The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 30, 1870, Image 1

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Coriler Skth Ave,and SmlthflellS
TC14113 or 11
1111111. pgr year
;' , c:lvered by earner. per ;reek
- - -
in better.
A PAN E.E iiewslirper in printed in
'nri.. •
130t:(tt..trUr is to IrmnatirT Edwin
M...051,rutr picnics an• ( 11 01101/11bie in
Trtx'?lichigan pepperinint crop I.* au
entire fnilure.•.
nu: French wine crop boo Tweu much
injured 1!} the front. - •
ERA pOrmitteil to ,lance
the cancan in Edinburgh.
SCAILLE:T hat' invaded the Ini•
penal bouseholdat Vienna. •
TIILADOXL4.II,TON ie SO busy with his
fight&that he declines lecturing
;this contini;,winter. •- •
VietnAITOIS of the stomach and death
resulted nn Englieheroman's swab
Vowing three sovereigns.
A et.i.icAN,llte first ever seen in that
;section, was killed near Bateaville, Ark.,
;recently.: It measured cigbt feet trent
; tip to tip :
Tut: brick 111a80115 . 0f tialveston, Texas,
aye on a strike. They have been getting
,four and-flin dollars a day, and now de
1 .
- PUNt..1117 , F..1.L.0 wants to.kuen whether,
. . i.ince Ili, Fifteenth Amendment. things
; , Should tannin,. s o_ be putt , d„„. in 1,1,,,,k
pad white.
.t LITTLE . ttintLto.ol girl Los
0111141 0111141 ml the rope two ltundr;d tittles with-.
. nut stopping, and then jornped int. her
' 'ilittle, grave.
1 • A trrit,r,Tersey City bop tried to work
... iti t e , elevator in a factory. while the- turn
-were at dinner and was elevated into an.
other sphere.' .
! 11QN .1. NV. oAuttrcr has been talking
to the rhlssigcsfolks about the advantages
t" the new line to the east vie Pittsburgh
and Baltimore.
. • 1 ; A NEW OItiCANS sailor fell Inco n the
:hold, a few daps since, and a bale of not
i ton following and overtaking him, he ,I,•••
{parted this life. •
'.'',.. A SA:: FRAM:Ieo:O dentist uo•eting ti
' - 'llelinguestt debtor on the street..ehoked
.. . i sun till he gavettp his false teeth, and
'., -.; took rime as, pay. ~
. '• ', On En in • Jerst..y. the other night, the:
::. • ilightning struck a young man dumb. and
• , lit wasn't the Jersey kind either, but the
• real electrical fluid. - ' . -
`' '''' . Jossß. Jotrusuz, and Miss M. 1..
•• ; Jackson wen- the huost Pittaborgla names
.• on the American regist.zy of Drexel. liar
1 gee & Co., Paris Bankers.
.. ' IT is proterbial that rats are •'ltard to,
lose." Recentry a rut • was taken fnini
Jackson °aunty, Indiana; to Cincinnati, but.
in six day% found her way back to her old
. , Tut. people. of St. Joseph are detenuin.
'„1. rid to hasir a railroad bridge across the
•'-, Misiscatri river at that place. Titer have
` formed a company with- a capital of
,gam o cioo: -
: . ..t•ctENTLEMA.N who recently interviewed
Mine, Dayis, of Texas, Says the I bwerlior is .
determined to signalize his administration
..... by the appointment of a parr c au l abl e
.Indlciary. . ,
.. , Mic - sTErrttist:',lttvis has conaented to
•;... deliver the oration cat the occasion of the
next annual fair of the Choctaw and Cur
,. :. roll (Mississippi) Agricultural and Mo
el/attic:ll Association.
•'''''..,,' IN ntsaalls. , LlS bas sight colonsipin_l .
~ ...74,11111,1 and one sfudent in the Medical - ~; ' , l-
legoird,o, , one law student. ono telegraph
..., operutor, me' insurance agent, and 1,70 -
t...printers—all colored.
. -rel 1 - r seems to be - a settled. fact thit the
';"-Yti fruit ernp;iitieladingthetties,plunis,pear s ,
Rations,apples and peaches, throughout north
.;,... west Missouri and northern Will
..... ; , 4. be n failure this season. 1 A nrimin wife in lowa went to a sew
-, lIW-L'irtle leaving her little' girl to keep
-... ; house. She returned just in time to an-IL
1 the roof 101 l in, and the child's, remains
;;. IWell: fOUIIII in the ashes.
.. IN the upper lull or Franklin county,
7 Georgia, on tiatunkty. Mr. John Collins
: •i struck Jenne .11111111, 011 the bend with a
i heavy stick, and killed hint instantly.
- . 1 Collins made his escape. • '
.; si ' I .. ......tic; editor of a Chicago children's pa ,
. 1 ..1 per received, a letter from a lady subseri
-. • her, who writes: -Our little Annie tiled;
',"-'• last week, after rending the last 1111 l ither
.s of your valuable paper."
. .1.. I'uTTOY and corn in some portions of
• '. South Camllna are having a bad time of it
'k- front drouth• There has !teen no rain for
, t, six weeks, and as a conseguence farmers
,':'-i are gloomy and despondent.
...iti A sm.ttt. field Oree finite which the first
shot Wan fired at Fort Sumter. during the
"..t bombardment in 18111, is now In Wishing
;.i ton: and will be placed in the Ordinance
. 1 Bureau Museum, with other relics.
• :g! THERE brit machine at the watch fats
" - : - 1 tory at „Elgin, 111„ taint-which a workman
;•:. lua made from the, *ire two hundred
'.' !crews in twelve minutes; besides driving
','Si them iii-place in the plate of,the watch.
" - Sixeron Sanantiurrof Delaware lies
j ,' been lathe Senate eleven years, and never
1,,"), introduced a bill until a few days ago
• . when leg asked for VP-5,000 for improve
ments in the Delaware river, and got it.
i• . • TrtF. seventy-fifth annual Connell of the
, Protestant Episcopal Church. in the Dior
=y croon( Vlr nits met Wednesday in St.
• Matthew's t• . Wheeling. Commun
.. ion wavestisten.s.l by Bishop!' Joins
r .,. and Whittle. . ;
THE 'Historical Manuscript CorOmisaion
of England, whose object is pa register,
t 'and perhaps publish important tnanu
scripts in private collections, sic succeed
s. lug in bringing to light the most import
'• disclosures bearing on English history.
,• A .:• , ,Ew patent is oat for the making of
steel rails direct from tine pig . The iron
is-melted in a cupola, run into a reverba•
Cory foinace (where it is carbenizedA run
t . into ingots, allotruSto set, reheated; run
~.through the rollers and made Into rails.
A FEAnTrI., conflagration is raging In
' the timber !Ada - between Calais, Me., and
the St. John river. - There has been a
' great destruction of property. and unless
• the wind changes it is (enrol the loss of
timber and buildings will be inralettlable.
• ' A NEW • atyle of• carpetbagging has
• been developed In New York. A. man
with a wagon calls at houses where clean
ing la In progress, and declaring hintself
"the 111•11 sent for the ',uplift to beat,"
prort..edi to bag those useful articles and
• deport.
Ti t: town of • Bovins, Mississippi, wan
isouew lint damaged by the storm on last
Tuesday night. Two churches in the
course of erection were blown down, and
also the Masonic Lodge, which was car.
rind away bodily and the 'Ode' braided
E Cleveland Lender of Thursday
s : The headless trunk of a cwt was
found yesteblny in the lake near the pier.
It had probably lain in the water for wane
months, as it was in a,stnte decomposi
tion, nail the fl esh In many parts worn Mt
the bones.
Cltai. Z. Fas:Scti has cent North this
Season fawn near Wilmington, N. C., of
Lis own rising 40.000 quarts of straw.
and an immense quantity of gTeen
French hue 10,000 peach trees
lu bearing. besides apples, grape: and
other finit and vegetables. He employs
200 hands.
Gov. Ancona Liu recomiitended to the
Legislaturs that ;the fee for
Looting marriage licensee be placed at an
Low - n figure as. possible, reganzling, as Ito
says, an attempt to raise it as a blew, not
alone at the circa.. of the poor whites, but
at the successful .organization oCthe
coloml people on the basis of a free Civil
ized society.
l'lttcrit'At, )(fart' in Pmvidenee,
the other day engaged and paid five hand
organists to play one hour before the door
of a nervous butcher. 'They did it, des
, ito.the offer of the butcher to pay them
4 , 1 each to go away, and against All We
entreaties and threats. Each organ play
ed a different tune, and the combination
*as something terrific.
JAIMPI 51eCALLEVII Infant was baptised
in Philadelphia on Sandayauxl he gave a
least in honor
. of the . occasion, at which
"~`"~,,.L :sue ~c.~. ~~" ~~ :"..r -;::~fi~'3a.~~ ~~e'* ix ,_~,~iCx;tix'a~a+:;.ta"'',~:~ .~.
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THE wElduy G.AzErls
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- Conuaeridal and Family Newapafer
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c s alt eitt je 41:. i "...7 - !armor. itirehwnic. ortuerclum should N
' without it.
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the soeetn, liugh nod l'liontit,
and Peter MeCtte quarrelled with their
•hoht and beat him w den They
betulledniond MeNizoota No that lie .an recover, merely lateattNe he trie:i
to defend ill!. ho.t. The three Thtirderers
vie in Jail.
THY; 11 4, .'N14114.1, , ,f I South west hring
us glowing accounts of the performen.
ces of n new cotton gin, which has just
been tested in St. Louis. Re it. the labor
of picking Ow cotton from the bons is
said to he entirely dispensed with:and it
is 'now only necessary to-plied, "bolls, cm
ton and all," fraud trio stalk. It is eta mat,tl that am• hand can.pick one thous.
and laurels of cotton In the. new way
quicker than a person could pick one hun
dred and fifty poinals .after the old style.
• A SPEAKER nt p. recent wontsn's suffrage
in San Francisco said . "Two
girls from it high school went into the
Colll.ltry for cnctii intl. Anopport unit y
Idt)R.l.` , l th em to earn t!oniething dar
ing t he ir holidays--S.the one as an assistant
in tt family, the other to help a (armor
through harnessing, it being difficult to
hire men. At the end of vacation they
compared . results. • The, hail
worked sixteen hours per day, and was
(10118 M per week. The one in
the field, who had inken the place of a
nom, land Worked ten hours per dun, at
two dollars and a half per day. Mark . The
difference between the man's work and
1111111 . 8 ley . and W,11111111 . $ work and Wo.
.-UMW" 1.11 y-
11( . 4 .thriLvitoi is the clam*. of n
Cincinnati drink. It is made ',La punch
first lined witletnint. then
one . quatt , f pot in, oil which wo
fonds of •otrierior must he
peurcd. e hole 'is then sprinkled
tvith Thor
..1 the 1111:11o• is
ill the manner of •nf the
beverage:. The is passed around
from one to another, and makes the -cir
cuit over and ter again, in a small party.
until the linnid is t.tliattsted. Hui Adel
phoi is the pence . pipe of enlightenment,
each man pressing his lips to the edge of
1b...b0wl and drinking no long as his
it riot will ,ttiind the weight or his lips t h e
i . itiffect of the kg that crowd s
against them. •
s mon went into a Ail] ,
of fifty cent, Throwing do. n :Chill. he
'•There'd n t Wt. dollar bill; give me
the change. - •---A glace ohow e d th e .tire.
heeler that the bill was a" V." and, hash. .
ly sweeping_ it into the, draw, he gave
hay: the • clmngt. After—Jack was gone
tin nom ..cut to the d mwer and found that
the bill mao V:' to be oure, but a little
th .orst counterfeit ever Seen.. Indignant
at the treatment, Jack was foutid by the
atorekeeper and threatened; but Jack was
ready. and showed by a comrade that Ins
rereNed lett a dollar and a half in change,
so he could not have given . the man the
bill: .A tier little talk the nutter Was
allowed to drop by the storekeeper, who
has probably
. learned something Inc did
not know! before:l
ON the I;th instant, John ii. kieesler, of
Benton, rode .nut to the farm hijuse of
Thounot P. McKee, oltiut fire mileg - west
of Benton, arriving there about
8 &Clock P. tt. Ktis , 11r(:6111ell for Mr. Mc-
Feo. when his title none to the door and
said lie WAS about the place wintewhere.
Ressler then got MT Ilia liore. went into
the house, and. tiftet•tt few Minniew eon
•rersation. threir Mrs . . MeFee down, and
with threats prvrented an alarm being
girlin, while he raris),ol her person. lle
tinm asked fern paper 'to read. Mrs. li e
Fee, pretending to get it, peeved into an
adjoining room..but, instead of the paper.
else got 1. rest With Whid. .he shot
Kessler through the breast. Ilerif
lumped up and ran into the yard. Where
i t , it, when appn,:whed. biro a and t 0.,..
through the load. • ,
•Titig. efforts of n,•rtnin in nwcnn~ .
the manage of z , gortoral am.nentai hill a y
this session,
.prianise to
. prove
No nomsnro of-the kind in now before
Congress. Intl it is understood that smite.
thing of the kind was intempluted by
Senator Ferry, who. it will Is • rem e mber.
tel, n strong. iwo•cil ill favor of , it
.inte time ago. A distinguished iteptiii
limn Senator mated recently. in it conver
sation, that he did not fielieve" half la
dozen Ili:piddle., Senators would vote for
n general anitiemY bill if one were Intl,
dared. Even sommilf those Who have
talked in favor of it are, how mtbitied that
it would extremely impolitic, and
would result in the ri,storation of the
n•ltt.l party to power in the Southern
~States. It is kunwn that the President
tittle ago i,ravii up all idea of recom
mending the rnissage of a general ninnest,-
: bill, !manse he in satisfied. that tine ex.
retails are not ready for it. Choi this
qUetglioll the Republienn majority isf_the
Ifoloie is as milirai :14 111, Senate, if not
morn On.
TUE Li% 011.1011 , sii-sie no intention of
giving way to the intluent:es and wishes
of the Russian pstrty. At er the petition
of the Landing praying f ir iyermission to
retain the old language and lan s of .the
province had been rejected, the L.andratlss
met in a so-called convent of Riga, and
submitted a similar request . to 'the Em
peror. :Not content with this, .thee re
solved that the 'nobles and the German
officials of the province 'should not oise
the decree compellith4 them to ohrwrve
the political ecclesiastical festivals un
roriling to the ritnnt-of the ilfeek 0.11,11,
big elleillit attend ale PretetAnni 1 ,t,jef.,,,
on those days. The Landtsg's Mandsal,
,alone voted against this resolution,
declared that he should trot submit to it,
turd consequently tool, ipart in the tireek
Catholic services of the I 'tit ult. Ile was
the only (tenons leis(' an inled them. !On
the same evening file tti ..
raill.' convent
assembled and requestel ~.: -.., ~ ...1 ; ,..
his post. Ile replied that he is.t.l I iet•li
elected by the Landing, and . could not
therefore consent to make his unions oln
-entlent on the plensure of the. Lnndrnths,
In spite of this, lonvever.he resigned Iron
days litter.
As Brigham Young grows older, wlth
more wives and nore children. and the
latter reaching the age when tires,. is na
turally a prominent feature irith them,
the pireintenev with which he denntinces
the fashions of the Cientile world denim,
stratee the fact that' he feels of the'
burdens which must InevitAbly come with
: anal a large family. In ,hie last sermon
before the Conference his instructions to
the Saints were very duCided in tone, lie
Classed thm.entire tangs \ - of fashions as
devices of the wicked, bonnets, dresses.
hoots and parasols, all to. he condemned
be those of the true. faith; and when he
asked the ladles to signify their deter
mutation to make their 0 WTI clothes and
not to make thetn• in the fashion, the
Tabernacle was white with upraised
hands. • Brigham I ming eel, array
the entire female population of his
dominion in oppositym to the fashions
no they receive them • from the
Fast. he will accomplish a greater
fent than Le did in planting the barren
soil or Utah and building up u colony
there. For hisopposityn is not to fashim;t3
at, they exist at
~ present. hut to fashions
at all; and in attacking the right of wry
man to change the size of her bonnet or
the length of her skirt, he impeaches-one
of her most inalienable privitegrs.
Elegant Maevion
• •
Formerly occupied -be "amen A. Hutchi
son, Dub, Sixth ward, Allegheny City, to
gether with about three awn.* of ground,
fronting on thi. Ohio river,Frelde, linyard
and Adams streets. The river front is
000 feet. the marislon is about ts. tby 44
feet, two stories high, slate roof; the
menus are large—parlor 10 by 40, dining
room 10 by '2O; library 1; by in, hull 8 b e
40, porch by 40., and the chambers,
kitchen, pantry,bath and other robots are
all-very large and tin and wnivenientlV•
arranged, so as to go Into any rant In Hie
bobso without having to to throngh nn.
other. • - .lCearlyall the rooms have marble
or slate mantle*, the ceilings are lofty and
many of them handsomely paneled in
tasteful style; the grounds are handsotue
ly laid nut in lawns, dc., and well covert,'
with fruit, such as apples, peaches,
pears and other small fruit The house
has two fronts—the one on the river is a
magnificent view of the river and the
whole country around, and is itt very
fromplace, having the fresh breeze
from the river, An& free from any smoke,
soot &c. Inquire of I'. H. Love, SitEourth
avenue. .
The ilr " 1111 n6lllllll MllO I Ilk:1111i.
oa>lc Ellde l l - 1 ) ( . 111111 . 41/11' COndifilni
of the Unforton;tle .leluded--•The
lirotherhoott Connell Deny Ite.pon
- ..ibtlity for the . Itatel--Conadlans
Con,iderintt IV hat 10710 n ith Their
Prisoner.—Drunken lionnelo. Tear
- Bonn ter U. S. Flag al St:John.—
I oriel) of Deports front the Seat of
War on the Bonier.
WY Ts . legr:ll , lll,.. the ritt,blirgl
M11.0i , E...N. Y.. May it', —The - Foil:in council
of si a r this aft ernoi'm resolved t but tho press
eat movement against t iibandoncil.
The rlolll,llNra, composed of COIIIIIIiSSiMIVIi
ollieers. but the leaders Of the raid etiolil no.
where be found.
One, hundred atul thirteen car land, of l'onlitO
war material «ere saved.
nt Now York. r: repotted
to lin, !wen ruptured awl •Ilot
11111. •
Th.• ~u, has mot tiled I r.oisport
lion for the . intt. and they turned homeward.
ST. A 1,11., N.. 31.ty • Geitertil Spear still re
main: itt town, led in snas tie basmitloug to
do with t rail. Ile claims he Is inerelv
looking on, that he was in the Connell with
other renian ivativrs day beforewestenilly aad
tin then, chosen Cunt matoter-in-Ch WI. • •
Captain N. .Itinaltan and Major !ilia:Maim
have been admitted to ball. Colonel Millivan:
Quartermaster. who claim.: he has had ajar,.
quantity el mans In charge. on learning that
all the leading own were being arrested left.
Genkat - Donnelly is still alive ant likely to
Nearly nil the reni.tns hare left fur heme
31nrphy. the tenths( er. nut hnnged to
tlny t he Canadian,. '
.. • •
001,MMIW110. May . -
lo was reported that
live hundred Denians mill pass over the Itmno
and I , klensburs. Railroad to-morrow on .t spe
cial train. for Malope. Deputy Matrohnl Den
edict euntenkplateS , topping this force Aelth
the nil of noted ::sl.:Era" troops, and also all
other Fvniank that Arty attempt to pass over
the road to 'the - front. unless he 1..1 Counters
mantled by the relict StateS onkee in com
inn , humtrial Evnians. at Potsdam Junction
n ithout t ransportatioll. Atttlllikted Ihe seizure
of a train on the Ogdensburg and Lake Cham
plain I:nitro:id going east. but were repulsed
coniPt' or United :Mattel tri sips. Each
tram of this Coat is stoic furnished with a
guard of regulars.
Deputy :Marshal Benedict refuses to ide
transiiort at ton for the Fenian. , at pros
who desire to return home.
General Starr. of the Fenian force. Passed
through thud pllige to-day f pints house. har
ingabandoned the expeditthu. He reports
the Eentan force an unorganized rabble. Im
possible to handle unit not 6 übJect to disci.
The• Fenian atithoririt, are e.t-illCOLlfillellt.
anal are sending men in small parties to the
front. and striving' to reorganize the Nlnlnne
Much_ apprelleaaten of 3. raid exists at
r::Cott.l' Canada. toolight.' and volunteers
have Leen tote reising.ta firing ant! e•litnnishing
a large part or the day. •
MAt.saar, May 1.5.--since the skirtithdt at
Trout River Yesterday and withdrawal of the
Fenian, little of import:toe., has transpired.
In the skirmish yesterday on« man wag
two veriously wounded and flare,. prisouert.
taken. The latter were taken to Hunting,
den. Ti e name of tine of the prisoner. was
.alaure.of Trot. N. V. Rumors are current that
he tea , shot ih4. morning. hat nothing ter
rain Is known.
. .
The- town Its 111 full of Fiallant, and the n—
ron that 31 , ,,,,r was ilea create.. Intense 1,-
eitemvnt. and I . It of renitnnee against the
C'enolitinu are t reat hell on Al hand..
There are ids, it four hundred United mates
la oaps here. nut er euntinand of. feu. Gout.
Ta r Teidaut lir, au the fair grail:l.
arid Tire •aderlt . tad ',tell le,haved.
tidily latier•• a , attirk nia.ii i 1,0 lirmsti
fore , ..;.tt Traa: leer e iii ta.ln .1i ienuit ad.
l•tres..Mea. , ... .1t ~ ...v. '1 and , 1 ,11 4.5141 Ull/
ill hi I' this ai tei /1,1.,
fen. Gleason. front Trout. rit et. eat , et ert -
thing it , 'inlet th re.. Thu! anadialui In u•uo id.
enable town-are ear the line.
The torevaillet i o .inlon In ilia ex itelltion 15
te.,..] figli.M.. rt,., ret,rt that 7.toore it at shot
help, eunnematikin.
ttstscs. N. Y.. Slay •Tb . e Fenian,. err re
t ttralttet fettle oort It to the evening trains.
A train ecaot et. .Stitatar to toter. hack (rola
thesiort h he tettilt to let ore f.hiN
1111 ILAt . tl.l ooney.
MI Hove Abandoned—The Drludrol Fenian , .
• •
. •
MAirocr. Mar het. - The l'enlan
abandoned Vol turn are almost
fornislard. and but for the charily of the Peo
ple of Malone w he stapling. The promi
ent ofteers of the !trot he-rh0...41 hare agreed
to discountenance furl her hostile nioverzients
on the A:aerien Mont !neut. while nearly all
the filen here 6 :i ?”: 'thee u ill ne again andver base any
thing- til it b Feniunirsii: our
t helr influence fig:onm It.
• Ben. MOUIiC bay-ing tvfoseil traniiportation.
thestele e t (nee, 31“ic, will bond the citizens
-fur four thousand flollarsto hay the Fenian,
• fare bark to Bono,
rather McMahonsae, he ha. telegraphed to
wenty flare,. Including St. Louis, for men
and money. and advbies the men to stay here
t 111 Monday or Tuesday. when a fight can he
Th.. ptored Frnlan.- Imrn.r Perlin;
gat Inst Them.
Mav ge--4trent :Ittxtety in felt
regarding the future tin nit lon of telptured
lenhintt ity the goverment. Flee are In Jail
ut earlote. anti public feeling - Is so In
tense that put ra pcaution,. are taken for
, eettrite from lynch Inn.
L... Flng Outraged by Ca.dlans.
si. Canada . hlse ?W.- A pang of
erunken C.nnadiami reeterday tore down the
United Staten 114 p from the American Con
-01110 °Mr, The mtt-niZe it deeply beim:fled
by the citizens.
Intererralun fur a Captured Teanutre
or. AIJUS X: . Ma Foster went
:writes the liar to:day to intercede forThollia4
Murphy. sent,nred toereention. Murphy Was
teatn4ter. resident in thin Ware. x urn cont.
Intent and unarmed when raptured.
General O'Neill. who 6,ela atronnly the las
t:troll:: o , tl. , %e=teeLagt ,, h i rt
o h n lm f
. 1 .. 11 ,t 1 , nrd ;
wealthy Fenian named Flynn hating . cM:.
uented to beclnne sneetY•
tuantnnuxito. )lac 211.--Apprehenklons of it
rising of Canadian Pentair, were enter
tained information minion. as the (kw.
eminent has that witch an ander
standing existed between them end the •Inrn
ters. Additional precautions were taken.
hut it Is thought, however, the poor success
of the invaders will 'recent the ene,,,,,tive
—Father McMahon thstowd on to It. Alb.,
rextertlar in connolny with n body of Philadol
A detachment of regular trout"! wa. not to
De Kolb Junction to protect property. 3tunli
alarm raisin along the line Or thu Koine and
ondensburg rnilrond lent returning Fontana
fur milit a e the count ry pry arotectdd aPhe ion alh are being re
The Transpornition lineation
The Government
thousand tu grora tation for the fifteen hundred
Feniana rein:tieing In Malone and In the vicin
ity. and General Mende in of opinion that the
railroad companies must do this nt their own
cspens, as they reeeivtai full fore fur bn
ing them here. The General reports the y
betinving very. well, not disposed to be vio
lent: and only desire to return home.
confident there will be no further trouble.
There is great rejoicing along the Canadian
frontier at the inglorious termination of the
Tiler CIIICnt.
Irishmen are disheartened by the news from
the border and a dispatch from the front In
structing them not to send any more men but
to forward fonds for the sPlmart. of New -
York troops no .011 as possible. Subscrip
tions, however, were not henry. Rumor
o o m
Bhreo odeparture
n 'iogrh a
freur h
M u a n l d orneed, Fe
It Is probably untrue.
' . Bald on Itresrult Feared.
Apprehensions are felt hp the 01 of
raid on Prescott in steamer, from some
lake port. There are no gunboatsat tide
I,olllt slid no scans mutinied Olt Fort
Gen. Meade arrived this afternoon, accent
nestled by Gens. 31cDowell and Van Inlet.
end will leave for New York to He
reports the ' , ening war ended. The leaden
nee In the hands of the civil slattern les end
all in oniet along the lines.
Movement of Troops—nensation,Morv. •
Sr. A I.BANS, 3lay 29.—Four more_ companies
01 United States troops arrived GA* morning.
and .bsequently proceeded to Malone. Their
sudden departure occasioned a sensational
story about the British troops crossing the
line and outraging the American flog, which
was unfounded.:The same train that brought
the troops here; also brought a saved of Fent
sins from Troy, who express great disgust at
the situation. t+evemi proceeded to } runklin
to visit General Donnelly.
Itnother Canard
" •
The repot that Marshal Foster, on demand
ing the guns taken from this side of the line
by the Carthdlan troops, trcelved the reply
that he could LAY have them at the Point , Of
the bayonet, is untrue. Ito made no demand
for the gnus.
The Canadian Farce at Richards' Perm.
Pne of the Canadians in the Richards' farm
fight gent there werejugt I hirty-sis Canadians
eageged. The game Informant says the pieces
of artillery void to have been taken by the Ca
nadians were drawn across the lines by an
American. Whether he was Paid for t hel . '
vino be does not IMF. Everything quiet to
Attiantee from the Executive Council.
N. ll : ls ~lo7Executive Council
Of the Fenian HrotherhoOd has iseued an ad
deem., !Ivied by Jamei_Gibbous. Chairman,
and - .Richard McCloudy. Secretary, gating
ha; the 'late Canadian invasion WWI under
taken without the ant horitv of the Brother
hood. and B. failure cannot he recognired 0
defeat of the national organization. They de
plore the Imo of life and war material :trnit
sarritlee of the rmoilts their years of Mil;
and preptratlon. and say O'Neill'. misconduct
ha. postponed only fora short time Ireland'
intros Indignation at Magala.
rat , . Mar '29. Irishmen are :minified
la the result of the ill-trio isol raid on Canada.
..lturiog the excitement money was liberally
•lutoserlbeil to fray the passage 'of men to the
front. anti Prosecute other operations from
t big pulut. The. news.- of the sudden
unexpected failure at Malone lin ,
cluited the greatest indignation. Thu lead
ers NVIIO planned tire Mill aro most bitterly Ile
-011•d for luck of brains. One car load or
Fenlans from t hest vest :Infixed to•day, but
priered no further. A proud: Ind Irish citizen
bus left for lone with find a to pay the Pas
sage of fri nits back.
More °Merry rreiard—Rallreiads Will Farr,
Feniajas Home fire Hair Farr.
T 0101,1,1. May :a.- Inform: aiau is, received
from Malone of the arrival United Staten'
Marshal C2u1.1 , 3' and the arrest of several men
supposed to b.• Fenian °Myers. including lien.
:Items. and Father Mr3lithon of Fort Erie
o let y. The railwaycompanies offer to
take Fenlans hon.e at half fare In boo cars.
It their leaders cannot raise funds the town:-
People; trill probably - ship them.
The railway safe nt Potsdam was broken by
Fenian , : last nigh! andit wenty-II ve dollars ta
Ilt)coutcrxr,r. N. V.. May 2 M. floartalllai
for the Fenian:. progresge. at Neu burg. 4, V.'r
arty left there for the fem..
Fenian Exclirtnen, ton the l'arine.
St's FItANCIStv,3Iny 29.—The Fenian boa
i.vni of Canada excitement among the
lirothertmil In San Francisco. There have
been eat led:odic meeting,: of O'Neill's mite:
Volunteer. have been enrolled nod ()Wish
l'olimitim is hinted at ds nnother vOlitt of at
MILL N. H.. MIIv 211.—Seven car luaffnur
Fut,bum punned through hero thin morning: on
their returi,tront the ,enr.
H. Trlogiubb to the rut "burgh Gazette.)
WAsrllNGTorr, Nat LbV'.
• Mr. SUMNER presented a petition of the
American Cablo company nsking :lid to the
propoNed line front New York via the Azoros
to Lisbon and Lands End, England. Havre null
Amsterdam. Referred.
Also. a petition of colored tot i‘ens of Mary
land. inking a rqme.ty, from prescription In
.travel on account of color. Referred.
Mr. LEH then spoke s upon the sub
ject of the restoration of raeign commerce
to A.Merican vessels. He contended this pro
posed remedy of shin building was untenable.
for if sessels eSo not - be built orohtibly you .
have no commerce. If t hey lobe Ore dollars
trip they won't run. Differential .duties
would yield no prtet Wei benefit. because oth
er nations might pass retaliatory laws. He
tivored n drawback on linimrted materinlv
used in theconstruction of iron vebbelb for
f oreign t ruffle, but t bought the anon effective
remedy would be the enlnrgentent of our do
mestic commerce and nbnorptiou of the' Gulf,
island, Sandwich Islands. Canada nud British'
Coltdubia. Ile would annex San Domingo
without delay. which would give the Culled
states the keys to the Gulf. nud In live years'
will have Cabs and all the other islands.
Then. litcrlng control of the products of the
tropic., we would make all the world tribu
Mr. HOWA RD :Inked bisemlicamm's opinion
On I ht . acquisition of Cuba by litivnbanc.
Mr. CHANDLER tbotnirbt tt wld be more
• , nsible for Cuba (11 pay ou
this• Government
than to thirDie f , V being made part of this
country. He would never girt a copper for
the .biland.
The Stmete proceeded with Ihetiici
lutn List buelcm,
The bill to prevent any taker or employe
t tic corporation acting no Election or tier.
pt rat pot officer was posoeti.
After Enecut tye action the.
till Tucteluy.
1101 . E. o'l ItIiPRESENTA 11 r
WILLAT:D morted aro - cm,' peon lon
1.111, Mehl/Una . the renewal of penilon. to
Tennenseeans. bunpundell dlaillgthll war.
A , lisclooion ensued. 1.24 41erel..plog noo-h
, • ,I ,Sitillll hr hill
Mr. W It I) r..1...r1 , 11a pinenl b+ ll gnu. -
q.t r. per month tor
-1,11,1 thn ••(
en 1:., In tin. ret. , lllot..
Mr. ATINAN, Lao" out ,tbr nx
ceptithr:te t 0 giving eon. Sr.
Mr. il.g.)fAS moved to include, min iting
Nt Wow. utli,t% met Inarric.l n,
the..the - of 1.1.4. Ami who were In lik.•
crettltott.ww•ew •
Mr. Wih . IITIP• end
l meht 1.101 1114114...041,
Ne.sre. Illnghatu utol.l otter, of Mao,.awlot ~ -
ml by Itcle.srec - Pot ter, flcludey. lunar and
Mal hard. and repultecl agalnet 11 1.
Ilottnan'e amendment way adopted oi
td :tad the hilt ;mooted.
The coneidtiatlon the hill reduce inter
nal tune , teat resunlNl.
thintotion of Mr. eterll ENtlittlic tax on .aloe
.d rontrclet , for the rale of "lock,. bond , .
Kohl and ent er was reduced (runt two cent,.
lie every SILO to One cent. the pre.tat rate.
A prat trio,, wa. al. lueerted taxing Cop
t clots for delivery of goadcoin through the
(htting ['once or other Institutions one I wen
tiet h of one per onul. nddltlonal.
• .
- .
Aczber offered en amendment doubling
the Ix on all gambling operation. of giil.l and
.tock %greed to. (Thin wan rvsminmentled
be the I , runnitt, on Banking in it. reperri
the gold panic.)
The paragraph in regard to foreign commer
cial broker. was mole to read: commercial
brokers, whom. annual mina do not exceed
rin , t(.l). shall pay reek a %pedal tax carflifitn.
The pat-sump!, relating to claim agents. was
nntentletl to read: Claim agents shall hap ten
The parngraith relatingg to retnll liquor &od
e, sting amended till:Oiling the words. - any
retell liquor denier who well. only nines or
malt liquors 01311 he required to pity only half
Qt Mew., tax.-
'The paragraph relating to wholesale liquor
' , loafers W.. 1 amended to read Wholesale
h nor dealers ahall PAC 4 PaY $lOO a Incitesdi
I lanai for evtry $l.OOO on all sales of
On motion of Mr. WOODWARD. t he prOVISO
esrnipting savings banks front tar n-as made
a general exemption, by striking out the words
'blotting It to deposits Invested In rnitml
Ft ales securities and to deposits less than ttIOU
made in the name of any tine mmont.
motion of Mr. SARGENT. thy: paragraph
relating to distilleries was amended by tax
i ngdist Wars of spirits front apples. peaches or
grapes, producing ten barrels or leis within 0
llr.folly dollars. and four dollars for every
Isl produced In excess of ton barrels.
Mr. INGERSOLL moved to strike onto( the
paragraph relating to hankers the words.
— and Wt. of one-fourth of ono per cent. each
month On the overage amount of ail: deposits
of toll. mono,- In their ia.tssessitio to the
credit of the Trensurer or any other disburs
ing officer of the United States: . .
Mr. PETERS moved to strike out of the
sentence taxing the overage amount of depos
its onc-twent loth of one per Tent. Per mouth
the words "other than public moneys of the
United States,“ no an tit jeers, them lintrbitt
only to that tax.
ND. GARFIELD argued Itwan better to
Maw. the tee on bank. to the lintionaLfinnk-
Mir Act. where It wasprovided (Or. '
A Dern long' discussion both amendments
were rejected.
On motion tit Mr. PETERS. the following
words were added: "And no National Dank
shall he compelled to continue as lt depository
Of public fund,. longer than such hank may'
On motion of Mr. 2 , 1 A RGENT. an additional
enrograph was inserted, taxing' proprietors of
letnking games. such as fon, Miff It( rt noir.
Vittte un, 'IMO for every table where
out games are blared.
On :notion of Mr. GARFIELD. tie
tlon of Elnvinget Instittitlons was limited to
those nut authorized to receive it higher rote
of interest thou the rate authorized by the
general laws of the States wherein they urn
. .
On motion of Mr. ELL the paragraph al; to
keepere of hotel., Inns or tavoros wax
amended by exclnding tavern. where the
yearly rent_of the property bumf more than
one hundred dollarn.
Mr. PETERS - moved to reduce the tax on
elreulating - notea of Slate banks from tr to
tw 3j1 2 .1141 WV: f in cent. op o ed the amendment
stremlonslY, an advocated the larger circn-
Wain of greenback...
The amendment was rejected.
Motions o reduce the tax on an4uxemeida.
bowling alleys. billiard tables, small distill
rles, motionre rejected.
In of Mr. SCIIENCK, the pantgrallb
relating to pine°x of public amusement was
amended by re ring the tax on gross receipts
of owner or Ilse., on any permanently I ,
cote , ' place of amusement from three to one
per cent.
Mr. INGERSIMA, moved to strike out the
sentence In whole. Rejected.
Mr. LOG %N moved to strike out of the pare
granh relating to rectifiers the nrovlso that It
shall apply to authorized distillers who mere
ly rectify spirits of their awn production.
Without disposing of the aniendruent, the
Rouse adjourned Itntli TuesdaY.
Gennan Family Ourfocated.
(Dy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh' Danette.]
" . " - ro , '. 0 .. May M—fletween one and two
o'clock this morning Men. Fred 3foeller, a
German woman, and nee • children from
eleven to two years. were suffocated and an
infant of four week. badly burned. Mrs.
3loclier ace barely alive when rescued, but
soon died. The babe will recover. The scene
was shocking. The fire scan the reseit of
carelessness. Damage about fl,OOO.
The Boat Ram at Annapolis.
[Fly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
Axx.ttotAs. !day ..—Thu boat nice to-day
resulted as follows: Midshipmen. :Muth:lutes
necondc Quakereity. 23 minute. EOM sec
onds. *The Midshipmen took forty-three
atrukes per minute and the Quaker City t hin
Valitrlhrti.o dThnielro'lemeatl%":ig%'-is
e a l er with an east-
The Richmond iVa.) Election.
[Br Telegraph to the Pittaburgh Gazette.)
ItiCtuolsn, May V.—lt it rumored to-night
the Commieslnnen of Election will give the
certificate.: of election to the whole Coneerva
(tee city ticket, and that the Cormervatives
will have nineteen of the twenty-Eve Council
men. •
VOIT:1.? O'C
Interruption in the French Cable--
I:urns!' Press on the Fenian Raid
OnTatinda—The Rival Yachts—Ser
ano and the Spanish Klinpthip—
PrOpoxed Law for the Extlngtil.b.
men! or !inner, - in the Spanish C. 1 1 ,.
111111 e*—Theleilleill. el/Midland
the Infallibility questinn —French
Postal lox in a
French Pri.nm—Accusation of flegi
115 Y Itiarr.Ph tO the . Ivllloburib (;.zette.)
May l.:4.—Coutinunie.atbin by the
Trench l'abli•suddenly ceased ua the cveDing
of the :MITI just., bet wee. DU.l.rl ant ,
Pierre. A ecsiel Ir 111 I,iive Eighand
Llialelytoltluirthesame. Menetlinu all mes.
iiageli will be t minim itted by thdYew 'Found
had . •
_The )011rnalln eOntintle COnninentnna the at
tempted Welt...ion or Canada Ire kke.Petilans.
The I%er admits the Washington Goveriiment
hits done all that van ho niaSonalgY required
ad it. The,. Jrattildtta tf. rite grouts the idea
elPreiktni !.tilin• quarters tbnGtie Washing
ton authUrittes are in cuitaiThoce with the
Fenian raid. ,The Tient. t Maki the 'Fenian at
.tempt will nui be a bsoluiele regretted, if it
00 1 Y Prompts Ote it Pet' Statrit to such
a r c a t g i e o n n
The says thectio of o su t h e m Fenla s s
due to their hereditary 14ission. and the
policy of England is tine to her hereditary In
solence shit contempt. I shier Journals hay
articles of similar tom,. The rood faith of ,
the American authorities is generally admit.
ted sad the at-tempts of the realms ridiculed.
TheSottostop nrcaei containerrrichius art t
elesttlieccof cclair's serons.
The tri Queen's j 10111111 W Ile
W. 000[44,1 m 1 in the
_usual manner. Flags and (estopao were dis.
played and salutes fired. During t tlaY
there were reviews of troops and in the of en.
Inn a display af Ilte work , . fJeserali grand
d Yg r ktraj or //t tail newspaper extlits in the
certainty 1.4 n Victory In Canada'.
stout justice turland,'• the Phio cost
"eats alone preinn that result. rum that
t" Non,es dogs the heels !if
the Itontinlon."
Mr. I unian..tnrati of the finnan `erman!,
Company. he witness, before
the Parliamentary Committee on rompol.,a
',Lieftrme-recently. Ile trained to the tato,
lons and abuses of that system.
The last aolo of Alf, Line confirms the re
port of .i.labnif 's reforaktO tall two mat clan
sixty miles to wlndward back. is
, Tell to nil club and c.weet!slake thee, at Now
\ ark, armrmay race t ! nappho twenty miles
to windward and hack if propel - time allow
ance In rriontal. The editor Lopes the .tmnri
can ynetsts now in Itritish 1r.,. will cool
y...1c for tile Prim, of Waits cop.
Nt.ty 27. -.Lint artining a toucan ,
at the tiiiintry detail it , in the Con.itlttiata
Corte,, he7.l In U514:01 , 1.. it hat
Ott., II...l SC:‘ e:0110.1r to Ink,. relatit a to the
ion of a future niter ter 'paitt. A (ter
detente the Oeidoisi t lon to iiive-t. i 4 errau.i
`with rota') at t ributet a.% tort by a rote of 2.. t
to 12 and the eaucua adia•urned. It lerepored
tday that Gen. Print via announced lib in
tention to resht - n fro., the t `abinet if i , errsini.
refuge', rrgiti rank. •
31 mill, M. - b‘batthill ofi,iul, hate
ordered the eboiet .earen rot the lltiltibti
prisonere tie brittand. tient
tar. The Gorernroriat toot:used the English
ainhaindor that :vain will ottfubtl ransom
paid. Tll3 , 'Grivontor of Cadiz wtt: onleriol to
od PallY M.' of the team-hip/bp:lrib,
A noled at ten in NT, of }Ara rtero
Vented he, to-niorrow.
tint, llrtni at, pry,.tat the caucus lir thr
nfltr dep,;t 3 . .“q,•:11:5y :and niniltinistinni
In fttit iit r, it tilbv3t
Ntit tltlitiz , hit, yet
1 tiglbti raft"Fl, ttnt..,nntintit. Loa gir•n
tilde EJ. t k I,rlv,rid
•,i r It% Use I ,e4e...
herr:art, Inte 117.1t - mttnat
ext Inn iif t•litvery In 'Ol the titionlith vortices-
Thn bill brittildeni that children born
~Inrcbe time. be. i Gnitinynntertt
=US u,!:‘,... 3 :t . ,T,',Uf,Pg-:
nil, law -he tllrattnn i.(
trio. i`131,4 'rho
biitght In the hparilt.ti •nlii.let• and, all
tt, initnedlatnly tire.. T 1,,.
tibigiosett In., it - nit rentilre•l wtt h bit ite
the rnhttt.
latNttox. Mtly'l, fr..te thew . re,
ne.ent the latalllbllt6 mei
.tut of Ceunell as I,trlttiltAN tiCtill`. fflitittg
t 11. ale ls going on o.'l - .l,lr : called.
in all the titoxentet, nt thtar starts to meet
the vote whielt will s.4tn be taken," 1110 Ma
shie of Connell they , are at.sembllng In larire
th'amber, and exert a tattvertur pe,...a t e e
. .
...Verillut. editor of f rcrp ,. : 11hr:on:a en•••
orahn of Parts. foot s+re••eutefl to the
hundred t toots:mil francs. no , t of xehleh
r.tise , t tly huteo•rlpt ion Iffnooff the poorer
elergy of F:rhnee. 'rho fe,rellnK the
W/ttlllly [blinked Vertllet. •
. . •
strict censorship over the lean:rapids. .li‹.
patches has been established li, Home,
. Hour. May .ti'-The- .001,1 of the to toast,,
Goverment tietninak of the — nipal Court the.
restoration of their church .property to the
t Bleat:al monks now at difference wit
Antonelli ban replied to the Bavaria note
on the proposed proclatnatiou.of
in the same terms he 0114WerOri thr stovern
inenti, of I'm, and Austria.
rants. Slay 25.--It is rumored there
A chant:e in the -Director Deneralship of the
rostorlice Department forthwith. :should this
rumor prove Seine. efforts t ill undoubteil is. be
made fur the establishment iq hostel treats
between France Mid the. United States.each
treaty still ton more likely to succeed ander
AM' new atlndinstrat loon id the french Foet
it hi now CUrtniil the ...mallow< prevail. oin
et. Pelegleprison, where Rochefort and other
journalists are detained.
lateminye annonoces the t cameral's .,
of his lectures Whe l, et'
The- Chamber of Accusation the
'mat of Dietice commences it, ',std.. to
morrow. fOr the examination of those 'moti
vat accused the conspiracy
three, of
number tof
the is evventy-three, •a-h ))))) nearly
one-half have heel' providumilly net free. '
LoYItON. May n.—birptilvtica train 1,1..t.ain
ratanr thnt pniminr ilentoustntliona la favor
Of Peninsular unity have bran renewed there.
31,\RINE NEWs. -
Qt . r.r.swrows, May :7J.—T6c steamer ben
nitwk. (rout Sew• York. nrriee4 yenterday. •
lompos, May 27.-;:rratiag-Consnlii 1 0 1`0
American Securities are '620 Saki 115,
80 !, 1001.; 10.100, sik Erie, 188 i Illinois,
111: OrentWestern.26. btoeks steady.
PARIS. Map :la.—BOUM, firm: [tenter 711. tg.o:
LIVERPOOL, !d mark
with middling up ay lands at C !OltalillPol and et
leans at saferof 10,(01 baler
peculation, and estiort 2.trAl.•Callfornia white
Wheat DS liklaik lid: red western , No. 2 2ss.
id, winter Po 2dolns 3d. Western Flour arm
or at 2104 Corn; No. 2 mired ang Oats 20 fkl.
Barley Peas :155 dd. Pork lies dd. Beef
110, I.ak.l.dull at 11.91-lid. Bacon 583 Oil for
Cumberland. and 010 fur short ribs. Cheri.
at 71r.
LOSD.IN. .)Inv 29. Linseed Cakes at its.
Sugar ern, Petroleum tint]. Linseed oil dull
Turrentine drat. Calcutta Linseed ale ad.
A srweltp, May K.—Petroleum quiet.
.trite, Mar Z.—Col tun opened quiet for
both spot, anti afloat. - •
Perham Affair at eiringlield,
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Onretted
CHIC-too, May 20.--At Springfield. Illinois,
on Friday night last, a young men named
Cohn. Bancroft attempt ell to shoot a survey
or maned McClure, who teas surveying n route
for the Springfield and Northwestern Rail
rOad noisy
the property of Bancroft's mother.
residing In the north part of Springfield. Thh
police attempted to arrest hlin tart he net, but
Bancroft, with pistol mid hatchet, kept them
off and the at tempt. Wltllgiven tip torn too, 00
Saturdny aftertemn Captain Robbins. of the
nightLpolice, with. posse, visited the reel
'defter of Bancroft's Mother and found Ban
croft, who had .fitstened himself In a room
and refused to surrender, being armed and
trepared to defend himself. Captain Robbins
hen took a double barreled gun loaded with
buckshot and fired at Bnneroft, who was sit
ting near whitlow, killing him Instantly.
Au Inquest was held yesterday afternoon by
noting Coroner Wood and n verdict rendered
of Justifiable
A few. hours previous to the occurrence
Louis Souther, local editor of the Springfield
Reinder, visited ii.croft for the purpose of
"interviewing" him in relation to the events
of the previous tiny, hut was ordered nsvay by
Bancroft who. ns Souther turned to leave.
discharged a revolver fit him. wounding
S.outher in the arm: Bancroft. and McClure,
the surveyor whom Bancroft shot
fit the former filly, met yesterday morning near
Bancroft's residence and exchanged tone or
five was wounded In the
wrist and thigh, but not seriously and Ban
croft was ankhtlFwonmled In the hand. Ban
croft. hod fleCtsred that be would nut surren
der dr be taken Itllve.and he carried out this
pr l l i r ree m c e h t ird t re he ti ' o ' f d ti Germ. named Delen
ter. living near. Claremont. Minn.., were
struck by lightning a few dayB since and killed.
Another Alysterionr Aimee Walton
Telegraph lir the Pittsburgh Gazette,'
Nen. Onm:Ass. May :N.—Stateenator
James nears, who was mysteriously shot nu
Fr!tiny night, died of his Wounds this after
MAY - 30, 187(5:
Canal frum Ihe, Lakes to the 31
Pre.bytiiiion Synod
--Ileartleii Joke oil Funiani—(•ohao
Itelitlia lion -- •Ilotioparle
. EN.ill.ll to AMlOllll—Cutantailles.
mantled of (trio:re--English Auxitl):
.1 hoot the Trial of firming O'Nellf-,
JOITZO Inoniqrationi
I in Ttlograph e. 1.1 i;•• rittstmr,ll
• NEW Voax, May 1:r. Mo.
• MoN V. 004401.0.
...!;tVvlly.lron Works ‘Terf sold at ono
toalay. ,übjetA to N . olOrtgaito or $24 6 ,0.0.
for fr.:tot, •
1;,00ro-r Fairchild., or AVlscoosin, ad
irro,sed la. Produce Exchange - lb-day upon
the. gtraetieeldlitY it I,iiihtltig n canal to con
noel thit riser' with Lake Michigan.
The Exeliange tolotited .resolutions setting
fort It the grettt neeirttf rheapertransiartatlon
(or the t.rodoce of the west to the seaboard.
211141 rging Congretts to fas urnblecnnsider the
Prt , Pietell ritual ;is a work of tett interesr.
Tlw eyncel of the Ilefornonl 11re.1.5 lel Ma
l'horell oft., tooOty wampled lill•
lICW CO% eivint. It denounces .Itlonnt,..bowaik
the preViliellef!Or.f . lllllC. th/11. Presby
t erianinin Is the only di, mule instituted form
church government. discountenance,. secret
ordepn, eondellum popery and ' , Melt natl..] and
nonforttm ifs belief In the Westoilloter Cate
Th.. appear:lnc.. thl. morning in Me New
York joitrnals of tile folios% Mg bogus molt or.
tlimount eaut.ed intone indignation among
large numbers it lio teilre tl alien toy It
ttoireat e 5,01 good, sowed and solid
Irislanen, to go.. all eVaIrSIOII 10 Canada. RI
$l.Ol , each. Apply to Inclined %Tatters. No.
East Broadway. By order of Committee of
• rrange inent (take,' Iran. %Vim Tiered.
Pet re It. Sweet:y.3l.T.
An intutete, crowd mtientlitet at the place
ite,Tif tutted the advert iso tent. Walters
rid hewit, a about
the mit ert ieument. Thu ltent hen ....tell to
the ether. of Tu red. Sweeney and )fitytir Hall
and it err of eottrse Informed they.lind nothing
Pi do to ltp the hearties, prai-t Ivai-Joke.
A lot tIT from St. notal•kg, , tat es flint Sattet,
no aent of the Spanish AlOneral Valma,min.
bad b e en oamarml by Cabal, nt Cantina filth
forty m and all Valmasetla wit. , at
Ilay en ame. whore ha and lila firer,tee, mir
anal m U, Cuban patriot,' - .
A Pat I• illgoitch state• Prince Pierre Bona
parte leis been ordered by tile- Emperor Into
twixyeata exile In. America and In soon
bieve (or New York. Ile Is now under sur7
seillunee at .\in•-uil.
Au A I lien,li,patcft .tote, the French filitt
i.ter ha. M t warded to the Greek Government
a strong note from his home Government. de
olaring that Frenee proposehM convention of
the greet iiver•;. al o hick permanent -guar
:ollie,: IA ili hetiefn:sn.l..:i of Greece . teethe fit
titre good behavior of Greek ' , oh) eeta. The
note ,harply rot:moo t. upon :hi dela,: in
thepending tiegetOition, iin the part.
Greek tott
The Londe:lg.,' say, the resell ol the trial
et eNeitl .benu:tilted in England with
icreat y. t he niiikahle hetween
the t • iiiteil Einitintei being` nilly
eivril in the
1:1..• .t' at Netae..: awl Queen. !rum !Ay
a'rrived ye:volay. The letter brought
— ,,ent I ug t he largest slum linalgilt by With.t
diva, the wet , k'n arrivals are 11.VM.
root. Dr. Clinton .All,l
vvr lAN: elle. and Itishhop Mcliculne. or
hin• h, 4*lty of Pnri, yvsterday.
lls rcial - o - tod that Assistant Ifistr!et At
torn - Felton a w 11l cceed J.. Morrisey In
Con ress.lunl that Minister Sickles and, Col
lect,- Ii tinned] ars to exchange 'Places.
Nov Alliti,”3l.
Ref. . 3tr.tladdla this Ind Afeaal arrhsted, as
h.!: heel, roc;orteff. on a charge it defrxildldg
It, 14,1 - ern:neat schen Assessoit of Revenue
101 l iticlnnath and tat s Ito le aliletCf - show that
the action of Commissioner Itolllns to 111a
the char Jes against him svaa right.
n n.. I hai.his official s ..11411110 ,t.,. Indiest In all
nos ,incr.
li.oil•••1 111•11,.. tvAN 11 1‘ , 1,11-
.17 - 03774 " 4 ` ;
4, prin., lel.l I In/1111,1.i The hitter wt...
herestt hit three ottrsipat a,hret:ttett.
. .
Th.. 11., orrAri... Int.,' a rem.l..thon ft.
richtle enforce the heiv ,rn untleet.e.l It
The Ilenith ihnted the attest
....verni me.. 111
1,1111 r.. e.rrent the
101110 N Al .1 Coilector rinnell.
Th.. orth...l.en l.i. krn hel.l their annual
ofmeet In, nt-ttlY and All6russed s t he treatment
hr-I,' G lot ' , rumen,.
. 1 The I 'att.. Hot... and Ihtstonlee n tit he
An 3:tempt 1.. r. 1. the I s e!. nil Hank: 511 e
fulledhet! nin.ltt
Ilea 41,11.1 et Thr Sprech Ile Intend
lehlng to thr Grna!Eatlirr.
My Ttlegratill to i the Pittsburgh ttazette.l
Ned Cloud and party ar
rived from Port Laramie ye4erilny ereuing iu
harge• of Maj. Brit. Stitlth. . liewas' inter
, 'wed and guA , the following no the speech
lie n intends to deliver to t he-President :
.6rrrit Fathrr. Thousands of miles away,
where the sun's la t light falls not he big hills,
have left . tr people to come ': nd look toy
father n the fare. As the light makes us tee
•ti II things around us clearly, so may the Great
Spirit make our talk plain. that •we may un ,
derstaud each other and that our council shall
be as brother, who have met to smoke the
plpeuf peace.
"Father. I hate heard that Ten are great
and good. Listen' to me, my -Fath
r. SIM to. your ear" tom one of your children.ww ho conies from the wiimmok of his Deorda
wit h truth in hl. heart and - no -lies upon ills
lips. I hove made many treat ire with your
'.ountia,lonera, and they have 1,1 - OnliYed many
timer, but have never kept their prom
lie.. And I Imre now come to See
Great Father myself.7.:so that we
ran outland:lnd each other and make on
protubms that mu do ad mean to . keep.: They
hate told you that I ono a murderer. But
do not anderatand it' in that Fon.
I; rent Father, have driven toe away from my
cotiotry. the only country I had to raise my
children on. Tell tar, Father. could any liv
ing Mail on this earth stand Foch' a
I hut? SUPPO , ,C I should, go to your country,
tear down your (*meta aud_ steal your cattle
and your hogs, would you stand by and have
no word to say? Father. I know you
would not.-
t iL
"1 all the troubles of sly people, the white
iiian as been the first aggressor. Father we
ore t of cowards. We know that you are great.
and . an crush us with veer mighty power.
11. •e believed , that yeti are good, and that
you vitt protect your-children: when they
'come o you for what they believe hi 'their's.
They sk yen to' listen to as, to 110 by . as a
geed titer should du by his children, and to
lot us eh rev back to our brothers and our peo
ple the assurance that the Grunt Spirit has
s toiled upon .. and that the Great Father is
the itllint's friend and the Indian's protec-
The party consists of Red flood. sixteen of
his chiefs. a n d. hair squaws. John Richards
is .with them. Governer Campbell. of ,Ney
°ming. does net accent...theta. The party.
Is ht charge of Gee. John li. Smith. who was
Wsent by the 'Executive to accompany them to
ashingtou. They leave this afternoon for
• ---
Pre•Lrlednn G.cral Apeembly
My Telegraph to the PlttsburgleCazette.l
PIIILADELrIin, May N.—The Presbyterian
social Reunion lust evening was successful
and .well managed. and the occasion leafs
much enjoyed by all. The building 'was
handsoniely 'decorated. and hi the \ stage was
inagnin vent floral garden. . Scriptural ad
dresses were Mlle by floe. Geary. Tilayor Fox.
Rev. Messrs. Arnold, of Scotland; Edmunds.
of London; Adams. of New York: Clark. of
Buffalo; Crosby, of Boston, and others. lter.
Mr../ alumni presided. George U. Stuart read
a telegram from Edinburg , stating the Assem
ble there had agreed on the bask of the West
minster Confession. •
Members of the Assembly to the number of
six hundred to-day enjoyed n. delight ful trip
to Pape May
imniltern Preshvicrion .%loseenbly.
TAirisvim.r. 'MaytAt.—ln yesterday's eve
ning session of the General Assembly the mi
nority report and substitute for the majority
report were rejected. The majority report was
dually adopted bets note of 80 to la. The Com
mittee on Foreign Correspondence Wag in
structed to draft an expository letter to the
Nchurches respecting their relations to , the
orthern church.
• In the session to-day the chair am - minted a
Conunittee to nounnate n C o mmittee of nine.
lihose business it should be to confer with
ke Committee from the Northern Assembly.
Reports of Committee on Records of Synods
and Committee on Narrative were received
and adopted. 'rile report of the Committee
on Narrative presents a very favorable ac
count of the state of religion In the bounds of
the Southern Presbyterian Church. Nurrn
fives from fifty-two - Presbyteries have been
The Committee of Conference tot:miler with,
a similar committee of the``Northern -Church
consists of the following ministers: Rev. Drs.
J. Leighton Wilson. Thonias'Peck. Andrew H.
Kerr, William Brow and Joseph R. Wilson:
Elders John-A. Inglis, Bon. N.D. Webb. A. G.
Mcllwalne and Col. Charles A. Ready.
LOI7ISVILLY, May 2P.—Anjutmense number.
of people assembled at the Second Presbyte
rian church to-night to hear Rev. Dr. Palmer.
of ,New Orleans. A large number had to
leave, so densely crowded was the church.
The sermon is pronounced a most masterly
effort and is considered as a grand production.
5..~~v ~ ~.. a . zY'~a.*.ci `r ?.. 1 c`.`i;t,~t"31,~4.~c.,~.`'"-:m s. S,E ~~.-'`.' ~" k ~+ -~`P-.t~ls's
VOL. LXXXX.---NO. lot)
In pima Revenue Riveipts-Tren,nry
1 olicy for Junn--Publie Debt Re
-11 \ion.&c.
Olt Telegraph to the Pittbhurgh I:aryl:v.l
W.t,intirgroN, May 28.. KO.
the reeipts of Internal revenue for the
current year to date amount to $155,000.U.
indicating that the Commissioner's estimate of
1173,n5 UJO) will be reached by the end of June.
The ..,...cretiiry of the Treasury has directed
the Assistant Treasurer at New York to sell
one million gold on each Wednesday of June.
the firnt. third and fifth on account of the
sinking fund. and second and fourth on Ile
count- of the spcial fund; 11.160 to purchase
two millions of - bonds on- the first. third and
fifth Thursdays on account of the special
fund. itnd one 101 Ilion on the second and
fourth Thursdays on account of the sinking
fund. •Vgregate sales of gold, fire millions:
aggregate purchases Of bonds, eight millions,
in the executive KCASImt of the Senate to
lay a mot ion to reconbitler the confirmation of
T. J. Harrison as .Marshal of, the Middle Dis
trict of Tennessee was withdrawn and hie
confirmation is now announced.
The forthcoming statement of the piddle
tent t u t exhilrit a decrease at leant equal ro
i hat Of .tjaiL
The President has nominated Drake DeKay
of New .lergey. as Consul at Magdelen, Mexico.
Mr; wit' of Ponatur died at
Nat ink. Mass.. Saturday afternoon. -
.--)lra. Patti Randall. mother of the Mellon
of I 'olovido, died in %Varna. It. 1.. suddenly
on Saturday indrning.
—A t.eitool leachers' exeurFlon to New
York. numberhig about three hutuiredAjett
San Francicco katurdar.
3fe6ole' and Tom Anon have signed
..rtiries of agreement for a fi ght f0rV2..500
ide. to take place September lath, within
fiftyy miles of St. Loa's.
- McCord l Wheatley's planinz mill, at In
dianapolis, Wits destroyed by fire Saturday
afternoon. Loss on mill and lumber /19.000 to
*t.shisith in:air:mut 512,000. •
- Frank 11. Austin.. pioneer of California,
has been appointed by the United- States
11rand Sire Sjneeial Commissioner to establish
the Order of Odd Fellowship In Germany.
The ncinnati chamber of Co:rim er,.
Hoard of Trade and Mechanics Institute hare
each subscribed that the Industrial Ex
hibition tu be held tn city In Septembe,
• -The soldiers' monument in Woonsocket,
It. 1., tans dedicated by a military and civil
procession nod exercises firtiarris Hall. "The
oration was delivered by Senator Thayer, of
--There was a good deal of rowdyism and
pistol firing In Richmond, Va., on Friday
night. In one of the affrays policeman Ellig
ston Wim shot and Mortally_ stimindmi, and en
policamon Kenedy badly .rounded •
—A fearful accident occurred at the Amer.
van Tunnel, Oeorget own. Colorado. Minot
seven o'clock Friday evening last. by the ors-
amore explosion of a /Anat, killing one Luau
named Janie, Roberts nnil frightfully W.lllllld.
ing another.
A.cottipany. composed of seine of the most
prominent ettirensof st. Lauda, called the
Etna !Mil and' Iron Works, has been formed
for the manufacture of steel. iron rails and
pig iron. with a capital of Ova million dollars.
The works will cost nearly a million dollars,.
Cnd are to .be built on the !Untainted' Iron
ompany grounds, south of the city.
—.O party of five Winnebago Indians, locat
ed oil a-Reservation In Nebmaka.on Thursday
ninde their appearance on the prenasetof it
fanner flying twenty-nye miles above ?don't
City, anti while he was plowing %bet him in
the hack and afterwards severed Ms• head
from his bud, Tim Indians were captured
and UM nosy at the Agency tinder an-est.
--The annual convention of the Editors and
Publishers Association of Indiana -met In In
dinimpoils • yesterday. Resolutions were
adopted to the etret that the Senators and
RoPr ,, entatives in Congress be requested to
oar their Influence to secure a reduction of
duty on.printlitg piper to ten per cent., and
that the Leglalatlallt be petitioned to pass
hurts requiring the State lawn to be published
In one Taper of cinch political party In each
county. •
El I ..”1 . 1.1‘..011.1i , 411.. for .I,embly in
\ as. , 1 ill 110
sillll,ll uu T1.11,4.11.1.y.
~alt cott'vention 011 the tn.lilt of Atigast.
OA, S. H. litcw. of Meadville, is a eaa
didste for tho nominntion
t'ong reS,
. .
REYNOLD.. the' young missing bride.
grinnit of New Castle. hen mine back
hunts. again. Ile nays he lists been wan ,
Bering nll the titt l e, having been seized .
with a Mutt of tancrleinnsw , ss which nearly a week, all of which time he'
nte nothing. n• O Tuesday n weight
neented to Ii ft •otr. fir Lend nm, 'finding
himself in Butler county, he came home,
ha / ; alistinenc'e nod isslentrianitim
h oe , polled him down so that he In very
weak, tint it in thought he will ;rnin come
round ull right again.
IN I Darby, Delaware county, last
Saturday. Mrs. Sarah Aim Seaburn, aged
thirty-tire, and n widow, chopped her fa,
titer's head to pieces within hatchet. She
had been ilrtutk hersdf, crazy, and had
for some time been an Initiate of the in
sane department of the of Employ
!tient at Media, whence her father had
taken her hot week supposing her to be
.7;11,1: After conunitting the murder, the
woman made her way back to her old
Itimie . at Media and told . of
stating that she wished to be hung.
- CAPT. J. 31. PIPES, the present Secretly
ry of State, and .1. A. ...McCauley, Esq.
State Treasurer, each lost an arm in de
fence of their country, and thus hare an.
perior claims for renominations for anoth
or term of othee.—Moundrrille.ltiationol.
Tnt: Charleston Jou runt says a tortes
pendent of the Grafton Sentinel suggests
the-name of General It. S. Noytheott for
Governor. The General is a good loan,
hut we are opposed to . 'swapping horses
while' 'crossing the river." Stevenson Is
the man.
THE Charleston 'Journal says: The
Kanawha river is very low. Large boats
have to "wind" through the shoals, and it
is getting lower very fast. Without rain
soon, large sized boats will have to sus
pend. We are searcelyevertroubled with
low water in the Kanawha before August
or Septender.
0:c . the 12th inst. Gov. Stevenson issued
a proclamation offering a reward of $270
for the arrest and apprehension of Elihu
Gregg, who wan convicted of arson by the
Circuit Court of Preston county, and sen
tenced to death, but escaped from the jail
of said county. The Supervisors of Prot..
ton county offered a like reward of $260.
Mk West Virginia Journal says:
Died.—At Buffalo, Weat Virginia; kfav2l,
1870, of wounds raceived by accident,)
Rev. A B. Smith, of the M. E. Church of
Buffalo and Letart Circuit. As Mr. Smith
was_romini over the river hill near Buf-
falo, May 19, his horse ran away, throw.
ing him out of his carriage, fracturing
several bones with internal injuries,
weigh mused his death in forty-eight
hours thereafter. He leaves a• yourig
Pennsylvania wife to mourn his untimely
ON last Thursday evening about dusk:
Wm. Stiles and "flub - Wlntz assaulted
Mr. Nathan Stanley; near Campbell's
Creek Gap. knocked him down and robbed
him of seven or right hundred -dollars.
Mr. S. had exhibited his money during the
day to some of the hands in - the salt fur.
race: among the number were the two
individuals-mentioned above. They were
also seen together just before the robbery
took pin'', nod, having left for parts un
known, they were at once': fixed upon as
the guilty partieS. Mr. Stsinley was badly
bruised, hut is now improving.—Charleaton
AT the last meeting of the old council
of Leavenworth, KRAIMS, it . it reported
that one of the erudite city fathers arose
and delivered himself thus "Mr. Mayor
and gentlemen of the council, lot us lay
our heads together sod make a wooden
Ur, thousiuid eight hundred and
seventy sheep were killed by dogs in lowa
last year.
THE Feu: Fact, - Ritz TILUN for the
great sale of those beautiful building Lora
at McKeesport, will leave the Connelln
vine depot, Pittsburgh, this day at one
o,clock precisely. See advertisement.
CIIRIETOCIIER Cot.rmars wasmot a
heavy drinker, but when Chris. did
"smile." he always wok .Pier. Panne,ls dr
Co's. cream ale.
A NEGRO of Wilmington, N t•,. ncd
John Cowan seas taken.
...411,1 . -11P
. says was -conjureti-,,..and when
he emerged from the sick room. ft,: days
ago, he had.changed his color. 104 faro
having hee•omet almost perfectly white.
whereas orsvionsly it oat, of , a very .111 - 1:
hue. The transformation was no ;;runt
that lain most ililipnife friend: , did not
recognize him. Ili, hair had also changed
from dark too light color.
3lnr 17. IS7O.
Th. Stan ~ 1 11 e.., %.$ll report. nwuntel. att. the
rton „i 1.... 131. It...rn the 30thtna.t t•tn. e..
, a the Post in dr:conting
the ei.1 , 11e,10,, ~ Fly .rder
General,l , nlinandlng
J. TiltolA, 31. IL A. A.G. t.
11, ...,1 , Pitt, Ittvisttot,
ii EN Ell.l I. iili DER 5... /. IS7O.
The Start Orlicer• will r..trt.rt at the hnll of Post
11. 0. A. It., ut 11 , 4 ocl.w 14.0. tt..30111 Inst.
Ibe verloun oruntiutttl.tns 0111 tuke their IV'S,
11011, as f..110w5.. in time to hr rrettly to move. 10
o'clock 0. H.. t,00311..
Ist IYnt I al. “. A. It.. will •fArin
street. riglit vit 17 th :tree!.
11. NliArinle , 11,i•C•prApaii, wllllArin.,A ISO
Pi.rol. richt Curs. Arcot,
will .1111 /Sth
Mt.jillver And Larltler i'Aniprilly will
torn: on I Sth 5t reel. rlyht re.ilng Sarah street,
Cndets will forth 011 1911, street. right !Tat-
Ina On Carson street, lint th.
lith. "reun of It will ',win on 19th street,
'l'4htli7t3tTolfr street, north.
row street.
right resting on Carson street. south.
Bth. Turners' A •Nelefili f,•rtii Carsun
street. right renting on 19th street.
Uth. I.l ,, rary Ans,a.lntion will form
on l'arenti street. right resting on 20th street.
All cittnenn will form an Cars.n street. right rest
ing rlllllS{ si reset. Persons on horseback end all
furin Carsuti street in the rear of
the ettisens.
ornitnint, tvrt ihe M
bridg will ii forwwm onfrom
Cm - ton ti ntreet. right onommhein
rvsting no
the Sot pen
f elon IlrWig, welt.
Fier o
h. R. VAN noIION,
fierier:it CoininandlriF,
.1. I). 1 . 11.,5t It., A. A. nil..
167 f 168, 169 and 170
Are n e prrpunql hunt:. VINEGAR al the
LOWEST MARKEI' RATES. Nicoll,. pnrtleu
Extra Nine Vinegar.
m AY ,Clfil l i ' .. - g47l ' . l Trtiga
Rlll SIITI v anti depart .3;fol
i 4
Thryugh Trains TlirtOn;ralna vn Ur. ,0 •
Mall Tratn..... .7".1 0 tau' Pant Line 1211. am
Brinton 111.111 tan Cincinnati Ex.10:00 am
Ex...12:33 l'ltt,ligh Ex.. 2:40 PM
Mita. Expre.a 3.30 pre Paeltie Ex 10:20 pm
East Line • 7:110 put Way Pact:ft . ..lo4o Pm
Nt1. ' 1.. 5 . '.. 11:30 um %Cain,
t1'1,7;?:, A N P • am
. 1 .1.i/IT
4.. . pm Wain, N. 4 . ‘.O
hollae,l N. 3.• ; 431 7
No. I • Itrlu m
Walla No. U. I 7:110 a A , . 4:83
.cindnnao ExpreNs and ltacinc Expel*, leave
daily. AU other traLn. dap,. exce t-undy.
1 tie tnu,n,Trulna leuve% Walk pt :Tatt y) every
.11 at
"lames. Rtion
12:30 p:ufis.rul arrives at Walls Ration at 1:10
FLr f
w fru. Agent.
The Pennsylvania Itallrbad'Company will d not ns
slime any Ink for Baggage, except for reit nK an.
pare!, and 40. then: reeponnibilny to line Hun
dred Dollars In value.. All Baggage exceeding Unit
amount In value will be at the rink of the owner,
unless taken by special centre,.
. .. . i .
:Ilya! iieneral Sopertntenoift . .' e Ae ' ta r , T l'a.
. 2,
„ tanr i l . tlarlez . .„.„.„ ..
b ....
- rntral oti llin 'Western
Pennaylvaata Railroad will arrive at and depart
front the Federal Street Depot. Allegheny I. Ity.
as fellows: . .
Sprton4M ‘ .l. 1 fb.lo m Mail na
13 a In
FrceportNo. .5...31) an. Freeport Nt , m
..1 , 3 . :ea, niSnringige No.l :11,3 pta
'tar e Mail 330 p k reepurt No. •
.3 ' 2U Pm
springibeNtkkb6-20 springtreN. I AP3llp m
Abave trains run daily except Sunda,
The Train leave, Allegheny Junction
every Sunday at bill() A. Is., reselling Allegheny
City at fb3l) st Returning. brakes Allegheny
City at P..!:30 P. 11. and arrive at Allegheny June-
U. at 3 OU,P. v.• -
Through ticket to Butler and3lannahntown may
Clairuchd at Walker's St.ige °Mee, SO. 3 St.
street. near the Suspension tiridge. Pitt,
burgh. and ut the WM, Allegheny.
Fur further particular, uppir t.,
JAMES lasrgras.Agent.
I Federal Street Depot.
train ling of tho PAnn sylvmla Central ItAllroud.
'"Mrt lll:ll2iiT 411111%,1'." -
Superintendent. Pittsburgh.
VIVIWIt p . 1 r"1.5-='...-"gy:
From MAY 29. IS7O, Intim will leave from
and arrive at the Union burnt, north side. Pitts
burgh city time. en follows:
Lkser. Amer.
Fast .121. to Fast Line... •...2:15 aln
Erie ykrn Ex. 75. to Patine p
C1...t h g 311.6:3 u re:Wheeling Ex.10:413 tt
Marge m C. X. St. L. Ex..7tlts p m
Chime Ex. r ..10:4 a m Chtenge 31a11-1:26 p m
Cl.k. Mfg p ru:t luveland . Ex..: JITS p m
MTV:'nExiSgrtlPllJMEl ' 7lgrtt
nkrArt,T THEM
31.1.rJAitutva ALlkurttx - r.
Beter3 ells Ac.. . 3 ru Leetsdale Ac.. 3 am
Leetsdale " 1 p 1 :1 am: Eleter Falls „LC r 3 a ton
1:53 a trt Nor Castle " Hirt 3 m
Rochester " 2:13 p m Ennn 0: Ft a m
Erten . 3:514 p Leetsdale " 1213 m
Leetsdale " 5:13 p m Deter Falls " 2,3 p ro
Deer Falls " 623 p m Leetsdale " p
Leetsdale “10:43 Pm - 73 P.
Fair Oaks Sun- Fair Oahe Sun-
Wlg4t r it c t h k . x i p ' re . tl i s le d tg ' iPtrl7. '- ' 9'sB
Firrattettle Express nrel yrs .
Fast Line Immo, Muir. Mondays excepted.
Sundays excepted.
• F. IL 31. N. LLUGIL
Gent. 1 k
Ticket AgenJ 31cCE
Anent. (tent. L: Manager.
PIN HANDLE ROUTE. g - 44-17j•• ,,,,, ..c.g.
May 29. 1870, [mine will and arrive al
the thilori DepoLltittsburgh, as follows:
Pittsburgh Thee.
nr.os PT. Amur.
Express V 1 .34 a, in. 12.13 P. m.
Feet Line .
" 3:Atlep " it ,Lllll%.
Southern Express
Mixed Accommodation.. et..m. 0.244 p. so.
McDonald Acconuntsi'n. I I axi as m. 7.0 N a.m.
Btenbenvllle' Amon:mod. 4:04 p.m. I: 4 P4a.m.
McDonald Accommorrts. ILO p.m. :13 P.m.
Sander Church Traln..•, 12:48 :30 a. al.
• The 10:43 A.. 31. Fast Line will letive•dally. The
12:13 noon Erprom arrives daily. All other trains
sun dell,: except Sunday.
H. F. N . C111.1..
General Ticket Agent, Column.. 0.
\W.W. CA mt. Stspl.. Dennison Ohl 'C
The Safe Deposit Co.
ow prepared to In uGeneral Fiduciary Ca.
pacity. prepared
Except qr. Administrator, Guardian,
Trustee. Agent or Co hmtottee of WIT Fenton or es
tate: and nit,, as General Agent for any State, 310-
nlelpodity or Corporption. at tanattnable rates Of
CIES and WILLS received under ~ m anna's end
Cortlncates Issued thatcher.
ELRY received for a year or less period.
Persons It:actual:city to Ito almond. or Visiting
watering ptaces. wl find a mot mrient and
searshlCO of De sit In the Faults-of the Safe
Dpt Company.
:ULLA:TM,. Nay IM.•
ED PROPOSALS will be remtred at thia
office until. 3r: Ttl 17RSPA r. June 11. 1870.
for the GRADING AND PAY/NO of the following
Streets Sod Alleys:
HIGH STREET. from Angle to Itln street.
.IIeCURDY ALLEY. from 001100 street to Bea
•er srenua• •
CEDAR ALLEY. from Franklin to Washington.
Also. for the Grading only of SCHOOL STREET.
from 11000 eon Street to the All eghmy river.
The right le rerorred to reiVi3(odht v i Al rn t
ESDAY EVENING. Mel 31ak. at st O ' c l oc k .
BI be !old on Settond floor of NiChlfill/10 . 1. Alletiol2
Booms. 100 Smithfield street:
3 snares Berman Insurance Co.;
38 .Cares ('t
i r a Zt ari V altni ,klO
Shares Second Nationnl Bunk;
0 shares Keystone Bank:
ml3O A. McLLWALNE. Atietioneen
~.' ,
Slagle au beertbers ................. • •y
Clubs of are ...............................
Clubs of ten ........... ....................
A copy Is furnished gratuitously to the getter-up
,I a Club p 1 ten. Postmasters are requested boat
a.. agents.; Address,
. • • - • •
- I' - .NOTICES--" To-Let." -For
"Log," 'll;oam,"'••.F.,urgl. "Roarding:r
a -,. ... ,, otixeceiling FOUR Ll_VEs,itill,t4
inAert<oti n th, be 011.1110 enee for rit-Es;
TY - Pi 'CENTS: torde odditional
PI I (RN Is.
W N1,E,..1:n1.;—.12
. in ck
1i, 4 , ,5 1:11.. Apply W Kn.
D. S. NV AU( :fo e . ILSIMV
rANTED.—Six good SEW.iji and
TRIMMERS Immediately at Mina At
NIOWIII - $. N. 31 Fourth uronuo.
AATANTED.—A Situgtion n 5 Book
' v KEEPER or CLERK: a tuanufacturtua
'or:w/o/11/tient proterrod. :Mtlefactury referee..
thirera 70S. Pittaborgh P. t/. • 5-33
dl h!tr:.= I=Atlgg44AffitX4
reference. required and given.. Address K. GA
7. C 00k, eiring natue. address and reference.
It ELl`Ellti. Nvuo but steady. sober 1.1
vr...rkrn . !n. nood Addresa J. BETNON
ANTANEl).—Ererybody to call at
ntr 'lr
30.000 to Lom In large or mall
a fair rate of Interest.
111011 AS K. PILITY,
13111, B
-- und And Heel Eatate Brokar.
NO. 179
Thirty Thousand Dollars to Loan
In barge or Mall amounts on property In AllegSong
county nt n fair me of Internet.
Real Estate Agent,
OS Grant street.
NvANTED.,—,:iseto to
p R S s t 'Ng
not farm work. gantentug.3.c. :tete:rat GHEL4/
on. wonte
d to do cooking. housTrar!t_,de,,l..o_
and country. Apply at E3IPLOIMENT 0 , 73
Na. I :Rath strain.
, 0 , 1:17 . : , :i11x . :12":41 ,,, r411 , 4T event ion : A t
."..11... of money. Cant and onme pavan&
of value to the one. Any one anding
t,rue v.; the y and ntLI confers Yana bylialatt-
Ira the card oge e bud paperm to No. Dbinood
k &a _ ug
~ro-i.ET.->I,EEPIYG ROOMS-Fur.
L \'LII F.l L' l NISUED. EOanlro
1!B FIRST AVENUE, Pllleburyb. P. _L
T'O•LET.—A well•llnlehed Honse'of 6
JI. sou Jalappa street; our Alleghikare
one. Will be glean to good taunt for per
mouth. Eng ohm of CIIAISLPS PURR eoe
nor of Allegheny avenue and Rebecca street. 6.111
rrO-LET—illtli Boarding, a pleasant
FRONT ROOM. within Bye minutes• walk of
Post.,Mee. Addre. M.. GAzyrim office. Sal
A. BLEEPING ROOMS. fIo; 43 Iterates stnrng.
near the Park. Allegheny. A good chance for loaf
gentlemen wishing rooms In pleasant loattlke.
I no Ore of E. 11. SETE EYEIL 147 legend LW.
TO-LET—For a term of years, a
c desirable BTORD. connected with no 00000..1 ve Colliery. In Western P. 111,110001. A
and prefltabldbuslnese. pIInoIDDIF guaranteed
this Company. can he secured at this ettAbll •
moat. There le at Ode thus e. desirable usortmeet
f tuerehandlae In the store, which .111 be sold et
their 00011 value. For further Informalleu. mar
Walnut etreet.'Phlladelphla. •
• 641
Fifth. and a TIER with entrance on Fltric acme%
near Court Rouse. APO, tO Mrs. N.SiaTIOFIL
The aubverlber . offors for rent .caw ti d:able p ro p.
ertx tho
eitatted at the foot of Craig street;' Alleghaal
City, a short dietance below the dospension bridge.
TOO lot on the out side of Craig street is LIO LM
wide be eland 430 feet more or lese... The /dam
the west ride of the street 16110 feet wide b 7
about 400 feel. more ur lots—both remand to let
water line: havingone of the beet and eifest har
bors on the river. The advantage. this property
broccoli for any kind of manufacturing pathos.
ars so well known., to render any further deeettp
lion unnecessary. Long lessee will be given to re
epnsible persons.
F°,R F
N'. I'. F our Horse
WO street. Alleairii.AP.
t o Mooed mod LOtil r eti e
c .toe
r L'br.mtalh7rdlv-b-or'a..''t°""
word. 'S w atter str eet, Dew
POMO two-home', carriage. In goott rtpalr.
Wlll be sold et a lomiprite. Apply at No. tia
Minna 0 good business: and meal 00=1 . 100. Ad
Arno 31. T.. Rod Lion Hotel. Sloth anima. 5.21
colt SALE.—Engines and Bale%
n o w and gocond Band. of all kinds. constantly
on hand:
OmWm from all parts of the country promptly at
tended to.
Corner Marton Avenue and P., 6t W. &C. B. W..
TAINS 240 ACRES... hundred and shay
acres under cultivation. Sahara Woods. Improve.
vent —2 dwellings. very large barn and stable.
d sharp haunt, orchard and well watered by a
retail creek panning through the place. emanated in
. 117 2.0% , :iir."24142r1t 3 1,1=1:11%V.,,VZ
z,g o t d o a l tsfeili ttreeil i Tha t farm made ph
_ B. LAIN a CO.. g p o l . Y lo4 FnnrW Ave.
NFNIDENCE, containing RV acres with 1 Emus.'
thereon: one, Ina, comfortable uld oonvenlent
house: good water, and one of the beet wal
po il wers In
the Western Pennsylvania for a tall: 11
mes from My. on the waters of Turtle Crew
Road. I of a MHO from EltewarCa Etatlun, Central
Hallrolul. Also. several heed Farms to good loca
tions and bounce fur sale. llngulre of
mill No. 110 Grant IL, opposite Cathedral. -
rORSALE.-149 beaul ng
A: tot. neon the Peensylvajda Ittifu allro bandi ad._ The.
lots aro selllna eery cheap—Y.loo nada-1100 cub
thenalutea In four equal annualt;Ontetta. After
the let of June the mire . ill be 30. Coma
examine plane at the°Mee of T. t . SILL sON,
corner Penn
t Low 4u13 33d street, or A. IL SILL, Atter
nnnt dtisll7 . 4 r si tu ale ow
44th street, lot of by 10 0 g leat. ' Tll . l . • ta a vac?
amboo:a of of property and adll mate • Seal.
ant borne for any One of moderate means. T. No
A frame cottage boner containing 4 MOM 1.214
kitchen. eltuale . on Main toren., near the Onion.
Cairo. blew lot JO by 100 feel Thie 11 •
beautiful piece end will be meld cheep It *died tor
mom. T. IL SILL d SON.
inn ho7te ildett:l.7il:'llllthloy'enTer.lh'Xibec*l"lrunlnC:".".."l4ll.ll..
will ;mire acceptable to glis ten .. °n any
count of pinch end ermo T. IL dILL
NON. corner Penn and aJd Wert.. torn
.I_, FOR SALE—ini flood Cfl
near writer of Yalta. straw!, a lato two Owe?
Orlct House 'arta, Ida. puma., ow three lds*.
hall. 10 room. WO room and oellar.maao wayr
Irztores, goal° tn. fojarraltlatrap_o_r_f ate..aao
graggiitorlfl 01; g `471" 4 '
of . a . oos Y b
A two... wow or toe atlas. riven awl
39 /lath Armor,
OFFICE: No. 889.. Liberty Street*
a Oo:n Froth Roll Haase;
10 half barn*
T. R. CAlariltu).
141 ant avirmle.