in Jacob Black's
well this w ek at MO feet. Capt. Reichart's
well below leer Creek. is over MO feet deep.
.An oil well is to be s ink at Lawsonham, by
a lirookevllle company. The engine and flx
tures are on the ground ready for operation.
The ltvo *elk put down years ago by they
Brady's Bend Iron Company. a short distance
above the works, on the left bank of the Ail,
itheny river, have been constantly producing
oil of ood quality. • Since then their new well,
No.:1, has been put down, and Is now produc
ing about t ivent,flve barrel, a door.
On Wednesday last therewas. by actual
menKuremeut. IUD) feet of oil in the Armstrong
well nnd not enough gas to force It to the sur
face. It is now pumping three hundred bar
rels daily. .
cumin' riPs,
Near Itlmen,burg, la about to be developed.
A company has leased n large amount of terri
tore. and drilling will soon commence. -
The M'Clintock started to drill tour weeks
before the Dingbnt. and In only SIP feet deep,
the melt, of a poor rig.
3l'Kinney & 'Nesbit have a rig almost com
pleted above the. Parsons Brother? pumping
well. and is on the South side of the creek and
known as lease No. - 41. The pumping well
yields about 52 barrels daily.
There are two B. S. refineries started at the
mouth of the creek, owned by Grover & Co.
and Itenshpw Brothers.
Vetter date of the Mth ult.. our Scrubgrass
correspondent glees or the following Items:
Wm. Candy's archi is doing 51) barrels per day.
. Young .0 Buchanan's IS barrels per day.
' Philadelphia and Mont., Company's wells
average each from 10 to 50 barrels per day.
They have eight pumping and two flowing
wells. They are getting ready to put down a
new well at once.
Dr. Wright &Co. are putting one down on
the flats near the river.
John Squires will continence one In it few
The McNutt,. & Powell well is down tali
lett. and is expected to be finished on the Ith
WM...lloth' in potting ttiLn a new one on a
Thnear his present well.
u McMillen Sterni Company intend testing
the upper end of their lease. It has never
been developed. and if they should get a pay
ing well. Scrubgrass trill resume - its former
fatne as an 01l producing district.
On the opposite ride of the river several
new wells nre going down. Thomas Magi
Tonna' ar lb:cline. and another party are lint
tine t heat down.
1t.,:. Angell has one down In the second
mild, with a fine show'.
Operations about Entlenton are rapidly in
creasing. A number of svelte in the vicinity
are already pumping and yielding a consider
able quantity of oil, while the following wells
are nppronclaing completion:
The Marshall well, on the Marshall. farm Is
in the third sand and will be finished this
Two wells on the Smith farm will also be
Cnished this week.
The Yellow Pine is down MI feet.
The Crawford well, on the West Emlentoni
tract, is down litfilleet, The Bret sand Is the
best yet discovered lit that locality.
The Shannon well , on the Middleton farm.
Is down BIM feet rend will soon be completed.
The excitementiis increasing son Richey's
Run. It is now claimed tobe first-class ter*
ton', and lenses are taken every day. Quite a
number of wells will be put down this summer.
08WE00. dune - O.—floor is 25c cheaper on
low gmdes;. sales 2,300 bbl. at $4.7500 for No.
I spring; $0,50e4.75 for amber winter;
7.50 for white: $868...Z 'for double extra; but
one mill is selling at inside quotations. Wheat
Inactive with a speculative demand; market
closed firmer; salerlast night Of 7.ooobush No.
1 Milwaukee club- at $1.17;•7.500 bush do. at
VAN; 7.5 M bush do. at $1,91; and 7.500 bush No.
2 do. $1.15; to-day 4,000 bush No. I do. sold nt
$1.31; 2.501 bush N 0.2 do. $1.14: 9.000 bush do.
$1.15, and 7.r00 bush Not Chicago spring' LW.
Corn quiet at s]El,o° for new nod old No. 2.
Watches !-. Watches !
Great soften., In pricoof LADIE:d . WATCHES
.and CHAINS. A large assortment an hand at
101 Fifth Avenue,
AMERICAN WATCHES of MI tines In Gold and
Silver Cases. seilins at the lowest prices. Yet
. .
18 LOTS. If ane each In orchard of large
bearlng . .AV ; Pencb and
T .
5 t 0 1 0 .0 ,. . 6000 1%Ahne vlrr aof thecltles. rrice
1 110UsK AND LOT, full of choice bearing
t rr . LA P lrtrlSli g a COTTAGE, 9 • rooms. wide
hall, front and . slde portlen.licellars. large na
tern., good well of water at back door. nonage
bonn and 'titbit, grapes bearing. rollng orchard
Dealing, El Oast view of the Nth/. and riven, oppo..
In mDeth of Penn street. Mt. Washington. with
1 acre. Price 96.300. Or %acres more of One
_orchard can Do had with It: Within Innen min
utea walk or Inelthe.
. . _ .
Enquire of W. LINLIART. on the protolnes.
Linds..yactoiles & Mills.
Are Agents for the to of laraeand email ARMS
and valuable Inlets of TIMBER and MINERAL
the States of Maryland. Virginia. North Carolina.
Georgia. Arkansas and Mississippi. They also
andNl.o Ual NG MILLS at a groat bargain.
Bleached arßl Unbleached
Bleached and Unbleached
Bleached and Babloathed
Gents'. Ladles'. Youthei, Mbees and COlldre
- .- -
BUFFALO, throdan the OH Roalorta.
On and after Juno CR 11910.
Pi trh r .' ISK .. 7 9110 14 . 11 ' s Y SPEE ... ;I O A. P. ::
Way Pan'. ... II: OA:II:Nall Tram.. Iffy, C.
Bradys BAn 3, P. M.:Brady's B A.lll. A•r
Soda Works. 15.1 P. MOWS. Mods,. ' et.:
lst Galion.. 0:41 A N.llat Balton..
E:MISOS.. i. TALIVItt Halton— 18 x.
d llultan...l 18 ,...,...... ,..:0,.
........i : A...,Pantusos.... e . 0 , ,
Church...—. 1: P. 21.1C1uch .
ErPsem Math/ stop onlyja yam. An
con:mod:4lm trains G... 1. 1 =6 Eloordna
We are Boar moaning 1Z.0..„. both ..., ri...f,
Clan'' on %sr ne, .......
Pau.- s J7z- LAWItENCE,GorI Sept.
NA ..,
® ~.
(Radrund'trt•ct. near
1 1 0,
Pubtlacordhdly In Mod.
corner Beaver street and 3.lnnt4Omer7
nue. Allegheny City, JOSEPH KING. I eater.
Preaching TO-MORROW (Lord's Day) a1..1 OS A.H.
and. 7 r.
Seula entirely free and acordlal WYO.:Ion Mtt,l l
Sunday School at 9 A. Xt.
'Mom. Peaching morning, and roofing nt
and Itt o'clock. in EXCELSIOII !SALL. corner or
1,11C.V11 and lettend streets. Alleahenr. Subject ,
for the evening: - Oar dulles.ns chines of nns.
,541,1lietorc :roc And u cordial ...11,RX. to all
There will be a Calba Meeting In the
THIRD Pni:SEIYTERIAN ClIt111(11.13th avenue.
TU•M(tItROW ;Sabbath) EX - YINING. Short ad
&mon by Rees. Ilr. Brown. lylleon. Nesbit •and
Young. and Item tituekenbreg• hays and . Noble.
•MENTAL. CON , ERT.—IIy particular re
best..3llss ERNEST elll repent her Concert
Iberty Ilell. on - MONDAY LVESINU. June 61.13
'misted by Mr. and Mrs. Dlll3l and other tint
ass etagere and murk/ans.
Adnilsalon..23 Cents. Reserved Fe . nts 50 rents
eats ran be reserved et atetinroto s Drug Store
above Instltutlon . wlll reptant, the circula
tion of Bourke on and after bATUUDAY. June
Strawberry Festival,
Will be held ut thellOMEon 40th street, above
LNG. Jane 9tb,ILS7O. Much pleasure leantlelpu
ted at the relent of this twined :entire!: and the
procied, derived therefrom being intended fortlie
liniment and •consfprt of Indigent aged and help
less orphans. the_ patronage of a gcncrona public
Is solicited on this °emelt,. 'rhe mire of the Citi
zen. Passenger Railway Co. pass within a abort
distniwc of the grounds. ica.tite
La -mAsomc HILL
Two dcand Cokerts
A 4082001181.00: &own, Ticket, 91.30.
For axle at Mellor 0 Itoones. No. 53 tlrth ore.
prevrttnanto on Frldxy cr.
Sacred Concert
. Tuesday Evening, June 7, 1870.
Doors - open at 7 o'doek. •
Kelly Leon's Minstrels,
the A t r eaWth A e } i t iti ' ,T.7,T,:;:grrie r . Nlsu."r
At each performance.
AelmlsFlon to Matinee. 70 cent.. Chlldren i :p
PliciFV,S. tit iv A LEER. the distinguished Eng
lish Botanist. discovre effectual cure t [ a Indigestion le
Botanic remedy. all r
Billions and Liver Complaint, and communicated
stone to will, hilaphia Flotemic Institute.
The Accouter on application.forward free to
nil, this Important recipe.
The Medical Reform Swirly who makes this an
nouncement will not make any charge for this
recipe. the - object being to demonstrate the auPe
'Verity of Botonle over every other practice of
medicine. but In return request those who are
brevetted to forward to the Society a statement
•of their ease. and thus mid with facts the present
movement in medical reform. F.nclose a directed
envelope to the - SECRETARY OF THE BO
TANIC INSTITUTE." bile South 13thstreet.
The Safe Deposit Co.
le now prepared to set Ina General Fiduciary Ca
l.\ CUT. ail Executor. Administnitor. Guanllan,
Trustee, Agent or Committee of any person or es
tate: and listi aeueral Agent for any State. Ma
nlclivility or Cortv , ration. at reasonable mt., of
14, p1T11 , Nt4 , 13 . 11.1h1. AT FROM
CILR and WILLS received under guarantee and
Certificates Issued therefor.
ELRY nvelved - Tor a year or less ptiviod.
Persons leaving the cit to go abroad. or flailing
watering places, will end a most convenient and
secure plaVe of Deposit in the Vaults of the Safe
Deposit Company.
myT4xsl:lp TREASURER:
To the Legal Profession,
New Works and New Editions
Jetts of Inquiry by n jury, with an napes-
beyo 7.30
COURSES. Sixth edition 7.30
STORY ON AGENCY. Seventh revised
Administrators. (.n•rdions .nd Assignees 1.30
MENTS 6.30
and revised edition. / TON 1/1.00
INAL CASES. Now odltion revised.
Tols3l .00
A 860776 DilikT OF TILE LAW 'OF
CORPORATIONS. In 1 vol.. over 1.000
ACV. with the Rules and Forms In Bonk. 3
OF RAILWAYS. Foortb edition. Re
vised. tois 13.00
In addition to the above wo have a fall lino of
A foil assortment of LEGAL BLANKS nf tbe
tapd forms always on hand. LISTS and
DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS sent by mall on op- .
A liberal - discount will be made from above and
list pelves. where • quantity ere ordered 'at. one
20, 25, 371, 50 ad 75e.,
The Cheapest and flandsomes
In this Market.
21 Fifth Avenue.
- -
111:1:10:MiNffeflirmr - 9
Commercial and Family Newspaper
0 farmer, mechanic. (Jr merchant ahould
A copy la fornimbed proton... AY to Um getter-. 0
a Club of ten•
. rostomstora v. rootoonao torn
si meas. Addrom
Blues subovlbers
Clubs of file
Clubs of Sou
pEwirim&N, RECO & CO.,
- -
MNOTICES—"To-Let," "For Sate;'
"Found," "Boarding."
.Cr.. not exceeding FOUR L117E8,161 1 lts
in,ertol in three rolunene once for TWEIf-
TY. F! l'E CENTS; each additional Note
Ax'ANTED.-50 reliable AGENTS
to •Liill Machines
Sc the I
it elty mot
;AIM N. CV. ra.1.74. M!Vil 80114
WA NTET —. °
t A .xe ffrNE.7 ,
lust atente. Walt,* vente e e
r& ev•X?
taunly. Wen. Indeoemennr offered. Andrea.
Box 333. litteburx?2,9 : ______
A TI T L D Ei;; S t i L MI S T E
.r 2 trci
AWIVBI"6. No. 31 Yonne Avenue.
WANTED.—A Situation as Beak-
eatabllshmont mforrod. rattsfartory Wien*:
Addroro , Dor 70b. Pittaboraa P. P.
middle aged Woman to Lab ett.lp •
a .~ Mama and•do general boaselmark.
reOrVIiCOA required and rleen. Addtt.. 1p
G A "'
Zrn - rE onteo, (,tiring name. addrem and reigeaar.
LiIIORERS to wort
Vrii: 4 7tt,z) l r!i'AV:
Atu TAiTpD,7,,rt
1A1T 1 .TNE . 11 ,, ,, ,
manufacre of nn vlelo put patqnted. b•
...Wad In every family.
A. Pltt
i tab .
VA N'PED—By a Philadelphia Cloth
• • llouse.n tind•class SALMiStAbi to rand." at
Pittsbureh and tote charue of the undo In that
city and its vicinity. None but .• experienced
non who bun influence with the trade need reply
Address T. J. T. McCANCL.
ni73l:xfC Pittsburgh. Ps,
WANTED.—Eterybody to call at
184 LIBERTY STREET. and smamtsbe
rPgi!?,l ) ig=l. 1°
, Thirty Thousand Dollars to Loan
In large or mall tanounta on proneeig leAllegben ,
County ate ha rate of tmennt.
Real Mato Assaf,
88 an % stmt.
I OSE—A small round Locket, en-
nn ll~enll l_J y
with gray agate tides.the Ttwe ender .111
rewarded b leivlng game al No.
lett Water street. (Weete y
rn Inanbweee Co.I
EtiTßAY.—Ntrayed from the under
1. Mt ,, ee. at 4 Mlle Ran. near Ostisedloo.e
dome white on her bog and tall; about 6 yearsuld:
Irreg . In milk. Any Information concerning her
will be rewarded.
, Your Mlle Run. near Oakland BMlooS
17G FIRST AVENUE. eitletairgb. Pa. 6.34
TO-LET.—A weltillnished House of 0
Nom, on Jningna 4eet. teat Allelpart
too. Will be Sloan to good tenant for per
month. Enquire avenue R. 1.1.13 PUBIC ~ ca
ner of Allegheny and Rebecca ettenat. b. 34
rrO-LET—IVI HE Boarding, a pl a sannt
FILEEPING ROOMS, No. 43 limas Wee,.
Doer the I'sok. Allegheny,' A good ebastoo for foes
rp 3,4",l;!. l llh l .B9l4rlEmYlEll.oll7 — FeEtirall°* . UßUZ:
Mleghcn T• -
fl'O-LET—For a term of yearo, a
desirable STORE, connected with an
.l7 r n egslranta. A . Lar ,
7 g
nt.P rudtublr
Commt, can n V . a ' rearcd al this establish
ment. There is at VIM time a desimble aaecntroont
of merchandise In tho More. which will be brad at
their cash value. For further Informatlon, &FRIT
Walnut sweet. PhlladeMbla. b..Z)
YEaS.—TIOR 01 OFFICES on Orant.. mar
Fifth. ends T/ with ontninee on Fifth avenue.
or Court Hon... Apply toL. IAcTICII22,
=l3=/ =MI
The aatmerther offers for rent that deal rattle pro►
ter 1020WD M the "
Eltueled at the foot of Craig street. Allegheny
City.. short distantce below the guepermion bridge.
The lot ou the east skin of Craig street la 160 feet
wide by about 410 feet more or leas. The lot on
the west side of the street Is 110 feet wide by
abonC4 00 feet, more or leas—both radium to low
water Mae: haring one of the best sad safest her.
born an the ricer. The adyeateges this property
Preseato for any kind of munufgetming purpOMM
are so well known. to render any further deeerillo
Moo unnecessary. Long lessee will be given to n.
sponolble persons.
VOR SALE—Englne of Font Horse
to N': .111Zzolu=i•As.
"some two-burie canisim. In good reset,
Will be sold eta low price. APPI7 at No. 211
FOl . l, SALE.
doing, a good bosinous, and good locatio. Ad
dress M. T.. Red LI. Hotel. Sixth street
VIM SALE.--Engines and Boilers,
New and Second nand. of all kinds. constantly
on hand.
Corner Marlon, ATM. sod P. Pt. W. & C. IL W.
• Allegbeny.
balance and elitT
acres under andvatlon. woods. Ilderrovev
ruerd—il dwellings. very large barn and stable.
end sheep houses, orchard and well watered by •
erect 'using through the plane. dttoatdd tp
Jennings county, indium 3N miles front Vernon
and Loulaville Ranroadi in Melvin/it neighborhood
nest' to 'Mmes. ehimeloes. The farm ma be
chased at at 1100 per ure. Apply to
B. eLAIN h CO.. Zio. 1104 Fourth .►v..
ESIDENCE. oontalning 20 acres with bream
thereon; one, a tine, comfortable and cratrenitud
house; good water: and one of the teat
rowers In Western Pennsylvania for a witZl e
from the eity. on do e aters of Turtle
Road. y of a mile fromwart's @tattoo. Central
Railroad. Also. sevend goal Farms vial !ma
tions and houses for sale. Enquire of
myll _ No.llo Grant EL. opposite Cathedral. •
1 1FOR SALE.-148 beautiful banding
neer ver y ennsylvan Railroed.
ota are selling cheap-130S llPP:wah
wid balance ht four equal annualqintA After_
the lot of /IMO the prim will be . u ttlyr,
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