The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 30, 1870, Image 4

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Tbere Ware Dee eommon eases before M.Yor
Callow yesterday morning.
Par good psylite route ou
paper. Apply at 0 • countlrur
Perrysville was a center of attraction to
large multitudes yesterday. :o was ..-TroY
(lunge of Time.-The different Rail Road,
change their time table. to-dor.
torened had better note the change.
' Mr. N. Steidle& for calling James Bench ob
scene name. and otherwise acting disorderly
was fined gee dollars by Alderman Taylor bat
Unger the (6.1.113. Ce of a genial day nyd the
advent Id distinguished ministers. the Pret,
byterien churches hereabouts. yesterday bed
eery large congtegationt..
Saturday anentooa a little boy attempted to
get off a Manchester Passenger Hallway car
while In motion on Federal street, when he
fell sad cut hls face aeverely.
nn Tappinyo r irAurday morning the till cd
Herd's saloon. street. Third ward. m
legbeey. sets robbed of twentrdee dollars
daring the , temporary . atitence of the vrPl'o.-
411tabeDy lAbrar. A meeting of he ll s
Directon Of the Allexhenv I.lbrarrnicn
T. Saturday at which Mess!, Elton
L. Raisers, Wm. lianditon.
James L.Sheeetison ware enfrhrted ,
and tee to make nominations for
nu nn n ee e t;: c a u n n
Directors to be chosen at „the an t ti
In the second week of June. -
The FeMan.—A Fenian meeting wens held
at the SlcCiellan House, Canal street, Satur
day night at *bleb about two hundred dollars
seyc uMreserfsor
MthceM cahuon . a nd Sp mreys. were •
excitement Is subsiding and although there is
• hea r eo! talk of men going to the front
wof none Who hove left since our last
Decoration Day.—Visitors In attendance
upon to-day's ceremonies nt the Alter:MV
Park will find choice refreshments. In rake,
confectionery and Ice cream, tit 'Rhodes' new
won. No. AIT Western avenue. only Milt a
block from the Park. Ile has it very nice
nee. just fitted op at great expense. and
I t
gret pains to please. We ay odd
that In thisi a s he succeeds. us every body says.
:Seeds Atteutlon.—The sidewalk on the ert.t
side of Federal street. Allegheny, between the
Park and Locust street. could be Very greatly
Improved by come racial attention from the
Weed Commissioner. A smiles rif gullies con
trive to catch and hold puddles of water when
It rata.. while the portions unpaved. and gen
erally uneven character of the whole affair.
renders t o npedestaitlng ebony that Wny very
TeZAtiOUS, not say dangerous. Espechille
luthle the case at night , when the Luckless
might is apt to come to grief to one of the
puddles, or carry away remembrances of the
walk from the other obstructions. esimethuig
should be done with It..
Last everdng,at six o'clock. Col. Alexander
Scott...succumbed to that terrible disease con
evimption. The deceased has a most enviable
war record, covering the time from the entry
of Captain Rowley's Rough and Ready Ouards
I . into the city of Vera Crag, until the lasrbattle
in the late war. The deceased will be buried
with military and Masonic honors from Lis
1 • late residence. No. Z3B Penn street, at 10
, o'clock tomorrow morning..
The Allegheny Base Ball Club was organized
..' Saturday night for the season.
—e ortieen.
elected were President. E. 31. Still, Vice
President, A. 3f. Cameron, Corresponding
and Se T 'eret*n"rie.a°4.`
There 'd are now' shout forty members on the
‘, • roll.
• The base ball season promises to be a lively
one. In addition to the - “Witge o ptgf e k:v . :4 ‘ t . .
rn e d i rft t lrt i l s, ha o t f th f l' h i l t la ti etel t phia. will visit here
and play gamest. Arrangements for that Per
; Donate now being made.
Malta Ceort—Jelv Kirkpowiriek.
SAILSWAT. MAT In the cabe OL
Marshall vs. Andrews S Craig; and Bell vs.
i same detendauti. previously reported, In the
Ant case returned the following verdict:
"We And for the plaintiff for the lends des
.l - eribed in the writ with six cents damages and
six cents costs. the verdict to be released
- opon the payment br James. Andrews,
• defeu
-1 dant, to said . plaintiff, of the sum of slo,nni IT,
. within sixty days, from and after May nith.
M w11 1 .13 4 1 .t g ! 1 interest thereon from that date
In the we of Bell vs. the same defendants.
• the jury found for the defendants.
Of all the improvements made this Oring
there in none more noticeable than the late
Improvements to the Museum by its enter
prising proprietor and manager Maier Bur
nell. The ticket office has been removed to n
more convenient locality, The main entrance
bas bean handsomely recovered by very
tasty all cloth and brass stair rods giving it
a very clean and pleasing appearance. The
entire building has been painted and renova
ted. making the Museum what the Major calls
tt"AParlor Entertainment." We understand
It is the intantion e•lf en. 7.44.111. - Lb
have his portrait painted and Protent it to the
Museum. When that is done we will OIL COT,
"It (*finis/lat."
The Washington Infantry. under-the com
mand of Capt. T. A. Rowley, mode their first
appearance on • Saturday evening. Their
marching was excellent, and their appearance
far beyond Mir expectation. considering the
tame they bate had toequip themselves. Leav
ing their armory they marche the Four.
teenth ward by way of Wylieavenue. where
they were presented with a beautiful stambof
colors by the ladles of that ward. Rev. J. T:
Carnahan made the presentation speech. J. R.
Butterfield. Bag.. responding In behalf of the
Company. They rat:trued about a a. y.. well
pleased with their feat thrn- Ont, and very
to rt it ge t :S e e l t . o c r o tt i Nvi l t h ti t lnv;
Health Report
The following are the interments In the
city of Pittsburgh f ton: May 15th to May
1570. as furnlahed by J. Guy McCandless.
Phyiselen of the Board of Health:
Mamma Tuberculosis, 2; Accidental
Drowning, 1; Measles. 1: Eclatupsia.3; Maras-
mus.III; Cholera 'Mantes. Old Age nod
. General Debility, 1. Scarlatina 3; Bronchitis,
2: Berebral MeMmiltia. Congestion of the
Brain.% Tubercular Meningitis. I: ApoplesY.
I: Still Born, 11 Cancer of :stomach.' U Core
-1: Chronic Arteritls. I; Catarrh of
Lungs,l; Disease of the Lungs . Whooping
Cough, I; Congestion of. 1: Pseudo
)lembranons Coryza. I: 111 Health of Mother.
1; ffiTsipehte. 1: Alicitm. 1: Acute Ilydroce
phalta. I. Total, 37—Adults, Children, 27.
Of the above there were under 1 year. LI:
from 1 to 2. 4; ham 2 tos. 6: from 5 to 111.
from Vito= 1; from '.A to 5./.2; from :10 to W.
3: from 10 to 50,1: from 50 to 00. I: from OU to
from 70 to 81.1. Males. 22: Females. It.
White, 37.
Mlsepprehenalun Corrected
i ti
Slaving understood that the colored citizens
have taken the impression from reports in the
Sunday papers of the inSeting of the Commit
tee held on Saturday evening. that General J.
Bowman Sweitzer there denied having invited
them to join the procession of his
m ' a d d b et ed hin ' i fhe th' in t ee ' tTn:r. uc o h r
elsewhere. What be did say wits. that he had
not requested Marshal Callow to assign them
Wills division. Deenase he had already invited
them. as will appear by his original order.
Published on >londay morning. May 11.1. which
read. ar follows:
"Colored soldiers and cis 'rens are requested
to Organize and report In conformity with the
above order. A place will beessigned them
In the column, and a proportionate number of
staff °facers wUI be allowed them. whom they
are requested to select. and report."
And this Invitation has never been denied or
We publish this much in order to do simple
justice to Geri. Sweltrer, who has been unin
tentionally misrepresented by some of our
IntererNnir Preceosion ani Relisloas
Several hundred children of tender years
yesterday mode. their drat Holy Communion
in Bt. Pants' Cathedral. The services were
vary tut:westing. In the afternoon the little
ones, berg and girls. numbering some gee
hundred, preceded by the excellent Se. Cece
lia brass band, sod carrying beantifub silk
banners marched' through several of the
stre ets in procession to St. Paula' Cathe
dral, where they formally renewed
the baptismal vow to renounce the
devil and all his works and pomp.:'
Before the altar. within which had been
erected a fountain covered with Cowen, Mu
ter Thom.. Brierly, a particularly bright little
fellow, read the renewal of the• vow, on be
half of his fellow-children. liar. Father
Wall delivered an eloquent sermon front
the palpit and Very tier. • Father
Hickey pronounced the benediction from the.
altar. The children presented g neat and
pleasing appearance, the little girls wearing
white dresses and red sashes, wreaths of
roses and white veils, and the boys, naming
lighted, candles in their hands. wore blue
sashes over their jacket... The Cathedral
was crowded to its fullest capacity. and alto
gether the exercises wore peculiarly ltuPrea
sive and interesting.
T. IL C. A
Monthly Bealneis Meeting
On Saturday evening the regular husineo
meeting of thin Association was held in their • Awneements,
rooms. The President, H. K. Porter. Rel.. it,
OPERA. HOlnth—The regular season at Ms
thslehair. The report of the Superintendent
Institution closed Saturday night with the
was read, In which ere note the following:
One hundred daily - papers on file at the engagement of the TU e lahlil ° P erhTr66 p e-
rooms. besides weekllea. magatines and Bug- On Saturday afternoon neat har. Conklin . the
gentlemanly Treasurer, will take a benefit, on
11th papers.
It was resolved to Invite the intemationsi which I ornoZ" Harr , 1"" the twn'Tl,,,,r
Convention to this city. Tho following mem- comedian. Mew in an elh-eirti. •
bets were appointed delegate" et, th e c.",,,,- Saturdwrevening marry leirnwMf will s
held in Indianapolis next month: R. K. beneSt. and we know the house will bo
i r ,7.,:hrclis R. Brunet. hones-Leustne. Jr, crowded.
Nik .... l ClßßNß , V do gi v ti:fhoe..figee. Thos. Caternsues.--This afternoon the mat com-
M. R. Jenenige. A . ' - w -hall, Wrp..&e g oTtl, ra V e'
12 /r g'rie r trk l C 6
rilt a l..Z . e, Rev. J. IL W. SLUtheriburg. 4. the berwesho e l u ri re ti l a.=. , . 1, 1 ,1_ one
, m ,„ the procession which enters this city at ten
Some searl' aPPlications for --
e, ..were Axelrod and accepted. The - choir = c ra k e:it:wane All ",ll = the 1"1"
1 t Li,7, lr 11x : e l
,1 1414111 . 171ith
much Church . b yt mooalek k Letenleeldersted min
, hizresetof the eserclees of rev
144 ° eu"
1 , 7, 1 1 'in "11° =____, i b = B=ey ant
,„seasotatioue or monks were th en tendered , I. ir p... ct
tro .upe • emu Of scene Mugs best talent
i rfg, e aT i l4fgem .1 - rr a. Knake and Ltuett- h, ale hesitates, among which Manumit Is
• _ ef,Rucher Swope for his '7:lreton:lecture . 17„ .,., 17 ,. 'meted ,. Ru t th• Th e lternon of thee handtable
semen of the troupe
......Ulleell.l - trolling. ~,...,„ver le has been has been unpreceden-
W2roc ... ..eLedings were then .losed by the 4 t al the Alltheelly will doubtless he
........ to metre doxology• ors '1 OM gnilliAL
Its Otocry•nce•nd Memories.
The arrangementsfor the observance of
Decdratlon Dry have !Mien completed and
from present indications the return of this
solemn and Nitrol anniversary will be ammo
hriatelf and worthily commemorated. In the
cessation from business and toil. in the pro
,s,lon which shall the through our streets to
,lay. in the laving of the corner stone of a inon
ument:to he, and in strewing fresh. bright
flowers over the quiet resting places of those
vim so gloriously fell; will the peopl en
, their veneration and 'remembrance of
for and patriotism, and sacrifice of
urnlng brave?"
. .. .. rly the ceremonies of the . day will In'
:aught with memories both tender and sad:
every note of martial music. every Way ,. of
the dear old flag. even' floral emblem Our , n
upon the tomb will but revive the whi 10 ,
love which finds its most precious Virbie in
some grave, of those which lie semi red like
tlower seed over the fields where sacrifice for
the nation was heroic. and death Itself sub
lime. lie there will he thos . s w s h v o hti o c i r . T I M ,
look up through their tears.
recesses of their hearts feel that which Is too
sacred for re. relinf w i t , . turip aymul,.,e "T._
-... .,.. rd to „ 'l '. i'"‘ Y: :',r e,i n re ' vil "- C:oi n a m r ourn - ful ' f - e ' t
',,r",„,n.,?,",,sr.trutl It Is well that it . should
'hos be re,...ncinbured as no lizillowed banbath
our ret
To m
. -
of memory.
Bat there ks another chord which should run
through oil ceremonies towitty. While the
nation • ho its "as In an everlasting •
urn." the ashes of her - herdic dead;
while those who never shall return.
have in -the national heart their truest
mausoleum, Is it not well- to remember with
praise. .11 thanksgiving, end meledy that
these have not died . in VIIIIIF . that - by their
death the Republic' lives. , and from their
grltves newer national aspirations spring and
higher hopes are . born? '
It Is recorded in the annals of ancient Rome
that once a chasat opened id in the centre of the
Forum, which rapidly widened and threatened
to enguiph the imperial city. Every resource
f the Em wire wn S milled into requisition. but
they availed not, and a strange doom hung
over the metropolis. lit despair at last the
oracle W 66 consulted, and an answer returned
that the chasm could never tat filled until It
had received the most precious possessions of
Moue. Then cams the matrons and. maidens
with their Jewels. and the nterehents with
their treasures and merchandise. bat the
yawning gulf swallowed all, unit terror set
tled noon the people. At Inst, a tribune more
discerning than the rest. inquired. "areese
the most precious possessions of Romer where
Is her inanhoodt"; andarmed cops pfr, Mrens
Curti. rode iota the gulf which closed OVCr
hint forever. ..
. Near a decade of years have swept beneath
the.silent wing of due—it seems but yester
day—since a more terrible than that of
legend, was openml in Armerien: It. it closed
wentuntil the dower of American manhood
down a sacrifice to its fearful demand,
Let us then who live lifter them recall their
emory with gratitude and team. • Let the
whole populace Join in the COMllleltlOrlitioll.
with music and eloquence. benedictions and
song. bet us lay the earner-atone from which
erewhile shall rise, the monument/0 shaft to
evidence to the oncoming ages I%w the Re
nubile reveres its saviours. Lefrnthe fresh
fragrant dowers, culled by the young men
and maidens the silver haired mad childhood's
linnocence. brwlewed with tears and hallowed
by the blessings of a grateful people. be strewn
over the sacred resting places of those who
"With martial music and craving plume.
From afield of Stone to a laurelled tomb."
With an "union of hearts and hands" let
honor Ameran manhood Lo-day, join
praise that th ousels its heroism nod sacrill
"there is life) n the old land yet." and Illy
trate be the manner in which we cominein
rate thl's occt don that it is indeed true.
They for who their country die,
Shall nil an honored grave.
Fur glors: lights the soldier's tomb
A d beauty weeps the brave."
Thu of the Comittee of AI
rangemen s a-asMeetin held at Gen. Pe m artoris calk
or: naturdliy. An original dedicatory poet__
for the ~ccaelon to-day from the pen of 11. T.
Campbell. was road and accepted from among
a number of rents-Bastions offered: The Corn.
mittee transacted other business relative to
the procession:mil the ceremony of decorat-
I ntns g;nclsandten adjourned.
& oei.rtm i ( Aiio,signd the Pitts
burgh ZOIlltVeS. Washington infantry and
Heath Zoe:weir to the couunnnd of the staff
of General Pearson .cl are to lend the col
umn. The staff is as follows: Lieutenant
Colonels John McLanahan. Charles A. Miller
and ..L's H. Roberts, M. D.. and Majors Joe
Brown. tr. P. Hunker. George JeremY , Geo.
W. Murphy. and D. Morris.
The following order was issued by General
Spaded Order No. it.
Major General Meade having important du
ties on the northern frontier. will not be pres
ent on the occasion of the laying of the
Corner-stoneof the Soldiers' Monument. the
review ordered in Special Order No. I will.
therefore. not take place, and the Duquesne
Gie.ra will report to General Sweltzer lot
duty. The Heath Zounves, Washington In.
pantry Pittsburgh Zonaves will report tc
Chief Ma hal Chllow. By order.
A. L. Pc.attsGs.
Major General Commanding.
The boa ttich will be placed In the cornet
stone of th -monument will contain the foi
lowing a s
Copy of the ti.str Bible.
Hand-book of Penturtvania.
List of thh fiends - of Departments of the
United States.
List of thy Rends of Departments or the
State of Pertiasylvnnia.
Llst of the Officers of Allegheny county.
List of the Officers of the City of Pittaboegh.
S i agTif of ti or
List of the Officers of the AcittumentalAsso
List of the Members of the Monumental
Copy of the Charter of the Ma 1111111.4.1
Oapies of the Newspapers of Allegheny
Copy of the Report of the Park Commis
Copy of the Fire Marshal's Report.
Copy of the City Directory for DO.
Pieces of coin and currency In circulation In
The pupils of the Public Schools of Alle
ghesny, to the number of six hundred.
tlt:Pgfit:rtt'e 1tZT."7147°;',11'1.1..
lace und Robert M. Ca-40. and Which ihey
will render on the occasion. About one bun-
Areal children from the First. Second. Fifth
and Sixth wards schools, will take a position
on Seminary Hill. sod sing eight pieces under
the leadership of Prof. Slack. and assisted by
the AI/ .Whenr limartette Club. They will also
sing the besot! ni ode, composed by Miss Sue
B. Nichol. of that city. and dedicated to the
(hand Army of the Republic, In memory of
their fallen comrades.
The children will assemble at the fountain.
in the West Park. at ten o'clock to-morrow
morning, under charge of their mnioes Prin
cipals, and will ascend the hill in a body, sing
ing Patriotic scmati. This portion of the pro
ceedings will be very Interesting.
Our citizens should be liberal In the use of
decoratimui. Flap. twiner' and mottoes do
not cost unten, but yet contribute lufelf to the
enthusiasm and pleasure of public occasions.
We trust then that a croditabitdiszdat - will be
made in thu direction.
wars:rum or nosiness.
ly of the leadinitbusiness houses of both
together with a number of 'the mills
actorieswtli graspend business In orde
.y marked honor to the day mad to afford
2 their employ proper opportunity for Its
rcsoce. We would urge a general and
crag maspensiom at 'least up till the re
ofthe procession.
no taorTZ.
to DM
nll to
The column will more at eleven A. N.
promptlY, up tknfthgeld street to Sceond ave
nue, up Second avenue to Grant street. up
Grant to Fifth avenue. down Fifth avenue to
Market, down Market to Sixth, down Sixth to
the bridge. across the bridge and up Federal
to Robinson. . Robinson to Anderson. up
Anderson to Church avenue, to Cedar avenue,
to North arcane, down North avenue to Irwin
avenue. to
..Afterd thence to the site of the
Monument the ceremonies the proces
sion will move down Ridge Olo street.
road thence home by way of F rti rcx i street.
YriWarfel Ernaaway.
About eleven o'clock on Saturday morning
no exciting arid frightful runaway occurred
on Penn street, In the 'Ninth ward. Mr. So • n
H. Hare, Chief Engineer of the Fire Depa
meet, and S. T. Paisley, Superintendent of the
Fire Alarm Telegraph. were driving down
Peen street in a baggy. and In pulling out of
the car track at Sixteenth street to pass a
wagon, one of the bolts by which the shafts
are secured to the axle broke, and the cross
bar dropped on the horse's heels. which
!lightened him, and he started to run and
ma furiously. Mr. Hare, who was. driving.
held to the Macs, and the horse was pulled to
ward the aids walk. The buggy struck a
lamp post, and the oceepanto were thrown
out and sllghUy Inftared. The home broke
loose from the baggy. which was completely
wrecked, and started down the street at •
tholtirtl==agart o
og gustaaoftnatt%hmed
betook the side walk, and near the Viwkei
House run over a boy, Injuring him severely.
Several others were knocked down and
slightly injured.
'ileaar the corner of O'Hara, a man named
William Ford. pilot of the steamboat Mary
Havatile. was
a struck with fearful violence.
and knocked considerable distance forward
on the pavement. Instantly the horse over
took and trampled upon the prostrate man.
and ran on, leaving him insensible mad bleed
ing on the bricks. Dr. Reynolds was near,
and Immediately attended to the injured man.
Mho broil been conveyed into a saloon. D.
cClelland was also on the ground almost
immediately. The bruises and cuts sustained
' by Mr. Fort were found to be very severe, bat
a not necessarily fatal. It was thought. how .
I ever, that. so severe a concussion of the brain
I had been sustained that he could not survive.
He was planed le a wagon and removed to
one of the boats at the wharf. The horse pro
ceeded In his mad career t• Canal street.
when be was caught by Mr. Cherie. Sabata.
Mr. Ford's Injuries were not BO severe as
they were tliout to be, and he was consld
, ered out of danger at last accounts.
The Clty Treasurer and the City Fund.-The
Matter In. Court—Madames Applied for--
What Connell. Do. dec.
The trouble between the City Treasurer. A.
J. Cochran. and the Finance Committee In ref
erence to the keeping of the city funds i" ',-
coming a serious matter. Coder ins, ructions
from the Finance Committee the City Solicitor
prepared and tied n writ of mambo° us in the
Court of Common. Mon, iSaturday„.r , eTtiring
Mr. TirfsTsrlitrt.oit'et' e
cite th" dd.thecity.l •
posnories. tht cre o .
granted on Mr. Cochran to show cause
writ should .
Sot issue, and anadc
r...terniblc Friday neat. at which One the
wll he argued.
ter reciting the acts of Assembly incurpo
riding the city of Pittsburgh and the various
acts supplementary thereto, the bill sets forth
that on the seventh day of February. A. D.
Ma, the City Councils of the cite of Pitts
burgh passed an ordinance to provide fur the
safe keeping and custody of the funds of the
city. which was duly published and recorded:
and which is known as the Mid on ordinance. ,
in pursuance of this ordinance the said
Councils, in accordance with the provisions
thereof. did. on the 28th day of February. 1010.
elect es depositories the Iron Naio
Bank, the Allegheny National mink and the
National Trust Company. banks doltur busi
ness in sold :ID. of Pittsburgh, each of which
presented bonds with Sureties In the sum Of
CUOJkal respectively. which bonds were ap
proved by the Finance Committee and filed
with the Controller the 1:1th day of April.
11. 1 71). Whereupon the ea id Finance Commit
tee. on the same day. adopted the following
lbwoirid, That the said Controller be and In
hereby Instructed 'to notify Ihe Trea
surer to dtsposit the funds of the city 10 the
banks 'elected as Cite Depositories. and return*
the amount deposit i4l in each bank to the t 'on
troller, and also return the amount deposited
each tiny In each bank to the Controller.
On the 1.111.11 day of APrll.l O 7O. the City Con
troller delivered to sold Andrew J. Cochran,
Treasurer aforesaid. a copy of said resolution.
and directed that he comply with the P..
visions of said ordinance, Which Andrew .1.
Cochran refused to do, and. on' the filth
May.-Iga, addressed and' delivered to the Fl
ee Committee a communication in writing
0110 W.,
Crn"llugAstormie Orgies.
Pittsburgh. Moe 10. IS7O,
To the Finance Committee of Councils urine
cite SI Pittsburgh:
GEXILEIISII: —Councils having missed an or
dinance providing that the funds of The city
shall be taken out of me official custody and
placed in charge of certain demositories. virtue be
and who have already been elected by
of the ordinance. and having been notified In
you to comply with the provision of, hllid
ordinance, became my duty to ascertain
whether the ordinance bad soy binding effect
upon me.
1 submitted the ur.livas yell as the
nets of Assembly town which the Councils
claim to have based their - itainn. to my legal
adviser. and have been arlyked thin th
Councils had no power 16 paSS such an ordit
mice. and that, therefore. it will
neces•tary for me to take any notice of
It Is not with any desire to contravene th
action of Councils that thin action. is taken
hut simply to act in actordance with the las
and in protection of myself and sureties. Th
action of Councils is herewith enclosed.
Ten . respectfully - .
Tour obedient servant.
A. 3. C01:111tAN.
t ry City Treasurer.
That the said Andrew .1. Cochran. as Trea.
urer aforesaid. has in his custony and contn
a large sum of money belonging to the city
sho tsurgh. to wit. the num of Noomon. whir
he b uld. as he is in duty bound to do. dere.
In said several banks in the manner directs.
i:;-;;i4 . ,:;rail;tcci:Init7 which he_w_holly r
fuses to do, whereby the said city of Pitti
burgh, line lost a large amount of inter,
which would have accruedupon said infamy,
if the same hod been deposited in accuralancs
with said ordinance, and will lose further
large sums of money If he continues to diso
bey his said duty ns he threatens to do. and
will be otherwise. wrcatly damaged. for all
which yoar petitioner has 00 specific legal
remedy. Your petitioner.therefore, prays the
Court to issue a mandamus to the said An
drew J. Cochran. Treasurer of the city of
Pittsburgh, commanding him to deposit all
moneya now In his possession. custody or
control, and all moneys which nine hereafter
come Into bin possesslon. custody or control.
In the Iron City National Hank. the Allegheny
National Hank. and the National Trust (Nan
pany. keePing the nmount in each upon early
coati' as rah be done, to be drawn war
, rams or checks drawn by himself and counter
signed by the Controller and not otherwise.
. RENY Cocain - , S. S.:
BefOre me. personally appeared. itobert J.
McGowan. Controller of the city of Pitts
-1 burg h ) who. being duly sworn. say s the
farts et forth . in the foregoing petitition are
trite a he-verily believes.
Jso W. Wit.r.r. 1t..1. MC6OI, AN.
Notary Public. City Controller.
Before this case Is settled , the probabilities
arc that there will be more trouble. than 3
Writ of . timiohinms. that the Treasurer will
have to contend with.
• The following it a copy ofa document which
has been circulating for sereral days. and to
which k appended the signatures al a number
of member of Councils. and We arc informed
that it will be presented at the meeting U.
day. It needs no explanation:
Ti the f for,“rable, the Saul ma Comma i 'mo
rals ~f the eltu ~f Pittsbairoh. Patinsvimmx
The undersigned members of your Honora
ble body respectfully represent that they are
advised and believe and expressly charge that
A.J. Cochran. Treasurer of raid city. has com
mitted and is guilt; of o ff ences, which in our
opinion Justify his dismissal trios omen. And
we do, therefore in our official capacity m
members of wad Councils, as directed by the
city ordinmeec relating to city offences. Pass
ed March 2a. Ital. settlon a, present and prefer
the following specifications of the offences of
which he Is gulityand the time and place when
and where committed. .
Ctis.i. In this. that the said A. J. Cochran.
Ta.......e.-- ... .1.... vv.... ..... , • —.........-
tbe City of Pittsburgh. and within one year
last past. has violated the nrovisions of the
sixty-second :tad sixty-third sections of the
mai the General Assembly of this Common
we a, passed March 31. Vial entitled -An
act LO consolidate. 13,111< end amend the penal
laws of this Commonwealth." and has and did
enter into a contract. undastanding or agree
'Zinent with certain tanks. corporations. Mil
Monis. or associations Of indtuds, where
' he was to sad did derive benefit. gain and
a ventage from the depositing with the said
...b nks, corporations, individuals or associa
"ll ns of Individuals. certain public money of
Id city of Pittsburgh. then under his official
c study and rootro i l as z -r v . r .m g , . vii c 0 ,,,,,.. :i
TAdoiTit• tgltr . bitirZt:- i t ts e ollic7nl anfdl reel qrs:
"The Allegheny Nations] Hank of Pittsburgh,"
Its officers and directors: an° "The National
Trust Company - of Pittsburgh. - its officers and
&mud. In this, that the said A.. 1. Cochran.
s such City Treasurer. has disobeyed and re
fused to obey carrying into effect and .biding
1 by the provisions of an ordinance of said city
passed the 7th dap of February, A.D.1160,
entitled, "An Ordinance to provide for the
safekeeping and the Bustody of the fonds of
the city." and tans failed, neglected and refused
to place and deposit teethe credit of mid city I
in ,the "Iroo City National Bank of Pitts-
buterh,'"-The Ally
Negated Bank of
Pit sburgh," and "The National. Trust Com.
pan i c: Pitteiburgh," al rie men of money. to.
wit over the sum of threehitudred thousand
dal , the money of said city, in his officio)
cuetody, at the time ofthe passage of said or.
dinance, and which has since that time come
Into his °facial coetody. the said named banks
or corporations being the duly elected mod
a ,.. mieLeglecit p o r r o l4s .i f o o r r . th p e r f t e h n e d44.4 said e
After the above ha* been read the following
resolutions will be presented:
Noodled. That A.J. Cochran, Treasurer of
the City of Pittsburgh, be placed upon trial
upon the charges this day presented arralted
him, and eigned by membm of the Councile
of said city, and that said trial be proceeded
with, without unreasonable delay, as directed
by section 3 of the ordinance of said city.
passed march Mb ties, relating to city officers.
Bewared, That lion. Jared M. Brush. Mayor
of said city, be. and he is. hereby directed,
from time to time, and as often as required by
the City Solicitor, or the triers appointed by
the foregoing resolution, to:lssne imbecenio
and compulsory process to compel the atten
dance of witnesses. and the production of
books ar , ss z l , &acre twelve saki triers.
Meese et du Muf the pending of said
t e . '?:Cochrane be, and hen here
by:*th sa
suspended from °Moe as Veneerer of the
City of Pittsburgh, and that Samuel A 11.121.
der, Eppointed sti., he, and he Is here4y. designated
and a to take theme of unite of
said City Treasurer, and discharge the the duties
of the same out Interim.
Mrsolord, That the Controller be directed at
oath to give notice to "The Allegheny Nation
al Bank.". "The Iron City National Bank."
"The National Trust Company." and all other
bank. ot depositoriee who bare now in their
custody or control any money of said city.
that the moneys now in deposit in said banks
or depositories to the credit of A. J. COChIIIO,
is the fund. of geld city. and not to pay the
same out except upon checks drawn by the
City Treasurer and counterslreed by the City
Controller, according to law. and it said banks
o notagree to or do not comply with said
once, that then the City Solicitor be, and he
s hereby directed to at once apply for an in
unction to restrain said banks or depositories
m paying over on the individn-
I check, draft or order of said A.. 1. Cothrar
The Fourth Biennial Cerrunnatko of North
.!merino Turner*lrslou.
- - - '
At the last Convention of this body at Bos
ton, Massachusetts, on the 3d of May. I. it
was mowed to bold the next Convention in
this city on the MO of May, LPL A majority
of the delegates arrived Satitrdaye , and were,
In behalf of the Plttatetrgh Turner Society,
whose imesto they_ are.':fortaally reoeived
Turner - Hall by C. F. Bauer, Esq.. editor of the
The Dist seselon of the Convention was held
in Turner Hall yesterday morning at 10
oclock, Mr. Bpi Imo. Clevela n d . ork, presiding.
and Mr. Drierfeld, of acting Secre
A Committee of five was appointed to exam
bie the credentials of delegates. This Cone
mlttee reported that twenty districts were
represented by forty-five delegates. Report
accepted and Sled.
The election of permanent officers for the
Convention was then taken up are resulted as
President: Mr. Y. Lackner. Chicago.
Vice-President: Mr. B. Hummel, Of Spring
field, Minols.
Secretary: Mr. T. R. liellmann. of Baltimore.
Assistant Secretary: Chas. Duerfeld of
Mr. Rommel on taking his seat remarked.'
how flattering It was for Illinois to furnish so
lam a numner of officer,
not may at tbe
white House at Waskinilton.. but also for this
convention. [Laughter.
It wee moved that tb • body trend by tele
graph gmeting to the Facile Terriers' Union
new lasi:ask.: at Merl - Irvine.•Cialtdn ita •
er Serieeliede introduced a rise
ecritiening expressions of sympathy
in Reference to the 'Decoration of graves of
Union soldiers' to take place In this city on
t h e 30a of May. Mr. C. Y. Bauer moved that
the Convention tri a body participate In
the celebration..ft# l . l ..
The members then proceeded to an apart.-
went in the second story of Turners' Hall.
where an excellent dinner was In readires for
th gthe deem= our German guests in
fgr e N mr.• r -cuotegener E hgtrror be
where a good eleirof tue city could be
The members of the Convention will meet at
Turner Hall at nine o'clock Ms morning to
participate in the ceremonies of laying the
corner stone of the Soldiers* Monument.
General Amaembly—Fourth Day'aProrredlngs
--Addreaare" Correaponcllna Ileframes—
The Canada Prealllerlan Church-- VII A&
•aeate fae
The Angetably met at nine n'eltatk M.. `at
tattay and was called fowl - dm - Sy the Mc ittra
A half hour was spent iu devotional est., '
cises. c•inducted by Rev. F. M. 4 'non .
The roll of - delegates. was called and about
three hundred responded to their nioneii. -
The unnuti , of the preceding session were
then read and approved.
Mr. William Getty moved to reconsider the
notion to adjourn from Saturday afternoon to
Monday at two o'clock. adopted at a iirevlons
session. The motion was adopted and' the
Assembly agreed to meet at the regal tr
nine ti clock Mondal'•
Some informal business was transacted. lifter
which the Assembly procei•ded to the on!,
of the day, which was hearing the addresses
of eurrospouding'ilelegat es.
S. Harris. Rain the General Spied tif
the Reformed Church In America, seas intro
duced. and said
Ile cat 1e frum that ancient I . hurch. bearing
its congratulations to this Assembly. He
hoped that this matter of .icesing corre ing delegates was nut a ne formality. Ile
was familiar with the history of the r. P.
Church. and test:acted it for its adherence to
the principles of grace. -Ile supposed that
many present were familiar with that church
he had the honor to represent. It Was furni
rly known as the Reformed .Dutch Church.
but at the toasting of the General Synod in
FAL the word—Dutch - wiordroppoi. and the
church wws now • known an the • Itoformed
Church .1 North America. The Ma:trines of
the church were Calvinistic, and its govern
ment was Presbyterian.
The spealtsr then went into a history of the
slouch government. The church was not large.
but It had been iitiondantly blessed. It num
bered Di churches. G 4 minister, 3";.7.11 faint
lies, ;Mt NS.: 9.1 member , The 'fund raised for
benevolent purposes last year was tarstiAiii. be.
speak for cuogregational purPoss ,
Thq r referred to the work of the
church in reference to education. idssidtad were
subscribed last rear for the endowment of
Rutgers Corge; N.A.. and }UMW was con
tributed me individual for the eddoisment
of aprofa r iosirship in the Theological Mimil Mt.
Ite said that he did nut come !ruin hie
S y nodyo with any proposition .on union. Ills
church was in favor ofunion. but he
iii not
think they were yet ready fur organk
flex. Timms 31arphersoni of the Canada
Presbyterian Church. mea , mmt introduced.
Ile referred . the .presenee of Her. Ur.
Willis. President of Knox College. and re
gretted that busine s s IMO called e him; May. I
Ile not e gate ha frodi his d beyn ni tioirch n
o pointed corres
beepause ondin he g del,
. was
mre able to m1,1'175.19 'this Assembly than
others.mbut beenuse of hit temp thy of feeling
with the C. I'. Church. lie was horn and
mired in Sent land: The speaker then entered
‘ll3Oll detailed history of the Canada Presby
terian Church. In referring to ('talon. he
that he did not filmir general organic union.
•After the union of the o f of Ulster and
the Secession Cluireh.of Ireland. the inho.lon.
ary Work had la,.t carried on wore favorably
than before. It was after this million that tie
was sent .as talssionary• to the British
North Smerimm. . .
There are now 2IW ministers la the Canada
Prosldderinn Church. and it I. the only dour'
that is making any progress in Candig TI
speaker went into detailed itatestical e.t tr
111 t of the affair. of the t ?motto Church
Auporison with the r. P. Church.
"t'XtTKn WE STAN v.
Rer..lohu ItteNtaster. D. IL. tittlegote . 10
the 6euer.,lSYned of the itoronnea Pre.?
teri:tu 11190.h...te11, then IttlroOor01:-.Ite
Sioderattir, Fothern and Wet hero: I aim,
refire You to-then as a deingote of the Genet
et nod Reformed Presbyterian ('harsh in Sort,
America. and in their name, and in their be
half extend to you her, kind greetings and
(lirintian iodination, We feel it deep intermit
in your Assembly hits progress and pr
Why shrub' we not? We are near akin.
- We have the slime ancestry. We have the same
mother, the l'oaenanting church of Scotland,
which spring out of the Second Reformation.
which wax the day of her greatent parity.
When the Revointion settlement took lila,.
the Stuart family were burled (taint the throne
mid William nod Mary ere Plneed on the
throne. A portion of the church claimed to toi
the followers of Conterion. Cargill nod others,
who dirt not enter into the thatch of Scotland.
In flit? McMillan and Marine orgonited the
Reformed Presbytery of Scotland. of • which
the general Synod of the Reformed Presby
terian Church I+ the lineal descendant. Ten
yearn before thin a secession hail token place
front the Established church of Scotland. The
first mistake Won made at this time. [ Those
ministers and people who . mof -the
chnrch of Scotland sitodld have ft rnied one
church. Con parotively. there was little then
atom. Tiler should have conic together and
rganised church that would have stood
' , bit. lir side with the establishment. Thin 41t1
not take ple. C hurch a ore not Our ways:
The Mice a ns c ion r continued to do its
work in itsr. way. But God sifted the na
tio, ur the t lid World that he night plant
the best seed in the New World. Ire took
the pi ecious seed rif theNe chile ihes mot
planted it in thin country. These. churches
aftewards united and formed the Associate'
Retortion! Church II! North America. All the
ministers and people did not go Info tole
union. Thin was— the second mistake. From
that time there weure three churctimi instead
of two, :11111 each are beat ou doing Its on
truck JO own Wily. In INS! the Refortned
Presbyterian Chnrch took the iative In
cure a basin upon nrhich the three chamber
could dolte. In 1W his church. unhappil
within - from the convention. In thin the
other t 1 - 0 churches formed a union. under
'which his - Assembly, which be'had the honor
of addressing, .had lengthened her cords and
strengthened her stokes sad was stretching
forth the curtalii of her habitations. lit wan
hi favor of withdrawing. The leading remain
ran that the illiter a - disinters ot the 11/omit ,
into unkat. and he OM not like to leave them
m has in flit cold. He was then
Rut the withdrawal as a mistake. His
churrh should harp remitintd In the Conven
tion Nadi framed r brim on which ail yill.l
unite. Thry. eel
in regard.lle re
gretted the ittor. tie would take a n o ther
course The best thing they r do
j null
wsas o look hack oilthe error.; of Ow
that they tnLght.natert in the flan, Ins.
e.itirtire of his ,harsh refusing hoer ~,,, ooit ,
egotlation for amen. !es , of nani,term
.•ane af Inernher• left /Fe sa. ode
Inc(.[ormed) onneefed with his
l. ievaitiy pi, eon the its, oft
Or. McMaster then referred to this negotia
tions for union sitter Pak!, in all if which. cern
to that of the two Assemblies last year. in the
city his Church had token the intive. •
The General St nod of the
for eßeformedP
htrinn Church tool nimbi special Rri4Asal
nniou In 1.4. It wan his a
impresstral that
the Cnlted Presbyterian General Assembly
and the General Sy noil of. the Reformed Pres
byter!. Church •shonlil unite to prent ,
united front to oppose a coninion foe m . lie
felt sorry that the frfendo of union had been
noted down in his kynial. The opponents of
Union in his Synod NIIV they will continue in
their own way. and the heg of the
Church into the Millennium!" .
There are those WhO may nut in. willing to
take this imurse. tle did not speak ant bolts-
Goofy. but he thought the mtnnritr of Seined
walla aid independently. lAlipitiuse.l The
rcomn was not that her. loved the Reformed
Prestbyterien Chart . lees but thecannot of
Cbriat more. litenewectismilause.l Their ai•-
be lion
thin Asarlionwould depend nth On the ed t coliree taken
mbly. 1 e cono . wishing
the A"miitily grace. merc cludy
and trace from
God the Father and the I.ord Jesus Christ.
FOOM THE liPritenatc fittrlictl.•
Itev. .1. 11. Stukenburg, represtmtative
the Eynngelleal Lutheran t hurch of the
United Iffates—
Mr. Stuckenburg said that it might scent
btrange - t hat a dlegitte fro n bdy not
In n it. n doct e rine sho u ld be o called upon)
to address this body. yet he Mil not feel out of
Once. The Assembly wits doubtless familiar
with the history of the Reformation and the
part which Martin Luther took it It. 111,
l - Giirch was not
hersbrong thk w eer u in
o nit-Winn lands its membersr num
bered ho Million•. The church was grentlY
divided In thin country. The branch he more
'netted mons Om moot Ilbeml, nnd It Wag not.
therefore strange that 0 proposition should
coine from his church to t Assembly.
The simaker rave a brief statinticid state
. ment of the affairs of his church. • Ile then re
fermi to the subject of organic union of the
churches, and held that aceonllng to the
teachings of his curch there wan orrenic un
ion of all Chrintian h churches, Ile concluded bv
saying that the next Genet - al"i n ynmi of his
church would meet one year hen Ce. at Dayton.
Ohio. and he trusted tight thin Asketubly would
be ri.presented there. •
The Moderator. at the conclusion of Mr.
Stuckenberg's remarks, responded to the re
notrks of the delenrntes in a letigtbY and ni' -
proprlate addrens. extending to them and the
bodies they reprenented.the greetings of tho
The -Assembly then united=ln singing the
Forty-fifth Psalm.
Her. A. G. Wnllnce tnnved to adjourn, to
meet on Monday tnornlng. at ft o'clock.
The meeting then adjourned with prayer by
Dr. tirnyson.
M. 411,1.1% IL 1101011 AM, of the I '0111111.11(11, J.
o.Plebeneek, of the Chnodele, Joseph A. Lore.
of the Post, T. P. 'Houston. of the GAZZTIT
and several ladles, leave title city to-day,
the Pan Boodle Railroad. for Cincinnati, Iron
whence theygo to lominville. The party
will be largely . increased on the route br other
delegates to the annual meet log of the Western
Associated Press, to be held in the lost named
city on Wednesday. Visits to the Mammoth
Core and other points of interest in Kentncky
are 'contemplated by the excursionists, after
the business of the Association is COM
enl 3 , z. l, 7 l . ll l.l Xt a l ' o‘ r- Vint h s o l7,ll, l T7V , T * r a, ;ll:i ' o n t:
Jmtx W. PITMCK. Ecu.. proprietor of the
Lauber, has Just-consummated the purchase of
.11uilock" press. which will be the first of
these rapid working nieces of melting:ay west.
of the Alleghenies.
JOHN H. KrAR., ESQ.. left theclty
this morning for Mercer. Pa. where he de
livers an address on Becoratfon do; ut the
Fcquest of Post No. Ile G. A. R.
The following gentlemen have been appoint
ed to preside over the ceremonies* the mon
'omen% on Sendmire Hill to-day:
President—Barclay Prestop, Es q.
\'lee Preslderde—J. K. Moorhead, F. K. Bra
not,,Lee S. Smith, Samuel McKee.Jamen Park,
Jr., John Watt,M.S. Burgher. Wm. A. Collins,
Wm. Thaw, J. W. Pittock, Alex. Murdoch,
Will Blakely, Stanton Limhstnetter, Dr. Ed
and Cmbst.tter,lJitmes I'. Barr. John Bar
ton. T. P.. Houston, Captain 3. T. Stockdale
Alex. Chambers. J. R. MeCtine4lugh McNeill
John A. Wier. J: C. Patterson and Charle,
Plrrananrin, Juno 1, INTO. •
We, the undeslgned Wholesale Dry .Good
Houses, do hereby agree to Close our respect-
Ire places of busluees from the above date
to Sept. Ist. 1670.1 at the hour of 6 e. st. and
on Saturdays at 1 p. st.:
CARR.. MCCANDLESS k CO., JAailsox& Co..
D. flown & CO..
• 31c,}71.n0r, DiCsuonc & Co—
Amur, MYtall k ALLISON. '
The Bprleg Meek of 'Henry IR. Hale, Mel ,
cheat Tailor, at. corner of Penn avenue and
Sixth street. la non . large and complete. Mon
sieur noupaln continues to prealde et the cut
ting. If
sifonereer Cetbanle used In all case
Instead of pulls. castor oil,. cpsem anits,Sc
Highly flavored. Twenty-TIVe cents. Try It
Sold by all druglsts. .
The-Old -Gazette' Building 1 .... 11 .b. — The
-Evening Mall,. Jackson, Moore & Co.'.
Job Office and Irwin . . Book Bindery Burned
—Lose About 820,000.
About half-past eleven o'clocklrot night a
lire broke out in the press room of Jackson.
Moore k Co.'s job - office, In the old Gaurrre
building, on Fifth acenne. near :Smithfield
street. by which the building was seriously
damaged and its contents destrof&d. The
damage to the building will not exceed
THE IsribUlNG•_
The building. which Ives n four story brick
structure. erected fifteen years logo. and .was
occupied br the GAZETTE until last April. dilate.
Which time it has been occupied by the Erett
ill Mall.JaCkson, Moore & CO:a Job o face and
I rwin's book bindery. _
0101010 Or TIIE EIRE..
The fire. as stated before, originated in the
Frets room of the Job Office. which scat none.
awry shed In rear of the. Main building, and
from all the indications onust have been the
work of an Incendiary. Tile Mont woo closed
Saturday night at twelve o'clock, at which
tittle there was some tire In-tge furnace, but
as that was in the cellar. it could not possibly
have originated there. There wail ro the .111
r about the press rootn after that tone, unless
was carried, there by some one who had no
:giltil to be there. '
tone minutes elap4d niter the cry of the
before the alarm was sounded from the cen
t rid bell. and by the time the engines arrived
on the ground the ninnies had made midi
grans In the old building. 'The shed In which
It originated was completely dentroved. and
great. volumes of names were seining from
the windows of the first, second and third
stories of the buck part of the building, and
before a drop of water had been thrown. the
desontring element had reached the fourth
story. The attention of the firemen w. di
rected to that portion of the building, but In
tcw minutes aftersent.l the front building
s discovered to he In fiancee also. Red en
' rapid' AVi. the progress 01 the name , that
scrcely anythtug was saved.
.I.lekbull, Moore S Co., Job Printers. who uc
cupled part of the first :mil the third Hours.
the fanner its a businens office and Press Pmm
to sat
as composing rimin.entimate
their loss at about 110,000. Their German type
were all destroyed and a large itunntitY of the
English job type was injured nu much as to he
worthless. Their anal! presses were also n
'twill inns, and a large new
ci r ricylendPress
hich t her put In a few week. since emit
ut dt.eion wino. couniderably damngeil. A con
sidemble portion el the stock which was to
the counting room. with the safe containing
the honks and papers 01 the firm was saved.
There was nn insurance on the office and
ntock of $10.1.00. divided equally between the
Alleinanirt sod Merchnntilatid Mechanics Cloo.
The Esysang Moll eytabi tsh iwcuplrn editorial
owned by
Caldwell. Ereh Co.. d art fte 1
lir. floor us a i.o
counting and edit p orial o moo h t
and the fourth door of the rear building an o
run posing .
osing room. Their loss will probably
re ach row. nd w fully covered by Mier
once, but we could not ascertain In whet
compattlei. he books and papers of the
firm were pro eddy saved; as they were in a
.ate in the countiug room.
•TIIC 11000 utanenr• - • • •
Mr..I.A• Irwin occupied the front part of
the fourth story of the building an a book
bin.h[ry, and we are informed had a first class
.•.tehlishinent, including much valuable ma
chinery, albs( which was destroyed. We were
unable to [rennin whether he had any
ranee , m bin esl.lthinannent or net, or whet
he. idol.. his loss at..
THE Mar [Men ItTMENT. •
Mr. John If. Here, tide( Engineer of the vol
unteer tire department NV. on the gn.und,
1 and did active service. as he a(wars does On
such occasions. The firemen.after getting net
tled .10 W 0 to their work properly worked wel.•
but at the beginning there was an apparant
lack of . method or system int their operations.
which indicated the nece.ity of fbe speedY
organitat {ono f the new department. We do not
bay this fo the purpose of reflecting upon
the brave m
en. who. for many ean[.
have Ri t a en their tittle gratituousiv to
the city.sed themselves and . risked
their lives In the protection of the property of
our citizen., or to detract from their merits as
In the least, nor do we think under
the circumstances there would be much room
for redeeming or fault endlog If they should
refuse to Are any more. The. companies are
vie/tunny broken up and disbanded. and there
it no inducement for them to work. Are
woold therefore urge upon the Fire' Commis
[don the necessity of a speedy . organisation of
the none department.
Messrs. Keeps .0 Caldwell the enterprising
proprietors of the Mail, have the hearty sym
pthy of th e entire community in the heave
loss and inconvenlince which they sustained
front the ere. However. they sre.Primful of
energv.and the publication of there spicy pa-.
per will not be long suspended. If it does not
appear this afternoon. •
Heal Estate Transfers.
The lotion lug are t bedevils nsbultte•l of re
cord In the Office of 'humus 0. Hunter, Re
corder for Allegheny county, Thursdny. May
Johnston ',filet! to Elisabeth Eave. August
0. lisar. ninety-six by one hundred snit twen
ty feet. Dennlston'seven., Twentieth
ward.. Pittsburgh ...
Richard E. !treed to John Hoffman. May 23.
MU, two lots of ground. Breed's plan. Ile-
Keespott .4.300
John .1— -McKee to Jitines lirowne. April 1.11.04
three acres of land lu -Itoblnson township.
John A. tet-Zig to James Browne. June 5.-
Itsgl. three norms and fitty-ntne Pea 7 e - hes of
Inu‘t tn Itoulnson township .... slg.
Julio Pherer ./ I %. , 4 ; trisclos, Sinr-sis"i t
i.nevelt street. .fllegheny. Wh ' ol.lrlltig i R
Thomas S. Maid.• to christ. cutiorwr. April 1,
I sno. ouv lot of groitild. MAP:" , Mnn.ik*A;
John W Wiley t•• John It, Rennet. May I 1.
dineteeni tohundred feet. lls
Itivu .tr id-t one Sma
S ret.Sh,ll. to J. W. Wiley. Mnrch
rattle as above . •
h Herron. to Janie, Richer. lint It, 1 1 1 1 .
forty 101 ;w hundred feet on Orleans street.
". 1) . 1 b 3. gr:e t 4e S itut d ' t;t i llee k
street. Rlpolutrgh. .
t'. , ... . . • itSla
John 11. age to T. ET. May in, In%
t5,010t,,, or ground in Page's plan. Ilirtning
bah; ; . • . 50
.I,,taiNerswker to George Mitreh 3 1 .
Is% t s not., of font In Robinson
tostnship. With buildings • .. • 13.011
John Blythe to A. Burns. January I f IS3I. one
half acre In Versailles township,, ten d
lugs .
- FRIDAY. May 27 , Ida
)1. tI. Brown to Mark Ituane, )larch .1. MO.
Si by 140 feet In - village of
tieorge Brehm to Joseph Spelgle. March 24, '3l.
1 1 0 acres rind NU perchew of land In Snow
ell township. with buildings . 1310303
It. )leftinvild to Alexander King. May
I.'lo. IR by Ili) feet on Mena Vista street.
Allikhene. with buildings...... .
Joseph V. Rerr toSlkson ICi,ble. April 15. 1511/.
111 by :Xi feet on Miller street. Pittsburgh.
with buildings $3.115
.13001 Toiner to J. V. Kerr. )IAF 25. tar. lamp
Robert McCready to Thortint C. Meal. Feb. 0.
Irds. MI notes of land in Ohio township with
buildings . 2 ... . •.. •.• • 440 0
Samuel How , to Wa,. Guano:trim May 11 3 , 1710.
I lots of gronnd. Youngs 111a1,1001r11sbu
Wm: Harden to Caleb Edmunson. March as.
tWarres end 11 teaches if land in For
ward township, with buildin g... ti,153
George Eichler to Ptephen Bent r. Feb. 12,'6„
—2) W IEO feet on Troy 14111 Until . Cin
John .t. Latimer to Charles .d Fred. Hess,
May 26. track of land in Chart %erg
F 4 tp.
• .00 0
..... . .... .
clehopega to John Mactler.
1570: 2 acre:: .d 551perche of land in Indi
ana to.. with buildings .. ••• • .. $ l,O
neat &after: Real Entail.:
A. Leggnte. Auctioneer. ..Ites attention
to the following sales of tit residences and
of city and stihnrEan lots:
On Mond.. May 30th, at 10 o'clock, the go&
ten room dwelling No. 55 Monterey street.
and four adjoining vacant lots. twenty-one
'by elxty feet.
tM Mondny. May 'filth; tit 11 o'clock, several
lorge lots on Winker street and Clifton
avenue, formerly known us Breed's Orove,
On Tuesday. .ley 31st, at 2 o'clock, the pro
perty of J. Gardner Come, on Bidwell street.
near Western avenue. consisting of lot slaty
by two hundred and. ten feet, with large
dwelling house; stable. carriage house and
ornamental grounds. Also, three vacnot lots,
each tignty-flve by two byndred and ten
On Wednesday. June Ist , t 2 o'clock, the
residence of Mr. Kahn, No:130 North nvenne.
a line location.
On Thursday. June r. 4. at ^ o'clock, the
loot:. nod lot No.. 15a `Sandusky street, near
Ohio street. Allegheny; lot twenty-ilve by
nintr feet; house, a two-story brick of nine
1 . 0111,
tin Thursday. June 241, at 4 o'clock, it fine
site of one and n half acres on pluck -Lane,
near Hilldnle Cemetery . .
Full pnrticulars of these Important soles at
Leggate's office, No. IMO •lederril Street,
.311egkeny •
Denature! Coaitry ßileare
For sole, within twenty-tiveminittes' drive
of l'lty Hall and only six Minutes' walk
from Laughlin fir Franketown station on
the Cmindlsvillelltailroad. There are be.
tween stria and 'eight acres of ground in
the very', highest l.tate of cultivation and
luid out the mdet —tasteful manner, by
an expert in that line, In walks , drives,
de. It is acknowledged, by persons famil
iar with thin and all the leading proper
ties adjacent to the city, to have thil very
finest veriety of fruits in this part of the
country, such as apples, peaches, pears,
plums, cherries, quinces, apricots, nectar
ines, grapes, &c., and an endless variety
of 'garden vegetables, flowers, dtc.,anci the
great Variety of shrubbery and shade
trees, eome of them very rare, is unsur
palmed by any other place In thin part of
the country. The vi w of the city, the
river, and the whsle mntry around, is
varied and truly Magni cent. The house
is a cottage, very conve iently arranged,
and the gardener's hou Is very hand.
some and well gotten up also, a good eta
hie, carriage house, &c. There are two
wells and one spring of h e very best wa
ter, delightfully cold. d also a very
large underground cis rn, with pump.
&c. The vegetable gard nis now full of
fine vegetables, many of e now ready
for use. There are many' attractions too
numerous to mention, such as patent
swings, &e. It is' certainly the' most de
sirable place now for sale In this part of
the country, and must be seen to be ap•
predated, for there are many attractions
that are really too grand ter description
without seeing them. This very desira
ble prdperty will be sold low and on rea.
'minable terms. The neighborhood is ex
cellent, and, in short, cannot be surpassed
in any other part of the country. For
further information inquire of C. H.
Love, 58 Fourth avenue.
0;a: of the most extraordinary instances
of fenacity'of life is recorded in late Eng
lish papers. A woman died at the age of
for-sox, w'
from the age of two years,
had been confined to her bed—an idiot.
blind, and terribly 'deformed—and vet in
such a state as never to have suffered nor
acute pain. and never to have required
medical aid. Bread and cheese and ale
were her accustomed food, and 11, Appe
- tile was unfailing and her digestion per
fect; so that she is said to have passed her
time—if such a thing can be conceived—
pleasantly and happily. She died eud
tienly and unexpectedly, after her astral
supper, passing off, as it were, in a sleep.
A:1;00-mortem examination revealed the
'remarkable facts, that her chest was de
formed and her heart at n considerable
distance from its natural position, being
very large and a mess of fat, with no mus
cular tissues. The
WAS doublyeurvtd,
eurved, the bones were limeless and ph
able, and other organs of - the body were.
out of place and deformed. The head was
.misphapen, and contained two quarts of
water. - It is marielous that such a mal
formed being co Id have lived at all, but
that life shouldtaro been prolonged as it
Was in this cas . and ,1111 enjoyed, is a
physical phen tenon .
which we . think
must be with , ut parallel. It is painful
to realize that the flesh in which we live
in heir to such ills; and the contentplation
of such n sightless, mindless, shapeless.
aimless, profitless existence,sets at naught
all. t henries of creation and of Providence.
II AI IL Ab l ,
Kidder St. IVetheqii's Raven Ink
The beat Indelible InCk In thinarket. /3
cents ben botfle. rive bottle
warranted or .0 rare.,
Genuine. French Glove Cleaner,
Foi Cleaning Ki tiloyene. For eels
Patent Medicine and Perfume Depot,
Bell and Brass Founders,
Made Promptly to Order
Made and Kept on Hand
.ndmialont and MarolfactUrefs of
.1. M. Cooper's Improved Balance Whee
Odfne—MAIPRRN Prritrisr..Youndry — Curner
17111 old RAILROAD NTIDIFFS. Inuabwit.
Summer Millinery,
locludlny enurel• Dam
11 .1107.-v r LAcce.
Mrs: k‘=_; C. Bol?b,
.d Other',
Tile undersi c rued ban letters lama of , the tro
t. State. Mr the Improved re...traction of
eather-hoarding. to lining and of widoitoS
Mr houses: The weether.tusa.reor... I,g.aiAZ,..!.
1.7..7 - cli.Tuie7l4e.l% Vituy and
besotr of appearance: sod it Is iso I instri.cled si,
to entirely avoid the use of joint Mies. and to
borers:it water from entering the Jo it of the IMP
leg or the showing of the joints' by the action of
the weather on the timber.
Inside Itnlng and walnacoUng by thinnew method
ere so ountructed - as to form vet panels
m cheaply as 01 the ordinary drawl
thereby prevent!. the nhoenna of t iMlnt "" f ° D n ein '
ana . ca h szeazd I . 7=n Jr:
r oteii fort tt .,
it norturamly Lown as the I ," to
!mantle,. '
Ite has dispo Allegheny following tertitorlsl rind
shop rights in county, Mr both patents.
to wit, .
To . A. MundorlY. the right of the territory
Toof the river in mid conntl.
To blefluewan k Wheless. the right for the First,
, ward, Pittsburgh. !
To 11111. ralmrson A Co, shop-rights for then':
mill. Sixth want Pittsburgh.
To Alex. McClure. for the borough of ,Meltem.
71 . PILdIPT A Paul. for El.. Delved. Third and
F T ' o r' ll ' eratAge r rl f aiNsMirat . t their mill In Per
ntlyteant. city of Alleaneny. .
To Dunham. ca n A Co.. for thg boroughs ol
nd atrimit and lanai alnothe townships of Shller
All promos are wanted am.. latrine. olio.
either of said patent. , and those within; toper
vb.° will plea ro alii , or. a ddre s s me. at Nu. 73
emithlietd Street. Pittsburgh. P._
re t. C. ANDERSON.
fluceesstits to WORKMAN. MOORE & CO
rant:lvry and Dealers In
Carriages, Buggies,
12, 11, lb and 18 13eayer SI., Allegheny.
Repairing neatly and promptly executed. Or
ders tor New Work gotten n
in maid et le end
warranted to Rise utlefaction In evert par ti cular.
. ff - Ll ° 7.taV l s ° , " . ` r rb°,.."4,7 1 „7 w m),h4td c . „..,.
WIT'. mi , of SARVlnta ' rk - rara n T 'gnaw.;
and Rapp's Patent Quirk Shifter and Anti-Battler
for Shrank
11. RICHARD DAVIS having marhased the In.
Into'fAle.:*"itik rxr.,%.!°b,11;11:1:111
be continued St the old stank under the
name and style of WORKMAN DAVIS. Orden.
• ilTnitcli2TDlVll4_,.
leas with Clasen.' Naßonal Rank. Plttabunnt.,.
Pittsburgh Utility Works.
Corner of ,Juniala and Falloll, Streets,
Sixth Ward, Allegheny....--
Manufacturers of STAPLE HARDWARE and all
We tender our Goods and stowlees to the ITade
at the Lowest Prices. and warraut all our work
Wailfully finished. Orders solicited.
The attention of Dealers errantly is called to
Addroe.: ntuburse P.trece. mrkatl
Livißg§9ll & Co.,
Uitta INotil. OW' specie% Loom Joint tts
BX=Ut uttghirra wern.h.r',..7.!.
Welke sod Works, near Outer Deiat A ' Allegteui
"wag, satire., Luck Box 304, nu.
Sealer of Weights and Measures,
14£011,GE HEFLICK,
FULToN STAFLT. corner of Webttmr by.
buy. A ll
order.• All kinds of runt'taro fepalred bpd--
dlsbed. •
defers by patalStidd to ilavld.Alld
Carpenter and Builder,
pmgmtly attend to ell kings ofjobbizork.
OU and water tankigesdetto order. N 0.17 North
cornerweeder street, Allegheny,
Mods of fresh Oh are received doll st
La. Puleresal.pOurder.dib stand,blo. 413 Dts.
ood )(amt. rittsburun. and At. LIAO Tutu City
Sead Ababa.) OM ccuber Tedeobi and Ohio
woe eroatieuee I the business so.
. tgo , ,orsys ban ou band dret class aricle.
Hueout sell Wittie r = Black
i a. ",„ will Miura a • I=7 411 , 7::
eile-nr-notall. All orders abed promptly.
•.- • -
'Tr NOTICE.-A. P. .1.-NO SUR.
RENDEIt IMIN;F:. N. I, ' , III meet In Hall
Iland and I.lbertY Wee!, on 31, , N DAY
tit. wt 8:43 1. `t.. to pnrlntiotte In the It,
stone at !ioldler,. Monument
ler of W. 31
rf""' NOTICE.—.I.I'. A.—The lark or
hi. Chief 31rtralud of net. 11. A.. frt.
lltoburgh. 1011 rep ,, rt on MONDAY MORNING
nt 91, "'cluck. and tb."e frotu Allegheny .cl Mr-
Inlngheou at II o'clock at the lee knitted plan ,
wt. blue Maralted nub and red. nllt..and blue
sOI MarOol.
. .
Ily• A. I'. ICE. Lodgexorl h n
-11.01 In this District. in to participate lit
the cenotuonlesco
laying the crner-stone of the
Soldiers' Nintlllllltra ~n Decoration I lay. MI IN DAY.
May 30,111 assemble at their resKetlve lodge
ll.stms at A. H. Lodges In Allegheny
will first march to hall on corner of First and k:ast
streets. and front thence to Neptune hull, Seventh
avenue. Pittsburgh. Dirruinglium and Pittsburgh
Lodges will each after: assembling at their own
march to Neptune Hall. Seventh avenue.
weree Chief Marshal ill take charge - of the
Assoc t iation at 10 o'clock 0. w 3l.
Br order of •
ITENHY IhIIIIL. 1.. 11. G. St.
S. A. JonswroS, Secrete,
N. E. corner of Wood tit. and .tt h Ave.. •
. Pingo:WM.3lov 13d. I 570.1
lir DI IDE I).—The l' resident and
Director. of this Compaor toffs this day
declared a dividend of POUR DOLLARS PER
SHARE on the Capital . Stock of the CaMpany.
eat of the earnings of the last nix mouths, free of
Government tax... Posotble M cosh forthwith.
nistit.Mll JOHN It. LANEY. FtecretorY.
A 31eCtirig of the Stockholder , of the
No. 5 FOURT.;; T IVE., Pittsburgh.
A onsfl.los of Fresh Plne Appl
eelved In good order, and for We WI
lb 530000 0 7 of
20 01
DRAULIC CMIENT: 841 bbls. Calcined
Mater. Fondle by .1. D. CANFIELD.
141 llzat 11.•=1:10.
the Oftlee of the Purepony. on THURSDAY. Juno
Id. 1870. ett 3 o'eltwit r. a.
W. 11. McCI.X.I.I.AND.
Mel 10. 1 tl7O. i
OP Titt'STEES 14 thin l'usupany. until
further wait, the price of Cunt Tar will De
And that of coke sod he four 14.1 Oerthl per bushel
In the pad, and nee 1.1) cents delivered within the
usual bounds.
rnrin 7'rPl6llllVr.
of Pittsburgh will be held on TIII.7RBDAY EVEN
INO. Jnne 9th. et S o'clock. In MUM'S HALL.
No. 141 PIM avenue. for tlie purpose of t amend-
Infjzsgutlon and approval of D7-Lawa.
Er MI IDEM).—Tho Board of DI
RECTORS of the Fifth Avenue Bank hav
this day declared ...dividend ;Mr rbxre. fro
flat June
myl.l 1
Y.. ~11ENc:K, l'ort!lrr.
[CrPUBLIC Nl/7ICE.-71Iitving been
yerydnledd and OAS:qv:Tr:lc INSPEC
TOIL fur Allegheny c• feet!. notice'', hereby fliers
that Imre the neeettery f • Cleo and Ilechtelittl Tett-
.. .. . . .
tug alsehtuarg ou. bo provided. I ..111 be found at
AND PIPE WORKS, Twentf•third street. tier'
Fours. Pittsburgh,
$lOO Bounty Collected
Fur all wilellers who enlisted lietween May 4t sod
July 8 4 ,114. 1861, ultu worn discharged fur disubtl
lty helots *erring two yours. and who hare. hereto-
feriae:silted uo bounty.
The undersigned had retunved hln MI. t 9 GA
TAMPS sadding. cvnner alst avenue and Llntlthnold
Is now prepared to collect char. speere
Up sad at sal/dente rates. Cull on. or addressor - Iln
Malan.. V.
'Claim Anent, (/ AntTrE Building.
Corner ninth avenue und tquithtleld street,
Pthritargb. Pa..
ALI T.pIIVN V. May 1:4• ItY7O.
NOTiCE.—The at:se,;:suient for Gra-
DING and PAVING of Chestwit street, from
north rid. of Geer avenue to the Mechanic street
bided.. also. the for the construction
of • BOARDWALK. Bell avenue. from Federal
street to Willis PLlTtl.are now' ready for examinee
lion ad can be seen at tLite office uptil SATUIie
DAY. June 4th. 11N O. when they will be placed
in the handout the City Controllcrtercollectte . '
CITY CONTIIOI-1-ra'l Orr,cr,
Pgristnon. Pn.. Vitn.,l,lo.
all Wader!. r Orerdon Munletnel Bonds !If
1b C'ltT ti IMtanTur - h. [it r;
-:.'z*,: - ; 1, t,h.Tiov„.lT,;
llurt. tat!. Yniter SIT(1.
S. P. \ SHRIVER &, CO.
Lave rye:ward from their heirand, NMI: 27 and
1 • 29 tiIIITITFIELD, to t Wartime',
Nos. and DI Liberty St.,
Above the heed WOOD IZTRL - 17T. where thee
wilt be ideveeed to met ell their old friends and cue-
egheny Insurance Company
Lea bevi removed from N 0.37 Flll4 •venue. F
ITS 73
Merchant Tailor and Dealer In Gentlemen**
Ruthßhine Goode; elan Gentlemen and 13071 .
Clothing on hand and made to ether at the short
est notice. how remore.l from Ina late nand. No. 03
Fourth avenue. 10 No. 31 WOOD STREET.
owner of Third avenue., •
,t N ORDlNANCE—Authorizing the
openingof Grant alley, from Main Greet en
uniform width of twenty feet to Middle street,
and from said Middle street ma uniform width of
forty feet to the Weetern Penna. Railroad.
erc.l. De it ordained anti enacted or the Bur
authority of the same, That Grant alley. I nthe
Borough of Sharpening be opened from Main
street anuniform wldtn of twenty feet to Middle
street. and from said Middle Greet an - Uniform
width of forty feet to the Weetern Penneylvinsts
liallroad. and that genteel Coyle. Joseph lint and
Joseph Turner.freebolders. be and they are hereby
a t ppointed viewe d ra to view the prejuisie;l:pAritir
e dama(ee,ret of A e rrietretryTairo o verl tint
day of Ilay,isei. entitled ''An Act relative to
Greets Mar City of Allegheny, - and Borough by
set of h 11th. 11770, to tbq of
Sh t=aegu e n;eteu into a In• 2.3 th dal of
May. A. D. 1870.
T. it. Bonze..
Attest: rusgets A. /CMG'. CleG.
N ORDlNANCE—lnthorizing the
. Widening o terminus reet. said
Pine. Creek
Age to eastern of sail street.
300'. 1. Bo It ordained and enacted by the Bur.
f.:74,:glTlTheorlTlnf f el t o h ced ß arl'A t itgeort a lt
thority of the same, y Tnat Rein street. In the y bor.
0.0 of Slusrluburg. from Plan Creek bridge to
autern terminus of said street. be widened an'
uniform width of fifty feet, and that Joseph 'fur.
nor, M. Y. Belisle.. .lid Joeeph Bert, freeholders,
be gmft they are hereby appointed rioters to view
the premises. appridoe the damages, nnd mai; to.
emounents of benefits, as provided by Act of .As
nimbly. approve.% the rest of May. 18411, entitled
"An Act relative to Streets In the ilty of ADO-
Cseny.'' an b d extended hy net of March 11th.
iail t i7sl L i r ;Zia IVlTl b aTiqs ' is 25th day
of May, A. D.lB. 0.
Tali. GIBSON, Burgess.
Atteet; Flawarld A. Krcia. Clerk. rer:Tisal
GRANT ALLEL—The undersigned
appointed Viewers to unless damages and
benefits for the opening of Grant Alley, In the
Borough of sliorroours. will meet °tithe premiGs
June the 9th, at o'eloek A. M., to attend to the
duties of their appointment.
May 94th 1870. •
±ll AIN STREET .— The . un d der a sig s n e ed ,,d
est's: W.= widening t `,4 . !re`iir s ifi's the
PgrihOujYhittVAn.7: l tcolitelA r r l ig:
duties of their appointflgt. E.
JiEl . ll TURNER:
Jr/UE[l'll UAR7'. •
Mal 94th, 387 my'Z:e, o.
ED. BARKER; -Proprietor,
Car. Penn St. and Ilth. formerly old Cana
es lust
t the Tam
Df the Boston Denim( CfeePeAfe make. A full
'ni meet,' of all 01•01.. The teule en pelted at MIIIIIII t g ,
tum prloes. '
CEMENT. -1011 'bbls. Lonisrille fly
dmulte Cement, the best i. lit L e c l N For b,
141 }lnt avenue.
Of New York
indinury PRINCIPAL '
. .
It e 'ol UTELI
r,Pn,:nrgrinen itt
n rinl Inturonen attar
puyinritt. INCONTESTA
BLE for u.ual csu-e..nnd A it, , oLUTY.LY I\CO3-
otter t•••• nnituol preintunte. All re
-11,,n TICA VUI. and •ItY,IItn:NCE re
snored. nnd no permit. requirrd. No ACCUMU
LATION OF IN'nElll,T on Loon, or Deferred
Prumiu !tin] NO Ni 'REA nUnl annual torments
- Int plan.. Ni 'MUTE ‘e r..aucr;•.nlwr •n hr '1 -It
t;;I AN JrF,
and there Is MI ACC LATH iN - TE:REsT
orne. lu'eome :WAX
SUS A `an,. in nb”ut sixteen year, and therunt
ter yield an Income to the P.lter InAder. Lne.
!unit rind endowment punch., ore Issued; an,
' ' SiTri r t7. l ,l”l"r:lle!lgk 'n fit %4 VT:s ' . ll‘l‘ : ' f' 7: yerinst In
87::413,5 ,10 Oil: Premium,. 8309.047
The EliPlltt: ha, I. sued more I,lltles by ocer
tan Tun In ynAit ending April lit. tiat e
than any other Company In thle country In the
b.adar A
iir.noent nF C.‘ P.irtrat. with the nate Trees-
Urf!'o'rlV;l4l,):lt,'tnr'rl'llanblrtf T77ors'AITEMPIItE
lois 61.45 with whleh to par. ' „
Pre+ I.k.All..tttPS
lanatt; active Agent, wont.] everraii ,, e
ern l`ettnnylvanin.
„thee 7.•V r t3 ' 6 ' t'l' f ii r A V S .: }4 . rU n k:. l ; r l ' i: ' . 4 T ll-7 ;• 1*-
(211:1.E.TER 1829 PERPETUAL.
orricE.l3s AND 437 talEsiNuT sTREF7r.
Np74.137 "". .0111 '. 00 1 . 87 .e . Pld
ii. 143.731 67. Lows pall% inane
829, ur's .7,00.006. Perpt:tua....d Tempo
rnry Pratte. ten Liberal Talus. 'I he Compaq slap
Issues polities upon the Rents of
, all kbada of MM.-
It glaa'ltig e -A r lf " rtg . ° ltare ' r ' .. Samuel Grant..
I;CO. W. Richards, lease Lea. 01,. 0.105, Alfred
Mlle.. The , Sparks, Wm. S. Want. nonta•
BAKER. ,Presktent.
1100. FAI,Xn. Vies Prealdent.
.lee. H'. fo,Ulistoe lvtretury.
COEEIS k 1E1.1,15151,
Vor.Tßltal A•POUP 11.,1 SVrrd t.
Of Pit I.l3tugh
WIL C. SIEItiIERT. Vice Meriden .
Wal. P. HERBERT. Secretary.
CAPT. GEO. NEELD. General - tit.
Olken Rik Wateratreet, Spank 4 War 011.,
Tell1;11[14:117 . :`. 1 1 . 1 . 0 11111,15 1 , 1 Elm en Marine
Rieke. me Institut manaseit • lime..
who arewell known to the community. and .110
are determined' by promptness and llberallty Is
maintain the diameter which they have wooled.
sis offering th e best protection to ( hone who desire
to be insured.
texander Nimlck.. John It. IleCure.
Jr.. ' lin.. J. Clarke.
Ja:nes 3lcAtiley. William P. Evens.
Alexia:Kee 0,.4
Andrew Ackley. Phillip Iteoner.
David Nl.Lona. SVni,llovvivoni •
1t..• lan's,
P EIBURG11.1 • 10
N.J. Itlgiay, Jalin Easley.
Deal Wallace, S.ll. Hartman. A. Chanibtsni.
Jake 11111. MeClurta, •Jse. Al. Bailey.
'Thorne. ttmith, jno. S.
ItOBIIIIT 11. KING. President.
• .15.1. F. JENNINGs, Vies President .
JOll. T. JOIINSTON. Secretary.
Capt. It J. GRACE. Genend Agent..
Of Pittsburgh. •
Insures orainst all Hurls uf Piro and Marine
JOHN 111. WIN, in.. President.
T. J. HOPKINSON. Vine President.
C. SI. DONNELL. beeretar , • •
(Ramis! Agent.
blu-In:11o: _ • •
John LPson. Jr.. B. L. to
T../. r w. u.
C.G. Hurley., Robert It. Davie.
Horsey Childs. ( Haub B. Flomlna.
CixarlesDan Capt.]. T. Martale.
Capt. Win. Henn T. H. Nevin.
A Home Company. tailng }RC .m 1 Merino R 1
Wm. phdhou, - , Capt. John t: Ithuad
John Watt. Pantuel I'. Shrive,
Wut. Van Kirk. Wyl. F. TAIT.
j'rn" D.
1 ? rt: . ""1 n Mct
JOHN WATT, Aco r ' reau:U . nt..
W. F. GAILDNER. neuronal,.
W. W. MANTIS. Prestdent.
INLi B riNk'W!ZS . OV
I, , klLnrt.
.11 .I,WIII teozoo,llz,
r 1
Kre!vTist.".ntly on hand CLOTImcA
-li s v c ripja . G6; IsoMENTLE3t EN 1 4 SFINTSIEBI
Nb. 93 1-2 Smith'field S
r7' cent . Clothing made to order In the late
trim neln
GRAY • & LOG,i-kIN-
No. 47 Sixth Street
Merchant 'Callon. No. 10 SIITU srnErr..t.t
el. Clair.) WO hare received 1. large and well
leaded intone:k id the bt and moat fashionabl
Goods line. a grant portion ad which are o
/reeling continent of our ability give perfect
tiataellow. we rospectly from you an earl)
zaniination of our stock of Fine Cloths. Casa.
ores Vesting", SC.
unite No.lo
NEW Sr Bin (MODS..
A splendid new• stock of
Cloths, Cassimeres,
at No. 107 Market S
We now offer to the public a stock of PAPER
llANGLNGEnnsuntasaad In tho
West fer . V.III7
to d{{yaßt pr:z
in ‘ plaind
bright colon, for lislis.
Dialog an
Rooms, am. Also, WLE
PAPERS with an almost endless variety of
BLANKS for Chambers, de. All of which we pro.
- pose lo Pell as low as the lowest In In... Met;
Call and sea, al
No. 107 Muhl M. near Filth Avenue
SPRING, 1870
c .T —a g
4 reat aids
variet lints
at Se per roll.
att nlje per rol
GLAZED—AII along liSc Per roll .l.
ELECIAA - I' French and American roper Ilarac-
I = T gl t tl ' ir eVggya.bl7cr,,arattl°' top em , ,
New Wholesale and itetall Store. 191 Llbert7
street. rittsbanth. WI
Manufacturers of tho follow - Inn calebtattld
of Flour.
3Star (keen Brand •n H 1 sled Bast , / Flom ,
B Star Blue Brand, A No. 1 Extra Faatal
that glans enure eattafactlon.
1 Star MO Brand, • Kowa Family Slone, sopa:Sur
to wly af the sante craft In the mrket. '•
• All brand* warranted aa .1/resented.
_Aprll 26, ISTO.
• •
if. /on bbls Eastern White Lime.
100 olds Cleveland Lime;
100 bble Fremont dui
• I 01) bbIS Toledo
I , nr .ale tint avenue
' enpl
.1 Agent"IIII.1.1P11.
for OA, MIT.
O MM-6iit..
INIK SIN 11.1,117 s wits. •
Cnanannclng NRIN LIN N. :It •• 0. IS7O,
First appenn.nce in . I.lo 3 .mtai rgh
I 'ff.& 710 New Tort.
The erosion m 1,4 rel thetn 40 :V. T. lie nad.
The we'd" 02 .1%A ' ci11111 ' .. “".".
- Ihuehurah taannte Conatll•o‘. ,,
..(Tl h l_,g(7NONk re ai ' . 7,„€ eTyV leah.d:hX-ae.„ra7o:
ten.aod LISCHEN A:qD FRlthe TZCI t
lEN. - theM?
ee.lanahndtcalrut. tra
• dcr•er eti,±,101.7.? cents.
hTmel,4o‘ehttcieeihredhn.eaiT!,llellel3nlecehhee on pet.
d 7lay 27. at Weber Bru.s.
' Woes open at 7; perforrcutoce commence , at S
MATINEESATt. J on. 4, .t clock.
fr,..WA '" ' girti nt.
113`FA.Ili AT
KEY sT oNE Nli
'081N54 - ;N sTKEET. ALLEI;111:N
Open Every Evening,
ST. P'7l'ET-Z'S
New Catholic Chu rell.
New York • and Philadelphia,
May 301 h, 71sT, and mac Ist. ,
ArrEasow: AND rsz7:lto6 EACH DAT.
Meustpeu et 1 o'cleek M the A ft ellll , oll. and I
Wriest In the Ewenlog. Admission. 30 cents;
Children under 10 years. 23 cents-
u/ 110
Vlt7 ; .
ANIMALS but plat arrived.
TiE CIRCUS OE. equirryjn_9
The Grand Street Display
Will take place on MONDA Y MORNING, May 30.
and will convince by Its grandeur and exteut, the
most skeptical of the romances and solidity of this
For further particulars sda the lame Illnmine tad
rotten covering every bill heard and deed h :nal:
rumba h.
and the
74% e ' r ' e ev e.
m l n ytll23lM , X2l
111611 SCIIO.SI,—CONCEIIV under the
direction of Prof. WX. B. It ALL. at
Tickets. 50 cent. The net proceeds will he a
voted to the Art Fend of the Institution.
RAI&E OF 1.0T4 AT '. OO
Monday Atinrnoon : May 30th, 1870,
A r „",.,:;•';' ;;2;llr=glial"d,l',ll,7glf Hlla
mt., " .i.s.suctlAtloure atteu lion us IMP. , WA
'irAjgVlT trial.—Ornalt " l7 , l ' n , h .
to In one
and two seem with Interest. RE (feasli bo paid
on b wbeis 14.
.11 leave she thoincillisille Dep0t11.1.0 , 4 1 1.
o'clock precisely on the day of conre7
grown persons to and front the Ede fr.. Nu one
ander 21 rears of age allowed on the train. No
tickets Minis..
my:lWe A. ItcIIAVAINF.. Auctions..
AT A I `(7,!T10-
WEDNESDAY. June Ist, at 2 o'cinek P. L..
the premises. will he sold that very ridualde busi
ness property fronting on the Diamond 63 feet,
and extending barn Di depth e bout 130 feet.
known as - THE BLACK BEAR LIOTEL. - touted
within a shun distance. of Fifth avenue. Parties
desiring Investment will find it greatly to their ad
mintage to examine this properly arid attend the
If not sold ix. a whole. it will be divided into Lets
to sult purchasers. Terms—one-Mini hat-
In one. two and three roars. equal annual
payments, secured by bond and mortgage with in
On Bidwell St., Allegheny
On TUESDAY. May 31. al 2 "'dock. will be Of
fered at public sale. on the eremite , . the properly
of Mr. J. ti. Coign. who In removing to Leetsdale,.
eitUntednt /7 Bidwell etrect. near Wentem
avenue. The lot in CM by /10 feet, nu which I
erected a 0r...0mi double brick dwelling of 1
ramie. bath. clone in. maid cellar. de. There are
marble mantles. gay mid water. tin roof. and the •
building generally In good cone!, ion. netahle and
carriage berme In the ar. with Mile et/reined,
There are abet three adjoining 'mom , ittie.eaCh
by 2141 feet. nicely Improved with trees nun shrub
bery. 41001 - ability of the location Is well
known: the serroundlna loot net large arid open.
free of du.t. and afford almost the WIWI. Of the
country. Tonna-01104 1 1.1b cash: the balance In
A. I.I.:GGATI.:. Auctl.meer.
North Avenue Residence.
North Avenue . Residence.
LOT 30 ItV 101.
thl WiOiNESDAY. June 1, nt..2 o'clock. will be
sold on the premises. the prose.) No. ;au North
trotter. Sewed ward. Allegheny. Lot.lo bl 101
feet: hour. two and a half stories. 10 room, Wide
hall, bath. wardrobe. closets. and general conveni
ence, recently completed and now offered for wale
on account Of helm. too !ante for the present own
era I.e. The situation le very desirable. being to
front oi the North and West Park, where the
most elaborate Improremenh 4 are In Alt
In guest .4 a good dwelling on thin line avenue are
specially directed to this WC. and are turned to
examlns th e premises. TI.IIIIP—onc-thlrd not.
balance In throe years.
my2o::. A. LESNIATE. Auctioneer.
- FO:g.S3LE,
S, M'Clettn, Esq., Dee'd,
Situated on Sir Pi scrimp: nelsern Belkeld and
Shady Side Churche, of • laktand
tild eight niinutes walk to either ?titivate or Shad
de Statlents. Pennsylvania Central llallevad.
Hunaneuntalns fl hnivhed thump and Cellar. and
Lot 80 feet le ey 133 feet deep. which Includes
all Chtt le bc g t dhil
815.0 tunt. Cl
00.vt ern. tt nteery, Fruit, he.. de.
Adj. Wang 1.4 n .4 HO P.M) feel I e
roo4ib , orile23ll I beviv,l
...hole or parcel, 1.. •oit curtosnerr.
comer tol. 23 feet front on
of Strawberry alley, and running beet In
alley 110 feet wide, •tarot 100 feet, UP Which ~,
F131117,V.1i-3747,2;71"z.V4V..h5ti TVA
ealrable tor name tarturble Purvon, being on IT
ndl'ETsre:EV I :arelin n ut
It*lltsnrnfmm the ne.w
streets, below.
Fire-Proof Safe. •
Anne. Ism, eelete.hand ttre Iloof Safe, double
doom, best near. f.,r sale rSesp.
Foe any further information °Utile above Items
Inquire of •
No. 57 Fourth Aveuu&, Pittsburgh
" ° "' l° ` ' 4° b7 ltlkfAß D/CfL2l' k CO.